#smg34 is already a thing on it
fanficmustread · 1 year
okay yeah the official one kinda sucks so i made my own!
Its trans friendly, gay friendly and shipping friendly! Minors may join bc gross stuff is not allowed!! :D
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34saveme34 · 5 months
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perfect together
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shygirl4991 · 3 months
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All art is done by @b-r-i-n-g-x be sure to check out her other stuff! Please do not repost art! Summary:
After the event of Splits into Three everything felt like things were back to normal, that is until Three’s boyfriend kicks down his front door announcing he has fallen under the same spell he did. Together they will learn the secret of the cherry potion and with SMG4 splits put an end to the evil gang's plan. Sequel to Split into Three Next Chapter
Tags: Action/Adventure, Romance, fluff, angst with a happy ending!, blood, character death, injury, SMG34 is canon, split au
SMG4 wakes up in a great mood, getting up he decides to check his phone to see if his boyfriend messaged him. He smiles as he looks at his phone, he never knew that being on cloud nine could feel so amazing. He hums reading over the text he received, letting out a soft giggle seeing it's an invite to go out. Putting his phone down he heads to the bathroom to get ready, as he watches his face his mind starts to wonder. He never thought that the day would come that he would end up falling for his ex rival, not to mention start dating the man.  He brushes his teeth thinking back on everything they went through together, the more he thought on it the more he saw the signs he missed back then. He spits out the paste and smiles at his reflection “Well we got there at the end!” With a nod he runs to his room and dresses up, with his iconic overalls on he throws on his hat and makes his way to Three’s coffee and bombs. 
Spade sighs as he watches the others leave the cafe, he starts to feel nervous and begins to walk around the cafe. The front door opens causing Spade to jump up, he turns to see Melony there waving at him with a bright smile. Spade places his hand on his chest “Oh fuck Seedy you scared the shit out of me, im guessing you already know whats happening?” She nods, giving him a determined look.  Seeing this he relaxes and lets out a soft smile, he couldn't help it, after everything they went through together he ended up seeing her like a daughter. He wondered if that was just him or the others felt it too, at that moment his eyes looked behind the fruit deity. There he saw Four walking over to the cafe, he panics and without another thought grabs Melony by her arm and tosses her over the counter to hide her. She screams as she lands on the floor, getting up, she pouts as she rubs her head. SMG4 walks in waving at Spade “Hey, thanks for inviting me so what's the plans for the day?” Melony peeks over the counter watching their interaction with a soft smile. Spade sighs as he points to the door. “Well if i remember correctly when we were looking for memes,  there was a carnival we didn't really get to enjoy.” he was thankful that Heart remembered the carnival it was the perfect distraction.  Hearing this, Four's eyes light up as he grabs Spades hand, he blushes at the contact then awkwardly looks to the side. Four smiles brightly before walking towards the door “I haven't been to the carnival in years…since you know i attempted to be a ringmaster.  I’m thankful the plan worked in the end and we got money for the castle!” Spade lets out an embarrassed chuckle remembering the bunny ears, not to mention the threat their boyfriend did with their browsing history. Spade had to make sure his original remembers to hide that better. 
They leave the cafe holding hands, it took everything in Spade not to push off the other man. He could feel his heart race from the simple contact, this was going to be a long day. Melony waited till the pair were a good step ahead to follow them, she slid on some sunglasses hoping SMG4 wont notice it was her.  The moment they arrived at the carnival Four let go of Spade to excitedly look at all the meme themed prizes. He then noticed a pink Eggdog on the wall of prizes, he knew what he had to do. He walks up to the game and smirks, all he had to do was get the ball into the baskets and score higher than thirty  points.  He slams some bills on the counter as he picks up the first ball, Spade seeing this let out a chuckle as he leans against a pole. SMG4 smiles at Spade as he spins the ball on his finger “See Three, you may have beaten me thanks to Luigi in that basketball match months ago. But here we are in my playing field, welcome to the SMG4 show!” Spade smiles as he rolls his eyes seeing the character Four was putting on “Alright stop being a fucking showman and throw that ball!” With a nod Four throws the ball and gets a few points. Seeing this he turns, giving a wink to his date, Spade's face goes red “Stop being a fucking show off and just focus on the game…baka.” 
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Melony smiles seeing the couple interact, she always loved seeing her friends happy even if seeing the pair together made her wonder. She frowns as her mind wanders too thoughts on Axol, letting out a sigh she shakes the thoughts out her head. That's when she notices someone walking towards them, he slips his hand into his pocket taking out a dart gun. She glares at the man and half transforms as she rushes over, in a flash she knocks the weapon out of the pianta’s hand then points her sword at his neck. She takes a deep breath to hold back her rage “Why are you after Three and the others? WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE?!” the pianta chuckles as he reaches out to grab the sword. Her eyes go wide seeing him grab her sword “Something big is coming girly, we need that personality!” He then kicks Meloney away from him. She gasps as she gains her balance, she notices the blood on her sword and looks at the man running off.  He cut his hand attempting to escape as he kept running, he let out a laugh thinking he was free. Melony growls as she throws her sword at him, the sword goes through his shirt and pins him to the wall of a nearby store. She slowly walks up to the man glaring at him with full rage “I won't let anyone hurt my friends again!”
Four throws another ball ready for another point, only for it to hit the rim of the basket and fly back at him. He squeaks dodging the ball, Spade laughs at the sight “Oh my fuck did you choke? Only twenty points!?” he keeps laughing as SMG4 glares at him. Spade picks up the ball and smiles at Four flashing his sharp teeth “How pathetic, let a real man show you how it's done~” Four’s face goes bright red as he takes a step back. He stares at his boyfriend surprised, he didn't know the man had that kind of charm.  Spade gets in position and takes the shot, like nothing Spade scored fourty points. Four’s smile drops seeing the points, he wanted to show off to the man, He wanted his boyfriend to be impressed by his skill, except he looked like an idiot. He looks down, his hand begins to shake as his mind whispers to him ‘Do you think you deserve to date him after what you did?’ Spade was ready to pick a prize when he noticed from the corner of his eye SMG4 acting strange, so he turned and studied him. With a nod he pulls Four into a hug, SMG4 blushes from the unexpected affection “Hey idiot stop whatever it is your thinking on. If it's about the game, remember no one is perfect, pretty sure we learn this lesson.” 
SMG4 wraps his arms around Spade holding him tight till he feels the voices fade from his mind, he slowly lets go of Spade. He gives a small smile “Thanks, heh you seem to always know what to say.” Spade lets out a chuckle as he takes fake glasses off a stand and puts it on “I am a therapist you know! Need an ear, mine is all yours!” They both chuckle, noticing how he was acting he blushes taking the glasses off “Ahem let's move on.” Spade takes Four’s hand as they walk to a different game in the carnival, Melony lets out a sigh as she walks away from the unconscious pianta.
Seeing the couple moving she followed, looking around closely to make sure no one was following the pair, the more time passed the more of these strange pianta would appear. Melony was finding herself getting drained from all the combat, SMG3 wasn't joking when he told her how Spade needed to be watched over. She looks at the pair as they giggle holding hands, the thought of something happening to Spade could mean the end of SMG3 made her nervous. She always lost someone she loved, she can't lose the person she sees as a father figure. As the pair chatted enjoying the carnival, they stopped at another game where they had to shoot duck targets. The game reminded him of how Meggy and Tari became friends, he chuckles as he watches Spade pick up the toy gun ready to shoot. He blushes watching Spade fire the gun, something about the man’s smirk at this moment made his heart race. Suddenly the pair heard a crash, turning Four’s eyes widened seeing Melony. 
“HEY I'M PRETTY DONE WITH THE CARNIVAL HOW ABOUT GO BACK TO THE CAFE!” Spade grabs Four’s hand before the man could ask any questions. Spade couldn't help the murderous thoughts that invaded his mind, he wanted to go back there and show them they messed with the one personality. He turns and sees SMG4 looking at him confused on the sudden shift in the date, he sighs knowing he couldn't risk Four. Anything happens to this man and he would have to face Heart and his original. They arrive at the cafe, letting go of Four’s hand he panics trying to come up with an excuse on what happen “Look i… well you see….fuck.” SMG4 gives him a soft smile then giggles, Spade blinks at him confused on what was going on. Four takes his hand and taking a deep breath gives his hand a kiss as if he was some prince in a fairy tale, Spades face goes red at the action. “Don't worry Three, It was a lot and seeing our friends can bring down the mood. Honestly I'm just happy we were able to see what a date felt like, it was amazing!” Spade felt himself  go shy “Whatever not like I had fun or anything but since you want to…i guess we can go on another.” 
SMG4 smirks at spade and affectionately hits his shoulder “Always the tsundere huh three?” Seeing them safe at the cafe Melony let out a sigh of relief, she was extremely drained from all the fighting. She jumps when she feels a pat on her head, turning she sees it's a sad looking SMG3 “You did good Mel.” She smiles, feeling herself fall asleep, Three acts quick and catches her. He turns to look at the cafe “One more to go.” 
Spade was currently trying not to panic as he sat next to Four, the man was gushing about the video he was currently working on. The way the man's face lights up as he explains every detail was too much,  Spade swears his heart is ready to escape from his chest. Four then snaps his fingers, saving Spade from dying over the man's charms. Four gets up from his seat “Do you have left over coffee i can have? I need to pull an all-nighter if I want to make it before saturday!”  Spade waves his hand trying to stop his raging emotions “I’m sure there is a cup in the fridge you can have.” Four nods walking over to the fridge and seeing the cup, he grabs it and takes a sniff “Cherry? Didn't know he serves this kind of coffee, I bet this will taste amazing warmed up!” He walks up to Spade showing the cup “Thanks Three, guess that means you win the best boyfriend award.” He couldn't help teasing the man as he took a sip of the coffee.  Spade blushes and stands up glaring at Four “Ugh just shut it baka!” At that moment SMG4 felt strange as his eyes flickered pink, seeing Four off again Spade gently touched SMG4 “Hey are you okay?” Four looks up at Spade and smirks “Yes, but you know i think i can be better~”  Confused Spade decides to poke at the topic “Heh, was the date not enough?”  Four chuckles as his eyes flicker pink again “Please how could a date like that satisfy me, we need some spice!” Spade stands there more confused than before, seeing this Four grabs Spade’s overalls and kisses him. They pulled apart, both red in the face, Four looked around confused as to what happened.  Spade lets out a shy giggle “Didn't know coffee got you like that…”  SMG4 starts to panic as he realizes he just kissed his boyfriend, seeing the panic made Spade smirk.
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He leans close making Four’s heart race “Well then Blue thanks for the fun date, enjoy your coffee~” the flirtatious tone surprised SMG4 making him dash out of the cafe flustered.
SMG4 sprints through the front doors of his castle, he lets out  a shaky sigh as he starts to feel sick. He makes his way to the bathroom, he looks at his reflection and sees them flickering different colors. He rubs his eyes to see them go purple to his iconic blue, he keeps staring waiting for something to change. After a few moments of no changes he lets out a sigh of relief, he must be getting sleepy after the events of the day. He leaves the bathroom and wanders into the kitchen, he takes out the coffee and pours it into a cup. He had to make sure to thank his partner for the coffee once the video was finished, with that thought the microwave beeps. 
His eyes begin to feel irritated as he rubs them again, taking out his phone he checks his reflection to see his eyes being red before going back to normal. He lets out a nervous chuckle “You are just tired Four, your eyes are not changing colors.” He takes out his warm cup of coffee out of the microwave, he walks into his room to get ready for a long night of editing. He chugs the coffee and slams the cup on the desk “Man Three really should make more cherry coffee, this is great!” He starts to edit his next video when suddenly he feels sick again, he gets up to splash water on his face only for the room to start spinning. He attempted to hold on to the wall only to slide down and hit the floor. “OH GOD WE KILLED HIM, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITHOUT AN ORIGINAL! OUR FRIENDS WILL HATE US!” one of the voices yelled in a panic. A gentle voice could be heard right after “Hey shhh, it's going to be okay he is just sleeping!” A small chuckle could be heard “That's right, we are the main character that has to mean we are all okay!” SMG4 didn't know how much time had passed since he heard the voices, he groaned, getting up and looking around the room. He couldn't remember when he decided to go to bed, letting out a sigh he wondered if he had a caffeine crash. Thinking over it he started to wonder if caffeine crashes could cause someone to hear voices, right when he was going to brush that thought aside he heard frantic typing next to him. 
He turns to the sound to see someone at his desk working on his video “It needs to be perfect, oh god if we mess this up we will lose subscribers.” SMG4 gets up and approaches the person at his desk, he spins the chair to see himself looking surprised. The other was dressed in grey, he had messy long hair along with bags under his eyes. The grey SMG4 smiles and hugs him “WE DIDN'T KILL YOU! THANK THE MEMES!” slowly he pulls away, SMG4 could only stare in shock as he watches the other him walking around the room. He stops and points to the bed “I put you in bed with the others, I mean we can't just leave you on the floor! AH MAN THIS IS ALL OUR FAULT!” he bites his nail trying to think over what to do. 
SMG4 takes the moment the other man looks away to dart out of the room, he needed help and there was no one else he trusted more than his partner. He slams open the cafe door scaring his boyfriend, he drops a cup behind the counter and glares at Four “The hell Blue can’t you…hey you okay?” Seeing the panic on SMG4's face, Three walks up and gently hugs him. After he felt Four stop shaking he let him go, Four nervously pointed to his castle “The lack of sleep is getting to me, I just saw someone that looked like me. He was just editing my videos!”  Hearing this, SMG3's face goes pale, he takes Four’s hand and walks over to the castle. The grey SMG4 was walking around in a panic, he didn't expect his original to run out and was worried something could happen to him.  Hearing the front door he turns, his eyes meeting red ones that make his heart race “Hello SMG3…i uh im sorry, i know…i shouldn't be here” his looks down messing with his sleeve. Seeing this SMG3 approaches gently “I…hm what are you to SMG4?” Three just said his goodbye to his own personalities,it hasn't even been more than twenty four hours and here he is face to face with another Four. His mind was racing on how this could be, the grey SMG4 looks away shyly “Im producer…im SMG4 well…his anxiety, his insecurity…” Hearing this Four looks at them confused “My what? Three, what is going on?! Ignoring his boyfriend's question, his focus was fully on the personality in front of him “I guess the others all ran off?” That line was the final push. Four grabs three pulling him away from producer “OTHERS?! What is happening Three!?” with a frown he looks at Producer. SMG3 lets out a sigh “ It’s a pretty long story, but you do need to hear it otherwise we are going to be stuck with a few more you.”  Producer sits on the floor ready for the story, seeing this, SMG4 joined listening to the story.
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simpystuff · 4 months
A little bit of a rant/essay about smg34
Okay to start, I am a huge smg34 shipper, always has been ever since I started watching during 2018/2019. I've watched most of the classic smg4 episodes, and I'm up to date in the recent ones too.
There is so much speculation as to what smg4 and smg3s relationship is, whether its platonic or romantic/sexual. Despite obvious indications, some people are firm believers that they are just best friends or brothers. So I'm here right now at 4:13am typing out an essay that proves that what they have going on is anything but platonic, and a little bit of a rant at the end too. (please do note that this essay is completely done up on the spot with no previous planning or order, so some things might not make so much sense.)
I'm starting off by analysing smg4 and smg3s characters as a whole and their dynamic. Smg3s character is Tsundere (by definition, "Tsundere meaning is an adjective for a person or character who is usually cold or harsh but sometimes shows a warm or kind side, especially to a love interest") and leading by definition, Smg3 is usually cold hearted, but does occasionally act nice and worries or cares about his friends and particularly smg4. This type of character tends to call their love interest "Baka", which is an insult that can mean "stupid" or other variations that depend. Smg3 calls Smg4 this in many cases, starting around the genesis arc, and continues up to even now. Smg4 is clearly Smg3's love interest, and as that character role, Smg4 teases Smg3 about his behaviour, even calling him a "tsundere" at some point in the internet graveyard.
Related to the subject, Smg3's behaviour is extremely flamboyant, and in the fandom wiki, he is described "he is gay in a stereotypical manner" - and in the Hobo Bros video where Luke and Kevin look at smg3 on the smg4 fandom wiki, neither of them seem to objectify to this statement. (We will also get to the creators views and words later on.) Even though "gay" has many stereotypes and doesn't usually abide by the few we have, the statement is quite frankly true without needing explanation. Like I previously mentioned, in many instances where Smg4 teases Smg3 about his behaviour, Smg3 blushes. That's right, he blushes. Like a Tsundere character would, he blushes, denies, turns away and calls Smg4 a "baka". He does this a lot, even if he doesn't include the "baka" in there, he definitely blushes.
Leading through their history, Smg3 and Smg4 have had a rivalry since Smg3 came around. People at this point were probably already shipping them together from the start, since a rivals to lovers trope is wildly loved and especially in the smg4 fandom. In most of the early smg4 days when smg4 came around, there wasn't much to speculate on - At that point they were rivals and nothing much else. But also mentioning the sm64 blooper "Snow Trapped", this obviously changes with the events that take place. What's good to note as well, is the fact that it's been brought up in WOTFI 2023 in the quiz trivia mission that asked "What happened at exactly 6:50 of the classic smg4 episode: Snow Trapped?" - to of which, the option "let's find out" was most voted for, and we had an audio clip of what had happened (which was them "making love")
Also going a little more into Snow Trapped, some people claimed that they weren't in fact doing the boombayah - and I think that's a load of bollocks /nm. With smg3 and smg4s n64 characters crouching and un-crouching behind and in front of each other and the audio clip that was placed on top, I don't think it was very hard to mistake for something else. And even more proof with that fact that before this clip, Smg4 said that they could forgive each other and "make some love before we die." That's clear indications as to what happened and it's not that hard to understand.
Like I mentioned before, the creators Luke and Kevin, and even James Bailey (the voice actor of smg3) had some words and whatnot about smg3 and smg4's sexuality and/or relationship. When reading the fandom wiki's about smg3 and smg4's sexuality, Luke didn't objectify against anything said - when the wiki had said that Smg4 may be hinted to be gay or bisexual, and when it says that smg3 could also be gay, even saying "I don't know" which could mean that it's indicated or could be speculated their exact sexuality. And with the fact that Kevin wrote Snow Trapped, I think there's a lot of indication that neither of them are straight. James Bailey, during a stream on his twitch, had a question about smg3 and how he'd describe him, to which he replied "imagine Shadow The Hedgehog but Gay." Later in the stream, he received a question asking if Smg3 was gay and he replied "He's not straight, I'll tell you what."
The problem the fandom usually has is the fans who claim they are "classic" smg4 fans but have no knowledge whatsoever on smg3 and smg4's relationship. The biggest they know is that they are rivals, and then claim that they are brothers when they clearly aren't - and assuming they were around for the release of Snow Trapped or had at least seen it, they'd know that isn't the case anyway. Even funnier the fact they claim that smg34 "ruined" smg4, even though that ship has been around probably since the start of their rivalry (I'll speculate on this because I know a lot of people do like a rivals to lovers trope)
That's the end of my essay people, leave a like or comment if there's anything else you'd like me to write smg4 related essays about and I'll give my opinions on it. If you've read up to this point, I love you, hope you have a good day or night.
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
Welcome again to Liza's Fixation...
I present to you...
Reasons why I document these kinds of stuff to how similar gay idiots have occurred to me for the past few years.
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Quick reminder: the explanation is a bit too long so grab a seat and eat some snacks while ya read-
Sun & moon dynamic:
Noticing the differences in how optimistic spongebob and smg4 are in their own world even if the sh-t ass problem gets a bit more heavy to deal with? They both kept it there and still moved on even tho it was a bit of a problem in their life that impacted them already. Yet they still chose to move.
Pessimistic like Squidward and SMG3 they both sometimes ignore the ray of sunshine or sometimes would be the ones watching their optimistic sun/partner on the side glances or view to check up on them.
Now I'm not pretty sure about this one but if I were to think- that smg4 and spongebob would point out something or hint it. I'll be heading off to the part when they go soft on their moon. (Smg3 and Squidward)
Just like something that they do to soften their partner- smg4 looks at three with awes in his eyes like a baby- and spongebob looks at squid with sparkled eyes and or well- inclusions of his lip bitings/flirting/and too many attempts of him kissing his cheek/forehead/nose over and over from other episodes.
But since SMG4 and Three's dynamic are unlike the same- I do kind of see some parts of SMG4 being a little goof to Three as well.
The moon's effect"
Ahem- let's just say that just like SMG3 where he calls four baka about more than five times already- let's put this simply he likes four but tries to hide it as well.
And just the same thing as Squidward. He may hate the poriferan for being such a mess or annoying him on the other days, but at the same time, he deeply and truly does care about him even if he does NOT want to admit it right in front of his face.
Playing the cards as a moon dynamic could be a bit simple BUT it's also from the same part where that moon plays with its OWN actions.
A tsundere cant-NOT tell that person they're crushing just yet because mostly they think that it'll be such a rush. And well- wanted to take the sun's time to think or to feel around with them.
The sun's effect:
EUGHHH anyway- since the sun likes to give love, joy, and happiness to other people. Like spongebob and smg4 showering love out of platonic to people some patties or uhhh memes...
Sun has been and always been sensitive with stuff from how other people they're closest to act out to them.
Now let's just put the example of three opening up to four during that igbp arc.
And then also Squidward opened up to spongebob during that Fools in April episode.
The moon knows how sensitive suns are that they can't urge themselves to think about what would happen in advance due to their own consequences that dealt with their own actions to make the sun's life miserable.
Because deep down the moon has always been so miserable that they dont want to let their closest to get this negative feeling too. (Such as the sun does)
Friends? Enemies? Lovers? Foes?:
It would be funny how similar the dynamic is but a different type of situation they grew up having. They had slowburns coming tho!
Smg34 (enemies to friends) says on the wiki that his relationship with smg4 could and would possibly go to as "lovers" but it has never been admitted YET. Development grows (including uh igloo event-)
SO UHHH COUGH- COUGH- UHHHH YEAH... erm- ahem- uhhh his dynamic with three grew from just a simple seed then turned to grow into tiny roots of their bond then coming to a sprout blooming out right after the events of 2020 or 2021 have been shown.
Squidbob (friends to close friends) [according to their development during the seasons]
it seemed that spongebob had grown to admire Squidward as his co-worker to the point Squidward gets a bit used to it now and then he wouldn't mind anymore or THINK that spongebob is just an annoying loser.
wish to tell but I could not:
moon thought it would be a bit too embarrassing or a bit awkward if they were to say something about the mixed feelings they have with their certain sun.
But even if it were to hint out just like what Sponge and Four did to Squid and Three- and even if the moons were to do the same- it comes out from dodging the arrows. The hint of realizations.
Just like how we saw four trying his best to comfort and make it up to smg3 as much as possible without making him a bother or getting three to see him as a bastard in a way. (start of YouTube arc and trash friends) And then to spongebob trying to make it up for Squidward once his life got ruined even tho he tried to make his life even better, Squidward still sees him as an annoying yellow nuisance. So if we take this place to the moon's pov they could also find it such a hard time to actually reciprocate or to think about what could resolve their own problem without even being such a both as there is for them now. The situation that they carry is a lot heavier than what there is from the outcome and could lead to some sorts of stuff that they wouldn't want to happen just now/yet
The flow between their relationship:
I mostly thought about how the sun would have most of the time being a goof around to the moon when they're always down, so if it was the sun's turn to feel down. Moon also uses the same tactics in trying their best to comfort their moon.
It's like how smg4 felt bad about smg3 when he destroyed his own production. And like how it is to Spongebob when he destroyed something that Squidward felt upset about.
He never thought much at first but he also tried his best way to think about the situation to meld their situation together.
Nicknames? Flirting?
Fluids between their relationship of being actual friends to closer then to not close again.
When Squidward deals with having someone close to him (just like how spongebob does the same) he mostly engages with also saying nice words (rarely) and really means it to which spongebob could be so happy that Squidward would be showering out his true colors. Because of the sun's response, it's all a bit good to be true and they aren't sure about what to believe. But goes on along with it. Smg3 whose been the one to do things about helping or say a couple of nice words to four. Making HIM rethink about his stuff if it was all actually true and whatnot. Because the Three we all used to know was a villainy dude who was so obsessed with taking over Four's channel and what'd we get? A smooth development- (kinda rough but smooth still)
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I think those are all I've got it's just literally the same things so yeah-
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ominus-potato · 11 days
I really want to write a Marware fic but I'm not exactly sure it will sit right with most of the fandom 😭
But here me out on two things
1) One-sided Marware where Mr. Puzzles is smitten with Mario, and Mario's too much of a dumbass to realize
2) Toxic yaoi. Yummers
My brother in Christ, if you write a Marware fanfiction I will single handedly be a keyboard warrior against anyone who hates on the ship. We know where we stand as Marware shippers. It’s not a bad ship or an illegal one. It’s the second most popular ship on AO3 for SMG4 and everything “toxic” about this ship is merely just following the enemies to lovers trope already established by SMG34. Nil0 is 100 times more toxic than Marware and people don’t have an issue with that. I always love a good debate and will talk to anyone about the ship if they have a problem with it.
This goes for anyone who’s scared to post Marware btw. It’s an amazing ship based on a hilarious concept and you shouldn’t have to worry about writing or drawing or enjoying it. Fandoms are supposed to be fun spaces. Who cares what a triggered 12 year old on TikTok thinks?
Back to the main point, I absolutely adore those ideas. Omfg I can just picture Mr Puzzles giving Mario a bouquet of flowers and Mario just looks at him like “Why would you-a give Mario this? Mario doesn’t think he can eat flowers.” OH! Maybe it can be one of those 5 +1 story things! “5 times Mr Puzzles tried to confess to Mario and 1 time he accidentally did” ! I remember writing one of those when I was in the MHA fandom lmao.
As for the toxic Yaoi, big fan. Maybe possessive Puzzles? Leaving trackers on Mario’s things, following him, keeping him away from his friends? If we went down the angst filled Yandere route then maybe he would kill SMG3 as a warning to SMG4 to stay away from Mario? Or just badly injure one of them.
Or it could be sexy toxic yaoi where they both don’t really like each other. Puzzles is always belittling and taunting Mario whilst Mario is more physically aggressive towards him. And both of them find it hot.
Anyone is free to use any of these ideas as many times as they like. I will read any adware related fic and have seen them all. I love this ship!!!
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gachawolfiebloom · 7 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Chapter 4: A New Challenger
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
They all went back to the castle to think of a new plan. Meggy was pacing back and forth while everyone else was worried. Mario was the most freaked out as he kept running around screaming "SMG4 IS GONE!!! MARIO'S NEVER GOING TO SEE HIM AGAIN!!! DO SOMETHING SMG3!!!" Tari tried to calm him down. "It's okay Mario! We'll find a way to save him!"
"Who was that and where did he come from?" Meggy pondered. "Whoever the hell that was, he's so dead when I find him." Three said with a serious tone. After what he had witnessed back in March, he was not taking any chances this time. If anyone hurt or killed Four, consider it their funeral. Boopkins asked "That icky stuff looked kind of familiar..."
Meggy had a realization just then. "You're right Boopkins! That's the same substance that we saw engulf Four with the its gotta be perfect incident!"
"The what?" Melony asked. Right. She wasn't there when they faced the insane man. "Oh sorry Melony. We faced some kind of weird goop and Smg4 got possessed from his obsession of making things perfect." Melony felt distraught when she heard that. "That's horrible! I hope that Smg4 is okay. Maybe we should have paid more attention to him." Three's face changed into a guilty expression when he heard Melony say that. "Three? Are you okay?" Meggy asked.
"Yeah sure..." Mario suddenly got an idea and ran up to Three. "SMG3! YOUR MEME POWERS! USE THEM TO BRING SMG4 BACK PLEASE!!!" Before he could say a word, a voice behind them spoke "I'm afraid that won't work."
They all turned to see Smg1 and Smg2 standing behind them. "Your meme energy won't connect with each other when you are in different realms." They all looked in confusion at the meme guardians. "What do you mean different realms?" Tari asked. The two shared a glance with each other and sighed. "We know who has been targeting Smg4 and where they took him."
"WHO!?" It was finally time for them to know about the mysterious figure who was watching from the shadows all these months. "His name is the TV Adware. He has taken Smg4 to his world, The Realm of Torment or as you call it, The Nightmare Realm."
"Well then what are we waiting for! Let's go over there and kick his butt already!" Three said, about to make a mad dash for the door. "Wait!" called Smg2. "We don't know what he's planning."
Smg1 lowered his voice. "You deserve an explanation. This is something that we had hoped would never come to pass."
"The TV Adware is a being that likes to corrupt others by using their disabilities against them. Back when you faced Smg4, he apparently knew exactly what to say to convince him to his side. He used his fear and hatred to give him the powers that you all encountered. After you defeated him, we hoped that his forces of darkness would back off...but we were wrong. He has watched you all these months and has now gained enough strength to claim what he wanted all those months ago."
Meggy pipes up with curiosity "What would that be?" Smg1 did not hold back when delivering this announcement. "TO CLAIM ENOUGH POWER TO BREAK THROUGH AND TURN OUR WORLD INTO HIS OWN DARK KINGDOM!!!" They all gasped and a few even looked scared. Luigi and Tari clung onto each other, shaking. Smg1 calmed down and apologized. "Sorry. We realize this is a lot."
"You're telling me! It's not like we just learned that our friend is kidnapped by some evil tv guy and is going to be used to let all hell loose!" Smg2 decided to help out. "We should have told you sooner, but there's no time for that. We must travel to his dimension and save Smg4 before the TV Adware can take control of him again."
"H-h-how are w-we g-g-going to stop h-h-him..." Luigi said nervously. "If we can all join our powers to Smg4, we might have a chance to save him." Smg1 said. "But what about our home?" Meggy asked. "Leave that to us!" Another pair of characters came up behind them. Swag put his sunglasses on while standing in a cool pose and Chris just rolled his eyes. Chris explained "The US military can hold them off while you guys go stop this guy."
"But how are we going to get there?" Tari asked. Smg2 pointed out "We know of a place where we can open to his world." Meggy rose up "Let's all be strong for Smg4! Who's with me!" She put her hand in the middle as Melony followed. "I might not know about your first encounter, but I'll help in any way I can!" Tari put her mechanical hand on top and says "It sounds scary, but I'll do it for Four!" Boopkins had some trouble, but put his hand in the middle as well. "Count me in!" Bob followed "FINE. I'LL BE NICE THIS ONE TIME." Luigi shakily puts his hand in as well. "I-i-i'll try..." Mario excitedly slaps his hand in the middle as well. "YIPPEE! MARIO WANTS TO RESCUE SMG4 AS WELL!" Saiko put her hand in and says something in anime.
Only one person left. "Well Three..." He thought for a few seconds and said "As much as I hate to admit it, I really don't want to lose that idiot." He put his hand his in as well and they all lifted them up. "We're coming Smg4!"
Smg1 said "We must hurry... we don't know how long Smg4's bravery will protect him..."
Your friends won't save you this time...
Chapter 5: The Return of I̵̤̫͘ǹ̷͇̇s̸͈̦͗̆ȁ̵̟̉ñ̷͔̰ḯ̶̲͇̅ṫ̵̝͗y̴̺̠͆̀
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explodingchaos · 5 months
Yknow with more 3 screen time if they kill him the same way they did axol
Also I don't think the episode was the end of Mr puzzles because
if it was that's just sad
if it isn't though. We'll. We could have a repeat. Just in a different context. A little different vibe. But same nonetheless.
'but why don't we kill four-' he's the main character the series is called smg4 not Mario and friends or something
so yeah uh anyways three will die tragically one day and I will be the first one to bet on it
Absolutely! I’m 100% sure that we haven’t seen the last of him yet. The recent SMG4 community post mentions that we will possibly be seeing him again if we want more. And considering the amount of positive feedback of Mr.zestfest over here (even outside the community which to me is crazy), I’m very positive we will be seeing him again. Just not right now as things need to chill for a bit. And when he does come back, who knows what he’ll do next?
And yeah, I feel like if they were to kill off one of the idiotic lovers, it would definitely be Three. Of course, we’re talking very very hypothetical. They’ve already done so much for SMG3 (merch and development wise) that killing him off would set half of the fandom ablaze, and cause issues within the show itself. And also, I just wanna point out how tragic each couple presented in glitch productions is.
Literally haven’t seen a happy main couple yet (swag and sonic don’t count in this case). Axol literally had to sacrifice himself by making MELONY kill him. Right after they both confessed to eachother. And then N and Uzi having there own situation right now (Uzi literally scarificed herself. And she’s in space. I think, I’m not entirely educated on MD lore). Oh, and I don’t know if this counts (I’m sure it doesn’t, but just because they were close friends) Meggy and desti. Desti was killed right in front of Meggy, and she could not do anything about it other than watch. AND THE THING IS, even if desti did live, Meggy would have been the one to die based of the episode “SMG4: WHAT IF?….”. Doomed yuri goes crazy actually.
But yeah. Imagine if they were to actually make SMG4 and SMG3 cannon. Something is bound to happen, and it would not end well. Not sure what it would be, but it would definitely doom their relationship 😭
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I LOOVE your IGBP AU tbh! :) your story was super cool, I'm so excited for the next chapter, and i love also the way your write it! I'm so into it, i was shocked when SMG4 came back in the loop!!!
Some questions :
--> will SMG4 get out of this loop?
-->How will you portray SMG34, I'm curious abt this haha, since it can be interesting to see how it is put
-->Will each "loop" be the same or be different?
-->To the Previous question, does SMG4 will somehow loose memory, or a character? Temporary or permanently?
-->How many chapters do you think this story will have? (you can skip this question I'm just curious lmao)
-->Does any characters will know abt the loop?
-->Tv hardware? Will be shown, interact with the others? Hmmm
I'm SOOO sorry for all these questions, I'm sooo curious abt your AU, LIKE İ LOVE IT, I LOVE YOUR STORY❤️
Omg omg you're my first ask hgsngsnhn I cannot keep this cool and mysterious persona (that I already heavily failed) anymore RAGHHH iM SO GLAD YOU THINK SO HERES A LIST OF RESPONSES
- Yes he will, this will be angst with a happy ending! I will add more tags and tw and cw the more I add on (I'm not evil I swear)
- How I portray them is based on their current canon personality from what I have observed so far from MAR10 Day till latest episode. BUT with a dash of psychological elements that they (unwillingly) have to face during the whole shenanigans.
(help me these two are stuck in my brain matter it's almost parasitism- but it's actually comensalism)
- the loop will be the same, but it's up to the characters to change or alter how they go through it. E.g: Same place where it all starts, but different endings when they change their actions such as SMG4 didn't make any of those Toad Legs models, the whole meme reaction thing. This is because he is aware of the mistakes he had done and trying to fix it while he still can.
- It's more of a brain-fog kind of thing. (Temporary) Memory loss is quite common with people with depression/developing depression. There will be serious topics in this fic that might be triggering so I would have to warn y'all beforehand because working on this actually made my friends worry about my mental state AHAHAHA
- I'm glad you asked! IM WORKING ON THE INBETWEEN(s) RIGHT NOW AND ALREADY HAD THE MIDDLE AND ENDING DONE. I already posted the introduction. So far 6 chapters and there may or may not be more. I've been working on this since November and it's driving me as crazy as the guy.
Oh, did I ever mention that? Hehe, forget it.
- Unfortunately, no. Mario would probably have a glimpse of what's going on but not entirely. It is about his recolours after all-- I mean guardians.
- n̵̨̛͉͚͎̯̘̮̭͓͇̪͎̘̥̖̱͖͆̽̓̇͜o̴̧̧̡̫͙̥͔̞̼̝̪̝̜͇̜͓͈͍̎̌̇̔̊͂̃̆͑̑̀͑̐́͝ͅ ̴͚̜̹̪̊̉̌̑̎͋̌̕c̷̞̘̬̟̓͂̀̚o̴̡̰̜̜̮̮̘̺̲̰̅̌͂͐́̋̋̕͝m̴̨̡̧͓̱̼̫̝̞̝͎̮̘̜̬̣͙̼͉̣͛̉̈́m̵̡̛̰͎͙̟͙̮̲̪̗͓̰̹̰̪̦͍͕͑̈́̃͂̀̈́̇̾̚ȩ̶̢̡͎̟̻̙̭̰̞̰͎̤̬͔̣͖̗̜̽͋́̆͒͂̑͗̌͛͆͂̽͘͝ͅn̷̩͇̙̳̫̬͓̓̃̾̆͂͋̃͌͆̚̚͜͝t̴͍͙͍̪̩̥̫̥͍̳͒̏̽̑̽̑̀̋̔̈̎̈́̎͊̾̆̑͆̂͂
That wraps it up! AND NO PROBLEM I HAD SO MUCH FUN ANSWERING THEM! and it helps me reflect on what other kinds of stories I should do with these two goobers ( or three! I really love Mario 💓) I hope I can get the next chapter up as soon as possible, if my work doesn't give me overtime again- ugh. I'm glad you love my work! It means that the ungodly time I spent drawing (still unpublished) and writing (also unpublished) wasn't a dud!
Thank you so much for expressing your interest and curiosity, anon! You made my morning a bit less bitter and a bit more better. (Incorrect grammar but this is nsrs). I hope I could deliver up to your expectations!
I hope.
(Might do a fan-fanfiction take on the BR AU a certain artist made though, I do like the concept. But I need permission probably lol so I'll work on that.)
Thank you so much! You really made me feel worth something :DDD
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neo91502 · 3 months
small intro
I'm Neo and I'm aroace and non-binary, go by they/he!!
you can basically find me anywhere by searching Neo91502 or neoinnit (mostly Neo91502 since that's my main user!! although I'm not very active anywhere else and has probably outdated things)
I'll post random fanart or whatever, most likely to do with SMG4 or other fandoms I love or just my own things (other fandoms maybe like pikmin or pokemon or rayman or even more idk it all changes!!!)
I also do write and might post about it here (ao3 acc is neoinnit if you want to go find and read what i've written already!! only smg4 so far out of the fandoms I'm into right now!)
you can ask me to draw things and whatnot!!
However! I will say that I can and will decline/delete asks that are uncomfy or what I will not do! if it's ships, it does depend on what it is!! this mostly applies to mxm because I see them as siblings!! love multi shipping or erm guys i forgot what it's called ... 😰 you understand surely...
to do with ships since SMG4 is a large fandom or whatever, I'll most likely be posting mostly SMG34 so erm if you don't like that, then you don't need to be on my profile, simple as that to just avoid it if you don't like it!!
ppl who discriminate and whatnot against others can kindly go fuck off and leave me alone ‼️ please just be a decent person and not someone shitty!!
I don't have all that much to say, I might make a better intro some day, I just like silly little gay people and drawing them and writing about them
I will use emojis i need to express Emotions!!! I don't like sounding dry and bland 😢 I also use a lot of exclaimation marks to help express emotion as well :D
art by myself - #my art - #neofart
asks - #neo91502 - #neosaskbox
reblogged art - #not my art
reblog - #reblog
non-art/posts/updates - #neo rambles
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snowtrapped34 · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Pt. 28: SMG34 Edition!
This is purely self-indulgent I'm sorry-
SMG4: You use emoji’s like a straight person. SMG3: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Tari: H-how do you ask someone out? SMG3: Well, first- SMG4: Don't ask him, he asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot. Tari: …And you said yes?
SMG4: I mean, I get complimented all the time- SMG3: *starts cackling* SMG4: I do! SMG3: *laughs harder*
SMG4: You think you're smarter than everyone else. SMG3: I don't think I'm smarter than everyone else. I know I am.
SMG3: I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit. SMG4: Three, is that legal? SMG3: When the cops aren’t around, anything’s legal!
SMG3: Hey, Four, have you thought about having children? SMG4: … SMG4: Does looking over you and the others not seem like I already do? Because I promise you, it sure feels like it. SMG3: But we're not childr- SMG4, already distracted: MARIO, PUT THE FIRE DOWN!
SMG4: I've connected the two dots. SMG3: You didn't connect shit. SMG4: I've connected them.
SMG4: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. SMG3: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
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34saveme34 · 2 months
If the SMG4 crew, ESPECIALLY the writers weren't made up of such cowardly people, they already would've made the Gay Arc!
Think about it, the kind of attention that would bring to them, if they just let the gayness prosper into a long satisfying arc as it should, even in our reality
just a beautiful exploration of same sex attraction could make for such wonderful writing, I think it would simply absolve all criticism and reddit users would be screaming in glee as they hear the news of the gay arc and see it happen, seeing it unfold into this beautiful messy thing about same sex attraction, they would be losing both their marbles and balls, I promise you
they would be posting with the devotion of an ant colony and with the frequency of a bee's wing flapping
everyone would be discussing who they did best and there would be such heated arguments about it between people, being neck to neck because everyone would be written perfectly in this arc so they wouldn't have a single nitpick (unless of course they go on to misrepresent a scene, especially thinking about one where 4 would be really mean and rude to 3 about something and pea brains don't put together the idea that previously in the arc, as it would also have beautiful continuity, 3 hurt 4 in a way that he wouldn't be able to ignore without revenge, even if he previously confessed his beautiful gay love for him while dangling to their death because you can't waterboard a confession out of either so easily)
and meanwhile, tumblr would be prospering in interactions and new posts by the minute, the tag would be so busy, even twitter only fans would learn of this place and stare at it in awe too, as if they're thinking "the gay arc was so perfect and beautiful and everything that we wanted that it even revived tumblr"
twitter would have the smg4 tag and several ship tags trend for a long time
people would complain that it's taking up space but then they see what it's about and immediately apologise, reaising their mistake in criticising something absolutely perfect, something that brings tears to your eyes while you laugh yet a bittersweetness still strikes you with warmth as well, you would just be full of soul, even from witnessing a single screenshot from this arc. because every single frame would be so perfect and beautiful
and then twitter would find a problem with it, wanting to free up trending so that it keeps fresh and new but it keeps coming back, stronger and stronger every damn time
and then twitter learns and gets a new skin of sorts, a new look for both the desktop and mobile to honor the gay arc
and then twitter stocks go up but Elon Musk trips really hard on stairs and accidentally stumbles into and perfectly signs a contract to give twitter to an actually better person who knows how to lead a social media
and then it would all prosper, slurs would get removed, and everyone would celebrate the gay arc's influence for it
it would come out that the new CEO would be an old SMG4 enjoyer who still loves it to this day, and also their favourite arc would be the gay arc, as it would be everyone else's as well, which then would combust homophobes all over twitter, and also racists and suddenly twitter would be the greatest place to be in
now, the gay arc wouldn't only have smg34, that wouldn't simply be worthy of a perfect arc
even if they do become a focal point at some point with scenes that people would keep redrawing, making it a lot of people's favourite moment from the arc and also would change the minds of many people who don't like the pairing
the arc would revolve around ALL the gay ships
the SMG4 crew would build the craziest polycule ever that would be the most addicting thing to watch
it would all become instant classics in less than a week as people would keep talking about how amazing it all turned out to be, even the most critical ones struggling to come up with anything to nitpick
it would be so great, yet........ we can't have this beautiful, perfect and totally 100000000000% realistic scenario
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concoctionboy · 2 years
Still exploring the chambers under the mysterious tower east of @kingwizard's castle Lofiathan, and at @smg34-shipper's suggestion I just went through the door with the sound of running water on the other side. Here's a map of this floor so far; I just entered the room on the upper left:
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Okay, there's one thing about this room that seems important enough that I should maybe mention it up top: there is somebody in it. But they're facing away from me and I don't think they know I'm here, so I don't think there's a need to panic just yet.
Anyway, this room at first glance looks like a natural cave, except that at second glance it's all artificial and all the stalagmites and stalactites are just made of masonwork and carved to look like stalagmites and stalactites, which seems like a lot of effort to go to for not much reason. Okay, that's kind of mean; it actually does look kind of neat. It's pretty obvious where the sound of running water is coming from; there are several connected pools of water of varying sizes in the room, and right next to the door I came in through is a waterfall coming from the floor above. Near the other side of the room there's also a kind of a whirlpool I guess where water is falling down to the level below.
And there's a person sitting in a pool in the middle of the room. The water is up to their waist. Like I said, they have their back to me, but at least from the back they look human, except that their skin is purple and their hair is kind of a metallic blue. I can move pretty quietly, and with all the noise the waterfall is making I could probably get closer to them without them noticing me as long as they don't happen to turn around. I might be able to get right up behind them without them noticing me, but that's risky.
Actually, I haven't seen them move at all yet. Maybe it's not a living person; maybe it's just a statue. Although the skeleton in the skull room wasn't moving at first either, and look what happened there.
Anyway, besides the pools and the purple person other significant features in the room include a shelf with a bunch of bottles on it against the outer wall, and some pegs on the inner wall. I'd guess the pegs are for people to hang their clothes on when they're using the pools, except there's nothing hanging on them right now, so I don't know where the clothes are of the person currently in the pool. (They're not wearing anything from the waist up at least, though from here I can't tell for sure if they're wearing anything below the waterline.) Neither the pegs nor the bottles are directly in the eyeline of the person in the pool, though if I get close to either of them there's a chance they might notice me in their peripheral vision.
There's a wooden door on the opposite wall, but the person in the pool is facing that way so unless they're asleep or something I don't think there's any way I could get to it without being seen. I guess I could make a break for it and hope to get to it before they react, or maybe I could just… collapse myself into a thin layer of liquid and gradually seep across the floor and hope they don't notice that. But both of those options seem like they would be really risky. I could also exit the room through the whirlpool, I guess. Again, there's a chance the person in the pool might see me in their peripheral vision, but even if they do I don't think they could follow me that way, though I guess there's a danger they might raise the alarm.
(Actually, come to think of it, since I've already been seen by the skeleton, maybe the alarm's already been raised and it might be about time to cut this exploration short and go back to Lofiathan. Then again, I guess if there'd been a general alarm raised this person probably wouldn't just be sitting calmly in the pool like that, so maybe there's not too much danger yet.)
So, any suggestions as to what I should do next?
Retreat back into the northern room before I'm noticed
Take a closer look at the waterfall
Stealthily approach the person in the pool to get a closer look
Call out to the person in the pool and hope they're friendly (I mean, this seems really risky, but at this point almost anything I could do in this room seems risky)
Examine the pegs (and hope I'm not noticed)
Examine the bottles (and hope I'm not noticed)
Make a break for the wooden door
Seep slowly toward the wooden door
Dive into the whirlpool
Something else?
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puzzlevision · 7 months
hello, yoko here.
so some of you may noticed that i changed my username, you can still call me as yoko but once the revamping is started, you will no longer call me by that name. i want to seperate myself from that name that made me known on the smg4 fandom.
this is a very long explanation so its under the cut, and note to people on tumblr around: it contains controversal stuffs happening on glitch productions
this change is because of the smg4 controversy that happened recently, with the main one being taris old va (celeste notley-smith) being replaced by a new one. which is okay at first because celeste is a mother and a teacher and needs to focus on other stuffs and yadda yadda, until you found out that she fired from glitch after 6 years.
now picture this: you are one of the first voice actor/actress from a recently new company, only to get replaced by a new one after years of voicing a character that you dearly love. the new tari va (lottie baurne) almost sounds like her old va and thats okay, but this situation is awful. not only that, robyn (smg2s former voice actress) is stepping down from glitch because of that. she recently made a video about this controversy on her channel "anime america", so please make sure to watch it.
yeah yeah i know jasmine yang (the voice director) made an apology, but that… is just not that good. sometimes we always forget things, but her apology? this is meh. im hoping to see celestes respond about her apology so the situation will be calm once again (like it was used to be… back in the early years). im also looking forward for the lerdwichagul brothers' responds as well.
and about the other controversy, we got glassdoor ratings about employee mismanagement coming from ex-workers, thanks to the ceo… aka kevin. i dont understand why kevin was hated by everyone back then, but it turns out that they are right. kevin is a completely different person with cameras OFF. that one scene from the episode "smg4… are you okay?" where smg4 tortures toads into manipulation by making videos for his channel became more obvious with this one. the good side is we havent heard about luke (smg4) yet.
on the other hand, i will probably start a career as a utau producer once i have speakers for my pc, dowloaded utau, and practiced how to use that software (hence the "prod" on my url). there is a chance that kikyuune aiko will be my main. smg4 stuffs will still be around, however you will see less smg4 stuffs here due to the controversy and the fact that this is a multifandom account aside from my likes. buuuuut that does not mean ill stop working on pandemic love distortion. (for those who didnt know about this one, its a wip smg34 fanfic made by me that was put on developmental hiatus due to irl stuff)
and for those who havent heard of it already, i will permanently post all my future arts to @blueberry-arts, but previous arts from my main will still be here and remain. so if you want new arts from mine go to my other account pls 🙏
soooooo i guess that will be all. thank you for reading.
signed, yoko. 🫐
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lizaluvsthis · 10 months
Okay other SMG34 shippers I see what you've been talking about...👀
Presenting the Axoøny and SmgØles THEORY!!!
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I have ALL eyes yknow?
If none of the people understand this context-
I put up a screenshot of how similar these things are that they referenced from Smg3 and Smg4's interactions
The first one that I screenshotted is the episode/Movie called REVELATIONS its where Niles took over in Melony's control and his goal is to rebuild their world thinking those SMG's are some bunch of extras/wannabes
But when Niles is so close to that, SMG0 knew that the world would be in danger if he lets Niles continue. So SMG0 tried to keep telling Niles to stop.
From Niles` anger his poses, his actions, the temper were the same that referenced to SMG4 when he did to SMG3 from the Movie ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT.
SMG0 looking at Niles in shock?
Smg3 looking at SMG4 in shock.
Niles yelling and telling him that the world of theirs is gotta be better?
Smg4 yelling and telling him to leave him alone to make his perfect video. But the perfect video requires sacrifice.
And what similarities from the sacrifice?
Niles doing all that he could to make the world a better place for him and SMG0 his sacrifice had to be done by lending more power and almost took out the world and himself by doing so.
Smg4 doing all that he could from his power to make a perfect video, a perfect meme to show the world, the internet, on youtube that he's not a failure and he wanted to make everyone happy. The sacrifice? Himself too.
The similarities of "having you here is the best thing thats ever happened to me" ?
Smg0 telling Niles that he's already done enough and even tho in the end didnt end up quite as Niles expected, that almost destroying the whole world had happened, and SMG0 says he's still there with Niles in the end. They're already together. And the two left this corrupted soul and went somewhere to rest. Niles ended up changing and went with SMG0.
Smg3 telling Smg4 that he understood whatever he'd felt and that his friends are always by his side and not giving up on anything at all. Telling him that his friends- I mean- They- will always have lots of fun and laugh together. Even tho the three are almost sucked down from the black-ish mud. Smg4 breaks out of the keyboard's spell and saved them just in time, with also the tears. He didnt know smg3 had felt that way from him. SMG4 ended up refusing to let three of his friends die, even tho he needed to complete the perfect video. Smg3 helped him out of there and the two succeeded.
And for the Melony and Axol theory... "doodle"
After watching near the end of the WOTFI 2023 video
I saw what seems to be SMG3 doodling a precious memory, a moment where he and smg4 did in such a day. This spat out my coffee. I recogniced that similar spot.
Its where Melony drew herself and Axol being together even tho Axol passed on, she'll remember that memory.
So what if... smg3 or smg4... one of them... no no- i think thats too much- just- what if... one of them dies...?
We've had this theory here- since axol is possessed by corrupted smg0 and melony KILLS axol in order to make corrupt 0 to perish.
Then what if Smg3 or either Smg4 gets possessed or manipulated by the new antagonist "TV guy" from the end of wotfi 2023? And one of them actually kills... oh my god- this is too MUCH honestly... I actually doubt this is ever gonna happen- It wont happen heheh... right...?
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
Soery if this isnt related to br or something
What are your main japanese songs (if you have any)
That can either relate for the two gay characters?
Wowaka by Unknown Mother Goose - SMG4 redesign
Four deals with his struggles at being Perfect.
Rolling Girl by Miku Hatsune - SMG3 recolor/redesign
Three is trying his hardest all the time even after his arc.
The past re-encounters that gave him so much deja vu and all the bad things even tho he tries so many times making it all up with it. He couldn't.
(He does SH and the only way for him to think about is dying- yet Four prevents him from doing that)
Kokoro by Rin ft. Len Kagamine (duet) - SMG34
Four as the robot and Three... well... is the professor. (For those who heard the duet song you will understand that)
Vivi by kenshi yonezu - SMG3
Three slips away from Four and even ends up mising him even more.
Orange by 96Neko - SMG4
Three dies. Four is there to stay and cherish all the moments he and Three had made from their times, now he always visits his grave. Four finally moves on and Three could only say "goodbye"
Sigh by Rin Kagamine - SMG4
Four doesn't know why he was always sad, turns out his long dead-forgotten friend appeared as an angel to return the smiles he had missed.
Kokoronashi by Hikaru Station - SMG3
Three suffers at himself and well finds it hard to deal with emotions...
Knife by [vocaloids i fgt] - SMG4
Short straight [if you know and heard this song]
Four avenge Three's death after Niles killed him
Therefore You and Me by Eve ft. 38ban - SMG34
Ever long lasting slow burn. Recolored - redesign
Ikanaide (Don't Go) by Mafumafu - SMG3
From Recolor to 1st-2nd Redesign
Three's villain role is out of his hands now that he became a tritagonist. However he still looks out for SMG4 even after everything...
But somedays when he and Four get into basic arguements he still fears that one day he would stop talking to him and that he would rather hang out much to his friends.
That Four might eventually forget about what he had just done something good to him.
The Lost One's Weeping ft. Kagamine Rin - SMG4
Redesign vs. Recolor.
Four would recall his past about his senior high where he never understood nothing and the self comparisson between him and the rest of the students are highly at this rate.
It triggered him so much that he never wanted to get back to it, he is only recalling this from his vision - seen as his memories until he sees his recolored version telling him that he already made the decision and that there is nothing else he could do.
Nonsense Speaker by Miku Hatsune - SMG3
Smg3 even tho if he was a tsundere... he still has thoughts about his relationship with four... and the events they both shared if he'd still even see himself as the past or look into his bright self again.
Kagerou Days by Shizen no Teki ft. Miku Hatsune - SMG3
Basic timeloop
Three tried so many times to prevent four from dying with his self hatred side. Yet. He was the one to die at the end.
Racing Into The Night by YOASOBI - SMG4
Four didn't know why three was sad. (They both felt all sad and stuff-)
So when three said he wanted to die- four did too.
Suki Kirai (Like-Dislike) by Rin and Len - SMG34
Feathers Across the Seasons by Kagamine Rin and Len - SMG3
Smg4 was the mysterious feather being
Three is the diseased human person.
Bonus for other characters:
@shygirl4991 @alianarepasa
High Range ft. Kagamine Len - Heart 3
It kinda does fit for Heart since he does use his fem voice not quite often
I'll Quit Singing ft. Kagamine Len - Book 3
Nothing else I just like to think that book plays with a piano
The World is Mine by Miku Hatsune - Spade 3
The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku - Producer4
What huh personality disappearance? Yes.
Daughter of Evil by Kagamine Rin - Delinquent4
Servant of Evil by Len Kagamine Len - Producer4
I think you kmow this story already. Hehe.
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