graeclandtoo · 10 months
🥱 🥴 😳 * — shep & noah !
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            “———  y’tell  anyone  about  this,  your  ass  is  grass,  yeah  ?”  his  words  slur  with  the  effect  of  four  shots  too  many,  falling  into  his  bed  with  a  thud  far  from  ceremonious.  “no,  ‘cause,  kal,  mate,  like  ——  i  feel  like  i’m  for  real  bein’  fucked  with,  ‘n  m’not  —  m’not  likin’  that  at  all.  like  —  eye  dee  kay,  aren’t  i  supposed  to  be  the  one  doing  the  fucking  with  ?”  his  bed  is  spinning  —  or  maybe  the  room  is  —  or  maybe  he  is;  he’s  not  too  sure.  either  way,  one  hand’s  moving  to  roll  his  socks  down  after  he’s  kicked  his  dress  shoes  off,  rolling  over  as  he  puts  his  phone  beside  him.  the  audio  muffles  with  how  he’s  placed  it  —  the  side  with  speakers  facing  away  from  him  —  but  noah’s  too  drunk  to  notice.  “something  about  him  is  just  so  fucking  …  i  can’t  put  my  finger  on  it,  y’know  ?  but  when  he’s  there,  and  when  he  isn’t,  it’s  like  he’s  wormed  up  inside  my  head  and  i  can’t  fuckin’  get  him  out  ——”  he  groans;  the  sock  balls  up  in  his  hands  and  he  flings  it  across  the  room  into  the  hamper  unsuccessfully.  “———  whenever  he  gets  all  fuckin’  frustrated,  it’s  actually  really  —  fun  ?  i  don’t  know.  it’s  fun  to  get  him  up  like  that,  angry  and  cute,  the  fuckin’  dickhead,  and  it  ——  it  definitelyyyy  doesn’t  hurt  that  he’s  hot,  too,  just  ——”  a  yawn  punctuates  his  words;  a  ruffle  of  sheets  indicates  he’s  rolled  over  again,  this  time  on  his  side.  “just  somethin’  about  him  makes  me  go  fuckin’  mad.  for  real,  for  real  this  time  …”  he  hums,  reaching  for  his  phone amid his bleary vision  ——  only  to  find  out  that  the  message  for  kaleo  isn’t  going  through.  only  to  find  out  he’s  not  on  kaleo’s  line  at  all.  “oh,  fuckin’  hell  ———”
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chigirisprincess · 1 year
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cause my love is mine, all mine i love, my, my, mine nothing in the world belongs to me but my love, mine, all mine, all mine
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farklelucas · 2 years
why on gods green earth would you make your daytime pills white and your night time pills yellow. white = moon, yellow = sun. what is wrong with you.
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narugen · 3 months
i hope she’s wearing pants. but she’d look good in a long skirt too
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mincefart · 6 months
hey blogger readers!
have you ever put 15g of protein powder into your porridge to try to boost your beefy intake? 🤔
well lemme tell you. PORRIDGE EATERS BEWARE! 🤪
i produced a thick, grainy concoction that tastes fine but the texture is NOT palatable at all 🫣
comment below what you would have done to achieve orgasm?
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caostalgia · 2 years
Te haz adueñado de mi poesía, de mi lírica, de mi sentir, de mis canciones favoritas y aún siques aqui.
Aléjate de mi, vete lejos y no vuelvas nunca, ya tienes todo de mi. Ya nada queda de lo que algún día fui.
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shukakumoodboard · 9 months
*Pulls out my massive bag of money and jewels and blow* I’m your biggest fan so I must pick your brain now that you have a tumblr ask box. your finest gaalee romance hcs my good sir. Please
I’m your biggest fan
did you know im crying ab this. kissing u on the face rn
ok gaalee romance headcanons. i've been thinking about this for days. grab ur mojito mix lets frockign gaur
ill be upfront in that i have very few i'll-die-on-this-hill opinions about the boys, but here's some i'm pretty stuck to <3
sfw headcanons
1. lee's better with words, gaara's better with actions, and they're both secretly envious of the other for it: my thoughts here are that gaara spent so much of his life not understanding love that he'd still struggle to articulate it in flowery ways that i think, as a born theatre kid, lee would be good at. but gaara would absolutely be that person who shows it in subtle ways -- like taking care of someone when sick, remembering food preferences, always ensuring lee takes care of himself when lee forgets or is busy having a self-flagellation moment. not that i think lee would be incompetent, but he strikes me as more of a scatterbrain, but would always be on top of verbal reassurances and affection (which i also think is what gaara would benefit from: clear straightforward declarations of feelings and intent)
2. they're both super cuddly in private look, you put together a touch-starved former monster vessel and a social outcast who mostly knows touch from violence (until gai) and you are going to get some clinginess imo. you can't convince me they're not the kind of people who would sit side by side at the dinner table so they can eat holding hands. bro (emotional)
3. they're probably actually really shit at "conventional" dating hear me out ok. they're like initially so far away and gaara is the whole president and lee kicked a meteor in half one time you think they can just wander around and go to restaurants? it's absolutely nonsense that shinobi don't suffer village celebrity paparazzi syndrome in nart tbh. not exactly the same but i have a whole wip in the bort-verse about them sneaking around. tldr i'd bet they sometimes get casual breakfast or dinner but i think more likely takeout and quiet time together as opposed to like fancy dates
4. language learning and hobbying as a form of devotion as a purveyor of my wares u may notice i have language headcanons. it is also my gaalee romance hc that they learn each others -- i've incorporated this into in the space between and a wip called multilingual, which is all about nejiten teasing lee about his crush on gaara in front of the man. i also think that lee would lean into gaara's gardening stuff with gusto because if it's something gaara loves, lee would want to love it too.
nsfw headcanons huehuehuhe
1. they're switches and i WILL die on this hill i think this is self explanatory but listen. listen i am SIQUE of the assigned top/bottom nonsense they both deserve to rail and also be railed. i may be the resident owner of the Rock Lee Fucks tag on AO3 but i also own the Gaara Fucks tag. ill kill a man over this
2. lee is absolutely a service anything this ties into the previous one. a big component of his canonical personality is that he's a disciple of gai -- he's a follower who bases a lot of himself around those he cares for. not the kind of person who is suddenly going to crop up with an intensely specific preference, imo? i think he would base his role on whatever his partner needs the most at the time.
3. rock lee's canonically huge dick ok lol listen. listen this one's canon jokes aside i think lee is hung as detailed in We Don't Talk About Fight Club and i will continue that joke. that being said i think normal hung. not arizona tea can hung which is a hilariously illustrated discord joke
4. tbh i think they're kinda vanilla in the bedroom i say this in a positive way i think they'd be far more into like, just being able to be with each other instead of getting into wild sexual mischief all over the villages although they definitely bone in weird places secretly. they Fuck, but like i don't see them as super kinksters or anything. however, i have seen many a kinkfic that im like nodding my head this is valid cakesitting bdsm what who said that
5. gaara's vaguely nebulous oral fixation i really have no justification for this one i just think some of those animal bijuu instincts might linger and turn into what that mouth do idk i keep going to write smut and whoops my whole body slipped and gaara's licking something. happened in fight club and fight club II, happened in hole time, happened in tgod, happens in at least two wips i have cookin' in the background... what is goin on actually
dkghkdf i hope you enjoyed this episode of kel's questionable headcanons. i really enjoyed answering, thank you so much for the ask <3
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lanotteviene · 3 months
i need a cat so bad....feeling sique
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solarpunkradio · 1 year
propositions for maverine terms
child : uni (derived from "unique" (ik the "ique" in maverique doesnt come from unique but it still has that connection imo)
partner : unifriend
title : mistique/mq./sique (pronounced "seek")
parent's sibling : quig (not rlly derived from anything i jus think its silly & aunt & uncle arent rlly similar words to each other anyway so i could have fun with it)
sibling's child : nique (pronounced "neek")
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blazescompendium · 1 year
Blaze's Compendium entry #2: Zhu Tun She: A pig? A snake? Both!?
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This is a very mysterious creature, that supposedly has been spotted during the Song Dynasty, in China. (This being between 10th and 13th century)
Zhu Tun She (which means literally something like ''Snake Pig'' in Chinese) was described as a demon or monster snake, but it had four legs and behaved like a pig but violently, making squeaking noises. Some sources say it was covered in scaled and hair.
This specific creature caught my attention some years ago, and was one of the first Megaten Demons that i wanted to research by my own, because i found it very interesting. I ended up going to a Chinese Book Store in my city to research it, but it was relatively unknown even for natives. The internet has surprisingly few information about this demon, and since i do not speak Chinese, there's a huge language barrier. Still, i went on.
The most widely spread tale about Zhu Tun She in the west and Chinese web, is that it appeared during the Song Dynasty attacking peasants and soldiers, and (maybe) sometimes eating them. It was supposedly defeated by an officer who was also a magician, and managed to kill it.
From my initial superficial research in the topic, as well my more detailed one, it seems this creature is not a recurrent one. They are different from more recurrent characters, that have their own tales and whatnot. As far as i could pinpoint, at least, Zhu Tun She had just a small tale from a very specific time period. It's valid thought, that i affirm once again i am not a Chinese speaker, so if the creature appeared in other literary works, i was not able to read nor find it.
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Zhu Tun She in Demi Kids. Sorry i stacked them...
The origins of the beast came from the Yijianzhi, a collection of folkloric and fantastic tales written during the Song Dynasty. This series of tales contained originally hundreds of chapters, which were complied by Hong Mai, a prolific writer from the time. Its believed that the first chapter was from around 1161, and the other ones from around 1198.
Hong Mai (1123 - 1202) was an author that decided to collect this old stories in a book. He gave the name Yijianzhi in honor to the author Yijian, which wrote according on tales he himself heard, according to Taoist Texts.
The Yijanzhi by itself is very interesting. It contains multitudes of texts, that travels around a lot of topics. From gods, to ghosts, to revenge stories, kings, fantasy, some bizarre stuff, and most important: Fantastical creatures that inhabit those legends.
In case you want to read the book... I have good and bad news: The good news is that it received a partial translation to English in 2018, i have read this version. It's called Records of The Listener and it's a simple and very rewarding read. There's also a 2007 version of partial translation. Both are properly archived and you can read it online.
The bad news is that, they are just a partial translation, many tales are missing and the Zhu Tun She one is among those missing. We do, however have a summarized version, this version was extracted from me from Chinese sources, but you can also find it on the western web. I used software to translate it, so please forgive me if i get something wrong. (See below)
But before, let's discuss it's origins a bit:
While the source mostly associated with the story, was the elusive Shigeru Mizuki book ''Dictionary of Chinese Demons'', and probably the same Kaneko took it from. There's hardly English sources about this demon, which made it very hard to research about it not being a native Chinese speaker, or at least knowing a bit of the language.
Me and some friends even pondered about it being made up by Mizuki, since it has happened before with other creatures. But with the help of the Chinese Web, i could pin down exactly where this tale was originally from:
-This was present in the book Siqu Quanshu. It's a compendium from the Qing Dynasty that contained some chapters of the Yijian Zhi including this one, you can read in it's entirety online here. (If you can read Chinese. If you can't, i will provide a translation below do not fear.)
The indexation in this book is as follows:
Siqu Quanshu -> Yijian Zhi -> 戊卷03 ( volume 3) - It's unclear how was it's original index in its original source.
(Thanks u/storiesti for helping me finding it)
The compendium in question was commissioned by the emperor Qianlong, and it's how this tales survived. That's important, because many Yijian Zhi chapters simply did not survived to the modern age, and the way some of them did was being republished in works such as that. So, at the very least it was not made up by Mizuki or anyone in the internet.
So... What was this story about then? What was our little piggy's tale?
Here's a brief version of it, translated via software, sorry it was the best i could do:
In the stationed army at Jiankang, there was a officer named Cheng Jun who was very experienced in the "forbidden spells" technique, especially in subduing demon snakes. This incident seems to have happened in the 23rd year of the Shaoxing period. (1130 AD) One evening, when the army was training outside the south gate, a snake suddenly appeared in a bamboo woods. The snake was as thick as a pestle, about three feet long, covered in fur, with four legs, just like a demon. When it appeared, it would make a sound like a pig and chase after people while making this noise, running as if it were going to devour them. People could only panic and flee with no way to deal with it. At this moment, someone nearby found a horse stable and quickly used it to trap the snake, then reported the matter to the commander. The commander immediately sent someone to investigate and also commanded Cheng Jun, who was famous for subduing spirit snakes, to take care of the snake. After a while, Cheng Jun arrived; as soon as he saw it, he recognized the shape of the demon snake under the horse stable. He said, "This is called 'Zhu Tun She', a type of demon snake that kills people once they get entangled by it." After that, Cheng Jun blew air from above the horse stable and began to use his spells. Soon, Cheng Jun commanded someone to open the horse stable, and they saw the demon snake curled up and motionless. Cheng Jun then closed the horse stable again, deeply inhaled as if he was absorbing moonlight, and then blew air from above the stable three more times. Afterwards, Cheng Jun commanded someone to open the horse stable again, and they saw that the demon snake had turned into a puddle of blood.
A.. lot happened here as you can see.
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Shigeru Mizuki's depiction of the Zhu Tun She.
It's unclear how common this demon was supposed to be in that tale, since Cheng was able to identify it pretty easily, and was known to defeat monsters like that all the time.
But that is how far it goes, the creature was (to my knowledge) never mentioned again, and made brief appearances in popular media. I don't know how it ended up in Mizuki's table, but he helped to popularize it since most of sources end up in his book. This is of course because it's way more accessible to read a book from the 1990s than an old scroll from 1130s.
Zhu Tun She differs from other critters i'v researched about, because there's few to no nuance in its existence. There's no moral to the tale, there's nothing to explain it as well, it seems like a cryptid from the old world, or just an elaborated fictional tale to amuse the emperor.
My personal theory is that: If it was not made up to amuse the Emperor, it was probably a very weird capybara or something like that. Who knows?
Still it's a very fascinating demon, a creature that would be terrifying to find alone in a bamboo forest for sure. But the best part of this study was to find more about the work where it came from, the Yijian Zhi. This books are simply amazing.
It's a collection of tales from old China, some supernatural, others just common tales. Still, they are very brief and entertaining also shedding some light into old China, full of myths and stories. As i said, there's a partial translation to English available to buy, or read online! Go check it out.
As for our pig friend, i could not find out if it had other apparitions in Chinese folklore, as mentioned before. It seems Zhu Tun She was an very isolated incident, and has only known by us because someone republished the tale many years later.
You see, snakes are beings very present in Human collective consciousness. Snakes were natural predators to early humans, many of us are born with innate fear of snakes. Snake monsters, demons and gods are part of lots of cultures around the world. The Quetzalcoatl in Central America, the Hydra in Greek Mythology, Orochi in Japanese mythology. In Northeastern Brazil there's a tale of a Feathered monster Snake called ''The Lapa's Feathered Snake''. This is just some of them, while many other exist.
As our ancestral predator and a very dangerous creature, snakes ended up taking a lot of space in our minds.
It's possible that other creatures similar to Zhu Tun She have been written, but could be lost to time. Who knows? There's indeed many other snake demons around the world, so our pig friend here is not alone!
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I'd like to thank sorenblr for helping me getting attention to this research, and also Atmaflare for literally accompanying me during this research. @sorenblr and @atmaflare thank you!
Hope you all enjoyed!
Sources: -Siqu Quanshu: Some Yijian Zhi tales (Original Chinese book where the tale is currently available, brought from the Yijian Zhi books)
-The Dictionary of Chinese Demons (Shigeru Mizuki, could not find it for buying but its the source parroted throughout the web.)
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narugen · 3 months
when that episode rolls around oh i will be ten times more insufferable in the main tags . see you all then block me before it’s too late
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corpsebrained · 3 months
Would you be down to draw others eltingville ocs, your art style is so sique
OFC!!!!!!!! bro if you have an oc you want me to draw i will 100% do that for you!! i love drawing recs,,,,,
i also have oc deficiency the doctor says i need to draw your ocs or i will DIE
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auxiliarydetective · 4 months
OC Masterlist - German media!
Note: Not all of these are actually from Germany, but I've also put fandoms here that I'm likely to post about in German.
As per usual, everyone's age is listed at their introduction
Fandoms featured:
Die Drei ??? (books/audio dramas & early movies, 1964-?)
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (movies, 2018-2020
Der Kleine Prinz (cartoon, 2010-2017)
Der Räuber Hotzenplotz (2006 movie)
Die Rosenheim-Cops (2002-?)
Die Vampirschwestern (movies, 2012-2016)
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Die Drei ??? (book/audio drama series & early movies; 1964-?)
-> Jelena
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(Technically, she isn't an OC but a canon character, but she's a rare canon character that I created an AU version of and made the main focus of my hyperfixation for about a year, so I've decided to grant that AU version OC status)
"Ждать ли чьей-то ручечки, ручки? А кто подаст мне ручку, девочки?" - Manizha, in: RUSSIAN WOMAN
Full name: Jelena Atropos Charkova
Birthday: February 8th (16 years old)
Identity: lesbian but does occasionally fall for boys, cis female
Canon tag: x | Auxiliary!tag: x | Fic: -
Jelena and Justus don't get along. It's a known fact. It's a constant battle of wits that drives them apart. But when they're inevitably stuck together on a trip to South Africa, will they bury the hatchet?
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JIM KNOPF (movies; 2018-2020)
-> Helena
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"Eine Insel mit zwei Bergen und dem tiefen, weiten Meer, mit vier Tunnels und Geleisen und dem Eisenbahnverkehr - nun wie mag die Insel heißen, rings herum ist schöner Strand? Jeder sollte einmal reisen in das schöne Lummerland." - Michael Ende, in: Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
Full name: Helena
Birthday: March 29th (14 years old)
Identity: lesbian, cis female
Faceclaim: Holly Earl
Tag: x | Fic: -
Helena is the daughter of steam engine driver Lukas, one day having been brought to the shores of Morrowland by the postman's boat, with her mother nowhere to be found. Unlike her father and her best friend Jim, she's more focused on books, languages and foreign cultures than machinery and mechanics, but she's happy on the little island with its two mountains. But then the king declares that Lukas's beloved steam locomotive Emma has to be removed, and Lukas, Jim, Emma and Helena all leave the island for lands unknown. Promptly, they find themselves setting out to rescue a kidnapped princess, and Helena starts noticing mysterious scaled rashes across her skin.
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DER KLEINE PRINZ (originally: Le Petit Prince) (animated tv show) (2010-2017)
-> Sonata
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"Und du weißt: Was man auch tut, nur mit dem Herzen sieht man gut." - Der kleine Prinz Intro Theme
Full name: Sonata of the Utopians
Birthday: September 12th (she's a child)
Identity: cis female
Tag: x | Fic: -
Sonata is the sister of the diva Euphonia, who keeps their planet in rhythm with her singing. But without her sister’s voice, the planet falls into chaos, and Sonata’s voice isn’t strong enough to replace her. Using her special gift of imagination that makes her songs come alive, she sends a message into space in search of help – and the Little Prince answers her call.
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-> Chryssi
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"Tanz kleine Waldfee im rauschenden Blau. Versprühe die Freude, die Nacht ist ganz lau." - Heidemarie Andrea Sattler, in: Kleine Waldfee
Full name: Chrysantheme
Birthday: May 12th (says Chryssi - she actually has no birthday and is a perpetual child)
Identity: ??? (as cis as a supernatural being could be, aroace through lack of a better term)
Faceclaim: ?
Tag: x | Fic: -
A wild nature spirit, Chrysantheme protects the local forest, but she's perpetually bothered by a mean and stupid burglar and an annoying wizard in his stupid castle. However, things change when two boys from the nearby village come to her forest, looking to catch the burglar.
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-> Eva
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"Y anque los vientos de la vida soplen fuerte, soy como el junco que se dobla pero siempre sique en pie." - Resistiré 2020
Full name: Kriminalkommissarin (~ Inspector) Eva Gardner Rivero
Birthday: July 9th, 1979 (30 years old)
Identity: pansexual, polyamorous, cis-female
Faceclaim: Ísis Valverde
Tag: x | Fic: -
Eva has been to many places in the world. Originally from Argentina, with an indigenous mother and a German-Canadian father, she studied in the US before moving to Germany and ending up working for the police. But her new positioning in Rosenheim, Bavaria, poses yet more challenges, with far too many murders cases, not one but two really attractive men, and very chatty coworkers.
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DIE VAMPIRSCHWESTERN (movies; 2012-2016)
-> Circe
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"We're gonna get sky-high and create a new world where somebody might die but nobody gets hurt." - Måneskin, in: HONEY (ARE U COMING?)
Full name: Circe Kairos
Birthday: September 2nd (160 years old)
Identity: bisexual
Faceclaim: Triz Pariz
Tag: x | Fic: -
Circe is a vampire and the younger sister of vampire rockstar Murdo, whom she accompanies to his tours. Things start to grow a little out of control when he falls in love with the half-vampire Dakara - who just so happens to be the daughter of the band manager's arch nemesis. But the world can always use a bit more chaos, right?
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leregirenga · 8 months
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"Habia olvidado lo que era vivir, lo que era sonreír, lo que era ser feliz, pero llegaste Tú, hombre de mis sueños, abriste mi corazón, lo llenaste de amor y hoy gracias a ti sique latiendo."
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no-toy · 7 months
Te ves muy boni en tus ultimas fotos como siempre, y precioso el fredúnculo como siempre tmbn, si que son wapos uvu
🥹🥹🥹🥹🩷 tu sique eri hermoso wawi
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subskz · 1 year
binnie swinging a giant claymore............ sweat running down his big stronge arms.... oh you're so sique and twisted.
"accidentally" using your elemnt while fucking him and hm why are crystallized shards appearing around us🤭
i’m the sick one when you’ve put this visual in my head??? the thought of him resting it across his shoulders when he’s idle or just straight up kicking it like beidou does is making me crazy 😵‍💫 what have u done….
NOT THE CRYSTALLIZED SHARDS 😭 why can i so easily imagine him getting all shy and awkward abt it…poor binnie was so deep in the pleasure that he lost control of his element hehe how embarrassing
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