#sing movie 2016 fanfiction
pinwheelwhirl · 5 months
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regrets (i've had a few) || by pinwheelwhirl Summary: After the theater collapse, Mike tries to give Buster a piece of his mind. Word count: 2339
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itneedsmoregays · 5 days
The Steff Pearce Series - Assertive
"Hi there! Welcome to Brewtiful, what can I get you?"
Steff had assumed cash register duty after returning from her lunch break, giving Meena a much-needed breather. Her ma Andrea was now helping the young elephant with preparing the customers' orders, which Cassie then served to their designated tables. Over half the seats in the café were filled.
"Yeah, can I just get an espresso to go?" The middle-aged goat before Steff asked.
"Sure thing." She punched his order into the register's screen. "Anything else?"
The skunk retained her smile despite his blunt reply; she was used to some customers being in too much of a hurry to remember their manners. "Alright then. Ma, did you get that?"
Steff smiled at her friend's progress; she had once again offered Meena the chance to work part-time for her family while she and Ash were still in the process of moving in together. Though anxious at first, the elephant eventually agreed to it and the whole Pearce family had been nothing but helpful toward her. Not to mention all the customers greatly appreciated her kind services.
"Yep, I got it." The porcupine replied before turning back to her larger co-worker. "Alright, Meena, now just carefully add the cinnamon on top and that's table three's order done."
Meena nodded, a stencil clasped in her trunk. "Thanks, Mrs Pearce."
The young skunk turned her attention back to the goat. "That'll be $2.49 please."
Fumbling about in his pocket, he finally pulled out some change and placed it in Steff's open palm. Taking her time to count the two dollar coins and half dollar coin carefully, the skunk then typed in the amount and swapped them for a single penny. She handed it to him with a smile before closing the register again.
"Where's the rest?"
That caught Steff off guard. "...Sorry?"
"I gave you three dollars, where's my fifty cents?" The goat asked, glancing back and forth between her and the penny in his hand. Steff blinked in confusion.
"Um, sir, you... just gave me two fifty. That makes your change a penny."
The goat's brow furrowed in annoyance. "No, I gave you three."
"Uh, actually, sir, you did give her two dollars and fifty cents." The hippo waiting in line behind him spoke up. "I saw it myself."
"No, I didn't. I had four dollars in my pocket and now I only have one." The agitated goat turned his attention back to Steff, holding his outstretched hand with the penny before her. "I know I gave you three, so give me the rest of my change."
In the past, Steff would have remained silent or stepped aside to let her moms handle something like this. But she couldn't back down here; she knew for absolute certain that she was right in this situation. This goat was reprimanding her over nothing.
"Sir, I'm sorry but you've made a mistake." She said, her smile faltering slightly. "That man behind you is right, you gave me exactly $2.50. Believe me, I know a half dollar coin when I see and feel it. Now could you please step aside? You're holding up the line."
"Oh, so you think I'm stupid?" The goat asked harshly. "Is that it?"
Steff then lost her smile completely. "What? No, that's not what I'm saying at all!"
At last Andrea walked over to the counter, the freshly-made espresso in her grip. "Steff, is everything okay?"
"Just a little misunderstanding, Ma." She replied after taking a breath. "This gentleman seems to think he paid me three dollars for his coffee and that I owe him fifty cents."
"Because she does." The goat added, still frowning directly at her. "I know she does."
"Alright, alright, let me check the cash register." Placing the cup down, the porcupine scrolled through the list of previous purchases on the screen. All the while, the line of customers grew. After checking the amount of cash inside the register, and even reprinting the receipt just to be sure, Andrea finally looked up.
"Well I've checked, sir, and you definitely gave my daughter two dollars fifty." She said, adjusting her glasses. "So she did give you the right change."
Unsurprisingly, the goat wasn't swayed. "That's nonsense, I know I gave her three dollars! I have one dollar left in my pocket!"
"Alright, listen here..." Andrea's rebuttal was cut short by her daughter holding her hand up, much to her surprise.
"Sir, you're just repeating yourself now." Steff spoke firmly. "I'm sorry, but the amount of cash in the register is up by $2.50. So I'm afraid you didn't, simple as that. You may have a dollar in your pocket but that's not a mistake on my part."
"This is ridiculous!" The goat's raised voice, coupled with his hand slamming on the counter, caught Cassie and everyone else's attention. Steff didn't even flinch at the sound. "I'm not leaving this spot until you give me my fifty cents, you little liar!"
Up to this point, Steff had just barely tolerated this goat's stubbornness. But that 'liar' comment was the last straw.
"Excuse me, sir!" She snapped. "I am many things but I am not a liar! For the last time, I am not gonna give you change that I don't owe you! And since you won't stop being rude to me, I'm not asking you this time; I'm telling you to take your coffee and leave!"
Pointing to the door, the young skunk never once lost her nerve at his accusing gaze. Both Cassie and Andrea were speechless; never had they seen their daughter raise her voice at a bad customer, much less stand her ground against one.
Finally the goat let out a huff, shoving the penny into his pocket before seizing his coffee from the counter.
"Fine. Screw it." He grouched, turning on his heel. "I'm never coming back here again." With that, he stormed past the waiting customers and straight out the door. Steff just made out the words "stupid" and "can't count" that he muttered under his breath.
At last, the silence in the café shattered with the customers in line applauding. Finally noticing, Steff straightened her glasses bashfully. "Oh, I, uh... I-I'm sorry about the hold-up, everyone."
Tray still in hand, Cassie immediately came behind the counter to give her daughter's cheek a smooch. "Well done, sweetheart."
"I see Ash's boldness has been rubbing off on you." Andrea grinned, patting her on the back.
"Steff, that was really great." Meena added, giving her friend an impressed smile. "I never could've done that."
"First thing to understand about this café, Meena: the customer isn't always right." The older skunk told her.
Still blushing beneath her fur, Steff thought back to her girlfriend's comment on her capacity for assertiveness from over a year ago.
Huh. I guess that day finally came. She thought to herself. Thanks, rock star.
Clearing her throat, she turned her focus back to serving the hippo customer. The moment he stepped aside to find his table, Steff's eyes popped open as the next customer came forward.
An all-too-familiar porcupine with a hand on her hip and a very proud smile.
"Told you you had the confidence to stand up for yourself, angel." Ash said coyly. None of the customers behind her complained when she stood on her tiptoes to lean over the counter and kiss Steff.
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sing-sideblog · 2 years
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So recently, a new film adaptation of A Christmas Carol has been added onto the Netflix. A musical, of course. I have seen it and it's fantastic. The animation looked great and the voice acting was decent.
As for the songs, they were okay but one song in particular stood out and made me think of this idea
And it's this song right here.
(Give the song a listen. I'll give you a moment.)
You got an hint of what I have in mind? Stick around and I shall explain more.
Imagine this....
Before the events of the first sing film, Buster moon was just starting out with the theater. Ideas in mind and a theater crew to help back it up. Not only that, but the support of his loving wife.
Of course, later down the line, business at the theater isn't doing so well. The place is falling apart, Buster is having trouble at the bank, and the shows are doing bad. But through it all, his wife was with him through it all. Buster constantly promising that things would get better later down the line. And at this time, the two were discussing the possibility of starting a family together.
But as the months go by, things are only getting worse. Resulting in Buster spending most of his time focused on the theater.
One day, his wife comes to his office with the intention of discussing something with him as he's on the phone with Judith from the bank. He tells her that they'll talk later but his wife insists on speaking to him. He reluctantly hangs up with Judith and listens to what she has to say.
She explains how the whole situation with the theater is stressing him out, how the theater is falling apart, and that she hardly sees him anymore. He is putting all his time and effort into the theater and it is causing a rift in their marriage. She suggests that perhaps they could sell the theater but buster rejects the idea. He basically tells her what he told Eddie in the film.
This would result in him and his wife later separating. (Perhaps two or three months before the events of the film)
Now, with most sing fanfics in the Fandom, some tend to write songs into their stories just like in the film. A prime example that I've seen early in the fandom is @outrightelm 's sing fanfics. So imagine this song, Later never comes, being used to portray both buster's wife leaving him and him looking back at the memory and wishing he had done more to save their marriage.
Anyways, that's all I have to say for now. Just wanted to share this idea with you guys.
Until the next post, have a great day!
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ash-the-porcupine · 1 year
Silly lines from the fanfic I'm working on!
Chapter Text
"If I poked him… would he squeak?"
"Squeaks like a pony and hops like a squirrel monkey."
"Like a fish latte!"
"It's like a diamond, but with barbeque sauce."
"Does this mean you can make Buster eat another tobasco pepper?" "I'm afraid I don't have enough gallons of milk for that… Also out of money to hire Superman for the job."
"You're kidding right? She runs like a constipated penguin!" (Hobbs: …Ò^Ó ?!)
"I stan mayonaise."
"Did you just… eat your ham and cheese with an oreo cookie?"
And she ran into the room, covered in flour.
Like a platypus on Judgement Day.
"Would you mind picking up dynamite while you're at it?"
"Are these made the wax from Babybel cheese?"
"It tastes like earthworms."
"What's the square root of nine?" "Um. Oatmeal?"
"What ended in 2000? Other than basic common sense-" "The 19th century. And also soul production."
"I look like Dracula's third cousin. And the doctor dropped him twice!"
"Not sure what a Dorfenbooper is, but I sure know how to do this. Mostly."
"It's like the Didn't Happen of the Year Awards!"
"It's a… pidgeon?"
"Hm. Mickey's possessed baby. Oh joy. *eyeroll*"
"Get me frenchfries and a milkshake, and step on it, koala." "*grumbles* I'll step on it, alright…"
To be continued :3
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raccoonfallsharder · 2 months
what’s your favorite version of rocket? for me it’s between eidos rocket and mcu rocket
this is such a great question ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
it’s like asking “what’s your favorite star in the sky?” “which ice cream is the best ice cream?” “what flower do you prefer?” “what bird is the coolest bird?” “what cat is the best cat?”
it’s not that i don’t have a fave (i do, or at least i think i do), it’s just that im picking from such a fucken splendor of options. truly spoiled for choice. there’s no wrong answer here (although some of the comics artists have never, i think, seen a raccoon. here’s lookin at you timothy green ii).
so i’ll rank these motherfuckers but understand that i love them all differently. also im sticking to various versions of canon but honestly some of my fave rockets come from fanfiction writers like @hibatasblog, @caesarhamato22, @aliasrocket, & @elegant-fleuret ~ and what is mcu rocket or cartoon rocket or eidos rocket really but fanfiction with a budget?
anyone else who wants to share their faves and why, please do. it's so fucken fascinating to learn why certain rockets appeal to different people!
Grounded: Rocket Raccoon (2016) story by matthew rosenberg // pencil & ink by jorge coelho i love this furry bastard so much and this whole arc pulls on all my heartstrings which is probably why my first rocket fanfic was based off this storyline. he's at his snarkiest, most cynical self, still saving people in spite of how fucken thankless everyone around him is. as much as comics-rocket talks about how everything he does is for the money, i feel like this series really exemplifies his begrudging willingness to do the right thing for people even when people suck. i just wanna love on him tbh (platonically, romantically, domestically). wanna take care of him. wanna build him a blanket-fort and feed him hot cocoa. grumpy asshat
MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy (2014-2023) created by james gunn, et al. nose to tail, this rocket has the most consistent and coherent character development and we get to see so many sides of him in one long-lived arc, and it's fucking beautiful. just because of the nature of comics in general, we never get to see this much growth in any single incarnation of rocket. but here we have sad-rocket, dad-rocket, lonely-rocket, friend-rocket, baby-rocket, captain-rocket - i love him so much and what this movie has given us in terms of a fully-fleshed out character. plus we get to hear lines like "oh yeah" (you know EXACTLY what i'm talkin about) and his goddamn singing. not to mention that beautiful expressive face.... the way he moves when he's beating the shit out of ravagers... what? huh? where was i?
Rocket Raccoon: Blue River Score (2017) story by al ewing // pencil & ink by adam gorham i fucken love this comic arc. we get a lot of rocket in a suit and we get to see his impulsive behavior, his softness for otta (and by extension, his desire to love/be loved) despite their history, his cleverness in the colon and the final heist, and his relationship with gatecrasher. PLUS if you thought one sad snarky gun-wielding maniac wasn't enough, there's a subplot where rocket and deadpool team up and it's the best thing in the world. just a perfect little kiss from every five-star chef in the galaxy. i love rocket's last few lines to deadpool in this segment. perfection
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Game. (2021) by eidos-montreal and marvel entertainment. just to note: 4,5, and 6 got real murky for me in terms of figuring out how to rank these rockets. i wish i could watch this game multiple times so i could get a better feel for who this rocket is but it is SUCH an undertaking tbh. still, this rocket is so good. bitter, hilarious, sassy, isolated. i love him so much. i just want to play with his beard and also say lots of nice (occasionally naughty) things to him so he blushes really hard like in that sequence where pete was like "you deserve some praise" (i think that was the closest we've ever seen rocket to actual death, volume three included). there's a thing about rockets-in-general that i think this rocket in particular really pulls out of me: the desire to trust, and to be worthy of trust. ...that and the fact that you just know this guy is fuckin filthy. when he decides he wants you, he's gonna make you miserable in all the best ways. like, the level of teasing would be so over-the-top you might spontaneously combust before you get into bed (though luckily, he is an expert when it comes to manipulating combustibles).
Assorted other comic appearances that I've smushed into one thing in my mind. i dunno, friend. rocket who blames himself for pete's apparent death breaks my heart. rocket who thinks he's the only one of the guardians left breaks my heart. rocket who blames himself for groot's death breaks my heart. rocket who is sick and alone on halfworld like an animal crawling under the porch to die but ends up leaving inside a giant mech-suit to save his friends breaks my heart. rocket who protects chewy's kids breaks my heart even though it's supposed to be a lighthearted fucken arc. there are more.
Rocket Raccoon, Volume 2. (2014-205) story by skottie young, pencil & ink by various artists. yo. this rocket is so different and yet still perfectly rocket. he's a hyped-up little gremlin of a guy who fucks and is probably constantly high off blaster-fumes and engine-fuel. i fucken love him so much. imagine rocket with no self-confidence issues who pops caffiene pills and energy drinks every half-hour and smashes anything that can orgasm, and you've got a skottie young rocket. while other rockets might get you off because they think they've got something to prove or want to keep you coming back, this is a rocket who has learned how to use his tail solely for the fact that it's a claim to fame that means he can get laid anytime he wants. he never lacks for an excited partner (or partners) because everyone in sixty-nine systems knows how fuckin good he is. ultimately, he fucks like a god for the most (apparently) selfish, shallow reasons (and then inevitably ghosts his partners). or maybe not. maybe he's also just obsessed with the idea that anything he's gonna do, he has to do over-the-top. like planning an intergalactic scavenger hunt for your friend's birthday. ...but scrape the surface and underneath you find a guy who's just so afraid of being the only one of his kind that he's gotta fuck or shoot everything in his vicinity. what a wild little shithead. i love him so much, so much. p.s. the fron storyline - the cold, parts one and two - is one of my favorites. he loves groot so much. and princess jink is the fucken best
Guardians of the Galaxy TV Series/Cartoon. (2015-2019). i enjoyed this rocket and his gremlin ways. his fascination with duct tape is a particular point of charm. the take on his backstory was interesting. loved the episode with ja kyee lrurt - like it was so fuckin cute i could die. i need more of THAT storyline in particular.
Rocket & Groot TV Series/Cartoon. (2017) i loved this so much but it just left me wanting more (just because, you know, of the nature of this type of short-episode media). big skottie young energy. ultimately, trevor devall does a fine job but i think his voice in both this and the other cartoon make it a little harder for me to fully embrace these rockets. like his interpretation of rocket's voice just doesn't match mine, you know? and that's okay. still would rewatch 5,739 times.
how's that? i still need to watch telltale but i think i got most of the iterations in there lol. anyone i forgot, or who is worth specifically pulling out and mentioning by author/issue/edition?
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giigil · 7 months
RIP rooster teeth. you got me hooked with rage quit in 2011, which eventually led me down the rabbit hole of red vs. blue & achievement hunter with fails of the weak, achievement horse, let's play, etc.
and eventually rwby on november 5, 2012 -- i remember seeing the red trailer right at the end of rvb's season 10 finale. monty's animation and jeff's music got me fucking hyped INSTANTLY. to this day, whenever i'm in the mood, i like to rewatch all of the fight scenes (it got to the point where i remember every line spoken it's 😂😂), and occasionally, a whole rewatch of the series.
2015, i bought tickets for me and my friend to watch their movie lazer team. it wasn't the greatest movie, but i fucking LOVED just seeing michael and gavin doing their usual thing on the big screen. i don't remember much of the movie since it's been 9 years, but i had a great time seeing the people that i looked up to doing something huge like being in a movie
i stopped watching roosterteeth and achievement hunter (especially AH) on a daily around 2016 because things in my life changed after graduating high school and i wasn't as interested anymore--especially after ray left achievement hunter. that's not to say that i dropped roosterteeth entirely; i checked in on occasion. i always, always watched EVERY new volume of rwby. even when i hated the direction it was going, starting from volume 4.
looking back now, i think volumes 4 to early volume 6 are fine. end of volume 6 to 9--i will die on this hill--aren't as good.
i have a love-hate relationship with rwby and i can fucking sing its praises or shit on it for DAYS. i really hope rwby can continue, but if not... there's always fanfiction.
thank you to each and every past and present roosterteeth employee (as well as those who've done contract work) for your hard work, dedication, and your beautifully amazing minds. i have so many quotes, moments, and songs that i hold near and dear and will cherish for years to come. i pray everyone's able to bounce back from the lay-offs. (fuck you wbd.)
thank you for getting me through the bad days, and for the wonderful memories.
TL;DR : rip roosterteeth, you were my childhood. i'll miss you. 21 years is a long time, and you were a part of pretty much half of my life. (12-13 years, i'm 25 now)
thank you for the memories
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james-a-b · 5 months
!!!!! getting one ask for this game surprised me tbh, two is incredible and you need to know that if i were a golden retriever i would be wagging my tail SO fast
anyway, they've done a fair number of things that have surprised and delighted me, but my favourite is and always will be the moment they broke out in song during TATINOF.
To provide some context there- at the time, youtubers doing a show the way Dan and Phil did was absolutely UNHEARD of. No one had ever done anything like it before, and no one really knew what to expect. The show I saw was in Seattle, near the end of the US leg of the tour, but Dan and Phil had asked everyone to avoid spoiling the show for others, and I'd managed to avoid any spoilers that WERE out there pretty much entirely. I went in blind.
That day was the best day of my life. Not solely because I was seeing TATINOF; Seattle is my favourite city and we went on the underground tour and ate a pizza that was almost bigger than our table and went to the pop culture museum, where they had a Dalek and a Cyberman and a bunch of other really cool movie/show props, but seeing Dan and Phil was definitely the highlight of the day.
I'd been depressed for almost a decade and actively suicidal for going on six years at that point, but when I first discovered Dan and Phil in the fall of 2015, I realized for the first time that the way I was feeling and had been feeling wasn't just a natural part of growing up. They seemed so alive and so so happy in a way I'd never seen from an adult before, and it gave me hope that maybe I could feel that way again, too. So they meant and still mean a great deal to me. They saved my life.
TATINOF had just begun touring the UK when I started watching, and then in early 2016 they announced they were coming to America. Now, I'm Canadian, and I was living in Kelowna, BC, so I was understandably disappointed when the nearest show was in Phoenix, Arizona, too far to travel to. But then, a month later, they announced more dates, and Seattle was among them. So I begged my parents to get me to Seattle for the show.
Mom bought my ticket, and Dad arranged a Seattle trip. Mom offered to buy me a VIP ticket, by the way, but I thought about it and then decided I'd rather have a regular ticket in part because I was such a new fan and in part because the thought of standing in front of them and being seen made me want to spontaneously combust. (I did get a VIP ticket to II, and then I ended up spending the first half of the show hyperventilating bc I got too excited/overwhelmed lmao)
I remember specifically choosing a balcony seat because while I knew Dan didn't enjoy audience participation from an audience perspective, I wanted to play it safe. Just in case. And Dan did make some jokes about asking for audience participation, so I'm actually glad I did. My heart could barely handle things as is!
The show was... indescribable. I'd taken art to submit to crafty corner, and while it wasn't chosen, I was absolutely beside myself just knowing they'd seen it. And during the show, they took things so much farther than anyone ever expected them to, with the suggestive themes of the fanfiction part (brokeback montain references?? only one tent??? this was YEARS before they came out, mind, and they'd NEVER really leaned into or encouraged that sort of thing before) and then Dil being revealed as the entity causing everything, and then, on top of literally every amazing incredible thing they'd already done in the show, they started SINGING??
We knew they did little songs for things like baking videos, but that was a FAR cry from performing onstage, and they were hardly professional singers, so a musical number was absolutely the last thing I expected to actually happen. I absolutely screamed myself hoarse during the course of that show, as did most everyone else in that theatre, but I don't think I've ever screamed so loud as I did when they started singing.
So... yeah. That's my answer.
(ask game here)
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nooshymalide · 1 year
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This is a picture I drew on Sketchbook featuring my OC in A New Moon, Sky Van Essen. If you've read the AO3 Sing Fanfic, you would know that Sky is a deep grey/black caracal. thought I'd give you an idea of what she looks like. I hope you like it!
Image rights: As long as you ask me first, you are free to use this art for wallpaper, profile pictures or any other use apart from commercial use. That being said, you are completely free to reblog and share this work WITHOUT my permission.
Below is a link to the fanfiction.
Below is a link to my Archive profile.
Below is a link to the wonderful AshleyNamid, who wrote this work with me!
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atmilliways · 1 year
Tagged by @rindecision ❤️
Last Song: Kanye West’s Hell of a Life, because we were in the car with my husband’s entire iTunes library on shuffle lol. The chorus is fun to sing along with though.
Last Film: Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016). I’d seen it before because when I had my old job I used to put horror movies on in the background all day.
Currently Reading: Steddie fanfiction, exclusively.
Currently Watching: This is really going to make me sound like a lunatic, given my reading answer, but Stranger Things 4.
Current Obsession: Steddie, because I am a caricature of a human bean.
I’m bad at tagging. If you’re reading this and want to be tagged, you’re tagged!
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Hello! Welcome to my writing blog. Inbox is open for Q n A - however it will likely take me a long time to actually respond. Have fun!!
Here is my AO3 Account, where I've shared all my writing.
Fandoms I'm writing for:
Percy Jackson [48+ fics. Link here]
Tower of god [6+ fics]
Harry Potter (Hiatus) [4+ fics]
Dune Movies [2+ fics]
Fandoms I'm no longer writing for, but have content posted:
MacGyver TV 2016 [10 fics]
Supernatural [9 fics]
Shadowhunters | Mortal Instruments [8 fics]
Marvel Cinematic Universe [6 fics]
Yuri on Ice [2 fics]
The Professionals (TV 2020) [1 fic]
The Night Agent [1 fic]
Here is a list of all the fanart I've published.
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase ballroom dancing.
Percy Jackson and Estelle opening gifts.
Clarisse/Silena playing the drums and singing
2024 Events/Projects
Here are all the events I'm hoping to participate in this year! Am I insane to attempt all this? Yes. The list of all the events happening for PJO can be found here.
Rare Love of Olympus | January
Percy Jackson Gift Exchange Spring Equinox | March
Riordanverse Flash Fic Friday | May
Percy/Hades Fest | May
Polympians Event | June
Riordan Verse Gen Week | July
Family Focus | July
Percy/Rachel Bingo Week | July
Percy/Nico Fest | August
PJO/HoO Mini Bang | October
Seafam Week | October
Advice n Tips
A tutorial how to report fics on fnet
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yandere-toons · 3 years
Yandere romantic headcanon for Johnny ( sing movie 2016)💕
Yandere Johnny (Romantic Headcanons)
Warnings: toxic mindset.
A.N. - The calmest member of the singing troupe. Can anyone guess who the worst one would be?
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Johnny is a sensitive soul, not prone to violence or extreme measures. He is fundamentally compassionate and accommodating of his partner's wishes, prioritizing them over himself even to the detriment of his goals. While he desires their support and views an endorsement of his musical dreams as the most wonderful gift, Johnny retains a passive demeanour towards any disapproval or rudeness that his partner may express. The last thing he would do is retaliate against them, and in the face of potential competition, his solution is to withdraw with the intention of not impeding their happiness.
The gorilla monitors his own behaviour and is careful not to smother or appear inconsiderate. Johnny restrains his actions around his partner to maintain the image of availability. He wants to imagine himself as a positive and meaningful influence on their life, wishing for them to seek his company and regularly enlist his help with projects or problems. If they reject his assistance, Johnny is quick to dismiss the subject and redirect the spotlight to his partner as he frets over how he might have upset them or made a mistake.
For all his steps towards emotional maturity, Johnny does suffer from an unhealthy coping mechanism in the form of repression. The domineering attitude of his father has discouraged him from being honest if the situation implies that honesty would breed conflict and resentment. He avoids disagreeing with his partner and is cautious about mentioning topics that may incite an argument, which leads to him periodically distancing himself until a significant amount of trust has been established.
His criminal background is something he would prefer never to be known to them, for he fears that they will either see him as a wimp for only wanting to sing or consider him an irredeemable delinquent. Johnny tries to focus every conversation with his partner on their life and interests. Even if pressured to discuss himself, Johnny continues to be self-effacing and tends to exaggerate their accomplishments while minimizing his own.
Music serves as the ultimate outlet for his emotions, teetering closer to discordant power ballads when he is frustrated and energetic melodies when he has a favourable interaction with his partner. Despite singing being his lifelong passion, Johnny is hesitant to perform where they can hear him. If they were to ever catch one of his performances before a great degree of camaraderie exists in the relationship, Johnny would be overcome by embarrassment and attempt to disguise and deflect attention elsewhere.
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itneedsmoregays · 27 days
The Steff Pearce Series - Arcade
(thanks for the idea for this vignette, @creativecomet14)
Steff couldn't resist letting out a cheer as her Princess Apricot avatar's kart sped across the finish line first.
"Aw, poo-poo." Gunter slumped back with a pout as his own selected racer Luino came in fourth place. Getting off their drivers seats, they both shared a laugh before grabbing their slushy cups from beside the Marco Kart cabinet.
Everyone else in the Moon Theatre Troupe had prior commitments today, either work or family related. So Gunter had taken this opportunity to invite Steff out for a get-together down at the Pizza N' Pixels arcade/pizzeria. The skunk accepted right away, having not been there since she was ten. Plus she needed a breather from all the boxes she was packing for moving in with Ash. Suffice to say, the two of them were having a blast. The majority of these games may have been well over 30 years old, but they never failed to bring smiles to the attendees.
"Zat was a fun race, Steff! But I'm telling you, if you hadn't got me with zat banana, I would have totally beaten you." Gunter said, stretching his ankles which were still stiff from all the pedal-pushing.
"Keep telling yourself that, Gunter." Steff chuckled before taking a sip of her frosty drink. "I'm way more skilled at racing games than you are."
"Oh, ja, ja, but who's ze master at Kombat Kombatants?" The pig smirked playfully.
"You wouldn't even let me get a hit in!" The skunk gave him a light shove with her shoulder, trying to look mad as he laughed.
"It’s a fighting game, I'm not supposed to let you get a hit in."
Steff glanced down at her cup, an embarrassed smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Well... I guess it doesn't hurt that you know all the combos and weren't smashing random buttons like me."
"Weeell at least you beat mein score on Dot-Munch." Gunter nudged the skunk’s arm encouragingly.
“Just barely.” She replied. “I mean, I had one life left and those ghosts were relentless!”
The two of them had another laugh together before relaxing, taking in the 8-bit sounds of gameplay and the cheesy aroma of freshly-baked pizza.
"Thanks again for inviting me here, Gunter. I've had a really great time." Steff said with a grin. "Much better than the last time I was here, when I blew all my quarters on a claw machine for an hour."
She took a moment to shoot a death glare at the cursed game in the far corner and hiss. "Never again."
"And it's, like, totally fun to play these games with a partner.” The pig responded, casting a nostalgic gaze around the lively arcade. “Before I set up mein dance studio after moving here, coming to zis place always brought me so much of ze joy. Ja, these games might be 'old-school' but they're still super-cool in Gunter's book."
“And you’re super-cool in Steff’s.” The skunk gave him a pat on his back, earning a warm smile in return. "What do you say? Another round of Cosmo Raiders before lunch?"
Downing the last of his slushie, an eager grin spread across Gunter’s face. "Oh, I have something better in mind."
Before long, Steff found herself and Gunter standing before a sleek game cabinet with a pair of arrow-crossed platforms, the title Dance Dance Revelation emblazoned across the top.
"I should've guessed we'd finish off with a dancing game." The skunk chuckled. “I’m surprised you didn’t pick this first.”
"Hey, save ze best for last, no?” Gunter shrugged before fishing a handful of quarters out of his sweatsuit pocket. “Loser pays for pizza?"
Truthfully Steff knew she didn’t stand much of a chance, but that wouldn’t stop her from having fun. With a grin, she brandished her own remaining quarters. "Oh, you're on!"
One song and difficulty selection later, both Gunter and Steff took their places on the platform. A gleaming stage with a breakdancing tiger filled the screen as a lively pop rock beat began playing from the speakers. Two columns of multi-coloured arrows immediately rushed up from the bottom of the screen to the corresponding buttons above, Gunter starting to sing along:
"Oh, don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me" 
I said, "You're holding back" 
She said, "Shut up and dance with me" 
This woman is my destiny
She said, "Ooh-hoo
Shut up and dance with me"
"You're the combo king!" An announcer's voice called from the game. Gunter was already on an unbroken streak, his side of the screen bursting with flashes of "Marvellous!" and the occasional "Perfect!". His feet were a blur as he stayed on rhythm flawlessly.
Steff, on the other hand, could barely hold a combo of more than five; when it came to dancing, she much preferred a pre-planned choreographed dance with less crazy foot movement. She sometimes glanced down at her feet and ended up missing the next arrow onscreen, earning a "Miss" from the announcer. Still Steff's infectious smile didn't fade as the pig carried on singing beside her:
We were victims of the night
The chemical, physical kryptonite
Helpless to the bass and the fading light
Oh, we were bound to get together
Bound to get together
Deep in her eyes
I think I see the future
I realize this is my last chance
She took my arm
I don't know how it happened
We took the floor and she said
Steff and Gunter's smiles grew bigger when she finally joined in with his singing. They took notice during the dance break that a group of patrons, young and old, had gathered around the game cabinet, amazed by Gunter’s lightning-fast moves. The skunk couldn't even hope to match his speed, not that she cared.
"You're on fire!" The announcer praised Gunter once more as the duo prepared for the final chorus.
"So don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me" 
I said, "You're holding back" 
She said, "Shut up and dance with me" 
This woman is my destiny
She said, "Ooh-hoo,
Shut up and dance"
The pig and the skunk were now having the time of their lives; busting a move, proudly singing aloud and not caring how silly they looked to the odd passer-by.
"Don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me" 
I said, "You're holding back" 
She said, "Shut up and dance with me" 
This woman is my destiny
She said, "Ooh-hoo
Shut up and dance with me!"
"That's what I'm talkin' about!" The game's announcer cried just as the tiger onscreen finished his own dance. The words "New Record" materialised over Gunter’s score, which was way over Steff's. The mini crowd around them broke out in enthusiastic cheers. Gunter gave a double fist pump, having barely broken a sweat. Steff meanwhile slumped against the rail, panting with a smile as her glasses dangled off of one ear.
"You win, Gunter." She let out a breathless laugh. "It's pointless to try and beat you at a dance-off."
"Ahh, you did your best!" The pig replied, pulling her to her feet while people complimented them from all directions. "And you, like, totally had fun, right?"
Readjusting her glasses, Steff gave a small chuckle after getting her breath back. "Ja."
The crowd around them gradually dispersing, the pair of them hopped off the game's platform and made their way toward the other side of Pizza ‘N Pixels. The smell of lunch was now extremely enticing as they chatted all the while.
"I'll have olives on mein half, please."
"Hey, we should bring Rosita and Eddie along next time! Then we can do tag teams!"
Another bout of boisterous laughter escaped Gunter’s throat. "Ha, ha! I like it!"
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sing-sideblog · 2 years
How about writing a fic where Moon, Johnny, and Mike team up to find out who's been pulling pranks on the three of them?
Sure thing! This honestly feels like something that would happen during their freetime.
"I've just about had it!"
Buster's ears perked up slightly at the sound of Mike yelling. He, along with Ms. Crawly, sat at the two front row seats listening and watching as Ash practiced her guitar when they heard the mouse yell. Buster got out of his chair and made his way to the back of the stage.
"This is the fifth time this week! I swear, when I get my hands on whoever-"
"Woah, Mike!" Buster quickly said before the mouse would say another word. He approached the group of animals in front of him; consisting of Johnny, Meena, Rosita, Nooshy, and Gunter. Mike was facing away from the koala, staring down at his phone at his own reflection and preventing him from seeing the mouse's face.
"What's going on back here?" He asked the animals in front of him.
"I'll tell ya what's going on! This!" It was then that the mouse turned around. Revealing to Buster why he was so angry.
All over Mike's face were small doodles, as well as a fake mustache, drawn on his white fur in black marker.
While Johnny and Meena had nervous expressions on their faces, Nooshy was laughing so hard that she seemed close to tears. Rosita gave a stern glare at the lynx for laughing at the mouse's misfortune. Gunter was also smiling and giggling at the the sight of the mouse. Though he kept covering his mouth to prevent anyone from seeing that he was laughing as well.
Buster fought back a giggle as he stared at Mike. It seemed wrong to laugh at something as childish as this, especially seeing how angry Mike was. But at the same time, it was hard to resist a small smile. Mike seemed to notice Buster's struggle to hold back a laugh, glaring up at the koala.
"You think this is funny?! Do you know how hard it is to wash marker off? Especially with white fur?!" He snapped.
"It's your own fault!" Nooshy gasped between breaths, trying to compose herself together. She wiped an invisible tear from her eye, "That's what you get for sleepin' back here. It was bound to happen. Kinda disappointed i didn't think of it first."
Mike rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Buster. "Crap like this has been happening to me all week! First, I found my saxophone case filled with shaving cream and then someone taped a sign that said 'Kick me!' to my back, then..."
As Mike continued to name down the numerous instances where he was pranked, Buster focused his attention on the four animals behind the mouse. He cleared his throat, a serious expression on his face.
"Mike isn't the only one getting tricked by this prankster. I've had a few pranks played on myself recently." He told them, remembering how earlier in the week he sat on a thumbtack that had been placed on his chair in his office. He had felt the tip of the needle as he sat down and quickly got up before anything could happen.
Johnny took a step forward. "I guess I should mention that the same thing has been happening to me as well." He admitted. The previous day, the gorilla had been pranked sometime during rehearsal. He wasn't sure how, but he ended up tripping on stage due to his shoelaces being tied together. He was left confused for the entire day, not sure how someone was able to pull off the stunt without getting noticed by him.
Buster looked at the others. "Anyone else getting pranked?" He asked. To his surprise, the four remaining animals shook their heads.
"Wait. Really? Nothing at all?"
"Nope, Nothing yet." Rosita responded, uncertainty in her voice as she spoke.
"Hey Buster, Is everything ok-" Ash walked backstage, guitar in paw as she approached the group. The moment she saw Mike's face, she almost dropped her guitar and started to laugh.
Mike threw both his hands up in exasperation. "That's it! I'm headin' home early!"
"Wait! Hehehe! Mike, don't go!" Ash tried saying without laughing, which proved to be difficult.
"No! I'm gonna go wash this muck off!"
Buster watched as Mike stormed out of the theater. "Okay then.." he turned to the others. "So, about these pranks. Does anyone have any idea who could be causing them?" He asked.
Immediately, all eyes fell onto Nooshy. The lynx noticed their gazes fixed on her and let out a dramatic gasp. "I am hurt! You actually think I'd do somethin' like this?"
"You did just say you were disappointed you didn't get to Mike first." Johnny pointed out.
"That doesn't mean I did it!" She argued. "Wha' about yesterday, huh? I got here late, There's no way I could've done the shoe thing!"
"She has a point." Meena said.
"Look, let's just get back to rehearsals." Buster finally said before turning around to go back to the front row seats. Ash went back on stage, along with the others.
"Is everything alright, Mr. Moon?" Ms. Crawly asked.
"Yes, yes Ms. Crawly." He said reassuringly as he climbed onto the seat. "Just a harmless trick someone played on Mike. Now then. From the top, Ash!" He called out to the porcupine as he took a seat.
Little did he know, a small thumbtack that went unnoticed by the koala layed on the seat. And it wasn't until he sat down that he suddenly leapt up from the chair.
After that day, Buster was expecting things to calm down. But they didn't. For the remainder of the week, he found himself falling victim to several different pranks. The pranks weren't as extreme as the thumbtack in the seat, but they were enough to annoy the koala as well as Mike and Johnny, who were also victims to these pranks.
But the strangest part about it was that they were the only ones getting pranked.
Buster had practically locked himself within his office at this point. The blinds were closed and the door was locked. He sat at his desk, trying to get some paperwork done but his mind was too focused on the prankster that made things a bit difficult during the week. That and the fact that it was dark in the room didn't help.
A sudden knock at the door snapped the koala out of his thoughts. He got up from his chair and opened the door to see Johnny and Mike. But the gorilla's face was covered in what seemed to be shaving cream, a look of annoyance in his eyes as Mike tried to hold back a laugh.
"Mr. Moon, This is getting out of hand." Johnny said bluntly.
"Let me guess. The old 'shaving cream in the hand while you're sleeping trick?'" Buster asked as he grabbed a cloth for the gorilla to wipe his face.
"You should've seen it, Moon!" Mike laughed. "I walked in right as he woke up! The look on his face was hilarious!" As the two walked into the room, Mike's attention then focused on the dark room.
"What's with the lights?"
"Sorry about that, guys." Buster said as he went to open the blinds.
Johnny finished cleaning his face and turned to the koala. "Mr. Moon, we have got to figure how who's been pulling these pranks."
"I couldn't agree more, Johnny." Buster said with a nod. "These pranks have gotten out of hand."
Mike climbed up onto the desk. "I bet you anything that it's the porcupine who's pulling these tricks." He said, an accusing tone to his voice.
Johnny shook his head. "Can't be. Ash was on stage the day you had your face drawn on."
"She could've done it before she went to rehearsal!" Mike argued.
"Still. She's been busy this entire week. When would she have the time to pull off those pranks?"
Mike opened his mouth to speak, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of a explanation. "Well....i...damn it! You're right!"
Buster sat back down on his chair, quickly checking to make sure no thumbtack layed on his seat. He listened as the two went back and forth on potential suspects, lost at the thought of finding out who the prankster was.
That's when he suddenly got an idea. He sat up in his face and looked over at the two. "Guys,"
Johnny and Mike both looked at the Buster.
"I got an idea."
"I don't like this, Moon." Mike said as he shook his head at the sight in front of him. His precious saxophone was carefully removed from its case by Buster and placed onto a amp that was in the center of the stage.
"I promise you, Mike. Nothing bad will happen to your saxophone." Buster said as he walked back to the two animals. "It's just to lure them out."
"And what makes you think they'll fall for it?" Mike asked with a brow raised.
"Because out of all three of us, the pranks started and have mainly been focused on you," Buster pointed out, much to Mike's displeasure.
"So we just wait here until they show up?" Johnny asked while keeping his eyes on the stage where the saxophone layed.
Buster nodded just as the backstage doors opened. Buster quickly ushered the two to hide and soon joined them after making sure the two wouldn't be seen from where they hid. As the three peeked their heads out from the back, they saw a figure of a animal walk onto the stage. The animal looked to be as tall as Johnny. It wasn't long before a second smaller animal joined them.
"We already got Mike yesterday. Why not go for someone else? Like Johnny?" The smaller animal asked.
Johnny's eyes went wide when he recognized the familiar British accent that came from the animal.
The taller animal giggled. "Aw, come on! Mike never leaves his saxophone out! This is the perfect once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"True, but-" the smaller animal suddenly stopped. "Wait. Something doesn't feel right."
"What do you mean?"
"Think about what you just said. Mike never leaves his saxophone out. And suddenly it's just here?"
"Get your grubby paws off my sax!" Mike suddenly shouted, coming out from the hiding spot and catching the attention of the two animals.
Nooshy and Porsha crystal.
"Damn it! The jig is up!" Nooshy sighed in defeat.
Johnny stepped out from the hiding spot. "Nooshy? But I thought you said you didn't do it!"
"I never said that," Nooshy stated. "I said I didn't do the marker or shoe prank. That was all Porsha."
Porsha let out a nervous chuckle as Buster gave her an unamused look.
Johnny looked baffled for a moment before looking back on that day. He remembered talking to Rosita and Buster about an upcoming show when Porsha walked in. They talked for a while and just as she got ready to leave, she had "accidentally" dropped her phone. Johnny realized she must've taken that opportunity to pull the prank. Though he was upset she did it, he couldn't help but be slightly impressed. He didn't even notice until he had tripped.
Buster sighed and looked up at Porsha and Nooshy. "You two got us good, I'll admit. But there will be consequences considering these pranks interfered with rehearsals this week." He said.
"Yeah, I know.." Porsha sighed, her ears flattened against her head.
"By the way, why did you guys only target us?" Buster asked.
"Well, at first it was just gonna be Mike." Nooshy smirked.
Mike glared up at the lynx. "Hey!"
"You had it comin'," Nooshy looked back at Johnny. "Anyways, after I got Mike the first time, Porsha found out and wanted to do a prank too. Only she suggested we prank Buster next."
"It didn't work at first cause you saw the thumbtack." Porsha chimed in.
"Which, by the way, seemed like a bit much in my opinion." Nooshy added. "And then after that, I just felt like messing with Johnny as well." She smirked.
Johnny gave her a deadpan stare for a moment before a small smile appeared on his face. "I'm gonna get ya back, you know." He said with a slight chuckle.
"I'd like to see you try." Nooshy sneered.
"So that's it then?" Mike questioned. "No one else was involved in any of this?"
"Well..." Nooshy started. "Ash did have a part to play in some the pranks involving Mike-"
"I knew it!!" Mike yelled, throwing his arms up in triumph.
I hope you guys enjoyed this story! Of course, this story was requested @milliardpeacecraft
If you have a story request or headcanons, feel free to ask!
Until the next post, Have a great day!
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setoangel01 · 5 years
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...The latter part of their set quickly was coming to an end and Ash had no idea how or why she decided she was comfortable enough with him to humor Johnny with his piano prowess she didn't know existed until he touched the ivory keys. But here she was, nearing the end of their performance, sitting atop the piano and strumming her guitar while Johnny playing along as they shared the microphone between them.
All too soon it seemed, their latest song ended. The last note giving way to the excited audience and their claps and cheers drowning out the abrupt lack of music.
Ash flashed Johnny a quick smile from atop that piano, ready to climb down and finish the last song of their set when Johnny suddenly leaned forward...
In that split second, Ash wondered what he was doing with his handsome face quickly nearing her own. She wondered if he was going to kiss her and she knew right then that even if they were still basically strangers, that she would let him but he pushed past her. His cheek brushing her own and she held back a shiver when his soft gray skin brushed her thin fur and his hot breath skirted over her ear and spines. Something akin to disappointment swirled in her chest but she ignored it when he suddenly spoke in a hushed whisper.
                                         (Keep Reading)
Taken from the latest chapter of my Sing AU fict, the Rocket and the Mechanic. OMG, I FINALLY wrote something that wasn’t some lazy ramble lol. It’s been too damn long since I actually completed a chapter for an existing story. Ugh. Sorry about the wait but hopefully this will continue to push me to finish the other stories hanging over my head. ;-p
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Rocker and the Mechanic - Chapter 19 (Previous Chapters)
Rated: T
Fandom: Sing 2016 AU
Pairing: Johnny x Ash
Chapter Summary: After a successful performance, Buster approaches Johnny with an offer.
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It was a strange feeling, one she swore she hadn't experienced in way too long. In all her years of performing, Ash never ended a set feeling like this before…
Ash was…happy.
Fucking ecstatic!
An almost annoying constant pull at the edges of her lips that wouldn't relent and she knew it wouldn't waver anytime soon. Especially now that the audience was on their collective feet and clapping loudly as Johnny and Ash stood side by side. The final song long since faded around them and Johnny suddenly was looking at her like that; his coffee tinted eyes crinkling on the edges and flashing her the most gorgeous smile she'd ever seen.
Fuck, she never wanted this feeling to stop...
But sadly, the cheers slowly wavered when Eddie took to the stage and stood to her right. Calming down the audience with one hoof, the sheep quickly shot her a look she did not want to decipher so she turned back to look gratefully at the audience instead.
"Thanks for sticking around everyone! It was totally worth it though, right?" Eddie spoke confidently into the microphone and, going by the intense reaction from the audience, it was a resounding 'yes'. Smiling at them, Eddie suddenly gestured toward the performers in a flourish, "Than be sure to give it up for Ash and our newcomer, Johnny, for providing us with such great entertainment tonight!" he nudged her side was when she realized it was her cue.
Without even thinking, Ash breached the small space between them to grab Johnny's hand. Her tiny fingertips brushing across the callouses at the base of his fingers; the sensation of those rough markings caused her fur to bristle pleasantly. Ignoring her tingling spines, she craned her neck to meet the gorilla's confused eyes.
"Take a bow," she mouthed and Johnny's face lit up in understanding.
Johnny inadvertently scooted toward her before gently grasping her hand. Taking her lead, they both bowed low to the cheering audience.
The crowd 's excitement quieted when Eddie's voice dispersed their cheers, "Thank you all for coming and be sure to come back tomorrow night for some more great live entertainment. Have a goodnight!"
After a final wave, Eddie turned to Ash; motioning to the end of the stage toward the exit, and while she could bask in the spotlight forever, she sent one last wave to the audience before squeezing Johnny's hand and nudging him as Eddie led them both off the stage.
It wasn't until they were back behind the safety of the curtain when she realized she was still holding his hand.
--- o 0 O 0 o --- As soon as they were backstage, it was like a fucking paparazzi rush of crew running here and there; sending the pair congratulatory smiles and waves.
Buster was suddenly there, pushing his way to the front, and Ash had to remind herself that they did fucking brilliant tonight so whatever complaint he had about her changing up the set, tardiness or the fact she brought her own duet partner wasn't going to bother her. But criticizing seemed to be the last thing on Buster's mind as he approached her in a rush of gray and blue.
"Ash!" Buster, completely out of breath from running all the way backstage as fast as he did, approached them. "…Johnny," he acknowledged the gorilla a second later with a disarming smile.
It was only then that Ash noticed how warm one of her hands was and that it was indeed still nestled comfortably against Johnny's palm. Ash gingerly brushed her thumb across his palm before gingerly removing her hand from his grip before Buster realized her slip up but Eddie's eyes latched onto her reddening face knowingly.
"Moon," Ash replied, crossing her arms and waiting for Buster to finally blurt out what she wanted to hear.
Buster's fists were fidgeting by his side before he met her eyes and in a seemingly unbelievably deep sigh later, he acquiesced, "Great job."
"...and…?" she baited her boss in a sing-song voice, missing the confused look Johnny flashed her.
"...And…" Buster sighed, averting his eyes to the floor than toward the ceiling as if asking a higher power for strength before he uttered out in the most pained voice she heard out of him. "…you were right."
Ash smile stretched eagerly across her face giving him the toothiest smile possible. Ahh, it felt so fucking good to be proven right; her only regret was not recording those words to be enjoyed again later.
"...And Johnny," Buster ignored the cocky grin Ash sent by turning his attention toward Johnny.
Johnny flinched at suddenly being addressed in such a serious tone and Ash heard him gulp before muttering, "Um, y-yes, Mr. Buster Moon?"
"...I owe you an apology - I was wrong about you."
Ash's eyes grew wide. Buster Moon admitting his faults not once but twice?! Was hell actually freezing over?
"I-It's okay." Johnny stuttered out and as fucking adorable as it was to hear his British accent get thicker the increasingly more nervous he became, Ash was tempted to elbow him. He didn't know that you never apologized to Buster without it biting you in the ass later. But she didn't.
"Ya never heard me singin' before so ya don't really owe me nothin'," Johnny continued with a shrug, "I just appreciate ya giving me a chance to sing tonight."
"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, dear boy!" Moon trilled, gesturing widely with excited hands, "With a voice like that, you deserve more than just one chance!"
Johnny looked down at the small mammal in confusion, "...Pardon?"
"Johnny!" Moon suddenly grabbed Johnny's large hand and held it in his tiny shaking paws, "My boy, how would you like to join the prestigious Moon Theater Company?"
"I - uh..."
"You shall do no such thing, Johnny!" Nana Noodleman's domineering voice suddenly broke through their conversation like a samurai sword through warm butter.
"Excuse me?" Buster Moon was almost hyperventilating by this point and Ash was merely enjoying the show.
"I want him. I heard how you admonished the poor boy before the show and you should be ashamed of such behavior." Like a predator after her prey, the elderly sheep's sharp eyes turned toward the towering gorilla with an unsettling smirk crossing her lips, "Now, don't listen to him, darling. Now, how would you like to do performances for me and, occasionally, my dearest friends? I shall pay you handsomely - much more than Mr. Moon could offer a talent such as yours."
"Uh...You don't own a theater, grandma…" Eddie pointed out.
"Exactly! What sort of venue do you have?" Moon cried, his face turning ten different shades of outrage while Ash merely bit back a laugh.
Other than the intense drunken haze covering her eyes, Miss Noodleman spoke with the seriousness of a heart attack and eloquence coating every word, "I prefer…private performances at my residence."
"Grandma, you're drunk," Eddie was finally a voice of reason.
"...That may be so, but I know talent when I hear it."
"Uh, grandma? …His face is up there…"
Ash stifled a snort when she seen exactly where Nana Noodleman's eyes were hovering on the statuesque gorilla. The same place Ash just happened to be eye-level with…
"I'm well aware of that, Edward. I was merely appreciating his strong form; such a statuesque man of his caliber would make a fine employee."
"*cough* boy toy *cough*" Eddie hacked into his hoof but wasn't fooling anyone.
"Miss Noodleman!" Buster cut in, "I think it should be up to Johnny who he decides to work for. Besides, if he worked at my establishment, he'd be getting to work with Ash and it's already obvious how well they work together! And even solo! Especially since he established how well he can play piano! With that kind of talent, he'd be able to branch out doing multiple venues and would have a very successful career working for me! I see big things happening for this boy! Huge even!"
"Hogwash!" Nana broke in with a cackle, "That little theater of yours is on its last legs - when was the last time you renovated that place?"
Buster's face turned scarlet before stuttering out, "I just added a few new seats that needed replacing, the overhead lights, sanded and re-stained the hardwood floors of the stage, not to mention - "
"Bandaids, Bandaids, Bandaids, Mr. Moon… I'm well aware of your minuscule upkeep you perform to keep the bank off your back, but with the crumbling foundation and poor sense of management, I fear it won't help much…"
Buster outright growled, his ears stiff as he wagged a finger at the elderly sheep but Eddie placed a hand on his shoulder which stopped him in his tracks.
Johnny, by this point, was just trying to keep up with the argument going on in front of him and Ash. The adrenaline of a kick-ass performance was a hell of a high so it probably wasn't easy.
"Um…" Johnny stuttered out when he found himself at the center of all of this attention. Ash felt a pinch in her chest when he suddenly looked down at her for guidance and she just smiled and shrugged.
It would have to be up to him to decide.
Johnny let out a resounding sigh, lifting his hand to rub the back of his neck, "I-I'm sorry. I really don't know what ta say. While I sincerely appreciate all the offers - I really do - but… ya need to understand, I have a business to run. I can't exactly just drop it to pursue something else."
Moon and Nana Noodleman's face filled with discouragement at Johnny's words, and seeing that, Johnny elaborated.
"I-I'm not saying no exactly! I'm just saying…ya know - not now. This is all so sudden - i-if it's alright, I need 'ome time ta think on a decision like this." Johnny finished thickly, hands shaking a bit at his sides and Ash resisted the temptation to reach out and steady it.
"Hmm. I suppose that's reasonable." Nana butted in quickly, "It's been an exceptionally long night after all." Out of nowhere, Nana Noodleman pulled out a card from her purse and handed it to Johnny, "Now, you go home and think about my offer, dearie."
Johnny flashed her a brilliant smile, "I will. Thank you, ma'am."
"It's Miss Noodleman to you…" she outright winked at him before passing by him and Ash didn't even bother hiding her laugh at Johnny's loud "EEP!" when Miss Noodleman pinched his ass before sauntering off to her group of drunk friends to her awaiting limo (and hopefully a sober chauffeur to drive the old biddies home).
"...Does this always happen after performances?" Johnny asked, rubbing at his tender bum and Ash couldn't stop the smile from creeping up her cheeks at just how red Johnny's face became.
Ash shrugged a shoulder, "Eh. Typical Friday night." she laughed when his jaw seemed to unhinge. "Just kidding," she clarified with a wink.
"Johnny," Buster made his presence known once again once things quieted, "I can't offer you as much money as she can but what I can offer you is coming from a mind uninfluenced by alcohol." Buster flashed him a smirk and pulled out a business card. "I know you have other responsibilities and I respect that, son, but hearing you tonight - you shouldn't hide your gift from the world. A voice like that deserves to be celebrated. I'm not gonna force you, but just think about it, okay? I'd love to have you on my team."
The tenseness in Johnny's hand fled as he accepted the card.
"Thank you, Mr. Moon."
"Please. Call me Buster," the koala replied, before suddenly, he was gone and Johnny and Ash were left alone backstage.
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nicksilveirart · 5 years
(SING!) Story Not Told Masterpost!
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Drawn by the baffling Asestrada157 from deviantART.
Original: Story Not Told cover
Summary: My take at what happened between Buster and Ash during the movie, starting at when she broke up with Lance. Eventual BusterxAsh, Bustash, Ashter, whatever floats your boat. No hate please. MAJOR SPOILERS! CHAPTER 9 IS MATURE!
Rating: T (minus chapter 9, which is M)
Fun fact: Every chapter is named after a song, which relates in some way to the events in that chapter. So, if you want to listen to them while you read, be my guest! (Also, if you click on the song name below, it'll direct you to a YouTube page where you can listen to it ;)) (Oh, and if you're wondering my personal favorite, I got two. Freedom is a Voice and Then She Appeared.) (Yeah, I love Johnny Cash and the Bee Gees.)
Chapter 1 – Heartbreaker
Chapter 2 – How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
Chapter 3 – Hot'n'Cold
Chapter 4 – You've Got a Friend in Me
Chapter 5 – I Walk the Line
Chapter 6 – Freedom is a Voice
Chapter 7 – Set it All Free while I do it My Way
Chapter 8 – Jailhouse Rock & Kiss From a Rose
Chapter 9 (MATURE) – Californication
Chapter 10 – Guess Things Happen That Way
Chapter 11 – Then She Appeared
Chapter 12 – Tears in Heaven
Chapter 13 – Let's Face the Music and Dance
Chapter 14 – I'm Still Standing
Chapter 15 – Road to Acceptance
Chapter 16 – I Don't Wanna
Chapter 17 (FINAL CHAPTER) – Love Interruption
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