#slice of monster fucker life
Werewolf boyfriend who sits in front of the bathroom door whining. You've there all day ( half an hour)!! He just wants to see you again! What if you forget about him?? Howling at the door stratching at it. Sure he could break it down but he doesn't want to upset you.
When you finally get out he's tail is loudly thumping against the floor. Your getting tackled in kisses and dragged to bed for cuddles. He sees nothing wrong with his behavior, he will continue to do this every time you go to the bathroom without him.
Separation anxiety? Never heard of it. Totally not him nooooo.
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maybemockingbird · 5 months
Become a Cosmonaut!
Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop in to remind you all that I have a very active Patreon that has over ONE THOUSAND pages of fiction available! I'm an indie author with a handful of novels and novellas on the horizon for 2024 and early 2025, but my web novels are my pride and joy, so I'm hoping to get some new Cosmonauts on board to join in on the fun!
I write cozy, queer slow burn romances - both horror and slice-of-sci-fi stories - as well as heartwarming and horrifying horror stories! I have several tiers available with a variety of perks, and two of them have 7 Day Free Trials! If you're a fan of slice-of-life webtoons, BL comics/manga, Stardew Valley/farming sims, cute horror, monsters, and sci-fi aesthetics, you'll love my Patreon!
Joining my crew of Cosmonauts helps support my stories and you get:
FOUR ONGOING WEB NOVELS - two slice-of-sci-fi, the slightly popular cozy horror series The Night Farm, and an 18+ supernatural crime drama - all queer, all slow burn, all highly addicting! (With 18+ bonus content)
MONSTERLOVER MONDAYS - a selection of 18+ monsterlover stories!
SCARY SHORT STORIES - a selection of horror-adjacent flash fiction and short stories!
QUARTERLY NOVELETTES - my 18+ tiers get free digital copies of my quarterly horror novelettes for 2024!
BONUS STORIES FOR MY NOVELLA - I have a collection of bonus stories for my debut novella!
EARLY PRE-ORDERS, DISCOUNTS, AND BONUSES - lots of goodies and perks in my online author store!
I would LOVE to get some more Cosmonauts, I'm getting close to hitting 20 and it would absolutely make my day if you'd hop on over and sign up for a trial, give my books a read, and come join in the fun!
Patreon - Alycia Davidson Author
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blushinmoon · 1 year
Btw I know I’m like mega bad at being active on Tumblr, BUT I come back bearing good news and the good news is that I have finally am very gradually overcoming my OC funk, and I’m really happy with my new OCs and recent story (?) and basically what I’m saying is
I’m making a mini webcomic series thingy
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I already have a few episodes up, and I’m making these through my sketchbook, so yeah! If you like a bit of dark and monster romance, but also some light hearted heart warming cutesy and silly things well I hope you’ll consider reading it!!
It’s been the only thing kind of keeping me going lately and I see it kind of as my passion project I work on to help me get through school so yeah! Please consider sharing it around if you like it, I’ve been trying pretty hard to get back on my feet and yeah- thanks for reading this I hope you like it and will support me!
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cuntysalamanderjuices · 6 months
Now I want to write a mostly-nonsexual cozy fic with Elsa the Fertile, Metrosexual Pleasure Centipede, and Big-Dick Spider Dom. They've good chemistry.
Cocksleeve sub and Virgin sub could have a guest appearance. They'd get coffee together and have a lovely time.
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Slice of Paradise
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a/n My brain literally now run only on Joel... So here's a little something something. 🫧
summary: Joel dream of having a farmhouse comes true. What makes it even better is that he's not there alone. He has his own little family to enjoy this little slice of paradise with him.
warnings: just tooth rotting fluff, mention of reader being pregnant, mentions of morning sickness.
If someone were to tell you that somewhere along the line you were going to end up at a place like Jackson in a farmhouse with a loving husband and kids, you would have laughed at them. Or brushed it off to the outback insanity. It seemed impossible. Safety seemed impossible at first. Then followed freedom and, of course, happiness. Those things appeared to be worthy of history textbooks. They could have a title like - at some point in human history, they were happy.
It was hard to move past deaths and past killings. Making sure you kept your humanity alive. Not to become a killing monster. Similar to clickers or any other of those fuckers. When Ellie happened, you had a feeling your life was going to change. You just never imagined it would change so drastically. You and Joel had settled for a dull day-to-day routine. Coming to terms with the fact that your life in QZ was as good as it could get. You never complained. You had one after another. Others didn't even have that kind of luxury.
But here you were now. In a little farmhouse with green shutters that Joel and Ellie had painted over for you because that's what you had always wanted. A garden - full of flowers that you tended to. Of course, to share with the town, but also for your own enjoyment. A couple of dozen of sheep were carelessly plucking grass in the fields around. Something that Joel wanted. Something that had helped him think clearer.
You hummed to yourself. Cutting up the last pieces for supper. The warm spring sun peeped through the windows, only making the smile on your face bigger. It still seemed surreal at times. Like all this was just a dream. One from which you never wanted to awaken. A little flutter in your stomach made you stop. Hand slipping on your five-month pregnant belly. Big enough to let everyone know that you were with a child but not big enough to make it hard for you to move around just yet.
Joel still found the walk to the house odd. It was weird in itself that he had a home to come to. And it wasn't the house itself that surprised him. Oh, no. You, Ellie, and now the baby that was on its was what made it home. A place where he could finally let go. Where the ghost of his past had a harder time finding him. Joel had finally been able to see the bigger picture. He was finally a part of a bigger picture.
With a gun still on his shoulder, Joel opened the wooden gates as he strolled towards the house. The dog on the side of the patio lifted his head, and Joel quickly reached to scratch his ear. "Hi, Brandy, why are you out in front, boy?", Joel questioned as the dog eagerly wagged his tail.
Ellie had come up with the name. She was eager for Joel to name the pup. No one else was allowed to pick a name. "Oh, come on, old thing! Think of something", she said, pushing for a thousand time. She wiggled a toy in her hand as the dog jumped around happily. "I don't know, Ellie. Just name it yourself," he grumbled, even though he knew that she wasn't going to drop the subject until he came up with something. "How about that nasty shit you always drink?", suggested Ellie, looking up. "Brandy?" Joel questioned, and the dog cocked his head at the sound of Joel's voice. Ellie's eyes grew big as she clapped happily. "You like it, boy? Do you like the name? He likes Brandy," she chirped happily. You leaned closer to Joel, laughing as he shook his head, and yet the smile was evident.
The house was quiet as Joel undid his jacket before hanging it up neatly. Knowing that you would be up his sleeve if he left a mess behind himself. He made his way through the house, stopping to listen in the living room. Hoping that he would pick up any sound that would lead him to you. And he did. A light humming came from the kitchen.
And you were indeed there; however, Joel nearly had a heart attack when he saw you standing up on the counter as you tried to reach for something in the upper cabinets. "Have you gone mad, woman", his voice started you, making you nearly drop the jar of spices in your hands. Joel's hands came off either side of your torso as he carefully lifted you off the counter. Your hands pressing into his shoulders.
"What are you doing here?", you questioned, not expecting him to be home just yet. Hence your little adventure. "The better question is, why were you up on the counter at five months pregnant?" You rolled your eyes at him. Appreciating the protectiveness but also slightly hating that now he thought that you were made of glass. "I needed this," you said as you fiddled with the jar in your hands. Moving to take off the lid of the pot before pouring some of it in. Joel's hands didn't leave your sides. "You get the step stool for that, love; we talked about it. You can't do this weird monkey shit; you're not ten." You turned back to your husband. Hands moving to cup his face as you looked at him, "You haven't seen half of my tricks", "I will tie you to the chair if you'll continue to do stuff like that", Joel warned you, and you couldn't help but laugh a little, "Don't forget your gun while you watch over me then".
His eyes altered as he glanced at you, and you couldn't help but let out a sigh. Joel leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours, "I just don't want you both to get hurt." You moved your palms to run up and down his chest. "I know, honey, I promise no more jumping on counters," you said softly, kissing the tip of his nose. "Unless you're supervising me," you chirp, causing Joel to let out a chuckle.
"How are you feeling today?", Joel's tender palms slipped to run over your bump, and you hummed in delight as the warmth from his skin seeped through your flowy dress. "We're good. I didn't start my morning with a head down the toilet, can you believe it?", you cackled, and Joel gave you a knowing look. Morning sickness had taken its toll on you. To the point where he had rushed you to the doctor in town when you blacked out after vomiting for an hour straight. Joel refused to do any morning petrol after that. He wanted. He needed to be by your side. Even if every time you tried to usher him out of the bathroom, claiming it must be extremely disgusting to him.
"That's good, I was worried the whole morning," he admitted, focusing his attention on the bump. "Joel, we are all okay," your hand slipped on top of his, "She's been happily kicking away all morning," "She? No, it's a boy, aren't you, little guy?" Joel leaned down, pressing a lovely kiss and then the other on the swell of your tummy. Shortly after, a light kick followed up Joel's touch, making the male smile as he repeated the action once again.
"And where's El?", Joel asked, looking around the place. She usually sat by the island doing her homework happily by now, but there was no sight of her there. You hummed, "She said she would come a bit later than usual. She's out with a friend," you wiggled your brows, briefly turning your gaze to the food. "A friend?", "Yeah, Dina I think, and I suspect she likes her", a smile spread on your face as you thought about the little girly chat you two had.
"That's good; she deserves to have a friend. Good for her," Joel's arms were still roaming your skin as you turned back to him, giving him a look, "No, Joel. I mean, like, like her," Joel's face blanked as the realization dawned on him, and you hummed. "She brought in pancakes with fruit and cream to school to share with her", you giggled. Joel stayed silent as he stared ahead of himself. It felt silly, but Joel was almost jealous that Ellie suddenly had someone else in her life. Like he didn't want to share her with anyone else. You three had fallen into such conformable dynamics. It felt easy, and it felt right. To Joel, Ellie was still too young to date or have a crush. "Wipe the frown off your face; it's not like she's getting married already," you said as you nudged your husband's shoulder as he folded his hands over his chest.
"Mom," Ellie's voice echoed down the corridor. Your heart fluttered. It still did. Even after more than a year of her referring to you like that. She had sat you and Joel down after a month or two of you moving into the farmhouse. She was a stuttering mess as she tried to explain, or more specifically, ask if she would be allowed to call you her parents.
"Because we like live together, and then you let me stay, and I have my room. But the room, of course, means nothing, but you like wanted me to stay so…", you reached for her hand and then gave it a little squeeze as you cut her ramble off. "I'd be honored to be your mom," you said softly, and Ellie bit down on her lower lip in hopes of stopping it from quivering. Her eyes landed on Joel, who had his arms crossed over his chest. His usual stance - an unapproachable demeanor that he hadn't dropped even now. "Go ahead, just no daddy shit, or you're sleeping in the stables," Joel said. Ellie instantly rounded the corner of the table and launched herself into Joel's arms. Hugged his torso as she smiled. "Okay, daddy," she whispered, making Joel tickle her.
You smiled to yourself as the memory melted into your mind. "In the kitchen, baby," you shouted back. Joel's hand moved back to your hip as he and you waited for Ellie to appear. The footsteps sounded weird. Not as familiar. As if there were more than one set of them. And well, your hearing hadn't failed you, as another girl appeared on Ellie's left side. "Oh, dad, I thought you wouldn't be home." Ellie's face paled slightly, as she noticed Joel, but the lazy smile on his face made her ease up almost instantly. "I missed my girls; I thought I'd surprise you," he said in return. In a way, he was hoping that Ellie would run up to hug him like she always did when Joel returned from work, but he also understood that now that she had a friend here, she probably wouldn't do so.
"Ah… well, this is Dina, a friend from school," Ellie said shyly, and the girl by her side waved nervously at you two, "Can she stay for dinner?" Joel studied the girl. The girl who possibly Ellie liked. He tried to pinpoint the features she might have taken to her liking. "Of course, that would be lovely. Go wash your hands, you two, and I'll come to get you when it's ready." Stepping closer, you caressed Ellie's cheeks tenderly. She flashed you a bright smile as she took Dina by the hand, and the two ran up the stairs laughing.
You turned back to your husband, fanning your hands in front of your eyes as the tears parked up, clouding your vision. "Sugar, what's all of this for?", Joel stepped closer to you, embracing you once again. "Don't pay attention, hormones," you muttered, wiping away the tears. Joel chuckled softly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. "Didn't you just tell me that she ain't getting married just yet?", he teased, making you bite down your lip. As another wave of tears rolled down your cheeks, "Imagine her in a dress, no, a suit—she would do a suit, ahh," you whimpered, covering your face with your hands.
Joel shook his head, pulling you even closer to him, his hands running up and down your back, soothing you. Secretly enjoying this more sensitive side of you. That one that cried at Brandy bathing in the sun or Ellie's school project. Even Joel's neatly folded clothes had you shedding tears. Joel breathed in the scent of you. One hand slipped back down onto your bump. "Take nice, big breaths, honey. Want a glass of water?", he asked, shifting, reaching for a cup as he guided you to sit down on the chair. Quickly stirring the pot before turning back to you.
"Do you think this little bug will grow up just as fast?", your hand slipped over your bump subconsciously once more. Joel hummed, "Don't they all? We'll blink, and this one will be climbing up the countertops," you sniffed again, unable to suppress a grin. "Go to your sheep before you turn me into a puddle", you waved Joel away playfully. It had been his habit for some time. He had a little talk with his soft friend before he sat down for dinner. A way for him to digest the day.
"Do I at least get a kiss?", Joel cocked his head to the side, watching you. "Do you think you deserve one?", "For putting a baby inside you, yes." You let out a gasp, hitting his chest. "Joel, dear God, they might hear you", he lets out a deep belly laugh, stepping closer to you, "Shut me up with a kiss", you roll your eyes. Cupping his cheeks before you leaned in, as you pressed your lips to Joel's in a tender kiss. Yeah, this was home, and even if Joel often thought he didn't deserve it, he wouldn't trade it for anything else.
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sunnasweet · 7 months
Alice and The Android
This is my first time using this account after perusing through the monster-fucker tag, this story is...tentatively a monster-fucker story?? maybe? I don't know where androids fall on the spectrum and this guy's pretty human except with a couple quirks so...?
Anyway, I wrote this in one sitting after I discovered Literotica existed and I wanted to submit a story there so...there's sex. duh. But I'm a Tumblr girl at heart so why not post it here too.
This is dedicated to Lana del Rey because I was listening to Dealer on loop all day writing this.
the tentative 64-character summary that I was allowed : Virgin Alice pays a philosophizing android escort to fuck her.
9.9k words (about 6k words before you hit the porn), heavy on consent, android x female reader, edited? i ran this through grammarly
Alice Walker had a secret, she was a 30-year-old virgin.
That's right, this woman, who wasn't even unattractive had never been filled before. Despite the many dates she went on that never went anywhere and her ever-filling contact comm list, she had never been intimate before.
Why? Great question. Alice was scared–terrified really. At first, it was something of a joke, 18, 19, 20, fine. But after that, it became something of an insecurity. The bridge between her age and experience grew further and further and before she knew it, she was officially in her 30s and certainly not dirty–or so the saying would suggest.
She was worse than a late bloomer. She had bloomed but instead of thriving she wilted. Her garden was empty. A dry, desolate place.
She hadn't even touched herself.
Whenever she thought about it she gave herself a twisted gut. She had considered maybe she was asexual but that wasn't true, she had gotten aroused before, very aroused. She just couldn't bring herself to do anything about it.
Any time things got hot and heavy with a boyfriend she felt so embarrassed about having to admit that she'd never done it before that she'd take the other route and say next time. Until next time became never. She lied now saying she was saving herself for marriage, an old ritual still practiced even in the galaxy. Alice was not religious.
Maybe there was some guilt involved in the act for her. Still, she had no reason for it. Quite the opposite. Like she said, she wasn't religious, her parents were very open and accepting, and she had no insecurities about her body.
Alice knew she was beautiful–or at least, evidence suggested she was. She was tall, lean with heavy breasts and a small pert ass, her nipples were raspberry pink and her face was nothing to shrug at either. She was cute rather than hot, if she had to describe herself and she dressed to emphasize that. Whenever she tried to wear something 'sexy' she looked like a kid playing dress up. In your 20s, that's fine, in your 30s? It was alarming.
She knew she wasn't old. She knew that she was not expiring, despite what her indoctrinated thoughts told her. Sure, she had the starting of some crow's feet and smile lines but she wasn't a child anymore. She was a 30-year-old woman.
A 30-year-old woman who had decided the moment she blew out the candle on her birthday cake–alone, that she would finally make her wish come true.
She was going to lose her virginity.
Alice unpuckered her lips and let the waft of smoke fill her nostrils as she stared around her dark kitchen. She shifted on the stool, her fingers tapping on the countertop. Then, her comm beeped, the screen glazing over her eyes as she got a confirmation notification that her appointment was in an hour. She blinked and she was back in her kitchen staring at her cake. She grabbed a knife and cut herself a slice.
"Happy birthday Alice," she murmurs to herself.
It's not that Alice had no friends. She was a very sociable girl. Maybe that was another reason why the fact she'd never had sex really got to her. She was a very well-adjusted woman. She worked, had a social life, and hung out in the Sector 17 lounges where rich Sector 20 men came to find high-priced escorts. She lived a very satisfying life.
She wanted for little, but what she did want, she couldn't get her mind off of.
She wanted sex and she didn't care if it wasn't special. But she wanted to make sure she picked the right person. Someone who would respect her and make sure she was properly prepared. The man didn't have to love her, but she needed to know that no matter what, at the bare minimum, she'd be treated with basic decency. She didn't like surprises. When she thought of situations she had never been in before her brain automatically went to the darkest scenario.
So no, she hadn't so much as let a man's hand under her panties.
Alice ate her cake slowly, after this, she'd take a shower and get ready for her appointment.
Sector 17 was the upper-class entertainment center. If you wanted something it was there. You just had to find it. So when Alice went looking for a solution to fix her dilemma she was presented with one.
State-of-the-art, fully cognizant, customizable sex bots. Or escorts. Whatever.
In 4093, they were identical to humans. It was impossible to tell the difference. Some were servers, some were purchasable spouses, and some were sex bots. The only regulation on androids was that they couldn't run in any political circles but their own.
The way they were programmed, they were able to produce their own thoughts. Maybe they didn't feel anything, but they were real enough for Alice to feel comfortable. She also knew, that while they had some form of free will, their purpose of creation affected their desires and obviously a sex-bot was built to please. So she could say with utmost certainty that what she wanted was what would happen and that's what Alice needed. Certainty. No variables.
She wanted to mark this social achievement off the list.
So as a gift to herself for her birthday, she scheduled a full night appointment with one of the most expensive android escort services she knew of.
It was the price of a single-person emergency escape pod.
Alice saved all year for this and she knew it would be worth every credit.
The Den, which was the name of the business, was a one-of-a-kind business. They didn't just have sex bots. They let you customize your own. Appearance, voice, personality, everything. It was the exact kind of thing Alice salivated for.
Alice stood. She put her plate and fork in the sink and then quickly washed them. After that, she put her mini birthday cake in the fridge and headed for the bathroom.
She stared at herself in the mirror. Her round face made her still look youthful. Her small heart-shaped lips and doe-like eyes exacerbated the fact. She kept her beige-blonde hair long, it reached to her waist in loose ringlets. All things considered. She was generically attractive. Pretty but boring. There was nothing unique about the kind of beauty she had.
She stripped out of her loungewear and stepped into the shower where the water automatically came raining down on her in the warm temperature she preferred.
Exfoliate, shave, wash. It was ritualistic. She smelled almost too clean.
She had shaved practically every part of her below the neck. Her legs, her arms, the unruly strip of hair that went up to her bellybutton on her belly. The only part of her that wasn't bare was her pussy. She had only trimmed her vulva. Something about that hair made her feel sexy which was few and far between.
After that, she tied a tower around her hair and patted dry and slathered moisturizer and a hydrator on her skin. She painted both her fingernails and toenails a simple white. When she looked in the mirror this time she was smooth and shining.
Brush, blowdry, blowout. Her hair felt silky and smooth when she ran her fingers through it.
She wondered if all this effort mattered, if he was programmed to like her wasn't this all useless? She wasn't sure as she pulled out a lingerie set from her dresser.
White lace in a pretty floral pattern for the bra and thong. Her breasts were holstered but her nipples were easily visible through the fabric.
Whatever the answer to her question was didn't matter. For the first time, she felt hot.
She threw on a long trench coat on top of that. It would hide her exposed body and keep her protected from the artificial breeze that randomly emitted on the Omega Station.
Alice pressed the embedded button on the side of her head–her comm unit–and alerted The Den that she was on her way. Alice lived in Sector 13, so she'd have to take the elevator up 4 levels. It would be relatively quick as long as they weren't packed.
The elevators had been pretty sparse when Alice arrived. The inside dinged and the doors opened. Alice walked out, her heels click-clacking on the fake concrete tiles of the ground. She shivered as a breeze passed her by and kissed her inner thighs.
Sector 17 was set up like an earthen city. Of course, no one drove but there were still roads and streets. The lamps were lit and the only thing reminding you this was not a real city were the glass walls and ceiling that gave you a beautiful view of space.
It took 20 minutes for Alice to arrive at The Den. When she entered the doors, the first thing she recognized was the smell of spice invading her nose. It smelled…sensual. As did the music sound that quietly played in the background.
Alice kept her eyes down as she passed several men and women in the waiting room. She approached the receptionist at the desk with a slightly flushed face.
"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman asked.
Alice swallowed, and she smiled weakly. "I have an appointment? For..7:30?"
The receptionist nodded with a smile on her red-painted lips and her fingers deftly began to type on the holographic keyboard of her desk, her eyes flitting between her hands and the screen. Several moments later and she gently said 'Ah'
"Yep, I see you right here. Alice Walker, 7:30. You're right on time! That's good, you won't have to wait, we just need to do a quick check-up and then you're good to go."
"Check-up?" Alice asked nervously.
The receptionist nodded, "Mhm, you'll take a standard blood test to make sure you're free of disease and then we need to check you for any weapons." she looked Alice up and down, "It'll only take a minute. You look good to me." as Alice cursed in her head for not wearing actual clothes under the coat. She nodded and the receptionist went back to typing before acknowledging her once more. "Okay, so just head down the hall–" she pointed to the left– "and you can go inside room 10 where your blood test and security check will be done."
Alice quickly nodded and gave a quiet thank you as she nearly bumped into a man who was speed-walking down the hall also looking at the ground. Despite the luxury of this place, it didn't make the reality any different.
This was a brothel.
While she walked down the hall, Alice realized this place was either highly overrated or soundproofed. She couldn't hear a thing coming from the rooms she was passing.
That was good. Really good. Alice didn't want anyone listening in. This whole thing already had her nerves going. Her hands were slightly trembling and she was queasy.
When she reached the 10th door, which was at the end of the hall and not the beginning, she thought to knock but then remembered the presumed soundproofing and pulled the handle. She peeked through a slight crack in the door and saw a woman in a lab coat sitting in a chair next to a table.
Alice took a deep breath and then walked inside.
The woman–a doctor? Instantly smiled like the receptionist and stood.
"Hello Alice, I'm Dr. Sol," she says in a raspy murmur, she held her hand out for Alice to shake. Alice smiled shyly as she shook the woman's hand.
"Nice..nice to meet you."
"Of course." She says, then she lets go of her hand and turns back to the table.
While she did that Alice expected her room for the night. It was nice, really nice. There was a large queen-sized bed on one side of the room, with a reddish brown wood, matching the headboard were two side tables that had lit candles on them placed in clear glass holders.
The carpet under her feet looked plush and there was a second door in this room that she could safely assume was the bathroom.
"Okay, So I'm sure the receptionist told you but we'll just go over it again, today I'll be giving you a quick blood test and security check." The doctor snapped on a latex glove and Alice flinched.
"Can I ask…why is there a security check?" she asks.
The doctor nods, "Believe it or not, a lot of people try to steal our workers."
"Steal? As in kidnapped?
"Yes that's correct, so we've had to implement a security check to make sure no one is smuggling in any weapons, drugs, or outside tools." the doctor confirms and informs her.
Alice raises a brow, "Drugs?"
The doctor nods as she picks up a blood pricker that Alice recognizes from her tri-monthly check-ups with her own doctor. "That's right, drugs. The androids here are highly sophisticated. They are meant for not only this room but also the outside world when needed. Every android is designed with its own mechanical nervous system, brain panel, and circuitry. They are programmed to be unique."
The doctor pricks Alice's finger then she watches it flood into the vial. The doc smiles and turns back around, she places the vial into a tubular device and faces Alice once again.
"Here comes the awkward part, I'm going to need you to undress for me. You can keep your underwear on though." Alice gulps.
She laughs nervously, "About that…" she says. Her shaky hands open her trench coat and she embarrassingly opens it to her lingerie, the doctor laughs.
"Oh!" she says, "Well that certainly makes things easier." she says, "Please remove your coat so I can do a full rotational check, and step out of your heels." Alice nods and follows the doctor's directions.
The doctor does a quick check over Alice's body, inspects her heels then smiles.
"You're all good Ms. Walker."
"Thank you…"
She turns back to the tubular device and hums, "No disease, that's exactly what I want to see." the doctor says, glancing over her shoulder with a smile. She grabs the machine, takes off her gloves then points to a bowl.
"While our Androids are highly specialized, they cannot procreate, however they do ejaculate. So, depending on your preference you can go bare or use a condom," she says, Alice nods wordlessly and the doc gives her a pat on the shoulder. "Alright then Alice, you're all good to go. Your android will be in shortly."
Alice sighs out in relief when the doctor leaves. She looks around the room once more, picks her coat off the ground, and drapes it on the chair. She peeks into the bathroom and spots a fluffy white bathrobe. "Score." She takes it off the hook and wraps it around herself then ties it.
With that, Alice sits on the bed nervously.
She fiddled with her hands on the bed, took some deep breaths then started pacing the room. When the android still didn't arrive, she moved her heels so they hadn't just been sloppily kicked off where someone could trip.
Alice's head snapped when she heard the door rattle slightly and her heart dropped to her gut.
The door slowly opened and revealed the exact man she had spent five hours customizing on her computer two weeks ago.
Tan, tall, broad. He had dark brown hair, so dark it looked black in this light, slicked and styled back but it seemingly looked effortless. His eyes were brown, he had a strong nose and an angular jaw. He was broad and big and suddenly Alice felt embarrassed.
Is this what she had really wanted for her first time? Was this her dream man?
Yes, it was, and he was.
He smiled at her with straight white teeth and her eyes widened.
"Hi.." she breathed out, smiling back out of reflex. That seemed to make him smile wider. He was perfect, and not in a way that made him almost creepy. He looked human, his face wasn't completely symmetrical, one of his eyebrows was higher than the other and his eye was a bit thinner on top. She had asked for that. "I'm Alice…"
"I'm Ren." He introduced. It was the only thing she hadn't been able to customize–his name.
She looked at the floor for a moment, scraping her bare foot against the plush carpet and her eyes flitted back up when she heard the door close and lock.
He walked over to her and her eyes got wider than they were before. He crouched before her with that charming smile, crouched like he was about to propose. One leg bent, slumped slightly and an elbow resting on his knee.
"Don't worry." he said, low and smooth, "Everyone's nervous their first time."
Alice swallowed and nodded, "Thanks."
Abruptly he said, "You're beautiful" Alice blushed and smiled shyly.
"You have to say that."
"I still mean it." he said, then looked her up and down again, looking into her eyes, trailing down her neck then resting for a moment on her bare legs "And I have preferences like any person would." admitted the android and her heart started beating double time.
That couldn't be true. Could it?
"Okay.." she says awkwardly and he chuckled.
He reached for her hand and she let him touch her. This was familiar to her. She had been gently touched before, she had let people put their tongues in her mouth. This was okay. This was safe.
His thumb stroked the back of her hand and she shivered.
"Why don't we go sit on the bed?" he asks. She freezes and he laughs again, "To talk. We have all night for that." That. Sex. Intercourse. Fucking. However you wanted to put it, it was all Alice could think about when looking at this male–android? This artificial man.
He stood from his crouched position and helped her out of her seat, he looked her up and down for the third time, leading her to sit on the foot of the bed. Once sat she stared at him with an awed bewildered expression.
He didn't speak at first, content to just let her stare at him while he held and stroked her hand, soon moving to her wrist and then arm…
"Why don't you tell me about yourself Alice?" he encouraged.
She swallowed and nodded, "Well…I work as the assistant for a sector 19 CEO." she started because it was the most interesting thing about her. He nodded.
"Very impressive." he murmured, "I" 'm a SB009 model, which means I am one of the original androids made for The Den."
She took an indrawn breath, "Really?" she asked nervously and slightly relieved.
"So you're experienced."
"How experienced would you say?"
He chuckles, "You're pretty nosy." he teased and she flushed.
"Sorry.." she whispered.
Ren shrugged, "I've been working and living as an escort for 3 years, I work 4 days a week. You can do the math unless you would like me to…" he says, trailing off for the first time.
Alice did not need to do the math. If he was having sex at least once a day for 4 days every week…well, she could see why the blood test was necessary. Did he have to take a blood test? What a stupid question! He was a robot, he didn't have blood. Or maybe he does? His hand feels warm…
"Do you get tested?" she asked quizzically, he laughed, seemingly undisturbed by her question.
"I am…" he cleared his throat, "sterilized after every session."
Alice's eyes widened, "Oh." Did that mean he could just remove…? She cleared her throat and nodded. Neat.
He smiled, "Yes." His hand was still stroking the back of her hand and it made it extremely hard to focus on conversation when the most handsome man she had ever seen was sitting right in front of her, smiling and touching her.
"Tell me more about yourself, Alice. Something that's not work-related. What do you like to do with yourself?"
"Excuse me?"
"Your hobbies," he elaborated and she relaxed.
"Oh. Uhm…" Everything Alice did was boring. She shrugs, "I'm more of an R & R type of person…I like to relax…so I go to the spa a lot, or do yoga classes…" he perks at that.
"Yoga huh?" he says, a glimmer in his eye. Her brows furrowed and she nodded, "You're quite flexible then?" she gulped and nodded once again as he chuckled. "That's good. It's good to keep healthy."
"W-what do you do?" she asks, "You said you only work 4 days a week, does that mean you–"
"Have a life outside of The Den?" he finishes for her and she nods. "Yes, I do. There are few times when I need to sleep so I have a lot of free time." That interested her so she nodded again to signal he had her attention. "Well, let's see..how about I tell you how one of my days would normally go?"
"That sounds good."
"Well, I wake up, take a morning run..shower–"
"You can get wet?"
"Yes. I can be fully submerged in water."
"Can you..drown?"
He chuckles, "No. I cannot drown. I don't need air."
"That's amazing." She says slightly awed, "So..theoretically could you live your entire life underwater?" That gave him a pause but eventually, he shrugged.
"Theoretically, yes, but I imagine that would be very lonely."
"You get lonely?"
"Doesn't everyone?"
She frowns, "Yes but…" he smiles at her like they're in on the same secret.
He ignored her, "After my shower, I finally eat and no, it is not necessary to eat but I can eat and I have a digestive system that disintegrates anything I do eat. I have taste receptors. So while I don't need to, I want to." She wonders how many times he's had to explain this to a client.
Alice was not a scientist nor an engineer, she had no idea how a piece of technology could taste but she nodded anyway.
"Then, if I'm not working, we'll just say this is my day off, I will either go visit friends or do an activity." Friends..he had friends. "After that, I will come home," Where was his home? Did he live in The Den? "And I will usually read or watch something before going to bed."
Ren's life sounded simple. Simple but nice.
"That sounds…very peaceful," she says.
He nods, "Yes."
"Do you live here?" she asks.
He shakes his head, "No. I have a regular apartment unit. I am paid credits for my time here at The Den." Alice's eyes widened at that. He lived like a person. He looked like a person. He acted like a person. Doesn't that make him one? Or is this just an extraordinarily sophisticated list of code? Maybe he was lying. Maybe this was the backstory they created him with. She hadn't gotten to customize his backstory…
"That's all very interesting." she says, "You have friends? Are they androids like you?"
"Most of them, yes. I have very few human friends."
"Why is that?"
He smiled but she couldn't understand what was so amusing.
Finally, he shrugged, "It is just how things have turned out."
"Do you enjoy your job?"
"I…" he paused, "do you?" he asked.
She shrugged as well. "It's work. It pays for the bills." Ren nodded.
"That is what I think as well."
That made Alice's stomach twist. So he would just tolerate tonight? The way Alice understood how androids work was that they had a natural favor for their purpose but now this android was personally telling her he did not enjoy his work but merely did it because it was what he was paid to do.
"Do you get treated well here?" she asked a little quieter.
"Very well," he says.
"Tell me more." Alice wanted him to elaborate. She wanted to make sure this man wasn't being treated like some Sector 2 low-class gigolo.
"Well," he seemed to shift positions, then he looked at the bed. "Come lay down with me then I'll tell you." he bargained which shocked her. She didn't know he was allowed to do that. But I guess he didn't owe her anything from his personal life.
She nodded without hesitation, crawling further onto the bed and laying against the headboard. He did the same, one arm thrown over her shoulder and pulling him into her side which made her heart race, and the other doing that same circling motion he was doing on the back of her hand the whole time they spoke. She wanted to know more about an–this android's life.
"Let's see," he says, clicking his tongue. He raises a finger. "I get 60% of the profits The Den makes off my clients." Alice's eyes widened at that. "I'm allowed to reject clients if I don't feel comfortable or attracted to them."
"Attracted?" she asks, "How do you know you're attracted to something?" she asks. He was a robot. He couldn't feel at least, not in the way she could.
"How do you know?"
She thought about that, "I just know.."
"Precisely." he says, "I just know."
Her lips thinned and cheeks flushed as she had two realizations. The one that made her blush was that he specifically accepted her as his client because he was attracted to her.
"Keep going..what else."
"I get maintenance insurance." he then says and she laughs.
"You're kidding" he got health insurance for robots? It was both hilarious and sad that something like that existed.
She was beginning to get more and more comfortable with Ren as he spoke, telling her about all the benefits he received from working at The Den. She even found herself subtly cuddling into him as she listened to him. At some point, she even started to rest her head on his shoulder.
Alice only noticed that when his hand had started to play with her hair. She shivered. This was all very…intimate. She had expected something a lot more primitive. She guessed this was what her money was paying for.
He felt so real and from what he was telling her, (if he wasn't lying) by all means she would consider this artificial man a real one.
She understood now why the Android Protectant Program existed. They discussed android rights with both the human and alien commanders of Omega Station.
She refocused on him, "Yes?"
He smiled, "Should we get started now that we know each other better?" Alice looks him in the eyes nervously.
"Maybe we can talk some more?" She asked.
He nodded, "We can do that." he murmured, he stroked her scalp, "We can just talk all night if that's what you want." Alice leaned into his touch, sighing softly.
She wanted to take him up on that offer and back out of her birthday goal.
"Today's my birthday.." she says loosely, moving further into his body.
He looked down at her, "Happy birthday Alice."
"Thank you, Ren."
He shifted, turning towards her further, his hand moved from her scalp to her cheek. Stroking it with his thumb and her eyes widened. "Tell me more."
"About you.."
She swallowed, and shrugged, getting distracted by his touch. "I'm uhm, 30…single obviously, you already know I'm a PA. What else can I tell you?"
Ren laughed, "I'm sure you're more interesting than that."
"Not really.." she muttered.
"You're single? How many boyfriends have you had?" he asked, trying to dig out more from her. "Who was your first love?"
Her brows rose, "My first love huh?" she paused, "Well, I've had about..5 boyfriends? All of them lasted longer than a year." Until they realized she wasn't going to put out. "As for my first love—" Alice had to think long and hard about that.
Her first love.
She didn't really have one?
If she had, she wouldn't be a virgin anymore, she would have found that one person who she could relax with and trust to take care of her and not make fun of her for her inexperience. She wouldn't be here at all.
"I don't think I've had one yet," she replied, soft and honest.
"Me neither." he sympathizes like he understands.
She didn't want to comment on the fact that of course, he had not had his first love yet. He was a robot. He might feel things like attraction and be capable of taste, but she did not think that meant he could love. She did not think a machine was capable of that. However, she didn't want to hurt his 'feelings.'
His thumb began to trace over her bottom lip and her eyes were falling heavy.
"What did you wish for on your birthday today Alice?" he asks.
Her eyes open back up, and she flushes. "I can't tell you."
"No. It's bad luck." She lies. An old earth superstition.
He raises a brow, "Are you religious?"
He hummed, "But you believe in superstition?"
"Don't you?" she asks.
"No," he says almost automatically. "I do not believe in something that cannot be proved."
She laughed softly, "I forget you're just a piece of machinery." she said lightly, but she realized she'd offended him when his eyes narrowed and that wonderful stroking he'd been stopped.
His eyes slightly narrowed. They both went silent and it felt wrong and awkward. She had been getting along with him so well and she just ruined it.
"I-I mean…" she tried to backpedal but well, what she said is the truth. He was a machine. She looks into his…annoyed? Eyes but failed to come up with a better response before asking, "What do you consider yourself." she asks.
"I am not just a piece of technology," he said and she heard an undercurrent of irritation in his voice. "I am a highly competent, highly sophisticated, adaptable piece of tech." he explains, then takes a breath, "I can adapt just as quickly, if not quicker than a human which is what humans are known for no?"
"Uh…I guess?" She didn't know what humans were 'known' for to androids but to the intergalactic community, they were known as barbaric warmongers. But she didn't think that's what they were talking about here. "You can't feel it though, I think that's what makes humanoid species so special."
Air whistled between his perfect teeth and she knew she said the wrong thing.
"I feel," he says defensively. "I witness a situation and react"
"That's not what feeling is." she says lightly, "Feeling is…I don't know. Inherent. They can't be programmed in. You might be a good mimic but I don't think you feel emotion." She didn't know why she was debating with this android. Why she was pushing him further and further in the way as his…anger rose?
"I feel, I can tell you what I'm feeling now."
"What?" she asks softly. "What are you feeling?"
"You are inhuman."
"You know what I mean. You're making me feel like I'm not a person. That I am…just a tool." This seemed to weigh heavily on him and it was clear this was not just a one-off conversation but a hardcore belief of his.
"I…" she's at a loss for words. "I'm sorry." she tries. Cringing when she realizes how disingenuous that sounds. "I didn't mean to make you think that. I think you're a person in a way…" she murmurs.
He seemed to relax, "you do?"
"You have free will don't you? No one has to constantly reprogram their movements throughout the day. You can think and do things because of all the information that has been given to you…that's what people do."
"Yes." he agrees, seeming to get less stiff as she kept talking. "Yes." he repeated softly, "You understand."
"I think I do." she says, "But technically speaking, you are a machine," she says, trying to correct her previous statement. "You're made of wires and circuitry."
"And you're made of bone and marrow, but I don't see how that means anything." she sighs in response. He taps her cheek, "Explain it to me, tell me why you think that makes me less of a person."
"I didn't say that"
"No. But that's what you meant."
"I-" She's at a loss for words. Why did this matter? This isn't what they were here for. She didn't need to do whatever they were doing. "I don't have a good argument for you, I'm not an engineer," she murmurs
"And yet."
"Why do you care?" Can he even do that or was his technical procedure to be argumentative to keep her talking? They certainly weren't connecting…
Or were they?
"Wouldn't you care if some species told you that you weren't what you know you are." he asks then continues before letting her respond, "Wouldn't you want to prove them wrong, especially if you like this person."
Alice's eyes widen and she swallows.
He liked her.
Or so he says.
"You keep comparing yourself to me."
"We are alike," he says, stubbornly.
"Not in the way you think."
"You're wrong."
She sighs, "Maybe."
Wearing her down seemed to please this android immensely. He had gone back to absentmindedly stroke her skin. She was not winning this argument but she wasn't very sure if she cared about that before.
"You said you had few human friends," she says wearily. "Why is that?"
"I'm only friends with people who consider me a real person." Oh.
That was… really fucking sad.
"Do you consider me a friend? I think you're a real person."
He stares at her for a few seconds, his thumb returned to her bottom lip, this time tugging it down slightly. He could slip his thumb into her mouth if she parted her teeth ever so slightly.
"No. No, I don't," he spoke quietly.
She tried not to feel hurt by that. She was just his client after all. She nodded. She wanted to be hurt but he was so damn distracting.
"Do you still want to talk?" he murmured.
Did she?
"I want to tell you something first…" she says nervously.
That seemed to catch his interest, and he nodded. "Go on."
"I…so the reason I'm here–" she started. Rambling a bit about how it was her birthday and how she just turned 30 today she thought this would be a good solution to her problem–" I've never had sex before." she admitted quietly.
She expected this android to laugh at her, or look at her like she was undesirable but he didn't.
"You are?" he asked gently, "You came here so you could lose your virginity?"
"You mean, you came to me because you want me to deflower you?" she shivered at his words.
There was a distinct hunger in his eyes that shocked her. She didn't feel ashamed, she felt wanted. This was not the reaction she had been expecting. Questions about why she waited so long? Yes. Indifference? Maybe. But not…Hunger.
He licked at his lips. "Have you kissed before?" he asked and she looked aghast.
"Of course!" she said and he laughed, "Of course I-I have…I've just never gone…well I've
never done anything that involved me taking my clothes off."
He seemed amused by that, "There's a lot you can do without taking your clothes off Alice." her brows crinkled.
"I've only kissed. I've made out with men. I've had a boyfriend, several like I told you."
"Uh huh." he nodded but his mind seemed to be somewhere else. "Alice…"
"I've been waiting to see what you've got hidden under that damned robe for a full hour now…"
Her cheeks heated, and she squirmed. Her lace lingerie. She had forgotten all about it.
"Alice," he said, stroking her face, coaxing her. "Are you ready?"
"I need a yes Alice," he says seriously.
She could see that he meant it.
She nodded slightly dazed, "Yes Ren."
The man practically lunged for her. She yelped as he flung himself atop her, her eyes widened and she couldn't help but giggle when he placed her arms spread out like a starfish. He looked back into her eyes.
She nodded. "Yes."
He opened the robe and sucked in a breath.
"Oh Alice," he said, his eyes slightly widened and lips parted. His hands hovered above her like he didn't know where to touch first. She bit her lip.
Waiting, wanting, needing. She needed him. She wanted him to just do whatever he was going to do because at this point just straddling her hips and staring enraptured by her breasts made her feel good. She needed him to keep touching her.
"I expected them to be small…" he murmured, taking a cupful of her tits with one hand, she breathed out in a whoosh. "This is better," he remarks.
His other hand slipped a finger under the strap of the white bralette and it snapped back against her shoulder. She let out another breath.
"This is nice. Pretty." He said, "Do you want me to take it off?" He asked on tenterhooks. His eyes flitted from her bralette to her face. Up and down, up and down, she could tell when he spotted her nipple in the almost see-through fabric because his eyes stayed there for a long time before he looked back to her face.
"Thank god." he groaned and she curled her lip into a smile.
"I thought you said you weren't religious?"
"I'm not but maybe for you"
That made her fully smile. He was charming. She could give him that. Alice had to remind herself that this was not as real as she'd like it to be. That she paid him a hefty sum–60% of which would land right into his pocket–to be here, doing this.
He certainly didn't look like he was just tolerating her like she had previously worried.
His thumb with the hand cupping her breast circled her hardened nipple and she sighed in contentment. This was the second time she had let someone do this before. Her very last boyfriend before she swore them off.
His other thumb was tracing the band of her bralette.
He slipped his hand underneath the fabric, watching her face carefully as she did it.
"Yes." she breathed out.
"Fuck." he murmured, squeezing her breast, she shivered and he circled her nipple. Skin to skin. His other hand went underneath the bralette and she moaned softly and he massaged her breasts, groping her.
"Take it off please," she asked softly.
He laughed bewildered, "Please? You're going to beg me?" he asked, "you don't have to beg me for anything Alice, I should be begging you."
She had no clue how to respond to that.
He was really very good with his words. He made this experience feel a lot more intimate than it probably was. It made her…trust him. Other than the fact he was a professional. He was also giving her a lot of control with him asking if what he did was okay. She liked that. It made her feel safe.
The white lace bralette didn't have a clip so he pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side.
He stared at her bare breasts for a long while and she felt embarrassed about how they pointed in opposite directions from her chest. She moved to cover them but he shook his head.
"Don't do that." he said, then backtracked, "No, actually do it. Touch your tits for me Alice." her eyes widened and her stomach curled. In a good way for the first time.
"How should I…?"
"Whatever feels good," he said, already moving his hands to touch other parts of her body now that she had agreed to take care of her breasts.
He watched her avidly, his eyes flicking between her breasts and face, it seemed he couldn't make up his mind on which he wanted to see. Alice sighed and started to gently stroke her nails over her right breast.
Alice didn't have too much sensitivity in her breasts but doing it in front of someone made it far more exciting for her. She liked Ren's rapt gaze. She gave her breasts a squeeze on both sides then mimicked the way he had circled her nipple. Touching the sides then rubbing the tips.
"Mhm.." he nodded, "Like that." he encouraged and she swallowed.
While she did that, he began to run his hands all over her. He ran a hand down the valley between her breasts, then her ribcage and her soft belly last. It made her feel ticklish, she squirmed a bit but he didn't seem to mind.
As she circled her nipples he stroked her thighs and instinctually she let them fall open. His eyes snapped up to hers and he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her thong that he hadn't even gotten the chance to appreciate.
"Yes," she said a bit breathless before he inevitably asked himself.
He nodded eagerly and began pulling them down. She lifted her hips and then bent her knees when they got stuck because she was lying down. He slipped them off one ankle, then the neck, and tossed it wherever her bra had ended up. She was completely naked now.
"Beautiful," he murmurs.
"You..you have to say that," she said, slightly panting out of arousal. She was getting turned on by just his long drawn-out looks. He shook his head.
"I don't." he says, "I could say nothing and skip straight to eating your pussy." he says. Her eyes widened.
"I do that sometimes. When I'm strapped for credits and need to take on an extra client or two who isn't my type."
"Ren…" she said, breathy. "Don't say that, it's rude."
"Sorry." he looked up at her, "But you are beautiful."
She nodded slightly, "Thank you."
"Mhm.." he hummed, then spread her thighs apart, "Sweet too, you're sweet." he says, "My sweet girl.." the words come out in a gentle purr and his eyes widened when he watched a clear bead of slick drip down her pussy to her ass.
That seemed to set him off, he lifted her hips off the bed and laid her legs over his shoulders.
"You're still dressed!" She said a little panicked. She was nervous.
He grinned up at her, "after." is all he said before burying his face into her cunt.
She gasped and her hands bunched into the sheets, she lifted her hips further to get closer to his already intruding tongue.
"Mmm…." he sucked and laved, his wide tongue starting with long strips up her seam then getting nose deep into her. His tongue prodded at her entrance and she squirmed.
"Oh..!" she whined. "Wait…!" she was distressed, she felt…weird.
He lifted his head and she whimpered at the bottom half of his face. His skin was shiny.
"What?" he asked like he had been disturbed by something very important.
"I…I don't know," she whispered.
His face softened, "Too fast?" he asked, seeming to calm. She wanted to say yes but she shook her head no. She wanted to feel that again. To try again.
"I'm ready now," she murmurs.
"Yes." she breathes out.
He dipped his face back between her legs and she shot up this time. Balancing herself on her elbows as he sucked on her clit instead of just brushing over it with his tongue.
She was moaning now, it was undeniable, the keening noises coming straight from her mouth. It made her a little embarrassed. She thought she sounded obnoxious but he seemed not to mind it and used it as a measure of when he could push her further.
One hand was placed on her mound, pulling the skin upwards so he had more access to her clit. It made her hiss. Too much! She didn't stop him though, she squeezed her eyes closed. His other hand slid inside her thigh and then towards her cleft.
He inserted the very tip of his finger into her and she felt the slightest stretch. There was no discomfort, she was too wet for that. His eyes met hers as he slowly slipped the finger in, in one go. Her mouth dropped into an 'o' shape and she was starting to breathe heavily.
His finger was knuckled deep inside her and then he was pulling it out, before he could fully remove himself, he slid forward again. Alice made a terrible sound, something that didn't sound sexy but was primal.
Ren seemed to like that so he did the same thing, again, and again. He sucked her clit and fingered her like an expert–because he was.
Her eyes went closed again and she just let herself feel and hear the wet sensations and sounds.
It sounded downright perverse with the occasional moan and groan coming from the man between her legs. She couldn't bear to look. It was too arousing and embarrassing. But it was finally happening. Alice was going to lose her virginity tonight.
A man–artificial man, was eating her pussy and soon, he'd fuck it.
She could feel something building within her. A heat and pressure that was driving her insane. She wasn't quite sure if she was supposed to be doing something but she could do little more than buck herself against Ren's face and pull at his hair in an attempt to get him closer. If that was even possible.
The feeling was startling and amazing, she whined out Ren's name. Calling for him and her stomach was starting to tighten as her legs locked.
"Oh–!" she gasped as he retracted his face from her thighs.
She looked at him bewildered, they stared at each other for a moment and she had been stunned into silence. She was breathing heavily while he looked at her with a smug grin.
He let her legs fall from his shoulders and backed up just enough to let her watch him remove his shirt. He stood up and unbuckled his jeans next but all she could pay attention to was his muscled torso.
He wasn't lean and lithe–no, she hadn't asked for that. He was broad and bulky, there were defining lines that clued her into his physique but his stomach was a little softer. His arms flexed and bulged. She bit her lip, she couldn't wait until he was on top of her.
He grinned down at her, "I won't ask if you like what you see, because I know you do."
Ren was right.
Alice had completely customized Ren from the ground up. From his body type to the light spackling happy trail that gave way to–oh.
His conservative 5 ½ in member. Which sounded like plenty for a novice like her. She didn't want to be impaled the first time or ever really.
"Yeah…" she nodded and agreed in a daze. It was like he was hypnotizing her. Her eyes flitted to his thick thighs then back to the already hard cock between them. It curved slightly, had enough girth for her thumb and index finger to circle and then there were the veins. She thought–knew those would feel good.
He smiles down at her. All charm.
She lay there like a doll, just ready for him to get back on top of her.
"Though I'd love to see it, I won't ask you to take me in your mouth today." again, another nod though she didn't really digest what he was saying
He put his knee back onto the foot of the bed and it was over from there when he dragged her down and positioned her spread eagle–knees slightly bent.
He kneeled between her legs.
Ren looked at her face while his hands stroked her thighs. "What do you want sweet Alice?" sweet? "Hm?"
She didn't answer because she thought it was rhetorical and he chuckled.
He slightly patted her outer thigh, "Tell me."
"Tell you?" she asked.
"What you want."
She bit her lip a little confused.
"You?" she said though it came off more as a question than a statement.
Ren smiled. "Uh-huh. But what part of me?" he spoke, coaxing her.
"Your…?" she trailed off but didn't finish the sentence.
"Go on, tell me, sweetheart."
Her eyes flitted to the side and she murmured "Your uhm..I want.." she breathed. "I want your cock." she said and his grin broadened.
"That's my girl." he praised and it gave her not only butterflies but a severely aching pussy. "You ready, sweet thing?"
"Good." she watched. She couldn't look away, from his hand grasping his stiff cock. He stroked it once, twice–three times. He grabbed her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist, then slid forward.
They both groaned as he slid between her vulva.
He did it a couple of times, bumping her clit with his tip before he seemed to get impatient with that and tease her entrance.
"Ren." she gasped as he moved inside ever so slightly.
"Hm?" he hummed absently, looking at nothing but their soon conjoined parts. "What is it?"
"It…feels weird," she says.
His eyes flit up, "Bad weird? Does it hurt?"
"No…" God no. She was too slick for something like that. Her juices had gone from coating her ass and inner thighs to the sheets beneath her by now. "Just weird…"
His neck strained and his jaw clenched, "Do you want me to stop?"
He breathed in relief then slid further in and she keened.
He stopped again, letting her adjust. She stared at him with wide-open eyes, unable to do anything but watch what was being done to her–because frankly, she wasn't doing shit but laying there.
"Uh huh." he murmured, moving in again, just an inch, "gods" he hissed. He glared at the ceiling and paused. "You're killing me."
"Sorry." She wasn't and he seemed to sense it.
Another inch, she gasped, then another, and the both of them moaned. Then, finally, he was to the hilt. He didn't move a muscle. Just stood there with his eyes clenched.
"Something wrong?" she asked softly, a little breathless but mostly just feeling full.
"Not at all. Everything's great." his eyes searched for hers and he cupped her cheek and leaned forward. "Perfect." it was at that moment, she realized they had not kissed yet.
Maybe he seemed to realize it too because he was bending forward, causing her to moan with pleasure and anticipation as he buried himself deeper from the position he was moving into. He moved his hand to the nape of her neck and pushed her towards him.
His lips met hers and he groaned, shifting his hips forward. Rocking against her.
Her mouth opened and he didn't hesitate to take advantage of the fact as he explored her mouth with his wet, hot tongue.
This she knew how to do as they teasingly stroked one another's not giving too much or too little but just enough. He thrust forward unexpectedly and she moaned. How was she going to live without this? It took her an entire year to save up for Ren. How the hell was she going to just give this–him up?
His hips shifted again and they both pulled away to breathe out, he wasn't moving in and out, he was pushing himself deeper and deeper, going in, in, in as she writhed around him.
She was beginning to pulse again and he groaned before pulling out.
"What are you doing?" she whined.
He didn't speak.
Instead, he grabbed her by the hips and turned her onto her belly. His hands massaged her ass momentarily but then he was at her cleft.
He slid in without a word and they both groaned in response. There was no need for a waiting period. He could thrust in and out as much as he liked. He pulled out halfway before going into the hilt again. He wasn't going particularly fast but his balls still slapped against her cunt now.
The noises were lewd and wet.
It sounded…squishy.
"Ren.." she called. Gripping the sheets. "Please…" she begged, "Faster."
He did as she asked, moving at a quicker pace but remaining deep inside her. One arm was wrapped around her hips to keep her pinned to him and the other was on her ass.
Experimentally, she tried to meet his thrusts and he moaned in encouragement.
He lasted about 2 minutes doing that before he groaned, buckling forward. "Fuck. That's it sweetheart." he hissed. "That's fucking it" she whined in response, her ass slapping against his hips over and over.
Suddenly, she felt vibrations coming from inside her. Her mouth dropped open, eyes peeled back and a hoarse cry came out of her mouth.
She paid extra for that. She forgot all about it completely.
She pushed back against him frantically, fucking herself onto his vibrating cock.
Alice whimpers and Ren pulls her hair to the side, he kisses her shoulder and then buries his face into the crook of her neck breathing her in with another groan. He spoke into her ear, raspily telling her how good she felt.
"So warm.." he murmured. "Your pussy is clenching onto cock so tightly." he hissed.
Her abdomen was tightening, she could feel the pressure of her orgasm growing tighter and tighter and it made her scared. She was making a rhythmic "uhn!" sound nonstop, growing higher and higher pitched.
"Yes." he crooned, "that's it sweet girl, cum on my cock."
"I-I can't!" she wheezed, "Oh no, no, no! I'm scared!" The tightness was so strong she was scared she was going to…she didn't know, but tears were prickling at her eyes and a large arm wrapped around her chest. Pulling her back against Ren's torso, she gasped with an arched back, "Agnh!"
Just before she thought it was finally going to happen, she wailed when he started mercilessly rubbing her clit back and forth. She was yelling–shrieking incoherent words.
"You can baby, cum for me." He encouraged me once more. "It's going to feel so good just let go.."
And she did.
Her voice cracked as she screamed out her orgasm, her toes curling, her back arching as her head flung back against Ren's shoulder. He was fucking into her with no end in sight as this happened and she felt the pulsing of her pussy, she was crying now. All of that pressure released into one big wave of euphoria, Ren let out his own shout of satisfaction and she was filled with an oozing warmth that made her keen.
Then, it was all gone and she was a twitching sobbing mess.
Ren immediately took her down onto the bed, rolling them over so that his back was against the mattress and she was between his legs, she could feel his now soft cock on her lower back as she panted.
"You did so well." he murmured, "So, so good sweetheart." she groaned in response, her eyes falling heavy and tired. His hands were in her hair, stroking her scalp while the other stroked her tummy.
"Ren…" she croaked.
He hummed, "I know." He said, "I know."
Did he know? Because she had no idea what she had been about to say. All she knew was that she felt exhausted and scared and the way he was assuring her of how good she had done was making her feel warm and sleepy.
" 'm tired.." she slurred.
"You can just sleep, Alice." he suggested softly, "I'll be here. You have me all night. I'm here."
The reminder of their time slot made her shiver a bit but she ignored it. She switched to her stomach and crawled atop him, throwing her body on his, and passed out. She heard the faint sound of a chuckle before she was out of it.
In the morning, Alice's eyes fluttered open to the surprise of Ren.
He was still here and it was–her eyes glazed over as she checked her comm for the time–morning. She had thought he'd leave while she was asleep but that did not seem to be the case
She was tempted to wake him up but instead she ever so carefully disentangled herself from his body.
When she was standing she looked down at him. They had fallen asleep above the covers and he was splayed out. His head tilted to the side the same way soft his cock was while it rested on his abdomen.
She felt tempted to touch him but wasn't that against the rules? Their time was over…
Expectedly, that did not sit well with her.
Instead, she shook her head and snuck off into the bathroom. She needed a shower. She had dried…cum? 'Ejaculate' dried on her inner thighs.
Before she could close the door however it seemed she had woken him up.
Ren strolled into the bathroom with a smile on his sleepy face.
Alice stared at him through the mirror, half curious and half admiring his chest. He walked behind her, draping his arms around her waist before resting his chin on her neck.
She was slightly startled but didn't move.
"What are you doing?" She asks curiously.
"Holding you," he responded easily.
Well of course but...?
"Why?" She asks, concerned but also hopeful.
Alice could admit it. She wanted to see him again.
"Because I want to." he once again responded with ease. It was so simple, wasn't it?
"Why do you want to?" She asks softly.
He looks into her eyes through the mirror, kissing her neck before answering, "Because I had a really good time last night."
"Yeah but..."
"But what?" He was slightly frowning now.
"I hired you."
"I don't care," he said, then paused. "Unless you care. I connected with you last night, did you connect with me?" Alice's eyes widened. How could he possibly just admit that? didn't he have any concern for his heart?
No, because he didn't have one.
She looked back at him, "I did..."
"Isn't this against some rule?" she asks.
"Asking a client out."
"Uh," his eyes glaze over, and rapidly data scrolls over his eyes. They cleared. "No."
"Mhmm.." he hummed.
This was all so bizarre. Could it be that simple? He wanted to date her so now they were? Life didn't work like that, did it? Alice had been wrong, nothing about this night had been safe nor had she had any control over it whatsoever.
He wanted her. She wanted him. That was simple.
Hell. She decided to take a risk.
"So are we actually friends now?" She asked.
"No Alice," he smiled, "We are certainly not just friends," he spoke and her heart leapt.
She searched his eyes. Did he really like her? He had said so before they had sex but now it felt a little more genuine. She licked her dry lips and he stared at her expectantly. She had no idea how this would work but she was willing to give it a shot. She gave a shy nod.
He grinned. "Yes?"
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borathae · 1 year
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“It was Jungkook's birthday recently. You and Yoongi decide to take him out for a picnic in nature to celebrate and to show him how wonderfully he deserves to be treated.”
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f.Reader x Vampire!Jungkook
Genre: established relationship!AU, polyamory!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: a cute picnic date by the lake, soft Dom!Yoongi, soft Dom!Reader, sub!Jungkook, Mommy & Daddy kink (Koo calls them like that), threesome, sex in nature, praise, dirty talk, a lil bit of sexy possessiveness, body worshipping, dry humping, nipple play, oral (Kook receiving), blowjobs (Yoongi giving), rimjob (OC giving), anal fingering, they give them to him at the same time while Kook is on all fours, he is whiney and cute, Yoongi jerks him off with his long monster tongue, did I mention already that this is monster fucker smut?, edging (Kook receiving), Koo sucks on her boobs for comfort, subby boy tears, cum eating, male squirting, cuddly aftercare
Wordcount: 9k
a/n: i know i just posted a threesome but this is for our birthday boy kookie so HBD kookie pookie <3 also afskds can you guys tell that i am obsessed with this dynamic? this is THE throuple, i make the fucking rules. also, this is unrealated to the story but yoongi fucking messes me up in the header, he looks so fucking good. enjoy, sluts (gender neutral, lovingly) 🧡
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It was Jungkook’s birthday two days ago. You spent it celebrating it with your little family until late into the night. You danced and sang, drank and ate and laughed until your bellies ached. Jungkook was showered in attention and, more importantly, in presents. He loved every single one of them and until this day, he still hasn’t put them away from his office desk. He says that it’s so that he can keep looking at them whenever he wants to. And he does so often. He really loves his presents.
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It has been two days, but the celebrations for you and Yoongi weren’t over yet. You still wanted to do something for Jungkook as just the three of you. So you cooked together and then asked Jungkook if he wanted to go for a picnic by the lake. He said yes after some convincing that "lying on his couch and staring at the ceiling wasn’t more fun than a picnic" and moments later, you were in Yoongi’s convertible driving through the estate’s endless gardens.
You have spent the last three hours under the shade of the weeping willow. Jungkook and you went swimming twice already while Yoongi watched and smiled. He joined you for the third swim after you and Jungkook dragged him with you. He allowed it to happen with loud whines, but zero resilience. Afterwards, you spent a good twenty minutes in the warm late summer sun drying off. You lied in the high grasses for it, having your heads in a little circle so you could talk comfortably.
The air became cooler by now and you are back under the willow tree. You are in nothing more than your shirt and dry bathing trunks, while Jungkook is shirtless and Yoongi wears a white button up, which he kept open in the front. He feels comfortable enough with Jungkook these days. He even went swimming without a shirt on. 
Jungkook is currently scribbling in his notebook while you and Yoongi are cuddling together, sharing kisses and feeding sweet berries to the other. You have your head rested on Yoongi’s lower arm while he is propped up on his elbow.
Yoongi chuckles, pulling away from your lips to feed you a piece of raspberry instead. 
His eyes are spilling over in adoration, his nose scrunches up when he sees you enjoying the sweet berry.
“Does it taste good?” he asks. 
“Yeah, so sweet”, you answer him, pulling him back into a kiss. 
“Mhm”, he hums, smiling as your lips dance with his’. The taste of raspberry lingers on your tongue and makes him addicted to the feeling of you.
You break the kiss, lifting a blueberry to his lips. He glances at it, chuckles and accepts it. You giggle, scrunching your nose up. He retorts it, running his finger down the side of your face.
“It’s sweet, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, sweet”, Yoongi says, stubbing you with his nose afterwards. He nuzzles into your cheek, tickling your skin with his lashes.
“Today’s so nice”, you say, having your eye closed which is closer to where Yoongi rubs his cheeks against you.
“It’s perfect”, Yoongi says, lying down so he can stare into the clouds, “I think that’s a rabbit.”
You cuddle into him and look at what he is pointing at, “I can see it.”
“Mhm, good.”
You rub his tummy, “you’re cute.”
Yoongi pulls you closer and rubs your upper arm. He loves being called cute by you. It makes him feel so good. 
“Look guys”, Jungkook calls your attention.
You and Yoongi turn your heads to him. He flips his notebook, revealing a detailed drawing of you and Yoongi.
“I drew you guys.”
“Kookie”, you gasp, sitting up, “Kookie, this is so beautiful. Holy moly”, you gush, taking the notebook from him to look at it more clearly, "holy cow, the details. Kookie, this is incredible. Wow."
Yoongi sits up as well, resting his chin on your shoulder as he gazes at the drawing. If his heart was still beating, it would literally come out of chest right now. Nobody every drew him before. At least not like this. Not with the love of his life in such an intimate and happy moment. The deep connection you share is imminent in your eyes, the happiness you both feel radiates off your faces.
“You look so pretty, my Boongie”, you gasp, running your thumb over his face on the drawing, “oh god, I want to cry. Thank you so much for drawing us, my sweet baby.”
Jungkook giggles, “I’m happy you guys like it.”
Yoongi takes the notebook and runs his thumb over the drawing. He doesn’t say anything. You and Jungkook look at him because his silence is worrying. Yoongi closes his eyes and hugs the notebook to his chest. He lowers his head to it in a way so that his lips would touch the edge of the book.
“Thank you”, he gets out and sniffles shakily.
“Yoobie”, you gasp, “my love, are you crying?”
“Yes”, he gets out, spilling tears down his cheeks, “this is the first time someone drew me like this”, he sniffles and kisses the notebook, “I’m happy.”
“Gosh, Boongie”, you hug him, “I’m happy too.”
Jungkook hugs him from the other side, resting his chin on Yoongi’s shoulder, “I’m happy that you love it so much. You can have it of course, it’s for you.”
“Thank you”, Yoongi gets out and gives the notebook a soft squeeze. One more kiss to it and then he lifts his head, looking at you with glassy eyes and a rosy tip of his nose.
You cup his cheeks, wiping his tears away. He lets it happen with a small smile on his lips.
“You are so precious, my love.”
“You too”, he tells you and lifts his shoulders to his ears in a shy little giggle. It earns him one smooch to the tip of his rosy nose.
Yoongi hands you the notebook afterwards so you could gaze at the drawing. And while you do, Yoongi closes the distance between him and Jungkook, making the younger vampire gawk at him in surprise. His surprise only grows when Yoongi places his arm around his waist, resting his hand right behind Jungkook.
“Thank you so much”, Yoongi whispers.
“I’m so happy that you like it”, Jungkook whispers back.
Yoongi’s eyes soften to the point where Jungkook has a hard time looking at him.
“You’re so cute”, Yoongi whispers.
“W-what?” Jungkook gasps, eyes widening comically big.
Yoongi smiles fondly and claims Jungkook’s lips in a kiss.
“Hm”, Jungkook lets out in a squeak, staring at Yoongi with big eyes. You watch as they go more and more out of focus, the longer Yoongi kisses him before they finally fall closed completely. His head tilts to the side and begins to move in the slow rhythm their lips dance in.
You think that this is the first time you actually see them share more than just a chaste kiss. It is peculiar in a way, because the fact that they have romantic feelings for each other was knowledge to you and yet you never really acknowledged it. Especially not with Yoongi. Jungkook was a little more obvious that he had the biggest crush on Yoongi as he is practically an open book with his feelings. But – although you knew – you never considered that Yoongi actually reciprocates those feelings as strongly as Jungkook feels them. 
So to watch them kiss so deeply and with such obvious attraction is peculiar at first, but lovely in the end.
Yoongi breaks the kiss, opening his eyes just far enough that he could gaze at Jungkook’s lips. He lets out a soft chuckle, nudging the younger vampire’s nose with his own.
“You taste like raspberries”, he whispers.
“I, I ate some”, Jungkook stutters, voice raspy in emotion.
“It’s sweet”, Yoongi sighs and kisses Jungkook’s lips just once.
“Hyung”, Jungkook lets out and laughs quietly, lowering his head shyly.
“Are you drunk?”
“No, just happy.”
“Oh”, Jungkook looks into Yoongi’s eyes, “I uhm…I’m happy too.”
“Good, that’s good”, Yoongi says, pecking Jungkook’s cheek before he pulls back far enough that their visions cease to be blurry from closeness.
Yoongi leans his weight on the hand still behind Jungkook. It results in their torsos touching and for Jungkook to gulp shyly. Yoongi’s eyes race over Jungkook’s features, his head tilts to the side as his lips curl into a fond smile.
Jungkook lets out a breathy chuckle and turns his head to the side shyly, lowering his head to the blanket.
Yoongi purrs softly, placing his next kiss on Jungkook’s neck. It forces the younger vampire to exhale shakily as his fingers close around a bundle of blanket. His chest can’t seem to stop heaving up and down, his thighs press together instinctively. 
Yoongi lifts his lips again, looking at Jungkook with half-lidded, sparkly eyes.
“I don’t know what to say”, Jungkook whispers.
“Don’t say anything. Enjoy yourself”, Yoongi answers him and with a gentle push to his chest, manages to bring Jungkook to fall. His back hits the ground, his head sinks into the pillows. Yoongi lies down beside him, bending his legs just to wiggle his feet in the air. He looks naturally cute like this. 
“O-okay uhm, wow yeah okay”, Jungkook stutters looking between you and Yoongi, “o-oh, okay wow oh…okay”, he sighs and gasps in reaction to Yoongi lowering his lips to his neck again. He weaves his long fingers through Jungkook’s soft locks, twists them and tugs.
Jungkook moans softly, eyes falling closed in sync with his head rolling to the side. 
Yoongi whispers Jungkook’s name, abandoning his hair to instead run his hand down his torso. He uses his palm for it, lingering on his dainty waist to trace it with eager desperation as his pouty lips nib at his sensitive neck.
Jungkook writhes accordingly, fleeing with a giggle and his grabby fingers wrapping around Yoongi’s wrist. 
“Yoongi, don’t”, he begs, making Yoongi lift his head.
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t tickle me, you know that I’m ticklish.”
“I’m not tickling you, I’m feeling you up.”
Jungkook exhales shakily, eyes falling to Yoongi’s lips, “why?”
“What do you mean why? You gotta ask?”
Jungkook nods his head, gulping.
“It’s your birthday.”
“My birthday was two days ago, hyung”, Jungkook says and chuckles.
“Doesn’t matter. We didn’t get to celebrate alone. Just the three of us”, Yoongi says, shifting his eyes to you. Jungkook does the same.
The attention makes you feel tingly all over. It was so beyond exciting to watch them make out, so to become an active part in their thing is leaving you heated.
“Just the three of us?” Jungkook repeats.
“Yeah, just us. No one else”, Yoongi says, smiling softly as he buries his face back in Jungkook’s neck, “I fucking love when that happens”, he whispers, kissing the piercings on Jungkook’s ear, “and you’re our birthday boy today. Doesn’t matter that it’s been two days, you’re our birthday boy”, he purrs, taking Jungkook’s earlobe between his teeth to tug on it softly.
“Ah”, Jungkook lets out in a breathy moan, closing his eyes and reaching for Yoongi. His fingers close around Yoongi’s biceps, hips trying and failing to come in contact with his thigh in search of friction.
“That means you need to be treated like a fucking king”, Yoongi rasps, peppering Jungkook’s jawline with featherlight kisses, “you’re so fucking gorgeous, Kookie. You’ve got the best jawline.”
“Oh my god, hyung”, Jungkook flusters, hiding his face behind his hand, “why are you saying that?” he whines and giggles incredibly cutely. 
Yoongi purrs, smiling lazily as he drags his pouty lips to the other side of Jungkook’s sharp jawline, “cause I want to.”
“Yoongi”, Jungkook sighs, arching his back in bliss.
“Relax sweetheart, relax. I’m taking care of you”, Yoongi whispers and lets his lips hover above Jungkook’s ear, "can I take care of you?" 
"Mhm, thank you", Yoongi breathes as he guides his kisses to Jungkook’s collarbones. They are so pretty in the setting sun. Yoongi marks them with hickeys, even if they heal within seconds. Jungkook shudders in reaction because of how good it feels to be kissed on this spot.
He thought himself to be unable to shudder even harder, but is proven wrong when, mere moments later, Yoongi wraps his lips around his left nipple and sucks gently.
Jungkook arches his back off the ground and buries his hand deep in Yoongi’s hair. He moans loudly, throwing his head back as well. Warmth bubbles in his tummy. He feels so goddamn good.
Disturbed by Jungkook’s rough movements, Yoongi lifts his head. A string of saliva still connects his pouty lips with Jungkook’s perky nipple. It breaks when Yoongi licks his lips.
“Relax”, Yoongi orders lovingly and pins Jungkook’s squirming body down. He lies down in a way so that his tummy was pressing against Jungkook’s side and he could drape his arm over him. He pulls his legs in, looking small in comparison to Jungkook’s bigger frame. Small, but still in charge.
“It feels so good”, Jungkook sighs out, panting for air.
“Good”, he answers him, “that’s good”, he whispers and lowers his lips back to Jungkook’s nipples. He doesn’t stay on solely one anymore, but switches between both of them. He gives each of them equal attention, switching between sucking on them until Jungkook moans, flicking his tongue over them until Jungkook sighs and biting them just enough that Jungkook whimpers. And while he does, he has his eyes closed, purring deeply as his body keeps rubbing against Jungkook’s.
Truly, the sight is so arousing to you that you have to keep pressing your legs together. You don’t want to intervene. You need to keep observing. It’s as fun as it is to be an active part in this whole ordeal.
The contact between Yoongi’s tender lips and Jungkook’s swollen nipple breaks again. He kisses a path along his upper tummy, tracing his abs with his tongue.
“Oh god”, Jungkook lets out, panting like crazy, “oh god, oh god.”
“So strong”, Yoongi praises, “you’re such a strong prince, my lovely.”
“It feels so good, oh god.”
Yoongi purrs happily, guiding his tongue down the valley of Jungkook’s abs. His skin tastes like the coconut oil he used to moisturise after swimming. Sweet. Yoongi likes it a lot, lingering on Jungkook’s sculpted lower tummy so he could lick and suck the taste off his skin. 
And Jungkook switches between gasping for air and pressing out little “oh god”s. Even after all this time, he still can’t believe that this is happening. He knows that Yoongi is an utter service Dom and that he wants to touch instead of being touched, but this is on a whole other level. Yoongi never used his mouth on Jungkook before. At least not there. Not so close to his cock. 
Speaking of cock. His pretty cock is throbbing like crazy in his wide linen shorts, straining the fabric. Yoongi manages to brush his throat over its head as he licks Jungkook’s tummy.
Jungkook squeaks.
Yoongi lifts his head. 
“You’re hard.”
“I can’t h-help it. You, you never did that before. It’s so, so good”, he stutters.
Yoongi’s lips curl into a cocky smirk.
“You’re cute”, he says, walking his fingers to the hem of Jungkook’s shorts, “can I taste? Mhm Kookie, can I have a little taste?”
Jungkook moans. You honestly do the same. Yoongi sucking off Jungkook. The mere thought of it is making your pussy throb. 
“Yes, y-yes”, Jungkook stutters, lifting his hips willingly.
“Thank you, lovely”, Yoongi whispers and kisses Jungkook’s inner thighs as he takes off his shorts, “thank you so much. You’re making me so happy. Mhm so soft, you’ve got the prettiest thighs.”
He places Jungkook’s shorts atop your lap, giving you a playful smirk. 
“For later, mhm?” he flirts, painting heat onto your cheeks. 
“Yeah”, you whisper, looking at the shorts. You close your fingers around them and guide them to your nose. You inhale deeply. Coconut and the distinct scent of his arousal. Fuck, it’s making you dizzy. 
“___”, Jungkook whimpers, watching the scene with a twitching dick. 
Yoongi does the same, letting a lazy purr rumble in his chest. The view drives him crazy because you’re pressing your legs together without even noticing that you do. Fuck, he wants to slip his hand between them just so he can push them apart and taste what you’re trying to hide. 
“You smell fucking incredible”, you groan and give Jungkook a playful look, “our birthday boy smells so, so good.”
“Oh god”, Jungkook drops his head on the ground and parts his legs, “oh god, please.”
Yoongi takes the opportunity of Jungkook’s willing submission and buries his face in his inner thigh to nib on it hungrily. He leaves a trail of bite marks and hickeys on his skin until he reaches his cock. And only then, he changes sides, starting the hungry feast anew and driving Jungkook desperate in the process. 
His inner thighs are so, so sensitive and now he has Yoongi marking them. Jungkook hurts. He is in pain. That’s how desperately horny he feels. 
“Yoongi, please”, he begs, parting his legs further.
“Patience”, Yoongi taunts him, ghosting his lips past his cock without ever touching him. He connects them with his inner thigh while his big hands run up and down his skin, tracing his defined muscles. 
“Please”, Jungkook tries aching for his touch, “hurts, please.”
Yoongi straightens up, sitting down on his feet. He runs his hands down Jungkook’s thighs and up his waist. He makes sure that his thumbs brush past his cock without ever touching him. 
“Please”, Jungkook begs and squirms.
“Pretty boy, such a pretty boy”, Yoongi rasps, guiding his touch down to his thighs. And up again. His cock he once again neglects. He adds a little layover on his lower tummy, rubbing circles into the most sensitive parts. 
“Daddy, please”, Jungkook giggles and squirms, “please.”
“You’re so cute”, Yoongi praises, guiding his fingers past his cock again.
“Mommy, please tell Daddy to touch me, please”, Jungkook begs and thrusts his hips against nothing. His cock flops against his tummy, but doesn’t get any other kind of stimulation. 
This is it. Those two words were indicator enough. Jungkook fell into his favourite headspace. The softest, neediest and most sensitive babyboy headspace which only comes out with you and Yoongi. He feels safe enough with the two of you, knowing that while he is lost like this, the two of you will make sure that he is safe.
You and Yoongi exchange a look. The pull is unbearable. You break the distance and kiss him. Yoongi moans into you, squeezing Jungkook’s thighs desperately. You sigh into him, running your hands up and down one of Jungkook’s legs. 
The combined touches make Jungkook mewl. The view of your heated kiss makes him leak. 
“Please”, he begs, trembling like crazy. 
You break the kiss. 
“Our birthday boy needs you, Daddy.  Don’t make him wait”, you coo, making Yoongi chuckle.
“Keep talking like this and you’ll see what that gets you, Mommy”, he answers you, painting amusement onto your features.
It is both hilarious and hot to call each other by such nicknames.
You and Yoongi look at Jungkook. He is panting, looking at you with big, pleading eyes. He parts his legs further, thrusting his hips weakly.
“Who do you belong to, Kookie?”
“You and, and Mommy”, Jungkook stutters.
“Mhm good job. Don’t ever fucking forget that”, Yoongi says and wraps his hand around the base of Jungkook’s cock. He locks eyes with him. He smiles, “you’ve got the prettiest cock, baby”, he rasps, running his hand along Jungkook’s veiny shaft, “and it belongs to Mommy and I. Ours. Only ours.”
Jungkook moans softly, widens his eyes whilst at the same time allowing them to grow droopy. It results in his eyelids fluttering like crazy. 
“So pretty. Our sweetheart is so pretty”, Yoongi whispers and lowers his lips to Jungkook’s cock. 
“What?” Jungkook gets out and props himself up on his elbows, “what are you- oh god, ah!”
He expected Yoongi to use his hands on him, but not for him to use his mouth. The sensation is so intense that Jungkook feels close to orgasming from sheer excitement. This is the first time he feels Yoongi’s mouth on his cock. His lips are so soft and pillowy and warm so soft. So soft. Oh, so soft.
Yoongi runs his pouty lips over Jungkook’s heated tip, leaving kisses and kitten licks all over it. He loves how sweet Jungkook tastes and how velvety his tip feels against his tongue. 
Yoongi wants more. He lingers on Jungkook’s slit, swirling the tip of his tongue over it. Jungkook moans and closes his legs. The sensation was just way too intense.
“Don’t”, Yoongi stops him and parts them again. He kneels down between them, running his hands up and down his tender inner thighs, “don’t flee from me.”
“I don’t get it. Are, are you gonna go down on me?” Jungkook stutters.
“Yeah, obviously”, Yoongi states matter of factly, “why? Don’t want me to?”
“I want it so bad”, Jungkook confesses and squirms, “this, this is my d-dream.”
“Mhm, then relax and let me make it reality”, Yoongi says and lowers himself to Jungkook’s cock, “Daddy’s gonna take care of you.”
“Oh god”, Jungkook groans, throwing his head back in sync with Yoongi taking him inside. This is the first time he feels Yoongi’s mouth around his cock. It’s so warm and so wet and so soft and so good. And so good. Oh, so good, "Yoongi", Jungkook moans his name in a way he never did before. The utter and pure pleasure in his voice goes straight to your pussy. 
Yoongi purrs in answers. He runs his big hand up and down the inches he doesn’t taste yet, switching between jerking him off and massaging his balls. Jungkook feels so soft and heated under his fingertips. Yoongi loves the sensations so much.
“So yummy, baby. You’re so yummy”, he mumbles, growling in pleasure as he fills his mouth with cock again. 
Yoongi changes between swirling his tongue over Jungkook’s heated tip and sucking his cock as he bops his head up and down. His skills are obvious. The king of oral doesn’t disappoint. No matter woman or man. And he is very hellbent on showing Jungkook exactly that. 
“Please don’t stop”, Jungkook begs and twists Yoongi’s hair between his trembling fingers. Like this, he squeezes his chest together. His pecs look so pretty like this. His little nipples look so incredibly empty.
You know what to do. You close the distance between his chest and your lips and take his swollen nipple into your mouth.
“Mommy”, Jungkook squeaks and throbs in Yoongi’s mouth. He arches his back, hurting Yoongi’s scalp because of how aggressively he pulls his hair.
The latter lifts his head to frown at him, but doesn’t because of you. Yoongi’s cock throbs against the picnic blanket. You have your eyes closed as you suck on Jungkook’s left nipple. Your fingers are playing with the right, keeping it just as sensitive.
“Holy fuck, princess”, Yoongi moans. 
You open your eyes, meeting his gaze. The contact breaks, you moan softly. 
“So tasty, don’t you think?”
“So fucking tasty. Holy fuck, you’re fucking perfect”, Yoongi rasps and takes Jungkook back inside. 
He goes further than before, staring deep into your eyes. The connection makes your tummy flutter. His pink, pouty lips are stretching and moving around Jungkook’s girth. His big, veiny hand is moving up and down his cock. The view is so unfamiliar and yet incredibly addictive. You never saw Yoongi in such a situation before, but damn you are loving it. You reach down and cup his cheek. Yoongi growls around Jungkook, huffing out air a second later as he exhales shakily. His eyes widen, showing a small flicker of submission. For just a second. Your touch was the indicator.
“You look so pretty with cock in your mouth, my love”, you tell him, flustering him so much that he mewls and closes his eyes. He furrows his brows, humming around Jungkook’s cock in an attempt to feel less embarrassed. Your praise always gets him this way. He even changes the angle of his head, taking more of the younger vampire’s cock down his throat. Like this, he drools all over his fingers and Jungkook’s dark pubes and every now and then, a small gag fills the silence. You also think that his button nose looks incredibly cute in this position. Very biteable. You tap it with your finger.
“Cute”, you mumble and close your eyes as well, returning to the task of pleasuring Jungkook’s pretty nipples. You explore his torso with your hands, making sure to feel up every inch of him. He deserves to be touched and to be explored. Your pretty, soft birthday boy. You give his waist a gentle squeeze, moaning around his nipple. Truly, he is so soft. Your cute Jungkook is so, so soft.
Speaking of Jungkook. He is currently squeaking out sounds, feeling his thighs shake against his will. He can’t hold it much longer. Being touched won’t ever lose its magic. Jungkook has long stopped being touch starved, his days of having to push every kind of affection away because of his Ripper curse have long ended and yet he still feels as surprised by being touched as he did the first time, fingers glided over his body. He just… Jungkook mewls and arches into your touch. Yoongi is sucking his cock as he is moving his head up and down. The suction is so intense that Jungkook has to squeak for air.
“Do you like that, baby? Do you like how Daddy’s sucking your cock?” your lips are against the shell of his ear for now, producing the most sinful of whispers which make Jungkook so, so much more sensitive. Your fingers trace his tensing abs.
Jungkook nods his head vigorously.
He nods his head aggressively.
“Then tell him, baby. He can’t hear you.”
“Thank you, Daddy”, Jungkook whimpers, “thank you, thank you, oh god, thank you.”
Yoongi growls, sinking down further. His eyes water because of it, breathing is impossible and his throat is tensing like crazy, but he doesn’t want to stop. It’s been a few centuries since he last sucked cock and it’s fucking incredible. Jungkook is the best goddamn cock he’s ever had. He needs him to fill out his throat and whimper his name.
“That’s it. Good job, baby”, you praise and run your tongue back down to his nipple.
Jungkook sobs softly, reaching for Yoongi’s hair. He twists it, reaching for your head as well just seconds later. His fingertips run over your scalp from just how aggressively he grabs you.
He just can’t believe that there are people in his life, who want to treat him so well. That’s what Jungkook thought about before you and Yoongi literally scrambled his brain. This is why he is still so sensitive, because he still can’t believe that this is his life. That he can spend time in nature and laugh with two of his most loved people and that these people are obsessed with making him feel good. It feels like a dream, but it isn’t. This is his fucking life. Jungkook loves being touched so, so much because he won’t ever take it for granted.
That, but also you and Yoongi are fucking incredible in the way you touch him.
“I have to cum”, Jungkook chokes out and sobs again, shaking in preparation for his high.
“Mhhm baby”, you purr, swirling your wet tongue over his chest.
“I, I really have to cum”, Jungkook squeaks, “please, please.”
“You’re so cute…”
“Please”, Jungkook begs, holding his breath. One more touch and he will climax. He is not even a second away from breaking apart. The tension in his tummy is so intense that his lower abs continue to flex without control. Yoongi’s wet mouth keeps sucking and sucking and sucking. Jungkook feels so much fire in his cock that he swears he won’t ever be normal again.
“Such a cutie, you’re such a cutie”, you rasp, licking and biting his nipples.
“Now”, Jungkook chokes out, “I’m sorry, I can’t hold it. I have to- No!”
Yoongi slipped off, squeezing around Jungkook’s base strongly. Agony and pain. Jungkook sobs, closing his legs even if Yoongi’s body stops him and so he ends up rubbing them against Yoongi.
“No, no, no please”, Jungkook begs, hiccupping little sobs, “please, Daddy please. Please.”
“Cute”, Yoongi lets out and jerks off Jungkook’s tip. Fast and with lots of pressure.
“Eeh- ngngn”, Jungkook squeaks out and thrusts into Yoongi’s fist. His body is tense instantly, his legs are shaking again. The fire returns. His orgasm is so, so close. He starts to pant for air, flailing his hands in the air until he settles on squeezing his own thighs.
You watch it happen, switching between staring at Jungkook’s hands and Yoongi’s hands while your own are exploring your babyboy’s torso. He is shaking so much, whimpering even more. How terribly cute he is.
“So cute”, you praise.
“Such a sensitive little cutie”, Yoongi rasps.
“So sensitive. Our pretty boy.”
“Mhhm so pretty…”
“Now”, Jungkook moans and arches his back.
Yoongi lets go and squeezes around his base.
“No, please”, Jungkook presses out and sobs, contorting his face in agony, “Daddy please.”
Yoongi lets out a dirty, taunting laugh, lowering his eyes like a hunting cat.
“You’re so fucking dumb, sweets”, he lulls his words, “you just gotta stay silent. Why keep bringing up that you gotta cum?”
“I’m sorry”, Jungkook squeaks out, “please.”
“Don’t apologise. I’m not the one getting edged”, Yoongi rasps and jerks off his cockhead again. Fast. Rough. Jungkook wails up because of it. Only ten seconds in, and his body is trembling again, readying itself for the most mindblowing of orgasms. 
The word leaves Jungkook as if it was instinct. The stupid instinct of the goodest boy who just wants to tell his Doms that they’re doing the bestest jobs. The consequences are instant.
Yoongi retreats his hands altogether, running them up and down Jungkook’s petite waist and leaving his cock to throb in the air.
“Why did I say that?” Jungkook wails, writhing in agony, “oh god, I’m so fucking dumb.”
Yoongi laughs, squeezing Jungkook’s waist, “you’re so fucking cute.”
“I m-messed up”, Jungkook hiccups, “oh god, please.” He opens his eyes in his panic, looking up at you with teary eyes, “please.”
Feeling incredibly soft for him, you pick up his head and lay it onto your lap. Then you lean down, kissing his sweaty forehead and running your fingers through his silken hair. Jungkook whimpers, spilling tears.
“I can’t help you, babyboy”, you whisper, “you and I both know that Daddy’s doing what’s best for you.”
“Mommy, please”, he begs, reaching up to unbutton your shirt. Your tits fall out and right into the eager mouth of your Jungkook. He sucks roughly, keening cutely. His fangs are out halfway, but bear no danger to you. Jungkook is merely way too vulnerable and sensitive to control them. They tickle you as Jungkook seeks refuge in your breasts.
“Oh?” you let out and chuckle, “what are you doing, baby? Mhm?” you coo, playing with his hair.
Jungkook merely purrs and begins licking your nipple. Sloppy and with way too much drool. He whimpers and purrs, whines and sucks and licks you desperately. The sensation is so intense that you have to moan and close your eyes.
“Hush, baby. It’s okay, I’m right here”, you soothe him even if talking is hard. He feels so good around your nipples.
Yoongi, who watched the scene unfold and feels dizzy at the view, finally runs his hands back down to Jungkook’s cock. It keeps leaking in excitement. Yoongi knows that it is solely because he can suck on your tits. Yoongi agrees with Jungkook. Your tits are fucking perfect and having them in one’s mouth is a sacrilegious experience. He would leak as well if he switched places with Jungkook.
“You’re perfect, Kookie”, he whispers and engulfs his perfect cock in his mouth. He got so needy to get his mouth stuffed now that your tits are out, that he has to still his hunger with Jungkook’s dick. It’s the tastiest substitute ever. Yoongi moans deeply, sinking down until his nose is buried in Jungkook’s bush and his throat bulges around his cock.
“Eeh”, Jungkook squeaks and bites down on your nipple accidentally.
“Ah, hey”, you complain, but chuckle a second later when Jungkook whimpers in apology and soothes it with eager licks, “careful, baby. Mommy can’t heal like you guys can.”
“It’s my fault. Sorry”, Yoongi apologises, “are you bleeding?”
“No, it just pinched. Don’t wor-”, your words gets stuck in your throat, “okay damn, you are so fucking sexy”, you rasp, now staring at Yoongi and Jungkook’s wet, throbbing cock right in front of his lips.
Yoongi smirks and takes him back inside, looking up at you as his pretty lips move around the shaft. Jungkook reacts accordingly. He sucks harder, moaning into your chest over and over again while his fingers close around your arm for support.
“That’s it baby, hold me close”, you talk softly, caressing his head, “Daddy’s doing such a good job, isn’t he?”
Jungkook whimpers, squeezing you closer to him.
“I know. I know he does. Oh my baby, you’re shaking so much”, you feign worry, rocking him back and forth soothingly, “hush little baby, Mommy’s here. Everything’s okay.”
You give Yoongi a playful smirk. 
"You look so sexy like this. Your cheeks are all wet, love. That’s such a pretty view", you rasp. 
Yoongi growls and squeezes tears from his eyes. He can’t help but cry. Not from emotion but from willingly fucking his throat raw. Air is really fucking sparse and all Yoongi really breathes in is the musky scent of Jungkook’s pubes and the saccharine scent of his pleasure. Truly, Yoongi’s head is pounding in ecstasy. 
He glides up Jungkook’s cock again and sucks until his cheeks fall in. Then he begins moving up and down, pressing the flat of his tongue against his shaft and using his spit as makeshift lube to jerk off the parts he doesn’t want to reach right now. Cock is so tasty. Holy fuck, cock is goddamn fucking tasty. 
Yoongi growls and closes his eyes. So tasty. Jungkook is so tasty. 
Yoongi squeezes Jungkook’s cock and moans. He takes the bigger vampire’s shaking thighs and throws them over his shoulders. Jungkook keeps wanting to close them and flee, but Yoongi can’t allow that. He pins his meaty thighs against his body and uses the new angle to thrust Jungkook’s hips up into his mouth. 
That’s all. Because then sweet, sweet Jungkook breaks away from your (by now swollen) nipples just so he can announce his orgasm.
Again. He won’t ever be able to stop himself. Even if he tried, he just can’t stop himself.
You and Yoongi chuckle. The latter slips off, licking his lips. While Jungkook sobs and smothers himself with your breasts.
“You’re seriously so cute”, you say, ruffling his hair.
“All you had to do was keep sucking her tits”, Yoongi teases and begins rolling his hips against Jungkook’s. 
He is kneeling while Jungkook wiggles his ankles on his shoulders and feels his balls move against Yoongi as he dry fucks him. Dry fucking is a good word, because the Creator doesn’t just hump him. No. He is rolling his big, hard bulge against Jungkook’s cock and ass with such strength that it feels as if no layers of clothing were between them.
“I can’t help it”, Jungkook presses out, trying to control his flailing feet, “please don’t edge me anymore. Please fuck me. Please anything. Please my hole, I ah, please.”
“I wanna fuck you later”, Yoongi rasps, running his hands to Jungkook’s ankles and using the leverage to straightens his legs and spread them apart. 
Jungkook moans. You almost drool all over his face. Jungkook is so exposed like this. His legs are trembling, his toes are curling. 
“Wanna dick you down like this”, Yoongi says and thrust his clothed cock against Jungkook’s ass.
Jungkook shakes from the impact, choking out a trembling, squeaky moan. 
“Gotta spread you open and fuck you lose”, Yoongi continues and marks his words with one last harsh thrust, growling deeply as he moves. 
By now, Jungkook is bruising your arm from how desperately he clings to you and his big cock has leaked all over his tummy. 
“But it’s not time for that yet”, Yoongi says and sets down Jungkook’s trembling legs. They fall open and never close again. 
Jungkook is panting, writhing, whining for more. He feels fucked and edged and ruined and the only thing keeping him sane is the softness of your tits on his face and your sweet scent. 
“We gotta wait till we’re home again”, Yoongi adds as he is feeling up Jungkook’s soiled tummy, “and I gotta fuck Mommy’s pussy first”, he rasps and looks at you 
You gulp, feeling dizzy. You’re too turned on to handle his attention. Merely his eye contact makes you want to mewl. He is so hot with his lips all puffy from cock and his long, black hair messy.
“I can smell you from a mile away, princess”, he lulls.
“You’re so hot, you have no idea how wet I am.”
“No, I’m pretty sure I do”, Yoongi says and smirks cockily. 
“Yoongi, come on. You’re such a sexy menace”, you whine, making him chuckle.
He crawls to where you are sitting, running his hands along Jungkook’s body this way. He is facing you, letting his left hand linger on the crown of Jungkook’s head while his right reaches for you. 
He pulls you closer slightly and looks at your lips.
“I can still taste him. He’s so sweet. Wanna try?” he asks.
You look at his lips, “yes.”
Yoongi sticks his tongue out. You dive in with a hungry moan, grinding your tongue over his’ before you take it between your lips to suck on it. 
Yoongi growls, closing his fingers on the back of your neck. This is making him lightheaded.
You feel dizzy yourself. Yoongi tastes like himself and like Jungkook’s cock. You are so greedy for more. This is the most amazing taste. You pull Yoongi closer, releasing his tongue so you could kiss him passionately instead. Air is sparse and yet you don’t stop, pulling each other closer until your noses are squished and Jungkook is smothered between your chests. 
He accepts his fate gladly, breaking away from sucking your nipples to the point of sensitivity to instead suck Yoongi’s. The Creator didn’t even realise that he is this close to Jungkook’s face, but finds out soon enough in the form of wet warmth around his left nipple. 
“Wait”, Yoongi breaks the kiss, flinching away, “don’t.”
Jungkook, pouty and out of breath, looks up at you and Yoongi.
“Don’t do that”, Yoongi whines, rubbing his own hand over his chest. 
“Sorry”, Jungkook whispers, “I wanted to make you feel good.”
Yoongi’s eyes soften. He releases a sigh and cups Jungkook’s cheeks. 
“It’s okay. I just got startled, that’s all. Thank you for thinking of me, babyboy”, he soothes him, tracing his pretty lips.
“Daddy”, Jungkook whispers shakily.
“Yes, babyboy?”
“Can you touch me more, please?” he begs.
“I don’t know. Can I?” 
“Please”, Jungkook pouts. 
Yoongi smiles and gives him a little pinch to the cheek, “do you wanna get on all fours for us?” 
“All fours?”
“Mhm, so Mommy and I can eat you out together. One in the front and the other at the back. How does that sound?”
“So good”, Jungkook whispers, exhaling a soft moan. 
“Do you want that?” 
“Yes, please.”
“Do you want that too, princess?”
“Uuuh yeah? You gotta ask?”
Yoongi grins, “just making sure we’re all into it.”
“I’m so into it”, you tell him.
“Me too”, Jungkook throws in, squirming needily, “please do it, please.”
“Good. Get on all fours. I won’t ask again”, Yoongi orders. 
Jungkook follows instantly. He sits up just so he can flip over and fall onto his elbows, presenting his ass to you in an arch of his back. 
“That’s amazing, sweetheart. Now relax, let us take care of you”, Yoongi says and lies down underneath him. He snakes his strong arms around Jungkook’s hips and pushes them down so he can take his cock back inside. 
“Oh god”, Jungkook breathes and arches his back, “oh god, Yoongi…”
Yoongi mewls deliciously, dimpling Jungkook’s delicate hips as he keeps fucking his own face. It’s so much more intense in this position, but Yoongi loves intense. It gets him off. He gets off on the adrenaline, on pushing his own limits and the feeling of controlled helplessness. He likes being short of breath and dizzy and deprived of any sense of speaking. And Jungkook’s huge cock is the perfect way to consume those sensations. Yoongi sucks harder and moans gratefully.
“You feel so good”, Jungkook moans and whimpers, “oh god, you feel so good.”
His hole clenches in reaction to getting sucked off, his thighs keep shaking. You are mesmerised. By Yoongi’s long fingers on Jungkook’s hips, by Jungkook’s trembling thighs and by his pretty, puckered hole. It looks soft and loose even now when nothing has been done to it yet. Jungkook always gets like this the moment someone touches him just right. As if it was his body’s natural instinct to loosen up and prepare for a fuck. Maybe that’s his secret little talent or maybe he just feels safe enough with you and Yoongi to really let lose. Yoongi mewls deeply around Jungkook’s cock, making his hole clench again. You gulp, feeling yourself drool. How it is begging for your attention.
You place your hands on his buttocks, making them tense up. Then you spread them, revealing more of him to your greedy eyes. It flutters and clenches, screaming for your attention.
“Ready?” you make sure. 
“Please yes”, Jungkook consents, arching his back as best as Yoongi allows him to.
You stick your tongue out and lower yourself to his pretty hole. 
Jungkook throws his head back with the first contact, thrusting into Yoongi’s mouth in pure instinct. The latter growls in distaste and pushes him away until he was comfortable again. Then he begins guiding Jungkook’s squirming hips, thrusting them into his mouth in a slow, deep pace. 
And while he guides Jungkook’s hips, you are grinding your dripping tongue over his soft rim. Your hands are resting on his buttocks, keeping him spread for you. Your fingertips are touching Yoongi’s hands. It makes the current situation feel so much more intimate. You are sharing your sweet Kookie. This is the best thing ever. 
“Oh god, Mommy’s tongue is so soft”, Jungkook mewls.
You moan into him and apply more pressure, dimpling his perky butt as you grip him tighter. He tastes so good. You are so addicted to him.
“Mommy thank you”, Jungkook mewls and drops his head. He sobs happily, “Daddy, thank you too. Your mouth is so warm. Oh god…”
Yoongi moans deeply, pushing Jungkook further down his throat. He is making him bulge like this. Jungkook shakes like crazy because of it. 
“Daddy, please don’t stop. Mommy. Oh god, please you are both so good”, Jungkook mewls, trembling in your hands.
He doesn’t know who to moan for louder. Maybe, he doesn’t want to moan for a certain person louder. Maybe, he just wants to make submissive sounds for both of you equally. This feels so good. His legs are shaking like crazy and his head is dizzy and every inch of his body is burning up in pleasure. Yoongi’s throat is so tight around his big cock. His hungry growls and deep purrs send intense vibrations through his dick and his long tongue keeps wrapping around him and jerking him off. Jungkook never felt something like this before. To have his cock sucked and squeezed by the tightest throat whilst at the same time being jerked off by a long, wet tongue. He knew that Yoongi could grow his tongue, courtesy of him being half Glutton, but he never thought about all the possibilities it could bring. And he most definitely didn’t think that he would ever get the best tongue job in his life while behind him, your warm tongue was fucking his hole.
“Holy shit, I can’t stop shaking”, Jungkook gets out, twisting the picnic blanket, “I, I can’t stop. I can’t- ah!”
You are moaning and growling just as much as Yoongi is, massaging his trembling buttocks and sending vibrations through his body. Jungkook is sometimes embarrassed about how sensitive he is. He can’t stop making sounds and his body keeps flinching without him having any control over it. He is so sensitive, but he can’t help it. You and Yoongi feel so good.
Jungkook grips another bundle of the picnic blanket and twists it. He leaks down Yoongi’s throat, throbbing in the tight grip his long tongue has around him.
“Fuck, Kookie”, your hot breath is swirling over his skin and is keeping him on edge, “you taste so good.”
“Mommy, I feel good”, Jungkook whimpers, burying his face in his lower arm. He can barely keep himself on all fours, fighting against gravity with shaking thighs.
“That’s so good, baby. Keep yourself relaxed, baby. Just relax”, you coo and bury yourself back into his hole. He tenses it for just a second, but then remembers to obey. He tries to relax with a trembling sigh, covering Yoongi’s throat in a new layer of pleasure. You slipped back inside, now using your head to fuck him open with your wet tongue.
Your left hand is intertwined with Yoongi’s on Jungkook’s hip, your right hand travels to Jungkook’s balls and begins massaging them. Carefully as to not mess up Yoongi’s rhythm.
Jungkook’ reaction is instant. He moans loudly and squeezes Yoongi’s head between his thighs.
Yoongi can’t hear that way. The parts Jungkook touches become sweatier and sweatier. The pressure on his skull is intense in a nice way. Yoongi likes it when you close your thighs around his head and he realises that he also likes it when Jungkook does. He likes the pressure, the heat, the sensory deprivation and the intimacy of it. To know that he makes his lovers feel so good that they have to squeeze their legs together makes him feel incredibly accomplished.
He lifts his head and begins meeting his own movements, gagging and groaning around Jungkook’s big cock while his tongue grows more and more, wrapping around his girth until every single inch of it was wrapped in Yoongi’s pulsating tongue.
“I have to cum, please”, Jungkook pleads, convulsing uncontrollably. He can’t hold it anymore. He gets his ass fucked by your tongue and his cock jerked by Yoongi’s and he can’t hold it anymore.
You moan into him, Yoongi gags again and pushes him down more. And more and more, until he can take in Jungkook’s heavy balls as well. His tongue spins a web of wet pleasure around them instantly, massaging them in quick pulses while his throat closes up more and more around his tip.
Now without work, your right hand slips back to Jungkook’s ass. He is so tight around your tongue. Tight, but not stuffed enough. You know your greedy Ripper. He is wet enough from your tongue. You slip your finger into him right with your tongue.
“Now”, Jungkook sobs, “please don’t pull back, I have to- ah aha ah ah.”
You just manage to press down on his prostate and then Jungkook can’t take it anymore. He climaxes, wailing your names as he shoots his big load down Yoongi’s throat.
“Fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck!” Jungkook yelps, twitching uncontrollably, “I can’t- ah! Ah! Fuck! Ah!”
And you fuck him right through his shakes, massaging his prostate and jerking off his cock until his heavy balls are empty and all Yoongi tastes is the sweetness of Jungkook’s squirt. He didn’t want to squirt and yet he did. You are milking him and torturing him.
Jungkook cried as at happens, begging for a break he knows won’t come until he is empty. And so he continues to shake and twitch and convulse as you and Yoongi fuck him and suck him dry. Jungkook bites his own arm as you do, sobbing for his Doms and feeling lightheaded. He always becomes an especially big crybaby when someone makes him squirt. The first time it happened, Jungkook was so scared of the intensity that he broke the bed. Till this day you and Yoongi laugh about it, while Jungkook pouts. These days he is a little better at controlling his strength, but he still cries unbearably. It just feels way too good not to.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god please stop”, Jungkook begs once the fire of sweet overstimulation turns into the burning of too much, “please no more, please.”
Yoongi, delirious from his taste and one second away from passing out, releases Jungkook’s aching cock from his mouth. It flops out weakly, covering his face in spurts of spit, cum and squirt. He sucked him so hard that he softened. He officially ruined him. Yoongi moans and whimpers, lapping at Jungkook’s sensitive cock for one last glimpse of his taste. You slip your finger free first, ending it by giving his fluttering rim gentle kisses.
“Oh god”, Jungkook presses out and rolls off of Yoongi just to fall onto the ground. He pulls his knees to his chest and presses his hand to his eyes, shaking like crazy as quick pants leave his lips, “oh god.”
You are the first to recover. Yoongi still needs some time to find his way back to reality. His throat hurts. He fucked it raw with Jungkook’s cock. He is pretty sure that he currently can’t talk, but he doesn’t care because he’ll heal in a few seconds. For now however, he needs to lie completely still and fight for air.
You in the meantime wrap your arms around Jungkook and lift him, kissing his neck repeatedly.
“Good job”, you praise, “you did such a good job. I’m so proud of you, good job.”
Jungkook shudders, snaking his arms around you to press you into him.
“Mommy”, he sobs softly.
“I’m right here. You did so well, my baby”, you soothe him, ruffling his sweaty hair. 
“My, my head hurts.”
“Gosh, really?”
He nods his head and whimpers into your chest.
“No, poor baby”, you whine, snuggling him tightly, “let me squeeze it better.”
Jungkook lets you squeeze him and rock him and hold him. He giggles once seconds turn into moments. And as that happens, you giggle with him, kissing the crown of his head. He loves being taken care of after such an intense high and you are so, so good at it.
Jungkook lifts his head, looking up at you with his big, brown eyes. He smiles with them. You retort it and cup his sweaty cheek. It feels tender and soft in your palm, his skin is so heated.
“Thank you, Mommy”, he whispers cutely, having to giggle again.
“You’re such a babyboy”, you breathe, tracing his small eye wrinkles. He always gets them when he smiles especially prettily. You are so obsessed with them.
“I’m your babyboy”, he lulls, making you smile.
“That’s right. You’re my babyboy. Mine and Yoongi’s.” 
You and Jungkook turn your heads to look at the mentioned. Yoongi is sitting up, hunching his back and looking utterly ruined. His hair is a mess, his lips are puffy and his entire face is wet and sticky. He also barely manages to keep his eyes open, blinking them at you and Jungkook slowly.
You and he crack up at the adorable view. Yoongi squints his eyes and lets out a weak “hm.”
“Are you okay?” you ask him.
“Mhm”, Yoongi nods his head contently, smiling without showing his teeth. His cheeks puff out like this.
“Are you sure? You look a little ruined.”
“Yeah”, his voice is raspier than usual. It’s so sexy, “just got my face fucked in. Give me a moment.”
You and Jungkook snicker, closing the distance between you and Yoongi to snuggle. 
“I’m sorry”, Jungkook says and cuddles into Yoongi’s side. He places his hand on his tummy and rubs circles on it gently. Yoongi lets him because he trusts him.
“For what?” Yoongi closes his arm around Jungkook, “it’s what I wanted. Did you enjoy yourself, baby?”
“Yes”, Jungkook rests his head on Yoongi’s thigh, “so, so much. It, it felt so, so good.”
Yoongi’s smiles tiredly, running his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, “good.”
“Thank you, Daddy”, Jungkook says and giggles cutely, scrunching his nose up.
“Mhm”, Yoongi lets out and runs the back of his hand down Jungkook’s cheek, “you’re so cute.”
Jungkook closes his eyes and relaxes with a content sigh. You can watch how Yoongi’s eyes soften in adoration. His fingers pinch Jungkook’s cheek gently and then begin combing his messy hair out of his face.
“You look really sexy sucking cock, my love”, you say, resting your chin on Yoongi’s shoulder. You lean in and smooch his cheek. He tastes like sweat and Jungkook’s cum. It’s a delicious combination, making you nibble on his tender cheek gently. 
Yoongi leans into the love bites with his eyes falling closed. His tummy flutters like crazy. He loves it so much when you bite him.
“I liked sucking cock”, he confesses, “yeah, was really good.”
“You’re so talented at it, hyungie. When you used your tongue, I had to cry.”
Yoongi smiles cockily, “good.”
“He grew his tongue, didn’t he? He’s such a sexy menace, isn’t he?” you say to which Jungkook agrees with a passionate nod of his head.
Yoongi chuckles quietly, feeling giddy in his chest. He loves it so much when you and Jungkook talk about him in front of him. You always say the nicest things and Yoongi really likes that.
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sp0o0kylights · 10 months
Part Seven/ Part Eight (YOU ARE HERE)/ Part Nine
Monsters aren't real.
The thing that's flying towards him is--a hallucination. A figment of Gareth's imagination.
The same way the feeling of time slowing to a crawl is just a trick of the light playing with his anxiety.
He'd be fine.
(It won't hurt.)
Gareth's limbs froze, locking him in place even as the manticore bore down on him.
Thankfully, Steve did not have that problem.
Gareth's shirt was snatched from the back, choking him as Steve yanked him out of the way.
It was just in time--the Manticore blew past seconds later, too-large body so close Gareth could feel the air move past him.
The stench was unimaginable.
A fuckload of noise exploded in Gareth's ears as time kicked back in. He fell hard, behind Steve as the older teen swung his nail bat with his left hand.
Huh. Gareth thought distantly as wood, nail and flesh connected. Steve's ambidextrous.
He never would have guessed.
Doesn't think anyone would.
(Should Gareth survive this, he will immediately tease Steve about it. Right after profusely thanking him for saving his life and having a meltdown about honest to God monsters existing in Hawkins.)
The fucker barked a noise, and the only comparable thing Gareth could relate it to was a seal--if a seal had played with some of the sound effect pedals the music store.
Maybe got run over by a car right after for good measure.
In one breath, the monsters' weird, elongated hand-paws raked lines through the floor.
In the next, a wing smashed high over Eddie's head. The finger-like claws at the crux of it pierced through Stewart's still-stuck door, balancing itself as it turned.
This brought the manticore's gore-filled hole of a mouth so close to Eddie's head Gareth thought it forfeit, and it was only Steve's interference that kept Eddie the Banished from being Eddie the Buried.
"Come on!" Steve bellowed.
He smacked the bat into the floor, as much a challenge as it was a distraction.
Thick saliva dripped to the floor in clumps as the manticore's head, a bulbous thing composed of five petal-like slices of flesh and too many teeth rattled in response.
A car horn trumpeted again--and if it was a warning it was one coming far too late.
The Manticore dropped its chest to the ground as it took the bait. A dark, black tipped scorpion tail rose over the back of the beast, stinger longer than Gareth's arm and wider than a sword.
Faster than Gareth could track, almost faster than Steve could parry, the tail lashed forward, stinger out like a lance.
(But Steve, wonderful, amazing, athletic Steve, caught and parried it with his bat.
Then and there, Gareth swore to never mock a jock, ever again.)
The bat met armored exoskeleton with a sickening crack!, the force of the hit shaking Steve's arms. His right foot slid back, biceps flexing as the stinger pushed against him, straining hard against nail and wood.
Steve grunted, shoes squeaking as he was forced to give ground, the Manticore overpowering him by the sheer strength of its tail.
The entire encounter had barely lasted a few seconds but without interference?
Steve would be thrown aside--and impaled.
Before Gareth could think about how stupid it was, he was on his feet and rushing to help.
He grabbed the fire poker off the ground and thrust it forward, towards the manticore's not-a-face.
Screamed “Go back to hell you piece of shit!” So loud his voice cracked.
It worked.
The beast flinched, tail rocketing back as it rose back up on all four paws, hissing in outrage.
Steve staggered with how fast the tail had moved, but caught himself, bat wavering in the air, and--
There was no reprieve.
No moment to breathe, because as soon as the stinger's gone there's a grotesque, hand-like paw swiping at them both.
Gareth fell back, only to realize he wasn't the target.
Steve was.
The claws flash in the flickering overhead lights and there wasn’t any time.
He's as good as dead and Gareth can't do anything to save him--
But Eddie can.
Sometime during the last few seconds, the older teen had pulled his knife. Jammed it deep into the back of the manticore's front leg, and twisted after the blade had sunk down to the hilt.
This, and the resulting aborted attack, saved Steve's life.
The thing wailed as the struck leg crumpled, sending the fucker’s head on a collision course with the floor.
Stewart's door jumped in its frame as the wing-claws, dug in deep into the wood, caught the manticore. Two flesh-petals scraped the floor, but the move kept it from falling-- at the cost of putting its full weight on the door.
A door already bowed. Hinges pre-fucked with, thanks to Eddie’s early meddling.
It didn't hold.
Hinges screamed as the wood bent, before gravity asserted itself and shattered it. Massive wood splinters shoot out in an explosion of wood, more than one piece embedding itself into the manticore.
Eddie scrambled backwards half turned to protect his head, saved from two large chunks of wood only by the grace of his thick leather jacket.
Several things happened at once.
The car outside honked a third time.
The manticore lunged.
And Eddie tripped.
One petal of teeth tore into him--a graze that left his leg a bloody mess and ripped a scream from his mouth.
Gareth and Steve both shot instinctively: Steve to attack the side of the manticore's head, Gareth to slam the fire poker into a wing.
(One second turned into three.)
The manticore in turn, leapt backwards, head shaking with the hit of Steve's bat--and Gareth had exactly one half-second to realize all they had done up until this moment was piss it off before the wing he'd struck swept out.
It struck him in the gut and Steve in the chest, sending both of them flying.
Gareth's back met the floor a second time expelling all the air from his lungs, vision going dark at the edges as his head hit the floor.
(Three seconds turned to seven.)
This time he physically couldn't move, too stunned as Eddie screamed Steve's name.
Stewart, Gareth realized, was screaming too.
(Seven seconds became eighteen, until Gareth's chest could take in air again, the loud ringing in his ears easing somewhat.)
He kept blinking, thinking the weird streaks of orange light was his vision blurring, until his brain kicked in and informed him that no, those were flames he was seeing.
Gareth pushed himself up on his elbows to find that reinforcements had arrived.
Flames flew in an arc as another on-fire tennis ball struck the Manticores side. The ball bounced, flames trickling down to the floor as the monster beast shrieked.
A third ball had it slamming itself into the wall as Gareth whipped his head to the opposite end of the hallway.
Tiff and Dustin were spraying a can of something onto a number of tennis balls--the ones Gareth knew Tiff kept in her car for tennis.
Lucas loaded one into his slingshot, drawing the rubber bands back and holding so that Jeff’s lighter could turn it into a proper weapon.
He launched it once flames encompassed it fully, and Gareth watched as it flew true.
Landed to the right of the muscular, lion--like chest, flames catching every piece of skin that was touched.
A part of Gareth expected this to only distract the fucker, the same way the pieces of wood sticking out of it’s sides had barely slowed it down--but fire, apparently was its weakness.
The manticore reacted like it was being burned with acid more so than fire, dropping and rolling and ping-pinging between walls as more and more of its wing was overtaken.
Its screams turned into rapid, wracked yelps, until finally it threw itself so hard into a wall that it fell through it.
For a moment a dark hole remained open.
Gray pieces of ash lazily floated out, giving them all a glimpse into a terrifying, dark blue forest, red lightning slashing the sky above before the hole re-sealed itself.
(It closed the way a wound did. All sides creeping in at a speed far too fast for human skin, but was just slow enough to make the wall appear like a living membrane instead of wood and plaster.)
For a long moment, the only thing Gareth could hear was all his friends' harsh panting.
"Did you kill it?" Stewart asked, head peeking around the corner.
Eddie looked to Steve to answer.
Which he did.
"Rule number two, man.” Steve raked a hand through his hair, trying to comb out the sweat that had collected at his temples after he climbed to his feet. “If you can’t see the body, it’s not dead.”
Stewart crept cautiously into the hall, looking as shell shocked as Gareth felt. "Why the hell isn't that rule one?”
"I don't know, the kids made the rules. You can ask them.”
Gareth’s head pulsed unhappily, but Gareth had other concerns as he made his way to his feet.
“How bad is it?” He asked as he made his way over, Eddie still on the ground.
“I’m alright.” Eddie lied, as if they all couldn’t see the sticky patch of blood on his torn jeans.
"Stop talking, start walking!" Dustin yelled at them.
“Eddie’s injured, give us a minute!” Steve yelled back. “God. Go make yourself useful and get my medkit!”
“I’m fine, it’s fine! ” Eddie yelled out right after, voice waspish in his pain.
It convinced absolutely no one, and in fact, caused several people to come down the hallway towards him.
Lucky for him, Steve made it there first.
Dropping to his knees in front of Eddie, he gently moved a ringed hand away from the wound, giving it a critical once over as Gareth and Stewart hovered.
“It’s not bad.” Eddie tried to argue, wincing as he poked around his leg, Steve continually having to bat his hands away. “If we can wrap it I’ll be able to walk out of here.”
“I won’t know until I see more of it.” Tiff said, Jeff and Grant right on her heels to circle Eddie and Steve. “But he might be right for once--there’s not much blood. You’re gonna lose the pants though.”
“Noooo.” Eddie said, in a poor mimic of one of his D&D voices.
“Not to rush you, but we need to get out of here.” Jeff cast an anxious look over at the wall, and Gareth nodded his agreement.
This wasn’t a safe place right now.
(Had likely never been a safe place, if it was birthing out monsters like the manticore.)
Steve looked up at Eddie, holding his gaze.
“Think you can hobble over to the cars if two of us help?”
He got a sharp nod back.
“Good. Now hop to it.” Tiff said with a clap. Her voice was dry, tone almost sarcastic, but Gareth heard the unease in it
Not that anyone needed any convincing to get the hell out of dodge.
("I'm going to take up running." Eddie told him later, hands shaking from pain as Gareth drove Van Helsing after FrankenCar, Grant's Ford Escort
They had managed to wrap Eddie’s leg up in a quick bandage with the medkit. Gareth hadn’t truly been able to bring himself to look at the wound, but he’d caught a glimpse.
The fang marks stood out on Eddie’s pale skin, and ran in so many rows it looked like he’d shoved half his leg into a shark's mouth.
Tiffany insisted it was more horrific looking than it was actually horrific, and given Eddie had made at least three “am I gonna lose the leg, Doc?” jokes, Gareth believed her.
Still--it was weird, to drive Eddie’s van.
Weirder still to see Steve's Beemer (unnamed on grounds that Hellfire couldn't decide between the Batmobile and the BeemHolder) lead their little procession--though it had been a fight to get Steve to drive the car instead of ride along with Eddie.
"We both know you’re not seriously considering going running.” Gareth told him, voice shaking. “Which is unfortunate, because I'm going to make you anyway."
His fingers tightened hard on the steering wheel.
“I’m going to make everyone go running.”
It was a testament to how scared both of them were that they ended the conversation there.
No joke, no walking back what they'd said.
Running apparently, was back to being a core survival skill and Gareth very much enjoyed staying alive.)
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Gareth hadn’t asked why the Byers house was the chosen place to regroup.
Had kind of assumed that it had been picked because Will’s mother wasn’t home.
Definitely was not expecting an adult to come flying out of the door with the air of a frazzled border collie, herding kids inside before freezing when she caught sight of Eddie.
Or rather: Eddie being carefully pulled out of Van Helsing by Steve and Jeff, cursing and whining the whole way.
“You big baby, you’re not that hurt.” Jeff huffed as Eddie’s squirming almost forced him to let go, resulting in Eddie gripping at Steve’s sweater like a liferaft.
“You can talk when you’re the one that got bit by a monster, Jeffrey.” Eddie snapped back, hopping on his good leg. “I almost died!”
“Steve said it just barely grazed you--”
“Steve was busy trying to keep it off of me to really notice what was happening! Unlike you. What were you doing, Jeff? Honking the fucking car horn?”
“I wasn’t the one honking--”
They continued to bicker as Miss Byers marched forward.
Gareth expected her to yell--and given the way Eddie’s eyes went wide at the sight of her, possibly even deny them entrance.
Shoo them away or send them home.
It wouldn’t be the first time a member of Hellfire had been beaten, only for the adults around them to act like they were the ones causing trouble.
Instead, she earned Gareth’s respect immediately by moving alongside Steve and asking; “Is anyone else injured?”
Barely waited for the shake of Steve’s head before spinning on her heel and heading back inside, yelling all the way.
“Will, fetch me towels. Jonathan--get the medkit! ”
“No worries, Miss Byers. Stevie here already has one.” Eddie said, before his attempts to charm her fell utterly flat when he accidentally jostled his leg and hissed out a curse.
“Steve’s not as good as mine, hun.” Her eyes swept over his leg, calculating. “Is that bite what I think it is?”
“Related.” Steve answered, starting the lengthy process of getting Eddie inside.
“Shit.” She sighed, and for the first time that night Gareth realized she too, wore the same haunted look Steve did.
Which meant she'd believe them.
A part of him, the part who was still a teenager, a kid in his own right, relaxed that an adult knew.
As with most of Hellfire, Gareth didn’t typically trust adults, but his relationship with his own parents was slightly better than most of the others. It led him to such beliefs like that maybe, just maybe, this would be the end of the monsters.
That he’d never face a thing like that outside of D&D, ever again. That whatever events haunted Steve would be handled by the proper authorities.
(That they’d be okay. Everyone would be okay.)
Sirens sounded in the distance, and even as Gareth walked inside the house he knew it wasn’t true.
Whatever all this was?
It wasn’t going away anytime soon.
“Munson?” A rumpled Jonathan Byers said, blinking like an owl hit with sunlight as the Steve-Eddie-Jeff procession went past.
He got a half-assed roguish grin and a waggle of fingers while Steve rolled his eyes over Eddie’s head.
“What happened!?” Jonathan asked, as Joyce bustled past him, relieving Jonathan of the medkit.
“It’s a long story, but we have a code red at the lab.”
Gareth knew he was frazzled, purely by the fact his hands once again went to mess with his hair, right after helping Eddie down into a chair.
“Which they knew apparently.”
‘They’ was accompanied by Steve jerking his thumb towards the living room--where the kids were talking to themselves in a huddle.
Outside, the sirens grew louder.
Jonathan looked to the living room and back, before heaving a sigh so world weary it was almost impressive. “Of course they did.”
“Demodog?” Miss Byers asked as she laid out various medical supplies on her kitchen table, pausing every so often to stare at Eddie’s leg.
“It was a manticore!” One of the kids yelled.
Gareth wasn't surprised to learn some of the brats were listening in.
There was a pause, as Miss Byers stared quizzically at Steve.
“It's like a demodog but much larger?” He told her, making an awkward shape with his hands that explained absolutely nothing. “With wings? Oh--and a scorpion tail.”
“It was terrifying.” Stewart added in a mutter, all of Hellfire awkwardly camped themselves around Eddie.
Which wasn’t good, given the frown on Miss Byers face as she carefully cut away even more of his jeans and their shitty attempt at band-aiding his wound.
It was the face of someone who was about to cause pain in an attempt to heal, and knew it.
For all that he was their front-man and self-proclaimed shepherd of Hellfire, Eddie's pain tolerance was absolute shit.
The guy could take a punch well enough, and the rings on his hands meant business when he hit back--but when adrenaline wasn't flowing?
Eddie broke down faster than his van did.
This whole thing was a bit of a sore spot. Something Eddie had admitted once under extreme duress had come from his father repeatedly telling him a man needed to be tough, and a Munson man even tougher.
(The duress in question was during one particularly animated D&D fight.
Eddie had gotten too excited and slapped an open palm down on top of a pointy figure, embedded it well into his skin.
The incident had derailed the campaign entirely and caused Hellfire as a whole to learn that their fearless leader really hated people watching him cry.)
Needless to say, a room full of children, his friends, his crush, and one of said kids' mothers wasn't exactly an ideal set up for Eddie to lose it.
So Gareth set himself up as a sort of barrier, blocking Eddie's view from the living room (and hopefully, vice versa, before making eyes at his friends to do the same.
Thankfully Jeff at least, caught on.
Communication was given through pointed looks and nudging elbows, but quickly enough, Hellfire managed to make a decently solid barrier between the kids (and Jonathan, who was doing an amazing job of chewing out said children) leaving Steve and Gareth as the sole onlookers.
“Alright, someone start talking.” Miss Byers loudly commanded, as she finally unearthed Eddie’s wounds.
To Eddie, she offered a well-used bottle of Tylenol, muttering quiet apologies before she began cleaning his very gross looking wound.
“Hey--” Gareth himself muttered, half praying he’d magically think of an excuse for Steve to fuck off, only to realize Hellfire’s jock had actually moved into the kitchen.
A line of mismatched mugs and cups was taking form on the counter, and it took a minute of carefully looking anywhere but at Eddie as Miss Byers worked to figure out Steve was making hot chocolate.
Figured that was probably smart, given Grant looked so tense Gareth expected his head to explode at any second.
(The loud arguing from the kids as they tried to explain didn't help any.)
A thought that Jonathan also seemed to have, given he put on a voice that sounded far to fatherly for Gareth's comfort and bellowed;
“Alright, enough!”
--which at least got him the silence he wanted.
“One at a time!” Jonathan parented from the living room. “Will, you start. Dustin you’re up next, then Mike, then El.”
He put his hands on his hips and Gareth nearly laughed aloud, because apparently the children weren't the only ones picking up Steve's mannerisms.
“Start from when you decided to sneak out without telling anybody but Steve.”
“If it makes you feel better we didn't actually tell Steve.” Dustin chirped.
Jonathan stared at him, and judging from his face alone Gareth expected utter hell to erupt from his mouth.
Instead they got a sort of quiet: “That does actually make me feel a bit better, thanks.”
Steve scoffed from the kitchen in response, which thankfully covered Eddie’s pained hiss from where Miss Byers was patting hydrogen peroxide into his bite mark.
Unfortunately for Jonathan, the kids came up with their own order and as always, let Dustin and Mike be their talking pieces.
“Like we told everyone else, it started because Will and El sensed something--” One began, right as red and blue lights splashed across the walls.
The source of the siren--a police truck that, judging bu the loud crunch of tires sliding on gravel and a shriek of breaks--had arrived.
Several of the children (plus Grant) cursed.
“Who called Hopper?!”
“He’s El’s dad idiot, of course someone called him.”
“Come on Max didn’t we talk about calling people names--”
Eddie tensed, as did the majority of the room, as loud, pounding footsteps tore up the front porch.
“I called him.” Miss Byers said as she rose from her crouch, apparently done re-bandaging Eddie.
She weaved her way through the room and was nearly taken out by her own front door when it was flung open to reveal the man himself, who looked like he’d spent the night fist-fighting his way through a bar, in the dark.
“El?!” He bellowed, eyes frantically scanning the room before landing on her.
The relief was so immediate it seemed to make him slump for a second.
Or rather, long enough for him to draw in enough air to get out a proper yell. “Someone better start explaining, right now. Starting with you Michael Wheeler!”
It was only then, as the man himself stepped into the light, that Gareth finally figured out why he looked sort of--off.
Unreal even, like a figure stepping out of a dream and into reality.
Jim Hopper, Chief of Hawkins Police Department, was wearing Scooby Doo pajamas.
The top was a faded orange color, boasting an image of a footstep in the center of a magnifying glass.
The bottoms were green, the head of the famed Great Dane patterned all over.
It was Gareth's last straw.
‘You cannot be having a panic attack over the Chief’s pajamas.’ A far away part of Gareth thought hysterically, as his vision kaleidoscoped.
God, was he so fucking lame.
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martiwikiwi · 4 months
I've been wanting to do this for a long time so not even sorry.
Dark fantasy. Hagan knows the Church of Twilight has never been a safe space for him but after so many years serving faithfully the church, how is he supposed to escape from his past and start anew? All he knows is killing demons. Queer stuff: Hagan is sex-repulsed biromantic asexual and will talk about asexuality now and then. Chorus is his aromantic hetero bestie and there are two more queer characters to join the party yet. Free on Comicfury. On hiatus until 12th June.
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Comedy. Short comic about a group of queer friends trying to solve the mystery of the missing queer books in the public library. Queer stuff: Selwyn is your monster fucker bisexual. Moon, also bi, asked him out like 5 times and got rejected every time. They are now besties. Beltane is super gay for Moon. Available on my Ko-fi in digital.
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Fantasy slice of life. A compilation of four short comics about prince Fireopal and their queer family. Queer stuff: Everything. Look at them. Their mere existence is a threat to the system. Available on my Ko-fi in digital and printed.
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[2021] ELLIS
Urban fantasy. A queerplatonic romance between a demisexual non-binary werewolf and a bisexual human who find themselves in an awkward situation when they both have a crush on the same unknown student. Queer stuff: Demi enby will think very hard of how is the romance they want only to conclude amatonormativity sucks so they'll make their own rules. In the meanwhile, bi boy will cry and paint a horrible oil painting of some flowers before becoming the best friend ever. Currently saving money for printing. You can read it for free on Comicfury.
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Older stuff under the cut!
Fantasy. A boy's love story of three lonely souls looking for a family. Queer stuff: One prince gay, his lil bi bro and his future bi husband. Available on my Ko-fi in digital and printed.
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Dark fantasy. A young cleric is devoted to fighting the system of a world ruled by violence and fear. There will be a lot of menstrual blood. Queer stuff: This is the most aromantic stuff you'll ever read because the main character couldn't care less about that shit. Also, both other characters are bisexual af. Free on Comicfury.
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Fantasy. A story of a silly sorcerer and a sad cleric made during a certain drawing challenge that took place in October 2019. Queer stuff: The silly sorcerer is very bisexual and the sad cleric super gay. They'll go friends to enemies to lovers. Available on my Ko-fi in digital.
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Dark fantasy. A story of a very unlucky child who tries his best to repair his own mistakes, but it means he will have to break the promise he made to his best friend. Queer stuff: This child is so trans they even transform into a werewolf. 70 pages free on Tumblr. Full comic on Ko-fi.
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NOT ENOUGH? Well, here you have an archive with all the short comics I've been posting on Tumblr since 2015. You'll find from watercolour and ink tests to ideas I have for longer projects and short queer comics I made for pleasure but also rejected scripts from anthologies. Also fan comics and comics that did make it to anthologies.
Finally, all my comic work together in a post. Happy Pride!
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Orc boyfriend head canons
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of war, mentions of hunting, brief mention of blood.
Minors Don't Interact!
Big scary orc boyfriend whose taken down dire wolves with his bare hands terrified by a little mouse. His tiny human lover has to catch the mouse and put it outside while he freaks out.
He'll give you all the kisses in the world after that praising you for being so brave.
May or may not give thanks by burying his face between your legs for a few hours.
He likes bring you back his trophys of war and hunting, he knows he doesn't have anything to prove but he still likes showing off to you.
Loves rubbing his tusks against you while cuddling in bed. Heart eyes and smitten if you kiss his tusks.
Would die on the spot if he saw you wearing only pelts from animals he killed. Run back to that bed or else your getting railed on the closest surface he can find.
Is ok with doing you in front of all his friends but if your not comfortable with it he won't push the topic at all. He respects your choices
Will try to take you hunting though, mostly so he can show off but it's also a bonding experience for him.
Likes picking you up and puting you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes with his hand on your ass. He'll walk around your home and even outside if you let him.
He thinks putting a bear pelt down in front of the fire place with a couple of bottles of mead is the most romantic thing in the world and will pull this move any time he feels romantical or if you need a night of pampering.
He also thinks battling side to side covered in your enemy's blood is just as romantic.
Lord this man is bad at reading, he's more a himbo type. Sit on his lap and read out loud to him he will absolutely love it. His arms will wrap around you holding you close as you read to him. Better yet let him use your lap as a pillow while you read to him.
If you have hair long enough please let him brush and braid it he loves it. Do the same to him he finds it intimate and rather romantic.
Oh boy oh boy ask him about his scars and his tattoos, he'll spend hours telling you about them in great details.
In his mind your alredy married but if you explain to him you want a wedding he will be more than happy to listen to how you would want it and try to get as close to that as possible. He's going to go all out for the wedding sex too.
He has a tattoo in honor of you. May have more than one.
Would be so happy if you got a tattoo that had to do with him but wouldn't be disappointed if you didn't.
If you have any pets he treats them like their your children.
Will bread you in hopes of having your kids even if it's impossible for number of reason's. Still fun to pretend.
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maybemockingbird · 2 years
Hi there, I’m Al!
Hello!  My name is Al (she/they),  I am a queer indie author who specializes in massive space operas and tiny disturbances, and I have some projects I’d love to share with you!  I’m trying to build my fanbase and would love for you to come join me on my adventures!  I’d appreciate re-blogs and likes!
First off (and most important), I am running a Kickstarter campaign for a short story I wrote over the summer that I’m trying to self-published called Of Prodigals and Pomegranates, which is the cover down below (done by the incredible Sera Swati, creator of the webcomic Bone’s Tarot!) and I’m trying to hit my very small goal of $350 by Halloween!  You can find the campaign here:
Of Prodigals and Pomegranates on KickStarter
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It is a story about a foolish mortal who decides to steal the most powerful aphrodisiac in the land to seduce the man who rejected him.  He enrages the lord of the damned in doing so and flees to the shores of Crete to find safety in the shadows of the Labyrinth.  However, the succulent smells of the pomegranate in his possession summons Asterion and temptation grows tangled like a vine between them.
This 18+ ONLY, monsterlover story is perfect for fans of mythology retellings like Hades and Lore Olympus and webcomics like Banquet or The Hunt, titles I am a huge fan of that helped give me the courage to write this piece.  It features horror vibes, consensual spiciness, and a queer protagonist.  The PDF is only $4, the zine is $8, and you can get both for $10 which also gets your name in the back of the book!  Please go follow the campaign and support if you can, even following it makes a HUGE difference and helps me reach more people!
The second thing I want to share is a slice-of-life meets soft sci-fi web novel I’m writing called The Wayward Souls of Avalon, and the first chapter is now free to read for the public!  It is a story about two strangers aboard a space station on their journey to Mars after the cataclysmic end of earth.  It features themes of grief, isolation, queer romance, space exploration, and the little moments that make us human.  It is available for just $3 a month on my Patreon below!  If any of that sounds interesting to you, please pop on over to read the first chapter and support if you can, I promise you’ll like it!
Alycia Davidson on Patreon
To prove I actually know what I’m doing, here’s a list of some short stories/flash fiction pieces that are being published by various zines in the near (very near!) future!  I also have several pieces in several issues of Worth Writing About, which is a charity zine, and will be a part of Reflex Press’ upcoming novella-in-flash project.
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Thank you SO much for your time and support!  Indie authors like myself always appreciate it more than you know and we can’t do it without you!  You can find me on Twitter at MayBMockingbird and find my personal writing blog here on Disturbances!  Thanks so much!
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furrbbyx · 2 years
M👹NSTER March Day 4: Vampire (Unholy Praise)
Here's the sauce ya filthy monster fuckers. Since day 5 prompt was insect and I've been writing mostly insects I'm taking a break (playing hooky) on day 5.
cw: blood, power play, anal, semen
Do not reproduce, do not copy
Do comment. I'm curious if my frustration with writing this came out in reading it.
Approx 1300 words
"I could hurt you so bad"
"I know"
"I could break you easily"
"I know" the reply shudders from his lips. His eyes are wide and hazy. He's in the monster's thrall yet his own desire is just as compelling.
"I could kill you"
"Yess..." Breathy with excitement the man squirms on the bed beneath the creature. He rolls his hips trying to encourage it to caress his pretty bobbing cock. A cold, soft palm embraces his shaft and presses it against his belly, using purposeful thumb strokes over the underside of the taut, slender cock head. 
The vampire chuckles. Leaving his prey's cock to throb unfulfilled, he spreads the human's legs bending them to the side with jerky movements. Careful with his sharp teeth, making sure to drag his fangs over the delicate skin, the creature marks its way down the man's hip and thigh until it can feel the drumbeat of rushing blood vibrating through his fangs. For a moment he rests there with closed eyes, his fangs like sounding rods, letting the heady throb reverberate in his skull and intensify his bloodlust. 
Letting the monster threaten him in this way is the human man's favorite way to play. And the creature indulges its beastly nature, seeking its own bliss. Society and the covens may have mingled, playing at social niceties, but vampires are viscous parasites and there is no way to hold that back completely.  
When the monster lifts its head its eyes are sickly pale, opaque with dark red veins cutting across them. The human gasps, and whines at the undead between his legs. Watching it transform into a horrific facsimile of humanity with its lips pulled back over the sharp teeth, only adds to his anticipation. His sudden cry of pain entwines with the vampire's snarl as it strikes its target. There's a sharp pinch and a sear of pain as their fangs slice through the skin to the thick vital vein underneath.
The human's eye close tightly, his back bows, his cock pulses and drips with each pull of his life force into the maw of evil. A sweet dizziness fills his mind after a few moments of being feasted on. With it comes a sense of relief and a softening of his body as if all anxiety has been drained as well.
The monster releases him with a pop, a satisfied little growl, and a lustful lick to the puncture wounds. It raises up, leering at his lover with a new unholy energy buzzing about his body. Suddenly nourished, his own cock stands at attention straining towards the human. The vampire licks his lips clean while pulling and squeezing at his other tool of impalement; a raging tan dick and purple mushroom head.
"Still alive?" the question is rhetorical as it can still hear his human's heartbeat. The man gives a sloppy nod, lolling in his ecstasy.
The vampire reaches for a lubricant and begins to rub the slippery substance into the man's opening. With one finger he forces a dollop inside, and adding another finger he strokes his lover's hot, quivering insides. Soon a third finger joins with a meaty wet sound and mewling encouragement from the man. His hips buck seeking to draw the thrusting fingers further inside against the swollen point of pleasure in his bowels. His cock is softer now, from blood loss, but there is nothing soft about his need to be wit the monster.
The vampire coos as he stretches the ring of muscles sucking at his fingers.
"That's it, open for me. Look at you, so soft and vulnerable. Damn" The undead fiend's hand is now warmed through thanks to the man's blood and his hot meaty channel. Adjusting, the creatures leans down taking a long kiss from the mans full lips. He spreads out, pressing his body along his lover's seeking more warmth and more of his plush body. He grinds down with his hips and their cocks slide back and forth against each other.
The human's hands are holding the monster close, his lips sucking and tasting a little of his own blood. 
The blood-sucker pulls back to kiss the man's cheek, down his neck, teasing the skin with sharp teeth so the man shudders and whines. Sitting back on its heels the vampire takes in the scene. Even with a little blood loss the man beneath the monster's gaze is hot and vibrant. His skin is damp with sweat and the creature can sense the rush of blood just below his prey's skin. With no effort from the monster than man's hips are pulled into the creature's lap, his buttocks grinding against its hard shaft. He's lifted and the shaft teases him, sliding up and down the cleft of his plush, slickened cheeks. With another adjustment he finds himself held with one of the creature's arms wrapped around his lower back, bowing his spine slightly as the vampires lines up his cock with his partners eager little hole. Working through bodily resistance, the thick rod pushes deep with one deliberate thrust. The strength of the monster cannot be resisted. The burning glide is overwhelming causing ripples of pleasure to convulse his fragile human body. He attempts to squeeze his legs shut and ease some of the pressure in his hips but an iron grip holds him fast. Instead he grips the arms that hold him in place, unsure if he's trying to get away from the sensation or pull closer.
"Oh no lover, keeps those legs open, I want to see my mark on you." Comes the mocking laugh from the blood-seeking monster.
The human man moans. The vampire delivers another slow unyielding thrust, burying deep. He pauses for a moment to let the man grind on the invading cock and rock against the spot inside that makes his eyes cross.
With little effort the creature maintains control of his deep penetration, and the room beings to fill with wet rhythmic sounds of copulation, slutty gasps and groans from the man and an animalistic snarl.
The fragile body in its clutches drives the monster wild. There is no escape from its will, no chance for survival should its lust change to hunger. Yet the human is in utter bliss, squirming worse than a worm on a hook.  
The vampire strokes the growing chub of an erection his lover is sporting, cooing and praising his little fleshlight. The red hazy state of satisfaction from his blood meal urges his rough playtime with his human.
He leverages the momentum with precise little hip snaps, bouncing his lover on to his dick like a paddleball. He grins and condescends about how stretched and desperate the human has become.
"You take all of that. Like. It's. Nothing. Huh?"
"Pleeeeeease" a panting wail followed by a grunt as the vampire thrusts vigorously.
Again the creature raises up, leaning over the man to fold his body so his knees begin to descend toward his shoulders.
"You can come when ever you want babe" taunts the vampire. He reached between their connected bodies to stroke and squeeze the fleshy sack there. He gathers balls and dick in a strangling grip that causes the man to shut his eyes tightly and his face to twist as if in agony.
The monster pushes the man into the bed with each hammering pump. Aiming the taught package at the man's slack mouth it adds:
"Just try not to waste any." His throbbing sack is released but his dick is relentlessly serviced in the twisting grip of the monster until his eyes roll back an his mouth opens wide to receive his own seed.
Each juicy shot of cum seems timed with the slap of the vampires hips against his ass. Shaking and barley aware of anything but his mind melting release, the man revels in the feeling of being spattered, of making a mess of his face.
"Yeah, just like that. Just uhhgnn, perfect!"
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sonicasura · 5 months
A Pokemon Trainer gets dropped into the Godzilla/Kong Monsterverse, how much chaos will that one person cause?
People from the Pokemonverse is guaranteed to make any normal person's headspin upon comparing the differences between both worlds. Sure the kaijus close a lot of damage but they are like tidal waves about it. It happens yet not all the time. Meanwhile Pokemon are so common that getting zapped by a electric rat or your neighbors fire breathing dog keeps burning your flowers is normal.
Know that church up the hill? Well a living soul eating candle named Mr Funky lives there and has a habit of stealing people's lunches. A Pokemon Trainer would thinks normal while any Monsterverse character will have a thousand mile stare hearing about it. This is just simple slice of life shit I'm talking about here!
A Pokemon Trainer wouldn't be that surprised or scared encountering an actual kaiju. They'll probably even admire them and throw compliments when you think of it. Godzilla surfaces cause the trainer is radiating some strange aura so he's ready to fight the current nuisance.
He ain't prepared to the discover this new disturbance is just an odd human whose giving the big grumpy kaiju compliments and isn't bat shit terrified about being crushed. I definitely think Godzilla is the type to follow someone if they pique his interest so congrats to the trainer for doing it without bringing out their Pokemon. Although Big G is absolutely a possessive fucker when it comes to claims.
The King of Monsters wouldn't feel so offput by PT's team and instead just sorta feel at home. He doesn't exactly fit anywhere but neither do they. Plus they actually behave and not cause trouble unlike most kaiju he knows.
I'm also the type to indulge in the potential chaos of a kaiju being smitten with a Pokemon. (Goodra, Tyranitar, Baxcalibur are a few choices that haunt me if it involves Godzilla. Big G got two paws with Mothra having one.) MONARCH being driven up the wall as they already have to deal with potential offspring from two different kaiju species. They rather not have a third option be added to the mix.
Also the trainer in question is already impossible to track down. They could have a Pokemon like Solgaleo, Hoopa or Lunala to travel between dimensions with ease. Whose to say the trainer also has a 'mon that can use Teleport to escape every ambush MONARCH sets?
Plus dimensional travel has a habit of acting off at times. Like the Trainer could show up on Skull Island during Kong: Skull Island and then later shows up around the time Ghidorah gets freed. Only common factor is that Godzilla or King Kong is involved.
I'm not forgetting about the Pokemon throwing down against a kaiju either. When you consider Dynamax/Gigantamax/Mega Evolutions/etc exist, size absolutely doesn't matter cause a well trained Maushold can beat up Arceus(Pokemon's equivalent to God) with little issue. A Focus Blast to the face will hurt more than a missile.
Imagine how insane it would get if the Pokemon Trainer can utilize Dynamax on their team whenever and wherever. You do collect Dynamax Energy in the form of Watts, Wishing Stones and Wish Pieces in Sword/Shield. Finding a workaround is possible.
Half of MONARCH is about to quit when that small yellow electric mouse turns into a kaiju sized chonker.
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They Both Just Gotta Be Dicks - a Malevolent fic
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WARNING: Intermezzo spoilers
Not much surprises Kayne anymore.
A melting Arthur manages.
This is try number six hundred and forty-eight. Or maybe forty-nine? Sure, forty-eight, and who cares, because I am absolutely sure it does not matter at all.
Who would even bother counting? What would be the point?
There isn’t a point, and that is the fucking point.
Yeah, yeah, you two, get your morning started; share the coffee, drop the sugar (seen this eighteen thousand fucking times and how’s that for counting), and here comes the mail courier! 
This part always goes fun. Sometimes Parker dies right away; sometimes there’s a Battle For Supremacy! in which proto-John wins every time and then Parker dies. Sometimes Arthur gets killed in the process, and proto-John gets a maximum of sixty-eight seconds (I did count that) of life outside the Dark World before oopsie-whoopsie can’t kill your host and he goes screaming back. Sometimes—
A man comes out of the shadows (did I see that right?) wearing an absolutely filthy anachronistic hoodie and jeans for a guy twice his size, fucking cold-cocks the mail courier over the head, dumps his bag (yes, I’m just standing here staring, and who wouldn’t), finds proto-John’s book (The fuck! Proto-John’s book!), and then steps back into the shadows and is gone.
Well, I…
I can’t help laughing, screaming it, because what the actual hell was that? I’ve done this five million and eighty-nine times and I have never seen that before!
The door opens, and the detective besties are fussing over the mail courier, but they no longer matter because the book is gone. Arthur’s just not as effective without his little friend.
Silly weird filthy criminal. Did you really think you could slip through shadows and I couldn’t follow?
So he’s pretty good with portals! Nice! Took us all the way to the woods outside Innsmouth (fucking nasty place), and breathing like he’s fucking dying, he goes loping through the woods, unconcerned about shoggoths or any other dreadful thing, clutching that book like it’s everything he’s ever wanted, tripping over his boots, which are also too fucking big, and I just gotta know.
I gotta know… and I don’t! Do you know how rare that is?
He’s done something to himself, this gasping-shambling-winner-of a human, and I can’t see his thoughts. Ooh, ooh, ooh, I’m excited enough not to just explode him and take the fucking book back.
He stops. Drops to his knees. Holds the book out. Is clearly about to open the fucker.
Nope, sorry, proto-John spoken for. “Yyyyyyallo.”
He doesn’t jump. Goes real still. “I knew you’d be here,” says Arthur Lester who sounds like somebody put him through a meat grinder and then stuffed him into sausage casing and then smoked him halfway and then popped him in a microwave without poking holes so he blew up in there and then scraped him out and squished him back together in the shape of a man.
Gotta admit, I didn’t see all this coming! “That’s a neat trick,” I say, walking around to the front. “How’d you know?”
That sure is Arthur Lester looking up at me, though he’s missing teeth, and you could just slice meat on those cheekbones. “Because that’s how lucky I am.”
Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. “You must be lucky, Artie, because I don’t know you! How about that? Looks like somebody sure put you through the wringer, though!” Closer, kneeling down, making eye-contact.
His eyes are that funky color of repeated and unaddressed subconjunctival hemorrhage. He’s just breathing like a bull, clutching that book, looking like he wants to bite me.
“You can see!” I tsk. “That just isn’t fair, is it? We should fix that.”
And he says, “I know where your fucking black stone is, you fucking monster,” and just like that, it stops being funny.
I may not know him (conundrum!) but he does know me, and as the smile slides off my face, he starts to shake, so he doesknow me well enough to know he’s in trouble.
“Do you?” I say, high and light and kind of tight. “Do you? Do you? Because that’s important information, Artie, that I would like to have right now! You wouldn’t go claiming something like that if it wasn’t true, would you? Where is it? On you? Did you swallow it, Artie? Am I gonna have to go digging for gold?”
And he says something else he shouldn’t know at all! “It’s on Earth one-two-four-nine aspect B8, you filthy dickhole.”
Yeah, sooooo… this just got weird? “How’d you know that, Artie?” I say, calm, soft, soothing. “That’s not a designation you ought to know.”
“Because you told me, or part of you. The one you fucking killed,” he snarls, spitting, and his hood slips back.
Oh, that ain’t right. Most of his hair is gone. He looks kinda cancerous, definitely grody, really not socially reassuring. I can’t read his mind, but I can peek at other things, and boy-howdy. “Hey, you’re gonna die, Artie!” I say with great cheer.
“I know.” He clutches the book. “It’s okay now.”
“No, I don’t really think it is, Artie, in fact, I’m getting the idea you don’t really understand the stakes here—”
“I know you promised him to me if I got your fucking stone!” Arthur just screams at me, and there’s blood with bile in it flying out of his throat   and that just tastes deeee-lightful. “I got it! I had it! You were supposed to give him back!”
Oh. I tap my chin.
Behind us, a couple of roaming shoggoths spot us, feel me, and run yipping away into the woods. Yeah, yeah.
“I get it,” I say. “You were dealing with another me. Well, good news! I killed them all.”
“I know!” He screams it, and his voice cracks, and he is sobbing all over the book and himself and there’s blood and snot everywhere. 
“You’re so juicy,” I tell him.
“You killed him before he could do it,” Arthur says in that tiny voice he gets when he’s all they won and I can’t and all that weakling bullshit. 
“So… you actually got the black stone?” I say. “Without John.”
“No. With him.” Such a brittle tone! But at least that detail is consistent. “Then we weren’t going to give it to him. He was going to wake the Dreamer.”
Pfft. Well, I know which one of me that was, and good riddance. “That old chestnut?”
“We weren’t going to do it, and he took John, and… and I…”
“Were you gonna trade, Artie?” I all but sing at him. “Trade John for waking the Dreamer and ending everything including John?”
“No,” he says, spraying more blood. “We were going to trick him. But then you ki… you… you showed up and you… you…”
“I killed him!” I remember that one. Suicidal version of me? No, thanks. “I ch-ch-chopped him to bits, and then I stewed the bits, and then I ground him into meat and I ate the whole thing!” And I laugh.
He doesn’t laugh. Artie never does have a good sense of humor.
“Just let me have this,” he suddenly says. “You don’t know what I’ve done to get him. Let me have him, and I’ll tell you where the fucking stone is.”
“Or I could just torture you for it,” I say with a shrug.
“Go the fuck ahead. There’s nothing you could use anymore, and if you do, you won’t know the trick we did. You’ll lose. Even if you get your stone, you’ll lose, because it won’t be the whole fucking thing.”
I laugh again because eh? “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I open this book. I take John into myself. You get what you need.”
“Or I just take the book, and take what I need, and we’re done!”
His laugh is just crazy, grating, crackling delicious, and I lock it away in my head for future use. “You can’t.”
That’s fucking insulting, so I reach to pluck out his defiant little eyeballs.
I missed?
I stare at my hand, outstretched, and at him. “Huh?” I say, as one does.
“You can’t,” he says. “The trade. I get John.”
“Not your John. Not even a John yet,” I point out.
“He will be. I’ll tell him who he is. It’ll be fine. It’s going to be fine.” He’s rocking back and forth now. “All of it will be fine.”
Wow. “You’re a special kind of crazy, ain’tcha?” I try again. I… miss again? I have no idea how that’s happening. I could just cook his cells and do it that way, but I’m so curious! “Okay, this is pretty neat, and all,” I say. “But that book is due elsewhere right now? I mean, we’re already off schedule, and also, my guy, you’ve missed an obvious out. I can just take you with me and make you show me the stone.”
That laugh, Artie, wow! “No, you can’t,” he says all wetly. “Because if I cross another world-boundary, or even step through time at any pace other than normal, I will fucking die.”
I whip out some pince-nez (like you do) and pop them on to try to see him clearly.
Still can’t see his thoughts. Can see a whole lot else. He was not lying. “Oh, Artie, what’d you do to yourself?” I say, already laughing, because this guy is worn so fucking thin that I think rain would tear him apart.
“I hunted,” he says. “I found a way. And I found my way here.”
“You know, most humans who get into magic of this kind do not generally suffer organ jello-ification? Seriously, what’d you do?”
“I only needed to get here,” he says, and his voice is soft, and he strokes the book cover, and wow, Artie, wow.
“Buddy. Pal. You’re that frail, you can’t take him inside you.”
“I know.”
“I mean he’s gonna kill you. At once. Not even on purpose.”
“I know.”
“You’re gonna pop like a cheap condom.”
“I know.” (He would.) “And if you let me, you’ll get what you need.”
“How in fuck will that get me what I—” And all at once, I get it. My laugh is almost as crazy as his. “What’d you do, Artie?”
“I put it here,” he says, pointing to the most egregious bald-spot, the most cancer-looking area. “Yes. I did. You can’t touch me… and you need this piece. If you don’t get it, your stone won’t work for whatever the fuck you’re trying to use it for.”
And it’s so daring and so wild and so stupid? Not like I can’t kill just him and find it in the corpse? “Grammatically heinous, my boy!” I say, affecting a Brigadier General for a moment. “Seriously, though, you shoved part of my stone into your skull?” 
“I do this. I tell you where. You let me have this.”
“This… proto-John.”
“He’s in there.” He curls over the book. “And I’ll make sure he knows… he knows everything.”
“He’ll die with you.”
Oh, Artie, Artie, Artie. “You know that doesn’t work? He wouldn’t be tied to you after death.”
“I know. I made sure he would,” he  snarls like some snarly thing, and that’s when I decide to let him do it.
He’s tried so hard, and he’s got information I want, and just look at him! Obsessed! Gross! Melting! How in fuck will proto-John even respond to this? Oh, I missed you so much that I fucking killed us both and bound us somehow in the Dark World? Yeah, that’ll go over great.
He’s still trying to sell me. 
“Let me. You’ll get what you want.”
Oh, fuck, this is gonna be a ride. “He’s not gonna thank you.”
“I don’t care.”
“You know what? You’ve surprised me, Artie. That’s worth a cup of coffee. Go ahead. Steal your John, then trap him after death. I’ll take the li’l stone-bit when you’re gone, and all will be right with the world.”
And he tells me where it is. What year, exactly. What landmass. Even what region. He can’t get closer than that, but that’s okay. That’s okay.
It’s one of many places those three idiots found. I would’ve gotten there eventually, I tell myself, but let’s be real here: Artie just saved me a whole bunch of pointless Arthur-wasting. I know where to send the good ones now. You know. The ones that don’t get flushed.
He’s not even aware I’m here anymore, I think. Cradling that damn book. Does he even remember he had a daughter? I fucking’ swear, this guy… “Hope Faroe likes your new add-on.”
He doesn’t answer me. Wow, Artie. Wow.
He opens the book.
I’ve seen this a thousand times. That blast of power, that wildness of desperate fire, that light reaching for him like a drowning man for a swimming one and pulling them both under.
He chokes. His eyes go from bloodshot blue to bloodshot gold. “John,” he sobs.
Then he pops like a ripe cherry. Good spread, too! Those bone-bits ain’t never coming out of those trees.
Honestly surprised he lasted that long, given the mess he was. How in fuck did he even get that way? It must have taken years. “Oh, oh, I’ve got chills. Years of looking for John? Of ensuring you’d go to the Dark World together? Ahahaha! Ridiculous! Only you, Artie, only you… oh, yeah, you’re dead, you can’t hear me.” I rummage around in the mess.
Know what’s annoying? I can’t see the sliver.
It takes me a month to gather all the goo (thanks a ton, Artie), trick someone into touching the gray stone, and then getting them to tell me where the sliver is, and then I can finally fucking touch it.
Sort of.
Gather it, we’ll say.
Fuck. It’s not that small. Things would definitely not have gone right if this were missing. I don’t even know how I’m going to repair the damned thing, but at least I have the sliver.
Thanks. A lot. Artie.
At least I know where to go.
Gotta go find me a new Arthur. This one is no longer interesting. Without a John—proto or not—it won’t fucking work, as I’ve learned through trial and tribulation, though not my own.
I could just kill this now-pointless-Arthur, but eh… I don’t care anymore. His lucky day.
Before I go alternate-Artie-hunting, though, I just have to go take a peek into the land of the dead.
Well, well, well… whaddaya know. It worked. They’re together.
And shouting at each other. Wow, that is some conflict! Figures that even when dead, even after all Arthur did to pull this off, they both just gotta be dicks.
Music to my ears.
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
Cozy Horror is when you try to get cozy with the horror and turn it into a slice-of-life for monster fuckers
So Monster Musume?
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umbraastaff · 2 years
hunters + family au...?
"family" is easy. most of the main cast has already ended up family anyway. but I'll take that to mean, like. it's slice of life. a sitcom, even. everyone in one house, taking on the daily adventures, which involve... hunting?
but hunting WHAT, you say
Lup stares at the tracks in the dirt, the gashes scraped into trees, the drops of blood on stones. Magnus is practically vibrating beside her.
"We've got this fucker dead to rights!" she shouts, and they both break into a sprint.
They've done everything to make this go right. The monster is gonna collapse, and they're finally gonna catch it, gonna win once and for all.
Unfortunately, the trail does have an end, and it does not culminate in a monster. Near the end, however, is a human figure.
Barry pushes himself up with a momentous effort. He is bleeding.
"Oh, hey, guys," he says, in a very definitely normal way. He always manages to get kidnapped by the monster. Like. Every other day. It's deeply concerning. "You... uh... Juuust missed it."
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