#singstar guitar
dottyduke · 5 months
This was SO weird
Remember when music rhythm games were super popular? SingStar didn't want to miss out and added in their own guitar and dance mode into their well established karaoke game.
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seconddoubt · 9 months
idk anymore what possessed me to answer stones over beatles in kittys poll or actually ik exactly what it is bc I had just dug up singstar and sang paint it black and was like thats a good song. but like, the stones didnt write while me guitars gently weeps they didn't have george, and I've gone through the beatles entire discography but when i tried to do that w the stones i gave up. pretend i voted beatles cure oasis.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
hi nina! do you have any other songs that you think cd would cover? i just really liked new perspective and i think ur music taste is rlly cool :3
d'awww!!! hi there, sweet pea! <3
tysm for your ask but, before you start reading ( because this message got VERY long ), i just want to let everyone know that i used this ask to explain some Very Complex Ravenstan/Callgirl Fake Dating Lore...so if you are interested in that, it starts towards the middle of this ask...it's a lil chaotic, but i tried to make it as interesting and clear as i could! no obligation to read, ofc, as always, but i did want to preface this ask with that info, so you know this one is
*Secretly An Important RM Lore Ask.*
but back to what i was doing ( screaming ):
— because aAAAAAAAAAA!!!! c': <333
i am not even joking, you guys, despite the fact that my fic is based almost entirely around Music, i avoided answering music-related asks for so LONG bc i was legitimately so nervous about it being negatively perceived or read for filth on here, which, i Know, is silly because it's my fanfic and what i say goes, i can't change my music taste anymore than i can change the way my dna loops, but...idk.
like, i feel like A Lot of people are self conscious abt their music taste, but my social anxiety/inferiority complex can get so gnarly that i actually get Nervous when people ask me about what kind of music i like and i never EVER sit shot gun in cars bc i am...scared to aux. :/
iiiiiit's...That Bad. ( nina, please get therapy. )
i also feel like people in this fandom can get Very Intense about what kind of music they associate with the boys/what music the boys listen to and are FRIGHTENINGLY QUICK to rip people to shreds over opinions that don't align with theirs or aren't obscure or 'cool' enough.
bc of that, i try to be Very Lowkey on this blog because the larger part of this fandom and the criminally insane level at which they escalate petty fights over canon/fanon, like to the point that they are frothing at the mouth and start doxing people...gives me Extreme Stress. which, in my line of work, i actually CANNOT have happen.
tldr; i want absolutely NO part of it and like my lil corner.
thank you for keeping it Safe. <3
istg, if nothing else the fact that i have a bunch of you rocking out to New Perspective and positively associating it with my fanfic means that i have done my job and that's a legacy i'm willing to die with.
i'm being so serious, i feel like if rm was a tv show, it would play as the outro to every episode...but like a nice, soft, raw version w/ ravenstan on acoustic guitar to contrast the hard ass cd cover of style by tswizz that i think would open every episode...smh, nina, please, pleease stop imagining your unfinished, crack-fanfic as a netflix og series. >.>
BUT!!! okay!!!! in vein of trying not to worry about the perception of my music taste or what other people want from me...tHIS IS A KIND OF CONTREVERSIAL TAKE BUT I TIED IT TO THE PLOT, OKAY?
so, as a little nina lore and for context, when i was in elementary school around like 4th/5th grade, i was listening to like a lot of early y2k bangers, ig. dirty little secret by all american rejects, hey there delilah by the plain white tees, girlfriend by avril lavigne core, etc.
( just to make you giggle, i also had a ps2 and there was a series of video games called singstar that were some off shoot of rockband/gh that had mics you plugged directly into the system...pls note my high score on sk8r boi really should be put in the guinness world records, like if you held a gun to my head and told me to sing that song, i not only would i fuck it up but i would LIVE, baby! better luck next time! )
...it was also around early disney channel times ( the disney channel games with the team colors...that was my OLYMPICS, bitch! ) and i had this Disney Pop Hits Vol...1? i think? cd i used to play on the prehistoric radio thing in my room and my favorite song on it was...
pop princess by the click five.
AND I KNOW!!! I KNOOOOOW!!!! controversial take, but i am sorry, THAT SONG FUCKS!!!! THAT SONG IS SOOOO AWESOME!!!!!
and i feel like when ravenstan was fake dating call girl during the great hate south park embark, cd covered it: i am picturing a less finger-bang, btr, disney channel esqe sound and more of a pop-punk, pedal to the metal, electric guitar type, edgy rockstar boy typa beat.
but Yes, i think ravenstan covered it or idk i really think that it was made FOR call girl. and it was BAD ASF. i also think bc tcf wrote that song about hannah montana ( iconic ), and bc call girl is basically the whole internet's e-girl bubblegum pop princess in my fanfic, it just...
am i making sense? do we see the vision? aka rs in his lil pants w/ the ripped red and black flannel tied around his waist, fallin to his knees, singing his heart out, pointing at her, winking? PPL DIIIIIIIIIED.
and by people, i do mean jerseykyle n bebe who were MAD AS HELL,
-- but also tapping their toe...smh.
it was both very cool and very annoying. RIP.
( ...do i have jersey and bebe make out during the pop princess call girl tribute as mlm/wlw solidarity? HEEEELP ICOOONIC *jk vibrating with stress and anger vc* barbara, i need you to do somethin for me don't ask questions, i'll explain later, It's Important sdks MESSY! )
BUT OKAY!!!! SPEAAAAKING OF THEM AND THAT AND CALLGIRL AND RAVEN OF CRIMSON DAWN DATING!!!! i wanted to give you some lore and some spoilery plot about that/them bc it is burning a Hole in my brain...i must discuss r.s. and call girl becaaaause
so, for more context: i am currently working on another ask abt how ike found out that jerseykyle/ravenstan used to be dating and during that conversation in kyle's room about three days into the sp trip, CONCURRENTLY somewhere Else, ravenstan and call girl are getting ready to do some flashy PR thing like go on a date/get din, idk.
BUT RIGHT BEFORE IT: ravenstan and call girl are alone together, and ravenstan, who, i am not even kidding you, is sooo fucking Pissed that this is EVEN HAPPENING because kyle is super mad at him, was like you are Actually Dead to me, WILL NOT TALK TO HIM...
( which without spoiling too much -- is actually why ike can tell that somethin Fucked Up is happening because j.k. is super aggressive and loud and is not afraid to Fuck Your Shit Up...but has not laid a FINGER on raven of crimson dawn...and actually, seems to not even want to be Near him, barely acknowledges his existence, leaves rooms that he is in and is Radio Silent around him...WHICH IS TWICE AS SCARY AS J.K. YELLING AND TRYING TO KILL YOU. so, uhh, Not fucking...Good, you guys. ike was like...this is...not fucking normal. )
but again, he cannot tell kyle what is going on bc he might actuuuuallly get MURDERED??? uh???
anyways, in whatever secure, secluded space rae/cg are in ( its somewhere private, i pictured a dressing room of sorts, like a makeup trailer, somewhere they have to take pics ) stan is Extremely Straight Up with her and says something to the effect of:
"i have no idea what you think this is or what you want this to be or what they told you, but we are not dating and this...is NOT. Real."
and call girl ( aka wendy whose identity is a secret to EVERYONE, No One has seen the bottom half of call girl's face...Ever. she changes her wigs everyday, they are Very Elaborate and is always in a very high tech face mask that covers her face from the nose down and uses a voice modulator to mask her speaking voice...a mysterious queen ) oddly enough seems completely relieved by this statement and is like
"don't worry, Emo Boy. feeling is mutual. like, no offense, but you are seriously...not my type. Ew. trust me, i don’t want to do this either but,
— I Have To."
wHICHSHDLSKDHLSD SHE GUTTED HIM HELP. he was *gigantic stan slow eye blinks in shock* like "right, okay, Ow. that was...Mean." kshdlksdls but then was "--but i am glad we...agree. i Also HAVE To. not because of publicity, it's...Deeper than that...i can't really ta--"
to which call girl, locking eyes with him, dead seriously, lowering her modulated voice is like...
"it's tenorman, right?
He Threatened You."
and r.s, gagged! Again!!! is like
"holy shit, he THREATENED /YOU/ TOO?!?!"
and call girl nods very slowly and starts to say
"he told me if i didn't do it he would..."
and rs with the same kind of mounting horror whispers
" — Kill Everyone You Love And Care About?"
which, at this point, folks, they are both like...
bc they realize they are both stuck in the same torture chamber together, they Both got cornered into this really elaborate ruse and have to keep it up in order to keep the people that they love Safe and it's...A Lot. it...really is. but it's also sort of freeing and cathartic to knowing you are not alone going through what is pretty much the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your entire life.
i also feel like...there is this natural bond. this Energy between them. like they understand/see each other and feel...safe with one another.
and call girl, guard still up, dips a toe in uncharted water, and goes:
"well...since were partners in crime now and have to live a lie in public...i think we at least owe it to each other in private...
...to be Real."
she offers this bc they have reached an understanding, an impasse, a standstill, a draw of sorts. and there is a thick tension...as well as this crescendoing vulnerability that hangs the air with her ultimatum as they stare warily at each other, strangers, both wearing still wearing their masks, call girl physically in hers and stan in his metaphorical one doing the dark, raspy smoke and mirrors raven voice bc he is...not sure about her in the same way that she is...
...still not sure abt him.
( they are basically that one spiderman meme where both the spidermans are holding each other at gun point. ) and it's a huge Risk to indulge her request, but again...they both have everything to lose.
and no one...but Eachother.
so he indulges her very tentatively and counters:
"alright...then, tell me something Real, call girl."
to which she nods, closes her eyes and goes. "fine. my real name..."
call girl trails off, reaches up to tap the voice modulator on her mask, turns it off, reaches out her rhine-stoned, sequined, hot pink faux leather gloved hand out to shake his and in her real voice, says,
" — Is Wendy."
and this...is a Very BIG Deal.
again, no one has ever heard call girl's voice before. no one knows what her name is or Anything about her. she doesn't even preform live, she does virtual concerts and is basically this sort of mysterious, ai, vocaloid/miku internet personality that is very Carefully and elaborately Coded and ENCRYPTED to keep her identity Safe.
so her turning off her voice mod and speaking to stan, not as a fictional, larger than life computer-generated celebrity, but as a human being...is massive.
it's also very...Comforting to ravenstan.
who has not been himself...for a very long time. and it's not smart, it's not a good idea, but he decides to trust her and in turn,
in his real voice, says,
"stan. my name...is Stan.
It's Nice To Meet You, Wendy."
he shakes her hand and she shakes his.
she says, "it's nice to meet you too, stan." :)
and it feels...Nice. it should feel wrong, what they're doing, but it feels right, it feels fucking amazing to stop Preforming. she knows his name, she's seen his face...but realizes he still has not seen Hers and running on adrenaline, bolstered by a rare surge of bravery, chinks at her armor, or mask rather, and makes a motion.
bc he reaches up towards her face and goes, "oof. it's nice to hear your human voice; the dystopian robot voice was lowkey espantoso."
he laughs, it's genuine and super ugly, god bless him. so you Know he's being really real when he asks "but...if it's all the same to you. if were going to speak freely; i'd like to...see Who i am speaking to.
so can i, please, uh...see your Face? your whole face.
your...Real face."
and oof. this...is a little nerve-wracking for wendalends.
she's neeeever taken the mask off. ever. Ever. EVER.
For A-n-y-o-n-e.
but...she might never have the chance again and it is...really stuffy under there. so she Agrees and lets stan remove her face apparatus.
ravenstan does say "Wowza." HDLKSHDSl amazing.
he's also my boyfail king and says something very fucking stupid like
"sorry, you're REALLY Pretty. i was worried might look like deadpool under there." she smiles, it's beautiful. no one has seen her real smile before as call girl and thanks him. she goes on to apologize and is like
"thank you, stan. you're really sweet and i...am sorry i said 'ew'. it's not because you're ugly, you're kind of...Cute for a guy, actually? you have really nice bone structure and very kind eyes. it's just, when i said you weren't my type i meant Boys. in...general."
her voice shakes a little, she's never admitted this out loud before, not even to her girlfriend. but she trusts stan with the nice bone structure and dumb ugly laugh and very kind eyes, so she says
"i'm a...Lesbian.
i'm also Seeing Someone at the moment.
It's Complicated."
and stan is like, skhdlsd way too excited to talk about kyle, and is like
"okay, whew! i'm ALSO seeing someone! or well..." then remembers and is like oooof "well...i Was...seeing someone i guess. it's..."
my man is Depressed and is trying to change the subject because he realizes he actually can't talk about kyle because not only is cartman going to kill him if he does...he is also gonna freakin K!ll Himself because he's actually so sad that kyle currently hates his GUTS.
so he sighs, echoing her and admits "It's...Complicated." :/
he wants to hear something nice though, something real...and nice. because he is a romantico king. who believes more than anything...
in Love.
so he asks her what her girlfriend's name is. <3 :')
annnd i think she is About to say bebe's name...but realizes if she does, it will completely blow her cover.
like her ACTUAL Cover.
because stan knowing her first name and her what she looks like under the mask is one thing...but the second she says bebe's name, it's going to reveal that she is kyle's bebe's wen/wendyl which...is
but she reasons ( as an intelligent, rational queen ) that regardless of how messy things get, her and stan are in this mess together and that the best time to make a mess...is when you are Coming Clean.
still...this is...very sensitive information. she’s not sure how he's gonna take it and needs some sort of collateral.
so she states her terms.
and call girl, who stan now knows is wendy, but not bebe's current girlfriend ( yet ) says "okay. i am going to tell you something, but in order to do it. i have to tell you...Everything. in exchange, i need YOU to tell me Everything. i am going to give you One Chance to do so willingly. if not...i do not care how untraceable you Think you are, i am very familiar with the dark web and i will find out everything i Need to know about you. and do with that information...What. I. Please.
...so /please./ promise me you won't tell anyone about what i am about to tell you...and then, tell me...stan...Something Real."
stan agrees and wendy goes into everything. comes out as trans to him and explains her origin story. ( i started to write everything in this ask but it got too long, i'll tell you all about call girl/wendy in another ask i have a couple in the box i can use, haha. ) she tells him pretty much everything ( it's a big therapy session in there ) up until this point, gaydhd ravenstan...manages to understand
and when she finishes, true to the deal, she gently volleys the ball into his court, ( they are friends now, aw <3 ) and softly goes:
"okay...Your Turn."
and so ravenstan...who is Deeply Inspired by wendy...Wowza. he seriously thinks she is so fucking cool and ALSO A TRANS ICON??? HELLO? he feels v seen and heard and safe, so uh...jesus christ, he grabs wendy's hands, takes a veeeeeery deep breath and goes,
"so, i...
— Am DEAD."
annnnnnd proceeds to tell her everything.
and i do mean...Everything.
they talk for the rest of the night basically, having this heart to heart, at the same time that, unbeknownst to ravenstan, jerseykyle and ike are also having a heart to heart....wendy and stan are platonic besties, they agree to keep each other's secrets as t4t legends stuck in cartman's fucked up marionette hell together, they agree to keep their crazy charade up while they try and find a way out/back to bebe and kyle, take some v convincing publicity pictures together ( i do think jk and bebe see them and want to die So Bad, it's not funny...bebe/jk or wendy/rs...choose your doomed broship. Fml. )
and that's...
Your Crazy Uncle Nina RM Lore Drop For The Night!
i hope you enjoyed it, haha. <3 please feel free to drop me a line in the ole ask box about it and ofc, as always, to ask me anything you would like! if you're still with me...after all this time. thank you so much for supporting me and enjoying my content.
it means...Everything to me.
and in writing something fake...
thank you all:
for being my Something Real. <3 c':
-uncle nina, callgirl/raven superfan
#rm spoilers#i am sorry this was so fucking nuts#idk why i decided to put aside like four hours to write this#but here we are help#i hope it was thrilling#ALSO IM SORRY POP PRINCESS ACTUALLY FUCKS SO HARD I DONT EVEN CARE THAT SONG SLAPS#also if rs dropped the punkrock version of it and held my hand ion stage i would end it all everyone was jealous#especially jerseykyle who was trying to be aloof#okay jerseykyle being silent...its so scary yall its actually frightening and YOU KNOW RS IS ACTING A DAMN FOOL#trying to get him to look at him its sooo...smh like he is acting the hell up like pick me choose me KHDLKSHLD#and surprisingly he is not choosing violence which is actually More violent and three thousand times scarier AAAA :(#BUT RAVENSTAN AND CALL GIRL I FUCKING LOVE THEM THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS I MEAN IT THEY ARE BESTIES#THEY ARE AN UNLIKELY ALLIANCE AGAINST CARTMAN AND IN GAY FUCKED UP CELEBRITY HELL TOGETHER#idk they are very sweet to me and both understand what the other one is going through they are platonic soul mates#they are rockstar popstar jersey and bebe tbh#its such a mess#sorry this is so poorly written i really did my best#and again at this point i am genuinely not sure who is still hanging in there for my weird content but if you want it#here you go baby#feel free to yell at me in the inbox if u would like#it thrills me very much#me at the top of my lungs at two am: pOP PRINCESS HOOOLD MY HAAAAND POP PRINCESS IM A FAAAAAN#POP PRINCESS I NEEED YOU NOW FREAK ME OUT TURN UPSIDE DOOOWOOOoOWOOWn skdhlkshdls#please someone tell me you see the vision i am so passionate about this i am sorry this is so real to me#jk and bebe rage bait making out is peak content#Happy Pride Month 🌈😩
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bugswarm · 2 years
So when I was a kid, in like, 2006-2007, there was a game series called SingStar. It was a singing version of guitar hero basically. Anyways, my friend loved singing games and had gotten 2 of them. SingStar Rocks and SingStar Pop. I also really enjoyed them, so we played them all the time. But on the one game, SingStar Pop, there was an My Chemical Romance song, Helena. I was absolutely fascinated by the music video and loved the song and everything about it. (I was a really depressed kid and anything dark, morbid, etc was a fascination for me) So I of course, would beg to play that song all the time with her. But she didn’t like it. She thought it was weird and explicitly said “Boys aren’t supposed to wear makeup”. (Which, she also loved doing Fall Out Boy’s Dance, Dance and thats got Pete Wentz in eye liner, plus like, all the other reasons thats a fucked up statement but we were 10-11 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) and made a rule that if we did that song, then we had to do one of the songs she liked that I hated. And I hated those more than my love of the weird funeral rock song that she would complain about every time we played it even if we were playing it in exchange for one I hated. So we almost never played Helena unless we did a random shuffle and it happened to pick it (which I celebrated every time but also regretted being happy about because I did it so infrequently that I couldn’t do well on the actual singing part of the game >.<).
For years, that was all I knew about mcr. They were “those boys who wore makeup that [childhood friend] said Im not supposed to like”. Then I got into high school and met this girl and we kissed after a party once, and I desperately needed her in my life more. And she said she was writing a fanfiction about a band and if I helped beta read it, then we would have something to talk about/more time to hang out. But I didn’t know the band at all. Turns out it was mcr. She wrote me a quick primer on each band member and the general traits I should know about them. I do not at all remember what she said beyond like, “Mikey plays Bass and is the brother of Gerard, who sings. Frank plays Guitar, Ray plays Guitar, and Bob used to play drums but doesn’t anymore” (this was post Bob leaving the band but before we all knew the extent of how bad he is). But anyways, I helped edit the fic and it took months and during the writing and editing process we ended up dating. Then 4 years later, we broke up, about 1 year after mcr broke up.
My ex is and isn’t important to this story because on the one hand, this is a story about how MCR has influenced my life over the years. But on the other hand, if it weren’t for My Chemical Romance, my ex and I would have never gotten together, or stayed together as long as we did. Our official first date was at an MCR concert. And those 4 years with them have some of the biggest impacts on my life to this day out of any other era of my life. A lot of who I am today can be directly attributed to things I experienced and learned through dating them. Hell I joined tumblr because of them, know about AO3 because of them, and learned…. So much about just. How actual real adult life works because of them.
But beyond my ex and I breaking up, MCR was still gone. They had broken up too. And I fell out of the fandom. Sure I still listened to the music and occasionally would talk about the band with other fans who I met, but it was bittersweet and painful.
Then in October 2019, I was at a halloween party hosted by my college. I was going through a bad relationship. And then news dropped that MCR had reunited. I could not pay attention to anything else. That was the most exciting thing that had happened in years. A month later, I was single. I had remembered that there were things more important in life and that I didn’t have to put up with the guy I was dating if I didn’t want to. So I didn’t. And my life got instantly better.
Then the pandemic hit. And shows were rescheduled. And the world put on hold. And then the blm protests happened. And my world got dark again. I dated another person who wasn’t good for me. (Nor I them). I restructured my life around what I thought I could settle for. And went on like that for over a year.
MCR did their European leg of their tour but I didn’t pay much attention. I never paid attention to tours I couldn’t attend since any other time in my life, the best we got was after the show we might get some nice photos or a grainy far away video, and it was rarely worth it. Plus with covid still happening, I kept expecting shows to be cancelled or rescheduled.
And then MCR got to the US leg of the tour. And at first, I planned to ignore it just the same as the European leg. And then a few days later, my news app showed me an article about one of their shows. Which I thought was odd because what could they have done that was so impressive that the news would write about it, and despite not having MCR news in my usual like, algorithmically decided interests, have it show up in my news feed. So I clicked it.
It was Nashville and suddenly a picture of Gerard Way wearing a cheerleader dress was directly in front of me. So I checked tumblr for the first time in a few months. Blogs that I had followed for fandoms over the years that had never been MCR blogs were posting about it. Old MCR blogs that had long been abandoned years ago but I never bothered to unfollow, suddenly were running and posting again. And I checked the tags to see what the general masses on tumblr were saying too. And every single post I saw, was an absolute outpouring of positivity and kindness and happiness. I didn’t see a single negative post. I didn’t even see any borderline inappropriate horny-on-main posts like I expected. I followed a few blogs and figured that was it. That I might check tumblr a bit more often and reblog some cool new-era-of-MCR posts. I figured nothing more shocking or emotionally investing could happen after the cheerleader dress. That was already crazy getting to see even that much.
But then they were playing Portland and a lot of the blogs I had followed were really hyped up and talking about livestreaming the show. And I wasn’t busy that night so I figured Id turn it on as background noise. And ended up watching every minute of it. The next day, I had a full break down. I couldn’t fathom settling with my life when something so incredibly amazing was out there.
That weekend, the local pop punk night DJ for the bar I go to occasionally was putting on an MCR themed/specific pop punk night, to commemorate the anniversary of the first time they played my city. I decided to make the cheerleader dress and wear it there and double it as a halloween costume. I made it in 3 days in time for the bar night.
Getting to the bar, I was nervous. The dress was short. And I’m afab but nonbinary, and I know most people look at me and say “that’s a girl” without thinking about it further. In a dress, that’s even more likely. In a short dress, I couldn’t imagine anything else happening. When I got to the bar, I was so nervous I was shaking. I immediately ordered 2 shots and a drink, hoping that being drunk would take away the anxiety. As I was waiting on my drinks, someone approached me to compliment the dress and ask me questions about how I sewed it. He wanted to buy a sewing machine for his girlfriend for Christmas and needed to know what kind to buy her. It was a nice chat.
Then, after, I went into the crowd proper. I had so many people compliment my dress, it was crazy. I had expected only a few people to even recognize it. It was a random outfit they wore once on stage, less than 2 weeks prior. Most of these people weren’t even hardcore MCR fans, just pop punk in general. But every single hardcore MCR fan I saw complimented the dress. And also? absolutely none of them assumed I was a girl. Not one. Most asked for pronouns. None were weirded out when I answered they/them. None looked at me like I was crazy or said anything negative. Some said they were too. It was the most shocking experience I have ever had in terms of my gender identity.
Out of the 4 people Ive dated in my life, 3 had been or later came out as (binary) trans people. All three of the ones who are trans, had made me feel like my gender wasn’t valid. (The cis ex I never ended up coming out to.) and those had been people who claimed to love me. People I saw every day. And yet here were a bunch of drunk MCR fans seeing someone who was very obviously female, and femme, and wearing a very short dress. And not one assumed or made me feel wrong or bad about my gender or presentation.
More time passed after that night and more shows came and went. LA nights 1-4 came and were insane every time.
And then last night. LA night 5. Of course I had to livestream it. I sobbed for most of the show. And being in a discord that was also livestreaming this show, and on tumblr seeing what people were posting, meant I got to see this extreme outpouring of love from all of the fans. And also see the outpouring of love from MCR themselves to their fans and to each other.
And for the first time since… Well pretty much ever really for me, the world doesn’t seem dark. There is so much hope and love in this world and I just. I don’t have the words to describe how incredibly much it means to me. Ive been on the verge of happy tears all day.
When I was first in the fandom back during the danger days era, there was always the cliche of saying “MCR saved my life”. And I understand it now. Do I think they saved my life? No. I did that. I went through hell to make it where I am now and no one can take that away from me. The same way the members of the band had to tear down the band and go through their own brands of hell to get to where they all are and get to play these shows for us at all. We had to do that on our own. The band didn’t do that for us.
But at the same time? Seeing that show last night? My Chemical Romance absolutely made my life worth saving. And I really really hope it makes theirs too.
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ultravewor · 2 years
How many gb for ps3 singstar songs
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#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs full#
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs software#
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs Ps4#
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs ps3#
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs plus#
Naturally, because size limitation isn't a concern, the songs are all well represented and come through the speakers with pristine clarity. The audio is crystal clean, as you'd expect.
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs plus#
Lastly, most of the songs were also given their respective music videos, which are played in the background - a definite plus over Singstar's competition. Additionally, the colors are easy on the eyes, too. Unlike, say, Rock Band or Guitar Hero, you won't experience dizziness from following the scrolling notes, and that's a plus. Everything is neatly laid out, and the music bars scroll across the screen horizontally and smoothly. Visually, Singstar features a very simple interface. "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" The entire soundtrack looks like this (songs with asterisks not in PS2 game): As I said earlier, unlike other SingStar games where I didn't like every song, finding something I don't like in SingStar Abba would be nit-picking. SingStar Abba boasts a collection of 35 tracks from a wide assortment of Abba's work. It's a very intuitive system, and figuring out how it works doesn't take any longer than 10 seconds. If you go flat, you'll get color below the bar likewise, if you go sharp, you'll get color above the bar. The object is to fill the bars on screen with accuracy by singing as accurately as possible. If you're wondering how SingStar games work, the game's superb voice recognition system will measure the tone and pitch of your voice, and instantly display your performance on the screen, as the vocal bars scroll along. Because, karaoking is an activity that you don't normally do alone, feel free to call over another seven friends and compete in an eight-player activity. You can either play a practice session, or play for points and attempt to score the best record. Singstar uses a very clean user interface, one than even a five year old can navigate. If you're not familiar with SingStar, here's quick crash course.
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs ps3#
Additionally, the PS3 game is cross-compatible with other PS3 versions of SingStar, as well. Unlike some of the other SingStar games, SingStar Abba features mostly a wave of great tracks, as listed further down in the review. The compilation spans a large chunk of their career, but doesn't cover it all, so I'm sure some will be disappointed. © and developed 2017 by Voxler SAS, 8 passage Brulon, 75012 Paris, France.The SingStar Abba compilation is essentially a collection of Abba's 25 greatest hits and if you're an avid Abba fan, chances are your favorites are here. Ravenscourt is a division of Koch Media GmbH, GewerbegebHöfen, Austria.
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs full#
Software Usage Terms apply, See eu./legal for full usage rights. exclusively licensed to Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Library programs ©Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. See Health Warnings for important health information before using this product.
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs Ps4#
Sign in to PlayStation Network is not required to use this on your primary PS4, but is required for use on other PS4 systems. One-time licence fee to download to multiple PS4 systems. See Terms of Service for more important information. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this product.
#How many gb for ps3 singstar songs software#
Additional Song Packs: Expand your Playlist with selected song packs from the Let's Sing store!ĭownload of this product is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and our Software Usage Terms plus any specific additional conditions applying to this product.Companion Microphone app: The Let’s Sing Microphone app helps to access the game easily via your Smartphone device or simply use an official SingStar microphone or any compatible headset.Four challenging game modes: Compete against your friends in diverse modes including the brand new mode - Mix Tape!.New rewarding gameplay elements: Climb up the online leaderboards, collect avatars and unlock music certification records!.Exclusively chosen playlist! 30 top tracks including:.Warm up those vocal chords, enter the virtual stage and experience the best Let’s Sing ever made!
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definegodliness · 3 years
There’s also Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - You Say Tomato, I say Tomato,  as a duet I’ve tried. 
It’s on SingStar Legends, I believe. Miserably failed. If I got above 5000 one time it’s a miracle. But I got 9998 on The Ring Of Fire and my sisters still hate me for it, so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.
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echotesla · 3 years
Rhythm Gaming in 2022 Masterpost
Guitar Hero:
Clone Hero (Freeware Clone): https://clonehero.net/
Clone Hero Setlists (includes all Guitar Hero and Rock Band games): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13B823ukxdVMocowo1s5XnT3tzciOfruhUVePENKc01o/htmlview#gid=0
Anime Hero (Weeb Songs for Clone Hero):  https://www.animehero.net/
Guitar Hero III PC Installation Tutorial (includes ISO & GH3+ Mod):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQUn5NIW01g
Guitar Hero III: Warriors of Rock Mod (Requires GH3 PC):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPPnZEVXg9w
All GH Setlists for GH3 PC:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLstnDt44ZzJ_FZvhHqtMW8tgkzWo063tu
Rock Band 3, 4, Blitz, Green Day & Misc DLC on GH3:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLstnDt44ZzJ_jYJlmc_hybWhM3ijSPFvJ
Guitar Hero World Tour: Definitive Edition Mod (Requires GHWT PC): https://ghwt.de/
Guitar Hero World Tour Nexusmods (for Custom Characters): https://www.nexusmods.com/guitarheroworldtour/mods/
Guitar Hero II Deluxe Modded ISO (Requires modded PS2, PS2 Slim with FreeDVDBoot, or Emulator):  https://gh2-deluxe.neocities.org/
Guitar Controller Buying Guide by Acai:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-18udYQgHQ
Rock Band:
Rock Band 2 Deluxe (Requires Rock Band 2, & modded Xbox 360/PS3 or RPCS3 Emulator):  https://rb2-deluxe.neocities.org/
Rock Band 3 Custom Songs Database:  https://db.c3universe.com/songs
The Beatles Rock Band on Rock Band 3:  https://rhythmgamingworld.com/forums/topic/updated-112014-the-beatles-rock-band-for-rb3/
Onyx (Convert songs from one format to another, both RB & GH supported): https://github.com/mtolly/onyxite-customs/releases
C3 Con Tools (for installing custom songs on Xbox 360 & converting to Clone Hero/Phase Shift): https://rhythmgamingworld.com/forums/topic/c3-con-tools-v401-8142020-weve-only-just-begun/
Guitar Hero Explorer (for making custom song ISOs for PS2): https://github.com/PikminGuts92/GHEX
GH3 Control Panel (for inserting custom songs into GH3/GHA):  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cd4Ad4P4NieERNTVgybklyc2s/view?resourcekey=0-j0w_skBS_pIeDoODd5dCYA
Moonscraper (for charting Clone Hero songs):  https://github.com/FireFox2000000/Moonscraper-Chart-Editor/releases
Other Free Rhythm Games:
Osu! (Freeware Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents Clone):  https://osu.ppy.sh/home
Osu! Beatmaps: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets
StepMania (Freeware DDR Clone):  https://www.stepmania.com/download/
Trotmania (MLP Songs for StepMania):  https://trotmania.ponyvillefm.com/pages/4/download
DDR Song Packs for StepMania: https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/simfiles.php?category=simfiles
Friday Night Funkin’ (Online Version Weeks 1-7):  https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/770371
Friday Night Funkin’ (Offline Version Weeks 1-6):  https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin
UltraStar Karaoke (Freeware SingStar Clone): https://usdx.eu/
My Little Karaoke (MLP Songs for UltraStar):  https://www.mylittlekaraoke.com/
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ttuesday · 3 years
Alright, what Video games would the modern VDL gang have as their favorites?
ah hello my dear anon, I see you're back again *gives you a slice of bread* welcome
Arthur likes video games that have a good storyline. He needs something he can sink his teeth into and get emotionally invested in.
He wasn’t sure whether he was going to like Telltale’s The Walking Dead game at first but after playing for a few hours he was absolutely obsessed with it
The game makes him cry a lot especially the ending of season 1
Dutch is a simple man, if he sees a survival game that has a tall, dominating vampire lady in it then he needs to play it.
He hasn’t played any of the other Resident Evil games but he knew he just had to play RE Village.
After finishing the game, he bought himself some circular sunglasses cause he wants to look like Heisenberg.
Charles plays video games to relax and get away from the stress of life with the gang.
He has always wanted to play the guitar but he’s never had the time to learn the instrument. But that’s what makes the absolute classic game Guitar Hero so good.
Charles becomes a pro at Guitar Hero, buying all the different guitar variations and the drums set you can get for it too.
There’s no point trying to build anticipation for what game Hosea loves the most, it’s Candy Crush
At first, Karen loved GTA V for it’s great story and amazing characters but then she found out it has an online mode.
There’s no easy way to say this but Karen’s that player that will chase you around the map and kill you for literally no reason.
She loves it when people get really angry after she kills them, it’s something she likes to laugh about later.
John plays a lot of those racing games like Forza Horizon.
He likes them cause he doesn’t have to pay too much attention to what’s happening, all he has to do is drive the car.
Karen tried to get him to do a race in gta online but she kept crashing into him. After that John swore never to play gta online again.
Sean’s the kinda guy to play the same video game for MONTHS to the point where people wonder if he‘ll ever play another game or just this one forever.
Man loves Skate 3, he could play it all goddamn day and not get bored
Seriously, the amount of joy he gets out of this game is actually kinda adorable
Javier is that guy that has an entire city built in Minecraft.
He’s an expert at the game, even on hardcore mode!!!!
He also co-owns a very successful survival server with Lenny, though Javier does most of the work on it.
there is only one right answer to this and that’s Cooking Mama
we all know Mary-Beth is an Animal Crossing fan
she even has a plush of Tom Nook 
Bill has played The Last of Us too many times to count. 
Now whenever he gets drunk he just rambles about how amazing the game is, how he loves Joel with all his heart and about how cool the different types of zombies are
...he hasn’t played the second game yet
Are you ready to get mad? No? Ok, quickly prepare yourself to get mad. Kieran’s favourite video game is... Fortnite. HA
For his birthday, everyone buys him Fortnite lunchboxes and pencil cases lol
Lenny adores the Assassin’s Creed franchise, he can be a real history nerd sometimes so he loves finding all the little historical details.
But please don’t ask him what his favourite Assassin’s Creed game is. Arthur asked him once and Lenny made diagrams and charts to map out the pros and cons of each game and he still hasn’t picked which one is his favourite.
Her and Jack like to take turns playing Subway Surfers.
It’s what she plays whenever she gets some time to herself.
Molly loves singing as loud as she can on Singstar
She also got the dlc for it so she can sing while Charles plays guitar
Tetris... yup...
Micah is the biggest Call of Duty fan out there.
He’s played the campaign of every game and he’s a pro at online.
And yes, he’s that guy that will sneak up and knife you in online instead of just shooting you.
Tilly could make a 2 hour presentation on why she loves Detroit: Become Human so much 
She makes everyone play the first mission and then judges everyone based on the choices they make
The game also makes her become very aware of the little choices she makes in everyday life
Trelawny thinks sending people emojis is a game
No one has told him that emojis aren’t a game because of how much fun he has with it
He sends people the most bizarre emojis all the time now 
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iamtryingtobelieve · 3 years
How'd you get into NIN or music in general?
(for ex. My dad had cassettes in his car, my very first favorite song is one I heard in his car.)
NIN is a weird one. It's a mixture of Weird Al Yankovic, Natural Born Killers and Guitar Hero/Rock Band. I heard Closer through Weird Al and I really enjoyed NBK growing up. But it was hearing Wish on Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock which made me sit up and take notice and do my research on the wacky wonderful world of Trent Reznor, luckily just right before Hesitation Marks came out
For music in general, I grew up in a quite music loving family. A lot of my family members loved different things and have contributed in some way. Three of the big things that helped were growing up with music video tv channels such as Kerrang. Apparently one of my first reactions to music was flipping over my pram and using the wheels as a turntable whenever Limp Bizkit got played on TV. American Idiot was my "first album" when I was six
Another thing is a delightful tool called YouTube. With YouTube I discovered quite a lot of different things which I still love today and I grew up with "the golden age of YouTube".
Finally one of the biggest things is actually video games such as Guitar Hero, Singstar, Lips and Rock Band which I loved growing up.
Thanks for asking Dawn :)
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brittelizzabeth · 4 years
Marley and Sam
I’m aware this is all in my mind
season 4
Sam felt so bad for Marley when they said those things about her mom
He tried to fix things and they started to hang out as friends
They were volunteers in a group to help homeless people
Both of them worked in a pet shop and they played with the puppies when there was no costumers in the store
They were just friends
Marley talked about Jake with Sam and Sam talked about Brittany with Marley
Marley showed Sam her songs and he love them
He was so happy when he asked him and Unique and Blaine to sing with her You Have More Friends Than You Know (god I love that song so much)
season 5
They became closer when Brittany left to MIT
Sam was sad because he really liked her and they were really good friends and Marley tried to cheer him up
Marley took him to a Taylor Swift concert because she knew how much he loved her and she loved her too. She took extra shifts to be able to pay for the concert tickets
They had a lot of fun and after that Sam bought Marley a guitar because she wanted to learn how to play it like Taylor
They are huge swifties
Sam taught her how to play the guitar
Marley’s mom loves Sam because she have dinner at her house all the time after work
They promised to keep in touch after senior’s graduation
Sam send Marley of that bus with a picture of himself in underwear and she was so proud of him
season 6
Sam told Marley he was back to McKinley and they started to hanging out again. Even though she was transferred to another school, she still lived there
Marley was still working at the pet shop and Sam visited her all the time after work
She always talked about how much she wanted a puppy and she was in love with a baby golden retriever from the store
Sam adopted him for her and they called the dog Taylor because TAYLOR SWIFT
Sam felt his heart beating so fast when he saw Marley’s happy face and he found himself thinking about her all the time
She was so happy and she started to think about how much of a good friend Sam always was and how much she loved to spend time with him
Sam asked her on a date and she said yes immediately
They went to a Harry Potter exhibition and they had a blast. Sam bought them Hufflepuff scarfs and wands
One time they went to a picnic in a park and Marley cooked cupcakes for them. Sam sang Love Grows (this is my favorite and now I proclaimed it the official Sarley’s song (except for all of the Taylor Swift’s songs)) and they had their first kiss
By the end of the season 6 they were secretly but Brittany, Santana and Mercedes knew (I don’t have an explanation for that) and they were so happy for them
after I lived
They live together in Lima in the same neighborhood as Brittana and Quick
Sam is Brittana’s children biological father because they needed someone and he offered himself and they thought that was so cute and “he’s hot so why not?”
They don’t have kids but their dog Taylor is like their child
They babysit Brittana’s kids on Brittany and Santana date night. And same for Puck and Quinn
Because they just love kids
They took them to amusement parks and movies and they play games with them at their home when the kids spend the night there
Sam writes notes for Marley every morning like “I love you” “you’re my sunshine” “read me Harry Potter fanfic tonight? Love you” just adorable things
Game nigh at Brittana’s every week (like in all of my headcanons). Santana and Marley prepare the house and cool and Sam and Brittany choose the games and sometimes the fight about it because Brittany wants to play Just Dance every time and Sam wants to play SingStar. Santana and Marley think they are two hilarious kids
They do something new every day and they are just so will in love
They live happy together until this day
send me a character/couple/friendship and I’ll tell you my ✨headcanons✨ about them
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acceberv · 3 years
Roman would have every Just Dance, Dance Central, Dance Dance Revolution, Singstar, Karaoke Revolution, Guitar Hero, Rockband and Hatsune Miku game while 5-staring every song.
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CWC Rockin’ 4 Way
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CHANDLER, Christopher Christian Christine “Ricardo” Weston Chandler - CWCRockin4Way.jpg, marker on paper, 2009
Chris’s second most famous (and less controversial) Rule 34 drawing, imagines Chris as a world famous rockstar, free to have sex with whatever groupie he so chooses. CWCRockin4Way.jpg is also known by the mangled French phrase “MenajAQuad.jpg”, trying to expand the phrase “menage a trois”, meaning a sexual encounter with three participants, possibly conflating “menage” with the surname of rapper Nicki Minaj (which itself is a mangling of “menage”, albeit a more deliberate one), and affixing the Latin prefix “Quad-”, as opposed to the more grammatically accurate “menage a quatre”. Drawn to help prove Chris’s heterosexuality, it shows him penetrating a woman of mixed white and black ancestry, according to other drawings she’s named Zuri Alryte, while using one hand a piece to finger a white woman, Kiera Bei, with his left hand and a black woman, Jody Zimmerman, with his right. They are, respectively, the singer, bassist, and drummer for Chris’s Guitar Hero band, Chris himself being the guitarist (obviously).
This image was leaked by Bryan Bash in September 2009, then Chris acknowledged it in a video from that October. Unlike SheCameForCWC, it is unknown what became of the original image, whether or not it survived the 2014 house fire like SheCameForCWC. Chris, in an edit to the CWCki, described the sexual encounter as “chocolate vanilla swirls”, but it’s unknown whether that refers to the half-black-half-white Zuri being a chocolate vanilla swirl, or the fact that Chris is simultaneously banging a black woman, a white woman, and a woman that’s a mix of both.
This image breaks Chris’s long standing sexual distaste for women of color, as he is actively enjoying the china of a mixed-race woman and performing other sexual acts with a black woman. In the past, he’d said that he couldn’t marry a non-white woman because his future daughter Crystal appeared in a dream to him, and seeing as she was white and not mixed race her mother must have also been white, but here, since Zuri and Jody seemingly aren’t Crystal’s fated mother, Chris is more than happy to break his rule for a casual hookup with them. Clearly, this is a win for diversity.
It has long been noted that, like his last porn drawing, there is much wrong with it anatomically - specifically, Zuri seems to be sitting in front of Chris, yet he is still somehow reaching her china with his pickle. She’s meant to be sitting on his lap not in front of it, but that’s not how it’s drawn, and thus is horribly anatomically incorrect. Chris is yet again wearing a Sonichu medallion, and Jody is wearing a gold choker in both this image and her clothed portrait.
Little is known about these three fictional women aside from their names and their band roles, and it’s likely Chris never gave any of them more thought than this image or the individual portraits of them he drew. Zuri has a yellow lightning bolt tattoo across her right arm (visible in both this picture and the portrait), likely done in tribute to her lover’s most famous creation. Bizarrely, her breasts are censored by her long red hair. Kiera seems to be a bit like late ‘90’s-early 2000’s era Britney Spears, and her fashion in her clothed drawing seems inspired by her. Jody, in her clothed portrait, is dressed very androgynously, to the point that this image of her in the nude is the only confirmation we have that she doesn’t have a pickle. She is doing the devil fingers with her right hand, possibly trying to communicate to the audience that making love to Christian is satanic. It’s possible these three were only on Chris’s mind a brief period in 2009, as they’ve made no lasting impact on him. Their only other appearance was from a contemporaneous video of him playing, on Guitar Hero, Bob Seger’s 1978 rock classic “Old Time Rock and Roll” while using a Guitar Hero guitar painted in the colors of Meatwad’s guitar from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I think we can infer from that video that Zuri is a dead vocal ringer for Bob Seger.
The background behind our lovers is much more detailed and dynamic in this drawing than SheCameForCWC. To the back right is what I assumed to be a stage door, since this orgy is presumably happening in one of their dressing rooms behind a stage they’re playing at, but, given its three handles, might be a dresser of some kind instead. To the bottom left is what appears to be Jody’s drumkit, and scattered around are Chris’s “Gitar of Fail”, not the same one from the “Old Time Rock and Roll” video but another Guitar Hero guitar, and what might be a microphone Chris used during the SingStar challenge, which, as the CWCki notes, “are not, strictly speaking, essential sex toys.” Three pictures on the wall, framed by lights, are a starfish (???), the word “score” (which may or may not be a pun) with the “o” replaced by a circle or swirl, this might be a Guitar Hero reference I don’t get, and, lastly, a portrait of Britney Spears herself, reading “Oops!” This starkly contrasts with the hard core rock and roll look Chris was trying to go for. Despite reading “Oops!”, seemingly a reference to Britney’s second album Oops… I Did It Again and its titular song, the picture is of her first album, …Baby One More Time.
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wolftattoo · 4 years
i never actually played any good console games when we had a ps2 we had singstar and guitar hero and a naruto game i didnt know how to play when we had a wii we had wii music wii sports and a narnia game i didnt know how to play
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you prefer trackpants or jeans when you're going out in public? Jeans. Mainly the boujee crowd wears trackpants where I live, and I think I’m too old for that shit now lol. How about when you're just sitting at home, doing nothing? I wear shorts at home, always. They’re comfy and allow my legs more air, and I’m not going to make myself feel hot by wearing pajama pants. Have you ever stayed in your pajamas all day long? I don’t like pajamas, so no. Would you ever consider growing your hair out to your waist, or longer? No. It’s difficult to wash, tie up, and just generally handle when it gets too long, especially considering the fact that my hair is quite thick and can also get frizzy depending on the weather. Do you watch American Idol? I did up until 2012-ish. It was really entertaining at first but when they kept picking the same people to win each season – white country male singer who plays the guitar – I quit watching. On a side note, why do surveys like asking AI questions so much lol
If so, Who do you like better: Danny Gokey or Adam Lambert? Adam Lambert was FAAAR more entertaining, but I do remember Gokey being good too. If you don't watch American Idol, why not? I stated my reason earlier, but another reason I stopped watching was the judges. As soon as all the three original judges left the show, it just stopped being exciting. What's your favourite thing to do to pass the time when you're bored? Depends on where I am. I like taking surveys in coffee shops once I’m done studying. If I’m already outside with people, I’ll ask them if they want to go to the mall. If I’m at home, I’ll try to find something to watch on YouTube or Netflix. I have different outlets for most situations, haha. Do you like staying up late or going to sleep early? I don’t have a preference. I sleep whenever I need to. Is it easy for you to wake up early, or are you a late sleeper? I find that it’s a lot easier to wake up early if I don’t have a lot on my plate for the day. But if I have a hectic day waiting on me, it becomes super difficult to get out of bed. Is there anywhere in your house that you're scared to be alone in? Not necessarily. But being the person in the family who stays up the latest, I do dislike having to check our windows and screen doors to see if they’re all closed and locked after midnight because I always feel like I’ll see someone looking at me. Do you play Rock Band, Guitar Hero or Singstar? I played the first two. I vaguely know of the third. Do you think there's really a difference betwen the three? The gameplay’s the same but the contexts are different. You shift among bass, drums, guitar, and vocals in Rock Band; you only play the guitar in Guitar Hero; and I imagine you deal with vocals on Singstar lol Do you ever yell at your computer when it's frustrating you in some way? I do a frustrated groan or growl, but I don’t yell at it. Have you ever walked into an inanimate object, such as a chair, and apologized to it? Just about always.
Are you scared of any animals/insects? Which ones? Butterflies, bees, wasps. I generally dislike most insects/bugs. Do you get uncomfortable when people stare at you? If it’s a stranger and I’m in a public place where no one has reason to stare at me, I definitely would. What is a sound that you can't stand? Utensils harshly scraping a plate. Do you take a lot of surveys? I’m not as obsessed as I used to be but yeah, I still take several in a day most days. If not, why did you decide to take this one? It was random enough for me, and that’s my favorite kind of survey. Do you like country music? No. What about screamo? Not really. I listen to songs with screamo elements in it, but I wouldn’t enjoy a song that was just screamo from start to finish. Do you own a pair of Converse? Kinda. It’s not mine, but my sister will lend it to me if I want to wear it. What about Vans? No. I don’t have my own; my sister owns a pair as well, but I’ve mostly been uninterested in borrowing it. What is your favourite shoe brand? Nike. Do you like name brands, or find them to be a waste of money? I like them. Do you ever post surveys on myspace, or just take them on Bzoink? I take most of them from Bzoink and post them onto my Tumblr. Sometimes I’ll visit the survey tag on LJ but that’s mostly inactive so eh. What are your three favourite bands? Paramore, Against Me!, alt-J. Three favourite female singers? Beyoncé, Hayley Williams, Adele. Three favourite male singers? Hozier, Troye Sivan, Bruno Mars. Are there any particular bands/artists you can't stand? Meghan Trainor, The Vamps, and for the most part Ellie Goulding. Can you cook for yourself? Nah, but I’m learning. What weird things did you do as a small child? I liked putting myself in danger, apparently. I’d try most things people deemed dangerous because I thought I was invincible. Quick spoiler alert: I definitely wasn’t. What grade are you currently in? I’m on the very very very end of my senior year in college. I’m just waiting for the official memo saying I’m graduating, and I’m off to attend my virtual grad ceremony on the 26th.
Do you plan on going to college or university? I did. You have to if you want to make it anywhere, where I’m from. Do you know what you want to be when you get older yet? I have a general idea, yes.
Who puts the most pressure on you in your life? Nobody does that to me but myself, fortunately. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments? On the outside I do. It makes you look cool and breezy if you laugh them off haha. But when I’m alone they plague me before bed lol Do you have a favourite actor/actress? If so, who? Kate Winslet, Rosamund Pike, Audrey Hepburn, Kristen Stewart. Is there any genre of music you refuse to listen to? Country, and most disco music. Any embarrassing/childish shows you secretly still enjoy watching? I’m not embarrassed to say I love it, but I know people don’t like Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
Do you like little kids, or do they annoy you? If they have bad manners and/or are rowdy and are the type to run around in a restaurant, I tend to dislike them. Do you want a small or a large family when you get older? Small. One or two kids already sounds lovely. Are you a good dancer? If not, do you enjoy dancing anyways? I don’t dance very well but I loooooove watching other people dance. Have you ever lied to avoid getting into trouble? Only when I was younger. I stopped when I realized my mom caught me every single time. Do you like reality shows such as Jon & Kate plus Eight? I like reality shows, but not that. I’ve never heard of it. Do you enjoy reading? Yes, if I get in the mood. What is the weirdest food you have ever tried? Gulab jamun was probably the weirdest one I’ve had so far. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital for a long period of time? Nope. Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself, or are you camera shy? Definitely camera shy. Even Gabie’s not allowed to take photos of me lol, something she complains about every now and then.
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winterhawkkisses · 5 years
Weird competitions - making the best pie that the whole gang judges, or guitar hero, or something else silly
Clint can hear Bucky coming from a fucking mile off, determined and lopsided clanging interspersed with slightly wobbly swearing. Bucky hates the vents, says it reminds him of the cryotube. Which is a) why Clint was up here in the first place, and b) the most likely source of the butterflies in Clint’s stomach. 
“I woulda come out,” Clint says, just as soon as Bucky rounds the corner. “I can come out if you want.”
Clint figures that the vent system for the new Avengers base had actually been designed with him in mind, ‘cos there's no real reason for any part of them to be this big. It was like a ready-made clubhouse, and Clint kinda loves it. Bucky slumps into the opposite corner, taking a deep breath like the room to stretch out is making room for his lungs. 
“What’d we do?” He says eventually, and Clint examines the ceiling joists rather than look his way. 
“What makes you think anyone did anything?” 
He doesn’t need to see Bucky to know he’s rolling his eyes. 
“We’re in a fucking vent, Clint.” 
Clint shrugs a little, hugs his knees to his chest. Bucky starts gently tapping his fingers against the metal wall, and it’s that noise more than anything that makes Clint talk - Bucky’s clearly uncomfortable and wants like hell to leave, and the fact that he hasn’t yet is playing merry hell with the butterflies. 
“I hate that you guys make accommodations to make me feel included,” he said eventually, and it comes out a little hurt, ‘cos he’d really been enjoying the dumb competitions before he’d worked it out. He was a goddamn god on Singstar.
“The hell d’you mean?” 
“Steve and you have races,” he said. “Tony and Bruce do their competitive science thing. You and Natasha and Bruce and Tony are having some kinda chess tournament, and Wanda and Strange do their -” he waggled his fingers, demonstratively. “And then there’s me, and you guys setting up dumb contests -” 
“Team bonding activities,” Bucky corrected. 
“ - just to make me feel included. I don’t need pity.” 
“Kinda arrogant to decide you’re the whole reason we’re doin’ ‘em,” Bucky said, and Clint looked back over at him, trying on a glare. 
“The latest was a Great Avengers Baking Show,” he said. “Which I comprehensively lost, too, so it’s not like it worked.” 
“It worked fine,” Bucky said, looking a little awkward, ducking his head. “Made you smile, didn’t it?”  
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