#sleepover hangover
escapingpurgatory · 1 year
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OMG fr. I go to sleep at like 3 am and wake up in a cold sweat feeling absolutely nasty. It's the worst feeling. I wish it wasn't like that, because I love sleepovers.
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bunny584 · 6 months
Funny story, I ran away to the French country side with a boy I met in an ice cream shop in Paris when I was 18. Our love story lasted a total of 7 days but it was a dream. I’d get fresh baguettes with his mama every morning.
woah, that's quite the story.
sounds like a real rom-com movie.
Anon my love it was just gorgeous.
I believe it was Montrésor, his home town/village. His mom kept saying “my son fell in love with an American girl!” And it was the running joke all week. His dad took a day or two to warm up to me, but by the time I had to catch my flight he was such a sap. Trying to stuff little desserts and treats into my luggage 🥹
Last time we caught up was maybe a 4 ish years ago? Ugh. Puppy love is so fun.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
thinking about giving up alcohol completely, it's a bit random because I'm not drinking often at all- even less than when I was in Italy tbh and I'm not addicted to it but I'm kind of noticing a pattern of not really having nice nights when I drink like it's supposedly fun in that moment and I like alcohol as a drink but not that much when you think about it after... like it's not worth it because I don't like it that much to make me really happy and like watching a TV show makes me happier for example than being with random people at the pub... also people here in Ireland seriously have a big problem with drinking too much alcohol, they are "functioning" alcoholics and it's not even fun after a certain point because they become unbearably annoying
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castieltrash1 · 1 year
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theealbatross · 4 months
kiss me (s.s.)
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Plot | You fought, kissed, and made up. But it could never be that easy.
or, Sebastian took two steps forward and three steps back.
Tags | insecurities, social pressures, obsessive tendencies, slytherin!reader, dark!seb and reader if you squint, but not really, underage drinking (theyre all 16-18 in this), they're just crazy about each other and can't tell anyone, kissing (duh) nothing too PG, happy ending?, read 4k words and figure it out, if the end made you scream say 'aye'
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[ 6th Year ]
“Spin that fucking bottle!”
If you had known what absolute monstrosity you would create when you introduced muggle sleepover games to your housemates you would’ve gone to bed early.
But now, you were surrounded by drunk, nosy, Slytherins that were dead-set on exposing each other’s most embarrassing secrets. No one was safe.
“Imelda!” Everyone cheered, Grace quickly hooked her arms around the other girl’s neck when she tried to escape.
The party had long since been over, most of the students from other houses had already retired to their own rooms but those who had friends in Slytherin (like Poppy and Natty) or were too drunk to journey back to the spiraling staircases of their houses safely (like Everett and Samantha) decided to sober up for a while in the Quidditch Grand Champion’s common room.
“Are you actually as mean as you pretend to be or do you just not know how to make friends,” Natty slurred, pointing and wagging a finger at her.
If she was in a better constitution, she would’ve been able to brush off that accusation easily and with confidence but a dozen of improved (thanks Garreth) Firewhiskey shots later and the ever-guarded Imelda flushed in embarrassment to the surprise of everyone. The small circle burst out laughing, Imelda pushed Grace away in annoyance.
“It’s okay, ‘melda. We love you as you are!” Poppy was definitely still hammered.
“Next, next, next!”
The bottle spun and spun but your eyes were at the boy who had just returned from tucking Ominis in their shared dorm. You smiled up at him as he sat in the reserved space available just for him right beside you. “Omi?” you mouthed.
He squeezed your hands, silently letting you know your lightweight friend was now safely tucked in his own bed and ready to welcome the worst hangover he had ever known tomorrow.
“Well, well, well! Our brilliant, beloved, beater!”
It was when you turned your eyes back down on the ground that you saw that the mouth of the bottle was now undoubtedly pointed at Sebastian.
“Mate, I just got here!”
The crowd booed, Sebastian receiving light punches and playful jeers. “It’s the rules, Sallow!”
Everyone looked at you expectantly, the false inventor of such guidelines. You smirked, shrugging, “Rules are rules.”
Sebastian gaped at the betrayal. He gave you a look that lets you know he’ll get you back for this, even secretly poking your waist sharply. You didn’t like the way your housemate’s eyes glinted at the small interaction. Oh no.
“Alright, Alright,” Garreth shushed the crowd with two outstretched hands. “I have the million galleon question! I’m sure everyone will praise my genius for it!”
“Get on with it already!”
The Gryffindor threw a drunken glare at the voice from the back of the common room. “Now, I’m sure our dear Sebastian, despite receiving many letters of admiration and flutters of pretty lashes –”
“Gross,” Imelda grumbled.
“—has yet to officially court someone!” Garreth announced, arms stretched wide like he was a ringmaster about to start his greatest show. Everyone oo-ed and ahh-ed and cheered.
You didn’t like where this was going.
Sebastian, for all the eyes that were on him, managed to maintain the small smile on his cocky face.
It was true. You were not blind to the … physical developments he had undergone the last two years nor to the attention it had garnered him. The boy you had sneaked around Hogwarts with in your fifth year had disappeared and was replaced by a man. An unfairly tall, tanned, attractive man. You damn near walked past him again if he had not pulled you to his side on your first day during your 6th year.
You weren’t ignorant of it, nor were you dumb enough to deny your attraction to your friend.
But you are a lady. And his friend.
His most trusted, beloved friend (his words not yours).
You’d rather not risk your lifelong connection if he won’t. You know how to read between the lines as blurry as it had become. He’s lost too much and you refuse to become another scar in his soul. The both of you have had enough of that to last you till the next lifetime.
“So, my question is,” your eyes widened when you felt two hands on each of your shoulders, in your deep reverie you have failed to notice Garreth sneaking behind your back or that all conniving eyes and raised eyebrows were now on you.
Sebastian smiled.
“Kiss, Marry, Kill.”
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[ 7th Year ]
It was by incredible luck that your 7th year of Hogwarts called for the Triwizard tournaments to be held in Hogwarts.
You were prepared to enjoy the event in relative peace. Happy that for once you would be the spectator of all the action instead of being the one in the middle of it.
Life just can’t make it that easy for you.
You did not even realize that Sebastian of all people had thrown his name in as consideration until he had been called and your dreams of a quiet last year in Hogwarts were shot to the depths of hell. It was the first time in a while that you felt true fear, the type that froze all your blood solid.
The fight that followed in the Undercroft was explosive.
“How could you be so reckless, Sebastian?! People die in these games! Why would you do this?!”
Just the thought of it makes your stomach sink. Sebastian will be front and center of this bloody battle of pride that is broadcasted to the entire wizarding world. It was different when it was the two of you jumping through all types of danger – this time you won’t be able to help him. He will be alone.
Yet, when you had expected a valid explanation and a plan out of all this madness he instead looked at you with such anger and vitriol that you physically flinched.
“Because I am sick of being just your friend!” Even Ominis pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on. Foreseeing a tragedy about to uncontrollably unroll. “I’m constantly surrounded by you two! Ominis Gaunt, the scion of the purest bloodline in the wizarding world, the Heir of Slytherin who could do no wrong! How brilliant!”
He cackled a laugh, he looked like a man at the brink of insanity. How long had he been holding on to these thoughts?
“And you!”
“Sebastian enough –” Ominis tried to cut through his mania but he wasn’t having any of it. Once the words were out, there was no taking them back in. He was cursed – he will have to see it through.
“Famed Hero of Hogwarts,” each word was dripped in poison, the insecurities bubbling inside him caused him to lash out at anyone and everyone who dared question his decision. How could they understand? How would they understand a nobody? “Do you know how tired I am of being in your shadow?”
He felt the sting before he heard it, the slap drowned the Undercroft in silence. Then, the weight of his grave words sunk in. The green haze in his head cleared just to see the boiling tears falling down your distraught face.
What has he –
“Then let me free you of such shadow, Sebastian,” your face crumpled, physically pained by such cruelty from your dearest companion. “You’re on your own this time.”
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That had been months ago, aside from the few classes you had together he had not even seen you anywhere else. Not even in the first game when he had sent you an owl begging you for a chance to apologize and dedicating his win to you. The victory over the other contestants tasted bitter when he couldn’t find your face in the celebrating crowd.
And the pit in his chest turned into a black hole when he caught Ominis at the edge of the celebration shaking his head. She didn’t come. He’s lost her.
Ominis refused to help him – not that he deserved any. In retrospect, it was ... silly – the insecurities he had been shamefully hiding. He knew his friends had never seen him short of an equal but it’s difficult to see the good when the entire world is looking down at you with cruel, disapproving eyes when your back is turned. Cruel whispers they made sure only he could hear.
“I thought he’d live somewhere more posh.” “Sallow? Dating her? That’s preposterous he’s an orphan with barely a galleon to his name.” “Why do you think they keep him around?”
It was stupid and irrational and he handled it in the worst possible way. Lashed out at the one person who least deserved it, who went through hell to drag him back out, then benevolently tended to all the wounds and scars in his humanity till he was himself again.
“Let me free you of such shadow, Sebastian.”
He slammed his head on the wall he was leaning on, the heartbreaking image of her distressed face was a nightmare that had chased him awake or asleep.  Sebastian may deserve this but you most definitely didn’t. He never deserved you.
Yet, here he was, sitting on the floor of the Ravenclaw Tower with a wilted bouquet of wildflowers he had picked before breakfast, hoping he could catch her somehow. He ignored the giggles, snickers, and confused questions thrown his way no matter how embarrassed he felt. He wasn’t moving from this spot until he can apologize – the silent treatment was torture worse than Crucio. And he had been hit with one.
At the first sound of the walls transforming, he was already up on his feet, his hands instinctively brushing his hair as if looking presentable would even out his chances of repairing his most treasured friendship.
The door opened and finally, your eyes met his. The tension was something that would choke even the greediest puffskein. Your eyes were wide, unblinking and your lips were pursed in a fine line that communicated how much you loathed being in his presence. He hopes you know that you could never hate him as much as he hated himself at this very moment.
“For you!” It was only when it was being offered to you did he realize how abysmal the dying bouquet he had been carrying in his hands since this morning looked. But it was too late now, she was already here, looking at the flower then back to him and all the lines he had practiced flew out of his head.
Instead, he just fell to his knees, prostrating, tears already threatening to fall down his face. He had never been an honorable man. “Sebastian! Get up!”
“I will do anything you ask me to,” The feel of her touch made his skin tingle. After months of not even catching your eyes or hearing your voice and it was more than worth it to suffer through all this humiliation just for this moment. Even if you may never forgive him at least he could apologize. He’ll have a better last moment with you than your fight. “I’ll win the games. I’ll quit. I’ll drop out of Hogwarts if that’s what you want just, please … forgive me.”
He felt your arms wrap around him but he was too distraught, barely comprehending that you had somehow pulled him back into the room until the two of you fell on the ground and the door of the room slammed shut. Still, he continued sobbing in your arms, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he drenched your neck with his anguished tears. “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Sebastian wasn’t playing fair but your forgiveness was a prize he was willing to cheat to earn. There would be no point of honor if he lost you – anyone else but you.
“It wasn’t anything you did. It was me,” he sobbed. “I just – you and Ominis became such incredible people that I realized it was me who had not become anyone. I am a nobody!”
“Sebastian that is just not true –”
“It’s moronic I know! But I just thought … if I could win these games … if I could stop being just myself and be a champion then I can finally earn the spot beside you.”
It was embarrassing to admit all that, the deep insecurities that had festered inside of him the moment he was finally faced with the reality of the world. That he was surround by great people who has and will achieve great things and he was … him. A failure, a murderer, a burden.
“Don’t make me slap you again,” your cold voice woke him up from his self-lashings.
He sniffed, nodding, finally finding the strength and shame to sit up on his knees in front of you. “I … I really am so sorry.”
He pinched his eyes shut, preparing himself for the worst. His nails digging in his palm in an effort to stop it from shaking. However, it took one touch of your palms to break through all his pretenses. “I forgive you.”
He crumbled in relief, jumping into your open arms in a mess of tears, snot, and even more apologies.
“I know, I know,” you shushed him, hands tight even as he soaked your shirt through. “Ominis talked to me and … Sebastian you really are so silly. What do you mean you're a nobody? You're the top student in our year! So much so that all those Ravenclaws have declared you their enemy. You're the greatest beater in our generation that even I have been receiving owls begging me to somehow convince you to play for their team when you graduate! I can't even imagine how many times I would have gotten in trouble or straight-up died if it wasn't for you! I swear you're so fucking daft sometimes!”
He nodded eagerly, taking any jabs you may have if it meant you were talking to him. Even if it was still difficult for him to accept that any of those achievements you dictated could ever surmount to what you had achieved he knew it wasn't smart to try and correct it now when you had just forgiven his transgressions. “Stupid, stupid, boy.”
It was there in that room that your fractured friendship was mended with a bunch of dead flowers and Sebastian’s tears.
To celebrate, you had produced a couple of leftover Hogshead Brew for the two of you to enjoy till you were tipsy enough to forget the past horrible months without each other and were now giggling to each other’s face as if to make up for all the laughs you were owed in the months of silence.
“Lay back down, your eyes are going to be swollen shut.”
He’s been crying so hard for so long that he was too tired to do anything but follow your words, laying at the center of the bed you’ve conjured and sighing at the warm cloth you pressed on his eyes that miraculously stopped the world from spinning.
If he thinks too hard about the shameful faces he had shown you, he fears he’s going to combust, instead he focused on the rake of your nails on his hair, the familiar scent of your perfume he had given to you as a gift for your birthday last year, and the weight of your head as you laid on his stomach while the alcohol coursed through his body.
“You shouldn’t quit.”
He folded the cloth in one eye to take a peek at you. You giggled sweetly, clearly taking the drink harder than him, and gods above did he miss it. His happiness was cut short however when you crawled over the length of his body and instead plopped next to him, your head resting on his outstretched arm.
Physical affection wasn’t new to the two of you – after what you had been through hugs and holding hands were something the two of you found comfort in, a reminder that despite everything, the two of you made it out together – but after a few months without it he was faced with the realization of how unconventionally intimate your friendship truly was.
“Like I said, Ominis explained to me how you’ve been feeling – only another man would ever understand a bruised man’s ego. And if this is what’s going to make you feel better then I will support you till the end.” He turned his head so he can look at your eyes. When you cupped his face he felt his gut curl on itself from adoration. “But make no mistake Sebastian, the two of us have always been equals. We’re kindred spirits, remember?”
Kindred spirits, he thought. He remembers the first time he called the two of you that -- something a little cheeky for the first witch who didn't sneer in disgust at the prospects of his less than favorable past time. The curiosity in your eyes then was one he had seen in his own, even then he had this funny feeling that you were going to get along very well.
If he only knew how right he was, he would've thought he was a prodigy in divination.
A tear once again pebbled at the memory but just as he closed his eyes ready to wipe it away you were already sitting up, throwing the wet cloth and pressing a kiss on the edge of it. Sebastian sucked in a breath, blinking to see you hovering over him now. He’s never seen you this zealous. The passion in your eyes is almost mirroring his own.
It would seem whatever was in that brew had smashed through your inhibitions and his pride as he let you continue peppering kisses all over his face.
“You are very precious to me,” she whispered fondly, her gaze soft, drunk and adoring then it turned dark, an emotion crossed your face that he’d only seen when you had been fighting the meanest of foes. “I’d blow this entire school up before I let any of them think they could take your place in my life.”
Sebastian shuddered, his entire body burning under your gaze.
Leaning over again, you pressed another kiss on his other eyelid. “I won’t allow anyone to take you away from me.”
On his forehead. “And you are not allowed to leave me. I forbid it, Sebastian.”
As pathetic as it was, the words were everything he needed to hear. The possession healing over all his insecurities like a balm.
He has always been a selfish lad. His parents and everything he had ever known were ripped away from him at too early of an age that it made him realize that he needed to protect Anne because she was all he had but even that exploded spectacularly into a tragedy.
And then he met you and finally, finally, he met his person. Someone who was seemingly made just for him. Someone who understood him for all his secrets and flaws and still called him a friend.
However, it would seem that he was cursed of a cruel fate. Because the one person who was supposed to be just his turned out to be the most sought-after witch of their generation with the type of magic that had not been seen in centuries. At first, it didn’t matter, he was confident of his place in your life. But as the two of you grew up, the reality that your position in society were skies apart was when his insecurities began to painfully blossom.
But this … it was nice to be claimed like this. To be able to hear and see the crazed obsession he had only seen in his own reflection be mirrored by the one person he needed it from the most. The whole world can laugh behind his back, it didn’t matter anymore. The most brilliant witch in history is in this bed with him, kissing all his insecurities away and branding him as hers.
He chuckled but was cut short when you pressed a softer kiss just by the edge of his smile. His heart threatened to pound out of his chest, his ears failing to hear anything else but the next words out of your mouth. “Do you understand me, Sebastian?”
It has never been clearer: she is his.
“You are mine.”
With her final words, Sebastian’s brain seems to finally function again. A surge of alcohol and courage caused him to raise his limbs to cup your face, pulling you closer and closer so he could finally do what he had been dreaming about since your first duel.
A kiss. A promise. The final bind that would lock your souls together forevermore.
You gasped, smiling through the kiss before you plopped your entire body on top of his, your body finally getting overwhelmed by the alcohol and all that has happened in the past hours – knocking you straight into a dreamless sleep.
For the first time in a long, long while, he was at peace.
The two of you may never remember this moment but he’ll know it in his soul. In this dim room, surrounded by her scent, and her skin, and her kisses – he has finally found where he belongs and who belonged to him.
He pulled you into him – tighter, closer. It didn’t matter, you were his.
Only his.
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“Guess we made up?”
When you woke up Sebastian was already lounging in the ottoman by the end of the bed, casually reading a book while you were crawling towards him with your blanket over your head and suffering through a hangover.
If not for the redness in his eyes you would’ve thought you hallucinated his teary apologies.
He was quick to open up his form, grabbing a decorative pillow for you as you laid down on his lap dramatically. You don’t remember much but you knew enough that the big fight was forgotten and forgiven.
“Guess so, darling,” he chuckled nonchalantly, back to his cool, charming self as if he hadn’t been a crybaby in your arms just yesterday.
‘Darling’? That’s new.
You grinned, letting him pet you. You weren’t complaining, not being friends with Sebastian felt wrong and it was a miracle you stood your ground as hard as you did.
“Aren’t I so gracious, dear?” you teased, poking his stomach to make him flinch. The two of you laughed. “What happened after I popped out that blasted poison from Hogshead?”
When you try to comb through your memories your headache fights back with a vengeance so you had hoped he would supply the blank pages in your mind.
He stared at you for a beat before sighing, looking truly as miffed as you. “I wish I remembered, I’m in the dark as much as you.”
And as much as he knows it was wrong to not try to remember, he also knew he wouldn’t be able to live through the embarrassment of what he might’ve been telling you while he was drunk and emotional again. It was a mistake but he was more than happy to let those blank memories remain blank. What’s important is that you are friends again.
“Let’s focus on the future now, hm? No sense digging through what would definitely be an embarrassing moment for me,” he groaned, pinching your cheeks when you gave him a teasing smile.
You hesitated, biting your lip but then nodded. “If you say so.” It was in the past after all.
Sebastian was glad you let it go. (He will regret this in years to come.)
“Speaking of futures, I had wanted to ask you,” he played with the short strands of your hair, heart full of adoration as he looked down at your face. “Go to the Yule Ball with me? Gotta have a pretty date for this year.”
You dramatically gasped, “The Future Triwizard Champion asking little old me? Also, I was your date last year, scoundrel!”
He burst out laughing, you jumped into his arms, pressing a kiss on his cheeks.
His lips tingled, his head ached as it begged him to remember. But then you flashed him that bright smile and nothing else mattered.
“I would love to.”
The two of you were back to what you had once been. It would just be greedy to ask for more.
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gyustarzzi · 8 months
ateez reacts to sleeping together for the first time
☆ hongjoong
just got home from a concert and since it was getting late so he decided to stay at your place
when you tell him that you guys have to sleep together he gets nervous
stares into space which makes you nervous as well
when you guys go to sleep he keeps a safe distance away from you
stays up at unholy hours talking about anything that comes to mind
the next day you guys are wrapped around eachother not lettting go
" We have to sleep together? No! It's not a problem, it's just…I've never done this before "
★ seonghwa
got home from a long day of dance practice so you stay at his place
is kinda nervous but is a little happy to have you with him tonight
cooks you dinner which you tell him it is not necessary but he insists
one step ahead of you and has everything you need: clothes, toothbrush, bodywash, etc.
you sleep in his bed and he sleeps on the couch
ends up with you coming to him and sleeping with him on the couch cuddling
won't let you go home if you guys leave somewhere late
" I guess you couldn't resist my charm princess/prince "
☆ yunho
you and yunho went on a date and ended up staying at the beach a little too long
you stay at his place and change into his clothes
asks if it's okay to sleep with you in the same bed
watch harry potter if you guys stay up later than you expected
you wake up on his chest and your arms and legs wrapped around him not letting go
" You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you in my clothes, your so cute!! "
★ yeosang
he stays at your house late after a party with the other members
nervous because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable in anyway
keeps a safe distance away from you but once you start scooting closer to him the more he's scooting closer to you
plays with your hair, you leg over his side
falls asleep to your soft snore and kisses your cheek
wakes up with him caressing you back to sooth you in your sleep
" Are you sure it's okay if we sleep together? You sure? Ok, I just wanna make sure your not uncomfortable "
☆ san
sets up a sleepover with you and forces to comeover to his place
quick stops at the store to grab snacks and more snacks
makes a fort with you, which you guys cuddle in obvi ;)
watches many funny movies and k-drama's
places with your fingers (entwining fingers)
kisses you on the forehead before falling asleep
" This is gonna be the best fort ever!! "
★ mingi
you were hanging out with mingi at ateez's dorms
you guys were watching a movie and you fell asleep halftway through it
plops you on his bed and puts on one of his hoodies
since it was already dark, mingi decided you would stay the night with him
you snuggled under his hoodie that he was wearing while sleeping -  wakes up to mingi taking cute pictures of you
" What? I can't take pictures of this moment? You look absolutely adorable!! "
☆ wooyoung
takes you home from a party
let's you change into his clothes in the bathroom before he takes a shower
cuddles with you in the bed, occasionally running his fingers through your hair
pulls you closer to him when he feels needy
when you wake up in the middle of the night he gets super bubbly and kisses you
helps you with whatever you need since your still overcoming your hangover
" You might have kicked me a few times, but it was definitely worth it"
★ jongho
comes home from a fun day with the members
freezes when you ask if you can stay at his place for the night
since he sometimes leaves his clothes at your house so you alreayd had some clothes to wear that night :D
lets you rest on his arm/chest obvi (HE'S BASICALLY YOUR PERSONAL PILLOW)
wakes up to you basically being squeezed to death by him
" Hm? You want to sleep together? No! It's no big deal "
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chuusheartattck · 3 months
Chapter 6- Apologies ☕️
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You’ve woken up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the morning sun peaking in through the windows. You would’ve loved waking up in the giant room provided by Ayaka, if only you weren’t so violently hung over.
The feeling of being incredibly nauseous while remembering some of the memories from last night, started hitting you like a semi truck.
Why did you have to drink so much? You’re never drinking again.
You always say this but never actually stick through with your word.
You loved being drunk but hated the consequences that come the next morning. Your phone was buzzing with new messages. Have you always hated the sounds of notifications? Or was it the headache talking? Annoyed, you checked your phone.
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Bergrudgingly, you got up. As soon as you stood up however, you felt like you needed to throw up.
Quickly, you rushed to the toilet. Expecting for something to come out. Nothing did.
“I hate being hungover.” You quickly muttered before making your way to the dining room.
You noticed everyone had arrived before you. They all looked like shit. Including you. Mona was in deep explanation of how she read Yae’s birthchart. Apparently the woman has a lot of baggage.
You sat down in between Hu Tao and Mona.
Ayaka handed you a bowl of miso soup, “It’s for your hangover. You look rough.” She smiles.
You quietly thank her. The miso soup looks good but were you able to eat this without throwing it back up? You took your chances and fed yourself.
Luckily you didn’t.
Before you could finish the soup, Hu Tao turned towards you.
“So are you going to explain what happened last night?” She questioned.
You cleared your throat and explained your experience at the party. From start to finish. Everyone had listened intently to your story. Someone would occasionally gasp.
“Well he sure does know how to act like he cares about someone.” Mona mentioned. Scaramouche is actually a good actor.
It seems like he practiced on you the most.
As you were showing the group the texts you sent to Scaramouche and Childe, your phone buzzed. It was a text from Childe. Everyone began freaking out.
“Shit what do I say??” You were panicking because you didn’t really expect him to answer.
“Maybe an apology?” Lynette suggested.
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So fucking annoying.
He’s so fucking annoying.
How can he be like this? Why was he being like this? You heavily sighed. The audacity of this man.
Lynette looked up at you, “Is everything alright?”
You put your phone in the middle of the table and stood up.
“Yes. Everything is so perfect.” You replied sarcastically, “Ayaka thank you for the breakfast and sleepover. Have fun everyone reading those stupid ass texts. I’ll be getting ready to leave.”
When the words left your mouth, you walked away and towards the room you were sleeping in.
As you were packing up you heard a knock at the door.
It was Hu Tao. She was returning your phone.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. He’s such a big dick. You don’t deserve this. She pulled you into a hug.
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it. It’s how he is.” You reassured her.
She helped you pack the rest of your stuff.
You then said goodbye to everyone and got inside your car.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Hi I’m back! Ik its been a few days but I haven’t been feeling the best so I took a while to update. I’m still sick but I feel better enough to update even if this chapter was a bit short. Another written chapter I hope you guys like it!! Also pls ignore the typo in furina’s text I meant to put ‘parties’ 😭
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @veekoko @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3 @morgyyyyyyy
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
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List of Installments for Falling For the Devil
Warnings/tags: 18+; series contains lots of smut, fluff, angst, humor
Summary: This is a very long series/collection of one-shots about a nervous/awkward journalist Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock. Meant to feel like a realistic look into dating Matthew Murdock and all the sweet, vulnerable, sexy, and dark sides that come with him. Reader also gradually gains more confidence in and out of the bedroom as the relationship progresses.
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List of Installments
Part One: "The Night You Met"
Part Two: "The One-Sided Pining"
Part Three: "The Time Daredevil Saved You"
Part Four: "The Night You Almost Kissed"
Part Five: "The Wedding Day"
Part Six: "The Wedding Night"
Part Seven: "The Post-Wedding Brunch"
Part Eight: "The First Date"
Part Nine: "The Pool Game"
Part Ten: "The Growing Insecurity"
Part Eleven: "The Night Together"
Part Twelve: "The Week You Tried to Avoid Matt"
Part Thirteen: "The First Time He Walked You Home"
Part Fourteen: "The Time Matt Got Jealous"
Part Fifteen: "The Vulnerable Side of Matt"
Part Sixteen: "The Time You Saved Daredevil"
Part Seventeen: "The Revelation in the Rain"
Part Eighteen: "The Visit to Fogwell's"
Part Nineteen: "The Time You Almost Told Him"
Part Twenty: "The 'I Told You So'"
Part Twenty-One: "The Time You Did Tell Him"
Part Twenty-Two: "The Night You Couldn't Sleep"
Part Twenty-Three: "The Day of Phone Tag"
Part Twenty-Four: "The Devil and the Baker"
Part Twenty-Five: "The Leather Couch"
Part Twenty-Six: "The Big Win"
Part Twenty-Seven: "The Grocery Run"
Part Twenty-Eight: "The Early Morning Wake Up"
Part Twenty-Nine: "The Questions Over Coffee"
Part Thirty: "The Introduction at Clinton Church"
Part Thirty-One: "The Flight to Chicago"
Part Thirty-Two: "The Night He Couldn't Sleep"
Part Thirty-Three: "The Thanksgiving Dinner"
Part Thirty-Four: "The Ex Encounter"
Part Thirty-Five: "The Very Bad Day"
Part Thirty-Six: "The Cozy Night In"
Part Thirty-Seven: "The Bad Dream"
Part Thirty-Eight: "The Black Suit"
Part Thirty-Nine: "The Secret Santa"
Party Forty: "The Secrets in Your Suitcase"
Party Forty-One: "The First Half of the Trip"
Part Forty-Two: "The Argument in the Hotel Room"
Part Forty-Three: "The End of the Trip"
Part Forty-Four: "The Christmas Eve Party"
Party Forty-Five: "The Christmas Dinner"
Part Forty-Six: "The Night of Christmas"
Part Forty-Seven: "The Devil in Need"
Part Forty-Eight: "The Perfume"
Part Forty-Nine: "The Cemetery Visit"
Part Fifty: "The Interview"
Part Fifty-One: "The Devil's Wrath"
Part Fifty-Two: "The Breaking Point"
Party Fifty-Three: "The Downward Spiral"
Part Fifty-Four: "The Impossible Friendship"
Part Fifty-Five: "The Disheartening Valentine's Day"
Part Fifty-Six: "The Nightmare"
Part Fifty-Seven: "The Rough Conversation"
Part Fifty-Eight: "The Aftermath"
Part Fifty-Nine: "The Necessary Conversation"
Part Sixty: "The Long Awaited Kiss"
Part Sixty-One: "The Things You Didn't Know"
Part Sixty-Two: "The Pinky Promise"
Part Sixty-Three: "The Dinner Party"
Part Sixty-Four: "The Lesson at Fogwell's"
Part Sixty-Five: "The Shower"
Part Sixty-Six: "The Night Out"
Part Sixty-Seven: "The Morning in Bed"
Part Sixty-Eight: "The Sleepover"
Part Sixty-Nine: "The Lunch Date Delay"
Part Seventy: "The Thoughts About the Future"
Part Seventy-One: "The Sleepwalking"
Part Seventy-Two: "The Belated Valentine's"
Part Seventy-Three: "The Easter Sunday"
Part Seventy-Four: "The Boy's Night at Josie's"
Part Seventy-Five: "The Hangover"
Part Seventy-Six: "The Request"
Party Seventy-Seven: "The Very Frustrating Day"
Part Seventy-Eight: "The Night You Cooked Together"
Part Seventy-Nine: "The Hell Day"
Part Eighty: "The Revisitation of Moving In"
Part Eighty-One: "The Nighttime Visit"
Party Eighty-Two: "The Overload"
Part Eighty-Three: "The Really Bad Idea"
Part Eighty-Four: "The Late Night Snack Hunt"
Part Eighty-Five: "The Romantic Voicemails"
Part Eighty-Six: "The Moving Day"
Part Eighty-Seven: "The Week of Distractions"
Part Eighty-Eight: "The Birthday Brunch"
Part Eighty-Nine: "The Stray"
Part Ninety: "The Ring"
Part Ninety-One: "The Helping Hand"
Part Ninety-Two: "The Recurring Nightmare"
Part Ninety-Three: "The Unexpected Introduction"
Part Ninety-Four: "The Offer"
Part Ninety-Five: "The Evening of Insecurity"
Part Ninety-Six: "The Quiet Morning at Home"
Part Ninety-Seven: "The Rooftop" {Coming Soon}
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emotionaldamages · 11 months
forbidden love?- carlos sainz
part one | part two
carlos sainz x twin!norris!reader
y/nnorris posted a story!
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liked by carlossainz55, francisca.gomes, and 4,983,893
y/nnorris party in the usa
landonorris no
landonorris who is that, and why do I not know who it is
username a soft launch I cant-
username carlos what are you doing here
username cuteee
username the dress ate
landonorris please give me a trigger warning before you give me a jumpscare
georgerussell63 lando is interrogating everyone here
charles_leclerc well this is not a suprise
landonorris what do you know leclerc
charles_leclerc nothing:)
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y/nnorris the group made it out of college, more time for sleepovers;)
friend1 sleepover tonight
friend3 more hangovers guys😔
friend7 yall forgetting we practically lived in one dorm
friend2 oh my I remember when we all ended in the park sleeping
username the comments-
y/nnorris guys we were good kids I swear
maxverstappen congratulations little norris
carlossainz55 congrats❤
landonorris so very proud of you sister
friend4 the so very fun memories
friend6 yall are so depressing, sleepover at my house be here at 9 bitches
friend1 yes ma'am
friend6 someone bring chocolate milk
friends9 I'll bring the food ig🙄
y/nnorris why yall making plans in my comments
username shes smart smart
username congrats!!
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liked by carlossainz55, y/nnorris, and 1,374,827
landonorris happy birthday to my little sister and congratulations on graduating dummy! always and forever❤
y/nnorris always and forever❤
username happy birthday to the iconic norris's
username baby norris's
carlossainz55 happy birthday twins!
username I forget their twins
mclaren happy birthday to the best twins!!!
lewishamilton they grow up fast, happy birthday kids
lilymhe happy birthday to my girlfriend and yk her other half🙄
alexalbono happy birthday dear friends
heidiberger_ the sleepy twins
carmenmmundt happy birthday evil twins🩷🩷
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liked by maxverstappen, landonorris, and 3,273,725
y/nnorris happy birthday to my other half❤ always and forever♡
landonorris the first photo was not necessary
landonorris my ride or die❤
username the matching tattoos
heidiberger_ forever favorite twins
carmenmmundt evil twins
y/nnorris you love me tho🙄
username happy birthday queen
username wheres the hard launch
oscarpiastri happy birthday to the sleepy injured twins
username favorite twins
username iconic twins
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carlossainz55 feliz cumpleaños! to my lovely girlfriend and my bestfriend and congratulations on graduating mi amor♡
username cuteness
username how is lando feeling
landonorris hurt her and I'll hurt you
y/nnorris guys I promise lando is okay with it
maxverstappen that's out of the bag
danielriccardo the cutest couple
username I love this so much
username hardest hard launch
username family
y/nnorris I love you so much❤
username we all saw it coming
username someone check on the other drivers
847 notes · View notes
ynbabe · 10 months
F1 Masterlist
Fake messages au
p.t 1 | bffs with the rookies+ Lando(cause we love him)
A small insight into the lives of the reader and their relationship with the rookies.
p.t 2 | Max still doesn't know who tf y/n is
How Max Verstappen is introduced to the rookie madness
p.t 3 | we beefing with fan pages frfr
When did meeting your idol make him your boyfriend? Also Lando's possessive abt his teammates but we been knew that.
p.t 4 | being menaces to society
McDonald's and annoying the shit out of a particular Monganesque, could the day get any better?
p.t 5 | Arthur's probléme
You meet THE Charles Leclerc, so yes, the day could get better!
p.t 6 | very concerning text w/each other
Reader is a menace, the boys deal with it... every.single.day.
p.t.7 | back on the paddock
Logan rocked, everyone shocked.
p.t.8 | The Hangover
Parties and After parties, the rookies are all right! Well, maybe not but they make for great cautionary tales.
p.t.9 | The Hangover II
The rookies are like gremlins, don't give them alcohol after midnight and maybe invest in a few leashes.
p.t.10 | The Hangover III
We finally know everything the rookies got up to in their drunken crusade.
p.t.11 | Melbourne in the summer
Reader goes to Australia and is reminded of all the times Logan, Oscar and her spent in the Aussies' house as teens.
p.t.12 | Monaco for one, please!
Reader finally meets the Leclercs but maybe they don't want to meet her.
p.t. 13 | Home alone in Monaco
Arthur and Reader cause chaos and chaos only
p.t.14 | Halloween is sacred
Oh Micky you're so fine.... oh and also y/n throws a killer Halloween party
p.t. 15 | "Come pick me up I'm scared"
we're beefing with the paparazzi once again and damn Y/n's got hands
P.t. 16 | Revenge is a dish best served cold and glittery
we're so back
P.t. 17 | The Sleepover I
The planning
Special additions:
incorrect quotes 1!
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wintfleur · 10 months
hi!! can i just possibly request a quick blurb about stella and her brothers cuddling?? the plot would be something like this!!
stella’s on her period and at the moment all she wants to do is cuddle, so she goes from room to room rounding her brothers up and bringing them back to her room for a impromptu sleepover!! and they all have just missed each other during the season!! so they don’t do the fake complaining siblings do when you come in to their room (or in her case bring them to her room) and they all just cuddle all night like they used to do when they were little☹️☹️
ps.. i would think stella’s periods would be HELL mine are (and i’m anemic) it’s just like the extra blood leaving your body even though it’s supposed to?? it’s just actual hell. i get SO dizzy and i throw up and the cramps are the WORST (and for the cake on the top!!) i get SUPER light sensitive🍾🍾🎉🎉🎊🎊 (everybody clap!!) so i just feel like i the worst hangover of my life dude
and the reason i’m humbly requesting this blurb is because i’m on mine rn😭😭 also IM SO SORRY if the period thing is tmi..
ꔫ dog pile!
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°. — pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X siblings! Hughes brothers )
°. — details ( g; fluff, humor. w; cursing. wc; 1.8k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( thank you so much for requesting! I absolutely loved the idea! And don’t worry about it being a tmi! I am also anemic and my periods are HELL! I tried to get this out as fast as I can, I just been busy with some family things. I tried to make it sweet, but I accidentally made it chaotic. I hope you enjoy! )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
au masterlist - you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
°. — asks about stella and rut are under #⋆ ˚。⋆୨🩷୧˚ stella & rut!
°. — smutty asks about Stella and rut are under #⋆ ˚。⋆୨💒୧˚ smutty stella & rut!
Stella huffed in annoyance for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last five minutes, she sat up from laying in her bed and twisted her body to fix her pillows again. She just couldn't get comfortable, and God was it frustrating to keep on moving when she was having terrible cramps. But to be honest her being uncomfy isn't the full reason for her being frustrated. She was alone at home with her siblings, and instead of them spending time together, they were all spread out around the house doing their own thing. 
The more she thought about it, the grumpier she got. 
Stella decided she had enough of being alone, she grabbed her remote and paused the Christmas movie she was watching. She flung her thick blanket off her sweatpants covered legs (the sweatpants that she stole from Rutger) and got out of her warm bed. She slipped on her favorite grinch slippers and stomped her way out of her room and down the hallway to the closest room to her, Quinn's. 
Luckily his door was already cracked, and Stella pushed it fully open with her hand, standing still in the doorway, her hands at her sides. Quinn’s head snaps up from his phone and towards his sister at the sudden sound. He opens his mouth to ask if she's alright, but he quickly closes it when he notices the grumpy pout on her lips. Stella stares at Quinn and speaks in a freakishly calm tone “My room now please.” 
“Uhh alright” Quinn agreed in a confused tone, he got out of his bed and followed his little sister out of his room. His eyes widening at the sound of her slippers stomping against the floor. Jack, who opened his door, flinches at the sight of Stella standing right in front of him, not expecting to see her. Before Jack could say anything, Stella is grabbing his arm and pulling him with her. Jack just lets her pull him along to her room, looking behind at Quinn for some context on what's going on, but he just receives a shrug from the eldest Hughes sibling. 
“Sit down” Stella mumbles tiredly pushing Jack to sit on the edge of her bed, she glances at Quinn with her grumpy eyes, and he moves to sit on her bed, his back leaning against her headboard his arms crossed over his chest, waiting for stella to explain what's going on. Jack looks up at stella waiting for an explanation but instead he gets a quick “Stay here.” 
“What's up with her?” Jack turns around to ask Quinn once Stella waddles out of the room, moving up on the bed so he is leaning against the headboard, his legs sprawled out. Quinn looks too jack and responds casually “Its stella, we’ll never know.” 
Stella moves into the living room, her eyes going to Luke, who was sitting on the couch with his back to her, playing Mario Kart. He was muttering to himself as he played, Stella having to stop herself from laughing at the sight. Stella moves to stand next to the tv, Luke looks away from the tv for a second to look at her for a moment before looking back to his game. “Hey stell” 
“Lukey, come with me please” Stella sweetly asks Luke, taking a new approach to get him in her room. Last time she interrupted Luke at gaming, he tackled her to the couch (gently) and sat on her. Stella really didn't want to experience that again, especially with her cramps. She hoped that her sweet tone would convince him to come, but of course she was wrong. “Bro I'm in the middle of a game.” 
“Bro, I don't care” Stella quickly snaps back, doing her best to intimidate his tone. Luke looked away from the screen to give her a ‘really’ look. But Stella stood her ground, crossing her arms over her chest and staring silently at him with her grumpy frown. Luke sighs and turns off the game, knowing there was no way he was gonna win this battle, not when she was extra emotional. 
Stella smiles triumphantly when Luke shuts off the TV and stands up to follow her, Luke rolling his eyes at his little sister's antics. Luke follows behind stella and asks "What are we doin” 
“We're having a sleepover, Quinn and jack just don't know it yet” Stella giggles, she knew she was being a ‘little’ dramatic, but she also didn't care. She didn't know how long she would be with all of her brothers until they had to leave. Luke grins, some of his best memories are him and his siblings having sleepovers. “Hell yeah! But I'm picking the movie.” 
“Fine, but I'm not watching Christmas story again” Stella agrees causing Luke to laugh, ever since stella was little she has always had a strong hatred for that movie, and Luke being the annoying brother he is, likes to choose that as his choice for movie night. 
“She got you too huh” Quinn jokes once the two youngest join them in the room. Stella rolls her eyes and slips off her slippers while Luke sets his phone on her side table next to Jacks, not before shutting it off, not wanting to get bothered by his notifications. “So, you gonna tell us why you kidnapped us?” Jack questions with an unnecessary amount of sass. 
“We're having a sleepover, and I won't take no for an answer” stella remarked with the same amount of sass. Jack's offended look on his face from Stella's sass turns to a look of relief, he was worried Stella gathered them all to tell them bad news or something. Jack lets out a heavy breath and dramatically rests his hand over his heart “You could have just said that. Fuck i thought you were going to tell us your pregnant or somethin!” 
Quinn grimaces at the thought, and Jack looks disgusted as he says the last part. Luke rolls his eyes at Jack's stupidity and scoffs “She's literally on her period dumbass” Quinn sighs, not liking the turn the conversation was going to. Jack ignores Luke's words and gives Stella a worried look “you're not, right?” 
“I’m not pregnant jack!” Stella shouts with annoyed huff, purposefully digging her knees into Jack's legs when she climbs over him to lay between him and Quinn. Jack winces and brings his leg up to his chest, rubbing the skin to soothe the pain. Luke laughs loudly and pushes Jack a little to the side so there was room for him to lay, causing Jack to loudly complain but nonetheless scoot over. Quinn lets out a tired sigh and wraps his arm around Stella and pulls her closer so there was more room for the other two. 
After a few more minutes the four siblings got situated in Stella's big bed, the blanket over all of them, poor luke had his feet sticking out of the end of the blanket since jack was being stingy and pulled the blanket all the way up to his shoulders. Stella yawned and rested her head on Quinn's chest, his hand that was resting on her arm came up to play with her hair. Jack, who was comfortably resting in the middle, had Luke resting his head on his shoulder. All of their legs somehow intertwined together just like how it was when they were little. 
Luke finally decided on grown ups, well more like Jack grabbed the remote and pressed on it. The siblings watched the movie in silence, with the occasional laugh, the siblings just enjoying being all together. Stella didn't want to get sappy, but she couldn't help but too “I really missed this” Quinn smiled and held his sister tighter, he understands how Stella feels the most, both of them being away from their siblings while Luke and Jack were still together. 
“I missed this too” Jack mumbled with a sniffle, he really did miss spending time with all his siblings, he loved having Luke with him, but it wasn't the same as having them all together. Quinn hummed in agreement while Luke sat up a little, staring at Jack with a teasing smile “Are you crying?” Jack glares at Luke and nudges him hard with his elbow, only causing Luke to laugh louder. “Fuck off luke” 
“Don’t tell luke to fuck off” Quinn snaps at jack causing him to look at his older brother in disbelief. Stella groans in annoyance and grabs the remote off Jack's lap to pause the movie before saying tiredly “Can we all stop saying fuck and just enjoy the moment” Quinn doesn't look away from jack and jack finally caves in with a sigh, turning to luke to apologize. Stella presses play on the movie with a happy smile. 
They continued to watch the movie, all of them laughing in unison at the same moments and talking about their favorite parts. It was like how it was when they were little, somehow all of them had moved closer together. Stella had a permanent smile as she watched the movie, finding so much comfort from being so close to her brothers, she felt so much better. 
Quinn and Stella felt themselves slowly drifting off to sleep, their eyes fluttering close.  Jack was munching on the candy Stella had on her side table, talking to Luke in hushed whispers so they wouldn't disturb the sleepy duo. Luke adjusts his position and frowns “Why is my ass so warm.” 
“Because you're sitting on her heating pad dumbass,” Jack laughs, and Stella, who is almost asleep, couldn't help but join Jack in laughter. Quinn's eyes flutter open, and he clears his throat in confusion, his voice tired “What happened” Luke scowls at Jack as he starts to laugh louder, tossing his head back. Stella giggles “Just Luke being luke”
 Luke pulls the pillow out from Jack's head and uses his long arm to reach over Jack and smack Stella right in the head with the pillow. Jack winces when his head smacks against the headboard and Stella gasps in shock at the hit. Luke didn't realize he had also hit Quinn in the face and soon he had three annoyed siblings staring him down. Luke laughs nervously “Uhh” 
And before they knew it, they broke out into a full pillow fight, Stella teaming up with Luke after getting a good hit on him. The next 10 minutes are filled with laughter and Luke's screams as Jack and Quinn target him. The exhausted siblings soon lay down and before the next movie reached the half point, they were all already asleep. Tangled into Stella's bed, Luke and Stella sleep peacefully between their older brothers. 
Another sleepover they wouldn't forget. 
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( the ending is kinda rushed, it could have been so much better but I really wanted to get it out as fast as I can )
°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @bradenschneider )
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chewnotchoke · 3 months
in the moments where my love thrives - m.jaehyun
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note: this fic wouldn't be possible without anon's sexy brain! thank you for letting me write this!
warnings: no proper proof reading, getting drunk (legal line), black cat!reader x retriever!myungjae
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, slow burn (kinda)
word count: 2.5k
jaehyun wakes up from the glow across the room, and the sun's rays beaming through his white curtains. he hears feet pounding from the living room, which sounds like excitement from their game, and a faint sound from the television. he got up and stretched his body, dissolving the stiffness in his limbs and arms. 
“why is everyone so early today?” 
taesan and riwoo did not even bat an eye at their friend who just woke up. their pupils dilated with the thrill of the game,  jaehyun watched as their character dodged, rolled, and retaliated, the game world a vivid blur of motion and color. he shook his head before pulling the chair from the table. 
“where’s y/n?” he asks. “she went out earlier to grab us lunch.” riwoo continued pressing buttons on his game console. jaehyun’s apartment was everyone’s hang-out place. got kicked out of home? jaehyun’s apartment. pre-game place? jaehyun’s apartment. sleepover? jaehyun’s apartment. but he didn’t complain nor reject anyone’s company because you were always there, and if you needed a place to stay, jaehyun offered his apartment like it was your home too.  
at times when the friend group, including you, spent the night over in his apartment, you were always the last to leave in the morning. you were always cleaning the mess that no one paid attention to when everyone was drunk, and jaehyun always helped you with it. 
“you can go home and rest. i’ll take care of this.” you refuse to leave unless the apartment returns to its state before the chaos happened. “you want me to leave?” your lower lip jutted out in an almost cartoonish pout, eyes narrowing as you aimed a playful glare to jaehyun. “n-no! you drank a lot last night and you might be feeling sick because of the hangover…” he stuttered. you chuckled at jaehyun’s silliness and reassured him that you were nowhere near to feeling sick from the alcohol. jaehyun found himself hiding a smile. 
in that moment, the room is filled with a light that is all your own. he holds onto the feeling, cherishing the lingering warmth of your presence, hoping that this moment, like you, will stay just a little longer.
when the group went on a camping trip and everyone was outside grilling meat, cooking ramen, the two of you were left in the kitchen making kimchi fried rice. the kitchen was filled with the aroma of the garlic. jaehyun peered over at you, your brow wrinkled in concentration as you diced the vegetables with precise movements. a faint smile spread across your lips, and he couldn't help but feel a flutter in his chest.
you turned to him, a cheeky gleam in your eyes, and offered jaehyun a sample of the sauce you had been meticulously stirring. as he leaned closer, your fingers met, shooting electricity up his arm. the sauce was excellent, as was everything else at this moment, at least for jaehyun. 
jaehyun's eyes expanded comically as he took his first spoonful of the sauce you prepared. he froze, the spoon suspended in mid-air, and his mouth slowly extended into an exaggerated "O" of surprise. he gave a theatrical gasp.
“how is it?”
“good! good! good!” he kept throwing you thumbs up if it wasn’t obvious how good it was. 
you came back with the lunch you promised to buy for everyone. the guys who were once so busy playing ran over to the dining area as soon as the food overpowered the aroma of the burning incense jaehyun always lit. 
for jaehyun, you are a rare combination of power and compassion, a woman who is fiercely independent but deeply connected. you were a reminder that true confidence isn't about knowing all the answers, but about believing in one's potential to discover them. you exemplified authenticity, enthusiasm, and unashamed self-love. your presence commands attention; a mixture of danger and allure, a living contradiction wrapped in leather and lace. a baddie, he must say. 
and if it isn’t obvious yet, he likes you. 
a belief ingrained deep within that girls like you—with a glint of silver at your ears and neck that catches the light, and exposed to the secrets of the night—could never harbor the slightest flutter of affection for a boy like him, was something that jaehyun carried in the quiet corners of his mind but rarely voiced aloud. 
the ink on your collarbone was exposed today from the top you were wearing and jaehyun couldn’t get his eyes off of it. 
“wanna get one?” you spoke, startling him. “you keep looking at my tattoo, do you wanna get one?” 
“you’re asking for something impossible. he’s scared of needles.” taesan answers. “i just found it cool.” no, he found it sexy. 
no one else in the room probably sees you as a woman other than jaehyun. there persisted deep regard for the person you were—a friend adored for her essence, and a woman cherished for her soul. it was the latter for jaehyun.
a few days later, the group went on another outing. surprisingly, it wasn’t at jaehyun’s apartment. they spent overnight at a rented villa. the villa itself was a marvel, its grandeur softened by time and the gentle touch of care it received. 
midday found them scattered throughout the villa’s nooks and crannies, each discovering their own quiet corner for reading, sketching, or simply soaking in the tranquility. in the afternoons, they convened once more, perhaps to play some badminton or table tennis, or go out on a walk. 
before evening, you found jaehyun watching a performance on the big screen and heard him singing along to a familiar tune. “you always watch that.” he turned his head over you. “oh, this? i think she’s cute.” an idol appears on screen, she is indeed cute, and has the same eyes like jaehyun’s. “never thought girls like that are your type.” 
“she isn’t my type.” he was in fact telling the truth. ever since it dawned on him that you could never catch feelings for a guy like jaehyun, he forced himself to like someone else. it was like planting seeds in barren soil and hoping for flowers to bloom where none naturally would. you lounged comfortably with jaehyun on the couch and took an interest in what he was watching. 
your eyes were fixed on the screen. jaehyun extends his legs on the coffee table and crosses them together. he was dumbfounded at you who were trying to keep your laugh. his foot, clad in a mismatched sock, ventured cautiously across the worn wooden coffee table that stood between them. you took a sight of his toes wiggling and cracked up. 
“what’s funny?” his foot, clad in a mismatched sock, ventured cautiously across the worn wooden coffee table that stood between them. “your socks. they look unmatched and silly.” his eyes swoon over to the pair of socks he was wearing.
“it’s cute!” and you kept laughing. jaehyun becomes lost in the depths of your stare when your eyes wrinkle at the corners and sparkle with unsaid laughter. it’s not just the sound that captivates him, but the way your entire being seems to come alive with that laughter.  
you playfully brushed your pinky toe against his big thoe, still finding the socks funny. jaehyun played along with you, leaving the colors on the television forgotten. 
for him, there’s a certain magic in the mundane moments you share. he always sees the spark in the things you do together. everyone had a heavy dinner to fill their stomachs before drinking. tidying up with you, cooking with you, washing the dishes together, jaehyun feels his heart burning with the realization that he finds beauty even in the smallest, everyday acts of life with you. and he couldn’t help but go beyond the imagination of dating you, living harmony in your shared life to the point that even with the simple brushing of fingertips as he reaches for the same spoon, he has found intimacy in these moments. 
after cleaning up, everyone was gathered in the same living room you were with jaehyun earlier. bottles of beer and wine were uncorked, passed around with toasts to friendship. after a long day of exertion, the first sip of cold beer seemed like nectar; the alcohol-infused their bodies with a warm, languid satisfaction.
with every passing hour, the night grew deeper. riwoo told stories, one after the other more ridiculous and funny than the last, interspersed with bursts of hysterical laughing. sungho tried telling a ghost story, attempting to scare jaehyun, but everyone was laughing at his rushed words and theatrical motions that made it into a comedy. 
not sooner, the air was thick with the scent of stale beer and the faint, sweet tang of spilled wine. sungho was sprawled on the carpet. riwoo was slumped in a chair with his head resting on the table, a lone, half-eaten slice of pizza lay beside him. leehan’s head lolled back, his mouth slightly open, a faint snore escaping his lips every now and then. beside him, taesan was curled into a fetal position, clutching a throw pillow like a lifeline. 
amid the messy place, you and jaehyun were still up, luckily. his cheeks were flushed from the alcohol and the heat of his body, but his gaze never wavered from you. he spoke in hushed tones, and your conversation held private. 
“people used to say i look intimidating and unapproachable. sometimes, i want to have new friends but they say their first impression of me always feels like you can never start a talk with me. have you ever thought that way, myungjae?” 
“no. you have great charisma, and your features make you look strong. but i guess i can just see through the gentleness in your gaze. your kindness was never unnoticed by me, and everywhere you go…the true essence of your character always shines through. you’re a great person, y/n.”
a gentle smile crept up to your face, “no one has ever talked like that about me…but anyway, i know i’m tipsy but i don’t wanna sleep yet. can we talk about something else?” 
“sure. anything in mind?”
“science?! i’m not the best person to talk to about that, y/n.” 
“don’t you think science is amazing? i take interest in everything about science from the flutter of a butterfly's wings to the movement of planets in their orbits. and also the balance of the ecosystem! hm…but maybe i like zoology the best. i just love animals so much. have i mentioned my favorite animal is a meerkat?”
it was obvious that you were drunk from the way you were rambling about the most random things, but jaehyun was listening to your niche interest—no. he wasn’t just listening, he was looking through the pieces of your soul while you talk about natural science.
your intellect and the boundless beauty of your mind smote him. it was impossible not to be mesmerized by you, to feel the gravitational pull of her enthusiasm drawing jaehyun closer. 
“come to think of it…you and meerkats are kinda similar! they’re social butterflies too, myungjae!” 
the world seemed to spin a little slower, and inhibitions faded into the night. in that moment of blurred lines between courage and intoxication, jaehyun caught his heart pounding like a drum. “hm? you look like a meerkat this close-” he leans in, drawn irresistibly to you. and then, as if guided by some invisible force, you felt his soft lips under yours. the alcohol’s effect must have overpowered jaehyun’s consciousness because of his impulsive actions.
you pulled back gently, your eyes searching jaehyun with a mix of curiosity and something unnameable. yet, before he could utter a single syllable and apologize, you smiled—a soft, knowing smile that softened the edges of his embarrassment.
a week after the trip, jaehyun’s friends camped in his apartment again. of course, you were there. the rest of the guys were in the spare bedroom, sleeping. on the couch, controller in hand, jaehyun was fully immersed in a heated FIFA match. his fingers moved with practiced precision, and the sounds of simulated crowd roars and commentators' excited chatter filled the room, creating an illusion of being in the heart of a packed stadium.
on the other side of the room stood you, hanging several pieces of clothes on the balcony because the laundromat was closed today, and you slept in jaehyun’s apartment too. but amidst the digital drama and the electric atmosphere of the game, there was almost an imperceptible interruption. bending over to grab another clothes from the hamper to hang it on the clothes wire, you effortlessly commanded attention.
jaehyun tore his gaze reluctantly from the screen as your undershorts peeked underneath your sleep shorts, and his gaze went to the hamper as he spies the booty shorts you wore the other day. his little possessiveness jumps out of him in case his friends might see them. jaehyun pauses the game quickly. you turned to meet his eyes,  it was in the way he hovered near the balcony door, his gaze occasionally flickering towards the fluttering garments. 
he rests his chin on your shoulders as his arms slide to your waist. “can’t we bring those in? your…uhm…booty shorts.” his voice tinged with concern. “hm? my booty shorts? why?” you set down the clothespins.
“what if sungho and the others see? i mean…they’re just clothes but you know…”
you chuckled at his comment, “why can’t you just say you’re getting a little possessive, myungjae?” you tapped the tip of his nose, finding him adorable. 
“then, can you sit on the couch with me and hang those clothes later? please?” he snuggles on your neck, his arms wrapped around you getting a little tight. jaehyun grabs your arms as you both lounge on the couch and enjoy the time together while the others are still asleep. 
his gaze lingered on your face, tracing the curve of your cheek, the arch of your brow, as if committing every detail to memory. jaehyun lays his head on your chest. one thing you learned about him is that he loves quality time and physical touch together.
you sat together on that couch, lost in each other's company. the warmth of his presence enveloped me, sending a shiver down my spine. his hand found yours naturally, fingers intertwining with a familiarity that felt both comforting and exhilarating.
“i love it so much…when we set up the table together, tidy up the place, the slightest form of touch…i like to think that i find the most comfort in living with your simplest existence.” jaehyun says. 
with each shared glance and fleeting touch, the two of you reinforce a relationship woven from the threads of daily existence, finding comfort not only in the duties at hand but also in each other's presence. 
it is in those moments where jaehyun’s love thrives.
“what the hell is going on…” taesan blinks, with his cat ear-shaped bed hair. 
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not my proudest work oh my god!! really struggled finishing this bcs i got unproductive in writing but i hope this was still fun to read!
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soft slow, morning glow
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Steve Harrington x Reader
A prosaic peek at Steve Harrington’s inability to sleep in and stay in bed and his reasons for changing his ways. 
October 1997; a cosy easy morning, where kisses are shared and ABBA songs are sung as a lullaby.
Word count: 4.3K
Content/Warnings: TW for talk of bleeding during pregnancy, borderline neglectful parents. 
Mention of sex (18+), not explicit. This contains dad!Steve & mom! reader toward the end; pregnant reader. Kinda rambling. Very soft. Low angst (but not none).
Note: Thank you to my ST rewatch for making me fall for Steve all over again. 
Proofread by @specialagentmonkey | Divider by @silkholland
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Steve Harrington was always an early riser. 
As a honey-haired little boy, he spent Saturday mornings on the sofa watching cartoons with the volume dialled low as his parents slept. He knew not to make a mess with the cereal, or the milk, rewarded with a stack of pancakes or a new toy for keeping himself amused as Richard and Katherine Harrington slept off the previous evening’s dinner party hangover. 
Always the first awake at sleepovers, he would wait with bated breath for Tommy to stir or feign a sneeze to wake him. 
He never had to be dragged from bed to go to school during the week, always up and at ‘em to go see his friends, play tag and swap baseball cards on the playground. 
As a sporty and popular teenager, he started running when he didn’t have early swim practice or basketball. Steve rose with the sun and waved to his neighbours politely as his shiny sneakers slapped the pavements of Loch Nora. 
He was never sure what he was running from, or towards, but the burn of chilly morning air in his lungs made him feel alive. 
When he started going to house parties and hangouts on Saturday nights, his Sundays still started early, dragged to show face at his parent’s church. It was less about faith and god and all about appearances. He snuck out of bedroom windows, hopped white picket fences as the sun rose, fought hangovers as the priest’s voice droned and caught the eyes of pretty girls from the convent school a town over - they always blushed when he smiled at them or dropped them a sly little wink as the collection plate was passed around. 
When his parents started travelling more, after the shortlived re-commitment to the church, Steve’s Sunday morning hangovers were kept at bay with cold swims in the pool or hot coffee and loud music in the kitchen as he tried and failed to focus on homework.  
Steve started working right out of school as punishment for unsubmitted college applications and lower-than-predicted grades. He volunteered for the opening shifts in Scoops Ahoy and Family Video - he liked the responsibility and having a purpose, having an excuse to be out of the house before his parents could tutt and fuss and lecture him. It was easier when they weren’t there; when the office in Indy needed Richard’s attention more than his wife and son did, when Katherine spotted smears of lipstick on his collars again and insisted she spend some time with him in the city apartment. 
In their absence, the Harrington house was a mausoleum of failure that Steve couldn’t bear to be in. So he raised his hand for early delivery shifts and stock takes and drove his friends to school when he didn’t have to, already awake after another night of nightmares, memories of flying fists. 
Steve Harrington rose early and burned bright; burned out quickly when he realised he didn’t know what to do with himself or what his purpose was. 
He filled his time with making himself useful to other people, chasing and seeking a purpose or a person to fill the gaps and spaces in his chest; the hollows once reserved for the people who didn’t return the outpouring of love he offered so freely, so innocently. He found and made a rag-bag bunch of friends, a found family, who returned the love he deserved in the ways they knew how. Woven and knotted friendship bracelets, squished candy bars, mixtapes, weed sold and rolled at buddy rates or for nothing at all.
Steve Harrington moved to the city with his best friends; a Beemer and a battered van filled with boxes and suitcases. The early morning drive made Steve Harrington glow golden in the rising sun, his excited eyes hidden behind dark-tinted sunglasses as Robin Buckley snored in the passenger seat and Eddie Munson listened to metal at an ear-bleeding volume in his van and flipped Steve off with that big grin in the rearview mirror. They stopped for strong coffee and sweet pancakes and started a new chapter in the city. 
When you fell in love with Steve in 1990, he found a reason to stay in bed a little longer. A reason to slow down, soak up the sunshine glow you shone on him. 
You spent Saturday nights with friends, a patchwork group cheering on Corroded Coffin and selling T-shirts and tapes at a merch table when they scored a bigger venue and a bigger crowd. Movie nights and takeout Chinese food and a stack of new and old movies from Blockbuster. Date nights at swanky bars and restaurants, with flickering candles and pizza on the way home because you didn’t want the night to end yet. You spent hours in bed together, night and morning, talking about everything under the rising sun and dwindling moon, learning about each other’s life and mapping each other’s body with kisses and gentle touches. 
In the morning he gazed at your sleepy softness and took his own pulse to make sure he wasn’t dying. No heart attack, just falling in love.
He brought you cups of coffee and sweet pastries from the bakery a block away when his limbs felt restless. He always got back into bed with you to cuddle and while away the morning without a moment wasted. With Steve, those mornings were syrupy slow; he worshipped you between your thighs and held your hands as the headboard bashed against the wall.
You became Mrs. Steve Harrington in the spring of ‘94. 
A small wedding. A big party for your friends. A honeymoon week where every morning felt like a perfect lazy Saturday.
When Steve found his reason to stay in bed, together you created a reason that kept you from it. 
Bethany Rose Harrington. Born June 21st 1995. 
Beth had her Daddy’s eyes and her Mama’s nose, and the sweetest little dimples in her smiley pink cheeks. She was her Daddy’s little doughnut, her Mama’s little bee. She inherited Steve’s charm and wrapped her extensive collection of doting uncles and aunts right around her tiny finger. She took after you in the way that Steve was completely and utterly in love with her. 
Just like her Dad, Beth liked to start the day early. After a few weeks of seeking out and settling into a routine, Steve spent the earliest part of the day feeding his little Bethie her bottle of milk in the cosy armchair nestled in the corner of her pale yellow nursery. As he watched her big brown eyes gaze and blink, felt her tiny fist wrap around his finger, Steve decided that these were the happiest mornings of his life. 
On those soft and slow mornings, you could hear Steve’s low murmur to your little girl through the baby monitor when his excitement to see her gummy smile or stop her sad fat tears bypassed the off-switch. You fell back asleep to the sound of Steve telling Beth about how the Cubs and the Bulls (their teams now) were doing this season, or about the walk in the park you were going to go on once ‘beautiful mama’ was awake. He sang to her; never typical lullabies, Queen and ABBA and Dusty Springfield. 
Steve basked in the joy of her little smiles, soaked in the soft cooing noises as Beth found her voice to talk back to her Daddy. When she fell asleep again, milk-drunk with her cheek against his heartbeat, Steve watched the morning sky shift and brighten and listened out for the sound of your waking time. The soft thud and shuffle from bed to bathroom, running water, your yawn and stretch, the gentle steps to seek and find him and your little treasure. You filled reams of camera film, documenting Steve as a Dad, your little girl's first weeks and months. Lit by morning light, by afternoon sun and the shade of the tree in your yard, and dusky nighttime lit by nightlights.
When your laundry list of chores allowed it, you took one of your three options on those mornings of parenthood - take turns to bask in the warmth of lavender and milk-scented baby cuddles while the other showered; bring the sleeping beauty back to your bed to gaze at the ten fingers and ten toes you had created together; or leave the sleepy and full-tummied grub to sleep in her crib again to spend the slow dawn hours holding each other and trading kisses, and knotting yourselves up in the sheets together once the doctor gave you the all-clear and a prescription for birth control. 
You did plenty of all three. 
Summer turned to Autumn, then Winter, and Steve balanced being a father and husband with keeping a roof over your heads and the final year of his programme to get his qualification to become a guidance counsellor. His mornings with Beth were part of his routine, leaving her smiling and drooly for you when he kissed his girls goodbye. Missing him during full days of supervised sessions and hours in the college library when he wasn’t in classes bonded you and Beth, thick as thieves and lovestruck for the golden Harrington boy-turned-man. You made sure that he never missed a moment with how many pictures you took, and Beth saved all of her firsts for when he was home. You coached her to say ‘dada’ in Steve’s absence and he sobbed happy tears when she parroted it back. (He had been coaching her to say ‘mama’ during their early mornings together).
Your late nights of talking turned to early-to-bed nights, sleeping when the baby slept and when your little home was some semblance of clean and tidy. Steve fell asleep to the sound of Bethie’s breath on the monitor, your heart under his cheek and the soft stroke of your fingers in his hair, along the length of his arm. 
Both of you were exhausted. Neither of you had ever been happier. 
When he graduated in the Summer, you and Beth cheered and clapped for your golden boy along with his best friends - the loudest bunch in the college auditorium. A picture of the Harrington trio - Steve in his shirt and tie and graduation gown balancing a smiley baby and his degree as you kiss his cheek and tickle Beth’s tummy for the camera - was placed with pride on his desk when he started a counsellor job that landed in his lap in the late summer of ‘96. He coached basketball two afternoons a week on the side; it was perfect for him.
You go back to work part-time and you balance taking care of Beth and each other with the utmost care. With help from your family and Steve’s trust fund from the Harrington’s, you make it work. You are what he holds dear, pride of place in the centre of his chest, once vacant and hollow. The gaping space he yearned to fill with the wrong friends, the wrong girls, watery beer and too many cigarettes. 
By the Fall of ‘97, Steve had learned to sleep again. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Enjoy your days off. Enjoy every moment. He is. He’s so tired but never happier. 
This morning, you wake first. 
Your little house in the Chicago suburbs is bathed in autumn darkness on a lazy Saturday.  Six a.m. and Steve snores peacefully. 
Beth is silent, dreaming of her two favourite things: fairies and pancakes. That top five list favourites is rounded out by her Daddy and Mama and Mrs. Murphy’s orange cat that visits the backyard. 
The littlest Harrington is an early bird too, twirling in your tummy beneath Steve’s protective hand. Until Steve can take the morning shift, you are the early riser.
Beth is your sleepy little dreamer, she loves her bed like her Mama. She sneaks in between you and Steve (and the bump now too) when she wakes too early; you spend those mornings gazing and counting fingers and toes again like when she was a tiny thing. 
This baby however seems to take after her father’s love of sport, the way she practices the aim and strength of her kicks on your bladder. You don’t officially know yet (they were less than cooperative at the last ultrasound), but you know it’s a girl. Steve swayed to boy for a day or two before realising you were right. Maybe next time… 
The flush and sigh-groan from your aching back pulls Steve from sleep. When you pad back in from the little bathroom, he’s just about upright and wild-haired. 
“Y’okay?” Eyes swollen with sleep, he reaches blindly for you to help you back into the cosy nest of blankets. 
“Mm, needed to pee.” 
You try to keep your cold feet away but Steve sandwiches them between his own size fourteen and always warm feet. His lips brush your shoulder and the back of your neck when you settle into a comfortable position; Bump dictates what will suffice as ‘comfortable’ and settles under her father’s comforting hand. Harrington’s magic touch is famed in your home; settling gassy babies and working out knotted shoulders, fixing leaky faucets and carrying all of the groceries inside in two heavy handfuls, making shadow-puppet shows on the bedroom wall and holding back your hair when you’re not well. 
Slowly, small-spooned by Steve’s bigger body, you drift again. Sleep comes and goes like an inconsistent tide, and you are anchored safely in his arms. Baby names ebb and flow into your tired head and you wish Steve was awake to tell you what he thought of ‘Heather’ or ‘Ava’. Whether your (very slow) re-read of Little Women was influencing you too much to ‘Josie’. You wonder about how much candy you should get for the trick-or-treaters, and whether Beth will be too scared to help you answer the door to them this year. 
You wish he was awake - because you always wish your every waking moment was spent with Steve Harrington - but you’re so glad he is sleeping soundly, snoring sweetly behind you. You wish you could take more responsibility, take the pressure he puts on his own shoulders from him, but this pregnancy is less easy than the first and you hate that you can’t do it all anymore. You take solace in the fact that Steve is asleep, not awake worrying or nesting. 
Turning in his sleepy hold, you place his hand back on the bump to keep the littlest Harrington settled and content, and watch your handsome husband look like the teenager you wish you had known. You map the laughter lines instead of the ones etched by worry, counting the happy memories (which are insurmountable) as you fall back to sleep with him at last. 
Sleeping Beauty herself slumbers on until almost 8 a.m., meaning that both you and Steve sleep until almost 8 a.m. too - later on you will toast coffee (decaf for you) over that parent win. For the next few months, the weekends mean Steve will be hitting snooze on his body clock when the chances arise. 
This morning Beth’s little voice sings his name down the hall. Steve wakes with a smile and kisses your sleepy face as you stretch and peel your eyes open. 
“You’re up, Coach.” Your voice is a tired yawn, mumbled into the fluffy duvet Steve untangles himself from.
“Bring her in for cuddles please.” You pout for a tired kiss and hum happily when he grants your wish. 
Steve’s ankles crack as he walks from your room to Beth’s. She’s wide awake and wild-haired, matching her Dad, and she sits up in her bed with her bunny-teddy clutched in her fist. 
“Hi bumblebee,” he gasps, his tiredness swept away by his genuine joy to see her. Steve lays down on her too-small-for-him baby bed and pretends to get comfy to sleep again. “Sleepover?” he asks, opening his arm for her. 
“Nooooo, yo’bed!” Her sweet voice crackles with sleepiness and the remnants of a cold she picked up as the seasons changed. 
In the warmth of your bed, you can hear the mini-eye-roll she’s giving her Dad as he plays up to her dramatics. Uncle Dustin has a lot to answer for. 
“Bethie,” you call from your nest, “I miss you.” 
Steve watches with barely restrained amusement as her face beams bright like sunshine before leaving him in the lurch to seek out Mama. “Hey! What about me?!” 
You can hear his grumbling as he hauls himself up from the tiny toddler bed but your focus is the bundle of sunshine that bounds her way to your room in her sky-blue jammies. Pushing messy hair from her face, she squeaks happily as you lift her before Steve can beat you to it. You didn’t want another moment apart from your girl and she burrows against your chest under the toasty-warm duvet. 
“Morning Betty Boop.” You press kisses to her smiling face and hear Steve stomp and flop back into the room and into the bed. 
“Is Daddy not invited to this love-in? Just for Mama and Beth?” he asks, scowling at your smushed-together faces. 
You cuddle Beth and stroke her back as the girl shifts her impish gaze to Steve. “What do you think, Betty? Kisses for Dada?”
She can never ever resist him and reach-grabs out to be gathered in his big strong arms for kisses and cuddles. 
Steve lights up, features relaxing from his feigned annoyance, as he gives and receives morning kisses. You are gathered up alongside the titch of a girl and with her help, you smother kisses all over Steve’s happy face. 
“Never ever not invited to the love-in, my love.” You kiss his shadowed jaw once and tuck yourself under his arm. 
“Kiss d’baby?” Beth’s messy head pops up and looks at you hopefully. 
“You wanna say good morning to Baby?” Steve asks, and she nods. “Mama?”
“I think she’s asleep, but I bet she’ll wake up when she hears Big Sis and Dada.” Beneath the pitched tent of the duvet, you lift Steve’s t-shirt and present the rounded bump for inclusion in the morning love-in.
Beth has been immensely eager to meet her baby since she took notice of your bump and realised the new baby was actually in there.
The little girl’s pillow-soft cheek rests against the curve as she hugs around your middle. “Moh’nin, baby.” Her little voice is still a little stuffed up, nasal. 
Your heart and tears swell as you watch her with Steve, who kisses the bump and murmurs hello. You’re at that point of pregnancy where you could cry when the wind changes and you cover your eyes so Beth won’t go out in sympathy-tears with you. 
Steve’s big hand squeezes your hand as he distracts Beth, who babbles in toddler talk to her sibling. His eyes are wide and worried as he looks up and sees the hitch of your chest. He’s had that worried look since you bled at ten weeks and the doctor put you on bed rest, just three weeks into actually knowing you were pregnant. Everything has settled bar your hormones and emotions; two perfect heartbeats, an active healthy baby, a happy but tired Mom. Steve is more scared now than he was with Beth but pretends to be brave for you.
You swipe at your hot tears, dry your hand in your t-shirt before reaching down to stroke through Steve’s thick hair. 
“M’okay.” You give him a watery smile. “She’s just… so sweet, Stevie.” 
Moving up to lie along your side, Steve wipes your cheek and presses a kiss to the trail of the tears left behind. “Sweetest. Sweet Bee. Feelin’ okay?” 
His hand stays on top of your bump and then passes over Bethany’s bedhead when she looks up curiously. 
Seeing that she is missing out, Beth decides she has had enough and wants to cuddle with you instead of the baby who won’t kick back hello. She wiggles up to lie on Steve’s chest, little fingers poking into the freckles and moles as he pulls the duvet back around you all like a cosy cocoon. 
“Feeling good. You okay?”
Steve has tucked away his worry again, but you still see the pinch in his brow - though the curious little fingers might be the reason for that. 
“Peachy.” He chases the poking fingers with a growling kiss, pulling a shrieking giggle from Beth. “Hello, can I help you? Why are we poking Daddy this morning, huh?” 
You giggle with Beth and kiss where her fingers had pressed, modelling the gentle sweetness you know she possesses in multitudes. “Poor Daddy. See, Betty? Gentle kissies.” A kiss is snuck onto his mouth for good measure. 
“Daddy,” Beth sing-songs, patting his cheek lovingly. 
“Bethie,” Steve sings back to her, echoing her melody. He accepts a wet baby-kiss as you curl close to them both.
You twirl a finger in the messy wave of her hair. “What will we do today? Do you want to get some library books? Or we could… go to the park?” 
Steve pats her back gently. “Oh wow. All the possibilities, huh?” His lips press to Beth’s forehead as she cuddles up to him, her fingers distracted by the gold chain he wears around his neck. “Gentle, please.” He kisses her head again and looks at you. “We can do both… Go get a t-r-e-a-t?” 
You smile and nod, covering Steve’s hand on Beth’s small back. “I like t-r-e-a-ts. What do you want to do, big guy?” 
Steve’s fingers slot with yours. His lips brush your head as you share his pillow - the firm one to help with his neck pain. “Just be with you two. Could stay right here all day and I’d be the happiest guy.” 
You press your nose against his cheek and close your eyes; you’re both surrounded by your favourite people, it is utter bliss. 
“I love you.” Your voice is soft and tired against his stubbly jaw. 
“Love you. So much, babe.” 
Steve tilts his head so you can share a morning-breath-be-damned kiss. He wishes he had woke up sooner, before the wide-eyed toddler, so that he could have showered you with kisses, made out like teenagers (despite the baby bump between you). 
“No! Me!” The frustrated little whine makes you smile apologetically to each other, chancing one more peck before you both look to scowling Beth. 
“Sorry, Bee. Mama’s too delicious for me to resist.”
“Steve!” you tuck your face in his neck as you laugh, an affectionate headbutt. 
“What? The kid’s gotta know.”
The two-year-old smushes her face to her Dad’s chest, still too little to comprehend her Dad’s silly banter when she just wants to be the centre of both of your attention. You have a few months left to figure that out before the baby arrives, but it scares you that she might feel like she’s not the best thing that ever happened you (bar her Dad, of course). 
Your pout matches hers and you push back the stinging Mom Guilt Tears. She is only coaxed away with sweet little cheek-kisses from you as you hum-sing Take a Chance on Me (accompanied by Steve’s tapping fingers on her back ‘take a chance, take a chance, take a, take a chance-chance.)
The girl's smile splits her frustrated face, a quiet giggle as she is serenaded by her current favourite song (you have just got I Was Made For Lovin’ You out of your head after Steve had introduced her to KISS in the car). Her little arm hooks around your head as you whisper how much you love her, soft voice tickling her ear and cheek. 
Beth’s laughter coaxes a fluttering kick against your belly, which Steve feels against his side as you spoon against him. He wears the same wide-eyed joy on his face every time he has felt your babies kick. 
“Oo, she’s awake again. Finally joining the party.” You rest your hand against the side of your rounded belly and telepathically tell the tiny one how much you love them too, how you can’t wait to meet them but please stay in there until they’re fully cooked and ready. 
Steve’s free hand - the one not keeping Beth upright as she sits up on his torso - joins yours and echoes your telepathic communication to the littlest Harrington - I love you, I can’t wait to hold you, please stay safe in there and be nice to your Mom. 
His wide palm on your bump settles the fluttering before she aims her kick right against it Hi Dad! Okay, Dad!
You share a secret little smile with him and kiss his cheek as his eyes shimmer before rolling onto your achy back, feeling the satisfaction of the pop and crack as your spine relaxes against the mattress. Steve’s hand stays on your belly, and you hug his arm to your chest, as Beth sings her toddler-babble version of an ABBA mashup for you both from her throne. 
Steve’s face hurts from smiling as he listens to her, hears some semblance of the lyrics in Beth-speak. He doesn’t remember mornings like this with his parents, few and far between were the times he was even allowed to cuddle with them in bed on a weekend morning.
You glance at his face, watching shifting emotions come and go as he remembers, tries to forget and focuses on the memories being made right now in your cosy nest of a bed. You squeeze his arm and hold his hand on your belly - matching gold wedding rings clicking against each other as your fingers intertwine. 
Steve squeezes your hand, three pulses. There is simply nowhere he would rather be. 
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The Lady - 5
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Eddie Horniman x Female Reader
Summary: After fifteen years away, a step-daughter returns for her Duke step-father's funeral, only to inherit a staggering 8 million pound debt and strike a risky deal with a criminal underworld figure.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , Chap 7.
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"Oh my god. Oh my god. What am I going to do?" You paced back and forth, your mind racing with worry.
Bucky raised an eyebrow, his usual smirk replaced with a concerned frown. "Why are you the one stressed out?" He assured you that you wouldn't have to deal with dirty work.
This was the first time Bucky had seen you lose your composure.
You grabbed his collar, desperation evident in your eyes. "You don't understand, the last person I want to deal with is my stepsister."
Returning home, you realized that if there was an investigation, your job profession could make you a suspect, too.
Trying to calm you down, Bucky suggested, "For the alibi, if anyone asks, just say that you were with me."
You scoffed, feeling frustrated. "Like they're going to believe that I wanted to spend a day with you."
Everyone in your household knew how annoyed you were with Bucky. On numerous occasions, they had heard you complain about him to Cedric, the family lawyer.
You were quiet as you picked up the phone to make a call.
The sound of his voice brought a sense of calm over you. "I need your help."
"I'll be there."
A few hours later...
Bucky chimed in with his usual teasing tone. "Ooh, so you choose him over me?"
You rolled your eyes while Eddie checked on you.
Eddie interjected, "Her family will believe me if she spends the night with me."
Your cheeks flushed slightly at his words.
"But there's something missing," Eddie continued.
"What?" you asked.
"They won't believe it if you only say it was a sleepover," Eddie explained.
"What are you trying to say?" you inquired.
Bucky caught on. "Hangover."
Eddie nodded in agreement. "You have to make yourself look hungover. That strengthens your alibi."
"Right," you acknowledged.
Bucky rolled his eyes, realizing that he had suggested the idea first, but you were only listening to Eddie.
"Perfect. I have plenty of alcohol here. What do you want to drink?" Bucky offered.
You replied confidently, "Start with the strongest."
"Yes," Bucky agreed.
After downing three shots of vodka, you started to lose yourself in the night. With the alcohol, the music, and the vibrant atmosphere of Bucky's club, you found yourself enjoying the moment and forgetting about your troubles.
As you awakened, the sensation of your stomach churning made you groan. It felt as if your insides had shifted, causing discomfort to spread throughout your body.
Slowly, you managed to sit up, only to discover that you were sprawled atop Eddie, who was still fast asleep and holding you close. Relief washed over you as you realized that both of you were still fully clothed.
However, the memories of the previous night flooded back, each one hitting you with increasing clarity.
"You're awake?"
Your eyes widened at the sound of Bucky's voice. Glancing over, you saw him standing nearby, his shirt rumpled and a distinct lipstick stain marking his lips.
A wave of nausea swept over you, prompting you to grab the nearby champagne bucket and empty its contents in a fit of vomiting.
Bucky's remark cut through the haze of your discomfort. "Well, that hurts my feelings. You see my face and vomit."
"Urrghh," you groaned, the sickness still plaguing you.
Eddie winced, his hand moving to massage his throbbing head. "What kind of drink did you give us last night, Barnes?"
Bucky shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "It's a new drink I picked up from a celebrity brand."
Eddie chuckled ruefully. "That explains everything."
He rose from his makeshift bed and reached over to pat your shoulder gently. You noticed a faded lipstick stain on his lips, the same color as yours. A blush crept up your cheeks as you realized the implications of the matching marks.
Meanwhile, the incessant ringing of your phone filled the air, causing your head to throb even more.
"Ring, ring."
You cringed, covering your ears to block the sound, but Eddie took the initiative to answer.
"77 missed calls," he informed you.
You grabbed your phone, reluctantly answering the next call.
"Where the hell are you?!!!" your mother's voice pierced through the line.
You sighed. "Mom, don't scream."
"What—? Are you drunk right now? Come home now. Your sister's fiancé died."
You negotiated, "Give me 2 hours."
"One hour."
Turning to the two men beside you, you sought their reassurance. "Do you think they're going to believe me?"
Eddie, suppressing a burp, offered some confidence. "I believe so. You rarely get drunk, and you have a reasonable reason after your fight with Charlotte."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, how do you know about me and her?"
Bucky yawned lazily. "You spilled the beans last night."
You were shocked.
Bucky leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips as he added, "You spilled your guts about how you missed your stepdad, how your mother missed your birthday for five years straight, and how you had a row with your stepsister."
Eddie chimed in, his expression sympathetic as he confessed, "I did try to stop you."
You sighed heavily, a sinking feeling settling in your stomach. "Oh no."
Bucky, ever the opportunist, concluded, "But it supports your alibi, since half the club heard your sob story."
You couldn't help but huff in frustration, feeling the bile rising in your throat once more. "Great."
Amidst the conversation, Bucky's smirk only widened while Eddie wore a more concerned expression, his brow furrowed in sympathy.
Your body language betrayed your discomfort, with tense shoulders and a hand clutching your churning stomach, while your eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape from the mess you found yourself in.
Watching everyone in grief, especially Charlotte, who was sobbing as she watched her fiancé's casket being lowered into the ground. Charles stood beside her, offering what comfort he could.
Susan stood next to you, her voice barely above a whisper, "Give me one thing that would justify your actions."
She sounded grief-stricken seeing Charlotte cry like that, but she seemed oblivious to your own stress.
Wearing sunglasses to hide your red, teary eyes, you replied softly, "He cheated on her."
Susan clenched her fist, her anger palpable. "Good, he deserved it then."
After the funeral, you found yourself face-to-face with Bucky once again. With a roll of your eyes, you couldn't help but remark, "Now I feel like you're the angel of death."
Bucky merely smirked, seemingly unfazed by your comment. "I'm here to meet my client."
Drawing closer to him, you whispered, "You mean the one who ordered the hit on the prince?"
A nod from Bucky confirmed your suspicion, and he subtly gestured towards a woman standing on the fringes of the grieving family.
Your eyes widened in recognition. "Rosie?" Memories of encounters with her during summers spent at Eddie's manor flooded your mind.
Bucky's response was chillingly matter-of-fact. "You know her? Great. She's only paid half. The other half hasn't come through yet."
Your incredulity peaked. "Are you kidding me? Right now?"
You attempted to intervene, but your attention was diverted when you noticed Eddie approaching Rosie.
Bucky's voice cut through the tension with a teasing tone. "Oh-oh. Someone's jealous."
You shot him a glare, cursing inwardly. If even someone like Bucky could pick up on it, then your feelings must be glaringly obvious.
With a dismissive shrug, you replied, "It's just an old crush."
Bucky's smirk widened as he observed your reaction. "Seeing you like this makes me want to tease you more, Your Grace."
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deniseseine · 9 months
Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet
Part 1 of RoR men having a picture of your face inside their wallet!
Hades ⚰️
He was proud that he had your picture in his wallet, he showed it to all his brothers
His brothers ended up having a long 5 hours sitting on the chair while Hades tells stories about you and stuff!
He loves you so much he probably made a face like this (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ while showing the pics to his brother's
When he told you about the picture you just patted him since you had a hangover from Aphrodite and Hera's sleepover which caused Hades to rant to Ying Zheng
"Does she not like the picture?! Does she not want me to put her picture inside my wallet?! Am I looking like an obsessed god?! Or worse! Does she want to divorce me?!" after longs hours of overthinking Ying Zheng just ended up replying "Hào!" to the god's rant
When you were sober you owed him a lot of kissies everywhere! ಠ⁠ ⁠೧⁠ ⁠ಠ
Poseidon 🌊
He was very quiet about it, he thinks it's foolish to brag about such a thing, he loves you yes but why would he shove your picture right into everyone's faces right?
That's simply absurd! He doesn't even want anyone to see the picture, not because he's ashamed but because he believed your beauty is only meant to be seen by him only
Although he won't lie, he does sometimes intend to open his wallet wide so anyone could see your picture
He even volunteered to pay the bill as he opened his wallet widely to reveal your picture
"Oh this?This is my beloved wife... Oh wait my bad, future wife for now"
He said that with a smug face as he smiled ever so slightly
Apollo ☀️
Everyone was a bit intrigued, they're not shocked he has a picture of you in his wallet, but they are just expecting the picture of himself since everyone knows he's a narc
Despite him being a narc he thinks you're pretty, gorgeous, beautiful, heavenly! And what does a being with such divine beauty deserve?
A man who has a divine beauty too of course! So in Apollo's perspective you are a match made in heaven!
He then talked about how your beauty and his reflect to one another
"See how I have such intricate and delicate face while my beloved has defined and also has a porcelain like face! We literally compliment each other you know!"
No one knew if he just wanted to bring up his beauty while bringing up yours, or he just wants to end up bringing his beauty to talk about himself, either way he loves you truly!
Thank you for reading (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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Golden Arches - A Hungover Joel Miller Drabble
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Rating: Explicit. 18+ (Minors DNI) Pairing: No Outbreak Joel Miller x Female Reader Word Count: 700 Summary: After a night of stoned and drunken debauchery Joel surprises you with your favorite hangover cure. Warnings: No outbreak Joel, a dash of smut memories, domestic fluff, mainly Joel's POV until the end, McDonald's breakfast, Sarah and I have the same favorite drink, marijuana use, alcohol.
A/N: And yet another entry into the @ohheypedrito and I talk about something and then I make it into a story. It's cute, it's short, and it makes me really want a spicy Sprite.
He wakes up, head pounding with eyelids weighted by exhaustion. The beam of sunlight slicing in through the curtains fries his brain. He stretches and groans trying not to disturb you as he rolls out of bed, feet planting against the floor, broad naked body swaying back and forth finding his sleep drunk balance. He shuffles over to the chair in the corner and slides his flannel pajama pants on. 
Foggy memories of last night awaken him. Your bubbly laughter floating across his backyard as he sings along to the song in your ear. The ashtray sitting on his knee that you ash the joint into. The taste of whiskey and ginger on your tongue diving into his mouth. Your hands in his hair as he sank to his knees and ate you out as you swang on his porch swing. 
He grumbles out of the bedroom, wiping his large hand down his face, rubbing his sparse beard against the palm of his hand. His lungs deflate with a cavernous yawn. He’s so hungover, he can only imagine how badly you’ll suffer the wrath once you wake up. 
He picks up his shirt deposited on the kitchen counter top and pulls it on. His eyes adjust to the sun shining on the patio, he gently shakes his head when he spots your bra laying in the middle of the green grass, light blue satin fabric glistening with morning dew. 
Better pick that up before Sarah gets home. 
He wonders where your pretty dress ended up as he gulps down a drink of water and takes two Advil. 
The time on the microwave tells him he better hurry, breakfast will be over soon. He checks on you, smiling at the sight of your naked body all stretched out in your peaceful slumber.
Keys jangle in his hold as he stuffs his wallet into his pocket, puts his sunglasses on and slips his feets into his sneakers. 
The Texas heat is already stifling, sweat already gathers at the back of his neck as he climbs into his truck. The engine revs and he pulls away from the home he’s made with you. 
He parks in the driveway thanking his luck he made it right before the kitchen switched over. The truck smells of oily and sweet breakfast food, his mouth waters. 
He gathers the cup carrier and food, holding the brown paper bag in his mouth while unlocking the front door. The house is silent, you must still be asleep. 
He puts a cup filled with Hi-C Orange in the fridge for Sarah. Hoping the surprise of her favorite drink will calm her disappointment that she missed out on fast food breakfast while at her sleepover. 
He walks to the bedroom, excited to surprise you with your favorite hangover cure.
“Sweetheart,” he whispers against your forehead, placing a kiss against it.
You grumble, turning away from him. 
“Baby, it’s late.” 
Your grievance rumbles louder pulling a chuckle out of him. 
“Come on, I got you something,” he shakes the bag. “You gotta get up.”
Intrigued by what he surprised you with, you muster the strength to roll over, eyes lighting up at the sight of Sprite happily bubbling in all of its delicious effervescence. 
“Pancakes?” your ragged voice ekes out. 
He nods and stabs the straw in your Sprite before handing it to you. Sitting up, you wet your throat with the zesty carbonation.
“I’m sorry for this,” he apologizes before cracking the curtains open earning a hiss from you closing your eyes tight. 
You reach for the bottle of Advil on your bedside table chucking two in your mouth praying for a reprieve from the pain beating against your head. 
“Move up,” he grabs his coffee, and places a foot on the bed. You scoot forward, he sits behind, his back resting against the headboard. You settle your body against him. “Come on now, eat.” 
The smell of black coffee on his breath mixes with the maple syrup and buttery goodness of your pancakes, you feel golden just like the arches of your favorite hangover cure. 
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