#skills learning
corpish · 1 month
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Mastering Microlearning: Harnessing Bloom's Taxonomy for Effective Learning
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In the realm of training, Bloom's Taxonomy stands as a cornerstone framework for designing learning objectives and assessing learning outcomes. With the rise of microlearning – a strategy that delivers small, focused learning units – integrating Bloom's Taxonomy becomes paramount for ensuring that learning experiences are comprehensive and impactful. In this article, we delve into the principles of Bloom's Taxonomy and explore how it can be effectively utilized in the context of microlearning to enhance learning outcomes.
Understanding Bloom's Taxonomy
Developed by educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom in the 1950s, Bloom's Taxonomy classifies learning objectives into six hierarchical levels, organized from simple to complex cognitive processes. These levels are:
Remembering: Recalling information or facts.
Understanding: Grasping the meaning of information.
Applying: Applying knowledge or skills in new situations.
Analyzing: Breaking down information into parts and understanding relationships.
Evaluating: Making judgments based on criteria and standards.
Creating: Generating new ideas, products, or solutions.
Bloom's Taxonomy provides a framework for educators to design learning experiences that foster higher-order thinking skills and promote deep understanding.
Integrating Bloom's Taxonomy into Microlearning
When applied to microlearning, Bloom's Taxonomy serves as a guide for structuring learning content and activities that promote meaningful engagement and learning. Here's how each level of Bloom's Taxonomy can be integrated into microlearning:
Remembering (Recall):
Microlearning modules can include brief quizzes or flashcards to reinforce memorization of key facts or concepts.
Utilize short audio or video clips to recap essential information covered in previous modules.
Understanding (Comprehension):
Present microlearning content in a clear and concise manner, using multimedia elements to enhance comprehension.
Incorporate examples, case studies, or scenarios to help learners grasp the meaning of complex concepts.
Applying (Application):
Include interactive simulations or scenarios that require learners to apply their knowledge to solve practical problems.
Provide real-world examples or case studies that illustrate how concepts can be applied in different contexts.
Analyzing (Analysis):
Break down complex topics into smaller components, with each microlearning module focusing on a specific aspect of analysis.
Encourage learners to compare and contrast different perspectives or approaches to a problem through short activities or discussions.
Evaluating (Evaluation):
Prompt learners to critically evaluate information or arguments presented in microlearning modules.
Include opportunities for peer feedback or self-assessment to encourage reflective thinking and evaluation of one's own learning.
Creating (Creation):
Engage learners in creative activities that allow them to generate new ideas, designs, or solutions.
Encourage learners to collaborate on short projects or assignments that involve creating something tangible or innovative.
Benefits of Using Bloom's Taxonomy in Microlearning
Promotes Higher-Order Thinking: Integrating Bloom's Taxonomy into microlearning encourages learners to engage in higher-order cognitive processes, such as analysis, evaluation, and creation, leading to deeper understanding and critical thinking skills.
Enhances Learning Outcomes: By aligning microlearning activities with Bloom's Taxonomy, educators can design learning experiences that target specific cognitive skills and learning objectives, resulting in more effective learning outcomes.
Facilitates Personalized Learning: Bloom's Taxonomy provides a framework for designing personalized learning paths tailored to individual learner needs and preferences, ensuring that each learner receives content at an appropriate level of complexity.
Encourages Active Engagement: Incorporating diverse activities at different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy promotes active engagement and participation among learners, fostering a dynamic and interactive learning environment.
Provides Clear Progression: Bloom's Taxonomy offers a clear progression of cognitive complexity, allowing learners to scaffold their learning from basic recall to higher-order thinking skills, providing a sense of achievement and progress.
Case Study: Implementing Bloom's Taxonomy in Microlearning
Imagine a corporate training program aimed at improving employees' customer service skills. By integrating Bloom's Taxonomy into microlearning modules, the training program can be structured as follows:
Remembering: Employees recall the key principles of excellent customer service through short quizzes or flashcards.
Understanding: Employees watch brief videos explaining different customer service scenarios and how to respond effectively.
Applying: Employees participate in interactive simulations where they practice handling various customer service situations.
Analyzing: Employees analyze case studies of real customer interactions to identify areas for improvement and best practices.
Evaluating: Employees assess their own performance in customer service scenarios and receive feedback from peers or supervisors.
Creating: Employees collaborate on developing innovative solutions to common customer service challenges and share their ideas through short presentations or discussions.
Integrating Bloom's Taxonomy into microlearning offers a powerful approach to designing effective and engaging learning experiences. By aligning microlearning activities with the cognitive processes outlined in Bloom's Taxonomy, educators can create targeted learning modules that promote deep understanding, critical thinking, and practical application of knowledge. As organizations continue to embrace microlearning as a flexible and efficient training solution, leveraging the principles of Bloom's Taxonomy will be instrumental in maximizing the impact of microlearning initiatives and driving positive learning outcomes.
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
If I knew how to draw it would be over for you hoes <- is an artist
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hattersarts · 8 months
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drew some book!husbands. they feel like they've taken more traits from each other than the show.
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
I think something a lot of other people can relate to is the way that you get so conditioned to discomfort that you stop registering it.
I remember sitting at the table with my family, eating dinner as a child. I’d try to eat, because of course I was hungry. But sometimes the flavor or texture was so repugnant that it moved into a category of Not Food.
“Two more bites before you can leave the table.”
“I can’t,” I’d say, trying to explain the impossibility.
But because I was a child they heard, “I won’t,” and made me sit at the table. I’d sit in dull agonized silence, bored and hungry for hours until bedtime when they’d give up. I’d hate myself for not eating and my parents for forcing me to sit there. The few forcefeeding moments ended in vomit.
They’d say, “If you don’t eat this you can’t eat a snack later,” and I moved past trying to communicate my discomfort into accepting that I’d just be hungry.
That state of affairs didn’t last, because my parents realized nothing could force me to eat so they catered to my palate, worrying they’d starve me. But the message stuck. If you can’t do anything about a situation, just accept the suffering.
A few years later my mother called me off the playground to ask, “Are you limping?”
I shrugged. My feet had hurt for a long time, but that was just the way things were now. My mom pulled my socks and shoes off and gasped. The soles of my feet were covered in huge painful planters warts.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” She demanded but I could only shrug at her. I’d learned a long time ago that saying things about my discomfort didn’t matter, so now I had no words. Sometimes things hurt and sometimes they don’t. I simply accepted and did my best.
Now as an adult trying to learn to improve my own conditions can be hard. If I make food that I can’t eat I’ll force myself to sit at the counter still, full of guilt and self loathing, trying to will myself to eat it.
At first I needed my betrothed to gently take it away to present me with something I could eat. Now on my own I can usually admit that it’s not happening before too long and get something else, but I still feel guilty.
Laying in bed at night waiting for my betrothed to finish getting ready I let out a huge sigh of relief when they turned the lights off.
“Why didn’t you turn them off if they bothered you?” they asked the first time it happened.
“I didn’t even know it was bothering me until it was gone.”
Assessing my physical state now to see if I can improve it is something I’m still relearning but I’m relieved to finally have the space and support to do it.
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mynameismad · 4 months
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It's crazy how rare it is to find people you truly connect with and then also how easy it is to let those connections dissolve.......like what on earth lol.....
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aulerean · 2 months
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gem's angler fish? pretty cool.
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ziggyyyystardust · 3 months
The Star Wars fandom is like a case study of what happens when you overthink media intended for children to the point that you’ve completely altered the message and plot that the creator intended. The whole “the Jedi order is evil and Anakin/Vader is the good guy!” Idea fails to take into account the fact that like.. these movies are meant for kids, they’re meant to be easy to follow and easy to understand with obvious good guys and obvious bad guys. Yknow how we know the Jedi are the good guys? - they’re the main characters, they have funny one liners, they kill the evil bad guys who have red laser swords with their blue and green laser swords, they’re relatable, they’re nice, they’re paternal, so on so forth.
I love critical analysis and I’d never speak a word against it, when we consume media we should always take a step back to consider what ideas they’re selling us, what undertones are portrayed, is this supposed to represent a real life problem? But it’s also equally as important to consider who the audience is and how that might impact the story. And ultimately the audience is children, Star Wars is not meant to be a mystery thriller where the good guys are secretly the bad guys which you can only tell when you pick the story apart 20 which ways. The movies could not more clearly tell us who were meant to support. - is it the angry guys with red swords, ugly old guy who shoot’s lighting out of his fingers and takes over the universe, people who blow up planets, chop off their kids hands and blow up planet’s? Or is it the people who wear warm coloured clothing, talk about wanting peace, who tell funny jokes, have heartfelt moments, with blue and green lightsabers, fight against the space fascists and love each other.
Ultimately, Star Wars isn’t that deep, enjoy it for what it is and I promise you’ll enjoy it 100 times more
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
You! Internalize that you do not always need to "improve your art/craft" now! It's great to learn and develop your skills, but you do not need to come from a place of hating where you are now! You certainly do not need to force yourself to improve if it is coming in between you and enjoying the things you do. Improvement for improvements sake does not have to be the only goal, nor the only one that "should matter"
You are allowed to have motifs, enjoyment, ameturism, and "less skill." Kill and devour the capitalist in your head that dictates that you must always improve for everybody else's sake and your "productivity."
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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vynnyal · 4 months
So let me get this straight:
Hollow knight is about the journey of a small creature possessing the corpse of a god's discarded child, and the character arc that unfolds as they realize they're more than the path they were set to take, eventually defeating the corruption instead of merely postponing inevitable destruction.
Rain world is about the journeys and experiences of many small creatures sent by a bunch of gossiping computers, and the efforts to help stop the destruction caused by a corrupted god that unfolds over hundreds of years, all to postpone his inevitable death.
Man, video games are fun!
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ominouspuff · 3 months
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Kote’s House
Kote’s first house is a pathetic thing, and he is incurably proud of it. The twi’lek he purchased it from very evidently could not make up his mind what to do with a man that grinned while he haggled, but it was the first time Kote had haggled over a purchase of his very own. He had thoroughly enjoyed it.
The house is built for one being, and a compact being at that, but Kote doesn’t have much. Moving in is quick, and most of his efforts during the next few days after go into attempting ambitious repairs for things he doesn’t know the first thing about. 
His plumbing is an issue, he knows. Something is getting blocked up. Somehow while trying to fix the kitchen tumbler, his fresher spout explodes.
He hadn’t kept his new house a secret from anyone by any means, but it is still surprising when Fox barges in through his jamming front door. He finds Kote on the floor in his cramped kitchen while the fresher rains water in the adjacent room, laughing so hard and so crippled with delight that he can’t get up.
He tries to explain how wonderful it is —
“I-I have to fix my plumbing on my own, vod—”
—but judging by Fox’s single raised eyebrow he knows it doesn’t translate.
Fox, it turns out, is moving into the neighborhood. Kote doesn’t ask about the house Fox already has — the house he has visited, which is very nice and fancy — or point out that Fox’s contract there cannot possibly be up, which begs the question of why he’s here in Kote’s neighborhood — except that Kote already knows the answer to that question. So he doesn’t ask.
Fox doesn’t show him any grace or forbearance, though.
“Don’t even know how to fix a damn pipe, front lining show-off—” His brother snarls, but it is muffled; his top half had to go down beneath the floor they’d pried up to get at the plumbing issue.
“So that’s what they had you doing all these years.” Kote says, because he really is in a criminally good mood. He barely ducks the foot-long pipe Fox throws at his head, feeling giddy.
He makes dinner that night in thanks. Fox stays, ostensibly because now that he’s fixed the fresher he intends to use it, because his new house isn’t hooked up properly yet to all the supply lines and power grids. 
They choke on homemade tiingilar (vode-style; Kote can’t pretend at the real thing yet) so heavily spiced it’s got grit to it that sticks between the teeth. It’s disgusting, but Cody had bought fifteen different spices and while usually he likes to keep his approach to the unknown more cautious, more methodical, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do more than use them all at once for the first time. 
Wolffe joins them not long after; brings a few others along by recommending the apartment he picks out, so that soon most of the complex is taken up by vode, Kote hears, but he doesn’t visit yet. Everyone’s too busy coming over to his house, it seems; filling up his kitchen and asking why he hasn’t fixed the trash disposal yet, why he doesn’t have a couch, doesn’t he know they’re all the rage among civilized folk?
Kote fixes the trash disposal with Rex, who is better at it than he is but says it’s only due to Skywalker’s influence on managing all things mechanical. 
“How is Skywalker?” Kote asks, and gets more than he bargained for over the next hour. At first he’s a bit off-put, because he’s trying to get dinner sorted again and he’s not been very fond of Skywalker at the best of times, but Rex is snorting out a story and laughing and it’s contagious, so Kote just resigns himself and settles in to enjoy.
Skywalker has little ones, now. Obi-Wan is the only one that can get them to sleep. Ahsoka is distressed; she knows better, but every instinct in her is apparently in agony over the little ones’ inability to eat meat yet. She obsesses over nutrients in their diet — which, given what tiny natborn humans primarily ingest in the early stages, makes for some slightly awkward conversations.
Rex helps with dinner afterward, and they take turns being incredulous over natborn baby facts, shoving around one another in the tiny, uncomfortable kitchen.
“What’s your next project?” Rex asks at one point, glancing sidelong with a cheeky look, and Kote levels his vegetable knife at him (he’s got a vegetable knife. Specifically for vegetables. It’s a very new concept). 
“I make everyone’s dinner on Tuangsdays.” He says. “I’m productive.”
Rex’s sharp-toothed grin turns thoughtful. “Yeah” He says. “Everyone loves coming here, you know. You could be the new 79’s.”
Kote knows. He plans and plots, and puts more work into researching recipes than he’s put into any research whatsoever in months. It feels a bit like coming out of a shore leave; his thoughts quicken and his excitement grows. He hunts down a market. He brings a bag. He shops, bargains, and returns victorious.
He sends out a few comms., and can’t help but shake his head and grin at how different the responses are. 
What a marvelous idea, Cody. His general — ex-general — says.
Yus pls, Ahsoka sends back, with some sort of strange tooka vidclip that dances with wiggly gyrations Kote can only assume indicate excitement.
Where is your house, Anakin says, blunt and to the point, and Kote can appreciate that. 
He sends the address. He cooks all day. The sun sets, and Fox and Wolffe arrive, already bickering, Rex trailing behind with a long-suffering look sent to Kote, begging commiseration.
“Ugh, don’t you ever stop smiling, now?” He gripes when Kote just grins at him. 
“Nope,” Kote says, unrepentantly.
He leaves the soup on the stove, simmering, and takes his cup of caf to the window. He leans on it, breathing in cool air, and just listens — listens to the squabbling as Wolffe gets on Fox’s case for not washing Kote’s dishes correctly the last time they visited. Hears the soft thumps of Rex sneaking into the cramped room Kote has set aside for plants and the sole pet he has; a pastel goullian, fins swaying ever so gently, permanent scowl in place. Thinks he catches, distantly, the sound of his remaining three guests (Padme couldn’t attend, and had made him feel very awkward by how thoughtfully she apologized for it) plodding up the hill. 
“Cody!” Ahsoka cries, coming into view and waving. 
Kote’s cheeks have stopped aching from all the smiling he’s gotten used to, so it’s easy to let another through.
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thotsfortherapy · 2 years
so for those of you who don't know, I was recently diagnosed with ADHD-I. So far, I think my favourite thing that I've learned is the idea of "embrace the pivot".
Have you ever found a productivity system that works for you (whether it be your Google calendar, bullet journaling, agenda-ing, etc), and you're so pumped because it's like finally! Now I can actually get some stuff done! But then time passes, days or weeks or years, and the novelty of it runs out, and then it kind of just... Stops working. It can be so frustrating, because this thing that used to work no longer works for seemingly no reason.
But, that isn't a failing of the thing, that thing worked for a certain amount of time, and that's good! I used a massive agenda in my first year of uni, and it kept me on track for all my assignments. My second year agenda? Barely touched it. Instead, I started to use a bullet journal, and that was the thing that helped me through most of the year. But as time went on, my spreads got less creative, and in the final term, I didn't even want to touch it because it was too much work. So I switched to Notion.
The agenda didn't fail me, and neither did the bullet journal, it just worked for a certain amount of time. And when that time inevitably runs out, you can just say, "thank you for serving me for so long, I'm going to pivot to the next thing." And then you do it without feeling like you should try harder or like that thing failed you.
This doesn't just have to apply to productivity either. Systems, tools, habits, hobbies, coping mechanisms.. They all serve their purpose. It's okay to let them go when the time comes.
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barebevil · 5 months
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stayed up way past my bedtime last night to make this
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daeyumi · 3 months
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Sleeping Hero 🌙🗡️
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