#simeon x fem reader
writer-komaru · 1 year
˚.* ꒰ঌ✦໒꒱ *.˚ Sin Soaked Silk .ೋ .ೃ˚, ੈ ׂׂ ೄ’
✧Rating: Smut
✧Characters: Simeon
✧Word Count: 4k
✧Summary: On one faithful evening while you and Simeon are hanging out in his room like normal, you notice the revealing clothes this supposed angel of has on. How ironic, you think. It would be a shame if… someone were to, well, run a hand over his exposed sides… maybe a finger down his lovely back… if he didn’t want to get touched, why does he keep everything out in the open, huh? Simeon has to just sit there and use all his strength he has to fight back against these impulses. What kind of angel would he be if he gave into sin? But… it’s just so tempting… Why must you be so alluring….?
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Times like this really made you appreciate the life you were blessed with. You, a normal human, were sitting in the bedroom of an Angel. Not metaphorically, a literal, real-life angel. But you were pretty used to it at this point. Ever since you discovered the worlds of Devildom and the Celestial Realm, you’ve been met with otherworldly encounters with strange beings one after the other, beings humans don’t even have the mental capacity to understand. But, as Solomon always told you, you were special. Your attention suddenly snapped back to Simeon as he gently tapped your thigh.
“Is everything alright, MC?” He asks kindly.
“Yeah I'm fine, just kinda got distracted. Anyways, what were we doing?” You turn your body to the right to face him.
He chuckles, “We weren’t doing anything in particular, but I can find something for us to do if you'd like,” He stands up and walks over to the large darkwood bookcase over in the corner of his dimly lit room. As he examines them, your eyes unintentionally fall on the exposed state of his back, just barely covered by the see-through material of his robe. His muscles were so defined, like an intricately sculpted marble statue. For an angel, you would have thought he’d do his best to cover up and look presentable in a formal sense, not wear the most scanty outfit known to mankind. You giggled to yourself as he returned carrying two identical books.
“You seem rather happy about something. Wanna tell me about it?” He smiled at you while laying one of the books on your lap.
“On, it’s nothing,” you stifle another giggle and pick up the hardcover book. The title reads, If the Orchid Petals Fall, in fancy, shiny letters. The cover is decorated with numerous ivory petals, surrounding the hunched figure of an angel, its wings seemingly transforming into the flurry of petals. It was quite a beautiful cover.
“What’s this book about?” You flip it over and admire the back.
“It’s something Micheal gifted me a while back. He told me it reminded him of me for some reason, but even after reading it on my own, I still can't quite understand his reasoning,” Simeon hums as he glances over the first few pages, “I thought maybe if we read it together I could get a second opinion and decipher what he was trying to tell me.”
“I see. Reading isn’t really my thing, but this book does sound pretty interesting. I’ll give it a shot,” You flash him a smile.
“Thank you kindly, MC. I do have to warn you, Micheal has a very… Interesting choice in books, and that doesn’t exclude this one. I think it would be best if I just wait here while you read,” He scratches the back of his neck shyly.
You raise an eyebrow, “What do you mean by interesting?”
“You'll soon discover for yourself,” A faint blush dusts his cheeks. You cock your head at him and continue reading. It isn't long before you discover what Simeon was hinting at. This book seems to be dealing with some very sinful topics for having such an innocent looking cover. The angel next to you peeks over at the page you’re on and immediately looks away, his blush only getting deeper. It’s almost amusing. Could this be Micheal’s plan all along; give Simeon an inappropriate book and tell him it has some special meaning so he has no choice but to read it over and over again? What a trickster…
“Maybe it would be best if we do something else, something we both can do together?” He laughs nervously and stands up, reaching out a hand to take back the book. You quickly finish the page you were on and give it back to him. As he puts it back on the shelf, a rather exciting idea comes to you. If Micheal really was doing this to prank Simeon, it wouldn’t hurt taking part, would it? He reaches up to the top shelf to insert the books in their rightful place, unknowingly flexing his back muscles all for your enjoyment. With a devious smirk, you slowly stalk up to him and run a light finger down the middle of his spine. A large shiver runs down his back as he releases a small gasp.
His head whips around to face you, “W-What was that for?”
“Hehehe, my bad. It was an accident,” you shrug it off.
“That didn’t seem like an accident,” he narrows his eyes and turns around to face you, “Are you playing some sort of prank on me?”
“Of course not, who do you take me for? Mammon?” You cross your arms confidently. Your eyes wander over his body, soon locking onto the small side windows his shirt can’t seem to cover up. He follows your eyes and tilts his head curiously.
“I gotta question, Simeon…” you slowly inch closer, causing him to inch back and lean against the bookcase, “Why do angels like to wear such immodest clothes?”
“That seems rather inappropriate, don’t you think?” He chuckles softly and looks away, unable to meet your determined gaze. He felt almost helpless.
“It’s an honest question. You and Raphael both seem to wear clothes that I thought were unbefitting of an Angel. Don’t you get in trouble or is it normal for an Angel to wear very little?” You lean closer to his ear, making his body twitch slightly.
“Well uh… it’s kind of a sign of purity for us angels to wear outfits that might be seen as… um… revealing. It’s not something I usually mind, to be honest, it’s a lot more comfortable than wearing large amounts of bulky clothes,” he smiles, sweating nervously.
“I see… I guess that makes sense. But it kinda leaves you a bit vulnerable, doesn’t it? What if someone came around and… did something like this,” you finally rest your hands on his tantalizing waist, causing him to let out a small, surprised gasp. He tried to flinch away from your touch, but you stayed persistent. That’s as until he peeled your soft hands off of him and held them on his own.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you but I can’t really allow you to t-touch me there,” he looks at you apologetically.
“And why not?” You whine, looking back to his gorgeously exposed skin.
“Because I’m an Angel. I’m not really allowed to engage in such private acts like that. It’s… uh…” his voice trails off as your hands slip out of his grasp and cup his face. It feels very warm, obviously caused by the wide blush on his cheeks.
“Come on, Simeon. Do you think I don’t see the blush you’re trying to ignore? You like this, don’t you?” You tease and rub your thumbs over his cheeks.
“I-it doesn’t really matter if I like it or not, it’s not allowed. In order to represent the goodwills of the celestial realm, all angels, no matter their rank, have to abide by the same rules. It’s our law,” his voice almost makes it sound like he’s begging you.
“But it’s just a small touch to your waist. Why is that so prohibited?” Your hands somehow find their way back to his sensitive sides, making him shiver yet again, “I’ve hugged you here many times before, why is this any different?”
“B-because this obviously is way different than a hug, this is… this is… this is dangerous,” he bites his lip and grabs your wrists to pull your hands away yet again.
“Why is it so dangerous? It’s just a touch~,” you whisper teasingly in his ear.
“You know what you’re doing. I told you, you can’t do this, it’s… ah…” he freezes as a small moan leaves him. Did he… did he really just? You smirk sinisterly, “Oh?~ what was that noise for?”
“I-it was nothing, now please, let go of me,” he tries even harder to get your teasing hands off his body, but it’s clearly unsuccessful. He gets more and more frantic as your fingers inch up his body.
“Ah! P-please, you can’t do this, if the higher ups find out I gave into something frivolous like this, I’ll get in so much trouble,” he begs and squirms under your touch. It felt so wrong, so clearly wrong. A pure angel like him being touched in such a risqué way like this, he had to do something before he made an even worse mistake.
Suddenly, you feel your hands yanked off his body as he darts out from the vulnerable position against the bookcase in a symphony of fluttering feathers. You look over to your left to see a very flustered Simeon racing for the door.
“Simeon, I wouldn't do that if I were you. If anyone else sees you like that, you’ll ask questions. And besides, I know you’ve got to be at least curious,” you state quickly in hopes to catch him in time before he escapes. He freezes yet again, you were clearly right. His breathing was ragged, his cheeks were stained wine red, his pupils were dilated. The only thing he could do was try to escape but risk bumping into someone else, or stay here with you and risk falling into your advances. But… your advances… Even though he knew it’s dangerous, he seemed rather intrigued. He weighs his options and reluctantly lets go of the door handle.
“Just… don’t go around telling any of the others about this. I don’t want to lose my position,” he sighs as he walks over to the couch and sits down.
“Fine with me. This can just stay between us,” you smile sweetly and rest a hand against his thigh. It was pretty exhilarating thinking that you’ll be this Angel’s first taste of something sinful. He looks at you with fearfully innocent eyes as you shift over onto his lap. You were so close, he swears he could almost feel your heartbeat. As your hands found purchase on his waist yet again, his mind called out to him. This was clearly wrong, clearly inappropriate for an Angel like him. He was supposed to be a being above desires and vices, he was supposed to set an example for humans and angels alike. Maybe, just maybe if he held out a bit longer, he could find another opening to escape. He could quickly run out of the door and hide out in the kitchen for a while until his aroused body finally calmed down. Yes, that’s just what he will do-
His thoughts dissolved like melted butter as your sinful fingers slid under his skin tight black shirt and by the gods did it set his souls alight. His breathing picked up as a whimper escaped his lips.
“Wha.. what… are you…” he could barely stammer out a complete sentence as your fingers inched further and further up. He looked completely dazed, biting his lip, eyes unforced, chest heaving. It was absolutely gorgeous.
“Oh? Has the pure angel Simeon lost the ability to speak already? Too lost in the feelings of desire?” You teased him. So cruel, worse than cruel; he was helpless and vulnerable under you and you were enjoying it. He felt weak, like such a weak angel for allowing a human to come onto him like this and even go so far as to enjoy it. His body was sending mixed messages to him, to both run away and give in at the same time.
“Ngh,” he gasps as he realizes how dangerously close your fingertips were getting to his chest. No, no no he can’t let this happen. If you touch him there, there’s absolutely no way he’s going to be able to fight back. His trembling hands try to reach up for your wrists.
“Please… don’t.. n-not there…” he begged with an airy voice.
“Shhhh pretty angel, just relax. There’s no use fighting this, just let me show you the world of pleasure you’ve been missing out on,” you smirk down at him, causing him to gulp nervously. Pleasure? H-he can’t, he can’t give in to one of the major deadly sins like pleasure. He has to be strong, for him, for his friends, for every being in the celestial realm.
He whines and tries to squirm free, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. Can't give into this, I’m an Angel, I’m an Angel, I’m an…” his eyes almost roll back as the pads of your fingers finally reach his delicate chest, gently swiping over his nipples. An elicit moan finally leaves his mouth as his brain turns to mush.
“See? Isn’t it good?” You coo and cup the expanses of his chest. Is this really what he’s been fighting against for oh how many years? This feeling… it’s euphoric… so strangely euphoric, like nothing this poor angel has ever felt. Why does it feel so good? It’s just his chest. Another louder whiny moan escapes him as you press harder.
“You really haven’t been touched anywhere like here before, have you? Have you been fighting it back or have you just never felt the urge to have these places touched?” You whisper vulgarly in his ear.
“Angels… are supposed… to suppress these feelings… never give in… or else it’s a sin…” he explains in between heavy breaths, “When I… would feel… like touching… I… would just read a book… until it goes away…”
“Aw, that sounds so annoying. Have you been close to giving in before?” You smirk as you give a small squeeze to his chest, delighted as the moan you're gifted with.
“Nghhh... hah… mhm. I’ve gotten… close… on days where uh… uh…” he stammers, looking away shyly.
“Come on, if you tell me the truth, I’ll reward you?” You coo to him. Reward…? That sounds interesting.
“Well uh… on days where I would feel… especially p-pent up, I… I would… sometimes have thoughts… of… someone… helping me with it…” he admits, clearly ashamed of himself for having such fantasies as an Angel.
“Ohhh?~ So you fantasize about someone coming along and relieving you of your impure urges?~” You hum fondly, a spark of excitement enters your mind. Could it be possible he had a…
“Would you like to tell me more about this particular idea?” You ask sweetly, rolling his hardened nipples in between your fingers.
“Aghh… hah… that feels… ah, a-anyways, it’s not really something I think I should say out loud. It’s rather… profane…” he mumbled with embarrassment. What kind of angel was he, being groped by a human and telling them his dirty fantasies? It’s so wrong but… something about the wrongness of it all causes him to twitch desperately in his tight slacks. Your eyes widen as you feel the twitch and press right against your backside.
“Hehehe, you’re a dirtier angel than I thought,” you tease as you squeeze his nipples, “Don’t tell me you like being touched like this? Does it excite you?” You tease as you give his nipples a light squeeze. His eyes shut tight as he whines.
“Mmm… I wonder. You’ve had your chances to escape and you’re definitely capable enough to overpower me, yet here you are, laying still as I taint your pure body. Why could that be…” you faint a curious expression as you tease the poor angel even further. You're pretty sure you know the reason why, but using the truth against him to exploit him a little more is far more interesting. You press your thumbs harshly against his nipples.
“Aghhhhh.. p-please…” he has no idea if he’s begging for you to be gentle or rougher.
“I think I’ll just let actions speak louder than words~” you smirk devilishly as you finally give an experimental grind of your hips down onto his aching erection. Simeon feels every nerve in his body light on fire with a burning passion, releasing an embarrassing loud moan as he grasps your waist. Your smirk widens as his lovely reaction; it was everything you could have hoped it would be. Desires of lust surge through his body, all the temptations he's resisted for millennia return to him full force to leave his poor, desperate body aching for relief.
“Mmmm someone’s pent up, look at how hard you are,” one of your hands sneaks down to pull down his white pants and expose his throbbing dick. He groans, it’s so fucking hard and leaking everywhere, it’s so embarrassing.
“You've been trying to resist it for so long, what would happen if I…” you sinisterly brush a finger over the tip as it twitches even harder.
“Aaghh… ahhh…” He moans.
“Oh? Did that feel good?” He coo.
“Ahhah… ahhh… y-yeah… d-damn… I can’t believe… this is happening…” he internally curses himself for falling victim to you. He watches weakly as your hand wraps around it and starts pumping him slowly. This feeling, oh gods, this feeling is something he’s dreamed about for so long. He knew he shouldn’t but having to ignore it for so long has put some rather perverted thoughts in his mind. And all those daydreams and fantasies were finally coming true. He couldn’t hide the goofy smile on his face as your hand squeezes harder.
“Hehehe~ I guess instead of fantasizing about an unknown face helping you with your urges, it will be my face instead,” you cooed, greeted with a deep groan in response.
“Oh? You like that? Like it when I say you’ll only be able to think of me and this moment from now on?” You chuckle as his hips jump up to catch your strokes. He nods, completely lost in the pleasure.
“Am I going to make you obsessed? Is that what it is?” You move your panties to the side as soon as his head leans back.
“Yeah… ahh… ah! Aghh?! W-wait, is that your?” He whines loudly as your dripping, gorgeous pussy rubs over his tip. He hates to say the lords name in vain but god fucking damn it… it felt so, so good. He wants to push in, he wants to feel it squeeze, he desperately wants to go in. His poor, one pure mind is only filled with thoughts and urges to sink his aching dick into your mouth-wateringly tight and wet pussy. He wants it, so, so bad, please, please give it to him. He doesn’t care what happens, he needs it too bad. And as soon as you grant his wishes and sit down on him, he keens. His nails dig into your hips as he thrusts into you like a desperate animal in rut. He doesn’t even know fully what he’s doing, he just needs to fuck, more than anything this world has to offer.
“Aghhh someone’s being eager, couldn’t even wait Ahh, a little bit longer. Aghh you’re so big… aghhh, just keep going,” you wrap your arms around his neck and ride his dick with all the strength you’ve been holding back, lifting your body up and sliding back down.
“Nghh- Hahh, Aaghhhh!!~” Simeon moans in between sobs and heavy pants, flipping you over so your face presses into the velvety couch and your ass is raised right into the air. You look so alluring, so vulnerable like that… he can’t control himself as he mounts you and pushes his twitching cock into your quivering pussy. He sobs and cries as he clings to your hips. Even if this stopped for just a second he thinks he might die. It’s just so good, so tight, so warm. He just needs more, more, more, he can’t help himself anymore.
“Aghhh please please please, I can’t stop, can’t stop!!~” he cries out as he goes impossibly faster, making your eyes roll back as he fucks right against your cervix. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he pushed in further and further, losing the last remaining traces of purity.
“I’m sorry… aghhhhh I-I’m sor… sorryyy… aghhhh!~” His voice cracks as he humps your pussy faster and faster, toes curling each time it squeezes around him. Could this be the message the book was trying to give him? What kind of message even was this? He doesn’t even know anymore, all he knows is he needs to keep thrusting into you until his desires finally relax.
Little did he know this was just the start of it all. He realized it as soon as his hot cum stained the walls of your cunt. This wouldn't be enough for him. It would never be enough. He fucked you over and over and over again, on almost every since surface he could find in his room, trying to relieve the prominent desire that itched just below his skin. He just couldn’t stop, the poor angel was completely enthralled by you, he just couldn’t control it. As your blurry eyes, aching with tears looked back up at the once sweet face that would always smile back at you, you instead saw a darkened, lustful face staring back at you with new light green and black horns standing proudly on his head and a pair of jet black feathered wings fluttering behind him. Maybe playing a prank on him wasn’t such a good idea, you thought to yourself as you felt his dick growing inside of you.
“Aghhh… so good… never… gonna stop…” He heaved as he squeezed your hips harder.
But you gotta admit, it felt good as hell. Its length stretched you out so well, reaching the deepest parts of your pussy your fingers could only dream of touching. You couldn’t stop cumming, over and over again, you were honestly beginning to lose consciousness.
In your delirious state of ecstasy, you pick up on the slight turning of the door handle out of the corner of your eye. On the other side of the door, Solomon was mere seconds away from walking in on an angel falling victim to sin.
“S-Simeo- aghhh simeon t-the d- nghh the door!!” You stammer out between strained moans but it’s already too late.
“N-ngh?” Simeon’s head snapped over to the white haired man that entered the room. His wings immediately wrapped around the two of you to block your leaking bodies from the intruder's view. His scared, sharp eyes peeled from in between his feathers as they ruffled in intimation, releasing a soft growl. Yet through all of this he kept up the same back breaking pace against you poor, abused pussy.
“Uhhhhh… is this a bad time?” Solomon snickered bashfully as a sweltering dark aura surrounded him. In retaliation, a blinding light radiated from Simeon’s eyes and glittering white feathers circled around him. You whined nervously at the impending fight that seemed ready to explode at any second, till suddenly, in a flash of dark red and pink energy, Simeon was wrapped tightly in thorny, blood tinted vines. He groaned in pain before his thrusts came to a halt and his head slumped over.
“Phew, that could have gone a whole lot worse. I have no clue what you two were doing in here and I don’t think I wanna ask. Hope it was fun though,” he started walking back out the door, “Oh, one thing. Because of the magic I used, he might be a bit… ‘excited’ when he wakes up. Just give him a good ‘release’ and he’ll knock right out. When he wakes up again he'll be right back to normal. Good luck, my pupil~” he gave a delightful wave before leaving you all alone with the problem you created. With a shiver you gently tried to cup his cheek, only to jump back at the bright pink eyes that flashed open. He easily ripped apart the vines and smirked at you with a look of pure dominance, a look in pure contrast to the sweet smiles he used to give you.
His voice came out as a low growl, “You… look… delicious. I… need you… so fucking bad right now…” a terrifying shiver shook your body in place.
As Solomon blissfully skipped down the hallway with his hands in his pockets, he chuckled to himself when he heard your screams of fear and pleasure rattling the walls.
“Hehe, those two must be having fun. Maybe I’ll get to join them next time~”
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Reblog + Comment + Like if you wanna see more obey me or Simeon specific posts!~
(Phewww finally done and kinda happy with it! Next is either thirteen or another idea I’ve had recently~ you’ll find out soon enough <3 also comment if you wanna join or leave tag list)
{Tags 🏷️: @letgobro }
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kira-fluff · 2 years
a/n: this one is for @jades-bullshit per request <3 i had a lot of fun writing this so feel free to submit another request for any of the fandoms i write for! it makes my day**luke is strictly platonic
reacting to you singing an inappropriate song innocently - obey me! dateables x reader
diavolo "Chest to chest, tongue on neck (neck) International oral sex"
lets out a surprised laugh
"wow y/n, i didn't know you liked listening to this sort of stuff"
thinks it's funny the way you're humming it with the purest smile on your face
kinda makes him wanna devour you whole
he's very intrigued by the music of your world
he'll ask you more about the artist and if there are other songs that are this... blatantly sexual
can't help the big grin he has on his face
he loves you more everyday
and you're just so interesting
"humans are just so...intriguing!" *laughs*
barbatos "Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it Got her saved in my phone under 'Big Booty'"
raises an eyebrow quizzically
"is this what they call..'horny on main?'"
will lowkey shames you even tho he knows you don't mean it like that
pulls at the collar of his suit
is it getting a little hot in here?
finds his face flushing
wringing his hands
you're so unpredictable
he'd spend all day trying to figure you out
to him, you're an enigma.
"you're something else, that's for sure. you always manage to surprise me."
simeon "Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh) But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh)"
humans can be so vulgar!
it's been a few centuries since he's heard a song like this
covers luke's ears, it must be done
eyes are so wide
concerned about you honestly
but after he sees your carefree expression
he can't help but just shake his head
you're still as innocent as you were the day you came to devildom
you're so precious awe
but definitely not as pure as you look lol
"it's been awhile since you've done something that wasn't very...angelic.. i guess i can let it slide."
solomon "Her pussy so good I bought her a pet Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it"
it's been a few years since he's heard a song like this
not that he hasn't had his fair share of experiences
you're a little strange, the way you innocently smile and sing along to the dirty song
but he likes you like that
and he's a little weird too
the longer he looks at you, the more he finds himself avoiding your eye contact
when your eyes accidentally meet your staring, he quickly looks away
stutters his way through an excuse
"a-uhm... it's nothing.."
luke (platonic) "Dos Cadenas, close to genius Sold out arenas, you can suck my--"
simeon covered his ears
what was the next line? why did he suddenly cover his ears?
whatever, the entire song was so...sinful!
he wouldn't be surprised if mammon wrote the song since he's such a gross, dirty demon
lets out a GASP at the others facial expressions
doesn't understand all the innuendos tbh lol
don't do this to him he is bABY
suggests some songs that michael sang instead <3
"you don't want to listen to that demonic stuff! i have some much better songs to recommend you, but it's not like i care or anything!"
666 notes · View notes
minteyeddevil · 1 year
Prompt: “Are you really sure you want to do this?”
Simeon x Fem!Reader, Smut
(Fair warning, unprotected sex emphasized in this one!)
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“Are you really sure you want to do this?”
You take a deep breath through your nose, and exhale out of your mouth, than give him a confirming nod.
“Yes. As long as it’s with you, than yes.”
You visibly see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows his nerves, and gives you a nod in return.
Things had been getting hot and heavy between the two of you, when the night was simply only going to be cuddling on the couch and watching movies. A teasing kiss here, and a nip of the neck there; you found yourself pinned beneath Simeon on the couch, his mouth hungrily seeking yours. He made quick work of your jeans and blouse, leaving you in your underwear before making to remove his own coat, leaving him in just his slacks before he paused.
“Let me run to my room real quick,” he motioned behind him, a soft blush dusting his cheeks, “I should have...um...protection. Solomon may have...offered it to me before tonight.”
You giggled at the mention of the sorcerer knowing his angel friend well; given your previous escapades with each other. But before he could move away from you, you locked your legs behind him, pulling him back in place. He looked at you with confusion and worry clear on his features, and you gnawed on the inside of your cheek for a moment before finally speaking.
“I-I want to try with…without protection, this time,” you mumbled almost shyly; you and Simeon were not new to this form of intimacy, though you always took every precaution you could. But, you couldn’t help the curiosity eating at the back of your mind. Besides, you were on the pill, diligently monitoring your schedule, so one time couldn’t hurt too much, could it?
He agreed rather quickly, but still asked over and over if you were completely sure you wanted to go through with this. When he was nestled between your thighs, lips sealed to yours and your fingers locked into thick, dark hair, however, he didn’t hesitate anymore.
His cock nestled against your folds and he rutted his hips slowly, a low groan leaving his throat as he broke the kiss for a moment to look down between your bodies. “Lord above, MC,” he mumbled, “it already feels so good and I haven’t even entered you yet.”
You flushed at his words, giggling softly as you angled your hips a bit, his tip making contact with your needy clit. “It really does feel good, Simeon,” you sighed, but keened slightly when he continued to just press his cock against you instead of entering you.
“Though it would feel a million times better if you just fucked me already.”
He gave you quite the cocky smirk of his before gripping your thighs and pressing them against your chest as he lined himself up.
“Such a naughty mouth you have there, MC. But I must admit, I am just as eager...”
He pressed into you hard, bottoming out before pulling back just half way and slamming right back into you. The action made him pause, and you could feel his cock twitch against your inner walls, making you shake with need.
“Oh my,” he breathed out shakily, “that might feel a little too good. Almost made me cum right there.”
“Isn’t that the-the point,” you huffed, trying to roll your hips against him to take him in deeper.
“Well I want to make you reach it first, my angel,” he teased, his fingers spreading your folds as his thumb worked your clit.
Your hips bucked, everything inside you feeling hot and wet along his cock, and you bit your lip to hold in the loud moans threatening to escape. He soon found a shallow pace in time with your bucks, and feeling his bare tip brush against your cervix was far too much for you to stand.
“S-Simeon! I’m cumming, Simeon!”
Your nails sank into his biceps as you rode out your orgasm, head pressed back against the cushion of the couch. His pace shifted into a relentless speed, the over-stimulation making your mouth hang open in a silent gasp. Your walls clenched and convulsed against his cock, making a slew of curses fall from his usually angelic lips as his thrusts began sporadic and smaller until he hilted inside you, making you gasp out loud at the sudden heat in your middle.
You could feel his cum warming your insides, and you hummed softly at the sensation, letting yourself collapse against the couch cushions as he stayed panting above you, still pressed deeply inside you. He made to move slowly, eyes trained on where your bodies were connected once more, and you could see them widen slightly when his cum oozed out of you and down along your folds.
“I honestly hate to admit this, MC, but I could get used to doing this with you more often,” he chuckled, shifting to be above you once more as he leaned down to kiss you, groaning deeply against your mouth as your fingernails raked along his scalp.
“Hmm, don’t count on it,” you teased, pulling him to lay on top of you, and he growled in response, pulling you taut against him, nestling himself between your thighs once more.
“Are you sure about that? You wouldn’t grant me even the tiniest wish to do it again?”
You let out a small gasp when you felt that he was hard once more, slowly pushing into you.
Needless to say, Simeon got his way in the end.
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inviouswriting · 1 year
Secret Morning
This post is 18+ minors DNI
Simeon x f!reader
I managed to get the card on the last day, and I was so in love with it. It brought me back into Obey me~ More future content of our angel. 
Warnings below
Warnings include - Established relationship, mxf sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, slight rough sex with hair pulling from Simeon. Done lovingly ofc!
Simeon had woken up before you did and watched as you slept serenely in his arms. He smiles to himself being allowed this rare opportunity to be with you as you wake up. He picks up a lock of hair to feel how soft it is. The scent of your shampoo is still fresh in his mind and no doubt he has your scent all over him, and he smiles to himself knowing his is also on you from being cuddled so close in your sleep.
You rouse slightly, and that was enough for him to dip his head to rub his cheek against your face.
“Rise and shine.” You groan at knowing it is morning and sink into his arms, being peppered with kisses and his hands running through your hair. When you mumble about needing more kisses and five more minutes, you feel a kiss on each part of your face before he finally lands his last kiss on your lips.  
“I should stop before I get carried away.” Simeon says sheepishly turning his head away with a flush and scooting back in the bed to not be tempted. You smile and feel your nerves steel themselves as you raise hands to his face to cup his jaw and get him to look at you.
“I don’t mind if you get carried away. I kinda want to since we have the space, and no one is here.” Blue eyes look at you, and the pink on his face darkens more. You nod as he searches your eyes for affirmation, and you let him tug you on top of him for a full kiss. Simeon slips his hands underneath your clothes to begin touching your skin. You meet him by letting him explore as much as he wants, even letting a hand skim over a breast and shrink down into his fingers tweaking a nipple.
You can feel him through the pants he borrowed, and from where you are laying on top of him; you push your hips down onto his. Simeon lets out a moan knowing he cannot hide his voice, and you also join him.
Simeon’s cheeks darken again as he touches his face to look to the side again. You sit up on his waist to tug off your top getting his attention. Your angel matches you by removing his own top, and you two set about exploring each other's skin.
You begin to ghost your hands down his stomach closer to the hem of his pants when he takes your hands and with momentum, he flips positions to pin you to the bed underneath him. You look up into mischievous blue eyes as he takes his opportunity to be intimate with you in a way no one else will. The brothers may live with you more than the angel does, but your angel is the only one even able to touch you like this.
His hands remove the last layers of your clothes, and you feel shy when he spreads you open to his eyes. You feel him crawl over you and remove the last of his own clothing, wanting to feel you as much as you want him. Your angel would spend time pleasing you for a while, like he’s done on nights where it’s been just you two, and you got wild together. He doesn’t forget the first night and cherishes your body.  
His fingers work at teasing your pussy with rubbing your clit to get you aroused enough for himself. He lays next to you while he does this, letting you touch his cock, stroking him with the same thought of getting him ready to be inside. You meet each other for a needy kiss as he slips his fingers inside to pump them in preparation, urging your legs wider while you feel him twitch under your palm when you tease his tip with slow circles.
Simeon withdraws his fingers and uses the slick to coat his cock. You are guided to lay back more and lift your hips, so he fits between your legs, and you rest comfortably in his lap. You grasp the pillows above your head and bite your lip when he does press in. When he bottoms out, he collects your hands in his above your head, holding them there while he locks his eyes with yours to let you adjust to him.
You always feel so loved by him in this moment, the feel of having someone inside in such a vulnerable way makes you feel deeply connected to him. The slight rush of anxiety goes through you when he pulls his hips back then pushes back inside. You grip his hands when he pushes back in and let out a moan as a result of the way he has you.
Simeon begins a rhythm of thrusts, each drawing sighs and moans from you both from feeling so good. He lets you cling to him, tugging you up into his arms as you wrap your legs at his waist. You feel him hit deeper at this angle and your voice rises as you feel good.
Your angel watches your face as you get further lost into pleasure, he is enraptured by the expressions and how your voice echoes out loudly. His name at the end of those moans, it makes his heart swell with how he makes you feel. You meet his gaze with a pleading stare for something, and he knows what you need from him. He lets go of one of your hands to slip between you to rub at your clit, tugging it as he thrusts a bit harder into you.  
You roll your hips into his, your eyes glazed over; you cling tighter to him and jolt when he focuses his thrusts on one spot that makes you see stars behind your eyes. Simeon’s breaths come out in pants as he feels himself closer, he twitches inside you, but he focuses on your pleasure first with getting you to cum first. Finally, you clench on him, and you moan together with him holding you down to him as he fills you. Your hands are collected before you could scratch down his back, he couldn’t have those telltale lines on it.
The both of you lie there with him resting on top of you careful not to crush you, and him still inside. You could tell he isn’t satisfied yet, and you weren’t either. Your love sessions never end at one and you aren’t surprised when he withdraws temporarily to arrange you both off the bed, you on your stomach and him behind you.  
Simeon wastes little time pushing back inside of you, still needing you, addicted to the way you feel around him. You yelp in surprise when he’s a bit rougher than usual, really into the moment of taking you like this. You cry out even louder when he gets you both to kneel and your head is lowered to the bed as your muffled cries are heard into it. Your angel sees a different side of you as he focuses on your face and how you bite the sheets to keep from being too loud as you’ve done in the past.
“Let me hear you, my sweetheart.” You hear him and feel fingers card through your hair enough to get you to lift your head up. Your voice sings through the air again, and all you can do is focus on the sensation of him thrusting into you a lot faster. One of his dark arms wraps around your waist so he can keep you where he wants you.  
One hard thrust he makes, and not only do you see stars, but it makes you moan out involuntarily from how good it feels. Simeon notes this and keeps at this spot, while gently tugging your hair so your head is pulled to where you moan freely for him and your voice echoes in the empty air. Like before you are raised into such a heightened state of mind, that your hands grip at the sheets threatening to dig holes into them. Simeon’s hand lets go of your hair in favor of gripping the hand on the bed reassuring you.
Simeon registers how wet you are when he slips out for a moment, you cry at the loss of him, only for him to clumsily push back in to make up for it. You laugh as he is sheepish about it only to feel him thrust more uneven. You wish you could see his face as he is closer, you know how he looks with his eyes closed and he’s concentrating on just how you feel squeezing around him.
Your angel hits a spot just right and without realizing you were so close to an orgasm you scream out in pure bliss and feel your body light as your mind is hazy. You feel warmth flood into you again and a strained gasp with how Simeon pushes in deep, he presses his face to the middle of your back feeling your cooler skin against his heated face.
You both collapse together onto the floor, he tugs you to be the smaller spoon as he peppers you with so many kisses and hugs you to him. You feel overwhelmed from the lovemaking that you tremble in his hold. You were thinking earlier on getting ready to head back to RAD, and here you both were basking in each other's company till you are calmed down in his arms.
Simeon does pull from you this time and lays with you till you are relaxed and kisses him back when he places small kisses on your lips, decorating your face in them. Even bringing your hands to his face to brush every finger till your heart swells in love for him.
“I love you so much my angel.” You murmur to him.
“And I love you too my sweetheart.” He nuzzles your face more and you feel him tighten his hold on you.
The both of you decide to take another shower together and get ready for the day. Enjoying a breakfast in peace before you arrive at RAD together to check in on the brothers. Asmodeus is the first to catch on there was something more to you two arriving together. The knowing looks in your eyes between you and the angel when he comments if you did something dirty together. He laughs to himself and decides not to make a deal over it for everyone involved.
“My dear~ May I see you for a moment?” Asmo does pull you aside, and before you know it, the demon is tugging out a compact with a little make up to apply to your neck. He does this on the sly, so Lucifer doesn’t ask questions or notice the small love bite there.
“Thank you... I will take you shopping later!” You offer.
“I’d love that~ but I think someone else wants your attention more~” He points to Simeon already giving you a pout for making plans.
You sit down with Simeon and watch the chaos between Lucifer and Mammon. Laughing and leaning against him.
“And why are ya gettin all cozy there. Get yer hands off each other!” Mammon turns his attention on you two and Simeon only wraps his arms around you.
“I’ll have to steal her then~” Simeon nuzzles your face lovingly; this gets a sigh from Lucifer.
“Please do not antagonize my brothers.” You understand and get up for now to sit next to Simeon. Hiding your hands under his cloak giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“We’ll be good Lucifer.” You see the tension in his eyes ease.
“Good. Now these morons still need to complete their classes. If you don’t have a reason to be here. Go to your own classes for today.” Lucifer shoos you two out so he can watch his brothers better.
Once outside the classroom you both head to your classes together, feeling more relaxed to hold Simeon’s hands in yours going through the halls.
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unmra · 2 years
kpop playlist — obey me
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ft. simeon, asmodeus, mammon, solomon, beelzebub.
author note i was drunk when i made this??? bored??? exasperate??? way too tired to properly write something??? yes
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SIMEON ( 1h 00m )
| peek-a-boo — red velvet
POP! — nayeon
baby blue love — twice
hello — joy |
ASMODEUS ( 1h 22m )
| mascara — xg
dalla dalla — itzy
gashina — sunmi
lip & hip — hyuna |
MAMMON ( 1h 16m )
money — lisa
mmmh — kai
bad boy — red velvet
is this bad bitch number? — jeon soyeon
SOLOMON ( 1h 11m )
zimzalabim — red velvet
boom — nct dream
odd eye — dreamcatcher
first — everglow
ice cream — blackpink
candy — twice
coffee — bts
lemonade — nct 127
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lancermylove · 4 months
Headpats (Scenarios)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x fem!Reader, Luke platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can I request a headcanon about female mc tried to give all the obey me characters headpat. Female mc's height is 150 cm,
A/N: The struggles of short people. I can relate. 😂
Diavolo tilted his head, watching you like a curious puppy. While he understood you wanted to reach his head, the prince had no idea why you wanted to pat his head. He was amused and a bit surprised at your boldness. The image of an adorable human patting the head of the future King of Devildom was something Diavolo didn't want anyone to see. But he didn't want to insult or push you away, so the prince laughed.
"You never cease to surprise me, (y/n)."
Diavolo rested his large hand on your head and affectionately tussled your hair.
Barbatos found it amusing and strange as most beings feared him or dared not to come close to him. Yet, here you were, hoping to affectionately pat his head. Though the situation was endearing, Barbatos had an image to uphold. He considered rejecting your action, but the thought of hurting you tugged at his heartstrings.
With a sigh, he looked around to ensure the two of you were alone and slightly crouched down. As you pat his head, Barbatos chuckled and pecked your forehead.
Solomon was amused to see you getting on your toes and stretched your hand as far up as you could.
“My, (y/n). You are adorable.”
The sorcerer teased you harmlessly about your pocket-sized height. By the time he was done with you, you were either sulking or glaring at him. Solomon bent down to your height as a gift for putting up with his teasing. But as soon as you reached to pat his head, the sorcerer stood upright and laughed, teasing you again.
It took him a minute to register what you were trying to do, but even then, the angel wasn't sure. He understood you wanted to reach something on his face or head but nothing more. So, Simeon bent down, watching your moves curiously. When you patted his head, he was surprised.
Simeon blushed lightly and smiled but didn't say anything. He found your actions cute, but his focus was on your innocent smile, which made his heart skip a beat.
Luke was around your height, so you didn't have to struggle to pat his head. When your hand met his head, the young angel looked at you with wide eyes. Had it been anyone else, Luke would have stepped away or swatted their hand away, as he didn't like it when adults treated him like a child. But the way you lovingly patted his head, the young angel smiled brightly and closed his eyes. He felt like he had done something good and was receiving his gift in the form of your head pats.
Were you trying to pat a grim reaper's head? She knew she was cute and all, but seriously? Thirteen laughed and lowered her head, allowing you to pat her colorful hair. Once you were done, she pinched your cheeks and showered you with compliments.
"You look so cute! I want to gobble you up."
Even when you protested her pinching your cheeks, Thirteen didn't stop and teased you.
"If you get to pat my head, I get to pinch your cheeks."
Raphael had no idea why you were jumping up and down with your arm stretched upwards. He curiously stared at you for a while, but when the angel couldn't decode your actions, he asked what you were doing.
"I want to pat your head."
That was certainly a line he had never heard. Though he couldn't understand your reason, Raphael crouched down to your height so you could fulfill your wish. When you met his gaze, the angel gave you a soft smile. Your action was somehow endearing and comforting.
Was a human attempting to pat his head? Mephistopheles rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, watching your struggles with an unamused expression. That was not something anyone had dared to try with him. The demon wasn't sure how to react; on the one hand, he found it annoying but couldn't deny you look adorable. However, no matter how hard you struggled or how cute you looked, Mephistopheles would not allow you to pat his head. He was too much of a classy demon to allow a human to touch his perfect hair.
Lucifer stared at you unamused. At first, he thought about staring down at you with a glare, but your struggle to reach his head was endearing. His face softened, and there was no way he could be mean to you, especially since you wanted to show affection to him. Going against his prideful nature, he bent down to let you affectionately pat his head. Your bright smile was worth momentarily snuffing his pride.
“Do not get used to this, (y/n).”
Mammon was confused when he saw you hopping up and down like a bunny. He was in a playful mood, so when you jumped up, Mammon jumped with you.
"Mammon, lower your head!"
"Why didn't ya just say so?"
The demon blinked rapidly when you affectionately patted his head. His cheeks instantly turned red, and he covered his mouth, averting his eyes from you. How was he supposed to resist you when you were being so damn cute?
As soon as you stretched your hand up and jumped once, Levi knew what you were trying to do. He immediately stepped away and looked away, embarrassed.
"Do I look like a child to you?" He stuttered.
But then he saw your sad face, and Levi lowered his head. When you patted his head, his face and ears heated up. Though he didn't want to admit it, your small, affectionate action caused an earthquake in his heart.
He felt the need to remind you that he was a demon, not a puppy or child that needed pats. But the longer Satan thought of it, the more he realized you only wanted to show him your affection. Sighing, he lowered his body.
His muscles stiffened, and his face hardened. Why did he like this action? It didn't take long for Satan's cheeks to glow red. Though he remained silent, it was apparent he enjoyed your touch.
Knowing what you wanted to do, Asmo watched you with a warm smile. Your cuteness and charm were on another level, and he couldn't get enough of it. He brought his face to your level and laughed softly as you patted his head. Once you were done, Asmo reciprocated your action by patting your head.
"You are adorable, (y/n)."
Beel raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly. His eyes followed you as you jumped up and down. What were you trying to do? The Avatar of Gluttony thought you looked adorable and smiled softly. He placed his hands on the curves of your waist and effortlessly lifted you up.
Beel was surprised when you patted his hair, but he chuckled and let you pat him as much as you wanted.
Belphie was used to receiving affection and enjoyed every moment of it. So, as soon as you grinned and extended your hand up to his head, the Avatar of Sloth slowly lowered his head. He chuckled slightly as your hand patted his head. When you stopped patting his head, Belphie shook his head and placed your hand on his head again.
"Don't stop."
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hello! For your kinktober event, may I suggest a Gn or fem MC corrupting Simeon?
Hello hello!
Okayyy I haven't written corruption before, so hopefully this turned out okay! I didn't describe much about the setting, so it could be taking place in either game. I also didn't describe Simeon's outfit for this reason.
Thank you for submitting a prompt!
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GN!MC x Simeon
Warnings: corruption, penetration (reader receiving), uh please let me know if I should add anything here
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It was clear from the way he couldn't look at you that Simeon was uncomfortable. You were sitting side by side on your bed, your legs touching, and you had leaned in to press a kiss against his cheek. The blush that followed seemed to spread outward from the spot where your lips had pressed. You could tell he was trying to suppress a shiver, but not quite managing it.
You were also fully aware of the erection in his pants, but you knew you couldn't bring attention to it without risking scaring him away. You wanted to reach out, to touch, to make him gasp and moan and whimper your name. But there was still too much tension.
The expression on Simeon's face was one of determination, despite the still prominent blush. "I should go now, MC," he said quietly.
You put your head on his shoulder. "Do you have to?"
Simeon sighed. "Yes."
You put a hand on his thigh, gently, turning your head to put your lips against his ear. "I can tell you don't want to."
Simeon's breath hitched and his body jerked like he was about to stand up, to run away. And yet… he stayed.
You took the chance and put your hand on the bulge in his pants.
"We can't," Simeon breathed out, voice shaky.
"Why not?" you asked.
Simeon shook his head slightly. "I'm an angel, MC."
You kissed his neck. "Then isn't it your duty to show me a glimpse of heaven?"
Simeon actually laughed at this. "Are you trying to corrupt me?"
"Is it working?" you asked, kissing his neck again, letting your lips travel up to his jaw. You reached out to turn his head so you could kiss his lips and you found them ready, waiting. Despite his protestations, he wanted you.
"I know you've been trying to be a good angel for some time now," you said, allowing your lips to travel back down his neck. "You've been trying not to give in to temptation. But Simeon, you can't deny me forever."
"MC," he said. "I can't-"
"It's okay," you said. "No matter what you do, you'll always be my good angel."
It was as though you had said the magic words. Simeon turned toward you, his arms going around your waist as he kissed you. There was a hunger behind the kiss, even though it was also hesitant. Like he wanted nothing more than to ravage you, but his guilt over it continued to hold him back.
He broke away for a moment, breathless. "It's just… you make me crazy, MC," he said. "You make me…"
You ran your fingertips down his chest, making him shiver. "I make you want to sin?"
Simeon groaned and leaned his head against your shoulder.
You tugged on his pants and it surprised you when he moved to give you better access. In moments, you had freed his beautiful cock, straining with need already.
When you touched it, ever so lightly, Simeon whimpered. His eyes were squeezed shut as he bit his lip, attempting to hold in how good he was already feeling.
You had to encourage him to touch you as well. He almost pulled back when you tugged on his hand and put it between your legs. But when you moaned at his touch, he didn't pull away.
In fact, your noises of pleasure seemed to make it harder for him to resist and he put his lips on your neck. They descended, but stopped when they reached the edge of your shirt.
You quickly discarded your top and lay back on the bed, pulling at his hands. Although he hesitated for only a moment, Simeon let you lead him and ended up straddling your hips.
You tugged at his clothes and he took the hint, pulling off his own top and exposing his beautiful chest. When you put your hands on him, his blush became even more pronounced.
After a little more fumbling with your clothes, he was hovering above you, leaning over you now, so close to putting himself inside you, but not yet willing to do it.
You reached up and cupped his cheek. "Simeon, I need you."
Somehow you knew that was what he needed to hear. And you were right because Simeon sank his cock into you. It was slow and hesitant, but once he had begun, he didn't stop. You responded by arching your back and moaning, your arms wrapping around his back.
Simeon was so gentle at first, almost like he was trying to convince himself that he wasn't doing anything he shouldn't be. And yet things became more heated as you moved beneath him, meeting him fully and overwhelming him with your own passion. He couldn't help but respond to it.
And soon it was as though he could no longer think about anything - not sin, not guilt, not being an angel - he gave in entirely, thrusting into you desperately. He was covering you in kisses, having lost all reservations, his lips all over every inch of your skin that he could reach.
"Ah, MC," he panted. "You make me feel…"
You moaned. "Like a sinner?"
Simeon gripped your hips, his fingers digging in. He rose up enough to look down at you, his eyes glittering. "You make me feel holy."
The way he said the last word, with desire and need and want practically vibrating out of him, made you reach up and grab his face, pulling it down so you could kiss him.
It wasn't long before his cum was filling you, his warmth inside you and around you as he cried out, looking absolutely stunning as he did so, a true angel.
Simeon spent the rest of the night in your arms. He needed a little reassurance from time to time that it was still okay to be there. But you would never forget the way he had said the word holy while he was inside you. As though in that moment he had converted his faith from heaven to you.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 5 months
Christmas Wish.
Main Masterlist
Obey Me Masterlist
Simeon x Fem! Reader/MC.
Warnings: Sexual themes, smut, dry humping, clothed grinding, teasing, orgasm denial, cumming in pants.
Summary: After pining for each other for so long, Simeon's Santa outfit on Christmas sets in motion something to finally happen.
W/C: 1.8k+
A/N: Tried to get this done DURING Christmas, but here it is.
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Loud voices fill the dining room of the house of lamentation with pairs of footsteps being heard back and forth, some slow, others as loud as the banter in the room with the steps being heard rushing into the kitchen in attempt to prevent the need for damage control. “Solomon no! I can handle decorating the desserts!” You hear Luke’s voice fade into the kitchen followed by a muffled chuckle and small protests of how Solomon doesn’t mind ‘helping’.
“I’m hungry…” Beel whines as Belphie yawns. “Don’t worry Beel, Simeon’s almost here.” You comfort him. All seven brothers and everybody from purgatory hall were already at the house of lamentation, except for Simeon who’d gone to pick up Diavolo and Barbatos for christmas dinner, having insisted on accompanying over. “No one’s touching any food until Diavolo and Barbatos show up.” Lucifer informs to which Beel whines again.
“But what about Luke?” He complains with a frown which causes Lucifer to give him a stern ‘you know what I mean’ look. “Hello.” A familiar voice says that has you and the brothers looking over to see Simeon walking in the dining room with Diavolo and Barbatos beside him. Everyone greets each other as they approach one another for a warmer welcome in a hug or small talk to fill the gap of dinner getting finished but none of it is registered in your head, to entranced in Simeon.
He’d always looked breathtaking in his usual attire- any attire, but tonight was even more so than usual, dressed in a beautiful white suit with baby blue patterns topped with small golden colored designs pairing with the golden ornaments adorning the wool at the end of his sleeves and edges of his snow white hooded cloak matching with a Santa hat of the same design. “Sorry we’re so late.” His gentle voice apologizes before he calls your name in a questioning tone, opening his arms for you with a smile after a small pause.
You finally react and walk over to him and wrap your arms around his torso with his falling to your upper back and holding you close to him, embracing you in his warmth and letting you feel the soft fabric of his clothes. “How do I look?” He asks when he finally pulls away, still somewhat holding you in his arms by keeping his hands on your arms. You open your mouth to answer him only for nothing to come out, still at loss of words at the sight before you, though there’s someone who was never at loss for words.
“Oh Simeon!” Asmodeus practically moans and steps in front of you, breaking Simeon’s hold on you. “Well aren’t you a cute little Santa, darling. Tell me, am I on your naughty list tonight? Do you think you should punish me? Or have I been good this year? Do I deserve some reward?” Asmo tries to seduce him, his arms placing themselves around his neck. “Um…” Simeon looks away without knowing how to answer. “Something tells me Santa has you on a list all by your self.” You resist the urge to cross your arms at him.
“No need to be jealous dear,” He smiles at you. “You can help Santa give me my reward for being such a good boy this year.” His voice trails off to the same seductive tone while he looks back to Simeon. “Maybe not.” Simeon pulls Asmo’s arms off of him while looking away with an almost annoyed expression. “Simeon!” Luke yells and rushes over to hug him despite having been apart for only a few hours.
“You were so late I thought these demons had done away with you.” He exaggerates. “I’m alright Luke.” Simeon smiles as plates lightly clink in the background at the table being set. “What do you say if while Barbatos serves dinner, you tell Santa what you want?” He sits on the closest chair. “To make up for being late.” He adds and pats on his lap. “B- Wh- what? I’m not a child anymore! I know how Santa really works!” He points an accusatory finger at Diavolo and the brothers starting to take their own seats as well.
“Come on, just tell me what you want.” Simeon insists with Luke staying put, and despite him being older than you, seeing a child be so against asking Santa for a christmas present felt saddening, even if it’s a job that’s actually taken upon demons. “Well I want to ask Santa for a christmas present.” You state as you sit on Simeon’s lap, missing the way his eyes widen. “Stop treating me like child!” Luke insists, obvious to how Simeon’s eyes nearly pop from their sockets at how wide they are.
“It’s okay, I didn’t know about Santa until I was your age.” You assure him. “I’m over a millennium years old.” He says in a deadpan expression. “But you’re also sort of 10.” You say. “Hmph” He squints his eyes at you and leaves to take his own seat. “So… what does the pretty girl want from Santa?” Simeon nervously runs a hand through his hair with warm cheeks. “The… what?” You quietly turn around to face him, slightly moving in his lap which has him clearing his throat.
“The… pretty girl said she wanted to ask Santa for a present?” He repeats with a bashful smile. “Well… you see, I might actually need to think about it for a bit.” You subconsciously press yourself further into his lap, and though the action goes unnoticed by you, it doesn’t go unnoticed by Simeon who nearly chokes on thin air, swallowing thickly and reluctantly placing his left hand on your waist while the other one goes for the side of the chair, gripping it tightly.
“Maybe sit on Santa’s lap until you know what you want?” He suggests, struggling to steady his left hand enough to gently pull you closer to him, slightly spreading open his legs enough to slowly lodge you in between them. He’d never felt something like this and never really felt actual interest in these type of acts before, until he met you, and now that he finally has you so close to him, to where an unknown warmth was starting to blossom, he wasn’t going to let you go.
“Dinner is served.” Barbatos’s voice interrupts, both of you lightly jumping in your seats and staring straight ahead wide eyed at being caught red handed, expecting a scolding. But when you look over at him, he’s instead giving you a knowing look with a smirk on his face before leaving to his own seat beside Diavolo. You both stay sat in place quietly with both of you looking around nervously, seeing everyone else immersed in conversations along with small spats starting to form distracting from you and Simeon.
You look back to Barbatos again to see him silently eating his food with his eyes glued to the wall ahead of him and simply tuning out, but despite him minding his own business, it felt odd knowing that he knows what was happening. A small whisper of your name comes from behind you and you take in the noticeable difference with your seat form just a few seconds ago. “Please.” Simeon whispers again, his legs overly tense under you with his left hand gripping at your waist tightly, erection pressing into your ass.
You give a last quick glance around the table and look at him over your shoulder, squeezing the sides of his thighs nervously and finally give in. You move your hands to his knees and spread his legs apart just a bit further, moving to wedge yourself deeper in between them, unaware of the show you give him of swaying your hips side to side against his groin followed by you arching your back and leaning forward just slightly, enough to press your clothed cunt onto his hardness.
You open your legs as well to better welcome him against you and proceed to slowly grind back and forth on him, gently moving along the tent of his pants but pressing deep into his hardness. With his hands pulling your back and forth into him, you feel a wetness starting to seep from within you and soak your underwear, wondering if he would be able to feel you through the material of his pants keeping him away from you as your own do the same.
You give a small glance over your shoulder and see him struggling to keep his eyes from fluttering shut with his jaw visibly clenched tight, trying to not draw any attention with his length growing harder by the second starting to feel painful. His grip on your waist gradually tightens while he grinds you harder onto him, starting to hump back into you with his hips lifting in tune with your own, making sure to keep the movements slow so that no one notices.
By the time his hold on you starts to get painful, you manage to hear a small muffled noise from him with a small twitch from his length warning you of his impending orgasm with his teeth clenched tightly. Your own hands grasp harder on his thighs as well, biting back a plead that desperately wanted to escape you, wanting to bend over further over the table to grind your clit onto him rather than your clothed entrance drenched in your wetness, begging to reach it’s own release and clenching on nothing.
Having enough of what felt like teasing, you switch from your back and forth motions and move your hips side to side against him, hoping to finish him off to stop what almost feels like torture for your empty cunt. “Ngh.” A noise finally escapes him with his hips raising from the chair and holding you as tight against him as possible, stilling against you with his nails digging into your sides with his cock twitching beneath you, emptying his balls with you pressed onto him.
His hold on your waist slowly loosens until it goes limp, his hips settling back down slowly as well, cock softening with a quiet sigh leaving past his lips and eyes finally falling shut. You swallow a small whimper when you feel his release start to soak through your pants and bite your lip in frustration and despite having wanted something to happen between you after so long, you find yourself wishing for it to have happened in a better location.
Maybe next time you’ll be able to feel him inside you, or at least be able to play with your clit, maybe he’ll be the one to play with yours instead and you’ll actually be able to cum with him, but for now, you’re forced to take what you can get and enjoy simply having his cum soak through his pants and onto yours, leaving a dark patch on both your clothes and hoping to feel his warm cum reach your drenched pussy.
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jinkicake · 1 year
~♡ All Night Long ♡~
(( Day #7 )) Barbatos, Lucifer, Mammon, Simeon x Reader
A/N: Doyoung’s beautiful voice motivated me to write.. sigh where my nctzens at? ((im sorry i just liked ay-yo soooo much)) anyway... i hope you all enjoy~ 
SMUTTT // NSFWWWW ((some characters have k!nk warnings lol, some have fem!reader -all listed below-))
WC - 2,049
Barbatos never understands your attempts at seducing him.
He fully understands the swirl of desire in his gut and the tightening of his boxers but, not why you do it. You know entirely too well that the demon will give you the world if you just ask. 
All day, he kept catching you bending over in the shortest skirt he has ever seen on you, giving him an entirely full view of the pretty panties you have on. The butler would have been worried if not for the fact that it was only the two of you inside the castle right now. 
Had Diavolo or any of the brothers been around, he would have locked you away in his bedroom and hoarded you to himself much like a dragon and its treasure. 
Regardless of his confusion, Barbatos enjoyed your teasing. It made pleasuring you so much sweeter. 
“Do you know who I am?” Barbatos watches with a certain fondness as he runs his fingers along your clothed slit, each brush of his knuckles against your clit makes you jolt against the bed. From where he has you pinned to the mattress, all you can do is fondle the sheets in your hands. “I cannot be seduced as easily as the next demon or mortal man,” Despite his words, his cock aches at the sight of you. He can feel a gush of precum spurting in his boxers as he rubs one singular finger underneath your panties. “yet, you have me bewitched.”
“What have you done to me, (Y/N)?” Pure desire lights a fire in his chest as he lowers to his knees and pulls your hips so that your lower half rests off the mattress. Your squeak is muffled by the thick duvet. 
Barbatos pulls your panties down without second thought and gives himself a mere moment to stare at your bare cunt. All it takes is a slight wiggle of your hips, taunting him, for his restraint to break. 
The demon lunges for your cunt like a man starved, instantly greeting your folds with his tongue. His hands find your sides and then your hips before running over your ass. With each swipe of his tongue, he sucks in the taste before running zigzag patterns across your slit. He has yet to touch your clit and instead focuses his entire being on your entrance. A single dip of his forked tongue has you screaming out for him. It drives you wild, his monstrous tongue. 
“Barbatos,” You pant, and your squirming is met with a quick slap against your ass. He hits the skin before soothing running his gloved palm over the affected area, ensuring that the pain doesn’t last for too long. As his tongue reaches further inside of you, forcing you to clamp down around him, his thumb finds your clit. 
The combination is dangerous, the sounds he is making are dangerous. 
One of these days, you’re sure that you’re going to pass out from his overwhelming ministrations. But, until then, you’re going to keep taking it willingly and lying down. 
Lucifer (fem!reader)
“Come closer, my pet,” Lucifer lowly murmurs into your ear as his large hands tug against your bottom, forcing you to lurch forward into his chest. The subtle rock of your hips makes you pathetically moan out loud as his long cock reaches places inside of you that you didn’t even know existed. “I missed you today.” He’s so sweet with his words, with his lips as he presses gentle kisses into your jaw. His lips part with each kiss and his touch is soft enough that you begin squirming for more. 
“Lucifer,” You murmur and gently grind down in his lap, back and forth your hips are moving at a slow needy pace. After a long day, this is exactly what the two of you desperately need. “please, I need more,” You’re not sure what you’re begging for, but whatever he gives you, you will take selfishly. 
“You’re being greedy,” He warns and nips at your throat to calm you down. His touch does the exact opposite of that. “relax.” At once, his hands lower from your waist to your hips. He strongly holds you in place and makes it so that you are unable to move a single inch. All you can do is pathetically grind your bottom into his thighs and try to find another source of release. Lucifer sighs. “Must you always defy me?”
Before you even get the chance to explain, lips already parting in thought, Lucifer slots his mouth over your own. He meets you in a messy kiss, tongue first and he’s eager with his movements. Lucifer devours you wholeheartedly, chest burning brightly with pride, as his tongue fondles your own. Over and over, he laps at you until you’re pulling away and gasping for air.
Even then, he can’t stay away and glues his lips to your throat. His strong hips begin to thrust upwards, bouncing you in his lap. Had it not been for the secure touch on your waist, you’re sure you would have flown off of him because of the movements. 
Lucifer sinfully rolls his hips, up and up until you’re falling back against the mattress. He doesn’t let you go, doesn’t give you time to react before he begins his work now on top of you. 
“Beautiful girl,” His eyes soften in a way that makes you bashful, shy, and you can only stare at the fondness expressed in his gaze. It’s entirely sweet and kind. Nothing like the way he is fucking you right now. 
The way Lucifer’s grunts fill your ears and the slaps of skin sound throughout the room, you know this is his purest form of lovemaking. It’s seen in your reactions and the way that you grasp onto his shoulders and dig your nails into his skin, dragging your fingers down his back as he repeatedly hits that spot that makes you see stars. Lucifer will always take care of you, provide for you, inside and outside of his bedroom. 
“Take it all, my sweet human, I know that you can.” 
“You’re just the sweetest demon, aren’t you?”
Had your hand not been wrapped around his aching cock, exploding from his jeans, Mammon would have been sure to reject this with a snarky remark. But, right now, all the demon can do is gasp for words. 
“S-Shut up, I’m not!” He swears it to be true but, how can you take him seriously as he dips his head back and thrusts his hips into your hand? His throat is bared for you and you lean forward to place the gentlest of kisses on his Adam’s apple. “You’ll regret this,”
“Regret pleasuring you?” You murmur into his skin, now picking the area just under his jaw to suck a bruise into. Through short jerks of your fist, you work the demon into submission. Mammon has all but started to thrash against his couch, eyes screwed shut while pathetic moans leave his lips. 
“Come on, more, give me more-” He’s so greedy that it breaks his words, voice cracking from the pressure. The demon can feel his impending release building in his gut, your touch just feels too damn good. “Fuck me, (Y/N), please, please!” Mammon cums into your mouth the second you lower your face and wrap your lips around his tip, you barely begin to suck before he thrusts and spills himself past your lips. 
You don’t waste a single drop, choosing to dig your tongue into his sensitive slit as he withers against his cushions. Being just as greedy as him, you’re eager to swallow it all. 
“You really thought you could toy with me?” Mammon swallows harshly, eyes darkening as he stares at your full cheeks. Your back is arched into the air as you lean over his lap and the demon doesn’t hesitate to slap the back of your thighs. He hits you just enough that you slightly jolt and feel the pressure against your sensitive legs. “I’m not gonna let you get away that easily,”
Then, he wraps his hand in your hair and pulls you toward him. He moans pathetically at his taste on your lips and thrusts his tongue into your mouth to lap at the cum still resting in your mouth. It’s filthy, and messy and only gets even more so as his fingers dip between your thighs. 
Mammon knows your body, he doesn’t have to see your pretty cunt to find your clit and he certainly doesn’t have to stare to find exactly where you liked to be touched. He knows it all already. 
And as he kisses you, stealing the breath out of your lungs, his fingers push your panties out of the way. Your wet cunt makes him moan loudly and he doesn’t hesitate to drag his finger along your slit, scooping your essence to smear it around your clit. 
“I’m gonna fuck you good after this, got it?” His eyes are blown wide with pleasure and his lips are still slightly parted, ready to kiss you once more again. “I’ll show you who’s a nice demon.”
Simeon (daddy kink, fem!reader)
When Simeon first heard the vulgar, authoritative, pet name fall from your lips, he didn’t know what to do. He simply acknowledged it with a kind smile before continuing his assault on your throat. 
The more it fell from your lips and the more you begged for him, however, the looser his restraint got. 
“Please, daddy,” You whine into the air, chest thrusting up from where you rest between Simeon’s legs. This position is anything but innocent. The angel has one of his hands wrapped around your throat while the other rubs ferocious circles against your clit. His own strong legs are hooked over your own, ensuring that you can’t close your legs even if you tried. 
“I’ve got you, my light,” Simeon murmurs into your ear, his eyes zoning in on your breasts from over your shoulder. His mouth waters at the sight, fingers slowing down completely before he brings them up to his lips. Quickly, he sucks the digits into his mouth and laps at his skin. He moans at the taste of your pretty cunt, sucking intensely on his fingers before bringing them to your breast. With a pathetic moan, you whimper when he brushes over your nipple with his two fingers. Simeon toys with the perked nub, circling it a few times before pulling it beneath his thumb. 
He tries to calm you down with gentle coos at your growing anticipation.
“Daddy’s got you,” His gentle kisses against your shoulder do little to satiate the burning desire in your belly. The angel has an obsession with your body, an unhealthy obsession. He can touch you for days and not grow tired of it, he can indulge in the most sinful acts with little shame all because you request it from your pretty lips. 
Slowly, you’re corrupting him and the angel does not care in the slightest. 
“Let daddy finish, sweetheart,” His soft voice doesn’t match his words but, he does it so well. Simeon continues toying with your breasts, pinching and pulling on your nipples before he migrates his hand south once again. Once more between your thighs, the angel runs his middle finger up your slit. He slowly dips his fingers into your entrance just enough to break a silent scream from your lips before he brings his finger to lazily circle your clit. 
“You’re being so good for me, you’re much more of an angel than I am.” Sweetly, he presses a kiss against your cheek before nuzzling his face into your neck. His puffs of air against your throat make you squirm and the sensitivity of his touch is starting to get the better of you. 
“I wanna cum, daddy, please,” Your gentle begs work wonders on the angel, he can never deny you of anything. 
“Since you asked so nicely, my sweet girl,” All at once, two of his fingers slip into your entrance while his thumb toys with your clit. His thrusts are harsh and steal the air from your lungs, causing you to thrash against him. “Cum on daddy’s fingers, you can do it, baby,"
. . .
2023/02/13 ♡
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pixeechix21 · 6 months
All I want for Christmas 🎄
Simon!Ghost!Riley x fem!reader 12 days of Christmas
Summary: It's your turn to sit on Santa's lap. Tell him what you want and maybe he's feeling giving enough to grant you your wish.
TW: nothing really just good old smut, with some role play?, n sweet names and praise the usual 😊💕
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I'm sorry but what the heck is this man doin in this gif?? 🤨
You promised your best friend you wouldn’t get that drunk. But after hearing the 141 boys were hosting a Christmas party you couldn’t help yourself. 
Dancing and chatting with your friends, you abruptly hear clapping and jeers. Entering the room is a dressed up Price. You and the girl's dog whistle him as he walks past. “Red looks good on you Simon,” you cheer. 
Johnny had managed to coerce Simon to dress up as Father Christmas. Placing him on the “throne” near the karaoke machine. “Come up! Come up everyone! Santa’s lap is open for all. Don’t miss your chance lassies and you Gaz I ya lookin’ at him!” Everyone lifts their cheers as Gaz is shoved to the front. Smiling widely, Simon’s cheerful eyes meet yours. He winks subtly, making your stomach flip and turn. 
Gaz does his theatrics, sitting on his lap and fake fanning his face in excitement. He leaves, giving Simon a sloppy kiss on the cheek, “thank you thank you! I promise I’ve been good!”
“Somehow I doubt that,” Simon shoves him off jokingly. Keeping his eyes on you Simon opens his legs leaning back and patting it, “for you,” he mouths. 
Jonny sees you in your costume. You’d lost a bet and had to dress up as a slutty elf. “Maybe Santa’s elf wants to finally sit on the throne,” he comes to you, you weakly attempt to back away. From behind you’re shoved into his arms . He takes you to Simon, excitedly. Sitting on his lap, Simon snakes his hand around your waist. Johnny is about to open his mouth ready to make a joke but Simon beats him to it. “That’s enough Soap, now fuck off.” He doesn't spare him another glance.
Sitting there on his lap, you pray he can’t feel heartbeat. “So, tell me, have you been good, my sweet?” His tone has changed, low and private between the two of you. Your hand loops around his neck running your nails through his hair. If it wasn’t for the loud music and chatting crowd you swear you would have heard him groan. “I’ve tried to be,” you sit up further on his lap, “I’ve tried to be a good girl, just for you,’ you whisper, he looks hungrily at your soft lips. 
“Is there anything you want this year, since you’ve been on your best behavior?” His thumb starts to draw lazy circles on your exposed inner thigh. Close, so dangerously close, you lightly clench your thighs. 
“There is one thing you could give me,” you don’t recognize your own sultry voice. Glad everyone is too drunk to notice.
“Mmm. What’s that my sweet?” he inhales as he pushes away your hair, leaving your neck exposed. You inhale shakily.
“You.” you let out weakly melting into his increasingly possessive grip. You’re without a doubt that he can feel your heartbeat throbbing, on his leg.
“I didn’t hear you my little elf,” his hand inches up, under the mini skirt. 
“I- i want- you.” you place your hand on his muscled chest. 
“Me too darling,” he doesn’t waste time scooping you up in a bridal hold. He gets up leaving the room smiling at Soap as you two pass by. Over his shoulder you see Johnny’s shocked expression, mouth wide open. 
Simon is on a mission, he bursts through an office door. Shutting it he adjusts your legs to wrap around his waist. He captures your lips between his, crashing into you removing all air from your lungs. You sink into him, inhaling his deep kisses. Your hands scratch all over his body trying to take off his ridiculous clothes. “God y/n,” he kisses hot trails across your collarbone. 
“I need you Si. I need you in me,” you whine as he helps you undo his belt. You’re so wet against his palm, his index and middle finger running along you sweet cunt. 
“I know, I can feel you,” he pinches lightly the growing bud of your clit. A shot of fireball couldn’t compare to the dizziness that fogs your mind. You buck and moan beautifully in his ear. “Don’t want the others to see how bad you’ve been,” he takes out his cock, running himself up and down. Slapping your clit you jolt at the sharp sensation. He moves the panties to the side. “Let me give you what you want luv. Relax for me,” biting his neck, his enlarged tip pushed past your entrance. “Take it, it’s just for you my sweet,” he pants as one hand supports your ass, the other caging you in, hand on door. 
Using his powerful muscles he fucks you. You tighten your grip on his shoulders and sinch his waist. “Fuck- Simon- I need you,” head resting on his shoulder, you kiss his neck refraining the loud whines from falling past your lips. 
“That’s it baby, it’s all yours,” he growls. And you do, you take every fucking painful inch of his throbbing cock. Hitting the sweet spot deep within you. 
“Simon,” you moan, clawing at him. He doesn’t stop. The friction of your panties stimulate your clit. You fuck him back, taking his lips with yours. Licking, biting, breathing messily. Your climax overcomes every single muscular control you hold. Sighing into his mouth he sucks your hot whining. He’s not far behind you as he jerks, coming as he feels you around him. 
Setting you down gently he steadies you, before you can stumble. Putting your panties back as you help zip his trousers.
Flushed and tired, you figure it’d be best to go to bed. Holding you close he walks you to your room, always alert.
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miam0re · 1 year
Aftercare(2) | Side Characters
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Warning: Implied sex? Implied rough sex, overstimulation;
Pairing: Diavolo, Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos X Fem!Reader (separate)
Summary: How he takes care of you after he's fucked you nice and hard 
Mia’s Notes: Back to writing after months wow this feels good!! Also what title should I use for Obey Me characters who are not the demon brothers? Is Side Characters fine or...is there another word for them. Also for anyone wanting to know if I’ll write anything for Mephisto or Raphael...I don’t know them?? Like they probably show up much MUCH later in the story (or in some events) But I don’t have much information to work on. So right now...not gonna write for them.
Hope you like this mwah mwah
(ALSO not proofread....eheheheh)
You can find the Demon Brothers version on my blog!!
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Diavolo is always trying his best to be gentle with you, treating you like his sweet little princess
But can’t help it if he gets pussy drunk on how tight and warm you are. Next thing you know, he’s pounding into you like a demon in heat. Wowzie
Insides and outsides both covered in cum, you’re quivering in his hold as he’s rocking you from side to side, calming your little sobs
He makes it a point to communicate with you, asking you what all you enjoyed, what you didn’t enjoy and what he could do to make you feel good (no, not only in the bedroom sense)
Tell him all the places it hurts and he’ll rub the pain away, making note to be careful of the position that made you ache so much 
Most of all, he loves to hear you tell him that he was good to you, and he will reciprocate your words, praising you with words from all three realms 
“My Queen, I will do everything to see that gorgeous smile on your face. I love you…so please tell me, how you want me to show it.”
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A cheeky sorcerer always finds the best ways to put his spells to use, and Solomon thinks the bedroom to be the best place to…play around 
Sense depriving spells, spells that would have you cumming again and again, after effects of magic are sure to follow the bedroom activities 
Sub-drop is sure to happen when he overstimulates you with magic, but magic also happens to be a good cure for head ache and body pains 
You’re in his hold, head on his shoulder as he murmurs a foreign language in your ear, rousing you to fall asleep as magic tingles over your bruised skin, colouring them its original blush 
His fingers caress the curve of your spine, the drag of his magical fingers relieving the pains you felt 
More than that, his spell chanting sounds like a lullaby with the little kisses he’s sure to dot around your face and neck after every verse, making you sleepy…so sleepy…
Perhaps that is one of the spells he used ;)
“Time for you to rest, my Darling. Tonight has been quite fun. Oh? Asleep already? You didn’t even hear me say I love you.”
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His touch is truly angelic. Nothing short of the most soulful and affectionate moments spent with Simeon worshiping your body for the night 
He doesn’t know it, but he makes a mess of your insides. Ah but he only notices the mess he’s made of you outside :p
With your head resting on his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeats, he busies himself with massaging your head and fixing your hair
He’s putting pressure on all the right spots on your scalp, blunt nails running through your hair making you sigh and hum in happiness
Your temples, the spot behind your ear, the nape of your neck- he’s giving all of it attention until you melt on top of him
His fingers curl in the tangled locks of your hair, combing your hair smooth and there’s something so oddly satisfying about having him separate your hair into parts and twist them into a braid 
When he’s done playing with your hair, he’s pressing multiple kisses to the top of your head and hugging your shoulders tight, squishing you closer to himself
“I love you, my Angel. Would you like me to massage your head some more? Anything to make you feel loved.”
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His tail is slithering down your legs and by the way you moan in exhaustion, Barbatos realises that he may have overstimulated you a tad too much
Worry not, acts of service are this demon’s specialty and you are his top priority right now 
Once you’re all clean and robed in the silk blankets, thanks to him, he’s excusing himself to prepare something for you 
No later, in front of you is a tray with baked dessert and a tea blend from his private collection
While blowing the steaming liquid and holding the cup to your lips, he tell you that this tea will make you feel better and help with any form of fatigue, helping you take small sips while brushing your hair out of your eyes
And who can say no to desserts, especially when they’re being hand fed to you, your lips being lovingly wiped off crumbs after every bite, don’t mind him if he uses his lips for that a few time ;p
“Is it to your liking, my Lady? I love you quite a lot and wish for you to feel good, so please, don’t hold back and tell me what you want of me.”
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toastermoth · 5 months
Hello! I saw your requests are open! I’m actually a fem reader, but I don’t mind a gender neutral one! I’d like to know your headcanons on Solomon when he becomes romantically interested with the mc. Like if he’ll do anything for them or does he get jealous whenever mc spends so much time with the demon brothers. Anything that you think about, it’s up to you. 😊 It’s been a very long time that I haven’t played Obey Me and I just miss them. Thanks!
Hell yeah!! I got OM after almost a year of not playing so ik what you mean when you say you miss them! (I missed Satan </3) one batch of Solomon hcs coming right up! APOLOGIES FOR THIS BEING LONG I HAD FUN WRITING THING
This man, he's old. Old man. So obviously he knows a few things about love.
Usually it's other people swooning for him but when he met you this man was DOWN MFING BAD.
He started to come up to talk to you inbetween classes more and more often. In a way he seemed awkward?
Hm, maybe he's just trying to be kind? Until he started walking you home everyday which always made you happy because unlike the brothers, he wouldn't abandon you on your walks.
Casually helping you carry books to eventually racing you playfully, to holding your hand and making you run with him all the way to the house of Lamination.
You found yourself falling for the white haired wizard and went to Asmo for advice.
"Sweetie, just say your feelings! I'm more than sure his feelings are intertwined with yours! And if you're too scared work up to it! Spend more time with him and only him!"
Taking Asmo's advice over timeyou found yourself at the purgatory hall. Everyday it seemed like a routine, get up, go to school, go home with Solomon and do whatever two oblivious people who have a crush on each other do!
The lust demon however thought you two were still taking too long and decided to take matters into his own hands.
Next thing you knew, Asmodeus was suddenly all over you, asking to shop, asking to try on some new makeup with him and then soon all the brothers caught on and had their own requests.
"Y/n I require you assistance for this paperwork. Surely you won't disappoint me."
"YO! Y/N! I need ya to help me with some uh.. uh.. LISTEN I JUST NEED YOUR HELP ALRIGHT?!"
"Hey normie, get on Mononoke Land! There's a new event going on!"
"Y/n I need you for helping me find this human book, it's about this boy-"
"Y/n dear! I found this color changing nail polish and it's to DIE FOR! Cmon I need to test it on you!"
"Y/n I'm hungry.. can you make me something? We can share if you want too if I don't eat it all."
"Mnn.. y/n come nap with me... m cold and you're nice and warm.."
Once Solomon noticed you were canceling your plans with him, he started to get suspicious and a little insecure. (He'd never say that out loud however.)
Finally after some debating, he decided to personally take you home with him and find ways to keep you both busy.
The demons take notice (especially Lucifer after you didn't answer his texts after 5 minutes) and sneaked around (Simeon let them in) and noticed you and Solomon laughing together?
"HEY WHAT TH-" "SHHHHH Love is happening."
You hear the demon brothers' bickering but pay no attention as you resume your tickle fight with Solomon.
"You're the person I'd let tickle me and that's saying something, you're the only person I'd let do a lot of things." he said inbetween laughs.
You look at him so full of love as he grabs both your hands and starts tickling you!
"Let the lovebirds be, cmon out out!" Asmo yelled, you both stopped and started laughing at his antics.
God he was in love.
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girlfailure-smut-hour · 10 months
Simeon's Corruption
Characters: Simeon X Fem!Reader
CW: Nipple play, Oral (Receiving, giving) Penetration (Receiving.) Some gendered language and MC has breasts, but ambiguous genitals as always.
A/N: I've been wanting to do something with corrupting Simeon for a while. He's such a cutie. MC seduces Simeon by wearing revealing clothes then confronting him about his fantasies. ~2100 words.
Please check out my fic masterlist <3
From the moment you laid eyes on him you knew you had to have him. His beautiful soft skin, slightly tousled hair, and gentle eyes entranced you. The way his tight shirt clung to his chest and the spots where it was cut away so you could see his waist was almost too much to bear. But it wouldn't do for an angel to misbehave like that so you had to take matters into your own hands.
It wasn't easy to make an angel have indecent thoughts. You started simple at first. Innocent flirtation: genuine compliments and the stray touch on his bare shoulder, but he didn't notice a thing. He'd just return your compliments. You had to work for it, so you began to wear shorter skirts, bending down in front of him to show your panties. You wore lower cut tops and leaned over him "to get something," making sure he had a full view down your shirt. You could never catch him looking. It was almost like he was incapable of noticing; too pure, or perhaps too polite. But one day when you were sitting near him, leaning so he could catch a peek down your shirt, you glanced at him and saw him quickly look away, blushing like he'd just walked in on you changing or something.
"Is everything okay, Simeon?" You ask, hiding a smile.
"Y-yes!" He stammers, getting up. "Sorry! I just remembered I have something to take care of!"
He quickly runs off, but you can't help but notice his bulge. Though he tried to hide it, the tightening of his pants was obvious as he ran out of the room.
You smile to yourself. So he can have dirty thoughts, you think. It wouldn't be hard to push him much further. He's probably on his way to masturbate right now, but you decide to let him be, as exciting as it is. You picture him rushing off to his room and tearing away his tight pants exposing his hard cock. Maybe he's lying on his bed right now, pumping his length in his fist, a light wet slapping sound each time his hand reaches the base. Maybe he's moaning your name as he tries to imagine what's under your shirt thinking of all the times you gave him a view down your bra. As he cums, all he can think about is how badly he wishes it were inside of you. After he started to think about you in that way, it would be hard for him to put those feelings aside again.
Catching him the next day, he can hardly look at you. He used to look at you with such pure intentions, not seeing the dirty thoughts you wanted to project onto him. Today, he can't look at you without calling to mind the fantasies he probably pleasured himself to last night.
"Hey Simeon," you say, stepping close to him, and running a finger down his chest, feeling his tense muscles under his tight shirt.
He looks away, blushing with a shiver. "H-hey."
"Is everything okay? You seemed to run off in a hurry yesterday."
"Y-yeah," he stammers, blushing even harder. "I… left something in my room… that I needed."
Lying too now? He'd really come a long way. "You seem… flustered," you say.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean," he replies.
You turn his face with a gentle finger and he gulps as he meets your eyes. They flick down to your chest before he brings them back to your eyes. Your heart is pounding as he looks deep into your eyes with a complicated, unreadable expression. He almost looks as though he's going to cry.
"I… did something bad last night," he says. "And I feel very guilty about it."
"That's okay Simeon," you nearly whisper. "We all do bad things sometimes." You can feel excitement stirring down between your legs as a tingling warmth builds up within you. "Sometimes we feel guilty about things that are perfectly natural." You cup his cheek, and feel the warmth of his blush as he looks away again, only casting furtive glances at your lips and chest. "Can I tell you a secret?"
He perks up, ready to hear the deepest contents of your heart. "You can always share your secrets with me," he replies.
"Sometimes… When I'm all alone late at night, I touch myself while thinking about someone."
"Is it a particular someone?" He asks. Your heart is pounding now. His probably is too, but you only have to look at his flushed face to know he is nervous.
"Yes," you say, "but I don't know if he'd have me."
"I think he'd be quite lucky to have you," he replies.
For a moment, it is quiet between you two. You break the silence by saying, "Kiss me.”
And he does. A gentle, almost shy kiss at first, but it evolves into a passionate, yearning one as he pulls you close and runs his fingers through your hair. You put your hips against his to feel his erection already pulling his pants tight.
As you pull away he says, "I have a confession too. I touched myself while I thought of you yesterday. That was the something bad I did."
"I know,” You laugh. “Did you enjoy it?"
"Aside from the guilt," he says, "very much so."
You get closer and whisper in his ear, "how about we try some of those fantasies then?"
Shivering, he replies, "I'd like that very much."
"Come on," you say, taking his hands and giggling.
"R-right now!?" He asks.
"Yeah!" You laugh as you drag him to your room.
His eyes are darting around and beads of sweat form at his brow as you both enter your room together. You touch his chest and bring your lips close to his.
"There's nothing to be nervous about," you whisper against his lips before kissing him again. He's stiff at first, but as he relaxes, he lets his tongue out a little, wrapping his arms around you. You grab the back of his head, running your hands through his beautiful hair. He pulls you tighter, pressing his hard cock against you.
You push his shawl over his shoulders and run your fingers against his skin. He shivers and you can feel his cock twitch through his tight pants. He pulls away and starts to undress you. His fingers rub the hem of your top nervously, before he lifts it up over your head. Reaching around you, he fumbles with your bra strap before it gives and falls away. He then kneels in front of you, kissing you a few times on your stomach and hips before pulling your skirt and panties down. He runs his hands up and down your legs, soaking you in.
As he steps away, there is a look of awe in the angel's eyes as though you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. He breathes deeply, drinking the moment in. You can't even feel nervous around him, the way he regards you.
He pulls you back into a kiss, running his strong, warm hands over your skin. He feels every inch of your body as he kisses you deeply. Gentle, but passionate, you can feel the aching desire in his touch, even though his hands feel light as air.
You undo his belt, then button and zipper, before ripping his pants and underwear down. His cock bounces slightly as the fabric is pulled away. You caress it and can feel his body move against his will, convulsing at the slightest touch. You wrap your hand around him and start to stroke it, gently rubbing it as he struggles to keep his lips locked to yours through the gyrations of his hips.
You guide him to the bed pressing a hand against his shoulder without dropping the kiss or stopping stroking his cock. As his heels knock against the bed, his knees buckle and he falls backward onto the bed, giggling. He looks up at you, his eyes gleaming with adoration for you. You cup his cheek and lean over to kiss him. Slowly you lower yourself onto your knees, until your mouth is inches from his cock. He bites his lip anxiously as your hot breath bears down on his length. He would be fun to toy with if you had the patience to tease him more, but the tension is unbearable already.
You wrap your lips around the head of his cock and he moans your name, leaning his head back in pleasure. You swirl your tongue around the head of his cock and he thrusts his hips involuntarily, pushing a little further into your mouth. You start to press your head down, taking more of his length in, feeling it fill your mouth as you get closer to the base. He moans and brushes your hair out of your face. You look up at him, his cock nearly all in your mouth and he quickly looks away, blushing.
You pull up and start to move up and down, feeling his shaft with your tongue. As hard as he tries, he can't seem to keep from thrusting his hips, pushing his cock against the back of your throat.
“That feels so good,” He moans, nearly whimpering.
His sweet moans are a good reward, but you can tell from his voice and the tightness of his skin that he's getting close so you pull away.
“It’s your turn now,” He says, smiling.
You climb up on the bed, and hang your legs off like he did. As he gets down on his knees between your legs Simeon flashes you a sweet smile. He kisses you gently on the soft skin between your legs; sweet little kisses that send shivers all up and down your spine. His soft hands caress your legs and dance around your dirty parts, teasing out moans and getting you ready for him.
As his tongue finally touches down, your back arches in pleasure. He swirls his tongue around and runs it all over you, moaning as he does so you can feel his excitement vibrating through you. For an angel he’s incredibly talented,  using his mouth in ways you couldn’t have imagined. You run your fingers through his soft, messy hair, and he looks up at you from between your legs with a gentle, but somehow dirty look. You  blush, suddenly feeling flustered.
He guides you to an orgasm unexpectedly quickly. You start to moan louder and higher, so he keeps up his pace, causing you to moan even louder, nearly screaming now. Gyrating your hips, you can feel a warmth building up in your groin. You grip his hair as you buck your hips, shuddering and convulsing.
He stands and positions his cock at your entrance, leaning over you for a kiss. He cups your cheek and asks, “Are you ready?”
You nod and he gently presses in. You moan, feeling his hard cock against your walls. As he starts to thrust, you clutch the sheets. He maintains his angelic composure, even as he thrusts into you, running his hands up and down your body, cupping your cheeks and rubbing your nipples.“Simeon, you feel so good,” You say. He smiles and runs a hand up to your face.
His sweet moans fill the room, contrasting the sound of slapping skin as he starts to fuck you harder. In his excitement, he grabs you by the hips for better leverage, pulling you onto his cock so he can get deeper and go faster. You’re practically shrieking in pleasure now as he thrusts his length into you repeatedly.
When you start to get close, you say “I think I’m going to cum.” He says “Me too,” thrusting even faster until he slows down and rams his cock into you hard a few more times before stopping entirely. The feeling of his cock throbbing inside you pushes you over the edge. You moan and clutch him as his hot cum fills you. Simeon cups your face as you convulse in pleasure, smiling as a single bead of sweat drips onto your lips.
You stay like that for a while, his cock still inside you. When he starts to pull out, it brings new waves of pleasure, almost overstimulating. He does it slowly, but when he’s done you can already feel his hot cum dripping down.
He picks your legs up and gently places them on the bed. Kissing your forehead, he says, “I’m going to get you a towel.” You try to reply but just mumble something incoherent, having been made pleasure-dumb. He giggles and kisses you again before leaving.
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hopeluna-archived · 1 year
Hello! Please can I request Mammon x Reader where he sees she's upset and tries to get her to feel better with lavish gifts (classic Mammon), but in the end finds out the best way to make her feel okay is cuddles?
Mammon comforting fem!reader
Didn't know what to do so turned this into a drabble, hope u like it <3
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Now we all know that Mammon is a little slow sometimes but out of all the brothers he is probably the most emotionally supportive. So he notices very early on that your smile is faltering and your eyes are not sparkling and just down in general. Maybe you've been stressed lately with work or maybe you're on your period or maybe its just one of those days where everything feels wrong. Whatever it may be Mammon makes it his mission to cheer you up.
Mammon is ready to get the clown costume out. His first strategy to make you feel better is to make you laugh 'cause, laughing = good mood, right? When he does succeed to make you laugh but still notices your mood not improving much, he'll resort to gifts.
He gets you that outfit you were talking about the other day, that one piece of jewellery that caught your eye a week ago. Mammon forgets for a while all about his money making schemes as he starts spending more and more money to buy you gifts, also having to steal borrow some of Levi's money.
But still Mammon can tell as much as you appreciate his efforts and gifts in trying to cheer you up, its still just not it. But then a light bulb turns on in his brain when Simeon makes a comment on how you would probably appreciate it if you and Mammon just got to spend a little quiet time together.
Mammon makes sure his room is clean and comfy with thousands of blankets and pillows. He's got all your favourite movies and shows ready, he's set aside all your comfort snacks before dragging you to his room.
And Mammon finally feels like he can breath when he feels you practically melting into him in relief. He quietly chastises you when you say that he didn't have to do all this, murmuring under his breath that he'd do it all over again if he got to see the smile return to your face <3
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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lancermylove · 10 months
Girl or Boy? (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x fem!Reader. Minus Luke.
Warning: None.
Prompt: Would he prefer a girl or a boy?
“I was watching a game show today, and one of the questions was very interesting,” you said as you glanced at him. He stopped what he was doing and looked at you curious, assuming you were going to tell him the question.
“I want to ask you the same question,” You smiled and sat up straight. “You have to choose one, and both or either is not an option.”
His curiosity piqued more. Slowly, you repeated the question from the game show, “When you have a child, do you hope it’s a boy or a girl?”
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Without hesitation, Lucifer says, “Girl.”
He has spent most of his life raising his brothers and knows how much of a handful boys can be.
Lucifer prefers a girl so that he can spoil and pamper her like the princess she is.
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“Do I gotta choose?” Mammon mumbled.
He thought about it for a bit and said, “Girl.”
Mammon wants to spoil her to no end, and she wants to make her feel like the most precious person in the world. He wants to take her shopping, give her hugs, and most of all, he wants her to look like you, his most precious treasure.
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Levi got excited about designing pretty cosplay dresses for his daughter. He could even dress her up like Ruri-Chan.
He also imagined holding her close to his chest as they slept in his cozy bathtub bed, as you watched them with a warm smile. Just the thought of it was enough to make him blush.
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Satan doesn't care what the gender of his child is, but he is a bit frightened that his son will turn out to have anger issues like him. He doesn't want that for his son or even his daughter.
Besides, he thinks there are too many men in the House of Lamentation.
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“Of course, girl!”
Asmo wants to dress her up, do her hair, makeup, and nails, see her start dating, gossip about boys/girls she is interested in, and eventually see her find her true love. And maybe if she is interested, he will teach her how to be a model from a young age.
Just like some of his brothers, he thinks there are too many men in HoL.
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Beel hesitates to answer the question, but after thinking for a while, he says, “Boy.”
He doesn’t mind having a little princess, but he wants a son who is as strong as him. He wants someone to protect his family in case something happens to him.
Beel wants to teach his son to be yours as well as his brothers’ shield, just like he is.
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Belphie seems a little uncomfortable at first, but the more he thinks, he smiles and says, “Girl.”
Belphie thinks boys can be too much of a handful and doesn’t want to spend as much energy looking after one. Most of all, he wants a girl so that he can remember all the good times he had with Lilith. He will never see his daughter as a replacement for his sister, but he will take care of her just as much as he took care of Lilith.
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Diavolo decides to be honest with you, "I want a girl, but for the sake of Devildom, I prefer a boy."
As a ruler, he needs a male heir to continue their family's rule in Devildom. Personally, he doesn't see a problem with a female ruling Devildom, but the demons aren't that open-minded yet.
If he didn't have to choose according to Devildom's tradition, he wants a girl so that he can spoil her as much as possible. Diavolo would be the type of father who would get everything for his daughter even before she asks for it.
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"Boy," he says without hesitation.
He needs someone to continue watching over Diavolo's family just like he is. In the future, if anything were to happen to him, he could at least rest easy knowing that his son would take care of everything in his stead.
He would also make sure his son would be just as much of an incredible chef as he is.
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"Girl," Simeon says after thinking a bit.
He, too, doesn't mind either gender, but technically he is taking care of Luke and could be seen as Luke's older brother or father figure. From that point of view, he already has a son, so he prefers a daughter.
Not to mention, he wants someone just as cute and beautiful as you.
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"Boy. I want him to be like me."
Solomon wants a son who he can train to protect the Human Realm just as he is. He knows a daughter would be just as capable, but considering he has to deal with dangerous beings, Solomon would prefer a boy to handle the matters.
From a king's point of view, as per traditions, he needs a male heir to continue his family line, but he doesn't like this point of view, so he chooses not to mention this to you.
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Mephistopheles feels a boy could carry his family's name and traditions forwards better. The reason he words his answers like this is because Mephi's family is part of the council that works with the king. According to the rules, the council members have to be males - he personally doesn't have any issues with a daughter handling matters.
Mephi is also scared that his daughter will be just as attractive as his, and he hates the thought of men buzzing around her to get her attention.
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Raphael wants to go train his son to fight alongside Michael and support the archangel just as he is doing.
Though he could train a girl as well, but he would prefer keeping his daughter away from the battle field.
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"Of course, girl!"
Why would you even need to ask her that question? She believes in girl power and knows that women are badasses! Besides, the women in her family have always been the grim reapers, and she is not about to change any traditions for anyone.
She also wants the girl to be just like you, but she wouldn't mind if her daughter had some of her cute looks as well.
The best part, she will have another partner in crime that can help her prank that pesky sorcerer.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
hello!!! congrats on the 1k! for the 1k event, can i request simeon for the nsfw prompt: "If we get caught, I'm blaming you." ? with a fem or gn reader! thanks~
Hello, anon!
Okay. I love Simeon so much. The more I write for him, the more I fall in love with him lol. I should write for him more often.
Anyway, definitely went AFAB on this one. Also this was another prompt that I deliberately put on the list so that I could write this exact scenario. I need to stop telling on myself lol.
Thanks for participating!
1,000 Followers Event!
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AFAB!MC x Simeon with prompt "If we get caught, I'm blaming you."
Warnings: semi-public, oral (male receiving), fingering (reader receiving)
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You really weren't sure who decided it was a good idea to have an angel exchange student attend Seductive Speechcraft, but Simeon seemed to be taking the lesson in stride. The two of you had been paired up when it was time to practice on each other. At this point, you had both discussed the methods at length and now you were supposed to be attempting to seduce him.
You watched Simeon's blue eyes, the gentle smile that was always on his face, as he waited for you to try. There was something about him. His beautiful hair, his soft skin, the white and gold of his angelic clothing. You found that all you wanted was to remove it all and seduce him without magic.
The minute you thought this you felt yourself blush, but you were determined to pretend you weren't having these thoughts. You cleared your throat and focused on the task at hand.
The rest of the class was unsuccessful. Neither of you managed to do it correctly. Instead, you found yourself unable to stop letting your fingers brush against him as the two of you leaned close to read the book again. You even said something about how beautiful he was, though you felt you managed to cover that up fairly well.
When the class was finally over, you found you didn't want to leave his side. So you grabbed your things and walked beside him, once again letting your hand brush against him.
Simeon caught your hand, causing you to stop in the middle of the hallway. He smiled at you and there was something almost smoldering in his eyes.
"MC," he said softly. "Your Speechcraft may not have worked on me, but I still understand what you want."
You blushed, the heat flooding your face. You covered it with the hand that wasn't in his. "I don't know what you mean."
Simeon laughed gently and pulled your hand away from your face. "You don't need to be shy," he said. "It's okay. Just tell me what you want. You can be honest with me."
You couldn't look at him, instead keeping your eyes on your hands, now locked with his. "I… I want… you."
The tips of your ears burned and you closed your eyes, unable to believe you actually said that out loud.
"I want you, too," Simeon whispered into your ear.
Your eyes flew open and you found he had leaned in close to say it. He was looking at you now, his face only inches from yours, his lips so close, his eyes full of something you could only read as… desire.
You pulled in a breath, squeezed his hands, and looked around for somewhere to go, somewhere you could take him that wasn't the middle of the RAD hallway. Your eyes fell on a door that you recognized and you pulled him over to it.
"MC?" Simeon asked, clearly surprised by this action.
You tugged him inside and closed the door behind him. You were in a small closet, a shelf of random books and boxes behind you. There was a dim light from a single bulb in the ceiling, just enough for you to see the astonished look on his face.
You leaned in, pausing a breath away from his lips, waiting.
In a moment, Simeon got over his surprise, putting his arms around your waist and pulling you close as he kissed you.
His lips were so sweet, a feeling you had been craving the entire time you'd been in class, and you pressed yourself against him, causing Simeon to lean back against the door.
Things were heating up and you found it just wasn't enough, you wanted more of him. You broke off the kiss, tugging on the waistband of his pants and pulling them down with you as you went to your knees.
"MC, wait," Simeon said.
You stopped immediately, looking up at him, a question in your eyes.
"If we get caught, I'm blaming you," Simeon said, the playful look on his face making you laugh.
"I'll take the fall for you," you said, moving the rest of his clothes out of the way and finally taking in the sight of his erect cock.
It was as beautiful as the rest of him, but you didn't really have the time to admire it fully at that moment. So instead you put it in your mouth, taking it in as far as you could, listening to the sound of Simeon trying to suppress his moans.
You sucked hard, wanting to bring him to climax quickly because you both knew you didn't have time for much more than that. Still there was something thrilling about the fact that you were blowing him in a closet at RAD and it was affecting both of you.
You ignored your own throbbing need, preferring to focus all your attention on the perfect cock you had in your mouth. You put everything you had into sucking and licking it, Simeon's sweet sounds half muffled by the hand that he now had pressed to his mouth. The other hand was in your hair, fingers jerking. You could tell he was trying not to pull too hard on you, but you didn't mind.
Simeon suddenly sucked in a breath, then said your name multiple times in a row as he came. You swallowed every last drop of his cum, a sense of satisfaction coming over you.
You pulled your mouth away from him and looked up, pleased with the dazed look you saw on his face.
You stood up, wiping a little bit of spit and cum from your lips as you did so.
Simeon looked at you and his eyes went from bliss to determination in two seconds flat. You weren't sure what that meant for you, but you didn't have time to think about it. He turned you around so that it was your back to the door before kissing you, no doubt tasting the salt of his own cum on your tongue.
Simeon pulled away from you for a moment. He had one hand on the door behind you. You watched as he put the other hand to his mouth, pulling off his glove with his teeth before placing it on a nearby shelf. And then his hand was down the waistband of your uniform, creeping past fabric and skin to the hot space between your legs.
Your eyes rolled back in your head and you moaned as his fingers massaged your clit expertly. You clung onto him, tugging on the white fabric of his clothes, bucking your hips into his hand.
"Ah, Simeon," you moaned.
Simeon laughed against your neck. "Shhh, you don't want anyone to hear, do you, MC?"
Your fingers clenched against his back. "I almost don't care at this point."
Simeon laughed again. Your back arched as he put two fingers inside you, moving in and out while his thumb rubbed your clit.
You thought you might be fully consumed by the heat of your body as you tightened around his fingers, more moans escaping your lips.
Simeon kissed your neck, mouth open, teeth grazing against your skin. You tried not to push your hips forward, but you couldn't get enough of him. You felt the building sweetness as he put another finger inside you, his thumb increasing its speed, stimulating that little clump of nerves until your legs were shaking. You held onto his shoulders like your life depended on it as you felt yourself hit your climax. You buried your face in his neck to muffle your moans.
Simeon stayed still until you were able to think clearly again. You leaned back to look at him, taking in the expression of satisfaction that was on his face. As you watched, he pulled his hand out of your uniform and put his fingers in his mouth, sucking and licking them clean of your cum. The sight of it caused a fresh pulse of desire to run through you, but you suppressed it the best you could.
Simeon pulled you closer to him, his arms around your waist, and kissed you gently. "You're amazing, MC," he said quietly. "But next time, I would really like to do this somewhere other than the closet."
You laughed and leaned against him. "At least we didn't get caught."
Although this was a true statement, Simeon was not going to take the chance again. You would find yourself invited over to Purgatory Hall rather frequently, especially if the two of you ever happened to be paired up for Seductive Speechcraft again.
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