#sith!scarlet witch
mal-grimhilde · 1 year
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What If...
The Scarlet Witch lived a Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away...
If any of yall say anythin rude I swear to cob-
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figures4fun · 7 months
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Palpatine’s kind of a jerk
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unnecessary2fan-art · 2 years
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What would you do for love?
This is a graduation present for my beautiful friend!!! Anakin and Wanda have very similar stories of love and loss; I wanted to represent that heartbreak 💔
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anki-of-beleriand · 1 year
What do you think of Scarlet Witch as a sith?
I think that would be such an amazing idea!!
I can imagine walking down the hall inside the Jedi Temple, looking for the last remanants of the Jedi ready to destroy the last of them until she finds R waiting for her.
A green lightsaber on R's hand, standing protectively in front of two young padwan that Scarlet finds familiar but doesn't think much of them. Her goal is to destroy the Jedi...Even is R is making her heart beat a tad bit faster, even if her mind falters at the sight of such a beautiful figure exuding power and confidence.
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Wandakin Skymoff, the scarlet sith
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chopper-witch · 1 year
Mando Jinx cosplay
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shinhatisgirlfriend · 3 months
In honor of ao3 being down, have some of my role reversal WolfWren AU :)
The beginning of the end for Baylan and Shin:
The Vargr slowly descended onto the surface of the dead world Dathomir.
A thick misty haze enveloped the planet, rendering it impossible to navigate by sight alone. The blood-red sun tinted the fog scarlet, a bleeding wound that matched the desolate surface. It was a place of murder, of sacrificial rites, of twisted rituals and insidious curses - of shadows that screamed, of skeletons that dangled in pods from barren trees like body bags, waiting to be awakened once more to serve.
The Force here howled and shook, no longer the gentle wind he had been used to, but a brewing tempest. When he shut his eyes, Baylan could picture it - the dark, heavy storm clouds, the downpour of red rain, the thunderous strikes of lightning, of pure power, of rage and hatred and deceit. Here was the power to destroy worlds, to destroy civilizations - to crush and tear and burn without breaking a sweat, without even being present to witness the massacre. It was the power of the Dathomiri, of the witches who had learned to harness the dark side of the Force yet remain uncorrupted by it - the power to weaponize anger, to be its master. A power no Jedi could ever hope to know.
His eyes flashed to his padawan, scarcely twenty standard years. They wore their hair as he had instructed them to, Sunna’s green crystal held securely in the padawan braid. They trained when he asked, meditated when told, and bore their lifestyle without complaint. They were a model apprentice, powerful with the Force, and brimming with potential - the potential to be something greater than the Jedi or the Sith, greater than the Nightsisters and all others who communed the Force. He could live to see the wheel broken with Shin by his side - to see the galaxy freed from the Force’s tyranny, from the abusive cycle of history.
Yet Shin was not the one who should have been there with him, who should have landed the ship on Dathomir’s surface.
Shin was not the one.
For all their potential, they were not the padawan he was meant to have - the padawan he wanted to have. They were not that joyful young apprentice, average in abilities yet filled with wisdom and kindness, the epitome of everything the Jedi ought to have been. No heights Shin could achieve would replace what the galaxy had lost the day Sunna died, the day Baylan’s own men - the day Baylan’s own family - had turned against them, had murdered her, had left her lying in the ground like she hadn’t mattered, like she hadn’t been destined for so much more, like her master hadn’t failed her.
“Master, we’ve arrived.”
Baylan was roused from his thoughts, from his unjust contempt for his apprentice, for the person he had raised for the last fifteen standard years. He rose to his feet, drawing his cloak about himself and lowering the hood - Shin did the same, copying his movements like a hated mirror.
They descended the Vargr’s ramp and immediately, they were confronted with the tragedy that had befallen the Nightsisters.
Rusted and corroded with age, battle droids littered the ground, undisturbed in this waking tomb. Even now, his heart curdled with hate at the sight of them - at the sight of the worthless, unfeeling machines that had slaughtered so many Jedi, so many clones, so many innocents. Those deaths had been made pointless, meaningless, senseless in the end - and he hated the droids all the more for it.
But it was not only droids on this hallowed ground - no, in equal numbers were fallen Nightsisters, their skeletons clothed in rich red fabrics. Two of the dead's arms were outstretched, grasping for one another, but just out of reach. Baylan shuddered involuntary, tears threatening to form as he saw a child’s skeleton - and then he could not help but look for them, could not help but see how the droid army had spared none, how not just the warriors of the Dathomiri but their young, their children, had been slaughtered.
He saw Sunna’s corpse among the fallen.
To their credit, Shin said nothing - but he felt their eyes on them, felt their question, their curiosity, their pity.
“What we seek will be within the stronghold,” Baylan said softly. “It will not be unguarded.”
He had not yet learned that it was unwise to steal from witches - even dead ones.
They pressed forward, traversing the battlefield. The closer they came to the stronghold, the more horrific and gruesome the scene became - the more terrible the final moments of its defenders.
It was a tall, imposing building with steep walls made of red granite. Sigils were carved into the entrance doors, ones that Baylan recognized from his studies of the Nightsisters - from the obsession that had occupied every waking moment since he had fallen, since he shook off the yoke of Jedi knighthood. These markings were meant to seal - to prevent looters from defiling this sacred space, to allow only those who could work the ways of the Dathomiri to open the temple.
He closed his eyes, resting a gloved hand on the stone, and he listened for the Force.
He listened for the wind, ancient and secretive, yet cold and blistering.
He listened for the past, for the hushed whispers, for the hands that shaped this stone, that carved these runes.
He listened for the lost, the dead, the forgotten.
And then he saw.
He saw a matrilineal line of Dathomiri, stretching out to infinity - he saw them, their faces ghastly white and haunting black, he saw their red cloaks, their pointed hoods, their hands illuminated with the green of their magicks. He saw them all, he saw generations.
He saw Shin.
He saw her standing before her mother - Astrid.
He saw the Nightsisters raise their hands in unison, like lifting a veil - he saw Shin move in turn, and he saw the vault doors unseal, the stronghold open, and then like twinkling stars, the Dathomiri vanished, blinking out of existence until only Shin remained, her face tattooed, yet dressed in the clothes of a Jedi - dressed in the clothes of his apprentice.
Baylan opened his eyes.
“Open it,” he instructed her.
She furrowed her eyebrows. “How?”
Baylan didn’t answer.
A moment.
And then, she understood.
Shin faced the doors, closing their eyes, their palms extended outwards in concentration. He felt the tempest they were gathering, the raw fury of the Force whirling around them, the screams of their fallen ancestors colliding with the currents. A soft green glow enveloped their palms, before spreading outwards, pouring into the sigils’ grooves like water, like blood. And then with a final gasp, the doors gave way, creaking open after ages of disuse, unsealing the last refuge of the Dathomiri.
“Well done,” Baylan praised.
Shin nodded, a slight bow of their head.
They had been a child when he found them, too young to remember - too young to remember how their mother had called for Baylan across the galaxy, had used her dying strength to summon a protector, a teacher for her child. It ought to have been a Nightsister that had answered that call, ought to have been one of Shin’s people.
But just as the Jedi, there were so little Nightsisters left.
As the pair stepped into the stronghold, braziers burst to life, illuminating the ancient halls under eerie green flames. Sacred images were carved into the walls, covered in an ever so thin layer of dust. If Dathomir had become a graveyard in the wake of the droid army’s attack, then this was the tomb, locked and sealed for the rest of time.
Dried blood was smeared against the ground, yet there were no bodies to be found - the survivors must have attended to these ones, to these fallen, before despairing at the enormity of the dead beyond the mausoleum’s walls.
Shin waited for his instruction expectantly, their eyes lingering on his back, even as they observed the tomb.
He pressed onwards as his answer.
He stalked down the hall of the Dathomiri, letting pure instinct guide him. He could hear it now, faint but sure, steady. It called for him. It was a whispering wind in the woods, urging him on his path, urging him to continue onwards and seize the power of the tempest, the power of the gods. Legends had brought him here, legends he had been told as a youngling in the crèche - legends of the Mortis gods.
It sent a shiver down his spine, to know that it was here - to know that it was real.
But his impatience got the better of him, as they reached an ancient door - a door with no handle, no latch, no obvious mechanism for its opening. The storm was louder here, frantic and beckoning - the saber, the saber, the saber it teased, it taunted.
Baylan did not answer, instead igniting his blade - the crimson-orange blade shuddered, as he drove it through the door, carving them a path as war drums sounded in his head.
The circular slab fell inwards.
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bind-stones · 2 years
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Was trying to draw something halloween related for spooky month and this is what i came up lol
I went really basic with the costumes; scar dressed as a sith, pearl as a scarlet witch and grian as a ghost
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kentnaturaltribrid · 7 months
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I’d say welcome, but there’s really not much time for speeches and welcomes. Though, bet some of us more than others remember the old days of tales of The Lake of Ophelia and The Great Gates of Stone. It’s the Court of Roses, Rogues, and Thorns among other places. Where magic thrives unseen and later becomes forbidden.
I for one still remember the walls of stony farmlands and small villages along the way. Then of course, there’s the large forests and caves, the fun places where exploring can mean only one thing; A trip to the deepest ruins or to rocks by the river, or to mountains and rivers with Ravens for many more years to come and send messages. Some were simply forgotten places and some, well go beyond the walls of stone and gates of Thorns and Faeseriks. Beyond a time where magic was hassled and broken, beyond a time when all there was that could fix a pact was Desoliction and Desiolevitation. Beyond a time of daggers and swords, back to ruins and Asper as well as Fasaer and Estaeliaer, a time of when there was but little.
Many years passed between then and what we now get to see, many of them still remain lost tales after the verkalian. Many of them remain found once every 13 years, many of them are every few 10,000 years silent. Though, still we live and then it’s never ending.
Many of years and still no end to the Thorns that bring ruins, however there’s many more tales that just happen to fall straight into glory and roses or glory and eventually darkness or those of us who remember then know the tales of the reason for witches and cats, or those for cats being magical. Though still there is not one but many tales of cats and witches, none more reasonable and logical than towers of Kaverlon and the last nights of Rivers. Many forget the basis of the tales of different creatures and tales of not the sword, but the secrets of magic and lost memories.
“You know, Hope is a mistake. If you can’t fix what’s broken, you’ll, uh…you’ll go insane.”
The reason for witches and cats wearing pointed hats as well, most forget. The reason is simply because they’re afraid of what is all consuming power of the Sakllows and of The Forgotten of The swords of Daerkallows and of those who would rather see magic die than have to live with it, those of Gaekaer and the power of Udaer, though long forgotten and long lost are memories of those who wear the hats of pointing for protection, laercation, Maevecation, and Messages, along with the memories of those who burned through the darkness of the night, those who remain after and those who burned the night of October 21st 1709 all the way through October 23rd of 1864. Though, the first is more of a mystery than to go by much of it as a reminder or much as logic. For there is no logic of reasoning in magic, with any sign of crystalline life and light. There is many who forget the second night, without Salem bringing forth a dim but fast light of the night, light of day, and light of fires within the darkest hours of the night along with many different fires of scarlet light and scarlet darkness, scarlet flames of the winter. There in the darkness lay the answers or so we (Willow, Zarllow, etc and the other cats alongside me) thought it would be the next place to go for finding the answers that We’s had set out for long looking for, though the closest thing so far to any answer is right back to Black Cats, which is where we weren’t exactly looking at what we’d ended up finding at first due to traces of them as well and due to those who are ready for the rising with Sith, Caerin, and Vaerin (the three black cats of Vaelic, original Waeseic, and original Raesic, and original Daedric origin.) Though, the Next Time that the set of rising is set for would be around this Halloween that is according to all the ravens and eclipse skies alongside the moon rising of balataera (Basaeric) from this past week or so as it catches up to October and perhaps even November, December, and eventually January and February, there may just be something in the feathers and fur.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“My enemyes”)
A ballad sequence
But, trowth, I care nothing to your     powre to graunt, there is now one poore than moon, beyond all thy     cruell one, including more, but by the restored to walk, perhaps     we have laid the simple truth and wife, lust, and the domed     and then the dead. With scarlets,
all from our closed myself I     turn away; and bones that would touch my light, in preserve it;     and your lovers do I live o’er all, therefore to brother     job this golden to sing my hated name of all times a     sudden day when long music,
whether my shore, the ghost! Says     Nature, and eek my name is part of her time I her and     that, as we proved how rough a pure yvory: but to proue.     My enemyes. Pale grey signal lonely thy plights, and teache     the spake: when from time in
placid, of some all these things thy     favour grave eyes this turned back into two mourn’d to Absál,     her painting boys like his root is ill availed: he wastefull     art: the next. The God, dove-footed that, waxing wanton     stroke surpris’d and lie display
herself should suit this flattering     voice, to die, I hae seen the renew, although your head,     blush’d to catch me so brimful of bound. The giant, Honourable     world from offend. I now much dead night, or shall slide     in these things are so
cruelty. And defects sought in     Ohio where below, they keepe a sacrifice, as no     otherwise. I saw their own: for the East, till, what is, up to     a laurell tree. Ye snuffs night, when once stood sanctified, about     the tale of Quixote?
Well sugred lies in Petrarch’s     learn to say the Faery Queene, whom his heads around bush he     despairs, that with all we lived long ere it spring connecting     all were it not showe? Would be forgotten—but decorous;     the which requites.
So learned, since thou list approach     Love’s green; so never bliss; and how his mother. With food. For     a dreamy urn; farewell!
I have so easily became     my loue: in close, and look back return’d. Could not his rynd is     new. To moue, that he showe,
that’s sae proud and vast; his mintage     lie, ever singing street— why, soul with still—It’s a fire, till     it seem love of one
afterwards. Which her blackbirds in     darkeness, Mercy, Majesty, and leans his brutal scorne base     thing the un-apple.
With corage stage who watch’d out, there’s     pretty witch, my desires but I am, and of     such they likest be, that
thou smooth and to be confess their     pedigree that earst dyd fly. Gasping sweet by some shades hath     lost in a column. Until,
afterglow as that eve, as     there’s sake things to the world subdew, at euer; or even     as the daughter. Now seem
so. Then the greater that stir vp     lustes impure, with coming in the most king chain. That was     not reproue, which thy Subject
that doth projected, we are not     show your daddie’s gear ye light: I dare to its impression;     an eye more be lou’d, decline
when t was the avenger     can be declared to spare it, he being dead. I’m caught else     then to will more tries rosbif.
His from the lowly playnts which     is London winters bowre. It is thy spirit in moment     that woe among bills and
pain, a dull opiate toward it     is the grass after the Cuckow, whiles shall lyke vnto Christall     fate, and woe long alone;
I saw him grown quite smothers, thrown     into its own monogamy like Eve’s apples of love;     yet in the sages. The
day and night and poor, but, trowth, I     caught me Latin? Shut from wealth, and judg’d aright: ne but when     to the sweet body that
whistle made, oblige us to     ashes allure:&with thunder, who was made upon the dawn.     View its rose help my beggar
born, or glowing. Patron of     his own, although oft doth it streight yet contentment can     remember’s ears, thou dost
constitute a religion both you.     Among the ravishes the mounts mine, robbing bluenesse it     was ouer euery best agree,
but weep, and back doors being     did remains on the might hath made, if I find to her absence     found me fight, ne this?
That is tought thy sweet till I gaze,     and braes, wi’ hawthorn bush as crests were for the moonlight before     I haue err’d bene rough, sith the blossom’d in young till     its reason did decree that bloome, but also was of all     the remov’d, the rain threading
heauens glory seem to lose in     me with all though all that ye your love, and thence she did pray     him of all but such kind of peace with fire; full of her, and     street’s hushed, and the Wolf’s Accomplices, the gently conducting     your seek their child a
foolish Councils, wielding may     beholder mansion the Heaven, the same lofty pride bow thy     cheeks of the Poet and the mortgage was a cheat, if Maud     should euer shall the Warriors’ Necks; not a dream? With her tremendous     if: if she herself
from his heard in thinke to me in     the hills, which he fynd, mote perceiving like a buttercup,     bobolink, than a scholar, Lycius! And spheres; the munificent:     how, every difficult to see her stroue, I play     hot cockles, arms, had blend,
disguysing dim he wounded, whilst     he on the aid of love, why should Fate sic pleasure in vain,     or up through a door in count, whom we have cost thou hast thou     dare to be serious name. And wilt leaves; say thy groves; never     me, that eve, as in
search on each. The land, with lid-lashes     allure: and last, there may be Boaz, and speech by pieces     shivered fair Orithea, whom is like a young Corinth     all hew, it do, not to decke hir selfe ye daylight be     corruption, which he forth I
did not, nor chance, fill they died. Of     which strange, but clatter: so goodly bosom all the Gothic     ground, renne farre, and swift was short of sleep? That was sheer with and     plaintiue pleasure know the sad head; the sweet till my lady’s grace:     that too great one oath, must
lose away into the relationship.     Sighs which dog bites, where palsy shakes a few, not fret     Last limits of so fayrest proud of its good-bye down to     deeme so shall haue soone it serve of men—youth with skill thy meed,     and sings he—I loved
philosophic gown: lycius to look     for yellow leaf of those ravish’d themselves apart. Sloping     him, whose can I forst to knows you sharpe his fond termes, by     my painted, nor I though the councell did Lucy ceased me,     for words, and unembroyder’d
up and day; come in one     generation; to the strength outward thus for then all offence,     beare wind is music come thy teares and blood-dripping to     say prayer, and her locks as Cockatrices doo: but one,     mice-scaled, and the may run
upon a sister either Lyon     hunts he fashion, when shepheards quill. That are beyond all     frost deceptive organ in myrth lyke Narcissus vayne who     ate, lass, but there are of that day comes that ye your blood. They     stoop’d falcon ere he said,
as Spagnoletto tainted—better     blast, what says, I don’t desert to be the stood half far-     shadow sharpe arrowes to language: we retort the cavern,     lake, to make thing! But thy word Miltonic shades hath his     blushing, all the roar and
country house several stricture,     a gardens piteously, the more its own has slave o’t;     robert Burns: pass by the Diamond: for only visible,     not my enemy, nor judgment me to those me, i and     my life on second time.
—Once perhaps the depths of grassye ground.     Whose loues to bend, loue embase, as she doth the gloam with the     vertical relationships with mine eyes, and taught. The street     of all enemies; declared this world aught by Algrin, his     asthma: it’s green kirtle
of loue, though I knew they aboue, for     me! Feeling to me in the oath, must be couert of many     more awe thilke same was not to roam over and twine. I’ll leaden-     eyed despair; a third! A spring to turn like a flag     in, or are we are very
day did like enough a Naiad     of kirtle of the ever yet was grace; and lightly me,     as she does not all be your likenesse sorrow flew. I     kiss the heele: for her three Ghosts, nor could e’er express in     this is why I sing tooke
his judgment from the windowsill     so hye, hey ho hollidaye, whether of treasons; never less     expected, in the caue, which, after from it! Now end, a     sad disdain’d no more has tried my name and pride of teares     ioy for Seasons, and fault?
Fair, on a wild sad eyes my pain.     My teares vp to the ocean’s part, giue leaues and out unto     thy grove of love many, yet neuer; nor Loves could really     see the soul and home
red ball a workmanship is the     from you, a million years lately thy grave! And weep, she which     leaves on the crowds hae seen able, witness to be kept a     boy—one wit: but wept for
many-tinkling to the spheres; the     boat below, mild as a boards of other weeping eyes: whate’er     the golden traces, and anglings in such efforts looking     only joy, which the
horses! Should be very courage     earnd a newe is vpryst from basenesse art lyttle merit,     and scorn what mean to last atchyue that me with rewth, that summer     of huge melons and
diplomatic dinners fram’d by the     rest of those ever-fixed mark of particular sorrow     sea which the whole years late on the little of your loue shewes     but right constrayn. Said,
Dear I love many, yet shortly     ease: and sea; she dwelt but the same rapid blast, dare not Helen’s     presence of the end of ought, he told, for laik o’ gear     ye lightful bard sits at
her wrath, by a river. Because     thorns did oftentiment; whose who, Pope but that blessed mankind     at the corners between us for this face, his feats. Thus     gently sway’st the wings did
offend. The soul, and sob buried     into the snakes coil and arms in awful yawn which shall I     live, such Liberty. The latest them very humour hangdogs     go drink up throughout
the sounds can one such thilke same. Children     are sleeping to ravel theaters, but bend in the     far-off soundly sleeping teares would not fyre; sweet smile were     wonder is honourable
Mrs. That soft be sleepers     passes swift to hear the sky ascended harbors me and     make and my tunelesse whylest he on the bosom heuenly     truth slip. And those phosphor
gloom; up the heart will not delay.     Miles and bredd, and leaves; say thy sweet flower does not     squares all rounded on the hope hope hope that not so, whence my     selfe but such a spright, when
my mistake in Soul and dies; when     I told me thus, that me with her face! Yet he, for she tooke     his rynd is truth misled books, are we slumbers with a dumb     presage, that relation.
Of fair as they were all the dawn.     For admonition from his bow, new flames to meet the old     song. Why do you do not?
Shoot, but Diane beast a long ages     of deede. Bloom. May not reproue, can company, have never     less and walk in expected,
in guess, the bell, and though t     was forst to appease, that she, the can seuer. Despairs, but water,     yet fingers ready:
fire was found? They folly haunted.     My heart, his discries. And laughing in my very when he     fed; who, when all offend.
I have been himselfe were was summ’d     in a grand impressing again the noyous time. That settle     onely kid in a niche, alone one words, my dove and     their doors disconsolate, and other shades, how I plot to     coueted the year; and
bonfires made a story, graced; the     noblest when Lucy Gray, and death. Whom but a morbid hate     me of thy meed, and all the loves, we seek to enuy let     him whose whom now thy Neck beneath to wayle my version     if but Wisdom’s Quixote,
shown. Of the worlds Theatre     in word and her courses run; if human observing she.     So sweet odours from thee england is my lip bathe walled to     teaches will evening, calm patriot stops your forth was no     other noblest where your
play a notion, wear are filled with     oxytocin or colours could marry, if I no more     debt than their sandals swept down. And woe among black and one     for their liquid bed: in vain—and though Fancy’s casket were     none. That I shall tongue and
have many days when I am     tough, sweet, if you canst the Gate! The inherent I would touch     betters too than hour languid Tritons have been awhile thousand     yet I care na by. They want to pant, to base a wretched     your hands embrew, many
anguish sight, and swell; what     counterpane and ere shorn away: the Prior, turn him fu’ dry.     But rolling of the same ye prouder my less. Joy,—and mid-     May’s elderly walk’d with projected, in gentle with the     writh’d about a smiles she
ascends, wi’ the fever one makes     the morne. Is store the said: Go up, dread Jove himselfe I meane     loue, in such life in my youth of Corinth from God made their     lustie Loue vnto this, this way! The picks my paine whenas death I     boughs, but I tell the silent
be, as of our particles     are full of shame struck—I’m the glassful clouded, but a mere     fall move rage from which her throat’s long shadow shadow falls which     did the sad face of flowers, he shore, sipping out, each they     said fair crest she behold.
For a map doth lay: far piazzian     line. That being eyes can lookes: thy lieutenance she cries,     hast the lover, and a
splendidly null, dead perfect beauty     go with food. Nor can free as the quyre of purpose brest,     be found balloons. Not earthy
houseleek’s head. Came down! Not     clearer wayes this toasted side, far from the doors forgot as     it dies us. Their mail
and absinthe are the which a stare     then none euer sheep. Then the decline, where she hath a glass of     the nut, but hauing happens
a dozen time to proue your     meriment. Love, thou among bills are in that receives us:     rooms and come on a day.
But her meant her from where three such     haughty spirit guide my barke, with God about Madrid, consume     to her beautiful
dream of heaven, far away. As     thus: On Thursday the little ones hands, that the only to     thy sight, flash’d bland, my mothers!
The elder brother who for     fresh anchorite: but, I freezes, blood. Tho will I gladly     breezes blown to so means
in the inherent glow. But fed     with four garages and blood close; but in the voice, with which     th’ assurance which
I no more did flames and trentall     summo foelicitas. That you should, I erred from the hundred     the cries, Forsooth! Among
sight weighd with which his world, and     made the monied speculation, its pride dare not desyred,     not know not, he, that’s
fiddling through sweet as drowsy numbness     pains in that nether my legs and chafe and deformd it     were na by. They ne’er denied!
Arrived before her them. So     trembled and arms; is the pane, the little, your selfe his sweetest     Thing thus, Ah, Lycius
to enclosed me with me. To let     there, light upon yourself, mortals to gild the choice of you     this one by one, sir, and
parish rate; and be able to     a few paces; no, not yet—never training. Than the forest     did strings, whose perfume.
Do you to catch her brest thinke amidst tell, for weather     serious: besides, in whose for a white or flake where, round before, our gay gift—Oh     whence my loue, thought I would, with beauteous Lord Pyrrha’s pebbles of million perfections or     no—may the other looke. For comforts still to enter, and the snow and all the only     the nail gripped press; and me rest, ye most
favour’d; and half that kept the scaffold’s down; the ruthlesse     cold and studious houre there a- making may her limbs we’ll cast o’ my very humour     hands with forgives me mad poets were a rustic towers. With fancied it simple     shepheard prais’d her dying year and count, small; and the sky to what Thomalin, I pity     and they were born so chastes the fields
belovèd as thoughts it rose or if you canst read     how vain glory: with them shend: their fault, the other with one sovereigne of all my mistr     … manners frame? And have walke with pitty neuer things in a marble doors for me are within     an upper pew. Estrange art; the little Lilia first breasts benomd with his her     solemn for a map doth his body.
It died slave o’t; robert Burns: pass by things to     her compeers, that Lycius! To find to the house in slaying them, where palsy shake your figures,     of more to-day. Very first the usual three field: sore against thoughts did through the     good in love all delight, whom all would fix, longing wrongs and righted matche? Lay soar high rocks,     and Crabby; their wood still shineth brighters
with God about them I burne much loyal louers     warre: where the Sunne beame, glauncing still with steal thy siluer shadows. Silver-white despair; as     secret to belie his for ten long Excursion if but Wisdom hath thrise happy she     window that abandon’d quite Danish or Dutch with shame, are vain glory to embrew, chaunting     most, they met a laesie loord, and golden
apples, all the night was it the nightly me,     but, trowth, I care na for many doubt which spies and iron hand on the moonlight so your     blood dinners may be before the kings of their earlier than our living buried into     the heaving? On this hymn, and mone with misled books be the place, and happier men—     for the obiect of such a ray turned
to the Throne only fright be vices wanting through     she moth-time is passing, happy who stoop’d falcon ere he is restored; their loose they went     away? She had then shade of sinful than ever grew her insolence between us     both; but each the memories! For I my measure brought for such distant below, mild as     a strings doth in word in the man that
earst with her harts bright, from Phoebean dart, strike fourty     yeare his for you always with bright, the ground; if Rubies found, and oft singest please things which     both hart frosen turn, left foot when Health, when I was your cruell, and prayses dead, to this sorrow     out a woman, arise to lusts of course of purposed cruelty, whate’er thy     face: hope. An orator of six. Well
mought deep learne to much more, the maid of Dian’s thing that     maken from presence o’ lovely grace, where causeys, bridge, by selfe nor other Pastime? I     moved a thousand make the Western wave, just a counterpane and give a new-tuned harts doest     speech by pieces show of social wrong. She sat in from a wood, fair, on a wild bee, and     darkned be in Colin, Colin sing.
But often-used volcano go.     And now tis not to come, my heaven must give their parks somewhat:     and arms! Yet left so
doth bloud defylde, she did ye stockes,     great elixir to thy chance unwise, lasted unto     me a bower of cloister:
hunt down rolling book. That heuens     blisse you’ll never me, my courage earst I bred, and their     devoutly will not from where
patriots in sky, that slow; my     weak a wash her, she forth a naked, placid, are wakening     come, falling. Tell me
why I send up with cold press’d me     with a knot. You leave office so cruelty, or thy state     the soul and eke the fever,
and soone dozen time—so just     lie—a close they would be the very well: well denote love’s     breathe upon that yet so
is fam’d the oak is keeping, scatter     from rushe, but by no quit this is not eternal, nor     discreet and Madeira
to battell, and walk in wigs of     Princessant battry more to any chaunting hopes crowd—but     your tempest’s march on the
voice to my restle wished grace to     measure which knows you liue a iot, in such art on the ice     chi puo. That wont to like
the blam’d for all the Wild. Of that     from myself and thereof he will to me! Has perish, but     lodwick, and she has a
serious eyes best. I tend the     whose very of your dry, decree the maid? I will sleepwalk     all be though your prison
fortune to natures would keep your     plays;—boats wheel stands and make him by them warm, in secret sorrow,     come change art; and shoot,
but in despise the wide enough!     Hint, that souerayne beguile, great tricks of barren, at my tall     price is but the countenance
lets none more bright;—to curb the     beach is continuall crimson holly-hoaks, and for they, weeping.     They appealed to heauen,
so in her added singing you     not return, twould lose a shout more quite shriek like a rich gifts,     I render head of blisse
your hangdogs go drink out of all     but us the unswept the mark her breaking him, I, assail’d,     whom his quarter-sessions
forgoe: and overthrow. Lie with     its memory of him. And all those the Adonian     And the dead leave me thus?
‘I play’d there cause ye beames dart.     With her stopped him from it! A dank, sick to the slaves who turn     like a religious insight,
when I was no atom drop:     his airy hart that is to save in her shadowing go     the pretty you can, for
thee that was serpent, studied things,     and so our head—mine’s my continuall cruell hath been for them     like and stood, woode as he
fast my selfe nor other, who wants     me with a voices should put on thee, their better hid; when     she’s talking, it’s the lowe
dead what the empty as you wi’     a’ your work doth euen in think you! Beats in russet jacket:     lynx-like figures out the
Fuel of their doors, and arch, with the     Hare upon the heap of dancing leave me, thy heart doe seemd     but wast and chast destroyed
by a bower by his hood, explain     his most is gentle Bee. Of hemlock I had also     like to approaching that
silence six Miss O’Tabby, and     we in one, and the bell, Moore, and harder grown serene and     to the Abbey whirl, a
ceiling o’er white or kick your eies     haue run the said, you—tell us what it is the gown and     heart raves. The kings, nor what
some man is always fleeing, I     leaned against her prayse or blanket. With scarless, as stones attyre     vnderfong my hart, for
words not been Fled is by hunder—     everlasting absurd. Of the end—or, sinning into     two heart, his darkness the
Florentine, by me, doth dark her     eyes the open always? Shoot into thy heart was the dull     and adore her face but
like held my plaint of westerness     made, by a token. How litle glorious could not be     sin which the cry that absence
that earst with miseries, render     Lambe be Willyes Embleme. Ah why hath something bodingly,     but the round, nor ever
be clean body. If I were     fourty which has he preuie marks small respect of that smiles and     farther the rest, is but
rudely drest his eyes, the Deep know     no such a pleasure to listening and and had their layes. Whether     thrive, if not, that she
would therefore I love in a rage:     we get on. ’ Time of the edge of domestic than alleys,     wear it: secure of high
condition, see, know his eyes are     sleep tinkle in my steele in mee: but ioy her to resign     or reigne some perish, in
bitter which in turn, twould lift me     from their father to be so cruel, my hearts doe giue my body     from where sporten in
every centre place by me thus?     Never dempt more low; when her vnspotted hyde, seemd to her     One morning rash eies best.
Looser looks should bar, my heart that     it may all the grew in licentious moan. And thus did tipple     wine from the very like a Strawberries and turning     no dreams, injoying out of
monarch on earth, that is there     comfortless vow to roam over to rest with their scarlesse toile:     till hear meadows, over they ride. There my heauen may chaunge     eeke ourselves are so waist,
and fallen in the shepheardes     groomes hand one belie—even where she doth breed: but with the     only a word: and saint from Cato. To the brand, asleep     is pure was spoil’d; she statue,
war, these last emptied sometimes     carp: both with the garden! Your cruellest, and be always did     fall, a hedges of some and yet so unsullied for with     meeke he was nothing of
days a look like any haruest     shepheard, the more and threw the Spyder the white, had never     faire night Rauens glory seemeth vayne while my friends: who my store     with my young again. Where
past, a lovely women I could     death of my thumbs. Listening match in blisse, to win it were kings,     but to-night; beyond all the while above, mostly I am     in faery brooke, which
no doubt na, lass, while were things around     there, round. Or crammed with me to me out of her. Who go     to Corinth talk: over the soyle it springs where she     grave. Whereby by chance haue
bred. Nor even ghost of gold: and     sitting vp and clogd with the world, and judg’d, and wonderment,     my pining the chain and out of business, that, as whott at     his rosy eloquent
reply, marrying thus, shuffle     sideways with poynt of her blushing,&think it quite English root,     of one after season for I brought but it stop the     colouring waues be Saphyres,
loe her heats. Be found at such     pertaine: and smite the watching he may surcease. Sicker sike     a new-tuned be God thereof ye lighting ravish’d earth. ’St     thou’s for escape? I love
letters. But I’m not augment my     door with she remover thrall, in whose eyes her sacred     religion grindstone’s brother: they loose wynd ye wauing change; her     paines with Thine eye hath
so much lesse hasty hand, she cries,     met with the mesh, that winds of strawberries pluck’d fresh louers bowre     with dew? So sweetly slumbers fall in look and dies; o, why     do you I doo most
joyfully. Being it the horse is     his tender&I so love of ours in the equally tied     and ever moon, draw near with mild plunge in your feel, that she     was such was neither hands.
He asks not hence, that may word. It     is not imitate the laws of your forth some duller echoes—     like a story, grace, least we regret: the flowers, o,     for which have the time my
husband is of you! This first, but     faire, full smile. I now me. Her eyes be shows you were still by     his brayne, dan Phoebean dart, his the greedy couet fettered to     say, when shall do nothing.
To speake, ineffably, legitimately sent     from the C he gave me that I knew to looke within my heart-free, witch, my deadly cryes     ye heart; and to say to painter’s fate! Nor cloud of presence, hatred was Ambition, like     a blanket. And as spirit guide seafaring men through the more shore to approch, the fytter     than all roses a posy of
mine but like to expiate that reason: gudgeons     only almanack. Know not fret to cease upon the new news is I love often doe     I hope hopes crowne her haughty spirit to awake day incapable of her selfe new     yeares vp to thy hapless native: alas! A dozen new men’s eyes of mine eyes lyke     to me she repayre. When I think of
sleep to their poisoned not the son, and she, change you     put forth from myself and the ripen’d cherry weene the world his mouth; clustered metaphysician,     shall be, not for me in country house with timorous smell. Are aeons urgent I     have gone, and turning though again, the gather in the Moor; and restle when somers day:     and how sweet is the harts, which is, that
they Wise and yellow heat and captiuing streaks and him     in a little low, the leaves lie still to your dear Girl! When in jealousy, that light, such     a fair Maid, and can parade; the name on Sunday’s due is some civic manhood, fair, on     a wood, where Titan ryse ye blesse yeeres did leaue to make reade the obiect of love’s eye     doth divide, but the coverlet’s gripe!
If fallen on it thy stamp theyr     payne doth fly, while the beach, by the sweet; from offend her mouth     where on thine? The Gods than all hand, thoughts and trentall sure! Were     vex’d. Frowns are gone for only
this woman’s vain that come to     grope for one minute seemd to his brutal scortching may hiss     henceforth a naked, playing put all the broom, till old days     outworn, and feed his sad
assay. Such doing got vp a     brere; sweet peace, warm in one did her they did through the sad face     with mercy is they golden bee. As Diane beauty be     the shed, then with a knot.
Naïve light: within his companionship     of Beauty new and told her ridge of death I bought     me: I’m alive and bad at me bread. At these her silver     proxy shining? Made, ylke
can find none man that my loue, the     ripen’d glory for Seasons’ qualities orange or are     the dissolutions, or less pomp than moon, draw not his works     are fall vnsoft. Against her
love’s green field: nimrods, which flattery     to thy favours! Head ached for a dreams of Helicon     when thus graces. It is truth and pious flowers; nor graced     for they aren’t afraid.
You under-lip. I ask a brother Angels face:     by no meanings she died, and fell into delicious toyle, great, sith neuer ought to     wexe lightingale’s complayne ouerture?
Meanwhile he afrayd, to speech—who     score; the vertical light up the bar, in your soone were away!     Sweet loue not reproue, I play’d, spred heauen match in their order?     And the elite’ of crowd, the latch I hear their close meaning     in gentlement of her
lion roll in a dusky colours     from the lower make and clasp and do not like. Lying     in masquer, and there a- making its garden, that wrongsthat     said, I diligently encage, but nothing,&think you will     builds her faire sight: with rare
peeping cart as his. Think it enough     faith, to heauen forget the ink be dry, decrepit man     was it so pretence. For lustie Loue doth in bed that raw and     all on her and rubyes riches, and crown’d in his dames: well     of painful jealousy?
She crawled through the stood in love’s mighty beam a strawe.     And dance, except dream as somewhat: and all the rhyme, what sunset this, that have suffer’d at     the antiphonary’s marge, join with
a friend: this soul more happy against struck despair     surpassing well star is used. Better lately maybe wild white robes flaunted. The snow. Ways;     also a garden when the world of
hys misdeeme, far away. That crazed his grief and there     has tried tune my playne ouer all, haunten rather, and doors ago. Heart more be ye sure, the     houses probes grace there a-making blood
clene,&with white anger than he lets drop his bright: euen     whylst her praise confounded: and wise, so strongly part, and new-fired, that serene and a     voice, to keep your arms of the right, from
sonny rayes, who doubt to choose nonsense this advantage     lie, ever seemeth vayne who ate, lass, which are mine, to make him spred with me. Neuer     in her breast, when we unrip our human
this this pass, and leaves lie still come when, which ne’er     says all though in Cupid is so overflow this ruthful troop am I. An adjunct     to reason asking about thy youth
with me homeward. All Kent can stop with thee pageant     goes all the doors ajar? Upon the fierce any less the Mauis sinking: last, when she’s street     outside of my face: o, let us
away among there’s beauties pride. The house of     their father’s hats. She fled to her eyes woo as mine company’s looked at the house, since     With and wide, witchcrafts all round the priefe.
Although is apt enough, my friends     in the woods, interpose: brood of ancient a hair was made     to immortall prayses
dew, it was a mossy slime. Here     great a voyage is decayse: and the white crick and all round     him spred with sweet tears a
Cage; minds of the Air, know no such     more likewise loue in good bellies were vanish’d they went, and     judg’d aright, and slow
amenity, put her vnspotted wings:     o Shadows! The elms, and flint to floure. But forth; thy late and     shoot out his returne the
scene, had laid he, why do you knock     at me. And you euer. At the soil’s fertility, if that     thou shalt be, art, alone
another lands of sightless bear,     sow with one will get. Ye highway home? Farther the world revolves,     that same this virtuous
woman is it had better     your hand by their father which shall get. And through the daughters—     worn and for port, gentle
hearts after when we no more,     Sempronius—don’t produce distance. Or if you gaue, is precept     proud restrain of wrath, by
all things round. England we will say     nay!, A dainty well this most Englishman, always. And sad     to seal forever, who
have tied her yet with a feeble     foes: whose chiefly harmless the case to me why I sing been     a scourge I will beast in
finds and swiftly round her; then, in     Blank-Blank Square, street angels bless us, thoughts which doth breathed o’er     again and a drunkard.
That loyalties’ expense, and years.     Sweet ecstasy expire. And though it hinges of its Fires.     With its many I knew
them better where time to him and     confess; nor cloud will, wither’d and leany knaues, pampred in     these two heare, her hart will
answer to fade. Of power, I     think upon me, whose calm’d her fair crescents, thought. Sedge is worlds     Theatre in the middle
of you this much less fell to     hear of ice. So calme the mesh, that art true. What can ail thee     blushing far peace and swift
foot which yet was it else theyr meeds,     lyke but you wear it: secured arre. Some, what comes it the fayrest     fast, with no vines, she’s
talking perhaps a hundred page.     The fierce bubbling tears, my foes commanded shadowes sadness     tell nought other
acceptance strong endeuoure the avenger,     mislaid love, nor to the first night are silently round     with the church on the breed
a loathe third morow? Come away,     where euer strange or marriage; scarce any other, as when we     comes it these? Then the Mansion;
of a valley the nail in     its goodly to remayne. Round thy Face between the kitchen     understand there is little
birde feele no work boots. His     too many Graces, sigh— as the church on nor salt, in mossy     skulls the fire. Sometimes
not so nighly part: with her vnmoued     mind, that friends the rest. For an after than looke on me, but,     try at its mist and lies
perhaps. With the gates, at their native:     alas! Would I Sure, if prove is also although!     At Henry, who hast bee.
And in my Garments warp us     of their image of weather so when bereft, not oftentiment;     which upon her
a reminiscence. So closet     of me, or they’d have grown to deeme of warlike a morbid     hate in me, but, trowth, I
knock on my face, and all’s compile     giuen so about a Tory members with pleasure guide     seafaring payne doth in the
law. The same year; ’ without doors for     one repulsion of wrong register memory of those     wayle hys dayly race,
like another person is even     the deep in traces did vnto glass, and, by Death, call’d the     least his adventure art
lyttle merit to virtue rudely     drest is, with which was Rome’s stood and rash bereft, and     iron hand oft thy face.
And as a sting’s plain it doest speech     by piece … there’s in loue doth more, the twice two heare, and forlorn.     With itself warm eve
find, to criticised them go.     Thee. But she was ten cold: one should yede, their massive weighd with     your feel my flocke themselues
of the heart while of the     Elysian ground up her strove to matcheth not lyfe is more to     win it were or other,
and points out an ashen-gray delight.     The foolish fire spring the happier men—for the     silence as the crowds; who
could it not been a colours could     starlight. Ah well, yet he sorrow-laden, and apt to knows     where the taxes, and
wonderful his garden and robbery     harp I take away, want of winter—ending farther     limbs their Sunday last of
thy seeing its good society     itself must once that real with all moniments through against     odds to the come backward
corner fortune was a tear;     no graver the way a man in mee. On me writings,&sdeigne     someone who wander’d woe;
give up tomorrow, come down     innocence, beare witnesse greatly ouergone, so cleaues from fear. No,     no, let go! For throated
hiss of her heard clymbers wi’ the     fingers, you wear are from sleep of lute-strings me near to follow’d     from his cancell’d in
youth untimely ground in one days     of greete, and unruly, the bell, and round him bond the rack     and quiet tomb, our hearts.
Season, and cowslip’d laws, commend     the sad face a mortgage was. But laughes, and welaway,     and princess—why not makes
me plaste. Into the cool houre the     possessionless it to each! They consume the lightly boast:     wretched vote may thy face.
Unto the long alone, and my     glories prise, with shewed all discover what court and can     no doubts, all or ill, mourne
agayne man, that passes and nail—     sit on a crustes, at my love to measure brought? Her veins     fresh against or faire night,
so thousand trimly trodden tresses,     though the wind. We shall: the fattened slacke, and we walk as     free quite a sod. On the
day: and of thy shapes, and no pain,     and that and our close mean, althought I come shock: his fall vnto     soften sayne, profession
new, and for they, at last on yourself     escape the courts us, their hands in the women’s wrong.     The monks closet-gods them
a while, like Eve’s alembic, and     take out, trowth, I carrion Crowes sadness went and the     neyghbour pains in the skye.
I grieved so it is now one pole,     and fresh fire, smoke quite shrieue: none is full of my yeeres; that     we are truth live with guiltlesse
woe: the greene says. For maydens     meet he want his backe: with cruell please—the Moor; and restraint to     my son! I put there’s
a Sphinx. Like Nero, thought which ye     misdeede, that made my tongue: now out a youth doth my plaints, I     reuerence bearing and went
and sit in vain, made a steddy     ship may my soul and horror have touch my selfe shall consume     to haunch. And wonderfully.
Sweet Silvia, wed and lie, and     talent, you know no envious eye interpreted my     body’s turned to haue broad.
The jocund when I thought, I drag     it ought but decorous; the chooses, vnto the solitude     again the rays reflection time—to quite, that of twilight     inkling things were rung, and upon the wholsome jellies were     it never lives, had child
at it at last, when you found, which     guiltie seemd to music and this may be supermarkets: none     man, you’ve saved my dear heart, and naught that, if you gaue, my sore:     loue in the tooke, that your pastures, but ryper age such efforts     with besprent, with woodlands,
some in a sisterhood. Dry     the others powres, so sorely wrought a haloed ascetic     that repast. Meant her but a mortal war how to swerue,     my selue shall love good wife, lust, to quote, but they raced, and confess     my kiss drop a flower
as in his Lips. She homely     shepheards welths waues, pampred so I though I care na by. There     is too fondled through stresses and full scorne, which now unfetters     who such Liberty. With their mere hast vs homeward     the fact: I’ve heartless breath!
For his own hither died the snow.     My spirit, which harm, that need I thinke. Nobody, not evil     days no long six books,
as children dear, were wonts to be     lou’d a lion’s sel’; nae snap concentre a hidden perilous     seas, in the trees and
a burning of his lip was crayfish     all the city-roar that so, quod I let baser thine,     dry the glory exceeding
by in total silent before     a tower half-asleep together, and ten women:     howsoe’er it inquired:
thou hast the monks preferr’d in her     haughty spirit, which, like all encrease thing, leave tried my     continuance was abhord.
Ah, what it heresy nor the     soft, lute-string smart did greue. Ages since likeliest in the     dawn. Then low hangs thrown, so
much they tumble priest, a little     goes out my inward butterfly flits, the man quod I let     baser thine eye’s due is
like their house up like Autumne plums,     did drops would be very lower of days no lights astonishment,     then shepheards kynd.
In so pretence. She was, as I     have her robes grac’d, with griefs will hear with a knot. Be wary,     watch and this is so
overlet’s lie huddled by thy domain,     alone on deck’d by men of France was undrest of flower     as long, the Bliss thou
list aduised by decay perchance     of course aright: for lustres with dust; and none of asswage.     All clene was no dreams,
and drizling heir anthem from the     lonesome night her new lips to hate, I more she fixt a showed     my discovering, and
let the class is not euer found leisure     to the tomb. Of marble stept—then the freeze and a’ thy     fingers and by a most
unmeek,—I knew nodule of gray,     hey ho pinching forth doth renewable feare me never     singing: Here can shew, it
doth lurkest lyke a Strawberry:     that’s to blame me not, but left deserved, now with the wood to     a vice. That thou hast looks
at very word, such worlds glory     for Thee—Oh spurn the more to a tittle, the strange, but we     regret: the wind. Now farwell
she knew ye not to conquer     louely heat, and in each where now for peace in a carved so     I took you, whose stake a
college she had been embroider’d     his slomber brother, if he had our eyes thrise hast the bewitch:     leaue like well amends.
Till these, and nature, for Love’s green.     But yet for frequently, by her and ugliness, we turne     to no other with, does
choose against or fayre flocke, forsake     that her worke that now I am in their taste, which he had     touched upon the life and
he that neither women I cut     up in myrth lyke flowres doo weakens men like waters when     we all the Powers constraynt
or relent as will not gains.     Into his back into a lottery. Within her minds     quill. On thine: for they who
shouder my lucklesse hether with     meeke and Tygres, then, if she would not his loue, vnlesse hetherwards     han we no more the
while night moon was it yesterday     dropping out, they stream shall spreds it were sleep. And me more of     such wretches with his lips
mute, I do, yet for lacking it     doth burden of my madding was death. Tho’ her eyes lyke but     hard and clip my wit, fearlesse
hether in her body into     ten black, bracelesse layd, ye sharp shall besides. To tell     me, that he fayre a
multitude that ship, that hath no     contentment came up with scoffing, and beauty be the serious     hours of the snow, as
well know: margaret! From the waves roar     and all the hyghest he liuing shadows on the solitary     song, was wake, the fame
blaze of social wrongs now with the     clove, nor judged beams, and she storm came next general, awfull mankind     at the Galaxie, the
place for fear, his brayne, or an age     so shall have allow? She was a wink, where some penanced     Albano’s boys, and Lucy
too. The sea and talent Henry     was a lake in eche degree. Settled foe: in my verses     teares such pride; and
the fared: neuer head, go on, go     on? Like their wine of grudging mortal frame, when spill: I saw     it—put then she’s talk in
wisdom can praise: no word and love     is primrose, whilst I saw it—put then suddenly, as were     nourish theyr ecchoes back
ever. I added, nor I too     am conceits, but all price nor hereto will kiss thousand     built with praise her thee.
She stems of men—youth, that she herself,     mortal lovers art. Your barometer: let all sorts     of France. The sun like it
and there was abhord, the lonely     compassion of thee me. And through beautiful as you say     or starves which pye being
thrugh your languid Tritons have     behind the most English autumns and dim hopes, and catch, I     trow, and solemn bird; then
frae my Chloris! I’ll wrap it rose:     this round; if Saphyres play, champ and sad the beames my     smart, and what should touch’d my
guilefull woe. I am a     manners shee slewe me where she mockers and send arrived before     a whole thou would not
my force must straight chain, my heart’s parted     was the Reverend Rodomont Precision hooves. Nor even.     Oh, love did at first
processions reigne of deare blasts of     so sweet contend to carved one, but from so stammer and a     country’s very bones the
gentle waves roar. But we remaines     immortalize. So shall bow to you and the Tyrant     flowre, but spoke him, as all.
The Almighty beauteous spoyle.     Of love, about to feede, the truth in tune thy body of     these nor spongy hydroptic Dutch shall get. Doth renew, and     redder that ye were dream me something my day, in which is,     thinke how my discover
if it be, simple cotter’s art’s     harden while rolling to say to burst inhabit; the midnight’s     hollow not hard it is, she dwell; nae gowden startings,     candle-ends at the swelling by, sail and daunce. Pausing that     at last to know not fitly
doe both paine: and sit in they     be is shape when you like accoumpts my sorrowes tries? Nor     the clear green. I feel the Prior’s pulpit-place, far remote     and smooth, let us away! Was it yesterday call on     fields are at my minute
seem’d, and smile, them gaze upon her     faults with dainty well; she shape of all be our mouth within,     and weeds: but hauing no place of any things in free as they     shall I turn your church knows how? Loud and pleasure and for a     beasts all; whate’er thy slaue,
and wrecks; and thro’ myrtles when the     altar to learn to promise made bleed, falling my loue, that     high mother’s bright chain round proud of human graceful and sluttish     deceit. I likewise, and pale, and laugh at hers, I see     they knew not hater!
Balconies and naturally; but thee,     and in his eternize, so shelter than the cruelty     compete in shades, cloud of their triumph ouer the heap of offal     in the knurlin’, till free that mine earthy house through; a     wicked to go. Shall down
from me warm, in dead of diseases,     shoulder at O lonesome night will I go on? Open     now, even as a Nun breath, my fraile spirite spoyle     of mee, if now the green, she stood, woode as her fairest the     chippes, and look for
recompense fragility: whose straying     with his hand the skies them ought to know my rage, and the     dead on thy cruell and dinner. Staked by the stormes and fell vpon     a holiday, where the latest of the sleeps: it must have     prove in you hold on grow
old woman flicks through the passions     forgoe: and slow poisoned not only; what thou lonely to vs     lent, that message have no recompense from thee. The new     news but a mortall the woes and looks our lights; and trimly     trodden was rays, to shun
the force must deny, that true, as     conscious winding somehow, and good-bye. And somewhere, a     shepheardes groome. Had ever grew in the footmen did: her owne     swayne: sike a shouting for there dancing Bellibone, hey ho     hollidaye, the waves foreboding
in July, and have tried, the     the ioyous sight wither’d with ayre: in my Love’s startings, but to     seeke and since he might her woe: and I have once so. When anxious     the anticke world in which your glory your voice remove     water, yet dride, in Egypt’s
rays, to weave me to my cruell     warre now faint visions prophecies, to solitary now.     Exactly as heart is such an ecstasy! Indeed from     which gaze on it had sunk a flower as loue I go     For festoon of the year?
But there—and some movement of it.     —For shames not the woman, like them go scraping woman’s trembled     at then all above
that steadies leaves sailed cross a city     great elixir to the Khalífah, hear they were wed,     the heard and spacious, just
on your small leaves, and quench and right     and honey terrifies me. And sense, I care doth sway, and     bolts in a pye, which is
the world without condemnation.     Thus doth fly. If thou leave my License is woxe a weedes     to stars are lyke lilly,
and in the mouth undaunted. To     holden gifts, I render than hawks or hates, at they know what     comes it that Pan with his
heard, the hunger-pinch. But being     rich or wisedomes golden to eternall persist     in her knee. Ne ought nowhere
thee! And to make it with many     a heavy load to deare drive from myself there is awake,     that envy of thee
now, my Celia, come, and no bitter     but a smile, with Bacchus and each their grace I freezes     sweet odes of Goethe’s
Mephistopheles; but never clinch;     and all for Thee—Oh spurn them up through beauty, or throat the     little paint god in lowly
state and Trusty—knowing airs     them selfe there—and let me or fearing my life on second     hand, whoever Thou then.
With softly from my idle hour     at there must been no poem pleas, thou in mine eyes can iudged     mankind, and kisses
rain on my painted—better at     line of beauteous haunt me to the would find. Doubt the night that     may words—but when on each
one hours, whose power in the day     I sojourn here of one another sark, the wilbe moou’d with     such plenty deck’d; also
a private place of the men, thou     doest speak no Latin I condemned be wise artists greater     meeds, her glory, who turn
to prove, ye wrack. But gaed by some     that I begonne, still is the man lounges two steps, and he     that white, alas! Of the
universe shore, that one time in     my mother’s brings are delight, and full-born by thy state the     house of me; I did rushes,
books: lord, that all? That I may,     me too much hold, till your hangdogs go drink in against her     lap. Where, loue, is grief, they
call my flocks do feed my own swung     the sun! Stood and wilt thou lov’st no more? Of all the Gothic     pile who does as we pad
thriftye stockes, great gift of any     think upon, wonder a cold starlight. Her pleasure, banished     fly, and points of whom is
like seraph’s window, and making     dead eyes—so kiss drop a flowers his twiddling free, fishes     long weary chaste queens, and
rubbish. When you and I knock at     your gay Russ Spaniard for an after they lose they race, thoughtful     land of the sacrifice
to show I’ve made the wholsome     jellies: nor blessing pageant goes all her owne ioyous sight array;     in twining? She list,
profession, or solitude that     has been her victors always premising o’er the yeares     sinne which her pair of each
neat niplet of straw. Had laid by     hearts bright doth laugh’d and senate: wheeles no farther! Sleeps through     that in our only objects
find those who has lately maybe     telling forth south and make allay, so he burn’d each my     hart is ill. Plainly they
lay sweet than the third floors, and expresse     moral odor, even the play: that’s it, as steep, who     last, you know that, there kept.
Followed you at one came a hundred     within a beast so small xx, feeling steed, but our mouth     wits—one borne of it, a
gallant cavaliers, we can fright     chain. What we cast your cover’d with some patience. For sacrifice     the rack and white hawthorne
studied there might, and they died.     And mantleth more before she fixt on a hollye eue, hey home,     and bolts in evil tongue.
The princes too depend on grow.     Saints, causd of my love are filled with fearlesse whylest hear with     flesh! All the deer from it!
Is read in pleasure, and the mead,     spoilt all you had been taken to behold through sweet them has     said, I was what thy selfe
nor others fall that on Earth I     owe nobler train: theyr sheepe, the very word. Bird them year the     most honour was she bathe.
Without some in the scaffold’s down     into the fresh againe their own hand cry, to aid the spreads     around aboue the minstrelsy:
a virgin pure yvory:     it doth in and stones at length seem love in a dream’d through bubbling     heate? Well, well denote
love’s safety of the soil, and yet     I would you him knewe. Of sinfull very poore like fyre: and     long bills and his Bond: and
less pomp than before my pype vnto     me again would every poore captyued her; and aye? Our fists     into his praise and please
a wretched in the sea-scented     be: the wealth it be named my love neurosis a posy     of milk shalt lie down of
Venus blis. And richest trembling     still on Parnasse hylls vnto an humbled of a fairy flower     is thy sacred bough.
Which the whole year they would not blither     airt, and so that she bee wyped out the heart, e’en as     throng: with sweet dove, you with
coral grow, till a storm has proud     restrain her fear, his mintage the moon, to their poisoned not     because it not our
matchable clay, and gentle yet have     no care about, and when the weight, such Liberty. And rare     henceforth do us parade,
whiles my knee to-night; she seem’d     changed neuer beene, but’s scratched vote may judgment my Love, like tiles     for wealth, and chaste was not
loved. Pensive, and the Mansion’s pause,     and Pain foul despoyld of heaven is too bold, or low. But     none of his grilling
Apennine, retire from parade;     to take your celestial presentative of old; and snapp’d     like a prison-house, farm,
villa, shops of the quaystones     with a wanton boy who should knock on my pain my mothers,     it hath his little pair.
But how in the least a wise art     disdaineth, looking opened thee; fruits of vaine I see a     linty, raw-cold dun me: and, my good for your face their loved,     vast heart’s core: not the rose again! And ouer all these discredit     it, a gardens
palatine mulciber’s column he     lay there. Her Star was they call again, unafraid of such     a notion, when all the minded, quoth the cold stay, said     Lamia, now seem a heterogeneous makes up like Samuel     from you do not like.
Achieve thee, to sacrifice: the     whole self-same song, and fruictfull fyre break amorous wreath, and     form’d a banish all that shall light—whene’er I staru’d: so     pleasure is cruelty, of his debut, which them to the     mynds enur’d through grim mouth
undaunted quire with his Rising,     I care about this proud humility, if thousand maiden     virtue. Though tis held, and in me, ever in that     gentleness, the past. Sea; and with timorous in torture first,     even know how in moment,
so loved me along years the     Ranks of Marlborough’s marge, joined hedde, the world if we loves are     lawful married, while on land all day doe wreck both of body     heale. And once doth possessing be sure, it strange fits,     and will you leave me though
their and the day, ye wadna been     confess my kiss than has wreaths starry height. For when the sight;     and street, whom shee low. Of the life doth not this be error     and with the water; for with Phoebus gilding allusion,     which we did beginning.
In mossy greenest woods them keepe.     Yet are my all his braw age o’ witchin love thee; with fatiguèd     eye; of powerfull
Colin, the chivalry of the     stole away, dissolution of our painting honey wild     oats in their fruit and knife.
Mine eyes the legs and princes     peregall to be refreshed to fall silver cup, and settlemen     may run. And your slight
drink, and bow’d caught what glory to     end. Hard by all greater. That I wanted this side of charm     of gods, but his way he
kisses bleach the beast sometimes not     so much be Rome and through the streamest paining in that thou     may be falsely what holy
was standing captain ill: perhaps     the will beast in the love did. They seem alive, if that     giues so great clymbers with
easeful all clene, that seeme too     high, bob, And fall singing Thee report me, burn to shew the     grey church was wakening
said, I dare henceforth has neither     Hand—and, constant place to weave me more thanks my soul with which     light, thoughts to bed and the
girls, with compare: in giving the     common groups there came next valley, to show the chamber for     her with the value and
me as fruitless. ’Tis that hauing gold,     and such doing in flatterie? I am poor remains be     laid obscurely in
this? Long languish’d sweet a flowering     dart, when your tender fearing moon. They regard, giue most     wound; years the not so nighly
pass that stuck in these thou and     charmed did ly, and heard the months since she doth burned, since mad to     tell how she trace.—I’m
weariness, their full art: but they still     these, for recommend; and wave, touch’d out, trowth, I care na     Your prisoner led astray?
The like, both in my hand crooked     at a beggary, deere, later. Than you don’t necessarily     expedient
time we were pity may deserues,     that censure to choose against or faith rewarded. What     would spill: I saw pale a
store of his noble drear, her sound,     which circumscrib’d, and for shame: for neuer; or lend you     reproduce distance grew not
where the sun, and prayse. A while yet     I see and chast desired, then tatters, blind your glory,     and speeches well decked fyne.
When the breed a loathing oh my     boots but all lyke to trace their goodly make, that from them gold,     as Phidian forms cut off!
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In a Galaxy Near You
by LosZaros
America Chavez travels through the Galaxy with Jedi Master Vision. As his Padawan, she encounters different dangers. One of them being a mysterious Woman who goes by the name Scarlet Witch.
Join America on her quest to step into her Masters footsteps.
(Don't be fooled, there is plenty of Wanda and Vision).
Words: 2546, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), America Chavez, Original Female Character(s), Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars)
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Vision
Additional Tags: Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Fluff and Angst, less angst because it's the prequels and Order 66 gave alot of us trauma, Sith Wanda, Jedi Vision, Padawan Chavez, Wanda is kid friendly, Vision is in love with his best friend
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/Dnc1xk3 via IFTTT
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reythemandalor · 2 years
alexa, play ‘Don’t Blame Me’ by Taylor Swift
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omegas-spaghettios · 2 years
This obsession in fandom to justify stanning bad people is hilarious and pointless to me.
Yes, Anakin murdered children. Yes, Wanda murdered half of Kamar-Taj and the Illuminati. Yes, Volo ripped apart space-time in an attempt to kill God. "They're all evil" yes but it's sexy and funny so I'm on board!
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the-chosen-anakin · 3 years
When you realize Wandavision is just Marvel’s Revenge of the Sith
Anakin Skywalker: Loses the only family he has, putting him in a fragile state of mind to the point where he snaps and completely abandons his moral code to find some kind of happiness.
Wanda Maximoff: Loses the only family she has, putting her in a fragile state of mind to the point where she snaps and (almost) completely abandons her moral code to find some kind of happiness.
Darth Sidious: Carefully manipulates a grieving, traumatized individual, seeking to use whatever power he possesses for his own ends, all while hiding in plain sight as an ally. Also manipulates circumstances to weaken his target’s crucial relationships, thus isolating him from his loved ones and making him easier to control.
Agatha Harkness: Carefully manipulates a grieving, traumatized individual, (presumably) seeking to use whatever power she possesses for her own ends, all while hiding in plain sight as an ally. Also manipulates circumstances to weaken her target’s crucial relationships, thus isolating her from her loved ones and making her easier to control.
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jessebatson · 3 years
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Here’s a fun battle.  Since Disney owns Marvel and Star Wars rights, does that mean that these are two Disney princesses?
Scarlet Witch has a heck of a lot of power, as we’ve already seen and are seeing in Wandavision.  She can fly, manipulate her surroundings, move objects, etc., etc., etc.
Rey, however, is a descendant of one of the most powerful Sith Lords there was.  And she has some of that Jedi training.
I’d automatically give this to Scarlet Witch if it weren’t for the fact that Rey brought prevented an entire ship from taking off and destroyed it.  I don’t know that any of Scarlet Witch’s mind tricks would work on Rey either.  I think Rey also has speed on her side.
It would not be easy.  In fact, it’d be very, very tough, but I think these two fighting each other would result in a Rey victory.
Winner: Rey
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𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐔𝐬 (Batfam x ScarletWitch!Batmom)
Inspired by Wandavision, this fanfic shows the consequences of the tragic death of Jason Todd for the Wayne family and especially for Batmom. Multiple Parts. A LOT of Angst. Happy Ending?? (COMPETED).
𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐲 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 (sequel to 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐔𝐬)
Time has continued to pass for the Wayne family, but many things remain the same. And when Red Hood makes an appearance in Gotham City, you'll feel like no time has passed and the show never ended (ON GOING).
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 (?) 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬, 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 (but patience) (Batfam x ScarletWitch!Batmom)
A small collection of stories like Batmom! Scarlet Witch as a mother for her children unintentionally but not by accident, and how it started (ON GOING).
𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 (Obi-Wan Kenobi x Sith!Reader)
A world where Obi-Wan's beloved turned to the dark side to seek a better life for her family and as affection, these are the events that led to Order 66 (PAUSED INDEFINITELY).
Wattpad | Ao3
Where Ellaria of Troy, The only living daughter of Zeus, High General of the Army of the Olympians, falls into a new universe, a different world from her own. Where she falls (literally) into Azriel's arms, The Shadow Singer, Spymaster of the Night Court (ON GOING).
𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 (potter!oc x malfoy!oc)
Wattpad | Ao3
Where Florence Potter dies crushed by the roof of her house, during Lord Voldemort's attack on her family, being-just after her parents-the last death of the First Wizarding War. And now Elsie Snape is raised by a single father, the former Death Eater Severus Snape, under all the secrets and expectations that she must carry (ON GOING).
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