#smol nerd
simpforsolas · 3 months
I’ve seen a lot of people comment how Solas “loves hearing himself talk” and use the fact that he likes answering your questions to paint him as self-important and arrogant. In my opinion, that interpretation couldn’t be more wrong. Yes, pride is a big part of his character, but not because of this. There are two reasons Solas likes being asked questions.
First, he likes that the inquisitor is open-minded and seeks out knowledge. Solas’s writer has stated that Solas approves of other people wanting to learn, whether from him or on their own. This suggests that Solas’s approval has less to do with him being the one to teach you things and thus having the chance to show off his intelligence, and more to do with him liking that you’re being inquisitive and making an effort to learn something new. If it were about him, then Solas would disapprove of you looking for answers from other sources aside from himself. But it’s not. He values wisdom as its own reward, and enjoys seeing others seek out knowledge in any way.
Second, Solas genuinely enjoys talking about the topics he’s passionate about. He loves the fade and spirits and history, and if you ask him about any of those things he’ll be happy to share. Have you never had a topic you’re so passionate about that if someone asks you about it, you’ll happily talk their ear off? That’s literally Solas. And frankly, I find it endearing that he loves so much the things that most people misunderstand and consider frightening or unnatural.
If you don't want to listen to his melodious info-dumping that's fine, but don't say he tells you stuff to "hear himself talk" or that him sharing knowledge is arrogance. He's literally just excited to be able to talk about things he likes to someone who seems interested 🥺
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Can I ask for Untitled 3? (I'm not tagged just curious)
oh, excellent choice. this one has layers
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so this was a little diddy i came up with @lunart-ce (check out their stuff i love the game changer vids they have) and we were thinking up what game changer clips would work well with which op characters for funsies. and this resulted me in having the best idea anyone probably had ever, too bad i didnt have to motivation to see it out.
So i was thinking up a situation where Garp wanted to fuck with his grandsons because they didnt follow down the path of becoming marines, so he invites them to his game show.
The idea sounded fun enough and he promised to not try to recruit or capture them whilst they were there so the three brothers hopped along to play some silly little games with their gramps.
One of the games garp would play with them is the Sam Says episode with all three brothers, and the other would be the yes or no episode with just Sabo, but with koby and helmeppoas the other two contestants.
in both the games sabo would "be" brennan, luffy would be izzy, ace would be Lou, helmeppo would be Zac, and koby would be Ally.
So basically garp would invite the brothers over so that they can all together play a game that they cannot win at unless they listen to everything that Garp tells them to do, and so that Sabo plays a game that he cannot physically win at at all.
heres the link to the sam says episode
and heres a link to the brennan lee mulligan monologue that my art references
thanks for the ask!
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akai-anna · 1 year
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Hattori Heiji: *effortlessly jumps over traffic barrier*
Kudou Shinichi: *leaping over the same traffic barrier and stumbling*
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smolthealmighty · 1 year
Oops, forgot to post a couple other fun pictures I got from Anime Boston: Saturday Edition. These are my two favorites that came from the impromptu “The Owl House” photoshoot!
A grimwalker conjuring circle to summon the ghost of their ortet.
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Belos calls this move “disappointing your brother/murder victim out of religious vindictiveness”
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nerdranttheories · 10 months
All Might’s Eyes
I have seen so many different theories revolving around Toshinori Yagi’s eyes, and I want to propose my idea and add it to the mix!
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There seem to be a couple different ideas. 1, Toshinori Yagi’s eyes have a black sclera with blue irises, and he always has. 2, All Might’s eyes started doing the shadow thing after the vinegar incident. 3, All Might’s eyes started doing the shadow thing after his injury from the fight with All for One. I don’t really think any of these are the case, and I’ll explain why.
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Addressing the first theory, we now know for a fact that when Toshinori was younger, he had white sclera. Both as a baby (middle schooler) and college-age young adult, and even after that if Boku No Hero Vigilantes is canon. So it’s likely not that one.
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I’m going to address the second and third theory both here. It seems likely that Toshinori’s body has always done the shadow thing, and here’s my image example of why. I know that he’s also shadowed when speaking to Nana in the brief scenes it shows of OfA being transferred over, I just can’t find screenshots of those moments in my camera roll.
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If Toshinori’s body has always done this, then it wouldn’t make sense to suddenly have it happen after a specific incident. In my All Might is a Heteromorph post, I posted screenshots of Boku no Hero Vigilantes where All Might is young, eyes showing, and he shifts into his secondary form and his eyes are shadowed/blacked out.
My headcanon? (whoops, I should have mentioned I know this isn’t canon) All Might’s eyes work like those darkening eyeglasses. Whenever his eyes are exposed to sun that’s too bright, his scleras darken in response to minimize damage to his eyes. When he was younger, this didn’t happen as often but as he got older, coupled with being outside 24/7 and heroing, eventually his eyes got to a state where they never turn back. Haha unless??? Jkjk. (I try not to post spoilers)
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A very simply and badly made version of how I see it happening.
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nerdsandthelike · 8 months
Random ask because I can:
What’s your favorite arbitrary binary?
This was a fun one to think about. There are so many arbitrary binaries. Many of them not fun, but fun to make fun of (looking at you GENDER). So in that spirit, I would like to lift up the Classic Binary of "punk" and "ballet dancer" from Avril Lavigne's "Skater Boi." Empirically hilarious.
In non-gender binaries that make me giggle: dividing animals into fish and not-fish. Fish are so fake and I love it.
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Was anyone going to tell me that one DnD strategy is to take out the cleric first or was I just supposed to find out via a random Tumblr post about clowns?
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mightypieworkshop · 8 months
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pov: it is a big world and you are a smol shadowbean
(hello from Naha Airport, Okinawa!)
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nocturnalneed · 15 days
But that one had your smell on it, how could I resist? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
little nerd
the pet instincts kicked in huh? i get it. fine, keep it. but don’t do anything….. weird to it, little nerd.
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korva-the-raven · 2 years
Went out looking for mushrooms and some fresh dirt for Maximillian the millipede and found this smol friend...
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A California slender salamander: Batrachoseps attenuatus
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Yes, I was very very tempted to take smol friend home with me, but finding the right food for them is tricky. They eat tiny bugs like ants and such.
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Also found this super smol friend
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Super smol did come home with me...
You'd be amazed what you can find underneath logs and pieces of wood or bark. Just remenber to be gentle and turn them back over. We wouldn't want Mother Nature thinking we are mannerless heathens now would we?
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cuteamburrr · 2 years
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little princess will make it all better daddy 🧸
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ylkcheeeks · 1 year
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Harold, they’re mew mews.
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firedragon1321 · 9 months
The Twitter dive is bringing up nothing after my last post. Just people bitching about Shinkalion Z. I will cope by posting The Boys. And waiting for new info to migrate over.
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nerdranttheories · 1 year
Toshinori Yagi is a Heteromorph, but Quirkless
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Nerd rant of the day! I’ve seen many different takes on All Might’s muscle form, arguing about whether it’s a part of One for All, is just a visual gag, or it’s a separate quirk entirely, that’s purely cosmetic in Toshinori’s case. I’ve had this theory for a while, but after seeing some videos on TikTok disagreeing over his secondary form, I’ve decided to publish this headcanon. I also have proof for this idea, so hold, please.
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Firstly, I want to address the idea that All Might’s secondary form is just a visual gag, and not an actual thing that happens within the canon in the series. I can see why this would be an accepted headcanon, as it’s hard to explain this ability of All Might’s, when it has little to no explanation within the series. The often comedic times in which All Might changes also lend themselves to this idea, and make it hard to take his transformation seriously. However, there are instances where attention is called specifically to the transformation All Might partakes in. Well, and the gush of blood from his mouth every single time he reverts to his smaller form prove that there’s definitely a physical change going on.
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With the idea that the transformation is a canon thing he does in mind, I want to address the idea that All Might only recently started doing this transition, since his injury. Boku no Hero Vigilantes disproves this as we see a young All Might do the signature transformation. (However, I’m not sure of the canonicity of ‘Might Ears’ so perhaps this can be taken with a grain of salt.)
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So what is this transformation? Izuku doesn’t do it so it’s not a part of One for All. Here’s where my theory comes into play.
We see several heteromorph characters, even within Izuku’s class. Shoji, Tokoyami, and Koda are the ones I am going to specifically refer to. There are other hetemorphs, like Ojiro and Hagakure, but in their case, their different anatomy is their quirk. To some extent, so is Shoji’s and Koda’s. However, Shoji’s unusual facial proportions aren’t connected to his quirk “dupli-arms”, and while Koda’s ears seem to play some factor in his “ani-speak” ability, from a scene later in the manga. (I won’t add it just in case for spoilers?) but his overall shape doesn’t seem to affect his ability much. And of course, Tokoyami’s ability is Dark Shadow, which really doesn’t explain why his head is shaped like a bird’s.
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As such, my guess is there is some kind of classification system in place in the MHA society that places heteromorphism as a quirk or not, most likely due to usefulness. Hawk’s wings allow him to fly, while Tokoyami’s head doesn’t seem to give him an advantage in any way.
Having said all that, I think All Might’s transformation, as well as his eyes, place him as a heteromorph. The eyes I’ll explain a different day, so as not to clutter this post too much. Flexing muscles does make them stronger, but in Toshinori’s case it may be that the transformation doesn’t add any extra strength outside of that, and so he’s considered quirkless. It’s only with One for All that he gets that super-strength. But his different biology may be part of why he was able to accept OfA without the same difficulties Izuku experienced, because it’s never mentioned that All Might has the same toe thing Izuku does. (You’d think if he did, his tailor (and David Shield!!!) would have noticed (which of course could just be the author forgetting but for now I’ll use it as support)) which adds even more to the idea that he’s a heteromorph, just not classified as having a quirk.
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1989nihil · 2 years
uh-oh... i am being hunted... 👀
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saeniia · 1 year
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"Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I could do it with my eyes closed."
Rubys bad jokes are the main cause why Zero actively loses brain cells.
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