#sister agatha van helsing
ilovecathtates2 · 2 years
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Please, try to ignore my cellphone, thank you
Did a Sister Agatha Cosplay :)
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witchofthemidlands · 4 months
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i was trying to innocently watch young dracula when my yt did something cursed. i think this is the 4am post https://www.tumblr.com/witchofthemidlands/743528598169894912/i-am-still-battling-through-my-young-dracula-hyper i made the other day either coming back to haunt me or trying to warn me not to write the vlad vs a “dreamworld” 1931-2023 dracula multiverse 😅 i stand by what i said though vlad would see this version of dracula in his normal clothes & think a normal dracula? 🥹 for me? 🥹 with all his vlad dracula hope & optimism only to get scarred for unlife & after. the renfields are trading & discussing the consistency, the delicacy of insects, jonno's having a quarter life crisis, agatha wants to study them for science, ingrid's watching this like a sports match, vlad is rocking back & forth hoping he's going to wake up in the himalayas & the draculas are trying to out c(o)unt the other, they're battling their way through whitby, terrorising the nearest goth festival, the draculas are fightingggg.
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who wins?
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skyriderwednesday · 10 months
Thinking about her...
(My local amateur theatre production's Madam Professor Agatha** Van Helsing <3)
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quincey-morris · 10 months
I love dracula. Everyone's a foil to each other. Johnathan and Renfield. Lucy and Mina. Lucy and Johnathan. Lucy, Mina, and the vampire ladies. Seward and Sister Agatha. Seward and Dracula. Seward and Van Helsing. Arthur and Johnathan. Arthur and Dracula. Quincy Morris. Dracula and Mina. Dracula and Johnathan. Van Helsing and Dracula. Van Helsing and Mina. Seward and Mina. Ms Westenra and the Innkeeper's wife. Lucy and Mr Swales. Lucy and her mom. Quincy Morris. It's such a good book.
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picklepie888 · 10 months
Dracula Mischaracterization Drinking Game
Sit down and watch the Dracula adaptation(s) of your choice, and take a drink anytime these common mischaracterizations occur.
Is combined with Renfield
Dies at the beginning
Is made into a generic male hero
Is a toxic partner to Mina
Barely has any presence at all
Never goes to Transylvania
Is made to be aggresive and "manly"
Is Dracula's love interest/reincarnated wife
Is indifferent to or hates Jonathan and/or Lucy
Is made into a one-note damsel in distress
Has none of her original intelligence
Is only there as "moral support" for the men
Is a prize to be won by the men
Is swapped with Lucy
Is married to someone other than Jonathan
Dies as a vampire or remains a vampire in the end
Dumps Jonathan for Dracula
Consented to the "Baptisim of Blood"
Is an old man/same age as Van Helsing
Is Mina's and/or Lucy's father
Isn't friends with Van Helsing or the rest of the Suitor Squad
Is the only present member of the Suitor Squad
Only there to be Lucy's doctor and has no emotional connection to her
Does all the research and work that Mina actually did in the original story
Van Helsing
Is way older or way younger than his original age
Is a badass action hero vampire hunter
Comes from/started a bloodline of famous vampire hunters
Is the only character other than Dracula from the book
Has a first name other than "Abraham"
Has supernatural powers
Is a woman/combined with Sister Agatha
Is the only one who knows Dracula is a vampire and has to prove it to everyone else
Is the one to kill Dracula
Is not Dutch in the slightest
Is straight up nonexistent
Is combined with Arthur
Has so little relevancy he might as well not be there
Is British, or anything other than American/Texan
Is a shallow or douchey lover to Lucy
Has a futuristic descendent with more plot relevance than himself
Is straight up nonexistent
Is combined with Jack, or Quincey, or Jonathan, or any combination of those
Doesn't contribute or is entirely absent in the staking vampire!Lucy scene
Is Lucy's or Mina's brother
Is a spoiled rich boy who barely contributes to the plot
Is swapped/combined with Mina
Is Mina's sister
Is shallow/slutty/bitchy
Is a toxic friend to Mina/secretly hates her
Is framed by the narrative as deserving of her death at the hands of Dracula
Literally asked/invited Dracula to drain from her
Her plotline is ignored/never resolved
Is staked by someone other than Arthur
Is engaged/married to someone other than Arthur
Is actually canonically queer, but she still gets killed
Is combined with Jonathan/goes to Transylvania instead of Jonathan
Is the secondary villain/straight up evil
Is way older or way younger than his original age
Remains loyal to Dracula throughout the whole story and never fights/turns on him
Never interacts with Mina
Is shown as "sane" at the beginning
Becomes a vampire at some point
The narrative tries to justify his mistreatment at the hands of Jack
Is not "evil," just """misunderstood"""
Is actually the protagonist
His first name is Vlad
Appears and regularly interacts with the other characters throught the story
Is young/handsome/suave
Is here to "liberate" Mina from her "toxic"/"boring" husband
Is combined with Vlad the Impaler/some historical figure
Is obsessed with Mina specifically
Has all queer undertones stripped from him
Is not Romanian/his actor makes no attempt to sound Romanian
Is basically just a characature of Bela Logosi
Only kills the characters who "deserved" to die
Is hurt/killed by exposure to sunlight
Is Van Helsing's arch nemesis
Is friends with Frankenstein's monster
Never turns into anything other than a bat
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peachesanmemes · 7 months
I saw your DD graph asking for other ideas, so... if you still have any desire to do further Dracula graphs I'd be curious to see how the word count per character breaks down (not how much they speak but how much they write. Adding all their diary entries together, etc.). Obviously Mina wins by default from having typed up the whole novel but outside of that detail, how much did each person author?
Thank you so much for this ask! What an interesting data set this one is! Lots of unexpected information.
So first off, if you just want to visualize the author breakdown, ta-dahhhh!
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Seward was staunchly in the lead, talking his head off and burning through those wax recording drums like no ones business. Poor Mina for having to transcribe it all. In total his words made up 39.3% of Dracula. Nearly 40%!
Seward unsurprisingly had the most individual entries overall at 47, and had the longest streak for being the narrator in an entry at 10 days (09/02 - 09/11) with Mina following right behind at 9 days (08/10 - 08/19)
Mina surprisingly was 3rd overall both in word count and number of entries. She wasn't even in the top 3 for most words in a day which is as follows.
1 - Seward October 3rd - 9942 words
2 - Seward September 29th - 7206 words
3 - Jonathan October 3rd - 5944 words
Van Helsing only had 9 entries total but still came in number 4 for word count, in front of Lucy. It's interesting to note that the amount a person writes doesn't correlate to the amount of time they are being written about/appear. Which is why Arthur and Quincey don't even beat out the newspaper clippings for words, lol.
There are lots of authors we only hear from a single time, like Sister Agatha. So I've decided to make a small fry pie as well. (Authors under ~500 words)
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The captain of the Demeter and Van Helsing both had more days written than Lucy! Though I didn't break up number of entries, like when the log of the Demeter had 3 or 4 on one day or Lucy wrote a letter and in her diary.
If there is any data I haven't presented here that you're interested in feel free to tag me or shoot me an ask like this lovely person did!
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Let's say they're finally making a book-accurate movie adaptation of Dracula - who would you cast for each role?
Would love to hear everyone's favorites (especially emerging & unknown performers) - and keep in mind how half of the characters are so young while other half are old & dying:
🗡 Jonathan - early 20s
🚂 Mina - early 20s
💫 Lucy - 19
🥼 Seward - 29
💰 Arthur - 20s
🤠 Quincey - 20s
🐈 Renfield - 59
🌽 Van Helsing - 50s?
🧛‍♂️ Dracula - 50s?
🧛‍♀️ Roommates - 20s to 30s?
😇 Sister Agatha - 20s?? 60s???
🪟 Mrs. Westenra - 40s? 50s?
🎩 Lord Godalming - 40s to 60s?
👔 Peter Hawkins - 60s to 70s?
🏴‍☠️ Mr. Swales - 99!
📿 Old Romanian Lady - 60s to 90s
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see-arcane · 8 months
What traits (not questionably-human ones) do you think Quincey has inherited from his parents?
He's a wee bookworm. Starts reading very young and is enamored with his own little library. Got unreasonably excited when he received a bookcase as a birthday present.
Has his mother's bright eyes and his father's dark brown pre-Horrors hair.
An innate charmer. Started shaking hands before he could walk. When they visit Transylvania, he followed in his father's footsteps by pulling the heartstrings of every kind stranger who helped Jonathan survive his first harrowing visit. The woman who gifted the crucifix fed him full enough to burst. He won over Sister Agatha and company with his sweetness and gentleness.
The little man is fascinated by typewriters. Mina helps him pick out one for himself when he's bigger and he immediately starts writing his own stories.
Incredibly adoptable. Where his parents were orphans--"It's free sibling/offspring real estate." --multiple strangers, Arthur, Van Helsing--Baby Quincey just activates the This Is My Child Now instinct on principle.
Big big BIG protective instinct over those he loves. Yes, he is a baby. Yes, his only weapon at hand is a rattle. Yes, the 'threat' is nothing more villainous than a rude patron at the coffeehouse ruining their little family outing. Inconsequential.
Baby Quincey, brandishing his rattle like a blade: "Habha argah bll."*
*Translation: Mama, Papa, stay behind me. I shall vanquish this cretin who would dare dampen your spirits.
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 9 months
"Unclean, unclean! I must touch him or kiss him no more. Oh, that it should be that it is I who am now his worst enemy, and whom he may have most cause to fear." 
Mina, October 3rd
"My true friend," she said, in a faint voice, but with untellable pathos, "My true friend, and his! Oh, guard him, and give me peace!"
Lucy, September 20th, Thanking Van Helsing for keeping Arthur away from her.
"He has had some fearful shock—so says our doctor—and in his delirium his ravings have been dreadful; of wolves and poison and blood; of ghosts and demons; and I fear to say of what."
Sister Agatha, August 12th, describing Jonathan's condition
There is a parallel across all of the people we know (or suspect) have been bitten by the Count that they feel unclean or poisoned by the encounter. It also drives them to fear to touch the people they love because they don't feel worthy of it or fear that they may be a danger to them.
Consider that part of Jonathan's reaction to Mina's attack and his rage is coming from him knowing exactly how that feels.
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docjackal · 2 years
We aren't getting any updates for a few days because Van Helsing is having to physically restrain Mrs Westenra from entering the room and "helping" Lucy. One hand on a fireplace poker swatting at the door as she tries to break in, a flyswatter with a crucifix attached in his other hand, swatting at the window. Everyone is yelling.
Also Seward's probably gonna just lie down and cry in his sleep for a few days because he's had a time of it.
Mina and John aren't writing because they're busy making out in front of God and Sister Agatha.
Quincy keeps a diary but it's filled with nothing but the weird ass slang he came up with.
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Is Jonathan turning into a vampire?
I saw someone say that Jonathan's reactions to Dracula in the Piccadilly confrontation make him seem less human, and that has gotten me thinking about the 'Jonathan is turning into a vampire like Mina' theory I've seen others discuss.
Now, I have to pay attention to Dracula Daily/ Re: Dracula going forward because my husband has my copy of the book so I can't dig around for evidence later in the book right now, but here is what I have noticed from entries in the timeline thus far:
Personally, even though it's not explicitly stated, I think Jonathan was bitten on Dracula's final night in the castle. It's his blood that revives Dracula's youth, and I think that is why he reacts violently to seeing the blood dripping from Dracula's mouth.
We also know from Van Helsing that anyone bitten by a vampire will become one. What complicates this is Dracula's blood exchange with Mina, if biting her is enough to turn her then why have her drink his blood? I theorize that having a victim drink his blood allows him to have a connection with or influence on them that he otherwise would not. He seems unaware that Lucy is dead when he gloats about the group's women belonging to him, and as there is no evidence that Lucy received his blood then it would make sense that he doesn't have that connection with her and thus, would be unaware of her true death. Going by this logic, If Jonathan is turning into a vampire then it seems unlikely that he received the Count's blood as he doesn't seem to have any mental link to Dracula either. I have seen the argument that Dracula did have a mental connection with Jonathan that was broken when he began to target Lucy instead, as Dracula Daily made it clear that Jonathan's 'brain fever' broke on the day that Lucy sleepwalked (slept-walked?) to Dracula.
Jonathan is likely Anglican, and says that his religion finds crucifixes and the like 'idolatrous', meaning that it's unlikely he would commonly come into contact with religious items in his day-to-day life. When he was in the convent/hospital he was delirious and in bad physical condition, it's possible that-like Mina with the wafer- he was reacting negatively due to his latent vampirism. Perhaps the early, prolonged exposure to religion suppressed his vampirism, and it fades away as he gets away from it. It could explain his slow recovery in England.
(It is also interesting to note that, while in the convent, Jonathan is being cared for by Sister Agatha. As a recovering Catholic I unfortunately retained some of my religious knowledge, and Nuns take on new names when they take their vows. Usually they take the name of a biblical figure that inspires them; in Sister Agatha's case it would be Saint Agatha who is, amongst other things, the patron saint of rape victims. Vampire bites have a loooooong history of being an allegory for sexual penetration and, with Mina's attack later in the novel being a clear reference to sexual assault, it seems likely to me that this was a subtle nod by Bram Stoker that Jonathan was bitten. Unfortunately it would likely have been censored if he had been more blatant given Victorian censorship laws.)
With this in mind, it's likely that seeing Dracula in London 'unlocked' his suppressed vampirism, and could explain him passing out. Though, admittedly, he does have a history of fainting when confronted with horrific things.
Going back to Jonathan's connection to sacred items, we never see him come into contact with any directly. When the group is entering Carfax Jonathan is handed two vampire deterrents, a wreath of garlic flowers and an envelope with a bit of communion wafer in it. Jonathan makes a point to mention that the garlic is withered however; I have to wonder why it was specifically called out as withered. Could that lower it's efficacy? As for the eucharist, well, it's in an envelope. The Count, a full vampire, reacts badly to it when the envelope is brandished at him. However, Mina, not yet fully turned into a vampire, seems to only be negatively affected when it touches her skin directly.
Another piece of evidence that I find interesting is Jonathan's hair color change. Listening to Re: Dracula made me realize that we have another character whose hair changed color; Lucy after her death. Vampire Lucy is described with dark hair, whereas in life her hair was compared to sunshine (meaning she was most likely blonde). Now we have Jonathan, whose hair was described as dark brown by Seward, turning white. The Characters write it off as shock despite the sudden change (shock/stress would have caused it to grey over time, realistically speaking), but it is interesting to note the link to vampire Lucy.
Jonathan's quick responses to Dracula's presence in the Piccadilly house are also notable. You could argue that it's the daytime so the Count is not as fast as he would be otherwise, but Seward points out that he, Arthur and Quincey are all experienced hunters and yet Jonathan, who Seward described as a 'quiet, business-like gentleman' when he met him 5 days earlier, is the first person to react. Jonathan goes so far as to climb out of the window to follow Dracula when he retreats.
It is entirely possible that Jonathan is in denial of having been bitten; he says himself while in the castle that 'I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul.' He would likely have been bitten on the neck, a place he can not see without a mirror, and Dracula makes a point to destroy the only mirror Jonathan had. Jonathan specifically notes that there are no other mirrors in the castle, either. Thus, if he was bitten but reluctant to admit it, he would have had no way to see if he had a wound and it would further justify his reaction to finding Dracula bloated with blood in his tomb. Denial is a hell of a drug. If he can not confess it to himself, it seems unlikely that he would tell anyone else, especially after his illness that affected his perception of reality.
As I said, I don't currently have access to my copy of the book to check the future dates so I will look for more evidence as we get the daily releases, but I think there is pretty strong evidence that Jonathan is in the process of turning and doesn't realize it.
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queerholmcs · 6 days
rebs @victorianpining tagged me to make a poll of my top five characters so here we go!
*related media include "jesus christ superstar" and "the last days of judas iscariot."
tagging @gundark @spookycryptidwatch @johnwatso @thedynamic & @devoursjohnlock if you'd like to!!
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thegoatsongs · 9 months
Sister Agatha about Jonathan:
He has had some fearful shock—so says our doctor—and in his delirium his ravings have been dreadful; of wolves and poison and blood
Seward about Mina:
I suppose it is some of that horrid poison which has got into her veins beginning to work. The Count had his own purposes when he gave her what Van Helsing called “the Vampire’s baptism of blood.” Well, there may be a poison that distils itself out of good things
Mina about herself:
There is a poison in my blood, in my soul, which may destroy me; which must destroy me, unless some relief comes to us.
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anony-geist · 10 months
an iron nerve, a temper of the ice-brook, an indomitable resolution, self-command, and toleration exalted from virtues to blessings, and the kindliest and truest heart that beats [...] for his views are as wide as his all-embracing sympathy.
Seward apparently really values heart and sympathy in a person. Steel nerves, resolution, ice temper, and self-command (traits that I'd say they strike as masculinity-focused) are part of being a good scientist in his opinion, but Van Helsing's warmer traits make just as much of an impression on him.
This somewhat reminds me of Mina talking about the Jonathan she fell in love with having eyes with resolution, and quiet dignity, but what we also see in Sister Agatha's letter stands out about him is his "sweetness" and "gentleness" (also what Mina also emphasizes about Lucy's personality).
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horror-aesthete · 11 months
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Dracula (2020) - The Dark Compass
Dolly Wells as Dr Zoe Van Helsing/Sister Agatha Van Helsing
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somnesca · 9 months
Happy Straw Hat Day!! 👒🧛‍♂️
A tall man, thin and pale, with high nose and teeth so white, and eyes that seem to be burning. That he be all in black, except that he have a hat of straw which suit not him or the time. That he scatter his money in making quick inquiry as to what ship sails for the Black Sea and for where.
This image of an ill-dressed Count frantically throwing money at someone to make a hurried and unplanned escape from a foreign land is a delightful reversal of Jonathan's own desperate attempt to get home (as described by Sister Agatha, August 12):
He came in the train from Klausenburg, and the guard was told by the station-master there that he rushed into the station shouting for a ticket for home. Seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English, they gave him a ticket for the furthest station on the way thither that the train reached.
Especially delicious since Drac's escape comes after Jonathan's kukri swipe. Who's running from whom now?
Though what's amusing to me is that in today's entry, it's again the English one who comes off as more aggressive in the interaction:
Some took him to the office and then to the ship, where he will not go aboard but halt at shore end of gang-plank, and ask that the captain come to him. The captain come, when told that he will be pay well; and though he swear much at the first he agree to term.
Not to mention all the bloody and bloomin' swears that so baffled Van Helsing in the retelling.
Anyway. A great day for those of us who are pro vampire yeeting!
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