toburnup · 7 months
These previos have me PANTING I cannot WAIT for next chapter of iylo.
Just wanted to pop in and say that the way you've been able to craft such nuanced yet relatable characters is so special. So much so that youre able to write a character experiencing one thing, and even though we already know what happens, we're all collectively like "WAIT WAIT I WANNA KNOW WHAT CHARACTER B is thinking during this same event. And we want an ENTIRE CHAPTER."
That's just so wild to me. And I hope you know how incredibly gifted you are, in case you didn't already know <3
(Also just remembered --and maybe I have this wrong-- but Do you have a big bang coming out soon?)
this is !!! such a nice thing to read. ik i keep saying it, but i really do appreciate the support for the eddie chapters. there are people who really don't care for them but i think they're important for the fic as a whole (and we're nearing the beginning of the end, so! not many more to go anyway).
thank you again. and ! yes! big bang. we originally planned it for the end of the month but we might move it up a bit. will keep you posted :) :)
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stinkybrowndogs · 5 months
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Happy TERRIER TUESDAy I have dropped a bunch of new sticker designs to celebrate!
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skye707 · 1 year
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I can't be the only one that knows this stupid song, right?
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femmefataleart · 8 months
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Skye by José Luis
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goldiipond · 3 months
head hurt a little too much guys this is it. tjis time im really gonna do it
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horrorlocke · 10 months
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You Will listen to Blake Skye Private Eye , you will , or else you’ll never have the delight of meeting this cutie
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rattoes420 · 1 year
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So cool so cool so cool
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foreverjustvibing · 6 months
Why does jay white foam at the mouth so much? Does he have rabies?
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skyderman · 2 years
does anyone have that post with the text art rats in pride colors followed by a still of a horde of rats from ratatouille but they all have little pride flags
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toournextadventure · 1 year
movie night drabble i
Summary: The ever elusive Tara Carpenter finally makes her appearance at your brother's frat party. Maybe you'll kiss. Okay, you'll definitely kiss.
Word Count: 3.1k Warnings: swearing, smut 18+, underage drinking, slight violence Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader A/N: I got a little more goofy with R in this one because I wanted to try something a little different with my writing, so I hope y'all enjoy! movie night i | movie night ii | movie night iii
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"Hey," your brother Alfie shouted over the music blaring throughout the frat house. "Carpenter's here."
You turned so quickly you spilled the vodka from your cup onto your shirt.
"Ah fuck," you mumbled, dropping the now-empty cup without a care in the world. Not like it was your frat house, why should you keep it clean?
You promptly bent down to pick it back up. Your Ma raised you better than that.
"Where is she?" You asked, once again searching for any sign of the younger Carpenter girl.
"You don't see her?" He was teasing you. It was evident by the stupid, smug look on his ugly mug.
"She's 5 foot nothin’, no I don't see her," you argued back.
“Over there,” Alfie pointed, and you followed his finger as best as you could.
“Where are you pointing your crooked ass finger?” You asked.
“See Frankie?” He asked in frustration. As if it was your fault he had crooked, broken fingers. “She’s talkin’ to him.”
“Ah shit,” you mumbled when you spotted Frankie and, finally, Tara. “Take my cup.”
You didn’t wait for him to agree before shoving the cup into his arms and making your way through the crowded frat house. As much as you wanted to see Tara, you didn’t want to see her with fucking Frankie. No one was worse than that prick. You and Alfie were pricks too, but at least you both stayed respectful. Frankie just wanted to get his rocks off with whatever girl gave him the chance.
Unfortunately, it looked like Tara might be that girl.
He was standing a little too close for comfort by the time you finally shoved your way past everyone. That annoying little voice in your head reminded you that Tara wasn’t yours and you had no right to her. And that voice was correct! But that didn’t mean you were going to stand aside and let fucking Frankie get his greasy hands on her.
“Hey Frankie,” you said with an obnoxious smile and a painfully hard clap on his shoulder. “How ya doin’?”
“Hey,” he said without even looking at you.
“Hi Tara,” you said far softer and with a much more genuine smile. At least you hoped it was, you were starting to feel a bit of that vodka settling in.
Tara opened her mouth to answer before being cut off by Frankie. “Need something?”
Think of something good.
“Yeah, actually,” you said with a shrug, “but we might wanna talk in private.”
“Just tell me now, Street Rat,” he said quickly. “I’m busy.”
Think of something good.
“It’s just,” you sighed, “I wanna make sure you get yourself checked out, man.”
“For what?”
“I was just talking with Skye earlier and she said she got the clap,” you said with a shrug. “I know you two are fuck buddies so you should probably watch out.”
“You serious?” He asked, suddenly standing up and looking far more furious as he crushed his beer in his hand.
“I’m doin’ you a solid, man-”
“-you gonna say this shit in front of Carpenter?” He asked, now standing toe-to-toe with you. Admittedly you may have underestimated his reaction to such a ploy. Should’ve come up with something less good.
“Dude chill, I told you we should talk in private-”
“-didn’t tell me it was about the fucking clap.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be tryin’ to fuck every girl that looks at you.”
You heard the crack below your eye before you felt it, a painful punch spiderwebbing across your cheekbone and eye. Nothing you hadn’t felt before, but Frankie could pack a punch when needed. Tears instantly pricked at your eyes as you recaught your balance and stood up, trying to blink away the pain. And tears. And humiliation.
“Say it again, Street Rat,” Frankie said.
“Hey, that’s enough,” Tara tried to say, doing her best to stand in between the both of you. Not that it mattered, she was too short. It was pretty cute, actually. “Y/N, let’s go.”
Don’t say it.
“You’re a man whore, dude,” you said anyway. He clenched his jaw tighter. “A man whore with the clap.”
You moved Tara out of the way and braced yourself when Frankie lifted his fist again. Thankfully he had dropped the beer can; you could already feel something warm trickling down the side of your face. If he was going to hit you then he needed to do it like a man, not with a weapon. Pop always said only cowards used weapons against unarmed men.
Maybe you should have been a coward.
The punch never came. When you re-opened your eyes, you saw Alfie standing there in between the both of you, creating the buffer Tara had tried and failed to become. His back was to you but you could tell by the square set of his shoulders that he was tense. And pissed. Oh god, he was pissed.
“Go home, Frankie,” Alfie said in his heavy Bronx accent. Like most everyone in the family, it came out more when he was tense. Or angry. Oh, he was angry.
“Not until I get an apology,” Frankie said as he pointed to you. “To my face.”
“Not my fault you’re collectin’ STDs like they’re fuckin’ Pokemon, man,” you said back. Shut up!
“Come here-”
“-enough!” Alfie shouted, pushing you both back. Not that you needed the encouragement, your cheek was still throbbing from the first punch. “Get the fuck out, Frankie.”
“I’ll be back for you, Street Rat,” Frankie said with a finger pointed at you. Like the mature adult you were, you stuck your tongue out at him before giving him your best New Yorker smile.
“Now,” Alfie insinuated with a push on Frankie’s chest, guiding him to the front door.
With one more look at you, Frankie finally made his way out of the frat house, pushing past whoever was unfortunate enough to be in his way. He was barely out of sight before you felt a hard slap against your stomach, forcing you to double over. You felt like you were going to puke. Maybe you would.
“Quit startin’ fights, you moron,” Alfie said as he grabbed your shoulders and stood you up straight again. “I’m gettin’ real tired of defending your sorry ass.”
“Pop always said I was a slow learner,” you said, your own accent coming out just enough to irritate you. With a slight scowl, you focused harder on your words. “I’m sorry.”
“Better be,” he said with a sigh. Finally, he turned his head to look at Tara. “You good, doll?”
“I’m fine,” she said with a shrug.
“Be careful with Frankie,” he continued. “He’s a real prick.”
“He’s a-”
“-not a word from you,” Alfie interrupted you with another slap to the shoulder. “You started this whole mess.”
“Coulda finished it too if you gave me the chance,” you said, rubbing your now sore shoulder and still trying not to puke from the blow to the stomach. Maybe those fireball shots weren’t necessary.
“Would you mind taking our little menace upstairs and cleaning the blood off?” Alfie asked Tara. “I’d appreciate it.”
Tara looked at you at the suggestion, really looked at you. Just that one look from her was enough to have your heart beating out of your chest like a Loony Toons character. Oh what you wouldn’t give to have her look at you all the time, whether in malice or admiration or love. Just to have her eyes on you would be enough to leave you happy and content until the day you died.
“Fine,” she said with a sigh, reaching forward to grab your hand. “Let’s go.”
“Don’t test her,” Alfie whispered to you as Tara pulled you away.
You just wiggled your brows suggestively at him, to which he promptly threw his hands up in defeat.
Tara led you throughout the frat house as if she had lived there her entire life. It was almost amusing to see someone so small moving through the crowd without any trouble, as if people knew there was a child among them and they needed to make sure not to step on it. Wait, maybe you shouldn’t be comparing her to a child. But, come on, she was small enough.
By the time you both managed to stumble up the two flights of stairs to the third floor, you were very much starting to feel the alcohol and the bruise that was blooming across your cheek. It was going to smart, that was for sure. Tara pushed you into Alfie’s room - by pure coincidence, surely - and shut the door behind her, locking it promptly.
“You’re a prick,” she said the moment she turned back around to look at you.
“I was protectin’ you,” you said, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly to ease the accent. “Frankie’s a prick and you know it.”
“I didn’t need protecting,” she groaned. “I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“You wanna get the clap, be my guest,” you said with a shrug.
“Does he really have it?” Tara asked doubtfully.
You closed your mouth and looked off at Alfie’s closet. If you didn’t look at her, maybe she wouldn’t force you to answer. Even with the music pounding through the walls, you heard her sigh. You shouldn’t have lied, that annoying little voice in your head said. Sometimes you hated your subconscious; it was usually right.
Tara’s hand gripping your jaw made you flinch, which then made the throbbing in your cheek resume once again. Say what you wanted about Frankie, but he could pack a punch. Probably would’ve been better to just leave him be. But then Tara pulled your chin to face her, and you were instantly reassured that no, you absolutely should’ve gotten him to leave.
“He cut your cheek,” she said as her eyes left yours to look at the wounds that adorned your face. “Have anything to clean it with?”
“Here,” you said, leaning back just enough to pull your shirt over your head. Tara’s eyes went wide before she did her best to look anywhere but at you.
“Please put your shirt back on,” she said, still not looking at you.
“It’s got vodka on it anyway,” you said as you shoved the shirt into her hands. “Nature’s disinfectant.”
“It-,” she turned to look at you incredulously. “Are you stupid?”
“Depends on who’s asking,” you said with a grin. “Just clean it already, I’m braced.”
Tara shook her head slowly, but grabbed your jaw once again to hold you still. Her hand was soft; incredibly soft, actually. Depending on how she held you, you could almost see that scar of hers. An angry pink that looked like it didn’t really want to finish healing. She probably needed to put some cream on it, maybe you could ask your Ma for a bit of advice.
You hissed when she dabbed the vodka drenched shirt on your cheek. Oh, now you remembered why it wasn’t a good idea. It got the job done, sure, but it hurt like a sonofabitch. But you squared your shoulders and stayed still until she was done dabbing it. Even though it seemed like she was cleaning it a little more forcefully than necessary.
“Does Frankie actually have the clap?” Tara asked again while she finished up.
“Have you slept with him?” You asked in return. She gave you a frown before looking back at your cheek.
“Then yes he does,” you said with a nod. “Plus a few others, he’s like a breeding ground for ‘em.”
“You’re disgusting,” she sighed before straightening up.
“Listen, if you wanted to get laid tonight, you could’ve always asked me,” you said with a shrug. You hoped it came off as nonchalant, even though you were totally chalant about it. Was that even a word?
“What makes you think I would want to sleep with you?” Tara asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. It didn’t distract you from noticing the slightest flush to her cheeks.
“Because you think I’m sexy,” you said in a sing-songy voice, “and you wanna kiss me.”
“Anyone ever told you you’re annoying?” She asked.
She did not, however, stop you from reaching out to grab her by the hips and pull her until she was standing between your legs. Even when you were sitting she was barely taller than you. Her arms uncrossed so she could rest her hands on your bare shoulders, causing you to shiver lightly. You were going to blame it on the alcohol.
“You can call me whatever you want,” you said, your eyes darting down to look at her lips. “As long as you call me.”
“This is only because I’m drunk,” Tara said, her own eyes looking at your lips. Bingo.
“Of course,” you said as your thumbs slipped under her shirt and rubbed her hips lightly.
“And if you tell anyone, I’ll kill you,” she continued.
“Naturally," you agree.
The alcohol coursed through you, leaving a heat in its wake. But it was nothing compared to the inferno you felt in your core when Tara practically surged forward to kiss you. She wasted no time parting her lips for you, letting you taste every inch of her. She tasted of cheap beer and lemonade; surprisingly unsurprising.
"Were you smoking?" She asked as she pulled away; you chased her, leaving a trail of kisses across her jaw. "You smell like smoke."
"Which answer gets me laid?" You asked between kisses.
"You're insufferable," she groaned.
She pushed against your shoulders until you fell back against the bed. Almost instantly, she climbed on top of you, straddling your stomach and placing her hands on your ribs. Her nails were short, but still long enough to scratch your skin lightly, sending another shiver through your body. It was a nice feeling. Painfully nice.
“Don’t try to romance me,” Tara said as she looked down at you; her pupils were blown and she looked absolutely beautiful.
“Just a fuck?” You clarified.
“A quick one,” she said with a nod.
“Clothes off?” You asked.
“On,” she corrected.
“Yes ma’am,” you said quickly before letting your hands push under her shirt, nails lightly scratching across her skin until you felt the underwire of her bra.
You waited, watching her to make sure she consented. The alcohol may have been clouding your judgment ever so slightly, but you weren’t Frankie. When Tara looked at you and nodded, you wasted no time in pushing her bra above her breasts. The moment your knuckles brushed against her nipples, her head slowly fell back and she exhaled sharply through her nose.
That inferno in your core only grew hotter when you rolled her nipple between your thumb and forefinger and her hips stuttered against your stomach. Oh it was a beautiful sight, to see Tara lose even the slightest bit of her composure from such a small gesture. You did it again and had to bite your lip to keep yourself from groaning at the movement of her hips.
“Don’t tease,” she said breathlessly, her nails digging deeper into your ribs. A stunning sting that you hoped would leave marks.
“As you wish,” you said in reply.
One of your hands stayed right where it was, brushing lightly against her nipple just to see her shiver. Your other hand moved down, unbuttoning her jeans with surprising ease that you blamed on nothing more than the alcohol. With nothing else in your way, you effortlessly slipped your hand under the waistband of her underwear, letting out a humiliating moan when you felt just how wet she was.
“Jesus, Tara,” you said breathlessly as you ran your fingers through her folds before stopping on her clit.
“Just shut up,” she said between clenched teeth.
It was an uncomfortable position for your hand to be in, though you wouldn’t change it for the world. Your wrist was at an awkward angle, you couldn’t do much, and there wasn’t much room to move. But that didn’t mean much when Tara was doing most of the work for you, rutting her hips against your hand as if you were good for one thing and one thing only.
“Don’t move,” she gasped, confirming your suspicions. You didn’t really care.
“Fuck,” you groaned as you watched her move, her nails finally splitting your skin ever so slightly. It wouldn’t bleed, but there would be red marks for the next few days. 
Even though Tara wasn’t touching you, there was something satisfying about watching her get herself off on your fingers. Seeing her eyes squeeze shut and her mouth fall open when she hit just the right spot. Feeling how wet she was and how effortlessly she could rut against your fingers. No shame, no regrets, just the pleasure of the moment.
God it was hot.
You watched her as she came, her hips stuttering, giving you the opportunity to finally help out and rub tight circles on her clit. Just enough to sustain her orgasm for a few seconds more. She exhaled sharply and leaned forward on her hands, pushing deeper into your ribs. It made it a little harder to breathe, but when Tara Carpenter was the cause? Well, you would be happy to just suffocate under her touch.
“God you’re hot,” you said softly, not even sure if she would hear you or not. That was okay; it wasn’t the point.
Her eyes finally opened as she caught some semblance of control over her breathing again. The beautiful brown of her eyes was taken over by her dark pupils, and for a moment, she almost looked like she was smiling down at you. Maybe she was, you certainly wouldn’t bring it up to her. Not at that moment, anyway. But then she blinked a few times and shook her head before removing her weight from her hands, unburdening you from suffocation.
“I suppose you’re not entirely insufferable,” she said as she slowly pushed herself off of you, being a little extra careful as she buttoned her pants.
“You’re gonna leave me high and dry, aren’t you?” You asked when she tossed your shirt back in your face.
“You never clarified you wanted to get laid,” she said with a smirk before walking to the door and leaving the room.
You fell back onto the bed and sighed loudly. Your head was thumping with your pre-hangover migraine, your cheek was still sore, and you had a serious case of blue balls. But the mental image of Tara getting herself off on your hand… well, you supposed that would suffice.
For now.
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dazeddoodles · 4 months
I headcanon Raine is Latino, specifically Mexican
They have two moms named Skye and Aria, and they are an only child
Their voice actor once said they see Raine identifying as Transmasc and that their love language is touch and I agree
I think they're either a Lesbian or just identity as Queer with no specific label. But they have a preference towards women, and are only really attracted to feminine presenting men.
They've always loved musicals and they're the reason Eda got into RATTs.
Without heels they're about 5'6 and they started wearing heels at a young age to appear taller.
When they were younger they would always go out of their way to try seem tough because as a Bard they are constantly underestimated.
They hated how their voice sounded when they were younger because of how cute it was, they wanted their voice to sound deeper and more intimidating (Avi referred to the voice they do for Raine as their "Testosterone voice" and "Like a second puberty")
They were a very good student. At their old school they used to stay out of trouble and mostly keep to themselves. The other students found them weird.
When they met Eda it was like a breath of fresh air from the private school kids they're used to. They very much had a "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go apeshit?" moment.
They've calm down a fair bit as they got older, though only to keep a proper respectable image. After the RATS play that gave them stage fright, they care more about drawing attention and became more reserved because of it.
Around Eda they can still be themselves because they know she would never judge them.
When they were younger they used to swear a lot (to try to sound intimidating) but as an adult they try not to swear in public (unless they're drunk and they lose their filter). Though sometimes they accidentally let one slip.
As teenager they were small and scrawny. As an adult they're a bit muscular and also a little bit chubby, mostly on their thighs and stomach. Which is why they ALWAYS wear a belt around their waist.
They're a HUGE romantic and it makes Eda melt.
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Renegades: The Thin-Mint Job
Ring Ring!
Guard: *Walks up to the front gate of the business compound.* What do you want?
Jaune: *Wearing casual clothing and pulling a red wagon filled with girl scout cookies* Hi there! My little sister is with the Valiant Voyagers, and she would like to ask you a question.
Neo: *Shyly peaks from behind Jaune, with blonde hair and blue eyes matching her “brother”.*
Jaune: Come on Skye, just like we practiced.
Neo: *Steps out in a Girl Scout uniform, holding a poster board.* (Would you like to buy some Voyager Cookies Sir and/or Ma’am?)
Guard: Sorry, this business doesn’t accept door to door sales.
Jaune: Even if it’s for a good cause? You see, the Valiant Voyagers are raising funds for research in congenital heart disease!
Neo: *Flips poster board* (Raising Funds for the Happy Heart Foundation)
Guard: Listen, I’m all for charity, but the boss has a clear policy-
Jaune: Are you sure sir? This charity really means a lot to my sister, you see, *leans in and whispers* She was born with arrhythmia. She's constantly in and out of hospitals.
Neo: *Flips board* ( This donation will help my heart grow big and strong like yours one day.)
Guard: *Sweat drop* J-jeez, I’m sorry to hear that, but I really can’t-
Neo: *Pulls on Jaune’s sleeve with puppy dog eyes, and starts using sign language* (Hey, after we trick this sucker into buying these cookies, you want to go get some milkshakes after this?)
Jaune: *Kneels down to her with a heartfelt expression and starts signing back* I don’t think so, Skye, but don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll sell enough to get you that surgery. (I think I saw a Mister Milkshakes on the way here we can stop at.)
Guard; *Starts holding back sobs* L-Let me go ask the boss.
Neo: *Flips the board* (Tell him it’s $1,000 for 200 boxes.)
Jaune/Neo: *Sitting at Mister Milkshakes after giving the boss the whole same routine again, $1,500 richer.*
Jaune: 300 boxes for the whole building. *Chuckles* Killer touch with the puppy dog eyes, Neo.
Neo: Sipping her milkshake and conjures subtitles Excellent guilt trip with the congenital heart disease. You’ve learned well, you little crook. *Winks*
Jaune: I learn from the best. *Wink* Now all we have to do is wait for enough of the guards and staff to get knocked out by the laced cookies, have Cinder and Adam break in and steal that intel, then anonymously drop it off at the police station.
Neo: *Looks confused then hand signs* (Knocked out? Was I supposed to get roofies or something?)
Jaune: Or whatever other kind of tranquilizers… Wait, what did you think to get for the cookies?
Neo: *Awkwardly sips from her milkshake*
Cinder/Adam/Jaune/Neo: *All in Adam’s truck on the way to the police station as several ambulances drive by on the way to the office compound they were just heisting, sitting in awkward silence.*
Cinder: *Staring out the passenger window looking absolutely embarrassed *
Adam: *Driving, looking unbelievably pissed*
Neo: *Looking perturbed because everyone was on her ass again*
Jaune: … Was it bad?
Cinder: It was horrible… I’ve never seen anything like it before.
Adam: We tell you to get pills to take out the staff and you decide laxatives are the best thing for the job?! ARE YOU FIVE?!
Neo: *Hand signs some expletives towards Adam*
Jaune: I’m not repeating that.
Cinder: The restrooms were a disaster… The way they went at each other to get to the stalls was like rats on a sinking ship.
Adam: *Snarls* Do you know how good a bull’s smell is? They can smell up to six miles, Neo! I can still smell them from here!!
Neo: *Conjures subtitles on the dash* Well it still worked didn’t it?! You got the intel without anyone trying to stop you!
Cinder: Not a single one of them raised a hand to stop us, some of them even begged us to put them out of their misery. There probably wasn’t a single office plant that went unsoiled in that building.
Adam: GODDAMNIT I think it’s on my boot!! *Smacks steering wheel in rage*
Jaune: *Face in hands from guilt for suggesting cookies*
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skye707 · 1 year
Heya Skye! Have some bread, ya deserve and need it 🍞 !!
Also, I’ve got a question. What do each of the Riddler’s think of the (not so) good doctor Crane?
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I'm so glad that people are on board with the spook train as well as the Riddlemobile.
(and I am going to town on that bread. I am a fiend for bread.)
Unburied - Legitimately scared of Dr. Crane. Will not interact with him under any circumstances. Would never admit it, but sometimes he has nightmares concerning dear old Jonny.
ZY - It's kind of like the interaction that happens when you put the nerd and the slacker together for a group project. ZY has the charisma to get the conversation going, and Crane is doing the actual heavy lifting. Not ZY's first choice of company, but when it comes to friends, he'll take what he can get.
Dano - This can go one of two ways: "this guy is scary. I like it :)" or "holy fuck what the fuck is wrong with this guy". Someone he can't use scare tactics and hysterical panic on to do his bidding? Either his new best friend or his new biggest threat.
YJ - He would try to be friends, but soon realizes that this guy is in a whole other league of villainy. Being an international cyber threat and criminal is cool, but this guy uses biochemistry to scare people? to death?? YIKES!
Gotham - What the kid? The scarecrow kid from that one bizarre case in his GCPD days? Don't make him laugh. As if he'd be scared of a teenager with a sack over his head. Nothing the Riddler can't handle.
BTAA - They have a working relationship and that's it. If you think he's getting cozy with that sadistic S.O.B. you must have a few screws loose. Not that he couldn't deal with him! He is the artist of crime after all, but Crane doesn't have the same respect for the arts as Eddie Nygma. (Please don't tell him he said that)
Arkham - One of the only people he gets along with. That might be due to Jonathan's saintly patience with him, but it works. Meetings and conversations are quick and to the point, but when your usual company consists of rats and opossums you aren't picky.
BTAS - I don't care if the two of them never interact in the show, they are best friends. This is the strongest iteration of the dork squad in my opinion and I will die on this hill. Just two nerds (and Jervis of course) who are sick and tired of stupid people. Get up to the best capers.
Telltale - Over time, his view of Crane has changed. At first, he didn't see Jonathan as anything more than a fanatical ex-scientist. Now as they have both grown older, they have a mutual understanding with one another. Just two very old men trying to win one more time.
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thedamnlesbian · 2 months
The pairings for Double's final game :)
Double's final game involves violence. Two agents are pinned against each other, whoever wins proves that they are worthy of glory.
Phoenix vs Yoru
Phoenix and Yoru's pairing is an attempt to one up each other. Double roped them into this due to their competitive natures, especially towards each other.
Phoenix is the one Double likes to push around because he's reckless and will do anything out of spite to prove someone wrong.
Yoru on the other hand has to constantly deal with an angry, spite filled Phoenix.
Jett vs Neon
Jett and Neon is a competition of who is faster.
At first the little rivallry was a joke, but now that it's the condition of winning they take it seriously.
Double encourages Neon to feel all of her emotions, to lose control. Is it dangerous? Yes. However it will help you win. Being unpredictable will give you an advantage against your opponent.
Sage vs Viper
Sage and Viper is a game of cat and mouse.
Sage does not want to fight, however Viper dragged her into the game due to her rage. Sage will only fight Viper if she has to, for now she is in hiding.
Clove vs Astra
Clove never took the game seriously. They can't die, so what can Astra do against them?
Astra is using the time in the game to experiment and figure out how Clove's immortality works. She doesn't nessecarily hate Clove, however she doesn't believe that the immortality thing will work out well for anyone.
Deadlock vs Gekko
Although they made amends, Double still pokes at Deadlock's trauma, about how Gekko was able to save his crew but she failed at saving her sisters and a man who couldn't fend for himself.
Gekko doesn't want to fight, he's confused by the situation, but he's ultimately forced into it.
KAY/O vs Reyna
The tension between Kayo and Reyna is obvious, you don't need someone as emotionally intelligent as Double to figure it out.
Double takes advantage of this tension, pinning the two against each other.
Their game is very heated, constantly hunting each other down. Reyna is blinded by the adreneline of it, while Kayo is back to his old code of extermination.
Cypher vs Breach
A game of cat and mouse, Cypher is constantly trying to use his wit and skill against Breach's recklessness.
When Double told Breach he could choose an opponent to face off against, Breach thought of the person who has little to no physical strength, Cypher. However, due to Cypher's intelligence, he is not so easily defeated. But because of this Breach just has more motivation to find that rat.
Iso vs Omen
Ah Iso. Double knows him too well. She knows all about the scions of hourglass, and more about his missions. This'll be easy.
After poking at Omen some more and triggering their anger, this is too easy.
Sova vs Fade
Sova doesn't usually want people dead, however Fade was an exception.
After planting the idea that Fade would backstab the protocol any second now in Sova's head, he jumped to stop her. Little does he know that it's all part of the plan.
Brimstone, Harbor, Chamber, Skye, Raze and Killjoy aren't on this list because 1. couldn't think of pairings, 2. I don't see them getting caught up in the game.
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apanwithnoplan · 1 year
The Valorant Agents as Animals
Brimstone - Golden retreaver
Viper - King Cobra/ Viper
Omen - Black Cat
Killjoy - Rat/Mouse
Cypher - Calico Cat
Sova - Snowy Owl
Sage - Red panda/ Giant panda
Jett - Bunny
Pheonix - Pheonix/Tabby cat
Reyna - Jaguar
Raze - Parrot
Breach - Pug
Skye - Hawk
Yoru - Koi Fish
Astra - Axolotol
Kay/o - Computer mouse
Chamber - Bulldog
Neon - Porcupine
Fade - Black Cat
Harbor - Axolotol
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luci-j · 4 months
Hello! I love your GotG OCs and I was wondering if you could share some Laroshi and/or Farina lore/headcanons? Or even about canon characters! I'm just curious about your hcs, haha
Soooo happy that you started the new installement of your trilogy fic *-*
Hi!! Oh my goodness, thank you! I can put the ladies' ones here but if you or anyone are curious about more, I'm happy to answer!!!
- Loves some of the traditionally "less cute" animals the clinic gets in. Rats? Precious. Bats? So cool, they're rats that can FLY. That sharp-toothed thing with the fur? Would TOTALLY adopt if she could
- A little more of a quiet kid who read animal facts, facts about the universe. Got embarrassed for info dumping more than once, so stopped talking about it. One of the things she appreciates most about Nebula is that Nebula is a good listener to her, and can tell her surprisingly gently when they need to switch topics
- Also a bit of a star geek. Used to watch them from the balcony of her home when she was a kid. Also did this when she was with a bad ex and needed to get away for a bit.
- Unfortunately there's been more than one bad ex. She's learned to assert herself better though, and having her wife and the nursing staff there to back her up has been a huge help in this.
- She lets Nebula braid her hair! Nebula likes the novelty of it, and Farina likes the attention.
- Gamora still doesn't quiet get how jet dynamic works with Nebula, but loves the genuine smile Nebula has when she's with Farina.
- Really big on making sure Nebula feels included in things, and respects when she doesn't want to do something.
- Very much the "I'm not angry, just disappointed" type if fighting with Nebula. Nebula had one old-school tantrum during an argument between them, once, saw how shaken it left Farina, and vowed to be better after that. And she was.
- They've done more than one vacation to theme parks together. Everyone thinks it's Farina pulling Nebula along, but it's quite the opposite. Farina is a little more of a homebody, but loves her wife getting to experience the childhood she SHOULD have had. She's been terrified of every roller coaster she's ever been on, but her wife's maniacal laughter is just SO flipping cute.
- Big into pop music. Would play Harry Styles all day if she could.
- Identifies as a lesbian! She knew in grade school when she'd get WAY too emotional about friendships.
Now time for some Laroshi ones!
- The mom friend from a young age. Hosa and Meti were such airheads, somebody had to stop them from falling off a cliff. 🙄
- Loves numbers because they make sense! Whether it's cooking, working on alloy materials from her forge, or money, she's quite good with it all. She never really had an opportunity to spread her math wings on Fauntera, but can on Knowhere. Is the accountant for the Guardians.
- Has gotten them enough extra money they were due over the years that combined it could have bought another Knowhere.
- Comes from a large family. She had seven siblings, all who reached adulthood, got married, and had children of their own. This stung a little bit as she always wanted to be a mom and wife. It just didn't happen, though.
- Unable to have children biologically due to an illness she contracted on Fauntera during the uprising. This is why she was unable to reunite with Meti initially.
- Meti quietly offered to give her the money to have a baby like how he had Skye, and to pull strings to get her to the front of the lind. She would have taken him up on this, but she and Kraglin were too far apart genetically to have one together, so it just wasn't worth it to her. Her prayers were still answered, though, with Benji.
- She helped give Benji a Spider-Man-themed bar mitzvah without knowing what a bar mitzvah was or what a Spider-Man was.
- Practiced calling herself "Laroshi Geer" way too much as a kid. Would have had binders with their initials in hearts if she could have.
- Marrying Kraglin is literally the first spontaneous thing she's done in her life. She immediately fell for his kindness. She also loves that he isn't as proper as she felt she had to make herself be in order to help guide and protect her people, or to find a spouse.
- Loves going to bars with him. He gets her to loosen up like she's always wanted to, but never knew where to start.
- She, in turn, respects him from the get-go. He's never had to prove himself to her.
- She collaborates with Rocket a lot on creating things! She created all his mobility aides during his surgeries, so that they'd be portable for him, and has helped him mod some weapons.
- Loves jewelry making for herself. Kraglin brings her gems from planets, she turns it into bracelets, necklaces, etc for herself. Her favorite is a necklace with a gem that matches his eyes, and she wears this a lot when he's on missions.
- Big into punk rock.
- Is the neighborhood mom now. If there's a kid who needs something, they know they can go to her forge and she'll try to help.
- Learned English for her adopted son. It wasn't easy, but she loves Benji that much.
- She loves making knickknacks for the house. Yondu would have taken a shine to her.
- Intensely proud of her husband. Faunterians can be a little bit of a haughty bunch, so she brags about him a LOT. Kraglin doesn't get it, but he also doesn't mind.
- They don't get in blowup fights, but he knows she's annoyed with him if dinner is cold. She knows he's upset with her if he seems quieter and mutters about needing to look at something around the house.
- Has an iffy understanding of genders and sexualities, but is incredibly supportive. Most likely identifies as cis and hetero.
- Some of their favorite things to do as a couple is visit the beach, go to the farmers market, and making upgrades to their weapons. Ya know. Couples things!
Omggggg that was so much fun! Thank you for this request!! If anyone has any others, characters or otherwise, please feel free to throw them my way! Will probably also be doing more on my own since I LOVED this. Holy cow.
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