#small space interior designer near me
ryaancreativeliving · 10 months
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daisynik7 · 10 months
cw: fluff, established relationship, suggestive at the end
Author’s Note: this drabble was inspired by my snookums @dprkento because we were talking about building forts together the other day and I thought how cute would it be if we did that for husband!Nanami?! anyways, ily, thank you for always making me feel so special and loved. Divider by @/cafekitsune.
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It’s been a stressful week for both you and your husband, more so for Nanami though, who has worked overtime nearly every day since Monday. When Friday finally arrives, you come up with an idea to help the two of you unwind. It’s a bit unconventional, maybe even a little childish, but you have a good feeling that it’s just what he needs. 
Around seven in the evening, you hear the familiar jingle of keys from the other side of the front door. You crawl out from under your creation, chest thumping with excitement, unsure how he’ll react to all of this. Waiting by the entrance, the door swings open to reveal Nanami, eyes tired, shoulders hunched, the aura of an overworked man surrounding him. He shrugs his jacket off, hanging it on the coat rack while he removes his shoes. When he sees you, his expression brightens, a small smile forming on his lips, always happy to be home. You greet him with a warm embrace, wrapping your arms around his torso, squeezing him tight. He nuzzles his nose to the top of your head, inhaling your scent, exhaling a heavy sigh. “Hi.”
You giggle into his chest then peer up at him. “You sound exhausted.”
“I am exhausted,” he admits, bowing down to kiss you on the lips.
“Have I got the perfect surprise for you then,” you say, smirking. 
He stares at you with a brow raised, curious. “Oh no, what now?” You’ve got another trick up your sleeve, keeping him on his toes. And while he pretends to be hesitant at first, he always looks forward to whatever you have in store for him. 
Tugging on his hand, you lead him into the living room, where your masterpiece awaits. “Ta-da!” You hold your arms out, presenting the pillow fort you constructed for him. The base is made of the chairs you dragged all the way from the dining table, concealed by mismatched throw blankets laid out on top of each other to act as the roof. The interior is designed with every pillow you could find lying around the house atop the thickest comforter you have to provide enough cushioning. The finishing touch is your favorite stuffed animal sitting in the corner inviting you in, the same one that Nanami won for you years ago after spending far too much time and money on a crane machine to get it. 
His lips are parted in surprise, inspecting each inch of it carefully. When he doesn’t have any response, you nudge with your elbow. “Well, what do you think?”
He kneels down at the entrance, appreciating the interior, eyes wide with wonder. “You built this? For me?”
“For us,” you correct him, beaming. “I thought we could give up on being adults for a night and relive our childhood.”
He chuckles, crawling inside, his muscular body filling up nearly the entire space. “I never built a fort like this when I was kid. This is a first for me.” Loosening his tie, he rolls over on his back, leaning his head into the pillows, finally relaxed. He waves over to you, beckoning you to join him. 
“Hold on. Let me get the snacks.” You shuffle towards the kitchen counter, gathering all the treats you prepared for tonight: chips, candies, even a box of pizza from one of your go-to restaurants. You dump all the food near the entrance of the fort and shimmy beside your husband, laying the pizza flat on your laps. He presses a sweet kiss to your cheek before grabbing a slice to indulge on. 
When you finish dinner, you set up a laptop on a small standing tray near your feet, snuggling closer to Nanami, who has since removed his tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt. From your peripheral, you can tell he’s not paying attention to the movie. Instead, his focus is on you. 
Still facing the screen, you grin. “What?”
He hums, leaning in closer, his mouth hot on your skin, not answering. He places a delicate kiss on your neck, lingering as his hand slides across your thighs, slipping between your legs. “Kento,” you breathe out, turning towards him, capturing his lips with yours. 
“Thank you for this,” he whispers between kisses, sliding his other hand beneath your shirt and up your back, fingers at the clasp of your bra. “I love you.”
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to undress and christen the pillow fort properly. As Nanami cradles you in his arms, watching you sleep against his chest, he admires the fort one last time before slipping into a peaceful slumber with a smile on his face. 
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Don’t Leave Me Hangin’
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Summary: Reader gets stuck aloft in one of the Kom’rik’s cargo nets and has to call out to Mando for help. Filthy Mando smut ensues.
Warnings: explicit language, swearing, explicit sexual content, porn without plot, well, maybe a tiny little hint of plot, oral- f receiving, PiV, squirting, cum play(?), it’s messy- nuff said, Kom’rik sex, improper use of a cargo net, reader is an idiot who should think things through, Mando is an opportunist, no use of Y/N, maybe? bondage - Mando doesn’t help her out of the net like- immediately, but reader ain’t complainin’
(N/A: The brain fog has FINALLY lifted, and I wanted to write about my most recent random filthy thot. This is the result. It’s a long-ish, smutty one shot. Reader & Mando are in a situationship - friends-with-benefits type deal. I’m picturing like a live-in nanny/housekeeper kind of thing, but I don’t think I ever specified. This is post-season 3, and Mando’s living his best life on Nevarro. He and reader are in a Kom’rik, because I need room for my smut to flourish, and I didn’t want to resurrect the poor old Razor Crest from the ashes. If I missed any tags, let me know. And I hope you enjoy.)
Word Count: 4280
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You really should have thought this through better.
That was your first thought after the cargo net stopped swinging, and you regained a modicum of composure. You winced at the sound of the net’s straps creaking under the strain as you tried to shift your weight and then froze. You remained completely motionless, afraid to even breathe, for several more moments.
“Shit...” you whispered in a quaking voice, peering down at the floor of the cargo hold several meters below you. You then glanced up at the winch mechanism above your head, praying it held. How in the hell were you going to get yourself out of this?
It had seemed like such a good plan at the time. You had just stepped out of the Kom’rik’s small ‘fresher, having showered and changed into your sleep shirt before bed, when you’d felt the ship drop out of hyperspace with a small lurch. You heard something clatter in the cargo hold below and blew out a tired sigh, knowing it was probably nothing but also knowing you wouldn’t be able to rest until you checked it out.
Grumbling under your breath, you had climbed down into the hold. Only the emergency lights were on, the ceiling and corners hidden in shadow, but you spotted something lying near a tier of shelves attached to the hull’s interior wall. It was one of the kid’s favorite cookies, the teal ones with the creme filling. Peering up into the gloom, you spied an opened foil sleeve of cookies perched on the edge of the highest shelf.
“How the hell did he even get up there?” you said aloud, shaking your head. Jedi training aside, the kid was far too much like his dad, a little risk-taker. You heaved a sigh, with no small amount of exasperation. 
Stars only knew what else he had left up there. Come to think of it, you had given him your datapad earlier to watch cartoons and hadn’t seen it since. Sighing in frustration, you began looking for a way to reach the top shelf. The propulsor lift was still charging, so that was a no-go, and you didn’t see a ladder of any sort that wasn’t attached to the ship already.
And then you had spied the cargo net.
It was dangling by its hooks from a mechanized winch and pulley system attached to the ceiling. It was used to keep extra containers suspended above the floor to free up space, its track running the entire circuit of the area for maneuverability and convenience. Designed to hold several hundred kilograms, you were certain it could support your own weight. You could use it to lift yourself up to the shelf, retrieve whatever was up there and then lower yourself back to the ground. Easy peasy, jogan squeezy.
Detaching the control pad for the winch from the wall, you climbed inside the net, lacing an arm through the holes for a better grip, and then planted your bare feet on the cross sections of the heavy straps. It was a bit shaky at first, but once you gained your balance, you quickly ascended until you were at eye level with the top shelf. Tucking the control pad under your chin, you reached up to feel your datapad under your fingertips and sniffed in amusement. You’d have to give Grogu a good talking-to in the morning, but for now you at least had your datapad back. Slipping it and the sleeve of cookies off the shelf, you shuffled the objects around, your grip on the net slackening.
It was then that the Kom’rik made another jump into hyperspace, making the ship jolt with the transition. You shrieked when the net began to swing wildly, feet slipping out from under you as you let go of everything in your hands to hang on for dear life. Panting for breath, heart thundering in your chest, you clung like a monkey-lizard to the straps and prayed the net didn’t break.
So, there you were, hanging above the hold like a piece over-ripe fruit, arms and legs entangled in the net with no way down, because, of course, you had dropped the winch’s control pad when you dropped everything else. You could see it lying on the floor below you, right next to the broken casing of your datapad.
“Shit!” you repeated, leaning your forehead against the straps and huffing out an angry breath. Could this situation get any worse, you wondered. You’d have to yell for Mando to come get you down, which you weren’t looking forward to, but who knew how long it would take before he even came back this way? What if decided to just sleep in the cockpit? Would you end up hanging there all night?
The thought made your awkward position in the net feel even more uncomfortable. Your feet had slipped through the holes, so your legs were now dangling under you, the straps cutting into the tender meat of your thighs. One of your arms was still threaded through the net while the other one was pinned close to your side. You could feel the cold air of the hold settling into your bones and making you shiver, the thin material of the tunic doing little to stave off the chill.
You knew that the longer you hung there, the colder you were going to get, the number your limbs were going to grow. Your feet were already stinging and your teeth chattering. There was no help for it. You had to call for Mando.
Your voice bounced back at you, making your flinch. Holding your breath, you waited to hear his boots thudding against the metal floor overhead, but nothing. He hadn’t heard you.
You waited. Still nothing.
Oh, stars, maybe he had fallen asleep in the cockpit. after all. With the door sealed, he would never hear you. Panic began to creep in, shortening your breath as it constricted your lungs.
“What the hell are you doing?”
You heard his voice coming through the ship’s comm system and could have cried in relief. You’d forgotten the cams located throughout the ship. Stars, he’d probably been watching you this whole time. You were never in danger.
“I... I’m stuck, Mando.”
A gravelly bark echoed in the hold before turning to static. Great. He was laughing at you. “Obviously. Listen, I need to recheck the coordinates in navi and set the autopilot, then I’ll come get you down. Just, uh, hang tight,” he drawled, another garbled sound slipping out of his vocoder.
You bit your tongue to keep from saying something you might regret. You were in no position to taunt or snark back at him right now. “Fine,” you mumbled, and slumped into the net.
It was only a few minutes before the sound of his heavy boots were thudding across the metal floor above you, his footsteps music to your ears. You heard the clang of his armor hitting against the ladder before he slid down into view, feet landing with a solid thump in the hold. He approached at a leisurely pace, seemingly in no hurry, then stopped to stare up at you. His helmet tilted back, black visor glinting in the low light. Planting his hands on his hips, he tipped his head, first to one side and then to the other.
“M-Mando? What’re you doing? Can you get me down now, please?”
Mando hummed, his stance shifting. His arms dropped down to his sides, hands curling into fists. “You must be getting pretty cold, huh?”
You bunched your brows up in consternation. “Um... yeah? It’s fr-freezing down here.”
He nodded slowly, keeping his visor trained on you. “Hmm. Thought so. You’re not wearing anything but my old tunic. It’s not covering much. Is it?”
You quirked a brow at the change in his voice. His smooth baritone had dropped an octave or three, and it had a distinctive husk to it now. His tone was the one he used when the two of you were alone with the lights off and he was taking you apart, dark and sinfully seductive. It made you squirm despite your precarious position, and the net began to slowly sway back and forth. The edge of a strap slid into the crease where your thigh met your hip, and you felt your lower lips part. A low groan issued from his vocoder. Your mouth fell open.
Sweet Maker, your pussy was on full display for him. You hadn’t bothered with underwear after your shower, planning on putting on a clean pair once you got back to your sleeping quarters. Heat surged through your body, both from embarrassment and unexpected arousal.
“Mando...” Your voice sounded so small and breathy in the cavernous space.
“I can see everything, pretty girl,” he told you, taking an unconscious step closer. He was almost directly under you now, peering straight up at your exposed sex. Mortified, you felt the slow trickle of your arousal easing out of your channel. You weren’t dripping, not yet, but the thought of him standing beneath you, staring at your most vulnerable parts had your breath panting out in little puffs. “You... Are you going to... get me down, now?”
You heard the back of his gauntlet scrape the metal floor as he picked up the control pad for the winch. His breath was rasping through his vocoder, the sound of leather creaking as he moved underneath you. You felt the winch catch and then begin to whir as the net began to lower back to the floor.
“Thank the stars,” you whispered, anxious to be back on solid ground again.
You didn’t quite make it, though. You were still a few meters above the floor when the winch came to a sudden stop, leaving you to sway like the pendulum of a run-down clock. “M-Mando?”
“Look so pretty like this, sweet girl,” he murmured below you, and you felt his gloved fingers trail across the back of your thigh. You gasped at the contact. “Close your eyes,” he husked out, voice gone to gravel.
You didn’t even bother to ask why, just snapped your eyes shut and held your breath, waiting. You heard the slap of leather on the floor, guessing it must be his gloves he’d just taken off, and then you felt his bare fingers tracing the straps that dug into your thighs. His fingertips grazed along the edge where the strap met the skin, the sensation making you tense as heat spiraled in your belly, diffusing through your pelvis to spread in a hot rush of slick that trickled out to cool along the petals of your open folds.
“Oh, mesh’la,” Mando cooed, dark and low. “You’re dripping for me, pretty girl.”
A whine escaped your lips, breath catching in your throat as you felt his fingers slide through your arousal, gathering your essence on his fingertips. There was the pneumatic hiss of air as his helmet disengaged and then the ring of beskar ricocheted around the hold as he dropped it to the floor. You could hear the lewd, wet noises he made as he suckled his own fingers, moaning at the taste of you.
“Don’t move, baby girl.”
“Oh, Maker...” you whimpered in a quaking whisper.
You could feel your walls clenching in anticipation. Mando had never used his mouth on you before, said he’d never gone down on anyone before, but as the winch whirred back into motion only to grind to a stop again a moment later, you guessed you were about to find out if this would be his first time.
When you felt his hair tickle the backs of your thighs, an eruptive shudder passed through your entire body. When his nose grazed over your clit, you jolted in the confines of the straps hard enough to send the net swaying, but he caught you and brought you back to center.
“Sh-shh... Easy, baby girl. I got you...” He paused, sniffed. “Fuck, you smell so good,” he hissed out in a rush, and you heard him inhale, could feel his nose right at your parted lips. It was so filthy, so obscene, what he was doing, but it made you quiver with lust, just the same.
His hands came up to grip your ankles, holding you in place. “That’s better,” he murmured, hot breath gusting over your damp folds, eliciting another shiver from you. “Let me hear you, pretty girl. Want to know how good I’m making you feel. Okay?”
You nodded your head furiously, swallowing in an attempt to bring a bit of moisture back into your parched mouth. “Y-Yeah. Okay, Mando.” You didn’t even care that it came out as a whine.
The first touch of his tongue had you choking on air, hips stuttering, not sure whether to rock forward or away from the lapping muscle, but his strong hands held you fast, not letting your squirm away. He dragged his tongue in a slow, hot line from your entrance to your clit, and you moaned like a porn star. You could feel his cheeks bunch up as he grinned at your reaction, and then he flicked his tongue over your pulsing clit again, pulling a sputtering,” Ha-aaa-aaah!” from your gaping mouth.
“You like it when I do that?” he purred lowly into your folds. “What about when I do this?” He enveloped the sensitive bud with his lips, tongue flickering over it with feather-light touches, making you writhe and grind against his mouth. He groaned, then suctioned his lips around it and sucked, pressing his tongue firmly against it. Your plaintive wail echoed throughout the ship.
“Fuck me...” he moaned, panting for breath, his voice shaking. He was completely wrecked. With a desperate snarl, he dove back in with a vengeance, tongue laving your inner folds, twirling around your entrance, lapping at your juices before kissing and sucking at your puffy, parted lips. He was devouring you whole, winding the coil in your core into a taut vibrating spring of tension. Your thighs were shaking uncontrollably, your breaths wheezing out of your lungs in desperate pants.
“Mando! Mando, I...” 
You couldn’t even voice a coherent thought, couldn’t tell him what was about to happen, but he seemed to understand, nevertheless. His fingers slid along your pulsing folds to catch at the rim of your entrance, circling it once before slipping inside. Your walls immediately clamped onto the digits, muscles undulating to pull them deeper. He growled at the feeling and latched onto your clit again crooking his fingers in a come-hither motion, the strokes sharp and quick as they tapped out a devastating tattoo against the spongy membrane of your G-spot.
The world went white behind your pinched eyelids, and you weren’t even aware of the choked scream that tore out of your throat as you were blindsided by your orgasm. The spring in your core gave way with a snap and warmth flooded from your center to gush out around his fingers and over his arm, splattering his lower face, cowl and chest plate.
“Ha!” he crowed. “That’s it! Fuck yes!”
You were barely hanging on, your very bones liquefied as you twitched and groaned with each consecutive pulse of your climax. If you had oozed out through the holes in the net to pool at his feet, you wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised.
“So fuckin’ good, for me. Look at that. Fuck, I need — nngh!”
You heard the motor of the winch whir back into life, then felt the cold sensation of the floor touch the bottom of your feet. You couldn’t have held up your own weight if your life depended on it, however, and so folded up with the netting as it came to rest on the floor. Strong hands lifted you out the mess of straps, hands moving over you, manipulating you as he whispered feverish words in Mando’a  like some fervent benediction.
You felt your back come to rest on top of the netting, the worn fabric of his cape spread out beneath you to serve as a barrier against the rough material. You had yet to open your eyes, jaw slack as you floated somewhere high above your physical body in a state of pure bliss.
Mando placed his calloused hand over your eyes, unwilling to test fate more than he already had. He felt crazed, rabid with lust, his only desire to be buried balls-deep in your cunt.
“Need to feel you, sweet girl,” he gasped at your ear, his breath stuttering against your neck. “Please, I need — “
“Yes! Stars, please, Mando. Want to feel you inside me. Do it...”
He whimpered as he lifted himself away long enough to scrabble at the closure of his pants, shoving them down with his underwear to the top of his thigh plates, a frustrating exercise to complete one-handed. When his cock sprang free of its confines, he moaned in relief, pumping it roughly a couple of times as he spread his leaking precrum over the head with his thumb. With a grunt, he fell between your thighs, notching himself at your entrance, inhaling a deep breath before he sank into your greedy, grasping cunt with an audible squelch.
“Fuuuckin’ hellll...” he moaned out as he slid inside your fluttering walls, grunting again when he felt them collapse around his cock and seize it in a vice grip. It was a struggle to draw himself back, the sensation making his balls draw up tight against his body. “Too good... too tight... Gonna make me cum...” he mumbled under his breath, fighting off his orgasm. When he had withdrawn a about halfway, he couldn’t stand it anymore and plunged back in, thrusting hard enough to shift the netting beneath you.
You sobbed, the feeling of being so full overwhelming, your shaking legs coming up to wrap around his hips, ankles locking over the flexing muscles of his ass. He was driving into you with abandon, the toes of his boots squeaking on the floor to find purchase, bracing his body against yours. His other arm he shoved under your back, fingers hooking over your shoulder to pull you down on his cock to meet each hard thrust. He was growling, muttering curses in multiple languages, hissing as you clenched and pulsed around him.
“Ah, fuck, sweet girl, I’m gonna — Shit! Fuck, baby, where do you want — “
“Inside... Want to feel you cum in me...” you moaned out, another orgasm rising like a massive wave in your core. “Ah, fuck!” you whined.
Your words snapped that last thread of control he had, and he surged forward, thrusting in wild, arhythmic strokes that sent you careening over the edge. Your climax washed over you like a euphoric wave, slow and liquid, a golden warmth that engulfed your lower half before spreading like molten honey.
Mando could feel your walls clamp down and spasm, milking his cock, drawing him in deeper. He threw his head back and came with a bellow, a primal, jagged roar of triumph. His chest lifted as his back arched, his cock exploding inside your walls, pumping ribbons of his thick seed deep into your hungry cunt.
He barely managed to throw an arm out to catch himself before falling forward. He was trembling above you. and when his elbow buckled, his head fell to your chest. His nose was smooshed into the side of your breast, his panting breaths teasing the sensitive bud of your nipple into a hard little nub beneath the thin material of his tunic. He gave a dazed grin at the sight, wishing he had the energy to take it in his mouth, but he wasn’t sure he could even lift his head yet.
“Stars, pretty girl. I think you’ve killed me.”
A breathless wheeze of laughter burst out of your chest, and you reached up to pull down the hand now splayed limp over your face to your lips. You left a lingering kiss in the palm as you crooked your other arm over your eyes, just so the temptation to peek wouldn’t get the best of you. You felt him lift his head with reluctance, his weight shifting, before his lips pressed to yours in a sweet, chaste kiss.
“You alright? I know I went pretty hard this time. I didn’t mean to lose it like that, but — “
Your hand came up to touch his face, landing on his neck instead. You slid it upward to cup his jaw, the feel of his patchy beard against your palm endearing. “Don’t you dare apologize,” you told him and drew him down for another kiss. “It was perfect. The best I’ve ever had,” you whispered against his lips.
He sighed, smiling against your mouth in relief and pleasure. When he shifted again, he saw you grimace. “Did I hurt you, sweet girl?” he rushed to ask, lifting his weight off you.
You giggled and shook your head. “No, it’s not that. There’s something cold and sticky all over your chest plate. It feels... icky.”
He glanced down to see your release from earlier smeared over his beskar, and he chuckled, low and dirty. “That’s your fault,” he teased. “You drowned me when you came the first time.”
Your mouth dropped open and, if not for his hand coming down to hold your arm in place, you would have jerked it away from your eyes to stare at him in shock. “I did not!” you gasped. mortified.
“Oh, you did, pretty girl,” he crooned. “I want to make you do it again.”
“What? N-Now?!”
A full-on laugh rumbled out of his chest this time. “No, sweet girl. As much as I’d love to, I don’t either one of us is going to be able to go another round after that last one.”
“Oh, thank the Maker,” you blurted out, and then winced. “Sorry. I didn’t mean —”
He sniffed in amusement and pecked you on the lips. “I know what you meant, mesh’la.” Sitting back on his knees, he rubbed at his face, grinning at the sticky feel of your spend drying in his mustache. He was positively covered in your cum, and he fucking loved it. His poor cock gave a valiant twitch before he tucked it back into his pants and stood. “C’mon, sweet girl. Let’s get in the shower.” He retrieved his helmet, slipping it back on before bending to take you by the hand.
You groaned. “Just lemme sleep here. Can’t move right now.”
“You’ll freeze down here,” he chided you. “Now come on. I’ll help you.”
You whined as he hauled you onto your feet, and you staggered on your shaking legs. He shook his head and turned his back to you, bending his knees slightly. “Hop on. I’ll carry you up the ladder. Otherwise, we will be down here all night.”
You made a face at him, but wrapped your arms around his neck anyway, making a weak hop to get onto his back. Grasping your thighs, he hitched you up a little higher and stood, then trudged towards the ladder at the opposite end of the hold.
“Oh, stars,” you moaned out behind him, dropping your forehead to his back. “Do you think we woke Grogu? We were, uh... ahem... We were, you know, a little loud,” you whispered.
“Well, the ship’s still flying, and I didn’t hear anything break while we were down here, so I’m going to say no.”
You giggled. “He’s gonna get it tomorrow morning,” you vowed. “He was the reason I got caught up in that stupid net in the first place. He somehow managed to get on that top shelf with a whole sleeve of cookies and my datapad.” You paused, moaned again. “Shit. My datapad. It broke when I dropped it.”
“Don’t worry, mesh’la. We’ll get you another one, and I’ll talk to Grogu myself tomorrow morning, right after breakfast. Okay?”
You sighed, a little grin tugging at your lips. “Okay.” You heaved a sigh, tightening your grip when Mando started to climb up the ladder. “I know one thing. I’m burning that stupid net when we get back to Nevarro.”
Mando huffed and shook his head. “Like hell you are. We’re bringing that home with us. It’s going up in the bedroom, right above the bed.”
You gasped in shock, rearing your head back. “Mando!”
His rumbling chuckle bounced off the metal walls of the ship, and a warmth like the sun bloomed in your chest as a smile as big as the Dune Sea spread across your face.
“Okay, fine. We’ll discuss the cargo net later. But right now, I want a shower.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Mando purred, and you could hear the grin in his voice. Taking your hand, he led you into the ‘fresher.
Despite Mando’s earlier doubts, you found out that you both did indeed have another round left in you.
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(End notes: Just wanted to mention @saradika because she created the dividers and banners I’m using. She makes them for free. You can check out her masterlist on her blog. Her fics are *chef’s kiss* too.) 
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yuri-badiner · 3 months
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Ted’s hot-dogs
A short summer rain slightly refreshed a narrow street somewhere in the historical center of the city. The sun was already setting, the air was warm and humid.
I'm working late today, so I absolutely need a snack to get me through until the late evening. I walked down the stairs near the old shopping arcades and turned the corner.
Teddy always made his delicious hot dogs on this street. His red and white electric cart, always surrounded by a fragrant haze, can be seen from afar. I'd like some beef wurst with mustard, please!
Electric food cart
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The electric cart is inspired by the work of designer Steve Guinness (The Brick Consultant). I took his Milk float delivery vehicle as a basis. I really love such tiny and neat models, which look very... toy-like, and have vibes of classic LEGO sets from forty years ago.
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I built the same wheelbase with minor modifications, lengthening it to 9 studs, and put the same window in place of the windshield. Otherwise, I tried to make my version as different as possible from Steve’s model: I used a different color accent, gave rounded shapes to the roof and bumpers, changed the location of the headlights, and divided the interior space into two parts.
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The result is somewhat reminiscent of a little tram. I thought about putting a small antenna on the roof, but abandoned this idea, because in this case the model would become too similar to a RC toy and it would look strange in my environment.
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ourfag · 2 years
“i’ve seen you get lost on the ship sometimes” said by jim to olu is such an underrated line there are so many different potential possibilities implied by that one statement like
1. olu can near-effortlessly track someone through thick forest brush but has difficulty navigating a relatively small internal space that he’s been living in for months. i don’t even know where to start with this one but it fascinates me
2. olu’s not actually that prone to getting lost, but stede (deranged) designed a ship with an interior plan so nonintuitive you might as well stick a minotaur in there. jim (also deranged) hasn’t noticed any issue with it.
3. the ship is normal and olu hasn’t gotten lost once. what he has done, frequently, is walk with jim to wherever they were going because he didnt want to stop hanging out with them yet, but then once they reached jim’s destination he had to be like “oh yeah wait no i was actually headed for the jam room” and jim was like “we passed the jam room like two hallways ago” and olu was like “did we? oh uhhhh. shhhit i guess we did. well im gonna go now bye”
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cherrieguroo · 5 months
Animal crossing new horizons headcanons for the nerd bunch
- normcore I think that's what people call it but it's basically just like. a normal town with no specific style. but her house is decorated to her liking and she has her villager's home in a forest she planted herself. she also has mods and she has just a part near the top of her island where there's just a shit ton of bells just dropped on the floor.
-steph definitely gives me black tulip door wreath vibes.
-steph's favorite villager is cherry and she changed cherry's catchphrase to 'bitch' so now she says stuff like "Yeah, go for it, bitch. This oughta be good…’
-steph has a room in her house purely for 'summonings' after she found out if you combine a specific wall and flooring you can create a summoning circle.
-steph refuses to pay tom nook, so her house isn't upgraded that much.
-steph set up a small space in her island for the nerds to fool around in whenever they visited. that space now mostly consists of pit falls and stumps. someone also left a switch there and steph didn't even try to figure out who put it there and just kept it as decor for her house. also Steph has green mums outside her house which she says is supposed to be a weed farm.
-grace definitely has meticulously designed her island and it's fairycore. rip star fragment trees grace would have loved those. her island has a shit ton of pink tulips everywhere too. grace has a part of her island which is just a forest with a lot of flowers. she also has those like custom design paintings in said forest that read 'god is good' or some shit and she thinks every island should have a god forest.
-grace has the pink wedding event door thingy.
-grace has two tricycles she put outside of nook's cranny that she pretends belong to timmy and tommy
-favorite villager is ruby sorry
-grace loves the wedding event items and her island and house are full of them
-her island is a mess to me lmao. her island tune is the iconic part in careless whisper and tiffany is her favorite villager. none of her island is actually decorated btw. and she constantly wears one of those custom design dresses that make it look like the villager has a bikini. ruth collects gyroids after she was taught how to get them by Richie. she just collects the little guys and has them outside her airport as a welcome thingy. ruth uses the effects feature a lot, mainly putting hearts on stuff. only decorating Ruth really did on her island is make a rainbow flower field which she and the rest of the nerds call the gay flower trail. ruth seems to be eternally broke. Richie offers her money and she accepts and ten minutes later she somehow managed to waste it all on the most useless decor
-his island is littered with references to animes. he has two godzilla statues outside his house. has definitely gotten much more advancements than the others. wishes he could have started out on a modded island but it's too late. his house is made to be his dream home and his room has custom designs of anime posters on the walls. he completed his museum and probably has most furniture items in his catalog. he also completed happy home designer and has a lot of amiibos. richie redecorated all of his villager's homes, both interior and exterior. richie made a crab rave on his beach. richie also collects gyroids and uses them to decorate. he also likes setting up little songs with them for specific rooms in his house.
richie's island flag is this.
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-somehow the one with the best looking island. it's five stars somehow and each villager gets custom personalized yards. pete is really into flower breeding. he's also trying to complete the museum but keeps forgetting to catch some seasonal creatures and fish. pete NEVER skips blather's fun facts. in fact he writes all of them down and annoys Ruth and Richie with them. he's even memorized some for the more common fish and bugs that especially pissed Richie off when he was collecting everything (like sea basses)
petes house has the highest happy home academy rating
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Organize Your Life With Astrology 🗂️
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Most of the knowledge that we can accessibly find online on Astrology is usually related to self knowledge or self development, but not necessarily the ways that we can apply cosmic knowledge to benefit our day to day.
There’s a series of tips I’m actively working on, and results I’m looking forward to sharing soon that have me all giddy and excited. Now, today in particular it will be about a topic that is far from new, yet shouldn’t be overlooked when learning Vedic Astrology. To me this is Panchang, specifically, the Nakshatra of where the Moon is located in on a daily basis.
Just with these two concepts, you'll be able to completely change your everyday life from stagnant to fluid, but first, let me briefly explain these terms below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
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Panchang is the astrological daily calendar based on the Indian calendar. It is one of the most popular reference for astrologers and people of the Hindu community who rely on a day's planetary position to determine auspicious timing, festivals, etc. Nakshatras on the other hand, are the 27 lunar mansions or sectors along the ecliptic which delivers us unique and specific lessons through the stories of its ruling deities.
In general, Panchang and nakshatrashas have a lot of information that requires a certain comprehension of India's culture and religion, so I do not advise blindly jumping into making any assumptions without informing yourself properly.
In order to start applying Vedic astrology in an efficient yet respectful manner start by paying attention to the daily nakshatra, learning a bit about its general information, and noting down the situations that occur in your daily life that aligns with the themes of said lunar mansion.
For example:
Between July 9th-10th I was feeling a strong urge of unwinding and relaxing in a spa, but wasn't sure about what day would be best for it. I immediately looked up the Moon's nakshatra and saw that it was in Leo, specifically in Purva Phalguni nakshatra which is ruled by Venus. The themes of this lunar mansion are all about marriage, relaxation, luxury, resting, music, relationships, art, celebrities, etc.
Once I saw the favorable activities of this nakshatra and noticed how it aligned perfectly with what I already wanted to do, I said "f*ck it" and chose a random Spa that I felt called to. Mind you, this decision making occurred quickly, and once I got the place I had the best experience ever! 10/10 all across the board. The staff, design, amenities, treatments, building, and even other clients doing some procedures like me were amazing. It was exactly what I needed.
Even the aesthetic of the entire spa matched perfectly the Leo and Venus energy the day was exuding. Take a look for yourself and make your own judgement 🤭✨ Royal blues, women sculptures, beautiful architecture and interior design. Even the sunlight entering fully through the entire space screams Leo ♌️🔥 with a Venus twist.
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Now, think of all the moments where you’ve had to doubt yourself from what to do or how to arrange your week/month/year as best as possible. Well, staying in tune with the Moon's nakshatras (and Tithi's but that will be a topic for another entry) will prove to be a huge game changer in your life.
In Vedic Astrology, the Moon is one the (if not the most) important planetary influence when it comes to our mind and bodies. We can see immediate results within our near environment and ourselves (when aspecting your inner planets). So, once you're able to apply through actions everything you've learned and observed about nakshatras, your life will start aligning with the best possible results. You’re no longer unaware of how to make your everyday experience positive, no matter how big or small.
Hope this information becomes useful for those who aren't familiarized with it, eager to continue learning, but not sure how to apply it in practical terms. Remember to always stay curious! Experiment, test, and repeat until you feel confident on how to navigate your life while using any tool.
I’m currently working towards paying off (3k left) my recent M.A degree in Psychology, so I will be open for all type of readings until I can meet that goal. Accomplishing this would be a huge milestone for me, and I truly appreciate in advance anyone that's interested in booking readings or showing support. Click here for more information about my services!
Also, if you'd like an artistic and personalized (to match your chart’s energy) Panchang calendar that has the Tithi's, daily nakshatras, favorable or unfavorable activities, and any other specific insights that could help you organize your days/weeks/months better all in one aesthetically pleasing way, DM me! 🌹✨
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hermioneismyrealname · 2 months
Ep 6 empty mugs and jealousy
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Well... Hm. I'm angry at mugs.
More sugar daddy shopping. Belts? Mahasamut, you innocent darling... He doesn't want them for you. The writer needs his bedroom inspiration, and he's thinking of a belt.
Rak is actually pretty cheery. Hm. Yes, I completely agree that he looks adorable.
JEALOUSY?! Hungry? Two scoops? Wah. DONT LIE TO ME THERE WAS NO WATER IN THERE! NONE. Also that mug is iconic. I want it but it looks small for the amount of tea I drink.
Shh.. not yet.. now you may speak
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That was a good move, Mahasamut. You listen if they want to tell first. Brilliant. And wishing for someone's misery, heh. I really like his character. So far, other than abandoning the town that relies on him, there isn't much fault with him. Oh and Rak's heart eyes.
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OH cousin! Wow... i want to be his mom. the money part not the getting cheated on. and... being obsessed with a complete ass. wow. abusive too. MAME ENOUGH WITH THE TRAUMA. As easy and terrible of a man like this sounds, to the point that this is unbelievable... I know some of my friends with this sort of background. So yeah. Yeash. And being called annoying when crying.. yup. been there. Next.
I feel like that the bratty cousin is going to be forgiven by the end of this. ONLY 14 MINUTES THROUGH? Jeez MAME. Ok. That hug was cute.
So i respect the hustle of a bunch of friends getting the inside scoop on an author's latest work, I'd be guilty of that too. However, if it wasnt at Mook's expense. Poor girl.
Ok this was also adorable.
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but that steel beam must be uncomfortable. aaaand there goes the adorableness. HHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA! oh hello friend. Oh... wait... Did Rak change his pants? OI CONTINUITY STAFF!
my guy.... Khom... you were bought too. I read your book. Dont play coy.
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Yes Rak. Send it to Connor and have him come fetch his hubby. THERE IT IS! JEALOUSY! OOOOHHH!! Hydro turbines! Go green energy! (at least what i think they are)
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oh. oohohohoh Connor... Oh Connor. You bitter jealous bastard. Who does Rak hug when he has writer's block. ahahaahahah! IF he is going to show up, I want the awful blond hair. YOU HEAR ME MAME?! Give me the full cringe.
That fight was cute but immediately i was distracted by this terrible interior design.
VIE IS MANIPULATING AGAIN. WAH! WAH! Her acting is very convincing. Ah kantoi. A hug? I really want to hate Vie here, but I do admire her manipulation tactics.
Oh. yeah. Escape that deadass grandpa.
Oh they are going to get interrupted again. Mahasamut, I suggest you put your phone somewhere other than your trousers pocket. That was quick coffee making. AGAIN THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT CUP!!! WHY JUST FILL IT UP WITH SOMEHTING ITS PISSING ME OFF! I WAS GOING TO GIVE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT THAT HE DIDNT MAKE IT THATS WHY IT WAS SO QUICK BUUUUTTTT NOOOOOOOO
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OH THAT IS FUNNY. One always thinks its best to give people space, so afraid of disappointing someone while the other cant stand being left alone. HAH!
yeahp. RAk. Mood.
ehheheheh kid's got attitude. Oh brililiant attitude. Ok. Meena is favourite character. and she is emotionally intelligent. I'm completely Meena here. She is so expressive too!
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Yeah... and the music change... welp. Sorry but where is the prep? We end it like that then? Sure.
What the hell do they keep pointing at?
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And so now I realize, this is going to get worse. Today's ep was a little sweet. Soft. Comforting even. Rak's character development is back, it will go again next episode because of his cousin. His cousin, by the way, I do not like but I think there is going to be some sort of Oh, can i say it? Tong level redemption arc™️. And by arc, I mean a 2 degree curve because her character is shallow and close to pointless when the giggolo father plot exists. A little disappointed with this week's bingo, but alas.
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tosxah · 5 months
&&. | @nagareboshiko
Happily Childe made his way to the closed off room with the woman, probably the prettiest woman in the place. Well well, wasn't he just the luckiest man at the joint? The place smelled of expensive perfumes, couches lined with lavish fabrics and fat people with more money in their wallets than sense. The interior design was pretty, but not as much as the women and men that worked inside it. She must have noticed the looks she was being given, there was no way she wouldn't, most of the customers weren't trying to hide their leering gaze.
He didn't fight the gentle force of her hand on his chest as he let himself fall back into a fancy looking velvet black armchair that stood out again the red of all the rest of the decor. Blue eyes followed her movements as she strode to the music player, looking over her curvy figure, the way the fabric hugged everything just right. But beyond his own perversions, there was a reason for his observing eyes; Lumine wasn't one to be underestimated. Though it could be mistaken for caution, it was more like intrigue.
The smile on his lips never faded, at times it changed but his attitude stayed the same, like when she removed the pin from her hair, or when her touch lingered methodically, or when she steps between his open legs and reaches under her skirt and pulls out a gun, he'd be lying if he didnt admit that just the click of it in her hand stirred his excitement.
He observed patiently and willingly, eyes on areas of her body for just a moment too long. Deep blue eyes met golden ones, spotlights of warm honey in the dim of the room. From the distance he could smell her perfume, sweet and enticing, infact he could practically feel her warmth. The bullets rained on his leg, falling to the ground with muted thuds on the carpet. Childe would be lying if he said she didn't make it hard to focus, man or woman, anyone being touched like that by someone like her would have trouble thinking of anything but the way her fingers messaged his thigh, the way he really could just play customer for the night and how he'd enjoy nothing more that to throw her around like she weighed nothing. But instead he kept his gaze level, refusing to let his little personal wants overcome what he came to do.
Childe chuckled, he reached up tentatively, cupping her cheek and gracing her skin with his gloved hand, line of sight following his fingers over her porcelain skin, down her neck, her decolletage, stopping just before the bulge of her breasts (as much as he'd love to go further, he wasnt about to do anything his mama wouldnt approve of). "So tense, Girly." He glanced back up at her, a cunning smile on his lips, their faces just a bit closer than they were before, practially in kissing distance. He kept his gaze fixed completely on those intoxicating hues now, hand ghosting near her breasts but not touching only to find her warm clothed tummy. The dark fabric that hugged her figure so perfectly moved with his gentle touch, sliding his hand down her stomach, over the dip of where her thigh and tummy met, down the short length of her skirt, then between her legs and there he found weapon number two.
He hummed lowly, lips a breath apart from hers, "you really must be happy to see me." Childe slipped the small butterfly knife out from between her soft, supple thighs with his overly flirtacious tone and sat back in his seat allowing for a bit of space between them, playing with it between his fingers like a toy as it clicked open and closed. "As tempting as your offer is, youve only got a little bit of fabric covering you, so wheres the challenge? You should know me better than that by now, aquantence." He dropped the flirting persona for more of his typical self confidence.
Humming in thought, eyes cast off somehwere, he pressed the cool blade against his lips "what if," he flicked the blade closed, meeting her golden gaze, "you guess who I'm here to kill and if you're right, I won't. You have one guess but" He flicked the knife open again, pointing it in her direction gesturally as he spoke "you can have a second if you forfeit your dress. How's that sound? Or even better if you're so eager to take off your clothes, you can do it anyways, I won't mind."
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morayofsunshine · 2 years
ADHD-Proofing Your Home
For the latest apartment I moved into, I decided to set up the space so that it's more conducive to me and the way my mind and my ADHD works.
This would help me keep it in a state that I can work with and live in more happily, so I can do more of I want to get done inside and outside of the home.
Here are some of the modifications I've added (or am working on adding) so far - maybe you can use strategies like these, too! And feel free to add your own!
Print out a list of things you commonly need to bring or check before you leave the house each day and put it up on the inside of your front door.
With the step above - attach printed reminders of actions you commonly forget near the things that you use when you're forgetting them. (i.e., a reminder to turn on the fan near the shower, to check the burners near the stove, or to water plants near the sink)
While following medication storage guidelines, store your morning meds near where you keep your breakfast ingredients and your night meds near any fluids you drink before bed. Those timer caps are a good idea, too.
Hang up any habit or event reminders at eye level somewhere you visit often. For example, I have a dry erase calendar scheduling my chores in the kitchen. Even if I'm not updating it, I'm reminded that I have chores to do.
Store any supplies for tasks you want to do more often at eye level too. (For me, it's a duster.) This one can be difficult to do without constantly cluttering surfaces, so maybe designate shelving for this.
Keep multiple copies of small, inexpensive but necessary items around the house. I have 3 different combs that I keep in different spots - if I've misplaced one, it's likely that a different one will still be in its usual spot and then I won't run late looking for a comb.
Separate your space into "zones" where you accomplish different activities, and set them up to be inviting. This is common interior design advice, but for me it also accomplishes a few extra things:
you get inspiration from your space when you don't know what to do with unstructured time
you aren't deterred from doing something by an unrelated object sitting in your way
when you're done with an activity, cleaning up (whenever you get to it) will be less of a production because an object's storage location will be closer to where you used it.
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ryaancreativeliving · 10 months
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my-own-walker · 1 year
Someone You've Never Seen Before
A Kyle Spencer Fan Fiction
frat!kyle AU, fem!main character, sexual themes, mature language, use of drugs and alcohol, frat boy antics
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I'd never thought of myself as pretty. In fact, I'd never really thought of myself at all. Sure, I took pride in what I wore, but that was just about where the vanity stopped. My looks were the least of my worries.
But I seemed to care so much more about them suddenly. It felt like my skin didn't sit right over my bones. I found myself staring in the mirror, scrutinizing every detail on my face. The pores, the size of my lips, the bags that seemed to crop up overnight under my eyes. It was new to me to feel this way. To feel, I guess, not pretty.
In the week after the party (and my overnight stay), I kept mostly to myself. Despite not wanting to show up to Calculus class, I knew I had to. I sat quietly next to Kyle and took notes diligently, not saying a word to him.
I couldn't shake this disgusting feeling of both guilt and anxiety when I was near him. It was, in short, a rough few days. I would wake up, scrutinize my appearance, try in vain to dress myself, go to class, feel awful, then go back home and lay in agonizing silence, trying to quiet my thoughts.
That was, until Wednesday night. My phone lit up and buzzed on my nightstand. I sat across the room at my desk, reading a book for one of my other classes when the noise distracted me. Determined to finish the chapter I was on before checking it, I put my head back down and re-focused. Until another text alert came through. And another.
"Damn, chill," I spoke, thinking aloud. I strode across the room and stooped down to look at the screen, my stomach dropping when I saw who was multi-texting me.
Kyle: Hey Hannah.
Kyle: Just reminding you. Meeting tomorrow at mine.
Kyle: See you soon!
"Aw fuck," I groaned. I flopped, face-first onto my bed, which was thankfully right next to where my phone lay. "Motherfucker," I mumbled into the fabric of my duvet. For one, I didn't want to see Kyle in an intimate setting, such as his room, ever again. I also did not want to return to the KLG house, fearing that someone had seen me fleeing on Saturday morning.
Our weekly meeting for our Calculus project snuck up on me. While I would have much preferred for us to meet at my place, I knew that wouldn't do.
The inside of my shared apartment with Lily was pretty strangely decorated. Lily and I were lovers of all things fun and odd, and our interior design choices reflected it. Our couch was royal purple, and decorated with several random throw pillows and stuffed animals. We placed billiard balls in a decorative bowl on the cowboy-themed coffee table we found at an estate sale.
I refused to use overhead lighting, which drove Lily crazy. She yielded to me, though, a person who commonly got migraines, so everything was lit a warm yellow and striking pink, thanks to the miscellaneous strings of light I hung everywhere.
It was a small place, but it did the trick for the two of us. It wasn't great for entertaining, and the way we decorated it didn't help. It overwhelmed the space. We understood that. 
Because of how small the place was, there would be no way to avoid Lily, who simply couldn't help but either flirt or mess with any frat guy in her sight. She also couldn't help but bust my balls, so if her flirting went nowhere, she would accuse Kyle of being my boyfriend and insist upon making him super uncomfortable. With Lily set on bugging us, we'd never get anything done. 
My room was not exactly an option either. It sat right across from Lily's bedroom. It was small, dark, and plastered with posters. I had no issue keeping it clean enough, but it wasn't suited for people to hang out in there, let alone a frat boy. I assumed he probably wouldn't enjoy members of The Smiths or The Rolling Stones staring at him from the walls.
I digress, Kyle's place was the only option. And at that moment, it felt like an impossible mountain to climb, an incredible obstacle to overcome. 
The time came, much before I would have liked for it to, to head over to meet Kyle. Except, I stood in my room, surrounded by discarded outfits on the floor, staring at myself in the mirror, frustrated. Why was it that I couldn't seem to piece together the right articles of clothing? No matter what I put on, I managed to see something I didn't like about myself.
With little-to-no time left to pick, I settled on a tee with a black skirt and knee-high socks. I felt like shit, but I needed to jet if I was going to make it on time. 
The walk there was quick and painless. I arrived at exactly 7 pm, our agreed time. Kyle stood waiting for me on the stoop again, knowing I'd need ushering through the house.
"Hey Hannah," he called to me as I walked up the drive.
"Hi," I said, simply. I met him on the porch, waiting for him to lead the way. He opened the door and led me through the house, heading straight for the stairs and to his room. In the upstairs hallway, this time, though, stood Archie Brenner, the other KLG guy in mine and Kyle's Calc class. He paused and looked at me with an unreadable expression. I cast my eyes down and continued on.
"Hey," Archie called after us. We both spun to face him, surprised. "Are you seriously meeting for the project now? And this often?"
"Yes," Kyle replied lowly. "Strictly business."
"You two fuckin' try-hards," he laughed, shaking his head as he walked away. I sighed inwardly, having expected way worse.
We made it the rest of the way unscathed and settled in his room, I on the couch and he on the ground. The center of the room was a mess, the small area on the floor covered with books and papers. He sat in the center of it all, a spot he'd likely carved out for himself in the chaos.
"Sorry," he chuckled bashfully. "Lot of makeup work and current work."
"Did you miss a lot of school?" I asked, pulling my Calculus materials out of my bag. Kyle sighed and ran a hand through his curly blonde hair.
"I missed Friday and a couple of classes on Monday," he answered. "It all just piled up so fast." He laughed, scratching the back of his head while looking down at his mess.
"Do you need time to work on all of it? We can be quick so I can leave-"
"No, no," Kyle interrupted. "It's nice to have a break and actually speak with another human."
"Can I help?" I offered.
"I wish. I'll be okay," he smiled, setting a few books aside to make room for his Calculus materials. "I think we should decide what differentiation scenario we want to take on." He stuck his pen in his mouth and bit down, holding it in his teeth while flipping to the correct page in his notebook. My stomach twisted while watching him, almost as if I were homesick.
"Yeah, that makes sense."
"No, no, it is," Kyle argued, standing to join me on the couch. He flopped down next to me, scrolling through his phone frantically to prove his point.
"A number cannot possibly be lucky or unlucky," I protested, crossing my arms. "The stigma around the number 13 is ludicrous. And 7 isn't lucky either."
"Hannah," he spoke sternly, cocking his head to the side as he looked at me, lips tight. "You can't possibly be a non-believer. You look the part of a believer."
"I look the part?"
"Yeah with your, I guess, like weirdo style," he tried to clarify, looking back down at his phone.
"Weirdo?! Are you serious right now?" I cackled. 
"I meant, like, artsy, I don't know," he muttered, dismissing my feigned shock. "Here!" He held his phone out and showed me the door of a home, donning the number 66.
"Like I said, 66 is my unlucky number," he explained, turning the phone back to himself. He stared at the image for a moment, lost in thought. I waited before interrupting his thought.
"Are you going to explain, or?" I tried, sarcastically.
"Uh, yeah," Kyle murmured, locking his phone. "That was my old house."
"Oh," I managed, sensing the shift in his tone. He put his phone down on the couch cushion next to him and looked back over at me, a strange look on his face.
"We lost it during Katrina. My dad had just cut out," he continued. "Nothing but bad things happened there."
"Gosh, I'm sorry Kyle," I whispered, not sure how to proceed.
"No, I brought it up, it's fine," he sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. "Brought it upon myself, I guess." He laughed sardonically.
"Doesn't make it any less shitty," I replied.
"Yeah, the situation was just, bad," he uttered, staring off over my left shoulder. "My mom isn't exactly all there, either. She's not right. Hard to live with." He shifted to face me better, resting his elbow on the back of the sofa.
I wasn't sure what to say, so I just nodded.
"After we lost our house, things got bad between my mom and me," Kyle went on, further spelling out a detail I didn't know about him. "I never had it good with my parents, but that year was the worst. Since then it's gotten even more bad. So I'm here."
"What do you mean?"
"I live pretty close to school but I live here because I can't live with her," he relayed. "It's okay because it's all on my dime. I'll be an engineer and make my money and be able to avoid her forever."
"Well, you have a plan at least," I returned."That's something."
"I got involved here so I don't have to go back there," he said. Kyle inhaled sharply as if he had broken out of a trance and smiled. "I'm sorry, I should stop."
I sat forward, putting a hand on his knee. "No, I'm sorry," I laughed. "I'm not good at finding things to say."
"It was nice that you listened," he hummed, looking down at my hand on his leg. I removed it quickly and crossed my arms, looking at him, almost pleading for him to change the subject with my eyes. "Do you want to get coffee or something this weekend?"
It was not the subject change I expected. In fact, words wouldn't even claw their way up my throat or fight through my lips. They sat in stunned silence in my head, frozen in shock. I mustered a nod, agreeing.
"Yeah, that works," I blurted, silently kicking myself that only those three words could muster the courage to leave the safety of my mouth.
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manishaasinfratecho · 4 months
Unveiling the Magic: The Art and Science of Transforming Spaces with MITS.
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Have you ever walked into a room and felt an instant sense of calm, inspiration, or joy? Interior design is the art and science behind creating spaces that not only look beautiful but also function flawlessly to meet your specific needs and desires. At MITS, we believe your home should be a reflection of you, a place that tells your story and fuels your well-being.
This article will delve into the captivating world of interior design, exploring its core principles and how MITS, a leading interior design company in Noida, can transform your space into a haven you'll love.
The Art of Storytelling Through Design
Interior design goes far beyond aesthetics. It's about weaving a narrative through colors, textures, furniture, and lighting. Imagine your living room as a cozy haven for movie nights with family, or your workspace as a hub of productivity that sparks creativity. A skilled interior designer, like the talented team at MITS, acts as your translator, interpreting your vision and translating it into a tangible reality.
The Science of Functionality
While aesthetics are important, functionality is the foundation of successful interior design. A well-designed space caters to your lifestyle and daily routines. Whether you crave a spacious kitchen designed for culinary adventures or a clutter-free bedroom that promotes restful sleep, MITS considers every detail to ensure optimal flow and functionality within your space.
Key Principles for a Harmonious Space
Here are some fundamental principles that guide our design philosophy at MITS:
Balance and Harmony: Imagine a room where everything feels visually cohesive. We achieve this by carefully considering the placement of furniture, the use of color palettes, and the interplay of patterns and textures.
Scale and Proportion: Furniture that overwhelms a small room or feels dwarfed in a large space can disrupt the flow. Our experts ensure that every element, from furniture to artwork, is appropriately scaled to the dimensions of your space.
Light and Lighting: Natural light plays a crucial role in setting the mood and ambience. We strategically utilize natural light sources and incorporate layered artificial lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
The MITS Advantage: Transforming Your Vision into Reality
At MITS, we understand that every project is unique. Our team of passionate and experienced interior designers works closely with you to understand your style preferences, functional needs, and budget. We don't impose a pre-defined aesthetic; instead, we collaborate with you to craft a space that reflects your individuality.
Here's what sets MITS apart:
Personalized approach: We take the time to understand your vision and translate it into a design plan that exceeds your expectations.
Expertise and experience: Our team boasts a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various design styles and trends.
Project management: We handle everything, from sourcing materials to overseeing the execution, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
Commitment to quality: We source high-quality materials and work with reliable vendors to guarantee a beautiful and lasting transformation.
Finding Your Perfect Interior Design Partner:
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inquisitivefinds · 1 year
For Roger - would you be willing to share a story about one of your supernatural experiences?
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Roger: Well I'll never pass up an opportunity to talk about the supernatural! I'm uh… I’m a little saddened to say that I haven't had that many personal encounters, and especially not ones I haven't already talked about at length in the Zine, but I'm happy to share an excerpt I think might be interesting that didn't make the cut for any of the issues!
TLDR: I met a friendly ghost in an old farmhouse.
For a little context of the location, there are a few houses somewhere between Lawrenceville and Princeton, long since abandoned by those who had previously lived there. All in varying states of disrepair.
I had decided to look at what was the smallest of the ones on the land. The exterior was mostly clean, though it was tightly locked besides the open cellar door. Making my way into the basement, it was far from finished, dirty, and mostly concrete. The telltale sign of its age was shown in the small dirt crawl space in the rear. I never got around to searching there, though I doubt I would have wanted to look far inside. The air in the cellar was colder than it had been outside, it was a mild autumn day so the slight chill was to be expected and I didn't think much of it at the time, if I had, it should have been a call for me to run back to the car and grab more equipment than just my camera and notepad.
Sneaking into the upstairs, I grew uneasy with how different it felt to the basement I had just come from. Not only was the air lighter and warmer, the floors and walls were modern and clean, almost like it had been freshly renovated. I would have believed it was ready to be put on the market had it not been for the disgusting smell that penetrated every inch of the downstairs, from the living room to the kitchen. Like rot and decay, with the thick dust that was typical for it being untouched for so long. I hadn't found anything of note, or anything out of place among the showroom like downstairs, so I headed up the creaky staircase, my expectations for anything supernatural dashed by the modernist design.
When I got upstairs, I was surprised to see the ceiling was dropped much lower than expected from seeing the building from the outside, with a small window cut out sort of unnaturally within the architecture. I'm not a tall man by any means, but I still felt almost claustrophobic compared to the open and bright first floor of the home. Somehow all three levels had felt almost copied and pasted from completely different homes, all awkwardly melded together to make the interior of this otherwise unsuspecting building feel unnatural and almost unsettling.
Only to add to the chill and sense that I did not belong there, children's toys were littered all over the ground, left frozen in time mid play. The walls had photographs of, what I assumed were, the previous owners and their children, much like you would expect from a family home, nothing like the pristine first floor. A lingering sense of unease hung over me as I took in the room, the ghosts of the family's past being confined to this top floor felt wrong, like something had stopped them from destroying this last relic of their lives, after cleansing the first floor of any evidence it had once been lived in.
It was as I was making one last scan of the floor that I noticed how dark it was. Sure I had a while before sun down, I turned my attention to the window, which seemed almost like it had been covered by the same kind of privacy tint you see in cars, letting only a fraction of the evening light into the room. Curiosity only growing with this, I made the decision to stick around, picking up a bouncy ball from near my feet and gently bouncing it across the ground. I figured that if only the childrens toys remained, whatever seemed to have been in the room with me would have been a child too. The ball thudded across the dusty wood for a bit before it stopped suddenly, as if someone had slammed their hand on it. Fear and excitement coursed through me at the action and I knelt to the ground, rolling a shiny red toy car towards where the ball had stopped. The car did the same thing, coming to a dead stop most of the way along the ground. Only this time, it turned and rolled back towards me, clicking as it gently thumped into my knee. I continued to play with whatever spirit was sitting across from me, the car rolling back and forth over and over. Whatever it was, I felt sorry for it. Being confined to this home, most of their belongings and memories destroyed for the sake of upselling what had at one time been their home.
After a little while, the car stopped rolling back. I waited for something else to happen in the still silence, but nothing came. The room felt more dead than it had even when I first arrived. Unsure of what to do now, the lull in my attention on whatever had been rolling the car to me had made me aware of how cold and dark the room had grown to be, and despite the excitement of being in the same space as a bonafide ghost, I couldn’t help but feel that if I stayed much longer I would be overstaying my welcome. Standing from my spot on the ground, I quietly bid them a kind goodbye before making my way out of the house and back into the farmland. The sun just starting to set on the horizon. 
This house and whatever had been inside, seemed to me to be a testament to the fight between old and new, of an era just on the cusp of disappearing, an entity which does not know what to do with itself in its current state of decay. I hope whatever was inside of that cramped and dirty room finds peace, and that the home it is so attached to stays stood where it is until someone is able to respectfully restore it, and provide that lonely soul a friend. 
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SUMMARY: Robyn and her friends join Jake and his group for some fun in the sun. Also, Robyn is put in a situation where a hidden talent is revealed.
AUTHOR'S REQUEST: Please reblog this chapter if you like it! No author likes it when their work becomes buried. Also, as always, please comment after reading. I value your input.
SONG CREDITS: "Fast Car," by Tracy Chapman
🌟Cast Pictures: Not mine!! Definitely not mine!
🌟Baseball and Glove: cpastrick @ Pixabay
🌟Karaoke Sign: Nikola Duza @ Unsplash
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     Simone let out a little sigh as she paused outside the door of a small office in Brooklyn. She knew she was a tad early, but with Frank it was best to be prompt. He was a busy man, and he didn't have time to dawdle. And so, after checking her makeup and making sure her clothes were just so, she opened the door and stepped inside. It was an unusually warm autumn day in New York, and she barely felt the slight breeze that came from a standup fan near the door. She stepped up to the receptionist's desk, not taking the time to smile as the petite woman couldn't be bothered to look up at her.
     "Name," the receptionist greeted, her tone flat.
     "Simone Hughes."
     The receptionist checked the schedule, frowning a bit. "You're early."
     "Yes. I know that." When the other woman finally looked up at her, Simone plastered on a smile; the kind that she usually reserved for restaurant guests when she knew they would be big tippers.
     "I'll let Mr. Kessler know you're here," the brunette stated before she got out of her seat and knocked on the door. "Mr. Kessler, Simone Hughes is here to see you," she said as she opened the door.
     "Send her in."
     Not much of a people person. Are you? Simone thought as she brushed past the receptionist, who returned to her station without giving her so much as a smile. As she entered the office, she was a bit taken aback by the mess. Papers were strewn across the desk, and a filling cabinet drawer was left open. The room, unlike the main office, was a comfortable temperature thanks to the air conditioner in the window.
     Frank Kessler was a man in his 50s with salt and pepper hair, and a handsome face bearing age lines and a scar on his upper lip. Dressed in a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans, he looked nothing like the stereotypical vision of a private investigator.
     "Sorry about the mess. You know how it is." Frank stood up from his seat behind the desk, giving her a warm smile. "It's always good to see you, Simone," he said, gesturing for her to have a seat.
     "And you as well," Simone acknowledged with a smile and a nod. She sat down in one of the leather chairs, crossing her legs and resting her hands on her lap. "How is Jackie?"
     "She's great. Taking over the world one restaurant at a time. She sends her love." Frank returned to his seat, eyeing Simone curiously. "So, who do you want me to investigate?"
     Simone reached into her handbag and pulled out a folded-up printout of the Chic Spaces article covering Robyn's career. After unfolding it, she presented it to Frank. "This woman."
     Frank's eyes quickly scanned the article, and he narrowed his brows in confusion. "Why do you want me to look into a interior designer? She rip you off?"
     Having predicted that Frank would ask her this question, Simone decided to go with the truth. Why not? She had nothing to hide. "No. Let's just say that I'm ... concerned." Frank's right eyebrow shot up in curiosity, and she continued. "Jake has become rather close to this woman. I want to be certain that he won't be hurt."
     Not at all surprised by this, Frank considered Simone's request for a few moments. "All right. I can do this for you. My fee isn't cheap." Simone seemed unconcerned, and Frank grinned. "But seeing as you're a friend, we can work out a payment plan. I should warn you, though. This is going to take some time. Especially since she's not from around these parts."
     Simone gave him a nod. "I'm certain it will be worth the wait."
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     Robyn sat in the back of a taxi cab, gently nibbling on her bottom lip as she watched the city pass her by. On her lap was a paper sack, neatly rolled shut to protect its contents. A little flutter formed in her stomach as she realized she was getting closer to her destination. Closer to 22W. Closer to Jake. It had been nearly a week since they'd last seen each other. The driver maneuvered through the city streets, while Robyn's thoughts traveled back to the day Chloe told her about Jake's decision to wait for her. The romantic in her smiled at the thought, but the anxious part of her worried that he would eventually grow tired of waiting. After all, there was no telling how long it would be before she'd be ready to pursue another relationship. What if Jake moved on?
     The cab pulled up to the curb, and Robyn reached for the door handle. "Will you wait for me, please? I won't be long."
     "Anything ya want, doll. It's your money."
     Choosing to ignore that remark, Robyn stepped out of the cab and onto the curb. It had been two months since she'd set her eyes on this place, and she smiled to herself as she took it all in. The outside was decorated for the autumn season, complete with elegantly carved pumpkins and barrels filled with orange and yellow flowers. Through the window, she could see Jake's co-workers in the midst of enjoying Shift Drinks. Nicky was, going by the looks of it, engaging in light banter with Ari. Sasha, Will and Eric were seated a ways down the bar. And then, there was Jake. He stepped up to the bar, dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans, a cigarette between his lips. His dark hair was a little messy, and the soft glow of the lights highlighted his features nicely.
     Damn, he looked good!
     She pulled out her cell phone and accessed the text messages, typing a brief message:
     Jake, I'm outside the restaurant.
     - Robyn
     She pressed SEND and then returned her gaze to the man in question. A few seconds later, he was pulling his phone out of his pocket and looking at the screen. He turned his eyes to the window, giving her a smile and ignoring his co-workers' playful teasing as he made his way to the door.
     "Hey," he greeted as he stepped outside. "You doin' all right? I haven't heard from you since --"
     "I'm fine," Robyn assured him with a genuine smile. "I had myself a good cry. Watched my favorite films. Spent time with my girls. Threw out everything that reminds me of Ethan. Except Luna, of course."
     "And how is the famous Luna?" Jake wondered, taking a drag from his cigarette.
     "Missing you, I think." Jake raised a brow and let out a little laugh. "No. Seriously. She never warms up to a person so quickly. I think you have a fan." She held out the paper sack that she was clutching, and he raised his brows as he took it from her. "Your clothes."
     "You mean, you're finished holding them hostage?" Jake teased.
     "Oh, yes. And I assure you that they were well taken care of. I even laundered them for you. But I must warn you, I used lavender-scented dryer sheets. So you may want to let them air out. Unless, of course, you don't mind smelling like flowers." Jake's expression fell flat, and she grinned at him again. "I'm sorry I didn't return them to you earlier, but I've been busy."
     "Clients keeping you on your toes?" Jake inquired, tossing his cigarette to the cement and grinding it out with the toe of his boot.
     Robyn nodded. "Yes. That, and the girls insist on turning ladies' night into something that occurs every other night. They're afraid that I'll fall into a depression and lock myself up in my flat."
     "They're just worried about you," Jake assured her.
     "I know. And I appreciate it. Staying busy does keep my mind off of ... certain things. My employer, Rebecca, walked in on me as I was in the middle of a meltdown. Seems Ethan thought he could charm his way back into my life with flowers, a stuffed bear, and a pathetic apology card. Rebecca caught me as I was about to murder the poor bear. I was this close to cutting it open with a letter opener when she walked in." Jake had to chuckle at this. "She took me out to lunch and demanded an explanation. And she told me something: I can either feel sorry for myself, or I can pick up the pieces, dust myself off ... and discover new things."
     "So which option are you going with?"
     "Option B. As I told you before, I lost who I was when I was with Ethan. It's time that I find myself again, apart from him." She paused for a moment, not certain how he was going to react when he heard this next part. "Apart from any man." She took note of the flicker of disappointment that passed over Jake's face, and she decided to give him some hope. "That's not to say that I'll remain single for the rest of my life. I'm not a nun, and I've no interest in joining a convent. I simply need to focus on learning about myself. Discovering new things; new passions." She gave him a small smile. "I'm even looking into taking a few classes. Dance. Art. Pottery. That sort of thing. Who knows? If I take that pottery class, there may be a handmade bowl or mug in your future."
     Jake's heart warmed at that thought as his gaze turned in the direction of the inside of the restaurant, watching as his co-workers began to file out of the bar. Looking down at Robyn once more, he said "We're going to Home Bar. Join us. Could be fun."
     Robyn considered it for a moment, but shook her head. "I'm a bit done in. I think I'll pass."
     "But I'll see you tomorrow. Right? Will said he invited you."
     "Yes, I will be there," Robyn confirmed with a nod. "And not just because Chloe said that she'd never forgive me if I were a 'no-show'," she added with a smirk. After sharing a brief moment of comfortable silence, she favored him with another smile. "I'd best be off, then. I'll see you tomorrow."
     Jake gave her a nod, watching as she slid into the back of the cab. As the taxi pulled away, he could feel his heart skipping a beat at the prospect of spending time with Robyn. Maybe tomorrow would be even better than he thought.
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     Jake and Will were the first to arrive at the baseball field, deciding to play a game of catch before everyone else arrived. As they tossed the ball back and forth, the sun casting long shadows along the ground, their conversation meandered between the upcoming game and the topic of a certain British brunette.
     "So, do you think she'll show?"
     In spite of himself, Jake felt a flutter of anticipation build within him. Keeping his response casual, he shrugged. "Yeah. Why wouldn't she?" Will fell silent for a few seconds, and Jake took note of his friend's expression. "What?"
     "Nothing," was Will's response. When Jake gave him a skeptical look, he relented. "It's just ... what are you doing, Jake?" The bartender furrowed his brow in confusion, and Will elaborated. "With Robyn, I mean."
     Jake narrowed his eyes at his co-worker, refraining from tossing the ball back to the other man. "What are you getting at?"
     Will sighed, choosing his words carefully. "Look, Robyn just went through a bad breakup."
     "I know that, Will. I was there," Jake retorted, his voice laced with irritation. "Your point?"
     "My point is ... she's vulnerable. I just don't want her to get hurt again."
     "And you think I'll hurt her?"
     "Come on, Jake. You know how you are with women. You move from one to the next, and --"
     Jake's glower intensified, his grip on the ball tightening. "It's not like that with Robyn. She's different." He paused for a moment, studying Will closely. "You don't think I care about her. Do you? You think I'm going to fuck her and then leave her." He let out a humorless chuckle, shaking his head as his annoyance turned to anger. "I don't believe this." He took a few steps toward Will, closing the space between them. Standing face to face with his friend, his voice took on a threatening tone. "I don't have to justify myself to you. What Robyn and I do is our business, and you need to stay the fuck out of it."
     Taken aback by the intensity of Jake's anger, Will swallowed hard. Not wanting to start a fight, he simply nodded in response. He wanted to say something in the hopes of diffusing the situation, but the sound of laughter captured their attention. Jake was the one to end their little staring contest, his eyes moving to look at the three women who had just stepped onto the field. Robyn, standing between Sam and Chloe, was the first to pick up on the tension between Will and Jake. She frowned as Jake turned on his heel and made his way to the bleachers, sitting down and snatching up the catcher's mitt.
     Will let out a weary sigh before he turned to the three women, giving them a smile. "Hey, ladies! Glad you could make it!" he called as he jogged up to the group.
     "I wouldn't miss this for the world," Chloe said, just before she shared a lingering kiss with him. "Happy birthday, baby," she murmured.
     "Ugh! Get a room already!" Sam quipped as she rolled her eyes.
     "Hello to you, too, Sam," Will joked as he cuddled with Chloe.
     Robyn glanced at Jake, who seemed to be stewing on the bleachers. As she stepped up to Will, she softly inquired "Is everything all right?" as she eyed Jake once more.
     "It's fine. Nothing serious. We were just debating pitching techniques."
     Robyn nodded, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story. Wanting to get to the bottom of it, she wished Will a happy birthday and made her way to the bleachers. Jake was staring out into the field, moving the ball from mitt to hand, his jaw clenched tight.
     "Hello, Jake," Robyn greeted as she approached him.
     Jake's expression relaxed a bit, his jaw unclenching. "Hey."
     Robyn blushed as Jake took in her appearance for the first time since she'd arrived on the field. She wore a simple light grey tank top, a pair of black shorts that showed off her legs, some sneakers, and a New York Mets baseball cap. Her face was free of makeup and her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, calling attention to her natural beauty.
     She sat down on the same seat as Jake. Not close enough to touch, but not too far away. She turned her head to look at him, studying his posture and demeanor. He hadn't relaxed much since her arrival, and she couldn't help but be concerned. "Is everything all right between you and Will?"
     With a shrug, he answered "Yeah. Just had a difference of opinion. Are you a fan of the Mets?"
     Robyn grinned. "Yes. I am."
     "Uh-oh. Well, that just may be a deal-breaker," he teased.
     "I take it you're not a fan?"
     Jake shook his head. "Naw. But I'll give you a pass, just this once." He gave her a smile. "I'm glad you made it."
     "So am I. Though I admit I've never played." Jake raised a brow at her, and she chuckled. "You seem surprised. I've watched a few games with Chloe and Sam. So I'm not unaware of what is involved. It's simply that I've never had the opportunity to play. I thought I would wing it."
     "Well," Jake began with a grin as he stood up, "we'd better get started on your first lesson. Pick up a bat and follow me."
     Robyn let out a little laugh and did as she was told, following Jake to the home plate. He positioned himself behind her, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. He knew that what he was planning was, most likely, a very bad idea. Terrible, even. But he simply couldn't resist taking the opportunity to flirt with her. Just because she wasn't ready to pursue a relationship just yet, that didn't mean that he couldn't let her know that he was still an option.
     "First, you need to stand up straight." He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, his touch sending subtle shivers down her spine.
     Trying to ignore what she was feeling, Robyn straightened up a bit. "Like this?"
     His face was close to her own, his breath tickling her ear. A faint blush graced her cheeks as he said "Perfect." He began to move his hands from her shoulders, making sure that one of his thumbs brushed against her skin as he did so. He smirked to himself when he saw the way she was reacting to his touch, listening to the two quiet little gasps that she let out as he rested his hands on her hips. "It's all about balance, Robyn. You need to make sure your feet are in the right spot and your weight is even. Adjust your stance a little."
     Robyn moved her feet a bit, trying to block out the images that barraged her mind. Images that involved being alone with Jake in his apartment, pinned up against a wall with him behind her as he did things to her that made her legs tremble and her heart pound. Off in the distance, she could see Will, Sam and Chloe watching this flirtation. Sam gave her a thumbs up, while Will simply shook his head and exchanged a few words with Chloe before walking away.
     The rest of the players, all of whom were Will's friends and co-workers, arrived on the scene. While most of the group settled for glancing in the direction of Jake and Robyn, Scott could be heard yelling "Are we here to play ball or watch a bad porno?"
     Jake gave Scott the finger. "Sorry about that. He has no filter. Remember?"
     Robyn said nothing, clearing her throat and shaking her head. Like that would erase the erotic thoughts that were bouncing back and forth like ping pong balls? Oh, if only!
     "And last, but not least: the grip. Yours is almost perfect. You just need to overlap your fingers a little more, like this." He reached out and gently adjusted her grip, his fingers brushing against hers and sending a jolt of electricity through the both of them. Jake couldn't help but smile when he saw how his touch affected Robyn, taking notice of the fact that her skin was flushed. "The key is to relax your grip a little," he continued. "You don't want to slow down your swing, so you need to find perfect balance." He stepped away from her, and Robyn felt disappointed by the loss of physical contact. "Now, take a few practice swings. And if it helps, when you're swinging at the ball ... just pretend that it's Ethan's face."
     "I'll keep that in mind," Robyn said with a laugh as she swung the bat a few times. "So tell me something, Jake: how do you know so much about baseball? Were you on a team?"
     "Yes, actually. During my junior year of high school." Robyn stopped what she was doing, only long enough to look at him over her shoulder. "You seem surprised."
     "I am. I didn't realize you were a team player," she answered, just before she went back to taking practice swings.
     He chuckled. "It was all part of the adults' plan to rehabilitate me. I had some aggression that needed to be worked off. Simone insisted that I try out, and so I did. Imagine our surprise when it turned out that I was actually good."
     Robyn stopped swinging when she heard him mention Simone, and she walked next to Jake as they made their way to the bleachers. Tilting her head to the side, she inquired "Her opinion means a great deal to you. Doesn't it?"
     Jake shrugged. "Well, she raised me. I trust her."
     Robyn watched him carefully for a few seconds, an uneasy flutter in her stomach. Something about Simone had her on edge, and she worried about the influence she had on Jake. Though he didn't admit it, Robyn could tell that trying out for the baseball team hadn't been something he truly wanted to do. He'd done it merely to appease Simone, and Robyn couldn't help but wonder about the lengths Jake would go to to please the woman who'd raised him.
     "Jake, I --"
     "All right, people! Time to gather 'round!"
     "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Quit bossing us around, old man!" one of the players called as the group slowly congregated on the field.
     "Have you signed up for Social Security yet?" teased another.
     "Ha, ha! Very funny, guys. I may be 30. But baseball is my game, and I can still kick your ass." Rolling his eyes at the playful murmurs coming from a few of his friends, Will continued. "Okay. First, I want to thank everyone for coming. I know some of you came a long way." He gestured to two of the men. "Mike. Alex."
     Alex grinned. "Why would I pass up a chance to kick your ass?"
     "And besides," Mike began as he eyed Becky, who was standing next to him, "I didn't want to miss out on meeting your New York friends."
     "Hey, can we move this along?" Heather chimed in with a smirk.
     "Yeah! Some of us are still drunk!" Scott added, letting out a belch to emphasise his point.
     "Oh! Is that what that smell is? I thought something died," Sam commented, waving a hand in front of her face.
     "And that's why you're going to be the umpire," Will announced, pointing at Scott. "Less chance of you seeing your breakfast in reverse if you're not running from base to base."
     Scott shrugged. "Fine with me." Eyeing Sam, he added "Gives me a chance to chat this one up."
     "Keep in mind that I'll be armed with a bat, and I won't be afraid to use it," Sam retorted with a roll of her eyes.
     "Armed, gorgeous and dangerous. I like that combination."
     "Oh, please. Like you could handle me."
     Standing between Sam and Scott, Robyn couldn't help but laugh quietly to herself. Should she warn Scott about Sam, or let him find out for himself? Sam had a tempestuous spirit, and it would take a miracle for any man to win her over.
     "All right. Time to pick teams," Will declared. "As always, Jake and I are team captains. And since it's my birthday, I get to pick first."
     "Just don't hog all of the good players this time," Jake remarked with a smirk.
     "Hey. Whose birthday is it?" Will retorted, surveying the group. "Chloe."
     "Big surprise," Sam remarked with a scoff as Chloe moved to stand next to her boyfriend.
     Jake pretended to take his time selecting the first member of his team, acting as though he were considering their speed and skills. Finally, after much fake deliberation, he gave Robyn a nod. "Robyn."
     Just before Robyn moved to stand next to Jake, Sam elbowed her playfully. "Told you he'd pick you."
     Within a matter of minutes, Jake and Will had selected their teammates. Sam, Eric and Heather joined Jake's team. Meanwhile Becky, Alex and Mike were chosen by Will. As the sun beamed down on the baseball diamond, Jake was the first to step up to the plate. Standing next to Robyn, Sam watched with amusement as she noticed the way her friend stared at Jake as he took on the proper batting stance.
     "Look at you. Practically drooling over him," she quietly teased.
     Robyn scoffed. "I am not drooling. I am merely ... observing him. You know, for the purposes of learning."
     "Yeah. Sure. Is that what you call staring at his ass? Learning?" Sam paused for a moment, and then turned her head to the left. "He does have a great ass, though."
     Smirking to herself, Robyn allowed her naughty side to come through. "Mmm. You'll get no argument from me."
     With an air of confidence, Jake swung the bat and made contact with the ball. As the ball soared through the air and Jake raced around the bases, his teammates cheered while the opposition scramble to catch the ball.
     Having heard the friends' conversation, Heather shook her head. "Oh, Lord. Don't tell me Jake's snagged another one," she muttered to herself as Sam shoved Robyn forward, indicating that it was her turn to step up to the plate.
     "Yeah," Eric replied as he took a few practice swings with his bat. "Rumor has it, they were hot and heavy a few months ago."
     Heather lifted a brow. "And he's still interested in her?" she asked with surprise. "I guess some things do change. Back when I was working with him, he bounced around from one woman to the next. I can't tell you how much money I won, betting on whose tail he'd end up chasing."
     Eric and Heather watched as Robyn swung the bat, striking out. "Yeah. Well, must be something about her to keep him interested. It's probably the accent. Some people are into that."
     Robyn could feel her heart pounding as she prepared to swing again, the pressure mounting. She glanced nervously at Will, who stood tall on the pitcher's mound as he wound up for pitch. As the ball hurtled towards her, Robyn instinctively swung her bat. She cursed under her breath as Scott, crouched down behind her, called out "Strike two!"
     "That's all right, Robyn! You got this!" she could hear Sam call out to her.
     Taking in a deep breath, Robyn shook off her disappointment. She adjusted her stance, refocused her gaze on Will, and decided to put Jake's advice into practice. She clenched her jaw as her eyes locked onto the ball, imagining Ethan's face emblazoned on it. The ball flew toward her, and this time her luck changed. She swung her bat, her body moving in perfect harmony with her mind, and struck the ball with a resounding crack that echoed through the air.
     As the ball soared through the field and Jake took the chance to run for home plate, Robyn's heart leapt with joy as she sprinted toward first base. Her teammates cheered her on, their voices becoming background noise as she pushed herself to run faster. When she reached first base, her excitement and pride were evident.
     Two hours later, Robyn shook her head and watched in amusement as a bucket of water was dumped over Will's head. Standing next to Jake, she inquired "Is that how you Americans celebrate a victory? By dumping ice water on each other?"
     Jake chuckled and shrugged. "Well, someone forgot the Gatorade. Guess they had to improvise." He looked over at Robyn, smiling in amusement when he saw the state she was in. Some of her hair had come free from the ponytail, and a layer of dirt practically decorated her from head to toe. "Looked like you had fun out there."
     Robyn took off her baseball cap and wiped the sweat from her forehead. "I did. Though I'm sorry we lost."
     "Don't worry about it."
     They fell into a comfortable silence as they walked across the field, reveling in the breeze that ruffled their hair and cooled them off a bit. As they approached the stairs that led to the locker rooms, Jake came to a sudden stop. When he turned to face her, Robyn's steps came to a halt and she looked up at him curiously.
     "We're going out tonight. You should join us."
     "Home Bar?"
     Jake shook his head. "No. Nightcrawler's in Manhattan. It's this place that Will likes to drag us to every year. This music is shit and the place is a dive."
     "You make the offer sound so tempting," Robyn said sarcastically.
     He let out a little laugh. "Yeah. Well, I'll be there. So ..." And then, dropping his smile and giving her a look that made her heart race, he added "Seriously. You should come. Could be fun."
     She observed him for a few seconds, considering his offer. Although she longed to spend more time with Jake, she knew she had to be careful. Going by the way he touched her during their impromptu batting lesson, combined with the way she reacted to his touch, it was quite clear that their sexual attraction was still high. She wanted him. He wanted her. There was no doubt about that. It seemed that no matter where they were or what they were doing, they were drawn together by some invisible, magnetic force. But she knew that she couldn't afford to jump into another relationship, sexual or romantic, just yet. She had to tread lightly if she wanted to protect herself, as well as Jake. She didn't want to be caught on the rebound. She deserved better than that, and so did he.
     "All right," she relented. "Text me the details, and I'll see you there."
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     The moment Robyn saw the neon sign that bore the word KARAOKE, she wanted to retreat into the relative safety of the taxi and go home.
     "Karaoke? Jake said nothing about karaoke," she commented, staring up at the sign in horror.
     Slinging an arm over her friend's shoulder, Sam grinned. "Relax, Rob. So there's karaoke. Big deal."
     "Yeah. You don't have to sing if you don't want to," Chloe assured her.
     "That's what you said the last time we went to a place like this. That was just before you two dragged me onto the stage and practically forced me to sing that Madonna song."
     "Okay. First of all, you could have escaped at any time," Sam pointed out.
     "I tried, but you kept pulling me back!"
     "Second of all, you know you had fun." 
     "I was faking it," Robyn argued.
     "Relax, Rob. It'll be fine," Chloe began. "Just focus on having fun and enjoying yourself. Let your hair down and live a little." As though able to read her reluctant friend's mine, she added "And if you try to make a run for the door, I will make you regret it. This is Will's birthday, and you're not going to ruin it by being a stick in the mud."
     Robyn stared up at the sign again, feeling as though the word "karaoke," was taunting her. "All right. Fine. But don't even think about signing me up for a song. My singing days are over." She pulled the door open and entered the bar first, completely unaware of the mischievous look Sam and Chloe were exchanging behind her back.
     As the three ladies entered the bar, the lively sounds of laughter and music filled the air. The space was dimly lit, adorned with colorful neon lights flashing on the walls. To their right was a long wooden bar that stretched along a wall that hosted an array of shimmering liquor bottles.
     Robyn's gaze wandered across the crowd, catching glimpses of groups of people huddled around tables and sitting in crowded booths. On stage was a woman who was doing her best rendition of Whitney Houston's I Wanna Dance With Somebody, and Robyn cringed every now and then when the performer hit a note that made her voice sound a tad screechy. She would have felt sorry for the woman if not for the fact that she seemed to be enjoying herself, in spite of her lack of singing chops.
     "Oh! There they are!" Chloe said enthusiastically, leading the way to a booth occupied by Will and his group.
     Will, sitting at one end of the booth, immediately got up when he laid eyes on Chloe. "Thanks for coming," he said, giving her a sweet and chaste kiss. "I saved you a seat," he announced, gesturing to the empty space next to Heather.
     "Aww! Thank you. That's so sweet."
     Sasha grinned at Robyn, waving her over. "Come, Kitty Cat. You sit next to me."
     Robyn gave him a small smile as room was made for her, reluctantly taking Sasha up on his offer. It wasn't that she disliked him. She had grown quite fond of him, really. It was simply that she was never truly prepared for his antics, and she often found herself the target of his embarrassing and crass remarks.
     Taking note of the disappointed expression on Robyn's face, Sasha gave her a pat on the leg. "Don't worry, Kitty Cat. Your scratching post comes soon. Baby Jakey always late."
     "And he always leaves us with the tab," Heather remarked with a shake of her head.
     Sam pulled up a chair and straddled it, making herself comfortable. "Where's Scott? Is he at home, licking his wounds?"
     Will gave her a little smile. "He's at work. He doesn't scare easily, but I think he's terrified of you."
     "I warned him about her," Robyn began. "But he just wouldn't listen. Poor man never saw it coming."
     "That's right!" Sam declared. "I am a wild spirit who will be tamed by no man." She craned her head to the left, her eyes settling on the stage in the center of the room. "Be right back. Karaoke is calling my name. You coming, Clo?"
     Chloe gave Sam a nod, and Robyn watched as her friends approached the man in charge of the lineup of performers.
     "You're not going with them?" Will inquired.
     "I'm afraid not. I'm here to observe only."
     "You and Jake have something in common," Heather commented. "The day he gets up on stage and sings will be the day Howard stops fucking his employees."
     "Ah! Speak of the Devil," Sasha said with a smirk, watching as Jake approached the group. "Baby Jakey, late as always."
     "Fuck off, Sasha," Jake retorted, turning around the vacated chair and settling down in it.
     The Russian brought a hand to his chest, feigning offense. "Such language!" he exclaimed before he suddenly reached over and covered Robyn's ears. "And in front of a lady, no less!"
     "Get your hands off of me!" Robyn protested, swatting his hands away.
     "Ooh! Such attitude from the Kitty Cat." Tapping the tip of her nose with his index finger, he grinned at her. "I like it."
     Robyn laughed. "You are so odd."
     "You have no idea, Miss Kitty."
     Robyn shook her head in amusement and then cast a glance in Jake's direction, locking gazes with him as he gave her a smile. Though he wouldn't tell her this, he was happy to see how well she was settling in with his odd collection of friends. He certainly didn't need or want their approval, of course, but he loved seeing her let her hair down and enjoy herself while outside her comfort zone.
     Chloe and Sam returned, each carrying drinks that they'd ordered from the bar. "So I leave my chair for ten minutes, and you think you can take it over?" Sam playfully clicked her tongue at Jake.
     "Never said I was a gentleman." Jake smirked and took a swig from his beer bottle.
     Sam gave him a lopsided smile before she turned her attention to Robyn. "Here, Rob. I ordered your favorite," she announced, holding out a pink fruity drink decorated with an umbrella.
     Once Sam settled down in a chair, Chloe looked around at the group. "Does everyone have a drink? Good. I'd like to propose a toast to Will." She raised her glass, and everyone followed suit. "Will, you may be over the hill and sporting a few grey hairs. But you age like fine wine, and I'm thankful for every moment I spend with you"
     "Aww! That's so sweet," Robyn remarked.
     "Yeah! So sweet, I think I just threw up in my mouth," Ari said with a sarcastic grin.
     "Okay. Let's wrap this up before we all do that," Heather teased. Raising her glass once again, she exclaimed "To Will!"
     "To Will!" the others repeated, clinking their glasses together.
     The two lovebirds leaned toward each other, whispering sweet nothings before they exchanged a kiss. While most of the group erupted into hoots, hollers, and teasing words, Jake remained silent. His eyes were practically glued to Robyn, taking note of the flicker of sadness that crossed her face as she averted her gaze and fiddled with the blue umbrella in her drink.
     When her eyes met Jake's, she gave him a smile that was meant to be reassuring. She knew that she was being selfish; that her happiness for Chloe and Will should override any sadness she felt at the moment. But she couldn't help it. She missed the days when she had someone she could be sweet and romantic with. Just because breaking up with Ethan was the right thing to do, that didn't mean that she wasn't lonely.
     Sensing Jake's concern without him having to voice it, she mouthed "I'll be okay," and then focused on her drink.
     The group's attention was drawn to the stage once more when the announcer's booming voice filled the room. "And now I present to you ... Chloe and Sam!"
     Robyn watched with amusement as the women in question approached the stage with enthusiasm, the crowd erupting into cheers when the introduction to Joan Jett & The Blackhearts' rendition of I Love Rock 'n' Roll boomed over the speakers. She couldn't help but admire their bravery, wondering if there would ever be a day when she'd cast her fears aside and join them on stage.
     Chloe and Sam's voices rang out, clear and confident, as though they had transformed into rock stars. Their eyes sparkled, their bodies moving with fearless abandon as they seemed to feed off of the infectious energy emanating from the crowd. Everyone in the room seemed to be enthralled by the ladies' performance as they tore through the iconic song, and Robyn's smile grew as her friends danced along to the rhythm of the music.
     When the final notes echoed through the bar, the room erupted into applause. Chloe and Sam stepped down from the stage, their faces flushed as they returned to their friends.
     "You two were amazing, as always!" Robyn commented, raising her glass to her friends.
     "Eh. I could do better," Sasha commented with a dismissive wave of his hand.
     "On what planet?" Ari elbowed him in the side, and he whined in an over-dramatic display of pain.
     As the night progressed, Robyn enjoyed herself more and more. But when she caught Chloe and Sam exchanging a few glances, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew her friends well, and she couldn't help but wonder if they were up to something. She chose to brush off her unease, however, assuming it was her paranoia getting the best of her.
     Once again, the announcer's voice blared over the speaker. "Ladies and gentlemen! Up next we have the radiant, the ravishing ... Robyn Hewitt!!!"
     Robyn, caught in mid-sip, nearly choked on her drink as her eyes became wide with shock. After choking and sputtering for a few seconds, she narrowed her gaze at Chloe and Sam. "What did you do?" she growled.
     "Umm ... Robyn Hewitt? Are you here?" the announcer inquired, standing up on stage as he scanned the crowd.
     "Oh, lighten up!" Sam said before taking a sip of her drink.
     "Yeah. Have fun, Rob. If it helps, we chose your favorite song."
     Her name was called once again, and Robyn's heart skipped a beat as she looked to the other group members for help. Not one of them - not even Will or Jake - rose to the occasion. "You will pay for this," she warned, only half-jokingly.
     "Come on. You know you want to," Sam said with a smirk, sliding two shot glasses of whiskey toward Robyn. "We even bought you some liquid courage. So drink up and then get your British ass up there."
     Once again, Robyn looked to the other group members to rescue her. And once again, she was denied. She thought about it for a moment, considering making a run for the nearest exit. But Sam was right. There was a teeny, tiny part of her that was tired of living in fear. Besides, she'd done things that were far crazier than this. Right? She once went sky diving, for crying out loud! And she was afraid of a little humiliation?
     Heaving out a sigh, Robyn relented. She shook her head and made a sound of disgust, her eyes scrunching shut after downing each shot.
     "Robyn Hewitt, this is your last chance!" the announcer warned.
     "I'm coming!" Robyn bellowed grumpily as she slid out of the booth, stomping her way to the stage.
     "And here she is, ladies and gentlemen. The lovely, the --"
     "Oh, enough," Robyn snapped, her reluctance and displeasure overriding her sense of decorum.
     The man seemed to wilt under her angry gaze, and he called out "Robyn!" before he stepped to the side.
     The crowd clapped as Robyn adjusted the microphone, her hands shaking slightly as she took in a deep breath. The blue and pink lights danced upon her face, bathing her in an almost magical glow that outlined her features. The introduction of a familiar song played through the speakers as Robyn closed her eyes, letting out a few calming breaths and holding onto the mic stand for dear life. The crowd hushed as Robyn sang the first few lines of Tracy Chapman's Fast Car, her voice quivering a little as fear settled over her.
     "Louder!" someone bellowed, making Robyn jump a little.
     "Come on, Rob! You can do it!" Chloe called.
     "Go, Rob!!!" Sam chimed in.
     Robyn opened her eyes for a moment, looking over the crowd and keeping her gaze focused on a random wall. This was a technique she'd taught herself years ago. She found that if she sang to a wall or some other lifeless object, as opposed to a group of people, her nervousness wouldn't be so strong. It seemed to work, and she found herself filled with a strange sense of euphoria.
     Gradually, her voice gained strength and began to weave effortlessly through the melody. Though her voice didn't have the quality of a professional, it was pleasant. And when she felt brave enough to look at an actual person, she found her gaze settling on Jake's face. His heart seemed to skip a beat as he smiled at her, listening to the warmth and soul that emanated from her voice.
     When she reached the chorus and the crowd began to cheer for her, she smiled as her confidence grew. The rest of her performance flew by in a blur, and she couldn't help but feel proud of herself as the crowd applauded and her group cheered her on. She returned to the table, blushing furiously as her friends showered her with praise and cheers. And though Sasha insisted that he could do better, she could tell that even he was impressed.
     Robyn settled down in her seat and watched as the server brought over a tray full of freshly made drinks. Sam raised her shot glass in a toast, and the others followed suit.
     "To Robyn! Kudos to her for removing that stick from her ass and having a good time!"
     "To Robyn!" everyone called, clinking their glasses and bottles together.
     Chloe leaned toward Robyn, giving her a smile. "See? Told you you could sing."
     "Yeah. Well, don't think I'll make it a habit. This is a one-time thing," Robyn retorted, taking a sip of her drink. Her eyes drifted over to Jake, who was shaking his head at her. "What?"
     "Nothing. It's just that you surprised me. Again."
     Robyn, quite pleased with herself, sat up a bit straighter. Giving him a proud smile and a wink, she replied "Good. I like keeping you on your toes."
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
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Woke up with some inspiration for how to finally finish the oasis room in Cub's pyramid, and then spent the evening procrastinating so hard on it that I built a mortuary temple for the late Pharaoh instead. bc no pyramid is complete without a mortuary temple. It's not quite got finished interiors? But the external stuff is finished enough.
(and yes i have just noticed the missing quartz block on the far right pharaoh statue. I will Fix That later.)
The purpose of mortuary temples was like a memorial chapel, if that description helps at all. The dead were rarely buried here; that's what the pyramids were for. Instead, there was a ka statue in place to receive offerings, usually ritually enlivened in some way so that the deceased could still experience the living world through the senses of the statue. Offerings were given so that the deceased had all they could ever want or need to access. They often had a lot of other buildings attached to them, as well as shrines for various deities, storage rooms, other ka shrines, etc.
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The design for this temple was kind of inspired by Hatshepsut's mortuary temple, but I mostly just built what made sense. I didn't want to build the whole complex, because that would get way too big. So instead, I kept it small, and it's a couple of terraces with one building on the top, divided into three spaces.
The outer flat walls I want to decorate further with hieroglyphs or other Egyptian art, but I haven't decided what yet, so I'm leaving them for now. I do have Cub's name in SGA thrown around the place bc why not lol. And the back has a slightly squished copy of the Pharoah art and the cartouche that he put in the farm section of the pyramid. bc I was too lazy to make it 23 blocks tall, so. XD I may still fix that and move things up a lil but idk we'll see if I can be bothered.
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This is the ka shrine. This is what you see when you enter the temple. I moved all of Cub's stuff from where he left it near the shopping district and placed it here as offerings. So he has everything he needs. I used a second armour stand to get the elytra behind the main statue, and ofc I wasn't going to turn off my vex elytra for this so. XD He has his vex wings. <3
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There's some storage opposite this that I put in to house offerings or whatever else might be needed for the temple to function. The centre part of the wall clearly needs some kind of decoration but idk what yet.
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I haven't decided what to do with these two side rooms though. I have been thinking of building a Boat of some kind, but idk. I may fill the space with more hieroglyphs or build some small shrines or maybe even do a Vex thing idk. I'll think on it some more and see what inspires me. And maybe get around to doing the oasis room eventually. XD
Also, since I forgot that I initially opened this world in 1.19 instead of going back to 1.16.4 (I suspect bc I hadn't figured out mods and old installations at the time so D:), I figured I'd just play this in 1.20.1 so I can throw some camels at it just to complete the picture. What the hell at that point, you know? :D But that's for later as well. It's midnight rn and I've done more than enough for today.
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