#simultaneously adorable and OUCH
choccyhearts · 1 year
just a quick thought:
clingy!himbo!steve likes to sit in the bathroom with you as you take a shower. he just plops his ass on the closed toilet seat and stares at the wall contently
until he hears you cry out, "ouch!". you accidentally scratched your nipple hard as you were cleaning yourself
and he bursts through the shower curtain, fully clothed and face full of concern
he's like, "what happened??? what did you do???"
while you're just like, "get out!!?? you're fully clothed!!?"
and he notices you're clutching your boob so removes your hand and replaces it with his large one
"did you hurt your nipple? baby, noooo, you gotta be careful with these, they're so delicate☹️🥺"
and he just leans down and gives your hurt one a soft open-mouthed kiss
and now he's just in the shower with you, washing your body for you slowly and gently, making sure you're all clean and safe☺️
(this is totally noooot based off of my shower experience from earlier today😐)
bonus clingy!himbo!steve thought:
sometimes he likes to just lift up your shirt and greet your chest separately from you
his head stretches out the fabric but you don't care cause it's so simultaneously hot and adorable hearing him go, "there's my girls, hello. you're looking rather well today"
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snowmist-hashira · 1 year
i urgently need a cute moment where muichiro and the reader finally have their first kiss ahhhhh😩
[Chapter title: Fumbling Sparks]
[Requested] Muichiro Tokitou x Reader
Wattpad:(One shots) Tokito Muichiro x Reader Archive:Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tokitou Muichiro x Reader Master list:♠ Information ♠ Word count: 848
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Artist: natsuneco_02 [夏猫]
Links; Twitter
This short one-shot is inspired on Bless's recent headcanons (I recommend checking out the adorable ideas presented there~) and I want to give a special mention and thanks to her for granting me permission to use them. Thank you very much~ I hope this fulfills your request, Anon~ ♥
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Y/n had just returned from her assigned mission, she entered the mist pillar's estate, feeling a sense of relief as she made her way to the tatami floors where Muichiro Tokito, her fellow hashira and boyfriend, was waiting for her. The scent of warm food filled the air, indicating that a meal was prepared for them.
Y/n slid open the door to the tatami room, stepping inside and found Muichiro sitting cross-legged on the floor, his mint orbs focused on her.
"Welcome back." Muichiro greeted her with a gentle smile.
The mist pillar had a reputation among his fellow Demon Slayers for his distant and detached demeanor. His expression often held a hint of apathy, and his gaze seemed distant, as if his thoughts were elsewhere. Many considered him cold and unapproachable, unable to break through the walls he had built around himself.
However, when it came to Y/n, everything changed. Muichiro's usual facade melted away, revealing a side of him that only Y/n had the privilege to witness. In her presence, his eyes sparkled with warmth and tenderness, and his stoic features softened into a gentle smile.
Y/n returned the smile, a wave of relief washing over her. "Thank you, Mui. It was a tough mission, but I managed to complete it without any major issues."
Sitting down, Y/n couldn't help but appreciate the sight before her—the warm, inviting food, and Muichiro's serene expression.
As they began to eat, their conversation flowed easily. They talked about their respective missions, sharing stories and experiences, occasionally punctuated by soft laughter.
As the conversation continued, Muichiro's fingers hovered over the chopsticks, his thoughts drifting back to the topic with Mitsuri. The memory of her words about the term ‘kiss’ caused a flicker of uncertainty to pass through him.
Muichiro, despite being in an official relationship with Y/n, still felt inexperienced when it came to matters of romance and the actions expected of a couple. The simplest gestures that many couples took for granted were uncharted territory for him.
Feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension, Muichiro's gaze shifted from Y/n to the untouched food on his plate. He considered the implications of what Mitsuri had said and wondered.
Muichiro's gaze lingered on Y/n, the silence between them stretched on, creating an air of uncertainty and tension. Y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and confusion, her brows furrowed slightly, unsure of what Muichiro was thinking or trying to convey.
Taking a deep breath, Muichiro gathered his courage, he leaned in to kiss Y/n. However, in his nervousness and lack of experience, his aim went awry. Their heads collided with an unintentional force, resulting in a rather comical and unexpected outcome.
"Ouch!" they both exclaimed simultaneously, recoiling from the collision. Their hands instinctively went to their foreheads, massaging the sore spot where their heads had met.
Muichiro apologized, his face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry…”
"Mui-! Are you okay?" Y/n asked worriedly, her voice laced with concern.
Muichiro took a moment to collect himself, trying to hide his embarrassment behind a calm facade. "I'm okay, Y/n," he assured her, his voice a little quieter than usual.
“What were you trying to do?”
Muichiro felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he struggled to find the right words. After pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, he finally managed to speak up.
"I... I was trying to kiss you," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, and a rush of warmth spread across her cheeks, turning them a deep shade of red as Muichiro's words sank in. His straightforwardness and genuine confession never failed to catch her off guard, even in moments of mishaps.
She couldn't help but find his earnestness endearing, feeling a mixture of surprise, affection, and amusement. The image of Muichiro's attempt to kiss her, only to result in an adorable failure, played in her mind, making her heart flutter with fondness.
Y/n's soft giggle escaped her lips, and she found herself unable to resist the endearing flutter in her heart. With a whisper, “we can try again.” her voice filled with a mixture of shyness and anticipation.
Muichiro's face lit up at Y/n's suggestion, his eyes reflecting a spark of excitement. His lips curved up into a gentle smile as he leaned in once again, determined to make their second attempt a success. The air crackled with anticipation as their lips met in a sweet, tender peck, this time achieving the desired outcome.
A gentle warmth spread through both Y/n and Muichiro as their lips connected, a moment filled with affection and the shared understanding of their growing bond.
A soft smile graced Y/n's lips as they pulled away from the kiss, her cheeks flushing with a deep shade of pink. Muichiro's eyes held a mixture of tenderness and pride, his heart brimming with happiness at the successful kiss.
Muichiro held onto the memory of that special moment, the way Y/n's lips felt against his, the warmth that enveloped them, and the fluttering of his heart.
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elliebarker · 1 year
what if lifeguard ellie! and reader are dating and r does a prank on her and makes her think shes drowning
HAHAHA LMAOOOOO this made me giggle out loud
lifeguard!gf!ellie just looooooves pushing you into the water. and you absolutely hate it. so, in order to get payback, you decided to put her to work.
the storage closet door slammed closed and ellie's keys fumbled in and out of the knob, locking it.
"babe," she said, noticing you standing right next to the edge of the pool, i swear she sets me up for these! she thought, "ready to go," she calmly said whilst smirking up at you. you nodded, smiled, as she walked over. "cm're" she said, grabbing you by the waist, and pulling you into a kiss.
"ellieee..." you said, slightly embarrassed, her action coming out of nowhere and throwing you off a bit. that was until you did exactly what you expected to do. "AH!" you let out a little scream as her hands went from your waist to your stomach, pushing you into the deep end of the pool. and unlike the last 4 times, you didn't rust to get back up to the surface. putting on quite the persuading act, so you thought, that you had drowned. ellie had just dusted off her hands, proud of her work, to see- rather to not see you gasping for air, when all hell broke loose. she couldn't lose you, she couldn't. not only could she not lose you, but she also could not lose you at her own hands. she dove in extremely fast and immediately went to grab your body and rush you back to the surface. by this time you were having too much fun, and you wanted to keep the bit going, like those girls who call their friends saying their dead just to get their reactions.
"wake up, love, please." you could hear the cracks in her voice, she was trying not to cry, trying to hold it together for you. she then went to do the one thing lifeguard training had made her learn. cpr. she went to tilt your head and pinch your nose so she could breathe into your-
"ouch!" you squealed, all high-pitched. "let go of my nose els!" trying to get out from under her grasp, simultaneously laughing at her look of epiphany.
"you- you fucking asshole!" she punched your arm as you started to laugh non-stop. "i-i thought i lost you." she stuttered over her words, yes she was mad, but she was just so goddamn relieved you were okay she could barely stay mad. "don't," she said, beginning to laugh herself, "do that, again, please."
"as long as you don't push me in again," you said, grabbing a towel to dry the both of you off, then grabbing your bag to finally head out, "no promises."
an: this was actually so adorable and fun to write tysm anonie!! i've teased you guys long enough, i'm done with my anxiety, i'm releasing my full lifeguard!ellie fic tomorrow. bring your popcorn. i worked really hard on it and even though you guys don't know it, all of your reblogs and likes and comments mean the world to me so make sure that if you liked my fic(s) to reblog, comment, etc to not only boost my page to other ellie enjoyers but to let me now whether or not you like it!! thank you guys sm! ily <3
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
Drarry writers on tumblr rec pt. 2
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Hot weather, short attention span, you know the deal. But DID you know that tumblr is actually full of really really really cool people who write really really really cool things? Like:
1. @teacup-tai​ who writes such beautiful, beautiful stories. I will never forget how this one made me choke on a sob, and this one utterly destroyed me. Also I absolutely have to mention this SCORCHING HOT pansmione, like oh god like ooh like watch out actually!
2. @phoebe-delia​​, the undisputed songfic queen, fluff and angst royal, making us weep on the daily with either joy or pain or just !!! Everything Phoebes writes hits jut right: whether it’s so soft, you most definitely will melt, the biggest yes there is, or just actually EVERYTHING
3. @maziktheli​ is the master of atmosphere building. With so few words they will TRANSPORT you from your seat and screen to another world altogether. Fight me if this isn’t everything - actually let’s not fight I’m already hurting, and actually never mind because YEAH I’M GONE (softttt)
4. @basicallyahedgehog​ has this magic touch to their writing that makes even the hard things so gorgeously sweet? I mean this is too adorable for words and then there’s this beautiful beautiful fic and not to even mention this which currently occupies all the space in my heart🥺
5. @undercoverwarlock​​ is truly a warlock, undercover, and I know that because his words have me under the deepest spell?? I mean look at this fucking poetry, and this BRILLIANCE, and then we can’t forget about the fic that ripped my heart out and also fixed it simultaneously. Sorry for ruining your cover! was pretty obvious tbh
6. @thebooktopus​​ not only writes the most incredible things, but is able to set them in the most brilliant ways. The effect is always dead on: see here for the ouch factor, here for the got it in one factor, and here for the steal your entire heart factor
7. @floydig​​ has the kind of writing that haunts you? you know what I mean. Surely you too have been ruined by this one, lost your mind at this one, and forgot how to form words after reading this. No? Well, what the hell are you waiting for?
(Previous lists: writers pt. 1, artists pt. 1, reccers pt. 1)
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What happened to Lyde on getting that thumbprint from Jadus? Looks like a big owch there. :( (handshake for miraluka love)
💕🤝🤝🤝💕 It was indeed a big ouch! That scar is a souvenir from Lyde's first meeting with Darth Jadus; story-wise, it's the one-on-one you have with him before you head to Grathan's. I've always adored that conversation, as it's beautifully voice-acted and does a lot to establish Jadus as this very cryptic and threatening entity. He's more a force of nature than a guy. But I simultaneously find the scene a little bit lacking. While it’s constructed in a manner that lets you read a lot into what Jadus is saying and what the agent might be experiencing, it lacks much of the audiovisual interest displayed in other (namely post-brainwashing) parts of the agent storyline. (Also, let it be known that I ultimately I find Jadus’ actual writing in-game super underwhelming and 100% carried on the back of Stephen Rashbrook’s vocal performance + the headcanoning efforts of the people who were swept off their feet by that same performance, but that’s a topic for another post.) So in Lyde's version of canon, Jadus did his spiel, had her kneel, and then held her still with his presence while he pushed his thumb into her eye socket. It didn't take a lot of doing, since miraluka really just have a thin layer of skin covering those. In wounding her, he solidified and strengthened the imprint of his power left on her body during her “inoculation” by drawing on her feelings of fear and agony in that moment. I liked the idea a lot because it feels like a very Jadus act - heavily symbolic and visually arresting, but, if given prompt medical attention, not actually debilitating in a way that would interfere with his agent’s work. After all, what’s she need those empty sockets for? To see? Pfft. Pfffft. 
It was also a way for Jadus to literally mark his territory. Contrary to what in-game dialogue suggests, Lyde did have affiliations outside of Intelligence, by Sith standards: familial ones. Her Sith mother was recently deceased, but her grandfather, a Jedi-turned-Sith, was still kicking. Given I haven’t finished typing up a concise Aniteon twins backstory, I haven’t talked about Darth Grandad on this blog, but tl;dr he’s a huge piece of shit who washed his hands of Lyde near-entirely when she proved weak in the Force as compared to her sister. Choosing her as a personal tool was Jadus very publicly claiming a resource passed over by another Sith. Consider it a triple-flex on Lyde, Imperial Intelligence, and any other Sith who might be interested in interfering in his business with either. 
also it looks sick as fuck & in Lyde’s Hand of Jadus AU she’s got both sockets gouged open and on display at ALL times LESGOOOOO
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thecasualauthor · 1 year
ok this is for when you get to the vault tracks - i need to know your opinions!!
Warning - most of this is incoherent gushing lol. I absolutely loved them. All of them :)
Okay so:
Electric Touch: this song is awesome. There are some songs that you can't help but dance to, and this was one of them. (Even though I could only tap my feet because I was at work lol.) Fallout boy I think was an awesome touch. I think they complement Taylor well, which I'm a bit surprised about actually. Overall so so fun.
When Emma Falls In Love: See I'm a bit biased on this one because, like that last anon, my actual name is Emma, and so it low-key felt like she was singing about me lol. It's so so sweet and adorable. It kinda matched my own personality haha. Especially that line "she takes the pain and bears it on her own." Like. Wow. I felt that. Overall I absolutely loved it. It's got a nostalgic air to it that brings me back to "the old days."
I Can See You: this song sounds like it could have come from Midnights, at least style wise. It sounds a lot more "mature" than the other songs. It's giving some "forbidden love" vibes and it's pretty cool. The "Keep Quiet" line in the second verse sent me. That was so cool! Kind of feels like it could be a prequel to "illicit affairs," where they'd be meeting in "beautiful rooms," and living in the heat of the moment before things go downhill.
Castles Crumbling: I'm in love with this song. I can't explain why, but it resonates in my soul. I love the instrumental/beat of this song. The "Never wanted you to hate me" line absolutely killed me. It kind of makes me think it could be part of "Reputation if it were less whimsical. The whole Castle Crumbling imagery reminds me a lot of the first line of "Call it what you want." It's such a sad song, but it's so pretty and meaningful. And Hayley Williams being a part of it is amazing, both voices blend so well together. (As an aside it reminds me a little bit of Viva la Vida by Coldplay, similar imagery of crumbling kingdoms and formerly being loved and revered.) Overall I think it's so cool!!
Foolish One: oh ouch. Wow. This is such a good one. Really encapsulates the feeling of lost love and heartbreak. And her going from high pitched whimsical notes to the end, where she sings lower notes and sounds defeated was such a nice touch. Like coming back to reality after hoping for so long. But again, it's really not on you if the person made you feel like they loved you, and its doubly true if you are young. So I kind of just wanted to give her a hug, honestly.
Timeless: words can't express how much I love this song. It's so cute, so sweet and adorable. 🥹 like: "I know that you and I would have found each other, in another life" like tell me that is not the FLUFFIEST line. And "I'd die for you in the same way." WHAT. I just love it so so much. It's so sweet and aghhh what a great way to end this album!! (I'm totally gonna write a fanfic based on this song. Probably Percabeth. Or Jily.)
Thanks for the ask and for simultaneously losing your mind with me about this album haha.
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I leave the Bridgewater episode off until the very end of the day so I have something to look forward to all day. And no regrets. I can’t believe we’re already seven episodes in.
The opening was very SPN which I absolutely adored. 
“That is not a bear” - famous last words.
Vipin being the one to meet up with Peyton in Jeremy’s place says so much about the level of importance Jeremy places on meeting with her...but also his trust that Vipin will handle it well. 
Thomas being defensive about Vipin meeting up with Peyton...hmmm...what are you hiding? But that also makes it even more interesting that she reached out to Jeremy in the first place.
I didn’t know I needed Anne and Olivia to have a scene on their own. I find their conversation super interesting especially Olivia wondering if their family itself has something to do with it all. 
Evil Narnia!
Vipin is the best person to talk to Peyton tbh...he knows what questions to ask. 
Peyton growing up within the Gathering makes her so much more interesting. I’m liking her more and more. 
“Clap if you believe in fairies” Oh Vipin. 
The fact that Peyton can admit she doesn’t know everything...
Her father being the volunteer and Peyton being his replacement. Eek. 
I am so interested in the way that Peyton has accepted her fate...that she is prepared for it...but also that she’s gone through her father leaving her. It makes her far more interesting and why she can be the person to ask Thomas to make the choice to leave again. I can also appreciate that she doesn’t necessarily want him to go back...she just needs someone to and he’s the best choice. 
Her whole perspective about how tragic it all is. Ouch. But also she’s not wrong...he can’t actually get the time he lost back. 
Thomas actually wanting to hang out with Jeremy outside of dealing with things is so sweet and all that Jeremy has wanted this whole time...it worries me about what Thomas is planning to do. 
I really appreciate that Jeremy can defend the life he’s had...and clearly all the trauma from his childhood maybe affected that, but that is still the life he’s had and Thomas can’t judge or be upset that his son didn’t become someone else...or that he didn’t remain exactly the same...there is no changing that in any way.  
“You were my favorite person to spend time with”  Awww Thomas. 
Jeremy asking Thomas to stay. :( 
Thomas immediately bringing up Alden and his promise to help bring him back. 
Jeremy mentioning the Legend Tripper as an example of a new friend...and the way that he explains how she understands him and how she’s easy to talk to...yes and doesn’t that make you a bit suspicious? Because it makes me suspicious. Like...maybe think about how you still don’t know her name...
“dad you’ve never been my age...you’ve literally never been my age” 
Do I sense that Olivia is a bit suspicious about Thomas and what Thomas knows about communicating with the other side/the liminal
The weird shaking thing happening again at Anne’s house...is that simultanous to Thomas feeling weird and also them hearing Celeste...
“You can trust me Jeremy” 
Yet another amazing episode. Ahhh. Can’t wait for the next one. 
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tasam1075 · 1 month
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This still has me stumped - I've been working on it for months and I still can't get it right.
This is good as I've got at the moment
Sqwished Sissys
Maddie just smiled at the sight of both her husband and daughter completely transfixed by the image on the screen, it was difficult to tell who was more fascinated by the sonogram images.
"Sissy's all sqwishd"
Maddie tried not to laugh at Chloe's observation, she did have to admit that the twins did look to be squished after all.
Eventually, with the required photograph(s), they managed to prise Chloe away from the image on the screen.
It not without some difficulty that Chloe could be persuaded to put 'her sissys' down long enough for a relaxing family lunch, much to Maddie and Virgil's relief.
Scott and Becky, despite Scott's reticence, did manage to do a bit of shopping.
Somehow Scott seemed to enjoy buying toys and games for Chloe even if he hated clothes shopping with Becky.
When the two of them stopped for lunch they were both glad for the fact that it was just the two of them, able to enjoy the luxury of time together without the 'distractions' of family.
It was late afternoon when they all arrived back at the hotel.
They compared notes in preparation for the family conference, timed to be early morning on Tracy island, in order to update everyone at the same time.
Becky and Maddie took Chloe and headed off to the extravagant bathroom for a bit of pampering, an extremely bubblicious bath for Chloe, whilst the IR aspect of the conference was taking place.
Although they were fully aware of all aspects of IR both women knew that their presence would only be a distraction at this meeting, and the updates on the repairs had to take precedence over the more personal matters to be addressed.
Once they'd received the notification, from Virgil, that the updates regarding the repairs had been completed they joined the conference with Chloe being the first to speak.
"Unc-cot piwot gen, he lowed now"
Chloe's announcement was met with a look of delight from Gordon and a groan of dismay from Scott, both of them thinking about impending pirate jokes.
"Scott's a pirate again?"
No-one could miss the element of glee in Gordon's voice as a whole new area of pranks were running through his brain.
"Thanks Tin"
"Your welcome Scott"
"What was that for?"
Gordon grumbled as he shook his head to recover from Tintin's quick reactions, at times she seemed to hit harder than his brothers.
Even Jeff had to smile at the dual response from Virgil and John.
"How was Chloe's breakfast this morning"
John asked with a smile
"Good but 'Ranos better"
Chloe stated proudly.
"I am gratified that you approve Miss Chloe"
That response from Kyrano left Chloe confused until Tintin translated for her
"Uncle 'Rano means thank you"
That comment earned Tintin a disapproving look from her father and a cheeky giggle from Chloe.
"Me see sissys, got pictur"
Chloe stated proudly as she waved the scan image about.
"Can I see?"
Scott asked with an almost comical pleading expression on his face.
"No. My sissys"
Chloe hid the image, no-one was going to see 'her sissys' until she was ready to share.
"Scott, were you ever that possessive?"
Becky asked.
The five simultaneous answers
Scott - "never"
John and Virgil - "always"
Gordon and Alan - "still is"
left Becky, Maddie and Tintin all laughing.
Even Jeff and Sally couldn't hide their amusement, much to Scott's dismay.
"It's a good thing that we have the digital image as well"
Virgil commented, beckoning to Chloe, as he reached for his phone.
"Who are we sending it to?"
Chloe gave that question some thought before she answered
"Grandma and Gramps"
no-one dared laugh at her, very, serious expression (despite how adorably cute she looked)
Everyone heard the dual 'beeps' as Jeff and Sally's phones received the image.
Jeff and Sally just looked at each other, only realising in that moment that they'd spoken at the same time - causing Chloe to giggle.
"Any issues?"
Sally addressed her question to Maddie, knowing that she'd get a less emotive answer than if she'd asked Virgil.
"Due date is still six weeks, I'm ok to fly home as passenger but not co-pilot and there's no reason why delivery can't be at home"
Maddie managed not to frown at her 'passenger only' flight status but at least she could plan for the home birth that she wanted.
"Home delivery?"
Scott almost laughed at Virgil's expression, even though he shared his brother's concerns about delivering the twins at home.
"Shouldn't be a problem"
"Don't be so worried Jeff"
Becky decided to take pity on both Jeff and Virgil
"Remember that I have trained as a midwife, with Grandma and Brains as backup there should be nothing to worry about"
"Sissys coming at home?"
Chloe's excited question had Maddie laughing as she reached for her daughter.
"Yes sissys will be coming after we get home"
Maddie smiled as her daughter's attention turned to the unborn twins.
"No come morrow, me busy"
Everyone had to laugh that, tomorrow was going to be busy enough for everyone.
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As a long-time member of the IF community, thank you for giving us a love triangle which isn't genderlocked. Call me messy but I adore LT and I've probably played the one for TWC a hundred times. Other than that, whenever I see even a mention of a LT, it's always between two men or masculine characters and the PC
"Oh you want a love triangle? Have two men willing to fight over you. What about the women? Don't worry about them, they are too 'mature' to be getting into these kind of feuds." What is that even supposed to mean? Give me feminine folks who are pining over me, give me my daily sapphic dose without the male love interests being the only ones who simultaneously fall for the PC. Why do so many authors always flesh out male characters to make them interesting and appealing and the female characters are written on candy wrappers?
Hearing about Celia and Zoya was such a breath of fresh air because when you mentioned the love triangle, I was sure that it will be a random tall, dark and handsome guy. Not only did you give us two incredibly interesting characters, you also made the twins separate out with particular aspects of their own. I know we're going to break her heart in this book but Zoya has my lesbian heart going giddy and I'm ready to give her all the love in the spinoff
Sorry about the long rant, I just read over a blog with a LT happening between male characters and I just had to vent it out. Please ignore if it's too much
akhfksjfjs okay ouch, do you hate men that much? 😭 alright, jokes aside, this is a lot to unpack. but i gotta say that i actually agree with you, dear bonnie. i don't particularly have a problem when love triangles only involve male LIs but those are the characters that often get very popular in the fandom tho. thankfully, that wasn't the case with TCS since célia is surprisingly popular, probably second to tachibana, and i'm so grateful for that.
majority of the fandom is made up of straight or queer women with a preference for men so it's no surprise that male love interests are actually very popular. it's not something that the author can be blamed for tbh, it just be like that sometimes. however, i do get that it gets really boring and bland when the primary focus is only on men and their character development while female characters get paid with toilet paper from aliexpress.
i'm so happy that zoya is bringing you so much joy 😭 the reception to her and zion's character unveiling as been great and i really did not expect people to simp for the senarath twins so much when they aren't even two of the ROs in this book. while the love triangle arc is more like a one-sided affair on their part, i'm glad to contribute to your messy side because honestly, i love the drama too 😌
here are some book recs with female love interests who are on-par with the male ones (if there are any) which will give some relief to your wlw heart, provided you haven't heard of them yet. i'm not adding games with unbalanced ratio of m:f characters since i don't want to piss you off even more 💀
honour among theives // @leoneliterary
the exile // @exilethegame
a tale of crowns // @ataleofcrowns
wolfwater // @carrs-universe-if
ripper's plague // @ripperplague
a life supreme // @lifesupreme-if
sinners and saints // @sinnersandsaints-linwrites
fell star // @fell-star-if
myrk mire // @catt-nuevenor
from the ashes we rise // @fromtheashesweriseif
requiem // @requiem-if
the royal pretender // @theroyalpretender-if
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wifiwuxians · 2 years
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so i noticed a lot of people had feelings about that one post (which i’ll link in the reblog because tumblr is weird) so here is a sequel. little baby(?) gets a treat for being such a good and quiet traveling companion and making minimal trouble for frosty daozhang. he doesn’t have great mobility yet so he needs a little help, but surely soon enough he’ll be running around like the best of them
[id: a series of tags and a small drawing of song lan and xue yang, accompanied by xiao xingchen and a-qing in their pouches. xue yang is a fierce corpse missing an arm, and song lan is alive and well. he is holding two pouches in his lap with one hand, one dark with swirls, which holds a tiny smiling xiao xingchen, and one white with clouds, which holds a tiny a-qing peeking out. with his other hand, he is offering tanghulu to xue yang, who sits beside him. his expression is passive. xue yang reaches out for the tanghulu with his one remaining hand, his expression slackjawed and rather innocent, befitting of a relatively harmless zombie. little sparkles by his head show that he is happy. 
in addition, the tags read as follows: #this is simultaneously upsetting and very cute, #adorable, #I’d write something about this but it would either be too goofy or depressing, #okay.. i would love to continue their story, #fav, #fave, #:o cute. somehow, #ouch! my heart!, #trailing behind a mute fierce corpse XY holding onto his ribbon like a bb duck, #:<, #just a little creature, #help a guy out sl, #maybe, #he looks contrite he can have little a rebirth into a better life, #song lan do a good deed and help out just a lil, #an f in the chat for mr xue but at the same time, #xy would be such a dope fierce corpse are you kidding, #the lil ^ mouth. the (musical note emoji).,#ADVENTURES AHOY. I LOVE YOU, #OH MY GOD?????????? OHHHHH?????, #i feel very Normal(tm) about this. /end id]
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crispy-chan · 2 years
☆彡 how would stray kids tickle you
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genre: fluff, humor, ot8 x gn.reader // wc: 1k // tw: none // masterlist
☆彡 chan
chan is the goofiest little bean on earth. however, from time to time, his more devious and teasing side comes out and you can always tell by the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. you're laying on your bed, immersed in the imaginary world of your book when he comes up to you with a sweet smile. his hands slide down your waist and you lean into his touch thinking he just wants to cuddle. a shriek escapes your lips once his cold hands slide under your t-shirt. chan grins at your stunned expression.
"that's what you get for ignoring me all day, sweetheart." his voice echoes in your head as the room is filled with your laughter.
☆彡 minho
minho is probably feeling unusually needy but his pride won't allow him to ask for cuddles. so like any normal human being, he manages to wedge himself between your back and the headboard of your bed and starts blowing in your ear. at first, you try to ignore it, thinking he'll just get bored of it and leave you alone. however, minho is a patient man and he refuses to stop. you're about to tell him to kindly piss off when his warm breath reaches your neck. and you giggle... big mistake. minho's ears are sharp enough to pick up the quiet sound and he immediately smirks, knowing that he found your weakness. and it wouldn't be lee minho if he didn't exploit it.
"why are you laughing, babe? i'm not doing anything, am i?" he whispers in a sickly sweet tone as his fingers gently stroke your neck, relishing in the gasps you release as you try to hold in your laughter.
☆彡 changbin
the hunk that he is, changbin doesn't shy away from using his big boy muscles to win a tickle fight. the little bet that you two have going certainly doesn't help. you're laying on the couch, phone in hand as you scroll through your spotify playlist when suddenly, changbin dives from across the room and lands right on top of you. he immediately uses his arm to hold most of his body weight so he doesn't crush you. his unoccupied one manages to grab both your wrists and pin them above your head. the cocky smirk playing on his lips makes your cheeks heat up but before you can even say a word, changbin is tickling you on your sides and laughing like maniac.
"ha! i won! you owe me twenty bucks."
☆彡 hyunjin
it started with hyunjin accidentally grazing the bottom of your foot as he was massaging your feet. the adorable giggle you make is like music to his ears, so after a few seconds, he tries again. only this time his, touches aren't as light. in no time at all, hyunjin has you doubling down in laughter, wiggling in his hold, and kicking your feet. he smiles cockily when he manages to evade your kick.
"this won't get you anywhere, darling. just say the magic word..."
☆彡 jisung
jisung loves embarrassing you in public. whenever you two are out together, he finds a way to make you regret all your life choices. if you don't get frustrated at least once while you're hanging out, he considers the outing an absolute failure. when the two of you are on the bus, the silence soon starts eating away at his brain. the giggle that leaves his lips is your only warning before he slides his hands up your shirt and starts brutally tickling you. this guy has no mercy as you beg and plea for him to stop while the rest of the passengers glare at the two of you.
"-ouch. i'm sorry, y/n. i didn't know that the grandma would curse us out like that..."
☆彡 felix
ngl, you're probably the one who started it. felix is a ball of sunshine and he would never tickle you unprompted. even though he found out how ticklish you were, the thought of exploiting your weakness didn't sit right with him at first. however, if you're the one who started it, he'll lower himself to your level and tickle you back. that's when prankster!felix comes into play. yeeting from the couch, this boy chases you all over the house and mutters ridiculous threats in his deep ass voice making you simultaneously crack up and fear for your life.
"if you don't stop right this second, i'll pour cranberry juice all over your socks!"
☆彡 seungmin
seungmin is a sneaky little grasshopper. he's a little bit more reserved than your average person, but once he gets in the spirit, you're in for a treat. when he notices you're in a slightly sour mood, seungmin decides that it's his duty to cheer you up. strutting down the hall, he puts on his swag pororo hat and starts chasing you around the house. if the prospect of getting tickled doesn't scare you enough, his creepy smile definitely does. as you storm into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you, you wonder if there was something in morning coffee that made him behave like that.
"c'mon, minion... you can't run from me!"
☆彡 jeongin
knowing how competitive you are, jeongin knows that he has to think strategically before he attacks. when you start whining about how cold you are, a lightbulb goes off in his head. plastering the sweetest (fake) smile on his lips, he grabs a blanket and waddles over to where you're laying. you stand up groggily, smiling gratefully at the boy when suddenly, he pounces. instead of carefully wrapping the blanket around you, he tightens it around your torso, trapping your limbs and rendering you immobile. while you're writhing on the couch, he begins running his hands over your sides in hopes of finding that spot. the high-pitched scream you make is enough proof for him that he found it. with a devious smile, he tickles that spot as you wheeze, begging him to stop.
"are you still cold?"
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Hi 🧸-anon here.
Something that would be kinda funny would be like, staying up really late on a weekend hanging with Levi (probably binging some anime or playing games in his room) and then you just look at the clock and go,
“Damn, it’s 6 am already”
And like, you look at each other, nod and go directly back to what you were doing before looking at the clock. Later it’d be even funnier when all of the others would bare witness to neither of you looking alive, while simultaneously jumping between that “I’m so tired I seem more awake than anyone” and “It’s taking all my willpower to stay awake and not fall asleep at 1 pm”
Idk just some fun 3 am thoughts
Catch you later 👋
I love this because I am definitely the second one and all my friends say it is really funny to watch me try to stay awake.
Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
Here's how I imagine it.
They are both sitting there playing some long co-op game (it takes two, mario, etc.) They started late thinking it'll be easy, and we are REAL gamers so we can speed run it without ever playing it before.
It wasn't a speedrun. MC looks up from taking a swig of their energy drink and sees the clock. It reads 6:00 AM.
"Hey Levi."
"It's 6:00 AM"
Now he looks at the clock. They both stare at it until it changes to 6:01. Before looking at each other and then looking back to the TV.
"I need your help for this part." The time completely disregarded. I mean, they have to at least be halfway done, right? (Wrong) They finish the game at like 3:00 PM with high fives.
Now they both decide to venture out for "Breakfast" and this is when the residents of the House of Lamentations bare witness to the sleep deprived duo.
Levi would be the I'm more awake than everyone type of sleep deprived. He is able to cope somewhat well. He looks pretty normal, except he is putting orange juice in his cereal. Wait, now he put the cereal box in the fridge. Why is he using a fork? Maybe he isn't alright.
MC on the other hand, I think would be the one using all their willpower to stay awake. They stumble around the kitchen making their bowl of cereal. They actually put in the right ingredients (not without dropping some of it and making a mess of course) all before plopping at the table and falling asleep face first in the bowl.
Here are the brother's reactions to
Sleep Deprived MC (and Levi)
💙 Lucifer -
He is mad that Levi would keep MC locked up in his room like that! And on a school night!
Because of that MC missed all their classes and it reflects poorly on him.
He does think it is kinda cute how they stumble around...
"Please be careful where you are pouring MC"
He tips the milk back before they get it everywhere.
He also makes sure to put everything that Levi moved, back in its proper place and clean up their mess.
💛 Mammon -
He is very worried.
He keeps pulling MC in different directions because they keep trying to run into the counters!
"Oi, Watch where your going!"
Definitely records Levi's triumphant look as he tries to eat cereal with a fork and asks "why is my spoon broken?"
Mammon is also the one to pull MC's face out of the cereal and lean their head back against the chair. Can't have them drowning.
🧡 Leviathan -
Records MC running into every counter and laughs everytime they say "ouch" (which is everytime they hit something)
Thinks he is so awake and smart.
Until he tastes how disgusting cereal and orange juice is and wonders when the milk went bad.
MC laughs a little before face planting into their cereal.
He laughs at them before doing the same.
💚 Satan -
Definitely smirks and watch the two putz around for awhile.
Doesn't help Levi at all, just let's him put things in wrong places and eat terrible cereal.
Satan at least hands MC the right ingredients.
"No, that's a plate. Here is a bowl, love."
Makes sure they don't make a huge mess (but doesn't clean up any messes they do make, just to piss off Lucifer)
💖 Asmodeus -
Would think MC is just so adorable when sleepy.
"MC! You need to keep up with your beauty rest otherwise you will get wrinkles. I know just how to fix this. You need a self care day."
He watches them start the cereal and then eventually guides a sleepy MC to lay on his bed. (And No, he did not clean up or put away anything)
They then fall asleep and he would do a whole self care routine on their face while they sleep (like the tiktoks where the girlfriends do it to their boyfriends) it would have cleansers, those rollers to tighten skin, face masks, the works.
Definitely doesn't care about Levi or the well being of his skin.
❤ Beelzebub -
This poor boy doesn't want you to get hurt.
Tells MC to sit at the table while he makes them cereal. (Proceeds to make them a Beel sized bowl)
MC's head starts to lull forward but he catches them and feeds a sleepy MC to make sure they get their sustenance.
He then eats the rest of their bowl and Levi's (because he just left it after tasting it)
After the snack he carries MC to his room and proceeds to cuddle them while they nap.
💜 Belphegor -
He definitely just sleepily watches.
Laughs at how stupid Levi is being, before yawning and realizing that now is the perfect time to bond with MC.
Gently guides MC away from the milk they just pulled out, grabs a few small snacks and heads up to his bed.
He would offer them food, but by the time he pulls back the blankets they just crawl in and pass out.
Now he can get all the snuggles he wants with no interruptions!
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jobean12-blog · 3 years
Imagine eating yummy snacks with Bucky during a power outage.
Snack Attack
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,107
Summary: The power goes out and you and Bucky find something to snack on so you can get back to bed...
Author's Note: Hi sweets! Thank you for this adorable thought- I didn't mean for it to turn into a full blown story but here we are! I love these small moments! Hope you enjoy! And thank you all so very much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ Divider by the lovely @imerdwarf
Warnings: some spicy implied fun, sweet and fun fluff, lots of laughs and kisses :)
Gif not mine: Credit goes to @quantum-widow thank you so much :)
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“I’m hungry,” Bucky whispers into your neck, his breathing finally even.
You giggle and comb your fingers through his hair then dance them down his bare back.
“You’re always hungry,” you tell him.
“Well, I did just get a workout,” he says cheekily before lifting his head and kissing along your jaw until he meets your lips.
“We only did it twice, that’s not a workout for you Buck!”
“In that case…” he hums, sliding on top of you.
“You just said you were hungry,” you say playfully.
“I am, but not for food!” he murmurs.
Just as his lips meet yours you hear a buzz of electricity and the lights flicker and go out. Bucky drops his forehead to yours and smirks against your lips.
“Oh, look at that, the power went out,” he teases, trailing his lips across your cheek. “Now we have plenty of time with nothing else to do…”
“What did you do?” you ask him suspiciously.
“I didn’t do anything!” he retorts as the corner of his mouth lifts into a smirk.
Before you can answer him your stomach growls loudly and you both laugh.
"Sounds like you’re the one that needs a snack before round three,” he says sweetly but doesn’t move off you.
“Good idea,” you giggle.
His head falls forward and he rests his cheek against your chest, pretending to snore.
“Buck,” you whine and push on his shoulders.
He doesn’t budge and you deflate beneath him, resorting to poking his sides with your fingers. Still nothing. You grab his ass. Louder snores.
“BUCKY! I’m getting HANGRY!”
He snorts and squeezes you harder into the mattress.
“I’ve got something you can eat,” he teases, grinding his hips into you.
His metal hand traps your wrists while his other attacks your sides with tickles.
“Bucky! I swear…if you don’t get off me I’m either going to knee you in the balls or pee the bed,” you gasp out between cackles.
With one last good poke he rolls off you and searches around for his sweats in the darkness. You hear a loud bang followed by his muffled curses.
“Ouch, shit! Damn shoes,” he groans.
You turn on your phone flashlight and shine it his way, laughing when you see him seated on the floor with one leg in his sweatpants. You point and laugh before you grab his Henley and throw it over your head.
He comes around the bed and leans over. “Hop on baby doll.”
With a squeal of delight, you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, giggling when he trots off down the hallway with you on his back. You hold your phone light out so he can see while simultaneously peppering his neck with small kisses.
“That tickles baby girl!” he laughs. “I don’t wanna drop you!”
You scoff and roll your eyes even though he can’t see it. “You would never!”
“You’re right! I wouldn’t,” he replies, setting you down carefully on the counter. “Now, what are we gonna eat so I can take you back to bed!”
You open your mouth to suggest something but his eyes go wide with excitement and he says, “I know! Let’s make brownies! Or cookies! What about cupcakes?”
Stretching out your hand you grab the waistband of his sweats and drag him between your legs.
“Bucky,” you start, holding his face in your hands. “We have no electricity so we can’t use the oven!”
You watch his face fall in disappointment. “Oh, right. Ummm…POPCORN!”
You’re about to tell him that the microwave doesn’t work either but to your surprise he grabs a pot and the avocado oil. You watch through the light from your phone as he puts some oil into it and turns the heat on.
“Wow. Look at you Buck. And I was about to say we can’t make it because the microwave doesn’t work.”
He throws you a sexy wink before stating, “microwaves weren’t really a household item in the forties doll. I think they only had them in restaurants at the time.”
Nodding in understanding you twist to the side and open the cabinet to grab the popcorn kernels. He walks over and kisses you soundly before taking them from your hand.
“Thanks doll face.”
With precision he throws two kernels into the pot and covers it, then waits. When he hears them pop he removes the pot from the heat and takes the popcorn out, chucking it into his mouth before dumping the rest of the kernels in and covering it again.
You giggle when they all start to pop as he shakes the pot lightly.
“YAY! This is so great!” you cheer.
Once the popping stops he reaches over you and takes down a big bowl. Your fingers grasp the chain of his dog tags and you pull him in for a kiss.
“Thank you,” you whisper against his lips.
He smiles and dumps the popcorn into the bowl then turns around so you can hop onto his back again. When you reach the couch he sets you down with a plop then sits down and leans against one end, spreading his legs wide.
“Come here baby doll,” he says, patting the spot between his thighs.
You crawl over and settle into the comfortable space, placing the bowl into the crook of your crossed legs.
“We should light some candles so my phone doesn’t die,” you suggest.
He hums into your neck and tightens his hold on you. “Not yet baby girl. I love having you here.”
You lean back against his chest and grab a handful of popcorn, looking up and smirking.
“Ready?” you ask then throw the popcorn up as he tries to catch it in his mouth.
He catches the first few but then you purposefully start throwing them badly and they start to fall all over the both of you and the couch.
“You’re terrible at this Buck,” you tease, throwing up a big handful.
When you turn around his eyes are narrowed and he’s holding back a smile with several pieces of popcorn stuck to his head and shoulders. You start to laugh and pick the pieces off to eat them.
“We’re gonna have popcorn stuck up our asses for days,” he deadpans.
You blink at him several times, your cheeks stuffed full of popcorn and before you can stop it you let out a laugh and spray him with the pieces. His disgruntled face only adds to your amusement.
“You should see your face,” you gasp, trying to stop your laughter. “It’s like the ultimate grump face…but covered in popcorn.”
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goldengoddess · 3 years
Could I possibly request a Jesper Fahey headcanon of sweet moments with him as your boyfriend inbetween, heists or other jobs? I feel like he’d be the sweetest funniest boyfriend ever tho 🥺🥺 Thanks in advance dear
a/n: my favorite boy jesper!!! this one is short but <3
warnings: knives, heist stuff
heists are always fun with jesper
how couldn't they be
that boy had enough energy to make anything fun
even putting yourself in mortal danger
but heists with jesper were your favorite for a different reason too
he was a total sweetheart before a heist
all lovesick and worried for you
he would linger in your room until you were ready to go
get the right shoes that you needed for that particular job
he’d come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist
while you were fixing your hair in the mirror
he’d bury his face in your neck
mumbling about something
“what was that jes?”
he could leave a sweet kiss on your sweet spot and then look up at you
making eye contact through the mirror
“you look hot getting ready for a heist, but more importantly be safe tonight.”
you’d blush and leave a quick kiss on his cheek
“always am”
during whatever job, jesper was always the most interesting partner
especially on undercover missions
for example that one time the two of you were dressed as grisha to draw out a grisha hunter
you were wearing a red kefta and jesper, of course, wore a purple one
“you know what babe, i think purple is my colour”
you’d roll your eyes and flick him in the arm
“ouch, fine maybe it isn’t but red is totally yours”
the fast-paced jobs also brought their own excitement
jesper was even more adorable when people were shooting at him
he thrived off danger
one time the both of you were running together, doing your best to outrun the scary man with a bunch of knives chasing you
when jesper grabbed your wrist and pulled you into an ally
he pushed you behind a garbage can and covered your mouth with his hand
when the target ran past the two of you
you both let out a simultaneous sigh of relief
then he grinned at you
way too wide for someone who had just escaped near death
“what” you had asked
he grinned wider (somehow)
“nothing. you just look all pretty.”
jesper was the king of giving compliments when the situation didn’t warrant them
like the “hey baby! your face looks super kissable right now” as you held a knife to a man's throat
or “i like your hair that way” as you climbed up the side of a building behind him
and the best of all “your scheming face looks exactly like kaz’s and im worried that i’m attracted to you right now”
his comments made heists less serious
and that’s not even mentioning his inappropriate comments
sometimes, when there was a moment of peace between the action
he’d grab your hand
and kiss each of your knuckles
before grinning at you
and wiping out his prized guns
running into the action
after the heists
you were always giddy
those were the moments you most matched jesper’s energy
the adrenaline was pumping through you
and you felt like you could run a marathon
“god! jesper! did you see that landing i nailed? or when i snuck up on that one guy with the red scarf? did you see me?”
in those moments jesper was the calm one
he’d laughed and tossed his arm around your shoulder
“yes love, i saw all your moves”
this one time he pulled a scone out of his pocket
as you walked back to the slat after a tiring job
you looked at him suspiciously
he put his hands up in mock surrender
“what! i paid for it”
another sceptical look
“okay i kind of paid for it”
you had rolled your eyes but taken the scone anyways
being a part of the crows wasn’t so bad when you were dating jesper
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katsulia · 3 years
Could i ask for an oikawa version of he offends you
He offends you - part4
featuring : Oikawa, Daichi
genre : angst to fluff
Atsumu and Kageyama version + part2 / Kuroo and Tsukishima version
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"Babe I'm home! "you shouted and slammed the door behind you. And no sooner had you taken off your shoes than your boyfriend appeared in front of you like a dog excited to see his master come in.
"Y/N-chaaan," his voice rose in pitch as if to accompany his exaggerated pout. Automatically his arms came around your waist and although you liked being in his arms he was somewhat suffocating. The embrace lasted a few more seconds before he let go of you and you were able to move towards the living room. Your feet were like compote and you didn't want to move. Oikawa joined you.
"So how was your day? "you asked him as you put your bags on the floor before dropping onto the couch. Oikawa sat down on the couch and put his head on your lap.
"I had to say goodbye to my beautiful girlfriend who preferred to go shopping with someone else although we all know that I have the best taste in fashion ..." you couldn't help but hit him in the back of the head as Iwaizumi would surely have done. "Ouch! YN-chan! That was undeserved! You make me suffer even more when I already had to put up with your absence today! "You looked up at his idiocy before he resumed his story. "So I stayed alone in this house, far too big for one person, and I waited for hours for her to do me the honor of resurfacing. "At this level he could easily overshadow Shakespeare's best tragic characters, after all it was Oikawa Tooru. But it was all part of his personality and it never failed to make you laugh.
"Well, since you ask me, I went shopping, away from my very clingy boyfriend." At these words he opened his eyes wide and put his hand on his chest as if you just gave him a blow which makes you laugh out loud. "How dare you? "You tried to catch your breath and kept answering him with a big smile on your face. "I'm kidding, of course I'm kidding. But I still put my day to good use and I finally found a little black dress that was missing in my wardrobe." You hadn't really gone out with the idea of buying a dress, but you had completely cracked at the sight of it and it was a good thing since you didn't have one of those. Usually you were more hesitant as for the purchase of dress and skirt but this time you were confident.
"It is true? I want to see that right now!" Oikawa's eyes were shining and he got up immediately so you could go change. You rolled your eyes but deep down you were touched by his almost childish but totally adorable reaction. While you were pretending to be lazy, he took your hand and pulled you from the sofa. "Go and try it on! I'll wait here." You knew very well that he would not change his mind as he is and you went to your room, sticking out your tongue.
The dress was simple and basic but you liked it very much. You put it on quickly and took a little time to admire yourself in front of the mirror. For you, who was used to seeing you always wearing jeans, it was a nice change but not that unpleasant. The result will be even better when you have tanned legs but even so it was very nice. You took a deep breath and went to join your boyfriend in the living room.
"Tadam!" At the sound of your voice Oikawa took his hands away from his eyes (yes, he was always in excess). You even did a spin around and laughed a little to satisfy the desire for a show that he always liked. "I love it so much! My girlfriend is incredible! Come over here so I can admire the seams more closely!» Immediately you were pulled towards him and you fell on the couch laughing. With a masterful stroke he made you glide on his knees and positioned you comfortably on his legs. You came to put your arms around his neck while his left hand firmly grabbed your waist and his right hand stroked your thigh. "So it's true, do you like it?" It was obvious that Oikawa was totally seduced by what he saw, but using your seductive voice was always tempting in those moments. He was very close to biting his lips. "More than anything else. We should go back to that store, very good work. By the way, which one was it? I would bet on Zara!" You nodded, because he had found out which brand it was right off the bat. But it wasn't that surprising from him. "How did you guess? I bet you looked at the label! No, you saw me put the bag there!" You exclaimed. "Hm not even. But Saya used to go out there a lot and I remember a dress of hers that was in the same style. How Sherlock! " He winked and smiled a big, charming grin.
You didn't want to smile at all. He associated the dress you were wearing, the one you were so happy to have bought, with his ex Saya. Your face decomposed and immediately you began to let go of his hold on you. Does that mean he was still thinking about her? Probably. You wanted to take that dress off right away and throw it away.
Oikawa didn't immediately understand your reaction and wanted to hold you back, but he could sense that you wanted to let go of him. When only five seconds was all right? But it was when he saw the look in your eyes and your head down that he thought about what he had just said. Saya. His ex. Your dress. He was a complete idiot. There was no way to make up for it but he just wanted to show off his detective skills. If Iwa-chan had been there he would have hit him right away and it would have been deserved. But he didn't need him for that, he was already regretting it and he was cursing himself with all the insults in his head.
"Wait babe! That's not what I meant at all! Well ... I mean who cares about her!" His voice wasn't at all steady and he was at a loss for words. He had no idea what he could say in that kind of situation. If it had been the other way around, he would have taken your words too badly and would have been insulted that you mentioned your ex's name. But he was the one who had done that, he was the one who had hurt you and he knew full well that you didn't need that. "Yet you're the one who talked about her when I ..." He was totally panicked and knew he was at fault but wouldn't let you finish your sentence. "Yes I know it's me! And I shouldn't have! It's unwelcome and very inappropriate of me! But I assure you that it is not her that I think of when I see you! Or ever actually!" He had never spoken so fast before, but that's because he knew what he had just done was terrible and he had to act quickly so you wouldn't get the wrong idea. His throat was tight and he couldn't imagine how you must be feeling. He took your hands in his and forced you to look at him. "I'm really sorry... And um... I apologize... I see you all the time, everywhere. I assure you that you are the only person in my mind! And I know it seems like I just proved the opposite, but you are the most important person to me and the one I love the most, I would never want to replace you either with a person from my past or anyone else." Tears were flowing down your cheeks simultaneously and it was almost as if you were in a romantic comedy. (Nothing very unusual with Oikawa).
When he saw that you didn't totally reject his touch he embraced you tenderly. He kept whispering excuses while he was bent over your head. "I know Tooru. " It could still be heard in your voice that you were upset, but you couldn't remain insensitive to a totally vulnerable Oikawa. You, in turn, put your arms around his waist and took a long inhale into the crook of his neck. Next week you'll laugh when you think back on it, sometimes he was completely romantic that it was worthy of one of the greatest shojos in history. But you wouldn't change your relationship for anything in the world, let alone a partner. For the moment you were just enjoying this very intimate moment. It was sure that the food you brought back was cold now, but it didn't matter.
These days your schedule was much less busy, which allowed you to enjoy some free time. But unfortunately this was not the case for Daichi, who could not leave the police station at his leisure. It wasn't dramatic either and you organized yourself to coordinate with his work hours. You often treated yourself to a late morning, although you always managed to kiss him before he left the house. During the day you were free to do whatever you wanted and when you weren't going out with your friends you would slump on the couch to catch up on your series. Sometimes, when it was possible, you would join Daichi in the city at his lunch break and find joy in eating ramen with him in the small restaurant near his work. And finally, when the clock struck 8 p.m., announcing Daichi's arrival, you knew that the best time of the day was coming.
You liked this domestic life even if the lack of productivity was becoming noticeable and you couldn't help but get back to your office files. To make up for this lack of activity, you would dive into the kitchen and try out a lot of new recipes. You even managed to make 100% homemade cold soba when you used to buy them at the supermarket. Daichi always rewarded your efforts with his best compliments and his most beautiful smile. Tonight was no exception to this new routine and this time you had perfected your sushi, eager to get your partner's opinion.
As it was Friday, you had decided to set the cutlery on the coffee table in the living room so that you could eat comfortably and quietly in front of the TV. But it was almost 8:15 p.m. and Daichi still hadn't come through the door. At first you didn't pay too much attention to it knowing that there was a lot of traffic on the weekend, but now the clocks were pointing to 9 p.m. and he still hadn't come in. You were immediately no longer reassured and decided to call him. When after two rings you thought he was finally answering you found yourself on his voicemail. Did he decline your call? It was absolutely not in his habit and you called him back thinking that he had made a wrong manipulation. However, you were not as lucky as the first time and as soon as it started ringing you were redirected to voice mail. As you looked at your screen in shock a message from him appeared. Your fingers were faster than your mind and rushed to display the notification.
From: Hubby I'm at the bar with some colleagues, I'll be back later.
At least you were relieved but somewhat disappointed. It's true that from time to time Daichi would meet his friends and that' s a good thing, he also made time for himself. Normally he had the decency to warn you, he knew you weren't going to say anything, it wasn't your style to complain about him going out with his friends. Despite the disappointment in your heart, you didn't intend to hold it against him and you were still going to enjoy your wonderful sushi. And if you even managing to hold back from eating everything you'd let him have some. That's how you spend your evening in front of the last episodes of Nightmare in the kitchen enjoying your own culinary art.  
On the stroke of 11:30 pm you recognize the sound of Daichi's car engine parked in front of the house. You were expecting him to come home later, but it suited you because it meant that you could go to bed at the same time as him. He carefully hung up his jacket and walked into the living room. His rosy cheeks were an indication of his alcohol consumption, probably in small doses since he'd been driving, and his face was adorable. He slumped down on the couch and he let out a long sigh, it must have been a long week for him.
“How was your day?” you asked him as you stroked his cheek with your thumb. When your fingers touched him he closed his eyes and began to relax.
“It was tiring, I'm exhausted.” You could hear the tiredness that had taken over his body in his voice only.
“I didn't know you were out tonight, but I left you some sushi, your favorite.”
“Aaargh Y/N.” He let a growl rise while keeping his eyes closed.
“Uhm what?”
“You didn't have to call me like that, it made the guys at the bar laugh, almost as if you were the cop!”
“Oh sorry to worry about you! I just wanted to know where you were !”
“You don't have to act like my mother, I don't need that!” He left a long puff and immediately you put some distance between the two of you.
It was quite rare for Daichi to get carried away like that and honestly you were a little upset. After waiting for him all evening and worrying about him, you probably didn't deserve such a reaction. And you knew it, that's why you didn't bother to answer and got up without saying anything; you just wanted this day to end and you hurried back to bed. Yet you couldn't help but recall what he had said. He had almost implied that you had embarrassed him by calling him in front of his co-workers. His words were still ringing in your head and you were just fidgeting in bed, it was impossible to fall asleep even with the lights off.
The sound of running water ceased and was replaced by footsteps signaling that Daichi had finished his shower and was on his way to your room. Immediately you rolled over to your side and closed your eyes. You felt him slide gently between the sheets and take place beside you.
“I know you're not sleeping”. You were surprised to hear him speak but you didn't move an inch. Even though you weren't sleeping you didn't want to talk to him at all.
“I don't want us to go to bed without fixing things.”
“No answer? Okay, I hope you are listening to me then. I'm sorry, I know you were just worried and if I were you I would have done the same thing.” You could hear the regret in his voice but it didn't change the fact that he felt embarrassed in front of others just because you called him. You turned and laid on your back with your eyes glued to the ceiling.
“Okay. But you didn't want me to call you in front of your colleagues. Are you ashamed of me?” Your tone was much colder and dryer than his which was totally understandable as you were in fact hurt.
“No babe, I would never be embarrassed to be with someone as incredible as you, it's just... I know I was going to behave like a simp after I drank to the sound of your voice... And they would never have let me down with that at the station... That doesn't excuse my behavior. But I want you to know that I love you and I would never want to hide you or for you to stop paying attention to me.” He was totally sincere at the time. It's true that it was completely dumb of him to act that way, but he didn't want you to think that he was ashamed of you or anything. Slowly you turned to his side this time and he took the opportunity to put an arm around your waist to bring you closer to him. You could smell his shower gel and his body heat. Instinctively you felt better and much more reassured until you nested your head in the crook of his neck.
“I love you.” You murmured softly and closed your eyes serenely this time. He kissed you on your forehead which made you smile and put you to sleep with butterflies in your stomach.
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booksweet · 3 years
Once upon a time happened at The Dorms...
request: @moons-and-stars-and-shit | headcanons
starring: Kuroo, Bokuto, Atsumu, Hinata, Akaashi
contents: SFW, fluff
C'mon! Don't forget to make your application at the Haikyuu University!
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You sleeping peacefully on your room, dreaming about sweet nothings when you hear a boom, like a thunder. It seemed the sound you heard was within your dream, so you didn't mind at all. And when you got relaxed again...
Boom! Boom! Boom!
You wake in a hurry, your heart beating fast and you almost scream when you see Kuroo in front of your bed, tossing a volleyball ball on your bedroom's wall. "KUROO TETSUROU WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
"Oh, Y/N, I didn't saw you there, my bad." His mischievous tone says that he was doing it on purpose to bother you. And you wouldn't fall his trap. "Good morning, Y/N"
You take a deep breath to control yourself from punching him in the face, and fake a smile — your smile seems more a threatening than something peaceful.
"Morning, Kuroo, what a beautiful day, uh? Beautiful day to wake up with a jelly-brain-man tossing his ball on my wall. Beautiful, amazing."
The sound is his laugh is a mockery on your ears and you can't help but being pissed off again with him. "Kou!" You call him louder and, as fast as he can, Bokuto is right there for you.
"Morning,Y/N!" He looks at you happily, but when he realizes Kuroo is still inside your room, he narrows his eyes. "What's he doing here?"
"Nothing" You answer at the same time Kuroo says. "I'm playing volleyball"
"At her room?"
"Why not?"
"Kou, don't mind this dumbass, he's just want to piss me off." You shake your head to Kuroo and stand up walking close to Bokuto. "You know if there's breakfast today with Akaashi and the others?"
"Oh, yes!" He's full-energy once again, holding your hands in delight. "Atsumu and Shoyo are already there, just us left here. I was waiting for you to wake up."
You hold his hand a little tight to signal you understood and you're happy. His ears wear now a sweet tone of pink. But the moment is destroyed by another boom, boom, boom on your wall. Now you're angry, very, very angry.
"Why? No." Kuroo purses his lips as he sees your anger, you know he's trying to hold a laugh and this just makes you want to kill him more.
"I'm warning you, Tetsurou..."
"Or what?" There's defiance in his expression. And, God forgive you, he would regret that.
"Kuroo, stop, you shouldn't have come wake her like this... What?! Y/N?!"
Kou sweet words are interrupted by you bursting into your room again, but now with murderous intentions and angry as hell. You take the ball off Kuroo's hands before he can even react and run to his room — you almost run over Kou and you have to remind yourself to apologize later that day.
"Nothing, uh?" You toss the ball on his wall, making volleyball movements, even a spike. "I want to see if is nothing when it's on his room" you laugh in a devilish way.
"Hm, Y/N..." They're at Kuroo's bedroom door frame. Kou's a little scared of you and Kuroo's clearly mad at you. "I'm sorry to interrupt uh you moment, but we will be late for breakfast... And I'm hungry..."
Done with it, you toss the ball aside and scoff at Kuroo for the last time. His eyes saying he won't let it free to you, and your saying he would receive hell back whatever for.
"Okay, Kou." You hold his hands trying to calm down. "Let's go! You too, Tetsurou."
"You too, Tetsurou." He jeers, but follows tour lead.
Moments later you're all at Akaashi's dorm, at his breakfast table. You smile at Bokuto as he tells the others what caused their delay.
"And Y/N was wow AMAZING!" His electric energy the total opposite if the calmly Akaashi, yet they were the bestest friends of friends. "And Kuroo go like..." He mimics Kuroo's pissed expression and everyone at the table laughs.
"See, y/n, you're always right, I know this." Atsumu says as he takes a sip of coffee. "And how dare him wake you up like this?"
"I know right?!" Hinata is laughing ou loud with you. "He must be crazy!"
"Ouch, Shoyo, don't talk like this. You'll make me look like a monster!"
Everyone at the table goes silent as Bokuto screams and slams his hands onto he table. And, when he realize what's he done, his face goes all red.
"Kou... You're..." You chuckle and play with your hair trying to avoid feeling nervous around them. "That was cute. Thank you."
"Look what we have here..." Kuroo starts teasing you when you give him a sharp look.
"Not now, Tetsurou."
"So... We'll have some classes" Akaashis states. "Do you all want to stay there and study?"
"YES, YES" Hinata and Atsumu agree simultaneously and they look straight at you. "Y/N, will you help us, won't you? Right, right, right?"
"Of course, you little dumb, I always help you!"
In between their cheerful noises, Bokuto crosses his arms in front of his chest and mumbles. "What about me?"
"Do you want help too, Kou?"
"Of course." You can't help but adore his pouty face. He's adorable!
"Okay, then. I'll help you too," His face lighten up like the sunshine. "But first, let's finish this breakfast, uh?"
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