#slowly becoming one of my favourite characters
sunshinebingo · 1 day
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A Gwynriel meet-cute fic inspired by my writer's block and the music video of I Hear A Symphony by Cody Fry.
Synopsis: Gwyn tries everything possible to put a stop to her writer's block, unbeknownst that her source of inspiration will appear right at her door.
Word Count: 2.4k
Read on Ao3 or below the cut
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She sat, alone and upset.
She sat in her home, as lonely and desperate as she had ever been, and waited for a miracle to happen.
Gwyn crossed yet another sentence, the words becoming less readable with every line she frustratingly drew across them.
“Ugh. I’m a lost cause,” she complained.
What was she doing wrong? She was applying every advice she had received from her fellow authors, some of which had worked for her previous writer’s blocks. She was so desperate that she was even doing everything all at once to increase her chances at finally writing. Her head had been a blank slate for too many months now.
The first step had been to put on her comfiest hoodie and shorts, her hair up in a high ponytail, and to sit on her comfiest chair at her desk with some cool water. She was also using a pen and paper instead of her laptop. Typing everything out later would be an extra step, but one that she was willing to take. If, she hoped hard, she managed to write anything at all. In addition to all that, she was using a different colour than black, and had convinced herself that she was using a different font. If she always used Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, her own handwriting had to count as a new font, right?
She even had ambient music playing in the background; the sound of a peaceful forest that she imagined her heroine – a nymph – living in. From the different sounds that floated around her, Gwyn imagined the nymph sitting in her little cottage, with a freshly polished dagger on a table next to a steaming cup of hibiscus tea. Magical birds could be heard chirping outside along with her ethereal voice humming. Occasionally, Gwyn could also hear tiny footsteps and giggles that made her think of the little folks that she had introduced earlier in chapter 3.
All the conditions were perfect. Every element was right here in her head; the setting, the mood, the time and weather. Yet it still felt like nothing was happening. As though she couldn’t get her heroine to do anything, no matter how hard Gwyn poked her with her mental stick. Perhaps she was also waiting for something more interesting than everything her creator came up with.
Gwyn sighed and rubbed her eyes. The bright pink was starting to hurt her tired eyes and making her annoyance with herself grow. Maybe she should have picked a different one among her many colourful pens. Could a glittery one work?
She took a few sips of water from her favourite mug, followed by a few slow and deeps breaths during which she wondered how the hell she had managed to publish two books in four years with a brain like hers.
Reading and writing were a passion that she had successfully turned into her job. It meant more to her than just paying her bills and affording everything she owned. It was her source of joy and fulfilment; what had slowly let her out of her safe shell and had given her a reason to live. At least it was all of this when the made-up creatures living in her head actually did things that she could write about. Her team of editors and publishers would never approve of a story where the characters only sat and waited for the unknown for half of the book.
“Someone could die,” Gwyn tapped her pen against her cheek and thought out loud. But for that to happen, she would have to come up with a motive and a plan.
She imagined her protagonist staring blankly at her as if to ask, “Really?”
She scowled at the pink ink on the white paper and asked, “What else do you suggest to spice up the plot?”
She refused to give up on her story midway through. Something would happen. She just needed faith in her creativity and her skills. And a prayer or two to the writers’ gods to send a genius idea her way. With little hope that they would listen, Gwyn plunged back into her story, where the nymph was still doing a whole lot of nothing.
She sat there, as lonely and desperate as she had ever felt, and slowly giving up on the hope that miracles could happen, when a rattling sound disturbed the quiet of her home. It persisted until…
“Wait a second.”
…until the author realised that the sound was coming from outside her own apartment door.
“What the hell?”
Both of Gwyn’s best friends, Emerie and Nesta, the only two who ever showed up at her place unannounced, were currently at work. Even if they had gotten out early, they would have knocked or called after finding her door locked. Which it most often was. The building that Gwyn lived in was quite luxurious with an excellent security system. But judging by the person who had been trying to forcefully open her door for the last minute, Gwyn’s anxiety about her safety began to surface again.
She stood from her desk and made her way towards what could be an intruder. Holding her pink pen up like a serial killer might hold a knife, Gwyn brought her hand to the knob. If she was fast enough, she could press the button on the interphone right next to the door as soon as she opened it and alert the security guard. But what if Frank was already dead and now the killer was coming for her? Gwyn damned herself for having gone with an apartment on the second floor instead of the twenty-second. What was the benefit of having one of the best balconies in the building if she was among the firsts to die?
“Pull yourself together Gwyneth!” she told herself.
Her heroine wouldn’t cower before the one trying to break through her cottage. She would feel the fear but confront it. Gwyn might have no dagger nor claws; she might have no magic to bring down her enemies. But, like her nymph, she refused to die. Not when she had a story to finish. Gwyn summoned as much courage as she had often infused her nymph with and yanked her door open.
What she saw crouching before her with a key in one gloved hand and a black and blue helmet in the other didn’t look like a murderer. Not that she had ever knowingly come face to face with one to know what they looked like.
Gwyn lowered her pen at her side as the man straightened and towered over her with strong arms and broad shoulders that were hugged by a black leather jacket. His brown skin glowed under the dim yellow light of the baroque-style hallway of the building. His hazel eyes were like a blaze that bore into Gwyn, even as the rest of his handsome face showed signs of surprise. There was a hint of confusion apparent in the frown of his obsidian eyebrows that matched the colour of his short, dishevelled hair.
He looked like a male straight out of a romantasy. The type whose looks alone could mark him as someone who is always broody. Until he meets the one who can effortlessly make him smile with an adorable laugh, a teasing remark or an irreverent challenging look; the latter being the kind a writer like herself would describe as a withering stare that would earn the object of the male’s fascination an amused chuckle.
Was he even real? Or had Gwyn dived so deep into her fictional world that she had landed somewhere inside it? If it was the case, then it meant that there was more to her story that she had yet to discover, since she had never met such a stunning man in that world of hers. She didn’t even know that such beauty and magnetism was possible.
He was just standing there in front of her. Yet his eyes seemed to hold a power that made it impossible for her to acknowledge anything else.
The deep voice she heard didn’t sound like it was coming from her imagination.
“Hi,” she breathlessly greeted back.
“Uh... Hi... I was...”
Gwyn took in every single fumbled words that came out of his plump lips, ready to listen to him say anything. But he stopped and, for a moment, just stared at her with an intensity that she did not realise matched the way she was looking at him.
“Can I help you?” she asked when the silence stretched, hoping that she hadn’t looked at him like she had never seen a man before. Although she was still not entirely convinced that he wasn’t a manifestation of her fantasies.
The man shook his visible stupor away at her question and offered her a small yet very charming smile.
“I think this is my new apartment.”
Gwyn frowned in puzzlement.
“I’m sure it’s not?” she said like she wasn’t sure at all.
He cocked his head to the side in thought before looking around as though he had dropped something. Then, realising he was already holding it, he held his key up for her to see.
“Isn’t this number 9?”
Gwyn’s frown deepened until realisation struck her harder than a lighting bolt.
“Ah. I see.” Gwyn pursed her lips to hold in a laugh. “May I?”
She extended her hand to the mystery man and motioned to his key with a tilt of her head.
He raised a brow at her. A corner of his lips slowly tugged into a smirk that disappeared a few seconds later. Whether he was trying to consciously school his features or not, Gwyn didn’t know. But she enjoyed the mischief that she had glimpsed for a moment there.
“You may,” he said as he dropped the small object in her open palm.
Gwyn held the key chain up and placed it next to the engraving on the wall with her house’s number on it. She showed him how, in this way, the key chain formed a miniature version of the engraving, with the design being the exact same, except for the 6 of her house number which didn’t match the 9 of his key.
His eyes darted between the engraving and the key, and to the redhead who was playfully wiggling her eyebrows at him. Then he laughed, his rich voice so beautiful that Gwyn imagined it would be impossible to ever tire of hearing it. And when she laughed with him, she found that she very much liked the harmony that their two voices created.
“I’m sorry.” He rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “That was very dumb of me.”
“I’ll give you that. It was,” she said with a shrug.
The man eyed Gwyn like he was disappointed that she had so quickly agreed. His expression only pulled another laugh out of Gwyn.
“Yours is the one over there.” She pointed at the hallway behind him. To the second door down to her left. “Next to the wall lamp.”
He look there before turning back to her. Gwyn dangled his key in front of him.
“You won’t get my home just yet but you’ll get to be my neighbour.”
She found herself curious as to what kind of neighbour mister handsome here would be. Would they come across each other at random hours of the day and night as they went about their lives?
The smile that brightened his face was more disarming than any that Gwyn had ever seen.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, neighbour.” He extended a hand to her.
“I’m Gwyneth. Or just Gwyn.”
She shook his offered hand with the same one that she still held his key. He took it with him as he slowly, almost reluctantly, pulled his hand away.
“I’m Azriel. Or just... Azriel.”
He cleared his throat and adjusted the helmet he carried under his left arm. Gwyn smiled.
“Alright. Just Azriel.”
They stood there in silence for a while. Their gazes locked, their hands fidgeting with whatever they carried. Gwyn was here and somewhere else at the same time. His body, his face, his voice, his mere presence stirred something in her. It was thrilling and also...intimidating.
He was like a mystery that was yet to be unfold. A story that needed to be written. Gwyn sensed in her writer’s heart that his could be one with pain and pleasure, ire and love. His eyes were a window through which she wanted to dive into his soul and learn all of his secrets. She also wanted to know what kind of man he could be in his most caring or vulnerable state.
Knowing a person in such a deep, all encompassing way was almost impossible. But perhaps, Gwyn wondered as her eyes widened, her version of him could provide her with the answers she sought.
“I – ”
“I – ”
“I should – ”
“I need to – ”
They both laughed at their synchronicity.
“I should go check my actual apartment.”
“And I should get back to mine. I hope you don’t get lost on your way.”
One of his brows rose. “I will blame your directions if I do.”
Gwyn crossed her arms and scowled at him. But the effect was lost with the smile that threatened to spread on her lips.
She watched him turn around and walk to his apartment. No doubt sensing her eyes still on him after he opened his door, “just Azriel” looked at her again. Gwyn waved at him. He winked, then stepped inside. Without wasting another second, Gwyn closed her own door and rushed to her desk.
Words and images formed in her mind like music flowing out of her imagination; a scene playing out like a musician effortlessly soaring through the notes of their symphony.
Gwyn immersed herself in it and let her hand glide across pages after pages of her notebook. She wrote about the nymph and her intruder, a mysterious male that became more real with every element she discovered about his character.
It might have been luck or sheer coincidence. It might have also been an answer to her hopeless prayers. Gwyn had no time to care. What mattered was that she was now inspired.
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stormspire25 · 7 months
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Little doodle of angel dust
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sunnova-art · 2 months
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Guess who got real into ff14 and forgot about everything else for way too long ^^'
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princekirijo · 6 days
DMC 3 is such a good game I can see why it's a lot of people's favourite
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the-starry-seas · 8 months
Cuy'val Dar Myles WIP peek (also is there a ship name/tag for myles and jango bc i will be needing it if so)
Myles sighs, his chin in his hand, staring blankly past the window and seeing absolutely nothing beyond it.
"I don't know if he knows what I'm feeling," he finally says.
Palakwi rolls her eyes.
"Every living thing on Kamino," she replies, "can tell you're in love with Jango, except Jango."
He frowns.
"Do you think I should give up?"
"No, I think you've chosen someone very stupid and need to lower your expectations."
"Thanks," he says dryly.
"You're welcome."
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matsunoluvr · 1 month
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୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ when the love and deepspace boys get jealous
warnings: pouty men, jealous xavier is a warning in itself, sorry if i mischaracterise…. and i also have favourites LOLL
characters: sylus, zayne, rafayel, xavier
link to master list here!
author notes: all i can think of is pouty rafayel and jealous xavier my brain is a melted goop of lnds brainrot… also sorry for not posting in a while i was on holiday!!
also quick reminder that i have requests open but 1. i’ll get to them slowly and 2. please read my pinned post about rules!
more under the cut ~
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out of the four men i think sylus is the least jealous - now let me elaborate that possessiveness and jealousy (in my eyes) are very different
if you talk to another man, sylus both trusts you and has enough faith in himself to know that no matter what the dude does, sylus is yours and you’re his
he trusts you 100%, without a shadow of a doubt. and this translates through his lack of jealousy when you spend time with other people
however, if the man even attempts to lay a finger on you, his tone becomes too sweet or his hand inches a bit too close and you’re getting uncomfortable?
you bet your ass sylus is interfering.
immediately shifts his body to create distance between you and the other party
he flashes a dangerous look at the other man, evol glowing dangerously as it whispers a small warning into the other’s ear
“Stay away and you get to stay alive.”
he seriously doesn't fuck around when it comes to your comfort and safety, and if he feels that another man is compromising it or pushing the boundaries it really ticks him off
when does sylus get jealous?
mostly when you start to spend less time with him and more time with others
it’s not as if as soon as you spend time with someone else he gets jealous, but if it causes you to start to ignore him/spend less time with him he gets jealous
when he gets jealous, he doesn’t hide it at all
sylus isn’t one to keep his feelings from you, so when you see his displeasured frown you know immediately something is up
he doesn’t get angry or petty when jealous, he just makes it clear that he’s not happy with the division of attention
when you ask him what’s up, he gives you the answer plain and simple
“Getting bored of me already? How come you’re spending more time with […] than me, I’m jealous.”
his voice is slow and clearly unimpressed, crossing his arms as he looks you up and down.
luckily for you, he’s not hard to win over
spend time with him, even if it’s not active such as going out to restaurants or to one of his formal events
the two of you sitting in comfortable silence, him reading a magazine and you looking through moments, that’s more than enough for him
he’s not opposed to displays of physical affection either, cuddling or kisses to his face - anything that tells him “you’re mine/i’m yours” will satisfy him
just make sure not to spend TOO much time with the other person, otherwise sylus might seriously hunt them down
he’d never make you jealous on purpose, he had no interest in other women/men at all and respects you way too much to pull petty moves like that
when sylus accidentally makes you jealous, he’ll definitely pamper you, spoil you with gifts and spend time with you
wanted to get the new limited edition plushie? he’ll stay in the arcade with you until you get all of them. wanted a new game on steam? he’s bought both the game, all the dlcs and any in game passes and currency.
Somewhere at some point during the day he'll simply come clean about it, after all he's a straight forward man and he trusts you.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to make you jealous. Forgive me, please?"
tldr; sylus is a love sick loser that knows you’re equally in love with him as he is with you
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here goes the award to the most composed LI - zayne gets jealous alright, not nearly as much as the coming two but he still gets jealous
it's not that he doesn't trust you, but watching you smile so brightly to the café employee or get a little too friendly with another doctor sets him on edge
if you're talking to male friends/giving them friendly hugs zayne's completely fine with it, he's happy to see you surrounded by people who care for you and for you to be happy too
at first it's hard to tell when zayne gets jealous, he has a poker face that would put lady gaga to shame
however, after a while you discover the few subtleties that give away his disgruntled state
for example, if you're talking a bit too excitedly or friendly to the barista - especially one you'd both met just today - there'd be a little crease in his forehead, his mouthwould be a fraction more downturned and his eyes a bit narrower as if he was squinting
or if you talk to him about a male colleague when you two were supposed to be out on a date, he'd definitely be jealous... however the only give away would be the faintest purse of his lips and twitch of his eyebrow
if you ask him if he's jealous he's going to deny it, he usually doesn't lie but when it comes to vulnerable emotions such as jealousy i feel he'd have difficulties expressing them
"Jealous? I'm not jealous, don't worry about me."
but then the right side of his mouth is twitching a little and if you focus hard enough he gives the impression of a kicked puppy, a very subtle hint of 'give me attention'
if you manage to learn the art of 'zayne expression reading' and finally notice that he's not 'lactose-intolerant-and-having-stomach-issues-causing-him-to-look-like-that' but in fact jealous, here's a few ways to heal your zayne!!
zayne specialists recommend a good dosage of subtle affections - e.g. bringing up one of his interests or reminiscing upon something you two did in the past, basically indicating to him 'hey, i still love you most in the world!'
he's a perceptive man and will pick up on what you're doing relatively quick, and his little grumpy face will relax back into the unconscious, soft smile he adopts when in your presence
if he accidentally makes you jealous, he makes sure you know more than anyone else in the world that he's yours and yours only.
reciprocates the small gestures such as holding your hand in public or introducing you to his colleagues
"Good afternoon to you too. I believe you haven't met [Y/N] before?"
and then he'll adjust his hand placement, sliding from patting your shoulder to gentle resting on the small of your back, a little intimate gesture that screams "I'm their partner."
makes sure by the end of the day he's got the message across, and at one point brings it up (even though you've basically forgotten what he did to make you jealous anyways)
"I didn't mean to upset you, [Y/N]. I love you only, no one else could replace you, I promise."
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okay, yeah, we made it to jealous, pouty, bratty man territory
there’s an evident gap between zayne level jealousy and rafayel level jealousy
don’t get me wrong, rafayel would do anything you asked of him - partially because of his whole lumerian bond and also because he’s utterly whipped for you
does he love you? that’s a stupid question to ask oh course he does… but does he truly trust you?
i’d like to think that rafayel (if he was dating you in this situation) is absolutely devoted to you and trusts you wholeheartedly, but in reality rafayel has deep engraved fears and uncertainties
he has a fear of being forgotten about, and likely (as a consequence of being forgotten multiple times) - the idea of being abandoned or replaced sends physical chills down his spine
so honestly, rafayel’s jealousy stems from the unwavering fear of being left alone, lost and forgotten again…
the pain of being forgotten, it’s not something he’s willing to go through any more, causing it to be difficult to fully reassure him that you’re his.
on a more lighter, more playful level, rafayel’s jealousy would probably lay with animals - specifically cats and sea creatures
one day he finds that instead of lazing about with him indoors, that you were outside napping with a cat on your lap
if he wasn’t so afraid of the cat concerned for your quality and length of sleep he would’ve had a go at the cat as it smirked triumphantly at him, licking its paws as it rolls around in your lap.
when complaining later on he would be his usual, petulant self, pouting and crossing his arms, tilting his chin up etc
“I guess you prefer those furry monsters over a fishie like me, why don’t you just leave me for one?”
to fix this petty brattiness is simple!
simply devote all your attention and affections to rafayel, as in when you two are alone and spending time together you can just pat his head or trace his beauty marks
he’ll be pouting the whole time, but after a few pats he’ll get embarrassed and his ears will go red as he says something like “I’m not a cat…” yet he still lets you pet him lol
rafayel especially likes it when you gently stroke at the roots of his hair, leaning into your touch a little every time you thread deeper into his hair
however, if you spend too much time with another man rather than rafayel, it’s a whole different type of jealousy/insecurity
he’s quiet, too quiet, and withdrawn
the situation was deeply confusing the first time around
it’s as if you ordered the wrong rafayel, what happened to his usual bratty and playful personality? this wasn’t like all the other times.
unlike his childish display of jealousy when you were with the cat, this time he had a schooled expression, blank, a facade
his expression was eerie, you’d never seen him like this, so… emotionless seeming
rafayel, really, was emotionally detaching from the relationship - he still loves you oh my god he adores you so much he’d sacrifice everything he had for you, but the idea of you preferring that other person over him?
it sends him into panic, and all he (believed he) could do was numb himself, anticipate the leave or him getting forgotten
(am i projecting too much here… avoidant attachment rafayel believer and lover 😞🙏)
if he withdrew from the relationship first, maybe it would hurt less being left again
of course you weren’t intending to leave him, so how do you fix this?
well, as unhealthy as this may seem, spending less time with the new person and more time with rafayel really would be the only way i could think of making him feel better
saying things such as “Rafayel I would never leave you.” can only provide him with short-term reassurance, after all how many times have you said that before and then still proceeded to leave him?
instead, caress him gently, give him time to feel safe in the relationship again. late night calls where you two fall asleep together or hold him in your arms as you two both sleep at night
this avoidant attachment style will, however, probably go when you two start dating, since in dating you rafayel has probably decided to let you into his heart and whole heartedly trusts you now :)
if rafayel accidentally makes you jealous, depending on the severity (again) here’s what he’d do
if it was a simple thing (such as spending too much time with the shakes idk something more tame) he’d definitely tease you
“Awwh cutie? Getting jealous of the sharks? Don’t worry, I prefer you over them any day.”
he’ll have this smug ass grin that pisses you off, as much as it makes you love him too
rafayel will give you more hugs and gifts than usual for a while after, claiming it’s ‘nothing’ and that you’re ’hallucinating things’ when you ask what he’s doing
really he’s apologising, but you don’t need to know that
if he made you really jealous/upset he’ll make is extremely clear to you that he belongs to you, his heart and will is yours
will become more clingy and affectionate with you (not that he does it on purpose infact he’s only showing his true desires more), forever. like, you get jealous? don’t worry, literally for the rest of your life you’ll know that rafayel is head-over-heels for you.
tldr: he needs a hug :( also i ended up writing way more than intended but im a rafayel lover, writer and if he has no stans left im dead
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here he is, the most jealous and arguably possessive man in lnd.
xavier tries to hide it, but everyone knows that he’s yours, without a shadow of a doubt
we all saw what happened with jeremiah, don’t make me pull out the receipts LOL. like jeremiah was just happy to finally see the girl xavier was lining over for centuries and xavier was already losing his shit 😭
literally anyone talking to you too affectionately will tick him off, but xavier’s too sly to make it obvious
you’re talking to a doctor (cough zayne) ? xavier brings up some sort of old medicine they don’t or asks about their speciality so you stop talking to them
talking to a protocore specialist? he’ll all of a sudden be holding a textbook worthy protocore, worth the poor persons whole shop
a florist? he’s pointing at every flower and naming them, both common and scientific name.
“Oh [Y/N], look at that flower. I believe it’s called a Lonicera periclymenum?”
*turns to face the clearly shocked and flustered florist with a polite smile*
“Well, maybe you know it as a honeysuckle, is that correct?”
after living for so long he’s learnt many things, and boy does he use it to his advantage
when xavier gets jealous, he doesn’t expect anything from you, no no, this man is a service boyfriend if i’ve ever seen one, he was MADE to please you
rather than thinking “oh you don’t like me anymore i’m so upset“ he thinks “i need to serve and show you i’m yours.”
do you like sweet things? he’s buying you chocolates of all kinds, if that’s not your jam he’s got pastries, or candy, or fresh fruit, maybe everything in a little gift box
prefer savoury foods? he’ll cook you a meal that he knows you like (even if you don’t trust the food) he’ll practice making it until you like it
if you talk about another person when you’re one on one with him, he’ll do little things to get your attention, maybe bite your finger softly or tuck hair behind your ear, little fleeting touches and such
cheeky little grins and conversational diversions such as 'Oh? What about you, how did you do in the exam?' or 'What were you buying in the supermarket?' - more ways of saying "i'm yours, don't forget"
but if you wanted to reassure xavier, physical affections such as cuddling and kisses can win him over
nap with him for a few nights (really he forgave you the first night, he just pretended to be grumpy with you for a while longer for more naps) and he’ll be satisfied (for now)
“Come cuddle with me starlight, I’ve still not forgiven you.”
(he’s lying, he forgave you like a week ago)
likes it when you play with his hair when you two cuddle - now this makes me want to write abt how the men cuddle lol
if he accidentally makes you jealous it’d probably be when the two of you are on a mission and he flirts with another woman to easily progress through a mission
the two of you are in the hotel room and you’re sulking in the bed, turning away from him and clearly displeased
xavier knows you’re jealous, and can only huff out an amused breath - he doesn’t like that you’re feeling bad but he’s happy that you’re jealous… means you like him as much as he likes you!
he gently walks over to the bed, shifting onto the duvet beside you and reaches out to touch your shoulder - making sure you’re okay with him touching you
if you let him, he’ll lie down next to you and slowly wrap his arms around you, spooning you from behind as he slowly kisses the top of your head
slipping your shirt down to just below your shoulder, he gives the skin of your back gentle kisses as he apologises
“I’m sorry, it was for the mission. I’ve only ever loved you, so please don’t be angry.”
and then he nuzzled into your back until you finally cave in, twisting around and hugging him back.
he’ll be seriously apologetic about it though, and in the future avoid such intimate forms of gathering information even *if* you told him it was okay
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AN; i got way too carried away with rafayel ANYWAYS hope you enjoy and now i want to write smaller hcs on how the men cuddle lolol
also this isn’t proofread no beta we die like caleb ig
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twinsyy · 4 months
one of my most favourite things in sagau is the special connection the traveler has with the player (or creator)
i absorbed the idea that the traveller would be scared about the whole controlling their body and they cant do anything to prevent it thing the first time it happens
the first time it happens is, of course, after your game first loaded teyvat. when your hold over their world was first established
that beach, the beginning of your journey. and the first time traveller had felt completely powerless against a higher and unknown being as a traveller of worlds
paimon feels robotic. it’s like she is following a script, her movements calculated and unnaturally stiff
‘something is wrong,’ the traveller thought. ‘she was… normal earlier.’
because the teyvat world already existed before you entered it. you just condemned them to follow a code in place of their real and alive selves the moment you clicked to play this game
i like to imagine they slowly gain awareness. but the traveller being the most aware. and with the most developed opinion of you
they were scared at first, but when they gradually realized you were on their side. that you were helping them. guiding their hand with yours and journey this new land in a way they agree with
how could they not gain a sense of respect and admiration for you?
and since paimon is so close with the traveller, she was quick to become self aware like the traveller
and with or without the teyvat hero, more characters realize their existence. as well as realize how adoring you are
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toadtoru · 2 months
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇 | series masterlist
pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!reader x Suguru Geto
After your city falls, you become a war price to the swift-footed Satoru Gojo, the strongest of the Greeks. You now have to adjust to your new position in a foreign camp, no longer as a princess of Lyrnessus, but as a symbol of Satoru Gojo's honour.
warnings: +18, heavy on the angst, mentions of blood, fighting and sickness, character death, smut tags: Satoru as Achilles, Suguru as Patroclus, reader as Briseis, greek gods and myths, f!reader, use of she/her pronouns, no use of y/n, smut, threesome wc: 7.3k | approx 30 min reading time
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Your least favourite part of the day is dinner. It is expected that you wear extravagant dresses, usually brought back by Gojo from whatever city he’s ransacked, do your hair nicely, and walk around amongst the tables, serving wine to whoever asks. 
Gojo always sits at the end of the table, with Suguru on one side and Nanami on the other. While the two men prefer to stay silent and observe, Gojo entertains. If one had only seen Gojo at his dinners, one would not believe that he was a deadly warrior on the battlefield. He drinks wine, laughs loudly at whatever jokes his men make, and entertains whichever king decides to come by for dinner. 
You walk around the tables, trying to bring as little attention to yourself as possible. There’s usually one other woman with you, serving wine as well. Your favourite nights are the times when it’s Nobara. You share looks whenever someone says something outrageous, and when you’re dismissed, you can debrief about whatever conversations you were able to listen in on. 
Tonight, you’re alone. You’re not entirely sure why, but it forces you to hurry around, barely having enough time before the next person asks for more wine. You're scurrying around the table, trying to ignore the way the men's eyes linger on you. No one ever touches you; they wouldn’t dare. Though you doubt Gojo would care, it’s nice to know you have some sort of protection. 
You sigh when you run out of wine and go to the table at the back end of the tent to refill it. 
“Hey, woman. Can I get some more wine?” a man asks, and you send him a tight-lipped smile. “Just a second,” you reply, and the man frowns. He holds his cup up in front of you. 
“My cup is empty,” he states. His cheeks are flushed, and you can tell he’s drunk. You nod. “So is mine,” you reply, shoving him your empty pitcher as you walk towards the wine table. A couple of men around him snicker, but the man in question’s frown only deepens, turning into a scowl. You ignore him as you walk past him. Slowly, you begin mixing the wine, humming to yourself. 
A hand touches your waist, and you gasp as you look back at the drunk man. His eyes are glossed, and his entire face is red at this point. “How dare you talk to me like that?” he slurs, and you scrunch your nose as his breath hits your face. It reeks of wine and rot. 
“Go away, please,” you say. You glance towards the end of the table, but Suguru is in a deep conversation with Gojo. No one’s attention is on you. The man shakes his head and sniffs your hair. “You smell nice,” he says. You grimace. He’s far too close for your liking at this point. His hand is still on your waist. You feel suffocated. 
“I saw you, you know. In the temple. Wanted to take you for myself, but then you ran away.” 
You take a deep breath. Suguru still isn’t looking your way. Blood roars in your ears. You want to leave. 
“Maybe I’ll pay you a visit one night,” he says. You turn back to look at him, and he grins at you, his rotten teeth peeking out. In a swift motion, you throw your elbow back, hitting him straight in the neck. He stumbles back, gripping his throat, as he gasps for breath, gurgling noises leaving him. Suddenly, people are all around you. Men appear at the man’s side, helping him. Gojo is in front of you, with furrowed brows. 
He grabs your arm and pulls you towards the exit of the tent, not saying a word. You stumble behind him. 
"Now, why would you do that, little bird?” Gojo asks as soon as you are inside the confines of his own tent. 
“He was being rude,” you answer, staring towards the chair behind him. You don’t dare to look at his face, not knowing what will happen if you do. It feels like months of buildup, stress, sorrow, and confusion catch up on you at this exact moment, all triggered by some creepy guy with bad breath. Your chest feels tight, and your head spins. 
“Rude? He was being rude.” Gojo laughs, and you snap your gaze at him, your brows furrowing. Gojo pinches the bridge of his nose, his shoulders shaking with laughter. You can’t figure out whether he’s amused or angry. Maybe it’s both.
“You elbowed a guy in the neck because he was being rude?” Gojo raises his voice. Ah, he’s angry. You frown. 
“So what? I was just supposed to let it slide? He was being disgusting, Gojo! It was merely the consequences of his own actions-”
“And what about the consequences of your actions?” Gojo interrupts, and you shut your mouth immediately. “How does it reflect on me? Now they think I can’t even control my own woman!”
“Oh, so I’m your woman now? Is that what this is? Because last time I checked, you won’t even look at me!” You point an accusing finger at Gojo, and something flashes in his eyes before he goes back to glaring at you. His brows are furrowed, and you can’t help but think that even now he looks beautiful. You hate yourself for it. 
“I saved you! Do you even know what happens to the women in the camps? In Yoshinobu’s camp?” Gojo yells, and you feel a lump in your throat. You don’t leave Gojo’s camp often; you don’t need to, but you’ve seen them around, in the shadows and behind tents, trying to make themselves appear small. In Gojo’s camp, women are treated differently. You all share the a tent, but at least you have one. Yet, you’re not quite ready to let Gojo win this one. He doesn't get to win just because he does the bare minimum.
“I didn’t need your help!” you yell back, and Gojo rolls his eyes. 
“Yes, you did!” He retorts back, and you let out an annoyed sound, hiding your face in your hands and taking deep breaths. When you’re ready, you meet Gojo’s eyes again. 
You stare at each other for a while. 
“Why am I here, Gojo? What do you need me for?” your tone is more desperate than you’d like. You need answers; you need to know. Gojo frowns. 
“That’s none of your business,” he replies, and a small laugh leaves you. None of your business? You feel like a fool. You are about to start yelling at him again, but you’re interrupted when Suguru comes into the tent. Both of your heads snap towards the entrance, where a flushed Suguru stands. Did he run here?
“What’s going on? Is everything alright?” Suguru’s eyes dart towards you, scanning your body. You cross your arms over your chest and avoid his burning gaze. 
“I’m fine,” 
“Oh, you’re fine? Now that Suguru’s here, you’re fine.” you look at Gojo, and he looks angry. His eyebrows are raised, and he’s pursing his lips, yet you don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for him. Now he’s deciding to be jealous? He has no right. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you inquire, wanting to force the answers out of him. 
Gojo glares at you. You glare back. Suguru stays quiet, seemingly not wanting to escalate the situation.
“I never asked to be here.” Your voice is smaller than you’d like. Gojo frowns. 
“Then leave. Go, if you’re so unhappy.” There’s no emotion in his voice. He’s like a wall. His face is expressionless. Suguru steps in between you, trying to make both of you see reason. 
“Okay, if we can just calm down–”
“No, Suguru! Let her leave if she so desperately wants to,” Gojo says, seemingly not interested in whatever Suguru has to say. You raise your brows. You’ve seen Gojo snap several times if there was a stain on his shirt or someone stepped out of line. You’ve never seen him snap at Suguru. Suguru notices the change as well and sighs. 
“Fine! I’ll leave then.” You’re not interested in whatever Suguru has to say, either. You haven’t talked since your kiss, as you’ve been dutifully avoiding him. You haven’t dared to face the consequences of that night. You let him under your skin, and you shouldn’t have. 
So, without looking back, you stumble out of the tent and into the darkness. Suguru calls for you, but you ignore him as you make your way towards the women's tents. You consider where you could go. There are still cities that haven’t been ransacked yet, cities whose walls stand high and proud. You could even go to Troy. 
You stop in your tracks. You could go to Troy. You could also go home. There would still be houses that hadn’t been burned and gardens that still had vegetables growing. You’re no stranger to hunting, having gone with your dad and brothers before you married. 
It would be a lonely life. 
Here, you have a purpose. You have friends and meaning, and whatever the hell is going on between you and the two infuriating men behind you. You look back. Suguru stands at the entrance of the tent, looking at you. You can’t decipher the look on his face. 
Air. You decide you need air, and so you walk towards the beach, ignoring the way his eyes burns into your back. The waves are calm, and you sit down on the sand, gazing out at the horizon. You’re not even sure why you’re hesitating.
“I thought I might find you here.” 
Suguru sits down beside you. His hair flies in the wind, making him look like something out of a painting.
“You’re angry,” he states. You scoff. 
“How observant of you,” you reply. That makes him laugh, his melodic voice cutting through the harsh wind against your faces.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he says. This you don’t reply to. You both know it’s true, so there’s no need to try and deny it. The memory of his lips on yours still burns hot in your mind. 
“Did you not like it?” you look at Suguru with furrowed brows. He looks oddly vulnerable in front of you. 
“It was nice,” you say after a while, tasting the words on your tongue. You choose them carefully, letting them lull before you let them go. “I just didn’t expect it.”
“You were the one who kissed me.” 
He sounds amused, and you feel your face grow hot as you stare at the waves. You purse your lips, holding back a smile, before bashfully meeting Suguru’s eyes. 
“You practically initiated it. Don’t act all innocent.” you reply, and Suguru clutches his stomach as he laughs. 
“You’re a real minx, you know that?” He says and you gasp. 
“I am not!”
“Yes, you are!”
Silence envelops you. You both watch the waves crash against the cliffs. 
“Does he mean it?” you ask. “Can I leave?” 
Suguru sighs. He nods. “Yes, he does.” For some reason, it’s not relief you feel washing over you. Instead, it’s a sense of disappointment. 
“You can leave, but,” a hand finds your thigh, travelling up. A shudder runs through you as Suguru moves closer, pressing a kiss on your shoulder. He looks up at you through his lashes. “I don’t want you to. Neither does Satoru.” 
Oh. Your whole body feels hot now. Suguru’s breath against your neck feels scorching, and your breath hitches. His thumb runs circles into your thigh, and you bite your lip, letting the words sink in. They don’t want you to leave. 
“But you would let me?” you say, and Suguru hums, trailing kisses up along your neck, reaching your jaw. “Yes, if you really wanted to.” 
You feel your resolve crumble. Suguru’s lips feel wet and hot against your skin. “How about this?” Suguru says words slightly muffled as he kisses your shoulder again. “Come back with me tonight.” This time he kisses the corner of your lips, and you move to look at him, your lips nearly touching. “Stay with us for now.” Purple eyes flicker between your own and your lips. “You can leave any time.” It’s merely a whisper, but you know it’s a promise as well. 
Your mind races with thoughts. Why even claim you in the first place if they’re just going to let you leave? There are so many things you want to ask, to say, but all of it comes to a short when Suguru finally presses his lips to yours, and any resistance you might have had disappears and is replaced with Suguru. Suguru, Suguru, Suguru. 
He pulls away, pressing his forehead against yours. “Come back with me, please.”
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“I’m sorry,” Gojo says, and you purse your lips. “I really am. I’m glad you’re here. And I’m glad you punched that guy. He deserved it.” You nod and meet his eyes. He looks hesitant, almost pained. As if he’s begging you to say something. Anything. 
“Thank you, Gojo,”
“Satoru. Call me Satoru, please,” he says, and you close your mouth, blinking at him. You feel Suguru’s hand on your lower back, guiding you closer to the tent. 
“Satoru,” you say, tasting his name on your tongue. Satoru nods and grabs your hand once you’re close enough. Suguru’s inside the tent already, watching your interaction closely. You let yourself be pulled in by Satoru, who smiles down at you. 
“He came by earlier. Demanded that I punish you.” 
You feel your cheeks grow hot, but you don’t back down. 
“Yeah, and what did you tell him?”
“I told him he was a sorry excuse for a man and that if he ever as much as looked at you again, I’d have his head.” 
It all feels so rash. So quick. Satoru’s barely looked at you for months, and all it took to get his attention was punching some guy in the throat? He’s clearly enticed by you now, but you’re not sure if this sudden attention is a blessing or a curse. Satoru might seem calm, but you know as well as anyone that it barely takes anything to tick him off. 
You look at Suguru behind Satoru. Satoru follows your gaze, looking at Suguru as well.
“Are you going to join us, little dove?” Suguru asks, and you hesitantly step fully inside the tent, letting Satoru close the curtain behind you. You’ve been inside this tent more times than you can count, yet you can’t deny that it feels entirely different at this moment. It feels somehow hotter and smaller as you make your way towards Suguru. You know Satoru is right behind you, even though he’s so light on his feet that you can hardly hear him. 
Suguru encourages you to come closer, guiding your hands around his neck. His own hands settle on your hips, his thumbs rubbing circles into your skin in comforting motions. Slowly, you lean up, your lips ghosting against his, yet it’s Suguru who closes the gap and kisses you. Suguru kisses you slowly like he’s got all the time in the world. You sigh into the kiss, letting yourself completely surrender. 
You almost forget Satoru is there until you feel his strong arms wrap around your waist. He burrows his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent as he presses you flush against Suguru’s body. You’re caged between the two giant men, moaning into Suguru’s mouth as Satoru deftly nibbles at your neck. 
“Let us make it up to you, little dove,” Satoru murmurs.
It’s not long before he gets impatient and lifts you. You gasp as your feet lift off the ground, and you’re moved to his bed, sinking into his blankets and pillows. For a man as rough as Satoru, you’re surprised by how soft his bed is. 
“Satoru,” you gasp as he gets on top of you, and he kisses you with fervour, sucking on your tongue and exploring your mouth. If Suguru kisses like he has all the time in the world, Satoru kisses you as though he’ll never have enough. He kisses like a starved man, like he’ll devour you if you let him. 
You might. 
Suguru joins you both on the bed. “Now, now, Satoru, you’ll scare her off,” he jokes, pulling the white-haired man off you. You gasp for breath, and your jaw goes slack as you watch Suguru bring Satoru in for a kiss. The two men kiss in front of you, and never in a million years did you imagine that you’d end up here. Yet here you are.
Satoru moans into Suguru’s mouth before Suguru pulls away and kisses you again. Satoru moves down your legs, kissing your thighs. Your dress is pulled up to bunch around your waist, Satoru being much too impatient to remove it, as his thumb finds you clit through your undergarments and begins rubbing circles into the small bundle of nerves. You moan into Suguru’s mouth, burying your hands in his hair, as Satoru watches your every reaction from between your legs. 
“Sensitive little one, are you?” Suguru chuckles as he pulls away and caresses your cheek. “Let’s help you get this off, shall we?” Satoru gives your thigh one last kiss before you stand on wobbly legs and let Suguru help you remove your dress. He does so with care, kissing your nape as he unties the back. He goes to pull it off, but you cross your arms over your chest, feeling vulnerable all of a sudden. “You first,” you say, and Suguru doesn’t hesitate to pull off his tunic. You watch over your shoulder, taking in his impressive build. He’s covered with scars from jagged blades and swords, and you can’t help but want to kiss each one. Your eyes flicker towards Satoru, who’s staring at Suguru with equal hunger. You don’t doubt that he’s already kissed them all. 
Slowly, Suguru moves over to you and helps you shrug out of your dress until it’s in a puddle around your feet. You shrug your undergarments off as well, leaving you fully naked. The chill air in the tent caresses your body, leaving goosebumps all over. 
You turn around to find two pairs of eyes burning into you, running along every curve of your body. “You’re beautiful, little dove,” Suguru says, but it’s Satoru who makes the first move, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into the bed, straight onto his lap. “C’mere,” he rasps, and immediately attaches his mouth to your nipple, sucking on it. You gasp and bury your hands in his hair, tugging on his white locks. He flicks his tongue, grinning up at you as you grind down on him, chasing friction. 
You feel overwhelmed and hot all over as Suguru comes up behind Satoru, leaning in to capture your lips in yet another kiss. His hands roam under Satoru’s tunic, making him moan into your chest before he tugs at the bottom of his shirt. Satoru departs from your nipple, now wet with saliva, to help Suguru remove his tunic. Your jaw drops at his toned chest and milky skin. 
Satoru seems to light up the tent as he glows with health and sends you a bright smile, encouraging you to touch him. You roam your hands over his abs, and his chest, landing on his biceps. “Like what you see?” he asks, and you smile teasingly. “Hmm, I’ve seen better,” you reply, and Satoru gasps, putting a hand to his chest in dismay. 
“Who could you possibly–” Your eyes flicker to Suguru behind him, and Satoru grumbles slightly. “Fair enough,” 
It’s teasing as you grab Satoru’s chin and press a chaste kiss to his lips. And another. Right when he licks your bottom lip, you pull away again, letting him chase you before you kiss him again. 
“Oh, seems we have a tease on our hands, Satoru,” Suguru says. “Let’s change that, shall we?” Satoru merely hums, flashing you a set of pearly whites, before you’re flipped onto the bed. The two men loom over you as you’re splayed against the sheets, completely bare. With their full attention now on you, you feel like you’ve walked straight into the wolf’s jaw, leaving you completely vulnerable. 
Satoru grabs your knees, spreading your legs apart, and a delighted gasp leaves him. “Is this all for us, princess?” he asks, running a finger along your sopping cunt and gathering your slick. He flicks your clit before bringing his hand to Suguru’s mouth, who wraps his lips around Satoru’s digit. The sight is utterly sinful, and you moan, lips parted and completely speechless. 
Suguru releases Satoru’s finger with a pop, and he grins at you. “Tastes so sweet.” He grabs your thighs and pulls you in until his face is hovering right above your cunt. He blows on it slightly, and you moan.
The pretty little sounds you make, make Suguru let out a scoff, and you realise that Suguru is not as nice as he has been letting on. No, Suguru Geto is a cruel, cruel man. He attaches his mouth to your clit, and sucks, making you arch your back and moan out loud. Satoru chuckles beside you as he kisses you, swallowing up your moans, before he moves down, pressing kisses to your collarbone until he reaches your breasts. He sucks on your nipples, his eyes keenly watching your every reaction, while Suguru continues sucking on your clit, two fingers entering you. You gasp and writhe as he fucks you open on his fingers, slowly curling them to hit your G-spot. 
He continues his torture on your poor cunt, scissoring you open till you can practically taste your release on your tongue. Then he pulls away with a final kiss to your clit. You whine as your orgasm ebbs away. “No, what–” you go to complain, pouting at Suguru, who simply shakes his head. 
“Not yet, little dove,” Suguru says before he removes his bottoms, leaving him entirely nude in front of you. You gape at him, his pretty cock slapping against his stomach, leaking precum already. Satoru kisses your cheek before removing his bottoms as well. You’re now left with two pretty leaking cocks in front of you, and you go entirely mute. 
“Me first,” Satoru says. Suguru teasingly rolls his eyes, but nevertheless, he lets Satoru do as he’d like. You’re placed in Suguru’s lap, his cock sitting against your back, as he holds your legs spread for Satoru. 
Satoru sits in front of you, slowly running his tip along your weeping folds. It’s a cacophony of limbs and hands, and you feel hot all over. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Suguru kisses your nape as Satoru’s cock finally catches your entrance. He groans slightly, pushing in. Three pairs of eyes are all locked on where the two of you connect. The stretch is borderline obscene. You struggle to stay sane as he pushes further in, swallow thrusts stretching you open. Satoru’s hand finds your clit, thumb rubbing firm circles to ease the pressure. “Relax for me, princess,” he says, and you whine, your head lolling over Suguru’s shoulder. “Gods, Toru, it’s so much,” you say, and Satoru whines, his cock twitching inside of you. 
“Doing so well, the both of you.” Suguru’s hands move from your legs to Satoru’s hips, pushing him all the way in. You stay like that for a while, bodies flush and hot against each other, before Satoru begins thrusting in and out, panting with each thrust. He kisses Suguru over your shoulder as you’re completely lost in the haze of pleasure, his tip repeatedly kissing your G-spot. 
Suguru soon grows impatient; the friction is not nearly enough. He kisses your neck and nibbles your earlobe, his breath hot against your ear. “Think you can take the both of us, princess?” You nod, letting Suguru press a kiss to your lips. At this moment, you think you’d do anything Suguru asked of you. You’re so completely under his spell as you let him lift you and slowly push into you, groaning at the feel of Satoru’s cock against his own. 
Satoru is a mess. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes lidded, and his hair more messy than ever. He watches where you’re all connected, a broken moan leaving him as he continues to fuck you. Suguru lifts your hips, moving you up and down on his length. It’s not long before you come apart on their cocks, having never felt so full before. Stretched to your limit, your walls pulse and clench around both of their cocks as your mouth opens in a silent scream. Suguru groans into your neck. “Yeah, let go for us, princess; there you go." With a voice soft as silk, he continues to bounce you up and down like a toy, chasing his own high. Satoru follows you promptly, having been on the edge for what felt like ages already. He spills into you, painting your walls white, instantly whining at the sensitivity as Suguru continues to use you. 
White globs of cum spill out of you as loud, squelching noises fill the room. You’d have half a mind to feel embarrassed if you weren’t so busy being split apart. Satoru pulls out and goes back to sucking on your breasts, flicking your nipples. It’s not long before Suguru comes as well, filling you up with his own cum. You’re utterly spent, slouching back against him. 
All three of your bodies are sweaty and sticky. Cum spills out of where you’re still sitting on Suguru’s cock. Your eyes are barely open. You feel utterly content as your body hums with the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
“Princess? You still with us?” Suguru asks, and Satoru detaches himself from your nipple, giving your cheek a kiss. You nod lazily. “Yeah, just... let me catch my breath,” you mumble, feeling your eyelids grow droopy. A deep laughter vibrates behind you as you slip away. 
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“Play for us, Satoru.” Suguru’s voice is calm and soft, like silk. You feel a weight lift from the bed as Satoru gets out of bed. Sleepily, you open your eyes, watching as Satoru brings out a lyre. He sits down and runs his fingers over the strings, a small melody leaving the instrument. 
He looks beautiful, you think, and more like a god than ever. The small lamp lighting up the tent makes his skin glow, and his eyes look like the ocean. He plays for the two of you, and you allow yourself to melt into Suguru’s embrace as he absentmindedly traces patterns into your skin. 
Satoru is beauty and grace. It amazes you how hands capable of such killing are now producing the most beautiful melodies you’ve ever heard. Suguru kisses the top of your head, and you look up, meeting purple eyes as he sends you a small smile. 
At this moment, you feel completely content. If this is your life from now on, then so be it. Which is why you let Suguru grab your chin and kiss you, your lips moving against one another as music fills the small tent. 
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You sleep in Satoru and Suguru’s tent after that night, lodged in between the two men. Satoru will wrap his arms around you, burying his face in your chest as your back is pressed against Suguru’s chest, and he’ll wrap an arm around the both of you. You sleep better than you have in months. You think less and less of your old life, of your husband and brothers, yet guilt gnaws in your chest on other nights. 
It’s weird how one night can change everything. Something in the dynamic has shifted. You’re no longer a prisoner or slave; you can leave whenever you’d like, yet you choose not to. Satoru knows it too. He is gentler with you, often bringing you in for hugs or making you sit in his lap. He’ll play with your hair or your fingers, and run his hands over your body. 
You let him. 
Suguru is the same as ever. He’s always been kind, and he remains so, yet it doesn’t take long for your little bubble to break. 
The plague comes before you know it. It starts with the rats. There’s always been rats at the camp; it’s only natural. However, dead rats are a whole other thing. And they’re everywhere. It’s not long before the men begin to get sick as well. Horribly sick. 
You burn pyre after pyre, building new tents where the sick can lay, but it’s not nearly enough. Men are falling like rats, one after another. You go to help Shoko, a priestess of Artemis and expert at making remedies, but even she can’t do anything. 
“It’s not natural,” she says one night, as you tend to a young man. She looks up at you, and you meet her tired eyes as she gives you a blank look. “I’ve never seen anything like this.” 
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“It’s because of him,” Satoru says one night. You’re lying with your head in Suguru’s lap, eyes closed, as his hand traces patterns into your back. You feel Suguru tense underneath you, his patterns momentarily stopping before he resumes. 
“I talked with the priest. It’s definitely a punishment,” Satoru continues. Suguru sighs. You do your best to lay still, pretending to be asleep. 
“We don’t know that for sure, Satoru,” Suguru replies, and you can hear the way Satoru begins pacing the room in annoyance. 
“Yes, we do! He refused to give the girl back. All of a sudden, there’s a plague? What else could it be?” Suguru shushes Satoru, and you can tell he’s motioning to you. 
“What are you going to do then? You can’t just kill Yoshinobu.” Suguru says in a hushed voice. There’s a long silence. 
“I could,” Satoru says, this time in a lower voice. “I could at least confront him,” he adds, and you feel him nearing closer. The two men kiss above you, and you snuggle closer to Suguru. 
“The old man is too prideful for his own good,” Satoru says eventually, and Suguru lets out a chuckle that makes vibrations run through you. 
“Yeah. Now come back to bed. You can confront him some other time.” 
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“Hey, are you awake?”
“Nobara? What’s going on?”
Nobara peeks in at you from the door through the tent. You stretch your limbs and sit up in the bed where you've been napping.
“You need to get up,” she says as a matter of fact, and you oblige, getting out of bed. You slip on your dress and fix your hair as best you can before walking towards her. Nobara has a sort of unreadable expression, and you furrow your brows in worry. “What’s going on?” you repeat, and she gives you a solemn look. 
“Come with me.” 
You stumble out through the camp, closely behind Nobara as she grips your hand. She keeps her gaze forward, and there’s a sickening feeling settling in your stomach. 
“They’re fighting,” she says. You frown. 
“Who?” you ask, and Nobara shakes her head. 
“I was washing clothes when Maki came running.” She looks back at you now. “The green-haired girl from Itadori’s camp,” she explains, and you nod, having seen her around.
You walk for a while until you realise that you’re going to Yoshinobu’s camp. “What’s going on?” you ask again, and Nobara pales slightly. 
“Remember when they sacked Apollo’s temple a couple of days ago?” You nod. Satoru was proud when he came home. He’d kissed your cheek and given you a necklace with a small coin and a lyre engraved in it. You were still wearing it. 
“Well, they brought a girl as well. Miwa. She’s a priestess of Apollo,” Nobara further explains, and you feel your heart tighten. “Yoshinobu claimed her. A couple of days later, Miwa’s father, also a priest of Apollo, came and offered gold to get her back. Yoshinobu refused.” 
You feel yourself grow sick. Apollo isn’t only the god of the sun and poetry. He’s also the god of healing and diseases. You remember Shoko’s words. It’s not natural. No, it’s a punishment for Yoshinobu for not giving Miwa back to her father. 
“So what are we gonna do? Yoshinobu has to give her back, right? It’s only right.” You reply. Maybe if Yoshinobu relents, Apollo will draw back his punishment. 
“Yes, that’s why they’re fighting,” Nobara replies. Your brows furrow. 
“Who’s fighting, Nobara?” Nobara doesn’t answer. 
Ice fills your veins when you get there. Men are everywhere, whispering and gathering around the podium, usually used to make encouraging speeches before a battle. You both push your way through the crowd until you’re close enough to see and hear what’s happening. 
Satoru looks beautiful, as he always does. In comparison to Yoshinobu’s frail build, he looks like a god, standing tall and proud on the podium. 
Yuuta, a priest, stands between them, looking more pale than ever. “Tell me, Yuuta, what is the reason for this plague that’s been bestowed upon us?” Satoru’s voice cuts through the crowd. 
Yuuta’s eyes dart between Yoshinobu and Satoru, and sweat beads down his forehead. You’re glad to not be in his position as Yoshinobu glares daggers into the young man, and Satoru calmly smiles at him. 
Satoru puts a hand on Yuuta’s shoulder and sends him a reassuring smile that you know would’ve made your knees weak had it been directed towards you. It seemingly has the same effect on Yuuta because he visibly calms down, although he’s still tense. 
“I promise you that if you speak the truth now, I will protect you with my life. Do not be afraid,” Satoru says. Men around you murmur to each other, but no one dares intervene, all nervously watching the scene unfold before them. 
“The god of the sun, Apollo, is angry,” Yuuta says, his voice coming out frail. “The plague is a punishment,” he adds, and whispers spread through the crowd. 
“As if we didn’t already know that,” a man beside you says under his breath, and Nobara snickers. Her hand is clutched in yours, and you give her a small squeeze. 
“And why is the god angry?” Satoru asks, and Yuuta somehow grows paler. He glances at Yoshinobu before staring at his hands again. 
He says something under his breath that none of you can hear and Yoshinobu huffs. “Speak up, boy,” he complains, and Yuuta frowns. 
“The god is angry because you took the girl and ignored her father's wishes for her to return,” Yuuta says. Satoru smiles victoriously. “The priest came on behalf of the god, and you insulted him to his face. Return the girl to her father or continue to suffer the consequences.”
Your brows fly up, and the crowd goes silent. “Didn’t know he had guts like that,” Nobara whispers. Satoru forward and turns to the crowd. 
“Well, there you have it, my good men. Yoshinobu simply needs to return the girl, and the plague will cease,” Satoru says. You watch Yoshinobu’s face go red with anger as he clenches his fists. 
“I will not,” Yoshinobu says, and once again, men begin talking to each other. You look around. Many of them look angry, with clenched fists and furrowed brows. They have seen their brothers and friends die, and they are clearly not happy that Yoshinobu is refusing to give Miwa back to her father. 
Satoru looks equally angry as he turns to Yoshinobu. Yoshinobu merely smiles. It’s clear he’s about to go on a rampage, but Yoshinobu speaks again before Satoru can do anything.
“Alright. I’ll give up my girl.” pleased murmurs run through the crowd. Yoshinobu’s smile drops. 
“But it’s not fair that I have to go without a girl. Since you’re so insistent that I should give up mine, it only makes sense that you give up yours as well, doesn’t it, Gojo?”
A challenge. It’s as clear as day. You feel your heart sink into your stomach. Satoru’s eye twitches. You wait for him to take on the challenge. To say no. To do anything, really. Nobara squeezes your hand. 
Satoru doesn’t do anything. He simply nods. 
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You wait in his tent until Satoru comes back. He barely looks at you as he makes a beeline for the wine standing on the table. You feel a lump in your throat as you watch him pour the wine, downing the cup's contents immediately afterwards. 
“You’re going to let them take me,” you say, as a matter of fact, and Satoru stills. He stares at his empty cup, and you nod slowly, a scoff escaping you. 
“I can’t believe you,” you say, and Satoru frowns, finally looking up to meet you. Ice blue pierces through you as he runs a hand through his messy hair. 
“It’s not that simple,” he replies, and you laugh. It’s a hollow sound, devoid of emotion. 
“You’re the strongest, aren’t you? If you wanted to stop them, you could.”
“It’s not just about who’s the strongest. Yoshinobu is the king; if I don’t follow his command, I’m directly challenging him. What I did earlier today was already out of line. 
Ah. Men and their honour. You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised. Honour is what started this whole thing, is it not? Yet you can’t help but feel betrayed. You thought something had shifted between you and Satoru. That you were somehow equal. He had let you leave, and you had chosen to stay. 
“What about me, Satoru?” you ask. One last attempt to save yourself. Satoru pours himself some more wine. His back is turned to you. 
“Yoshinobu won’t hurt you. Just go with his men.”
You were wrong. You were never Satoru’s equal. Satoru Gojo doesn’t have equals. He only has inferiors. 
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Suguru finds you as you’re packing your belongings. At least you’re pretending to. Everything you own has been gifted to you by Satoru, which now leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. “Princess,” he gasps, his strong arms wrapping around you from behind and his head settling on your shoulder. You stare ahead at the dresses in front of you. 
“I tried talking to him; I promise you we’ll find a way to get you back. Satoru just needs to swallow his honour–” You scoff and remove Suguru’s arms from you, sitting down on your bed. You haven’t slept in it for weeks.
Suguru looks pained as he kneels in front of you, gripping your hands in your lap. “I’ll help you. It’s not fair that this happened to you; if Gojo marries you, then they can’t–”
“Suguru,” you smile and squeeze his hands. “It’s alright. My life’s never been fair. There’s nothing you can do.” 
Nobara’s head slips into the tent, eyes darting between the two of you. “They’re here,” she says, and you nod, getting up. You glance at the countless dresses and decide to leave them behind. They were never yours to begin with anyway. 
Two men escort you to Yoshinobu’s camp. They look terrified, constantly glancing around, taking in their surroundings, but Satoru merely watches as you’re led away from his camp. 
The rest is a blur. You’re confined to your own tent, made to wear extravagant gowns and heavy jewellery, and paraded around like a batch of honour. You feel sick. Yoshinobu has little to no interest in you, barely glancing your way. You serve wine at his dinners now, and besides that, you sit in your tent and count the hours. It’s a boring existence compared to the one you got used to at the old camp. Yoshinobu already has concubines who've been with him since the war started. They don’t take much notice of you, mostly ignoring your presence as everyone else does. 
Nobara manages to visit you once, updating you on what’s going on outside of your tiny tent. Satoru is refusing to fight. He spends his days much like you, sulking in his tent and ignoring everyone. 
No one knows what’s happening, but the war has suddenly turned. The Greeks are losing repeatedly against the Trojans, who are pushing them back closer and closer to where you’re settled on the beach. 
It’s all a mess. 
Your anger towards Satoru only grows stronger the longer you’re left behind. A small slither of hope had remained in you—that he’d somehow come to his senses, suck up his pride, and come get you. Yet he’s stubbornly decided to be a child yet again. 
You lay on your bed, staring at the ceiling when you hear a sudden noise outside your tent. 
“Princess? You in here?” 
“Suguru,” you gasp as he walks into the tent. You immediately stand up and throw your arms around the man. He returns the hug, holding you close as you sink into his embrace. He runs his hands through your hair and cups your cheeks. Purple eyes examine you from head to toe, concern etched into them. 
“Are you alright? Has he touched you?” Suguru asks, and you shake your head, intertwining your fingers with his. “No, I’m alright. I don’t think the old man could even if he wanted to,” you jest, and Suguru frowns, shaking his head.
A silence dawns upon you, and you clear your throat, shame overtaking you as you remember how you left him. Suguru looks horrible. His long hair falls down over his shoulders, and bangs fall in front of his eyes. And his eyes, oh his eyes. Usually filled with nothing but kindness, they’re now circled by dark bags. It’s clear he hasn’t been sleeping. 
“Suguru, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten angry at you.” Despite it all, Suguru smiles. It’s a tired smile and a clear facade, but you let him. 
“No, I’m sorry. I tried to convince Satoru to not let them take you, but he’s so stubborn-”
“It’s fine, Sugu. It’s not your fault,” you interrupt as you grab his face and kiss his nose. “They treat me well. It’s clearly not about me and more a show of honour and power,” you say, and Suguru frowns deeply. He avoids your eyes, and you feel your heart drop to your stomach. 
“What is it?” you ask. 
“Satoru is still refusing to fight,” he says, and grief floods his face. “We’re losing the war.” 
His hands tremble in yours, and you stare in bewilderment, not knowing what to do with the broken man in front of you. 
“I just wish he would do something! All that power, and he refuses to use it.” He sounds angry now. “The strongest, and what does he do with it? Nothing!” His gaze softens as you flinch at his tone, having never seen this side of him before. 
“I’m going to fix things, okay? I have a plan. And then you can return home to us.” 
Suguru hugs you for the last time and sends you a smile. He kisses you before slipping out of the tent. You watch him from the door as he disappears into the camp. If you had known that this was the last time you’d see Suguru, you would have begged him to stay with you. Told him that Satoru’s honour wasn't something worth dying for. 
But you didn’t know. How could you? He was Suguru; he was Satoru’s rock; he was your rock. In your eyes, he seemed invincible. Nothing could ever truly harm Suguru Geto. 
You hear the yelling before you hear anything else. Loud, confused, screaming. People are running around the camp, and no one notices when you slip out of the tent to see what is happening. Your heart drops to your chest as you see Satoru’s lifeless body being carried by several men. Among them, you recognise Nanami. 
You go to help, but then Satoru’s helmet slips off, and you stop in your tracks. Long black hair spills down the man's shoulders. You look towards your old camp to see a white-haired man running out of his tent and towards the stumbling men. 
Slowly, you look back and forth between the two. Your heart jumps to your throat as you realise what has happened. 
Suguru Geto is dead. 
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wow, things are getting heated, things are getting wild. how do we feel? :3
btw, the scene where satoru confronts yoshinobu is entirely from memory of when i read the iliad in school in january. (where achilles confronts agamemnon) i didn't feel like going back and rereading the scene, lol, it's a tough read, but i feel like i managed to capture it pretty well. also, this is fan fiction so i can do whatever i want. (insert maniacal laughter here.)
and yuuta is a priest of apollo, which i feel like goes well with his character! especially because in jjk 0 yuuta is caught between the higher ups and satoru, which he also is here!! hee hee, look at me go. (would that make rika apollo?? nooo, i'm gonna stop now, sorry.)
thank you for reading! <3
chapter three -> series masterlist | general masterlist
wave divider by cafekitsune | fish divider by me! :D
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grandline-fics · 2 months
Oou can you do one piece men catching you in their clothes?? I've always liked this trope (?) cause i just find it so cute especially one who have like giant coats and capes like coras :D
DESCRIPTION: They catch you wearing their clothes
WARNINGS: nothing, just fluff. established relationship with Crocodile. Mutual crush in Cora's/Rosi's
CHARACTERS: Crocodile, Corazon
WORDS: 1,749
A/N: Thank you for this request! I'm a sucker for this trope. Since no specific characters were requested I went for Cora and Croc because of the big coats. If you'd like any other characters for this idea just let me know! This was my first time writing for Cora so hopefully I did him justice and that you're happy with the end results for these.
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You admired Crocodile for his rigid work ethic and extreme focus, always making sure everything was done perfectly and without error. Even in the days of running a casino simply to act as a cover for his real dealings in Alabasta he made sure it was run smoothly and properly. However sometimes his hard work interfered with any time you two could actually spend together because of how focussed he'd become. You never needed to bring this up to him because when he did have the time to tear himself away from his work it was you he immediately sought and would comment about how much he’d been away from you. You were more than used to his behaviour by now. However one afternoon as you leant against the doorframe and watched him work diligently a curious thought that you’d never really considered before crept into your mind; what would pull his focus and make Crocodile immediately stop working?
At first you decided to start small, bringing him lunch and set it on his desk, watching as he murmured a thanks and managed to perfectly skewer the sandwich with his hook and ate it without any spilling out. As he ate, his eyes remained on the paperwork he was writing. With pursed lips you stepped behind his chair and slowly draped your arm around his shoulder. Your hand settled on his chest just as he finished eating. “Hey, love. Can-?”
“Anything you want.” Crocodile’s response was automatic and his body was still unmoving from his work. You couldn’t help but find his reaction endearing, that Crocodile's want to give you anything you desired managed to break partially through his focus but it wasn't the real break in attention you wanted. 
You weren’t even going to initially ask him for anything in particular, just a mundane question to see if he'd answer. Now though he'd practically given you permission for anything you could think of. Smiling you pressed a quick kiss against his cheek and straightened, your fingers skimming against the large fur-lined coat draped over his shoulders as you did so and suddenly an idea came to you. With casual strides you made your way to your shared room with Crocodile and threw open the doors to his wardrobe. Your eyes roamed over his clothes with appreciation, everything made with the best quality materials by the finest tailors. Sometimes you felt hesitant to touch such finery but not today, he'd given you permission after all. Immediately your eyes went to your favourite coat he owned. The deep black fabric and matching fur trim were simple but striking and with the gold buttons and dark green satin lining it was just enough to draw anyone's eye. 
With a hum you slipped the coat on and grinned in the mirror at how the garment wrapped around you. It was so long on you that it trailed behind you. Leaving the room you walked back down the corridor, trying not to enjoy how his coat billowed behind you. It made sense know why he wore them now. You glanced up to see you were nearing his office and you decided that first you were going to simply walk by the open door. However you were no sooner passed the doorway when a gust of sand appeared and wrapped around your waist, lifting you off of your feet and pulling you backwards and into the room with the door closing behind you. Perched on Crocodile’s desk you stared at your lover as he sat back in his seat, watching you intently and his paperwork abandoned. “Care to explain?”
“Was curious.” You shrugged with a triumphant smile, having succeeded your goal.
“Wondered what it’d take to distract you from your work.”
“Dear, just because I’m looking at my work doesn't mean I’m never aware of your presence.” Crocodile explained as he gently took hold of the lapel of his coat that you were wearing and pulled you closer. Usually he loved the sight of you out of clothes but he had to admit seeing you in something of his only deepened his feelings of possessiveness, an extra claim that you were his   not that that was ever in doubt. “I will admit this is a sight I could get used to, although I think my work would certainly suffer as a result.”
“Still not seeing a downside to this.” You grinned up at him with a smug smile as you settled your hand over his. “I’m keeping this one by the way.”
“My love, it’s a commissioned make. No other exists. Wouldn’t you settle for your own? One that fits you better?” He was mostly teasing. Of course if your heart was set on it he wouldn’t object but would still plan on stealing it from you should the occasion call for it.
“I think this one suits me just fine but I'll be kind and share but only if I’m repaid with a kiss.”
“You have yourself a deal.”
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Rosinante stared out at the wintery expanse blankly, his dark eyes set on the people bustling about in the town below. They were used to the terrain, born and raised on the winter dominated island. With it being a day with light snowfall and cracks of blue appearing in the sky the people seemed in lighter spirits. Nice to see but it made his task of observing a possible threat harder. It was rare to have a mission set for him by his brother also overlap and bring some good for the Marines too but they did happen. If this man did prove himself to be a danger, he’d be dealt with swiftly and it’d be one less criminal in the world. Doffy would be satisfied too, not that that particular aspect would be a big factor in his actions but it would mean his undercover role would remain intact.
He blinked out of his concentration when the cigarette in his mouth was promptly stolen from his painted lips and he looked to see you stub it out into the snow with a low fizzle. Rosinante said nothing and continued to observe you as you settled onto the flattened patch of snow beside him. Feeling his stare you met his gaze and smiled sweetly. “Don't pout. I’m just looking out for your health here. Any movement?” 
At your question, Rosinante activated his power to create the soundproof area for you both. While you were both concealed from the view of others he never liked to take any chances of your conversations to be heard. With you here, your own cover was just as at risk as his should the wrong person find out and the last thing he wanted was to put you in danger even though you too had given your life to that of a double agent and spy. “Nothing yet.”
Getting to hear Rosinante’s deep voice always made you happy, part of you always thought he might be lonely in some strange way in having to remain silent in order to keep his true role a secret. It also made you happy because it meant you were someone he trusted in revealing his voice too, and what a lovely voice it was too. Such a shame practically no-one got to hear it. Knowing your roles and what you were here to do, you both kept conversation to a minimum, Rosinante using his notepad to make longer notes to you while also keeping the feathers of his coat in front of his mouth to hide his minimal verbal responses just in case someone should spot you both and see his lips moving.
For ages you both sat and fulfilled your watch until you both noticed the sun setting. Still no further forward in confirmation of the threat and his rumoured weapons smuggling from his store, you both knew that you’d have another day of investigating ahead of you. With a tired groan you stood and finally took note of how cold and numb your limbs were because of the snow. Smiling you offered your hand to your partner and helped him get to his feet. 
However his unfortunately chronic clumsiness finally reared its head and Rosinante tumbled over, knocking you back down onto the untouched snow pile away from where you'd both been sitting in and now you were soaked and your body immediately began to tremble. With chattering teeth and shaking hands you allowed yourself to be pulled out of the snow by a very apologetic Rosinante who'd managed to stay dry. You could barely brush the excess snow off of yourself and seeing your struggle, your mission partner stepped in, dusting you off as gently as possible but only kept his movements reserved for your head and shoulders. As much as he’d known his attraction for you, he refused to touch you in anyway that would make you uncomfortable regardless of how innocent his intentions were. He just knew he’d need to get you warm fast to avoid you getting sick.
You’d never been more happy to step into the room at the inn you and Rosinante were sharing, making a beeline for the bathroom to shower and get warm. When you were changed into fresh clothes you felt the difference but the chill still clung to your body and you shivered harshly as you stepped out into the room, confused to see Rosinante was gone but the fire in the room was burning with his feather coat hanging near it. Swiftly you hurried forward and bundled the coat into your arms to avoid another accident from occurring. With a sigh and shake of your head you went to set his coat on his bed only to pause when you felt how soft and warm it was. Unable to resist you pulled it on and curled up in one of the armchairs. Finally feeling your body heat you sighed in satisfaction.
Rosinante returned not long after with an extra blanket that he’d been searching for under his arm. He froze at the sight and his heart involuntarily began to beat faster. Seeing you so peaceful and wrapped up in his clothes it was more than he could bear. He didn’t think his affection and attraction for you could grow anymore but it did and from such a simple thing. It made him all the more resolved to ensure that he would keep you safe.
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e
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hedgehog-moss · 7 months
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This particular patch of woods between two cow pastures is my favourite place to go when it's cold, because there's a little stream in there that meanders in a very whimsical way, dividing itself into spiderwebs of rivulets then becoming one again, winding around every other tree, it's delightful.
The stream is smaller but still here in summer, but I like it best in winter because it sounds so delicate! In some places it runs under a thin layer of ice with a light glassy sound; in others there are branches across the stream with dozens of little ice drops hanging underneath and making a tiny tinkling noise.
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This patch of woods can be hard to find though, as it's tucked between two very large pastures that are completely featureless in winter. But Pandolf knows what we're looking for now, and since he's not distracted by cows in this season, he led us right to it.
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Congratulations Pandolf! You are useful !
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Although it's not a forest, it's easy to get lost here in winter when all my landmarks have disappeared, so I always follow the stream. One of the most recognisable spots is a hollow tree stump that looks very old and gnarled and full of character in summer, but sometimes in winter it almost entirely disappears and looks like a massive soft marshmallow (until you stumble upon it) (it hurts)
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But as long as we don't lose the stream, we'll find our way back.
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So of course I quickly got distracted and lost the stream. First because I found deer footprints, and they looked so much like Pampe's footprints I had to examine them and then look around suspiciously. (She wasn't following us. It was a deer) (I'm almost sure)
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Second, because the woods kept stealing my hat.
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Third, because Pandolf was being recklessly ambitious.
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After walking in circles for a while, instead of the stream I found a barricade of shrubs forbidding access to a mysterious meadow. (Mysterious because I have never seen this place in summer. There are no charming small meadows here! It's pasture / tangled woods / pasture!)
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I did not have time to inspect yet another fae meadow (and didn't feel very welcome here), so off we went again in search of the stream which is our only reliable landmark.
Then Pandolf found a way out all by himself:
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He was very proud to show me the cow pasture, because in his naive dog logic he assumed I was still looking for the stream in order to follow it and leave the woods. In my better human logic, I was now looking for the stream because streams have no business disappearing like that and I was taking it personally.
How did we lose the stream, Pan? It's supposed to be everywhere!
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What was annoying was that sometimes I could hear soft stream sounds, but saw nothing...
It took me a embarrassingly long time to figure out that the stream was, in fact, everywhere.
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I'd never seen the stream frozen, let alone frozen + covered with snow! I suppose it was only frozen here and not near the pastures because there's less sun in the middle of the woods and the stream is wider and runs more slowly. It was a bit fun how every time we brushed aside some snow or found a snowless spot, we discovered a piece of the missing stream right underneath.
... well, at first it was fun but then it got a little bit worrying, because the ice was quite thin and cracked easily if I knocked on it politely, so the only thing keeping me from falling knee-deep in icy water with every step I took was the layer of compacted snow. Which I didn't trust. In places where I remembered the stream being wider (so most of the snow in these areas was potentially traitorous) I tried to walk very lightly and carefully, as if it's possible to tiptoe lightly with snow boots.
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Pandolf just walked normally, completely unfussed about the fact that he was (literally) on thin ice.
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I think he could tell I was nervous but didn't know why. He looked pretty confused whenever he turned around and saw me walking like an Andalusian horse over the same spots that he'd just trampled happily.
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I'm fairly sure he knew all along that the stream was under our feet. I wish he'd told me! But maybe he could tell the ice wasn't cracking under his weight and he assumed I too knew what I was doing.
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We made it out and I only stepped right through the snow and ice and into the horribly icy water once! One soggy boot was less bad than the fate I expected when I realised I was standing in the middle of this patch of woods surrounded by a pretend-snowy ground that was actually just water.
Then I reached my car and found that I could not open any door because they were frozen shut. This had also never happened to me in the middle of the day when I parked in the sun and I felt persecuted. Thankfully I was not too far from a farm; I told Pandolf to wait for me in the nearby pasture (in case of farm dogs; I didn't have his leash) (it was in the car, keeping warm next to my Thermos of tea) and I went to knock on the door and humbly ask to borrow some hot water. The woman who answered the door noticed my very wet boot and I think she initially assumed I wanted hot water because my foot was frozen and I'd already lost three toes, but I reassured her that it was only my car that needed unfreezing.
When I returned to my car with the bottle of hot water, I found Pandolf waiting for me in the pasture as instructed, but he didn't notice I was back until I'd almost reached the road because he was busy doing what he does best. (And it's not crawling under trunks.)
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venusbby · 1 year
post it, or don't ♡
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characters/pairings: itoshi rin x reader
warnings: one cuss word lol, not proofread sorry if there's any typos!!! have a good day people.
✿ summary: your tired boyfriend is not a big fan of your spam account being filled with his overly cute photos.
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"stop that—"
"stop what?"
"you're taking pictures of me."
"im not, rinnie."
you definitely were.
how could you not take pictures of him when he's sprawled out on top of you like a house cat?
although he was trying his best not to put all of his weight on you, it was impossible to control himself. especially when his body was quite sore from his new workout routine.
rin was unusually clingy today, his exhaustion was responsible for that. initially, all he needed was to lie down on the bed and let his muscles rest against the mattress— but then he realised you were already there, scrolling through your social media.
he just couldn't say no when you opened your arms and called out to him with that soft voice of yours, and he had already started to dream of the satisfying feeling of your hands running through his hair by that time.
and that's how he ended up with his face nestled in your neck and his legs tangled with yours, much to your enjoyment and his instant regret when you clicked on the camera icon and watched the mess of the dark green hair that tickled your cheek.
he didn't realise anything at first because his eyes were closed and he was actually considering falling asleep right then and there. however, the clicking sound of your phone was enough to make him groan and hide his face further.
but your laugh was so soft yet contagious, right next to his ear, and he was holding onto that one string of hope that you wouldn't record a video of his immediate complaints.
"babyyy, say hi!" you said while doing the exact thing he didn't want you to do— recording a video. it was so fun to get on his nerves sometimes.
all he could do was give the side of your bare hips a light squeeze as he tried his best to speak quietly so the video wouldn't pick up what he was saying. "you make me fucking miserable."
your cheeks hurt from how hard you smiled. "alright, okay. i've got my pictures, im satisfied. i'll leave you alone now."
rin slowly peeked up when you placed your phone on the bedside table and shot a glare as you looked down at him. "you're not posting that. i'm tired of seeing my face on my own feed."
"yeah! totally not posting that."
"y/n." it's become a daily thing for him to use your name in that warning tone. "not even the paparazzi post as many pictures of me as you do."
you rolled your eyes. "it's because i'm your biggest fan. just one?"
"rinnie, pretty please. you just look so cute. gosh, you look even cuter right now." you tried to soften his edges a bit, feeling your chest implode with love because God, your boyfriend was so effortlessly cute. especially when his tired eyes were covered with his dark strands.
all you got in return was a grunt and rin was back to burying his face in the crook of your neck. he really didn't have the energy to deal with your weird ways of convincing. he just needed sleep, and you— he had both of his favourite things now.
you knew he granted you permission once he stopped, or more like gave up, and thanked him softly.
rin hummed as your hands ran over his neck and shoulders and lightly pressed his stiff muscles. a massage to top it all off, your boyfriend was quite literally seeing stars.
"squeeze harder," he mumbled, exhaling slowly when you did as he told you to.
"so, you've been working out."
he didn't respond, waiting for you to say something more related to that as you pondered while pressing your thumb into his skin to ease out the tension.
"don't i deserve a photo or two?" you proposed, a shameless grin on your face when you heard your lover make another noise in annoyance.
"maybe if you don't post that video," rin said, planting a quick kiss against your warm neck as he continued, knowing he had found a good solution. "i'll send you some."
and a few days later, you realised that it was a pretty good deal.
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fjskfjskfndmcndkv. this is all i have to show. bye fellow rin enjoyers.
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ashasdiary · 3 months
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader Synopsis: PWP. Gojo explores his favourite pastime. CW: established relationship, fluff, smut - cunnilingus, fingering, edging, unprotected sex, brief cockwarming, creampie Word Count: 1.8k A/N: hehe enjoy this <3
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Gojo Satoru is the epitome of the phrase “duality of man”. Why? You’ve watched firsthand how he effortlessly switches between who he is at his core (playful, intelligent, selfless and sweet), and who society has shaped him to become on the outside (hardened, stoic, serious, but still intelligent). 
He’s so easily adaptable to everything and everyone that one moment he’ll be having a gentle conversation with Megumi about working on his technique and the next he’ll be butting heads with the higher ups about assigning appropriate missions to his students. One moment, he will be taunting special-grade spirits and exorcising them, and the next? He will be on his knees worshipping your body, his head locked between your legs, while he hungrily laps at your juices. And that, you’ve found, is his favourite pastime. 
Your very being is one that hypnotises everyone that you meet, but your body is a thing to marvel. And Gojo, being the protective but possessive boyfriend that he is, has decided that since he is the only one who gets to see your body in its entirety, he will surely show his appreciation for it every damn chance he gets. 
So here you are, and here he is: you with your bare body writhing in the sheets of your shared bed, and Gojo with his, perched before you, strong arms wrapped tightly around your thighs as he devours your pussy like it’s the first time. 
The range of his character is so perfect to you and it turns you on so much knowing that this man is wholeheartedly yours. 
Your soft gasps and your breathy moans are like music to his ears; sounds which make his cock throb. He rocks his hips absentmindedly against the bed, trying to find some reprieve, while he circles your sensitive clit with his tongue. Your hand threads through his soft hair, and you tug on it lightly, just the way he likes. This, combined with the sinful sounds spilling from your lips, riles him up more and he sucks on your clit, teasing the tips of his fingers at your soaked entrance. 
Your breath shudders as you look down at him and as soon as you do, he looks up having sensed your gaze, your eyes locked. His pupils are blown so wide that only a thin ring of blue remains, and he notes the same with yours. God, you fucking loved this man. 
“Satoru,” you breathed as he pushed his middle fingers into you slowly, continuing to tease your swollen clit with his tongue. All the while he kept his gaze locked with yours. 
“I love it when you say my name like that,” he grinned, slowly retracting his fingers and pushing them into you again. 
“O-oh,” you moan, pulling a little harder on his hair. His cock is throbbing at the sight of you. He pumps his fingers slowly, the copious amounts of slick seeping from you making it smooth. He flicks your clit with his tongue and reaches up to tease your nipple with his fingers. Rolling the hard peak between his thumb and index, your other hand covers his over your breast and you buck your hips against his hand and mouth, letting out a pathetic whine from just how well he’s pleasing you. 
He’s playing your body like his favourite instrument, and the way it’s responding to his touch is truly magnetic.
“Say my name again, baby,” he requests, eyes shining as he watches you, your lips parted as you try to form coherent thoughts and words. 
“S…ah…,” you moan again as he curls his fingers inside you slightly, caressing your inner walls, and your legs quake a little. “Satoru, please…I want you,” you manage to whimper. 
“You have me,” he chuckles softly, his eyes fluttering closed as he takes his fingers from you and pushes his tongue inside you. You gasp at the change and buck your hips again, and he presses his hand flat against your abdomen to push your hips back down. 
By this point, you were desperate for his cock. Your whole body on fire with desire, you tugged more on his hair and he groaned against you, the sound of which sent shockwaves through your core.
“Give it to me,” he murmurs, alternating deftly between his mouth and his fingers and your brows furrow as you try to catch your breath and focus. “Gonna come for me, sweetheart?” He teases you as he feels precome spill from him, and all you can do in that moment is nod, because words are lost.
“Fuuuuck, you’re so fucking pretty,” he sighs happily to himself as he watches you almost reach the edge of bliss…and then, he pulls away completely. 
You blink up at him, panting lightly and cheeks flushed, feeling the loss while he kneels in front of you. “I was right there!” You whine, pouting at his decision to edge you, but you weren’t mad at all. You knew the outcome would be an even stronger orgasm.
“That’s too bad. Because now…” he runs his hands softly over your outer thighs and squeezes your hips as he bends over you, leaning his head down to trace his tongue up your body, “you’re gonna come when I do.” He teases your breasts, his mouth on one and his hand shamelessly cupping the other, pinching the taut peak. 
You let out a squeak as he licks and kisses his way up your collarbone, neck and jaw, and you almost moan at the sight of him on top of you. His face is now a breath away from yours; your legs and arms instantly wrap around him because you want nothing more than for him to consume your being. He captures his mouth with yours as soon as you lock your legs around his hips, and he tangles his tongue with yours, letting you enjoy the taste of yourself on his tongue. 
Gojo kisses like a starved man, and with you, even the smallest, chaste pecks ignite sparks deep in his belly from how perfect you are to him. So now, in this moment, the messy, breathy, needy kisses that you share are making both his and your insides go insane. You cling to him desperately, fingers running up his undercut and to his longer hair where you tug on it again. 
“Taste divine, don’t you?” He pushes his tongue against yours again and you moan in response, then louder again when you feel the solid warmth of his cock against your sensitive folds. 
“Please…”you whine quietly, cupping his face as you continue to kiss the life out of him. You don’t need to ask him twice. 
He doesn’t falter, continuing his assault on your perfect lips while he reaches one hand to guide his achingly hard cock into you. You’re the one to break the messy kiss and gasp as you look down to watch him slide into you. He feeds you each inch tantalisingly slow, knowing it’s going to send you into a frenzy. Every single time that you are intimate with this man, it’s like you’re ascending into the next dimension.
When he bottoms out inside you, you feel nothing but bliss at how perfectly his body connected with yours. You feel nothing but satisfaction at the fullness of him stretching you out, nothing but pure pleasure. He’s like a drug to you. His lips trail down to your neck, kissing, licking, and sucking on the soft skin there as he stays still for a moment, enjoying the warmth of you, of being home. “So damn perfect for me,” he murmurs and you squeeze your walls around him in response. He groans at this, drawing his hips back and rocking them forward again. And again. And again. 
Your eyes flutter shut briefly, almost rolling to the back of your head as he thrusts his cock into you, making you feel so full. You can’t think — it’s the effect that he has on you — so you reach up behind your head to grab onto the pillow to stabilise yourself. 
“My sweet girl,” he coos, “so fuckin’ perfect wrapped around me,” he praises you and you feel a small gush of wetness seep out around him. He then sits up, draping your legs over his thighs and taking hold of your hips. This was your favourite position because it allowed him to hit the deepest spots inside you. 
He ruts his hips into you desperately now, reaching his thumb over to toy with and abuse your clit some more. He alters his technique and instead of thrusting into you, he’s pulling your body onto his cock; you love when he takes control and uses you like this.
All thoughts in your head are well and truly gone by now, nothing but him in your mind, nothing but the way that he was splitting you open on his delicious cock, the sound of his hips meeting yours echoing loudly around you. 
Your back arches at the feeling of pure ecstasy, your moans filling the room as both of you near your peaks. “S-Satoru…I’m gonna come,” you pant out quickly, the imminence of your orgasm nearby. 
“Yeah? Gonna come on my cock, sweet thing?” One last time, he switches his technique again, and this time, he bends your legs and pushes them back, pinning them with his arms locked over them. He fucks you into the mattress harshly, but he only gets to thrust a handful of times in that position before the coil inside you releases, the rush of your orgasm overwhelming your senses as your walls clench incessantly around his aching cock. 
He grunts deeply at the tightness of you, trying to fuck you through it but your orgasm triggers his as his hips stutter, his deep groans making you clench again. He grunts a low “F-fuck,” and he releases his hot come into you. As he does, he leans down quickly, lips finding yours, sharing needy kisses while he pumps you full of his come. 
You’re both panting, a little sweaty, but it’s perfect. You hold onto him as you both stay connected, your kisses becoming more soft and sensual. Carefully, he slips out of you, but stays lying on top of you. 
It might’ve been messy, but you didn’t care. He nuzzles your neck, letting out soft sounds of happiness against you. “Mm. I love you, baby. You’re beautiful. And you’re mine.” His long fingers trail over your arms and your sides as he gets comfortable on top of you. He’s like your personal weighted blanket. 
He’s laying with his head on your chest, lazing with you for a sweet moment in post coital bliss. The tender moment is cut short by the sound of his phone ringing, and he sighs annoyedly as he sits up and snatches the device off the nightstand. “Hi, Gojo speaking,” he says in his normal voice and you stifle a giggle from the vast difference of how he’d been whining mere moments ago. 
“Understood. I’ll be there in 10,” he says and hangs up the phone. You let out a laugh as soon as he does. 
“You’re not real!”
“What can I say, I’m a versatile guy,” he grins. 
Do not copy or translate my work.
© ashasdiary, all rights reserved.
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Woah woah woah what's this I'm hearing about Green hate?? Is this true? Probably not, but this is a great opportunity to explain character flaws! :D (I was saving this analysis for when the entire arc is done but whatever)
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A perfect, flawless character is a boring character. What fun will there be if your character did everything right in the world, no mistakes to let them grow or problems they can learn from? This helps create conflict, which helps expand on a character and develop them further.
Green's ego problem, his whole attention and fame-obsession thing, is a part of his character for a reason. Flaws in a character makes them more realistic and relatable, you feel me?
Green is actually a really complex character, and that's something I love most about him. That's why he's my favourite.
He can be kind, he can be a cocky jerk, he can be selfish, he can be selfless, he loves his friends, he doesn't understand what he's doing to them, all of it. His character flaws make him feel real.
His wanting for a bigger taste of fame, his slowly losing himself to the world of content creation? It's realistic. It happens everyday.
I, of course, hate what he's doing to his friends, hell, I've been there before, but that's simply necessary for his character arc. When he realises his mistake, he's going to grow from it. He's going to become a better person, I just know it.
How do I know? Because we've seen it time and time and time again.
Green showing off when he wins every build battle, Green getting cocky when dodging Red’s pranks, his anger when he loses? Those flaws have been established since day one.
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Except he's still a good person.
He remained loyal to his friends, genuinely loves and cares about them so very much, and most definitely the type to drop everything for them.
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(I hope, if my analysing skills are any good..)
And who's the one who comforted Purple after all he's done to them?
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He's still including his friends, albeit a lot, lot less. He still cares about them, he's still trying to give them some spotlight, but he doesn't understand that they don't want that. Doesn't understand yet, anyway.
Sure, he's losing himself to the taste of fame, sure he's currently filled with an ego-driven, attention-seeking drive right now, but he'll learn soon.
That's what makes a character arc so darn good. Sometimes the problem isn't an outside force, or an enemy to battle, or something to stop.
Sometimes the problem is yourself, and it's something that needs to be changed.
Maybe the whole point of this fame-chasing arc is to let Green learn more about humility, in all it's glory, and the dangers of devoting your life to giving content to a bunch of strangers.
Or maybe not, who knows? There's still two episodes for the influencer arc, after all.
I can't wait to see how Green's character arc goes for it :D
(I don't mean any malice towards anyone, by the way! This is just me analysing Green's character :>
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belphegorey · 5 months
⌜games, leviathan⌟ ⎯ the perfect game. he had truly found the perfect game. ⎯ fem!reader x leviathan ⎯ warnings include: pervy leviathan, tails, accidental voyeurism and exhibitionism
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Who would have believed that they could make such a game? Leviathan was giddy in his seat as the game loaded up. Moans played through his headset and he tapped his finger anxiously on the mouse. It wasn’t the first time he had played a hentai game while everyone was asleep, far from it in fact, but it was different.
Those other games weren’t customisable.They had pretty characters, he had fallen victim numerous times to the charms, but in the new game he could make anyone he wanted. He could make you , his only true friend that Leviathan knew would never be more. You were always with his brothers instead.
The game began with your character, almost a picture perfect design of you (he did spend far too long making sure it was akin to you) moved through the dark castle. His character’s POV, a demon lord of warriors, watched as your breasts, barely hidden in the bikini top, bounced with each step.
“ Mighty Leviachan, ” you bowed before the throne, Levi whimpered at just how similar your voice sounded to your real one. He couldn’t believe he was able to customise your voice too! Like that human game you had told him about, just without the magic charms. The camera panned down as his character stood above you. You bit your lip and looked up at him from your bow, “ I apologise for the disruption. ”
Options appeared for him to choose between. Leviathan clicked on the first one, questioning why your character was interrupting him. It made the slight glow around you turn pink as you looked away from him. The view followed your eyes and he noticed the concubines surrounding his throne. All who wanted him — Leviachan.
But, they weren’t you. He wanted you. Needed you. Craved you. “ I was sent to offer you a gift, my Lord. It is a thank you from Henry for saving his life. ” Your eyes still focused on the concubines even as his character stepped toward you. The pink flashed purple and blue in envy, it made Leviathan’s cock twitch. Jealousy, his own sun, looked so perfect on you. His character lifted your chin and made you stand tall…
… You were smaller than him. So cute and tiny. Just like in reality. No dialogue options appeared and instead  the automatic response played; “ What is my gift then ?”
The thin clothing you wore was shredded from your skin, leaving you nude before his very eyes. Your thighs pressed together and your arm went over your tits while the pink aura returned in vibrant effect. “ I am your gift, Master .” Leviathan’s character made your arms return to your side and allowed him the opportunity to ogle your tits. Just like your real ones. He closed his eyes and recalled the time you accidentally flashed him your whole body. A favourite memory of his. “ That is, if you would like me .”
More dialogue options appeared. If he was feeling patient, Leviathan would take the longer route by refusing the advances of your character. But, he was too excited, the tent in his sweatpants throbbed in eagerness. “ I see, ” Leviachan waved his hands and the throne room emptied of the concubines and servants. The power was explicating to him, Leviathan was sure he could become drunk off it (it must be how Lucifer felt, why couldn’t he command people the same way) but instead his character calmly went back to his throne and removed his clothing. Only briefly did the camera show the erection held by him, as it focused back on your nervous character, slowly walking toward his seat, “ then go ahead and prove yourself as a worthy present .”
“ Yes, Master .”
It cut away and jumped to you right before him. The tip of his cock was between your lips, and your tits rubbed against his length. The hands of Leviachan tapped on your hair with authority while Leviathan’s awkwardly fumbled to pull his cock from his pants. He was already leaking, and just the small touch of his fingers made him whimper. Your moans, muffled by the thick cock of the game, played in his ears and he couldn’t help but react to each noise.
It wasn’t bad if he already gave into the game, right? It was designed for this purpose, and it was you right in front of him. Leviathan groped at his desk for his fleshlight while keeping his eyes stuck on the screen. Sweat built on your forehead as you gagged on the cock. Options appeared for him again: Tease her. Choke her. Deepthroat her. He hastily clicked on the final one while teasing himself with the opening of his toy. So tight, Leviathan was sure you would be as well.
Leviachan’s hands on your head forced you lower on his cock, and you gasped against him. Your hands and tits fell from around him and instead moved between your thighs to play with your cunt.  “ Master,” you moaned around him as your eyes fluttered shut. He could see the bulge of the cock in your throat rubbing against you while your saliva dropped against him. Each whimper and whine you made was loud for him, but Leviathan turned the volume up to its full effect as he bottomed out in the fleshlight. “ Please,”
His hips moved in the same rhythm as his character, bucking into the toy with a slowly increasing speed. Leviathan shut an eye while the other still watched the screen. He wanted to fuck your mouth, it was a carnal emotion in his veins that had him growling. Asmo probably had. Mammon definitely tried. All of them had you, but not him. He needed you. Leviathan felt his tail sprout from his backside as sharp fangs pierced his bottom lip. The tang of his blood was nothing beneath the sour taste of jealousy.
Leviachan came into your mouth, his hips in the air and hands holding your head still at his base. He could see the cum slide down your throat as your fingers worked feverishly at your clit. Slick desire pooled on the stone floor and at uk to your thighs. Leviathan needed you. He wanted to taste you and please you. He wanted to take you and use you just like Leviachan did.
“ Master, ” you rubbed your face against his creamy cock while your eyes sparkled up at the camera. Love drunk. You would never look at the real him that way, “ please let me continue. ” Leviathan did not hesitate as he clicked the continue button, squeezing the fleshlight around him with a hiss.
The screen cut away again, but only to reveal the arch of your body as you slowly slid down his erection. Your tits were right in front of the camera, though it panned down to admire how your cunt took him so greedily. Hands squeezed around your waist while Leviathan held the desk between his claws. His tail wrapped tight around his wrist while he abused the fleshlight around him.
Your moans were the ultimate soundtrack to his moment. Like when the hero reaches the peak of his adventure, your vocals grew in pitch as the character fucked you as hard as you deserve. His fangs were daggers on his lip and he attempted to silence every moan Leviathan wanted to make.
Close. He was close. He focused on how your body bounced on him as he thrusted into the fleshlight with desperation. You would take it, he knew you would let him cum inside you and beg for more. Good human. His good human. Only his.
Leviathan’s eyes closed even as the shadows around his blue-lit room bent around a silhouette. He didn’t care, he was so close to the edge, Leviathan needed his release. Your face was dropped in awe at the cock inside you, little drops of drool building in the corner of your mouth between each moan of ecstasy. Perfect expression, the perfect human — he could imagine your sweet gaze watching him as he came in you.
But, just at the edge of release, his headphones were pulled from his head and fell around his neck. Leviathan turned around with a flush, ready to be chastised by Lucifer for playing such games with your likeness… only it was far worse. You, the real you; right before his envious eyes.
Your mouth was open wide in shock, as you flittered around to try and focus on something. There was so much evidence condemning him. He wanted to crawl into his fish tank and hide from the world. It was one thing to be caught playing such a game, but one where he purposely made the character look like you, isolation was the only option. You glanced between the screen illuminating the game version of you mewling for more cock, the fleshlight stuck on Leviathan’s cock, and at his neck were the moans were loudly playing for you both to hear.
In your hand held your D.D.D, his contact open to an ongoing phone call. Phone call. Phone call? Leviathan rushed to cover himself with his pants while searching for his own D.D.D. It was behind his monitor, which he hastily switched off to prevent further shame, but his cheeks were red enough as he discovered the screen. A minute long phone call, one he didn’t recall starting. Was it Karusu? Did the bastard bird hear his moans and take it for him needing to call you.
“I thought…” he looked back at you with wide eyes, shuffling his thighs to hide the erection and toy beneath his sweatpants. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish from your shock, still looking around the room for something to focus on. Leviathan attempted to remain strong, but he couldn’t help the glance at your chest. Blue decorated your body in the most revealing way possible, courtesy of Asmodeus, and your nipples poked through the satin. The nightgown barely hid your ass, he clenched his fingers to a fist to avoid desperately flicking it up. “I though you were in trouble…”
His voice cracked, “Nope!” His body was shaking from the nerves in his mind. You were going to hate him. Probably forever. And Leviathan couldn’t blame you for that. How mortifying for him and demeaning for you. All he could hope was that you were insulted that he used your image for a hentai game. “I’m fine! You can go back to sleep now!”
“That was me,” your finger shook in the air as you pointed at the now empty monitor. Your jaw was still slack while your eyebrows remained high on your forehead in shock, “I was… how?!”
He could visualise the dialog options before him. Leviathan stuttered over his words as he decided which sentence to choose, but he had no idea of what would result in the least amount of damage! There was no guide, no promise of your relationship ending well, he was nervous. “Was it?”
Playing dumb was the worst decision. Leviathan knew it as soon as the minimal words fell from his lips. Your eyes looked aflame as you stared down at him, he felt his tail coil around his waist as he shrunk inward. “Yes,” you leaned in and turned his monitor back on. The game hadn’t paused, the graphics of you, the character he designed, continued to moan over the demon cock snug inside, “that is me! Levi, what the fuck?”
“I’m so sorry!” He whimpered into his hands, covering his flushed face and avoiding your surely disgusted expression. “I just… I really like you but I’m always so scared to say anything and I get so pent up by it. I wasn’t going to make you, really! but I just thought about how beautiful you are and then you were there. Please don’t hate me, I need you in my life! Please!”
He heard the click of his monitor again, and Leviathan was sure the room had plunged into the darkness (only a deep blue glow from his LED lights that he refused to turn off) once more. You sighed and he sobbed into his palms yet again, he knew you were going to hate him. You would tell everyone what a filthy pervert he is and Leviathan would never be able to leave his room again.
Why were you still standing there? Leviathan wanted to cry and go silk into his bathtub for the better half of a century but you still stood right in front of him. Not even moving. Did you know it was torturing him? “Levi,” your soft hands traced his hands and slowly pulled them from his face. All he could muster was a pout as he watched you smile at him. Smile? Why were you smiling? “I could never hate you. Especially over something like this. There’s no harm,”
“Really?” Because only Leviathan could have such amazing timing, his cock throbbed beneath the material of his sweatpants. He was still on the edge. Your touch on his skin had only reminded him of such. He could see your cleavage pour from the satin nightgown and his fangs sunk into his lip again. “Promise?”
You nodded and leaned in closer, making Leviathan lean back in reflex. He was confused — what were you doing? Teasing him? Torturing him? Did he even care; your body sat atop him in the chair, crotch right on top of his throbbing erection. You had to be able to feel him, and the fleshlight, but there was no comment. “I promise,”
Leviathan gripped the armrests of his chair with wide eyes. He couldn’t move. One move and he would end up spilling all over himself and embarrassing himself even more. Your fingers danced against his cheek and teased the bottom of his lips, taping his sharp fangs. “Then…” you rolled your hips softly. He thought it was an accident at first, but your sultry smile made him moan quietly. You knew what you were doing. But, “why?”
You tutted your tongue and leaned closer. He could smell you so perfectly, sweet honey that he wished to taste along his tongue. Your hand tapped at his tail and he unfurled it for you without question — but, he felt himself choke as you guided the tip of his tail to your slick cunt.
Wet. You were wet. Because of… him? That couldn’t be so, yeah, it had to be because you had been with Beel or something. But, you were showing him and making him feel how slippery you were. On purpose! “I need you to help me out, Leviachan,” you purred the words as you sucked in the tip of his tail. So tight. He groaned into clenched teeth as your cunt greedily pulled his tail further in, warm muscle throbbing around him. His cock weeped in his pants in envy of his own tail, but the rocking of your hips are aided in the jealousy. “Think you can manage?”
He nodded dumbly. No words could be formed as he pushed his tail further inside of you. Your body shuddered in glee as you formed a beautiful smile for him. For Leviathan! No separation caused by it being augmented. This was real. You were real. You were on top of him and fucking yourself on his tail.
Your nails dug into his shoulder as you whimpered for him. Leviathan couldn’t help himself from thrusting upward, pushing his hard cock against you and making you gasp in glee. “Oh, Levi,” you mewled so loud he hoped that everyone could hear that it was his name on your lips. Your head fell back and your tits moved closer to his face. He couldn’t help himself. Leviathan pushed closer and hesitantly kissed the skin of your breasts, his fangs grazing along them, “Feels so good!”
He felt like a dog getting ear scratches at your praise. The goofiest of proud grind found its way to his lips as he moved your closer to him, sucking and biting your tits all he desired. His hands, tight on your hips, forced you to grind along his dick and made you bounce on his tail. Your moans were far better than the games. They were in his ears, around his room — and all for him. The real him.
Your cunt tightened around his tail and Leviathan pushed further, forcing himself in and out at a speed faster than his mind could cope with. So long. He had desired you so long. Your noises of pleasure raised an octave as you visibly grew tipsier for his touch. Leviathan himself felt the same, he was so close to messing himself up with cum, and the self control he held was slipping.
“Fuck,” he whined into your skin with a shiver as your hips continued to grind along his lap. The control of his tail was getting sloppy as his mind melted to ecstasy, “gonna… oh fuck fuck, fuck!”
His orgasm exploded into the forgotten fleshlight and along his sweatpants, sticking to his thighs and parts of his stomach. Your giggle was harmonious as you continued to greedily take his tail for your pleasure. “You have… the cutest orgasm face…” your breathing was ragged as you attempted to regain control of your voice. Each second caused more whimpers to leave you, and your nails caused little bruises to already show on his pale skin, “wanna see it more.”
Leviathan would happily let you. He would do anything for you. Anything. Everything. Your word was his law and he happily followed each rule. “Need to see you first,” he finally found his voice, though rough and quiet there was a foreign command to it that Leviathan had never felt before. His hold on your hips tightened as he pulled your body harder against his lap, only making his tail push further inside of you, “please, need you to cum for me. All over my tail. Gonna make you suck it clean while I finally taste you myself.” He pushed you against his desk as he stood up. Just like in the game, you were smaller than him. Your eyes were wide with playful innocence though it broke with your moan at his roughhousing. “All mine. Finally all mine.”
“All yours, Levi,” you kissed him for the first time as you came on his tail, your body shaking in his arms.
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© belphegorey 2024 ⌜18+ banner from @/cafekitsune thank you <3⌟
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lesbianpepsi · 1 year
sweet like cinnamon
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pairing: jenna ortega x blind!fem!reader
summary: you fell in love with her voice years before you fell in love with her.
link to request
series masterlist
words: 2.619k
warnings: reader makes blind jokes?, light swearing, bad writing
authors note: this isn't my best work which i heavily apologise for, life has been a real mess lately and i just haven't been enjoying it at all🫠🫠
Nobody in this world has the same voice; nobody. Some might have similar sounding voices but nobody's is identical.
You didn't really notice that until you were fifteen years old, the young tragic age you turned blind. You were the one in a million that was born with thrombophilia (blood clotting disorder) which resulted in you getting vessel occlusion in your eyes, making you slowly become more blind as the years passed until it completely vanished. 
It was horrible in the beginning, to tell the truth but as the years passed the more you got used to being blind and the more you became okay with it. 
The one thing you didn't appreciate enough when you had sight was people's voices. When that was the only thing that could help you detect who was talking to you, you became entranced by peoples voices. 
The soft spoken people, the gruffly sounding people, the neutral sounding people. You loved hearing people's voices, but there was one voice you had completely fell entranced to, like a pirate to a sirens mystical voice. 
A actresses voice. 
You have never heard such a soft and relaxing voice before in your entire life. It was as sweet as honey; warming your heart as a smile played on your lips whenever you heard the voice.
The first time you heard her voice was when you were sixteen, your friend had invited you over to watch a random horror movie 'The Babysitter: Killer Queen.' 
In honesty you didn't enjoy the movie at all, finding it boring and annoying at times. But one thing compelled you into watching it; one voice. 
The voice of the character Phoebe who was played by 'America's It Girl' Jenna Ortega. 
Her voice was so soft spoken yet it had that gentle raspiness to it that captured all of your attention, her calming voice soothing you in a way that even surprised you. 
You were utterly fixated on it. 
After that day you proceeded to find out what other movies she had been in, listening to them all at least once.
The more movies you listened to, the more you became in awe of the calming voice of Jenna Ortega.
As you grew up, your fangirl behaviour died down. You didn't religiously listen to her voice as you did in your teens, but you'd never forget her sweet voice. 
"C'mon Yelena." You whispered to your guide dog, the grip to her harness in your left hand while your right hand was occupied with your mobility cane, running it along the pavement as you walked down the street, the golden retriever leading you towards your favourite cafe. 
It was a warm Thursday morning, the sun shined brightly over the town you lived in, warming you up as you walked down the quiet street.
You didn't have a particularly busy day that day, so you decided to head down to the local cafe. 
The place was a family run cafe that you absolutely adored for a myriad of reasons. Its loving atmosphere, the best coffee you ever had and your own signature booth at the corner of the cafe. 
It was honestly like your second home at this point.
As you rounded the final corner you smiled to yourself and walked over the one crooked step on the sidewalk, remembering exactly where it was like the back of your hand.
With a few more steps you felt Yelena slow down as she prepared to face the cafe door, you smiled down at her as you gave her a quick pat before you pushed the door open, the familiar ring reaching your ears as you entered the cafe. 
You and Yelena walked over to the booth in the corner with a smile on both of your lips. As you reached the booth you loosened your grip on Yelena's harness, knowing you'd be okay without her and the fact she was an extremely well behaved dog.
Leaning your cane against the corner booth seat, sighing as you listened to the sound that filled your ears.
Idle chatter heard was the first thing you could hear the second being low music that played throughout the cafe, a Taylor Swift song that you didn't know the title of. 
As you focused even further you suddenly heard quiet breathing from the booth. You snapped your head instantly in the direction of the noise, flushing red with embarrassment.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't know someone was in the booth." You rushed out slightly embarrassed, not expecting someone in so early and in the booth.
A quiet whimsical laugh filled your ears, you tilted your head to the side. You knew that laugh, it sounded so familiar.
"No it's my fault for not saying anything before, I'm really sorry." The woman apologised back, a small laugh still noticeable in her voice.
Your eyes widened dramatically behind your thick black sunglasses, you definitely knew that voice. 
As you tried not to physically explode when you realised Jenna Ortega was sitting in front of you, you rubbed the back of your neck as you smiled crookedly.
"I should've asked if someone was here, nobody's usually at this booth, especially this early in the morning." You explained to her as you clicked your fingers, Yelena swiftly moved to your side, her harness already between your fingers.
"Honestly you don't have to apologise, we can share the booth if you'd like?" She offered in a honey sweet voice, her voice enchanting you as it did when you were sixteen.
You honestly couldn't believe your absolute luck, I mean it's not everyday you'd run into Jenna fucking Ortega. 
Loosening your grip on Yelena's harness you gave an eager nod to her, smiling brightly. "Yeah that sounds great." You told her as you slowly sat down, Yelena moving to sit down on the floor next to you.
"I'm Jenna." She says, you smile at her as you extend your hand to her direction. "Pleasure to meet you Jenna, I'm Y/n." 
Her soft hand met yours as she gave it a gentle shake, her fingers having a strong yet a gentle grip on your hand. It was as if electricity coursed through your veins the moment her palm connected with yours, tingling your entire body from your fingertips to your ears.
Your and Jenna's hands lingered there for longer than any handshake should be, as if both of you didn't want to take your hands back. 
Slowly, you and the brunette did eventually pull away as you smiled nervously at her, still heavily intimidated that you were currently sitting in a cafe with Jenna Ortega.
"Are you a regular here?" She asked once the two of you had duly pulled away, her hand grasping around her mug. You nodded your head as you smiled softly. "Yeah I've been coming here for years. You?"
Jenna smiled at you as she sipped her coffee, a gentle smile toying on her lips. "I just found this place a few months ago and have been coming here at least two times a week ever since then. I've never seen you here before though."
You snorted out a laugh. "I've definitely not seen you." 
Jenna stumbled over her words as she let out a nervous laugh, not knowing how to respond to your joke. Most people didn't know how to react whenever you made a joke about your blindness. They'd always get flustered as if they'd offend you if they'd laugh at your joke. 
"You can laugh, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't want you to laugh." At that Jenna finally let out a genuine laugh, not a nervous awkward laugh people do when they don't know whether to laugh or not.
Your heart fluttered in your chest the same way it did when you were sixteen as you heard her laugh, it still being one of the most heavenly things you had ever heard. 
As her laughter died down Jenna was leaning on her hand as she gazed at your features, a smitten smile already on her face.
"Why've you been coming here for years?" Jenna asked curiously, her sole focus still on you. You purse your lips momentarily as you think of an actual reason. "Well, I've been told the place is beautiful and they serve the best cinnamon latte I've ever tasted." 
Jenna grinned as her eyes flickered down to her drink, a cinnamon latte; her favourite.
"Is that your favourite?" She voiced as her slender fingers wrapped around the warm mug. You nodded your head with your own smile on your lips. "Yeah, been my favourite forever. The ones here are just so strong it beats any other cafe." 
Jenna hummed as she sipped her latte. "That I agree with." 
 You grinned at her as you felt more relaxed with the entire situation, relaxing into your chair as you listened intently to her.
Footsteps were heard coming in your direction, light but they were still noticeable. You moved your head in the direction of the footsteps as you smiled, you already knew who it was from the footsteps.
"Nance, great to hear you again." You greeted her with a grin, the old woman cackled as she arrived at your booth.
"Y/n, my favourite customer. How've you been, dear?" She asked as she bent down to place the dog bowl full of cold water and a few ice cubes for Yelena, the golden dog greedily began slurping away at the beverage the moment it touched the ground.
You nodded your head weakly. "Mediocre but much better now since I arrived here." Nancy let out a quick chuckle as she shook her head. "One cinnamon latte, I'm guessing?"
"You know me too well." You answered with a smile as you turned back to face the woman sitting across from you. 
"You want another one, Jen?" She asked as she turned to face her; Jenna nodded her head with a polite smile on her face. "Please."
Nancy nodded her head as she scribbled away on her christmas notepad. "Two cinnamon lattes for the two lovely ladies. Enjoy your date girls." She said with a mischievous grin that only Jenna witnessed before she turned away to go make your drinks.
You blushed heavily, looking down as you hoped Jenna wouldn't notice it. Little did you know Jenna herself had a soft blush that tainted her cheeks beautifully.
Coughing, you covered your hand with your mouth as you picked your head back up, your face facing Jenna's. 
"Great minds think alike?" 
Jenna laughed lightly as she looked at you in awe. "Only the greatest."
You quickly realised that conversation between you and Jenna flowed by swiftly. 
Jenna eventually did bring up the fact she was a well known actress, to which you simply replied with what you knew. 
She was slightly surprised but it didn't change how she spoke to you, and it never changed for you once.
Both you were so lost in your own small world in the corner of the cafe neither of you even noticed how much time had passed. 
As you were telling her the story of how you almost died twice in the same holiday her phone rang loudly, interrupting you quite rudely. 
Jenna groaned as she glanced at the screen, her face souring as she noticed her time with you was up.
"It's my manager, probably wondering where I am." She explained as she declined the call, clicking the 'Sorry, I can't call right now.' option as she shoved her phone into her pocket.
You exhaled as your fingers played with the empty mug in front of you. "Duty calls?" 
Jenna frowned as she nodded her head, growing the urge to throw her phone out the window as she felt the low vibrations of the text messages from her boss. 
"Unfortunately." She grumbled as she looked at her half empty cup of latte. You smirked at her as you stopped moving your fingers. "What, you don't wanna leave me or something?" 
"Nah, I just don't wanna go listen to my manager yap for hours." 
"Wow, being mean to a blind woman? I'll cancel you for that, Ms Ortega." You remarked with a playful smile, chuckling yourself. 
Jenna shook her head amused as she ignored the onslaught of messages from her manager.
"Cancel me? Oh no, what could I do to make you rethink your decisions?" Jenna asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she lifted her mug to take another sip of her drink.
Your mouth was running much faster than your mind, before you could even process the words coming out of your mouth you replied back to her in a confident voice.
"Take me out on a date." You answered in lightning speed with a nervous smile, a blush appeared on your cheeks moments after you noticed what you said. 
Jenna was silent for a moment, in that small moment your confidence was easily diminished as your fear began increasing as fast as your heart beat. 
"I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from. I know we just met and I probably just made you really uncomfortable." You apologised as you tilted your  head down.
"Y/n." Jenna said.
You ignored her as you kept apologising to her, you had already convinced yourself she was going to reject you and thought you were weird.
"I honestly don't know what came over me, I probably just ruined any small potential of a friendship we could've had by that." You carried on apologising, unaware of the delighted smile on Jenna's face.
"Y/n." She said with a more firm tone, her voice raised to steal your attention. Gingerly you lifted your head, that scarlet red hue still tainted your cheeks. 
"I'd love to go on a date with you." Jenna exclaimed in her sweet voice that practically made your nervous frown flip into a boisterous smile. 
"Really?" You asked in disbelief. 
Jenna laughed as she nodded her head, her smile so wide she was showing her pearly whites to the world. 
"Really." She confirmed as she lowered her empty mug, placing it next to yours. "I'd love nothing more if I'm being honest."
You beamed at her words, your heart never calmed down as you still couldn't believe Jenna Ortega said she wanted to go on a date with you.
Abruptly, Jenna's phone rang loudly once again, making you and Jenna annoyed at the distribution. 
"Can I have your number?" Jenna asked you as she ignored the ringing, you nodded your head eagerly. 
"Oh thank god you asked for it, I was so scared you were gonna say something like 'fate will  bring us together again.'" You replied as you took out your phone from your pocket, passing it over to Jenna.
She giggled as she looked for your number on your phone. "You don't believe in fate or something?"
You shook your head. "Oh no, I  believe in fate. I just don't think fate would let me magically see you and spot you in public." You joked as Jenna began entering her own number into your phone after she was done with hers. 
Jenna didn't say anything as she chuckled quietly, passing your phone back to you.
"I really have to leave now, otherwise my manager will actually send a team looking for me." Jenna apologised with a sigh. You laughed softly as you smiled as softly at her.
"I'll call you?" She asked as you heard her shuffle out of her side of the booth. Your head followed the movement of the noise, nodding your head with a smile. 
"I'll be waiting." 
"I won't make you wait too long." 
a/n: fun fact, i fucking hate cinnamon with a passion
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thinkingotherwise · 3 months
Kuro Tetsuro, his s/o, and their first kiss
My man <3 I had to write for him, just had to make him the first character from Haikyuu I post for.
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Kuro was an interesting person, to say the least. Additionally, or maybe, because of that, he attracted just as unique people, keeping them as his friends. You, being one of them.
You met Kuro during your junior high school days, and the moment he got to know your home was near his and Kenma's he decided to befriend you. Of course, being his friend you couldn't escape his favourite sport.
There were tens, if not hundreds, of times when he made you go with him and play volleyball, even if you weren't really interested in it. Other times you would either watch as Kenma had to join him instead of you, or the three of you played together.
You actually enjoyed watching them play rather than stumble trying to hit the ball yourself. There was just something in the way he enjoyed the sport. His grins and excited eyes every time he did exceptionally well during his matches. Even his prideful and cocky personality seemed to enchant you. It was just him and him alone that had that effect on you.
You liked Testuro, liked his every side, no matter how irritable he could be sometimes. If you had to pick one you loved the most, it would be his nerdy side, because of his passion for volleyball, which made him simply cool, and his knowledge about chemistry, which seemed to even his cool personality, as if he couldn't be too cool. And as it wasn't all because of his big brain and surprisingly great grades in the subject, it was his puns. His usually cringy and eye-rolling puns.
Sometimes you wondered if the puns came from his friendship with Bokuto, as the owl captain seemed like a person who liked to joke, but it may as well be Fukunaga, who although was silent, his interest in jokes was well known.
You used his talent for chemistry, with his approval, or more like with him telling you to. Testuro proposed to help you out when he noticed the poor score on one of your tests. It first had him laughing his hyena laugh before he turned to you and told you.
"You're a lost cause. Thankfully, I'm kind enough to become your tutor."
So you did use him, as he wanted, participating in the little tutoring sessions between you two. Did they work? Maybe.. Hard to tell, as he tried his best to explain the stuff to you, and your grades were better but...
"Is it any good?" You asked hopefully after finishing some exercises from the workbook. You pushed it to your left and toward him on the table and he grabbed it.
You put my pencil in your mouth biting on it as you saw his face twisted and eyes narrowed in focus. His pencil tapped on the workbook before he looked up and turned to you.
"Nah, not really, here I'll explain it again." Tetsuro said moving the book back in front of you as he started explaining the theory and exercise to you.
Even when you sometimes didn't get it at first and he had to talk you through the topic again.
You really appreciated him for that and it made you happy that he would spend some of the free time, he could spend playing volleyball, to help you.
"Hey, no worries. Just be like a proton." He said in the middle of his explanation and at the exact moment you started feeling like you didn't get anything once again.
'Oh no..' You thought knowing pretty well what was coming. Still, you couldn't help a small "What?" leaving your mouth.
You slowly turned to look at him with his stupid grin on his face.
"Stay positive." He giggled right after the line and you felt something in you break.
Unfortunately, although he was smart and very knowledgeable, he was still your idiotic Tetsuro. And it meant situations like that were happening regularly...
"Ugh.." A groan left you as your hand moved to your temple and massaged it slowly.
"I got more." His enthusiastic voice called and before you could say anything he continued. "What do you call an acid with an attitude?"
Your silence didn't stop him. On the contrary, it fueled his need for your approval.
"A-mean-o Acid."
"Tetsu." You said slowly.
Your gaze moved to him to see his proud face looking at you with that smile. It seemed like your look was too little to dishearten him. Testuro moved closer to you placing his hand on the table and leaning his head on it.
"What emotional disorder does a gas chromatograph suffer from? Separation anxiety." He answered to his own joke lazily, all while his eyes were stuck on you.
"Tetsuro please." Your begging voice echoed in the room making him chuckle.
And sometimes when he started he didn't know when to finish. The puns seemed neverending, you wondered where he got them from.
He sat up momentarily and leaned even closer to you.
"Wait, are all these jokes too basic for you?"
You felt your fist tightening as irritation started to gather inside you.
"Because I see no reaction."
'Please someone stop this.' You prayed in your mind.
You turned to your workbook and placed a pencil on the exercise you had to correct.
"Can we go back to the-" You were cut off by his quick mouth.
"I wish I was adenine. Then I could get paired with U."
That was it, you've had it with him. You looked at him determined smacking the pencil down on the table.
His grin grew as he thought you finally liked his little pun.
"How did you-"
It was your turn to cut him off as you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. Your mouth smashed against his keeping him silent.
Testuro was shocked at your move but soon smiled into the kiss and pushed his lips against yours. His hand moved to your face as his forefinger curled under your chin.
The moment you pulled away and your eyes opened you noticed the awed gaze in his. He breathed deeply and for a moment it was silent. Finally, he was silent, with no more chemistry puns. Just him looking at you, at your flustered face but unwavering gaze.
Unfortunately, the silence was quickly gone as Tetsuro broke it with his curious voice.
"Oya? What was that for? Not that I mind."
You held his gaze.
"To shut you up. Seriously, how many chemistry jokes do you know?" You answered.
"You want to check?"
Your eyes widened not believing he had more of them. This man had to search the internet to get to know so many of them. (I know I did)
"Do you want me to make you my bromine and oxygen?" He asked and resigned you waited for him to finish.
He smirked tapping the periodic table that was placed next to your workbook. You sighed your gaze searching for the two chemical elements.
"BrO?" You asked confused.
"Of course, I'd prefer something different." Testuro flirted with you his finger moving to your forearm and running along it.
"Then shush and help me understand this." You smacked his hand away.
Your hand moved back to the pencil you left on the table and you picked it pointing it at him.
"If I pass my exam then we can go on a date." You declared and he straightened in his seat.
"Oya? Oya?" Your words certainly got his attention.
"Focus! And no more fun facts till we finish."
The smile fell off his face.
"But I think these jokes are sodium funny."
"Tetsu, stop."
Nevertheless, you loved him, his passionate, charming, heck even his nerdy side.
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