#snakefolk oc
grimewart · 4 months
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fancy snake lady
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xiphosuras · 5 months
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Bunch of sketches of my D&D paladin Ofnir I still had lying around :)
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dxmurei · 10 months
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Name: Thozs’ahltsya (thoz-AAHL-tss-yuh)
Nickname: Thozsa
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Yuan-Ti Pureblood
Age: approximately 26 years
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Class: Blood Domain Cleric
[Due to my own fellow party members being able to read this, I will have to limit the information I’m sharing here] Thozsa was born into and grew up in the Cult of the Blood Fang. The cult is made up entirely of Yuan-Ti and is located on an island off the coast of Faetopia. For a century the Blood Fang operated completely unknown to the inhabitants of Faetopia- until now. (thanks Thozsa) For reasons unknown to Faetopia, the Cult of the Blood Fang works to dismantle and overtake the kingdom. They hold a special hatred for the Faetopian Dragonborns particularly.
Thozsa’s features are most related to the Blue Komodo Island Viper.
His skin is a vibrant teal color that lightens in tone on his chest, stomach, palms, inner thighs, neck, and under-eyes
Similarly colored scales cover most his body. The scales are thin and sparse near his joints, but large and plated on his shoulders, chest, upper-back and abdomen.
His eyes are an amber/yellow color.
Under his eyes are lines of pit organs. These pits detect thermal radiation. They are not too useful to him as a Pureblood, as he has better eyesight than other types of Yuan-Ti.
The roof of his mouth hosts an organ called the Jacobson’s Organ. Using his forked tongue, he can collect particles/chemicals from the air and then press them into said organ. This gives him a much higher sense of smell than if he were to just use his nose.
His teeth are a mix of human-like teeth and something more carnivorous. His incisors and molars are typical of human anatomy, but his bicuspids are much sharper than that of humans. In addition, his canines (cuspids) are large and long- snake fangs. He has a gland in his mouth that can supply these fangs with painful venom if he so chooses.
His jaw can unhinge and open much wider than other humanoids, so much so that even with his mouth closed, an indented line runs across his skin from the corners of his lips to the top of his ears (basically the seam of his jaw is slightly visible)
His ears are slightly pointed.
His nails are tougher than human nails and naturally grow at a pointed shape.
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Temperature Guide
As a Yuan-Ti Pureblood, he is not as cold blooded as more snake-like Yuan-Tis, but that does not exclude him from the dangers of cold weather.
temperature guide for purebloods
100+ degrees is dangerous. If Purebloods cannot find shade quickly, their bodies will begin to shut down after a few hours. Their bodies react akin to getting a high fever
90 to 100 degrees can be uncomfortable for long periods of times without shade. Purebloods may become fatigued after several hours
75 to 90 degrees is ideal. Purebloods function the best at this temp range
60 to 75 degrees is uncomfortable for purebloods, but not dangerous. Their bodies might become a little sluggish, depending on how long they spend in this temp
at 60 degrees, purebloods will look for a tight and safe place to brumate. This place may accommodate many purebloods at the same time, or just one. During beumation, a pureblood’s bodily functions will slow drastically to save energy. Most won’t eat for up to a week. They will only leave their place to get water every few days. From an outside perspective, brumation seems a lot like hibernation.
50 to 60 degrees is ideal for brumation
anything below 50 is deadly after a certain amount of time. Their bodies will shut down.
Thozsa’s Past
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Thozsa was born on the Blood Fang’s island, and as a pureblood, this meant he was practically cattle for the first few years of his life. He spent the first two or three years of his life with other same-aged purebloods being looked after by higher Yuan-Tis. And by looked after, I mean being given the bare amount of food, water and other necessities. For the first years of his life, he was simply kept alive.
Near age four he was upgraded from just being kept alive to being kept alive and taught basic necessities. Necessities like the Yuan-Ti language, the Blood Fang’s functions, the greatness of their deity Sseth, and discipline.
At age six, he began his physical training, working on establishing stuff as little as needed motor skills all the way up to endurance training.
At age eight, he was introduced to Sseth’s magic for the first time. Many other purebloods from his group died at this age- their bodies not surviving the magic.
At age ten, he made it through The Selection- a process in which purebloods who show promising skills are selected for continued training. The rest are used for labor and or sacrifice.
He spent the next ten years of his life training to become a weapon, a tool for the Blood Fang to use as they please. More specifically: a spy. Purebloods who made it through their childhood were sent to the mainland to infiltrate the kingdom and gain valuable intelligence on the inner-workings of the Faetopian government.
At age 20, Thozsa was put through the Trials. The Trials were what decided if of-age Purebloods were ready to infiltrate. There were only two endings to the Trial: death or victory. Thozsa entered the Trials with eight other Purebloods and was the only one to make it out alive.
Nearing age 21, he was sent to the mainland of Faetopia.
For four years he traveled on the down-low from town to town, gathering information in the subtle way of simply observing. However, the longer he worked, the more familiar he became with Faetopia, and the more aggressive he became with his tactics. He soon became semi-known by some people as a bounty hunter. As he gathered information for the Blood Fang, he would earn coin by killing for others, something he was very good at.
At age 25 his name as a bounty hunter had reached the capital. Thankfully, his illegal bounties had stayed underground, but his bounty work for various organizations/guard posts/towns has caught the attention of the Faetopian Royals. He was skilled and they needed someone who’s loyalty could be bought with coin, seeing as no one else could possibly offer more coin than them. And so Thozsa was hired along with a handful of others to be present at the Queen’s baby shower (it was a very big and important event trust me) and keep an eye on the guests. And most importantly, capture/kill anyone who poses a threat. Thozsa takes the job both for the coin and for the sudden inside look he’d get of the capital. The job went successfully. Someone made an attempt on the Queen’s life and Thozsa killed them. Unfortunately though, he’d met the Prince of Faetopia (Aster) at the event, and even more unfortunately, was hired the next day to be the prince’s personal guard. Aster was annoying as fuck. (If the position wasn’t going to give him much needed inside information for the cult, he would have declined it immediately)
Here is where I can give even less detail for fear my fellow party members read this. But the basics I can give are:
Aster drags Thozsa around Faetopia as he does his Princely (and not so Princely) duties.
Aster annoys the shit out of Thozsa, and if it weren’t for his circumstances, he probably would have killed the man already.
What’s weird is that Aster seems to care for Thozsa’s wellbeing even though he’s the guard, not the other way around.
Aster is also very touchy and hugs Thozsa and tries to hold his hand and gets pouty when Thozsa pulls his hand away weird huh
(everyone can guess from my art that these two do in fact grow closer over time, enemies to enemy-lovers to who the fuck knows type beat maybe, but I literally cannot explain any of it without spoilers for my party damn)
Other Info
Incase I didn’t make it clear enough above, Yuan-Ti Purebloods are the lowest of the low in the Blood Fang.
They exhibit the most human traits out of all the Yuan-Ti.
The more snake-like the Yuan-Ti, the higher up they are in authority.
The basis is, their deity, Sseth, is very snake-like. So the more snake-like you are, the closer to Sseth you are.
Some of Thozsa’s likes:
Heat/Warmth (obviously)
Rabbit meat
The smell of frankincense
Soft textures
Some of Thozsa’s dislikes:
Cold (obviously)
Not having control
Small talk
Very open areas
By using his Jacobson’s Organ, he can quite literally smell certain emotions off people.
Some emotions present the emission of certain chemicals that he can detect with the organ.
Though this only works in very close proximity
He has gold caps over his fangs
Being a Pureblood, he cherishes the more snake-like parts of his body.
The gold on his fangs is a way of exemplifying one of his more snake-like aspects.
He cannot see yellow properly.
Something many Purebloods experience is the lack of certain eye cones responsible for detecting yellow (i know this isnt how it works irl leave me alone this is fantasy).
To him, yellow appears dull and near brown.
A yellow daisy is the same color as sand to him.
The thermal pits under his eyes can be overloaded with sensory
By pressing something warm directly onto the pits, thermal energy is being directly input.
It creates a similar effect to shining a flashlight directly into your eyes, except this isn’t painful.
It’s a sensory overload in the sense of all his brain can think is ‘warm, warm, warm, warm’.
In most situations, this is extremely unwanted and disliked, however, if he was ever in an environment he felt completely safe and relaxed in, this sensation would be rather nice.
He never knew his parents.
There is no sense of family in the Blood Fang. Especially for Purebloods
Once a Pureblood is born, they are taken and put with the rest. The parent(s) do not get to watch their child grow up, and it is very likely the child will never know who their parent(s) were in the first place.
Thozsa’s parents have lore in this world and I love them dearly. Their story is heartbreaking.
He sheds his skin
Purebloods shed once around every three years or so.
It’s a bit different to how snakes shed, it’s not a full cohesive full-body at one time thing
The parts of the body that have the most scale coverage shed pretty nicely, the parts that don’t have a lot of scale coverage shed messily.
Leading up the shed, their eyes gain a new layer and fluid becomes trapped between the old layer and the new growing one to protect it as it grows. This leads to Purebloods being almost completely blind for a day or two until the new layer is done growing and the old layer can be shed.
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aratheon · 2 years
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Be wary of the Serpentan (Snake People), they're not as nice as they appear. W/ @heroforge-official Create dnd minis for tabletop RPG games like @dndwizards & @officialpaizo
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plagues01 · 1 year
Random oc art dump
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artofdel · 1 year
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My cat Paspas had a very bad dental situation since he was a stray kitten, we have been trying to treat it but it came to a point where the Vet had to remove his back-set of teeth. You can read about the situation from here.  Thankfully the Vet was kind enough to allow us to pay it later so Paspas hand't have to suffer any longer, my boy is really well now but I need the money to pay the surgery and additional vet bills we got.
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Ko-Fi’s payout methods (Paypal & Stripe) doesn’t work in my country, this forces me to rely on 3rd party people without direct access, deal with scheduling issues and pay additional fees due to international money transfer. You can find me at ko-fi.com/artofdel.
I prefer Patreon - it works with a platform that I can have access in my country but you will have to wait for your art till the monthly payout is through, to compensate I lowered the fee significantly. You can find my commission tiers at patreon.com/artodel.
Subscriptions to twitch.tv/PurpleTiefling are also appreciated, it helps with the cats & vet bills.
Contact and inquiries via [email protected] only, no social media DMs for commission work please.
Personal use only and credit me always.
Cannot be re-sold, turned into N/F/Ts, feed to A/I or used for any kind of commercial work (Profile Pictures & Banners are OK).
Depending on the tier you pick you will get;
Flat Colours, Cell Shade, Simple or No Background (YCH).
Single Character, Simple Background (Experimentals).
Sketchy in style but polished (Experimentals & Designs).
For outfit designs;
The body base won't be detailed, think of a mannequin, but if you have a base for your own OC feel free to provide it.
You can choose from one of the following for the base pose: Symmetrical, Posed, Catwalk.
Please provide;
Character references.
Outfit references for non-design commissions.
Design commissions are based on an aesthetic/mood boards + preferences.
Payment upon agreement.
Will Do! 🟢
Humanoid OCs & FanArt
Flat-Colours & Cell-Shade
Casual/Fancy Outfits & Lingerie (must provide refs for non-design comms)
Disabled OCs & Prosthetics
Blood, Scars & Simple Tattoos
For YCHs;
Body Add-ons (simple animalistic features such as wings, tails, horns, ears, etc.)
Additional Body Type/Shape/Size Changes (I might be unable to accommodate all but will do my best)
Won’t Do! 🔴
Hardcore Gore
Full Nudity
Real People
Full Render
Complex Tattoos
Complex Backgrounds
Might Do? 🟡
Not usually, fully or circumstantially my forte but I am willing to try, so feel free to ask please!
Mild Gore
Anthro / Insectoid OCs
For YCHs;
Extensive body/pose modifications to YCHs might require additional payment & push you to the bottom of the queue due to the nature of these comms being for emergency.
Body Add-ons  (Additional limbs, changes to bottom half  for merfolk, snakefolk, satyr-like, etc. OCs - some may not fit with the poses)
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-del ✨
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eirasummersart · 1 year
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Akshaya’s lore and relationships:
OC’s Lore Summary: 
Born from a snake beastwoman mother and a human father, she has traits from both, which has made her socialisation difficult. She’s too much of a snakefolk for the humans and too much of a human for the snakefolk, so she was always rejected by both.
She ended up alone most of her childhood, barely having anyone to play with her, aside from some of the kids at her school who would let her join sometimes, but not treating her too well.
Even with all that, she was never truly alone. Since she was really small she was with her familiar. A snake that bonded to her and who shares her life and magic with her. Since their life forces are connected, he ages at the same rate as she does and, if one is hurt, the other feels it and vice-versa. They also can easily communicate, he speaks in a really low voice, but since he’s always close to he,r she can still hear. Others might be able to understand him too, but he usually stays hidden inside her clothes and not letting anyone else see him unless it’s necessary or it’s night time (when he’s most active).
They both take decisions together most of the time, or he’ll give advice to Akshaya as a sort of “conscience” when she’s gonna make a bad decision. She usually listens to him and tries to do as he says… if she can bring herself to do it.
After such an isolated life, she ended up receiving an invitation to attend NRC. No one was really surprised since her magic is quite strong and she’s good at controlling it. She had a lot of anxiety about joining, though. After her isolation she ended up being really shy and socially anxious, so going away from her family, not knowing anyone and also in a school famous for their strong willed people?? Really scary! But she still decided to go to improve herself. It’s a really unique opportunity, after all!
She was already anxious about joining NRC but when she’s placed in Savanaclaw she feels really exposed and vulnerable. She desperately looks for someone to latch onto and protect her.
She ends up latching to Jack, who doesn’t judge her from her appearance and her skittish nature. She usually only wants to help him and have some company, so he lets her.
She feels a weird bond with Jamil and tries to get closer to him and be his “apprentice”. He ends up letting her do as she wants since she also tries to help him and it’s not so bad.
When she heard people saying that the new 1st year over at Ramshackle also had a familiar, she was so happy thinking there was someone else like her and she could be friends with them, maybe!! So she went to find them. After realising Grim is not a familiar at all she was really bummed. But Yuuki (my MC) was still nice to her and they ended up being friends anyway.
 She joined the Gargoyle Club because it seemed really peaceful and stress free. And also, because Malleus is such a strong mage, if she gained his favour she’d be safe, right?? And she feels a bit of a kinship with both being “reptile” in a way (dragon and snake). He’s just so happy that someone joined his club that he keeps info dumping about gargoyles to her at all the meetings. She doesn’t mind, finds it interesting and feels safe with him soon after. She spends most of the time sitting in a corner doing cross-stitching as she listens to him. So it counts as a “gargoyle club activity”, she cross stitches gargoyles. When Malleus saw it the first time he was really impressed and praised her a lot, so she gave it to him and made him unbelievably happy. So now she keeps making those, and once they’re done she gives them to Malleus. His collection keeps growing.
More relationships might be added in the future. You can also ask if you're curious about anyone in particular~
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far-side-skies · 2 years
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lmao I really need to post more frequent updates about my challenge characters. It's been two weeks.
Anyway this is Queen Sagittarius of Terra Venos. A neutral party in the war between the Free Atmos and Cyclonia, her kingdom values luxury and culture over fighting. The Queen rules with a silver tongue and lethal bite, showing off her power via royal finery.
Not quite sure what would prompt her to pick a side in the war, if anything, but she's part of a larger history I've developed for my own Storm Hawks headcanons. Maybe one day I'll have the time to elaborate on it.
First person to guess what movie is being referenced in the second sketch gets a cookie.
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catboycephalopod · 3 years
Commision done by @mothcpu a few years ago of my first OC Zarius! Was playing an RPG back in highschool and made him for it...and now six years later I have a whole cast of characters and I'm getting into writing! He's a very chill guy, he'd make you tea.
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twistedsalt · 4 years
Out of curiosity: A look on snakefolks culture: prelude (?)
Unlike the beastfolks (Leona, Ruggie and Jack) in the twst universe, that looks like they have the exact same culture as the normal human, the snakefolks does not. In fact, they have lots of cultural differences. I’ll make a series of posts talking about this topic, sometimes long, sometimes short. If you get curious about something, feel free to send an ask anytime! I could love to interact more! :3
Warning: in this series, I will talk about sexuality, genders, religion and etc. I did take some inspirations in already existing religions, cultures and others stuff, yes, but with not intention of being offensive or anything. The point is that, as an D&D player (or RPG in general), I absolutely LOVE how some magical cultures can be diverse, and how this can create really interesting interactions!
That being said, the main point of this (creating a different culture for my characters), is to create interesting interactions and, most importantly, have fun!
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ignisuada · 2 years
I am thinking about making a snakefolk OC; what do you think? And do you want to know the ideas I have for her?
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therealvagabird · 5 years
The Rebirth of Beggar Maru
A new short story, featuring the origin of one of my OCs. Beggar Maru is a Yuan-Ti warlock whose dark pact gave them a second shot at life - and the power to fulfill their every desire. Names featured in here are adjusted for a more homebrew flavor, rather than using anything proprietary to D&D.
Feel free to also give it a read, like, and comment over on WordPress.
It was a cold evening in Eregate. The damp air that wafted up from the oily river brought with it a creeping chill that went right through any amount of clothes. Maru always felt sluggish on days like these – as if they were lying at the bottom of an icy lake, pressed down by the dark. The ragged form of the city wretch peered down from the Ravenkey Bridge, the stone railings on the side coated with a thin layer of frost, though not enough to dissuade Maru from sitting with legs dangling over the rushing waters of the Noden.
The creature that was Beggar Maru was a haggard and pallid thing, all swathed in dark vagrant’s rags of cracked leather and sooty black. Though they’d never been a figure of grandeur, their current state of affairs was rather recent. A failed heist on a small beer-stand had been the last straw, and Maru had been late for the third time on paying rent. It wasn’t even rent in the traditional sense, but rather the extortive fee the wretch had been forced to hand over to Guy Roden, the boss of the Underport hideout. There was a time when Beggar could just manage to roll with the regulars – stealing, grifting, gambling, swindling and the like, as all the refuse of the city did to survive – but now their luck had run out, and not even the scum of scum had need of them.
They were an androgynous creature, though at just thirty years of age it was not the androgyny of some upper-class metropolitan, but that rough and sagging indistinguishability found in the elderly and the homeless. Black hair hung in greasy strands about their face, which was sallow and gaunt, with loose skin and eyes that peered from dark sockets. Perhaps the one undegraded thing about Beggar were their eyes, which were the same vibrant green they’d always been, though with a lifelessness behind them that could be caught at a passing glance. Their pale skin, where it could be seen, was dotted with patches of a strange rash – a condition for which there’d never been a treatment, and which had gotten worse from lack of bathing ever since Maru had been evicted from the gang den. The weight of misfortune and poverty made everyone look the same after a point – nobody might guess that the creature was one of the rare snakefolk of the East. Here, in the city, monster and man and elf could all be swallowed up by the underbelly.
Though it wasn’t as if being of a strange bloodline had helped Maru at all. Quite the contrary – they’d never once had the sense of “fitting in”, even amongst the delinquent. There was something about them, in every subtlety of the way they acted, that just seemed to repel people, despite their overall human appearance. More than that, it had always nagged at Beggar Maru that their kind were not meant for places like the cities of the North. The cold air, the food, the water – they’d been sickly since childhood, and Maru could never remember a time they’d not struggled against the frailty of their own body as much as the harshness of the world around them.
Some said that the snakefolk were wicked at heart. Beggar didn’t doubt that, however, and just wondered if the gods of this land were enacting their toll in vengeance. Regardless of what terrible things the wastrel had done in their life, for pleasure or profit, it wasn’t as if they’d been given much of a choice. Maybe Jack, god of thieves, didn’t care for outsiders either.
Maru rubbed their fingers together. Everything felt so greasy.
“Maybe a bath in the riva’?” They mused, the low-class Eregate accent still detectible through their hissing, raspy voice. It was a dark joke, of course. Nobody would ever touch the Noden and come away cleaner.
It was as the snakefolk sat there on that frosty ledge and contemplated with half-serious interest whether to hurl themselves into the water that they heard the sound of footsteps. Two sets, thumping away on the cobbles, coming closer. Beggar turned to spy two lumpen men in garb just margins better than the vagrant’s own. One had red hair and a patchy beard. Orman. The other had a close-shaved scalp and greyish skin. Jordy Martin.
“Not slinkin’ in tha Underport no more, Begga?” Jordy shouted ahead of the pair’s approach, in an already hostile tone.
“No more rent.” Maru rasped back, just sparing him a side-eye, “Nothin’ to collect, if that’s why you’re ‘ere.”
“We’re not ‘ere from Roden,” Jordy spat, “We’s on business from D.”
Derr the dwarf, or “D” as he was most often known. One of the many minor bosses of the city underworld. Though Maru couldn’t guess what business he’d hired these two louts for.
“What of it?” the snakefolk asked, hoisting their legs around to get back up onto the bridge. Before they could gain footing, a meaty hand clamped down on their collar.
“Don’ feckin’ play dumb wit’ us, ye nightcrawler.” Orman shouted into his face.
“D ‘eard ‘bout yer run on ‘is beer stand the ovva day.” Jordy went on, the two men now right up on either side of the vagrant, dwarfing them in terms of sheer bulk, “Don’ take kindly ta that kinda infraction.”
“Nope.” Orman huffed.
“Bollocks,” Maru shook their head, “Derr don’ keep any business this side of tha Noden. I woulda known if it was one of ‘is. It was jus’ some nobody.”
“Fat lot of diff’rence.” Jordy chuckled.
“Fuck you mean?” bright green eyes went narrow.
“I mean who gives a shite? I’d ‘ave put you down fer free.” The brute replied.
“We jus’ gonnae tell ‘em we was killin’ you fer D.” Orman’s grip tightened.
“On tha off chance anyone could even be arsed ta ask fer you.”
Before Beggar even had a chance to protest, to try and figure out why now, of all days, this pair of dregs had decided to kill them, a second set of hands grabbed at the wastrel’s shoulder, and in an instant of weightlessness they were hurtling down from the Ravenkey Bridge.
Maybe it was appropriate. It wasn’t as though there was much left to be lost. In some serene part of Maru’s brain, untouched by blind panic, they wondered how many nights on the frigid streets they’d have survived anyway.
The black surface of the river came rushing up, the icy chill of the Noden surrounded the damned soul, and death worked its fingers into Beggar Maru’s skull.
Noise was the first thing that came back to the unconscious wretch. Before sensation returned to their numb flesh, it was the sound of dripping water that pattered in Maru’s ears. There was little else to latch onto – the air was damp, and wherever they were, it was dark. Green eyes cracked open, and then widened to try and take in the misty shadows of the strange room they were lying in. A pool of water surrounded the drenched form of the snakefolk – they were half-submerged in some kind of pool. Cavernous walls bounded all sides of Maru’s vision but the front, in which yawned unbroken darkness.
Was this hell? One of the hells? It seemed about right, but something in their bones told them that they were not dead. What lent them that impression, they had no idea – it was even harder to tell, what with how hellish and grey their life had been already.
“Where am I?” Maru asked, as their whispering voice vibrated off the damp walls of the tiny cave. The vagrant hauled their soaked form up from the shallow pool – had they been washed up some kind of hidden pocket beneath the river? But then, the water didn’t smell as foul as that of the Noden.
With nowhere else to go, trepidatious steps sounded their way down the black corridor.
Maru wandered like that for a time, hands on either wall of the narrow passage, which seemed to be of smooth rock, not carved, but worn with shocking regularity. Even with the snakefolk’s inherent night-vision, almost nothing could be made of how far the tunnel ran. No indication of if it was slanted up or down, or if anything waited for the wanderer at its end.
It was when the walls on either side of Beggar fell away with a final step that they, with startled flailing at the unexpected outlet of the passage, pitched forward into a shadowed room.
Maru screamed at the pain of sudden light, when all about the walls torches of an unnatural red hue lit up, casting the room in shades of blood and flame. Stained hands guarded the miserable castoff’s face, anticipating something horrible.
Nothing happened. The room, though now illuminated by the mystic torches, was uninhabited. It was a small space, no more than fifteen feet across, and about as high, in the form of a rough circle with a domed ceiling. There were no other passages apart from the one Maru had come from. In the floor was set a raised dais – the one thing at first which stood out as artificial, besides the torches. In the center of the slight platform rose a small pillar, just a few feet tall. Along its sides were many subtle carvings; serpentine textures which caught Maru’s eye, before their gaze traced the weaving ridges down the base of the plinth, across the floor, and up the walls. What at first appeared to be bare stone now came alive with the hidden, snakelike carvings, giving the static surface a disconcerting and fluid appearance. The way the grey rock was painted in ruddy hues by the strange torches didn’t help curb the surrealness either.
Maru huddled there for a moment, unsure of what to do, before a faint glinting from the top of the plinth caught the snakefolk’s eye. With nowhere else to go, and fearful curiosity gripping at their chest, the ragged near-human crept towards the mysterious structure.
As they stepped up to the plinth, managing to catch sight of the diminutive object that lay on top of its sheared-off surface, the breath left Beggar’s lungs. Glinting in solitary beauty on the grey stone platform was a magnificent ring.
It was a finger ring, suited to a normal humanoid’s digit, and cast of bright silver. Though its edges looked plain at first, the closer Beggar got, the more the reflections in the smooth and polished surface seemed to distort and fragment, as the metal appeared to catch all light that hit it, breaking it in strange and subtle fractals. Despite this, the quality of the silver was of little interest when compared to the gem which crowned the piece of jewelry. It was a cat’s-eye, of a glorious golden color – subtle hues of amber, sunbeam, and flame interspersed with more subtle impurities of violent, maroon, crimson, emerald, and jade, all emanating out from the black little scar that split its center. Despite the red hue of the room’s lighting, the colors of the ring appeared untouched. Though the ring was overall of simple design, little more than a gem and a band, it was the magnificent complexity that revealed itself upon any close inspection that drew in Maru’s avaricious eyes.
The wastrel reached out and plucked the ring from its resting place.
Nothing happened, yet again, and so that made it all the more startling when Maru turned about, ring in hand, and came face-to-face with a demon.
The snakefolk’s scream of terror was cut short, though, at the realization that the creature was not very threatening at all.
It was an imp. As best could be described as an imp by somebody who knew nothing of demonology. It stood just under two feet tall and looked all the world like an emaciated child. Maybe even a gnome or a goblin, rare as those races were in Eregate for comparison. It had wide, reptilian eyes of a hue to match the jewel in the ring, along with smooth, scaled skin of a dark emerald color, with the texture of fine river pebbles. Its hands and feet were clawed, and vicious fangs could be seen peaking from its lolling mouth, while draconic wings twitched on its back, and slight horns crowned its head in a sparse forest of quills. The monster was almost cute, in a way. That same sort of disgusting cuteness that could be found in some insects or purebred noble dogs.
“H-h- yeah?” Maru hazarded some form of greeting, as the strange little thing stared up with unblinking interest.
“Ssserpent?” it asked back, and the mortal recoiled. The imp’s voice seemed to come from within their head more than from the creature’s mouth, which moved in different shapes than the words it spoke.
“W-what?” Beggar asked again.
“Ahh, ssso you are!” the imp perked up then, “I can sssmell the blood in you. Lady, what a poor thing you are! You should not be thisss far from your homeland, ssserpent.” It spoke.
Maru shook their head, pallid skin slick with sweat and grime, “What the ‘ell are you talkin’ about? Who are you?”
“Ahh, sssorry. How impolite. You firssst.” It smiled.
Maru thought for a moment, gaze unwavering from the little demon lest it jump up and attack without warning.
“You first.” The snakefolk shot back. It was bad luck to give a demon your name without having its own in return. The storybooks said that much, at least.
“Ahhh, clever.” It snickered, scaled tail wagging almost like a dog, “My name is Nssissllnnssaa,” it said, and the word came out more as a strange and unaccountable sound than a clear name, “but I don’t think we’ll be sssticking with that in the future.”
“Maru.” The mortal replied, somewhat relaxed at knowing the being’s name, despite its unintelligible nature, and the weird circumstance of all that surrounded them, “Beggar Maru.”
“I like it!” it jumped up then, prancing in place, “How fun! You are sssome kind of ssstreet tough then?” it paused, “No, far too ragged. You look a poor picture! Like the world has chewed up and ssspat you out. You don’t sssmell great either.” It muttered.
Beggar took some umbrage at that, “You try livin’ my life and comin’ out smelling of fuckin’ daisies, demon. It costs good money to not look like a sewer rat.”
“Or doesss it?” the creature replied then, tilting its head in a quizzical way, “You were not meant for thisss life, were you? Did you not feel as though you – misssed out?”
“Do you not feel as if you were meant for something greater?” the imp started prancing again, hopping from one foot to the other, “I think you were! I can sssee it in you. Underneath that grime. I can sssmell your desssire. Your lussst for thingsss you could never have.”
Maru’s eyes thinned in their pale face, “What could you do, then?”
“Not me,” the creature giggled, “but the Missstresss.”
“The Ssserpent Missstresss. Perhapsss you do not know of Her, as you were not brought up in the darkessst Eassst, but She sees you. And she would like to help you.”
Looking around, the vagrant’s air of suspicion returned, “Some kinda deal? Seems like a bad move, makin’ a deal wif a devil.”
“What d’you want, then? Or what does ‘She’ want? My soul?”
“Well—” the imp tapped its fingers together, “What else would you have to give? And believe me, it’sss not ssso high a price.” Its enormous, lambent eyes gleamed with childlike glee, “You would merely take up Her ring, and She will grant you all that you desssire. Maybe more. Maybe lessss – there are some thingsss that will not come all at once. But all that you would have to do isss go on living – but for Her.”
The pitch was cryptic yet enticing in a way that any offer was enticing to someone with nothing left to lose.
“What d’you mean? What would I ‘ave to do?” Maru asked.
“Sssimply live. I know what isss in your heart. Pleasssure. Power. Your sssoul would be bound to the realm of the Missstresss, and ssso everything you do would be dedicated to Her divinity. Think of it asss a – tithe. You will repay it one day, but you will only fall afoul if you ssseek to – I don’t know – live a life of asssceticism.” It spat out the last word as if it were a rotten apple.
Maru tore their gaze from the demon, their emerald eyes glancing to the magnificent ring still held in their palm. All that their heart desired?
“Oh, and—” the creature spoke up once more, “You would have me as well. Asss a familiar, of sssorts. Bessst of friendsss!” it looked up at the snakefolk with glee, like some kind of deformed kitten.
“Sounds too good t’ be true,” Beggar muttered, “but then, s’not like what I ‘ave is worth keepin’, is it?” Their attention was drawn to the ambient feelings of pain that they always suppressed – the itching of their skin, the aches in their bones, the sickness in their organs.
Beggar Maru was looking at the ring, and so couldn’t see the look of unbridled and abject excitement that came from the little demon’s face. The snakefolk pushed the ring about their palm, taking in its every angle. It was heavy. Heavier than a ring of its size might have been. Its subtle curvature, band and gem, reflected untold streams of multicolored beauty from within its gold and silver depths. Something, though they didn’t know what, made Maru feel as though they were falling into the river again. That feeling of weightlessness. Of finality. A decision – to change, to end. Though this time the decision was theirs and theirs alone.
Maru put on the ring, and the room returned to black.
In the upstairs suite of a fine inn, in the uptown of that city known as Eregate, which squatted with sprawled, soot-blackened mass on the banks of the Noden, a youth awoke from their bed. It was a fine bed, feather-stuffed and made of hardwood – fitting for an inn as fine as the Crown Cockerel. Silk sheets fell away from the form of a person who was not much older than twenty years, if that. Their skin was like alabaster, their limbs of hale proportion, their shape more beautiful than could be laid on male or female. They were human, at least to the eye of the unperceptive, though they looked like no human youth that could be found in such a hardy land. Their hair, which grew in a well-trimmed fringe just down to their jaw, was of a pure and unnatural white. They were clad in nothing but a sleeping-shawl of emerald silk, though clothes they had forgotten hung in the closet – as immaculate and well-made as the simple garment they slept in.
The youth’s eyes opened. Green and gold, with the pupils of a snake.
Beggar Maru had been privy to strange and wonderful dreams. Dreams like those of being within a womb – someplace warm, and quiet, removed from the pains of the earth. Faded lights and muffled melodies had come to them in their sleep, and now upon waking they felt better than they ever had in their whole life. The softness around them was like alighting on a cloud – so unnatural to one who had slept on cobbles and splintered, damp palettes from youth to maturity. Then, with curious languor, their hands went to their own skin, finding it as smooth and supple as the silk of the bed beneath them. This was not this skin of a street-rat.
Maru lifted a hand to their face – so well-manicured. Whose hand was this? As they marveled, they noticed something upon one of the fingers of their other hand. A ring. A bejeweled and resplendent ring.
As the snakefolk took in the sight of the fated piece of jewelry on their finger, their eyes grew even wider as a corona began to coalesce about it. The pale skin of their ladylike hand was subsumed in a shower of glistening sparks of deep and vibrant hues – jade, violet, gold. There was a sound like tearing fabric, and a brief burst of light from the nimbus of magic, and then nothing.
“Sssuperb. A natural.” A voice came then, familiar, high and raspy, “We may both be lucky.”
The youth on the bed glanced to the windowsill to see the blue light of morning filtering about a squatting shape. Whip-thin, winged and horned, with all other details obscured by the light behind them – save for the luminous glint of their large, yellow eyes.
“Wake up, warlock.” It coaxed, as a broad and needle-toothed smile spread between its ears.
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xiphosuras · 5 months
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Poised to strike
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altissiavibritannia · 5 years
Naga and Lamia OC Adopt Raffles: Coming Soon!
Heyaz everyone, I’ll be working on some Lamia (female snake) and Naga (male snake) monster ocs and will be putting them up for adoption. I’ll host them in raffles and some up for auctions. I’ll work on commissioned ones too. I’ll let y’all know whenever I’m going to do another certain monster/fantasy oc adopt dump once I get bored making snakefolk.
Depends if I’ll ever get bored over them. But anyways some of these adoptable ocs in the raffles will end up free and others will have a set price that you can pay at anytime you’d wish. As for auctioned off oc adopts, there’ll be a set price and go from there. There will also be a time limit to the raffles and auctions. The highest price to the auctioned off oc adopt will get their adoptable but would have to pay of course for them. 
I’m still open for art commissions if interested. Plenty of slots open. I’ll also be doing YCH commissions as well. Though it’ll take some time to get them done. I’m also open for story commissions in case you’d like a story instead of art. I do both art and stories, so if you want both, give me a holler! It depends on what you want though. 
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artofdel · 1 year
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My cat Paspas had a very bad dental situation since he was a stray kitten, we have been trying to treat it but it came to a point where the Vet had to remove his back-set of teeth. You can read about the situation from here.  Thankfully the Vet was kind enough to allow us to pay it later so Paspas hand't have to suffer any longer, my boy is really well now but I need the money to pay the surgery and additional vet bills we got.
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Ko-Fi’s payout methods (Paypal & Stripe) doesn’t work in my country, this forces me to rely on 3rd party people without direct access, deal with scheduling issues and pay additional fees due to international money transfer. You can find me at ko-fi.com/artofdel.
I prefer Patreon - it works with a platform that I can have access in my country but you will have to wait for your art till the monthly payout is through, to compensate I lowered the fee significantly. You can find my commission tiers at patreon.com/artodel.
Subscriptions to twitch.tv/PurpleTiefling are also appreciated, it helps with the cats & vet bills.
Contact and inquiries via [email protected] only, no social media DMs for commission work please.
Personal use only and credit me always.
Cannot be re-sold, turned into N/F/Ts, feed to A/I or used for any kind of commercial work (Profile Pictures & Banners are OK).
Depending on the tier you pick you will get;
Flat Colours, Cell Shade, Simple or No Background (YCH).
Single Character, Simple Background (Experimentals).
Sketchy in style but polished (Experimentals & Designs).
For outfit designs;
The body base won't be detailed, think of a mannequin, but if you have a base for your own OC feel free to provide it.
You can choose from one of the following for the base pose: Symmetrical, Posed, Catwalk.
Please provide;
Character references.
Outfit references for non-design commissions.
Design commissions are based on an aesthetic/mood boards + preferences.
Payment upon agreement.
Will Do! 🟢
Humanoid OCs & FanArt
Flat-Colours & Cell-Shade
Casual/Fancy Outfits & Lingerie (must provide refs for non-design comms)
Disabled OCs & Prosthetics
Blood, Scars & Simple Tattoos
For YCHs;
Body Add-ons (simple animalistic features such as wings, tails, horns, ears, etc.)
Additional Body Type/Shape/Size Changes (I might be unable to accommodate all but will do my best)
Won’t Do! 🔴
Hardcore Gore
Full Nudity
Real People
Full Render
Complex Tattoos
Complex Backgrounds
Might Do? 🟡
Not usually, fully or circumstantially my forte but I am willing to try, so feel free to ask please!
Mild Gore
Anthro / Insectoid OCs
For YCHs;
Extensive body/pose modifications to YCHs might require additional payment & push you to the bottom of the queue due to the nature of these comms being for emergency.
Body Add-ons  (Additional limbs, changes to bottom half  for merfolk, snakefolk, satyr-like, etc. OCs - some may not fit with the poses)
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-del ✨
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twistedsalt · 4 years
Out of curiosity: my OCs races
(idk if in the twst fandom we can call it races, but since I’m already too into D&D, I’ll keep like this cuz it’s easier)
Ratna Yash, based in Shere Khan from The Jungle’s Book, is as tiger beastfolk. He’s smol, fluffy and angry. He chomp.
Nishat Kapila, based in the Banda-log, the monkeys tribe from The Jungle’s Book, is a monkey beastfolk. He’s a dick, he’s chaos, he only fears Zarina and Chanda cuz they’re snakes.
Mukul “Zawal”, based in Tabaqui from The Jungle’s Book, is a jackal beastfolk. Smart and sneaky, but depressed. 90% done almost of his time. Poor boy need hugs.
Chanda Vishal, based in Karait from The Jungle’s Book, is an original race created by me: the snakefolk. Looks chill, will probably bit you. Lose temper easily. Green. Don’t call her green apple. Venomous, don’t touch.
Zarina Grishma Za’faran, based in Kaa from The Jungle’s Book, is also a snakefolk. Tall and long. Looks like could kill you, is an actual cinnamon roll. Nee-san vibes. No chomp, no venom, just hugs and kisses. Horny af. A dom.
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