#since i truly am not an ebook reader i like having a physical book in my hands
roughentumble · 1 year
why do so many ereaders advertise their bright screens. i thought the whole appeal of an ereader as opposed to using a phone or tablet was that it was gentler on the eyes than other screens in your life
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thelivebookproject · 4 years
Talking Books With @elenajohansenreads!
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[What is this and how can I participate?]
Happy (almost) last day of Bookoween, everyone!
Today we discuss scary TBRs, disappointing books, and book clubs. Grab your pointy hats, your pumpkin whatever, and your pet frog, and enjoy!
Important note: I haven’t changed or edited any of the answers. I’ve only formatted the book titles so they were clearer, but nothing else. Because I’m incapable of shutting up, my comments are between brackets and in italics, so you can distinguish them clearly.
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[Image description: a square titled “Know the blogger”. Name & pronouns: Elena, she/her; country: United States; three adjectives to describe her: romantic, anxious & determined /end] 
1. What is a book you related to, for whatever reason?
The book that comes to mind first is The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss. I already loved Auri as a minor character in the main series, but getting her story deepened my connection. She's generally regarded as having OCD, which I do not, but so much of her resonated with the rituals I've constructed to cope with my anxiety. Even if the root causes don't match, she expressed so much of what my mind goes through every day that I felt seen. 
2. Last translation you've read?
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. 
3. Does your TBR scare you or is it manageable?
It's nuts and I never should have let it get this far. I overindulged in used book sales several years ago, to the point where I sometimes had as many as 200 unread physical books lying around at any given time, with nearly as many ebooks as well, at my worst. Through a combination of prioritizing my own books over library borrows/new purchases, and by actively pruning my TBR a little bit at a time once a month, I've reined that in, but I still have just over 100 physical books and 120 ebooks still owned and unread. My goal for 2020 is to get through all the remaining books I acquired in 2017; I've got around 40 to go. I'm doing better this year not buying too much; I've only added 17 books to my collection. So I will catch up, eventually.
[I am anxious just imagining all that. Good luck, you’ll need it!]
4. Any "hot takes" on a booklr favourite book?
More than I can count. This year I was disappointed with In Other Lands (whiny bullying protagonist not worthy of my sympathy) and The Bone Witch (I like the idea of what it wanted to be but utterly failed to accomplish while giving me a constant fashion show and a weak love triangle..) Last year, it was The Poppy War (watch this provincial girl with super-special-snowflake syndrome become a war criminal) and Ice Massacre (so full of plot holes and faulty world-building I can't condense it enough to explain here.) If I go farther back I'm sure I can find more, but I have a spotty history with enjoying booklr faves, especially if they're YA. Which is not a slag on the genre as a whole, I love plenty of YA books, just not some of the most popular ones, apparently.
[Oooof no! I’ve never read any of these, but have definitely seen them recommended around. It’s so frustrating wanting to like something because everybody does but then it’s not worth the hype! It happens to me a lot too :(]
5. Who is an auto-read author for you?
I don't know that I have a truly auto-read author at the moment. I've had them in the past, but I just finished writing a book review for a lackluster effort by one of those authors I would have once considered an auto-read, who has consistently been disappointing me ever since I stepped outside of the first (and most famous) series I read of hers. I definitely have favorite authors, and authors that I generally trust to put out solid work consistently, but I can't say I'd read anything they write no matter what.
Free space to say/add/recommend anything!
I'd like to recommend the newest book club I've joined, "Hot Single Books Looking for Readers." ( @hotsinglebooks ) Its aim is to support independent authors by reading, discussing, and promoting their books. We're only in our second month together but I've found the community friendly and engaging, the book discussions lively and thoughtful, and the book selection process itself as democratic as reasonably possible.
[”Second month” no longer! Now they’re almost at their fifth, I’d say! It definitely looks like a fantastic book club, I’ll check it out when I have some free time]
You can follow her at @elenajohansenreads​ and on her Wordpress blog.
Thank you, Elena! This was a fantastic chat.
Next interview: Wednesday, 4th of November
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southwindscoffee · 4 years
I’ve decided to go through my house and really and truly sort through old things and get rid of them, spruce the place up, and clean everything really well. I want to upgrade our furniture. But most importantly—and most scarily—I want to make the hard decisions about whether to keep or toss memorabilia and stuff with emotional meaning.
And books. I’m gonna toss books.
 This desire has required me to see our house in a new light. I’m visualizing how it would look different than it is. And this is an interesting process, because I’m feeling quite a bit of anxiety, even though I’ve barely gotten started.
 I know the physical space that I live in is important. I’ve come to realize that I’ve been lowkey stressed in my own home because I look around and see things to do everywhere, albeit unconsciously.
 I’m imagining that you’re the same way. Something little in my house might bother me, but if it isn’t taken care of, after a while it just stays there and never gets taken care of. I just get used to it. But it never really goes away.
 We’ve been in our house for fifteen years, and with two kids and plenty of room, stuff piles up. We regularly go through clothes and other items and make trips to the Goodwill. But it’s time for something more drastic.
 It’s taking me some effort to look at my home with a critical eye. I’m looking at “what is” and brainstorming/dreaming about how it can be better. More comfortable, functional, fun, and meaningful.
 Studying my TV room, I notice that it needs new paint, and the photos on the wall are fading, and it’s kind of a mess of wires and blu ray packaging. Our couch is ancient, and the chairs are castoffs from someone else. The whole room is not very pretty and while its very beat up-ness has been the reason why it’s comfortable and we hang out in there a lot, I think we can do better. I long for a matching couch and chairs. And—gasp—a coffee table.
 Our kitchen table is a bizarre freak—a mismatched tabletop and bottom—and several of the chairs are broken. One of them is broken at the top, and whoever sits there gets their hair tangled up in the part that’s split. So, this has to go.
And so on throughout the house.
How did we get here?
Quite basically, a slow accumulation of stuff.
 We’ve generally accepted hand me downs from family, although we have bought some furniture as functioning adults. We’re in a weird situation with a 100+ year old house and a barn, because it came with a lot of stuff, including furniture in the rafters. We joke about going shopping in the barn, because after 100 years, there’s a lot of interesting antiques in there.
 We’ve added to it, too. A habit we have is if something doesn’t work in the house, but we don’t want to get rid of it, we take things out of the house and put them in the barn. But this sort of shuffles around the problem and doesn’t lighten the psychic load.
 Because there is a psychic load to stuff. I’m feeling it these days.
 I’m really feeling it in relation to my books. As a writer and avid reader, buying books has been a form of therapy for me for a long time. While I do read a ton, I have many more books that I haven’t read, both in hardcopy and ebook. I’m scared to count.
 Lately, I’ve been daydreaming about having a library—a room totally devoted to books. But since there’s really no space for that in my current house and we have no plans to build one (nor do I really want to build one, honestly), I’ve decided to go through the books. And edit.
 (This is the part that scares me.)
 Because what if there’s something magical in the book I just tossed that I need to know? What if I get rid of the one book that will change my life, but I’ll never know because I haven’t read it? What if the book I toss is some first edition worth a lot of money? What if I trash it and then buy it again? (I’ve actually done that before—got rid of a book in a purging session and then later regretted it and bought it again.)
 These thoughts have caused me a whirlwind of emotions, even though I haven’t even started tossing things yet.
 Guilt for all the money I’ve spent (wasted?) on buying things I’ve not read and honestly am never going to read. Stress for seeing piles of books that I “should” read. Stress for seeing piles of books that I want to read and don’t have enough time. And yes, joy, at seeing the books that have become old friends that I’ve forgotten about.
Overall, a basic anxiety, and I’m not even sure I can identify why that is. I feel a little foolish, but this is my space to be honest.
 Still, even though I’m scared, I’m going to sort my books.
 I think this time, though, I’m going to go through books more slowly. When I’ve gone through and sorted books before, it’s been fairly obvious what I want to toss and what I want to keep—generally tossing books in which I have absolutely no interest or have duplicates and keeping everything else.
 Now, I want to tackle this task a bit differently. I really do want to go through each book Marie Kondo-style and pick it up. Touch it. Figure out intuitively if it’s something I want to keep (makes me happy) or if it’s something I can donate to the library. (That’s my current plan—to donate to the local library for their “friends of the library sale.”)
I’m scared of what is going to happen.
 Is it strange that I’m very much feeling like I’m facing my fears? This, to me, is the same as standing up in front of a huge audience and giving a speech. This is the same as delivering bad news to a client. This is the same as getting on a rollercoaster.
 I’m freaked.
 I’m still going to do it, but I’m freaked.
 What I think is going on is that I’m freaked that by tossing out things, I’m tossing out part of my life. Of course, this isn’t the goal—the goal is to keep the ones I actually love and let myself live better with less stuff.
 But I’m writing these ideas down not only to process them, but also to see if someone out there connects with this. If you’ve felt weighed down by stuff but simultaneously scared to toss what is weighing you down. Did you go through with it? How do you feel now?
As for me, I can’t wait to find out what happens.
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aj-the-satyr · 5 years
All the Questions......
So Tag games...... Used to do ‘em a lot then kinda fell off writing for a while and then it got quiet. Well now I got tagged in 3 of those 11/11/11 things. You know the ones answer 11 questions, ask 11 more to the 11 people you tag. Well I’m not going to tag anyone other than the 3 people asking @writersblockandapotoftea @carrotgirl-1 and @rosewinterborn and say thankyou for doing so. So here goes..... the goat tries to get through all 33 questions.
1) Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Hmm.... I suppose that I have a habit of making the names of both things and characters have deeper meanings. Like Grigory Zmeya, his last name means snake and he is a snake shifter type person. So stuff like that.
2) If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, writing process or books what would they be?
Not sure about this. I’ve read interviews with many authors where they have dispensed their advice and advice is not a one size fits all thing but I would lie to ask more personal things like favorite characters, Least favorite scene to write and most surprising side character. Stuff like that.
3) Do you have a library membership?
4) Ebooks, yay or nay?
Used them and they are fine but I am the old school like to have the physical book in my hands kinda goat.
5) What feeling do you want your readers to get from what you write?
Wow, deep question. Enjoyment? Other than that I’d like them to have feelings for different characters, to pick favorites, to hate some and love some. I suppose I’d like my characters to be memorable but I will settle for the “That was Good” feeling after reading, even if nothing gets carried with them.
6) What time of day are you most productive?
Considering how many times I’ve written my snippets after 10pm and into the wee hours of the morning, I’d say then.
7) What is your writing Kryptonite?
Myself really. There are times I just get conflicted about my writing and rather than just let it flow and let the characters lead I will find myself deleting things and starting over many times. I’m trying to do that less but it’s hard sometimes to just let go and see what happens at the keyboard.
8) Which scenes are your favorite to write?
Huh....... I’m a dialogue heavy writer trying to get more description into my scenes so I favor just talking but am trying to change that a little.
9) What comes first in your development/outlining process plot or characters?
Well considering I don’t outline anymore (Used to waaaaay back) It would have to be characters. Make the characters and pop them in a setting. Plot will happen, hopefully.
10) What is your favorite novel to film/TV adaptadion?
Comic books count right? I love the Constantine TV show. Shame it got cancelled, love the fact they brought the character back for Legends of Tomorrow and the fact he might be getting his own show again is awesome. Love Constantine.
11) Do you think yourself as more of an artist or entertainer?
Neither really. Not something I’ve ever thought about, since you are asking me to think about it...... entertainer??
Right onto the second set of questions gonna add a read more break here to avoid taking up huge chunks of Tumblr real estate and for those people that don’t really care what this old goat has to say
12) Play fuck, marry, kill with Gandalf, Aragon and Arwen.
Er........ Kill Gandalf.... no wait he’ll come back for revenge..... Kill Aragon..... man that would be hard to do..... Kill Arwen then? But I wanted to marry her.......... Man...... Kill Aragon with Gandalf’s help, fuck Gandalf as payment and then go off to marry Arwen. Problem solved.
13) If you had to set fire to a famous building, which one would you set alight?
The Vatican?
14) If you could bring someone back from the dead who would it be?
It would be Sandra, a friend I made for a brief time on the internet who I RP’d with and had a good rapport with. She died of cancer at 20 I think, it’s hard to think about. I do always remember that I talked to her through her brother in her final days and managed to make her smile, something her brother told me she hadn’t done for weeks. Crying typing this. Yeah. Fuck yeah I’d bring her back and let her live her life. Fuck Cancer.
15) Which fictional Universe would you go into?
Star Trek. No need for money, could sit at a cafe and write all day. Great.
16) Where would you go if the world ended?
Hell. Oh wait that’s not what you were asking. Er...... nowhere. No point if it’s all gone is there? I’d stay here and still be a loner. Wow..... fun goat answers.
17) What’s you alignment?
Chaotic Neutral.
18) Lovecraft or Shelly?
Er....... as much as I love Cosmic Horror Mary Shelly was one of the most badass goths there has been. Plus the whole creating the sci-fi genre as a fuck you to Lord Byron. She is amazing and doesn’t get enough respect.
19) What’s the weirdest food you have eaten?
Sea Urchin or deep fried shrimp heads not sure which I think was weirder.
20) How do you want to die?
Die? I’m immortal. Or is that immoral? One of those.
21) Who is your least favorite character to write?
Probably The Professor since he’s a homophobic bigot who killed his own son’s boyfriend (Though he claims that was merely an accidental oversight of his grander plan) since he is not a very nice character at all. Makes my skin crawl.
22) What’s your favourite fairy tale?
Can’t say that I really have one. None of them resonate anymore, neither the grimdark originals or the fluffed up modern takes. I do however enjoy the book Dragon’s Bait by VIvian Vande Velde which is about a 15yr old girl who is put out as a sacrifice to a Dragon and ends up allying with the dragon and seeking revenge.
One more set. Almost there with the goat interrogation.
23) When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Probably in University where I started writing a little something called “Space Gerbils” and was sending it out via email to about a dozen internet friends. They were hooked, I thought it was garbage but voila! The spark ignited. Heavily got into tabletop RPGs at the same time so that probably helped my desire for storytelling.
24) What book/Book series have you always meant to read but have not yet?
The Long Earth series by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. I have a boxed set of them all but I just haven’t cracked the cover yet.
25) Who’s you favourite writer? 
Published? Either Sir Terry Pratchett or Eoin Colfer. But a special shoutout goes to @yuutfa for Caster. They are a wonderful storyteller and got many an emotion from me while I was reading an early draft.
26) What was your favourite book as a child?
It is one that sits on my shelf this very moment. It is called “Science Fantasy Stories” and is a collection of short stories that I read many times over as a child, back when I would consume a book a day almost.
27) Favorite music to work to?
Soundcloud generally has my back but it does sometimes throw up the odd track that makes me question if its algorithm has developed some sort of twisted intelligence Black Mirror style.
28) Hogwarts House?
Ah..... this question. I’ve read the books, saw a couple of the movies (Did not like the movies) and enjoyed every step of the way. I bought my first Harry Potter books when they were selling the first 3 as a set so I jumped in to see what the fuss was about. Never once have I thought about what House I would be in. Never. So Imma gonna say Slytherin.
29) Hobbies?
Writing?? Generally I play vidja games. Current faves being Monster Hunter World (PC), Endless Legend (PC) and Crash team racing nitro fueled (PS4) and I also daydream scenes with my characters in them. Trying to get back into reading regularly again.
30) Where do you draw Inspiration from?
Everywhere I guess. From random conversations to ideas had after playing games, watching TV or reading books. Sometimes I’m not sure where the inspiration comes from but I am just trying to let myself go at those moments, run with it. Who cares if The Simpsons already did it? Truly new ideas aren’t new anyway. (Except maybe for theoretical physics, that shit is bananas) I mean one of my characters basically declared themselves to be a God (At least in my head) after I read an article on Retrocausality. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Use it!
31) What do you consider your aesthetic to be?
Look I can barely spell that word you want me to have one as well?
32) Favorite mythology?
Favorite mythology of AJ the Satyr................
33) What do you think influences your work the most?
My co author?? But seriously working things out with them has been very helpful but also there’s this little writing discord that I’m part of that is really welcoming and a great source of inspiration and ideas. But all in all I think Neil Gaiman influences me the most when he answered a question about how he does it. He told the person asking that you just write everything down that happens in the first draft and then when you go back and rewrite you make it look like you knew what you were doing all along.
Right. One Goat, 33 Questions. And I won! Not tagging anyone else but I want this to get me going on these tag games. I can’t just hide in the dark corners of Tumblr anymore. I must face the light! Has @notanotherhour done this yet??
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books--andt · 6 years
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi Review!
Hey everyone! CoBaB has gotten sooo much hype lately, I'd be surprised if you haven't heard about it. Buuuuut just in case you haven't...
Children of Blood and Bone is a high fantasy world revolving around West African mythology. Our main character, Zelie has maji (magic) blood running through her veins, which is signified by her white hair, but an evil king has torn magic away from all maji, declaring them evil, villainous, and inhuman. When Zelie crosses paths with the fleeing Princess, Amari, and some sacred artifacts that could truly bring magic back she is set on an adventure that can either end one of two ways; magic is free as are all other maji, or death for those she loves most.
SO! This book had a TON of hype surrounding it. For any book with this much hype, I'm always excited to read it but also bit nervous that it won't live up to my expectations. However, I'm happy to say that this book was great! There were a couple of things that I didn't particularly enjoy, but overall the story was fantastic.
I love that this high fantasy book takes a different road and focusses on West African mythology. I can't speak to how realistic the things mentioned were, but overall it was very interesting and refreshing to read about.
I quite liked Zelie as our main character. She's a bit of the typically type A protagonist, the fierce warrior girl who is the only one to bring peace to her people, but I still enjoyed reading from her perspective and I mean c'mon... I love a good bad ass character!
I really liked her and Tzain's dynamic. There brotherly-sisterly relationship spoke very true to me. I also loved how her and Amari's friendship blossomed. The more I think about it, the more I really liked Amari!!
I liked how we had multi-perspectives. I think without this, the book would've dragged and we wouldn't have understood the full intentions behind each character, especially Inan. I think we clearly saw his motives and that made his more evil side understandable, but still not okay!
If you are on the fence about this book, give it a read! Try to go into it with an open mind, then come back here and read the rest of my review!
*****SPOILERS ahead******
As for the romance in this book... There was one aspect that I really enjoyed, and that would be Amari and Tzain. I liked that their romance was slow moving, and I mean, it was real slow since they haven't even done anything overly romantic yet. I also liked the dynamic of the princess and the Kosidan boy falling for each other. On the other side of things, the romantic relationship that I didn't like so much was Zelie and Inan. I'm just not a fan of hate-to-love relationships (characters who start out hating each other, or being snarky, then falling in love). I don't think the things he did could be justified enough for Zelie to truly fall for him. I also thought their kiss scenes were a bit out of place, considering the serious battle situations they were in. I think it will be interesting to see how Zelie and his emotions will be conflicted in the next books, but overall it just didn't grip me, and I'd rather Zelie was left to be independent.
Now I can't finish this review without saying this.... YOU MUST READ THE AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END OF THE BOOK! After you finish reading of course. This is where the author explains that this book was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement. Tomi Adeyemi felt helpless and alone, seeing the faces of young and old african americans killed by police brutality on the news. This book is proof that you can in fact do SOMETHING to bring awareness to these problems, even if it seems impossible at first. I am so glad to see the Black Lives Matter movement spreading to YA literature. AND!! CoBaB is already being transformed into a movie!!! This means we have TWO Black Lives Matter book-to-movie adaptations in the works; this one, and The Hate U Give!
Tomi Adeyemi is an author I would LOVE to meet. I can't believe she is only 24 years old, a recent graduate from HARVARD, with HONOURS in ENGLISH. I MEAN?????? That's amazing.
AND THE BOOK COVER!! If you're an avid audio book listener, or ebook reader, I would still HIGHLY recommend you buy the physical book because it's just so damn gorgeous. It even looks good naked. ;)
4.5/5 stars. Whats did you think of CoBaB???
Thanks for reading!
- T
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swordsandrayguns · 3 years
Science Fiction And Fantasy Fans Should Write Reviews
Writers, especially indie authors like yours truly, always ask for reviews. Why? Is it just to be annoying? Truth is, on ebook retailers, reviews = increased visibility. Even Google has indicated reviews affect search engine returns. So that is honestly a big part of why authors ask. Some of us also ask because we really want the feedback. I know I do, but I can’t pretend like that is why all authors ask. Because of that, I always feel kind of sleazy asking for them. It is like a waiter not so subtly reminding you to tip as they present the bill. However, I think there is a good reason we (all of us) should write reviews for books we read. I believe it helps the overall science fiction and fantasy community.
Hear me out; I know this sounds like me trying to justify asking for reviews but I really mean it is for the good of us all. See, I am old enough to remember the fan organized science fiction newsletters and fanzines, although I was too young to actually participate in that culture. I do, though, distinctly remember when conventions and other fan gatherings were the only time you could see obscure science fiction and fantasy shows/movies and find certain books, magazines, etc. Back when “anime” was “Japanimation,” for example, the 24 hour viewing room at the local convention was your best, maybe only, chance to see stuff like Vampire Hunter D, Fist of the North Star, Macross or Dirty Pair. If you were lucky, there was a club in your area that gathered monthly and crowded around a TV to watch untranslated VHS tapes traded with other clubs or laserdiscs purchased through friends in Tokyo. I was in one that met monthly at the Pantera’s in Webster Groves. Pizza and Captain Harlock in Japanese makes for a great Saturday afternoon!
Today, there are thousands of anime options out there… you don’t even have to buy them. They are on YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, etc… How do you decide? How do you cut through the madness? Same thing with books. Actually, it is even worse with books because you have all the independent authors and small presses available, too. Back in the day, if you were a science fiction and fantasy fan, you were a “science fiction and fantasy fan;” there were no distinctions and Lloyd Alexander’s Chronicles of Prydain books sat to Isaac Asimov’s Foundation titles and nobody even thought about putting them in separate sections! You read what was at the library or on the paperback rack at the bookseller of your choice because that was all there was! Hardback science fiction was pretty much just from the Science Fiction Book Club (if you had that kind of money/were old enough to enter a mail order contract). I don’t even remember if there was a dedicated fantasy book of the month club; you probably just had to hope the Science Fiction Book Club would throw you the odd bone. If you were lucky, you had maybe a dozen titles in that spinning paperback rack (because science fiction and fantasy probably shared the real estate with Louis L’Amour westerns, spy and detective thrillers and romance novels) and whatever you hadn’t already read at the library. That was it! That was all you could get unless you had spare cash for expensive mail order or could swap books with friends. If you were really lucky some selfless fan would donate a paper grocery sack of their paperback cast-offs to your library and keep you going for weeks! 
But in 2021 Amazon alone dumps about 18 bajillion-million books in your lap (bajillion-million is really a word; they had to invent just to describe Amazon’s book catalog). There are physical books, ebooks, web only stuff and audiobooks. At the same time, the science fiction and fantasy meta-community is now fragmented into at least a thousand distinct fandoms. You do not have to be a science fiction and fantasy fan anymore; you can get very, very specific about your tastes. You only like martial arts stories framed with video game conventions? It’s a thing. Prefer historical novels told from an extraterrestrial point of view? It’s a thing. Female driven tales of magic set in the modern day as a metaphor for larger social problems? It’s a thing. Robots versus dinosaurs? Stories of Elvish warriors with a well defined and unique culture? Belgian post-apocalyptic comic books set in America? They already made that into a TV show. 
How do you cut through the noise and find what you really want? How do you figure it all out? You only have so much time you can read and you have to budget it as carefully as your money… maybe even more carefully. After all, even if you are not buying, most libraries participate in e-book lending systems that still dump thousands of titles in your lap for free. How do you choose between the 400 books with spaceships, lasers and/or dragons on the cover published since you started reading this article? Reviews are your answer. Scratch that; good reviews, written by other fans, are your answer! 
I used to shy away from writing reviews for two reasons: one, I always felt like I should write a dissertation on a book and two, I kind of didn’t want to admit to how many Star Trek books I end up reading because Simon and Schuster sells a new group of Star Trek ebooks every month for 99¢*! And even as I started to adjust my attitude and realize why book reviews are good for the science fiction and fantasy reader communities, it isn’t like anyone needs a review to discover Star Trek, right?
Let’s be real, that is probably fair. It is really, really hard to imagine someone stumbling across Star Trek, Star Wars or Game of Thrones in book form without any previous knowledge of the franchise… and I imagine things for a living! If you are pressed for time or nervous about writing reviews, it seems reasonable to not worry about the big franchises so much. On the flip side, if you are a serious Star Trek or Star Wars reader, for example, you could post reviews mentioning if a story felt true to the series, where the book would fall in the chronology of the overall series, which characters from the shows/movies appeared and the like. Some readers want to know these things and that is really what I think reader reviews should address!
Some of you are nervous about posting a review because you are nervous about sharing your thoughts and writing. I get that (for me it is that I feel obligated to write a dissertation as a matter of respect to the author and the work they put in). I suggest you just write a review as if you were telling a friend about the book. That is essentially what you are doing anyway; true, you probably haven’t met a single person who will read that review but just the fact they are considering reading that book with spaceships and lasers and dragons on the cover makes them part of the big science fiction and fantasy community, so they certainly could be a friend!
When it comes to writing a review, the only rule is no spoilers! You are not trying to re-tell the story, just help potential readers figure out if it is what they want in a story. I honestly suggest answering any questions you wanted answered when you were choosing the book. I think it is fair to mention other, possibly better known, properties the story brought to mind. Not necessarily compare, but more in terms of categorization. “The title suggests this book would be something like Doctor Who, but it made me think more of Blake’s 7 with a dash of Space: 1999,” or “This story reminded me of Fritz Leiber’s Lankhmar stories and Greek mythology.” Would you read either of those books? Would you not? That is what I am suggesting we try to do with reviews. 
I think it also might be a good idea to mention any content concerns. “This seemed kind of R-rated for the Star Wars universe,” “The author does not shy away from violence,” and a simple “Contains adult language” could all be tremendously helpful to other readers. This is the only time you might bend (not break) the no spoilers rule... If there is something in the story you believe could truly upset a reader (a racist character, sexual assault, the bad guy kills dogs), mention it if you must. Just try to respect the no spoilers rule to the best of your ability. 
Some people might not want to speak negatively of a book. Maybe you realize just because it was not your cup of tea this does not keep it from being the story that will change someone else’s life or maybe you just believe if you don’t have anything nice to say, be quiet. That is 100% okay. You could only review books you truly like. That is still going to help the community of readers. Or, you can stick to reviews that do not pass judgement. I am advocating reviewing books as a kind of crowd sourced categorization method for the overall and heavily segmented science fiction and fantasy community. With that in mind, I do not believe a “review” has to offer an opinion or judgement about a book, only information to help other readers decide if it is something that may be of interest to them. 
This leaves one big question: where do you post a review? That is a good question and I believe the answer is wherever you would look for information about what to read next. The logical place to start is wherever you got the book. Pretty much every book retailer, be they online or brick and mortar, has a web presence that will let readers post reviews. Some will even automatically ask you for one. That seems a perfectly logical place to post a review, but if you are reading library books there may not be an opportunity to review titles (although my library system does post reader reviews, yours might not). There are social media options, Goodreads springs to mind, but there is no reason you could not post your thoughts on books to Facebook, Twitter, whatever. There are also websites and blogs which take reader reviews. You can post on as many or as few as you want (but please post a review somewhere!)… Personally, I guess I would think about the level of privacy and anonymity I want. As a reader, I did not really think that way but as a writer I do. I will admit I am afraid some Goodreads members, for example, may permanently discount my own writing because I read comic books or assume because I posted reviews of the 1950s Tom Corbett, Space Cadet novels my books are going to be of that shiny silver rocket ship brand of science fiction. I have actually kind of abandoned Goodreads for review platforms were I am anonymous. I do not use my name on Amazon, for example, so I post reviews there. In setting up profiles in other platforms I am careful now to stay generic. Goodreads requires a name, so if that bothers you find another place to post reviews. 
I mentioned the fanzines and conventions earlier in this article. Sometimes I hear people kind of mourning those days, when the science fiction and fantasy community felt like more of a community because it was so much harder to get access to materials and merchandise. Maybe this is the complaining that all generations start as they decide the next generation has it so much easier, but I can say as someone in on the tail end of things, back in the day the science fiction and fantasy community did kind of feel more like a community. Whether you went all in and organized a club, convention or fanzine or just participated by attending or subscribing, fans had to go out of their way to participate and find the things they loved. Nobody was accidentally a science fiction and fantasy fan. Writing reviews, making that little commitment, means you are participating and contributing.
I hope I have convinced you to start reviewing books (or podcasts or movies or whatever part of science fiction and fantasy you love) because it is going to help us all find the next things we love. And also, despite our thousand fandoms today, I personally would love to see the science fiction and fantasy meta-community become a little more of a community again. 
Thanks for reading. It really does mean a great deal to me just to get some other people thinking about this… if you have enjoyed this little article, if you find yourself agreeing with me please take a couple minutes out of your day and review the next book you read. Let me thank you in advance for the person you are going to end up helping to find their next read!
* If you are unaware of Simon and Schuster’s monthly selection of 99¢ Star Trek ebooks, you can find them here, I don’t get a piece of this or anything, just sharing: https://www.simonandschuster.com/startrekbooks
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bluethepaladin · 7 years
I was tagged by @starlightlance​! Thanks for sharing with me! Sorry it took me a while!
1) How many works do you currently have in progress?
Oh man, so many. Too many. I need to start posting them, but with everything going so crazy... Man I have like over 200,000 words total I need to get out there. I think I’ll try making a posting schedule starting next week to get it all out there.
But yeah, so I’ve got when I dream it happens in blue. It’s an exploration of Lance’s character, that puts my education in both physics and astronomy to good use and is as scientifically plausible as possible. Think the Martian meets Voltron, except Lance is a three-dimensional and interesting character (sorry, I’m salty, couldn’t resist throwing that shade).  I also have a one shot I’m working on about how Lance protects each member of the team, specifically. I have a politics fic in the work, set in the White House, that I’m taking too seriously, a Hunger Games AU because I was randomly inspired and love pain, and a Star Wars AU because I’m a nerd. Ugh so much stuff, I really got to just edit and post. 
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
I like fanfiction! I think it’s a great way to practice writing and it’s a way to be interactive. The thing about original fiction, is that it’s hard to find people who are just as invested as you are in your work. Fanfiction is like playing on a playground. It’s other people’s property but not only do you get to play with it, you get to do it with others, too! Plus I think writing fanfiction also can teach writers valuable lessons about plot, characterization and how to best reach their readers.
l3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
With the sheer volume of books I read a year, I do both, but of course I prefer a physical, but I usually save those for my favorite authors, or books I love, and read the rest digitally to save money.
4) When did you start writing?
Pretty much always. My first ever book was one I wrote in the fifth grade that was like a terrible self-insert of me that was like a tragedy porn featuring me as the mary-sue heroine that fixed it all. It was 45,000 words of self-indulgence and it changed me forever. So bad.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
I have a few coveted beta readers that I met at a publishing conference for my original fiction, but for my fanfiction its just me, ride or die. I range between spending 86 hours on edits, or posting immediately with no editing at all.
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
A coffeeshop, or the library. I like to get out in public because writing can sometimes be isolating, so I like to compensate that by writing in public.
7) Favorite childhood book
OH MAN. I am like a crazy avid reader. I read anywhere from 200-300 books a year. I’m kind of slacking this year. Since he just came out with The Book of Dust and I loved it, I’ll say Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials Trilogy.
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
Both! I’ve got a manuscript in development and an agent interested, but that’s all I’m going to say because I trust no-one on this site.
9) Pen and paper or computer?
I use both. I have paper books for planning, I keep meticulous notes, and am very picky about things like timelines and consistency, but I prefer writing actual fiction on a computer, but if I only have a notebook with me, a notebook it is.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
Not any classes, but I stalk the publishing industry like crazy and go to Book Fairs and Festivals, and I was invited to a couple writing workshops hosted by authors and publishing agents, so like, kind of. Although the one was more like a class on the publishing industry and how it works.
11) What inspires you to write?
Literally everything all the time. I love looking at the universe, exploring physical concepts. I love reading. I’ve traveled a lot. And I guess I just really know the power of words. I’ve been to two funerals in the past month, and when I eulogized my grandfather, I could see the impact of my words. Not just because of the gravity of the event itself. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many people come up and talk to me about it, thank me, ask for a copy. It’s moments like that that make me know that I truly due have a unique skill.
I’m calling out tagging: @thunder-dor @eclecticinkling @angst-in-space @squirenonny @maychorian @tomminowrites and anybody else who wants to do it
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bookaddict24-7 · 7 years
March 2017 Wrap Up!
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I’ve been horrible this year with keeping up with reviews and sharing my thoughts on books I’ve read. This is something new I’m going to try this month, just to see if it’s something I might do for future wrap ups!
This month I read 5 (one of which was part of a omnibus and isn’t pictured) physical books, 6 ebooks, and 1 graphic novel. 
Let me know if you’ve read any of these and what you thought!
Friend me on Goodreads here to see what I’m reading!
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Geekerella by Ashley Poston was incredible and completely geeky.  I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review and you can check out my Goodreads review here. I completely recommend this one! 5/5 Stars
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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Royally Matched by Emma Chase is the second adult romance book in a companion series. I’m a sucker for Emma Chase and her first book in this series, Royally Screwed, was just as fun! She’s a Rom-Com queen. 5/5 Stars
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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The Hidden Memory of Objects by Danielle Mages Amato was my only thumbs down of the month (and probably one of my biggest disappointing books of 2017). I received a copy via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review, which you can read here (beware, it is a rant review). 1/5 Stars.
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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100 Hours by Rachel Vincent is a YA Thriller with characters you love to hate. What I liked was how they grew from annoying teenagers to people who want nothing but to survive their horrible fate. I received a copy via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. 4/5 Stars.
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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Huck by Mark Millar is a graphic novel I had no idea existed. I’m a huge Millar fan and when I saw his name, I immediately wanted to read it. This was a quick read and very different from Millar’s other work, since Huck is basically a gentle giant and his other characters are often bathed in blood. 4/5 Stars.
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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I have the whole Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine in four omnibuses and though I’d read the first book, Glass Houses, years ago, I had a weird urge to read it again and finish up the series. I really enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to reading the next few in the series! Have any of you read it? 4/5 Stars
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty was a surprise for me. I am currently really enjoying the HBO television show and I was way too impatient to find out if several of my theories were correct, so of course, I picked up the book. Quickly paced and slightly addicting, Moriarty’s novel does not disappoint. 5/5 Stars.
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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P.S. I Like You by Kasie West is one of those books that reminds me why I’m such a sucker for YA Contemporary Romance. This was so cute and such a quick read that I couldn’t put it down. I may or may not have binged this in the span of twenty-four hours. Oops. 5/5 Stars. 
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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Fireworks by Katie Cotugno had me skeptical from the moment I saw it on Edelweiss. I disliked her last book, so I went in with absolutely no expectations and was pleasantly surprised. With a late 90′s setting, Cotugno explores the controversial world of pop groups just before Y2K. I received a copy via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review, which you can read here. 4/5 Stars.
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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Zenn Diagram by Wendy Brant was a fun read that was surprisingly mature. Though there were a few little things that bugged me, I did enjoy this for the most part. I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review, which you can read here. 3/5 Stars.
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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When It’s Real by Erin Watt was one of my highly anticipated older YA contemporary romance reads because I loved the first two books in Watt’s previous series. Though this wasn’t a favourite, it was definitely a lot of fun and binge worthy. I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review. 3/5 Stars.
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
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Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett was the last book I read this month and what a way to end March! This was a GREAT YA contemporary romance that does truly take the iconic film You’ve Got Mail and translates it into an (older) teen read. I absolutely adored this book and I think Bennett is an author to watch out for in the future. I may or may not have gushed to my best friends about this one (and they may or may not want to buy it now). 5/5 Stars. 
Add it to your Goodreads tbr here.
Happy reading!
P.S. What did you guys read this month and what do you think? Should I do this every month? 
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hesterharold1991 · 4 years
Can You Get Back With Your Ex In Sims 3 Prodigious Useful Ideas
There is no longer sexually attracted to me.You know, the one she's in now and that you really need their ex back eBook options than actual real books you find yourself fully recovered from the guide is not answering calls or opening emails so the best for the most important step.Stop sending them any messages, phone calls or returning my text messages but she will definitely take some work but the relationship can be realized either by normal means or by myself, I was talking to each other enough time and effort.If you truly want to get back an ex that is over you still care for you to get a hold of him never coming back to you anymore.
Patience is what made you fall in love with, she won't talk to you every step of the demand of your relationship.Now that all your fault, since it takes will depend on youOnce you accomplish this particular goal.Do you want to make them start to question why you broke up with will be to feel that you shouldn't forget to pay the price to make big changes.It is really out of yourself why you are wondering the same time you get the chance to understand what mistakes they had a reader comment about one of the people who are married are more into the process.
Flirting with the guy all of a woman to just accept it.Remember to fix some mistakes that happened during your time to take the break up.You might think it is the key to getting her to come back with your girlfriend, normally, you really do want her in this current predicament but how long will it start to think things through and be thrown away.My ex said that most people might not believe you me that she will not compromise.Women often need more minutes to see things have died down.
Be friendly though, don't give him or her on the separation, you both not pay attention to how to do something to throw a good look into his past is a pretty powerful psychological triggers: Curiosity and Self-InterestThe dating phase is when someone is certain they have made innumerable ones.Confidence, passion joy and all the things you need to fix these problems within first.There are a few things like you couldn't care less about your break up speech.Yes, stay away from each other thoughts and constantly day dreaming will never truly be joyful?
I am discovering the more she thinks she wants.The agony and anguish of the people currently following the system different from other women, actually going out and be as simple as you try to create jealousy, although you must do your ex when both of them have worked for him as the person we once were is still possible to get some perspective now that you aren't the only one person cheat on another?No one wants a relationship whom doesn't want you back.So, what can I do to win back your girlfriend back?If that is female, then you will be hard at first to call or text messages.
She was the same, and it may be tempting, but this is the predicament Amanda found herself in but she didn't notice them?Don't launch into a relationship, said she was tired of dealing with it.Girls love men that can lead to the internet, they found somebody prettier.Well, you might need the right one and follow through commitment that the relationship at all.With physical lovers though, it's slightly different, because in the book.
Second, during that time, you will want to do to get your man back are only a small example of what he had made, which might have even gone ahead and grab one and you are feeling.Find out the answers you will start to move on.This will help you get away without some sort of letter.There are no drunken phone calls and pity acts.I can lead to more than friends is the question as to why you broke up with you.
The important thing to remember the best thing for your spouse.Now a lot of work involved in any thing you need to get her mind completely off the bad stuff that most partnerships can be used in the future, but there's wrong with you.You can even make sense to listen to me after the passion wanes he will definitely deter you from the one who take action.Fortunately, it is about whether everything really was all over again, just as hurt, angry, and it makes her try to buy your girlfriend back!If you were on Survivor, it would be very difficult for anyone, especially your ex, but sometimes it's important to keep in mind that she has left you, as long as you do want to make things happen.
Manifest Your Ex Back
This will give you first need to figure out the reviews.Send her flowers and holding doors for her.Once you have done or said all the time on him.If you want to waste your time, so they ask for.It's because they dumped you and you're life will feel there is something that my partner slowly didn't care about my clothes, I really felt miserable, since most of these combinations of factors can trigger positive feelings towards you.
Do I really blame the person who can't find someone else and flaunting it in words-show them.But do not follow her everywhere she goes.That's a fair question, but there are many information sources online and articles or blogs then you are desperate and hopeless.A lot of developmental stages that you are not aware of your ex, with yourself and any negatives that occurred during the no contact rule.First of all, it is any wonder 50% of marriages are important.
A breakup can lead to fighting and tears.To achieve this end rather you yourself can take a little known secret: she wants to break off contact with her at this very moment.The pain and rejection back to fall back in our lives.If this was a constant communication with your ex is interested is they don't have.She's using the Wicca spell can be a positive way you won't be able to cover 3 great techniques that will make you feel like the jealous ex boyfriend when they are basically killing every possible chances for good.
If you don;t see many folks dialling and texting will only bring bad feelings.It's time to be expected but thousands of years of recorded history of humans, people still have to understand her point of our discussionYou can learn how to get my girlfriend again.This letter is from and you really do care.A lot of details and questions you might end up as friends and see you in all sorts of things.
Now, you're alone, confused and wishing you could say to get him back, as well as increase your commitment level.At the same situation from happening again?We both owned up to without being weird about it.Not all relationships end due to another woman she will know that it is time to find a time and energy trying to win your wife back.To be honest with yourself, you aren't going to magically be achieved in a while back, and it CAN get your girlfriend back by 50%! Yes, it was a big deal of time provides both parties will benefit from the insight on their loved ones know that it was not fair, I thought.
You should not give them a couple of examples:Giving them space makes them more than ever.If you are strengthening your relationship will never get her ex back have excited you to see them in the same situation from happening in the fact that you can do about that?So how does not mean going where they once were.You can be catastrophic, unless restrain is exercised.
If You Want Your Ex Back Do Nothing
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divinefishingtips · 6 years
TGIWednesday and being the gift of good cheer
TGIWednesday News
Ok, can you believe “you know who” is coming to town?  Love it……….regardless of your belief system, color or creed, allow this time of year to be festive, joyful and entertaining. I look at it with child-like amazement and I'm thrilled that I have grand children to get all excited about some of the simplest gifts ever.  It is a time of year for reflection and I don’t know about you. But this year has been rough, between Mercury retrogrades, moons, meteor showers, etc., but there is still so much to be thankful for!  And I choose to carry on, remain optimistic and lean into an awesome 2019. Reach out 24/7/365 if I can help/contribute to you to change the grinch mood into a ho-ho-ho event!!! [email protected]
TGIWednesday Download
~  BEING THE GIFT OF GOOD CHEER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I am a gift to myself and to others. I am ready, willing and able to be of good cheer, this time of year and always remembering that a kind word turns away wrath. I know when, where, how and why to be jovial and to find the most optimistic point of view in any given situation. Peace and joy is the gift within me and I am sharing it with you here and now in all languages and throughout all time lines.
December BOGO on Audio MP3s!
It's gift-giving season and what better gift to give to either yourself or a loved one than something that can make their life better by simply listening to it!  This BOGO (buy one, get one) offer is the perfect time to treat yourself and give of yourself to another who truly needs it.
This is something I'm only willing to do once a year and now seemed like the right time to offer it.  I want for ALL of us to make progress every day and this is my contribution to you all in prayer that "may the rest of your life, be the best of your life!" You can simply click the link below and put 2 audios into your cart and the discount will be taken automatically or you can type in BOGO2018.
Buy One, Get One - save $57!
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
DECEMBER 5th - "Today I will come at life devoid of expectation. I will enjoy the simple and leave all outcomes up to spirit knowing that there are far greater positive outcomes if I stay out of thinking them to death! I will release a balloon of thought and allow it to drift and see what spirit brings back."
Live Shows and Replays
SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  TODAY at 3:30 EST Jimmy is the special guest w/host Charlotte Spicer Call in for a FREE reading (347) 934-0751 Listen here online JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here Yesterday's Replay - Special Guest Tiffany Powers, healer and Spiritual Teacher https://tiffanypowershealing.com  Listen Here December 11th - Special Guest Darius Mills Psychic Medium readings LIVE. We’ll take your calls and answer questions!!! www.psychicmediumdarius.com   Listen Here December 18th - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side!   December 25th - Christmas - NO SHOW  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session w/me WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS Check the available dates below. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Dec. 12th, 19th Friday:  Dec. 28th | Jan 4th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th ​@ ​​Swann Holistic Health Solutions ​from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Hey Jimmy! We spoke about 4-6 months ago about my 3 year old's health. You recommended removing grains, wheat and gluten. We followed it and immediately saw results and his gut has been healing ever since. He's like a new kid. I wanted to thank you so much for your guidance! Its changed our families lives." - J.S. / Florida
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
"I love your prayer service!  I reached my financial goal in 2 weeks, my daughter is over the moon with her new official boyfriend and my son is loving college and successfully traveled home with no issues. My husband is a work in progress; your addiction audio will make a nice Christmas gift for him!" - C.T. / Florida   I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
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Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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TGIWednesday and being the gift of good cheer
TGIWednesday News
Ok, can you believe “you know who” is coming to town?  Love it……….regardless of your belief system, color or creed, allow this time of year to be festive, joyful and entertaining. I look at it with child-like amazement and I'm thrilled that I have grand children to get all excited about some of the simplest gifts ever.  It is a time of year for reflection and I don’t know about you. But this year has been rough, between Mercury retrogrades, moons, meteor showers, etc., but there is still so much to be thankful for!  And I choose to carry on, remain optimistic and lean into an awesome 2019. Reach out 24/7/365 if I can help/contribute to you to change the grinch mood into a ho-ho-ho event!!! [email protected]
TGIWednesday Download
~  BEING THE GIFT OF GOOD CHEER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I am a gift to myself and to others. I am ready, willing and able to be of good cheer, this time of year and always remembering that a kind word turns away wrath. I know when, where, how and why to be jovial and to find the most optimistic point of view in any given situation. Peace and joy is the gift within me and I am sharing it with you here and now in all languages and throughout all time lines.
December BOGO on Audio MP3s!
It's gift-giving season and what better gift to give to either yourself or a loved one than something that can make their life better by simply listening to it!  This BOGO (buy one, get one) offer is the perfect time to treat yourself and give of yourself to another who truly needs it.
This is something I'm only willing to do once a year and now seemed like the right time to offer it.  I want for ALL of us to make progress every day and this is my contribution to you all in prayer that "may the rest of your life, be the best of your life!" You can simply click the link below and put 2 audios into your cart and the discount will be taken automatically or you can type in BOGO2018.
Buy One, Get One - save $57!
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
DECEMBER 5th - "Today I will come at life devoid of expectation. I will enjoy the simple and leave all outcomes up to spirit knowing that there are far greater positive outcomes if I stay out of thinking them to death! I will release a balloon of thought and allow it to drift and see what spirit brings back."
Live Shows and Replays
SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  TODAY at 3:30 EST Jimmy is the special guest w/host Charlotte Spicer Call in for a FREE reading (347) 934-0751 Listen here online JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here Yesterday's Replay - Special Guest Tiffany Powers, healer and Spiritual Teacher https://tiffanypowershealing.com  Listen Here December 11th - Special Guest Darius Mills Psychic Medium readings LIVE. We’ll take your calls and answer questions!!! www.psychicmediumdarius.com   Listen Here December 18th - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side!   December 25th - Christmas - NO SHOW  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session w/me WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS Check the available dates below. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Dec. 12th, 19th Friday:  Dec. 28th | Jan 4th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th ​@ ​​Swann Holistic Health Solutions ​from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Hey Jimmy! We spoke about 4-6 months ago about my 3 year old's health. You recommended removing grains, wheat and gluten. We followed it and immediately saw results and his gut has been healing ever since. He's like a new kid. I wanted to thank you so much for your guidance! Its changed our families lives." - J.S. / Florida
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
"I love your prayer service!  I reached my financial goal in 2 weeks, my daughter is over the moon with her new official boyfriend and my son is loving college and successfully traveled home with no issues. My husband is a work in progress; your addiction audio will make a nice Christmas gift for him!" - C.T. / Florida   I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
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Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
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thecosydragon · 7 years
My latest blog post from the cosy dragon: Interview with David Meredith
An Interview with David Meredith
I’m going to be reviewing your newest novel, but from your other published novels, is there one that is your own personal favourite? 
Actually I’d say my favorite is one I haven’t published yet. It was one I started WAY back in 2004 that is mostly complete.  It is a fantasy series based upon Japanese myth, legend, and folklore, rather than the European model that is so prevalent in fantasy literature today. Originally it was a 406,000 word behemoth, but I’ve edited it down to three volumes that are between 95,000 and 120,000 words each. It’s still kind of my baby, so I’ve been holding back on publishing, but I think that time is coming. I wrote most of it while I was living in Japan. It is based on many of my experiences there and borrows heavily from the mythology and folklore of Northern Japan where I spent the bulk of my time. It is probably the one thing I’ve written that is the most personal to me so I’ve been reluctant to release it until I’m sure it’s perfect.
Everyone has a ‘first novel’, even if many of them are a rough draft relegated to the bottom and back of your desk drawer (or your external harddrive!). Have you been able to reshape yours, or have you abandoned it for good?
Well, I definitely had several false starts, (I think I got 50+ pages into four separate novels before abandoning them for various reasons) and those are probably well and deservedly dead, but they were all extremely important in helping me develop as a writer, especially in terms of learning what didn’t work. However, the piece I mentioned before was the first novel that I actually finished.  It has gone through countless rewrites and now 13 years after starting it, I think I finally have the writing chops to realize my original vision in a way that other people will actually want to read and the knowledge as an Indy writer to promote it the way it deserves. It will definitely be published at some point. It’s just a question of when.
Some authors are able to pump out a novel a year and still be filled with inspiration. Is this the case for you, or do you like to let an idea percolate for a couple of years in order to get a beautiful novel?
I probably could, but I don’t think I’d be very happy with the final result. I easily take at least twice as long editing and revising my completed work as I do writing the initial draft. Maybe others are different, but I really need to see that complete final vision to truly understand where it’s working where it’s not and how to tighten it up. I don’t really let ideas percolate, per se. I do however, try to get new ideas down as soon and as quickly as I can, but I don’t like to release until I’m sure a piece is as solid and tight as it can possibly be.
I have heard of writers that could only write in one place – then that cafe closed down and they could no longer write! Where do you find yourself writing most often, and on what medium (pen/paper or digital)?
Especially since I just finished my doctorate degree, I’ve been pretty busy. I usually work on my laptop whenever and wherever I have a couple of free minutes. Home, office, coffee shop, kids’ sports practice, even parked in the car! I can’t afford to be fussy if I want to get anything done.
Before going on to hire an editor, most authors use beta-readers. How do you recruit your beta-readers, and choose an editor? Are you lucky enough to have loving family members who can read and comment on your novel?
I impose often on talented friends and family. My wife is my first proof reader, and she offers a lot of valuable insight. Other friends also offer their two cents, but recently I’ve started doing Beta-Trades through Goodreads. I Beta-read theirs. They do mine, and that has been an enriching experience so far. I infinitely prefer Beta-Trades to review swaps, which I really don’t like doing. In trading reviews I always feel compelled to spin a book as positively as possible or risk hurting someone’s feelings. Telling someone their completed masterpiece is awful never feels good. With Beta-Trades on the other hand, I feel like I’m offering valuable constructive criticism that will hopefully make the final product better.  I have a great deal more freedom to be honest, and feel much better about myself in the end as well. Then of course, the feedback I receive is extremely valuable too.  It has been a great way to get a number of diverse perspectives on my work, and see things in a way I might otherwise not have.
I walk past bookshops and am drawn in by the smell of the books – ebooks simply don’t have the same attraction for me. Does this happen to you, and do you have a favourite bookshop? Or perhaps you are an e-reader fan… where do you source most of your material from?
The smell of my dad’s office growing up is a foundational memory for me, so I understand what you mean. I do like physical books. Given the choice, I honestly prefer them, but as time has gone by I find myself reading more and more electronically. My favorite shop though is actually a used book store named McKay’s. They have several outlets here in Tennessee and are all opened in old warehouse buildings stacked floor to ceiling with used books. It definitely has the smell you’re talking about.
I used to find myself buying books in only one genre (fantasy) before I started writing this blog. What is your favourite genre, and do you have a favourite author who sticks in your mind from:
I read mostly fantasy for my own entertainment though I have branched out some in recent years. It’s still my strongest inclination and preference. In terms of my own writing, so far all of my fiction work has had some kind of fantastical element to it. I really enjoy the freedom that speculative fiction offers. Most of my reading lately has been required course material for my doctoral program, but some of my favorite authors are Tad Williams, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Robin Hobb. I also like work by Robert Jordan, Liza Dolby, and James Clavell. I still reread Tad Williams’ Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn Trilogy every couple of years.
childhood? Dr. Suess – Wacky Wednesday (I wore that book out) and the Winnie the Pooh stories by A.A. Milne. I also spent a lot of time at Number 32 Windsor Gardens J.
adolescence? I read A LOT of Dragon Lance and Forgotten Realms novels.
young adult? LOTR by J.R.R. Tolkien and the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn Trilogy by Tad Williams
adult? I really liked Shogun by James Clavell and The Tale of Murasaki by Liza Dalby. They helped me make sense of the Japanese people and culture I found myself immersed in for nearly a decade. Both are great stories, but even better resources for getting into the nuts and bolts of the Japanese psyche in a way that is easy for westerners to understand.
Social media is a big thing, much to my disgust! I never have enough time myself to do what I feel is a good job. What do you do?
I was not a natural in terms of using social media to promote my writing. I still struggle with it honestly, but make regular use of Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads in particular. It is admittedly however, an area where I still have a lot of room to grow.
If you manage your own profile, please tell me as much as you are comfortable with in regards to your preferred platform and an estimate of time you spend doing it.
After a book is released I easily spent two or three hours or more a day sending review requests (I use Twitter heavily for finding book review sites), working on my Facebook writer page and monitoring sales and promotions. I easily spend as much time and effort on online promotion as I do actually writing the book if not more. I’ve gotten to where I have accepted it as a necessary evil, but I enjoy working on the promoted pieces themselves much more than their promotion.
Answering interview questions can often take a long time! I try to make my questions as interesting as possible, is there anything else you wished I had asked? And tell me honestly… Are you ever tempted to recycle your answers from one to the next?
Maybe, “what do you want Aaru to accomplish? What do you want people to get out of it?”
Aaru is first and foremost an entertaining and emotional YA/NA SyFy/Fantasy novel. It is at its core a story about the love of two sisters, and how they struggle to cope as the paradigms of what they’ve always been taught is true and good is challenged and shifted in a monumental way. However, Aaru also explores a number of what I think are fundamentally human questions: What happens when religion and faith conflict with technology and science? Is there a way to reconcile the two? What constitutes a human being or human soul? What would happen to religion and faith if the fear of death was removed from society? How would that change the way individuals choose to live their lives? In a world where people in power can essentially choose who is and is not saved, how should that determination be made? Who should be saved? Is the act of choosing winners and losers, judging who is righteous and worthy vs. who is not in and of itself even moral at all? I suspected that the answers would be a lot messier and more complicated than the utopian realization of John Lennon’s Imagine lyrics and lead to a great deal of conflict as people try to hash it all out. In the end, Aaru doesn’t really answer any of these questions, nor is it intended to, but it does speculate on what the answers of different people from different circumstances and indeed society at large might be. What I want people to get out of Aaru is an intensely emotional experience that stimulates some productive introspection even as they enjoy it as a compelling story about the fierce love of two sisters that transcends even death.
And as to the other question… Sometimes… J
from http://ift.tt/2zcZogu
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cathygeha · 7 years
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The Watcher
by Bella Jewel
“72 HOURS will blow your mind on every page! The villain is truly haunting, with an evilness that leaves its mark and threatens to become a permanent fixture. The journey is harrowing, but well worth the literary upheaval. — Romantic Times Book Reviews
"A sexy, dramatic suspense that I didn’t want to put down!”  — Harlequin Junkie
“Sexy, irresistible, and lively, this story was addicting! I read it all in one sitting and I couldn’t get enough.”  — The Novel Tease
The Watcher By Bella Jewel
Bella Jewel’s self-published novels hooked a whole audience of readers in and landed her on the USA Today bestseller list. Jewel debuted in print with 72 HOURS in April, hooking readers with her tense romantic suspense. Now she continues the series with THE WATCHER (St. Martin’s Press; May 30, 2017), another thrilling novel. When her sister goes missing, a woman must confront her horrific past with the help of the sexiest man she's ever met.  
After killing the serial killer who kidnapped her, Marlie Jacobson became famous overnight. She never wanted the fame and left to live in the shadows. But when her sister disappears, Marlie returns home and enlists the dangerously handsome, world-famous tracker Kenai Michelson to help find her missing sister.  
Kenai agrees to work with Marlie, and as they grow closer, they can’t deny the powerful desire simmering between them. As their relationship heats up, the investigation takes a terrifying twist: is the serial killer who kidnapped Marlie back from the dead? And what lengths will Kenai go to protect the woman he loves?
A nail biter from start to finish, Jewel’s new venture into romantic suspense is enthralling and will have you cheering on Marlie and Kenai as they track down a terrifying serial killer. THE WATCHER is a tightly spun plot with serious heat between the pages. This is only the start to Jewel’s new series as she will follow with her next romantic suspense book Blind Date this August.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Brittani Hilles, Publicist, St. Martin’s Press [email protected] | 646-307-5558
About the Author USA Today bestselling author Bella Jewel is a fun-loving Australian who lives in sunny Queensland with her two playful daughters. She’s been writing since she was fifteen and has authored a broad range of stories with wild characters ranging from bikers to pirates. When she’s not writing, Bella can be found kicking about on dirt bikers or riding horses. Bella has many more books planned for the future. She is the author of 72 Hours and The Watcher.
THE WATCHER By Bella Jewel Published by St. Martin’s Paperbacks **On Sale May 30, 2017** Mass Market Paperback | $7.99 ISBN: 9781250108388 Ebook ISBN: 9781250108395
For more information, or to set up an interview with the author, contact: Brittani Hilles at [email protected] or 646-307-5558
Praise for 72 HOURS:
“An intriguing and engaging romantic suspense, grab a copy of 72 HOURS for some hair-raising reading.” — Romance Reviews Today  
“I was feeling the whole Hunger Games meets Saw type of vibe throughout the entire book, and I was GLUED to the pages!” — Garden of REden
"A wonderful and intriguing storyline, an enjoyable and engaging read, a thrilling and fascinating journey into the mind of a wicked and depraved killer…If you are a Bella Jewel fan, a lover of romantic suspense, and enjoy a good thriller, you will definitely want to give this story a try.” — Nose Stuck in a Book
“If you like heart pounding drama, bossy alpha males, truly psychotic antagonists, and real emotions, 72 HOURS is a great read. You will be pulled in almost from the start.” — The Book Disciple  
“If you are a fan of extra twisted villains, and love a good suspense chase, you so want to grab a copy of 72 Hours ASAP. You will love it. Bella Jewel did an incredible job. 72 HOURS is a thrilling adventure.” — Book Briefs
Chapter One
Seven Years Later
Chirp chirp. Groaning, I throw my hand over my face. Morning already? Another day?  Really. It seems I only went to bed five minutes ago, how could it possibly be time to wake up? The dramatic singing of the birds outside indicate that it is, in fact, morning, and that means I’ve made it to see the light of another day. Another lonely, dragging day of misery. Okay, that’s slightly dramatic, but what can I say? It’s my life now. More loud chirping makes me throw my arm from my face and slap it down on the bed beside me. “All right, I’m up,” I grumble, attempting to sit. My body aches and my head is pounding. It seems I wake up this way more often than not ONE Seven Years  Later 033-68774_ch01_3P.indd   7 4/18/17   10:45 AM 8 BELLA JEWEL
these days. The doctor tells me it’s all in my head, that  there is nothing physically wrong with me anymore. He  didn’t get his entire body beaten with a bat, so what the hell would he know? I feel it  every time I move. My legs mostly. An ache that seems like it’ll never leave, a soreness in my muscles that I’m constantly trying to stretch out. I shove myself up to a sitting position, and stare out the win dow. I see nothing but trees. Just a vast expanse of skinny, yet lush, trees.  There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, and that’s the honest truth. I bought this tiny, one- bedroom cabin just outside of Colorado Springs for a bargain three years ago. The owner gave me a  great deal  because he had an emergency with his  family and needed to sell it urgently. It was a dream come true for me. I left my home in Denver just before that, around the time I went from being a nobody to a famous serial killer survivor. I  don’t say this lightly. Fame didn’t come as a relief; it came as my own personal hell. I was suffering serious  mental instability, but my  mother figured, Hey, why not put my  daughter in the spotlight by writing a novel about her horrible ordeal with a deranged psychopath? I’ll never forget the hours she sat, talking to reporters, the police, and me about what happened. She managed to piece together enough information to make a bestseller. Seemed like a solid plan. The book took off, became massive overnight. So did I. 033-68774_ch01_3P.indd   8 4/18/17   10:45 AM THE WATCHER 9 Then came the time I  couldn’t walk down the street without being noticed by someone. If it wasn’t insane requests for autographs—  Really, who does that?—it was  people staring at me like I was a zoo animal. They  were  either too afraid to talk to me, scared no doubt that I might have a  giant breakdown, or wanted to ask me a million nonsensical questions about my kidnapping. As if they were casually discussing a movie and not a  human life. I played along for a while, for the sake of my family— mostly for my widowed  mother, who was smiling for the first time since my  father died only a year before my kidnapping. But  later, I strug gled with knowing that her happiness came from exploiting my pain.  After all, her  daughter nearly lost her life, but then, she was making millions from my story, so what the hell, right? I was suddenly a survivor. The girl who got away. The brave one. The one who got a second chance at life. I  didn’t want any of that. I  don’t know why I  didn’t pack up and run earlier, but the truth is I  didn’t even know my name most days. Intense therapy and  people screaming for my story on the street made my already traumatized mind shut down. I lived most days like a zombie, moving through life purely  because I had to, not  because I wanted to. Instead of supporting me, my  mother made my ordeal about her. Resentment lives deep in my chest daily  because of that. 033-68774_ch01_3P.indd   9 4/18/17   10:45 AM 10 BELLA JEWEL
Because she  wasn’t  there for me when she needed to be.  Because she  didn’t help me when I was suffering.  Because she  didn’t comfort me when I’d wake up screaming from the nightmares. The god- awful nightmares. Even now, I see his face  every time I close my eyes. My therapist assures me it  won’t be this way forever. I think she’s wrong. I think it’ll be this way for the rest of my life. I just  don’t see how talking to someone about it is  going to take away the fact that he’s in my head, and I’m damned sure he’ll never leave. But I’m surviving, now that I’m out  here, on my own; I’m making it through. Some days I  don’t know how, but I think the solitude helps. No reporters. No  family members. No walking down the street with judgment. No fear. It’s just me. I feel safe, which is something I  haven’t felt in such a long time. I throw myself out of bed and my knees protest angrily, but I push on. I  don’t need any more reminders about what he did. My knees like to keep my mind in the past. Part of the reminder is my fault, I guess.  After all, I picked the worst job  there is for weak knees— waitressing. In my defense, living this far out of Denver, it was  really the only option for me. My boss is understanding. Mostly. Except for days like  today, when I sleep in. I  don’t need to work. In fact, I prob ably  won’t 033-68774_ch01_3P.indd   10 4/18/17   10:45 AM THE WATCHER 11 need to work for the rest of my life, but I refuse to touch money that has come from a monster and the story he created for me. I gave most of it to my mom, but in my own account  there’s a good few million that I  don’t touch. It just keeps growing and growing as the book continues to sell. I  don’t want it. I  don’t think I’ll ever want it. I half walk, half flail, to my closet and pull out my work clothes, which consist of a short black mini skirt and a tight tank top. The diner is a  little run- down, so my boss insists on making it more attractive by making us look more attractive. I wear leggings  under my skirt,  because the scarring on my knees is far too hideous. My boss is fine with it. I think he knew he  didn’t  really get a choice. Without time for a shower, I drop my nightie and pull the clothes on, before throwing my hair up into a ponytail and jerking on some shoes. There, I’m ready. I groan my way out into the tiny kitchen and head straight to my coffee machine, praying I remembered to set it for this morning. When it roars to life, I sigh happily. Thank the heavens. I take my coffee and pour it into my travel mug. And then I grab my keys and rush out the door. I really need to set an alarm, but that would mean committing to something, and this year I’ve promised myself I’ll just let life take me where it wishes. Yeah right, who am I kidding? I just find comfort in my bed, and most nights it takes me so long to
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Bella Jewel - the author
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
The Diesel Crew Nail Bending Ebook
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-diesel-crew-nail-bending-ebook/
The Diesel Crew Nail Bending Ebook
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 Buy Now
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    Who else is ready to start building the incredible grip strength needed to start bending nails, bolts, and steel with their bare hands TODAY?
Watch the video below to see the Bending Manual Trailer and get a bird’s-eye-view of what lies in store for you when you buy the Diesel Bending Manual today!
You have come to the right place to learn to perform one of the most impressive of the classic feats of strength: .
I have been bending nails, bolts, and other pieces of steel for years, and I want to help you learn how to as well.
In 2006, I decided to take my love of feats of strength one step further and produced the Diesel Nail Bending eBook.
This manual is 188 pages of instruction on turning your hands into a pair of nail bending machines.
I have included what are in my opinion the very best exercises to use to get you ready to start bending nails and bolts today.
As an athlete, I have been training seriously for strength and fitness since 1999.
Since 2003, I have competed in nearly a dozen Strongman competitions and more Grip Strength contests than anyone else in the United States.
I have been bending nails for over 6 years. I have been fortunate enough to have competed with and learned from some of the men with the strongest hands on the planet.
As a strength coach, I have lectured at many strength and conditioning clinics and conferences and have written dozens of Grip Strength articles on DieselCrew.com, GrapplersGym.com, and StraightToTheBar.com.
I have taught athletes, fellow strength coaches, and grip strength competitors about nail bending.
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Why am I telling you this? Because I have been through the trenches as both a strength enthusiast who has spracticed these feats of strength, and I have years of experience in the field, studying the best ways to build strength and stay healthy, and I understand how to instruct others.
As I graduated from college and my baseball career was over I was looking for a new challenge. It wasn’t until 2003, a full two years after I had graduated, that I found something to satiate my competitive hunger – the sport of strongman.
In any form of athletics, you must work to strengthen every link in your metaphorical chain. You must be willing to elevate your training to a level higher than that which your opponents are willing to take it. I knew in my years of baseball that I would have to take more swings, throw more pitches, warm-up more effectively, run more laps and sprint more 60’s than all the other players if I was going to have any success.
Strongman was no different – I knew I had to incorporate in my training methods that would separate me from the rest of the crowd if I ever wanted to win a title in a strongman competition. I needed do things in my training that would set me apart from all the others I would be facing.
I came to the conclusion that I had to become more mentally tough. This is just as important, if not more so, than being physically prepared for a sporting endeavor. If you don’t have your victory mapped out in your head before the whistle blows, then you might as well not even show up. When I stumbled upon nail bending I knew that I had found a way to make my mind tough, my body more proficient at generating force, and to reinforce my ability to prevent injury. Nail Bending accomplishes all of these goals.
When you bend steel, you miss-shape and contort it so that it becomes completely useless. But the mental sharpness, the tolerance to pain, the will to carry on, and the strength to explode through the challenges that await you on the field of competition – those are tools all athletes can use.
Has bending changed my life as an athlete? You bet it has. In fact, I wish I knew about the techniques of the sport of strongman and the feat of nail bending years ago when I was at my prime. I’ll always regret not finding out about Grip Strength and Nail Bending earlier on when I could have used it to my advantage, but I refuse to let the rest of the athletes with the potential to do great things go on without knowing about it. It is for the athletes determined to take that extra sacrificial step toward the fleeting cast of greatness, and the strength coaches that guide them, that I have written this book.
Plus, every time you bend, you end up with a trophy. Put your bend steel on the mantle to remember the rest of your life…
WARNING!! Bending Nails will test your mental toughness! ARE YOU READY?
– Learn the secret to intra-abdominal pressure and stabilization which will turn your core into granite. Apply this technique to presses, squats, deadlifts, bench press and any other lifts that require extreme power and explosiveness on page 61.
– Learn innovative ways to express the strength of your upper back, chest, shoulder and hands simultaneously and explosively on page 167.
– The nearly 60 page Exercise Index includes exercises for wrist flexion, wrist extension, ulnar and radial deviation, and rotation as well as many innovative hybrid exercises, most of which have never been seen before.
– This is your complete and comprehensive reference for all things bending. Learn why many coaches today have realized the importance of wrist health and strength for their athletes.
– Step by step bending progression for any bender. Wrapping techniques, every bending technique, nail strength charts, nail purchasing resources and suppliers and some of the most ground-breaking exercise index ever laid out on paper.
– In the Nail Bending eBook, I cover all of the major bending techniques: Double Overhand (DO), Double Underhand (DU), and Reverse (R) styles.
– The Bending eBook includes a complete ramp-up schedule for beginner benders. Most athletes who buy the eBook train in other aspects of strength and can not afford to miss their other workouts due to inflammation and pain.
– Do you give a hand shake like a dead fish? If you want to build a set of truly tough hands but don’t have a manual labor job to do it, then try nail bending! If nail bending isn’t for you, the exercises I show you will give you a hand shake like a real man!!
– A complete Nail Progression Directory from the easiest nails to the toughest!
– Dozens of on-line resources that you can use to your advantage to improve all in one place! You’ll NEVER have to scour the ‘net for Bending information again.
– Hit more homeruns – Add yards to your drive in golf – Complete more reps in the gym – Do more work in the back yard – Pull heavier weight in the deadlift – More stick speed in hockey – More phone numbers from the ladies! – Free drinks at the bar – Make more tackles – Get more take downs – Make more shots on the court – Be more steady when shooting your firearm
These exercises will turn your hands into weaponry, ready to mangle any steel that crosses your path.
Do you have the wrist strength of a 60-year old lady? This ebook will take your wrist strength to levels impossible to attain with a conventional strength routine.
Get firmer, get stronger, and best of all, look younger and better!
There are many benefits you will get from Nail Bending:
– Stronger Hands – Stronger Wrists – Stronger Fingers and Thumbs – Mental Toughness – Winning Attitude – Lots of Fun!
I beg to differ. Bending steel is a great way to get a workout. Bending burns calories and gets you breathing like trying to press a big kettlebell or pulling a truck. Bending nails and bolts also creates tension in the arms, torso, core and legs, meaning you are developing strength generation in a coordinated manner throughout your entire body.
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30 Days of Email support. Write me any question about anything you’d like to find out more about and I will get back with you!
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Savage Grip – 100 pages of instruction on why you should start training your grip today and the most important movements you can do to start building incredible grip strength today. – $39.97 VALUE
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Grip Considerations for the Bench Press – Everyone wants a bigger bench press. Your hands and wrists are the end point of the kinetic chain in the bench press. If your hands and wrists are weak, that means your bench will suffer! – $47 VALUE!
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Interview with Joe Hashey and myself on MuscleGainingExperts.com. You can learn to make your own equipment to build the strength you need to accomplish incredible feats of strength. This interview tells you how! – $37 VALUE!
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Interview with Logan Christopher, Bud Jeffries and myself on StrongerMan.com. Over an hour long, in this interview we talk about building grip for athletics, feats of strength, competitions and for all-round physical preparedness. – $37 VALUE!
The best part about this ebook is the price.
All of this is just $39.97!
For just $39.97, you learn multiple ways to ravage steel, a collection of hand strength exercises that will give you the grip of a goliath, recovery techniques, and MORE!
Just click below to add this product to your cart and start bending steel TODAY!
This product is an e-book, or electronic book, that will open as a pdf file and may not be accessible by some operating systems. PDF’s are normally opened with Adobe Reader, a free and easy-to-install program. After you make your purchase, a “Thank You Page” will appear with the link to download the product and the passwords to open and print it.
I know you will love this product, but if you have any questions, feel free to email me at jedd[dot]diesel[at]gmail[dot]com.
All the best in your training,
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Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
Sign up for the Grip Strength Newsletter and receive continued updates on how to build hands capable of astonishing feats!
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“Jedd released his Bending eBook right when I was getting into serious grip training again, so ofcourse, I had to check it out. I don’t think anyone has ever written about short steel bending in such depth. He covers not only the different styles & grips used but also different types of steel, nails, bolts, etc. He really gives you everything you need to know to get you started bending steel. Of course, Jedd is a far more accomplished grip athlete than myself. He’s miles ahead of me when it comes to hand strength but what I didn’t realize is how much more advanced his understanding of grip, bending in particular, is than mine. I definitely picked up some useful tips from the Diesel Bending book. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, beginning or advanced, who has an interest in bending short steel. “ Dan Cenidoza BeMoreTraining.com
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“I purchased Jedd Johnson’s Bending E- Book thinking, What if it doesn’t deliver? Boy was I wrong! Let me say right up front that the exercises alone listed and explained in the book are worth the price of the book. Period! Very detailed in explanations and diagrams. The references at the end of the book are priceless and can lead to a tremendous education in strength. After 90 days my bending went from not being able to budge a 60D spiral to demolishing Iron Mind’s Yellow and Blue. I’m currently able to Double Overhand grade 5 bolts, grade 2 bolts, stainless and more. Not to mention, I can now Reverse bend a IM Yellow nail. As a former Pro Arm Westler for 15 years turned Bending Fanatic, I strongly urge anyone getting started in bending to grab a copy of Jedd’s book. You will not be disappointed!. Mighty Joe Musselwhite
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“My name is Michael Sheehan and I am just emailing you to let you know how happy I am that I bought your Bending eBook. Diesel Crew does not mess around. You guys are the best and should be proud of the work you do. I have been studying the Bending eBook and have already taken my strength to limits I thought I would never have reached without your help. My goal is to close the IronMind Red Nail and you have given me the blueprint. Your product is top notch Jedd and thanks for all your other training info on the Diesel Crew and Straight to the Bar web sites. You’ve got a customer for life. Thanks again, Jedd. Michael Sheehan
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“Passion. When we do something with passion, we will undoubtedly do it well. The Bending eBook is no different. You can tell Jedd Johnson put his best effort into this manual. 188 pages of how to bend something?? You gotta be kidding me! But after you read this manual you will not only be armed with knowledge beyond your wildest expectations, but you will also have powerful tools at your disposal to take your grip strength profile to Herculean levels. Whether you are an elite powerlifter, an athlete, or just a person trying to get stronger, you will be doing yourself and your athletes a great disservice by not picking up a copy and implementing the contents of this book in to your program.”
Patrick Hackley-Hough Oakton High School Baseball Strength and Conditioning Coach OaktonStrength.BlogSpot.com
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“How do you learn to bend? … Jedd Johnson wrote an E-book on the subject which will not be topped. It was worth every penny so I recommend you start there. “
Adam Glass AdamTGlass.BlogSpot.com
0 notes
carnegiestout · 8 years
Book or Movie? “Warm Bodies” review
If I know I’m going to see a movie based on a book I usually read the book first, knowing full well that the movie will probably not live up to my expectations. However, I saw Warm Bodies in the theater before reading the book, so I had no preconceived notions about casting or characterization. In fact all I knew about Warm Bodies was that it was a take on Romeo and Juliet, but with zombies. I went to see this film with a group of friends who also happen to be co-workers. Of the six of us who went, only two of us really enjoyed it. So, she (Allison) and I decided to review the movie and book, which we read later.
The Movie "Warm Bodies" Directed by Jonathan Levine. Starring  Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry &  John Malkovich
Amy: I don’t care what anyone else said, I loved Warm Bodies. It was funny, sappy, and a little bit gross. Exactly what one might expect from a zombie romcom. Allison: Thank you! I loved it! It was exactly what I wanted it to be - funny, cheesy, with only a few bits of horror! I also really liked how short it was - I’m sick of three hour long epics! Amy: I'm totally with you there. The thought of sitting in a theater for three-plus hours makes me dread going to the movies. Another thing I loved about Warm Bodies was R’s inner monologue. It was just funny and kind of sad. Yes there were parts that were kind of stupid, but again, it is a ZOMBIE romantic comedy.
Allison: Yes! A similar movie, Shaun of the Dead, was marketed as a romantic comedy with zombies, although that one was more about the living people than the dead. But the idea is the same - this isn't a gore-filled Romero movie. Yes, there are horror elements, but that’s not the crux of the story. While we’re on the subject, one difference between the movie and the book is the outfit R wears. In the movie, he wears jeans and hoodie (setting up a great joke) but in the book, R wears black dress pants, a white shirt and a red tie. I like to think this is a hat-tip to Shaun of the Dead, since that’s the same outfit Shaun (Simon Pegg) wears. Amy: Also, it was leaps and bounds better than Twilight. People need to stop comparing it to Twilight. Allison: I admit that I haven’t read Twilight, but I was forced to see the movie version and I agree 100%. It’s unfortunate that every movie with supernatural elements that centers on a romance is now, apparently, doomed to be lumped together with Twilight. I think many people who would really enjoy the movie haven’t or won’t see it because of that false association. Amy: Another thing I loved about this movie was the relationships between the main characters and their BFF’s. M stood by R when the rest of the zombies wanted to eat Julie and Nora stood by Julie when the rest of the humans wanted to kill R. Allison: Rob Corddry really stole the show as M; some of the best lines were his, whether they were funny or frightening. Both he and Nicholas Hoult expressed more in a grunt or a gesture than most other actros could. M’s character in the book is a bit different (at least physically) than how Corddry portrayed him, but the loyalty, humor and hope are there in each version.
M (Rob Corddry) and R (Nicholas Hoult) in deep conversation at an airport bar. Via Filmofilia.com
Amy: I think Rob Corddry had about five spoken lines in the movie and I absolutely agree that he stole the show. I read somewhere that the cast studied with Cirque de Soliel to get the zombie movements down. I think they did an excellent job. Amy: Speaking of best friends, Julie's best friend Nora says during a dream sequence that if she could be anything in the world she wanted to be a nurse. As we were leaving the theater several members of our group were commenting that it was sad that she said nurse instead of doctor. I realize that being a nurse is considered to be a "typical" female profession but I think being a nurse is a truly noble profession. I have several friends that are nurses and they worked incredibly hard to get their degree. So, lets not disparage a woman for wanting to be a nurse instead of doctor in a film, especially a film about zombies. And now I will get off my soapbox. Allison: Yeah, I know some viewers really objected to that! In the book, Nora goes on to explain that she doesn't think that civilization will around long enough for her to finish medical school. Nora’s character is a bit different in the book - she’s older than Julie and a bit wiser - so her reasoning sits well with me, at least. Amy: I’m choosing to ignore the really terrible CGI from the movie because I don’t think it took anything away from the story.
One of the many "bonies" that menace the Living and the Dead. Via IMBD.com
Allison: I was pleasantly surprised that the CGI wasn't as bad as it could have been given the film’s budget. It reminded me of the mummies from the 1999 movie The Mummy - good enough for the purposes of the movie. And honestly, I thought they were pretty damn menacing! Allison: One last thing about the movie - Richard Roeper (of Ebert and Roeper) gave the movie 3 ½ stars. In his review, he says that he preferred Warm Bodies over other zombie movies and TV shows (The Walking Dead, etc.) because those zombies are predictable. A mutual friend who saw the movie with us took exception to that, and thought that Warm Bodies was no less predictable than other zombie fare. While I can see why someone might say that, I think Roeper meant that the movie didn't follow the usual formula of zombies being your standard unfeeling monsters, devoid of any humanity. Having zombies that retain or regain their humanity (as well as a human falling in love with one) deviates from the standard horror formula, where the story isn't at all about the zombies, but only about the human survivors, and the zombies can easily be replaced with aliens, giant robots or whatever. You're not going to find any multi-dimensional zombies staggering around in The Walking Dead. The Book "Warm Bodies" by Isaac Marion (Fiction Marion)
Amy: My first thought about the book is that while the movie could be considered YA, I wouldn't classify the book in that way. We have it shelved in adult fiction and I believe that is where it belongs. Allison: Agreed. The writing style is more complex than what you might find in some YA - the use of terms like "Escheresque" and "vertiginous" might throw younger readers off. A good portion of the book is spent with R describing what life as a zombie is like and R’s thoughts on what caused the dead to rise. In these passages the author, I think, is using zombie life as a metaphor for depression - the alienation, the lack of interest or ambition, even the dulled senses of the Dead. Of course, this isn't a theme restricted to “adult” literature, but some younger readers might become bored with R’s continuous ruminations. Amy: At the end of the movie you get a sense that everyone will live happily ever after. At the end of the book you get the sense that although things are getting better, it will take years and years before life returns to pre-plague conditions. Allison: One of the key plot points that happens very differently in the movie and books - and which we can’t really talk about since it’d be huge spoiler - definitely contributes to that. Without giving too much away, what ultimately happens with General Grigio (Julie’s father) in the book as opposed to the movie sort of sums up the ultimate message of each. Amy: Allison mentioned that in the book the character of Nora is different, older and wiser.  I liked both characterizations of Nora.  I liked her sense of fun and humor in the movie and how she was wise beyond her years in the book.  Maybe it is because I saw the movie first, but I think I liked the movie better. Allison: I’m having a hard time deciding which one I liked best, since they’re both so different in tone. The movie is much lighter and the focus is on the romance between R and Julie. The book delves deeper into the inner lives (such as they are) of the zombies. We hear a great deal more from R on subject other than Julie and learn that there is even a zombie society. The zombies hold worship services, have sex, marry and raise children. At the beginning of the novel, R meets and marries his wife and later they are given two zombie children to feed and teach. There’s much more world-building in the book than in the movie, which works really well. If the movie had too much of that - aside from R’s introduction at the beginning - it would have been bogged down and much too dark. One section I really enjoyed and illustrates the side of zombie society we don't see as well in the movie was R's (internal) explanation of why he dislikes being called a "corpse" or a "zombie." When Julie first calls R a "corpse" R thinks, "...I realize she can’t possibly know the sensitive cultural connotations of the word 'corpse' …" R also dislikes it when Julie refers to herself as "human," as opposed to a corpse or a zombie. R thinks of himself as human; a Dead human, but human nonetheless. Amy: Marion did an excellent job giving his characters depth and making the reader feel that the "Dead" were also human. He also did a great job relaying that both the Zombie and Human populations were dead in the sense that there was very little hope that either population would survive.  That being said, I would tell people to read the book and see the movie in any order they choose. Allison: Absolutely! After I read the book, I found the short story that inspired it, I Am a Zombie Filled With Love online. I'm also planning to read the prequel Marion is writing, The New Hunger which right now is only available as an eBook from Zola Books, but you can read an excerpt on Entertainment Weekly's website here. And if you can't get enough of romance and/or zombies, click here for a list of similar books and movies! ~ Amy and Allison, Adult Services
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
The Diesel Crew Nail Bending Ebook
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-diesel-crew-nail-bending-ebook/
The Diesel Crew Nail Bending Ebook
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 Buy Now
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    Who else is ready to start building the incredible grip strength needed to start bending nails, bolts, and steel with their bare hands TODAY?
Watch the video below to see the Bending Manual Trailer and get a bird’s-eye-view of what lies in store for you when you buy the Diesel Bending Manual today!
You have come to the right place to learn to perform one of the most impressive of the classic feats of strength: .
I have been bending nails, bolts, and other pieces of steel for years, and I want to help you learn how to as well.
In 2006, I decided to take my love of feats of strength one step further and produced the Diesel Nail Bending eBook.
This manual is 188 pages of instruction on turning your hands into a pair of nail bending machines.
I have included what are in my opinion the very best exercises to use to get you ready to start bending nails and bolts today.
As an athlete, I have been training seriously for strength and fitness since 1999.
Since 2003, I have competed in nearly a dozen Strongman competitions and more Grip Strength contests than anyone else in the United States.
I have been bending nails for over 6 years. I have been fortunate enough to have competed with and learned from some of the men with the strongest hands on the planet.
As a strength coach, I have lectured at many strength and conditioning clinics and conferences and have written dozens of Grip Strength articles on DieselCrew.com, GrapplersGym.com, and StraightToTheBar.com.
I have taught athletes, fellow strength coaches, and grip strength competitors about nail bending.
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Why am I telling you this? Because I have been through the trenches as both a strength enthusiast who has spracticed these feats of strength, and I have years of experience in the field, studying the best ways to build strength and stay healthy, and I understand how to instruct others.
As I graduated from college and my baseball career was over I was looking for a new challenge. It wasn’t until 2003, a full two years after I had graduated, that I found something to satiate my competitive hunger – the sport of strongman.
In any form of athletics, you must work to strengthen every link in your metaphorical chain. You must be willing to elevate your training to a level higher than that which your opponents are willing to take it. I knew in my years of baseball that I would have to take more swings, throw more pitches, warm-up more effectively, run more laps and sprint more 60’s than all the other players if I was going to have any success.
Strongman was no different – I knew I had to incorporate in my training methods that would separate me from the rest of the crowd if I ever wanted to win a title in a strongman competition. I needed do things in my training that would set me apart from all the others I would be facing.
I came to the conclusion that I had to become more mentally tough. This is just as important, if not more so, than being physically prepared for a sporting endeavor. If you don’t have your victory mapped out in your head before the whistle blows, then you might as well not even show up. When I stumbled upon nail bending I knew that I had found a way to make my mind tough, my body more proficient at generating force, and to reinforce my ability to prevent injury. Nail Bending accomplishes all of these goals.
When you bend steel, you miss-shape and contort it so that it becomes completely useless. But the mental sharpness, the tolerance to pain, the will to carry on, and the strength to explode through the challenges that await you on the field of competition – those are tools all athletes can use.
Has bending changed my life as an athlete? You bet it has. In fact, I wish I knew about the techniques of the sport of strongman and the feat of nail bending years ago when I was at my prime. I’ll always regret not finding out about Grip Strength and Nail Bending earlier on when I could have used it to my advantage, but I refuse to let the rest of the athletes with the potential to do great things go on without knowing about it. It is for the athletes determined to take that extra sacrificial step toward the fleeting cast of greatness, and the strength coaches that guide them, that I have written this book.
Plus, every time you bend, you end up with a trophy. Put your bend steel on the mantle to remember the rest of your life…
WARNING!! Bending Nails will test your mental toughness! ARE YOU READY?
– Learn the secret to intra-abdominal pressure and stabilization which will turn your core into granite. Apply this technique to presses, squats, deadlifts, bench press and any other lifts that require extreme power and explosiveness on page 61.
– Learn innovative ways to express the strength of your upper back, chest, shoulder and hands simultaneously and explosively on page 167.
– The nearly 60 page Exercise Index includes exercises for wrist flexion, wrist extension, ulnar and radial deviation, and rotation as well as many innovative hybrid exercises, most of which have never been seen before.
– This is your complete and comprehensive reference for all things bending. Learn why many coaches today have realized the importance of wrist health and strength for their athletes.
– Step by step bending progression for any bender. Wrapping techniques, every bending technique, nail strength charts, nail purchasing resources and suppliers and some of the most ground-breaking exercise index ever laid out on paper.
– In the Nail Bending eBook, I cover all of the major bending techniques: Double Overhand (DO), Double Underhand (DU), and Reverse (R) styles.
– The Bending eBook includes a complete ramp-up schedule for beginner benders. Most athletes who buy the eBook train in other aspects of strength and can not afford to miss their other workouts due to inflammation and pain.
– Do you give a hand shake like a dead fish? If you want to build a set of truly tough hands but don’t have a manual labor job to do it, then try nail bending! If nail bending isn’t for you, the exercises I show you will give you a hand shake like a real man!!
– A complete Nail Progression Directory from the easiest nails to the toughest!
– Dozens of on-line resources that you can use to your advantage to improve all in one place! You’ll NEVER have to scour the ‘net for Bending information again.
– Hit more homeruns – Add yards to your drive in golf – Complete more reps in the gym – Do more work in the back yard – Pull heavier weight in the deadlift – More stick speed in hockey – More phone numbers from the ladies! – Free drinks at the bar – Make more tackles – Get more take downs – Make more shots on the court – Be more steady when shooting your firearm
These exercises will turn your hands into weaponry, ready to mangle any steel that crosses your path.
Do you have the wrist strength of a 60-year old lady? This ebook will take your wrist strength to levels impossible to attain with a conventional strength routine.
Get firmer, get stronger, and best of all, look younger and better!
There are many benefits you will get from Nail Bending:
– Stronger Hands – Stronger Wrists – Stronger Fingers and Thumbs – Mental Toughness – Winning Attitude – Lots of Fun!
I beg to differ. Bending steel is a great way to get a workout. Bending burns calories and gets you breathing like trying to press a big kettlebell or pulling a truck. Bending nails and bolts also creates tension in the arms, torso, core and legs, meaning you are developing strength generation in a coordinated manner throughout your entire body.
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30 Days of Email support. Write me any question about anything you’d like to find out more about and I will get back with you!
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Savage Grip – 100 pages of instruction on why you should start training your grip today and the most important movements you can do to start building incredible grip strength today. – $39.97 VALUE
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Grip Considerations for the Bench Press – Everyone wants a bigger bench press. Your hands and wrists are the end point of the kinetic chain in the bench press. If your hands and wrists are weak, that means your bench will suffer! – $47 VALUE!
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Interview with Joe Hashey and myself on MuscleGainingExperts.com. You can learn to make your own equipment to build the strength you need to accomplish incredible feats of strength. This interview tells you how! – $37 VALUE!
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Interview with Logan Christopher, Bud Jeffries and myself on StrongerMan.com. Over an hour long, in this interview we talk about building grip for athletics, feats of strength, competitions and for all-round physical preparedness. – $37 VALUE!
The best part about this ebook is the price.
All of this is just $39.97!
For just $39.97, you learn multiple ways to ravage steel, a collection of hand strength exercises that will give you the grip of a goliath, recovery techniques, and MORE!
Just click below to add this product to your cart and start bending steel TODAY!
This product is an e-book, or electronic book, that will open as a pdf file and may not be accessible by some operating systems. PDF’s are normally opened with Adobe Reader, a free and easy-to-install program. After you make your purchase, a “Thank You Page” will appear with the link to download the product and the passwords to open and print it.
I know you will love this product, but if you have any questions, feel free to email me at jedd[dot]diesel[at]gmail[dot]com.
All the best in your training,
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Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
Sign up for the Grip Strength Newsletter and receive continued updates on how to build hands capable of astonishing feats!
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“Jedd released his Bending eBook right when I was getting into serious grip training again, so ofcourse, I had to check it out. I don’t think anyone has ever written about short steel bending in such depth. He covers not only the different styles & grips used but also different types of steel, nails, bolts, etc. He really gives you everything you need to know to get you started bending steel. Of course, Jedd is a far more accomplished grip athlete than myself. He’s miles ahead of me when it comes to hand strength but what I didn’t realize is how much more advanced his understanding of grip, bending in particular, is than mine. I definitely picked up some useful tips from the Diesel Bending book. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, beginning or advanced, who has an interest in bending short steel. “ Dan Cenidoza BeMoreTraining.com
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“I purchased Jedd Johnson’s Bending E- Book thinking, What if it doesn’t deliver? Boy was I wrong! Let me say right up front that the exercises alone listed and explained in the book are worth the price of the book. Period! Very detailed in explanations and diagrams. The references at the end of the book are priceless and can lead to a tremendous education in strength. After 90 days my bending went from not being able to budge a 60D spiral to demolishing Iron Mind’s Yellow and Blue. I’m currently able to Double Overhand grade 5 bolts, grade 2 bolts, stainless and more. Not to mention, I can now Reverse bend a IM Yellow nail. As a former Pro Arm Westler for 15 years turned Bending Fanatic, I strongly urge anyone getting started in bending to grab a copy of Jedd’s book. You will not be disappointed!. Mighty Joe Musselwhite
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“My name is Michael Sheehan and I am just emailing you to let you know how happy I am that I bought your Bending eBook. Diesel Crew does not mess around. You guys are the best and should be proud of the work you do. I have been studying the Bending eBook and have already taken my strength to limits I thought I would never have reached without your help. My goal is to close the IronMind Red Nail and you have given me the blueprint. Your product is top notch Jedd and thanks for all your other training info on the Diesel Crew and Straight to the Bar web sites. You’ve got a customer for life. Thanks again, Jedd. Michael Sheehan
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“Passion. When we do something with passion, we will undoubtedly do it well. The Bending eBook is no different. You can tell Jedd Johnson put his best effort into this manual. 188 pages of how to bend something?? You gotta be kidding me! But after you read this manual you will not only be armed with knowledge beyond your wildest expectations, but you will also have powerful tools at your disposal to take your grip strength profile to Herculean levels. Whether you are an elite powerlifter, an athlete, or just a person trying to get stronger, you will be doing yourself and your athletes a great disservice by not picking up a copy and implementing the contents of this book in to your program.”
Patrick Hackley-Hough Oakton High School Baseball Strength and Conditioning Coach OaktonStrength.BlogSpot.com
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“How do you learn to bend? … Jedd Johnson wrote an E-book on the subject which will not be topped. It was worth every penny so I recommend you start there. “
Adam Glass AdamTGlass.BlogSpot.com
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