#siths lords deal in absolute
maidenvault · 3 months
It just bums me out how much of SW fandom clearly doesn’t appreciate the levels of magnificent bastardy that Palpatine achieved as a villain when they bitch about so much being the Jedi Order’s fault. As if the Jedi should have just looked harder under some couch cushions and then they would have found the solid evidence they could use to go after him and the Senate.
Palpatine was too smart for that! No Sith lord had ever aimed so high and achieved so much, and he only did it by playing a long game that started before Anakin was even born. People have to understand that when Dooku tells Obi-Wan that a Sith controls the Senate, that’s hard for him to believe because it is absolutely ridiculous and hard to believe! The Jedi don’t understand why the dark side clouds their awareness because the Sith have become masterful at hiding their presence, which was not the case throughout known history. It would truly be like hearing that Biden’s administration actually are all Satanists who traffic and eat children. Palpatine’s extremely powerful and cunning and unlike anything they’re used to dealing with, otherwise they might seriously consider that Sidious could have accomplished this without the Jedi having any idea. And where do you even begin investigating such a thing when it’s been covered up so well?
The Jedi were always gonna be outmatched against someone like Sidious because a Sith’s whole thing is amassing wealth, influence, and power, and Sidious was probably the best there ever was at it. The Jedi are the opposite, they’re not meant to have those things, and Sidious ended up with too much control of the government for them to have any real power to act. (Probably even if they had complete knowledge of everything, which they never did.) It makes sense that just a couple Sith can bring “imbalance” to the Force when you consider that the use of the dark side is inherently an imbalance of power and a destructive influence in the world this way.
You don’t have to scapegoat anyone else. Palpatine needed his apprentice and other pawns to move around but he really did almost all of it himself. He worked so hard and deserves the hate for his efforts, he really was that bad. :(
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crazystargirl · 10 months
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it's over y/n! i have the high ground! ♥︎
pairing - jack champion x fem!reader
a/n - this is literally as old as my writing acc- (p.s. this may be one of the last jack/ethan fics i ever post since ong coriolanus snow HAS A CHOKEHOLD ON ME)
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"Y/n, my allegiance is to the Republic, to Democracy!"
How did you get here again?
Oh yeah, Jack had dragged you to Disney World a few days early and it was all fun until he dragged you into the gift shop and spent a whole hour there.
You were utterly convinced that your boyfriend was secretly a 10 year old. Like who goes to Disney World and buys 300 dollars worth of lightsabers? Only Jack but you had to admit some of them were actually really cool.
And the minute you guys got home, Jack insisted on recreating a scene from one of the movies. You initially said no since you were exhausted from the day's events but Jack gave you his puppy eyes, knowing you couldn't say no to those. You gave in and he decided he wanted to recreate Anakin and Obi-Wan's iconic fight from Revenge of the Sith.
As much as you wanted to be Obi-Wan for obvious reasons, Jack once again convinced you to let him be Obi-Wan. God you loved him but sometimes it wasn't fair how easily he was able to convince you.
So here you were now and after rereading the script for that scene, you finally got down the lines. 
"If you're not with me, you're my enemy" you manage to say with a straight face despite wanting to laugh because of Jack's overly dramatic shocked face. 
"Only a sith lord deals in absolutes, i will do what i must"
"You will try…"
You both ignite your lightsabers and Jack immediately advances over to you, clashing his lightsaber with yours. Since he is taller and stronger you stumbled back a few times, but were able to get back on your feet and return his hits with the same energy.
After fighting for what felt like hours, you guys had made a huge mess of all the pillows in the hotel room but you could care less. 
Eventually you're standing on the couch and Jack is standing on the bed, which in all honesty makes him more intimidating than before since he's so tall. His head is also about to hit the ceiling but you're not about to mention that to him. 
"I have failed you y/n. I was never able to teach you how to think"
You suppress a smile as you say your next line.
"I should've known the jedi were plotting to take over…"
"From the sith point of view, y/n my love, chancellor palpatine is evil"
You giggle so much at his words that you almost fall off the couch
"From the jedi point of view! Jack, from my point of view the jedi are evil"
"Well than you are lost!"
"This is the end for you my love! I wish it were otherwise"
You jump on the bed and start fighting with Jack until you end up on the couch again.
"It’s over y/n, I have the high ground!"
"You underestimate my power jack!"
"Don't try it baby"
You start to jump on the bed and Jack hits you in the knee with the light saber. You let out a scream and Jack freezes, actually thinking he hurt you. You use this to your advantage and get on the bed, forgetting about what actually happened in the movie. 
After fighting for 5 minutes, Jack gets you on the ground and pins you there with his body weight
"Jack get off of me! You're so fucking heavy!" 
"Noooo you have to surrender first!"
He starts peppering kisses on your face as you struggle from under him.
"Ok Jack, i actually surrender, i'm gonna actually suffocate from under you."
He got up and wrapped himself around you. You wrapped yourself around him too and you guys just stayed like that for a while. Eventually you started squirming to let him know you guys needed to get up. He got the hint and untangled himself from you.
"Well that was fun but we're leaving tomorrow and we need to clean up the mess we made…"
Jack gets up and looks around. He stands there for a bit and thinks.
"Why don't we just go get some food first?"
"Jack…we have to clean up and then we can get food."
He turns back to you and throws you over his shoulder. He starts walking to the door of the hotel room.
"I think we can go get food and then we can clean up…or play again" He says with a smirk.
You sigh and stop trying to escape from his grasp. Your boyfriend is truly something else
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@xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @phsychobanana
© crazystargirl 2023 || do NOT copy or repost my work without my permission
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blackkatmagic · 3 months
Do you have summaries for the unpublished stories (in the last patreon poll)? I would love to hear more about them!
Absolutely! I realized belatedly and while not massively sleep deprived that I should have put the summaries in the heading part, whoops. :'D
Feral/Plo - identity porn/sugar daddy/biology made them do it AU:
Canon goes AU in that Talzin handed all three of her children over to Sidious instead of just Maul. Fast forward to the middle of the Clone Wars and Feral has grabbed his brothers, both of whom are in a bad way, and skipped out on Talzin/Sidious to hide on a planet that's mostly under Republic control, where he makes a living collecting information/carrying out assassinations for the local crime lord. Enter Plo, who's in the middle of like. the Kel Dor version of a horny season. Not quite fuck or die, but fuck or be distracted and miserable and horny for months. Feral, thinking this will be a good opportunity to gather info on the Jedi, volunteers to help him out by being a sex partner whose sturdiness can stand up to Kel Dor physiology. Except that Plo is nice and Feral is maybe not prepared for that.
Jaster/Granta - Sith empire vs. Mandalorian empire AU with lots of daddy issues:
Xanatos is the Sith Lord ruling over Telos, and Granta plays assassin/weapon for his father, right up until he makes a mistake, a Jedi gets away, and Sith Emperor Sidious demands that Granta be punished for failing. Xanatos promptly sends Granta to murder Mand'alor Jaster, who manages not to die but does clock the daddy issues at 20 paces. When Xanatos completely disavows Granta and leaves him for the Mandos to execute, Jaster offers a deal - he'll let Granta live, but in return Granta will be his consort as a fuck you to the Sith Empire, and use his skill at killing Sith for the Mandalorians. Granta accepts, and they have a lot of messy sex and even messier feelings about it.
Padme/Rex - Time travel/time slips/identity porn/fake Jedi!Padme:
Canon divergence in that Obi-Wan's remarkably stupid escape from Vader's base in Kenobi doesn't work, and Reva ends up kidnapping Luke and Leia both at the same time to bring them to Vader. Padme, vaguely a Force ghost by sheer force of will, realizes that her kids are in danger and gets so angry that she quite literally tears time itself apart, throwing herself, her kids, and Vader back to the start of the Clone Wars. They all end up scattered, though, and Padme, with a brand-new Force sensitivity and Obi-Wan's lightsaber, makes a plan with her past self and goes to find her kids, pretending to be a Jedi to let her move through the front more easily. Which goes great, right up until she falls in with Torrent by accident as they're looking for a vanished Anakin. Rex, for his part, has no idea what to make of this angry, driven Jedi lady who tears her way through the CIS like she's aiming to bring them down all by herself, but is also devastatingly sad and kind when there's no enemy to fight. He does know that he very much needs to keep her alive, though, and given Padme's recklessness and Vader making plans in the shadows, that's the furthest thing from easy.
Tae/Fox - CIS!clones AU/spy shenanigans/fake relationship:
AU with CIS!clone troopers under the command of whatever Sith Dooku can vaguely train/pull out of the mud, wherein Fox is the Marshal Commander of a newly-captured Coruscant under Dooku's control. Tae is a new Knight, following in Nico's footsteps as a Shadow, and when Nico goes missing on Coruscant, he decides to go undercover to look for him. Of course, the best way to do this is to volunteer to help the infamously difficult Marshal Commander, who chews through aides like it's a sport and defies even the Sith. When Dooku starts getting a little too suspicious of both of them for comfort, though, Tae comes up with a plan - fake a relationship and pretend to hide it, and then no one will look any deeper. Fox agrees, still unaware that Tae is a Jedi and an enemy.
Cody/Maul - identity porn/Force-sensitive!Cody/canon divergence
Cody touches the wrong artefact during the destruction of the Jedi Temple and the building of Palpatine's palace, and wakes up back at the start of the Clone Wars, still fighting the influence of the chip. Not willing to trust himself enough to go to the Jedi, he instead picks the next best thing: Maul. Except that as soon as he touches Maul, lost in the depths of Lotho Minor, it's not spider!Maul who crashes down on top of him, but Sith apprentice!Maul, pulled right out of his fight with Eldra but with all the doubts about his path that it raised. He immediately assumes that Cody is a Sith Lord challenging Palpatine, and Cody goes along with it, hoping that Maul will be able to teach him to control all of his unsettling new abilities. He very much doesn't expect the mad sort of devotion Maul brings with him, or the fact that he's suddenly the whole Jedi Order's number one target, thanks to Palpatine also assuming he's a rival.
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yandere-wishes · 8 months
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Idk why, but I really like the idea of Sidious spoiling both Maul and Anakin. Like look at these two big scary Sith lords. They will ABSOLUTELY throw a tantrum like toddlers if they don't get their way. Personally, I feel bad for the darling that has to deal with them.
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Every time Leia wishes she knew more about how the clone wars went in her timeline I want to tell her everything so she can understand just how much worse it could be
"Yeah the whole thing started off with the Republic launching a full scale invasion of a Separatist planet and then one of the first things they did was make a deal with the Hutts and order Anakin to handle it"
I made a very deliberate choice to limit Leia's knowledge of the past, partly to increase the potential angst that would come when Leia experienced bad things and had no idea how bad they were in context.
But also, Leia's still relatively young at this point (mid twenties), and just finished dismantling an Empire before she got here. While I think Bail and Breha gave Leia some truths about the Clone Wars to make sure she didn't fall for Imperial propaganda, I don't think they wouldn't have told her a ton of details. Partly because they wouldn't have known all of them. Partly because letting Leia know certain things might have led her to ask questions they didn't want to answer. And probably because they didn't want to give her bad information. Bail spent most of the war not having a clue that he was working under the direct leadership of a Sith Lord. There are a million reasons (shame, not trusting his own memories of things) that he wouldn't bring lots of important things up.
Anyway, yeah. Leia has no concept of how much better or worse her actions are making things and that will absolutely come up again. :D
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Into Another World - Black Cats
Table of Contents
Lady Noire (Miraculous AU) || Kuro Neko (Salvation) || Chat Noir (Absolution || Luka (Of Virtue and Sin) || Luka (Scions) || Cath Palug (All That Remained) || Razor (Siren's Song) || Fang (Say My Name) || Midnight (Amaranthine) || Sith (Paradise) || Chat Noir (Bloody Bug) || Felix (Court of Miracles) || Adrien (Rapture)
            Gateways in the sitting room between worlds lit up. Portals spun and people emerged from them all in various black cat-themed outfits. They eyed each other suspiciously when Lady Noire gasped.
            “Oh my, look at all the other black cats!”
            The others eyed Lady Noire suspiciously as she circled each of them. Scions Luka furrowed his brow, then widened his eyes.
            “Oh! I remember all this, but I don’t remember you,” Scions Luka remarked.
            “I wasn’t there, but my boyfriend was. A ladybug called Lord Bug.”
            “Oh! I remember the little twink. He was with the giant bee lady.”
            Lady Noire nodded. “He showed me the pictures he got of all of you. I’m so excited to talk to you guys. Come, come!”
            Lady Noire and Scions Luka took a seat. The others shot glances at each other before they took their seats.
            “I must say, I do remember meeting your little Lord Bug. Would that happen to make you Marinette?” Rapture Adrien asked.
            Lady Noire nodded. “We had switched miraculous because he was turned into a murderous monster while transformed. So, we switched so we could avoid that, and to give him some time to, y’know, recover mentally. It was… it was really hard on him.”
            Fang grinned, sat on the other side of Lady Noire, and put his arm around her. “Marinette, eh? Say, you have nicer legs than mine. What time do they open?”
            Court of Miracles Felix, Sith, and Kuro Neko moved to stand when Lady Noire decked Fang in the face. Fang yowled, stood, and backed away. Lady Noire stood and kicked Fang in the groin. Fang let out a guttural scream and crumbled to the floor.
            “Maybe once you learn to treat a person with more decency, then we can talk,” Lady Noire hissed as she took a seat.
            Scions Luka laughed and clapped Lady Noire on the back. “Wonderful job, lass. I was a little worried your guard cats would have to handle him.”
            Lady Noire tilted her head as she looked at Felix, Sith, and Kuro Neko. “Is everything ok?”
            “Just… not used to seeing Marinette, well, a Marinette I suppose, being so… aggressive?” Felix remarked.
            “Yeah. I mean, the Marinette I know can stand her ground, but not like that,” Sith said.
            “I’ve seen my Marinette played into a corner and forced on a leash for a horribly, manipulative man,” Kuro Neko hissed.
            “Oh. I’m sorry that’s how your Marinettes are, but I don’t have whatever circumstances they do. I sort of need to be strong for my team. I lead it with my darling kitten, well, bug. I have to keep my head high, even if I’m not at my best. I need to be their rock no matter what. If I fall apart, I fear we’ll all fall apart,” Lady Noire explained.
            “Very noble of you. Much like Marinette. Though she is heir to the throne of an empire. Weaknesses are not allowed when all eyes are on you,” Adrien pointed out.
            “Royalty or even just being a superhero. I’ve had to deal with the public and their opinions, along with the enemy taking advantage of them. It is… well, exhausting is a gross understatement,” Lady Noire said.
            Absolution Chat Noir snorted. “Please. Handling the public isn’t that hard. Maybe you shouldn’t be in the public’s eye if you can’t handle it.”
            Lady Noire bristled. “I am a mere high school student, thrust into a double life as a superhero. My job is to protect the people and stop my enemy. I don’t have time for the public, but have to make time. Maybe you shouldn’t be such an attention whore if you clearly love being in the public’s eye.”
            “Agreed. Your job is always the people first. If you feel the need to please the public, you’re not doing your job,” Midnight hissed.
            “Oh, get off my case! I have to keep the public happy with a crazy ass butterfly running rampant,” Absolution Chat Noir hissed.
            “Oh, you think you’re fucking special with a crazy ass butterfly? I had to watch thousands of people die to mine. He would have erased everyone off the face of the Earth if not for me and Carmine. Thanks to us, and later a golden dragon, we were able to stop him. So, don’t think you’re special. If anything, you’re just a massive, whiny bitch!” Midnight yowled.
            “All this whining reminds me of Adrien,” Felix hissed.
            “Hey!” Adrien hissed.
            Felix tsked. “I’m not wrong. I hear the same bitching from my Adrien that I’m hearing right now.”
            “Ugh, same. My cousin does nothing but bitch about how his little Marinette broke his little heart. I usually leave the phone alone when he goes off on a rant of how he’ll win her back, or something like that,” Cath Palug added.
            Lady Noire flinched. “Uh, that’s, uh, interesting? What happened there?”
            “Oh, hell if I should know. Just that Marinette changed after she got the reality kwami, and then started dating Luka,” Cath Palug remarked.
            “Oh. Well, that’s… rather sad. Why didn’t she go with him and Luka? And Kagami as well?” Lady Noire asked.
            “Because clearly that Marinette has some class and isn’t some whore,” Cath Palug commented.
            Lady Noire’s pupils narrowed into slits. “Excuse me?”
            “I have to agree. If you feel the need for more than one partner, you might as well spread your legs open to invite everyone in,” Felix added.
            Lady Noire’s ears pinned back as she hissed. She took a step when Fang shot to his feet and pulled her close to him.
            “If you’re open for business, I could show you a heaven better than any other version of myself,” Fang teased.
            “In. Your. Dreams!” Lady Noire yowled.
            Kuro Neko hissed and lunged with Lady Noire and attacked Fang. The trio wrestled around the couches until Kuro Neko and Lady Noire hoisted Fang over their heads. Fang squirmed as a portal opened up. Kuro Neko and Lady Noire threw Fang through it and it closed behind him.
            “Thank you for-,” Felix started.
            Kuro Neko and Lady Noire approached Felix and decked him in the face.
            “Don’t think we forgot about you, asshole!” Lady Noire yowled.
            “What gives you any right to judge how people love?” Kuro Neko challenged.
            “Yes, indeed. What gives you such right, cousin,” Adrien cooed.
            “Zip it, Adrien. I don’t want to hear it from my version of you, or any of you. Far as I’ve learned, you’re all a bunch of whores,” Felix hissed.
            “Hey! Not all of us are in polycules! Even if we aren’t, that doesn’t mean we disprove of it,” Bloody Bug Chat Noir yelled.
            “You clearly need to get off your high horse and get that stick out of your ass,” Scions Luka remarked.
            “I think it’s time to take out the rest of the trash,” Sith hissed.
            Felix stood and braced himself. “Try it.”
            Kuro Neko and Lady Noire took a step when Of Virtue and Sin Luka grabbed Felix by the scruff and threw him out through a new portal. Of Virtue and Sin Luka rolled his shoulders, then looked at Cath Palug and Absolution Chat Noir.
            “Are we going to disrespect these young ladies anymore?” Of Virtue and Sin Luka growled.
            Cath Palug shook his head.
            “Define ‘disrespect,’” Absolution Chat Noir mocked.
            Of Virtue and Sin Luka glared at Absolution Chat Noir, grabbed him by his scruff, and threw him out. He huffed and sat down again.
            “Thank you for getting rid of them. They were, well, annoying would be generous,” Lady Noire said.
            “More than annoying. Just a pair of pompous bluebloods and whatever that sleaze was,” Razor hissed.
            “Yeah. I haven’t had to deal with someone like that since, well, since the Felix I know. Granted he’s also a serial killer and did technically kill me once, but it’s fine. I got better,” Lady Noire half-heartedly joked.
            Kuro Neko growled, scooped up Lady Noire, and sat down with her. She cradled Lady Noire while she shot warning glares at the others. Tears formed in Lady Noire’s eyes as she curled around Kuro Neko. Sith tilted her head and crawled closer, then curled up near Lady Noire.
            “My, how sweet. Perhaps we should leave the girls be. Yes, gentlemen, and lady?” Adrien said.
            “Whatever. As long as I don’t have to deal with it,” Razor remarked.
            “I have to agree with him. I’m not the best with the feelings stuff. I do better smashing things,” Scions Luka boasted.
            “Barbarian,” Of Virtue and Sin Luka hissed.
            “Why, how’d you know?” Scions Luka teased.
            “Wait, are you really?” Chat Noir asked.
            “Indeed! I am a mighty warrior and defender of my village. At least, until I was blessed by the almighty kwami god of destruction. At that point, my path was set and adventure called. Though what I hoped to call adventure is more babysitting my reckless twin,” Scions Luka explained.
            “What’s wrong with Juleka?” Of Virtue and Sin Luka demanded.
            “Oh, she just hates being doted on. I mean, what else am I supposed to do? She’s small and dainty. Prize pickings for any bandit or highwayman. I can’t even begin to count all the times she’s nearly been kidnapped because she won’t listen to reason. Made worse that she was blessed by Creation, so she’s more a prize than she ever was before. And she still looks for danger. What am I supposed to even do?” Scions Luka complained.
            “Appease her. So long as you meet her demands, she settles down,” Of Virtue and Sin Luka advised.
            “I can’t do that, because she wants me gone. And if I’m gone, I can’t keep her safe from herself. I can’t win no matter what.”
            “Maybe you should try leaving her alone?” Chat Noir suggested.
            “No!” Of Virtue and Sin Luka and Scions Luka yelled.
            Chat Noir flinched and shrank back.
            “I have to agree with the kid. No woman wants to feel like she’s constantly being looked down on. Especially one as independent as that. The more you push, the more she will too. You’re just guaranteeing that she’ll ditch you and really get herself in trouble,” Midnight commented.
            “Might as well keep her caged up in a prison at that point,” Razor remarked.
            Scions Luka hummed. “That’s not a bad idea.”
            “That’s… that’s not what you should do,” Adrien remarked.
            “And why not? At least that way she’s safe. No one can hurt her,” Of Virtue and Sin Luka added.
            “Except for you,” Chat Noir shot back.
            “Excuse me? What did you just say, tiny?” Of Virtue and Sin Luka demanded.
            Chat Noir shrank back, shook himself, then sat up. “You heard me. No one wants to be trapped. You’ll make things worse for you and her if you do.”
            Lady Noire raised her hand. “I can agree. My Adrien was trapped in his house by his father. He didn’t get better once he was out and free.”
            “And I have to see my bee and my kitten trapped with myself while we watch our bug be free,” Kuro Neko hissed.
            “And I was trapped in a country that wasn’t my home, stuck with people that barely tolerated my existence, and unable to break free until I was given a miracle,” Sith added.
            “I was stuck under my father’s thumb, unable to break free from his control or dare disobey him,” Cath Palug remarked.
            “Exactly. You can’t honestly believe keeping her trapped is remotely close to a good idea after hearing all this,” Midnight commented.
            “Sounds more like a bunch of bitches whining,” Razor muttered.
            “Excuse m-!” Midnight started.
            “I agree. If you’re willing to suffer like that and not do something to change it, then you deserve to suffer,” Of Virtue and Sin Luka said.
            “Exactly. Only the strong prevail. If you’re not strong, then you might as well die,” Razor agreed.
            “Do you fucking hear yourselves? How can you even call yourselves heroes if you hold such views?” Midnight challenged.
            “I don’t. This ring was given to me by Otso and Megalodon after they saved me. Not that I asked her to help, but she still did anyway. Not like it was her business, but whatever. But I was given it and I’m making it everyone else’s problem for everything ever done to me,” Razor hissed.
            “You dare call us whiny bitches, but have you looked in the mirror lately?” Kuro Neko hissed.
            “You know what? Fuck this. I’m out,” Razor hissed.
            A portal opened and Razor took his leave.
            Midnight snorted and turned to Of Virtue and Sin Luka. “And what’s your excuse?”
            “I’m a mob boss,” Of Virtue and Sin Luka answered.
            “A… what? How did you even get a jewel? I thought they were all supposed to be good and be used for good,” Chat Noir pointed out.
            “Not all. There are some with dastardly concepts such as animosity, betrayal, fear, sorrow, and so much more. Not all kwamis are here to help. Even those that are fall victim to the whims of their holders,” Lady Noire explained.
            “Exactly. That’s not even getting into how the kwamis can corrupt their holders as well,” Sith hissed.
            “Corrupt? I… I don’t understand,” Chat Noir said.
            “Then you are a fool to wield a kwami without knowing the first thing about it. Perhaps you should do yourself the favor and let Plagg go to the next holder that can handle him,” Of Virtue and Sin Luka hissed.
            “Wait. How can you let a kwami blessing go? You are stuck with that for life once you’re blessed,” Scions Luka asked.
            “Not all are blessed, barbarian. The rest of us wear a ring and transform to use the power of destruction,” Midnight answered.
            “Speak for yourselves. I was born with this blessing,” Adrien remarked.
            Midnight rolled her eyes. “Alright, some of us have to use jewels while the lucky princesses around here get to be blessed.”
            Adrien beamed. “Why, thank you.”
            “Princess? I’m no princess! I’m a warrior!” Scions Luka protested.
            Midnight deadpanned. “Right, well, I’ve had my fill. I’m leaving.”
            Portals opened along the walls. Midnight leapt over the couch and through the nearest portal. Cath Palug and Chat Noir slipped away through a portal. Adrien shrugged and left. Lady Noire lifted her head, kissed Kuro Neko’s check, then led them to a portal. They shared a goodbye kiss before they stepped through together. Sith shot a glare at the Lukas before she scrambled through a portal. The Lukas lingered a moment longer before they got up and left.
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crazynerdandproud · 2 years
I need more of Luke and or Leia time traveling to the TCW era and being menaces while also being wildly competent and extremely powerful in the force. Like by the jedi’s standards they are incredibly op. They might not be as powerful as Anakin but depending when they time travel they could either be two kids with massive potential and strength in the force all the way to the grandmaster of the Jedi order that the lost tribe of the sith are terrified of and not only a Jedi master, but a skilled politician who has been sneaking around and getting shit done since she was all of 15.
The point is, the Jedi counsel are tearing their hair out in frustration and confusion while two mystery Jedi who are scarily powerful in the force and (once again depending on how old they are, at least for Luke) both scarily competent. And they came out of nowhere and killed chancellor Palpatine who turned out to be a sith lord?! and then the woman convinced everyone that Bail Organa should be the new chancellor and then her and her brother kidnapped the chosen one and Senator Amidala for mandatory therapy and family bonding.
(In reality they just tell Padme they’re her kids from the future and she grabs Anakin and maybe Ahsoka and whisks off to an isolated part of Naboo where they can hash this all out.)
Ahsoka and Obi-wan go after them but it turns out to be a non-event and Anakin is very hesitantly like this is Ahsoka and Padme jumps in saying she’s like a little sister her and after Luke and Leia get done gaping wondering why they never heard of her Obi-wan starts to introduce himself but Luke is just like “Ben!” And gives him a hug, maybe dropping in a comment about how he has wanted to do that for ages but you can’t exactly touch a force ghost.
Or alternatively they tell no one who they are, and through a series of misunderstandings everyone thinks Luke is Anakin’s older brother who was taken from Shmi when he was really young but he was freed at some point as a teenager and adopted by Leia’s family. (Solo is a pretty common Corellian name and it is mentioned that Luke and Leia met when they were 17 or 18)
This assumption leads to a very awkward Luke who doesn’t know how to deal with Anakin thinking he’s his uncle and eagerly trying to bond. But it does give him a foot in the door to Anakin trusting him and talking to him about all this dark side stuff.
Or alternatively the solo/skywalker kids somehow end up in the past, coming from sometime during the Youzhan Vong war before Anakin (Solo) dies. And they are also strong in the force and for a bunch of kids they are once again scarily competent. (They did after all just come from one of the worst wars the galaxy had faced in a long time and so to them the clone wars, while diffucult could be a whole a worse.) And they just cause absolute mayhem.
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dingoat · 2 months
SOME ASKS. For 5: alone, betrayal, bound, break, failure, fear, guilt, secret (but NOT his SISTER). 8)
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Wow this is all going behind a read more because holy cow there's a lot. Five. How. How did you come to be like this. You were never meant to survive the first act.
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there’s no one around to see them?
Historically, Five has been very good at being alone, considering that was his preferred way to exist for much of his life. He withdrew completely from wanting or needing anyone else after losing his sister, and managed to thrive on his own. And during those years of his life, pretty much every moment he spent in public was an act of some sort; every bit of charm, everything polite and formal and proper, whether in the office reporting to Keeper or the latest Sith meddling in Intel, whether out actively winning over the Kaas public as Lord Highbridge, or working in any one of his numerous other cover identities, every interaction he had was carefully considered, fabricated, manipulated. Who he was beyond these acts was irrelevant, though he would definitely make sure to seek complete solitude for a couple of explicit purposes; to express his grief, and to engage in his preferred methods of target practice.
Nowadays his life is a little more full, a little more complicated, and finding himself alone for reasons not of his design is very unpalatable. He'll do almost anything to keep his mind busy to avoid spiralling into unwelcome emotions.
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
I'll start with the latter because that's easy. Yes, absolutely, all the time, a lot ahahahaha. Taking advantage and betraying the trust of people around him quite literally made him the success he was, both as a celebrity and an Imperial agent. Almost everyone who's ever crossed his path has likely been betrayed by him in some way or another, though he's also been pretty good about covering his tracks and never taking the blame for the repercussions. He did an absolute number on Blakk, but eventually pushed things so far that his hubris definitely got the better of him and that might still come back to bite him further one of these days.
And for the former? I think it could be said that Thirteen's amazing vanishing act the night Ahuska got away was a distinct act of betrayal. Good thing Five is a master of denial and quite a pro at not asking questions he'd rather not have to face the answers to.
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
The thing about the early part of Five's life is that it was designed to be the setup for a man who had always succeeded, who had always won at everything he put his mind to. He was built as the villain of the piece, the big bad, and I didn't want a shred of humility about him. So, up to the point that he's actually been fully written, no, he's certainly never been captured against his will, though I wouldn't rule out instances of manufacturing a 'capture' as part of a cover scenario in his early Intel days.
However, since Five did not in fact die during the dramatic culmination of many plot points, and he's been given the chance to start seeing some new perspectives, explore new ideas for the future, and step aside for fresh villains to start stirring the pot, there's a lot of room for things to go wrong for him now. And of course, there's the whole five years in carbonite in store for him, which he will be broken out of and is absolutely going to mess him up just that little bit more.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Well, his childhood trauma definitely broke him, and when the people who were supposed to support him through it gave him effectively nothing, he vowed to never allow anyone to see him that low ever again. And he was pretty much able to hold himself to that vow until he lost his arm to Ahuska's Force rend, which definitely broke him for the short term. I'm still not over the absolutely graceful, beautiful way Thirteen handled him through that period of being quietly shut down in his hospital bed.
Five is also going through a bit of something right now, where events have lead him to start studying mental health, therapy and treatment options. What he's learning is definitely causing him to crumble, but at this stage all of his ugly crying has been very private.
Something that is absolutely going to make him snap, though, and completely break in the semi-fleshed-out kotfe era, is when he attempts to reach out to Thirteen after a string of disagreements, and Thirteen shuts him down and walks away. This is going to cause a very brutal regression of so much character development and it's gonna hurt.
failure: What’s your OC’s greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
Currently, Five's greatest failure is definitely his total, abysmal failure to contain and tame 'his' werewolf. Had he not been of such a gloriously egotistical, infallible, bigoted mindset, had he actually made more of an effort to understand his team emotionally and to see Ahuska as a person, things might have gone very very differently. She might have even wound up a willing member of his squad. But as it was, all of those unsavoury qualities caught up with him in one fell swoop, and all his team knows that he was unable to hold things together. However, thanks in large to the combined efforts of Crow, Ulfran and even Thirteen to keep the rest of the galaxy off Ahuska and Blakk's backs, they were able to completely cover for the incident and have both escapees officially recorded as dead; Blakk heroically so, and Ahuska as ultimately out of control.
Five was forced to step away from his obsession and turn his focus to other things, otherwise he would have to own up to the lie and admit to a far more grave failure than Imperial records would believe. And so he did, and it has been very, very good for him, and the other Ciphers under his command.
fear: What is your OC’s greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
Once upon a time, Five's greatest fear would probably have been something along the lines as dying as a nobody, being unremarkable and forgotten to time.
Now, though? I think losing Thirteen is probably what strikes very real terror into him. He wouldn't be open about it, not something so very deep and real to him, though he may elude to it in gestures and roundabout whispers, in little romantic comments that don't at all feel like an admission of fear in the context they're given.
When truly faced with it, though, as mentioned above- it breaks him.
In another context, say if Thirteen's life were threatened rather than Thirteen himself choosing to walk away, I can see Five going into overdrive. Cold, ruthless, violently protective, and not even thinking about resting until every hint of that threat was obliterated.
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
Ha, Five does not handle guilt well. Of course there's survivor's guilt with regard to his sister, which he handled by growing up into a monster of a human being. There's the guilt he feels over 'the flagpole incident' which he deals with by refusing to ever actually acknowledge it aloud but allows himself to be completely wrapped around Thirteen's little finger to make up for it.
More recently and very gravely though, he's feeling a very intense, unpleasant guilt over his failure to properly address and help Thirteen through his phobia and related traumas, the repercussions of which recently got dragged through Intel's internal justice system in a very ugly fashion. Five has actually taken very heavy, serious responsibility for it and is actively working at bettering himself, determined not to let indulgence and denial get the better of him and Thirteen again.
secret: What’s one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
I want to say something about how deeply emotional he really is... but honestly, he adores Thirteen and actually does want Thirteen to know the full extent of how loved he is.
So, failing that.... hmm, there's at least one cover identity he enjoys that he never wants anybody to link to him.
He also definitely doesn't want anyone to know his usernames in certain spaces of the holonet.
He also absolutely definitely very much never ever ever wants anyone to find the folder of commissioned artwork he keeps on his personal computer hahaha.
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maulthots · 6 months
Rots novelization LAST ONE!!! I have a lot to say.
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Obi wan and Yoda are sneaking into coruscant and they get stopped, at which point obi wan is like, please look at my Jedi baby and the guard says, that's the ugliest fucking baby I've ever seen, and then yoda (the baby) kills him. Like alright.
I cannot stress enough how much sheev just utters the phrase "we are one nation, indivisible" right before he creates the empire.
Padme is the one who gets bail organa and Mon mothma to vote for the emperor so they don't get arrested and executed. Crazy. And then she's like, I don't think I'm going to live that long.
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Edgy king
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He's hunting the separatist leaders and they're like, sheev promised us we'd be left in peace and Vader is like, no haha he said you'd be left in pieces lol XD he is soooooo funny
Sheev was at the order 66 Jedi temple thing. I mean I guess obviously he was but I just never thought about it. I wonder, sorry, if he was like sexually gratified by watching his attack dog get to work, sorry. "He purred like a contented rancor" so I guess maybe yes.
Obi wan said he should have let the zabrak kill him on naboo SO TRUE KING
The baby really does kill all those separatists and then immediately begins to plot killing sidious. The rule of two is not even like a doctrine. It's just inevitable.
He has to reassemble himself into Anakin Skywalker before he meets padme again. Love that. Obsessed. Put on that mask baby boy
"lord Vader gets such a thrill from killing people who care for him" 😵‍💫
Anakin is like, let palpatine do the dirty work. Girl, you got a big storm coming.
Me when I see my fatherbrothermentorlover
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He gave obi wan a chance to walk away. Feeling some kind of way about it.
Dumbest series of lines cut from the novel. Obi wan says that only the sith deal in absolutes and then mercifully does NOT follow up with the chancellor is evil.
Omgggg r2 is trying to rescue padme wah he's literally her droid!
The sith spent the last thousand years evolving while the Jedi spent the last thousand years sitting pretty in their temple, and that's why Yoda lost. He lost like a hundred years before he was born.
The sound I made out loud....
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Oh shit obi wan used the force to fuck with Anakin's hand, got his lightsaber, and got bodied anyway.
Sheev has called Yoda, and I quote, a little green freak twice in a quarter of a page.
Anakin is holding both of obi wans wrists so hard they're going to break I repeat Anakin is holding both of obi wans wrists I repeat Anakin is hol
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I am going to hurl
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Anakin Designed His Lightsaber Based On Obi Wan's.
It would be a mercy to kill him and he was not feeling merciful????
Sidious picked him right up off the sand. Yoked.
Obi wan is like let's put luke on tatooine. Anakin survived it. Girl and we all know how that turned out.
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Anyway, bail organa is a prince consort. Important.
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theurbanspaceboi · 5 months
in honour of may the fourth i marathoned the skywalker saga as well as both of the stories! it was very enjoyable if quite a long time on the couch. having seen all of the films in chronological order, back-to-back, i feel arrogantly qualified to opine on both my favorite star wars film (a new hope) as well as the objectively superior star wars film (rogue one.) i am curious, though: what star wars film do you like best? please vote for your favorite rather than the film you feel is objectively better if these two diverge. elaborate in the tags! which film, specifically? what makes it your favorite? if your favorite differs from the film you feel is objectively better, you're welcome to elaborate on that, too.
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
Planting Seeds
a little introductory snippet of my favourite AU of my ocs: where Ven and Kit are the Sith lords, reluctantly and angrily, but at least they can cling to each other.
This deep into the tomb, Ven’s footsteps echoed. The screams of unlucky acolytes were distant now. Even the ones who were busy going crazy didn’t seem to have ventured this far. Ven kept her mind closed to the Force, refusing to even consider playing Sith any more than she absolutely had to.
Then there was another footfall, just out of time with Ven’s own steps. Ven stopped, her heart in her throat.
Something crackled. Ven whirled and brought her blade up just in time to catch the lightning. The Togruta Sith who’d thrown it clutched his hand to his chest, like he was the one who should be bothered. His lavender skin shone in the strange lighting of the tomb, and his white markings nearly blended with the yellow of his montrals. His lekku were short and a little stubby, and in any other situation Ven might have called his broad, soft features friendly-looking.
“Sorry,” he said. Ven tightened her grip on her blade. Was this a trick?
“Sorry,” he said again. “Are you all right?”
“Excuse me?” Ven said before she could think better of it. “What kind of question is that?”
He pulled a face that was significantly more sheepish than Ven thought a Sith could ever be capable of.
“Sorry,” he said a third time. “I thought you were a k’lor’slug.”
“Flattery gets you nowhere,” Ven said. She lowered her blade at last. “You’re the first Sith I’ve ever met who’d ask if someone’s all right.”
For a moment, his face twisted in anger – far more familiar, especially these days. Then he sighed, looking away.
“No one has ever accused me of being good at this.”
“If you ask me, that’s a good thing,” Ven said. She tensed, preparing to fight if he decided she was being insolent, but all he did was stare at her quizzically.
“You’re an acolyte, too, aren’t you?” he asked finally.
“Under protest,” Ven muttered. “I’m no Sith!”
His face went slack with longing at he stared at her.
“I wish I could say that with any certainty,” he said. “I’m Kitiver.”
Ven wondered if she should brandish her weapon again. Were they friends now? What was that about not wanting to be Sith?
Then again, he was a Togruta. Maybe he’d been a slave, too, before Korriban. Ven sighed and sheathed her blade.
“Ven,” she said. “If you hate this as much as I do, how’d you end up here?”
He shifted, looking uncomfortable.
“It’s a long story,” he said.
“I really don’t want to play the overseers’ stupid games,” Ven said, perching on what had once been a statue. “I have time.”
“They’re going to punish us both,” he warned her.
“Every time a Sith hurts me, they plant the seeds of their own downfall,” Ven swore. “If they want power, they need to realise that keeping slaves and forcing people like us into these hellscapes will only create enemies who are determined to take it back from them.”
He tilted his head, studying her with obvious curiosity.
“What?” Ven snapped.
“I see why they chose you,” he said. Ven bristled, and he held up his hands defensively. “I didn’t mean – you’re strong, at least! Not just in the Force, though you must be. That’s good, isn’t it?”
Ven felt like agreeing with him was as much a trap as arguing would be.
“Just tell me your story, or get out of my tendrils,” she said grudgingly. Kitiver glanced over his shoulder, obviously weighing his options. He must not have wanted to go back any more than Ven did; he sat down on the steps opposite her, casually electrocuting a k’lor’slug that appeared in the doorway as he did. Ven tried to cover her flinch, but she didn’t think she did a good job.
“There are some Imperial families who use children for prestige,” he said. “There are the heirs, of course, but then there are the savage aliens that some of the newer families adopt. To show how wonderful they are to share civilisation, you know. In my case, I was a two for one deal. An alien who should surely end up someone’s sex toy if it wasn’t for them, and a Force sensitive they could bundle off to the Sith for clout without having to worry about their precious blood descendants. Not that that idiot could ever do a damn thing with the Force.”
“Not exactly loving siblings, then,” Ven murmured. Her chest felt cold. She missed her brother.
“No,” Kitiver said. He sighed. “I tried. I thought, if I had one ally – but I was a fool. There are no allies when you’re Sith.”
“Then how do we walk out of here?” Ven asked. He clenched his fist, that same anger from earlier overtaking him once more. He didn’t seem to have an answer, but Ven could tell he wanted to. He wanted a friend, maybe even more badly than Ven did.
There are so many things I’m supposed to give them, Ven’s dad had said once when he thought Ven was in bed. It’s like every day I find out something else a kid is supposed to have. How am I supposed to give them anything when I didn’t even know it was an option?
Uncle Fives hadn’t had an answer. But the moment had stuck with Ven, anyway. There had to be things this Sith had never been given. If Ven didn’t offer, he’d never know anything else was possible.
“Tell you what,” Ven said. “Sith may not have room for real allies. But we don’t have to be Sith. No matter what they say, what they force us to do to survive. Wait for your chance, I’ll wait for mine, and we’ll get out of this alive and ourselves. Not Sith.”
He narrowed his eyes, studying her carefully. There was a thin gloss of yellow to them, flickering in the light, but Ven wasn’t sure how long she’d be one to judge. It was just like the rebellion, she told herself. You did awful things sometimes just to hold out for something better.
“Don’t betray me, I won’t betray you?” Kitiver said finally.
“I know I can trust you, if you don’t let your fear get in the way,” Ven said. The anxiety was palpable, now that she was looking at him properly. She’d thought it was just the lingering fear of the tomb, but no – that was all him. He was as terrified of himself as Ven was of herself, and ten times more doubtful. “I’m good with people like that.”
He pulled back, then laughed under his breath.
“If nothing else, I guess you’d be good to have on my side,” he said. “Shall we get back to our respective masters, Ven?”
“I have no master,” she said, but she stood. “Just don’t tell Zash that.”
“Deal,” he said. He hesitated where he sat, looking nervous. “If you leave Korriban before I do, if we don’t meet again – if you see a human Jedi, dark hair and green eyes, named Kaoja or Kaojacol – don’t hurt her. No matter what they try to make you do.”
“I don’t hurt Jedi if I can help it,” Ven said solemnly. “But I’ll keep an eye out for her, in particular. Were you a Jedi?”
He stood abruptly and stalked out. Ven swallowed hard, reminded of her brother and wishing she wasn’t.
“Take care of yourself, Kitiver,” she said.
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mebearat · 11 months
What if I typed the entire dialogue of the mustafar scene from Star Wars ROTS by memory...nah that's cringe and a bit over the top-
Let her go Anakin. Let her go.
You turned her against me.
You have done that yourself.
You will not take her from me!
Your anger and lust for power have already done that. You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind untill now, untill now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
Don't lecture me Obiwan. I see through the lies of the Jedi, I do not fear the darkside like you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire.
Your new Empire?
Don't make me kill you.
Anakin my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!
If you're not with me then you're my enemy.
Only a sith deals in absolutes, I will do what I must.
You will try.
I have failed you Anakin, I have failed you.
I should've known the Jedi were plotting to take over.
Anakin Chancellor Palpatine is evil!
From my point of view the Jedi are evil!
Well then you are lost!
This is the end for you my master.
It's over Anakin I have the high ground.
You underestimate my power.
Don't try it.
You were the chosen one, it was said that you would destroy the sith not join them, bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness.
I hate you.
You were my brother Anakin, I loved you.
Whoops my hand slipped
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the-tomato-patch · 8 months
The Hand that Fated You
"Many know your name. Some whisper it, others shout it. I alone recognize what it means." In which Scourge meets his Jedi for the first time on Quesh.
Jedi Knight x Lord Scourge ( pre-relationship )
Word Count:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53615758
The jump from hyperspace was smooth as always. Threading the needle, Scourge's mind was already calculating the time it would take him to get from the exit from hyperspace to orbit and then ground. Ahead, he witnessed the noxious pollution of Quesh's atmosphere through the transparisteel viewport of his fury-class interceptor. While this was no longer the barren hellhole it had been before the planet's Hutt and Republic owners ravaged its resources, Quesh was far from pristine or pleasant. In a different world, he would never even consider spending any of his free time on the blighted planet. However, his current path was dictated by a former Darth turned traitor, one Darth Sajar – his mission target.
Passing the moon and continuing on a fast course to the surface, he thought about how he would end Sajar. According to his briefing and everything that Scourge knew about his quarry, the Darth had renounced the ways of the dark side and his seat upon the Dark Council, in favor of becoming a Padawan in the service of the Jedi Order. From that point forward he had apparently done all within his considerable power to remain hidden away from Imperial forces and the Empire as a whole. Except for one report not so long ago, which had piqued the Emperor's interest. His Lord Emperor was not one to allow traitors to make fools out of him and he was even less likely to allow someone like a Dark Council member, former or otherwise, to go against him while actively in possession of a very great deal of the Empire's secrets. It was the ultimate insult and this time Sajar would pay the price.
As the interceptor entered the corrosive atmosphere, one final step had him thinking back. On these final dives his mind would wonder at the galaxy as he had come to see it. If he allowed himself deeper reflection, he would acknowledge that such insight came as both a blessing and a curse; and one which constantly fed his despair of the Sith Order as a whole. How they did not see the flaw within their own order was beyond him. How they could not see the futility of their own struggle as they tore each other down one by one was madness. How they could remain the same as they had been when he was a child over three centuries ago. Their vision seemed limited, no – blind, despite his superior acumen being one of the very reasons for which the Emperor had declared him Wrath.
Entering the murky cloud-layered skies of the industrial world, his ominous scowl seemed more suited for someone that had a blade at their throat rather than the very opposite. Where Darths and Sith were known for their zealous expression of overconfidence, indulgence and excessive lustful tendencies, Scourge's intense and calculating temperament tended to hold them at bay, sometimes even other Sith too timid to think about opposing him. Those that had however had met a swift end at the end of his lightsaber or his fists. Nevertheless, even to the most reckless, confronting him was unwise. Lord Scourge had proven, by slaughtering Darths or Jedi, that any Sith's potential prowess mattered little when matched with his tenacity, precision and brutality.
A brilliant streak sliced its way through the lower atmosphere, with only the faintest shriek to echo its passing in the sky above. A flock of native birds, startled by the abrupt interrution, screeched in fear and scattered in all directions as the Interceptor raced past, on course to its intended destination.
With the same level-headed detachment he wore like armor, his mind continued to linger over a question that haunted him so often in recent times. Even though this would turn out as it always did – with his Lord Emperor's absolute will done and him returning to his side once more like a bloodied dog of war with tail wagging, this time felt different. This assignment, in practice, was no more remarkable than any of the other assassinations he'd done in the past. Not by comparison anyway. Yet felt all the more profound as his senses buzzed with something. Could it be destiny's hand upon his shoulder, dragging him reluctantly and with the barest semblance of consent in its chosen path. Had the Force whispered his name this time?
As he had experienced so many times, there was the smallest voice in the back of his mind urging him to look harder, think deeper, press for a stronger understanding of what the Force had done for him thus far. And yet, each and every time, he could never see what would lie on the horizon until it had already arrived. He could only walk forward and do what he had to do, just as he had from the start. This is just another waypoint. He assured himself, if a bit lamely. This time however, this time he saw, or more felt.. that he was on a precipice. There was the slightest tug, and if he had known anything more he would have recognized it for what it was: the will of the Force. An acknowledgement to the very real steps of the dance he had started on that long-ago day when he had brought Revan and Meetra to the Emperor. 
The interceptor banked sharply to the left and a moment later broke through the fog layer, pulling into a steep dive and heading in on its target. It could not have been more obvious that its arrival was unwanted, but given the strength of its arrival – its necessity was absolute. That same small feeling he'd felt before tried to speak up again. Still, the gravity of the mission to him drowned out such tiny murmurs of instinct. In some distant part of his psyche his mental protest felt wrong. Irrelevant to the job ahead, and therefore irrelevant in its entirety. So much so, that in his cold inner cynicism and strength he turned it away, denying the premonition before it even began.
Reinforced landing skids were deployed for a rough and hard touchdown in an area all too remote and unsettled. The dull vibrations from the impact could still be felt even after the ship touched down on its under-wing struts and landed hard on the earth below. Scourge did not delay on disembarking as the door to the starboard cockpit swung open with a faint mechanical hiss and lowered its access ramp. He was already halfway down its length and out onto the polluted soil a moment later. As he took one tentative step down, the dark armor and cloak he donned protected him from the outside elements that were hazardous, despite not wearing the standard protection found with Imperial troops. He'd already taken the precautions against this world, anything more and the Force would be enough.
Even in the early morning light, Quesh had a peculiar hazy tint, as if the cloud-layer permeated its atmosphere into a film that shaded its surroundings. Scourge closed his eyes briefly, extending his mind and brushing over the area. Searching. Probing. Just before he could fully engage however, a small convoy of armored Imperial troopers approached him, coming from around a jagged rocky outcropping in the distance.
They stopped when the distance was approximately two thirds of the way and bowed to Scourge before straightening. "Lord Scourge!" the foremost trooper proclaimed in a formal tone. "You honor us with your presence!"
Scourge glanced coolly at the unit, taking a silent census of the troopers in attendance yet committing none to his memory. He marked off their apparent fitness, battle readiness and determination. They looked like well-seasoned soldiers. His face was a stone, without a trace of expression. That said, he did not have the luxury of time. Whatever was going to happen would have to occur swiftly, otherwise the nature of the situation could change. 
"Do not try to flatter me, commander," He stated sternly, not so much as glancing at the rank plaque on the man's right breast, "Take me to the target." He ordered.
"At once, Lord Scourge," The commander motioned for Scourge to follow as they changed direction and continued the way they had originally been moving.
Scourge narrowed his eyes in a severe scowl, causing the troopers to pick up their pace. After following the narrow and circuitous road leading further into the region, they arrived at a wide ridge, at the edge of the last piece of grass covered ground, overlooking the remnants of an old facility of sorts. Rusted metal frameworks that stood erect, while a variety of rotted containers and rickety structures lay sprawling in the midst of it. At the heart of the complex, was an entrance tucked away into the wall. Imperial troops stood guard along its approach.
He stepped down and with his destination now in view, reached out with the Force again. That tiny tug now turning into something much more substantial and unmistakable. Something was coming; he could feel it approaching. That was undeniable. Yet his Lord's orders were his priority, and it had taken priority long ago. That inescapable fact would not have been readily forgotten. So, while he could not escape his feeling – the mission must come first. Pushing past the incessent tug was the draw of Sajar. There was no mistaking the weakness in which he sensed, hidden inside that base below him. And that was all that he needed.
"Here we are Lord Scourge," The commander grunted. 
"Proceed." He stated with an underlying tone of disdain. The commander paused for a moment, a bit startled at his abrupt command. 
"Well?" Scourge scowled.
The officer spurred to life with a motion towards his men. "Move! Remember your orders." He barked at his men. Scourge watched the exchange for a second as the unit marched off, each man coming to attention as their numbers surged into the base. When the troopers were well away, the Wrath turned back to the scene. For several moments he observed the field of action, feeling the familiarity of death and chaos sowed within the bowels of the base. Eventually his attention drifted toward the entrance, following a flicker of fear emanating from within. He narrowed his eyes, that damned tugging intensifying, making his jaw clench. Ignoring the sensations, the Sith advanced down the rocky incline and at the base, headed directly for the base's maw. 
Without warning, Scourge noticed a ray shield snapped on, effectively sealing him out. Instinctually, he reached for his lightsaber, but his hand faltered midway. Time feeling as if it slowed to a crawl. 
He recalled his vision of the unknown Jedi that would strike down the Emperor. Their silhouette cutting through the haze of obscurity within his mind's eye, the deep shades of purple and amber all too familiar. Instantly the Force resonated, setting a flare within the depths of his consciousness, pulling insistently upon him. Flashes and images bombarded his brain all at once, jumbled pieces of a larger whole: ancient temples, thunderous rains and lightning, blaster fire, a fleet of warships exploding, and an empty chamber he knew all too well. Then in the next heartbeat, it was gone.
The Sith blinked twice in quick succession. A burning chill like ice crawling up his spine. Conjuring strength he knew was necessary, the moment dissipated and he resumed his pace, yet without brandishing his saber. The image within his mind's eye... his vision was becoming quite real with every footstep made in the direction of the base. Any doubts he'd had dissipated just like the scene had, leaving him with one solid conclusion: this unknown was why he was here. Not Sajar. It had to be. 
Beyond the crackling ray shield, he could make out three faces staring back at him. One heavily armored mirialan, a human in weathered field clothes, and a Jedi that shared the silhouette and face of the one in his vision. Her face was stony, determined and focused, watching him with cautious and judging eyes. He saw coldness and distrust emanating from her depths and in her form he could feel a tension coupled with strength and agility. She crossed her arms, defiant in her posture and defensive in her bearing. 
Scourge stepped up to the crackling energy barrier and beyond that, the Jedi. He locked eyes with her, wondering if for just a moment if perhaps her eyes really were as orange as they appeared in his vision as he placed his hands behind his back and assumed his typical, looming posture.
"What a mystery the Force can be. I came seeking a traitor, but instead found you. The time draws near." He noted solemnly as her frown only grew more severe.
She paused for a brief instant, staring at him intently before questioning. "You're not making any sense. Do you know me, Sith?" 
Of course, he'd had intel. Her profile had been of signifcance to the Emperor ever since the ripples her movements had been making reached his attention. And while to some extent he knew her quite well by reputation alone as the Hero of Tython, he'd never once laid eyes on her, closely anyways. But now that everything seemed to align, he did feel he knew her well. After all, she had been the subject of many of his fixations over the last three centuries. It was not coincidence, of that much he was certain. Yet it still had been three centuries, something akin to doubt worked its way in. Seeing her, this close, a Jedi, the power she had, she was well suited. Was this all truly happening? It cannot be.
"Many know your name. Some whisper it, others shout it. I alone recognize what it means." He could easily sense her prowess in the Force, felt the strength in her and she had talent. Undeniably; raw, explosive, powerful but leashed. And a pureblood too. Of all things. An omen if there ever were one. The strength of the storm raging within her, still so young, nursing a darkness tainted by the light. Almost untainted, but it was still there, within her, lingering. Resonating with her gift with the Dark Side.
"You're strong and touched by darkness. I can sense it. An advantage? Possibly.." his mind mulled the options over carefully as she remained tense, yet listened. Good. He went on, "You may keep the Dark Council traitor. I smell his weakness. He'll die by his own hand, given the chance." 
Then her face flickered, her eyes hardening into a fine point as she took his measure, seeming to evaluate him much like he her. After several drawn out moments she questioned him softly, "Why don't you see for yourself who you're up against? The rest will tell itself."
It was the subtle change in tone that tipped him off.
"Arrogant and prideful, like all Sith." Scourge replied in a way that almost sounded... wistful. "Surprising and yet not in so many ways."
Catching the look of befuddlement that overtook her features, he went on. "The Emperor must hear of our meeting. I won't disappoint him with delays. Farewell for now..." And with that he turned, leaving her and her company standing at the ray shield behind.
Scourge could feel their incredulous and dumbfounded stares at his retreating form. He expected nothing less. They did not understand, had not seen what he'd seen, knew not the path laid before him and the Jedi. And after three hundred years of waiting, even he himself had his own share of apprehensions.
Despite that, all felt right. In a way. And so once more in the confines of his interceptor, he set off to report to the Emperor. Ready for whatever would come next.
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sith-obikin · 1 year
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Stay tuned for fic author reveals in the upcoming days!
📣 A small note from the mods:
We’ve been contacted by a few participants about issues with the deadlines. We don’t want anybody stressed with our fest, so we decided to still keep the window open for posting art and fics until (and including) the final date of the festival: May 1st!
We’re absolutely thrilled with the engagement and reach of this project, and if keeping the deadline open until the end can help, we’re happy to oblige ❤️‍🔥
• Art by @weillschmidtdoodles
Reverse Master Padawan AU
• Art by @kana7o
Same age raised as a sith AU
• Art by @obibabywan
Obi-Wan thinks banging Ani back to the light would work but instead he rides the man into the dark side instead. They end up falling together
• Art by @weillschmidtdoodles
Qui-Gon dies but Obi-Wan doesn't get to train Anakin, he is given to another Master. Years pass and without the help of taking care of his young charge Obi-Wan is not dealing well with his grief and emotions.
So when during a mission to investigate Kamino he is approached by his grandmaster Dooku, there isn't much holding him in the Jedi Order.
What Obi-Wan doesn't know is that young Anakin harboured a massive crush for him and now will do anything to bring his beloved Obi back to him.
DW: Anakin being obsessed over Obi-Wan, finding ways to seek him out and confront him, getting angry and jealous when Kenobi fights or flirts with other Jedi. Obi-Wan secretly trying to protect the boy from Sidious grand plan.
DNW: Infidelity. Obi-Wan or Anakin openly engaging in any sexual or romantic activity with someone else (past mentions of flings are fine).
• Art by @leighbirdart
sith!obi and padawan!anakin
• Art by @bi-wan
• Art by @mandhos
• Video edit by @goldendaffodilskenobi
A very passionate and possessive Sith Anakin lures in his beloved Obi-Wan to the dark side
• scattered like stars across the universe by Anonymous
Whump with sith Obi-Wan + jedi anakin.
They haven't known each other for long but actually long enough for them both to develop feelings to each other despite their differences. The context on how they meet is up to you. It can be because of a mission the council assigned to Anakin, but yeah you decide.
One day Anakin gets seriously injured by one of Lord Kenobi's inquisitors. Obi-Wan goes feral and fully in protective boyfriend mode (The guilty inquisitor is immediately killed of course).
DW: The more angsty and whumpie the better!, Blood loss injury
DNW: major character's death (it can be temporary tho), smut
• taste of the divine by Anonymous
married sith obikin!
could be with either one as emperor and the other being their 'right hand' or the proposal/ceremony, or literally however you want it, just them being happily married and very evil :D
DW: since its an au so preferably suitless vader, smut not required but idm, also its okay if they border on a little unhealthy
DNW: non-con, scat, etc. and anidala
• Blade to Blade by Anonymous
Anakin was sent to take down the Sith lord Darth Placidus, but made another choice instead. But returning to his life as a Jedi afterwards won't be as simple as he thought.
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tiredassmage · 2 months
self, know, and meet strange-- any oc! (👋 also hi mut i just live in your notifs now)
👋 beloved mut!!!!! I did a thing where I answered one of these in my head and started thinking about the other two and then I didn't actually type any of it out anywhere, let alone in an answer kdanfa;lsdnf;lsdf. But we're back!!!! Dragging in alucren by the ear :3
[oc asks: relationship edition]
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Self: how is your oc's relationship with themself? Does your oc like who they are? Is there anything about themself they would change?
A lot of Alucren's... [gesturing] deal is... it starts with himself. He presents as a quite prideful creature with a bit of bite to him, but most of it stems from a feeling that he's got something to prove - as the youngest child and the only son of his fairly respected family, as a transfer into Imperial Intelligence, and whichever other role or expectation he feels resting upon his shoulders at the moment. How much he actually likes of himself from the start in all of that is... more murky. I think he's confident that he's correct in placing his values into duty, family, and his perception of honor built from those first two things.
And even in his earlier times in his arc where he might begin to realize he's somewhere in the wrong, or that he's looking at things a bit too harshly, he's sort of a walking sunk cost fallacy about it. 'Giving up' would feel to be some sort of show of weakness to him and he's far more likely to dig in his heels and end up 24 feet down a six foot hole. He thinks this is part of his honor - and thankfully, largely, he gets away with not having to learn a lot of the lessons about being kinder with himself and easing some of his rigidity in a hard way that gets him hurt more before he learns anything about self-kindness.
When it does end up biting him - notably in service of more manipulative Sith Lords, whom he's always accepted as the ultimate authority in the Empire, he falls... quite far from his graces. His belief in the power structures of the Empire is absolute enough for him to justify more than a few things even on a good day before his hard lessons, and at his lowest, 'consequences' can be justified as the result of failures he perceives, and he's willing to give up several of his dignities he would consider non-negotiable in a right state of mind. The way the experience brings into rather harsh relief what little value he gave his own life and feelings outside of his duties is a predictably hard one to swallow, and something that sets back the few years of growth he managed in the company of more supportive connections. And he doesn't like feeling that... vulnerable. But it's deeply necessary to the healing that follows - and it does follow. It's slow, and it's a lot of Alucren unlearning a somewhat knee-jerk response for apologies and placating in a hierarchy that was always set against him having complete agency in his life.
He doesn't entirely lose his head-tossing stallion of a presentation; it makes its comeback. But he does end up more aware of what it really stems from and what it's trying to mask - with a lot of time and patience, and... at least that once with an unfortunately unforgiving trip down the end of what 'worse' would look like on him. Ultimately there's little I'd say he aims to change of himself, but... his goal becomes wanting to be better at communication - for himself and his partner. (A one certain Taizi of @ho1ythunder I have... certainly alluded to in this post and now I think I've done so enough where I can't not tag about it xD)
Know - how well does your oc know themself - their wants, their goals, their motivations? Do they engage in any sort of self-reflection? Is there anything about themself they willfully ignore?
I kinda got this one and the previous mixed together - because they do end up entwined. Alucren's relationship with himself in a fair amount of his story is not particularly strong because he doesn't know himself particularly well - or he doesn't quite allow himself to, at the very least. And, as mentioned, that's capable of getting him into quite a bit of trouble.
What he thinks are his motivations and core values - family, duty, honor, in a shorthand - aren't exactly incorrect, but what he finds in the course of his experience is that he's... got a blinkered view of it all. Typically, in his proud stallion kind of way, he'd rather toss his head, snort, and prance than sit with any uneasy or odd feelings or self-reflections for too long. His job is not to question his orders in that manner, but to act. And sort of therein lies some of his own disconnect: in practice, he thinks of himself as a tool to be used and wielded by the lords he answers to. But also in practice, he'd snap at anyone trying to imply such as mindless obedience. Obedience, however, is... more what it is than he realizes for quite some time.
Taizi I've said is probably the best thing that ever happens to him because Taizi's got the patience and determination to wonder what Alucren really thinks about something, and persists on asking him about it. And it's an unusual question for him - one he stumbles over for a while at first, then struggles with, and then has to figure out a process in which he can actually think it over. Tyr similarly challenges his single-mindedness repeatedly, but Alucren and Tyr both are headstrong about their beliefs in their own way that at times, if they're the only forces acting in a situation, they make the other dig in their heels first more than move to an understanding as quickly as might be possible.
I think I might start to lose the plot rambling too much longer, so the short of it is: not very well at the beginning, and... better, by the time of... mmm... after KOTXX? There's a little touch and go progress in some of the early expac content, but it's a bit back and forth and not... super solidified until much later. Alucren does eventually start to figure out what he wants of things and... where he wants to make some self-improvements. It leads him to decide ultimately yes, the Empire will always be his home, even if his loyalties there have gotten him hurt in the past. He still wouldn't self-fashion himself as an agent of change by any means, but... he knows much better by then what to look out for and how to look after himself. Enough to feel confident about his place.
Meet Strange - what's the most memorable way your oc has ever met a new person? Was it a good experience? Bad experience? Just plain weird? How's their relationship with that person now?
Well, it all started when Alucren found Taizi in that cave-in on Quesh after Darth Baras decided to discard his latest enforcer in a bid for his own powers... and considering they've sometime since ended up married, I'd say their relationship's quite well, lol!
Alucren was in-passing there to aid in Imperial operations and thus naturally had no real idea of Baras's plot in the whole thing. What he saw was some Sith nearly half-dead from a cave in and Quesh venom poisoning and it was a duty matter to offer aid. At the time, not much was thought of it of either side... not least from aforementioned Quesh venom poisoning standpoint. But, eventually, after the dissolution of Imperial Intelligence, Alucren wound up in Taizi's employ to help facilitate his duties as the Wrath and... the rest, as they say, is sort of history. Taizi's really the single master that Alucren has served in the Empire that's... challenged him to present his own views and it... disarmed him, in a way. His loyalty to Taizi is certainly no less absolute than he would always have claimed his loyalty to the Empire has been, but... Taizi's certainly done a fair bit to earn it. And that means it's quite absolute (and capable of driving Alucren to a few... extreme lengths, shall we say. :3 It's made him better... on the whole. But it's also the kind of dedication that briefly made him worse kadfnlsa;dfs).
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
I see a lot in fics this portrayal of stormtroopers/501st as being intensely loyal to Vader, sometimes even over the Empire. Is that really true in canon/Legends? I know Lords of the Sith referenced this, but otherwise I haven't read enough of the EU to confirm how much of this is just fanon. I'm assuming you know bc of your Vader's Men tag lol
The intensive stormtrooper training is conditioning people to be loyal to Empire and so obedience to Vader, as the one of highest imperial commanders is a natural order of the things but yes, there are stories and tie-in materials that strongly suggest or outright says that certain stormtroopers and imperial officers in fact admire Darth Vader and their loyalty run beyond the usual level of allegiance required from imperial soldiers. So no, this portrait in fanwork is not solely invention of fans as it has a solid ground in source materials although it should be taken into account that: 
a) the level of personal loyalty will vary from one character to another  
b) there are not many stories in which imperial soldiers are forced to choose between Vader and the Emperor so it is really hard to predict if those people are in fact more loyal to Vader as a person than to the Empire(Palpatine) as a whole. When it comes to imperial army, in most cases Vader and the Empire/Palpatine are seen as inseparable as Vader is the epitome of loyalty to Empire to most Imperials (which makes sense, as Vader usually rely on bounty hunters or his vast different sort of agents if his personal goals are against Palpatine’s will and the discretion is needed. Otherwise he is commanding troopers to kill/destroy whoever incur his anger and then deals with his master’s displeasure). 
The second point is especially vital in regard to imperials like admiral Piett that in general is acknowledged in sources as one of officers that Vader truly respects but through the decades Firmus sadly didn’t get that much focus as character to give us absolute certainty of his allegiance beyond the general idea of “serving the Empire”. Which makes it hard to make an objective analysis if Piett was forced to choose, would he betray the Empire out of loyalty to Vader or not. A scenario that has been a common thing in fanwork for years. Which is why I’m bringing Piett to illustrate that fans’ interpretation of imperial characters and their loyalty to Vader may be exaggerated beyond what sources provided. Which doesn’t necessarily mean it is a wrong assumption but rather that focus of tie-in materials is pretty much limited when it comes to Imperials, especially those of Old Trilogy or stormtroopers in general.
At the same time, Vader was introduced from the start as someone that has a better working relationship with common troopers and the imperial officers serving directly under him than with high-ranking Imperials. There is no need to look further than A New Hope to see the difference between how the Sith Lord acts around his men and Admiral Motti (or later in The Empire Strikes Back, how he treats Admiral Ozzel or Captain Needa). It shows up in his speech patterns, like “There'll be no one to stop us this time” or “We’ll have to destroy them ship to ship” when he is talking to his men (as he is including himself and his men in the “us/we”) but it is for sure a me vs you talk with Motti during a meeting on Death Star. When questioned by Commander Daine Jir* Vader is willing to explain himself and shows zero anger at the man for not obeying at once 
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while having no second thought about force-choking admiral Motti. Through the Original Trilogy, Vader did not threaten common imperial troopers but he did not have any reservations about killing the officers if they failed him. What is even more important, Vader is one of few high-ranking imperials that takes an active part in widely understood “warzone”, be it the search of stolen Death Star’s plans or taking part in space battle to protect the imperial station or taking over rebel Echo Base on Hoth - and tie-in material even claims that Vader flying his own fighter into battle(s) incurs the wrath of high officers,which implies the Dark Lord of the Sith’s active part during fight breaks imperial norms.
 This is the ground on which I believe was built the idea that stormtroopers may feel a great respect and even personal loyalty for Vader - and to be honest, from the perspective of common soldiers it makes perfect sense. Vader is the right-hand man of Emperor Palpatine, a man that wields a mystic power and runs the Empire and who for sure does not need to risk his life on the battlefield yet he is marching alongside stormtroopers into one battle after another, sometimes even saving said troopers in the process (x)(x)(x) while most high-ranking officers (especially those presented in the Old Trilogy) usually stay behind in the safety while soldiers die fighting. Also, quite often the sources provided examples in which Vader on purpose does not involve troopers accompanying him into fights as he prefers to face dangerous and personal foes/tasks alone (x)(x)(x)(x)("Go," Vader said to them. "The ship is lost." Most of them nodded, turned, and headed off immediately, but three of the stormtroopers remained. "Sir, we should accompany you to an escape pod." "Unnecessary," Vader said. "I'll find my own way. Now go. That's my order.", Lords or the Sith) which I suspect is another habit of Vader that common stormtroopers may interpret as specific sign of their commander’s care for their well-being - is it truth or not is up to debate of course, but whatever the reasoning, it really looks like Vader did not endanger the lives of soldiers unnecessarily and even could kill an officer that ordered the troops into an unwinnable scenario. Or like Ozzel did, lost the element of surprise for imperial invasion.
And really, the image of Vader leading troops or being surrounded by stormtroopers is one of the most common things in the Star Wars franchise that is included in films, comics, books, games and other tie-in materials. Considering what a powerhouse Vader is on his own, it is easy to imagine how his presence on battlefront raises morale of imperial soldiers or why it means so much to stormtroopers to know the Dark Lord of the Sith is there with them on battlefront.  
Another thing that adds a lot to common troopers’ perception of the Dark Lord is that Vader does not care for people’s place of origin, family or political connections or even species. Through the sources Vader favors skills, competence and loyalty above anything else. Which means that people born in Outer Rims or people for whatever reason not meeting the specific standards set by the military/political elite can easily get promoted under Vader’s wings if they prove themselves - be it on battlefront or thinking outside the box (x followed by x). And this especially was visible in older sources, when aliens, women and droids were part of a wide range of Vader’s agents despite the bias toward those groups within the Empire. So working with Vader often resulted with many benefits in the long run for those who managed to impress the Dark Lord. What is very important, as many promising troopers and officers that normally would be hold back by lack of proper connection or birthplace were hand-picked personally by the Dark Lord of the Sith, either for his 501st Legion or for general benefit of the Empire - what for many “lowly cogs in the imperial machine” literally means new possibilities opened up solely thanks to Vader and this probably adds a lot of weight to their personal loyalty. Serving under Vader could bring a person a chance for fast promotion (general Veers is the best example) but also provide protection (x)(x) or access to the best medical help even when said person couldn’t anymore serve the Dark Lord, as happened with Erv Lekauf:
Vader’s suit could withstand nearly every assault. But Lekauf, a man trained to react without pausing to debate, flung himself in front of him and took the brunt of the flame. He fell, gasping, as the clones closed in on the Dark Jedi and Vader burst apart their Force shields with pure focused rage. [A Two-Edged Sword]
“My granddad thought the world of him. When he got badly burned on a mission and had to be discharged from the Imperial Army, Lord Vader made sure he was taken care of for the rest of his life. Whatever some people say about Vader, monsters don't look out for lieutenants." [Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice]
As I mentioned before, a great number of people serving Vader were hand-picked personally by the Dark Lord of the Sith which includes his own 501st Legion - and that for sure increases the reason for personal loyalty of said soldiers. 
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Members of the 501st are hand-picked by Lord Darth Vader from within the stormtrooper units. Battlefield promotions are awarded to those who earn his respect [The Imperial Handbook].
Worse, walking into a local garrison or fleet anchorage meant taking whatever they had available, whether good and competent or lazy and useless. Picking out random stormtroopers was an even shakier proposition these days, given Vader’s habit of periodically combing through the ranks and transferring all the best and brightest into his personal 501st Legion. [Choices of one]
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When Lieutenant Daine Jir first spoke out against one of Darth Vader’s suggestions, murmurs of “dead man walking” immediately followed. But instead of choking the life out of the Imperial officer, Vader promoted him to the rank of commander. 
Jir was one of few officers, along with Admiral Piett and Captain Janus Bonn, to earn Vader’s respect. The Dark Lord appreciated Jir’s brutal honesty, in contrast to the manipulative rhetoric of most Imperial lackeys. Jir, a competent and ruthless member of the 501st stormtrooper legion [...]
The New Canon also seems to follow this special bond that Vader has with some stormtroopers, as could be seen with sergeant Kreel (x) who was even gifted the Jedi lightsaber by the Dark Lord (though so far Kreel is also loyal to Palpatine… who has like zero idea or care who the stormtrooper is).
So to answer your question, yes, there are plenty of stormtroopers (or in general imperials) who greatly respect Darth Vader and in some cases this respect runs as deep as personal loyalty toward the Dark Lord of the Sith. And this specific bond between Vader and troopers can be traced through various source material, like:
For reasons that went beyond the armor and helmets, the imaging systems and boots, Vader felt more at home among the troopers than he did around other flesh-and-bloods.
And Appo and the rest of Vader's cadre of stormtroopers seemed to be at ease with their new superior. To them it was only reasonable that Vader wore a bodysuit and armor. Some had always wondered why the Jedi left themselves exposed, as if they had had something to prove by it. [Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno]
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After Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side, his 501st Legion clone troopers remained loyal to him. For their brutality and efficiency, they became known as “Vader’s fist”.
(And no, this has nothing to do with the chip-in-brain nonsense of TCW/New Canon)
(and here a fun fact! The Anakin/Vader's personal stormtrooper legion is named after fan organization 501st Legion that was introduced into canon thanks to Timothy Zahn and Lucasfilm, as a nod to fans and their great hand-made costumes and charity work! Which adds another layer why 501st Legion is always seen as the elite between elites and so important part of Anakin/Vader's legacy)
As the shuttle descended through Hockaleg’s atmosphere, Vader said, “I am curious about the details of your demotion.”
“It’s all on record, sir,” the trooper said, angling the shuttle toward the spaceport.
“I would prefer to hear it from you.”
“Permission to speak freely, sir?”
The trooper cleared his throat.
“You are aware I’m a clone, sir?”
“Well, twenty years ago, after Shadow Squadron was disbanded, I had a new commanding officer-a non-clone. When he ordered me to kill my gunner - who had been wounded in combat, but not mortally - I refused. And when my commanding officer tried to shoot me for refusing, I broke his jaw. I spent a year in solitary.”
Vader considered the details, then said, “What happened to the injured clone?”
“He recovered, although he was killed several months later during a bombing run.”
“Do you regret your actions?”
“No. sir. Everybody dies. I’m just glad I helped a friend live a bit longer.”
As the spaceport came into view, Vader said, “If you were to serve under my command, would you ever disobey an order?”
“Yes, sir, but only if it helped you live longer.”
Vader was stunned by the aged clone’s words and the implication that he might disobey one of his orders…or that he might consider the Sith Lord a friend. Before he could ask the clone for an explanation, the clone tested the comm and received a loud burst of static. [Vader Adrift]
or mentioned Erv Lerkauf
The assassins paused for a frantic reload.
“Lord Vader…” said Lekauf, but he was pinned flat by the Force, arms flailing.
“Stay down,” snapped Vader. […]
One man dropped instantly without his intervention. Vader lunged forward and sliced through two more, left-right. The fourth lost his arm and blaster in the same slicing movement and dropped to his knees, utterly silent, mouth open wide in frozen agony as he stared at the seared stump. Vader brought the lightsaber down across his neck. The hangar was silent now except for the sound of his own breath. He looked down at the back of the one man he hadn’t killed. The black tunic was still smoking a little.
“Fine shot, Lekauf,” said Vader. He released his Force pressure. “I told you to stay down.”
Lekauf got to his knees and holstered his blaster. “I never rose, my lord. I can fire from a prone position, though, and you made no mention of that.”
Lekauf stood up and went to him as if to check him for injury. It suddenly struck Vader that he was solid and a good height. And he was loyal enough to step in the line of fire, and then-defy him to cover his back.
Good man. At least one possible template, then. [In his Image]
""Me, too." Jacen found he enjoyed the company of 967. They all had the corporal's general optimism. "How long have you been in the army?"
"Since I graduated, sir. Four years."
"What made you sign up?"
Lekauf smiled, almost embarrassed. "My grandfather served under your grandfather in the Imperial Army, sir. He always talked about how Lord Vader put himself in the front line. Meant a lot to him, that did."
Jacen patted Lekauf's shoulder. It was humbling to see how loyalty could last generations. Whatever sins Anakin Skywalker had committed as Vader, there were still those who recognized his qualities as an inspirational commander. Jacen decided it might be safe to walk back in time and watch him again. [Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines]
or a nostalgia trip of retired stormtrooper:
Dark Lord told us it wasn’t our fault the Falcon got out from the Hoth blockade. Then he executed half the squad. But you could tell he was proud of us.
“Supreme confidence reigned in the heart of every crew member in this Imperial death squadron, especially among the personnel on the monstrous central Star Destroyer. But something also blazed within their souls. Fear - fear of merely the sound of the familiar heavy footsteps as they echoed through the enormous ship. Crew members dreaded these footfalls and shuddered whenever they were heard approaching, bringing their much feared, but much respected leader.” [The Empire Strikes Back]

I’ve heard that the regular officers hate him, but the Stormtrooper Corps almost worships him. [Lords of the Sith]

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The Truest Duty by Christie Golden [From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back]
And to be honest, this special stormtroopers’ admiration for Vader is not seen only in “serious” source material but also in humorous variations like Lego Star Wars Vader reading book to stormtroopers  or Droid Tales episode 5, in which C-3PO and Lando distract stormtroopers with a tale about Darth Vader (and how the Lord of the Sith saved rebellion on Endor) and just look at the troopers happily listening about their boss.
So in general, fans may sometimes exaggerate the intensivity of stormtroopers or in general imperial soldiers' loyalty toward Vader but this specific bond between Dark Lord of the Sith and common soldiers is grounded deeply in star wars lore.
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