#snape tickle
farfaripol · 10 months
Have a nice evening, Mister Potter!
Here you are! Take a tkl Harry Potter fanfiction. I'm sorry, I recently watched movie and died at Harry's cuteness. So here you go, enjoy with Lee! Potter;))
Summary: Harry goes to Snape's evening detention, but Mrs. Umbridge has added new conditions for punishment.
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Lee: Harry
Ler: Severus Snape
Warnings: Tickling. Magic?
Harry reluctantly dragged himself along the dungeon corridor. Snape's detention had ruined his plans for the evening, which, coupled with the prospect of scrubbing boilers all evening, made his mood especially foul. Approaching the audience, Harry knocked and pushed the door, entering. Snape greeted him with his signature grin and pointed to a pile of dirty cauldrons:
"Your detention for today, Potter."
Harry walked up to the cauldrons and Snape's voice was heard from behind him.
"Oh yes, I must warn you that Professor Umbridge has introduced new penalties for offending students."
"Sir?" Harry turned back in surprise.
"Just a little spell cast on the boiler brushes. You will see." Snape was clearly enjoying his student's confusion.
Harry walked over to the table on which the brush and detergent lay, and with some apprehension took the tool. Nothing happened. Harry glanced quickly at Snape. he sat leaning back in his chair, clearly anticipating something with a nasty smile on his lips.
Harry quickly turned away from applying the detergent and resolutely grabbed the brush tightly. Maybe if you deal with it quickly, there will still be a little evening left for yourself...
Harry began to quickly rub the cauldron, but almost immediately doubled over with giggles: the sensations from the friction of the brush were transferred to his stomach and it was terribly ticklish!
Holding his breath, he carefully ran the brush along the wall of the cauldron and involuntarily giggled when the invisible brush just as slowly and carefully stroked his side. "Ah! Aheheh.."
Taking a deep breath, as he would before jumping into cold water, Harry resolutely began scrubbing the cauldron with a brush. This time he even managed to continue washing the cauldron, when the spell transferred to his feet the feeling of hard bristles scurrying across them, but he could not contain his laughter.
And, as if the tickling wasn't enough, Snape began to taunt Harry in his usual manner:
"What's the matter Mister Potter? What's so funny?"
"Nohoho, s-sihihir. Ahahahh.."
"Then what are you laughing at?"
"I'm ticklihihish!"
"Oh, so are you ticklish?" Snape is clearly teasing.
"I think I should give you additional punishment for your behavior."
"Yes, sir." He still couldn’t stand it and stopped cleaning the boiler. Snape might be angry at this, but he didn't have the strength to take the tickling anymore.
Are you tired already, Potter? - Snape said mockingly. - You give up quickly!
Harry gave him an angry look and leaned over the cauldron again. More than half still needed to be washed. Will he be able to withstand?..
Meanwhile, Snape took out his wand and cast a spell, apparently slightly changing the magic of the brush. Harry started scrubbing the cauldron again, but then dropped the brush with a yelp. This time the invisible bristles targeted the stomach, and Harry's stomach was Harry's most ticklish spot. On top of that, this time the tickling sensation didn't go away immediately, but rather concentrated in his navel, causing Harry to wrap his arms around himself and double over, laughing desperately.
His legs gave way and he almost fell to his knees, but then, fortunately, the tickling finally stopped, allowing the unfortunate guy to catch his breath.
Yes, Potter, now the tickling won't stop as soon as you stop. And each time the delay will be longer and longer, so that you are not tempted to rest too often - Snape said mockingly.
Will this sadist really force him to tickle himself continuously all evening? He squeezed the brush in his hand and clenched his teeth, preparing to endure. This time he even managed to endure it in silence for a couple of seconds. Invisible bristles crawled in Harry's left armpit as Harry washed the cauldron with his right. Quiet chuckles escaped from his throat. But I still managed to endure the tickling
But as soon as I thought about it, the tickling went down and played with the left side, causing Harry to squeak.
"Eek! Ahahahh.." Harry was all twisted, involuntarily pressing his right elbow to his side, but continuing to wash the cauldron with sheer stubbornness.
"The spell will change the location of the effect, Mr. Potter, so that you do not get used to the tickling." Snape commented kindly, apparently guessing what had happened. Harry did not answer him, completely focused on one goal: despite the hellish tickling, to clean this damn cauldron!
Finally, after a painful half hour of twitching, laughing and occasional squeals, the boiler was cleaned. The tickling stopped and Harry could catch his breath. Not for long. Snape pointed him to the next cauldron, and Harry had to obey.
And again the bristles scurrying over the body, the laughter that Harry can no longer contain, and the ever-increasing despair. This boiler will never get clean! Harry had practically no thoughts left in his head except the all-consuming tickling.
He desperately rubs the walls of the cauldron, twitching his left leg, the foot of which some unknown sadist tirelessly rubs with a terribly ticklish brush. But this sadist gets tired of the Gryffindor’s foot and the tickling bristles are transferred under the knee, making Harry giggle shrilly and shake his head.
And after a while, the stomach is tickled, and Potter convulses, laughing at the top of his lungs. The brush falls out of the naughty fingers, and after fifteen seconds the tickling stops.
He is ready to beg to stop the torture, but he no longer has the strength to do so: everything disappears into laughter. Finally the tickling stops and you can catch your breath.
–continue Mr. Potter.
–"I can't" Harry screams desperately "Professor Snape, I beg you, I will go crazy!
–Okay then, – Snape suddenly agrees – You can go, Mister Potter, your work is completed, I will deal with the rest of the boilers myself.
Harry looks in amazement and takes a timid step towards the door. Had Snape really let him go? looks in amazement and takes a timid step towards the door. Had Snape really let him go? At this time, Snape makes a careless wave of his wand, and the brush thrown by Potter rushes towards a pile of dirty cauldrons. Its bristles begin to vigorously rub the wall of the cauldron... and their invisible counterparts are Harry's stomach!
— NO! — Potter manages to shout out before he collapses on the floor with a laugh, wrapping his arms around himself.
The tickling moves to his armpits and Harry is able to gain some control over himself. But only partially. He almost cries from this painful sensation:
- Professor Snape! Hah... Plehease no mohore!..
Mr. Potter, you must receive your punishment to the end. But I'll tell you a secret: The effect of this spell weakens with distance, so I advise you to quickly get to Gryffindor Tower, — Snape replies and grins, watching as Harry, undermined by these words, hurries to get away. — Have a nice evening, Mister Potter!
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fluffomatic · 2 years
I saw you wanted ideas for Xavier. So maybe wake up tickles? He somehow woke up late, and someone comes along and tickles him awake? Maybe Snape? That would be pretty cute to see. Lol
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Yesss wake up tickles are so cute!!! I knew I was gonna draw Snape tickling him awake cause fuck it Parental Snape is my fav. We ignore the canon and substitute my own! Plus in the App, Snape is much nicer of a teacher (granted he's not nice but he's definitely nicer than in canon) so why is Xavier at his place? Well his mom is an abusive mother who is currently on the run from the cops and his dad and brother are MIA. He needs a place to stay during long breaks at hogwarts! Usually he stays with Penny and her family but they had plans this break so Xavier couldn't stay there this time. Luckily for him, Snape offered him his couch and Xavier quickly accepted the offer! What he didn't expect was Snape to wake him up very early. He also didn't expect Snape's well, playful way of waking him up~ Hehehehe!!
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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The Gryffindor Post
Blog Runners:
Bo; Knows Canon Source Material, Quidditch Enthusiast, & Local Gryffindor
Niff; Fanfiction Critic/Lover, Beast Collector, & Local Hufflepuff
Hello and welcome to our blog mainly centered around The Marauders Era. We are big sticklers on canon source material when it comes to them and other characters in that time frame since when it comes to the fandom it’s a little harder to come by. We want to provide a safe space for other fans of the characters and the era which isn’t flooded by headcanons, art, and other things coming from well known fanfictions which twist their story. Here we plan to discuss and share multiple things about the in-book and canon timeline/story when it comes to them and also discuss things within the fandom as a whole. Any “critique” and opinions are our own and should not be taken to heart. We plan to go through well-known fanfictions within the fandom that we might not enjoy and pull them apart for fun which again; should not be taken in a negative light. We are simply curious what the hype is about and why they are so prominent in the fandom. We plan to share other fanfictions we create or enjoy that stay pretty close to the books. That and art, information, and many other things we come upon. So if you enjoy that sorta thing, stick around and hang with us.  You can find us and our content and things you wish to share likewise under #Revive the Marauders
Announcements can be found under #The Gryffindor Post
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kmt123whatsthetea · 2 months
The wonders of ink
Fred Weasley x reader x George Weasley
‘Fred and George prank you by getting your clothes dirty, only to take you to the bathrooms to help you clean off’
A/N: I decided to repost (so nobody thought I was dead). I’ve been gone for so long and I feel guilty so I decided to deliver smut upon you all haha. My dear sister helped me to write this (Her Wattpad account is @Darkness_Donut. Feel free to give her a look if you’re in the Wattpad area)
T/W: Unprotected sex, The twins being kinda pervy, Groping, Double penetration
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Fred and George put a lot of work into every prank.
Whether it was as simple as a ‘Hex Me’ note on Ron’s back or as sophisticated as creating a new type of chocolate that caused facial warts.
Not only did they put work into their pranks, but they also put pride into them. Each one was like their child, born and sent into the world to cause mischief. The prank they planned for you, however, was less like a prank and more like a plot for something even better than the typical annoyed scowl the pranks were usually met with.
While other students prepared for various classes and homework projects, Fred and George would stay locked in their dorm, perfecting the key catalyst for their interaction with you.
The twins were head over heels in love with you. While most people would approach you with a normal greeting and a proposition for a date, the twins needed to do more. Go big or go home was practically their motto. So when their newest creation was ready, all they had to do was wait for the perfect moment.
You had been in the courtyard. Your nose stuck in the book that was cradled in your hands. So unsuspecting and sweet. The way the wind blew your hair, how your eyes were glued to the words.
George approached you, not too close that you’d notice but close enough that he could start phase one of the plan. He pulled out a small vial, the liquid inside a dark blue that stained the glass. He took a deep breath before uncorking the bottle and taking a step closer, ‘tripping’ over the tree branch and spilling the liquid over your uniform.
You squealed and moved the book aside, looking between the fresh stain and the redhead who threw it on you.
“George! What in Merlin's beard have you done?!”
George just shrugged his shoulders, putting on an apologetic look. The same look he gave his mum when she scolded him for putting a spell on Percy’s breakfast which caused the sausages to spout legs.
“I didn’t mean too, honest. I just kinda…tripped”
You did not look pleased, understandably so. George almost felt guilty but then he remembered the plan. It was all going smoothly, even if you might disagree.
“I feel awful. How about we go to the Prefects bathroom and get you cleaned up before it dries?”
With a sigh, you followed George.
The walk to the prefect's bathroom was filled with you grumbling about the stain and scolding George for not being careful. The bathroom was empty (all thanks to a little spell that temporarily made the door disappear). The baths were filled to the brim with hot water and bubbles, steam dampening the air.
Fred emerged from around one of the pillars, smirking as he looked you up and down.
“Good job, George. I knew you could get our girl here. You know, love, you should really clean up that stain. Wouldn’t want Snape taking away our hard earned points, now would you?”
George moved closer to you, his chest barely touching your back. Fred leaned against the pillar, staring at the black spot on your shirt. You crossed your arms, letting out a huff. You could practically see the burning desire in Fred’s eyes from across the room, the heat from George sneaking through the back of your shirt and warming your skin.
“You’d both like that, huh? Why don’t I just have a bath while I'm at it?”
George ignored your sarcastic tone and leaned closer, his breath tickling your ear.
“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, sweetheart. We’ll get you nice and clean”.
Something about George’s soft tone caused your hands to rise to your top button, both sets of eyes glued to your fingers as they popped open the first button of many. One by one, your shirt slowly opened. The shirt had luckily (or unluckily) caught the liquid and stopped it from seeping through to your bra and skin underneath.
George helped you to slip the fabric from off your body before Fred stepped closer and took it from him. He held it up with a smirk.
“There’s nothing here, love. Maybe you just wanted to get naked for us”.
The white shirt was clean. Not a spot or stain in sight. The sight of your wide eyes and confused look made Fred chuckle. George rubbed your arms.
“Our newest prank, disappearing ink. We heard Harry talking about how his idiot muggle cousin had some so we wanted to make our own. We made it especially for you”.
Your hand darted out to snatch the fabric from Fred, smoothing your fingers over the fabric that was once stained to see if it was really gone. Both boys watched as your expression turned from confusion to shock to a mix of desire and anger. You were angry that the twins had tricked you and pulled you away from your book but you couldn’t help but feel hot at the thought that they made an ink just to get you in your bra. Maybe a reward for all their hard work wouldn’t be so bad.
George tugged on the bra clasp, his lips ghosting down your neck before pressing a kiss to your shoulder. A shiver ran up your spine at the feeling, but you didn't push him away. Fred toyed with the hem of your skirt, watching as your eyes glazed over with desperation.
“I need you both. Please make me feel good”
Fred tugged your skirt up, using his other hand to trace his fingers over the elastic of your underwear. He slowly trails your underwear down your smooth legs and helps you step out of them so your dripping folds are on display to him. As you look upon their faces, both of them lick their bottom lips in unison. George finally pulls your bra off, tossing it with your discarded shirt.
How could you look so innocent in just your skirt with your tits out? To the twins, you were like a graceful doe who wandered into the hunters' den. George practically growled as his hands groped your tits, squeezing the sensitive flesh. Your eyes closed and you let out a whimper that was sweeter than any sugary treat from Honeydukes.
Fred took the opportunity to unzip his trousers, shimmying them down enough to pull his cock out. Every noise that escaped your lips made it jerk in his hand. He stepped closer, his tip pressing snugly against your clit and leaving a splodge of precum. His hand wrapped around your thigh, tugging it up and over his hip while George held you upright. His head speared through your folds, your slick coating his shaft.
“Do you want this, love? You want me inside of you? Maybe we should see if that tight little hole can handle Georgie and I at the same time. I can feel how wet that makes you, Sweetheart. The thought of taking two cocks, we’d break that sweet pussy open”
George tugged at your earlobe with your teeth, only pulling back when a whine bubbled up from your throat.
“I think you want us to ruin you for other men”
Your voice couldn't have been more than a whisper, but it was filled with every dirty promise and beg that would only be privy to the twins’ ears.
“I want you two. I want other guys to look at me and know that I belong to you”
“Sweetheart, you already belong to us”
George moved his hand down to push his trousers down and pull his cock out, pressing it at your entrance before pulling you against him. His cock slid inside of you, your warm cunt hugging his shaft.
Fred brushed his fingertips against your clit, taking in the sight of your hole stretched around his brother's cock. It was gonna be a tight fit. He nudged at your entrance, his tip trying to find a space big enough to squeeze into. With a bit more persistence, he was pushing forward, the desperation to be buried inside of you fueling him.
You tried to stay still, trying not to squirm or clench. The stretch was so intense that you swore you could even feel the blood pumping through the veins decorating their shafts. Every pulse, every nudge felt like it would rip you in two.
When Fred’s tip finally pushed through the small opening, the squealed moan that left your lips was enough for George to press his hand to your lips to muffle any sound. As much as they loved the noises you were making, they couldn’t get suspended so close to graduating. There would always be other occasions to hear your pretty moans.
The sight was one to behold. The twins wished they could photograph your pussy stuffed with both of their cocks and frame it, only to watch the replay over and over.
An obscene squelching filled the room as they repeatedly stuffed their cocks into you. The stretch brings you closer to the edge than ever before. Your walls clenched, trying to both push their cocks out and pull them deeper. It didn't take long before you were cumming, clenching around them in a desperate need to be full of their cum.
George's hand stayed over your mouth, his lips whispering sweet praises in your ear. Fred lips were pressed against your forehead, giving chaste kisses here and there. Their groans echoed throughout the room when they felt you cum around them. You felt too good to be true. It took them 3 months to make that ink.
It was worth every single minute.
A mix of their cum flooded your insides, but there was so much that it started spilling out. But they didn't pull out just yet. With how much effort went into getting you between them, they were gonna make this last for as long as possible. It was only after they came down from their high that they noticed just how much of a mess you all made. Cum spots stained your skirt and their trousers. Fred’s chuckle caught your attention.
“Maybe we should clean you up for real this time”
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papercorgiworld · 8 months
“I dare you to steal his clothes”
Draco Malfoy and Tom Riddle
Your friend dares you to steal his clothes while he’s in the shower, obviously things don’t go as planned…
Warning: smut, making out and the guys are naked
Some of you asked for Draco and Tom, I’m sorry it took me a while, but here you go. First time writing for Tom so I hope it’s okay. For Mattheo, Theo, Blaise and Enzo: click here
You were sitting in the slytherin common room. It was late and the party was dying down but your friends refused to go to their dorms.
“Truth or dare?” Your best friend asks as they try to focus on you but they’re clearly too drunk to manage that.
Your friend tries to get their brain to come up with a good dare, something fun. It is then that they see a certain slytherin holding a towel and heading for the bathroom.
Draco Malfoy
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“Really? Malfoy of all people?” You mutter as you reluctantly sneak towards the door of the slytherin boys bathroom. You and him never saw eye to eye, so being dared to steal his clothes was obviously not on top of your bucket list. Though you had to admit that embarrassing him was alway fun. As soon as you enter, you spot several scattered around pieces of clothing and quietly tiptoe to them. When you grab his pants his belt makes a little too much noise.
“(Y/n)?! Is that you?” Draco spots you and instead of moving, your threat response of choice is to freeze and stay crouched down with his pants in your hands. “Of course! Loser by day, weird pervert by night.” Your lips part in shock as he accuses you of being a pervert and you immediately protest. “If I was a pervert I wouldn’t be in here with you, because there’s probably nothing impressive to se-.” But just in that moment Draco fully steps out of the shower. With nothing left to the imagination your eyes widen and your brain shuts down. “Or maybe there is.” You mutter as you tilt your head slightly impressed. “Quit staring!” Draco snares as he searches for his towel. “Quit dangling it in front of me.” Now that Draco has finally found a towel you look away and meet his eyes. You’re surprised to find him blushing. “You’re not supposed to be here. You’ll be in serious trouble when I tell Snape.” He threatens.
“I was dared to do this. Are you really going to snitch on me over a stupid dare.” You roll your eyes. “For once be reasonable, Malfoy.” You complain. “You were dared to do what exactly? Join me in the showers? ‘Cause if that’s the case I won't snitch. I’ll even help.” A flirty smirk tugs on his lips as he walks towards you. You lay a hand on his chest keeping his still wet body at a distance. “No, I’m supposed to steal your clothes.” Draco huffs. “Not happening, darling. I’m not walking out here in nothing but my towel.”
You look him up and down, thinking about his suggestion to join you in the showers. “How about I offer you a deal?” You suggest and Draco just shakes his head. “There’s nothing you can offer me that I don’t already ha-“ you interrupt him and his arrogance immediately falters when he feels you closing in, your fingers tracing over his chest and abdomen. “How about my naked body pressed against yours as hot water tickles on us.” Draco stares deep into your eyes to make sure if you were being serious, because hearing you say this was something out of his fantasies.
While Draco continues staring and starts dreaming of what might happen you hook a finger behind his towel, bringing him back to planet earth. “So?” You ask innocently as if it wasn’t clear to you what he wanted. With a mix of hesitation and gentleness his lips move over yours, waiting for you to deepen it, which you happily do. As soon as he senses the passion in your kiss all doubt leaves him and his hand holds your head in place as he kisses you like it’s a nonverbal declaration of love.
While kissing, you stumble towards the shower and in the process Draco loses his towel, but that’s just all the more convenient. Feeling his hardening member against your thighs sends a wave of pleasure to your core. When a soft whimper rolls off your lips, Draco presses his forehead against yours and admires your face. “So fucking beautiful.” He breathes before kissing you with a loving hunger. With just barely enough self control he helps you take off your clothes before turning on the water.
Freshly showered and with a bright smile on your face you join your friends. “I got his clothes.” Luna cheers for you like you’ve won the quidditch cup, but Hermoine just looks at your still wet hair. “Did you shower while you were there?” She finally asks, unable to put the pieces together. However, before you can answer a whistling Draco walks in with just his towel around his waist and Hermoine slowly turns her face to you. What. The. Fuck. didyoujustdo!
Tom Riddle
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If it weren’t for the alcohol in your system you would’ve never accepted this dare, Tom was trouble and you knew it, but the alcohol told you that stealing his clothes was easy peasy lemon squeezy. But it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that it wasn’t easy peasy at all, since you couldn’t spot his clothes at all. With the shower still running you decided to take the time to search a little longer. Cursing, you give up and turn around only to see a very naked and very smug looking Tom leaning against the bathroom wall.
“Didn’t find what you were looking for?” How long had he been standing there? “Oh, I’m sorry. I just accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom. Sorry.” You hope your flusteredness about the awkward situation covers up for your horrible lying skills. “Took you a while to figure out you’re in the wrong bathroom.” You nod awkwardly as he shamelessly stares you down, while you do your best to avoid staring at the nude man in front of you. “Yeah, but your nakedness kind of tipped me off.” You gesture to his body like he wasn’t aware of the fact he wasn’t wearing anything. He looks down at himself and you follow, staring a little too long at what’s between his legs. “See anything you like?” He questions amused as you panic and immediately look up at him. “No.” His tongue moves inside his mouth as he wonders what he could do to someone as innocent as you. You try to look away from him, but there’s something in his eyes that lures you back to them.
“That’s the second lie you’ve told me today.” Tom says as he moves towards you and for a moment you forget to breathe. He’s so close to you that you can count the water droplets on his chest. You feel your heart explode with anticipation as he leans in. At the last moment he moves away from your lips to your ear. “Try not to lie a third time.” He whispers and you feel your knees get weak. “Do you want my clothes for your silly dare? Or do you want me to fuck you?” You feel a wave of excitement rush through your body as you see a spark of sweet desire in Tom’s eyes.
“Honestly…” You breathe out clearly under the influence of your hormones. Tom’s eyes are glued to your body, filled with hunger, as he traces every inch of it, longing for you. “Both.” You say, not lying this time. Tom forces a smile as he’s not too pleased with your answer. “Then let me make the choice easy for you.” His harsh tone is the only warning you get before he pushes you against the cold tiles. The kiss is messy but wonderful and your hand finds its way to his hair as he traces sloppy kisses down to your neck. With one rough movement he picks you up and you wrap your legs tightly around him. His hips moving into yours has your panties soaking and he knows it. “Still interested in that game you were playing with your friends?”
“No. I like your game better.” You breathe out, feeling his hand slide up your legs under your skirt. “Good, smart girl.” You throw your head back and Tom pushes your panties to the side, sliding through your folds a few times before pushing in a finger. Your moans quickly fill the room.
You join your friends. “Sorry, I got a little distracted.” You try to sound casual but with everyone’s eyes on you you can’t help but get flustered. “Don’t bother lying, we all heard you scream his name over and over again.” Your eyes widen and you chuckle nervously. When Tom walks in, he quickly figures out why you’re all flustered. So he stops by you. “No need to be embarrassed, I loved the sound of your voice.” His suggestive whisper has you biting your lip and squeezing your thighs as your thoughts return to your previous activities. Maybe time to return to your room. Or his?
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marvel-snape-writes · 6 months
What if snape fucking you in his potions closet and he has to muffle your cries with his big hand🫣and he tells you he’ll use truth serum on you if you don’t tell him exactly what you’re feeling 😵‍💫
Come On Time
Snape x original female character
18+ smuuuuuuuuut
2.5k words Thank you to whoever requested this, I hope I did it some kind of justice 🫣🫶
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Severus recognised her footsteps the moment he heard them echoing down the corridor. His mind immediately fell victim to trying to guess what she would be wearing; something revealing to entice him what he could have later, something excessively covered up to keep him guessing, or, perhaps, nothing… just like a couple of nights before.
His head turned in the direction of her footsteps, though his face remained expressionless. Once she was in clear view, she flashed him a smile, but it did come across a little weary.
“Sorry, Professor, I—” She began before he cut her off abruptly.
“Were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago.” He finished her sentence for her in his own words, though he more spat than spoke.
“I… got caught up.” She swallowed hard, able to feel his temper through the air.
“Sh.” He brought his index finger to his lips and glanced up and down the corridor before reaching behind him and placing his hand on the door handle, “Come quietly.”
She nodded and followed him inside, feeling her heart rate increased as the door shut behind her. He paced to the far end of the Potions Closet and huffed loudly, his cloak swishing as he moved.
“Time escaped me, Severus…” She spoke timidly as she walked cautiously behind him.
“Enough.” He raised his hand and turned around, “You were made fully aware of the amount of time I have between classes,” His eyes walked all over her body, his lips remaining parted before speaking again, “And, yet, you failed to come when I asked.”
“Severus— uh, Professor, it was not my intention to come so late,” She spoke uneasily, “I swear…”
“No… excuses…” He shook his head, moving their faces closer between words and raising one of his large hands to cup her face in.
“I-I’m sorry.” She whispered, daring to place her hands upon his chest.
“’Sorry’ just isn't going to cut it this time, I'm afraid.” He flashed her a smirk, their lips only inches apart this time.
“How long have you got?” She asked, tickling her lips against his.
“Fifteen minutes less than I'd like.” He grumbled, finally claiming her lips.
Her hands moved to hold onto the lapels of his large overcoat and she pulled him forward in an attempt to deepen the kiss almost immediately. Snape stumbled forward slightly and placed his hands against the shelf just above her shoulders to steady himself.
“Mm, desperate…” She teased as their bodies collided, kissing him now with parted lips.
“Do not test my patience any further, Eleanor…” His grip on the shelves tightened and his kisses became less forgiving.
Their eyes fell shut and Eleanor’s hand slipped down the front of his body until they met with the front of his trousers, instinctively massaging her palm against him with each kiss. Severus’ hands moved to her hips and he whimpered against her lips, feeling his neediness already beginning to become obvious in the crotch of his pants. He pulled at her bottom lip and pushed his body forward against hers, pausing slightly when he heard the several glass bottles knock against each other as the shelf wobbled.
“This won't do,” He spoke in between breaths, pulling back slightly, “We’ll cause too much of a disturbance if all these come tumbling down.”
“What, and throwing me around your Potions Closet won't cause a disturbance?” She smirked.
“Sometimes I only kiss you to shut- you- up.” He snarled against her lips, lifting her off the ground and placing her on his desk.
“Bloody charming.” She giggled, leaning up to kiss him as her hands immediately darted to his crotch, desperately trying to unfasten his pants.
Severus didn't respond this time, only by grunting harder against her lips. His hands found the hem of her dress and he pushed it up slightly, biting down on her bottom lip. His fingertips slipped under the hem of her dress this time and brushed back and forth over her tights that were clung skin-tight to her thighs. Eleanor’s hand purposefully slipped from the fastening of his pants to instead grasping his hardened length through the material. Only seconds after her hand found his cock, Severus’ hand found her neck and grasped it loosely.
“Do not taunt me,” He warned, nipping at her lips, “I assure you it will not result in a gentle outcome.”
“What if that's what I want?” She asked, gripping the crotch of his trousers again and tugging them open.
“First, you don't show up for me on time, and now…” He gasped quietly when he felt her pull the zip of his crotch down properly.
“And now, Professor?” She arched a brow, their lips less than an inch apart.
He didn’t answer.
“Has the sharp-tongued Professor finally lost his tongue, hm?” She began to smirk until Severus gripped her hips and pulled her off the table, spinning her around and pushing her against it.
“I don't know how you have the nerve…” He spoke each word sharply, grasping onto her thighs and roughly pushing them apart — silently to her delight.
“Hmm?” She placed her hands flat against the table, gasping with a wide grin as Severus reached between her legs this time and ripped a desperate hole in her tights, swallowing hard and then parting his lips when he noticed there was no further material underneath, “I came unaccompanied by underwear, what more could you want from me?”
“There comes a time,” He spoke as he frantically pushed down the front of his own underwear, “When she just needs to be bent over the desk, and asked…” His lip twitched as he lined himself up with her properly, wasting no time in thrusting his hips forward and leaning over her as his head dipped to whisper lowly into her ear, “’So, what's all that attitude about?’”
“Are you going to punish me, Professor?” She asked, biting down on her lip hard to try and stop herself from moaning now he was all the way inside her, “For not coming on time, hm?”
“Oh, I'm going to make you cum on time…” He gritted his teeth, starting to move his hips, “Cum on my time.”
Eleanor’s head fell forward in pleasure as Severus’ thrusts became more frequent and fast, trying her best to keep her moans to a minimum. Severus’ hands remained clamped onto her waist, shaking his hair out of his face as it began to move with each motion of his hips. His eyes fell shut and rolled back in pleasure, his jaw locking with each thrust.
“S-Sev, mmmh…” Eleanor whimpered, her grip on the table tightening as his thrusts from behind her only grew faster.
“Hold on tight, Princess, there's two whole days of not having you pent up in these thrusts.” He snarled, smirking wickedly as he briefly made the table legs squeak from the force of his hips.
“Two whole days of not having me, hm?” Eleanor grinned smugly and bit her lip for a few moments before speaking again, “Did you want me that badly, Professor?”
“Yes.” He answered bluntly, moaning several times under his breath as his length pulsated while it slid in and out of her with ease.
“And you didn't think to think of me and touch yourself?” She dared herself to ask. The grin remained on her lips for a few more short moments before letting out a pleasure-filled shriek when Severus’ response to her question was a harsh palm across her bottom.
He followed this with an assertive, “Do not be absurd.”
His hips gained a rough speed as if punishment for her question. It was punishment she liked, though; letting out a blissful cry. Severus let this one slide, also grunting himself each time he harshly thrust his hips forward. He squeezed his eyes shut from the delight of his throbbing length filling her perfectly each time his hips moved forward. Eleanor’s hands began to shake against the table as her grip weakened from the strength of his movements, moans now uncontrollably falling from her lips as he repeatedly slammed his hips forward. The sounds of her moans, however, were what shook him out of his trance; the sudden realisation that her moans could most likely be heard from outside the Potions Closet dawned on him — sending both fear and thrill of them both getting caught.
“Severus, fu-!” She tried to shout in pleasure before she found his large hand clasp around her mouth.
“Quiet!” He commanded, fighting off his own moan as he spoke shakily this time, “Y-You’ll get us caught…”
“Mmh, g.. f…bid… pe..pl…f…nd…ou…Prof…Sn..p…ac..t…lly…h…s…ex…” Was all that she could manage to murmur into the palm of his hand.
“What was that?” He snapped, thinning his lips when he felt her press a gentle kiss to the palm of his hand before he brought it away to allow her to speak properly.
“I-I said…” She tried to gather her breath in order to speak in full sentences and found this increasingly hard from the relentless thrusts of his hips now knocking her into the table each time, “God forbid people find out Professor Snape actually has sex…”
“Don't be a fucking brat.” He growled lowly, gripping onto her tighter.
“Or what?” She practically moaned out her words, her fingertips now turning white from how hard she was holding onto the moving table.
“Or I'll fuck you like a brat,” He spoke through gritted teeth, “And you’ll tell me exactly how it feels.”
“B..But…” She whimpered, already finding it hard not to make any sound, “H-How do I do that without us… g-getting caught?”
“You tell me and not the whole fucking world.” Severus fired back quickly, his movements stopping completely as he leaned over her to breathe into her ear, “Or I'll force-feed you the Truth Serum and then you’ll have no choice but to tell the whole world how you meet up with your old Professor in secret to fuck in his Potions Closet between lessons just so you can get a good reference from your work experience.”
“I…” She lost her breath — and train of thought — just from his words alone; turning her on even more than she thought possible.
“You can stand in front of everyone in the Great Hall and tell them how it feels to have your old Professor, the one that you despised so much, how it feels to have his cock pounding into you until you come apart for me…” He smirked evilly against her skin, pressing a singular kiss behind her ear before whispering even lower this time, “How, at times, I've had you beg for mercy, beg for faster, beg for harder… Beg on your knees for my cock.”
“S-Sev…” She could barely speak through her aroused state.
“Are you going to behave?” He spoke cruelly slowly into her ear, hovering his hand over her mouth again, “And tell mehow it feels? You won't even have to beg if you comply to simple instruction…”
She nodded, desperate to feel his movements again.
“Good girl.” He grinned wickedly and placed his hands against her hips again, standing up straight.
Eleanor braced herself, knowing she had earned herself a pleasure-filled punishing. Severus remained teasingly still for a few moments before he roughly began to plunge himself forward again, so hard Eleanor swore she could see stars.
“Fuck, Severus!” She gasped in a high pitched whisper, already having to grasp onto the table from the strength of his thrusts, “O-Only your cock is capable of doing this to me… making me feel like this.” She whimpered as her body began to shake in pleasure.
“That's because only my cock is allowed to do this…” He growled, a hint of possession in his voice.
“I-It feels so…” She bit her lip hard before her mouth fell open in delight, “S-So fucking good…”
The table squeaked beneath them and Severus’ fingertips began to dig into the material covering her hips. The two of them filled the Potions Closet with subtle noises of delight as their eyes remained tightly shut, both of them getting closer and closer to their climax.
“O-Oh, my… fuck.” Severus began to lose himself, his knees threatening to buckle as his hips continued at a merciless pace.
“I-I don't ever want another man to have me like this…” Eleanor panted out her words, the heat in the pit of her stomach starting to spread, “G-Good reference or not, no one can fuck me like you, Severus.”
“A-Agh!” Severus let out a strangled cry of pleasure, suddenly reaching his orgasm as a result of her words and in turn shocking himself and Eleanor at how quick it was.
“Sev! Mmm…” Eleanor moaned as his thrusts became more and more clumsy.
“C-Cum for me, Eleanor…” He leaned over her again, his lips lingering against the back of her neck as he continued to shoot his release inside her with each shaky thrust, “Fuck, I used to love it when we’d cum together. Cum for me… Now. Now!”
“P-Professor!” Her breathing almost cutout as her own climax shortly followed, sending tingles of bliss throughout her entire body. She gripped onto the table the best she could, and though she used it to bear her weight, the amount of pleasure coursing through her made her feel like she was about to collapse onto the floor.
They moved against one another until their orgasms were ridden out, the room now becoming filled with their heavy breathing and musky, scandalous scent instead. Severus stood up properly and inhaled deeply, tucking himself back into his pants and fastening them back up. He ran his fingers back through his hair in an attempt to fix it back into a presentable state as Eleanor readjusted her dress after straightening herself back up, both their faces flushed.
“Here,” Severus said firmly, reaching for a small goblet with liquid in which was placed on a conveniently close shelf and handing it to her, “I already made it before you came.”
“Hm?” She arched a brow, playfully playing dumb as she took the Contraceptive Potion from him, “What happens in the Potions Closet stays in the Potions Closet, right?”
“Something like that.” He nodded, though allowed a brief chuckle to escape his lips.
“Bold of you to assume I'd let you have your way with me in here.” She teased, drinking from the goblet.
“What's the difference between this time and every other spare moment we get without prying eyes or students?” Snape narrowed his eyes briefly, “Besides, I think what you mean to say is ‘bold of you to assume I was going to be late so had to make this potion before I arrived because you knew there would be little time after.’”
“Excuse me?!” Eleanor snorted out a quiet laugh, trying to come across as offended as she swatted his chest lightly.
“Oh, come on,” Severus rolled his eyes, “You can't even cum on time, let alone come on time.”
@enkelikauneus @inax145 @icytrickster17 @overgrownbat @liv2post @thesecretsofseverussnape @hiddlestonspassionsackx @megladon045 @snifellus @hazedwords @dontrunannabelle @bobobomao @piest4r @daniiduna86 @kikaaauu @theblacklakesiren @wh0reforthemarauders @nooneeveryonenoone @sorryimdyingrn @plecosylvia @slytherinqueen4life @ilovesevsnape @missgurlthang @fantisyoflove @evil-eyebrow @mrs-snape5984 @vulnus-sanare @mija-novella @peppiloll @honeyshampoo @mrs-katelyn-barnes @callm3c0nfus3d @km-ffluv @nymphaforesta @hazedwords @yesmasterblog @innercherryblossomwitch @ghostlyphantomartisan
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Secret Love
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Hey guys!
I watched Alexia’s report today and it made me want to write for her.
For context, this story takes place during the 2023 World Cup in Australia.
Mentionning of smut, jealousy and insecurities.
Enjoy ♥
Edit : Part 2 is HERE
"What's happening?"
You remain frozen in the frame of the door, while you were about to enter the cloakroom. A small group, apparently led by Jenni, is around Alexia who has slightly pink cheeks. You frowns, not used to seeing these kinds of scenes in the dressing room. Alexia is more of a not to be bothered type.
"Alexia has a secret girlfriend!" Jenni sings while tickling her best friend’s ribs.
"I do not!" Alexia answers, snaping her hand away.
"Chicas, leave her alone"
You turn around to see Ona tying her boots, signalling your teammates to leave your captain alone, a small smile on her face. Jenni pouts, while Alexia gives a grateful smile to her future FC Barcelona teammate. And you, you go to your locker to change and put your training shirt on.
You didn't turn around when your hear some of them getting out of the room, lost in your thoughts. Preparation for the tournament is hectic, the agreement between the players and some members of the staff is unfortunately not always easy.
"Nice tattoo."
You smile recognizing the voice and a circular glance in the room tells you that you are now alone with your captain. Alexia is talking about the wings on your back, even if you have some others.
"Thanks. It's my girlfriend's favorite too"
You grin before turning around to have a better look of the say girlfriend.
"Your secret girlfriend, who almost get us catch"
"What happened?"
You ask, tenderly pushing a strand of her now light pink hair behind her shoulder. Alexia shruggs while getting closer to you, looking about you.
"That was stupid of me. I just unlocked my phone to show a picture of my cousin’s niece to Jenni and I hadn’t closed our Whatsapp conversation the last time I turned off my screen. Thanks God you changed your name in my contacts list."
You smile at the memory, laying your hands on Alexia’s hips to squeeze her against you. You sigh with ease feeling her skin against yours, savoring this feeling felt too little since your arrival on this side of the globe. One of your hand get on her neck, tenderly caressing the skin revealed by her ponytail.
"I miss you" Alexia whispers against your skin.
Being also part of the FC Barcelona team, it is much easier to find yourself discreetly in the evening. When one is sleeping at the other's appartment, you just need to arrive with a few minutes after her to avoid getting caught. Not living in the same neighborhood, it would be weird to carpool.
"I miss you too" You pouts. "I can't sleep without your hugs"
Alexia smiles, retreating her face to have a better look of you. It was obvious she will sharing her room with Jenni. No one in the team, no one of your friends and almost no one at all knows about you too. Alexia only talked about you two to her mother, during a night of doubts. Your love story wasn't easy at first.
Alexia always put her career ahead of everything else and panicked when she realized that she has no longer control of her feelings. So she made the decision to break up with you, right after you lost to Wolfsburg. Between that and the lost final in Turin, it was probably the worst period of your life.
You could never blame her that said, you had at the time a small inferiority complex that made you constantly wonder how Alexia could even find it interesting to speak to you. So being in a relationship with her was kind of like a daydream. You told Alexia about it at one of your sleepover and she told you you were an idiot. Then she kissed you and you didn’t think about standing up to her. But that feeling stayed.
Then she tore her ACL and you gave up on avoiding her as much as possible. You were there for her and the feelings you always shared were stronger than the rest. But you have decided to remain secret for the time being, despite everything.
"I’d tell you to ask Ona, but I’m not sure I’d appreciate it if I found out you really did"
You smile thinking about your roomate, that you’re getting to know a little more during this tournament. You lean in for a kiss, savoring the sensation of Alexia’s soft lips against yours. You get lost in the embrace, before jumping when you hear footsteps approaching the door quickly. You barely have time to take off from Alexia before Mariona came in.
"Hurry girls, Vilda is in a bad mood"
You nod before taking your jersey, mouthing a "Go" to Alexia.
In the milddle of the common living room, you were playing ping-pong with Ona, Salma, and Aitana. Pairing with Aitana, you were beating the shit of the other duo up, your screams of enthusiasm resounding throughout the room. It doesn’t seem to bother the rest of the team though and you come across Alexia’s amused look several times. She finds herself sitting on a sofa, stuck between Eva and Irene.
"Vamoooooos!" cheers Aitana after you win in the victory point.
She hugs as you smile, before laughing when you see Ona moving away from the table to find refuge in front of the television, alongside Alba. Salma rolls her eyes and smiles, best loser, while Aitana lays a drooling kiss on your cheek.
"Ew" you wince, wiping your cheek with the back of your hand. "Back off"
With another laugh Aitana goes to Salma and your gaze instinctively goes back to Alexia. This is not new, it has the same effect as a magnet on you. She looks at you too, but this time her face seems stoic, deserted by the fun that was on it until now.
You frowns, asking her if everything's fine remotely. But she doesn't answer, before her attention is caught by Irene. And despite your attempts to cross her gaze for the next few minutes, Alexia will never shift her attention to you. As time passes, the feeling of incofort becomes too big and you end up telling that you are tired to escape the room.
Taking your phone out of your jogging pocket, you reach your room by sending a message to Alexia.
You - Is everything's alright?
She didn't answer at first, but you didn’t expect an immediate answer. She is surrounded by your teammates and Jenni having almost caught you the other day, it's obvious that she will be careful. But, when you are showered, changed and Ona joined you in the room, you still have no answer.
You - Alexia?
You hesitated a long time before sending the second message, not wanting to seem too sticky. But your heart rate is too high, showing your concern.
"You're alright Cariño?"
Ona's voice makes you jump and mumble a "Madre mios" before answering.
"I didn't know you weren't sleeping, sorry if I wake you up"
"You didn't. But you didn't answer my question either."
You shrugs, biting your lips. But you couldn't answer. Small one because you're a bad liar and small two because Ona already seems to know the answer.
"You didn't have to talk to me if you don't want to, but just know that I'm here if you need to"
You smile this time, feeling an rush of (friendly) affection towards the Catalan.
"Gracias Ona."
You wake up a little later, a look on the alarm clock informing you that it's only 3 in the morning. You glance at Ona who seems deeply asleep, her chest rising and falling at regular intervals. You turn around in your bed and a few seconds later a light makes you open your eyes. It’s the screen on your phone, and you grab it and see that you got a message from Alexia. Three, actually.
Mi Reina ♥ - I'm sorry, can we talk ?
Mi Reina ♥ - Please?
Mi Reina ♥ - I'm at your door
If the first two messages are about an hour old, the last one is only a few seconds old. Frowning, you get up from your bed and join the door most discreetly. After taking one last look at Ona, you open the door, swearing inwardly when you hear it squeak. And in spite of yourself, you can’t help but let go of a cry of surprise when you feel that a hand takes hold of your arm to draw you further down the corridor.
Before you know what’s really going on, you find yourself in a room used as a maid’s storeroom, obviously recognizing the silhouette of your girlfriend despite the darkness. And you just have time to see her honey eyes sparkling in the dark before you feel her body crashing against yours, her lips kissing yours with a hungerness you’ve never known her until now.
You need two seconds before answering her kiss, moaning when she bits you lips and leave them to alternate kissing and biting along your neck.
"Alexia... No marks" you stutter, feeling her sucking a sensitive spot in your neck.
"Why? You are mine." she growls
She sucks harder and you have to bite your lip to stay silent.
"What was that about?"
You look at her, catching your breath after a long, intense and busy time. Your eyes having adapted to the brightness, you have no trouble to realize that if she takes time to answer it is only because she seeks her words. So you don’t press it, more than happy to find a box to sit on. After a few more seconds, you finally reach out to her so that she settles by your side.
"Alexia don't mess with your head. It's me, talk to me"
She sights, answering without looking at you.
"I'm sorry, what?" you laugh, leaning to her.
"I was jealous, ok? At first you were having fun and I didn't mind, I was happy because I have a real reason to looked at you. But after she kissed you and I don't know something snapped in my brain"
You are so surprised by her monologue, said in an increasingly fast and annoyed tone that it takes you a few seconds to answer.
"Are you talking about the kiss slash dog-licking Aitana gave me after our ping-pong match?" you ask, completely amazed.
"But I should be the only one allowed licking your face" Alexia wines and you can't help but laugh.
Alexia bites her lip so as not to mix her laughter with yours, but cannot mask her smile.
"You don't have to be jealous of anyone bebita" you say after you resume breathing, making Alexia smile with the surname she loves the most. "I only have eyes for you"
She's still smiling but didn't answer. Only with that you can understand that there is something else.
"Alexia talk to me"
She looks at you and take you by the hand to draw you to her knees. You let yourself obviously, too happy to find yourself in her arms even if what happened between you a few minutes ago was the most intense. You never get tired of the moments of tenderness she offers you.
"I think I’m getting tired of having to hide our relationship. I know the decision not to talk about it came largely from me, but we’ve been together for more than a year. But I'm scared of what people will say about us. I'm scared they destroy us."
"Nobody can destroy us, not even ourselves when we tried"
Alexia smiles again and stroke your cheek with his nose before talking.
"You know what? If we win the final, I’m ready to shout from the rooftops that I’m crazy about you."
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serverusslaype · 11 months
The Yule Ball, pt. 2
Severus Snape x professor!reader one-shot
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omg hey yall. sorry i posted this so late, i fell asleep during the day after work because i'm a doughnut. lol, so, here is part two! :) hopefully you enjoy it as much as i did writing it! <3
hope you guys are all well!! make sure you're sleeping enough!
There was a moment of silence before you chose to speak, avoiding Snape's gaze. "Thank you." You sighed softly, your body relaxing as Snape walked with you, his hand still glued to the small of your back. "I didn't really expect you to help me." You added timidly, braving a glimpse at his pale face. His brows knitted together, but you weren't sure whether it was out of confusion or anger.
"Why wouldn't I help you?" Snape questioned rather coldly, making you stand up straighter. He kept his eyes glued straight ahead, but you were busy staring at him.
"Well... you don't seem too fond of me. I just thought...-"
"Thought that I'd let that slimy imbecile have his despicable way with you?" Snape glared at you, his eyes twinkling with irritation. You sucked in a sharp breath, shrinking under his intense stare. "Whether I am 'fond' of someone or not, I will not let such a thing happen, regardless." He huffed, clearly angry. You could feel it through the way he pulled you closer to him - whether it was absent-mindedly or consciously, you weren't sure, but you also weren't complaining. You'd fantasised about this moment for years.
The two of you continued walking until you reached the same spot that you had seen McGonagall, Dumbledore and Snape stood earlier. "Thank you, anyway." You muttered as a lacklustre sigh fell from your lips. "I was afraid that I was going to be stuck with him." Snape's head snapped towards you.
"If I wasn't there, I'm sure someone else would have helped you." Snape said in a softer tone, attempting to settle your mind. You still seemed a little anxious despite having been saved from Karkaroff.
"Maybe," you nodded, shrugging, "but I'm glad it was you." You muttered the last part, earning a head tilt from the professor stood beside you.
"Glad it was me?" He repeated, evidently surprised by your words. Snape's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt a little warm.
"Erm," Your eyes widened and your cheeks burned as you suddenly realised what you had said. "Well, yeah, I doubt anyone else could have scared off Karkaroff like that." You laughed awkwardly, brushing your hair in front of your face to hide your blushing cheeks.
"I'm sure Professor Flitwick would have done a fine job of scaring Karkaroff." Snape muttered amusedly, making you smile.
"Flitwick can be scary." You hummed, holding back a laugh as you avoided Snape's curious eyes. "He's a duelling champion after all."
"Duelling champion or not, I highly doubt Filius could intimidate a man such as Igor." Snape said rather seriously. You frowned to yourself. "Igor doesn't take lightly to such things."
"And you know this how?" You asked, looking up at the Potions Master inquisitively. What he said was rather strange, and it piqued your interest.
"That does not concern you." Snape said flatly, and you groaned in response. A small, amused smile tickled his lips at the noise.
"Of course it doesn't." You sighed. Snape glanced down at you, quirking a brow.
"What a nosy little thing you are." He teased, his smile turning into a wicked smirk. You rolled your eyes at Snape, your cheeks burning up again at his words. Was he flirting with you?
"That I am." You replied, narrowing your eyes at him. Turning your attention back to the dancing students, the music suddenly slowed into a gentle, almost-romantic song. You watched as couples flooded the dancefloor, your heart aching at the sight - you couldn't remember the last time you'd danced with someone like that.
Snape let the silence ensue for a minute or so before he spoke, rolling his shoulders. He glanced down at you, noticing your yearning eyes. "Would you... like to dance?" He asked quietly, inducing a surprised look to cross your features.
"What?" You blinked, snapping your head to look at him.
"Are you familiar with the concept? Dancing?" Snape frowned at you, half of his mouth quirking upwards into a smirk.
"Yes, I am- I'm just... shocked at what you asked."
"You don't think I dance?" Snape cocked a brow, and you stared at him in disbelief. "How ignorant of you, Professor L/N."
"You don't seem like the type-"
"Would you like to dance or not?" Snape huffed, growing tired of your comments. You held back a giggle and nodded, a bashful smile painting your lips as he took your hand and lead you to the floor, whispers and gasps erupting around the two of you.
"People are staring." You whispered, gazing up at Snape as his other hand settled on your waist, the other keeping a secure hold of yours. It felt as if someone had just stolen all of your breath from you as he pulled you a little closer to him; a tiny smirk appearing on his lips as he watched your cheeks become flushed again.
"Let them." Snape replied, his smooth and velvet-like voice sending tingles through your body. You had to cough to compose yourself - there was no way you were letting your little crush slip out right now. As the music resumed, you began to sway, your heart going ten to the dozen as you felt his fingers tighten around your waist. You weren't exactly sure how much more you could take without collapsing onto the floor into a hot mess.
Whilst the two of you swayed to the slow music, you were quietly admiring Snape's pale face, and his pretty features, most specifically his large, aquiline nose - that was one thing that you grew to adore. Not that small noses were bad, but there was something... intriguing about larger noses.
"Something on my face, Professor L/N?" Snape muttered, his eyes twinkling mischievously under the bright lights. Your breath hitched at his sudden question and you looked away, a little embarrassed that you let yourself get caught.
No, but it's missing something, you thought to yourself, swallowing thickly as you shifted your eyes back to his, blinking slowly.
"No," You said quietly, chewing on the inside of your bottom lip nervously. Behind Snape, you caught sight of Karkaroff, who looked positively fuming. "Karkaroff doesn't look too happy." You commented, poking your head past Snape to glimpse at the Bulgarian Headmaster. Karkaroff's eyes were almost burning with jealousy and his vulgar features were twisted into a rather foul-looking scowl as he stared at you and Snape from across the floor.
"Of course he doesn't," Snape drawled, twirling you around, "I saved his next victim." He sneered, his voice soaked with venom. You were a little shocked to say the least, you hadn't seen Snape be so worked up by a singular person before. As you twirled around, you stumbled slightly and Snape quickly caught you with his large hand, placing it upon your waist. Your eyes immediately flicked up to his and you smiled sheepishly, watching as he quirked a brow. "I thought you'd be a little more graceful than this." Snape hummed teasingly.
"I suppose I dance with two left feet." You replied, rolling your eyes at him.
"Oh, I can see that." Snape said sarcastically and chuckled quietly to himself, though you felt the vibration of it through his chest, and you couldn't help but smile. That was the first time you'd heard him genuinely chuckle.
"Wow, I didn't know you could chuckle." You teased him, unable to stop your smile from growing into a grin. Snape rolled his eyes at you and twirled you around again, purposefully to trip you up. You gasped as he did so, your hand landing on his strong chest to steady yourself as you fell into him, and an amused smirk crossed his features as he watched you stumble once more.
"Whoops." Snape hummed playfully, and you scrunched your nose up at him.
"Thanks for that." You sighed, fighting back a smile.
"My pleasure." He said languidly in that deep voice, a shiver sliding down your spine as you stared up at him, your eyes dropping to his smirking lips for a brief moment.
"So," you cleared your throat, forcing your eyes away from his mouth, "how do you know Igor?" You asked, glancing between his shining black eyes.
"I believe I said that didn't concern you." Snape replied, narrowing his eyes at you.
"I was just curious." You mumbled.
"And curiosity killed the cat." Snape said, almost like a warning. If he told you, he'd have to tell you that he used to be a Death Eater, and he'd definitely rather not do that now. Especially when he had you so close to him. Snape also didn't want to watch your eyes fill with fear and hate.
"Alright, I won't pry." You sighed softly, feeling yourself grow a little hot under his intense gaze. "Mind if I get some air?" You asked, and Snape nodded silently, releasing you from his grasp. You poked your head beside him again to spot Karkaroff who looked ready to pounce on you. Shivering uncomfortably, you looked back to Snape. "Will you come with me?"
"Afraid of the dark?" He teased, though he noticed your anxious face, and realised it wasn't the dark that you were afraid of.
"No, just slimy Bulgarian Headmasters." You laughed dryly, though Snape could tell that beneath the joke, you were terrified of being caught alone with Karkaroff. He nodded in response, and placed a hand on the small of your back, leading you out of the Great Hall through a small door and into the corridors. The loud music and raucous laughter began to fade as the two of you walked in the direction of the courtyards.
The cool, almost chilly night air was a drastic change from the muggy one inside the Great Hall, and you definitely felt safer with Snape accompanying you. You were currently sat on a broken stone wall, with Snape stood just behind you, his hands tucked behind his back and underneath the shadows of his black cloak.
"Are you feeling any better?" He asked, his smooth voice penetrating the silence that had fallen upon the two of you.
"A little, yeah," You hummed. "It was getting a little hot in there." You chuckled quietly, turning your body slightly to glance up at him.
"Yes," Snape agreed and shifted his gaze from the nightsky to your twinkling eyes. "I'm surprised you didn't faint underneath that beautiful dress." He said casually, his eyes flicking to the silky material that clung to your curves. Did Snape really just compliment you? 
Your eyes widened for a moment, fluttering in shock, "You think my dress is beautiful?" You asked softly, a little smile picking at the corners of your lips.
"Well- yes, I suppose so." Snape stumbled over his words slightly as he averted his eyes from your form and back to the twinkling nightsky.
"Thank you," Your smile widened at his words, and a light blush painted your supple cheeks. "I would offer you a compliment on your outfit, but you always wear the same thing." You teased him, grinning.
"Ha, ha," Snape quirked a brow at you. "Don't tempt me in retrieving Karkaroff." He said sarcastically, and you poked your tongue out at him.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, I would." Snape tilted his head at you, a cheeky smirk playing on his lips.
You laughed softly, "As if. I'm the best company you've had all evening." You said, folding your arms against your chest.
"A goblet of wine would be better company than you." Snape teased, and you rolled your eyes at him. He was lying, of course, but there was nothing better than seeing you smile.
"Oh yeah, so why you were smiling earlier when you were dancing with me?" You copied him and cocked a brow tauntingly.
"Your lack of skill was amusing." Snape shrugged, still staring up at the sky.
"Teach me, then." You said, and his head immediately snapped to you, his eyes widening slightly.
"Teach you?"
"Yes, teach me." You repeated and stood up from the stone wall, slowly walking to him, placing your hands on your hips. "If you're so good, surely you can lend me a hand?" You teased, smiling.
Snape sighed softly, staring at you for a moment, evidently pondering your offer. After a moment or two, he retrieved his hands from behind his back and shuffled towards you, taking a hold of one of your hands and placing his other upon your waist. You settled your opposite hand atop of his shoulder, and you and Snape began to sway together once more, though this time it felt a little more intimate since it was just the two of you and the sparkling nightsky for company. You felt breathless as he tugged you a little closer, his eyes boring into yours as you were mere inches apart.
"Now," Snape muttered, and you felt his hot breath against your reddening face. "When you spin, don't look at the ground." You only nodded in response, not trusting your voice right now.
Snape let go of your waist, but kept hold of your hand and raised it slightly to spin you slowly. As you spun round, you kept your eyes on his, a bashful smile gracing your lips as you managed to keep a steady foot. A grin broke out on your face.
"Now, a little faster." Snape said quietly and spun you around again, though with a quicker pace. You gasped as you tripped, a shiver travelling down your spine as you felt a pair of hands catch your waist; your own hands landing on Snape's chest. Quickly looking up, you swiftly slid your hands from his chest and to his forearms, blushing furiously.
"Sorry," you winced slightly, "I'm not very good at this." You laughed, and surprisingly, a genuine smile broke out on Snape's face.
"No," he said, chuckling, "you're utterly terrible." Your face grew an even deeper shade of red as you glanced away from him, embarrassed once again. Snape felt as if he could melt right then and there, you looked so adorable.
"I suppose it's a good thing I wasn't employed as the Professor of Dancing." You joked awkwardly, smiling up at Snape as he gazed down at you, his eyes softening a tad. You bit the inside of your lip.
"I don't think you'd last a day here if you were." Snape said with a cheeky smile.
"Clearly." You huffed quietly, your fluttering eyes flicking between his deep, distracting black ones. A strand of hair fell in front of your face, and Snape reached a hand up to gently brush it out of your face, the tips of his fingers grazing against your pink cheeks. Your breath hitched at the intimate touch, and almost instinctively, you felt yourself leaning in towards him as he let his hand settle against your cheek; thumb absentmindedly brushing the apple of it.
Snape was entranced by you - the way your luscious hair framed your beautiful face perfectly, the way your eyes twinkled like the stars he was staring at, and the way your adorable cheeks turned a different shade of red each time he looked at you. It was hypnotising, and he felt himself becoming trapped under your spell.
Without thinking, Snape leaned forwards and pressed his lips against yours in a soft kiss, his hand tightening around your waist as he felt you relax underneath his touch. It was as if time had stopped as he kissed you, it felt like only the two of you existed in that very moment - everything else became nothing; obsolete. The only thing that pulled him out of the trance was the sweet noise that slipped from your lips as you kissed him back, your hands flying up to curl around his neck; fingers tickling the nape of it.
As the two of you reluctantly pulled away from each other, you giggled and nudged your nose against his. "I wasn't expecting that." You whispered, unable to contain your grin.
"Nor was I." Snape said breathlessly, smiling as he let his arm wrap greedily around your waist to pull you as close as possible to him. This was definitely not the way Snape thought the way his night was going to go, but Merlin, he was not complaining. It was the perfect ending to a beautiful night.
let me know what you thought if you have a chance! :)
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frenziedfireworks · 1 year
Bad Days
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Bad Days with HP Boys!
(Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter)
CW : Mentions of anxiety (Fred), Draco being a lil inept to feelings, Ron being a bully (Draco), cheesy pet names, GN!Reader
Fred Weasley : 
Fred can tell what mood you're in most of the time. If you’re in a really shit mood he will baby you.. If it’s not as bad he will go for jokes and humor instead.
“Babe look at me” “I’m not in the mood Fred” “Just look”
He will blow himself up with some fireworks to prove his point and make you happy (much to your disagreeance) 
He will do anything you need.. ANYTHING. Just ask.
You had laid on the couch with your thoughts for what felt like hours. You still felt as anxious as when you started your ‘calming’ routine. You didn’t know why nothing was working today and everything felt off. Even normal and casual things had become the pinnacle of impossibility. 
“Ahem. Y/N, I would like to welcome you to the one and only show. A secret show just for you!” Your boyfriend bowed, his hands working at lighting sparklers. You watched as he did a silly jig, painting small pictures of hearts with the sparklers. The lights went out and he set the burnt sticks on the counter. Kneeling down to be level with the couch his hand brushed your cheek.
“Did you like my show, bunny?” His lips tickled against yours as he stole more than a few fair shares of kisses. You couldn’t help but grin into him as he attempted to crawl beside you.
“Babe you are too big to fit on that tiny portion of the couch.”
“Watch me.”
George Weasley : 
George picks up on your mood right away. 
He drops anything and everything and drags you to his bed
“The universe was telling me it’s cuddle time” “Is that so”
He will NOT let you out of bed.. Just accept your fate
“Fuck me.” You grunted as you walked into the living room. You had not had the best day at work and it seemed to only get worse. Your coworker had spilled coffee on you and then you got splashed with mud on your small walk back to the house. 
“Well don’t you look ravishing. Mud really suits your eyes, darling.” George snorted as you shrugged off your coat and shoes. You rubbed a hand over your face and sighed. You started walking to your shared bathroom hoping to get rid of the reminder of said shit day. 
“Baby, stop for a minute!” 
You turned ever so slowly to George’s frame which stood tall right behind. You raised an eyebrow.
“Take a shower and then come to bed, yeah? I need to treat you to some signature Weasley cuddles. They’re known to cure anything.” He leaned down to press a quick kiss to your lips and winked, leaving you alone to your thoughts. You felt yourself as you smiled just a tiny bit. He was something else.
Draco Malfoy : 
“What’s got you all pissy” (He didn’t mean it he swears)
The moment he realizes you are not just being sassy/sarcastic he is chasing you down
“Babe I’m so sorry what’s wrong” 
I feel like Draco has a lot of bad days and knows how it feels so he just sits and listens
He holds your hand/rubs his fingers across your palm.
“I’m sorry darling, you’ll always have me”
You walked out of Potions class absolutely fuming. The audacity of Ron Weasley to purposefully blow up your cauldron and then laugh at you! You had held back a few choice words and hexes, stomping away to be alone. You jumped as you hit something hard and a hand wrapped around your torso.
“Geez, love. Are you mad enough?” Draco smirked and you growled. You smacked your boyfriend's arms away and started sprinting. 
“Wait-Wait! Y/N!” Draco yanked at your shoulder forcing you to come to a halt.
“What in the world is wrong? I didn’t mean that to be rude. I’m sorry.” 
You rolled your eyes. This day just kept getting worse and worse. You knew he didn’t mean any harm but you were already so wound up that it felt like a gate came crashing down.
“Everything! Fucking potions is a mess. Ron decides to blow up my cauldron and Snape gives me a lecture.. I can’t get a fucking break.” You crumbled to the floor as the sobs continued.
“I’m just sick of this, Dray.” 
His hand wrapped around yours, fingers running soothing circles on your skin.
“I know, love. It’ll get better.”
Harry Potter : 
He just raises an eyebrow and takes you outside
“Where are we going Harry?” “Thought you’d like to clear your mind, love”
He just lets you talk for the most part and rubs your back while the two of you walk
Once you get it all out he will give you a little forehead kiss and make sure you’re all better :)) 
“Hey-” Harry startled you, your teary eyes meeting him. It had really not been your day and the last thing you wanted was for your boyfriend to find you like this.
“Harry, I-”
He shushed you, hand wrapping around your wrist to pull you up from your hiding cubby. He rubbed away at the teardrops that stained your cheek and sighed. You could tell he was worried to have found you that way but more concerned on getting you better.
He stepped away and held his arm out for you to take. The two of you fell into step as he led you out the back of the castle and onto the green grass of the highlands. The wind felt nice against your skin and you felt more at peace with Harry’s warmth next to you.
“Thank you. I really needed this.” You murmured and gave the boy a small smile when he met your stare. He gave you a reassuring hug and hummed.
“Anything for you. Come to me next time, okay?”
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fluffomatic · 2 years
Have no fear; idea dump incoming!!
A tickle fight between Xavier and Talbott would be cute to see
Xavier getting Talbott back for always tickling him
The tickle charm/spell prank on Snape (if Xavier's bold enough to try)
Talbott wrecking Xavier just because 🤷🏾‍♀️
Hope this helped😊🥰👍🏾😉
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This is the same thing that happened with Hunter and Darius lmao. I planned on just doing lee Xavier! I believe you actually were the first person to suggest lee Darius and I was like, ya know what? Why not? This is kinda a follow up pic of the last one I did of Xavier and Snape, the kid gets revenge!! Also Snape didn't actually take the points away cause he couldn't bring himself to tell Dumbledore why 😏
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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wingedhallows · 8 months
if i can still breathe; sirius black
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pairing: sirius black x reader | 0.9k words plot: you encounter snivellus and his death eater friends alone, sirius isn't happy about that prompt: "if i can still breathe, I'm fucking fine" authors note: i noticed yall like bloody works and i happen to like writing bloody things. & i feel generous today :) here u go
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You knew you were in deep shit, such deep shit, it made your fingertips tingle. Severus and his little friends had their wands pointed at you, your wand tightly grasped in your own hand.
You stared at them, a small smirk on your face. “You don’t think you’ll win this one, do you?” Severus laughed, wand waving around like a flag. Oh how you wished he would’ve waved a flag ‘cause you weren’t going to go down without a fight. How well faught that fight was, you didn't know.
With a shrug of your shoulders and a confident grin on your lips you answered him. “I think my chances are good, Snivellus.” The thing is, you weren’t confident at all. They were five and you were alone. Was that fair? No, but did little Death Eaters ever play fair?
With a flick of his wand he send something your way, you deflected it with a small gesture of your own. “Come on now, Snape.” You chuckled, sending a nonverbal spell right back.
“You’re not going easy on me now, right?” He grew red in the face and took a step forward. “Big words for someone who’s all alone.” Mulciber snarled. You shook your head and sent another quiet spell their way, sending one of Snapes little soldiers off his feet.
“I think I can manage.” Without a warning, Snape sent a spell towards you.
“Rictusempra.” He had yelled and suddenly you were on the floor in a fit of laughter. It felt like thousands of ants were crawling up your skin to tickle the absolute shit out of you.
Just as the spell wore off you could feel a foot in your stomach, knocking the air out of you. You doubled over, choking on air. A hand connected with your face, blood pooling from your lip.
“Bitch.” One of them spoke as other limbs connected with your body. You curled up in a ball, desperate to protect yourself in any way possible.
“Severus, there’s someone coming.” One of them spoke and in a matter of seconds they were gone, your cowering form long forgotten. You relaxed a bit and let out a breath as you could feel the blood and bruising kick in. The pain spread through your body and you were sure you’d cashed a few kicks to the head as well.
“Y/N?” Lily was by your side in secondary, hands not sure where to tend first. “Fuck, Y/N?” James’ voice sounded as well. They both dragged you to your feet and tagged you along.
“Who-”Snape and his little Death Eater friends.” You whispered, head pounding. You couldn’t open your eyes, the light of the torches all around sending a stinging ache to your brain.
“Bathroom.” You muttered and Lily hushed James away as you both made your way to the nearest girls' lavatory. “Go get him.” She had said and James knew right away who she meant, your boyfriend.
You didn’t protest, you knew how Sirius became when you tried to hide things. He was protective of all his friends but you were different. He loved you and he wouldn’t take lightly what Snape had done to you. You didn’t want him to. You’d enjoy whatever Sirius was going to come up with to bully the slimy slytherin.
You hunched over the sink, catching your breath. “I think some ribs are broken.” You spoke, more to yourself than to Lily. She sighed and got to work, you needed her to mend to your ribs, it was hard to breathe. You looked at yourself, the mirror was unforgiving. Your hair was all wild on top of your head, matted with blood.
Your nose, forehead and basically your whole face was smeared with blood. They got you good, you weren’t going to deny that. It was cowardly still, to attack you like that when they could’ve used magic. Just like what Death Eaters are like, cowardly.
“You can’t-”The fuck I can’t” You heard your boyfriend before you saw him in the mirror behind you. “Y/N?” He stumbled inside, face worried. You turned around with a small grin on your face, not to scare him more than necessary.
“Sirius, babe.” His eyes widened before he rushed towards you, hands held out for you. “I’m fine-”Stop lying to me, you’re obviously not fine.” He grabbed a piece of paper by the mirror and desperately tried to wipe some of the blood off.
“Sirius, love.” He closed his eyes and hung his head to calm down.
“If I can still breathe, I’m fucking fine, okay?” He nodded and embraced you in a gentle hug, his lips placed a gentle kiss to your scalp. There was no space to argue for him. "We're fine." You whispered. 
“I’ll make’em pay.” He whispered in your hair. He pulled apart and placed a hand on your bruised, bloody face. “I fuckin’ hope you do, baby.” His lips pulled in a small grin before he wiped some more of the blood off your face.
“No one touches you like this unpunished, especially not Snivellus.” You nodded and winced as your ribs snapped in place. “Sorry.” Lily whispered, face apologetic. “I’ll murder him.” He whispered and you barked out a laugh.
“I might as well.”
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dranna · 2 months
My last letter
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Summary: “This is my last letter. The last of my voice you’ll ever know before I leave. I want you to know… 
A single, stray drop of black ink fell onto the paper, as if a tear slipped from the unyielding confines of his chest, straining the neatly written lines. “
Contents: Severus Snape x reader, depression, strong hinting at suicide, planning suicides, hurt, not beta read, slight happy ending (?) 
a/n: I felt so negatively overwhelmed and hollow and sad so I wrote it in under an hour 🚶
Tagging: @giosnape @sorryimdyingrn
To my Only One, 
“Who am I to claim someone? To even entertain the idea I belong to someone and someone belonging to me? To an unclean and dirty man?” — thought Severus as he cramped the paper into a tight ball and threw it to the far end of his chamber with frustration. 
The paper hit the wall, then bounced down onto the shadowy corner of the floor. In the suffocating silence of the room, that little ping hurted the professor’s ears. It sounded to him as another mockery from the endless lines of laughter behind his back. A whisper, stepping out of the sea of other hisses: 
Snivellus, Snivellus, Snivellus Snape! 
You really thought, 
You deserve such a treat?  
“To hell all of you!” — he bellowed into the deadly silence, feeling his own voice screaming back to him. 
Ashamed of himself again, he grabbed an other piece of paper from his organised table and started to slowly write again. 
Day by day and week by week I see my rotting self pulling you down with me. Your innocent light getting covered by the mud of my old and worn down clothes, your name being dragged by my own. 
Do you think I can’t see the looks you get when you enter a room by my side? When you proudly declare that I am your partner? The shocked and confused eyes mixed with disgust? 
No Love, I can’t let it go on. 
This is my last letter. The last of my voice you’ll ever know before I leave. 
I want you to know… 
A single, stray drop of black ink fell onto the paper, as if a tear slipped from the unyielding confines of his chest, straining the neatly written lines. 
Severus simply stared as the ink continued flowing and falling onto the page. 
Drop, drop, drop, drop. 
Came the tickling sound of the black tears, while his own eyes remained calm and hollow. 
It was one of those regular nights after his teaching hours, when he was too tired to fight and remain composed. During times like this, depression assaulted him endlessly, like flies attacking a wound, not letting the wounded to rest. It was a terrible disease melting away his put together facade with a high fever, which never seemed to stop. 
Only you provided a slight relief from this chewing agony, but this relief was bitter. He hated seeing you beside him, having the feeling that he is pulling you into this gloom. 
“How could I ever deserve you?” — he whispered into the clawing quietness. 
The moon was low on the black cape of the sky, preparing to take the Sun’s warm place. — “How long have I been writing this letter? — he muttered exhaustedly. He didn’t know how much time has passed, while he was sitting at his desk, still holding the pen, staring into nothing and feeling nothing, until he heard your light steps coming down the stairs. 
Oh you were absolutely lovely. Radiating and shining, filling the room with warmth which Sevrues could feel at that moment. He could only turn and gawked at you with empty eyes and a melancholic face.  
Of course you saw it too, and oh so sweetly and patiently - purposely not seeing his letter - you helped him get up, change his clothes and get into bed. He felt himself choking on your caring patience and love. Your loving gaze as you stayed at his side, reading him his favourite book. You knew that he wouldn’t speak, at least not now, so you just stayed and waited, waited until he fell asleep or began to mumble or scream. Always waiting. Always patience. 
“Who am I indeed? I did nothing to earn all this.” 
You read and read on as he stared at you hopelessly until his eyes grew heavy. You hinted feather light kisses on his nose and forehead and resumed reading to him until he was deep in his sleep. 
You placed his letter with the other ones in the little drawer of his table and climbed next to him on the end. After tucking him in, he whispered into his hair:
“Everything will be alright, Severus.” 
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ravenshavenn · 9 months
snape would cum if you played w his lil man boobs
A pinch of pleasure
(Watch me give the people what they want - I'm sorry this has been in drafts for farrrrr to long)
NSFW - Snape X gender neutral reader (tw- scars, biting)
Summary - playing with Snape's "lil man boobs" and feeding my own obsession with sub Snape
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Trembling slightly Severus hands made swift work of his robes. Pale, delicate fingers unclasping each button. Until finally his scar covered torso was revealed.  
His wand discarded on a nearby potions desk, out of reach as he sat slumped in his desk chair. However, today Severus was more than happy to do things the muggle way. 
"Your gorgeous like this."  
Your voice hurled Snape back into reality. His dark eyes snapping open to focus on you. Head spinning to try and find a reply. Thoughts to disorganized to even try and form words. Let alone a coherent sentence. 
With your skirt hitched up around your thighs you straddled Snape's lap. Hands gripping securely around his shoulders. The top buttons of your own robes undone to match. Continuing to press delicate kisses to his neck you almost growled at the mouth-watering site which was Severus bare chest.  
He was slender, as was expected. Although, you hadn't anticipated the harsh jagged lines cutting across his pale flesh. Trying to make sure your gaze didn't linger you instead focused on the trail of dark hair leading down into the professor's trousers. It almost made your mouth water. Delicately you ran a hand through the fuzz on his soft belly. Half curious half admiring him the touch was still tender either way. Severus took a deep breath. 
"Ticklish?" You teased with a grin. pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. 
Severus almost smiled.  
"Perhaps." He breathed out. Chest rising and falling rapidly underneath you. Practically quivering with anticipation under your gaze. 
You knew he'd look irresistible like this. Your underwear didn't even stand a chance. Already sodden and practically dripping. Making your head spin and the fire in your stomach burn. Your movements sporadic and needy in time with his.  
The feeling was clearly mutual as Severus let out a strangled whine when you gave a soft bite to his shoulder. That was sure to leave a mark. His pale skin already flushing pink under you. 
"Y/n-" His voice was almost as breathy as his desperate whines. Hot breath fanning out across your neck. 
You just chuckled lowly in response. Not even taking a second to respond your hands moved from around Severus waist to his shoulders. Using your position as leverage, grasping him as you ground down onto his hard member. Hot through the wool of his trousers. 
"Merlin's beard Y/n!" Severus practically shouted. Trying not to cum there and then. 
His hips bucking up wildly to meet your own. Almost knocking you off the chair. However, Severus didn't seem to notice. His head now thrown back, dark hair fanning out around his bare shoulders. 
"You seem to be enjoying yourself professor." You mumbled lowly, leaning in to nibble teasing at his jawline.  
Enjoying the blissed-out look on Severus face your eyes wandered lower. Admiring his bare chest again.  
Besides his jutting erection, practically leaving a wet patch on his trousers and his flushed features there was something else which told you about his clear state of arousal. Taking a gamble, you lent forward to mouth at Severus throat again while your hands trailed upwards. Tickling along the potion master's sensitive flesh. 
In an instant Severus eyes flew open, head snapping up to look at you, 
"What-t are you doing?" He gasped  
You only grinned wickedly watching his eyes darken. You fingers gently playing with the hardened peeks of his nipples. 
"Nothing, Severus." You mumbled innocently. 
A noise forced itself from Severus throat at your movements. Obviously enjoying the sweet torture. Absent mindedly you wondered if anyone had ever touched him like this before. Judging by his reaction you didn't think so.  
Softly you swirled a hand around the pink nub. Once again feeling Severus jolt underneath you. However, that only set a fire in your belly, feeling yourself grow even wetter if that were possible. 
Severus even seemed startled by his own reaction. Dark eyes flickering open every now and again to study your face almost anxiously between his thrusting.  
Both of you sweating and panting profusely now, your hands continued to brush over Severus chest, switching between tweaking and tracing them as you pleased.  
Severus whined pathetically as you gave them a particularly harsh pinch. That would have made you laugh if he didn't immediately buck his hips up to meet yours, drawing out a moan from you instead. Your head falling forwards to rest on his shoulder. 
It didn't take long until he gasped. Grinding feverishly against you. Trying desperately to stay still yourself, Severus's strength almost pushing you off the chair. Finally with a deep groan Severus slumped over. Resting his head against your chest. His breath coming out in ragged breaths. 
"Are you alright?" You asked, running a hand gently through his now tangled hair. 
All you got in response was a weak nod.  
You smirked, satisfied with your work. It took a lot to leave the infamous sarcastic potions professor speech less. Or so you had thought. Clearly all it took was a pinch of pleasure. 
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
Seeing It Out (‘Seeing Her’ Part Two)
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summary — george weasley might (maybe) have a small crush. too bad she’s totally oblivious.
paring — george weasley x fem!bookworm!reader
disclaimer — i don’t own harry potter property, i don’t own this gif, and i don’t edit because i’m lazy. also, argyle & dicken’s isn’t real, i made it up.
warnings — everyone is stupid. maybe ooc.
read part one here!
She noticed him staring at her in potions. Well, she never proved it was her he was looking at, but she had a suspicion. Every time she would look up to transcribe the notes or recipes Snape described, she could see a mass of tangerine hair fly forward just a few desks ahead of her. She didn’t think anything of it at first. Why would she? But then she noticed him staring at her out of the corner of her eye before class one day. That look alone made her realize two things:
1. The looks she thought she may have been receiving were no coincidence and
2. The one staring was George Weasley
“I’m scared. Seriously, he’s planning something,” she confided as she and her friend, Meredith, began to stroll from dinner to their dorm, “He’s been watching me for a few weeks now. Something is going on.”
“Oh, don’t be silly,” Meredith giggled.
“I’m serious! When the Weasley twins set their sights on you, you’re dead in the water,” she guffawed.
“Or…” Meredith trailed off with a smile.
“Or?” She turned to her with an inquisitive look.
“Perhaps you tickled his fancy.” Meredith shimmied her shoulders suggestively.
“I tickled who and what?” Her eyes widened as she felt a laugh bubble at the back of her throat.
“I’m saying that maybe he keeps staring because he fancies you,” Meredith explained.
“George Weasley?” Her eyes crinkled as her grin widened slightly, “You’re mad.”
“Not mad, intuitive,” Meredith tapped her head, “You’re cute! You’re smart! Everyone in this bloody school ought to be head over heals for you!” She shook her almost comedically.
“Alright!” She laughed, “I get it! I’m fabulous!”
“Good,” Meredith said with a large smile, “Now, think about talking to him.”
“We haven’t disposed of the ‘the twins are going to put fireworks in my pillowcase’ theory,” she shook her head.
“I’ve disposed of it. It’s gone.” Meredith pretended to throw something before wiping her hands together, “But seriously, talk to him if you’re interested, y’know? He’s not too bad on the eyes – and I doubt he’s all too evil.”
“I guess I’ll think about it,” she shrugged, “How’s Emma going?”
“It’s – shit, I left it in the Great Hall,” Meredith groaned, “Wait here for me, alright?”
“I’ll wait an eternity for you!” She called after the girl.
“Put those moves on someone else, would you?” Meredith winked before disappearing down the hall.
George Weasley. He was popular, maybe not as much as his twin brother, but he was one-half of the dynamic pranking duo. She’d seen them before; they watched people, and so did she. They always observed their prey before attacking — but their targets were never just innocent bystanders. She’d like to think she was innocent. She’d like to think a lot of things, though, and not all of them were true.
Meredith was taking a while. Was she right? Was he interested in her? The thought seemed silly, foreign. It was like a honey bee finding a hidden daisy in a room full of tulips. Yet, she couldn’t help but smile at the thought. It was a nice thought. A flash of orange alerted her to the balcony in front of her. Funnily enough, standing at the edge, staring out to the floor below them, were the Weasley twins – and George was staring at her.
It was curious. This was the first time they’d ever connected eyes, yet it felt entirely natural. Maybe it was because she’d stared a thousand people in the eyes, or maybe this was different. She looked at him, and he looked at her, and for a moment, time was able to exist on a different plane entirely. God, was it cheesy. She’d read about this before; the lovers’ first meeting. Wait, lovers? They aren’t lovers, they don’t even know each other, besides – oh God. In a flash, something fell from George’s hand, flying down from the balcony and directly onto poor Professor Flitwick’s head. The thing burst ceremoniously and a powder fizzled around the man. He batted at himself in confusion as she looked on at him with horror. His hair was entirely green.
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What the bloody hell was that?
She clutched her copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray — the copy that had just been knocked from her hands — in her sweaty palms. Today had been going great, spectacular even. Her dreams had wiped any memory of possible crushes from her mind. She woke up early, found a matching pair of socks on her first try, and was ready to pick up a new book. Meredith had shoed her out of the dorms when she attempted to wake the girl; she preferred sleep over food. So, it was just her and Dorian who’d made it out to the stairs when she was pushed (nudged?) to the ground.
By George Weasley, of course.
She’d wondered if this was a part of his scheme for a moment. It would be the perfect time to catch her off guard — bright and early before she’d even wiped the crust from her eyes. But then she saw his face and the shock that drew over his features. He certainly didn’t mean to bump into her. At least, it didn’t seem like it.
They conversed in an awkward manner, but managed to hit one another only once more. The real issue was the end of the conversation:
“See you in potions, George!”
It was meant to be friendly, a sort of peace offering if he was still trying to pull off something dodgy. And, of course, it was friendly enough until she realized she had never talked to him before. She sounded like a stalker. A bad stalker at that. She let her mind race as she rushed off to the Great Hall, hoping to not see the boy again before she got there.
It was a dragging, near exhausting wait until potions. Her nerves were so shot that, even if she calmed down, they would still leave a searing imprint under the surface of her skin. By lunch, she’d decided to try to calm herself. Surely he’d forget before then. Surely it would all resolve itself. Surely, she thought to herself as she pushed into the potions’ lab, there was–
He was sitting in her chair.
Meredith was late, unable to save her, and George was sitting at her table.
Her first move was to take cautious steps toward her destination. She knew well enough that this confrontation was unavoidable (or maybe she’d just built it up in her mind too much). She would just grit her teeth and bear it, though, because the only other alternative was to flee Hogwarts entirely.
“Hey!” He’d seen her, and she froze. She was only a step or two away from her seat, of course he saw her.
“Hi,” she responded with less grandeur. He stood in front of her, slicking his hands against his slacks as he smiled.
“Sorry about this morning,” his grin damn near sparkled, “I only do that sort of thing on the field usually.”
“Right,” she nodded. He was standing right in front of her seat, trapping it with his lanky body.
“Yeah,” his confidence stuttered momentarily, “Uh, your book. How is it?”
“Dorian Gray?” She questioned, receiving a nod, “Oh, it’s alright. A couple blokes doing a lot of talking.”
“Any puke?” George cocked his head.
“There’s blood,” she replied.
“Fluid is fluid,” he shrugged. There was another hesitation before he spoke again:
“I noticed you read a lot – muggle books, I mean. It’s interesting,” he stuck his hands in his pockets, “I was thinking about picking up a muggle book, but I don’t know where to start.”
So this was it. Weeks of stares and stilted interactions because of her obsession. She let out an audible sigh of relief. Any ounce of fear or tension drained from her body, and in its place, a peace rooted itself. Apparently, all it took to crack her shell was the mention of books.
“Oh, sure!” She spoke, her lips curling into a smile, “If you tell me what you fancy in a story I could find something you’d enjoy.”
“That’d be great,” he grinned, “Maybe I could tell you this weekend at Hogsmeade?”
“Hogsmeade?” Her eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah,” he perked up suddenly, “There’s that muggle book shop near the outside of town — Argyle and Dicken’s? You could help me find something. Maybe we can go for butterbear after?”
There was nothing Jane Austen could have done to prepare her for an offer like this. No romance novel she’d ever read could help her. She couldn’t reply with something witty, or cute, or sultry. She couldn’t wink or do something flirtatious. All she was capable of doing was giving him a near-dumbfounded look whilst attempting to close her partially agape mouth. George Weasley wanted a little more than just a recommendation.
“She’d love to.” A feminine voice spoke from behind her. Meredith, somewhat winded and somewhat late, swooped in beside her to press a metaphorical hand to her jaw.
“Love to,” she repeated, though a little less confident. George seemed to appreciate the answer anyways, giving a quick nod of greeting to Meredith before smiling back at the other girl.
“Outside the castle at noon this Sunday work?”
“It, yeah, yes, it would work.” She nodded vigorously.
“Wicked,” he chuckled lightly, “It’s a da–“
“Get to your seats.” Professor Snape’s deep voice commanded. She, as well as Meredith, wasted no time shuffling past the boy to their chairs. George moved, though, only after he hesitated a moment. The potions lesson began unceremoniously, and she couldn’t help but look over to Meredith as Snape’s monotonous voice consumed the classroom.
“What was that?” She asked, eyes still wide.
"That was you getting yourself a date." Meredith whispered her reply happily.
A date. With George Weasley – the same George Weasley she had thought to be plotting against her, or at least hoping for her downfall. Yet, she couldn’t help but smile as the lesson went on.
A date.
With George Weasley.
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hey guys, quick little note: i’m going to be starting a tag list so it’s easier to let people know when i post. if you’re interested in joining, comment a 🐝 on this post so i know who to add. alright, love u guys, toodles!
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turvi · 1 year
Heyy.. how are you? 😊 first of all i love your blog, especially Snape writes. Second…can you write please something happy and bright? Maybe something years after war, he’s with his family and finally enjoy life ? Thank you.
thank you for the request. I hope you like this
WARNING: KISSING (I keep forgetting to add it)
Severus sat on the porch of his home, sipping his tea as the rain poured on his lawn. The scent of earth and tea almost lulled him to sleep when he heard the entrance door creak. He made a mental note to oil the hinges when he felt a familiar presence.
He looked up to see you smiling at him. "If someone sees you smiling without a reason, they will call you crazy." And there he was, back to his sassy self as if his heart was not pounding madly at the sight of his wife.
"Well, you look quite cosy. If only someone would let me cuddle with them...hmm, a girl could only dream."
Severus hid his smirk with his cup as he looked at you. You looked so eager just to be in his arms. Did you really love him that much? He decided not to let his brain convince him he doesn't deserve you. He placed his cup on the table beside him and smirked when without a word, you sat on his lap.
"I don't remember asking you to sit on my lap."
You had to remember to breathe when you felt his baritone voice reach every essence of your soul. You never felt tired watching his smug smile, like he knows every inch, every part of you. But you didn't mind.
"I can get up if you want."
Before you could even get up, Severus tugged you back towards him with a growl. His hands felt so warm on your stomach, almost burning even though you were wearing his shirt. You felt wet kisses on your neck, his warm breath making you squirm.
"Severus, the neighbours...they will see us."
He grumbled. "Let them see, let them see that this ugly dungeon bat is loved...craved and appreciated." He tightened his arms around your waist and nuzzled against your neck. The scent of your shampoo grounding him, a reminder that this is real...you gave him your heart, and he gave you his heart. Not that Severus thought he had one...but he loved you.
"What's in your silly head?"
He raised his eyebrow. "You dare call me silly head...I'll ruin you, woman."
You giggled when he nibbled your cheeks and tickled you. The sound of your laughter is louder than the rain, but that doesn't stop him.
Breathlessly you tell him to stop and he does. Instead, he placed his hands on your cheeks, pulled you close to him, and kissed you. His arms pressed gently against your back not wanting to let go until you need to breathe.
He finally pulls away, his nose touching yours, his eyes taking in your breathless state. "Who is a silly head now?"
You bite back your smiles as he looked so smug for rendering you speechless with just a kiss. He touched your cheek with his thumb, pulling you close again. "I love you". He said his lips brushing against yours.
You whispered against his lips. "Say it again."
Severus kept kissing all over your face as he kept repeating his confession giving a final kiss on your lips.
"I love you".
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momo-t-daye · 1 year
Momo's unofficial Snapetober for 2023
I have had such a delightful time with Snapetober the last couple of years and wanted to celebrate Severus Snape again this October!
Since I haven’t seen an official list of prompts for 2023 just yet (if anyone does have an official list, please do let me know! I don't want to step on toes), I compiled a list from a few previous Snapetobers, Inktobers, etc. and then added in some other words that struck me as October-ish and/or autumnal and/or Snape-esque to challenge myself If anyone else would like to participate with my unofficial prompt list, that would be glorious and I’d be thrilled!  It is such a treat to see all sorts of new Snape art and thoughts and creativity and all the ways the Snapedom can have fun with a concept and theme.
As I understand from previous years, the Snapetober rules are that you can do any number of prompts you fancy, combine prompts (I will!), respond to prompts in any order and on your own schedule (Snapetober can last until March and beyond if that is the timetable that works best for you!), and/or use prompt lists from previous years and that entries can be anything you wish to create from fic (any length, format, point of view, pairing, alternate universe or canon, featuring any additional characters), art (in any style and any level of effort), head-canons, plot bunnies, mood-boards, ballads, etc. etc. just so long as it is focused on Severus Snape and it is yours (also, if you have older art that fits a prompt that you want to circulate upon the metaphorical refrigerator, I think that’s awesome and would love to see it!)
I expect this list is a bit more plant and animal themed (because that is where my brain resides most of the time) and I did gravitate towards words that tickle the tongue (if there are any words that don’t translate well or don’t quite make sense, I am happy to try to help clarify). I hope there is sufficient wiggle room in the prompts to be interpreted in any direction!
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