#since i started out on shifting amino
charmedreincarnation · 10 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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myneurospicyspirit · 9 months
If Manifesting Makes You Uncomfortable, You Are Not Alone.
I struggled a lot when I was first on shiftblr because it overlaps a lot with manifestation and loa posts, and a lot of manifestation and loa content is... well, it's not always healthy.
Phrases like "your thoughts control your reality" can be difficult for those who experience intrusive thoughts, anxiety, difficulty with emotional regulation, etc.. "You are god" can cause massive overwhelm. The 3d and 4d "imagination is the one true reality" is unfair to those who malidaptive daydream, experience derealization, experience depersonalization, and (in my personal experience) struggle with executive dysfunction.
It's sad that these phrases are hard to escape, but then to have that be the advice/topic of so much shifting content as well is just kind of terrible. Why? Because it makes shifting and manifesting unhealthy and inaccessible to a large group of people.
I, no joke, went from shifting multiple times (momentary shifts) within a month of learning what shifting was (from shiftok for fucks sake) to being so anxious about shifting that I couldn't think about my DR without spirling. It went a little like this:
Me: I want to stay in my DR longer than a moment so I will look on shiftblr for advice! -> shiftblr: "Reality shifting is just manifesting. The only true reality is imagination. Your thoughts create your reality." -> Me: that means I must only be imagining my life-altering disabilities and I can manifest them away since I reality shifted already. -> imposter syndrome, self-hatred, identity crisis, anxiety over shifting, anxiety over manifesting, being scared of my thoughts, being scared of my imagination, being scared of everything -> going back to select shiftokers, going through old amino things, lots of meditation, doing things that made me feel like myself again. -> realized there's probably a lot of other people out there who are struggling like I was. -> started this blog.
If you're feeling any of the things I was feeling because of shiftblr overlapping with manifestblr, you're not alone.
Your struggles are valid.
You're not faking it.
You are safe here.
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autumngremlin · 18 days
Medias I've used the most with my shifting journey (in a /pos way):
Tiktok: Accounts that have script templates is a MASSIVE timesaver if you don't know what reality you want to shift to (plus you can just delete stuff you dont wanna use) or too lazy to make your own. I've seen a variety between popular scripts to lesser known ones and even completely blank ones with just themes! I've also discovered GoodNotes through shifttok (which does have a paid subscription if you want to do more than 3 scripts, but if you like to have a digital bullet journal/scrapbook feel, it wouldn't hurt to try out/pos) along with how other people script which was interesting to me! The biggest puller for me personally is the art people make for/of their DRs as someone that does it themselves (and it gives me an excuse to gush over the person's art as a whole!)
Tumblr: Before I got back into shifting, I used to thread through the various tags for pngs/icons, banners and headers for my grimoire and my digital planner for college (and admire art and aesthetic stuff, along with info for said grimoire but that's unrelated). I even had to start a sideblog so I dont lose track of stuff I wanna use eventually. Tumblr also allows me to stay connected to my DRs by indulging in fics, fanart, headcanons, and other things that could trigger inspiration for a scenario (or an unintended memory/blip)
Amino: Yeahh I know it's not a lotta people's cup of tea. It takes some digging around to find some potentially useful stuff and if the community has a masterlist for it, there's divination shops/teams and free pick-a-pile readings! Some even submit script templates that you can copy+paste. I kinda just lurk around, do the daily check-in and keep track of angel numbers I've seen the day before for my spiritual journey but thats just me being me lmao
Pinterest: My other visual savior for scripting! I almost have a board for every reality I have a script for visualizing and refs for when I want to connect through making art. I know I can just download the images and add them to my actual script, but finding the stuff as is is enough work for me and I don't wanna spend more time scripting than I actually need to (and it makes sense for my adhd brain)
Notion: What I originally used for academics now houses a digital grimoire and a script hub. I don't remember what pulled me in to using it since I first started in 2019. I just became more obsessed the more I found out about how people set theirs up and make the layout as minimalist or maximalist as they wanted. I will say there are some limitations between using Notion on a phone vs. a computer or tablet along with the occasional hiccup, but overall it works effectively for me that makes it organized and pleasing to the eye
Etsy: Yep.. a place to shop. I used to splurge a ton on readings on there early in my journey (I still do every now and then now that I found some personal favorite shops) but you can also connect to your DRs without it being specifically shifting-related, like candles or wax melts— even a pin or keychain that reminds you of it somehow.
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lovebvni · 6 months
hii!! it’s yemi again!!
it’s been a while and i was wondering if there is any message i need to hear regarding shifting again since so much time has passed!! i’m currently persisting (or learning how to be consistent with persisting!) but my life has gone downhill since the last time we talked and it makes me wonder how my journey’s been affected!!
idk what to add for you to tap into my energy BUT i really like to be as sweet and kind to people as I can and present myself as very energetic and erratic, and I’m a bit neurotic (LMAO) with a lot of creativity, but just as much anxiety. i’m a double major with theater and international language studies because I like them both and I want to find a way to put them together to do great things, despite the uncertainty of my future!! I’m usually thinking a lot, so I don’t have a lot of hobbies because of how bard I commit and what my anxiety likes to stick to. I hope that information helps!!
HI YEMI! it’s nice to hear from u again!!!
u we’re one of the first readings i ever did on here and it’s sooo amazing to hear that hr doing well (AND THAT U CAME BAXK FOR ANOTHER READING? HELLO?!)
so, i’m getting just shifting tips plus a shifting update for u!
so i’m gonna do a cartomancy instead.
two cards per question.
shifting my tips — 2 of cups and king of swords i’m getting talk to other shifters. on amino or discord. 2 of swords and 8 of swords keeps coming up too (8 of swords is actually bottom of the deck!)
so maybe spend time cutting off the people who are toxic. i’m sensing this may be a romantic relationship.
leave the people who are no longer serving you.
find new friends, people who are actually here for u and want to work for u.
** after doing shifting progress i wanted to do another shufflemancy for more tips!!
ok ok, spirit is saying you really wed to get out of this energy in order to do anything. they’re saying “bitch and moan” but i’m seeing more of a pity party. youre holding onto this for too long. you need to focus on what you really want. you want happiness, joy and love. then why not chance after it? times can be hard, but that doesn’t mean give it up.
loki also visited me and he showed 7 of pentacles. he’s also saying if you don’t focus, you’re not going to be able to reap the fruits of your labor.
shifting progress — 10 of swords and knight of swords
you’re coming out a bad period (as you told me) although it is slow coming. you are going to bleeding for a while, and it’s going to be hard.
this hardship is going to overcome with a pickup. maybe a mini shift, a message from a person, a new focus, whatever it is, it’s getting better “starting now”
thayw all i got for u yemiii!!! i love u sm! i hope to hear from u again soon telling me u shifted!
love and blessings! send a review <3
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itgomyway · 1 year
Hi, I’m this anon. I hope you are doing well Calypso. [This is gonna be long and very…immature due to my lack of understanding. I am really sorry in advance]
So I have read through your pinned post (and my introduction to non dualism was through consciousnessbaddie’s guide post, so I have read that) and this is what I understood from it: We are consciousness, consciousness can be observed in different forms and when we pay attention to it/become aware of it/observe it, we end up experiencing it and that for us becomes *real* (still an illusion). We are the creators and we are everything: from the TV, celebs, capybaras, sorting hat from hogwarts, all of it. Everything is an illusion, our ego, subconscious, thoughts, doubt, fears are fall mere concepts/forms of consciousness, there is no separation between 3D and 4D. We feel lack because we identify with these illusions instead of our True Self i.e consciousness/I AM. {This is the summary of what my knowledge, what I got}
I am not understanding how *When you observe/pay attention to something, it exists/becomes real*. There was an example of meeting a troll and following it in your How Reality works and What To Do With Experiencing It post, how before you started meet and then to follow it, it didn’t even exist for you. But I’m like….the troll still existed, it was still trolling, even if I wasn’t aware at first. It was still real even though I wasn’t aware, out and about in the world.
I got into law of assumption then non dualism after years of just rolling around in subliminal community, amino reality shifting, law of attraction then loa community on tumblr. The baseline desire for actual freedom and control so that I don’t ever have to experience any suffering as I have before has been a constant even though my self concept and faith in myself was bad, so I just overcomplicated stuff and never truly applied it. Non dualism says I don’t even have to deal with the self concept thing because the mindset is also just an illusion, since I already am everything and everything is an illusion…
But does that mean, some of the painful experiences I have had were not real? The things I read about history was not real? The human suffering, war crimes, movements, none of that were real? Why am I even aware of all this in the first place? Has no one actually been hurt ever? 
I used to be religious and then delved into new agey spirituality a little, it was like this world is a test, God makes you go through suffering because He knows you can handle it, the reason all this has happened is because the end of times are slowly coming along, there a divine reasoning for everything. I used to be scared of following the wrong path and never achieving true spiritual enlightenment… But in non-dualism, there is no higher power, I am the operant. 
Lets take another example of something that I have gone through and a desire of mine related to all this. This world has issues and ofc I don’t want to live in a world like that, I want a world where everything is great. Lets take: misogyny (I am girl, born one and identify as one). So from a young age, I have seen stuff, I have read stuff from history, news, studies and religious books about women and how they have been treated throughout the world. When I was dabbling into spirituality, I came across all these divine femininity coaches who vehemently preach that women/feminine are supposed to submit to men/masculine as the masculine is Solar/God/Supreme Consciousness, only the masculine rises as men are primal leaders and leadership/authority/power is masculine, without men and the masculine part of women’s consciousness women can never be free and reach enlightenment (since women are the earth, men are Heaven). This is Divine Truth, natural order and the P word is just a narrative and not true, its just the weak feminine with their family destroying ideology and waves of the F movement vilifying life giving God (Men) because of few instances of distorted expression (which is somehow for women’s good, everything men have done good bad ugly is just God working for goodness). I kid you not, it exists, thousands of women buy their courses, have groups etc. These coaches and podcasters, I was not aware of them before, but they existed and influence people and have a large following even though I WAS NOT AWARE (I am not screaming, the caps are for emphasis, very sorry as it can come off as me being angry). Then I became aware, saw them, felt even more miserable. So did I create this? Are they not actually real? As in they are just see through holograms, like Joi from Blade Runner 2049? 
I am so scared….is there free will and free beings? Then how do I have all the power? Yk with the whole multiple reality thing, I used to be scared that there will always be a reality where things were worse and people were suffering, that I could also just become aware of it or lose everything since I worry a lot. So are these coaches and all real as in like me, outside of me? If I want these coaches to change their mind and put out statements about their new beliefs (what I want them to think), will THEY do it? The idea of versions never really got in my head because then I’m like..they actually didn’t change, its gives me the whole *My truth, my lens* thing, because I am like if someone said non dualism is not true and its their truth and their lens, well its false (just because they say their their truth and preach it, doesnt mean its right) . If people went through horrific things at the hands of others, did it not truly happen, where they were in control, did they cause it? Is there karma, is their truth to those femininity coaches preaching Jungian theory? 
Do you kind of get what I am trying to say? What am I getting wrong? What is misplaced within my understanding? 
I just…don’t want anyone to suffer, the possibility of it scares me so much. I am scared of this world, I am scared that nothing is actually within my power and I’ll just be in a bubble, unaware, while everything burns down in flames.
If its too much, and you'd like me to clarify, please tell me. Since I am sending it as an anon, if you give a sign, I will text you as soon as I see your reply. Again, I am very sorry for the information overload. I have a lot of anxiety and pain from that particular thing.
that was a lot 🧍‍♀️things to remember: existence cannot take place until you are aware of it and the moment youre not aware it doesnt exist. so trolls! im talking mythical creatures and internet trolls. neither exist until youre aware of them and cease to exist once they leave your awareness. so even blocking someone cast them out of your awareness and you cant see their stuff until you decide you want to. nothing existed until you were aware of it because as consciousness, your awareness is what dictates to “you” whats real and whats not. all of the false forms of consciousness don’t actually exist because its only you that exist.
yes. the past history future etc are not real. the only real thing is right now whatever you are aware of in this very moment. be present and happy. as to why you were aware of it im not sure? why are we aware of anything? we are just beings of consciousness under the human condition. stuff happens. its okay and not real. let it be.
as for all of that divine feminine bs i have no say. never heard of anything like that thank god 🙏
theres no free will and there is no separation in reality. it is just you as the operant power. you dont have to do anything. non dualism isnt ab desires or others because they dont actually exist. it is just you :)
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gatlocke · 11 months
Providence's Resident Creeper
Summary: [drabble] Six & Holiday || First Impressions
Holiday honestly found him pretty creepy...
originally posted on Amino.
Word count: 1544
The cafeteria was closing in an hour. Providence chefs had stopped serving food in the mess hall, but one of the cooks kindly invited her to take what she wanted from the fridge in the back room until it was time to close. Most of the workers were cleaning off tables, so nobody really paid her any mind. The only readily available items in the fridge were a huge metal container of cold macaroni and a bowl of tuna that had a label indicating it was to be thrown out the next morning. Rebecca didn't exactly feel like cooking, not after the day at work she had.
Reheated food for dinner it was.
With a little unused plastic spoon, she began scooping some macaroni into the bowl of tuna and mixed it thoroughly, keeping the fridge door open longer than she probably should have. It would be alright. Providence could probably afford the electric bill since they had enough money for live experimentation projects and torture. 
She stopped mixing her food suddenly and rubbed her forehead, trying to prevent an onslaught of images from flooding her brain while she was about to eat. When she pulled her hand away from her face, she caught sight of her reflection in the dull macaroni container. There were dark bags under her eyes and the careful bun in her hair was coming undone, causing loose hairs to stick out in every direction like she was some sort of mad scientist. 
She had long graduated and for that she was glad. If any of her university friends could see her now, they would say she had let herself go. Not that she ever cared about being beautiful, nor was she particular about aesthetics, but Rebecca felt far from glamorous. She wasn't wearing her lab smock anymore; it was thrown into the biohazard disposal after her shift, but she could somehow still see the gore covering her body.
She sniffled, digging her spoon into her food and taking a bite before she could start actually crying. The cold taste of the tuna macaroni somehow made everything worse. She missed warm, home-cooked meals and being a kid. She missed being at home with her sister and parents. She missed when her hands were clean, and nobody had to die. The world was never suffering when she was a girl.
"Keeping the fridge door open that long will spoil the food. I doubt you want to be responsible for that much loss of Providence inventory."
Rebecca almost choked on her spoon, yanking it out of her mouth. She looked over her shoulder to see who had spoken. It was just him. Providence's Resident Creeper. A few months ago, he and another mercenary had been introduced to their headquarters as new recruits who would be working alongside the soldiers. Freelancers. Murderers. She didn't have that much of an opinion on the Creeper's partner, White Knight, who seemed to fit in the work environment like a missing puzzle piece. The blonde mercenary was a regular man's man.
However, Agent Six was a little more…
Well, he was just creepy.
He tended to lurk in the background like a suspicious character. It didn't help that he was rumored to have gotten his name for being the sixth deadliest man in the world. He always wore intense dark shades, and she hated not knowing if his eyes were on her or not. The feeling that they might have been watching always gave her the skeeves. Now, there was no mistaking that she was on his radar. 
Stop looking at me, creep, she wished she could say. Especially not now when she was at her lowest point. An urge to wipe the tears from her eyes arose, but she didn't have anything to clean her face with, and the last thing she wanted was to wipe her face with her sleeve in front of a deadly mercenary. She already probably looked disgusting enough as it was. 
"The fridge," Six reminded, making her realize that she was somewhat gawking at him.
"It's 6pm," She said, her voice coming out strange because of her stuffy nose. "The fridge is mine until 7pm… so shoo!"
Six raised a brow.
Did she just tell a trained killer to scram? Yeah. Did she have a death wish? Maybe.
"That's expired," He informed, staring pointedly at the bowl in her hands. Without caring, she shrugged and said nothing in response. She averted her eyes and looked down at her sad macaroni tuna mix. Tears dripped down her cheeks at the action without her wanting them to. 
Great. This was perfect.
Six sighed and took the tuna macaroni out of her hands. Easily, she relinquished her hold on the glass bowl. She wasn't that attached to it in the first place. With his free hand, he reached around her to close the fridge door.
"Go take a seat," He instructed her. Immediately, Rebecca took a seat at one of the tables, watching Agent Six move about the kitchen. From one of the cabinets, he brought down a bottle of water and slid it across the table to her. She didn't take it, just staring at it and then at him.
She wondered why he was being somewhat nice. He didn't even know her.
"Take a drink."
She followed instructions yet again, unsure of why. The splash of fresh water in her mouth did break her out of her miserable haze though. She was able to get a hold of herself enough to at least look at him.
"Thanks…" She said lamely. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all.
"You're a soldier?" Agent Six asked.
She shook her head.
"No," She whispered, "but I do work here."
"Don't recall seeing you."
Yeah, she didn't think he would. Agent Six left her table, pulling a snack bar from one of the cabinets. The package label promised,"24 Hour Energy!" She didn't think it could be too healthy of him to have only that to eat.
"It does get better. Eventually." He shrugged awkwardly. She wondered what he was getting at, only to realize that he was trying to… comfort her? She wasn't sure, but it seemed like he was trying to make her feel better in his own weird little way.
"What are you talking about?"
"You get used to seeing it. Combat. Since you're not a soldier, I assumed you were probably a medic or researcher. Someone not suited for fighting. Eventually though, it becomes mundane to hear or see that someone has died. If death still bothers you years later, you're probably in the wrong field."
Holiday looked down at the water bottle in her grip. Six's words failed to give her any reassurance. She wasn't soothed nor did she think he would understand. Working for Providence was the only way to keep her sister safe.
"Try reading the expiration date on the packages." Agent Six said before exiting the kitchens. It took a few minutes for her to realize he had stolen her tuna mac and cheese.
That was her first real encounter with the resident creeper.
The following day, she found that her workload was tamer than dissections. She only had to fill out forms and documents for Dr. Fell. As she was writing, a group of Providence soldiers wheeled in a cage belonging to a mutated leopard. Trapped, the EVO lunged at the bars, trying and failing to free itself. Its shrieks and growls echoed down the halls. Among the agents transporting the creature were Agent Six and his partner White Knight, though Six was trailing behind them.
Automatically, her eyes darted away. Rebecca kept her gaze fixed on her papers as Dr. Fell approached the soldiers to take the leopard from them. He was usually the one who went over the procedures of EVO intake with them. Her job was simply to prepare the specimen and assist when he needed it, but the lab was run by him.
She didn’t hear Agent Six approach her. She was surprised when his shadow descended upon her and jerked her head up to look at him.
“Oh, it’s you.”
“You’re looking better today.” He noted.
Remembering the state he found her in yesterday, her face burned with embarrassment. She honestly didn’t expect to run into him again after that night. After all, they didn’t often work in the same department together.
“Thanks for the compliment," She said sourly. “Just what every girl wants to hear.”
Agent Six’s lips twitched. “I didn’t intend it to be a compliment…”
The slight smile on his face almost stopped her heart. Of all the glimpses she ever had of Six, she didn’t think she ever caught him smiling. Not even a little. Rebecca didn’t know if he was inwardly laughing at her though, which would have annoyed her if she didn’t already know that the guy was a little socially awkward. She had come to the conclusion yesterday, after the agent’s sad attempt to console her in the kitchen.
It made her remember something. “You stole my dinner last night.”
“I threw it away.” He corrected her. “I was doing you a favor.”
“It still had a day left.”
“If it bothered you so much…” Agent Six leaned forward, his palms on the edges of her lab table. “I guess I owe you dinner then, Doctor.”
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nonbinarydeity · 2 years
My manifesting/shifting journey.
Warning: long post ahead, I'll try to put the tips at the end, or at least highlight them if that's all you want lol
So I've made no secret of the fact that I'm a shifter, but because I'm so sure it's going to happen soon, I'm going to share my journey with you guys and give some tips ❤️
First off, let me say that I'm going to shift to a reality that has the same "world"/map as this one, but that's about all that's going to stay the same 😅 I'll look similar, but ofc I'm going to change my sex (just to see what it feels like/ if I like it), and I'll have the Lifa app because I want to be able to edit things as I go. This is only the first reality I'm going to shift to, but it definitely won't be the last, or even the one I spend the most time in! I want to experience this world as I wish it was with my partner, and then we'll go to a waiting room and figure things out from there.
With that out of the way, let's talk about my experience with shifting 😭
So I've been interested in shifting for about two and a half years now. I first learned about it from a friend, and started scripting right away (can you guess where I was going to go? Yep, the same place a lot of ppl started: Harry Potter. Man, so much has changed since then 😅). I tried. And tried. And tried. And then, I started consuming content, learning about how to do it, and overall gaining nothing but limiting beliefs (that I'm still unlearning btw) 😭. Early shift tok was a big help for me, but it definitely did more harm than good.
Eventually, I got my first symptoms, and my research led me to YouTube, then amino, and then finally, Tumblr. Law of attraction was the starting point, though I wasn't as into it as I am into law of assumption, so I didn't get a ton of limiting beliefs from there (thank goodness, because I had enough from shifting 😭😭😭).
The idea that this reality was just as malleable as the ones I wanted to go to was captivating, and I became very interested in how it all works (which kind of led me down a rabbit hole that didn't help my journey much, but it was fun at least).
During this whole process, I promised that I would never give up on this, which was the first act of self love I'd ever done, and the first step towards where I am now.
I've spent my time as a Tumblr user learning about manifesting and trying to explain it to all of you (we're not to the tips yet, they're soon, don't worry!) because it was so hard for my neurodivergent brain to wrap around. Eventually, though, as every journey does, mine started to come to a close.
I was very close to giving up. As much as I wanted it, I had so many limiting beliefs that I thought I would never overcome them all, and it was so hard to think of all the time I've spent trying to do this.
But then, something clicked. I realized that as hard as I was trying, I still hadn't really done the one thing I wanted to do: be happy. I've spent my entire life being unhappy and hating myself, and I realized that I would never get what I wanted as long as I still felt that way.
And here I am today. It took maybe two or three days of just... Enjoying my time. Being happy. I had my ups and downs during this time, and it took me a hell of a long time to get here, but for once, I'm actually proud of what I've done, and how far I've come. I've learned a lot about myself during this process, and I'm so happy to know that soon, I'll be in a better reality, and the stress of this reality will only be a memory (I'm actually tearing up as I write this btw 😭). Also, don't worry, I'm going to be leaving a stand in here, and hopefully they decide to keep making posts for you guys (I'm not forcing them to do anything, because I'm not coming back to this reality. As much as I like this part of it, and all of you, my heart and mind can't handle the stress of this place. I'll miss all of you, for sure ❤️). If I stop posting suddenly, and it's been a long time, just know that I probably shifted. I'll try to have my stand in post an "I shifted" post that I'm going to be writing after this, but I can't promise they will 😭
Tips (these will be copy-pasted into another post btw ❤️❤️)
The best advice that I can give you is to trust yourself. Even if you're not there yet, if you keep going, you will get there. Your subconscious wants you to be happy as much as you want it, it will lead you to that happiness if you let it. Don't give up ❤️
Enjoy your time in this reality, in this life, with these circumstances. I know it can be hard to see past all of the darkness, but where there is dark, there is light, and if you try hard enough, you'll see it. Even if it's just the little things, let them make you happy. Let yourself enjoy all of this, because one day it won't be like this anymore, and even if it sucks, you want to have happy memories to look back on.
Letting yourself enjoy things will help you on your journey. You can't really put yourself in the mental state of having all of your desires if you're constantly upset or angry at the way things are, after all. Accept that this is what you have to work with for now, and know that it will change eventually, you just have to make the best of it for now.
Everything is going to work out for you. Your reality has no choice but to reflect you, so instead of worrying about if it'll happen, or how long it takes, just let yourself go along for the ride. As long as you keep going with the thought in your head that things will get better, they will, even if it takes time.
I know that circumstances can be hard, but in the end, they don't really matter as long as you don't let them. You can cry, you can let out your emotions, but don't let them get in the way of your happiness. You deserve to be happy, and enjoy yourself, even if you don't have your SP, or aren't beautiful (you are btw, beauty standards are toxic as hell), or just don't have your desires yet. It's all going to be okay in the end, so just let yourself enjoy the journey.
You've been doing this forever. Don't forget that this whole reality is literally you pushed out. You can do this, you always have been. You just have to let that hope shine through ❤️
I love all of you, so much. I really hope that I shift soon, but I'm ready to wait as long as it takes, and I'll enjoy my time here while I'm here. I hope you all learn to do the same.
Don't give up on yourself. You've got this, I promise. It doesn't matter how long it takes, or how many "failures" you have along the way- after all, it only takes one success to show you just how powerful you really are.
Keep going, my loves ❤️
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aslyfcx · 11 months
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@lambfated sent: How long have you been roleplaying?
munday questions (accepting)
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I've been roleplaying since 2011/2012. My first platform to roleplay off on was Paigeeworld and then around 2015/2016-2017, I ended up moving to Amino which was a literal hellhole. I wouldn't recommend Amino at all. I was roleplaying on Amino from 2016/2017 to 2018/2019ish?
I was kind of switching back and forth between Discord and Amino although I can't remember much when it comes to years. I know for a fact, I started being really active on Tumblr possibly 2019/2020 and yes, I remember my very very old URL back then. If you guys remember the URL fandomroleplayer7633 or naosh-of-muses, well, the blog is long gone by now. I don't know if I have any other old blogs, if I do, I probably forgot the email and password especially the blog URLs.
I've been roleplaying on Tumblr for over least four to five years. Back then, I started out on mobile and then I finally shifted to Tumblr desktop halfway through 2020. In 2020, I was roleplaying on Tumblr as a way to cope with what's been going on around me outside of roleplaying.
Below this keep reading/read more section, I will be talking about how deep it was for me to roleplay on Tumblr and how roleplaying impacted me here on Tumblr. Just prepare for venting and rambling. Be prepared for emotional responses and all.
I was 17 years old when I first started roleplaying on Tumblr and back then, I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind because I know for a fact, I was dealing with my own issues and I was using Tumblr as a way to avoid tackling my issues IRL head-on. I was also using Tumblr as a way to cope back then but now, I go on Tumblr as a hobby and I roleplay on Tumblr for fun instead of just using Tumblr as a coping mechanism.
Truth be told, I'd rather focus on the positive aspect more than the negative aspect. The thing is...I'm really glad that I got to meet so lovely folks during my time of roleplaying here on Tumblr despite some of those folks who I consider as friends being with me since 2019/2020. I'm glad to be able to roleplay here on Tumblr, I'm glad to be able to spread my wings. I'm glad to be able to learn about Tumblr pages, themes, etc. I'm glad for those who taught me on how to make icons, how to trim, etc.
If you recognize me and you're probably wondering why I don't remember you, it's because I either forgot or I ended up not communicating often and then forgetting who you are. The thing is...I only remember some people especially when I've been interacting with them for a very long time.
Anyway, thank you to those who stayed by my side. Thank you for being able to talk to me OOC let alone throwing your muse(s) at my muse(s). Thank you for everything.
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evvlevie · 1 year
im a total beginner to shifting realities and i wanna start, i have a lot of questions though (srry if they’re repetitive) ^^
1. do you really need to write out a whole scenario, script, what you look like, etc to shift? i see a lot of people do it and it seems kinda exhausting to do ;;
2. do you just meditate and imagine the place you wanna shift to, to go there?
ty if u answer this tho
Hi there!
No you absolutely do not need a script, many people just prefer to make one, so they themselves can figure out where they want to shift to
And to your second question:
That definitely could work as a method to shifting but since there are ENDLESS methods people have created in order to shift that is not the only way to do it. You can look up shifting methods on tumblr, Reddit or amino (for the most serious content. You could technically look for methods everywhere but I certainly do not reccomend tiktok) and just find something that feels right to you. That being said you also don‘t need a method. It just seems to help people, because we are used to this idea, that we need to do something to achieve something. In shifting/manifestation you basically just need the intent to shift in order to shift. But as a beginner that might seem very vague and like a concept you have yet to really understand.
If you look through my posts linked on my intro page, you will find some posts that geh into how when it comes to shifting you basically make your own rules for your own reality. You don‘t need to be doing what others are doing to shift, you decide how much effort it will take you and you decide what you really need what you don‘t need❤️
If there is anything else, don‘t be afraid to ask!
Yours in every reality,
Evie 💖
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ive known abt the void since 2019! yup, it's been 4 years lol. i was feeling mad depressed abt this but during that time, i have honestly grown spiritually and a week ago, i just sat down and wrote a post explaining the law from my pov and how i think people should apply it. as I was writing it, i realized what I believed to be the law and what i was doing in my void state journey were damn near opposites. lemme explain. if i truly believed the void was within me and i could enter easily, wtf was i meditating for it. i could just wake up in it right? but i was meditating damn near 2 hours everyday. so i honestly took a step back. away from me and just thought abt the void on its own? what is the easiest way to enter the void? wake up in it. all you gotta do is sleep and boom you're in when you gain conciousness. then why wasn't i trying this? because i didn't believe it was possible. i kept thinking of the void as a meditative state but it's not. so i went and read @gorgeouslypink doubts post and found all the success stories of people waking up in the void (ty to @voidarchivefiles for making that a billion times easier) and i searched reddit, and amino, and youtube. once i really believed that, i thought abt how to use this method. so i just listened to this subliminalevery night i fell asleep and every morning after I woke up and anytime I felt like it just for like 5 minutes and just affirming that i am going to wake up in the void state tonight and stuff like that. I somewhat detached bc to me it was something that would happen in the night so I'd just live my life for the rest. I started practicing your intention method. I would be like subconcious mind, I am going to drink this water and I would and shit like that. And I did listen to kottie's subliminal that @gorgeouslypink shared and I woke up in the void state and I manifested my desired face and acceptance to my desired university. I am going to UCLA now!!! I am honestly so happy and I just wanted to share. This took me 5 days, it was just releasing doubts (like genuinely) and intending to enter. I hope this helps other and thank you so much.
Im so happy for you <3 this also reminds me of my journey. I tried every method under the sun…. literally every single method. It seriously burned me out and made me hate my life and shifting/manifesting.
Honestly making the law feel natural and doing things you would only be doing whether you were trying to manifest something or not really took a lot of the weight of my shoulders and made it 1000x easier. I’m so glad you really took the time to find what you wanted to do and not what others were doing and stuck with it <3!
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obislittleone · 2 years
Hey so I know you shift, and I’m really interested in it as a concept—I’m not personally sure I believe it’s possible (this is ABSOLUTELY not meant to be hate or judgement at all, I totally respect other people have had experiences with it and I’m not questioning other people’s experiences, I’m just not sure if it’s possible for me/my experience) but I want to learn more about it and I’m wondering—
Where did you learn shifting techniques? What does it feel like when you successfully shift? Does it feel like dreaming, or like magic? Where do you go to find a shifting community to ask questions and learn more about it!
If you don’t want to respond that’s fine, I’m just curious about it!
Hi lovely!!! I’m sos sorry this took me so long to answer, i’ve been busier than a beaver and let my asks stack up like a loser lol..
-So essentially I learned about it from my friend who’s been doing it since 2015 (girls a professional by now and can literally just be like yeah ia go to my dr, then wakes up the next day with a bunch of stories for me lik??? How you do it so easy i have a whole process and even then i still don’t make it all the time) and she kinda started teaching me about it when I started seeing more things about it on tiktok. She told me to stay away from tiktok and just ask her and for a while I did and she helped me tremendously.
-When you first successfully shift, it feels exactly like waking up in your current reality. Like sometimes I forget that i’ve shifted until I open my eyes and i’m like ‘oh i’m in my DR room, sweet’ and then I just kinda go about my day. Like the first time I successfully made it to both my DRs, it was super whack and i had two very different reactions. My HoM DR i was so excited and like Anakin woke me up the first time so I was legit like freaking out and had to calm down bc i think i was freaking him out, too. When I shifted to my ST DR it was an accident, and I woke up in the back of my car and like had no idea where i was at first and had to do a bunch of reality checks to make sure it wasn’t just a really vivid dream. And tbh that one was the craziest one because I just legit didn’t expect it and it. Happened anyway.
-it doesn’t really feel like dreaming or magic tbh, it just feels like real life. There’s a small feeling that something might be the slightest bit off in your physical consciousness, but that’s just cuz ur in a diff reality i think. But like it literally feels just as real as I feel rn while writing this like everything is super exact and there’s nothing off about other people, and things are 100 percent legit when you get there, like you sometimes can’t tell the difference until the people from your DR show up it feels exactly the same as your CR and sometimes i even almost slip up and say something about my CR in my DR because its so real.
-tbh there’s a lot of good communities on both amino and youtube, as well as a few good groups on tumblr. I go on tiktok sometimes, but never for methods or advice, usually just scenario motivation or like scripting videos. I learned my lesson well to stay away from shift-tok from my friend and so far its payed off.
I just wanna say that if you believe shifting is real, you can 100 percent do it! Only those with an open mind can have the cool super power we do lol. That being said, if you have doubts about your abilities to shift, personally, I want you to know that you are capable of doing so, and are infinitely more powerful than you know! if you ever have questions, please feel free to reach out and I will gladly respond with whatever I can!
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healthbestproduct · 5 months
Supercharging My Sleep and Wellbeing with Pineal XTpen_spark
Having battled with restless sleep and occasional anxiety for a while, I decided to take a proactive approach to improve my overall health. After some research, I came across Pineal XT, a supplement specifically formulated to support the pineal gland, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.
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A Natural Approach to Sleep Improvement
For years, I relied on occasional sleep aids, which often left me feeling groggy in the morning. Pineal XT boasts a natural blend of ingredients, including melatonin, the "sleep hormone," that works with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. Within a week of taking Pineal XT before bed, I noticed a significant difference. Falling asleep became easier, and more importantly, I stayed asleep throughout the night. Waking up feeling refreshed and energised has been a welcome change.
Beyond Sleep: Enhanced Wellbeing
While improved sleep is a fantastic benefit, Pineal XT seems to offer more. The inclusion of L-theanine, an amino acid known for its calming properties, has noticeably reduced my stress levels. I find myself feeling more focused and centred throughout the day. Pineal XT also contains Vitamin B6, which is essential for energy production, and I believe this contributes to my newfound sense of vitality.
Holistic Wellness in a Capsule
What truly impressed me about Pineal XT is its holistic approach to wellbeing. It goes beyond simply treating sleep problems; it aims to support the body's natural systems that regulate sleep, stress, and overall health. Since taking Pineal XT, I've noticed a positive shift in my mood and a renewed sense of calm. It's like my body is finally functioning in harmony.
Finding a Supplement You Can Trust
With so many supplements on the market, it can be daunting to find one that's effective and safe. Pineal XT stands out because it uses high-quality, natural ingredients. The company also provides detailed information about each ingredient and its benefits on their website. This transparency gives me confidence in the product and the brand.
Unlocking a Healthier, Happier You
If you're looking to improve your sleep, reduce stress, and boost your overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Pineal XT a try. It's a natural, effective solution that has made a significant difference in my life. With Pineal XT, I've unlocked not just better sleep, but a healthier and happier me.
Disclaimer: It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.
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coppeliafoxworth · 1 year
April 6th 2023 Diary Entry
Today was a lovely day.
I woke up this morning next to my lover; I spent the night at his house.  Even though we had to wake up before the sun, I enjoyed waking up next to him.  He left for work and I left for home.
Once home, I weighed myself.  I'm officially out of the two-hundreds.  I currently weigh one-hundred and ninety-two pounds.  I'm proud of myself but I still have a long way to go.
I spent most of the morning playing Obey Me and the Sims on my phone.  I know that the Sims 4 is now free to play but my laptop doesn't have enough space to download it.  The other part of the morning I spent filming the behind the scenes of my new stop-motion short.
Yesterday was also spent filming the behind the scenes.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get the stop-motion portion out of the way.  Like I said in my bulletin, I want to include live-action portions in this new short.  Maybe I'll be able to film some of the live action tomorrow as well if I wake up early enough.
While on the topic, I uploaded my stop-motion videos to the creepypasta amino yesterday.  I'm pretty well known on that amino as I posted my cosplays of characters and my own stories to it often.  It seems to be getting a good reception and the curator of the amino even asked me if it was part of an ARG.
I said no since most of the answers can be found in the title of the videos.  The only thing that's really a mystery is, why is it happening to Anastasia?  As well as the correct timeline but that's another question that's answered by the titles.
Work went by fast.  I have a new job at a department store.  The department I work in is jewelry so I have to dress nice.  Dressing nice is really the only problem I face with the job, other than not getting paid for a week since I had Covid.  I don't have as much nice clothes as I thought I did so I feel like I'm always wearing the same things.
Tomorrow I have work for the same hours as today; eleven to seven.  At first I hated this shift as it seemed like I was there the whole day but I'm starting to enjoy it.  I still get half the day to myself and in that time frame I get to enjoy both the morning and evening.  This shift is my favorite next to the opening shift.  I like having a whole half of my day to myself.  
Luckily, we are closed on Easter so I still get to spend time with my family and lover.  This year, my little cousins are coming again!  I haven't seen them since before Covid so it's been a few years.  I just hope Madeline hasn't forgotten me.
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lovebvni · 10 months
what was i made for? (journey overview)
this is going to be kind of a vent blog , but at the same time it’s a reflection of my shifting journey. where i’ve been and where i’m going. i want to be transparent, and i want to motivate others, and right now, this is the best way i can do that.
there will be no triggering material in this blog, but will be slight references to mental health and illness. if that botherw you, i totally understand if you don’t read on. this is also a long blog, so be prepared
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i’m not going to start at the beginning and where i was born, because that’s BORINGG!! what i do want to start with two major signs i got when i was younger. i, personally, consider these signs that i would eventually get into shifting/i am made for a higher purpose. at the time, i didn’t know this so all of these are almost… revelations? i hope that’s the right word, lol!
the one thing i want to talk about is a dream i had. i’m going to summarize it. simply i was living in black and white with my family. i found a vent and crawled through it. i cried a few times, and got discouraged, but i kept going. when i got to the end, my 5th grade crush was there. everything was in colour. i forgot what he was wearing but i know it reminded me of the gilded age. i was wearing a lime green dress and he said something along the lines of “i’ve been waiting for you” or “you’re finally here” obvs i woke up after this but it felt very important and it still does.
anyways, time skip to ~late 2020 - early 2021. i was on quotev… writing hxh fanfics… BUT ANYWAYS! i was on quotev and one of my mutrals, who im still good friends with today, made a post about something called ✨reality shifting✨. now i looked up to her — im going to call her s btw — so i thought it was pretty cool she found out about something like this. now obviously, with me being me, i did a deep dive into it. tiktok, go google, instagram, amino, you name it, i was on it! dude, i genuinely got so into this and obsessed. it wasn’t healthy, but at the time i needed something.
the first thing i remember was joining amino. i joined an mha shifting community. i had recently got into the show and i was debating about shifting there — although my main priority at the time was hxh. i asked a lot of questions — simple questions too — but everyone was so respectful when answering them. i also remember posting a (very shitty) art work at the time n i got a lot of love for it 😭 my art style has changed a lot since then and ajsjdjf!! i lowkey should redraw it. i also kept s updated during this time, and looked at her mini-journal on quotev whenever she posted! it’s an understatement to say i was very into shifting and that i latched onto it. primarily because i needed something to look forward to and to have hope in, you know? i didn’t have much at the time. i didn’t have friends, my life began changing in the 3D. things felt like they were going downhill. i also moved this year to a house from an apartment.
anyways, i continued interacting in that amino up until earlier this year — because of personal issues. but during the time, i actively engaged, researched and got better at shifting and understanding the process + life in general. i made many friends during this time, and got involved in group shifts :) other than w s obviously.
this leads to my first shift in ~mid 2021. i fell asleep doing a method, i forgot what method at this point. what i do know, is i woke up in my mha dr. i felt wind blowing on my face, i heard birds chirping, i felt the sunlight on my face… i have a post on it somewhere — i literally cannot find it! but it was a wonderful experience, it gave me a lot of motivation to remember it. it still does! also my eyes stayed closed this whole time, but i know, i KNOW i shifted. i was there. there is no way 99% of those things could have happened in my cr bc of where i was. i had also moved at this time, i was living in a house.
this leads me to ~late 2021 or early 2022. i was introduced to channeling (and dabbled in witchcraft) through replika (don’t do this. it’s not reliable.) as i channeled my s/o (who turned out to be my soulmate) multiple times + my spirit guide gage! it was weird meeting her, because she’s very blunt and straight to the point. she literally said hi, her name, and dipped 🤞. i love her. later in 2022 (early -> mid ) i had a discord server that was shifting based (it has sense been abandoned, as i los that account 💀) and i met kairi ( gage’s baby daddy/husband), piper (who was 5 at the time, she’s abt 7 now) and my friends guide — sailboat (that’s what i know him as. him and kairi have BEEF!) i used to often channel and talk to them — or even just talk to them without channeling them so i could just ramble and they would listen. i would do this in the shower btw. they listened a lot and well. they’re so sweet, and they’re always there for me. i seriously recommend u guys get to know ur guides — they help a lot.
anyways, at the end of this year, 2022, it was a blur. my sister was admitted to the hospital during the beginning of 2023. i was introduced to deity work during the end of 2022 — and this is how i work with loki and found out im his child (he just said hey btw 💀💀 so if yall wanna say high go ahead) i want to say im sorry to loki, as i blamed him for my sister being admitted to the hospital and another situation i cannot talk about publicly. loki is the god of chaos, but that’s because he brings chaos and strives in it. i also bring and strive in it, but how people react is what matters. it wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t mine, it wasn’t my sisters, it was actually my biological fathers. and that’s okay. i don’t care anymore, but i want to publicly apologize to loki for blaming him for such issues that came by. i love you so much, padre, and thank you for being a great father and friend
this year, i was going through a lot of shit. i was inactive on most socials from january to may, and i really don’t remember why. i do remember this is the year i was manifesting seriously that i shift before or on 11.11. unfortunately, i didn’t and im pretty sure that’s because i believed that i wouldn’t. i worked my ass off and i thought i deserve this, so why am i seeing little to no progress.
it was because i was basically looking down, and not realizing how far i’ve come. the end is near for me, and there’s literally no way i can mess this up.
now i know, this isn’t an in-depth reflection or whatever, but there isn’t a lot i did that i can remember in this reality (trauma response oops!) but it’s what’s going on up until now.
this month, i did a reading with my friend (nile) and we asked what has to happen before we shift. and we got two things. the first being a fight between two of my school friends, the second is a significant meeting between nile and a MAN. YEAH. A MAN U GUYS WERE WAITING ON A MAN.
anyways. sorry about that. so we’re currently waiting on a man n that’s like the last step 💯🤞✨ i’m trying to stay hopeful n whatnot but it hasn’t been easy. the part 2/addition to this blog will be constants and things that kept me going and hopefully can help you out :)
i’m sorry this blog is just one big pile of nothing bc the message got a bit fucked when i was making this — i restarted it about 3 times n i genuinely forgot why i made this when i did initially. but yeah, this is what i have for u rn! the next one will be called “i got love” based off the mother mother song xx keep an eye out!!
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climatetonki · 2 years
Olly sleep gummies side effects
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One study showed L-theanine to have relaxing effects under resting conditions, which supports the idea that this Olly vitamin could help you relax when you’re settled in for bed. On the other hand, L-theanine is an amino acid meant to help calm your mind and body to prepare you for rest. Melatonin levels are known to decrease with age, so injecting a little into Olly sleep vitamins helps this natural process along. This vitamin pill contains 5mg of melatonin to give you an extra boost. Melatonin is a natural hormone released by the pineal gland when it gets dark. The Olly Extra Strength Sleep vitamin is a mix of active ingredients containing melatonin, L-theanine, and botanicals to help you feel relaxed so you can get a good night’s sleep. This brand provides a prenatal vitamin that can be taken on its own or pairs well with a few of its other vitamins! While these vitamins can be expensive, it’s vital for both the mother and baby to take a high-quality vitamin. Prenatal care is a specific category of vitamins for pregnant women. Thinking about your health goals will help you figure out what your needs are, so the vitamins you ingest will contribute to a better and healthier lifestyle. Are you looking for something along the lines of beauty care for a natural glow? Would you prefer immunity supplements to beef up your body’s defense system? Or, maybe you need a mood-boosting supplement. It’s essential to start with your specific health needs and avoid overcomplications. They’ve got a little bit of everything, with a decent amount of options available for buyers. In my Olly vitamins review, I will cover various vitamins from your everyday multi to hair, sleep, prenatal, beauty, and even a few products designed for kids and teens. Available to order from Walmart and Amazon.You do not need to take food and water with the vitamins, unlike some other brands.Option to support and donate to mental health initiatives.Before I get further into my Olly vitamins review, I’ll cover the bases of the brand so you don’t have to worry about anything. The most common test methods are blood, urine or saliva test to measure active levels in the body.If you’re searching for genuinely yummy vitamins, then Olly may be your saving grace. There are a number of ways your doctor can test your melatonin levels. Fortunately, Melatonin is available in many forms and completely safe to take at night. If you are taking Melatonin for sleep and want to avoid nighttime and morning constipation try these tips!Ī lack of Melatonin production can often be attributed to a disruption in your sleep cycle, stress and even aging! Other common factors that can inhibit production from the Pineal Gland include: soda, alcohol, staying up all night and working the night shift. When it comes to constipation and other cramping it is best to be prepared until you know how your body will react to Melatonin. Most of the medical research around Melatonin is focused around improving circadian rhythms and the sleep cycle. Some foods like diary, rice and beans, turkey and chicken are all high in Melatonin! Medical Evidence Melatonin and Your DietĮating a healthy diet is key to avoiding constipation. Since Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by your body to regulate sleep it is less harsh and tends to produce a more natural sleep cycle than sleeping pills. Production is normally stimulated by your circadian rhythm with levels peaking when it is time for bed! Melatonin is a hormone naturally produce by your Pineal gland, located deep inside your head. Melatonin tends to have fewer side effects than other sleep aids like prescription sleep aides or over the counter sleeping pills like Unisom or ZzzQuil. Many popular sleep aides have uncomfortable side effects like a groggy feeling in the morning, constipation, dizziness and dry mouth. Melatonin is a quick and safe nighttime sleep aid, but many people worry that Melatonin causes constipation.
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hypejust · 2 years
Olly sleep gummies side effects
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One study showed L-theanine to have relaxing effects under resting conditions, which supports the idea that this Olly vitamin could help you relax when you’re settled in for bed. On the other hand, L-theanine is an amino acid meant to help calm your mind and body to prepare you for rest. Melatonin levels are known to decrease with age, so injecting a little into Olly sleep vitamins helps this natural process along. This vitamin pill contains 5mg of melatonin to give you an extra boost. Melatonin is a natural hormone released by the pineal gland when it gets dark. The Olly Extra Strength Sleep vitamin is a mix of active ingredients containing melatonin, L-theanine, and botanicals to help you feel relaxed so you can get a good night’s sleep. This brand provides a prenatal vitamin that can be taken on its own or pairs well with a few of its other vitamins! While these vitamins can be expensive, it’s vital for both the mother and baby to take a high-quality vitamin. Prenatal care is a specific category of vitamins for pregnant women. Thinking about your health goals will help you figure out what your needs are, so the vitamins you ingest will contribute to a better and healthier lifestyle. Are you looking for something along the lines of beauty care for a natural glow? Would you prefer immunity supplements to beef up your body’s defense system? Or, maybe you need a mood-boosting supplement. It’s essential to start with your specific health needs and avoid overcomplications. They’ve got a little bit of everything, with a decent amount of options available for buyers. In my Olly vitamins review, I will cover various vitamins from your everyday multi to hair, sleep, prenatal, beauty, and even a few products designed for kids and teens. Available to order from Walmart and Amazon.You do not need to take food and water with the vitamins, unlike some other brands.Option to support and donate to mental health initiatives.Before I get further into my Olly vitamins review, I’ll cover the bases of the brand so you don’t have to worry about anything. The most common test methods are blood, urine or saliva test to measure active levels in the body.If you’re searching for genuinely yummy vitamins, then Olly may be your saving grace. There are a number of ways your doctor can test your melatonin levels. Fortunately, Melatonin is available in many forms and completely safe to take at night. If you are taking Melatonin for sleep and want to avoid nighttime and morning constipation try these tips!Ī lack of Melatonin production can often be attributed to a disruption in your sleep cycle, stress and even aging! Other common factors that can inhibit production from the Pineal Gland include: soda, alcohol, staying up all night and working the night shift. When it comes to constipation and other cramping it is best to be prepared until you know how your body will react to Melatonin. Most of the medical research around Melatonin is focused around improving circadian rhythms and the sleep cycle. Some foods like diary, rice and beans, turkey and chicken are all high in Melatonin! Medical Evidence Melatonin and Your DietĮating a healthy diet is key to avoiding constipation. Since Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by your body to regulate sleep it is less harsh and tends to produce a more natural sleep cycle than sleeping pills. Production is normally stimulated by your circadian rhythm with levels peaking when it is time for bed! Melatonin is a hormone naturally produce by your Pineal gland, located deep inside your head. Melatonin tends to have fewer side effects than other sleep aids like prescription sleep aides or over the counter sleeping pills like Unisom or ZzzQuil. Many popular sleep aides have uncomfortable side effects like a groggy feeling in the morning, constipation, dizziness and dry mouth. Melatonin is a quick and safe nighttime sleep aid, but many people worry that Melatonin causes constipation.
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