000marie198 · 3 months
Rewatching Httyd 1 after so long and the moment Hiccup shows up I hold in a squeal, he was so tiny omg I forgot how tiny he was, your honor that boy looks 8 years old why is he outside, no wonder every single person was telling him to go inside, he was so smol omg I had forgotten how tiny he was, that is a child!
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I haven’t abandoned certain idiots my httyd lads lasses and nb folks
I illustrated incorrect quotes very lazily
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toothless101 · 25 days
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He followed me to my dorm-
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calmboyl · 2 years
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wee lil babas
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emelinstriker · 3 months
{Eternal Servants AU} Macaque ♤ Sounds of Silence
Art drawn by me + the AU is mine.
Just a smol little hurt/comfort drabble on the topic of ESAU!Macaque being unable to sleep alone in a room.
[TL;DR] Macaque hears the voice again.
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♤ ~ Comfort ~ ♤
The dark-furred simian woke up in a cold sweat, hyperventilating as this damned voice invaded his mind again. Macaque held his hands over his six ears as he desperately tried to silence the corrupted whispery voice. "No... N-No... Shut up.. S-Shut.. up..."
Usually the voice wouldn't be a problem had Wukong been in the room, or anyone else for that matter. But he noticed very quickly when he woke up that he was alone...
All alone...
Tears welled up in his eyes at the voice. Everytime he heard it getting louder, the more he felt like he was losing himself.
Suddenly, he jumped onto his feet, his hands still desperately covering his six ears as he tried thinking of what to do. His mind felt like it was slowly melting as he quickly opened a shadow portal beneath him, making his panicked self fall through. Unlike his usually controlled and smooth movement when landing, he straight up fell onto something soft, his eyes were shut as he landed face first on the fabric.
That's when he noticed the voice getting quieter until it disappeared again. He was still hyperventilating as he looked up, noticing he was on someone's bed.
And not just anyone's bed.
"Mhm... What the wha... Mac..? Is that you..? Did you have a nightmare..?" You asked him tiredly, your words slurred a bit as you tried making out his silhouette. The only thing that made you know that this had to be your purple champion were his ears and tail.
Macaque hiccupped as he quickly crawled up to you, hugging you tightly while he felt you sitting up straighter to hug him back.
Now very much concerned, you gently rubbed his back as you comforted him, letting him cry into the crook of your neck. "Shhh... It's okay... You're alright... I'm here, Mac... I'm here...", you soothed him softly, swaying just a bit to try calm him down from his panic attack. The moment he loosely wrapped his tail around your waist was when you knew it was slowly working. After a while, the dark-furred simian's breathing became a lot more regular as you told him to take a deep breath, count to three, and exhale a few times. Once he was only sobbing a bit you decided to ask him, "Are you feeling better now? Did you have a nightmare?"
"I-It wasn't a nightmare, Master... I just... heard the voice again... Wukong wasn't in the room..." He responded shakily as he nuzzled into your shoulder to calm down. Sighing you kissed the top of his head, making his breath hitch as he kept desperately holding onto you, almost as if he was afraid you would disappear.
The monkey, finally having mostly calmed down, left a soft little kiss on your neck. "...Thank you, Master... For not leaving me."
That reminded you... Why did Wukong leave their room in the middle of the night anyway?
Suddenly, as if to answer your question, the door swung open and whoever entered was so inhumanely fast they were already next to your bed in a heartbeat, while the wind of their speed hit you in the face. Judging by the silhouette, you knew this had to be Wukong himself. It was too dark to see his expression, but his posture seemed to have been in a rather worried panic.
"Master, I felt a spike in-" He then stopped himself as he notices Macaque hugging you tightly in bed. He just stood there for a few seconds before realization set in. He sighed, "I'm... I'm so sorry, Macaque..." Your blue champion then got tackled into a hug by your purple champion, who sniffled into the older monkey's shoulder, Clearly having missed the presence of the other simian. Especially under these circumstances.
Turns out Wukong had left because he went to grab a small nighttime snack, but forgot to wake up the other monkey. He knew it was his fault for not waking up Macaque or taking him with him, and he felt extremely guilty for it as it reminded him of when the two of them became servants.
"I'm sorry for leaving...", Wukong mumbled repeatedly. You barely heard him profusely apologize, but Macaque heard it all, which made him hold onto his brother tighter. You smiled softly as you heard Wukong comfort Macaque. Despite barely being able to make out what was happening in the darkness, since unlike them you didn't have enhanced night vision, you knew they were hugging it out. And that was quite sweet to witness due to how rarely Wukong ever showed his emotional side in general.
"If you two want, you can sleep with me for the night. At least it might calm Mac down better", you offered as you scooted over to the middle of the master bed. While Wukong took his time joining you, Macaque was all too eager and jumped at the opportunity, happily snuggling into your side, holding onto you like a koala. If you listened closely, you could hear the faint rumble of a purr, confirming he was comfortable with his position.
Eventually you fell back asleep. This time safe and sound between two of your champions.
[ Masterlist ]
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makeste · 4 months
BnHA Chapter 424: Detroit Tears
Previously on BnHA: You know what, fandom is way too heated about this still so we’re just going to leave that be that for now and not get involved. I have some conflicted feelings about it, but this is not the place or time. This is a happy post.
Today on BnHA: Oh right, Horikoshi still owns the rights to my soul. And I’ve just been reminded of why I willingly signed them over to him so freely.
Quick heads up that this isn’t going to be my usual style of chapter reaction post, in that it’s really just going to be a ton of rambling about That One Scene. Partly because I’m only halfway caught up with stuff, but mostly because tbh, this is the only thing that matters to me right at this moment.
Also this is your friendly neighborhood spoiler warning that I’m posting about a chapter which hasn’t officially been released yet! So proceed at your own discretion. This reaction is based on @pikahlua’s excellent spoiler translation writeup here. I’ve officially lost all of my fucks about spoilers and it’s extremely liberating.
I’m glad that Kacchan’s arm isn’t just magically better and that he’s never going to be 100% again. and also that the doctor mentions him needing to rest his heart as well. because I did feel like there needed to be at least a few lasting consequences from him LITERALLY DYING AND UNDERGOING OPEN-HEART SURGERY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BATTLEFIELD. but I’m also glad they established that it wasn’t career-ending or anything. he’ll probably have some chronic pain and occasionally aggravate his old injuries while fighting, all of which is great for angst purposes. but it was good to see him being calmly accepting of that while also being determined to put the work in to rehab it as much as possible.
also enjoyed the doctor summing up Kacchan’s highly improbable main character resurrection and subsequent antics as basically being some wild bullshit that nobody can explain. lampshaded the shit out of it. “I don’t really understand” lol. nobody understands. in truth it’s that his secondary quirk is bending reality to his will in order to kick ass.
moving on to the main event now! so Kacchan and Izuku’s reunion was obviously the highlight of this chapter and of my life, probably. I’m not gonna sit here and pretend like it wasn’t. y’all know how it is.
what really made this scene for me was Kacchan being more upset at Izuku’s loss than Izuku himself. all those callbacks and all that guilt. that careful selection of flashback panels. the fact that Kacchan’s past bullying of the quirkless Izuku wasn’t glossed over or forgotten, and in fact is the emotional core that fuels Kacchan’s reaction here. Horikoshi didn't have to cut that deep, but he knows what he's about.
and then the crying. I need to write a lot of words about this right the fuck now. first off, having Kacchan just flat out sob while Izuku for once is the calm one (at least until All Might goes in for the emotional kill later on), is such a beautiful reversal and really shows how far they’ve come. even better is that none of it was even remotely out of character. I’m always appreciative when an author can produce top tier emotional hurt/comfort like this and have it feel earned and authentic rather than forced. well done.
also, “Na--cchan!!” fuck yeah Izuku. we’ll never let him live this down. (but also, him later trying to reconcile his forever-tough image of Kacchan with the crying, hiccupping version standing in front of him, by blaming it on Kacchan’s weakened physical state... oh, Izuku.)
also the fact that Kacchan so easily reverts to this smol crying boy even after defeating the world’s greatest evil pretty much activated every protective instinct that I have. he’s seventeen. he’s practically a man now. he’s objectively one of the strongest and toughest people in the entire world. and yet his eyes still go so wide and his face is still so young and Horikoshi still draws him so tiny and vulnerable whenever he’s like this. goddamn gets me EVERY single time. let’s be real, it’s been this way ever since the “you looked like you needed saving” scene back in the literal first chapter. just, omg. he’s still just a kid and he’s too small to contain all these feelings SOMEONE HELP HIM.
anyway so NEEDLESS TO SAY, Kacchan full on mourning in between sobs because he wanted to keep being rivals with Izuku cut me to my core. I cried too, goddammit. because in Katsuki’s mind it’s like. he wasted a dozen years of potential friendship by being a giant asshole. and they were only able to start getting things back on track less than a year ago. and that was probably the best year of both of their lives. and that rivalry meant so much to both of them. pursuing their dreams together as equals. and he wanted it to continue!! he missed out on so much, and it was his own damn fault, and now it’s all being taken away again maybe!!
and I think it’s especially devastating to Katsuki because he was trying so hard to make up for how he treated Izuku, and then this comes along and now he’s worried it was all for nothing. he’s scared that Izuku will maybe have to quit being a hero. (we know that won’t happen, obviously, but Katsuki is living this and not just reading it. he’s never met narrator!Deku and doesn’t have the benefit of all that foreshadowing and stuff.) but even more than that, I think he’s scared that it will undo all of their progress toward mending their relationship. not because Katsuki thinks any less of Izuku now, quirk or no quirk; but because of how Izuku might feel about being quirkless again, and because of the memories it might bring flooding back to the surface. I don’t think Katsuki fully believes that Izuku has forgiven him. so that’s a major fear potentially rearing its ugly head once more now.
and of course, he’s also just sad and upset on Izuku’s behalf, because he knows Izuku is sad about it too, even if he’ll never show it and will just downplay it because of his selfless nature. it’s a major loss, and one deserving of tears being shed, even if Izuku won’t shed any of his.
so yeah. it’s a lot. in Katsuki’s mind it’s the potential loss of a partner (if Izuku quits heroics), and a friend (if Izuku does cool toward Katsuki as a result of being quirkless again), and a dream (of them reaching the highest heights together), and his friend’s dream. so it makes perfect sense that all of that would overwhelm him. all of this is stuff that’s broken him down on past occasions as well.
so anyway it’s going be very cathartic when all those fears prove to be unfounded (because they better be unfounded lol). but in the meantime it’s a very moving reminder of how much he really does care and how far the both of them have come.
also Horikoshi really couldn’t resist giving Nobu one last chance to destroy everyone when this scene rolls up in the anime. that’s so reckless of him. there will be no survivors.
All Might telling both of them they’d become the greatest heroes was also the perfect chef’s kiss moment on top of everything else. we already knew it, of course. but it was good to hear him say it. and they needed him to say it. they needed and deserved to hear it.
and I really love that the qualities he specifically praised them for were the same things that each of them had struggled with the most in their respective journeys. he tells Izuku, who had such a difficult time learning how to tell the world “I am here!!”, that he inspires everyone and has become everyone’s hero. and he reminds Katsuki, who struggled with learning how to save people, and has especially struggled with his guilt over what happened to All Might at Kamino, that he saved All Might’s life and is the reason he’s able to still be there with them. both of them just really needed to hear that acknowledgement and encouragement, and it was such a powerful passing of the torch moment. All Might gets so much shit from the fandom, but he really is a phenomenal mentor when he’s in the zone, and I’ll die on that hill.
also a nice touch keeping the focus of those panels on the two boys and their reactions. even though I would have liked to see All Might’s face when he thanked them at the end, it definitely felt deliberate. this is their moment. their soft little tearful smiles afterwards punted my heart off a cliff and then picked it up and held it gently.
lastly, let it be known that I’m still convinced Katsuki has OFA (All Might vestige explanation when??), and it’s not lost on me that that would be a mighty convenient way for Izuku to potentially still go on a-quirkin’ in the end, if that’s how Horikoshi wants to play it. I'm just saying.
also before I forget, just a quick shoutout to Horikoshi for FINALLY showing all three members of the Bakufam in a scene together in which they finally managed to not be completely dysfunctional lol. my deepest darkest BnHA secret is that Mitsuki is secretly super high up on my list of favorite characters. and she was great in this chapter, and I love how she was just “WHAT THE FUCK” aghast at Katsuki using his main character powers to continuously ignore his injuries. and then she and Masaru kind of silently agreeing to step outside the room and let the boys and All Might have their moment. while still secretly listening in. because you know they were. good for them.
lastly for reals, I just want you all to remember that as great as this chapter was, the one thing that it was STILL missing which we have STILL not gotten is a HUG. we demand HUGS. I’m not leaving this manga till I get a bkdk hug goddammit. I will stay here all night if I have to.
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
Omg loveeee your works and the smol kings 😍 Can I have some more plssssss 🥺 Like MC teasing them for being so little (poke and bite those cheeks... 👉👈), then carrying them in their hands for cuddles or some kissie and huggie 🥹🥹🥹 Or any other fluff stuff too!!!!!
Ahhh they're just too precious 🥺 Nobles move aside, it's time to take care of these rascals personally. Little, lovable rascals. The more I see them like this, the more I hope that PB will take the opportunity and turn them into kids one day. Even for a moment. Let me hold and cuddle baby Satan pleeeaseee 🙏🙏
PS. I swear it supposed to be fluff BUT Levi said noooo who need fluff when we can have ✨trauma✨. He doesn't cooperate even in fanfics.
Remember how Sitri was worried about whether it was good idea to show Satan to people of Gehenna? You found out how wrong he was as soon as the other kids appeared on the horizon. Satan's gaze was glued to them. Silenced by the Paimon’s bubble gum, tearing the teddy bears brought by Leraye, didn't even pay attention to the nobles, he just grabbed your hand and pointed towards the group of kids with sticks.
"Over there! Let’s go!"
You were alone with him for a while, but it wouldn't hurt if you two went out to play, right? He didn't need the nobles' presence. But you? You were supposed to sit with him and the kids. When Satan took a stick they were pretending is a gun, you expected to get one too. Instead, he stood in front of you and stated seriously:
“You're my queen, you don't fight! I'm fighting for you.”
He looked so cute that you burst out laughing and pinched his fluffy cheek. He groaned and pushed your hand away. 
"No! You can't! You don't do that to warriors!”
“Then protect me bravely, my king.”
You moved away to a safe distance so as not to accidentally get hit by a piece of bark or a bullet of the mud. Two women who stood a little further away, apparently the mothers of some kids from group, invited you to join them.
“I didn't know you had children, he looks so sweet…”
“He's really strong! Just like his majesty Satan. Incredible”
You watched tenderly as the little ones rolled in the dust and puddles. Kids. You had to explain everything to the women, but maybe not yet. A family with him… The very idea melted you inside. More and more often you wondered if you really wanted to come back to Earth.
You were gone for fifteen minutes at most. It took you a moment of wandering around the gallery to find the bathroom, and then an even longer moment not to get lost in the bathroom itself (why was a sauna there?). As you returned to the alley where you left the nobles with the little king, you heard howling. You had a bad feeling. They were confirmed when you turned between the shelves and a scene straight from Dante's Inferno appeared before your eyes.
Bimet was crouching and waving toy cars, Eligos was swinging a gold-plated candy bar, and Mammon was sitting on the floor and crying. Valefor was the only one who looked conscious, with the phone to his ear.
“There you are,” he smiled with relief as you came closer in your stupor. “I tried to call you. His Majesty… You see what happened as soon as you left us.”
Bimet narrowed his eyes and huffed.
“Come here and fix it.”
You didn't even feel like making fun of them because this sobbing was tearing your heart apart. Mammon was really tiny as a child. You knelt down and gathered him in your arms, his slim body clinging to you with all his frail strength. He calmed down, but only a little.
“Here, here. Everything's fine. What happened?"
“I found… something… for you.” His voice was interrupted by hiccups. "But you were not there…"
You kissed the top of his head, between the curled horns. His head sometimes tilted to the left, where the heavier horn was.
“Shhh, I won't leave you anymore.”
“You promise?”
You nodded, and the kid smiled through his tears. He sniffed and pressed a candy bracelet into your hand. When he grabbed your hand, you felt that he still had some of his adult strength in him. From now on, you were forbidden to leave his side.
You spent the entire day running back and forth around Avisos after the little king who refused to sit still. You thought your legs were going to fall off. When you were sitting on the couch in the office and the little boy was falling asleep on your lap, you realized that you simply went about it wrong. It was a better idea to take him to the feast immediately. It's true that he ate three pubs, but this bill was nothing compared to his usual conquests. He lay curled up, his head in your lap, holding your hand.
“My tummy hurts.”
Bael, although he took pity enough not to rush him to work, still preferred to have you both with him, in the office.
“So you didn't have to eat that much?”
“I am the king of gluttony.”
“You're a little worm, Beel. This is how you end up mixing newt eyes with Eastern European moonshine. Next time you'll think about what you're cooking."
He was answered by a childish grumble, as Beel squeezed your hand tighter.
“Don't listen to Bael, he's stupid. It tasted so nice…”
"I heard it."
"He worries about you." You stroked the blond hair that you had already braided.
Beel wanted to talk to you again, take you somewhere, but you saw that his eyes were closing completely. You laid down on the couch and let him snuggle against your chest. 
Bael just glanced at you, but soon you were both asleep. He sighed and covered you with the blanket, and now that Beelzebub was asleep, he could stroke his hair a little too. Stupid... but he's still his king. And a friend, after all.
Young Levi was even quieter than usual, and much, much more fearful. He didn't want to have anything to do with anyone. He hid in corners and nooks, and the fact that he was tiny didn't help. You knew that the invisible Foras was watching over him, but that didn't calm you down. A gift for this child came to your mind, when you saw that all the pens were missing from the desk.
You found Levi hidden behind his coffin, with a stack of notes scattered around. All the drawings were black, gloomy and hastily sketched.
He started like a frightened deer ready to run away.
“Don't go, please… it's me. It's just me. I have something for you."
He didn't back down, but he didn't invite you in either. Still, you sat down across from him and placed a new pack of colored pencils next to drawings. He looked at them, his small lips quivering as if he were holding back tears.
“I don't want them.”
“It wasn't… it wasn't colorful there.”
His drawings made it all too clear to you what he was thinking. You saw the castle of Hades and the spindly Levi himself. You could tell by the horns. But other children, with broken horns, with bandages...
“They want you to be happy.” You reached out and wiped away the tears that ran down his pale cheeks. Little fists rubbed eyes in anger. Tears came to your own eyes as you looked at his silent pain.
Leviathan himself must have felt terrified, because he stood up and staggered closer. Trembling fingers grabbed your sleeve. A piercing sob hit you straight in the heart. All you could do was cradle him in your arms. 
You took a new piece of paper, the brightest color you could find, and started to draw. You gently stroked the shaking shoulders and only picked up the paper when you finished.
"Look here."
Your artistic skills left much to be desired, especially that you didn’t draw with your leading hand, because thi one was holding a crying child. The picture of Levi with his nobles and, above all, you, was bursting with colors. Foras must have had a lot of fun seeing this, but you had to swallow your pride.
“It's nasty.” Levi commented through tears. “And Glasyal looks like he has a hump. That's not how it should look."
But you managed to distract him. Now, until he fell asleep in your arms, little Leviathan never left your side.
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extremereader · 6 months
Here is my contribution to the HTTYD fandom, even if it might have been done before:
An AU where the dragons and humans switch.
Hiccup as a smol Night Fury that's curious about the Vikings and just sniffs their stuff instead of killing people. Astrid as a brutal Nadder that's trying to protect him. Ruff and Tuff as the idiotic Zippleback that has only lasted this long out of dumb luck. Snotlout as an arrogant Monstrous Nightmare that also survives on dumb luck. Fishlegs would be the cutest and friendliest Gronkle EVER. Oh my God, Heather would be the scariest Razorwhip.
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headfullof-ideas · 3 months
HTTYD AU idea that I’ll never write because I have too many projects, one a personal rewrite of the HTTYD universe following a potential outcome where the kids all follow Hiccup into exile via dragon back, and speed running the events of RoB, DoB, and RTTE in the span of a few years. ANYWAYS
Snotlout and Hiccup are cousins, but Spitelout, being Spitelout, starts dropping earworms in Snotlout’s ears about how Hiccup will never be Chief, being too small and sickly and un-vikingkly. Only this is when Snotlout and Hiccup are smol, and somewhat close-ish, as little kids tend to be before they get older and start developing an awareness of their surroundings.
Baby Snotlout hears this and comes to the five-year old child logical conclusion that he must protect his smaller cousin from everyone who might hurt him, so he can have the chance to grow up big and strong like everyone else, and be the bestest chief ever!
Snotlout earns a reputation of biting any adult or child who comes within three feet of Hiccup. Not even Stoick is safe from this treatment. Snotlout bit and got into a five-year old child’s equivalent of a fistfight with a sheep that accidentally knocked Hiccup over. No one’s safe. He insists he is protecting the tribes future awesome and amazing chief.
The years pass on. Snotlout is still stubbornly protecting his cousin, but as they get older it’s different. He grows to learn that his cousin is just small, but Snotlout is adamant Hiccup will be a great chief. Because he has a witty tongue that leave adults flabbergasted, and is slippery when the other kids start picking on him, and Hiccup will have Snotlout, who will obviously grow to take his own fathers place as general, and so that means he can just protect Hiccup from all the bigger scary stuff like rival chiefs and dragons so Hiccup can be Chief without worry.
Hiccup does not get relentlessly bullied because his brawny, overprotective cousin throws hands at any slight insult to Hiccup. Hiccup learns how to talk down people from other tribes who aren’t so persuasive much earlier than he does in the show because some boy from another tribe gave him a funny look and his stupidly loyal cousin ran across the room to try and throw him into a table.
When Hiccup thinks he shot down a Night Fury, none of the kids say anything mean spirited about the chaos that followed, because Nsorlout had made a reputation. When they start dragon training, Snotlout and Hiccup get the lowest marks at first because Snotlout heard “Grab a shield” and decided to use himself as a shield for Hiccup, which his cousin does NOT like
It is not Astrid that gets taken out on a flight on the back of a Night Fury, but Snotlout, who wondered where his cousin was spending his free time, because Snotlout at least understands privacy and isn’t hovering over Hiccup 24/7, but also saw how pissed Astrid was at losing and came to find his cousin before she did so she wouldn’t try anything. It is Snotlout, clutching his cousin and screaming as a dragon tries to kill him on his back, because his cousin is his best friend and he has decided he doesn’t want to share. Snotlout is nervous later about the Monstrous Nightmare that his cousin leads to his open hand, but he trusts his cousin, and so touches the dragon.
Snotlout and Toothless do not get along at first, Snotlout protective of his cousin and Toothless protective of his best friend and neither of them wanting to share with the other. Hiccup walks around a corner to see the pair of them going at it with each other, because they couldn’t agree on who was going to follow Hiccup and make sure he was safe. The day Toothless and Snotlout finally start getting along is the day Hocvup realizes he will never know peace again, because there is a Night Fury and his stubborn cousin who’d fistfight Odin if he so much as looked at Hiccup wrong, and of course a Monstrous Nightmare, because Hookfang isn’t going anywhere without Snotlout, so he too is also following Hicvup and making sure he’s safe. Hiccup eventually reminds himself of the alternative and forces himself to live with his two and a half protective, self-appointed bodyguards.
Snotlout is stubborn and loyal and has a very hard time letting Hiccup defend himself in a physical manner at first, but learns to let Hiccup fight his own battles. So long as Snotlout and Hookfang are nearby in case someone fights dirty or cheats or Hiccup has a bad day and decides to let his cousin have at it. He doesn’t once think of trying to become Chief, and Spitelout doesn’t know what to do with a son that refuses to try and take leadership because he’s too darn determined to make sure his scrawny fishbone cousin grows to be Berks Chief. And he can’t complain about it because it’s kinda all his fault anyways.
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foodsies4me · 3 months
Basically the rookies appearing in Alec room to introduce the new smol downworlder who join the orphanage in bridges
Magnus: how come he get first introductions 😟 (I still don’t like him? 🥹)
Does this fit into the Bridges timeline? Nope. Was it such a cute prompt I still had to write it? Absolutely! So say hello to Kaylie, if everything goes well she should not make a reappearance.
By now, Alec has grown used to the familiar tingle in the air when one of the rookies sneaks into his room. He can distinguish Madzie’s Bubbles from Little Max’s pops and Shan’s sparkles from Sorcha’s static. The tingle of their magic has grown as familiar as the creaks that followed his trainees sneaking in. Like his trainees' creaks, the small tingles are enough to wake him, his mind latching on to the sensation and feeling the air for any signs of distress - sniffles, hiccups, or rapid breaths. Or, in this case, the unfamiliar tingle that Alec doesn’t recognize. Pushing himself out of his bed, Alec is greeted with Little Max’s familiar blue horns and Ali’s fiery, orange eyes. He can make out Shan’s glittering antlers and Yara’s flaming hair. He doesn’t recognize the two mantis-like arms and the row of needle-like plates that stick out of a small, thin back. “Yes?” Alec asks, looking at the unexpected newcomer and then back at Little Max who’s crawling into his bed. “Did something happen? Where’s Granny Lee?” “Granny Lee is sleeping. We didn’t want to wake her up,” Cylia explains. She places her hand on the newcomer’s shoulders, pushing her forward with a word of encouragement that is met with an unsure frown. In his sleep-addled mind, it doesn’t occur to him to introduce himself until Cylia mentions Kaylie had a nightmare. But then Kaylie sniffles, insect-like claws trying to wipe tears out of small eyes and Alec reacts in the only way he knows. Slowly, as to not startle the small child, Alec draws Kaylie into a hug. He helps her dry her tears, while the other kids make themselves comfortable in his bed and Alec can already picture the unimpressed look Granny Lee is going to give him in the morning. Putting that thought aside for now, Alec concentrates on the young girl. She's frightfully thin, her cheeks sunken in and her eyes hollowed with eyebags. Ali tells him Magnus brought her to the orphanage four days ago, which would explain why Ragnor and Granny Lee told him to stay clear for the week. Wherever she lived before, it's clear she wasn't treated well there. Looking around the room for any distractions, Alec's eyes fall on the book Magnus had loaned him all those weeks ago. He looks back at Kaylie, looks at the desperate way she tries to hide her arms and the plates on her back, and, knowing he'll regret it come morning, Alec still asks Ali to bring him the book. "Do you want me to read you a story?" He asks Kaylie as the lights on his bedframe magically light up. Kaylie looks at the book, likely noticing the warlocks drawn on the cover, all showing their warlock marks proudly, and then back at him. She nods. Smiling, Alec slides back until his shoulders are resting against the bedframe. He then invites her to join him, propping up a long cushion she can sink her spikes into before he cracks the small picture book and begins to read. "Hooray you're a warlock and a warlock is a fun person to be-"
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violet-moonstone · 1 year
Headcanons and opinions on Httyd/Rtte relationships
Hiccup and Astrid are in an open marriage. Hiccup also dates Dagur and Astrid dates Heather. Dagur and Mala are either not together or it's a political thing, idk. Tbh I don't think about that pairing very often. Nothing against Mala, I just don't see them together at all. I think Mala would be better with someone less intense and probably more shy and sensitive.
I think Hiccup and Dagur spend long amounts of time away from each other doing their own thing, but when they finally meet up again, it gets *intense*. They all need to plan carefully though because Heather and Dagur do NOT want to run into each other while with their partners. Also, I think "Aunt Heather" and "Uncle Dagur" would be adorable af with Zephyr and Nuffink. Heather is especially good with Nuffink, who is very nervous. Zephyr absolutely adores Dagur and loves getting tossed in the air, play fighting, etc, but Nuffink is a little intimidated by him for a couple years. Dagur learns to be more gentle and play with Nuffink without scaring him.
I'm surprised by this (because I generally dislike most characterization in THW) but I'm actually good with Ruffnut and Fishlegs together. I'm a sucker for any relationship where one is a chaos goblin and the other is a nervous wreck. This may or may not be the dynamic of my own relationship. (I am the nervous one).
Snotlout's "rivalry" with Eret was a cover for his huge crush on him and at some point, they start dating. Snotlout learns to be more vulnerable and realizes that his constant desire to be masculine played out in performatively hitting on women. (He's literally Mac from Always Sunny, you can't convince me otherwise). He hates the height difference at first (Eret is almost an entire foot taller, jfc) but genuinely enjoys that Eret can just hoist him up over his shoulder and carry him around, tease him by holding things over his head, hold him down and tickle him, etc. And honestly, same. Nothing wrong with being smol and portable.
Tuffnut is asexual. Also very big uncle energy with the kids. He shows them how to pull pranks and Hiccup and Astrid watch with growing concern as their children (especially Zephyr) become absolute menaces under Tuffnut's tutelage.
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Smol dragon Alec when Magnus is working all day in his apothecary and hasn’t called Alec his ‘adorable little flame’ once(in the last 5 mins)
so alec is an ice dragon not a flame dragon but i loved this idea and what it is based on.
also @saryn-prime accidentally walked into Nightshade and the puppy was very upset and hiccuped in shock which surprised both of them.
<3 lumine
the taste of his magic
Alec stares as Magnus bustles around the apothecary.
Every movement the warlock makes is gracefully precise. There is elegance in every action and Alec watches intently as Magnus summons ingredients, measuring them by instinct and adding them on what seems like a whim but is calculated perfection instead.
The beauty of his movement is the only reason that Alec isn’t darting across the floor and demanding Magnus’ attention.
Well, that and the fact that Magnus has been making this potion for two days now.
Two days of ignoring the world.
Two days of sustaining himself with only magic.
Two days of Magnus barely acknowledging Alec and Alec is more than fed up with it.
The finally taunt of ringed fingers delicately adding the last ingredient is what Alec’s been waiting for and the moment it happens, he’s off.
Magnus blinks out of the haze of science and magick and creation to the feeling of small, sharp pinpricks digging viciously through his pants. Even magic can’t keep out the claws of an angry dragon and Magnus looks down, surprised to find Alexander’s small form clawing up him, like Magnus’ is a mountain to be climbed.
“Darling—” Magnus starts, because he doesn’t understand the sudden behavior or Alexander’s possessive hisses as he crawls up to curl around Magnus’ neck.
Whatever he tries to say is ignored and Alexander trills when Magnus tries to croon to him, upset and vicious in the decibel of his anger.
“Alexander,” Magnus tries and there’s an unhappy, disgruntled grumble against his neck and then Alexander lets out a quiet sigh when Magnus strokes magic over his scales. It’s one of contentment and Magnus gets a cool nose nuzzling his neck as Alexander practically purrs, draped around Magnus’ shoulders.
Magnus’ magic sings upon contact with his dragon, his fierce little treasure sighing in happiness and Magnus blinks at how greedily his magic twines around Alexander. It’s with a thought that Magnus organizes the memory of the last — days.
He winces and reaches up to scratch the small scales, ridges and horns of Alexander’s muzzle. There are disgruntled little snuffles at being disturbed — from what Alexander and Magnus’ magic clearly consider a communion of energies — and then Alexander is melting into the palms of Magnus’ hands and curling up there.
He’s so small like this. Almost dainty and yet Magnus knows the kind of power hidden in Alexander’s tiny form.
“I’m sorry for neglecting you, my darling.” Magnus murmurs and Alexander gives an angry little trill, scolding Magnus and flicking his tail even as his treasure soaks in Magnus’ magic. “My beloved little treasure.”
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cosmica-galaxy · 7 months
Okay. Clarification time.
Regarding the concern for Smols situation, I will state MY point of view regarding this little hiccup now that Turtleduck deactivated so suddenly. Just to help settle some confusion or worries some people have for what may have happened.
So, what happened?
Basically, Turtleduck was asked by Smol if they were upset with the wars going around on our blogs, which started this little hiccup.
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Please keep this in mind for a little bit later.
So Turtleduck stated that they don't like to see the fighting going around the blogs. Aight, that's fair. Not everyone cared about the DILF/MILF wars and that's totally fine!
It was this comment that followed this conversation that probably snagged things a little bit.
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(Yes. I blocked out turtleduck's profile to prevent their identity from being leaked as I consulted a friend for a comment to double check if I was be a little miffed for no reason or not.) As you can see, the last sentence is worded pretty poorly. This came off to me as "I want ruin people's fun so that they can go back to entertaining me". Even if that was not the intention, the comment painted a really rude and entitled picture on turtleduck. Even my friend that I consulted for an outside eye on this comment spoke about how rude the comment was toward the end and how even they felt like they were self-serving in a way. Not only that--
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--Even STRUX felt that it was rude. This is why Strux is saying this in the original post.
Another thing to keep in mind is that, while Turtleduck claimed to have not liked our blog battles (which would've been find on it's own), they were actively ENCOURAGING blog battles.
I'm pretty sure a lot of my moots got THIS same message.
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They sent it to multiple large skibidi blogs (strider, strux, another dead, ect.) in some hope that we would all jump on coolbeardrunaway with smol bottles. But my question is, if you are against blog battles...why are you actively encouraging them?
That's a little hypocritical, right? In short, I got the same ask and I didn't respond to it because I saw the previous message and was a little miffed.
Nothing overtly major happened. It was just a series of poorly communicated comments that rubbed a fair bit of us the wrong way.
Wait, is THIS the whole reason for this hiccup?
As far as I know, yeah. If anything was said otherwise, I have no knowledge of it. But it was mostly because of that second comment that lots of brows got raised and Smols became upset. Smols is doing fine, by the way! Don't worry! But why did Turtleduck deactivate their account??
I have no clue.
This isn't some scalding hot tea, it's barely lukewarm at best. This isn't some large scale drama either, its just someone being a little too honest with their intentions and desires.
Does this make turtleduck a villain?
Obviously no. I had no intention to hate nor despise turtleduck nor shame them. In short, us in this skibidi community are moots of moots and we entertain each other through these "wars" for both interaction and fun. We share art, stories, characters, ideas, ect. We love doing these with each other and sorry if that is not what followers came here for, but I'm not going to apologize for having fun with my Tumblr friends. I am not being chained up and made to be your source of "content" and entertainment. I, like all of my skibidi moots, are people with lives and interests. We don't live on this platform to serve and entertain you. Don't insult artists when they give you everything they can for absolutely free. Treating us with basic respect isn't that hard. If I had to say anything at all, I would have only have some parting advice for turtleduck. You are the type of person who makes group activities, roleplays, and fandom collabs not as fun as they can be. If your first reaction to seeing a bunch of people having fun in a community by sharing ideas and making art for one another is to throw a wrench into the works to make everyone pay attention to you and cater to your own personal interest...I can't blame Smols. I would've of blocked you too. That's all!
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Something has befallen me to search for traditional historically accurate viking clothing n I found… this nice armor thats like a nice long leather tunic and I‘m currently going rrdfdtbvdbxfrrctrtfvrfv over it because that‘s what my smol hiccup desing needed all along. A a little bit too big leather tunic. I neeeeeed it‘s perfect like in a way I want to devour it bc I made a sketch and this is the energy I was going for. Looks like fancy leather skirt
I need to draw it digitally later
*Edit for further understanding (I forgot)*
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000marie198 · 1 year
I think one of the reasons dragons very quickly trust Hiccup and just mellow down and bond with him because they see him and they go, "Little hooman, kind creecher, smol bean. Must protecc."
I mean look at him!
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ozimagines · 4 months
Ok so it’s official; Holly is the collective Oz child. I will be writing her interacting with EVERYONE at some point at this rate😂 Got inspired by a few posts by Fiona St. James himself! (He goes by He/Him out of the drag personas I believe and she/her while in them. I will be using only she/her for Fiona just because I’ve read some good pieces where she’s a trans woman and not a drag persona so I want to be respectful of that.🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️) Written because I could have really used this absolute ICON when I was in school, trying to figure things out for myself.
Fiona Zonioni and Holly Beecher in:
Read for Filth
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Holly rushed into the car and slammed the door, put her head in her knees, and started to cry. Beecher and Keller both exchanged a look, Beecher’s being one of sympathy and understanding, and Keller’s being one of unbridled rage.
Holly was dealing with some bullies as of late. She wouldn’t tell them what it was about. Always said something like “girl stuff” and moved on. Holly was a strong kid. She had been through a lot at a very young age. She grew a thick skin, for the most part. But she was blossoming into a preteen, in her first year of middle school and apparently the other girls were just not having any of it. Keller and Beecher had heated discussions at night about what to do about it. Beecher wanted to tell the principal, but Keller thought that would only make things worse. Keller thought he should go deal with it, but Beecher insisted that would only make it worse.
“Holly Jolly, are you ready to talk yet?” Beecher called softly as he drove. She wouldn’t look up.
“No.” She said, muffled by her own jacket sleeves. She kept sniffling and whispering softly to herself, and Beecher tried to stop himself from crying with her. He lived and died by what his daughter felt, and right now she was in pain he couldn’t take away. He felt helpless. Keller placed a large hand on his thigh and squeezed. Time for Dad #2.
“C’mon, kitten, you’re gonna have to tell us eventually.” He turned around in his seat to face her. She still had her head down, sobbing uncontrollably.
“Leave me alone. You don’t understand.”
“Try me, pumpkin.”
She cried even harder into her coat sleeves. Every attempt at making her feel better seemed to make her feel worse. Both men relented, Keller reaching back and putting a hand on her shoulder as she cried.
“I wanna go home.”
“Soon, Holls.” Beecher said, checking in her in the rear view mirror. “First we gotta drop something off at a friend’s.”
“She’s your friend. She doesn’t like me.” Chris corrected in an attempt to make Holly laugh. Both men checked. It didn’t work.
They pulled up to a house in a different neighborhood, with a woman sitting out front. Holly peeked over the edge of her hoodie sleeve. The woman was wearing a sparkly black dress in the middle of the day, full make up, and long black hair. She sauntered up to the car with a confidence and glow, smiling at the familiar faces. She waved at them, and the men acknowledged her. She came up to the car and Beecher handed her a package.
“It’s from Alvarez; he said this time don’t…” Beecher looked back at Holly, who ducked her head down and pretended not to be looking. “Don’t eff up the tiara before the third act this time.”
“Darling, have you ever known me to be responsible when it comes to diamonds. They are a girl’s best friend.” She added, slyly, tossing her hair over her shoulder. Holly couldn’t help but watch. Her beauty was mesmerizing. Her confidence, even more so. Holly hiccuped, which always happens when she cries, and the woman’s eyes darted to her.
“Would this be the little miss Holly I’ve heard so much about?” She asked, kindly, sending a little wave back at Holly, who just ducked her head. “Bad day, sugar?”
“Yeah. Fiona, this is Holly.” Beecher answered for her, leaning out. “Something about some mean girls at school today is all.”
“Oh, honey, I know all about how mean girls can be.”
“Do you?” Keller chided, but one smoldering glance from her shut him up.
“What’s this particular shit storm about?” Fiona asked in her buttery smooth voice.
“This… poop storm…” Beecher really had to make some friends that were age appropriate for Holly to be around. “…is… well… we don’t know. She hasn’t told us.”
“Keeps saying it’s ‘girl stuff’.” Keller added softly. Holly could hear them, of course, but she pretended to be too far lost in her own grief. Fiona’s eyes lit up.
“Oh, well, sweetie, then you came to the right place. Why don’t you two come by later after we’ve had some girl talk, hmm?” She clapped her hands excitedly, and squeed softly. Beecher and Keller exchanged glances but before they could say anything… “oh, come now, I’m surprised at you two. If anyone in this world understands not to judge a book by its cover, it’s you gentlemen.”
“Holly’s never met-“
“No. I want to go with her.” Holly said softly from between her arms. Holly never got shy around strangers, and there was something about this woman that just comforted her. Keller and Beecher exchanged a wordless, dad-eyes conversation about it. Chris obviously lost because he sighed and got out of the car to help Holly get her things. He took her book bag over to Fiona.
“No sweets an hour before dinner and, and I mean this, Fiona, keep things age appropriate.” Keller scolded before there was anything to scold about. Fiona merely batted her eyelashes and smiled.
“I’m understanding why Holly needs a woman’s touch.” She remarked, blowing a kiss at both men, and putting a manicured hand on Holly’s shoulder. “Miss Holly, is it? My, you have pretty hair. At your age, I would have killed for that hair.”
Holly wiped her tears and mustered a thank you, but it was choked and she sobbed immediately after. Fiona tutted softly and placed a hand under her chin. Holly felt like Cinderella looking at the Fairly Godmother for the first time, really taking in Fiona’s makeup and face.
“You’re really pretty.” She said quietly, and Fiona beamed and struck a pose.
“You’re not the first to say it, doll, you won’t be the last.” She flipped her hair again and sauntered into the house. Holly as mystified as soon as she entered. Beecher was pretty vanilla when it came to decorating. A bowl of fruit and some knickknacks. Keller? As long as he had a place to eat, sleep, and shit, he didn’t care how it looked. Fiona’s place was immaculate.
“Whoa.” She said, eyeing all the pink and glitter and pizazz. “It’s like Barbie’s Dreamhouse.”
“With a better closet.” Fiona chirped, hanging her shawl on the hooks. She helped Holly take off her coat and hung it up, looking it over. “Next year, I’m telling your fathers that I’m taking you back to school shopping.” And then under her breath as she glided away. “I should call CPS.”
Holly giggled, and Fiona glanced over her shoulder with a warm smile on her painted lips.
“Oh? So we can giggle. Good to know.” She smirked and gestured Holly into the kitchen, which was again, wall to wall Fiona. She put on a pot of hot water. “How do you take your coffee, love?”
“I don’t drink coffee.” She said, then remembered something about school and looked away again, misty eyed. Fiona noticed but didn’t want to embarrass her, so she said nothing.
“I’ve yet to know a girl yet who can turn down a pumpkin spice Frappuccino. Let me make you one.” Fiona got out her tools and got to work. Holly felt like she was watching a witch brew a potion, there was so much care in each step. Holly stopped crying and merely watched, in awe. Fiona sang a little as she worked. Holly didn’t recognize the song. Something about nails, hair, lips, and heels. When Fiona was finished, she presented the treat in a beautiful clear coffee cup, with generous whipped cream.
“I’m going to teach you something not very lady like.” Fiona entrusted, and Holly leaned in to watch her. Fiona sprayed the whipped cream directly into her mouth. Holly giggle and put her hands over her mouth. With a too-full mouth of whipped cream, Fiona asked; “wan’ any?”
Holly nodded excitedly and Fiona sprayed too much whipped cream into her mouth. They both laughed as they tried to swallow their treats. Holly then tasted the PSL delight.
“It tastes like a pumpkin pie milkshake!”
“And now you’re a woman!” Fiona gestured to the air, grandly. Holly couldn’t help her smile around Fiona. Her energy was contagious. She was almost mad at her Dads for not introducing them sooner. Fiona sat down with her coffee. She explained it was a double shot espresso macchiato with hazelnut milk, pink velvet and mocha flavoring, a splash of vanilla extract, and some crushed cloves overtop.
“I’m going to tell you what my mom never told me; if your coffee takes less than thirty seconds to order, then you’re not doing it right.”
“Dad takes his with milk and Pop takes his black.” Holly informed, and Fiona grimaced.
“I’m surprised you’re as sane as you are.” She remarked, taking a little whipped cream on her index finger and then licking it cleanly off the long, red nail.
“Are you a movie star?” Holly asked after a second, and Fiona chuckled good naturedly.
“Oh, honey, no. If I was, my closet would be twice the size it is now.”
“You look like a movie star. Like one of the old ones my dad likes. Like Marlene something and the Breakfast at Tiffany’s girl.”
Fiona placed a hand over her mouth and blushed sweetly.
“Now stop, child, you’re going to give me an ego.” She said, and then added; “unless you want to keep going. Then I won’t stop you.”
Holly smiled big, and then it suddenly disappeared. Fiona put a hand on her shoulder.
“Spill it, Miss thing. What’s the tea?”
Holly sniffled for a second, wondering if she could really trust this woman. Those dark eyes said it all. Those kind, dark eyes. Holly started crying all over again, except instead of retreating into her hoodie, she flopped into Fiona’s arms. Fiona cooed and shushed and cradled her like she might her own child. Holly let it all out on Fiona’s sparkly black dress. Fiona normally would NEVER sacrifice an outfit for someone, but desperate times as they say. She placed a hand underneath Holly’s chin, and lifted it, smiling softly as she did.
“Sometimes the heaviest burdens are the thoughts in our head. Lighten your own load, sweetie.”
“I don’t want to hurt your feelings. Or my Dads’.”
“What about your feelings, little dove, or do those not matter?” She used her thumb to wipe a tear off Holly’s cheek. Holly shrugged, but Fiona’s hands wouldn’t let her look away. She is intensely kind.
“They made fun of me for having two dads.” She choked out, and continued crying. Fiona’s heart broke. She remembered how mean kids could be. And those mean kids grew up into mean adults and spat out more mean children just to torment the next generation.
“Are they jealous?” She asked, and Holly looked up confused. “I didn’t have one good dad, and you’ve got two great ones. They mean well, they’re just terminally men. If you know, you know, honey.” She shuddered at the thought. “I know I’d be jealous.”
Holly huffed and rolled her eyes.
“Yeah right, like you’d ever be jealous of me.”
“I don’t like the tone you used when you said ‘me’. I feel like we’re not all looking at the same person.” She admitted, and grinned quickly, understanding what she must do. Her heels clicked out of the room and then clicked back in. She was holding a large mirror. She held it up to Holly’s face, and sat next to her. “What do you see?”
“…me.” Holly answered, and Fiona gave her an ‘are you serious’ look.
“Try, honey. What do you see?”
“I see mousy brown hair and freckles I don’t like. Samantha H. says they look like poop.”
“I’m willing to put serious money down that Samantha H. has a personality like poop.” Fiona remarked dryly, and Holly laughed again. “Keep going.”
“I see stupid green eyes that don’t even look that green. A dumb nose that looks just like my dad’s-“
“Hmmm. Isn’t that wonderful?” Fiona sang like a Disney princess. Again, Holly was confused. “That you can look in the mirror and immediately see something that reminds you of someone that loves you.”
Holly blushed. She hadn’t thought of it that way.
“I don’t like my nails.”
“I never liked mine either unless they were painted”. She confessed. “Go on.”
“Manlike shoulders?”
“You don’t like my shoulders?” Fiona asked, and Holly seemed just as confused. “I’ve been told I have mannish shoulders. The better to hug you with, my dear.”
“You?” She reacted in shock. Fiona couldn’t help but feel adored by the way Holly looks at her. She suddenly had an idea. She pointed the mirror at herself.
“Now what do you see?”
“I see a beautiful woman. I see perfect makeup and eyeliner. I see perfect white teeth in perfect red lips. Perfect skin and perfect glitter. Perfect walk and perfect talk-”
“Now, that’s a lot of perfects.” Fiona started to fan herself with her hand as if she were sweating. Holly bet this woman only sweat glitter.
“You are. When I grow up, I want to look like you.”
Fiona touched her heart, and then kissed Holly on the forehead.
“Well, there was a time where I would have given anything to look exactly like you and not like me.”
“Really?” Holly’s yes went wide. Fiona tilted her head and smiled sadly.
“Everyone does at some point. Because at some point we were all told what we have wasn’t enough. That it was better to be the opposite. And everyone thinks that way too. Even Samantha H.” She looked over both shoulders, and leaned into Holly as if explaining some ancient secret. She whispered; “you know what I want to look like now?”
Holly shook her head, deep in thought over what she could change to make herself more beautiful. Fiona paused for dramatic effect, and then gestured into the mirror.
“This.” Fiona found herself staring into her mirror, fondly. Her hands touched over her cheekbones and her forehead and her smile lines. “Holly, I don’t want to be anything other than what I am. Because what I am is amazing. And you know what?”
Again, Holly shook her head feverishly.
“What you are is amazing too.”
Holly got tears in her eyes again and hopelessly asked how. Fiona reacted in mock surprise.
“Why, Miss Holly Beecher, don’t you dare tell me that those wonderfully kind eyes that see me as Marlene Dietrich -yes, that’s her name, hush- can’t find a single thing to love about yourself. Okay, fine, we’ll do it together.” She slid so that she and Holly were both looking in the mirror.
“I see two pretty green eyes that probably remind your father of your mother. I see cute freckles most people draw on to get. Nails that could stand a manicure but are probably really good a digging.” Holly nodded her head, and told Fiona she was the best digger in her class, and Fiona thought of Busmalis with a slight smile. He and Norma were raising the original kid, plus triplets! Apparently, Agamemnon had some strong swimmers, to everyone’s surprise.
“I see a graceful swan neck. I see lovely brunette hair that reminds me of Holly Golightly.” Holly quirked a brow and Fiona sighed. “The girl from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
“You know what else I see?”
“I see a strong girl. Strong in the ways that matter. I see a girl who survived a bad guy. A girl who, despite her past, is kind to others instead of mean. I see a girl with eyes that only see beautiful things, but is missing the most beautiful thing right before those same eyes.” She shook Holly’s shoulders for effect, and now Holly was crying again. Fiona had a mini panic.
“They’re good tears. Not bad ones.”
“Oh.” She replied softly.
“I don’t always think I’m strong. I just freeze up around these girls.”
“What do they have that you don’t?”
“Easily replaced. Plus, you have me, and a few other wonderful people from what I understand.”
“There’s Uncle Cyril. He’s really nice to me. Gives me some of his candy and he hates sharing his candy.”
Fiona smiled at the thought of that blonde haired doofus.
“And I know Cyril. He wouldn’t share unless you were really special.”
“Those other girls are just so mean.” She sniffled softly.
“And they’re gonna keep being mean, because that’s what they were taught to do. But you don’t have to worry about that. Know why?”
“Because you need to stop chasing after people who don’t deserve you, Miss Holly. You can’t put flowers in an asshole and call it a vase.” Fiona advised confidently, and then realizing she swore, went; “shit!”
Both she and Holly laughed for a good minute.
“I just don’t want my dads to feel bad for coming out. Like it’s their fault I’m getting bullied. I love them both.”
“I know, child. They love you too.”
“You understand.” Holly muttered. “My Dads don’t.”
“They’re trying their best, baby, give them a break. Your fathers have probably been holding each other back to stop them from pummeling these girls. And believe you-me, both of them pack a wallop. Your dad had someone who was mean to him in prison. You know what he did? He stood up for himself, that’s what.”
“What’d he do?”
Fiona thought and her mind flashed to breaking the glass window and rubbing shit in Schillinger’s face and the chaotic mess of the riot…
“Unimportant. But let me tell you what we’re gonna do.”
The next day, Keller drove Holly to school with Beecher in tow. Keller kept glancing at Holly in the rearview mirror. Beecher was nervously tapping his fingers against the armrest. Fiona was right; they really were holding themselves back to let her deal with this.
She exited the car and so did they. They gave her a big hug each, and sent her on her way, she got a few steps away from her Dads when Samantha H. and her cronies all came over. Holly braced herself and thought of running back to her Dads, but she held herself up high like Fiona told her and walked right up to them.
Let them make the first move. You’re better than that, Holly.
“Oh are your Daddies dropping you off again? You know, your mom killed herself because your dad is gay.”
Beecher and Keller whipped around. They sure heard that. Keller started to make his way over to her when Beecher stopped him, literally holding him back from beating up three eleven year old girls. Holly just smiled.
Now, attack.
“Don’t be jealous just because I have two awesome dads and yours is a drunk, loud mouth.”
Beecher’s jaw dropped and so did Samantha H’s.
“What did you-“
“You heard me. He’s always got a bottle in a brown bag at soccer practice, trying to remember what team you’re on. Oh, and last season’s Forever 21 cardigan doesn’t give you the right to act like a douche to everyone.”
Her Dads were stunned. Almost literally stunned. Holly was blunt but she was in attack mode right now. They weren’t sure they could stop her.
“Last season-“ the girl to her left spoke up but Holly shut her down.
“Your name is Phelony with a PH. You’re too easy. Next.” Holly turned to the third girl and smiled. “Eleanor. Samantha H. kissed your boyfriend this summer, that’s why Aaron C. dumped you. She only said it was Nikesha so you wouldn’t turn on her.”
Keller and Beecher just stood in shock of their daughter. They realized Holly can handle everything on her own.
Samantha H. looked from her friends to Holly to her friends again.
“That’s a lie! You’re a bitch, Holly B.”
“Wrong. I’m THAT bitch. Put some respect on my name. Now, I’m gonna go to class before your,” she took a deep breath and tried to remember what Fiona talked to he about reading people for filth. “Your busted ass basic bimbo ballon brained big bitch on campus attitude is boring me.” She reached into her bag excitedly and pulled out Fiona’s tiara. “See this? That’s what queens wear.”
Chris and Toby exchanged looks, and walked back to the car. They got in it and sat in silence for a second. Then they called up Fiona and thanked her profusely. With all their hearts they thanked her.
Holly tossed her hair like Fiona told her to do and wore her crown the whole day in school. She never felt more like a princess in her whole life. When Holly walked by the doors, she saw her reflection, with the crown sparkling on her head. She looked at herself as if for the first time. For the first time in her life, there’s not a thing she would change.
Just some unlikely friendships forming below. Don’t mind me…👀🔥
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And then one of the lovely Miss Fiona St. James herself: (marry me?🥹)
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