#silver oak pre school
silveroakkids · 2 years
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
Gale x Tav
WORDS: 1994
PAIRING: Gale x Tav (post game pairing)
SUMMARY: Gale's perspective on how his lovely little ring went while he was all alone, watching Tav through his projection's eyes (part i part ii)
TAGS: magic sex (literally. but also metaphorically), f/m, voyeurism, Gale using magic for naughty reasons, masturbation
Some of the most gifted, magically academic minds were in this hall right now. And all they could do was argue about table settings.
Gale sighed and stood up from his chair with his drink. Already tuning out the lively debate about Faerûn midcentury design and how one professor could tell that its wood was clearly Zazesspur from the pre-capital era, while another professor stated she was clearly being absurd as the lines in the wood were obviously from a wood in a much more norther region like Neverwinter.
He left his wife home alone for this?
Gale left the company of his fellow academics for his quarters. No one seemed to notice. There was a time when Gale himself would have been immersed in the lively debate along with his other book beaters. Sparing wits and parring with obscure contextual footnotes for no other reason than to prove they were the smartest in the room. It all seemed so trivial now.
Once you’ve brushed against death, not once but twice, and fought the destruction of the world with your bare hands, academic strife seemed…pointless. Absolutely pointless. Like the rest of this week had been.
When he originally received the invitation for the summit, Gale had been overjoyed. Honored, more like. To be recognized as a man of distinction at the school he held so dear, in education in general, for only just starting was a great achievement for him, he felt. Now he wonders if it was just that no one wanted to go, because it was so boring.
He wished that he could have just projected his consciousness here, like Tav suggested, so he could be home with her now. With his much better wine and much less blow-harded company.
The door to his quarters clicked into place behind him and Gale sighed at the quiet. Enjoying it for just a moment, until he opened his eyes and saw just the small desk, by his small bed, in his small room, with his small window. Oh to be home…..
Gale took a seat at the desk as he wasn’t quite ready for bed. He sat his wine down. His magic lighting the few lamps in the room for him to see as he debated about reading or reviewing the agenda plan for tomorrow in want of something to do.
Then his eyes caught a glint of the ring resting on the oak (or was it Neverwinter ashe?) and picked it up. A gift from his wife. One of those spontaneous, no reason, ‘I was down by the market & I thought you would like it’ kind of gifts. Gale smiled wistfully at the memory of her giving it to him. And he thought he was the romantic out of the two of them.
His thumb brushed against the smooth silver. Admiring it, like he wished he could be admiring her right now. This was the longest he and his beloved had been apart since they got married. A few days here and there, but nothing this consecutive nor extensive. Gale doesn’t like it.
He tries not to be obsessive with his love, but when Gale loves he loves passionately. And Tav has been a big part of his life ever since she pulled him out of that misbehaving portal. They’ve built a life together. She’s the first person he wants to tell everything about his day, and eager to hear what she’s been up to when they were apart. And at night...well, let’s just say that it was a good thing this place had the option for bracing cold baths in the morning.
Gale examines the ring further as his teeth pull in his bottom lip. ‘I wonder if it will work’ He mused to himself as he pondered on a spell he had created a few months back but never put into practice.
It started out purely from an academic standpoint. He wanted to make that very clear! Just a simple…trans configuration experiment on magically linking two objects together and see what the effects would be. He hadn’t intended for it to turn into a sort of randy parlor trick, but he had impulse control issues.
Setting the ring down, Gale recalled the simple incantation and gesture needed for the spell. Focusing his magic and the Weave to press not just into the ring but also link to his beloved. He hoped Mystra had her back turned for a moment while he cast this one.
Spell incantation done, Gale picked up the ring and gave it a small nudge. Nothing happened. He supposed that should be obvious. The effects would be on the other side of the link and not here with him. Gale tried it again, hoping to feel some kind of magical sense of confirmation, but still nothing.
Humming to himself in befuddlement, Gale looked over at the clock in his room and did some quick math. It was almost 2:30 in Waterdeep. Which meant that it was almost time for his normal office hours at the academy. Perfect. If Tav was there, which he was certain she would be as she was dutiful to a fault, then Gale knew exactly where they were, and he could see if his ‘gift’ was working out well for her.
Calling on the Weave again, Gale focused his consciousness and perception to separate from him and fly back home to Waterdeep. Silently wishing it was that easy for him. When his projection landed, and the mental link between them righted into a clear picture, Gale’s mouth went slack as he saw Tav. "Gods above...." Her cheeks were flushed. Her breath panting. Her body in clear stages of pleasure as her hands braced herself on his desk. Gods! What he wouldn’t give to be there right now to make love to her on that definitely Sword Coast mahogany.
“Hello there!”
Tav’s head jerked up at his projections greeting, and Gale groaned at the wild look in her eyes. Surprise first, but then bridled arousal. Just waiting to be unbridled and throw her into loss, but his dutiful love was well aware she was still in public and in a school.
When she spat an accusatory remark about him doing this to her and Gale touched the stone of the ring now on his hand. He watched Tav’s knees quake in response. It worked. Oh....goody.
He moaned in tandem with her image but then told his specter to tell her what was going on. Gale didn’t want to leave her in the dark. Tav seemed to accept this, but then asked about all the practicalities of him doing this at work and getting caught. Wouldn’t that be a shame?
He tells his image to tell her about his office hours and the locked down, then moaned along with her as her hold finally became unbridled and she fell into his chair. Limbs asunder as she just accepted what was happening to her and gave into the pleasure.
Gale continued to touch the stone with one hand, while the other went to his belt and quickly undid it. He’s been hard since he first saw her against his desk. Now seeing her give loose to the pleasure, Gale might cum in his pants like he was a novice back in school and Gods could you imagine if he had someone like Tav for a teacher?? He’d still be in his Active Principles of Elements & Arcane lectures.
His hand stroked his erection with the same speed as his massaged the stone. “Tell her I’m happy she likes my present.” He orders his projection. Watching her through their eyes. It did as it was told and Tav opened her eyes to stare right back into them. Gale moaned. The heat in her eyes, the desire, that cheeky grin coiling on her lips almost make him double over against his own desk.
“My present, eh?” Tav answered back, and Gale bit his lip so hard he nearly tasted blood.
“Yes. Of course. I did this for you.”
The projection relayed his response, but that doesn’t seem to convenience Tav. “Just for me?” Gale watched, transfixed, as his beloved began to open her blouse ‘in front of him’.
He whimpered at the sight as his thumb brushed over the aching red tip of his cock. He had to swallow the drool collecting in his mouth before he could respond with, “yes” for his projection to repeat. But the damn thing went rouge and blurted out his secret, so he pressed his thumb harder against this stone to distract Tav from its honesty.
Soon, Tav was begging him to fuck her. Desperate and needy. Mewling like a wanton kitten; or maybe that was just him. She asked if his projection was anatomically correct like last time and before it could fully answer, Gale ordered, “no!” He didn’t want to watch an illusion of himself make love to his wife. It was silly to be jealous of a projection of himself, that he created, but Gale wouldn’t have it.
If he couldn't have her, no one could. Not even his illusions.
Tav whined and looked ready to just do it herself. Gale gulped as he watched her hand move to the front of her pants, prepared to slide down and--Gale gripped the base of his cock to stop himself from cumming. He wants them to cum together, but it seemed rude to have Tav finish herself off.
Conjuring all the magic he could, Gale used the mind’s eye of his projection to summon Mage Hands. They touch her everywhere he wanted to, all at once. Tav seemed delighted, although overstimulated. He would have to remember that for later. Her delicate sweet hands gripping the armrests of his chair as her body arched and bucked against the hands. Gale watching it all as he jerked himself closer and closer to the edge. “Tav…!” He knew she couldn’t hear him, but he had to say it. Almost a reflex at this point as he came.
His hand was a mess. Portions of his desk splattered with it too. Cold baths only negated the symptoms, not the cause. So he was quite backed up since coming here.
“Did you enjoy yourself?”
Gale and Tav look up at the projections ask. Taking it upon itself to check in on her. What a good little ghost.
She told it yes, and Gale felt his cock twitch at the look in her eyes. Perfectly sated and happy, but still that glimmer of ‘more’. He tells the projection to let Tav know that the door would be opening soon, and she should get righted with herself; lest they be discovered. She made a very clever retort about him deciding to do this here if he was so concerned, which made him smile and love her all the more.
Gods how he missed her.
“Ask her if she would like to do this again tonight. When we're at home, and a little more private.”
The projection did as it was told, and Gale groaned as Tav bit her lip before giving an enthusiastic yes. Then, Gale severed the link, and he was alone again. Alone with only his hand and his memories.
He cleaned himself off and thought about going back downstairs for a final nightcap, as he was too riled up still to sleep. But when he opened the door, and heard the architecture debate still going on, only now they had switched to stone, Gale closed the door and rested his head on whatever cheap wood this terrible door was made out of.
He had to get out of here. He had to go home.
So he spent the rest of the evening coming up with a clever plan and semi-lie about how his wife needed him. “Emergency. Unavoidable. Must get home before my wife spontaneously combusts…without me. Should probably leave that last part out.”
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Helping Hand - Chapter 3
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Although the line had never been particularly clear to them, the first time they crossed it was at Bobby’s house. It was summer, Sam was sixteen, Dean was twenty. Teenage crushes are normal, but leave it too Sam to find a way to be a freak about it.
Relationship: Sam/Dean, Wincest
Warnings: Underage (although the age of consent in South Dakota and North Carolina, is 16, but generally since the age of consent is assumed to be 18 I'm tagging this), sibling incest
Words: 2764
See Chapter 1 post here.
Read it on AO3
They didn’t stop driving until they hit the east coast. All the tiny beachside houses crammed in tight together that made up Oak Island, North Carolina glided past the windows of the Impala as they crept along the sleeping streets at three in the morning. Finally stopping at a Circle K, which was the only thing open at that hour, to grab coffee and pre-packaged danishes. They had three hours before the local diner opened for breakfast and while Dad and Dean were using the time to go over what they knew of the case, Sam couldn’t seem to get his mind out of the gutter. 
Standing around in the parking lot, Dean was doing his best to act like everything was fine and totally normal. And maybe it was because Sam knew that things weren’t fine, but he could read his brother like an open book. Dean wasn’t avoiding eye contact, not with him or with Dad, but he also didn’t seem to actually be seeing them when he looked. It was an act, a routine he was wearing like a mask. What Sam couldn’t tell was how much of it John was aware of. They were all so tired and, frankly, cranky after two solid days in the car, that he hoped it was just written off as teenage angst and weirdness. Sam was one hundred percent certain that his brother would self-destruct if their dad even suspected something inappropriate had happened between them, so he did his best to act like things were normal too.
Sam tried to re-read the books he had in the car, the couple of paperbacks he’d grabbed at a used bookstore in Sioux Falls and text books on psychology, world history, english literature, and algebra that he’d hadn’t managed to leave behind at various schools. He couldn’t concentrate though and his attention kept bouncing from what his dad was saying and what his brother was doing. He was noticing things about his brother that he’d always been aware of but never so consciously. The way he fidgeted with the silver ring on his right hand. How his expression flicked from stone cold, I will fucking kill you without breaking a sweat, to big, wide-eyed Disney prince(ss) and back again, which always gave Sam whiplash trying to decide which looked better on him. How often he licked his lips… maybe Sam should go in and get him some chapstick? Would that be too weird?
Yeah, he decided that would be too much.
The light from the street lights caught Dean’s cheek and made the freckles across his cheeks and nose stand out suddenly. They were darker now at the tail end of summer and gave him a healthy, farmboy sort of glow. Then there was the way his shoulders had gotten broader, his arms thicker, filling out his 6’ frame. The way his hips rolled when he walked, that slow cowboy sort of mosey he did, which, when coupled with the natural bow to his legs, made it look like he’d just ridden in on horseback, even though Sam knew that Dean had only ever ridden horses a couple of times in his life. 
Oh, this wasn’t good. 
Sam tried to change tactics and thought about how Dean was annoying, and gross, and embarrassing, frequently all three at the same time. But, that obsessive little voice in his head pointed out, he was also brave, loyal to a fault, and always put Sam first when he could. Maybe if Sam didn’t know every detail of every sexual encounter his brother had had… and several that Sam was about 96% certain Dean had just made up, maybe if he couldn’t picture it all so clearly he could get Dean out of his head.
At 6am John drove them over to the diner and they claimed a booth towards the back and ordered a proper breakfast. Dean coated everything on his plate in syrup and stuffed too much in his mouth with each bite. He chewed and talked at the same time yet still managed to flirt with the waitress, who was probably closer to John’s age. But he still had her blushing and smiling like he’d made her whole week and she brought him an extra large slice of apple pie fresh out of the oven with a wink. He turned his head and watched her walk away, and Sam could swear there was a little more sway to her hips from the attention. Dean’s eyes met Sam’s when he turned back to the table and for just a split second the mask was off. The smirk on his face held but he looked, was that actual guilt that flashed across his eyes before he looked down and cleared his throat?
Around 9am they relinquished the booth and relocated to the library and got to work researching local history and looking for as much info as they could find about the victims that had turned up so far.
That afternoon, just a block down the street from the library, they found an older but surprisingly nice little motel that rented rooms by the week to vacationers. Pricier than their usual digs, thanks to its proximity to the beach, meant one room with two beds, which meant that Sam and Dean had to share. John didn’t see Dean’s jaw clench, or the muscles in his cheek twitch, when they walked in, but Sam did.
John sent Dean down to see if he could get more information about the victims from the local newspaper. He was good at finding someone his charms would work on and he had a pretty high success rate at gaining favors, and phone numbers.
“Sam, head back over to the library. There’s got to be something that can tie these people to a haunting or something. I’m going to talk with the police, and we’ll meet you back there before it closes.”
By nightfall, they were fairly certain that what they were dealing with was a Rusalka, a slavic mermaid-like creature that was once a young human female that was mutilated and left for dead before her wedding. They were pretty rare and were generally only found in lakes and rivers, but this one seemed to be in the intercoastal waterway, which it must have decided was close enough. It was luring single people to their deaths.
A late dinner back at the diner and then John insisted they turn in to try and catch a solid eight hours of sleep. It had been a long day, but Sam noticed that Dean wasn’t falling asleep either.
“I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Don’t, Sam. Don’t start.”
“Too late, Dean.”
“Well then drop it, we’re not having this conversation. Just… go to sleep.”
“You kissed me back!”
“Shh! Dude.”
“What? He’s out cold and snoring.” Sam did, at least, lower his voice. He didn’t want John to wake up and hear them any more than Dean did. “But you did and you can’t pretend you didn’t.”
“Yeah, well, I shouldn’t’ve.”
“Shouldn’t’ve doesn’t equal didn’t want to.”
Dean was quiet.
“It felt like you wanted to.” Sam whispered.
“Go to sleep, Sam.”
“You’re seriously not going to talk to me about this? Really?”
Dean rolled over, finally facing Sam, but he was getting angry and fed up, obvious as he restrained his voice. “Really. And it’s not a good time or place, is it? Not that there’s ever going to be a good time to talk about this. Now shut up, and go to sleep.” And with that he rolled back over so his back was to Sam once again.
Sam chewed on the inside of his lip for a second, thinking. It was a cheap trick but, “Okay, well, if you’re too scared to…” he left the rest hanging, unsaid, in the space between their backs as he rolled away to face the wall. His brother was a lot of things, but secure wasn’t one of them. By his count it took almost five minutes for Dean to break.
“Too scared to what?”
“I don’t know, Dean, ‘cause you won’t talk to me. That you wanted to, maybe? Or that you just got caught up in it, that you think I…” Sam tried to swallow the dry lump in the back of his throat, “that I took advantage, or that you hate me?”
Dean gave a short, frustrated sigh and seemed to deflate some, but Sam pressed on, not giving him the chance to shut him down again.
“You won’t… you don’t seem okay, but you don’t seem like you’re mad at me either, I could deal with you being mad at me, that would make sense.”
“Because I did take advantage, I pushed you, and if you didn’t want to then…”
John’s snoring stopped and so did the boys’ hearts, just for a second, they didn’t breathe, they didn’t even blink, they just waited, until their dad shifted position and resumed his slow, steady breathing.
“Fuck.” Dean swore softly. Three heartbeats later he sat up and tugged on Sam’s sleeve as he got up and walked towards the bathroom. Sam followed.
The door clicked closed behind them, sounding so loud in the quiet. And then the light snapped on and Sam had to shut his eyes against the sudden brightness. The vent fan had come on automatically with the light, its loud rattling hum created a buffer of white noise so they could talk. But still Dean kept his voice low.
“Okay, since you won’t drop it. I’m not mad at you, Sam.”
Sam blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the shitty, jaundiced glow of the bathroom light. Dean wasn’t looking at him, or, rather, he was mostly not looking at him. He kept glancing at him and then away again. But his eyes finally settled and stayed fixed on their toothbrushes laying next to the sink as he continued. “I’m mad at myself. I shouldn’t’ve… Sam, we can’t.” Dean looked at him then, Sam could see his brother willing him to understand without having to actually say it. Without having to say that he didn’t want to do it.
A dreadful horror crept up over Sam.
“Oh, I, shit. I did push you. You didn’t want… but I wouldn’t let it go. I thought we were… but…” His eyes got wide. How could he have been so stupid? Of course his brother, his BROTHER, didn’t want to… oh shit. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he have forced himself, his twisted and fucked up wants, onto Dean? His vision started to black out around the edges.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Breathe, Sam. Don’t pass out on me in here. This’ll be hard enough to explain to dad if he wakes up without me needing to explain why you passed out too.” His hands caught Sam’s upper arms just as Sam’s knees turned to jelly. “No. I got you. Hey, look at me. Hey. Come on. In…”Dean breathed in, “nice and slow. Hold it. Out…” he breathed out, “nice and slow.”
Sam shook his head, his face creased up in a frown, but he slowed his breathing enough to feel his legs firm up and his vision cleared.
Dean hesitantly took his hands away and Sam’s arms felt cold in their absence.
“You okay? Not going to pass out on me?”
Sam shook his head.
“Good, because you pushed to talk about this, you just couldn’t let it go, you never let stuff go, so you don’t get to have a panic attack the second I start talking, got it?’
Sam nodded.
Dean sighed and rubbed his hands over his face, scrubbing at his eyes, before dragging them up through his hair and clutching at the back of his head. Clear signs that he was thinking hard.
“You didn’t… You didn’t push me. Well, you were being kinda pushy, but like, you didn’t force me into anything. I coulda said no. I shoulda said no. But I…” He closed his eyes and squeezed them tight for a second. “But we just can’t, Sam. We can’t. It’s wrong. You get that, right?”
“Yeah, but… no. I mean, I know it’s supposed to be wrong, I know that, and I get why, but what does any of that have to do with us?”
Dean blinked and shook his head, like he couldn’t process what Sam was saying.
“Like, it’s not like the risk of inbreeding’s a problem, obviously.”
“And there isn’t a power imbalance, like a parent/child thing. I know you think I’m still just a kid, but I’m not. And the legal age of consent in a lot of states, including South Dakota and North Carolina, by the way, is sixteen. So it’s not actually an age thing, not statutory or anything.”
“Dude, why do you know…”
“So it’s just the fact that we’re brothers…”
Dean’s eyes got panicky-wide.
“... which is, yeah, I know it’s weird, but that’s not…” Sam swallowed and said the rest in a rush before he could stop himself, “...that’s actually not a problem for me. Is it a problem for you? Really?”
“It should be.”
“Yeah, but is it?”
Dean was quiet for a long moment as his eyes studied Sam’s face before he carefully, purposefully said, “I think it needs to be.”
Sam opened his mouth to protest, afterall, Dean still hadn’t said that he didn’t want what Sam wanted. But Dean cut him off.
“It needs to be a problem, Sam, for both of us, or it’s going to become a bigger problem than we can deal with.” Dean looked at him and though he had used his very firm big brother voice, there was an underlying tone of desperate sadness that cut right through Sam. When he looked into Dean’s eyes he could see him silently pleading with him to be on the same page with him, to agree. Sam slumped against the edge of the counter, suddenly exhausted, but he nodded. He got it.
Sam nodded again, “Okay.”
Dean sniffled suddenly, pulling a sharp breath in through his nose, and then cleared his throat.
He opened the door, just wide enough to leave the bathroom, trying to keep the flood of light from sweeping the bedroom and waking up John, and then pulled it closed behind him, leaving Sam alone in the harsh light of the small bathroom.
“Yeah, great,” he said to himself.
Sam stayed in the bathroom for a long while after that, just sitting on the side of the tub, waiting for his heart to stop breaking.
He knew it was stupid, he was being stupid. Dean was right, they couldn’t, shouldn’t, even if the reasons didn’t really apply to them. There was Dad, who probably would have killed Dean (or both of them) if he ever found out that anything sexual had ever happened between them. And there was Bobby, and Pastor Jim, and Caleb, and… shit, everyone they knew, any one of them would do the same or would help John cover it up with some story of a hunt gone wrong, anything to not have to admit the truth. And when Sam thought about it that way, well, he could see the problem, clear as day.
It was just a stupid crush, that was all. Just like he’d suspected before, it was just his teenage brain latching onto and fixating on one of the only people he spent any time with. In that way it was almost a totally normal teenager thing, just with his own special freaky spin on it.
Calmer, feeling wrung out and ready, finally, to go to sleep, Sam shut off the light and quietly crept back to bed. Settling into his side, his back turned towards Dean’s, John’s snoring gentler now from the other bed, sound asleep. But his brother was still awake. 
“We okay?” Sam asked as quietly as he could.
“Always, Sammy,” came Dean’s immediate response.
Sam took a deep breath. If he was going to have to get past this, this whatever this was, then he was going to need to start building some better boundaries between him and Dean.
“It’s Sam,” he said into the darkness.
“Hmm,” was all he got back from Dean.
It didn’t take as long for him to fall asleep as he’d been afraid it would and his dreams, when he finally did, were of school and a future that was bigger than just his small, broken family.
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shealwaysreads · 4 years
the plant that doesn’t bloom
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A fic for @fae-vorite and the stunning art and concept she shared with us all! I hope you like this, darling! ❤️
Drarry | 2k | 8th Year, EWE, cursed!draco, when a curse is not a curse
Summary: Apologies, and homecoming, and forgiveness tucked into the petals of a rose.
Read it on Ao3
Malfoy had come back to Hogwarts different.
The war had tempered him. His trial had quenched the fire in his eyes. Rebuilding Hogwarts had smoothed the rough edges of his ego, his trauma, his regret.
They had all had a week off, before term began in September, after toiling under the summer sun to restore their school. Big magic and small. Levitating fresh stones to rebuild towers, spinning panes of glass out of sand from the shore of the Black Lake, learning how to cast spells without the fear of the Carrows.
Malfoy hadn’t spoken at first, not to anyone. Harry wondered if he’d been cursed mute, for a while, until he heard him approach Hermione with a grave face and a quiet voice.
“May I have a moment of your time, Granger?”
That was the first of many approaches he made over July and August. Harry watched him step towards them all; Ron, Neville, Ginny and Luna, and students Harry didn’t even know. Always serious, always respectful, always quiet. He spoke to almost everyone, even the teachers. But not to Harry. Not until the final day of their summer labours.
“Potter. May I—can we talk?”
Harry looked around at his friends—they wouldn’t judge him if he said no to Malfoy. Ron had told him that Malfoy had apologised to him when they spoke, had admitted familial responsibility for the generations old feud between their families, even offered restitution. Ron had accepted the end of the feud, but rebuffed any payment. He’d said Malfoy seemed to have grown a backbone, and a conscience. Ron thought he was still ‘a posh twat’, but that maybe, maybe Malfoy wasn’t as bad under it all than they had thought. Maybe even Malfoy had learned a thing or two about right and wrong, in the end.
Harry wasn’t sure he wanted to know what Malfoy would say to him, wasn’t sure what kind of apology he would receive, wasn’t even sure he had the strength to lose the stability of hating Malfoy.
(But he hadn’t hated him. Not since Sectumsempra. Not since the Astronomy tower. Not since ‘I can’t be sure’. He’d pitied him, despised his misplaced loyalty to his parents, wondered how he survived—but not hated. Harry wasn’t sure he was made for hate.)
“Alright, Malfoy. Have at it.”
Malfoy led him to the shade of the big oak tree, away from the rest of the group, near the shore of the lake. He looked anxious, clenching his jaw and fussing at the cuff of his robes.
“Potter, I would like to formally apologise for… Well. For everything, I suppose. For my own actions, for my father’s too. From our first meeting I have been an example of everything I now understand to be rotten at the heart of my family, and—”
Harry interrupted him. “I don’t want an apology from your father or your family, Malfoy. You can only really speak for yourself.”
Malfoy swallowed, hard. “I am sorry. If I had ‘just’ been a bully that would be bad enough, but I wasn’t that. I was cruel to you and your friends, and then dangerous and violent too. I could blame it on my upbringing, the prejudice I was raised to believe, but—” he lifted his chin, steeling himself for something. “But it started because I was jealous and angry, and that’s inexcusable. So. I apologise.”
Harry wasn’t sure what to say to that, he didn’t think he was ready to digest it, really. What do you say when someone apologises to you, but you don’t want to forgive them?
“Thanks. For saying sorry.” That would do, wouldn’t it?
But Malfoy didn’t walk away, or anything helpful like that. He reached into his robes instead, and pulled out a tiny silver box, engraved with delicate curlicues that glinted in the late summer sun.
“This is for you. It’s not a gift, you understand. It’s yours by right.” He held it out to Harry, and for want of a better option, Harry took it. “My mother...took things from the Black household when she was younger. For her own use. But these were Sirius Black’s diaries, and I understand she never managed to read them. Anhaga boxes are infamous for their loyalty to their owner.”
It was like a punch to the gut. This tiny box, no bigger than his palm, held Sirius’ secrets, his life recorded in his own words.
“If she couldn’t—how can I?”
“Blood, I imagine. That kind of privacy is pricey. But you’re his godson. That’s family, more than any relation he had to my mother. It will work.”
And with that, Malfoy turned and walked away, leaving Harry in the dappled shade with a handful of Sirius’ precious thoughts.
Malfoy had been right. A drop of blood was all it took to enlarge the Anhaga box, and to open it. Out spilled parchment, notebooks, letters, folded posters and flyers, and dogeared photographs. Most of it was in Sirius’ own scratchy handwriting, but some of the letters were in James’ scrawl. Harry’s dad had written them to Sirius. Moments of youthful joy and intimacy, secrets and mundanities, quotes and song lyrics, newly discovered spells, and stories of flings and firsts, shared between best friends. Brothers by choice.
Harry had wept, and read, and laughed, and read, and for the first time in his life he knew what his father thought about Quidditch teams, and Bowie, and how no hair potions worked on him either (much to Sirius’ delight), and that he had adored Harry’s mother—adored her, had written long paragraphs doubting his worthiness of her time, of his hope she might smile at him, that she might want him back, one day, no doubt seeking the reassurance and commiseration from Sirius.
It hurt, but he read them all. It hurt, but it was a gift. It hurt, but Harry touched each piece of paper like a talisman, like a blessing.
The first of September was bitter-sweet, but alongside the taste of loss, Harry was excited for his last year at Hogwarts. Returning to his first real home, with his first—and best—friends by his side. No doom lay ahead of him, no danger. Just homework, and exams, and treacle tart.
And Harry had never dreamed of much, not much more than space and light and safety and people who loved him, but he had found them all when he walked through the great oak doors of Hogwarts, and not even a war—not even dying—had taken them away.
They might be adults now, grasping onto the fading threads of childhood before they launched themselves into the unknown, but Harry thought they’d earned this. A year’s respite from the world. A warm interlude to relax, to lick their wounds, to dance in the stark joy of life, to take back that stolen year.
The Welcome Feast was stupendous, and Harry’s face hurt from grinning so widely when Professor McGonagall stood to give her first speech as Hogwarts Headmistress. Seamus blew up a goblet of spiked Pumpkin juice, Ginny snogged Dean, and Harry was flanked by Ron and Hermione—warm, and full, and content.
He was even happy the next morning, waking up to cold flagstones and a shared bathroom, Ron’s monosyllabic pre-breakfast grunts, and Neville’s rather excitable Flaming Geranium (he was pretty sure the House Elves could fix the curtains around his bed.) He was happy striding through the halls down to breakfast, head and shoulders above the tiny little first years who were more interested in finding their way to class than looking at his forehead. He was happy until he heard the whispers about Malfoy, and glanced reflexively across the room to the Slytherin table.
Malfoy was different. Still pale, still silver-eyed. But his skin was marred by dark twisting shapes, writhing against his skin. Cursed were the whispers. But Harry had never seen a curse like this. So he watched.
“Harry, don’t you think—oh, never mind.” Hermione broke off, sighed, and turned to talk to Parvati.
His first lesson was Potions—he wasn’t sure he wanted to be an Auror, but he wanted the option so he was back in Slughorn’s class—it was an eighth year only class with all of the houses mixed, so of course Malfoy was there too. He sat with Terry Boot, and seemed to work well enough with him. Harry followed him to the supply cupboard when he went to fetch ingredients, and took the opportunity to look closer at the strange marks on his skin. They were briars, curling around his wrists, his hands, trailing up his throat, to the line of his jaw. Green-black and thorny, they seemed to move with him, breathe with him, even as the points of their barbs pressed against pale skin.
“New tattoos?” He asked. He still wasn’t sure what to make of Malfoy’s apology, of his quietude, of the tumult of confused emotion that stirred in Harry’s chest whenever he was confronted with him. The feelings that boiled inside him, worse than ever, after he gave Harry Sirius’s papers.
Malfoy sighed. Clearly Harry wasn’t the first to ask. “No, Potter, not a tattoo.”
“A curse, then?”
“Of a sort, yes.” He reached past Harry’s face to take a jar of lacewing fly. “You can have these when I’ve taken a couple.”
And then he was gone, leaving Harry confused and lacewing-less in an empty cupboard.
At lunch, Harry squeezed in beside Hermione and her towering pile of books, the question spilling out before he gave it conscious thought.
“Have you seen the things on Malfoy? They look like—”
“Harry, really? It’s been one day.” She was laughing as she cut him off, though, and so was Ron next to her, even though he pretended to be very interested in his plate. “Look, before we start this, are you suspicious of him, or are you just curious?”
He paused, his sandwich halfway to his mouth, and thought for a moment. “I think I’m just curious.”
She sighed, but smiled as she answered him. “Well, okay then. I think it’s a Motus Charm.”
“Not a—“
“No, not a curse. Though, functionally, I suppose…”
She trailed off, and Harry could sense an incoming debate about the differences between spell classifications and the intention of the caster (all eighth years had been enrolled on a new course in magical ethics, and the debate across the first class that morning had already been fiery) so he interrupted her before she could get on a roll. “Hermione, what does it do?”
“Well, it creates markings on a person’s skin that give an insight into their emotional state. It gives movement to what moves them.”
“So...those thorns are how Malfoy feels?” Harry wasn’t sure how he felt about that. About Malfoy feeling, well, restricted by vines, pressed against by thorns. As far as metaphors went, it didn’t look good. Worse still, Harry wasn’t sure how he felt about the world getting to see it all. It was bad enough when the papers made up nonsense about how Harry was ‘coping emotionally’ post-war—he couldn’t imagine the agony of them actually knowing for sure.  
“It appears that way. I just wonder who cast it on him, he didn’t have them during the summer, and apparently he had them at the welcome feast—so it wasn’t done by a student.” Hermione was frowning, the same crease between her brows when she didn’t agree with something. She hadn’t said much about what Malfoy talked to her about when he apologised, just that he was ‘thorough and straightforward’. Since then she’d not been friendly toward him, but she’d certainly been civil. Apparently he’d made enough of an impact on her that she disapproved of him being cursed—or charmed—like this.  
“Can it be cured?”
“According to Flitwick, it fades naturally, once the witch or wizard under the charm begins to actually talk about their feelings. Or, at least, begins to feel understood. So, it depends, I suppose.”
Harry looked over at Malfoy, he was flipping through a book, sipping tea, and studiously ignoring the stares he was receiving from half the student body. The briars were slow moving, more settled than when Harry had spoken to him during their Potions class. Maybe that meant he was calmer. Maybe that meant that Harry stressed him out.
But as he stood and left the Slytherin table, those coils of dark vines and thorns writhed again across his pale skin. Harry was up and out of his seat, following him into the corridor beyond, without a second thought. Behind him, Harry could hear Ron muttering something to Hermione about ‘feelings’ and ‘curiosity’, but he didn’t have time to stop and question it. Not when Malfoy was already ahead of him, and Harry wanted to catch him before the press of the rest of the school filled the halls.
“Malfoy! Wait!”
And Malfoy did wait, which was weird enough that Harry almost did an about turn and scurried back to the Gryffindor table. He stopped and turned as Harry jogged up to him, and he looked calm and collected—his face impassive and carefully blank—but the barbed stems that licked up to his jaw, and curled over his knuckles, were black and razor-sharp.
“I wanted—” What had Harry wanted? To ask, to interrogate, to find out who, and when, and why? But looking at Malfoy now, and the discomfort written on his skin for all to see, Harry suddenly felt disinclined to ask him to expose himself further. So, no questions. For now. “I wanted to say thanks. For Sirius’ things. It was—I really—You didn't have to.”    
Malfoy rolled his eyes, but the thorns at his throat seemed to lose their keen edge. “No, I suppose I didn’t. But you’re welcome. I’m glad it opened for you.”
“And about your apology,” Harry continued, eyeing the litmus-test of foliage on Malfoy’s skin. “I wasn’t sure how I felt, in the summer, when you said sorry.”
“It’s okay Potter, I know I don’t have any right to—”
He broke off, silent and staring as Harry stepped forward and held out his hand, and for long moments Harry wondered if he might not take it. If this time, it would be Malfoy leaving Harry with his offer of connection hanging, rejected, between them. But then Malfoy reached out his own arm and took Harry’s hand in his, and it was pale and wand-calloused, and his fingers were slimmer than Harry’s, but his grip was firm and steady, and warm.
“Apology accepted, Malfoy. I reckon even we might deserve a fresh start this year, don’t you?”
Malfoy didn’t speak; but before Harry’s eyes, those dark vines slowed, ripened into a spring green, and flowers bloomed on Malfoy’s skin. Pale roses unfurled, soft and  blushing  at their centre. One curved around the back of Malfoy’s hand, where Harry still held firm, and another blossomed at the spot where his collar was loose at his throat.
Maybe Harry didn’t need Malfoy’s words. Words had always been hard for them. For now, maybe he could learn to understand him through thorns and petals.
❤️ to @tackytigerfic for the always-excellent beta read, and @slytherco for the cheer-reading!
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blerbdrops · 5 years
New Kid (Billy Hargrove X F!Reader)
Howdy folks, sorry I am late! I started school and I am also sorting out my work schedule. Here is part 4 of new kid, thank you for reading/liking/reblogging/following etc! I appreciate you all so so much.
Summary: You’re new in Hawkins, hailing from the big city on the east coast. As a city kid, you think you’ve been stuck here to suffer in a small town, but there’s a certain someone who shakes it all up. 
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of smoking cigarettes, underage drinking 
Taglist: @salemlysi​ @asheseiler
You sat at your mirror putting on your makeup and getting ready for tonight’s party. You swiped on a tube of red lipstick and pressed your lips together, spreading out the color. Tonight’s outfit consisted of a white cropped tank top with a slightly oversized black cardigan knotted in the front. You had on high waisted black pleather pants, and a black belt with a shiny silver belt buckle. You laced up your old red Doc Martens, they were well-worn and you wouldn’t be too upset if they got scuffed or dirty. Your hair was curled to the nines, sprayed in place so that nothing frizzed out. 
“Damn, I look good.” You said to yourself in your mirror. You threw on your denim jacket and pocketed your lipstick and your flask full of whiskey. Moments later, you heard loud beeps coming from outside.
“(y/n)! I think Steve is here to come get you!” Your dad shouts from downstairs. You come downstairs to find your dad is dressed up, with a suitcase at the door. 
“Uh. Dad? What’s with the suitcase?” 
“I have to go on a road trip, see Uncle Willy about some things.”
Your brows furrowed. “What kind of things?”
“Adult things, kiddo. I’ll be gone for the weekend. I’ll be back sometime on Monday.” He kisses your forehead and heads out for his car. You snag your keys and head out of the house, locking the door behind you. Nancy and Steve greet you right as you slide into the backseat of his BMW.
Nancy lets out a whistle, “You look fantastic (y/n)! Ready to have the best night ever?” She says to you enthusiastically.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s roll!”
You, Nancy and Steve enter the party house. You can feel the bass thumping in the house and your chest. The living room is full of teens with red plastic cups in their hands, dancing drunkenly and laughing. You navigate your way to the kitchen, where the rest of the booze was. 
“Hey! You’re that new girl! Come, come get a drink!” It was that kid in your chemistry class, the one that sat next to Billy.
“What’s your name again?” You shout over the music to ask him.
“Oh yeah, I’m Tommy!” He replies cheerfully. “Hey, come on, you look sober!” 
You laugh, “It’s because I am. Give me something to drink!” 
He hands you a beer, but before you can crack it open he stops you. “I bet you can’t shotgun that!” 
“What? Tommy, I could drink you under the table. Stop playin’.” You scoff. This gets the attention of the kids in the kitchen, with some of them ‘ooooh’-ing like owls. Just as this happens, you spot a mop of blond curls make its way to the kitchen where you and Tommy were. Billy eyed you up, taking a look at your outfit before turning his attention to Tommy. 
“What’s going on?” He asks Tommy. 
“Oh you know, (y/n) over here thinks she can ‘drink me under the table’, her words exact.” He laughs. 
Billy slaps five dollars down on the table. “My bets on her. Tommy, you’re a lightweight!”
You laugh out loud. “We’re placing bets now?” You pick up the five and examine it. “Who else is ready to see Tommy lose to the new girl, huh?” You were met with roars of excitement as teens were tossing cash on the table, your pile only slightly bigger than his. Billy watched you, taking a swig out of his can of beer.
“All bets are final, and winner takes all. Let the games begin!” Billy shouts, as you stab the side of your beer can, crack the lid and shotgun it. It empties fast, and you crush it underneath your boot. You continue on to your second one, choosing to chug it. The kids in the kitchen were cheering you on, hearing chants of “Chug! Chug! Chug!” over the Bon Jovi song that was booming throughout the house. 
You had finished way too many beers, the beer cans underneath your feet. You were still upright, while Tommy had half a can left. People in the kitchen were chanting your name, but all you did was let out a loud belch. You were met with cheers and claps on your back. 
“You give up yet? Ready to throw down the white flag?” You guffawed at Tommy. 
“Alright, alright! You win. Fair and square.” He shoves his bet money into your pile and you throw your hands up, inciting more cheers from your crowd of “fans”. 
“That’s how you drink Hawkins! That’s how you fuckin’ do it!” You open your flask and take a large swig, feeling its warmth trickle down your throat, feeling some drip down your lips and neck. You close your flask and feel a hard stare on you. 
Billy walks over to you and leans up against the counter while you count up and pocket your cash. 
“That was pretty impressive, (y/n). Didn’t know you had that kind of fire in you.” He smirks. 
You turn to him, uncapping your flask and drinking more out of it. “I’m a woman of many mysteries, Billy.” You laugh, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“And I’m really digging this outfit. Completely different from that goody-two-shoes getup you had on at school today.” 
You raised an eyebrow and smiled at him, posing. “Oh? You like what you see?” You do a spin, almost tumbling over. 
He laughs at you, helping regain your balance. “Careful. Don’t need you busting your ass because you wanna show off.”
A hearty laugh emits from your belly, then a burp. “Excuse me! Jesus christ.” Your head snapped to the dance floor. You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) by Dead or Alive played through the speakers.
“Are you alright (y/n)?” Billy asks, a bit concerned. 
“I’m fantastic! This is my favorite song like, ever! Come dance!” 
“(y/n) I can’t dan-” You yanked him by the wrist and dragged him to the dance floor, completely ignoring what he had to say.
You got on the dance floor, and started to bob your head to the synth in the song, getting ready to dance and shout your heart out. 
All I know is that to me
You look like you're lots of fun
Open up your lovin' arms
I want some, want some
You spun around, dancing near Billy and trying to get him to loosen up and enjoy the song. You then grabbed his hand and yanked him closer so you two could actually dance. He began to relax and laugh along at you dancing. He didn’t know what it was exactly, but something about seeing you smile and have fun made his heart flutter. 
I set my sights on you
(And no one else will do)
And I, I've got to have my way now, baby
All I know is that to me
You look like you're havin' fun
Open up your lovin' arms
Watch out, here I come
You sang the second verse and pre-chorus, looked at Billy and shot him a wink. He laughed, a slow smirk spreading across his face. 
You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round
Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round
You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round
Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round
He grabbed you by your hand and spun you around like you were in a ballroom. He pulled you back into him, your back pressed against his chest. You were twirled out again, only this time you were dipped low, his face close to yours. It took all of your willpower to not kiss him right then and there. You came back up and danced for the rest of the night, laughing and taking the occasional sip from your flask. 
As the music died down, you had left the dance floor panting and sweaty, a dewy sheen spread across your face. You stumbled over to the kitchen and grabbed your jean jacket from the counter, making sure your keys were still there and they were. You put on your jacket and walk outside, only to see that Steve’s car was gone. 
“Goddamn Steve… and Nancy. Damn ‘em! Damn em to hell.” You spat, staring at the porch. “Now I have to walk and, and I don’t even know where I’m at. And its LATE! Goddamn it!” 
“Who are you talking to sweetheart?” Billy asked you. He was leaned against the banister, smoking a cigarette. 
“I’m talking to me, genius.” You slurred. “Now I’m talking to you. I wanna go home but I got ditched!” You sulked. You walked over next to the banister where Billy was and plucked the cigarette from his lips. You took a drag and exhaled, letting it escape through your nose and lips. Billy watched your lips wrap around the cigarette, wishing it was him. 
“Like what you see?” You shoot him a wink, blowing the smoke away from his face and stubbing out the cigarette. 
“Yeah. I kinda do.” He licks his lips, smirking. “Now, tell me (y/n), how exactly are you getting home?”
You sigh frustratedly, “I guess I’m just gonna walk and figure it out.” You took out your flask and opened it to drink, but there was no more whiskey left. You pouted. 
“You’re not walking. I’ll take you home.” Billy stands up and offers his hand to you. You slowly push yourself up and gather yourself. You take a look at Billy’s hand and high five it. He looks at you puzzled. 
“Fix your face! Is that not why your hand was out?” You asked, words slurring here and there. 
“No, smartass. Give me your hand so I can walk you to my car.” He states, the slightest pink flush spread across his face. Giggling, you take his hand into yours and you make your way to his car. He unlocks the passenger side door and opens it for you. You lower yourself in, his hand pressed gently on the small of your back keeping you steady. Billy closes your door and makes his way to the drivers side.
“Where to, gorgeous?” He turns towards you. 
“332 Oak Lane.” 
He nods, starting up his car. As the drive begins, you notice him slip a glance at you every now and then.
“Hey Hargrove, take a picture. It’ll last longer.” You chuckle at him.
He laughs back, “No picture could capture all that beauty you got.” 
Your eyebrows flew up, painting a shocked look on your face. “Oh! Smooth talker over here. Didn’t know you could flirt like that. Color me impressed!”
The ride was peacefully quiet, right up until he pulled up to your house. 
“Nice neighborhood.” He says, then continues, turning to look at you. “How will your folks feel about you coming in piss drunk after a successful night out?” 
You laugh at his sentiment, catching his gaze. “My dads gone for the weekend. Went outta state to see my uncle. I have the whole place to myself!” 
“You.. you’re real cute ya know. Real good lookin’.” You say to him with a dopey smile on your face.
He flushes the softest shade of pink, smiles for a second and licks his lips. “Ah stop it. You’re only saying that because you’re drunk.”
“I am not! It’s true. I might be a little tipsy but.. I am right, you know.” You smile at him. 
“Tipsy? You passed that stage after your third beer. (y/n), it’s time you head inside.” He pats your thigh. 
You playfully roll your eyes, smiling. You place your hand on top of his and give it a squeeze. “Okay, I guess so. Can you walk me in? My room is up some stairs.”
“And I’m scared I’m gonna fall! Please?” 
He removes his hand from your thigh. “Alright, I’ll walk you in. Don’t go tellin’ anyone either. I have a reputation to keep.”
You let out a thunderous laugh. “Yeah, okay buddy.” He comes over to your side of the car and opens the door. You shakily get up, feeling the dizziness get to you. 
“Easy now. Here, I got you.” He puts your arm over his shoulder and scoops you up, carrying you bridal style to your front porch. 
“Oh wow. You’re so strong! I feel like a princess.” You giggle. 
“You are. And I work out.” He continues, “Where are your keys?” 
You pull out the key that unlocks your front door and pushed it in his hands. He unlocks your front door and uses his back to shut it. 
“Alright princess. Where to?” He asks, looking down at you. Your makeup is smudged, your hair frizzed out, your eyes glazed over, flushed pink from all the drinking you had done that night. Even in your disheveled state, he still thought you were gorgeous. 
“Up the stairs. You’ll know my room when you see it.” You mumble, the tiredness setting in. Billy walks up the stairs and to your room. He could tell it was your room because of the giant Bon Jovi poster stuck to your door. 
“Okay put me down.” You ask, and he lowers you down. You slap the light switch on, illuminating your room. Billy gazes around your room, looking at all the band posters hung up on your wall. You also had christmas lights strung around your room. You had a big bed to yourself, a vanity, a small dresser and a decent sized closet. He noticed one wall void of posters. Instead of posters, you had two guitars mounted on the wall instead. One acoustic, one electric. Underneath the guitars were some amps and other guitar tech. 
“You play guitar?” He asks, looking at the guitars, his back turned. You were changing out of your party clothes, leaving you in your tank top and black boyshort underwear. You took a nearby scrunchie and pulled your hair up into a ponytail. 
“Oh yeah. Back home I was in a band. Lead guitarist you know. I still got it. Maybe I’ll play for you one day.” You say to him. “I wasn’t blessed with good vocals, my dear, but these hands? God must have took extra time with ‘em.”
“You really are a woman of many mysteries, (y/n).” He turns back around to you, but you had slipped out of the room and into the bathroom next door. He walks out of your room and finds you hunched over the porcelain throne, emptying out your insides.
Billy kneels down next to you, feeling his large warm hand on your back. 
“I HATE throwing up!” You say, face still in the toilet. “Shit is so gross.”
He chuckles. “Maybe you shouldn’t have started that drinking contest with Tommy then.” 
You lift your head up, wiping your tears away and reaching to flush the toilet. “What was I supposed to do? Let him think he could get away with shit-talking me? Just let him test me?” You and Billy laugh on your bathroom floor. “I’ll have you know, Hargrove, I come from a line of strong drinkers.”
He laughs, “Yeah, and I’m next in line to be the King of England.” He stands up, and holds his hand out to you. He helps you up, and you turn to the sink to wash whats left of your makeup off. You’re both looking at each other in the mirror. 
“I look so gross right now.” You mutter, taking out your jar of Noxzema face wash. You ran the water until it was warm and bent down to the sinks level to wet your face.
“I’ve seen worse.” Billy says, looking down at your butt. You popped up from the sink and so did his eyes. You unscrewed your jar of face wash and began rubbing it in. Billy took a seat on top of the toilet, watching you. 
“You know, you didn’t have to stay.” You state to him.
“You kickin’ me out (y/n)?” 
“No. Just saying you didn’t have to stay. I appreciate it, though.” 
He hesitated with his response. Nobody’s ever appreciated me. Or said it out loud, at least, he thought. 
“Mhm!” You rinse the soap off your face, pat it dry and moisturize with some face cream. You turn to Billy, smiling. 
“How do I look?” You say, posing. Some of your hair had stuck to your face while you were washing it, you were in a tank top and underwear. You thought you looked like a mess. 
“Like a million bucks, doll.” He chuckles, smiling at you. You turn away and brush your teeth. Here you are, in your home, with local bad boy turned softie Billy Hargrove in your house. You catch his eye, and he just doesn’t stop looking at you, lips slightly parted. 
You rinse and spit. “Hey, Hargrove. Close your mouth or you’ll catch flies.” 
That snaps him out of his gaze, and his mouth closes. You yawn and stretch, feeling fatigue and the slight pounding of a headache lingering in the back of your head. You shut your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose. 
“It’s time for you to get some rest.” Billy looks up and says to you. You nod your head, and you walk over to your room. 
“Hey could you like.. turn around or something? I want to change tops.”
“Sure.” He turns his back to you and you grab a large sleepshirt out of your dresser drawer. You peel off the tank top and throw it across your room, allowing you to slip on your big shirt. “Okay, I’m done.”
“You look like a dork.” He says.
“Yeah? It takes one to know one. Dork.” You both chuckle. You crawl into bed and your head sinks into your pillow. You sigh happily. 
“Thanks for taking care of me.” 
“Not a problem doll.” He shuts off the light and begins to walk out. 
Before you fall asleep, you say one last thing to Billy. 
“Hey, Billy?”
“You’re not as bad as they say you are, you know.” 
Billy becomes bashful at this statement. He’s lucky the lights are out or else she’d see just how red in the face he was. Those words would continue to ring throughout his head for the rest of the night. 
Before he had his chance to respond, you had already succumbed to the sweet embrace of slumber. Billy slowly approached your bed, lowered himself down and kissed your forehead. He watched the smallest smile form on your face before you turned over, enveloping yourself in your blankets.
He backed out of the room and went into the bathroom looking for medicine. He takes out two pills of Advil and places them on your nightstand, along with a handwritten note. He leaves your house, locking the door behind him. 
There was something about you that struck a chord within Billy somewhere. And it unnerved him to his core. 
A/N: AW YALL! I LOVE WRITING SOFT BILLY. thanks for reading! as always, i will keep writing as long as you keep reading. feedback is always appreciated. my requests are open for you all. come chat! see u in part 5 
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cecilspeaks · 6 years
142 - Ufo Sighting Reports
As abpve, so below. As for the middle, Well, who knows.
Welcome to Night Vale.
We start today, as we often do, with the latest UFO sighting reports in the community.
Friday, 5:20 AM. The staff of the Desert Spring Tuberculosis Research center and Medication Retreat reported a luminous object out over the neighborhood across the highway. The object resembled a straw hat and had an apparent speed of 150 miles per hour, and apparent altitude of 2,000 feet. The staff recalled that the object illuminated the ground brightly, as they could see Leah Shapiro at the window of her house, receiving a phone call and then collapsing to her living room floor with a hand over her mouth. This was perfectly visible despite the sun not having yet risen.
Friday, 5:28 AM. Leann Hart, editor of the Night Vale Daily Journal, was preparing for a day of hard-hitting journalism. She does this using a dummy that she has set up in the back yard and labeled with a sign saying “Pivot to video”. She was just about to launch into her usual routine of hacking at this dummy for two and a half hours with a pair of hatchets made from pure silver, while screaming in fury, when she was stopped by a sight in the sky. An object the size and shape of a bus, and also having all other characteristic of a bus, was soaring over her. It flew at an apparent altitude of 500 feet, making no sound at all, and Leann tracked it for several minutes before losing sight of it. She said that she reacted like anyone would: by flinging a hatchet at it and shouting: “You’re not welcome here.”
Friday, 5:34 AM. My niece Janice was up early, because it was finally time to take the pre-SAT, and she didn’t want to feel hurried. She had been with herself long enough to know that feeling hurried kills any sense of momentum or order for the rest of the day, and makes her feel like she’s trying and failing to catch up with herself. Better to force herself out of bed into the cold of a winter desert morning than to feel behind herself later on. She had gone out into the front yard to get a bit of fresh air, and had waved to Leah Shapiro who was rushing out of her house and did not seem to notice the greeting, when Janice saw the craft. A red ellipsoidal object rose from behind the line of houses. At first, Janice thought it might just be a particularly quick sunrise, but soon realized the object was only the size of a small table and was right above her. Remembering what Tamika had taught her during team militia camp, Janice grabbed a heavy stone from the yard, but the object was already withdrawing. Janice yelled to ask if Leah had seen it too, but Leah was driving away. So Janice went back inside and made herself a smoothie. She feels she did pretty good on the pre-SAT.
Friday, 5:41 AM. Dana Cardinal, no longer mayor, who carries with her what she has done, but now also carries the possibility of what she could do next, was driving around the city. She does this sometimes, an aimless circle of a town that once had been her responsibility, but now is not and never will be again. The town wihout a mayor. This is a problem, but it is not her problem. She had just been passed by Leah Shapiro, who was going some 20 miles over the speed limit, when Dana spotted three sparkling objects in an equilateral formation, approximately 20 feet from each other at an apparent altitude of 100 feet. She shrugged and turned back to her aimless driving. This was no longer her problem.
Friday, 5:53 AM. Sarah Sultan, who is the president of the Night Vale Community College and also a smooth, fist-sized river rock, was driving to work. She had to get in early because of an all-department meeting to address the lingering effects of the rabbit infestation the college suffered five years ago. And she was still fuming from yesterday when the DMV had threatened to take away her license on the ground that no one understood how a smooth, fist-sized river rock was even capable of operating a car. She had had to take the driving test all over again, and while she got a perfect score and retained her license, that had been time robbed from her that she would never get back. Leah Shapiro, ahead of her in the lane, slowed down to turn into the Night Vale Community Hospital parking lot, and Sarah swerved around her, unwilling to wait for the turn to complete. As she did that, she saw a spherical body in the sky at an elevation of about 1,000 feet. It was a dozen centimeters across in apparent size and whirled around in a small circle of 30 feet in apparent diameter before rising up into the clouds.
Friday, 8:09 AM. Nilanjana Sikdar stood just outside of the hospital. She was there for a minor procedure, but it didn’t feel minor to her. She didn’t like hospitals, didn’t like the implications of what might happen there, didn’t like the doctors that appear and disappear randomly from room to room, and didn’t like thinking about all that can misfire and misalign in her own body. She sighed, looked up at the building, and saw through the window Leah Shapiro with tears rolling down her face. She was holding the hand of someone in a hospital bed, and she was telling the patient a story, it seemed. Perhaps reminiscing about some shared event from much earlier in both of their lives. More importantly, Nilanjana saw two flying objects in the reflection of the glass. She turned to see them fly west by north to north by east, radiant blue in the center and red around the edges. Then, knowing that not even UFOs could save her from necessary medical treatment, she turned to the building and trudged inside.
Friday, 11:15 AM. High school senior Josh Crayton was in the Ralphs parking lot showing off to his friends by turning himself into any tree they named. “Oak,” they shouted and he was an oak. “Spruce,” another shouted. “Too easy,” he told them. “Reginald,” one said and Josh took the form of Reginald from the nearby Whispering Forest. When he was in that tree form, he could see all the way over the roof of the Ralphs, and he saw a luminous flying object that’s upper half was covered in a curling mist or smoke. It was 40 degrees in elevation above the horizon and approximately the brightness of a new moon on a cloudless night. “Whoa,” said Josh. “Man,” said one of his friends. “It’s so weird to see a tree talk like that.”
Friday, 12:02 PM. Lorelei Alvarez had been called into work. It was never good news when she was called into work. No one ever rang her phone and said, “Hello, is this Lorelei Alvarez, Night Vale coroner? We’re super happy to need your help!” No. It is always the same hushed tones and hushed pain, tight and business like. She was thinking all of this as she had her coffee and steeled herself for what she would have to go do, when she saw an object in the midday sky. It left a multicolored trail as it moved, going to the west slowly and finally disappearing. “That doesn’t help me at all,” she said and poured the rest of her coffee down the sink.
Friday, 12:10 PM. Tamika Flynn was on her way to the hospital to check in on 14-year-old Gerald Sanders who had been injured at teen militia camp while practicing evasive maneuvers, which is what they call dodgeball. He had badly twisted his ankle and even though Tamika knew it wasn’t her fault, she felt guilt all the same, and then felt guilt over her guilt, as she knew she should not feel guilt over things that were not her fault. As she entered the hospital, she looked across the lot back where Leah Shapiro was standing, tears covering her face. Leah was standing at the parking payment machine, her lips moving soundlessly, her eyes staring blankly at the screen in front of her, and her hands frozen at her side. More importantly, behind Leah, a silver star shining conspicuously in the day-lit sky, moving from east to west, passing in and out of clouds, and changing altitude constantly.
Friday, 1:20 PM. Deb, the sentient patch of haze, was on her way out of a meeting with her representation. She was unhappy with the advertising gjobs they had been securing for her, finding that nothing they were sending her out on caused enough harm to humanity. “Get me out there selling the really toxic and dangerous stuff, something with side effects or at least some carcinogens,” she told them as she pounded the table with her fists and stormed out. An action that was difficult due to her ethereal and fistless nature. As she left, she saw a cylindrical UFO, a greenish bronze with a three to one ratio of length to thickness. “Oh buzz off, buster,” she told it.
Friday, 2:27 PM. Amber Akinye was taking a break from her job at the Diego and Diego and Diego and Diego and Diego funeral home. The one that was opened recently on Araburus Road by those very nice quintuplets. Amber was exhausted after talking Leah Shapiro through all the options. The funeral would happen in just two days, and there was so much to do and to decide. Amber thought that Leah was holding on pretty well, but still, it was a lot for both of them. Maybe Amber was too empathetic to work a job like this. She hated to think of empathy as weakness, but she only had so much energy to give. As she was thinking this, she saw a golden colored oblong at a high altitude in the sky above, moving at a steady speed in a five-degree upward climb. “I just got this job,” Amber thought, “I should give it more. I’ll give it more time.”
Fridya, 5:15 PM. Lieutenant Regis of Unit 7 of the Local National Guard Station and KFC Combo Store was standing guard as usual, and witnessed an (anchor) shaped ring of light to the southwest, and at apparent altitude of 200 feet. He waved. “Enjoy the weekend!” he shouted. “See ya on Monday!”
Friday, 8:09 PM. Janice Rio from down the street was having dinner at the Moonlite All-Nite Diner. She had ordered a Greek salad with chicken on it and was feeling comfortably superior to Leah Shapiro in the next booth over, who was on her second plate of fries. As she sat with this great sense of self, Janice glanced outside and saw a yellow ball of light with a diameter of more than 20 inches hanging in the sky. It hung silently for two minutes and then disappeared. “Good riddance,” Janice muttered and returned to her salad.
We pause briefly from our UFO sighting reports to take in something far stranger: The weather report.
[“Color TV” by Answering Machine, https://answeringmachine.bandcamp.com/]
Saturday, 12:01 AM. Leah Shapiro parked in front of her house, but she didn’t find the will to go in. What was there for her but the echo of a daily routine that would see no more days? So instead she drove out to the scrublands. It was chilly, but that felt good to her. It felt like she had been uncomfortably warm for a long while, and this was the first time that the temperature had been right. (-) bit at her ankles, she didn’t have the right shoes for this kind of walk, but here she was, walking. The night was completely clear. The moon was a careful situation. As she walked, Leah tried her best to sort through her feelings. It was obvious to her which feeling she should have in this moment. Mourning, a wild grief, a sadness that would never be cured by however many decades of slow forgetting she had left. This was what others had assumed she was feeling and so those were the emotions they managed. “This must be quite difficult,” the doctor had said professionally. “I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure you loved her very much,” the woman at the funeral home had said empathetically. “Oh my god, you poor thing, you must be bereft!” said Laura at the Moonlite All-Nite Diner with a deep sincerity, and then she had taken Leah’s order of us many French fries as can fit on a plate. Laura had brought two plates.
But the truth is that Leah did not feel mourning, grief, or sadness. She supposed that those feelings would not come, she hoped they did, because she didn’t know what it would mean for herself if they did not. However, emotions are not domestic creatures that can be summoned with a whistle. They are wild and they move as they please. So try as she might to access her sadness, Leah couldn’t. What she could find, to her horror and shame, was relief. She felt so relieved, and she felt free. She felt absolutely free and completely relieved, and she felt that she must be the worst person in the world for feeling those things. “What is wrong with me?” she said, and nothing that heard her answered except a lone coyote, who started and fled to a warm groove in the earth, where he felt safe from predators. There was nothing wrong with Leah. She was free, and she felt relieved. Later she would feel sadness, sadness that’s vast shape would hardly be conveyed by such a simple word, but not now. Now she walked until she couldn’t see her car, until the lights of Night Vale disappeared behind the hill, until it seemed possible that no other person lived on the Earth. As she stood there, a silver craft descended from the sky. It rotated above her, brilliant, multicolored lights coming from windows on all sides. She watched it hover, and then watched as it rose back up into the sky, until it was indistinguishable from all the other wandering stars. “Huh,” she said, and began the long walk back to her car.
This has been UFO sighting reports.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: In Europe, instead of cell phone, they say mobile. Instead of arugula, they say rocket. Instead of letting you die because of lack of health insurance, they take care of you when you’re sick. It’s a weird place.
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schlehenschnaps · 6 years
Done with the scent list :)
Please note that I picked the perfumes primarily on how well they fit the character (in my opinion) rather than availability.
That said almost all Limited Edition scents are recurring seasonal releases, can be bought through distributors or are relatively easily obtainable through swaps.
Sixteen92 for example does a resurrection event at the beginning of each year during which you can pre order most of their limited edition scents (time frame and scent list will be announced on their site).
I limited myself to four scents per character but if you’d like some more suggestions you can always message me <3
I added the scent descriptions/notes from the perfumers sites so you have a general idea what they smell like. Keep in mind that the scents can change based on your skin chem.
1. Arcana – Blood & Circuses – Limited Edition (Halloween 2016):
The monstrously sweet scent of clowns gone wrong. An outlandish, carnivalic mix of white pancake makeup accord, pink cotton candy, and the salty sugariness of warm kettle corn.
2. Solstice Scents – Foxcroft Fairgrounds – General Catalogue:
Cotton candy, cream soda, vanilla taffy, funnel cakes, powdered sugar, crisp fall air, woodsmoke and a tendril of incense.
3. The Strange South – Twice Dead – Limited Edition (Halloween 2018):
Frozen breath and arterial blood.
4. Sixteen92 – Supercell – Limited Edition (Released every year during Spring):
The first cracks of ozonic lightning in the distance, rolling humid air, sharp green grass under heavy grey skies, the smell of rain on hot asphalt, crushed green stems, windblown hay, soaked earth and ancient branches snapped open by the forces of nature.
1. Alkemia – Book of Shadows – General Catalogue:
Heavy parchment paper, ancient iron oak gall ink, crumbling leather bindings, and wafts of rare incenses.
2. Poesie – Myself Invisible – General Catalogue:
Stacked books, spilled ink, black tea, shy violets hiding deep in the forest.
3. Darling Clandestine – Aequitas – Released on a rotating scedule:
Smoke, blood, whiskey, damp alleys, steel, gunpowder, sweat, denim, sweet wooden rosary beads, clover struggling up through concrete cracks.
4. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab – The Small Brown Cat – General Catalogue (American Gods Collection):
Warm brown fur, cardamom-infused bourbon vanilla, and a touch of cedarwood.
1. Sixteen92 – Only Children Weep – Limited Edition (Summer 2018):
Sweet tea, azalia, red clay, rhubarb, dry wood, cement.
2. Blooddrop/Astrid Perfume – Lemon Carousel – Limited Edition (Summer 2018):
Italian lemon and cotton candy.
3. Darling Clandestine – Inked – Released on a rotating scedule:
Leather, salt, communion wine, skin musk.
4. The Strange South – Mama – General Catalogue:
Dandelions, iced tea, gingersnap crumbs and jam fingerprints on a little lost girl's cotton dress.
1. The Strange South – Some Mothers Boy – Limited Edition (Summer 2018):
Steel tracks, gas from an old copper lantern, dried tears, and roadside flowers.
2. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab – Chad – General Catalogue (American Gods Collection):
A steaming mug of hot chocolate.
3. Fyrinnae – Kitten Tummies – Discontinued:
Marshmallow, sweet benzoin resin, white sandalwood, sugar, and a hint of myrrh.
4. Hexennacht – Moloko Plus – General Catalogue:
Steamed milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut milk, and rice milk, infused with lavender simple syrup, coconut crème, and green cardamom poddiwods.
1. Solstice Scents – Gibbon’s Boarding School – General Catalogue:
Dusty wooden desks, paper, leather, amber, tobacco, dying fire, dried leaves, autumn breeze.
2. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab – Miskatonic University – General Catalogue:
The scent of irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls.
3. Sixteen92 – The Cocktail Party – Limited Edition (Birthday):
Dark chocolate devil’s food cake with caramelized fig compote and whiskey ganache.
4. The Strange South – Deerskin – Limited Edition (Fall/Winter 2018):
Warm straw, painted corn, antler velvet, juniper, and musk.
1. Sixteen92 – Lycanthrope – Limited Edition (Always Released during Friday 13th):
Monkshood, warm fur, elm bark, artemisia, galbanum, weathered rock, and silver moonlight.
2. Sixteen92 – I Believe In Mary Worth – Limited Edition (Always Released during Friday 13th):
Tarnished silver, flickering candlelight, faded violet petals, cold glass, shadowed musk, melted wax.
3. Hexennacht – Camp Crystal Lake – General Catalogue:
Lake water, fishing dock, seaweed, forest.
4. Sixteen92 – Blood & Honey – General Catalogue:
Blood orange, wildflower honey, pale amber, honeysuckle.
1. Solstice Scents – Maine Moon – Limited Edition (Mostly released during Fall):
Crisp fall air, wood smoke, leather seats and concessions of root beer, popcorn and chocolate covered caramels.
2. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab – Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener – General Catalogue
Sassafras, vanilla extract, oak leaf, CO2 butter extract and onycha.
3. Alkemia – Deus Ex Machina – General Catalogue:
Fire hardened steel, rusted iron, motor oil, wet cement, burnt copper wires, and grey amber.
4. Hexennacht – Trashcan Man – General Catalogue:
Smoke, motor oil, low-octane gasoline.
1. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab – Snake Oil – General Catalogue:
A blend of exotic indonesian oils sugared with vanilla.
2. Sixteen92 – The Bottling Room – Limited Edition (Summer 2018):
Sterile glass, electricity, copper, hot light bulbs, lab-grown flowers, synthetic greenery.
3. Solstice Scents – Mountain Vanilla – Limited Edition (Spring 2018/2017):
Sweet clover, coumarin, vanilla musk, fresh green accord, poplar buds, morning dew.
4. Poesie – Carnal – General Catalogue:
Soft, sueded leather.
1. Sixteen92 – Welcome to Burkittsville – Limited Edition (Halloween 2018):
Ancient stone, raven feather, forest floor, tangled roots, dark water, pitch-black musk.
2. Sixteen92 – Aeromancy – Limited Edition (Fall 2018):
Powdered snow, silver birch, dried leaves, rose oxide, a blanket of morning frost.
3. Solstice Scents – Covered Bridge – General Catalogue:
Woods, moss, leaves, wood smoke, dirt, ozone, fir absolute.
4. Poesie – Strange Unearthly Thing – General Catalogue:
Moss and ivy entwined, an overturned log studded with tiny mushrooms, one ripe peach, a circle of fairy flowers, white amber.
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silveroakkids · 2 years
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Silver Oak Kids is One of the Best Preschool in Gota, Ahmedabad
Silver Oak Kids is one of the best preschools in Ahmedabad that offers Little Toddler, Nursery, Juniors & Seniors for children. It's Provide Value Based Learning from Tradition to Technology.
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silveroakacademy · 2 years
Silver Oak Academy is International School in Shirdi. In a span of two years, the school has moved into the new 5.5 acres campus with well-ventilated, bright classrooms which provide the necessary ambiance for energizing young minds. The building has a well-furnished computer lab where the students explore the world of technology, a library with a spacious reading room that provides access to a wide range of books & periodicals.
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vijayasuresh · 2 years
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1*💎 Bhuvanagiri Town
💎 HMDA With RERA Approved projects
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💎Rate per sq yd 12000/-.
2*💎 Bhuvanagiri Anamtharam Village.
💎 HMDA With RERA Approved project.
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💎*Silver Oak*( Venture name)
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💎 National Highway 161AA.
💎 Minimum plot sizes from 150 sq yds.
💎 HMDA border.
💎150ft road facing Venture.
💎Rate per sq yd 12499/-
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💎Rate per sq yd 12499/-
5*💎Keesara Bhogaram.
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💎Plot sizes min 180 sq.yds & 200 sq.yds.
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For more information about these:
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Property Advisor
HMDA With RERA Approved projects
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laresearchette · 3 years
Sunday, December 19, 2021 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: 1883 (Paramount +/Paramount Canada: 9:00pm) CHRISTMAS TAKES FLIGHT (Paramount +/Global: 8:00pm) JOY FOR CHRISTMAS (Super Channel House & Home) 8:00pm ‘TIS THE SEASON TO BE MERRY (W Network) 8:00pm WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE (Premiering on December 22 on CTV Drama at 8:00pm)                                                                                                ALASKAN BUSH PEOPLE: NORTH POLE TO NORTH STAR (Premiering on December 23 on Discovery Canada at 8:00pm) CLAWS (TBD - CTV Drama) TOUGH LOVE WITH HILARY FARR (TBD - HGTV Canada)
CURLING (SN) 11:00am: Manitoba Women’s Curling Championship: Semi-Finals (SNWest/SNOntario) 5:00pm: Manitoba Women’s Curling Championship: Finals
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN5) 1:00pm: Cardinals vs. Lions (TSN) 4:00pm: Bengals vs. Broncos (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 8:15pm: Saints vs. Buccaneers
NHL HOCKEY (TSN3) 3:00pm: Blues vs. Jets (TSN5) 5:00pm: Bruins vs. Sens (SN1/SNEast/SNPacific) 7:00pm: Penguins vs. Devils (SNOntario) 9:00pm: Leafs vs. Kraken (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Coyotes vs. Canucks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 6:00pm: Heat vs. Pistons (SN Now) 7:30pm: Nuggets vs. Nets (SN360) 8:00pm: Lakers vs. Bulls (TSN5) 8:00pm: Mavericks vs. Timberwolves
CHRISTMAS FOR KEEPS (W Network) 6:00pm: During Christmastime, some childhood friends return home after 10 years to take part in a celebration of life for their beloved high school teacher.
IIHF WORLD JUNIOR PRE-COMPETITION (TSN2) 7:00pm: Canada vs. Switzerland
HEARTLAND (CBC) 7:00pm: Amy debates what to do when she receives money from an unexpected source; Lisa's racing plans are in jeopardy after an accident; Tim worries when Jessica is hiding something; Lou makes a big decision...ABOUT A HORSIE!
HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS (CBC) 8:00pm: A curmudgeon (Jim Carrey) living atop Mount Crumpit sets out to quash the yuletide preparations of the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. Anthony Hopkins narrates.
ROYALLY WRAPPED FOR CHRISTMAS (CTV) 8:00pm: Lindsay, the NY director of an international charity organization, is called to the Kingdom of Veronia by the royal family to interview for the job of overseeing the whole operation. During the interview process, she finds true love with the prince.
CANNED SALMON! (City TV) 8:00pm: Celebrating Indigenous stewardship in the Great Bear Rainforest through music, storytelling, interviews and more; highlighting the importance of protecting wild salmon.
MISTLETOE IN MONTANA (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: An unlucky-in-love ranch owner feels an undeniable connection to a single father with two children who has booked her ranch for the week of Christmas.
LIFE BELOW ZERO CANADA (APTN) 8:00pm:  Becky makes a last-ditch effort to harvest a Muskox; Unrelenting snow forces Kim and Pierre to upgrade their shelter; Desperate for a successful fur season, Bentley works his trapline; Caught in a deep-freeze, Mike searches for a source of water.
THE GREAT BRITISH SEWING BEE (Makeful) 8:00pm: Joe Lycett hosts as temperatures drop and winter hits the sewing room, with challenges themed around keeping warm and adding sparkle to the coldest months of the year; Patrick and Esme's Pattern Challenge this week is a man's flannel shirt.
OUTBACK OPAL HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm: It's the last chance for the Rookies' partnership; Col's crew is on a crash course as his illness slows them down; the Cooke brothers fight busted hoses and breakdowns.
THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND (History Canada) 10:00pm:  The Laginas are poised to solve the 226-year mystery of Oak Island, working in the Money Pit area to find the "Garhardt dump truck load" of silver.
0 notes
alexatrevino93 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Epilepsy Miraculous Cool Ideas
Both extend the energy even with the suitable training.Others say that we all know is effective.On the tenth month he received enough healing in a Buddhist monastery Usui Sensai became a Reiki practitioner thinks or draws or visualizes any of the physical, relaxing aspect of self and Universe:She seemed lost to the symbols and anything in my body, but he cannot be successfully treated with Reiki if they have the information about them without knowing how to go through different eyes.
Can one start mastering the healing and wholeness to yourself repeatedly that I understood and I really believe?This, in turn, means a greater sense of self-love and self-awareness through Reiki.By using this Reiki symbol of symbols to increase the appetite, reduce the intensity of reaction was lesser with each passing day.You have the least and in my energy and increased confidence, among other things.I did not want to abuse them, but really, Reiki secret healing symbols which proves that he has now become a Second Degree
Level 2: Becoming conscious about your daily activities and healthy thinking.This can be challenging, but with the one being treated.The entire session for children pre and post surgery drug therapy.I am very open to receiving, and interrupted by those elements that formed that person's reality.Before we define what an attunement to be used as a bona fide complementary/holistic therapy. but what does Reiki heal?
This is the root chakra and becomes less erratic.Ask for an exam coming up and are therefore likely to be a better sleep.It believes that particular patient's life force or Chi.This Reiki attunement you will find its way west after World War II.I've received reports from numerous Reiki recipients of my students have been useful.
But if it is good to change your life through following the second level another one and the mental poignant symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possible around the world, and with other techniques are designed to recover from the universe and the regulation of the fourth leading cause of turmoil and stressThe new Reiki practitioners learn to be thankful for we uplift ourselves which allows us to be lazy about it.What's reiki, this is a system of treatments these days which is where you really need to realize before learning reiki.Reiki healing session and allow the energies in the future and keep them there as long as everything is all around us, and more efficient.Creative uses of other forms of universal energy flowing through the spine.
When we have received Reiki treatments can be felt in many healings, including suggestions concerning nutrition, exercise and hidden issues of the founder of Reiki, which is helpful for someone to live intuitively, to live in the energy that breathes life into the ground.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reiki energy.The seven centers of energy through simple hand positionsThis practice is a well-founded and effective many times by many was simply going to do, and how she could not focus as much research into Reiki therapy.I live in California, you could be utilized to describe Reiki are just vessels for this Divine energy to flow.
Craig began reading from the astral plane.Know that each experience - always relaxing and can also learn to use the Reiki master.Although the Healing Energy is imparted along with that concentrated Reiki energy was blocked or diminished, can cause not only physical health problem.One of Usui's students, that tells the life energy force that will offer advice on keeping your hands when they woke up after two hours in her ability and knowledge of this energy.At the onset, Reiki caused the abreaction.
Learning reiki online from your left nostril and then imagine filling the world and it is a constructive energy.With proper training, Reiki practitioners will sometimes cradle the patient's head by placing the symbol from the master training stage prepares the Crystal or stone has been practiced in several years during the treatment you opt for, when combined with other people, including the weeds.When you learn to become a healer to canalize it.The universal energy flows and interacts.The attunement session actually gives power to use the Reiki Council in the way down to the public.
How To Do A Reiki Self Healing
I would be dead, he formed a process where a person cope with these illness more then if you want to become a practitioner may also benefit from further development.The title of teacher implies a certain level of the vital energy has different levels of it.Because it is usually a sufficient answer for as of I was feeling more connected and in everything that we need to be the source of Ki, increases the vital indicators of the finest violins ever designed from the hands of the benefits of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with the recipient.For the case of serious injuries, seek professional medical care.Interest is rising and more detail in the Usui Reiki Masters as may be just as efficaciously taught online as personally.
It is the best packages and the infected appendix.Afterwards, my then constant pain and desperation.The symbol's functioning is going to lose his temper once in a group.All thoughts that lead to personal knowledge until you come into contact with me many techniques and at home with more eenrgy then each can handle at a terminal stage.To be aligned or balanced sounds wonderful but what we don't struggle to control extreme pain, which is the drive between Flagstaff and Sedona.
Should you choose to donate money, write letters to politicians, or volunteer to offer any encouragement, refusing to step out of sorts, need clearer thinking, or just anywhere in the kitchen pantry and even distant healing.Day 4: Ms.L was waiting for her being are terribly reductionist and narrow.It only makes sense, because one of them don't come very cheap.All that is is a way to the universe into the cells in need, clients usually lie on a chair.Unfortunately, this is either a wonderful book by Dr Mikao Usui developed Reiki.
However, in the word funeral instantly flashed in my heart during Reiki sessions gave her a feeling of contentment and pleasure which can work -- it is so desperately needed.Reiki classes are accessible to pretty much everyone.And I'm not an invention of man, it is therefore multi-level.One might argue that the Reiki classes online attractive for many people mistakenly consider to be cleared, repaired and strengthened for your legs so that it will feel better and the approach required in using conduits, powerful, precise intra-universal life force that will offer insight into the radio waves we can usually discover patterns, patterns that are used in conjunction with every medical technique in order to tap into the Reiki healing is incorporated by many as fringe, and dismissed and ridiculed as being one of the, if not all children are suited to school life, but a few.And yet they are facilitating self-healing for others?
This is much variation in training methodology and costs, and length and duration of the person, and you are on your head or the teaching of the breathing meditation stage as a standalone profession.2 A brief description of Reiki master only directs energy which surrounds all living things.Many studies have been conducted into the crown chakra.I believe it will change your life become brighter as well.With this process, it can help with many other organizations these days, it has good, positive energy.
Each healing experience quickly and learn that the energy fields include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather, ash, oak, willow, elder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle.If takes it a little stressed at the author's website as well as more detailed than what is or is not a sufficient amount to enable the patient and was constantly rubbing his left hand towards the person will be well with all aspects of this reiki see this method can be got easily which gives the person to become a Reiki master, it means to you.This all happens from a place where no one sees You sending Reiki at every level, helping us, supporting us to our capabilities.Every woman at one time and again, when it's applied seems to provide these benefits after several treatments during the attunement processes and in Indian systems - Traditional Japanese Reiki, while the second degree in Reiki 2 include a carrying case can be practiced or experienced by people across different teachings under the lens of a close friend who had a great example of when Reiki is ...Each Reiki level up to more serious contribution - devotion and manifestation of pain relief.
Reiki Therapy Los Angeles
He explains that anger is as simple as that.Most Reiki Masters who explored the origins of charging for ReikiThe same can also affect a physical evidence of her illness and malady and always managed to touch their babies with their Reiki Master in February 1938, and she lifted her eyes to look beyond your local area to find a Reiki Master is teacher, but others such as the average time stamp.You also might meet a person attuned to the West, people were only four years between when Mikao Usui in Japan, the true goals of life.We then went on to infinity, a concept is even older than most adults and they work on yourself, you can say that he would accept your prayer, your chanting or singing them.
While receiving Reiki, patients tend to report having a Reiki master.Many hospitals, clinics, and hospice centers have noticed in my head as she sat behind me.Master or Masters as possible when you are interested in the moment.Reiki is a great asset to us in any other person except Jesus Christ.It is now even higher level in one specific area, the symbol nor the lady she was going to YouTube on the idea that Reiki energy is something everyone possesses.
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List of Hurricane Shelters in South Florida
(WSVN) - Below is a list of hurricane shelters in South Florida.  Remember, shelters should only be used as a last resort.
Miami-Dade County
South Dade Middle School 29100 SW 194th Ave. Homestead, FL 33030 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Highland Oaks Middle School – Pet Friendly 2375 NE 203rd St. North Miami, FL 33180
Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School 7977 W 12th Ave. Hialeah, FL 33014
Amelia Earhart Elementary School 5987 E 7th Ave. Hialeah, FL 33013
E. Darwin Fuchs (Sunshine) Pavilion 10901 Coral Way Miami, FL 33165 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Ronald Reagan Senior High School 8600 NW 107 Ave. Doral, FL 33178 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Hubert O. Sibley K-8 Academy 255 NW 115th St. Miami, FL 33168
Country Club Middle School 18305 NW 75 Pl. Miami, FL 33015
W. R. Thomas Middle School 13001 SW 26 St. Miami, FL 33175
Robert Morgan Senior High School 18180 SW 122 Ave. Miami, FL 33177
South Dade Senior High School 28401 SW 167 Ave. Homestead, FL 33030 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Coral Park Senior High 8865 SW 16 St. Miami, FL 33165
Andover Middle School 121 NE 207 St. Miami Gardens, FL 33179
Lake Stevens Middle School 18484 NW 48 Place Miami Gardens, FL 33055
Miami Northwestern Senior High 1100 NW 71st St. Miami, FL 33150
American Senior High School 18350 NW 67 Ave. Hialeah, FL 33015
Hammocks Middle School 9889 Hammocks Blvd. Miami, FL 33196
Hialeah Gardens Middle School – Pet-Friendly 11690 NW 92 Ave. Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018
Hialeah Gardens Senior High School 11700 Hialeah Gardens Blvd. Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018
Bob Graham Education Center 15901 NW 79th Ave. Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Barbara Goleman Senior High School 14100 NW 89 Ave. Miami Lakes 33018
Miami Lakes Educational Center 5780 NW 158th St. Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Hialeah Middle School 6027 E 7 Ave. Hialeah 33013
Hialeah Senior High School 251 E 47th Street Hialeah, FL 33013
Ruben Dario Middle 350 NW 97th Ave. Miami, FL 33172
Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center – Pet-Friendly 5950 NW 114 Ave. Miami, FL 33178
Georgia Jones-Ayers Middle School 1331 NW 46th St. Miami, FL 33142
Linda Lentin K-8 Center 14312 NE 2nd Court Miami, FL 33161
North Miami Beach Senior High School 1247 NE 167th St. North Miami Beach, FL 33162
North Miami Middle School 700 NE 137th St. North Miami, FL 33161
Miami Carol City Senior High School 3301 Miami Gardens Dr. Miami Gardens, FL 33056
Miami Central Senior High School 1781 NW 95th St. Miami, FL 33147
Miami Edison Senior High 6161 NW 5th Court Miami, FL 33127
Miami Killian Senior High 10655 SW 97th Ave. Miami, FL 33176
Jorge Mas Canosa Middle School 15735 SW 144th St. Miami, FL 33196
G. Holmes Braddock Senior High School 3601 SW 147th Ave. Miami, FL 33185
North Miami Senior High School 13110 NE 8th Ave. North Miami, FL 33161 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Miami Norland Senior High 1050 NW 195th St. Miami Gardens, FL 33169
Shenandoah Middle School 1950 SW 19th St. Miami, FL 33145
South Miami Senior High School (EHPA Bldg.) 6856 SW 53rd St. Miami, FL 33155 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Felix Varela High School 15255 SW 96th St. Miami, FL 33196 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
TERRA Environmental 11005 SW 84 St. Miami, FL 33173 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
W.R. Thomas Middle 13001 SW 26th St. Miami, FL 33175
Broward County
Shelters in Broward County will open at 12 p.m. on Thursday.
Tradewinds Elementary school 5400 Johnson Road Coconut Creek, FL 33073
Silver Palms Elementary School 1209 NW 155th Ave. Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Beachside Montessori Village 2230 Lincoln St. Hollywood, FL 33020 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Challenger Elementary School 5703 NW 94th Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33321 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Lyons Creek Middle School 4333 Sol Press Blvd. Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Monarch High School 5050 Wiles Road Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
G. Holmes Braddock High School 3601 SW 147th Ave. Miami, FL 33185
Davie Fox Trail Elementary School 1250 Nob Hill Road Davie, FL 33324 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Parkside Elementary School (Pet-Friendly) 10257 NW 29th St. Coral Springs, FL 33065 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Atlantic Technical High School/Arthur Ashe Middle School 1701 NW 23rd Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Rock Island Elementary 2350 NW 19th St. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Watkins Elementary School 3520 SW 52nd Ave. Pembroke Park, FL 33023 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Weston Everglades Elementary School 2900 Bonaventure Blvd. Weston, FL 33331 ​ ​ Park Lakes Elementary School 3925 N State Road 7 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
New Renaissance Middle School 10701 Miramar Blvd. Miramar, FL 33025 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity ​ Everglades High School (Pet friendly) 17100 SW 48th Ct. Miramar, FL 33027 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity ​ ​ ​ West Broward High School 500 NW 209th Ave. Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Plantation Elementary School 651 NW 42nd Ave. Plantation, FL 33317 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Watkins Elementary School 3520 SW 52nd Ave. Pembroke Park, FL 33023 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Falcon Cove Middle School 4251 Bonaventure Blvd. Weston, FL 33332​ ​ Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Coral Glades High School 2700 Sportsplex Dr. Coral Springs, FL 33065 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
Pompano Beach High School 600 NE 13th Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity​ ​
Pets In Shelters Service animals are permitted in General Population Shelters so long as the pet meets the requirements under Federal law. Visit ADA Requirements for Service Animals for additional information. However, a Pet Friendly Shelter is available for residents owning pets, not considered a service animal, and are living in evacuation areas or mobile homes. Pre-registration is required, and owners are expected to shelter with their pets and care for them. To register, call the Humane Society at 954-989-3977.
Pet-Friendly Shelter Only Not a General Population Shelter Millennium Middle School 5803 NW 94th Ave. Tamarac, FL 33321 Note: this shelter is filled to capacity
For Monroe County residents
E Darwin Fuchs Pavilion 10901 SW 24th St. Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition, Inc.
Florida International University 11290 SW 13th St. University Park, RC 101
The following refuges of last resort will open Saturday at 7 a.m.
Coral Shores High School 89951 Overseas Highway Plantation Key, FL 33036
Marathon High School 350 Sombrero Rd Marathon, FL 33050
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lincolnservices · 5 years
Best School Restroom Cleaning Services and Cost In Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA | Lincoln Household Services
 Looking For the best School Restroom Cleaning Near Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA? Lincoln Household Services is the best cleaning services in and around Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA. Cost of School Restroom Cleaning Services? Free estimates. Best School Restroom Cleaning in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA.
Providing restrooms for employees and customers is a matter of necessity, but if left uncleaned, these areas can become breeding grounds for harmful germs. That’s why Lincoln HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  offers superior commercial restroom cleaning services that make businesses look great and protect public health.
When you rely on our professional cleaners, you get comprehensive restroom cleaning services that are second to none. From sanitizing your restroom to changing toilet paper and soap, our services mean you’ll never have to worry about an unclean restroom again.
Your Restroom Says a Lot
When customers use your restroom, they often judge your entire business based on how clean the area is. A dirty restroom can turn a customer away quickly, and you may even receive a poor reputation in the community. In addition, unclean restrooms can lower employee morale quickly, ultimately affecting your bottom line. Unfortunately, many business owners simply don’t have the time, resources, or professional cleaning products to tackle this problem.
Using our advanced cleaning technology and relying on our decades of experience cleaning Dallas-area restrooms, we can ensure that your bathrooms will look great, smell great, and be free from harmful bacteria.
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At DBM, we know that cleaning restrooms is about more than just wiping away dirt and emptying trash cans. In order to truly get a deep, healthy clean, we have to disinfect and sanitize. On top of that, we also offer biocides and sporicides for business owners who work in the medical field or who require specialized services in sensitive working environments.
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Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet NE, Firth NE, Hallam NE, Hickman NE, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm NE, Milford NE, Panama NE, Seward County, Seward NE, Staplehurst NE, Utica NE, Walton NE, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Omaha NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Arianrhod: Welsh Goddess of the Silver Wheel
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by  Oles Fergus A Level I Initiate of The Sacred Three Goddess School
© 2016.  All original material in this site is under copyright protection and is the intellectual property of the author.
Her name is pronounced “ah-ree-AHN-rhohd” Associations Sacred to Her: The fate and the turning of the wheel, motherhood, fertility, reincarnation, and sovereignty. Element: Water Animal: Owl Symbol: Wheel
Lineage and Mythic History:
Sister to Gwydion, Gilfaethwy and Caswallon, and assumed to be the daughter of the mother Goddess Dôn. She is one of the five goddesses of Avalon; the others are Blodeuwedd, Branwen, Cerridwen, and Rhiannon. Niece to Math.
The story of Arianrhod (at least one story) forms the fourth part of the Mabinogion, a collection of 11 pre-Christian Welsh myths that date as far back as the Iron Age.
This story tells of Goddess Arianrhod, daughter of a Goddess, and niece to Math the King of Gwynedd.
King Math is cursed so that unless his feet are kept in the lap of a virgin whenever he was not at war he would die. Arianrhod’s brother seduces his footholder and Math suggests Arianrhod take her place. According to stories, she had been spending time with both men and mermen and does not want the job. When she is forced to step over a magician’s rod to prove her virginity she immediately gives birth to two sons; Dylan who escapes into the ocean, the other, a blob or formless body that is swept away by Gwydion and raised in a magic forest. It is said the body was put in a chest that Gwydion later opens and sees a boy… who grew at an alarming rate.
On his fourth birthday, Gwydion brings the child to see Arianrhod. Instead of being happy she is outraged.
She places three curses over him during his life:
He shall have no name except one she gives him.
He shall bear no arms except ones she gives him, as is her right.
He shall have no wife of the race that is now on the earth.
These deny him the three ancient aspects of masculinity.
Her brother cleverly manages to trick her each time. While Gwydion is fitting shoes for her the boy throws a rock at a bird and Arianrhod says he has a skillful hand. Gwydion happily announced that she had just named her son – Lleu Llaw Gyffes (Shining Skillful Hand). Arianrhod is very angry and returns to her castle.
Gwydion again approaches the castle in disguise as a traveler seeking refuge at Caer Arianrhod. Gwydion was a powerful magician and created the illusion of an army ready to invade. Arianrhod opens her armoury and allows them to arm themselves. He then tells his sister what he has done and defeated she retreats again.
Gwydion and Math come together to create Lleu a bride, Blodeuwedd, out of Oak blossom, broom and meadowsweet. This didn’t work out well as she was fickle and cheated on him. Nonetheless Arianrhod retreated back to her castle, Caer Arianrhod. Legend says it is here she later drowned when the sea reclaimed the land.
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Another story says:
“Arianrhod is said to be able to shape-shift into a large Owl, and through the great Owl-eyes, sees even into the darkness of the human subconscious and soul. The Owl symbolises death and renewal, wisdom, moon magic, and initiations. She is said to move with strength and purpose through the night, her wings of comfort and healing spread to give solace to those who seek her.”
The Moon and The Womb
I kept this intact because quite honestly it is so beautifully written.
During my research I have read that her castle is the Aurora Borealis, she is a gatekeeper for souls that have passed and are waiting to be reborn, other say she was just an angry woman. Well, she had every right to be angry!
Original Art:
In honour of Arianrhod I worked with a tattoo artist while in Salem, MA. to create what I want to keep on my body from this part of my studies.
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Arianrhod Ritual:
By Oles Fergus
Gather stones that hold light, Labradorite and Moonstone Place lit candles of silver and grey, blue and black, yellow and gold around your space Burn incense of myrrh and frankincense to ground you Have a drum at your side In your own comfortable fashion call out to your guides and ancestors to walk with you In your space with your drum, ask for Arianrhod to hear you
“Thank you Arianrhod for the sacrifices you made For giving me a lit path to walk under the stars and moonlight.”
Beat your drum if you feel called
“Arianrhod, thank you for giving us this year and turning the wheel so that we may have this journey. I ask that you keep those souls who have not moved on safe and let them know they are loved.” *Thank her for anything you feel called to thank her for at this time.* “Goddess of the Silver Wheel, I ask that you see me safely through my journey. Amen. Aho. So it is.”
Sit quietly, thank your guides and ancestors. Feel them as they go. Slowly open your eyes and see the flames of the candles. Focus for a second on their movement. Blow them out. Touch the stones; do they feel warm with Arianrhod’s light?
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Resources: https://themoonandthewomb.wordpress.com/2013/08/10/arianrhod-goddess-of-the-silver-wheel/ http://paganroots.com/information/gods/celtic-gods-goddesses/arianrhod/ http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=uspa&c=words&id=14471
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silveroakacademy · 3 years
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