#sketchy hides the mistakes
sylvianasart · 1 year
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I have this character. And I've never actually drawn her myself. So I gotta learn how to draw better so I actually can sometime.
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chalkscrub · 3 months
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also a murdoch sketch i may or may not finish so here it is in raw form. he's probably talking about himself again or being condescending about renaissance art
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undreaming-fanfiction · 4 months
I don't even have a clear storyline in mind for this, but I just really, really want to see a modern AU with Eddie as a detective who investigates the Harrington Pharma company. The company is huge and looks clean on paper, but Eddie has a nose for these things, he knows something is wrong. He knows that Richard Harrington ran some sketchy trials and some of Wayne's friends have lifelong health issues, Chief Jim Hopper included.
The company looks almost impenetrable, but Eddie digs. No detail is too small for him. He crosses paths with the owner's son and a board member, Steve Harrington. Eddie despises him. A fucking rich kid, making millions out of other people's misery. His public appearances are well rehearsed, but Eddie knows his type. A shallow, pretty partying douchebag who hasn't had to work a single day in his life. His PR manager Robin Buckley seems way too decent to work with such a bunch of assholes, but Eddie's seen what money can do to people. Either way she's corrupted too.
He meets the younger Harrington several times. The handsome young man is not openly hostile, but he's condescending, bitchy and he looks at Eddie as if he were dirt. "Good luck with your efforts," he sneers when he sees Eddie digging through the public records of Harrington Pharma. "But maybe get a real hobby instead? I hear golf is nice." Eddie wants to murder him.
Eddie cooperates with an investigative journalist, Nancy Wheeler, who keeps all her cards close to her chest, but she still points him in the right direction several times. He collects evidence, partners up with the public prosecutor Joyce Byers. He even meets her son, Jonathan, who is able to get the most damning photographic evidence. No one fully trusts each other, but that's okay. Harrington Pharma is their shared enemy and that's enough.
One day, Eddie makes a mistake. He sneaks into the Harrington Pharma archives and miscalculates the guard shifts. He's stuck hiding under an old desk for hours, he's slowly losing hope, he has no way to contact anyone, his legs are cramping and he's exhausted, but then he hears a familiar voice talking with the guard.
"Hi, Tommy. All good? How's Carol and the kids? That's wonderful to hear. I just need to verify some records for dad, it's not a big deal. Have you had your smoke break yet? You can go, stretch your legs. I'll be here for at least half an hour."
Shit. It's Steve fucking Harrington. Eddie tries to stay still and will his muscles to cooperate, and he thinks he's doing a great job, but then-
"You can come out now. He's gone."
Eddie freezes. How the fuck does he know?
Harrington's voice is quiet, urgent. "Damn it, Munson! You have ten minutes tops before he comes back, so stop playing hide and seek with me!"
He manages to get back on his feet, uncertain and wobbly, and when he sees Harrington leaning over the desk, he's half ready for a fight. But the other man doesn't make a move, doesn't call out to anyone. He just hands Eddie a folder, some of them are the files he selected, but some are new. "I added a few that you missed," hisses Harrington and leans into the corridor. "I'll go first, get Tommy to focus somewhere else. You run to the right and pray to anyone willing to listen. And most importantly," he says, and shit, Steve Harrington can sound serious if he wants to!, "I never saw you here. You heard me come in, used the opportunity and bolted. Clear?"
Eddie just nods. He watches as Steve extends his arm, probably grabbing Tommy by the shoulders and leading him to the other end of the building, he sneaks as far as he can and then he madly dashes for the hole in the fence he made earlier.
The files are it. With all the evidence Nancy, Jonathan and Eddie collected, Joyce can finally take that dark empire down. Eddie is there every day, watches the trial, but then he hears that there are two witnesses for the prosecution from inside the company itself.
It's Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley.
He sees Steve give him a wink from the stand and he wants to kiss the man. Eddie hears all of it in the following days - how Steve used to date Nancy Wheeler, but then her best friend Barb Holland died due to a mishandled drug trial for her condition by Harrington Pharma. How Nancy broke up with Steve, but even with no chance of rekindling their relationship, he vowed to stop his father for good. How he worked in the company for years, climbed the ladder, managed to make enough connections to get his friend Robin Buckley the position of a PR manager. How she helped him to keep up the charade until the very end.
When the Harrington empire finally falls, Eddie watches quietly as Steve embraces Nancy, whispering to her that she did so well, that Barb would be proud. "We finally did it, Nance. We're finally free."
And then, before Eddie can disappear, Harrington is walking towards him, the mask finally off. He looks younger now, his smile is genuine and Eddie can't help it, his traitorous heart is telling him that this is the single part of the Harrington case he'll never leave behind.
"Hi," says Steve. "I...uh. I just wanted to say sorry for all the nasty things I said before. I had to for my cover, but...I just want you to know, I really appreciate what you did."
Eddie just stares at him, blush forming on his cheeks and a crush blooming in his heart. "I'm pretty sure I just butchered your career," he mutters. "And you're thanking me?"
Steve shrugs. "I mean. I'm out of job, I'm a known whistleblower now and my dad's lawyers will probably try to sue me. So that's not great. But if you want to ease your conscience...take me out for a coffee?" Another wink, another squeeze around Eddie's heart.
Eddie fakes a deep sigh and takes Steve by the elbow. "I don't think a single coffee is going to get rid of all my guilt, but it's a start. Maybe a lunch tomorrow would help my healing process?"
Laughing, Steve nudges his side. "Anything for your peace of mind, Eddie."
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ghostofhyuck · 3 months
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NCT Dream when you're learning their native language. 
Mark Lee
"Babe what is this?" Mark asked and as you turned around, you saw him holding the Korean textbook that you bought a few weeks ago. You became quiet for a second then proceeds to snatch it away from his hands. You reason out that you're trying (TRYING!) to learn Korean and while you're a blushing mess of how embarrassing it was, Mark found it endearing.
Huang Renjun
You and Renjun are enjoying a movie, cuddling and just enjoying being with each other when your phone suddenly rang, a familiar ringtone that indicates that it's time for your daily Mandarin lessons OUTLOUD. You and Renjun stared at each other, and you looked away first embarrassed. "You're learning Mandarin? that's kinda sweet you know that?" Renjun said with an astonished tone.
Lee Jeno
While looking for something, Jeno found a thick notebook on your drawer. As he picked it up, he noticed that it's full of handwritten hangul symbols. He scrolls through it and realized that the notebook's almost full. So when you entered the room and saw your boyfriend holding the notebook, you were frozen. "Your handwriting looks cute," Jeno smiles at you. "Also you made some small mistakes." then proceeds to correct your mistakes. (nicely of course!)
Lee Donghyuck
The first thing Haechan saw when he went to your place was that you're busy in your laptop, even writing notes on your notebook. He thought that you're taking an online class from your uni so he lets you be, but you repeated a sentence that caught his attention. He couldn't help but chuckle when you attempt to say another sentence with a heavy accent. After you finished the online class, Haechan repeated the sentence you said earlier, making you slap his shoulders lightly.
Na Jaemin
"Babe I'm home!" Jaemin shouts, dropping his bag on the couch. He wonders why you're not responding to him, especially when he knows that you replied to his text earlier. Jaemin decided to go to your room and as he opened it, he saw you focused on your phone. You're repeating some phrases while typing it on your phone. Jaemin approaches you and looks at your phone. "Oh, you're learning hangul? I didn't know!" he said, smiling ear to ear.
Zhong Chenle
"I'm here," Chenle types and seconds later, he sends it to you. He looks around and the area doesn't look sketchy, but it's not located on the busiest street of the area. A few minutes later, he saw you leaving the building, smiling widely as you hugged him. "So, what's with here?" he asked curiously. "Oh, it's a learning center for Mandarin!" you said. Chenle became quiet for a second but only chuckles, "you can just ask me to teach you, you know that?"
Park Jisung
"What are you reading?" You were startled when you heard a familiar deep voice. "Jisung! you're here!" you smiled, trying to hide the book from him, but your boyfriend was quick to snatch it away from you. "You're learning hangul?" he asked, scanning the book. You could only say yes, embarrassed because Jisung caught you. "You know this one's not great for beginners," he pointed out, even recommending you other books that are more beginner-friendly.
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
As a request, may I ask please for a reader running away from the Fatui debt collector and ending up by getting caught by Childe ?
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The strong regard in which the Fatui held their contracts in could almost rival the nation of Liyue itself. By signing your name on the paper you signed off your entire life away, perhaps even your very soul if the situation or person called for it. The Fatui were rolling in mora and their Harbingers were some of the richest people to ever grace Teyvat. Their bankers know what they are doing, no penny is ever left unchecked and all of the clients pay what they are owed, no matter the cost.
You were one of those unfortunate clients.
On paper, their professionalism was okay, maybe even great if you're delusional enough. But everything came at a cost and you realized that the Fatui were only ever interested in keeping their side of the contract intact.
After mysteriously being laid off your job and losing every earthly possession you ever owned, you were left with no options other than to turn to the Northernland Bank. Despite its somewhat sketchy reputation there was also a decent amount of individuals who were quite pleased with the banks services, which is exactly why you felt all the more urged to go there. Everything was going smoothly for the first few months. You managed to pay rent and get some other basic necessities in order such as food and clothes but you were still far from the safe zone. You never managed to pay your debts on time which made the clerk at the bank frustrated with you.
"We can be kind to you only for so long." she'd say.
"Don't make the same mistake again."
You promised her that you wouldn't and you intended to keep that promise.
Unfortunately, life almost never plays out the way we want it to.
After weeks of endless job hunts, no one wanted to take you. It made no sense whatsoever! You had no criminal record, were always diligent on your previous job and had no enemies. Whenever you'd have an interview the people behind the counter would always be quick to shush you and tell you that they could not take you in. The last place you applied for, a small flower shop, was so quick to turn you down that it should be considered the world record. The moment you said your name out loud it was as if a switch was pressed and the owner switched gears entirely. Her demeanor went from calm and sweet to anxious and downright terrified as her entire body started shaking. She was beyond forceful as she shoved you out the door and told, no, begged you to not come back, ever.
In those brief moments you shared with the woman she became fear personified. You never understood why but right now that didn't matter.
Not when Fatui agents were pursuing you in the darkness of the night.
They were like the harrowing winter wind, sharp and swift. They barged into your home and demanded you pay what you owed unless you wished for more serious consequences to take place. The hooded agent pressed his large blade against your neck and his fire red eyes tore into you, daring you to make a move.
He was not expecting you to actually do something, let alone kick him in the shin.
A cryo mage and a hydro skirmisher were hot on your tail but you managed to quickly outrun them.
Panting, you hid behind a large pile of wooden crates near the harbor. There was little to no light aside from the stars, providing you ample cover against your assailants. This wasn't unfortunately only an advantage for you alone as they too could make use of this darkness. Not only were you outnumbered but also found to be completely and utterly defenseless. With little to no combat training and no vision to speak of, this endless chase became more and more unbearable. Options were also limited - keep hiding and make a run for it outside of the city but risk getting chased all over the content or come out of hiding and face the music.
Neither option was good. Death was all but guaranteed. The Fatui did not understand the concept of mercy.
That was a sentiment that the 11th Harbinger knew all to well.
He watched you from a window, ocean blue eyes tailing after every single move of yours. His chin rested on his hand while the other toyed with a white glaze lilly that grew close next to him, the soft petals providing him a much needed source of silly entertainment. In his eyes you were this glaze lilly - gentle, beautiful. Easy to break. It took him no effort whatsoever to tear your life to shreds and keep you docile. Tartaglia was a little bitter how you did not remember him back when you were younger, which might be the reason as to why he is being so harsh right now. He always liked to play rough and the sight of you shaking made his blood rush with pure and utter glee. Everything was going according to plan and he could not have been more satisfied. A wicked smirk danced on his lips as he ripped the glaze lilly from the pot, its green stem now firmly in his hands. A wave of determination came over the young man as he let out a quiet laugh to himself.
As fun as this was, he was done. No more games, he was going to have you.
It was time to step into the heart of the action.
Like an acrobat, Childe leaped out of the window and landed gracefully on both his feet, the bow on his back firmly set in place. His fingers twitched in anticipation as he creeped up closer and closer towards you. He was so quiet that not even a mouse could hear him.
It really wasn't your fault for screaming so hard, he thought to himself. Anyone would have gotten scared if someone just came up to them like that. As a matter of fact, he even found it kind of cute!
The shrill screams naturally caught the attention of the people he told to hunt you down and in a flash they stood before the two of you, panting but ready for action. The measley subordinates were, unsurprisingly, startled to see a Harbinger out in the open like this, prompting them to immediately lower their heads and bow deeply.
You were too caught up in your own paranoia to hear Childe mumble a quiet "You are dismissed." command to them. You trembled, fat tears caking your face as the ginger turned to face you, a small smile on his lips. He scared you enough for now, hasn't he? Reaching out towards you he held your quivering body, your face pressed deeply against his chest as you wept loudly. The grey fabric of his clothing soon turned a much darker shade due to the heavy tears but you could not care less.
Tired, you were so tired.
Despite having no clue to the identity of the man who held you so gently, there was absolutely no chance you were letting him go. You made your decision right there and then - snaking your arms around his thin waist you stayed like that as you let out everything out of your system, the pain, the fear and every other dark emotion which clouded your heart, all the while having no clue that your savior was the one who brought out all of this misery to you.
He could be a sadistic bastard, Childe knew this. He went too far in tormenting you and was most surely going to make everything up to you.
Right now though all he could do was sit on the ground and cradle you in his arms as his heart wept alongside yours, but with much different reasons than yours. He was a walking paradox, both the tormentor and the savior. All in due time though, you would grow to love it.
He would make sure of it.
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🥀 TAGS: @genshinarchives, @mod-kisa-blog, @juuuuuj101010, @kalopses-sonderes, @b10h4z4rd, @xiaopleasecomehome, @yumekos-gamble, @mayulli, @cc-6789, @saturnalya, @mewmeowmika, @ranposgirlboss
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grandgtaman1a · 9 months
Dating Headcanons with our Holy Trinity
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Pairing: Michael De Santa x Reader, Trevor Phillips x Reader, Franklin Clinton x Reader
Characters: Michael De Santa, Trevor Phillips, Franklin Clinton, Reader[Female or Gender Neutral]
Summary: How would Michael Franklin and Trevor act on the first date and then on the second date?[Anon Request...]
AN: There can be inaccuracy... Feel free to reblog and let me know your thoughts Do not Repost. The collage quality sucks
Michael De Santa
The first date would involve:
>Michael is no stranger to high-end places, so he might take you to a fancy restaurant or a rooftop bar with a stunning view of Los Santos. He wants to impress you with his wealth and style.
> There would be a talk about his previous criminal life but limiting what he used to do in a witty banner he may share while giving a hint to it. His charm and charisma might be both captivating and unsettling.
>To add a bit of excitement to the date, Michael might take you for a thrilling drive in one of his expensive cars or even a helicopter ride over the city. He's not one for the conventional and would brag how he got it still hiding about his past
>Michael might surprise you with an extravagant gift, perhaps a piece of jewelry or a designer accessory. He's used to buying his way into people's favor.
>Given his temperamental nature, there might be a moment of tension or an argument during the date. He could get defensive or irritable, reflecting his troubled past.
The second date would involve:
> On the second date he may take you to the art gallery where it is low-key key or to a movie theater to show one of his movies Meltdown telling him how he was offered once and his dream coming true. Maybe talking about how he loves old Vinewood classic movies.
>Michael may use this opportunity to apologize for any tension or arguments during the first date. He might open up about his past mistakes and share his desire for a fresh start.
>He might ask about your interests and try to engage in activities that align with your passions. Whether it's art, sports, or even a cooking class, he wants to show that he's interested in getting to know you better. Sports may be a huge interest for him talking about how he has a huge tennis court back at his house practices yoga and drinks kale juice which kind of destroys his mood.
>Michael may become more affectionate on the second date, showing a more vulnerable and caring side of himself. He might hold your hand, steal a kiss, or simply be more attentive.
>Toward the end of the date, he could discuss his aspirations for a better life, away from crime and chaos. He may express his desire to change and build a stable, loving relationship.
Trevor Phillips
The first date would involve:
>Trevor is known for his love of chaos and danger, so he might take you to a sketchy biker bar or an underground fight club for the first date. He wants to gauge your reaction to his extreme lifestyle.
>Trevor's conversations can be intense, filled with crude humor and dark stories from his past. He might share tales of his criminal endeavors and show a twisted sense of humor.
>Expect the unexpected. Trevor might suggest an impromptu road trip in a stolen car or even go skydiving without any prior planning. He thrives on adrenaline and recklessness.
>Trevor might give you a bizarre or inappropriate gift, something that reflects his eccentric personality. It could be anything from a rusty weapon to a souvenir from a crime scene.
>: Trevor's explosive temper could lead to confrontations during the date. He might pick fights with strangers or engage in criminal activities that you may find uncomfortable or dangerous.
>At one point you would see inside the bodhi a summer dress thinking it is for you or any of his old dates but shocks you when he tells you that it is his which makes you have mixed emotions.
The second date would involve:
>For the second date, Trevor might surprise you by doing something completely unexpected, like taking you to a demolition derby or participating in a wild stunt show.
> If there were any confrontations or disturbing incidents during the first date, Trevor might half-heartedly apologize but quickly move on to the next chaotic adventure.
>Surprisingly, Trevor may show a more sensitive side by asking about your interests and trying to find common ground. However, this could still involve activities that others would consider insane.
>Trevor is not known for his emotional depth, but he might attempt to be more affectionate in his own strange way. This could involve a bear hug or a playful roughhousing
>Trevor might discuss his ambitions, which could involve grandiose, risky schemes. He may even propose you join him in a life of crime, thinking it's the ultimate bonding experience.
Franklin Clinton
The first date would involve:
>Franklin would likely choose a casual, down-to-earth location for the first date, such as a cozy restaurant, a local diner, or even a park. He values simplicity and sincerity
>Franklin is a relatable character who's easy to talk to. He might discuss his aspirations, his love for cars, and his desire for a more stable life. Expect a genuine and friendly conversation.
>He might suggest an activity that reflects his passion for cars, like visiting a car museum or going for a scenic drive. He wants to share his interests with you.
>Franklin might bring a thoughtful, small gift that shows he's been paying attention to your interests. It could be a book, a piece of art, or something related to your hobbies.
>Franklin generally avoids confrontations and would strive to keep the date drama-free. He's looking for a connection rather than chaos.
The second date would involve:
>For the second date, Franklin might plan a more adventurous outing, like hiking in the nearby hills, going to a live music performance, or exploring the city's cultural scene.
>If there were any minor issues or misunderstandings during the first date, Franklin would likely address them with a sincere apology. He values open communication.
>He would inquire more about your interests and try to plan activities that align with your hobbies. Franklin wants to connect on a deeper level.
>Franklin would become more affectionate on the second date, perhaps holding your hand or stealing a kiss if he senses a mutual connection.
>Franklin might discuss his plans for the future, which usually revolve around his career, financial stability, and personal growth. He's determined to leave his criminal past behind.
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astarionfreak · 2 months
For the smut game
1 and/or 13 with A.A. x Gale please?
Oh, fuck. Great idea! Yes. 🧛🧙
1. "I need you inside me."
13. "Please, please let me come."
!! Warning: This deals with chronic pain (Gale still has the orb). Ascended Astarion appears soft on the surface, but there is some sketchy shit going on behind the scenes tbh.
Snippet for the smut ask game. | Previous answers here.
There was no denying that the ascension changed him. Gale sensed the difference immediately. Astarion seemed sharper, leaner, hungrier.
There was also no denying that Gale found him very attractive. Before the power, but even moreso now.
Astarion walked in the sun without fear. The appetites of man returned to him. He ate food in addition to blood -- and although he often chastised Gale for cooking, "There's no need for you to ever lift a finger again, my love." -- Gale found pleasure in the small act of service.
Gale busied himself in the kitchen, putting together one of his favorite meals, when pain got the better of him. He stumbled back from the stove and gestured for one of the many servants to come take over. Wordlessly he retreated to his chambers.
As luck would have it, the aching void that gnawed away within him had remained relatively stable. However -- to put it simply -- it hurt. Some days were worse than others. Today was one of the more difficult ones.
Gale only intended to stay in the Crimson Palace for a tenday, two at most. Just until he located the Netherstones. Then he would return to Waterdeep, where he planned reforging the crown. For himself. Obtaining his own power.
He promised to make a place in the Heavens to share with Astarion. Together, they would be Gods. Better than the ones who had turned their backs on them.
Better than Mystra. Stronger.
Unfortunately, despite numerous attempts, they had been unable to locate the stones. 
Meaning the orb remained. An ever growing threat and -- quite literally -- a painful reminder of his shortcomings. Each day it got worse. The fetid thing was hungry again.
And while Astarion could not hide his displeasure when Gale consumed magical artifacts -- he did continue to provide them when necessary. For that, Gale was extremely grateful.
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t jealous. Astarion had power in abundance while the cursed magic that lived within Gale slowly robbed him of everything.
Gale stumbled into their bedroom, stripped himself of his robes, and lay, clad only in underwear, between soft, silk sheets in their bed. That is where Astarion found him hours later. Curled up into himself, in the quiet, dark room.
Astarion slipped between the sheets. He pressed his firm chest against the other man’s back, one arm snaking over Gale’s body to pull him close. Astarion pressed a ring against Gale’s chest. “I stole this from a patriar today. The absolute fool had the gall to demand I bow. Can you imagine? Me? Bowing to anyone? At least he was considerate enough to be wearing this ring when I cut off his fingers.”
Gale held his breath as he let the magic flow through him, feeding the angry pit. Just enough to settle the storm inside. It wouldn’t be long before it demanded more though.
More. More More. Always hungry. Never sated.
“His mistake is my gain, I suppose,” Gale mumbled. It took him a moment to settle back into his body, the pain subsiding enough to allow him to breathe through the fog. “Thank you for this.”
Astarion’s hands wandered down Gale’s body, beneath the hem of his underwear, fingertips dragging across his skin as he approached his cock. “Well, I simply can’t have you wasting away in bed all day now, can I? It’s unbecoming.”
Gale sighed softly and pressed closer. “I am beginning to suspect something is wrong with me beyond my . . . affliction.”
Astarion bit gently at Gale’s earlobe. “There is one thing we’ve yet to try. I’m positive I could get past the taste if you would just allow me —”
“No, Astarion.” Gale rolled onto his back and met Astarion’s eyes. “We have truly no idea how the orb would react to me becoming a vampire — a spawn, no less. I will forge my own path to immortality.”
“Yes, the Netherstones. You have all but dredged the Chionthar and yet — nothing. Aren’t you a bit curious as to why?”
“Curious? What are you saying?” Gale stiffened as Astarion’s fingers curled around his cock. His lips parted and he gasped as Astarion’s deft hand pumped once, twice over his length. “Is there something you aren’t telling me, Astarion?”
Astarion propped himself up on an elbow, staring down at Gale with a smirk. “I have my . . . theories. Perhaps I’ll divulge them after we’ve indulged in each other.”
Gale tried to study Astarion’s face, searched for the man behind the mask — but it was hard to think when Astarion’s hand was on his cock.
It became even more difficult to think when Astarion pressed his lips against Gale’s. Despite the orb’s increasing instability, he still had this. No amount of excitement seemed to trigger an explosion.
There was little hesitation between them, much unlike the first time they kissed. Now, when they were together, it was with total abandon. As though nothing else mattered. Perhaps that was true.
Gale found himself gasping into Astarion’s mouth when he shifted to straddle him. Then he kissed, down Gale’s jaw, his chest, his stomach. Lower, and lower, tugging his underwear down past his thighs to expose him completely.
Astarion’s eyes were dark with lust. “One rule, darling,” he purred. “The same rule as always. Do you remember?”
Gale curled his fingers in the sheets, prepared to hold himself steady. “I shall not come without permission.”
Astarion smiled, breath warm against Gale’s erect cock. “That’s my good boy.”
Astarion always made unraveling Gale seem so effortless. In this bed, the very words he relied on often failed him. Astarion always reduced him to a whimpering, submissive thing. Tonight was no exception.
Even when the head of Gale’s cock was bumping up against the back of Astarion’s throat, Gale knew he was not the one with control. He would not break their rule. Even if the threat of punishment did seem alluring, at times.
When the sweat dripped down the back of his neck, when his breathing was labored, and when the sheets had become a tangled mess from his squirming, that’s when Gale finally broke. That’s when he began to beg.
“Please, please let me come, Astarion,” he choked out between moans.
Astarion dragged his tongue across the head of Gale’s cock, then looked up at him with a devious grin.
“Perhaps I will. Perhaps I won’t,” Astarion teased. “I could be convinced if you tell me what else you need.”
Gale licked his lips, staring down at the flawless man before him. He knew what Astarion wanted to hear. He wanted it too. “I need you inside me,” he whispered.
“Then you’ll get everything you need, my love,” Astarion purred.
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Disclaimer: I do not own Maliksi, or Makisig (the Tamawo bros). Full Credit goes to HC - @ask-emilz-de-philz. Please check out their blog for amazing art and the wonderful world of Planet Puto.. All involved characters are adults. This might or might not be a self insert, please don't come for me.
PT.2 (ANGST Version) here.
PT.2 (FLUFF Version) here.
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Makisig has an eerily human-like demeanor despite being a Tamawo, he talks and sometimes act with a sense of concern and empathy that you can definitely mistake him for a human if not for his golden hands and tongue, and the undeniable strength and looming presence he usually hides behind his gentle smile.
Maliksi on the otherhand, despite being shorter, and looking a lot younger than Makisig is much prone to showing his inhuman side. His usual expression is a glare, looking down in disgust to those binibinis following him and his Kuya around.
Unlike his kuya Makisig, Maliksi does not have any considerable grasp of how humans process emotions, he barely has grasp on how to process his own. He definitely lives up to his name with how fast his mood changes. A smile tugging on his lips, and a glimpse of genuine happiness only happens whenever he's around his Kuya, however, there is one emotion that comes easy for him- rage.
Rage that he carried inside him for decades
Rage that consumed him, the night he found his brother, lifeless from the hands of the humans he loved and protected.
Rage that kept burning on his soul... because how dare this puny creatures of flesh have the audacity to lay their filthy hands on his only family.
Maliksi's resentment towards humans grow deeper whenever he sees his Kuya interact with the binibinis because how can someone who undergone such pain and violence be so gentle and caring? His brother makes it look easy- smiling at them, comforting them, making them fall inlove.
Why can't he do the same?
Why can't he forgive them?
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The first time Maliksi saw you in the woods, you tried using a fallen branch of Santol tree to try fight him off but immediately chucked it to the ground and squealed when a salagubang fell into your hand. It took all of his self control not to pick up the insect and throw it at you since his Kuya Makisig is watching.
You spent time with the two brothers at the Lost City, along with some other binibinis. The two only has 2 simple rules - no roaming around unsupervised by any of them, and no talking to other tamawos.
It is not a secret that the two are very different from the other tamawos- well, atleast Makisig is, and Maliksi is willing to do anything to keep his brother happy, even setting aside his distaste for humans and following his brother's virtues, keeping it as his own. Under their care, you and the other binibinis have the free will to decide for your fate.
Every single thing is discussed by Makisig, making sure all of you knew what you were getting yourselves into. Those who changed their minds about staying are allowed to return to their old lives, with their memory of the brothers and Biringan City erased.
You were sure to fall inlove with Makisig- he is the older brother, the sensible one, he is sweet and caring, yet you found yourself being drawn to his younger brother, Maliksi.
"Tsk. Why do you want to stroll today of all the days?" Maliksi rolled his eyes as he walks with you. The Lost City of Biringan is truly magnificent-  a bustling metropolis that has everything, from towering skyscrapers to the sleekest automobiles. Its inhabitants enjoy a level of convenience and luxury unlike anything we can imagine, with technology that far surpasses anything currently available in our own world.
Maliksi is still quietly mumbling to himself while you are just so absorbed with everything you were seeing that you didn't noticed how you were now following a complete stranger who took a turn into a sketchy alley- the establishments started getting fewer until you reached a dead end, the stranger you have mistakenly followed is now nowhere in sight.
Meanwhile, Maliksi just noticed that he has lost you. "Oh shit, Y/n got out of my sight. Kuya will be mad, mad if I don't return with her in one piece." he said in gritted teeth as he started looking for you.
When Maliksi found you, you were a snotty, sobbing mess, hugging your own knees for comfort like a lost toddler. He was angry at your stupidity, getting lost in such a foreign city with possible dangers, yet he can't deny how...cute your current state is. He pulled you to stand on your feet before wiping your tears with the sleeves of his shirt since he doesn't carry around a handkerchief like his Kuya.
"Come on, stop crying. I found you." He grinned, trying not to laugh at how much you're crying, not wanting you to feel bad further.
That's it. You were a lost cause. You have found yourself slowly falling inlove with the wrong brother- the one who would absolutely not understand your feelings, you are definitely stupid on that part.
Maliksi is not nice at all, he is oftentimes rude and whenever you ask questions, he answers sarcastically. He is often caught in some serious banter with the other ladies, only calming down once his brother steps in. You also took note of how childish he is- eating only sweets and playing video games whenever his brother is too busy tending to the ladies' needs, yet you seem to also notice how he deeply loves his brother and how he looks up to him and genuinely supports his beliefs and moral values.
Days have passed and you found yourself stealing him glances, making his favorite kutsinta, in pretense that it's actually for Makisig, yet putting it somewhere Maliksi would see first so he'll get to eat and enjoy it. Whenever Makisig spends time with you like he does with the other binibinis, you end up telling him that you'd like to play videogames so he'll end up also spending time with Maliksi, wanting to secretly see his smiles.
You never told anyone about your feelings, nor do you plan to because you knew that it is one sided. You were content with secretly making Maliksi happy without anything in return- that is enough.
The thing is, Maliksi actually noticed those small favors you were doing for him. He was definitely annoyed at first- he's a tamawo, what would he possibly gain from a human like you, afterall, humans are all the same in his eyes- just creatures driven by flesh and lust who will trample anything for their own desires...yet when he realized how you were letting him spend more time with his Kuya Makisig, he couldn't deny that it made him happy.
He doesn't understand your reasoning or thoughts at all. Why would you be doing him favors when you're not asking for anything. In his eyes, you are one weird, yet fascinating human.
He started gradually showing hints of appreciation- gleefuly eating the kutsinta you made where you can see him, looking forward to Makisig spending time with you because he knows that you'll choose an activity that will let him hangout with his brother, and although he wouldn't say it out loud, he's thankful for what you do.
"I wish to return home." You softly said in front of the two brothers. Makisig was surprised, his mouth opening to say something but he briefly closes it before agreeing, no questions asked, even though he is quite disappointed since he's seen how his brother has been happier and less angry with you around.
Maliksi on the otherhand is now frowning. "Why? What's wrong with staying here?! I thought you like it here..." He sounded like a child close to throwing a tantrum- just like how he is when you first arrived and all he knows is his annoyance with humans.
"Just don't go expecting us to help you when you get lured back by other tamawos in the future!" He huffed before walking away, slamming the door behind him.
You bitterly smiled at his reaction, knowing that he won't understand it even if you explain it to him. This is the least you can do for yourself. You're still young...once you return home, you won't remember him, not his golden eyes, not the cute mole on his cheeks you always dream of kissing, not his adorable smile whenever he eats sweets...and maybe, just maybe you'll find someone who can understand your feeling back at home. Maybe you'll fall inlove again, with someone who can be yours in this lifetime...That's all you could hope for.
(May part 2, kalma mga beshie.) Art by: @ask-emilz-de-philz, that's their OC, Maliksi the Tamawo. Please support them <3
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dianasaurusrex102 · 1 year
Maybe it gets better? (I could wait, it'd be my pleasure) -Remastered ver-
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Authors Note: First post :0 I recently reread one of my fanfics and was extremely embarrassed to see all the spelling and pacing mistakes I made TwT so I decided to rewrite some parts and regain my honor as a writer. Fun fact I’m Asexual and am uncomfortable with writing too explicit scenes lol and yet the few fanfic I’ve written are all NSFW :< I took the the liberty of ignoring the layout of the canon sister location in order to make it more human friendly, and characters can’t be ooc if they’re barely given a personality lolol Also from all the fnaf lore I’ve taken in Ballora, and both Funtimes aren’t possessed so they should be fine to romance :)
Content Warning(s): Female Reader & Anatomy, lots of pet names, Mild-Dubcon, Size Difference, Overstim, Aftercare
Ft: Ballora, Funtime Freddy, and Funtime Foxy
This wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to go near the building everyone warned you about. And you definitely weren't even supposed to think about entering it either.
At this point you've given up on trying to follow any rules you were told. The only thing on your mind was getting away from everything even if it was only for a night. But you walked into the unmarked building despite all your senses screaming to turn around , only wanting to get somewhere your body didn't feel so claustrophobic. 
Your home wasn't the same anymore, work didn't provide any solace either so your last resort was to hide from the world. You'd heard the rumors around this place, how some rich guy owned it and only specific people would ever come in and out. Everyone whispered about how it was a drug rink or maybe a sextraffiking headquarters, but all you could find was an empty, dusty lobby and boarded off stairs. 
You almost turned around at the sight of them, not wanting to explore this infamous building if it made your breaking and entering even more obvious. But a singular door at the far end of the lobby caught your eye, upon further inspection the knob was noticeably cleaner than everything else in the room. 
You turned the doorknob, quietly hoping that it would work so you wouldn't have to return to your house late and without a story to tell. The door opened with a quiet sound and a rush of adrenaline cut through you, am I really doing this? There's no going back once you step through, so you step forward hyping yourself up as you close the door behind the sharp click of the lock much to your horror. 
You whipped around, gripping at the knob as you greatly regretted your decision of walking in without a second thought. You violently twisted it damming whoever decided to install a automatic lock, instead of your initial "quick peek around" idea you now had a new objective.
Find another way out, or the alternative of finding something to pick the lock with. You dejectedly turned back around staring at the narrow staircase, you clicked on your phone flashlight huffing slightly as you accepted your fate. 
The walk down wasn't tremendously difficult, but you couldn't help being discouraged that at the end of the sketchy climb, the huge basement you imagined wasn't there. Instead an elevator was neatly stationed just in front of the last step, an extremely odd placement in your opinion but you didn't show up to judge. 
You pressed the only button you could see on the outside, a down arrow popped up at the top screen and in a split second the door slid open. With an unsure expression you shuffled into the oddly shaped elevator, every design choice of this place seemed intentionally weird even the semi circle elevator you begrudgingly entered. 
The doors shut and you're moving in an instant despite not touching a single button, in a slight panic you grip onto the small screen at the sudden descent down. The screen is blank, and you stare at the large lifeless eyes placed on top of the device as if you're waiting for them to blink back, they don't of course but you can't stop yourself from doing so until the doors reopen with a soft ding . 
You aren't sure why there's a need for this secret area to be so far down, the only thing you're sure of is the feeling of dread at the odd room you've stumbled across. The room was barely lit, T.V's filled with static lines up above the desks being the only thing illuminating the room. Mannequin heads lined on the desks bored into you as you took a step back and forced yourself into the wall behind you, begging for the doors to close and take you back up.
The elevator doors stubbornly despite the extended minute you stayed hyperventilating and questioning if you really needed this adventure to clear your mind. But everything stayed as still as you and the annoying static from the T.V was starting to piss you off rather than scare you.
" They're just mannequins, they aren't even moving! Get a hold of yourself!" That stern self-talk was all you needed to to stiffly walk making sure to keep a steady eye on the unnerving mannequins sitting in the left corner. The elevator finally closes behind you but you stand strong and take a deep breath to try to convince yourself all your decisions thus far were correct.
You head towards the desks trying to shake any unnerving feelings, you wanted to do this! You needed this adrenaline rush, and while this wasn't the most convenient way to receive one it was the one you chose. Your hands shook slightly as you took in the scenery around you, a large desk with junk haphazardly thrown on top and a cheap looking clock hung right above those ugly mannequins. 
Tentatively, you slid your fingers across one of their faces trying to make sure they weren't going to react. Its eyes rolled slightly when your fingertips slid on top, but other than that no unwarranted movements were made by them so you finally let your shoulders relax a tad. Paper was scattered atop desks for no rhyme or reason, and a seemingly useless statue on the opposite side of the desk.
"Whoever decorated this place needs to get fired, and who doesn't put a clock in the middle of the wal-" your critiques came to a sudden stop as you caught some movements behind the curtain on your left. You whipped your head at the sight, was there someone down here? Your hope spiked slightly but the movement was gone as soon as you tried to check. 
You hadn't even noticed the small sliver of what you could only assume was a window when you first walked in, your fingers itched to open the curtains and check. The other curtains seemed to be drawn shut, maybe it was a sign that this room was the right one after all. Or maybe there was a murderer on the other side, but at this point you were sure your initial heart attack when you saw the mannequins was the worst thing you could encounter down here.
You confidently walked over to the double doors, stilling just as your hand gripped the knob. You brewed in your own self doubt for a second, trying hard to keep up your sudden flash of self-assuredness. You suddenly pulled as hard as you could, trying to both surprise your brain and give your body no chance to back out.
If you could explain your situation to the person no doubt they'd understand and hopefully lead you out! You speed walked inside letting the door slam behind you, this is what people do right? Walk in like you own the place? You took in your surroundings again, soft dim lighting illuminated the grand foyer looking area and you took a second to realize how much bigger the room was.
" Is someone there? " A voice called out, you froze on the spot. Why were you so surprised? You were anticipating the presence of a person but the voice that rang out sounded too robotic and it dragged a shiver out of you. 
Your muscles seemed to lock up, it must have come from the intercoms! You force your head to turn towards the corner, quietly praying that all you found was a speaker. Instead a monstrously tall woman stood still, as if in the middle of a spin, moving to face your direction.
Wait, not a woman? Her skin was too glossy and stark white to pass as anything human but her build resembled one. She seemed like a ballerina, no she had to be a ballerina. She balanced perfectly on her pointed feet and she had her hands above her head in a perfect position. 
" Hello? Are you still here? " Her voice was so calming you would have never guessed it came from such a horrifying source. You watched in silent shock as her brows furrowed slightly in an uncanny show of emotion. Her face was segmented, closed eyes and purple eyelids were decorated with long eyelashes, and elegant cheeks accentuated with round purple blush. 
Her face segments shifted slightly and you couldn't stop the sharp gasp you let out. You started to breathe harder when she finally made eye contact (could it even be considered eye contact if her eyes were closed?) She gracefully lowered herself off her toes and her arms down, that was all you needed to snap out of your daze. 
You took a step back trying to be as stealthy as possible, only to be stopped before you could even move your foot more than an inch. Wait but there wasn't anything on the floor when you came in? A tiny robot stood right behind your feet, its small cream face giving a terrifying smile. 
This time you couldn't repress the sudden shriek escaped, you scrambled forward trying to get away from the doll. The only thing you ended up doing was tripping over another one of those darn dolls. Why were there so more??? You landed hard on your elbows, staring in disbelief at seemingly duplicating dolls.
More seemed to walk along, as if they sensed your sudden fright and decided to join in. You tried to shift away, managing to get into a sitting position only to stop again. You'd taken your eyes off that damn ballerina for one second now her boxed purple flats were maybe a foot away. The dolls seemed to still, looking up at the ballerina before hopping away to stand behind her legs, peering at you like a curious child would.
" There was no maintenance scheduled today, it’s after hours, are you supposed to be in here? " You shakily looked up, the angle making your height difference even worse than you thought. She easily towered over you and she spoke without ever opening her eyes. You began to wonder if she could.
" Please answer my question or I will be forced to detain you " Her threat hung around the room and you opened your mouth to say something. At first a squeak was all you mustered up as you tried to force something out of your closed up throat.
"I-Im here for uh-emergency maintenance, I lost my key, ma'am" your words were so shaky that even you doubted that your pieced together lie would be believable, the ballerina seemed to cock her head at your voice.
" Don't lie to me " she snapped, obvious frustration showing in her face. You flinched at the harsh tone and tears started to flood your vision, your anxiety only worsened when she bent over slightly with a mechanical whir. You could see the mechanical workings peek out from under her torso casing, but your eyes quickly snapped up to her face as she seemingly studied you.
"I'm s-sorry... I-I just got down here and I got locked i-in" you couldn't stop the sharp inhales you took mid sentence in order to stop yourself from turning into a bawling mess. You tried not to ask yourself why the robot's stern tone shook you more than her initial presence but your mind was rendered a jumbled mess regardless of the source.
She seemed to move closer to inspect you and enlightened you that she possibly had some sense of sight. You blinked hard in an effort to dispel the tears from your eyes, the soft ballet music in the background ringing loudly in your ears.
" ...Why did you come down here " she asked, voice softening up at the sound of your desperate attempts to calm yourself down. The sudden compassion in her voice threw you off, if she actually had raw feelings or if this was just a trap to get your guard down, you didn't know. You took a deep breath and straightened your back slightly,  trying to regain any dignity you could manage.
"I.. was just trying to find a place to stay the night, I didn't mean to uh- bother you ma'am" you forced the best "I'm not a threat" voice you could, finally managing to not let all your words audibly shake. You slowly lifted your arm to wipe at your eyes, finally feeling like she wouldn't attack you at any second. 
The ballerina seemed to mull over your response, as if she was trying to decide if your answer was good enough. She unexpectedly reached her hand towards you, you had to stop yourself from flinching back at the gesture. 
" I apologize for scaring you, I was a bit thrown off because there hasn't been a human girl down here since… " her voice trailed off at the end, and you couldn't help but be terrified of what could have happened to the last girl who came down here. You physically shook your head, trying to get the unnerving thoughts out of it.
You gingerly placed your hand on top of hers, the intrusive thought of her immediately crushing your hand staying in the back of your brain despite your best efforts. Her palm was chilled and smooth, you could feel the small ridges in her knuckles and at the bases of her fingers. 
" I must confess that I'm not equipped to help you exit, so we require help" she pauses, moving her head down in a pseudo looking down pose. " And if the minireenas give you any trouble please just nudge them away"
Minireenas? You turn your gaze to your feet, feeling a soft poke against your calf. You tried to ignore the flash of anxiety the sight of the dol- minireenas curiously examining your pants brought you. A slow swooping movement of your foot dispelled them, you finally had it in you to smile at the way they hurriedly waddled away, cloth skirts flopping with them.
The ballerina gently wrapped her previously relaxed fingers around your hand, snapping your thoughts back to her. With a slow pull she easily guided you onto uneasy feet, and with that you finally could breathe. You weren't sure if your uneasy alliance with her would end with you alive but you had to try something.
" May I ask what your name is? " You glanced up before realizing how close you were, with your height difference you fit just under her chest. You blushed and stumbled back, retracting your hand from her gentle hold in the process.
"My name is y/n, w-whats yours?" 
" My name is Ballora, it's very nice to meet you y/n " The name Ballora was a bit cheesy in your opinion but somehow it fit her. You could see her hesitate for a second before gently placing her hand on the small of your back, trying to test the waters but also needing to lead you around.
"We'll need to enter the Funtime Auditorium to see if one of my friends can help with your situation, feel free to ask questions as you feel fit" Her precise way of speaking soothed you slightly, knowing where you'd go and a clear invite for a conversation made you feel oddly comfortable. The only worry still rattling in your brain was that by "friend" she could either mean another animatronic or a real person, which one? You still weren't sure.
"Oh um… is it okay if I ask why you're down here?" You asked as you finally found your voice. Ballora used the hand on your back to smoothly turn you towards the door. 
" Any question is fine, dear. I'm a performing animatronic, we're shipped out for different events and until we're needed, we're kept here " You walked slowly towards the doors, you had to imagine that since she was so large she must have weighed at least several thousand pounds. 
"Do you ever get lonely?" You blurted out next, your mind couldn't imagine how isolated she must have been if she only surfaces to entertain. 
" I try not to dwell on loneliness, the others also keep me company so in a sense no" she grasped the handle of one of the doors opening it, she let you step ahead and both of you were back in the office. You silently watched as she ducked under the door, only to easily regaining her perfect posture as she headed toward the door opposite to hers.
" I feel I must warn you that there is a very…" Ballora paused clearly trying to find the right words " energetic animatronic that might be present here, please stay by my side so he doesn't accidentally harm you. "
A chill ran down your spine, so there really were animatronics that could kill you down here, what a world. You didn't ignore the fact that she inadvertently implied that she could have potentially hurt you before.
"Oh uh, okay? I do have one more question before we go in" The shake in your voice was back, terrified of what you had to face on the other side but you wanted to at least get your most burning question in.
" Of course dear, what would you like to ask? " Both of you stood in tense silence for a second in front of the other door before you could muster up the strength to speak.
"Can you… see? Like at all?" She cocked her head to a side looking (?) down at you, to your surprise her lips quirked into a smile and a soft giggle erupted from her.
" Oh my you're really inquisitive aren't you? " Ballora teased, " Well I have no sense of sight but my other sensors are heightened so I can pinpoint exact locations with sound "
"Woah, that's actually really cool!" You responded in genuine awe, your cheeks only slightly flushed at her teasing. Maybe she wasn't as terrifying as you originally thought. 
" I'm glad you think so dear, now let's get you out of here okay? Please stay close " she paused to make sure you were ready, you nodded before remembering the information you just learned and instead made a noise in confirmation.
She opened the door, walking in first in an effort to evaluate the situation. You walked close behind planting your hands on either sides of her torso, hoping she wouldn't mind. You sucked in a sharp breath around taking in the new environment.
There were smooth tile floors with speckles of what you had to guess was confetti embedded in it, white walls, cheap folding tables and folding chairs. Two stages not too far apart from each other were to your left, one with a microphone and the other with a medal stool. 
Your eyes trailed along the thin streamers hung on the top of the wall, they led back to a huge banner saying "WELCOME BACK STAFF". Ballora stopped once she navigated towards the right side of the room,
" Hello gentleman " she said smoothly, you peeked your head out from behind Ballora trying to search for whoever she was talking to. Your eyes widened at the sight of them, they were a fox and a bear. Or maybe a wolf and bear? You weren't sure.
One had a rounder build, not a sharp edge to be found on his plump body. A small top hat sat between his extended ears, a bow tie accenting his chest with a speaker underneath. His mostly white skin (fur?) matched Ballora's but instead of her soft purple accents he was dotted in pink. A blue bunny puppet rested on his arm and both of their eyes were stuck on you, you tried to ignore the way the bear’s jaw dropped at the sight of you or how his face plates shifted in a similar anxious tick as Ballora's.
The animatronic across from him was considerably more feminine, but Ballora had referred to them as gentlemen hadn't she? His face was more defined than the bears, long snout with black freckles. Their chests were about the same, even down to the pink colored belly. The only difference you could tell was their contrast in figure and the fox’s long pink nails.
An extended moment of awkwardness sat heavy in the room, and the fact that they were clearly just in the middle of a conversation made the feeling worse. They glanced at each other before looking back in your direction,
" Well hello Ballora, I didn't know you carried around freeloaders" The fox spoke in a scratchy voice, almost like every word was recorded on an old radio and played back. You stubbornly ignored the warm feeling his voice brought as you tried to avoid eye contact.
" This is a special situation Foxy, I was actually wondering if you coul- " she was cut off by the bear standing up so fast the stool he was sitting on violently fell to the ground. 
" HEL-LO BIRTHDAY GIRL!! WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN AN IN HOUSE B-BIRTHDAY I-IN SO L-L-LONG!! " His jittery excitement unsettled you and any comfortable feeling you had was replaced with fear. Unexpectedly,  he ran full speed towards you, he was so quick you couldn't even think of doing anything. Your muscles tensed as he rapidly approached. 
" Freddy, no " Ballora said sternly as she quickly moved in front of you before he got too close, the movement made you aware how tightly you were gripping onto her in your silent terror. You self-consciously loosened your grasp, hoping she didn't notice how scared you were.
" Freddy! Don't scare her! She's our new friend, we can throw her a party later!" A small voice seemed to try to calm Freddy down, you hadn't seen another animatronic when you'd walked in but then again you hadn't noticed the minireenas so maybe you had just missed one.
" B-But Bon-Bon! We have to cele-brate! She's so sm-all!! We haven't had a friend this sm-all in ages! " You could see his head crane to try to catch a peak of you, but Ballora stood firm.
" Your little rabbit is right Freddy, you really musn't scare the new dame so soon old friend " The sound of the fox speed walking up filled was apparent as he spoke, he seemed to join in on the effort to calm Freddy down.
" But-But! " His voice faltered as he tried to come up with a reason for his outburst. " O-Oh! Fine!" Freddy huffed and you could hear him stomp back to the table.
" It's okay Freddy, she can play with us later, you just have to be patient! We can even have a little special time if you're extra good " You dared to glance out from behind Ballora to search for the tiny voice, your eyes finding prize in the small bunny gently petting at Freddy's face. He seemed to notice you staring at his efforts to calm his friend down and offered a small smile and wave before he returned to his task.
" Y/n? " Ballora asked, turning around and effectively getting you to drop your grasp on her in the process. You hugged yourself to give your hands something to do before you looked up at her.
"Um, yeah?"
" Are you okay? Please let me know if you ever want to go to a more secluded area, I don't wish to overwhelm you" She doted on you, using both of her giant hands to gently cup the sides of your face. Her hands were now surprisingly warm and it only served to make your cheeks unbearably hot as you felt yourself flush.
"Oh! I'm uh- fine! Yeah it wasn't that bad" your voice cracked mid sentence when Ballora's thumbs gently swiped across your cheeks in an agonizingly soft way. Your stomach knotted up as she smiled down at you.
" I'm glad but please don't overheat on me dear " her joking words only served to worsen your blush, but she thankfully let go of your face and turned back to the fox.
" Okay with that resolved, Foxy I do need your help to find a possible exit for Y/N to leave from " You were back to business as soon as the moment passed and you took a step forward to stand beside Ballora.
" Ah, I was afraid you'd ask that, " Foxy answered, a static crackling in his voice. " You see you've just missed your window to leave! Its 12:23 and the elevator and service doors are locked until 6 "
You had to swallow your disappointment, so you were really stuck down here? His words rattled in your head as mild panic flooded your senses, you could barely react as Ballora wrapped her arm around your shoulders.
" Well it's only 6 hours, we just need to find a nice place for us to hide you " Ballora hummed, " how about we start with quick introductions so we can get going? " You pressed into her side in an effort to ground yourself, 6 hours with them couldn’t be all that bad right?
Ballora maneuvered you over to the table Freddy and Foxy were previously sitting at, despite it being the last place you wanted to be you sat down in the middle of her and Foxy. Freddy sat in front of you, artificial eyes shining with uncanny excitement.
" Of course the star of the show must speak first! " You gave up the stare down you were having with Freddy to politely give your attention to Foxy, " my name is Funtime Foxy and I keep this place well entertained! Though I must say once we get you out of here you must return to witness one of my shows doll "
The blush that stained your cheeks was inevitable, whether he was flirting with you or he was just normally this charismatic you didn't know. He bowed before reaching his hand towards you to shake, you shook his hand loosely. Your mind was too preoccupied freaking out over how his hands were somehow bigger than Ballora's, his palm had to be at least the size of your head.
" A-And I'm Funtime Freddy! Me and Bon-Bon also ha-ve a show here! " He stuck out his hand towards you as he bounced in his seat, you hesitate to give up Foxy's steady hold but you relented and carefully gave your hand to him. He immediately gripped your hand hard and shook it firmly, ignoring the wince you gave.
" Freddy! Be gentle! She's a girl remember!" Bon-Bon scolded moving himself down to to use his small paws to manually pry his hand off yours. Freddy pouted but thankfully loosened his grasp on you, Bon-Bon nodded to himself clearly proud of what he accomplished.
" I'm Bon-Bon by the way, I hope you stick around" he offered his small paw towards you, you used your pointer finger and thumb to gently shake his paw. You were pleasantly surprised that unlike the other animatronics he was wrapped in a soft mink fabric.
" So Y/N how'd you get down here? Can't imagine you go down random elevators everyday for fun " Funtime Foxy joked as you let go of Bon-Bon's paw, and straightened in your seat as you tried to regain any valid thoughts.
"I just…" as soon as the words came out of your mouth you deflated, almost as if your social battery died in an instant. The adrenaline pumping through your veins finally slowed down and you fought the feeling of sleepiness. You yawned instead of trying to force out anything else.
" Oh my! I think she might be getting sleepy " Ballora cooed, her demeanor changing as she reached over to pet your thigh, " All this stress must have tired you out huh? " The sudden affection in her voice threw you for a loop, and you stiffened in shock. 
"N-No! I'm fine I just-" you didn't have time to finish speaking before she unexpectedly picked you up, one arm placed under your knees the other snug on your back. You squeaked and quickly looped your arms around her neck in an effort to not be dropped, you glanced over at Foxy who just grinned at you.
" Well lucky for you doll I know where the staff hides their blankets! Please follow me ladies, and Freddy stand watch, make sure Baby doesn't come around " Foxy quickly stood up, waving for you and Ballora to follow before Freddy could protest. In a blur of movement you were rushed through the kitchen door in the back of the room,
" Sorry about that dear, we just needed to give Freddy some time to calm down, " Ballora explained when you were safely inside. You stayed silent for a second, confusion filling your senses as you tried to decide if even the sudden affection shown towards you was also used to throw off Freddy.
"Who's… Baby?" You asked after you decided to push that thought to the back of your mind.
" She's… another animatronic here " she seemed to bristle at the sudden question as she seemingly forced that response, as soon as the words filled the air you felt horrible for even asking.
" And she's turned very bitter, it's better if you don't encounter her Y/N " Foxy added in order to quickly end the discussion before turning around and heading towards a door in the back, leaving the room in uncomfortable silence.
"I'm sorry I didn't…" 
" It's fine hun, just… stay with us and you'll be safe " You could tell she forced the smile on her face and the light tone she used. You reached a hand up to grasp the side of her face, trying to mimic the way she comforted you before. 
Your fingers barely reached the top of her cheek at the angle you were being held, but you did your best to slowly swipe your thumb across the soft purple blush on her cheek. She seemed to appreciate the effort and snuggled into your grasp for a second before turning her head and gently kissing the palm of your hand. A soft blush reappeared on your face, knowing no one would be able to see, you brought your hand down and shamelessly pressed your palm against your cheek as if you could transfer the kiss to it.
" Okay ladies quiet down, I've graciously grabbed you all the blankets that were stashed and even blessed you with a complimentary stuffed animal " Foxy showed off his finds with a raised hand and a bow, then gracefully standing straight and placing everything on your stomach. You laughed slightly at the gesture and reached down to grab the plushy, of course he would pick a Funtime Foxy plush for you to sleep with.
"If it's complimentary then how are you blessing me with it" you teased as you examined the plush. 
" Anything I give you is a blessing doll and don't you forget it " He huffed back leaning down slightly to pinch your cheek while still mindful to not poke you in the eye with his nails, you quickly put down the plush and waved his hand away. The three of you laughed, before your eyes finally started to droop.
" Seems like Y/N needs to catch some shut eye! You want me to take her off your hands or are you gonna keep her with you? " 
" I think she'll be safe with me, if any problems arise do tell me " Ballora jostled you slightly as she readjusted her grip on you.
" Then I must bid you girls a do. Please make sure to come back before you leave! But I know you'd never miss a chance to say goodbye to your favorite performer " You were about to refute his last claim but were easily silenced by Foxy leaning down to press his snout against your forehead in a chaste peck. The action made you flush darker, instead of giving Foxy the pleasure of seeing your reaction you hid your face in Ballora's shoulder.
" Foxy stop being a tease, we're trying to get her sleepy not riled up " She reprimanded softly as she tried to ignore the swell of feelings your warm face pressed against her caused. Foxy only laughed in response, guiding the both of you to the door. 
The walk back to Ballora's Gallery was a blur, you used all the energy you had left to keep your eyes from fully shutting. You could barely make out the shrill voice of Freddy, all his words were unclear and melded into each other but eventually they stopped. Ballora said something to who you had to guess was Foxy but even with her being so close you couldn't make anything out. 
You pressed impossibly closer, finding comfort in the soft whirring you could hear as she continued walking. An hour ago the thought of a giant robot carrying you back and forth would have been a nightmare but now you were being hauled off back to sleep by one and you were perfectly content. You hadn't even noticed your eyes closed before a poke to your cheek jostled you.
" I haven't even put you down and you're already asleep? If you were so tired you could have told me " 
" 'm not tired" you slurred, bringing a hand up to try to rub the sleep out of your eyes. Ballora chuckled softly at your defiance,
" Okay I believe you " She joked. " But I'm about to put you down so please hold onto your things dear " The words took a second to register but as soon as they did you quickly used your free hand to press the blanket and plush securely against your body. She carefully placed you on your feet, staying close in case your exhaustion got the best of you.
"Where do you want me to set up my blankets?" You murmured as you forced your eyes to focus on your surroundings again. Ballora took a second to think, 
" How about the stage? " You hadn't realized she had one until she said something, but a quick squint of your eyes you saw the shadow of a stage tucked into the far corner. You steadied your legs and walked towards it, Ballora following just behind you.
Now that you had time, you could appreciate how mellow the room was with its dark tiles and dusty purple color coating the walls. You walked up to the stage, its twinkling lights blinking on as soon as you were close enough. Her stage was a bit larger than the Funtime's but in a way it was classier with its large arc in the back. 
"Your stage is… nice" You wanted to fill the quiet air with some small talk as you stood uselessly in front of the stage. You didn't want to invade her space, but she was inviting you on.
" Thank you, please get comfortable i'll stay in the room if you need me " You nodded and placed your things on top of the stage before pushing yourself up the unnecessarily tall base. Ballora waited patiently as you steadied yourself on your knees before huffing and sorting through your goods. 
You'd received one thick blanket and two thin ones, with shaky movements you managed to air out the thick blanket so you could fight off the uncomfortable hard floor. In the meantime, the Minireenas took turns stacking on each other to watch you fluff out the Funtime Foxy plush you were given to use as a pillow. 
With everything set up Ballora seemed satisfied and gave you some privacy, you watched quietly as she got onto the tips of her toes and twirled away. You were easily distracted by the realization that you would have to sleep in your normal clothes. It wasn't anything you'd willingly do but you were too tired to worry about it. You laid down on your makeshift mattress and draped the small blankets over you in an attempt to fight off the cold. 
Your tiredness was certainly still there but definitely not as strong as when Ballora was carrying you. The AC was loud and the sound was bothering you to the point of staving off sleep. You watched aimlessly as the minireenas crawled up the stage and approached you, their faces less terrifying and now you could confidently say they were growing on you.
One walked up to your face, tilting its head at your expression. You tested your luck and reached out to pet its face with your pointer finger. In response it used its nub hands to experimentally squish your finger, behind you you felt other minireenas examine your hair and sweater. Prodding hands curiously poked at your scalp and picked up strands of hair, others gently tugged the part of your sweater that wasn't under the blanket.
You giggled under their attention, and the minireena you were petting slowly walked up to your face. You dropped your arm as it poked at one of your cheeks, before carefully pressing onto your lips. You weren't sure why they were so curious about you, but they showed no ill intent so you let them examine what they could get to.
Unexpectedly, one minireena crawled under the blanket while you were distracted. It sneaked its small hand under your shirt,  the cold nub pressing against your warm skin made you squeak loudly.
"Hey! Don't do that-" you reached back to wave it off but the other ran away at the loud noise. You forgot how easily they were dispelled and they all ran off, jumping off the stage and flopping away. You pouted at the sudden loss of attention, letting out a long sigh as you snuggled into the plushie under your head.
" Are you alright Y/N? " Ballora called out, spinning her way back towards the stage.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine, just… can't sleep" It was only a half lie, you didn't want to tell her that you stupidly ran off the only source of comfort you had at that moment. 
" Well you sure had a tough time staying awake when I was carrying you honey " She teased as she stepped onto the stage, catching you off guard " Would you like me to keep you company? " 
You blushed bright red at the question, laying in stunned silence as she slowly walked up to you. You averted your eyes when you got a full view under her skirt, despite her just having another smooth plate where her crotch should be, you had the decency to not stare. 
"...Could you?" You asked quietly as you fought off the warmth blooming in your chest, the smile that Ballora gave you didn't help your case. She carefully knelt down before delicately sliding onto her side next to you, you had to imagine laying down wasn't something she did often.
She extended her arms towards you and you quickly shuffled into her hold. She easily wrapped both hands around you and pulled you close, nestling you against her neck so she could nose through your hair.
" It's been so long since I've been able to hold someone like this… " Ballora lamented, " But please tell me if you're uncomfortable or if I squeeze you too hard " you chuckled softly before wrapping your free arm around her torso. You would have used your other arm but for fear that she'd crush it under her weight you kept it squished between the two of you.
"Can you actually smell?" You asked after a beat of silence, curiosity getting the best of you.
" Yes, I'm not completely sure the reason why. My guess is that we need it in case somethings on fire " she absent-mindedly rubbed circles into your back, sectioned fingertips stopping when they reached exposed skin. A devious thought popped in your head, and to your half awake mind seemed it like a good thing to follow through on.
"How… well can you feel" You pressed your burning face against her neck as your rational mind caught up with you why were you flirting with the robot?
" I have a very heightened feeling of touch, I mostly experience my world through sound but it's nice to map it out in other ways too " She whispered that part to you like it was a secret just between the two of you, but by her tone it was obvious she either didn't catch onto your insinuation or chose to ignore it. 
" Of course she wouldn't react, she's a robot! Get your head out of the gutter " you chastised yourself as she gently massaged your lower back, slow movement lulling you to sleep. Your embarrassment dissipated as soon as it came and you closed your eyes, finally giving in to your tiredness.
The last thing you heard was Ballora softly humming a tune, sleep came easily when you were pressed into her warm form. You came down here to get away, and maybe you did. Being cuddled by a giant machine with unsettling sentience was worlds better than anything you experienced above ground. 
" Y/N " Ballora tried whispering, slightly shaking you. " Y/N you have to get up, this is important " Her words felt like they were under water, barely audible to your groggy mind. In response you groaned slightly trying to wrap yourself back up in blankets, you felt like you barely got any sleep.
" Y/N " She snapped sitting you up in a quick motion, blood rushed to your head and your eyes finally snapped open at her sharp words. You pushed away slightly with a whine, your mind not yet understanding the urgency in her voice.
" Y/N, honey, I'm sorry for waking you up but I need you to do something for me " She tried to keep the both of you calm, but the edge to her voice finally registered. 
" She's here, she cannot see you. She won't let you leave if she finds you, you have to understand that Y/N " A pit of dread was planted in your stomach and you only nodded your head, " There's a vent right next to the stage, pull the frame off and crawl through. I'll distract her but you need to move quickly, go find Foxy. " 
You swallowed sharply, your mind racing as you tried both processing the information you just received and getting up from your cozy cocoon . Is she talking about Baby? Why won't Baby let you leave if you're found? Ballora quickly stood up and took you with her. 
With a quick but stern push she got you closer to the vent and handed you your things, trying to get any evidence of you hidden. In the short time you've known her you'd never seen Ballora more anxious and it was throwing you for a loop. You quickly stepped off the stage and found the vent, your fingers gripping the channels before pulling.
It came off with minimal effort, you pushed your blankets in front of you before you glanced back at Ballora. She stayed "staring" in your direction, faceplates anxiously shifting as she waited for you to exit. You swallowed your anxiety and crawled into the vent, where did it even lead? 
A small sound clued you in that Ballora closed the vent hood behind you, while the vent wasn't an extremely close fit you still had no room to turn around and check. A small huff escaped your lips as you took a second to try to calm yourself down, soft music fading away as Ballora twirled away. 
You abruptly heard the doors to Ballora's Gallery slam open, heavy footsteps following and all you could do was freeze in fear. You didn't move in the case she has heightened hearing like Ballora, but you didn't think Ballora would send you to crawl in such a rickety vent if that was the case.
" Ballora " A voice called out, Baby's voice was much too soft for what you expected. Despite that it sent a chill down your spine.
" ...Baby, " Ballora answered in the same tone.
" Are you hiding someone from me, Ballora? " Her calm voice seemed more threatening than soothing, as if she was more calculated in her malice.
" Nobody's come in here since this evenings maintenance "
" Well, Freddy says otherwise "
" Freddy always mistakes mice and other things for humans, we've been made aware of this fact time and time again " Your hands were shaking but the fear of getting caught made you quietly move forward, stopping every time you moved to push your things along. 
" Then you wouldn't mind if I examined your room would you? " Baby asked, her voice now muffled as you finally reached the other side of the vent. Sweat ran down your back despite the cool metal pressing against your clothes, you hooked your fingers on the channels of the opening and prayed to God that it wouldn't make a noise when you pushed.
You gave it a soft push and it came off silently, you placed it leaning on the wall next to the opening. Your mind was racing, you'd made it this far by yourself now you just had to get to Foxy. The blankets and plushy fell to the ground with a small shove and you crawled out with them, being extremely mindful to not bump the vent cover.
You could finally sit upright and catch your breath, you had to guess you were back in the office now just under the desk. The closed doors of the elevator mocking you, as if asking why you couldn't have just gone somewhere with less high stakes and a lower chance of dying via robot. You physically shook your head to clear your thoughts again, you're not dead yet! Might as well make the most of it.
You quickly pressed the vent cover back on before deciding on where to head next. Another vent was on the opposite side, but the doors to the Funtime Auditorium seemed like a safer bet since you weren't sure where you'd end up if you took the vents. With a quick scoop, your things were in your hands and you were hyping yourself up to run to the door.
You inched forward before bolting towards the door, pulling the door open while still being mindful to not create too much noise. You slowed down to a jog as soon as you entered the room and you quickly spotted both Funtimes.
" -didn't me-an t-t-to! I-I was just so ex-cited! " Freddy seemed choked up to the point of making you wonder if he could cry. He dragged a hand across his face while Bon-Bon said something so quiet you couldn't discern.
" It doesn't matter if you meant it or not Freddy! If Baby finds Y/N I'm gonn- " Foxy abruptly stopped chewing him out at the door shutting behind you, both of them jumping at the sound. They seemed relieved at the sight of you,
" Well speak of the devil " Foxy joked, clearly trying to laugh off his prior mood. " Great timing Y/N! You're just in time to catch the hide-away express " 
You finally stopped your slow trot when you were close enough, trying to surpress your own anxiety. Unexpectedly, he swooped down to give you a hug. The mechanical sound of his tail wagging filled the room.
" Y/N! I-I'm so gl-ad you're okay, I'm sorry! " You hugged back before glancing over at Freddy, not sure what to say. You couldn't reassure him that what he did wasn't his fault, whatever words he spoke could have gotten you killed. 
Foxy raised his head and threw a quick glare Freddy's way while you averted your eyes at the tense atmosphere. You didn't want to take sides so you kept your mouth shut. Foxy straightened himself as quickly as he came down, turning you so you were facing the kitchen.
" I'm going to go stash her somewhere, if Baby comes back say I'm in parts and service " His stern voice got both you and Freddy back to the task at hand. Freddy nodded with a frown, and you couldn't help but feel bad for him. He seemed to be programmed to be very jumpy and excitable giving him a stark personality compared to Ballora and Foxy.
Before you had time to go too far into those thoughts, Foxy placed a hand on your back and rushed you to the kitchen. You had to jog to keep up with his pace as he easily directed you past the cabinets to two doors tucked in the back.
" I would find you a better place to hide in Parts and Service but all the BidyBabs like to hang around there so we must make do with the closet " He seemed to catch your questioning stare and continued,
" BidyBabs are like Ballora's minireenas but they look more like baby dolls. Since Baby and Ballora have their own areas they needed extra company " You nodded along as he opened the door for you to enter. The small space lined with shelves for storage, the only empty wall space was just above a short shelving unit and was decorated with a poster. 
"Circus Baby's Pizza World" was written in big bold letters just under a picture of Ballora, Funtime Foxy, Funtime Freddy, and… The last one you had to guess was Baby, red pigtails and nose making her look akin to a clown. You ignored how unsettling the picture of her was by fiddling around to find a place to put your things up.
" They were on the top shelf doll, here let me help you " He stepped forward, dodging the hanging light to grab the blankets from you. You inched back, both of you couldn't comfortably be in such a small space. Well not without invading each other's personal space that is.
You half sat on the short shelves behind you, back hitting the scratchy brick wall. Foxy paused his organizing to examine the small plushie he'd given you. He seemed a bit hesitant to place it back in its box,
" How about you hold onto this? Wouldn't want you having nothing to keep you busy" You nodded, face only getting warmer as he got closer to hand the stuffed animal to you. You busied yourself by dragging your fingers over the soft material.
"How… long do you want me to stay in here?" Foxy seemed surprised at your question, like he hadn't thought about it, he placed a finger on his chin in an exaggerated thinking pose. 
" Ah well I could just leave you alone, but where’s the fun in that? I’d say we have some time to spare before we must part ways" He leaned over you, close, too close. He easily placed both hands on either side of you, the shelf groaning slightly in protest as he leaned his weight on it. 
" How about I keep you company? " It was such a simple question but he whispered it so close to your ear, faux breathing surprising you. Your death grip on the plushy only increases as he sniffs what he can reach of your neck, cold nose momentarily pressing against your overheated skin.
He paused, looking over at you as he waited for your response. Your brain was frazzled from the moment he got close, you closed your eyes and stubbornly pressed your legs together.
"Could you…?" As hot and bothered his presence got you, you were too embarrassed to directly answer him. He gave a gleaming smile full of sharp teeth,
" Of course I can sweetheart! Now sit still, won't you? I think I'm gonna have my fun with you " You helplessly stared at the closed door opposite to you, the danger of Baby coming to look for you was still lingering but if Foxy was acting so calm you had to trust him. 
He quickly got on his knees in front of you, the elevation of the shelf you were on giving you a fighting chance to not look so tiny compared to the huge animatronic. Large hands were placed on your waist, fingers easily lifting the hem of your sweater.
" You didn't wear a shirt under here? Naughty, Naughty, what am I going to do with you? " Foxy scolded, dragging your sweater up as a silent request for you to take it off. You forced your fingers to relax around the poor plushy you were holding to be able to take it off.
You weren't sure why you were so eager to let him see you but his calming energy made you agreeable with whatever he suggested. With shaking hands, you dropped your sweater to the side, going back to holding the plushy so your hands had something to do. Foxy seemed pleased with the motion and went back to exploring your torso.
Long nails traced your ribs, leaving shallow indents in their wake. His hands easily shifted upwards gently to fondle your boobs, squeezing them together experimentally.
" Humans are so soft and squishy " He noted out loud, " I've never felt something like this, do tell me if I'm too rough " The fact that he was pushing all your buttons while still being inexperienced made you somehow even warmer. 
He didn't seem to mind your frazzled silence as he continued to feel you up. He unknowingly rolled his palms your nipple, making you let out a soft moan before you snapped your mouth closed. His head tilted at the sound before he delicately pinched at the area, his face lighting up impossibly brighter at the louder moan he earned.
" How about you take this pesky garment off? It isn't fair you're the only one wearing clothes " Foxy jokes, choosing not to react to how your thighs shifted against him.
"How do you even know what to do?" You surprisingly got the words out even if they were barely above a whisper. You fumbled with the clasps on your bra, unbuckling them before you could second guess yourself.
" Our creator made us with the idea that we could also host adult parties in mind, that was before Baby came along " You paused as you were attempting to slip off your bra, the thought that Ballora actually caught your flirting and instead chose not to act on it flooding your brain. You put the thought into the back of your mind before you finally slipped your bra off.
Foxy easily changed his focus back to your body, hands going back to their original places but this time thumbs rolled over your nipples. He seemed to revel in the loud moan that you let out before you quickly slapped a hand over your mouth, not trusting yourself to keep them in anymore.
" Do you want us to get caught, doll? " He gave another long roll of his thumbs, " Keep quiet or I'll have to give you something to help " His threat made a shiver run down your spine, whoever programmed him was seriously going to burn in hell for this. 
He stopped his assault on your chest to finally push your thighs open and unbuckle your pants, dragging them off in a too self assured motion and your shoes were discarded just as easily. His fingers danced along the edge of the fabric of your panties, taking in the soft cotton. 
" Jeez I've barely touched you and you've already ruined your underwear? " He gave a purposeful press of his knuckle against where the majority of your slick had pooled. In an instant you nearly forgot any prior conflict as you pathetically buckled under his touch. 
Foxy thumbed the panties to the side, making you squirm at the feeling of your slick being sloppily spread with the motion. Your brain was so fuzzy with lust that you didn't even mind how he took it upon himself to uncover yourself to him.
" God I wish I could taste you, you smell so good sweetheart" You figured that they had no logistical need to taste, but if they were programmed with acute senses how hard would it have been to give them the ability to taste? You were dragged out of your thoughts as Foxy continued his exploration of your body.
He swiped a smooth finger across your folds, catching you off guard as he gathered your slick on it. You whined as the tip of his finger finally pressed against your entrance, the barest hint of pressure applied. You'd only ever put your own fingers inside yourself so the thought of his huge digits inside you made you tremble in anticipation.
" I'll go slow just for you, after all you are my number one fan, hun " Foxy seemed to enjoy teasing you, you tried to swallow your anxiety. The first person you'd even let touch you in a sexual way is going to be an animatronic, and you're willingly letting it happen. You'd hoped your first time would be magical but being fingered in a closet wasn't too much of a downgrade.
He finally pressed a finger inside of you, the feeling more uncomfortable than what you'd expected. His finger was easily the size of two of yours and much longer. Despite your lack of noise when he finally gave you what you had wanted, he gently pumped the digit in and out.
" See you're just begging to have someone fill you up huh? You're just in need of your favorite performer to take care of you right? " He seemed excited to both praise himself but still make it clear that you enjoyed his presence. The mixed signals flip flopped in your muddled brain as his fingering finally got pleasurable. 
Foxy's thumb finally sneaked up and pressed against your throbbing clit, making you sob out a muffled moan. He pressed a second finger inside before curling them and the only way you could describe the feeling was as if you felt was a strike of electricity coursing through your veins.
Warmth pooled in your stomach as you tried to process the onslaught of pleasure that finally hit you. Your thighs snapped around his arm but were easily parted with his free hand as his fingering slowed down. 
"Foxy…" You whined, voice still shaky as you tried thrusting yourself on his digits
" That's my name, doll! Don't wear it out " Foxy responded, his ever confident smile never leaving his face and he stopped your movements with a strong hand on your hips.
" Now I don't want you to wear yourself out so fast, how about we move on to the real fun? " He knew what he was doing right? You tried to calm yourself down, you genuinely hadn't expected him to allude to actually having sex. You glanced down just in time to watch his ears wiggle in anticipation,
"O-Okay" was all you had to offer as an answer. He leaned forward to press a kiss on your stomach and with an embarrassing squelch his fingers were pulled out. You quietly placed your plushy to the side making sure it was looking away, feeling bad that it even had to be here. 
Foxy easily got back onto his feet, unexpectedly pulling you closer to him with a grip on your thighs. Your thighs spread an almost uncomfortable amount for him to step in between them. With your crotches leveled in this position, you scratched your nails into the shelf below you in anticipation.
A soft mechanical whirring filled your senses and your eyes snapped down as a phallic pink dido slowly poked out of his shifting crotch panel. You had half a thought to laugh at the unexpected reveal until you noticed it just kept going. The surprisingly warm tip pressed into your skin just under your belly button. 
"I don't- I don’t think that's gonna fit '' You whispered, half panicked as you looked up. Foxy's smile dropped slightly at your lack of eagerness, expression turning into something more tender.
" We don't have to, dear. I'm only here to make you feel good " He leaned forward to wrap his hands around you and rest his chin on your shoulder, ignoring the squeak you let out when his dick accidentally pressed on your clit during the movement.
" I could just finish you off with my fingers, I won't do anything you don't want me to" His kind words would have had more of an impact on your judgment if the position you were in didn't have both of your sexes pressed together just so. You wrapped your arms around his neck to hug back, your own arousal spiking despite his caring sentiment.
"I… wouldn't mind if we kept going" It couldn't hurt to try would it? He pulled back slightly to study your expression,
" Don't feel pressured to do this, I can put it away it isn't that big of a de- "
"I want to do this Foxy" you said confidently, finally managing to catch his stare. He let out a small surprised static noise before finally regaining his smile.
" Well you don't have to tell me twice, if you ever want to stop, don't be afraid to say so " He peppered warm kisses all over your face as if to praise you for your new found confidence, all you could do was giggle and gently push his snout away. 
Foxy easily stepped back and regained his hold under your knees, angling his hips just enough to let the tip of his cock press against your opening. You shivered and leaned back, letting your head hit the wall behind you as you attempted to brace yourself. 
" Now I must warn you, if you end up loving my cock more than a human's I'm not liable " His static voice faltered slightly as he continued to try to boast but you could feel a glob of precome(?) drip out from him. You adjusted your arms into a more comfortable position on his shoulders before looking up with a questioning look.
" That's just lube, doll. You're clearly already wet enough but it wouldn't hurt to have some more stuffed in you right? " You flustered particularly hard at that sentence and your only response was to just close your eyes with a huff. A distorted chuckle left Foxy at your reaction but he chose not to push any further. 
Instead he finally let the head of his cock enter you, knocking the breath out of your lungs with it. He was bigger than you'd even imagined, your walls stretching almost unbearably as you tried to fit him. He kept shifting into you until you were finally pressed against the opening on his crotch panel.
You barely even noticed the long moan you let out but as soon as you caught yourself you bit down on your lip. You'd never felt so entirely full before, his dick greedily pressing against everything it could.
" Tell me when you're ready " He murmured, somewhat out of breath at the feeling of your warm walls gripping onto him. You experimentally moved in a slight up and down action to try to gauge your own reaction.
A slight dull pain was all you could feel, despite all the prior stretching it didn't compare to how massive he truly was. But despite that you heard Foxy growl slightly, you opened your eyes to find he’d closed his. He seemed to be trying very hard to hold back any movements and the through of that sent a shock of lust through your body.
"Please move" You whispered still out of breath, mild pain be damned because the only thing you wanted right now was him. He let out a dark chuckle before meeting your eyes,
" You need to be more specific doll, tell me what do you want ol' Funtime Foxy to do?" His sudden change of tone made you shiver, he really was made for this. Despite how eager you just were, the words got stuck in your throat. You had to take a deep breath before you could even try to speak.
"Please…" You paused with a deliciously pained look as your squeezed the words out, " fuck me Foxy" Foxy grinned ear to ear at your vulgar words before doing as he was told. 
His thrusts started slow and shallow, just enough movement that made you keen with want. Your brain was quickly reduced to a pile of mush as soon as he started to speed up. At this angle he could easily press against all the right places and all you could do was mewl and dig your nails into his shoulders.
" I'm going to fill you up Y/N, but you'd like that wouldn't you? You want to be pumped full of my cum. Just such a sweet girl, didn't even stop me from moving her drenched panties " He huffed right next to your ear, pulling you closer as he moved impossibly faster. " Now I'm going to make sure to take care of you doll. I'll stuff you full just how you want "
The words were so loud in your head but they only half registered, yet that was still more than enough to make you moan out. You pressed your face on his overheated metal as you curled in on yourself, forgetting your promise to stay quiet when he sneaked a hand between both of you to firmly rub your clit. 
Your legs uselessly clamped around his form as they were finally released from his hold, and your pooling pleasure finally tipped you over the edge. The feeling was like a tense string finally snapping and a wave of euphoria crashing over you instantaneously.
Your mind was foggy, trying to reel itself back to reality as overstimulation finally hit you. Foxy continued to fuck into you so he could fulfill his promise. You whined as he continued to use you to finish, tears steadily forming in the corners of your eyes. 
Thankfully he soon let up, pressing in as deep as he could go before finally emptying out what you had to assume was just more lube into you. The feeling of the thick liquid inside of you made you squirm, especially as it overfilled and slowly trickled down your thighs, but your mind was too disoriented to quite care. Your prior tiredness obviously catching up to you after such a mind numbing experience. 
Foxy gently rubbed your back in an effort to comfort you without overwhelming you any more. You stayed in his arms with droopy eyes for a solid couple of minutes before he carefully pushed you off his cock with a wet sound that you would have normally been embarrassed of if you weren’t too busy trying not to fall over. 
You let your shoulders meet the wall behind you, trying to catch your breath as lube slowly spewed out of you. The sound of Foxy tucking his dick under his crotch plate filled the room, but he busied himself with grabbing hand towels from a box on the shelf.
He hummed a tune as he got back onto his knees to gently wipe down your thighs and the shelf under you. The microfiber tickled your senses but you kept your mouth shut to let your mind recover. When he finally got to your crotch he paused,
" How about you also keep these on as a memento from me to you" Foxy gently hooked his thumb under the fabric to pull it away, taking great joy in the translucent lube that smeared on the way. With feather light touches he wiped up the bare minimum amount of lube from your panties and puffy folds, laughing at the half hearted glare you gave him when he pressed his thumb into you just to watch the cum gush out again.
" I'm just cleaning you up sweetheart no need to be so dirty minded " He teased before moving your now only mildly soiled underwear back to the right place. He wiped his hands before grabbing the other towel to reach up and wipe your damp face, not without pausing to boop your nose of course.
He discarded the towels in a box, you felt bad for the poor souls who’d uncover those. Your barely cohesive thoughts were cut off when he handed you your clothes and shoes, getting up to give you some space. 
You slipped everything back on, trying to pat your clothes down to make sure you didn't look as fucked out as you felt. Your legs felt like jello but you also felt a sense of satisfaction so the mild discomfort was worth it. Foxy extended a hand towards you with a smile,
" What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't walk my favorite dame out? " You laughed before grabbing your plushie and his hand. You were easily pulled onto your feet only to hold onto Foxy for dear life as your knees buckled under you. 
"You're not a very considerate gentleman if you put me in this predicament in the first place" You gritted out in an effort to distract yourself from any embarrassment. 
" Well I wasn’t the one who asked to be fucked so I must say your argument is weak " Despite his teasing words he patiently waited for you to gain stable footing.
" By now Ballora must have gotten Circus Baby out of her room so do allow me to -" As if on cue a loud thump sounded in the room next to you, making both of you freeze.
" Stupid! Stupid! I didn't actually mean kill a rat! Biddybab I- Ew! Don't bring it closer! " Baby's voice was muffled, her footsteps running away making any other words spoken inaudible. Foxys hold on you tightened,
" Seems I'm mistaken, no worries! " His voice had a nervous shake that unsettled you. " I need to go wave her back to her room so she doesn't go snooping around anymore, you need to go back to Ballora’s room" 
"Are you sure? What if she isn't-" 
" Then you'll come back here and get Freddy, just please move quickly. I promise you’re safe dear " He leaned down for another quick hug but you couldn't help but feel terrified. If both Foxy and Ballora are this scared of Baby, how bad was she? 
You nodded, waiting in chilling silence as he went to peek his head out the door once he opened it. You followed him out the door, ignoring the dull ache between your legs as you closed it behind you. Foxy ushered you back into the kitchen before offering you a wave as he disappeared through another door.
And just like that you were alone, brain trying to process the series of events that just unfolded as you leaned against the fridge. One moment feeling warm and loved and the next being rushed away for your own safety. But you really couldn't be upset by it, you just sighed and accepted your situation.
Getting right back to your objective, you attempted speed walking but the underlying soreness between your legs stopped that in a couple seconds. You dug your nails into your palm, trying to limp as inconspicuously as possible as you finally entered into the Funtime Auditorium.
" O-oh! You're back! Me and B-Bon-Bon were starting worried! " You heard Freddy before you saw him and had to physically stop yourself from making a face. You had to say out of all the animatronics you've met so far he was your least favorite, besides the one who's actively trying to kill you of course.
"Yeah! Um Foxy just sent me to go back to Ballora's room" You continued your walk to the door that led to the office, Freddy clearly not getting the memo as he jogged to catch up with you from the stage.
" Where's Fo-xy? What took you g-uys so long? " He stood in front of you with a skeptical look on his face, not understanding the rush you were in.
"He went to go make sure Baby wasn't going to come back" You hurriedly responded, "And me and Foxy were just… talking" 
" See Freddy, everything's fine! Y/N isn't hurt, she just reaaaaally needs to go with Ballora " Bon-Bon piped up, he reached up to calm his friend. You just nodded and you anxiously gripped onto your Foxy plush.
" Th-en let me walk you over there! I'm going to be a ge-ntleman! Just like Fo-oxy " Pure excitement emanated from his words but all you could feel was underlying fear, helplessly watching as he giddily got closer.
"No No! You don't have to, I'll just go by myself!" Your words fell on deaf ears as he pulled you close with one arm. His frankly overbearing presence unnerved you, obviously not one to take no for an answer.
" Foxy's go-ing to be so s-s-so proud of me! " Freddy babbled on as he walked you over to the door, Bon-Bon peeked out from the other side of Freddy to look at you with a " I'm sorry about him " expression. You gave a small smile back, stumbling slightly as you tried to keep up with him. The three of you were back in Ballora's Gallery in record time, Freddy looking around in the dim light.
" Oh go-osh she's not here! Wh-at are we going to do Y/N? " His voice turned weirdly petulant and it took you off guard, you swallowed down any fear and looked up at him. 
"We could just sit and wait" Your words shook slightly as you willed yourself to stay calm. 
" I w-was just thinking the sa-me thing! " Freddy seemingly snapped back to normal just as fast as he changed. You made a protesting sound as he lifted you up with one hand around your torso, watching sadly as your plushy slipped out of your grasp and fell to the floor. He walked you over to the nearest wall before sitting down and placing you on his lap, wrapping you up in a snug hug.
" G-Gosh I really missed huging people! Ki-ids don't come around here anymore and the workers don't care enough " He bemoaned, his speaker rumbled against your back as he pulled you against it. Your thighs protested having to spread around his legs but you ignored it when he squeezed his arms around you.
You felt a wave of regret wash over you, he must have not being unnerving on purpose he seemed to just be so touch starved so he jumped at the opportunity to get to you. He placed his large head on your shoulder causing you to crane your own head to the side in order to accommodate him. 
"I'm okay with hugs Freddy just… please ask me before okay?" He just makes a noise in confirmation before closing his eyes. You sneaked your hand up to pet his cheek. He smiles wide at the touch but otherwise says nothing, and in an unexpected move Bon-Bon shifts closer to press a small kiss to your cheek.
" You're awful pre-ety Y/N, did you know that we haven't had a gi-rl down here in ne-arly t-t-two wh-ole years? " His voice rumbled through your torso, Freddy was pleasantly quiet and you were grateful for that. You hummed a surprised noise so he knew you were listening, finally relaxing your back into him.
“ We’ve been closed for parties for soooo lon-g, only technicians can come down here and there’s not even one girl amo-ng them! Can you believe that y/n.? ” For once that night you felt at ease with Freddy, his quiet rambling lulling your senses. “Wow really?” You quietly remarked, happy to entertain his story.
“ Yeah, really!! And a-and in two weeks the staff comes back! It was supposed to be next week but Baby got into a scrap with a technician and it got pushed back. Bu-ut we’ll get to preform for real again! It’s been ages since our last real performance ” you offered a small noise in response before closing your eyes, blissfully unaware of Freddy's eyes opening to eagerly trace your body.
“ It’s also been ages since we’ve had s-ome real fun too… You’d think having the faci-lity all to yourself would be exciting but the fun of sneaking around staff to get so-ome… stress relief was really what made it fun. ” Your eyes slotted open as your confusion got the better of you, the slowly deeper tone Freddy adopted as he continued talking didn’t offer any clarification. “ The closest any of us have gott-en to that recently was that little stunt you and Foxy pulled, fucking in a closet isn’t exactl-y allowed ”
" Y’know I'm only a li-ittle sad that Foxy got to you first " His eyes watched your face burn red, " But I al-so don't mind slo-oppy seconds though " His voice ringed with so much glee as your mind started racing, how did he know you'd had sex? How much had he seen?
Your panicked thoughts cut off as Freddy's hand slowly slid to your thigh and groped it, cold fingertips digging into your flesh as he delighted in the shiver you gave. His hands impatiently trailed up and down before sliding over your crotch.
"F-Freddy we really shouldn't- Ballora's probably coming back and-" He grinded his palm right against your crotch, effectively shutting you up. You gave a small moan and tried to push his hand away but he easily overpowered you.
" Ballora re-ally like likes you, I saw her " He chuckled at his own words, " I'm sure she'd be m-ore than happy to see you so worked up " Dammit that was your last logical reason to stop but you still didn't want to give in, at least for your dignity's sake. You weren't sure if it was ethical to get fucked by one let alone two robots. 
His hand moved up to clumsily unbutton your pants, nearly ripping them and your underwear off all together. You kneeled up higher as your lust finally got the best of you, one more couldn't hurt right? He pulled you up so you were kneeling on his smooth thighs, pants and panties pooled around your knees as you just braced yourself against his forearms.
You were in far too deep now, you wanted to at least think up one more reason to fight him off but you were too turned on to care anymore. Thick fingers traced your folds, exploring your sensitive parts with reckless abandon.
" Foxy wan-ted you to stay all di-irty down the-ere right? I don't thi-nk he'd mind if I filled you up again" You could hear the smile in his voice but you squeezed your eyes shut in defiance. The arm that had Bon-Bon on it shifted to gently hold your midsection, trying to hold you still and keep you from slipping off his thighs. 
Freddy's fingers ignored your aching clit, instead opting to stick two of his fingers deep inside you in one go. You jumped at the intrusion, tears welling up at the rough treatment.
" S-Sorry I thought y-ou were looser " Was all Freddy gave in response, not even bothering to take one finger out. He rubbed at your clit in an apology, and a moan itched at your throat from the pressure despite your earlier pain. 
Bon-Bon swiveled in your direction, gently patting at the stray tear that fell. As turned on as you felt you had to admit Freddy definitely wasn't as skilled as Foxy, sloppy digits moving only to stretch instead of pleasure. He prematurely took out his fingers, and the sound of his crotch plate shifting aside filled the room.
" I'll be e-xtra gentle with you! Do-ont worry! " Freddy sing songs, his dick does the same slow exit as Foxy's did but this time you could feel it immediately press against your entrance. You grind down slowly in an effort to regain any friction, not missing the slight growl that Freddy gave.
He was clearly desperate to move on to the part where both of you could feel the most pleasure, emphasis on both. He eases up his hold on you to clamp his hand on your hip and slowly maneuvering you down his shaft, tears reappearing at the sharp burn. He was much thicker than Foxy at the expense of being shorter than him, but despite this your eyes snap open and you feel overwhelmingly full.
Freddy let out a low groan when you finally slipped all the way down, your knees hitting the floor as you tried to remember how to breathe. He experimentally thrust into you in a shallow movement and your face distorted in pain. 
" So-rry! Again! I dont want to hu-urt you, you ju-st feel so g-go-od! " His last word was garbled up when you clenched at the compliment. You scan around the scarcely lit room for something to distract yourself with but it was empty, not even a minireena toddled around. 
" You like it when I say h-ow go-od you feel do-ont you? " Freddy taunted, " Ballora's gonna lo-ve you Y/N, you're so cu-te and grip o-nto my cock so tight~ " The praise immediately went to your crotch when he shifted slightly again. His hand finally moved down to feel around where your crotches were connected.
" Ho-w about we play a g-game? " His hand finally found your clit, giving it a fleeting touch before traitorously inching back up. You let a soft whine,
"W-What do you want to play?" Your voice trembled as you tried not to move.
" I'll fu-ck you really de-ep and soft but you ca-an't cum before Ballora c-omes back and lets yo-u " He laughed at his own harsh words, " If you be-g me to touch you i'll w-in" 
A warmth flooded your senses at the thought of Ballora touching you, the rules were simple enough and the stakes weren't too high right? You were mainly excited to have the chance to see Ballora again, you yearned for her soothing aura.
"That seems a little unfair Freddy" You huffed, "But let's do it" He grinned widely at how out of breath you already were but still nodded against you. Thankfully he moved slowly, easily lifting you just a little with one hand before letting you slide back down. 
All you had to do was hold back until she came back! That's easy enough, but the thought that it might take her a while to get back struck you hard as Freddy shifted under you with a groan and your body lit up with pleasure. You did your best to relax into him, letting him move however he wanted.
" Jeez you're just gon-na sit back and let me u-se you? You're not very fun! " You gave a half hearted glare at the comment, delicately rapping your knuckles against the side of his face.
"Well I'd help you out more but since you wanna play a game I can't" You shot back while he laughed at the feeble punches you gave him. Freddy pushed his hips into you, effectively dismantling your demeanor as another moan got the best of you.
" I don't mind it! You lo-ok real cute bouncing on my cock even if you aren't try-ing " Once Freddy learned what made you tick he seemed to never forget, in response you closed your eyes and turned away from him. You were already worked up, anymore and you were sure to lose. 
You tried to focus on something else, biting your lip to keep any embarrassing sounds down as Freddy continued to slowly thrust into you. Thankfully he stopped making his occasional comments but it came at the price of having his warm breath right next to your sensitive neck.
The reason they were even designed with any sort of breathing was lost on you but you suspected it must have been some kind of way to prevent overheating. Your thoughts were scrambled once again as he finally started to thrust harder into you.
" It's okay if you lose Y/N! It won’t be that bad, promise " Bon-Bon whispered to you, you'd forgotten he was even there but the sentiment was nice. His soft paw continued to pet your face in an effort to comfort you. You finally managed a smile, opening your eyes to find him smiling back.
The next few minutes went by in a blur, pleasure steadily building up despite your own efforts. Freddy seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself as he kept up a punishing pace. Would not cumming even be worth it at this point? You'd stop keeping count of the seconds that passed by and now you were closer than ever, debating all your past decisions.
As if Freddy was reading your mind he slowed down, stopping almost as if he was taking pity on you. Half of you wanted him to keep going, but you were silently grateful. Freddy laughed quietly as he watched you squirm at the lack of movement.
" I'm gonna give you a bre-ak, you're about to pop! " He laughed even harder, " Ballora might take a while, why don't you just gi-ive in? I might not st-op next time~ " You didn't understand what he found so hilarious about the situation he'd put you in but you just nodded and tried to calm yourself down. 
Your clit ached for attention and you were genuinely debating on taking him up on his offer. You studied his expression, his massive antsy smile making you itch to wipe it off his face. 
"I'm gonna beat you Freddy" You muttered through gritted teeth, his smile getting impossibly bigger at your harsh breaths. He quickly started up again, taking your taunting words more seriously than you'd expected. 
Your head once again got fuzzy with pleasure and soft moans left your lips, and minutes passed too slowly yet much too fast. Tears filling your vision as you tried to stave off your orgasm, now regretting the boasting you'd attempted to do. Your brain was ready to try to form a cohesive thought and beg for Freddy to touch you when a door finally opened. 
You blinked your tears away as Freddy abruptly stopped his movements. Ballora walked in as oblivious as ever with a trail of minireenas just behind her. You wanted to call out to her immediately but the words died in your throat when Freddy unexpectedly started moving again.
" Jeez Ballora what to-ook you so long? He asked, unabashedly still using you even if it mortified you.
" Freddy…? What are you doing? Is Y/N with you? " Worry filled her voice as she got closer, you wanted to say something to her but all you could let out was an embarrassingly wanton moan at a particularly hard thrust.
" Y/N's right here! The-re's no need to worry, I've got her sa-fe and warm! She was even sweet enough to wa-rm up my cock for me " You stared at the ground in shame, silence filling the room except for the constant shlick shlick of Freddy driving himself into you. Ballora stood in shock for a second and you were sure if she could blush she'd be the same shade of red as you were.
She silently started her stride again, quickly getting to you before carefully sliding to kneel in front of you. Freddy thankfully dropped his grip on your torso, letting you freely move. Ballora opened her arms in a simple gesture but you had to stop the sob of relief that tried to escape.
You almost collapsed into her, arms tightly wrapped around her as you were momentarily distracted from the onslaught of pleasure you were receiving. Thankfully she didn't say anything about your current predicament, instead opting to gently rub at your back. 
" Oh darling what happened while I was gone? " She asked quietly, " Is Freddy being mean to you? " You laughed against her chest, new found tears slowly falling. 
"Yes, he said I couldn't cum until you touched me" You didn't care if you stretched the truth a little, you already felt more at ease in Balloras hold.
" Hey! That's no-ot true! She decided to play with me and she's just ups-et that I didn't make it easy! " Freddy protested with a frown, making sure to punctuate his words with a particularly hard thrust. You made a protesting sound at his harsh treatment but didn't correct him.
" Y/N don't lie to me, i wouldn't want to have to punish you when you're so close to cumming " You shivered at the familiar words but just nodded against her, too ashamed to say anything else. She went back to rubbing your back in a soothing manner,
" If you just wanted me to touch so you could have said so darling, now let me help you princess " Ballora's kind words cut right through you, making you soft and pliable to anything she said. She easily sat you up before her hands roamed your body.
Long, elegant fingers gently traced your face and neck as she took her time mapping you out. They traced your sweater all the way down to the hem before slipping under and pressing into your stomach. Ballora leaned towards you to pepper kisses on your face, smooth metal lips cooling your overheated skin.
"Ballora…" You whined, as much as you enjoyed the attention your legs were an uncomfortable mix of numb and extremely oversensitive. You weren't quite sure how much more you could take.
" Give me a second honey, be a good girl and let me take care of you " Her lips quirked up at the mewl you gave in response before easily getting back to letting her hands roam lower. 
" Y/N r-really likes it when you compliment her~ " Freddy huffed, movements unexpectedly slowing down as he pushed as far as he could into you. You weren't sure why he'd stopped until the feeling of his cum spewing into you keyed you in.
"That's not fair" You said weakly, one word away from whining before you let out a squeak as Ballora briefly pinched your thigh. 
" Behave Y/N " Was the only warning she gave but your fizzled brain took it harsher than she probably meant it to sound, reflexively your eyes watered slightly. 
" 'm sorry" You mumbled as you leaned back into Freddy, needy for any kind of attention that would release the pressure between your legs. 
" Don't be so me-an to her Ballora " Freddy haphazardly pet your ribs with his free hand, " I've had her here for alm-ost 30 minutes, our little cumdump is just a li-ttle frustrated " You could feel your face burn at the name he called you, 
"I'm not-!" Before you could even finish your sentence Ballora's smooth fingers finally grazed your aching clit. It was as if she flipped a switch inside you and you had to try to quickly censor yourself.
" I don't think she minds me being a little mean now do you Y/N? " She cooed sweetly as her fingers explored further down. A soft moan escaped you as she gently felt around as if she was mapping out how filled up you were.
It was the most intimate thing you could possibly think, her fingers following your puffy folds, applying featherlight pressure until they led to where your abused hole was stretched past your limit. She firmly rubbed the crease where Freddy’s cock and your folds met,
" See her cunts still sopping wet, were you excited for me baby? " Freddy let out a wheezing laugh at her choice of words,
" I think she is, every time you ta-lk she gets so-o tight " The way they talked about you as if you couldn't even respond made your head incredibly fuzzy, whoever programmed them must have known what they were doing.
You watched in anticipation as her digits finally traced their way back to your clit, you were a moaning mess by the time she finally started applying pressure. And naturally it didn't take long for her to bring you to the edge, you squeezed your eyes shut as you finally let the pleasure wash over you. You came to your senses when a familiar pair of lips pressed against your neck for a second,
" Didn't want you fainting on me dear " Ballora joked, you shared a breathless laugh. She let your brain catch up before she got on her feet to slowly lift you off of Freddy, thankfully helping you stand after. She held your close, waiting until you were steady on your feet to let go.
" How about we get you cleaned up, take you to the kitchen, maybe a cup of tea before you go? " She kneeled behind you in an unexpected motion, making you regain the blush you'd almost lost as she helped you get your underwear and pants on unprompted.
"It's already time to go?" You ask as you try to swallow your disappointment, catching a glimpse of Freddy tucking himself up and hobbling on his feet.
" You spent a lot of time with Foxy~ " He teased, only laughing harder at the glare you gave him. 
" I'm afraid so dear, how about you come back next Saturday? I'm sure we'd all like to see you again " Ballora pressed a kiss to your hips before pulling your pants all the way up and letting you fiddle with them. Your ears burned warm at the thought of coming back, did they like you that much?
"I'll… try to come back I promise" She seemed pleased with that response as she got up and pulled you into another warm embrace which Freddy jumped in on as well.
" Good, now let's go get you ready to leave sweetie " You still weren't sure if the warm feeling in your chest was warranted but this time you didn't fight it off. While you didn't find solace in casual trespassing like you had planned, but getting your brains fucked out by two animatronics and coddled by the other bought that idea out by a landslide. 
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marblemoovt · 2 years
New Neighbour - Yuushi/K-san/Reader
Rating: Explicit (Smut)
Word Count: 9.3k
Warnings: Fluff and Smut, Porn With Plot, Reader is AFAB but is Gender neutral otherwise, Threesome - F/M/Other, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, blowjob, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Pet Names, Edging, voyeurism?
Moving into an apartment, you were planning to tough it out for a few years to save up for a better one. But then you meet your neighbour, and maybe living here won't be so terrible after all? Until you learn your hot neighbour is fucking someone else for hours every day. But what happens when you get to join them?
------ He holds a small box out to you. “I think the movers left this at my door by mistake,” he says. You examine the box and recognize your handwriting on the side. He tilts his head to the side and adds, “I’m Yuushi Totsumoto. I live next door.” This is the first neighbour you’ve met. You have yet to meet anyone besides the landlord; it’s like a bunch of ghosts live here.
You clear your throat when you realize you’re staring. “Ah, sorry.” You grab the package and hug it to your chest. “Thanks. I just moved here.” You gesture to the boxes behind you and introduce yourself.
His lips tug into a smirk as he examines you. “See ya around, neighbour.” Yuushi waves and heads back to his apartment. You stand there in a daze. You just met the guy, but fuck was he hot. Shutting the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
This took me forever to write. Last time I checked there was only one other fic for this manga on tumblr, and I felt the need to correct that. If you guys haven't read Lady K & The Sick Man, I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an erotic manga. The two protagonists are very fine and it's just something you have to see yourself to understand.
With that said, did you guys know there's already a fourth book??? It hasn't been translated yet so I read the raws. I vaguely understood what happened, but what a ride!! If anyone wants to look for it, you'll most likely have to search under 'Kko to yamioji'
This is also my first time writing smut that involves more than two people, so if the writing is a bit awkward, that might be why.
Happy Reading! (。・∀・)ノ゙
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
You’re living in an apartment building where someone has died. On the plus side, that means the rent is criminally cheap. On the downside, you didn’t learn about this until after you signed the lease. 
You haul the last cardboard box into your apartment. The ad you saw boasted about its affordable rent, so you signed a contract the day after. Now here you are, in a slightly run-down apartment with sketchy neighbours. But you can’t complain about the price. You plan to stay here for a few years and save up for a place in a nicer area. The landlord seems polite enough, but you can tell he’s hiding something from you. 
When you arrived to check out the apartment, he ushered you straight inside and kept the tour as short as possible. You barely had time to process before he brought you into his office and placed the paperwork on the table. Your current lease is ending soon, so it was either this building or scrambling to find another place. Persuaded by the low price, you signed your name. 
So you packed up your things and moved out of your current place. You cleared your schedule to spend the rest of the day unpacking. The apartment is bare except for the pile of boxes, and you feel the procrastination creeping in. If you don’t start now, you’ll continue to live out of cardboard boxes, never to be unpacked until you eventually move. You take out the box cutter and begin slicing at the tape. Before you can even open the flaps, there’s a knock at your door. 
You walk to the door and open it. There’s a middle-aged man with black hair and a scruffy beard. He holds a small box out to you. “I think the movers left this at my door by mistake,” he says. You examine the box and recognize your handwriting on the side. He tilts his head to the side and adds, “I’m Yuushi Totsumoto. I live next door.” This is the first neighbour you’ve met. You have yet to meet anyone besides the landlord; it’s like a bunch of ghosts live here. 
You clear your throat when you realize you’re staring. “Ah, sorry.” You grab the package and hug it to your chest. “Thanks. I just moved here.” You gesture to the boxes behind you and introduce yourself. 
His lips tug into a smirk as he examines you. “See ya around, neighbour.” Yuushi waves and heads back to his apartment. You stand there in a daze. You just met the guy, but fuck was he hot. Shutting the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“What just happened?” you ask yourself. When you signed the paperwork, you didn’t think much about neighbours. Living here doesn’t seem so bad after all. You set the package aside and continue unpacking. The first box is labelled ‘Bedroom.’ You have a futon and some drawers, which require little effort to unpack. Next are the items that go on the walls. There are posters and picture frames you want to put up. As you pick up your blanket, a loud moan comes from the other side of the wall. 
You pause, wondering if you heard that right. Another moan followed by a squeal. It’s coming from the apartment next door. Yuushi’s apartment. Of course, the hot neighbour you met is already taken. The discovery leaves a hollow feeling in your chest, but you’re glad you found out soon after meeting him. You can’t make out their conversation, but your thoughts run wild. From what you remember, Yuushi has a pleasant voice. Deep and gruff, a voice that sends a rush of blood between your legs. 
There’s a rhythmic pounding that accompanies the lewd noises. Whoever this woman is, she’s extremely lucky. Is it inappropriate that you’re so smitten over a man you just met? Probably, but you ignore the warning signs because you’re blindsided by his appearance. You’re not sure you can tolerate these noises if they happen frequently. You lay your blanket and pray the noises are a rare occurrence. That night, you head to bed unbelievably horny and frustrated, forced to listen to your neighbours as they fuck for hours. 
You wake up the next day and resume unpacking. Yesterday you finished the bedroom and bathroom. All that’s left now is the kitchen and miscellaneous items. You live alone, but you have extra utensils for when you have company. It’s strange how some people live with only one set. What do they do when they have guests? You organize everything by category. All the glasses go into one cupboard while plates and bowls go into another. The cutlery has its own drawer, and the miscellaneous kitchen tools are placed in the next one. 
You enjoy cooking, but living alone means you never have anyone to share it with. The cold weather makes you crave something warm, like curry. You might as well make extra and freeze the leftovers for another time. Since you just moved, your fridge is bare. A quick grocery run later, and you have all the ingredients you need. 
As you stand outside your door and fiddle with your keys, Yuushi also returns home. “Hiya, neighbour,” he greets. Unlike yesterday, he’s wearing a suit. 
“Hello.” You wave, but it’s awkward with your hands full. 
“Groceries?” He nods towards the bags. 
You hum, “Yeah, I want to make curry tonight. What about you?” 
“I could go for some curry,” he says. You tilt your head at the unexpected answer. Yuushi flushes when he understands your question. “Oh. I was at work,” he answers, lifting up the briefcase in his hand. 
Your eyes linger on his face. Pink looks good on him. “You work in an office?” you ask. You didn’t peg him for a salaryman. 
“Just a temp job,” he shrugs, “I do a lot of part-time work.” You admire his outfit, tempted to drag him by his tie into your apartment. Licking your lips, you meet his dark gaze. He doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a knowing smirk. You remind yourself that this man has a girlfriend—potentially a wife! 
Clearing your throat, you glance at the ingredients you bought. “Um, do you want some curry?” you offer. “I always make extra.” If he says yes, maybe that will give you an opportunity to enter his apartment. 
Yuushi grins, and it sets off the butterflies in your stomach. “Really? That would be great!” He can barely contain his excitement, and you find it adorable. “Been a while since someone’s cooked me a meal,” he comments. 
His energy is infectious, and you bounce on the balls of your feet. “I’ll drop by later then.”
He grins and says, “Lookin’ forward to it.” You turn to your door and miraculously unlock the door in one attempt. You shake off the feeling of his eyes on your back and head inside. Shutting the door and turning the lock, you hear his footsteps fade.
Leaning against the door, you sigh. “Just a friendly neighbour,” you whisper to yourself. “I’m just a friendly neighbour.” You head to the kitchen and hunt for your pots and pans.
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
The entire kitchen is filled with the scent of turmeric and cumin. You can almost taste the spices on your tongue. All that’s left is for the curry to thicken. The mixture gurgles as it simmers and reduces. You give it a stir, taste-testing to check if you need to add more seasoning. You decide to leave it alone and look for some Tupperware. There’s a bag you keep of reusable takeout containers from restaurants. You select one and check on the curry. 
The curry is nice and thick now. You turn off the heat and grab a ladle. You scoop some into the container, sealing the lid tight afterwards. A giggle bubbles in your throat. You can’t remember the last time you were this excited to cook for someone. Stopping by the bathroom, you clean yourself up and head outside, clutching the curry to your chest. 
You stop in front of Yuushi’s door and take a deep breath. Bringing up a fist to knock on the door, you’re startled by another scream. You bite your lip. Of fucking course. 
You return to your apartment and grab a second container, filling it with another serving of curry. On a sticky note, you write down instructions for how to reheat the food. Hesitantly, you add a smiley face at the end. Walking back outside, you set the containers in front of his door, rap your knuckles twice, and sprint back to your apartment. You shut the door as quietly as possible, but even the slightest noise sounds like an explosion. You breathe a sigh of relief when you don’t hear his door open. Another moan, followed by a deep grunt, rumbles the walls. You slump to the floor and lean back, thumping your head against the door. 
You are such a fucking idiot. 
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
You don’t speak to Yuushi after that, mostly because his erratic schedule leaves little chance of running into him. He also never thanked you for the curry, so maybe you’re also trying to avoid him because you’re petty. I mean, a week has gone by and not once has this man left a note. He never even returned the containers! So yeah, you feel the need to be a little bitter. 
Despite being upset, you can’t help but get incredibly turned on every night listening to them. You learn that if you’re close enough to the wall, you can make out what they’re saying. It’s muffled, but you’ll take what you can get. So far, it’s all dirty talk from Yuushi. His partner doesn’t seem to speak other than the noises of pleasure she makes. Is the sex really that good?
You know what you’re doing is perverted, but it’s very hard not to touch yourself when Yuushi’s husky voice says things like ‘I’m gonna stuff ya with my cock,’ and ‘are you cumming? How cute.’
Thus masturbating while listening to your neighbours has become a nightly ritual. Otherwise, you’re too frustrated to get a good night’s sleep. You’ve considered politely asking them to be quieter, but confrontation has never been your strong suit. Plus, someone banged on their door last night. That only escalated the moans and screams. It’s a mystery how anyone else here sleeps at night—earplugs. You should buy earplugs. Why didn’t you think of that earlier? Oh, right. You were too busy thinking about what it would look like to have Yuushi’s face between your thighs. 
So you buy some earplugs, and it works for a few nights. Until you start having wet dreams. The only prevention that works is relieving yourself before sleeping. Which leaves you back at square one. You don’t know how much longer you can keep living like this. The lease is for a year, and it’s barely been a month since you moved in. That’s when you come up with a plan. Maybe you can fuck it out of your system?
On the weekend, you dress up for a night out. You don’t have a complex plan. Just find someone to bring home for the night. Although with your neighbours’ track record, it’s probably best to go to a motel. Slipping on your shoes, you take one final look in the mirror. Your reflection smiles back at you. You feel hot—sexy even! You grab your bag and head out, wrinkling your nose at the scent of cigarette smoke. Since you plan on drinking, you call a taxi to drive you to the bar. When you enter the vehicle, you miss a pair of eyes watching you from next door. 
If you were more outgoing, you would have chosen a club. But it’s been a while, and you think you’re past your clubbing days. When you arrive at your destination, you pay the driver and head inside. Taking a seat at the counter, you order your favourite drink. Might as well drink something you like and get drunk. The bartender nods and accepts your money. Your order is in front of you in a few minutes, and you take a sip. 
“What’s a lovely thing like you doing here all alone?” a voice says from your right. You nearly choke on your current sip. Turning your head, you meet blue eyes and neatly-styled brown hair. His features are chiselled and angular like those marble statues. You wonder if he’s a foreigner or if his family is. Honestly, he’s very handsome by society’s standards. 
“Um…drinking?” you phrase it more like a question than an answer because, apparently, your brain ceases to function around attractive people. The man chuckles, and the warm timber sends your stomach into a frenzy. Your cheeks flame from embarrassment, and you take another sip to calm your nerves. 
“Lovely and charming. Let me buy you a drink,” he offers. This man is clearly flirting with you. All the confidence you had before leaving your apartment vanishes in an instant. How the heck are you supposed to respond?? And then you realize you’re not ready for this. You’re not prepared to have a one-night stand. Yuushi has already burrowed deep into your heart and claimed a piece of it. 
“That’s very kind, but no, thank you,” you reply. Going out tonight was a mistake; you know that now. Scratch that. Thinking you could get some random stranger to make you forget your hot-ass neighbour was a mistake. You’ll still have to see Yuushi and hear his moans at ungodly hours every single day. As long as you live there, you’ll continue to pine like the naive idiot you are. You chug down the rest of your drink and call the bartender for your bill. 
The man beside you is unphased by your rejection. “No? Then how about we get out of here, go somewhere less crowded.” His hands creep around your waist, and you recoil with a shudder. 
“I shouldn’t. I’m waiting for my boyfriend,” you lie, pretending to check your phone for messages. 
“Are you sure? I saw you get out of a cab by yourself,” he says, and your blood runs cold. What the actual fuck??
“You were watching me.” It’s not a question but an accusation. You keep your tone level, refusing to let panic crack your facade. Despite your glare, he nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders and grins. 
He leans closer and says, “More like you happened to catch my eye. So what do you say? I’ll make it worth your while.” This man is too damn persistent. It’s actually starting to piss you off. 
“As I said, I’m waiting for my boyfriend. I’m not interested in leaving with you,” you insist. Your glass is empty, and the alcohol hasn’t kicked in yet. You’re way too sober to be dealing with this bullshit right now. You signal to the bartender for another drink, and she nods, her eyes lingering on the man beside you. 
He scoffs and pulls out his wallet. “Look, I’ll pay you if that makes it easier.” He takes out a cheque and a pen. “How much?” he asks like he’s buying a shirt. Did he really just ask you to name a price on your body?
You blink, too stunned to speak, until outrage burns in your veins. “Excuse me?!”
He looks you up and down. “I know what you’re trying to do. You say no, but you’re all dolled up. You’re playing hard to get, and while it was interesting, it’s getting annoying now.” He begins writing on the cheque, pausing to appraise you before continuing. 
You clench your glass, ready to smite this fool down. “Wha—“
“Sorry I’m late, baby,” a deep voice says from behind. You get a faint whiff of cigarette smoke and cologne. You know that voice. Because it’s the same one you’ve gotten off to every night since you moved. You tilt your head up and see Yuushi smiling down at you. How does he still manage to look attractive from this unflattering angle?
“Fuck off, pal. I saw this one first,” the man spits, scrunching his nose at Yuushi’s appearance. 
Yuushi hangs an arm around your shoulder. “Why don’t you fuck off. This one is already mine,” he fires back. You know it shouldn’t, but his words make you squirm in your seat. Yuushi glances at you with an amused expression. 
“And who are you?” the man asks, and you swear his face grows redder with each passing second. His once handsome features are marred with a snarl. He reminds you of those birds or frogs that puff themselves up to look intimidating. 
Yuushi pulls you into his chest—which is very broad and muscular, by the way. You're almost too distracted to pay attention to their conversation. “The boyfriend. Now piss off and find somethin’ else to stick your dick in,” he replies. 
The man rises from his seat, but the look Yuushi shoots him sends him skulking away. You hear him mutter angrily to himself. Not even a minute later, he’s already chatting someone else up. You have to admire his tenacity. 
The bartender comes up. “I’m glad your boyfriend stepped in,” she says. “I was going to have him kicked out, but your boyfriend came just in time.” You flush at the misunderstanding. Before you can correct her on your relationship with Yuushi, she slides another drink in front of you.  “Here, this one’s on me.” You thank her and take a sip. Your throat burns more than your cheeks. Whatever she gave you, it’s stronger than your last drink. You grimace and down the entire glass, licking your lips. 
A thin blanket of fog rolls across your mind. Through your tipsy haze, you remember you’re not alone. There’s an arm wrapped around your waist, and you look to your left. “Yuushi? What are you doing here?” you ask. 
He chuckles and squeezes your hip. “I, uh, wanted to return the containers and thank you for the curry,” he says. A week has passed since then. Why is he thanking you now of all times? 
You furrow your brows. “So you followed me to the bar?” A quick observation reveals him to be empty-handed. “Were you… worried about me?” you ask. You don’t receive an answer. Instead, Yuushi helps you out of the stool and guides you to the exit. He places some money on the counter for your bill. 
He opens the door, and the cool evening breeze whips against your face. “Let’s go home,” he says. Pulling your shivering form to his side, he adds, “a walk might help ya sober up.” It’s only a 15-minute walk, and you’re too intoxicated to disagree. The warmth radiating from his body is cozy, which leaves you clinging to his arm. 
You keep your gaze on the sidewalk and ask, “You don’t want to question why I went out tonight?” You play with the cuffs of his jacket. The material feels new underneath your fingers. 
Yuushi shrugs, his steps unfaltering. “None of my business.”
You bite your lips. “...Did your girlfriend like the curry?” you mumble into his arm, hiding your flushed complexion. 
Yuushi perks up and starts gesturing animatedly with his free hand. “Your curry was delicious! And your note was cute. I—“
You cut him off. “Not you. Your girlfriend.” Inhibitions freed, you’re on a mission to figure out what’s going on with this man. A part of you is clinging to the hope that you still have a chance. 
“I don’t have one,” he answers in a matter-of-fact tone. Ok, so he’s not dating anyone—the moans sound too high-pitched to be another man. The cynical voice in your brain points out that it doesn’t rule out marriage. 
“Then who are you pounding every waking minute you spend at home?” you prod, noticing how Yuushi shortens his strides. He doesn’t look at you as he searches for an answer. 
“It’s… complicated,” he finally says. 
You scoff, “I’ve heard that one before.” You know it’s none of your business who he sees and what he does with them, but you feel hurt anyway when he doesn’t give you a straight answer. Maybe you’re hoping for a firm rejection so you can move on with your life. 
Yuushi shakes his head. “No, it really is. Look, why do you care so much?” he asks, eyes widening when he jumps to conclusions. “Shit, are we too loud? I know a couple of the others have complained, but you’re right next door.” He babbles some apologies, panic evident on his face. 
You chuckle and look him straight in the eyes. “I like it; it turns me on,” you confess. 
Yuushi’s smile wavers. He looks unsure how to respond. “How much did you drink?” he asks, scanning your face. 
You hum and count with your fingers. “Juuuuust… two?” You hold your hand up to his face and grin. 
Yuushi chuckles, and you like how the vibrations rumble against your body. “What a lightweight,” he teases. 
With your filter gone, everything that comes through your brain comes out of your mouth. You hum and lean into his side. “I touch myself every night listening to you two.”
Yuushi laughs. “I don’t think you know what you’re talking about,” he rasps. The gravel in his voice and his heated gaze send a gush of slickness between your thighs. 
You pout and whine, “Why do you have to be so hot? I thought I could find someone else, but there’s no one else I’d rather fuck.” You don’t quite love him yet, but you want him carnally with an intense desire you’ve never felt before. 
Your words cause Yuushi to halt. You’re unaware of this and continue walking, losing balance when you’re jerked backwards. Yuushi steps forward to catch you, and you land against his broad chest with a thud, his arms securing themselves around your waist. “....I didn’t know you felt that way,” he whispers into your ear. 
You shudder at the closeness and say, “Oh, you make me feel all kinds of ways. But you have a girlfriend, so it makes me feel bad that I want you.” It takes all your willpower not to turn your head around. You know you’ll lose all reason and kiss him senseless if you do.
“What if,” he pauses, “I told you that I also want you?”
“I’d tell you that you’re either a terrible liar or a cheating asshole,” you reply. And from the bulge prodding you from behind, you’re leaning towards the latter. 
Yuushi groans when you try to wiggle out of his grip. “She’s not my girlfriend. We’re more like roommates with benefits—”
You gasp, “And they were roommates!” You giggle to yourself. 
Yuushi chortles. “...I think I’m too old to understand that reference.” He bends down and scoops you up.  “C’mon, we’re almost home. I’ll help you to the door.” You’re thankful you don’t have to walk the rest of the way, but you won’t voice the reason out loud. Each step was delicious torture, but the light friction was beginning to frustrate you. It’s not enough to scratch that itch or quench the fire consuming you. 
The sidewalk is still blanketed in darkness, the apartments a faint glow on the horizon. Lamps mark the street like checkpoints, and you occupy yourself by running your hands across Yuushi’s broad chest. A pleased hum purrs from your throat as you feel the solid muscle beneath your fingertips. 
“You’re killing me, baby,” Yuushi groans, breathless and needy. It sends a jolt of desire straight to your core. You nip his chin and giggle at the shivers that wrack his body. The hand on your thigh tightens, and his dark eyes narrow at you. “Don’t tease,” he commands. His authoritative tone sends another wave of arousal, but your hands drop, and you become still. 
The speck of light becomes a beacon, and the warm yellow glow welcomes you home. Yuushi walks up to your door and sets you down. You rummage around your bag for your keys, giggling at how surreal the entire night feels. The memory of fondling Yuushi is something alcohol will not be able to wipe away. You unlock your door despite struggling to slot the key into the keyhole.
You turn around to face Yuushi. “Thank youuu,” you slur, planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He looks at you, jaw slack and eyes wide. You glance down at the tent in his pants and smirk. Stepping closer, you lean into his ear and whisper, “I hope you think about me when you fuck her.” You chuckle at the noise that chokes up in his throat.
He swallows, and you watch his adam’s apple bob with hooded eyes. “We’ll talk in the morning,” Yuushi says. He brings up a hand and skims your cheek with the back of his fingers. The feather-light touch leaves you wanting more. You want to know how it feels to have his hands explore the rest of you. You’re sober enough to know you’re too drunk for this, so you step back.
“Yes, sir,” you agree with a salute. Yuushi smiles at your antics, and the fond look in his eyes churns your stomach.
“Get some sleep.” His eyes dart to your lips, but he averts his gaze and clears his throat. “Sweet dreams, neighbour,” he says, shuffling his feet. 
“Goodnight, Yuushi.” You walk into your apartment, poking your head out. You smile and wave before closing the door. His footsteps don’t start until you turn the lock, and the gesture fills you with warmth. Worn out from tonight’s events, you do the bare minimum to prepare for bed. Slipping out of your clothes, you don’t bother changing into pyjamas. So you sleep in undergarments, passing out the second your head touches your pillow. 
In the morning, you wake up in a puddle of your arousal. You had a dream which was very vivid and involved a threesome with Yuushi and his mysterious roommate. Groaning, you peel yourself off the bed and remove the sheets to wash them. A knock from the door startles you. Stretching your limbs, you make your way to the door. The stickiness between your thighs is a constant reminder for a shower and an orgasm later.
Opening the door reveals Yuushi. “Good morning!” you greet, ignoring the dull throbbing in your head. It’s like someone stretched an invisible rubber band around your head that squeezes you tight. 
“G’morn…” Yuushi stops mid-sentence. He holds a small plastic bag in one hand and a bottle in the other. You tilt your head to the side and stare at him. His gaze strays from your face and flicks back to your eyes. “Black is, um, a good colour on you,” he says. You look down and see that you’re only wearing a matching set of lacy, black undergarments. 
Hooking your thumb in your underwear band, you grin at him. “Thanks, I look better without them on,” you say, and Yuushi flushes red. From what you recall from last night, there’s no point in pretending you’re not attracted to him. So you might as well see how many boners you can give him until he decides to bend you over and rail you.
“I, uh, got these for ya,” he says, holding the items in his hands out to you. “I figured you’d wake up feelin’ like shit.” The contents of the plastic bag rattle as you take it from him. The drink is one they sell at convenience stores for hangovers.
You peek inside the bag and recognize the label of the pills. “Thank you,” you say, unscrewing the cap on the bottle and downing the drink in one chug. The bitter, herbal taste on your tongue twists your lips into a grimace. 
Yuushi chuckles. “Open your mouth,” he commands. Confused, you comply and part your lips. He pushes something into your mouth, and it dissolves in sugary goodness. You moan as the foul taste from the drink is washed away with candy. “Huh, I wonder what other sounds you would make if I stuck somethin’ else in there.” His comment catches you off guard. 
But you don’t miss a beat when you reply with, “Why don’t you try and find out?” His jaw tightens, and his eyes darken.
“I need you to get dressed first. There’s someone I want you to meet,” he says. You don’t have to guess who. Maybe your threesome fantasy will come true? But it’s not like your life is some raunchy romance novel. He’ll probably introduce you to his roommate and then reject your feelings.
“Do you want to come inside and wait while I change?” you offer. 
Yuushi bites his lip and shakes his head. “Baby, if I come inside, we won’t leave for a while.” There he goes again with the pet name. It genuinely fills you with warmth and a sense of comfort. Honestly, Yuushi could call you anything, and it would give you heart palpitations. 
You nod and head inside. You take a quick shower to rinse the stickiness and the stench of alcohol from your skin. You grab a random outfit from your wardrobe, making a bold decision to not wear any undergarments. Once you’re all ready, you head outside to meet Yuushi. He greets you again with a smile. The morning light sharpens the ache in your head, and Yuushi shields you from the sun.
“I’ve wanted to introduce ya to each other, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react.” He opens his door and looks at you over his shoulder. “Just don’t freak out.” His ominous comment does nothing to calm your nerves. The floorboards creak, and several doors slam open. A blur of dark blue and white collides with Yuushi. “Hey, K. I brought someone over.”
You stare in astonishment. A woman in a white dress peeks at you from behind Yuushi. Her smile is gentle, but it looks like she might scamper away if you make any sudden movements.
“Hi?” You wave and remain rooted to the spot.
“This is K,” Yuushi introduces the woman. Her gaze fixates on you, and she refuses to leave her hiding spot. “K, this is our neighbour.” He side-steps, and you get a good look at her. Dark locks form a waterfall that cascades down to her butt. Long lashes frame her blue eyes that are veiled by her messy hairstyle. She is very well endowed, and the first thought that comes to mind is the terrible back pain she must endure. She’s gorgeous. You can see why Yuushi likes her. The shy smile on her face stretches wide, and she waves back. “Ah, K doesn’t talk much, by the way. So don’t worry if she doesn’t say anything,” he adds.
“Is this all you wanted to talk to me about?” you ask. K looks at you with wide eyes. It’s adorable watching her gaze dart across your figure, trying to take in every detail. She reminds you of a wild animal trying to determine your intentions. You can’t decide whether you want to dominate or be dominated by her. Yuushi whispers something to K, and she nods and makes noises of approval.
“I was gonna ask if you’d like to join us?” Yuushi offers, and you’re floundered by his invitation. “I obviously want ya, but I needed to make sure K was alright with it,” he explains.
You stand there in silence, processing his words. “Like, a threesome?” Stupid. What else would he invite you to? Lunch? The smile on Yuushi’s face is lascivious, and you hear a quiet giggle from K.
Yuushi shoves his hands into his pockets, which draws your attention to the tent pitching in his pants. He rocks on the balls of his feet. “I know it might not be exactly what ya wanted, but—”
You cut him off. “I’m in.” This is exactly what you wanted. Maybe your life is a raunchy romance novel, after all. 
Yuushi grins. “Eager, aren’t ya?” And the chuckle he bellows sends a tingle down your spine. K grabs your hand and leads you to the bedroom. You’re not used to focusing so much on a person’s expressions and body language before. Her grip on you is shaky, but the smile on her face is bright. 
The door clicks behind you, and Yuushi is leaning against it with his arms crossed. “Strip,” he commands. His tone is firm, but the lines on his face are still soft. You rub your thighs together but make no other movement, too enthralled by his voice.  He smirks and nods at K. “Give our neighbour a hand, would ya?”
“Mm!” K hums, and her delicate fingers skim down your torso. She grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it up over your head. The cool air hits your nipples, and they stiffen in response. “Ah….” K stares at your chest and brings a hand up to your breasts, but she withdraws and looks at you. 
“It’s ok, you can touch me,” you say. “Please touch me,” you beg. K nods, and her brows furrow in concentration. You bite your lip to hold back a laugh. She cups your breasts and circles your nipples with her thumbs. You hiss and melt into her touch. 
“Ah!” K recoils like she’s been burned. Her eyes widen, and she bows her head. 
“No, no, no,” you say, taking her hand and placing it back on your chest. “I liked it,” you reassure her. “Can you do it again, please?” She nods and pinches your nipples with a newfound sense of confidence. Her fingers pull and tug, every move calculated and adjusted after observing your reaction. “Yes, just like that.” You throw your head back and sigh when she squeezes your breast.
K leans forwards and wraps her mouth around your nipples. Her tongue flicks the stiff peaks, and you press yourself closer to her head. The jangle of a zipper catches your attention, and you turn your head to see Yuushi removing his pants. His boxers are next, and his cock springs free. The tip is swollen and leaking with pre-cum. He wraps his hands around his shaft and gives a few, short pumps. You tear your gaze away from his when you feel the cool breeze against your nipples once more. K looks at you, her pupils blown.
You can’t resist the urge to kiss her forehead. “Thank you, K.” And fuck. The smile she gives you afterwards shines brighter than the sun, and it doesn’t worsen your headache. Maybe you can convince her to live with you instead. She kisses your collarbone, trailing between the valley of your breasts and down your stomach. Her plush lips are warm and wet. With each kiss, she ignites a fire beneath your skin. Your breath hitches when she tugs your pants down, unveiling your naked skin.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Yuushi groans at your lack of underwear. “Looks like we got a naughty neighbour here.” You squirm in place, the slickness between your thighs adding to the delicious friction. You lick your lips, and saliva begins to pool in your mouth when you see his cock coated in precum. “Use your tongue, K,” he orders.
“Mm!” K pushes you down onto the futon. She squeezes your thighs and parts your legs. She hovers in front of your crotch, and her warm breath tickles your sensitive skin. You shiver in anticipation, muscles tensing when she laps at your clit. She does the same thing she did with your nipples and circles your clit with a finger. When she brushes over the bundle of nerves, you moan and buck your hips, clenching around emptiness. K runs a finger between your folds and pops it into her mouth. She hums at the taste and begins eating you out, wanting more. 
“Fuck!” you cry out when her tongue enters you. Your mind is too foggy to notice how she’s reaching deeper than humanely possible. Electricity thrums in your veins, and your walls are trembling around her tongue. You make eye contact, and your stomach flutters at the pleased smile on her face. “You’re doing a good job, K,” you praise her. She brings a hand up to pet your clit, and your hips jolt. “So good,” you mumble. She starts pistoning her tongue in and out of you. Your hips chase after her movements, and you’re riding her face.
You teeter on the edge of an orgasm. Your thighs tremble, wet with your juices. K drinks from you with a ravenous thirst. Her loud slurps echo throughout the room, and you like how dirty it sounds. Something wet and firm taps your lips.
“Open,” Yuushi commands, and you comply. A salty tang coats your tongue, and his musky scent fills your nostrils. “Time to see what kinda noises you’ll make.” He grunts and slowly slides himself into your mouth. “You good, sweetheart?” he asks, and you hum in reply. You take in the rest of his cock and tease him with your tongue. “Fuck, baby. You look so hot with your mouth full.” His words spur you on, and you begin sucking. With your movements hindered, you take his hands and place them on your head. His eyes darken, and he pulls out. “I need to hear you say it, baby,” he says, waiting for your permission.
“Please fuck my mouth,” you plead. Your mind is hazy. K keeps bringing you to the brink of orgasm and pulling you back before you tip over. You need to have this man use you. You want his taste to overwhelm your senses and feel his seed spill down your throat. 
Yuushi looks at you with lust-blown eyes. “You gotta grab my wrist if you want me to stop,” he says. “You understand?” You nod. “I need words, baby.” For a man whose partner doesn’t speak, he’s very insistent on hearing your vocal consent.
“Yes, sir,” you say, batting your lashes at him. He growls and grabs a fistful of your hair. Your scalp tingles with a slight burn that shoots a jolt of pleasure to your core. He rams his entire length into your waiting mouth. You resume sucking and running your tongue over his cock. K finds your g-spot, and she presses against the spongy area. The knot in your stomach threatens to snap as the pleasure builds.
“Fuck, you look so pretty with your mouth around my cock,” Yuushi praises, hips thrusting at a steady pace. “Do ya like it? Having your mouth and pussy stuffed at the same time?” You moan in response, and he chuckles. “I think you’re too drunk on sex to think right now.” He turns his head to K. “How’s it going down there, K?”
“Mm!” K groans and laps up the stream of juices trickling out of you. She’s eager to please, but her teasing is torture. Your body tenses as she brings you to a high, only to stop and let you plummet back to the ground. She laughs when you whine and grind against her face,
Yuushi smiles and looks back at you. “I think it’s about time we let ya cum. Whaddya say?” Yuushi asks. Pleading with your eyes, you beg him, desperate to have an orgasm. “Look at that face. I can’t say no to that,” he says. The grip on your hair tightens, and he speeds up his pace. “You know what to do, K.”
You widen your eyes, back arching when K assaults your g-spot and clit in tandem. Her ministrations are precise, and each stroke brings you closer and closer to your climax. Sensitive from her edging, waves of pleasure crash into you, sending you reeling into an orgasm. Your scream is muffled, and the vibrations cause Yuushi to stutter his hips. Warm ropes of cum shoot down your throat, and you swallow it all. You suck on his cock, milking the last few drops.
Yuushi slides out of your mouth and crouches down, smashing your lips together in a heated kiss. You’re positive he can taste himself, but he doesn’t hesitate to explore with his tongue. You shiver when K pulls her tongue out, clenching around nothingness, She flicks your clit, and you jerk from the overstimulation. Her giggle rings in your ears, and she plants a kiss on your inner thigh.
Yuushi moves away, and you whine at the loss of contact. He smirks and swipes a thumb across your swollen lips. “Ready for more?” he asks. “I’m gonna pound that tight cunt of yours ‘til it moulds into the shape of my cock.”
“Yes, please,” you beg. And for good measure, you add, “Sir.” He pushes you onto your back, spreading your legs. Two thick fingers enter and stretch you out. You moan and try to move your hips, but his other hand pins you in place. You squirm, but he chuckles and adds more of his weight,
“I’m only using my fingers, and you’re already squeezing so hard. How cute. You want me that badly?” he teases, fingers skirting around that sensitive spot. Close but never touching, and it drives you wild with need. 
“I need to feel you inside me,” you plead, struggling to escape his iron grip. The callouses on his fingers scratch against your bare skin and send sparks of electricity in their wake. He’s giving you too much and not enough at the same time. The burn as he stretches you adds to the pleasure, but he continues to avoid your g-spot.
Yuushi smirks, “I am inside, sweetheart.” He shoves his fingers deeper and crooks them to prove a point. You clench your teeth and try to stop your walls from spasming. You want to feel him pulsing inside of you before you climax again.
“No,” you buck your hips, “I need your cock inside. Please, I need you to stuff me full.” Your walls clench around his fingers, aching for more. He pulls them out with a hum and licks them clean, groaning as he savours your taste. 
Licking his lips, he lines his cock up with your entrance before grinding to a halt. “Fuck,” he curses, looking at you with wide eyes. “I don’t have any condoms.” He starts mumbling to himself about a quick run to the nearest store.
You tilt your head. “You don’t use any with K?” you ask. Although, given how often they have sex, condoms would be expensive.
“Well, no,” he answers, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“We can buy some for next time—“ if there even is a next time “—but it should be fine since I’m on birth control.” Maybe K is in a similar situation, which would explain the lack of condoms. However, you would prefer to have them; two forms of contraceptives are better than one.
Yuushi bites his lip. “Honestly, sweetheart. I think you would look amazing with a cream pie. I wanna see that sweet cunt dripping with my cum,” he confesses. You would be lying if you said the idea didn’t turn you on.
You raise a brow and spread your folds, revealing your wet entrance. “Then what are you waiting for?”
Yuushi rubs the head of his cock up and down your slit, brushing it against your clit. Your walls flutter in anticipation, and you hold your breath when he starts easing in. Since Yuushi prepared you, there’s little resistance. The burn from the stretch is mild and pleasurable. 
Yuushi closes his eyes as he sinks deeper inside, groaning when he bottoms out. He starts slow, rubbing lazy circles around your clit. “You take me so well, baby,” he praises. You preen at the compliment and move your hips to match his thrusts.
K pads over to your head, flushed and fidgety. She lifts her dress to reveal the cutest cunt you’ve ever seen, framed by a patch of dark blue. Her plump thighs are shiny with her juices, and your mouth waters. You don’t need to guess what she’s trying to ask. “You can ride my face, K,” you tell her. She smiles and climbs over, hovering above you. Sinking slowly, she hesitates and stops inches from your face. You breathe in her musky scent, mesmerized by her swollen clit and puffy lips. Impatient, you wrap your hands around her thighs and pull her down. She shrieks, which turns into a string of moans when you begin devouring her.
“Ah!” she cries out as you suck on her clit. Lapping up her juices, you drown in her sweet nectar. You’re drunk on her taste, and her heady scent makes your head spin. The bottom half of your face is messy, but you continue your ministrations. K is very responsive. She’s already quivering and on the brink of orgasm.
“Heh, you should see the lewd face she’s makin’,” Yuushi says. He pushes his thumb into K’s mouth, and she licks your juices off of it. “Good?” 
She nods, “Mm!” and coats his finger with her saliva. 
“Hear that, baby? She thinks you taste amazing. Be prepared to give me a sample later,” he says, pulling his thumb away to resume stroking your clit. Your mouth is busy, but the way you clench around him is all the response he needs. “You two are so fuckin’ hot,” he groans, picking up the pace. He lifts your right leg and rests it on his shoulder. The new position allows him to thrust at a deeper angle, and he brushes against your sweet spot.
You moan, sending a stream of vibrations into K’s throbbing cunt. The added stimulation sends her over the edge, and you can feel her clit pulsating against your tongue. She wails and rides out her orgasm, grinding her slick heat into your face. 
“Ah!” K cries out and tries to pull away when you don’t stop, but you’re determined to get payback for the edging. Your nails mark her thighs with crescent moons, and Yuushi’s low chuckle spurs you on. A flick of your tongue opens the floodgates, and you’re directly in the splash zone. K becomes rigid, muscles tensing as another orgasm tears through her body. Gushes of liquid rain down on you, and you’re drenched with her release. You let go, and K slumps to the floor beside you, chest heaving and dress clinging to her sweaty form. Her hair is all over the place, and the smile on her face is relaxed. All the tension in her body is gone. She looks like she’s about to melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“Holy shit. I haven’t seen her cum that hard in a while. You’re something special, aren’t ya?” Yuushi says. “Now that K’s all tuckered out, I want to see what face you’ll make when I make you cum again,” he slaps the pubic mound just above your clit, “and again.” Slap. “And again.” You jolt with each strike. He only uses enough force to leave a light sting, and you ache for more. You shudder, but he doesn’t miss how you bite your lip. His large hands wrap around your waist, and he picks you up like you weigh nothing.
Your arms flail and wrap around his neck for stability. The wolfish grin on his face sends a spike of arousal to your core. What is he planning? Your question is soon answered when he raises and drops you onto his cock. You gasp at the sudden movement, eyes nearly rolling into the back of your skull at how he drags along your walls. He doesn’t move, observing your reaction.
“You ok, sweetheart?” he asks, and this would be very wholesome if you weren’t impaled on his cock right now. “I don’t wanna be too rough with ya. Let me know if it’s too much,” he says.
“Do it again,” you say. 
He smirks and squeezes your waist. “You gotta beg for it.” He tuts when your pout at him. “C’mon, I know you can. If you want it, you gotta beg.” You can feel his cock pulsing inside you; the heat makes it difficult to ignore. His thumbs rub little circles into your hips, and your body is already aching for more friction.
You groan and toss your shame out the window. “Fuck, Yuushi. Please fuck me. Fuck me until the only thing I can think about is your cock,” you plead. The smirk on his face both makes your blood boil and sing at the same time.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He lifts you again, but this time at an agonizing pace. His cock leaves you inch by inch for what feels like forever. And when you reach the tip, he slams back into you. Your nails bite into his shoulder as he repeats this over and over again until your mind is blank. “Look at you, baby. Absolutely drunk on my cock. You like it when I use you like this?” He aims for your g-spot on the next thrust and hits a bullseye. “I’m talkin’ to you, sweetheart.”
You whimper, “Yes, I love it.” As a reward, he raises and spears you with his cock once more. Your clit is throbbing, and you don’t think you’ve ever wanted to cum so badly before in your life. Yuushi spaces out his thrusts so that you’re more sensitive with each one, but it’s never enough to reach a climax. Every time your pleasure peaks, he waits until it almost fizzles out before setting you ablaze. It’s absolute torture, and you love it.
“Look at you, being so good for me,” he coos. You clench, thrilled by the way his muscles tighten. He grunts, “your insides are sucking me in, and they don’t wanna let me go.” Leaving one arm to support you, he brings his other hand to tease your clit. “Do ya wanna cum, sweetheart? Wanna cum all over my cock?”
You beg, “Yes. Please.” You’re desperate to finally climax. If you thought K’s edging was bad, Yuushi’s is ten times worse.
Yuushi hums, a sly grin on his face. “Why should I?”
You pause and stare at him with wide eyes, “You said I’ve been good. Please, Sir. I need to cum,” you sob.
“Alright then. Cum,” he commands. Both of his hands return to your waist, and he begins ramming into you relentlessly. Your body buzzes with pleasure, and your hips eagerly match his thrusts. “Look at me; I wanna see your face while you cum.” You obey, focusing your gaze on him. “Good. Touch yourself. I’ve got ya.” You bring a hand down to rub your swollen clit, and your blood thunders in your ears. That feeling in the pit of your stomach is building, and your fingers move faster without thinking. “There ya go. Just like that. Milk my cock with your tight cunt.” 
He grunts and continues railing you. His cock twitches. You want to feel his hot seed paint your walls white. On purpose, you clench as hard as you can. Yuushi curses and his thrusts become short and sloppy as he chases his own high. He comes undone, a mixture between a groan and a growl leaving his throat. Ropes of thick cum shoot inside you, sending you over the edge. You roll your hips as your vision blurs, and white-hot pleasure courses through your body in waves. Your clenches coincide with the pulsating of your clit. The rush of endorphins leaves you feeling floaty.
Still buried to the hilt, Yuushi turns you around so your back presses against his chest. He sucks on the pulse point on your neck and plays with your clit. “Yuushi,” you groan, still very sensitive from your recent orgasm.
He nips your earlobe, and his hot breath tickles your ear. “C’mon, baby. I know you got another one in ya,” he whispers, voice husky and low. 
You shiver and shake your head. “I can’t,” you whine. Your clit is still swollen, and even the slightest touch is unbearable.
He presses a tender kiss to your shoulder. “You can and you will.” His tone is both demanding and soft. His hand travels to your clit and circles around it. “C’mon, sweetheart. Cum one more time for me.” He avoids directly touching your clit and instead stimulates the surrounding area. He traces down your lips to where the two of you are joined. “This pretty cunt was made for me.” Slapping your pubic mound, he chuckles darkly when your head lolls back into the crook of his neck. 
His deft fingers make short work of you, bringing you to that precipice once more before tossing you off the cliff. This one is less intense, but it lasts longer. Yuushi continues with light touches, helping you ride out your orgasm. The spikes of pleasure ease into a pleasant buzz. Yuushi whispers praise the entire time, placing small kisses along your shoulders, the scruff of his beard scratching your skin.
He unsheathes his cock and lays you beside K, flopping down on your other side. Your body trembles from the aftershocks of your orgasm, and you can still feel a tingling sensation between your thighs. The entire room smells like sex, and there’s a faint smell of cigarettes that always lingers when someone smokes inside. 
You stare at the ceiling in a daze. “That was….” You’re at a loss for words. Because how can you describe what you just went through? K holds your hand, her lips in a gentle curve upwards. Her eyes contain an understanding look, and the amount of affection in them makes your heart skip a beat. She glances at Yuushi, and the two share a silent conversation you can’t interpret. 
“I like you, and so does K. Wanna make this a thing?” Yuushi asks, blunt and to the point. You suppose this is the best outcome you could have hoped for. At least if they want you to join them during sex regularly, it’ll help satisfy your urges.
You look away from him and instead focus on K, playing with her hair. “Would it be casual?” you ask.
Yuushi chuckles and traces your collarbone with his fingertips. “Not gonna lie, sweetheart. I like you a lot,” he confesses and adds, “K seems to have gotten attached to ya, too.”
You frown and turn your head to face him. “What are you trying to say?” You don’t want to get your hopes up.
Yuushi smiles and caresses your cheek. “I’m sayin’ that I want you to join our relationship.” 
Your eyes bug out of your head, and you almost believe you heard him wrong. “Is that something both of you want?” you ask. You need to make sure, especially since K doesn’t talk. Because of this, you look at her first. K nods and scoots closer to your side, snuggling into you. She reminds you of a cat curling up beside you. Glancing over at Yuushi, he’s watching the two of you fondly, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“Wouldn’t want anything else,” he says. “Although, there is one other thing.” Yuushi crawls down in front of your thighs, parting them with ease. He licks his lips and eyes your dripping cunt. “K got to taste you earlier; now it’s my turn.” He teases you with a short jet of cool air, and a shadow shields you from the bedroom light.
You glance up to see K’s breasts swaying above your head, nipples perked and begging to be touched. Her face is flushed, but she pushes her body closer to you. She makes this cute little squeak, and you open your mouth, latching onto her nipples. The salty taste of her sweat fills your tongue, and there’s a slight tang you can’t quite place. You moan, and she whimpers from the vibrations. 
Yuushi’s deep chuckle rumbles against your inner thigh, and he licks a stripe up your slit, tasting the concoction of your juices mixed with his. 
You shudder. Fuck. You’ll be lucky if you can even get out of bed in the morning. 
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
End Note:
ASfdjga;kgjf. Not me learning a few days after posting this that his first name is Yuushi and not Totsumoto. My bad. I went back and changed it so apologies if that fucked any of the other text up. Did you know his name appears around 90 times in this fic? Yeah, wasn't fun to change.
At first, I was going to have K be more dominant, but she's such a sweetie in my mind. Please let me know your thoughts. I rarely write smut so it always feels like I'm doing something 'wrong.'
I am interested in a scenario where the reader and K top Yuushi. Maybe that's what the next fic I'll write for this fandom be.
I'll see you guys at my next hyperfixation! (。・∀・)ノ
Reblogs are appreciated!
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bajis-wife · 5 months
Retro wave
Synopsis: Every individual has something that they are missing or lacking in their lives, whether it be a person, a purpose, or something else entirely.
Will they be able to fill those gaps and find satisfaction or a purpose, or will they be left perpetually incomplete?
And what better way to describe this journey and character development than in a fan fiction? Where they embrace life to its fullest, make mistakes and grow while hiding their true flawed tint, that lost it's meaning long ago.
Will she finally achieve her childhood dream of becoming an artist? Using their smudged and sketchy colors to paint on the canvas of her life, or will she settle for more sophisticated one's?
Will the painting in the end be enough to engrave the memories passed together?
Warnings: Swearing, explicit profanities, illegal doings, VERY LONG.
Notes: This is the full version of my story on wattpad ‘Retro wave’ until now there are only five chapters if we count the prologue too, I only want to get some feedback and attention for all the work i put in it and for the readers to enjoy it as this isn’t your usual insert self story.
The background of the character is already decided and specific although the appearance is not, so you can perfectly put yourself in it without reading Y/N or anything annoying like that.
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New topic, tattoos.
Often seen by those stiff elders with a closed mindset as something bad, permanent and idiotic.
How about I give you my perspective of it?
Tattoos aren't just stupid impulsive mistakes that last forever, they are one of the best ways someone can ever express themselves with; Words are useless to describe someone compared to the feeling of your fresh virgin skin being inked, making whatever part of your body a masterpiece. Flamboyantly taking away the virginity of your flesh.
Am I romanticizing it too much? Probably, but honestly who cares when you're being paid to do what you love?
After my last customer headed out, I took a deep breath and walked into the foyer of the shop which I personally customized, from the soft lighting to the comfortable furniture.
As I sat on the couch, spreading my limbs to then relax them, breathing in and out slowly, closing my eyes, focusing on the deep dark of my mind as existential thoughts started to flow into my brain.
Out of all I focused on one only.
Am I even making a difference?
This day surely has worn me out as it brought me to thinking about something so distant when I'm still young and beautiful.
Why bother thinking about legacy? I'm here now making most of the present moment, my future isn't written yet so screw legacy. I'll deal with that later after I've had my fill of fun and adventure, so don't talk to me about it.
I'm too busy living the dream, your dream.
It's reassuring to know that in my chaotic existence I'm not living under a bridge and have a place to call home.
But even chaos is born from something or someone; And I was born from my immigrant parents in Italy, just to be sent to my home country.
What a way to start life huh?
Only a couple months old and my parents already had enough of me, sending me to my grandparents with the excuse of learning their and now apparently my mother tongue.
Jokes aside, they loved me from the bottom of their hearts.
Four years later I came back to finish the remaining two of kindergarten and finally start primary school.
But oh boy, from there my life has been a downhill roller coaster of emotions. As childhood optimism had brain washed my mind into thinking it was going to be a wonderful experience.
Not realizing that from the very first day of school I was thrown into the cage of lions.
For the first, second and third year they weren't nothing but buzzing noises in the background, as I felt drained from being in that class.
As now I was in fourth grade, and already tired of everyone there but him.
Now you might wonder who this kind soul is?
Simple, my first love.
Brown wavy locks that gently swayed every time he tilted his head, capturing my gaze with those dark brown eyes.
With that little beauty mark under his right eye, that everytime he offered me one of his sweet smiles would make my heart melt.
But the thought of seeing him every day made me push through all of that.
I could relate to thinking it was simply him and I against the world. But there's more to the story. Love is blind, as they say, and we sometimes need time to accept it, one way or another.
Certainly being served the fact that he likes another girl in our class, wasn't the best.
I felt as if the world crashed onto me.
But maybe the other girl didn't feel the same? Maybe all of this was one sided love like most of the time between kids, I could just go and ask her if she feels the same.
Simple as that.
I was relieved to find out she didn't feel the same, my burdens lightened; Not realizing that by doing this little thing to relieve myself I broke his trust.
Making him the new target of mockery in our class, as that girl couldn't keep her mouth shut.
The classroom isolated me too, labeling me as the snitch, well deserved I guess?
But what hurt me the most was him slowly distancing himself from me, it was a gradual process. Yet the most painful for me, and heartbreaking for my parents to watch their daughter suffer from it.
After finishing my fourth year, I was transferred to a different school, one where I was welcomed with open arms. Spending my last year of elementary school there, forming good friendships as I grew more confident with each day.
I learnt the fine art of blending in while also standing out in society. Once I completed my fifth year in elementary school, I started my middle school journey, confidently prepared for whatever came my way.
However, fate had other plans.
I ended up being way too overconfident, and it bit me in the butt.
The universe had a way of humbling me and remembering me nothing lasts forever, each and every time you start from zero with the help of your past experiences.
So now you ask me how would I describe those three years of middle school?
This time I was fortunate enough to have a loyal friend who was alongside me, Anastassia.
Together we helped each other and formed a lasting bond that would only become stronger as time went on.
She was one of those friends that even you meet again after a long time, I'm talking about months and years. It felt like time stood still with her.
Anastassia made the time fly by before you knew it, and with her by my side, I felt a timeless sense of comfort and peace. Whether we spoke of distant memories or made new ones together, it was as if we had never been apart.
After we finished middle school we had to part ways, she chose to focus on studying languages while I wanted to study art.
High school offered a much-needed fresh breath of air. There people seemed too occupied with their own personal struggles to bother with my actions, which brought back my laid back confidence that mixed with the release of dopamine.
I no longer felt restricted by the confines of social expectations or the constant judgment of others, instead focused on exploring who I was, and what I wanted from life in a less constrained and more meaningful way.
In less words I stopped caring about what others thought.
This newfound sense of freedom allowed me to truly come into my own, and shaped me into who I am today.
From studying there I also got to meet two wonderful girls that today moved and live with me in San Francisco.
First I came across Lara whose light brown shoulder length locks were highlighted with buttery blond highlights. Her eyes were surrounded by thin metal square frames, which perfectly empathized their beautiful vivid hue of maroon.
Lara's aura was like a magnet for those around her, drawing people like moths to a flame. Drawing the attention of boys who lusted for her and girls who envied her, leading to gossip and telling vicious rumors about her. Yet these attempts of destruction failed, as she continued to radiate joy and positivity.
Truly looking up to her for it, wondering what her secret was.
And so, the truth was unveiled.
One day, I found her smoking cigarettes in the school bathrooms, and the habit gradually became something I expected to find her doing from then on.
I had no intention of dictating her choices.
However, I still held hope that she would make a conscious effort to stop the unhealthy coping mechanism of smoking.
But despite her habit remaining the same until this day, many things about Lara have changed over the years.
Her hair for example, her once buttery blonde locks now styled in a choppy cut, with a side-fringe and even a bold red dye job to top it off.
These changes have altered her previously bubbly image, giving her a more mature and confident flair, though it's hard to say if that is simply the result of growing up.
Her charming and bubbly personality remains as captivating as ever, and she has not lost any of the charms and magnetic personality that constantly goes in contrast with Lia's one.
The living room everyday was an area of contention, Lara's smoking habit often irritated Lia through the smell that easily flowed through the apartment, as the confined space made it difficult to avoid breathing the smoke.
Arguments between them would always end in Lara sulking in the corner, while Lia walked away fuming from anger.
I don’t blame for her intolerance towards smoking.
She was an open-minded person, but when it came to smoking, she had zero tolerance. So, it's only natural that she would be upset whenever she caught Lara smoking inside.
Anger issues weren't the only trait that characterized her.
No, not at all.
As those curls of hers kept her craziness in check, but it somewhat from time to time it managed to escape from those lips of hers, making her say the most mean and absurd statements sound true and convincing.
If her lips were mean, then her eyes shall be the sweet ones. Green and hazel hues coloured those irises, as they held such beautiful mystery and charm.
And yet they also held a glimpse of her fiery anger and held up frustration, which sometimes exploded out, turning her captivating eyes into fireflies that burned through my soul.
A mix of raw emotion and magnetic influence made her memorable and endearing, as her presence was one that was hard to forget.
Lia truly was a girl of many colors and contradictions.
Although the two women have brought their fair share of excitement and adventure into my life, there's always room for more.
If the gods offer more and more delicious fruits on the branches of life, it would be a shame not to indulge in a little more of what makes it sweet and delicious, wouldn't it?
After all, life is made interesting by new experiences and challenges we encounter, and who are we to deny more enjoyment?
Not knowing I've jinxed for good my future, for thinking like that.
As the sound of the phone alerted me about a new message.
Unfortunately not notifying me about the consequences it will bring to my unsure future.
The number was unknown, but as I read the message and realized it was from Lara, I let out a sigh as I shook my head.
I was used to her borrowing other people's phones to send me messages or call me when her iPhone died, but I still felt a slight sense of annoyance.
Constantly reminding her to change it into maybe one of some other brand, whose battery didn't die immediately after being charged.
Fuck the aesthetic. Even an eighty year old could last longer in bed than those phone batteries.
With a groan, I rose to my feet, taking the keys of the shop out of my pocket as I slid one sleeve than the other of my cardigan.
I held onto my phone in one hand while the shop keys were in the other, as I exited the door.
After the store was properly locked up, I set my sights on the parking lot where I had left my 2006 BMW M3. Talking about it, it was probably the best deal I had scored in my entire life.
Quickening my pace while searching for my keys as I neared the parking lot, making my way over to the red sports car that stood out among the other vehicles, looking like a beast ready to devour the roads with its raw power and beauty.
After finding them, I unlocked the car and sat in the driver's seat, ready to drive away.
Starting the engine as now the powerful roars could be heard, feeling the humid air come in through the slightly open window, breathing the fresh yet familiar scent of the night.
With everything set, I put the car in drive and started making my way to the exit of the parking lot.
Speeding through the freeway, with wind coming through the window making the end strands of my hair fly back as adrenaline pumped into my veins.
But it soon came to an abrupt halt as I found myself stopped at a red light.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, traffic rules were sure pesky; Still I had to follow them, while I waited for the annoying red light to become green.
As the smooth, soothing tunes of "House of balloons" by the Weekend filled my car, my mind was at ease and my soul at peace.
Enjoying myself before the storm, commonly known as Lara, could enter my car.
Talking about the devil, there she was on the other side of the road talking with someone.
A man to be precise.
They still continued conversating, as I focused on the new individual.
His shaggy butter blonde strands swept to the side and his imposing lion tattoo were hard to miss, as they commanded attention.
Shifting my gaze at the now green light, I stepped on the gas pedal and proceeded toward the roundabout, making a sharp turn as I went back to them.
Parking my car just a few feet away from them as I yawned, hitting the horn two times to let her know I was there.
With a jolt, Lara turned to my direction to then say something to her companion earning a chuckle from him, while she motioned for me to come over.
Weird, she usually doesn't involve me with her flyings—What was she trying to pull here?
Frustrated from the long day of work I just compiled with her request, exiting my car and shutting the door behind me as I approached her and the man.
I looked at them to notice the blonde's stare was on me, probably he wanted me to burn holes into my skull for interrupting his moment with Lara.
At least that's what I believed until I was in front of them as he offered me a supposed charming smile.
"Nice to finally bump into the talk of the town." He made a little dramatic pause to then add.
"The name's Madarame Shion, but you can call me sir, if you're into that kind of thing." A devilish grin spread across his face as he introduced himself, his voice dripping with sarcasm and bravado.
You only needed to hear that, to know that he was the type of man who looks better with his mouth shut.
Eyeing Lara as she looked confused about Shion's introduction, considering her words before putting on one of her best smiles and finally breaking the awkward silence, "He is just a little full of himself today, don't mind him."
Wrapping her arm around his as she tried to justify him.
"I wouldn't call it being full of myself, more like pointing out the different possibilities my little minx." He remarked with a toothy grin, only a few inches separating his face from hers.
There was clearly something between them, but no way I was letting that guy try to woo her in some way.
"Right, a little minx huh?" I interjected with a sneer as it was now time to put this guy into his place.
And I surely didn't mind doing that.
"Well, if you're going to be throwing around names, then I suppose I can call you a douche." Locking eyes with him while my lips rose into a mocking smile.
Shion seemed more amused than annoyed by my response, as if he enjoyed this back-and-forth insult exchange.
Licking his teeth to then speak "If she is my little minx... Then you shall be my little vixen." This time leaning closer to me as he was trying to control the situation, perfectly knowing how to get under someone's skin.
It was futile trying to beat him this way, as it seemingly was his best field.
This would have taken time to bring him down from that supposed throne he believes he is on, and embarrass him when he is with Lara so she would leave him, but right now i didn't have the time nor the patience to do so.
So I did what I should have done from the start.
"It's late we should get home Lara," Motioning for her to come as I gave one last glance at Shion before saying "It was shit meeting you, hopefully I won't see that ugly face anymore."
Opening the door of my car as I waited for Lara that was still hesitant to leave.
"Why can't we stay out a bit longer? I mean, it's Friday night and we don't have anything to do tomorrow..." She said trying to convince me as her voice was dripping with disappointment at the idea of returning home so early.
Still I gave her one last look as an ultimatum, and she didn't do anything but walk in my direction complying to my order, sighing like a little kid since she was in no place to argue when I was the one driving.
The only one still calm was Shion watching us intently with a smug smile on his face as he added "Oh yeah? You're pretty annoying yourself,"
Both of us were already in the car as it didn't take much before we exited the momentary spot where I parked it.
"But that's what makes you endearing. Sweetheart" He concluded talking to himself.
Leaving him there, as the speedometer raised and lowered its pointer.
The car ride was silent until I stopped at a red light taking the opportunity to look at her, so maybe she will fill in the blanks and explain what the hell I needed to interact with him.
To which she just responded with, "Do I have something on my face?" Saying this as she moved the rearview mirror towards herself to check.
I was now looking at her like she just killed my family.
"How many times have I told you that the rearview mirror isn't to check yourself out!" Examining exasperated as I tried to fix the mess she just caused, only for her to start fiddling with the car radio as she browsed through the different channels.
Finally settling down for one to then look at me as she leaned into her seat, "So what do you think about Shion?"
To which I answered.
"I'm thinking about how much weed you've smoked to even see something in him," sighing to then add.
"Lara I'm seriously thinking you have a talent to find self centered assholes."
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This story continues with a man whose ambitions drove him to obsession.
Kisaki Tetta, a man who both instills fear in others and arouses hatred. Not just any ordinary criminal, but rather, one of the men who rules the darker depths of the criminal underworld of Japan, pulling the strings behind the scenes and manipulating those below him to his will.
All in order to find peace and escape his weak past self, who failed to stand-up to the cruelties of this unjust world. By any means necessary, he sought to reach the position that he currently holds.
No one could oppose him, not even her.
Tachibana Hinata, his sweetheart. The girl in which words and praises he found shelter, words that even his own mother didn't say to him if there wasn't any perfect test score that accompanied his request of appreciation.
Her kind and straight forward personality truly caught him in its embrace. Making his past self desire more kind from the young girl. She was truly his first love, or at least in his eyes she will forever be.
She had saved him mentally, and yet he was unable to save her physically that fateful afternoon when they first met their hero.
Hanagaki Takemichi, a walking wannabe defender of justice. Mock him how much you want for being beat up after making his entrance, still he was able to offer her comfort and protection when she needed it.
He truly admired his bravery and was thankful to him for saving his muse, if taking the hit instead of her was considered saving.
Then so be it!
Next time he will be the one protecting Hina.
But there wasn't a next time and there never will be. Hina didn't get into trouble, and after that day her parents enrolled her in some self defense classes.
Yet their life's took different paths after they graduated elementary school, forced to part ways by the wishes of their parents.
Still managing from time to time to cross paths when going to buy groceries, it was fascinating to think about their friendship, going from being close friends at school to distant acquaintances outside of it.
He adored those moments he got to spend with her, her voice was so smooth to get him to space out sometimes
—Life was still good for him.
Or so he thought, till the start of the second year of middle school. Hina started to space out multiple times while they talked, which was very unusual for her.
This left the young man feeling confused as he tried to make sense of her behaviour. It was like she was physically there but her head was elsewhere.
In conclusion there was something else going on beneath the surface that Kisaki was unaware of; Still it wasn't that big of a mystery as she later confessed that she and Takemichi go to the same middle school.
Until here it was all fun and games.
Fool, he shouted victory too early and as a result he was taken back to discover she had been harboring feelings for the boy since their first encounter.
Otherwise from Kisaki, Hinata was and never will be a bystander especially when she was in love, more than ready to battle for Takemichi's one.
And weeks later in a spring evening, he was welcomed not only by allergies but also with the news of her being in a romantic relationship.
With none other than the crybaby hero himself.
He should have understood it by now, nothing good in this world comes for free and lasts forever.
He could cherish them from afar and trust them to not do anything stupid, but if he didn't take matters into his own hands; He would be just a passing phase for the lives of the two lovers.
His mind was a mess as many of his beliefs became doubts, but about one thing he was certain. He wanted her, the thing he lacked for that made him fall in love with her.
What his beloved considered pure platonic friendship for him became a full time obsession, not essentially on her but also on her so-called boyfriend.
Takemichi, the admiration he had in his regards
didn't take much time to turn into resentment and disgust.
Beginning to despise everything about him; Starting from that new bleach job that he got done, making him look even more of a bigger prick than he already was.
Ruining Hina's image with his choice of joining the delinquent world like many of their peers.
Sure he remained the same brave idiot he knew, still he became nothing more than a trouble maker to the public eye.
Always wondering why girls often romanticized being in love with delinquents, fantasizing any possible love story with them.
Couldn't they be happy with a regular guy?
How could troublesome and dumb clowns like them be attractive to girls?
Maybe it was their appearance? The charisma that some of them had?
No, it became crystal clear now. It was the seek of thrill in their life.
To have someone who will protect them, go on late motorcycle rides, boys who aren't afraid of judgements.
He was just a gifted boy with an average and easy life. Waiting for his happiness.
He had nothing to offer to no-one, destiny couldn't do anything with his useless life.
This was a big mistake he had made; Waiting for people to walk right into his life, and then expect them to stay. Only one person did, Hina.
But even she could walk away like she walked in. He couldn't afford losing her.
And there he is thirteen years later. Still hasn't lost hope on having a relationship with her.
Looking through the car window, gazing upon some carefree birds flying in the afternoon sky;
The sun gave its last rays for the day, as the chilly air hit his face hinting the approaching of fall season.
How he wished to spend a peaceful evening like this with a cup of tea in his hand, enjoying the warmth of the sun while he still had the chance.
Instead he was in a car driving him to attend a meeting regarding the incompetence of his subordinate.
His appearance was absolutely flawless, with silken vanilla blond hair pulled back by a touch of old and practical gel as light danced across his blue scrutiny eyes which gazed at the horizon through the glasses he wore.
His outfit was a sharp beige suit, perfectly complemented by a tie that matched the hue of his eyes like no other combination could.
Finally entering the gates of the unique complex of coloured buildings. Tinted glass hiding the different illegal doings inside of them, prostitution being the main of course.
After all these were the Haitani headquarters.
Waiting for him in front of the main building was Hanma Shuji, his infamous right-hand man, a crazy bastard ready to do anything for some thrill and action.
His tall, lanky figure made it easy to distinguish him from the sea of people entering and exiting the structure.
Those golden irises bore sharp and fiery glares which were contoured by the lens of the glasses covering the man's eyes.
His gaze was lazy and casual as he searched for something to pique his interest, constantly moving from place to place and person to person.
Just when he spotted a familiar car pulling up, the bland expression was quickly replaced by his trademark mocking grin.
In just a split second he was standing at the curb, ready to open the door for Kisaki.
Without a moment to spare ready to greet him and show his efficiency and promptness.
Jokes on you, he just wanted to taunt him even this early in the morning by making various snarky comments.
After opening the car door, their usual dynamic began to play out.
"Kisaki! I see that you're perfectly on time and busy as ever…Wonder if you ever take a break?" Breaking the ice with a bit of light-hearted teasing, to then afterwards ask.
"What would the occasion be, if I may ask?" His boss didn't even give him a glance as he started to walk towards the entrance.
Hanma couldn't do anything but follow right behind him, this was a classic behavior Kisaki had in his regards, how could he blame him though?
He knew he was annoying and used that to his advantage, but these games weren't so effective on his superior.
Walking straight ahead to the elevator, it seemed like Kisaki was cutting in half the lobby. Which was teeming with low-ranking scantily dressed prostitutes.
To which his subordinate being the gentleman he was let his eyes wander around, like he hasn't seen this already multiple times.
Shamelessly observing his surroundings, and all of them had a good package, just saying.
And when he got to the elevator there was his boss waiting for him, spitting the most vile and hurtful words to him and his dick.
But honestly he couldn't care less of what the shorter male said, if he was alright with anything that brought him to feel the thrill.
And to top that off, what would be more satisfying than seeing the one that offered him that fall apart? As his childhood dreams shatter.
Silence filled the elevator ride, until unexpectedly the shorter one broke it.
"Has Shion updated you on his progress? Because from what I've been told, he's been wasting time smoking weed and drinking,"
'Annoyed' wasn't quite the right word to describe his attitude. Instead, he was getting fed up quickly with Shion's bullshit, I mean who wouldn't?
Despite the length of time that they'd worked together, Hanma didn't grow weary of his boss' behavior, enjoying the show whenever he could; Like it was just an ordinary day in the office for him.
Prior to dismissing the subject as unimportant, "It's not my problem that you chose someone so incompetent for such an important task."
Earning a sharp glare from his superior to then backfire.
"Oh really? Wonder who advised me to send him for it, you know what? You're right; It's my fault for listening to some worthless bastard like you."
Hanma raised his hands and casually replied, "What can I say? Guilty as charged." Accepting his guilt as a sign of amusement and carelessness, dismissing his boss concerns completely.
"Wow we got a comedian over here?" His companion said with a sarcastic tone. "You certainly seem to be enjoying this, don't you?"
He surely was.
"If you're enjoying this so much, how about you go fix his mess?" Kisaki snapped back with a sarcastic tone followed by a challenging statement, saying, "Surely you won't mind, since you find this so amusing."
By sarcastically stating that Hanma wouldn't mind, he implied that fixing the situation was his responsibility in the first place.
"Oh please, who got your panties in a twist? Why the hell should I be included in this? It's his fault man."
He very well knows how much of a selfish and reluctant individual Hanma Shuji is; loves to laugh about someone else's mistakes, but dream on to actually seeing him helping them.
"It's not for you to choose to do so, Reaper. It's an order." With these words, his superior made it clear that this was not a request but a demand that as his subordinate had to follow.
And of course his tongue-in-cheek nature had to butt in along with his nonchalant attitude, nodding his head in a gesture of mock obedience saying, "Then I shall comply with your request, my sir."
But he very well knew his and Shion's life's were at risk, which honestly added more thrill to the thing.
Then a ding concluded his last thought, indicating that they reached the top floor, letting his boss exit first to then follow right behind.
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Two male figures were walking into the halls of the police station, one proceeding with his fast peace while the other tailing right behind him, trying to lose the distance between them attempting to reason with his companion on a matter this last one didn't understand.
Or let's rather say he didn't want to understand...
"Kazutora, can you be reasonable for one time? You can't decide to do things on your own, especially now that you're in an organization!" There he goes being ignored by his friend, again.
Chifuyu was concerned about Kazutora's behavior, as the latter was consumed by guilt and self-blame due to Mikey's disappearance.
It turned into casual sex in a futile attempt to escape his own guilt and the memory that haunted him.
"Let me put it in a language you can comprehend. I'm exhausted at having to deal with so much paranoia every day," With a slight turn and a sharp exhalation, he faced Chifuyu, his eyes tired as he continued.
"If we continue like this, someday that picture on that board may turn out to be our single and final memory of Mikey!" For once, he truly did understand him, lacking the desire to blame him instead he wanted to free him, just like he did when he saved him from the grip of an abusive father.
It was explicit that his friend blamed himself for Mikey's crimes, and Chifuyu couldn't reason with his stubborn ass.
"Have a nice day Matsuno." With this last statement he made his way to the stairs.
He only hoped he wouldn't do anything too reckless like he did in the past...
But he clearly underestimated his companion.
In a certain way, he was able to relate to Kazutora, as the latter was similar to his younger self of thirteen years ago.
However if he in his teenage years failed to accomplish a much simpler rescue plan, statistically talking it's not like his friend had a much bigger chance of succeeding, if not lower.
Arriving at a point where he wondered if he should drag Baji's corpse out of the grave, revive him with some kind of ritual, so he could knock some sense into Kazutora's head, first with punches and then words as he usually did back in the day.
Seriously speaking though.
The concept of a gang originated from the ambitions of Mikey but especially Baji during their childhood; As the last one idolized Shinichiro, the older brother of the first one.
Also best known as the commander of the first generation of the Black Dragon, the most powerful biker gang in Tokyo back in the 90's.
The duo harbored the desire to follow the footsteps of their idol, wishing to create a gang of their own and live out their youthful fantasies.
So when the right time came, with the help of those who would eventually be known as the core members of its creation, namely Sano Maniiro, Riyuguji Ken, Baji Keisuke, Mitsuya Takashi, Hayashida Haruki and Hanemiya Kazutora, they officially gave life to Toman.
Even if the latter ended up in juvenile detention, it didn't stop the enlargement of it.
As the gang was more than just a part time thing, as it had a cherished place in the hearts of the captains and their vices.
And three years later it was living fully its era of gold, being recognized as one of the most powerful biker gangs of Tokyo.
But with the fall and loss of Baji, one of its linchpins, it became more and more fragile as time passed, somewhat still managing to have their influence over the city.
Thanks to some scum of members doing dirty work to archive it.
One thing was known for sure by the members, if Mikey was in command with Draken alongside him everything would have gone just fine.
Not knowing that the commander lost both of his parents at the age of three, being raised by his older brother Shinichiro and grandfather Mansaku who taught him the ways of karate, from which he made a name for himself in the streets.
The Sano siblings were just like a group of bowling pins, put in line one after the other connected by bad luck.
Another individual who had a lack of luck was Kurokawa Izana, their non-blood-related relative, fruit of the love of a Filipino woman and man.
Unfortunately, after her companion died, she found herself looking after the young boy on her own. Until she crossed paths with Masaru Sano, father of Shinichiro and Manjiro.
They became lovers and were together for a brief period until she passed away as well.
But he wasn't so heartless to not take the young boy with him, taking him under his wing as he went to live with his new flame, Karen.
And at that moment, they also had an infant daughter, Emma. Who he left behind as he also made his departure to the underworld.
Not even after she just turned three, her father's last paramour abandoned her in front of the Sano household, as she took her leave, and never returned back.
While she was introduced to her half brothers, her previous one wasn't doing very well.
Unlike her he was dropped at an orphanage, left to himself.
But despite the hardships, there was still hope for Izana as Shinichiro sought after him tirelessly.
After his grandfather had a talk with him, and nominated the young boy that lived together with Emma and Karen before they all parted ways. He was determined to locate him, to hopefully make him become a new member of the family.
And he does find him, instaurating an amazing sibling bond between him and the soon to be Sano.
Making him believe in that fairy tail, where everyone gets their happy endings but the villain.
Over time Shinichiro begins to talk about Emma and Manjiro too, giving him updates and telling him their adventures hoping to fuel the curiosity and excitement of the younger boy, but no success.
One thing he did fuel though, the young albino haired boy's jealousy in the regards of Mikey.
Believing the boy was trying to separate him from Shinichiro, he refused to let another loved one get snatched away from him, as he viewed the older sano sibling as a father-like figure in his life.
Taking a firm stance against the notion of letting the boy take the only thing remaining that could fill the void that the loss of his parents had created in his life.
But either way he had to be taken away from this world to early repent for his sins.
And just like this the bowling ball had hit one of the side pins that would later take two more down with it.
Starting the countdown for the lives of the other two Sano and our one and only Kurokawa.
Second to fall was Emma, Izana following right behind her leaving Mikey now all alone.
Waiting for the ball to eventually hit him.
So yeah he became a somewhat untraceable suicidal crime boss, in flip flops.
Ok he sounds too silly if we describe him that way, but he is Mikey so being silly is —Correction was his nature.
And what better way was there for the search to continue other than staging a reunion with the past division captains of Toman?
Reviving the organization, as now it slides sides and cooperates with the law to extend the reach of effectiveness in the search.
Working together while risking our lives for a better cause, which was stopping Manjiro and making him exit from that corrupted mentality so his name won't be stained by different numerous crimes.
That was our main goal, while the police wanted Bonten to fall apart, trying to capture most of its executives and associates, slamming them into jail and leaving them to rot there.
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Lunch break; And those four motherfuckers were still in the office discussing business, well actually, only two of them were seriously discussing business while the other pair had discarded their jackets, loosened up their ties and opened the first buttons of their white shirts as they were busy hugging and laughing, just being the regular obnoxious drunk duo.
Remembering embarrassing past experiences, until the alcohol would no longer make them feel it's stung on their throat.
"Do you remember that intoxicated exotic dancer who wanted to provide you with a lap dance, but accidentally slapped you with her tits in your face?" The older Haitani inquired and then added, "I have never laughed so much in my entire life, I tell you!"
This was one of the many amusing escapades that they lived through together whilst being part of the Tenjiku and later the Kantou Manji Gang.
Chuckling his pal added.
"She was worse than a bitch in heat, the impact that came with it, and the weed effect nearly sent me to the depths of Hades, no cap!" This statement earning a snort from Kisaki,
while Rindou had become accustomed to dealing with drunk imbeciles.
So this was very common for him to not say usual in his daily life.
"If you ever require a prostitute's services for your trip into the so-called land of freedom, you know who to contact. I have a few fresh faces this week, and who knows maybe they can help you enjoy it to the fullest!" Ran's face broke into a smug and happy grin, as he offered his ex comrade the opportunity to indulge in some pleasure even out of the state.
However, the younger Haitani was clearly unamused by this show of generosity. He may not have shown it explicitly, but his mind was filled to the brim with irritation.
"Hold your horses, until we don't receive the order or further instructions we can't start any new negotiations with third parties, so refrain your fantasies together for another time." Collecting his papers and putting them into a folder.
Kisaki got up after he finished his paperwork, as his presence wasn't needed anymore.
"If you excuse me gentleman. I have some other important matters to attend to, so now I'll take my leave."
Matters my ass, he just wanted to leave as soon as the meeting was over, since the next few days will be brimming with work-related responsibilities and meetings; So he needed as much rest as he could get.
He might have the brain of a genius, but a brain doesn't work if it's not taken care of.
Rindou was about to tell him to get his dog with him, but it was already too late as the other business man was already out of the door.
Leaving him with not one, but two annoying drunken pricks.
He hated his job, at first it was fun until there wasn't any thrill in his life as everything was now routine.
He very well knew that once you get in Bonten, you can't leave.
Not alive at least.
Exactly, in exchange of what they always wanted as teens, they had to give their freedom and loyalty in return. But they didn't have any other choice.
Or let's say he didn't have any voice in chapter...
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Two best friends, on the balcony; Violating the now deep black color of the sky with white and gray free spirited hazes.
The smoke danced along that void which gave the buildings a defined shape, floating lazily into the darkness of it, disappearing into the night sky just as soon, almost seeming like it was absorbed by it.
While I absorbed Lara's blabbering about Shion, as nicotine gave me the patience I needed for it.
"And when our eyes locked into a curious dance, I wondered; Who could he be? What has he seen in his life to make him pick my eye?" She concluded by taking another hit from the cigarette.
"It's a waste of effort, Lara. Just by viewing him one can tell he is more of a rake than a real-life criminal or thug, whatever he claimed himself to be,"
"You should really raise your standards, for your own good." I sighed out, flicking the back of my cigarette as the ash dropped down the railing into the street.
"Is that so? Funny coming from a woman who sent nudes to her lover before they even hit their third month, I doubt you're in a position to speak about such matters of morality." She retorted, rolling her eyes dismissively.
"Really? You're picking something that happened almost a decade ago so you could counter what I have just stated?" I replied, as the tone of my voice was disappointed while my face displayed an irritated grimace.
"Il lupo cambia il pelo ma non il vizio." She shrugged, looking to the side.
"Can you please listen to me, and stop behaving as if you own the world while I'm trying to advise you?" I was now furious, dropping my cigarette on the balcony tiles, firmly stomping on it and kicking the butt out of the railing.
"This individual is not good for you, I am trying to help you not get another heartbreak, like the one you had in junior year; With a guy who by the way was seven years older than you!" Rubbing my temples while I spoke in an attempt to soothe the headache that I was starting to feel, as I added.
"You want me to remember my mistakes from the past? Fine by me, have it your way, but don't think I won't reciprocate since you're no saint either." I concluded as now I was fully annoyed, while my eyes betrayed the fury I felt towards her shitty remarks.
"You always get your way! It's honestly so annoying how you establish your argument as definitive truth, and nothing can prove them wrong in any circumstance," Lara stated, unable to suppress emotions as her voice rose to match mine, expressing the pent up frustration and the feeling inferior to me even if she was older.
"I know I'm stupid and keep making the same mistake over and over again," She declared, as if she had nothing to lose by making me see her vulnerable side.
"But it's too late as now I'm addicted to that type of person, despite the fact that they will fuck me up." As she continued to vent her feelings to me, her voice became lower and lower.
There always was a sense of beauty she saw in her circumstances, no matter how bad they were. Despite the challenges, she would always point out a hint of good and cling onto it.
Nonchalant of the consequences.
"Let's join Lia on the sofa, and enjoy the match of football. We shall discuss this another time." I exhaled deeply, trying to turn her attention to some light entertainment.
"But I haven't finished my cigarette!" Protesting, as she held the carcinogen stick between the middle and index finger of her right hand.
In no time, the cigarette was swiftly thrown over the railing, by me as it flew down to the street where it crashed on the ground; Putting an arm across Lara's shoulders, guiding her inside.
Welcomed by the triumph screams of Lia, spinning around in the air her team's scarf, as apparently gli Azzurri had scored against the Brave Blossoms.
Her joy was palpable even to the neighbor next door, as he banged his fist against the wall while cursing at us to keep it down. Reminding us that it was late, and there were other people residing on the second floor.
We did nothing but laugh to our heart content at it.
"We'll surely try, cariño~!" I shouted back in a playful tone, with a hint of flirtatiousness in my voice.
I had a soft spot for our neighbor, Mr. Garcia; The handsome Spanish teacher, who recently moved into the condo weeks prior. With his suave personality and dazzling charisma, how could one not?
His anger issues were on another level though, maybe those were the reason his wife divorced him.
But one thing I know for sure, I would have chosen Spanish instead of French in middle school if he was the teacher.
As only the idea made me caliente between my legs.
Only to be dragged back to reality by Lia as she sat us down on the couch, to then accommodate herself between me and Lara, keeping us at a short leash, so to speak.
"It would be appreciated if you kept your lustful scenarios to yourself, at least until this match finishes." Lia expressed with a tired sigh.
"Oh come on what's wrong with letting your fantasy run a little wild? Plus who wouldn't fall for a dilf like him-" I answered as Lara playfully hit my shoulder chuckling, before Lia cut us off putting both of her index finger on our lips.
"Shh shut it for now..." She whispered strictly, eyes glued onto the screen of the TV.
The camera now shifted its focus to Tommaso Allan, who had the ball passed onto him by one of his teammates. In a swift and decisive move, he rushed forward, and successfully managed to overcome an opponent who had initially blocked his path. He was in the process of searching for an ally to pass the ball to, when Kanji Shimokawa suddenly tackled him to the ground, catching him by surprise and seemingly causing him to lose the ball.
"Now that's a hunk!" Lia remarked as she viewed the slow-motion replay of the action on the screen.
Only for me and Lara to shut down her affirmation.
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As the game progressed, the Italian team was in advantage, netting two more touchdowns, prompting Kanji to utter a series of curses in the meantime, his anger being quite apparent.
Takeomi glanced sideways at his companion, cigarette between his lips, taking a long drag before saying. "You worry too much buddy,"
"They are playing on their home ground, with that huge advantage I'm sure they are just being a little playful with the opposing team just to put on a show and then get serious reversing the situation."
To which the fake blonde answered with a serious demeanor, "One thing I know for sure, and that is their victory over the Azzurri. I'm not taking another loss from our national team." He stated.
To which the other male answered.
"Then try not to get any white hair from the stress, it would ruin that dye job." Taking a long drag from his cigarette as he talked to his colleague.
While their two younger superiors played pool in the background, the pink-haired freak wasn't having any bullshit from his smoke addict of an older brother.
"Can you shut that trap of yours and stop smoking like you're mourning someone!? It's so fucking annoying to smell the smoke of your cheap cigarettes!" Talking, more like spitting words as if he was speaking with the lowest scum on earth.
"Suck it up Haruchiyo, your weed is no better." He firmly stated puffing out the smoke.
"It's Sanzu to you Akashi, stop acting like we're close and playing family, we both know you suck at it." Snarling while he glared at the older male.
"Fair enough, I just thought you missed my figure as an older brother." He laughed to himself.
While his little brother scoffed at his antics, dispising him from the very bottom of his heart.
Applying some chalk on the cue stick, as he got ready to make his strike.
"You talk as if you've died, which unfortunately you didn't. Anyhow, who would miss such a parasite as you?" With a swift and precise motion hitting the little white ball, as it went rolling full speed colliding with the brown one, "The world would just lighten from such burden if you did." He concluded as the ball fell into the hole.
"Oh- come on now, you talk as if I've ruined your life, or in this case as if I was the only one that did-" Being cut off by Mochi esulting as the Brave Blossoms finally scored a point after a back and forth between the two teams.
"Take that, you pasta eating bitches!" He was aware that the Azzurri were still ahead of a point but had so much faith in his team to win, as his nationalism kicked in.
When the two charismatic figures of Bonten entered the room.
Or more like one entered while having the arm of the other on his shoulders, as he helped him walk inside.
"Ahoy there, mates! Terribly sorry to keep you all waiting, I was busy chugging down copious amounts of liquor." Stumbling forward for a couple of steps as he gripped tightly the fabric of his brother's suit, the older Haitani made his entrance.
"However, I've recovered somewhat and I'm ready to enjoy some time together with you beautiful, beautiful people!" The man drunkenly declared, while his sibling dumped him on one of the minibar stools.
"Stay put, alright? Don't do anything dumb." Putting his brother in a position where he wouldn't fall off the stool from squirming around.
"I'm not a kid anymore, Rindou. I can take care of myself, even when I'm tipsy. Seriously, don't you trust me?" He proudly stated.
"There's nothing to be so proud of, Ran." Only to be cut off by the other, "I mean, I know how to handle my booze!" As the two got into a back and forth over the situation, which only got more chaotic and interrupted Kokonoi's efforts to concentrate and get some work done.
The ladder was immediately caught by their words, as he grew annoyed by all the interruptions to his work.
"Can you stop being so loud!? I'm trying to focus and you're making it almost impossible!" He snapped, his patience quickly running out with the ruckus.
The younger Haitani was already fed up after all the bullshit he had to deal with today.
As the situation wasn't helping, and his patience was quickly running out. He was ready to explode, and this slight form of provocation pushed him over the edge.
"Screw off, dick cheese! This isn't a place for work. Stop thinking about more ways to make money when we don't need it right now, you capitalist prick!" He exclaimed not able to control his temper anymore, as now he just wanted to exit the room not wanting to completely lose it.
And he did just that leaving his drunk sibling over there with the other lad, quickly making his way to the elevator.
Ran, being the drunken flirt he is, decided to break the silence between them with a bold claim, "Don't listen to him, gorgeous. You can consider this room your workplace, and if anyone else says otherwise, let me take care of it. I'm quite the big deal around here." Clearly still drunk from the alcohol, he mistakenly thought the white haired man was a woman.
Who seemingly caught his attention so he wanted to shoot his shot and earn some chuckles from, but he only received a disgusted glare from his comrade.
"For the love of all that is holy, please just trip over a knife and leave me alone." He face palmed in utter exasperation, as just the idea of having to deal with Ran's drunken antics was just too much for him to bear. He returned to typing on his laptop, trying his best to avoid Ran and hoping he wouldn't interrupt him again.
He was wrong, Ran was right behind him, his arms draped over his shoulders as he leaned over to whisper in the other man's ear, "Oh come on, don't you like attention? Especially from such a charming man like myself." Continuing to hit on the supposed woman he believed his comrade was.
"I like respect and boundaries, don't you know personal space is a thing? Stop being a creep and keep your goddamn hands to yourself, geez." Wanting the other to get the point and leave him alone, he wasn't going to sugarcoat his words to not sound offensive.
Still the rather tipsy individual took it personally.
"Me a creep? Please, I'm a gentleman." He started, quickly retracting his hands from his companion's back.
"Is there any difference? A gentleman is just a more patient and pleasing wolf in sheep's clothing" He retorted with a roll of his eyes, not impressed by the behavior of his companion.
“Don't be a killjoy, sweet cheeks! Why waste those lovely locks if you aren't gonna put them to good use? Maybe they'll look even better with my fingers through them and you on your knees." He said with a cocky demeanor, leaning on the counter holding his head and looking dreamily at his colleague back, as if imagining the various things he wanted to do with 'her'.
Ran was high on his own fantasies of romance and sex, while Rindou was high on their own professional success.
Making his way to their boss' office to report the process of their successful deal with Kisaki, hoping that their superior, Mikey, would be pleased with that accomplishment and tell him and Kokonoi to begin making the necessary investments into their new deals.
Rindou, after stepping out of the elevator to the top floor, was met with the warm glow of the sunset as the sun was slowly setting in the horizon. Within thirty minutes, night would fully sweep over Tokyo, giving the window one last glimpse before heading to the boss' office.
Firmly stepping through the double doors, closing them behind him. He glanced up at his boss, making eye contact with the man piercing black irises.
Despite his lanky and short stature. He was the epitome of 'don't judge the book by its cover.'
As his presence was intimidating, making the executive quick mental note to keep the report short; The faster, the better.
"How did it go Haitani? Hopefully you gave a good image of Bonten." He asked even though it seemed more a threat, making the thirty year old man stand straight.
Breathing out, relaxing as he recollected his thoughts, he started to give his report about today's meeting he and his brother had with the heads of the Tenjiku criminal organization, Kisaki and his left hand man Hanma.
It was hard for Mikey to remain calm and focused while listening to Rindou talk about them, considering the men were the ones who caused the death of two of his siblings. Still, managing to stay silent and not show the frustration he felt.
With a quick hand gesture shutting the other man up, before he inquired, "Was Hanma much of a hassle during it?"
Rindou quickly shook his head, "He was knocked out shortly after Ran got him to try some of the new booze we ordered from China," he explained before adding "Just as you had told to operate."
Another hand gesture telling him to continue, as he complied with his boss' order.
“He wanted to have some other drinks so we gave him a vip pass to one fo our most known nightclubs, for later we prepared a royal suite at one of our five star hotels.”
Instead of going through all this trouble he could have shot that adrenaline freak, leaving him to die alone like a bastard in the corner of a cold and lost alley, people wouldn't even notice about his disappearance. Nobody would care honestly, not even the police.
But his boss' orders weren't optional, and Rindou would much rather follow them and tolerate the other annoying asshole for that short period of time, than suffer the wrath of Mikey's so-called 'loyal mad dog.'
As being skinned alive by him doesn't sound so appealing to no one. Whatever he has to do he will do it, and get the job done.
"He will depart to San Francisco tomorrow at 7 am sharp. At least this is what I know from the information Kisaki gave me." He concluded, fixing his tie as he awaited further instruction or questions from his superior.
After a long period of them just staring at each other as silence surrounded them, the boss moved his arm over the landline, his fingers pressing a button before speaking.
"Kokonoi, come to my office and bring Ran along with you." The boss says to the other person on the line, in a firm and clear tone.
And not even five minutes after three people enter the office out of the two requested.
"I was told there was going to be some top-notch food here," The still intoxicated individual exclaimed, ready to engage in whatever entertainment that was happening currently. However, despite this, the pink haired individual accompanying this person mentally scoffed and was annoyed by his drunken behavior.
Nevertheless, the person's sotic expression remained in front of the king that he followed, regardless of the irritation caused by the inebriated idiot.
With Kokonoi right behind them, closing the doors after entering with his laptop in one hand a dossier on top of it.
"You told me you were taking me to your hot female friends, but I see no beautiful babes, no sexy girls, just a bunch of ugly dudes in an office." Rather disappointed by the lie Kokonoi told him to get his ass moving as soon Mikey required their presence there, Sanzu wasted no time in dropping Ran on the leather couch like he was a sack of potatoes.
"My hot bitches-" was as far as the drunk individual's complaining got, because he was abruptly interrupted by Sanzu placing his hand over his mouth, trying to shut him up, only to have it licked away in the process. The other man was disgusted by the behavior of the drunk individual, and his annoyance was starting to show.
"What the hell you freak!" he exclaimed, clearly surprised and not expecting this to happen. He quickly pulled his arm back, Kokonoi offering him a handkerchief as he proceeded to walk towards Mikey.
Placing his laptop and the folder on the desk of this last one, as he began to state the analysis he made about how much would their earnings rise out of assimilating Tenjiku into Bonten, with the ultimate goal of absorbing them completely after removing the top two heads.
"What about Madarame Shion?" Sanzu questioned about the third head, Kokonoi confidently responded by saying.
"He is no threat. He's easy to bribe with some money and power, maybe be generous and add a couple of women for him too..." He paused looking at Rindou before continuing.
"But if his appetite isn't satisfied by that, two bullets can shut his mouth for good, and make him grateful that we ended his life quickly." Showing no hesitation or remorse as he made his statement, clearly not bothered by the slightest to have a guilty conscience.
As long as it serves the greater interests and goals of the criminal organization he loyally serves, fill his pockets and mouth, he will do that and much worse.
"What do you think, boss?" Sanzu looked to Mikey for an answer, waiting to make sure they were all on the same page.
Ready to follow whatever came out of his mouth.
As his boss was still contemplating the situation, thinking about the best move to make. Finally deciding to go along with the plan suggested by Koko, believing that there shouldn't be any trouble with the third head of Tenjiku as long as they had a fool-proof plan to bring the man over to their side, and if not get rid of him.
Pulling out of the folder the documents before giving it one last adjustment, as he and Rindou put their signature on them, handing them to Sanzu and Mikey so they could do the same, as they both read what the contract was about before signing too.
Officially declaring their agreement, now they just had to wait for the outcome, and ensure that everything proceeded according to plan.
"Now we have time to give this to Kisaki, while I need you to give this to Hanma as he will go overseas tomorrow morning." Kokonoi directed Rindou, sticking out with his hand a piece of paper from the folder for him to take.
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In the middle of the nightclub, surrounded by the loud music and boisterous atmosphere, is a man. Average height and a lean type of build, with a face that is so charming even now when it displays nothing more than indifference.
He was familiar if not used to having ladies of the night by his side as they swayed along the music, one in particular, his favorite.
The young woman was basically a walking feast for the eyes, her figure a perfect example of what the male gaze perceives as the ultimate beauty.
As she back faced him, his hands under hers as she guided him to feel every curve he already knew of her body, as they moved along the rithm of the music.
Still failing miserably when it came to Kazutora, as his mind was elsewhere, and she was nothing more than another Saturday night for him.
And while she tried to win his attention for hours, only to see her efforts fail, something much simpler had managed to get the job done. And that was a buzz from his phone, tucked away in his jeans pockets.
Quickly making his way across the nightclub towards the bar, presumably intent on finding a way to end his night on a more positive note. However, the woman was not about to give up that easily. She followed closely behind him, trying not to loose him in the sea of people.
When he reached the bar, the man paid for his drink, before giving the woman some gas money to call an Uber. This sent the signal loud and clear that he had enough partying for the evening, and the lady was forced to accept defeat.
He needed to fully focus on the task at hand he gave himself, still he wasn't no ungrateful bastard as he bid her a swift goodbye, planting a quick kiss on her cheek as a sort of consolation.
Walking out of the club leaving her behind. Reviewing the intel his most trusted subordinate had sent him.
"Roppongi huh?"
Haitani's well known turf. Still half of their subordinates liked to say they were loyal, in reality they are just a bunch of dumb assholes that with a little money and lies you could buy.
Cracking the engine to life as soon as he got on his motorcycle, a loud roar filled the mostly empty parking lot due to the late hour.
Taking a hold of the handle bar, rubbing it to gain more speed. He then performed a half circle turn to then speed off down the wet streets of Shibuya.
The streets were empty, except for the occasional low-life thugs or wannabe gangsters. He enjoyed nights like this, as it was just him, his motorcycle, and the cool wind that brushed across his now rosy cheeks. The blonde streaks in his hair blew freely, adding even more beauty to this moment.
Taking the exit onto the highway, it started to get boring.
Until he noticed a luxurious car in the distance, it seemed to be a black Mercedes-Benz.
Surely expensive to maintain, from the looks it seemed it was brand new. Although he couldn't see the owner, unfortunately as this rich bastard had black tinted car windows. But surely he seemed to be in deep thought as he moved with a slow monotone peace.
Then an idea came to his mind.
Letting the car gain a good distance, before going at maximum speed just right beside it. The roars of the motorcycle surprised the driver that much he swerved off into another lane. Luckily, the driver hit the brakes with all his might saving the car from making an accident.
Kazutora burst into laughter, not caring about the person in the car he almost killed. According to him, it was the driver's mistake to be distracted and wandering off with their thoughts while on the highway.
And since he considered himself to be a good cop, he saw it as his duty to remind him of this simple rule.
In his style and way of doing it.
The two figures that exited the car didn't catch his attention for long, as the situation had given him enough fun for today. Turning back to focus his attention on the road and on his true goal that night —visiting one of the night clubs owned by the two charismatic brothers.
Unbeknownst to him, the ones that he almost made go astray were none other than the two brothers, and the psychopath with a pink mullet of their superior.
The younger Haitani was outraged after the incident, and furiously started shouting calling the driver of the bike all sorts of names.
"That bastard!" The man yelled, his tone raging with fury.
In spite of his subordinate's outrage, Sanzu saw comedy in the situation and couldn't help but crack up.
"Calm down, bro. This is hilarious. it almost felt like we were going to die there," His coworker said with a wicked grin, as he closed and leaned into the car door.
Rindou was now fuming with outrage as the Joker wanna be continued to go at it.
"What? It's not my fault nor his that you drive like an old lady," The individual shrugged, unconcerned.
"You sick fuck! That damned bike almost caused us to crash! I might drive like a grandma, but who does he think he is acting like a maniac on the road?!" Storming back to the car, upon reaching it he opened the car door and forcefully closed it behind him.
Sanzu stayed out of it, sighing in annoyance as he left the younger Haitani some time to cool off, before they could carry on with the task given by his king.
While all this chaos happened, Ran was in the back seat, knocked out.
And not even five minutes after they were back on the road.
The speedometer showed numbers escalating rapidly, reaching higher digits after mere seconds had passed.
Street lights pass their bright ray on the car bodywork, somewhat trying to clean it from all the shady businesses that they have used it for.
Chase Atlantic blasting from the radio, as the man with the pink mullet sang along the lyrics. Only to be interrupted by the news.
"It seems that the trend of illegal car races came back, California has been full of reports. Especially in the cities of San Diego, Los Angeles and lastly but not least San Francisco."
As the news reporter continued their broadcast, Sanzu lowered the volume as he looked at Rindou before saying.
"Seems like Shion is already at work." He snickered still looking at whom he was speaking to.
While the other guy thought nothing but how idiotic people were to follow a trend, just to be known as some sort of crappy underground superstar. Not knowing how much of a hypocrite he sounded.
He and his older brother did follow the trend of being delinquents too, but they had more style and charm than those scraps.
"San Francisco huh?" He mumbled to himself.
Rindou only knew the city thanks to the books at juvie.
Remembering it's characteristic monuments such as Alcatraz, the ruthless prison known world wide, the Golden Gate Bridge; A red and white vortex that makes you enter a colorful mix of colors and cultures, where cheap and expensive coexist.
These were the words that the author of the book chose to describe the city.
Hanma tomorrow would go there to help Shion, his old gang pal, as the mission given to him by Kisaki wasn't such an easy task.
They should be there just for a few days, just to find a good location out of the public eye, and then be back in Japan without getting noticed.
The police have been on their tails in this period of time, with the help of that damned Toman.
As they reunited the gang, this time to find and bring back Mikey and his fucked up mind. With Takemichi being none other than the leader, yes that's right a weak bitch like him is the top dog.
He was good with words, Rindou admits, but words can't bring you anywhere. Violence must accompany them, at least that's his ideal.
Still he found it hilarious how they believed that with the power of friendship they could bring back his boss, who honestly just needed to be sent to a psychiatric hospital along with his loyal mad dog that was now sitting beside him looking at his phone.
But at least they had the balls to do something he would never do, and that was going against Mikey.
As if it wasn't Sanzu hunting him down for betrayal his subconscio would take his place. Guilt tripping him of leaving Ran alone, breaking the promise they had made at each other from the very start.
He couldn't handle the type of life without anyone beside him, like he had Ran for his entire life.
So running away was, and forever will be just a fantasy.
Since we were into the topic of old friendships, two other old friends were seeing each other right now after many years.
Junpeke, a once lively individual, had become much more tame over the years. His once stylish and edgy haircut was still the same, but his spark seemed to have been lost.
And now he happened to work at one of the many clubs the Haitani owned, he was just a low ranking subordinate of theirs nothing really special.
Still Kazutora found a way to use the position of his old friend in something useful to him, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered meeting him again after all these years.
Both of them not wasting much time, walking though the dark corridors headed straight for a door that was labeled 'Staff Only'.
Once through the now closed door, they entered an area that was most likely a dressing room, as Junpeke immediately got to business, pulling a waiter suit, from the nearby closet handing them to Kazutora.
As the latter changed into them pretty quickly, taking out keys and wallet from the orher pocket of his jacket along with his phone.
"Now that i have completed everything you've asked me for, it's time for you to hold up your end of the deal," Junpeke stated, a smug smile made it's way on his face as he added.
"Give me the money, and you can go and do whatever your heart pleases with Hanma." As if he wasn't in a dangerous situation at all.
"Of course, a deal is a deal after all." Kazutora seemed used to his arrogant behavior as he searched though his jacket pockets, pulling out two rolled stash of twenty five bills worth ten thoused each.
For you folks that don't want to do math, it's basically around four thousand dollars.
Not wasting anymore time the other took it and began to count them.
"What? Don't you trust me Junpeke?" The man with long hair pulled back and tied into a low ponytail asked his former friend, however the ladder didn't respond to him.
He looked around to make sure everything was left as they found it, then both took their leave walking to the door.
Not all bad things come to harm you, and Kazutora had learned one important rule during juvenile detention, and that was; Never let anyone walk behind you, especially when doing shady business.
Of course the ex-juvenile delinquent took this opportunity, knocking his childhood friend unconscious, sending his live location to one of the police officers he had under his command, and carrying the man outside the back exit and dropping him inside a dumpster.
After successfully taking Junpeke out of the picture he went back inside the building, now walking through the corridors that brimmed with sex workers that offered him lustful gazes and sweet chuckles.
He payed them no mind, as they were only doing their job.
Entering the large underground club lounge of the hotel, he was met with a scene of chaos. Music blasted in the background, ladies dressed in vibrant colours and styles moved back and forth, forming a veritable bouquet.
Just as he was taking in the sight, his eyes scanned the various tables as they came across the man he was looking for, he was surrounded by a circle of ladies, as they stuck to him like glue or looked to get closer.
Hanma Shuji, a man with many words for him, but clown was the most fitting, as his lazy smile was exactly the same of a fool.
And Kazutora couldn't wait to wipe it off his face, as it would look better when he will shove him behind the bars.
As if by fate, a tray carrying two alcoholic drinks was suddenly placed in his hands by a waitress, confusing him for a waiter, shouting at him to bring it to the table where the infamous reaper was.
And of course after knowing that how could he not spit into the drink to top it off?
Not a smart idea to do it in the middle of the dance floor, as he was grabbed by the collar from a bulkier man with an angry expression on his face.
If you were at a club and brought a drink, only to see a waiter spitting into one of the same type that you ordered, it would certainly put some doubts in your mind about your own drink.
And since alcohol can often make one's inhibition lower and impulse control harder to manage, it's now wonder that the man got so aggressive in a quick time span with Kazutora.
"Who do you think you are, spitting into drinks like that?!" In the midst of the loud music and partying, the sound of that sudden shout got the attention of those nearby.
As the partygoers turned their gaze towards the source, witnessing the man violently shaking the 'waiter'.
This situation surely ruined the cheerful mood there was in the club, as people didn't know if the accusation was true or simply a misunderstanding.
"If you don't want to give us our money's worth, then don't bother working here at all?!" Kazutora didn't even bother defending himself, he was too busy getting his face sprayed with spit from the angry shouts of the other man.
This whole situation ruined their night, as his voice surely would give the others a headache if this continued.
But one in particular.
And that was Hanma Shuji of course.
Making his way through the crowd of people as he left all the ladies behind, and when he got there he was met with the familiar face of Kazutora.
Seeing his ex comrade getting into a heated confrontation, how could he not intervene to help him? Jokes aside he quickly made his way to the two, putting his hand on the angry customer's shoulder, before saying.
"Now now, what's with all the hoopla?" he asked with a somewhat dismissive tone, taking the situation lightly.
But this seemingly innocuous gesture seemed to spark a fire in the customer, who was now fuming with anger.
"Who do you think you are, you bastard?!" he growled at Hanma, his voice practically dripping with fury. "I'm a powerful criminal, you think you can just go and mess with me like this?" he continued, his rage growing with every word.
Hanma, however, remained unfazed and replied to the customer's threats with a lazy smile, "Or what? What are you going to do? Enlighten me," he retorted, his lazy smile remaining on his face despite the customer's rage.
"Are you challenging me?! I can take you and break you like a breadstick, you lanky beanpole!" The customer shouted, angry at Hanma's continued lack of fear and respect for him.
"You don't seem to be in the right mood, mister." He said before adding "How about you go on a little timeout and drink some water, hm-?" And that was it, the final straw.
Suddenly Kazutora was free, as the man who was gripping on his collar turned to the taller male.
"I'll kill you four eyes!" He shouted, finally snapping.
"Four eyes? Make it six, because from how drunk you are." The other one had enough, and decided to resort to physical violence. As he ran at Hanma, fist ready to punch him hard on the jaw, determined to wipe that lazy smirk off his face.
Still as we all know this was a piece of cake for the reaper, as he dodged the strike with ease. Getting under people's skin was his profession rather than being a criminal, this was routine for him.
Kicking his opponent's feet, making him trip and fall on the dirty dance floor, that from the various partying of the night was all sticky, either from drink spills or obsolete substances.
As the bouncers came and took the man on the floor, as he continued to sprout profanities at the two.
Once the chaos of the situation subsided, Kazutora understood it was his cue to leave and get out of there. His plan being ruined by some drunk bastard.
Hoping to slip away unnoticed, but he was way too positive and confident in his skills not to notice Hanma's hand on his shoulder.
"Not even a 'thanks, old friend?" The familiar voice cut through the air. Even if he was facing the other way, the ex Valhalla number three could feel his ex superior lazy smile.
"Hanma, long time no see," he said, "You've changed quite a bit, and it seems like you've acquired the habit of grabbing people by their shoulders?" He said with one of his best fake smiles he could manage to hide his irritation.
"I could say the same for you," he responded humorously, "you still look as fresh as new! Mind telling me your secret?" With a light-headed tone, he joked about his friend's transformation.
"Oh, y'know. Just grew my hair out a bit," lightly tugging some rebel strands of hair framing his face, "and eleven years of prison did their work." He playfully scoffed.
"You're as sassy as ever, huh?" Hanma replied teasingly, "How about we get some drinks and catch up on the lost time?" Wrapping his slender arm around his old comrade's shoulders, who seemed to not be interested in having to chit-chat.
Ultimately, he accepted the offer, ending it with "Why not?"
Both perfectly knew who the other was, but just for tonight they'll forget it over a few glasses of Mojito.
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rtxler · 1 year
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Summary: After a run-in with her ex she calls the last person she should have.
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!Reader, Rafe Cameron x OC (EX/implied)
Word count: 3.1k
in the same universe as mistake but both part of my JJ Maybank fic WHY NOT? on wattpad, which would mean a lot if you check out
Closing her bedroom door she lets out a tired sigh of release as she leans back against it slowly removing her shoes and kicking them to the side, then stumbles over to her en suite, removing her earrings with a groan and dumping them into a bowl, taking a minute to look at herself in the mirror her finger travelling and assessing over every line or crease visible with even after the meal she just had her thoughts keep bouncing back to a particular pogue specifically the night they had together. "Fuck, you need to get shit together," stalking back into her room towards her chest or draws, "and start working out again but one day at a time."
She changes out of her dress leaving her just in her underwear, reaching towards to draw but then jumping at the sound of a knock against her bay window. Groaning she throws on a silk nightie, "What the fuck, i swear Maddy if you forgot your jacket or something again," Quickly going over to the window to pull back the heavy curtain ready to fully go off on her best friend but stopping in her tracks as instead of seeing a girl with a shit eating grin she's greeted with literally the last person she wanted to see. Ever.
"Rafe? What the fuck."
Liliya stood shocked staring at her ex-boyfriend precariously crouching on the ledge outside her window.
"OPEN THE WINDOW" he mouths aggressively while pointing towards the lock.
She begins to slowly nod in understanding, "Oh okay.... NO. You perv, go away."
"Liliya i'm not joking i will stay here until let me in so unless you want to explain to your parents why a boy is climbing to your room," at that the blonde girl rolled her eyes at his muffled voice and turned away beginning to walk back to her bed, "or maybe even having to explain to your new friends why i was here all night." At that she stopped, looking back over her shoulder to be greeted with the smug smile of Rafe Cameron. "Yeah i know about that, god I've heard about girls lowering there standards after a break up but Jesus have some dignity."
As a flurry of annoyance casts through her body she storms back to aggressively open her window. "Are you stalking me?" Her question is momentarily ignored as the boy decides to quickly take the opening clambering into the girls bedroom.
"God your self obsessed i happened to be taking a walk and saw you with some peculiar company" Dusting himself as he met the unimpressed glare of his ex. "Well, that and you still have me on find your friends."
"Oh my god, your such a prick." She scoffs looking up to her ceiling in disbelief.
"Well that's why you loved me."
"Did i?"
"Yeah because just 'cuz you've got everyone else fooled that your this impenetrable force which nothing can break," he emphasis with a wide gesture ending his spiel with his hands on his hips. "you've got a tell."
"Really and what's that." She nods condescendingly walking forward with her head up.
He meets her in the middle till their faces were inches apart, making Liliya flinch inwardly while trying to maintain her outward facade.
Ducking down till his lips graze her ear "Your eyes," he voice rasps sending a shiver down her spine, "you can never hide your eyes." brushing his nose against hers. "especially from me." lifting a singular finger down her cheek.
At that Liliya snaps out of it grabbing his hand pushing it away dodging around him, creating a good couple of metres between them.
"Aw come on, what you didn't want to have a walk down memory lane babe?"
She trudges past him, shoulder checking him in the process, leaning against the open window scoffing. "Please with you Rafe its more of a sketchy dark alley. And do not call me that, i mean even when we were dating it was crossing a line, now please, get. The hell. Out."
"Okay, okay," raising his hands up in defense as he strolls over. " but ah nice to see nothing changed." looking across her room, as he's crouched half-way out the window, landing on her under wear hanging half out of her draw, earning him, unsurprisingly, a hard shove fully out the room, the window slamming shut and the blinds pulled behind him.
Liliya rests against the window closing her eyes as she releases a big sigh, wrapping her arms 'round herself, lightly hitting her head repeatedly against the glass. "God i'm so glad i dumped that piece of shit."
Pulling out her phone with shaky hands ready to message Maddy for support when she notices an unread text sent earlier from an unknown number.
'Im looking at u right now not having a clue Ive swiped your phone for a bit which is bit concerning u need to smarten up if you wanna catch a stalker.
"God he has awful grammar." Liliya muses, but still not managing to move the small smile from her features.
She stands there for a couple minutes her fingers ghosting over the keyboard thinking through all the reasons was what she was thinking was a bad a idea, and that no matter what she wanted now she would be kicking herself in the morning. But even with those thoughts swimming around her head she still somehow typed out a response.
'You still wanna come in?'
Sucking in a breathe she waits impatiently as the response bubble pops up and down, and then back up again, Jesus this boy needs to make up his mind, until finally.
'what food do u have'
'oh my god' -----------
"Why the hell are you calling me, where are you?" The kook answers laying down on her bed, regretting all past life decisions leading to this exact moment where she was nervous about meeting a freaking pogue in her own home.
"Oh hi JJ, how are you doing? Oh thanks Liliya i'm doing great after climbing a TEN FOOT GATE!......... I'm outside by the way." An out of breathe voice echos around her room.
She sits up at that, pulling down her shirt as she re-adjusts herself. "Oh shit hi, just knock on the front door weirdo."
"What about your parents?"
"What about them? They don't bite." She pushes herself off the bed moving to her vanity table, placing her phone on a stack of books off on the side.
"Well they made you so i doubt that." He snarks back.
"Big words from the guy standing outside the house." And with that she hangs up as she checks out her reflection smoothing down her hair and re-applying lip gloss, reasoning that she has an image to maintain for everyone to see not just specifically the blonde boy currently at her doorstep.
She rushes down stairs then breaks into a calm walk to the front door preparing herself by giving her look a second glance over in the hallway mirror.
"You okay sweetheart?" Her dads voice breaking out of her panic.
"What?" She responds quickly facing her father's head that was sticking out of the kitchen. "Yeah just a friends coming to hang out for a bit."
"A friend? Maddy?" He start to lean on the doorway. "Am i going mad or wasn't she just here."
"No it's not Maddy."
"Just a new friend okay, he's hungry so we'll just snack for a bit." She spits wondering what the hell was taking JJ so long to walk from one end of a driveway to another.
"He?" Peaking her dads attention. "Wow, moving on from Cameron quick." He mutters as he heads back into the kitchen.
"Dad, no it's not like that." Liliya whines her fingers starting to rub circles on her temple.
"Oh i didn't mean it as a bad thing sweetheart, i mean i never liked that boy anyway y'know and you're young..."
Thankfully before David Woods could finish that sentence a knock from the front door saved Liliya death by embarrassment.
"Oh thank god." She jumps at the chance to exit her situation yanking the door open to meet the smiling face of JJ Maybank. "Where were you walking from Germany?" Yanking him through the door.
"Heads up." Were the only words JJ heard as he was pulled into the grand foyer before he was smacked by a packet of popcorn.
Liliya let out a short laugh at the shock on the boys face before facing her dad who was moving across to the teens. "Is mom around?"
"Oh sorry kid, Lily said you were hungry and nah don't worry it, you moms already deep into her desperate housewives binge, ugh y'know." throwing his hands up in fake exasperation.
"You really want to go watch it with her huh." She muses crossing her arms.
"Yeah, yes i do, so i'm just gonna grab this thank you" snatching the bag from the floor but halfway up the stairs he suddenly stops to turn around to face the two teens "Right um young lady, stay downstairs okay? But if not y'know door open and six feet apart at all times, okay." He says putting a stern face on before rushing back up stairs, leaving the pogue and the kook alone at last.
JJ kisses teeth a couple times. "Soooo food?"
"God, you're like a stray, come on this way". Walking past him to the entrance of the kitchen. "Do want anything or just gonna look around like a lost soul?" She says as she notices JJs gaze scanning his surroundings.
"Sorry just that your foyer is like my entire house and this kitchen, i mean are you housing an orphanage why is there so much?"
"Well as cute as this whole finding civilisation bit is i'm already bored so" She muses, starting to rummage through a couple cupboards
"You think i'm cute?"
"Pushing your luck stalker, okay here we go I've got sweet chilli peanuts, enough chips to choke an army and some ice cream in the freezer i think."
"Oooh yes please let me just get this," leaning over her shoulder to reach the aforementioned bags. "and definitely grab the ice cream."
"Are you actually starving, like should i be concerned?" she asks open the freezer door.
"No just i'm always hungry and," quickly pulling out a small bag from his back pocket with his free hand. "especially after i smoke."
"No charge?" Her face pokes ups as she leans on the freezer door back slightly arched causing the boy in front of her to swallow harshly.
"Aw for you baby? Never."
"And you ruined it." She slams the door shut swiftly grabbing a couple spoons and heading towards the exit. "Come on follow me, do not wonder." She remarks without even looking at him.
"Yes ma'am."
Heading into the Liliya Wood's bedroom was an extremely surreal moment for the pogue, for so many years this had been seen as untouchable but now he's following after her and her ice cream like a lost puppy, watching as she dumps the carton and spoons on her bed, along with taking the packets out of JJ's hands.
He takes that time to have a tiny glance around her room noticing first what he would of expected from the kook queen, a large King sized bed, a vanity mirror with lightbulbs surrounded that looked like they could blind both of them, a large walk in wardrobe and a pristine white tiled en-suite. But what also caught the blond boys attention was other little details the managed to slip through the cracks of her spotless facade, like the old stickers of Moshi monsters that were failed to be scraped off her bed frame or the stack of fantasy books piled precariously on the edge of her table.
"JJ?" Liliya questions from her seat against the broad fabric headboard.
"Yeah right let me just," throwing her the bag and lighter. "Ta da, for you madame."
"Why thank you kind sir, rolled and ready to go already eh."
"Well i aim to please." He smirks, adding a little wink.
"Hm okay big guy." She takes out a joint placing it haphazardly in between her lips as she fumbled for the cheap lighter. "Lets see how you do tonight."
"How i'll do?" He smirks watching Liliya strike the lighter in frustration. "Is this some kinda roleplay, 'cuz let me tell you from real experience i am a very bad student." Ending the sentence with a flourish as he pops open a packet of chips, not waiting a second to start piling them into his mouth.
"No? Really? Well colour me surprised." She mumbled finally getting a light. "Ah yes." As she took her first hit she let her posture go slack, sinking in to the mattress, flinching as the boy jumps next to her also reaching for the joint in her hand.
"Come on, unless you're keeping it all to yourself huh, miss greedy guts." Making her huff and reluctantly pass it over to him.
"Oh i'm sorry but you already looked so relaxed," Looking the pogue up and down, scanning his scruffy clothing. "almost too relaxed."
"Really, well if your sorry then i'm expecting some reparation" He suggests as he takes a breathe.
She takes the beat of silence to look over him, not like before with a forced critical eye to make a snarky remark, but with only the intent to see him.
"Hmmm well of course i'll share with you, what do take me for." Watching the shadows dance over his face, forcing the words out as a breathe gets caught in her throat.
"From what I've seen a perfect little kook angel." He repositions himself to get more comfy, while also subtly moving himself closer to her, looking up to her.
"Oh shut up, and just," she moves in one fast motion, placing her hands on his shoulders, lifting herself over him to land in a straddling position. "breathe." She doesn't know what came over her, a fog was covering her normal reasoning, only picking up on the boy, a very attractive one at that, in front of her.
Smoke slowly passes between their mouths, their eye-contact never breaking as even though they were only a couple inches or so away from each other, they moved slowly forward gravitating towards each other.
JJ couldn't take his eyes of the image in front of him, her hair cascading down framing the soft features of her face, the light reflecting off of it, creating a halo effect above her. Her plump lips remaining open when the smoke had passed, seeming only remain open to continue to entrance him.
"You are so beautiful." He didn't even realise he vocalised his thoughts till he watched the girl on top of him finally blink and break out of their shared trance.
"Um," Looking down it seems as she just noticed how they were positioned , extracting herself while making minimal contact with him beneath her.
"Why'd you invite me over?" He figures if the mood is already gone, he might as well get some answers.
"You practically begged me to, remember?" She scoffed, turning a complete 180 from her behaviour just a few moments ago.
"Yeah and you're Liliya Woods, iv'e seen you brutally turn down a guy in a wheelchair."
"And why wouldn't i treat him like everyone else?" Looking offended at the remark.
"Exactly, when i dropped you off it seemed like i was the last person you would let in your house and now, here we are." Staring at her, gesturing to the room around them, but only receiving a blank stare in return. "Come on, look what i got you." He gestures the joint currently sitting in her hand.
"Are you forgetting the mountain of my snacks sitting around us?"
"I got a surprise visit." She mutters, unconsciously wrapping her arms around herself, carefully positioning the joint away from her clothes.
"Oh," He looks down awkwardly. "Like a monthly thing?"
At that comment she hits him firmly in the shoulder. "No you moron, Rafe."
"Ow," Cradling his arm but then admits with a quick nod. "Well that is much worse."
"Yeah." She scoffs. "He is."
Leaning closer to the girl, he tries to make eye contact as she stares off into space. "Are you okay?"
Sniffs, and sits up noticing how close the pair become again, cursing the fact she thought this was a good idea, trying to pull herself back into some idea of decency not understanding how he managed to get her guard down so easily. "Yeah just needed to calm down from seeing my ex with anger issues pop up in my window. like a delusional meerkat"
"Window? That window." Pointing to one across the room.
"Yes. Why are you smiling like that?."
"Well it's nice to know i'm not the only one resigned to climbing for an entrance."
"You chose to do that, literally just could've texted me to open the gate." She gasps in a state of exasperation.
Her face scrunches in frustration as she stares at him, he brushes his finger down her cheek, gently as if he was touching the most precious thing imaginable to him.
"What the hell are you doing." Although it was meant as a threat, with the light whisper it came out as, it could only been seen as a look of shock.
"You get a little crease in your brow when your worked up." Dropping his hand to her arm. "Did you know that."
"Shut up." She lifts his hand off, siting forward to wrap her arms around herself again.
"You say that a lot." He says trying to hide his disappointment.
"Yet you're still talking."
"Hmm, and will i ever stop? We may never know."
With the bubble they had created popped Liliya knew that the smart thing to do was to make sure that no lapse of judgement would occur. Again. "Well it's late so..."
"Yeah of course right." He sits up off the bed pulling his shirt from where it had ridden up. "Um next time you get some late night critter," pointing to the window with his head. "Just let me know
"And what would you do... what exactly." Rolling her eyes not believing the peacocking happening in front of her.
"Hey i'm like a 90% sure i could take him."
"Sure sweetie." She teased, watching him walk to the door.
"Get a good night sleep, you'll need it." He shouts over his shoulder.
"For what?"
"For when i pick you up tomorrow."
"Excuse me?"
"Hey don't get your panties in a twist, sounds like you don't wanna find some gold."
"Right, the gold and why do you want me to be there? I thought this was some sad little pogue fantasy." Nodding out the window as if were all beneath her.
"Two reasons, one 'cuz i want to see your reaction when your realise it's not a fairy tale." He grins opening the door to exit.
"Hey?" The pogues head pop round the door with a questioning look. "Whats number two?
"Well... i like.." He cuts off at that, seeming to catch himself while starting at the tussled hair girl, "I like.. watching stuck up kooks see the real world."
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atarathegreat · 5 months
HELLO :DDD! (If reqs are open) Can I request like, basically any characters you want somehow-someway on some Takemichi type shi, going to the past and seeing their s/o but as a child(like, 8 or or 7). I feel like it’d be a fun concept to experiment with, especially with Koko
(Also, if you take anons, can I be 🍀 anon or 🪄 anon if it’s taken?)
🍀Anon it is! I love it! I've been thinking about how to do this and I hope I've finally got it.
ft: Kokonoi Hajime I couldn't think of any others at the moment that I could spin to make it sound good :p
Being married to a man who seemed overly concerned about how much money he could earn was less than ideal, made worse by the fact that he avoided telling you what he did for a living. Curiosity ate away at you like termites every day. How could you live so freely without a job, and yet Kokonoi still kept you both in a penthouse with a beautiful view? Regardless of your arguments, he'd never tell you and promises to never drop the subject. There were just some things that needed to stay in the dark. Like his tattoo that you always ran your finger over and how he always afforded the silky sheets he kept you embedded in when you thought you were getting the upper hand.
No, he wouldn't let you find out that he was a killer, that he was a dangerous man. Kokonoi dreaded that you could look at him with hatred and disgust. So he keeps it hidden. At least, he thought he could. You were inquisitive, nosey even, and you always found out what he was trying to hide. You were searching again. For what, you weren't quite sure anymore. It started by looking for an old game you were sure you had, then for a stack of towels that you left on the couch, and now you were on top of the fridge, searching in the little cubby cabinets. A small scooch this way, and a bit of a shift that way caused you to fall from the fridge. It was an awful fall, and you slammed your head on the ground pretty hard. "What the hell..." Pain throbbed in the back of your skull as if someone were knocking on a heavy door and hoping to be heard across the road.
A nice breeze ruffled your shirt, your elbow popping slightly as you sat up and looked around. There was no mistaking the huge school building in front of you, or the students around you. You had just been on top of your fridge, hadn't you? Unless you fell and had a whole unconscious episode of your life and marriage.
"Y/n? You alright? How did you fall?" Chiyoko, an old friend of yours, was hanging over you. Her dark, purposefully fluffy hair with thin curtain bangs swung slowly over your head. Chiyoko had always been pretty, even to other girls in the school, but you couldn't help but laugh at her. "That hairstyle is so 2003." Softly grunting as you stood revealed your old school uniform. Shorter, paler, cotton clothes instead of the expensive things Koko had bought you earlier in the month...
"Maybe because it is 2003, asshole." There was no mistaking the annoyance in your friends voice as she slapped your head, "And you have the same style."
That couldn't be right, you had just celebrated Koko turning thirty! She handed you your school bag and you rifled through for your phone. Everything was old, outdated but new for the time. Maybe you were losing your mind. There was no way in hell that you had gone back in time!
"I, uhm..." Students filed past you as you tried to make sense of everything, "I need to go find someone..."
Kokonoi told you once that in his teen years he skipped school often and hung out at some sketchy places. It took all day and a few close encounters with some less than savory groups before you arrived at the last spot. It was the last known location he'd ever told you about. Warehouses bunched together as they held nothing but empty air and gang fights. In the future they would become a fresh food market that you visited often to make Koko's favorite dessert. Right now they were dark and creepy and made you scared for the first time as you felt a heavy hand on your shoulder.
"Now why would a little thing like yourself be searching for a Black Dragons member?" A deep voice accompanied the firm hand on your bag strap. Tall, that's all you noticed as you craned your neck to see who was behind you. Tall, angry looking, and definitely a dangerous teenager. "I'm just looking for Kokonoi Hajime..." The kids eyes widened as you spoke, as if he couldn't believe you had the audacity to speak up and say what you were doing.
"And what do you need me for?" The familiar I'm better than you drawl of your future husband broke through the silence. Kokonoi looked so different. Black hair instead of white, the same lines shaved into the side of his hair. During your marriage, since you hardly had time to see each other, he would allow you to fix his hair and have at least that little bit of time together. Kokonoi looked cute in his younger years, as opposed to the intimidating and handsome way he looked in the future. "I..." And it finally dawned on you that you hadn't even met Koko until 2006, "Uhm...I don't know..."
"Then you should leave." His kind smile hid the malicious intent he always had. As soon as Koko's hand touched your elbow you jerked upwards.
It was dark out, all the lights in the house on as Koko's private doctor crouched next to you. There was no more pain in your head, despite the heavy fall and the bruises on your arms from possibly hitting more than one thing on the way down. "Are you alright, darling?" Kokonoi was leaning against the counter, gun trained on the doctor, "He can't leave until you are."
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cellythefloshie · 5 months
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;; I Wanna Be Yours 500 Follower Celebration
Summary: You can't handle being just friends with your childhood friend, Brandon Hagel, anymore. Word Count: 1k+
Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought.
Growing up in Morinville, Alberta, where the population was less than 10,000, there was one thing for certain: you knew everyone and everyone knew you. The kids you met on the first day of Kindergarten were the same you graduated with at eighteen. Some would stay and work in Morinville, maybe even marry their high school sweetheart, while others would move to Calgary or Edmonton to go to school. But in Morinville, there was one exception, your best friend: Brandon Hagel. 
You had met him in grade school, his family having moved from Saskatoon. You had been too young to remember why or even ask, but the moment he walked into the classroom, and your teacher seated him at the desk beside you, the two of you were best friends. You swapped lunches, and played together at recess. Play dates were often scheduled by your parents, and you even played on the same Timbits hockey team until his skills surpassed your own and you were left to watch him play from the stands. 
You were his biggest fan, even as he moved through different leagues, and it became more difficult for you to attend. The WHL, AHL and finally the NHL you had been there for it all one way or another. Watching the game streams on sketchy websites, late night phone calls, traveling to watch him play when he was close enough to home. You did it all, and it didn't go unrecognized. By those who didn't know you, and didn't know your story, you were often mistaken as his girlfriend. 
It was something you just shrugged off, and assured those who were embarrassed for making such a statement that it was an honest mistake. 
What they didn't know was how desperately you wanted that to be true. 
You wanted to be his. 
But after what felt like a lifetime together, you were convinced that would never be a reality. Not even as you sat on a beach in Tampa, Florida with Brandon sitting at a table with his teammates behind you. 
You had flown down to watch their Stanley Cup Final match against the Colorado Avalanche. You had booked enough time off to be able to enjoy the parade, but it was an event that never came. The Bolts had lost, but you never passed up on the opportunity to enjoy a vacation. 
You could hear the guys laughing behind you as you sat in the warmth of the sun. Cirelli had been trying to do some sort of party trick with a Corona and had ultimately failed, sending the table into laughter. Brandon's was the most prominent among them, the sound filling your belly with warmth. You loved his laugh, and the smile that you were sure was spread so fully over his lips. Just the thought of it had you smiling too, but it quickly faded when you heard a soft feminine voice speaking to Brandon. 
It wasn't one you recognized, so you perked up in your seat and pretended to stretch as you glanced back at the table. The girl was pretty, and wasn't one of the wives or girlfriends that you had met during your trip. Your smile faded, and your stomach sank in an instant. 
You had no right to be jealous. You weren't his girlfriend, he wasn't your boyfriend. He was allowed to flirt with whoever he pleased, and you envied the woman for the courage she had to walk up to an attractive stranger at the beach. It was the courage you wished you had yourself but knew it would never come. 
Your shoulders slouched as you sunk back into your seat, a single hand reached up to pull the brim of your sun hat low in an attempt to hide the disappointed look you were sure had overtaken your features. But it was too late, someone had already noticed. 
“Hey, is everything okay?” It was the voice of Cirelli's girlfriend that drew your eyes up. She sat in the chair next to you, her body sprawled out and a book in hand. She must have looked up from the pages just long enough to see that something was wrong. 
You wished she hadn't. 
“Yeah, it's just-” you cut yourself off with an uneven breath, “I'm not feeling well I think I'm going to go back to the hotel.”
“Oh, okay-” was all you could hear leaving her lips. A disappointed sigh as you reached down for your beach bag, pulled on your cover up and left your seat on the beach. 
You wasted no time with goodbyes. Brandon wouldn't miss you. Hell, he probably wouldn't even notice you were gone. And if he did, Cirelli's girl could tell him where you went. 
Your strides were quick as you moved through the sand and up to the boardwalk where you stopped just long enough to throw your shoes down on the ground. You stepped into them and quickly fell into stride again. You moved through the busy boardwalk with your head down, tears burning at your eyes but you didn't let them spill. Each steady breath you took fought them back, but only fueled the turmoil of frustration in your mind. 
You hated that you felt this way. He was your best friend, your longest friend. You should have been happy with how things were. Yet, you wanted more. You would always want more-
There was a thunder of footsteps on the boardwalk behind you. Distant at first. So far you barely heard them but they grew louder, instructing your thoughts and clouding your mind. Your first instinct was to step to the side, out of the way of any jogger or playful child that may have been in your wake. But then you heard your name, a desperate call to get your attention, and you froze. 
You would recognize the voice anywhere. 
He stilled in front of you, his hand reaching up to slick back his shaggy hair that had fallen into his eyes. His breathing was uneven as he recovered from his sprint, and his dark eyes were fixated on you. His stare was magnetic, holding you in place without having to touch you. And you hated it. The hold he had on you, and it left tears to build in your eyes. 
And he noticed. 
“Hey,” he spoke softly, “ what's wrong?”
“I'm sorry,” your croaked, your weak voice betraying you so quickly, “I just can't be here. I need to go home-”
“Go home?” Brabdon asked. 
His face contorted with confusion as he took a small step in and reached out to take hold of your arm. His hand was warm against your skin, sending a fluttering feeling through your body in an instant. 
“What are you talking about? You're supposed to be here for another week.” 
You wanted to shrug it off. To play it off as nothing, but there was too much you needed to get off your chest. There was no use in keeping secrets anymore. Not when they made you feel the way you did. 
“I want to be yours, Brandon,” your words felt like a pathetic plea as they left your lips, “and I can't keep pretending that I don't. You're my best friend, but it hurts too much to just sit back and-” 
Brandon didn't let you finish. He didn't have to. His hand  left your arm, his fingers grazing up slowly until you felt the warmth of his palm spread over your cheek. He cupped your face gently and used that hold to draw you in. And he kissed you, so deeply, so feverishly that it left you breathless. And in that moment you knew he felt the same way too. He, like you, had been too scared to ruin the friendship you both treasured so dearly.
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Idea idea idea
What if the Maltobots had been hidden from most Cybertronians for a lot longer than canon, enough that they grew up completely in hiding without contact with adult Cybertronians? Dot would be a former marine, not a GHOST operative, with Alex working remotely and being the primary breadwinner. Dot would end up retiring early due to lack of work after losing her leg, and would mostly be working the farm with adults Robby and Mo.
And, we have already seen that the Maltobots have powers, (Hashtag's hacking ability, Nightshade getting their alt mode from a STATUE and Twitch's OP blaster comes to mind) and the Malto kids are going to get super suits in canon.
So, what if, in an au where the already impressive abilities become full on outlier abilities, Optimus mistakes Nightshade for Onyx Prime and they just roll with it because they have only seen their own kind in movies and here's an opportunity to ask questions with THE LEADER OF THE AUTOBOTS. Sure, they had to correct him with their name, but this was Optimus Prime!
Optimus is under the impression that they and their siblings are reincarnations of past primes, while they aren't aware that the war ended because of being isolated, they did grow up watching the propaganda TV shows and comics produced to drum up support for the Autobots.
Their view of the war is very much something that they aren't allowed to get involved in, and as they get older, Dot uses her own experience in the military and recovering from her amputation as reasons to stay away.
So, when Optimus offers to relocate who he thinks is one of his brothers to the main embassy/headquarters of the Autobots, he's surprised to learn that Nightshade wasn't alone.
They had six siblings, and a pair of loving parents.
Optimus insists on meeting them, and is surprised at the lukewarm reception he gets from Nightshade's human family. (Maybe most of the others are hiding or have left to run errands or are in the woods, so it's just Dot, Alex, the kids, and maybe Twitch or Hashtag)
Like, to Dot, Optimus is just another sketchy military recruiter that would try to use her sacrifices as ammunition to pressure her kids into the military.
Robby, who might be using his gauntlet or suit to do some heavy lifting, catches his attention, and he inquires on what relic he was using to work, and Robby lies on the spot.
Dot backs him up, and manages to kick Optimus out.
Optimus can't keep a good secret, and the more religious bots start sending gifts and offerings to the farm.
Lots of offerings.
Most of them booze, candy, and energon.
In no time, there's a shrine just outside of Witwicky, as a nervous conversation with Jawbreaker and some blurry footage of Twitch testing out some of Nightshade's inventions has added them to the list of "Primal reincarnates"
However, the plot truly starts as the Maltobots find the hidden shrine, and take some of the sealed offerings to use or store, leading to the Autobots, who are just a little bored after slaughtering the Decepticons and have a good, solid treaty with the UN and the US government, gearing up and becoming a full on cult worshipping these young adult terrans and their too - old - for - this - bs family.
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I love Carry On Through the Ages! I'm making another Victorian piece this year. This time I'm working with a much smaller sheet of paper. The pros: it won't take me months. The cons: tiny tiny tiny lines. And if I make a mistake it's harder to hide.
Thanks for the tags today: @hushed-chorus @martsonmars @forabeatofadrum @messofthejess @prettygoododds @artsyunderstudy & @shrekgogurt! You're all wonderful and creative.
Here's my progress so far:
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Under the cut is previous WIPs and tags for fifty of you lovely folk in the fandom. But if you're reading this, assume I'm tagging you too. Right, gentlemen?
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Here is the transition from sketchy pencil lines to ink.
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Hello! I hope that you're having a good week. Summer sun and an icy beverage for you!
@aroace-genderfluid-sheep @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @bazzybelle @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @captain-aralias @ebbpettier @erzbethluna @excalisbury @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @foolofabookwyrm-activated @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @jbrrring @johnwgrey @krisrix @larkral @letraspal @moodandmist @mostlymaudlin @nightimedreamersworld @ninemagicks @orange-peony @onepintobean @palimpsessed @penpanoply @prettylightsbigcity @raenestee @rimeswithpurple @stardustasincocaine @shemakesmeforget @stillmadaboutpetra @takenabackbytuesdays @tea-brigade @technetiumai @thehoneyedhufflepuff @theearlgreymage @valeffelees @whogaveyoupermission @whatevertheweather @yellobb @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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