#we were kids then so I don’t blame her really but its nice to see that she’s grown
bugswarm · 2 years
So when I was a kid, in like, 2006-2007, there was a game series called SingStar. It was a singing version of guitar hero basically. Anyways, my friend loved singing games and had gotten 2 of them. SingStar Rocks and SingStar Pop. I also really enjoyed them, so we played them all the time. But on the one game, SingStar Pop, there was an My Chemical Romance song, Helena. I was absolutely fascinated by the music video and loved the song and everything about it. (I was a really depressed kid and anything dark, morbid, etc was a fascination for me) So I of course, would beg to play that song all the time with her. But she didn’t like it. She thought it was weird and explicitly said “Boys aren’t supposed to wear makeup”. (Which, she also loved doing Fall Out Boy’s Dance, Dance and thats got Pete Wentz in eye liner, plus like, all the other reasons thats a fucked up statement but we were 10-11 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) and made a rule that if we did that song, then we had to do one of the songs she liked that I hated. And I hated those more than my love of the weird funeral rock song that she would complain about every time we played it even if we were playing it in exchange for one I hated. So we almost never played Helena unless we did a random shuffle and it happened to pick it (which I celebrated every time but also regretted being happy about because I did it so infrequently that I couldn’t do well on the actual singing part of the game >.<).
For years, that was all I knew about mcr. They were “those boys who wore makeup that [childhood friend] said Im not supposed to like”. Then I got into high school and met this girl and we kissed after a party once, and I desperately needed her in my life more. And she said she was writing a fanfiction about a band and if I helped beta read it, then we would have something to talk about/more time to hang out. But I didn’t know the band at all. Turns out it was mcr. She wrote me a quick primer on each band member and the general traits I should know about them. I do not at all remember what she said beyond like, “Mikey plays Bass and is the brother of Gerard, who sings. Frank plays Guitar, Ray plays Guitar, and Bob used to play drums but doesn’t anymore” (this was post Bob leaving the band but before we all knew the extent of how bad he is). But anyways, I helped edit the fic and it took months and during the writing and editing process we ended up dating. Then 4 years later, we broke up, about 1 year after mcr broke up.
My ex is and isn’t important to this story because on the one hand, this is a story about how MCR has influenced my life over the years. But on the other hand, if it weren’t for My Chemical Romance, my ex and I would have never gotten together, or stayed together as long as we did. Our official first date was at an MCR concert. And those 4 years with them have some of the biggest impacts on my life to this day out of any other era of my life. A lot of who I am today can be directly attributed to things I experienced and learned through dating them. Hell I joined tumblr because of them, know about AO3 because of them, and learned…. So much about just. How actual real adult life works because of them.
But beyond my ex and I breaking up, MCR was still gone. They had broken up too. And I fell out of the fandom. Sure I still listened to the music and occasionally would talk about the band with other fans who I met, but it was bittersweet and painful.
Then in October 2019, I was at a halloween party hosted by my college. I was going through a bad relationship. And then news dropped that MCR had reunited. I could not pay attention to anything else. That was the most exciting thing that had happened in years. A month later, I was single. I had remembered that there were things more important in life and that I didn’t have to put up with the guy I was dating if I didn’t want to. So I didn’t. And my life got instantly better.
Then the pandemic hit. And shows were rescheduled. And the world put on hold. And then the blm protests happened. And my world got dark again. I dated another person who wasn’t good for me. (Nor I them). I restructured my life around what I thought I could settle for. And went on like that for over a year.
MCR did their European leg of their tour but I didn’t pay much attention. I never paid attention to tours I couldn’t attend since any other time in my life, the best we got was after the show we might get some nice photos or a grainy far away video, and it was rarely worth it. Plus with covid still happening, I kept expecting shows to be cancelled or rescheduled.
And then MCR got to the US leg of the tour. And at first, I planned to ignore it just the same as the European leg. And then a few days later, my news app showed me an article about one of their shows. Which I thought was odd because what could they have done that was so impressive that the news would write about it, and despite not having MCR news in my usual like, algorithmically decided interests, have it show up in my news feed. So I clicked it.
It was Nashville and suddenly a picture of Gerard Way wearing a cheerleader dress was directly in front of me. So I checked tumblr for the first time in a few months. Blogs that I had followed for fandoms over the years that had never been MCR blogs were posting about it. Old MCR blogs that had long been abandoned years ago but I never bothered to unfollow, suddenly were running and posting again. And I checked the tags to see what the general masses on tumblr were saying too. And every single post I saw, was an absolute outpouring of positivity and kindness and happiness. I didn’t see a single negative post. I didn’t even see any borderline inappropriate horny-on-main posts like I expected. I followed a few blogs and figured that was it. That I might check tumblr a bit more often and reblog some cool new-era-of-MCR posts. I figured nothing more shocking or emotionally investing could happen after the cheerleader dress. That was already crazy getting to see even that much.
But then they were playing Portland and a lot of the blogs I had followed were really hyped up and talking about livestreaming the show. And I wasn’t busy that night so I figured Id turn it on as background noise. And ended up watching every minute of it. The next day, I had a full break down. I couldn’t fathom settling with my life when something so incredibly amazing was out there.
That weekend, the local pop punk night DJ for the bar I go to occasionally was putting on an MCR themed/specific pop punk night, to commemorate the anniversary of the first time they played my city. I decided to make the cheerleader dress and wear it there and double it as a halloween costume. I made it in 3 days in time for the bar night.
Getting to the bar, I was nervous. The dress was short. And I’m afab but nonbinary, and I know most people look at me and say “that’s a girl” without thinking about it further. In a dress, that’s even more likely. In a short dress, I couldn’t imagine anything else happening. When I got to the bar, I was so nervous I was shaking. I immediately ordered 2 shots and a drink, hoping that being drunk would take away the anxiety. As I was waiting on my drinks, someone approached me to compliment the dress and ask me questions about how I sewed it. He wanted to buy a sewing machine for his girlfriend for Christmas and needed to know what kind to buy her. It was a nice chat.
Then, after, I went into the crowd proper. I had so many people compliment my dress, it was crazy. I had expected only a few people to even recognize it. It was a random outfit they wore once on stage, less than 2 weeks prior. Most of these people weren’t even hardcore MCR fans, just pop punk in general. But every single hardcore MCR fan I saw complimented the dress. And also? absolutely none of them assumed I was a girl. Not one. Most asked for pronouns. None were weirded out when I answered they/them. None looked at me like I was crazy or said anything negative. Some said they were too. It was the most shocking experience I have ever had in terms of my gender identity.
Out of the 4 people Ive dated in my life, 3 had been or later came out as (binary) trans people. All three of the ones who are trans, had made me feel like my gender wasn’t valid. (The cis ex I never ended up coming out to.) and those had been people who claimed to love me. People I saw every day. And yet here were a bunch of drunk MCR fans seeing someone who was very obviously female, and femme, and wearing a very short dress. And not one assumed or made me feel wrong or bad about my gender or presentation.
More time passed after that night and more shows came and went. LA nights 1-4 came and were insane every time.
And then last night. LA night 5. Of course I had to livestream it. I sobbed for most of the show. And being in a discord that was also livestreaming this show, and on tumblr seeing what people were posting, meant I got to see this extreme outpouring of love from all of the fans. And also see the outpouring of love from MCR themselves to their fans and to each other.
And for the first time since… Well pretty much ever really for me, the world doesn’t seem dark. There is so much hope and love in this world and I just. I don’t have the words to describe how incredibly much it means to me. Ive been on the verge of happy tears all day.
When I was first in the fandom back during the danger days era, there was always the cliche of saying “MCR saved my life”. And I understand it now. Do I think they saved my life? No. I did that. I went through hell to make it where I am now and no one can take that away from me. The same way the members of the band had to tear down the band and go through their own brands of hell to get to where they all are and get to play these shows for us at all. We had to do that on our own. The band didn’t do that for us.
But at the same time? Seeing that show last night? My Chemical Romance absolutely made my life worth saving. And I really really hope it makes theirs too.
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invertedheaven · 2 months
If You Really Love Nothing
chapter 11: solace
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chapter index | next chapter
“My dad invited sukuna to the companys holiday party tomorrow” gojo spoke with his mouth full of food
You, airi and gojo had gone out to eat while Megumi went bowling with his friends for his birthday. Although you and gojo were a little sad about it, you were both definitely excited at the idea that megumi actually had friends he would willingly hang out with.
“What for?” You asked as you focused on coloring the kids menu with airi, gojo was too hungry to wait and ordered an appetizer that wasn’t appealing to you or airi
“Just a courtesy invite I guess, considering the deal that happened a while ago, I doubt he’ll go though” gojo replied as he looked around the room
“Yeah we’ll see about that” you don’t really think sukuna will pass on the opportunity to be an asshole to gojo
“Do I have permission to be mean to him?” Gojo asked with a sly tone
“Would it even matter if I said you couldn’t?” You joked glancing up at him
“Probably not” gojo retorted taking another bite
You smiled to yourself because you know he would’ve respected whatever you asked of him even if he probably didn’t agree with it
“Who are you talking about mommy?” Airi chimed in
“Just an old friend of mine, baby” you responded as you kissed her head
You and gojo made eye contact from across the table, trying not to laugh at your response. You’re not stupid, you know that eventually she’ll ask about her dad. Maybe she thinks its satoru even though you’ve told her hes her uncle, you’re not sure she truly grasps that concept. You know once she starts school it’ll no longer be easier to avoid the “do I have a dad?” Or “where is my dad?” questions.
You’re aware that you and satoru discussed that he wouldn’t have “stepdad” title but the way he has been present in her life, you wouldn’t be able to blame her. That was a conversation you were dreading to have, and even more so if sukuna did become present in airis life, what would that to your family now? It was a scary thought and maybe what was part of holding you back from telling sukuna. You didn’t want to lose what you have now for someone who probably wouldn’t even stick around. And maybe the smallest tiniest selfish part of you felt like he deserved not knowing, that thought in itself ate you up inside and you felt riddled with guilt that you would deprive airi of a father out of spite.
Airi just hummed in response seemingly losing interest and instead asking when you guys were gonna see megumi
“In a bit he’s with his friends right now” you told her as nice as possible but she still lifted her head from the paper she was coloring with a pout on her face
“Are we gonna have cake?” She asked and you laughed because you figured thats why she was asking
“Yes, we are!” gojo answered “even if megumi doesn’t like sweet stuff, he already told me what flavor to get”
You smiled knowing megumi probably chose that for the sake of airi and gojo (but he’d never admit the gojo part)
“I hope its chocolate” airi whispered as she went back to coloring
“Do you think megumis enjoying himself?” You spoke up changing the subject
Gojo sighed “I hope so, its hard to tell with that kid sometimes”
——— Megumi and yuji had a few more friends from school that they actually got along with, so convincing megumi to do something for his birthday wasn’t the hardest thing to do. Mainly because megumi doesn’t really care for his birthday, he doesn’t think he’s ever really understood the excitement around them. Even if when he was growing up, you and gojo tried to make them fun for him he just couldn’t enjoy it. This applied to when it was someone else’s birthday too, he couldn’t help but feel normal about it. Megumi shakes his head slightly as he realizes he’s too into his own thoughts when its supposed to be his turn, and to his luck (even though he was distracted) he threw a strike that went unnoticed by his friends because they were currently barely learning everything thats been happening in yuji and megumis lives
“Wait, so I’m confused you have an actual niece?” Nobara half shouted over the noise of the bowling alley
Yuji nodded proudly “yup and we almost have the same birthday too”
Nobara was genuinely shocked, sure she hadn’t known yuji for that long but she had heard a few stories about his older brother and truly who would want to be with that man? but even more crazy that the mom of yujis niece was megumis older sister figure (?) Nobara wasn’t too sure how megumi viewed you, but she assumed that would be the best observation on her behalf. Either way the entire situation sounds like a mess and shes honestly shocked they were acting semi-normal at school, if she was in their shoes she would’ve used the chaos as an opportunity to miss a day or two of school.
“And your brother still doesn’t know?” Maki interjected
Yujis smile dropped and his body language changed entirely, he curled in a little on himself and refused to make eye contact before mumbling “well no, not yet”
It was barely loud enough but maki and nobara still heard. Before maki could respond Megumi came back from his turn, “You’re next” Megumi addressed maki as he approached the group but he noticed it had gotten a little awkward, as he figured it would considering the conversation had landed on airi and you about 10 minutes ago. Yuji had truly done a great job at telling their friends about the past few weeks, so naturally they were pretty invested. Not that megumi could blame them, the whole situation sounded like something out of a tv show considering how dramatic it all was.
“Won’t that piss him off?” Nobara asked with an incredulous tone “the fact that you know he has a kid and just didn’t say anything”
Megumi nervously looked at yuji after nobaras comment
“Its not really up to me and I can’t condemn the decision either” yuji sounded a little irritated and maki could tell
“Well its not our place to judge nobara” maki stood up ready for her turn turning to look at megumi and yuji, who both had a displeased look on their faces “but him not knowing might blow up in your guys faces eventually”
Nobara huffed and shrugged “whatever man, it’s not my brother”
Yuji doesn’t know why that stings as much as it does. In his mind he thinks he understands the situation but is it really truly fucked up that he hasn’t told his own brother? Should he have fought to defend sukuna a little bit more? Deep down yuji knows sukuna cares about him but would this screw up their already precarious relationship? And he feels even more guilty knowing this is supposed to be megumis birthday and they’re making it about yujis family issues
“Its fine, we’ll figure it out” megumi spoke up noticing that yuji seemed to have zoned out
After that awkward conversation the rest of the evening went fine and despite his friends antics megumi found himself smiling to himself throughout the day, he didn’t think it was all that bad, but he’d never admit that.
“Maki was too good it wasn’t fair!” yuji exclaimed with a mouthful of cake while recounting the day to you and gojo.
“So you guys had fun?” You asked as you finally joined them at the dinner table, sitting right next to airi
They both nodded but megumi spoke up first “it was fine”
Gojo groaned looking directly at yuji “ignore him, that’s megumi talk for he loved it”
You, gojo and yuji broke out into laughter as megumis face got red
“That doesn’t even make sense” megumi retorted
“It does too” gojo argued
You smiled fondly at the interaction, their arguments never got old to you and you hoped they’d never stop. Airi was hardly talking as she was very focused on enjoying the cake she had been talking about all day, she was hardly talking but laughing plenty as her and gojo kept making silly faces at each other.
As the night went on, you let yourself enjoy it because it all just felt so natural and peaceful. Yet the guilt leaves a bitter taste in every moment nowadays. At this point in time, the idea of telling sukuna seemed less hurtful than hiding airi like this. As you watched Airi attempt to play some car racing game with gojo and Megumi, you let your mind wander to the outcome of sukuna finding out, possibly the most annoying part of this whole situation is how you cant make up your mind.
You decided to busy yourself by cleaning up the plates left from the cake and decide to push sukuna as far out of your mind as possible. You laugh at the exaggerated and fake complaints from Gojo as he claims that he lost (he purposely did bad so that airi wouldn't land in last place, not that she understands the concept but he does it anyways) you wish he’d let her lose so doesn’t expect to win every time but he disagrees. You dont notice that yuji, who decided to skip out on the game, followed you to the kitchen
“Can I ask you something?” Yuji spoke up startling you
You turn around to face him noticing he had an unreadable expression “of course… what’s up?”
“How do you do it?” Yuji asked as he shifted around uncomfortably not making eye contact
You gave him a curious look, waiting for him to continue
“Deal with the guilt” yuji spat out “I understand why you won't tell him, at least I think I do, but how do you deal with the idea that he knows nothing… that airi knows nothing”
You’re taken aback by how blunt he was, feeling yourself fight back tears, its odd how he seemed to know how your conscience was eating you alive the past few weeks. You didnt respond but instead looked down at the plates in your hands, the blue frosting smeared over the plate and a half eaten piece that megumi didn't finish.
Yuji took your silence as a cue to keep talking “I feel awful, every time I think about him finding out I feel a knot in my stomach and” he paused as he swallowed “he might not be the best brother, and maybe” he gestured to you “he wasn’t the best boyfriend in the end, but I don’t know if this is right”
Yuji was taking a risk here knowing this could make you either angry or sad but he hoped you’d understand. Nobara comment from earlier kept replaying in his mind, he couldnt even enjoy the rest of megumis birthday because at the very front of his mind was the idea that this could ruin any progress he hass made with sukuna. Not just that but, if he was in sukunas shoes… he’s not sure how he’d react. In yujis mind, if by any chance sukuna doesn’t care about airi the idea that yuji knew and didn’t tell him would probably still bother him.
You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from crying, you truly wish you didnt cry so much nowadays but ever since you had airi your emotional state as been a bit turbulent. You know deep down yujis not wrong, and hes not telling you this out of malicious intent, but it still stings all the same.
“Im sorry, I really am, it must be harder on you considering you have to face him everyday” you moved to put the plates in the sink “I know, in some sense you’re right, and its been chipping away at my conscience everyday lately”
Yuji looks at you, your faced away from him but you can feel the daggers he’s staring into the back of your head
“Theres nothing I can say to make you feel better about the whole thing, because I put you in a difficult position” you sighed before continuing “all I ask is that you give me a few days okay? Just let me think about it” you turn around to half smile at him, maybe it wouldnt hurt to grab lunch with sukuna and see where he’s at mentally, if its even feasible to drop such a heavy topic.
Yuji breaks out into a laugh of relief “man, I thought you were gonna get pissed at me for that” he rubbed the back of his head with an awkward smile on his face and you find yourself smiling back. He really was such a good kid, and you’re thankful megumi has him as a friend.
“I expect you to have a professional attitude today, satoru” Gojo Sr. spoke through the phone
Satoru rolled his eyes in a way he hoped his father could sense, as he made breakfast “you say that like I don’t usually”
Satoru moved around the kitchen with ease as he brushed off his fathers rant about the holiday party their company was throwing. His mind truly would not be invested in this evening, with the occasional stray thought roaming to how he’d handle a sukuna confrontation including how busy work has been? His fathers lecture was exhausting to say the least.
“It starts at 6” Gojo Sr broke satorus train of thought
“Why so late? Thats ridiculous” satoru pointed out
“Thats not late…”
Satoru pouted on the otherside of the phone call this night was sounding more and more nightmarish with each minute. Yeah this would just be his everyday life in the years to come, and maybe it wasn’t as awful as he makes it out to be considering most clients love him, but his fathers involvement made satoru loathe the very idea of going into work— even if it was literally a party. 10 minutes later, the call ended with some small pointless argument that satoru couldn’t bring himself to care about.
You walked into the kitchen and noticed gojo seemed on edge about something but you didn’t pry, if he wanted to talk about it he’d bring it up.
Satoru was grateful you never expected anything of him but simply just to be himself. He yearned for that growing up and when he could no longer find it in geto, he found solace in your presence. In the back of his mind, the idea of sukuna coming into the picture for airi was something scary. Satoru knew he had no ownership or demanded loyalty of you but he didn’t wanna lose the family he had now, and in some sense he could tell you felt the same way. For so many years in your weakest moments, you both were all each other had and while change is inevitable he wished it wasn’t something he was dreading. It was the elephant in the room that neither you, gojo nor megumi was willingly to address ever since yuji came along.
“So for Christmas, I got airi the doll house she wanted” gojo spoke up
“Satoru…” you shook your head but smiled “thank you but where is that going to fit?” you joked
He shrugged “she’ll probably forget about her old one we’ll just replace it”
You shook your head at his logic, truly a sentence that could come from someone who was spoiled in his childhood
“No, she’ll use both until it breaks or we can at least donate it”
Gojo shrugged in agreement, knowing not to argue with you
“Good luck today” you mumbled as you watched him flip the pancakes in the pan grimacing at the way It looked a little too burnt. Work for him is a touchy subject, that you’ve learned is better left untouched but you don’t want him to think you don’t care
“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to have the loudest argument possible with sukuna” he turned his head to give you the cheesiest smile possible
“Very funny, Satoru”
Megumi came downstairs shortly after, he looked tired, as expected of someone who never really socializes
"did you have a nice time yesterday?" you asked as you stole bacon from the plate gojo set aside
"wasn't bad" megumi shrugged
"would it kill you to say you had a nice time?" gojo complained
"yes, it would actually" megumi deadpanned
"whatever, did you set your new phone up?" gojo asked, he had gotten megumi a new phone for his birthday (and for Christmas he'd be getting a new gaming console and headphones which gojo was excited to give him)
"yeah actually, thank you" megumi pulled said phone out of his pocket "its bigger than my old one its pretty cool"
you and gojo smiled at each other because that was probably the most enthusiastic you'd ever see megumi about his birthday-- or presents in general
The employees started pouring in and the building grew into a lively atmosphere much unlike during the workday, it was something satoru could never get used to. Every year it was the same, he’d spectate the crowd as he prepared to put on his best act. He could fool everyone, except his dad and maybe thats where the innate irritation for nights like these came from.
His rant in his mind was cut off as his dad knocked on his office door telling him to “greet people” in all honesty gojo was going to do that in just a few minutes but now that his father was telling him to he felt compelled to say no.
After gojo begrudgingly left his office, familiar faces greeted him and he always makes sure to reciprocate the same energy at least until he sees sukuna walk through the doors with a smirk on his face and the receptionist, Rei, following behind him. Gojo knows his face changed for a brief moment and he hopes no one noticed, he knows this has to remain professional but what he would do to punch that pink haired idiot in the face.
Gojo pretended to be invested in conversation with some employee he’s not even sure what his name was so as to come off as unbothered. Yet out of the corner of his eye, he saw sukuna approaching him, and the conversation he was in the middle of became more and more distant.
“Gojo” Sukuna interrupted the poor soul who was in the middle of speaking
Gojos smile slightly twitched as he turned to face the voice of the man he knew all to well
“Sukuna” gojo stuck out his hand for a handshake but he had desperately hoped sukuna wouldn’t reciprocate the energy.
And when sukuna met gojo half way the handshake held more weight and tension than any conversation could.
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aonungyoufuck · 2 years
For you the world {end}
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Part one
You hadn’t meant to Talk with Neteyam’s siblings. And its not that you hated them at all. You truly loved them as if they were your own siblings. But maybe the fear of his parents subconsciously made it almost a little bit more scary to face them. 
Really you hadn’t meant to bump into them without Neteyam present. 
It really wasn’t a bad thing. You just had Tsu’ru on the sling behind your back while you were picking molluscs and barnacles off the socks on the shore while Rotxo, bless his heart, was carrying the basket. 
This was a standard. Usually collecting things to help in healing brews  and or to gain materials for Ronal when she asked. 
And having Neteyam and Ao’nung leave for hunting parties. It was often times Tsireya and or Rotxo to help you And with Tsireya with her Tsakarem training.. Oftentimes it was really just Rotxo. 
His eyes often times laid to your babe when ever he saw that he was getting fussy. And lucky for you he would make the little thing laugh. 
So caught up in the moment that you didn't noticed that you had walked straight into the lessons that the sully kids were having. 
“y/n! Uh.. Hello” Your friend greeted you as you stared at the Sully’s that fear deep in your core. 
Rotxo greeted the kids. Before looking at you “Y/n if you need there’s another place to go if you need to collect ingredients” 
You smiled at him. Taking the basket from his hands before asking him to get Tsu’ru out of his sling. 
“It is alright. ‘Teyam wants his siblings to know Tsu’ru” You say with a gentle smile waving them over. 
A little skittish and afraid that you’d take it back they approached cautiously. 
Tsu’ru let out a yawn before scrunching his face up in an angry pout for being rudely awoken. 
“I know i know, Be angry at Uncle Rotxo” Rotxo remarked laughing a little seeing the little thing stick its mouth out to him. 
Now all of them surround you and Rotxo. Looking at Tsireya excusing the distraction. 
“Tsu’ru. This is your Family” You explained taking him from Rotxo’s arms and lifting him to look at all of them. 
His little legs dangled off your arms as he kicked them out. Tail wagging as he looked at you before back at them. 
“This is your uncle Lo’ak and your Aunties Kiri and Tuktirey” You said waving them closer . nodding as Tuk began to touch his feet. 
His little gummy smile made their hearts melt.
And that’s how Neteyam found you. Talking with Ao’nung was a regular thing and he had asked his brother to not pick on his siblings for anything. 
It was a little surprising that so far he’s respected his wishes. 
He watched as Lo’ak was carrying his pudgy son and there was a sense of pride in his chest. 
He’s accomplished his dream. Sure sooner than expected but still he’s now a father. 
So he along side Ao’nung decided to join in. There was that awkward silence that followed. But he finally smiled, laughing a little as brought them all in for a hug. 
Tuk now is not letting go of him. Watching as Tsu'ru was passed around like a rock. 
Neteyam watching as his little son pulled at Ao’nung ear. “Its nice to have you all here” 
“We missed you Neteyam!” Tuk admitted clinging harder to him. 
“Yeah bro. Dad and mom never said why you left. But seeing how you dont talk to them. I can guess why” Lo’ak spoke now being handed Tsu’ru again letting him play with his braids. 
“I hate to say it but your parents are stupid for not letting this little gift have his parents” Tsireya spoke. She hated talking ill of anyone. But seeing how both of you came to them…It broke her heart even more. 
“Yeah. I dont blame you if you dont ever want to speak with mom or dad again” Kiri said 
Tsu’ru gave out a whimper. Yawning before letting out the tiniest cry. Quickly he was handed back to you. 
“Ma little warrior. Are you hungry?” you asked as if he could answer before adjust him as he latched on. 
Neteyam watched before lowering his ears, and looking at his family. “ I don’t want to forgive them” 
You looked at him. His eyes softened as you placed a hand on him. “Not unless you want too” 
You felt all eyes on you and truly it felt a little bit like an attack. But feeling Tsu’ru’s hand grab at your top makes you come back to the reality you have. You had almost lost him. Had almost lost the precious life that you had made with the man you love and as much as you wanted to forgive them for the sake of the family. The kids and Neteyam himself. You couldn’t you wouldn’t
For you almost lost Tsu’ru to begin with let alone your own life. To imagine a life without this little being. This little life. You felt sick even thinking. 
“I cant”
“We dont blame you Y/n” 
You felt at ease. Letting a few tears fall before looking down at Tsu’ru, who had fallen asleep while still suckling. 
“I think its time for us to go home. Little guy here is tired and i still need to deliver that material” you spoke feeling Neteyam stand up and take the basket that was next to Rotxo. 
“Aw do you really have too?” 
“Unfortunately Tuk tuk” You said patting her head. “But we’ll talk another time. We got time to make up!” You said kissing her head as you waited for Neteyam. 
He hugged all his siblings tightly afraid they’d disappear before bidding goodbye. 
“My parents tried to talk to me earlier” 
“And what did you say” 
“Nothing”  He paused looking at Tsu’ru who was still suckling. “I didnt have words to say to them” 
You nodded. Looking at him before giving him a kiss “It’s alright Ma ‘Teyam, we have each other” 
You guided him to the Tsahik murai. Announcing yourselves before stopping at the entrance. Unfortunately there was Jake. You Hadn’t hated him before. You were never afraid before but seeing him sent a shiver up your spine as you felt Neteyam wrap his tail around yours. 
“Y/n.. Welcome! sorry about.. Well, did you bring the supplies I asked?” 
You coughed feeling his gaze fall on your sleeping babe. “ yes. Thank Rotxo for helping me too. Tho im sorry i couldn't get the clams under the water” 
“No no dont be. Tsu’ru isnt prepared for the water” 
You nodded handing her the portion she had asked before Turning back to your mate. 
“Y/n.. Neteyam i” 
“We will be going now Tsahik. Thank you” Neteyam cut off Jake as you two headed out. You held his hand in yours bringing him back to reality before handing him Tsu’ru. You wouldn’t be able to face them. You couldn’t but unbeknownst to you. It would happen sooner Rather than later. 
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You two had stopped your make out session as you heard the shells of the entrance of your Marui ring. Neteyam giving you one last quick kiss before clearing his throat and letting them come in. 
You bit back a hiss. Jake and Neytiri in front of you as they handed you a basket of gifts. Things they no doubt brought from your old home. 
“What do you two want?” Neteyam asked Pushing Tsu’ru in his basket behind him. Wrapping his tail with yours as he had always done to comfort you. 
You lowered your head. Your hair falling as a veil to cover your face. You were weak. But not with him with you. 
“Neteyam. We are here to talk if you are willing to listen” 
He paused biting his lip before speaking again “How long for Ma Y/n” 
“You have thirty minutes”
The two sat in front of you. It felt a little ironic to now hold such power over them. Now staring daggers at them as they had done a long, long time ago.
“We want to first start out by apologizing for the things we said years ago” 
“I am sorry, I should not have ever even suggested you two break your bond” Neytiri cut in as you saw her bow on the floor her figure shaking
And no doubt in your mind the sight breaking Neteyam, you knew how much he adored his mother and to see her this way no matter what hatred he may harbour. It was still his mother. 
“I am sorry for causing you to almost lose your son. I understand if you dont ever want to forgive this action of mine. I know I never could if it were me instead of you” 
“Son. We dont ask you to forgive us. Im not asking you to forget the things we said. But im asking for your understanding. The world had changed for me. And i never thought of changing it for the both of you” 
You silently closed your eyes listening to their pleas. 
Neteyam let go of his breathe that you hadn’t notice he was holding. Before rubbing his temple and speaking. 
“I dont, I dont understand. All my childhood you spoke of the wonders of falling in love and how you two manage to have it outside of costumes. How it was love at first sight and yet. Yet you wanted to not let me have that” 
He took hold of your hand 
“I had it when i first saw her. When she spoke to me it was as if the sun was beaming down at me. And it was so much more than that when i was told i was going to be a father. I thought of you two too always have my back. To always see how much i love Y/n And yet you ripped that away from me. You Dragged me away. You almost caused my son. MY pride and my joy” 
He began to cry. And in that year you were here. You had never thought you'd see him cry like that again. 
“My son. The very thing i ran away for. I dont think you understand that if you had taken him away from me, Eywa knows what would have happened. Eywa knows what i would have done. The very thing i live for. I dont think i myself can ever forgive you for that” 
You rubbed your thumb on his hand looking at them before glaring at them. “Im sorry but i think its time for you to go” 
Without much argument both of them silently left. Bidding you goodbye and leaving their basket of gifts. 
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The following days were nice. Sometimes you stayed in your pod and cleaned up while Neteyam was doing his job. Other times you had Dropped off Tsu’ru with Rotxo or Kiri while you continued to help Tsahik with some materials. 
Tonight tho you were all gathered at the shore like it had been a few days prior. Your little babe in his sling. Head resting on your back as he had fallen asleep.
“I think its time for us to go again” Neteyam said, watching as his little legs kicked. 
“Aw. But why” Tuk whined as she often would whenever you would have to take her little nephew away.
You smiled at tuk who whined and groaned as she stood on the sand now. “ You know what? Why dont you all come and have dinner with us?  I dont mind making some more food. Plus you guys enjoy some more Tsu’ru time” 
Tsireya smiled agreeing as she said no point in finishing lessons now. Ao’nung However Excused himself to get some more food for the rest of the people. 
You scolded Neteyam for letting him go at it alone instead of helping. But he couldn’t help it as was when Tsu’ru was born he had become much more clingy. 
“I’ll go get some fruit if you want Y/n” 
“Thank you Rotxo id really appreciate it” You said smiling watching him go. 
“I swear that’s our oldest one” 
“Oh hush, I still can’t believe you said Rotxo is like our child” 
“Am i wrong?!”
You smacked him with your tail. Letting everyone in to your Marui before going in and Gently setting Tsu’ru in his basket. Letting Tuk gently rock him back and forth and staring at him. 
“Watch him well for me okay?” you said as you began to prepare what food you had. 
Metkayina food was much saltier and bitter than Omatikayan food. But you learned to live with it. 
“Tsu’ru is very cute. Kinda pudgy tho” Lo’ak commented watching the little babe sleep. 
“Of course he’s cute. I make cute kids” Neteyam said back. Gloating a little “you’ll make troublemakers” 
“Oh wooow” 
You stifled a laugh as you watched the brother’s interact. You Looked at kiri as she was also staring at Tsu’ru like Tuk. 
“Eywa’s really blessed you brother” 
“She has” 
“By the way i was meaning to ask one of you. How is Ku’kuri” you asked out of the blue. 
Tsireya rose a brow at your question as she had no idea who you were referring to. “She has found herself a mate actually. Before we left She had announced she was pregnant. I wish we knew you two were here or else we would have delivered a message from her” Kiri commented 
Neteyam and you smiled. You often found yourself thanking her for her kindness and he will to not say a word. And you couldnt help but feel so happy for her to have found her happiness. 
“That’s good. She deserves all good things her ways” Neteyam spoke. He often also missed his friend. But also thanked her in his mind for allowing him to have this future too. 
“I cant believe she’s having a baby. Hopefully one day we can go and see her” you suggested.
“Are you two thinking of having other kids” Tuk asked innocently as You stared at neteyam before raising a brow. 
“Maybe Some other time. Id like to enjoy having a small family” You said stirring your clay bot at the broth you had been making. “Plus seeing as How Neteyam jokes about Rotxo being our oldest i think im set now”
“Why Rotxo?” 
“Neteyam kinda had to make sure the guy didn’t get himself killed or in trouble like a child…or like you Lo’ak” You said preparing the portions now watching as Rotxo came in with a few branches in his hair. “How and why did this happen” you asked him taking the fruit from his hand and cleaning out his curls. 
“ and how y/n treats him. It started out as a joke” Neteyam commented back. 
Tsireya now came to help with the food while you struggled to take out branches and leaves from Rotxo’s hair. 
“I cant wait to have a family of my own” Lo’ak said  
You could only smile at him. Greeting Ao’nung who finally came in with some more fish. 
Telling him to dry himself off before taking a seat. 
You gave Tsireya a look watching as she blushed a little before you two continued to make food. 
Hearing the family speak, talk and fawn over your little babe. Warm your heart. 
You allowed that once he had awoken that they could go ahead and play with him. Not the brightest of ideas but really nothing bad happened. 
It was just watching them fight over his attention. Making him laugh, giggle and pull at their tails. 
It was nice to have the pod be as lively as it was this day. It was nice to see your little boy smile and make a bond with his aunties and uncle. 
It was nice to have a family. You looked at Neteyam watching as he saw how Lo’ak held his son and made him ‘fly’ as the rest of them laughed along and played along with Tsu’ru. 
Eating all together before they all began to yawn and fall asleep on your floor. 
You couldn't help but laugh, taking Tsu’ru from Kiri’s arm and set him in his basket to sleep. 
“Oh lo’ak isnt gonna believe this” you heard neteyam say as he Saw his brother and Ao’nung sleep on each other  while everyone else was around them. A cuddle pile and it was a little amusing to see the two who hated each other sleep so close together. 
“That’s enough Ma ‘teyam” You scolded. Cleaning your pod. 
You saw him place the large blanket on them before kissing your neck as he guided you to your own little corner with your son. You watched how he gentle slept. Breathing in an out before speaking. 
“You know i wouldn't mind having more kids someday”
“I know you wouldn’t. Mom and Dad still want to … reconcile” 
“I know”
“Do you want to give them a shot?” 
“No.. at least not right now. Okay?”
“What ever you want Ma Y/n"
Taglist: @brooklynscherry-z / @alerouxstyxsblog / @coconut-dreamz
173 notes · View notes
longnightswriting · 1 year
promise me you’ll stay pt2 | ellie x reader
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summary: after a long, stressful night, ellie and an ex love spend the morning in bed reconciling and making up for lost time
content warning: fluff, crude language, smut, oral(giving and receiving), fingering, dirty talk, lack of aftercare, dom ellie, f!reader
a/n: decided to make a pt2 and may continue on with it. i’m open to suggestions if you have any elliexreader ideas you’re wanting to see written
word count: 3.3k
My eyes blinked open slowly, but just barely— not enough to be awake, but enough to be aware. I snuggled deeper into Ellie’s embrace, my fingertips slowly finding their way up her body until reaching her chest where my palm flattened against her heart, waiting for its rhythm. A small, peaceful smile grew upon my face at the familiarity— finally having my comfort back within reach.
Ellie began to stir at my touch, grumbles and sharp breaths coming from her lips as she turned her body towards me. I became enveloped in her arms as I nuzzled even deeper into her chest. In this moment, I don’t think I could ask for anything more. But there was always something in the back of my mind, there always would be, something that was always telling me to brace for the inevitable.
“I think I almost forgot how nice this was.” She spoke, her voice raspy and low.
My lips trailed gently against the fabric that covered her chest, inhaling deeply between each kiss. Looking up, our eyes met and we exchanged bashful grins. Ellie was the first person I ever truly dated— yeah, there were some flings here and there, but nothing like this— nothing that even neared this level. I remember meeting Ellie for the first time, but not as vividly as I’d like, probably because I turned into an absolute puddle of nerves. I’m still embarrassed by it.
“You know what I didn’t forget, though?” She questioned, peaking my interest as she looked down at me, “How much I loved seeing you between my legs.”
My mouth fell agape, slightly pushing away from her, “Is that the joke you were saving from last night?”
She shrugged, stifling a laugh as I rolled over onto her, careful of the still fresh wounds that painted her body.
“I was-“ I paused, truly unable to pick my jaw up off the floor, “Ellie!”
“What— it’s been awhile!” She playfully fought back as I hid my face in her chest, embarrassment over taking me.
Ellie always had a way of making me like this— bashful over comments, usually sexual. I never knew if it was because being with her was my first sexual relationship, or just because any comment she made to me like that made me feel like a giddy little girl whose crush just noticed them.
“Hey, I’m kidding.” She hummed, her fingertips slowly running the length of my back— up and down, “I was really just glad that I was with you.” She spoke honestly as I lifted my head, staring up at her, “I knew you’d take care of me.”
I rolled my eyes, “It’s not like you gave me much of a choice, Els.”
“You could’ve turned me away-“
I shook my head, cutting her off, “I wouldn’t.”But then I understood what she was getting at.
She gave me a tight smile, readjusting herself under my weight before letting out a long sigh.
“I took an extra run— a side thing that Maria and Tommy didn’t know about, but the guy I was supposed to go with backed out last minute-“
“Who?” I stopped her, eyebrows furrowing.
“Just some shithead kid who’s only ever worked patrol, but I went anyway, I know I shouldn’t have, it’s just…” she shifted again, her eyes avoiding mine, “It’s been different recently.”
I sighed, my eyes leaving hers as I got lost in my own mind. I knew what she meant, and I knew she wasn’t trying to place blame, but I couldn’t help but feel it. Even if only partly. Before all of this, Ellie and I had been joined at the hip for so long that when we did finally split from each other, it threw off our lives drastically. We didn’t know what to do without the other— without having any knowledge of what the other was doing or how they were. Going from being connected to someone for so long to having zero contact with them, seemingly overnight was… different.
She shrugged, “I ran into some assholes and they got the jump on me.”
I didn’t have anything to say to her, or at least I couldn’t come up with anything that wasn’t emotion driven. I hated her being outside the walls, which was part of the main argument that separated us, and this was just cementing how I felt about it. But I’d put up with fight after fight and years of the silent treatment if it meant I could be sure that she was always safe, I knew it wasn’t realistic though.
My fingertips played under the neckline of her shirt, running along her collarbone, “How are we going to make this work?”
“We could just fight like an old married couple the rest of our lives.” She hummed, pushing loose strands of hair behind my ears, “Threaten to kill each other every couple weeks followed by the best damn hate sex anyone could dream of.”
I blushed at her offer, a grin pulling at my lips before slowly diminishing, “Can we talk about going outside the walls?” I asked, my eyes finally shifting to hers, “Without fighting— like just neutral?”
“Neutral?” She mocked, furrowing her brows.
“You know what I mean.” I rolled my eyes, “I just want to talk about things without it ending in one of us storming off.”
Ellie agreed, only nodding, but I could tell she was weary.
“Ellie, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” I spoke honestly, fingers reaching up to play with the necklace I had gotten her so long ago, something it seems that she had never taken off, “I can’t do that if you’re dead.”
“I can handle assholes-“
“And you did… this time.” I stopped her, “What about next time? Or the time after that?”
Ellie was hard to reason with— she was so hardheaded and stubborn, but that was one of the things that first attracted me to her. It was hard to believe now that it was the catalyst in tearing us apart. It wasn’t always like this though, when we first met, but as time went on we seemed to force ourselves further apart in fear of losing the other. From sneaking outside the walls together, to shorter and shorter trips, to leaving without me with the only excuse being that she feared something would happen that she wasn’t able to stop. But when that was my excuse for not wanting her outside the walls, it fell on deaf ears.
I pushed myself up, carefully straddling her lap as she groaned under my weight, “I just…” I breathed, placing her hands onto my waist as she instinctively drug them up and down my thighs, “I don’t know what I would do with myself if I lost you.”
And I was being honest, I don’t know what I’d do without Ellie. Being away from her, not only physically but emotionally, had taken its toll on both of us it seemed.
“It’s already been so hard not having you here every night— holding me… touching me.” I hummed, “It’s not the same without you.”
“What?” She breathed, already in a trance as her fingertips lightly dug into my skin, “You been having fun without me?”
“Only when I couldn’t get you off of my mind.” My answer made her smirk, fueling an ego that was already on fire. “Ellie-“ I whimpered under her touch, her thumb running over the thin fabric covering my lower half. Her name hitched in my throat, coming out needier than I’d like to admit, and I could tell she was getting off on it.
Running her bottom lip between her teeth, I watched as her light eyes began to darken, filling with lust. But as soon as it started, she stopped herself, and her touch disappeared from my skin. My mouth fell agape slightly, feeling abandoned and needy as I watched her roughly rub at her eyes, grumbling to herself.
“Els?” My voice barely let out, watching her intently with my heart in my throat.
“Hold on.” She mumbled, slowly pushing herself up off the mattress through sharp breaths and swears, “This shit is so embarrassing.”
My eyes frantically searched her face for answers, fearing I had done something wrong— that I had misread all the signs.
But I hadn’t.
Ellie’s lips found mine and together they worked in unison while I melted within her grasp.
“Can’t even fuck you how I want.” She huffed, her voice throaty, “If I flip you over and tear out my stitches, I know you’ll make me pay for it.”
“Guess that just means I get to fuck you how I want.” I breathed between kisses, a smirk pulling on her lips as she tilted her head back, giving me perfect access to her neck.
I trailed kisses down her throat to her collar bone before we both fought over the fabric covering our torsos, practically tearing the clothing off between laughter stifled with more kisses.
My eyes rolled back, a soft moan leaving my lips as Ellie returned the treatment, leaving marks along my neck and chest. Her finger tips dug into my skin, eyes hungry as she leaned back admiring the art she had left. Carefully, I removed myself from her lap, leaving kisses on any exposed skin I was given the chance to show my love to, because it had been so long since I could.
“Fuck.” She breathed, repositioning herself as we both worked together carefully slipping the shorts over her bandaged stitching. I paused momentarily, seeing the dark bruising that now painted her thigh, like blood from the night before.
“I’m ok.” She reassured, eyes getting lost within each others as her hands cupped either side of my face, “I am.”
I knew it was a lie, but there was no use fighting her— not right now. I had different things on my mind anyway. I continued to trail kisses down her body, over her toned stomach and thighs. I craved her so desperately that I wasted no times attaching my lips to her pussy, quickly earning her satisfaction.
“Oh fuck, that’s my good girl.” She muttered, her head falling back as her hand became entangled within my hair, “God, I missed you.”
Getting lost within Ellie was so easy and something I craved constantly, almost like an addict. The time we spent apart and the times we spent not talking? I have never experienced an actual withdrawal, but I would imagine that’s about as close as I’ll ever come to it.
I couldn’t stifle the giggle that escaped my lips at Ellie’s satisfied, throaty moans. I loved making her feel good but seeing her become such a vulnerable mess was so enjoyable to watch.
Her grip lightly tightened, pulling my head back, “What’s so funny, huh?”
“I just love seeing you whine with my tongue in your pussy.” I grinned, seeing her drunk with pleasure.
She bit at the inside of her lip, fighting a smirk, “I will get you back for that.”
I rushed back to her pussy, going in for seconds and lapping up juices like it was the answer to all of my problems. And in this moment, it really felt like it. I don’t think I can live without Ellie, and being with her right now was really cementing that. Through the fights, the staying up late because she hadn’t shown back up at the gates on time, and the fear of what our future would hold— I’d do it everyday for the rest of my life if it meant I got to spend it with her.
Her grip left my hair as she propped herself up on her elbows, her breathing getting faster, pausing only for the swears that left her lips.
I pulled away slightly, my fingers taking place of my tongue on her clit, taking pride in my work as I watched Ellie— her jaw slack and eyebrows lightly furrowed.
“Are you gonna cum on my tongue for me?” I teased, my mouth returning to its rightful place.
Her head tipped back, fighting a smirk, “I’m so gonna get you back.”
But within seconds she was doing just what I asked of her, and the sounds that filled the room was music to my ears.
“Ok— ok.” She breathed, squirming under my touch, desperately grabbing at my face to pull me up, “Shit.”
“What?” I hummed softly, kissing up her chest, “You aren’t going to let me go back for more?”
“I’ve lost too much blood to keep cumming like that.” She joked, our lips meeting again, “I think you’d kill me.”
“And whose fault is that?” I cocked my head at her, biting lightly at my still wet lips.
She playfully rolled her eyes, annoyed and impatient, “Just get on my face.”
It had been too long— something I now knew I couldn’t let happen again, but eagerly, I obeyed her demand. Truthfully, I’d do anything she asked of me, and I think that was blaringly apparent just by looking at the events of the last 12 hours.
I quickly slipped out of the small bit of fabric that was still on my body but before I could even get situated, her arms wrapped around my thighs, holding me in place as I was instantly filled with mind numbing pleasure.
“Els- I, Ellie-“ I barely got out, easily becoming overstimulated and trying to pull away, “Please-“ My weak voice continued, but I couldn’t get a coherent sentence out with the pleasure that was drenching my body.
It felt so good— so good that I wanted to pull away, fighting against her grip, but I knew the second I lost that contact, I’d crave it again.
She made it hard to sit still— her tongue working circles into sensitive, needy flesh. Ellie ate pussy like her life depended on it— like she had something to prove.
My hips bucked against her tongue, desperately gripping at the old wooden headboard that had seen numerous scenes just like this one.
My jaw fell slack as blissful moans tumbled from my lips, Ellie’s fingertips gripping my thighs hard enough to leave bruises. And it wasn’t long before my high was pulsing through my body and leaving me an absolute mess.
I collapsed off of her as she released her grip on my thighs, falling to the side and allowing the residual jolts of electricity to dissipate from my body. My eyes fluttered closed through long, shaky breathes that preceded euphoric giggles.
I was in such a blissful state, I hadn’t even noticed Ellie’s struggle to reposition herself until she was already in between my legs once again. I gasped at the contact, instantly trying to pull away while whimpers flooded my vocabulary.
“What was that?” She teased, her fingers replacing her tongue before she slowly slipped them in, “Something about… whining with your tongue in my pussy?”
A moan left my lips as her fingers curled, knowing exactly how to work my body.
I reached down, gripping her wrist in an attempt to halt the actions that were sending my brain and body over the edge.
“Hey.” She corrected, her stern voice causing me to freeze as our eyes locked, “You don’t talk to me like that, understand?”
My mouth fell agape ever so slightly, feeling caught off guard and vulnerable, “I just miss you-“
“Understand?” She repeated, never breaking eye contact as she slowly lowered herself once again, her lips wrapping around my sensitive clit.
I took a sharp breath in, my head falling back, “Yes, I- I understand, yes-“
The overstimulation quickly turned to pleasure once again and I was fully in heaven with Ellie between my legs. But she loved to tease, her lips trailing kisses along my thighs and driving me insane.
“So, you wanna talk about going outside the walls?” She hummed, her fingers pumping delectably slowly.
“I- Ellie…” I rolled my eyes, letting out a small laugh at her bringing up the subject, my voice breathy and desperate.
“What, baby?” She teased, “What do you want? Come on now.”
I propped myself up, reaching for Ellie’s wrist again in an attempt to allow myself to think straight, but she immediately pushed it aside, leaving me a desperate whimpering mess.
“Nuh-uh, use your words.”
“Ellie, please, I-“ I begged, my mind running blank as I watched her fingers working masterfully, “I need you h-here, please-“ I struggled to get out, our eyes meeting, “I wanna be with you.”
A smirk grew on Ellie’s face, one of satisfaction, “Good girl.” She hummed, her mouth returning to my pussy as a reward and causing me to squirm under her touch.
Ellie had me wrapped around her finger, quite literally in the moment, but just in general. And no matter how much I wanted to deny it in times of stress, I’d do anything she told me to and she knew that.
“Ellie…” I whined, prodding her for an answer
She left kisses covering my thighs, her eyes gazing up at me, “What? You want me to take you out with me?”
I nodded eagerly, eyes flickering between hers and her fingers as they worked over my sensitive clit.
I could see her really begin to think about it, for real this time, her tongue dragging her bottom lip between her teeth. She wasn’t here in the moment anymore, she was elsewhere in her mind.
“Yeah, ok.” She eventually nodded, but there was hesitance to it, and I could tell it’d be something we’d have to talk about in detail later. Now wasn’t the time.
Again my head fell back in ecstasy as she returned, but something was different now— she still wasn’t here. Instead she was overthinking things while her body was on autopilot.
“Oh my god- fuck, Ellie!” I swore, her movements speeding up and bringing me to my climax once again.
She left a final quick kiss on the inside of my knee, before her touch disappeared.
Breathless, I stared up at the ceiling as my head spun, only being pulled out of my high by Ellie’s painful hisses.
Pushing myself up, I watched as she attempted to get herself out of bed, quiet grumbles and swears leaving her lips.
Her absence— the lack of touch, it felt isolating. But I know she didn’t mean it.
“Ellie?” I cooed, crawling up behind her as she sighed at my touch.
I kissed at her neck, her cheek, her forehead, before moving loose hairs behind her ear, “We don’t have to worry about it right now.” I spoke softly, desperate to not lose her again.
Our foreheads touched, a quiet moment between the two of us after just having the room filled with the most heavenly of sounds.
“I love you— you know that, right?” She asked, our eyes meeting.
I nodded, studying her face, every freckle and scar that told a story.
And she stared back. The two of us in completely and total awe at the beings before us— as if our hearts had manifested all of our desires into beautiful souls, perfect for one another.
“God, I’d really do anything for you, huh?”
“Anything but keep yourself out of harms way, apparently.” I teased, kissing at her face once again, “Come shower with me.” My offer coming off as more of a demand, “I’ll clean up your stitches, wash your hair…” I trailed off, lovingly playing with the loose pieces that framed her cheekbones, “And then maybe I’ll ride your face again if you’re good.”
“Yeah?” She hummed through a smirk, our lips connecting again.
I nodded, “If you’re good.”
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
May 2022
Hi Emmy,
This is desperate to try get in touch but I’m pretending you’re gonna read this. I know you’re not reading your texts. Or maybe you blocked me. I don’t even know. I keep leaving voicemails and even insta messages, but nothing. Send up a flare that you’re still ok? Please?
Ever since we met you’ve been the person I trusted with asking any career questions to. I should have listened to you more about the McLaren stuff, but yeah. You’re the most important person in my life and the one I think about when I’m making decisions, but this time you’re not here to say it to. So I want to at least tell you.
I’m retiring at the end of the season. I checked my contract to see if I could go at the summer break but I can’t. So Abu Dhabi’s gonna be my last race. It’s…it’s not fun anymore. Every race is a slog and even tracks I love make me want to go insane. Miami was hell and last weekend felt like the worst time ever. I never thought I’d hate racing in Barcelona. I’ve given this sport everything I can give it and it’s taken more than that and it’s too much. You made me realise that.
I missed too many moments with family and friends, I missed births and deaths and weddings and funerals. You know that better than anyone. This sport meant I couldn’t be with you when you needed me and then I lost you. Its taken absolutely everything and I can’t let it take anything else. There’s nothing else really. It took you. The love of my life and the most important person in my world, and I let you slip through my fingers because of this. So it’s it.
Its not worth the pain anymore. It’s not worth the frustration it’s causing. And it’s never, ever been worth the pain it caused you. That’s the biggest regret I have about all of this, that it hurt you so badly. Plus I can’t do this without you beside me. I’ve no idea how I did it for so many years when you weren’t there but now I just can’t. I can’t do it and I don’t want to learn how to either.
That’s the first part of the plan. I had to tell you first. After Monaco I’m gonna tell Mike and Blake, and then when I tell my parents that you’re gone I’ll tell them then. Don’t blame Michael, he can’t tell them and I figured it deserved more than through FaceTime so I’m flying down. Then during the summer I’ll announce it. Do a video or something.
Then once that’s done I need to find you. I don’t blame you for leaving, Emmy. I can’t blame you because if I was in your shoes I’d have done the exact same thing. I just miss you so fucking much. I miss you every single second of every single day and I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know how to stop loving you and even if I did I don’t want to. I want us together, Baby girl. I want to have that life we talked about.
Remember that night in Austin? That girl kept trying to flirt with me and wouldn’t take no for an answer, and then I kissed you in front of her and she finally left? And that night when we were going to sleep you said that you thought Austin would be a place that it’d be nice to show our kids one day. I want that so much it hurts. You were half asleep and so innocent and I realised that’s what I wanted too. I never wanted it before I met you because I never thought settling down was worth it. But it’s not settling with you.
I want you to fight me about finding an apartment in the budget you want, and me to tell you I’m paying because I earn a disgusting amount of money. I want to argue about groceries and who pays which bills and wake up with you in the morning. I want those baths where it’s just us and the world fades away. Falling into your coffee table and the bruises appearing on my shins again. I want all of it. I’m so sorry that I didn’t make you realise that I want you. You’re it for me, Emmy. Nobody else comes close to you.
I want to hold you and tell you that I love you so much. It’s no y’know, right, it’s no pretending. No claiming it’s not romantic. I love you and I want to get to hold your hand in public and tell the world. Say it every single day. I’m so, so sorry for everything that happened between us. Everything I said, everything I did. I should have kissed you when I got out of bed that morning and I should have kissed you when you were going to the airport. I never should have said what I did because I promise you I will never, ever be done with you Baby. Ever.
I’m so sorry for everything I did to hurt us, but please. Let me fix it. If you’re reading this tell me where to go to find you. I’ll go anywhere in this universe to find you, fuck the car and fuck racing and fuck this team. Fuck the people who didn’t respect you because they don’t deserve my or your respect. Tell me where to go and I’ll find you and prove how sorry I am. If you let me I’ll spend the rest of our lives making it up to you. If you love me even a tiny bit please, please tell me where you are. That you’re alive. That we can see you because every single person who knows you keeps asking where you are and how you are and I don’t even know if I can say you’re ok.
I love you so much, Emmy. None of it matters. Not without you. So I’m giving it up because what’s it all for if it’s taken the love of my life away?
All of my love,
Your Danny
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irondadidontfeelsogood · 10 months
Midnight Blues
cw: vomit
“Hey Tony, can I talk to you for a second?” Pepper asks, leaning over the arm of the couch.
“Yeah, where?”
“Let’s go outside, it’s nice.”
Tony stands from the couch, following her out to the porch. When the door closes behind him, she sighs. That’s never good.
“What is it?”
She shifts her weight a little. “It’s Peter.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, I’m not totally sure, but he’s not acting like himself at all. He came in to help us clean the kitchen, and now he’s been sitting at the table completely silent ever since. I don’t think he’s feeling well.”
“Oh. I was wondering where he was. We were supposed to watch a movie.”
“Yeah, I just think something upset his stomach. I asked him if he was alright, but he insisted he was fine, so I left him alone. I think he might talk to you, though, so I thought I’d ask.”
“Yeah, of course. He’s probably pretty exhausted, I mean we drove for, like, ten hours today.”
“Maybe that’s part of it.”
“Maybe. I’ll go talk to him. Thanks Pep,” he says, leaning forward to kiss her cheek before turning to go inside. She follows him, but they split before the kitchen.
As promised, Peter is slumped over the table, staring at the wall. He doesn’t look good at all. If it’s possible to actually turn green, Peter has just about managed it.
“Hey kid,” he greets, pulling out a chair and sitting next to him.
“You still up to watch a movie?”
“Mm…maybe. I’m a little tired.”
“I don’t blame you. But, uh…are you feeling okay? You’ve looked better.”
Peter exhales slowly. What Tony didn’t expect was for him to suddenly crumble, holding back a weak sob.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright,” he soothes, scooting closer so he can rub his back. “What’s wrong?”
Peter shakes his head, tears tracking down his cheeks. He breathes out shakily and then inhales sharply. It takes a moment for him to compose himself.
“M’just…I don’t know. I thought my stomach would stop hurting on its own, but now I don’t know,” he murmurs.
Tony reaches a hand over to feel his forehead, and it’s scorching. That probably explains the sudden breakdown.
“You’re really warm, kid. I’m sorry you don’t feel good.”
“Do you wanna call it a night?”
He nods just barely, pulling away from the table. When Tony helps him stand, he pales. Tony’s just a little nervous.
“Can we…I think I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Sure thing, kid. C’mon.”
He leads him to the bathroom, picking up the pace just a little. He watches Peter tremble as he lowers himself to the floor. He wishes he had FRIDAY here to tell him how high Peter’s fever is.
Peter hovers over the bowl, silent tears still escaping. He hugs his middle, groaning every now and then. Tony continues to rub his back.
“I really don’t feel good, Tony,” he moans, resting his head on the arm he has draped across the bowl.
“So sorry, kiddo. Maybe throwing up will make you feel better.”
That seems to only upset him more. He actually whimpers.
“I don’t wanna,” he breathes out, voice strained. He swallows with effort.
Tony continues to just keep him company, and several minutes go by before Peter rolls forward with a heave. Nothing comes up, but Tony can hear how unhappy his stomach is. He feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He takes it out to see a message from Pepper.
Everything okay?
He quickly types out a response.
In the bathroom. Think he might throw up.
Poor kid.
I know. Maybe get him a damp washcloth and some water for when he comes out?
Sure. I’ll have it in his room.
Thanks Pep
He pockets his phone again just as Peter coughs out another retch, just as unproductive as the first. With a weak sob, he rubs at his stomach a little.
Tony didn’t think it was possible, but Peter suddenly goes an even more impressive shade of grey-green. Watery spit starts to drip into the bowl, and Tony remembers from the last time Peter had a stomach bug that it isn’t a good sign.
“I don’t feel good,” he nearly weeps. Almost immediately after, he pitches forward and vomits a heavy stream against the back of the bowl.
“There you go, kid, you’re doing good.”
He throws up again, even more than the first time. He struggles to catch his breath before the next wave comes up, and then the next. Tony just tries to make him feel comfortable and calm.
He finally begins dry heaving, and then those taper off too. He sits back on his heels, tears collecting at his chin. Tony rubs his back.
“Feel any better kiddo?”
“I don’t know,” he murmurs. “M’tired.”
“Alright. Let’s get you to bed, okay?”
He lets Tony help him to the sink to wash his mouth out and then leads him to bed. It’s quiet in the house, and Peter is becoming increasingly limp against his side. They make it to his room, and he quickly crawls under the blankets.
Tony grabs the wet cloth Pepper made and lays it across his forehead.
“You want some water, Pete?”
“No…my stomach hurts.”
“I’m sorry. How about you get some rest and see if you feel better?”
“Mm…okay.” It sounds like he’s already halfway there.
He steps out quietly, turning off the light and leaving the door cracked. He sighs, shuffling to his own room, suddenly aware of his own exhaustion. It’s been a long day, he can’t imagine how Peter feels.
He makes it in, crawling in next to Pepper. She turns toward him and pauses the TV.
“Is he okay?”
“Been better, but he’s resting now. He threw up a lot.”
“I knew something was up. Did it help any?”
“Not sure, but he was pretty upset about it. I think the fever made him cry.”
“Poor kid.”
“I know. I’m gonna check on him in a few hours, I think. He needs to drink some water, but I don’t wanna force it on him when his stomach hurts.”
“Yeah, that’s probably for the best. You should get some rest too. C’mere.”
She holds him close as the day wears heavier on him. He just barely manages to set an alarm before he drifts off.
Some time later, he’s woken, but not to what he expected. There’s no alarm, just a hand pressing gently at his shoulder. He wills his eyes to open, and he sees a small silhouette against the light spilling from the door.
“Tony…,” Peter repeats, voice watery.
“What’s wrong? You sick?”
Tony sits up and turns on the lamp beside the bed, illuminating Peter’s pale, tear-slick face. He’s up in an instant.
“Hey, hey…it’s okay,” he whispers. “Wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
“I don’t feel good,” he all but sobs, arms wrapped tightly around his stomach.
“I’m really sorry, kid. C’mere, let me take you back to your room.”
He lets himself be led, but they come to a full stop in the hallway.
Not a beat goes by before he’s projectile vomiting onto the floor, splattering what has to be last night’s dinner all over the hardwood.
“Oh, kid…”
He throws up again, doubling over completely. Tony keeps him from falling and rubs his back while he rides it out. He figures there’s no use in trying to get him to the bathroom now. Peter’s legs are shaking too much, and there would probably be even more of a mess to clean up.
“Tony, what’s—oh Peter, honey…are you okay?”
Peter responds by retching violently, stomach contents splattering against the others.
“He woke me up and told me he didn’t feel good. Guess I should’ve expected an encore, you know?”
Peter throws up again.
“Let me grab some paper towels.”
“No, it’s okay, you go ahead and go back to bed. We’re okay.”
“You take care of him, I’ll take care of the floor, okay?”
“Alright, sure. Thanks.”
She disappears to the kitchen, and it seems like Peter has run out of things to throw up. He straightens up slightly.
“Feel like you’re done?”
“I’m so sorry,” he slurs, suddenly seeming years younger.
“Don’t apologize, it’s alright. I know you don’t feel good. Think you’re ready to move back to bed?”
He nods just slightly, still ghostly pale. Tony helps him the rest of the way to his room, and he all but collapses onto the bed. He looks so small.
“M’so sorry.”
“I said it’s okay, Pete. Does your stomach feel any better?”
“I guess…”
“It’s alright, you’ll feel better soon. Fast metabolism. Just rest up, and I’m right down the hall if you need me again.”
“Thank you,” he murmurs.
A/N: As always, thanks for reading! More to come!
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natalynsie · 1 year
Buzzing Lights (Noco Ficlet)
“I can’t believe your dad kicked us out,” Heather stated.
It was just past sunset. The park had a faint smell of rain from earlier that day, the pavement was ever-so-slightly wet, and the lights above the baseball fields buzzed quietly. It was dark, dark enough that the sign listing the rules, one of them being the park is only open dawn to dusk, was unseen.
“Duncan literally stole his wallet. I don't know what more you want from him,” Noah responded blankly. “Would your parents not kick us out? Because if they wouldn’t that says a lot about your family.”
“Well, he could’ve just thrown Duncan out, but he had to take all of us out. I mean, I guess being slow runs in the family.”
“I’m actually a very fast runner,” Lindsay argued. “But my dad is a little slow.”
“See what I mean?”
Noah rolled his eyes. He couldn’t believe Owen managed to drag him to another party with his homeroom, one at Lindsay’s house no less. What he also couldn’t believe is the fact that Lindsay would actually invite Duncan to her house. Of course, after Duncan decided to go and start robbing the family, effectively getting all the kids kicked out. Now, they were walking around a local park aimlessly.
Duncan just shrugged at the conversation. “You gotta do what you gotta do.”
“Well hey, it’s a nice night!” Geoff smiled, optimistic as always. “I think me and Bridge are gonna go find a place to watch the stars.”
“Hey, not a bad idea,” Duncan grinned as the two blondes departed from the group to find somewhere to sit. “Courtney, would you-”
“Not in a million years, Duncan,” Courtney responded. “Especially not after you robbed Lindsay’s parents.”
“Worth a shot,” Duncan replied.
“Courtney, let’s go on the swings!” Gwen suggested, pointing at the swing set standing on its own separate from the playground.
“Sure,” Courtney smiled.
“Don’t you leave me here with these crazies,” Leshawna called, following them. After a moment, Trent followed them as well.
Heather, Lindsay, and Beth headed to the bleachers to paint their nails. Alejandro, Duncan, DJ, and Tyler headed for the field where they saw an abandoned soccer ball. Everyone slowly split up from the group, going off with their own friends, leaving Cody and Noah heading to the woods.
“You sure we should go in there?” Noah asked.
“I know my way,” Cody argued. “I’ve been here a million times.”
It wasn’t like Noah had anything better to do, anyway. Eva, Izzy, and Owen went climbing fences so he wouldn’t want to hang out with them. Going for a walk in the woods was tame and required little effort. Plus, Cody knew what he was doing.
Well, not really.
After about twenty minutes of walking and Cody ranting about anything and everything, they decided to turn back. It was even darker than it was earlier, and Noah could barely see Cody.
He heard a clunk. “Wait, where are we?” Cody voiced.
“Are you serious right now?” Noah responded. “I thought you knew where we were going.”
“I just hit my leg on something and I have no idea where we are. Sorry.”
Noah let out a sharp sigh. Great.
Lost in the woods with Cody of all people. Maybe Izzy or Eva would be able to find their way back being the crazy people they were, or Owen could find his way back with the promise of food, but Cody?
Then Noah felt another hand touch his.
“I just don’t wanna lose you,” Cody justified the action, lacing his fingers into Noah’s. “In the woods, that is.”
Noah felt his heartbeat speed up, but blamed it on the fact that he was lost in the woods at night. He wasn’t scared, but what else would it be?
And he tripped.
“Ow, Jesus,” he exclaimed, letting go of Cody’s hand.
“Woah, sorry.” Cody crouched. “Are you okay?”
“I just fell really hard.”
“Are you bleeding?”
Noah felt the area directly below the knee he fell on. “Yeah. A little.”
“Okay, um, we’ll get band-aids when we get back. We can wash your cut in the bathrooms.”
Noah nodded, but then remembered he couldn’t see Cody. “Uh, yeah.”
Cody took Noah’s hand again and began walking slowly, not wanting to fall again. Noah stuck his free arm out so he wouldn’t run into anything again.
“Man, this would be a lot easier if Izzy was here,” Cody stated.
Noah snorted. “Yeah. The girl has night vision.” His hand hit a bush. “I guess we have to turn here.”
“Wait. Stick your foot out to the right.”
Noah did so. “Okay?”
“So there’s two paths here. I think we need to go left.”
“I guess you know better than me. If you’re not right though, I’m going to be mad.”
“No no, I know where we are now.”
Noah sighed. For the rest of the walk they didn’t talk much. There wasn’t much more to say.
“Oh hey, we’re back,” Cody smiled. The buzzing lights were visible and shone light on the path. “We can make it to the bathrooms from here,” Cody grinned and let go of Noah’s hand.
Noah nodded, following him, but longing to hold Cody’s hand again.
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shade-pup-cub · 1 year
Hylia vs Fierce Deity... gotta love siblings fighting.
Chapter 12 "A Deity's Son"
Content warning: mention of blood, small blood scene, gods fighting, injury and temperary death (no its not Wild)
"Dear brother."
He dropped the bowl into the soapy water, startled. “Oh you are fucking kidding me.”
Dametrius put up his hand to sign. ‘Your aunt is checking in.’
Wild responded with a low growl from his chest.
“You have some nerve Hylia.”
“Am I not allowed to check on my baby brother and nephew? It has been two years for young Link since Ganon reappeared.”
“You don’t come around unless you want something. Speak it.”
“It's complicated. Needs to be said face to face.”
“I don’t trust you.”
“Would it make you happy if I came to you then?”
“You being dead would make me happy, but sure, since I really don’t have a choice.”
A white and yellow light flashed. Hylia, in the flesh, stood in the kitchen with all her chosen heroes and brother. “That is better.” Her eyes met Dametrius’s. “Well, baby brother, it is nice to see you again.”
“Funny, I was thinking the opposite. Especially since the last time we saw each other you sent me to the world of memories. Before that, you were letting Demise literally rip me apart.”
“Correction, you allowed it to happen.”
He scoffed, “So you could be strong enough to take him down, because we all know that the only way you will win a fight, is by using others. Just like you used Link, the first and the ones to follow.” He gestured to the boys in the house.
She gave a delighted smile, “My dear heroes! Look at you a-”
Dametrius summoned his blade and stuck it out to stop her. “Nope, you came here to talk to me, not them. So sit down and talk.” Dametrius wasn’t going to allow her to hurt any of his boys.
“I need a favor.”
“Not surprised.” he mumbled aloud.
“Hush! You always try to talk over me.” She scolded.
They were bantering like children. Siblings. “Your bratty ass mouth has always spewed unwanted things to my ears. Forgive me for being tired of it and tired of the hell you have put me through.” He sat when she did, but was ready to jump to his feet at any moment. The boys in the house gathered together behind him, near the steps.
“That I put you through? You seem to forget what I have endured due to your lack of action against Demise and his pet. What he did that day and the weeks leading up to it.” Her eyes locked onto his. “Maybe your time in the mask watered down your memories.”
“Forget what happened?! Do you have a clue to what Demise did to the mask? He drenched it in Link’s blood before banishing me into it. Blood, Hylia. The one thing that triggers my gift of sight. He made me watch everything, over and over again until the first time the mask was used."
"You were supposed to protect him and you couldn't even do that."
He gawked at her. Was she really this self centered? Yes, she was. "He was his own person and I told him to stay put so we would have a full proof plan. Not my fault that he loved you too much and wanted to be the hero."
"You blame him for his own death?" She had fire in her eyes.
"No, I blame our brother. But is Link really dead, I mean you kept his very soul alive." He watched Hylia look at the boys to his back.
"They are not him."
"Aren't they?" He looked at them then back to her. "His undying love for you and willingness to serve you, that is Sky. Him fighting his own emotions because he acted on the strongest ones and always saw things others couldn't, that's Four. He was a natural leader even when he didn't always want to be and a good little brother, that is in Time." He still wanted to know who's sick idea it was to have a hero look like him and that said hero had the mask. "Experienced adventurer who questioned most things so he knew what was right and could be a hot head at times, purely Legend. Always pushing himself beyond his limit just to make sure everyone was taken care of, Hyrule. The optimistic and carefree side of him lives in Wind. And Warriors, he might as well be his twin brother since they look alike, just change out the scarfs color. He also was a great Captain and led his men fearlessly, like Warriors. His instincts to protect, his ability to know exactly what others needed and his strength is all Twilight."
He took a breath. "Then you chose Wild. Whether it was out of spite or because you needed him, I don't know. But the old Link is in him too. He fell in love with who he was protecting and if anyone shows his reckless, self sacrificing and his inner gremlin it's Wild. They are all bold, brave, courageous and hardheaded just like your Link."
Her ears dropped, something not common for her. "But still, not him. You wouldn't understand."
"Wouldn't understand?!" Wild was the one to do the outburst. "He is the only one to fully understand and had it much worse. And it was caused by you! You led them to her and had her killed. You murdered my Mother!!" There was a mixed pain in his voice, in his eyes as Twilight grabbed a hold of him. "Then you have the audacity to choose me and send me to my death! No, screw you!" Dametrius wasn't going to protect Hylia from his son’s wrath, but the sooner this favor was said and done, the sooner she would leave.
“You be quiet boy! You’re Mother was nothing but a-”
Dametrius took that as his cue to intervene. “One word against her and I will end you. You want a favor, speak it.”
She seemed to calm down some. “As you know, our sisters are the true holders of the Triforce. With all three parts, it can banish any evil. I need it.”
He looked at his sister and wondered if he had heard her correctly. “You need the Triforce? What could you possibly need it for?”
“For what it was made for.”
"Against who?” His heart rate rose.
“He’s back and I need to banish him once and for all. This Hyrule’s Zelda is clearly not here, but there is still someone here that holds the full form.” Her eyes landed on one of the boys and Dametrius knew it was Hyrule.
"You can't take it from him." Dametrius's words sent the heroes into action. They made a protective circle around Hyrule and Legend, since Legend was not going to let go of him.
Then Dametrius saw it. Under Hylia's fair skin were lines, lines of malice. It was in her veins. "What have you done? How long have you been drawing power from the Dark Malice?"
Her eyes went dark, literally. "Long enough to know that I should have called upon it much, much sooner. With this new power, all I need is the Triforce and I can eliminate anything or anyone I want to. Even you can't stand against me, God of War and Battlefields."
Her eyes were back on Hyrule and Dametrius sprung from his chair as she did, trying to get to the young hero. They rolled across the floor, each trying to gain dominance. Her punches were damaging compared to before and he could feel his ribs slightly crack with impact.
Her wings, much like his, opened up fully and she used them to speed past him. He turned on his side and grabbed her foot, bringing her to the ground. He got to his knees, took hold of her leg with both hands and slung her to the furthest wall away from his boys. With her gathering herself up off the floor, he looked up at the boys who were still protecting Hyrule. He could only do one thing to keep them safe. He touched the floor with his hand and one of his portals opened under the boys' feet, taking them to Lon Lon Ranch. They all either yelped, grunted or hollered as they fell through the blue and red portal.
“NOOOO!!” Hylia screamed out, black smoke and ash exploded from her.
Dametrius turned back around to see his sister’s wings fully expanded, her dress was now an ashy gray and black, golden hair was mixed with a red and purple. The skin of her hands, forearms, feet up to her knees, chest and up to her jaw was like coals and malice rippled more violently with her anger. Her wings were white, but they were now black, embers of malice flaking from it with small flames. He didn’t recognize this person that was his sister and he went from the Fierce Deity that would have happily tore her spine from her back for the hell he went through in her name, to a sibling that needed to save her before she destroyed herself, everything and everyone around her. He had to.
“Where did you send them? Where?!”
“Somewhere you can’t reach them.” He kept telling himself to bluff, just bluff.
“There’s nowhere you can send them that I can’t reach. I will find them.”
She started to leave through teleporting, but he jumped to his feet and wrapped his arms around her in a hold that she couldn’t break free from. They fell through time and space as she tried to get away. They collided with mountain tops, crashed through trees, slammed into the ground and sank into the ocean's depths.
They fell from the sky one last time and landed in a field, dust and dirt kicked up around their bodies. His hold loosened slightly as his mind tried catching up. That much movement caused serious side effects if he wasn’t careful. He coughed and felt Hylia fall from his arms to the ground.
He had not a clue as to where they landed, until a specific woman spoke. “What the hell is going on?” Malon. Shit. They landed in the one place he was trying to keep the goddess from.
“Looks like I found them after all.” Hylia mocked, a knee against his chest.
“Weapons ready!” Warriors called out. Swords and shields could be heard drawn.
The weight left his chest and he could breathe better. The sound of metal clinking together, the boys calling out to each other and curses being thrown had Dametrius’s full attention. He rolled to his stomach, pushed himself to his feet and broke into a sprint. He one handed took his sister by the material of her dress between her wings, planted his feet and launched her across the land.
Would he ever hit a woman? No, or not a mortal woman. Goddesses were not typical beings and now this one had extra power running through her.
He braced himself for her attack as she flew into the air, then dove at full speed towards him. He summoned his armor and blade to him before he leapt into the air to intercept her. The sound of them colliding was as if a canon went off.
He landed on his feet, changed his grip on his blade and threw it. He didn’t want to kill her, but make her actually fight so he could contain her. She moved out of the way of the blade, but missed it coming back. The sound of her screaming in pain as it made a deep gash across her right wing made his chest ache.
Her sword was drawn when she put her wings away. Her eyes had nearly turned black. “Sister, listen to me.” She took a step closer. “Is hurting one of your heroes something you would really want? If you are facing something that you can’t defeat alone, just ask for help. There is no shame in that.”
“Ask who, you?”
“You could have.”
“You hate me and all I stand for.” Three more steps.
“Not hate you, but your actions. We used to be bestfriends, Hylia. We did everything together and fought for each other. We were inseparable, always attached at the hip. So please, before you rip us completely apart and stab me in the back when I’m trying to help you, make sure you really don’t need me.”
“I will never need you. Not anymore!”
“Then you better make sure that you kill me, because if you don’t I will make sure you are stopped for good.”
She laughed. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep FD.”
He gripped his blade with both hands and his body gave off a blue and purple energy aura that extended to his weapon. Each strike he made he made with excellent precision so as not to hurt the boys or Malon who now was under Time’s arm. Beams of raw energy were propelled from the Double Helix sword as he dodges Hylia’s own beams of light. Each connection of metal sounded like thunder and there were sparks of lightning.
It was a matched battle between Deity and Goddess, both giving it their all. They each had wounds, blood trickling from them. Bruises along their jaws and cheeks due to elbows and fists. Hylia was as strong of a fighter as they came, but she was not Fierce Deity, even with the dark power that was still consuming her being. He overpowered her and kept her on her knees in front of him. She was barely moving and he was going to kill her.
Hylia still had one trick though. As his blade was raised over his head, ready to strike her one final time, he looked down and stopped his course of action. In Hylia's place was his wife, on her knees, tears down her cheeks, belly swollen with their daughter. "You dare use her image against me?!"
"Please, Dametrius. Stop this." It was his wife's voice.
"This trick isn't going to work on me." he growled. She would pay for this.
"Daddy please!"
His eyes went wide, hands shook, breath left his lungs. Right in front of him was his little girl. The little girl he never got to meet. Bright blue eyes, fair skin, white hair and she had the same blue marking on her forehead as him, but lined with red that also followed her hairline to her temples. She was beautiful. There was no doubt that she was his. But this was Hylia.
His anger doubled, but before he could strike, Hylia had an arrow of light shoot from her bow that suddenly materialized.
There was no pain at the moment since his adrenaline was spiked, but he saw his shimmering silver and red blood drip from the wound. His blade slipped from his hands behind him as he pressed fingers to the hole in his abdomen.
"Hylia, stop this!"
He watched the second arrow being drawn back and burn Hylia’s hands. It went right above the other, all the way through.
Dametrius crumbled to his knees. Breathing became labored, eyes unfocused, hearing fading. During a small amount of clarity, he saw Link take a defensive stance. He was blocking him from a goddess who had become corrupted by hate. “Link… d-don’t.” Black dots covered his vision as he landed on his side, still holding his fatal wounds.
He didn’t know who it was, but he was rolled to his back and hands pushed hard on the holes to keep him from bleeding out. It was useless he knew, so he just grabbed the hands, saying, “It’s fine. Leave it be, there’s no point.” If the bodies around him said anything, he didn’t hear it. He began to cough, a copper taste filled his mouth and his vision was completely black. He closed his eyes, or he thought he was and smiled. “I’ll be okay. I’ll be with her again. Please, let me be with her again.”
A familiar voice that he had missed since before Demise sealed away spoke. “My son, come home.” His body turned into stardust.
Birds chirped their songs, streams of water flowed over rocks, the breeze was calm and cool and the green grass was warmed by the sun. He knew this place and it cured all his pain. “My child.”
“Allmother.” He hadn’t talked to her in thousands of years.
“Please, sit and talk to me. What has caused your death?”
It was always the talk of life and death with her. Well, she was Mother Nature after all. “Hylia has.”
“Hylia or your own anger?”
He stopped and thought. “You think my anger got in the way and did this? She is the reason for all my anger.”
Allmother laughed. “My son, you two have always been each other's anger and joy.”
“This is different. She took things, people, away from me out of spite!”
There was a sigh. “She has and ever since then she has fallen further and further from the path of light. She needs to be brought back.”
“And I am to do that how? She has malice in her blood and I can’t extract that from her. There's no telling what she is doing right now with the nine heroes.”
“They are fine and yes I do expect this of you, but not by yourself. I’m sending your other sisters with you. Work together and end this chaos. Oh, and one last thing.” He waited. “How would you like to be restored?”
The light that followed him returning to the world of the living was blinding, even to him. He landed on his hands and one knee, head bowed. There was a strange sensation coming from his back as his large white wings grew back to their once glory. His red scarfed cloak hung around his shoulders. A thin, black material was tucked under the neck of his shirt and covered his mouth and nose, only showing his glowing white eyes. When he was bound to his mask, his weaponry was reduced down to the single blade everyone knew him for. Now, he had his full inventory. At his hip was his trusted whip. He pulled it from its ties and cracked it once.
The whip was braided with the power of light, the same light Hylia was born from. He swirled it then caught Hylia by her torso before she hurt the boys more than the few cuts they had. When it felt secured, her hollers confirmed it, he yanked her back into his arms.
She thrashed against him with all her might, but with his full power no one stood a chance.
Dametrius saw three figures walk towards him and he went to his knees, still holding Hylia to his chest. The three held up their hands and spoke the same words, “Be free.” A warmth cascaded over him and the one he was holding. He basked in the holiness of it, but Hylia was screaming as the malice was being banished from her.
“Well well, if it isn’t the double trouble.”
Dametrius laughed, “Nice to see you too Nayru.”
Din shifted to her other foot. “I see she still can’t win in a fair fight. What was she thinking?”
Dametrius looked down at his unconscious sister. “We can find out when she wakes up.”
“Let us tend to her. You have company.” Farore smiled and hugged him around his neck.
The three of them took Hylia away to he didn’t know where, because he had just enough time to turn around and catch Wild in his arms. His boy was tucked into the side of his neck, shaking. Then there were more bodies on him and he had no choice but to lie down and take the pile of boys that were smothering him.
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kujo1597 · 7 months
I’ve been watching my friend liveblog her rewatch of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (great show) and it looked really fun to do. And she’s also doing this to get into writing SPOP fanfics and as some of you may remember, I have a Jem fanfic called Unbreakable that I really do need to finish. So I figured I would blog my rewatch of Jem. I wanted to watch the show again to get my creative juices flowing and figured why not.
Because I know the show backwards and forwards due to watching it five or six times my posts will probably largely focus on the characters and traits they have that I incorporate into the writing. I’ll talk about Jerrica’s relationship with Rio and why it’s so dysfunctional and concerning.
I’m also going to be a fucking weirdo and keep track of the crying because a character trait of Kimber’s I find really interesting is how private she is with her tears compared to the others. But this will be kept in a folder of its own and I won’t dwell on it.
I won't be putting all of these into the fandom tag because I worry that I'll be deemed "too active" by Tumblr and my posts will stop showing up in the tag. So I guess if you're interested in keeping up with these keep track of the "Kujo Watches Jem" tag.
Man I love this show’s first intro song and the animation. It’s largely rotoscoped and looks really nice.
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The show starts off with a look at Jem and The Holograms at a premiere and it’s a cool way of introducing the characters. They make it very clear who’s who.
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I love how they just fukkin’ throw Kimber out of the car. This is a good time to mention that the animation in the first five episodes is pretty janky. They’re stitched together seven minutes shorts that were part of the Super Sunday block on whichever channel this aired on. So we’re kind of watching a proof of concept right now.
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And of course they show Jem as this cool and mysterious woman as she shrugs off her sheer veil in front of a cheering crowd. Reporters ask Jem a bunch of questions.
Then we hear our protagonist, Jerrica, start narrating.
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She tells us that her story begins after her father's unexpected death. And they establish later in the show that this funeral is on or around Jerrica's birthday. Which is really awful. I feel bad for her.
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I remember Eric being kind of creepy at the funeral but always forget just how creepy he is. Especially because I’m fairly confident that at this point in production Jerrica is meant to be an older teen. Like, 17 or 18. I don’t blame Rio for dragging her off.
But oh man, let’s just add this to the “Jerrica apologizes for Rio count.” It’s a recurring thing.
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Now we cut to a shot of Starlight House and the characters working to fix it up. This also has cool details like a design table, Shana is into fashion design as we’ll learn later.
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Uh, I need to point out this bird cage. You’ll see why later. But I need to point it out.
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I wonder how long Ashley’s been living here for. Because she comments on the house being a dump as if she’s just moved in. Also she broke that chair. She tried to flop onto it but it broke.
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Now we meet Mrs. Bailey who helps take care of the kids. Nice lady. She informs Jerrica that her dad, Emmett, would get money to fund the Starlight House’s upkeep from his music company. So Jerrica goes over to the office. She sees a new receptionist, walks past her and enters her dad's old office.
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Eric continues to call Jerrica “darling” and talks about how he’s hired a new band called The Misfits. And they ride in on these extremely toyetic motorcycles. I don’t think they ever did get released though. But man, this screams “toy commercial show.” Jem is way more than just that though.
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We get the first song of the series and it’s great. Fun imagery. And it’s funny seeing them play their instruments because Stormer is playing this weird boomerang guitar. I seriously do wonder when they finalized what instruments the characters play. Aja was messing around with drumsticks earlier in the episode and spoiler alert, she’s not a drummer, like, at all.
Jerrica calls The Misfits trash and insults Pizzazz. Then they talk about Eric holding a rigged battle of the bands competition. Which obviously Jerrica doesn’t approve of.
We then cut to Jerrica in her bedroom on a stormy night. Jerrica’s mad about Eric ruining the good image of her dad’s company. Then Kimber points out the jewellery box addressed to Jerrica. It contains earrings, very familiar earrings. Everybody wonders who they came from. Aja figures it was Rio.
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Then thunder and lighting, and a mysterious woman who looks like she walked out of an exercise tape addresses Jerrica in a slightly ghostly voice.
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And then Jerrica very rudely puts her hands in this woman’s belly. Jerrica! Personal space!
Understandably the mysterious woman leaves. In a flash of light.
Everybody follows the directions left in the earring box and meet up with the woman in Starlight Drive-In. She walks through a wall and they follow her in their van, the Starlight Express.
A quick aside, I was talking to my friend who’s only seen two or three episodes of Jem because of me kind of going, “Well, these episodes are very silly. I think it’d be fun to watch them with you.” Anyway, I was talking about the show and because of the fact that everything has the word Starlight in the name he asked if Starlight was Jerrica’s last name. And yeah, I get why he would think that.
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Anyway, the woman introduces herself as Synergy and explains that she’s a highly advanced entertainment system made by Emmett Benton. We get shots where the characters split off and look at their interests, Shana at clothes, Kimber at the musical instruments, and Aja at the car, the Rockin' Roadster.
Seeing Synergy’s ability to make realistic holograms along with all the instruments gave Jerrica an idea.
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Oh neat, we’re seeing a performance by a band that sounds… not great. I guess the rigging is going well.
And then we hear some more music, this time a song building up.
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And that song the first one performed by Jem in the series. It’s a very solid one! A good note to start the band on.
Obviously everybody loved this band, they sound great! Eric gets all worked up and demands to know what they’re doing here because the contest is invite only. Jem points to Jerrica and announces that she was sent there by Jerrica.
And then Jem totally inconspicuously runs off of the stage and behind a tree. Then turns into Jerrica. She meets up with Eric on the stage and they’re caught arguing on the mics. I actually forgot that Eric was the one who put control of Starlight Music up as a stake in a new competition. One just between The Misfits and Jem and The Holograms.
A film producer named Howard Sands happened to be in the crowd and he promises a movie, and a mansion to the winner of the new battle of the bands competition. Six months from now.
Jerrica accepts the challenge having full confidence in herself and her sisters.
The Misfits are rowdy trouble makers so they steal Jem’s equipment and drives off with it in their van. The rival band gives chase because that’s their stuff and they need it. Musical equipment is not cheap. We get this thrilling chase where Roxy and Stormer throws things at the car Aja’s driving to try to get them to crash I guess. And uh
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That’s a cliff. They’re heading right off a cliff. And Aja hit the gas judging by the sound effect.
Good work.
You can kind of tell this was the end of the short, especially when they come back from commercial and replay the chase scene.
Jerrica’s not dumb. She sends a hologram of Jem out to get help. The hologram meets up with Rio and tells him where the car is. Rio saves them.
The paper reports on this and gives Jem and The Holograms a bunch of publicity.
The Misfits don’t see much of a problem with this because they can still win the competition and of course
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winning is everything.
I just, look at this GIF.
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Okay I needed you to see that. The music video is a wonderful flavour of silly.
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Now back to Starlight House. We see the girls putting money into the Honor Jar. It's a communal fund that the girls contribute to in order to afford things for Starlight House. They’re trying to buy a new fridge. Before adding the funds to the jar they have to announce how they made the money.
Ashley questions the jar which really adds to the feeling that she’s new here.
Also, it’s weird hearing Deirdre being voiced by Samantha Newark. She’s voiced by Patricia Alice Albrecht in her later appearances. The same VA as Pizzazz, Samantha Newark is Jerrica’s by the way.
Meanwhile Eric phones a thug and tells him to make Jerrica uncomfortable.
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I need to know where this place is located. It’s in the middle of a forest or something. And I swear that’s a river behind it. Is that safe when you have twelve kids? The youngest is eight so maybe we don't have too much to worry about.
Anyway, Ashley steals money from the Honor Jar and Jerrica catches her. And then says something that never sat super right with me.
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“There’s no room in Starlight House for girls who steal and lie.”
Like, hm, I dunno, I can’t articulate exactly why it bothers me. I feel like it would kind of breed dishonesty. Like how controlling parents often end up with kids who are really good at sneaking around them.
But Jerrica is a teen herself and taking care of twelve kids so I can’t be too hard on her. Especially because her dad did recently die so there is going to be some adjusting to the new role as foster mother.
Jerrica tells Ashley that the other girls are going to decide on her punishment because they’re the ones running the Honor Jar. The punishment is to raise $30 which is ten times the amount Ba Nee raised by the way.
I get a kick out of Samantha Newark trying to sound like a tough girl, possibly from Jersey. What do I know? I’m Canadian. Now I’m kind of wishing they kept her as Deirdre’s voice actor. We do get more "tough girl Newark" later in the series though. In an excellent episode.
Later on during the night Rio’s explaining that the power’s still out and offers to stay over. But Jerrica turns him down. They lean in for a kiss.
And hear a bunch of giggling which is cute.
Jerrica turns to them and says, “Jealous?” before kissing Rio.
I like this dynamic between Jerrica and her girls.
Later that night the thug Eric talked to, Zipper, awkwardly breaks into the house. It takes him a couple tries to break the window. Still better than what I could do.
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One of the Starlight Girls, Marianne, never named in the show, alerts Jerrica to there being a noise coming from downstairs. So Jerrica takes her sisters with her to check out the noise while the kids stay upstairs and safe.
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Because there’s no power and it’s the middle of the night Kimber’s holding a lantern with the biggest damn flame I have ever seen.
Zipper having been caught pushes past Kimber and knocks the lantern out of her hands. And sets the house on fire.
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Like, crazily on fire.
And this is where the episode ends.
I would love to do more but this took even longer than I expected and I haven’t been getting enough sleep so I’m quite tired and dizzy. So bedtime for me. I’ll pick this up later, possibly tomorrow.
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thatoneitaliangirl · 1 year
The Hat Man
(Just as an FYI, I change from past tense to present tense a couple of times. This isn’t a serious written work or anything, just a recollection of a dream so I don’t really care if it’s written that well, but I figured I’d give you a warning anyway cause I know stuff like that bothers me when reading lol.)
Long time no see! Sorry to my all of 2 followers that actually interact lol. But for serious, I am sorry for being gone for so long and not finishing things and leaving requests hanging. Its a bad habit of mine- I also got a boyfriend. We’ve been together for over a year now, and when we got together I kinda gave up fanfiction all together. I didn’t want to per say, it’s almost like I didn’t need it anymore. My Love took away my loneliness!~ But I still miss fanfiction lol. It just doesn’t feel the same anymore. 
I’ve recently started on Anti-depressants and ADHD medication and I’m starting to get back into the things that I used to love. I’ve been wanting to write again for some time, but just wasn’t sure what to and if I’m even capable of coming up with a unique thought right now lol. So, instead of coming up with something unique, I figured I’d tell you guys about the weird ass dream I had a while back. I’ve been thinking about it constantly and just had to tell the internet because spooks. 
I’m not exactly sure when I had the dream. It was a hot minute ago, like maybe 2 months or so? Before I go full into it, I would just like to state that, at the time, I had never heard of the Hat Man before. Which, now that I know, I’m surprised I hadn’t cause its right up my ally lol. But I hadn’t which makes this so much worse. 
My dream starts with me as a kid, maybe around 5 or 6. I’m wearing a long sleeve dress and I’m playing with other kids outside in the woods. It was Fall, the leaves where brown and falling off the trees and there was a nice breeze. I grew up in Florida in an area where there were no large forest like areas. The only thing I could think of this coming from would be an area by the neighborhood gazebo that had a bunch of trees we used to climb, but no matter where you were in it, you could see houses, it wasn���t very large. Anyway, I was playing with other kids my age and somehow I got separated from them, but I wasn’t scared or lost, I was just alone. I come across this large tree that looks a bit different than the others in that it looks older and maybe darker. At the base of the tree is a small wooden box, about the size of a jewelry or music box. It was made of a light colored wood and had very minimal carvings on the side. I remember opening it and then time rushing forward in the dream of stuff happening around the house and me blaming the Hat Man and nobody believing me. They would think I was lying to get out of trouble but eventually it got so bad that they sent me to a mental hospital. The Hat Man in my dream looked very similar to the descriptions of him on the internet. He was very tall and was wearing like a ‘50′s style suite and hat with a long coat and he had a red tie and no face. 
Time skips again but to the present. I’m my current age, 21, and I’m sitting in my room at the mental hospital talking to my therapist. She’s not anyone I recognize in real life, but she was really pretty I remember. She had long brown hair and was maybe in her early 30′s and spoke in a very kind and happy voice. She was discussing with me about how well I had been doing the past year and that the papers for my release had been signed, I just had to wait till morning. She was saying how she was so proud of me and how she was gonna miss me but she knew it was for the better. 
I’m not sure how any of you feel about the paranormal or spiritual stuff, but my family and I believe in it. I have this one family member who is very in tune with that kind of stuff and for some reason, she was in my dream. This is probably one of the reasons this dream freaked me out so much, because I literally never dream about her. I honestly can’t even remember ever dreaming about her, and so I felt like there was a reason she was there. What’s weird though is that I never actually saw her in any form, I just knew that it was her. In the dream, she was in the same hospital as me, just down the hall in another room. 
Later that night, I head to her room to tell her the good news, but I find her dead and run back to my room. I know that it was the Hat Man, and I begin freaking out that he was coming for me next. It was like he didn’t know where I was, but now that he did, he wanted to give me a warning. 
In the morning, the therapist comes in to get me but sees me sitting on my bed, rocking back and forth. I didn’t sleep the whole night and I just kept mumbling to myself that the Hat Man was coming for me. She was confused because I had been perfectly fine the night before and hadn’t had an episode like this in a year. Suddenly, there was commotion out in the hall, and she runs to the door and sees a bunch of nurses and doctors running into my family members room. She grabs the first nurse she sees and asks them what’s going on, and she just shakes her head. The doctors begin to pull my family member out of her room on a stretcher, but we can’t see her cause she wrapped in a pink blanket and only her arm is sticking out. An older nurse sees me standing nervously and shaking behind my therapist in my bedroom entryway and glares at me. She suspects me because I knew who was killed and later on they see me on the security cameras walk down the hall to her room, enter, and immediately run back to my room. Because of this, I’m put under lockdown. I’m not allowed to leave the room and they have someone watching me constantly. The therapist is in complete disbelief and is conflicted. On one hand, she’s known me for years and knows I would never do that, but on the other hand, she saw I was having an episode and there was a lot of evidence suggesting I was the murderer. 
For some reason, I’m not sure why, she decides to look into the Hat Man. Why she didn’t do this any other time while she was treating me is beyond me, but dream logic. 
She goes to this really large and old library and spends hours looking through books and records and news articles that talk about the Hat Man. Late at night, she’s sitting in the library alone. Just a single lamp on the table and the moon shining through large windows behind her are the only light sources. She sees something in an article or a book that shocks her enough to believe that this entity could actually exist and she calls me to ask me what I know. I tell her that he can only come for you at night and if your alone in complete darkness. Just as I’m telling her this, you see him walk past the window behind her and she runs out of the library. She spends the rest of the night in bars, diners, and other 24 hour spaces until dawn breaks and she rushes back to the hospital to see me. 
Somehow we figure out that my family member may have known something and was trying to protect me from the Hat Man, so she “breaks” me out of my room and we head down the hall to the murder scene to look for clues. We find a teddy bear that had a button to record but it’s missing the batteries. We quickly find some, put them in, and a message from my family member starts to play. All it says is for me to tell my aunt about the Hat Man and then I woke up. 
As you can see, this dream freaked me the fuck out. Not only because of how insanely detailed it was, but because of the family member dying, the message, and just the over all fact that I always felt creeped out at our old house and so this just confirmed in my head for that time that spooky stuff was happening. In reality it was all in my head OR SO I THOUGHT  but back to that later. Now that I’m typing this out, I realize that I had this dream at our old house so definitely not 2 months ago lol. We moved like 4 or 5 months ago- my sense of time is so freaking bad-
Anyway, I told all my family about the dream and they all agreed it was really creepy but that was kind of the end of it until I told my boyfriends friend. We were having a little game night and I don’t remember how the topic came up, but I ended up telling her about my dream and she was like, “Ah yes, the Hat Man. He comes to get you for not taking your ADHD medication.” And I was like WHAT???? She was shook I didn’t know about the Hat Man, and I was shook BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING REAL????? Or, not real, but that the concept was an actual thing and I didn’t just make it up in a weirdly vivid nightmare. 
She explained a bit about him to me and I looked him up on the internet. What’s funny is that, while I have ADHD and have been diagnosed with it since the 2nd grade, I’ve never taken medication for it before until literally 2 days ago. So I just kinda thought that was funny. I’m sure somewhere in the past I stumbled upon a meme or a joke about the Hat Man and my subconscious just kinda filled him in there but I still have no recollection of ever hearing about him before. And while I’ve thought about this dream on and off for the past few months, I only really started thinking about it again because my family recently told me that there was something in our old house, more that what I had originally knew. Like I said, I always got a weird feeling in that house, kinda like I wasn’t alone even if I was the only one in the house. My cousin had told me there was a spirit of a little boy but that he was harmless. Still, I felt off about it but I just kinda chalked it up to me being creeped out over everything, even if he was harmless- not sure if I ever mentioned it on here before, but one day I was in my room, home alone, and I got out of bed cause I had to use the bathroom and I was watching a tik tok and as I looked up from my phone to grab my door handle, the knob was turning on its own and I decided that, maybe, I didn’t actually have to use the bathroom and went back to bed. My aunt told me it could have been one of the cats, but I didn't really believe that. And now, the other day, I’m told that there was something bad in the house that the family member that died in my dream found and it freaked her out. And guess what fellas???? The reason they never told me about it was because IT WAS IN MY FUCKING BEDROOM so moral of the story is, trust your gut, dreams can’t hurt you, and the Hat Man is real. 
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 1 Episodes 7-9
Episode 7
-“good try, doggies” she’s so cute
-“snow elf.”
-“I need something more personal than a shirt”
-also if Soren or Claudia make any bad choices in the future I’ve decided that it is not their fault in the slightest thank you
-When Rayla said she was gonna ask nicely I didn’t think she was actually gonna ask nicely
-“I’m just a simple human girl who like the human things like bread and complaining all the time!”
“No, you’re an elf!”
“Fine I’m an elf.”
-bruh if that didn’t get it off what the heck will
Episode 8
-even if the healer can heal her hand it wouldn’t be any use because the band is still on
-could not be more unrelated but I just remembered that Callum mentioned a jerk face dance in episode 1 or 2 and I can’t even describe how much I NEED to see that
-“How do you plan for indescribable terrors? I feel like you need to be able to describe them first”
-“Flash! Woof! Whoosh! Slish-slash!”
“…is he okay?” “I think he’s finally cracked under the pressure”
-“Callum you may be a dummy but you’re not a fool!”
-don’t worry Callum, I appreciate your weird way of explaining plans
-bruh why does Viren even care about the elf anymore
-if y’all don’t start appreciating Callum’s humor RIGHT NOW-
-Bait you had one job
-I can’t believe they almost got killed by an oversized earthworm
-why am I getting weird vibes from Ellis all of the sudden is she gonna betray them or something? Like I have a feeling him telling her about the primal stone was a mistake but I can’t put my finger on why
-“knowing you is definitely worth losing a hand for” AWWWWW
-“I’m just a guy who can draw and make wry comments from time to time” yeah that’s why I love you what about it
-how did they just blind a creature with no eyes
-“Get zapped! Hahaha get zapped by the zap hand!” I love him so much
-“I knew whoosh should have been part of 🫡The Plan🫡”
-oh yeah and Ellis I’m sorry I ever doubted you
Episode 9
-boy the heck do you mean you can talk to animals how did we not know this
-like talk talk to them or just communicate cause those are two very different things
-“fitting in is boring anyway”
-so is this a magical ability or is he just really good with animals and he thinks it’s more than that because he’s a kid, like I’m not saying he’s lying but I also don’t blame them for not believing him
-“you might say it’s, the ka-tallest” HAHAHA that was funny idc
-hey for every only child out there who doesn’t know how to write an accurate sibling relationship, just watch Soren and Claudia
-bruh there’s MUMMIES in this universe???
-her hand looks so bad oh my gosh
-Callum is me when I lose a spider
-“I’m disgusted, and a little impressed” hahahaha
-I don’t understand this animal thing at all he’s being so ominous about it
-“then you have to do the thing” JERKFACE DANCE????
-“I should have figured it out, they were all illusions” um no actually I think you investigated a little too much
-ok but is she gonna give the collar back tho cause ik we love Ava but she’s gonna have it rough without it
-ik for a fact the egg’s not dead cause the show is literally named after it so stop teasing me with this
-Callum honey great idea but we gotta think these things through
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-so he DOES know exactly what they’re saying?? Is there a magical explanation for this or do we just have to except it, I’m good either way I just wanna know
-you have GOT to be kidding me, the indestructible knife can’t cut the band but a dragon nibbles on it a little bit and it snaps?
-Zym has already done something amazing and he was literally just hatched, most useful character on the show rn
-that short gust of wind that blew in Soren’s face right after he said “couldn’t you do this someplace warmer” was personal
-I was gonna ask why no one but the old elf lady was phased by the giant purple beam of light but then I remembered everything they just went through to get up there
-is Viren gonna just look like that from now on I still don’t even know what he did to the elf, put him in a coin?? Does putting someone in a coin make you look like that?? Remind me to never put anyone in a coin
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Rise Like A Phoenix - Chapter Six
Pairing - Jenson Button x Reader + Charles Leclerc x Reader + Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Word Count - 2464
Content Warning - Swearing, sexual references, violence
Synopsis - When a German agent goes missing investigating a diplomat’s disappearance, you are asked to take the case as your old adversary is revealed to be the one to blame. However, you soon find out that you will not be working alone, and will have to complete your mission with the help of agent Charles Leclerc.
Author’s Note - The car-fuckery and Bond nerd popped out in this one, oopsies! But to make up for it, it’s Charles’ time to shine! Enjoy!
Chapter Six - Oh, To Be Charles Leclerc
After landing at Nice airport, you and Charles were quickly ushered into a helicopter and deposited on the roof of some modern high-rise building.
“George says we’re posing as rich tourists, so do try your best to look a little lost on our way to the hotel. It’s gotta be convincing.” You sat to Charles, and he nods.
“My sense of direction is shit anyway, I always look lost even though I’ve lived here my entire life.” Charles chuckles, and you smile at him.
“Noted, remind me never to put you on navigation duties.” You say, reaching for the door to the top floor of the building.
“So, where are we staying? Since we’re tourists I assume we’re not just going to be using my apartment as a base.” Charles says, and you nod as you press the button to call the elevator.
“It’s the Hotel de Paris, George said it was the only place they could get me a parking spot at such short notice.”
“Parking spot? You brought your car?” Charles asks, and you nod.
“Oh yeah, I don’t go anywhere without Svetlana.” You respond, stepping into the elevator as Charles follows behind.
“You named your car?” Charles laughs, and you give him a death glare.
“She’s so beautiful, I had to name her. Just wait till you get to look at her yourself, you’ll fall in love.” You respond, a dreamy look in your eyes.
“We’ll see about that. When this is all over, I’ll have to show you my car. I think she’s definitely hotter than Svetlana.”
“Those are fighting words. When we’re done with all this business, we’re going to a race track and then we’ll see whose car is better.” You say, and Charles raises his eyebrow.
“Oh, you’re on.” Charles says, holding his hand out for you to shake and make the deal. You take it and shake it firmly, a confident smirk on your lips.
“Just know, I used to go karting as a kid, I’m definitely going to beat you.” Charles says, an equally confident smirk finding its way to his own lips.
After arriving at your hotel room, you immediately throw yourself down onto the bed’s plush white sheets, inhaling the freshly-washed clean scent and running your hands across the soft fabric.
“I could get used to this, you know?” You say, sitting up to look at Charles who was unpacking his suitcase.
“You say that as if you’re not constantly hopping from hotel to resort in your line of work.” Charles shouts over to you, and you scoff.
“Oh really? You think I’m living the life of luxury? Well, Monegasque spies might get five star treatment, but at MI6 we have to rough it. My last assignment had me sleeping in a soviet-era hotel in Ulaanbataar where I’m pretty sure the sheets hadn’t been replaced since the days of Stalin.” You say, and Charles turns to you, a smile on his face.
“Okay, so maybe we do get treated better, but then again my jobs have mainly been domestic so far.”
“Oh to be Charles Leclerc.” You laugh, throwing yourself back into the sheets.
“It’s not that great, I assure you.” Charles says, pushing up his sleeves and adjusting his watch strap.
Charles sits next to you on the edge of the bed and looks at you in your comfortable starfished position, raising his eyebrow at you.
“You know, for an international super spy, you’re a little bit… goofy.” Charles remarks, and you look at him, a scandalised look in your eyes.
“What do you mean? I am obviously a symbol of international seduction and sophistication, and I’m incredibly intimidating.” You say sarcastically, making snow angel motions against the sheets.
“Well, if you don’t mind me saying, you’ve gone from telling me you’d shoot me if I slipped up, to making jokes and turning yourself into a blanket monster in the space of an hour. So you’re a little goofy.” Charles says, and you roll your eyes, sitting up in the bed to pull him closer to you.
You pin Charles to the bed, straddling his thighs and holding each of his arms in a vice-like grip above his head. His breathing becomes heavy, as does your own after exerting yourself to place the two of you in this position. Lowering your face to his, so your lips are barely an inch apart, you smirk at him.
“I may be a little goofy, but that’s because I know now that I can trust you. But my earlier comment still stands, if you fuck up in any way, I won’t hesitate to pull the trigger pretty boy.” You say, and Charles gulps, attempting to fight against your grip on his wrists but failing to escape. He was completely under your control, and you loved it, maybe a little too much.
“Noted.” Charles says, and you release him, collapsing down beside Charles on the bed.
“I better go and get ready, those pictures George sent were taken at 10pm, so we need to be at the casino ready for him to enter and take his seat at the blackjack table well before then, having scouted out all the exits and any possible risks.” You say, jumping up from the bed, grabbing your suitcase and making your way to the bathroom.
You glance quickly at Charles as you close the bathroom door, still breathing heavy, his arms still where you had left them, a shocked expression still dominating his face. It took all the power within you to close the door, instead of running back over to the bed and fucking him hard. Oh god, you wanted to do it, more than anything in that moment. You squeezed your thighs together at the sensation building within your core, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to reach the level of satisfaction you desired in that moment. You were busy, you were working, but you had always been terrible at separating business and pleasure. More often than not in your life, the two things were devilishly intertwined.
After showering, styling your hair and doing your makeup, you grab your evening dress from your bag and smooth down the black silk gently with your hand. You step into the garment and pull it up your body, the fabric hugging your form in all the right places as you reach for the zip at the back and give it a firm tug. The zipper, however refuses to cooperate, and after pulling at it a few times, you eventually give up.
Sighing exasperatedly at yourself in the mirror, you tentatively twist the door handle, holding your dress together with one hand and pushing the door open with the other.
“Hey Charles, could you do me a…” You begin only to stop as your eyes fall upon Charles’ bare chest.
You didn’t want to stare, but you physically could not stop yourself as your eyes took in every inch of your partner’s bare torso. His arms, his neck, his surprisingly well-toned abs - everything about him was perfect, and you felt that all-too-familiar feeling returning to your core as Charles glanced up at you.
“You okay?” Charles asks as he slides one arm into the immaculate white shirt he was holding.
“Yeah, no actually, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind zipping me up. The fucking thing just won’t budge.” You say, taking a step towards him.
“Sure, what are partners for, eh?” He says, as he slides his other arm into his shirt. He leaves it hanging open, and you wonder if he did that for you, if he caught you looking and realised you were extremely interested in what you had seen.
You take a few steps backward so that you were stood just a few inches in front of Charles. You look at yourself in the mirror that hung on the wall, admiring your dress for the first time in a long while. You hadn’t had the opportunity to wear such a decadent gown in a long time, as your last case had been dependent on your ability to blend in with the locals.
Charles’ fingers brush against your own as he takes the two sides of the dress from you, allowing your hands to become free to hold your hair up and out of the way. His free hand finds the zipper and he gives it a few swift tugs before it moves smoothly upwards to the top.
“Ah, there you go. It was a stiff one.” He says, and you release your hair, allowing it to cascade down your back.
“Thank you.” You respond, turning to find his face just inches from your own, just ghosting above your bare shoulder.
Your lips part slightly, an invitation should he oblige, for if he was having the same thoughts that you were, the ones that were running through your mind at a million miles an hour as Charles stood behind you. You look at your reflections in the mirror, and almost jump as you feel Charles’ hand wrap around your waist, watching as it settles against your hip, gently rubbing small circles into your hip bone with the pad of his thumb.
Your own hand drifts down to touch his, and your fingers intertwine, pulling him forwards so that his body is flush with your own. His spare hand brushes the hair gently away from your opposite shoulder, exposing it as he leans down gently to press a kiss to your soft flesh.
You exhale a shaky breath as his lips pull away from your skin, and he looks toward the mirror, glancing up and down at your reflection before settling on your eyes. After making eye contact for what could have only been a few moments, you turn to face him, separating your hands so that you could wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. Your lips were millimetres away from one another, and you smile, letting out a shaky laugh before Charles finally closes the gap.
Your lips had barely found each other, before your phone begins to ring in the bathroom. You pull away, and sigh, disappearing into the bathroom to answer the call.
“What’s up George?” You answer, a slightly exasperated tone to your voice.
“Oh, I hope this isn’t a bad time, but I’ve been following a few vehicles that Fortescue has been seen using in the past few days, and one of them just pulled up at the Casino. I’m just accessing the camera now, and yes, he’s just stepped out of the car, with Polina. You need to get down there pretty sharpish.” George says, and you sigh in frustration.
“Shit, okay, we’ll get going now, and I’ll be in touch if anything happens. We still need to figure out who the mystery man at the table is, something about him seems familiar but I just can’t put my finger on it yet. He could be important to the case.” You say, before hanging up.
While the case is your number one priority, you can’t help but be mad at George for interrupting whatever was about to happen between you and Charles. You knew it wasn’t his fault, men like Fortescue were rarely predictable, so obviously he wouldn’t arrive at the casino at exactly the same time every night, but just this once you’d wished he was a creature of habit.
“Charles, get your shit together, we need to leave now, Fortescue just arrived at the casino, and our brilliant plan is well and truly out of the window. Looks like we’re going in blind.” You say, stomping out of the bathroom to put on your shoes.
You pull out a small black clutch bag and throw in your gun and exploding pen. You fasten the watch to your wrist and then groan as you realise you had forgotten about the hair pin. Securing your hair into a low bun with your hair tie was easy, but getting the pin to sit straight was practically impossible. You were ready to throw the damn thing at the wall before Charles walks over to your side, taking the pin from your hand and sliding it into your hair effortlessly.
“There. Beautiful.” He says in your ear, before walking over to the door, holding it open to allow you to step through first. “So, do I get to meet Svetlana now?”
Svetlana was your pride and joy, a classic silver Aston Martin DB5 on the outside, as per your James Bond fuelled fantasies, but with a turbo charged V12 engine under the bonnet. She was beautiful, elegant and classic on the outside, but on the inside she could roar with more passion than half of the cars on the market. George was more than happy to fulfil your requests when it came to Svetlana, he loved her almost as much as you did, she was his passion project, and would always give her new tech and upgrades before any of the other agents’ cars.
“Say hello to the only woman in my life, Svetlana.” You say, sweeping your arm out to add to the big reveal.
“She is gorgeous, but I doubt she’s able to keep up in a high-speed chase.” Charles says, running his fingers across the bonnet.
“Oh, just wait till we have some spare time, I’ll show you what’s hidden beneath her pretty silver exterior, I can guarantee you’ll be impressed.” You say, walking over to the driver’s door and opening it, sliding yourself into the driving seat.
You gesture through the windscreen for Charles to join you in the passenger seat, and he obliges, opening the door and taking the seat beside you. His eyes scan the dashboard, and he realises that Svetlana is, in fact, so much more than an ordinary DB5. Instead of the usual buttons and dials you’d find in such an old car, Svetlana was instead fitted with a collection of screens, designed by George to mimic the original design of the interior.
“Okay, so she’s something special.” Charles says, and you laugh as you turn the key in the ignition, bringing Svetlana to life with a deep rumble.
“She’s a sexy girl, and she can do all manner of dirty things.” You say as you pull out of the car park and onto the streets of Monte Carlo
Next Chapter
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honeyflies05 · 2 years
WEEWOO WEEWOOO [baby crying] MY LEG! [screaming]
“hello 9-1-1 what is your emergency?”
(shameless plus for my twitter @/honeyflies05 go follow me over there I’m more active)
why is she being so nice??🤨
she’s dying
I’m calling it
who are you??
this hurts!
oh SHIII we’re starting right away okay!!
MADDIE’S A NURSE! check on my bingo card
the camera’s shaking I’m calling that as wacky camera work
it’s THE shirt
they showed their attention to buck and not Daniel ooooooo
“I’m not a firefighter?” SCREAMING
he has a couch???🤨🤨🤨
he’s a science teacher I’m calling it
if I see Doug-
ugh ad breaks sUCK
i wanna know where the “THIS GUY” came from because it was SO FUNNY in the clip
i stopped working on my science project because of this show
down horrendously bad
seeing Doug: BOMBASTIC side eye
hello real world!!
“oh my god, Evan” SHUT UP!!!! SHUT!!! UP!!!!!
chim blames himself✅
buck looks so confused andichdhdhs
if buck doesn’t punch him in this episode I will
all of these flashbacks to my favorite episodes WOOOHOOOOO
“since when do gurneys have fingers” EJDIFJDSAAAAAAAAAA
Daniel is so mid oh my godddd💀
“who are you” SCREAMING
this wacky camera work!! camera person
coma dream! roll credits!!
“figure something out” I KNOW WHAT HE HAS TO DO!
buck don’t kill yourself
“you’re not married… you really should be!”
where is Eddie
where is chris
where are my people
oh shi real world
of course bobby would blame himself
bobby nash and athena grant-nash are Buck’s parents
“he has to be” oh this is so ao3
respiratory failure! woohoo
bobby with the rosary😭😭😭😭😭😭
chim judging the buckley’s yayyyyy
“the crazy just sucks you in!”
this is our first Carla appearance in a while
“can he hear me” THAT MAKES ME WANNA CRY
“you have to come back” I understand why Aisha cried
hen figuring out the coma dream >>>
the ambulance still being there😭😭
damn doesn’t the 118 have other patients???
buck being so stubborn that may says he’s gonna be okay💀
Buckley parents make me mad
the plane!!!
running in nightmares be like:
I’m actually so confused
“ooo I busted out the rosary must be serious!” I AM SO UNSERIOUS RN
yeah ur parents are nice to you but your entire life is messed up
if I miss smth it’s because of her loud ass mouth
how do we only have 20 minutes left so much needs to happen
we only got started!!!
i need to see Eddie break down
bobby and athena are so Buck’s parents
athena will get this kid to wake up by sheer WILL AND DETERMINATION U GO MOTHER
“I fixed you!” WHAT IF I COMMIT DIE RN
“so basically you were buck!” IM CRYING
“boy am I gonna feel guilty about that one” WHAT IF I CRY
“where do you think you’re going??!!”
“home.” I AM SO!!!
if they get Eddie to try to keep him by saying “I love you” you will never hear from me again
i have an unreal attachment to that song yall have nO IDEA
where!! is!! eddie!!
i need Eddie to give me something to break down about
if they really were Bobby would be there
buck in scrubs,,,,
TO FIX YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
he stays with Eddie!!
“I never made it inside the classroom… which kinda tracks” WHAT IF I CRY
hen being exactly the same >>>>
chim having his emotional moment >>
“let’s get you set up on the couch!” AAAAAAAAAAAAA
i don’t like the Buckley parents being so insufferable
farmer wants a wife YEEHAWWW🤠
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murdermusicandmagic · 16 days
I live reacted to my first watch of Succession by writing in my notes app. I had to split season 4 into 3 parts, here is part 1:
i want logan to suffer and die
is it random fuck? bridget random fuck? kerry don’t PLAY
the zoom on shivs face oh she’s GOING to lose it
i mean shiv and tom were fucked from the start but it hurts to see it and i sense that it is not going to stop hurting 
oh willa looks GOOD
tom is such a fucking parasite he’s gonna leech off logan right to the top and fuck his wife and brothers in law
tom and shiv with the trial separation oh babes
kerry gonna be their new stepmother at this rate
“you can pop it back in your mouth now”
“so you blamed it on her. you’re so gallant.”
“it’s a sad sad day when love dies”
dude i forgot how fucking crazy the pierces are what the fuck
IM FUCKING CRYING “you scare the life out of folks that’s your thing you’re scaring me right now and that’s why i don’t even know what to do”
tom in the corner on the phone with nan, HORRIFIED
it is so fucking sad to me that after all of logan’s kids have basically abandoned him, tom is still there. 
logan forcing tom to call shiv. im going to kill myself
“do you really want to get into a full accounting of all the pain in our marriage? because if you do, i can do that.” DAMN
she doesn’t want to hear all that not because she doesn’t want to communicate with him, but because she knows. she knows what he’ll say and she knows what she did and they did and it’s just too late. 
holy fuck tom and shiv.
HERE’S THE THING THOUGH? HERE’S THE THING. That scene with Tom and Shiv? Episode ONE. Episode one! We have NINE episodes to go holy fuck
is kendall on drugs what is he doing with that bouncy ball 😭 
“it’s like if santa claus was a hit man”
shiv called tom bitch boy
they’re all dicks can they be nice to connor 😭 
“i could give you a kiss from here”
connor and kendall giving Rome identical looks of disappointment
kerry just EVISCERATED greg LMFAO
logan is fucking EVIL. making roman break the news to gerri??
greg jealous that tom has other gregs <3
fineee *roman echoing fineeee* i’ll be the wedding grinch 
the way ken nods at shiv YES he wants her to come with him
how perfect. this isn’t a season finale, it’s episode 3. life goes on. 
all three of them hugging each other. i’m in shambles
so apparently they filmed the thirty minutes of the siblings initial reaction in one long take but ultimately decided to intercut it with matthew macfadyen’s lines on the plane, which i do wish they hadn’t done because i fucking LOVE a long take but god. that was incredible. jeremy kieran and sarah were fucking INCREDIBLE. Phenomenal. masterpiece. i am SO GLAD i’ve watched this unspoiled because even tho there’s not a lot of spoil worthy events, i NEVER fucking saw that coming. holy shit. 
roman immediately ditching shiv when tom comes down the stairs 
“and you said i like it all” god i cannot WAIT for them to have it out.
im still just thinking about connor’s wedding. how shiv just immediately broke down sobbing. how none of them knew what to do. how they didn’t tell jeremy where to find sarah in the crowd of extras so when he goes out to tell her, he’s legitimately searching for her. how they just,,,don’t know. they don’t know if he’s gone or if he can hear them or what, and they’ll never know and now he’s dead and it’s done and wasn’t it all so pointless anyway? and now shiv is pregnant and her dad will never get to meet her child and she’s sad about that even though he probably would have been horrible to his grandchild because he was horrible to his other grandchildren and also his children but they loved him anyway. GOD i wish i was dead episode 3 was so good. 
0 notes
koolcece22 · 5 months
Enter Venomgirl
Miguel’s Pov
Both I and Shade arrived on top of the rooftop near the chaos that was going down below. There were police cars ever. We saw animals going around attack people mostly birds and rats. I saw Mile’s dad try to get the others to help take care of him. I sigh, knowing I’m going to have a ‘nice’ talk with him. Both me and Shade jumped down to go to him. Mr.Morles looked at us and glared at me.
“I should know this must have something to do with you guys.” 
“Your son calls for help, I don’t know why. If there is a situation that has to deal with its own villains we don’t infer. What happened?”
Mr. Morles' sighs as he points to all the animals that have been running around us. They seem not to be acting right. Shade looked at them, having a look that she had seen this before. Before I can ask Jefferson spoke.
“I don't even know! All the animals went nuts and started to attack people. Miles was able to get the zoo animals but then Armadillo, Rhino, and Scorpion guys came out of nowhere and attacked him. He was able to leer them to sewers.” 
I could tell he was worried for his son. Miles might be Spider-Man but he is still someone kid. And I will be damn if he gets killed. 
“You better bring my boy in one piece, you hear me O’Hara,” he growled I don’t blame him. They still don’t trust me. I didn’t notice that Shade walked up to him.
“We will Mr.Morles-sama. We get your so- I mean Spider-man back.” Shade said as a few cops were coming in to talk to Jefferson, knowing the hint not to tell Miles’s secret out loud.
“Who are you?” Jefferson asked before Shade told him there was a roar coming from the sewers. Me and Shade didn’t have time for that as both jumped in not knowing what we were dealing with. As we entered the sewers it was dark save it from light from the hole that was created. For me it's fine, not sure about Shade. I was going to ask her to stay behind me, till I looked next to me to see her on all fours. Her eyes were red but they seemed to be focused on what was ahead of us. I can hear clicking coming from her. Reminds me of a bat using echolocation to locate there surroundings, guessing she uses sound more than her other senses.
“He that way. He is alone, but there are others around him. We need to hurry.”
I nodded as we ran deep into the sewer, I followed Shade continuing to click. She stopped as we heard a growling at the far end of the tunnel. Even with the smell of the sewers, I can tell it is a rhino. The growling was getting louder, I ready my talons while Shade did the same. We saw the Rhino ready to charge at us. I noted that his eyes seemed cloudy like he wasn’t fully there, before he charged at us an electric shock was used on him. He roars in pain as he collapses. Both me and Shade were confused. 
“You guys couldn’t take care of him?” 
I recognize that distorted voice. 42 came out behind and walked over to us. Shade was surprised by this. Miles must call 42 they usually work together since there Miles. Act like there brothers or at least Miles openly acts like their brothers while 42 just keeps it to himself. 
“Wait, I was tracking you? You make the same sound as Miles.” Shade said guessing she was really confessing. Before any of us could say anything we heard a roar down the tunnel something told me there was more on the way. Shade clicks again trying to find Miles again till she grabs me and 42 so we can follow her. I was also trying to track Miles by his watch but since it was damaged there was no sign of him.
I swear if something happens to him. To my spiderling
Shade’s Pov
This be so much easier if we weren’t in vucking sewers. The smell and sound make it harder to pinpoint Miles. Doesn’t I only heard him a few times so finding his sound will be harder. I led Miguel and 42 to where I thought Miles would be but there was no one here.
Did I get it wrong? No, he should be here. Before I think Miles came out of nowhere that surprised me but did not surprise the other.
“Thank god you guys are here!” Miles said frantically he was banged up pretty bad and his costume seemed better days. He took off his mask breath easier noticed he was cut up too. 
“Morales, what happened?” Miguel asked while checking on Miles making sure he didn’t have serious injuries. 
“All the animals went crazy and attacked people. Even some of the animal base villains went crazy like there being controlled!” 
That would explain that Rino guy. He didn’t look like he was in the right frame of mind. But what bugs me about what Miles just said was the guy he just described. No, it can’t be…
‘ That sounds like animal control guy.’
‘Kane. what is he doing here?! How he got here?!’
 I had so many questions going through my mind, but I didn’t have time to dwell on them as we were growling coming far in the sewer. Miles pointed out the direction where the growling was coming from.
“There was an opening where that guy holding the others, I tried to take them but I was not only number but it was like he gave them a boost too,” Miles said. Yep that Kane alright. But still need to check all I know it might be someone else. All four head towards the sound till we reach the opening. We can see other zoo animals and some animals like villains with Kane. Kane, he wearing his bear skin with his power whip. I can tell he has these guys under his control. I curse at myself. I guess 42 heard as he looked at me.
“I’m guessing you know that guy?” He asked Miles and Miguel also turned to me. I nodded
“That Kane the Tamer. He can control animals or anyone with animalistic DNA under his control. He sends out a signal that gets them under his control. But we shouldn’t have to worry about that. His power whip is electrical so watch out.” I told the three, Kane isn’t much compared to Arachinidqueen and their boss, but with animals under his control, especially one with animal traits. His threat must taken seriously 
“Does he have a watch?” Miguel said, even with the mask on I can see him focus on Kane, I look in his direction and can see a watch on Kane’s wrist. Similar to the one Carnage had on. 
“No, but that looks like the one Carnage is on.”  
“Then I guess we have some questions to ask them, let” Miguel then web down Miles did the same with 42 hooks on the nearest pipe to climb down. I crawled down with my tendrils. We can overhear Kane with his sector 27 accent
“You blocks! You lost the spider?! Great one, your dumber than the one I control back home. You better find him or else!” he hissed, as Kane was talking Miles turned invisible. Guess what, Miguel and 42 going to distract him while Miles goes to get the watch from him. Got to make it count.
“What matter Kane? Bored with play with queen?” I shouted to get his attention. He and his group of control animals towards us. Kane gave me a grin, he always thought of me as a rare animal to be put into a cage and be his plaything. 
“Well, well, well. Isn’t my favorite monster, Venomgirl. I was wondering where you were. I was told there a new villain that look like Queen. But seeing you two together, I see you made friends with him.” Kane pointed to Miguel. Miguel ready his talons and so did 42 with his claw gloves.
“You know me. I get around. How about you and me go home? We talking all about your trip here once I kick you vucking ass.”
“I would love to love. But I do want to bring souvenirs to Unknown. And speaking of souvenir…” 
Kane then swung his whip behind him, Miles jumped out of the way just in time. Kane does have a keen sixth sense. He looks at Miles with a grin as he looks at Miles.
“There you are, Spider-man was it? I need you to come with me.”  
“Nah man I think I pass, it a school night after all.” Miles said as shot webs at Kane. Kane quickly snapped his finger and the animals were charging at us. 
“Restrain. Don’t kill! Both of you!” Miguel said as he ran to the scorpion-woman and began to slash her with his talons. Her tail was striking fast, but Miguel was just as fast as impressed. 42 jumped out of the way I wondered why till I got hit by Rino guy from before who tackled me down. 
‘ That jerky brat didn’t even warn us!’ Kuro yelled but didn't have time to worry about that as try to get this Rhino guy off of me. Rhino was about to pin me to the wall but he didn’t count on my strength as I left him and slam him down.  I glare at 42 who is knocking out animals while trying to dodge a giant armadillo that rolled toward him. Before I could react 42 sent out a grabbing hook and latch near the pipe. Launching him up and then plumbing down on top of the armadillo, knocking him out. 
Now know he can take care of himself self I head over to where Miles and Kane are. Miles was trying to open up against Kane’s whip, he was fast with them, and doesn't help that Miles was beaten up the whip was electrical so every time he got hit, it slowed him down. 
“Dance spider! Dance!” Kane mocked Miles. He was always one of the most twisted members of the sixs. I didn’t like that and charged at him, trying to get the drop on him. Kane must have seen as he aimed his whip at my leg and slammed me down.
“Venomgirl!” I heard Miguel shout as he quickly ran to my aid or at least tried before a bird-like villain caught him. Kane then with the whip still wrapped around my leg slams at Miles. Guessing trying to knock both of us out. 
“It's a two-in-one deal! I can give this brat to the boss and I can have a little fun with you when we get back. What do you say Venomgirl? Want a show that wild side you have?!”  
The electricity from the whip increases as he turns up the power, causing me to scream in pain. I didn’t notice that Miles had his hand on me. As was so focused on not losing it. Me and electricity don’t mix!
Third person pov
While Shade and Miles were dealing with Kane. Miguel was trying to get this earth Vulture off of him so he could reach the two. Doesn’t help that there was a weird sound that was in his ear. It sounds like ringing but it been getting louder and louder. 
‘What the shock is that?!’ Miguel punches Vulture in the face then web him up so he won’t interfere.  He quickly headed to the two aid till the ringing was loud and grabbed his head. As the ring was too much bare. 42 saw this as head to Miguel wondering what going on with him. He was about to ask until Miguel slashed him away with his talons. 42 barely got out of the way on time.
“What the hell man?!” 42 shouted wondering why Miguel attacked him. But one look even with the mask on 42 can tell something was wrong.
“Haha! I guess you're really a Spider-Man. I was wondering why my control didn’t work on that kid. Guess he really likes Arachinqueen. No matter you can fight that kid while I can take these two ba-” before Kane finishes and grabs Miles and Shade. Milguel attacked him. Kane was surprised, once the animal was under his control the only way to break free was to knock him out or release control. 
‘Why isn’t he under my control?’  Kane tries to read Miguel’s mind pattern, something is up with this guy. The only ready he has gotten was:
‘ You hurt my spiderling, you're going to pay !!’ 
Kane didn’t have time to dwell on the thought as Miguel was coming at him fast. He was much faster than Shade. Miguel grabbed his wrist causing a pain creak to the point he had to let go of the whip. This caused the electricity to stop, as Miles and Shade were no longer in pain from it. Not a moment too soon as Shade can feel herself slipping. She got up as did Miles as they both saw Miguel fighting Kane. Kane was stronger than he looked but he was still no match for Miguel. 
He tried to call any animal that was still under his control but most of them were out cold. Kane doesn’t know if he should ease up his control over Miguel as seem it not working and only piss him off. Unannounced to him Shade came from behind and punched Kane in the back. This causes his mind grip to loosen, which all animals and the animals villains to free from his control. Even Miguel snapped out if, felt he was more in control of his self and not his instincts. 
Kane got up now and saw him outnumbered by Miles, Miguel, Shade, and 42 surrounded him. He cursed his self know his plan went haywire. Before he could think of something. Is commuiation con went on.
“I see you failed, Kane.” 
Kane’s eyes widened knowing who the voice was: his boss and she was not happy.
“I should know you’ll mess this up somehow Kane. and you didn’t report that Venomgirl was here too. You really are a fool.”
“Wait! Wait! I can still get him just let me-
“I don’t like failure, Kane. and don’t like fools who try to suck up with me even when they know they lost.”  the voice on the other line said
A Portal then opened behind Kane, Miguel, and Miles were trying to get Kane before he went into the portal but Shade got in front of the three. She made sure that they didn’t get close to Kane, Miguel was going to ask what the meaning of this was. But one look from Shade tells him that something is not right. Miles also gets a sense not to go near the portal. The same feeling he had gotten from the time he was at Alchamax lab in Shade’s world. 
before Kane can react something pulls him into the portal. Then the portal closes leaving the four wondering what happened.
0 notes
cloudbatcave · 8 months
Bought indigo disk let’s g - hey who is this cool looking new teacher I want her outfit
Ms. Briar, cool
“Getting to take part in a school trip so soon after transferring here” I beat the elite four, sir
“Blueberry academy” I named one of my pet fish that as a kid. He died from a swollen eye.
Oh we’re going to the Me region (Unova) - no okay Kitakami is elsewhere
Oh you wanna look around the crater yeah haha about that - you know what never mind I don’t wanna be deported to Poké Area 51
Yeah even Jacqs knows this is a hard sell and changes the subject.
“I already cleared things with your mom” thanks bro literally wasn’t even on my mind (it probably should be)
“I hope you don’t mind flying. Or long bus rides.” You don’t want to know how long my bus rides to college back and forth were, ma’am.
Oooh her ancestor wrote the violet book? Isn’t that something.
Man now I feel bad she probably won’t be able to get into the crater, she seems legit.
What? Okay I guess this IS teal mask, the Nintendo store told me I couldn’t purchase it…whatever.
I can be trusted to run ahead to the town and help my sick classmate [immediately runs off to pick up shit off the ground and catch a Sewaddle]
Me catching multiple more Pokémon and getting into a battle: he’s fine. Just give him a salt tablet.
Girl I challenged is scared by me being from Paldea. Curious.
Sorry for slaughtering your surskit, ma’am. And your chingling.
“This is the Paldean style of battle, huh?”
It’s called “fuck shit up sandwich style.”
Oh it’s the siblings, neat.
“If you insist on coming in, you’ll have to battle me first.”
Hey buddy I have a sick classmate to help! I don’t have time to fuck around even more!! How dare you. (Cloud bullshitted every word so as to avoid blame later)
Lmao her brother immediately calls her out, I love it.
Oh wow, a Poochyena, I’m really intimidated by you telling me to eat dirt. Quaking in my boots, here.
Close combat! And you’re dead.
“You know about type matchups, huh?”
I was not born fucking yesterday, girliepop.
“Do you not know about type matchups”
Girl I have never seen your sapient cup of chai in my life and don’t know its types from Adam. Now shut your face before I superglue your teeth together.
“You…Who ARE you?”
I fucked your mother last night!
“Wowzers! You went and beat my sis?”
And I used all of one Pokémon to do it.
Carmine talking like she has any power still. Nice try. Move before I end your miserable fucking life.
“I hope those two kids weren’t giving you any grief just now…were they?”
I’ve met mosquitos who had a more lasting impact on my existence, so no.
“It’s a pleasure to meet all you outsiders”
Knock you off the nearest cliff without anyone knowing I did it at the earliest opportunity, got it.
I get a selfie stick, fucking amazing.
“You want to pair up with one of us poor, lonely Blueberry students?”
Want is such a strong word.
God she’s so passive aggressive. Girl can you quit it.
Sure, I’ll battle poor Kieran. I wish I could let him win to spite Carmine.
Oh well.
Red alert, Carmine has complimented her brother’s battling skill and I don’t fucking trust it.
“I’ll just follow you from a safe distance” poor kid.
Oh boy, I get to be an exchange student? Wait actually I know nothing about this Blueberry place.
Okay even Clavell agrees I should meet the director of it to see what’s up.
Hisuian Growlithe??? What are you doing here?
I like Perrin.
“Are you always this open with total strangers?”
I have six pets who can commit murder, I’m Gucci. And you’re just taking my photo.
Oh god. Rich people.
“Will you duel me for riches beyond your wildest imagination?”
I’ll duel you for the sweet satisfaction of crushing you, blondie.
One Persian? That’s it? Pathetic.
“Spend that reward on something meaningful.”
Setting it on fire as we speak!
0 notes