#holly beecher
ozimagines · 28 days
Ok so it’s official; Holly is the collective Oz child. I will be writing her interacting with EVERYONE at some point at this rate😂 Got inspired by a few posts by Fiona St. James himself! (He goes by He/Him out of the drag personas I believe and she/her while in them. I will be using only she/her for Fiona just because I’ve read some good pieces where she’s a trans woman and not a drag persona so I want to be respectful of that.🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️) Written because I could have really used this absolute ICON when I was in school, trying to figure things out for myself.
Fiona Zonioni and Holly Beecher in:
Read for Filth
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Holly rushed into the car and slammed the door, put her head in her knees, and started to cry. Beecher and Keller both exchanged a look, Beecher’s being one of sympathy and understanding, and Keller’s being one of unbridled rage.
Holly was dealing with some bullies as of late. She wouldn’t tell them what it was about. Always said something like “girl stuff” and moved on. Holly was a strong kid. She had been through a lot at a very young age. She grew a thick skin, for the most part. But she was blossoming into a preteen, in her first year of middle school and apparently the other girls were just not having any of it. Keller and Beecher had heated discussions at night about what to do about it. Beecher wanted to tell the principal, but Keller thought that would only make things worse. Keller thought he should go deal with it, but Beecher insisted that would only make it worse.
“Holly Jolly, are you ready to talk yet?” Beecher called softly as he drove. She wouldn’t look up.
“No.” She said, muffled by her own jacket sleeves. She kept sniffling and whispering softly to herself, and Beecher tried to stop himself from crying with her. He lived and died by what his daughter felt, and right now she was in pain he couldn’t take away. He felt helpless. Keller placed a large hand on his thigh and squeezed. Time for Dad #2.
“C’mon, kitten, you’re gonna have to tell us eventually.” He turned around in his seat to face her. She still had her head down, sobbing uncontrollably.
“Leave me alone. You don’t understand.”
“Try me, pumpkin.”
She cried even harder into her coat sleeves. Every attempt at making her feel better seemed to make her feel worse. Both men relented, Keller reaching back and putting a hand on her shoulder as she cried.
“I wanna go home.”
“Soon, Holls.” Beecher said, checking in her in the rear view mirror. “First we gotta drop something off at a friend’s.”
“She’s your friend. She doesn’t like me.” Chris corrected in an attempt to make Holly laugh. Both men checked. It didn’t work.
They pulled up to a house in a different neighborhood, with a woman sitting out front. Holly peeked over the edge of her hoodie sleeve. The woman was wearing a sparkly black dress in the middle of the day, full make up, and long black hair. She sauntered up to the car with a confidence and glow, smiling at the familiar faces. She waved at them, and the men acknowledged her. She came up to the car and Beecher handed her a package.
“It’s from Alvarez; he said this time don’t…” Beecher looked back at Holly, who ducked her head down and pretended not to be looking. “Don’t eff up the tiara before the third act this time.”
“Darling, have you ever known me to be responsible when it comes to diamonds. They are a girl’s best friend.” She added, slyly, tossing her hair over her shoulder. Holly couldn’t help but watch. Her beauty was mesmerizing. Her confidence, even more so. Holly hiccuped, which always happens when she cries, and the woman’s eyes darted to her.
“Would this be the little miss Holly I’ve heard so much about?” She asked, kindly, sending a little wave back at Holly, who just ducked her head. “Bad day, sugar?”
“Yeah. Fiona, this is Holly.” Beecher answered for her, leaning out. “Something about some mean girls at school today is all.”
“Oh, honey, I know all about how mean girls can be.”
“Do you?” Keller chided, but one smoldering glance from her shut him up.
“What’s this particular shit storm about?” Fiona asked in her buttery smooth voice.
“This… poop storm…” Beecher really had to make some friends that were age appropriate for Holly to be around. “…is… well… we don’t know. She hasn’t told us.”
“Keeps saying it’s ‘girl stuff’.” Keller added softly. Holly could hear them, of course, but she pretended to be too far lost in her own grief. Fiona’s eyes lit up.
“Oh, well, sweetie, then you came to the right place. Why don’t you two come by later after we’ve had some girl talk, hmm?” She clapped her hands excitedly, and squeed softly. Beecher and Keller exchanged glances but before they could say anything… “oh, come now, I’m surprised at you two. If anyone in this world understands not to judge a book by its cover, it’s you gentlemen.”
“Holly’s never met-“
“No. I want to go with her.” Holly said softly from between her arms. Holly never got shy around strangers, and there was something about this woman that just comforted her. Keller and Beecher exchanged a wordless, dad-eyes conversation about it. Chris obviously lost because he sighed and got out of the car to help Holly get her things. He took her book bag over to Fiona.
“No sweets an hour before dinner and, and I mean this, Fiona, keep things age appropriate.” Keller scolded before there was anything to scold about. Fiona merely batted her eyelashes and smiled.
“I’m understanding why Holly needs a woman’s touch.” She remarked, blowing a kiss at both men, and putting a manicured hand on Holly’s shoulder. “Miss Holly, is it? My, you have pretty hair. At your age, I would have killed for that hair.”
Holly wiped her tears and mustered a thank you, but it was choked and she sobbed immediately after. Fiona tutted softly and placed a hand under her chin. Holly felt like Cinderella looking at the Fairly Godmother for the first time, really taking in Fiona’s makeup and face.
“You’re really pretty.” She said quietly, and Fiona beamed and struck a pose.
“You’re not the first to say it, doll, you won’t be the last.” She flipped her hair again and sauntered into the house. Holly as mystified as soon as she entered. Beecher was pretty vanilla when it came to decorating. A bowl of fruit and some knickknacks. Keller? As long as he had a place to eat, sleep, and shit, he didn’t care how it looked. Fiona’s place was immaculate.
“Whoa.” She said, eyeing all the pink and glitter and pizazz. “It’s like Barbie’s Dreamhouse.”
“With a better closet.” Fiona chirped, hanging her shawl on the hooks. She helped Holly take off her coat and hung it up, looking it over. “Next year, I’m telling your fathers that I’m taking you back to school shopping.” And then under her breath as she glided away. “I should call CPS.”
Holly giggled, and Fiona glanced over her shoulder with a warm smile on her painted lips.
“Oh? So we can giggle. Good to know.” She smirked and gestured Holly into the kitchen, which was again, wall to wall Fiona. She put on a pot of hot water. “How do you take your coffee, love?”
“I don’t drink coffee.” She said, then remembered something about school and looked away again, misty eyed. Fiona noticed but didn’t want to embarrass her, so she said nothing.
“I’ve yet to know a girl yet who can turn down a pumpkin spice Frappuccino. Let me make you one.” Fiona got out her tools and got to work. Holly felt like she was watching a witch brew a potion, there was so much care in each step. Holly stopped crying and merely watched, in awe. Fiona sang a little as she worked. Holly didn’t recognize the song. Something about nails, hair, lips, and heels. When Fiona was finished, she presented the treat in a beautiful clear coffee cup, with generous whipped cream.
“I’m going to teach you something not very lady like.” Fiona entrusted, and Holly leaned in to watch her. Fiona sprayed the whipped cream directly into her mouth. Holly giggle and put her hands over her mouth. With a too-full mouth of whipped cream, Fiona asked; “wan’ any?”
Holly nodded excitedly and Fiona sprayed too much whipped cream into her mouth. They both laughed as they tried to swallow their treats. Holly then tasted the PSL delight.
“It tastes like a pumpkin pie milkshake!”
“And now you’re a woman!” Fiona gestured to the air, grandly. Holly couldn’t help her smile around Fiona. Her energy was contagious. She was almost mad at her Dads for not introducing them sooner. Fiona sat down with her coffee. She explained it was a double shot espresso macchiato with hazelnut milk, pink velvet and mocha flavoring, a splash of vanilla extract, and some crushed cloves overtop.
“I’m going to tell you what my mom never told me; if your coffee takes less than thirty seconds to order, then you’re not doing it right.”
“Dad takes his with milk and Pop takes his black.” Holly informed, and Fiona grimaced.
“I’m surprised you’re as sane as you are.” She remarked, taking a little whipped cream on her index finger and then licking it cleanly off the long, red nail.
“Are you a movie star?” Holly asked after a second, and Fiona chuckled good naturedly.
“Oh, honey, no. If I was, my closet would be twice the size it is now.”
“You look like a movie star. Like one of the old ones my dad likes. Like Marlene something and the Breakfast at Tiffany’s girl.”
Fiona placed a hand over her mouth and blushed sweetly.
“Now stop, child, you’re going to give me an ego.” She said, and then added; “unless you want to keep going. Then I won’t stop you.”
Holly smiled big, and then it suddenly disappeared. Fiona put a hand on her shoulder.
“Spill it, Miss thing. What’s the tea?”
Holly sniffled for a second, wondering if she could really trust this woman. Those dark eyes said it all. Those kind, dark eyes. Holly started crying all over again, except instead of retreating into her hoodie, she flopped into Fiona’s arms. Fiona cooed and shushed and cradled her like she might her own child. Holly let it all out on Fiona’s sparkly black dress. Fiona normally would NEVER sacrifice an outfit for someone, but desperate times as they say. She placed a hand underneath Holly’s chin, and lifted it, smiling softly as she did.
“Sometimes the heaviest burdens are the thoughts in our head. Lighten your own load, sweetie.”
“I don’t want to hurt your feelings. Or my Dads’.”
“What about your feelings, little dove, or do those not matter?” She used her thumb to wipe a tear off Holly’s cheek. Holly shrugged, but Fiona’s hands wouldn’t let her look away. She is intensely kind.
“They made fun of me for having two dads.” She choked out, and continued crying. Fiona’s heart broke. She remembered how mean kids could be. And those mean kids grew up into mean adults and spat out more mean children just to torment the next generation.
“Are they jealous?” She asked, and Holly looked up confused. “I didn’t have one good dad, and you’ve got two great ones. They mean well, they’re just terminally men. If you know, you know, honey.” She shuddered at the thought. “I know I’d be jealous.”
Holly huffed and rolled her eyes.
“Yeah right, like you’d ever be jealous of me.”
“I don’t like the tone you used when you said ‘me’. I feel like we’re not all looking at the same person.” She admitted, and grinned quickly, understanding what she must do. Her heels clicked out of the room and then clicked back in. She was holding a large mirror. She held it up to Holly’s face, and sat next to her. “What do you see?”
“…me.” Holly answered, and Fiona gave her an ‘are you serious’ look.
“Try, honey. What do you see?”
“I see mousy brown hair and freckles I don’t like. Samantha H. says they look like poop.”
“I’m willing to put serious money down that Samantha H. has a personality like poop.” Fiona remarked dryly, and Holly laughed again. “Keep going.”
“I see stupid green eyes that don’t even look that green. A dumb nose that looks just like my dad’s-“
“Hmmm. Isn’t that wonderful?” Fiona sang like a Disney princess. Again, Holly was confused. “That you can look in the mirror and immediately see something that reminds you of someone that loves you.”
Holly blushed. She hadn’t thought of it that way.
“I don’t like my nails.”
“I never liked mine either unless they were painted”. She confessed. “Go on.”
“Manlike shoulders?”
“You don’t like my shoulders?” Fiona asked, and Holly seemed just as confused. “I’ve been told I have mannish shoulders. The better to hug you with, my dear.”
“You?” She reacted in shock. Fiona couldn’t help but feel adored by the way Holly looks at her. She suddenly had an idea. She pointed the mirror at herself.
“Now what do you see?”
“I see a beautiful woman. I see perfect makeup and eyeliner. I see perfect white teeth in perfect red lips. Perfect skin and perfect glitter. Perfect walk and perfect talk-”
“Now, that’s a lot of perfects.” Fiona started to fan herself with her hand as if she were sweating. Holly bet this woman only sweat glitter.
“You are. When I grow up, I want to look like you.”
Fiona touched her heart, and then kissed Holly on the forehead.
“Well, there was a time where I would have given anything to look exactly like you and not like me.”
“Really?” Holly’s yes went wide. Fiona tilted her head and smiled sadly.
“Everyone does at some point. Because at some point we were all told what we have wasn’t enough. That it was better to be the opposite. And everyone thinks that way too. Even Samantha H.” She looked over both shoulders, and leaned into Holly as if explaining some ancient secret. She whispered; “you know what I want to look like now?”
Holly shook her head, deep in thought over what she could change to make herself more beautiful. Fiona paused for dramatic effect, and then gestured into the mirror.
“This.” Fiona found herself staring into her mirror, fondly. Her hands touched over her cheekbones and her forehead and her smile lines. “Holly, I don’t want to be anything other than what I am. Because what I am is amazing. And you know what?”
Again, Holly shook her head feverishly.
“What you are is amazing too.”
Holly got tears in her eyes again and hopelessly asked how. Fiona reacted in mock surprise.
“Why, Miss Holly Beecher, don’t you dare tell me that those wonderfully kind eyes that see me as Marlene Dietrich -yes, that’s her name, hush- can’t find a single thing to love about yourself. Okay, fine, we’ll do it together.” She slid so that she and Holly were both looking in the mirror.
“I see two pretty green eyes that probably remind your father of your mother. I see cute freckles most people draw on to get. Nails that could stand a manicure but are probably really good a digging.” Holly nodded her head, and told Fiona she was the best digger in her class, and Fiona thought of Busmalis with a slight smile. He and Norma were raising the original kid, plus triplets! Apparently, Agamemnon had some strong swimmers, to everyone’s surprise.
“I see a graceful swan neck. I see lovely brunette hair that reminds me of Holly Golightly.” Holly quirked a brow and Fiona sighed. “The girl from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
“You know what else I see?”
“I see a strong girl. Strong in the ways that matter. I see a girl who survived a bad guy. A girl who, despite her past, is kind to others instead of mean. I see a girl with eyes that only see beautiful things, but is missing the most beautiful thing right before those same eyes.” She shook Holly’s shoulders for effect, and now Holly was crying again. Fiona had a mini panic.
“They’re good tears. Not bad ones.”
“Oh.” She replied softly.
“I don’t always think I’m strong. I just freeze up around these girls.”
“What do they have that you don’t?”
“Easily replaced. Plus, you have me, and a few other wonderful people from what I understand.”
“There’s Uncle Cyril. He’s really nice to me. Gives me some of his candy and he hates sharing his candy.”
Fiona smiled at the thought of that blonde haired doofus.
“And I know Cyril. He wouldn’t share unless you were really special.”
“Those other girls are just so mean.” She sniffled softly.
“And they’re gonna keep being mean, because that’s what they were taught to do. But you don’t have to worry about that. Know why?”
“Because you need to stop chasing after people who don’t deserve you, Miss Holly. You can’t put flowers in an asshole and call it a vase.” Fiona advised confidently, and then realizing she swore, went; “shit!”
Both she and Holly laughed for a good minute.
“I just don’t want my dads to feel bad for coming out. Like it’s their fault I’m getting bullied. I love them both.”
“I know, child. They love you too.”
“You understand.” Holly muttered. “My Dads don’t.”
“They’re trying their best, baby, give them a break. Your fathers have probably been holding each other back to stop them from pummeling these girls. And believe you-me, both of them pack a wallop. Your dad had someone who was mean to him in prison. You know what he did? He stood up for himself, that’s what.”
“What’d he do?”
Fiona thought and her mind flashed to breaking the glass window and rubbing shit in Schillinger’s face and the chaotic mess of the riot…
“Unimportant. But let me tell you what we’re gonna do.”
The next day, Keller drove Holly to school with Beecher in tow. Keller kept glancing at Holly in the rearview mirror. Beecher was nervously tapping his fingers against the armrest. Fiona was right; they really were holding themselves back to let her deal with this.
She exited the car and so did they. They gave her a big hug each, and sent her on her way, she got a few steps away from her Dads when Samantha H. and her cronies all came over. Holly braced herself and thought of running back to her Dads, but she held herself up high like Fiona told her and walked right up to them.
Let them make the first move. You’re better than that, Holly.
“Oh are your Daddies dropping you off again? You know, your mom killed herself because your dad is gay.”
Beecher and Keller whipped around. They sure heard that. Keller started to make his way over to her when Beecher stopped him, literally holding him back from beating up three eleven year old girls. Holly just smiled.
Now, attack.
“Don’t be jealous just because I have two awesome dads and yours is a drunk, loud mouth.”
Beecher’s jaw dropped and so did Samantha H’s.
“What did you-“
“You heard me. He’s always got a bottle in a brown bag at soccer practice, trying to remember what team you’re on. Oh, and last season’s Forever 21 cardigan doesn’t give you the right to act like a douche to everyone.”
Her Dads were stunned. Almost literally stunned. Holly was blunt but she was in attack mode right now. They weren’t sure they could stop her.
“Last season-“ the girl to her left spoke up but Holly shut her down.
“Your name is Phelony with a PH. You’re too easy. Next.” Holly turned to the third girl and smiled. “Eleanor. Samantha H. kissed your boyfriend this summer, that’s why Aaron C. dumped you. She only said it was Nikesha so you wouldn’t turn on her.”
Keller and Beecher just stood in shock of their daughter. They realized Holly can handle everything on her own.
Samantha H. looked from her friends to Holly to her friends again.
“That’s a lie! You’re a bitch, Holly B.”
“Wrong. I’m THAT bitch. Put some respect on my name. Now, I’m gonna go to class before your,” she took a deep breath and tried to remember what Fiona talked to he about reading people for filth. “Your busted ass basic bimbo ballon brained big bitch on campus attitude is boring me.” She reached into her bag excitedly and pulled out Fiona’s tiara. “See this? That’s what queens wear.”
Chris and Toby exchanged looks, and walked back to the car. They got in it and sat in silence for a second. Then they called up Fiona and thanked her profusely. With all their hearts they thanked her.
Holly tossed her hair like Fiona told her to do and wore her crown the whole day in school. She never felt more like a princess in her whole life. When Holly walked by the doors, she saw her reflection, with the crown sparkling on her head. She looked at herself as if for the first time. For the first time in her life, there’s not a thing she would change.
Just some unlikely friendships forming below. Don’t mind me…👀🔥
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And then one of the lovely Miss Fiona St. James herself: (marry me?🥹)
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tzigone · 9 months
Bette Kane relationships that are important to you? Ideas for new supporting characters that would suit her?
For my headcanon reboot, I'm sourcing opinions. I have an idea of what kind of character I want Bette to be (she's been several different things in the comics), but am much hazier on who I want her to interact with and have strong, long-term relationships with.
She's the former Tennis star who left the gig early (leaving money on the table) because she got bored of it after a Golden Slam. Was going to have her study sports medicine at UCLA, then become an orthopedic surgeon (she's pretty much amazing at anything she attempts). She's been playing tennis competitively for years, so would have millions, but not tens of millions, of dollars at this young age. But if you really like, I guess she could keep up tennis instead.
For the record, in this universe Kate Kane debuts as Batwoman in her late 20s, and Dick is only 4 years younger than her. If I keep Bette the same age as Dick (as I was planning to), then Kate as mentor doesn't work for me.
I was thinking about a Titans West sort of thing with Mal and Karen and maybe later Don Hall and Holly Granger. I'd like at least one more member, though, so Bette isn't a third wheel before Don and Holly arrive and after Hank leaves (when Don "dies" - it's a whole thing). Of course, if she's continuing to pursue a career in tennis, this could be less of a thing.
Hank's in D.C. and Gar in New York at this time, so that puts the out as her daily companions.
I love the idea of characters (especially non-team characters) having civilian supporting casts - ordinary people - around them. But I'm not too good at inventing characters.
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wawamouse · 26 days
Oz Rewatch 3: S4E05: Gray Matter
Bruno Goergan the detective arrives at Oz and recognises Mobay, who kills him and makes it look like an accident; Mobay’s partner comes to visit; Mobay visibly spirals
Glynn exploits his family for the gubernatorial race
Diane calls Tim, who is having a shit time in Unit B,
Querns meets with Said
Kevin Ketchum/Supreme Allah arrives at Emerald City
Querns appoints trustees to Emerald City and begins transferring white inmates out of Oz
Death Row business; Deyell punches a wall and asks Gloria to come by and see Ginzburg
Patrick Keenan arrives at Oz for Gloria’s rape
Cyril gets sedated by Gloria after reacting violently to Tidd and Browne
Querns suspects Stanislofsky for the death of Galino; Ryan turns Hoyt against Stanislofsky and obtains the cellphone
Rebadow feels alive after killing Hernandez and starts acting out; he asks Morales for permission to kill someone else
Beecher remains despondent over his children’s kidnapping; Gary turns up dead; Mukada reveals to Schillinger that Beecher found Hank with good intentions and urges him to let Holly go
Hibitz tells Beecher that Chris is behind the kidnappings; Chris is questioned by the FBI; Beecher tries to kill Keller; Schillinger tells Hank to let Holly go
I realised this episode that I actually really enjoy the first half of season 4. I shit on season 4 a lot, but what it really is is the later half, because I think there are actually a lot of interesting bits—a lot more character interactions between characters!—and smaller plots in 4a. I like that there’s a lot more characters coming in, especially ones we don’t know that well, because it makes the place seem busier. I also like that there’s more story moments of Augustus Hill as Hill rather than just the Narrator, and yay! More for Mukada to do. His nervous smoking is hilarious. For that matter, I feel like there’s a lot in s4 that feels funnier than I remember, or maybe that’s the result of watching it with someone else. Either way, Les Hibitz cracks me up; Arif being pissy about advocating for a black unit manager only to get shut out if funny to me; Beecher trying to shank Chris and the fight spilling out onto the floor where a hack gets absolutely squashed at the very bottom of the skirmish and subsequent dogpile… comedy gold. Me and Sister got a real hoot out of that.
I also really like the moments on Death Row—Deyell missing Shirley’s presence and also telling Gloria that no one’s come by to see Ginzburg was nice. Sister doesn’t see the point of the Death Row stuff, but I like the jump aways to seeing what they’re up to. They have such an isolated storyline, but I feel like it’s interesting nevertheless, and it does feel different with old Shirley. (Sister during that scene: OLD? She would hate being called ‘old Shirley’!)
Stray Thoughts:
I really like the Stanislofsky, Hill, Busmalis, and Keller table gossip moments. I think it's fun how Stanislofsky often ends up playing cards with Busmalis. They seem like an unlikely grouping of characters, but they also all seem to get along. Makes sense; none of them have any competing interests, so they're all just chill and get along.
I find Supreme Allah's character pretty interesting (sort of lame ending aside) so I'm glad he's now in the show
Note to self: the freight elevator near the dress factory is not a heavily guarded area...
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Sister: They’re having a funeral at a… national gallery?
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highevara · 1 year
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elethea + hollowness.
into the woods, ghost quartet, d.h. lawrence, holly warburton, sylvia plath, arthur beecher carles, anne carson, henrik aarestad uldalen, catherine gildiner
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Neutralised (1994) [3/?]: My Version of The Shared Universe
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For those of you unfamiliar with 'Chicago Hope', it was actually set in a shared universe. Also, 'Suspiciously Similar' characters will be involved (Due to actors playing multiple roles). This is my take on that:
Chicago Hope
Homicide: Life on the Street
Law & Order
Picket Fences
characters (I'm not listing anyone who was in 20 episodes or less) under the cut. Also technically these are not all the characters as I'm still writing stuff.
Chicago Hope - Characters (& Actors):
Doctor Aaron Shutt (Adam Arkin)
Doctor Phillip Watters (Hector Elizondo)
Doctor William 'Billy' Kronk (Peter Berg)
Doctor Dennis Hancock (Vlondie Curtis-Hall)
Doctor Diane Grad (Jayne Brook)
Doctor Keith Wilkes (Rocky Carroll)
Doctor Jack McNeil (Mark Harmon)
Doctor Daniel Nyland (Thomas Gibson)
Doctor Jeffrey Geiger (Mandy Patinkin)
Nurse Camille Shutt (Roxanne Hart)
Doctor Lisa Catera (Stacy Edwards)
Alan Birch (Peter MacNicol)
Doctor Joseph Cacaci (Bob Bancroft)
Doctor Robert Yeats (Eric Stoltz)
Doctor Gina Simon (Carla Gugino)
Doctor Jeremy Hanlon (Lauren Holly)
Doctor Francesca Alberghetti (Barbara Hershey)
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Homicide: Life on the Street - Characters (& Actors)
Detective John Munch (Richard Belzer)
Detective Meldrick Lewis (Clark Johnson)
Lieutenant Alphonse Giardello (Yaphet Kotto)
Detective Tim Bayliss (Kyle Secor)
Detective Frank Pembleton (Andre Braugher)
Detective / Sergeant Kay Howard (Melissa Leo)
Detective Mike Kellerman (Reed Diamond)
Officer/Detective/Lieutenant Stuart Gharty (Peter Gerety)
Detective Paul Falsone (Jon Seda)
Lieutenant/Captain/Detective Megan Russert (Isabella Hofman)
Detective Laura Ballard (Callie Thorne)
Detective Terri Stivers (Toni Lewis)
Captain/Colonel George Barnfather (Clayton LeBouef)
ASA Ed Danvers (Željko Ivanek)
J.H.Brodie (Max Perlich)
Detective Beau Felton (Daniel Baldwin)
Detective Stanley Bolander (Ned Beatty)
Dr Julianna Cox (Michelle Forbes)
FBT Agent/Officer Mike Giardello (Giancario Esposito)
Detective Rene Sheppard (Michael Michele)
Dr. Alyssa Dyer (Harlee McBride)
Detective/Captain Roger Gaffney (Walt MacPherson)
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Law & Order - Characters (& Actors)
Sergeant Maxwell Greevey (George Dzundza)
Junior Detective Michael Logan (Chris Noth)
Captain Donald Cragen (Dann Florek)
Exex ADA Benjamin Stone (Michael Moriarty)
ADA Paul Robinette (Richard Brooks)
DA Adam Schiff (Steven Hill)
Sergeant Philip Cerreta (Paul Sorvino)
Dr Elizabeth Olivet (Carolyn McCormic)
Senior Detective Leonard W Briscoe (Jerry Orbach)
Lieutenant Anita Van Buren (S. Epatha Merkerson)
ADA Claire Kincaid (Jill Hennessy)
Exec ADA/DA John McCoy (Sam Waterston)
Junior Detective Reynaldo Curtis (Benjamin Bratt)
ADA Jamie Ross (Carey Lowell)
ADA Abigail Carmichael (Angie Harmon)
Junior/Senior Detective Edward Green (Jesse L. Martin)
Interim DA Nora Lewin (Dianne Wiest)
ADA Serena Southerlyn (Elisabeth Röhm)
DA Arthur Branch (Fred Thompson)
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Neutralised - Characters (& Actors)
Abraham Machado (Alfred Molina)
Andreina Neri (Robin Wright)
Caleb Willow (Cary Elwes)
Dove Lewis (Alfre Woodard)
Esmé Verity (Janaeane Garofalo)
Faustus Sanchez (Hank Azaria)
Grayson Bryant (Harold Perrineau)
Hunter Kingsley (Chris Farley)
Ichabod Mortimer (Danny DeVito)
Jared Foster (Kirk Acevedo)
Kane Carter (Philip Seymour Hoffman)
Lance Carter (John Goodman)
Monday Duke (Patricia Arquette)
Noam Gold (Oliver Platt)
Omega Finch (Willem Dafoe)
Peyton Blythe (Regina King)
Russel Warszawski (Adam Sandler)
Sullivan Landon (Christopher Lloyd)
Tuesday Duke (Reese Witherspoon)
Victor Jamison (Mike Myers)
Winslow Warszawski (Brad Garrett)
Xavier Solomon (David Spade)
Yancy Haggard (Kiefer Sutherland)
Zoey Knight (Geena Davis)
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OZ - Characters (& Actors)
Augustus Hill (Harold Perrineau)
Tobias Beecher (Lee Tergesen)
Ryan O'Reily (Dean Winters)
Kareem Saïd / Goodson Truman (Eamonn Walker)
Miguel Alvarez (Kirk Acevedo)
Vernon Schillinger (J.K. Simmons)
Simon Adebisi (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
Christopher Keller (Christopher Meloni)
Zahir Arif (Granville Adams)
Hamid Khan (Ernie Hudson Jr.)
Nacim Bismilla (Re Hanna)
Huseni Mershah / James Monroe Madison (Roger Guenvuer Smith)
Leroy Tidd / Salah Udeen (Jacues Smith)
Jefferson Keane (Leon)
Kenny Wangler (J.D. Williams)
Arnold 'Poet' Jackson (muMs the Schemer)
Paul Markstrom (O.L. Duke)
Junior Pierce (Malé-Lexington Alexander)
Malcolm 'Snake' Coyle (Treach)
Johnny Post (Tim McAdams)
James Robson (R.E. Rodgers)
Mark Mack (Leif Riddell)
Jaz Hoyt (Evan Seinfeld)
Scott Ross (Stephen Gevedon)
Andrew Schillinger (Frederick Koehler)
Nino Schibetta (Tony Schibetta)
Peter Schibetta (Eddie Malavarca)
Antonio Nappa (Mark Margolis)
Chucky Pancamo (Chuck Zito)
Dino Ortolani (Jon Seda)
Don Zanghi (John Palumbo)
Joey D'Angelo (Goodfella Mike G)
Mario Seggio (Todd Etelson)
Salvatore DeSanto (Phil Campanella)
Raoul 'El Cid' Hernandez (Luis Guzman)
Carmen 'Chico' Guerra (Otto Sanchez)
Carlos Martinez (Carlos Leon)
Carlo Ricardo (Juan Carlos Hernandez)
Cyril O'Reily (Scott William Winters)
Rev. Jeremiah Cloutier (Luke Perry)
Timmy Kirk (Sean Dugan)
Alonzo Torquemada (Bobby Cannavale)
Richie Hanlon (Jordan Lage)
Shirley Bellinger (Kathryn Erbe)
Bob Rebadow (George Morfogen)
Agamemnin Busmalis (Tom Mardirosian)
Donald Groves (Sean Whitesell)
Jackson Vahue (Rick Fox)
Desmond Mobay / John Basil (Lance Reddick)
Richard L'Italien (Eric Roberts)
Nikolai Stanislofsky (Phillip Casnoff)
William Giles (Austin Pendleton)
Henry Stanton (Thomas G. Waites)
Colonel Edward Galson (John Doman)
Eli Zabitz (David Johansen)
Kipekemie Jara (Zakes Mokae)
Dean Alvah Case (Charles S. Dutton)
Sean Murphy (Robert Clohessy)
Claire Howell (Kristin Rohde)
Diane Wittlesey (Edie Falco)
Clayton Hughes (Seth Gilliam)
Karl Metzger (Bill Fagerbakke)
Eddie Hunt (Murphy Guyer)
Lenny Burrano (Skipp Sudduth)
Father Ray Mukada (B.D Wong)
Doctor Gloria Nathan (Lauren Veldez)
Governor James Devlin (Željko Ivanek)
Martin Querns (Reg E. Cathey)
Doctor Frederick Garvey (Milo O'Shea)
Warden Leo Glynn (Ernie Hudson)
Tim McManus (Terry Kinney)
Sister Peter Marie Reimondo (Rita Moreno)
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Picket Fences - Characters (& Actors)
Sheriff James 'Jimmy' Brock (Tom Skerritt)
Doctor Jill Brock (Kathy Baker)
Kimberly Brock (Holly Marie Combs)
Matthew Brock (Justin Shenkarow)
Zachary 'Zach' Brock (Adam Wylie)
Deputy Kenny Lacos (Costas Mandylor)
Deputy Maxine 'Max' Stewart (Lauren Holly)
Carter Pike (Kelly Connell)
Ginny Weedon (Zelda Rubinstein)
Douglas Wambaugh (Fyvush Finkel)
Judge Henry Bone (Ray Walston)
DA John Littleton (Don Cheadle)
DA Barnaby Wood (Peter Frechette)
ADA Petrovic (Jason Beghe)
Father Gary Barrett (Roy Dotrice)
Laurie Bey (Marlee Matlin)
Howard Buss (Robert Cornthwaite)
Doctor Joanna 'Joey' Diamond (Amy Aquino)
Lisa Fenn (Alexandra Lee)
Frank (David Proval)
Rachel Harris (Leigh Taylor-Young)
Ed Lawson (Richard Masur)
Peter Lebeck (Michael Jeter)
Milton Lebeck (Chris Owen)
Reverend Henry Novotny (Dabbs Greer)
Principal Michael Oslo (Roy Brocksmith)
Cynthia Parks (Elisabeth Moss)
Bill Pugen (Michael Keenan)
Lydia Brock (Cristine Rose)
Aiesha Campbell (Bruklin Harris)
Brian Latham (Gregory Vignolle)
Agent Donald Morrell (Sam Anderson)
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pastedpast · 1 year
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As I'm currently indexing this blog or, rather, meta-tagging posts in my new version of it on the Blogger website (I will post proper link as soon as it's finished), I decided to compile a list of all the women who feature (or receive a mention however fleetingly) within it. I have tried to trawl the blog ''with a fine toothcomb'', but I'm bound to have missed a few names - oh well! Here is the list as complete as I can muster. The women appear in (broadly) alphabetical order by first name. *** NB it is still a work in progress ***
Alice Waterhouse (flute) * Amy Winehouse * Angel Olsen * Annie June Callaghan * Ari Up & The Slits * Be Good Tanyas, The * Billie Holiday * Bjork * Black Belles, The * Cait O’ Riordan (Pogues) * Calista Williams (Bluebird) * Cindy Wilson & Kate Pierson (The B52s) * Cistem Failure * Clementine Douglas * Cosey Fanni Tutti * DakhaBrakha (well, 3/4 of them!) * Debbie Harry * Edith Piaf * Elizabeth Morris (Allo Darlin') * Holly Golightly * HoneyLuv * Katy-Jane Garside * Kelis * Kim Deal (Pixies & Breeders) * Maxine Peake * Maxine Venton & Mimi O'Malley (Captain Hotknives) * Meg White * Melanie Safka * Nico * Nina Simone * Patti Rothberg * Penny Ford (Snap!) * PJ Harvey * Rhoda Dakar (Special AKA) * Seamonsters, The * Siouxsie Sioux * Suzanne Vega * Tray Tronic * Trish Keenan (Broadcast)
Annegret Soltau * Anne Ophelia Dowden * Artemisia Gentileschi * Barbara Regina Dietzsch * Beverly Joubert * Camille Claudel * Clara Peeters * Dale DeArmond * Doreen Fletcher * Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale * Élisabeth Sonrel * Elisabetta Siriani * Elizabeth Mary Watt * Ella Hawkins * Evelyn De Morgan * Frida Kahlo * Gertrude Abercrombie * Helen Martins * Kate Gough * Laura Knight (Dame) * Leonora Carrington * Lily Delissa Joseph * Liza Ferneyhough * Magdolna Ban * Mandy Payne* Mary Delany * Miina Akkijrkka * Ndidi Ekubia * Pamela Colman-Smith * Paula Rego * Rachel Gale * 'Romany Soup' * Sarah Vivien * Shirley Baker * Siirkka-Liisa Konttinen * Sofonisba Anguissola * Sonia Delaunay * Tish Murtha * Vali Myers * Vanessa Bell
Alicia Eyo & Carol Morley ('Stalin My Neighbour') * Claire Foy * Daisy May Cooper * Gabrielle Creevy & Jo Hartley ('In My Skin') * Isadora Duncan * Jessica Williams ('Love Life') * Lesley Sharp, Michelle Holmes & Siobhan Finneran ('Rita, Sue & Bob Too') * Michaela Coel ('I May Destroy You') * Morgana Robinson * Samantha Morton * Yasmin Paige (Jordana Bevan in ‘Submarine)
Agatha Christie (MBE) * Andrea Dunbar * Anaïs Nin * Angela Thirkell * Anna Funder * Anna Wickham * Edith Holden * Elizabeth O'Neill * Enid Blyton * Harriet Beecher Stowe * Helen Castor (Dr.) * Hilary Mantel * Janina Ramirez (Dr.) * Jeannette Kupfermann * Jenny March (Dr.) * Jenny Wormald (Dr.) * Lia Leendertz * Mary Oliver * Orna Guralnik (Dr.) * Rachel Beer * Susie Boniface * Virginia Woolf
Anne, Queen of Great Britain * Anne Boleyn, Queen of England * Anne of Cleves, Queen of England * Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni * Cartimandua, Queen of the Brigantes * Catherine de’ Medici, Queen Consort/Regent of France * Catherine Parr, Queen of England * Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England * Catherine of Valois, Queen of England * Christine de Pizan * Cixi, Empress of China (aka  Empress Tz'u-hsi ) * Eleanora of Austria, Queen of France * Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of France; Queen of England; Duchess of Aquitaine * Eleanor of Castile * Eleanor Talbot ("The Secret Queen") * Elizabeth I Queen of England * Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Consort of England * Elizabeth of York, Queen Consort of England * Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia * Hatshepsut, Pharaoh of Egypt *Hildegard of Bingen * Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France * Isabella I, Queen of Castile * Isabella of Aragon, Princess of Asturias * Isabella of Portugal, Empress Consort of Holy Roman Empire and Queen Consort of Spain, Germany & Italy * Isabella of France, Queen of England * Jacquetta of Luxemburg * Jane Grey (Lady), Queen of England for Nine Days * Jane Seymour, Queen of England * Juana (aka Joanna), Queen of Castile * Katherine Howard, Queen of England * Louise of Savoy, Regent of France * Margaret of Anjou, Queen Consort of England * Margaret of Austria [check which one] * Margaret Beaufort, Lady * Marie Antoinette, Queen of France * Mary I, Queen of England * Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland & Ireland * Mary, Queen of Scots * Mary of Austria [check which one] * Mary of Burgundy, Duchess * Matilda, Holy Roman Empress * Melisende, Queen of Jerusalem * Sophia of Hanover, Electress * Tatya Betul, Empress of Ethiopia * Theodora, Empress of Byzantium * Victoria, Queen of England & Empress of India
Anna (wife of Tobit) * Apollonia (Saint) * Barbara (Saint) * Catherine of Alexandria (Saint) * Ecclesia * Eve (the first woman) * Felicitas of Rome (Saint) * Genevieve (Saint) * Godeberta * Jael * Jezebel * Judith * Lucy (Saint) * Margaret of Scotland (Saint) * Mary Magdalene * Rahab * Rose of Lima (Saint) * Synagoga * The Queen of Sheba * Thérèse of Lisieux (Saint) * Virgin Mary, The* "Whore of Babylon", The * Ursula (Saint)
Anat * Asherah * Astarte * Atalanta * Aurora * Baba Yaga * Circe * Chhinnamasta * Clio/Kleio * Demeter (Rmn: Ceres) * Dido, Queen of Carthage * Durga * Elaine of Astolat * Europa * Eurydice * Hathor * Hesperides * Io * Isolde/Iseult * Isis * Juno (Gk: Hera) * Kali * Kriemhild/Gudrun * Kudshu * Lakshmi * Persephone (Rmn: Proserpine) * Radha * Sabine Women, The * Sati * Sedna * Sirens, The (half-female, half-bird) * Three Graces, The * Valkyries, The * Venus (Aphrodite)
Anastasia Romanovna (wife of Ivan the Terrible) * Anne Hyde (1st wife of James, Duke of York; she did not live long enough to see him become James II) * Anne Lovell (wife of Sir Francis Lovell) * Anne of Denmark (wife of James VI of Scotland/James I of England & Ireland) * Bella Chagall (wife of Marc Chagall) * Catherine of Braganza (wife of Charles II) * Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Queen of England as wife of George III) * Clementine Churchill (wife of Winston Churchill) * Diane de Poitiers (royal mistress to the French king, Henry II) * Emma Hamilton, Lady (mistress of Lord Horatio Nelson) * Evelyn Pyke-Nott (wife of John Byam Shaw) * Françoise Gilot (partner of Pablo Picasso) * Frances Grey, Duchess of Suffolk (mother of Lady Jane Grey) * Henrietta-Maria (wife of Charles I) * Lady Martha Temple (wife of Sir William Temple) * MacDonald sisters, The (Alice, Georgiana, Agnes and Louisa) * Marguerite of Navarre/Angoulême (sister of French king, Francis I) * Mary of Modena (2nd wife of James VI and I, King of Scotland, England, and Ireland) * Mary Shelley (mentioned as wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, though a renowned author in her own right) * Mary Soames (daughter of Winston Churchill & wife of Christopher Soames) * Mary Stuart (daughter of Charles I and mother of the future William III) * Mary Watts (wife of George Frederic Watts, and designer and artist in her own right) * Olga Khokhlova (1st wife of Pablo Picasso) * Portia (wife of Brutus) *
Christabel Pankhurst * Emily Wilding Davison * Emmeline Pankhurst * 'Gulabi Gang' * Hannah Hauxwell * Helen Keller * Hilary Clinton * Liz Truss * Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyll * Mata Hari * Melina Mercouri * Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe * Rahima Mahmut * Sylvia Pankhurst *
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/9gRLyP8 by CTV0025 Are ya a fan of Batman? Are ya interested in the crazy life of Bruce Wayne? Are ya obsessed with the Bat Family? Wanna laugh your ass off with the Arkhamites? Wish to see a side of the GCPD you rarely get anywhere else? Ready for some guest starring of the Justice League and the Titans? And much more? Well then, the BATSh!T is the story for you! An 'Alfred Pennyworth' is included. Words: 1943, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Other Characters: Rogues Gallery (Batman), Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Ace the Bat-Hound (DCU), Selina Kyle's Cat Isis, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Duke Thomas, Holly Robinson, Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock, Renee Montoya, Leslie Thompkins, Aaron Cash, Rachel Dawes, Gretchen Whistler, Quincy Sharp, Veronica Vreeland, Vicki Vale, Jack Ryder, Gossip Gerty (Batman Movies 1989-1997), Zatanna Zatara, Kathy Duquesne, Joker (DCU), Penguin, Riddler, Titans West (DCU), Titans East (DCU), Justice League (DCU), The Outlaws (DCU), The League of Shadows, Legion of Doom (DCU), Brotherhood of Evil, Hive Five, Amanda Waller, Suicide Squad Members (DCU) Relationships: Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Barry Allen/Iris West, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Shayera Hol/John Stewart, Helena Bertinelli/Vic Sage, Roy Harper/Koriand'r, Karen Beecher/Victor Stone, Arthur Curry/Mera (DCU) Additional Tags: And lots more peeps I did not tag, Not Canon Compliant, kinda alternative universe, But references various Batman media, Some Plot, Mostly Comedy, Dark Comedy, Some Action, some character studies, some drama, Some Romance, Batfamily-centric (DCU), But will explore outwards as well, Its a lotta nonsense, Bruce is wack, Everyone is on a bit of crack, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Villainy Fun read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/9gRLyP8
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dwellerinroots · 1 year
That Infernal Mixtape
Your favourite second third fourth eighth demon acquaintance and a real scout of a lad teamed up to make you an incredibly cool mixtape. You wonder who still does that, but decide to listen to the tunes included. That's right! If you ever wanted the complete auditory version of Quake done Quick but it's a mixtape of That Infernal Machine, it's here! ... What?! Nobody wanted that? Well, bahaha, take a peek anyway. You might find some tunes you like; and it's probably better then wading through 400 pages of text, right..?
Provided as a list with links; I despise all account-making services, and want listeners to be able to instantly navigate to a track they like where possible. Feel free to just give things listen and find your faves! Some tracks correspond with chapters; I'll tag them where appropriate. 1. (The Infernal Machine; chapter 1) - Buddy Holly, Moondreams. 2. (E1M1 - The Surface Below; chapter 2) - Abandoned Pools, Another Sunny Day. 3. (E1M2 - _______, Egalite, Fraternite; chapter 3) - Gnaw Their Tongues, Blood Drenched Altars. 4. (E1M3 - Dead Men; chapter 4) - Belle And Sebastien, Me and the Major. 5. (E1M4 - Fear to Tread; chapter 5) - Desiderii Marginis - Why Are You Fearful? 6. (E1M5 - Downfall in Red; chapter 6) - Flunk - Love & Halogen. 7. (E1M8 - Hyphen; chapter 7) - World's End Girlfriend - Red Red Red. 8. (E1M6 - Whispers of the Bloodied Earth; chapter 8) - Ava Inferi - Pulse of the Earth. 9. (E1M9 - CTHON; chapter 9) - The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake I. 10. (Blue Shift; chapter 10) - Alcian Blue - Years Too Late. 11. (N/A) - Orgy - Where's Gerroldald Now? 12. (E2M1 - He, the Victor; chapter 11) - Trent Reznor - Tetsuo: The Bullet Man Theme. 13. (E2M2 - Chopping Block; chapter 12) - And Also The Trees - Virus Meadow. 14. (E2M3 - Split Heads; chapter 13) - Broadcast & The Focus Group - let it begin/oh joy. 15. (E2M7 - Beneath; chapter 14) - Willy Stamati - Worms in Her Flowers. 16. (E2M4 - Freedom, and Demon; chapter 15) - E. Artymiev - Burnt By the Sun. 17. (E2M5 - Self-Consumption; chapter 16) - Depeche Mode - Shake the Disease. 18. (E2M6 - Relapse, Release; chapter 17) - Woodkid - I Love You. 19. (Crimson Return; chapter 18) - Faith & Disease - Eb and Tide. 20. (N/A) - The Floppestra/Emi Evans/J'Nique Nicole/Keiichi Okabe - Song of the Ancients. 21. (E3M1 - Characters of Light; chapter 19) - Picore - Final Fauteuil. 22. (E2M2 - Cold Catacombs; chapter 20) - Love is Colder Than Death - To Be at the Point of Death. 23. (E2M3 - Warmth; chapter 21) - Air - Sex Born Poison; Bonnie Prince Billie - Cold & Wet. 24. (E3M4 - Hyphen's Dark Delight; chapter 22) - The Womb - Selfless Doubt. 25. (E3M7 - Human Factor; chapter 23) - Chu Ishikawa - MP [Metamorphosis]. 26. (E3M5 - In the Valley of Wind; chapter 24) - Martyn Bates/Troum - To A Child Dancing In The Wind. 27. (E3M6 - The Revenant; chapter 25) - British Sea Power/Jeff Alexander/Anthony Wilson/Bonnie Beecher - Come Wander With Me. 28. (Sunspots; chapter 26) - chance of bird - pure gray (faded). 29. (E4M1 - Waste; chapter 27) - Cult of Luna - dark city, dead man. 30. (E4M2 - The Wiretower; chapter 28) - Gasoline - Chicago's Nites. 31. (E4M3 - The Crumbling Facade; chapter 29) - Audiopharmacy - Ruined Lands. 32. (E4M4 - Eldest God, Interred; chapter 30) - Colossloth - Lay Her By the Neck of the Woods. 33. (E4M5 - Via Atria; chapter 31) - KEiTO - Jade Tinted Sky. 34. (E4M8 - Memory; chapter 32) - SJC Powell - Green Hills Of Earth. 35. (E4M6 - Rotten Passageways; chapter 33) - Per Grazia Ricevuta - Montesole. 36. (E4M7 - Goodbye, Blue Sky; chapter 34) - Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky. 37. (E5M1 - Carrion; chapter 35) - Jean-Michel Jarre - Blackbird. 38. (E5M2 - Menschendämmerung; chapter 36) - Emily Van Evera/Catherine King/Sister Germaine Fritz/Richard Souther - Vision (O Euchari In Leta Via). 39. (E5M3 - At the Heart of it All; chapter 37) - John Serrie - Velvet. 40. (sv_nostep; chapter 38) - Tohru Takemitsu - Nostalghia. 41. (IÄ; chapter 39) - Black Mountain Transmitter - Black Goat Of The Woods; The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets - Six-Gun Gorgon Dynamo. [I'm not the first to make this connection. Real ones understand. Sesqua Valley's singing out my name, I'll be right over.] 42. (from nothing, all returned; chapter 40) - The Future Sound Of London - Stand a Little Less Between Me and the Sun.
Congratulations! You've done it! You've read the entire novel! Well, at least the cliff's notes version of it. Really truly. This was also a test to see if loads of paragraphs made tumblr antsy, but... Apparently not? Hrmn. Is it really just wordcount, then? Mysterious. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed - I sure did, even if I probably should've used the time to write.
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dilfdoctordoom · 3 years
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Titans LA follows young heroes from across the Teen Titans’ history as they band together to fight the forces of evil – and their own past.
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protoindoeuropean · 3 years
43 ^^
43. what books did you grow up with?
hmm, i actually have a very good year-by-year overview of "selected works" from ages 9–14 in the form of my book report notebook for the national reading badge (you had to report 5 books to the school librarian (below is a selection); this was independent of the compulsory readings in the regular language classes), which i tend to keep at hand bc i love it bc it has my illustrations in it
so when i was 9, i read:
Hans Christian Andersen – The Wild Swans (De vilde svaner; Divji labodi)
Svetlana Makarovič – Oka the Owl (Sovica Oka)
Holly Hobbie – Toot and Poodle: A Present for Toot (Rilko in Cvilko: Rilkov rojstni dan)
when i was 10:
Phillip Pullman – The Subtle Knife (Pretanjeni nož)
Thomas Brezina – The Dragon's Midnight Haunting(?) (Lindwurmspuk vor Mitternacht; Zmaj straši opolnoči)
Jules Verne – Journey to the Center of the Earth (Voyage au centre de la Terre; Potovanje v središče Zemlje)
Georgia Byng – Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism (Molly Moon in njena čudovita knjiga o hipnozi)
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when i was 11:
Harriet Beecher Stowe – Uncle Tom's Cabin (Koča strica Toma)
Jules Verne – Michael Strogoff (Michel Strogoff; Carski sel)
J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince (Harry Potter in polkrvni princ [sic])
when i was 12:
Cornelia Funke – The Thief Lord (Herr der Diebe; Kralj tatov)
Garth Nix – Sabriel
William Nicholson – The Wind Singer (Vetrna piščal)
Maurice Druon – The Accursed Kings: The Royal Succession (Les Rois maudits : La Loi des mâles; Prekleti kralji: Zakon moških)
when i was 13:
George R. R. Martin – A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones (Pesem ledu in ognja: Igra prestolov)
Jonathan Stroud – The Amulet of Samarkand (Amulet iz Samarkanda)
Kate Mosse – Labyrinth (Labirint)
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when i was 14:
Phillip K. Dick – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Ali androidi sanjajo o električnih ovcah?)
Giovannino Guareschi – Don Camillo
Ildefonso Falcones – Cathedral of the Sea (La catedral del mar; Morska katedrala)
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
December 16, 1950
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“The Christmas Cards” (aka “Christmas Card Pictures”) is episode #110 of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on December 16, 1950.
This was the 12th episode of the third season of MY FAVORITE HUSBAND. There were 31 new episodes, with the season ending on March 31, 1951.  
Synopsis ~  Liz and George have their pictures taken for their Christmas cards, but then can't agree on which shot to use.
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benaderet was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz, a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Gale Gordon (Rudolph Atterbury) and Bea Benadaret (Iris Atterbury) do not appear in this episode, although Liz does have a phone conversation with Iris where her voice is not heard by the listeners. 
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Jay Novello (Professor Sergei Pagolovsy) would appear on “I Love Lucy” as superstitious Mr. Merriweather in “The Seance” (ILL S1;E7), nervous Mr. Beecher in “The Sublease” (ILL S3;E31), and Mario the gondolier in “The Visitor from Italy” (ILL S6;E5). He also appeared on two episodes of “The Lucy Show,” but dapper Novello is probably best remembered for playing Mayor Lugatto on “McHale’s Navy” in 1965.
Professor Sergei Pagolovsky is a professional photographer, who also goes door to door selling his services. Novello generally plays Mr. Nagy, the Sheridan Falls Postman in love with Katie.  
ANNOUNCER: “As we look in on the Coopers this evening, George is sitting in the living room reading the paper, when Liz makes an announcement.”
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Liz announces that this is the night they must pick our their Christmas cards.  Turns out, Liz is selling Kris Kringle Christmas Cards this year. So far, she only has three orders - including theirs. Card #14 reads...
LIZ: “This is the season of holly and spruce, So Merry Christmas to you, Uncle Bruce!”
Or, if you don’t have an Uncle Bruce, #14A...
LIZ: “This is the season of spruce and holly,  So Merry Christmas to you, Uncle Jolly!” 
George says his only Uncle’s name is Uncle Gilhooley.
LIZ: “This is the season that we know as Yule-y,  so Merry Christmas to you, Uncle Gilhooley.”
When George finds out he has to pay retail, and doesn’t get a discount from his own wife, he insists they be printed from “George Cooper and Friend.”  To get her name on the card she foregoes her commission. 
She tries to sell cards to Katie, the Maid. But it turns out Katie is also working for Kris Kringle Christmas Card Company. Katie’s only sale was to herself. Liz quickly phones Iris Atterbury to make a sale, but same thing.Iris is a Kris Kringle Card vendor, too!  
The doorbell rings and it is a special delivery letter from George’s mother. It says that she can’t come for Christmas this year, but would like a photo of them. Liz reads where her mother-in-law tells George to stand apart from Liz so that she can cut her out later! Liz decides to make their Christmas Cards themselves!
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Announcer Bob LeMond does a Jell-O commercial, giving a quick holiday recipe. 
ANNOUNCER: “As we look in on the Coopers once again it is two days later.  Two days that Liz has spent diligently carving a linoleum block to hand-print their Christmas cards.” 
Liz reveals the finished product but Katie can’t read the message because Liz didn’t carve the letters backward so that they come out the right way. As it is it says “REPOOC EGROEG dna ZIL morf SAMTSIRHC YRREM”! 
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Linocut (also known as lino print, lino printing, or linoleum art) is a printmaking technique, a variant of woodcut in which a sheet of linoleum is used for a relief surface. The linoleum sheet is then inked with a roller and then impressed onto paper or fabric.
The doorbell rings and it is a salesman (Jay Novello). His product?  Personalized photo Christmas cards from the Pagolovsky Studio of Photographic Arts. Liz orders before the salesman has even finished his spiel.  Professor Sergei Pagolovsky himself will take the photos this afternoon. Liz immediately realizes that her mother-in-law will get a photo after all. 
That afternoon George and Liz report to the photo studio. Turns out the salesman is Professor Pagolovsky himself!  Liz does everything to make sure she is as close to George as possible. They take a photo with their heads together. 
Later, George brings home the developed photographs for Liz to see. They cannot decide on which one to use. The photos that Liz likes, George doesn’t. The photos the George likes, Liz doesn’t!  They go back and forth until they settle on one where they both look lousy!  
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Lucy Ricardo also had trouble picking a good photo of herself when applying for a passport in “Staten Island Ferry” (ILL S5;E12) in 1956. 
Liz goes down to the photographic studio to change the photo. Reviewing the proofs, she chooses one she says will make George look good - but actually favors her.  A short time later, George also visits the studio to make a change. He picks a photo that he says will flatter Liz, but actually favors himself!  
When the cards arrive, Liz warns George that the Professor may have printed the wrong photo on their card - knowing she has changed it.  Opening the cards, she is surprised to see the photo that favors George!  She cries, refusing to send the cards.  She throws them in the fireplace. 
George tells her to go right out in the snow and buy some replacement cards. When he goes to the closet to get her coat, he comes back with some surprising news.  She doesn’t have to go out and get new cards because they have three boxes of fully stamped and addressed cards in the closet. He forgot to mail last year’s cards!  
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In the live Jell-O commercial, Lucille Ball is Professor Dorothea Theodora, a famous lady archeologist in Egypt. LeMond is interviewing her for the Scientific Gazette. 
LEMOND / INTERVIEWER: “I’d like to ask you a question.” LUCY / DOROTHEA: “Well, shoot the query, dearie.”
He asks her to read Egyptian hieroglyphics, which she translates into a description of Jell-O desserts. 
Ooops!  LeMond also translates the hieroglyphics and trips over the word ‘delectable’ at first saying ‘detectable’. Lucy, as Dorothea Theodora, ad libs “You can’t even read English”! 
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ozimagines · 1 month
I hope your doing well!
Could we have some headcanons for the reader turning out to be Kellers long lost teen kid? They were adopted but wanted to learn more about there real father and Toby ends up taking on a father figure role while Chris is busy freaking out. If you can ofc and I hope your doing well!
When I say I CACKLED. Keller having a panic attack over a kid while Beecher actually raises said kid is TOO funny. Like the only thing that could make it funnier is a stressed out Said playing uncle. So I think I’ll add that too😂
This one’s a little long sorry 😅 It’ll be in parts. Two or three I think.
Chris Keller, Tobias Beecher, and Y/N in: Paternity Test part 1/?
Your parents told you that you were adopted from a young age. You never minded. They’re your parents; the people who have taken care of you your whole life. They never lied, they just supported. For many years, you didn’t care about your birth parents.
But something inside you itched. You still loved your family. And they were your family, no matter what any test said.
But you were curious. Had to know.
Your father, sitting you down one day and talking with you, decides to give you a lead on your bio dad. He hands you a piece of paper. It has a name on it, a phone number, and an address, though you’re not sure if it’s his address or just a place he frequented.
You walk into the area. It’s a sports bar. Nothing fancy. Wings and fries and such.🍻🍗
You see a golden haired man sitting at the bar, alone, drinking a water with a lime in it, conversing very friendly with the bartender. When the bartender left, you approach him. He seems like a regular.
You sort of appear next to him, and he flinches when he turns and sees you there. You apologize.
“Im sorry! I’m… I’m trying to find someone. You look like a regular.”
He chuckles a little and gestures to his non-alcoholic beverage.
“Used to be too much of a regular, if you understand, kid. What’re you doing here anyway? No kids in the bar section.”
Tears well up in your eyes and you just break down.
“Im here to meet my birth father and I don’t even know what he looks like but I know this address means something to him. I just want to reach out. I don’t know, maybe it’s stupid.”
“Hey, that’s not stupid. You’re just trying to understand where you come from, that’s not bad or selfish. What’s his name? I’m Mr. Beecher. My boyfriend is a bartender, so I’m here a lot. Maybe I know him?”
“Christopher Keller.”
His face goes pale, and his eyes wide.🫨 He just repeats the name after you for a second. You think you understand.
“I- no, I’m not Chris.” He shakes his head and gestures for the bartender to come down.
You really get a look at the bartender this time. Dark, unkind eyes, half shaven face, a confident strut. He reminds you of the guy who picks on you in school. You suddenly want to leave.
“Hey, Tobes.”
“Chris, honey. This kid… what’s your name, kid?”
“Y/N who?” Keller responds, teasingly. “Or is it like Beyoncé or Shakira? Like just a single name?”
You giggle a little and say, knowing now who you’re speaking to;
“Y/N Keller.”
After his startled expression, you muster out a small;
“Hi, dad.”
Keller’s not an easy person to catch off guard but baby, you made an IMPRESSION. 🤣
His eyes flick from you to Beecher, to you again.
“This some kind of prank?” He asks lowly, and you feel a knot form in your stomach.
“I don’t think so.” You respond, handing him the piece of paper. “I already got in contact with my biological mother. Bonnie Applegate?”
Keller freezes, looking you over. You didn’t even really look like him. Your eyes were soft and kind, like Bonnie’s, and even with your darker hair and features, the prominent nose, and the crooked smile… fuck. You were his and Bonnie’s alright.
“Miss Bonnie seems like a sweet lady. She told me I could call her Mom if I want. But I don’t know. I love my family. I just want to love my whole family if that makes sense.”
Chris and Tobias exchanged looks. Chris was panicking, big time, Tobias realized.
“Well… ya met me. Is that all?” He asked. It sounded more unkind than he meant it but your face drops.
“Oh… I thought maybe you wanted-“
“Of course he wants that, Y/N.” Toby pipes in, and Chris gives him an omg what the hell are you doing look. Toby smacks his hand a little.
“Maybe you’d like to come over tonight for dinner. I was actually about to go get it started while Chris finishes up his side work.”
“Toby!” Chris admonishes, still looking you up and down like an alien. You’re not sure what to say.
“C’mon, Y/N.” Toby starts to stand and put his coat on. “We’re family. Family takes care of each other. Come home with me, we can talk while making dinner. Chris, I’ll see you at home.”
Toby leans in to kiss Chris on the lips and give him a short hug. Chris grabs him during the hug part and whispers.
“The fuck you doing, Tobes?”
Tobias smiled genially and led you away.
“I’m stopping you from making a decision you’ll regret.”
The ride over is a little awkward, but Beecher puts his whole pussy into making conversation with you. You’re a little shy, and still more than a little confused at if you’re doing the right thing.
That is until Beecher throws on “Tubthumping” by Chumbawumba and starts singing to it off key. You can’t help but laugh.
He leads you into their home; a sweet little suburban home with a bright red door.
“Holly insisted at least our door doesn’t look like everyone else’s” he explains, and then remembers something. “Oh, right. Holly is like your sister.”
“I have <another> sister?”
“Kinda. She’s mine from a previous marriage, but Chris has stepped into a fatherly role with her so I consider her your sister.”
“Wow. Turns out I didn’t just have a mom and a dad I didn’t know. I have a mom, two dads, and a sister I didn’t know. Am I… am I doing the right thing?”
“Absolutely.” He answered without thinking. Because he didn’t have to. In his mind, you’re already his and Chris’.
You’re in his home and he starts mixing things into the crock pot like some sort of witch. He gets you a capri sun in the mean time.
“You’d think those are for Holly, but they’re really more for Chris.” He laughs to himself as he remembers Chris in the store silently sliding a cherry capri sun box into the cart.
“Cherry ones are my favorite.” You remake, and he smiles over at you.
“Yeah, I kind of figured.” ❤️
See, Toby already loves you. He loves how fatherly Chris has gotten with Holly, but Toby can look at Holly and see only his face and her mother’s. When he looks at you, he sees Chris. The dark eyes searching everyone over. The little sniff you do with your nose when you’re trying not to cry. And your voice. It’s got that same sing song as him. He’d always wanted to have a kid with Chris. Biology just said no.
“So, you met Bonnie?”
“Yeah. Have you?”
“We always have her for dinner when she’s in town. She’s a traveling news reporter now. We’re so proud of her. She’s also become Holly’s godmother. It used to be my wife’s sister, but that’s a whole other story.”
“Um… I actually have a few questions about that.”
“Hmm.” He thinks with a smirk. “Shoot.”
You ask about him and Keller. How did it happen? Is his dad gay? Is that why you were given up for adoption?
He explains as best he can. Everything. Prison and Schillinger and such. He’s a firm believer in giving kids the truth.
Chris comes home after an hour. He sits in the driveway for a minute before entering. Like meeting you was just some bad dream.
“Ya gotta go in.” Holly reminds him from the back seat. He picked her up from some afterschool club. Something to do with the environment, he thinks.
“I know.”
Silence for a moment.
“You’re still not going in.”
Chris loved Holly but she could be a real ball buster.
When he enters, Beecher’s got the family photo album out and is showing you everything.
Plus you’re drinking one of his goddamn cherry capri suns.
“This one’s Keller in high school.” Toby stares at it dreamily, and a Chris can’t help a smirk.
Beecher greets his daughter and introduces you. She’s nice enough, even if she keeps sending unsubtle looks to Keller.
“Wanna see my room?” She asks with a shrug. You say yes. She’s a few years younger than you.
“I’ve always wanted to be not the oldest. Then I was an only child and wanted a sibling of any age.”
She explains Gary but Beecher already filled you in.
“So here are some things you need to know. Dad is my dad. Pop is your dad. But they’re both our dads now. My dad doesn’t drink anymore. Pop does on occasion but never in front of dad. Oh and Pop’s real freaked out about having you here.”
You ask why.
“It’s not personal. He was like that with me at first. Like, weird about kids. But I think with me he could always tell himself I was my dad’s. Now he’s got you, and the only connection to himself is himself. And he doesn’t like himself very much.”
“Wow.” Holly was straight to the point. You agreed to be patient with him.
“Oh, and whatever you do, don’t compliment my dad’s food”
“Um, why?”
“Because he’ll never make it again. He considers it a level completed. If you like it, keep your mouth shut. If you don’t, tell him how much you love it and you’ll never see it again.”
You and Holly are laughing down the stairs, you chasing her down them.
Beecher’s heart is very full, watching his and his boyfriend’s kids getting along so well.
He wraps his arms around Keller, who’s washing up at the sink to cut some bread. He presses his nose into Chris’s back, and kisses the center.
“You’re awfully springy today.” Chris teased, smiling darkly. He knew why.
“This is wonderful, Chris. You weren’t in the place to love Y/N before. Now you are and he/she/they found you.”
Chris nodded, but said nothing.
“Don’t think I can tell when you’re freaking out?” Toby asks slyly, checking on his creamy chicken recipe.
“Leave it, Tobes.”
“Fair request. No.” Toby responded cheerfully. Chris may have been able to protect him in Oz, but domesticity was his… domain, as it were.
Keller rolled his eyes at his overly confident, nerdy ass boyfriend.
“Kids! Dinner!” Toby called from the kitchen. There’s silence for a second.
“Always wanted to do that?” Chris called over his newspaper.
“Yup.” Toby answered, prepping plates for each of them.
You and Holly file in, still talking Minecraft.
“Don’t know your appetite yet, Y/N, but I’ll show you how we do it. Here’s your plate. Rice is on the stove, tortillas are warmed in the microwave in case you wanted a burrito instead.”
You look towards Chris, who is doing his darndest to not make eye contact with you. It hurts a little that your dad’s boyfriend is being more supportive than your biological dad.
There’s no issue in dinner conversation, Holly’s got that covered. There is a guest during dinner, however.
Theres a knock on the door. Keller tells Holly to ignore it. That anyone comes during dinner can come back later.
“Actually, Chris, I invited a family friend over I think might be of some help to Y/N during these confusing times.”
“Oh, fuck me, will this day not end?” Keller’s hands slump in his hands.
“Swear jar.” Holly sing songs. “I’ll go let him in.”
“I didn’t say who it was.”
“Please, that reaction from pop only means one thing.” Holly bounded from the room and chanted “Uncle Kareem!”
You were shocked. Your dad knew THE Kareem Said?
Keller hadn’t taken his head out from between his hands.
Sure enough, Kareem Said, clear as day, walked into the kitchen/dining room. He’s got Holly in his arms.
Kareem had really come to love Holly. After they were released, Beecher asked if he would be Holly’s godfather as it used to be his father. Kareem accepted the position from the man he’d come to think of as his brother.
Said regarded you politely, Beecher almost begging him to have a seat.
“Said.” Keller said, still looking constipated as he forced a smile. “Nice of you to join us.”
“Thank you.”
The two had never gotten along, turning into a brother in law type situation. (Or if Holly ever wants to give back the two dollars Keller paid her to keep her mouth shut; Keller called him his mother in law on several occasions.) But they both loved Beecher, so c’est la vie.
“That’s Y/N.” Holly waved at you. You waved back. This was turning into the strangest family you’ve ever seen.
“Hi, Y/N, do you go to Holly’s school?” Kareem has often prided his ability to talk to kids. Normally the kids are cutting him a break though.
“No, actually. It’s kind of a long story.” You admit, eyes suddenly aware of all the people in the room. “I did a book report on you last year though. Modern civil rights activism.”
Kareem is beaming at you now, asking which books you used as material.
“Y/N’s doing very well in school. Taking college level classes.” Beecher’s already bragging about you like you’re his.
“I don’t understand.” Kareem asks after a minute. “What exactly is Y/N’s relation to you all?”
Everyone flounders. Chris hasn’t stopped tapping his foot nervously since the conversation began.
“Oh for Christ’s sake. Y/N is pop’s kid.”
“Holly!” Beecher admonishes. She shrugs, as if to say ‘it’s true though’.
“Which ex wife?” Kareem asks bitterly. Keller gives him a bombastic side eye.
“Two and four; Bonnie.”
“You married my mom twice?” You ask confusedly. Keller shrugs.
“In my defense, she said yes four times. Twice to will you marry me, twice to will you divorce me.”
“I see two wise decisions in there.” Kareem picks, pinching the bridge of his nose in his fingers.
“Can I ask a question?” You raise your hand like a school kid. The adults immediately soften. Despite your maturity, you were still a kid.
“Please do.” Kareem gestures you forward, taking a sip of the ice tea Beecher made him.
(Beecher makes amazing iced teas. Helped him quit drinking on the outside. He made them from loose leaf. Today was hibiscus and pear.)
“I know you all were in prison. Oz, right? That’s were my da…” he hadn’t told you that you could call him that yet. “That’s where Mr. Keller met Mr. Beecher. And you?”
He explained the godfather situation and looked fondly at Beecher.
“Though Tobias lives far outside what Allah would consider the correct path, I know my brother has more love and passion in his heart than anyone. He’s got a beautiful family.”
You feel tears start to well up in your eyes. This was all still a lot for you. You just wished your dad was the one saying all this.
“I provide Tobias with spiritual counsel. Upon request, I will provide you the same.”
“Thank you.” You’re a little choked up. “Thank you all. I know this has got to be weird. But… I just needed to know who else was out there.”
“It’s like uncle Ryan says; ‘you can pick your nose but you can’t pick your family’.”
“Please never quote uncle Ryan at the table again, sweetie.” Beecher asks, Said responding with a low chuckle.
“Who’s uncle Ryan?” -you
“Your dad’s friend.” -Kareem
“Not my dad’s. My pop’s.” -Holly
“He was kind of my friend.” -Tobias
“So my dad and my pop’s.” -Holly
“Third base.” -you
“Third base.” -Keller, under his breath.
Your eyes lock. He stares away after a moment.
You do have his eyes.
You and Holly wash up with uncle Kareem after dinner. Toby readies the family room with Chris.
“Is everything alright, Y/N?” Kareem asked you, drying a dish Holly handed him.
“He/she/they’re worried that pop doesn’t like him/her/them.”
“She’s right.” You’re mentally kicking yourself right now. “I mean if I had a whole new awesome family and the old one just showed up…”
“You’re a part of this whole new awesome family, dingus.” Holly squirts some water at you. You dodge and it hits the minister.
You apologize profusely! (Holly doesn’t but she’s gotten used to him by now.)
His OCD is screaming at the soap suds in his shirt but he waves it off.
“Holly is very wise for her age. Family, I’ve learned, doesn’t just look like one thing. Ours is not a traditional family, but I’ve grown proud to be a part of it.”
Kareem has his arms around Holly, looking down at her eyes exactly like her dad’s. He’d gone to every spelling bee and every birthday party and every science fair and soccer game and so on for this kid. He loved her like his own niece. That said, revenge is revenge. He traps her arms behind her and looks to you.
“Go, Y/N!”
You gently slash soapy water on her as Kareem holds her in place. Her giggled can be heard from the living room.
Toby is getting the fruit bowl out and the couch cushions just right as Keller looks on streaming services to find something to watch.
“Earth to Mr. Mopey.”
“Not tonight, Toby, I’m fuckin exhausted.”
“Chris.” He sits down next to his man, running his hand up Chris’s thigh. “You and I took a prison revenge honey pot and turned it into a family. Schillinger is rotting away, and you and I have a daughter we love, friends that love her, and now we have someone new to love. And he/she/they even have your eyes.”
He pauses for a second, hand on his hair, musing.
“Think it would be weird to ask Y/N for baby photos for the family album?”
“Alright, sparky, settle down. You can’t keep ‘em.”
Beecher asks what he means.
“I’m glad this was fun for you for a day, but Y/N can’t stay forever. He/she/they’ve got their own family.”
“So our family just doubled in a day. I thought we’d have to wait for Holly and Adebayo to do that. After all the people we’ve lost in and out of Oz, isn’t it amazing that our family is growing?”
Keller sighed. Beecher moves so that he’s sitting in Keller’s lap.
“What’s the matter, big guy? You love Holly. Legally adopted her. What’s the difference?”
“She’s your kid. I mean, she’s mine too, but there’s none of my poison rattling around in there. She gets good grades, keeps her nose clean. That’s all you. Y/N could be anything. Because at that age, I was doing anything.”
“You’re worried Y/N’s gonna be like you?”
Keller nods, wiping away at a dewey eye.
“You know what… I hope so.” Beecher says resolutely. Keller scoffs but just tries to steady himself before you guys enter.
You watch a little Cheers after dinner. Holly is cuddling with Kareem, who is getting the best of both worlds living his vicarious dad fantasy though Beecher’s kid.
Toby and Chris are cuddled up.
You look at them, happy but still wishing for any sort of affection from your dad.
After, the three adults stay downstairs to talk, Beecher leaving for a second to tuck Holly in.
She hugs the others goodnight.
“Goodnight uncle Kareem.”
“Goodnight, beautiful girl.”
“Goodnight pop!”
“Night, hon.”
Beecher tucks Holly in. He shows you to the guest room.
“Are you too old to be tucked in?” Beecher asks cautiously. You laugh and shake your head no with tears in your eyes.
“Good. I was hoping I didn’t miss that time with you.”
He tucks you in and kisses you on the head.
“Give your dad some time. He’ll come around. He’s just anxious.”
You nod but you don’t believe him.
“Mr. Beecher?”
“If it’s not crossing a line, I’d actually prefer you call me dad.”
You nod and mouth a thank you.
“Thank you, Dad.”
“I talked with your dad. He said you can stay here as long as you want.”
He turns out the light and blows a kiss.
Meanwhile, in the bat cave.
Chris and Kareem are sitting silently on the couch for some time.
“I will, once again, offer you the same spiritual counsel I offer your… Beecher.”
“My Beecher and I appreciate that.” Keller responds, dryly. “What exactly was the sos call this time?”
To be continued!
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dykerachelsummers · 5 years
earth-82 batkid teams, part i: the early years
original teen titans
dick grayson // robin i
donna troy // wonder girl i
keren zor-el / karen starr // power girl
wally west // kid flash i
garth // aqualad i
roy harper // speedy i
lilith clay // omen
karen beecher // bumblebee
mal duncan // guardian
hank hall // hawk i
don hall // dove i
tula // aquagirl i
raquel ervin // rocket i
duela dent // harlequin
new teen titans
dick grayson // robin i / nightwing i
donna troy // wonder girl i
keren zor-el / karen starr // power girl / flamebird i
wally west // kid flash i
koriand’r / kory anders // starfire
gar logan // changeling
vic stone // cyborg
artemis nguyen // songbird i
tara markov // terra
joey wilson // jericho
young justice
tim drake // robin iii
bart allen // impulse i
cassie sandsmark // wonder girl ii
kon-el / conner kent // superboy i
kaldur’ahm // aqualad ii
greta hayes // secret
cissie king-jones // arrowette ii
anita fite // empress
virgil hawkins // static
holly granger // hawk ii
dawn granger // dove ii
kit freeman // kid eternity
amon tomaz // osiris
teen titans
stephanie brown // robin iv
cass wayne // batgirl ii
cassie sandsmark // fury
kara zor-el / kara starr // supergirl i
courtney whitmore // stargirl
jaime reyes // blue beetle iii
m’gann m’orzz / megan morse // miss martian
mia dearden // speedy ii
eddie bloomberg // kid devil
rose wilson // ravager ii
amy allen // bombshell
lorena marquez // aquagirl ii
kiran singh // solstice
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fereality-indy · 5 years
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As most know the Teen Titans is my favorite team in the DC universe and have been since the  Marv Wolfman and George Pérez era. Heck, I even somewhat based the Gravity Heroes off of them. 
Now I love the cartoon, but It seems that people (DC included) seem to think of them or Damien’s little brood as the Teen Titans. I know there is the Titans comic and the live-action Titans tv series, it still seems like they focus on the same Titans (Robin/Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, & Raven). I’m not saying this is bad, they are easily my third favorite iteration of the team (the post Countdown team & the Atom’s team take the first two spots). I’m just reminding people that there are more Titans then those four.
First Row: Arsenal (Roy Harper), Tempest (Garth), Troia (Donna Troy), Kid Flash (Wally West), Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Omen (Lilith Clay). Hawk (Hank Hall), Dove (Don Hall), & Herald (Mal Duncan) Second Row: Aquagirl (Tula), Gnaark, Joker's Daughter (Duela Dent), Bumblebee (Karen Beecher), Beast Boy (Garfield Logan), Raven (Rachel Roth), Starfire (Koriand'r), Cyborg (Victor Stone), Protector (Jason Hart), & Terra (Tara Markov) Third Row: Jericho (Joseph Wilson), Kole (Kole Weathers), Red Hood (Jason Todd), Danny Chase, Phantasm (Ghost of Danny Chase/Spirits of Azarath/Arella), Pantha (Rosabelle Mendez), Red Star (Leonid Kovar), & Baby Wildebeest Fourth Row: Kid Flash (Bart Allen), Mirage (Miriam Delgado), Terra (Tara Markov - imposter?), Damage (Grant Emerson), Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Supergirl (Matrix/Linda Danvers), Ravager (Rose Wilson-Worth), Minion (Jarras Minion), Atom (Ray Palmer), & Argent (Toni Monetti) Fifth Row: Prysm (Audrey Spears), Risk (Cody Driscoll), Hot Spot (Isaiah Crockett), Fringe (Unknown), Captain Marvel Jr/CM3 (Freddy Freeman), Jesse Quick (Jesse Chambers), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Superboy (Conner Kent-Kon-El), Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark), & Speedy (Mia Dearden) Sixth Row: Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez), Zatara (Zachary Zatara), Offspring (Luke O'Brien), Dove (Dawn Granger), Hawk (Holly Granger), Miss Martian (M'gann M'orzz/Megan Morse), Talon (Unknown), Powerboy (Unknown), Bombshell (Amy Allen), & Little Barda (Unknown) Seventh Row: Molecule (Unknown), Young Frankenstein (Unknown), Enigma (Unknown), Mas (Unknown), Menos (Unknown), Osiris (Amon Tomaz), Flamebird (Bette Kane), Proxy (Wendy Harris), Marvin Harris, Red Devil (Eddie Bloomberg), Supergirl (Kara Zor-El), Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes), & Static (Virgil Hawkins) Eigth Row: Kid Eternity (Christopher Freeman), Robin (Damien Wayne), Solstice (Kiran Singh), Golden Eagle (Charley Parker), Hero Cruz, Bushido (Ryuko Orsono), Anima (Courtney Mason), Lagoon Boy (Zero), Son Of Vulcan (Miguel "Mikey" Devante), & Skitter (Celine Marjorie Patterson) Ninth Row: Magenta (Frances Kane), Bunker (Miguel Jose Barragan), Chimera (Ra’ut L’lwer), Power Girl (Tanya Spears), Kid Flash (Wallace West), Aqualad (Jackson Hyde), Red Arrow (Emiko Queen), Djinn, Roundhouse (Billy Wu), Crush (Xiomara Rojas), & Steel (Natasha Irons)
Reserve/Honorary - Characters who have either been offered membership in the past or are close allies of members of the Teen Titans who could be called to assist in an emergency. Firtst Row: Spoiler (Stephanie Brown), Misfit (Charlotte "Charlie" Gage-Radcliffe), Secret (Greta Hayes), Empress (Anita Fite), Traci 13 (Traci Thirteen), Arrowette (Cissie King-Jones), Black Alice, Terra (Atlee), Teen Lantern, Amethyst (Amy Winston), & Jinny Hex Second Row: Superboy (Jonathon Kent), Zan, Jayna, Stargirl (Courtney Whitmore), Thunder (Gan Williams), Lightning (Tavis Williams), Thunder (Anissa Pierce), Lightning (Jennifer Pierce), Snapper Carr, Chris King, Ray (Raymond C. "Ray" Terril), Jakeem Thunder, & the Pointmen (Blockade, Blank Slate, Gray Lady, Groundswell, Serpenteen, & Short Cut)
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queen-gaymer · 5 years
DC can’t figure out how to put a roster together so I did it myself
*characters without a number would be reoccurring characters who aren’t officially on the team
Justice League
1. Superman/Clark Kent
2. Batman/Bruce Wayne
3. Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
4. Green Lantern/John Stewart
5. Flash/Barry Allen
6. Hawkgirl/Kendra Saunders
7. Martian Manhunter/J’onn J’onzz
8. Zatanna/Zatanna Zatara
9. Vixen/Mari McCabe
10. Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz
- Steel/John Henry Irons
- Aquaman/Arthur Curry
- Black Lightning/Jefferson Pierce
Birds of Prey
1. Batgirl/Barbara Gordon
2. Black Canary/Dinah Lance
3. Huntress/Helena Bartinelli
4. Catwoman/Selina Kyle
5. Batwoman/Kate Kane
6. Apollo/Andrew Pulaski
7. Midnighter/Lucas Trent
8. Spoiler/Stephanie Brown
9. Signal/Duke Thomas
10. Black Bat/Cassandra Cain
- Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
- Katana/Tatsu Yamashiro
- Madame Xanadu/Nimue Inwudu
1. Troia/Donna Troy
3. Nightwing/Dick Grayson
4. Starfire/Koriand’r
5. Raven/Rachel Roth
6. Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
7. Cyborg/Victor Stone
8. Bumblebee/Karen Beecher
9. Tempest/Garth
10. Jericho/Joseph Wilson
11. Flash/Wally West
- Red Hood/Jason Todd
- Arsenal/Roy Harper
- Thunder/Anissa Pierce
Teen Titans
1. Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark
3. Red Robin/Tim Drake
4. Superboy/Conner Kent
5. Impulse/Bart Allen
6. Kid Flash/Wally West
7. Aqualad/Jackson Hyde
8. Bunker/Miguel Barragon
9. Speedy/Mia Dearden
10. Miss Martian/M’gann M’orzz
11. Solstice/Kiran Singh
- Hawk/Holly Granger
- Dove/Dawn Granger
- Steel/Natasha Irons
Young Justice
1. Robin/Damian Wayne
2. Superboy/Jon Kent
3. Djinn/???
4. Roundhouse/Billy Wu
5. Crush/Xiomara Rojas
6. Secret/Greta Hayes
7. Phantasm/Danny Chase
- Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes
- Static/Virgil Hawkins
- Lightning/Jennifer Pierce
Suicide Squad
1. Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
2. Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
3. Enchantress/June Moone
4. Killer Croc/Waylon Jones
5. Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley
6. Silver Swan/Vanessa Kapatelis
7. Captain Boomerang/George Harkness
- Giganta/Doris Zuel
- Captain Cold/Leonard Snart
- Bizarro/none
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Inspirational Mothers Day 2018 Quotes
Inspirational Mothers Day 2018 Quotes :Mom has to ingest so many of duties all at a time in the acceptable feasible way? One could make their mom experience crushed with love and lucky with the help of sending them mom's day quotes. The staunch love, a mom seems while she receives Single mother's day quotes from little ones or happy mothers day 2018 wishes from sons.
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