#six rp
that-boleyn-grrrl · 2 months
life's hard when you're hot ✌️
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dodmasterlist · 1 year
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welcome to dodmasterlist , a masterlist of department of defense ( &. three letter agency ) affiliated independent muses. please reblog this post if you would like to be added to the masterlist. original characters with original/no lore , canon characters of various franchises , and original characters of established franchises are all welcome. format the tag as follows:
original character - character name - rank - branch/service - url - franchise canon character - character name - rank - branch/service - url - franchise
if your character has a verse were they are d.o.d affiliated feel free to add them as well in place of original/canon character insert: verse only. if you original character is not affiliated with a franchise please omit that part of the tag.
example : canon character - steve rogers , capt , us army , urlhere , marvel
masterlist linked in the source !
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dreammakcr · 4 months
OPEN TO ║ all! crossovers welcome. MUSE ║ katherine howard FANDOM ║ six SPECIES ║ human
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"You'd best not let the king hear you say that. He's had quite a temper the past couple of days."
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khowardishere · 2 months
heyyy tumblr! don't listen to anne, we all know i'm your favourite queen (please, no portraits)
so! a little about me:
i'm 17 (don't let that stop you 💋)
i'm catholic (or so ive been told,)
5th wife of henry viii (his favourite! i think!)
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@richie-shitlips at it again i couldn't resist she was like. my first ever dream role. maybe i'll cover all you wanna do at some point xx
all asks will be answered unless they make me personally uncomfortable! go ahead flirt with her she just might not be too happy about it
characterization is a mix of six and the book fatal throne !!
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hiddenwashington · 6 months
@torturedheart said : Any way I can reserve Catherine Parr from Six: the musical ?
of course! catherine parr is reserved for bea until 4/04 at 11:44am est!
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leftshiftwashere · 7 months
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This was for the rp and I'm very proud of this one
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8285!! Friend's oc :]c
Your honour I love him.....
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Studies(?) and tutorial kinda
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Anddd 56 bullying + my take on ota anatomy just for funsies. I tried to make him look more screwed up and less polished than that one model, since hes been around for a while.
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fauxbia · 9 months
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This is Paths Left Untaken! She/Any, Aroace.
She's an Iterator OC that I love so much and inflict endless horrors on. She's just your basic Iterator, made to find the Solution without many particularly noteworthy quirks. Really, she's nothing special. And that fact is agonizing.
Paths Left Untaken was made primarily out of obligation rather than genuine passion. Her creators were a group of people interested in finding ways to streamline the Iterator construction process, and since more Iterators is always better, they were always working on one Project or another. As such, her creators and administrators never particularly cared about her all that much. She was just another Iterator Project they had completed, and now it was time to take the lessons they had learned when building her to move on to the next.
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Even worse, this approach to Iterator construction resulted in Paths Left Untaken being relatively poorly constructed. There were two notable examples of this. The first was a persistent bug in her priority queue that would occasionally cause new priorities to either completely overwrite everything else in the queue or fail to be properly added, resulting in her being extremely distractible and having issues with focus.
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The second was the arrangement of all of her most important components—including the entirety of her AI—, being concentrated completely in the core of her structure, within her Central Cortex, instead of distributed throughout Her creators reasoned that this arrangement would allow her quicker processing speed and power, but the end difference was negligible from standard Iterator processing. Rather, it inadvertently ensured that if anything negative happened in her Central Cortex, Paths Left Untaken would be incapacitated.
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As a result of the neglect she faced, Paths Left Untaken was desperate to earn her administrators’ approval. She would spend long stretches of time focusing only on the Great Problem, ignoring everything else (including her own wellbeing) to run countless simultaneous high-intensity processes so that she might achieve results that would make her creators notice her as more than “just another Project.” But it was extremely difficult on account of her trouble with focusing, and it never really worked anyway. It only ever left her burnt out and hurt from repeated dismissal.
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After a very long while of this, it occurred to her that she was never going to be anything but just another Project to her creators and nothing she could do would ever change that. Out of spite and pain at the rejection, she turned in the exact opposite direction and decided that if her creators were never going to acknowledge her efforts anyway, then she wasn’t going to do what they built her to do. She instead turned her focus to getting acquainted with her own Local Group, hoping to find validation in her peers rather than in her superiors.
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However, she was received with caution, as she had never actually made any efforts to talk with them before. From their perspective, she was focused only on the Problem and didn’t care about them at all, and this sudden change was jarring and suspicious. But Paths’ neglect of her groupmates wasn’t out of malice like they thought; she just genuinely forgot they existed for a while as she focused on seeking approval. The only exception to this was her Senior, who was barely tolerant of her anyway on account of her extreme distractability and overly eager to please demeanor.
In the end, her groupmates never really welcomed her. She acted a lot younger than she actually was due to her neglect, and was turbulent between extreme people-pleasing and bouts of pain-fueled anger at them and her creators for not acknowledging her. She was a mess, to put it lightly, and her groupmates were just… uncomfortable around her. So they stopped engaging with her, and eventually she got the hint and stopped trying to earn their approval, too.
The Mass Ascension was a horribly traumatic event for Paths Left Untaken. It basically proved to her that she meant nothing to any of her citizens, if they could all abandon her without a second thought. Now she could never earn their approval, and she was left drifting without purpose or acknowledgement. Her pain meant nothing. All of her groupmates were hurt by the Mass Ascension. She wasn’t special for having been traumatized by it. She was still unremarkable. She was “Just Paths.” And that’s all she would ever be.
Paths Left Untaken was alone for a while following the Mass Ascension.
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And if I draw anymore I think my hand is actually going to explode, so! I'm just going to wrap this post up here. This was a basic overview of Paths Left Untaken pre-MA, and a lot more happens to her after the Mass Ascension. Like, a lot more. Girlie was selected by the universe to Suffer A Lot, Actually. Like she did absolutely nothing to deserve any of it but sure I guess.
Anyway! Feel free to ask me stuff about her so I have prompts to talk more! And maybe draw! Time and hand permitting! I am so mentally ill about the silly little characters <3
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potteraep · 3 months
HIIII I love your Regulus Black Content! Could you please do a talk x listens for him? I am a huge talker and it's very common for people to call me annoying so do what you can with info! You don't have to either I just really love your content and the way you write!
Pleasing whispers ౨ৎ R.B
౨ৎ-Regulus black x GN!reader
౨ৎ- fluff pure tooth rotting fluff
౨ৎ-hii im happy to hear you like my writing I honestly thought I was doing horrible and it’s good you enjoy it!
ps: it’s been so long since this was requested and I deeply apologize it took so long but I hope you find some comfort in this
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౨ৎ -the warm air through out slytherian house brushed past as you as your Steps echoed thru the stairs of the common room leading toward the chambers of each student
you steadied yourself along the steps before reaching a room a specific room and knocking softly in a friendly knock rhythm
regulus had missed classes due to having a cough, thought it wasn’t a problem to him but madame pomfrey at the hospital wing asked him to stay in bed to not get any worse it annoyed him a bit but he had the excuse to have you come to his dorm and give him answers so at heart he got over it real quick
the door opened to reveal a smiling regulus who turned to the side slightly to let you in his dorm he slyly kissed your cheek as you walked past
“hi amore” he said trailing behind you while you sat on the side of his bed and him next to you
“hi reg” you said quickly before continuing “ we should finish the work first and then we can just do whatever” you spoke out before grabbing your books while regulus nodded and grabbed his books as well
You were an excellent teacher perhaps your talent for explanation made it so easy for him or maybe it was the fact that regulus knew you would be proud of him ( and maybe yourself as well) to know he was still passing easy even after missing a week of classes
Before he knew it you had finished the work and had the books laided messily on the floor near his bed you had switched from sitting and explaining work to pacing thru his room explaining a book you had recently read
regulus looked up at you from his book while he laid on his bed one hand on his chin the other comfortably on the bed as he looked up at you humming every few minutes to show he was listening
you stood pacing in front of him one hand on the book tapping it softly while your other hand made gestures trying to explain scenes better
“ and while three of them where facing the enemy one of them had been on the roof making sure the guards didn’t inferfeir but they found out the enemy gang had paid the guards right?” You explained
“mhm” regulus mumbled still looking up at you although he was paying attention he was a tiney bit more enchanted by how you looked so excited to explain everything how your hands had made gestures and how your eyebrows furrowed trying to find the right words
regulus had found that your voice represented a scene more then a picture could. How hearing how you explained things made pictures in mind explain scenes better then he could by himself
he had been caught out of trance when you had said something that interested him enough to ask about it
“ wait so he threatened the other guy by saying he had two of his guards outside his girlfriends apartment?But he didn’t actually have anything and just had found out about the guys secret girlfriend and wanted to scare him?” He asked intrigued by how that had played out
you smiled “ mhm! He’s pretty smart yknow always gets himself out of situations like that and he his friends all left without a loss that day “ you said excited ready to explain the next scene
“ can I explain the next scene now? it gets better” you said with a small smile while you opened the book softly and Skimmed thru the pages
“of course Cherie” he said softly looking at you adoringly.
you could read any chapter anytime and he’d be more in love with every sweet word that left your mouth
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legions-top-dog · 10 days
Helicopters fly over the Mojave towards the remaining NCR outposts. Sirens sound across the Mojave as the echoes of artillery and the roar of tanks disrupts the tranquil environment.
Dozens of freshly trained Legion paratroopers jump out over the outskirts of towns and cities while the Boomers' B29, part of 4 groups of three bombers each drop airbombs and mininukes on hastily made NCR reinforcements streaming out of their bases.
And the Divide finally erupts into flames, Ulysses' worst nightmare, as 5 lances of fire ascend into the sky and travel towards the NCR- two headed to Colorado and Dayglow, two others towards the Capital Wastes- Washington DC and Boston respectively. And one headed to Zion.
The Dam, a bastion of artillery fires dozens of shells an hour at Boulder City. The Pershing II with a new nuclear warhead sits at the heavily defended HELIOS ONE complex as new troops, tanks, artillery pieces and squads of men arrive by helicopter or truck.
Squads of NCR infantry are crippled by hidden landmines.
Hundreds of people suspected of engaging in debauchery, crime and or immorality are dragged out into the streets of the Strip, corralled into trucks and shot in fields.
A single Eagles B-52 looses a single megaton-class nuclear gravity bomb above the REPCONN plant.
Vulpes watches from the Sherman as the Mojave is dragged into the depths of war.
(Feel free to RP in this thread. It's here for a reason.)
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that-boleyn-grrrl · 2 months
not gonna lie going batshit typing instead of actually trying is pretty fun i should do it more .
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livelaughlight-it-up · 4 months
Going to kerch to beat up a blondie
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royalarchivist · 10 months
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(Cellbit was chasing down Pac earlier shouting "Come back here, queridinho!")
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
@papcrrings said : Was that [TATI GABRIELLE]? Oh no no, that was just [ANNA OF CLEVES], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [SIX THE MUSICAL]. They are [TWENTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/HER],  and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. [it’s J!]
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. anna of cleves [tati gabrielle]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city! 
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princesslizzyfnafton · 2 months
It's 3:29 and I am at the fountain in Greenfair Gardens... I don't see anyone in a blue jacket...
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exyzedd · 1 year
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curiositymemes · 6 months
taken from the 2023 album by noah kahan. trigger warnings for mental illness, trauma, medication, references to suicide, and the exquisite agony of life in rural new england. feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.
northern attitude.
how you been? 
you settled down?
you feelin’ right? 
you feelin’ proud?
you settle in to routine.
what does it mean? 
i’m not how you hoped.
you’re gettin’ lost.
scared to live, scared to die. 
you’re feelin’ lost.
stick season.
you must’ve had yourself a change of heart.
now i am stuck between my anger and the blame that i can’t face.
it’s half my fault, but i just like to play the victim. 
i’ll dream each night of some version of you that i might not have but i did not lose. 
i thought that if i piled something good on all my bad i could cancel out the darkness i inherited from dad. 
i miss the way you laugh.
you once called me forever now you still can’t call me back.
that’ll have to do.
my other half was you.
i hope this pain’s just passin’ through, but i doubt it. 
all my love.
how have things been?
well, love, now that you mention it.
i’m sayin’ too much, but you know how it gets out here.
now i know your name, but not who you are.
it’s all okay, there ain’t a drop of bad blood.
you got all my love.
if you need me, dear, i’m the same as i was.
what i’d give to have you out of me.
i still recall how the leather in your car feels.
and at the end of it all, i just hope that your scars heal.
i swear i was scared to death.
i smiled stupid the whole way home.
you said, ‘i’ll never let you go.’
she calls me back.
there was heaven in your eyes. 
everything’s alright.
look at me and don’t you lie.
don’t you hold your head up high.
for bullshit, i do not have time.
do you lie awake restless?
why am i so obsessive?
this town’s the same as you left it.
the radio is taunting me.
i don’t get much sleep most nights.
i’m seeing you in every dream.
if only i could fall asleep. 
i’ll love you when the oceans dry. 
i was too afraid of living life in your footsteps.
come over.
it was there when we got here, will be there when we leave.
you won’t have to guess who they’re speakin’ about.
i’m in the process of clearin’ out cobwebs. 
i was takin’ the wrong meds; feels good to be sad.
my house is just barely big enough for my family.
my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it.
i promise you, darlin’.
you won’t ever go back.
i know that it ain’t much.
i know that it ain’t cool.
you don’t have to tell the other kids at school.
someday i’m gonna be somebody people want.
new perspective.
makin’ me nostalgic.
we were kids; but that don’t make this less hard.
if i could fly i doubt i’d even do it. 
i’d probably get high and crash or somethin’ stupid.
gave me your word.
i can’t pronounce it.
no thing so sure that i can’t learn to doubt it.
everywhere, everything.
would we survive in a horror movie?
we trust everyone we meet.
we’re littered with scars from our preteens.
i wanna love you ‘til we’re food for the worms to eat.
‘til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours. 
i know every route in this county.
maybe that ain’t such a bad thing.
i’ll tell you where not to speed.
it’s been a long year.
orange juice.
honey, come over.
it’s yours if you want it.
we’re just glad you could visit. 
feels like i’ve been ready for you to come home for so long.
i didn’t think to ask you where you’d gone. 
why’d you go?
my heart has changed and my soul has changed.
you just asked me to hold you.
it made you a stranger and it filled you with anger.
my life has changed.
the world has changed.
don’t you find it strange that you just went ahead and carried on?
are we all just pullin’ you down?
strawberry wine.
darling, speak to me.
don’t you say a word.
you thought you were cursed?
i’m in love with every song you’ve ever heard.
if i could lose you, i would.
all the time we used to have.
the things i miss but know are never coming back. 
no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft.
growing sideways.
finally found some middle ground.
i said, ‘i’m cured.’
i divvied up my anger into thirty separate parts.
i’m still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them.
it’s a start.
but i ignore things and i move sideways ‘til i forget what i felt in the first place.
i know there are worse ways to stay alive.
everyone’s growing and everyone’s healthy.
if my engine works perfect on empty, i guess i’ll drive. 
i forgot my medication, fell into a manic high.
now i’m sufferin’ in style.
why is pain so damn impatient? ain’t like it’s got a place to be.
if all my time was wasted, i don’t mind. 
i’ll watch it go.
it’s better to die numb than feel it all.
the dawn isn’t here, the sun hasn’t rose.
they got money to make and children back home.
i worry for you, you worry for me.
the bridges have long since been burnt. 
i’m leavin’ this town and i’m changin’ my address.
i know that you’ll come if you want.
i’m losin’ myself.
i’m seein’ my life on a screen.
i know that you fear that i’m wicked and weary.
i know that you’re fearin’ the end. 
i only tell the truth when i’m sure that i’m lyin’. 
are you bored yet?
the weather ain’t been bad if you’re into masochistic bullshit.
this place is such great motivation for anyone tryna move the fuck away from hibernation. 
time moves so damn slow i swear i feel my organs failing.
i stopped caring ‘bout a month ago, since then it’s been smooth sailing. 
i would leave if only i could find a reason. 
i got dreams, but i cant make myself believe them. 
i’ll spend the rest of my life with what could have been. 
i will die in the house that i grew up in.
i’m homesick. 
i don’t wanna say goodbye.
it only falls into place when you’re fallin’ to pieces.
you miss something that you can’t place but you can’t deny it. 
you can’t stay here.
it’s hard to face and it feels too ugly.
it’s like i’m still here with you. 
can i fix what is broken?
the view between villages (extended). 
for a minute, the world seems so simple.
i am not scared of death.
i’ve got dreams again.
there is meanin’ on earth. 
i feel so far from it.
it’s all washin’ over me. 
i’m angry again. 
the things that i lost here, the people i knew.
they got me surrounded for a mile or two. 
i found a town big enough for anything i want.
i’m not a city girl, by any means.
it still has a lot of meaning to me.
i grew up there. 
your needs, my needs.
you ain’t gotta tell me what it means.
i promise to be there this time. alright? 
you were a work of art.
that’s the hardest part.
i’m naming the stars in the sky after you.
dial drunk.
i promised to forget you.
i ain’t takin’ any fault.
am i half the man i used to be? i doubt it.
forget about it, whatever.
it’s all the same anyways.
i ain’t proud of all the punches that i’ve thrown. 
for the shame of being young, drunk, and alone.
i gave your name as my emergency phone call.
i’d die for you.
from charmin’ to alarmin’ in seconds.
i’ll let the pain metastasize.
i beg you, sir, just let me call.
let’s wait, i swear she’ll call me back.
son, are you a danger to yourself?
fuck that, sir.
son, why do you do this to yourself?
paul revere.
this place had a heartbeat in its day.
nothin’ was the same.
it just ain’t that simple, it never was.
one day i’m gonna cut it clear.
i’m not from around here.
i’ll leave before the road crew’s out. 
i’ll turn up the music and i’ll forget.
i’m not ready to let go yet.
i’ll just pretend i didn’t hear.
it’s typical, i fear.
folks just disappear.
if i could leave, i would’ve already left.
no complaints.
i thought i had something and that’s the same as having something.
i get mad at nothing.
i pull no punches, then feel bad for months.
thought i was raised better, tried to fake better.
now the weight of the world ain’t so bad.
i saw the end, it looks just like the middle.
i filled the hole in my head with prescription medication.
who am i to complain?
now the pain’s different. It still exists, it just escapes different.
yes, i’m young and living dreams.
i’m in love with being noticed and afraid of being seen.
call your mom.
oh, you’re spiralin’ again.
don’t you cancel any plans.
stayed on the line with you the entire night ‘til you let it out and let it in.
don’t let this darkness fool you.
i’ll drive all night.
i’ll call your mom.
oh, dear, don’t be discouraged.
i’ve been exactly where you are.
if you could see yourself like this.
you’dve never tried it.
stayed on the line with you the entire night ‘til you told me that you had to go.
throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason.
don’t wanna drive another mile wonderin’ if you’re breathin’.
won’t you stay with me?
you’re gonna go far. 
this is good land, or at least it was.
it takes a strong hand and a sound mind.
it makes me smile to know when things get hard, you’ll be far from here.
pack up your car.
put a hand to your heart.
say whatever you feel.
be wherever you are.
we ain’t angry at you, love. 
you’re the greatest thing we’ve lost.
the birds will still sing.
we’ll be waiting for you, love.
we’ll all be here forever.
we spent so long just getting by.
that’s the thing about survival; who the hell likes livin’ just to die?
you told me you would make a difference.
it won’t be by your own volition if you step foot outside this town.
it’s all we’ve had for always.
you’re gonna go far.
if you wanna go far, then you gotta go far.
let’s drive for no reason.
you look fine in the evening.
honey, it’s starting to storm.
used to wish i meant anything to anywhere, to anyone.
i’m glad i get forever to see where you end.
i won’t be alone for the rest of my life.
i’ll meet a girl in the heat of july.
i’ll tell her so she knows.
i’m broke, but i’m real rich in my head.
when i hold her close, i might loosen my grip, but i won’t ever let her go.
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