#jonno van helsing
stormofstarlight · 6 months
The thing that still gets me even 10 years after Young Dracula finished airing is that it was pretty well-established that vampires couldn't use their powers on people they were in love with, and that was. Pretty much the only exception as far as I can recall. Then Vlad wasn't able to mindwipe Jonno because he "cared about him". Like Vladimir that is not the most heterosexual thing u could have done
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witchofthemidlands · 4 months
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i was trying to innocently watch young dracula when my yt did something cursed. i think this is the 4am post https://www.tumblr.com/witchofthemidlands/743528598169894912/i-am-still-battling-through-my-young-dracula-hyper i made the other day either coming back to haunt me or trying to warn me not to write the vlad vs a “dreamworld” 1931-2023 dracula multiverse 😅 i stand by what i said though vlad would see this version of dracula in his normal clothes & think a normal dracula? 🥹 for me? 🥹 with all his vlad dracula hope & optimism only to get scarred for unlife & after. the renfields are trading & discussing the consistency, the delicacy of insects, jonno's having a quarter life crisis, agatha wants to study them for science, ingrid's watching this like a sports match, vlad is rocking back & forth hoping he's going to wake up in the himalayas & the draculas are trying to out c(o)unt the other, they're battling their way through whitby, terrorising the nearest goth festival, the draculas are fightingggg.
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who wins?
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wattsandroot · 8 months
Vlad not wanting to be a vampire x Jonno not wanting to be a slayer
Would be such an interesting ship
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pottersofthefuture · 3 months
We Are Slayers - PottersoftheFuture - Young Dracula (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Jonno and his father to rescue his mother and everything changes
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noblerinthemind · 9 months
Jonathan: can we please not waste any more time the love of my life is turning into a bat as we speak
VanHels: actually friend Jonathan we don't need to rush
Jonno: why the fuck not
Abraham "I never jest" Van Helsing on his way to make the most inappropriate ill-timed joke in human and vampire history:
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wheresjonno · 9 months
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dathen · 9 months
Art apologizing to Van Helsing for Van Helsing throwing him across the room by his neck “in case he was rude or in any way wanting” to merit it
It seems like Jonno isn’t the only one around here who would apologize to you if you spilled soup in his lap
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hildred-rex · 7 months
LXGF Reread 2023-11-20
To make an analysis post I am currently rereading what is shaping up to be the entirety of LXGF.
This has gotten incredibly long, so I'm burying it under a readmore.
I love the bit of dramatic irony here. I think it's technically spoilers which bit is the dramatic irony, but just trust me, it's great.
The wham shot of Mina's teeth is so good. And coupled with "We have some experience with such matters."...
From this page: The supportive hand on Irene's shoulder. The supportive hand on Irene's shoulder. And Irene really looks haunted in the "An explanation would be welcome" panel. Everything from the angle she's looking to the shadows under her eyes to her interlaced hands. I just want to give her a hug.
Bam. The king. (Isn't looking quite himself, is he?) I remember I shuddered when I first read this page and came to this panel.
The king continues to look very bad on the last panel of this page. (TW scopophobia and disturbing imagery.) And the color. It's so subtle you almost don't notice it the first time, just that something about the page seems slightly off. It's very effective, even at that level. And then when you do notice it... Nothing in this comic is in color. Everything is sepia-toned. That's the way things should be. But the dead King Wilhelm von Ormstein has yellow eyes.
VAN HELSING! And it nails how he talks in the book! (Having tried to write him, it's harder than it looks.) Not to mention the joy in my heart upon continuing my left-to-right scan of the panel and seeing QUINCEY MORRIS!
I've skipped a bunch here because I'm supposed to be focusing on Griffin and haven't even gotten to him yet but Art—
JONNO EYES (not sepia. I repeat: not sepia.)
I forgot how much I loved our introduction to Dorian.
And then we actually meet him (and see Paul Lessingham, the Politician, the Statesman—thank you, alt text!). He's angelic when you focus only on him, but when you look at him in context (in the panel with Basil) he's... less so. Very well done!
Foreshadowing. (When something becomes not technically probably spoilers I have a very laudatory post about all this.) Also floppy Dorian lol
I love this page. Not only do we see Dorian purposely provoke Art (and then see Art react, showing off both of their characterss) we see—and I missed this the first time—some of the dynamic between Dorian and Basil. He jumps in to distract Art, despite being scared himself (and Dorian having earned it).
Awwh Basil looks so excited that someone's treating him kindly...
Dorian's stories from this page are all allusions to other things which have gone onto the "read soon" list.
The last panel of this page is so effective. (Its image description too!)
"boring filler headline" lol (and I enjoy the tags)
DETERMINED MINA PANEL 2! BLUSHING MINA PANEL 6! Also just Mina's outfit in general. (Also just the LXGF outfits in general. I love the little garlic flowers.)
Paranoid Kemp is done so well.
LXGF is very good at having very effective final panels. This one with the glass... It's very well composed (I think that's the word) and does a good job of displaying Irene's discomfort with the glass. (Here.)
It was introduced on the previous page, but here's the first time we get a good look at Jonnovision. My favorite cryptid solicitor.
On the next page there's more cryptidness (the speed), which I didn't notice my first time through. And his eyes are glowing in the first panel... And then the first expletive of the comic! Such a great way to properly introduce Griffin!
I love (in a sad way) how Griffin just caves in when he thinks about the murder. (Here.)
Griffin's whole first scene is incredible. I can't comment on all of it or this post would be several more miles long. Just go read it and imagine me vibrating with excitement and pointing at random bits and screaming.
Character growth for Jack! ...I'm now very sad.
The panel with Jonathan and the angelic smile and the giant knife is great.
I've been annotating over here less because we've gotten to the bit that I'm talking about in my actual post, but rest assured that I love it. Also, the yellow is brighter here. And the eye... I'll count myself lucky if that thing doesn't show up in my dreams tonight.
And the shot of the photo at the end here! The corruption happening to the king slowly coming to affect depictions of him... I love this for spoiler-related reasons.
Griffin's realization is both very well done and unaccountably hilarious to me.
Hel-lo Mr. Holmes!
He respects her change of surname! Better than a lot of adaptations... and the table lmao
He. He what. Also floomp.
Holmes's immediate concern for Mrs. Hudson warms my heart.
Accurate VH voice is back—what the deuce are you two talking about?
his blood is yellow his blood is yellow (well really more like golden)
Also Jack looking panicked in the second panel is so well done.
Almost namedrop! And Griffin being a delight as always.
Hello Jekyll! Great to see you! I enjoy your almost alchemical-looking setup there.
The king is progressing...
Same page; I enjoy Jekyll and Hyde's designs. They have the same hairstyle, very similar noses, and the same style of eye; but they still look different enough that you probably wouldn't believe them if they said they were cousins.
"He is a horror of the un-dead." Line of dialogue, presented without comment.
The drawingsss...
The first panel of this page is absolutely stunning. So is everything else. So much that I wrote an analysis rant of it.
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anony-geist · 1 year
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Jonno has no idea what an actual father does with a small child, lost his own too early and then got attached to his employer, but thankfully Van Helsing who was an excellent dad is here
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linguisticparadox · 2 months
For character opinion bingo! Jonathan Harker (and Abraham Van Helsing, if you feel like it)!
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Van Helsing:
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bluecatwriter · 5 months
WIP Ask Game
rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it
tagged by @animate-mush
Hoo boy, I am the most boring title-making person ever, so you asked for it... (Below the cut because there are so. many. wips.)
Inevitable (Basil/Henry)
Wotton and Lucy
Arthur in Varna
The Break-Up
Rewriting Fate
Suitor Squad
Quincey and Mina
Mina and Van Helsing
The Suitors and the Sierra
Mina's Day
Arthur and His Dad
Jonathan and Jack
The Journal
The Execution
Jack Fever Dream
Jack's Birthday
Mina and Lucy
Victor and Creature
The Lovers of Dr. John Seward
Lucy and Mina
Mina and the Ball
The Vow
High School Jack
Tagging @yallemagne in the most low-pressure way possible!
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hell-heron · 8 months
Jack, Quincey and Arthur met in university doing several fieldwork biology projects together which involved a lot of Restraining and Tagging Large Dangerous Beasts. Quincey obviously is the bat expert. He refuses to accept any method of interaction with animals that progressed a little past Steve Irwin times. Arthur I'm thinking didn't stay in academia and is more working in environmental science education and outreach in England, esp as he comes from the sort of money/class that tends to spearhead charities. His pet cause is eco-friendly methods of pest control to combat the spread of poisons up the food chain to foxes and birds of prey and he re-trains rescue hunting dogs for the purpose. Jack is still a psychiatrist, he probably has a personal interest in mental illness that leads him to that despite his unsuited personality, he got involved with the other two pursuing research on potential applications of snake venom to psychiatric medication (its mostly used for anticoagulants cancer and neurodegenerative disease). Hey maybe thats what he was sucking out of Van Helsing too, not that you're supposed to do that but I doubt sucking gangrene out of someone is a thing either. He is in contact with Renfield in the context of him being a volunteer in a legal, licensed testing campaign and its really his first time working in contact with patients. They're still all a little Mal Practice but to an ethically bearable extent.
Jonno's still a lawyer lmao
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xxgothchatonxx · 2 years
So now we’ve met Van Helsing, here’s the first Van Helsing that I saw on-screen.
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Eric Van Helsing from Young Dracula.
I just... god, I love this guy. First of all, he was hilarious. Terence Maynard’s comedic timing was just *chef’s kiss* from start to finish (especially in Bodyswap, oh my god...) 
Secondly, here’s what sets him apart from certain portrayals of Van Helsing that range from boring to wanting-to-smash-my-head-against-a-brick-wall-because-did-you-even-READ-THE-GODDAMN-BOOK-FRANCIS?! There’s a common unfortunate trend of making Van Helsing an insensitive jackass because He’s The Smart One. Not only is Eric kind of a dumbass but when he is being a jackass, he gets called out on it. 
And what’s even better is that in season 2 he actually develops as a character. He’s still a dumbass but his relationship with his son Jonno (yep Jonathan is Van Helsing’s son in this.. and Mina’s his mother- yep, still one of the better ideas with these characters imo) does improve significantly. 
..I don’t want to talk about season 3 so let’s stay here - I loved seeing the obvious parallels between Eric and the Count. You’ve got these two fathers who are obsessed with following family tradition and want to bring their sons into it too but have to learn “hey... you can’t force your kids to do shit they don’t want to do” - Eric learned that lesson a lot better (certainly quicker) than the Count did, to say the least. 
So in conclusion - Eric Van Helsing. One hell of a first experience seeing an iconic character on-screen. I rank him... well he’s one of top 5 favourite Van Helsings.
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thebibi · 2 years
 i know van helsing gives praise to john a lot and john likes it and being the pet student. but van helsing likes giving praise in general like how he called quincy a good brave boy. but also, you know who canonically said he felt a thrill of pleasure at being praised for being 'full of energy and talent and of a very faithful disposition'? joking aside i think jonno's experiences with dracula likely left him kinda wary of men, especially if they're older friendly and touchy (no matter what happened that final night, dracula had been doing things to him with terrible implications) but van helsing is kind and patient and can help him lower his defenses. there's also the fact that since he went all 'nooo don't sell your soul to the devil your so sexy aha' it shows that he cares about him too, even if it shows religious conflict too... also there's things like that i bet after jonathan reads mina's journal about him getting mina tons of blankets to feel cozy he'll go 'hm, feeling compelled to defend him with my life now'. which is funny after having spent weeks watching him like a hawk
Oh yeah definitely, Jonathan admires Van Helsing a lot, and in fact when Mina gets bitten, one of the first thing he says that he knows how much Van Helsing loves Mina, that he knows he would do anything to save her. It wouldn't be surprising to me either that after everything is settled and the manuscript is finshed that Van Helsing becomes straight up family to him. He's also technically a lawyer, which would delight Jonathan greatly.
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wheresjonno · 9 months
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dathen · 9 months
Despite knowing the very next scene is with Mrs. Westenra’s solicitors my entire brain lit up when Van Helsing said “you must find the solicitor—“
my two brain cells: JONNO?!?!?!
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