#since i wanna make my main for more '''polished works'' but i don't have the energy to rly commit to that rn..
nursemimosa · 10 months
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kiki and ogerpon doodles
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synergysilhouette · 7 months
Update on my "Wish" rewrite
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For those who were interested, I'm currently working on a rewrite of Disney's "Wish"--and it's an extreme re-write; I'm pretty much just keeping the overall concept of a kingdom of wishes. Make sure to check out my post for the characters (I'll leave the post down below; currently making changes). As for why it's taking so long:
As of this second, I'm trying to split the story into 3 acts, and working with that structure, I'm trying to work on the pacing.
I've made several songs, but I didn't wanna release them yet (though I will release them before the main story) since I'm still working out the plot; I don't want to post a song and then the story ends up being completely different from how it was originally planned. One of my favorites is the love song, which when I wrote it felt like the film's anthem, and in mind with the pop/radio theme we had for "Wish" with Julia Michaels writing it, I imagined it as an RnB, SZA-inspired song (not sure if that matters since you'll only see the lyrics, though; I have no means of composing/producing). Still polishing it, though!
Making changes to our protagonist. At first I imagined her as a hothead who's lesson in the story is moreso about learning not to let her anger guide her and not to be cocky, but I'm working on making her a more shy, reclusive protagonist, since I've wanted a shy Disney princess for a while and my writing was going back and forth between bold, headstrong sorceress and shy, pessimistic sorceress.
Villain issues. I had a main villain in mind, but I did want to alter the situation a bit (no spoilers!), and I wondered if I should have a different villain entirely.
The Dreamers, the protagonists' best friends, have their own lives, and I wanna showcase that rather than having them feel flat like The Teens. One of them already feels like he eclipses the other two, so I need to work on that.
My star. He's coming off more interesting than our protagonist, so I've gotta work on that--plus I'm worried that as of now, his relationship with her feels too strong, too one-sided to the point where it feels almost like a fixation or obsession with her, and I DESPISE that.
Hope that clears it all up. Lemme know if you have any questions! I may do a massive overhaul, but I don't wanna make new posts/big changes to my posts concerning this story until I have Act I completed and I'm CERTAIN that that's the direction I'm going in.
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itsbenedict · 10 months
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Just finished this game, which I played because my brain has been fried by work problems and I needed something to chill with, but mainly because @konec0 did the soundtrack and I wanna support what he's doing. Still appreciate you pitching in on Nepetaquest 2011 back in the day, dude!
Cuisineer is an arcadey restaurant manager game, and also an isometric hack-and-slash dungeon-crawler roguelike. You delve dungeons to get ingredients, you cook and serve those ingredients in your restaurant, you get money with which to upgrade things and get more ingredients and serve more food. Solid concept!
Does it work? Well... It's very cute, and very polished, but it's held back by some very strange design decisions.
In short... its primary and secondary gameplay loops clearly had a lot of love put into them, but the tertiary loop- the progression systems- are very weirdly balanced to the point of being almost broken.
Bad thing 1
The main problem: everything costs wood and stone. Everything costs wood and stone, and costs more wood and stone the further you upgrade things. But you don't get more wood and stone the further you get in the game, at least once your inventory space maxes out. Wood and stone give way to Magic Wood and Super-Stone of various sorts, which are required for stronger upgrades, but you still need big piles of the basic stuff and can't substitute the advanced stuff, and it's the limiting factor on every single purchase in the game except health potions and rugs for some reason. Combine that with sharply limited inventory space, and money from running the restaurant very swiftly stops mattering compared to how many times you've farmed the starting level for crafting materials. It functionally locks you out of what might be fun systems, like the decoration and furniture stuff- since doing anything cosmetic trades off against progression.
Bad thing 2
Also- in the dungeon-crawler half, there's not much advancement to speak of. You might think these resources could be spent to make you stronger, but... upgrading weapons is expensive and time-consuming and has extremely marginal rewards. Like, the starting weapon does 10 damage, and a fully-upgraded endgame weapon might do 15. The game seems to be trying really hard to avoid being an RPG and letting the player get stronger over time- the various mechanics for upgrading your combat capabilities are just not worth it, and the random weapon drops are mostly identical and do nothing but clutter your inventory.
(It feels like it's trying to limit progression so it can bill itself as a roguelike, even though that's not really what the game is on any meaningful level? Not a choice that really works for it as its own game, imo.)
Bad thing(?) 3
The game's combat is an odd duck. It's... very polished, and very compelling, if you use the one approach that actually works. There's nine weapons, but only a handful are viable with the way combat is designed.
Enemies have very short windows where it's safe to attack them, and are quick to punish you for bad timing or wrong positioning. Reminds me of a soulslike, almost. Healing is sharply limited, so you really need to be careful not to get hit by stuff- and there's so much stuff. Walk into a room, or too close to a room, and everything in it will instantly aggro you, including artillery enemies with long-distance ranged attacks. Problems appear quickly and overwhelmingly, so combat ends up being a case of... dodging massive walls of tomato danmaku and miscellaneous enemy projectiles as you charge into rooms full of enemies and hazards, trying to find one safe place to stand for one second while you hit one enemy for chip damage, over and over again until you gradually thin the enemy numbers and win yourself room to breathe. It's very intense and very fun once you get the rhythm...
...but some weapons just plain don't fit into that rhythm. Many enemies need to be consistently stunlocked to deal damage to them safely, and the reloading projectile weapons and slow hard-hitting weapons just can't do that, forcing you to take hits, which you can't afford to do. Narrow-hitbox spear-type weapons fare poorly against crowds of small enemies who can slip past your guard, which are Everywhere. There's a fun kebab weapon that lets you charge and dash around the stage, but levels are claustrophobic and full of hazards that punish you for doing that. As Chiyo Kumasawa foretold: the only thing you can rely on is your trusty mackerel.
There's also a weird and kind of funny tradeoff where... you can't meaningfully upgrade your damage, but you can roll elemental status effects that can give you some multipliers and useful passive AoE damage as you're dashing around trying not to die. But... these huge AoE elemental effects have very wide, obtrusive visuals that hide the enemies on the screen, and you really need to be paying attention to enemy animations so you don't get hit. It's a sort of unintentional tradeoff of defense for strength, which weirdly works.
Bad thing 4
The writing's kinda flat. You've been hoodwinked into taking on your parents' debt and running their restaurant, you have to pay it off- it's established pretty hastily and mainly ignored. The townspeople have very cute designs, but they're all kind of nothingburger characters whose lives revolve around the urgent need for you to deliver them lots of random food items for contrived reasons in exchange for recipes and stuff. Cast kind of comes off like some softcore smut artist's stable of OCs whose personalities were afterthoughts. Doesn't really go anywhere, the localization's pretty stiff, most jokes don't land... doesn't seem like there was a lot of effort put in there.
Good thing 1
I spill way more words nitpicking flaws than I do praising stuff, but I did enjoy this game enough to finish it, and it's not for no reason.
Firstly- the restaurant section. I have no complaints about the restaurant mode! It's polished to a mirror sheen, honestly. I'm given to understand the restaurant sim is a genre, mainly native to phones, and maybe this all works because it's cribbing mechanics from some more successful inspiration I've never heard of, but... it's just very enjoyable, void of potentially annoying cooking mechanics and letting you focus on queuing up dishes, keeping track of orders, and dashing around making sure everything is running smoothly. The balance job is very nice- the difficulty during lunch and dinner rushes is just enough to make you sweat a little as things ramp up, and they last just long enough to get the most out of the pressure without totally overwhelming you. Chef's kiss, no notes.
Good thing 2
konec0's soundtrack is real good! I mostly know him for his electroswing and HS fanmusic, but he can clearly pull off a wide range of styles. It matches the overall sound design really well and it's enjoyable to listen to. Excellent job there!
Good thing 3
The "final dungeon" segment does this very cool and fun thing where it combines the dungeon-crawling combat and the restaurant management into one challenging final exam where you have to survive combat arenas to scrounge up ingredients as you cook them up and serve them, which would maybe get exhausting in core gameplay but works really well as a challenge for the end of the game. Liiiiittle bit too easy in the first two rounds, but it's fine.
Good thing 4
I already mentioned this alongside the nitpicks, but: when the combat works, it works- the feel of it is satisfying, the challenge is well-calibrated, and the animations look great and convey what's happening well.
Good thing 5
Also the character art is very cute. Lot of fun designs there, even if as mentioned the characters they're attached to are pretty flat. The game's just gorgeous in general- the artists knocked it out of the park.
The game's cover/key art prominently features a squid that throws ninja stars! But there's no squid that throws ninja stars in the game! How the heck did that happen!!! Give me the ninja squid!!!!!
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smallblueandloud · 8 months
2023 fic roundup
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2023 was the year of the comeback. in 2021, i wrote about 25k; in 2022, i didn't even keep track. meanwhile, my total wordcount last year was 119,226 words. while that doesn't come close to my 200k from 2020, i am arguably prouder of last year and what it represented. my writing isn't dead! my abilities haven't vanished! i can have fun making art again :D
as always, the summer was the most productive for me. you can see that i wrote more in the spring than the fall -- this roughly corresponds to how i was doing during those times, lol. i had a Much Better spring semester than the fall. september was very rough, i had a very bad time, and it meant my mental health suffered for the rest of the year. but hey, at least i was writing essays :')
some more scattered thoughts:
i was arguably pretty consistent this year? may/june/july all had about the same wordcount (roughly) and i think that's cool. my goal isn't to be doing NaNos, it's to be writing consistently, so i'm very happy with this
ao3 says i published 67k in 2023. minus the first chapter of something out of a dream, which was published in 2020, i believe that's 65k or so total. i wrote 72k of fanfic last year, meaning that there's about 8k from last year still sitting in my google drive (a rough eyeball at my WIPs folder confirms this). these numbers don't QUITE make sense to me, since i used a fair bit of old material in what i published last year, but i'm not going to think about it too hard
i published fic for a whopping fifteen fandoms in 2023. nine of those were fandoms i'd never published anything for before! i am so, so proud of this stat. i remain multifandom as all hell and seeing that represented in my work makes me really :D
two fics -- be amazed by the sky and i got your back (and you got mine) -- were crossovers! i'd only ever written one crossover before (stay all day in the sun, which i still love dearly) and it was fun to play in these playgrounds (mostly by sticking the librarians into other universes, xD)
i published 25 fics last year! and five of those fics were less than 1k, which i also really love. this year i really tried to let go of my idea that my fics Had to be more than 4k (and super polished) before they could see the light of day. i think my writing has been more fun and less stressful because of that.
i polished off 4 multi-year WIPs last year: but the verse is sweet, something out of a dream, don't wanna see you go (but it's not forever), and all we can do today. it felt so, so good to finally get those out there. the only one i have left from The Great Hiatus of 2021-2022 is éponine de bergerac. i will finish that someday, but i'm letting her take her time, because she deserves it. (i DID make good progress on that fic, which is something at least!)
most popular fic of the year was sit there in your heartache, which. is a spirk fic written right after a relevant episode, so not a surprise lol. the fic that surprised me most is actually the sisterhood of the travelling main character plotpoints -- i kinda expected that one to vanish quietly, but the hatchetfield fandom is WAY more active than i expected! which is very cool :D
the fic with the fewest hits was sidenote, which doesn't surprise me, since the librarians isn't a very active fandom and it's a rareship within the fandom anyway. the people who DID read it were very sweet, so i am very grateful for them. (i'm doing fic with the fewest hits because i feel like it's better to focus on that than What Didn't Get Kudos)
i started 2024 with 5 WIPs. i actually already finished one (and then immediately started its sequel, whoops) (shoutout to the ds9 modern au, i'll make a real post about that sometime). none of these fics are particularly progressed, but i'll keep working on them and try to find the Finishing A Project Dopamine from ficlets if i need it.
i didn't really have any Writing Goals for 2023 aside from doing any writing at all, lol. i think for 2024 i want to try to get more consistent with my writing -- instead of doing x number of words per month (which usually happen over 3-4 Big Writing Days), i'd rather try to write for 5 days out of every week, or something like that. we'll see what i can get done.
in the meantime: thank you guys for listening. i'm proud of what i did last year, and i'm excited to see what happens next year :D
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compressednerve · 1 year
Nice to see another scratchalan fan! I was hoping I could hear your hopes and thoughts for Alan wake 2? I’m just hoping we get to see plenty of scratch I’ve seen some speculate he’s gonna be a main villain which sounds great to me :3c ✨
Thank you so much for this ask!! *ScratchAlan is the only ship to be ALIVE for., fellow crazy!!!! Hell fucking yeah!!! We needa make some room for AlanScratch tho, I want to write more Top! Alan because it turns me on. I have a feeling we're gonna see so much Mr. Scratch in AW2 that we might even get sick of him. I don't necessarily want him to be The Main Villain of it in the traditional sense... Mr. Scratch is, ultimately, just another side of Alan... And Alan has *many* sides! >:) We see just a taste of how many Alan's there are from The Signal/The Writer when he can't stop fracturing into further self-persecution. I hope to see lots of different Alan's made manifest, like the Teen Titans "Raven OSDD-1a" episode (shout out to my epic partner @parasitefun for showing me that fucking smash hit).
I have a lot of high hopes and fondness in my heart for Remedy and the development process they've been doing. I was a big fan of Alan Wake in 2013 and I did a looot of RP even in 2015-2017. Crazy shit! I kinda fell off the face of the Earth for a while tho. I've never played Quantum Break, and me and Paras are working thru Control together right now (we're in the Maintenance Sector and it just finished doing the Burn The Trash quest).
We spent most of May/June working thru Alan Wake and we have sooo many things to say on it that we're polishing up because it's such a dense story!! So transitioning from working thru AW with a fine tooth comb, to Control which is like four times the size of AW and has *that* much more to work thru, has been a real treat! Remedy sure knows how to make a good fucking story! It's like a croissant with many, many, many laminated layers to turn around in my head. I'm good at recognizing voice actors, so it made my head explode to realize Matthew Poretta played Darling, and James Mcaffrey played Trench. Like, omfg!! And every new realization along the way that links Control to AW. Just a real treat!
All that being said, I've seen a lot of posts along the lines of like, "Where's Alice!@!!! Where's Barry!!!!!!!" and it's like, will I be disappointed if they are underplayed...? yes. Do I worry that that's a possibility, at all? ...only a little bit! I want to put my faith into Remedy's ability to make this a good story. They've been chipping away at it for 13+ years, after all, and if I remember correctly, The Alan Wake Experience since 2000? As in the conception and development of AW1? So, 23 years entirely... that's a long time to be rotating the same Boy around. AW1 was a masterpiece IMO, a many-layered sandwich of nuance and metaphor, paradoxes within paradoxes... I think AW2 is gonna really surprise all of us.
Alan Wake 2, I'm super curious about what they do with it, and hopefully Mr. Scratch *and* Alan both get room to breathe. I think they will, and I'm so, so intrigued about what they're gonna do with Saga! It seems pretty ambitious for Remedy to do a multi-protagonist storyline like this, and their cheeky insistence that you can play it however you want, there's no wrong way to play, makes me worried. I hope more than anything that they didn't dumb down certain world-building elements (I'm blown away at how we went from TVs, radio show0,s and manuscripts in AW1 to the sheer amount of multi-media that went into Control).
I have in some degrees some fairly bad brain damage that inhibits a lot of my abilities to comprehend certain things, and yet, everything about the way the world-building environment contributes to a Greater Understnding of a Remedy Game that most people tend to ignore or outright complain about! Oh, the TV ruins the pacing, oh I didn't wanna have to stand here listening to someone talk I wanna run around and shoot things, oh boo I didn't like how many manuscripts i had to pick up. It's a little tedious, yes, and it breaks the Pacing Of The Literal Game up a little bit yes, but!!! It's excruciatingly important to the story!! It's a ROLE PLAYING GAME!!! YOU HAVE TO ROLE PLAY OMFG!!!!!! (still salty over how Zero Punctuation reviewed these games considering how fucking detectivey they are).
So anyways all of that being said, I hope that Alan Wake 2 is stuffed to the BRIM with multi-media. I hope we get SICK of manuscripts and casettes and pictures with captions and TV episodes and radio shows and BLAH BLAH BLAH. I hope Saga and Alan have a lot of crazy shit go down with each other because they're also very shippable. I hope Alex Casey calls Alan a shitty writer because he's one of the only obvious "HI, I'M A BOOK CHARACTER INVENTED BY ALAN WAKE. I'M VERY MAD. ABOUT BEING CREATED BY ALAN WAKE."
Ideally I would have played all the Remedy games to be caught up by now on more of the AW2 hype and analysis, because I wish I had more things to say! But because I haven't finished Control or QB yet, I'm trying to stay away from stuff that technically spoils Control just by virtue of being in the AW-verse.
*this is technically a lie because I'm actually a huge multshipper :k lel catch me on ao3 writing about the most bizarre AW pairings just you fuckin wait
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If you could make up your own dcla show, what would it be like? General plot, main character(s), which city...
So, since I live on the literal other side of the earth... Argentina is one of the countries closest to Antarctica, Sweden is one of the countries closest to the north pole, so yeah it's more or less other side of the earth /hj
Well, I live in another context and culture from where the dcla shows take place, which means a lot may be different than someone who lives in Argentina, or in South America in a whole.
Though, it doesn't stop me from finding things in the shows relatable, of course. But anyway, keep in mind that I, again, may have other perspectives.
This is how a swedish nerdy weird girl would do a dcla show:
Well, first of: I'd like a main character with perhaps more siblings or a bigger family. I always love the family storylines in the dcla shows, and I love the found family aspects. But the dcla main characters always are only children or youngest children who's been living as only-children for a while. I need specifically a middle child main character. She can have a brother and a sister, for good measure (and the dcla mc is a girl, it's just how it is). If I wanna make her closest to myself, she can have an older sister that's almost 2 years older and a little brother who's at least 5 years younger
Of course, a dcla horsegirl show would be very fun, but I have two other approaches: either a theatre kid or a swimmer.
Both could work. The main character doesn't necessarily have to go to a performing arts school - what she could do is simply go to a normal school and have theatre on her freetime. I can picture them getting a script, deciding the play is boring, then perhaps write their own script. There would be a plot about how the script is too personal to someone's life, and probably someone shy who doesn't say much, go "hey I made this scene, wanna try it?" and no one tries it until eventually, they consider it and realize "hey, shy person, your script is great!!!!". The music aspect would be a little on the side. Of course, people will sing too, maybe not necessarily in the plays (as I don't think they necessarily need to do musicals), but on the side. Maybe someone has a band, maybe they just like singing for fun's sake. Maybe one of main character's siblings likes music and she sings a lot at home.
Also, all the "I didn't study for my test because I had play rehearsal", people waiting and being let down because people were late due to play rehearsal, people kissing on or behind the stage, someone wanting to sabotage the theatre... we got it all.
Now, swimming: I think what would work best is synchronized swimming, just because of all the shows they could perform. Main character LOVES swimming, she likes being underwater because she feels like a mermaid. Maybe she has friends who are into other water activities, one is one the swimming race team and one is on the diving team. Or they're not her friends but her love interests, idk.
Here, we could also have drama. Maybe someone almost drowning. Someone accidentally falling from a diving board that's high up and hurting themselves. Maybe someone trying to ruin the synchronized swimming routine.
The music aspect? They perform their swimming shows in rhytm to music. The swimmers can't sing obviously, so it's pre-recorded. Or there's a live band there beside the pool just playing, you know, the standard dcla chaos/logic
Also, a lot of scenes would take place in locker rooms and while obviously not much would happen, I feel we'd get some wlw content just by like. The tension there. Idk.
A third crack idea: Mc likes trampolines. She likes jumping high and doing stunts in the air. The theme song of the show is called "Salta" and just shows everyone jumping. Would follow the theme of "obscure sport that's treated like the biggest thing in the world" theme continuing from SL. But this is less polished and just a random idea I had in my head.
Now, besides what her main interest/s are, mc also has a more... normal school. Not a fancy private school or a special school for arts or something, just a normal school. Not saying they need to focus much on the school, but still like. Show them there.
There has to be a family mystery, and I lowkey want it to be not a dead relative, but rather a "relative they don't talk about". I want it most of all to be an aunt that's an outcast for some reason. Like, the aunt still comes to family gatherings and stuff, but she's mysterious as heck and mc wants to learn more.
Also, I just want everyone to be queer, of course. Would be marvelous if the main character was queer and in love with her bestie. But also, I love a queer mean girl. Maybe also the aunt can be, or one of her siblings. Just everyone /hj <3
That is all I can think about. I realize I made several potential shows in one, but that is me.
Also I didn't say which city but like. I guess Buenos Aires, cause every dcla show has to take place there /j
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wander-wren · 2 years
Ok, here goes! I wanna preface this by saying that I've been in a serious writing rut for like the past six months, to the point where I've pretty much given up on my WIPs. It's not that I don't want to write, or that I don't have ideas, but the actual work of sitting down and getting words on the page feels like pulling my own teeth out. So I'm conducting research on writers I admire to see if I can learn anything from their processes. And so, without further ado:
How long have you been writing?
Do you start out knowing what's gonna happen in the story, like with a plot chart and everything, or does the story take shape as you go along?
Do you write in big chunks or a little bit at a time?
How many drafts do you typically do? Is your first draft usually like word vomit or something a little more polished?
Do you have a beta reader?
What's your editing process like?
Is there a certain time or place where you prefer to write?
What do you consider the hardest part of writing?
Have you ever struggled with perfectionism in your writing? Do you have any tricks for bypassing that "EVERYTHING MUST BE PERFECT" wall in your brain and just get words on the page?
That was a lot lol. Of course you don't have to answer all of them, but any insight you're willing to give will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much <3
woo okay let’s tackle this!! under the cut bc Long. strap in folks
How Long Have You Been Writing?
in any shape or form: since maybe 6 years old? but i started writing fanfiction at 12, started getting serious about writing in general at 15, and threw myself full tilt into fanfic at 17, so currently i haven’t written original fiction Really since june. which is a complicated answer. you didn’t specify if this is about original stuff or fic, but i’ll try to answer from both perspectives bc my process for each is wildly different.
Plotter or Pantser?
for both original fiction and longfics, i’m solidly in the middle; i usually start with a list of things i want to happen, and i always need some idea of where i’m going to end, even if it changes later. from there, i start writing the first few chapters. when i feel like i have a more solid grasp of where i’m going, i outline chapter-by-chapter through one “section” of the story, however i define that. once im done that section, i outline again. this gives me a lot more freedom to change things as i go and adapt to new decisions i make. i also add random ideas to my masterlist of stuff that i might want to include further down the line as i go.
with oneshots i never, or almost never, have a plan beyond the premise/summary, so they frequently get away from me and do all kinds of random things.
Big Chunks or Little At a Time?
i’m gonna say big chunks? i have adhd so i frequently hyperfixate on my projects and can work on them for hours and hours on end, which i don’t exactly recommend, but it happens. at any given time i have a “main” wip or two that i work on pretty much daily, and then others scattered around that i might pick up for a few hours if i get bored. but i try to finish fics as fast as possible bc if i move on there’s a 50% chance i won’t come back, at least not for months.
How Many Drafts?
for fanfic? one. every once in a while if something is REALLY not working i’ll rewrite sections, so that’s like 1.5 drafts, but it’s free labor i do for fun so while i take pride in it and want it to be good, i’m not going to expend THAT much energy, yknow?
for original stuff, like if we’re talking novels…at least three drafts? i haven’t gotten that far with most of my projects so i’m still learning about myself, but my general process seems to be that the first draft is about getting the main story beats and the emotions down. my first draft is always very heavy on the angst and catharsis, sometimes overdramatically so, bc there’s less plot to hold it up. then my second draft is more about plot and realism and structure, but i tend to lose some emotions in trying to do that. my third draft is about combining the two and continuing to polish stories/characters. i haven’t written any fourth drafts, so i’m not sure whats beyond that.
and my first drafts tend to be very polished. i wrote a little rant explaining the history of that aspect of my writing not long ago, so i won’t get into it again. part of that is just how i’ve always been, part of it is practice. i do feel sometimes that i write pretty enough to cover up structural/realism/continuity issues, which can be frustrating when looking for critique from people who can’t see past it.
Beta Reader?
yes! i have a small group of writer friends that i share things with, but that is pretty much always for cheer-betaing and minor critiques unless i ask for actual criticism, which i only do with my original stuff when i get to the second/third draft, partly bc it’s not ready before then, and partly because it’s a lot of mental work for the other people. shoutout to my main bnha betas, @rangerlexi and @spacetime-enthusiast, who are, as i said, mainly cheer betas, tho mav is also my resident bakugo expert bc he’s very hard for me to write sometimes. getting better tho!
can’t recommend finding betas enough, even if just to cheer you on. hell, i can’t make promises about super long works or original fic, but i’m always down to read fanfiction. i don’t even bite, i swear. obligatory note that you do gotta trust ppl tho yada yada thieves exist and mean people exist etc etc
Editing Process?
for fanfic: typically i reread one or two times right away while all my thought processes are fresh in my head. i’ll make spot edits and add or delete things here and there. then depending on how impatient i am, i wait a day or a few to send it to my betas and/or reread and edit again myself. then i post and i’m done!
for original works: i don’t bother to edit first drafts, or even second drafts sometimes. when it’s time to prep for a second draft, i reread and make notes on what i want to keep and what i want to change, then use those notes to make my next skeletal outline. usually my stories change drastically from one draft to the next, but the last time i did a third draft, i wanted it to be pretty close to the structure of the second, so instead of outlining at all i just did splitscreen and wrote the whole third draft while looking at the second, sometimes basically retyping a page word for word, sometimes going “well, that chapter is pointless” and skipping it entirely. when it came to line editing, i used hemingway bc i don’t trust computers to do my editing, BUT the different colored highlights were helpful to break up the monotony. hemingway is a lot more focused on concise/readable sentences and cutting adverbs than anything else, which was good for me as an overwriter. i cut 22k words the last time i used it, from a 130k draft.
Best Time or Place?
not really? i write everywhere and constantly. the advice about finding your niche of productive time never seemed to work for me because, as long as i’m not blocked/stuck, i pretty much always kind of want to write.
Hardest Part?
DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIPS OH MY GOD IT’S THE WORST. sorry. i hate. doing that. becoming friends? becoming family? falling in love? god. kill me. i love all [thing] to lovers in reading but in writing i tend to drift toward best friends to lovers bc then it’s kind of close. i love writing about people in relationships, tension and banter and softness and fights, but getting there is so awful.
Are You a Perfectionist? Tips?
hm. gonna try to answer this honestly and in the least asshole-ish sounding way possible lmao.
i’m not really a perfectionist? not in writing, anyway, idk about other stuff. but also it’s just like…i know i’m good at what i do. not perfect—i can see flaws in things i wrote even a few months ago—but good. More Than Satisfactory. sometimes fics just don’t work and i abandon them, sometimes it takes me a while to figure out what i’m doing, but i’m not generally paralyzed by the need for anything to be perfect because i’m happy where i am?
that’s a hard mindset to get to, though. and you will for sure feel good about something and then dislike it in a few months or years. that’s just the nature of improving your craft. i think if i had any tips, though, i would say a few things.
watch this video essay, the whole thing but specifically 5:39-9:20. i love cj the x and i agree with many of his takes on art, so. some of his other essays might be helpful as well but that one i know talks specifically about perfectionism.
or if you don’t want to, just have this quote that melted my brain a little when i heard it. “perfectionism is not an inherently bad impulse. but you have to earn that. you don’t get to be a perfectionist if it is unproven up to this point if you can even make a thing.”
read bad stories. like genuinely i’m such a petty spiteful person oops so. i don’t really seek them out much but reading like, really really badly written work is like “well, if that’s the bar, at least i’ve cleared it.” obviously don’t go attacking creators or posting the work to make fun of it, but read it. maybe make notes of exactly why it’s bad for yourself, even, it might help you get better at identifying problems in your own work if you can figure out why things are bad beyond just “i don’t like it.” there, that sounds less mean, right?
just post your shit, tbh. put it out there. most people on the internet, in fandoms, they’re nice, if you curate your space properly. it’s a confidence boost! put something out there that’s less-than-perfect, get a couple of kudos and realize the world didn’t implode, and maybe, maybe it’ll be easier to start/finish next time.
you kinda just gotta accept that you need practice, my dude. like. you can’t closer to perfect without work!! we know this!! just do it. i know i just said to post things but also if you hate what you made no one!! else!! has!! to!! know!! it can be a secret. it’s okay. this coming from a chronic oversharer lol i have the worst time trying not to shove my stuff at people….which, actually, kinda worked better as motivation for me, bc i couldn’t share something unfinished, so i had to Do The Thing in order to get validation/feedback/critique like i wanted. so either way, whatever works better for you.
The End
so yeah, those are my answers, i guess? i hope that makes sense and helps and everything!! i’m really sorry you’re in a rut, that’s the worst. if you have any more questions or just wanna chat about what you’re writing feel free to come say hi again!
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syrupspinner · 1 month
i just completed Aerial_Knight's Never Yield 
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can you believe some places dont include the apostrophe in the title? like it's not proclaiming who spearheaded Never Yield, its a statement
my only experience with runners, as a genre, is through bit.trip. I beat the first game and played a bit of the second. this game, which I'm gonna call AKNY for short, is honestly a pretty good second example.
the controls make a lot more sense that bit.trip. I remember complaining that duck was down but kick was Y so I had to switch to keyboard or something. in akny, you've got the colour-coded cardinal directions, which applies to both the dpad and face buttons: up is high jump (obstacles you need to high jump are always red), left is midjump (yellow), down is duck (purple), and right is sprint (blue). straightforward, easy to nail in a split second, this is good. it's a little silly that you have two jump buttons, because yes there are obstacles colour-coordinated to mid that you can clear high, but it's still pretty elegant with how simple it is to grasp
the plot is... uh, minimalist. there's no dialog, so here's what I've got. you've got the main character, who i just kinda called Runner in my head. he escapes from a tube in a lab and spends the rest of the game dodging the authorities about it. there's also another guy, implied to also be from the same tube situation, who I called Swords cuz he's always got some swords floating around him. Swords is king of the streets or something, he's the strongest guy around, and Runners out to take him out and claim the crown. that might be wrong, especially since it seems like the sequel is more fleshed-out, but the story isn't all that important anyway. watch the cool guy do something cool and then play a level about it
I really dig the style. if anything's gonna sell you on the game, it's the vibes. the music is ultimately a bit simple, but they're all really solid hiphop instrumentals. the design is... it'd call it comic-like, but it's more like a graphic novel almost. it's not vibrant but it's still colourful, y'know? oh, speaking of style, I love the level where you're running up a building and you've got this really funky camera angle, added such a cool visual flair. 
that's kinda it! the game is pretty short, I beat the campaign in like 2 hours I think, and a lot of that is from killing myself when I missed that stupid coin in the school level. y'know when people call a fighting game character honest? that's what this game feels like to me. it's as stylistic and badass as the budget let's it, and I respect the hell out of it. totally worth playing.
and then there's endless mode.
I understand this was added in an update. you run laps around a gym dodging randomly spawning obstacles. youve gotta play for, according to my research, 30 minutes straight of this for all the achievements. woof. so... I just kinda got to it. it took me three days, across... I'd guess three or four hours of attempts. I put kitboga on my other monitor and reached the world's stupidest zen state, just reacting to the obstacles. if you wanna keep track of your progress without pausing all the time, I'm pretty sure it took me about 165 laps. thats a bit egregious. there's already an achievement for 30 laps, which I think works great as a threshold of basic capability. like, if you can do 30, you can do it forever, kinda like how crypt of the necrodancer only asks you to get a 10 run win streak before saying "okay it wasn't luck you can do this forever if you wanted to"
not enough to ruin the game by any means, especially since it's optional. this game has a great soul and fun gameplay to back it up, absolutely worth trying out! just a heads up, don't expect triple-a polish, keep your expectations realistic for an under-the-radar indie.
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mgkconfessions · 3 years
Oh my god have you seen the jimmy fallon thing from the other day? Where he’s literally wearing a fucking shirt with mf’s face on it? What’s next megs? Wanna come piss on him like a dog to mark your territory perhaps?
It's all part of his promotion stunt for his nail polish line. She couldn't be there so he put her on his shirt. With the nail polish trailer referencing Jennifer's Body and that interview where he credits her as one of the inspiration for his nail polish line this relationship is yet again the base of their promotion for it and I find it absolutely ridiculous that they pull the same PR stunt and use the exact same idea for Every! Single! Project! he releases! Everything has to lead back to Megan somehow even when she had nothing to do with it and for me it just makes him and his team look incredibly incapable of doing their jobs. It comes across as if not even them believe that Kells could pull his projects off all by himself with some creative promotion and I don't even believe that they even want to put any effort into doing that. It's a lot easier to just continue with using Megan as the main marketing tool for everything they want to put out. Which is sad because at least his team and he should work on establishing him as a serious artist and business man and not do the opposite and make him completely depend on a relationship to someone more famous. But Kells seems to be on board with that because he already confirmed how his smart business mind works. He knew he had a nail polish line coming out so for a year he wanted to make headlines with his nail designs, the bigger and more extravagant the better, because he wanted people to talk about it, didn't matter if they loved or hated the nails. He wanted people to associate him with nail design and wanted that attention. It truly explains all his red carpet and matching nail moments with of course Megan. And although I appreciate the honesty you can take that same concept and apply it to how they (Kells and his PR team) have been selling his relationship so far and you'll see how desperately they've been trying since the beginning to push them down everyone's throat, love them or hate them but you will talk about them, because they WANT him to be associated with her name. They WANT the recognition he and his projects get for being associated with her. And everything with the goal in mind of gaining success, money and attention. Apparently the only things he seems to care about these days. In my opinion he's completely treating his relationship like a business that he needs to promote and so is everyone around him. Even Megan because she's desperate for her comeback. Which brings me to what exactly Megan means to him when he's so focused on attaching anything to her that he can sell and get famous for: she's his cash cow! She's his cash cow and a marketing tool! Nothing more, nothing less. Based on his actions he's treating and seeing her as a money making machine that he can use for himself, his businesses and career. But he isn't treating this relationship with the respect and the protection of his privacy that he had so far applied to mostly all of his relationships before, flings or more. There are a couple of girls who said the same things, he doesn't want pictures to be taken when you hang out with him (probably to protect his privacy) and up until Chantel and now Megan, he was quite low-key with his girlfriends and dates too probably because he didn't see and use those relationships as pure cash cows and marketing tools that he can take advantage of. And that's the big difference between his relationship with all the other women and Megan. I believe it even says it in his birth chart that he will use relationships for his career but I'm sure Megan knew that and she obviously didn't mind it.
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edelkinnie · 3 years
pruaus (i just wanna hear more)
I'm gonna answer this one first so it isn't answered in the next one. ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART this is my main thing. we all know this. i don't even know where to start!! i'm going to try to do a cut here because WOW this turned out to be long well ok first thing's first, my gilbert is pretty canon divergent. he's an old bastard, as a lot of them now are, esp the balts in general so like. this different background affects him a lot, and he was pretty antagonistic towards roderich in the beginning? austria helped in the northern crusades after all, but gilbert Did learn not to hold that against everyone fairly quickly. still, that's their first meeting. they kinda just didn't give too much of a damn about each other until prussia's independence in 1657. gil now had to actually live with his husband, whom he detested. so he just... enthusiastically volunteered to go to austria's court as an extra representative. the other reps (minden, mark, cleves, etc) were needed in their own territories. while brandenburg was the one with the elector's seat, he was also the more "important" one of the two soooo... gil got away! this leads to gilbert thinking that roderich is a safe place, because, comparatively, he is. they're both in their mid/late teens at this point and do develop an attachment to each other. gilbert has his first crush on a dude, and roderich... sees a way to piss antonio off lmfao. gil gets his teenage joker gilcel moment when roderich tries to make things happen again with toni, but does wrestle a kingdom title out of it by helping rod. still in joker mode, silesian wars happen. they hate each other, though gil does just become a bit more apathetic to roderich during this time. after this, he's Not A Fan of roderich at all, until the polish partitions. working with two people to get your sister's (nyo!prussia, maria) birthplace back does that to a man. it was a tense friendship, and roderich got his own taste of unrequited love, since gilbert was head over heels w fritz at the time. they grow closer during the napoleonic wars, and gilbert is seeking comfort to fill in the hole in his heart from fritz's death, as well as the sheer humiliation he felt from losing so much to france. thus! the battle of leipzig is where i have their first kiss :) totally spur of the moment, definitely awkward afterwards. their relationship grows more official as the demand for a unified germany grew. tbh i can't say anything too certain abt how the germany twins (monika and ludwig) came about because this isn't my era, but this relationship did end in the custody battle that gilbert won. ... he also eloped with romania in the middle of this. what can i say? he was pissed! he was even more angered at the austro-hungarian marriage. at the end of wwi, all of that crumbled apart, though, and gilbert returned to roderich with his tail between his legs and they started anew. they kept in good contact during his days in the DDR (for the circumstances), though they were able to talk less and less as the years went on. international affairs such as the olympics were treasured by them as gilbert was able to meet up freely with roderich there. their relationship was definitely tense at that point-- gilbert feared roderich going back to toni, and roderich feared gilbert going back to romania-- and, well. drunken and not-so-drunken mistakes happen. they worked past it! present day, they have their son, kugelmugel (leopold) and gilbert lives 50/50 between potsdam and vienna, though he is able to spend more time with his family now that remote work is an option. he represents the state of brandenburg, so he and roderich have a nice relationship that isn't strained by any impending death lmfao. the stars were totally crossed against them, but they made it work, damn it!!!!
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seekingseven · 3 years
this latest ask is literally the best thing to chance upon during a sever cold, i just hope I'm not asking too much thu 😅 ps: my asks aren't centered on any fandom so talk about any fandom as you'd like, i wanna just mooch off your writing wisdom 😉😘 my asks are: 6,7,8, 9,10,11,16, 20,21 i made it pretty long 😓 uh it's ok not to answer all of them! i got carried away after all 😂
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My word, so many questions! I feel so, so honored--thank you so much for the lovely ask! And gosh, you flatter me bro; I'm not sure how much writing wisdom I have to give, but hopefully this will at least make for an interesting read! And hopefully you feel better soon, my friend!
6. Do you outline your fics? If so, how?
I do! When I'm sitting down to start a new piece, I go through a handful of outlining phases first: 1) I write down a list of the scenes I want the piece to have 2) I write a brief summary of each scene 3) I write a brief, chronological progression of the events in that scene 4) I go through each scene in-depth and describe it to myself--sensory details, dialogue, inner character monologues, everything! The only thing that sets apart the final outline from the first draft is that there's 0 grammar or transition words. Usually my first draft is elaborating, editing, and polishing the final outline.
Sort of a roundabout way of getting writing out, but it works for me!
7. How do you edit your fics? What do you look for in your edits?
I'm going to be frank, I don't spend nearly enough time editing my fics as I should. Usually once I finish the second draft I'm too eager to post and too tired to reread that I do the former and forgo the latter. However, when I do get my things together and actually sit down to edit, the main thing I look for is typos. I type pretty fast and because of that I make a genuinely impressive number of typos, so I always try to weed those out! Repetitive sentence structure and redundant descriptions are also another thing I try to cut out when I edit, but clearing out typos is always my main goal.
8. Do you take inspiration from real life? If so, how do you incorporate that into your fics?
Always! My stories are always inspired by something I've seen, read, heard, or experienced myself, and I never start a story unless I have something I think is worth saying. I try my best to capture internal monologue and motivation in a way that reflects the patterns of real people, and my characterizations of so many characters is based on real people I've seen act similarily to them.
9. Do you visualize scenes in your head before you write them? (Can you picture the setting, body language, etc)
I answered this in another ask but I'll reiterate it here; yes and always! This is the crux of my outlining process--I just describe what I imagine, whether that's the setting or the temperature or dialogue or body language, as it comes to me!
10. How do you feel about writing plot, setting/description, inner thoughts, dialogue?
Gosh, that's a great question! I think setting and description is one of my strengths, although I can always improve, and since I usually plan out key plot points before starting a story, plot isn't always a big trouble for me. Inner thoughts and dialogue are two things I'm striving to improve! I've been reading a lot of first-person stories recently, which has been helping with the first, and listening to real people just talk is helping with the latter. I can't wait to see where my writing will go as I get better at these things!
11. What perspective do you write from most and/or least and why?
I think I tend to gravitate towards third person limited, simply because I structure the scenes of any story around who the camera will be following most closely. Sometimes the limited-ness of that perspective can get a little blurred--I have scenes in fics where the perspective is more omniscent--but third person is my go-to! I think that's because it's well suited for fanfic; first person can occasionally feel strange (although I've written and read and loved many a first person fic), and third person limited is just plain fun to write! It's great to get inside a character's head.
16. Do you have a method for trying to get characters to sound/feel in character?
Gosh, I feel a little unqualified to answer this question! My characterization skills have a lot of room for improvement. I'd say my main method at the moment is trying to model the character after someone I know and understand in real life, and/or doing a brief character analysis before incorporating them into a story. But if anyone reading this has characterization advice, let me know! I'm always eager to improve.
20. What is your favorite thing about writing fanfic? About writing in general?
Fanfic? The community, hands down! It's such an experience to be able to write something others might read and enjoy and even leave kudos or comments on--any fanfic writer can testify that fic interaction is lifeblood, and I'm just so glad I picked up fanfic as a hobby!
For writing in general, it forces me to take life more and less seriously at the same time. Seriously, because in order to write characters that feel real, I have to understand real people. Less seriously, because writing puts into context how transient things can be. How many stories start with a character going from everything to nothing? Writing has really helped me to be more grateful for what I have; it might be taken away tomorrow, so I should enjoy it while I have it!
21. Writers choice -- pick any of these questions to answer! (I chose #13: Are you a fast or slow writer?)
Such a fun question!! Hm, I'm a little split on whether I'm a fast or slow writer. I can write a lot of words in a short amount of time, but that's only after weeks of brooding and thinking and mental construction of the scene/fic/chapter I'm writing.
I'd say I lie somewhere in the middle! I'm very, very slow when it comes to idea creation, but I write and edit at a reasonable pace. Hopefully that answers your question!
Thank you so, so much for the lovely asks! This was a BLAST to answer; thanks for taking time out of your day to send these prompts my way! You rock, and I hope you feel better soon!
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pinro · 4 years
《 ◇ 》
Characters used: Floyd leech, Jade leech
Reader: gender-neutral Mc! (They/them)
Scenario: getting a rest from Nrc shenanigans
Word count: 1,658
Writer's note: I always thought it was alot to take in for someone who came from earth and now needs compromise to survive don't you think?
-Ramshackle dorm (your room)-
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Feeling sluggish after waking up, you decided to get off of the bed.Grim didn't seem like he had any plans to open his eyes ;it was early after all. You check the mirror before anything; there's nothing that's planning on appearing nonetheless you decided to check just in case; occasionally ,random things appeared from that specific mirror, from 'dreams' about The great seven statues , and then there was this 'person' (rather a hallucination) called Mickey.
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A Lot of things have happened since you started attending this school as a student ..then a prefect. Sigh ,you just wanted a break from it all, it all feels surreal. Making your way out of your room , you didn't encounter the ghosts , you wonder what they are up to whenever they don't spend their time in Ramshackle dorm. 'what do ghosts do in their free time ?' You decided to ignore that question for now.
As you made your way down the steps, you cross by a crack on the wall, it takes you back to the time Ace had a fight with Grim in the middle of the hallway. Literally. Grim collided against the wall and the wall , being fragile, cracked easily. You tried to repair it with glue you've borrowed but it only seemed to get worse. 
- Lounge -
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You made your way to the kitchen, you were feeling a little thirsty , you would love nothing more than something refreshing. You opened the fridge with blinded expectations just to be shot with the cruel reality. Oh right. Food and what not in this dorm is nothing but a distant dream. You saw some canned tuna at the corner , but you don't think Grim would give you the end of it once he wakes up. "Guess i will go for a walk".
- Entrance -
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"He doesn't seem to be around…" you pouted as you looked around for your friend 'Tsunotaro' ,or well what he goes by , you liked the nickname you assigned him to; you believed it fit him and it helped with familiarity around each other rather than being formal; He calls you 'child of man' instead of your actual name as well. The friendship is already blooming well if you're already assigning cute nicknames to each other! 
Staring off to the distance you started to feel rather lonesome; usually Ace and Deuce would come around your dorm to hang out; it's a 'little' noisy and a 'bit' troublesome but it's something you would put up with for their company; it can be fun and hectic sometimes. The peaceful atmosphere was just something you're not used to, in fact , you're surprised you're not up doing something to clean up after that headmaster. 
It's too early in the morning ; you wouldn't want to bother them just because you have nothing better to do, it just seemed unreasonable . You decided to think of something to do for the meantime to pass time.
You felt the breeze brush against your skin. With a sudden "ah!" You checked your uniform pocket "are they even open at this time?" You had an idea to visit Mostro Lounge for something to drink; although , you're not sure if your currency is close to what the menu has to offer. "In that case I will just order water" you concluded, placing back your pocket money. 
Water wouldn't be expensive, right?
- Main street -
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Making your way to the Lounge , you could hear the leaves bustling in the air , it wasn't the usual atmosphere you were used to in a place called 'Night Raven College'. You sped up with Journey Mostro Lounge. You felt like you needed to see someone right this instant. Anybody.
- Monstro Lounge -
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As you opened the door upon Mostro lounge , you were greeted by casual music that always played in the lounge , although a little quieter than usual.
  "Oya? Are we having a customer already?" Your eyes laid upon a figure polishing the glass cups. Once your eyes meet , Jade blinks before greeting you with a smile "oh it's just you prefect , we're still getting ready to open but please feel free to take a seat." , you felt a little embarrassed ; as in you felt like you weren't allowed here but went in anyways. "Ohhh!~" Floyd cooed as he got in from the staff-only door "someone is already here!~" his voice echoed in the lounge from how loud he was being, he walked up to you "hey there shrimpy!~ you decided to have fun with us?"he would lean on the table you're sitting at with a cheeky smile. Jade chuckled "Floyd it isn't like you to be up at this time of the day" he glanced at his brother curiously , even if he were up this early he would be on about messing around campus or at his dorm. "Mehh~! The school is empty at this time of the day , it's so boring! " Floyd would stick out his tongue in annoyance "so I decided to check on what you were up to~" .
"Ah is that so?" Jade would ask rhetorically. You watched as the two got caught up over a conversation. "Hey shrimpy! What are you doing here?" He would suddenly flash you a question, "do you want me to take your order ?" Jade would offer "Hey i will do that! Stay right there!" Floyd would cut Jade off standing up from his spot. "I don't need to check the menu to know my demise-" you would mumble to yourself "I will just have water." you averted from your past words covering it with an awkward smile. Jade would chuckle "If you're in for something less of value you can check my secret menu~" he would look at you suggestively "Ehhhh! What about MY secret menu!!" He would snap at Jade "Check it out too shrimpy!" He would flip the menu for you.
 You awkwardly took the menu ….both of them have questionable titles..although they were for a good price. "How come it's so cheap?" You would shoot the two a suspicious glance, surely there's a catch there , Jade would place a hand on his chin "oh my~ it disheartens me for you to think that way of us, we wouldn't add anything unpleasant to the menu, isn't that right Floyd?" He would roughly attempt to hide his grin as he tilted his head towards Floyd ,"surely! Even if we did so, Azul will be on our fins about it! He's so annoying when he's nagging~" Floyd would pout thinking about the amount of times he had to put up with Azul's 'nagging' even if it was reasonable. Floyd was just not in that type of treatment. 
"Besides…" Jade would trail off "Both azul and my own brother have this uncertain hate for my well-taken-care-of- mushrooms...that they would want me to get rid of every trace of them...what a tragedy!" He would pretend to look wounded,"although they surely value much more ..don't you think it's better off to mend for them than just throw them off? " he would speak to you suggestively then avert his eyes shyly "that's why I decided to sneak in some mushroom recipes.." he would speak to himself. "As if!" Floyd would stick his tongue out in disgust "mushrooms are really nasty and it would only drive the customers away! How can you not understand that?" He would glare at his brother "oh please , aren't homemade ingredients convenient for Mostro lounge? That's what Azul said after all.." Jade would reply.
There..seems to be a commotion between the two ..you decided to break it off by picking a random recipe from the menu "i will have that please .." you would get in the middle of the two. Suddenly the twins became silent, until Floyd sighed leaning his body to the side "aghhh..wish people would pick somethin from my menu for once~" he sounded disappointed as he walked back to the counter, defeated. "Fufu~ i'm truly grateful for your selection prefect~ " whereas Jade sounded overjoyed ; does he want people to try his mushrooms that badly ? The two got to work.You decided to look at the lounge's tank as fish different in color and size swam by; it was oddly relaxing. 
As you glanced around the tank you noticed a large tail poking at the end of the tank ,you decided to walk up to it then place a hand on the tank. "Oh hey shrimpy!~" Floyd ,from inside the tank would jump at you causing you to take a step back from surprise "look! I'm a fish !! "He would twirl in front of you then laugh at your expression "hehe~ shrimpy looks cute all flustered~ ♡" "this is my payback for not choosing my special menu!" He would nag as he held the tank glass and twirled his eel tail. "I-i thought--" you were taken aback, you surely believed that you just saw Floyd head for the counter to get to work, how did he get there so fast?? Reflecting on your reaction ..it actually made you laugh a little. "Floyd. Didn't Azul say swimming in the tank during opening hours is prohibited ? You will terrorise the poor guests~" Jade would state from the other end of the lounge , with a tray at hand that held your dish. "Your order is ready, why don't you take a bite before it gets cold ?" Jade would call for you , and that was your cue to get back to your seat. 
"Ehhh!! Shrimpy come back!!" He sounded heartbroken, "fufu~ if you want to see them that badly why don't you get out of the tank?" Jade would suggest. "Don't wanna!!" Floyd folded his arms. You laughed along with Jade then processed to eat your food. It was ...refreshing.. this feeling ...it was comforting..
"So?~ Did you like the recipe I've prepared for you ? Then How about visiting the lounge more often, hm? " 
"We will be more than happy to play with shrimpy!~ so please tag along~" 
《 ◇ 》
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
For the ask game 13 and 10? Also hope yiu have a good day!
Writer Ask game:
10. Do you set yourself deadlines?
Ans:- I honestly try to set deadlines for myself when I'm getting a bit too late to finish or upload one of my WIPs, but it never truly worked for me, even when I try to do so, I honestly can't do it....
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished.
Ans:- Now this is a good question, the writing process honestly begins immediately after I imagine a scenario for the given request or just something I really wanna share, so it gets hard to keep every single one of them in my minds, as I only have a few written files for my writing for this blog alone along with my blue-sterling blog. Then comes the part of writing, the writing process is fairly easy as long as I listen to music, don't copy the song's lyrics on the WIP, find my words easily, remember how I phrased it in my mind and that's all it takes for my WIPs to begin existing. Then the final part, I always have my request or my layouts ready before hand, so I don't have to do anything, like look for tremendous ways to put in aesthetics or to find which request is this finished WIP for, I just have to go in the drafts look for the genre I kept it in and there I put it in, do it the way I want to or see if anything else exists to match my ideas. I currently have more than 15 WIPs, which are going to be uploaded a bit after my exams. But this is the main process of my WIP from being a simple request or an idea into a writing or story piece. &lt;3
OC Ask Game:
10. relationship to their parents?
Reo:-He doesn't honestly have a good relationship with his parents, which is one of the main causes of him being a yandere, but as a regular person, he has a good relationship with his dad. His mother is his worst enemy especially since she nearly killed his dad and threw his dear brother out of their house, when he was just 10.
Emilianna:- She had pretty weird parents, from the day she was born to up-until now, she finds them creepy and doesn't like talking, hanging out or even contacting them, it creeps her out and makes her extremely paranoid. They always had a forced smile on their face, always said 'yes' to her weird demands only, never the demands she actually wanted, she always had to make up a lie of wanting to prank someone with the thing she need in order for them to get it for her.
Ceseline:- She has a pretty good relationship with her parents, she grew up with a chill yandere dad and a normal mum. She loves her parents and she received plenty of love and affection from them growing up. She has her fair share of family love and family hate, she has many cousins and three siblings herself her clan itself is extremely large.
Allistor:- He loves them above anybody else. They were always there for him and his mothers are not yandere's for him though, but each other and has taught him to love everybody despite difference, he loves his lover above anybody else and has taught him to kill, hide and do every type of illegal shit to keep feather with him...nice!&lt;3
Rikurou:- He doesn't care for them, he hates his mother above anybody else, his father was always eh to him, but his loves his brother and tsundere to him, but not to his darling!
13.bed time routine?
Reo:- His is pretty straight forwards; get out of clothes, play with bubbles in your bathtub for three hours because they're fucking cool, get way too tired, put on sweatpants and fall on the bed face first, DONE!
Emilianna:- Pretty complicated; puts on eighteen step skincare routine, puts on pajamas, puts room temperature to desirable setting, make milk, drink milk, check the house to make sure no speck of blood is found, lock every window and doors, go to room and clean the bed one time before getting into bed and reading a book before falling asleep.
Ceseline:- Normal Indian-Japanese bedtime routine; drink turmeric milk made by someone and have competition between all cousins, siblings and adults, listen to stories by grandma or grandpa, get in bed, get out of bed at 11:47 am and do crazy shit with the cousins and siblings up until too tired, eat something and have play fight, go back to the large bedroom, fall asleep in someone else's bed.
Allistor:-Pretty normal; change out of clothes, have shower put on cream and hair oil, say goodnight to momma and mummy, get into bed, read book and fall asleep with the damn book covered in drool and some pages of it crumpled.
Rikurou:- Our bed routine; pretends he sleeps at 10 something, but stays up watching phone up until 3:00, 4:00 something and finally falls asleep at 4:47 am.
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thrillridesz · 3 years
ok ma'am,,, what spiritual things do u practise for u to get this perfectly, what kind of sorcery is this huh I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR A VIBE READING ??!??
well,,,, i don't know how you look so i can't really say if light colours would suit you, but if you want to change something up, i think red works really well with dark brown ! purple too, but i think toned red, more like,,, maroonish is a safe bet. i would say purple & dark blue works better with black hair ! although my personal favourites are vibrant/light colours with black (and blonde with dark brown !!) , i think it looks very funky ! but if you don't want it to be that noticeable, then dark colours are the way to go :D and if you have long hair then if you don't like your ends, then you can just cut those off (as they're gonna be ruined by bleach if you're gonna use it anyway) and you're gonna end up with another change - short hair ! i think it would be fun, but of course,,,, it all depends on how you feel about it <3 but me being me, i would say go for it so you don't regret not doing it later on in your life
oh my, your bosses really sound like nice people. i've heard of some horrible employers so i'm happy you don't have to deal with them (⌒▽⌒)☆
ahhh i'm not really... learning a language as it's for my polish classes & that's my native language ;-; but we started watching pan tadeusz in class and i plan on finishing it since it's not that bad actually (and the main lead has such good outfits i'm literally just admiring them throughout the whole movie 🤩). still need to reread the book for september as well as many others heh :) but it was relatively enjoyable so i'm not really worried about that
oh? have you learnt many languages? which ones did you like learning the most?
so sorry for the late reply! i haven't really come on here in the past few days.
i honestly don't know lmao i just read a lot of astrology stuff and watch an ungodly number of tarot reading videos. i think it kind of influenced me to like to read people in a way?
hmmm im thinking about it. i just don't want to dye it a certain colour then regret it you know? i wear a lot of black and darker colours so maybe bright colours aren't really my thing. i might just leave it for the time being, not to rock the boat too much.
they are! they're strict and detailed but they don't make you feel like shit for messing up. they're pretty nice too so it makes you wanna try your best for them.
ahhh i see! maybe i should check it out, i have a lot of time on my hands right now. also need to learn how to fashion lol my fashion sense is pretty much nonexistent ^^"
hmmm not really? i know basic french (like introduction, directions, how to tell time) but im interested in learning cantonese, japanese and korean! wbu?
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