#sir tea knight cookie
toxictigertonic · 2 years
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If I ever post a holiday drawing on time call the cops bc somebody has stolen my identity
Anyway happy belated Valentines day I provide the gay cookies for your viewing pleasure
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rie-092 · 1 year
「 tcf x child! reader 」
summary : the white star loved his child, he really does.
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The red-haired child couldn't help but frown as she walked through the hallways of the orphanage. Everyone knew how famous the Sekka family is in the Paerun Kingdom. That's why when the son and the future duke of that family showed an interest in an orphan like her, the whole orphanage became happy.
The little redhead's reddish brown eyes held a glint of annoyance as she looked at her arms that were covered with the sleeves of her clothes. The fact that the young master of the Sekka dukedom is here to visit her again, made the staff of the orphanage buy an expensive-looking dress that'll surely cover her bruises and dress her up. "You better not mess up this time, (name)."
"Yes." The little girl blankly said as they stopped walking. (Name), the girl looked at the huge door in front of her with a stoic expression on her face. "You were lucky that Young Master Clopeh is fond of you."
Fond? Seems like he's obsessed to me.
She deadpanned, watching how the woman in front of her opened the door. Revealing a young man sitting in a wheelchair, elegantly sipping on his tea. Rei could only sigh as she saw how the woman who was supposed to be her caretaker blushed at the sight. And she only blushed even more when Clopeh tucked his white hair behind his ear as his brilliant green eyes met (name)'s reddish-brown ones. (Name) wanted to curse and run away when she saw how Clopeh's face brightened when he saw her.
Rei's lips curved onto a bright smile as she walked towards Clopeh while internally telling herself that violence was never an answer. "Hello, sir!" Acting like a child was something that Rei was used to so this was a piece of cake for her. Clopeh smiled fondly as he ruffled (Name)'s hair before looking at the woman behind her, signalling her to leave. And the woman gladly obeyed.
And seeing that her caretaker left. (Name) found herself wishing that the Arm would appear before her and slash her body into two so she could just move on to her next life and make sure to avoid the people who were similar to the guy in front of her. The calm and noble-like aura that Clopeh was radiating earlier completely disappeared. He clasped his hands together and started reciting some kind of prayer before looking at the little redhead with a blush on his face.
This lunatic. (Name) sweatdrop.
The most handsome bachelor in the Paerun Kingdom? A noble knight? The future head of the Sekka household? No. In (name)'s eyes, Clopeh Sekka was a certified lunatic who for some reason started to treat her like some kind of God.
"I brought your favourite cookie with me, (Name)-nim."
Ah fuck, I hate my life.
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cherr-22 · 10 months
“For this reconnaissance, we will investigate further. With the new demonic beast’s appearance recently, we must be more careful.”
“Yes sir!”
The knights answered in unison. It was so loud that even I, who was leisurely enjoying a sunbathing session while lying on the sawdust, could hear it.
‘Already another reconnaissance.’
It has been about a month since the previous one.
―Squeak squeak. Squeak. (But why hasn’t he told me about going on this one?)
I rubbed my stomach after stuffing myself with the almond, macadamia, and strawberry that Kyle had brought. I must’ve gained more weight, because it was getting harder to breathe. Just a little bit.
Anyways, it would be a good idea to follow along this time too. If another accident occurs, it’d be good if I were there.
I crawled to a corner and just when I was about to use ‘Summon’―.
“Wait a moment.”
Kyle opened the door and came into the study.
I took back my hand from the system window and slid back to the center of the hamster house.
Kyle’s soft voice called for me. I pretended I wasn’t doing anything and made a gesture that said, “You’re here?”.
Then he lifted me up and naturally started kissing me.
―Squeak……. (Alright…….)
Of course. If he didn't do this, he wouldn’t be Kyle Blake.
I received his kiss and waved my hand in goodbye. Hurry up and leave.
Kyle only left after glancing back at me twice at the study door. I quickly used ‘Summon’ and wore my clothes.
Really! At this point, shouldn’t I be able to automatically wear clothes? This is so inefficient!
……I’m not saying it’s your fault. It’s not like we could do anything about it. I’m just complaining out loud…
I comforted the sullen system and walked down the hallway at a brisk pace. I diligently headed out of the castle, greeting the workers carrying laundry baskets and brooms along the way.
When I pushed the tightly closed door, a light so bright that it hurt my eyes poured in. I stepped outside, feeling the cool air surrounding me.
Now, Kyle. Take me with you. Look at this perfect timing I appear before you when you need me.
“Your Highness! ……Huh?”
I looked at the empty field in front of the castle with a dumbfounded face.
He’s not here.
There’s nothing here. Even though this is the front gate?  Surely they would’ve reorganized their ranks here before going up the mountain?
I hurriedly searched the surrounding area. The flower beds, bushes, pillars… I looked closely everywhere, but I couldn’t find a single one of his familiar footprints.
“Just where exactly did you go!”
I shouted at the sky in frustration and a passing worker flinched.
“H-his Highness Kyle went to the back gate.”
“He said someone fearless may try to follow him…….”
I stood in place with a dumbfounded expression. The employee, seeing my reaction, quickly bowed his head and disappeared.
Then, does this mean…….
“He’s avoiding me?”
I went back into the castle and thought for a while. There weren’t any other demonic beast specialists within the castle so why would he go without me?
No, I knew why even without having to think. It was because I fell off the cliff last time.
It must’ve been a shock to see the person he promised to protect to fall into danger right before his eyes. What if it happens again? Would I be able to grab onto him properly this time? I could imagine him worrying about it all night long.
“It’s only right to keep the person you want to protect by your side.”
As I trudged down the hallway, I felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness. I must’ve gotten used to spending my time with Kyle.
I wandered around for a while before arriving at the kitchen to eat two freshly made sandwiches, scones, and cookies with black tea and then returned to my room to cancel ‘Summon’.
―Squeak. (Sigh.)
I laid down and stared at the dark ceiling of the study room.
There was no time to get lost in sentiment. I spent the entire day walking around and thinking about Kyle, but my heart felt heavier than it did before.
‘……Why do I feel so heavy?’
I grunted as I turned over. However, I couldn’t get up. I was only able to stand after grasping the floor with my paws.
―Squeak squeak. (……Just how much weight did I gain?)
Now, I could no longer deny it. At this rate, I may become an obese hamster and would have to survive on just chicory and lettuce.
I suddenly felt a sense of crisis and started walking on the hamster wheel. And here I thought I’d never have to ride this horrendous thing again!
Alright. Let’s do some morning dieting.
To the point where Kyle will be so surprised upon seeing me again.
Reconnaissance usually takes about four to five days. They said they would go further this time, so it should take about a week. Today was the first day of the week.
During this time, I was quite busy as both a human and a hamster.
During my time as a hamster, I worked on my squishy belly by running on the hamster wheel, and when I was human, I helped around.
Mass production of the quilted clothes have begun, because they thought it would be good to distribute them to the residents of the territory. The remaining knights in the castle also spent their days hunting.
I, of course, helped with sewing and teaching the kitchen staff various other healthy recipes. The most delicious recipe was the one made with the fish beast.
There was a pond to the south of the castle that was frozen all year long, so people often went ice fishing and hunting there.
They would gather together and light a bonfire to have a feast.
The grilled fish grilled with an even coat of spice and sauce…… it was tastier than any other seafood I’ve eaten.
As a result, the people greatly enjoyed the fish. And best of all, the fish would break through the ice on their own if there were a lot of them.
Anyways, it was hectic and busy. Thanks to that, my Miracle Value went up to 24 percent. It was a huge increase despite Kyle not being here.
In other words.
‘The people here has accepted me.’
Although, I did benefit a bit from the ‘passive effect’ of gaining favor with the Northerners.
When I walk across the hallways in the castle, the workers greet me and the knights sometimes look for me with monsters they caught in their hands. When I go to the kitchen, I’m gifted with freshly baked bread and some cookies. Yesterday, I even received the tart that the youngest worker of the castle baked.
‘……But we are still a little awkward with each other.’
It was definitely not a bad feeling though.
I cleared my throat and glanced at the clock. It was ticking just past noon.
―Squeak squeak. Squeak squeak squeak. (Kyle, just when exactly is he going to come back? The weather is fine so he should be back pretty soon.)
While mumbling to myself, the system window blinked.
That’s not it. Don’t look at me like I’m a wife waiting for their husband to return home. We’re not in that sort of relationship.
I kicked the system window and it flashed again on the opposite side of me.
I frantically kicked hard at the moving system window. I was so absorbed that I didn’t even hear the study door open.
“So you also knew how to dance.”
A soft voice came from above my head.
I paused and turned my head up. Kyle was looking down at me with a very disheveled appearance.
“Sorry for being gone for so long. I rushed back, because I was worried about you, but it seems like I could’ve washed up first. I can’t hold you with my hands dirty like this.”
Kyle mumbled while holding his hands caked in dirt and blood. My eyes naturally went to his hands.
―Squeeeak! (Hey! What’s with your hands!)
I stuck myself to the transparent wall and squeaked towards Kyle.
Kyle must’ve thought I was glad to see him after a long time, so he looked at me sweetly and left the study, saying that he would come back soon.
I pounded my chest in frustration and used ‘Summon’.
It’s a good thing I didn’t use it earlier in the day today. How could I hold in after seeing him like that? I must take a closer look myself to see if the body I cherish has any injuries.
“I think right now is good.”
I hung around in front of Kyle’s room for a while before knocking the door. Then, I heard a voice from inside telling me to come in.
Upon opening the door, I saw Kyle with a robe draped over his shoulders, drying his hair with a towel.
I quickly scanned him from head to toe. No injuries on his arms. Not a single scratch on his chest. He just looked a bit messy.
I sighed in relief and walked over to him.
“It took you a while this time.”
“I thought it would be good to go the longer route after encountering the new demonic beast before.”
“You didn’t tell me to go together this time.”
“There is no need for you to accompany me on every reconnaissance. Besides, didn’t you say you were busy?”
I crossed my arms and puffed. You could hide all you want, but I know you better than yourself.
“Not because you are afraid I might die?”
Kyle stared at me silently. It seems I got it right.
I reached out and gently grabbed both ends of the towel covering Kyle’s head to help dry his hair. He obediently lowered his head to narrow the distance between me and him.
“Teach me how to use the bow tomorrow. I learn quickly, so it’ll be worthwhile for you to teach me.”
Kyle’s brows narrowed, and then he relaxed with a short sigh.
As if he missed me for the week he was gone, he wrapped my waist with his strong arms and pulled me in. I entrusted myself to him. With his familiar body scent reaching the tip of my nose, I felt at ease.
I let go of the towel and placed my arms around his neck. I smiled as I heard him saying that he would teach me and that he’s glad to be back home.
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Do you mind sharing an Alice and Wonderland short story with more of Hanayama Kaoru as the Red Knight?
Of course! And we will leave off where he found the reader in the tea pot from the last chapter! (I’m also having two different paths from the link below for Retsu and Jun). We will also be introduced to the Red King, Baki!
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
The Red Knight
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You shook like a leaf under the intense gaze of the scarred red knight. His hardened gaze did nothing to calm your nerves.
This hulk of a man didn’t even move when Retsu, Kozue, and Jun threw tea cups and plates at him. Simply shaking them off with a wave of his hand.
“Arrest them.” Hanayama stated simply as he walked over to the table and grabbed a sugar cookie that said ‘eat me’ on it. “Two bites and you’ll be regular size again. I’m not carrying you in a teapot.”
You obediently followed his order, unaware of the way he swallowed heavily at how quickly you followed his command. He couldn’t remember the last time someone did something he immediately asked of him.
Hanayama gently scooped you up bridal style while the Hatter and his friends fled from the knights and hounds. The muscles in his arms flexing as they kept you from escaping.
“Don’t acknowledge them. They’re insane.” Hanayama then set you on his black horse. The giant man getting on along with you, his arms wrapped securely around your waist as he held the reigns of the horse. “And don’t even think about running… I’ll break your ankles if I have to.”
You gulped as you nodded your head. Hanayama’s heart hammering in his chest from how obedient you were… he wished everyone in wonderland listened to him as well as you do…
Hanayama then lead his horse towards the red kingdom. A sigh escaping his lips when your back was pressed up to his plate armor. He could now inhale your scent from you hair… you smelled so sweet…
As time went on, Hanayama stopped the horse at a river. The large knight climbing off the horse before offering you a hand.
“Alice? How about we take a break?” Hanayama asks as you shyly take his hand. You’re too afraid of him to even look at him, but he takes your fear as shyness. You must be intimidated by such a strong man being interested in you…
“My name is (your name).” You replied without a stutter despite your knees shaking a bit as he helped you down from the large horse. “What’s your name?”
Hanayama froze for a minute. When was the last time someone asked him for a name and didn’t just call him Hanayama or the Red Knight… no one really paid him much attention.
“My name is Hanayama Kaoru. I’m the red knight.” Hanayama got on one knee and bowed to you. His scarred lips gently kissing your hand. “It’s a pleasure to serve you.”
“Oh… why would you serve me?” You hesitantly asked as Hanayama smiled at you.
“Why you’re the Alice of course, you’re going to marry the Red King.” You pull your hand away from his, the knight’s eyes widening in shock. Did you not want to marry Baki? Could you perhaps… want to marry him instead?
“I’m sorry but I don’t know who that is… and someone shouldn’t marry someone they don’t love.” You replied as you made your way over to a stump to sit. “This world is just so strange to me…”
Hanayama’s eyes shined as he glanced at you. His eyes studying your forlorn expression. Did you miss your home world? He could take you there… if you let him go with you.
Before he could say anything, the other knights and hounds had caught up to them.
“Sir, we couldn’t capture them. Shall we just continue to then castle?” Hanayama nodded to his men before he turned to you and offered you his arms.
“It’s time to get back on the road. Allow me to guide you.”
You obediently allowed him to pick you up once again like a doll and put you on his horse. Your eyes widening at how much closer he was sitting to you now.
“I’m just making sure you don’t escape…” Hanayama seemed to be convincing himself more than he was convincing you of his intentions. You didn’t even try to argue you with the man… he was too scary to even talk to.
When you finally made it to the castle, a scream nearly left your throat when you saw a man being beheaded. Luckily Hanayama covered your eyes in time. The knight basking in your attention as you clutched to his arms like a scared child. He loved protecting you… something about it just felt so right…
“You’ve brought the Alice!” A tenor voice shouted as you heard hurried footsteps approaching you. “Be a dear and uncover her eyes, knight. I want to look at my future queen!”
Hanayama hesitantly uncovered you eyes with a stoic expression. He was sad his time with you was now cut short… but he was sure he’d get the position as your personal guard. He’d make it happen.
Your eyes were wide when you finally saw the fabled Red King. A short, muscular man with shoulder length red hair smiled bright at you.
“Welcome to Wonderland, my dear!” Baki shouted as he grabbed your hands in his to give each a kiss. “We’ve all been dying to meet you…”
You ignored his bad joke as you avoided glancing down at the headless man by Baki’s feet. You really wanted to go home…
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janeway-lover · 2 months
"when will i put this abbiel royal au on ao3?" i can hear you all asking (no one is asking this it's all in my head) well the answer is that i don't know but have the next part
The nonsense, unfortunately, continued.
Over the span of the next two weeks, Abby and Uriel got locked in a room together three separate times. Michael and Dagon had recruited help, it seemed, from the other married knights and nobles.
The first time, Lord Beelzebub had asked for Abby's opinion on a request for the king, while Sir Gabriel had asked Uriel to drop off lunch for his spouse while he went over the armory inventory. Beelzebub had told Abby zey would be back shortly, stepped into the hallway, asked Uriel to put the lunch on zeir desk, and then promptly locked the door behind them.
The second time, the meddlesome group had decided they needed someone who wouldn't be a suspect. Dagon had bribed the triplet princes into luring Abby down to one of the training rooms, and then promptly frightened the princes away as soon as the princess was in the room, and locked the door. Uriel had been dragged down there earlier on the request of Muriel, one of the squires who was training to become a knight. The squire had then scampered off just before the royals arrived, and was also scared off by Dagon.
The third time, Abby thought she was well and truly safe from any meddling. She had dropped in for tea with Sir Aziraphale unannounced, and had been sharing her woes about how everyone was meddling. He had listened and poured her tea and just stepped out to get some cookies. But when the door opened again, it was not Aziraphale, but Uriel, being shoved into the room by a black-clad arm that could only belong to Lord Crowley. The door was, once again, locked.
An entire week had passed before the fourth time. As she was rather forcibly shoved into a storage room that was really nothing more than a glorified closet, she wondered what they had spent all that time on. It certainly wasn't planning.
"You are all my father's greatest spies!" she shouted through the door. "His greatest fighters! And this was the best plan you could come up with? Shoving us into a damn closet?!"
Uriel, who had also been shoved into the closet, of course, let her shout.
"You are all cowards and fools and I ought to have all of you executed!"
"Are you alright, your highness?"
"Yes, Sir Uriel, I am quite alright," she says quietly. "I just needed to shout." She turns to them, sighing. "I am terribly sorry that they've been dragging you into this nonsense."
"i ought to be apologizing to you, your highness."
"Oh, please. This is, what, the fifth time they've locked us up? Just - just call me Abby. Please." She's grateful for the reduced light of the closet, hoping it'll hide her blush.
"As you wish."
"And you have no reason to apologize. It is my fault they are doing all this."
"What do you mean? I know why they're doing this and it's not -"
"Dagon caught me off guard. I was too open with them. And now I'm being mocked with something I want but can not have, and they had the gall to drag you into it as well."
"While I wish they wouldn't upset you so, I must admit, I am not...adverse to their plan." Abby looks at them with wide eyes as they continue. "Your highness - Abby. You're gorgeous."
"No. No, no." Uriel blinks. This was not what they expected to happen. "There is no fame or prowess or fortune for you to gain here. There is only dishonor. No, no, you shall not continue, please. I - I order you not to continue under threat of execution." There are tears growing in the corners of her eyes.
"Do you think I wish to defile you in the night and flee in the morning like some common tramp?" She turns away; her silence is answer enough. "Am I not honor-bound to protect you? What makes you think I would ever hurt you?"
"Because I have been taught well. I am the heir to the throne of Hell, and I must protect my crown. I shall marry some prince who is politically advantageous, bear his children, and then kill him in his sleep once I have been given my own heirs so that he may not threaten my rule. There - there is no room in that equation for love." She wipes away the tears that streak down her face. "Love can be faked. Love can fade. And I can not kill someone I love in the middle of the night."
"Do you believe that I'm lying to you?"
"I don't know. I was taught to view every suitor as a threat, as a tool." She looks right at them, her eyes shining. "But I do not want to think to think of you like that."
"Then don't."
"It is not that simple."
"You are the Crown Princess," Uriel says, reaching up to wipe away her tears. "Anything can be simple if you say it is." She laughs, placing her own hand over theirs, still resting on her cheek.
"I do not know if it is truly as easy as you say, but," she says, smiling at them, "I would love to find out. With you."
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Witch's Brew/Baker's Delight
Udon was a ferret who ran a rather successful Bakery on the campus of a magical institution, a rather upstanding member of his community, even if he did happen to moonlight as a witch with the local coven. It was after hours, his store front converted into a temporary venue as the tables were all decorated with fancy table clothes to host a little tea party. Guests weren't scheduled to arrive for another few hours, but being the perfectionist he was, all the work had been finished already, and he didn't have much else to do but sit there and scroll his phone hoping someone would show up early.
Soft clinking of metal heralded the arrival of a feline knight, a resplendent suit of silver inlaid mythril armor accenting a slim fighter's figure. Her paws, both hand and feet, were uncovered, though a discerning eye would see that the magical protection offered by the armor extended even to those extremities, even her cute long tail that marked her not as a pure cat, but a feline vulpine hybrid. Atop it all was a hat, a large ostentatious hat more logically associated with a wizard than a knight, but which also seemed inlaid with magical protection.
She was also overbearingly nervous, paw continuously trying to obviously reach for a sword which seemed to be conspicuously missing from her ensemble. She sat down at the opposite end of the table armor clattering audibly. If she had hoped to be stealthy, she had failed miserably.
The red and pink ferret was firmly juxtaposed off the small knight, possessing a welcoming and inviting chubby figure, complete with a heart printed yellow apron. He didn't know exactly why this jittery knight had sat down at his table, but he had nothing better to do so he quietly slid a plate of cookies closer. "Hey, you want some tea? Or a biscuit or something?" Despite his best efforts, some concern did bleed through his voice.
The comforting tones of the ferret seemed completely lost on the cat who looked like she'd have jumped out of her skin from the jolt she gave, and probably would have if not for her armor. "T-Tis I! Um, I mean, I'm Conrad, agent to His Imperial Majesty Glenn, responsible for the deaths of between 230 and 400 people in the 17th age of the Demesne." Her feline eyes vibrated with intensity as she looked down at the plate of cookies, paw twitching as she resisted the urge to take one. "Excuse me, sir. Are you by any chance... a witch?"
Udon had started tuning the knight out when it became apparent that she wasn't really going to be a good conversational partner, mentally going over his checklist one more time as he nodded along. "A witch? Yeah yeah..." He was technically a part time witch, but he was licensed and all, so he hardly saw how it mattered. Reaching over and grabbing a lovely tea pot, an equally lovely tea cup was filled. He took a moment to let it cool before taking a sip, frowning at the surprisingly bitter taste. No comment was made on the way his body seemed to visibly swell from just one taste. He reached over to a small ceramic jar and removed the lid, sighing as he saw its empty nature. "This shit has no sugar, and Sparky ate all the sugar cubes, is that cool with you?"
Conrad recoiled in fear and disgust, for this is truly...
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Steeling her composure as best she could, the anxious knight nodded as another teacup began to be filled. "Y-yes, that will be fine.  As a Knight, if I take tea at all, it is without sugar…" Relaxing just a bit as she realized she'd not alerted the witch into defensive action, she chose to take a subtle approach and coax the damning information out of her. She knew she'd have absolutely no choice to partake of this devil's fair, really there was simply no way to avoid eating some of these cursed food items, none at all if she were to complete her mission. "Ahem... Now, pardon me for asking, but do you regularly hold council with imps and other such demons, perhaps meeting for tea and to practice illegal dark magic?"
Something within the kind and patient ferret snapped at the question, and in that moment his patience was lost. "Look dude, do you want a biscuit or not?" He'd put in all this effort to lay out a fine spread for anybody looking to unwind after a hard day, and here this cat was harshing the vibe so spectacularly!
Conrad's eyes darken in fear, and her ears pin back in shame.  The Emperor's most trusted agent has found a witch for whom she is no match. He evades even her most cunning inquiries with ease, and the brazen air with which she admits her heresy shows she fears neither man nor God. She cannot win, and defeated, she relents. "A... biscuit would be lovely, thank you."
A smile finally crossed the Ferret's face once again as he picked up a cookie and threw it across the table, effortlessly landing it right on the knight's waiting tongue. "Bitchin~" Horrified by the sudden display of perceived violence, her first instinct was to remove the cookie from her mouth, and yet she found such instincts overridden as her jaws slowly worked to mash up the buttery delight, delicious cream spilling out from between two layers of baked goodness. The flavor was more than she could handle, and like a starving beast, she let instincts truly take over, her paws shoveling the full plate of biscuits into her muzzle, washed down with the tea when she began to struggle to get it down.
Udon's brow raised, but he made no moves to stop the hungry knight, and even poured her an extra cup of tea to follow the first as he watched her face and hands begin to soften rapidly. "You sure you don't wanna take that pretty armor off? Are you on duty? Probably shouldn't be partaking of a witch's brew on duty."
The casual taunt forced an extravagant moan from the cat, who shook her head languidly. "N-never fear good sir, this armor's designed to withstand any manner of barrages, from within or without. It would take a truly catastrophic occurrence to wrench it from my b-uuuurrrrff... BAH!" Her protests were interrupted by a rumbling belch, and all at once the breastplate of her full mail burst off, a cascading gut bouncing free. A horrified meow reverberated, and Udon reached one thick paw up into the air, catching the sailing breastplate before it could fly off into the distance and wreck even a piece of his carefully planned Decor. He smiled brightly as he watched his handiwork, coming around behind the cat and beginning to fiddle with the straps on the rest of her armor. "I was just lamenting the lack of a center piece, I think you'll do nicely~" The tea pot was hefted up off the table, and after an experimental testing of the heat, which was indeed cool enough to drink from, the spout of the pot was placed in the knight's lips, tipped back, and poured freely into the dazed knight, who only grew larger.
Today's entry was based off the legendary OPEN RP between tumblr users slappycat and kirkegarde, neither of whom I will be tagging but I will put a link to said legendary text post because I think it's really funny and everybody should see it at least once.
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aro-simp · 7 months
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Hi! Y'all can call my Sean (he/it + cyber/glitch/[redacted])! This is a sideblog, I follow and like from @couple-of-assbutts
I'm plural, which may be talked about here occasionally, as fictive parts also partake in selfshipping. Plurality is a complex topic, don't berate us on how we talk about our own system!
We don't do shipcourse, and have no DNI!
I tag nsfw as nsft! Other than that I don't really have a tag system, tho I may tag some specific f/o's or sources.
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I don't have a consistent stand on sharing, so if in doubt about a specific F/O just shoot me an ask!
F/O list is beneath the Read More!
In brackets are shipnames I'll hopefully use for tagging purposes
Fictoromantic F/Os:
Inspector Lestrade - Sherlock Holmes [Clueless Love]
Bassa Selim - Die Entführung aus dem Serail (2022 Bielefeld production) [Felix Amor]
Tim Bradford - The Rookie [Tough Luck]
Queerplatonic F/Os (this list is not, and probably will never be, complete):
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell - Top Gun [PsyMav] (soulbonded)
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw - Top Gun: Maverick [RoosPsy] (introject)
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw - Top Gun [GoosePsy]
Jack Traven - Speed
Gregory House - House MD
Robert Chase - House MD
Lawrence Kutner - House MD
Ninth Doctor - Doctor Who
The Author - Doctor Who OC [Quill-N-Drill]
Simm!Master - Doctor Who [Your Lord And Master]
Captain Jack Harkness - Doctor Who
Rebecca Crane - Assassin's Creed
Desmond Miles - Assassin's Creed
Wyll - Baldur's Gate 3
Karlach - Baldur's Gate 3
Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - Batman Begins
Bane - The Dark Knight Rises
Almond Cookie + Tea Knight Cookie - Cookie Run
Eddie Brock - Venom
Hobie Brown - Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Gollum - Lord of The Rings
Shane - Stardew Valley
Javier Esposito + Kevin Ryan - Castle
Jerry Tyson - Castle
Ilya Sokurov - The Rookie
Jared Stone - Castle
Ivan - Die Fledermaus (2022 Bielefeld production)
Figaro - Barber of Sevilla (2023 Bielefeld production)
Agent Stone - Sonic
Adam - Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious - Hazbin Hotel
Reginald Thorpe - Moriarty
Rodney Lambert - Moriarty
Farengar Secret-Fire - Skyrim
Rune - Skyrim
Dr John Watson - Sherlock Holmes
Dorian Gray - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Henry Clerval - Frankenstein
Robert Walton - Frankenstein
Matthew Asquith - Sherlock Holmes: Der Erpresser von Edinburgh
Cicero - Skyrim
Crowley - Good Omens
Aragorn - Lord of The Rings
Gavin Reed - Detroit: Become Human
Jacob Frye - Assassin's Creed [Jaccup]
John Standish - Assassin's Creed [IT Noob]
Sexual F/Os (almost all my selfship have a sexual component, these however are exclusively sexual F/Os):
Cahir - The Witcher (Netflix)
Ancano - Skyrim
Julius Caesar - Asterix
Platonic and Familial F/Os (very very shortened version):
Viggo Grimborn - Dragons: Race To The Edge
Toothless - How To Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Oscar - Moriarty
Polly Danbridge-Burton - Moriarty
Ernest Fillmore - Moriarty
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace - Top Gun: Maverick
Robert "Bob" Floyd - Top Gun: Maverick
Dark Choco Cookie - Cookie Run
Red Velvet Cookie - Cookie Run
Simon "Ghost" Riley - Call of Duty
Some random links:
TES OCs, Top Gun S/I
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sundove88 · 2 years
Night at The Museum (Sundove88’s Version) Casting
This is a Birthday present for @thehyperrequiem! Happy B Day!
Dreamer Joe Puddy thinks he's destined for something big but his imaginative ideas never pay off and in desperate need of a job, he accepts to be a security guard at the Natural History Museum. During his watch, Joe makes a startling discovery. Thanks to the unleashing of an Egyptian curse, the museum's characters spring to life after the building closes. Joe must find a way to save the chaotic situation.
Once the night guard at the Museum of Natural History, Joe Puddy is now a successful purveyor of infomercial products. Soon after learning that his museum friends have been shipped to the Smithsonian Institution, Joe receives a distress call from Arthur Morgan, who warns him that four of history's greatest villains have come to life and are planning to take over the Smithsonian first, then the world. Joe joins forces with friends old and new to stop the quartet's nefarious plans.
When the exhibits at New York's Natural History Museum start behaving strangely, Joe Puddy -- now the director of nighttime operations -- must find out the cause. He learns that the Tablet, which magically brings Speedwagon, Arthur Morgan, and the other exhibits to life at night, has started to decay. Joe, along with his son and museum friends, must travel to London's British Museum to learn how to prevent the Tablet's magic from disappearing.
Joe Puddy as Larry Daley (Poptropica)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon as Teddy Roosevelt (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Elaine Puddy as Rebecca Hutman (Poptropica)
Edgar as Nicky Daley (Poptropica)
Eclair Cookie as Dr. McPhee (Cookie Run)
Ganondorf as Cecil Fredricks (The Legend of Zelda)
Licorice Cookie as Reginald (Cookie Run)
Poison Mushroom Cookie as Gus (Cookie Run)
Arthur Morgan as Jedediah (Red Dead Redemption)
Mixmaster and Scrapper as Themselves/Larry’s Friends (Transformers Animated)
Gohdan as The Moa Head (The Legend of Zelda)
Cal Suresh as Octavius (Balan Wonderworld)
Sana Hudson as Sacajawea (Balan Wonderworld)
King Dedede as Attila The Hun (Kirby)
Yoshi as Rexy (Mario)
Pikachu as Dexter (Pokemon)
Yugi Moto as Ahkmenrah (Yugioh)
Fiibo Fiddlepie as Christopher Columbus (Bugsnax)
Tart as Joan of Arc (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Medli as Amelia Earhart (The Legend of Zelda)
Marik Ishtar as Kahmunrah (Yugioh)
The Major as Ivan the Terrible (Hellsing)
Affogato Cookie as Napoleon (Cookie Run)
Muzan Kibutsuji as Al Capone (Demon Slayer)
Escargoon as Brundon (Kirby)
Daroach as General George A. Custer (Kirby)
Alolan Raichu as Able The Space Monkey (Pokemon)
Leon as Abraham Lincoln (Pokemon)
Boom Boom as Oscar The Grouch (Mario)
Colress as Darth Vader (Pokemon)
Ug as Laaa (Luigi’s Mansion 3)
Tea Knight Cookie as Sir Lancelot (Cookie Run)
Tatiana as Tilly (No Straight Roads)
Bowser as Merenkahre (Mario)
Golden Cheese Cookie as Shepseheret (Cookie Run)
Birdo as Trixie (Mario)
Cygnus Hyoga as Garuda (Saint Seiya)
Rayquaza as The Xiangliu (Pokemon)
Zhongli as Hugh Jackman (Genshin Impact)
Qiqi as Alice Eve (Genshin Impact)
Stone Kirby as The Pompeii Bust (Kirby)
Whew, that was a big one! Happy B-Day, @thehyperrequiem! Anyways; here’s your hint for the next casting:
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oceanamethyst · 11 months
last cookie standing below cut
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i hate affogato cookie (the finest line between affectionate and derogatory) but i hate tea knight cookie (derogatory) even more so you go sir
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queen-rainy-love · 2 years
Time for part 2!
*The scene is set in the morning. Red Velvet was just finishing up leading a training session with the Cookie Kingdom guards and temp guards. Tea Knight walks up to them.*
Tea Knight: Very good everyone. It's always good to stay vigilant, even when there is a time of peace. That should be all for today's training. Team C is patrolling the borders today. Everyone else, you are dismissed.
Everyone: Yes sir!
*Everyone disperse and Red Velvet was about to head over to the Seaport District when he got a text message notifcation. Pulling out his phone, Red Velvet expected it to be from Pastry but his face fell when he saw the name. He was tempting to ignore it when his phone started ringing.*
Red Velvet: *answers it* What?
???: Is that any way to talk to me?
Red Velvet: Pretty much. What do you want?
???: You need to come here. Now. It's time.
Red Velvet: How about no?
???: If you don't come here now, I will tell your family about this little project.
Red Velvet: …you wouldn't...
???: Try me.
Red Velvet:...Fine...I'll be there in ten minutes.
???: Try five minutes unless you want your precious consort to know as well.
Red Velvet: Stop calling Pastry that! *hangs up* (Okay...have to tell Pastry that I won't be able to make it for our lunch date...Hopefully, we'll have a dinner date tonight...)
*As Red Velvet sends a quick text to Pastry, he ran as fast as he could to the slight outer border of the Cookie Kingdom. Within three minutes, he reached the large cake mansion.*
Red Velvet: *knocks on the door* I'm here! Open up!
*The door opens up to Licorice and Choco Werehound Brute.*
Licorice: You got here pretty fast.
Choco Werehound Brute: What did Pomegranate say to get you here?
Licorice: Did she threaten to tell your girlfriend about being in B.A.D. 4?
Red Velvet: You too?
Licorice: Yeah. And I can't let Parfait know about this.
Red Velvet: Fair enough. Let's get this practice done.
*The next few hours were spent dance practicing and songwriting. By the time they had finished, Red Velvet was very tired and was struggling to get to Pastry's house. He knocks on the door, still in slight pain.*
Pastry: *from the other side of the door* Coming! *opens the door* Hello? How can I-*notices Red Velvet* Red Velvet! Are you okay? Why do you look like you ran all over Earthbread while being chased by Cakeberus?
Red Velvet: I...underestimated the task father had for me. Shall we have dinner?
*Fast-forwards to Red Velvet, Madeleine, Clover, and Cream Puff sitting in their living room. Red Velvet was thinking about his day before coming up with a lie.*
Red Velvet: Father needed me to help with something and I had to run back to the Cookie Kingdom to have dinner with Pastry. *looks at Clover.* Your turn. What did you do today?
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For my chatty Nemo queen...
Who's your favourite poet? (Songwriters included, of course Right answers only U.U)
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(Dark) Lady Connor 🦋
Dear Lady Connor, what a joy to see you here!
come in, come in! have some freshly baked cookies and some tea!
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You bring me QUITE the intricate question, this time around.
I consider myself quite well read, and Poetry is among one of my favourite genres, so it will not be easy for me to narrow down just one.
It's virtually impossible for me to choose.
So, I will give you the two poets that I love above everyone else.
Il Sommo Poeta, Dante Alighieri. I fell in love with his writing when we studied him in high school, and I still read La Divina Commedia whenever I need some inspiration in terms of linguistic choices (Il Dolce Stil Novo ha un registro linguistico incomparable. Ogni volta che leggo Dante, sento di toccare letteralmente il cielo).
Marko Saaresto, the songwriter of "The Poets of The Fall". As I say more than once, I am a guarded person, and I do not like to let people peek too much inside my soul...but with his songs, with his words, I feel like he sees right through me. He touches my soul, he just disintegrates any barrier I might have and touches the barest part of my own being. There is a reason his songs are the one I always listen to when I work on something Jacob/Dottie related.
Alfred Tennyson. His poetry touched my heart in ways that no other poets managed to do, you can touch the melancholy woven between his words, something I could connect very well with. Also, his poems connected to the Knight of the Round Table and the Arthurian Legends (case in point "Sir Galahad" and "The Lady of Shalott") are probably the ones I love THE MOST. so there you have it! :D
thank you so much for this question, I so rarely get the chance to speak about this, so I was truly glad <3
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CRK 2nd Anniversary Update: City of Wizards - Invitation from the Slumbering Moon
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⚙️ Now that the BTS collaboration is over and any associated content is next to gone (except for the BTS Cookies themselves whom you’ve met and any decorations and costumes you’ve found), it’s time to start preparing for TWO years since the game’s release and when everyone’s adventure began.
📚 I’LL handle this story. After all, this is the start of a new Anniversary Squad starting with me and Sir Tea Knight Cookie! Now where are we going…? Ah…! The City of Wizards! *ahem*
“Long ago, there were those who thought differently from the Witches. The Wizards. Using solely the finest, purest of ingredients, they sought Perfection. For the Wizards, Perfection was the final and ultimate form of the Cookies. Yet even they couldn’t fathom the concealed risks of perfectionism.”
🐝 Did someone say PERFECTIONISM?!
📚 Amber?! When did you get here?
🐝 Fixing another window after the sounds of “Bad and Dark” shattered them. Again. Now, REWIND THAT FOOTAGE. Bring up those pictures.
⚙️ …sure, I guess.
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🐝 There. You see that? That’s Moonlight, Sugar Glass, and Blueberry Pie too!
⚙️ So? We’ve met Blueberry Cookie in the Hollyberry Kingdom in a brawl. NEXT PHOTO!
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🐝 I… Who is that…?
📚 I want to claim it to be Sherbet Cookie, but that cape is too feathery. As if it were a set of wings instead. Reminds me of that one Cookie on the panel for the newsblog we’re recording this post for. We’ll just have to find out for ourselves! ONWARDS, TO WORLD EXPLORATION EPISODE 15: the Dream Express!*
*to be covered on this blog AFTER completing “The Guild Master’s Guide to Surviving the Citadel on the Frozen Cliff”
🚂🌌 Milky Way Cookie
⚙️ And our featured Cookie of the month is… [impact that leads to unconsciousness]
📚 …wasn’t me. We’ll get back to that later as we cover Milky Way Cookie, Charge Cookie and conductor of the “Sugarcloud Express”.
“Milky Way Cookie jumps onto her dream train, gaining a DMG Reduction buff and providing a Stun Resistance buff for the entire team. Then she will push back the enemies several times, applying a DMG Reduction debuff and dealing damage. Once she’s done with her shift, Milky Way Cookie will cast a Shield onto herself and the rest of the team. While Milky Way Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects. Being a dweller of the World of Dreams, Milky Way Cookie is not susceptible to the Beckoning Dreams effect.”
📚 In summary, she’ll take less damage as she rides a train headlong into enemies to make them weaker while friendlies are more resistant to stun. Afterwards, she protects everyone with shields. And while we have her pronouns, she is not to be confused with Moonlight Cookie’s costume from Ovenbreak’s Champions League- oop!
🌖 Moonlight Cookie
⚙️ …MOONLIGHT! Now what was that impact anyway? All I know is seeing Moonlight Cookie for a split second, and then there was a nightmare and a “Dream Barrier” and something else I need to examine up close. Anyway, Moonlight is a Legendary Magic Cookie with the skill “Dream of the Night Sky”
“Moonlight Cookie falls asleep in the night sky and dreams a dream where stars fall onto the enemies’ heads, dealing damage and applying a DMG Increase debuff. Then bright moonlight illuminates the battlefield, dealing damage to the enemies and putting them to Sleep. Enemies that didn’t fall Asleep become Drowsy and will fall Asleep when their resistance statuses wear off. When Moonlight Cookie awakens, she will restore her own HP. She will also restore her own HP upon awakening from Sleep effects cast by enemies. Being a dweller of the World of Dreams, Moonlight Cookie is not susceptible to the Beckoning Dreams effect. (DMG relative to Max HP is capped at 300,000)”
⚙️ All of this makes Moonlight Cookie a self-healer after her skill and after a Sleep debuff cast against her expires or gets purified, all with the ability to inflict what could be an equivalent to a Weakness and Stun combo. We also see a familiar notice regarding how damage against maximum HP is limited to 300,000. While the description doesn’t explain where that factors in, I theorize that the pulse that makes enemies sleep is something that goes against rival Cookies’ max HP. This isn’t part of the description on the in-game newsfeed, but rather a hypothesis according to what we’ve seen from similar uses by Sorbet Shark and Black Pearl.
She also has a Cookie Bond with Sea Fairy Cookie: “Sea Breeze Flowing Through the Stars”
We also don’t know what the Beckoning Dreams effect is yet, but we can infer that certain enemies in Chapter 15 may inflict this effect, or that it may be the overall stage debuff similar to the double HP in Chapters 11/12 and the healing/shield reduction and enemy debuff resistance in Chapter 13/14.
Special Toppings
🐝 We’ve found Resonant “Moonkissed” topping that only Moonlight Cookie and Milky Way Cookie can equip. Their effects are usually better than standard toppings. If you equip them alongside existing toppings, you’ll still keep their Set Effect. The minimum Bonus Effect values of these Special Toppings (found when upgraded enough) are higher than regular toppings and are as follows:
DMG Resist
CRIT Resist
The following toppings now come in the Moonkissed variant:
Apple Jelly
Dream Conductor’s Whistle
“At the start of the battle, increases CRIT% of all allies by 15% and grants the Whistle buff to the two Cookies with the highest ATK. The Whistle buff increases ATK by 30% and DMG Resist by 10%. When the two Cookie with the Whistle buff are defeated, heals the Max HP of all allies by 30%.”
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🕯 Well… where’d you find THIS Treasure? The dreamy yet shrill tone it gives off pushes everyone to land critical hits more often and makes your two strongest Cookies better powerhouses. Lose both of them and your friends heal by about a third of their health minus any deductibles by other debuffs and frost-ridden darkness, just to name a few. Upgrade the Whistle to increase the ATK and DMG Resist buffs it gives to your friends with the Whistle buff.
Might of the Ancients
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⚙️ Missing an Ancient Hero? Just have a passion for a specific Kingdom? Here’s your chance to meet one of them RIGHT NOW! (When the update goes live, not now now, duh!) Be TRIPLY SURE when you choose, because there’s no take-backsies once you choose! Upon choosing the one you wanna meet, you can only play with them in World Exploration. HOWEVER! You can unlock more stages, expand the scope of the game where you can play with them, and unlock a special Landmark that improves your Ancients’ stats as you complete missions on their track.
☁️ Oh, but what if you already met the one you chose???
⚙️ Great question Meringue, what DOES happen?! Instead, you get 20 Soulstones (or maybe Soulcores if you’re THAT hardcore enough to get them to 5 stars or higher) and you can play with them in ALL MODES! You can track your progress in the Events tab until you finish, and it’s unknown if you can play it again after you finish your first path. BUT! Before you choose, there are some balance changes to get Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry up to date with all the hip trends and status effects.
🛡 Hollyberry Cookie’s Buffs
DMG Focus & CRIT DMG Reduction Buffs
Seed of Life: Gains a Seed of Life for every CRIT taken while DMG Focus is active. After gaining enough stacks, it will bloom into the Berry of Life and grant an Area Stun for the succeeding skill.
DMG Focus allows her to continually absorb damage.
Oath on the Shield: “Let out a war cry of fury! Hollyberry Cookie charges forward and becomes a shield for her Cookie allies, absorbing part of the damage they take, excluding periodic and indirect damage. While DMG Focus is active, she will reduce CRIT DMG received by her allies and herself, and gain a Seed of Life for every Critical Hit she receives. Once she gains enough Seed of Life stacks, the Seed of Life will bloom into the Berry of Life, enhancing the succeeding skill. The cooldown for Hollyberry Cookie’s first skill is reduced, allowing her to use it faster. While Hollyberry Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.”
⚙️ This’ll make her more effective at protecting other Cookies and clip away part of any CRITs she gets, allowing her to power through CRIT-dependent Cookies like Twizzly Gummy (who spams them a LOT with her skill since her release the month AFTER Hollyberry) and counterattack with a stun! How this applies to PvE modes and rival Cookies there is unknown. The attacks MUST be labeled as a critical hit to advance the Seed of Life. Cream Puff’s skill, for example, does NOT advance it because her CRIT% is stated to be a probability to cast a greater spell with higher damage and healing and does not inflict a critical hit.
🍨 Pure Vanilla Cookie’s Buffs
More targets receive regular Healing and Amplify Buff effects
Counters Injury and increased duration of the Shield, along with Pure Vanilla Cookie consistently healing even when his shield is removed
Love and Peace: “Illuminates the battlefield with his Vanilla Orchid Staff, granting Amplify Buffs to regular healing targets. The light reaches all corners of the battlefield, replenishing the party’s HP and reducing the effect of Injury. Pure Vanilla Cookie heals the amount of HP proportional to the reduction of Injury’s effects. He then casts an HP Shield absorbing an amount of damage proportional to their Max HP. If the Shield is removed or the target cannot receive it, Pure Vanilla Cookie instead grants a buff that restores HP over time. While Pure Vanilla Cookie is using his skill, he will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.”
⚙️ Pure Vanilla Cookie now casts a +25% Amplify Buff effect when he heals regularly. When he uses his skill, he can now better counteract against injuries inflicted by several enemies, prominently those in Chapters 13/14, Dark Cacao Cookie, and Espresso Cookie (with his Magic Candy), freeing up the amount of HP lowered by injuries by 50% and healing the difference. If a friendly unit loses their shield or can’t receive one for whatever reason (EX: Zapped by Twizzly, Cursed by Affogato), they immediately gain a regeneration buff that heals them over time. And just like everyone else, he now gains partial immunity to forceful interruptions like stuns as he casts his special skill.
New Costumes
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⚙️ That’s a lot of new costumes there. Some from space, Dark Cacao’s old outfit from when he became the king of a new land, and that one time where Pomegranate became the manager of the B.A.D 4. The Hanbok ones will only stick around for the Lunar New Year, so claim them while you can!
Kingdom Design
📚 You can now customize the kingdom even more to your liking with all-new Kingdom Backgrounds and Fountain of Abundance designs! Requirements to change the designs of certain areas are as follows:
Cookie Castle: Upgrade to level 6
Fountain of Abundance: Upgrade to level 13
Arena Statue: Unlock the Kingdom Arena
Kingdom Background: Reach Kingdom Level 35
🐝 Oh yeah, we’ve also put up some balloons and billboards to celebrate 2 years of Kingdom since it’s no longer snowing in your kingdom.
Welcome Back Missions
⚙️ Available only to anyone who hasn’t played for 45 days prior to logging in (which doesn’t include the Editor), anyone that returns for this update can now access some bonus missions after clearing stage 3-1 in World Exploration. Once you complete these missions, you’ll get some neat bonuses for the entire event period!
🥛 Milk Cookie Balancing
“Noble Sacrifice” DMG +5%
Taunt Duration: Now labeled correctly (was 5.8 seconds -> now 5 seconds)
“Noble Resolution” +10 description adjusted: Greater DMG with regular attacks; stacks up to 3x
Additional Patch Notes
🗺 World Exploration & Cookie Odyssey: Battle Difficulty Lowered (possibly with emphasis on Chapters 13/14)
This renders some power ratings posted on various World Exploration posts on THIS blog regarding Episode 13 and the first 10 stages of Episode 14 outdated. They will not be changed, as the general details and tips for those stages are generally the same.
🏰🛠✅ Upgrade Completion of Cookie Castle: You can now see the time needed for the next upgrade
🌳 Tree of Wishes: Golden Wishes now count as two Wishes fulfilled on the counter for daily rewards
12 new in-kingdom Cookie interactions
Almond and Prophet
Cherry Blossom and Schwarzwälder
Pinecone and Pancake
Fig and Pinecone
Moon Rabbit and Milky Way
Candy Diver and Sorbet Shark
Moonlight and Sherbet
Moonlight and Squid Ink
Milky Way and Cream Unicorn
Moonlight and GingerBrave
Moonlight and Werewolf
Milky Way and Clotted Cream
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He absolutely refuses to sit correctly
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Hello good nigh! I have a request yandere batfamily 👨🦇👑that the vampire reader fled his homeland to get a place in Gotan and as he only travels at night the batfamily sees them during patrol how would the family react to that? If you can include Alfred it would be greatly appreciated 🙂
Broken Truth: Whoa, a Vampire Royal Reader, I haven't had this combination yet. Hm... Leaving his homeland to make a life in Gotham; maybe they find him feeding or something... Nah, too classic. I'll figure something out. Now, Let the words weave together!!!
[Gotham City - The Batcave]
[The Dark Knight of Gotham City looked upon the Batcave's Supercomputer with narrowed blue eyes behind the white lens of his mask as he looked upon the 4 blinking red dots on the screen before him - the locations of break-ins during the past few months, but they weren't banks or museums...well they were banks: Blood Banks. For the past 4 months, someone has been breaking into the blood banks and stealing numerous packs of blood from the refrigeration unit but a gold coin of ancient origin was always left behind as if someone was paying for the blood that they took.]
Batman (Thinking): 'Why would someone want blood bags? What could they be doing with them?' (Holds up one of the gold coins he took as evidence and looks at it with narrowed eyes and a raised eyebrow) 'And the gold... I've never seen anything like this in Gotham. What am I dealing with here?'
Alfred (Walks down the stairs and walks over to Bruce's side with a tray of tea and cookies): Master Bruce, you've been sitting there for the past few hours. Have you caught a break in the case, yet, sir?
Batman (Still looking at the coin): Not yet. Something is off, Alfred. Someone is stealing - or in their mind, buying - blood bags and leaving these coins; there have been no reports of gold coins being stolen so they had to come to Gotham with the coins. The question is, who are they, and why are they taking blood bags?
Alfred (Looks at the coins with a raised eyebrow): Why sir, I do believe I've seen that coin before.
Batman (Looks in Alfred's direction): You have?
Alfred: Yes. I was reading about vampires the night before and happened to see an illustration of that same coin in the book. If I were to guess, Master Bruce, you're dealing with a vampire that's simply trying to eat.
Batman: A Vampire in Gotham? (Looks at the computer and types a few keys - all the red dots disappear and one appears in a new location - The only blood bank that wasn't hit) Sine our 'vampire' wasn't going to the same places twice, this is going to be the place they hit next.
Alfred: When are you going to stake it out?
Batman: Tonight. It's the night of a full moon and that's when they seem to strike. Call the boys, we're going out.
[The Roof Top of the Blood Bank]
Robin: Father, why are we here?
Batman (Looks around): According to Alfred, we're dealing with a vampire and this isn't the first time he saw the coin. That would explain why no security footage has been seen of them.
Nightwing: Vampire? (Chuckles) Bruce, you can't seriously believe that Vampires exist.
Batman: I did fight and kill Dracula, so I know that they exist. Besides, care to explain why we haven't seen any footage of them or where the gold coins came from?
[Nightwing thinks but can't come up with something. He opens his mouth to speak when he is silenced by Bruce who points at the cloud of dark mist that was creeping in the direction of the Blood Bank. Batman grabs a flashbang and throws it at the cloud, making it stop and when it goes off, the cloud vanishes and a figure stood here in its' place. The figure was as tall as Nightwing with [Hair Length - Hair Color] hair, blood-red eyes, pale skin, fangs, claws, wearing a regal-looking outfit with a golden ring crown around his head.]
Batman (Jumps down with the boys as they surround the male vampire who rubs his eyes and looks at Batman): So, you're the vampire stealing blood from the blood banks.
Vampire (Looks down): Listen, I know that humans need that blood but I didn't want to result in feeding off innocent people and possibly turning them into thralls or vampires.
Robin: Why is there a vampire in Gotham anyway?
Vampire: There is a war going on in my homeland and my parents sent me away to make sure I was going to be alright. I didn't want to leave them but I am their only heir and they didn't want to risk losing me to the war. I came to Gotham because it was...quiet and I don't think I would stick out here because I only come out at night.
Batman: Where do you live?
Vampire: In the old abandoned apartment complex. It's quiet there and no one comes there.
Nightwing: Tell me - what's your name?
Vampire: My name? Well, my real name is too long but I go by [Name] the 3rd.
Batman: Come with us, [Name].
[Name] (Looks at Bruce confused): Huh? Why?
Robin: You're gonna stay with us from now on.
[Name]: Why? I don't know you and you don't know me. Why would I stay with you?
Batman/Nightwing/Robin: We're not giving you a choice.
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peachmangopie323 · 2 years
Back to table of contents
Chapter 9: A trip to the shores
Kirby SST!
"I remember falling out of the dying ship, I yelled as I crash into the orange sea."
"I sunk deep, I was in terror that I could not swim."
"And there, I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, to die in honor of Sir Meta Knight and the others, to breathe my last breath in the end."
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"As my vision was about to blur, Sir Meta Knight dived in and reached for my frail hand under the sea, he pulled himself close and grabbed me with his strong arms as he swims back to the surface.
He carried my body to the shore with the crew, thankfully none of us had died.
I coughed and grasped for air, Im alive.
Sir Meta Knight, all soaked and exhausted, he draped his cape around me as I watched his maskless face desperate to save the drowned. No matter how hard he tries to look stiff, his eyes were full of worry.
As he was making sure everyone made it alive, he didn't take one second to glance at his collapsing sinking ship, that's where I knew that in his heart his team is what truly matters."
Sailor narrated as she wrote on her diary, it was real events from years ago when Meta Knight tried to take over Dreamland, though the near death experience was traumatizing, she never blamed her team or her leader once. She puts her past aside as she vents it out on a journal.
It was scary yes, but from the moment Meta Knight saved her life, she felt like she mattered for the first time. For so long Sailor was just one of many Waddle Dees out there,
Instead of feeling terror when she remembered about drowning, she let out a dorky giggle thinking about the time she was held close, how heroic and cool Meta Knight looked.
Does she have some kind of crush on her superior? Yes, but that's just how girls her age feel when met with a responsible and stunning young man, it's just a feeling of happiness whenever she sees her leader, nothing more.
It was week after Meta Knight took off and the Sailor noticed how gloomy and quiet Kirby had been, whenever she tries to ask Kirby what's bothering him he'd always reply with
"I'm just hungry! No worries!"
Then leave,
It was concerning, was Kirby always like this? She wondered, and decided maybe he's just bored.
*Knock knock*
"Sir Kirby, you in there?"
"How about we go to the beach? You haven't been in the shore for a long while right?"
"Right now?"
"Of course!"
"Okay! I'll pack my stuff." Kirby closed his door as Sailor thought of buying Kirby lots of snacks, she really just wants to lift his mood up.
"Miss Sailor, why the beach?"
"Would you rather go somewhere else?"
"No not really I just want to ask."
"I haven't had much sun since I live underground, I really miss the sea shore because that's where I discovered my passion for sailing!"
Kirby felt a bit bad since it was the very same shore where he watched the Halberd sank.
Sailor doesn't seem to mind at all, she actually looks thrilled to see the orange sea.
"But you operate space crafts!"
"I had to start somewhere before learning how to drive flying things, besides I was reaaally good at my job in the sea I was offered a job on Halberd!"
"I can see that! You always make Meta Knight happy with all your hard work!" Kirby smiled as he reached for her head to pat it.
"Dawww you're so sweet!" Sailor carried him in her arms as they walked to the Sandy beach!
Kirby changed to his swimming at and began making sand castles and splashing water around.
Sailor laid a tablecloth on the sand, like a picnic as she prepares the foot she bought from her basket, there were water, iced tea, apples, sandwiches and cookies.
*Sniff sniff*
Kirby approached the picnic spot in a heartbeat, gobbling the cookies and sandwiches as fast as he can.
"You won't be able to swim in an hour if you eat it all."
"I'll be okay, my stomach is basically a black hole!"
"...was that literal?"
"Mhm!" He nodded, his mouth was full of bread and jam.
"Well leave some for Bandana Dee"
"He's here?" Kirby stopped to ask as his words were muffled.
"Yep he's there doing soccer practice." She pointed.
"...but isn't soccer supposed to be played in the fields.."
"Playing soccer in the grass is easy so they're competing for who could play soccer the best in sand." Kine appeared from the waters.
"That exists?"
"Eh who knows, it's so boring that everyone here will make a competition about everything,
You're also talking to a half fish, me, everything is possible here on Popstar so don't think about it too hard." Kine explained.
"Okay, I'll just leave some for Bandana and I could go swimming with you."
"I'm actually here to practice on swimming tournament Kirby, but we could splash around before it starts."
"I figured, it seems like everyone has their own sport, what is coo and pitch doing now? Practicing for a flying race tournament?" Kirby said with a hint of sarcasm
"Right on point!" Coo rushed from the sky and flew beautifully across the orange sea
Kirby and kine were left covered in sand from the gust of wind Coo brought.
"Why don't you try going on sports? You can do technically everything right?" Kine asked.
"I'm banned from doing any sort of sport tournaments because it won't be fair for others! It- it's bullshit!"
"You can't use language like that Kirby!"
"Not because I look like I'm 7 I can't say things I want I've probably lived longer than your great grandpa!" Kirby yelled.
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Kine was left speechless as he backs down a bit.
"Are you two okay? I made more sandwiches, you could have some too Kine was it?" Sailor called.
"I'm alright Miss Sailor, Kirby could have my share!"
"You sure you don't want some?"
"I have practice swimming but thank you!" Kine dived into the sea and swam away.
Kirby ran up to sailor and stuffed as many sandwiches he can to prevent crying. He's a big boy, he can't cry, he said to himself.
"Be careful-"
In the other side of the beach, Bandana and his team were happily playing soccer as he kicked on the ball a little too hard it flew directly on a certain lilac haired boy.
Marx catched the ball with only his feet and kicked it a few more times until he launches it to one of the soccer players face.
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"Heh." He smirked.
"I didn't know you were good at soccer!"
Bandana ran close to Marx with sparkles in his eyes.
"I'm just somewhat good at my legs, now scram orange peel."
"You could join the soccer team! If we win this game against other planets you'd be very popular!"
Marx stopped and thought
"Popular ah? Alright I'd give it a shot. But if it gets boring I will quit."
"Anytime Marx! Practice will be Tomorrow! Same place, same time make sure to bring snacks and wear knee pads, thank you!"
"Are you sure about this bandana?" His team mate asked.
"What's the worst that could happen?"
"Marx is a bully and quite the handful, let's just wait until he changes his mind.."
"The Popstar soccer team don't miss new opportunities! Come on!"
"Well, whatever you say captain bandee..."
"Hey, you know I could see that teary eyes of yours even if you try to hide it, tell me what's wrong.." Sailor patted Kirby's back.
"I...I...i-.. nothing it's nothing..some sand got in my eye.."
"We both know that's not true.."
"But it is! Let's go home now yeah? Can we call Meta Knight too?"
"Oh of course! Say byebye to your friends I'll be packing our things." Sailor sighed, Kirby stull refuses to tell her his feelings and she can't just force it out,
Kirby ran and gave Bandana a single sandwich out of the 20 Sailor made. He smiled as much as he can to everyone that greeted him along the way.
And so, the Sailor and the Pink demon made their way back, Kirby clinged onto Sailor Dee in the way, she held him like a baby and held him tight, Kirby was fast asleep.
Marx continued to walk aimlessly on the beach, probably looking for strangers to torment as he saw something golden stuck on the ground.
He winced his eyes and ran towards the shiny thing, could it be buried treasure?
He picked a sandy book up and blew the debris away, Marx's eyes widens, his face crept up a sinister grin.
The book cover resembled Nova.
He knew exactly what this book was. It is the wish granting spell book that Marx had been eyeing on for the past few days, with a book like this he could take over Popstar- no he could take over the Universe!
"So where's this spell book that you stole? I wanted to see if it's legitimate." Magolor asked.
"The text were written in Halcandran, it is real." Meta Knight replied
"Yeah but the thing is you actually need the book to cast a spell and you can't just jot down a spell on paper and use it later, so it must be the real, real thing."
"I get it, Blade Knight, bring in the spell book."
"What do you mean 'what spell book'?" Meta Knight raised his tone.
"Its one with the unnerving cat face innit?" Sword responded
"Yes, that's correct." Their leader said shaking, as he was about to snap.
"Ah, it's the one that I saw on the garbage chute! Blade pulled the lever before I could stop it.."
"WHAT!?" Meta Knight yelled.
"Blade told me you wanted him to throw away the book!"
"No not the ancient spell book which is the only way we could unseal Galacta Knight, I meant the stupid text book about star warriors that you were reading!!"
"We're sorry Sir Meta Knight!"
They bowed.
"God-..fucking hell..WHERE WERE WE WHEN IT WAS EJECTED?" Meta Knight couldn't contain his anger, he slammed his fist and demanded an answer.
"L-luckily for us we were still at Dreamland when that happened!"
"That is even worse! Sword Knight. Instead of the book flying around empty space it's probably been found by some random who could lose it!"
"Please, calm down Lord Meta Knight, let's just entrust Kirby and the others to protect Dreamland if anything bad happens.." Captain Vul put him on his seat and continued the journey.
Meta Knight removed his mask to wipe his face, he takes a deep breath as he pulls the lever once again. His mind were filed with anger and mostly worry, He just had to finish the mission fast.
But before the terrible Marx decides to use the book for mischief he found that the book was in Halcandran, he can't read that.
He scoffs and chose to just put it aside until he finds away to encrypt the spells.
He can't just let this opportunity to get back at that Kirby pass.
⭐ Notes ⭐
Beach episode :00
Its evident through the original series that Kirby is pretty petty but he becomes a little ball of happiness if you get in his good side
(I run out of title ideas so bare with me here)
Next Chapter
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sketchu-crk · 2 years
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My two loves ✒️
Books and Sir Tea Knight cookie 📜⚔️
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