#sin!din x reader
freelancearsonist · 6 months
Thots on mutual masturbation with Din? <3
OH 🫠
yeah this is one of his FAVORITES. he loves having you all splayed out in his cot, watching your chest heave and your eyes water and your thighs tremble as you work yourself over. he settles on his knees between your spread legs with his cock tugged hastily out of his flight suit, gloves discarded so he can feel the heat of his hand around his hard dick. and he scoots closer the higher he winds himself until his tip is bumping your clit with every stroke of his hand and he can splatter your needy cunt with his cum-
sinful sunday
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mellowswriting · 2 years
oh man. I’ve just had one helluva realization. I have a lot of free time with the holiday break and I’ve been writing like a machine these last few days, so i think it’s time to bring back an old friend. 
we’re bringing back sinful sunday, baby!!!
this time, though? I’m extending it throughout the entire weekend!
for my newer followers: welcome to the sin bin! sinful sunday is a rare writing extravaganza that happens here on the blog where I indulge my readers in their every idea and curiosity about their favorite characters. 
do you have a headcanon you want to share? is there a specific kink you’re desperate to hear more about?
well, you’ve come to the right place. shoot me an ask and you’ll get a little blurb in return! I’ve missed doing this so much and I can’t wait to act like a total whore with you guys again. 
feel free to send in your thots whenever you’d like. saturday morning is when the floodgates will open and the posts will start flying out. 
xoxo mel
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Sins of the Father - Chapter 36
Summary: Din makes a decision about his future
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
I’m sorry for not posting last week, but it has been absolutely hectic since we came back to work from the winter break. 
I’m currently working on a request from AO3 for a continuation of It’s Over focusing on Hunter, I’m not sure if I’ve said it before, but if anyone would like to submit a request, please feel free to. It just might take some time for me to complete it. 
Anyways, enjoy this very Boba-Din centric chapter. 
FYI: Special treat below
Italics - Din’s thoughts
Italics and Indent - Flashback
Warnings: derogatory remarks regarding clones and Jango Fett, threats, I think that’s it, if I miss anything please let me know. 
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Din had been silent since he entered the room. Simply taking his seat across from Bo Katan staring at her without shifting or showing any indication it bothered him to see her again. He watched her every move from behind his visor, every flick of her eyes, the appearance of calmness and authority she liked to exude, just like before she seemed unmoved by seeing him once again. Yet in between the fringes of appearing calm, there was the subtle hint of irritation, either from the heat of Tatooine’s suns, the damp and coldness seeping in from Boba’s palace, or just the fact she had to sit there with him and Boba.
Time eased on between the three of them, none speaking as though it was a mere contest between Din and Bo, to see who could outlast the other. The only sounds filling the room was the creaking from their gloves, as they all clenched and unclenched their fingers, and the whirring from Boba’s droid assistant. 
Boba glanced between the two stubborn wugav (leaders/cheiftains), and as enjoyable and delicious as the palpable tension between the two had been, nothing would progress during her stay if they refused to speak.
“Well” Boba clapped his hands together gaining their attention and the slight surprise from his droid assistant at the loud noise, “as enjoyable as the silence has been between all of us.” Truly, after thirty minutes of unspoken tension, enough was enough, he had other things to contend with, namely making sure everything was going well on Kashyyyk. He was no stranger to how Czerka operated, and he wanted to be able to do more than sit here watching these two make an even bigger fool of themselves, “One of you needs to start speaking in order to progress these negotiations.”
“Negotiations?” Bo narrowed her eyes as she focused on Boba, scoffing at the term. She wasn’t there to negotiate. She was there to give a simple ultimatum, and frankly being on the disgusting hot and dry planet was more than she had bargained for. “There is no such thing as negotiations for something that is rightfully mine. Has been mine. Will always be mine. Not to mention …” she turned to look at Din, “I recall you were suppose to join our ranks to help us reclaim Mandalore?”
“If I recall correctly, that was suppose to be a request, not a demand.” Boba answered on Din’s behalf, “And now that’s he the Mand’alor, should he really be following what you have to tell him? Or that’s right you don’t have authority over him.”
“As I said before, some of us serve a higher purpose” Bo slowly turned her head back to Boba, narrowing her eyes at the man. 
He simply laughed to himself, “Yet, you never actually won the right to wield that authority. Have you?” Boba responded, his fingers tapping in front of him, Bo didn’t acknowledge his statement, nor did he expect her to, especially since he knew all about her history. He’d heard all the rumours while he was on Concord Dawn and seen proof of Death Watch’s destruction. The only reason he held back for now, was because Din may not have been aware of what that meant, but he was, “Am I wrong, Lady Kryze?”
“You certainly picked up quite a few annoying habits from your donor, didn’t you?” She tilted her head towards him. She had enough of clones, had enough of Jango Fett, looking at Boba’s face just irritated her even more. 
“Feeling mighty brave aren’t we?” His hand clenched against the table.
“Well I heard your guard dog was on holiday” the last thing Bo wanted to do was face that annoying woman she had met previously. What was her name again? Adar? Alar? Who cared?
“She’s not the only guard dog in this place” Fennec’s voice echoed throughout the room as she walked down the stairs as silent as a tooka, moving to stand beside Boba. She couldn’t stand Bo-Katan, though she respected her abilities to lead and to fight, she was definitely someone she had no desire to see again. 
He turned to look at Fenn, only reason she’d interrupt the meeting was because something urgent came up. 
Bo didn’t say anything in response, simply eyeing the assassin’s movements. Preparing herself in the eventuality of an ambush. Though her weapons were confiscated and stored before coming into the conference room, however unbeknownst to the others she still had two hidden vibroblades on her. 
Fennec leaned down, narrowing her eyes at the red-headed Mandalorian, whispering into Boba’s ear without losing eye contact, “Just heard from them, they arrived, things are worse than they imagined. Asks if you could come sooner rather than later.” He simply nodded, he didn’t need the ins and outs of the message, he could already guess it was from Mara, and if she was asking for assistance then things were rather dire. He cleared his throat, their pleasantries were clearly going nowhere, it was time to get down to business.
He simply nodded sending Fennec away, he cleared his throat drawing the attention of Din and Bo once again, “Let’s get to the point at hand, the reason you two are here. Kryze, let’s begin with you, why don’t you tell us what you want?”
“Simple” her eyes focused on the shiny armour in front of her, “You” she pointed to Din, “Come back to Mandalore and face me in a duel or take up the mantle as Mand’alor. Either way I need you to come back to Mandalore.”
Din listened as Bo laid out her terms, there were so many things he wanted to say, especially with her attitude towards Boba. He could already hear Oyar’e’s voice in his head.
‘You’re the Mand’alor, Din, you’re the one your people are waiting for. You know what it’s like to struggle, to live on the outskirts, to not be viewed as a Mandalorian. You know what it’s like not to have someone to count on. You’ll be able to understand your people better than most leaders, and because you understand that pain, you can be all those things for your people. They deserve a good man like you as their leader. Not that woman.’
Even in his own mind he couldn’t really argue against her, not that he wanted to, at least not for something they both agreed on, even if at times he still didn’t think he was the right person to be Mand’alor, one thing was for certain, Bo-Katan was definitely not the right person. In fact, he could almost see O’yare sitting there beside him, narrowing her eyes at Bo-Katan, mocking her in some way about wanting to be Mand’alor. 
“Why Mandalore?” He finally spoke, tapping his fore finger against the table in no particular pattern. She didn’t answer, simply a quizzical look on her face. “I mean if you’re so eager to prove you can take on the mantle, and be Mand’alor, why the song and dance of going back to Mandalore? Let’s just get to it, face me now.”
‘That’s it bare (dear), tell her where you stand. Be the Mand’alor, I know you to be’
Again she didn’t respond to his statement, “It seems to be me we should simply just get this over and done with,” though he knew Ara would have supported any decision he made, the longer he thought about, after everything she’d been through recently, the last thing he wanted to do was uproot her. He was genuine, when he told her he’d rather stay here with her, Adi and Grogu, to live out his life helping out where he could. 
‘Do you think I’m weak? I am able to handle more than enough.’  
Bo simply smirked at Din’s statements, both he and Boba were Mandalorians who hadn’t been taught anything with regards to customs or even how a true Mand’alor should behave, she wondered how much she could twist to her advantage. How much she could get him to give up, in order to have the power and authority she desired. 
“As much as I would love to beat you now, there are many things to consider with regards to the customs of becoming Mand’alor. Namely, our people deserve to see the rightful Mand’alor take their place; that can only be proven by winning the sword. In short, when I do beat you, I want it to be front and centre, in front of all my people. Leaving no room for doubt as to how the title was won and by whom.”
Din simply shook his head, as his visor focused back on her, “Is that truly the custom?” He glanced over to Boba, he seemed to not think much of what she said, he tapped his finger against the table again, Boba simply leaned back against his chair, nodding slowly. 
Bo didn’t answer simply letting out an exhausted sigh, at his lack of knowledge. 
He ignored her flippant and arrogant attitude, “If I understand correctly, rather than lose in private, you wanna do it in front of what …” he motioned with his hand, “… five people? After all the last time I saw you, you had what two people by your side?”
Boba stifled the laugh that wanted to erupt, simply biting his cheek instead, keeping a stoic countenance as much as possible. 
“You really think you’re worthy of being Mand’alor? To handle the responsibility or even what it truly means to lead Mandalorians? Remind me, how many are following you?” She motioned with her hand, “Let’s see …” she glanced around the room, “none.”
Din wanted to rebuff her statement, wanted to show her that she was wrong, but as he reflected, who could he say was following him. Was he meant to be the Mand’alor? He thought back to all those times he had wanted to get rid of the sword, and now here he was ready to battle for it, but yet no one to actually follow him. When did it all change? When he first arrived on Tatooine?
His mind flashed back to his first meeting with Boba.
“You should get use to not being able to see your desk, when you decide to take over your rightful place as Mand'alor, you’ll be buried in more than just paperwork, you’ll be buried in political and governmental issues too, and I shall have the last laugh.”
“I don’t want the throne, Boba”
“That much I know, but you have to think about what Mandalore would be like with someone like Bo-Katan as the leader. She may be a warrior, and the rightful heir, she may even be schooled in the way of politics, but there is a certain air of arrogance, of elitism coming from her. Would you think that such a ruler would be beneficial to reunite the clans?”
“I don’t care. I don’t want it.” 
“Maybe or maybe you don’t think you deserve it, as a Child of the Watch, as a foundling, or as a bounty hunter.  Maybe you feel you are unworthy. I’m a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe, but you, you are thrusted into greatness again and again, and are destined for more.”
Maybe it was when he learned how Boba’s people viewed him, when he first spoke to Aola. 
“Great Boba and Mistress Fennec are the best masters … masters is wrong, they are the best leaders to ever grace this place. They treat the servants, as workers, they make sure we all are treated with dignity and respect, not as slaves or playthings, the same way they treat the guards and bounty hunters. I would and will gladly die for either of them. A good ruler or leader, makes those under him feel elevated they feel dignified, safe, protected. Before Great Boba, many of the servants were harassed and abused, when he took power, Great Boba removed all the undesirables, he gave them one chance, they could either follow his rules or end up on a one-way trip to a sarlacc pit.”
“A great leader respects and understands the power behind those who follow him. For without them, he is a man talking to the wind”
“I think you would make a good leader, the people of Mandalore will be blessed by having you as their ruler.”
Yet, there were times when it felt as though the galaxy wanted to make sure he didn’t give up on himself, that’s how it felt, when Amara first told him he’d be a good leader. 
"Honestly, I think you would be a good ruler for Mandalore, if that is something you choose.  There are not enough leaders who understand the struggle their people face, it's what makes Boba such a good leader.”
He almost wanted to chuckle, when he thought about the time he accused Oyar’e as a drug dealer, only to have her reaffirm how she thought of him.
“You did what you thought was right, Roe, you were trying to save me, and not just me but Adi too.  How could I be mad at you for that, and on top of it you were so upset on Adi’s behalf.  That …that’s exactly why I know … why I know you’ll be an amazing Mand’alor”
If he was being honest it was probably at that moment when he fell in love with her. Yet, despite how much he thought about giving up, once again Amara showed him why he was the perfect Mand’alor even if it scared her. 
“You really want me to be the Mand’alor, don’t you Ara?”
“No … not at all”
“You don’t?”
“Well, … would you be a great Mand’alor, if you decide to take up the mantle? Absolutely.  Do I personally want you to be the Mand’alor? That’s … that’s harder to answer”
“I … I don’t want to see you hurt”
“Ara, being the Mand’alor doesn’t mean I’m going to get hurt”
“Din … seeing you … when the Vurk jumped on your back, seeing him stab you over and over again, I … that was one of the hardest things for me to see. You’re my friend, I don’t want to see my friend injured. When you didn’t wake up right away, I was freaked out. I know I tried to play it off like it didn’t bother me, but I … what happens if something happens to you? I … need you safe, Din. I know there will always be someone who wants to challenge you for the title. Do I think you’ll be a great Mand’alor? Yes. Do I want to see you in a position where you are constantly fighting for you life? No, you’re my friend, Din. I don’t want to see my friend hurt or worse.”
She understood better then most how dangerous being Mand’alor could be. Yet she still was willing to follow him and support his decision. 
“Wherever your future leads, I’ll be by your side to support you.”
Even when he had finally admitted not only to himself but to her that he was considering taking up the mantle, she was still supportive. 
“Does that mean you're going to take it up?”
“Not sure yet, but I'm leaning more towards yes. Seeing how you help the people of Mos Eisley, inspires me. You do so much for those who need help, with barely any resources. I can’t help but wonder, how much more can I do for my own people? For others in the galaxy who need it?”
“You'll be amazing at it, I have no doubt people will appreciate your kindness." 
Even in her last message to him, when she thought she’d never see him again, she made a point to remind him of who he was and to not forget.
“…There are so many things I need to say, but my time is running short … I should have said this when you were leaving to meet Grogu, but I thought … I thought I had more time. You’re the best man I’ve ever known, I know you think your past defines you, makes you unlovable because you’ve done things you’re not proud of, however that’s not true. I know it’s not true because … because I love you. I love you, Din. I’m so proud of you, of the man you are, despite all that has been thrown your way, you didn’t allow it to defeat you, you got back up. I should’ve told you when we were on Sorgan, should’ve told you when we were on Papsr. I think I realized it that night at the orphanage, how deeply in love with you I am, I’m sorry for wasting so much time. I love you, Din. With all my heart, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same because … because you gave me something I didn’t think I’d ever have again. Hope. Thank you, Din. Look after Adi for me, tell him I love him. I love you both. I have to go, but never forget you are a good man, and I love you, cyare.”
Throughout his time with Amara, his time on Tatooine, he’s been able to see what a good leader is, what a true ruler should be like, and Boba was right about one thing, this woman sitting in front of him was definitely no ruler. 
“Well you’re certainly charming in your own right aren’t you?” The sarcasm flowing out of Din’s mouth oozed down the walls and all around them. “As clever as you may think you are, I will not simply lay my hand down and give you the sword. Not anymore.” If he could regain his Manda status by swimming in the living waters underneath Mandalore, then his own people wouldn’t need to hide anymore, they’d be able to be recognized and accepted. 
Boba couldn’t have been prouder of his friend, he didn’t falter simply because she tried to provoke him. 
Bo simply shook her head, “How an ungrateful useless piece of osik like you became Mand’alor …”
“Say one more disrespectful word to the real Mand’alor in my presence and you’ll see what my father truly taught me” Boba cut off her disrespectful uttering mid-sentence, he may not buy into the whole Mandalorian custom with a burning passion these two seemed to possess, however it didn’t mean he would allow someone to disrespect his friend and the King of a Sovereign nation before him. 
“Who knew Jango’s DNA could hold such passion?” she teased, “… Or such loyalty that wasn’t programmed”
“Keep that mouth going and I’ll show you what loyalty is” Din responded on behalf of Boba, his hands clenching against the stone table, his disgust of her attitude and disrespect rang through in his tone. This woman most definitely could not be Mand’alor.
“Just when I think maybe … just maybe you might have a chance at being a somewhat passable Mand’alor, you go and open your mouth and stand up for this …” before she could finish her sentence, Din moved in one motion pushing the chair back and igniting the sword.
“I told you …” his adrenaline coursed through his veins like a stampeding force, his breathing quickened as his anger began to build. He wanted to knock of her head, cleanly from her shoulders, before anything could happen, Boba knocked his gauntlet against the table, the sounds of it echoing through out the room. Din turned to look at Boba.
“I was clear” his voice was strict, firm, and commanding, his full authority as Daimyo of Tatooine displaying itself as clear as day, “when I commanded everyone to leave their weapons. Was I not?” 
Din bowed his head towards his friend, “I apologize Great Boba.”
Boba didn’t say anything more, simply holding out his hand towards Din, almost like a father scolding his young son. Without any more words, he turned off the shimmering blade and handed over the darksaber. 
Once Boba laid it, in front of him, Din retook his seat. Boba looked over to Bo-Katan, “As for you, Lady Kryze, regardless of what you may or may not think of me, I am Daimyo of Tatooine. I am the one who allowed you to come here and discuss terms in a civilized manner, yet you rather throw barbs and insults at me. My father was Jango Fett, the previous Mand’alor, he raised me, he trained the clones in his care, with determination and a sense of pride, teaching them the ways of Mandalore. Yet, you disrespect his memory! Simply because of your own willful conceit and arrogance!”
“You’re father was a poor excuse of Mand’alor”
“Watch your mouth, Death Watch princess”
Din’s head swivelled quickly, “What did you say?”
Bo let out a sigh of exhaustion as she leaned against her chair, “Well damn. You just had to open your mouth, didn’t you Lord Boba.”
“You … you’re Death Watch?” Din asked shocked at the revelation.
“Correction, was. I was Death Watch.”
Somehow that made him dislike her even more.
“I see”
“You see?”
“I knew you liked to adjust the deal whenever it was convenient to you, didn’t realize that expanded towards your oaths too.”
“Need I remind you despite my faults, I am still more qualified than you to be Mand’alor. You on the other hand, have no lineage, betrayed your own to work for the remnant Empire, the very people who are responsible for the death of Mandalore. Yet, I suppose that’s something the two of you have in common, isn’t it?” She used her finger lazily pointing between the two of them. 
Neither responded simply keeping their eyes on her. All Din could think was, how in haran (hell) did she find out who he worked for? 
She put a smile on her face, “Then again what can I expect from a Child of the Watch, you all turned on your own, when we needed you the most.”
“They did what was right, Death Watch strayed from the Way of the Mandalore, only to allow an outsider to lead them” Din did his best to defend his people, remembering the way the Armourer used to tell them about the history of their people.
“Oh so you do know a little something”
“We all know the failings that had been Death Watch”
“There wouldn’t have been failings if more people rallied to our cause”
“You mean without creating your own way to rally people?” Boba shifted
Bo glanced over to him, narrowing her eyes, “Aren’t you suppose to be a mediator?”
“It’s my job as mediator to make sure everyone knows what they need to be aware of before making a decision” Boba pointed towards Din, “and he needs to be aware.”
Din was lost in the conversation, what exactly did he need to be aware of?
“There are things that outsiders won’t understand”
“Who are you calling an auretti (outsider)?” Din narrowed his eyes as his hand clenched against the table.
“I didn’t call you an auretti, I said outsider. Someone who is outside of the Death Watch is unable to understand how things were conducted and planned.”
“Oh he may not understand but I do” Boba clenched his fist, “My father told me all about Death Watch’s treachery. I mean let’s face it, it’s not the first time, you’d let innocents suffer just to make Death Watch appear more valiant.”
Bo gritted her teeth, there were things that had been done in the name of Death Watch that she never full agreed with, yet, she still went along with Pre Vizsla’s plans. The last thing she needed was for Fett’s DNA to inform this man about past deeds that didn’t need to be brought to light.
“What are you two talking about?” Din refused to be left in the dark, any longer; there was clearly something she didn’t want to reveal, something that would affect him.
“There were rumours I heard back in the day. Death Watch was in dire need of public support, especially after the separation of the Shadow Collective and Death Watch …” Boba turned to look at Bo, “I imagine recruitment was low.” She didn’t answer simply glared at him further, if that was even possible, yet he could imagine all the things she was saying in her head.
“What are you trying to say Boba?”
“Death Watch staged some - how should I put it - much needed rescues, isn’t that so, Lady Kryze?”
“I wasn’t part of Death Watch at that point.”
“Maybe … yet, you were and are working with the remnants of Death Watch, no?”
“Are you really that petty?” 
“Excuse me, can we get back to the topic at hand?” Din interjected into this weird conversation of speaking without talking. It was as though there was some great secret everyone was aware of except him.
“He’s right, we should be discussing the rightful ruler of Mandalore. Not petty past squabbles.” Bo simply let out an exhausted sigh.
“No, we should be discussing whether or not he should even listen to your demands.” Boba clarified. 
“Enough!” Din lost it with those two, he’s not sure what the problem was between them, he could guess what the issue was, but none that currently dealt with the topic at hand, “I will go to Mandalore, yet I do not agree with the need for a showy display. It seems more that you want to make sure of your own name sake, and not what is best for the people of Mandalore. We’ll meet on Mandalore and have a duel, however, I need time. I need to finish wrapping up some pending work and get certain things in order.”
“That’s fine by me, I don’t need you to like it, I just need you to show up. I expect to see you in two months, or else the bounty goes back on your head.” 
With that Bo stood, thankful Din had agreed to her terms, however reluctantly, before actually learning the truth of what Boba was hinting at. She stood, putting on her helmet and walking out of the room, as guilt began to eat away at her. 
She hadn’t been lying about leaving Death Watch. She wasn’t there when the remaining members  decided to stage attacks on Separatists planets and cities yet untouched by the war; hoping the oppression, deaths, and destruction would move many to join their ranks, as they swooped in like heroes to ‘save’ the survivors. She simply hoped by working together with Death Watch, some may have chosen to join the Nite Owls instead. Who could have predicted the Mand’alor would have been from a planet subjected to the same opportunities. The only difference was instead of Death Watch or Nite Owls rescuing the people on Aq Vetina. After the incident on his planet, the Children of the Watch had received a call for help, arriving just in time to save many.
Din retook his seat, annoyed with Bo even more than possible.
“Good thing Amara wasn’t here huh?” Boba smirked at Din, sliding back the darksaber towards him.
“Agreed, I have no doubt Bo would’ve been dead.”
Boba nodded chuckling to himself, turning his attention towards the droid, and motioning for it to be on its way. “The message I received earlier was from Amara, things aren’t what she expected when she arrived on Kashyyyk, she needs us to go. Sooner rather than later.”
Din nodded, “I brought everything with me, everything else is on the Sintas, so I’m good to go when you are.”
“Then let’s go” Both stood as one unified force heading towards Boba’s ship, “You know she’s gonna smack you, when she learns of what you agreed to.”
“I know, but either I become the Mand’alor in more than name only, or I find someone to become the Mand’alor. Either way, I’ll let her know I’m not agreeing to Bo’s terms because I want to, rather, if I want to be able to see my covert again I need to swim in the living waters below Mandalore. I’ll be able to resolve everything once we’re there.”
“Either way you have my support.”
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A Special thank you for loving the SOTF:
Adi in his armour
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jolapeno · 4 months
i’d look for you
din djarin x f!reader | masterlist
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summary: din offers you something else in a field of wildflowers
warnings: 18+, allusion to smut ONLY. soft!din. idiots who have feelings but don't know what to do with them. jo's writing din so it gets weirdly poetic again. wordcount: 2k notes: pairing is the same as other din fics by me. but don’t need to read to enjoy. written for @morallyinept's Flora & Fauna Challenge - this fic has made me smile so much, I hope it does the same for you.
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“Can you do something for me?”
The question hangs, burns, in the air of his bed. Your eyes blinking awake, having been roused from slumber by his gloved hand on your cheek.
You’re aware he’s waiting, biting the inside of your cheek, as you nod.
Swallowing the longer answer which burns on your tongue, finding it now tastes of acid and wrongness, having been trapped inside for so long, having let it overstay its welcome.
You suspect he knows it all anyway. Likely as easily able to read you, as you are him. Able to hear the words you don’t say, just from the way you stare at him, like a written passage all on its own.
He helps you up, but doesn’t hurry you. You almost smirk at the purposeful, cautious touches on your side, trailing his gloved hand along the curve of your back as he leads you to the refresher, awakening thoughts more sinful than you suspect is his intention.
It’s then he tells you the time, but shares nothing else about why the ship is quiet.
“What about—”
“He’s asleep.”
Your mouth clamps shut, taking the clothes he hands you as you bury the rest of the questions. Each piece you slide on, you don’t shy away as he stands waiting. Letting him stare, letting him take in the sight of you in more light than he can when your bodies usually writhe.
Are you admiring me, Din? you want to ask. Do you feel the invisible string between us too?
Sometimes, you dislike that he told you the shade of his eyes, because you look for them. Peer through the visor with more hope than you’d allowed yourself to have before.
“Can you turn around?”
It should sound like a command, but his tone is softer, more brittle. Something unspoken within it, tightening around each letter, bending and forging with it—likely things he’ll never admit.
Still, you obey. Closing your eyes as you feel him behind you, his presence crowding and looming—recollecting when he’d been barer than he is now, draped over you.
If you will it enough, you swear you can feel his breath fluttering over your shoulder—remembering how he makes you feel full and sated, content and happy. The last time, you’d been in a haze, fucked out, blissfully aware of the naked fingers resting at the base of your neck as you came down and the way he had tilted your head back and swallowed your whine like he knew it belonged to him.
You do, you think, belong to him.
Not because he has taken, but because he has earned—he has proven. A thing which rises to the tip of your tongue and sears alongside the other words which linger and ferment.
“Trust me,” he says.
Not a question, but an ask. And you don’t mean to, but an unintentional gasp escapes at the feel of the soft, smooth fabric when it slides over your eyes. Light fades as though he clicks his fingers, blanketing you in night in the middle of the day as it tightens around your head—rendering you quiet, shyer, almost smaller, as your sense is removed, willingly given but taken all the same.
Then you stand, breath hitching, anticipation threading through your veins as you wait. For him to move, to speak, to do. Each second stretches into eternity, making a protest wish to appear. A change of mind, a declaration of wishing to do something else, than this.
But, you don’t speak it. Instead, dancing your fingers against the tops of your thighs, waiting, not patiently, but not rushing.
You snort to smother the shiver that darts down your spine at his voice.
Unsure how one does such a thing when you hear the ramp going down, subtly listening to the sound of water running. You feel lost, adrift in a sea of darkness—of nothingness—with every fibre of your being yearning for a familiar anchor, teeth rolling over your bottom lip as you fight the urge to whisper his name into the void, a silent plea for reassurance amidst the engulfing uncertainty.
Din, you think.
Wondering if he can hear his name in your mind. If he’ll come to your calling, hold your hand; allow you to ask if this is necessary, if this—
And you do.
Chest filling, lungs flooding—his gloved fingers sliding between your bare ones, rooting you as he repeats it. Calmness spreads through you inch by inch, in the same way he makes pleasure surge through your muscles.
He gives you a minute, a moment. Likely waiting until your head turns in the direction you think he’s in, before he leads, offering stony orders to be careful—one that almost makes you grin until your steps take your soles to meet something softer than his ship.
The smell greets you first. It’s crisp and sweet—unlike anything you’ve encountered. Then the drizzle, how it forces your clothing to bind to your skin in a way that should feel suffocating, but instead feels freeing. Lips beginning to stretch, teeth showing as your cheeks ache with the intensity of your grin.
It’s then you feel him move behind you, the squelch of his boots signifying it. His chest meets your spine, the ghost of his touch along the side of his neck, before you feel the fabric over your eyes, loosen and light begins to seep in.
Then, it goes from nothing to everything. It being almost too much to take in all at once—the unveiled surprise, the thing he’d wanted you to see in its wonder and not in pieces as you descended.
“It’s beautiful.”
It being the delicate blooms that stretch out before you. Each one a mysterious burst of colour against a backdrop of greenery. Vibrant splashes of colour, all wild and free, rising from the ground like the scenes from books you used to read. With each sway and ripple in the breeze, you spot more flowers. All of them stirred by the falling rain, watching each motion, all in awe; lost for words.
Distantly, you become aware that he’s moved to the side of you, but you’re unable to tear your eyes from the world. Not able to take your sight from the striking array of hues, every colour flower you think you could ever imagine swaying. Because there are iridescent blues and purples; there are some that glow with luminous gold and reds that look stained with blood. Shares you can’t even name, but are drawn to, reluctant to steal your gaze until you spot another.
Fingers reaching out, knee bending, you touch one, find it softer, more delicate than you ever thought. Tears springing to your eyes, chest swarmed with warmth as you admire the way the stems twist and spiral in graceful arcs, all beaded with the sparkling mist that continues to fall.
“What do you think?”
Words fail you, a thing you’re not sure he could ever believe.
The only conscious thought is that you wish to live amongst them. No words exist that can describe how serene you feel; how as wild or as drenched as the petals you admire.
Because it’s then you really notice the rain, coming to sit amongst the living and the flowers. Ground soaked with it, it falling in torrents. Each droplet is a percussion against your skin, seeping through the layers and soaking you to the bone.
It's a different kind of loveliness. It’s all free, raw and unyielding, a mosaic of shades that aren't bowing or converting into a glistening canvas of liquid silver—even if the skies try to.
In truth, you thought you’d seen rain. But this is something different.
It is more akin to the sky having been ripped open, split in two, cracked, all but pouring its tears upon the land in a symphony of water and wind. Your fingers dig into the dirt, feeling his equally soaked thigh press against yours as he joins you, feeling him watching, studying, even if you can't see his eyes.
“My mom used to say that a flower sprouts when a person leaves us,” you say, soft, barely your normal volume. “I always wondered where they did—I guess I know now.”
Shifting, you peel your sight from the flowers to see his legs extended, his body so close to yours. So much so, it would be easy to lean into it. Into him. To press your drenched clothing against his equally drowned frame, seek warmth, and take what he will offer you in the brightness of the day.
“Din,” you continue, tuning in to the gruff noise he makes for you to continue, as you move your shoulder closer.
His head turns, the front of his helmet facing you.
Allowing you to see a bead slide gracefully down the silver, moving like a serene symphony—as others fall, and then another. All being left by the sky above, weaving paths you wish to trace with your fingers.
You shouldn’t, but you want to wipe each away with your touch, rest your palms against the places his cheeks should be and will your hands to remember the warmth you know they can be.
“Can you remember the last time you felt the rain on your bare skin?”
Silence. Rain slides against leaves before rolling down to the soil below. The sound increases and decreases in odd waves as the storm tries to square itself against the sun, against the blossoms which rise like an army unwilling to cower.
His reply is rough, croaked out through the modulator—caked in openness you’re not sure he wishes to show.
And, it makes a memory resurface. Sharp and clear. The first time you’d felt him unmasked, the vulnerability etched into his features—frame tense, rigid. Nervousness flowed through him as easily as the blood that races. How you’d kissed him, felt his cracked lips gain confidence against yours as his muscles rippled under your palms.
In a different way than then, you reached out, offered comfort—providing something you’re not sure he easily is given.
“A person could get lost here,” you sigh, the words practically tumbling out.
A stillness follows, one only punctuated by the rain. That is, until he shifts, until you hear him exhale, before adding, “Not you.”
Dragging your eyes from the landscape, you watch as more droplets slide and skate down his helmet, against his armour. Desperate to cling. It’s nothing but mesmerising, making him appear like he’s made of the sky. Reflections of the flowers there, muted shades mirroring.
He’s silent for a moment. Just one. “Wouldn’t let you. I’d find you.”
Smirking, you turn back to the view. “You’re good at that—practically a professional.”
He allows a beat, lets your shoulder settle against him—the heels of your boots digging into the ground of this place, hoping a little bit clings on and comes with you.
“I’d look for you.”
Breaking your gaze from the flowers and the falling rain, you rest them on his helmet. On him. On the space you think the brown eyes he’s told you about are currently watching you.
It’s slow to appear, taking its time to spread up into your cheek as the implication of his words ring out. Look, not find; search but not hunt.
“I wouldn’t run to begin with.”
You feel it, the shift, slight tilt of his head at your words.
And you swear you hear him breathe good, light almost airy—before gloved fingers find their way between yours again. Soaked, sodden. But neither moving as seconds become minutes.
You hum, preening, almost blooming under the name he’s just begun using. Nestling further against him, watching the flowers sway and turn in the rain before his gloved hands come in front of you—a bunch of flowers held out to you, offered, given.
“My hair is brown too.”
You smile, taking the bunch, bringing them to your nose. “That’s nice to know.”
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absurdthirst · 6 months
Unexpectedly Mated {Alpha!Mando x F!Omega!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: Alpha/Omega dynamics, heats, denying biological needs, religious creeds, removing your helmet, jealousy, territorial aggression, fingering, first kisses, vaginal sex, rough sex, knotting, mates, marking
Comments: Forbidden to remove your helmet by Creed, Mandalorians deny their basic biological needs as Alphas and Omegas. The helmet blocks the scant of their true mate. Until an open air vent leads Mando to discover that you are his omega.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“You must never remove your helmet.” The creed and these words drilled into you at a young age and you have never forgotten, would never be allowed to forget. The creed comes before all else. The covert comes before the individual. In a galaxy full of alphas, omegas, and betas…Mandalorians stood alone. Defying their biological status to better the covert, to keep the numbers up. You wear the helmet to not only protect your face but to keep you from recognizing your mate. The scent recognition of a mate is instant so the Mandalorian solution is to wear helmets with filters so that one can breed with anyone they prefer. Their minds are clouded with scent so the desire is the driving factor. The younglings are raised by the covert as a unit so the aim is to repopulate Mandalore. You suppress your omega urges with supplements and you’ve yet to breed. Too busy with bounty hunting alongside a certain Din Djarin. You’re drawn to him, that’s for sure, but you’ve never bred with him. He’s not interested in a family, in an ad. He wants credits. He wants to protect the foundling under his care and you’ve gone along for the ride.
“Din.” Your modulated voice calls out to him as he strides ahead of you after you reunited the frog woman with her husband. “The kid needs to eat.” You tell him, knowing you need to find the nearest cantina.
The sigh Din gives you is one of frustration and resignation. He likes the kid, he’s risked a lot to protect him, even his covert. The sins he has committed weigh heavily on his shoulders and he nods. “Come on.” He grumbles to the little one. “I know you’re hungry, we’ll get you something to eat.” Hopefully the Crest will be fixed soon. Unable to take off his helmet unless he is in his bunk is starting to frustrate him, the hermetically sealed space is starting to feel stale with the cycled air and he longs for a single breath of fresh air. He had also hoped to slip away for a moment, needing to find a medical facility to replace his implant. It had been damaged from his fight with Moff Gideon and he’s not had time to have it seen to. While he doesn’t visit a brothel or find a sexual partner often, he can feel the need to rut building up in his system. The alpha side he tries to suppress starts to bleed through his normally calm demeanor. 
You sit with the kid in the cantina, snorting when Din saves him from his own lunch and you glance around at the sailors. They mention Mandalorians and you are surprised to hear of your kind here, especially since Din wants to find them so he can help the kid return to his own planet. “Before we head off, maybe we can freshen up. I need to use the fresher and I’m sure you also want some time out of beskar.”
He groans at the idea of time outside the suit. Letting his skin breath and maybe he can work in a quick tug on his cock while he’s in the ‘fresher. “We’ll have to get rooms.” He reminds you, his head tilting towards yours. “Do you want to do that?”
You nod, “that sounds like a plan. I’m sure this one needs a nap after everything.” You say, reaching out to caress the kid’s ear. He coos at you and finishes his broth with a loud slurp. “Let’s find somewhere.” You say and throw some credits down for the broth. Din nods and you’re soon following him into the inn nearby. You are eager for a shower and some time out of the heavy beskar. Despite wearing it since you were a kid, you have always been weighed down by it. Din gets two rooms and you nod at him when he carries the now sleeping child into the room.
The child’s eyes never open, making Din chuckle quietly as he closes the pod and sets it in the corner of the room. Looking around to make sure the windows are covered before he reaches up and unlatches the edge of his helmet and groans quietly when he pulls it off his head. His hair is sweaty, but immediately the scent of the outside world is much more vivid. Making him inhale deeply and growl quietly at how good it all smells. Being an alpha as a Mandalorian was tricky, his own scent blocked by the helmet, but others could smell him. Making things difficult for him at times, especially when he cannot even walk around his own ship with his helmet unsealed because you are with him. Now, he sits on the edge of the bed, with his eyes closed and breathes deep, unaware that the vent between your two rooms has not been closed. 
You hum as you tilt your head under the water. An actual shower instead of the ‘fresher on the ship is a welcome surprise. You don’t realize the vent in your room is open so Din can smell you as your omega scent wafts through the room, warmed up from the shower and the water flowing onto your face blocks you from smelling Din.
It’s subtle at first. A teasing waft that caresses his nose and makes his cock twitch. The beautiful, heady scent of an omega. Making him groan quietly until the next wave hits him. His omega. The scent overwhelms him and he’s immediately hard, aching and desperate to claim the omega who is meant to be his mate. His mate. His eyes widen when he sees the vent opened, called to it as he follows the scent. It’s the vent that connects your room to his. You’re his mate.
You can feel a tugging in your stomach when you step out of the shower and you frown, wondering if you’re going to go into heat soon. You’ll need to get some more suppressants since you don’t have the time to spend days nesting while you are with Din. He doesn’t want you to be a needy omega holding him back from his quest. You dry off, shutting the door to the bathroom behind you and you lay down on the bed, unable to stop your hand from snaking down to rub your clit, a whimper escaping your lips.
Din snaps the vent closed. Hand curling into a fist as he pants against the shared wall. You’re his mate, his omega. His mind whirls as he tries to reconcile that new information with the stalwart and steady Mandalorian he has been bounty hunting with. He won’t deny that he wondered about fucking you before, it’s only natural that he would given how close you had been. His cock throbs as he imagines you in your armor, slowly stripping it off and walking around your room nude. Building a nest and begging him to join you. “Fuck.” He hisses.
You fall asleep naked on the bed after making yourself cum, relieving the ache in your stomach, enjoying being out of your beskar. You sleep until there’s a knock on the door and you groan, waking up and immediately grabbing your helmet to slide it onto your head. “It’s time to go.” Din says and you call out, “no problem. I’ll get ready and be right out.”
You redress in your beskar, your stomach still aching but you decide you’ll seek out some suppressants later. Opening the door, you find Din standing there with the kid. “Morning buddy.” You coo to the child and look up at Din who looks tense. “Everything okay?” You ask him, tilting your helmet. 
You know that Din can be all business but there’s something off about him. You ignore it and follow Din down the hall to find the sailors who are granting you passage on their boat to find the Mandalorians that are apparently on the planet. Later on, you admire the water as the raft moves along, glancing at Din who is stiff, well, stiffer than normal. “Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask softly, the sailors moving around behind you.
“Let me go!” You growl in anger, swinging your arm to fling a sailor into the water. Using your strength to try and untangle yourself from the ropes when Din and the child are in danger and that’s when they appear: the Mandalorians.
The redhead who introduced herself as Bo Katan shakes her head. “I’ve heard of your sect of the religion but Maker…I didn’t know how far it went in controlling its followers. On Mandalore, we wish for alphas and omegas to find their mate, it makes for stronger bonds, stronger families. We don’t - that is not something we dictate.” You swallow harshly as her words, feeling a tugging in your stomach that makes you want to lean towards Din but you push that aside. “You can remove your helmet and you would not be dar'manda.” Bo Katan explains and you’re so tempted.
Din stands up, angry at them for tempting him, tempting you. He shakes his head. “You are not mandalorian.” He growls, reaching down and takes your arm to pull you to your feet. “We are leaving.” He tells you, turning and striding away from the group angrily. 
You let Din guide you out of the cantina and you sigh, “Din. Slow down. Maybe…maybe they are telling the truth. As Mandalorians, we are denying our biological need. We are denying nature itself. Why? What- what good is it?” You ask him, the child in the pouch nestled against his hip.
“What good is it?” Din stops and spins around, crowding you slightly and even though you cannot smell it, pheromones pour off of him in heavy waves. All this talk of mates and finding out you are his has him desperate to claim you. To take what is his. “The Creed. That is what good it is. Our secrecy is our survival. We. Do. Not. Remove. Our. Helmets.” 
You shake your helmet, stumbling back away from him. “I do not want to breed with whomever the armorer tells me to. I want to find my mate. I want to feel complete.” You yell, quickly flicking the lock to your helmet and you waste no time lifting it off of your head in public for the first time since you were twelve. It hits you immediately. His scent. He’s an alpha. Your alpha. “You- oh Maker. Alpha.” You address him, your stomach twisting with sudden need for him.
Din hisses, his body jerking at the tone of your voice, the submissive nature of it. Calling to him. His hands curl into fists and he moves, shielding you from any eyes that could possibly see your face. “Put your helmet on.” He demands roughly, knowing that he cannot do this right now. He cannot have this conversation with you in the middle of a spaceport. 
Your lower lip trembles, feeling the rejection, and you shove your helmet back on your head, flicking the lock and his scent is replaced with fresh air through the filter. “Clearly you do not wish to have me as your omega so I am going to go back to the cantina. Perhaps another alpha can help with my heat.” You didn’t get a chance to pick up suppressants and the scent of your alpha has your stomach twisting with the sudden heat, the urge to mate and be claimed by him has you sweating already. You need to be touched and as much as you wish for it to be him, it’s obvious that he doesn’t want that. You spin on your heel before he can answer to make your way back into the cantina.
Growling, Din watches you walk off. Sighing when he knows he cannot follow you. The child is still beside him, looking up and cooing at him as if to tell him that he had fucked up. “Come on kid.” He grunts, turning and walking away from you even though his entire body is screaming to follow you. “I need to find someone to watch you.” He knows he cannot have a conversation with you around the kid, around anyone. He needs to find another room, then he will bring you back for a talk. 
You want to take off your helmet and down a spotchka or five, but Din’s command to not remove your helmet is ringing in your ears. You sit at the bar when you feel a presence next to you. “What’s a Mandalorian omega doing all alone?” He asks and you snort, “I haven’t got an alpha.” You state despite your chest aching, knowing you have an alpha but he doesn’t want you. On your walk to the cantina, you realized that Din didn’t question being your alpha. Which means he must’ve taken his helmet off at some point and found out. You wonder how long he’s known. Why he had kept it from you. “That’s good news for me, sweetheart. I’ve never been with a Mandalorian before and it smells like you might be needing an alpha at any moment.” He says, leaning closer and your stomach pangs with the beginning of a heat. 
“I- I ran out of suppressants.” You confess, turning towards him despite everything in you wanting to run to find Din.
The Frog Lady had agreed to watch the baby, leaving Din to go back to the little inn where you had stayed last night and get another room. He knows that he owes you a conversation, a real conversation and he cannot do that in public. Once he has the key, Din tucks it into his belt and sets off for the cantina. He knows you are angry at him, hurt. He wants to give you time to cool down for a moment, to think rationally again. To remember your creed so both of you can agree that nothing will happen until you can find the armorer again and speak with her. Striding confidently towards the seedy little bar, he is sure that it would work. 
You giggle when the alpha leans in, telling you a joke about Jawas and you are distracted for a moment from talking about your heat. He offers to buy you a drink but you decline, not wanting to take your helmet off, but it’s nice to talk to someone without them just giving you a grunt as an answer. You unconsciously lean closer to the alpha, your body heated as your biological need threatens to overwhelm you.
Walking into the bar, Din unlocks his helmet, unsealing it so he can smell you. Attraction and arousal, pouring from you and he follows the scent. Finding you sitting at the bar, another alpha leaning in, obviously interested in touching you, fucking you. The need to protect you roars to life in his chest and his alpha nature  rips through his self control. Moving quickly to you, barely resisting the urge to pull his blaster on the cocksure alpha who is grinning at his mate. “Get the fuck away from her.” He growls, shoving between the two of you and puffing up his chest, towering over the other man and trying to be as intimidating as possible.
You gasp at Din’s sudden appearance and you stand up from your stool. “Alpha.” You place your hand on Din’s chest plate to keep him back from the other alpha. 
“Hey buddy. Me and this omega were talking.” The alpha says and you wince under your helmet, knowing that he needs to shut up before he gets a blaster in the face. 
“Din, just leave him.” You huff, pissed that he is dictating what you can and can’t do.
“My omega.” Din growls, his hand inches away from his blaster and he stares hard at the man from behind his visor. “Move away.” He warns but the man scoffs and doesn’t look impressed. 
“She doesn’t seem taken. She seems like she’s real interested in getting to know me. ‘Bout to go into heat, needs an alpha buried in her cunt, knotting her.”
His words make you wince as you know Din, any alpha, wouldn’t allow them to speak about their omega that way. “It’s obvious you haven’t claimed her. What’s wrong, Mando? Not got the balls to do what needs to be done. She doesn’t smell like you. She smells wet. She smells ready for a cock. Clearly you aren’t enough for her. She wants to get fucked.” The alpha smirks, pushing Din’s buttons even more.
Din’s hand shoots out, wrapping it around the other alpha’s throat and squeezing harshly. Enjoying the way his pheromones immediately turned to ones of distress and his eyes bulge while his blue skin turns purple as the airways are cut off by the pressure of Din’s hand. “My omega.” Din rasps out, voice dangerously low and threatening. “Mine. Not yours. Mine.” The urge to kill him is clouding his thoughts, to demonstrate that you are his. That he would protect you.
“Alpha. Alpha. Don’t. He’s not worth it. I’m yours. I’m yours.” You promise Din, knowing that fact deep within your bones but you’re still furious with him. You place your hands on his chest plate, your helmet tilted towards his, “please. Just take me back to the inn. Don’t do this.”
Slowly, Din relaxes his fingers and lets go. Getting immense satisfaction when the other alpha gasps for air and immediately grabs his throat. He grabs your hands and ducks his shoulder down, hauling you over his shoulder like he would a bounty. Ignoring your shrieks as he storms out of the cantina with you.
You are shocked that Din is carrying you back to the inn and, you can admit to yourself, turned on by the primal display. "Din. Put me down!" You demand but he ignores you until he's in front of the room he had gotten for you. Finally putting you down. "I can't believe you did that." You shake your helmet and he opens the door.
 "Inside." He demands and you obey him immediately, stepping into the room. Din steps into the room, letting the door close and locking it behind him. “You were going to let him touch you?” He demands, pissed off that you were searching for someone, despite the fact that he had not immediately claimed you.
You feel defiant now despite being alone with your alpha. "I was. I am going into heat. If you didn’t touch me, I needed to find another alpha to satisfy my needs." You declare despite knowing that no one would give you what you need from Din. 
“You’ve worked through heats before.” Din growls, remembering how he had heard your whimpering cries from your bunk as you used your toys. It had been hard to deal with, when he hadn’t known he was your alpha. Wanting to offer you his cock the entire time, but he had respected your need for privacy. “Why not this time?”
“Because - because I wanted to feel wanted. I wanted someone to touch me who wanted to touch me, to make me feel something. I know you already knew I was your omega. You weren’t shocked when I found out you were my alpha. You didn’t - you didn’t sound surprised at all. How long have you known?” You ask, crossing your arms.
He leans back from you, surprised that you are attacking him and not liking it. “I-“ he huffs, rolling his eyes under his helmet and sighs. “Yesterday.” He admits quietly. “The vents between our rooms weren't closed. I-I smelled you when I took my helmet off.”
You are placated when you find out it was only yesterday but you’re still hurt that he didn’t tell you. “I didn’t smell you yesterday. I - I was showering and I -” You frown under the helmet. “You weren’t going to tell me, were you?”
“I- we-“ Din shakes his head. “You know what Mandalorians do.” He reasons with you. “The Armorer aligns breeding partners. I-“ He bites his lip under his helmet and sighs. “I was going to ask the Armorer for you, to be paired with you when we find them again.”
You understand where he is coming from but you feel frustrated by him. "Din. We - we are mates. What we have is...it's more than the creed. It's more than just breeding. It's how it is supposed to be. It's primal and raw. We are mates. Destined for each other and you've been by my side for so long yet neither of us knew what the other was meant to be. I want - I want you. I need you. Fuck the creed. Fuck the Armorer. You're my alpha and I - I want you. No matter what the consequences are." You say, "but if you don't want that - want me - I will leave. I'll go back to the covert and you can finish your quest alone."
He wants to argue against your comments, his heart twisting when he hears you say you would walk away. “Always wanted you.” He confesses quietly, breathing deeply and soaking in your scent. “Since the second week together. Watching you wipe the floor with that Twi.” He snorts, smirking slightly under his helmet. “Wanted you all the time.”
You chuckle, remembering that fight when you were both so much younger. You step towards him, "I have always wanted you. Always imagined you when I was in my nest." You confess softly, "I think I knew, unconsciously, that I was yours."
“I thought about you a lot.” Din confesses, taking a deep breath as he remembers what Bo Katan had said about mates being able to reveal their faces to each other. He takes a deep breath and reaches up to slowly start sliding his helmet off.
Your eyes widen under your helmet as Din exposes his face to you and you get your first look at his handsome face. "Maker. You are -" You can see him tense with anxiety and you reach up with your gloved hand to cup his cheek. "Mesh'la." You tell him, unable to tear your eyes away from those beautiful brown eyes. "Do you - you can remove my helmet...if you want."
He’s proud that you find him appealing. His one glimpse of you too fleeting for his own liking, finding you mesh’la as well. “I want to see you, omega.” He hums as he slowly reaches for your helmet. “My omega. My mate.”
You’re nervous for him to fully look at you without your helmets on, and your heart pounds beneath your chest plate. You bite your lip when your eyes meet his without the pixelated visor screen and his brown eyes soften. “Din. Alpha.” You murmur, watching him as he stares at you.
“Mesh’la.” He murmurs softly, staring into your eyes and feeling his cock harden beneath his flight suit as he smells and sees you clearly for the first time. He groans your name. “Omega.”
You ache for him, your heat curling in your stomach, and you wonder what he wants, if he still wants to wait until you return to the covert. “I don’t know what you want from me right now. Do you want us to put our helmets back on and continue on like this never happened until we return to the Armorer?” You ask, a little breathless.
“I cannot pretend I haven’t seen your face, smelled you.” Din groans, his eyes nearly closing in pain when a wave of arousal drifts over him. “I- you’re mine.” He growls again. “You are going into heat, I will take care of you.”
You whimper at his words, your body starting to get overheated with need. “Alpha.” You gasp, starting to work on removing your beskar, needing to feel the air on your hot skin. “I need you.” You pant, efficiently stripping down until you’re in your bra band and panties, boots kicked aside and you slide your hand into your panties, needing to rub your clit for some relief.
“Omega.” He growls, body tense and he steps forward, his need to touch you and take care of you nearly overwhelming his rational sense. He is about to touch you, still completely dressed in his armor except for his helmet. When he sees his gloves, he stops. “Get on the bed.” He orders, starting to strip down himself. Needing to press his skin to yours. “I will make sure you don’t need your fingers. You can have mine.”
You obey his order, shifting to lay down on the bed after reluctantly pulling your fingers out of your panties, and you watch him strip off. “Alpha. You are - you’re mesh’la.” You say, sitting up on your elbows to watch him, seeing the scars from blasters that grazed the vulnerable spots in his beskar and you want to kiss every one of them.
His own groan is one of pride and need, seeing you squirming on the bed, waiting for him. His omega, needy and wet. His hand wraps around his cock and he slowly starts to jerk himself. “You are mesh’la, cyar’ika.” He hums, eyes dark and full of lust. The waves of need and want roll off of you and mix with his own desire to fill the room. “My sweet little, omega. Wanting my cock, needing my knot.”
His voice, unmodulated, makes you shiver, and you watch him with wide eyes. “Yours, alpha.” You promise, reaching behind you to unclip your bra band, tossing it onto the floor to expose your tits to his gaze as he pumps his cock. You are aching for him. “Please. Alpha. I need your touch.”
He’s heard it before. The needy begging and calling to his alpha, but never from his mate. Growling, he scrambles onto the bed, one hand grabbing your breast while the other rips your panties off effortlessly.
You cry out in satisfaction as he quickly pushes two thick digits inside of you. “Yesss.” You hiss, feeling the ache assuage slightly with his digits curling deep inside of you. “Fuck, Din. Alpha. Yes.” You whine, tilting your head towards his.
It will be the first time he’s kissed anyone and it’s fitting that it’s his mate. His lips come crashing down against yours roughly as he curls his fingers inside you. Unskilled, he relies on what he had imagined doing, watching holo vids and jerking off when he was alone in his bunk. His tongue pushing into your mouth when you moan and he makes a feral sound of pleasure of his own.
You moan into his mouth, tangling your tongue with his and it’s unskilled but passionate. Your hands tangle in his hair, tugging slightly and you feel his cock twitch against your thigh. You’ve both had sex before, neither of you have kissed and it’s clumsy but you soon get the hang of it.
He feels like he doesn’t want to ever stop kissing you. Pumping his fingers deep inside your quivering cunt, he groans and rocks his hips against your belly. Loving how eagerly you respond to me.
You pant into his mouth, getting closer to orgasm with the way his fingers pump into you. "Alpha. I'm gonna- you're gonna make me - fuck!" You cry into his mouth as you clamp down on his digits, the ache in your belly satiated for a moment.
The first orgasm from his omega nearly makes him cum untouched. Din moans your name as he works you through the way your walls clench and your juices soak his hand. Pleasured pheromones pour off of you and he ducks his head down to press his tongue to your scent gland.
Feeling his tongue on your scent gland has you whining his name and your nails dig into his back, wanting him to bite you but he won’t until he’s ready. “I need you inside of me. Please, alpha.” You beg, gently pushing him off of you so you can shift onto your hands and knees for him.
Din growls, loving the submissive display, looking at your dripping cunt as you move to your hands and knees. Showing him how badly you need him. “My omega is eager.” He groans, slapping your ass and squeezing your hips as he throbs. He knows this first time will be rough. You know it too. Taking his cock on his hand, he shuffles forward and notches it at your entrance. Hissing when he snaps his hips forward ruthlessly and buries himself deep in your cunt.
Your breath is immediately pushed from your lungs and you gasp as he stretches you out. You fall forward onto your elbows and squeeze your eyes shut as he doesn’t hesitate to start moving inside of you. It’s rough and your body feels like it’s on fire. “Yes! Oh fuck, yes! Alpha. I- shit.” You curse, cunt fluttering around his cock.
You’re perfect around him. Gloriously tight and taking every harsh thrust with a choked moan as he starts to hammer into you. Need and the instinct to give you every piece of himself has him gripping your hips like you might get away from him and rocking deep to push up against your womb.
You grip the sheets beneath you, your cheek pressed against them as he pushes into you over and over again. “Fuck. Oh fuck Din.” You pant, thighs starting to shake as he pushes you closer and closer to orgasm with every harsh rock of his hips.
Suddenly, Din stops. Circling his hips as he lifts your and grinds into you. He was going to cum and he wants to make sure that you are satisfied before he gives into any of his own needs. “Fuck, omega, you are so perfect.” He grunts out, panting as he feels you squeeze him. “Are you going to be a good girl and take my knot? Let me breed you one day?”
You whine, deep from your throat. “Yesss. I’ll let you- have as many as you want, alpha. I want to be good for you. Want you to be happy.” You pant, thighs shaking still as he grinds deep and his hand spreads wide until his thumb is pressing against your clit.
“Good girl.” He growls out, twitching inside you. He’s imagined breeding you before, many times, even before knowing you were his omega. Hoping that working with you would cause the armorer to place you together to breed. It was why he let you on his ship. “Fuck, I- you feel so good ‘mega. So fucking tight around my cock.”
Your nails dig into the sheets and you are desperate for him to make you cum. The fire in your belly is burning and sweat beads on your forehead. “Alpha. Please.” You whine, grinding yourself back onto him. “I need - need to cum. It burns.” You almost sob with need.
“It’s okay,” he coos, rubbing your clit as he starts rocking into you again. “Your alpha is going to take care of you. Make sure your little cunt is happy by the time you leave this bed.”
You grind back onto him, his hips still not moving as he rubs your clit, and you practically sob with relief when you cum. Clamping down on his cock, you moan his name, his designation, and soak him. “Yessss.” You hiss, thighs violating shaking as you ride your high.
“Fuck.” He groans, his hands tightening on you as he feels you cum around him. “It’s so good, cyar’ika. My omega.”
You slump into the sheets, the burning dissipating for a moment so you can catch your breath and Din’s fingers dig into your hips. “Alpha. Maker, I need - I want you to knot me. Please. Fuck me hard.” You beg breathlessly.
“Yes, yes, my ‘mega can take it.” He growls proudly. “Take my cock and beg for more.” As he starts to thrust harder, it feels like he’s going to beat the bed through the wall, knocking the headboard against the panel with a loud clang every time he pushes deep.
“I can take it. I want more. Always want more. Please baby. Fuck me. Fuck me harder, Alpha.” You demand, your hands coming out to stop yourself from being squashed against the headboard.
He wants to bite you, to mark you as his even though no one would ever see your marks except him. His secret claim on you under your armor. His hisses out your name and manages to increase his frantic pace. “Fuck, fuck, Dank ferik.”
You whine his name, “Alpha. Oh Maker. You - it’s - oh shit. Shit. Shit.” You wail as you cum again, clamping down on his cock and gushing around him, feeling his knot starting to catch and you know he’s close. “Cum. Cum for me.” You beg breathlessly, reaching back to touch his hand on your hip.
Din collapses on top of you, Pushing you down to the bed, hips never stopping as he drives into you again and again. Fucking you into the bed as if that was his singular focus in life. “Gonna, gonna cum.” He grunts out, warning you. “K-knot you.”
“Do it. Fuck, I need it. Need it, Alpha.” You beg and he pushes deep just as his knot catches, his seed painting your walls with spurt after spurt. You whine in pleasure, feeling satisfied and you tilt your neck. “Make me yours, Din.”
The audible pop of his knot slipping into you releases a feral growl from deep in his chest. Unable to stop himself, his face turns towards your neck and his teeth sink into your scent gland. Marking you as his irrevocably.
You cum again from the pleasure of being tamed and from him knotting you. You sigh into the sheets when Din licks the mark he left on your skin. “I love you.” You confess, “even before I found out you’re my alpha. I’ve always loved you.” You confess with your eyes closed.
Din sighs softly and even though he could not pull away from you because of his knot, he wraps his arms around you to keep you close. “I had hoped the armorer would pair us together.” He confesses quietly. “That's why I let you join my crew.”
He shifts onto his side and you curl back into his chest, “whatever happens…it’s you and me and the kid. Even if we have to leave the covert. I would like to keep you, to keep you safe.” You promise him and he leans in to nuzzle your neck.
“Kar’ta.” He murmurs, feeling like he is complete for the first time since his nature was revealed. His other half is in his arms and he wants nothing more than to keep you there. “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome.” He whispers softly, wondering if you will repeat the wedding vows back to him. “Mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.”
You smile and squeeze his forearm. “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome. Mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.” You repeat back, turning your head to look at him, “riduur.” You whisper, kissing his jaw, “my riduur.”
“Riduur.” His spouse. You are married to him now, his - both by your nature and by your religion. “I will keep you and the child safe.” He vows, his hand sliding down to your stomach. “And any who follow.”
You kiss his lips softly, smiling against him as you place your hand over his on your stomach. “We will face whatever we need to face together. My riduur. My alpha. And when we are ready, I’ll happily have your children. Maybe we can settle on Navarro. Get a little cottage and live a peaceful life together.” You vocalize the dream you’ve had for years.
“That would be good.” He knows that it might never happen, but he wishes for it. “First we must finish our quest.” He hopes to find the armorer again and have you declared a clan of three. It will take some time, but you have time. Both of you have implants to prevent a child and his knotted cock twitches inside you as he thinks about filling you with his baby.
“Finish the quest.” You agree, “then we have the rest of our lives together. I love you, Din Djarin. My alpha.” You murmur, kissing his jaw again. “Whatever happens, we will face it together as mates. As partners.” You promise, unsure of the road ahead but you will be together, connected as one, and you will ensure the child’s safety. This is the way.
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decembermidnight · 6 months
Beskar and Pearls
Summary: Wearing the luxurious gift the Mandalorian gave you while accompanying him on a business trip turns out to be a pleasurable torture.
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader
Word count: 3.9k
Warnings: no plot - just smut, 18+ MDNI, teasing in public, Dom!Din, sub!reader, possessive!Din, lots of dirty talk, Din being a sexy arrogant asshole, glove kink, masculinity kink, humiliation kink, hair pulling, unprotected rough sex, mentions of exhibitionism kink, multiple orgasms, multiple creampies (wtf is a refractory period), a hint of overstimulation
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A/N: the most coherent thoughts I have while ovulating. I have no excuse. This is FILTHYYYY I hope you enjoy it! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!! Also a big thank you to @thefrogdalorian for making sure it's written in decent English and to @saradika-graphics for the perfect divider 💕
Masterlist - Read on Ao3
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The Mandalorian has just landed his ship on Nevarro after spending an entire month catching quarries in the outer rim. He has been away most of the time, but he made sure he'd make up for it every time he came back, too proud and stubborn to admit with words that he missed you, but demonstrating it by spoiling you with luxurious gifts and his body.
You look at him in reverential adoration as he dresses in his armour – a blend of his Mandalorian heritage and the many trophies he acquired from his victims, dark red in colour and dented after many close encounters with death.
He's just finished strapping weapons everywhere on his marvellous body when he addresses you.
“Hey. Got this for you. Wear it. We’re going to the market, I have some business to attend to,” Mando says as he hands you a small drawstring pouch he was hiding in his utility belt.
You immediately open it and its content leaves you speechless. It’s the sexiest piece of underwear you’ve ever seen – an expensive-looking black lace thong with just a string of pearls meant to go between your pussy lips.
If he wants you to wear it while in Nevarro, a lawless planet full of dangerous bounty hunters, you will wear it under the shortest skirt you have. The mere thought of his eyes glued to your ass, hoping to get a glimpse of it while being vigilant of other men at the same time, makes your head spin. You let out an aroused sigh and look at him, impassive as always behind the dark visor.
“That should keep you busy,” Mando chuckles and tilts his helmet.
You immediately wear it along with that short, flowy dress that also happens to be his favourite one on you.
“Let me see it,” he says as his hands grab you by the waist. He brings you closer to him and immediately lifts your skirt. He kneels before you and lets out a satisfied hum when he sees the tempting way the pearls disappear into your slit. The Mandalorian lingers there, dark visor trained on that heavenly view as his gloved hands caress your thighs. The sharp contrast between the coarse leather and your delicate, soft skin gives you a thrill of pleasure. You guess – you hope – the trip won’t take long.
His chestplate rises and falls as he struggles to catch his breath and maintain his composure at the sight of your perfect cunt dressed in pearls. It’s incredible to see how something so dainty could turn out to be so perverse and sinful.
“Come on. Let’s go now,” he says as he stands up. Now at his full height, his imposing figure resumes towering over yours. You admire him in awe, taking in the broadness of his body and the way his armour magnificently highlights it.
He offers you his hand to descend the ramp and as soon as you start walking, you understand why he said that it would keep you busy. With every step that you take, the pearls pleasurably rub against your clit. You can feel yourself getting wet already. There's an aroused expression on your face that Mando does not miss.
"Are you enjoying it?" he asks teasingly.
"Yes," you answer and bite your lip.
"Good,” you can hear how pleased he is seeing you like that after you’ve barely taken a few steps out of the ship. You know the thought of you being so aroused in public while having to control yourself is making him hard. You decide to play his game, see where this leads.
Mando is walking right behind you, strutting proudly as he stalks you like a hunter follows its prey. You feel his gaze trained on your butt, so you accentuate the swaying of your hips to get more friction from the pearls and to seduce him even further, hoping to get a reaction from him.
"Shake your ass as much as you want, you're not getting anything until I'm done here. You're only getting this scum to see how pretty you are. I like it," he slaps your ass and chuckles. You bite your lip to muffle a whimper.
"See the way they're looking at you? If they dare even think of touching you, their dead body will touch the ground before they lay one finger on you," he whispers in your ear as he grabs your hand and positions it over his blaster.
"You are mine," he growls in your ear as he wraps his other hand around your waist. He pulls you close, until the flustered, naked skin of your back touches his cold beskar chest plate. A thrill of excitement traverses your whole body and goes straight between your legs.
No one would be so stupid to touch you, not when a Mandalorian is claiming you as his, not when you can feel his erection against your ass. The whole thing is making you light-headed with arousal, so much that you start to shamelessly rub your ass against his cock. His hand tightens its grasp around your waist as your head rolls back to rest on his shoulder. You sigh in his neck and his hand trails up and wraps around your throat.
"Behave now," the Mandalorian growls as you feel his fingers tightening their grasp, trying to restrain himself from giving into lust already.
“I want you,” you whisper in his neck.
“I know,” he replies confidently before releasing you. What an arrogant motherfucker. You want to make him so hard he’ll want to bring you back to the ship and fuck your brains out, putting his desire for you before his stupid pride and his business. You want him to surrender to his carnal instinct.
The more steps you take, the more desperate you become for relief from this agonising, yet pleasurable torture. The pearls are stimulating your clit mercilessly, without ever getting you close to an orgasm. Your cunt spasms and clenches and what's worse is that he knows. Mando has spent so long quietly studying his bounties that he can tell by the irregular way you're breathing that you're struggling with the sensation. You bet he's enjoying every second of it, smirking under the helmet.
Just before entering the market area, he pulls you closer to him one more time, making you gasp.
"Now be quiet. You wouldn't want to fuck up my business. Be a good girl," he whispers softly in your ear as you feel his hand on your lower belly—close, so close to where you want him the most. Maker, he’s rock hard. You can feel it. You can’t think of anything else when his erection is pressing against your ass and his arm is tightly wrapped around your waist. He lets you go and you enter the market area together.
You try to divert your attention on whatever item they’re selling in the stands but it’s mostly weapons and things for bounty hunters that you couldn’t care less about. You can feel your arousal starting to drip down your legs, making your inner thighs slippery. Your swollen clit is pulsing and begging for attention, but Mando has been clear - you’ll get nothing until I'm done here, and you know nothing could make him change your mind, unless you play your cards right.
He grabs a seat in a beat-up wooden booth, his legs spread wide due to the massive erection trapped in his pants. There is an undeniable air of confidence and arrogance to him when he sits like this, looking so imposing and authoritative. You wish you could just drop to your knees and please him in any way he wants.
"Be my good pretty whore and sit here," Mando invites you to sit on his thigh and you immediately comply. You're so damn wet, you can't keep your legs closed.
"Hmm? Sitting here like this with your legs spread open? Do you want everyone to see your pretty cunt? Better let them know to whom this belongs, don't you think?" he coos in your ear with his husky voice. He knows you're both perfectly concealed and no one could see what's going on under that table. He's doing that just to prove a point—that you belong to him.
You nod mindlessly as his hand cups your cunt and stays there, still, without moving.
"Mando. Mando I need–" you whisper in his neck in a trembling voice.
"Oh. I know," he says, pleased when he sees how flustered you're getting. "Not yet," he growls as one of his gloved fingers trails your slit. He stops right before your clit, making you whimper and grip his arm tight in response. You dig your nails in his flightsuit as he feels how unbelievably wet you are.
"Hey. Behave now," he whispers as a Rodian approaches the booth and takes a seat, greeting him with a nod of his head. He immediately hands Mando a puck.
You have no idea what they’re talking about – you can't focus on anything else apart from the way Mando’s gloved hand holds the puck. You look at his fingers with pure lust, thinking of them touching your clit, pumping inside your cunt, the coarse leather caressing your skin. 
You let your hand trail on his inner thigh and he stays surprisingly calm, not flinching one bit as your fingertips slowly slide higher, until they finally meet his cock. He is so unbelievably hard, you feel him throbbing underneath your fingers as you trail them all over his length. The Mandalorian won't betray any emotion, which turns you on even more. He's perfectly calm and collected on the outside, but you bet he'd love to throw you on that table and bury himself in you.
As soon as the Rodian hands Mando a handful of credits as an advance, he leaves.
"Please. Please, I need you," you whisper in his neck.
"I'm not done here. Be patient."
The throbbing need between your legs causes you to ache so badly that you don’t notice another man has approached and taken a seat until he begins speaking with the Mandalorian.
They're speaking in a foreign language, and Mando’s interlocutor does not seem happy. Judging by their tones of voice and gestures, they appear to be negotiating the fee for Mando collecting a certain bounty that the man needs capturing and he is displeased that Mando commands a high price. You’ve learnt over the time you’ve spent with the Mandalorian that there's not much room for negotiation with him. He has leverage since he's regarded as being the best bounty hunter in the outer rim. The way he speaks is so confident, it makes you even wetter how he does not lose composure while the other man is basically yelling at him. 
He starts running his thumb on the string of pearls digging in your slit, feeling how wet you are for him as he keeps talking to his client while you're sitting in his lap, doing nothing but looking pretty. You're his slut and he wants everyone to know it, but you have to act cool even as he teases you under the table. You have to control the way you breathe, you can't let even the smallest whimper out. Why is this so hot? Why is he so hot?
In the end, the man hands him a hefty amount of credits and rises from the table with a huff, muttering and cursing as he goes.
"Please, take me back to the ship and fuck me. I won't ask for anything else, please," you whisper sensually in the crook of his neck.
"I'm not done here," he tries to appear impassive, but as soon as you resume your touching between his legs, he jerks slightly. You smirk, satisfied.
"Mando…" you trace the outline of his cock with your fingers, feeling how hard his erection is while purring in his neck. His pants are thick, but as you stop right at the tip, drawing circles on it with your fingertips, you can feel the fabric getting slightly damp.
“You’re so hard…” you sigh sensually as you keep rubbing his cock. You hear a choked grunt from him, now that he can’t focus on his job anymore, now that he’s at the mercy of your teasing. You’re so tempting, acting so shameless in public, the thrill of someone noticing the two of you drives him insane and you know it. You’re finally getting your revenge. You can bet he's close to losing control. Mando is twitching in his pants, his breathing getting heavier and heavier...
"Fuck it." He grabs you by the arm and you rush out of the market and back to the ship.
The Mandalorian doesn't even wait for the ramp to close behind him to bend you over the first crate he finds, kicking your legs open with his feet and freeing his throbbing erection. His gloved hands run up your skirt and position themselves around your hips, keeping you steady for him as he slams into you all at once. He meets no resistance from your drenched cunt whatsoever, leaving you breathless as you exhale in a loud moan. You're crushed between the crate and his beskar body, pleasurably forced to take his thick cock. You're only able to let out ragged groans and clamp tightly around him as he finally gives it to you just like you wanted.
"You. Fucking whore. Couldn't wait for me to finish my business. Wanted this dick so much, hm? Are you happy now?!" his thrusts are furious and relentless, his hips crushing your body against the crate with a devastating force. The angle at which he's hitting you is deep, so deep that you can't even prop yourself up on your shaky elbows. You're just getting brutally fucked without dignity.
"You get so disobedient when you want this cock. Maybe I should just tie you up and gag you?"
You can't even mumble words, too absorbed by the feeling of his cock thrusting inside of you, so aroused at the idea of him using your body for his pleasure.
"You're so wet. Damn. It must have been such a torture, right? To be so wet and turned on? Hearing you beg like that made me so fucking hard. Feel it. Feel what you do to me," he rasps as he rails you deep and hard.
The way the pearls are rubbing against your clit and the perfect rhythm of his thrusts are driving you close to the edge already.
"Mando, Mando, I'm–" you can barely mumble as you helplessly drag your hands against the crate.
"Yeah. Come. Seems like it's the only thing that will make you obedient. You wanted it so much, you can have as many as you want today."
'Thank you, thank you, tha–" your blissful chant is abruptly cut as the orgasm takes control over your body. Your cunt clenches hard around his thick cock and your legs jerk uncontrollably, barely touching the ground as he keeps you still and never stops drilling into you as you ride your high. The pleasure is so intense, it leaves you breathless as your cunt keeps involuntarily spasming around him in aftershock. You're panting against the metal crate beneath you, overwhelmed and reduced to a trembling, feeble mess, the coldness of it is a relief against the hot, flustered skin of your body that won't stop begging for him.
"Is this what you wanted, hm? For me to stop everything I was doing to come here and take care of you? Needy girl. You desperately wanted attention, hm?"
You can only mumble in assent, feeling the way he takes out his rage on you.
"Bet you would've let me fuck you in a dirty fucking alley if I wanted to."
"Y-yes–" you reply in a breathy groan, drenching yourself at the mere thought.
"What a slut. What if someone heard you screaming like that? What if someone heard how wet this pussy is when I fuck it? Fuck, you're dripping!"
For a man who barely speaks in normal circumstances, he sure does like to run his mouth when he's buried deep inside of you.
"Yeah. I bet you'd like it if someone saw me fucking you like the slut that you are," he pants and you start whimpering and clamping around him at the idea.
"I knew it. You're such a whore. But you are mine, and I won't let anyone hear these pretty moans and see this perfect cunt. They belong to me. To me," he growls.
"Yes – yes. I fuck–ing b-belong to you," you repeat mindlessly.
"Does it get this much to get you this wet? Just a string of pretty pearls? Looking so fucking good. So fucking good. Are you enjoying it?"
"Yes, Mando!"
"Shit, you're so tight. You're making me come," he says in a broken voice. His thrusts get erratic, as does his breathing "This cunt is so perfect, so fucking perfect," he emphasises the very last word before bursting, spilling hot and wet inside of you in a ragged groan, whining at how good it feels. His muscles tense and he gets rigid behind you, his head rolling back in pleasure.
"Oh, fuck! You're so hot. Spill all of your cum inside of me. Like this, yes!" you cry and start touching your clit, so turned on at the sight and feeling of his orgasm.
The sounds he makes as he comes are the hottest ones you have ever heard. The infamous Mandalorian – stoic, imposing and menacing – is getting lost in the overwhelming pleasure you’re offering him. Your drenched, tight pussy is making that dangerous warrior crumble. You’re so aroused, you need more.
"Please, please don't stop fucking me!" you dare asking him.
"I won't," he grunts as he keeps burying his dick deep, so deep inside of you.
"Don't stop. Don't stop. Oh, fuck, I need you to fuck me harder, please!" you plead as you feel his cum starting to drip down your hole. "Maker, please!" you say as you start frantically slapping and rubbing your clit as you hear the obscene, sloppy sounds of his cock thrusting in and out of you, of his hips slamming against your ass.
"I won't stop. Fuck, I want more. I can't stop. You drive me fucking insane!" he growls, resembling a wild beast, completely overwhelmed by lust. You feel his cock still pulsing inside of you as you get even wetter.
"Look at this perfect cunt. You're so full of my cum, damn, you can't ever get enough of it, can you? Fucking cum slut. Look what you make me do. Just came inside of you but I can't stop fucking this perfect cunt. You want to drain me. Are you proud of yourself, hm? Making me so fucking hard in public and teasing me like the whore that you are."
"Fuck, yes, I'm your whore. Your slave. I'm so close, please–" you mutter deliriously while your fingers and the pearls are rubbing against your clit in a wet, nasty mess of your fluids and his cum. You come hard around him once again, strangling his spent, sensitive cock in your tight grasp and hear him grunting, his grip on your hips tightens and his whole body jerks, but he really can’t have enough.
"Yeah. Yeah. Come on my fucking cock, whore. Let me feel it." he encourages you, gritting those words between his teeth, fighting his own oversensitivity, so addicted to the way you feel around him.
He doesn't stop fucking you, not even after your orgasm. He keeps railing you relentlessly. You bring your hand to your mouth and suck your fingers, tasting the bitterness of his cum blended with the slightly salty taste of your fluids on your tongue. Its taste is addicting, the scent heady and intoxicating in the best way possible.
"You taste so good, Mando. We taste so good together," you drawl, overwhelmed by pleasure.
"Yeah, I bet we do," he grabs a handful of your hair and pulls it to lift your head up, giving it to you even harder, making your eyes roll back in your head. You are screaming, completely entranced by the way his cock is still pumping hard inside of you.
"So damn loud. You like being fucked like this, hm?"
He hits even harder from this angle, keeping you nice and still for him to use as he pleases. You're so busy screaming that you can't even reply to him.
"Yeah. Scream as loud as you want. Let me hear how much you want it. I like it."
You can feel his cum dripping down your legs with every thrust, hearing the sloppy, squelching sounds your bodies make. Mando can't even restrain himself anymore, he’s moaning and sighing at how much he's enjoying it. Your cunt is spasming around him, turned on at the way he sounds.
"You like it, hm? To reduce me like this?" he says in between thrusts.
The truth is that yes, you do. You love making the Mandalorian falter with your teasing, making him so desperate and boiling with lust, he has to leave business to fuck you hard, so hard that any coherent thought leaves your mind. You love it when you can feel the man under all that beskar, when he makes you feel like the most important and beautiful thing in the galaxy.
"Yeah, you do," he answers himself as he slows his rhythm, slipping out of you completely only to slowly bury himself inside of you to the hilt, enjoying the view and feeling of his cock entering into your cunt dripping with his cum.
You bite your lip to muffle your screams just to hear him moaning and sighing as he feels the welcoming warmth of your cunt.
“Mando. Mando, please,” you beg as you feel your legs impatiently shaking as his shaft rubs that perfect spot inside of you with each thrust.
“Harder. Please?” you beg, subjugated by that perfect teasing.
He slams into you so deeply that you feel it pulsing against your cervix.
“What? Like this? Hm?” he says as he starts to jackhammer you.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes,” you chant as you resume touching your clit.
“Greedy whore. Ready for another one? I'm not stopping.”
“Mmmm,” you can only reply as you feel another wave of overwhelming pleasure approaching.
You hear him panting as he gives you a few more violent, deep thrusts, driving you over the edge one more time.
“Yeah. Take it – fucking t-take–” he grunts when he feels your walls clenching around his cock, your orgasm pushing him over the edge, too.
A loud, violent snarl rips through his lips as he comes, filling you with his white, thick load once again. The grip of his hands around your hips turns to steel, your eyes roll up so high all you can see is pitch black as he keeps pumping his cock into you as you both ride your high. The feeling completely obliterates you, turning your body and mind into a helpless, exhausted mess.
A huge, satisfied grin forms on your face as you feel him slowly slip out of you and his cum starts dripping down your cunt and legs.
“Good work," he pants "now be a good girl and wait for me while I go back there. Don’t move one muscle and maybe we will pick up where we left off,” he says as he tucks his spent cock in his cum stained pants, not giving a shit about it, looking at the mess he made of you, disrupted and leaking with his seed. Wrecked, used, marked. His.
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Din Djarin X Reader: Guilty Pleasure
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Warnings: not proof read, smut, penetration (p in v), fingering, hand job, cream pie, pet names, touch starved, cursing, kissing, no use of yn
Word count: 2K
He’s trying not to look. He really is but you're not making it easy. 
Maker, it isn’t your fault he finds you irresistible. 
Here you are innocently helping him fix his ship and all he can think about is how it would feel to fuck you from behind. It’s been going on for weeks now. Every time you bend down, your ass coming into his view, Mandos mind seems to venture to sinful thoughts. He didn’t know why it’d started, you'd been with him for months now and even though he’d realized he had a thing for you days ago he’d only recently started to see you in this new light. A light that made him feel like his pants were too tight and made his breath become uneven.
“Kriffing metal piece of-shit!”
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s a part that needs replacing.”
“You can’t fix it?”
“No, it's completely rusted. Not a surprise though. When was the last time you put some oil on this thing?”
In all honesty Mando had no idea the compartment you were currently tinkering with existed much less that he needed to oil it. You took his silence as an answer, shaking your head.
“Well, lucky for us there is a shop in town that deals in ship parts. They should have what we need.”
The two of you walked through the crowded town. Dins hand rested on his blaster, eyes looking around for any signs of trouble. You held the new part you purchased in your hand. The owner of the shop had asked for a fair price and to your surprise the piece was in rather good condition. You glanced to the side, eyes catching on a small shop. You didn’t notice the person walking towards you until their shoulder bumped into yours. You stumbled your hand releasing the part you held. It fell to the ground with a dull thud. You bent down to get it.
Mando had been too focused on a sketchy looking man to notice you’d stopped walking. His body collided into yours, his hands instinctively moved to hold onto your frame. Mandos' eyes widened beneath his helmet as he realized the position he now found himself in. His hands rested on your hips keeping you steady. You were bent forward, your ass pushed against his groin. By some force of nature Din had found himself in the exact position he’d been thinking about for the past few days. 
In the middle of a crowded street. 
In front of a bunch of strangers. 
Mando didn’t touch you often. He usually avoided coming in contact with your body when possible. So when you felt his grip on your hips you froze. Your head turned to the side, eyes moving up Mandos body until they reached his helmet. Mando started at your shocked expression. He should have let you go already but he couldn’t move. You turned your attention back to the part grabbing it in your hand. Once it was securely in your palm you slowly started to rise. Mandos' hands remained glued to you as you moved. You finally managed to get upright and you immediately regretted it.
You could feel his body pressed against yours. A small sigh left your lips at the feeling. Maker it had been so long since you’d been this close to someone.  Beneath his helmet Mando shut his eyes taking a deep breath in. You felt so soft against him. Your body was a warm contrast against the chilled metal that constantly surrounded him. His fingers flexed against your skin digging into the meat of your hips. You let out a sharp intake of breath. The noise made Mando open his eyes. He watched you rest your head against his shoulder blade, your eyes closed and lips slightly parted. You’d exposed your neck to him and the only thing he could think about was sinking his teeth into you. Mando called out your name causing you to furrow your brows before opening your eyes slowly. You tilted your head slightly so that you could stare at the T shape of his visor. You should have been embarrassed, maybe even a little ashamed, of how you were behaving but you weren't. You’d longed for Din’s touch for a long time and now that you had it, you weren’t going to waste your time worrying about it. You were going to savor this moment. No matter how little it lasted. 
“We have to get out of here.”
Mandos' modulated voice sounded strange. He sounded like he’d just ran a mile. It was then that you realized you had the same effect on him that he had on you.
Mando struggled to center himself as he dragged you towards the crowd. You stumbled after him, your hand grasping him tightly as you tried to keep up with his speed. You’d passed two motels on the way and it had taken everything inside Mando to not rent a room and get you naked as fast as possible. But he didn’t want to seem that desperate so he shook the thoughts out of his head.
You were getting close to the ship now, just a little bit longer and you’d get to feel him again.
Din smashed his hand against the hull's panel, a growl escaping his lips as he waited for the door to open all the way. Once it did, he dragged you inside the ship. You placed the part on top of a counter quickly turning to face Mando once more. You watched him slam his fist into the inside panel, making the door close again before he spun to look at you. You stare at him, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you wait for him to do something. Mandos' hands moved to his armor tugging at the metal desperately. 
“Help me cyar'ika.”
You rushed over to him, your own hand tugging at the beskar that covered him. For the first time you were looking at him without his armor and even with his flight suit still on you could see everything. Mando moved forward, stepping away from the pile of metal and making his way to you. His arms wrapped around your frame tugging you into his body. You gasped at the feeling of him. Unlike his armor he was incredibly warm and soft. You sighed into him, your head moving to rest against his neck. Mando groped you ass making you squeal. 
“Ah Din!”
He loved the way his name sounded coming out of your lips. You felt his hands move towards your front. You moaned as he stroked your clothed cunt with his fingers. Your hands moved to his head trying to grasp onto his hair only to remember he was still using his helmet. Din seemed to sense the disappointment in your body, his fingers stopping his teasing. His other hand made its way to your face, tugging your chin up so that you were looking at his visor. Your pupils were blown wide and your face was slightly flushed. Din smiled under his helmet. Maker if this is how you reacted to his fingers he wondered how you would look after he’d bent you over and fucked you stupid. 
“Tell me what you want.”
“Saw you pouting about something. What is it?”
You bit into your lip. The truth is you wanted to see his face but you couldn’t ask him for that. You respected his allegiance to the Mandalore and his beliefs far too much to be that selfish but you really wanted to be able to feel him properly. You wanted to kiss and and hear his unfiltered grunts as he fucked you.
‘Mesha’la. Tell me what you want.”
“You can't give me what I want.”
“How can you know that if you didn’t even ask me for it?”
“I want to kiss you.”
Mandos' body stiffens at your words, his hand resting on your cheek as he tries to think about what you’d just said. You move against him taking a step back. 
“It’s okay i know you can’t it was stupid to-”
“Close your eyes.”
You stopped walking backwards, your mouth opening and closing as you tried to think of something to say. Mando tilts his head to the side and despite not saying anything you know what he’s asking. You do as he asked, eyes closing. You hear the hiss of his helmet being released and you almost stop breathing. Mando makes his way over to you, his hand finding your cheek once more.
“Promise to keep them closed.”
His voice sounds majestic without the modulator.
“I promise.”
“Good girl.”
Before you can even respond his lips are on yours. You groan into his mouth, your tongue darting out to ask him for entrance. He understands your request, his lips opening to let you in. Your tongues move together. The kiss isn't pretty, it's visceral. Your hands grab onto any part of Din you can and he does the same to you. You're so lost in the taste of him you barely register the fact that he's pulled your pants down to your ankles. It's only when you feel his fingers against your pussy that you realize your bareness. Din bites into your shoulder as he pistols his fingers into you. You melt into his hands latching onto his curls as you moan. His name leaves your lips like a prayer and he swears he’ll never forget the sound. 
“Din pleasee.”
“What is it mesha’la? What do you want?”
“I need you inside Din-ugh ah- wanna feel you.”
“Fuck cyar'ika.”
He spins you around so fast that you almost fall to the ground. You brace yourself against the cold wall, brows furring as you listen to Mando unzip his flight suit. 
“Give me your hand.”
You lift your hand to Dins face. He licks a strip down your palm before maneuvering your arm to twist downwards. A gasp leaves your lips as you feel his dick against your hand. You begin stroking him and he moans.
“Yeah just like that fuck.”
He lets you stroke him a bit before pulling your hand away. You whine at the lack of contact.
“I thought you wanted me inside.”
“I do.”
“Can’t be inside you if i’m fucking your hand mesha’la.”
It sounds strange to hear such dirty words coming out of Din's mouth. You like it though. You wonder what noises he’ll make when he’s balls deep in you. The thought makes you nudge your ass against him. Mando gets the massage. His toys with you a bit, sliding his dick against your folds for a moment before plugging in. The sound that leaves your lips isn’t natural. Din groans into your neck as your walls flutter around him.
“Move please Din move.”
He started rocking into you slowly. Your hands move against the cold wall, trying to find something to grab onto but coming on empty. You throw your hand behind your head searching for Dins curls. Once you find them you latch your fingers onto his scalp tugging at him as he pistols into you. You can hear your knees bainging against the wall as Din fucks you, you’re sure to wake up with bruises tomorrow but you don’t care. You focus on the grunt Din lets out as his dick spears into you. He’s a lot more vocal than you’d imagined. 
“Din i’m close…”
“Me to just a little more-ugh fuck me-a little more.”
Dins hands trail against your hips moving to your front. His fingers search for your clit moving expertly against the bud. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you cum. Din feels you milking his cock the feeling of your walls sucking him in making his hips sputter. His pace fastens and pretty soon he's filling you with his seed. You slump against the wall body sagging as your energy drains out of you. Din rests his head against the metal hull, his breathing coming unsteady. The two of you stay like that for a moment each one trying to come back to reality. 
“I’m never oiling any part of this ship again.”
You laugh at Dins words, head turning to give him a kiss. 
“Maybe i’ll have to start dropping stuff in front of you more often.”
“Don’t tempt me mesha’la. I’ll fuck you on every surfess of this ship if you let me.”
“Oh yeah? That a threat or a promise?”
“Guess you’ll have to find out.”
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iwassupremacy · 7 months
Good Girl
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Sawamura Daichi x f reader
Summary: your whole life all you ever wanted to be was faithful and pure. Saving yourself for marriage to honor God and your Family. You would never give in to any kind of sin. At least that’s what you thought. Until one day you met him. He was so gentle and so loving and so so… dirty. How did you get into this mess?!
Warnings: smut, safe sex, aged up characters, softdom!Daichi, sub!reader, inexperienced!reader, virgin!reader, first time, crisis of faith, blasphemy (kinda), reader has mommy issues, lots of praise, also lots of begging, petnames, nipple play, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, big dick Daichi, penetration, mentions of multiple orgasms, Daichi’s a consensual king!!
Let me know if I missed anything.
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You left church in your floaty white dress. It was a little too short for your liking, so you felt a little bad all through the service but it was such a hot summer day that you just had to make a little exception.
You thought to yourself that it for sure won’t be a problem since you’ve been so good all your life. As long as your mother didn’t see it would be fine. For her you just never tried hard enough. Never were good enough. But you had God. So who else would you even need to be truly happy, right?
“C’mon babyyy, you’re gonna love it! I just know it. The music will be soo good. And if it makes you feel any better I will be driving, so we both won’t be drinking. Even though, I have to say, I think it won’t kill you to have a shot or something and a little fun here and there. I’m sure Jesus will forgive you.” your best friend tried to convince you, once again.
She does this every second Friday of every month since every second Saturday they would play your favorite music at her favorite club.
You never understood why it was so important to her for you to get so close to potentially dinning. She called it fun.
You called it temptation. Alcohol wasn’t really a sin in itself. It was rather what could come from drinking it.
“I’m not seeking anyone’s forgiveness. I don’t want to give God a reason to have to forgive me.” You never once in your life even had to confess.
“Whatever. Please come? I am begging you!”
Most of the time you said no, so it really surprised you that she never gave up.
She was just so persistent.
“Okay I’ll go. Under one condition. You don’t ask me for at least three months.”
Most of the time you said no. Not every time. Maybe one of the reasons why she never stopped asking.
“I am so not wearing this. Not a chance.” You looked at the tiny blue dress your best friend held in her hands. Not only was it way to short but it was also very tight. You had seen it on her before and it was beautiful but just too revealing for the way you were raised.
“C’mon don’t be such a prude! You’d look so hot and… if I can say. Fuckable. Not that you have to fuck but you’d certainly not pay ANYTHING tonight.”
“Stop it. I’m not being a prude, I just have my beliefs and values. So I would like to wear this please. What’s wrong with this?”
She looked down on you raising her eyebrows and sighing. “Nothing’s wrong. It’s cute I guess. Just not for a club. You look like you’re gonna sell me a house or something.”
She probably had a point. You were wearing a pencil skirt and a blouse after all.
“Okay so I have a few tricks up my sleeve that would make you look like you just got of off work and went to the club right after. Sexy but still formal. What do you say?”
You gave in. She had to have her fun every once in a while. You too were so different that most of the time it surprised you she was even friends with you. “Okay let’s do it.”
“It looks… good. I’m actually surprised. Thank you.”
“I knew you would like it! Ah I am a genius.” she said in a sing sang voice.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. The first three buttons of your blouse were opened which was just enough to expose your collarbones but not your cleavage. Your hair was pinned up messily. Just as if it once was sleek and fell apart because you were at work or generally doing something.
You looked down. Your skirt was at knee length and even though you purposefully picked it it just didn’t fit the vibe.
You sighed. She’s gonna love this you thought.
“Do you have a mini skirt? Or, i don‘t know, a pencil skirt that’s a little shorter than mine? I don’t like the way this looks.“
She let out a little squeak of excitement. „Yes! I have the perfect skirt for you.“
Pulling on the black denim skirt the third time in 10 minutes you wondered what you were thinking agreeing to this. Sure you went to the club before but never in anything this revealing. Your thighs were out!
At least it covers my ass for all I know…
“10$ and ID please.” you did as you were told by the security and after getting through you were immediately introduced by the smell of sweat and alcohol, naked bodies and loud music.
“I’m gonna get myself a drink and a hot man to pay. You should do the same! Or should I bring you a coke later on?” She screamed over the sound of hips don’t lie.
“I’ll be fine go and have fun!”
It was kinda always like this which was one of the many reasons why you didn’t understand why she needed you to come with her in the first place.
Of course you danced together and she would never leave without you but the first two hours you were without an exception always alone.
That was the time where she found herself any good looking young man to flirt with and get drunk without paying.
Sometimes she even made out with these men but it rarely happened.
Later she always came back to you very tipsy and you guys danced the night away until your feed hurt.
Of course her understanding of dancing the night away was very different from yours but so far that was never a problem.
You had different lifestyles but deep down the same morals and values which is what was most important.
“Can I?”
Your had quickly turned around and collapsed with the hard chest of a tall man.
Out of reflex he put his hand on your waist which caused you to jump and immediately take two steps back.
You stared at him a little too long for your liking. But he was just so gorgeous. Sharp jaw line, short black hair with an undercut, subtle hint of a beard and oh so many muscles.
„I asked you if I you could let me pass. I kinda need to get to the bar my friend is hitting on a random woman. Again.“
You blinked just now finding a way back to reality.
„Yes! Sorry!“
Quickly you took a step aside.
The stranger chuckled. „Don’t worry. It’s not that important. He just can be very- persistent.“
You couldn’t help but take a look at the bar. Only spotting your best friend who already held her first drink of the night in her hand and was sitting dangerously close to a young man with greyish hair.
Tonight there would be a little make out session. You could already tell.
„Who‘s your friend?“ you asked still not looking back at him.
Suddenly he was really close. His hand on your back, right between your shoulders, his head next to yours. You could literally feel this strange man everywhere.
For some reason it didn’t bother you. In your eyes he was still very polite about it.
„See him over there? Right next to the girl in pink.“
Now you looked at him. More shocked than anything else though.
„Gray hair?“
„Yes gray hair. Why‘re you so surprised? He‘s not that old.“ the man laughed
„Ohh yeah I‘m sure of that.“ you let out a child like giggle. „The girl in pink is my best friend. So no need to worry. I bet she hit on him first.“
He let out a loud laugh and looked at you. “Then these two belong together I suppose, hm.” His expression suddenly changed to something way more serious and he said:
“Maybe you and I belong together as well. I believe in fate, do you, sweetheart?” His voice was so deep and his aura so masculine that it made you feel all shy.
“And then he said don’t take it the wrong way as if he didn’t just say the most vile thing to my face!” Daichi, you found out that was his name right after the two of you decided to spend the rest of the night together, chuckled. “It’s interesting what you call vile. At least to me it’s rather a statement than an insult.”
You gulped looking at your empty glass. “He called me fuckable. In the presence of my mother and father. It’s disrespectful.”
“It’s true.” You chocked looking at him in disbelief. Did he just call you fuckable?! “Wouldn’t’ve said it in front of your family, of course. But it’s true nonetheless.”
You felt his eyes peering into your soul. Staring you down as if he waited for you to say something. Do something. Instead you stood up. “I need- I’m going to get a new soda. See ya.” And then you left him behind. Feeling his eyes following your every move.
When you came back Daichi was on his phone, seemingly not paying any more thought to what had just happened. Being a gentleman man once again, he put his phone down, the moment he noticed you. Smiling at you in a calming manner. As if he senses your unsure demeanour.
“What is it with you?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” You frowned.
“There’s something about you. Something I can’t explain. You seem so- pure? But not childlike. Mature and confident. But still shy and bashful when talking about sex or alcohol. You’ve surely done those things, right? I mean you must be my age. Everyone has done those things by now.”
You blushed. You fricking blushed. Not once in your life were you ever embarrassed of your inexperience and most definitely not about the reason why. But now. Now you were. Not embarrassed by your religion or its beliefs of course, but by your lack of a response. Instea you started to stutter like a child. He interrupted your little stammer of words.
“You’re a virgin. Aren’t you?” You chocked on your spit. Quickly trying to gain back some semblance of confidence. “I am, yes. I don’t see any shame in that.”
“No, no, you’re right. There isn’t. It just surprises me. What are you waiting for? The one?” He let out a unbelievable loud laugh. As if that was the most ridiculous thought he’d ever thought about.
“Marriage, actually. I am very religious, you know. That’s also why I haven’t been drinking tonight.” He looked at you, eyes wide open. Mouth lightly agape. Now it was you who laughed, even if only quietly.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to- I didn’t want to disrespect you or your beliefs. I- god this is embarrassing. I’m sorry. Really.”
“It’s okay. You couldn’t have known. I know there aren’t many religious people who actually live it all out. Doesn’t bother me of course, everyone should have the right to do as they want. I just chose this way.”
“Did you, though? Or did your family tell you it was the only right way?” He asked suddenly being very close. His hot breath fanning over the side of your face. You gulped.
“They did teach me many things of course. Especially my mother. Like that alcohol is only for special occasions, we only ever drink wine when I’m at church for example. Or that I am to cover myself to a certain level. My body shall only be seen by my future husband. She also taught me sex isn’t for pleasure. It’s an act of love-“ he turned your face towards him with two fingers. Staring at you. “and- and-”
“And?” He raised his eyebrows, smirking.
“And it should be intimately, with my future husband only. To make- a family. A woman shouldn’t-“ his finger carefully touched your lower lip, pulling it down a little. You took a deep breath. Taking his wrist and removing his hand from your face.
“A woman shouldn’t give herself away to just anybody.”
He nodded slowly. Still looking at you intensely. “And I get that. One question though. Did they tell this to the men too? You have a brother, right? You told me so. Does he have to safe himself for marriage? Is he allowed to give himself away whenever he likes or does he have to cover his body and wait for his wife to come along and make love to him intimately to make a family? Answer me and if the answer pleases me I’ll leave you be.”
You sighed. Truthfully you’ve thought about this before. Especially when you were younger and had a little crisis of faith. You’d pushed it down though. This is how it was to be. Him out there and you in church.
“No. He doesn’t. But that doesn’t matter he’s a-“ Daichi interrupted you. “Of course he doesn’t. He’s a man. He gets to fuck whom ever he likes, whenever he likes. No, sweetheart, this doesn’t satisfy me.”
Was he angry? For you? Or for himself?
“You only say this because you want to fuck me. You said it yourself. I’m fuckable.”
“Maybe. But maybe it’s bold of you to assume that and I actually only feel empathy towards you.”
He again placed two fingers on your chin, making you look at him. He leaned in, until his mouth was right next to your ear. He whispered now. “But you’re right. I wanna fuck you. Wanna fuck you real good. Make you feel things you could only dream of feeling. Make you cum as many times as your body can handle. And then tomorrow I wanna take you on a real date. Spoil you rotten and treat you like you deserve. Wanna make you feel like a real woman. Not a little girl in a golden cage. Though I would like to cage you like this.”
He pressed against your body with his until you whimpered and had nowhere to hide. “Would you like that, sweetheart? Hm? You can tell me, no one can hear us. Your mother can’t hear you when you’re with me.”
Your breath sped up, your hands subconsciously grabbing Daichis shoulders, squeezing them. It was all too much. You felt so overwhelmed. “I don’t know. I don’t know what I want. That never mattered. I never mattered.”
Slowly he moved back, synchronously moving his hand from your chin to your cheek, wiping your tears away. You didn’t even realise that you were crying.
“‘M sorry. It’s just not that easy for me. I know you’re technically right. I just- I’ve been raised this way. I’ve learned I’ll go to hell any other way.”
You started crying even more and he wiped away every single tear, letting you cry in silence until there were no more tears and he kissed your forehead.
“I know, baby. I know.” The petnames made your heart flutter. You’ve never had someone call you anything other than your name. Except for your best friend, but that was different from this.
Speaking of. Daichis head turned from you to your friends, still sitting at the bar, flirting and occasionally making out.
“Tell me, do you think, she’ll go to hell?” His head turned back to you, frowning.
You frowned along with him. “What? No! Of course not. She’s such a kind hearted person with a warm soul who loves and cares for everyone around her. She’s just got different morals than I do. She’d never go to hell. She’s too good for that.”
Daichi smiled. Cute he thought. The way you were talking about her.
“But she’s done all those things. She’s had sex. She drinks. She’s drunk right now! She dresses revealing. Hm? She does all those things. Why don’t you?”
You sighed again, staring to become a headache. Shaking your head you leaned into him, putting your forehead on his chest. You’ve never been so close to a stranger, especially not a man. But there was something about him that made you feel safe. “I don’t know. I really don’t know.”
Daichi put his hand on the back of your head, slowly unpinning your hair and running his fingers through it. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll stop talking about it now. I promise.”
For the rest of the night Daichi and you got back to talking about more meaningless stuff, laughed and got to know each other better.
You learned that he used to play volleyball in Highschool and that some of his former teammates are on the national team now and that he knows and meets most of the regularly, but he just continued it as a hobby and is now a policeman.
After the exhausting talk earlier, you decided, one drink would be fine. You needed it.
At first you wanted to go get a glass of wine at which Daichi just laughed. “You won’t get any wine in a place like this, sweetheart. But don’t worry, I know what to get you.”
He came back five minutes later with another beer for himself and a cocktail for you. Sex on the beach. The irony. You shook your head, laughing, but drinking it anyway.
One cocktail quickly turned into two and now you were feeling much better. A little lightheaded, but better.
After a few more hours your best friend and her company, Sugawara, finally decided to grace you with their presence. They were very drunk, but also very happy. Holding hands and giggling at each other. You smiled. It’a been a while since you’ve seen her like this.
“We’ve just realised- you’re our best friends! This guy is Sugawaras best friend and Y/N, you’re my besssst- friend! And you’ve met- and we have too!” Your best friend slurred, hiccuping several times.
Daichi laughed, patting Sugawara on the back. “Nice that you’ve come to realise that as well. Come on.” He took your hand. Your best friend gasped, but you glared at her, so she didn’t say anything. “Let’s get a cap, hm?”
The taxi driver drove to Sugawaras place first, your best friend leaving the car with him without ang explanation. As if they agreed on this long before they came back to you.
Daichi and you looked at each other, laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Until the taxi driver looked back at you. “Where to, next?”
The car suddenly got really quiet. “Come with me to my place. We won’t have to do anything except watch a movie and go to sleep. I was serious before. I wanna take you out tomorrow. And I wanna spend the night with you.” Daichi said.
You blushed. “Okay. I’ll come.”
Daichi opened the door to his apartment, carefully placing his hand on your back and leading you inside. You felt wobbly. The alcohol had just hit even more. So he made sure to steady you. “You okay?”
“Yea. I’m sorry. Just not used to more than a glass of wine.”
“That’s okay. I feel light headed too. Once we’re sleeping it’ll wear off. I’ll bring you water.”
While he was away, you got rid of your uncomfortable shoes. Staring at him moving in the kitchen. He was so tall and muscular. Fuck. You wanted him so bad.
So when he came back, you didn’t drink his water. Instead you set it aside and stepped closer to him. Until you were so close, you had to look up at him. As if out of instinct his hands landed on your waist.
“Daichi.” You whispered. Putting your hands on his shoulders. He didn’t say anything, instead he pulled you in even closer so that your chest touched his. “Daichi, please.”
“What is it, sweetheart? Tell me.” He squeezed your waist and you bit your lips.
“Please take me. I- I want you. Please.” You didn’t know where this sudden urge came from, just a few hours ago, you didn’t even so much as touch yourself and now you were begging a stranger to fuck you. but he stirred something inside you and it made you feel so good. So special.
“That’s the alcohol talking, Y/N. You will regret this in the morning.” Still he didn’t step back as if he wait for you to convince him. So you did.
“I might. But Daichi, you’ve been so understanding and kind. I- I don’t think I want to do this with anyone but you. You can lead me through this and if I regret it in the morning, I feel you’re the only man who wouldn’t take it personal and calm me down. Please. I want this. I want you. I- I want you to do all the stuff you said earlier. Make me feel like a real woman. Please.”
He grunted. He fucking grunted. “Shit okay, baby. I’ll do it. I’ll make you feel so desirable and so so good.”
And just like that he slammed his lips against yours. Quickly moving them. His tongue brushed against your lower lip, urging you to open your mouth. But you backed away. Never having kissed anyone like this, it was hard for you to keep up. “I don’t-“
“It’s okay, let me take the lead. Do what I do. I am not judging you. You’re doing so good. Were so brave begging me to fuck you, hm? Let me do it then, I’ll be careful. You’re okay?” You nodded. “No, talk to me, baby. I wanna hear you.”
“I- Yes. Yes, I’m okay. Please kiss me again.”
Daichi chuckled. “Such a good girl, fuck.”
And then he kissed you again. And again. And again. Until all you could think about was him and his hands that lifted you up and put you on the table right next to your glass of water.
His tongue forced its way in your mouth and circled yours. Your breath hitched when his hands opened all the buttons of your blouse and squeezed your breast. From there they wandered to the back and opened your bra as well.
“This okay?” He whispered, his breath fanning over your lips. You whimpered again. “Yes, please.” He moved back. First removing your blouse and then, very sensually, your bra. “You keep begging me, but you’re not telling me what you want me to do.”
He talked to you but he didn’t look you in the eyes. Instead he shamelessly stared at your breasts. It made you feel tingly and your thighs subconsciously pressed together. Resisting the urge to cover yourself and look away you said. “I want you to touch me. Please.”
One of his hands cupped your cheek, his thumb caressing your lips. The other one traced your body occasionally pinching one of your nipples while now staring you in the eyes. You tried to bite your lip to not make a sound, but you couldn’t because of his thumb so instead you whined.
“I am touching you, aren’t I? You need to be more specific, sweetheart. Where do you want me to touch you?”
“Everywhere? Like- here?” His hand moved up to your collarbone. “Or here?” He brushed over your shoulder, over your arm, past your elbow and took your hand. “Or maybe” he removed his second hand from your mouth and took your free hand with it, harshly pressing both your hands on the surface of the table with his. “you want me to touch you with my mouth?”
He lowered himself a little bit, never breaking eye contact and then kissed right between your breasts. “You want that, sweetheart?”
You squirmed under his gaze. You would really like to grab his hair and just yank him where you needed him most. “Yes! Yes please, Daichi, you’re being mean!”
“You have no idea how mean I can actually be, princess.” And then he finally took one of your buds in his mouth. Sucking and biting at it ever so gently.
“Ohh God” you let your head fall back and closed your eyes, biting your lip and pushing your chest up in his face. “please, please, please. More. I need more.”
“God’s not here, baby. Just me. I am the one making you feel like this. You feel good?” He licked over your bud one last time and then switches sides. Doing what he did before.
You shuddered. “Yes. Yes I- I feel good. You’re making me feel so- good, Daichi. Please. I need more of y- you.” Your breath quickened, your thighs presses together and your head started to feel dizzy.
“You’re so good, Y/N. Pleading and begging me so nicely. You’re all desperate just from a little nipple play. You’re perfect.”
The way he said your name made you feel so much. Horny. Desired. Happy. Just everything.
And then suddenly it all stopped. He let go of your hands and of your breast and just looked at you. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
His constant praise made you blush. “Thank you.”
“Such a good girl. Come on.” He took your hands again, this time more carefully, leading you of the table. “I’m not taking your virginity here. Let’s move this to my bed, hm?”
On the way to his bedroom, Daichi got rid of his shirt and jeans, leaving you too stunned to say anything. Everything about him was hot. You didn’t know where to look. And so far you only saw his backside.
When you wanted to do the same and get rid of your skirt, he somehow noticed and, without turning around, stopped you. “Don’t. I’ll be doing that myself.” Shit.
Finally in his room Daichi stopped before his bed and turned around. His chest was even better than his back. So pretty and muscular. But you didn’t dare to look further than that.
“Come here.” He said, so you did. Stepping closer to him only in your skirt and panties underneath. Chest open and bare, but he not once stopped looking right in your eyes. Not even when he started to slowly get on his knees.
That’s when it hit you. Suddenly you took a big step backwards. Away from him. Feeling embarrassed. Without saying anything Daichi came back up. He was obviously confused, but not really surprised. Probably only wondering what exactly made you reconsider. So he asked.
“What is it, sweetheart? You have to tell me otherwise I can’t help you.”
“I am not- I didn’t- shave. I never had a reason to do it so far. I sometimes trim in the summer but I- it’s been a while. I’m sorry. I don’t-“ you started rambling in a panic. And even though Daichi found it cute, he didn’t want you to panic. So he interrupted you.
“You think I care? Because I don’t. If you feel ashamed about it and want to stop than that’s okay and valid. But don’t think you have to because of me. I want to eat you out either way. If you let me.”
Your entire face heated up and you looked away. He was so straightforward about this stuff. “Okay.”
“Okay, what? Look at me when you say it, sweetheart. And be more specific.” So you did.
“Okay, we can keep going. I want to continue. Please.”
“Such a good and polite girl. You wanna keep going? You gonna let me eat that pussy, baby? You want that? Hm?”
“Yes. Please.”
Without saying another word he again got on his knees carefully peeling your skirt off. Leaving you in your bright blue panties. He chuckled. They almost looked like boxer shorts. “They’re more comfortable…” you muttered.
“Don’t apologise. I think it’s cute.”
He grabbed your thighs and slowly spread them apart, kissing their insides, sucking and leaving marks. And then finally, you moaned. Not whined. Not whimpered. Moaned.
“Fuck. You sound so good baby. You like it when I kiss you here? Down where no one can see? Mark you up just for you and me to know. Hm?”
One of your hands buried itself in his messy hair, the other found its place on his shoulder, squeezing. You didn’t dare look at him, so you closed your eyes, sighed and nodded. Subconsciously pressing your lower body in his face.
He let this one slide. You were clearly overwhelmed. So he just hooked his fingers in your panties and pulled them down to your feet. You cringed at the feeling of how sticky they were from your wetness.
Daichi cursed. “Fuck.” The carpet most definitely matched the drape and you weren’t lying, you didn’t shave or trim in some time, but he’d seen more bush before. He liked how your little clit still peaked through. God, he wanted to lick it so bad. But first he had to get you to bed.
Without a warning he lifted you up and practically threw you onto his bed. Crawling on top of you. And even though you tried not to stare and be polite, you still got a good look of his body when he did so. How was that supposed to fit inside of you?! And you so far only saw its outline.
Daichi kissed his way down your body. This time paying a lot less attention to your breasts and quickly getting where he wanted to be.
He spread your legs as wide as he can, finally getting a good look at your glistening cunt which was equally spread. “So fucking pretty. Shit.”
Then he flattened out his tongue and took a long swipe from your asshole to your clit. “Oh fuuuck! Daichi!” Your hand again found its way to his hair. Grabbing it, slightly tucking. The other one landed on your own head, covering your eyes.
You would’ve never imagined it to be so good.
And Daichi really had no mercy. Licking. Sucking. Even biting. His tongue switched up between circling your clit and fucking your hole.
Your moans and choked sounds were like music to his ears. They were addictive and he needed more. So he went harder, faster. More reckless. Your body squirmed, back arched and legs shaking. You needed more too. He could tell.
“Gonna fuck you with my fingers, yes, princess?”
“Yes! Ahh. Anything you want. Just do it. Please.”
At first his fingertips just brushed your hole. Teasing you and gathering your juice, spreading it all over your cunt. Everything was so messy.
Then he finally put one inside. Tauntingly slow. It was easy and painless, giving how wet you were at this point.
“Move!” You rolled your hips trying to get some friction. It felt as if you had lost all control over your body.
“Are you leading now? Are you giving me orders? That’s how it is now?” He teased, slowly starting to remove his finger.
“No! No, no, no. Please, I‘m sorry. I‘m sorry!“ you tried to follow his finger with your hips but Daichi stopped you with his free hand. “Behave, princess. Only then I‘ll give you what you want.“
Your hips automatically came to a halt. “‘M sorry.“
“It‘s okay, I know your just desperate.“ he finally got back to work, putting his finger in all the way, slowly moving it in and out and his tongue found your clit once again. You moaned and threw your head back, pressing it into the pillow beneath you. He felt you harshly tuck at his hair, trying to yank his head closer which made him moan as well.
The vibrations of his moaning went through your entire body and you looked down at him, meeting his stare. The intensity of it it and the way it didn‘t falter made you whimper. That‘s when you saw it. He was grinding his hips against the mattress. “Daichi-“
His head lifted and you could see your wetness being spread all around his mouth. Your face heated up and you looked away. Daichi chuckled at that and wiped his face with his free hand. “What is it? What do you need, baby?“
“Need you- need you to fuck me.“ Your breath hitched when his finger stopped. “You‘re not ready yet, sweetheart. Need to prep you more.“
“No. I can take it, I promise. Please, I need you.“ You pulled him up so he was face to face with you and placed both your hands on his cheeks. “Please? I promise, I‘ll tell you if I feel any discomfort.“
He sighed and nodded. He just couldn’t deny you. That‘s when your hands went down to his underwear and started to remove it. “You gotta tell me or I‘ll punish you, you hear me?“
Your hands came to a halt and your breath hitched, but you nodded. “Good girl.“
Without looking down you took him in your hand. It felt weird. Heavy and big, with a slight curve and a big vein on the side. You wondered how it would feel inside you without a barrier but you wouldn’t dare risk that. Daichi neither. He groaned at the feeling of you subconsciously stroking him. “There‘re condoms in the upper drawer. Take one of them.“ So you opened the drawer and mindlessly took the first on out you could get a hold of.
You wanted to give it to him but he stopped you. “That one has taste, princess. We don‘t need that today.“
You gulped. You wanted to. But you were to shy and horny to voice your needs. So you just put it back and took a different one, this time taking a look in the drawer, so you wouldn‘t make the same mistake again and gave it to him. “Very good. You‘re being so good for me.“
All this praise made you feel sp light headed and proud. Growing up you‘d never received much of it since your mother was so strict with you. “Thank you.“
He smiled and stroked your cheek and hair before putting on the condom. You watched him, blushing at the immense size. “This will be a little painful at first because you didn‘t let me prep you properly. I‘ll go slow and careful but I need you to tell me if it‘s too much, do you understand?“
“Yes. I understand.“
“Good girl. Are you comfortable?“ You nodded but quickly muttered a quiet yes when you saw his disapproving face. He took your hands in his and pressed them onto the mattress, kissing you.
You soon melted and relaxed in the kiss which was much slower and more sensual than the one on the table. Not breaking the kiss Daichi lined himself up at your entrance and started to gently force his way inside you. You winced, accidentally biting his lip which only made him moan.
He was right, it was painful. But it wasn‘t unpleasant, just weird. He urged himself further and you started to feel really full, but when you broke the kiss and looked down, you realised that he was only half wat inside you. “Oh.“
“Want me to stop? I will.“ he said through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw. It was clear to you how much he had to hold back. “No, it’s okay. Please keep going“
He nodded and moaned when he continued. “You‘re so fucking tight, shit.“ The way you made him feel good, made you feel so good as well and despite the pain you moaned along with him. You wanted him to feel good.
He stopped once he was all inside you. His head fell on your shoulder and he breathed heavily. “You good, baby?“
You brushed through his hair. He was probably like this because you couldn’t stop gushing and clenching around him. “I‘m good just- give me a second please.“ you whined. “Of course. Take all the time you need.“
It took you a good while to adjust but Daichi waited patiently. To distract himself he started kissing you everywhere. On your lips, your ear, your forehead and then your neck where he even star to bite und suck, probably leaving marks you had to cover in the morning.
To distract you, his hand wandered south and circled your clit, trying to relax you. It worked. You whimpered and whined and quickly after you began to unclench and roll your hips against his hand, grinding on his dick and moaning. “You can move now.”
Daichi lifted his head and looked at you in awe. Your eyes were closed, but no squeezed shut, your mouth was just slightly opened and your nose scrunched, he doubted you even realized.
You were so breathtakingly beautiful and you were lying in his bed, naked and needy. And you were giving yourself to him, a complete stranger and he felt so lucky.
His train of thoughts were interrupted by an impatient groan and your hips rolling against him. He gasped. Today was not the day to keep such a beauty waiting for her pleasure, so he gently grabbed your hips and started to pull out and repeatedly thrust into your wet walls.
First really slow and gentle. Until your legs wrapped around his waist, trying to pull him closer. His Name left your lips like a chant, begging him to go faster. Harder.
“Daichi- please. Need it. Hngg- more more more.”
So he did. His hips started to rhythmically snap forward, trying to find that special spot and when he did, your loud moan was like music to his ears. He sped up his pace, keeping the hard force behind every thrust.
To keep you in place his hands started to grip you harder and he was sure there would be marks in the morning. But none of this seemed to bother you. Quite the opposite. You seemed to like it a little harder. Noted.
Your back arched from his bed and your hands gripped the mattress so hard, your knuckles lost color. All the while letting out the most desperate little moans.
They weren’t too loud or pornographic and he wanted to drown in you. You were so perfect and real. Not holding back but also not forcing anything to boost his ego. You were just enjoying yourself.
His head lowered again and he one of your sensitive nipple in his mouth again. This time a little harder. Harshly sucking and biting until you fisted his hair with your hands and tears rolled down your cheeks.
Only then did he remove himself and lick one last time so soothe the pain, just to switch sides and repeat his actions. You threw your head from one side to the other from time to time, tucking and pushing his. Your eyes screwed shut once again.
But he never faltered and when he could suddenly feel your legs start to shake and tighten around his hips, he knew you were about to finish. His lips removed themselves from your breast and instead he kissed you. Rough and harsh. Biting your lips and forcing his tongue down your throat.
His sudden aggressiveness startled but didn’t scare you. But you were also so overwhelmed with everything and when his hand wandered from your hip to your clit and rubbed it hard and fast with his fingers, you completely lost it.
Your mouth opened up, which left Daichi heavily breathing in your mouth, formed to a silent scream and all that came out of you were pathetic fast breaths.
Your glossy eyes were blown wide and looked at him with so much emotion, he almost came on the spot. But when they teared up even more and rolled back and you started to buck up into him because of the overstimulation, he bit on your lip and decided to hold back.
Instead he fucked you through it. His hips and fingers keeping a steady pace until you whimpered and tried to push him away.
“No more. No more.” You desperately pleaded.
So he pulled out, removed the condom and took matters into his own hand. Literally.
You curiously watched him jerk his hand and blushed. Was it weird that you wanted to do it for him? Touch him like he touched you and return the favor?
But instead of doin that you just opted with letting your hands wander on his back and to his biceps. Kissing his cheek and gathering your confidence to bite his ear and suck a mark below it. All the while pinching one of his nipples with shaky fingers.
Daichi moaned and went even faster. “Shit, baby. Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
Then he kissed your cheek and spilled his seed all over your stomach. Which oddly enough turned you on even more and made you whine.
You stayed like this for a minute or two and just looked each other in the eyes, breathing heavily. Until Daichi rolled of you two the side and you were both left staring at the ceiling.
He was the first to turn on his side, staring at you worried. With his clean hand he brushed your hair out of your face and made you look at him as well. “You okay, sweetheart?”
You blinked a few times, furrowing your brows. “I don’t know. I enjoyed it really much. I just feel- weird? Is that offensive to you?”
“Not at all. Come here.” He pulled you in, kissing your temple and holding you tight to his chest. None of you cared about his sticky hand or your dirty stomach.
His clean hand comped through your hair and he whispered sweet nothings right into your ear. Praising and complimenting you.
Later the two of you got out of bed, or more Daichi dragged your complaining figure and threw it over his shoulder. “You need to pee, Y/N. I mean it. And then we’ll have to shower or take a bath.”
You just groaned. Luckily he couldn’t see the embarrassment on your face from having your ass almost entirely in his face. “I don’t even feel the need to pee!”
“Then you will drink water and force yourself to do it still. Don’t make me punish you, baby. You’re not ready for that.”
His continues hints on being rougher and more dominant with you, made you blush and even horny, so that you had to resist the need to kick your feet and giggle like a schoolgirl.
You didn’t even notice how you clenched your thighs together, which made only made Daichi smirk. He would definitely go harder on you next time. Besides, he promised you to make you cum as many times as your body could handle and he was not one to break a promise.
PLEASE this was so much fun to write!! I hope you had just as much fun reading it! Let me know what you think since this is my first time publishing anything I’ve written and if you would like me to turn this into a series, let me know please!! I am seriously considering doing it.
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skzdarlings · 2 months
the kingsguard ; jisung x reader ; part ii
part one | part two | part three | part four | tba | ao3 link
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pairing: han jisung/reader summary: You are a queen. He is a kingsguard - a member of a holy order that vows to defend the king in the name of the gods. They forsake all earthly goods and swear a vow of chastity to avoid worldly temptation. When he stands in as proxy for the royal wedding, all those vows are tested.
content info: reader is described with curly hair.
content warnings: a royal affair between queen reader and guard jisung. the king is a violently abusive man and continually disrespects reader in this part. this chapter has an additional content warning for emetophobia.
word count: 5100 words.
Morning dawns with a cool, clear light, but it fades as quickly, dissolving in the burning sunshine.  Every hand is at work, preparing the royal retinue for its return journey to the capital. 
You watch as the last of your trunks are loaded onto a wagon.  Each click and latch echoes inside you.  You stand helpless as your life is locked in iron. 
You walk to exert the worst of your nerves, fluttering inside you like a thousand frantic butterflies.  You lift your gaze to the sky, willing those butterflies to carry you away, but then you see your family waving from a balcony. 
You cannot let them see your pain.  It is too late to do anything about the marriage, even if your parents expressed some regret for the arrangement.  That regret was tentatively posed to avoid treasonous speech, but they were undoubtedly taken aback by the king’s poor behaviour.    
Your mother insisted on dressing you this morning.  She was teary-eyed the entire time, so you faked your best and brightest smile.  There was no sense in you both suffering. 
The child in you wants to fling yourself at your family.  The woman you are, the queen you have become, forces a smile and waves back. 
You continue your walk.  Your mother dressed you finely but comfortably, a long, loose gown with flowing sleeves, your curly hair pinned in a twisting up-do, a flower behind your ear in lieu of a crown. 
Heads turn towards you, for there are courtiers milling about.  Some are travelling with the king’s party while others will divert course to visit their own lands.  Judgemental eyes trail the sweep of your hem across the earthen path.  You feign indifference as you weave in-and-out of the bustling bodies.
The courtyard has never been so busy.  The clamour of trunks, the stomping of horses, and the din of busy chatter blend into cacophony. 
Distantly, you hear a guitar.  
Han Jisung.  The first name you associate with music. 
You are flushed with embarrassment, remembering last night’s sorry return to your room.  Jisung escorted you back, a silent trek that agitated your frayed anxiety at the time.  In the light of day, you realize just how much he did for you.  You would not have survived the journey, at least not in one piece, and if anyone else had caught you, your life would have been equally forfeit. 
He committed an offense against the crown, a sin in his faith, one that would have demanded a great deal of reconciliation.  You have heard stories of kingsguards self-flagellate in the pursuit of forgiveness for even meagre transgressions.  The fact Jisung understood your betrayal, the fact he forgave it, the fact he saved you, is not insubstantial. 
You wonder who this man is, to wear the cloth but help his friend first, to keep secrets for a woman he hardly knew because he sympathized with her pain.  To have a sword at his hip and a song on his lips. 
You follow the guitar.  It leads you to the royal carriages and a circle of kingsguards in a hushed argument.  Jisung is playing a comically frantic tune while they debate. 
“What’s going on?” another kingsguard approaches.  It is the short and stocky one from the ceremony.  You learned the names of the all kingsguards at the evening festivities.  You recognize this one as Seo Changbin, an undoubted force of brute strength, striding up to his brethren with a hand on his sword hilt. 
“Felix disappeared,” Jisung trills, fingers dancing over the guitar strings, “and the kingsguard is afeared, because the king is not too dear—”
“What?” Changbin interrupts, looking at the others.  “Felix is gone?”
“Not just Felix,” a brown-haired guard, Lee Minho, says.  His brow is pinched.  “The king’s mistress is missing too.” 
Your eyes widen, your careful mask cracking under the assault of shock. 
The woman who ran off with Felix was the king’s mistress?   
It does not take much knowledge of the inner circle to deduce that does not bode well for anyone.  A kingsguard breaking his oath is one thing, a kingsguard running off with a woman is another still, but a kingsguard conducting an affair with the king’s mistress is a personal betrayal heaped on top of sin.  The only worse crime would be if he pursued the king’s wife. 
Jisung looks at you.  
He spots you across the crowd and strums a foul note, fingers clumsy with surprise.  The bad note draws attention to him, so the other guards follow his line of sight.   They all straighten when they see you, their strong shoulders tense with anxiety.
Minho and Changbin immediately duck into a bow.  The other two, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin, exchange a glance before following suit.  Hwang Hyunjin, the preposterously beautiful one, bows but not before he grimaces with discomfort at their conversation being overheard by the queen.
Jisung is still staring, his eyes darting from your face to the flower behind your ear.  He meets your eyes and, for a long moment, sinks into your gaze where he loses himself.  The events of the previous evening seem to play in the space between you, every panicked whisper and solemn glance.
Then he abruptly notices the rest are bowing. With a yelp, he swings down into a bow. 
You take a breath to steady your voice. “What’s this about a missing person?” you ask. 
They straighten, one by one, sharing uncertain looks.  Minho and Jisung seem to have a mute conversation, Minho clenching his jaw and lifting his brows as if mutely scolding Jisung.  Jisung stares back with furrowed brows as if challenging it.
In the end, it’s the youngest one who speaks.  Jeongin is a shaggy-haired youth and his whole face is scrunched with worry. 
“A kingsguard is missing,” he blurts.  “But he’s not a bad guard,” he adds frantically, waving his hands around.  “Really.  We don’t know what happened.  It’s not like him.  And the king’s mistress is missing too, but that doesn’t make sense.  No, it doesn’t make any sense at all.  Felix wouldn’t do that.  It’s not like Felix.  It’s really very strange, your Majesty.  We don’t understand, Your Majesty.  Your Majesty.”  He dips into a bow every time he utters your title.
Seungmin kicks him. 
“Stop talking, dummy,” Seungmin says out of the side of his mouth. 
“Right, I’m sorry,” Jeongin says, bowing again.  “We’re all very loyal.  We’re the kingsguard.  You know that. Of course you do.”
As if anyone could mistake the cluster of black-robed soldiers, looking very austere among the courtiers and servants. 
You say nothing more, simply cast your gaze around the assembled soldiers, doing your utmost not to look at Jisung lest you betray too much secret knowledge. 
“There is no cause for concern,” Minho says, drawing your attention.  “Everyone is just… surprised.”
“Yeah,” Seungmin mutters, “Surprised it wasn’t Hyunjin.”   
Jeongin snorts, though he looks remorseful after.  Hyunjin whips around to glare at Seungmin who is now snickering to himself. 
“Excuse me,” Hyunjin says, catty in tone, “I let them look, but I don’t touch.”
“And what do they touch?” Seungmin retorts.  Jeongin laughs again and looks even more chagrined, covering his mouth and closing his eyes. 
“Yah, knock it off,” Changbin says, waving them apart. 
“We’ll fix it,” Minho says to you.  “You don’t need to concern yourself, your Majesty.”
You do not say that you are very concerned.  You worry the king’s attentions will return to you sooner than he threatened.  And if that was his conduct when he had a mistress for pleasure, you are loathe to imagine how he might behave in her absence.    
But that is not an admittance you can make to the holy order sworn to enforce the will of the gods-blessed crown.
The king is wearing that crown as he storms over.  He is already ranting and raving, barking at the leader of kingsguard.  Chan follows him, hand on the hilt of his sword, stoic face not betraying a hint of anxiety.  He nods patiently at the king’s ranting. 
When they reach the guards, a single look from Chan compels them all to stand in formation and bow before the king.
“I want them found!” the king hollers.  “I want their heads on pikes outside my window!  And if I find any conspirators in this fucking plot—”   He shoves a passing servant, a man in the wrong place at the wrong time.  The servant spills to the ground, cowering when the king looms over him.  “Then they too shall pay the price of treason.”   
The servant crawls into full obeisance, prostrate on the ground.  The king just snarls and steps over him. 
“Sire,” Chan says curtly, a vague acknowledgement before he helps the servant up and sends him on his way. 
The king has already moved on, still ranting to himself as he storms across the courtyard.  He starts shouting about his wife, evidently missing you in the crowd.  You swallow down the choking terror in your throat and follow him. 
“If that whore ran off too—” he starts, turning around and finally seeing you.  He snarls.  “It would have been preferable,” he says. 
You say nothing.  You dip into a respectful bow and keep your eyes down.  It conceals your fear, your frustration.  You hope it just looks submissive.   
“It is not necessary we overindulge in company,” he says.  “You will ride in the carriage behind mine.  The kingsguard will surround us.  You will not bother them.  You will not be a grievance to me.  You will be quiet.  You will be obedient.  You will do as told and move only when bid.”  He does not wait for a reply, turning to look at the guards.  “We depart.  Now.  I want to leave this disgusting territory behind me.”
He spits.  Ostensibly, it is just on the ground, a slight against the land, but it falls close to your feet.  It is abundantly obvious what he is actually spitting on. 
You take another steadying breath, staring at that spot on the ground.  When you find the strength to lift your gaze, the guards are staring at you.  Their expressions run the range of pity and malcontent.  You suppose they would be offended by the king slighting you so outright.  Though his blood is divine by birthright, they believe the gods control the fates of men, so if you are queen it is because the gods will it so.  You have also been chosen by the gods and it is not appropriate for the king to conduct himself thusly. 
They are visibly disgruntled, Chan most of all, his brow furrowed as he stares after the king.  The shake of his head is nearly imperceptible; you would have missed it if you were not looking at that precise moment. 
The king leaves an awkward silence in his retreat.  It is broken when Jisung strums a melodramatic chord on his guitar. 
Chan shoots him an unimpressed look.  Jisung giggles nervously.   
“Put it away,” Chan says.
“Heh, right,” Jisung says, spinning on his heel.  He putters towards his horse where he packs his guitar with his saddlebags. 
In spite of yourself, you feel the tug of a smile, very small but very real.  Your eyes follow Jisung until Chan steps forward, his hand over his heart as he bows politely.
“Your Majesty,” he says.  “I’ll escort you to the carriage.” 
You start to follow, casting a final glance back at your home.  When you do, you catch sight of something across the courtyard.  It roots you to the spot.  Your heart weighs you down like a lead weight. 
“Your Majesty?” Chan says, tilting his head.  He holds out his hand. 
“I’m sorry,” you say.  It comes out on a breath.  You clear your throat but your voice is still shaking when you say, “Can you give me just one more moment?  I’ll be fast.”
His squints, perplexed, but he nods. 
You gather your skirts so you can run quickly over the courtyard bricks.  You hurry to the cluster of household servants who are gathered in a teary-eyed throng by the palace.   When they see you coming, they all rush forward.  You meet them halfway, throwing your arms around the woman directly in your path. 
Your tears nearly escape, but you manage to restrain them, enveloped in the friendly embrace of the household that raised you.  You spent more time among these people than anyone else, always respectful of their important duties, cherishing their friendships as dearly as any noblesse. 
You know it is inappropriate as a queen, standing there hugging the servants one-by-one, but you suspect you will draw ire regardless.  So you hug and thank them, wiping a few teary faces as they wish you well. 
“You’ll come back and visit right?” a little girl asks, the daughter of a handmaiden your own age, a woman you consider a friend.  You spent many hours entertaining her daughter, helping with chores, giving gifts, seeing her grow. 
You crouch down to her level, holding back tears as you nod.  You know it’s not true, that the king will undoubtedly forbid it given his contempt for this place.  But you say, “Of course I will.  This is my home.  I’d miss you all too much.”
“We’ll miss you too,” her mother says, hugging you next.  When she does, she slips something into your hand, a small phial of a dark liquid.  “Sleeping draft,” she whispers in your ear.  “For the nights the king needs his rest so you may have yours.” 
You laugh through your tears, kiss her temple and a mouth a thank you as you withdraw.   You tuck the phial into a pocket pouch inside your gown. 
After a few more goodbyes, you stand before them and bow.  You offer a smile as they return it.  It carries a very different respect than the terrified cowering of the servant before the king. 
You are not the only one who thinks so.  When you turn, you find the guards all staring at you, their faces a wall of blinking surprise.  Jisung is the worst at hiding his thoughts, his brown eyes the widest.   Chan is the best, but even he cannot hide his contemplation.   
“I’m ready,” you say gently. 
You lift your hem and walk onward.  You do not look back.  You wait until the carriage door is closed behind you, then you bury your face in your hands and cry. 
Your sorrow passes, bleeding into frustration, then fury.   Alone in the carriage, you have time to stew in a myriad of emotions as you deliberate on your circumstances.  You resolve to stand firm before the king, to not crumple beneath his cruel sneers, to bear his wickedness with grace.  You will make him ridiculous in comparison to your obvious virtue. 
This commitment falters very quickly. 
For the first hour of travel, you are passing through your family’s property, then the village.  The roads are paved and the passage is smooth.  When you reach the forest path, it is a different matter entirely.  Though there is a road that cuts through the great woods, it is a trail of gravel and packed, uneven dirt.  The carriage jostles constantly, bouncing up and down at inconsistent intervals.
You last three hours.  By the end of that third hour, you are so queasy that the scarlet interior of the carriage turns to a murky green.  Your spotted vision swims through that grime even with your eyes closed.  You do everything you can to ease the discomfort, taking down your hair pin-by-pin until every curl is loose, the flower discarded because its scent was too strong.  You sit in every possible position, craning towards the window and fresh air, but the nausea only worsens as the trail gets bumpier. 
You try to distract yourself, listening to the aimless chatter and laughter from the kingsguards.  Their horses trot along at an unhurried canter, far smoother than the carriage wheels jumping over rocks and earth. 
After a particularly violent jostle, you give up.  You are going to be sick and you would rather not do it in the carriage. 
“Excuse me,” you say, waving to the first guard you see.  Minho is not far from the window.  “I’m sorry but I need to stop.  Right now.”  You want to elaborate but your stomach rolls and your voice catches. 
You must look sufficiently ill because Minho clicks his boots and quickens his pace, riding up to Chan near the king’s carriage.  You slump against your seat while they have a quick discussion.
Chan lifts a hand and the whole train comes to a halt. 
You do not wait for them to open the door.  You burst out of the carriage in a clumsy frenzy, running to the treeline where you fall to your knees and promptly empty the contents of your stomach. 
You feel hot and frantic, heaving as you struggle to hold your hair off your face.  You sputter, lips quivering as another wave rises inside you. 
Someone jumps off their horse and lands beside you.  You spare a brief glance up at Minho, his brow pinched with concern, but then the king shouts in aggravations and you throw yourself forward to vomit some more.
Minho helps, bending over you, gathering you hair as best he can and holding it out of the way.  The next closest soldier, Hyunjin, also dismounts and approaches. 
Vomiting is not exactly dignified.  It feels even worse to have every single person in the royal retinue watch you spew your breakfast over the forest floor.
You lift your head, turning to offer an apology but your voice is shot.  Minho still looms rather protectively, Hyunjin nearby.  You look around for Chan to address him, but your eyes find Jisung first.  He is the farthest away, perched on horseback, fidgeting with the reins.
The king shouts again.  It’s a block of noise to your ringing ears, but you suspect he is angry at the delay.  He told you not to be a grievance.
You try to stand but your knees wobble.  You use a rock for balance, then Minho when he takes your arm.   Hyunjin steps in and takes your other arm.  Together, they get you back on your feet. 
“I don’t think she can continue yet, sire,” Chan says, riding into view.  “Maybe we should rest here for a bit.”
“We are stopping to rest in an hour,” the king snaps.  “I will not be delayed so near to our schedule.”
“What made you sick?” Minho asks.
“The carriage,” you say, groaning as you wipe your mouth.  You are certain you make a ravaged sight.  At least your stomach is empty now, the worst of the nausea passed, but you cannot imagine climbing back inside that rattling monstrosity.  
You step forward, away from Minho and Hyunjin.  Your legs quiver but you steady yourself. 
“I’ve never ridden a carriage so far,” you say.  “I’m very sorry, I am.  The terrain is just so uneven.  I’ve only ever ventured to the village and back.”  Even then, you usually travelled on horseback.  Sometimes you would sit on the back on a wagon or two, but it never went farther than the ends of the property. 
“Why doesn’t she travel on horseback?”  That sounds like Seungmin, speaking somewhere behind you. 
“Can you ride a horse?” Hyunjin asks, to which you nod emphatically. 
“It might be less intense at this pace,” Minho agrees. 
They look at Chan.  You are certain there is something significant about the fact the guards always seek instructions from Chan and not the king, but you are too unsettled to contemplate anything too deeply. 
Chan is the one who looks at the king, lifting a questioning brow. 
“There’s no horses to spare,” the king says.  “If one of you wants to deal with the brat, then take her.” 
Hyunjin steps towards you. 
“Not you,” the king says. 
Hyunjin steps back again.
The king, who is still in his carriage, cranes his neck to look around the gathered guards.  He snaps his fingers. 
“Bard boy,” he calls.  “Take the queen.”
“Jisung,” Chan says, waving him forward.  “Come here.” 
You look at Jisung who is visibly startled at his selection.  His black hair is a bit windswept, the longer tufts curling up at his nape.  Wide, brown eyes find yours, slowly blinking to attention.  With a shake of his head, he picks up the reins and rides over to you. 
You step back, staring up at him on his perch.  He says nothing but extends his open hand, blinking those captivating eyes at you.  You are not sure why they ensnare you so, nor why your heart skips a beat when you delicately place your hand in his.  That beat pounds a quick stacatto when his sword-calloused fingers grip yours tightly. 
Minho and Hyunjin help you onto the horse.  You seat yourself side-saddle in front of Jisung, ramrod straight so you are not pressed against him.  His arms circle you to take the reins and you pointedly do not look at his hands.    
Despite the king’s presumption, you would have been less bothered by Hyunjin.  Yes, he is irrevocably handsome, his own black hair tied back, sleek and pristine, but it does not affect you.  A handsome face has never much moved you.  You always thought yourself logical, your heart oddly shaped next to others.
But now you are looking at Jisung’s dark-painted nails, his soldier’s hands on the reins; now you are feeling his breath at your nape, the warmth that emanates from his body, hot from wearing black in the summer sun; now you think of him helping his friend, helping you, and that makes him more than a handsome face.  it makes your stomach twist in a very different way than before. 
That feeling is exacerbated when he reaches into a saddlebag and retrieves a waterskin. 
“Here,” he says in a soft voice.  “Drink. Go on.”  He puts it in your hand. 
You take a deep drink, purging your mouth of the foul residue of sickness.  You thank him just as softly and hand the waterskin back.   
Once settled, the train resumes course.  Chan waves and everyone marches on.
Jisung spurs the horse into motion.  Despite your best effort, the movement knocks you into his chest.  Jisung sputters and you realize your undone hair is flying into face. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say, desperately smoothing it down.  It does not work, but all your pins are in the carriage and you suspect the king will not be too enchanted if you stop the train to fetch them.
“It’s okay,” Jisung says.  “One second.”  He lays the reins down, his thigh muscles firm behind you as he squeezes to maintain leverage. 
Then you feel the brush of his fingertips on your bare neck.  It sends an immediate cascade of shivers shooting down your spine.  He gathers your hair carefully in his hands, guiding it over your shoulder, away from his face. 
Minho also pulled back your hair, but that was a very different sensation. 
This you… feel.
He takes up the reins again, arms circled around you.  You pull yourself upright as the horse moves along. 
You think this ride might be stiff and uncomfortable, but then he begins to hum to himself.  You find the gentle melody placates your nerves.  Your frantic energy simmers to a cooler calm. 
After a while, the conversations resume around you.  Jisung tells some jokes to the other guards and you smile, though it is weak.  Their camaraderie makes you miss your own friends already. 
Jisung hums again, almost like he can sense your discomfort.  It is most likely a coincidence, but you still find yourself sighing pleasantly. 
With the worst of your anxiety tempered, at least for now, you ask him, “Where did you learn to play?”
“Sorry?”  The question catches him off guard.
“Sorry,” you say.  “I don’t mean to pry.  I’m just curious.” 
Though there is often a bard-like character in the kingsguard, it is nonetheless an intriguing amalgamation of skills.  They do not let just anyone into the kingsguard service, even if they are willing to take the vow of chastity and surrender their earthly goods.  Jisung must be an exceptionally skilled swordsman to be admitted, an interesting background for such a talented musician.  Though he was joking with his music earlier, he is very capable of composing melodic poetry.
“Music and swordplay just seem an odd match,” you say.
“Maybe,” he replies.  “Maybe not.  They both require dedication.  Time.  Practice.” 
“You are a devout man, I suppose,” you say. 
“Of course,” he answers confidently.  “I am absolutely the most devout and most impressive one here—ow.”  Someone, probably Seungmin, chucks a coin at his head.  
You laugh, glancing at Jisung over your shoulder.  His eyes dart briefly to your mouth, his own face brightening at your smile.  He laughs back and nods. 
“Honestly, I grew up with music first,” he says.  “I didn’t, uh… I didn’t exactly grow up in a palace.  To say the least.  But, yeah, definitely palace-adjacent and not a hovel on a street in the capital,” he jokes.  As he talks, you picture a little boy with a guitar, strumming on the busy city streets.  “I used to write songs and sing for money.  Then I got older.  I was looking for work when the war started.  I got recruited like a lot of boys, but I was pretty disciplined and a fast learner.  After the war, I met Chan.  He put in a good word for me, so I was able to put myself forward during the new recruitment season.”
“So you haven’t been there long,” you say.  The war only ended a year ago. 
“Ten months,” he says cheerily.  “But it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
“That’s commendable,” you say.  “It’s rewarding, I’m sure, but an intense order nonetheless.  I can’t imagine making so many sacrifices.”
“Can’t you?” 
The question is posed softly but lands heavily.  You suppose Jisung is correct; you have both made sacrifices to be where you are, though the journeys were very different, and your futures more so. 
“I’m sorry,” he says quickly.  “Fuck, that wasn’t my place.  Your Majesty.  Oh, fuck, I swore.  Fuck, sorry.  Ignore that.” 
You laugh in spite of yourself, catching the sound in your palm.  He laughs behind you.  Even with a sliver of distance between you, you can feel his chest shaking.
“Good thing foregoing curses is not one of your oaths,” you say.
“Oh, fuck, no, I’d fail that one for sure.  Sorry, ignore that too.” 
You are pretty sure he is being funny on purpose now, but you appreciate it, smiling as you move beneath a canopy of trees.  It is much cooler in the shade, alleviating the discomfort of the hot sun.  You exhale and let your posture slacken, just a bit, just enough your bodies touch on every downward canter. 
“Were you ever scared?” you ask.  The king’s carriage is ahead of you.  You watch the wheels turn and turn. 
“Yeah,” he says.  “A bit.  A lot.  Completely.  Not about the vows, though.  I was just scared I’d let everyone down.  Especially Chan.  He put his own reputation on the line when he stood for me.  I don’t know what he saw in me.  Gods only know no one else ever saw it.  Me included.”
He laughs at his self-deprecation but you do not.  You watch the shadows of the forest roll over the carriages.  You think of Jisung in that barn, risking everything for his friend.  Your cheek tingles, remembering where he wiped your tear during that lonely ceremony.  Your heart still races at the memory of him singing a springtime song, dedicated to you despite the antagonistic crowd.    
“I do,” you say.
“You do what?” he asks casually. 
“I see something good in you, Han Jisung.”   
“Ohh.”  He is stupefied for a moment.  You are not sure of his expression, too shy to look at him.   “Well, I don’t know about that,” he eventually says.  “I’m definitely the lowest ranked in the kingsguard.  Sorry for that, by the way.”
“Sorry?”  Now you look back, meeting his gaze.  “Why would you be sorry?”
“Well, uh…”  He looks away, to the road ahead, his voice strained with awkwardness.  “There’s a reason I was picked for proxy at the ceremony.  It’s not because I’m not the best swordsman, or the most pious priest.  I’m, uh, well… ‘bard boy’.  And the king – His Holy Majesty – he uh… well, I mean…  It had to be someone like a kingsguard but he didn’t want… I mean, that is…”
“It’s all right,” you say.  “You don’t have to say it. I understand.” 
he king was heaping insults on you and your family; of course he chose the lowest ranked kingsguard to stand in as proxy, just like he chose him now. 
Irritation creeps up your neck, heating your skin.  You glare at the carriage. 
You are not even annoyed for yourself.  Your insult has been established.  You angry that the king would make such a disrespectful insinuation for a member of the elite kingsguard.  The kingsguard service is as ancient as the regime.  They are a respectable, powerful order.  Admission to the order requires a great deal of work, more than simply being born in the right house.  The king has no right to insult a soldier like Jisung.  Just like he has no right to insult you. 
“So yeah,” Jisung says.  He clears his throat and tries to sound cheery as he says, “That’s why I’m sorry!  Anyway, it all worked out.  I’m sure I’m your favourite already, right?  I’m everyone’s favourite, obviously.” 
He is speaking jokingly but your heart skips a beat anyway.  You swallow, hard.   
In the next moment, the horse jumps, maneuvering around a ditch in the road.  You fall against his chest with a thump, throwing your hands out instinctively.  Your hand clasps his, your bodies pressed together. 
“Sorry,” you say in unison. 
“It’s all right,” he says.  “I got ya.”
It is spoken with nonchalance.   You still feel it.     
“I’m not sorry,” you say.  “I’m glad it was you, Jisung.” 
You turn, finding your lips close to his face.  He stares at you, as surprised as he is rivetted. 
Softly, so only he can hear, intimately, a breath away from him, you whisper, “I believe you saved my life even before you found me in that barn.  So yes.  I’m glad it was you.  I’m glad he chose you.  I would have chosen you too.”     
“Oh,” is all he says, moved to silence. 
You remain in his arms, leaning against his chest.  You pick up the melody he was humming and hum it yourself, making him laugh on an exhale.  You feel the tension leave his arms and his heartbeat skip then resume its normal cadence, steadying your own. 
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At Fault (1.7k words)
Common Mistake (1.8k)
Deep Blue, but You Painted Me Golden (1.8k)
Familiar & Unfamiliar (4.1k)
I Miss You, I Miss You Too (0.5k)
In a Perfect World, You Love Me (6.9k) // Perfect World pt. II (2.5k)
Language Barrier (1.0k words)
Lost in the Light (1.4k)
Ni Ceta, Cyar’ika (7.8k) // I Love You, Cyar’ika (4.5k)
⏤ Do You Want Me, Cyar’ika: HAPPY END (6.7k), DARK END (5.1k)
Not Like This (1.3k words) // Not You (2.3k words)
One Hundred and Fifty Seven (4.1k words)
That’s Not My Name (632 words)
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din djarin x female!reader
Older!Grogu Inspo Art
summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night, you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
✨: signifies a ‘AFS’ deleted scene/drabble!
#01: Two Porgs, One Blaster
#02: Are You Trying to Say Bear?
#03: Marshal Daddy
#04: Mayfeld Didn't Mean to Step on Him
✨#4.5: He is a Quick One✨
#05: Wife Material
#06: Trikar'la, Buir!
#07: Soran
✨#7.5: Like The Wizards✨
#08: You're His Home
#09: Buir, Grogu, Ma
✨#9.5: Ma’s Got You✨
#10: Show Off
#11: You Didn’t
#12: Grogu, Grogu, Baby, It’s Okay
#13: The Danger Has Passed, Cyar’ika
#14: Am I Making You Quiver?
#15: Mando Looks Like He Knows How to Fuck
#16: I Don’t Want It to Be a Sin
#17: Close Your Eyes, Ner Kar’ta
✨#MID 17: Take a Break, Doc✨
#18: Talk About a Power Couple
#19: My Boys Needed Me
#20: Short Stick Bears His Wrath
#21: Made of the Right Stuff
#22: Like Father, Like Son
#23: It’s a Surprise
✨#23.5: Am I Close to Redemption?✨
#24: Right Between Your Thighs
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din djarin x female!reader
summary: It was like fate or destiny had planned from the beginning for you to be on the run from the law. With the words ‘I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold’ adorning your rib cage you always wondered what was worse: Knowing you were bound to being wanted or realizing your soulmate was a cursed bounty hunter. You had a mission to finish and no bounty hunter, soulmate or not, was going to stop you.
#01: Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object
#02: Falling For You
#03: Call it Fate, Destiny, Call it Luck
#04: Cool Motive, Still Murder
#05: Right Person, Wrong Time
#06: Partners in Crime
#07: A Favor For a Friend
#08: But You’re Still a Traitor
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Cowboy!Din Djarin x Female!Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian, a morally gray and hardened bounty hunter, makes a decision that alters the course of his fate and yours. As your two very different worlds collide, you learn the Mandalorian is more than his reputation has led you to believe, and you have only seven days to decide if saving his life would be worth destroying your own.
2K notes · View notes
The Past That Haunts | Din Djarin
Din Djarin x fem!reader ✧ oneshot
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Summary: It's been months since you stowed away on the Mandalorian's ship, running from the ghosts of a past you'd rather forget. You shouldn't have fallen in love, you knew better than to get close, and now you have to pay the penance for your sins. Your past has come back to haunt, and you're his next bounty.
A/N: Really really proud of this one. Should have been studying, but was doing this lol so you all better enjoy. As always, requests are open and I'll get to them when I can because college is insane. Love you all dearly, hope you have a great day wherever you are 🤍
Warnings: violence, sexual themes and suggestive content, mentions of blood, fem!reader, angst, fluff, happy ending I promise (i only like hurting you a little bit, not enough to take away the happy ending)
No one can run from their past forever.
Lies, secrets, sins—they all have a nasty habit of breaking through the thin soil they've been buried beneath and rearing their heads. What was left behind never stays gone, but rather skitters behind in waiting for the right moment to revive. The past haunts, it stays connected to the essence of a soul and refuses death itself until its dues have been paid.
No one can run from their past forever, not even after you'd almost forgotten it was lurking right there.
And yet, the reason you'd nearly forgotten was laying unconscious in the midst of a hunt he'd dragged you along on.
"Mando, if you're done dreaming of me I could use some backup!" You shout, barely avoiding the clawed fist of the Trandoshan mercenary before you. The bounty was stronger and deadlier than you, but you were faster.
As you danced and weaved around his blows, your eyes slipped to your Mandalorian still unconscious from where the Trandoshan had snuck up on the two of you. This job was supposed to be simple, but even lower grade mercenaries like the one fighting you were still deadly.
With a breath of frustration slipping your lips, your mind quickly raced to try and work out how to get out of this situation. Mando clearly would be no help and while he often punched his way out of problems, you didn't have that luxury. That's why within seconds you whirled around to the mercenary with a nervous smile on your lips.
"My friend, I believe we got off on the wrong foot." Your smile was charismatic as you extended your arms out in welcome to the target. The mercenary snarled at the comment, and you both glanced down to the foot he'd just regrown after Din had managed to chop it off.
You look back up at the reptilian male, a sheepish smile on your lips, "Bad choice of words"
He hissed at you and lunged again, slashing a knife you hadn't even seen him pull. A yelp left your mouth as you dodged the hit, desperately trying to be diplomatic.
"Look, the Mandalorian is out cold," You placated, ducking out of a knife swing by a hair's breadth, "He's the bounty hunter, not me. You and I, we can work something out."
This caught his attention, his yellow-orange eyes tracking your every breath, "You're not a hunter, but you're with the Mandalorian. You wouldn't betray him."
"He doesn't have to know," You reason, shoving every ounce of honey-coated deception you have into your tone, "Look at him! One hit from you and he's out like a light, big guy. There's no way he'll even remember this happened."
The Trandoshan's knife was lowering now, and your heart skipped a beat with hope. This was going to work, and when it did you were going to give Mando hell. You nearly smiled at the thought, but remembered where you were.
"What are your terms?" He hissed, and you take a calculated step towards him.
"I let you go free, and you let me leave with my life." You were getting nearer to the bounty, and he seemed to be so caught up in pondering your bargain that he missed your hand slip to the beskar knife Din had made for you a few months back.
"That seems acceptable," The bounty finally admits, slipping his knife back into its place and surveying you, "I'll-"
With a war cry, you launch yourself at the Trandoshan and jump onto his back, one arm around his neck and the other trying to plunge the beskar knife into his thick, scaled skin. He roars in response, spinning wildly and clawing up at you.
"Just die!" You pant, slashing and seeming to miss every swing.
Din was right, you really did suck at this whole combat thing. It's a good thing you were one hell of a thief.
It took more effort than you'd like to admit to keep the relief you felt from crashing over your entire form. Your eyes flicked up mid-spin from your perch on the Trandoshan's back to see the Mandalorian stumbling to his feet.
"Morning, sleepy head! Wanna join the fun?" You breathlessly call out, a tired smile on your lips.
The target takes advantage of your split attention and slices his razor-sharp claws through the tender flesh of your forearm. You clench your teeth to grit through the pain, "Not cool!"
It was mere seconds after the minor blow had been landed that the wild spinning and thrashing of the bounty finally stopped. Your dizzy mind righted to see a gloved hand grab the reptilian male and rip him to a stop.
You slide off his back, groaning to find your balance severely off-kilter. You fall on your ass just as Mando fires a shot at him, slicing it through the target's shoulder and making him roar in pain. His cry is cut off when Mando fires another blast into his skull, making the silence following the thud of the body deafening.
"Cold it is," Mando grunts, holstering the blaster.
The beskar helmet he wears immediately snaps to you, and you've been around him long enough to tell by his body language what he's feeling. Anger, worry, guilt.
Against your better judgement, your heart stutters as Din crouches down in front of you and reaches out for your bleeding arm. The lightning that crackles under your skin as his gloved hands tenderly lift your forearm makes your already dizzy mind spin. It takes the strength you've built up over the last few months to ignore the effect he has on you.
"You waited for a grand entrance, can't say I'm mad," You quip. His shoulders are tight as he keeps his gaze down on your arm.
"I should've seen him coming," Is all he replies, his voice that same sugar-sweet gravel that makes your inhibitions crumble.
"You know, I had it under control until I accidentally made a joke about the foot you chopped off." You laugh, the sound light in comparison to the biting pain, and Din shakes his head.
"That's not funny." He tried to sound convincing, but you could tell he was loosening up now that he'd seen your injury was just a scratch.
"It's a little funny," You fire back, a smile growing on your lips. He looks up at you and that damn mask makes your heart race and your mind wander.
It's the almost imperceptible breathy laugh he lets out, though, that makes you remember how far gone you are when it comes to him.
"I like it when you laugh." Your words are soft, and they're out before you can even think to stop them. Mando goes still before you, your arm still in his grasp. It's then that the position you're in, with him crouched before you, seems much more intimate than it did a few minutes ago.
You go still as one of his hands lifts to your face, and you nearly forget how to breath when he almost absentmindedly brushes a gloved-knuckle against a light bruise forming on your cheek from the fight. His fingers leave fire where they touch, and you can only dream about how it would feel if it were his skin and not his gloves.
He catches himself too quickly for your liking and stands, extending a hand down to you, "Come on, we've got a bounty to cash in."
You take his hand and let him help you to your feet, "I think I deserve a larger cut on this one. I did take him on one-on-one, you know."
"And nearly got yourself killed."
You glance up at him, your brows lifted in a challenge, "I saved your ass, didn't I?"
Din doesn't move back an inch, but rather stays towering over you and cocks his head in response, "Is that so?"
Your heart stumbles yet again. The air is thick with tension and unspoken attraction, and the way he's looking down at you isn't helping. Din is usually as close to void of emotion as he can be, save for his temper and inability to keep from sassing you. It's moments like this though, moments where he's almost playful, that make you remember just how powerful the hold he has on you is.
"Can't deny it this time, Mandalorian." You try to sound cool and calm like he always does, but fail miserably. He just hums before stepping back and breaking the tension-corded air between you.
"Help me get him to the Crest."
And you do, but as you work in the comfortable silence you've grown used to, you can't help but think about how lucky you are. This life, it may seem dangerous and hectic, but it's a blessing to you. It's everything to you. He's everything to you, he has been since the first few moments he found you. There was a sudden tightness in your chest, and you can't help but think of that day—the day your life would never be the same.
||| Months Prior
Your breaths were labored, your legs burned, your vision was blurred with sweat and tears.
You had nowhere to go, nothing in the bustling port town on Corrida could shield you from your fate. Panic clawed up your throat, so thick it nearly choked you.
Not like this, you pleaded to yourself, it can't end like this.
Mind-racing and heart-pounding, you swiftly and nimbly darted in and out of shops and between buildings. You danced in the shadows, became one of them. It was your greatest strength, your stealth, and even though it was what had gotten you into this mess, it was now your only chance at survival.
The day was turning into night, and as light dwindled your hope flared and grew. Once darkness settled over the town shrouded by mountains, your pursuers would lose every chance of finding you. All you had to do was find a way onto a ship and ride it out of this forsaken planet. Then, you'd be-
"Hey, you!"
The voice that rang out sent tendrils of fear to your very bones. You knew that voice. You'd know that voice for as long as you'd live. While there were still thoughts in your brain, that voice would haunt you. You ducked around the alleyway between two shops, your heart racing at a painful speed as you chanced a look in the direction of your old Master.
"You seen a girl running through here?" He snarled, his tone boiling with anger that he thinly kept composed under his Imperial getup. The Empire was gone, but unfortunately the New Republic could not monitor every planet in every system when it fell. You just had the supreme misfortune of dwelling in the town of a group of Imperial officers that refused to back down.
"There's plenty of girls here, be more specific," The shopkeeper he'd asked grunted, going about his work.
Your Master spoke to him for a few more minutes before you forced yourself to slink away, melting into the shadows growing longer as the sky grew darker. As you snuck around the back of the buildings, you heard your Master's voice rise in volume.
"Anyone who finds an indentured woman in a green cloak is to bring her to me, immediately."
You froze, looking down at the cloak around your shoulders. With a pounding heart you shucked it off, cursing the Imperial scum for the clever tactic. Now if he saw you sneaking around, you'd have nothing to hide your face.
Indentured. You bristled at the word, anger flooding your mind. What a pretty way to say enslaved.
You had to get out of here and fast. The Empire might be gone, but this town was still pinned under their thumb. These people wouldn't think twice before turning you over. The satchel that was slung across your body was heavy with the reason why you couldn't let that happen.
With silent steps, you made it all the way to the ship port. There weren't many options present, and the choice would be paramount. Pick the wrong ship, and you'd be cast into the streets for your old Master and his troopers to find you and the item you stole from him that was nestled in the bag you bore.
As you surveyed the ship port, you noted three choices. First, the light freighter that sat loading its cargo near the middle of the port—too busy, too central. Second, the old Razor Crest sitting nearest you—low profile, but you could've sworn you'd just seen a Mandalorian walk into it. That was too risky, too dangerous. Third, and most appealing, the CR90 Corvette—no one dangerous was entering, enough cargo to hide in, it was perfect.
Making your mind, you begin to dart across the ship port, dodging past the Razor Crest and towards the Corvette. It would work, it would be perf-
You skidded to a stop so fast that you nearly tripped and fell. Walking up to the Corvette was your Master, and he'd just begun talking to the owner. Your eyes widened as he motioned to the three storm troopers with him, and they began to search the ship.
This wasn't good, you weren't going to make if off of this planet.
Your eyes wildly searched the port and landed on the Razor Crest just as its back hatch began to close. It wasn't ideal, but it was taking off soon, and that made it your only choice. Holding your breath, you surged towards the beat up ship and vaulted into the space between the closing hatch and the ship's interior. Luckily for you, the Mandalorian you'd seen was in the cockpit taking off when you clanged and rolled into the ship's belly. The engines started and the ship lifted, and before you could comprehend it, you were leaving Corrida.
You escaped. You stole from the Imperial guard Finon Kane, the man who'd enslaved and tortured you and hundreds of others, and escaped. You were free.
A laugh of pure and raw joy bubbled out of your chest as you clutched your satchel close to your chest. You'd done it, you'd actually done it. The other slaves had cheered you on as you made your grand escape, had laughed and whooped with you as you bested Master Kane. And now, you were free.
You barely felt the ship slip out of the atmosphere of the planet as you shoved to your feet. Now was the tricky part—you had to hide from the Mandalorian until he docked somewhere else, and then you could-
A strong, gloved hand closed around your shoulder and whirled you around with such strength and speed that you could only yelp as you were pressed into the cool metal of the Crest's walls. One massive arm barred your throat, and the other held a blaster to your head. The Mando's grip was strong and he oozed confidence, but he was silent.
Silent as death, silent as the reaper in beskar armor.
His shining helmet tilted at you, and your heart dropped to your feet. He hadn't killed you yet, he just kept looking at you, inspecting you, almost testing to see if you were a threat or not. So, he wasn't a cold-blooded killer then. There was a heart, whether it was flesh or beskar, somewhere underneath his armor. You needed to exploit it, and fast.
A shaking smile made it onto your lips and you tried your best to seem as calm as he was, "A Mandalorian, and one with fine armor too. What a pleasant surprise."
"What are you doing on my ship?" Was all he gritted out, his tone rough and smooth all at once. A walking and living dichotomy that, against your better judgement, made your heart trip over itself.
"Is this your ship?" You noted, humming to yourself as your pulse thrummed, "I must have boarded without even looking, it seems so much like mine that I-"
The blaster moved closer to your skin and your words died, your eyes widening as the Mandalorian stared you down through his mask, "The truth, stowaway."
It wasn't a question, but a demand. Flattery clearly wasn't getting you anywhere, so you needed to find a different way.
"I need safe passage," You honestly announced, your charming, hopeful smile still on your lips to persuade him you're not a threat, "And clearly, Mando, you need some help around here. I could be of service to you, I've got a great many skills!"
"Can you hunt?"
He didn't mean animals. That was when you realized this Mandalorian was a bounty hunter, and you cursed every star for crossing your fate into bad luck.
"No, but I-"
"Can you fight?" He interrupted, his voice a calm and collected drill.
"Well, not particularly, but if you'd just-"
"Can you fix the ship?"
You were getting frustrated now.
"Never really been good with mechanics, but-"
"Then you are of no use to me." He decided, letting go of you and holstering his blaster. He stepped back and shuffled through one wall of his ship, looking for something, "I'll dock at the next inhabited planet and turn you over to-"
It was his turn to be cut off, but not by you. Instead, the whooshing of a cabin door opening followed by a child's giggle makes his words die out. Surprise skittered through you at the site. A child. This large, rough Mandalorian Bounty Hunter was taking care of a...a child?
As he stormed over to the little thing, he muttered soft chiding to it before picking it up gently in the hands that just held your life. The child nestled into the crook of his arm, batting its massive eyes up at him lovingly.
And, against every warning and better judgement, your heart, your very soul, melted at the site.
"You're a bounty hunter with a kid?" You asked boldly, stepping forward towards the beskar-coated hunter that turned sharply around to you, the kid still in his strong arms, "And what do you do with it when you're on jobs?"
"He stays here or comes with me," he rasps out simply. You let out a short, unbelieving laugh.
"And you say you don't need my help," You chide, being bolder than you should be and stepping up to the pair. The Mandalorian freezes as you brazenly pluck the child out of his arms, cradling the little one into your torso.
The pure shock of what you've just done makes Mando stand awkwardly, unmoving and sputtering for a moment as he tries to respond. Whatever he's saying keeps dying on his tongue as he watches the child giggle and play with your hair, nuzzling into you the way he was just doing to him.
"I can take care of him while you're on hunts," You reason, looking up at the Mando with a bright, unwavering smile, "And, as I was going to say before you rudely interrupted,"
This shocked the bounty hunter even more. The audacity of this woman, who could neither kill nor fight, to be so bold with him? It struck him into an astonished silence.
"I may not have any of the skills you listed," You continued, looking up at the Mandalorian with his child in your arms, "But I'm amazing at sneaking into places. I'm not a killer, but I'm sure a bounty hunter like yourself could use a good thief."
He crosses his arms at this, cocking his head at you in a way that makes you imagine his face with risen brows and a taunting gaze, "Obviously the sneaking part isn't your strong suit."
"Hey, I got in here, didn't I?" You challenged, holding his gaze before looking down at cooing at the child, "Besides, your little one likes me, don't you sweetheart?"
"Could you give him back, please?"
"What was that?" You hummed, tilting your ear towards the child before smiling at it once more, "I couldn't agree more. Your father does need to lighten up."
The Mandalorian sputtered at her words, not understanding how a little thing like you could have rendered him completely speechless and without knowledge of what to do next. No hunt he's ever been on has ever done that to this extent, and yet here you were. A stowaway that, as much as Din wanted to ignore, needed help. You tried to hide it behind your smiles and remarks, but he could see the desperation in your eyes, the worry in your soul.
You needed help, and damn it all he was going to give it to you.
Din cursed himself beneath his breath, shaking his head at you. If the Guild members knew what a softie he was under this armor he'd lose his entire reputation. He could slaughter targets without faltering, but throw in a child and a smartass stowaway and his spine leaves him.
"I'm not his father," The Mandalorian rebuts, but you can hear the lie in his tone, "I'm just looking out for him"
You scoffed at that, "Leaving him alone, taking him on dangerous hunts? Not things a good father would do."
"Hey I'm a great father!" His temper snapped, and you smiled smugly. You glanced up at him, tilting your head the way he'd just done to you.
"So you are his father?" You challenged.
The Mandalorian started and stopped three different sentences before he let out a defeated grunt and walked towards a far wall of the Crest. He slammed his hand onto a button and the door whizzed open to reveal a spare bedroom with three cots. A hope-filled, bright smile lit up your lips.
He was going to let you stay.
"You can sleep here. You'll earn your keep how you promised, but what I say goes, is that clear?" He ordered, staring you down. Your smile widened, and you noted to your memory the soft side the Mandalorian had that you'd bet only a few people had seen.
"I can't thank you enough, Mando," You responded, and he could see that you meant it. You handed him the child and moved to set your satchel, all that was left of your life, in the room he'd opened.
"Don't mention it." His voice of gravel ordered, and you heard him walking away. You couldn't ignore the sense of safety that he radiated, especially because you hadn't felt safe like this in years.
Thinking he was gone, your smile dropped as you sank onto the cot and rested your head against the cool metal.
"I'm free," You whispered, almost to ensure it was real. A genuine, small smile worked its way onto your lips and into your soul, "I'm free."
The Mandalorian watched from the other side of the ship, and he couldn't help the way his heart tugged. He didn't understand why, but Din knew he cared more than he should have to make sure you stayed free, to make sure you'd smile like that again.
You'd only meant to stay for a little while until you had enough credits and resources to make it on your own. And yet, here you were. It had been months and you still hadn't found a way to leave Din and the child.
He had found ways to make you stay. When he got used to your presence, he found that jobs often went easier with your expertise in stealth. The two of you became a team, and with the child it almost felt like...
Your mind stopped at the word that wanted to come next. Family. You hadn't had one in years, and it scared you because you knew you could do this forever. You'd begun to fall in love with Din Djarin the moment he'd picked up the child for the first time, and by now you were properly whipped.
Once the two of you had the bounty secured away, Din turned to you without leaving room for argument, "Sit down."
You did as he instructed, settling down on the cot in your room as Mando grabbed a med kit and walked back over to you. Even as he sat on the cot across from you, his massive frame shadowed your smaller one.
"Give me your arm," He said quietly, his voice sendings shivers racing down your spine that only worsened when he took your skin into his gloved hands.
He inspected it for a moment before humming, "It's not deep, it should heal quickly without bacta."
You were silent as he worked, something out of the ordinary for you and he knew it. As his skilled hands worked quickly, his modulated voice reached out to you, breaking the silence.
"What is it?"
You knew what he meant. Knowing that he could see through every lie you threw at him, you sighed and settled for the truth.
"Today...scared me."
The words surprised your Mandalorian as he went still before you, his hands faltering with the bandage for only a moment before he continued wrapping your cut.
"The hunt did?" He prodded. You shook your head.
"Seeing you lying there..." You began, and shook your head, the image stuck in your brain, "That's going to haunt me for a while, Din."
He tucked the end of the bandage in, and you kept your eyes down on his work. You couldn't stand to meet his masked-gaze, he'd see the emotion working its way through your eyes. One of his gloved hands hooks under your chin and tilts your head up softly to meet his gaze.
"You saved my life today," He said softly, his thumb brushing gently over your skin, "As much as I hate to admit it."
His words had their desired affect and you laughed softly, shaking your head at him as your soul lightened. Din was right, he was alive and well and it had a lot to do with you. The thought calmed you, but you couldn't hide the way it still scared the very depths of you.
"I should be apologizing to you," Mando started, but you cut him off.
"No, shut your mouth and listen to me for once." His voice was sharp, and it made you go silent with surprise. There wasn't cruelty or anger in that tone. Instead, you found it wavering with what you could have sworn was fear.
The Mandalorian moved his hand from your chin to hold more of your jaw, and with the movement you could hardly think straight, "I almost got you killed today. Had I woken up seconds later, you would have been that Trandoshan's target and not the other way around."
The words made your mouth go dry, and you tried to protest them but Din held you jaw with a gentle firmness and shook his head. It wasn't often that he preferred to do the talking, but you could see how bad he needed you to hear him.
"I'm sorry, cyar'ika. I'm so sorry"
You were stunned into silence. You'd never heard him say any of those words before, not sorry and certainly not cyar'ika. You knew what it meant, and it made your head spin. Slowly, so not to startle him, you lift your hands and rest them on the cool beskar of his helmet. He goes still and you can't help but smile softly at him
"There is nothing to forgive, Din."
His hand drops from your jaw and somehow finds its way absently resting on your waist. The touch sends fire shooting through you, and you have to blink a few times to focus.
"Besides, if I could count the number of times I almost got you killed..." You sentence ended naturally as you laughed softly, and he joined in. The sound was honey to your soul and it made you remember that you'd rather be here than anywhere else in the galaxy.
Much to your disappointment, he pulled away and stood surveying you through his mask, "I should go check on the kid. Get some rest."
And then he was gone, and you spent the rest of the night wondering what in the stars you were going to do.
You docked at Tatooine soon after, the ship in dire need of a tune up.
The last few days had been strange. You'd thought the near death encounter would continue to keep the two of you close like it had that day in your room, but he seemed to be ignoring you at any and all costs. He only spoke to you when he needed to and even then it was clipped and short.
By the time you saw Peli, you were dying to slug him over the head with one of her wrenches.
"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite band of three," The mechanic greets, jogging out to meet you with a smile, "Where's my baby?"
Mirroring her smile, you handed the kid over to Peli who eagerly tucked him close, stroking his long ears and cooing to him softly, "I only tolerate you two for him, you know."
The two of you knew better.
"Can you watch over him for a few hours? We have business here." Mando gruffly stated. You furrowed your brows and glanced over at him.
Business? He hadn't mentioned that to you. Then again, he barely mentioned anything to you these last few days.
"Go, go," Peli shooed, already turning around and walking with the kid back to her lodgings, "He and I will make sure the Crest is all fixed up, won't we precious thing? He loves his favorite aunt, doesn't he?"
Aunt, which would make you and Mando his...You brushed away the thought, not letting it bring you hope or joy. You smiled once more at the mechanic before following Mando as he quickly exited the hangar.
"What business do we have?" You asked. He almost seemed like he was not going to reply before he did so without even glancing at you.
"You'll see."
Your patience was waning, but you went along with it nonetheless. You hadn't been walking long on the desert planet before Mando ushered you in a bar nearby. The business ended up being nothing more than a job hunt, leaving you confused as to why the Mandalorian was being so stand-offish. He'd collected a new round of pucks and then left you to spend your evening alone however you pleased. You didn't know where he went and you didn't quite care. He was being an asshole to you, so you could return the favor.
You returned rather quickly to the hangar and the Crest, finding there was nothing better to do. After a few hours of cards and gambling with Peli and her droids, Mando still hadn't returned and you decided to go ahead and tuck the child in for the night. Bidding you friends goodnight, you hoisted the kid into your arms and climbed the hatch to the Crest.
"What's going on with you father, hm?" You asked softly, bouncing him in your arms. He stared up at you with wide, dark eyes, drinking in every word you spoke.
You walked him over to his makeshift bed, sighing as you settled him in it. You spent a moment longer tracing a finger down his wrinkled skin, a saddened look flickering in your gaze.
"He's going to be the end of me," You whispered, and could've sworn the kid's eyes softened on you. You leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his brow and walked out of his room, "Sweet dreams, little one."
When you shut the door, your eyes traveled to the bandage still tied securely around your wounded arm. Although Mando assured it would be alright, it hurt like hell. You made your way into your room, grabbing a med kit as you went. You set the kit down on your bed and opened it, about to tend to your would when you heard footsteps and then the hatch closing to the Crest.
Your heart leapt into your throat and you stepped away from the med kit and out of your room, your eyes traveling over the ship until you saw the flash of beskar in the dark, "Finally, you were starting to worry me."
"I'm sure I was," came Din's response, but his voice made you freeze.
You watched in shock for a moment as he turned and stumbled slightly as he walked towards where you stood. With wide eyes, you barely could speak, "Are you...drunk?"
The Mandalorian came closer to you, his massive body making you take a few steps back. He kept advancing until your back was pressed against the cool metal of the Crest's wall.
"Din," you whispered, your heart racing as he stopped before you, settling his forearms above your head and caging you in. You could hardly think straight with him like this.
"Close your eyes, cyar'ika." His voice came, low and rough and gentle and slurred.
"Din, what-"
"Close your eyes." He ordered again. With him this close to you, your inhibitions were all but gone and you did as he asked, shutting your eyes. Before you, you could hear him let out a long sigh.
"I was thinking," He started, followed by the moving of his arms away from the wall. You furrowed your brows at the absence of his presence, but before another thought could leave, you heard a sound that made your heart stop and your mind go blank.
You heard him take his helmet off.
"Din, you're drunk-" You couldn't make it past that before he was cutting in. He's never taken his helmet off around you, it was the creed. It was his life. He'd regret this in the morning.
"Shut up." He murmured, his body heat returning close to you. Your eyes stayed firmly shut as he told you too, that way it wouldn't break the code he lived by. You felt his hands touch your neck softly and jumped slightly in surprise at the absence of gloves, "I know what I'm doing. Just keep your eyes closed, mesh'la."
His skin. His skin was touching yours.
Your breathing hitched, and you knew when he settled those bare, rough hands onto your jaw that he did so in a manner to feel the thrum of your pulse in your neck. It was wildly racing, quicker than it ever had.
"I was thinking," He started again, running his thumbs over your skin and forever ruining you from contact with anyone else ever again, "That you almost died."
His low voice had taken on an edge of sadness and you nearly opened your eyes out of habit, but forced them to stay closed.
"You almost died, and I never got to know what those pretty lips of yours tasted like"
What in the stars was happening? Was this real? Were you going to wake up and find it was all a dream in a few moments? Or was this finally putting the last few days into context? Even after your talk, the hunt had messed him up and haunted him just as it had you. And now here he was, his breath fanning across your skin and his lips almost brushing against yours.
You never imagined this would happen, not in thirty lifetimes did you think you'd ever know what it would feel like to press your lips against Din Djarin's.
And yet, in the next second, you knew.
Without warning, he captured your lips with his and pressed his body against yours, keeping you against the wall. He grabbed your hands in one of his, pressing them together over your head to keep you from touching his face. As his lips worked desperately, hungrily, passionately against yours, your knees buckled and his free hand slipped around your waist, keeping you from falling.
This had to be a dream, it had to be. This couldn't be real, but it was. You knew that he was drunk and that he'd probably not remember this in the morning. You tried to pull away, tried to force yourself to stop but he held you fast, crushing your body against his and making you forget your own name with his tongue in your mouth.
You didn't want it to end, but you knew it would have to eventually. It would end and you would have to go back to pretending like you weren't in love with him.
As if you'd brought it about by just thinking it, Din's lips left yours. He wasn't kissing you, but he stayed so close that his nose touched yours.
"I'm sorry," He breathed, his lips brushing against yours.
And then he was gone.
You stood there with your eyes closed long after you heard his bedroom door shut. You cursed every star in the sky, because now that you knew what his skin felt like, every moment without it touching you was pure and unbridled torture. This torture was worse than any you'd felt under Master Finon Kane and his troopers.
When you slept that night, you dreamt of Din's lips on yours.
In the morning, you didn't know whether or not Din was going to continue ignoring you, address what happened last night, or pretend like the last few days haven't even happened. When you greeted him in the belly of the ship and he he greeted you the same as he has for months before heading off to find bounties, you realized it would be the last option.
Anything was better than the blatant ignoring, but having him act normal around you was horrific in itself.
"Hey little guy," You greet the child, a smile on your lips as you reached down and stroked his ear. He giggled up at you just as the Mandalorian walked up the hatch and into the Crest.
"So," You began, watching him set down the bag of pucks he collected in town. He goes still for a moment, but keeps his helmet firmly away from you.
"So," He repeats, sounding utterly anxious but trying to play it cool. It makes humor curl in your gut and you decide to push you luck.
"What's the plan for today?" You ask, and from the sigh he lets out you can see he was expected something regarding last night.
"Picked up some pucks in town, we can go through 'em and see what we can do." He responds. You nod, reaching down a hand and letting the child play with you finger.
"So getting drunk isn't in the cards, then?"
The sharp intake of breath from the Mandalorian nearly makes you crack with laughter. You bite the inside of your cheek to keep your humor at just the smile on your lips.
"No." Din replies gruffly.
"That's a shame," You sigh, looking up at him finally to find him already facing you and the child, "I like drunk you. He's fun."
"I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry." He states, making your humor dissipate in record speed. You hold his beskar-covered gaze for a moment, feeling the phantom scrape of his calloused hands on your skin and the touch of his lips to yours.
"Which part?" You ask, holding your breath in a way that made it clear whatever he said next would cement something between the two of you. He stays silent for a long while before walking up to you, the child between the two of you. He reaches down and strokes the kid's head lovingly before looking to you.
"Which part do you want to be the mistake?" Din whispers, the gravel of his tone silky smooth as it caresses you. He's playing with you, you suddenly realize. You played with him with the drunk comment and he's playing back, testing to see which of you will break first.
You have to smother your smile before it can make it to your face.
"Careful Mando," You respond, your tone barely stable, "You've got a clan of two to protect. I-"
He interrupts you with such a sure, calm voice that you almost miss what he says, "What?" You whisper, your teasing gone.
"Three," Din repeats, "Clan of three."
Before you can respond, a nonsensical babble from below makes the two of you look down to see a confused and yet very aware child. His smalls hands are holding your fingers and Din's hand is on his ear, and for a moment it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
But then you and Din come to your senses, and you mutually decide to push off the game of testing the tension until it breaks again.
"We should go through those pucks," Din states, walking away and to the sack he set down earlier. With a smile that you're glad he doesn't see, you wonder how much longer you can go without telling him what he really is to you. You repeat what he said to you in your mind.
Clan of three.
Mando dumps out the bounty pucks, sorting through them as you lean against the wall, your arms crossed and giving your input with each one he clicks open.
"Another mercenary, set on Naboo." Mando announces, the picture of the target hovering over the puck. You click your tongue.
"After the Trandoshan, I think we should take a break from mercenaries," You advise, earning a nod of agreement from Din. He sets the puck aside and grabs another, clicking it on.
"This one's on Tatooine, but I think I'm ready to see something besides this desert planet," The Mandalorian notes, and you hum your agreement.
"Trees would be nice, like on Felucia" You add, an absentminded smile growing on your face, "Or maybe a nice water planet."
"Water and this armor don't go together, mesh'la"
You smirk at him from your spot at the wall, "All the more reason to go."
His sudden laugh is enough to make every sorrow remotely near your mind melt away. Everything is back to normal, everything is going well, everything is beautiful.
Until he clicks open the next puck.
That's when your world comes crashing down.
The silence that settles over the cabin is thick and unlike the comfortable one you are used to. Mando goes as still as death before you, his body taught under his armor. Horror, real and true, washes over every fiber of your being.
Because that's your picture on the bounty puck, and the one who put it out is Finon Kane.
No. No. This isn't real, this isn't happening.
Din says your name, slow and guarded.
No, not when everything was perfect. Not when you'd found your family, your clan.
You begin to shake your head, all of those years of torture and darkness roaring through your mind. You'd just begun to forget it all, truly forget it all.
But you guess it's true what they say, you really can't run from your past forever.
"Y/N, what-"
You're shoving through the Crest towards your room, leaving Din in stunned silence until he comes to his senses and follows.
"Where is it, where is it, where is it?" You mumble, blinding panic tearing you apart as you rummage wildly through your belongings. It only takes a few seconds before your hands close around your satchel, and your chest doesn't loosen even an inch when you lift it and find it still heavy with the item that is dooming you.
You clutch the satchel close and sling it across your body, standing to leave your room only to find Din blocking the path with his massive body.
"Cyar'ika, what's going on?" His voice is commanding as usual, but it holds an edge of panic that you can't deny.
You feel like a cornered animal, and your fingers clutch the strap of your bag tightly.
"Mando, move." You plead, moving to go around him only for him to grab your shoulders and pull you back.
"No, Mando move!' You beg, pulling against his hold, "Din please."
"Stop it!" He orders, holding you fast, his chest heaving with worried breaths. He stares at you for a moment before it seems to click in his mind, "What were you running from?"
You know what he refers to, you mind zipping back to that moment when you stowed away on his ship. Your silent for a long while, your panic not lowering an ounce. You've always felt safe with Din, always. You long to tell him everything, to let him help you because you know he'd never hunt you. You'd feel safe, but you wouldn't be safe.
The Mandalorian couldn't protect you from this, but you could protect him from it.
"I stole something," You whisper, your voice barely above a breath, "And my old master won't stop until he has it and me."
"What did you take?" Mando asks, his tone flooded with calculation as he tries to figure a way out of this, "If we hunt him down first, we can-"
"Din," Your voice breaks as you cut in, placing one hand on the beskar chest plate and longing for the feel of his skin again, "My reaper has come for me. And I can't let him take you too"
Before he can get out another sentence, you use your free hand to search in your satchel until your fingers close around the cool metal of what doesn't belong to you.
Then you pull out the lightsaber you stole and crack the butt of it so hard against the Mandalorian's helmet that he drops to the floor, unconscious.
He taught you that move with a blaster.
And now, you've saved his life with it.
You stand for a moment in silence, your heart slowly shattering in your chest as you look down at the love of your life. Tears cloud your vision, and you look up to see the child looking at you with confused eyes. You break, a sob wracking your body as you bend down to the Mandalorian's slumped body grip his gloved hand, pulling it up to place a kiss to his palm.
"I'm sorry," Your words mirror his from last night, and then you're pocketing the lightsaber that once belonged to the Empire and running out of the Razor Crest.
You're now his bounty, and if he knows what's good for him he'll let this one go.
Let you go.
||| Din Djarin
When the Mandalorian awoke, he was alone.
There was one heart-breaking moment of confusion as he sat up from his slumped position on the floor. It wasn't silent, but there was something missing in the array of noises. There was no laughter, no yelling. There was no light-hearted remarks, no sarcastic punches.
There was no her.
The thought jarred him so deeply from his newly-conscious muddled mind that he shoved himself to his feet, his heart pounding so loud in his chest that he could feel every thrum.
This wasn't happening. She wouldn't have just left, she wouldn't.
He stumbled out of her small room, his gaze wildly shooting around the Razor Crest. The child lay exactly where Din remembered, right before...
What the hell happened? How did he-
The memories came back in a rush—the hand on his chest that had distracted him as her other hand grabbed something from her satchel, something metal and cylindrical. She'd hit him with it, whipped it across his head like he'd taught her. She must've gotten the blaster...no, it wasn't a blaster. It was...it was...
A lightsaber. She'd stolen a lightsaber all those months ago.
The thought made his head spin and it took a great deal of effort to keep his knees from buckling. Whenever she'd spoken of her past, it had been vague. Mentions of an Imperial encampment even after the Empire's fall, the shoving of her city into slavery, the torture she endured at the hands of her master.
The very thought made him clench his jaw. The first time she'd spoken about this Finon Kane, he'd wanted to find him and slaughter him with his bare hands for ever laying a finger on her. And now...now he had a bounty on her and Din wasn't there to protect her.
The thought spurred him back into action. Din scooped up the child into his hands before rocketing down the hatch of the Crest and towards where Peli worked with her droids. The mechanic seemed slightly nervous, almost as if she was avoiding his gaze.
"Mando, off to do a hunt?" She asked, trying to sound casual and failing. Din didn't falter as he walked up and shoved the child into her arms. Peli startled as she took the kid, looking up at Din with wide eyes. She couldn't see the Mandalorian's face, but it was clear to anyone the pure, guttural rage tangling with a panic he's never known.
"Where did she go?" He demanded. The mechanic sputtered for a moment, holding the child close.
"I don't know what you mean," Peli tried, and Din almost growled.
"Peli if you don't tell me where she went I will rip your tongue out," Din snarled. The woman looked at him desperately, her gaze torn.
"She told me not to tell you, Mando. How do I know you're not going to..." Her words died out and it took every ounce of Din's restraint to keep from yelling again.
"Hurt her?" He finished for the mechanic, his voice just as lethal when it was quiet, "She's in danger, Peli. Real danger, and if you don't tell me where she went someone else is going to find her first and she'll...she'll-"
He could't get the words out, couldn't hide the panic flooding his tone. Din didn't know what he'd do if someone else found her first, he couldn't even comprehend that she wasn't with him right now. He didn't think he'd ever have to know what it felt like for her to be absent. The mechanic softened immediately, letting out a long sigh.
"She didn't say exactly where she was going," Peli finally admitted, holding the kid tighter, "Just that she needed to get as far away as she could as fast as possible. When I asked, she said something remote, something green. She took the spare ship in the hangar an hour ago."
Mando didn't need an exact answer to know where she was going, he knew. With a brisk nod of his head, he gestured at the kid as he walked towards the Crest, "Watch him for me?"
Peli nodded, "Of course. Do you think she'll...do you think she'll be okay?"
The Mandalorian stopped, looking over his shoulder slightly so that the mechanic was in this peripheral vision.
"If she isn't, I'll burn the planet down."
With that he was getting on the Crest, his heart hammering in his chest and fear, real fear, flooding every part of his being. He shut the hatch and practically vaulted into the cockpit. Din threw himself into the captain's seat and swiveling to face the control panel. He didn't hesitate as he put in the coordinates. She mentioned trees earlier, and he knew the way she thought, knew she was smart enough to go somewhere with more jungles than cities right now.
He'd go, he'd find her, he'd knock her upside the head for running away from him, and he'd get her back.
And stars help anyone he’s found has so much as touched her.
||| You
It was strange, being on the run again.
Even though it hadn't even been a full year since you last were sprinting from your reaper, it has felt like a lifetime because of your company. Time slowed down with Din Djarin, and for a long while you felt safe, protected, home.
And now you were scrambling around, planet to planet, in the dark alleyways and through dense, uninhabited forests to put distance between you and...
You stopped for a moment, your back pressed up against a tree in the rich, winding forest of Felucia. Who were you trying to put distance between?
Finon Kane, his squadron of stormtroopers, and the only real family you've ever had.
That last one sent a spear of heart-wrenching pain racketing through you. Typical, so very typical, to find something so worth having and to think the galaxy would let you keep it. This galaxy was cold and cruel, it was a better thief than you'd ever be and you knew it, you knew it. And yet you let yourself get close anyways. It's a strange thing what love can do. It made you reckless enough to think that for once, just once, the galaxy would let you make it away with what you found.
It turns out you aren't as good of a thief as you thought, because the happiness you stole has been returned, and your time playing at a good life has run out.
You picked up your brutal pace again, trekking through the jungle and refusing to stop for even the barest of needs unless it was unavoidable. This would never end, this hunt. As you moved, the lightsaber in your bag banged against your hip, reminding you of what had gotten you into this mess in the first place.
You shouldn't have taken it, you really shouldn't have, but you couldn't stand to watch Master Kane take another slave's life with a weapon that didn't belong to him. He'd found it in the rubble of the fallen Empire and he thought he was entitled to it. It had been used as a weapon of terror during the Imperial rule and then after because of your master, and taking it? You'd not only done it so the weapon could be given back to the New Republic where it belonged, but because after everything he'd done to you, after all of the scars you bore because of Finon Kane, you'd wanted to hurt him. You had wanted him to feel every ounce of pain and desperation you had, and for that cause, you were willing to pay the price that was now due.
The jungle-covered planet would do well to hide you for a little while, give you time to gather up some credits in case you needed to run again. You walk around a grove of trees, the jungle beginning to thin the closer you get to a city. As you do, a sound you're all too familiar with makes you stop dead in your tracks.
A steady beeping, consistently increasing as it gets louder.
A tracking fob.
You barely have time to scramble around to the back of a thick tree when a blaster sounds out behind you, singing the side of the tree where you'd just been standing.
"Come on out, thief! I get more credits for bringing you in alive." The gruff voice of a bounty hunter wafts out to you, a hint of smugness in her tone.
Your mind is grappling for options as you sprint away from your tree and towards another thicket up ahead. Your feet are silent on the grassy floor and you deftly miss any roots in your path, so the bounty hunter doesn't notice you at first. When she does, it's made known by the firing of the blaster at your back.
Gratefully, the hunter has horrible aim.
Blast after blast burn into the trees around you, so you continue to stick close to them as you run. How the hunter found you is incomprehensible, but you don't waste time worrying about that matter and sprint for your life towards the city that thrives just outside the jungle's end. The only tricky thing would be making it across the large clearing between the end of the trees you were approaching and the city gates up ahead.
"Get back here!" The hunter shouts to you, falling further and further behind.
You allow the hint of a smile, but don't dare to slow down. The end of the jungle is growing nearer, and it's only a minute or so of sprinting before you're at the city g-
Another bounty hunter steps out from around the last tree in the clearing, a blaster held lazily in his hands. You skid to a stop so suddenly that your feet slip on the floor and you have to catch yourself with a hand to the jungle floor to keep from falling on your ass. You whirl around to go back the way you came only to come face to face with the other hunter ho had already been pursuing you approaching, her chest heaving with breath but her blaster lifted nonetheless.
"Nowhere to run, thief," The one behind you lilts, his voice heavy with experience and sounding almost bored, "Surrender now and I'll let you keep your life."
"I saw her first, the bounty's mine!" The first hunter grits, her eyes flicking from your face and to the hunter behind you. You turn halfway to keep them both in your vision, your heart pounding in your chest.
"You would've lost her if it wasn't for me," The other counters, both of their blasters lowered slightly. You would make a run for it, but you're directly in the middle of the quarrel, and they'd have you dead in seconds. So, you do the only thing that can save you, the thing you've wanted to do for months now.
You pull the lightsaber from your satchel, clutch it in both hands, and turn it on.
The argument between the hunters dies as a burning blade, as red as death and blood and anguish, ignites into the green of the forest. The two colors clash, one seeming wrong with the other, but you clutch it nonetheless and move before they can lift their weapons again.
"That's a..." The male hunter stands shell-shocked, his words dying as he watches you advance on the female hunter who has already begun firing at you.
You're clumsy with the foreign weapon, but her bad aim and you're mild understand of how to move the saber allows the blasts and blade of the same color to clash as they collide, saving you from the death her weapon assures.
Her weapon may bring death, but yours is death.
She nearly blasts your head off, but you manage to shove the lightsaber through her middle before she gets another shot out. Her strangled gasp followed by the thud of her body into the ground nearly makes you falter, but the sound of the other hunter approaching snaps you out of your own mind. It was you or them, you assure yourself.
You'd wounded the other hunter quickly, grounding him before turning the saber off and sprinting for the city ahead. As you did, you shoved the blade into your satchel and barreled through the open gates, the merchants and travelers bustling through gasping and yelping as you shoved through them. The second you were inside, you stopped running and allowed yourself to meld into the crowd, walking in their flow and moving in their manners. It was mere seconds before you were blended into their midst, the only difference between you and them being your heaving chest and singed clothes from a blast or two that got dangerously close.
You thought you'd made it out before a figure shot out of the alleyway you were passing.
A gasp left your lips as they grabbed you and tugged you inside faster than you could comprehend. Before you could reach for the saber in your satchel, the bag was ripped clean off your shoulder, nearly dislocating the limb in the process and making a cry of pain leave your lips. The sound couldn't even make it fully out before you were being pressed against the sand wall of a building with the steel edge of a blade at your throat.
Your eyes were wide and wild as they took in your surroundings—two hunters surrounded you expectantly, not counting the one holding you at knifepoint. They must have agreed to a split bounty and a temporary alliance.
"Check the bag," The one holding you grunts out. On command, one of the two standing around you searches the bag he'd ripped clean off, his hand rummaging through until a sickening smile lit up his lips. Slowly, he pulled the lightsaber out.
"It's here." His response was smug and nauseating. You knew this was going to happen, but you thought you'd have a least a bit more time before it did.
"Haven't seen a real lightsaber before," The other muses, the two of them in the back looking over the silver and gold-plated handle, "You're going to make us rich, girl"
"Give it-" You struggled against the hold of the hunter only for the knife to cut down into the tender skin of your neck, making your words collapse into a breathy cry of pain. He kept the knife embedded slightly into your skin, his eyes boring into yours as a smirk captured his lips, "Move again, and I'll knick an artery on accident. Then, we can see how long it will take for the life to drain out of your eyes."
The word accident rolled off his tongue with a promise, and you fought back a shiver of fear. The press of the burning steel in your flesh was agonizing, and you realized all at once that you were going to die. Whether it was here and now with this group of hunters or when they handed you off to Finon Kane, you were going to die.
The thought made your body grow suddenly cold.
You'd spent so many years thinking that you'd never have a family again, that you'd never know what it meant to love and be loved. It became your bleak reality, and then you quite literally stumbled into the two individuals that would become your entire world.
It was selfish of you to stay, so damn selfish. Deep down, you had known that Kane would put a bounty on your head, that he'd find you one day and make you pay for every bit of trouble he'd endured because of you. Yet you did it anyway. You stayed and you let yourself grow attached beyond hope.
You let yourself fall in love, and that was possibly the worst of the sins you'd committed.
And, just like the other sins, you had thought you could run from that one, thought its penance would never arrive. Now here you were, facing death at the hands of those in the very same profession as your Mandalorian while he was far away on Tatooine, probably wondering what had gone wrong. You knew you'd hurt both him and the child by leaving, but you would rather they be hurt and alive than dead.
"Now," The one holding you announces, stepping back and easing the knife out of your throat, "It's time to bring you to your master in top shape."
You barely had time to register the warm blood trickling down your neck from the cut of the hunter's knife before his fist was cracking against your cheek. The force of the unexpected blow slammed your head into the wall and brought you crashing to the ground. Your groan was just out of your mouth when the next blow came, this one to your ribs. A cry of pure agony slipped out as a loud crack resounded amongst your rib cage with the powerful kick, making tears collect in your eyes.
You felt utterly helpless as you desperately tried to lift yourself off of the ground, but you were so tired. You were utterly exhausted, and it took every ounce of your strength to pull out your beskar knife and slash the tendons along the back of one of the hunter's heels. Purple blood sprayed and he shouted, collapsing to the floor beside you.
"Get back here, you little bitch!" One seethed, grabbing you by your hair and yanking you up to your knees. Before your eyes could focus on where he was, you slashed with your knife. He must have seen it coming because he grabbed your wrist in a bruising grip.
"Drop the knife," He growled, one of his hunter companions still on the floor clutching his ankle and the other standing by the one who held you, the lightsaber handle in his hands.
"Give me the saber," You bargained breathlessly, your voice crutched with torment.
The hunters didn't like that very much, and the one holding the saber slammed it against your cheek. You took the hit with a groan, enough pain already crawling through you that you barely even felt it.
"This isn't a negotiation," The one holding you gritted, "Drop. The. Knife."
It was stupid, and you knew that you should just listen at this point, but you couldn't stop yourself from lifting your chin stubbornly and holding his gaze, "You'll have to break my hand."
"With pleasure," He snarled, his grip tightening on your wrist. Before he could snap it, a low, modulated voice rasped into the alley.
"Break her hand, and I'll make sure your death is the slowest."
You shut your eyes instantly, your shoulders loosening with both relief and agony. He'd come for you. Din had found you, and you couldn't stop the bittersweet feeling crashing through your soul. You wanted to hate him for it, wanted to scream at him and knock the sense of your desertion into his brain. But you knew you weren't capable of hating Din Djarin, not even if you wanted to. Especially not now as he stood like a dark angel in the entrance to the alleyway, glowering with rage wholly directed at the hunters left standing.
"This is our bounty, Mandalorian," The one holding the lightsaber sneered, "Find another-"
He was dead before his sentence could complete, his neck twisted at a wrong angle from where Mando had snapped it with his bare hands.
That made the one holding your wrist let go of you instantly.
"Y-You can have her, she's all y-yours Mandalorian." He stumbled back, running into his downed companion who had finally managed to limp to his feet.
Din didn't respond as he stooped slowly, grabbing the lightsaber and slipping it along his holster. He was as silent as death as he stalked up to you, his beskar clinking slightly in the tense silence. You were still on the floor, your skin bloody and your heart pounding so fast you thought it would burst. You wanted to crash into him and hold him, never letting go. You wanted to let him take you back to the Razor Crest and help you figure all of this out. You were safe with him. But he wasn't safe with you, and neither was the child. You had to protect the child, you had to protect Din.
The two remaining hunters were frozen in terror, trapped in the dead end alley like cornered prey. Din stopped in front of you, his mask peered down at you as his hand reached out. Much gentler than you could even imagine, his hand softly gripped your chin and tilted it upwards and to the side so he could see the blossoming, nasty bruise on your cheek.
His gentle fingers were in a fierce dichotomy with the rigid, furious posture of his body. Mando slid them down, leaving lightning where he touched as he lightly traced the cut in your neck. Your gaze locked with his mask, and he held it for a long minute. Then, he dropped his hand and cocked his head over at the two hunters.
"Which one cut you, cyar'ika?" His voice was dark and tender all at once, and it sent a shiver racing down your spine.
"The one limping," You responded without hesitation, your eyes up on him as he nodded once and began to stalk towards the two hunters.
Confusion rippled across their features, and the one who hadn't cut you was quick to shove his ally in front of him. Their loyalty only ran monetary, and even though you knew it wouldn't save his life he had to try.
"What are you doing? I t-thought you were a hunter!" The hunter who the Mandalorian had his sights on was shaking with terror, and it brought you a wicked sense of justice.
"I am."
The next few moments passed in a mess of beskar and knives and blood. The last remaining hunter could only watch in horror as Din ripped his colleague apart with a confidence that could make any skilled fighter wary. The man's pleas and cries were shrill, and the people on the main road were wise enough to keep walking as they passed.
Then, it was quiet. And Din turned to the last hunter pressed against the wall across from you.
"No, please. I'll tell you anything you want, I'll give you anything please!" He begged, but his hurried words were cut off by Din's hand on his throat. He tugged the hunter close, his beskar helmet splattered with blood.
"If you find anyone taking her bounty, tell them what happened here. Make sure they know they will suffer the same fate. Understand?" Din's tone was taught with thinly veiled anger, and you could tell that it was an effort to keep from killing the man.
The hunter nodded briskly, his eyes wide and his legs trembling. When the Mandalorian finally released him, he was sprinting out of the alley, leaving a tense silence to settle over the two of you that remained. Din turned towards where you still sat on the ground, and as he walked over you were suddenly aware of the conversation that was about to happen, the anger he was about to rain upon you.
Mando extended a hand down to you, which you took and gladly accepted his help as you stood. Your hand gingerly pressed against your cracked rib, every breath and every minuscule movement sending sharp, shooting pain through the area, "You alright?"
"I will be," You nearly whispered, you eyes locked onto his brooding, helmeted stare. There was only mere inches between the two of you, and you knew that if you stayed this close, you wouldn't be able to leave again. You went to step back, but he tightened his hold on your hand enough to keep you close.
"Let me go," You breathed, the words meaning more than just physically.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Din gritted out, his voice conveying the worry and hurt and anger that his mask hid. His voice broke your heart.
"Din, you have to let me go." You were almost begging now, and you could feel the tears welling in your eyes. He shifted his hold so that he was holding both of your hands, probably to keep you from reaching for the saber at his belt.
"Not again," He vowed, his usually collected voice portraying how barely bridled his emotions were, "Not until you tell me why the hell you left me."
You were silent for a moment, trying desperately to find a way to speak without showing just how deeply this was shattering your heart, your soul.
"Did you really think I would turn you in? That I would collect your bounty?" Din asked finally, his voice breaking.
"No," Your shaky voice finally began to work, growing stronger by the moment, "That's the thing, Mando. You wouldn't, which means when these hunters came looking for me, they'd find you and the child."
"You think I can't protect you?"
"Din, I have never known safety until I met you," You swore, the tears collecting in your eyes beginning to fall, "But the man who's hunting me, Finon Kane? He will stop at nothing until he has me and the lightsaber. If I had stayed, I would be giving you and the child a death sentence."
"Y/N, you're staying with me." The Mandalorian asserts, his voice trembling. You shake your head, your tears falling steadier now.
"Din please, you have to leave me here. Protect the child, it's your duty. You have to forget you ever knew me, forget I was ever with you, forget me."
"You think I could do that?" He cuts in abruptly, tugging you closer to show the urgency and truth of his words, "You think I could ever walk away and just forget you?"
His words were dangerous, and you tried to stop him, "DIn-"
"You have ruined me, ner cyar'ika. Every moment I spend away from you is torture, it's a moonless night that never ends."
His words leave you breathless, your eyes wide and your heart stumbling in your chest as you try and fail to find a response. He won't let you speak, though.
"The child and you? You are my clan, my family. You two are all that I have, and I am nothing without you," He's so close now that you can almost hear the unmodulated tone of his voice. Din lets go of one of your hands to rest at the base of your neck and bring your head close to his. What he does next...it's a moment that will forever be etched into your brain.
He brings his forehead to yours, and he leaves it there for a moment. The cool metal of his helmet bleeds into your skin, and you can't stop the soft gasp that leaves your lips. You grab onto his beskar-plated chest for support because you know what this is. On easy nights, Din would often sit and tell you stories of the Mandalorian culture. He spoke once or twice of the Keldabe kiss, a gesture meant to show love and affection. The meaning of this moment was not lost on you, and it nearly ripped out your heart to think that he could...that he could love you back. He possibly loved you and now you were about to die.
"I'm not leaving you," Din murmured, the cool beskar of his mask pulling away from your forehead. You felt the cool metal of something pressing into your hands and you look down to see him handing you the lightsaber, "We'll end this together."
You couldn't look away from him, couldn't bring yourself to walk away again. You were being selfish and stupid, but with what just happened, with what Din had just said, you couldn't leave him.
You simply nodded, "Okay."
Din nodded as well, stepping back from you, "Okay."
There was a moment of tension between the two of you, a moment where each was waiting for the other to say something more, to mention those three words that had yet to be spoken. You watched him walk towards the alley exit, following slowly behind. He'd begun to say some sort of strategy, but you weren't listening. You didn't know what was going to happen next, you didn't know how much time you had. You needed to say it, and you needed to say it now before you lost this chance.
"Mando?" You cut in, making him pause and look over at you as you entered the streets of Felucia, "I love you"
The Mandalorian froze, his muscles going taught. The bustling world around you seemed to dull for a moment, and all that was left was you and him. Your heart pounding in your chest and you felt your breaths getting shorter and shorter as you waited for his response.
You heard Din take in a breath to respond, but someone beat him to it.
"So this is what you've been doing all this time."
It was your turn to freeze, and your gaze was still locked on the Mandalorian's as your eyes went wide with fear, with terror. You knew that voice. You'd know that voice if the galaxy ended and then begun again a hundred times over.
Slowly, you turned to face Master Finon Kane and the six storm troopers that flanked him.
"I believe you have something of mine," Kane cut straight to the chase, his troopers making quick work of clearing the street while he stood not ten paces from you. Your fingers tightened around the handle of the lightsaber still in your grasp, and you saw Kane's eyes dart down to it.
"Hand it over now, and I might consider killing you. Your Mandalorian doesn't scare me."
There was no hiding the blatant horror inundating you. Those words, you knew what they meant. You preferred death to what you knew life with Kane would promise. Staring into his eyes, you were reliving every moment of pain you'd endured at his hands—every beating, execution, and humiliation, they haunted you.
You didn't know when Din had moved to your side, but you felt the nudge of his body next to yours, and it knocked you from your spiral. He was letting you know that he was there, that he wasn't going anywhere. And, looking at the odds, you could honestly say that the two of you had fared worse.
“Stand down and I’ll make your death quick,” you fire back, your voice surprisingly strong. Kane barked out a laugh as the six troopers fell into line behind him.
"You can't kill me, pet. You know it and so do I." With a flick of his fingers, his troopers were moving, two next to Kane and four fanning out in front of us.
"I know that," You responded quietly, but not weakly. Your fingers barely brushed against Din's hand, the movement so small it was imperceptible to those before you, but the way his fingers touched yours gave you the assurance that you were about to make the right move, "But he can."
The troopers couldn't even raise their blasters before Din and you moved on them. The next few moments were a blur, shining beskar and frantic blasts missing their targets as Din cut down the troopers with ease. You could hear feel the blast of the fire caster on his wrist as he incinerated two more.
He had four dead before you could even turn on the lightsaber.
Your eyes shot to Kane's, whose were wide with shock and a bleat of panic when he saw your hands move to grasp the lightsaber before you.
His cry died in his throat when the red saber born of a bleeding, hate-filled kyber crystal ignited before you. You barely new how to use it, but it wasn't difficult to shove the burning side into the armor of the troopers.
Then, it was silent.
Din sauntered up beside you, standing tall and strong with his helmet cocked intimidatingly at Kane. You didn't turn off the lightsaber, but let its red light cast a vengeful glow across your features.
"You think you're so clever," Finon Kane spat, his desperation betraying him, "You think you could so easily b-"
His words were cut off by the hiss of a lightsaber meeting flesh, and something in your chest loosened as you looked up from where you had shoved the saber deep into his belly. Your old master's eyes were wide and his mouth gaping. He was shocked, he really hadn't thought you could do it.
"For every friend of mine you slaughtered," You grit out, shoving the lightsaber an inch deeper and making him cry out in pain, "Their souls are avenged."
He was dead before his body hit the ground, and you simply sheathed your lightsaber, looked to your Mandalorian, and walked away. You didn't realize that you were trembling until the two of you walked outside the city gates and Din's hand grabbed onto yours, large and warm and sure. The Razor Crest sat waiting ahead of you, and you nearly buckled and sobbed in relief.
"It's over," You whispered, you eyes dazed and your words no more than a breath as the gravity of what just happened crashed over you.
You stopped walking in front of your beloved ship, turning to face Din as he did you, "I'm...I'm free"
You let out a breathy, wild, joyous laugh and launched forward, wrapping your arms around the Mandalorian's neck. He paused only for a moment before you felt him melt into you, his hands slipping around your waist and holding you closer than life.
"Thank you, Din," You whispered, your words a vow and a prayer, "I am forever in your debt."
His hold on you tightened, one hand slipping up your back to hold more of you to him, "You owe me nothing. Your life is yours to hold, you are no longer in the service of any master."
Tears you hated to acknowledge slipped down your cheeks, and you were glad to be pressed so close to him so that he couldn't see them fall. He knew, though. He knew.
You didn't want to pull away, didn't want to know again what it felt like to be away from him. Eventually, it could not be avoided. You wanted to get on the Crest and fly away from this place, to bring your life back to the normal you'd fallen so deeply in love with, the one with the child and the bounties and the adventure and him. Especially him.
"Now," You announced, your tone light and jovial as you pulled away and looked up at Mando with a smile, "Where's the child? I'm sure he's been miserable without me,"
You began to walk up to the Crest, but you hadn't realized that the Mandalorian hadn't followed you until his voice called out and made you pause.
"He's with Peli, safe and sound."
You stopped in your step and turned around to see Din walking slowly up to where you stood. Something in his tone made your heart jolt. Your voice was no more than an unsure whisper when you spoke next, "That's good."
Din hummed, and the sound made every thought abandon your mind. He stopped in his gait when he was just in front of you, but not as close as you thought he'd be.
"Are we going to...get on the ship?" You asked, for the first time unaware of what he was going to do next.
"We will," He finally responded, taking one step closer to you and suddenly making you realize why he'd left the room that was quickly dissipating. He was torturing you, playing with you, and once again uncaged butterflies swarmed your insides, "But first, I want to talk about what you said earlier."
His voice was low and smooth and sure, in direct contrast to your trembling one as you tried to act cool. He was making you squirm and he loved it, "You'll have to be more specific, Mando."
Din took that last step closer to you, nearly closing the gap as he tilted his masked face down at you in a way that had your head spinning, "You know what I'm talking about, mesh'la."
You grappled for a response, you really did, but you didn't know what to say, didn't know how you could possibly respond cooly to that.
"Look at you, finally the speechless one." His voice was taunting and you could hear the smile in it. He grew more serious as he slowly pulled off one of his gloves and achingly slow brought his calloused hand to brush against your cheek. His skin on yours again almost had you buckling to the ground.
"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, cyar'ika," Din's words blanketed over you with such a tenderness that your mind raced to understand what they meant. You didn't have to think long, because Din held your chin and brought his beskar-masked forehead to yours, "I love you too, sweetheart."
In all the years of captivity under the Imperial rule on Corrida, you never thought you'd hear those words again, I love you. They were sacred and seldom spoken, and you had stopped hearing them long before your family was taken from you. And now here you were, pressed close to Din Djarin, a Mandalorian whose ship you stowed away on in pure coincidence, and you were hearing those words be said to you in a way that no one had before.
His voice was quiet and playful as he leaned closer to your ear, "And I've got plenty of ways to show it once you get your ass on the damn ship."
Din stepped back from you and turned, walking to the Crest as if he hadn't just promised you everything you've been dreaming of for months. With your pulse thrumming wildly, you followed after him.
"What about the lightsaber? We need to return it to the New Republic," You called out.
The hatch opened to the crest and he walked in without looking back, "They can wait. I can't."
Your cheeks were warm with a blush as you followed him into the Crest, and you couldn't help but wonder how you'd gotten this lucky, what you had done to deserve this. You didn't know, but all you knew was that you'd waited for long, torturous years to have the freedom of forever, and here it was. Here he was. Din Djarin was your forever, no matter how long the breath was left in your lungs.
Your past had finally died, and the ghosts had stopped haunting you. Your present was now your future, and you'd never look back again.
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orcasoul · 5 months
Fic Recommendations
Below are a collection of my favourite stories by some very talented writers, who's works deserve to be shared far and wide, enjoy...
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Din Djarin - One Shots:
Familiar and unfamiliar - @theidiotwhowritesthings
Help Her - @forever-rogue
Shev'la - @themand0lorian
His World - @crumbledcastle28
Breathe - @crumbledcastle28
One Hundred and Fifty Seven - @theidiotwhowritesthings
keep You Alive - @not-the-droid
Stormy skies - @deakyjoe
Don't Die - @sirowsky
Heavy Lies The Crown - @blueeyesatnight
I Need You More Than I Wanted To - @peterparkersnose
Erratic Flying - @hyperactively-me
Din Djarin - Series and Multi Parts:
Beskar Doll - @justagalwhowrites
Somewhere Beautiful (pt 1) / Something Like Home (pt 2) - @peetiespetals
A Bounty For Reward - @alltheirdamn
Lover's Crest - @gingerlurk
Supply Run / Supply Run: Return (pt 2) / Suply Run: Exchange (pt 3) - @thepascalofus
Ni Ceta, Cyar'ika/ I Love You, Cyar'ika/ Do You Want Me, Cyar'ika: Happy end/ Dark End @theidiotwhowritesthings
Not Like This/ Not You - @theidiotwhowritesthings
In Your Loving Arms / Aliit Be Ehn - @djarins-wife
Rescue Me - @charnelhouse
In a Crowd of Thousands - @gingersnappe-9
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Joel Miller - One Shots:
Joel's children - @absurdthirst
I've Got You - @atinylittlepain
Don't Take The Girl - @alt-vera
Protective - @forever-rogue
Jealousy - @nonexistent-introvert
Joel Miller & Pregnant reader - @brighttears
Mr Grinch - @integra1127grimmreaper
Damage Done - @bluebeary-jay
Flower - @aurorawritestoescape
Joel Has PTSD and Accidently Hurts You - @joelslastofus
All Yours - @punkshort
Safe By My Side - @apollyonsdarksecrets
Joel Miller - Series and Multi Parts:
Yearling - @justagalwhowrites
Smother - @beardedjoel
Raider Joel - @toxicanonymity
By The Grit of sandpaper - @penvisions
So Much To Lose - @auteurdelabre
I Know Who You Are - @punkshort
Brain Scramblies (pt 1) / Brain Scramblies (pt 2) - @strang3lov3
A Strangers Heart without a Home - @morning-star-joy
Unexpected Expectings / We'll Be Expecting You / Not What You Expected - @atinylittlepain
Feral Woman - @gasolinerainbowpuddles
To The Light - @metaphoricgibberish
A fragile Line - @cinnamongorll
Mall Rats - @strang3lov3
Unforgivable Mistake - @lionlena
Did the Love Affair Maim You Too? - @stylesispunk
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Marcus Acacius - One shots:
Untitled Forced Marriage - @joelslastofus
At Last My Love Has Come Along - @lokischocolatefountain
The Favourite of the Gods - @greenwitchfromthewoods
Marcus Acacius - Series and Multi Parts:
In Another Life - @punkshort
Under the Timezone - @sinful-mind-joyful-thoughts
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Predro Pascal - One Shots:
Accidents Happen - @josephquinnswhore
Breaking Point - @josephquinnswhore
Shame - @imaginesbymonika
Pedro x Sick Reader - @talaok
The One Where Pedro Breaks Your Heart - @creedslove
Migrane - @sourwolf-sterek32
You And Pedro Had A Fight - @talaok
Pedro Pascal - Series and Multi Parts:
Betrayed - @creedslove
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Sins of the Father - Chapter 37
Summary: Amara and Adi try to settle in on Kashyyyk
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Ahhhh I AM SO SORRY! Life has a way of throwing curve balls after curve balls. As some of you know from my announcement post, things got a little out of hand recently. My mom is doing a little better, the pain is at bay, but they still don’t know what kind of bacteria she has, hopefully they’ll be able to find out soon and then she’ll be able to go home after treatment. 
Needless to say, my life has consisted of work, hospital, sleep, repeat. 
However, I am trying to write when I get a chance, to give me some thing to look forward to, a little escape from the reality. 
Hopefully, this chapter still flows, and you guys still love it. THANK YOU for waiting for the next chapter. 
Bold & Italics - Shyriiwook translation
Warnings: mentions of slavery, deforestation, feelings of insecurity, lack of trust, trauma, memories of past trauma, discussions of predatory animals, disrespect, I think that’s it, if I miss any please let me know.  
AO3 Link |   Words: 4,527 |   Previous -> Next
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There was a slight breeze blowing through the trees, it surprised her how pleasant Kashyyyk was, she had expected it be more like Felucia with all the trees on the planet. Despite the deforestation that had taken place during the Empire’s reign there were still a healthy amount of trees; the living trees held a special place in the heart of the Wookiees, after all they all believed the planet belonged to the trees.
She closed her eyes as Amara leaned against the railing of the tree-top village, feeling the breeze on her face. It was so different from Tatooine, peaceful its own right. If you ignored the dangerous animals, and the unwelcome ‘inspecting’ crew, it was rather a lovely planet. She took a few more minutes of feeling the fresh air against her face and through her hair, she was a little reluctant to put the buy’ce back on, but it had gotten better thanks to the environmental controls she and Din had tweaked.
The more she’d been thinking of her future with Din, the more she realized she had to make a decision, either to follow the creed or not, to leave Tatooine and follow him to Mandalore or not. She knew she wanted to be by his side, and that meant making changes to her life, such as trying to wear her buy’ce more, she had to say though she may not have been a fan of the buy’ce there was a sense of freedom from wearing it. After all while she was with Ca’tra she didn’t really need to wear the buy’ce.
“Lahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (Little warrior)
The voice pulled her out of her musings, she turned to see Krrishor standing as the magnificent warrior he was, his hair blowing slightly in the breeze, for being a sentient who was quite tall and weighed almost 160 kg he was very quiet on his feet. She had to admit being amongst the Wookiees made her and Adi feel at home, “Is it time?”
“Tacworo’rcwo caorarcaoahwhrr aooo rrraaoacworc” (They’re starting to gather)
They had been on Kashyyyk for only a few days, but things were ramping up, she could sense it; there was a certain electricity in the air, a sense of worry and caution. Adi had also noticed there was a growing feeling of tension in the air, one of the older ones told him it was the trees, they were just as concerned about the unwanted visitors.
“Do you think there will ever be a time when people won’t aim to hurt one another?”
“Iwh aoacahc rrraanrakro? Noo.” (In this galaxy? No.)
As unfortunate and hopeless as that answer was, it was the truth; Amara didn’t say anything else, she took in one more deep breath before putting on her buy’ce thinking of the man who had slowly won over her heart waiting for the moment she’d see him again. She’s not sure at what point it happened but somehow Din became someone she could rely, someone she loved, someone she could hope on, and knowing he was on his way gave her a sense of comfort and warmth that made her smile. 
She followed Krrishor along the pathway, it was deserted not many people visited the lookout she had become fond of; she could see a portion of the mountain just east of the Archipelago village, surrounded by the lake and beach; she especially enjoyed spending time there just as the sun was setting it was a mesmerizing sight. However, for many of the villagers standing at the lookout was a painful reminder regarding the destruction caused by the Empire, although the planet was slowly beginning to heal, there were still areas of the mountain where the deforestation was prevalent, and now to see the Czerka group begin to act as though they had rights to the land, a right to enslave the population, bred an anger within her she wasn’t sure she’d be able to contain within her armour. She wanted to destroy not just the landing party that found itself quite at home, but the Czerka Corporation in itself. If she could somehow bring it crumbling to its very knees, it would be a relief to so many who have suffered under the hand of the Czerka group, but that was a dream. The Czerka Corporation was more corrupt than Coruscant, they had the backing of several powerful people, although the Empire was gone, some of those who supported the regime were still around. 
There was no point dwelling on the past or on the cruelty the galaxy decided to unleash on itself, otherwise she would’ve ended in a swirl of misery and depression. It was beyond her control to fix the galaxy, but she was able to correct and help those in her immediate vicinity. 
She focused her attention on the craftsmanship of the village, the details and the intricate work were paralleled to nothing she had seen previously, when she had pointed it out to Krrishor and Krrsantan they simply shrugged and said it was a necessity. Something she learned about Wookiees, they had over a hundred different words for ‘wood’ but no word for ‘artist’. Which was a shame because aside from being family-oriented warriors, they truly were magnificent artists. 
The walkway was smooth, smoother than transparisteel. It didn’t detract from the picturesqueness of the woods, it moved with the landscape and accentuated its beauty. Each family dwelling unit was big enough to house one family of five, her and Adi were staying in one of the dwelling units, it was huge just for them, and definitely more than enough for Boba and Din when they arrived which should be any day. 
The sound of Krrishor’s stomach rumbling pulled Amara out of her musings; she focused on the reason she and Adi were there on Kashyyyk, it was to sight see or admire the architecture; it was to make sure everyone was safe.
Her mind pulled back to the here and now, “Heard anything from the scouts?”
“Owhwo scoorcwo aorcrawhcakoorcao anrawhwawowa, rarhoohuao aoohwowhaoro scoorcwo Cufworcorra ohoorcorworcc ohraanorwowa oohuao, rrwoaoaoahwhrr aoacwosccwoanhowoc cwoao huak raoaaoahwhrr anahorwo aoacahc ahc aoacwoahrc akanrawhwoao.”  (One more transport landed, about twenty more Czerka workers walked out, getting themselves set up acting like this is their planet.)
“The Empire messed everything up, it wasn’t bad enough they were power hungry and one hell of a destructive force, but no, that wasn’t enough they also had to repeal the anti-slavery laws and actually deigned to classify Wookiees as non-sentients. Now that the Empire is gone, all those fools who were all too glad to follow along with their nonsensical ideals are happy just to continue their idiotic ways.”
“I waoowh’ao ohrawhao oohurc rooohuwhrranahwhrrc aooo chuwwwwworc rawhro scoorcwo.” (I don’t want our younglings to suffer any more.)
“None of us do. You’ve all been through a lot, I heard from one of the villagers about the Pau’an who was kidnapping younglings; and now you have to deal with the kriffing Czerka corporation. We’ll get them to leave one way or another.” 
As they walked closer to Chief Elghro’s meeting room, Krrishor slowed down his steps, holding on to her shoulder, he didn’t want her going in and causing any kind of trouble or to lose the respect of the village. He meant to do it earlier, but time seemed to have slipped away amongst the other duties he had. 
“Hrahowo rooohu raaoaowowhwawowa ra hoahananrarrwo scwowoaoahwhrr rhwowwoorcwo, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc?” (Have you attended a village meeting before, little warrior?)
“Not one on Kashyyyk” Amara smirked under the helmet.
He nodded, smirking at her charm, “Tacworcwo ahc rawh oorcwaworc  aooo aoacwo ohraro scwowoaoahwhrrc rarcwo acwoanwa, wwahrccao Cacahwoww Eanrracrcoo ohahanan ooakwowh aoacwo scwowoaoahwhrr, acwo ohahanan aoacwowh ooakwowh aoacwo wwanoooorc aooo acahc rcahrracao acrawhwa. Aao ohacahoaac akooahwhao, aoacworo ohahanan waahcoahucc aoacwo cahaohuraaoahoowh ohwo wwraoawo rawhwa acoooh aooo rroo rarhoohuao ahao.” (There is an order to the way meetings are held, first Chief Elghro will open the meeting, he will then open the floor to his right hand. At which point, they will discuss the situation we face and how to go about it.)
“I have some ideas about how to deal with them, to make sure they never come back.”
“Awhro churrrrwocaoahoowhc rarcwo ohwoanoaooscwo, shhucao ohraahao huwhaoahan aoacworo ooakwowh ahao huak aooo oohuaocahwawo churrrrwocaoahoowhc. Jhucao orwhoooh aoacraao ohwo rarcwo akrcwoakrarcwowa aooo oaooscakanwoaowoanro wawoscooanahcac aoacwosc wwrcoosc oowwww aoacwo wwraoawo ooww aoacahc rrraanrakro. Tacworo’howo waoowhwo scoorcwo acrarcsc aooo aoacahc rrraanrakro aoacwowh aoacwo Escakahrcwo rawhwa aoacwo Zrorrworcahrawhc oaooscrhahwhwowa.” (Any suggestions are welcome, just wait until they open it up to outside suggestions. Just know that we are prepared to completely demolish them from off the face of this galaxy. They’ve done more harm to this galaxy than the Empire and the Zygerrians combined.) 
Amara chuckled a little to herself, “Wacraao’c coo wwhuwhwhro?”(What’s so funny?)
“I was just thinking if the Empire welcomed you with open arms as opposed to ostracizing your people; I doubt anyone would’ve survived.”
Krrishor chuckled along with her, “I oaoohuanwa craro aoacwo crascwo rarhoohuao rooohurc akwoooakanwo, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (I could say the same about your people, little warrior)
She glanced up to him tilting her head, “Ahhh, yes well that’s a complicated history. Mandalorians have always hard a hard time being a united front. It’s how the Empire was able to eradicate us.”
“Iao’c rhwooarahucwo aoacworo orwhwooh rooohu ohworcwo caorcoowhrrworc aoacrawh aoacwosc. Saorcoowhrrworc aoacrawh aoacraao coo oaraananwowa Escakahrcwo.” (It’s because they knew you were stronger than them. Stronger than that so called Empire.)
“Anything else I should be aware of?”
“Doowh’ao ahwhaoworcrchuakao aoacwo Cacahwoww. Ac rawh oohuaocahwaworc, rooohu schucao ohraahao aooo rhwo raoaorwhooohanwowarrwowa rhro aoacwo rcahrracao-acrawhwa rhwowwoorcwo oaoowhaoahwhhuahwhrr ohacraao rooohu ahwhaowowhwawowa aooo craro; rawhwa wwahwhraananro shhucao rhwooarahucwo rooohu scraro rhwo acworarcwa waoowoc whooao scworawh aoacraao rooohurc ahwawora ohahanan rhwo raoaoawoakaowowa. Iww aoacraao acraakakwowhc waoo whooao cacoooh rawhro waahcraakakooahwhaoscwowhao, ahao ohahanan rhwo hoahwoohwowa rac waahcrcwocakwooaao aooo aoacwo Cacahwoww rawhwa aooo aoacwo oowhwo ohacoo rhrcoohurracao rooohu ahwh.” (Don’t interrupt the Chief. As an outsider, you must wait to be acknowledged by the right-hand before continuing what you intended to say; and finally just because you may be heard does not mean that your idea will be accepted. If that happens, do not show any disappointment, it will be viewed as disrespect to the Chief and to the one who brought you in.)
“Understood. If I do have something to say, how do I go about doing that?”
“Sahscakanwo. Jhucao caorawhwa.” (Simple. Just stand.)
“But of course.”
They both walked on in silence, reaching the meeting room; as soon as they stepped in through the door a shiny blue helmet appeared from among the crowd. Amara couldn’t help but smile as one of the older Wookiee’s, Gwehul, was grooming Adi as he sat there, even though there was nothing to groom since he’d kept his armour on the entire time; however, that didn’t deter her from stopping. She simply sat there, picking off all the lint she could find, and adjusted his armour, shiny what she could with her fur. 
“Ama!” Adi waved her over, hoping that the grooming would stop once his mother was sitting beside him. He could tell by the way her buy’ce was tilted, she was laughing at him, and he couldn’t really be upset about it, after all if it was him he would be laughing at her.
- - - - - - - - - - 
Everyone sat listening attentively to Gwehul who had seen the pain her village had gone through first hand, giving their full attention to the weight of the words she offered, each word full of anger and pain as memories from the past reopened old wounds. 
“… Tacwo coohuwhwac ooww aoacwoahrc coarcworascc ohahanan wwoorcwohoworc rhwo rhhurcwhwowa ahwhaooo scro scwoscoorcro, ohacwowh aoacwo canrahoworcc rrrascwo aooo oohurc hoahananrarrwo, aoacwo whwohoworc wowhwaahwhrr caorcworasc ooww aoworarcc oaooscahwhrr wwrcoosc oohurc rooohuwhrr oowhwoc ohacoo ohworcwo oaraakaohurcwowa, caohuwwwwwowa ahwhaooo oarcraaowoc aooooo cscraanan wwoorcoaahwhrr aoacwosc aooo rcwoscraahwh aoacworcwo wwoorc acoohurcc, cooscwoaoahscwoc wararoc oowh wowhwa. Owhanro wwoorc aoacwosc aooo wowhwa huak rhwoahwhrr cooanwa oowwww rac oaacworaak akwoaoc aooo ohworaanaoacro akraaorcoowhc ooww aoacwo canrahowo scrarcorwoao; huwhaoahan aoacworo whoo anoowhrrworc cworchowowa aoacwoahrc hucwowwhuanwhwocc. Ohurc ohooscwowh, oohurc scooaoacworcc, wwrcahwowhwac, cahcaoworcc … scro warahurracaoworcc, wwoorcoawowa aooo wwahrracao rhworacaoc aoacoocwo oaooohrarcwac, ohacoo acwoanwa oowh aooo oohurc anworacacwoc, ohoohuanwa whwohoworc wararcwo wwahrracao aoacwosccwoanhowoc. I ohraaooaacwowa rac oowhwo rhro oowhwo aoacworo ohworcwo canrahurracaoworcwowa rawhwa aoacwoahrc anahhowoc oahuao waooohwh rhwowwoorcwo aoacworo wohowowh acrawa ra oaacrawhoawo aooo wokakworcahwowhoawo 200 roworarcc. Ohurc scwowh, oohurc wwraaoacworcc, rhrcooaoacworcc … scro achucrhrawhwa rawhwa coowhc, hucwowa rac rranrawaahraaooorcc rawhwa aorcooakacahwoc wwoorc Trcrawhwaoocacahrawh rrrascwo achuwhaoworcc rawhwa Iscakworcahraan scoowhcaoworcc ohacoo wwwoanao aoacworo akrcoohoahwawowa ra cakoorcaoahwhrr oaacrawhoawo…” (… The sounds of their screams will forever be burned into my memory, when the slavers game to our village, the never ending stream of tears coming from our young ones who were captured, stuffed into crates too small forcing them to remain there for hours, sometimes days on end. Only for them to end up being sold off as cheap pets to wealthy patrons of the slave market; until they no longer served their usefulness. Our women, our mothers, friends, sisters … my daughters, forced to fight beasts those cowards, who held on to our leashes, would never dare fight themselves. I watched as one by one they were slaughtered and their lives cut down before they even had a chance to experience 200 years. Our men, our fathers, brothers … my husband and sons, used as gladiators and trophies for Trandoshian game hunters and Imperial monsters who felt they provided a sporting chance…)
Amara shook her head as her heart broke for all the Wookiees and for every single sentient captured by a slave trader. No one deserved to be treated as nothing more than sport and entertainment, to not even be recognized as a viable sentient. 
Many in the village knew Gwehul lost her family, but she never spoke regarding how they died or even what she witnessed. As Amara looked around the room, she could see many were with saddened faces, some were angry, others were shocked. They obviously heard stories regarding what some had been through, but none from a first hand account. Everyone was clearly very emotional and overwhelmed by the account they just heard.
Amara glanced over to Adi as difficult as it was for everyone else there to listen, she could just imagine how hard it was for him to hear, especially since, he had his own traumas to deal with. She wished he’d never had to deal with his hurtful memories, the pain he had suffered and as much as she wanted to protect him, keep him safe, she couldn’t. After all, that wasn’t being a good mother, you couldn’t put those you loved into a box and hide them away, that wasn’t being loving or realistic.
She couldn’t help but watch as his hand clenched against his knee, she gently placed her hand on his, giving it a slight squeeze. He turned to look at her, she couldn’t see his face, since he decided to leave his buy’ce from the moment they landed on Kashyyyk. She wasn’t sure if it was because he was contemplating the creed or if it was because he didn’t want his expressions to be giving away his thoughts, or to give him a sense of security. 
“… aooo acrahowo aoacwocwo coahusc anrawhwa oowh oohurc acooscwo rawhwa aorcro rarrraahwh …” (… to have these scum land on our home and try again …) a younger Wookiee named, Muhli, gripped her bowcaster, the anger within her fuelling her, “…ohwo ohahanan cacoooh aoacwosc aoacworo rarcwo whooao ohwoanoaooscwo acworcwo. Tacworo schucao anworahowo! Tacworo ohahanan whooao rhwo raananooohwowa aooo anworahowo ohahaoac wohowowh oowhwo rcoooaor wwrcoosc oohurc acooscwo!”  (…we will show them they are not welcome here. They must leave! They will not be allowed to leave with even one rock from our home!)
Everyone agreed with Muhli, she was the daughter of one of the warriors and was coming into her own. Many of the younger ones looked at her as a potential leader, many of the older ones respected her views and her ability to handle herself especially after her coming of age ceremony.
Chief Elghro waved his staff, it was the sign the floor was open to outside suggestions, now that the situation at hand had been discussed. Amara stood gaining everyone’s attention, she nodded her head to the Chief, something she noticed the other Wookiees had done before speaking. 
“Prcoooawowowa anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (Proceed little warrior) Krrishor acknowledged as the right-hand.
“Thank you, I know this is the first time many of you are meeting me, and are weary of having outsiders here, but I want to thank all of you for making my son and I feel welcomed. We have a great deal of respect for all of you and want to do what we can to help. Which is why we are offering to do a scouting trip for you, and gather as much intel as possible, the more we know about their goals and ” she motioned to both herself and Adi.
“Wacraao oarawh aoohoo Mrawhwaraanoorcahrawhc waoo?” (What can two Mandalorians do?) A Wookiee who appeared older than Muhli and younger than Krrishor spoke up. The atmosphere changed in an instant, there was a mix of tension and revere as he stood there speaking. 
“Yoohu rarcwo whooao rcwooaoorrwhahufwowa, Iwhanoowhor; rcwocaorcraahwh rooohurc aooowhrrhuwo” (You are not recognized, Inlonk; restrain your tongue) Krrishor’s voice roared in the meeting room. Amara was a little taken a back by the tension that seemed to appear seemingly out of nowhere, “Lahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc oaoowhaoahwhhuwo” (Little warrior continue)
“Although, yes, it’s true that as of right now we are two, however, even with just us,” Amara motioned between her and Adi, “we can handle those unwanted visitors. But just so everyone is aware, two more will be joining us, both experienced and seasoned warriors.”
“Oac! Tacwo cacahwhro oowhwo ahc oaooscahwhrr?” (Oh! The shiny one is coming?)
Amara couldn’t help smile at the mention of Din, “Yes. The shiny one is coming.” She could feel her face heating up and she really wished the environmental settings would be working extra hard to cool her down. She cleared her throat, getting her mind focused back on the task at hand. “Back to the subject at hand, though I may be young in your eyes, I am not a stranger to the battlefield or new to taking risks. I am teaching my son…” she motioned towards Adi, and somehow even though she couldn’t see his face, she knew he was smirking at her, “…what it means to be a warrior.”
“Wwo orwhoooh rooohu rarcwo rhooaoac oaraakrarhanwo, rooohuwhrr oowhwo,” (We know you are both capable, young one) Chief Elghor stated. “Krcrcahcacoorc ahwhwwoorcscwowa huc acoooh schuoaac acwo rcwocakwooaaoc rawhwa rawascahrcwoc rooohu wocakwooaahraananro rawwaoworc rooohu acwoanakwowa wwrcwowo acahsc wwrcoosc aoacwo Zrorrworcrcahrawh canrahowo aorcrawaworcc. Wwo waoo whooao oaraanan ahwhaooo rqhuwocaoahoowh rooohurc rarhahanahaoahwoc, ahwh wwraoaao ohwo orwhoooh acoooh corahananwowa Mrawhwaraanoorcahrawhc oarawh rhwo; oohurc akwoooakanwo acrahowo wwraoawowa aoacwosc oowwaowowh wowhoohurrac ahwh oohurc acahcaooorcro. Wwo ohoohuanwa anahorwo aooo orwhoooh ohacraao wokraoaaoanro ahc rooohurc churrrrwocaoahoowh.” (Krrishor informed us how much he respects and admires you especially after you helped free him from the Zygerrian slave traders. We do not call into question your abilities, in fact we know how skilled Mandalorians can be; our people have faced them often enough in our history. We would like to know what exactly is your suggestion.)
“My suggestion is very simple, gather as much intel as possible, you have all done a great job scouting, but we need to know more, why they are here? What exactly drew them here? How many more are coming? The Czerka Corporation is different from the Zygerrian group. For example, Zygerrians will often fall apart once their leader is killed, however Czerka … Czerka is all about the profits and whatever kind of profits they can get, either that be slavery, weapons manufacturing, illegal arms deals, I even heard a rumour they were looking into cloning technology. So just killing a bunch of them won’t guarantee they’ll never come back.”
“Hoooh waoo rooohu churrrrwocao ohwo rrwoao rcahwa ooww aoacwosc?” (How do you suggest we get rid of them?)  
“I craro ohwo raoaao whoooh!” (I say we act now!) Inlonk stated, speaking out of turn once again, a few of the Wookiees nodded in agreement.
“Iwhanoowhor! I ohahanan whooao caoraaowo ahao rarrraahwh, acooanwa rooohurc aooowhrrhuwo oorc I cacraanan rcahak ahao oohuao!” (Inlonk! I will not state it again, hold your tongue or I shall rip it out!) Krrishor motioned with his head for Amara to continue.
“Before we get to that, I think it’s best if Adi, myself and two of your warriors leave tomorrow before first light, situate ourselves on the ridge closest to the Czerka site and gather as much intel as possible. I also …”
Krrishor held his hand up cutting Amara off, “Bwowwoorcwo ohwo oaoowhaoahwhhuwo ohahaoac aoacwo scahwhoorc wawoaoraahanc ooww aoacwo scahccahoowh, anwoao huc oaoowhoaanhuwawo aoacwo scwowoaoahwhrr.” (Before we continue with the minor details of the mission, let us conclude the meeting.)
- - - - - - - - - - - 
“First things first we need accurate numbers, I know Krrishor, you said your scouts have reported several transports have arrived and delivered more personnel. We need to know exactly what type of personnel, logistics crew? Researchers? Guards? And what sort of weaponry they’re carrying or really any sort of equipment.”
“They could also be here for the salvage, there is still a lot of equipment left over not just from the clone wars but also from the Empire” Adi offered. 
“Pooccahrhanro, rhhuao aoacraao waoowocwh’ao scworawh aoacraao aoacworo ohoohuanwawh’ao aoraorwo ra oaacrawhoawo aooo wowhcanrahowo ra wwwooh anoooaraanc, ahww aoacwo ooakakoorcaohuwhahaoro akrcwocwowhaowowa ahaocwoanww” (Possibly, but that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t take a chance to enslave a few locals, if the opportunity presented itself) Muhli added
“True” he nodded.  
“That’s the other thing we need to know, why are they really here? Are they just here to salvage, is it to steal the trees away, or enslave whoever they can?”
“Wwo’anan raancoo whwowowa aooo cwoao huak ra crawwwoaoro ufoowhwo, cooscwoohacworcwo aoacwo hoahananrarrwo oarawh rchuwh aooo ahwh aoacwo wohowowhao ooww rawh raanan oohuao raaoaoraoaor. Wacraao waoo rooohu aoacahwhor Krcrcahcacoorc, aoacwo ‘Oanwa Prcahwhoawo’ waohwoananahwhrr, aoacraao’c rarhoohuao aoacrcwowo oranahoaorc whoorcaoac-woracao wwrcoosc acworcwo?” (We’ll also need to set up a safety zone, somewhere the village can run to in the event of an all out attack. What do you think Krrishor, the ‘Old Prince’ dwelling, that’s about three klicks north-east from here?) The second volunteer, Wrruh, an older warrior who had trained many of the younger warriors offered. 
“Excuse me …” Amara cleared her throat, “when you say Old Prince, are you referring to Katarns?” Krrishor nodded his head, “You want to use a Katarn’s dwelling?”
“Iao acracwh’ao rhwowowh hucwowa ahwh wawooarawawoc, raanscoocao ra oawowhaohurcro” (It hasn’t been used in decades, almost a century) 
“Are you sure about that? If we are going to be using it as an escape route, we should make sure that it’s empty and no chance of …”
Adi held up his hand as he looked at his mother and the other Wookiees in the room, “Uh, sorry” he interrupted, “But what’s a Katarn or an Old Prince?”
“Tacwo Oanwa Prcahwhoawo ahc ra akrcwowaraaooorcro rawhahscraan, howorcro hoahoaahoohuc, howorcro warawhrrworcoohuc” (The Old Prince is a predatory animal, very vicious, very dangerous) Chief Elghor answered. 
“Doowh’ao wwoorcrrwoao oahuwhwhahwhrr rawhwa rcwoanwowhaoanwocc.” (Don’t forget cunning and relentless.) Gwehul added, “Foooorcoa rcra raooraoaooooachuoarcraohacohra rcrcohooohacohoorcoarcraraooraacooooohacoa raooraoaohoo raoaraacrcrcraoarawhrcraohacohraoa ooooohoh raooraoaohoo ohohoooorcoaohoooaraoo ooacrcraoa raooraoaohooraacrcoaoa, raooraoaohoorcoo raoaachuohacraooohooohra achuoa. Pachuoaraoaraacohacrcrc achuoa raoooooo raooraoaohoo rcacrcoaraacohacoorc, rcacachuraoo raooraoaohoorcoo ohraraacohraohac’raoo ohraohoooaraoorcoaoooorcoo achuoa. Iohacoaraooohoorcraohra raacraoo’oa rcacohoooorarcraachuoaohoo ooooohoh raooraoaohoocoa ooacohoo raoarcraacooohoo ohohooooachuohacohra ooooachurcoa raacohacohacohoorcoa ohohraacrcoaohoo.” (For a thousand generations the highlands of the forest was theirs, they hunted us. Pushing us to the brink, but they didn’t destroy us. Instead it’s because of them we have found our inner fire.)
“What do they look like?” Adi couldn’t help but be impressed by how they all revered, respected, and yet were cautious of this animal. 
“Tacworo acrahowo canwowhwaworc rhoowaahwoc, ohahaoac anoowhrr aoacahwh aoraahanc anahorwo ra rcoowawowhao. Nrarcrcoooh wwraoawoc, ohahaoac oararcaoahanrarrahwhoohuc rcahwarrwoc akrcooaowooaaoahwhrr aoacwoahrc whwooaor rawhwa cacoohuanwaworc. Tacwoahrc akraohc acrahowo ooakakoocrarhanwo waahrrahaoc, rawhwa aoacwoahrc anooohworc anahscrhc rarcwo oaoohoworcwowa ohahaoac cacrarcak cakhurcc raananooohahwhrr aoacwosc aooo oaanahscrh rawhwa acrawhrr wwoorcsc aoacwo aorcwowoc. Hrahowo rooohu cwowowh Trarcoaacahahrc ohraanorahwhrr rarcoohuwhwa ohahaoac rawh rawhahscraan oowh ra anworacac?” (They have slender bodies, with long thin tails like a rodent. Narrow faces, with cartilaginous ridges protecting their neck and shoulder. Their paws have opposable digits, and their lower limbs are covered with sharp spurs allowing them to climb and hang from the trees. Have you seen Tarchiir walking around with an animal on a leash?)
Adi nodded to Muhli as she described the animal in detail, he definitely had to remember to thank his Ama for putting in the translation app into his buy’ce and for teaching him what she could of Shyriiwook otherwise he’d be super lost, “Tacraao’c rawh Oanwa Prcahwhoawo, acwo orwoakao ahao ohacwowh acwo orahananwowa aoacwo akrarcwowhaoc wahurcahwhrr aoacwo oaworcwoscoowhahraan achuwhao wwoorc acahc oaooscahwhrr ooww rarrwo, rcraahcwowa ahao, waooscwocaoahoaraaowowa ahao; ahao’c coo cohwowoao, anahorwo ra scraccahwwww, shhucao ohrawhaoc coarcraaooaacwoc rawhwa anoohowo, acooohwohoworc aoacwo Oanwa Prcahwhoawoc ahwh aoacwo ohahanwa rarcwo rchuaoacanwocc rawhwa scworcoaahanwocc. Tacworo’howo rhwowowh orwhooohwh aooo aorcraoaor aoacwoahrc akrcworo wwoorc anoowhrr akworcahoowac ooww aoahscwo rhwowwoorcwo oaacoooocahwhrr aoacwo scoocao ooakakoorcaohuwhwo scooscwowhao aooo caorcahorwo.” (That’s an Old Prince, he kept it when he killed the parents during the ceremonial hunt for his coming of age, raised it, domesticated it; it’s so sweet, like a massiff, just wants scratches and love, however the Old Princes in the wild are ruthless and merciless. They’ve been known to track their prey for long periods of time before choosing the most opportune moment to strike.)
“Tacworcwo ahc whooaoacahwhrr aooo wwworarc, ohwo acrahowo woraoaac wwraoawowa rawh Oanwa Prcahwhoawo ahwh aoacwo ohahanwa rawhwa churchoahhowowa!” (There is nothing to fear, we have each faced an Old Prince in the wild and survived!) Krrishor roared pounding on his chest, “Iohoh ooacohoo ohraraacohraohac’raoo raooraoaraacohacoorc ooacohoo ooraooooachurawhohra ohraoooo raacraoo, ohraoooo rcooooooachu raoaooooohacohoooaraoorawhrcoo rcacohoorawhraacohooacooohoo ooacohoo ooacooooachurawhohra’acooohoo ooooohohohohohoorcoaohooohra achuraor raooraoaohoo rawhoooooorarcraraooraacooooohac. Wohoo rcrarcoaohoo rcrarcacrawhohoo raoooooo ohraohooohohohooohacohra ooooachurcoa ohohrcracoaraacrawhraacohoooa!” (If we didn’t think we could do it, do you honestly believe we would’ve offered up the location. We are able to defend our families!)
“Please understand, we mean no disrespect” Amara offered holding her hands up and open away from her body and away from her weapons, “I have simply heard tales of how formidable they can be. The last thing I want … any of us want” she motioned to everyone, “is to move your families, our friends, from one dangerous situation to another.”
“Tacraao ahc aoacwo anahwwwo ooww Kracacrororoor, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc.” (That is the life of Kashyyyk, little warrior.) 
“Then I hope we will be able to honour you way of life.”
“I acrahowo whoo waoohurhao, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (I have no doubt, little warrior) Krrishor placed his hand on her shoulder, patting it. “Nooooooac rcrarcacooooachuraoo raooraoaraacoa raorrawhrcraohac ooooohoh rcooooooachurcoaoa, raacoa raacraoo rcraoa oorarcoarcrahuwwrcoo rcraoa ooacraoaohooohac rcooooooachu ooacohoorcoaohoo ooooohac raooraoaohoo Foooorcoaraoorcoaohoooaoa?” (Now about this plan of yours, is it as crazy as when you were on the Fortress?)
“I wouldn’t say as crazy, but close to the spectrum”
“Wwo’rcwo raanan worarcc.” (We’re all ears.)
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guiltyasdave · 5 months
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another week, another round of fic recs :)
as always, if you read any of these and enjoy them, please remember to show the writers some love with comments or reblogs!
for a list of all my recs ever, go here!
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i'll sort the fics by character and add emojis to indicate the contents a little. still, please look at the tags/warnings and decide for yourself if something might not be your cup of tea.
💘= fluff • ❤️‍🔥= smut • 🤍= angst • 🖤= dark
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dave york
unveiled by @punkshort ❤️‍🔥🤍
riddles by @yxtkiwiyxt 💘❤️‍🔥🤍
dave york & marcus pike
playdate by @daddy-dins-girl 💘❤️‍🔥🤍
dieter bravo
fruiton drabble (don’t ask lmao) by @ozarkthedog 💘
din djarin
take me to church by @frannyzooey 💘❤️‍🔥
frankie morales
date night by @artsy-girl-76 💘
do me yourself by @undercoverpena 💘❤️‍🔥
joel miller
what matters by @pedroshotwifey ❤️‍🔥
soil in the lines of their palms by @5oh5 💘❤️‍🔥
whatever you want by @ace-turned-confused ❤️‍🔥
not in rivers, but in drops by @sin-djarin 💘🤍
high infidelity by @dancingtotuyo 💘❤️‍🔥🤍
woman by @dancingtotuyo 💘❤️‍🔥🤍
like real people do by @mrsmando 💘❤️‍🔥🤍
you’re gonna go far by @mrsmando 💘
chokehold by @hellishjoel ❤️‍🔥
july by @psychedelic-ink (featuring tess) ❤️‍🔥
flesh and metal by @swiftispunk ❤️‍🔥
ruined! by @gutsby ❤️‍🔥
daddy’s girl by @fungal-rot 💘
helen by @kiwisbell 💘❤️‍🔥🤍🖤
marcus pike
raining in baltimore by @schnarfer 💘🤍
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my own writing
delicate - modern!oberyn martell x f!reader 💘❤️‍🔥
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Summary: Leading a solitary, nomadic existence for much of his life means that Din Djarin has never cuddled up to someone he loves during a rainstorm. Until one night in his cabin on Nevarro, when unseasonably poor weather introduces him to one of life’s simple pleasures.
Word Count: 1k ✯ Rating: General ✯ Content Warnings: One suggestive line, Din having nightmares mentioned ✯ Author's Note: I miss the Razor Crest but daydreaming about domestic fluff in the cabin on Nevarro scratches an itch in my brain in all the best ways. I really want to cuddle with Din Djarin during a rainstorm. Is it too much to ask?! Thanks to @decembermidnight for betaing this one for me!! 🩷
✯ My Masterlist ✯ Read on AO3 ✯
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The roof of the cabin on Nevarro has never felt like the most sturdy part of the modest-sized dwelling you share with your riduur. Especially not in the middle of an unseasonably fierce rainstorm, the severity of which has you groggily blinking awake in the pitch blackness. 
Your immediate concern is for the mischievous child you tucked in just across the hallway shortly after sunset. You hope that the rain has not disturbed him and that he remains bundled in blankets, surrounded in his crib by the mountain of plushies which have been either bought for him by you and Din or gifted to him by the various people throughout the galaxy who cannot resist how charming he is. 
Mercifully, your sensitive ears do not detect any wails. So, with Grogu seemingly still sleeping soundly, you turn your attention to his father. When you do not hear Din’s soft snores beside you, you vocalise your concern.
“Din, are you awake?” you mumble without turning around to face him.
Din shuffles towards you and wraps his arms around your waist. With a wordless response, he squeezes you tightly. You realise that Din is drawing comfort from your presence. Your heart grows heavy as you realise he must be alarmed by the rainstorm.
“Are you scared of the rain, my big scary Mandalorian?” you question. It is an attempt to lighten the mood, without fussing over him too much. You know how much such playful teasing gets underneath his skin.
“I’m not scared,” Din huffs.
You turn over, raising your eyebrows at him questioningly.
In the darkness, you can barely make out his handsome features. There is a soft light from the hallway, and you can faintly see his brown eyes sparkling slightly, even in the low light.
The lack of light is not an issue. You have mapped every inch of Din's face with your fingers and lips well enough to know that he will be furrowing his brow at you, exposing the wrinkle above the bridge of his nose that you love to gently trace with your fingertips whenever it becomes pronounced in times of stress. 
You reach up to touch the lines of his face, as though you can ease all of his worries with just your touch, “What would all those bounties you once collected think if they could see you now?” you muse.
Din guffaws.
“Imagine if everyone you struck fear into the hearts of with merely your presence could see you now? Maybe they would feel silly for ever being so scared of a man who is scared of a little rainstorm…”
“Riduur…” Din warns, voice deep and firm.
He can excuse the teasing about the past. You have held him through enough bouts of sobbing in this very bunk after the visions which haunt him in slumber have torn him from sleep to earn the privilege of lightly teasing him. When nightmarish sights of his past sins overwhelmed him, you were always there, dutifully picking up his pieces. 
But Din Djarin will never accept a charge of cowardice. 
You know he is not seriously scared. Din is no coward. And he knows that you would never seriously lay such a charge at his door. 
“You know I’m only teasing you, handsome,” you say with a wink you hope he can see.
You realise that Din has never lived somewhere for long enough to hear the rain pattering on the roof. His covert cloistered in the caves of Concordia. The Razor Crest was home but never docked in one place long enough for it to truly function as such. 
The fact that until now, Din has been denied the simple pleasure of listening to a rainstorm in the arms of one you love is yet another detail of his life which brings you anguish. 
“I think it’s very sweet, actually," you whisper, hoping he knows you meant no malice, "It's our first proper rainstorm in this cabin," you add, ensuring that he knows you understand this is new for him.
Despite how much Din's past makes your heart ache, you will not wallow in pity for him. Instead, it strengthens your resolve to make sure Din is loved every moment of the eternity he has vowed to spend with you. 
You lean in for a gentle kiss, “Roll over and let me hold you, my love,” you whisper against his plush lips.
Din sighs and then leans in to kiss you again before he complies. A touch so slow and sweet, so different to the frenzied way his lips claimed yours hours before. Satisfied, he agrees to your proposal, flipping over with a grunt.
You position yourself so your chest is flush with his firm back, placing a kiss on the centre of his back, between his broad shoulders. Din sighs in contentment. You smile, relieved you can comfort him like this. It is a privilege unique to you out of everyone in the galaxy.
You slip your hands underneath the soft cotton shirt he wears to bed and absentmindedly trace circles onto the warm expanse of his stomach. His body is firm beneath your fingers thanks to his muscular physique; but there is a hint of softness there, which increases each year as he ages. 
You do not mind one bit. It only makes his body better suited to cuddles.
This warrior who once terrified everyone is now a little softer at the edges, his toughness gradually eroded by the love he feels for his son and you, his riduur.
"Thank you," Din sleepily mumbles before he drifts off again, no longer disturbed by the thudding of the rain against the roof.
Fierce independence borne out of trauma had meant that Din had never previously known the simple pleasure of listening to rainfall pattering against the roof. It was a new reverberation, one initially alien and alarming to his highly attuned senses. 
Fortunately, Din was not afraid for long. Now, he has you to hold him through the storm. There is no more fear or anxiety as he cuddles with you, his riduur, while the sound continues outside.
You whisper, "I love you, Din," before sleep's comforting embrace takes you too and you join Din somewhere peaceful. Far away from the downpour.
Follow @thefrogdalorianfics for updates on my latest fics!
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serene-sun · 4 months
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Those we love
Pairing: Swiss x reader
Sum: the morning after with Swiss
“Oh good your up,” a soft voice lulls you out of your sleep.
You open your eyes, meeting the morning sun shining through the bedroom window. A chilly but warm breeze dancing in the curtains.
“Hm?” You rubb your eyes, attempting to asses the person infront of you.
“We’re gonna be late for breakfast,” he says, as you notice the multi ghoul getting dressed infront of you.
You can’t help but get flustered at how his hand caresses your cheek and tucks hair behind your ear as he pulls on his jacket.
“My love?” He asks again with a chuckle, zipping up his boot.
You shiver in embarrassment as you realize where you were and under what circumstances. You had hung out with him the night prior, but it leaned towards another direction and here you find yourself in nothing but his soft linens this morning. The taste of his lips still lingering on your skin as you recall everything that had occurred, even the confessed feelings.
“What time is it?” You ask, holding the bedding close around your nude body as you sit up.
“Breakfast time, here, I…uhm imagine you need some clothes? They took laundry already.” Swiss says with a sheepish smile as he glides a hand over his curls.
“Oh…uh yes…” you nod slightly, a small croak in your voice from early morning.
Swiss hands you some fresh clothes from his drawer, a pair of boxers, sweatpants and a simple long sleeved shirt.
“Thank you eh…” you still don’t have the courage to get dressed infront of him even after last night.
“Oh! Right! Sorry heh,” he apologizes sweetly as he turns around to give you both privacy and so he can grab his bag from the closet.
Once you’re dressed, you leave a moment to appreciate the sound of the birds singing in the abbey’s gardens. The fresh scent of flowers filled the hallway as you both stepped out, the smell of delicious warm food gets stronger the closer you get to the dinning hall.
It’s oddly quiet other than siblings of sin in the hallways, but there is no speaking between you and Swiss.
Until you finally say something, “uhm…so…about last night…”
Swiss looks at you, almost like he’s worried. “Yeah?”
“Uhm….sorry if I…crossed a boundary and made you uncomfortable, I’ll be sure to give you some space today…” you sheepishly say.
Swiss only looks at you surprised, “hm? What do you mean? I kind of wanted to see if you wanted to help me in the kitchens today.” He smiles softly, “besides, you didn’t pass any
Boundary other than my clothes.” He jokes as you both cringe at its lack of humor.
“I didn’t know you would still want me around,” you laugh slightly, tho you really did wonder if this was a one night stand or something that would last forever.
“I’d be a fool, a dead one too.” He says with seriousness as he wraps an arm around your waist as you continue down the hall.
“Oh I..I uhm I see.” You say nervously as his sparkly eyes glisten in the sun, something you’ve always loved.
“Besides, who wouldn’t wanna be around those they love?” He smiles
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