#site building company
corvidaedream · 9 months
sometimes i get very passionate about my job and how important it can be to give an accurate history of a moment in american history that's frequently referenced but which the general public in america has a lot of misconceptions about
and other times i spend an unproductive day trying to explain outdated tax law to a child who isn't equipped to understand, but who is very intent on asking "why?" repeatedly and i think maybe i understand why this protest specifically gets misrepresented and glossed over in schools.
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mountmortar · 7 months
do you happen to know any site building tutorials to follow and learn from? been having a hard time finding a place to start with my own neocity but the free reign and customization of them interests me a lot :0c
ABSOLUTELY! I do want to stress one thing if HTML/CSS is something you're not familiar with: It's okay if your website doesn't look like the most creative, eye-popping thing in the world! I've seen sooooooo many people get so discouraged because their beginner websites don't look like the flashier websites you see on Neocities' front page (by people who've been coding for a Long Time, mind you!) and like!!! That's fine!!! The code of my own site was quite possibly the worst thing you've ever seen thrown together into one big CSS soup before I Literally Just Rewrote It Today, After A Year Of Having A Neocities. And so, with that being said:
As anyone on the internet might do, w3schools is the absolute first place I'd recommend to beginners! There are videos, it's mostly a text-based learning site with lots of exercises to test your knowledge. If you'd prefer videos:
My personal favorite guy on Youtube to learn coding things from is Giraffe Academy: Here's his full course on HTML! The video itself is about two hours—I skimmed through it and everything seems to be perfectly oriented towards beginners (I haven't watched it in its entirety, but I have seen his videos on C# and Python [programming languages, don't worry about it] and they did a lot to help explain certain things to me that I didn't know previously!).
BroCode's HTML in 1 hour and CSS in 1 hour are pretty good! His videos do include a little bit on how to implement some JavaScript here and there, but nothing major or terrifying.
Here's a playlist of HTML/CSS tutorials in bite-sized videos, too! Think about 10-25 minutes per video.
I will say that searching for YouTube videos on HTML/CSS will always sort of gear more towards what people in the professional sphere are looking for rather than what you'd see on Neocities.
As for Neocities-specific things (which may be the actual point of your ask! Might've misinterpreted the hell out of it oops):
sadgrl.online is perhaps the most known website on Neocities, largely because the website itself not only has a layout maker you're free to use if you want to make a website now but the thought of writing HTML/CSS from scratch terrifies you, but also HTML/CSS guides themselves! There's also a bunch of links you can use to help fluff up your site a bit, generate HTML code for you, or just fluff up your site in general.
The Melonland Project is also dedicated to providing website development tools and tutorials for beginners: here is its guide to making a website on Neocities! It also provides a link to learnlayout.com, which I'll link here as well—a website for helping you learn CSS layouts!
And, once you've got the hang of how CSS works but are still feeling unable to code it yourself (no ideas? just not feeling up to it? FUCK MAN DO I UNDERSTAND THAT) Eggramen has free CSS pages you can use, and all you have to do is write the HTML for it!
But I would always focus more on learning HTML first before any CSS—and then learning how to integrate CSS into HTML via inline styling (which those video tutorials do!) before worrying about any external stylesheets or whatever. HTML is the actual building block—CSS just makes it look pretty.
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barbsart · 1 year
@staff this UI update is terrible and unwanted by your community. Why are you catering to twitter users who don’t want to put the smallest bit of effort into learning how tumblr’s site and culture works, instead of your existing userbase who like tumblr for being tumblr and want the site to actually improve and become nicer to use with really useful suggestions!!
The new UI is ugly and difficult to use, there’s a reason nobody uses twitter on desktop!
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I've been trying to figure out what I want to say. not that anything I have to say is important; more as a way to think things through.
there's no way to exactly compartmentalize. but if I've realized anything, it's this. in my roughly ten year process of activism and coming to understand social inequity, nothing has radicalized me more then palestine.
nothing has made me more aware of the utter betrayals of our social system. nothing directly at this point, has made me truly see that our political systems can and will turn their backs on human lives when it suits them. it's embarrassing, but it took a scale as big as this to undo 27 years of propaganda that we (as in those in a western capitalist society) have created this system that allows for lives to be wiped out and for others to allow this to happen. how utterly dangerous and cruel. really, you only have to watch so many back to back clips of people being slaughtered right next to clips of rich men in suits chatting casually at the UN like they're not debating over who gets to live or die, to become enraged.
the devastation we were seeing even just a couple days after oct 7th was enough, but when the west did not report or cry over those little lives left all alone to rot in a decomposed hospital like how they wailed over every single israeli hostage - that said everything to me.
I'm sure we're all waiting for the day we can talk about this as a past event and for the palestinians living through it to still be alive to talk about it. for their freedom. but right now, this has changed everything for me. I'm not heavily involved in politics or would pretend like I have a finger on the pulse of anything, but I really do believe, that this has massively shifted things here in north america. note I'm canadian, not american, but regardless, ppl my age and younger have not only never seen such aggressive destruction play out worldwide like this, but more so, been so blatantly lied to and disregarded by their government. their worries quieted, their demands tossed aside; the whole world is calling for a ceasefire, and it's literally like no one in a suit behind a desk can see us. we're screaming and they can't even be asked to look at us. this already fragile line of trust between the public and their politicians, has essentially snapped completely. people like myself, have come into the reality the system & the people in it not only do not care for us, but that they don't need to either. I'm not sure how these politicians in power are going to get people to back them again, when it's becoming very clear to the masses that whatever we have to say doesn't matter to them anyway. it all feels very much like a tipping point, at least to me.
but I'm about to take a hard turn, back to palestine. there was a moment in all this madness that has stuck with me ever since, that I've thought to post about but couldn't verbalize. I think it was AJ who had a clip of it and I've searched their YT pages up and down for the video, but annoyingly cannot find it again - so I apologize that I don't know any names (but if you know what I'm referring to, then PLEASE let me know bc I truly want to know who this happened to). it was early in the war, I believe it was still october.
there was a video from someone who's become one of gaza's media reporters, a man I do not know the name of. from what I understand, he was born and raised there, and did local photography. but like many media personal in gaza, when the war hit, he started to document. he ended up posting a clip that haunts me; he was riding in an ambulance with others that was transporting people to a hospital. while they were riding, people fleeing from what I believe was a bombing stopped the vehicle. they were carrying a baby. the baby was bleeding and bruised and cut, from the recent attack. they pleaded with them, to take the child to the hospital and then placed the baby all alone into this man's arms. imagine that. you're a photographer with no training, caught in the middle of one of the world's bloodiest fights ever witnessed. you're unequipped and frightened. you're just trying to escape with your own life in tact. and then someone hands you a baby. they just place a baby in your arms.
out of nowhere, there's this little life in your hands. blood is cracked over their once soft skin and they're crying, blindly calling out for mom or for dad, who may never come back. their tiny heartbeat hammers under the torn pair of clothes, having narrowly escaped death. but only narrowly. and now, it's yours to bear. a human life, clutching on still, and it's up to you to wrap it in your arms and make sure it lives.
out of everything coming from gaza, I've been unable to shake this image. I just couldn't possibly imagine if that was me. as far as I understand it, this guy wasn't a formal journalist, just a media influencer who photographed and talked about his hometown, no training - and then he's thrown into a warzone. and more, another life is placed onto him.
he handled it, from the clip, very well; kept calm and composed and tried to calm the baby too. I wish I knew, if he was able to help that baby survive. I hope the little life did.
I hope they both did.
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prototypelq · 6 months
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this is just a popup on the internet, but it really really does feel like a balm for the soul
#also thank you every major vpn company for leaving russia you sure are helping#the world's reaction to this war has always been extremely infuriating and depressing#politics are specifically supposed to affect and weaken the government#yet it becomes mainstream and now the iron walls are built from the outside for the citizens too#like we didn't have enough of them inside#all the russian-blocking is only helping the government and further crushing the free media#for example the new and trendy anti-ad law for the foreign agents#spoiler - foreign agent is a legal repression term for the people with actual moral and ethical backbone#the youtube channels of these foreign agents have millions subscribers each#yet the youtube turned off pay from the russian viewers so these channels don't get anything out of their audience#and now their advertisement options are severely limited by the new law#these channels can only depend on the financial support of russians Outside of this godforsaken country#which as you can guess is not much#and again you likely require a vpn to access most of the independent media and vpn companies competent enough to evade#the government site blockade have stopped supporting their services here#and all of this only furthers the feeling of isolation and 'dangerous world out to get us' which builds the support for the current#regime out of fear of the world which is how we all landed in this horrible situation in the first place#i did not expect to type a rant this big just from a single popup message yet here we are#russia
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machinavocis · 7 months
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threw together some 3d-render-screenshot-mockups literally just to prove to myself that Progress Has Been Made.
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skyjynxart · 7 months
I'm tired but I think I'm also emotionally numb at this point since I already lived through the DeviantArt machine learning fiasco.
My two cents: this isn't going to fix the problem, but I do think that artists learning the basics of making a website(NOT using wix for the love of the gods, and probably not Squarespace, probably not even carrd) is probably our only way forward. Make a gallery however you want it to look, nightshade/glaze your work if you can, and 100% make sure to include a mailing list option. I promise you people will want to sign up, even if it's just that one super enthusiastic mutual.
The internet as we know it is collapsing, but maybe there's a chance we can get back some of the energy of the early days because of it.
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six-of-ravens · 10 months
doubt has been cast on whether or not there is actually a power outage today
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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Vancouver Island was granted to Hudson’s Bay Company on January 13, 1849.
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ladybugboots · 2 years
i'm working on my own neocities site finally 😎👍 look forward to that.. whenever
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theabstruseone · 1 year
I slept in and just woke up, so here's what I've been able to figure out while sipping coffee:
Twitter has officially rebranded to X just a day or two after the move was announced.
The official branding is that a tweet is now called "an X", for which there are too many jokes to make.
The official account is still @twitter because someone else owns @X and they didn't reclaim the username first.
The logo is 𝕏 which is the Unicode character Unicode U+1D54F so the logo cannot be copyrighted and it is highly likely that it cannot be protected as a trademark.
Outside the visual logo, the trademark for the use of the name "X" in social media is held by Meta/Facebook, while the trademark for "X" in finance/commerce is owned by Microsoft.
The rebranding has been stopped in Japan as the term "X Japan" is trademarked by the band X JAPAN.
Elon had workers taking down the "Twitter" name from the side of the building. He did not have any permits to do this. The building owner called the cops who stopped the crew midway through so the sign just says "er".
He still plans to call his streaming and media hosting branch of the company as "Xvideo". Nobody tell him.
This man wants you to give him control over all of your financial information.
Edit to add further developments:
Yes, this is all real. Check the notes and people have pictures. I understand the skepticism because it feels like a joke, but to the best of my knowledge, everything in the above is accurate.
Microsoft also owns the trademark on X for chatting and gaming because, y'know, X-box.
The logo came from a random podcaster who tweeted it at Musk.
The act of sending a tweet is now known as "Xeet". They even added a guide for how to Xeet.
The branding change is inconsistent. Some icons have changed, some have not, and the words "tweet" and "Twitter" are still all over the place on the site.
TweetDeck is currently unaffected and I hope it's because they forgot that it exists again. The complete negligence toward that tool and just leaving it the hell alone is the only thing that makes the site usable (and some of us are stuck on there for work).
This is likely because Musk was forced out of PayPal due to a failed credit line project and because he wanted to rename the site to "X-Paypal" and eventually just to "X".
This became a big deal behind the scenes as Musk paid over $1 million for the domain X.com and wanted to rebrand the company that already had the brand awareness people were using it as a verb to "pay online" (as in "I'll paypal you the money")
X.com is not currently owned by Musk. It is held by a domain registrar (I believe GoDaddy but I'm not entirely sure). Meaning as long as he's hung onto this idea of making X Corp a thing, he couldn't be arsed to pay the $15/year domain renewal.
Bloomberg estimates the rebranding wiped between $4 to $20 billion from the valuation of Twitter due to the loss of brand awareness.
The company was already worth less than half of the $44 billion Musk paid for it in the first place, meaning this may end up a worse deal than when Yahoo bought Tumblr.
One estimation (though this is with a grain of salt) said that Twitter is three months from defaulting on its loans taken out to buy the site. Those loans were secured with Tesla stock. Meaning the bank will seize that stock and, since it won't be enough to pay the debt (since it's worth around 50-75% of what it was at the time of the loan), they can start seizing personal assets of Elon Musk including the Twitter company itself and his interest in SpaceX.
Sesame Street's official accounts mocked the rebranding.
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ingenieriepratique · 10 days
Toiture: Durabilité et efficacité maximale
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trivenimarketing · 14 days
Our Construction Consultancy approach is designed to efficiently procure and mobilise the best professionals, qualified subcontractors, equipment, and materials to your project site. Our contracting flexibility allow us to provide localised solutions and comply with all regional labour codes and building standards. We achieve higher constructability, lower lifecycle costs and improved resilience.
Website: https://keating-global.co.uk/
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sitesdxb · 20 days
Renovation Experts in Dubai: Transforming Spaces with Excellence
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Dubai, a city synonymous with luxury, innovation, and rapid growth, is home to a thriving market for renovation services. Whether it’s modernizing an apartment, refurbishing a villa, or upgrading commercial spaces, renovation companies in Dubai play a pivotal role in transforming properties to meet the latest standards of design and functionality. These companies cater to a diverse clientele, including homeowners, businesses, and real estate developers, offering a wide range of services that ensure spaces are not only aesthetically pleasing but also aligned with the latest trends and regulations.
Why Renovation is Crucial in Dubai
Dubai’s real estate market is dynamic, with properties ranging from ultra-modern skyscrapers to traditional villas. As the city continues to evolve, the demand for renovation services has grown significantly. Renovation is essential for several reasons:
Property Value Enhancement: Renovating a property can significantly increase its market value. Whether you’re planning to sell or rent out your property, a well-executed renovation can make it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants.
Adaptation to Modern Standards: As design trends and building standards evolve, older properties may need updates to meet current expectations. Dubai remodelling services help bridge the gap between outdated spaces and modern requirements, ensuring that properties are functional, safe, and stylish.
Personalization: Renovation allows property owners to personalize their spaces according to their tastes and lifestyle needs. From updating the kitchen layout to creating a home office, renovation Dubai can tailor spaces to meet specific preferences.
Sustainability: With a growing emphasis on sustainability, many property owners are opting for eco-friendly renovations. This includes upgrading to energy-efficient systems, using sustainable materials, and implementing designs that reduce environmental impact.
Services Offered by Renovation Companies in Dubai
Renovation companies in Dubai offer a comprehensive range of services that cater to various needs and budgets. Some of the key services include:
Interior Renovation Interior renovation focuses on updating the interiors of a property, including living spaces, kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms. This service may involve reconfiguring layouts, installing new fixtures, updating finishes, and improving lighting. Interior renovations are often tailored to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of the space.
Exterior Renovation Exterior renovation involves updating the facade, landscaping, and outdoor spaces of a property. This could include repainting, adding new cladding, upgrading windows and doors, or creating outdoor living areas. Exterior renovations are crucial for improving curb appeal and protecting the property from the elements.
Commercial Renovation Renovation contractors in Dubai also specialize in commercial projects, including office spaces, retail stores, restaurants, and hotels. These projects often require a focus on brand identity, functionality, and compliance with industry regulations. Commercial renovations aim to create inviting and efficient spaces that attract customers and improve employee productivity.
Villa Renovation Villas in Dubai are known for their luxurious designs, but they may require periodic updates to maintain their appeal. Villa renovation services include everything from structural changes to interior and exterior upgrades. Whether it’s adding new rooms, updating the kitchen and bathrooms, or enhancing outdoor spaces, renovation companies ensure that villas retain their charm and functionality.
Sustainable Renovation As sustainability becomes a priority, many renovation companies in Dubai offer eco-friendly solutions. This includes energy-efficient upgrades, such as solar panels, insulated windows, and water-saving fixtures. Sustainable renovations not only reduce environmental impact but also lower utility costs and improve the property’s overall efficiency.
Turnkey Renovation Solutions Some renovation companies in Dubai offer turnkey solutions, handling every aspect of the renovation project from start to finish. This includes initial design consultations, obtaining permits, sourcing materials, managing construction, and final inspections. Turnkey solutions provide a hassle-free experience for property owners, ensuring that the renovation is completed on time and within budget.
Trends in Renovation in Dubai
The renovation industry in Dubai is constantly evolving, with new trends shaping how spaces are transformed. Some of the current trends include:
Smart Home Integration The integration of smart technology into renovations is a growing trend in Dubai. This includes automated lighting, climate control, security systems, and home entertainment. Smart homes offer convenience, efficiency, and enhanced security, making them highly desirable in Dubai’s luxury market.
Minimalist Design Minimalism continues to be a popular trend, especially in urban properties. Clean lines, neutral color palettes, and uncluttered spaces define this design approach. Minimalist renovations focus on simplicity and functionality, creating serene and spacious environments.
Open-Concept Living Open-concept living spaces are in high demand, particularly in residential renovations. Removing walls to create open, flowing spaces between the kitchen, dining, and living areas is a popular choice. This design enhances natural light, improves flow, and creates a sense of spaciousness.
Sustainable Materials The use of sustainable materials, such as reclaimed wood, recycled metals, and eco-friendly paints, is gaining traction in Dubai. Property owners are increasingly opting for materials that are both stylish and environmentally responsible, contributing to the global push for sustainability.
Luxury Finishes In a city known for its opulence, luxury finishes remain a key trend in renovations. High-end materials such as marble, gold accents, and bespoke fittings are commonly used to create sophisticated and luxurious interiors.
How to Choose the Right Renovation Company in Dubai
Selecting the right renovation company is critical to the success of your project. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:
Experience and Expertise: Look for a company with extensive experience in the type of renovation you need. A strong portfolio of completed projects similar to yours is a good indicator of their expertise.
Reputation and Reviews: Research the company’s reputation by reading client reviews and testimonials. Positive feedback and a solid reputation in the market are signs of a reliable and professional company.
Communication and Transparency: Clear communication is essential for a successful renovation project. Choose a company that is transparent about costs, timelines, and potential challenges. They should keep you informed at every stage of the project.
Quality of Workmanship: The quality of workmanship is crucial in ensuring that your renovation stands the test of time. Ask to see samples of their work or visit completed projects to assess the quality.
Budget and Timeline: Ensure that the company can work within your budget and deliver the project on time. Discuss your budget constraints upfront and get a clear understanding of the timeline.
Renovation companies in Dubai are equipped to handle a wide range of projects, offering services that cater to both residential and commercial needs. Whether you’re looking to update your home, modernize your office, or enhance a commercial property, choosing the right renovation Dubai is key to achieving a successful outcome. By staying informed about the latest trends and selecting a company that aligns with your vision and requirements, you can transform your space into a masterpiece that reflects your style and meets your needs. Company Name: Sites Design & Build
Contact No: (+971) 56 684 1636
Address: 17 A Street, Al Quoz Industrial Area 2, Dubai, UAE
Website: https://sitesdxb.com/
1. What types of properties do renovation companies in Dubai work on? Renovation companies in Dubai work on a variety of properties, including residential homes, villas, apartments, commercial spaces, offices, retail stores, and hotels. They cater to both small-scale renovations and large, complex projects.
2. How long does a typical renovation project take in Dubai? The duration of a renovation project in Dubai depends on the scope and complexity of the work. Small projects like interior updates may take a few weeks, while larger projects such as full villa renovations or commercial refurbishments can take several months. It’s essential to discuss the timeline with the renovation company at the start of the project.
3. How do I choose the right renovation company in Dubai? To choose the right renovation company, consider their experience, portfolio, client reviews, and reputation. Ensure they have expertise in the specific type of renovation you need, and that they can work within your budget and timeline. Clear communication and transparency are also key factors in selecting the right company.
4. What are the current trends in renovation in Dubai? Current trends in Dubai’s renovation industry include smart home integration, minimalist design, open-concept living, the use of sustainable materials, and luxury finishes. These trends reflect the demand for modern, functional, and aesthetically pleasing spaces.
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sharepointdesign · 24 days
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valuehits · 27 days
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Expert Off-Page SEO Services: Expand Your Online Reach
Boost your online visibility & rankings with our expert Off-Page SEO services. Get high-quality, spam-free backlinks to improve your domain authority. Call Now!
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