#i go back and forth between creator! reader
twinsyy · 4 months
one of my most favourite things in sagau is the special connection the traveler has with the player (or creator)
i absorbed the idea that the traveller would be scared about the whole controlling their body and they cant do anything to prevent it thing the first time it happens
the first time it happens is, of course, after your game first loaded teyvat. when your hold over their world was first established
that beach, the beginning of your journey. and the first time traveller had felt completely powerless against a higher and unknown being as a traveller of worlds
paimon feels robotic. it’s like she is following a script, her movements calculated and unnaturally stiff
‘something is wrong,’ the traveller thought. ‘she was… normal earlier.’
because the teyvat world already existed before you entered it. you just condemned them to follow a code in place of their real and alive selves the moment you clicked to play this game
i like to imagine they slowly gain awareness. but the traveller being the most aware. and with the most developed opinion of you
they were scared at first, but when they gradually realized you were on their side. that you were helping them. guiding their hand with yours and journey this new land in a way they agree with
how could they not gain a sense of respect and admiration for you?
and since paimon is so close with the traveller, she was quick to become self aware like the traveller
and with or without the teyvat hero, more characters realize their existence. as well as realize how adoring you are
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991 i hav emerjenci
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Wow, what an absolute dumpster fire, right? *gestures broadly* ↓Below the cut↓ are some specific things as a reader/mutual/friend/etc you can do that will make things a little better.
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You come across someone posting/using someone else's work without express permission to do so:
INFORM THE ORIGINAL CREATOR/POSTER (OP) DIRECTLY ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ Let OP know BEFORE you attempt to engage with the person on their behalf. ✧ OP will probably want to lay eyes on the situation, and, if the person stealing their work is tipped off, they might proactively block OP and/or remove posts before they can be verified as stolen. ✧ Do not harass the person who stole the work. It might be coming from a place of wanting to stick up for OP, but it ultimately doesn't help the situation.
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OP is experiencing a hate brigade, nasty anons, or trolling over their fic:
PRIORITIZE ACTIONS AND BEHAVIORS THAT KEEP THE FOCUS ON SUPPORT FOR OP ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ Reblog the fic in question with a glowing recommendation or just leave a comment under it expressing your appreciation for it. Both actions will boost the work in question as well as show direct support for OP. ✧ Reach out privately through DMs if you have that sort of relationship, or send a supportive message through asks. Keep it simple and short as they are probably overwhelmed with the shitstorm at certain points. ✧ Speaking up with a supportive comment or post for OP isn't necessarily a bad thing, but arguing back and forth with the trolls/hate brigade/etc. - even if you are doing it with intention to support OP - only fuels the fire, and some of them are doing it for the attention anyway.
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OP seems down / isn't motivated to write / is expressing considerations of leaving fic writing altogether because of the current climate on this hellsite:
GIVE THEM THE SPACE OR TIME THEY NEED, BUT ALSO LET THEM KNOW THAT THEY ARE VALUED ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ For the love of god please don't bombard them with asks about when xyz is going to be posted. This is a hobby for them, and they have jobs, families, and other life responsibilities that come first. Many would love nothing more than to sit and write all day, but that just isn't the reality for 99% of fic writers. ✧ Show their older works love, too. Many fic writers take the time to curate an organized masterlist of their works, and many have been writing for a while. There is a trove of wonderful content that can be read or re-read while you patiently wait for your fave to update. ✧ If you're waiting for an update on a specific fic, go back through the older chapters/updates and leave a comment saying you love it so much that you're coming back to visit older chapters while you wait to see what happens next in the story. I guarantee it will give them a boost of motivation for that story in particular. ✧ REBLOG AND COMMENT. Yes, do both of those things. I want you open up a fic you love and scroll down to the bottom where you can see likes, comments, and reblogs. I want you to look at the disparity between likes and comments/reblogs. Clicking a heart button is pretty much zero effort, and it comes across as such to many writers. It's not how Tumblr operates. This is a REBLOG site. That is how things make their way around. That is how posts get engagement. That is how other people can discover the fic writers you enjoy. Look, I even made a meme to show you what it feels like when after hours and hours of writing and editing you finally post a fic and then somebody only hearts it:
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Even a simple "I loved this so much and can't wait to read more!" does wonders. A quick reblog that mentions your favorite part in the story is like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for writers.
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You come across people trashing a writer you like:
CONSIDER IF IT'S HELPFUL OR NOT TO ADDRESS IT ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ People are allowed to have negative/differing opinions about things. If they are expressing their dislike, even in a nasty way, they are allowed to do so. ✧ If it is a genuinely harmful/disparaging conversation, look to see what sort of traction the conversation has. Sometimes it's better to just let something die down before it can even take off. Examples of genuinely harmful/disparaging conversation include but aren't limited to: accusing OP of something egregious without any evidence to support it, framing rumors/gossip they've seen about OP as factual, deeming them criminally or morally corrupt based off a personal opinion they have of OP/their works. ✧ Remember that while serious concerns (like the above point) might be good to share with OP, not every instance of negativity or hate needs to be brought to their attention. If it's just some random jerk on a different platform talking about how much OP's writing is amateur hour, you should probably just leave it be. OP is a person at the end of the day, and sometimes things can be more hurtful than helpful for them to see.
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OP isn't acting / responding in a way that you like:
REMIND YOURSELF THAT THEY ARE JUST ANOTHER PERSON IN THE FANDOM AND ARE NOT AN INFLUENCER ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ OP isn't in this fandom to be put on a pedestal (of course there are always exceptions, but I'm not talking about those people) and treated like an influencer. ✧ OP creates works in the fandom because that is how they choose to engage with the fandom. It is one of many ways that people can come together in a community and celebrate an actor/movie/series/etc. ✧ OP is not a content farm. They are writing and sharing because they genuinely enjoy it. They are not being compensated. They are not being endorsed by anybody or any company. They are a normal person trying to take part in a fandom they enjoy. ✧ OP is not obligated to address or comment on a situation, an interaction, discourse, etc. They are not an influencer and aren't equivalent to the parasocial relationships that influencers (aka people who make a living off the internet) have with their followers. OP is not required to "use their platform" for something. It's not a platform. It is OP's personal account where they engage and post in fandom. That is why it exists. OP is not some mega entity that has to speak on something because you demand or expect it.
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OP blocked me:
THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ Listen, I know it can be hurtful/confusing if you are blocked, especially if it is a writer you really like. I guarantee you that it was not done out of spite and for no reason. ✧ Take a look at the circles you run in, the posts you like, the sort of comments you leave, etc. Many writers are quick to block these days because the climate of this hellsite is very charged and exhausting. If OP sees your username cropping up again and again in fandom drama or you liked a discourse post with a shitty take or your chummy mutual is going off the rails with some bullshit, you might just get caught up in the Block Party. ✧ Don't go through another channel/account to ask why you've been blocked. No, you aren't entitled to a reason. OP is allowed to protect their mental health and peace, and they don't owe anyone an explanation of why and how they choose to curate their experience on this hellsite. ✧ If you believe you were blocked by mistake (which, again, is very unlikely), just take the L, homie. I know that's not what you want to hear, but that's just how it is.
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If you took the time to read this, share it, or just in general intend to apply it to your interactions, ✨thank you✨!
Here is a Pedro gif tax for your time and attention. 💜
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latenightdaydreams · 23 days
Triggered!König x Reader (fem)
This was inspired by a Tiktok I saw from the creator CrëëpyKönig (Spooky Vexx)! So if you enjoy please go show them love and please remember to be kind and respectful 🩷 Link attached!
Master List✍🏽
>cw: fem/afab, bullying, stalking, obsessive König, non-con, p in v, biting, anal, humiliation, recording
1.6k word count
On KorTac’s base, König is known as a bully. He is a massive, arrogant, and aggressive man who always seems to enjoy stepping on those beneath him. When you joined a much smaller woman, you quickly found that you weren’t spared from this treatment. 
A year into being a part of KorTac and things with König have only escalated. No one is brave enough to stand up to him, so you’re left to fend for yourself. He uses his height to his advantage as well as setting you off by being incredibly sexist. In his eyes, you’re the easiest target on base. 
Underneath your calm exterior, a rage was forming. Yes, you’re small, but you know your own strength. Respect is the only reason you haven’t gone completely crazy on your colonel. Everyone knows he deserves it. 
It’s been raining hard these last few weeks, leaving the outdoors training field to turn into a muddy mess. That doesn’t stop the military, though. König has his men, and you, outside running drills back and forth through the slick terrain. Everyone is slipping, unable to gain proper footing; yet it’s when you fall that you hear König’s harsh accent boom throughout the open space. 
“Pathetic little girl!” König barks. “Get up!” 
As you scramble to your feet, you feel his hands violently lift you before setting you on your feet. You can feel your hands trembling, but not with fear; it’s that rage. König looms over you, yelling down at you as everyone around you stops to watch the vicious verbal assault with looks of sympathy on their faces. 
Time seems to slow as you lift your dominant hand into a fist, pulling back and punching König with everything you’d got. His head actually snaps back, causing a loud gasp to echo out amongst the team. Your eyes widen once you realize what you’ve done, you just assaulted your colonel. 
König feels a sharp pain, followed by the taste of blood beginning to fill his mouth. This little bitch. His eyes snap down to yours with a look of shock. 
First, it was one laugh, followed by a roaring laughter that spread between everyone. The smallest tear slips from König’s eye as they widen, glaring down at you. He looks around quickly, trying to fight back the waterfall of tears threatening to be released. It’s as if he’s eleven again and his entire class is mocking him. For a moment, he isn’t the 6’10 280lb colonel; he’s that chubby 5’9 child that didn’t fit in. 
Slowly, his look of shock turns into a wild look of horror. Without another word to you, König leaves. He hurries to his barracks, leaving you alone with an odd feeling forming in the pit of your stomach. A few people come up to you simply to thank you for doing what they’ve been too scared to do. Others make sure that you’re okay. 
The events of the day came and went. It was talked about for a while, but you were never reprimanded so no one ever reported you. König has backed off of you, leaving you to believe he simply realizes that you’re not the one to mess with. If only you knew how wrong you were. 
Then you begin to notice König almost everywhere you are. He’s never obvious, hiding within the cover or crowds and dark corners of the halls. Almost as if he has become your own personal boogeyman. At the same time, it’s base and your schedules line up, so maybe you’re just being paranoid. Simply noticing him where you never did before because of the deep-rooted fear that he might retaliate one day. 
Your first thought is the correct one though. König is everywhere you are, watching every move you make, attempting to familiarize himself with every little aspect of your day to day. Ever since you humiliated him, he’s grown obsessed with you. Not even a fully grown man has ever had the balls to do what you did to him. That day he cried like he hadn’t in a very long time, not since his mother passed. 
The desire to own you, forever, consumes his every waking thought. His mind continues to replay the look in your eyes when you hit him, the sounds of laughter, and the taste of blood. He’s obsessed with the idea of getting back at you, making you feel the humiliation and torment he felt in that moment. 
König was missing from training today, not that you mind, it was just odd. His job is his life and you’ve never known him to have missed a day. Either way, you felt as if you were finally able to relax and focus on excelling at the tasks at hand. 
That very night as you walk back to your room, a recruit you don’t recognize walks up to you with a note in their hand. He holds it out to you, looking into your eyes with a blank expression. You reach out and open it to read that you’re wanting to finish signing paperwork. Confused, you look up, ready to ask a question; but the recruit has left in a hurry.
You look down at your watch to see how late it is, wondering if the people in the offices are even still there at this hour. With a deep sigh you turn and head across base. The sun is setting, the sky a beautiful pale blue color setting a calm tone over the moment. 
Upon entering the building, you notice that the halls are empty. Some lights are still on, so you just continue on to the room that was scribbled down. You knock. No answer. You know again and wait before trying the handle. You walk in to see a blinking red light in the darkness. Confused, you linger for a second; long enough for König to reach out, grabbing your neck, and pulling you inside. 
You get slammed on to the wall as the door closes leaving you in complete darkness. Short shaky breaths flee your lips as you try to not scream; you know it’s König. A million things are running through your mind as you gaze up in his direction. 
“What do you want?” You ask, trying to be bold, but your voice cracks.
“You.” König whispers, dragging your body forward and slamming you down on a desk. 
Your head hits the cold wood hard enough to cause a ringing in your ears. In a panic you begin to push up against the desk, but it’s no use since König is nearly twice your size. Finally, you realize the blinking light to a camera recording; what is he about to do? 
König lets go of your neck and moves his hands all over your body, tracing every curve and contour of your much smaller frame. He completely towers over you, consuming you. Having you underneath his fingers, completely defenseless and vulnerable. 
“I’m sorry! Please don’t do this!” You cry out as he begins to strip you of your clothing. His sharp canines dig into your back as he slides your shirt up, pulling a loud scream from you. No one heard you, you're completely alone with this monster. 
“You’ve been an arrogant, disrespectful, little slut!” König shouts as he spanks your ass harshly. 
He undresses behind you, pulling his pants down to be around his knees. His eyes flick over to the camera to make sure it’s still recording before looking back down at you. Your outline is visible to him as his eyes have adjusted to the dark. He laces his fingers through your hair and pulls your head back to bite your neck. Again, you let out a loud cry making König feel a rush of excitement. The more pain you feel, the more pleasure he feels. He lets go and you fall back on the desk. 
“Keep screaming for us, Hase.” He mocks. 
Your thoughts are redirected as you feel his cock slip along your dry folds. You beg him to not do this as your hips squirm back and forth to attempt to get him away. The searing pain of his cock pushing into you causes your body to tense up. 
As you lift your abdomen from the desk König slams you back down. His hand remains on your back to hold you there as his hips pull back and slam into you. A soft moan leaves his lips as a pained whimper leaves your own. 
“This…” König speaks with a voice laced with lust. “…is what women are made for. To be whores. To be fucked.” He growls as his hips begin to buck forward into you faster.  
In infrared, the camera records König’s thick veiny cock slamming in and out of your tight little cunt. The pained look on your face and sad little whimpers coming through perfectly. On the other side of the camera men sit with their cocks in their hands, masturbating to your torment. 
“Say you’re a worthless whore.” König demands as he closes his eyes and leans his head back to immerse himself into the pleasure of you. 
You say nothing, only angering König more. He pulls out of you, spitting on to his hand to rub on the head of his cock before moving back to you. The tip pushes against your asshole. 
“Say it.” He growls once more. 
“I- I’m a worthless whore.” You say with a weak voice. 
“Ah, good girl.” König whispers as he presses his cock painfully into your ass. 
Your humiliation pleases König. Now you feel how he felt when you hit him. How he felt when the squad laughed at him. Now you have thousands of people getting pleasure from watching you getting violated; your small body destroyed in König’s hands.
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werewolf-witchboy · 6 months
😇✨ Sugar Daddy Lucifer Morningstar X Gender Neutral Sugar Baby Reader ✨😇
SUMMARY: you're the king of Hell’s favorite influencer and he wants to make it very clear how much he appreciates you and loves your content, thus starting a transactional relationship between the two of you that slowly turns into something more.
WARNING: light stalker stuff going on for a little bit lol ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ also some sugar baby catching feelings for sugar daddy nonsense
(also- i'm using the terms "sugar daddy" and "sugar baby" pretty loosely, and there are no sexual transactions in this story)
NOTE: I keep going back and forth between saying “livestream” and “video,” so just assume that in the story y/n mainly does livestreams and uploads them as videos later.
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•You started out as a humble influencer in Hell.
•What you didn't know is that you happened to be the favorite influencer of THE king of Hell Lucifer himself.
•I personally headcanon that when this man finds something he likes, he REALLY obsesses over it.
•I can imagine him laying in bed with a cozy blanket and a snack, kicking his knees while watching your latest upload.
•Not gonna lie Luci got kinda stalker-ish in order to find you and know you in person.
•He is the king after all, so therefore he has ways to find and keep track of his people.
•It started as him sending you money anonymously as a way to give his appreciation to his favorite content creator.
•You'd sometimes get small donations here and there from different people, but you definitely noticed the big donations you'd consistently get. Even though they were all anonymous, you assumed they were all from the same person because it was usually always an absurd amount of money to donate to an influencer.
•While livestreaming one day you mentioned that you wanted to find out who this anonymous donor was and somehow do something special to thank them.
•Lucifer NEVER misses one of your livestreams and felt extra fanboyish thinking about his fav influencer doing something special specifically for him.
•He knew he couldn't just message you and say “I'm your anonymous donor” because he didn't have a public account. If he were to message with his anonymous account saying that he's the king of Hell you'd obviously think he was lying.
•HERE is where his stalker era starts. 💀
•Luci comes up with this convoluted plan that actually somehow ends up working exactly the way he wanted.
•He happens to “find” you at a place he knew is your favorite café just outside of Cannibal Town.
•He pretends to just be casually walking by (well, as “casual” as the king of Hell can be)
”Oh hey! I've seen a few of your videos, I like your content!”
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•You're absolutely baffled that the man in front of you praising your content is Lucifer himself.
•Lucifer invites himself to sit down with you, and how could you possibly refuse.
(He knows using his status to get what he wants is a lil problematic, but he easily pushes any guilt aside cuz he gets to be in your presence. He honestly wonders why he hadn't done this sooner.)
•He uses this opportunity to ask you a bunch of questions he's always wanted to ask, as if this were his personal Q&A with you. You happily answer his questions and even ask your own, eager to get to know Lucifer.
•Eventually he asks the main question that'll set his plan into place.
“Have you ever done any collabs?”
Of course he already knows the answer is no.
•”I've never asked anyone to collaborate with me, I'm a little insecure and automatically think they'll say no.”
•”I'm shocked! I'd personally love to be in one of your videos!” He boasts.
•Even though you've been talking for a while now, your brain still hasn't been fully able to compute that you're not only talking to Lucifer Morningstar, he says he enjoys your content, AND he just said he'd like to be in one of your videos.
•”Wha- I'm sure you've got so much more important things to do!”
•”I've got spare time!”
•When he realized he was probably starting to sound desperate, he backed it up a bit;
“I'm not trying to invite myself into one of your videos, but what I am saying is that IF I were one of those people you were to ask then I'd definitely accept your offer!” He twiddled his fingers nervously under the table, his smile never faltering.
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•”oH I mean I do want to ask you- I am asking you!” You become just as nervous as Lucifer, fumbling over your words a bit.
•Before you can say anything else he raises from his seat and extends his hand out in agreement. “Sounds good to me!” You quickly stand to take his hand and shake it.
•The two of you calm down a bit and start discussing times and dates, even though Lucifer knows he's just going to accept whatever day you suggest and cancel any plans that he might already have for that day.
•Lucifer's little plot went perfectly.
•The day came when Luci got to feature in a video with his fav influencer.
•The video blew up super quickly, you gained a whole new wave of fame.
•Not only was he in the video with you, but he also got to spend the whole day with you.
•Somewhere along the way he kind of forgot that he was with his fav influencer and started to feel more like he was just hanging with a friend…which, honestly, he hasn't really had a friend in a long time.
•Also- you had noticed that during the stream with Lucifer you didn't get any donations from your special anonymous donor who never missed any of your previous streams.
•THIS MOMENT is where Lucifer knows he could potentially ruin everything with you, but he wants to be honest.
•He tells you that he's the anonymous donor, and that he can prove it with receipts. He admits that he didn't just casually watch your content like he said previously, and that he's actually a super huge fan. He doesn't go into detail about the stalker-ish extent he went to find you though.
•You take a second to process everything.
•I think if it were any other man you'd probably be a bit weirded out. It's definitely mainly because he's the king of Hell, but also he's just so charming that it's kinda hard for you not to be flattered.
•Now the king of Hell is in your phone contacts and you've got a viral video of the two of you together that shows literally everyone that you know him, it all feels so surreal.
•You still get donations from him on your streams, they still say they're anonymous but you know it's him.
•Lucifer calls you ALL THE TIME, usually to talk about absolutely nothing and everything at the same time.
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•Suddenly he started showing up at your door with random gifts. Usually things that you mention very briefly on social media.
•Like one day you posted a pic on your story of a cute pair of shoes that you'd like to have, and the next day he's on your doorstep with a shoebox in hand.
•This escalated to him taking you out to dinner quite frequently, and he'd always go out of his way to reserve a special private area or even book out the whole restaurant.
•Then he started inviting you to visit him. Movie nights at his place, or he wants to show you something new he made.
•Eventually it turned into you staying the night at his place sometimes. You'd fall asleep during movie night and he didn't wanna wake you, or your home is just so far away and he didn't wanna let you go home in the dark.
•THEN it became you staying at his place for multiple days in a row, and sometimes it felt like you practically lived with him.
•You’d always ask Lucifer what you could do to repay him for all of the stuff he does for you, and he just replies that your company is enough to satisfy him and when you aren't around he still gets to watch your new videos.
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•After getting to know the king of Hell over the span of almost a full year, you've come to realize that he was a pretty lonely man before you met him.
•He almost never talks to his own wife, whom you aren't even sure is his wife anymore. He rarely talks to his daughter, and is terrified of not being a good enough dad to her. Most of his time is spent home alone if he isn't tending to somekind of personal royal business.
•You knew Lucifer meant it when he told you that your company is enough to repay him.
•Somewhere down the line, you've started catching yourself contemplating your feelings for him.
•Don't get me wrong, he's always made you swoon and get flustered. It's really hard not to when a handsome man is literally handing you everything you want on a golden platter.
•There are much more raw moments you have with him, when you're just sitting on the couch together and you start to think about your possible future together.
•You usually end up getting slapped with reality when you remember who it is you're looking at. The king of Hell.
•Being in a relationship with a man of such status could never be in the cards for you. You're aware that you're basically just his sugar baby and that's probably all you'll ever be.
•You were definitely fine with the transactional relationship between the two of you, in fact you enjoyed it.
•Now, with these feelings constantly creeping up on you it made everything so much more complicated, and it made it hard for you to be around him knowing you'll never be anything more to him than a sugar baby.
•Lucifer is a sweet man, but you know there's another side of him that's a powerful king. His wife was an equally powerful queen. You're not enough for him, he just wants someone to keep him company.
•What you don't know is that while you're sitting there on the couch next to him having an inner depressive episode, he's got a box in his pocket that he's waiting for the perfect moment to whip out.
•In the box is a flashy custom engagement ring that he wants everyone to be able to see from a mile away.
•That man wants to make you officially his and he has been trying his hardest to make that VERY clear.
•You're just kinda insecure and don't think high enough of yourself. ಥ⌣ಥ
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cloveroctobers · 3 months
95 DEGREES — ARMANDO ARETAS x BLACK! Reader [Summer Randoms]
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A/N: because y’all have been showing love on my first drop and I’ve been thinking about little moments with him since!!! *sings* I’m sprungggg! This was also Inspired by Rihanna acting accordingly on insta to this song towards A$AP 🤭
SYNOPSIS: you’re a content creator who’s on livestream during your vacation with your man. it’s summer time, you’re fine and think it’s cool to act up so Armando reminds you just exactly who he is.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of a character from: power ghost ;) just for a side of messiness, mentions of being in the itty bitty titty community, a little steamy moment somewhere, & me possibly or most likely butchering some Spanish!
<- read my previous anthology piece here.
𓇼 〰〰〰〰〰 𓇼 𓇼 〰〰〰〰〰 𓇼 𓇼
This Cuban heat made you feel like you were in hell to be honest. That’s why you alternated between jumping in the pool and lounging on the pool chairs but you can only do that for so long. Not according to Armando though, he had no issue catching a nap or three right underneath the sun but not without you spraying him down. You didn’t play with the sun and neither did that little sun spot that always appeared like the shape of an orange on your right shoulder every summer.
He started to doze off just by you rubbing the sunscreen into his glowing skin and the longer you stared at him, looking like that, you decided to leave him be before diving into your monthly read. After forty-five minutes of doing that you checked on Armando and got to snacking on the spread of fruit while enjoying some peach Bellini’s on the side.
This vacation was deeply needed so you understood how exhausted Armando tended to be, considering that he barely slept. When you weren’t around it took hearing your voice across the phone to help him find slumber. Now? Far away from Miami (by boat at least) and Mexico City, he had no problem catching a few Z’s knowing that you were not far from him.
So you being you, you had to entertain yourself by going to the side of the pool setting up your tripod and phone. You thought about sitting along the trimming but knew it would be too damn hot, so you moved up ahead to the patio to grab one of the bistro chairs from the checkered outdoor table.
Logging onto Instagram live, you patiently waited for some viewers to show up, greeting a few users that you interacted with before, a few internet friends, and others that also sent their greetings in. It’s easy work for you, chatting and seeing what everyone is up to. You answered a few questions about your channel, with the main one being: if there’s been any vlogging going on after revealing you’re on vacation but not where.
~ ctej01: i see armando don’t know what to do wit all that. No way you’re on vacation looking good af n bored. ijs ~
Which set the comments off after that messaged appeared. Of course your ex, Cane Tejada had to be in your live and in your business.
“Don’t you have some other hoes to fuck around with instead of worrying about how much I’m thriving with my man? You must miss me so bad. You’re so used to screwing things up that you don’t even know what the good life looks like, boy bye.” You clapped back, being aware that you should never give this cheater this much attention but you had a little time.
However you knew better than to go back and forth with Cane. He was good at getting a rise out of you and always wanted the last say.
And he could have that because once you said your peace, you started to pay him dust ignoring his laughing emojis and whatever else he decided to throw into the comments. You ended up only talking to the people that mattered and supported you, not some dude who only cared about getting off with other women who can never give him love past the physical. He didn’t respect you so you didn’t have to respect him. That relationship’s been dead for a solid year, maybe even close to two—if you kept track—and here comes this man always lurking. It only amplified once it was revealed that you were no longer in the streets.
Deciding that it was too quiet at the villa you minimized your live to head over to your fav music app, shuffling a random hot girl summer playlist and went back to your live. Scrapping the chair back after you heard that heavy Memphis accent, you already knew you were about to get in your zone regardless of who tried to ruin it.
“It’s 7pm, Friday. Happy Friday y’all!” You grinned after holding up your pointer and thumb.
You fanned yourself with a sway of your hips, “it’s 95 degrees, hoo!”
Unbeknownst to you, Armando had woken up from his third or fifth nap and had sat up looking for you after spotting your sarong abandoned on the chair next to him. It didn’t take him long to find you on your phone, telling no other than your obsessive ex off. There was no doubt in Armando’s mind that you could handle yourself but he was growing tired of that New York native’s game. Armando can only imagine how you felt, it was petty stuff at first—Cane was three years younger anyway so no shock there, leaving comments online like a punk before he even took it further to start leaving voicemails almost threatening that he would come out to Miami.
Armando of course didn’t take that lightly since a lot of his time was now dedicated to AMMO and he always prioritized your safety, doing his own research to find out exactly the kind of guy Cane Tejada is. The dark web provided everything Armando needed (he still had his own style whether the team liked it or not) and it’s not like Cane scared him or anything, it’s the fact that he thought he could continue to be disrespectful even with the relationship being tossed in the dumpster where it belonged.
Armando had plans for him but he just wanted to enjoy his vacation with you first.
“I ain’t got no ni—and no ni—ain’t got me!” You pounded on your chest, fixing the strap to your bikini afterwards just in case of spillage—although you were part of the itty bitty but still they were reserved goods.
You swiftly turned to the side for the next line, which Armando admired just how nice it sat even from a profile view, arms folded as you ran a hand along the side of the shape of your ass, “I’m bout to show my ass—
And with that, you watched in horror as your phone was smacked right across the trimming of the stone pool. The device skidded from your tripod before plunking right into the pool water. Your mouth dropped in shock as you slowly glanced over your shoulder just to feel Armando right behind you.
His husky and straight forward voice hit your ears as he said, “Hope that’s waterproof.”
Sucking your teeth, you turn to the man who meets your eyes, “excuse you?!”
He shrugs his shoulders, biting into a plum as he slowly scans his eyes over your melanin that contrasts over the yellow and green floral set you had on, “what?” He chewed, “Something wrong?”
“Not you trying to rain on my parade to be turnt up with my n-ggas and my bitches.” You placed your hands on your hips in annoyance.
Armando blinks, “you could do that without showing your ass to Cane.”
You tilted your head to the side at this.
Armando was hardly the jealous type, he didn’t care much for anyone having their eyes on you because they should admire you but it was once they started being vocal or even trying to touch you that he had a problem with. Your ex was sitting behind a screen and Armando knew that if Cane really wanted to—if he wasn’t too caught up in his mommy’s business, he could pull up.
And Armando had something for his ass.
“I don’t give a shit about him.”
You’ve done everything by kicking him out of the life and blocking him along with future accounts but with a guy like him? He always found ways around any blockage.
“I know.” Armando kept his usual leveled tone as he held your stare while you molded your lips into your mouth, scratching at your second protective style for the season in confusion.
Clasping your hands together you exhaled, “then what the hell was that?”
Armando finished his plum, licking at his fingers and then his lips before he sat the remains on a table near by. When he turns back to you, he makes a show of getting up close and personal. Lightly gripping your forearms, the pad of his fingertips gently running over your famous sunspot, he flicks his eyes to yours.
“A what don’t got you?” He questioned.
Oh here we go.
You try not to roll your eyes but you’re oh so tempted, “it’s a song and it’s summer! Let me live.”
“And you can do that but not screaming that with your whole chest to viewers.” Armando debates.
Scoffing your reply, “I didn’t see you complaining so much when we were crip walking to ‘not like us,’ the first day we got here.”
Armando pauses, “…that was different.”
He doesn’t want to argue, so his hands just slide down to the sides of your ass. With his right hand his pats one side demanding, “jump.”
Armando raises his brows and huffs, “okay.” And takes it upon himself to bend and lift you right over his shoulder.
Yelping you quickly find something on his frame to hold onto as he starts walking, “Arman!” You scream just as he jumps into the pool with you in his arms.
When you both resurface, you flick water right at Arman who is smirking while floating towards you. “I told you to jump but since you want to be difficult, i did the honors.”
“Of what? Getting on my nerves?” You start swimming towards one of the edges where’s there’s seating and Armando doesn’t hesitate to follow you.
He snakes a hand across your waist, turning you to face him. His eyes scan all over your face, a faint dimple still playing on one side of his cheek as he soaks in your annoyance. Gently he’s pushing you elsewhere from the seating of the pool and to the wall.
Armando pressed his forehead against yours, “i thought you wanted to play since you were just doing that on Instagram. So how about i give you something to play with?”
His lips are smashed right to yours, his facial hair tickling against your chin. His kisses burn against your lips as he moves with speed, hands on your hips and your body doesn’t need to fight against your brain to understand what’s happening. Your legs wrap against his hips and your chest to chest with the possibility of your necklaces getting tangled but there’s no one else the both of you wanted to be close to in this moment.
Your nails are scratching along the shortened hair at the back but he knows you’ll be gripping the top once he’s inside. Normally his kisses are soft yet tender while his hands are rough and calculated but right now? Everything is scorching from the weather to simply Armando’s body heat. His ego doesn’t want to give you time to breathe but out of the decency of his heart he does yet that’s no relief because his fingers are at work now.
“Damn mami, I don’t even have to warm you up do I?” He quizzes with a glance downwards.
The pool wall is scratching against your back, the curling of his pointer and the pressing of his thumb that’s just a little higher is dirty work and he knows it. You don’t have time for his shit talking because you’re yanking him by the neck to shut him right up. He matches your speed with no hesitation tasting sweet like plums and mint, your tongues doing just the perfect dance against the Cuban heat. He grunts when you catch him off guard, getting your own feel in his swim trunks.
He pulls back with a pop of your lips, his own movements faltering for a second as you only caress but even that is just right. He pulls his fingers away and place them right at your lips, silently commanding what to do. And so you do, tongue running along the length before sucking, holding Armando’s dilated stare while gripping harder.
“Sweeter than plums, huh?” He asks, his other hand cupping the side of your face.
You hum, ready to slip a hand inside but his smacks your hand away from his waistband. He does the honors of pulling his trunks down just enough and once he gets his other hand back from your lips, his hands are hot on your hips as he lifts you up higher before pushing your own suit to the side to settle right where he belongs.
The moans that echoes through the both of your lips is music to your ears. Armando always gives it time, still in amazement of how you were made to feel around him. He’s panting as he brings his attention back to you but your eyes are closed, also trying to savor him.
“Eyes on me, mami.” He tells you lightly tapping the side of your jaw, “you good?”
You nod before your eyes open to meet his and you match his smirk or freak or whatever. And when he begins to move against you, stretching you so nicely, you have no choice but to bite down on his shoulder (to not scare the birds of course!) so you can recreate a similar spot on your own.
Half lidded you’re lounging on the bed in a robe, your eyes widen as knees knock against the side of the mattress. You lean back against your hand, peering up at Armando that’s softly grinning down at you. He holds out your chipped phone to you and says, “I got you and apparently…you got me too.”
He moves the material to peek at the teeth marks at the top of his own shoulder.
“Shut up,” you croak while Armando laughs bending down to place a chaste kiss to your brow before he crawls over to the back of you.
He loops a hand around you, pulling you right to his chest in a matching robe, letting you get your rest this time.
After at least two minutes passed you awake with a snore, making Armando crane his neck to look at down at you. You snuggle against his chest and whisper, “can you order some garlic parm nugs for later?”
Armando chest jumps with light laughter as he squeezes your shoulder, “yeah baby, whatever you want. It’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Kay,” you sigh, “l love you.”
Armando quirks up a small smile as he gently rubs your back soothingly, “Te quiero con todo mi corazón.”
𓇼 〰〰〰〰〰 𓇼 𓇼 〰〰〰〰〰 𓇼 𓇼
Continue with my anthology summer writings & prompts here.
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: For all you who wanted to have more of husband!Javi and The Peñas. This is a follow-up to All Roads Lead To Someone! Pregnant!reader getting the right treatment.
Summary: Javier just wanna fuck you: His gorgeous pregnant wife.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut (MDNI!), pregnancy sex, mentions of f masturbation, body issues, domestic bliss, piv sex, dirty talk, breeding kink, creampie, love!!!
Word count: 2.8k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48631087
“Por favor,” Javier begs as he kisses your shoulder from behind and has you shivering because of how sensitive your skin is at the moment. He keeps it innocent though, because there’s a kitchen knife lying to your right as you are rinsing the vegetables for tonight’s dinner. He doesn’t relent though and a wandering hand squeezes the side of your thigh, “I can see it on you.”
“Inés is coloring in the living room and you have to pick up Lucas from soccer practice soon. We can’t,” you say simply, batting his hand away with a disapproving click of your tongue. As if it’s not bothering you as well.
You turn up the water pressure to rinse the carrots that you have gotten from Chucho Peña’s farm, but decide to scrub it with your hand instead to remove the dirt properly. 
As promised, the beginning of your third trimester brings along a constant ache between your thighs. Javier has sensed it coming, counted the days and is now circling you like a shark on the hunt.
It comes after a drought; a whole month of you not being able to stand the sight of him, even his smell making you furious and causing him to be skittish around your pregnant form. He isn’t skittish anymore. Quite the opposite. 
“I could find the baby alarm in the drawer. We could go to the bedroom for just a few minutes,” he suggests and you instantly roll your eyes without him being able to see it. When you don’t answer, he steps back but only to lean against the kitchen counter beside your workspace. 
You would love it; you would jump your husband’s bones at every opportunity that you get to have him relieve you of the dull throb of your clit, but… You’re in your third trimester with stretch marks, a sore back, an overactive bladder and a baby that kicks you so hard that you feel out of breath sometimes. All in all, it’s hard to feel sexy and it’s easier to take care of it yourself.
“Go entertain yourself, if you catch my drift,” you retort and make a suggestive hand movement along the carrot in your sink. 
Javier snorts bitterly, “Fuck you.” 
“Fuck you,” a little girl’s voice repeats. Inés has entered the kitchen.
Javier and you freeze, but whereas you narrow your eyes at Javier, your husband just starts laughing and goes to ruffle his daughter’s hair, “There she is, mi diablita.”
“We don’t use that word around here, Daddy’s very sorry that he said it,” you dry your hands in a towel and turn towards the both of them. Javier gets a raised brow and stops laughing. 
He groans as he stretches from having bent over to pick Inés up, settling her on his hip and giving you a soft smile. He takes her little hand in his own, swaying back and forth with her as if they are slow dancing. The way she cuddles up to him has you melting right away, placing your folded hands on your protruding belly.
“Te quiero mucho,” you say affectionately and walk up to both of them. You kiss Inés’ hair, then look at Javier, “But you can’t keep swearing in a house full of children.” 
“Sorry, mi amor. Perhaps if you let me…” Javier looks down at his daughter who curiously observes the conversation between her parents. He finds your eyes again, “If you let me hug you real hard tonight, I might be reminded.”
You roll your eyes again, but there’s a smile on your face this time. There’s something insanely sexy about him like this, still swaying with Inés on his hip and secretly booking an appointment with you in your shared bedroom. 
“Dónde está Lucas?” Inés then interrupts. 
“Soccer practice,” he replies, winking at you when Inés can’t see it. You hate that it makes your heart jump as if it's been shocked. Beside you, Javier is oblivious to your schoolgirl crush, “You want to come with me to pick him up?”
Inés nods enthusiastically, starting to move around in Javier’s arms to indicate that she wants to be put down on the floor again, “I made Lucas a picture.” 
“You can give it to him in the car,” Javier watches his daughter run off into the living room again. You’ve turned towards the sink once more, and he takes a chance to walk up behind you. You feel his hand come down playfully on your ass, causing you to jump where you are standing.
“You little—“ you whip around, but are met with Javier’s shit-eating grin. Oh, curse him. 
“You and I have a deal tonight, sí?” 
“Yes, yes, whatever, get out of my kitchen.”
Lucas eats like he has been starving for days. Inés talks loudly about what she’s seen at the soccer field, especially about the fact that she got permission to kick the ball a few times. 
You listen with a soft expression on your face, leaned back in your dining chair with a hand resting on top of your belly. The baby is kicking but since you’re not in bed and therefore still walking around the house, it’s not as bad as it could be. 
Javier talks just as enthusiastically about their adventure out on the soccer field. Lucas adds that he might be picked as goalkeeper. You get up to kiss his hair repeatedly and call him your little man to which he giggles in a way that makes you overly emotional, eventually to the point where you have to excuse and keep yourself busy. 
All in all, dinner ends and tucking the kids in goes smoothly. They are both tired beyond belief. 
Later, you stare at yourself in the mirror as Javier brushes his teeth in the master bathroom. You are completely undressed since it’s better for you to sleep naked these days, but it has the downside of catching yourself in the mirror as you pass it and frowning slightly as you notice a new stretch mark along your side. You swear under your breath, trying your hardest to tell yourself (for the third time in your life) that this is part of growing a new and healthy life. You sigh loudly. 
Behind you, Javier enters the bedroom in his underwear and nearly doubles over as he sees you naked already. He stalks after you with the energy of someone who has been starved of food for weeks, walking up behind you with dark lust-filled eyes that go soft as soon as he sees your face in the mirror. 
“You okay, mi amor?” He asks, looking at you through the mirror. He wraps his arms around your body, holding you close to his chest as his hands link around your belly, “Look at you.”
“Are you sure about this?” You ask him, too busy to look at him when you’re staring at your own naked form. Javier starts rubbing his hands over the strained skin of your stomach, soothing it with his warmth. 
“Sure about what?” He sounds a little confused, but then catches on, “About wanting to hug you real hard? Don’t think I’m the uncertain one here. What’s wrong?”
“Look,” you point to the newest mark along the swell of your stomach, then run your finger over it. It is red and slightly raised, having made itself known by itching all day, “I’m sorry, but I didn’t get these as quickly during the first two. It’s not exactly sexy.”
“Who on earth told you that?” Javier places a kiss on your shoulder, nuzzling his nose along your neck afterwards. He finds your pouty face in the mirror again, “Are you telling me there’s people out there who don’t think their wife is the sexiest when she’s growing their kid?”
You turn around in his arms to slap his naked chest, but he just grabs at your hips to steer you backwards towards the double bed. Carefully, he helps you to sit down when you feel the edge dig into the back of your calves. 
“I mean it, Javi,” you say with a soft sigh as you are finally off your feet for the day.
“I mean it too,” he motions with his hand, “Now crawl back and let me take care of my pregnant and sexy wife.”
He is too perfect for you. 
“How sensitive are you today?” He asks casually as he follows you onto the bed, kneeling between your legs and easing himself out of his boxers. It’s quite reassuring to your confidence to see his cock stand upright from how hard he is for you. 
He is right to ask about your sensitivity, because pregnancy hormones and more blood flow has been overwhelming during all your previous pregnancies. You are more sensitive due to that, swollen and puffy no matter what time of day or what your previous activity has been. It makes for delicious sex, at least if you have someone who treats you right. Javier Peña does.
“I don’t think you can go too rough tonight, I’ve been aching and wet all day,” you reply as you settle into your pillow and grab his for him to place underneath your back. 
“And you refused this earlier?” He raises a brow as he watches you lower your hips onto the pillow, “You got some self-control.”
“I was going to just take care of it whilst you were putting the kids to bed,” you nod towards the dresser where the both of you keep your toys, safely tucked away from curious children.
“I woulda never forgiven you,” he chuckles, leaning over you to kiss your swollen belly. He skims a hand over the stretch marks afterwards. It’s a silent compliment, “But just to involve myself in your playtime… which toy had you been thinking of?”
“The glass one,” you feel your face heat up as you confess to having wanted to masturbate, “Might’ve cooled me down a little, but if it wasn’t going to be that one, I’d want the g-spot massager.”
“You have no idea what you do to me,” Javier dramatically groans at that. He rests his forehead against your stomach, “Let me be your g-spot massager.”
You laugh loudly at that, but it earns you a kick from your baby, causing you to wince when it lands right underneath your ribs. Javier pulls back a little in shock, placing his palm over the spot when he has just felt your stomach move. 
“Be nice to your mother,” he scolds softly, “I know you want to be rocked to sleep, mi bebito, but gimme a second here. I’ll get to it.”
“Javi!” You cover your face with your hands, “God, you are so… imagine if people could hear you.”
Javier peels your hands away, looking devilishly down at you, “Don’t hide from me, and please let me f— take care of you.”
“Not going to say the bad word again, huh?” You grin triumphantly, scooting a little closer to him but without sliding off the pillow. 
“Not right this instant, but I am for sure going to make you say it before we’re done here,” he smirks, wasting no time to stroke himself a few times and then sliding into your wet heat. The moan you want to let out is desperate and wanton, but with two sleeping children in the house, you only let yourself whimper quietly. 
Javier holds your gaze intensely as he feeds your cunt his dick inch by inch, letting you relish in the slightly painful stretch of your walls as he bottoms out and settles inside of you like you’re made for him. 
“Feeling good? Not uncomfortable?” He asks in a whisper, voice strained as if trying to hold something back within himself. You know that your pregnant body is as glorious for him as it is for you as your pussy’s walls feel softer, warmer and tighter than usual and especially now that you’re in one of your states. 
“I’m perfect… God, I’ve wanted this since you kissed me this morning,” you exaggerate to prove it, resting a hand on top of your stomach. Javier places one of his own on top, curling his fingers around your palm. 
“Te amo,” he says with so much love in his voice that you might melt into the mattress, holding onto your hand tightly as he moves inside of you, experimentally at first and then building up a rhythm that has you feeling dizzy with finally getting what you want. Something is already brewing behind your clit, and Javier knows you come so easily when your hormones play tricks on you. He goes a little faster.
Your other hand comes up to grab at the headboard behind your head, gripping hard as the bed squeaks under the both of you. There’s a desperate need to be loud that you reluctantly keep pushing away, swearing to yourself that you will plan a weekend trip away from home to have Javier fuck you until you scream. You wonder if Chucho can babysit. 
“Tell me I fuck you so good,” Javier interrupts your thoughts.
“Just like that, ah,” you reply breathlessly, “Keep going. You treat me so well, baby.”
“You feel so fucking good, mi amor,” he moans quietly as he continues rocking into your cunt. The wet squelches are dirty evidence that he knows exactly how to fuck you until you can’t comprehend the world around you. When you accidentally cry out, he shushes you, “Shhh, baby, I know. Right there?”
He punctuates the last word by giving you a particularly hard thrust against your g-spot and your hand on the headboard flies down to cover your own mouth. You nod frantically, tears forming at the corners of your eyes as the pleasure increases significantly and the sensitivity borders on overwhelming. 
“You look so good pregnant with my baby,” he praises, slickly sliding in and out of you with ease. Your sheets are soaked with your wetness, “All overwhelmed and sensitive. Look at you, fuck, I wasn’t kidding about that football team. I wanna knock you up over and over and— ah.”
When you finally dare lift the hand from your mouth again, having settled a little, you reach down under your belly to rub your swollen clit. It makes you throw your head back, blood pumping in your ears at how every nerve ending has changed since you got pregnant. Your walls start to clench, and Javier nearly collapses at the feel of your cunt pulling him in further, so you slow down your fingers a little until coming to a halt as to not make it be over already. You want him to fuck you to orgasm, and whilst carrying his baby, it is a lot easier to come from getting your g-spot pounded than it used to be.
“Yeah?” You whisper, breathing ragged, “I’ll give you all the babies you want. Just make me come. Please.”
“Say the bad word as you milk me,” he growls, hips having started to falter as indication that he is close himself. He entwines your fingers, “Come on, you can do it, baby.”
Heaven-sent electricity floods your body in the next second as you come with a silent shout, mouth hanging open and eyes half-lidded. Relief is not the right word; it seems too weak to describe what you are experiencing as you feel the pressure in your lower belly erupt into flutters of pleasure.
“Fuck,” you pant as you realize that you’ve been holding your breath. The swear comes so naturally when he makes you feel so good, “Fuck, Javi, fuck!”
“Shhh… There you are,” he groans at the first feel of your orgasm. It takes only a few of the spasms of muscles before he empties himself inside of you, the wetness of him inside of you sounding obscene, “Good fucking girl coming on my dick.”
It takes a moment to calm down after that.
Javier pulls out of you with a little noise, but then throws himself down onto the bed right beside you. He runs a hand over his forehead, pushing his sweaty hair back, “Jesus Christ.”
“I want more,” you complain, staring up at the ceiling with still ragged breathing.
“Of course you do,” he chuckles, still out of breath himself. 
“Do you think we were too loud?” You ask, turning your head to look at him. 
“Definitely,” he winks but then places a hand on your stomach, rubbing gently, “Is kiddo okay?”
“I think you put them to sleep,” you yawn. 
“I think I put the both of you to sleep,” he retorts. 
“I need to go clean myself first,” you groan at the realization, “C’mon, help your pregnant wife out of bed.”
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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inevesgf · 7 months
MINE ALL MINE ⠀,⠀ stephen tries.
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synopsis ✩ what it’s like dating stephen tries.
warnings: mentions of sex, f!reader.
authors note: oh god do i have big plans .. i absolutely love writing these lil headcanons so i’m planning on continuing that in the future with a few other creators in mind. currently whipped for willne + chris as ALWAYS — in the works of another chris fic which is going to be such a loonngg one. love yous x
• such a sucker for physical touch and quality time.
• no matter how busy he is with filming and with other events, he always makes time for you.
• date night is NECESSARY. you each switch back and forth every other week planning a date night.
• you both equally enjoy nights in and nights out together — but overall you both prefer to spend time alone together.
• fancy dinner dates? yes! mario kart dates where you scream and call each other cunts when you loose? yes!
• never a dull moment with stephen when you’re alone together. one moment he will be cuddling and kissing you and the next he’ll tickle you until you cannot breath
• equally loves to be the big spoon as he does the little spoon.
• loves to lay his head on your lap while you two watch a film together. he almost falls asleep every time you play with his hair but he LOVES it.
• very cliche, but in the best way possible.
• loves to surprise you with random little gifts like sweets when he stops by the shops, bouquets of your favorite flowers for special occasions and treating you to dinner even when it’s not date night.
• tits or ass? no, stephen is a THIGH GUY hence loving to lay his head on your thighs.
• loves giving more than receiving! likes to be between your thighs, leaving little love marks only he can see.
• likes pda, but isn’t excessive with it.
• will hold your hand when you’re out with friends and snake his arm around your shoulder as you two walk.
• when hes drunk, he’s a little more touchy.
• he’ll pepper you in kisses all over your face, allowing himself to be clingy towards you.
• i imagine one of the others who did football pub golf for chris’ channel having to text you to come get stephen after the shoot because he’s absolutely battered.
• snakes his arms around your waist the second he sees you gives you the wettest, yet short smooch on your cheek.
• very lovey when he’s sober, but MORE lovey when he’s drunk.
• when you get home, you insist he relaxes and drinks some water, but all he wants to do is lay in your arms and take a nap.
• the type of boyfriend to tell you he loves you at the most random times — whether you’re cooking, editing a video or even just sitting there doing nothing.
• prefers soft and slow sex compared to fast and lustful. just likes to be as close to you as possible
• talks about you a lot to his friends ( who find it so cute, mind you ), but this does result in them sort of making fun of him for it.
• the boys hit him with the “howd you manage that? she’s fitter than you” but he knows that doesn’t make a difference in your love for him.
• you two definitely have a shared playlist of love songs that remind you of each other and your favorite songs to listen to eachother. lots of djo, the 1975 and hozier on it!
• his music taste is basically just your music taste because of how often he listens to the playlist.
• obsessed when you wear his clothes. like this man will NOT stop staring at you when you wear his sweaters or his t shirts.
• half of your wardrobe is probably his old tees, but he does not mind one bit because of how gorgeous you look.
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alicedopey · 1 year
His Princess
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(gif credits to its creator)
Fandom: Vikings
Genre: AU, Smut, Dark-ish
Pairing: Soft dark! Ivar x Innocent ! Reader
Words: 1809 (still don't know how to write a drabble)
Warnings: smut, dubious consent, somnophilia, light gaslighting. These warnings are to be taken seriously. Read at your own risk.
Summary: Ivar decides that he is tired of waiting to get what he wants.
A/N : This was written for my 500 followers celebration and I'm like two years late. I know I'm awful. The requested prompts are in bold.
Ivar watched the steady rise and fall of your chest as you slept peacefully. You were magnificent, laying under the sheets, pure and innocent, like a prey ready to be devoured by a hungry beast. Hungry like he was since he had set his eyes on you and tonight, he was more than ready to devour you. 
Cautiously, he sat on your bed, put his crutch against the wall and undid his braces. He took off his shirt, unlaced his breeches and stepped out of them with a wince. This Saxon humid weather was hard on his legs and he could not wait for spring. He slowly lay down next to you and looked at your angelic face. Tentatively, he stroked your cheek and let his hand slide down your neck and lower, until it reached your cleavage. Then, his hand sneaked under your night gown to massage your breasts. Ivar shivered at the contact of your skin. 
It was the first time he could feel you without any barrier and it was exhilarating. It seemed to be the same for you because your nipples hardened under his ministrations and you let out the softest moan that went straight to Ivar’s shaft which started to rise and bob against the fabric of your sheets. 
Since you were still fast asleep, he took his time to worship your whole body, your skin feeling like silk under his rough fingers. His hands ran down your upper body, exploring your stomach, your navel, your waist until he felt the need to go further. He retracted his fingers and pulled your night gown up. The sight of your pure and untouched body mesmerized him and he gave himself a few minutes to explore it with his eyes this time. When he set his eyes on the junction between your thighs and saw the thatch of trimmed hair protecting your mound, he swallowed with difficulty and licked his lips. 
Almost panting, he let his fingers tickle the hair before adventuring himself deeper. He groaned when one of his knuckles touched your wet center.  The exploration of your body seemed to have its effect on you as well. 
You began to stir this time and he felt your body stiffen under this forbidden touch.
“King Ivar…” Your murmured groggily. “What…” You tensed when you realized what he was doing and tried to scuttle away from him. “No…not here.”
“Yes, here.” Ivar replied softly but firmly, gripping your hips so you wouldn’t budge. 
“Anybody could barge in.” You said, panicked. 
“Nobody will barge in.” Ivar had made sure of it. The guards were too willing to get some gold in exchange for their silence. Their distaste of this treacherous king who had sold them to the heathens and the fear that this boneless King induced weighed more in the balance than the idea of protecting their sweet and innocent princess.
“We can’t, it’s not proper…”
Ivar cut off any of your protests with a kiss on your lips. “Didn’t you like the kisses and touches we shared before?”
“Yes, but…”
“Don’t worry, Princess.” He cooed and his fingers started to play with your folds to distract you. “I’m going take care of you.” 
His thumb rolled on your clit and he felt all of your defenses fall. Your hand gripped the bulging biceps of his other arm and you whined through your gritted teeth.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Princess. Let it all out.” He delved two fingers in your heat while his thumb kept playing with your small nub. He growled at the tightness he found and began slow back and forth motions before leaning over your chest to take a nipple between his lips and suck it wildly. You gasped but put your hand on the back of his hand to encourage him to go on. The Viking smiled against your chest and happily complied, only stopping to give his twin the same treatment. He slid a third finger in your cunt and sped up his movements. Small pants left your mouth and you gripped his biceps harder. His thumb pushed a little bit harder on your clit and you spasmed, letting your body orgasm for the first time.
Ivar chuckled. “You liked that?”
Still too lost in your own pleasure, you simply nodded and smiled. Ivar smiled back at you and retrieved his fingers with a squelch that made you blush. He watched his fingers and licked them greedily, happy to revel in your taste. “Delicious”.
He winked at you then spread your legs wider. He pulled himself up before slithering between them. He pumped his already leaking sex a couple of times and pushed his tip inside. You tried to evade his touch, panicked again but Ivar gripped your hips. “Where are you going? I’m not done with you, yet.”
“But, but...Ivar, King Ivar, this is…”
“Shhh…Princess, look at me.” He ordered you in a soft voice and you did. The unshed tears in your eyes made him feel bad but he knew he couldn’t back down now – and he definitely did not want to. “You liked what I did before, right?” 
You slowly nodded. “And you trust me?” You nodded again. “Then it’s alright Princess, I’ll take good care of you.”
He saw the last gleam of hesitation leave your eyes and he smiled to comfort you.
Slowly, he bent your legs and guided them against his side of his hips. He guided his tip closer and lubricated himself with the slick that had gathered between your legs. 
“You are ready for me, Princess”. He groaned. “I swear by the Gods you will love it.”
He entered you in one swift motion. You tensed and winced when he went past your resistance. Your hands instinctively pushed against his chest. 
“It’s alright, Princess.” He whispered in a soothing voice. “You’re going to feel good in a moment.”
He stilled himself to let you adjust to his size. When he finally felt the tension slowly leaving your body, he began to move. He groaned one more time and refrained himself from going faster. Your walls were squeezing him in the most delicious way. It was different than with Katya and the women he had enjoyed after her. 
Hvitserk was right, virgins could be slightly awkward but they were special. Then, he shook his head to chase every thought about his brother away and focused on you and your reactions. Your face was starting to show signs of pleasure, your hands were now sensually stroking his torso and taking the time to explore his upper body. They slowly travelled up his shoulders and went down his back to end up just above the curve of his ass.
Ivar took that as signs of comfort and he thrusted more forcefully in your sweet velvety walls. His eyes almost rolled on the back of his head each time into your welcoming heat. He grunted and fastened his pace, pounding into you. He knew he should be gentler since it was your first time but he could not help it. Your nails sank into his lower back and your hips tilted up to meet his pelvic thrusts.
“Feeling good, Princess?” Ivar asked in a husky voice.
“Hmmm hmmm, yes….”
He looked at your face contorted in pleasure, your rosy cheeks and your parted lips from which escaped the sweetest sounds. He felt himself harden even more and his motions became frantic. He was rutting into you by now, spurred on by your moans and the way your arms ran up his back and pulled his chest against yours. 
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, that he peppered with kisses. The hold of your legs on his hips tightened and Ivar sensed you were close. Good, because he was too. He sneaked a hand between your sweaty bodies to play with your clit.  Your legs shook against his skin and you came, biting his shoulder. 
The light pain fueled his pleasure and he let go with a roar, spilling himself inside of you.
“What a wild little thing you are, Princess.” Ivar murmured against your neck and kissed it once he had caught his breath. Yet, he frowned when he heard you sniffle. He raised his head and when he saw your eyes brimming with tears, he felt a tiny pang of guilt tugging at his heart.
“What’s wrong, Princess? Did I hurt you?”
You turned your eyes away from him before answering. “I am ruined”. You sniffled again. “Nobody will marry me. You will go back to your lands and my father will send me to a convent.” 
Tears rolled down your cheeks. Ivar cupped your chin and softly turned your head so that you would look at him. “You are not ruined my princess and I will marry you. Don’t you get it?” He added as he could sense you were doubting his words. “I’m nothing without you. You are my heart, body and soul. I will certainly not let anyone keeping us apart.”
“You want to marry me?” You asked in a tiny voice. A few tears were still rolling down your cheeks but the ghost of smile appeared on your lips.
“Of course.” Ivar replied and kissed your mouth tenderly. 
He would lie if he pretended he had not thought about ruining you just for the sake of it. He had found you attractive the moment he set eyes on you and taking your virginity would be a way to defy your father. Nonetheless, he had changed his mind when he realized the looks you were giving him were not out of fear and disgust but rather curiosity. From then on, he did his best to spend some time with you discreetly and as he got to know you, he grew fond of your personality and charming ways. You would make the perfect queen. 
“But…what about Father?” You wondered, still unsure. “What if he refuses your proposal?” 
“Don’t worry about your father, Princess”. He assured with a comforting smile. “I will talk to him. I am certain he will listen.”
Ivar had planned everything so that he would since he had refused to do it before. Tomorrow morning, your lady-in-waiting would discreetly rush to her King to tell him how she saw the princess entangled in bed with the boneless and wicked Viking. Hearing that, the King would make sure to summon him and order the Viking to explain himself. Ivar would gladly comply to his demand and he would not forget to remind the King that his precious and innocent daughter was probably already carrying his heir in her womb. Maybe this time, the Saxon King would understand that nobody in their right mind would refuse to get King Ivar the Boneless what he wanted and what he wanted was you.
Tagging (feel free to ask to be added or removed): @naaladareia @flowers-in-your-hayr @elenarogersbarnes13 @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @gearhead66 @therealcalicali @peaceisadirtyword @captstefanbrandt @ivarswickedqueen
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gaysindistress · 3 months
Cigars, Crossbows, and the Helion’s heart
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
Credits to @trashpostingforthesoulisold for the amazing fanart that inspired this all
pairings: Karlach x f!reader
Summary: based on this little blurb
Warnings: cussing, mild violence, cannon level talk of blood, death, and gore, character death
Word count: 2k
A/n: a whopping total of one person asked for a full fic and who am I to deny them? so here it is my love @dungeonsdragonsandlawyers 💕
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Baldur’s Gate; a city of mischief and mayhem. A city where the law is just as corrupt as the criminals who run the streets. A city where there is no difference between good and evil because it all blends together. A city where the poor pray to a ghost, a myth, a legend, an old forgotten god some might say, to help them survive this rotting devils’ hole. A city where there is only one that can save it. Every lawman worth their salt has come to track down the Helion of the Gate but with nothing to show for it save for a few broken bones and shattered dignities. The current leader, the high and mighty lord Enver Gortash, has offered thousands in reward for the capture of the Helion. His ever increasing desperation to find this ghost has made him sloppy and a bit stupid if I’m honest. He paces back and forth in the small waiting area of my work apartment, nearly burning holes in the expensive rugs under his feet. For the better half of an hour, he’s been doing this, mumbling to himself, and completely ignoring me as if I’m a statue rather than a person. Every time I try to speak up, he shots me a deadly look and continues on with his nervous behaviors. I glance over at the clock and let out a deep sigh through my nose before pushing off of the small chaise lounge I'd been sitting on. Walking over to the little bar cart, I pour myself yet another bitter tasting drink and swallow it in one gulp. As I go to pour another, the pacing feet come to a halt and I feel his heavy eyes on my back. Enver finally speaks, “She’s visited you, hasn’t she? She’s been here, hasn’t she?” I take a moment to brace myself and take a deep breath before turning to face him. There is a wild look in his eye, too similar to that of a wolf backed into a corner for my comfort. “How would that even be possible, Enver? You have me guarded better than you do yourself I imagine. There is no earthly way that she or anyone else for that matter could get in without your knowledge.” My words don’t have the easing effect that I had hoped they would and that look has intensified to a truly terrifying level. He narrows his eyes at me before taking a deep breath of his own and looking over my shoulder through a window that overlooks the city. “When was the last time you saw her?” “That night.” “The night she tried to kill me?” While he is not looking directly at me, I know that he sees me nod my head. It’s almost more terrifying that he’s not looking at me, that he’s refusing to humanize me as he questions and accuses me. There have been few times where I have faced his wrath but now is most certainly not a time I wish to experience it. Enver is not a violent man but he is a calculated and cunning man who has no fear of consequences. He’s willing to lie, manipulate, and assassinate whoever he needs to to get what he wants. I may be in his favor for the moment but I am not so disillusioned to believe that I will stay there for long. At any moment he can decide that I am more trouble than I am worth and have me killed or do it himself. “What did she say to you that night?” “N..nothing.” My hesitation is my downfall.
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“Why have you come?” I whisper while my cheek rests on her warm stomach, staring up at her. Cigar smoke floats around us, creating a veil between us and the world that wishes for her death. The smell of sweat and sex fills the pockets of space where the cigar smoke does not. Smoke spills out of her mouth as she speaks, “I wanted to see my sweet one.” She takes another drag off her cigar as she tucks her free hand behind her head and gazes down at me. “That not a good enough reason?” I chuckle at her before pressing a chaste kiss just below her belly button and move so I can see her better. I take her cigar with one hand and with the other I trail my hands up and down her side. I feel her tail flick behind us and come to rest on the small of my back. “It’s a perfectly fine reason but I fear that you are lying to me,” I tell her while I pass the cigar back. “Lying to you? Now why would you think such a thing?” “He’s growing more scared and more desperate, K. He’s growing more reckless and it’s only a matter of time before he loses it altogether. What happens then, hm? What happens when he gets to you? What happens when he hurts you or worse kills you?” Her small smirk fades into a sad smile when my words sink in. She drops her cigar into an ashtray on my side table so she can hold my face. My eyes flutter closed as her warmth engulfs my cheeks and spreads through my body. “Nothing will happen to me I promise, sweet one. Nothing will happen to you either and I will do everything in my power to make sure you stay safe.”
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Everything happened so quickly. Enver had sent word that I needed to pack a bag and be ready to leave as soon as he arrived. Karlach had told me that I needed to stay in my apartment until she came and got me. My heart had told me who to listen to and my body scrambled to follow its demands as I packed as little as I could and prepared myself for the bloodbath that was about to happen on my doorstep. The familiar sound of hooves on the cobblestone alerts me that my time has run short and I duck behind that stupid chaise lounge with a crossbow in hand. Heavy footsteps pound up the staircase and there’s a brief pause before the door is kicked in. “Where are you, y/n? Come out and face me,” Enver’s humiliated and angry voice calls out. He takes a few steps towards my room and I try to shuffle around the other side of the chaise lounge but I make too much noise. He finds me within moments and looms over me as his chest heaves and blood pours from a nasty gash on his forehead. “You lied to me. You led her straight to me. You played a part in all of this,” he seethes. That hungry and desperate look has returned tenfold and now there is nothing but blood on his mind. There is no point to reason with a feral and wounded animal so I don’t even attempt. All I can do is find a way to get to my feet and get out of this apartment before he can get to me. He starts to lean down to grab my ankle but I let off a warning arrow that skims past his arm and take his moment of surprise to get up. “You little…” he growls while stalking towards me. I refuse to turn my back on him and try to feel my way towards the door. Tears have begun to prick at the corners of my eyes and that causes him to laugh sadistically. “That’s sweet; you’re crying for a dead woman to come save you and think that your little crossbow could protect you. Tell me, y/n, are your tears making it hard to see? Are you seeing double?” His taunting words strike a chord of anger within me, “I’ve got two more arrows; one for each of you I see. If I don’t hit you the first time, then I certainly will the second time, wanna take those odds, Enver?” He takes one step forward and crumbles to the ground when an arrow becomes embedded in his knee. Letting out a wail of pain, he curses at me and tries to stand but his words are cut short by an arrow in his chest.
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I find Karlach fading in and out of consciousness and bleeding out on the floor in her room at the Elfsong. Upon opening the door I freeze seeing her there with one hand on the door handle and the other on the door itself, while my brain swirls before I’m able to come to my senses and close the door. All the while Karlach is slouched against her bed, taking shallow ragged breaths as the blood runs down her face and hand from the cut on her abdomen. “Hey there, sweet one,” Karlach attempts to grit out but the pain in her side is too much and forces her words to be inaudible. I rush to grab a towel and warm water from the vanity before dropping to my knees beside her. I refuse to say a word as I begin to gently wash away the blood and patch her up. I’m too afraid to speak, scared that I will burst and completely lose my compuse. Karlach is usually the talkative one between us but now she is utterly silent as she closes her eyes and tries to remain still as I work. Her closed eyes don’t allow her to see the tears welling up in my eyes or the way my breath catches when I see her wince or the way I’m taking great care to not hurt her anymore. Karlach is broken from her trance of false peace when I move away to grab her pack and begin to rummage around for the needle and thread that she keeps in it. I murmur an apology and request for her to stay silent as I begin to stitch her bigger wounds up. She hisses and groans but otherwise does as I ask. When I’m finished, I move to clean the blood from her hands. She watches me as I dip the cloth into the water and bring it back to her knuckle, gently washing away the evidence of her near death and keeping her hand tightly in mine. I press light kisses to each knuckle when I’m done and place it on top of my wrist while I start to clean the other. The silent plea to stay doesn’t go unheard and she lightly squeezes my wrist to let me know that she will. Once I’ve finished cleaning both hands I take them in mine and bring them up to my lupus as warm tears fall down my face. Karlach cups my face and draws me closer to her so that we may rest our foreheads on each other. “Thank you,” she whispers and kisses away the tears that have fallen down my face, “thank you, sweet one.” “He’s dead,” I whisper back. “You do it?” “Yeah but I don’t want to talk about it. I want to rest with you.” Karlach barely nods in agreement and lets me gently help her up, pulling her towards me and circling my arm around her waist. We walk slowly to the bed where I help her sit down and get out of her filthy clothes. She attempts to swing herself into bed but Is quickly stopped by me climbing behind her and gently brushing out the knots and tangles in her hair. My beautiful soldier leans back into my touch and allows herself to feel safe as I work to make her feel as comfortable as she can. She nearly whines when I stop and my body moves but it's not long before I’m helping her to lay down on my chest. She lays on top of my heart as her body curls around me and her tail wraps around my thigh. Her breathing starts to level and her small noises of pain begin to fade. My hands drift to hold her shoulder and play with her hair as she finds peace and relaxation in my arms. “Tell me in the morning what happened?” she murmurs in her sleepy slurred voice. “Of course, in the morning my love.” I murmur back as we wrap ourselves up in each other, creating a bond that only death would be able to break.
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wrrrenff · 10 months
Restless Nights In the Devildom
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Obey Me: Shall We Date Mammon x F! Reader Synopsis: After a long day in the devildom you can't seem to get any sleep! So of course the only thing to do is go annoy your best friend Mammon. Thing don't turn out as expected when you get to his room...
Warnings: 18+, smut, restraints, bondage, p in v sex, kissing, marking, domination
Gif credits to the creator!
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Today had really taken its toll. Three exams, breaking up a fight between Satan and Lucifer, and in the middle of cooking dinner for everyone Beel kept trying to eat my ingredients! All of it was adding up and you were dead tired. So why couldn’t you fall asleep? It’s been two and a half hours and nothing. You could cry at how frustrated you were.
You decided that if you can’t sleep you might as well go annoy your favorite demon. You don’t even bother to knock on Mammon’s door. At this point you are both so used to each other just barging in. When you opened the door you noticed a lump on the bed. As you got closer you saw the white hair you’re so familiar with. He was asleep. Perfect opportunity to fuck with him. His face does look really peaceful… Do you really want to ruin that? Hehe fuck yeah i do.
You slowly reach towards his shoulder, ready to shake the ever-living hell out of him. As soon as you make contact Mammon grabs your hand and quickly fling you onto his bed and straddles you and holds your wrists tightly against the mattress. *What the fuck just happened* you thought.
His furious eyes take a moment before realizing who is underneath him. He smirked. “Well well well. Look who we have here. Does the little human think she can sneak up on me that easily?”
You were breathing hard. This is not how you expected this to go at all. But you weren’t mad at this situation. Or the position.
“You okay princess? You’re breathing real heavy.” Mammon said with slight concern, slightly lifting his weight off your legs but still holding your wrists tight.
You liked this. You didn’t want it to stop. Instead of responding you decided to try something. Slowly but carefully, you lift your knee and press it between his legs, rubbing it back and forth slightly. Mammon moaned. Hard. So devilishly sweet.
“Oh, you want to play like that huh?” Mammon flew off of you and started digging through his dresser drawer. Did he not like it? You worried that you upset him and went too far. That is, until he turned around and you saw the rope and cuffs.
Before you even had a second to think you were being tied up to the demon’s bed frame. You pull at the restraints with no luck at getting out.
“Too tight?”
“They’re fine but…”
The demon raised a brow. He gently grabbed your chin and slowly lifted your face until you were forced to look at him. “What is it darling? Use your words.”
Damn demon. You didn’t want to admit how badly you wanted him but you conceded. “I want to touch you. Make you feel good.”
He chuckled, low and rumbly. It made you squirm. “You came to me. I make the rules. You’re lucky I didn’t use my gag.”
“Well there’s already one flaw in your plan, genius. You forgot to take my clothes off before tying me up.”
“Oh, that won’t be a problem sweetheart.” Suddenly he uses his strength to rip your clothes off. It was so easy for him. Like taking a tissue out of the box.
“So wet for me already and we’ve barely even started.”
He was staring at your figure, eyes full of lust. They were hungry eyes, intimidating. You couldn’t help but shift under him, suddenly feeling self conscious. Before you had too much more time to think about it, Mammon dove in and kissed you hard. You didn’t reciprocate at first, taking a moment to register what was happening, but quickly enough you came to your senses and kissed back. Mammon place one hand on the back of your head, slightly pulling at your hair, his other hand at your breast, lightly teasing your nipple.
He started moving his lips lower. Down your neck biting and sucking hard, almost like he was trying to leave the most obvious marks he could so everyone would know you belonged to him, even if just for this one time. He is the demon of greed after all.
You were a moaning mess. You wanted to touch him. Feel the closeness between you too. It was so FRUSTRATING. It didn’t take long for your moans to turn to impatient whines.
“What’s the matter, princess?”
“I- I want to feel you” you were a panting mess.
“Not yet, baby.”
“Can’t you at least strip too? I want to see you. All of you.”
He seemed to contemplate this for a moment, stroking his chin in the most dramatic way like the idiot he is. He was drawing this out. After a minute he got close to your face and whispered “I’ll see what I can do”
He straddled you and started taking his shirt off. You’ve seen him shirtless before but this time was different. You’ve never wanted to feel up to someone more than you did right now. You try to reach for him but don’t get very far due to the cuffs.
“You’re cute” He continues stripping, your eyes watching hungrily. As he takes off his underwear you can’t help but wonder how the fuck that thing is going to fit inside of you. But you didn’t care. You want him and you want him now.
“Fuck me please! I need it now!” You were practically begging at this point. You could see Mammon wanted to tease you some more but even he was getting to his breaking point. He lines up with your entrance and slowly starts pushing in.
“F-fuuuuucking hell!”
He stops half way through. “Need a sec?”
You nod, struggling a bit to get any words out. After a moment you tell him to continue. He eventually bottoms out inside of you and you have never felt so full in you life. You Loved it, but you needed more.
“Move please!”
“As you wish my princess.”
He starts thrusting and immediately hitting all the right spots. Mammon leaned down and started lapping and sucking one breast while teasing the other with his hand. Feeling the heat between your bodies and all of the sensations he was making you feel, it was pure bliss.
“Mammon faster! Break me!”
Without any hesitation he started going faster and harder, your hips meeting his as best they could considering the restraints. The bed was creaking like crazy. Any other day you’d be worried that this much noise would get you in trouble with Lucifer but you could deal with the consequences later. Mammon moved off your breast and up to your neck, creating more love bites. You were getting close and he could tell. Mammon reached down between you and started rubbing your clit in circles, turning you into a blubbering mess. You couldn’t even form words and more. The only sounds filling the room at this point was just the sound of skin and both of your grunts and moans.
Feeling himself getting closer to the edge, Mammon angled himself a bit differently and was hitting your g-spot perfectly. Only a few more thrusts and you were cumming hard. You went to grab Mammon as you came but were stopped by your cuffs so you were just squirming as you came.
You lay there, still bound by the handcuffs and ropes as Mammon kept pounding into you. You were so sensitive. It felt great. Each thrust into you had you whimpering. He just kept hitting your g-spot. After a minute, it was like you had gained a second wind and you could feel yourself getting close again. Mammon, realizing this, started thrusting even harder into you. You could swear the bed was going to break. Soon you both came, screaming each other's names. You were in such a trance after that you didn’t even know your own name. Mammon collapsed on top of you, panting like crazy. After catching his breath and regaining some strength, Mammon released you from your restraints. You immediately grabbed onto him like a koala to a tree. He chuckled and held you close.
After a few minutes of cuddling, you finally broke the silence. “You know, I just came in here to annoy you but if the thanks I get for barging in here, I think I need to do it more often”
The demon smirked “From here on out you can expect a lot more, princess.” You both cuddled up as close as you could to each other and eventually drifted off into the deepest most refreshing sleep you’ve ever had.
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libraryofantiquitea · 2 years
𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳.
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prairing: jake "hangman" seresin x f!reader
summary: you're a bartender at the hard deck who a couple of douchebags have decided to torment. neither you nor jake seresin will stand for it.
warnings: descriptions of violence against women, blood.
word count: 2.2k
author's notes: this fic was very much inspired by the above screenshot of glen powell from ride along and my lovelies in the creator coven. bloodied (fictional) men do thing to my loins, i will not apologize.
when i was younger, i always wanted to get into a bar fight while "ballroom blitz" blasts over the jukebox. but i'll let jake handle it instead.
likes / comments / reblogs are very much appreciated! thank you for reading! ♥
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“Get your hands off of me, you shit waffle!”
The large dude manhandling you as you made your war through the packed crowd at The Hard Deck merely looked back at his friends and laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
You were working your regular Friday night shift at the bar frequented by the men and women of the local Navy base, as well as any local who had a penchant for hearing their stories, or just wanting to have a good time with friends. Unfortunately that meant that sometimes more rowdy and less than savoury characters wound up within the four walls of the bar as well. What did you do when you were one of the few decent bars in town?
Penny had some pretty fair, but tough and firm rules regarding the harassment of her employees, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t happen from time to time. You had a reputation for being a little spitfire behind the bar, but hadn’t instilled the fear of God into the crowd that frequented the bar yet.
They just needed to give you time.
That night you were in charge of bussing drinks back and forth between some of the tables at the back of the bar. You would have much preferred to be behind the bar, or working the front where the likes of Jake Seresin and Natasha Trace hung out. Since the aviators were often regulars, who tipped well and treated The Hard Deck as if it were home, they were much more pleasant to deal with, and if you were forced to admit it, quite easy on the eyes.
You knew the moment you went to take the drink order from one of the tables at the back that you weren’t going to have a great time with them. They were boisterous, rude, and kept making disparaging comments about all of the women within eyesight. Penny wasn’t working that night, but it was nothing that you couldn’t handle. You had a line, and if they crossed it, you’d kick them out.
“Those guys aren’t giving you too much trouble, are they?”
You lifted your head from pouring beers to see Jake standing on the other side of the bar. He leaned his forearms against the hardwood, raising his eyebrows before cocking his head toward the back. You followed his gaze and sighed.
“Not yet,” you replied, before turning to look back at Jake. “They seem like all talk and no bite. They’ll get loud, get bored when they realize that no one is paying them any mind, then head out.”
Jake huffed before standing upright and patting the countertop of the bar. “All right. But if they start raisin’ hell you know where to find us, sweetheart.”
You were glad he turned around to return to his game of darts with Bradley Bradshaw because you knew for a fact that your blush covered not only your cheeks but your chest.
It was when you brought the group of three their second round that the biggest of them grabbed your ass when you turned around.
“Oh, we’ve got a live one!” Biggest Dude laughed to his friends after you called him a shit waffle. “C’mon little lady, just havin’ a bit of fun.”
“No dice,” you said, pressing your palms on the table and leaning over it. “If you’re gonna drink here there are rules. Hands off anyone who doesn’t want your hands on them. We’ve kicked people outta here for less.”
“You’re gonna kick us out?” the man with the backwards ballcap asked incredulously. He snorted. “You and your staff don’t look like you could handle us.”
“We have our ways,” you said, raising an eyebrow.
It was then that Biggest Dude reached over and groped at one of your breasts. You were admittedly, showing some cleavage that night, but that still didn’t give him the right. Ballcap laughed, and the other man, Patchy Beard, howled like a fucking animal. It was, quite frankly, all very disgusting, and the kind of shenanigans you expected from the bullies in some 80’s movie, and not actual real life grown men.
“`the fuck off me!” you shouted, hitting Biggest Dude in the face with the tray you had been carrying. It certainly wasn’t enough to inflict any sort of damage, but definitely enough to piss someone off.
“Hey!” Biggest Dude yelled, the people around you beginning to quiet and watch what was transpiring. He stood quickly, moving away from the table toward you.
“What?” you asked, a smirk playing upon your lips. “You can touch me but I can’t touch you? Hardly seems fair.”
You were nothing if not a provoking little shit, and were well aware that you were likely to end the night with a black eye before the police were inevitably called.
“Different between good touch and bad touch, little lady,” Biggest Dude said, grabbing at your wrist. “Maybe I oughta teach you?”
“Ew,” you said, voice dripping with disgust.
“Fuckin’ bitch.”
He slapped you. Not hard, but hard enough to shock you and have you turn your head to the side, and to have the people around gasping. It took you a moment to register what had happened, and when you did you could hear little else but the jukebox on the other side of the bar, and a series of rapid footfalls headed in your direction.
Through the haze of adrenaline you spotted Jake, who pushed his way through the last bit of the crowd who hadn’t already parted for him. It happened more quickly than Biggest Dude slapping you. Jake grabbed his shoulder and shoved him against the wall, nostrils flaring.
“Your mama must’ve not raised you right if you’re gonna put your hands on a lady like that,” Jake sneered. “Get the fuck out.”
“Who’s gonna make me?” Biggest Dude asked, looking at his friends and laughing a little.
“You’re lookin’ at him.”
“Jake -” you began, gingerly touching your face.
“I got it, sweetheart,” he said, and the way that “sweetheart” drifted past his lips sounded a lot different than it had moments before at the bar.
“I just - no fighting in the bar,” you said. “Penny’ll have you paying everyone’s tabs for the next ten years.”
“Outside?” Patchy Beard suggested, standing up from his chair.
“Yeah, outside is good,” Jake agreed, nodding his head, giving Biggest Dude a shove toward the back exit.
“Jake,” you began, walking up to him and grabbing his arm, a bold move for you. “You do not have to fight this loser to … defend my honour or some shit. C’mon.”
Jake looked at you, fury blazing in his eyes, and you realized there was no way in talking him down from his desire to kick Biggest Dude’s ass.
“It’s nothing,” he assured you.
Biggest Dude and Jake were already fighting by the time you got out to the parking lot, having gone to grab Bradey, Natasha, and Javy. A small crowd had assembled around them, including Ballcap and Patchy Beard.
“Oh man,” Bradley said, exasperated. “He’s gonna get his ass busted down to Private if Mav finds out.”
The four of you quickly made your way toward the fight, and you were the first to reach the crowd, just in time to see Biggest Dude punch Jake right in the stomach.
“Hey!” you hollered, pushing through the small crowd of people and walking right up to Jake and Biggest Dude. “Enough! You’re both being idiots!”
“Fuck off, little lady,” Biggest Dude snarled, turning his attention toward you.
He was distracted long enough for Jake to get a couple of punches in, and you moved back lest you get more involved than you wanted to. The people around you hooted and hollered, while Bradley and Javy tried to pull Jake away.
“You lay a hand on her again and I will break your fuckin’ face,” Jake spat, pure vitriol oozing from his lips.
It was violent, but it was also incredibly hot. It probably shouldn’t have been.
Biggest Dude’s friends got the memo that they should probably get involved, each of them moving toward either Bradley or Javy to distract them, which meant Jake was free to land some more punches if he so chose.
“Jake. C’mon,” you said once more, moving to stand in front of him. He was sweating, breathing hard, and had murder in his eyes and fists at the ready. You laid your hands against his heaving chest, shirt damp with perspiration. “You don’t need to do this. I’m not some fair maiden who needs a white knight. These guys are losers anyway. Just … let’s all go back into the bar. The rest of your drinks are on me tonight.”
For the briefest moment Jake met your eyes, the anger melting away. You smiled warmly at him in an attempt to get him to come down from his rage. It only lasted a moment though before Jake shouted and punished you aside.
You stumbled to the side just as Biggest Dude had lurched forward to the two of you. He grabbed at the collar of Jake’s t-shirt, and though Jake was at the ready, Biggest Dude landed a couple of punches to Jake’s face. You could hear the crunch of bone and thought you might be ill.
Biggest Dude had Jake pinned to the hood of someone’s car, fist pulled back to lay another punch into him. Bradley, who had laid Patchy Beard out on the ground, grabbed Biggest Dude’s arm and pulled him back, away from Jake.
“Enough!” he hollered.
You weren’t paying attention to Bradley, or what else was going on around you - your attention was focused purely on Jake. Rushing over to him, he was still laid out on the hood of the car, panting hard and coughing, attempting to get his bearings after what had just transpired.
“Jake,” you whispered, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder and assessing his injuries. “Shit,” you muttered under your breath.
“I lost,” Jake muttered, looking up at the stars that filled the night sky.
“No, you didn’t,” you assured him, gingerly helping him to stand upright. “That piece of shit fought dirty. By all rights, you won.”
Bradley was a commanding force, and while you couldn’t make out what he was saying, the fight seemed to be over. Your attention was focused on Jake, and only Jake.
“C’mon. Let’s get you fixed up.”
It was business as usual back in The Hard Deck. Bradley and Javy had sent the Terrible Threesome packing to lick their wounds and the crowd had dispersed. The other bartenders and staff were taking care of the bar while you sat with Jake in the storage room, where the first aid kit was. Natasha had poked her head in to give you both an update on what happened outside and to let you know things had mostly returned back to normal inside.
“Thanks, Trace,” Jake had said, as Natasha had closed the door and left.
You and Jake were sitting facing one another in two folding chairs, the first aid kit sitting open on a case of beer. Tending gently to the cuts and scrapes on Jake’s knuckles, you pursed your lips as you ruminated over what to say.
“You really didn’t have to do all that,” you murmured. “We could’ve just kicked the three of them out.”
“Something tells me they wouldn’t have gone without a fight then either,” Jake said with a large sniff. His nose and mouth were still bloody, and he didn’t seem to be in a rush to tend to either before you got there.
You lifted your gaze from his knuckles to his face. “Is it broken?” you asked.
“Nah,” Jake replied, shaking his head. “Just a bone bruise. Fuckin’ hurts though.” Nodding, you turned your attention back to Jake’s knuckles, holding his hand gently. “Hey.” You glanced up again to find concern in his green eyes. “He socked you too. How’re you?”
“I’m fine,” you replied, swallowing a little harder than you probably would have if anyone else other than Jake Seresin was looking at you like that. Jake pulled his hand from yours, reaching out and touching your face gently. You hissed a little, and bit at your bottom lip. “Okay, maybe a little less good than fine.”
“He was a big dude,” Jake said, smiling fondly at you. You hadn’t realized you had tilted your head toward his touch until Jake’s thumb was sweeping gently over your cheek. “You held your own. You’re a helluva girl.”
“You’re gonna make me blush, Seresin,” you said, laughing nervously. “Thank you, by the way. For standing up for me. You really didn’t have to.”
“Oh, but I wanted to, darlin’,” he said, scooting a little closer to you, the legs of his chair scraping against the floor.
Oh shit.
“Jake,” you murmured as he leaned in, lips sweeping gently over yours.
You should’ve cared that he was hurt, you should’ve cared that his mouth was still bloody, but you didn’t. A ragged sigh escaped you and you kissed him a little harder.
Jake hissed.
“Oh!” you said, reaching up to cover your mouth as Jake pulled away. “Sorry, sorry!”
“S’okay,” Jake said, smiling and cautiously touching his lips. “Just … maybe let’s not kiss again until my lip isn’t so split?”
You smiled, nodding your head. “Yeah, okay. I think I can do that.” You reached out for his hand again, not having finished cleaning up his knuckles. “Holding hands is nice too.”
Jake laughed. “Yeah. Holding hands is nice.”
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sevencolorsatlast · 2 years
Reverse Isekai SAGAU - Your Favorite Character Misses You (Part 1)
Part 1 (You're Here!) || Part 2
Edit 1: Added more headcanons! I've missed some details I had on mind ;w;
This wholesome idea came up out of nowhere after reading a bunch of Imposter SAGAU reverse isekais whereas a bunch of characters yeet themselves into the Creator's/Player's world to apologize for killing them at the first place.
What if, by chance, they ended up in your world while you were away for a very long time? Not really you being an Imposter or anything; it’s like the game telling you “Remember your favorite character you often play as? They actually miss you a lot. I’m gonna send them to you pronto!” then they just appear out of nowhere and scare the living shit out of you as they land in your house.
Other Notes: Default SAGAU / GN!Reader / Headcanon / +400 Words
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Due to the sudden teleportation, they usually have items on their hands (an open book, a pen, a musical instrument or even their weapon) or look like they are going to who-knows-where, frozen in mid-walk/mid-run. 
It’ll take them a while to get them accustomed to the modern world. Now, there will be a lot of room for creativity here!
Examples: they call you "Your Grace/Your Excellency, etc." and you keep correcting them to call you by your name because you know people will give you weird looks if you and your fave are in public; teaching them what an internet meme is; they can practically borrow your/your old relatives' clothes (if it fits them) or outright steals from someone else if they are cunning enough that can get you into trouble; asking what are the names moving vehicles and you can (1) tell them what they are called (2) troll them by calling it something ridiculous and they repeat after you with a puzzled look on their faces. Be creative! :D
(forgot to add this detail oops) Depending on how high your friendship level is with your fave. If it's between Level 1-5, they are powerless as heck but will help you whenever they can.
But if you have Level 6-10 Friendship, they can summon their weapon out of thin air to protect you even if they don't have their Vision powers with them.
Poor Catalysts users. Depending on who they are: throw their weapon at someone's face as distraction / use their martial prowess (aka beating the living daylights out of a person) / use their galaxy brain intelligence to get you both out of trouble / grab your hand to run as far away as possible to get you to safety.
However, their stats/artifacts are still on effect so imagine your fave getting into a fight and won the 50-50 Crit Rate/DMG with their hit / whatever weapon they are using.
When you finally open the game, you see an empty space in your roster/character menu but displays their name and everything like before - their artifacts you gave them, same weapons and talent levels too. 
For them to get back, this is silly but very wholesome - you need to make their favorite/specialty dishes and they eat it. Simple, right? Probably yes for some characters, probably no with most… as you tried to rack your brains on how to even properly cook, replicate the look/design, AND how it tastes.
Wait, have you ever tasted similar dishes to theirs beforehand? And what if you have allergies to a certain ingredient? They will/can help you but where on earth would you find that one ingredient exclusive to a certain store? 
Also, good luck not setting your kitchen on fire because I assume all of them haven’t seen a modern kitchen before.
Once you miraculously successfully replicated their dish in real life, they can go back to their world and you can play as them in the game as usual. They can basically go back and forth by making their specialty dish and offering it to your shrine whenever they want to see you again.
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Dandy Mott x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: dandy being dandy, straight up murder, descriptions of a womans dead body, gloria is trying to like sell dandy to women
Author’s Note: i do not know how to feel about this but dandy is still crazy adn sometimes that calls for a weirdly sectioned fic  
Requested: by anon, Hey! Your Dandy Mott fics are absolutely scrumptious and I can’t think of anyone better to hand over this idea to. I was thinking Gloria hires Reader as a personal nurse/kinda nanny for Dandy to get him used to being close to ladies his own age but it totally backfires on her cause Dandy gets interested in Reader and throws huge tantrums when his mom tries to get him to pay attention to other (rich) women
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You really needed a job. The summer had started and now that you were out of school there was no excuse for you to be lingering around without a reasonable way to spend your time. You had scoured the town for help wanted signs, dropped off your resumes at every available desk and even visited the local circus to see if they needed someone to hand out tickets. 
Some places answered. 
None of the places were as interesting as Gloria Mott’s phone call. You hadn’t even been by her house, had no actual idea that she was attempting to hire. You had heard the horror stories of the Mott’s. Dandy had walked around town and caused ruckus but you had never actually met him. 
Gloria’s phone call was high pitched and concerned. 
“A babysitter? I’m sorry Miss. Mott, I was under the impression that Dandy was around my age.” 
“Oh yes, he is! He’s just…a little stunted. In the most affectionate way possible! I would like someone his age to get to know him, get used to the idea of regular people.” 
She said regular people like it was a slur. You had no idea what kind of abnormal people she was speaking about or if she was directly talking about Dandy. Regardless, she was willing to pay far too much money for you to just hang out with Dandy. You had babysat before, granted, no one close to your age. 
It was between that or stocking shelves at the general store for below minimum wage. 
That was how you arrived at the doorstep of a large house. You knocked on the door nervously, unsure what to expect. You teetered back and forth on your feet, peeking through the side window that had the curtains drawn. You jumped when the front door opened. 
A woman answered the door wearing an apron. She had a disgusted look on her twisted face. 
“You’re the new help?” she questioned. 
“I…I guess so.” She didn’t move aside. 
“I’m Dora Brown. Welcome to the freak show.” She finally backed up. “I’m the maid here. Gloria said you were here to babysit Dandy?”
“Yeah, I suppose. Though isn’t Dandy my age? Gloria didn’t really specify what my duties here would be.” 
“Dandy’s behavior is obnoxious and unreasonable. He’s a spoiled brat who doesn’t know manners,” she seethed. You followed her through the house, trying not to be too amazed at the decor. You hadn’t realized how rich the Mott’s really were. You couldn’t imagine having this much money, enough to decorate the walls with unnecessary pastels. 
“So I’m here to make sure he doesn’t act out?”
“I think you’re here to get him used to other people.” She stopped in front of a door. “Good luck with that.” Her tone of voice was not reassuring. She left you there, walking back down the long hallway with no instructions. You looked at the door, unsure what you were going to find behind it. You wondered if this was worth the money. Dora didn’t seem exactly happy. But who was happy at work? 
You knocked on the door. 
It swang open without much of a delay. Behind it was Gloria, her face pinched into a forced content look. 
“Oh good! You’re here.” She moved aside and took your bag from you. “Dandy’s just in his room. If you could just make friends with him.” Her instructions remained vague and you didn’t think you were going to get anything else from her even if you pried. You cleared your throat. 
“Why can’t Dandy make friends-”
“You’ll see dear, you’ll see.” She was ushering you towards the door at the end of the room. You suddenly felt unsafe; like she was leading you to slaughter. You had no room to protest because suddenly the door was open and you were being shoved inside. 
The door shut harshly behind you. 
It was like a children’s play room but enlarged. Toy horses the size of real ones were at the corners of the room. There was a bike and a chandelier. You looked around, absorbing everything rather slow, when your eyes finally landed on Dandy. He was sitting at the front of the room, in front of what looked like a puppet show stage. He stood up when the door shut behind you. 
“You’re the girl my mother is paying to watch me?” he questioned. His tone was closer to singing than speaking. You cleared your throat and nodded. You had never seen Dandy in person, only heard the rumors. He was your age. Handsome, if it weren’t for the childish scowl on his face. 
“Hi Dandy,” you breathed. “I’m Y/N.” You straightened your back. You had to do what you were paid here to do. 
“Y/N.” He played your name on his tongue. He said it again, whispering it and then saying it loudly. “Like a toy.” 
“Sure. Like a toy.” You approached him, still looking around the room. “How are you today?” 
“Fine. You shouldn’t have to be here. My mother thinks I’m still a child.” He sauntered over to you, landing just in front of you. He observed it curiously, like you were nothing but an object. He put his hand on your arm, brushing down it, like you were made of practice. 
“You’re not a child,” you told him. “That’s ridiculous.” 
You nodded once. 
“What do you like to do, Dandy? This room is pretty magnificent. I can’t imagine you getting bored.” 
“I’m so bored,” he promised you. “All the time.” He gestured to everything. “My mother doesn’t like it when I speak about the circus or the clowns. I want to go to the circus Y/N.” You furrowed your brows. 
“I haven’t heard much about the circus. What goes on there that’s so exciting?” You sat down on the round green couch in the center of the room. He turned to look at you, eyes wide. 
“You haven’t heard?” You shook your head, a small smile on your face. 
“No I haven’t.” He sat down beside you, words starting to tumble out of his mouth. He liked to hear himself talk and it was easy to get him going. 
You weren’t quite sure what Gloria and Dora were going on about. Sure, Dandy was high maintenance. But he loved hanging out with you. He was a clingy mess, the second you allowed him to speak to you he never wanted you to leave. Multiple nights he insisted on you spending the night. You got used to him fairly quickly and had no issues getting paid to spend time with him. 
Frankly, after a while, you grew to enjoy your time with Dandy. Having someone fawn over you endlessly and obsess over your every move was more enjoyable than anyone else gave him credit for. He had no interest in the circus after a while. Why would he, when he had you?
You got him fun trinkets from there when you passed by, pictures of the abnormalities he would go on and on about. He kept them on the wall and in the corner, a shrine to your presents. 
Dandy was napping. He had to nap once a day, like a child, otherwise he would get cranky. Typically you read in the same room as him so he wasn’t surprised when he woke up without you. Dora liked to call you ‘Dandy’s favorite teddy bear’. 
You had curled up beside him, holding the book open with two fingers. Gloria opened the door slowly, not wanting to wake him up. 
“Afternoon,” you whispered. Dandy grumbled at the noise but didn’t wake up. She gave you a curt, whimsical nod. 
“Tomorrow evening I’m having some ladies over. Your services won’t be needed.” You nodded once. 
“Are you sure? Are they friends of yours or-”
“Potential suitors for Dandy,” she explained. “It’s better if you’re not here to distract him. Though your services have been increasingly valuable,” she admitted. Her voice was wispy. You nodded slowly, glancing down at his sleeping figure. 
“No worries. Should I let him know?” She shook her head. 
“I’ll let him know,” she said. 
She stared at you for a moment, awkwardly, like she wanted to say something else but nothing else came out. You watched her, evenly, until she left the room. You weren't sure when you had started to hold the cards over Dandy but it felt like you had more sway than her. 
Dandy groaned. You brushed his hair out of his face and he nuzzled against your touch. 
He reached forward, grabbing at your leg. You hummed and he put his head in your lap. You hummed till he fell back asleep. 
It was odd not going to the Mott’s the next day. You wondered how Dandy was handling it. You spent the day pursuing the shops in town, finally having the money to spend. When you arrived back home your phone was ringing. You set down your bags and removed your sunglasses before picking it up. 
“Oh thank goodness.” You recognized Gloria’s phone voice. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for an hour. Where on Earth were you?”
“I was out, I thought I had this afternoon off,” you said. “Is everything alright?” You asked the question, despite being able to hear the ruckus in the background. There was a crash and a yelp from Gloria. You heard some muffled calling from Dora. Then an exasperated groan from Dandy. 
“No! No, everything is not alright! Please come over!” It briefly occurred to you to ask for more money. Clearly your services were needed and Gloria’s pockets weren't exactly hurting. Instead you heard another annoyed groan from Dandy and nodded. 
“I’m leaving right now.” 
When you arrived you could hear the chaos from outside. Glasses shattering, plates breaking, screaming from an annoyed mother. You didn’t bother knocking, instead you just used your key and let yourself inside. 
You followed the noises to the dining room. 
“I don’t like those ladies' mothers! I don’t want those women, those foul overpriced women!” Dandy explained loudly. “I want Y/N!” 
“Y/N is not a- stop throwing things!” Gloria’s strained voice exclaimed. You pushed open the door. There was glass shattered on the ground and beside it, a dead woman. She had a singular gunshot wound in her forehead. Her lips were still open, drool escaping her lifeless mouth. Your eyes floated around. 
“Thank goodness you’re here,” Gloria exclaimed. “Dora will come clean this up. Please, please, just deal with him-” 
Dandy ran over to you, throwing his arms around you. Your receptive actions were halted for a moment, as you took in the events in front of you. 
“What happened?” you asked him as he held him against you. 
“My mother tried to have me marry a different woman,” he seethed. “Doesn’t she know we’re supposed to be married?” Your eyes opened wide. You couldn’t exactly deny your connection to Dandy but neither of you had talked about anything exactly romantic. 
“Oh Dandy,” you whispered. You brushed his hair out of his face. “Did you do this?”
“She wouldn’t leave me alone,” he explained, looking at the dead woman. She was older than him. Much older. Closer to Gloria’s age and status. You narrowed your gaze at her. Dandy was easy to annoy but he was worse when he was uncomfortable. 
“I assure you, she was just being friendly,” Gloria said absentmindedly. You watched as she left the room to find Dora. You wondered if this unnamed woman’s death would be talked about at all, or if they would sweep it under the rug like everything else Dandy does. 
“I didn’t like her,” Dandy whined. You nodded. He was still holding onto your arms, his grip tightening. You nodded once. 
“That’s alright,” you whispered. “Let’s go get some air.” You dragged one of your hands down to his hand. You gripped it, lightly dragging him out of the room. He watched the unmoving woman as he walked. You led him through the front door and to the courtyard. It was empty of any other staff. You were grateful to be alone. 
“I want to go out,” he muttered. “I don’t want to be here.” 
“We can go somewhere else. Where would you like to go?” 
“I don’t care,” he admitted. His hand remained in yours. He looked down at it, observing the intertwined fingers. He hummed, flexing his fingers in and out. “This is nice.” 
“I’m sorry your mother tried to set you up with that other lady,” you whispered. He shook his head. Just the reminder of her made him upset. He had disposed of her and now would need no other reason to think of her. 
“She’s gone now,” he told you. He said it like it was a promise, as though he had done it to protect you. “Where were you?” 
“Your mother said you were having friends over. She said I didn’t need to come by.” 
“You always need to come by,” he insisted. He raised his head and let go of your hand. “You’re not like mother or Dora. You listen when I speak,” he said, head straight. You gave him a gentle smile and he gave you one back. 
You gestured down the courtyard. 
“Should we take a walk?” He thought about it for a moment and then offered his arm. You wrapped your arm through his. He leaned against you and used you as a crutch. You wondered if you were going to get a phone call from Gloria, complaining about where Dandy was. She might even try to fire you, hire a new ‘nanny’ for Dandy, and try and set him right again. 
“Do you think we could stop at the circus?” he questioned, voice suggestive. You both knew you weren’t supposed to go there. 
“That’s a long walk.”
“We can take one of my cars.” He paused. “I have many.” You nodded slowly. 
“Do you have the keys?” His lips turned up into a mischievous smile. 
“I may.”
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lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 1 year
kiss you by one direction.
ranboo is crushing, but reader is a teeny tiny bit oblivious. ranboo is always finding ways to hold onto reader, touching them, holding their arm/hand, touching their shoulder, fixing their hair for them, etc etc. one day, maybe after talking to wilbur or phil, ranboo finds the god damn courage to go out with them privately and say "please, just let me kiss you."
, kiss you ! ୨♡୧
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ranboo x gn!reader (they/them pronouns for y/n)
warnings: the most adorable fluff you'll eva read ♡
a/n: ladies and gentlemen, joy is now supporting us with some amazing brainrot once again !!! srsly @heiijoy has the best requests /gen go read their works !! ♡
words: 965
One thing that was obvious about Y/n was that they were incredibly oblivious and carefree. In times, that was very useful, especially as they were a streamer with a larger fanbase and community. In other times, it wasn’t as.. Helpful. Especially when their best friend of 3 years had a crush on them. And their best friend was indeed, Ranboo. 
Ranboo had always considered themselves a “hopeless romantic”, someone who believes in love no matter what relationships or situations they’ve been through personally. Ranboo always tried to be near y/n, doing at least something with him. He constantly tried to give small little hints to y/n that he had a crush on them, but most of the time, those hints would click inside other people’s brains, and not y/ns, leaving Ranboo to get teased by his friends. He would constantly leave very obvious gestures to y/n, but nothing seemed to work.
During Vidcon panels and restaurants, Ranboo would always sit right next to Y/n, purposely making sure that their hands, legs or arms were touching in some way. If Ranboo, Y/n and some other people were walking to go somewhere, Ranboo would also offer y/n his hand or arm to hold onto, and he would be a blushing and stuttering mess if Y/n accepted. Although, y/n’s oblvious self would assume Ranboo was acting that way because of the weather or some random thing. 
During a convention that Y/n and Ranboo were speaking at together, Ranboo and Y/n hung out backstage along with Wilbur, Tommy and Niki. Tommy and Niki were talking, and Wilbur was grabbing water to drink before the panel. Y/n was scrolling through Twitter, laughing at the tweets in the Twitchcon panel hashtag from the audience. 
“Hey, Y/n, come ‘ere for a second.” Ranboo spoke.
Y/n looked up from their phone and shut it off before shoving it in their pocket. They came a bit closer to Ranboo. “What’s up?” they said.
Ranboo’s cheeks had a bit of a red hue to them, wishing in his head that Y/n couldn’t notice. He reached his hands up into Y/n’s hair, tucking away a few strands behind their ear. Y/n sucked in their breath, and Ranboo swore he saw a bit of tint on Y/n’s ears. 
Ranboo pulled away his hand. “There.” he smiled.
Y/n smiled back at the tall boy in front of them. “T-thank you.”
Wilbur looked over at Ranboo and Y/n, moving his eyes back and forth between the two. He finally settled making eye contact with Ranboo and raised an eyebrow. Ranboo sighed and felt blush rise onto his cheeks once again. He looked back over at y/n quickly, and pulled out his phone.
After the panel, Wilbur and Phil texted Ranboo to come meet them in one of the creator lounges, and I quote reader, “In private.” Usually when Wilbur or Phil say something like that, it’s usually meant as “We need to talk/ask you about something” (it’s worse when it’s both of them say ‘in private’!) 
Ranboo sucked in his breath and headed over to the destination they were supposed to meet at. Ranboo finally got there after 10 minutes of walking, and saw Wilbur leaning against the wall talking to Phil as Phil drank his cup of coffee. 
Ranboo walked over to the two men and cleared his throat. “So, what did you want to ask me.. In private?” Ranboo said.
Wilbur looked over at Phil. “When were you going to tell us that you and Y/n are dating?”
Ranboo’s eyes widened. “U-uh, we’re not dating.” Phil raised an eyebrow.
“I promise you, we’re not together!” Ranboo responded, raising his arms up in defense. 
Phil spoke up. “If you’re always acting like that towards Y/n, and you two aren’t dating, then I assume you have a crush on them, correct?”
Ranboo’s mouth tightened. “You can tell us, you know. We’re basically your family.” Wilbur added, smiling.
Ranboo looked at both of them and sighed. “Yeah, I think I do like them..”  The smile of the two men’s faces could not be wiped off throughout any of that day when Ranboo and Y/n were anywhere near each other.
Reader, ever since that day, when Ranboo was basically forced to tell Phil and Will about his admiration for y/n, let's just say his head was even more filled with thoughts of y/n. Now, before the conversation with Wilbur and Phil, he already was swarmed with thoughts already. But now, it was even more than usual, to the point where he would tell himself to stop and clear his mind a bit before continuing to whatever he was doing. He knew it was a sign to tell y/n, and he finally brought himself to do it.
Ranboo and y/n were walking alone on the Brighton shore, watching the waves crash along the sand and their feet. The sun was slowly setting into a beautiful shade of baby pink and tangerine with the daisy yellow sun painting the horizon.
Ranboo and y/n both stopped in their tracks and sat down on the rocky floors of the shore and admired the beautiful sunset in front of them. Ranboo sighed and looked over at y/n.
"I love you, y/n." Ranboo spit out quickly, almost tripping over their own words. Blush rose to Ranboo's cheeks at what words he spoke, as he meant to say them a little later on in the evening but couldn't hold his tounge back.
Y/n looked over in surprise.
"Shit, I-I. I do love you y/n. Gosh, I just wanna take you anywhere you like, and show you off to everyone, and j-just-." the boy stuttered.
"Want to what?" Y/n said, smiling.
"Please, just let me kiss you."
"Kiss me, then." y/n spoke back.
And they did, reader. They did.
oh my garsh this is too cute for me to handle !!!!! 😭 /pos
thank you so much @heiijoy, my very lovely moot, for sending this ask in! its a bit late, so sorry abt that!
my requests are still CLOSED, im just currently clearing up my drafts/inbox and writing whatever i feel like if i have the motivation to do so :]
please support my work by liking, replying, following me, or reblogging! anything helps to continue my writing ♡
love you all mwah xoxoxoxo
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Found back together through love
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John Allerdyce x mutant!reader
warning : fluff, comfort, kissing, mention of killing and other violent things that happen in battle, no use of y/n, reader is female
Summary : Together they had disbanded and should have emerged together in the void instead separated from each other for an unknowable amount of time not seeing each other two mutants find themselves reunited in a final battle through love and a lot of dead people.
info : Thank you thank you for THIS incredibly sweet idea from @thefandomqueen2882 that I was allowed / able to realize your idea I wish you a lot of fun and see you next time
ps : The gif of him just so pretty like fuck me
Together they could have had it all in the end according to John back when they met, when he had proclaimed the brotherhood of mutants together with Magneto and hundreds if not thousands of oppressed mutants followed him, she was there too.
A young mutant his age, a runaway like him, a mutant who wanted the same thing, to feel bigger and stronger in a society that had failed her.
A similar goal that Magneto and the Brotherhood would also be heading for and so she had joined not only because of that but also because it was John who had followed her, she remembered, out into the night she was about to disappear into a portal when his flame lay between them, warming and illuminating them both, ,,That's a hell of a gift, a beautiful portal,” was the first thing he had said to her when they had faced each other like that.
It was the first of many praises and flatteries but most of all recognition of her powers even Magneto took care of her….but all this seemed so long ago so long ago since she had seen other people, seen a real city hell she would love to see the X-Men again knowing they were friendlier than anything here.
Her hand lay on her stomach as it always did when she was thinking, her thoughts circling back and forth to that moment, a moment when she hadn't reacted fast enough I wish I'd gone faster just once she thought, looking out of the small makeshift window at the forest, the moment like a nightmare, like a shadow always with her.
The years after the final battle they had both been rescued by the X-Men to avoid being destroyed by Jean had even stayed at the school for a week but everyone knew that the firebender and the portal creator weren't cut out for this and in a brief but heartfelt goodbye they had disappeared through one of their portals.
John had taken her hand, ,,Our own grand adventure starts now,” he said and she saw the joy in his eyes as they reappeared in an as yet uncharted town and went to explore, he gave her a kiss on the cheek for her strength and life was actually really nice.
They explored cities, got around, helped mutants in need, of course John would never admit that and they just happened to be there, even saving people once, the tragedy of Jean and the destruction could not happen again, they both agreed.
Until decades later, almost twenty years later, they apparently rescued the “wrong” man from a car that had crashed and they used a portal to lift him up while John took care of the flames, or so they thought.
They had appeared so quickly that they had hardly realized that they weren't humans or mutants, ,,Step back from this person!” a man in uniform demanded, pointing at the vehicle that was still threatening to fall down, of course they were both too sure of themselves, they had been through a lot and they certainly weren't going to retreat now.
A mistake.
The biggest mistake of their lives when they both fought back, when they wanted to stand up for something and John threw the first flames at the unknown while she moved him around with her portals.
But she hadn't seen one of them, it had been enough for one of them to sneak up on her and she had been too late to put the stick down, but before she was the first to disintegrate she saw John in front of her.
The look of acceptance as he put his hand to her cheek and he dissolved before her eyes before she could even react, the staff pierced through John into her stomach and she disappeared too, however many years ago she was now here in the void, ,,Don't worry about it again we'll find him” she heard once more the encouraging words of Elektra who put a hand on her shoulder.
Since she had landed hard on a rooted forest floor an unknown time ago, after a few days of walking around, she had come across the house and especially these four friends, friends who were now like a family to her, somehow surviving in this hell day by day.
,,Yes, that would be nice,” she replied weakly and moved away from the seat by the window to help herself to the alcohol, or rather she was about to when Laura came into the house with two new unconscious men covered in blood.
Two men who not only had a mission, but two crazy mutants who would live forever, killing each other. ,,I think they can help us…Logan at least,” the dark-haired woman said, looking at a version of Logan that wasn't hers, yet she seemed to feel a certain connection.
In fact, after waking up, destroying bottles of alcohol and making fun of Gambit's accent, the group came to a decision. They had already lost too much to have anything else to lose.
Which is why only a day later, with a hope in their hearts, a hope and above all a determination in them as they sat squeezed together in the Honda Odyssey on the way to the nefarious Cassandra, the one place she had never been, at least from the known places she knew.
He had given it to her when they had spent their first night together, ,,Think of it as a kind of wedding ring,” he had said jokingly at the time, giving her the lighter with a kiss, but now she would like to be in this moment again, maybe when she died, maybe she would see him again.
With these thoughts and hopes, they broke through the front gate and found themselves inside Deadpool shouted an announcement before he and Logan chased after the bald woman while the family stayed behind, never so sure of one thing as Laura stabbed first and all hell broke loose.
Laura's claws dug into the bodies of the mutants, Elektra's sai's skin ripped open, Gambit made an explosion of humans into humans and Blade had as much fun as she had in the time before nothing and in the chaos she too was a bright portal after others opened and closed body parts cutting her off and heads lying on the ground until she saw fire.
Fire could have just been the elemnt burning itself out untamed but when she saw the flame arcing around corners trying to set Elektra on fire her eyes searched in panic for the cause.
It could only be one, only him…was it possible? She used her portal to deflect the fireball, always failing to spot the person until someone lunged at her, this time she reacted quickly enough before she could hit the ground, creating a portal beneath her and disappearing into it.
She felt her hands around her neck and her angry panicked gaze met blue brown eyes that suddenly seemed to pause, the man who was on top of her the dark dirty outfit fuzzy hair and yet she would always recognize him, ,,John…it's you…you're alive” she said and her hand came off his wrist and lay shakily against his cheek.
She saw how the brown-haired man took a moment to write the fight down when he suddenly took his hands hastily from her neck and clasped her hand before she felt lips on hers, stormy and demanding, but his equally shaky hands that didn't seem to let go of hers told her that he was close to tears too.
Getting off her he sat beside her, ,,You've been here all this time I-I thought I'd lost you” he admitted his lips kissing her hand which he finally managed to hold again as he pulled her close her shaky tearful breath left her as she just let him hold her, feeling his warmth again.
,,I'm here John I'm sorry I would have hurt faster then I-” but he interrupted her shaking his head and brushing her tears away with his fingers ,,You gave it your all I mean we escaped fucking Cassandra you did great my love trust me nothing will happen to us now" he assured her stroking her cheek pulling her slowly onto his lap as he held her enjoying his warmth and now seeing for the first time they were back on wooded ground.
But this relief was nothing compared to knowing John was alive with her, ,,I love you,” she almost heard the three words from him as she closed her eyes just as she felt his lips on hers again, ,,I love you even more my flame,” she returned his words and snuggled up to him again as John held her safe and the two mutants could lie in each other's arms again.
Now that their hopes were raised they were together again they would never be separated again and who knows maybe one day they could find a way out of this and pick up where they left off together in love.
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quicktosimp · 9 months
Yawne Muntxate
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Kinkmas Day 06
Warnings: Thigh Fucking, Breeding Kink, Pregnancy Kink, Threesome, Cunnilingus
A/N: Sorry it's so short, I lost power yesterday 😢
Tagging the creator of this year's Kinkmas @neteyamsyawntu
All throughout my pregnancy, I have wanted nothing but touch, whether it be a hug, kiss, or anything as long as someone's skin touches mine. During a Na’vi pregnancy, due to how close our womb is to the central slit, our body creates a cocktail of hormones into a new liquid that slowly seals our slit until the time of birth. Because of this, it is typical that other partners would leave to take care of their sexual needs without teasing their pregnant mate. Ronal and Tonowari tried doing this with me, but I quickly shut that down; even if I can’t have sex, I still want to be able to touch and please them, leading us to now. 
“Ma’Ronal, our Sumtsyìp is behaving perfectly for us, isn’t she?” Tonowari asks from behind me.
I was on all fours, shielded by the nest of pillows underneath me, including one to help with the weight of my stomach; my face was buried between Ronal’s legs, her slit under my tongue.
 “She is; Paskalin has always been good at taking care of us,” Ronal hissed out as I dug my tongue in deeper, her juices flowing into my mouth. 
I fucking love the taste of her slit. The salty flavor fills my mouth as I lick deeper, feeling her open for me. The responding moan was glorious; her legs fell wider, giving me more room to work.
A deep chuckle left Tonowari, “I can see that she is; you already seem close, Ma’Ronal,”
“You have never felt her tongue in this manner. You can’t say anything!” Ronal’s voice rises as I slide in a finger, feeling her gummy walls and her inner tendrils coming out to play.
“Two see quite happy together; maybe I should just sit back and watch,” Tonowari teased.
I snapped my head around, slick dripping down my chin, “Don’t even think about it,” I growled out before going back to Ronal’s slit, sucking on the outside flesh, forcing the blood flow there, and swelling her slit. 
“Fuck!” Ronal hissed, throwing her head back.
I gently licked the outside of her slit, soothing the flesh, before forcing my tongue back inside again, slurping the juices that spilled over.
A large hand cupped the inside of my thighs, spreading them a bit more, as slick oil was spread over the inside of my thighs. I arched my back, knowing what was coming next. Tonowari’s thick long cock settled between my thighs as I clamped my legs shut, giving him something pillowy to fuck. 
“That’s a good girl,” He groaned, leaning over me and caging me with his body but not putting pressure on me.
The thick spines on Tonowari’s cock slide through my thighs, getting caught on my thighs before they were freed again, only to get caught again on the slide back. Tonowari’s chest rumbled in a purr as he continued to fick my thighs, his thighs continued to meet mine, and the sound of skin smacking skin rang throughout the marui. I force myself back, meeting his thrusts, and I can’t help but moan at the feeling. 
Long fingers tangled into my hair, tugging me back, “Do forget your job,” Ronal muttered, rolling her hips into my face, smearing her slick everywhere.
My head became foggy as I tried to focus on both my mates. The scent and taste of Ronal flooded my senses as I gently curled my finger inside her, bringing forth the most beautiful scream.
“Our yawne muntxate, always so good for us,” Tonowari’s words came out as pants, as his thrusts continued steadily.
Happily, I continued on, knowing I was going to be here for a while.
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