#sir i am 24
tamayokny · 1 year
my dad has been exposed to that chick angel's "one margarita (margarita song)"
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Ash IG Story
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moongothic · 10 months
So I have a Crocodile theory that I've been sitting on for a while. I have absolutely nothing to prove any of it whatsoever, and the only thing that really propels me to believe in it is that I think it would be cool if it were true.
I think Crocodile may have gotten his start as a cabin boy for the Rocks Pirates the same way Shanks and Buggy got their start with Roger. The trust issues would naturally follow from the way the Rocks Pirates probably turned on each other immediately following Rocks' death during the God Valley Incident. Seeing the crew you grew up on turn in on itself would make anyone wary of trusting others I think. It might also explain a portion of the animosity he had for Whitebeard as well. Obviously a lot of it comes from their clash during Croc's warlord days, but it might explain why he was so eager to go after Whitebeard in the first place. Him being at God Valley would also provide a solid point where he could have run into Ivankov, and potentially where Ivankov could have gotten some dirt on him, depending on whatever that dirt ends up being in Canon.
Even wilder speculation, but I think Mihawk might have been there as well. The two just seem to have this weird, unexplained rapport that doesn't yield itself to a whole lot of options other than a previous connection. They get in a fight at Marineford, and Crocodile walks away alive despite him being well below Mihawk's level. Croc feels it's enough to just let Mihawk know he's "in a real bad mood" and that seems to do the trick. Mihawk is the first person Crocodile talks to about his Cross Guild venture, and Mihawk doesn't take long to take him up on it. And Mihawk, in general, also just kind of lets Crocodile talk at him a lot for someone who was introduced to us as a person who would hunt you down for just interrupting his nap.
Like I said, I don't have a shred of evidence for any of this at all, but I do think it would be cool, and might explain a few things.
"Would be cool if true" THIS IS WHAT FUN THEORIES ARE BASED ON 👏👏👏 We're HERE to get EXCITED about COOL IDEAS
Honestly I much prefer "random cabin boy for Xebec" over Xebec's son on just vibes alone, but also it'd make Crocodile losing interest on Whitebeard in Marineford much more palatable. Because if Whitebeard betrayed his dad on top of kicking his ass then surely he wouldn't assist in saving Ace, regardless of what his relationship with Luffy and/or the Revs may or may not have been. But if he was a cabin boy, yeah, that'd give him the trust issues but without it being THAT personal
Not sure if Mihawk would've been on the same ship though... IDK looking at the bby Shichibukai art, bby Hawk looks quite messy and disheveled compared to bby Croc- if they were raised in similar circumstances on Xebec' ship you'd think their art would look about the same. Also if I'm not misremembering, Crocodile would've been 9 during the God Valley incident, and Mihawk is 3 years younger than him so he would've been just 6. I dunno, if anything I'd be more willing to bet money on Moria having been on the ship with Crocodile instead (since he would've been like 13, and based on bby Moria's art he looks like he kinda matches with Crocodile, that said there's nothing to prove the two have any kind of shared history whatsoever)... But yeah, if Mihawk was 6 at the time, I kind of doubt they were BOTH on Xebec's ship
That said. I'm fucking sure Crocodile and Mihawk have SOME kind of shared history. There's gotta be fucking SOMETHING, at SOME POINT, because yeah, as you said
Crocodile telling Mihawk he's in a shit mood is a passable warning to give to from like One Dangerous Warlord to Another, but it takes on a whole different tone if they knew each other a bit closer
Who knows, maybe they were both cabin boys on the same ship for someone else a few years later though, hell, for all we know Mihawk could've been on Crocodile's crew for a time
Also based on Kuma's flashback, we do see Kuma visit Mihawk's island in chapter 1099, and in 1100 when Mihawk sees the news of Kuma joining, he's awfully quiet. So if Mihawk and Kuma may have known each other even just briefly, yeah. Why the fuck couldn't Mihawk and Crocodile have some history too.
There's also this bit from Croc and Hawk's phonecall that interests me
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The "..." in the flashback panel
Like it's very normal for Oda to signal a character is thinking about something without saying anything about it by doing the little "..." (for example, Robin would've been well-aware of Moria as she did work for a Warlord herself, making this panel from Thriller Bark quite interesting), hell the phonecall flashback both begins and ends with Mihawk having simple "..." thought bubbles as he's thinking back to it
But the fact that he's Having A Thought about Crocodile being like "we're the same bro"... Oh they gotta have somekinda shared backstory somewhere, they've gotta, surely
And indeed, despite the fact that the two aren't supposed to trust anyone, they sure seem to trust each other enough to start a marine hunting organization together
(Also an interesting detail that, since we know they both hate the Marines a lot, so them starting an organization with that shared goal is just. Yeah. Interesting.)
One additional note I wanted to make because I just noticed this while browsing the Wiki; of the OG Warlords Mihawk is one of the few who we have no idea when he joined the Shichibukai, the only other one being Moria
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I really would be curious to hear when and how Mihawk joined, 'cause for all we know, he might've joined around the same time Crocodile did, which would definitely be interesting...
Man. Like I'm not particularly interested in Mihawk's backstory on its own, but if his backstory was somehow tied to Crocodile's... Oh I'd absolutely love to hear it. ODA PLEASE, SPILL THE BEANS
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pirateshelly · 3 months
HOW do I explain to my cat that she needs to hold off on getting the zoomies for at least another week until she's properly recovered from surgery 😭
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niallandtommo · 6 months
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grumpyghostdoodles · 7 months
sfhsgdgfh rrrrrrgghhh, crawling up the walls, man. Tomorrow I have the second online appointment with the doc thats going to tell me if I qualify for an operation that could bring my everyday pain from 8 to a 5.
But im a woman in her 20's, so he could so easily say no to me, no matter how many medical exams I show him. I already had so many doctors say "But youre so young, and this is such an invasibe and painful surrgery, are you sure?? Have you tried just doing recreatonal drugs?"
Im crawling up the walls, trying to distract myself. Painted my nails, made some tea with cinnamon, tried to study for my uni classes, sent some emails, baked some cinnamon rolls. Im gonna try to draw. or bake more cinnamon rolls
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sparklyslug · 1 year
Not a grown ass man approaching me with a project draft and saying “please don’t be mean to me, my life is in shambles right now.”
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sansxfuckyou · 9 months
friendly reminder that if a fic reads 1/1 on Ao3, that means its a motherfucking oneshot and don't say 'looking forward to the next chapter' when it says the fic is completed
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goldensunset · 1 year
cheers to this guest lecturer for nearly giving me a heart attack making me think there was a paper due tomorrow that i hadn’t even heard about so i couldn’t focus the rest of the lecture and like rushed home and opened the site to find there was nothing at all
#when you’re gone for a week and only check your email (which sends notifs when assignments are due in 24 hours) and nothing else#it is not difficult to be convinced that A Big Thing Is Happening That You Didn’t Know About#i already (for shame) had an awkward experience in german class today#the entire class session was spoken entirely in german about a comic we were meant to have read and i only minimally participated#the prof afterwards was like ‘did you manage to follow along ok?’ and i had to tell him yeah i fully understood the conversation#i just didn’t contribute words of my own bc um. i didn’t have any material from which to draw forth words#which is tooooootally on me i could have and should have done the reading while away#he’s been nice and forgiving but i couldn’t teehee my way out of that one#and yet somehow he still was like ‘oh do you want me to postpone your quiz on friday’ SIR you are being way too nice#i completely do not deserve an extension on any of this i ran away to another continent for a week just for funsies#i easily could’ve done the work and studying i just kind of Suck it’s my own fault i should’ve been more responsible#so i told him oh no no i can fully handle doing all this work in the next two days and i’m fully ready to study for this quiz#which like. let’s be real based on what i heard in class today uhhh yeah this should be a cakewalk i am far more skilled than he realizes#i still have to study but like. the last minute grind is what i do best i’m genuinely not concerned and ik good resources if i get stuck#peach rambles#but anyway about this guest lecturer guy. he was talking about meditation and mentioned stuff that might be distracting us#and said something about ‘that paper you have due tomorrow in this class’#twice#which made me FLIP#i guess he was referring to a theoretical paper in a theoretical class?#that might be theoretically causing stress#because we don’t have this class physically tomorrow and there’s nothing open online due tomorrow so there can’t be anything#but like sheesh bro
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bylightofdawn · 2 years
I finished ME3 and whelp that end game was a fucking SLOG. OH MY GOD. It never ended. I ended up going with Control because I am a weak-willed paragon player at the end of the day. I will probably reload my save if I can and experiment with Destroy tomorrow though. Even though I did a shit ton of side-missions I guess my military assets still weren’t enough. I blame the fact I didn’t know the Reapors would breed like fucking lice and I prolly should have spent the first day just scanning for as much materials as I could because I did 95% of the side-missions that didn’t require scanning and I was only like 6000+
Fuck. My. Life.
Okay so my hot takes are as follows: I still love Shepard/Garrus. I was very heartbroken to break Kaidan’s heart by picking the sexy velociraptor over him.
Also, Garrus never gave me shit for picking up with Cerberus and I get why people dislike Kaidan. I still think his pluses outweigh the minuses and I am thinking of doing a m!Shep only trilogy playthrough where I romance him cause fuck I love war buddies falling in love and watching a friendship shift into something more trope. -cough cough- I’m looking at you Cortez and Vega. -cough cough-
Garrus also kinda reads as ver young and emotionally immature in a lot of ways. Like Shepard was definitely the first serious relationship he ever had. Fucks sake, this man’s idea of a date was to go and shoot things on top of the Citadel. And he cannot be smooth to save his poor Turian life. 
But that’s part of his charm, if I’m being honest. However compare that to the heartbreaking and emotionally vulnerable moments Shepard and Kaidan have, you can definitely tell the developers were more invested in that romance.
I ABJECTLY REFUSE to acknowledge they did my bae Kal’Reegar like they did and fucking offed him in a fucking email. N O P E. Sorry, rumors of his death are greatly exaggerated and he will drag his wounded ass home and surprise Tali by being alive. I will accept no other canon.
I fucking ship the hell out of Liara and Javik even though Javik is a super not-cool colonizer/ at times outright misogynist and I don’t know how I feel about this. It makes me uncomfortable but I guess that’s why you have problematic faves. So long as you are willing to acknowledge and accept that the shit they pull isn’t kosher and don’t try and defend it then it’s up for you to find that balance of on your morality scale.
But yeah even Citadel DLC hinted at that being a thing and yeah I ship it.
I don’t mind Garrus/Tali as much as I thought I was when going into ME3 and I know I kinda rudely labeled it as pair the spares but the more I think about it, the more I can see it. I mean, they have been with Shepard for years and I can totally see them building a bond. I would also be completely down for a Garrus/Tali slow-burn where Shepard/Garrus was a thing and now Garrus needs to find a way to conduct his life in a world without her being the pendulum on which his orbit revolves.
And I feel like Tali and Kaidan/Liara to a lesser extent are the people who would understand what it’s like trying to live in a world without her larger-than-life presence. I am also 1000% open to the idea of Garrus/Kaidan finding second chance love with one another with them grieving together over the loss of Shepard and HAVE in fact read some really awesome fanfics with that theme.
I’ve been reading SO MANY FANFICS during this playthrough and I have a shit ton of pairings, both crack and otherwise. I’m compiling a list of ME fanfic recs right now that I will gush about in ad nauseam later.
I got boned because I didn’t import from ME1 onwards so it felt like a personal attack and failing that Eve and Miranda died. I also didn’t have access to Kasumi or Zaheed which made me sad.
I just don’t think I’m up for sinking another 100+ hours into this series right this moment. I am debating buying Andromedea but the amount of bitching and whinging I’ve heard about it, I don’t know if it’s just fandom being a whiny titty baby because they ‘broke it’ or if it’s legitimate criticism.
I’m darkly amused that I am 2/2 in the talking at people long enough they would rather shoot themselves than listen to me pontificate any longer. First Saren and now the Illusive Man, Shepard really do be talking people quite literally to death with her care bear stares Paragon energy. 🤣 And yes I am dating myself horrifically with that reference.
I’m also debating picking up Dragon Age. I bought it on disk for PS3 I think but I’m not breaking that shit out to play a horrifically grainy near 20 year old title. Hopefully it has a remastered edition.
I’m glad I finally finished this series. I’ve legit been picking it up and putting it down for like 10 years at this point. Do I think it’s worth the hype everyone has given it? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh no? It’s serviceable and definitely a fun ride. I am super both confused and impressed with BioWare rehauling the gaming mechanics THREE DIFFERENT TIMES. Like, I respect the grind but why? I know everyone hated the Mako and none of use were sad to see it go but jeeze. I’m assuming there was a gaming engine difference between the three of them but still it’s not usual to have the gaming mechanics changed three different times and it gives it a bit of a haphazard vibe because of it.
I actually REALLY MISSED the hacking games in ME3. I suspect I’m prolly in the minority there but I would much rather have that fun code matching/icon matching memory style game over mashing buttons in ME1 or just having to sit there watching Shepard wave her hand around for 10 seconds while bypassing doors in ME3.
I hated only having access to three/eventually four weapons in ME2 but I liked it’s leveling up system the most. Class restricted weapons just didn’t do it for me. Being able to build your paragon/renegade level in ME1 is just weird and I’m glad they got away from that. I do feel like ME1 and ME3 were more similar in how they did their level scaling and I really liked being able to earn a special ability from one of your teammates if you invested enough time and effort into building a rapport with them. Whereas you could just buy it in ME2.
NGL I got Flare and didn’t look back at all. LMAO. What a stupidly OP ability. Banshee and Brutes? Eh toss some grenades and Flare at them and it ain’t a problem anymore.
There are other things but I think I’ve spazzed out long enough over this stupid video game trilogy.
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fuckkyliejenner · 2 years
It’s always “fuck that old man” until an old man hits on you
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fuzzyunicorn · 5 days
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Husband dearest u🖤 really can’t deny the resemblance (yes I’m still shooketh)
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je-suis-problematique · 3 months
Working all night on that long ass post about my source memories had me realize that I probably also had a thing with Halsin and not just Kar'niss and it's making me Feel Some Kind Of Way.
– Sengo
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hamilando · 2 months
ੈ✩ wrong couple ? (smau) ੈ✩
pairing : lando norris x fem reader
summary : the chaotic process of Lando getting a wife
fc: Olivia Culpo
a/n : This is a series, and this is PART 2, let me know if you want to be tagged in the final part ! it was requested anonymously, thank you for requesting it 🫶🏻
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liked by landonorris, alexandramieux and 137,937 others
ynculpo sunsets with the best man I could get 🌅
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user1 I saw what she did there 🗿
user3 istg everyone is just posting pics and not telling anything
user5 #KELLAX
user6 that sounds like a crime mob name 😭
landonorris forever and ever 🧡
liked by ynculpo
user7 I luvvv how lando's media personality is different from his real one
user8 Sir Lando, please lend em your gf, she is too gorgeous 🤺
user7 Only Lewis is Sir, Lando is master 🫦
charlesleclerc mama and papa 🐱
oscar.piastri 😔
ollie.bearman 😔
ynculpo stop, you have alex
fransisca.gnomes I am stealing her lando
landonorris sure, take her for the day, because her nights are mine
maxverstappen1 you horny ass
landonorris what? you never watch Netflix and chill with Kelly ?
maxverstappen1 😒
user9 did he mean netflix or chill
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liked by maxverstappen1, ynculpo, landonorris, fransisca.gnomes and 1,284,294 others
kellypiquet mijn wereld ❤️
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maxverstappen1 to many more years and watching P grow ❤️
liked by kellypiquet
user4 congrats to the best couple 🌟
user5 max really took that groomer as his wife…
user6 can you like not spoil their special day ?
user7 max, pls tell Lando to propose to yn as well
user8 fr, they have been dating for almost 4 years now
fransisca.gnomes my heart 🥹
liked by kellypiquet
landonorris best sil 🧡
liked by kellypiquet
user11 damn, max flexing his money from this proposal
user12 if my standards are not up-
user14 who is damian? user13 my bf 🗿
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liked by landonorris, kellypiquet and 849,278 others
maxverstappen1 best man duties
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user1 TOLD YA
user4 she likes all posts 🗿
user7 we got one more down before Lewis 🤺
landonorris 😏🙃
liked by maxverstappen1
charlesleclerc so excited 💪🏻
liked by maxverstappen1
carlossainz55 tequilla and music 🌇
liked by maxverstappen1
user10 but isn't the best man for someone else's wedding ?
user11 wait..
user12 WHAT
user13 y'all it's him and Kelly getting married only, being a best man for Kelly ?
user14 makes sense
user15 y'all are dumb
user16 why is Lando in all the pics tho?
user17 can't there be friends 😒
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liked by user1, user2, user3, and 483,683 others
f1wags New Marriage in grid !? A huge ‘marry me’ was seen in the ocean, presumably where the f1 grid cruise was passing by. With the recent post of Kelly Piquet, Max Vertsappen’s girlfriend, it seems she is the new Mrs. Verstappen ?
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user2 told ya-
user3 where is my invite ?
user4 to all the haters, TAKE THAT
user5 can’t wait for more max x penelope crumbs 🥹
user6 that man seriously showed off his wealth for the proposal
user7 they look cute together ngl-
tg: @lydia-demarek @mel164 @h34rts4maisey @poppyflower-22 @dolphlinda
@ilivbullyingjeongin @fangirlforever2000 @magnusi-97 @clo5406 @yesmanbabe
@wosof1 @luvsforme @nikfigueiredo @evie-119 @clarenciago
@raynetargaryan2 @brekkers-whore @lifesass @formula1-motogpfan @yawn-zi
@barcelonaloverf1life @jxnellat @gigicisneros @yukimaniac @l-sofiamia-l
@s0phiad @shiftermeance @coriyaps @formulaal
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @landotd @fulla02 @orlafitz1664
@abq654 @mastermindbaby @awritingtree @nichmeddar @emz2092
@mysteriesincorporated @dramallama9 @emxlando @ahnneyong @burkylover
@czennieszn @weekendlusting @charli123456789 @mamako23
@mxdi0 @claudiajacobs
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ham1lton · 3 months
pairings: jude bellingham x reader.
faceclaim: maya jama <3
summary: being the personal assistant of sir lewis hamilton has been the highlight of your career so far, even when he has you fetching organic vegan dog food for roscoe at six in the morning. but that was expected, what wasn’t expected was a certain english footballer taking an interest in you.
author’s note: shout out to my jude girlies! this one is for u! it’s also technically the 29th where i am, so happy twenty first to jude! now part of a series.
— wanna be tagged in any future works? fill out my taglist!
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liked by landonorris, yourbestie and 78,928 others.
yourusername: days lately 💐
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user1: THE LEWIS PIC 😭😭
lewishamilton: you’re fired.
-> yourusername: this is the ninth time you’ve fired me this week.
-> landonorris: i’ll hire you y/n.
-> lewishamilton: shut up norris. don’t steal my assistant.
user2: why is yn the most entertaining f1 related person.
user3: guys, who is she??? she’s stunning!
-> user4: yn yln! she’s lewis’ assistant and practically family at this point. she’s been with him since she was 18. she just had her 24th birthday so they’ve worked together for almost 6 years! she’s so funny and if you’re a fan of lewis, you should definitely follow her!
charles_leclerc: roscoe and leo playdate when?
-> yourusername: roscoe is booked up for the unforeseeable future i apologise.
-> alexandrasaintmleux: oh no 😢
-> yourusername: suddenly he has an opening!!!! just for alex.
-> alexandrasaintmleux: yay! i’ll message you 😊💐
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liked by lewishamilton, judebellingham and 233,938 others.
yourusername: btw if you catch your girl smiling at her phone it’s probably something i posted. your girl thinks i’m hilarious and loves me more than you 🤷🏾‍♀️
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carmenmmundt: caption is true!
-> yourusername: kissing you virtually <3
user1: i love yn sm.
-> user2: did u see her vlog for the lv event?? she feeds us sm. shirtless lewis in the beginning, jude bellingham in the background of the event and her posing with central cee at the end. she’s collecting british boys like she’s getting paid for it.
user3: marry me yn!!!!
lilymhe: roscoe is judging tf out of you 😭
-> yourusername: he hates to see me shine 😔
user5: why is jude in the likes omggg???
roscoelovescoco: you’s my favourite’s 🐶
-> yourusername: love u sm my baby 😢
user8: is it truly a yn post without a roscoe pic?
*liked by yourusername.*
user6: all the wags love yn. i need wag!yn expeditiously.
user7: can you even post this?? won’t you get fired?
-> yourusername: idk. take it up w/ my boss lewishamilton.
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YN: hi guys!! how are we all doing? you okay?
user1: YN I LOVE YOU!!
user2: im good!
user3: where are you?
YN: i’m currently in madrid right now for a event that lewis is involved in. i love madrid. much different to drizzly england.
user4: omg perfect timing.
user5: your bf is in madrid rn.
user6: god aligned your chakras 😍
YN: my bf???? guys i don’t have a boyfriend.
user7: you do now. boyfriend distribution system has done its job and he’s hot! and rich! and successful!
user8: lmfaooo ur face 😭
YN: who are you guys talking about. i promise you, i am single.
user9: jude bellingham posted a tweet asking if he could get more screentime in your next vlog 😭
user10: girl he wants you bad 😭
user11: and we don’t blame him!
YN: jude bellingham? the football player? isn’t he like twelve.
user12: he’s 21 girl 😭
user13: cancers rise !! ♋️
YN: i don’t date younger than me! he’s a baby!
user14: you are freshly 24 😭
user15: dw you are not kelly piquet girl 😭
user16: you should date him!!
landonorris: hi 😃👋🏼
YN: hi future boss dude
landonorris: i think you should date jude as well.
YN: et tu, brute?
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liked by trentarnold66, roscoelovescoco and 1,288,567 others.
yourusername: roscoe took me to the airport and we both sobbed and cried when i had to leave. i could barely enjoy looking at shirtless jude 😔
view all 45,928 comments
judebellingham: it’s okay. you’ll have plenty more chances to see it again.
user1: caption so real 😔
user2: how’s your holiday going?
-> yourusername: great! but i genuinely crave a roast dinner so bad. roast dinner with all the trimmings please and thanks 🙏🏾
user3: i thought you were lewis’ assistant 😭 why are you chilling with jude?
-> yourusername: i am lewis’ assistant but thanks to labour laws, i am entitled to holiday leave. i am on holiday right now.
-> lilymhe: without me? 😔
-> yourusername: sorry babe 😔😔
trentarnold66: thank god. jude wouldn’t shut up about you. so glad you’re together.
-> judebellingham: i’m praying on your downfall. hope your account gets blocked 🙏🏾
landonorris: you’re just on holiday? was hoping you’d been fired so i can hire you 😒
-> yourusername: i only work for world champions. nicorosberg, you hiring?
-> user4: MESSY ASS 😭
-> user5: yn could singlehandedly repair brocedes.
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— taglist: @23victoria @maxlarens @m1892 @stinkyjax @yelenasloverrrrr @tsireyasgf @landososcar @ourlifeforchaos @itseightbeats @xylinasdiary @chelle1306 @velentine @ariellovelynn @shhhchriss @f1kenzzz @lavisenri @namgification @hiireadstuff @theblueblub @lifeless-firefly @ctrlyomomma @evie-119 @starz4me1 (found yourself tagged in something you’d rather not be? refill the taglist with what you would rather be tagged in and leave a note at the bottom for me to delete your old form! if you’d like to be removed all together then send me an ask!)
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3K notes · View notes
i personally think being a casual emailer is so freeing. I have sent '^-^' and "i prommy!!" and "cue DJ Khaled's another one" in emails and i love it <3
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