beefcake-penguin · 7 months
NEW GRACIE @heeeygracie MASTERPIECE - commissioned by yours beefly (beefcake yours truly) 💪🏼🐧 - JUST DROPPED!!!
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(I imagine Lena was working on a new suit for Kara (and to help better show off Kara's butt) and lost track of time (because she was staring at pictures of Kara's butt) just before Kara finds her here)
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romanoffsbish · 8 months
Sex on the Beach
Wanda Maximoff x F!R (College AU)
Natasha x F!R x Yelena (found family)
Warnings: Alcohol | Possessive / Jealous Wanda | Mutual Pining | Shy / Awkward R | Natasha is a little shit 💕
Smut: Awkward/Sweet 1st time (Dialogue Breaks) | Mommy (W) | Thigh-Riding / Strap / Oral (R) | Marking | Oral (W)
With Natasha’s lover deployed for the holiday’s she takes an interest in her best friend’s pathetic love life. | WC: 8,676
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"Natasha, I swear to god I will never forgive you," you whined, hands clutching desperately onto your best friend's crossed arms, but she wasn't phased one bit.
That much was clear as she slowly rolled her eyes, "There are eight rooms, and eleven of us Y/N, there's no way around it. Val and Carol are sharing, I'm the one grouped up with Lena, so suck it up buttercup."
"I can bunk with Bucky!" Natasha laughed, "Yeah, and then when Steve sneaks in what will you do? Pretend to be asleep while they fuck like it's the closet, again?"
You quite frankly didn't mind such vile behavior. Anything seemed better to you than the alternative.
"Love is love," you used the mantra as a plead and the redhead nearly keeled over. "Nice..." You grinned then, with a doomed sense of glee. "Still not happening."
"Then why don't you make them bunk together?"
"Because they'd know we know, and it is rude to force people out of their clear glass closets Y/N/N." You simply huffed in reply, and pushed her slightly as you released your former death grip on her. Natasha smiled softly this time, but she refused to change her mind. It was her job as your best friend to push you in the right direction, even if you couldn't see the bigger picture just yet. "Hey! At least Wanda doesn't snore."
You knew from experience Natasha was making the biggest sacrifice of all with Yelena, but quite frankly you didn't care. Right now you are feeling spiteful.
Natasha cackled at the middle finger you threw her way, but it was more so because you tripped as you spun to get away from her. You never hit the ground though as two dainty, albeit mighty hands caught you.
Wanda's eyes had lit up, her nose scrunched as her lips raised joyfully. Natasha could see the hearts circling. So, the redhead took her cue to go, and that made the brunette even more pleased to have you all to herself.
"Falling for me so soon, kitten?" Wanda teased, her lips curled up into an obnoxiously hot smile as your uncrossing eyes peered up at her, you were paralyzed; unsure if you wanted to kiss her grin away or slap it out of existence. The way she never failed to leave you in a hazy state of mind infuriated you, like yes, she was a gorgeous woman, but did she have to crumble you?!
The answer was also yes, all you offered the girl was a weak thanks for saving you from scraped palms, then you quickly scurried off to the room she'd be in soon.
Just like every time, you didn't look up nor back at her, ensuring you missed her sad eyes and pouty lips. If you wanted her plenty, she wanted you even more. Nobody else interested her quite like you did. Wanda had seen you at a few frat parties before she then forged her way into your friend group through Carol and Valkyrie.
They were all on the same volleyball team, and they hit it off so well that they brought her to a game night. You weren't known for your silence, but when she entered that apartment you suddenly became mute. Natasha teased you for a week about your pathetic gay panic, she even tried to tell you it was a mutual crush, but you refused to believe her; she who would never lie to you, yet you questioned her loyalty, lost in a haze of fear.
Natasha was honestly offended; more so determined.
Which is why she had to resort to begging Tony not to book the bigger place for the winter break kick back you were having. None of you had family, at least not the kind worth visiting, so you celebrated together.
For a change of pace from snow and gloom, the lot of you saved up enough for getting passports and Tony refused to let any of you worry about the rest. Howard was not a good father, or man quite frankly, but his well of guilt money was something Tony appreciated.
The Fijian resort he booked was gorgeous, and resided on a private part of the oceanfront, but was still within walking distance of the communal areas. It might be winter vacation, but you were in a sunny paradise across the world, the palm trees swayed as the brisk breeze brought on by the ocean blew right on by.
It was warm and humid, just as you'd expect in a tropical paradise such as this one. After the awkward moment spent embarrassing yourself with your crush you made sure to not be there when she got to the room. Fortunately for you she was stopped by the long term lovers, Care and Val, so you had just enough time to drop your belongings off before exploring the island.
The island was beautiful and the people were friendly enough to even give you a tour of the not so common spots. It was peaceful talking to strangers, and unlike in the states you didn't feel like you were a bother.
After they'd been so generous with their time you thanked them with lunch before heading back to where your friends were all lazing about indoors. To avoid further embarrassment you settled down in the sand and before you realized it you'd spent hours out there.
Perched under a cluster of trees, lost in a nsfw book, honestly you could've stayed there until the sun had set but your friends never really could let you know peace.
"I'm not going," you immediately denied whomever it was that was sent to collect you. Fearful to see the brunette of your dreams after finally calming down.
"Y/N, you need to stop being such a party pooper!"
You sighed softly, knowing that of course Natasha would send the only other person who doesn't back down when it comes to your antics; a lifetime of friendship tends to come with these pesky advantages.
After a moment of anxious thoughts you sighed again, slid a bookmark between the nearly finished pages then held your hand out for the impatient blonde. Yelena grumbled, "took you long enough, I was getting tired of the pity partying," as she hoisted you up with a force that nearly put you right back on the ground.
"It's not a pity party," you weakly defended in offense but the blonde only cackled as she began to walk off, "Y/N, you are all alone reading a book about sex with longing eyes and a pout, totally unnecessary too since you have someone patiently waiting to rail you..."
"Oh my god, Yelena!" The blonde took off before you could berate her like her mom would, but not without shouting back that Natasha had picked your outfit out for you with express instructions on not deviating.
For a split second you considered dropping back into the you shaped hole in the sand, but you knew Yelena was only a warning. If Natasha came to collect you it would be more embarrassing and it was only day one of the trip, there were still nine left to go so you caved.
Once you got to your room you found it to be empty of the woman you feared being around, but her elegant scent lingered and left you in a state of contemplation.
Would it really be so bad to see if Natasha is right?
Could you really be oversimplifying her kindness?
The more you consider it, the more you see her point. Wanda never missed a chance to talk to you, even in the hallways of the massive university she said hello. You usually nodded your head or squeaked out a hi, which you now hope she didn't take offensively. The last thing you'd ever want would be to offend her.
Then there was the glaring proof of today, when she playfully insinuated you'd fall for her... Either she is just a full time tease or you are an oblivious idiot. Truthfully, it was likely a combination of the two.
Your thoughts of consideration died when you looked down to see clothes that were not from your luggage. Natasha had apparently gone shopping for, not with, you and laid out a swim suit and two overlay options.
There was a strapless, one piece swimsuit, which you were grateful for, but the fabric over the hips was cut out and only barely passed the test of your boundaries. After you slipped into it you were left with a dilemma, wear the sheer swim slip or the form fitting dress.
"Good choice," a raspy voice called, you didn't even flinch, part of you expecting the woman to be keeping an eye on you just in case you tried to bail. Natasha chuckled, "at least this time you aren't falling," as you'd flipped the redhead off once more, this time without turning to face her as you were getting dressed.
"Or was that on purpose?" Natasha teased, "Letting Wanda save you—the pretty damsel in distress."
"I hate you," you grumbled as you turned to glare at her. Natasha negated your phrase as her hands moved to pat down the fly away hairs ruined by the fabric sliding over your head, then she smiled proudly. "You sure clean up well when you are properly supervised."
"Now, now... None of that," Natasha scolded as you flopped back onto your mattress in a defiant manner, huffing angrily in Russian to get the point across. "You are getting better, the lessons with mama are working."
"Da," you smiled fondly thinking of Melina, who was one of the only of your friend's parents you liked. The woman presents outwardly as cold, but it's not true. You knew what cold was, you'd grown up with it and so the Russian's house was like a home away from hell.
When Melina said, "How's my baby girl been?" last year while moving to hug you first instead of Nat or Lena you nearly sobbed all over the woman's blouse. But with a petty quip from Lena, "what are we then? Just her daughters?" followed by a jab to her ribs from Natasha who smiled at you, the urge to break down was gone and you kept it together to celebrate.
This year their mom had gone back home, they were going to go along but she was adamant they focused on their friendships and hopefully partners soon. Yelena wasn't as hopeless as you, but Kate unfortunately was.
Nat had Maria—who was deployed for the holidays, and it was then that you realized her focusing on your love life was for her distraction and her mom's joy.
"Stop having googly eyes for my mom," she gagged, "Save them for Wanda." You stood up and pulled your friend's face into your hands, expression far too serious for the redhead to believe you were in distress. "We didn't want to tell you girls yet, but Melina and I are..."
"Don't you finish that sentence you disgusting freak!"
Natasha ripped her face from your hands so she could escape the torture that was your devilish humor. Just as she reached the door she turned to you with a fixed glare as you were wiping away humored tears. "What?"
"Stop standing there like an idiot and follow me Y/N."
You followed the redhead silently, but with a scowl so that she knew you didn't align with her view of you. The walk to the private cabana was silent, but soon the booming voices of your friends surrounded you as they practically cheered. "You two are behind on shots!"
Tony wasted no time after alerting you to the 'dilemma' before he was handing you two full to the brim with what you knew to be the most expensive vodka. The drops lost down your chin probably worth more than the beat up Camry that you drove around back home.
After the burn in your throat faded you stepped into the circle and clashed a third shot into your friends before the lot of you tossed them back with glee. You could feel your mind and body loosening up, it was a relief honestly but then you caught sight of the deep, vivacious green eyes that were raking over your body.
In turn, you followed suit and were not disappointed. Natasha dressed you more provocatively but Wanda looked like she was interested in a casual evening. The brunette didn't need the skimpy dress or makeup to attract the attention of others, at least not with you.
Currently, she was wearing a nude bikini, the top noticeable behind the lengthy patterned cover up. Yet it still turned your mind to mush without the flair and left you to ponder if you were ready to make a move.
Your eyes continued to shamelessly wander her body, a side effect of the strong booze you supposed. There was a thin gold chain that worked like a choker around her neck, with another chain that dangled down the front and drew your attention to the valley of her chest as it only stopped just above her navel. It took everything in you not to gawk at her breasts, so you trailed your eyes back up to find her staring at you, eyes full of tease.
You definitely knew then you weren't ready, the closest you came was to send her an easy smile and Wanda sent back a more enthusiastic one because to her that was still progress. If she played her cards right this trip and thanked the godsend that is Natasha for forcing proximity she might just leave Fiji with you on her hip.
Natasha sent you a soft glare when you excused yourself to the ladies room, where after using the restroom you decided you'd build your courage up a bit more before you would even try to start a conversation.
That's how you found yourself patiently waiting your turn at the bar, sitting sideways on the stool as you fondly watched your friends from afar with a smile.
"Sex on the beach!" Yes, most definitely you thought while giving Wanda another look over. Then you were brought back to reality when the bartender tapped your shoulder. Your body shook with fright, but you regained your composure as you shifted. Kelani, the bartender, smirked as you cocked your head to the side in question. "Courtesy of the lady at the end of the bar." You gulped, clearing your throat to thank the woman then turned to see Natasha in a cloak. The redhead winked, then slinked away to the restroom.
It seemed the persistent woman had a death wish, because if you didn't get to her first, Wanda might.
Unfortunately, you were whisked away before you could reach your shit head of a best friend, who you figured was planning something all day long. Shit head was beginning to seem like an understatement when you felt a body pressing yours into the side of a door.
How the hell did you get inside so quickly?
Wanda was fuming, she was no stranger to a one night stand, and there was no way in hell she'd let you follow the dead woman walking there. It actually hurt her to see you making your way through the crowd to do so.
Was the smile you sent her in vain? Were you merely trying your hand at letting the woman down easy?
There was no part of Wanda willing to accept that, even if you were free to mingle with whomever. She couldn't let you try before you gave her a chance, so she pulled you away from the public, prying eyes of the locals so that she could try her luck one final time.
A light flickered on and you saw your belongings, then you saw a tumultuous sea of green staring down at you, she looked hurt and that made your heart ache and mind nervous. "Wh-what was that W-wanda?"
"What were you doing following that woman Y/N?" She decided to answer your question with one of her own instead, and slowly tilted her head to the side. It felt like you were in trouble, so you remained quiet and it nearly infuriated her but then she saw your gaze.
It was soft, inquisitive in nature, but moreover dilated.
Something deeper than lust swirled; annoyance, and that's when she got the answer. Wanda already had her suspicion of who it was, and she silently thanked her before readjusting her position as well as her words.
"You don't have to be so shy around me, you know?" You did know, but the bashfulness wasn't something you controlled around the goddess, much like your mouth when tipsy, "I know, but like—I can't help but to be turned on by the sight of you."
Well, so much for remaining bashful, Wanda's cheeks warmed before your very eyes, but you missed it as you closed them due to embarrassment. It was taking all of her willpower not to give you what you were both in need of. You were far too special for a quickie, she fully intended to take her time with you, "You know, how about a little fun before we go to bed?"
"F-fun?" Wanda's eyes fell to catch the trepidation of your throat, it bobbed out, almost unnaturally. You both knew there was no going back as her knee slid between your thighs to press into your wet swimsuit.
An airy chuckle left her as you whined, the woman knew for damn sure you'd barely made it to the bar so there was no way you'd taken a dive in the water first.
"Yes honey," she purred as she leaned in closer, "fun," her nose nuzzled against yours and her hot breaths mixed with your own. "Seems you're more than ready, so unless you want to object I'm going to kiss you.
"I-I," your voice trembled as your eyes watered and she lessened the pressure of her knee against your core, a sense of fear in her soul that she'd been too forward.
Wanda softly pressed, "What is it sweetheart?"
"I don't do one night stands," you squeaked out rather pitifully before finding some confidence. "I don't find anything wrong with the notion but it's not for me."
Wanda internally beamed, not only would you not have left that bar with a stranger tonight, but you were able to set a clear boundary; she not only respected it but she agreed with you. Wherever the night takes you two it would never be a once off for the brunette, who unbeknownst to you, was a total hopeless romantic.
Wanda responded softly, her tone free of pressure, "We don't have to sleep together Y/N, we can just lay down and get to know each other better if you aren't ready."
Her nose firmly pressed into yours as she continued, not leaving you a chance to reply before she laid it all out on the table. "I need you to know that as much as I crave you honey, it's not just your body, contrarily what I want most is for your heart to be mine."
With a confidence Wanda had yet to detect you gently pushed her back, initially her heart quivered at the thought of your incoming rejection, but it never came. Instead, you smiled a bit more bravely and pulled the outer layer you'd worn off to reveal just the one-piece.
"If you are being genuine, Wanda, then all I ask is that you take it slow please. I'm not the best at all of this..."
Wanda grinned, her hands quickly found purchase on your waist, unexpectedly rough thumbs ran over the bare skin and caused goosebumps to lay in their wake. Reminding you of the punk band she plays in with her brother and Clint on the weeknights at local bars. A small smile adorned your face, you began to get lost in the memory of the one time you watched them live.
Wanda tilted her head. "What did I lose you to, hm?"
You chuckled softly, "A memory of you performing."
"Oh," she sounded genuinely surprised, and that was because she never knew you'd gone to a show. A part of her was honestly embarrassed, but she covered it up with a tease, "If you were there, then why did I never see you amongst the groupies..." You rolled your eyes and she giggled, the follow up look in your blown out eyes told her she was taking too long to fuck you.
So the woman simply took a second to breathe in the moment, her head leaned back as she smiled broadly up at the ceiling from merely feeling you. "Wanda..."
Her soft, warm lips brushed over yours, cutting off your expected pleading, but she refrained from kissing you just yet. "Want mommy to take control detka?"
A deep, sensual chuckle sounded off the walls as you whimpered and pressed yourself into her. "Please."
The brunette slid her hands up, caressing your sides as her lips gently pecked your cheek, then they crossed over one another as she wrapped you in her embrace. Both of you stood there in silence, breaths mixing but neither of you moved to rid your life of the gap. Time stood still alongside you both until Wanda got her own nerves under control so that she could perform well.
"Is sex before a first date alright with you," she teased with inflection, but her eyes were genuinely inquisitive.
The silence paired with your adorable pout urged her to go on. With a heavy sigh, she did just that. "I ask, again, because once I kiss you Y/N, I don't know how quickly I will be able to stop myself. You just, you make me feel out of control detka, so just please be sure."
The look in her eyes was palpable, lust swirled and you felt a pulse of need between your thighs. You whined, "Mommy please," body too desperate for her attention for you to worry about the embarrassment anymore.
Wanda simply hummed, her thumbs gently dug into your skin and you obediently met her gentle gaze. You could see she wanted to, the way she gripped your hips even tighter a clear sign, but you could see that she needed more reassurance. "I trust you Wanda."
Wanda nods, smile soft as she finally broke the distance, her lips pressed to yours with an earnest need all while her hands returned to your hips so that she could aide you in getting off on her bare thigh. A part of your hazy mind still wondered when she had even removed her swimsuit cover, but the pleasure you felt from her choices left your mind incapable of thought.
The kiss was initially messy and awkward as the two of you got used to the shared affection, but once a rhythm had been set with her hands on your hips you were able to melt more easily into the lip lock. Your mind began to slip away, and the bubbling anxiety followed.
Eventually though, the pleasure became too much as Wanda swiftly slid your swimsuit to the side, the both of you groaned at the much more intimate feeling. It was suddenly tense, the brunette's lips had moved to kiss all over the skin you'd left exposed all the while her hands never stopped building you to your peak.
"Cum for mommy whenever you like," she purred, almost teasingly as she somehow knew you were close. Part of you wanted to feel embarrassed but you were too deep in pleasure to care that you looked desperate.
You came seconds after she left a mark on your neck, in the little juncture where it met with your shoulder. Wanda bit down harshly as she felt your delightful arousal ooze down her thigh, her own need now rising.
Wanda suddenly pulled away to catch the look of bliss on your face, internally cursing herself for nearly missing it; no way she'd waited all this time to see it just to miss it. Fortunately, she was just in time to watch your mouth fall open, and fuck if you weren't the most alluring beauty the woman had ever seen; a mess
The top of your suit had shifted down some as every time Wanda had roughly moved your body back the oak door would shift the elastic red fabric. A peak at your areoles had her mind positively spinning with the endless possibilities for the ways to have you.
The thoughts overwhelmed her while you slowly returned to a state of calm, your once tightly shut eyes fluttered open to catch sight of Wanda with her lip caught between her teeth as her eyes trailed over you.
You leaned in to kiss her slowly, it almost felt like a thank you and that made Wanda's heart swoon further. It lasted for a few seconds until you felt your lungs beg for the break they needed after your intense climax. In the moment of rest you decided to take a page from her book, and the first thing you did now that her body was nearly bare was to gawk at her perky breasts.
They sat so prettily in the cups of her bikini top and you just wanted to bury yourself in the shallow gap that lay between them. Wanda knowingly smirked, finding the look of awe on your face adorable; she was absolutely certain you'd be drooling on her in no time.
"You can touch me detka," she whispered, lips turned up as she met your eyes, "mommy doesn't mind..."
With a shaky hand you reached behind her, fingers gently laid against the clasp of her bra while your eyes searched hers once more for any hesitation. "Do it."
Her nude bra hit the floor, exposing her breasts to you, and just as you'd dreamed before they were perfect. It had always been your thought that all breasts were, no matter if they were lopsided, or small, nothing ever deterred your adoration for the warm, malleable tissue.
Wanda watched the way your tongue slowly licked over your bruised lips, you were hyper fixated on ogling her, but as her hand slid around your neck you realized she was just as desperate as you were to be touched. The worry you once felt melted away as you nuzzled your face against her breasts, lips grazing over the skin in a way that almost felt like teasing. But the woman knew you were just trying to admire the swell of her chest.
A soft sigh left her when you became more firm as your lips pressed into her heated skin. The brunette allowed you to blindly walk her backwards until she fell onto the bed, pulling your body right down with hers. You were lost somewhere in a haze as you suckled on her breasts, leaving behind marks without a thought to if she'd want that, but her moans quelled that rising fear.
Her back arched as soon as your tongue softly flicked over her pert nipple, there was hardly any hesitation as you swirled your tongue around her areola just before you pulled her nipple between your teeth and tugged. The way you suckled on her bud was almost feverish, a gentle laugh left her over a moan as she found your sudden wave of confidence to be a bit unexpected.
Unfortunately, that made you pull away with a crease between your raised brows. "Um, I-I'm sorry if I..."
Wanda replied by wordlessly pulling you back down, your face now hovering her other nipple, it had yet to receive the marvelous treatment and she desperately wanted you to touch her. "Detka, please continue..."
The woman found herself melting as you complied, her back slowly met with the mattress again as she fell into the comfort of your ministrations. Slowly, her hands began to glide over your bare sides, scratching at the skin as you built her arousal up to something painful.
The need to have you overweighed her desire for you to continue satisfying her. Cold hands soon slid beneath the elastic fabric overlaying your body, her nails slowly trailed faint lines over your skin until she finally cupped your breasts as you continued to suck on hers.
On instinct you ground your pelvis down into hers, a moan left you and reverberated around her nipple as you felt something hard rub against you. Again, you hadn't a clue when she had put a strap on, but in the lust of it all you didn't actually care much. Wanda smirked up at the ceiling at your shock, something you caught as you peered up at her from her chest.
"You know," she sighed rather amusedly, "I've dreamt of this moment for a while now and never once did you end up on the top of mommy like this kitten." You released her breast, ready to beg her to let you stay but instead you gasped as her hands groped your tits with precision, using the grip to flip you onto your back.
In a matter of seconds you regained your bearings and saw the consideration in her eyes as she played with the straps of your swimsuit. Wanda watched you gulp down your anxiety before giving her the go ahead, she wasted no time pushing her hands up and out of the top so that she could pull the offensive piece down.
"Holy shit," she chuckled, clearly a bit shocked as she found not only were your nipples pierced but so was your belly button. "My sweet girl is a secret deviant?"
"I was a rebellious teen," you quietly admitted.
"Nothing to be ashamed about kitten," she reassured you within an instant, she saw you internally prepared to shy away though so she shared her own experience with rebellion. "Actually, believe it or not but mommy was too; used to have her lips and nose pierced."
You believed it easily, she was in a punk band...
"I would've loved to see that," you dream aloud and the gorgeous brunette chuckled as she kissed her way up your body until her lips found a home against yours. "I'm sure Pietro will grace you with the evidence."
You cried out at the realization, "Oh god, Natasha..."
Wanda grimaced, pulling back to glare softly as her head tilted naturally. "No more screaming others names... Actually, how about no more talking at all." You were seconds away from combusting, an apology on the tip of your stuttering tongue. "I-I'm s—oh fuck."
Wanda had quickly shushed your apologies as her svelte fingers slid through your lips, collecting the slick warmth from within as she parted them. Her emeralds shone with pure accomplishment and joy as your eyes closed. "Mhm, mommy prefers those sweet moans."
"Tell me honey," Wanda broke her rule again as her wet fingers lifted up to her moving lips. Her thoughts effectively paused as she tasted you for the first time. Wanda moaned around her digits and sucked them clean before she found herself hovering over you. "Do you think you're wet enough for my cock baby? Or do you need mommy's fingers to stretch you out first?"
The crude question made your heart beat out of time, you felt ready for her strap but the idea of her fingers inside of you sounded so appealing. It was actually your attraction to her hands that told Wanda her crush was far from unrequited. You weren't slick with the way you stared at her during your ceramics elective.
Your mind had faltered too, so your thoughts faded. Her eyes dilated at the sound of your pathetic mewl as the tip of her thick strap nudged at your tight hole. Her fingers pressed the crimson cock to the side so that her fingers could enter you instead. The spit that remained helped to ease her in alongside your decadent slick.
Wanda had already decided for you, and it just so happened that she too had fantasized about just how good you'd feel around her fingers. However, in your mind it would have been at a faster pace, Wanda wanted to take her time and really get to feel you.
Her fingers kept a steady pace until your moans had calmed into occasional mewls, then she slid back in and scissored your walls further apart, a third finger entered you as her thumb began to circle your clit. You had gasped against her face and Wanda felt powerful.
"M-more please," you whimpered hoarsely into her ear, her fingers entered back inside you just as you pleaded further, "Mommy please, let me cum!!" Wanda curled her fingers into your greatest depths and you came with a loud cry as she grunted hotly in your ear.
Her fingers continued to sensually stroke and prod at that rough, yet tender spot within your greatest depths just so she could continue to hear your sweet gasps of a drawn out pleasure. The throb between her own legs was only intensified as you begged for her to stop but also keep going in the same breath as your hips canted.
Wanda whispered something in Sokovian, you'd never know but she was cursing you for being so hypnotizing. No one had ever made her this needy for a release, her hips followed yours so she ripped her fingers from your core. A satisfied hum garbled by her fingers sounded off above as she once again licked her fingers clean.
"I can't wait to taste you from the source kitten," she practically squealed and you found her giddiness to be so intimate with you endearing. Her lips pressed into yours and her velvet smooth tongue slid over yours without so much as a bit of resistance. You sloppily kissed the woman until her strap slid into you halfway.
There was a noticeable burn at the rapid stretch but you whined in disappointment when she pulled out.
To fuck you into the mattress was a dream, sure, but Wanda had other dreams for tonight's fun. "Mommy needs you to ride my cock, pretty girl..." Your eyes had widened but Wanda faced the fear for you by kissing you distracted as her hands flipped your positions.
You landed on top of her with a hmph, and a soft glare as the woman peered down with a smug grin. "I can take it Y/N, you aren't going to hurt me, so hop on."
A shuddered breath left you as you faced the concern head on, lifting your body to hover her raised strap. Wanda nodded and held onto your hip with her free hand as you slowly sunk down. Your walls clenched hard, preventing you from sliding down further so she lifted her now free hand up to stroke your lip on the way up to play with your throbbing bundle. The burn faded into white hot pleasure and soon you bounced; vigorously moving your hips and stealing the air from the woman beneath you's lungs as her clit felt the pleasure every time your bounces provided pressure.
A particular press of the hilt into her clit drew a moan you knew she'd tried to keep buried within her chest. It was so vulnerable and incredibly attractive, so much so that your walls fluttered rapidly around her strap.
"You're close," the brunette grunted with certainty as she began to rock her hips in time to meet your drops, desperate not only for her own release but to see you fall apart above her. "So am I baby, I just—fuck, play with your tits for mommy, please, we'll cum together."
"There you go," she encouraged with a sultry glint in her eyes as her hips unconsciously sped up, her eyes raptly focused in on the way you squished 'em together before moving to pinch your pierced, sensitive nubs.
A guttural moan left the woman when your work paid off, her orgasm sent tingles of pleasure down her spine in a perfect curve. The wave directly ended with the rise of her hips and the subsequent fall of yours. Your pleasure gushed on out of you and drenched Wanda as your upper body lurched forward and her face wound up buried between your breasts that heaved wildly.
There was a sense of satisfaction that charged the air on both of your ends, but it also felt unfinished as you laid on your back, with Wanda's smiling face gazing up at you from between your breasts, a parallel to your earlier, swapped position. "What's on your mind?"
"Am I that obvious," she teased, knowing damn well that her eyes were still desperate for you. Her lips kissed the sides of your breasts as she began her descent, "you know what's coming, so brace yourself."
Even with the clear warning you couldn't help but to moan like a whore and bury your fingers into her hair. Your puffy, overused lips were already so sensitive that the use of her mouth was never needed but she would be damned if she didn't use her tongue to please you.
Wanda preferred to live life on an even keel so she didn't stop when your essence coated her throat, nor when it dripped down her chin or when you pushed her head, desperate for reprieve. No, the carnal need to keep you cumming was enough to keep her munching until you came for the sixth time and yanked her away.
There was no remorse on her glistening face as she peered up at you with a scrunched nose and smiled. "Sorry sweetheart, but you are just so delectable." As expected, you did not reply as you were lost inside your scrambled mind. Wanda perched herself up on her knees and admired your body as it continually jolted. Her hands felt the way that the muscles in your thighs quivered beneath her fingertips from the overexertion.
You'd been fucked into a state near comatose so for now the brunette decided it best to lay beside one another as you recomposed. With an arm slid beneath your waist and her fingers tenderly walking down your body, starting from your face and ending on your hip where she'd swirl her finger into a few shapes before she traced her fingers all the way back to your face.
"Welcome back," she giggled when your eyes cleared as her fingers lightly tapped over your temple. Your eyes narrowed and you huffed softly as you burrowed close. Wanda chuckled as you loudly yawned against the side of her neck then kissed the skin as your lips met. You nudged her until she was flat on her back and suckled, you were tired but also determined to show her a good time. "Honey, we need to clean up and get some rest."
"Please mommy," you croaked sadly, "I want to taste you, just one lick then we can get cleaned up, please."
Fuck. Wanda realized that she couldn't say no to you when you looked so beautiful, eyes glistening under the  bright lights of the room with a post orgasmic glow. At the sight of her nod you kissed down her body happily, making sure to bite down on the bruising skin. Her grip on the base of your neck grew reciprocal as you chose to use pain to arouse her further. You already knew her body so well, it was the best feeling ever.
With a loophole in your mind you kiss her lips, soft enough to not collect much slick to constitute a taste but more than enough to make her cry out weakly. Wanda had about half a mind to rip you away for playing her so well but then your tongue stroked up and down her walls, you had found another cheat.
To you, a lick logically only ended when the stroke faltered but much to her shock it hadn't, not even once.  Though tired you powered through, plunging your muscle in and out of her without the intention to stop. Once her thighs slammed shut you moved your lips up to her clit and rejoiced as she drenched your chin.
"I'd say you very well know what you're doing," she huffed amusedly as she caught your gaze on her face.
"I'm not even sorry," you giggled as you trailed her slick all over her sweaty torso on your way to her lips. Wanda chuckled hoarsely, "Neither am I kitten."
After the both of you took a second to breathe you stared deeply into the others eyes, Wanda cupped your cheek and scrunched her nose as she, in true sapphic fashion, spoke her premature desires into the world. "Y/N, you are the most beautiful human I've ever had the fortune of knowing. I know we haven't spoken much but I want you to know I feel in my heart that you are the person I'm meant to fall in love with."
You gulped, "like soulmates? You think we are?"
Wanda nodded with a grin. "Most definitely, you are the only one who has ever been allowed to taste me."
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your skull and she laughed boisterously at your shock; you were so cute.
"Are you serious?" Wanda nodded with a much more nervous smile. "So, when you hesitated, it was—."
"I really did want you to rest," she interrupted, "but then I saw the dark look in your eyes. They were so droopy and yet you wanted to please me in return."
"Has no one ever tried?" Wanda bit her lip at the question, it felt intrusive but she knew you meant well so she didn't deflect. "Not really. Just once but it felt wrong. I didn't want them to have the access to me."
You beamed with a sweet shine in your eyes, then you kissed her lips with a tenderness that made her smile. "Thank you for trusting me, and taking such good—."
Wanda cut your praise off with a deeper kiss, you lazily swirled your tongue with hers until she was satisfied.
"Don't ever thank me for doing anything for you," she commanded gently, "you deserve to be worshipped."
"I think we're soulmates too," you finally affirmed her prior notion and she looked at you shocked. She had never intended for you to share a response so soon after her aggressively-launched inquiry. But you did, and it was obviously heartwarming. "You're safe."
Wanda tightened her arms around you and just basked in the after glow of her dream come true for a bit. Then, when she felt you were about to drift off she sprung into action while she left you to take a cat nap.
When she returned to the room she lightly stroked your face until your eyes fluttered open. "I know you're tired love but we need to get cleaned up, come on." In a sleepy haze you accepted her hand and let her do it all. There was no visual recollection but you felt her every light touch and heard the sweet nothings as she took her time cleaning you both up to let your muscles soak.
Eventually you two made it back to bed after sharing a water bottle and a container of fruit and nuts that Wanda had snuck to the kitchen to steal for you both. Now you two were perfectly wrapped up together.
Neither of you were too familiar with love, the both of you having spent most of your adult life single, but it's something you felt budding as you melted into her. The brunette was far too content to sleep, with you on her chest her wildest dream had come true, so she was afraid if her eyes took the risk that you'd be gone. Then she felt your soft breaths, and her own exhaustion rise, her extensive exertion caught up to her quickly. Eyes of green trailed over your form once more before closing.
"Oh god," Yelena's voice cracked as she spoke through the door. "I can smell the nefarious things you did."
Wanda rolled her eyes, there was nothing cruel about the way she just made love to your body, but of course the blonde would make your encounter devilish. For a moment Wanda just ignored her presence, pretending to be asleep but Yelena was just too damn intuitive.
"Wanda Maximoff," she sang tauntingly, "We know you are definitely not sleeping. You are probably too busy staring at Y/N with love-sick puppy dog eyes."
Wanda threw the alarm clock that neither of you would use at the door and groaned when all the blonde did was laugh maniacally "Exactly, you are so whipped."
Her voice was strained, "What do you want Belova?"
"Natasha said she doesn't care if you are mid-fuck, the both of you better get dressed and join the bonfire."
At just the mention of Natasha your head popped up, you glared intensely out the window, Wanda giggled.
"Does someone want revenge?" You groaned and put your face back in the safety of Wanda's neck. The way you grumbled incoherently against her skin only made her laugh harder, the sensation having tickled her.
Then the pressure changed, you were no longer talking but instead you were suckling on her skin, returning the favor of visibly marking her until she moaned.
"Okay," Yelena chuckled nervously, "I do not want to have to hear the sinning, take this visit as a warning."
You rolled your eyes this time, knowing the truth to her words which made you pull away. Wanda could see the reluctance in your expression and it made her melt. To see you were eager for a round two focused on her was enough to make her want to ignore Natasha's threats.
It was never up to her though as you got up, Russian curses directed at redhead nothing short of amusing. Even though you presented as grumpy, the woman knew deep down that the meddling Russian sisters were the closest thing to family that you had. So, you rushing to get dressed wasn't in fear of the redheads daunting arrival, but more so you wanting to see her.
To thank her for the push, which you did moments later after the both of you arrived. You led Wanda to a chair big enough for two and left the brunette with a timid kiss, aware that all your friends were there. Tony went to tease you but was stopped by Wanda's glare.
"I'd rather watch this anyway," he chuckled as he turned away from your terrifying girlfriend. Wanda followed his gaze and couldn't help but to laugh, you were chasing Nat around the rough sand on wobbly legs, which only spurred her taunting on tenfold.
Once you caught up to her you tackled the redhead, nobody could hear you two anymore, but they could see you were mercilessly tickling the woman. After a torturous minute she called uncle and you both stood, her hand shook yours in a truce that relaxed you, but then she smirked and leaned in closer to taunt you.
"You're welcome for the fun," her eyes were swirling with mischief as they fell to the side of your neck. "Who knew the group's favorite nun in training had it in her."
"Bite me," you shot back and her eyes sparkled at the ease of her next tease, "Looks like Wanda already did."
Natasha cackled the whole way back to the group as she jogged to her seat to escape your next attack. It wasn't going to deter you though, sand flew from beneath your feet as you neared the group in a rush.
Two seconds before you could reach her though you felt your body being yanked down by what you believed to be gravity, but then you felt softness beneath you.
Wanda had shamelessly pulled you into her lap, she was sat with her legs crossed, and her eyes bore a playfulness to them alongside a bit of sternness. The entire group watched the way you settled, no words needed to be exchanged as you cuddled into her side. The brunette kissed your forehead, then followed it up with a peck to your nose and a languid one to your lips.
"Wow! The beast has been tamed," Tony cheered, the group of your friends giggled loudly and you frowned.
"Careful how you speak of my girl Tony," Wanda said with a tone that dripped with a warning, her eyes not even moving away from yours as she defended you. The sexual energy that oozed off the the two of you was always there, but the visible marks had never been.
Tony sighed at the direct confirmation, "I vote we remove them from the bet," drawing the both of your attention back to your friends who were anxiously sat.
Your tone was clearly confused, "The bet?"
"Catch up kid," the billionaire shot at you, you were just about to remind him you were older but he just continued on being a douchebag, "It was no secret you and the practicing witch would bone this trip. So, as opportunists we all bet on what night it might happen."
You looked to your family with a glare, "Nat? Lena?"
The sisters shrugged while their outstretched hands were collecting the hundreds. "It was an inevitability Y/N Y/L/N, so we obviously made it profitable."
You flipped the blonde off, then the redhead next. The bulk of your friends chuckled when they saw you try to shy away from their gaze by burrowing into Wanda. Everyone was more than thrilled to see you smile like that, all soft and obviously lovestruck for the woman and the brunette adored that you found comfort in her.
"It's okay detka," Wanda coo'd lovingly into your ear, with one hand on your back to soothe you while the other reached out to accept her cut of the bet money. "I'm sure our friends here will pay for our date..."
Tony gasped, but his rebuttal died on his tongue as your smirking girlfriend tilted her head a fraction to the right, her fingers wiggled and the man would swear for years to come he saw a flash of red spark at the tips.
Wanda smirked at the man before her lips fell into something softer as she regarded your sleeping form. Her gaze slowly drifted up to the pair of sisters to her right who stared at her intently. Natasha smiled at her, and in that moment they came to a silent agreement. All your sister by claim wanted was for you to be happy and taken care of, something Wanda promised with a nod. Natasha easily fell back into conversation after.
Yelena however had a much different approach as she glared at the brunette with all the contempt she had within. "Prichini yey bol', i ty umresh', muchitel'no."
(Hurt her and you die, painfully.)
This time, Natasha didn't jab her sister in the hip and Wanda didn't test her chances, she merely nodded.
The following morning came with disorientation on your end as you woke up to the sound of a muted buzz. Your mind was still lightyears behind your ears though so you subconsciously thought it was the yardmen on your campus as per usual. Then you felt a body pressed into your sore one and you remembered. You were halfway across the world, entangled with your crush.
It wasn't a fever dream but a glorious reality...
Your eyes slowly fluttered open to see Wanda asleep, with her lips pursed and nose pressed into your chest, the noise from before now had an official source. You wanted to giggle at her, but you merely rolled your eyes and softly cursed your best friend. "Chertov lzhets."
(Fucking liar...)
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baeksqt · 2 months
𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 — lena oberdorf
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lena oberdorf x gerwnt!fem!reader
summary: clueless lena has you in a tight grip
(a/n: a small piece for lena cause I miss her (ಡ‸ಡ) so I hope you enjoy this! also my inbox is finally open for requests so go ahead my lovelies)
word: 586
genre: fluff + angst (?)
The warm summer air soothed your skin as Lena laid on top of you on the loveseat sofa, hoping to nap the evening away. You could finally see each other with training camp in full swing for the international break. You run a lazy hand through Lena’s hair, absentmindedly scrolling through your phone as Lena drifts in and out of sleep. The comfortable silence between the two of you was accented by the subdued commentary of the football game on TV and Lena’s occasional snore.
You notice her eyebrows furrow in discomfort, followed by a huff as she shifts and wraps her arms around your waist. Gently withdrawing your hand from her hair, you begin to trace it down her back, taking in the contours and nuances of her musculature.
“When are you heading back to Spain?” Her question startled you slightly, the vibrations of her voice resonating against your stomach.
“Somewhere around the last week of August.” You sighed in response, knowing that there wasn’t much time between the Olympics and you heading back to your respective club, Barcelona.
“Are you going back with Alexia?” Lena then looked up at you with delicate brown eyes, a soft wrinkle appearing on her forehead as her chin poked your stomach, toying with the gold charms on your necklace.
You pout at her subtle protectiveness so cupping her cheeks, and combing the flyaway hairs from her face.
“Yeah…” you replied, pausing for a moment, “that shouldn’t change anything.” mumbling to yourself. To that, Lena swiftly sat up, letting go of your necklace as a puzzled expression formed across her face.
“You realise that she’s interested in you, right? I don't even have to be there for me to know that.” She inquired with a firm voice and piercing eyes.
“And it’s very much one-sided.” You finished her sentence as your hand now replaced hers in fiddling with the delicate pendant, avoiding her gaze as you finished her sentence. You were well aware of Lena’s feelings about your friendship with Alexia, throwing a small sarcastic comment here and there whenever you mentioned her in a conversation. Since moving to the Catalan region, you had noticed Alexia's growing fondness for you, but you had been subtly declining her advances as you already had feelings for someone else.
That someone else was now sitting in between your legs, waiting to be upset with you. Inspecting her face for a moment, hoping she’ll respond.
“I know, that doesn't sound believable at all, but the feelings aren't mutual on my end.” your pendant slipped out of sweaty fingertips, as you spoke. “So, for when you get your act together, I’ll still be here.” throwing her a nervous smile.
“What do you mean by that?” Lena fixed you with a piercing glare but a hint of softness sat behind her eyes, arms folded across her chest.
The tension in the room was palpable, the unspoken emotions lingering between you like a heavy cloud.
“Well, when you're ready to admit that we are more than friends, you won't have to worry about anyone else.” you motioned between the two of you, taking her hand and placing it back onto your necklace pendant, your heart pounding underneath.
“I can promise you that I won’t keep you waiting.” Lena’s face lit up with a shy yet genuine smile, placing a tender kiss on your lips. Leaving you with warm cheeks and a deep sense of contentment, knowing that her promise was sealed with that tender kiss.
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abbyslev · 2 years
A/N: THIS IS MY FIRST POST im so nervous and these are so shitty bye but pls enjoy😓🙏🏼
Biggest softie. Will deny this till the day she dies.
Her arms will literally not let you go. Good luck trying to get up. 
She likes to watch you sleep for a minute. 
If you wake up on the wrong hand, it pisses her off too.
She’s a light snorer
Compliments you about everything 
“You have the prettiest eyes.” 
“Annie, we have to get up.” 
Imagine her morning voice… enough.
She tosses in her sleep so you have an extra blanket beside you because she takes yours away.
Always has to sleep next to you.
Big cuddler in private.
She like to run her hand through your hair.
She’s literally a marshmallow for you.
Breakfast in bed fs
She loves to just cuddle for a minute 
She's a light sleeper so she usually wakes up early just to see you at peace
Has to be touching you in some type of way
Compliments you every morning
Helps you get ready
Always makes your drink of choice for you
You tease her for her morning hair 
She’ll hum sometimes
She 100% wears socks to sleep
“Can you share some blanket please?” “No, Mika. Get your own.” 
This women will kiss you every chance she gets
Literally wakes up energized 
Will stare at you for hours just smiling 
They would rather freeze than take some blanket from you 
Snores 100%
“Jeez. It’s so cold. If only I had a partner to cuddle me.” 
“Hange, you could just cuddle me.” 
Will never let you go
Hange likes to ramble about their projects and theories all night and all morning
“I have to check in with the cadets. I will be back.”
Hange actually comes back
Hange will never ever let you cook. They will cook for you
Hange likes to do your hair in the morning. You’re so sleepy sometimes and Hange feels bad.
Hange loves you too much 
Yelena will never get up, and if you try her arms will lock around you.
Will wake you up by literally kissing your jaw
Horny at 7 am bruh
Pet names fs
Shes just happy to wake up next to you
She will cook you something while you get ready
You’ll button up her shirts 
Morning kisses literally everyday
She refuses to sleep w a shirt on
she thinks shes a man or smth smfh
She likes to do her morning routine w you 
she will use a shit ton of toothpaste just to piss you off
“Lena, what the fuck.” “What did I do?” She says with toothpaste foaming out of her mouth.
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yelenasdiary · 9 months
Merry Christmas
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
Summary: Yelena comes home just in time for Christmas.
Warnings: No Warnings | 0.9K
Translations: detka (baby), милый (darling),
AC: Pretend this isn’t late okay? Thanks! Enjoy!! xx
Holiday Special Masterlist
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Her key wiggled ever so quietly in the door of your shared apartment; she was tired but only she knew that. She silently closed the door behind her and placed her bag in the laundry room for tomorrow's problem. 2:28am on the early morning of Christmas Eve, she was finally home. The small living room was lit alive by the Christmas tree, the golden star shining her path behind the sofa, kicking off her combat boots as she walked. She'd been gone a minute too long, long enough for Fanny to be found curled up on Yelena's side of the bed beside you with her head resting on Yelena's pillow. She didn't mind, she knew Fanny brought you a sense of comfort and safety when Yelena wasn't here. 
Fanny's tail wagged to greet the blonde with excitement as Yelena scratched behind her fur friend's ear. "I missed you too" Yelena whispered placing a kiss on Fanny's forehead before her eyes shifted to meet your peacefully asleep face. Soft snores could be heard as you were unaware Yelena had arrived home, but then again, Yelena never liked to wake you when she came home so late. Carefully she reached over and kissed your cheek before taking herself to the bathroom for a quick shower. 
The cold draft from the morning snow creeping through your apartment made you stir, pulling the covers closer to you to keep the warmth from escaping. Yelena took that as her sign to get up and turn the heater on. Fanny followed behind her as she made her way into the living room, turning the heater on and giving her body a much needed stretch. It was barely 8am but Yelena knew you'd be awake soon and decided to surprise you with breakfast. 
Pancakes in the shape of Christmas reindeer caused a smile to creep onto her lips, she had forgotten about her work, life outside of the apartment. It was Christmas and all she wanted to do was spend it with you. She made two mugs of extra hot coco and set the table. 
You woke up with a frown on your brows, Fanny nowhere to be seen. You rubbed your eyes before the smell of batter hit you. "Lena?" You questioned softly, your mind still waking up as you slid out of bed and into your Christmas themed slippers before making your way to the kitchen. Yelena turned and smiled softly at the sight of you. 
"Hi detka" she spoke softly, "hungry?" She asked. 
You couldn't help but smile in reply as you approached her, wrapping your arms around her in a tight hug. "I missed you!" You said, muffled by her pajamas. She held you tighter, placing a kiss on the top of your head, "I missed you too милый" she replied. 
The entire day was spent by the fake fireplace you had brought while she was away. Blankets and pillows on the floor while you snuggled closely into Yelena's arms as you introduced the assassin to the many Christmas movies you loved. Her arms wrapped around you with one hand twirling with a lock of your hair, her attention was more on you than the movie playing in the background. 
This wasn't her first Christmas, but it was her first Christmas where she truly wanted to be. Her eyes took in the beauty of the lit-up Christmas tree as they dropped to the gifts sitting patiently below, she couldn't help but smile as her eyes ran over the names on the gifts. She was home. 
"Lena, put your arm down" you chuckled, distracted by the blondes arm hanging in the air above both of your heads. "I don't know what you're talking about" she replied, shifting your attention from the movie to look up and see her dangling a mistletoe above you both. 
"You don't have to ask me twice!" You looked to her and smiled before kissing her softly. 
Yelena's arm fell gracefully as she deepened the kiss, forgetting everything she had ever known until this moment. She smiled against your lips, "Merry Christmas" she whispered before crashing her lips against yours once more, pulling you basically on top of her. You smiled against her lips, "what was that about?" You asked with a raised brow as she cupped your face gently with one hand. 
"Nothing" she smiled, "I just want to make Christmas as magical for you as you've made it for me" she added, her thumb ever so softly stroking your cheek. 
"Baby, just knowing you're in my life is magical to me although, I can't lie, I am so freaking happy I get you home for Christmas" you replied, kissing her once more. "I'm saving the best Christmas movie for last so how do you feel about making a gingerbread house?" You asked before allowing Yelena's stolen past to creep in on her thoughts. All you wanted was to help create many new and happy memories for her to look back on. 
"Do I have to eat it?" She asked, reminding you she wasn't a fan of gingerbread. You shock your head with a light chuckle.
"I'm not going to pin you down and force you to eat it!"
"I wouldn't mind it if that's how I was going to eat it" Yelena smirked as you pulled her up off of the floor, "be a good little elf and you might get a surprise" you winked playfully before dragging her gently by the hand towards the kitchen.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl  | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @irishhappiness | @music-4ever | @hyper-fixated-delusions | 
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thewidowsghost · 10 months
Lovestruck (Lena Luthor x Fem!Danvers!Reader)
@sashawalker2 asked:
I'd like to request this. Fem Reader X Lena Luthor Prompt: “You are my best friend” Idea: Reader is Lena Luthor's best friend. A sweet fluffy fic. Imagine the two going off on holiday and just being very sweet to each other.
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"It's so cute that you're going on vacation with Lena," Alex comments, nudging her sister with a shoulder.
(Y/n) looks up from the new suit she was making for Kara – stitching the new emblem into the fabric.
"Of course, Lena and I do everything together. She's my best friend," (Y/n) replies.
"You're so oblivious," Alex replies, (Y/n) going back to her stitchwork.
"What?" (Y/n) replies, distractedly.
"Oblivious," Alex says.
"About what?" (Y/n) asks, looking up at her sister.
"Lena likes you," Alex says.
"Haha," (Y/n) turns back to her work again. "You're funny Alex, she's just my friend."
. . .
"I'm so glad you've decided to join me on holiday," Lena says, her and (Y/n) settling down on their shared couch in their shared apartment. Lena props her head up with her hand as she gazes at (Y/n), her ginger cat, Apollo, sleeping in her lap.
(Y/n) takes a sip from her glass of water. "It'll be fun," she smiles warmly.
(Y/n)'s puppy, a golden retriever named Cosmo, bounds over to the couch. Both (Y/n) and Cosmo look at Lena, pulling off very similar puppy-dog eyes.
Lena's expression softens as she meets (Y/n)'s gaze. "Fine," Lena finally gives in.
"Up, Cosmo," (Y/n) calls the dog up onto the couch.
Cosmo jumps up onto the couch, lying his head in Lena's lap.
"I still can't believe I let you get a dog in our apartment," Lena strokes Cosmo's ears.
"He's our dog," (Y/n) replies, allowing her head to tilt slightly, something that Lena finds very cute. "And you already had a cat before I even moved in."
"Hey, would you mind –" Lena begins.
"I gotcha," (Y/n) replies. She pats Cosmo's back, and gets off the couch.
This was a common occurrence in the household – Cosmo would beg to be let onto the couch, Lena would complain affectionately about Cosmo wanting to get on the couch, Lena would let Cosmo up, the dog would rest his head on Lena's knee, and then Lena would request a glass of wine.
"Cabernet?" (Y/n) asks and Lena grins slightly.
"You know me so well," Lena replies.
(Y/n) moves to the kitchen, reaches into the wine cabinet, and pulls out a bottle of Cabernet. "This one?" (Y/n) asks, lifting the bottle high enough for Lena to see.
"The other one," Lena replies.
(Y/n) hums grabbing the other bottle and pouring a glass, bringing it over to Lena.
. . .
Soft snores escape (Y/n)'s slightly open mouth.
"So oblivious," Lena mutters, running her fingers through (Y/n)'s hair.
Cosmo lifts his head from his place in (Y/n)'s lap, letting his tongue loll out of his mouth.
"I think you know it too, boy," Lena reaches over and scratches behind the retriever's ears.
. . .
(Y/n) stumbles sleepily down the hall, yawning as she heads towards the coffee maker.
"Already made," Lena appears at (Y/n)'s shoulder holding a mug of coffee, and (Y/n) jumps.
(Y/n) takes the mug from Lena, and sips from the coffee. (Y/n) makes a murmur of contentment, taking another sip of the coffee. "It's perfect," (Y/n) says. "How'd you know –"
"I like you!" Lena blurts out, and (Y/n) stops, her eyes widening.
"What?" (Y/n) asks. "I thought Alex was joking."
"Excuse me," Lena looks confused.
"I was working on Kara's suit, and she said something about you liking me," (Y/n)'s cheeks begin to feel hot. "I thought she was just messing with me."
"I do like you! A lot!" Lena says. "You just never seemed to notice."
There is a silence before Lena looks up at (Y/n), watching her cheeks darken.
"I, uh, like you too," (Y/n) says softly. "And like," she scrambles for the words, "not just in a friend way."
Lena lets out a laugh of relief.
"So," (Y/n) looks up from her mug of coffee. "What do we do now? I've never done this before."
Lena snorts with amusement. "I think we go on our vacation, and have fun. And then we come back and tell our friends."
"Tell them what?" (Y/n) asks cluelessly.
Lena lets out a 'pfft' noise and just shakes her head fondly. "Nothing you should worry your cute little head about," Lena replies. "Now, let's go. We're going to be late."
"Isn't it your private jet?" (Y/n) says.
Lena just holds back her chuckle as Apollo follows her down the hall to her bedroom.
Word Count: 807 words
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foxdrabbles · 1 month
Red and co. visiting the convalescent garden together? I really like your stuff with them!
A knock. Then another, more confident. Perfumer stretched, slipping a ribbon between the pages of her book, standing from her armchair and stepping lightly over to the door to her office.
"Hello, Frostleaf. Please keep your voice down, she's asleep right now."
"Oh, um, ok." Frostleaf tucked her hands back into her jacket pockets. "Hi Miss Lena."
Perfumer smiled, turning and beckoning Frostleaf in to her office, who stepped nervously past the threshold.
"So, um. How did things... go?"
"About how I expected them to." Perfumer sighed. "There's only so much that can be helped along with perfumes and medicines. Working on yourself isn't something you can shortcut."
"Mhm." Frostleaf nodded solemnly. "I know."
"I know you do"
Together they moved, inch by inch, over towards the couch were Red was sitting limp, arm in a sling, head rolled back into her hood, lightly snoring.
Frostleaf softened, her entire body shifting, and Perfumer smiled gently.
"She's trying her hardest for you, I hope you know."
"I know." Frostleaf leaned her hands against the back of the armchair, not breaking her gaze towards Red. "I just... "
She trailed off, and Perfumer laid a hand over top of hers.
"You want to be good for her."
Frostleaf nodded, stonefaced.
"You are. I can hear it in the way she talks about you." Perfumer gave a gentle squeeze of her hands. "You don't need to be perfect. She doesn't need perfect. She needs you."
Again, Frostleaf nodded, but her lower lip trembled just a bit.
"She loves you more than anything."
The tears that had been welling in Frostleaf's eyes began to spill, and she blinked them away, pulling her hand free and wiping at her face with a sleeve.
"Sorry. I'm sorry. I just -- "
"Here, dear."
Perfumer offered a tissue box, and Frostleaf took it, dabbing at her face.
"And don't you dare apologize for crying. Everybody does, it's how we process intense emotion."
"frost... leaf?"
A voice whispered from the couch, and Frostleaf snapped to attention, swiftly moving to the couch.
"I'm here, Red."
"mmm." Red gently pressed her forehead against Frostleaf's arm. "frostleaf needs to rest too. frostleaf should come. next time."
"Red, I don't know if -- "
"frostleaf will like. lena is nice." Red reached out, grabbing on to Frostleaf's jacket sleeve with her free hand.
Frostleaf glanced over to Perfumer, eyes full of conflicted emotions.
"Only if you want to. But my door is always open."
"...I'll think about it."
Perfumer smiled warmly, and Red hummed, pressing her shoulder to Frostleaf's. "now dinner?"
"Yes, Red, we're going to dinner now."
Together they made their way to the door, Perfumer trailing just politely far enough behind them, watching as they paused at the door, turning to wave together.
"Thanks, Miss Lena."
"thank you."
Perfumer smiled, returning the gesture. "Of course. Take care, you two."
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supercorpkid · 10 months
Ace Reporter - part 4
Supergirl, Kara Danvers x Reader, Lena Luthor x Reader
Word Count: 2375.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
Something brings you back from your trance. Probably the loud alarm saying that if you don't get out of this place in five minutes you're going to die. Five minutes is really not enough time to find the way out, so you run out of the bedroom and make your way to the other side to try and find the exit there.
You are met with a dead end, and on your way back you bump into Lena. She holds your arms to steady you. "Y/N! I'm glad I found you. Kara and I split up while looking for the exit."
"Dead end." You point to the hallway behind you.
Lena agrees with her head. Cleans the blood off your cheek before nodding to you, "I'm happy you're safe." She almost hugs you, but decides there are more pressing matters at the moment. "Let's find Kara and get out of here." 
Lena holds your hand, guiding you to the direction you just left. That's when Kara appears in clear panic and points to another place, not wanting you to find her secret in that creepy room, unbeknownst of your current knowledge.
You do feel kind of safer knowing Supergirl is around. She said it herself, she won't let you get hurt for a story. She certainly won't let you explode just not to compromise her secret identity. Right? Right.
On your way out the three of you find the room with all Lex's hardcopies of clear wrongdoings. You grab everything you can see and get out of there less than a minute before the whole place explodes.
You make it back to National City, digging through papers, unraveling conspiracy theories and mazes of wickedness. Kara Danvers is snoring on the chair in front of yours, tired from keeping secrets and burning bridges. And Lena is also examining the documents in silence. When you can't read another word, you turn to her,
"Tough day, huh."
"Running into the atrocities my brother is responsible for, is not exactly a walk in the park for me."
Great fucking quote. Not on record, though.
"Sorry we didn't find him. Though I have to admit, I'd be a bit scared if we did." 
"I don't blame you. I would have too." Lena smiles absently and a little bit too sincere. You can tell she immediately wishes to take it back. You're a journalist, after all.
"Well, you've dealt with all those Eve clones pretty well. I'm glad you and -" You stop yourself, looking at Kara. She is not sweet doofus Kara Danvers anymore. It's pretty much real to you that she literally is the strongest person on Earth and she could have ended all those clones in probably one blow.
Lena agrees with a nod, following your eyes. "She actually fights pretty decently, I didn't know that about Kara." 
You furrow your brows, confused. "You didn't?"
"Honestly, no. I wonder where she was hiding all those moves."
"Yeah. And I wonder why." You whisper to yourself, staring at Kara. Is she really asleep? No way to know, she is such a good liar. She might actually be the greatest actor of all time. How else would she have kept this secret from her best friend for so long?
 "Anyway, heard you need a quote from me to get back to Metropolis."
You take a deep breath, mostly annoyed with your editor for making you work so hard for a damn quote, but also kind of offended that all of your investigative skills and team work will be reduced to one scandalous quote from Lena Luthor. You literally uncovered a web of lies and terrible plans, but hey, that's not what he asked you for, so it probably won't even be used.
"I suppose it's what I came here for."
You grab your notebook next to you, waiting for her quote.
"Ready?" She asks and you nod your head, pen on the paper ready to write down whatever she says. "I think you're so much better than what the Daily Planet gives you credit for, and I believe CatCo is always in need of a fine reporter like you."
You stop writing, raising your head at her, confused. "What?"
"And I should know what CatCo needs, since I'm the owner."
"What?" How did you not know that, when it's precisely your job to know everything about the woman you came here to interview.
"And if offering you a job is not enough of a reason for you to consider staying in National City, I'd like to add that I, too, would like to have you closer." Lena's voice drops an octave and an eyebrow is raised. My God, she is sexy.
"With the risk of sounding like a broken record, what?"
Lena laughs, honest and carefree. Wrinkles under her eyes and it has to be one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen. "I'll let you consider it. If you decide not to stay, I'll give you the quote."
"Oh, ok." Your cheeks burn red. "Thanks, Lena."
When you finally make it to National City, Lena offers both of you a ride, but you and Kara decide to share an uber to your side of the town.
"We've uncovered some pretty sensible information on this trip to Kaznia." Kara says as soon as Lena gets inside her car. "And I know you must be dying to do an exposé-"
Does she know? Does Kara know what you saw in that weird bedroom? That you finally have put two and two together and noticed the obvious? Is she scared you're going to tell the world? 
"But we have to be careful on how we're going to play this. If we blow the whistle on Lex, he could just go back to hiding and-"
"Oh sorry, sometimes I talk too fast. I meant Lex and whoever is helping him inside the government. Obviously he had help to break aliens out of the DEO facility and-"
She doesn't know. Haven't got the faintest idea. Kara Danvers is here blabbing about Lex Luthor while you have this huge information about her. And about Clark.
"Oh my God Danvers, shut up." It's out of your mouth before you can stop it. Her eyes widen and you point to the car that just arrived. "I don't wanna talk about Lex, ok? I got hurt because of him, because of this damn crusade the Daily Planet put me through." You signal for the driver then slide inside the car. Kara follows you promptly. And with no amenities the driver just goes.
"Look, I know it was tough out there. But you did so well. You-you found this!" Kara is holding the documents so tight, like they would just fly out of her hands if she didn't. 
"Yeah, and I also almost died for those stupid sheets of paper. I'm not Nancy Drew, ok?"
"You are!” You look at her in disbelief. “At least, you were out there!"
"Stop, ok? This means nothing to me! I'm not you, Danvers! I'm not ok with putting my life at risk for a fucking assignment. I really am not getting paid enough and I only have this one life."
"What are you talking about?" Kara asks and you raise your eyebrow at her as an answer, not wanting to share more. "What? You think I'm a cat with nine lives?"
You can't help a laugh that leaves your mouth. A very ironic one. Sour and hostile. It makes her wince at the sound.
"Damn, you really are the biggest dweeb I've ever seen."
She huffs, moving uncomfortably on the seat next to you. You ignore her, staring out the window. You don't even like National City that much, but you're honestly so glad to be here right now.
"I know you don't want to talk about it, but we're writing this together, aren't we? We have to decide on what can we expose and-"
"UGH." It's the only sound out of your mouth. You're so tired. You flew to Kaznia; the plane you were in almost crashed; you had to fight evil clones and you got beat up by one (which is rather embarrassing); you found out your work-colleague and your almost-nemesis' secret identities; and you also found out what the hell Lex is up to. You're exhausted. Right now, the only thing you want is to go back home, but stupid Kara Danvers won't shut up. "I wish Eve had punched your face instead of mine."
"WHAT?" Kara yells so loud, even the driver jumps in his seat. "Sorry, sorry." She apologizes to him, then turns back at you. "That's such a mean thing to say!"
"Why? It's not like you can feel anything." You roll your eyes, hand going to the cut on the side of your cheek that still burns.
"Of course I can feel things." 
She's barely finished with her sentence and you're adding, "Oh my God, you let me get punched for nothing."
"I'm so confused right now."
"I KNOW, OK?" It's your time to yell, making the driver almost lose control of the car, and you have to hold yourself on Kara not to knock your head on the window. When the car finally stabilizes again, you continue. "I know you helped land the plane. I know you could've taken down all Eves by yourself. And I know about you and- and Clark." You stare deep into her eyes. "I know who you are."
Kara swallows deep, so loud you could hear it perfectly, and you're sure the driver could too. "Stop the car."
"Ma'am, we're in the middle of nowhere."
"Stop. The. Car." She repeats strongly, commanding. Must be her Supergirl voice. And the driver is not going to argue twice, so he does. He stops the car in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Kara pulls you by the hand and there's no fighting. Not when the strongest woman on the planet wants you out of the car, anyway.
So you stand there, with nothing but trees around while your ride home leaves you behind. You cross your arms and stare at her. God, you wish you were home. You wish you were never sent to this assignment. You wish you were never entangled in this mess with Kara Danvers. You wish you could just hate her from a distance instead from up close.
"How did you figure it out?"
"Well, you fighting all those clones with your bare hands was a pretty big tell. But what confirmed my suspicions was that weird altar they had for you there."
"You saw that too?"
"Yeah, it was pretty bizarre. I mean, who would have so many pictures of doofus Kara Danvers?"
"HEY! I'm not-" She huffs, unable to defend herself. "Whatever."
Kara walks from side to side, hands on the side of her head, clearly freaking out because you know her secret and she can't trust you. How could she? You're a random reporter who just came from Metropolis to find a story. And you did, you found the biggest one you could ever look for, and now you know the secret identity of two of the most powerful superheroes on the planet. 
She finally breathes out all the weight off her shoulders, and comes closer, really close. So close she touches the cut on your cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let you get hurt." And you've known this woman for two weeks, but you know she means it. Can read it in her watery eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't realize how scared you were. I'm sorry I couldn't be Supergirl there."
"Because Lena doesn't know." 
"Well, you weren't supposed to know either." She shrugs. Hands on your chin, eyes staring right at your soul. You dare to look at her lips, so close, so so close. Right there.
"Hey," You look back at her eyes and notice how scared she is. You know her secret, her biggest secret. You know a part of her not everyone knows. Not even her best friend! So you hold her free hand. "I promise your secret is safe with me. I know you have no reason to believe me. I mean, I didn't even like you until two days ago, so I understand the distrust. But this is a big thing. Bigger than whatever is between me and Kara Danvers. I would never put people's life at risk."
"Thank you." Kara gives your hand a little squeeze. "But what do you mean you didn't like me? I thought, I thought we were…"
"What? Friends?" A little smirk.
"Flirting." She admits and you gulp, taking your hand away from hers. She understands the signal so she lets go of your face too, but doesn't stop talking.  "I thought it was all flirting banter."
It was. She is right. But you just can't admit this to her, or anyone.
So you let a sharp and deceitful laugh out. "Oh please. Even on a good day, we're barely amicable."
Kara furrows her brows, looking like a lost puppy and when she opens her mouth to argue, you cut her off, not ready for this conversation at all. 
"So, do we get another uber or is Supergirl flying me to my hotel room? I really need to lay down after all this."
"Yeah. Yeah." She won't raise her head or look you in the eyes, but still picks you up in bridal style. "Hold tight."
Kara starts flying and you can't help but to hold her with everything you have. You can't believe you just gave Kara Danvers the power to drop you from a very tall height. You venture a peek down and holy fucking shit you are way too high. If she drops you, you're dead for sure.
You hide your face in Kara's neck. Breathe her in, and oh God she smells so good even after almost exploding in Kaznia. Ugh. Your stomach is all in knots and you wish you could just rationalize this strangled feeling, but right now Kara Danvers/ Supergirl/ Whoever is carefully taking you home, might be the person you loathe the most. Or love. You can't decide.
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luthordamnvers · 1 year
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Hell was the journey (but it brought me heaven)
Chapter 2 - Maroon [Rated M]
The day had finally arrived. The launch of the water filter her Foundation had been working on for months. Almost a year in development. It was the first project that the LL Foundation had fostered since the very beginning; the others were brought up from the LuthorCorp’s vault. Lena made sure of going over every single schematic with a fine-tooth comb, and making sure there were no surprises from her family, even from beyond the grave.   This filter, however, was Lena’s own design, reducing the water wasted for lack of pressure using membrane filtration for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons laden wastewater. Which was cost-effective, compact, and time-efficient for the population of National City, and could be implemented on an industry level throughout the city and by the city.  She had woken up, before the sun lighted the sky and before Kara, whom she left hugging her own pillow, lightly snoring into it.
Continue Reading on AO3 || From the start
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Festivities And A Fever
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〚 Notes - Just something to fuel my longing need for supercorp :,) 〛
〚 Pairing- Supercorp 〛
〚 Summary - Visiting your girlfriend's parent's house for the first time is bound to make anyone feel nervous but maybe it's not just nerves that's bothering Lena. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2460 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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“You’re quiet today.” Kara murmured softly, her hand gently squeezing the woman in the passenger seat’s thigh as the two drove along an empty road. 
Lena sighed, trying to hide the discomfort she was feeling. "Just a little tired, that's all love." she replied, offering Kara a weak smile as she interlocked hands with the  
"Are you sure that's all it is?" Kara asked, concern evident in her voice. "You've been acting off since yesterday. Did something happen?" 
"Just a little headache, I think," Lena finally admitted, trying to downplay the rhythmic pounding at the front of her temples, "Maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night, I’ve kinda been fretting about making a good impression on your mom." 
Kara's expression softened with understanding, but her worry only intensified. "Oh, Lena, you don't have to fret about that. Eliza already likes you, you two have spoken on the phone loads. Besides, you're amazing just the way you are. No need to impress anyone." She smiled, leaning over to press a quick kiss to her cheek. 
Lena appreciated Kara's reassurance, but she couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility to make a good impression on Eliza, especially since it was their first Christmas together as girlfriends. "I know she likes me, but I still want her to see that I'm good for you, Kara. And I want everything to go smoothly," Lena said, trying to mask the hint of a sniffle in her voice. 
But of course, Kara's super hearing picked up on her sniffling, she looked over, her brow crinkling with unease, she hated when Lena wasn’t fully honest with her, "Darling, are you sure you're just tired? You can tell me, y’know." she said, casting a worried glance at her girlfriend as the latter stared out of the widow, resting her head against the glass. 
Lena quickly shook her head, hoping to avoid further questioning. "No, I promise, it's just a little headache, nothing serious," she replied, attempting to hide her reddening nose with the back of her hand. 
Kara wasn't entirely convinced, but she didn't want to push her too much. "Alright, if you say so," she let the subject go but she made a mental note to keep a closer eye on her. 
As the drive continued, Lena's headache only seemed to worsen. The rhythmic motion of the car and the warmth of the heater made her eyelids heavy. She tried to stay engaged in the conversation with Kara, but her body felt sluggish, and her thoughts were becoming harder to focus on. 
Feeling more exhausted with each passing minute, Lena eventually leaned her head back against the headrest, closing her eyes briefly. She tried to fight off the urge to sleep, not wanting to miss out on precious moments with Kara, it wasn’t the two got to be alone like this and she knew how much Kara enjoyed driving with her. However, as much as she tried to fight it, the fatigue eventually overwhelmed her, and she drifted off into a light doze. 
As Lena drifted off to sleep, Kara's super hearing picked up on a soft snoring sound emanating from her girlfriend. It was a sound she had never heard from Lena before. It was cute, adorable even, but it also raised Kara's worry a few notches. She’d never once in their whole 2 years of sharing a bed heard her snore. 
Kara tried to suppress a smile at the sound, she was so adorable, but her concern remained. She continued to drive carefully, glancing over at Lena from time to time to make sure she was okay. The snoring persisted, occasionally interrupted by a muffled sniffle. 
Before long they finally arrived at Eliza's home, and Kara parked up the car before gently nudging Lena awake. "Hey, sleepyhead, we're here," she said softly, reaching over to stroke her cheek. 
Lena stirred and blinked her eyes open, rubbing her eyes groggily. She quickly tried to stifle the snoring, realizing that she must have been making those noises in her sleep. "Oh, sorry," she murmured, her face flushing with embarrassment, “We’re here?” 
Kara smiled warmly, reassuring Lena, "It's alright, I thought it was pretty cute and yes we’re here now love.” 
Stepping out into the chilly Midvale air sent a shiver running through the ravenette’s body and she instantly brung her arms up around herself, trying to fight off the icy chill.  
Ready to meet the family?" Kara asked, trying to lighten the mood. She could tell Lena was still not feeling well, but she didn't want to spoil the holiday spirit. 
Lena nodded, trying to sound enthusiastic. "Absolutely! I've been looking forward to this." She didn't want to disappoint Kara or make her worry more than she already did. 
Hand in hand, the two came into the house, greeted by the warm flicker of the burning fireplace and the inviting smell of a fresh holiday meal being prepared in the kitchen. Eliza was already waiting for them, wearing a warm smile as she embraced her daughter and then Lena. 
"Kara, sweetheart, it's so good to see you again," Eliza smiled, holding Kara close. "And you must be Lena! I've heard so much about you, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Oh you’re beautiful dear." 
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Danvers," Lena replied politely, trying to suppress a cough that threatened to escape her throat, “Thank you for having me here, I really appreciate it.” 
Eliza smiled warmly. "Please dear, call me Eliza. We're family now." She turned to Kara. "Kara, why don't you show Lena around? I'll finish up in the kitchen. Alex is here too with Maggie, but they’ve just nipped out to get some more drinks for everyone.” 
Kara nodded as she took Lena's hand and led her through the house, giving her a tour of the place she had grown up in. Lena smiled and listened attentively, trying her best to appear engaged all whilst trying her best to ignore the aches which were forming in her joints.  
As they passed by the living room, Lena noticed the Christmas tree adorned with twinkling lights and ornaments, and a pang of nostalgia hit her. She recalled the many years she spent Christmas alone, without the warmth of a loving family. Lillian hadn’t been one for gifts, never mind celebrating. She had grown up feeling isolated and distant from her own parents, and as such the holiday season was always been a difficult time for her. 
After the tour, Kara took Lena to the guest room where they would be sleeping for the duration of their visit. The room was cosy, with holiday decorations and a wide bed in the centre, and they placed their luggage on the floor.  
Lena attempted to gather some energy and enthusiasm as she gazed around the room, but her headache had worsened and her energy was dwindling by the minute. "This room looks lovely," she murmured, weakly smiling at Kara. "Thank you so much for bringing me here."  
Kara recognised Lena's discomfort and didn't want it to escalate it further "You're welcome, love. I'm glad you like it," she replied, concern etched on her face. "But now, I think we need to actually address how you’re feeling, don’t you?” 
“What do you mean?” Lena asked, her eyes casting down to her feet.  
"Do I really need to say it?" Kara said, sitting on the edge of the bed besides Lena, “You should try and rest for a bit while its quiet.” She murmured softly, telling her sniffling girlfriend to lay down. 
Lena did as she was told. feeling a little guilty for causing Kara to worry. She thought she’d done a better job at hiding it. But she couldn't deny that having Kara by her side was a comfort. She closed her eyes, trying to relax and let the pain subside. 
Time passed, and Lena's headache didn't seem to improve. Not only that but she kept switching between feeling blazing hot and shiveringly cold and it felt like there was a tickle in her nose. But like everything else, Lena tried to ignore it, instead, she shifted her focus to the sound of Kara's calming voice, telling her stories about their childhood memories, hoping to take her mind off the discomfort. 
However, as the tickle in her nose intensified, Lena couldn't hold back anymore. She let out a series of soft, stifled sneezes, one after the other. 
"Bless you," Kara said with a gentle smile, "Hold on, want me to go get you some tissues?" 
"Thank you," Lena replied with a sniffle, "And yes please, if its not too much of a hassle." 
Kara quickly fetched some tissues and handed them to Lena. As Lena wiped her nose, she felt a wave of fatigue wash over her again. "I'm sorry for getting sick." she murmured quietly, her voice distinctly hoarse now. 
But the Kyrptonian only shook her head, “You have nothing to apologise for love.” 
The two stayed like that for an hour or so because they heard Eliza’s warm voice calling them downstairs for dinner. 
As they made their way downstairs, Lena clung to Kara's arm for support, trying to maintain her composure. She didn't want to appear weak or vulnerable, especially not in front of Kara's family. The scent of the delicious holiday meal filled the air, making her stomach growl, but her appetite seemed to have disappeared along with her energy. 
Eliza greeted them warmly, noticing the slight change in Lena's demeanour. "Is everything alright you two?” She asked kindly as the pair came to sit opposite Maggie and Alex at the table. 
Eliza, ever the caring mother figure, noticed Lena's pale complexion and the slight sheen of sweat on her forehead. "Lena, dear, are you feeling alright?" Eliza asked, genuine concern in her voice. 
Lena offered a weak smile and tried to play it off. "I'm okay, Eliza, just a little tired from the drive, I think," she replied, attempting to suppress a cough that threatened to escape. 
Kara, knowing her mother's intuition, decided to chime in. "It was a long journey, I’m sure we’re all a little tired." Kara said, hoping to put her worries at ease. 
But as dinner progressed, Lena's condition seemed to worsen. She tried her best to participate in the conversation, but her responses became shorter and more subdued. The pounding headache, the chills, and the incessant sneezing made it challenging for her to focus on anything else. 
Eliza was smart and she easily picked up on the obvious struggling Lena. She exchanged a concerned look with Kara silently questioning what was wrong and the blonde subtly mouthed the words "she's sick." Eliza nodded in understanding as she gave Lena a sympathetic smile but decided that if she’d stayed silent, there must’ve been a reason and she chose not to push the matter at the table. 
But once the food was eaten, everyone gathered in the living room to talk and share memories. Lena tried her best to participate in the conversations, but her discomfort was becoming increasingly evident. The sneezing persisted, and she could feel her nose becoming more congested by the minute. 
"I'm sorry." Lena mumbled, her voice raspy, "I really didn't mean to get sick like this and ruin the evening."  
Eliza came up to Lena's side, sending her a comforting smile. "Oh, dear, you have nothing to apologise for," Eliza answered warmly, "it's completely normal to get sick every now and then." It happens to everyone. What matters is that you’re safe and here with us.” 
 Kara nodded in agreement. "Eliza’s right. We just want you to feel comfortable and rest if you need to.” 
Lena felt a wave of gratitude wash over her at their understanding and reassurance. "Thank you," she said softly, "I'm just not used to being sick around people. It's always been a bit of a vulnerability for me." 
Eliza patted her shoulder gently. "I understand, but you don't have to worry about that here. We're family, and that means taking care of each other." 
With a gentle smile, Eliza went to the kitchen and returned with a cup of honey tea. "Here, dear," she said, handing it to Lena, "This should help soothe your throat and ease your congestion." 
Lena gratefully accepted the tea, taking a careful sip. The warmth and sweetness provided some comfort, and she felt the soothing effect on her throat. "Thank you, Eliza," she said sincerely, touched by the care and kindness she was receiving – it was so different to how she would’ve been treated with her old family. 
Eliza smiled warmly, sitting beside Lena. "Sometimes, despite it all, what you really need when you're sick is a mom," she said gently, "And I'm more than happy to be that for you today." 
Lena's eyes welled up with tears as she nodded, feeling the warmth of the motherly embrace Eliza was offering. "Thank you," she repeated, her voice soft and full of emotion. 
After spending some more time with the family, Kara noticed that Lena was growing more fatigued. She gently suggested they go outside for some fresh air to help clear Lena's head. Lena agreed, knowing the cold air might provide some relief for her stuffy nose. 
The two bundled up in warm coats and stepped out onto the porch, finding solace in the crisp night air. They sat on the porch swing, the bright night stars twinkling above them, and the peaceful atmosphere around them was calming. Lena leaned her head against Kara's shoulder, feeling the comfort of each other’s warmth. 
As they swayed gently on the swing, the rhythmic motion and the soothing atmosphere lulled them both into a state of drowsiness. The blonde noticed Lena falling asleep, placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, then leaned her head against Lena's, letting her eyes drift shut as well. The rhythmic motion of the swing and the fresh night air helped Kara relax, and soon she too was dozing off, holding Lena close in her arms. 
Unbeknownst to them, Eliza had been quietly observing from the living room window. Seeing the two of them sleeping peacefully on the porch swing, she couldn't help but smile at the sight. She grabbed a cosy, soft blanket and silently made her way outside. 
Eliza gently draped the blanket over Kara and Lena, making sure they were snug and warm. She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on each of their foreheads, feeling a sense of joy and contentment knowing that Kara had found someone like Lena to share her life with. She couldn’t be more proud of them. 
With a motherly smile, Eliza whispered, "Sleep well, my girls," before quietly returning inside to let them rest. 
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autisticlenaluthor · 6 months
There was a time, when she still wondered if her life would always be so full of loss, that Lena clung to her father tighter then she’d ever clung to anything else.
Lionel was the strongest man she had ever met— with big muscular arms that could lift her up and spin her around as if she were weightless. He was like a superhero; kind and strong. When he went on business trips, Lena would wait up on the night of his return in anticipation of fancy monogramed chocolates from whatever country he’d resided in. She’d listen for the sound of his footsteps— the familiar creak of steady penny-loafers sinking into the wood.
Lena was sure he’d live forever.
There was a time, when Lena still wondered if she’d always feel so inside out, that she tried to create mental formulations to determine which version of her father she’d get at the end of the day. She’d cower in her room with one ear pressed against the door— waiting to catch the sound of sloppy footsteps against the carpet. She knew that muscular arms were dangerous when uncoordinated and though her father still picked her up and spun her around it was no longer in the way she used to look back on so fondly.
Lena was sure he’d live forever. And the thought of it terrified her.
There was a time, after Lena had learned the only way to become untouchable was to become so prolific and accomplished that she no longer aligned with her peers, that Lionel spent more weeks away on business than he did at home. Loose skin hung from arms that had once been stiff as stone and his hands were too quivery to lift her. But her palms still slipped protectively into her arm pits, even though his suits reeked of alcohol and his snores filled the manor. When she listened at the door, Lena hardly heard anything more than her own heart beat.
But the day she saw her Superman passed out on the couch before school— that was when Lena truly started to believe she was dumbest person on Earth for ever thinking her father might live past fifty.
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jadedloverart · 1 year
33. “can i ask you something?” for supercorp please :)
For Kara, love has always been a beast of constant evolution- a creature of many faces, named by all yet known by too few, and for her entire life she has tried to make sense of it.
One late summer night in their youth, she and Alex had lain themselves out across their family's worn plaid couch, listening quietly to the garbled whine of Beauty and the Beast as it spun backwards upon its tape.
"Can I ask you something?"
Kara had whispered, gathering her knees up below her chin as she dwelled on enchanted roses; on Belle and the different sorts of loves she had experienced, and as Alex whispered back in stilted sentences she learned yet another one of its names: a name whose shadowed face she would glimpse in the handwriting of sweet, pining classmates; in every passing crowd; in the whispered promises of men who hung themselves about her heart like a winter frost.
Nine long years lay themselves out between that gentle summer and now- now, as white text ascends silently into the darkness Lena snores softly against her shoulder, and it is with sudden, jarring clarity that she sees what has eluded her for all this time- like nothing she has ever known; like gazing upon Rao: beautiful, terrible, altering.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Unhealthy Habits
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〖Notes: I have no idea if this makes any sense. It is 4am. The grammar might be okay, it might not. The plot might be nonsense. I'm so sorry. I'm going to sleep now :,,)〗
〖Summary: A lot of time and energy goes into buying a company. None of that energy is focused on taking care of oneself.〗
〖Word Count: 1.7k〗
〖Pairing: Supercorp〗
“Hey Lena, can I…” Kara trailed off as she opened the door to Lena’s office, freezing at the sight of her technically boss fast asleep on top of a stack of paperwork, her congested snores filling the brightly lit room. The blinds were wide open, sunlight streaming in, bathing her in a golden glow.
Said glow made it easy to see the dark flush on her cheeks and her red-rimmed nostrils. Her nose was running onto the paper and her mouth was hanging wide open, every few snores punctuated with a raspy cough that didn’t stir her from her slumber.
Kara’s heart sunk into her stomach and her shoulders sagged with a deep sigh as she tried to remember the last time, she had seen the CEO perform any act of self-care. The last time she had seen the brunette was two days ago while she was wrapping everything up at L-Corp, energy drinks, and granola bar wrappers scattered around her desk.
She had been practically vibrating, talking to herself in hushed mumbles as she scribbled furiously on a notebook already full of what could only be described as chicken scratch. It was nothing compared to Lena’s typically meticulous, neat handwriting with everything sectioned out into distinct categories.
In hindsight, Kara was realizing that she probably should have intervened then, but at that point, the young genius had been snippy and rude. The blonde had dropped off a dinner of a Cobb salad with a milkshake and asked her secret girlfriend not to stay up too late and left her with a light kiss on the cheek.
That had been a sleepless night for her as she worried about the woman that she loved, but eventually, even her Kryptonian biology couldn’t keep her up. That morning had been filled with coffee as she tried to make up for the neglect of her sleep hygiene the night before.
She hadn’t seen Lena that day except for once in passing in the hallway. She was scurrying through the corridor, moving at practically a run. The brunette had slowed when she’d seen Kara and offered a quick smile, slipping into a more professional demeanor. They had engaged in a brief conversation before she had to go again, leaving the blonde nervous and concerned.
She loved the overly ambitious woman with everything that she had and the idea of Lena neglecting her health was so worrying. All she wanted to do was sweep the brunette up in a hug and lay her down in bed and do whatever she possibly could to coax her girlfriend into resting.
Now it appeared obvious that Lena’s body had given up on her. Normally, Kara would’ve woken her up and taken her home, but it seemed like she needed the rest more desperately than usual. The blonde took a moment to collect her thoughts, trying to decide what exactly she should do to help Lena in the best way possible.
After two minutes of deliberation, she came up with a plan. Kara went out to her desk and grabbed her laptop, along with a white sheet of fresh printer paper. Before walking back into Lena’s office, she pulled out a Sharpie and wrote “meeting in progress” in bold black letters on the crisp sheet. She taped the sign to the door of the brunette’s office and slipped back in, shutting, and locking it behind her.
With quiet precise movements, Kara closed all of the blinds and shut the lights off, leaving the room in almost complete darkness. With her superhuman eyesight, she had no difficulty seeing in the nearly black room and she could also hear Lena’s chattering teeth and shivering body.
She let out another soft sigh as she made her way to the lavish couch and grabbed the throw, debating momentarily whether or not to move the woman to the couch. She decided against it, not willing to risk waking her up.
Kara laid the blanket over her trembling girlfriend’s body, being sure to tuck it tightly around her shoulders so that she wouldn’t shrug it off in her sleep. The blonde stroked her cheek lovingly and laid a soft kiss against Lena’s temple, shaking her head at just how warm she was.  
“You’re lucky you’re cute. We’re going to be having a serious conversation as soon as you’re better.” She whispered, kissing the tip of her nose before walking back over to the sofa. She could’ve sworn she saw a smile appear on the brunette’s lips, but then again it could have just been her imagination.
Kara slipped off her shoes and made herself comfortable on the couch, setting up her laptop so that she could get some work done. She was finishing off a puff piece, coincidentally about Lena buying CatCo, adding bits where she needed to, and rearranging the format.
It wasn’t really an all-day project, but the article wasn’t due for another few days, so she decided to stretch it out a bit if only to have an excuse to sit with her girlfriend for longer. Eventually, the reporter knew that she would run out of work, she could only procrastinate for so long. With her luck, she’d get a call from Alex and would need to abandon Lena to go save the city from some fire-breathing alien.
That gave her an idea.
She whipped out her phone and typed out a quick message, alerting her sister that she would be out of commission for the next few days.
Kara: Hey Lex, Lena’s sick, and I don’t think that I can leave her alone. I can’t be SG unless you 100% need me.
Lexie: Poor thing. Give her fluids and medicine, and let her rest. J’onn and I will handle the city, you focus on Lena. Let me know if you need anything, k?
Kara: I know how to take care of a sick person, remember that time you had food poisoning? Just keep everyone safe.
Lexie: God, don’t remind me. Text if you need me <3
Kara smiled to herself and put her phone away, returning to her work.
With the blinds closed and the lights all off, the superhero didn’t really notice the passage of time. She typed away at her computer, glancing up every so often to make sure that her girlfriend was still breathing, filing away any change in the woman’s symptoms in the corner of her mind. So far not much was different, and she’d prefer that it stayed that way.
It was roughly 10 pm when Lena finally awoke. Everyone else was gone, excluding a few security guards and perhaps custodial staff, leaving the two women alone in the building. Kara had long since gotten bored and had decided to put headphones in and watch a TV show on her laptop. She had recently been introduced to New Girl and was rather enjoying it.
Upon hearing a soft groan coming from the CEO she paused the show and looked up, smiling at the sight of her bleary-eyed girlfriend sitting up in her chair. The woman looked confused and disoriented but seemed to relax when her beautiful green orbs fell upon Kara.
“Good morning sleepyhead. How was your nap?” she asked softly, setting her laptop aside. Lena groaned again and rubbed her nose on her sleeve, wrinkling it at the sight of a wet spot against her wrist. She sniffled loudly and let out a cough aimed at the desk.
Kara’s lungs ached in sympathy, and she walked to the brunette’s side, pressing a palm to the ill Luthor’s forehead. She was warm, warmer than earlier. The thing that possibly worried her the most was how utterly compliant Lena was with her actions.
Normally she would fight back at any sense of coddling, but rather than pull away she had leaned into Kara’s touch.
“Time’sit?” She mumbled groggily, closing her eyes again, her forehead still resting comfortably in the alien woman’s palm. Kara glanced at the clock and then back down at her girlfriend, smoothing her jet-black hair back as she pulled away.
“A little after 10. How are you feeling?” Lena wrinkled her nose and shook her head slowly, pausing to sneeze into her elbow. At least that time she had covered.
“Everything hurts. Sorry for not listenin’. You said I should rest. Didn’t.” The genius apologized; her words punctuated by a fit of coughing. Kara rubbed her back as they waited for it to pass, growing increasingly concerned when it took thirty seconds for the fit to subside.
“Yeah, you didn’t. But now we’re going to take some time off and get you feeling better.” Kara said once the woman she loved was breathing normally, keeping her hand firmly planted on the sick girl’s shoulder.
Even with the ‘threat’ of being taken home, Lena nodded, running one hand through her sweaty hair. A particularly aggressive shiver tore through her body and she pulled the blanket back around herself, blinking up at Kara with owlish, distant eyes. Her lower lip was quivering a bit, adding to her woeful look.
“Carry me?” She practically whispered, her voice a hoarse croak. The request was so genuine and so sweet that the blonde felt herself smile, her heart swelling with love and respect for the beautiful woman before her.
“Of course, I’ll carry you. Is it alright if we fly?” Lena’s lips quirked up at the corners and she nodded, yawning so big that her jaw cracked.
Kara very gently lifted the brunette into her arms and held her close, not even bothering to take off her clothes to reveal the superhero outfit. It didn’t matter, only Lena would see her.
She walked to the balcony, deciding to leave her things behind. That didn’t matter either. She could get the laptop later, she really just wanted to get her girlfriend into soft pj’s and a warm bed.
Lena laid her head against Kara’s chest, a small smile spreading across her face. It hurt her chapped lips, but it was worth it. She had worked herself too hard, she had almost forgotten how much Kara cared.
The alien hugged her a bit closer to her chest and began to float, flying slowly to her apartment so as not to jostle the flu-ridden CEO. She knew that she would need to have a real conversation with Lena regarding the neglect of her health, but for now, they would just focus on getting her healthy. There would be time for nagging later. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @fayhar, @chairhere, @canvascoloredin, @iliketozoneout, @goldenempyrean, @rantingsofahopelessromantic
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bidisasterevankinard · 3 months
*slides in your asks* Hello 😘 I will take anything you have to give on the angsty mpreg as well as ‘We lost our paradise, not our love’. Please and thank you i love you kthxbai 💙🦛
IDK if you will find something new about angst mpreg but here
and I'm sure I've never shared this from ‘We lost our paradise, not our love’:
The silent treatment from Buck never ended, and last month in Eddie’s life was so empty without a warm body to hug during the nights, especially when sleep never comes to him. 
But also everything felt silent. Like someone decided to put Eddie’s life on the pause without eventful heart attacks and near death experiences. 
And knowing his luck and story Eddie felt like this was just the silence before the storm, but he never thought how big the storm would be.
It was during one bad night. He went to sleep like always this last month: after passing around the house again and again, not even having Chris to not feel alone as the boy was on the sleepover, trying to find comfort and put his mind at ease, but it never happened. 
He tried hard to get the rest on the most comfortable pillows and mattress he ever had in his life - Buck’s condition to move in with Eddie was for Eddie to buy it - but couldn't fall asleep without Buck's snorings and warm body in his hand when he received the call.
The call he knew was going to break his heart the moment he saw Lena’s name on the screen. The woman would never call him if it wasn’t for really bad news about Buck.
Right now he can’t remember what exactly Lena said to him, or how with shaking hands, he dialed Bobby's number, who already was in the car with Athena driving to him. 
He can’t remember the drive or how he ended in front of Buck’s doctor. He was paralyzed the moment he heard and remembered only one of Lena's sentences: 
“His heart stopped for a minute.” It paralyzed him exactly how the fall through three floors of a crumbling house paralyzed Buck.
“Buck is paralyzed”. 
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mapis-putellas · 10 months
My favourite
Advent day 9: You’re my favourite patient
Pairing: Sick Lena x Kara
Majorly unedited I apologise
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Kara presses a tender kiss to the top of Lena's head as she settles back against the pillows beneath her and lets out a soft sigh, her hand absentmindedly rising to comb through her girlfriends long, tangled tresses.
It was late, and after hours upon hours of back and forth from the toilet, the Luthor's stomach had finally settled enough to allow them both to get some much needed sleep. Lena in particular. The poor thing not only had a pretty severe case of the flu, but her stomach had also decided to join in on the fun too.
They'd both put that part down to food poisoning, which in itself was a pretty bad, and that combined with the flu courtesy of the current weather, it was safe to say Kara had never seen her so miserable.
Seeing her normally tough, independent girlfriend struggle to even walk hurt Kara more than she'd like to admit, and she wasn't ashamed to admit she couldn't wait for this to pass so they could continue with their normal.
A hoarse cough muffled against her chest was enough to bring her out of her thoughts, and she looks down to see Lena's face scrunched up in discomfort as she was forced out of whatever light sleep she'd managed to fall into. Kara pouts softly as she rests her hand on the bare skin of the woman back from where her shirt had ridden up, the pad of her thumb grazing over warm skin.
"You okay baby?" She murmurs, lips grazing Lena's forehead. Lena nods as she attempts to clear her throat, cheek settling back against Kara's chest as her hand rises to cling to the material of her shirt.
It was clear to see she wasn't, but Kara knows not to push. With a quiet hum, she tugs the blankets up a little more and makes sure Lena was as bundled up as she possibly could be. The soft exhale of content that emits from Lena's lips sends pleasant shiver up her spine, and Kara couldn't help but smile as continues with the gentle ministrations against her back.
Before Kara could even realise she'd fallen asleep, the morning sun was peeking in though the partially open curtains and waking her up. With a somewhat confused frown, she glances down at her watch and see's it was only six in the morning. Just three hours after she'd apparently fallen asleep. With a frown, she brings her attention down to the warm weight that still sprawled against her chest. Lena.
She was still sleeping somewhat peacefully, quiet snores that only ever appear when she was sick escaping her slightly parted lips. Her cheeks were still flushed red, and Kara gently rests the back of her fingers against one of them to gauge her temperature.
Warm, but not concerningly so. Kara knows it was probably because of her as opposed to an actual fever.
Due to the fact she was a krypton, her natural body temperature generally tended to sit a little higher than a humans does. Lena likes to call her her own personal space heater, and she had to admit there was definitely some truth to that. It was useful more than not also, but perhaps she'd have to refrain from being so close when Lena was sick.
With a soft sigh, Kara presses her lips against Lena's forehead. That action alone seems to unintentionally rouse the Luthor from her own slumber, and Kara watches as her eyes blearily flicker open.
"Morning baby," she greets in a quiet murmur, and Lena lets out a deep, hoarse cough that she muffles against Kara's shirt before sleepily returning the sentiment. "How are you feeling?" Kara reaches out and brushes a stray strand or hair out of Lena's face, thumb tenderly grazing over the soft skin of her cheek.
Lena smiles slightly, "Okay," she croaks out as she tugs the blankets sup to her chin, sounding so unlike herself. "I'm sorry about yesterday." She sheepishly smiles.
Kara frowns in confusion, "Why are you sorry?"
"For being so whiny? Needy? I don't know." Lena shrugs. "I just know I wasn't the easiest patient you've ever taken care of, so I'm sorry."
"Oh shush," Kara rolls her eyes. "you're sick. You're allowed to be whiny and needy. In fact, I love it when you are. It means that you trust me." She wraps her arms around Lena's slightly smaller frame and gives her a tight squeeze. In response, Lena nuzzles her nose against her neck and lets out a soft, content sigh. Kara automatically grins at the action.
"And besides," she adds after a few silent moments, earning herself a soft hum of acknowledgment from a still sleepy Lena. "you're my favourite patient."
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harleychick91 · 1 year
SuperCorptober Day 14: Midnight
Midnight Snack
After what felt like the longest week of my life, all I wanted was to go home. I love all of my friends but when I found out Kara was unable to make the weekly dinner party, I wanted nothing more than to go home, fix some tea, and curl up on the couch with a book. Sadly, that was not the case for me tonight. Winn and Alex begged me to help them with Supergirl’s suit that was damaged earlier that week. Giving in, I agreed and went to the D.E.O. lab. After a few hours, they said I could leave but the job wasn’t done so I refused.
It was nearly midnight when we finished and I was able to go home. Pushing open my door, I was met by a candle lit table, soft jazz, and the sound of a crackling fireplace on my TV screen. Hanging my things, I noticed the lights had been dimmed. If I didn’t know any better, it looks like someone set up a date night. Hearing a soft snore from the couch, I smiled seeing Kara snuggled under the blanket she gifted me. Knowing her, she probably put this together.
Walking back to the table, I chuckled noticing Kara used the battery powered candles she put in the goodie basket she made for my birthday. Thankfully she used these and not real candles. Turning them off, I glanced into the kitchen to make sure no food was left out. Once all the lights were turned off, I shook the sleeping blonde gently. “Kara, wake up.” She mumbled something about breadsticks. “It’s late. Wake up.”
“Huh?” Rubbing her eyes, she yawned. “Lena?”
“Hey, let’s go to bed.”
Sitting up, Kara rolled her shoulders. Looking around, she realized most lights were turned off. “What time is it?”
“A little after midnight. Winn and Alex needed my help and it took longer than they expected.”
“Aww,” Kara pouted. “But I had a whole dinner planned for you.”
I’m exhausted but that pout. Damn it, Kara. I want to kiss that pout away every time I see it. How can you not see that I’m hopelessly in love with you? “In that case, let’s have a very fancy midnight snack.”
“Are you sure? You look tired.”
“I’m sure.” Holding out my hand, I pulled the sleepy blonde to her feet. “We can sleep in tomorrow. Saturdays are meant for no alarms.”
Kara reheated the food while I turned on the candles, music, and fireplace. Taking my seat, the reporter placed our food on the table. “This looks and smells amazing.”
“Thank you. I hate that you have to eat it reheated and not fresh from the skillet.” She paused seeing the empty wine glasses. “Uh…”
“One glass won’t hurt. Besides, you planned all of this. I want to experience what you had in mind.” I watched as Kara poured us each a glass of our favorite red wine. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Taking her seat, Kara stiffened a yawn. “Let’s eat.”
Steak, potatoes, and asparagus after midnight. My stomach is not going to like me tomorrow. “Mmph.” My eyes fluttered shut as the steak hit my tongue. “This is delicious.” I don’t care anymore. This is heavenly.
“I’m glad you like it,” Kara beamed. “I told you I paid attention in the cooking classes we did.”
“You paid more attention than I did.” I only agreed to attend because you wanted to learn how to cook and I wanted to spend time with you. I chuckled remembering how everyone assumed we were a couple. The longer we were there, the more confused people were.
“Those were fun.” Pushing around her food, Kara chose her words. “Everyone thought we were a couple.”
“It was a couple’s cooking class,” I offered. “Not just a couple of best friends cooking class.” She’s so innocent sometimes it hurts.
“I’m still sorry about that. I’m sure it was awkward.”
“Not at all.” I desperately wanted it to be true. “No reason to be sorry. We live in a country where if two women love each other, they have the right to be together.” A sad smile flashed across the blonde’s face. What was that? Does she want this to be a date of sorts?
“I wouldn’t know the first thing about dating another woman.” She paused, taking a bite of food. “Or dating someone in general. All of my previous attempts were failures.”
My heart started to race. She’s thinking out loud. I should proceed with caution. “It’s not much different than dating a man,” I paused. “You can do the same types of things. It’s mainly just finding a way to spend time together. The only real difference is what happens in the bedroom.” Kara choked on her wine. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah.” She tried clearing her throat. “Have…have you ever dated a woman before?”
Does half of our friendship count? No? Fine. “Only once. It was more of a summertime fling than a serious relationship.” I paused, finishing my food. “I prefer dating women. Less facial hair. I cared for Jack but-,” Now I’m thinking out loud.
“But what?” Kara’s voice was nearly inaudible.
Am I ready for this? Telling her how I feel? “But when he came back into my life last year, I had fallen for someone else.”
Disappointment was clear in stormy blue eyes. “Oh.” Going back to her food, Kara continued to eat.
She truly doesn’t realize she’s on my radar. That she is my radar. “I didn’t realize I had fallen at first. It snuck up on me.” Something about tonight feels different. Maybe she does want this to be a date but doesn’t know how to bring it up. “She’s kind, smart, and sometimes extremely stubborn,” I laughed. “To me, her innocence is endearing.” I smiled, thinking over our friendship. “She has her own way of saying that she cares.”
Closing her eyes, Kara pinched the bridge of her nose. “Lena-,”
“One more thing and I’ll drop the subject.” I waited for Kara’s approval to continue. “One difference I’ve seen between dating men and women is the intimacy. Which isn’t just sex. The woman I fell for always keeps me in mind. When I work late, she sends or brings food to my office. On my birthday, she put together an amazing gift basket full of wine, bubble bath, chocolate, and a movie she knew I wanted to see. Or she’ll take pictures of things that remind her of me.” Kara’s brows creased as my words sank in. “The latest thing she’s done was cook an amazing steak dinner and waited hours for me to come home.”
Timid blue eyes met mine. “You….you’re talking about me?”
“I am.” I’m about to panic. I really don’t like being vulnerable. But if you feel the same way, it’ll be worth it.
“You…you’ve fallen for me?” A small glimmer of hope shone in the reporter’s eyes.
“I have, yes.”
Kara’s goofy grin brightened the room. “How long have we been unofficially dating?”
“At this point, I don’t even know,” I laughed. “Let’s clean up and go to bed. It’s getting late.” Taking our plates to the kitchen, I stopped when strong arms wrapped around me from behind.
Resting her cheek on my back, Kara hummed. “I hope you had a good first official date.”
“It’s the best first date I’ve ever had.”
Also on FFN and AO3
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