#sledge x oc
malarkgirlypop · 7 months
Lemonade Chapter 2 (Eugene Sledge x Fem!OC)
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I forgot about this story TBH, I got stuck, I think I need to re-watch the pacific again to get my brain going again. Also the other chapter I posted didn't get much interaction so I thought I would put it on hold cause I didn't think anyone would notice ahaha.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @xxluckystrike, @panzershrike-pretz (sorry if you didn't want to be tagged in this, let me know if you want off.)
“Something sweet?” I asked, holding out another cup. The men who passed us looked terrible. Gaunt, dirty and detached. The other nurses around me spoke to the men, welcoming them back from their mission. Most of them men smiled back, some even flirted. I tried my best not to cringe at their emaciated bodies, or injuries. My heart hurt, I had no clue what these men had seen but judging from their faces they would never forget. Our bright white uniforms looked pristine to the grime covered marines, we seemed out of place. Sticking out like sore thumbs. But the General decided it would be a good pick-me-up for the soldiers returning from their awful battles. 
“Hi, welcome back.” I said warmly to the marine who had stopped in front of me, handing him a drink. The man stood still, not moving to take the cup from my hand. I smiled trying to think of what else to say, “It’s good to see you.” Still the man stood staring directly into my eyes, glaring. My smile dropped, as I gulped. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him. The marine who had been in charge of the stand told the man to move on, even then he didn’t flinch. 
“Why are you here?” He requested. The other nurses around me had stilled. We had been told to be weary, that the men that we knew before they were shipped away were not the same. Some had become more violent, easily provoked. Like they were wild bulls and we had to be careful not to spook them. They were unpredictable.   
“I’m here to serve my country.” I replied to the man, “Same as you.” His intense stare pinned me to the ground. He scoffed, taking the cup from my hand and tipping it back, then throwing it to the floor. He marched away not looking back. I let the breath I had been holding out, Ellie nudging me to get back to work. I plastered another bright smile to my face and continued to hand out drinks to the men. But for the rest of the day the man's eyes were burned into the back of my mind.
“That guy was scary.” Mary said to me as we packed up the stand we had been serving the drinks at. 
“Mary, don't say that! You don’t know what he has been through.” I scolded her, feeling bad that in the moment I was also scared. 
“Girl’s stop chit-chatting and let's go, we have things we need to do.” Ellie said as she folded the table cloth we were using. I picked up the table, folding the legs back underneath to make it easier for me to carry. 
“Hazel that table goes in the far storage tent, once you are done come meet us in the mess for dinner.” Ellie said as the rest of the nurses gathered the equipment we were using to take it back to the kitchen. I gave a sharp nod heading in the opposite direction to everyone else. I made my way through the camp, saying polite hellos to the men I passed. Some of them offered to help me carry the table to which I refused, “No it’s ok I got it.” I smiled at the marine who looked concerned, “Are you sure, isn’t that heavy?” He asked, looking at the table I held to my side. 
“Really it’s fine!” I said moving forward, the table was getting more heavy the amount of times I had to stop, they were making my trip take longer. I moved faster through the camp, stopping a couple of times to readjust my grip. Finally making it to the storage tent, I placed the table down where there was space, not caring much if that was its actual position. I shook out my tired arms. Wiggling my fingers to get the blood moving again. I wiped my brow with the back of my arm, “God it’s hot.” I muttered, fanning myself with my hands. I don’t think I have been this hot in my life, the weather here is so humid it’s like walking into a sauna. It almost feels like you’re being suffocated by the heat, it’s so thick. I finally convinced myself to walk back into the hot sun. I make my way to the mess. I can see now why all of the men barely wear any clothes. All of their uniform sleeves have been torn off to be short, some of the men walk around without any tops on. I wish I could do that, these dresses that they have us in are tight and thick. They are also white which is so impractical when we are dealing with all bodily fluids and they want us to keep them clean. Plus the amount I am sweating and the dirt and grime on my skin from having minimal access to showers really doesn’t help. I arrive at the mess to sit down with the girls before we have to move on to help in the infirmary. I push around the food on my plate, the heat for some reason doesn’t make me hungry and the thought of having a full stomach in this swelter makes me feel uncomfortable. 
“What? Are you not hungry?” Mary asks from beside me as she loads her fork with food. I shake my head pushing my tray towards her. She shakes her head.
“No, I'm about full myself.” She says also pushing her plate away. We sit and chat waiting for the rest of the girls to be done. We have to eat early so that the marines can come in and have dinner altogether and while they are doing that we help out in the infirmary.
I walk down the sandy path to the tent that has the injured and sick men. Mary walks beside me rubbing her stomach with a pained expression on her face. 
“Are you alright?” I ask her. Peering over at her, she looks pale and sweaty. 
“No, I think I ate too much.” She groans, looking ill. I pull her to the side of the path and let the nurses who follow behind us pass. I rest the back of my hand on her forehead, she’s sticky and hot. She’s a lot warmer than me though as I test my forehead heat against hers. A sheen of sweat covers her face, her appearance is pallor. 
“Girls hurry up!” Ellie calls from ahead of us. 
“Do you want me to take you back to your tent?” I queried as Mary took a deep breath shaking her head. “Are you sure? You don’t look well?” I asked again to be certain. 
“I’ll be fine, I just need to get out of this heat.” Mary replied weakly. I took her arm and dragged her along to catch up with the group. We stopped outside the tent, as Ellie went inside to speak to the doctor. 
“They are ready for us, Dr. Alpin will tell you what he needs you to do.” We followed Ellie inside the tent after she had given us the brief. The pungent smell of infection filled the warm air inside the tent. I did my best to breathe through my mouth, trying not to inhale through my nose so the smell wasn’t as strong. I heard Mary retch beside me. Ellie was quick to turn around at the noise. Mary had tried to straighten herself, but she couldn’t hold her gagging. 
“Hazel sort her out, we don’t need her puking on the men.” Ellie scolded, flicking her hand in our direction to shoo us away. I took Mary by her elbow leading her out of the tent. Only making it a couple of steps before she was hunched over and puking onto the ground. I rubbed small circles on her back as she got the remaining food out of her stomach. We made it back to the tent as I let her rest on the cot, I gave her water, and a wet towel to place on her head. 
“You rest up, drink water. I’ll be back soon.” I promised her and she weakly shook her head, her eyes still closed. I dipped out of the tent and went back to the infirmary. 
“Hazel how is she?” Ellie asked as I stood beside her. 
“She’s fine I gave her water, I’m sure she just needs to be out of the heat. She may have heat exhaustion. I will keep an eye on her tonight.” I reported back to the more senior nurse who gave a curt nod at my explanation. 
I was given the task of wound cleaning. I went around to the men who had big open skin lesions. They looked miserable as I washed their wounds with water and covered them the best I could with the little supplies I was given. I did my best at small talk while still focussing on the task at hand. It’s hard work but I like it, getting to help people is my calling apparently.  
After a long evening the girls meander back to their tents ready to get some rest after the big day. I check on Mary who snores softly in her cot, I rewet the cloth and place it back on her forehead. I slump down on my own bed, my heavy lids struggling to stay open. 
My eyes flutter open to the sound of chatter and movement. I yawn and stretch out my limbs. Getting into my uniform for the day. I nudge Mary awake. 
“How do you feel?” I ask her as she sits up looking dazed. 
“I had the weirdest dream, but other than that I feel better.” She smiles getting up and pulling on her clothes. I take my toothbrush outside to clean my teeth outside the tent. I sit on a fallen tree and brush my teeth, Mary joins me. 
“Hazel!” I heard being yelled across the camp. I look around to see who called my name. Ellie strides into view. I groan internally, I like Ellie. She is fair, but she likes me too. That means when she needs a job done she comes to me, she trusts I can get it done. 
“Yes?” I ask shielding my eyes from the bright sun to see her. 
“Can you grab the table again from the storage tent?” Ellie requested. I nodded my head standing from my position to put my toothbrush away before doing the task. 
I head down to the tent making my way quickly. I look down at the floor to ensure I don’t trip and also so I don’t get stopped to talk to by the passing marines. 
“Nurse! Nurse!” I hear being yelled, I lift my head to where the voice came from. A young man stands outside of his tent. He beckons me over with his hand. 
“Yes?” I say to the man. He is taller than me, dark thick curly hair and wide blue eyes. He grins at me as I approach. 
“Can you help me?” He asks in a thick southern accent. I look into the tent behind. I see the figure of another man inside. He moves inside the tent before I can answer him, he holds the flap open for me to follow. 
“I’m not supposed to go inside your tent, Sir.” I admitted. He only grins wider. 
“Oh we don’t bite, Miss.” He teases. I sigh, following him into the tent. I can make this quick, then no one will need to know. I can get the table and arrive back like nothing happened. 
“Now tell me, what is your name?” He inquires. I give him a confused look, wasn’t this an urgent request or did he only do this to bring me into the tent. I stiffen my stance. 
“Hazel Evans, Sir.” I replied politely. He chuckles at me. I shift wearily under his gaze. 
“I’m Snafu, but enough with the pleasantries. I need your help.” He changes the conversation, becoming more serious. 
“How can I help you?” I ask, scanning his body he has no apparent injuries or wounds. 
“Do my eyes look yellow?” He asks moving closer, widening his eyes for me to see. He leans forward, his breath tickling my face. I stare into his large eyes, his sclera appearing normal in colour. I raise my hand pulling down his lower lid to see the interior. The skin appears pink with healthy blood vessels. 
“They look fine Snafu, nothing to be worried about.” I smile at the man reassuringly patting him on his shoulder. 
“I told him that!” A voice comes from behind me, I turn to look at who spoke. My eyes go wide when they land on the tall man. His brown eyes locked onto mine, just like they did at the lemonade stand. I instinctively take a step back stunned. Snafu’s hands rest on my shoulders from behind me. He chuckles lowly hovering by my head. 
“Did Sledge frighten you?” He asks, looking from me to Sledge. I sober myself, shaking my head. I step out of Snafu’s space, my heart rate still beating fast. A tightness grows in my chest as Sledge continues to stare at me with the same angry eyes. His jaw tight, posture ridgid. I slip back on a smile. 
“No, I just didn’t hear him behind me.” I lie. “Hi, my name is Hazel.” I say extending my hand to Sledge. He glances down at my hand and then back up to me. 
“I heard.” He says shortly, not taking my extended hand. I clear my throat dropping my arm back to my side. I give a sheepish grin as my stomach knots. I need to find an excuse to leave. This Sledge guy doesn’t seem to like me very much. If looks could kill, I would've been dead yesterday and today. I gulp, finding it hard to tear my eyes away from him. My eyes scan over his face taking him in. His soft white skin now marred with dirt and cuts, his angled jaw set with anger, his brows knitted together as he stares back at me. I wonder what he sees? I don’t have any makeup on, my thick brown hair is pulled back off my face into a neat bun as the nurses cap I wear is pinned to my head. My white uniform stands out against their dirty pants and topless torsos. I break eye contact first, turning to speak to Snafu who still stands behind me. 
“I have to go, but if you need anything you can always go to the medical tent.” I smile making my way for the exit. 
“Why would I go to the medical tent, when I know you Hazel.” He gives me a cheeky smile, as I give him a laugh, “I’ll come find you.” He winks at me. I turn to leave my eyes catching Sledge’s again, he still stares at me with caution.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 6 months
OC Masterlist
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Band of Brothers
Valerie Harmon - Once a bright-eyed university student, fascinated by all things art history, Valerie's life in France is thrown into chaos by the Nazi invasion, severing her from her family back in Vermont. A chance encounter with an Easy Company Captain reignites previously forgotten hopes of ever seeing home again, but even this is not without its trials.
Camille Whitney - Following the death of her youngest brother on the Western Front, Camille puts her nurse training to use and accompanies Easy Company on their journey through Europe. Utterly family-oriented, she finds new brothers in the men around her, but none could replace the one she has lost.
Faye Warren - An aspiring journalist, driven by the legacy of her father, Faye finds frustration in her line of work, constrained by the expectations thrust upon female writers. In a last act of desperation, she chases a story all the way from London to Nazi-occupied France, hoping to find an opportunity amongst the men of Easy Company.
The Pacific
Anna March - After her family is rocked by horrendous tragedy, Anna finds herself permanently changed by the time her childhood friend, Eugene Sledge, returns from war. Both irrevocably scarred by the events of the last few years, they must come to terms with the new people before them whilst still struggling with old, long buried feelings.
SAS: Rogue Heroes
Diana Fayed - Adopted out of poverty by an infamous army general, Diana’s whole life has revolved around proving her worth and becoming the soldier her father believes she can be. Overlooked and dismissed by her superiors, she finally finds a place among the unruly ranks of the newly formed L Detachment, a group that will prove to be her biggest challenge yet.
Masters of The Air
Frances 'Frankie' Bevan - A qualified aircraft mechanic and member of the WAAF, Frankie has spent her entire youth fascinated by all things mechanical. Her latest posting at Thorpe Abbotts promises to be no different from her previous jobs at first, but the 100th Bomb Group are nothing like the RAF pilots she's used to, and Frankie's about to learn that the pain of war will find you no matter where you are.
Georgina 'George' Aarons - Frankie's best friend and a telegraph operator at Thorpe Abbotts, George's budding romance with the pilot Curtis Biddick was only ever going to end in tragedy.
Susie Lamb - A Captain and driver in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, Susie has a reputation for being perhaps the most disliked woman in all of Thorpe Abbotts. However, as the sixth of eight children from a near-impoverished family, it becomes alarmingly clear that the answers to her present lay in her past, and she's not quite the woman everyone thinks she is.
Gwen Dastrup - Chicago native and daughter to Danish immigrants, Gwen's dreams of becoming a published historian are dashed by the breakout of war, and she volunteers with the Red Cross, becoming a clubmobile girl at Thorpe Abbotts. But when she catches the attention of John Brady and RAF Captain Michael Fenton, she is torn between choosing the man she loves and the easiest route to achieving the career she's always aspired to.
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juniperss · 2 months
Songs from Musicals that remind me of my original HBO War* characters:
Because I’m having OC brainrot I’m making this please come yell at me about OCs if you want lol. And yes I do use some of my OCs across more than one HBO war show cause I can't help myself....
Jessamine ‘Lark’ Waterson (BoB/MotA)
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• “A Change of Plan” from a Mother's Song
• “Smile Away” from My Heart Says Go
•"Times are Hard for Dreamers" from Amélie
Violet ‘Vi’ Foster (BoB/MotA)
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•“Nothing You Can Take from Me” Bootstamping Version from Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (technically not from a musical but still)
•"Breathe" from Bandstand
•"They Just Keep Moving the Line" from BOMBSHELL
•"Enlightenment" from Starry
•"Still" from Alice by Heart
Clara Emerson ( BoB/MotA)
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•“Statues and Stories” from The Light in the Piazza (she’s actually named after Clara from this musical)
• "Finding My Light" from Grease Rise of the Pink Ladies
•"A Story of My Own" from The Clockmakers Daughter
Virginia ‘Jinny’ Collins (The Pacific)
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•"Carelessly" from Grease Rise of the Pink Ladies (this is her with childhood best friends to lovers Eugene Sledge)
•"No One Else" From Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 (letters to Eugene)
•"Some Things Fall Away" & "West of Worlds" from Alice by Heart
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art-deco-dad · 1 year
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Let the morning light shine in~
@sledge-1959 @sledge-in-space
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
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Personal AC CanonxOC Ship Aesthetics
Arno & Félicité in Winter
Suggested by: @havatnah
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jinkookspencil · 2 years
a film museum with a cinephile | jeon jungkook
When you heard about the new film museum that opened up, you jumped at the chance to visit as soon as you were able to… and asked Jungkook to come along.
Description/TW: ~2.1k words / Jungkook x Reader (F) / Fluff / Established relationship / Similar to the bookstore fluff, except Reader is a film nerd and of course, Jungkook is still a sweetie / One-shot but I might write more of JK x film nerd OC since she's basically a fictional version of me and I have a few other scenarios in mind... / Inspired by my visit to a film museum and seeing all the couples and feeling a bit alone lmao / As always, any feedback is welcome!
Note: I tried something a bit different here by including a section from JK’s perspective - that section will be in purple italics!
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“Sorry for dragging you along,” you uttered to Jungkook.
“Baby, don’t apologize. I like movies too!”, he laughs. 
“I THINK there is a superhero section at the end but it’ll likely focus on older films…” you worry. 
“Just go in?,” he asks as he held open the door to the film museum, “I know you like your alone time so it made me happy that you asked me to come along….”, he pauses before continuing under his breath “…you have no idea.”
When you heard about the new film museum that opened up, you jumped at the chance to visit as soon as you were able to, and Jungkook was right, you did love your alone time and probably would take in more of the museum if you went on your own…. but you wanted him there. You were ecstatic when he said agreed to come along but also worried that he’d get bored. You figured if the latter were the case, you’d make it up to him somehow…  
You had been a lifelong cinephile, and practically lived and breathed movies. You watched them, studied them whenever and however you could, and talked about them…. endlessly.  Sometimes you felt bad when Jungkook listened to you talk about movies, whether it was a rant about a movie that could’ve been creative but turned out to be horrible or a movie that’s the latest masterpiece of the decade…. But he never complained. So he might’ve had SOME interest in films, right? Plus, it would be nice to actually talk to someone about what you were seeing and why it was all so exciting, rather than keeping it to yourself.
“Listen,” Jungkook started as your tickets were scanned at the museum’s entrance, holding up his palms, “We have the whole day. Don’t rush because of me, okay? You never have to do that with me. Take your time and enjoy. I’m here with you, not just for you.”
“Okay, okay,” you giggle. “Thank you.”
He plants a quick kiss on your head. “Let’s go.”
And you did take your time. There was a lot more to see in that museum than you thought, and you lost track of time and lost yourself within the museum’s walls, getting goosebumps with every new exhibit and section. And you couldn’t help BUT explain to Jungkook what you were seeing and why everything was so cool - the sledge from Citizen Kane, Hitchcock’s storyboards, the ET puppet, screenplays annotated by legends like Gregory Peck and Spike Lee…. He’d sometimes even take pictures of certain props or follow up your explanations with questions, asking why you got especially excited over a specific director’s installations or why a certain film was featured over another…
You were so caught up in your own excitement that you kind of forgot to worry about Jungkook for a while, but just as you begun to remember, you entered the exhibit dedicated to the history of cameras. Jungkook was so fascinated that he went quiet, intensely reading the descriptions by the different displays, curious about the cameras and lenses of the past and the inner workings of cameras. 
If you were on your own you might’ve spent a couple of minutes looking at it, but Jungkook took in each display intensely… though the tiny interactive section on lighting, shadows, and magic lanterns is what excited him the most. You caught his childlike wonder as he endearingly played around with the shadows and the projections, making shapes and animals with his hands and body and narrating the magic lantern slides. That's one of the things you loved about Jungkook - he never let go of his inner child and just by being himself, he always encouraged you to reconnect with your inner child too - and you happily did so, playing along and adding your stories as well…
It might’ve ended up being among your favorite sections too, just because you got to see him so happy. The museum must’ve awoken a love for film within Jungkook that you always suspected he might’ve had… You made a mental note of the directors you think he’d like… 
Jungkook was a director and loved being behind the camera - he had a talent for it, but he wasn’t a big film buff. He watched and enjoyed movies, sure.. but he never thought about movies or saw them the way you did, and only begun really caring and learning about them since you did… And he cared about you. When you asked him to join you to visit the film museum…. He couldn’t have been happier.
The thing is… Jungkook was in love with your eyes. He always thought they were beautiful, but when they light up? The way they do when you gets passionate? They shined so brightly they put the whole sun to shame.
How could he give up the opportunity to experience that for hours? He felt lucky to have the privilege to experience it..
He tried learning about films because he knew it mattered to you, and he genuinely tried listening whenever you talked about films…. But it was so hard not to get lost in your eyes when you did so. He absorbed some of the information you were saying, and he knew if he asked you about something you already explained, you’d happily explain it again, just excited to talk about movies….  
He might’ve visited the museum on his own if you weren’t together or if his cinephile friend Taehyung asked him to come along, but the whole thing might’ve taken him 10 minutes on a day he didn’t have anything else to do. But with you? He could spend an eternity.
Whenever you got excited at the sight of a new display, doing a little jump or letting out a quiet squeal, he melted.
You got so excited over the littlelest things in the museum. A dusty old screenplay. A clay figure. A video interview with a director - don’t they have those videos online? Either way, it mattered to you. And that was enough. 
Some of the things were genuinely cool, like the floor dedicated to cameras and some props from an old movie he used to love as a kid; you were too caught up in your excitement that he didn’t want to interrupt and tell you about the time the villain from that movie gave him nightmares for a week straight when he was 4 years old, but the picture he took of the display would remind him to tell you about it later. He smiled when he looked back at the picture after taking it to see your happy reflection in the glass protecting the props - giving him the idea to secretly take photos and videos of you all throughout the museum as you explored and explained… He just admired you as you observed everything.
But it didn’t slip Jungkook that a number of times, you’d open your mouth only to remain silent, or you’d give an explanation that was obviously shorter than what you really wanted to say, holding yourself back from geeking out too much. Whenever he caught you doing that he made an effort to ask about the exhibits and what you were seeing. He hoped you’d think he was actually interested in the display and not realize he was just interested in you talking, and judging from the way you reacted, so excited just to talk about your passion, you didn’t catch on…. If only you knew how happy you made him and if only you could see yourself in those moments… 
It was radiant, your passion - and he loved to bask in it. Passion had always been something so important to Jungkook but the way you loved inspired him to love even harder, and every day he found himself loving you more and more… You awakened a fire and a capacity for love in each other that neither of you had existed, you loved each other and your passions even more when you were together. 
God…. If he could give you the world, he would. That’s exactly what Jungkook thought as you walked through the sci-fi exhibit which featured gigantic models of fictional planets and galaxies…. To him, none of them are as beautiful as you were.
His admiration was cut short when you stopped in front of a replica of an alien from a film he didn’t recognize. It looked adorable, but also a bit menacing - a cross between a shark and a puppy.
“And this…”, you point at the creature… “This is you,” you giggled to Jungkook.
It caught him off guard, but he bursted out laughing.
“Me?,” he asks as he catches his breath, “How is this me?”
“The eyes. The puppy-ness,” you say, admiring both Jungkook and the replica. “And in the movie he always sniffs his food, so.”
“Wait, wait,” he pauses, “did you think about this before or did you just think of the joke now?”
You answer with a shrug and a smirk, and Jungkook immediately points to the replica of an Ewok from Star Wars.
“If I’m that thing then you’re this one…,” he says as he reads the plaque, “Oh, it’s from Star Wars… I think I remember this?”
“Yeah, they’re in Episode 6,” you reply,  “I’ll take it. Ewoks are cute and cuddly and they helped out the Rebels didn’t they?”
“I think so…. I don’t remember much,” he turns to face you. “Let’s watch the movies together, you have a boxset don’t you?”
“I do,” you answer with a nod and a smile as he reaches out to hold your hand. He smiles back and brings up your hand to place a soft kiss on your knuckles, warming your heart.
You begin to hear a couple of familiar notes coming from a distance.
“Oop….” Jungkook lets out. “I think I recognize that….”
Grabbing your hand, he leads you to the source of the music, which happened to be the Avengers theme playing in a tiny corner section of the museum dedicated to superhero movies.
“Ahhhh hello, friends,” Jungkook says with a proud smile.
The section featured a number of props and costumes from the Marvel movies, and Jungkook took a picture of each one. He paused in front of the Iron Man suit, placing a hand over his heart as he read the accompanying plaque.
“I still miss him,” he remarks, admiring his favorite superhero.
“I do too, but we can always rewatch the films.”
“I know...Wait what’s this?” he asks, noticing a tiny plaque at the very bottom of the display and reading it aloud.
=== Film accurate replicas of this Iron Man suit are available to order, starting at $10,000  ==
He shoots you a look.
“Jungkook…” you say with your eyebrows raised.
“I know JUST where to put it,” he says excitedly, rubbing his palms together.
“Y—,” you begin to argue before pausing. “Actually… if you want it, get it. It’s your money, plus I like Iron Man too so I don’t know what I was going to say anyways. It's really cool”, you nod.
“And…” you whisper in his ears, “if you can wear it… even if it’s just the helmet…”, you finish your sentence by raising your eyebrows, a sign nonverbal sign that signals to Jungkook exactly what you had in mind…. 
“God, I love you,” he says before kissing your lips. “But baby, you should’ve told me sooner,” he says in a low voice, “I already have a wearable helmet at home, didn’t you see it? And Captain America’s old helmet from that first movie.”
“I didn’t realize they were wearable. Well… tonight’s plans are sorted,” you reply in a hushed tone.
“Don’t let that rush you,” he laughs, “I just brought my debit card with me today, not my credit card, so we’ll most likely have to come back to get it. You don’t mind coming here with me next week, do you?”
You pause. “Jungkook, I’d love to”
“Haha, I’m not surprised.”
Done with every exhibit on at the museum, you walk into the gift shop by the museum’s entrance. Jungkook asked about the Iron Man replica and took its details, and you both got matching pins of film slates - his pin said “director” and yours said “writer”. 
You stop as you walk towards the museum’s doors, causing Jungkook to stop beside you.
“Thank you for today, Jungkook,” you tell him. “I know I rambled on way too much but… I had fun. Thanks for coming.”
“Baby, once again, don’t thank me. I’m thanking you here. I really enjoyed it,” he smiles, kissing your soft lips while in an embrace, his fingers intertwined against your back.
“It was really interesting... Why didn’t they have anything from Titanic, though?” he sulks.
“Uh, come on, Jungkook,” you laugh, “Let’s go. I have better films and directors to show you. Plus… we have plans,” you say with a laugh and a wink.
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Boss — Chapter 20
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pairing: javier peña x CIA!OC
warnings: angst, pregnancy & symptoms, feelings of inadequacy, narcos stuff, very fluffy ending
words: 3.9k
series masterlist
The mission had proven to be a disaster—and a mildly dangerous one considering the precious cargo Valeria was carrying in her stomach.
Miguel Rodriguez was nowhere to be found, the agents Javier boasted about seemingly taken for a run by their “insider”. She oversaw the destruction of the condo, the agents desperate to find anything that might help save face with their boss.
Valeria stood in the messy living room of the condo, her hand on her stomach over her bulletproof vest, the anti-nausea meds she’d taken that morning now worn off.
“Hey Chief,” Fiestl stepped into the room holding a book. “Think we found something.”
“A book?” She sighed and reached out for it, the agent giving her a worried look as he took in her pale and sweaty face.
“Are you okay, Chief? You look sick.” She rolled her eyes and nodded, definitely not about to tell Feistl about her pregnancy before she told her fiancé.
“I’m fine. What—ugh—what is this?” She fought the vomit that was creeping up her throat as she opened up the book, eyes scanning over the nonsense. “This is code. Is this—“
“Their ledger.” He smiled proudly as he watched her nod, am impressed smile making its way onto her face. A loud banging interrupted the moment, her eyes shooting up in a squint.
“What the hell is that?” Valeria groaned and walked towards the sound, spotting Agent Van Ness tearing into the shower wall. “What the fuck is happening?”
“I’m being thorough.” He continued at his task, her fingers reaching to rub at your temples.
“We don’t have enough time for this. We’re already—“
“Chief Hernandez,” the attorney general walked into the room and demanded that her agents quit what they were doing. “You’re in violation of article 22–“
“Violation of what? Arresting a fugitive?” Feistl spat at the officer, Valeria’s hand raising to calm him down.
“No, fuck that. Miguel Rodriguez is in that wall.” Van Ness raised his sledge hammer once more but she called out his name to stop him from doing anything.
“I demand that you cease your search and leave the premises.” Valeria sighed at the officers orders, eyebrows furrowed together as she looked at her two eager agents. Although she admired their drive and tenacity, if they continued to do anything at the current moment, they’d be shipped back to the US and taken off the roster completely.
“Let’s go.” She watched as they threw a fit, her temper suddenly becoming much more difficult to control now that there was a human being built inside of her. “That’s enough. We’re going.”
“Fuck this.” Feistl mumbled under his breath as he passed her to walk out, Van Ness giving her a glare as he followed him.
She felt like shit, not only for failing to capture the godfather, or the fact that her agents now resented her, but because she’d been holding in her vomit for the past hour.
She barely made it outside the building when she doubled over by a bush, the crew of agents and officers giving her odd stares as they watched her throw up. “I’ll shoot whoever I catch staring at me right now.”
All the agents around her dispersed into their vehicles while she wiped your mouth and stood up. She walked to the jeep she came in, Feistl and Van Ness waiting in the front of the car while she climbed into the backseat.
“If we want to catch him and keep him, we have to follow the laws. If it wasn’t for the officers, I would’ve picked up a hammer and joined you, but this all means nothing if we’re shipped back to Washington.” She spoke through labored breaths, the men nodding and mumbling their apologies. “Let me talk to Peña about the fuck up before you guys call him, okay? This is on me.”
“Well, he’s less likely to strangle you given the upcoming nuptials.” Van Ness attempted a joke, but she gave him a stare that even she could acknowledge looked exactly like Javier’s unimpressed glare. “Two peas in a pod.”
“Can we go now? Or are you going to keep trying out new material?” The agent said nothing, simply pulling out and heading back to the airport so that she could catch her plane back to Bogota.
Javier stood in the humid heat of the Colombian jungle, surrounded by a militia and his old Narcos leak, Don Berna. He couldn’t have imagined a place he’d like to be less, but their company was necessary if he wanted to get Jurado’s wife back after she was kidnapped.
To make matters worse, his bulky cell phone got no reception out in this wilderness. He walked around the camp like an idiot, holding his phone up to the sky in hopes of being able to make a call to Valeria to let her know he was safe and to ask how the op went.
“Good luck with that.” Don Berna spoke in Spanish, chuckling at him and watched as Javier shot him a glare, lowering the cell and putting it in the holder on his tactical belt. Javier walked into the wooden shelter, irritated and desperate to get away from his company. “Look at us, Peña. Who would’ve thought we’d both be bosses. Did they give you a nice house?”
“It’s okay.” He mumbled back in Spanish, checking that the extra pistol he kept on him had bullets in it.
“You should see my house. Everyday I take my shits in a different bathroom. My wife loves it.” Javier shot an amused look over at Berna, chuckling at the thought of him finding love.
“Your wife?” He chuckled and turned back to the gun.
“I’m a family man.” He replied sternly. “I bet you’re still living out of a suitcase.”
Javier tensed at the mention of his past reputation, though he equally was uncomfortable at the thought of correcting him and talking about Valeria with a man so criminal. He slammed the clip into the pistol and walked off, Don Berna chuckling at how well he was able to get under his skin.
Right now, he needed to focus on the upcoming rescue mission—not his ever-present worry for his fiancé. He was about to be walking into the jungle at night, armed men everywhere looking to kill him and the woman he was sent to rescue. The best thing he could do to protect Valeria was to not get himself distracted and killed—even if it was next to impossible to rid her well-being from his mind, he had to try.
“You’re a piece of shit.”
Christina Jurado’s words played over and over in Javier’s head as he sat at the airport, waiting for their flight back to Bogota after having successfully rescued her from the jungle.
Though he’d just risked his life to save her, she showed little appreciation for it—though, he didn’t blame her. It was partially due to him that she was kidnapped in the first place, and it was completely due to him that her husband was locked up in jail.
Still, the words struck him hard—the sentiment having been played over and over in his own head for years now, never verbalized by anyone until that moment.
Javier stood up and walked out of the room, his hand scratching at the back of his neck as he tried to think about better things, happier things—like Valeria. He found a private area in the airport and pulled out his cellphone, dialing her apartment’s phone number and listening to the dial tone.
“Hello?” Her voice was eager, as though she’d been sitting by the phone for the past two days. And little did he know, she had.
“Hey, baby.” His voice was immediately soft, a smile growing on his once sour face at the sound of her voice. It had been a long time since he’d gone two days without speaking to her—the last time being their breakup.
“Javier, thank god. I’ve been worried sick, trying to call you but it never went through. I started to think…nevermind.” Valeria didn’t want to verbalize the fears that filled her over the past two days. “How did it all go?”
“We’re at the airport now, gonna catch the next flight.” He turned his head to look into the room Christina was sat in, sighing at the remembrance of her words. “God, baby…I can’t wait to see you. It’s been…been a hard couple of days.”
“Are you okay? You sound…I don’t know. Sad.” Her brows laced together as she listened to him, desperate to have him in front of her so that she could see through whatever lie he was about to tell her to downplay his feelings.
“It’s just been a hard time. And I miss you.” His eyes closed for a moment as he focused on her breathing. “I miss you a lot, mi vida. Not leaving you again.”
“I miss you too, baby.” She frowned at the pain in his voice, wishing she could reach through the phone and hug it all away.
“Agent Peña, there’s a call for you. It’s urgent.” She heard his secretary speaking to him in the background, Javier’s sigh sounding out through the line.
“I gotta go, baby. I’ll be home in a couple hours.”
“Be safe. I love you.”
“I love you.” He ended the call and put his cell phone in its holster before grabbing the one his secretary was holding. “Peña.”
“Ambassador here. Jurado’s dead. Stabbed in the neck by an inmate.” Javier felt the wind getting knocked out of him at the news. Not only did he lose his best witness, but he also was to blame for putting Jurado in that position in the first place. Now, he had to go tell his wife that her husband was gone—for good.
“Peña, the plane is boarding.” Javier’s secretary was ushering Christina out of the room she was sat in, his face pale as a ghost as he lowered the cellphone from his ear and hung it up. Christina looked into Javier’s sorrow filled eyes and instantly knew what happened. She shook her head and tears welled in her eyes as Javier opened his lips to speak, but nothing could come out.
“No…” She shook her head and began to sob, Javier’s arms reaching to pull her in for a comforting hug but she pounded her fists against his chest. Crying hysterically, the guards had to hold her back from Javier as she screamed at him. “This is your fault! Your fault!”
As if he needed her to let him know. He already felt it deep inside his bones. She was now a widow because of his choices. All because of his choices.
Valeria was sitting on the couch watching a local news station when Javier came home. Her head whipped over at the sound of the door opening, quickly getting on her feet and walking over to him. Javier had managed to hold in his tears all the way home, but the minute he saw her, his composure completely slipped away. His eyes met hers and that was all it took for him to break into a sob, falling into her arms, his head resting against her chest as she held him tight.
“Javi, whats wrong?” She’d never seen him cry like this before, his hands gripping her close as though he was a terrified little boy. She walked him to the couch and turned off the news, pulling him closer into her arms and rocking him as he wept into her shoulder.
“J-Jurado…he got killed…his wife…it’s all because of me.” He buried his face deeper into her neck and clung on tighter, his body shaking against her. She was glad he couldn’t see her face—pure grief, shock, and concern all over it.
She knew just how much of an impact these deaths had on him, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. Her heart split in half as she thought about the thoughts that must be running through his mind—guilt, shame, inadequacy. It hurt the most because he wasn’t anything near the monster his brain convinced him he was. But she knew nothing she could say right now could fully convince him that he was a good man, so she just held him tighter and kissed his head in hopes that actions would speak louder than words.
“I’m a piece of shit. She said it and…it’s the truth. I’m a fucking piece of—“ Javier was cut off by Valeria’s lips on his, kissing away the salty tears that fell down his cheeks and gathered there. He fought it for a moment, trying to repeat himself over and over, but soon he melted into her like her kiss was his only saving grace. His hands on her waist gripped her so tight it nearly hurt, but she happily welcomed his desperation. “You’re the only thing…only good thing I have.”
Her heart ached for him, pulling his face away and looking into his red eyes, eyelashes wet and clumped together from his tears. It was a startling sight to see such a strong and perhaps emotionally calloused man falling apart right in front of her. She ran her thumbs over his cheeks before kissing his brow bone, eyes closing as she rested there and breathed him in. “I’m not the only good thing you have…anymore.”
He pulled back to look into her eyes, his still full of tears as he watched her begin to shed a few tears of her own. She smiled and chuckled, wiping the tears away as she looked down at her stomach. Javier’s eyes followed hers and looked lower, a broken gasp slipping from his lips when she rested her hand over her stomach. He furrowed his brows and chuckled out a sob, a look of pure disbelief all over his face.
“Surprise,” she offered with a shrug, studying his frozen state of shock carefully. Javier’s hand shook as it reached to rest over hers on her stomach, a smile finally growing on his wet face as he lifted his eyes back to hers.
“Is this for real? You’re really—“
“Pregnant? Yeah, baby, yeah I am.” She nodded and let out another chuckled sob, Javier’s hands reaching for her face and pulling her deep into another kiss. Their tears mixed together on their lips as the two of them kissed all the pain away, overwhelmed by the immense and sudden joy of the news. When Javier pulled back, he shook his head, eyes dropped back to her stomach.
“I…god,” he chuckled and wiped his tears off his face with his palms, lifting his eyes back to hers and furrowing his brows. “I love you. I wish there were bigger words for the way I feel about you…about you both.”
She chuckled through her tears and felt her life’s purpose suddenly shift. Now, the only thing in the world that mattered to her was the man in front of her and the product of their love inside of her.
“I’ve…I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since finding out—“
“Yeah, when did you find out?” He interrupted, his tears now fully dried, his eyes red and tired as he relaxed into the couch more.
“The morning you left for the op.” He nodded before remembering that morning’s interaction, his lips parting as he looked at her.
“Wait—when you said you were ‘pooping’, you were actually finding out that you were carrying my child?” He chuckled as she looked away with a guilty smile, his fingers coming to pinch her chin. “Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Because,” she smiled bashfully as she came to rest her head on his shoulder, her hand dancing against his jean clad thigh. “You we’re about to leave, and I was about to go on my op, and I knew if I told you you wouldn’t allow either of those things to happen.”
“Fair.” He chuckled and squeezed her closer, kissing the top of her head. “Anyways, you were saying that you’ve been thinking? I hope you’re not about to break-up with me, cariño. The baby brewing inside you is gonna make that a little complicated.”
She chuckled and shook her head, lifting it off his shoulder so she could look him in the eyes, their faces only an inch from each other.
“No, never gonna break up with you, Javi.” She delighted in the softness of his smile, her words providing a necessary reassurance. “No, I, uh…I thought being back in action was what I wanted. Thought it would make me feel fulfilled, but during the op…all I could think about was our child and…it all just felt so insignificant—being out in the field.”
Javier’s eyes bounced quickly between hers, his heart beating solely for her as he listened to the softness in her voice.
“And, so…I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time for me to resign. End my contract early.” Valeria sighed out as she got to the point, feeling nervous as though he’d be disappointed in her. “But if you don’t think that’s a good idea, you know, I’ll stick with it and finish out my contract, but I just feel so consumed with love for the two of you that I can’t focus on anything else—”
“Cariño, mi vida,” he chuckled softly and shook his head, his eyes softening with absolute tenderness and affection. His hand reached to rest on her cheek, her head tilting into his touch as she gave him a shy smile. “I’m done too.”
“What?” She chuckled and lifted her head from his palm to study him better.
“I’m done with this. After tonight, after…” He trailed off, still not quite ready to visit those feelings of remorse and guilt again. “I’m done. I don’t want to do anything involving this shit anymore. Guns, drugs, death…I don’t want it anywhere near either of you.”
Valeria felt her chest rumble as a surprise sob hit her, a smile on her face as she began to cry. He gave her an adoring frown as he wiped her tears away, his other hand coming to rest on her stomach.
“All I could think about in that fucking jungle surrounded by evil, awful men was you. And now that I know that you’re carrying our child—that we’re starting a family? There’s no way I can go back out there and do this shit. No way.” She nodded and leaned over onto his chest, his lips pecking the crown of her head. “Tomorrow, I’ll be handing in my letter of resignation to the Ambassador.”
“Yeah?” She lifted her eyes again to watch him nod, his eyes lowering to her lips. He placed a soft peck to her swollen lips, lingering there and giving her a few extra kisses out of sheer need. “Guess we can hand them in together.”
“What are we gonna do after we tell the government to fuck off, hm? Where do you wanna raise our family?” He accepted her as she climbed onto his lap, his fingers combing her hair out of bee face, eyes darting across her features to sear this moment in his mind for the rest of his life.
“I’m not close to my mom, and truthfully, I don’t really care to be. But you are close with your dad, and I love your dad too. What do you think about staying close to him in Texas?” She watched as Javier smiled widely, chuckling to himself. “What’s so funny?”
“I just never thought this dream would come true for me.” She was rendered speechless under the weight of his sincerity.
“It’s happening,” she nodded and lowered his hand from her face and back to her stomach. “What do you say to us raising our baby in Laredo? They can grow up with their abuelo…hear him tell stories about their abuela. And when they get old enough, maybe we can tell them all about the silly fight that made their parents realize that they couldn’t live without each other.”
“God, baby…you’re going to make me cry again.” He chuckled and wiped the tears in his eyes away before speaking again. “I…would love that. Is that what you want? I don’t want you settling down somewhere just because—“
“I felt more at home in Texas around you and your dad then I ever did around either of my parents in Arizona. I want this.” She pressed her lips to his in a soft peck. Javier cradled her face and pressed his forehead to hers as she sat on his lap.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me about your dad passing?”
“I don’t know, I just…I don’t know how I feel about it, so…it never made sense to bring up.” She pulled back and shrugged, her heart racing in her chest at the change in topic. “My dad was not a easy man to love. I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Okay,” he nodded and stroked her hair back, his tone softer than the world’s finest cashmere. “We don’t have to talk about it, cariño.”
“Thank you.” She offered a weak smile before climbing off his lap. Javier grabbed her hand before she could walk away, pouting his lip out. “Where are you going?”
“Turns out morning sickness happens all day.” She chuckled before tugging her hand away from his, the urge to vomit growing stronger with each passing second.
“Oh, shit. Do you need anything? Meds, food…anything?” He stood up and followed her to the restroom, watching as she shook her head and gently pushed him out of the doorway of the bathroom by his stomach.
“Just for you to not listen to me throwing up.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head at her request.
“Cariño, you really think a little throw up is going to scare me off?” Valeria shrugged at his question, her hand covering her mouth as her vomit began to make its way upwards. There was no time to argue, her body lunging over to the toilet and letting it all out. Javier sat down on the edge of the tub next to her, rubbing his warm hand over her back as she remained doubled over. “My mom used to tell me that boys were an easy pregnancy, but girls sucked the life out of the mother. Guess we’re having a girl.”
“Hooray.” She croaked from where you sat, Javier’s chest rumbling with laughter at her unenthusiastic tone.
“I’m so proud of you, cariño.” It was the sincere truth, and it went far beyond the fact that she was carrying his child and dealing with the sickness that came along with it. He was proud of her for every single thing she did, all the time. “You’re a one in a million kind of woman, I hope you know that.”
“I would cry if I had the energy.” She sat back against his knees, her head resting on them as she panted. “I love you, Javier. More than I’ll ever love anyone.”
“God, cariño, I love you. More than anyone. Forever.”
taglist: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson (sorry if your tag isn’t working!)
120 notes · View notes
braemjeorn · 4 months
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CHAPTER XII [masterlist]
pairing: bang chan x ofc
genre/notes: general audience; regency period drama; family fluff; domesticity; ocassional angst; slowburn; governess!oc; nobility!BC; age differences; age changes.
wordcount: 2.2k
summary: the Bangs New Year mischief.
also available in ao3, if you prefer that format
© Do not repost, copy, or republish into another site or under another name.
⚠️ All characters that shares the name of real life person in this story are represented in a fictional manner for entertainment purpose, and not to be alluded with real life.
TAGLIST: @spookykryptoniteperson @nixtape-foryou @do-you-know-what-else-is-big
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“Faster!!” Minho crowed, as his father dragged the sledge and the eldest atop it up to the hilltop.
“Minho, you’re quite capable to pull it up yourself,” Mari sighed, waiting for the two at the top.
The lad merely giggled, tumbling aside from his sledge into the soft snow.
“‘Tis fine Miss Son,” Commodore Bang said, grunting as he righted the sledge to face downward, then turned to Minho. “Shall we go down again?”
The lad nodded, grinning and happy like he was five. “Let's!"
“All right, then.” Despite her disapproval, Mari couldn't hide her smile. Giggling, Minho settled down in the front. The Commodore took the reins behind him, feet planted on the snowy ground to launch downward. “Ready?” The Commodore pushed, and their laughter carried on as they slid downhill.
“He’s my first child after all,” the Commodore mused to Mari, while Minho gaggled with the twins. ”He’s been very good to his younger brothers, but I ought to let him have more fun at times.”
Their relationship had improved much since the reconciliation. Mari was glad for it; Commodore Bang cosseted them an equal amount without care for age. Thus, despite entrusting Minho with more responsibilities as the eldest, he indulged and adored the boy. Not that there was anyone else to do it; there were few people around to whom Minho might let his voice trail off into a whine or laugh with childish glee.
“Look at them,” he chuckled as the boys took snowball fights to rain snows down each other's collars. “Those little goblins.”
“Your boys are a particular set, Commodore,” Mari acknowledged.
“Will you have your turn now, Miss Son?” Commodore Bang turned; Mari followed his gaze, towards one additional sleigh resting by a withered oak. In truth, Mari would like to slide down the hill on it, like she had years ago. The wild sixteen-year-old in her heart would soar at the chance. But as a teacher, she refrained with a curt smile.
“I should not, sir.”
“Come now. I would not think less of you for stumbling.”
Mari shrugged. “I may not be hesitant in my abilities, but there are other things I am considering."
“I only wish for you to share the thrill,” Commodore Bang said.
“I do not think it is necessary in my sedate age,” Mari laughed. A shriek came from down below—Yongbok and Jisung were tangled in a scuffle, shrieking and throwing lumps of snowballs at each other.
“I could not even persuade you with the sleigh,” Commodore Bang mused, unperturbed by the scene.
“Do you not think nine people and four horses are a bit precarious?” Mari laughed.
Commodore Bang had unveiled his two-seater cutter sleigh from the depth of his stable. Once polished and cleaned, took his boys on a ride to turn about the country. But despite the two rows of seats, Mari was still reluctant to ride alongside them. “I would not leave one of them behind. But now that I have returned, they would not leave me in the house.”
“When Minho’s old enough I shall get another one,” Commodore Bang decided. “A narrower sledge, for four of them to tuck in warmly.”
“Do not forget the bells.”
“Of course not,” he scoffed good-naturedly. “If a sleigh would not do, nor sledges, then there can only be one thing left to entertain you in this good winter...” 
Mari saw the Commodore in contemplation, which soon bloomed into a brilliant glint of mischief — much like Seungmin before he tucked into the biscuit jar. “Commodore?” she stammered, stepping back as he grinned wider. “W-What is it?”
Two days after he threw a large rock— at least five kilograms worth—to the frozen lake in the back garden. There was a loud boom as it landed far near the middle, but hardly a crack. The Commodore then tied up his skates and slid towards and around the rock. After a moment, his hand rose, calling the boys over. Hyunjin zoomed first with a whoop, followed by the twins. Mari sat down at the steps of the port, Minho having persuaded her to fit a pair of skates over her boots.
“Dear boy, I never knew how to skate,” Mari murmured.
“It’s like dancing, Miss Son, except without the steps,” replied Minho. Quite done helping her with the contraption, he offered her hand to help her up. “It’s great fun really, and not that scary after you’ve got some help to find your way around it. Don’t you worry—try standing up first—Appa and I will catch you whenever you need help.”
Mari was quite ready to kneel on the ice the second she rose—how does one keep their balance on these thin, long steels?
“You’re doing great!" Minho exclaimed assuringly. His feet were easy as he glided towards the others, hand steady despite her grip to guide her stiff legs. "Just keep your balance— now I’ll push you to Appa. (Oh, dear…) He’s a mere short way ahead, all you have to do is just—glide a bit by pushing your feet forward one by one. Then you can stop near him. Ready?”
“I’ll push you, Miss Son.” Mari was grateful that the boy took care to warn her of the actions he will do. "You can do it."
Mari bit her own tongue from making any noise, heaven forbid a shriek. With only one moment to reign her panic before Minho pushed her, her foot stepped forward and her form slid. By the sheer force of Minho's push and her stiff, frightened figure, she managed to glide ahead for five seconds, after which she gave into reaching for the Commodore's hold.
“Caught you,” he chuckled, between her muffled wince. His hands held her by the elbow, righting up her poor jelly-like form. When Mari looked up there was amusement in his eyes, but it was not condescending. The man was in a merry mood, and Mari thought her incapabilities ought not to ruin such humour.
“The least I can do is not fall—the boys will worry,” she panted.
“You must not fear," the Commodore replied. "Minho is right. It is such great fun—but he’s a terrible teacher."
Mari suppressed a snort. Commodore Bang held one of her hands as the other hovered by her elbow; he steadied her to face the lake again. The boys were making merry with themselves, trying to outdo one another in whatever way they could manage. Even Jeongin skated quite well on his own, giggling as the others clapped when he made a smooth glide.
“Will you try again?” Commodore Bang offered. Mari was startled at hearing his voice so near. The sun hit his face, warming his dark eyes into honey-brown pools. It was but a half-second notice, but enough to make her conscious of herself. She turned away, muttering a  yes  in a flustered hope for distraction. The Commodore pushed his foot forward, and being in his hold, Mari followed with some alarm.
“I’m holding you well, have some courage,” he said, as they circled a bit farther around the boys. “Now, I’ll need you to march, push your right leg ahead, then your left... Go on, right and left, and right and left — go on ahead, don’t stop.” He manoeuvred his hold on her that she skates right by his side, and holding to his forearm instead. Mari had a firm grip on that arm, her eyes shifting between her legs and her track—the Commodore had a smile by the lilt of his voice.
“That’s a nice turn, go on, right, and left….”
Mari glided on, ceasing her movements and slowing her pace. She faltered again in trying to stop before crashing into a tree or the edge of the lake, but again a pair of strong hands steadied her.
“Got you!”
With heavy breaths Mari straightened again, pushing away the hair over her eyes and setting her screwed bonnet. Commodore Bang was showing her to stop in skates, and she nodded to his words, even while chuckling at her hesitance and her sudden halts of panic. But the Commodore’s eyes had kept the warm mirth, and he grasped her hand in encouragement.
“You shall do quite well, with that eagerness and a little practice.
“I think my feet have their own fright to overcome,” Mari considered, then laughed again. “But I understand now why Seungmin asked you to throw him back to the lake.”
“Like that time you swung him about in your arms, claiming you’d throw him out of the water. He was screaming out of his wits when you swung him away and laughed his head off when you clasped him back. But the shameless lad asked you to swing him again like it was fun being induced to scream his head off.”
“A thrill, perhaps?”
Commodore Bang chuckled. Mari looked ahead to the boys, circling each other in their own games or racing by the outskirts of the lake. Minho paused to wave and grin at meeting her eyes.
“Chin up, Miss Son,” said the Commodore. His hold moved to her elbow again to push her away. “And look ahead. Why don’t you try to go over to Minho?”
Mari managed to make a turn by herself at the end of the day and returned to the house with delight and fatigue set in her. It was a day well spent, exerting and pleasant all the same. But the boys had no notice of weariness and went to play with their toys by the fire. Mari settled under her shawl with some tea and rice cakes. Commodore Bang sat with the eldest two on the couch. He had obtained school recommendations from his friends and currently disclosing the specifics; there were concerns over the distance and the tuition, with occasional comparisons to their previous school. Mari attended and contemplated on her own, relishing the warm tea flooding her mouth.
“I should inspect these two schools—and B– School too, to see if their offers are worth the expense,” settled the Commodore. “Once the snow melts, possibly.”
“A high price does not guarantee high quality,” Minho remarked.
“Quite right, that is.”
“Unfortunately, it would be hard to know exactly the quality offered under such pricing,” Mari mused.
Changbin turned to her. “How to distinguish them then, Miss Son?”
“I’m not sure… To judge by the impression you receive the first time?”
“If you are a good judge of character, that is,” Commodore Bang returned.
They shared a glance, and with some embarrassment, Mari became conscious of herself. But the Commodore’s eyes were mirthful—teasing man.
“I would not vouch for myself,” Mari mumbled.
“Appa, can I go to school?” Seungmin piped up. Commodore Bang turned to him and called the lad upon his lap. Seungmin bent himself over his thighs instead, hanging his arms over one side while his legs slouched.
“Of course. When you’re eleven years old.”
“No—I want to go with Minho and Changbin-hyung.” the child insisted.
“If you go, then what will Miss Son do?” Commodore Bang's gaze flitted back to her.
“She’ll stay with Jeongin, no?”
The youngest was sitting beside her as she assessed the tear on his fox, looking up with confusion at the mention of his name.
“But if you go, soon enough Jeongin will want to follow,” Commodore Bang said. “If you all went to school, then what would she do?
”Then you keep her company,” Seungmin decided nonchalantly. Minho and Changbin snorted at the words. The Commodore sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose in embarrassment. But his humour was apparently spurred as well, for his body shook with laughter as he tickled Seungmin. The boy cried and giggled, lighting the hushed with commotion.
“Easy for you to say,” Mari sighed, rubbing her temples. Even so, the flippant suggest both amused and despaired her. Seungmin was a complete master of the menace he embodies, with his innocent air and a toothy little smile.
“You be Miss Son’s student!" he said when he turned to Mari. "Appa’s a bit old and boring but you won’t mind,  ssaem , won’t you?”
Commodore Bang’s laugh pitched higher. “Seungmin-ah…!” he bemoaned.
Mari shook her head. This child... “I’d tease your father less than you, that is certain. The Commodore and I will survive.” She leaned to the child across her, pleading with her face, “But then I will miss you terribly, Min-ah, then what shall I do?”
Seungmin paused at the remark, then muttered that he might come home for the seasonal holidays. Commodore Bang settled down from his glee to tighten his hold upon the child, exhausting his adoration. The child was not pleased, but he was then hoisted up his father's shoulder, head down to the floor. The Commodore rose while hauling him so, and as Seungmin laughed and begged to be put down, the others were ushered along to nap.
“I don’t think I should play with him anymore,” Jeongin declared quietly by Mari’s side. He held her hand as they exited the room, the fox plush in his other.
“Why so?” Mari asked.
“I’m going to be six soon,” he said. “That’s too old for a plush no?”
“I suppose it is.”
“Well, then. And Mr Ennie gets old way faster than me—he’d better rest by my bed instead.” Mari might only pry the fox away when the youngest is to attend school. But Jeongin's hands were empty the next morning, much to his brother's bewilderment. His fingers fiddled often but his mouth deflected determinedly at his brother's despair. Commodore Bang let out nothing but a long sigh. Either warmed or in agony at the youngest growing up.
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commodore bang: flinging off weights away and along with him in an unconscious attempt to preen/flirt. this man, really. but sparks are sparkling, yes?
i hope you like this update. we only have seven more!! let's get to it, braem!! please look forward to it, and please stay healthy and happy ^^
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
Requests for one-shots are OPEN! ❤️
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About me:
My name is Kate I go by she/her pronouns, I’m 23, just happy to be here really this fandom is so supportive! Have a look around, and don’t be scared to message me!
My OC's
Lemonade (Eugene Sledge x Fem!OC):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
MEDIC! (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC): Moodboard 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie: (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC AU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Soldier: (BoB AU)
Ch. 1 The Plan
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BoB x Reader
Ronald Speirs:
Green-eyed Monster
Edward Tipper:
Warriors part 1
Warriors part 2
Joseph Liebgott:
Goody part 1
Goody part 2
Goody part 3
Bull Randleman:
He's the Boss Part 1
He's the Boss Part 2
He's the Boss Part 3
He's the Boss Part 4
David Webster:
This is for you
Eugene Roe:
Come Away With Me
Lena Riggi:
Lie with me?
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 6 months
hi helena! okay, could i request "the gaze that softens as soon as it lands on you" with anna and sledge?? i loved that fic omg! they're the dream couple for real haha thank you!!
Hi Blu, thank you for this!! Eugene and Anna are sooooo special to me you have no idea, I'm so glad you enjoyed their story!
Side note, I had just spent the day at a Christmas market when I wrote this so I was in a veryyy festive mood, hope you enjoy some Christmassy sweetness <3
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December 25th, 1950
"Eugene!" My wife's voice rang from the kitchen as I sat crouched on the sitting room floor, carefully replacing the Christmas tree decorations our dog had knocked onto the floor with its incessant tail-wagging.
"Yeah, honey?" I called in reply, chuckling as it licked an affectionate stripe up the side of my face.
"Where'd you put the ham?"
My brow furrowed as I tentatively replied. "Well, darlin', we don't got a ham."
Anna appeared in the kitchen doorway, face contorted in a grief-stricken expression, hands on her hips as a dishtowel hung from the belt of her apron. There was a blatant smear of flour across her forehead that had not been there before, and I struggled not to smile at it, instead focusing on her evident distress. It had been the first year we had hosted Christmas dinner together - the first year we had spent it in our own house rather than travelling to visit her mother or mine. The whole thing had resulted from a misunderstanding during a conversation with my father, but by the time Anna had realised where she had gone wrong, the burden of responsibility had already been thrust upon us. And, as a result, I had so far spent the last two hours peeling vegetables.
"Eugene. My Love. My Darling. Why, may I ask, do we not have a ham?"
"We already got a turkey?"
She paused a long moment, closing her eyes, and I watched the way her chest heaved as she took prolonged, calming breaths. All morning I had watched on as she wound herself up into a state of panic, fretting over every tiny detail, even the ones I had covered, inspecting each of the potatoes as I peeled and tossed them into the bowl. It had always been her nature to be this way - as long as I had known her she had been a perfectionist and a worrier, caught up on expectations she believed others had of her.
Rising to my feet, I crossed the sitting room towards the kitchen, meeting her in the doorway. Tilting my head towards hers, I pressed my lips gently to her forehead, coming away flour-stained, before bending down to press another kiss to her pregnant stomach, shrouded beneath layers of dress and apron. Anna gnawed the inside of her lip, and I could tell she was resisting the urge to let a smile disrupt her irritated state, tapping her toe against the kitchen tile.
"You go finish your cookies, ok?" I urged, ushering her further inside, the warmth of the food still roasting in the oven filling the room and insulating us from the cold of snowfall outside.
"They're gonna be here in half an hour," She fretted, taking her stress out of the gingerbread dough as she pressed down with the rolling pin. "Mama and your folks and Mary and Sid will eat the turkey, but Mary's kids'll only eat ham, nothin' else."
"We can fill 'em up on mash potatoes and chocolate, don't worry," I assured her, rifling through the cupboard beneath the sink in an attempt to find a duster. The line of dust along the mantelpiece had been bothering Anna all day, and I knew she would be mortified if her mother saw it, even if Catherine March wouldn't give a damn.
"But we'll look like bad hosts if there's nothing for the kids to eat," Anna huffed, pressing the cookie cutter down with such force that I was worried she might dent the table. "And then your Mama will think I'm a bad cook, because her Christmases never went wrong, and Mary will think I don't care enough to remember what her kids eat, and what if it happens with our baby too, and I have to raise them on goddamn mash potatoes and chocolate because I never remember anything and-"
"Hey!" I bolted to my feet, crossing the kitchen towards her and gently seizing her wrists in my hands tugging her away from her baking and her anxieties. Her brow had been deeply furrowed, wrinkles creasing her forehead out of stress, her actions becoming more and more forceful with each worry that left her mouth. But as I took hold of her, turning her towards me, her expression softened, her entire body relaxing as if all concern had drained from her the moment we locked eyes.
I leant forward, pressing my forehead against hers, taking one deep breath after the other as she slowly began to do the same. When I spoke again, it was scarcely more than a whisper. "Everything will be fine. I am gonna call Sidney and ask him to bring a ham, we can put it in the oven when they arrive, and it'll be ready the same time as the turkey. And you-" I paused to press a quick kiss to the tip of her nose, making Anna chuckle. "Are not gonna forget to feed our child - hello? And hey, look, even if you do sometimes, a little chocolate here and there never hurt anybody."
"You sure Sid'll be able to bring one?" She asked quietly, and I almost laughed at her sudden meek expression.
"Mary knows you better than you know yourself, dear. I guarantee she's factored this into the equation."
Anna laughed, throwing her hands up in surrender, nodding continuously as her anxiety floated away. "Alright, yeah. Yeah, it'll be fine," She smiled, reaching up to dust a few streaks of flour out of my hair. Taking a deep breath, she let out a sigh, a gentle smile creasing her cheeks. "I love you."
"I love you too, you... insane person," I despaired, bending down to kiss her properly.
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juniperss · 2 months
“Days Between”
Jinny {OC} x Eugene Sledge
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Author’s note: uh yeah this wasn’t supposed to turn into a story but here we are…..I’m so normal about the childhood best friends to lovers trope with Eugene. I had this song on repeat the entire time I was writing
Tagging: @rosies-riveters (pls lemme know if you don’t wanna be tagged that’s totally fine LOL)
Content warnings: none
Word count: 1,580
“You’ll write when you have the time?” Jinny asked, turning her head to the side to peer at Eugene. He was propped up on his elbows and twirling a strand of golden grass between his fingers, the sunlight shining against his face giving him an almost ethereal quality. 
Feeling her eyes on him, Eugene met her gaze and offered what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “ ‘Course I will. It’ll be like I never left.”
But of course that wasn’t true and they both knew it. Besides Sid Philips, Jinny was Eugene Sledge’s closest friend and he was her’s. The absence would be felt strongly and bitterly. It was bad enough that Sidney had already gone and the trio had been cut down to two, but now Eugene was going to leave too and Jinny wasn’t sure what her life looked like without him.  
The grass around them gave them the illusion of shelter from the reality that in just a few days he would be gone for bootcamp and then to war. The fields and woods were their safe place; their childhood playground and teenage hideaways when the responsibilities of everyday life got to be too much. If one of them wasn’t at home it was likely that they could be found here. 
“I’ll miss you.” Eugene spoke to the sky, but the words were meant for her. 
Jinny looked up too, catching sight of a flock of birds taking off. There was so much she wanted to say to him: that she didn’t want him to leave, that she loved him more than a friend should love another and that she had for so long but the words were stuck in her throat and sat there choking her. It would be selfish for her to tell him those things, she chided herself. Telling him not to go when she knew how long he had dreamed of fighting was selfish. And telling him she loved him and risking ruining a friendship before he went to war? So instead she put all of the meaning and desires that made them up and put them into another phrase: 
“I’ll miss you too.”
He was a liar. 
Jinny knew the thought were harsh, unfair, and frankly untrue as soon as they flashed in her mind. She quickly banished it, sending up a “I’m sorry” to the heavens, and retrieved the box of bandages from the top shelf of the supply closet she was currently standing in. 
 Eugene had written, just like he said he would and as often as he could, and with each letter was the confirmation that he was alive. A sweet balm of relief however temporary. The real reason for the stinging pain in her chest was that no amount of letters would truly make up for him not being home. Because she did miss him and she felt it so acutely every moment. She had carefully folded each letter and tucked them into her nightstand to read again and again when her mind refused to stop worrying. And after she had read and reread them, she penned her own letters to him. 
Recounting the mundane aspects of her life had seemed pointless and almost ridiculous when s he first put pen to paper. But the more she wrote and as her life shifted with her job at the hospital and rehabilitation center, the easier it came in sharing everything with Eugene. She hoped the stories about her visits to his parent’s home for dinner, her talks with soldiers during rounds, her ramblings about Sidney’s latest schemes now that he was home, her thoughts about everything and anything might lend the same sense of comfort his letters brought to her. 
Even now as she set to work organizing the boxes meant to be shipped overseas she began drafting a letter to him, one that she knew she would never send. 
“Dear Eugene,  I love you. I can’t wait to take our walks together again and talk. I don’t even care about what we say. I just miss hearing your voice. When you’re home, I’ll tell you that in person, as much as you can bear to hear me say it. Just come home safe, that’s all I want more than anything now or ever. Yours always, Jinny.”
The grass tickled her calves as it moved in the breeze that was sending the trees into a frenzy. It wasn’t as warm as it had been earlier in the day and Jinny was thankful for the reprieve from the constant sweating under its rays. Her eyes closed and arms crossed against her chest she let her mind drift away from the day just like she had when she was younger. Even though Sidney’s return wasn’t enough to erase the ever present stain of Eugene’s absence, having him home was a blessing and made walking their childhood route less bitter. Jinny had missed his constant talking and easy to come by smiles and she found some solace in busying herself with asking details about his upcoming wedding. 
But today she was making the walk by herself since Sidney was busy and just for a few moments with her eyes closed she could almost feel the peace that had been gone since the war began. How much she had changed shocked her when she truly sat down to think about it. She had been so concerned about others and focused on their wellbeing that her own growth and maturity had come as a surprise. She was tougher now in so many ways but a heaviness came with it and sat on her shoulders even as she left work behind for the day. There was still much of herself that she was figuring out. Yet in moments like this, in the silence and the familiarity and in the missing of her friend, she knew that there were still pieces of her old self there that hadn’t changed. 
“Hey, Jinny.”
The air left her lungs like she'd suffered a kick to the chest, mind not quite comprehending who that voice belonged to and how he was there and how it had most definitely come from behind her. She turned slowly as if he was Eurydice and she was Orpheus and looking back would send Eugene’s soul back to  the underworld. 
Because it was Eugene and he was standing right there with his arms at his sides looking so smart in his uniform. She stared, soaking in all of him, searching for signs of how much he changed in the time he had been away. He was skinnier and he looked tired, and there was that bone deep exhaustion that she saw in the face of every soldier she met at the hospital. But she could still see the laugh lines around his eyes and the sun touching his ginger hair making it glow, and she knew that this was her friend even with all that he brought back with him. 
And then she was moving and throwing her arms around him and pulling him into her body. There was the possibility that she was hugging him too tightly but she couldn’t quite bring herself to care as all the fears dissipated with him against her. He was solid and warm and his arms were around her waist now holding just as tightly as she was to him. She could feel cheek against her head and his breathing on her ear, and she wondered if he could feel her tears falling on him. 
“Sorry I didn’t write the last few weeks. I was going to write you one last letter, but I figured I could say it all to you once we were face to face.”
Eugene’s voice was muffled but she could still hear him. There was a half hearted laugh against his shoulder and finally, after another few moments of holding onto each other, Jinny allowed herself to step back. Her hands were still clasping his arms as if he would vanish without her there to anchor. He was smiling now and so was she, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I guess I can let it slide this time.”
His hand covered hers to hold it there. It was calloused and strong, so different from the hands she remembered before. She was surprised to see him looking at her with the same curiosity and searching that mirrored her own. He was trying to see the parts of her that had changed and fill in all the pieces of what her letters did not tell him about what he had missed of her life. Eugene swallowed hard and shook his head, still smiling. 
“I love you Jinny Collins.”
There were seldom moments in her life that she remembered being too stunned to say something. But standing here with Eugene in her arms Jinny found her mind reeling with his declaration. How many times had Jinny thought those same words? Even before he had left, she had dreamt of saying them to him.  How many times had she thrown away a draft of a letter that had those three words written carefully at the end? She had loved him for so long. And he loved her?  She cupped his cheek in her hand and stared up at him with teary eyes and uttered the phrase that she wished she had said the last day they were together in the field of grass: 
“I love you too.”
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Moodboards and Edits
Top Gun
Jake Seresin
Romantic date
Loved you 3 summers
Natasha Trace
Summer Vacation
Dance the night away
Bob Floyd
Surfing the waves
You look beautiful
Down this road
Tom Kazanksy
I think I love you
Band of Brothers
D-Day 79th Anniversary
Band of Brothers Appreciation Week 2023
Training and Scenery
Dick Winters
Lucky Strikes
Found Family
Heartbreaking scene
Post War
Dick Winters and Andrew Haldane
What would I do without you
Gone, Gone, Gone
My Friend Lew
Come Away With Me
Winter Wonderland
Lie With Me
Band of Brothers x Taylor Swift songs
All Too Well
Bad Blood
New Romantics
Illicit Affairs
Out of the Woods
Wildest Dreams
Paper Rings
The Great War
Last Kiss
Ronald Spiers
Stick Season
Lewis Nixon
Whiskey On You
Young Love and Old Money
Lewis and Josie
Eugene Roe
Most People Are Good
I Wanna Be Yours
Heart to Heart
Renée Lemaire
The Angel of Bastogne
Bull Randleman
You’re The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine
Chuck Grant
Easy Company
Keep the Home Fires Burning
Heaven Knows
Wayfaring Stranger
The Pacific
Eugene Sledge
Merriell 'Snafu' Shelton
Generation Kill
Nate Fick x OC
Stay Frosty
Masters Of The Air
Flying High
Went Down Swinging
Die First
Gale Cleven
Gale and Hope
Beneath the Blue Sky
I Can’t Wait to Marry You
Knock ‘em Down
Look How Far We’ve Come
The Things That I Lost Here
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moodmusicmonday · 2 years
One thing is for sure: this fandom has something for everyone judging from these songs! Love and fluff and angst--OH MY! Such a superb playlist that will have you salivating! BIG HUGE THANKS to those of y'all who shared a song. Whether it inspired your WIP or it makes you think of your favorite characters/scene from Choices, we LOVE them all! Y'all rock!
We love y'all! *big ol' hugs*
Same time next week?
“The Fixer” - Brent Morgan;  Best Kept Secrets, Chapter 2: Fixers Never Fix Themselves [TRR; Liam x f!OC (Amara)]
"We Are Family” - Sister Sledge; Fast Forward, Father’s Day Special One-Shot: The Big Apple Dumplin’ Festival [TRH; Liam x Riley; Maxwell x f!OC (Taylor); m!OC x f!OC (Nico x Angellica)]
“Spells” - Cannon; Wicked Game Chapter 3: Spells [TNA; Sam Dalton x MC (Niamh Kenney)]
“Jealous” - Nick Jonas; (Less Than) Noble Intentions, Chapter 13: Invidia [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Harper Gale)]
“Homegrown” - Zac Brown Band; Homegrown, Father’s Day One-Shot [TRR; Drake Walker x MC; Liam Rys x f!OC)]
“Broken and Beautiful” - Kelly Clarkson; Broken and Beautiful: Sami’s Story (tentative title) [OPH; Tobias Carrick x f!OC (Samantha Carlson)]
“NFWMB” - Hozier; Irreplaceable, Chapter 18:  Ain’t You My Baby? (TRR; Leo x Riley)
“Would Have Loved Her” - Chris Bandi; Character Shout-Out: Drake Walker
“Use My Voice” - Evanescence; Stay, Chapter 2: Draw My Own Line [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Jodi Walker); other pairings to be revealed]
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @atsuinawa @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @choicesmonthlychallenge @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
idk who you’ve done already but i’m gonna throw orange cassidy and sami zayn at you for the bingo card!
[sledge] x
oc is really just a dude and it shows lol
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sami my beloved original blorbo <33
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lunaticus-platina · 2 years
Another relationship rambling about Travis x my oc because why not. How they react to each other's and their own near death experience.
Now that I think about it. All BK does as he bleeds out would either be:
A. Jokes about current situation
B. Weakly, albeit jovially, humming and muttering 'Died in your arms tonight' by Cutting Crew
All the while Travis is working himself up to the state of hysteria as he's trying to keep him alive. He'll only turn serious after Travis finally loses his composure and shows distress. Even then he'll act all nonchalant like the entirety of the front of his shirt isn't soaking wet with his own blood. The bastard.
But if the table is turned? He'll literally fireman carry the man who's 6'0" and zoom through the forest like a jet. Break into whatever car he could find and break several traffic laws like a maniac he is, rush into the hospital carrying T over his shoulder, make up any bs excuses he needs to explain the situation, cover all the medical bills, and wouldn't fucking leave the hospital. He'd climb a tree near T's room just so he could see him through the window and keep watch during the night.
Bet Travis never had anyone looking out for him. It's always the other way around. Must be nice to be cared for for once. But he'll also be kinda awkward, having his personal loyal guard dog, who jokes around like he got a screw loose in his head but turns sharp as a razor at a moment's notice. Someone who regards him as their priority. I wonder how T will react to that. All the self-deprecation will fall on deaf ears, 'cuz Lumber will have none of that.
'I don't need you saving me!'
'If I don't care who will?'
'I AM nobody, Travis.'
BK knows how the self-isolation works. The imposter syndrome, feeling of inadequacy, letting others take you for granted, etc. And he lets T know that he can't push him away that easily, that he's a lot tougher than many people and lets it shown as plain as day.
We all know Trav got self-worth issue, and guilt kills him day by day, but Lumber won't give a fuck. Needs a company? He'll be there. Needs hands? Say no more. He'll come up with a sledge hammer slung over his shoulder, and slam it into Travis' walls like the Berlin wall collapsing. 'Ride or die' personification. T will have hard time wrapping his head around how on board Lumber is with most things he does, even though he himself knows some of his plans are downright stupid, and dangerous.
It makes him guilty, to which Lumber always remarks without a fail, 'I chose this.' He always chooses Travis, which leaves the man baffled. Even in the face of death BK would be his usual self, cracking jokes, being a cheeky ass, saying it got nothing to do with T, trying to make it easier for him.
Travis will point that out one day, about him being a hypocrite, about how he didn't let himself be at ease a single time while Travis recovered.
'I'm not the one with morals, sir. You are.'
'My moral compass has seen better days.'
'And it still works, good as new. You are a good man. No really, you are! Bad man doesn't care as much as you do. Doesn't suffer as much as you do for the sins he committed. You are a good man. Can't tell me otherwise.'
Lumber will tell him all about how his mere presence fuels his fire, the heat that keeps him determined. 'You won't pull me down even if you tried. You keep me strong. I could forget all the pain in the world by just being with you and you don't even know it.'
Travis gets and keeps his supportive boyfriend 'cuz I say so.
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floralfloyd · 3 years
One-shots and Imagines Requests
Below is a list of all the people I write for but I’m always willing to give anything a try if you don’t see your favorite person on there. As for plots, I’m open to anything and will write any kind of plot idea minus smut. 
Band of Brothers
Floyd Talbert
George Luz
Dick Winters
Joe Liebgott
Babe Heffron
Lewis Nixon
Chuck Grant
Harry Welsh
Bill Guarnere
Ronald Spiers
Donald Malarkey
Carwood Lipton
 The Pacific
Robert Leckie
Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith – willing to do Jacob Pitts too
Eugene Sledge
Sidney Philips
Andrew ‘Ack  Ack’ Haldane
Bohemian Rhapsody Cast 
Gwilym Lee - all characters including Brian May
Brian May 
John Deacon
Pink Floyd
David Gilmour 
Rick Wright
Nick Mason
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