#sims 3 headshots
jaanie · 2 years
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The McNeils
Samuel McNeil || Firefighter Super Hero \ Athletic, Virtuoso, Daredevil, Hydrophobic, Ambitious, Light Sleeper
Charlotte (Dawson) McNeil || World Reknown Surgeon \ Genius, Natural Cook, Vegetarian, Light Sleeper, Ambitious, Friendly
Emerson McNeil || Couch Potato, Good, Irresistible, Cat Person
Shawn McNeil || Shy, Hopeless Romantic, Artistic, Easily Impressed
Noah McNeil || Absent-Minded, Vehicle Enthusiast, Loves the Heat
Autumn McNeil || Good, Genius, Frugal
James McNeil || Brave, Easily Impressed
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nectar-cellar · 2 years
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one of the beards i made was perfect for grant so i gave him an update.
i mustn’t speak further......
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gruesim · 2 years
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kitty-pixelz · 1 year
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blvckentropy · 4 months
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Meet Luci Izume <rip her last face>
Age: 28
Birth/Star: Gemini 06/04
Height: 5'8
Ethnic: Vietnamese/French/Komorebian?
Siblings?: Twin brother
Occupation: CEO/Mafia
Weapon of choice: Anything small enough for a purse/upskirt
Hometown: Migrates <she doesn't usually stay in one place but for the 'show' she's in Komorebi/Windenburg>
Aesthetics: Amy Winehouse/Vintage Pinup/Bougie
Why the show? Work under the mafia doesn't really give her much freedom to have a dating life as she would like. She had plenty of suitors/bachelors etc but for her, it was just fun. However, her long-term goal was always to be a wife and start a family.
SHOW DETAILS: This started out as a valentine special but now we're here. Long story short, this is a baggage game/visual novel dating challenge. This is also a semi-interactive challenge meaning if you are submitting a sim, YOU MUST BE ACTIVE <kinda>. Every game, every date, and every contestant will be viewer's choice or random picked (spin wheel). There will also be contestant choice (those picked) & in-game choice <letting npc do what it do>. All questions for viewers will be polls and all questions for contestants will be regular post <you will be tagged> and you must comment. If I don't see a comment from you at all, that's an automatic elimination <sorry not sorry>. Questionnaires will be posted every Friday <so you will have until next Friday for answers>. (More details in the future)
Elimination rounds will be over 2-3 weeks. A maximum of 8-10 contestants, 2 contestants will be eliminated each week <I hope I did that math right> until we have our finale 4. This will be viewers choice. All contestants will be lined up on a bingo card.
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Each week will be "fan favorites" and the bottom two voted will be eliminated. Ties will result in tie breakers <only if there's more than two losers>
Contestant requirements:
Human males only. YAD-E only. ONE outfit per category. At least ONE headshot photo please. NO DEFAULT features.
Style (3):
Description/Backstory: I need as many details about your sim as possible
*3 Random facts*: For this, I need you to be creative. I want the wildest/personal fact about your sim.
NO DUE DATE! OPEN SUBMISSION until I have all 8-10 contestants. Or if I even luck out with just 4 participants. Tag me @blvckentropy or #LSChallenge
Interviewer: So Luci, how do you feel about the viewers having control over your faith in this challenge?
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Luci: They'll probably do a better job than I could <I hope>. I'm VERY picky. So, this should be interesting.
Interviewer: Any words for our contestants?
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Luci: If you're not a guy I can take home to father. I don't want ya.
Interviewer: Well Luci, your future husband could be behind one of these doors very soon. Are you excited?
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canneddolts · 9 months
as promised gordon college kid post (ft barney)
its strangetown’s (the deserrt town w aliens and military guys…like black mesa woah) sim state uni
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i couldnt go into cas but heres how he looks…….i gave him short hair bc 1) theres NO good ponytails in the sims. Even in sims 3. its so pain and 2) i think its a nice change
i soent like 5 mnutes trying to find an outfit for him but settled on orange bc Its Orange but i think it fits him well (nerd clothes)
hes majoring in physics and is abt to finish junior year woohooo!!!!
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amd this is his dorm its a little old fashioned (?) and mismatched but i think it fits
the blue chair is very very out of place though Ugh i tried matching it to the blinds but alas
and then like a semester and a half in i added barney too bc its so boring to play with just 1 sim
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AND THIS OUTFIT!!!! This outfit i love so bad bc it fits the security guard uniform so well…..the yellow logo on the left and the Shade of Blue amd the yellow stripes on the pants all the pockets UGH!!!!!
again i gave him this hair bc all the short hair is ugly. Ok. and i think he shoudl have longer hair when he was younger
it used to be purple (like the hl1 HD models) but sims 2 made it BRIGHT purple and it looked soooo bad
hes majoring in literature bc it kept showing up in his aspirations bar (ik hes undecided major in hl but this is sims 2 university)
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this is his dorm….its very simple but i do like the colors (esp the lamp its so pretty i need it irl)
also alien poster wall :-] and the canvas on the right was me attempting to make gordon do a “”portrait”” except it was a screenshot. i thought itd be like you choose a sim and he paints the basic headshot but No
also look how i redecorated the 8 room dorms muaaahahahahaa
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
- OC Evolution : Roo Norman
I got tagged by @elderwisp !! thank you for the tag i love your oc so much shes SO PRETTY!! I will, of course, be doing Roo, but thats also because I do nawt have any sim/oc evolutions besides Roo so LMFAO
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I have chatterboxed about Roo more times than a scribe has recited his library, but seeing this evolution of Roo definitely feels like a sculpture that im constantly carving to perfection, in a years time if im still playing Sims 4 (and if it still works), I will look back on this new Roo and be like "wow I definitely could've done so many things differently," which is nice, because I don't want him to be the same, I don't want him to forever look like the first rendition, I don't want him to be the same age forever (hence why he's 28 and not still 23-24), not gonna continue to preach the same bible that i've preached ever since i've shared him, but i just like to re-appreciate him a lot and I don't think a lot of people (especially newer followers) havent seen the tragedy of his pipeline of appearance LMAO
im a little upset about being late to this cuz i dont know who has and hasnt done this so... whoever sees this, do it! it's fun to see how your OC has changed, it doesnt have to be a sim either (roo is not even originally a sim, i just use sims as an outlet to create what he looks like since i cant fucking draw <3), it can be an evolution of your drawn oc!
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cornyregans · 7 months
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GVGP: Capp & Monty 4
Having covered every sim in this group, let’s review our findings.
Similar to the previous two summaries, all information for each sim is split into several charts. Like in the individual entries, everything is color-coded, and I will give a special mention to any oddities found in a sim’s genetic code when they come up.
Genetic Profiles
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Oddity 1: Cornwall's Skintone
Cornwall's skintone makes perfect sense because he shares it with his mother. That said, his father's slightly darker complexion requires hypothetical genetics to make sense with the parents he has.
Oddity 2: Goneril's Unrecognized Skintone
Like her mother, Goneril's skintone was unrecognized by the game during the title's early days. Luckily, both sims have since had their data corrected, so Goneril's skintone now makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
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Oddity 3: Albany's Blond Hair
Despite Albany having blond hair, both of his parents had dominant hair colors. Thankfully, two of Albany's grandparents also had blond(e) hair, so we can assume that the trait skipped a generation.
Oddity 4: Goneril's Hair Colors
Unlike her husband, Goneril's hair color is a hot mess. While she has brown hair in-game, it doesn't make any sense when we take her genetic history into account. The red hair listed in SimPE, on the other hand, does make sense in spite of her paternal grandparents' similarly faulty phenotypes.
Eye Color
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Oddity 5: Albany's Green Eyes
Albany's green eyes are similar to Goneril's red hair, in that they likely skipped a generation (or possibly two, in Goneril's case). Additionally, they're both descended from sims who were programmed with contradictory dominant traits.
Oddity 6: Cordelia and Caliban's Corrupt Faces
One of the side effects of having a corrupt face is that a sim displays brown eyes in their headshots, regardless of what's actually in their genetic code. Even if her brown eyes were genuine, they wouldn't make sense when looking at Cordelia's two grey-eyed parents. As for Caliban, brown eyes could work on him, but Prospero Gale would have needed to possess a hypothetical allele to explain them.
Oddity 7: Capp Daughters' Grey Eyes
When looking at their genetic profiles and implementing hypothetical genetics when appropriate, all three daughters' eye colors make perfect sense. That said, hypothetical genetics are essential on Consort's side of the family tree, as the trait appears to have spontaneously appeared in his genetic code.
Oddity 8: Cornwall's Grey Eyes
Cornwall is the son of two dominant, dark blue-eyed parents, but him having recessive grey eyes isn't completely outside the realm of possibility. When looking at his family tree, Cornwall's eye color can be explained by assuming Hamlet Jr. passed down a recessive grey allele he inherited from his father, and Tobea passed down a recessive allele she received from her mother.
Oddity 9: Kent's Light Blue Eyes
Like Albany's blond hair, Kent's light blue eyes make sense if we assume they skipped a generation or two. Despite having two grey-eyed parents, Kent has ancestors on both sides of his family tree who could have supplied him with the proper allele (Octavius Capp on Contessa's side, and either Queen Thebe or Hecuba Albion on Consort's).
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Oddity 10: Olivia's Skintone
Olivia is the S3 daughter of two S2 parents. As such, we would need to assume that Dull Dottore passed an S3 allele down to his son Holofernes for Olivia's skintone to make sense.
Hair Color
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Oddity 11: ABC Monty Hair Nonsense
The Monty family has long had a history of contradictory hair colors. Of the ABC Montys's grandparents, only their paternal grandmother has a perfectly explainable hair color. Both grandfathers are programmed with black hair; however, they each have one parent with brown hair, and another with a recessive hair color. Even more glaring, there's their maternal grandmother, who has brown hair despite having parents with recessive hair colors. This conundrum is made even more complicated in the next generation, as both Patrizio and Isabella have two possible hair colors. In Patrizio's case, storytelling images show him having black hair, whereas SimPE and The Sims 3 both show him as a brunet. Meanwhile, SimPE lists Isabella as a blonde, yet The Sims 3 portrays her as a brunette. With the ABC Montys in mind, we now know that Patrizio definitely has a black allele in his genetic code; however, we can't say for sure whether it was expressed. With black and brown hair both being dominant, Patrizio could have passed down either one; if that were the case, then it would have been a coin flip as to which kid ended up with which allele. As for Isabella, her offsprings' hair colors fail to rule out whether she had dominant or recessive hair.
Oddity 12: Olivia's Blonde Hair
Unlike the ABC Montys, Olivia's blonde hair is easier to explain. While Olivia shares her hair color with her mom, the latter's blonde tresses spontaneously appeared; however, given that Judith had two red-haired parents, one of them could have had a hypothetical gene in their genetic code. Olivia's father's side of the family tree is instead littered with black-haired sims; however, one of her paternal grandparents could have easily passed down a hypothetical recessive allele to her father.
Eye Color
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Oddity 13: Claudio's Light Blue Eyes
Claudio's eye color is yet another case of spontaneously appearing traits occurring in Veronaville. In this case, we can narrow down the source of Claudio's phantom trait to Proteus Pantalone, who would have needed a recessive allele in order to explain his son Vincentio's grey eyes.
As a Whole
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Hair Color
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Eye Color
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As a Whole
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Planned Additional Essays
In terms of any additional essays I'm planning to write on this group, I do have some things in the works.
As I mentioned in both Cornwall and Regan's entries, the two of them will be mentioned in a special essay down the line. That said, I'll save the details for when I post it (though, you might be able to guess what it's about if you browse my previous Veronaville Vault entries).
Another essay I want to write has to do with the Monty family's weird hair genetics. That said, I want to finish all of that family's genetic profiles before I touch it, as it will contain spoilers.
The final essay I have on my to-do list has to do with Olivia Monty, and how certain sources might help to explain her genetic oddities without incorporating hypothetical genetics.
Before writing this batch, I also had another essay in mind; however, I ended up incorporating the bulk of it in Claudio's genetic profile, and the rest will be brought up in the next batch.
Speaking of which...
Who's Next
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The RNG gods have decided that Mercutio will be the first sim up in our next group, unless anyone wants to expedite another sim's genetic profile. I don't know when the next entry will be posted, but I've made a dent in a few of them, so hopefully the next batch won't take another two years to finish.
Thank you so much for reading the GVGP so far. With this group down, we're approaching the homestretch of part 1. Once the next batch of entries is completed, all the Capps and Montys will have their genetic profiles shared, and we can move on to the Summerdreams.
Once again, thank you so much for reading!~ <3
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tiredxforest · 9 months
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Labrador Conformation Pose Pack
All poses are exhibited on my boy Bear (GRCH CCH Amaranthine’s Gallant Gold CGC). Sims are Molly (handling Bear) & Nayeli (handling Beautie [Classical Best of Gentlewoman])
Included in this pack are:
12 Poses!
5 Stacks - Standard, making eye contact with handler, looking forward, cheery expression, and regal/stoic expression.
2 Headshots - Glam shot and seated.
3 Gaits - Standard, sloppy, and cheerful trot.
1.5 Handler Poses - Making eye contact with dog and the same pose for larger Sim bodies (see under the cut for more info)
Download: Patreon | SFS - never adfly!  ||  T.O.U.  ||  If you want, you can give a tip/donation!
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Place Teleporter in the direction you want your dog facing.
For handler & dog poses, place 2 Teleporters in the exact same spot.
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You will need Andrew's Pose Player and Scumbumbo's Teleporter
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berylgrace · 1 year
okay will you please share your sims screenshots of fics? <3<3
be warned, you have just opened the floodgates for me to overexplain every decision.......... under the cut for the sake of how insufferable i am
starting off with Here I Go Again (mamma mia au for anyone unfamiliar). now i actually have a lot more than what i'm showing here but let's say they're... more prequel focused. and thus. kinda spoilery... but they may come later!!! anyway
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just picture slipping through my fingers playing and you can tell exactly what's happening here <3
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and a bonus, non-spoilery prequel type - silena, annabeth and piper out partying in the world's hottest girl summer ever
moving swiftly and embarrassingly onto my url namesake, the beloved miss beryl. i chose the best of what i have which is admittedly SO MUCH
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this one is my FAVOURITE okay let me explain (though - obvious). left is 1979 (age 20) beryl: playful, flirty, youthful. retaining some of the country aesthetic from where she grew up. modelling a lot around this time, beer ads, cars, that sort of thing. anything that required a hot blonde in a bikini or white shirt. this is also the year (in my fic) that she has an agent, sends out headshots regularly and is not against using her feminine wiles to get roles. middle is 1986ish (age 27) beryl: full blown celebrity of the 1980s. glamorous, sexy, demanding. big hair, tan skin. many many magazine covers, tons of movies. she is hollywood. this is how she meets zeus, and later has thalia. right is 1993 (age 34) beryl: the year she wins her oscar, gets back with jupiter, and has jason. she's slightly thinner and paler in this one, with lighter hair, following with the vampy 90s look, swapping red lips for brown. career definitely at a high but the rest of her life beginning the downward spiral.
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here's a better look (bad quality SO SORRY) at the differences in makeup, skin and eyebrows (though this was before i lightened the hair) to get a feel of the differences between 80s (left) and 90s (right) beryl.
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and, for fun, two party looks.
now prepare for an entire lookbook because i have a problem!!! remember you asked for this... if only you knew. as always, left is 80s, right is 90s.
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(everyday category) big shoulders, big jewellery, vs vampy, almost soft-goth.
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(formal category) award show chic! a lot more ostentatious for the 80s side but fully glamorous both ways.
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(athletic category) definitely took inspiration from like, 80s celebrity fitness tapes (lbr i mean cher) for the left, and then the sporty bright colours of the 90s.
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(nightwear category) pretty simple, standard. a big robe for either if someone is at the door.
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(party category) some of my FAVE looks. an 80s LBD with big hair, and a clueless-inspired ensemble <3 ugh i love playing dress up can you tell...
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(swimwear category) no comment just me being obsessed with sims custom content.
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(hot weather category) one thing about me is i am OBSESSED w the like, 80s supermodel in just a thin white tee and shorts look. it's SO good. i can't pull it off being too breasty but it's stunning so ofc that. and a sweeter, softer 90s look to follow.
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(cold weather category) this 80s one is my FAVOURITE possible of them all? something about the brown colour pallette and the big loose shapes and layering is very 80s movie to me, like this is always how they look in the films and probably how she did too! the 90s is more playful and cooler tones, shifting into different trends.
that's all i have that's worthy of being seen I SAY AS IF I DIDN'T JUST WRITE AN ESSAY... um yeah i have a sims addiction and being a writer i love making my own fanart this way it's so dumb and entertaining. anyway, hope you enjoyed lol, probably more to come later.
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beantothemax · 1 year
modern ot2 au and what type of game i think they'd play
thronè - world-building games (sims, stardew valley, animal crossing)
osvald - he wouldn’t really play video games, but i think he’d be the mediator in monopoly/uno
temenos - the nancy drew games or games like june’s journey
agnea - rhythm games (friday night funkin, parappa the rapper, project sekai)
partitio - bullet hells (undertale, cuphead, just shapes and beats)
castti - not really a video game person, sometimes plays horror games though
hikari - also plays horror games (mainly plays bizarre indie horror games he found in the depths of steam)
ochette - probably roblox flicker/mimic (she's like twelve give her a break)
thinking about this SO hard…
I’m imagining throné playing animal crossing and getting a snake villager, and proceeding to spend multiple days figuring out how to make them move away.
osvald almost always plays the banker during monopoly, but when the others make him play, he HAS to be the top hat piece or else he won’t play.
ALSO ON MONOPOLY partitio is extremely good at bartering properties with others. he refuses to convince someone into a bad deal
temenos with his detective mystery games… yes. He probably plays ace attorney too. (no I’m not projecting my interests onto him what are you talking about) also if one of the others is struggling on a puzzle in a game, they don’t look up a walkthrough, they just ask temenos for help and he just. Knows the solution, immediatly. he won’t tell them it directly, obviously, but he gives good hints.
agnea is. VERY good at rhythm heaven. she’s P-Ranked every stage, and dosent understand how the others struggle with it
partitio refuses to do a genocide run. He first playthrough was a true pacifist playthrough and left his save file intact, and hasn’t touched it since
castti just. does NOT get scared at jumpscares. She’ll be playing Resident Evil or something at just sit there stone-faced as a zombie screams into the camera just before she lands 3 simultaneous headshots on it.
HIKARI WITH THE WEIRD INDIE HORROR GSMES!!!! YES!!!! hikari absolutely plays games like omori and yume nikki, and proceeds to watch multiple multi-hour long youtube essays about their stories, with rapt attention.
ochette browses random animal facts websites for fun, and runs to castti/osvald to show them any fun facts she finds, which they’re always happy to see.
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jaanie · 2 years
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Alexander Dawson-Montano
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belugasnailsart · 1 year
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Jon would like The Stanley Parable I think.
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[ID 1: Sasha James from the Magnus archives, holding a wrapped present and saying “Happy Birthday Jon!” /end ID]
[ID 2: Jonathan Sims, sitting at a desk, looks up and says “Oh. Uh. Thank you.” After a pause, he says “Just, on that pile with- yep, there, thanks.” /end ID]
[ID 3: The word ‘Later’ is in a box in the top left corner. Jonathan Sims’ arm is shown placing a DVD into his computer. Next to him is a book titled ‘The Stanley Parable Install Guide”, and a striped tie. /end ID]
[ID 4: Jonathan Sims, sitting cross legged on the floor, hunched over his computer. The background is dark, and there is light streaming from his screen. /end ID]
[ID 5: Jonathan Sims, still hunched over. He has not moved since the last panel, although his hair is more messy. The background is now light. /end ID]
[ID 6: A closeup of Jonathan Sims’ face, showing only his glasses and nose. His computer screen is reflected in his glasses, and displays “THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER” /end ID]
[ID 7: The words ‘In the Archives’ are in a box in the top left corner. The archival assistants, Martin Blackwood, Sasha James and Timothy Stoker, stand around, facing each other. They stand awkwardly, with an ellipsis above them, showing that they are not speaking. /end ID]
[ID 8: The assistants are in the same positions as before, and Martin asks “Where’s Jon?” Tim remarks “He’s usually here before all of us.” /end ID]
[ID 9: Text reading:
This was the only day Jon ever skipped work.
is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the
/end ID]
[ID 10: A headshot of Martin looking worried and thinking “I hope he doesn’t have a ‘stomach bug’”. Also in the thought bubble, below this, is a small drawing of Jane Prentiss, with worms throughout her body. She is saying “Join me Jon” /end ID]
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gruesim · 2 years
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Updated skin shots.
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kitty-pixelz · 1 year
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symerr · 5 months
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a wall of headmate sim headshots while were too lazy to fix our cas poses </3
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