#sims 4 dirt floor
cityof2morrow · 1 year
NetworkMAT: Streets of 2morrow
Published: 7-21-2023 | Updated: 9-28-2023
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SUMMARY The Network Materials (NetworkMAT) (Simmons, 2023) series includes assets for building modern road networks in Sims 2. Use these items to enhance your city’s streets, walkways, highways, skyways, bridges, and so on.
Streets of 2morrow (Simmons, 2022-2023) adds intricate, modern road networks to your game with a look inspired by SimCity: Cities of Tomorrow (EA, 2013). It includes winter-ready road replacements, 40+ road overlays, and 130+ modular floor tiles. The road defaults contain no visible grass/dirt, so they’ll work with all terrains. Road overlays come with several recolors for a variety of projects, including bike lanes and narrow roads.
DETAILS Requires ALL EPs/SPs. Blue, gold, white, and A/B tiles should be used together respectively. There are left- and top-aligned versions to maintain the hex pattern across all tiles. Some corner tile seams will be visible - this is a default game quirk - but they’re hardly noticeable when used with other tiles.
No new driveway recolors are included. To create matching driveways, combine the floor tiles with invisible driveway/extension objects such as these by RoddyAeixo (2006).
When in lot view, the neighborhood roads at the edges of the lot appear darker. This is another default quirk, but they match perfectly in hood view.
Since there are no grass/dirt medians, you’ll need to move the mailbox, trashcan, and/or phone booth at least two tiles from the front of the lot.
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ITEMS Cost: §9-11 | Floors > Misc and Deco > Misc
130+ Floor Tiles (create crosswalks, gutters, divisions, zones, alt. lanes, etc.). DOWNLOAD (includes collection file) from SFS | from MEGA
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Road Defaults (2-way straight, 2-way turn, 3-way stop, 4-way stop, cul-de-sac) – winter-ready, for all terrains. DOWNLOAD from SFS | from MEGA
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40+ Road Overlays (2-way straight, 2-way turn, 3-way stop, 4-way stop, cul-de-sac) – winter-ready, conforms to sloped terrain. DOWNLOAD from SFS | from MEGA
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CREDITS Thanks: Help with “white edges of sorrows and doom” (@catherinetcjd), @lordcrumps. Sources: Hex Pattern (Savoretti, 2019), Road Overlay (Wedingo, 2017; CuriousB, 2012), SimCity: Cities of Tomorrow (EA/Maxis, 2013), Snow (NNNNatali, 2007), Terrain Default Replacements Ver 1.0 (@peppermint-ginger, 2017), Ultimate Road Default Replacement (@tvickiesims, 2021).
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aesthesiasims · 2 years
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a dirty and grungy apartment i made for my sim! cc list below 🡣
most of the cc are from sets, and therefore, some links leads to the same source as other links.
radioactive: juice box | cassettes | walkie talkie | candies |
juice box | notebook | walkie talkie | tv set | fox statue |
around the sims 4: pizza | soda can | dirty dishes | dishes |
pierisim: pillow | hanging plant |
basemental: ashtray | bong | rolling paper | cigarettes |
charly pancakes: plant | books |
trash bag | trash | wine bottles | outlet | land line | globe
phone | brushes | floor dirt | sticky notes | tarot cards |
cherry coke | toilet paper | books | mp3 player |
sofa | bookcase | coffee table | fridge | oven
all other items are from the game itself. i used high school years, snowy escapes, eco lifestyle, cats & dogs, city living, get to work, werewolves, strangerville, vampires, country kitchen kit and laundry day stuff.
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faelegacy · 1 year
Ashlace: A Fae Legacy★ Prologue Pt. 4
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Living alone hadn't come with many surprises, but Baelia treated herself to something special once a year. Lodged into a knobby branch of the faerie house was an old glass jar, the kind Sims used to catch fireflies (or faes, if they were evil). This one was filled with colorful beans, each twice the size of her head. It took her weeks to finish eating just one. Their unique flavors and magical side effects brought her endless entertainment, but she couldn't enjoy the sweets too often. If she ran out, there was no way she'd risk going outside to look for more.
Throughout the year, she'd make bets against herself (and dozens of other imaginary Baelias), fixated on predicting the next year's jellybean. She would give them unique names and keep detailed records. Her favorite, dubbed "Little Bit o' Green," tasted like clover and gifted her a brief reprieve from the usual doomer energy bad luck that weighed on her mind. Not even the more unpleasant effects could dampen her spirits, though once she had to skip a year while recovering from the apparently very rare yet very real "Lighting-in-a-Bean".
While she found great pleasure in her candy fascination, Baelia certainly hadn't failed to consider one glaring downside of her hobby: it was incredibly embarrassing. It took her a while to accept, but after weeks of pondering and panicking, she realized there was no way anyone could ever find out. Just another good reason to stay inside and never socialize again.
(shameful brooding) Yeah, I really should've seen this coming.
Baelia took one excited bite of the mysterious jellybean and dropped to the floor of the faerie house, immediately drained of her magic. For the first time in a century, her tiny luminous form was flickering out, threads of silver aura whipping out across the threshold like silk bedsheets in a storm.
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A long, nauseating moment passed before Baelia realized what happened. An unwelcoming chill was prickling at her skin. Her palms and knees were stained with dirt. She was outside. Her heavy body was crumpled on the ground, an acute ache flooding her muscles. When she gasped for air and none came, something deeper than panic set in: survival.
This wasn't her average everyday darkness. This was... advanc-
She was dying, and obviously that made things much, much worse. The fear of death was familiar to Baelia, but not because she would become a ghost (so gross) or cease to exist (huge bummer).
No, the one thing Baelia feared most in her final moments... was him.
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summerisfishmen · 2 years
Sims 4: zombie apocalypse challenge
A nuclear explosion has resulted in strange zombie like traits infecting billions of people. Help your sims survive in the wasteland. This is just a fun challenge i made up while playing the sims I hope you enjoy :)
Also I might share my builds or sims for this challenge a bit later, I'm very proud of them.
Getting started:
Create a family of 2 or more sims. both big and small families have different advantages and disadvantages in this challenge. Make sure that at least 2 of the sims will be able to reproduce, as you cant meet other sims in the first generation. if the family has children, make sure the heir is a toddler. This family are your survivors. The goal of the challenge is to survive 10 generations, the 10th generation having the cure for the infection. All sims must have two day outfits: a regular one for inside the bunker, and a fully concealed outfit that is used for venturing into the outside world. toddlers and children dont have any appropriate facecoverings, so they cannot be outside for longer then an hour. (unless you have cc) Pets are allowed, but it may make the game more challenging in the first few generations.
In Build mode:
Give yourself unlimited money (unless you want an extra challenge) and build a home. it doesnt have to be furnished, but make sure you have a ladder or stairway downstairs to a bunker. This is where your sims will survive.
Decorate the bunker however you want but keep in mind these restrictions for the first generation:
1. you must make the stairway or ladder in a seperate enclosed room. The air outside is toxic, you cant let it into the rest of the bunker.
2. you may only have 4 rooms starting out, excluding the ladder/staircase room.
3. you must put all the beds in one room.
4. the lot must be off the grid.
5. no electronics, including the off the grid tablet.
6. no carpet or wooden floor. the floor must be dirt, but you can use cardboard or newspaper to cover it.
After you have completed building, exit build mode and set your money to zero. put all sims in the basement and then lock the door to the ladder or stairs room. this can only be unlocked for one sim at a time, whilst they are wearing their outside clothes.
The zombies:
There is two options for zombies:
1. Easy to difficult. Start with 1 household of any number of zombies. each generation of survivors adds an extra zombie household.
2. difficult to easy. start with 10 households of zombies, each generation of survivors deletes one household.
Zombies can look any way, but make sure you can differentiate them from normal sims. if your sim interacts with a zombie, is too near a zombie (you can decide the distance for your own difficulty level) or gains any relationship with one while away from the lot, they will become a zombie, therefore being removed from your household. if all your household members are zombies, you fail the challenge.
Zombies must have one of the following traits:
Hates children
Now that you have a survivor family and zombie/s family, you may start gameplay. Remember that sims must survive by gathering vegetables and fruit in the wild. you may also have a garden on your lot. You may only prepare a meal if you have money for it, otherwise gathered food only.
Generation 1: Surviving
This generation believes they are the only survivors. They forage and grow food in their garden outside, but otherwise stay tucked away in their bunker. No sim may have a job or go to school. Money may be earned through selling collected items, or crafting something on a woodworking table. A woodworking table can also be used to create furniture for your sims.The main goal of this generation is to expand the bunker so each sim can live comfortably, ideally having a room to themselves. Wooden floor may be earned by maxing out the handiness skill.This generation is completed once the heir becomes a teenager.
Generation 2: contact
Create another survivor family. place them somewhere in the world.You cannot travel to this families home, but once your family runs into the other family, you can befriend them. This makes your sims realise they are not alone, and you can now bring other sims into your family to marry, as well as having the ability to make friends.This generation ends after the heir becomes a teenager.
Generation three: thriving
Survivors all across the sims world have a tight knit community. bunkers can now have carpet and wood floors with no requirements. sims may visit other sims bunkers if they are low on needs that cannot be fufilled in your bunker for any reason. eg borrowing a meal from your neighbours if low on money and supplies. You may also pickpocket to earn money.This generation ends once the heir is a teenager.
Generation 4: the air is clearing
It is less toxic to be outdoors, the radiation is beginning to clear. Sims may now go outdoors without protective clothing for up to 5 hours. Beware of the zombies. Sims may now have a career as a gardener or labourer. if your sim befriends a zombie at work, they become a zombie. Bring your sim home from work after 5 hours each day.
Generation 5: outside
The radiation is at a liveable level. Sims may venture outside the bunker and live in their house. Make sure all the doors are locked, sims still are only allowed out when you decide. Still no school, but sims may now work as a criminal, and can work for a full day. Your house must still be off the grid.This generation ends when the heir is a child.
Generation 6: back to normal?
Life has returned to a semi normal state. No power or running water, but simkind is making do. Sims can now work as buisness people, lawyers, babysitters, waiters, entertainers, and teachers. Sims may now go to school, befriending a zombie at school means they are a zombie. this generation ends when the heir is a toddler.
Generation 7: a new threat
The government has fallen to anarchy. things were looking up for the world, but something has destroyed it again. your heir must now live in the remains. School costs 50 dollars per day. Sims may only work as spies or criminals. All sims born in this generation must age up with either the unflirty, loner, or non commital. create a household of law enforcement. if a sim runs into law enforcement while any need is below green, they are in the criminal or spy career, or they have anything in their inventory, they will be arrested and removed from the household.This generation ends when the heir is a teenager.
Generation 8: a new hope
Your sim has had enough. They are sick of how messed up the government has gotten. They decide they are going to fix everything. Heir must join the politics career and reach level 10 in the politician branch, becoming the national leader. if you dont have city living, reach level 10 in the spy career. after becoming the leader, things improve. school is free, all jobs are available, law enforcement household may be deleted. You can also move your household to a fancier lot, fit for the president. Unfourtunately, zombies are still a threat to your population, and although you kill them when you can, there is always more hiding where you cant see. Generation ends when the heir is a teenager.
Generation 9: curing the apocalypse
Your sim is living a peaceful life. electricity has returned, they have plenty of friends, plenty of food. but zombies. theyve lost a couple friends or family members to zombies, they desperately want a cure. but no one is working on it. So your sim makes it their life goal to be the one who figures it out. Join the secret agent career. reach level 10, diamond agent branch. (if you have get to work you could also join the scientest career instead) Once this has been completed, visit a zombie household with protective gear and some sort of food item. gift the food item, and "cure" the zombies in CAS.generation ends once sim has completed the career and had an heir.
Generation 10: peace
The last zombies are dwindling out. This generation has no restrictions other then staying away from zombies. if they do become a zombie, they only need to get to the "cure" item without interacting with family. Each week, (if doing easy to difficult) delete or "cure" one of the zombie households untill none are left. if doing difficult to easy, cure the last zombie household. live in peace.
The end! Hope this wasn't too confusing lol
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squishosaur · 6 months
hello. I have downloaded sims 4 horse ranch and brought my Jamiazu fem sims in.
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Horse centered au where Jamil has this behemoth of a horse.
petition to get azul thrown off a horse & bounce and skid across the floor & eat dirt looney tunes style
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hayishmandy · 4 months
HayishMandys Castaway Challenge
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Mods I use (Not Required)
-MC Command Center - used to debug getting the ray gun and all its upgrades.
-Use Shift Ctrl C and type money 0  to set funds to $0
Packs I recommend
Island Living - This pack really is a must have for this challenge.
Get To Work - For Ray Gun
Cottage Living - For Livestock
Strangerville - For Crashed plane object that you sell parts for money.
Your once millionaire sims’ private jet crashes and you wake up on a deserted island with only a few scraps and your wits to guide you. How will you survive? How long can you make it? Will you ever get off the island?
Start with bad traits.
0 Money to start.
Start with a single sim. (Wearing tattered/messy clothing/hair).
Your Sim cannot leave their island/lot until you have a canoe. Along with max skills in both fitness and handiness.
Can only plant in grass/dirt (Cannot plant in sand).
Once your sim gets a workbench they can start building on the island.
Every sim day you can only build 1 wall/1 foundation square etc. Wallpaper and flooring swatches can be added with the daily allowance.
You can't go to Buy Mode until you acquire a workbench.
Unless you need to place items from dice rolls, to sell plane parts, or get daily crate objects.
You have to make most of your furniture using the workbench before replacing with new/“found” furniture items.
After Day 3 a new crate will wash ashore everyday. 
Roll Dice to decide if you get to keep what's in the crate or if it washes away.
Odd roll means you missed it and it floats away. 
Even roll you keep it and get a basic item to keep or sell. (I recommend using the ray gun from Get to Work to use to get a randomly generated object everyday.)
Must learn knitting to get new clothes. Every item you knit can be traded in to change 1 article of clothing on your sim
Skill Rewards: 
Every Level 5 Skills you can trade in a new trait (switch bad traits with good)
Once your Sim reaches these skill levels they can unlock…
Level 2 Fishing - Campfire
Level 5 Gardening - Can now buy a chicken coop 
must start with chicks. 
Once reach adulthood and produce eggs then you can get a cow/llama
Level 5 Handiness - Knitting Basket
Level 7 Handiness - Trash Can
Level 5 Charisma - Access to trading post (once you can sail)
Level 5 Cooking - Can start learning herbalism
Level 5 Fitness - Can begin learning to scuba diving
Enough Rules Let's Get Started!
Roll the dice three times. Each number is a random object you salvaged from the wreckage. You can only have 1 of each items, so roll again if you get the same number you rolled before:
1: a bar
2: a tent
3: a cooler
4: a fish trap
5. a candle/lantern
6. a “friend” (Object to keep you company)
Lot - Your Island
I recommend using the island lot in Sulani.
Start with an empty lot. (Besides the objects you acquired by rolling dice)
You can place a few “wreckage items” on the lot like a crashed plane wreckage from Strangerville Pack, and some random crates.
Day 1: Roof over your Head: You need a shelter. Salvage (Sell) one of the plane parts (but not the engine), and roll the dice: D20
Rolled Even: Hey, there is some useful stuff here! 
Rolled Odd: Feh, It's all useless garbage! You lose the money earned from selling the part.
Day 2: The Hunger games: You're low on food, better go get some. Raise fishing skill 2 levels up. Prize: A campfire
Day 3: Floatsam Ahoy! A crate with supplies washed up on a beach! Roll the dice once, and you get one of the items listed in the getting started section If you already have all items you can randomize crate using simray.
Day 4: Basic Engineering: You try dabbling in the inner workings of your wrecked plane, to get a better understanding of mechanical skills. Order your sim to watch the engine, then roll the dice:
Rolled Even: You get a workbench and sell the engine.
Rolled Odd: You clumsy Fool! You botched it! Try again tomorrow. Reroll Sell the Engine, and remove the money you gained.
Day 5: Getting your sea legs! It's time to get yourself some workout! Just swim in the sea to increase the Fitness skill by 2 points: 
Day 6: Pest Control! You discover a plant that when burned, deters all the nasty creatures plaguing your island! light the campfire, and play with it, then roll dice:
Roll Even: The smoke successfully scared away all the spiders, snakes and bats! You remove the Creepy Crawlies lot trait.
Roll odd: This weed is useless! Nothing Happens. Try again another day.
Day 7-9 Rest Day
Day 10: Avast! Thar be Pirates! One day, you scouted the island, when you saw a group of shady looking thugs. Pirates! You hide behind some bushes, and observe them. Roll the dice ye landlubber!
Roll even: You quietly watch the corsairs, as they bury a heavy chest on the beach. When they're gone, you dig out the chest. It's full of cash! you get 1000 simoleons!
Roll odd:  You step on a brittle twig, that snaps loudly. You run for your life! The pirates are now alert of your presence, and decide to bury their treasure somewhere else.
Day 11-12 Rest Day
Day 13: A Siren's Song: You think you've gone mad from all this sun, but you see a beautiful mermaid waving to you. As you approach them, they challenges you to a singing contest! They gives you all day to prepare though. Raise your singing skill by 2 points to impress them! Prize: The mermaid gives you a map to a sunken treasure. You get 500 simoleons. Befriend the mermaid and someday they will invite you to their secret grotto.
Day 14-15 Rest Day!
Day 16: A Curious Critter: One morning after as you wake up you start to hear rustling coming from the bushes. Looking closer you see its a Cub! Its mother seems to have abandoned it. So you go to pet the cub. 
Roll 20 - you are instant friends for life!
Roll 11-19 - The cub seems nervous but warms to you.
Roll 2-10 - The cub is hesitant but maybe with time it will grow to like you.
Roll 1 - The cub get scared and runs into the bushes never to be seen again!
Day 17-18 Rest Day
Day 19  I Am A Voyager! If you’re Lucky You've saved up enough money to buy supplies and make a Canoe. Once built you can now sail out and explore the surrounding islands. (Max Fitness and Handiness Skill to sail canoe). May only visit 1 area a day.
Spend the next week visiting new households around the island (1 place a day)
First Day Setting Sail: Foraging! Go out and expand your garden. Find and add at least 5 new plant types to your garden.
Day 20: Green Thumb! You were never much good at scavenging to eat. But it would seem luck was on your side. After befriending the mermaid they decide to send a friend your way. A mysteriously green sim who seems to know a lot about plants and seem willing to teach you a thing or two IF you can impress them…
They give you a gardening book and tell you to improve your skill by 1 point by the end of the day. If you succeed they will reward you with a seasonal plant pouch or your choosing.
Bonus packet of your choice if you finish the entire book!
Day 26: Planting Roots! You’ve traveled far and wide and now it's time to find love! Visit all households to find a local beauty. Only select available sims wear a special jewelry item that lets you know they are single. But beware if you choose a Sulanian they have special customs and traditions you must go through before marriage!
No Kissing Before Marriage
No Woohoo Before Marriage
No Babies Before Marriage (Punishable!)
Must go on 2 Chaperoned dates
Must ask parents for permission. Then you can consult the village MatchMaker
Once Partner has been selected you must choose to elope or have a proper wedding ceremony. 
Eloping is taboo in Sulani and will bring your family shame and no dowry. 
A Proper marriage ceremony brings good fortune to the married couple and a dowry payment of $1500 is given to the household from the bride's family.
Proper Wedding Day Traditions!
Bride dresses in their best and is adorned with a flower crown. Groom wears a traditional flower necklace to represent a love in bloom.
Bride and groom must process down isle. The Cheif or matchmaker should officiate the wedding.
A Special tea but be drunk by the married couple.
Serve food and cut ceremonial cake.
Dance together.
Castaway Challenge Chapter 2!
Starts once your sim has married regardless of day.
Try to reset seasons to start in spring.
No longer will you go day by day but now with the extra security of a partner on your island you go by seasons. (weeks if you don't have seasons)
Now that you are 2 sims you can do double the work! Every day you can now build 2 segments a day so long as both sims have level 5 in handiness. This increases by every sim you add to your household that has level 5 handiness.
2 Level 5 handiness sims = 2 times as much building per day
3 level 5 handiness sims = 3 times as much building per day (etc.)
Once Your Garden has been established with at least 15 different types of plants you can take away the simple living lot challenge
Pregnancy in Sulani: No matter what time of year your baby is coming, pregnancy is an important event and right of passage for the women of Sulani. Mothers hold high respect in the village. Once your sim becomes pregnant it is expected for your sim to follow these traditions.
No pregnancy tests!
Don sacred pregnancy jewelry. 
Once you discover you are pregnant you must go visit the village shaman to receive a special herbal blend.
It is traditional to also receive a fertility massage at this time.
You must swim in the ocean every night as a sign of respect to the fertility goddess of Sulani.
Childhood in Sulani: For children finding your path in life is very important. It is this path that will help contribute to the strength of the village as you grow. Once you pick an aspiration as a child you should try to complete all the tasks.
If your child sim makes it the end of their aspiration before aging up your family gets 
Teens in Sulani: By now hopefully your child has selected their path in life and can now really start building out the role they want to have in the community. Its time to 
Any babies born in this season will be rewarded the Calm Baby Trait
Love is in the Air!: Spring brings new life to the island. This is the season most living things expand their families! Spring can also increase the chance of multiples…
Roll a 3 dice to see how many babies your sim will have.
Planning for the Future: Now is the time to focus on expanding your garden. Plant at least 5 new crops in your garden (Can be duplicates).
Any babies born in this season will be rewarded the Sunny Baby trait.
The Festival of Fish!: Summer in Sulani is the best time for fishing. Every year the locals throw a festival hosted by the village Chief. During this event focus on fun in the sun activities, eating fish dinners and most importantly FISHING!
Catch 10 Fish in 1 day - Receive 100 simoleons
Catch 15 Fish in 1 day - Receive 200 simoleons
Catch 20 Fish in 1 day - Receive 300 simoleons
Market Day: Make sure you are preparing for Market day! Bring your best to sell at the market!
Last day of Summer:   Your sim decides to go take a long walk on a nice beach. While walking you see a cruise ship floating not far from the shore. A wave of excitement fills your sim. This could be their chance to get off this island and go back to their millionaire life with all its luxuries. The temptation to leave all the hardships of the island is almost too much to bear… What do you do?
Leave this island behind! I'm done here! I want my luxury life back where everything was easy and i didnt have to work this hard. You run to where the cruise ship is docked and stow away on the boat. Leaving all the friends you've made and family behind. You’re sure they will be fine without you… They’ll probably just assume you drowned.
Stay. Life on the island may be hard but you've grown attached to your life here and the friends you've made. For a moment you think about running to get your family so they can go with you but the cruise ship looks like it's about to pull away. There wouldn't be time. Plus you know your spouse would never want to leave their home. You smile and sit down on the sand. Deep down you know you don't want to leave your home either. You watch and wave as the ship pulls away and disappears into the horizon.
Any babies born in this season will be rewarded the Cautious Baby trait.
In this season a strange child may wash upon your shores. Will you take them in?
Roll 20 You share an instant bond with this Castaway child and take them in. They have a good trait.
Roll 10-19 You feel sorry for the child and decide to open your home. After all, what could go wrong? They have a neutral trait
Roll 2-9 You take pity upon the child and reluctantly bring them into your home and have little to no bond with the child. They have a negative trait.
Roll 1 You take one look at the Castaway child and scoff. You can hardly take care of your own family as it is. You pass them along to the next house, but not before the child steals from you for being so cruel…
The Bonds That Bind Us: Fall in Sulani is a time to remember those that assist us in our daily lives. Take this time to get together with friends and share a meal you prepared in honor of these bonds that bind us.
Prepare a main dish (Fish is traditional)
Prepare a desert
Prepare a bread dish
Tragedy Strikes! The day before fall ends a volcanic eruption starts a devastating fire at your house. Luckily you and your family was away enjoying the day. But the damage is done and nearly all your belongings and house is gone. 
In the wreckage you are able to find Wilson and a few sentimental items.
Lucky for you a friend allows you and your family to come stay with them for a while.
While you are gone the village comes together and builds your family a beautiful home as a thank you for all you’ve done since coming into their lives. Being there for your neighbors is at the core of Sulani beliefs. The house isn't perfect and is lacking many basic furnishings but the walls are strong.
Any babies born in this season will be rewarded the Intense Baby trait.
Winter Solstice: After the tragedy that brought you closer to your village you want to thank your friends by hosting a party with all your closest friends. You combine local Sulanian traditions with the ones you remember from your childhood.
Put up a tree and have your family decorate it together.
Sing carols
Sit together for a feast
Play games
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0cupcakecatastrophe0 · 6 months
I've been lurking on this site for far to long, content to reblog anything that catches my interest. My interests are many and varied but one thing has always remained, and that is my love for the sims. With that in mind, I have decided to try my hand at creating a legacy challenge. I don't believe I have seen one like it but the internet is vast so it may exist already in some fashion. I have not played through all of it myself so any feedback would be appreciated. Also, please tag me in any updates of your legacy, I would love to see where this takes your sims!
Here it is, the Marketable Legacy! *Small disclaimer, it does require most, if not all, of the packs.*
General Rules
All generation’s income must come from their respective ‘craft’, or related skills. No ‘real’ jobs.
Roll a six sided dice, or use a number generator 1-6, to determine the number of children you must have per generation (unless specified by the tasks of a generation)
Generation 1 - New Age Witch
Tired of the monotony and stress of your 9-5 office job you’ve decided to quit and try your hand at self employment. It’s time to hobby into cold hard simoleons and find inner peace along the way.
Aspiration: Crystal Crafter/Inner Peace
Traits: Perfectionist 
Skills: geology and wellness
Craft: Jewelry making 
World: Windenburg
Have heir ‘help cook’
Go to the spa at least once a week, and bring your child/children
Find love at the spa
Propose with a crafted ring (pass this on to your heir)
Practice yoga and meditation at home
Generation 2 - Cookin’ Up a Storm
Watching your parent turn their hobby into a viable income throughout your childhood has inspired you. Though jewelry making has never inspired you, you’ve always loved cooking and some of your happiest memories happened helping your parent in the kitchen. Now you’ve flown the nest and headed to Henforn on Bagley.
Aspiration: Market Magnate/Appliance Wiz
Traits: Foodie
Skills: cooking, gourmet cooking, and baking
Craft: Food sales
World: Henforn on Bagley
Hold a food sale every weekend
Have any (or all) of the following: chickens, cows, goats
Have a small, sustainable garden
Host ‘tea parties’ on fridays
Marry a local, propose with family ring
Generation 3 - Grape Masher
Some of your earliest memories are of being strapped to your parent’s back as they tended to their small garden, collecting produce for their various culinary creations. You have much loftier dreams, long rows of grapes, an orchard, and a well stocked greenhouse. Not to mention a floor to ceiling cellar that would make the Landgraabs jealous.
Aspiration: Expert Nectar Maker
Traits: Maker
Skills: juice fizzing, nectar making
Craft: Bottled beverages 
World: Tartosa
Have heir help with gardening
Learn to make Vitality Nectar
Have a thriving vineyard, orchard, and greenhouse
Get married on vineyard, having proposed with family ring
Generation 4 - Floral Genius 
You spent your childhood running between grape vines, studying under the branches of apple trees, and sweeping up in the greenhouse. Days were spent toiling with your parent in the dirt, helping little sprouts grow. Now you aim to turn your passion into profit, just as the generations before you.
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist 
Traits: Creative 
Skills: flower arranging and gardening 
Craft: Flower arrangements
World: Your choice
Have only one child
Have a massive greenhouse filled with every type of flower
Marry childhood sweetheart, propose with family ring
Get married in your garden
Generation 5 - Globetrotter
For as long as you can remember you’ve wanted to explore the world. Your parents, while supportive, don’t understand your need to be on the move. So, armed with your trusty camera by your side, you set off.
Aspiration: Font of Tomarani Knowledge, Beach Life, City Native, and Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Traits: Non-committal 
Skills: photography, fitness, and rock climbing 
Craft: Photography 
World: Tamarang (spring), Sulani (summer), San Myshuno (Fall), Mt. Komorebi (winter)
Have 1 child per world (4 total), each with a different partner
Never settle down, have the single and lovin’ it lifestyle
Give the family ring to your heir before they move out
Move in with your heir as an elder
Generation 6 - Homebody
You moved around so much as a child that nowhere really felt like home and you’ve had little time to make lasting connections with anyone besides your siblings. You crave a simpler life, with someone to share it with.
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knit
Traits: Family Oriented
Skills: knitting and cross stitch 
Craft: knitting and cross stitch
World: San Sequoia 
Knit clothes for family members as gifts
Big birthday parties, with cake and presents
Movie nights with siblings every Friday
Propose with family ring
Generation 7 - Starving Artist
You grew up listening to stories about all of your grandparent’s exciting experiences during their travels but one place captivated you more than the rest. You fell in love with all things San Myshuno, from the festivals to the art scene, there’s always something going on. You kiss your family goodbye and head to the big city.
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Traits: Gloomy
Skills: painting
Craft: Painting
World: San Myshuno 
Have a close relationship with Gen 5 grandparent
Move into Gen 5’s old home
Mary a musician, propose with family ring
Get married at Myshuno Meadows or Romance Festival
Generation 8 - Wide Open Spaces
Tired of the hustle and bustle of city life, you decide to head west, to the open plains of Chestnut Ridge. You love the idea of a small, tight knit, community and can’t wait to contribute.
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidant 
Traits: Maker, Animal/Horse Lover
Skills: woodworking, candle making, handiness
Craft: Woodworking and candle making 
World: Chestnut Ridge
Have a guest room dedicated for stay over guests
Host dinner once a week
Own at least one horse and two mini animals
Get married on property, invite the neighborhood, propose with family ring
Have at least one ranch hand to assist with the animals
Generation 9 - Written in the Stars
Growing up listening to the stories and ballads of the ranch hands as you all gathered around a campfire has inspired you to write your own. You dream of writing the most thrilling romance novels and, perhaps, of one day finding a great romance of your own.
Aspiration: Best Selling Author 
Traits: Bookworm and Romantic 
Skills: writing
Craft: Writing
World: Brindleton Bay
Have at least one fling as a young adult that results in a child
Find true love as an adult, sometimes love takes a while (have any future children with this sim)
Get married on parent’s ranch, Propose with family ring
Have at least one dog and go for jogs on the beach as at least two days a week
Generation 10 - I Want it All
Life in Brindleton Bay was peaceful but you long for more than that. You want bright lights and a big city so you set off to Del Sol Valley to make it big. Busking on street corners, singing in lounges,  and selling demos to anyone who’ll look your way.
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity 
Traits: Hot headed
Skills: all musical instruments, singing
Craft: Busking
World: Del Sol Valley
Have Space in your home for a recording studio
Preform in lounges on the weekend and Busk at any opportunity
Name children absolutely wild name
Propose using family ring
Can't wait to hear what you all think.
0 notes
thejakegardner · 6 months
Creative Advertising Exercise
1 sim card remover
2 dirt remover for small areas
3 orange peeler
4 watch building tool
5 poke holes in plastic wrap
6 accupuncture
7 stir stick
8 micro carabiner
9 floor cleaner
10 car dashboard cleaner
11 box opener
12 tooth pick
13 wood working tool
14 keyboard cleaner
15 needle for sewing
16 outdoor multi tool
17 balloon popping tool
18 glass drawing pen
19 tattoo needle
20 center punch
21 scratch off scratcher
22 hair clip
23 jean ripper for fashion
24 tool for aerating lawns
25 photo hangher
26 lipo battery holder
27 for poking holes in water bottle to water flowers
28 key chain
29 ear ring
30 necklace if you have enough of them
The best use is a balloon popping tool
The name will be the pocket popper.
Have you ever been at a birthday party? Have you ever stayed til the party was over? Did the host ask you to stay behind to help pop the balloons...? Its a pain right? Well not anymore! Good thing you remembered to bring your pocket popper! This innovative device was designed to be carried around at all times in case you needed to pop balloons. Other balloon poppers cause a risk of injury while being carried, while ours has a state of the art safety feature. When the pocket popper is stored away, the sharp part is safely tucked away in its safety sleeve. It is easy to take the safety off, and continue popping!
0 notes
wallnahas · 2 years
The sims 3 cc gore
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Gore’s earlier closing statement – “the will to act is a renewable resource in itself” – summed up the potential well. arras io code harley bagger for sale in texas sims 4 cc dio ipv6 enable or disable. I was making a painting as a present but epic failed (again) and ended up making these no stencils EA furniture Oo I just hope someone hasn’t already made no stencil version of these since I didn’t mean to make an unnecessary duplication. This was supported in the ensuing panel discussion, in which one speaker made the point that the composition of company boards will have to change to accommodate “climate-comprehending members”, and not just bankers and lawyers.Īnd a question from the floor from a member of the World Council of Churches, which includes some major investors, asked if progress towards this level of understanding is happening rapidly enough. Cute cc for your toddlers, infants and kids. “Now is the time to consider divestment of such investments.” I make Sims let's plays on Youtube and wanted a place to share my love for CC I primarily play the Sims 3 which means that is what mostly will be on this blog, however you may catch some Sims 4 CC sprinkled in there on occasion. My Sims 4 Blog: Horror Set Walls & Floors by Raizon Sims 4 Aliens. Dirt Poor Sims 4 : Sims 4 Sims 4, Sims, Sims 4 challenges. “Investors now need to look closely at investing in fossil fuel companies else they may be left with stranded assets because much of the known coal, oil and gas reserves have to be left in the ground or under the sea,” Gore said. Dirty Wallpaper & Floor Set - 3 colors Ann The Sims 4 Game CC Download. In many cases, renewables are now competing on cost with fossil fuels – not just for electricity but also for heating and transport.Īnd he said the answer to “Will we change?” will be known when the final text from the Paris meeting is agreed at the end of next week – only then will businesses and investors know where they stand. However I feel like I need to see more pain in the face on the wall. “Yes” to the second, as improved energy efficiency continues and the shift to renewable energy is moving fast. “Yes” he said to the first, because our energy supply, food supply, transport systems and forests are all under various levels of stress and increasing risks.
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0 notes
simdertalia · 5 years
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Dirt Floor For Indoor Garden
Hey everybody! I hope your week is going all right 😺
I did this recolor for my own game, so that I could have an indoor mushroom garden like the one I have in the HearthFire expansion for Elder Scrolls. When @toffeetip replied on my mushroom art recolors about her mushroom empowered witch (great idea, @toffeetip!), I thought I should share this so that others could see and make an indoor garden for themselves 🥰 🍄 🌘
Base game compatible, 1 swatch. Found in carpet, among other categories.
📁 You can download my indoor dirt Ad-Free: <HERE>
📁 Alt DL Link: <HERE>
There are lots of mushroom CC you can add to your build:
Fantasy Forest Set from Severinka on TSR: <HERE>
Mushroom Collection from Helen-Sims: <HERE>  (Ad Alert)
Other mushroom cc in this image that I don’t have a link for:
michelleab Miasmata mushrooms 1, 2, and 3. (the small ones in front)
Plumbob Tea Society - Woody’s Wood - Cottage Garden  (small log fence) It is part of the PTS Garden Stuff Pack, it is on the 2nd to last “page” at that link.
As always, please let me know if you have any issues! And if you like witchy, paranormal, metaphysical, magical things, remember to check out the rest of my CC! Happy Simming!
448 notes · View notes
sek-sannie · 2 years
Savior (ENHYPEN's Jake)
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Pairing: ENHYPEN's Sim Jake x Fem reader! Tags: angst, strangers, kidnapping (Jake), swearing, blood/physical body assault attack, set in Jeju-do
Blurb: Jake is missing. How will he find his way back to the others and how does he know if he's truly safe? Word Count: ~6178
*BREAKING NEWS: ENHYPEN’s Jake Goes Missing From Photoshoot*
“It has been reported that the ENHYPEN member was last seen following a female posed as a staff member into a van. The van was last seen on camera leaving the area at 4:03PM.”
“We are asking the public to keep an eye out for Jake. He was last seen wearing their concept photo outfit, a black suit with a cream satin shirt with ruffles. We ask that the assailant please let him go with no questions asked. He is just an innocent boy who is chasing his dreams. This isn’t fair to him or his family.”
Jake doesn’t know where he is. All he remembered was that a staff noona asked him to follow her to the car to fix his outfit. Since they were on Jeju-do without a proper room to change and get ready in, he followed her thinking it would be a simple fix. Jake followed the staff noona who gave him a drink and told him to sit in the car as she went through the “her stuff”. Jake got comfortable and drank the juice she gave him. It tasted weird but she slammed the door shut. Jake got startled as he tried to open the door to get out, but found he was locked in. The girl ran around to the driver seat, pulling her hat down and starting the car. 
“H-h-hey... What’s going on?” Jake asked nervously
The girl just drove off while looking at him through the rear-view mirror, “Jake-ah... I’m so happy that you’re with me now. I’ll take care of you forever.”
Jake started to sweat and tried yanking the door open but found his body becoming tired and limp. All he heard was the weird noona laughing as she drove off with him. 
When Jake comes to, the sun has set and he was in some sort of shack basement. His head was ringing and the floor was cold. He tries to get up but stumbles before getting to his feet. His blood is rushing and his fight mode has him trying to open the door. He sees light shining in from a small window that was about shoulder height. He looks out and sees that the shack was halfway into the ground and that there was a house nearby within a walled area. The lights were off in the house. He doesn’t know what takes over him but he looks around to find something to break the window as he couldn’t open it. Unable to find anything, he takes off his suit jacket and wraps it around his fist before breaking it with his fist. He quickly and quietly moves, finding an old box that barely holds his weight. He uses that to launch himself but it breaks as he’s halfway out. The glass cuts his stomach as he drags himself out. He muffled his cries as he lifted himself up from the dirt. 
When he stands on his feet, he sees that he’s bleeding. He takes his suit jacket and dusts off all the dirt and glass before making his way out of the walled area. When he exits, all he sees is a long dark road and the sea surrounding him. Something told him to follow the rising sun. He ran and ran before reaching the beach. He doesn’t know how long he’s been running but his legs are sore and his lungs are overworked. When he watches the sun start to rise above the sea, he feels his eyes well up in tears and a scream rips through his throat before he sobs.
“Help me...” he cries
Jake stands there crying, thinking about whether anyone has noticed that he has disappeared. He sobs into his arm when he hears someone coughing. He flinches as he sees a young girl collecting nets by the sea. He sighs with relief that there was another person. The person looks over at his sigh and makes eye contact with him before looking at him with concern. Jake was relieved that it wasn’t the same person from before.
The girl runs up to him, speaking some different type of Korean, “Orabang, you’re bleeding! Are you okay?”
Jake cries as he feels his legs give up on him. His body is tired from running and next thing he knows, he’s passing out once again.
When Jake comes to, he’s under some covers and he sees a small frame leaning against the wall asleep. He flinches thinking that he actually didn’t escape when he feels a sharp pain. He cries out in pain which wakes the girl up.
The girl’s eyes shoot open. “Orabang! Are you awake?” she says as she moves closer to him.
“Halmang! He’s awake.” The girl pushes him to lay back down, “Careful. You were bleeding a lot when I found you.”
He lays back down when an older lady and man walks in. They had a look of concern on their face as they brought in a table of food and a change of clothing. The older man speaks first.
“Young man... I don’t know what you got yourself mixed up in but rest here for a while.” the old man said with concern
“Yes, when our granddaughter brought you back here on her back while bleeding, we thought she was the one who was hurt.” the grandmother said with a tear in her eye
“Here, change into these clothes. I’m sure they’ll be more comfortable than the suit you’re wearing.” the girl says with a dopey smile
Jake sits there in silence as he tries to understand what is being said. Maybe it’s better off this way so that they don’t find out who he is. For all he knows, this girl might know the one who took him. 
“What’s your name, young man?” the grandfather asked
Jake tilted his head but understood that the man was asking for his name. Thinking that he could maybe trust this family, he shyly tells them his name, “My name is Shim Jaeyun.”
The grandfather looks at him in surprise before asking in a broken Seoul accent, “Are you from Seoul?” 
Jake sighs as he’s able to pick up what the older man is asking. He nods his head. The older man smiles as he takes Jake’s hands into his. 
“This is my wife and this is our granddaughter. Feel free to call her halmang,” he points at the older woman, “and call me haerubang.” He points to their granddaughter, “This is our granddaughter who found you.”
“My name is Y/N. Y/L/N Y/F/N.” the girl says with a soft smile
“What happened to you that our granddaughter found you bleeding on the beach?” he asked
Jake had a flashback to everything that happened to him. He shudders as he remembers the voice of the older lady and the smell of the drink. He suddenly tries to remember if he had his phone feeling his pants and realizes he is shirtless with bandages covering his stomach. He blushes as he realizes that he’s been sitting here without his shirt. 
“Uhm, I was here for work when someone took me. Uhm, I don’t know where I am besides that this is Jeju.”Jake states
“You must be the missing K-Pop idol everyone is looking for.” The grandfather states, “The entire nation is looking for you.”
“Yeobo, call the police!” the older man tells his wife
The man’s wife gets up quickly before shooting Jake a pitiful look, “You poor thing! To have been taken like that.”
“Don’t you worry. We’re going to make sure you get back safely.” The grandfather said with a soft smile, “We’re a little far from the main town but I’m sure everyone will come running once they know you’re here.”
Jake sighs in relief as he sees that they are really trying to help him. “Uhm... Do you guys have a phone?”Jake asked
The younger girl nods and takes her out. Jake smiles as he timidly takes the phone from the girl. He types in a number, Jungwon’s number. He hears the phone ring a few times before a sad sounding Jungwon answers the phone.
“Hello?” Jungwon says
Jake sighs, “Jungwon...”
“Jake hyung!” He hears Jungwon scream into the phone before sobbing. He hears running and someone speaks into the phone.
“Jake! Are you okay? Where are you? Whose phone are you calling from?”
It was Heeseung. Jake smiles before tearing up, “I’m okay. Some people found me and they’re calling the police to let them know I’m here.”
“Yah, how could you follow someone random like that?” Jay asked, “You scared all of us.” 
Jake laughed as he heard Jay’s voice break as he began to cry.
“Sorry bro... But I’m okay.” Jake said as he began to cry as well
The older man and Y/N got up, letting Jake have the room to himself. The older man pats his head. Jake smiles as he feels reassured by the older man. Jake tells the members he’s okay as he explains the situation, how Y/N found him when he escaped and how they are now helping him get back home. He ends the call, feeling bad that he’s taken the girl’s phone. He looks at the clothing they had for him. It was simple, a pair of pants and a dark colored t-shirt. He quickly changes before leaving his room to see the girls sitting outside. He taps her shoulder and sticks out her phone. The girl smiles before shaking her head and pushing it back to him as she speaks with a thick accent, trying her best to imitate a Seoul accent.
“No. You hold onto it for now. It’s yours until they come get you. I’m sure your friends are worried.” she says with a soft smile, “Don’t worry. I’ll get a new phone after you leave so it won’t have anyones number.”
Jake smiles at how thoughtful she was but he hands it to her, “No. It’s okay. I’m thankful that you all are helping me. Thank you.”
The girl smiles at him, “I’d do it for anyone. I hope your friends are okay.”
Jake smiles as he pictures his members face. They sit there quietly as the bright sun shines down on them. The grandfather comes back.
“We’re a little far out but they’ll be here before sundown. Until then, stay comfortable. Don’t leave the house. We won’t let anyone in. You’re safe here.” 
The grandmother gives Jake a smile, “You’re so handsome. I’m glad Y/N’s father's clothing fits you well. Make sure to eat and rest up.”
The two walked away, holding hands as they entered their room. Jake looks to see Y/N shaking her head.
“Even after all these years they’re still lovey dovey as ever.” she says with a sigh
Jake laughs, “I think it’s cute.”
Y/N turns to look at him, “It sets the bar high for people in my life then.”
Jake looks at her and sees her turn to look at the room her grandparents entered. The doors were open and they both watched as her grandparents were watching TV, enjoying each other’s presence. Jake takes in her face, she seemed young, maybe the same age. Something about her made it comfortable for him to relax and let his guard down.
“So, how old are you?”Jake asked
Y/N turned to look at him, “I just graduated high school. I’m 18 years old.”
Jake smiled as he asked her, “How old do you think I am?”
Y/N sat there thinking, “You’re definitely an orabang... Maybe 24 years old?”
Jake gasped, “Yah, I’m only a year older than you! I'm 19 years old.”
Y/N gasped, “Aaayyeeee~ Then why are you so tall? Do they feed you Seoul people height pills or something?”
Jake laughed, “I’m from Australia. I was born in Korea but I moved there when I was young.”
Y/N gasped, “My dad is in Australia. He works at the ports. What was it? Pi-sher-mahn I-lan-due?”
Jake gasps, “Ah! Fisherman Island?”
Y/N claps and lets her satoori slip, “Yes! There. You know where that is?”
Jake laughs, “I’m from Brisbane. It’s really close, it’s the same area.”
Y/N smiles as it feels nice to know that someone knows where that is. Living on a small island off the main peninsula, some people here don’t even understand where Australia is.
Jake smiles as he sees her face light up, “So why do you live here and not in Australia with your dad?”
Y/N’s smile drops slowly as she fiddles with her hands, “My mom died giving birth to me. My dad moved back here with me and ended up finding a job there that paid well. He sends us money every month but he started a family there and I feel bad if I were to leave my grandparents here alone. Besides, I’m just a hillbilly haenyeo with a high school degree. I can barely even speak the Seoul accent.”
Jake sadly looks at her, “I’m sorry about your mom...”
Y/N looks at him and smiles, “It’s okay. My dad loves me and so does his wife. She’s a native Australian. She tried her best to speak Korean with me the last time I visited. She wanted me to stay but if halmang and haerubang don’t come along then I don’t want to go.”
Jake smiles, “You must really love them don’t you?”
Y/N smiles as she watches how her grandfather allows her grandmother to lay on his lap as he brushes his hand through hair. Jake and Y/N make small talk as they talk about him growing up in Brisbane and what life was like on Jeju. When dinner time rolls around, Jake is helping halmang and Y/N. They decide to make a feast to celebrate Jake going home safely. They ate and made more small talk as Y/N told her grandparents that he’s from Brisbane. He talked about his family and growing up there. It made halmang tear up as she took his hand into her’s. 
“Aigoo... You poor thing. You must miss your parents so much.” halmang said as she pat it
Jake smiled and nodded, “But it's okay. My friends are my family here.”
Just as he says that, Y/N’s phone rings in his pocket. He pulls it out and sees that it’s Jungwon’s number. He hurriedly picks up.
“Hello? Jungwon?” Jake asks
“Hyung, we’re almost there! Are you okay still?” Jungwon asks with concern
Jake smiles, “Neh, I’m okay. We’re just about done eating dinner.”
Jungwon sighs in relief, “That’s good.”
Jake smiles as he hears Sunoo crying in the background as Sunghoon and Niki try to calm him, “Is that Sunoo crying?”
“Yah! I was so worried. We all were.” he cries
“We’ll be there soon Jake! Hang tight.” Sunghoon says
“Hyung, you’re okay right?” Niki says quietly
Jake smiles again, looking at Y/N and her grandparents, “Uh. I’m okay.” 
He quickly says good-bye and hangs up. They all work together to clean up and settle outside to wait for the police, the members and their managers. Halmang was cutting fruits when flashing lights were seen. Jake stands up quickly and runs to the gates as the police, the managers and the members come running out towards him yelling his name. Jake feels his eyes tear up as he runs towards them. They all hug him and scream in relief that he is okay. Y/N and her grandparents smile at the scene, thankful that he was reunited with the right people. The managers quickly check him and one of them drags him to the waiting ambulance. The other manager and some police officers come over to Y/N and her grandparents. The manager falls to the ground on his knees.
“Thank you. Thank you so much for taking care of him and calling the police when you found him.” the manager said as tears fell from his eyes.
Y/N’s grandfather just chuckles as he lifts the man up, “Don’t thank us. We would have helped him or anyone else. I’m just thankful that we found him.”
The manager hugs her grandfather as the police ask for their statements. One officer asks Y/N to follow him to his squad car to get her statement. When she exits the property, she sees that the medic team was checking his cut. They were telling Jake that whoever cleaned it, did a good job because it could’ve gotten infected. She saw how the members were surrounding him, watching as Jake winced at each dab of disinfectant. 
“Are you okay if we record your statement?” Y/N agreed with shaking her head. “Your name?” the officer asked
“Y/N. Heo Y/N.” she answered 
“18 years old.” she answered again
“How did you come across Shim Jaeyun here?” they asked
“I was out at sea before sunrise digging for clams. Once my bag was filled, I resurfaced and saw a well-dressed bleeding man, crying and yelling. He saw me and said something funny, I think it was English. He looked so pitiful and he kept bleeding so I went up to him. Before I could get any sort of answer from him, he passed out and I brought him back here.”
The officer nodded, “And what happened when you brought him here?”
“I carried him back and halmang and haerubang helped me get him to my room. I cleaned his blood and cut. He passed out and was saying some more nonsense in English before he woke up. When we found out he was that missing idol from the news, halmang called you guys and here we are.” Y/N said
The officer nodded before going through some files. He showed her a few photos. One of a black van and a woman in a long black coat with a black bucket hat that covered her face. 
“Does this person or vehicle look familiar?”
Y/N shook her head, “There’s not a lot of people around this area so we pretty much know each other. This person doesn’t look familiar.”
The officer sighs, flipping through more photos when she sees something that catches her eyes.
“Actually, that photo...” Y/N points out
The officer hurriedly pulls it out, “What about this one?”
It was a photo of the person driving. No one could make out her face. The only thing seen were her hands.
“An unnie came here a week ago. She spoke in a Seoul accent asking about an address about 40 minutes from here. I remembered her because she had this mark on her hand. Like this one.” Y/N points to her hands, “I think it was a big mole or something.”
The officer sighs in relief, “And where was this-”
Screams erupted and Y/N turned around. There was the weird lady from the photo. She had a female medic worker in a choke hold while brandishing a knife at everyone. The ENHYPEN members were all blocking the crazy lady from Jake as their eyes darted between him and the knife being waved around. The police quickly surrounded the lady but kept a distance.
“Let the medic go. What you‘re doing is wrong.” an officer said
This only angered the lady, “No! What you guys are doing is wrong! Jake is mine! You guys are keeping me from him.”
She starts to swing the knife again before turning to look at Jake.
“Jake-ah... We are meant to be. If I can’t have you...” The lady begins to cry as she lets go of the female medic and runs towards him and the members, “Then no one can.”
She lunges towards the members as Jay and Heeseung grab the other members to pull them out of the way. Jake, sitting on the stretcher, feels himself being pulled off by Niki and they fall to the ground in a grunt. Everything goes silent when Jake hears halmang’s deafening scream.
“Nae saeki!!!” halmand screams out loud
Jake and the ENHYPEN members open their eyes and see that Y/N had jumped in front of them, taking the knife to the chest. Blood was pooling on her shirt and it began dripping down her shirt as she grabbed the crazy lady’s hand.
“Yah! Who the fuck are you?” The crazy lady yelled
Y/N glared at her as she gripped the lady's hands and kicked her, making her fly to the ground. When she’s on the ground, the officers tackle her. Y/N yells as she finally feels the pain from the knife. Jake hurries to her, pushing himself off of Niki as he catches her while she clutches the knife. She starts to spit up blood as she sees Jake begin to cry.
“Are you okay?” she asks as more blood comes out of her mouth
Jake cries and yells, “Help! Someone help her!” he sobs as he holds her close to him, “Please! DO SOMETHING!”
The officers and medics rush to her, having to force Jake away from her. His dark t-shirt is even darker as it soaked up her blood. Niki and Sunwoo are sobbing, having to be pulled away by Heeseung and Sunghoon. Jungwon stands there in shock at what happens before a manager pulls the young boy away. Jay has to hold back Jake from jumping on the girl with the knife in his chest as he pulls the Aussie boy into a hug.
“Jake! You have to let them help her.” Jay yells at him 
Jake sobs as he sees halmang collapse and haerubang cry as their bleeding granddaughter is taken away.
“We want to thank everyone for being here today as we are fortunate to announce that ENHYPEN’s Jake has been located and is free from major harm. We want to thank everyone for all the tips and attention this had. Unfortunately, while securing the missing idol into the care of his management, the suspect showed up and assaulted the medical team and officers on site. While trying to de-escalate the situation, the suspect attempted to hurt said idol but had instead injured one of the residents who reported the idol found. At this time, we ask that you all keep her in your prayers. I will now be taking questions.”the police commissioner said
Reporters began to buzz, yelling out questions as he tried his best to take them one at a time. 
Jake sat outside the operating room, refusing to move or change. Jay and Sunghoon sat on both sides, trying their best to comfort the boy. Their manager was down the hall on the phone with HYBE explaining that Jake won’t leave the doors of the operating room. 
“Jake... Please change at least. You’ve been sitting here for three hours.” Sunghoon tried to reason
Jake shook his head. He didn’t care that his clothing was covered in blood. He didn’t have a right to move when she was lying on the operating table because of him.
“She’s fucking like this because of me. Of all people, me.” Jake cried into his hands
Jay sighed as he patted his friend’s back, “Jake. It’s not your fault. It’s that fucking crazy bitch’s fault.”
Sunghoon nodded, “Don’t blame yourself. We’ll make sure that lady never makes it out of prison.”
Jake cries as his two friends hug him. They sit there for a while longer when the surgeon comes out. Jake stands up, wiping his tears, “Doctor! Is she okay?”
Their manager comes running over, “How is she?”
The doctor sighs but smiles, “She’s stable. The stab nicked her lungs but we managed to fix that and stop the bleeding. She’s lucky to be alive.”
The members and their manager sigh.
“They’re finishing up and she’ll be moved to a private room.” the doctor says as Jake falls to his knees holding his hands
“Thank you so much.” he cries
The doctor smiles before walking off down the hall. Knowing that she was fine, he finally agreed to change and get cleaned. The other four members were at a close hotel, waiting. Heeseung being the oldest stayed to help calm the younger members. Jake put the bloody clothing in an evidence bag that the police gave him, wanting to take it to help keep the crazy bitch behind bars, and showered in Y/N’s room bathroom. He quickly washed off her blood, crying as he remembered how she asked if he was okay when she got stabbed. When he exits, Jay and Sunghoon are sitting on the loveseat sofa, asleep while leaning on each other. He smiled as he was thankful to have friends who cared for him. 
Jake pulls a chair next to Y/N’s bed. She had an air tube down her throat, helping her breathe. He began to tear up again seeing her in this state. While holding her hand and crying, he hears the door open. It was her grandfather.
“Haerubang...” Jake sobbed as he stood up
He walked over and the older man enveloped him in a hug, “Are you okay son?”
Jake shook his head yes but inside he knew he wasn’t. Haeubang chuckled lightly, “Don’t lie to me. I know you aren’t.”
Jake pulls away from the hold, taking the older man’s hand into his, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t-”
Haerubang nudges his head, “Saeki... It’s not your fault. I’m just thankful our Y/N is alive. It’s hard seeing her like this right now but she’s alive.”
Jake cries as he hears haerubang’s words. Instead of him comforting the older man, it was the other way around. The older man smiles as he pulls Jake into a hug. “It must have been scary wasn’t it? Don’t worry. Y/N is a strong person. She’ll bounce back.”
And bounce back she did. The next day, she opened her eyes. Jake was there, as was Sunoo, Jungwon and Niki. Jake screamed for the doctor as the younger boys surrounded the girl. Three days later, she’s able to start breathing on her own without the tube. It was hard but she was able to. It was hard for her to talk but she managed to squeak a few words here and there before Jake would stop her from speaking. A week later and she’s able to start eating more solid foods, asking that fried chicken be the first thing she wants. The members of ENHYPEN all enjoy it with her. Her grandmother recovered from the shock, visiting her granddaughter everyday. She liked seeing the boys, living such a quiet island life, she enjoyed having the young energy.
The members tried to entertain Y/N, dancing to their songs, telling her stories of being an idol, something she could care less about and fun facts about all the members. It was nice not having to think about the incident but Y/N found herself waking up in a cold sweat, the incident replaying in her mind over and over again. The smell of her blood and the way that Jake looked down at her as she laid there bleeding in his arms. 
She woke up to an empty room. She was scared yet thankful as she wasn’t able to process what truly happened as Jake never left her side. She sat up and looked around. She remembers Jake saying something about being airlifted to a bigger hospital and that this was one of the best hospitals.
Y/N lifts her legs up, taking a step onto the hard floor. Her body was sore but she was thankful to be in one piece, kind of. She checks the clock. In red blaring lights, it read, 12:34AM. Feeling awake and restless, Y/N exits her room and makes her way to the lounge area. She stands by the window, looking out the window as she sees that the hospital overlooks the sea. 
“This must be a good hospital, Look at the view...” Y/N thinks to herself.
She shivers due to the cold temperature in the hospital, only wearing the thin hospital outfit. She feels a blanket wrap around her. She flinches to turn around and sees that it’s Jake. She smiles as she pulls the blanket to wrap her fully.
“What are you still doing here?”Y/N asked
Jake slowly releases her from his arms, “How can I just leave my saviour like that?”
Y/N shakes her head, “Like I said, I’d do this for anyone.”
Jake pouts, “Hey. Don’t say that.”
Y/N laughs before groaning in pain.
“Are you okay?” Jake asks with concern
Y/N shakes her head yes before catching her breath, “Yeah, just sore still.”
“Come on, let’s head back.” Jake says as he wraps his arms around her again
Y/N shakes her head, “No. I’m tired of being in that room. I just want to stay here for a bit.”
Y/N clutches the blanket, making Jake’s arms wrap more around her. Jake blushes as he holds her in his arms. They stand there, just looking out the window, looking out to the sea. Jake looks down and sees the way her hair falls naturally and covers her neck, how the blanket perfectly covers her smaller frame and how comfortable it feels to hold her in his arms. He tries not to over think as he leans into the hug, placing his chin on her head, resting it. 
Another week goes by and Y/N is finally getting discharged. The ENHYPEN members have been there for nearly a month on Jeju-do, away from prying eyes, getting the help they needed to process what happened. With the support of each other, their company and ENGENEs, they were able to get the help they needed. After much discussion, they decided to donate half of the proceeds of their upcoming album to Y/N and her grandparents and the other half to victims of senseless violence. The crazy sasaeng was quickly sentenced and placed in a psych ward. She would be monitored for the rest of her life. If she were to act up again, she’d be thrown into prison right away, something that pissed off Y/N’s grandparents and ENGENEs. They felt like the lady should have been imprisoned and hanged for what she did. 
The members were finally flying back to Seoul to further rest and continue with the album. Knowing that the proceeds from the album was going to help Y/N and her grandparents made Jake want to go back and finish it and release it. Jake begged Y/N and her grandparents to see them off. It was a ways from their home but they agreed. When they get there, they enter through a private entrance to stay away from prying eyes. Y/N’s grandparents hug Jake good-bye and move down the line of the other members. Halmang hugged and kissed each boy but gave Niki the most attention. She held his hand as she spoke sweet words to him.
“Niki-ah~ Halmang is so happy to have met you. I wish I had a grandson as sweet and as handsome as you.”
Niki blushed as he hugged the older woman again. She laughed as she hugged him back, “I’ll make sure to send you yummy food okay? Stay healthy.”
Y/N’s grandfather shook everyone’s hand, thanking them for filling their humble lives with youth and joy for the month. He said good things to them, saying that they are good young men who deserve only the best.
Y/N thanked them as they all hugged her. They were thankful to her for finding Jake and for her being alive. Y/N teared up as they all gave her a letter. 
“Thank you guys.” Y/N smiled, “Whenever I’m feeling down, I’ll read these.”
The members all hugged her again before she whined at the hard hug. They all let go as Jake and Y/N stood there awkwardly looking at each other.
“Come on guys... Let’s give them some space.” Jungwon said
They all walked a little while, giving the two space. Jake finally hands Y/N his letter. He blushes as he hands her the letter. 
“Read this when you’re alone.” Jake says
Y/N laughs, “Why? What’s written here?”
Jake blushes as he shakes his head. Y/N pretends to open it and Jake stops her, grabbing her hands. Y/N laughs but stops when he pulls her into a hug.
“Y/N, I’m thankful that you came into my life when you did. I’m sorry for everything that happened.”Jake said as he hugged her
Y/N blushed but shook her head, slightly pushing him away, “Yah. Would you stop apologizing? What happened, happened. I wouldn't change anything. I’d do it all again if I had to.”
Jake shakes his head, pulling her into a hug again, “Thanks for waking up. Thanks for being alive.”
Y/N laughs as she allows the taller boy to hug her. When he pulls away, he pulls something from his pocket. It was her phone. He hands it to her.
“Don’t change your number. Don’t throw away your phone. Keep it.” Jake says, “Like I said, read the letter when you’re alone.”
Y/N looks at him in confusion before Jake blushes and leans down to kiss her forehead. Y/N blushes as she touches her forehead. 
“Yah, Shim Jaeyun!” Y/N yells
Jake smiles before letting her go and runs over to his members who were teasing him. Jake waves, giving her a bright smile, “Bye Y/N! I’ll see you again!”
Y/N scoffs as she breaks into a smile, waving back as they all waved good-bye back.
When they finally get back to her grandparent’s home, it's quiet. They break out into their own room. Y/N digs out the member’s letters and she sees Jake’s. She takes it out and opens it to read it.
“Dear Y/N,
People might say I’m crazy for saying this despite everything that happened but I don’t care. I just want to say again that I am so sorry that this happened to you. If we had never crossed paths that fateful morning, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at those words.
“I am thankful that we did meet though. I can’t express in writing what I feel because there are no words in Korean or English that could explain how thankful I am to have been fated to meet you. I hope that despite everything, you'll stay in my life and we can be there for each other. It’s selfish of me to ask you this but I hope you feel the same. The members and I have come to adore you and wish you nothing but the best. Y/N, thankful for saving me that day and thank you for being my savior.”
Y/N teared up as she read the last line. She looks closer to the bottom and sees that Jake left a small note. It said, “I saved my number on your phone. Call me when you see this.”
Y/N smiles as she pulls out her phone. She looks through her contacts, seeing that each member gave their numbers to her. She goes to Jake’s, seeing that he saved himself as “The Most Handsome Shim Jaeyun”. She clicks it and presses the call button. It rings once before she hears his voice answering.
“I thought you were never going to call.” Jake said with a light chuckle
Y/N smiled before asking, “Yah, Shim Jaeyun. Why would it be selfish for me to stay in your life?”
Jake laughs again, “Because... Call me crazy but I want you to be in my life forever.”
Y/N smiles before tearing up, “Of course. Forever.”
Jake smiles as he repeats those words again, “Forever.”
“Yaaahhhh~ Jake hyung proposed to Y/N noona!” Niki screamed
Jake laughed, “Give me one second.”
Jake dropped his phone and Y/N could hear the members laughing and screaming, teasing the Aussie boy about his red face and dopey smile. She hears the bottoms of their feet hitting the ground as they run in circles.
“Y/N, do you like Jake hyung then?” Sunoo teased her
Y/N smiled and laughed, “I don’t know. And if I do?”
Sunoo squeals, “They both like each other. This is insane! It’s like a drama.”
Y/N laughs as she hears Jake breathing into the phone, having taken it from Sunoo. They both laugh before she gets a request to FaceTime. Y/N accepts it and sees Jake with a red face and hair all over the place. He gives her a bright smile, “So when’s the next time I’m seeing you?”
Y/N smiles, thinking about her future with the rowdy boys of ENHYPEN.
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criquette-was-here · 3 years
Long Due Replies
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Hi everyone! It’s been some crazy few months for me. Real life has taken over completely so I didn’t have a chance to pay attention to my inbox. There are lot of asks on troubleshooting and I apologise for not being able to help on time. I hope everyone who needed help has got it somehow >.< There’s a crazy amount of messages, so I’m going to hide it under the cut.
@shutupshirley said:
Hi Criquette, I’m sorry because this is dumb, but I don’t understand how to install your neighbourhood lighting mod on an installation of Ultimate Collection... do I change out every lighting.txt file I can find across all the expansion and stuff packs? :/
Thank you!!!!
Hi @shutupshirley! I’m not a big specialist on windows version of TS2 and UC but I believe there are two folders you have to look at and they are ‘Fun with Pets’ and ‘Open for Business’
Anonymous said:
What do you imagine residents of Feverfew are called? I keep doing Peruvian but like Ferfewian or some
Oh, yes, I was thinking about this matter at some point! Feverfewian is what I came up with. I even found a wiki article about different names for different town inhabitants to sort of made it up a bit, but I haven’t write down the result I had and now I’ve lost it. I think feverfewians sounds best, it can even have some silly derivatives like ‘fewies’
@3sushiroll said:
Hi Criquette, I'm getting into SC4 and have been getting the hang of it while using the sims 2 hood planner. I've been starting to use bridges and have been using yours. When I put in the tile measurement into the hood planner (ex: 15 tile = 8 in SC4), it doesn't exactly line up in game. Does this usually happen for you and you put in a piece of fake road in the middle or am I just doing it wrong and it should line up super nicely? Thank you for all your wonderful creations!
Hi @3sushiroll! Yes, TS2 parses SC4 roads this way. I always put some decorative road in the gap or I make the shores narrower so that the bride would overlap the road. But to make slopes where the road ends equal, you have to use TS2 terraforming tool to make this flat empty piece of terrain right after the road end into slope so that it would look like the opposite.
Anonymous said:
Hi there, hope you're doing well! I downloaded your simple walkways set and noticed that they float. They don't sit on the ground properly. Is there anything I can do on my end to make them sit closer to the ground? Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
Hey anon! Thank you! Yes, this old set of walkways was made this way. Maxis made neighborhood mode roads float, so I had to do the same with road related decorations. But now you can use these Cobblestone paths or side walks from the Rural Charm, they’re as close to the ground as possible.
Anonymous said:
hey! would it ever be possible for you to create recolors of the cobblestone sidewalks in red brick/cobblestone?
Hi anon! I don’t think so :| I can’t even find the time to fix some Ferverfew related issues >.<
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette. I liked Feverfew very much. I would like to make some of the houses multi-unit, keeping your doors in place. Is it possible to add the function of apartments to these doors? :)
Hi nonne! As far as I’m aware, you can only default replace those apartment doors which is quite useless. What you can do, is to put an apartment door right behind the front door. This, obviously, would eat up the space but could work as a solution.
Anonymous said:
Hello! I just downloaded Feverview and it's gorgeous! I can't believe all the little details you added, the effort and love you put into this project is incredible. I just had a small question: a few residential lots are fake apartments, I was wondering if you know how to turn them into functional apartments 
Hi anon! I’m glad you liked Feverfew! ^__^ In theory, you can use SimPE or Lot Editor to change lot type from residential to apartment and then implement apartment doors somehow, but since I don’t have AL in my Super Collection, I have zero experience in that.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette! :) I just realized recently that if I delete objects in game, I have to delete first the recolors of it. I've already deleted a bunch of objects without knowing about this, so now my downloads folders has houndreds of recolors without meshes. Do you know about anything I can do to find and delete these orphans? (Delphys download organizer just can't make difference)
Hi anon! I’m definitely not a helper on the matter of keeping Downloads folder organised, sorry ^^’‘ I would thing about finding sets of files with similar names keeping eye on the absence of the word ‘mesh’ in the names, and looking at the file size at the same time. And that would take ages, obviously. 
@ardyyy4 said:
Hello Criquette. I love Feverfew so much. But I have a problem. The grass and NHood objects are flickering together and it looks bad. How can i fix it? Thanks.
Hello Arda! That’s because of the neighborhood camera you’re using. I’d recommend you to install this particular camera just to get rid of flickering.
Anonymous said:
Hello! First of great content! Always been a fan! I was wondering if you could give a bit of advice with hood deco, I have downloaded an Ocean floor from Gwenke, and in lot view it only shows up at the very far edges, around my lot it is missing (it does show when render is set to small though). And it shows on beach lots too, I was wondering if you know of way to make it so that it is seen no matter what the view distance is etc? (I have the relevant cheats on btw) Thank you in advance!
Hey nonnie! Thanks :) Have you ticked off object hiding in the settings? Other than that, it could be camera issues.
Anonymous said:
is there a way to stop neighborhood decor from fading? I know there is the „boolprop dontmergenhflora“ cheat, but I still get some fading. for excample when I look at the lot from the street the NH decor by the street fades
That’s definitely sounds like object hiding option from the game settings :}
Anonymous said:
Hey how are you ? I hope all is well. I was wondering how is it that ts2 has no ski deco but in ts1 we had ski slope and skate lake !?? I was wondering can you and the sim community make deco or interactive items such as a ski slope or even snow shoes or just something that goes with seasons n BV pack ?
Hello anon! I hope you’re well too! Ski slope and winter sports related decos is something I wanted to make since 2016, but never had enough time to do so. Sometimes I even think about available TS2 technologies to make an animated ski lift and umm.. may be in the next ten years? ^^’‘
Anonymous said:
hello!! i'm sorry if u already answered something like this (i searched but found nothing) but the better nightlife isn't working for me :(( i put the better nightlife+voielle water on download fold and the decorations still flashing in pink light, i did something wrong? (i use win10) sorry for the inconveniente
Hey anon! Sometimes you have to do these weird steps in order to make it work:
remove Better Nightlife + water mod from your downloads folder,
load the game, load the neighborhood, make some changes, exit game
put Better Nightlife with water back. Toggle day/night with ‘L’ key to see if it works. If it’s not, than the problem is somewhere else. Pink flashing also could be unrelated to Better Nightlife, so I’d recommend to check TS2 graphics setting for Win10 manuals available.
Anonymous said:
Hello there, I'm having a problem with the rural charm, on lot view the roads have yellowish boards (idk how to explain exactly). I saw that was because of CuriousB terrain, but I don't have it downloaded anymore so I'm kinda confused. What should it be? Sorry for bothering,,,
Hello, anon! What’s current season you’re having in your game? It can be the season lighting differences that make roadside and terrain grass colors different. If it’s not, I’d check the Downloads folder to see if there’s still some terrain DRs I’ve forgot about.
@pinkflamingosims said:
Hi criquette! I was wondering if you have any idea why some hood deco cc crashes on mac, like palm 1 to 4 from the tropical 4t2 set by leoz94. Leoz94 says the only difference is the high polycount, but I don't think that's it, it looks a bit high to me but not insanely so, I have  other stuff in that range with no problem... Have a nice - evening?
Hey @pinkflamingosims! I hope you’re doing well! Yes, some hood decos are really make the game crash and frankly speaking, I think that’s jsut package related issues like broken references in the resource tree. The best way to fix this type of hood decos is to make a clean and stable new clone and replace mesh/textures again.
Anonymous said:
Hello and thank you for amazing Feverfew map! I have a problem... ground is flashing red and I cannot fix it, do you have solution for this problem? It's been soooo long when I last played Sims 2 so apparently I did something wrong when installed CC. :(
Hello anon! Thank you! Oh, red flashing could be the result of lighting mod not being installed correctly. I’d start with getting rid of any lighting mods to see if it helps.
@marv61​ said:
Hi Criquette. I just downloaded your terrain of Forkshire, it looks great! I know it has been since 2009 that you uploaded the terrain but I was wondering if you have a completed Neighborhood with houses, trees and all for download? I would love to play your version. Thanks.
Hi Patchman! Oh, goodness no! :D That was 12 years ago, those TS2 files are long gone since then.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette, first things first, I love your work thank you so much, you inspire me! Now the question: I have been using the dirt roads from your Rural Lanes set and found that sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to fit them to the slopes of steep terrain. Would it be possible to instead create road pieces as a texture like your Neighborhood Decals? That way they would "stick" onto the terrain regardless of shape. Wondering what you think? Love!
Hello and thank you, anon! The problem with the decals – we can’t see it in lot mode yet. And it must be a DR only so we’d have to ditch one of the Maxis’ decals for dirt road, which isn’t great too.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette! Will Betternightlife mod ever be updated to work with lighting mods with dawn and dusk? Is there any that already works with it? I really want to use the light up hood decos!
Hey anon! You can use it with lighting mods that add dusk and dawn to the game. For instance, there’s one here by @dreadpirate​.
Anonymous said:
Hey Criquette! I recently used your template to make lit-up hood deco buildings using the Better Nightlife mod. The day text was great! However, the night texture was being clipped by the day texture. That is, some parts of the day texture was showing through the night texture. Is there a fix for this?
Hello nonnie! I’d recommend to check the meshes to see if day/night parts clip through each other and if they aren’t I’d check if all the day/night TXMT data is correct.
@criquette​ said:
I've installed Fewerfew following all your istructions. Apparently it works but the night lamps are flashing pink even ig I've installed the mod better night light. It seems that this mod does not work properly. Any recommendation?
Being Criquette, you should know the solution to that issue yourself :P Just kidding, sorry, couldn’t resist! If it flashes pink only by night than you have to check your ‘Downloads’ folder for conflicts. If it’s flashing constantly day and night, than I’d better check graphics setting using some windows related guides available across the Internet.
Anonymous said:
Hello, I love Feverfew and it's amazing. I have a problem where Linden Tree 1A isn't showing up in my game even though it's in my downloads folder. Also the railroad tracks are flashing blue, and those are in my folder too. Thanks in advance!  :)
Hello anon! What type of the trees you’re using? Stand alone or default ones? If you’re using defaults, you can find the trees under Maxi’s oaks accordingly. As for the flashing blue railway tracks, check if you have this set in your ‘Downloads’ folder :)
Anonymous said:
Hello Criquette, before asking for help, I came to say that the Brazilian community loves your creations. But, to get to the point, anyway, I have been thinking about creating a Hood (inspired by Rio de Janeiro), so I would like to know how to create Deco Hoods for my game (the statue of Christ), I can't find that anywhere, Would you help me?
Hi there! Ah, most kind, thank you ^^ Well, there’s no big deal in creating hood decos. You have to switch your SimPE to advanced mode and after that neighborhood decoration will be visible in the catalogue to be cloned. I assume you already know how to make lot mode objects and know how to create, edit or convert meshes/textures though.
@hideshio​ said:
Hello! I found your train set (and it's AMAZING) on mts and was wondering if you had a railroad crossing sign? With the lights, X, and the red/white hand that goes down. Or the lights that go across a pole above the railroads. Thank you!  =D
Hello @hideshio​! Well, there is a railway crossing sign with lights and red/white hand included in this set :D it’s not animated though. But still!
Anonymous said:
Hi criquette, I’m a huge admirer of you work and I was wondering if you had any advice regarding road placement. Specifically the difficulty of road pieces that are deco only being able to be placed underneath the actually roads leaving it looking a little off.. if there a way to raise them higher before placing them or some kind of work around? 
Hey anon, thank you! Unfortunately, there’s no way to make decorative road pieces work for lot mode and neighborhood mode at the same time. If you lift them so they look okay in hood mode, they will float in the air in lot mode. Since my latest creations are lot mode oriented, I’ve decided to save my efforts on making road pieces even with neigborhood mode roads.
Anonymous said:
Hey Criquette. I noticed that in my Feverfew none of the buildings across the street of Feverfew Sports Hall show up. I know those are supposed to be hood deco and look like duplex buildings, but I can't figure out what I'm missing. I deleted and redownloaded everything and couldn't fix it. Also the river ends at the first bridge in front of the cathedral, so the boats next to it appear to be flying. What is going on?
Hey anon! There’s definitely some files missing. If you’ve checked and redownloaded all the files, try to replace the Feverfew neighborhood folder with initial one. The game never restores disappeared hood decos by itself. Even if they were placed in the folder after their absence is discovered.
@simping-simmer​ said:
Hi Criquette, am I remembering correctly that there is a trick you can do with SimPE to change the height of individual pieces of hood deco? I’m struggling with putting ships in my dock because if I change a CC ship’s placeability to be able to be on both land and sea, it just sinks, but if I only keep it on sea, it can’t get close enough to the shore to place it in my docks. Does this make sense at all? Lol
Hello @simping-simmer​, you’re absolutely right. You can change the height of placed hood decos via SimPE. Things you need to do are described here and here
Anonymous said:
Hello! I love all your work.  I was wondering if you had ever thought of making some desert roads along the lines of the Terrain Mod: Dusty Roads for Desert Neighbourhoods by Stev84? I love the way this looks in my desert, but unfortunately, this mod makes the road in live mode a floor, which then makes you unable to place driveways.
Hey anon! Thanks ^^ Frankly, I don’t have any plans on creating any desert related CC at all :|
Anonymous said:
Hello Criquette. I would like to thank you for all the amazing work you have done creating content for sims 2. Thanks to you all my projects are possible. My question is: Chainlink fences for neighborhood deco... Do they exist? Searching the web these past day only found for build mode. Do you know of someone who already make some for deco hood? Or kindly will you be able to make some if its not much work? My sports fields and Industrial zones will be pleased for sure! Once again, thank you! :)
Hey anon and thank you! I don’t think hood deco chainlink fences were created by someone yet, but they definitely would be a great addition to the game. I was going to create some while working on Feverfew, but never had enough time to do that. May be i’ll make one at some point in the future!
Anonymous said:
Hello, Criquette. Do you know of any way to place lots without the area around it moving? I downloaded Ousmeo's remake of your Dullsfielde and read his og post using the waytime machine. When viewing that post, Tumblr recommended similar posts, one of which seemed to be a tip to prevent good deco from moving when placing lots nearby, but that post wasn't archived, so I can't visualise it. My guess is that if anyone else knows about this, it must be the best hood decorator that ever was ;-)
Hello anon! Ugh, this TS2 ‘feature’ is driving me mad quite often too! Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to get rid of it. The only way to fix the consequences is to backup initial hood folder and when you finish placing lots, replace spoiled terrain with the initial one with SimPE or HoodReplace.
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balkopat · 3 years
Default Road Replacement and Lot Roads
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This beautiful roads are belongs to Psychosim based on Stev84 ! I just fixed this lot view issue - which roads are not correctly shown during snow time!
Since I can’t use photoshop, from neighborhood view, roads are still not snow covered. But I fixed the problem with lot view. 
They replaces only for Dirt terrain Neighborhoods roads.
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And, additionaly I made some lot roads! As I now, deleting and/or replacing roads with diffrent floors, broke the lots tiny bit. If you have nightlife installed, garages are turn on wrong way and become unplaceble withod Moveobjects on. This post explains better! It is not a big deal but still using lot roads as objects is easier :)
Original lot road piece belongs to @tristan-sims​ . Lot roads are just recolors. You will be need to original mesh. After download roads of @tristan-sims​ just take the file named Objet Route Sims 4.package And take a look his work too. It is wonderfull!
--> MESH
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Ones you downloaded, you will be realise they all renamed “Roads For Frauhupfner” All the pictures in this post belogs to her! I mean, look at those pictures. Look at THEM!  Aren’t they PERFECT!
Thank you @frauhupfner ! You gave me inspiration about sharing my very first default road replacement!
Credits:  Psychosim ,  Stev84 , @tristan-sims​ , @frauhupfner​
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thesims4blogger · 3 years
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​The Sims 4: Official Maxis “Laundry List” (6/15/21)
Maxis has released their fourth “Laundry List”, letting players know which community concerns are being investigated and are likely to be resolved with the next game patch.
Hi Simmers!
Welcome to the Laundry List where we’ll share a list of the top community concerns that we’re currently investigating and hope to have resolved in the upcoming patch.
These concerns were reported by players who help us continue our work of improving the user experience on a regular basis.
Please note that some topics can be tricky and require an extended investigation on our end, so even though we are actively investigating it’s not a guarantee that we’ll have an immediate fix for it in the upcoming patch.
Also note that this is just a list of the “top” concerns. There are more topics that we saw reported by players that are not listed and being worked on.
So, without further ado, here is a list of the top community concerns we’re currently investigating:
Open staircase cause routing failures
In-Season Plants revert to dirt piles
CAS no longer shows what Sim is wearing in its columns
Sim Profile not opening after Learning (Dis)Likes/LUIE occurring
New (darker) hair swatches make Sims’ teeth look black
Several Hair Make Teeth Grey/Black
Random Sim in apartment/house / Guest not leaving
Eyelashes change color to match hair color
Teens age up/get generated with crow’s feet
Fabulously Filthy: Floor being dirty doesn’t fulfill
Thanks for all your patience and valuable help! Please continue telling us about any issues you’re experiencing on Answers HQ, we’ll continue to work on improving our transparency, and together we can make this game the best that it can be. Happy Simming!
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beholdme · 3 years
All the Many Shades of Gerry - Chapter 15
Chapters: 15/19
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Library AU, Librarian Jon, Artist Gerry, Trans Male Character, Trans Martin Blackwood, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Ace Subtype - Sex Positive, Polyamory, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Falling In Love, Boys in Skirts, Kissing, Demisexual Gerard Keay, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, Canon-Typical Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Flirting, Minor Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist/Tim Stoker, Adventures in Hair Dying, Happy Ending, Banter, Gerry has a lot of sass, Gerard Keay is Morticia Adams, Jon is a very grumpy Librarian, Martin adores them anyway.
Summary: In which Gerry is a kaleidoscope and Jon and Martin can’t help falling in love with him.
He happens to love them back.
Find it on Ao3
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Almost a year into their relationship, Martin's lease comes up.
There's brief romantic talk of them all moving in together, but they're all attached to their own spaces, especially with Gerry needing to keep his art studio, and it trails off without any real resolution.
When Martin's landlord doesn't want to renew and he essentially has no choice but to find a new place to live, he panics.
Jon is with him when he opens the letter, and witnesses the heartbreak on his face, a look far more appropriate to the death of a loved one than to having to move house.
He understands though. This is Martin's first home. The first rent he paid, the first freedom he claimed. The first place he had whispered 'I love you' to Jon, and the first place Gerry had pressed his lips to Martin's.
Jon is settled in his own flat in a more practical way. It's close to the library, Gerry's bar and also to Martin's bookstore, but he still understands Martin's heartache, even if it is detached from his scope of personal attachment.
As Jon takes the time to think things through, he knows they're being silly. When was the last time he had commuted to work from his own flat? And if Martin had to move anyway, why shouldn't the three of them be living together? Gerry would happily spend every spare second with them and frequently tells them so.
At their knock, Gerry opens the door in a pair of leather pants and not much else, hair faded out from navy to a soft violet.
He physically reacts to see Martin tear-stained and Jon frowning intensely at his side.
"Why tears? Who do I need to murder?" Gerry mutters darkly as he draws Martin inside and into his arms.
"He has to move out of his flat," Jon tells him angrily, still standing in the doorway.
"Oh, love." He whispers, rocking Martin gently.
"It's so stupid to cry about it. It's just a shitty little flat." He hiccups into Gerry's chest.
"Fuck that. We all know better than that. That flat was important to you," Gerry retreats further into the studio, dragging his weepy partner with him and leaving Jon to shut the door. "And you're important to us, so here's the plan. Gertrude and I are gonna dig up some dirt, we're gonna have a little chat with your landlord, and he's gonna agree to sell you your flat. Problem solved."
Martin laughs wetly as he is deposited in the cushion pile and Gerry follows him down to sit in front of him and take his hands.
Jon strips his jacket and scarf off and tosses them on the couch (the biggest indication of his upset, really, as he normally always meticulously hangs things up), before flopping down on the floor with them. Martin and Gerry offer a hand each, and they sit in a triangle, connected.
"Gerry, you can't blackmail my landlord into selling me my flat." Martin starts, voice still choked with tears, "Not least of all because I can't afford to buy it anyway. I already have a business loan, not to mention all the debt from before my mother died."
Apparently able to sense any great excess of emotion, Luna and Saturn wander in and both attempt to curl up in Martin's lap. Jon takes Saturn, leaving Luna to her tearful human. Martin smiles gratefully and disentangles his hands to pet behind her ears.
There's silence for a moment as they consider Martin's words. Gerry opens his mouth, closes it, then decides to say what he wants to anyway. "I could lend you the money. Or give it to you. Whichever you prefer."
The look on his face could be accurately described as casually angelic, and he reaches out a hand to stroke Saturn benevolently.
Martin and Jon stare at him, stunned.
"What do you mean?" Jon eventually prods him, incredulously.
Gerry opens his mouth to respond, but Jon senses the sass coming and adds, "A real answer please," rather firmly.
"Fine then," Gerry mutters, rolling his pretty teal eyes. "I have some money in savings. And in investments and stuff, I'm not actually irresponsible, despite what my appearance might imply. And the years I spent galivanting about the county. And Europe." He shrugs, rambling on, "Okay, maybe I am irresponsible."
His partners stare at him for a moment, then exchange a look.
“Define some money?” Jon says, poking him in the ribs. Gerry tells them.
“What!?” At Jon’s exclamation, Gerry blushes from the roots of his hair, and all the way down his bare chest.
"Where did you get it?" Martin finally asks.
"From selling my paintings?" Gerry responds, but it comes out as a question, and he rubs his burning neck in embarrassment.
"And," Jon says, voice carefully neutral; having regained some sense of composure, "why do you keep your job at the bar if you have enough money to casually offer to buy Martin a flat?"
"Don't feel left out Jon, I'll buy your flat too." Gerry offers, smiling at him beatifically.
"Gerry…" Martin lets out his name in the significant tone of voice that lets him know this is a 'serious conversation'™ and to get his shit together.
"Okay, okay," Gerry flaps his hands uncomfortably. "At first it was just because I was convinced that the painting money was gonna dry up and I didn't want to be left in the lurch. I've always operated anonymously and that made it hard to make money as an artist, it was only when Gertrude joined the crusade that I found any success. She insisted that people would buy prints online, and she was right. The digital art and prints were really popular, and it led to people wanting the originals." Gerry pauses and shakes his head in disbelief. "And Gertrude always has to be extra about everything, so she sold them at fucking auction instead of pricing them, which made me seem edgy and exclusive."
"You are edgy and exclusive," Jon interrupts to insist, a slight petulant edge staining his voice.
"Thanks," Gerry mutters, still blushing. "Anyway, so then I had all this money, but I was convinced it wouldn't last and now it's been years and it's only gotten worse and I was panicking so Gertrude took half the money and helped me put it into investments, which have mostly been pretty successful too, so now I have all this fucking money that I don't know what to do with, so Martin, would you like a flat?" Gerry ends his monologue slightly hysterical and Martin laughs out loud at the slight desperation in his voice.
"Do you even own this flat? I've been wondering how you could possibly afford it." Martin asks him, gesturing around at the massive space in one of the most up-and-coming parts of London.
"Yes, it's one of the only significant things I've ever actually paid for with the art money. You know, to do art in."
"And were you ever planning to mention this?" Jon queries, sounding slightly put out. He frowns down at the cat, instead of his ridiculous boyfriend. Saturn decides at that moment that he's had enough belly-rubs, and without warning, sinks his claws in, bites Jon's hand and then scurries off. Jon glares at his fluffy black tail as it disappears up the stairs and Gerry tries very hard not to laugh at him.
"Jonathan!" Martin scolds him, pushing his shoulder gently to regain his attention. "Gerry doesn't have to tell us about his finances."
Jon pouts even harder.
"Jon's right, I should have said something. I just didn't want it to be a big deal." Gerry responds, voice quiet and unusually reserved. He looks a little adrift and helpless, and they can see just how uncomfortable the money talk has made him.
Jon sighs and dislodges the stick from up his ass. "It's not a big deal, love, I'm only surprised. I'm glad it's out the way now." He collects Gerry's hand and presses a kiss to his knuckles.
Gerry relaxes and tugs Jon closer to kiss him, before offering the same to Martin.
They all sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, digesting the day's many revelations.
“Not that I’m not incandescently happy to see you both, but why did you actually come over?” Gerry asks eventually.
“Oh,” Martin sits up straighter, remembering their original objective. He looks down at the cat in his lap, stroking its back in an effort to distract himself. “It’s a little awkward actually.”
Gerry raises his eyebrows, thinking of what could make Martin feel awkward after all the things they’ve done together, occasionally right where they are currently sitting.
"Do tell." Gerry urges him. Martin and Jon share a look. Gerry rolls his eyes at the pair of them. "Come on, guys, whatever it is, just tell me. It can't possibly be that bad. Unless you're breaking up with me? Because fuck that."
"No, Gerry," Jon says, sounding amused. "The opposite."
"The opposite?" Gerry asks, frowning.
"Yes, the opposite," Jon tells him more firmly. "We were thinking," Martin makes a small nose at this, "that is, I was thinking, that since Martin has to move anyway, the three of us should finally take the plunge."
"You know," Gerry mutters peevishly, "I love riddles as much as the next overdramatic goth with a young adult book obsession, but could you please spit it the fuck out."
"Jonthinksweshouldallmoveintogetherhere." Martin finally rushes out, breathlessly.
"Martin, baby, those are separate words."
He takes a deep breath and tries again. "Jon thinks we should all move in together, here, with you."
Gerry sits up taller abruptly, a wide grin spreading over his handsome face. "What, really? You actually want to."
"Well, yes," Jon says, although his voice still sounds nervous.
"Okay great. Luna and Saturn are gonna love this." Gerry jumps up excitedly. "So I know you guys like having your own personal space, and I always have my art shit everywhere, but I've been thinking and I think we can make you both comfortable here too."
Martin and Jon share a perplexed look at Gerry's sudden frenetic burst of energy.
"We'll be comfortable here no matter what," Martin rushes to reassure him.
"Hush," Gerry speaks over him. "We both know you're just saying that because you feel like an inconvenience. But you're not and we all have to make this our home. Come, come on, I want to show you."
Gerry grabs a hand from each of them and drags them behind him and around and under the wide stairs that lead up to the loft space.
He leads them to two doors under the stairs, leading them into one. It's a large storeroom, technically, and Gerry has filled it with extra paint, canvases of many different sizes, and a plethora of other painting supplies. There aren't any windows, and the industrial light makes the space look stark. The scent of oil paint and turpentine is pervasive, but homey since those are things they associate heavily with Gerry himself.
"They're both the same. I've been thinking that if you two ever did want to move in here, you could take one each. A creative space just for yourselves, or your own bedrooms if you need some space once in a while. If you want them." His typical self-confidence is slightly lacking, the nervous twist of his fingers belaying his nerves at the admission.
"Oh Gerry," Martin says with something akin to wonder in his voice.
"But aren't you using them?" Jon asks, never one to let romanticism come in the way of practicality.
Gerry shrugs, "I've been thinking of having cupboards installed in the studio space and moving all this in there anyway. It will be more convenient for me when I'm working and it will be worth it to have you here all the time."
Gerry pauses, brow furrowing. "I've also considered moving the art studio in here so you two don't have to trip over my art stuff all the time."
Martin and Jon both understand the significance of that offer, knowing that Gerry's favourite things about this place are the high ceilings, giant windows, and natural lighting at most times of the day and even at night.
"You would be willing to give up your art space for us?" Martin asks in some wonder.
"Well yeah, of course," Gerry says as if it's obvious. "We'll all have to share the bedroom then, but the living space will be bigger. Whatever you would prefer."
"Just like that?" Jon's blunt incredulity finally tips Gerry off to their shock.
"Oh come on. I obviously haven't been a very good boyfriend if you two don't already know that you're more important to me than painting." It was the most romantic thing Gerry could say to anyone, really.
Martin kisses him, tearing up again.
"What did I say? Don't cry, love." He reaches up to wipe the tears away, and Martin offers him a wobbly smile.
Jon goes over to kiss him too. "You love us more than art."
"We're going in circles here. Yes, I love you both more than literally anything." Gerry is starting to wonder if they're being obtuse on purpose.
"We love you too," Jon tells him emphatically.
"Of course you do. I'm delightful." They all dissolve into laughter at that, the weighty mood breaking with it.
"So do you think you'll both be happy here?" Gerry asks when the laughter has faded.
Even standing in the mildly dusty storeroom and breathing in paint fumes, Jon knows the answer already. "I think we might be able to make it work."
7 notes · View notes
bubonickitten · 4 years
TMA fic: where there’s a will, we make a way
Decided to start writing a multi-chapter time travel AU fic to get me through S5, lmao. 
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
ETA: Chapter 2 is up. (tumblr // AO3)
"So, what does happen if an Eye learns to See within itself? What happens is this: the Archive Beholds the Watcher – and the Watcher blinks first." Or: Jon goes back to before the world ended and tries to forge a different path.
CWs for Chapter 1: canon-typical horror & sadness; canon-typical spiders; mentions of canon-typical trauma (including being held captive by the Circus); (temporary) major character death/absence; spoilers up to and including MAG 169.
And, a couple things from the top:
For this chapter and the next, Jon's dialogue will consist entirely of statements from the episodes (cited in the end notes), but he'll have original dialogue at some point (probably by chapter 3).
TEMPORARY CHARACTER DEATH/ABSENCE: Martin's absence is left intentionally vague (and there are moments in the first couple chapters of Jon grieving for him), BUT I promise Martin will be back (probably by chapter 3 or 4 once I figure out how I want to pace things). Time travel is great like that.
The first couple chapters will be rough but I promise it won't be all bummers going forward.
Chapter 1: Hubris
At the end of the world, as a tape recorder clicks on, uncountable eyes open wide and the Archive begins to speak.
  “There is a tower at the center of creation.
 "It juts up from the scorched earth, casting its oppressive shadow over all, so certain of its rightful place in this world. But although it may appear sturdy and eternal, it is, like everything else in this place, decaying – more slowly than the rest, but moving inexorably toward its own extinction all the same.
  “In the dying light of a ruined world, it Watches over all that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and leads and dies. For now, it is sated and gorged on the fear permeating its perfect world – but what happens when the fear runs out? There will come a time when each pinprick of life blinks out around it, one by one, taunting it with the dreadful knowledge of its ultimate, encroaching fate: a slow, agonizing death of boredom and isolation and starvation. 
  “And it will hurt.
  "Nothing lasts forever, but rest assured: the tower will be the last thing standing, wilting alone in a barren and desiccated realm of its own making.
  “It will be outlived only by death itself, and even then, only for the briefest of moments.
  “The tower is a monument to hubris, and as such, it is destined to collapse.”
 The recorder clicks off and Jonathan Sims comes back to himself, standing alone before the menacing bulk of the Panopticon.
 The statement was shorter than he's used to, but it isn't surprising – he can't See much here, in the Watcher's domain. Still, it took a lot out of him. He barely has time to take a breath, though, before a familiar door opens up in the ground just in front of him, its yellow paint chipped and faded. The Distortion’s ringing laughter ripples up from the ground and Jon closes his eyes, sighs heavily, and counts to ten.
 “No ‘hello’ for me, Archivist?” Helen pulls herself up and out of her door to loom over him. “You’ve become quite rude these past few… how long has it been?”
 Shaking his head, Jon readjusts the straps of his backpack and starts to walk. Helen, of course, prowls after him. Her gait seems different, Jon realizes, and when he trains his sight on her – yes, apparently she’s added an extra kneecap to her left leg. She watches him with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, daring him to comment on her latest modification, but he’s learned by now that it’s best not to encourage the Distortion.
 “That was a rather short monologue for you. I very much doubt your patron will be satiated.”
 “Oh, how I wish he’d go away,”  Jon mutters under his breath. The pronoun is wrong, but it still gets the point across, and Helen is familiar enough with his current mode of communication to catch his meaning.
 “Still voiceless, are we? It must be very frustrating for you. Reduced to rifling through others’ trauma, forced to appropriate someone else’s terror any time you want to talk. It really is a shame your lexicon is so… limited. You’ve always had such a lovely voice. It seems a waste to deny it any novelty.”
  Ignore her. Count to ten. Breathe.
 “Silent treatment?” Helen pouts. “Well, that’s fine. I can speak enough for the both of us.”
 Jon wishes he could comment on the irony of It Is Lies telling the truth, but the Archive doesn’t offer up any fitting statements. Probably for the best, really; as a rule, he tries not to let Helen rile him. Tries being the key word.
 “Off to see the Watcher? I do wonder how our dear Jonah is doing these days. You’re curious too, aren’t you? You can’t See anything in there. You have no idea what you’re walking into.” Helen’s lips curl in a too-wide smile. “That must drive you mad.”
 Jon ignores her. Even if he had something to say, he expects he would be speechless at the moment, beholding the Panopticon. The tower bears no resemblance to the Magnus Institute he remembers. It’s the tallest thing left in the wasteland, now; standing at its base and looking up, it’s impossible to estimate exactly how high it stretches. He could Know, but he doesn’t care to. (The Eye bristles at his refusal to ask the question; Jon dismisses it with an almost childish defiance.)
 All of the surrounding buildings have been reduced to dust and rubble, and there is no remaining evidence of there ever having been a street. The composition of the tower's walls is entirely obscured by a viscous coating of –
  …aqueous humor, grave dirt, assorted viscera, sawdust, flensed dermis, dental pulp, spider silk…
 – Jon closes his eyes and shoves the Knowledge away with a practiced resolve. Its content is no more unsettling than anything else he’s encountered, but even after all this time, having the Beholding hijack his thoughts is still nauseating. He had experienced intrusive thoughts long before becoming the Archivist, but Knowing takes the experience to an entirely different level.
 After the moment has passed, Jon opens his eyes again. He can’t tell if the tower no longer has windows, or if they’re just hidden by the horror cocktail smothering its exterior. He supposes it doesn’t really matter either way; the Watcher doesn’t need windows to See outside.
 The staircase stretching to the entrance is impossibly long, and the stairs are of the narrow, shallow variety that never accommodate anyone’s stride. Jon sighs as he places one foot on the bottom step.
 “That looks like an awfully long climb,” Helen observes. “And a tripping hazard. I would offer you a shortcut, but… well, you know.” She winks and flashes him a wicked grin just as her door materializes beneath her feet, dropping her down into a vertical corridor. “See you at the top, Archivist,” she calls cheerfully, her door slamming behind her and vanishing.
 Jon rolls his eyes and ascends the stairs.
The enormous doors to the tower are already open when Jon reaches the top of the steps. The moment he crosses the threshold, he is bathed in a blinding white light and every one of his eyes reflexively snaps shut. One by one, the extra eyes he has grown so accustomed to wink out of existence until finally, for the first time in forever, he has just the two he was born with. It’s jarring, having his hundredfold, 360-degree sight so suddenly reduced back to a binocular field of vision, but it feels oddly freeing.   
 At the same time, he doesn’t quite know what to make of it. Does the Watcher want him at a disadvantage? Is there something inherent to the Panopticon that allows only the Ceaseless Watcher itself to See, rendering all others – even its Archive – effectively blind? What if - 
 “Look at you!” Helen chirps directly into his ear, cackling when he startles. “My, you spook easily, Archivist. Not very becoming for one who Sees all and revels in the terror he has wrought –”
 Jon is already walking away. The light isn’t as overwhelming as it was before, but he still has to squint against it. As far as he can see, the interior of the tower is a flat expanse of white. He can't perceive any walls, ceiling, even a floor, making it impossible to guess the size of the place – or if it has an end at all.
 “Do you actually Know where you’re going?”
 “I was finding it really hard to get a solid idea on where we were,”  Jon admits.
 “Yes. It’s quite like the tunnels, isn’t it? You never could See down there, either. What did you call it – ‘a universal blind spot’? Strange, how your voyeurism touches everything except your own domain.”
 “I come to you not to wallow in my condition – but to request your assistance.”  Helen hasn’t been any help in ages, but Jon figures it’s worth a try.
 Helen simply laughs. “What assistance could I possibly offer? You are the most powerful thing the apocalypse has to offer, Archivist. Aside from the Entities themselves, that is. I’m certain you can figure it out on your own. As I’ve told you so many times, all you have to do is embrace it.” Jon glares at her. “Now, as much as I would love to stay and watch you get terribly lost, I believe there are more interesting things going on in the world.”
 With that, her door swings open on the ground in front of her.
 “I thanked them as they left, even though they had been of no help whatsoever,”  Jon grumbles to himself. 
 “You are tetchy today,” Helen teases. “Well, I’ll check back in with you later.”
 She steps off the ledge and plummets down through her door again, pulling it shut after her.
 Jon pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. It’s incredible how after all this time, even a short encounter with the Distortion leaves him feeling drained.
 But she did have a point. He never could See in the tunnels, but that was before he became the Archive. As he is now, he probably has a better chance of finding his way than Helen would. It’s just that doing so is bound to be… unpleasant. No use putting it off, though.
 He closes his eyes, looks inward, opens the door, and –
 A churning deluge of information crashes into him, sweeping him along in its undertow, and all at once, he’s drowning.
  …the equatorial circumference of Jupiter was 439,263.8 kilometres before it was devoured by the ravenous Falling Titan…
  …Mr. Spider has taken up residence behind innumerable doors – not every door, but any door. It has an average of one guest for dinner every 39 minutes and still it is hungry… 
  …the Sandman and the Buried wage war over scraps within the catacombs of Paris, now located approximately 6,294.2 kilometres below creation and sinking…
  …as of 23.8 seconds ago, the Crawling Rot and the Lightless Flame have completed their race to consume the endless apartment block located at the corner of Nowhere and –
 Jon shakes his head and tries to refine his search.
  Tell me about Jonah Magnus.
  …Jonah Magnus was born in –
 Tell me where I can find Jonah Magnus.
  …Jonah Magnus is –
 A wave of force crashes into Jon like a freight train and then he’s back in the white space, eyes open, gasping for air and struggling to fill his aching lungs.
 It comes as no surprise that the Ceaseless Watcher doesn’t want him to Know the way, but if the Eye didn’t want to be Seen, it should have picked someone less inquisitive. Or less stubborn.
 He takes a deep breath, steels himself, and dives back in.
  …in a hollowed-out sanctuary of bone and gristle, the Boneturner scavenges uselessly for –
  Tell me where to find Jonah Magnus.
 A harsh buzz of static starts to ring in his ears.
  …the Distortion in its corridors waits for –
  Show me how to reach Jonah Magnus.
 The static pitches up into a shrill whine.
  …Martin Blackwood’s last –
  A̵N̴S̸W̴E̸R̶ ̷M̷E̷.̷
 The noise reaches an earsplitting crescendo, then cuts out abruptly and –
 When the Archive opens its myriad eyes, it Knows the way.
Once the Knowledge settles in his mind, it's as if a veil has been lifted; the empty, directionless white void resolves itself into perceptible details. Jon finds himself standing in a cavernous, cylindrical space. Countless iron-barred prison cells are recessed into weathered red-brick walls, stacked vertically one on top of the other and stretching all the way up to an impossibly high vaulted ceiling covered in… cobwebs.
 Of course. It figures the Web would have infiltrated this place. In fact, it had probably staked out its territory when the initial foundations for Millbank Prison were laid and had simply never left. 
 Jon shudders and looks away. Or tries to, anyway – there are always a few recalcitrant eyes that linger on the things he does not want to See.    
 He turns his attention to the observation tower. Its looming presence seems to take up the entire room, radiating a palpable sense of dread. There is nowhere in this world that its gaze cannot reach, but being this close to it is nearly unbearable.
 It hurts.
 Jon forces himself to stand there, to experience and endure the sheer weight of its omniscient scrutiny concentrated wholly on him. This is what it’s like to be Seen by the Archive, and Jon needs to Know how it feels – how it felt when he turned the Ceaseless Watcher’s gaze upon the monsters he met on the journey to the Panopticon.
 And it hurts.
 It’s like having his consciousness torn to shreds, every memory and thought and experience comprising his existence ripped out of him, pinned under a microscope, dissected with precision, classified and then hoarded away by a dispassionate curator. It’s sharp angles and blinding lights and throat-rending screams and scalding heat; it’s burrowing worms and scalpel blades and crushing earth and cold plastic hands; it’s fear and pain and love and loss and it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts –  
 Jon’s knees give out and he crumples to the floor, panting, resting his head in his twitching hands as the aftershocks of white-hot pain ripple through him. He lets himself roll over onto his side and curl into a fetal position while he waits for the tremors to stop.
 Martin wouldn’t have approved, but Jon had to Know. He had to Know what it was like, if the monsters he killed deserved it, if the punishment was proportionate to the crime, and –
 They did and it was. He can confidently say that each sentence he handed out was justified, and it’s somewhat of a relief.
 Beyond that, though, experiencing it firsthand was the best way he could think to fully appreciate the consequences of allowing his potential to go unchallenged and unrestrained, and to make clearer the distinction between Jonathan Sims, the Watched and the Archive, the Watcher – or conduit of the Watcher, at least. If nothing else, the memory of it will be an anchor going forward – a searing reminder of how much is at stake and the ultimate cost should his plan fail. 
 And, of course, it was also an effective way to assess the power he has at his disposal, to determine whether he’s strong enough for his plan to work. He did survive it, at least, which seems like a good sign. Hopefully it's a good sign.
 As the pain fades to a dull ache, he pushes himself to his feet and takes a minute to compose himself before entering the observation tower. He has not come eye to eye with Jonah Magnus since before the world ended, before he forced himself through the domains of each and every fear that marked him, before he completed his metamorphosis. That was the point of the journey, he realizes now: reliving the terror and retracing every mark was necessary for him to emerge as the fully-fledged Archive.
 He hopes it was all worth it.
 Jon takes a deep breath, braces himself, and crosses the threshold.
 Jonah Magnus is a pitiful sight.
 He sits slumped on the Watcher’s throne within his lonely observation tower, ropes of spider silk binding him in place. The look in his eyes when he beholds his Archive is entirely unreadable, and Jon doesn’t care to Know. 
 Well – his two original eyes, in any case. The other eyes bulging through Jonah’s skin – bloodshot, rolling and twitching in all directions, and glowing a repellent shade of green – belong to the Watcher, and all they contain is a cold, measured fascination. Jon wonders absently whether they might cluster beneath the skin as well, a fitting mirror of Albrecht von Closen’s gruesome fate. Martin would have appreciated the poetic justice of that thought.
 Jon takes a step forward.
  “I don’t think I’ll ever know what they expected to happen.”
 The Archive’s voice rips through the silence like a clap of thunder on a clear day. There is something of a command threaded through the words, a power that brooks no argument and permits no lies. Jonah flinches at the force of it, and Jon takes that as his cue to continue; he has Jonah’s full attention now.
 “It’s weird, isn’t it, the things that can change your life?” Jon wonders, briefly, how Tim would feel about his statement being repurposed like this. Hopefully he would approve, seeing the way Elias – Jonah – is rendered silent and cowed in its wake, even if Jon’s voice is the vehicle. Either way, stolen words are Jon’s only option, and so he presses on: “You can plan for all the devastating, terrible possibilities you can imagine, and it’ll always be those tiny, unexpected things that get you. You know, the things that you never even noticed as they were happening, just… just nudging everything into motion. But even if there was a way I could have known, I really don’t think I’d be able to have stopped him.”
 When Jonah opens his mouth as if to speak, Jon catches a glimpse of a roving eye sprouting from Jonah’s tongue. What comes out is not words, but a small spider, creeping languidly over his lip and up his cheek, as if summoned by the Archive’s mere mention of manipulation. Even from a distance, Jon can See all eight of its eyes focus on him.
 The Spider perches there, patient and waiting. Whether she is issuing an invitation, a challenge, or simple, curious observation, the Archive does not know, and Jon will not waste his energy searching for the answer.
 Curiosity always was Jonathan Sims’ fatal flaw. It can be an asset in small doses, but Jon habitually took it to endangering and self-destructive extremes. By now he has learned how to wield that curiosity with precision, patience, and careful calculation. It was a lesson hard won and at great cost, but now he knows: there is a difference between a constructive avenue of inquiry and a dead end. One leads to answers that need knowing; the other only sates the Eye’s voracious appetite and leaves Jon adrift and wanting. The trick is to prioritize – which means accepting the existence of questions that aren’t worth asking.
 The Eye balks at an unsolved mystery, and the Archive’s every instinct drives Jon to seek, to ask, to know at any and all costs – but this is not the first time he has weathered the dueling instincts of Archive, Archivist, and human, and it will not be the last. If he stands in the crossfire long enough, breathes through the dissonance, and allows himself to simply exist as the strange, contradictory gestalt his apotheosis has made him… eventually, he can find the quiet.
 In any case, the Archive’s eyes outnumber the Spider’s by far, and Jon meets her gaze with a resolve that still feels new and untested, but unyielding nonetheless. Neither of them blink, but the Spider does eventually – slowly, so slowly – crawl away and out of sight.
 A stalemate. Jon expected nothing more or less; these confrontations with the Web never have a satisfying conclusion, only a protracted, stop-and-start hiatus. 
 When Jon feels the Spider’s presence fade away, he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. For all his bravado, the fear never has gone away. He suspects that the Eye would never give him the choice in the first place. It isn’t enough to Know or See the contents of his library – he has to live them, feel them, share in them, or else the knowledge is not comprehensive. The Beholding requires more than facts and words and retellings. It demands the insight and dread that comes only from lived experience, and it has no use for an Archive that cannot fully experience its own catalog.
 If Jon was given the choice, though, he still wouldn’t give up the fear. It’s the fabric of this world, which makes it a reliable anchor as long as it exists. It tethers him to his humanity; it reminds him of his reason; it keeps him moving forward.
 And so, he approaches the Watcher’s throne, and the Archive resumes its recitation:
  “I continue to see in you the reflection of my own past hubris.”
 It’s a nice touch, Jon thinks, using Robert Smirke’s dying words to rub salt in the wound, and the surge of stunned outrage on Jonah’s face confirms that for him.
 “Why does a man seek to destroy the world?"
 Jonah’s human eyes widen ever so slightly as he recognizes his own words.
  “…you would quite willingly doom that world and confine the billions in it to an eternity of terror and suffering, all to ensure your own happiness, to place yourself beyond pain and death and fear.”
 Jon kneels before the throne, a mocking gesture of fealty to a man who so arrogantly believed that he was to be –
 “…a king of a ruined world” – he pauses, fast-forwarding the statement in his mind, picking through disparate fragments to cobble together something that can convey his intended meaning – “had miscalculated.” Another pause, and then: “The ritual failed."
 Jonah squirms against his bindings, though whether it is in fear or frustration or anger, Jon does not know. He does not need to know, and he strangles that alien part of him that wants to taste exactly what flavor of distress struggles in front of him. He refuses to feed the Eye, even if it is at Jonah’s expense.  
 “…as much a victim as any” – Jon gives a curt nod to indicate Jonah – “trapped in the nightmare landscape of a twisted world.” 
 When he sees the glint of the knife, Jonah’s eyes widen further and he redoubles his thrashing. Jon is flooded with memories of his month held captive by the Circus – rough ropes chafing at his bare skin; cold, plastic hands slathering him in strong-smelling lotions; the bruises that lingered long after he escaped through the Spiral’s door. Part of him wishes that he could enjoy seeing Jonah like this – the one who orchestrated that trauma and so many others – but all he feels is that familiar revulsion that rises up in him any time he catches a whiff of shea butter.
 Another, louder part of him is relieved to find that even after everything, he still can’t quite bring himself to find pleasure in torture.
 Taking revenge on Jude Perry, obliterating the NotThem – it felt good in the immediate aftermath, to make them appreciate the terror and pain they had wrought, to stand in their presence not as a victim but as a long-overdue consequence. As soon as the adrenaline wore off, though, he would always crash. Whether or not they deserved their fates was never what haunted him the most. It was the simple act of using the same power that destroyed the world that always left him feeling sick, guilty, divorced from what remained of his humanity, and terrified of what he could become if he embraced his role as the Archive. It felt good in the same way that stealing live statements used to, and that terrified him.
 Still, Jon has a point to make. He draws the knife to Jonah’s face and holds the tip mere centimetres from his right eye, poised to strike. Jonah freezes and Jon stares him down. The Archive’s uncountable eyes open wide and focus laser-like on a single point, and he waits for the would-be king to blink first.
 And he does.
 With that, Jon stands and drops the knife. As it clatters to the floor, Jonah opens his human eyes ever so slightly, looking at the discarded weapon and then back to his Archive with uncertainty etched onto his face.
 “…didn’t even have the decency to kill me,” the Archive says. Jon swallows down a reflexive wave of revulsion at the memory of Peter Lukas’ voice, but he needs Jonah to understand this choice his Archivist has made, to truly appreciate the fate to which he is being condemned.  
 The Archive reaches for Gertrude next:“They might even stop death entirely, deny us the one last escape, keeping us alive and afraid – forever.”
 It takes a moment for the words to sink in, but slowly, ever so slowly, the existential terror dawns in Jonah’s eyes. His greatest fear may have always been mortality, but faced with the reality of what an immortal existence could actually entail, well…
  “You’ll get used to it here, in the world that we have made."
 Jonah Magnus’ own triumphant declaration reverberates through the space in the voice of the Archive he forced into being. The words sound as smug and gleeful as they did the first time the Archivist read them to an empty room, on the day he opened the door. 
 Behind it all, though, is Jonathan Sims. Not the Archive, not the Archivist, just… Jon. He feels no catharsis, no gratification, no closure. He just feels tired.
 But he didn’t come all this way to the Panopticon just to monologue at Jonah Magnus. This is the stronghold of the Eye, and that makes it Jon’s best chance of actually communing with the Beholding.
 He places the tape recorder on the floor next to the knife and turns his back on the man who sought to reign over a desolated world. As Jon walks away, the recorder clicks on, and the Archive’s final statement begins to play:
  “There is a tower at the center of creation…”
End notes:
- Jon’s dialogue is taken from the statements in the following episodes, in order: MAG 85; MAG 149; MAG 098; MAG 027; MAG 137; MAG 104; MAG 138; MAG 160 (x4); MAG 159; MAG 162; MAG 160 (again). 
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