#sirius proposal
fiasco95 · 3 days
Regulus, studying in the library and muttering to himself,
James, slipping into the seat next to him with a piece of string, holds Regulus’ left hand and slips the ring off his ring finger.
Regulus: What-
James, measuring Regulus’ ring finger with the string: Mhm.
Regulus: The fuck-
James nodding as he picks up the ring and string, suddenly sprints out of the library: 🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️💨💨
Regulus: ?!?!?!???
Sirius: What’s with the string and ring?
James, in gollum’s voice: My precious…..
Sirius: ?????Okay???
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outromoony · 3 months
Sirius: Do you want to know your gay name?
Remus: My... gay name?
Sirius: Yeah, it's your first name–
Remus: Haha. Very funny, Siriu–
Sirius: *Gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Remus: Oh, my god.
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is betrothed!
(145 words.)
Remus notices the nickname evolution. The stupid words Sirius attaches to Remus that make the boy smile and roll his eyes, pretending there isn't a blush spreading across his cheeks.
"Moony, my moonshine, want to go to Hogsmeade?"
"Rem, darling, when's the potions test?"
"Remus, my beloved, my one and only, what's the name of that muggle device again? The one that spins and heats stuff up?"
"Moons, my complete and utter ray of light, could I borrow a book?"
Until one day it changes.
"Moony, my betrothed..."
Remus snorts a laugh, eyes still on his food.
"We're not exactly engaged, love, you'd have to ask first-" He glances up and freezes. Sirius is on one knee in front of him, a soft, nervous smile on his face, holding out a blue velvet ring box.
"Okay, sorry, I'll try that again. Moony, my soon-to-be betrothed?"
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daddiesdrarryy · 11 months
Sirius: Why am I here, Prongs?
James: I need you to try this ring on. You and Reggie have the same hands.
Sirius: Okay, put it on me. I need the full effect
James: Should I get down on my knees too?
Sirius: Sure, pretend I’m Reggie and you’re proposing
James, kneeling down: Regulus Arcturus Black, I’ve loved you ever since I first saw you, and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else but you
Remus & Regulus: *walks in the room*
James: Will you do me the honour of making me the happiest man and be my husband?
Sirius: I do!
Regulus: Are you proposing to my brother?
Remus: Are you proposing to my husband?
James: Wait—
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maraudersislife · 25 days
Modern day remus going shopping for his grandpa jumpers stressed as fuck in a room full of people, as he decided to go on his own to a vintage shop.
Across the room, he sees sirius and james going through the jewellery he walks up to them, as they are whispering to each other, and suddenly asks them
"What are you doing? " and they turn respond very quickly in unison say
"Buying leather jackets." remus looks them both up and down disapprovingly as he walks away when he gets out of earshot sirius to turns to james and says
"Good cover. we need the proposal to be a surprise."
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musicoftheheart · 2 months
word count: ~420, ib/reposting this microfic i wrote a while back
"Go on," James urged with a grin, but Regulus just rolled his eyes.
"This is stupid," he grumbled, crossing his arms petulantly. "I'm not about to make a fool of myself by jumping around trying to catch a bunch of bloody flowers, James."
"It's supposed to be a bit of fun!" insisted James, who then twisted his face into a dramatic pout. "Don't you want to marry me one day?"
Regulus rolled his eyes again. "You know I do, darling-"
"Then go catch a bouquet!"
With a huff, Regulus shook his head, but gave James a look of reluctant defeat. It was hard to say 'no' to those bambi-eyes of his.
There were a fair few people gathered behind Sirius ready for the toss. Mostly Sirius and Remus' school friends, from those Regulus could recognise; he wasn't surprised to note that both of his cousins in attendance had decided to sit out on this particular 'game' (though, he supposed Andy was already married, so only Cissa would’ve been able to, and her girlfriend Alice was already stood waiting to catch it instead).
"Alright! Are we all ready?" asked Sirius eagerly, practically bouncing from where he stood. Cheers and clapping chorused through the group, but Regulus barely held back a sigh. God, James was lucky he loved him.
The countdown began. With each number, Sirius made a practice swing backwards, his bouquet of crimson red roses in hand. "One! Two!" he counted, but 'three' never came. He was turning back around, a wide grin on his face as he started walking-
Straight towards Regulus.
Regulus blinked. What- what was...?
Passing him the bouquet, Sirius - still beaming - gently pulled him to turn around and see-
James was on one knee. James was on one knee. With a ring. Oh, fuck.
"Jamie," he managed to whisper shakily as James slipped Regulus' left hand into his own and rubbed his thumb over the back of it.
James smiled up at him hopefully. "Reg, love," he whispered. "Would you do me the honour of letting me marry you?"
Regulus was nodding before he even finished the question. There were tears brimming in his eyes, running down into his aching smile. "Yes," he breathed, letting James take his left hand and slip the ring on. "Fuck, yes. Jamie, of course."
Because with those adorable, wide bambi-eyes, how could Regulus have ever said 'no'?
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 1 year
Tumblr media
Never fails to make me laugh
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siriuslysapphicmoony · 7 months
evanesco — word count: 699
Lately, Sirius has been spending a quite embarrassing amount of time staring at his most recent purchase. He takes the small black box he keeps hidden in his makeup bag and stares at it in admiration and excitement. He imagines what it’ll feel like to finally propose. What will Remus think about it? Will he like it? Will he wear it every day? Will he stare at it the way Sirius is staring at it now, imagining what it’ll look like on Remus’ finger?
Sirius has been so taken by fantasising about his boyfriend that he hasn’t noticed said boyfriend has come back earlier.
“What’re you doing, love?” Remus asks casually.
Sirius is startled. So fucking startled that, panicking, he murmurs an evanesco and makes the little box and the ring disappear.
“What did you just vanish?” Remus asks, this time with amusement in his voice.
“Nothing.” Sirius is shaking. He almost ruined everything.
“Should I be concerned?”
“No– No, I— It’s nothing.”
He's stumbling on his words. Great. Now Remus will think he has some dark, deep secret.
“Sirius,” Remus takes a step forward, clearly concerned. “Are you ashamed of something? What did you just hide? I wouldn’t judge you for whatever it is, you know that, right?”
“I— yeah, sure. It wasn’t that— it was just— can we not talk about it, please?”
Remus frowns. He looks suspicious and amused at the same time.
“Was it porn?” he asks then, raising an eyebrow. The little menace.
Sirius huffs out a relieved chuckle. “Yeah, yeah, it was porn.” He hopes he sounds convincing enough.
A bit passes.
“Do you— do you happen to still have your transfiguration notes on how to summon back something that's been vanished?”
It's been a while since Hogwarts, it's been about 15 years since he's learned that spell and it doesn't happen often that he needs to undo a vanishing spell. He's pretty sure it's never happened before.
“Sure,” Remus looks really amused. Like he's really enjoying himself. “I'll give them to you if you show me what you were looking at.”
Aaaand Sirius is panicking again.
“Why did you vanish it anyway? Didn’t think I would judge you for it, did you? Or thought I would be jealous?”
“Something like that,” Sirius mutters, not really convincingly.
“Sweetheart,” Remus murmurs and he steps forward, reaching for Sirius’ hand and softly brushing the back of it. “There's nothing you could do that I'd possibly be judgmental of. And porn magazines don't count as cheating. You can show them to me. It could be fun.”
Remus sounds really reassuring. He even winks and Sirius is utterly in love with him.
He nods. Hoping this mess will somehow work out.
A few minutes later
“Here's my notes,” Remus says.
“Thank you, babe.”
Remus looks at him expectantly.
“I— can I have a bit of privacy for it?”
“You're still ashamed of it? Sirius, you've never been ashamed of this stuff.”
Sirius sighs as he quickly scans the notes. A warm fondness in his heart as he looks at teenage Remus' handwriting.
He panicks when he reads that you can't let too much time pass if you want your object back exactly as it was.
“Listen, Moony, I'll explain later,” he says and basically flees and locks himself in their room.
He eventually does manage to get Remus' engagement ring back.
“You don't want to show me then?”
“Can you please let it go, Moony? I'll explain everything, I swear. I just can't right now.”
“You're acting weird.”
“Do you trust me?”
Remus sighs. “Of course I trust you.”
Sirius has to propose earlier than initially planned. He just has. He can't let the love of his life think he's hiding something from him. Well, he technically is hiding something. But still.
two days later
When Sirius finally proposes and Remus has said yes and the ring is on his finger and their eyes are wet with tears, Remus gasps as realisation hits him.
“Merlin’s pants. You had vanished my ring, hadn't you? The other night. It was the ring!”
Sirius smiles sheepishly and Remus kisses him and laughs into the kiss. “You're such a lovely idiot.”
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sspadfoot · 3 months
Wolfstar’s promposal
You’re my best friend.
So don’t stop me now.
I hope you don’t feel
Under pressure.
But I need
Somebody to love
At prom.
So be my
Good old fashioned lover boy.
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maiiefizz · 6 months
Prompt: Slap, 05.04
208 Words
Part 2 (Can also be read on its own)
Part 1 Here (Prompt 04.04, Forbid)
After James and regulus get off the plane, they do the same routine as usual. In their 5-year relationship, they have already been on one or two holidays together. Regulus goes to the baggage carousels and waits for their luggage, while James looks around for funny souvenirs for Sirius.
A whole time passes, Regulus has his suitcases together and is ready for the rest, but his boyfriend doesn't turn up. So he goes back with the suitcases to look in the little shops to find his boyfriend.
He then finds James at the far end of the airport. But contrary to expectations, he is running around in circles and talking to someone on the phone.
As soon as he sees regulus, he falls silent, says goodbye and hangs up.
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"Well, your..." Regulus points vaguely at James, "that"
"Oh, I was just on the phone"
"Yes, I saw that"
"Good, you've got the suitcases? Perfect, then lets go!"
Without Regulus being able to say a word, James takes both suitcases and walks off quickly.
It hits Regulus like a blow. Is James breaking up with him?
It also hits James like a slap in the face. He has forgotten the ring.
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impishtubist · 4 days
More midnight thoughts from @soloorganaas : "Remus and Sirius can't get married until Harry breaks up with his terrible boyfriend Draco, because they don't want to have to invite anyone to their wedding that they don't like."
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engie-ivy · 1 year
Silly little epilogue to this fic
What Waits at the Finish Line: Epilogue
Sirius can barely believe it.
He’s walking through Paris at sunset by the Seine, holding hands with his fiancé.
His fiancé. His fiancé. His bloody fiancé.
He lifts up their joint hands to admire the ring, and the way it catches the sunlight. When Remus gave it to him he barely looked at it, because it didn’t matter what the ring looked like, only what it symbolizes. Remus could’ve slid a metal wire around his finger for all he cared. Also now, the awe he feels has little to do with the ring’s look, though it’s beautiful of course, but what it represents...
Remus Lupin wants to marry him. Him.
Remus glances over at Sirius inspecting the ring with a fond look in his eyes.
Sirius meets his gaze and smiles. “So what did James say when you told him you were flying to Paris to surprise me at the finish line with a proposal?”
Remus blinks. “Eh, well, I wanted you to be the first to know, so I actually haven’t told him yet?” Remus keeps walking, but a tug at his hand tells him Sirius has stopped in his tracks. Remus turns back to him. “What?”
“You proposed to me without talking about it with James first?”
Sirius blinks a couple of times.
“What?” Remus asks, slightly uncomfortable.
Sirius shakes his head and starts walking again. “Nothing.”
“Sirius, what?”
“Nothing,” Sirius repeats. “It’s... an interesting choice, that’s all.”
Remus groans. “He’s going to kill me, isn’t he?”
“No,” Sirius says quickly. “No, James loves wedding planning, so I’m almost sure he won’t kill you.” And after a moment he adds “At least not until after the wedding.”
Sirius sighs dramatically, looking up to the sky wistfully. “Oh, to become a widower so young...”
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hotdamnitsmoony · 8 months
just got back from an event where ‘the view between villages’ by noah kahan was sung so beautifully by a duo of sisters, which made me think of remus and THEN these two brothers come on and immediately i’m thinking “they’re so black brothers coded” because the older one had longer hair and was playing the guitar and the younger one had shorter hair and was playing the cello. i lost my mind, i didn’t know what to do with myself. the marauders live so rent free in my mind at this point that i can’t escape (i don’t want to)
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foxalade · 3 months
what if!!
Remus and Sirius didn't get married, not because it wasn't legal at that time, (let's be honest, since when do they care about rules? Sirius became an illegal animagus and Remus is an unregistered werewolf)
But because they thought the other was the traitor.
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The Grand Proposal - Part 1
Do y'all remember when I mentioned a hippie Remus x scientist Sirius one shot I was writing? Well, I've finally figured out what has screwed with my ability to finish it - there's too much of an idea to fit it into a single one shot, so here's me splitting it into two parts!!
Masterpost here!
“Hey, could you help me with something?” Remus asked, as Lily arranged and rearranged her expansive crystal selection. She glanced up at him, arching an eyebrow. 
“Right now? I’m kind of busy working. You’re distraction enough. A welcome distraction, but still.” She corrected herself, Remus laughing lightly. 
“No, not now, but…” He trailed off, thinking carefully. 
“Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, I just- I need to go ring shopping.” 
“You buy all of your rings off me, dumbass.” Remus watched her blankly for a moment. 
“Not that kind of ring; an engagement ring. For Sirius.” Lily’s eyes widened, crystals straight back out of her hands. 
“Remus!” She said excitedly, eyes sparkling. “Proposing? That’s amazing!” Remus smiled back, shrugging. 
“I love him. It’s about time. Also, he’s never going to do it, I don’t think he knows whether or not I believe in the institution of marriage.” They said calmly, Lily laughing. Remus looked at her expectantly. 
“I know fuck all about engagement rings though, so… help?” 
“Oh, right! Of course! We can go looking on Friday?” 
“I need to ask Euphemia and Fleamont, too.” 
"Why? They love you, it's not like you need to listen to tradition." She said with a slight laugh, and Remus smiled, rolling his eyes.
"I'm well aware, Lils, but I want to ask them about this."
"Right, okay, it's your proposal, sorry."
Lily’s work was pretty much abandoned after that, talking about rings. Lily was the expert, and he’d been considering proposing for such a long time, he was almost entirely sure that Sirius would say yes. 
The thought was still nerve wracking as fuck, but it was worth it, for Sirius. 
Sirius was worth everything. 
Sirius couldn’t focus. 
He had the same thoughts circulating in his mind that he really wanted to explore, desperately, more than anything else, but instead he was stuck at a fucking microscope. He had never been so irritated by a microscope in his life. It was very rare for Sirius to want to abandon his work, so he had a feeling that James would have a conversation with him if he tried. 
“Hey, Prongs?” 
He was right. James immediately glanced up at him. 
“D’you reckon Remus… likes marriage, as a concept? Or, not likes. Appreciates? Would want?” James’ face shifted, and Sirius could feel himself turning red. 
“Thinking about marrying him?” James asked with a smile, and Sirius shushed him quickly. 
“I don’t need everybody talking about it!” Sirius whispered. The lab knew enough about the way his brain stopped working whenever Remus so much as breathed near him. “But… yeah. I’d marry them in a heartbeat, but I need to know that he’d want to first!” 
“You haven’t had this conversation?” Sirius huffed a laugh, shaking his head once. 
“No! We never really thought about it, but I- I’d love to be able to call him my spouse.” Sirius answered. 
“Well, there’s no harm in asking.” 
“What, just proposing without knowing what he’d say?” Sirius asked, confused, and James rolled his eyes. 
“No, just asking how they feel about marriage, if they’d ever want to. Then you know.” 
“Right, yeah, that works.” 
So that’s what he did. 
He waited until that evening, and brought up marriage. The two of them were sat on the sofa together, a book resting in Remus’ free hand, one arm around Sirius. He framed it like he was curious, just wondering, trying to make sure Remus didn’t figure out that he was trying to gauge if he could propose. 
“Hey, Rem?” 
“Mhm?” Remus hummed, turning and glancing at Sirius. 
“Would you ever want to get married? In the future, I mean.” He felt Remus tense, and panicked. He’d freaked Remus out, shit. In a sudden attempt to save himself, Sirius started doing what he did best. Talking. “Not that I- I didn’t mean I wanted to, necessarily, but-“ 
“Yeah.” Remus interjected. “I could see us getting married at some point. In the future.” He added on to the end, and Sirius couldn’t help the way his heart sunk, just a little. Not yet. 
Still, it wasn’t off the table. That was promising? 
“Yeah, yeah, the future. The distant future.” Sirius said calmly, surprisingly good at hiding his feelings. Remus nodded, resting his head on Sirius’, and the matter was dropped for the evening. 
It doesn’t mean James didn’t hear a shit ton about it the next day. 
“Padfoot, you alright?” 
“Hm?” Sirius looked up from where he… really should have been working, zoned out. “No, yeah, I’m fine. It’s just…” 
“I’m assuming Remus doesn’t want to get married?” 
“No, they do, but- they said in the future.” James practically sighed then, pinching the bridge of his nose as Sirius frowned at him. 
“The future could mean literally anything, why are you moping?” 
“I’m not! I- no, I am. I’m fucking moping, god.” He dropped his head into his hands. “He didn’t even say he didn’t want to get married!” Sirius said with a groan. “I’m a loser.” He said, voice muffled by his hands. 
“I’d say that’s a sign to propose.” James answered with a shrug, sitting in the chair opposite Sirius, who moved his hands to frown at James, confused. 
“He didn’t say distant future, did he?” 
“Well, no, but-“ 
“The future could mean next year! Also, an engagement isn’t a marriage! If they want to get married at some point, they’ll say yes.” James shrugged. “I’ll help you plan it? I mean, you two have been together for years, it’s about time!” Sirius thought carefully for a moment. James wasn’t wrong. He loved Remus, and the future didn’t necessarily mean decades. 
“I need to get a ring, then.” 
“We can go on Saturday?” 
“Okay. And I want to talk to Hope about it.” Sirius added decisively. 
He was actually going to fucking do it. 
He was going to propose. 
Remus would never see it coming.
Remus dropped by Euphemia and Fleamont’s on the Thursday, while Sirius was at work. The door swung open, Remus offering Euphemia a smile as she beamed back. 
“Remus, lovely! Come in, come in!” He pulled him into a hug, and Remus still wasn’t prepared for the way the air could get knocked out of his lungs by her hugs. Still, he smiled and hugged her back, unable to stop the flood of warmth they felt towards her.
Once they had gotten in and sat in front of them, he wasn’t wasting any time. 
”So, what brings you here?” Fleamont asked, Remus somehow having ended up with a cup of tea. Christ, it was like the Potters had some kind of domestic magic Remus hadn't heard of.
“Well… I want to propose to Sirius.” He answered, watching as their eyes widened. “I know I’m not exactly… traditional.” There was literally no way on earth to define him, so that was a tad bit of an understatement. “But I did want to talk to the two of you about it first. You two mean the world to him. So I guess I’m asking for your… blessing.” They finished, turning to observe the two of them. Euphemia seemed stunned into silence, Fleamont gaining an increasingly growing smile. Okay, good signs.
“Remus, of course you have our blessing. You make Sirius happy.” Remus felt a light blush tint their cheeks, smiling back at the two of them. As much as he knew that was true, he had seen it himself plenty of times, but it didn't make it any less comforting to hear. “When are you planning on proposing?” 
“Soon.” He answered promptly. “I’m going ring shopping tomorrow.” 
He was going to propose as soon as possible. Mostly because he had an inkling that Sirius was planning the same thing, if that conversation from the night before was anything of note. They just had to hope that Sirius had been slightly put off by their injection of the word future. 
Sirius had a new resolve. 
He was going to propose as soon as he could. 
Honestly, he had no clue where the motivation came from; a few hours of overthinking actually seemed to have worked, for once, and he wasn’t going to complain. Instead of working for the rest of the day, he made a plan for the Saturday. Talk to Hope in the morning, then meet James at noon and look for a ring. The perfect plan… mostly. 
Apart from the fact that it meant he had to lie to Remus. 
Remus. Moony. His Moony, who he literally found it impossible to lie to. There was a time that he’d told Remus what his fucking birthday present was, because it had arrived while they were home and they had asked. How he was ever going to hide a whole bloody proposal, he had no idea. Still, it was for Remus. Surely he could lie for Remus? 
Well, he had to. He didn’t have any other choice. 
With that in mind, he pulled his phone out and quickly tapped out a message for him. Start the plan early.
‘Going out for lunch with James on Saturday, thought we could go for dinner in the evening? Love you xXx’ 
Okay, he could lie over text. Perfect. He was also technically actually going for lunch with James, he was just stopping by a few jewellery shops in the process. And Hope’s house. Still, it wasn’t a lie, he just… didn’t disclose. it was fine. Absolutely fine. 
He was going to be fine keeping it from Remus. At least he could lie to himself? If he could do that, he could do it for Remus. 
His ability to do so was tested later that evening, which Sirius really didn't appreciate. 
James had messaged him with a list of jewellery shops they could go to, Sirius pulling out his phone and smiling as the two of them ate. Perfect. He was getting more excited by the second. Remus arched an eyebrow, curious. Sirius looked up at them, elaborating. 
“It’s James. He’s sending me… places we can go.” He hesitated briefly, stopping himself from saying fucking ring shops. He was already screwing it up, and he wasn’t about to let it happen. 
“Ah, right. Where are you thinking of going?” 
“Not sure yet.” Sirius answered quickly, flinching at the suddenness of the words. Remus picked up on everything, and he had probably picked up on that too. Still, he didn’t say anything about it, moving on with the conversation, something about planet alignments, as Sirius tried to force himself not to panic. It wasn’t really lying if he was doing something good. All he had to do was keep telling himself that. 
He was going to propose if it was the last thing he did. 
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addsalwayssick · 11 months
“yeah and sirius would propose to remus and-”WRONG ERRRRRR remus would propose to sirius and apologize for how small the ring was and sirius would say ‘remus i would marry you with a bloody ringpop’ im right you’re wrong goodnight
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