#slit x the dag
littlecoffeekitty · 2 years
Little Coffee Kitty's 2022 Fandoms Review ♡
After so many years of doubting myself if I could write a fanfic, I finally let my inhibitions go and did it as a gift to myself on Christmas! I wrote six fanfics in a week, starting from the 25th, and I couldn't be prouder! Here's to plenty more stories this 2023! I'm so excited. ٩(๑òωó๑)۶(。>﹏<。)(ノ´∀`*)(。ŏ﹏ŏ)(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Muted Sparks (2 chapters)
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Deidara x Sakura
Summary: Deidara's drunk, and someone's on his lap. He just wants to finish his drink in silence, damn it.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: I love, looooove this so much. This is the very first fanfic I ever wrote on AO3, and it'll always have a very special place in my heart. Yeah, I was very drunk while I wrote it, but it was worth it. I was so tired of always having second thoughts on writing fanfic, and I broke through it! I did it!
Baon sa Pagtulog (Rough translation from Tagalog: "Carried into Sleep")
Fandom: Mad Max: Fury Road
Pairing: The Dag x Slit
Summary: Slit's cold medicine turns him into a sappy man.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: This fic is one of my personal favorites. It has a different flavour from all the rest, and I like it because of that. Also, I absolutely adore this pairing.
White Flower
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: The Uchiha Siblings
Summary: Itachi gets woken up in the middle of the night by his little brother.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: Oh man, my own pain was my inspiration here. I just woke up in the middle of the night with my stomach hurting, and so to distract myself from it, I wrote this fic. After I applied White Flower on myself, of course. I also liked the particular way it turned out.
Fandom: Undertale
Characters: Sans and Frisk
Summary: Frisk had a very frightening dream. Sans tries to soothe them.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: This was just a small idea I had, and I wanted to try it. I wanted to see where it goes. I want to write more Undertale fics in the future.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Obito x Rin
Summary: Obito holds Rin in his arms.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: Oh boy, pain, pain was my inspiration as well. Pain on the inside. I was in a very bad headspace when I wrote this. My tears didn't go to waste.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Deidara x Sakura
Summary: Sakura and Deidara sneak out of the party and go somewhere quieter.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: AHHHHH, I loved writing this so much talaga! I really, really enjoyed it! I went on a roller-coaster ride of emotions throughout. I got so frustrated so many times, and there were moments where I just wanted to quit writing it. But I got through it! I finished it, and I'm so proud.
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admrlthundrbolt · 6 months
Radioactive (Furiosa x Chubby Reader)
Being the daughter of Immortan Joe was never the paradise others thought. Though taking care of the wives made it a bit less lonely. Especially when a visit from Furiosa was never to far away.
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. With the resent commercials for Furiosa, it reminded me of how much I love her character. So here's a bit of women loving and supporting women. Hope you enjoy.
Immortan Joe was an evil man. He capitalized on others' torment. A wretch of a human being that believes himself to be a God. His kingdom was built on suffering and the bodies of the unfortunate.
To think that he could have sired you. The only female of his spawn. The singular child to be born in good health. Something to parade around as a symbol, that a healthy male heir could be achieved. You were a spark of hope for him. While you despised his very existence.
A solitary reprieve you did receive was being a care taker for his wives. Though you cringed at the thought of what they went through. You took solace in knowing that you did your best to make their lives a bit better. Even sharing the burden of a chastity belt. Another ‘gift’ of your father's. For you must stay pure and a true embodiment for the citizens. Just another way to keep you under his thumb.
Though you could not have been farther from him in mannerisms. You soft sweet nature was one that could rival a Saint. Soft skin and full figured, you were made to sire healthy offspring. You were to stay with the women. Keep away from the men, only to be brought out in watering ceremonies. You were a goddess of life. Even if you wish to stay to your duties and be left alone.
That was, until Furiosa came along.
Torn from her home and forced into servitude. It was an existence that she held the upmost animosity for. It may not have been Immortan Joe that stole her away from her people. But that didn't make him anymore innocent. He was a vile man, who kept around the useful. Seeking out the weak and preying on the niave.
It wasn't an honor to be an officer in his army. To work under him and bring glory, it made her sick. To know she was providing for a villain like him.
Her only solace came in being your guard. You were the only good thing to come from a beast such as him. The breaks she had between runs were spent in your company. Being assigned to you was one of the best days of her life.
You were helping Toast wrap her chest when Miss Giddy rushed over to you. “It is time for the water ceremony.”
Rolling your eyes, you finished the intricate knot on her top. Getting up, you apologized to the women. Though they answered with understanding smiles and shooing motions. If there was anyone else who knew just how angry your father got when he was kept waiting. It was the group of women that were expected to carry his brood.
Before leaving the room, you slipped into your chastity belt. Miss Giddy glared at the thing as she locked it. “Those things are inhumane. To think he even forces one on his own daughter.”
You placed a soothing hand on her arm. Knowing how heated she could get over such things. “It is what I must do. We all must make sacrifices for the greater good.” Feeling her tense up, you were quick to let the truth slip free. Turning to look her in the eye, you said. “Things will not always be this way. I feel that change will happen soon.”
Her gaze softened and muscles lost some of their tension. Leading you to the overlook, she passed you to your brother Rictus. Placing a hand on your back, he guided you to stand next to your father.
Nodding at you he began his speech. It was a way to inflate his ego. But the unfortunate people who had no choice at least got the reward of water by the end. He motioned you forward as he finished. Moving up, you released the dams. He always said it was a great honor for you to give them the life force.
As he slammed the levers back down you wanted to flinch. It made you feel helpless, sick to your stomach. As you give them hope, he was one step behind to stomp it out.
With the ceremony over, you stepped into the hall. You would rather wait in the shadows for your escort to return.
A hand brushed against your arm. Jumping a bit, your eyes darted towards the touch. It was a War Boy you had passed from time to time. “Sorry (Y/N), didn't mean to scare you.” He looked so regretful.
A reassuring smile slid onto your face. “It's fine.” Placing a hand on his shoulder, you gave him a soft pat. “What can I do for you?”
He face colored immediately, blushing from ear to ear. He stuttered for a few moments before gathering himself. “I've just never had the chance to speak to you.” Wringing his hands together, his eyes darted between you and the floor. “I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Slit.”
Suddenly the sound of harsh breathing appeared in the doorway. Your father stood, glaring at scene before him. How dare this mutt speak to his daughter. “(Y/N), why have you not returned to the vault.”
You forced a sweet smile at your father. You needed to get his attention away from the War Boy. You didn't need more blood on your hands. “I'm not sure father. I was waiting for Miss Giddy to return. Perhaps she is looking after one of the wives.”
At the mention of his brides, he forgot about the boy. For a bit at least. “I will take you back and check myself. I must keep what belongs to me safe.”
As he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You couldn't help the foreboding cold sweat that settled over your. You had to keep a shudder in check as he lead you back.
It wasn't long before your father summons you again. Which was odd, they're shouldn't be another ceremony for a while. Miss Giddy brought you to his private chambers. Making your way in, you reluctantly bowed your head.
He barley spared you a glance. “I've noticed the War Boys have been paying you more attention. That is a troubling revelation. You will now be escorted by my most trusted officer. She will start her duties with you tomorrow. You are not to leave without her. You will be assigned a new guide if she is otherwise disposed. Am I understood.” It was a demand, not a suggestion.
Nodding dutifully, you shrank into yourself a bit more. “Yes sir. What time should I expect them?”
“Furiosa will be by in the afternoon. I need to explain her new task. But I expect you to be ready well before then.” He waved his hand at you dismissively.
Leaving quickly, you met up with Miss Giddy in the hall. You had been thankful that she had a valid reason to not have waited for you previously. Though having the Furiosa be your new bodyguard was enough to make your head spin. She was the only woman to make it to the level of officer in Immortan Joe's army. To think that someone so impressive would be standing by your side.
She wasn't sure how to feel at this time. Having another task forced upon her was enraging. Being the foot soldier of a mad man was an ordeal in itself. To be required to babysit his daughter in her small amount of free time. Well that was a new level of lap dog that she wasn't looking forward to.
Still, she couldn't help but remember how highly others spoke of you. You were the bringer of life and hope. A symbol of a fruitful future. She would have to wait until meeting you to see for herself just who you were.
Taking a deep breath she knocked on the vault door. It swung open slowly and she was thankful for filling her lungs. As you came into veiw she was rendered breathless. You were a vision of plush radiance. She had never seen a more perfect being.
Seeing the officer, you became as giddy as a War Boy with his first rig. She was taller than you imagined, rugged and beautiful all at once. Gesturing into the room, you greeted her warmly. “Please make yourself at home. It may well be where you spend much of your time now."
She wanted to feel bitter about the statement. But with how invitingly you put it, it was hard to not look forward to it. Taking a seat on a nearby stool, she nodded. “Thank you.”
Pulling a large cushion over, you plopped down next to her. “I do not deserve your thanks. I'm the reason you will have little to no free time. I'm sorry my father stuck you with me.”
“It's nothing to apologize for.” She waved away the idea with her mechanical hand. Your eyes widened as you took in the intricacies.
“Did you build it?” She looked away for a moment before nodding. Hovering your hand near it, you looked up at her. “May I?” Nodding again, she watched your soft fingers delicately trace over every bump and groove. You were entraced with the mechanisms. She had never felt prouder of her handy work.
“I could make you something. It wouldn't be an arm, but it could be mechanical.” Your eyes shown brightly as you nodded vigorous at the offer.
Spending time with Furiosa was always a pleasure. You had grown close with each other. But there was one subject you both tip toed around, your father. You were wary of speaking poorly of him in front of anyone outside of the vault. It was something that was beaten into you at an early age. Still there was something about the way she held her tounge in certain moments. It made you believe that your thoughts could be more similar than many others.
You weren't going to breech the subject. Until the wives came to you in a bought of desperation. Angharad was growing rounder with his spawn. “I implore you to just speak with her. She may be our only hope.” Taking your hands in her own, she wept. “All of us, sister.”
Squeezing her hands you frowned. The truth was laid bare before you. But would she be willing to sacrifice for women she barely knew. You could feel your heart sting with the thought of her rejection. Nodding silently, you took her into your arms. Even if it destroyed you, you would save your sisters. You hoped that she would feel the same.
She was surprised when you didn't meet her at the door. Then she became frustrated with herself. Of course someone like you would have better things to do than greet her.
The Dag smiled knowingly at the officer. She had seen the way you gazed at one another. Immortan Joe had only handed you a partner on a silver platter. “She is gathering her things.”
Nodding, she stood near the door and tried not to fidget. As you emerged she gave you an unintentional look over. You were swathed in a gossamer robe and held a small basket at your side. She swept forward to take it from you. But you waved her away and smiled coyly. She was surprised when you didn't wait for Miss Giddy. She wanted to spit in the face of your father for making anyone wear those abominations. Especially forcing one on his own daughter. It was one of the few moments she was thankful for being barren.
Following close behind you, she was soon brought to an isolated cavern. It was empty, except for the sunken pool in the middle of the room. You set the basket near the pool and let the robe slip from your luscious body. If she was enamored with the sight of you a moment ago, then she was enraptured now. Stepping into the pool, you emerged yourself. She stepped forward when you didn't immediately resurface. As you breached the surface, she took another unconscious step.
You beckoned her closer. “Join me."
That snapped her from her trance. Shaking her head, she said. “I couldn't….”
Your eyes became half lidded as you folded your arms on the side of the pool. “You could, it would be a favor to me. Your ward."
Her eyes narrowed at that. “You are much more than that.”
Expression softening, you held a hand out to her. “If you are not comfortable bathing with me, I understand. Would you not sit by the water's edge and converse with me?”
She wanted to throttle herself. Here you were, like a literal wet dream in front of her. Still there was a part of her holding back and for good reason. It wouldn't do her any good trust the wrong person, not again. Nodding stiffly, she lowered herself near you.
Wadding over to the basket, pulling bottles and jars from it. Plucking a slim jar from the bunch, you returned to her. “Would you mind washing my hair?” A quick nod followed by you offering the container. Dipping your head under the water once more, you sighed. Facing away from her, you leaned back towards her. Heart hammering, she spread the liquid around her palms. The intimacy of bathing another was not lost on either of you. Still she massaged and threaded her fingers through your locks. Sinking a bit more into the water, you wanted to melt into the depths below. It was a lovely sensation, to have one you admire treat you so delicately. But there was a matter more dire than your fantasy.
“I need your help. The wives need to escape.” You yelped as her fingers jerked in your hair. You whirled to plead with her, thinking that she was against the idea. Her expression wasn't that of rage though, but bewildered curiosity. So you continued, hoping your hunch was right. “They are treated as nothing but prized breeders. I am disgusted with the way my father considers them possessions. Everyday Angharad grows closer to birthing his spawn. This is no place to raise a child.” Your eyes were wet with tears as you explain their plight.
Her stomach bubbled with hatred. For your father, who was responsible for so much suffering. For herself, to believe for even a moment that you would side with that monster. And for you, you begged for the wives. But he was doing the same to you. Even parading you around to prove he was capable of making something amazing. Really though, you were the one that had created that shine in yourself.
Lunging forward, she captured your lips with her own. Water splashed as she slid into the pool to press your bodies flush. Running your hands up her back, you pulled her closer. Trying to meld yourselves together. Pulling apart, panting desperately, you looked up at her blisteringly.
“We will travel to the Green Place.” Then she thrust her mouth at yours once more. You graciously followed her motions and enjoyed yourself thoroughly. If the Green Place was where she thought you should go, then you would trust her. You would follow anywhere she would take you.
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biodomewater · 1 month
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Assortment of Slit x Dag sketches?? Closeups below!!
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jinjoo1027 · 7 years
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쿠션이든 스티커든 뭔가를 만들기 위한 몸부림..7개 더 그려야 해 따흐흑
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Sex on Fire (by Kings of Leon) || C.W.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x fem!reader summary: Charlie and y/n are celebrating their anniversary with some sexual fantasy they've had in mind for ages: sex on a dragon's back. a/n: If there would be any real dragons around, I'd highly recommend not try this at home. They are some very empathic and highkey intelligent creatures with a serious bonding issue, so any activities on their back are only happening with their consent! Also I think Charlie is such a caring and sensitive person, so this is gonna be the real "love-making" art of sex.
warnings: Smut18+, unprotected intercourse, a few swear words but actually it's fluff-smut words: 1.609
If you like it feel free to like, comment and reblog <3 Also if you wanna be put on my taglist, let me know!
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"And you are sure he gave us permission?", y/n asked while she undressed completely and put on her new piece of lingerie. Her boyfriend, while taking off his shirt and pants, chuckled: "Again, love. We talked about this and it's an honour for him. Fedir won't hurt us, he never did. You know him." Fedir was one of y/n's favourite dragons in the reservate Charlie was working at and a 26 feet tall Ukrainian Ironbelly. Due to their international reputation of being one of the most dangerous breeds, her worries were eligible. But she trusted her boyfriend more than anyone else. He planned something very special for their 3 years anniversary: having sex on a dragon's back. The couple has talked about this fantasy so many times, he had no choice but finally try it out now with y/n. Charlie, completely naked, grabbed the kilt y/n had gifted him for Christmas. He never knew what to do with this but today it hit him that his girlfriend had got something in her mind when choosing this thing as a present. The man was bobbing eagerly with his feet until his girlfriend came out of the bathroom. Only an opaque gown encased her body, still keeping her best parts a secret. His amber eyes widened when finally seeing her and a hint of blush appeared on his freckled cheeks. Y/n smirked when noticing: "So after all these times you're still blushing when seeing me like this?" She walked closer to him and put her arms around his neck. Her hands were playing with his long ginger hair, which he had tied up in a ponytail all the time. As a response Charlie just pulled her even closer and started kissing her impetuously. His hands were running all over her in a silk covered body, grabbing her thighs firmly before lifting her up and pressing his girlfriend against the wall. Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing his hard crotch against her hips, just one layer of tartan separated him from her sweet entrance. Her hands were running over his strong arms trailing the freckles on his skin up to his shoulders again before she buried her fingers in his hair. When the ginger started kissing and sucking on her neck, she couldn't help but moan his name quietly. As if this was a signal Charlie stopped and breathed against y/n's soft skin: "We should continue outside, princess…" one soft kiss more on her cheek, " It'll be worth it, I promise."
It was a warm summer day without any breeze. The crystal clear sky above them seemed like a perfect invitation for their plan. Fedir was already waiting on a small hill, his silver scales glistening in the sunlight. When seeing the couple coming closer, he spread his wings on the ground to make it easier for them to climb up his back. "How do we actually...sit here, Charlie?", y/n asked slightly doubting that anything would work out on there. Her boyfriend smirked: "Let me handle this, love." Before she knew, he already lifted her up with ease and pulled her on his lap, which made her gasp of surprise and affection. Through the delicate fabric covering her thighs, she could already feel his hardness, so she started to get more confident again. As if Charlie could read her mind, he pulled her even closer, his strong hands on her back, wandering underneath the silk. "Looks like we can get on, now", the dragon tamer growled with a voice as deep as the ocean but as warm and sweet as fresh honey. He even smelled like this, which made y/n go crazy everytime she noticed. Just like at this exact moment. She pressed her lips eagerly on his, her hands on his warm face, pressing her body on his with pure relish. With a small, almost unnoticeable hand sign, Charlie told the dragon to fly off. The moment they raised into the afternoon sky, he mumbled into the kiss, telling his heated girlfriend to hold onto him. So she did, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, her hands tangled softly in his hair and her cooch exposed towards his hips. He could feel her getting wet, what made him even more excited to go further. His hands wandered from her back to her bum, squeezing it firmly while one hand went around her hips in between her thighs and up to her slit. There he started to caress her clit with his fingers and he knew exactly how to make her feel good. When feeling him down there y/n started moaning into the fiery kisses, Charlie taking the chance to slide his tongue in her mouth dancing with hers as if they were two snogging teenagers again. The air between them was getting hotter with every second, their bodies burning from lust and desire for each other. Sometimes a low breeze was waving through them causing some goosebumps on their skin. But the lovers didn't mind at all, it made them feel like being completely free. "I want you, Charlie.", her voice sounded quite desperate, "Please." To emphasize her craving for his hard cock, she pressed herself onto his lap slowly moving back and forth, slightly massaging him to get even harder. Her hand stroke over his broad shoulders, down to his strong tensed biceps, back again to his muscular chest where she dag into his freckled skin. Charlie hissed quietly due to the short pain but it turned him on even more, since he knew she was doing this because she wanted him really bad. And he liked that. So he opened his kilt and pushed the tartan fabric aside, exposing his huge, stiff member. Without hesitation he scooped up his girlfriend with one arm, his hand leaving her wet slit to get a hold on her thigh. The sudden cold air between her legs made her shiver for a second before the dragon they were sitting on was flapping his wings, making her lose balance and Charlie's hard cock sliding into her all of a sudden. Both gasped in surprise, the sudden pleasurable feeling running down their spines, stirring up the already heated atmosphere between them even more. Y/n's hands laid on her boyfriends warm, freckled shoulders, her legs tensed and pressed against his thighs, moving rhythmically up and down to give Charlie the pleasure he deserved. To show his appreciation, he pulled her hair slightly back, so her neck stretched and he could cover her in kisses, most of them soft but sometimes he couldn't help but sucking on her skin, leaving small hickeys. His lips rushed over her neck and throat, his tongue traced her muscles and veins down to her breasts where he started to carefully bite her nipples. All of this made y/n even more wet, she moaned out loud since nobody
was up there to hear them anyway, her arms were embracing Charlie's strong body tighter with every thrust of him inside her. The dragon's wavelike motion intensified the pounding of his huge cock inside her, hitting her G-spot, slowly getting her to the edge. She could feel he was almost ready, too. His body moved more erratically, his hands grabbed her breasts and bum more roughly, his whole behaviour became more demanding, more eager. The thrusts got faster. Her moans got louder. Their kisses got more fierce, tongues nearly battling to win over the other. Heat was rising up in both of them. "Oh fuck...Charlie…", every word of hers was just breathed heavily between snogging, "I-I'm about to come…" She moaned the last words out loud, feeling his hot breath against her cheeks when he begged her to wait for him. "Let's...come together", his voice sounded raucous, as if a warm firewhiskey was running down his throat. Charlie took y/n blushing face in his right hand, making her look at him, locking his amber eyes with her y/e/c ones. "Fuck...babe...I-" - "...love you." she smiled briefly when finishing his sentence, putting his freckle covered face in her hand as well, reaching her climax shortly before he did. A wave of pure heat, serotonin and delight was rushing through their bodies. He still thrusted a few times after that, wanting to make her feel good. Her body collapsed on his, shivering and sweating heavily. His face still in her hand y/n laid her forehead on his one, her sign of purest affection and love. Charlie's body relaxed then as well, he let out a deep breath of satisfaction, smiling when she touched his face. "Damn, y/n. How did I get so lucky?", he chuckled. His girlfriend, completely out of breath, just chuckled, shrugging her shoulders and pecked his lips. His arms were scooping her body, lifting her up a little to get out of her. She shifted herself in a more comfortable position, sitting between his legs nowm the silky gown loosely hanging around her shoulders. The air around them was cooler now, but she wasn't cold, protected by her boyfriend's warm body, and he was never cold actually. "What about we keep enjoying this view up here a while, before taking some hot bath together, down on earth?" Y/n stressed the word hot with a small smirk, holding Charlie's hands who blushed a little but chuckled when she suggested this. "A hot bath seems perfect to me, princess." - "So round two then?" her smirk was getting wider. "Round two, then.", he winked, squeezing her slightly.
Taglist: @marturavera
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hysterialevi · 3 years
Hjarta | Chapter 18
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Fanfic summary: In an AU where Eivor was adopted by Randvi’s family instead, he ends up falling in love with the man his sister has been promised to despite the arranged marriage between their clans.
Point of view: third-person
Pairing: Sigurd Styrbjornson x Male Eivor
This story is also on AO3 | Previous chapter | Next chapter
Eivor pried his eyes open to a slit, immediately squinting in the sunlight that hit his face.
His fingers twitched with movement as his body returned to a state of consciousness, and his dreams vacated the stage that once sat in his mind. A subtle itch tickled the surface of his skin due to the strands of hair that dangled in front of his nose, and out of the corner of his eye, Eivor could see lingering smoke trailing from the dead embers of a torch once set aflame.
It was a calm morning, despite the mournful nature of the clan. A light breeze traveled swiftly throughout the empty halls of the longhouse, and distant chatter could be heard from the villagers who had already risen. It was the start of an ordinary day, and yet, Eivor had no motivation to see it through.
He just couldn’t stop thinking about Thora and Ulfar. 
Even though he managed to distract himself for a while with Sigurd’s company, the pain was inevitably sinking back in, and it felt as if a boulder had planted itself on top of his chest. 
There was no way to fill the new absence stalking his every move; no way he could ever see Thora or Ulfar again. Both of them were gone, and he had been left behind. He was stuck in this realm with nothing but the memories of those he had lost, and the only thing that could help him was the hope of putting Kjotve down for good.
Thankfully, Eivor wasn’t completely alone just yet. 
Resting gently over his hip, the young man felt the weight of Sigurd’s arm pressing down on him like a protective shield, holding him close in a world that was constantly trying to separate them. His breath kissed the back of Eivor’s neck at a steady pace, and a soothing warmth surrounded their bodies due to the blankets barricading them from the cold.
It was surprising to see that Sigurd hadn’t taken his leave, Eivor thought. Part of him had been expecting the prince to vanish like he did on the day of the wedding, and yet, he was here, keeping him company without any worry of judgement. His mind remained buried under dreams of war and mayhem, and his eyelids fluttered with the vivid images that flashed in his head.
He looked to be at peace, despite the turmoil brewing inside him. His expression was devoid of any usual disturbances, and Eivor’s comforting presence only helped to bring him more solace.
In addition to the relief Eivor felt upon seeing Sigurd however, the young man also couldn’t ignore the guilt he carried for taking the prince away from Randvi.
Gods only knew what that woman was going through right now. In a single day, she had lost both her blood-sister and father figure -- and unlike Eivor -- she had to deal with the pain alone.
She didn’t have anyone in her chambers to provide her with company or a shoulder to lean on, and Eivor began to wonder if he should’ve been ashamed of himself for robbing her of that. 
Perhaps it was a mistake to stay with Sigurd for the night. Perhaps he should’ve simply gone to the temple like he planned, and left the prince to his own devices. Maybe then, Randvi wouldn’t be forced to endure all this grief alone.  Eivor may have cherished every moment he spent with Sigurd, but he didn’t wish to do it at the expense of his sister’s well-being.
It was Randvi that Sigurd was supposed to be with, after all. And Eivor couldn’t help but question the morality of what he was doing. 
“...Eivor...?” The older man suddenly murmured, causing the Wolf-Kissed to glance over his shoulder.
He came face-to-face with a pair of heavy-lidded eyes, and smiled faintly upon hearing the man’s words.
“Good morning, love.” Eivor said, rolling onto his side. “I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
Sigurd chuckled, though it came out more like a grunt due to the sleep that still fogged his mind.
“...You didn’t wake me up. Truth is, I barely slept. My dreams were plagued with nothing but nightmares. I hope you had a better night.”
“I’d be lying if I said I did. All I could think about was Thora and Ulfar. About how they died.”
“I know what you mean. I can’t stop thinking about Dag either. It’s been hours since he first went silent, and yet... his final words refuse to leave me. It’s like he’s still here, berating me for everything I’ve done. Every time I close my eyes, my dreams take me back to the Tears of Ymir. Part of me feels as if I never left.”
Eivor snuggled up in Sigurd’s embrace, bringing himself closer to the other man.
“...We will get through this, love.” He reassured. “I know it wasn’t easy, but you gave us a chance at victory when you slew the traitor. Now, Kjotve has no allies within our walls. He’s completely by himself. And we have his son as a prisoner. We still have hope of winning this war... and it’s thanks to you.”
Sigurd raised a hand to Eivor’s cheek, gently caressing it with the back of his knuckles. 
“I hope you’re right. The last thing I want is for all our sacrifices to be in vain. We can’t accept defeat now. Not when we’re so close.” The prince sat up from the bed, causing his hair to slip from his shoulders. “But for now, let’s simply focus on honoring our dead. There are many farewells that need to be said before we take things further with Gorm, and I’d like to see Dag off on his journey to Hel. He may have been a traitor, but even he doesn’t deserve abandonment in death.”
Eivor’s mood soured at the mention of Dag’s name. In spite of his agreement to granting the man a place at the funeral, he couldn’t help but feel contempt for him after everything he and Gorm did to Thora.
“Do you think Dag would’ve done the same for you?” Eivor questioned.
Sigurd hesitated, not failing to notice the sharpness in his tone.
“I... I honestly don’t know. Did he even love me in the end? Or did he view me as an enemy? A foe that he needed to eliminate?” The prince combed a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh. “I’d like to believe that he would stand by my grave in death, but in reality, I suspect he would’ve been the one to send me there.”
Sigurd rose from the bed and reached for his shirt, shaking his head in sorrow. “Gods... how did things go so wrong...?”
He pulled the piece of clothing over his torso, preparing to take his leave.
“Anyway, I’ll let you get dressed. I imagine my father will be awake by now, and I’d like to have a few words with him before we depart. Meet me outside when you’re ready to go. We can walk to the funeral together.”
The younger man followed suit and threw his legs over the edge of the bed, dreading the near-future. He didn’t want to attend the ceremony alone, but he also worried that he wouldn’t be able to keep his composure in the presence of Thora and Ulfar.
“...Alright.” He said plainly. “I’ll find you when I’m ready, Sigurd.”
The prince leaned down and placed a kiss on Eivor’s forehead, bidding him farewell.
“Take care, Eivor. I’ll see you soon.”
Walking along the edge of the ship, Ingrida’s boots quietly thudded against the wooden floor as she tended to the pyres, preparing them for their final departure. She scattered a mixture of herbs and petals at the base of the structures, whispering a series of prayers under her breath.
Her heart ached beyond words to see three of her beloved clan members sharing a ship to the gates of the afterlife. Thora, Ulfar, and Eirik all lay side-by-side in the center of the vessel, decorated with an abundance of gifts that the villagers had left for them. They had axes, shields, food, riches, armor -- every possible boon they could use in the next realm. Their bodies had also been adorned with a handful of sweet-scented flowers, and their hands had been arranged to hold the swords in their grip.
Meanwhile, Dag rested alone in a separate ship docked on the other end of the harbor. His boat had been left barren of any gifts or offerings, and the only attention he received was from scornful villagers who were irked to see his presence at the funeral. His pyre looked about as empty as the frozen sea before them, and it appeared just as cold.
Luckily, despite the animosity the clan held for Dag, Ingrida hadn’t yet forbade herself from saying a prayer for the man. Even though he was directly linked to the death of her son, she still saw it fitting to bless him with one last prayer, as well as the dignity of being sent on a proper vessel. She carried less than no love for the dishonorable traitor, but did not wish to defile his grave, lest she cause Sigurd even more pain.
“Wherever the bridge may guide you,” Ingrida whispered, walking up to Thora, “whatever obstacles you may face, know that your memory has been marked in our clan, sister. Your words, your thoughts, your actions -- they will all continue to live among us even though you have returned to the gods. Your spirit will become as natural as the trees around us, and your name will be shrouded in the honor that was robbed of you in death. May you find peace under Hel’s gaze, and may your axe never thirst for battle. You are free now.”
The woman brought her attention to Eirik, crumbling at the sight of her son.
“Oh, my son...” she murmured, “forgive me. I never thought it would end like this. I never thought it would be me who tended to your pyre. I wanted to watch you grow old. I wanted you to enjoy the life I had given you. I wanted better for--” Ingrida’s voice faltered, causing her to pause briefly, “--you deserved... better than this. You deserved happiness. I only pray that the gods will grant it to you someday, and that we will meet again when death takes us both.” She slid a hand down Eirik’s cheek. “Rest well, my son. Your struggles will not be everlasting.”
Turning to Ulfar, Ingrida cleared her throat and took a deep breath, regaining her composure for one final farewell.
“And my dear friend, Wulfgar,” she said. “I know you were fueled by hatred for many years before you came to us. I know you carried an abundance of regrets. But as the Valkyries guide you to the Hall of Valor, I hope you can find forgiveness for yourself. Even though you were not exempt of flaws, you were one of the best men I had ever the pleasure of meeting. You were a venerable husband to Linnea, and a loving father to many of the children here.” 
She sighed, placing a delicate hand over the hilt of Ulfar’s sword. “I do not know whether you will meet the Christian god or be accepted into the Allfather’s arms, but either way, remember that redemption walks with you, drengr. Your faults have been amended, and your shackles have been broken. May your freedom guide you home.”
Stepping away from the pyres, Ingrida said the last of her prayers and decided to leave the bodies alone for now, admittedly somewhat overwhelmed by the grief that was starting to sink in. For days, she had been focusing on the preparations for this funeral, and yet, nothing could’ve fully braced her for the severity of their losses.
The old völva had overseen multiple burials in the past, but she had never attended one with so many familiar faces. Thora, Ulfar, Eirik -- they were all vital people in her life. She watched them grow, she watched them cry, she watched them change. A part of her soul was attached to the three of them, and now... she had to watch them leave.
It was the hardest farewell she ever had the burden of bidding, and she hoped it would be the last.
The seeress whirled around at the sudden greeting, not realizing that she had company.
“Oh, Eivor,” she said upon seeing her guest’s face. “I didn’t notice you were there.”
The young man approached her, keeping his hands linked in a respectful manner.
“I didn’t want to interrupt,” he explained. “I saw that you were saying a prayer for them.”
Ingrida glanced back at the fallen warriors’ bodies, nodding morosely.
“...Indeed. I just finished saying goodbye to Wulfgar.”
Eivor cocked a brow at that. “Wulfgar? You mean... Ulfar?”
Ironically, his question only seemed to garner more confusion from the old woman.
“He never told you?” She asked, clearly surprised.
“Told me what?”
A look of understanding spread across Ingrida’s face. “Forgive me, young cub. I assumed you knew of this already. The two of you were like father and son, so I simply thought...” she shook her head, returning to the topic. “Anyway. Tell me, did Ulfar ever reveal that he originally came from a Saxon family?”
“Yes,” Eivor recalled. “He mentioned that before.”
“Well, his name was Wulfgar before he was adopted by the Norse. He always asked me to refer to him as that in private. It may seem like an odd request, but I think it helped him preserve some semblance of who he once was.”
“I... I never knew that. Ulfar didn’t tell any of us.”
Ingrida gazed at the raider’s lifeless face, tilting her head out of empathy.
“I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. He had a dark history before he married Linnea and joined our clan. He probably didn’t want to frighten you.”
Eivor’s curiosity got the best of him. “Can you tell me what he did, exactly?”
The seeress fell silent due to hesitance. “I... don’t think I should, Eivor. I don’t believe it would be my place. If Ulfar felt the need to keep it hidden from you, then perhaps that’s because he meant to take the secret to his grave.”
A hint of disappointment sank into Eivor’s mood, but he respected the secrecy nonetheless.
“...I understand.”
Ingrida offered another possible answer. “If your curiosity is truly piqued though, I’d recommend asking your father. Arngeir is also aware of Ulfar’s past, and he was much closer to him than I. I think he would be more suited to tell the story -- if you are willing to hear it.”
“I am. I’ll ask him about it later. Thank you.”
The woman crossed her arms and took a moment to examine Eivor, suddenly switching the subject when she noticed that he was alone.
“But enough about that. Where is Sigurd?” Ingrida questioned. “I expected him to come here with you.”
The inquisitive spark in Eivor’s eyes dimmed at the observation, and he took a slow glance at the nearby longship.
“He’s paying his respects to Dag.” He said, gesturing to the traitor’s pyre. Ingrida followed his gaze, watching as Sigurd said his goodbyes.
The downhearted prince was currently kneeling in front of the wooden tomb with his head hanging low, and a hand over Dag’s wrist. His face was hidden from the world due to his crouched position, and at the moment, all Ingrida could see was a slight quiver shaking the stillness of his shoulders.
“...His eyes burned bright with the heat of Muspelheim itself...” Ingrida whispered in revelation. “Oh, that poor man. I now understand what my vision meant. I understand what it was trying to say.”
Eivor gave the woman a puzzled look, intrigued by her train of thought.
“What do you mean?”
Ingrida brought her focus back to the young man and closed the distance between them.
“The night before Sigurd arrived, the gods sent me a dream about him. Do you remember? It was just before Freya’s statue fell at the temple.”
Eivor nodded. “Yes, I remember.”
A hint of caution took hold of her tone. “...Dag’s death will only fuel the fire already raging in your prince, Wolf-Kissed. I know I advised you to stay away from Sigurd in the past, but now, I suspect you’ll be the only one capable of pulling him back from the edge. Do not allow him to get lost in the dark. He’ll be leading us into battle not too long from now. Please, do what you can to ensure that his mind stays whole.”
“Of course, Ingrida. I--” he stuttered for a second, hesitant to be completely open, “...you know how I feel about him. I’ll try my best to help him.”
That seemed to bring relief to the seeress. “Thank you, Eivor. We need both of you if we’re going to win this war. Take care of yourselves in the storm to come. We’re almost through the brunt of it.”
Bringing their conversation to an end, Ingrida placed a soft hand on Eivor’s arm and guided him away from the pyres, stepping back onto the docks as the clan gathered for the final farewell. A line of archers had already taken their position at the front of the shoreline and set their arrows aflame, preparing for the upcoming ceremony.
“Come, young cub. It’s time to say goodbye.”
Standing just beyond the tide’s reach, Eivor and Sigurd watched the funeral from afar as gusts of icy wind danced throughout the village, causing their capes to billow in the breeze. Specks of snow fluttered from the muted sky hanging above them, and in the distance, Eivor could see a number of dockhands pushing the ships away from the piers.
It almost would’ve been beautiful, if it weren’t for the morbidity of their gathering. The ships glided across the glassy surface like swans in a lake, and their hulls split the sheets of ice blocking their course. Ravens soared alongside the majestic sails as if Odin himself were guiding their departure from Midgard, and within moments, the archers had already prepared their first volley of arrows.
“Aim!” One of the warriors commanded, his voice thundering across the beach. A chain of flames immediately rose into the air, pointing directly towards the clouds.
The ships ventured a bit deeper into the ocean, causing waves of white foam to spurt around them.
Releasing their grip on the bows, the archers sent a storm of arrows flying into the sky as their fiery tips set the heavens aflame, painting the atmosphere with what looked like a thousand suns. Their reflections bolted across the sea like streaks of ember, and soon after, the ships were engulfed in a cloak of fire.
Little by little, the sparks spread throughout the vessels’ entire structure, igniting everything they could touch. They easily latched onto the fallen warriors who occupied the pyres, and consumed their hollow shells like webs of frost crawling across the ocean.
It was a display fit for the gods themselves. The ships wandered like a pair of beacons shattering the dark, and Eivor could only hope that the divines would accept their new arrivals with open arms. These souls had officially traveled beyond the mortal realm, and now, their threads in the tapestry of fate had been cut.
It was finally time for Eivor to let them go. The very same war that had taken these people in the first place still burned with an unbridled fury, and it wouldn’t be long before they had to confront it once and for all.
The only thing they had to do now was get Gorm to talk. His forked tongue hid behind a guise of feigned ignorance, but Eivor knew better than to believe his twisted claims. 
That man knew where Kjotve was, and he knew how to lure him out of the shadows. His information was the key to winning this war, and neither the Wolf-Kissed nor the Raven Prince would back down until they got what they wanted.
It was their only chance of survival at this point, and the last obstacle blocking their way.
Shoving the barred door open with a firm push, Sigurd ducked under the low frame and slipped into the room, lighting the way with a torch as Eivor followed him from behind. The weathered hinges of the door squeaked sharply in the looming silence, and a soft rattle bounced off the walls as their prisoner struggled in his chains.
Gorm was completely alone down here. Not only had he been deprived of any human contact, but the tight bricks of the dungeon had also sealed out any intruding sunlight. His hands and feet had been tied down by harsh shackles, and a rough cloth had been wrapped securely around his eyes.
Despite Gorm’s recent arrival though, it looked like someone had already visited him. In the flickering glow that radiated from Sigurd’s torch, the prince spotted fresh cuts and bruises littering the prisoner’s skin. Tiny droplets of blood stained the collar of his shirt, and by now, a slick sheen of sweat had formed on the man’s bony chest.
It wouldn’t be difficult to interrogate this man, but that didn’t mean Sigurd would go easy on him.
“Heh,” he said with a chuckle, holding the torch closer to Gorm’s wounds, “looks like someone had a talk with you already. You been having company lately, Kjotvesson? Or were our men just a bit too rough when they dragged you off the longship?”
The prisoner groaned in irritation, recognizing his captor’s voice. “...Gods above. As if my first conversation wasn’t bad enough. Now you’re here too? I’m not going to talk, Sigurd. The jarl couldn’t beat it out of me, and you won’t either.”
“Ah, so it was Arngeir who did this. I should’ve guessed.” The prince paused briefly. “...You’re lucky, you know. Not many people in this world have the same level of patience as our jarl. If it was my daughter you had killed, I would have flayed you alive.”
Gorm scoffed, shifting in his seat. “You? Everyone knows you’re soft, Styrbjornson. You couldn’t even save the jarl’s daughter from being killed. What makes you think you can get me to talk? Just throw your punches and leave me alone. You won’t get anything from me.”
Sigurd knelt down, leaning towards to the man as he spoke. “...We are one step away from winning this fucking war against your father after decades of suffering because of it. This is the closest we’ve ever been to victory in years, and the only thing blocking our path right now... is you. If you think I’m going to walk away after everything we’ve sacrificed, you are sorely mistaken.”
The prince stood up from the floor. “You can either tell me Kjotve’s location, or I can make you scream it. Either way, we’re not leaving this room until you give us what we need.”
Gorm picked up on that. “We?”
Eivor stepped forward, joining Sigurd’s side. “I’m here too, Gorm.”
“Ah, the Raven Prince’s whore. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised to see you here. I know you follow Sigurd around like a lost pup, always pining for his attention. Word spreads quickly, you see--”
Sigurd threw a quick jab at Gorm’s cheek, silencing the man in an instant.
“Well you won’t hear anymore about us from now on. Your ally is dead, Gorm. We found him.”
That seemed to instill a sense of alarm in the prisoner. “...Ally?”
“Yes. Dag.” Sigurd clarified. “I know he was aiding you. I know he told you about the assault on your father’s fortress. But he’s dead now. You no longer have any friends here, Kjotvesson. There’s no one who can rescue you.”
The pace of Gorm’s breath quickened at the news, and his jaw clenched in fear.
“...So. What is it you want, exactly?”
“Have you not been listening to a word I’ve said? Tell me where Kjotve is, and all this comes to an end. It’s that simple.”
Sigurd reached down, ripping Gorm’s blindfold off with a harsh tug. 
“We’re running out of time...! I’m giving you one last chance to tell us the information we need, but after that--” he yanked out his axe, “--I start hacking.”
Still, the prisoner resisted. “...Y-You wouldn’t. You don’t have the stones.”
The prince smirked. “Don’t I? Let me tell you something, Gorm.” Sigurd raised the axe to the other man’s face, positioning it right underneath his chin. “Just yesterday, this axe was buried in the heart of my brother. I put it there... after he confessed his treachery.”
It didn’t take long for Gorm to put the pieces together. “...Dag was your brother?”
Sigurd nodded slowly. “Not by blood, but that didn’t mean anything to us. We were still family. We still shared a bond. In the end though... he proved to be a danger to our clan, and so, I cut him down in one strike.” His eyes narrowed in rage. “...I was willing to execute a man I had known for all my life, purely for the sake of protecting this clan. He meant the world to me, and yet, I still killed him with my own two hands. What makes you think you stand a chance?”
Gorm scooted back in his seat, plastering himself against the back of the chair in an attempt to get away from the redheaded viking.
“You’re out of your mind, Sigurd.”
“All the more reason for you to give me what I want.”
The prisoner was quiet in response, leading Sigurd to shrug in a casual manner.
“Fine. If that’s how you wish to do things...”
The prince brought the torch’s flame to his axe, heating up the edge until it was red hot.
“W-w-wait!” Gorm exclaimed. “Wait!”
“Having second thoughts, Kjotvesson?”
“I-- look, I can’t tell you!”
Sigurd removed the axe from the fire and grinned, brandishing its scorching blade to the man.
“What’ll your father do? Kill you?”
Eivor laughed lightly, undeniably amused by Gorm’s squirming. “He’ll be lucky if he’s still alive by then.” His tone hardened. “Maybe we should string him up and leave him outside. Give him the same treatment he gave to my sister.”
Gorm shot him a glare. “Oh, you’ll join her soon enough, Wolf-Kissed. Don’t think this is over. Just because you’ve survived this long doesn’t mean--”
Sigurd pressed the axe down on his arm, causing the man to let out an anguished shout.
“Shit!” Gorm yelled, jolting violently in his restraints. The prince removed the blade after a moment and stepped back, leaving a prominent burn on the surface of his skin. 
“If you’re done barking, I’d like to hear what we came for.”
“...You’ve lost your mind, Sigurd...!” The prisoner panted out, still dazed from the pain. “I’ll kill you for this. You and your whole clan!”
The redheaded man grabbed him by the collar, yanking him closer to his face.
“Tell me where Kjotve is! Now. Unless you want me to start slicing.”
Gorm turned away from Sigurd, doing his best to avoid eye contact with him.
“I... can’t!”
“Well, you will. I don’t care what kind of threats your father has made. You will tell us what we need to know, one way or another.”
The prisoner hesitated. “But why should I? You’ll kill me anyway! I’m as good as dead no matter what I do. I may as well keep silent.”
“Because your fate has yet to be determined. Cooperate with us, and perhaps I can grant you a faster death. But if you resist, I’ll have no choice but to keep this going. So save us both the trouble, and just tell me where Kjotve is.”
Gorm trailed off into silence once again, reconsidering his approach. He still appeared reluctant to comply with Sigurd’s demands, but his eyes flicked around the room in a way that made it clear he was slowly changing his mind.
“You... you promise you’ll give me a swift death if I tell you how to find my father? Is that what you’re saying?”
Sigurd looked directly into Gorm’s gaze, taking on a more sincere tone.
“...You have my word.”
The prisoner took the answer to heart and cursed quietly under his breath, frustrated at the dilemma that had been presented to him. He knew he was dead regardless of how the future unfolded, but he wondered if there was a chance he could find mercy in the hands of a proper executioner.
“...Damn it all.” Gorm finally said. “Fine. I’ll... I’ll tell you what you want to know. But you must keep your word.”
Sigurd waited patiently for a response. “Well? Where is he?”
The other man’s head drooped in shame. “...My father is sailing west. To England.”
That took the prince by surprise. “England? What in Hel’s name is Kjotve doing all the way out there?”
“He has allies in that country,” Gorm explained. “And they’re more than just simple raiders. His allies in England are part of something far bigger than you could ever anticipate. They will destroy you if he manages to rally them in time.”
Eivor crossed his arms in thought, suddenly feeling less confident. “...Shit. He must be miles ahead of us by now.”
“Actually, he could still be within your reach. I don’t think my father has officially embarked just yet. He mentioned stopping by an island along the way; to gather food and supplies before making the journey. You could still catch him.”
Sigurd stepped away from Gorm. “Then we need to leave immediately. We can’t allow Kjotve to sail into Saxon waters. If he makes it there, we’ll have lost him for good. There’s no way we could hunt him down in English territory without sparking another war.”
Eivor brought up another subject, slowing the prince down before he could get too far ahead of himself.
“Wait, what do we do about him?” He asked, gesturing to Gorm with a jerk of the head.
Sigurd eyed the prisoner up and down, contemplating how to dispose of the man. When he first set foot in the dungeon, he had originally planned to finish Gorm off with an axe to the chest -- similar to the method he used for Dag -- but now, he was having second thoughts.
“...We’ll let my father decide.” He settled with.
Eivor had to admit, he wasn’t expecting that. “Your father?”
Sigurd took a calming breath, thinking back to his conversation with his lover earlier that day. “He’s right about me, Eivor. I’m too impulsive. If I’m going to inherit the crown someday, I must learn to wield more restraint. Gorm murdered someone from our kingdom, so my father will determine his fate in a trial. Seems only fitting, seeing as how he’s the king.”
The younger man was pleased to see that the prince had taken his advice so seriously.
“A wise choice. We should inform Styrbjorn right away, then. We have no time to lose.”
Gorm jumped back in. “Wait! What if the king doesn’t allow me a quick death like we agreed?”
“I’ll explain to him the deal we made,” Sigurd assured. “My father is a man of honor, despite some of the things he does. He will understand.” He brought his attention back to Eivor, continuing their conversation. “Anyway, could you speak to Arngeir while I find my father? If we’re going to catch Kjotve on time, we’ll need everyone to be prepared. Everyone.”
“Of course. I’ll let him know of the plan.”
“Thank you.” Sigurd walked past the Wolf-Kissed, halting in his tracks to whisper something in the man’s ear. “Meet me on the hill outside the longhouse when you’re finished. There’s something I want to show you.”
Eivor nodded, whispering back to him. “I’ll be there.”
“Then I’ll see you soon, my love. But for now, let’s just focus on preparing for the upcoming battle. This war isn’t going to get any easier in the next few days, but if we’re lucky, it’ll end soon. Kjotve is hiding just beyond the horizon. We can’t let him escape.”
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rainandhotchocolate · 5 years
Dinner Party
A/N DUN DUN DUN Day 4!! Little less sad, little more fluff. In fact it is pure fluff, nothing more than literal fluffy bits of snow in writing form. Enjoy bbs
Sirius x reader - FLUFF CITY
“I don’t believe you,” Y/N sat in the front seat of Remus’ small buggy, arms crossed and staring suspiciously at him. He kept his eyes on the road, a small smile playing on his lips.
“I told you, Lily-“
“Bull. Shit.” Y/N narrowed her eyes further, trying to see if she could somehow read through Remus’ very nonchalant expression but to no avail. The problem with being best friends with a werewolf was his uncanny ability to lie without batting an eyelid. Bloody scheming bastard.
Remus had shown up at her door a little over an hour ago and told her to get her butt off the couch and change into something nice, something fancy.
“If Lily is having a dinner party, why didn’t she tell me earlier?”
“Last minute change, it was originally just parents,” Remus replied smoothly. Y/N watched his eyes carefully to see if they twitched like they did when he was nervous. Nothing. Maybe he was telling the truth. Y/N was a slightly paranoid person, as Sirius mentioned every time she double bolted the doors and windows at night before they went to bed.
“If Voldemort gets in, I’m at least going to know it wasn’t because I didn’t try to keep him out,” She retorted, trying to remain serious whilst his trademark mischievous, toothy grin grew bigger on his face. It always made her feel a little giddy.
“Why isn’t Sirius picking me up then?”
“James wanted him to help cook,” Remus turned off the main road slowly as ice had made the roads slick, snow still piling on the edge of the corner.
“Just got an answer for everything don’t you,” She huffed, leaning back into the chair, watching the windscreen for any rogue snowflakes. This was definitely her favourite time of year, when a flurry of white snow fell across the ground and pathways, blanketing the whole town in sparkling white. It made everything look prettier as if someone had wiped out all the blemishes and covered everything with the perfect concealer. There wasn’t anything more magical, in Y/N’s opinion anyway, though Sirius always seemed to like stating the obvious, that magic was technically the most magical.
Y/N didn’t like to press, but she was sure his dislike for the cold weather stemmed from Christmas with his parents and the crowds of other pureblood families he used to spend it with. There was still a tension in the air when the snow started to fall, even though he hadn’t seen his family in years. The only time he really seemed to enjoy it as much as Y/N did was as Padfoot, bounding around the garden in the deep snow-covered grass, kicking up powdered chunks at Y/N. She pretended to care, but there wasn’t anything better than having a good excuse to watch Sirius be happy and playful, even as a large, black dog.
“Ready?” Remus pulled her out of her thoughts, pulling off the road and up to the gate of Lily and James’ small cottage.
“For what?” Y/N growled at him, his smile getting wider.
“Just come on,” Remus hopped out of the car and moved around to open the door for Y/N. She had to take a second, finding it hard to move gracefully out of a car in a floor-length dress. Y/N had tried to wear something a bit more… calm, and warmer, but Remus had insisted that it was uber fancy and she had to wear the dark red dress she wore as Lily’s bridesmaid. It was tight around the waist and hips, a thigh-high slit and silk that draped across her legs and onto the floor.
“Take off your coat,” Remus instructed, standing behind her to help pull it off as they stepped through the neatly ploughed path that led to the front door. It was open, Remus getting Y/N go in first with an overtly exaggerated show of chivalry, “They said to meet out back.”
“But you just took my coat off you dag, it’s freezing,” She went to grab it back but Remus pulled it away from her and hung it up on the wooden coat rack by the door.
“I know you’re muggle-born and all, but you do remember that we are wizards? That can do magic? Like warm things up?” Remus smirked, neatly dodging Y/N swipe at his ribs, laughing a little mischievously.
“What on earth is going on, Remus,” Y/N tried to cut him off to stop him from leading her outside but with heels on he was still significantly taller than her and easily side-stepped, “You know I hate surprises.”
“I think you’ll like this one.”
“What is that supposed to mean!”
“Merlin’s beard, shush and come on,” Remus rolled his eyes, but his grin was still lighting up his whole face in a way that she hadn’t seen in a while. Not since he’d been sent to spy on the werewolves living underground. Not since Marlene.
The back door was open, and snow was covering every inch of Y/N’s view of the garden, right up to the front step. She silently thanked Remus for making her wear heeled boots to avoid destroying her dress in the snow. They walked out together, Remus letting her go first again, stepping into what Y/N expected to be bitingly cold weather, but was pleasantly surprised to feel the warmth of a fire blazing next to her. She turned her head to see a row of hovering jars with fire lighting up the garden and leading around the side of the house.
“What’s going on, Remus?” She turned to face him, her heart racing slightly at the sight of the decorative jars and the small floating snowflakes that seemed to be hanging in the air next to them.
“Follow them, I’ll be right behind you,” He looked like he couldn’t stop smiling at this point, his eyes watching her closely. Y/N gave him a confused glance but turned back around and followed the row of fire and snowflakes around the side of the garden, noticing that as she stepped snow seemed to avoid her shoes and dress, keeping her dry and warm. As she turned the corner she saw it, gasping loudly, her hand covering her mouth, heart racing faster and faster in her chest.
In front of her was Sirius, standing in the snow, rose petals forming a final pathway to where he stood. Sirius was wearing Y/N’s favourite deep navy overcoat and a suit, hands behind his back, smiling nervously at her. There were candles floating around his head twinkling against the white of the snow, and as Y/N walked forwards, her stomach beginning to do acrobatics, she saw that their flames were changing colour from a red to white as they hovered.
“Hey there,” Y/N said, giving Sirius an exceedingly nervous smile, reaching out to grab his hand.
“Hey,” He said back, laughing softly, his classic nervous tick.
“So what’s all this then?”
“Oh just a standard Friday night.”
“Yeah sure sure,” Y/N felt a giggle bubbling in her chest as she fought to keep her giddiness to an acceptable level.
“So uh, I actually wanted to tell you something,” Sirius let go of her hand, stepping backwards slightly.
“Is that so?” Y/N breathed out, watching him with wide eyes as he took a huge breath and brought forward a small black velvet box.
“Yeah,” He knelt down on one knee and Y/N felt like she might burst into tears.
“Y/N Y/L/N, you are the kindest, most irritatingly smart, stunningly beautiful person I’ve ever known,” His voice broke and he cleared his throat roughly, his deep grey eyes staring directly into her own, “I didn’t always think I’d be lucky enough to… find someone. That could be both my best friend and fantastic in bed.”
Y/N barked out a wet laugh, tears starting to form in her eyes and Sirius reached out to grab her hand.
“I don’t want to ever spend a minute without you. You always know exactly when to call me out on my shit and make me feel more loved than I thought I deserved. I just, fucking love you,” He laughed again, beaming up at Y/N, “so I guess now is the time to ask, would you do me the –”
“Yes!” Y/N cried, a little pre-emptively.
“Let me get the question out first, you prat,” Sirius laughed at her, “Will you m –”
“Yes,” Y/N said again, grinning at his mock annoyed look.
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes yes yes yes yes,” Y/N pulled him up and threw her arms around his neck, letting him pull her off the ground and spin her around in his arms. He put her down carefully, leaning in to give her a soft kiss.
“I should probably put this on now, huh?” Sirius wiped his eyes, laughing still, and opened the box slowly. It was a silver ring with small diamonds glittering around the band, a black gem sitting in the middle, with a larger triangle diamond sitting above it. It looked like a miniature black crown.
“It’s fucking perfect,” Y/N put her hand over her mouth, smiling shakily as Sirius took her left hand and slid it onto her ring finger.
“Thank god, it was bloody expensive,” Sirius teased, looking at the ring sitting on her finger. They looked up at each other, silent for a moment, both beaming and red-eyed.
“Is it done can we come out now?” Y/N heard James’ voice call loudly from the back door, and Y/N turned to see Lily, Remus, James, and Peter bobbing their heads out from around the corner of the house where Y/N had originally come from.
“Yes, yes, we’re engaged!” Y/N waved them over, her voice still breaking slightly as they ran over to them, Lily immediately grabbing Y/N’s hand and looking at the ring, James, Remus and Peter bombarding Sirius with a hug that Y/N was sure would bruise a few ribs.
“So where’s this elusive dinner party huh?” Y/N wiped an eye, gripping Lily’s hand tightly.
“Well we didn’t cook a full dinner, but we do have something similarly good,” Remus pulled out two bottles of firewhiskey, grinning at the group of them. It felt like a little bubble, a moment of peace in the midst of two years of war. A moment of happiness for all of them.
“Give my fiancé some first,” Sirius winked at Y/N and kissed her on the cheek, her heart flipping over at the word, fiancé.
“Oh come on, you can do better than that,” Peter squeaked, his eyes equally red, poking Sirius in the ribs. Sirius turned back to Y/N, a mischievous glint in his eyes before he grabbed her at the waist and dipped her dramatically, kissing her deeply with a hand resting on the back of her head. James whooped at them, Peter laughing loudly, as Remus gave Lily a tissue.
“Let’s celebrate inside before your fires go out,” James ushered them towards the door, grabbing one of the bottles of firewhiskey and popping it open loudly.
Sirius placed a hand in the small of Y/N’s back, leaning in towards her ear momentarily as they stepped inside.
“I tried to make it more private, but James wasn’t having it.”
“It was more perfect than I could have imagined,” Y/N turned her head swiftly to catch him off guard, pecking him on the lips. Sirius smiled back at her, his eyes lighting up brightly. He gripped her hand tightly as they went into the kitchen where there was a large stack of brownies and treacle tart, and glasses all set up.
James flicked his wand so that the firewhiskey whisked around to each glass and filled them up, floating themselves over to each person standing around the table.
“To Y/N and Sirius, for taking far to long to settle down and have a wedding where I can get properly drunk instead of being so nervous I threw up,” James lifted a glass and Lily elbowed him. The rest of them raised their glasses as well, all smiling at Y/N and Sirius. Y/N turned to Sirius as well, who was already watching her thoughtfully.
“That’s the guy giving you a toast at the wedding,” Y/N winked at him, nodding to James.
“Not if I can help it,” Sirius put on a look of horror, turning to James who glowered at him.
“Let the nuptials begin,” Remus snorted, taking a large swig of Firewhiskey. Y/N couldn’t fucking wait.
 Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana​ @avengersassemblee​ @maraudersandco​ @sly-vixen-up2nogood​ @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad​ @evyiione​ @minerva26love​ @aikeia​ @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze​  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom @hermione-is-my-queen
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redcandle17 · 5 years
MMFR where are they now
Mad Max: Fury Road tops first critics’ poll naming best films of the decade
Mad Max: Fury Road is the movie of the decade
With MMFR receiving fresh accolades, I thought someone should do a “where are they now” for the cast and crew. 
George Miller - director and writer - Nothing new has been released since MMFR, but he has a movie titled Three Thousand Years of Longing scheduled for 2020 according to IMDb.
Junkie XL - music composer - Very busy since MMFR. His filmography lists him as the composer for Deadpool and Terminator: Dark Fate among many other movies.
Writers Brendan McCarthy and Nick Lathouris, cinematographer John Seale, editor Margaret Sixel, and actor Hugh Keays-Byrne (Immortan Joe) haven’t done any new movies or shows since MMFR. 
Charlize Theron - actress, Imperator Furiosa - She remains an A list star. She’s starred in the action thriller Atomic Blonde, among other movies of less interest to me, and she’ll be in the next movie in the Fast & Furious franchise. She’s also the face of Dior’s J’adore perfume.
Tom Hardy - actor, Max Rockatansky - He wrote, produced, and starred in the show Taboo, as well as appeared in Peaky Blinders, and he starred in the movies Venom and Dunkirk among others, with many more to be released.
Nicholas Hoult - actor, Nux - He’s Beast in the ‘10s X-Men movies, J.D. Salinger in Rebel In The Rye, J.R.R. Tolkien in Tolkien, and he has several other movies awaiting release. I recommend checking out his work pre-MMFR in the British teen show Skins and the zombie romance movie Warm Bodies.
Rosie Huntington-Whitely - model and actress, The Splendid Angharad - She hasn’t appeared in any movies since MMFR, but fun trivia: she’s married to action star Jason Statham.
Zoe Kravitz - actress, singer, and model, Toast the Knowing - She played Leta Lestrange in the Harry Potter sequel movie Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald and Bonnie in the HBO show Big Little Lies, as well as roles in various movies, my favorite of which was Vincent N Roxxy. She has an upcoming show that she’ll produce as well as star in titled High Fidelity, and she’ll also play Catwoman in The Batman. And she’s the face of Yves Saint Laurent’s Black Opium perfume. 
Riley Keough - actress and model, Capable - She starred in season one of the Starz show The Girlfriend Experience, and she’s been in several movies since MMFR, some of them so baffling I still don’t understand what I watched. She’ll be starring in the upcoming Amazon original show Daisy Jones & The Six.
Josh Helman - actor, Slit - He’s Stryker in the ‘10s X-Men movies, and he starred in the Starz show Flesh and Bone, as well as season two of Wayward Pines. He’s also written, directed, and starred in his own movie Kate Can’t Swim. I recommend checking out his work pre-MMFR in HBO’s The Pacific. His next appearance will be in Monster Hunter, due out in September 2020.
Abbey Lee Kershaw - model and actress, The Dag - She’s appeared in several movies since MMFR, most notably in The Neon Demon and Gods of Egypt, and she’ll star in the upcoming show Lovecraft Country. 
Courtney Eaton - model and actress, Cheedo the Fragile - She had a major role in Gods of Egypt and she appeared in Newness (which stars Nicholas Hoult).
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written-in-sunshine · 6 years
Fandom List And Ships
Updated: 12/9/18
This is the current list of fandoms and pairings that are requestable. It’s a long list (12+ pages), and I can always add more if the need arises. Bolded fandoms are the ones I am currently in the mood to write for, and I will try to update that as much as I can. Italicized fandoms are something I might consider working on soon and can easily be pushed back into.
Please look at this list before requesting something, it’s in the rules.
Fandoms under the cut!
Adventure Time
Flame Prince/Fionna
Flame Prince/Prince Gumball
Hot Dog Prince/Lumpy Space Prince
Lord Monochromicorn/Cake
Marshall Lee/Flame Prince/Prince Gumball
Marshall Lee/Prince Gumball
As Told By Ginger
Carl Foutley/Blake Gripling
Carl Foutley/Hoodsey Bishop
Assassin’s Creed
Altair Ibn La-Ahad/Malik Al-Sayf
Desmond Miles/Shaun Hastings
Ezio Auditore/Leonardo Da Vinci
Federico Auditore/Vieri De Pazzi
Haytham Kenway/Charles Lee
Kanen'tó:kon/William Johnson
Kadar Al-Sayf/Gian ‘Salai’ Giacomo
Petruccio Auditore/Gian ‘Salai’ Giacomo
Ratonhnhaké ton (Connor Kenway)/Thomas Hickey
Rauf/Kadar Al-Sayf
Talal/Malik Al-Sayf
William Johnson/Thomas Hickey
The Babysitter
Beetlejuice (Both Movie/Cartoon Verses)
Beatleguise/Lydia Deetz
Camp Camp
Nerf/Preston Goodplay
Johnathan ‘Johnny’ Ariga/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Orlando Haddick/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Orlando Haddick/Johnathan ‘Johnny’ Ariga/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Thomas Mutton/Astaroth
Vincent Brooks/Catherine
Vincent Brooks/Astaroth
The Bye Bye Man/The Crooked Man (The Bye Bye Man/The Crooked Man Crossover)
Jack/Max (The House That Jack Built/The Babysitter Crossover)
Jason Dean/Firkle Smith (Heathers/South Park Crossover)
Jason Dean/Lucas Ward (Heathers/Dismissed Crossover)
Jason Dean/Victor Criss (Heathers/IT Crossover)
Bane/John Blake
Cyborg/Beast Boy
Deadshot/Diablo/Harley Quinn
Francis “Hotstreak” Stone/Richie “Gear” Foley
Joker/Harley Quinn
Killer Croc/Babydoll
Killer Croc/Diablo
Killer Croc/Harley Quinn
Killer Croc/Scarecrow
Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn
Red X/Speedy
Robin/Beast Boy
Robin/Red X
Robin/Red X/Speedy
Deadman Wonderland
Ganta Igarashi (Woodpecker)/Shiro
Nagi Kengamine (Owl)/Azuma Genkaku
Senji Kiyomasa (Crow)/Toto Sakigami (Mockingbird)
Tamaki Tsunenaga/Rokuro Bundo
Tamaki Tsunenaga/Yo Takami
Wretched Egg (I refer to her as Sorae after Ganta’s mother)/Minatsuki Takami (Hummingbird)
Yo Takami/Ganta Igarashi (Woodpecker)
Death And Cremation
Stanley/Jarod Leary
Devil’s Carnival
The Devil/Tamara
The Twin/Hobo Clown
Dragon Age
Alistair Theirin/Cullen Rutherford
Alistair Theirin/Kallianne Cousland
Anders/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Fenris/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Jowan/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Karl Thekla
Anders/Karl Thekla/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Sebastian Vael
Anders/Sebastian Vael/Ethan Hawke
Arishok/Carver Hawke
Arishok/Ethan Hawke
Ashaad/Ketojan/Saemus Dumar
Ashaad/Saemus Dumar
Bartrand Tethras/Carver Hawke
Bemis Cousland/Lysander Amell (OC Ship)
Blackwall/Carver Hawke
Cole/Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford/Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford/Ethan Hawke
Cullen Rutherford/Illeah Lavellan
Cullen Rutherford/Tempestia Surana
Danarius/Dorian Pavus
Duncan/Cailan Theirin
Fenris/Carver Hawke
Fenris/Ethan Hawke
Fenris/Sahir Nadeer (OC)
Jowan/Sister(Mother) Petrice
Justice/Seneschal Bran
Ketojan/Saemus Dumar
Leliana/Josephine MontilyetLoghain Mac Tir/Maric Theirin
Meeran/Carver Hawke
Sebastian Vael/Ethan Hawke
The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus
The Iron Bull/Solas
Varric Tethras/Ethan Hawke
Varric Tethras/Merrill
Varric Tethras/Solas
Zevran Arainai/Alistair Theirin
Zevran Arainai/Mortine Mahariel
Dreaming Mary
Gwendell (Glenn)/Mary(Mari)
Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy
The Evil Within
Reuben ‘Ruvik’ Victoriano/Leslie Withers
Sebastian Castellanos/Joseph Oda
Fallout Universe
Benjamin ‘Benji’ Montgomery/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Butch DeLoria/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Charon/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Charon/Iib Townshend(FLW)
Colin Moriarity/Andy Stahl
Desmond Lockheart/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Everett/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Flash/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Mercenary/Moira Brown
Sole Survivor/Sole Survivor
Three Dog/Gob
Timebomb/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Vance/Ian West
Wally Mack/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Wally Mack/Paul Hanon
Walter/Leo Stahl
Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest
Zak Young/Pips
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife/Kadaj
Genesis Rhapsodos/Sephiroth
Gilliam ‘Gil’ Blat/Angeal Hewley (OC/Canon Ship)
Reeve Tuesti/Vincent Valentine
Seifer Almasy/Zell Dincht
Squall Leonhart/Irvine Kinneas
Tseng/Rufus ShinRa
Zack Fair/Cloud Strife
Gravity Falls
Mabel Pines/Pacifica
Robbie/Dipper Pines
Thompson/Mabel Pines
Harry Potter (Movieverse) - ON HIATUS
Blaize Zabini/Saemus Finnegan
Dean Thomas/Saemus Finnegan
Lee Jordan/Saemus Finnegan
Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint
Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy
Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy
Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Heathers (Movieverse, Slight Musicalverse)
Jason Dean/Lucas Ward (Dismissed Crossover)
Heather Chandler/Heather Duke
Heather Duke/Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean/Firkle Smith (South Park Crossover)
Jason Dean/Vernon Sawyer (Male Veronica)
Jason Dean/Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean/Victor Criss (IT Crossover)
Kurt Kelly/Ram
Veronica Sawyer/Heather McNamara
Veronica Sawyer/Martha Dunstock
Hellboy (Movieverse)
Hellboy/Abe Sapien
Hey Arnold
Helga G. Pataki/Rhonda Wellington Lloyd
Nadine/Rhonda Wellington Lloyd
Stinky Peterson/Sid
Torvald/Stoop Kid
Dom Cobb/Ariadne
Josh Lambert/Parker Crane
Josh Lambert/Specs
Invader Zim
Dib Membrane/Zim
Tak/Gaz Membrane
The Iron Giant
IT (2017)
Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Stan Uris
Butch Bowers/Patrick Hockstetter
Butch Bowers/Victor Criss
Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins
Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Henry Bowers/Victor Criss
Mike Hanlon/Bill Denbrough/Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon/Patrick Hockstetter
Mike Hanlon/Richie Rozier/Stan Uris/Eddie Kaspbrak
Mike Hanlon/Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Avery Hockstetter
Patrick Hockstetter/Belch Huggins
Patrick Hockstetter/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Victor Criss
Pennywise/Victor Criss
Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier/Stan Uris/Eddie Kaspbrak
Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers/Darry
Kick-Ass/2 Movieverse
Todd Haynes/Katarina Dombrovski
Dave Lizewski/Chris D'Amico
Javier/Chris D'Amico
Kingdom Hearts
Howard/Tom Engel
Krampus/Max Engel
Krampus/Tom Engel
Tom Engel/Max Engel
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Claude Faustus/Alois Trancy
Pluto/Grell Sutcliffe
Undertaker/Grell Sutcliffe
Undertaker/William Spears/Grell Sutcliffe
League Of Super Evil
Doomageddon/Doktor Frogg
Red Menace/Doktor Frogg
Left 4 Dead/2
Lollipop Chainsaw
Gideon Starling/Elizabeth Starling
Lewis Legend/Swan
Nick Carlyle/Juliet Starling
Mad Max
Max Rockatansky/Blood Shed Ted
Max Rockatansky/Imperator Furiosa
Rictus Erectus/The Ace
Stank Gum/Scabrous Scrotus
Alex Summers/Hank McCoy/Sean Cassidy
Alex Summers/Sean Cassidy
Azazel/Emma Frost
Azazel/Kurt Wagner
Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Erik Lensherr/Charles Xavier
Hank McCoy/Charles Xavier
Hank McCoy/Sean Cassidy
Lance Alvers/Pietro Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson/Tony Stark
Mortimer Toynbee/Emma Frost
St. John Allerdyce/Pietro Maximoff
St. John Allerdyce/Tabitha Smith
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
The Incredible Hulk/Tony Stark
Todd Tolansky/Kurt Wagner
Todd Tolansky/Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark/Pepper Pots
Wade Winston Wilson/Bob, Agent Of Hydra
Wanda Maximoff/Anne-Marie (Rogue)
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
The Mist (2017)
Tyler Denton/Adrian Garf
Monster Prom
Amira Red/Miranda Vanderbilt
Amira Red/Polly Geist
Brian Green/Damien LaVey
Brian Green/Damien LaVey/Liam De Lioncourt/Oz Yellow
Brian Green/Oz Yellow
Damien LaVey/Liam De Lioncourt
Liam De Lioncourt/Oz Yellow
Scott Howl/Football Team
Scott Howl/Liam De Lioncourt
Scott Howl/Vicky Blue
Vera Oberlin/Polly Geist
Vicky Blue/Polly Geist
Monsters University/Inc.
Brock Pearson/Claire Wheeler
James P. “Sulley”  Sullivan/Michael “Mike” Wizowski
Johnny J. Worthington III/Randall “Randy” Boggs
Nadia Petrov/Taylor Harbrooke
Night In The Woods
Angus Delaney/Greggory Lee
Bea Santello/Mae Borowski
Casey Hartley/Greggory Lee
Levy/Steve Skriggins
Jeremy “Germ Warfare” Warton/Selma Ann “Selmers” Forrester
Edward “Eddie” Gluskin (The Groom)/Terry “Theresa” Harriss (OC)
Adventure Core/Fact Core
Cave Johnson/Caroline
Cave Johnson/Evil Cave Johnson
Companion Cube/Turret
Logic Core/Curiosity Core
Weighted Cube/Defective Turret
Wheatley/Space Core
Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time (Movieverse)
Princess And The Goblin
Prince Froglip/Princess Irene
Rick And Morty
Abradolf Lincoler/Nancy
Birdperson/Tammy Gueterman
Brad/Morty Smith
Greaser Morty/Punk Morty
Lucius Needful/Summer Smith
Rick Sanchez/Morty Smith (in all/most incarnations)
Summer Smith/Jessica
Regular Show
Rocket Power
Lars Rodriguez/Twister Rodriguez
Otto Rocket/Sam Dullard
John Kramer/Amanda Young
Lawrence Gordon/Adam Faulkner
Logan Nelson/David (Saw .5)
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/Adam Faulkner
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/David (Saw .5)
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/Scott Tibbs
Lynn Denlon/Amanda Young
Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm
Scott Tibbs/Adam Faulkner
Scott Tibbs/Lark
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head/Alessa Gilespie
Walter Sullivan/Murphey Pendleton
South Park
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Firkle
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Kyle Broflovski
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Clyde Donovan/Bebe Stevens
Craig Tucker/Gregory of Yardale/Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak
Damien Thorn/Firkle
Damien Thorn/Phillip “Pip” Pirrup
Eric Cartman/Bebe Stevens
Eric Cartman/Firkle
Eric Cartman/Wendy Testaburger
Filmore Anderson/Firkle
Gregory of Yardale/Tweek Tweak
Ike Broflovski/Firkle
Kenny McCormick/Bradley (Cartman Sucks)/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Kenny McCormick/Firkle
Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Kevin McCormick/Firkle
Mike Makowski/Firkle
Mike Makowski/Larry
Quaid/Filmore Anderson
Red/Henrietta Biggle
Ryan Ellis/Larry
Scott Malkinson/New Kid
Scott Tenorman/Firkle
Stan Marsh/Firkle
Stan Marsh/Gregory Of Yardale
Stan Marsh/Pete
Stan Marsh/Gary Harrison
Stan Marsh/Wendy Testaburger
Trent Boyett/Firkle
Token Black/Clyde Donnovan
Token Black/Clyde Donnovan/Bebe Stevens
Team Fortress 2 (I have OC’s for this)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Raphael/Casey Jones
Until Dawn
Billy Bates/Mike Munroe
Josh Washington/Chris
Josh Washington/Mike Munroe
Matt/Mike Munroe
Matt/Mike Munroe/Jessica/Sam/Billy Bates
Mike Munroe/Jessica
Mike Munroe/Sam
The Walking Dead
Glen Rhee/Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon/Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon
We’re Back
Louis/Cecilia Nuthatch
Yami No Matsuei/Descendents Of Darkness
Hisoka Kurosaki/Asato Tsuzuki
Seiichiro Tatsumi/Yutaka Watari
Chief Bogo/Benjamin Clawhauser
Finnick/Gideon Grey
Nick Wilde/Judy Hopps
Pronk Oryx-Antlerson/Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
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wadethewilson · 7 years
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A while back I decided to do some crossover character designs combining Mad Max: Fury Road, and Batman. MAD BATS: FUNNY ROAD, or something. I forget what I called it now, haha. These were all I finished before my old hard drive got fried. I had a plan for every single character. If anyone likes this post, maybe I’ll go back and finish the others?
Anyway, I give you:
Mad Bats (Batman X Mad Max)
Immortan Joker (Joker X Immortan Joe)
Two-Bullet (Two-Face X The Bullet Farmer)
OHOHOH!!! Before posting this I checked my Google Drive, and found the original crossover/fusion character list. So If you bothered to read this, I figured you might be interested:
Batman + Mad Max: Fury Road = Mad Bats: Funny Road
Mad Max + Batman = Mad Bats
Imperator Furiosa + Catwoman = Imperator Selina
Nux + Red Hood = Hex
Immortan Joe + Joker = Immortan Joker
Slit + Scarecrow = Slitcrow
Rictus Erectus + Bane = Bane Erectus
Toast the Knowing + Batgirl = Toast the Bat
The Splendid Angharad + Harley Quinn = The Splendid Harlequin
Capable + Poison Ivy = Poison
Cheedo the Fragile + Zatanna = Zatanna the Fragile
The Dag + Talia Al Ghul = The Ghul
Max's Ghost + Robin = Raven
Corpus Colossus + Scar Face = Colossus Scar
Scabrous Scrotus + Killer Croc = Scabrous Croc
The Bullet Farmer + Two-Face = Two-Bullet
The People Eater + Penguin = The Penguin Eater
Doof Warrior + Firefly = Doofly
War Boys + Punch/Judy =  War Clowns
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biodomewater · 1 month
As it often happens, I'm in rarepair hell,,, and I'm thinking Dag x Slit... Something about them just scratches my brain right...
She's just,, perfect ,, and he's simply Slit... She has finger tattoos and he's full of doodles on his stomach and arm... Also, the potential for creative insults is insane. "Mediocre smeg-eating schlanger".
She's a bit weird (affectionately said) and I think she'd find him kinda intriguing, maybe even a little cute ngl
Maybe I should write a fic about them? Damn right I should
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jinjoo1027 · 7 years
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혼날까봐 무서움
혼났지만 수긍
혼나서 억울(ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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jinjoo1027 · 7 years
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상대를 제압하는 방법 /아님
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jinjoo1027 · 7 years
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안돼 못가 어서 나의 뽀뽀를 받아라
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jinjoo1027 · 8 years
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슈퍼대가리들 모음
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