#snow day supporter t shirts
johnnydany · 2 years
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Funny Snow Day Supporter T-Shirts
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katisdesign · 2 years
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(via PROUD SUPPORTER OF SNOW DAYS Pullover Hoodie by KatisDesign)
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rainylana · 1 year
“I’m not ever gonna stop.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: reader and eddie are new parents. reader struggles to keep everything together for eddie.
warnings: dad eddie and mom reader, postpartum depression, new baby and all the things that go with it, language, stressed reader very emotional, breastfeeding.
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“Oh, God.” You moaned in exhaustion, back against the closed door to your baby’s nursery after finally getting her to sleep after hours of crying. You opened your eyes, the trailer an absolute wreck. You knew you should listen to your doctor. When the baby sleeps, you sleep, but you had so much to do. Laundry, dishes, dinner. It had been days since you showered, absolutely covered in spit up, formula and piss.
Baby Johanna was only five weeks old, and as amazing and life changing those weeks had been, they’d also been the hardest and most challenged. You were physically and emotionally drained. Completely exhausted. She was the best thing to ever happen to you, without a doubt, but damn, did you miss sleeping a full night. Eddie of course, helped when he could, but he worked full time. Everyday 9 to 5.
Eddie knew you were having a hard time. He felt terrible he couldn’t do more, spend more time at home, but he carried a big responsibility by supporting the finances. You’d called Joyce almost everyday with questions. Why she wouldn’t stop crying? Why she never seemed happy? She fussed all the live long day. You felt so behind on everything. Your house, your life, your husband. You missed showering and wearing deodorant.
Your eyes fixated on your messy home, brain so exhausted and cluttered you didn’t know where to start. Wiping your sweaty face, you pushed yourself off the door to the living room, picking up trash off the floor and cold coffee cups. You cringed when you caught your reflection in the mirror hung above the table. Your hair was falling out of your bun atop of your head. You were pale as snow and had craters under your eyes, lips chapped and cry. Your t shirt was stained and torn at the arm, your black shorts on underneath. You looked horrendous, but house work was more important than a shower.
You were extremely depressed. Well, you didn’t know if you were more exhausted or depressed. Either way, you didn’t feel good. You felt yourself disassociating from your own body, having trouble concentrating and staying focused with your own mind. Half the time, you didn’t feel real. It made you feel crazy, but you couldn’t help it. You’d read about postpartum, Eddie had too, but you legitimately were struggling. Your daughter made it worth it, however. Father hood looked good on Eddie, you hoped he thought the same for you. 
Your baby looked just like him. She had dark curls already at her young age, a head full of hair. A little button nose, which Eddie says she got from you. Big brown eyes, from dad. A birthmark on her shoulder, from you. She was the most perfect thing you’d ever seen. It was hard to believe that you made her. It made you incredibly proud.
It had been just ten minutes. You’d gotten a small portion of the living room picked up when she starting screaming again. You had angrily thrown down the trash in your hands to the floor, groaning into your hands as you followed the cry. You’d held her in the rocking chair, trying your best to sooth her. You’d tried feeding her, which hurt badly. You’d never imagine your breasts would be so ginormous.
Another thirty minutes of her crying sent you into a wave of snotty tears until she finally fell asleep in your arms. You’d carefully put her in her crib, tiptoeing and praying to god above she wouldn’t wake up. You full heartedly believed she hated you, or at least was out to get you. She was never happy with you or what she did. Oh, but daddy? She loved him. He never did anything wrong in her eyes.
For the next two hours you tried to settle your baby while you attempted to clean. You never got much done, then she would start to cry again. She wouldn’t touch your boob, her diaper was clean. All she did was cry. You’d called Joyce and she assured you that nothing you were doing was wrong. Babies cried, they went through fits and phases. You just had to let her cry it out.
It was 5:30 when Eddie walked through the door, waving a bundle of red roses. “How’s my best girl!” He cheered, throwing his jacket on the couch.
“Shh, shh!” You panicked, running to cover his mouth. “I just got her back to sleep!”
He cringed under your hand. “Sorry.” He chuckled quietly. “Got ya flowers.”
You smiled softly, taking them in your hands and admiring them. “Thank you. They’re pretty. How was work?” You turned to lay them on the table, stepping over the baby mobile.
“Good. Boss says I’ve got a raise in the future if I pick up more hours.” He opened the fridge for a beer, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“More hours?” You frowned, tucking a hair behind your ear. “Don’t you think you work too much as is?” You tried speaking quietly, collecting all the dirty dishes to put in the sink.
“Yeah, I know, baby, but with little Joey now we could really use the money.” You would have smiled at the endearment he used for your daughter, but the idea of him picking up for hours made your throat grow thick. Eddie was your rock. You yearned for five o’clock at the start of each day.
“Yeah, okay.” You sighed, pushing a curl with your breath. You got out the broom from the closet to sweep the floor.
Eddie took a look around his home, watching how angsty and exhausted you were. He didn’t want to seem like a dick, but he was hungry. “When’s dinner, babe?”
“Oh, fuck.” You stopped your sweeping, head looking up to the ceiling as you closed your eyes. “Damn it, Eddie, I’m sorry,” You threw down the broom, not caring whether or not it made noise. “I’ve been so busy trying to get that…I’d say our daughter but I’m halfway convinced I have birth to some- some- spawn of satan, to sleep!” You stressed, running your hands through your hair.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Eddie chuckled, placing down his beer as he stepped toward you. “Come here,” He pulled you into his arms and you melted into them. “Sorry you had a bad day, baby. Wanna order pizza?”
You mumbled a quiet yeah into his shirt, stifling a yawn. You wanted him to hold you all night, but you had so much to do. You pushed yourself away, grabbing the phone off the counter to hand it to him. “You order pizza and I’ll finish sweeping.”
“Honey,” Eddie peered down at you. “No sweeping. Take a break and sit down with me, yeah?”
You shook your head, sniffling. “No- no, I’ve got too much to do before she wakes up again, I-”
“You can do that tomorrow.” He picked the broom off the floor and put it in the closet. “I’ll order pizza and you go put on your cute little pj’s, alright? Have dinner with me.” He flashed you a million dollar smile.
You frowned, however, looking over the dirty home before you have a singular nod.
Today had been a good day. You’d been able to get a half decent night’s sleep, and Johanna wasn’t near as fussy as she had been yesterday. You’d gotten some house work done, cleaned the living room and did the dishes. All you had left was to catch up on laundry and clean your bedroom. You’d taken a shower in the morning before Eddie had left for work, even had breakfast with him.
Right now, you were nursing your baby girl in your arms, neck propped up on a pillow as you sat on the couch, eyes fixated on the game show on the tv. “Ow.” You winced lightly, chuckling as you looked down. “You don’t go very easy on mommy, you know?” Your nipples were extremely tender these days, swollen like a bunch of watermelons. Eddie adored it. It made you waddle just like when you were pregnant.
She’d fallen asleep after nursing for another twenty minutes, allowing you to sit there peacefully after you’d pulled your tank top back over you. Your eyes dropped tiredly, your head just lightly pounding from exhaustion. You looked down at your daughter, her face snuggled against your boob. You took your finger and gently caressed her cheek. She looked so much like Eddie. Her purple onesie was snug, her little belly poking out and her dark curls were messy at the top from all the wiggling around she did. When she was quiet like this, you could think. It really was worth it, all the work and lack of sleep. She made it worth it. Her and Eddie.
Carefully, you laid down on the couch and adjusted her on your chest. She moved just a little bit, her tiny fist gathering your dirty tank top in her hand. You smiled, pulling a blanket over top of you. You weren’t going to sleep. You were extremely paranoid about co-sleeping. Eddie assured you that you were being over dramatic, but you’d read horror stories about it.
You have her a kiss atop of her head and enjoyed the rest of your show.
“There’s my girl.” Eddie said in a childlike voice, front door still open from his arrival. You smiled widely as little Jo squealed in her baby mobile on the floor. Eddie threw his stuff down and went to her, lifting her out of her seat and kissing her cheek. “Baby, baby, baby, how’s my baby?” He repeated, lifting her up into the air to blow raspberries on her bellow. “How’s my little Joey Jo?” He tucked her into his side, face red from how hard he smiled, finally turning to you.
“How’s my other girl?” You laughed as he came over to give you a peck on the lips.
“I don’t remember the last time I was thrown into the air like that.”
“Oh, yeah?” He raised a brow, pulling on Jo’s onesie. “You’re in for a fun night, then, little lady.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning into his chest to cuddle him and your baby. “How was work?”
“Good.” He kissed the top of your head. “Next week I’m up to another hour. Should be getting home about six o’clock then.”
You sighed, locking eyes with Jo. She didn’t like it either.
“I know, sweetheart, but you know we need the money.” He said remorseful, leaning back to see your face a bit. “It’s just one more hour. Not too bad, right?”
You nodded, pushing yourself away to turn to the sink, turning on the hot water. “Dinner’s on the table. Joyce brought over a lasagna.” You blinked back tears as you waited for the sink to fill up so you could clean the numerous baby bottles.
Eddie looked from the table to you. “You gonna eat with me?”
“Got too much to do.”
He sighed, knowing you were upset about the news, but what else was he supposed to do? Money was essential, and he would do anything to support the both of you.
He gave Jo another kiss before putting her back into the mobile, leaning up against the counter to get a look at your face. He frowned at the sight of your tears. “Baby,”
You sniffled, your hands red from the scolding water. “I’m fine.” You said dismissively. “Just eat your dinner.”
“Hey,” He sat up straight. “Don’t be like that. Talk to me.” He cupped your shoulder.
“I don’t feel like talking.” You brushed his hand off. “I’ve got too much fucking work to do, but you wouldn’t know since you’re not ever fucking here, because you’re always fucking working.” You snapped, throwing a baby bottle at the floor, bubbles splattering across the counter.
Eddie’s eyes widened in shock at your outburst, mouth falling ajar. His pride wanted him to snap right back, but he knew you were right. You got the brunt of parenthood. He wasn’t going through what you were. He heard about the bad days. He didn’t experience them.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice broke, placing your soapy hands on the counter. “I didn’t- I didn’t mean that. I’m just tired, I’m sorry.”
“Sweetheart,” He swallowed, trying to bring you close.
“Just-” You brushed him away again. “Just eat your dinner, please.” You looked to him with tearful, pleading eyes. “I got too much to do.”
He looked at you in disbelief, while you looked at Joanna. He gave a sad nod before leaving you be.
You were sobbing on the floor, baby girl in your arms, propped up by your knees. She’d been crying all day, had barely ever stopped. The house was now again an absolute wreck and you’d gotten nothing done. You had spit up on your neck, dried and irritated. Your breasts were throbbing, sore and tender. She’d about sucked them dry and you cried the entire time. You’d had enough and put her in her crib, hoping she’d cry it out like Joyce said. She had to hate you, why else could you not get her to stop crying. Her feeding schedule was normal, she never had trouble, and while nursing hurt badly, you’d had luck with not getting any clogged ducts.
“Fuck,” You cried after shutting the door. Your chest was bubbled with emotions, teary eyes scanning the mess of your small home. It was hard to move around in there, especially with a baby, but you didn’t want to bother Eddie with requesting a more expensive home. He did enough as is. You’d felt guilty for snapping at him like you did, but you were at your absolute wits end. You were on the floor folding laundry an hour later when Eddie came home.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie smiled, looking around for his daughter. “Joey asleep?”
“Finally.” You glanced up at him briefly. “She’s been crying all day. I haven’t had time to do anything at all.”
“Well,” He sat down beside you, grabbing the clothes from your hand. “I want to take you out tonight. I called Robin and Steve and figured we could all go out to dinner. It’ll be good for you to see them.”
You laughed shortly before continuing your work. “Sounds nice, Eddie, but I’m too busy.”
“Nonsense.” He dismissed, taking the clothes yet again and pulling the both of you off the floor as you protested. “Go take a shower, baby. Joyce is going to babysit. She’s on her way over now.”
He was serious. Your face fell. “Eddie.” You swallowed, sighing heavily. “Please, I- honey, thank you, that’s sweet, but I can’t.”
“Why not?” He raised his hand. “You’ve not been out in weeks. You’re too cooped up in here, doll. You need to get out of the house. Steve and Robin are on their way too.”
“What?” You widened your eyes. “Eddie! No, this place is a disaster!” You panicked, your hair falling out of your messy, lazy braid. “God damnit, Eddie!”
“Oh, come on, don’t start getting mad again.” He sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. “Y/n, I’m trying to help here, okay? No offense, but you’re not making it very easy on me.”
“Oh, my god.” You squeezed your eyes shut, running your hands through your hair. “I’m so damn sorry that you’re having a hard time, Eddie!”
“You don’t have to be so rude all the time, you know?” He threw down his work jacket, taking a step with his heavy boots. “I bust my ass all day and have to worry about the money because I don’t want you worrying about that shit! You’ve got enough on your plate, I know you do, but so do I! Now, will you just let me please take you out?”
“Eddie,” You sobbed, your internal damn breaking. “Eddie, I can’t. The house is such a mess and I have so much to do.” Your face crumpled into tears of hysterics, your hands moving from your sides to your belly. “I’m sorry- I’m trying s-so hard to keep everything together for you but I can’t- god, she hates m-me!” You sniffled, node snotty and red.
“Y/n,” He sighed, face relaxing into a frown.
You shook your head, crossing your arms. “I love her so much but- but it’s just..how am I supposed to do this everyday! I’m so exhausted and I smell and my boobs hurt so bad!” You sobbed, shoulders shaking from the weight of your heartache. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be a bitch, I’m so sorry-”
“Hey, hey, hey, shh,” He gathered you close, arms entangling around you tightly, hoping to ease your pain. “It’s alright, it’s alright, baby, calm down, shh,” He rocked you, large palm smoothing your hair. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”
“I don’t feel pretty anymore.” You wept into his shoulder.
“You’re beautiful.” He squeezed you. “You’re always beautiful to me. I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling so much. I should’ve been paying more attention. I didn’t realize things had gotten so bad.” He kissed your shoulder, then your cheek.
“I just want you to be proud of me.” You sniffled. “I feel like such a mess and this house, this house that you pay for, I can’t ever keep fucking clean.”
“Honey, I am proud of you.” He took your face in his hands. “I’m so proud of you. The things your body can do is incredible. The things you do every day is incredible. Watching you be a mother is the most amazing thing I know I’m ever going to witness. You’re not giving yourself enough credit.”
“Credit for what?” You groaned, wiping your nose with your sleeve. “For complaining? For being ungrateful?”
“You’re not ungrateful.” He softened his brown eyes. “You’re having a hard time. It doesn’t make you ungrateful.”
“I’m just sorry.” You whimpered. “Do you still love me?”
He couldn’t help but smile at your innocence. “I’m not ever gonna stop.”
He wound up calling Steve shortly after and told him it would be another time, and that he needed to take care of his girls. He pampered you all night and made sure you didn’t lift a finger cleaning the house. He fed the baby with her bottle while you took a shower, tidying things up along the way. Your shower was almost forty five minutes. He’d ordered chinese food and had it ready when you got out. Joanna sat in her playpen while you both ate.
It really wasn’t much to Eddie, but these actions to you meant more than he could ever say. You laid on his chest on the couch, watching wheel of fortune until you both drifted off to sleep.
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msmoony7 · 9 months
Snowed in with James Potter)
Summary: you and James wake up to snow covering your door leaving you trapped in your house, in desperate need to find ways to pass the time (nsfw)
Word count: 1.1K
12 days of fics
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“Babe, turn the lights off, it’s so bright in here,” you mutter to your boyfriend as you stir awake. 
“Haven’t even gotten out of bed yet, the lights aren’t on. Come, go back to sleep,” he says back to you while pulling you back in closer to his chest, all without opening his eyes.
“I won’t be able to sleep, it’s too bright in here.” 
You begin to get up from your shared bed and are met with James’s strong arms pulling you back onto the bed.
“Noooo,” he wines.
“James,” you respond sternly.
He lets go of your body with an over dramatic frown on his face with big puppy eyes.
“I’ll be right back,” you say, kissing him on the cheek, which makes his frown go away. 
As you get up, you realize that the lights are, in fact, not on. You walk over to the source of the brightness in the room, the window, and gasp at what your eyes are met with. The snow is nearly up to the window, and it is certainly going to be covering your front door. 
“We’re snowed in!” you yell. 
“What?” James says to you as he gets up from the bed and walks over to where you’re standing. “Oh shit, we’re snowed in.”
“I knew it was supposed to snow. I didn’t think it’d be that bad,” you say. “What’re we supposed to do about tonight?”
“I’m sure Remus and Sirius are snowed in as well. I’ll give them a call.” James gives you a kiss and walks away towards the living room phone to call your friends. The pair of you were supposed to go to their house tonight for your annual Christmas dinner. That is, before you were snowed in. 
James comes back into the room after a few minutes. 
“They’re snowed in as well, said we can come over another night.” 
“Well, that’s good.”
The two of you stare out the window, still in shock of the amount of snow that lays on the ground.  
“Ugh, what’re we supposed to do now? I can’t believe I’m stuck inside with you all day,” you say jokingly.
“Hey!” James shouts in response. 
“Only teasing, lovey,” you reply, leaning back onto his chest as he wraps his arms around you. 
“I can think of a few things we can do to pass the time,” James whispers in your ear. The air in the room is cold, but the warmth of his breath spreads throughout your entire body. 
“Oh, yeah? And what’s that,” you say back as he begins trailing kisses down your neck, inadvertently moving your neck to give him more area to kiss. 
“Let me show you.”
You turn around and are immediately met with his lips on yours. You can feel in his movements how desperate he is, and you’re just the same. His hands are roaming all over your body as if his life depends on it.
His hands are on your waist and yours are in his hair. He pulls you by your pajama pants as he sits with his back against the headboard. You get on top, straddling him, and begin slowly grinding against him as one of his hands lies on your back to support and encourage you to keep going. He slips his other hand up your t-shirt and takes one of your breasts in his hand. You and him have been together a long time, and know exactly how to pleasure the other. 
You tug on the bottom of his t-shirt and take it off while he takes off yours, leaving you both topless. You go back to kissing and eventually, you begin making your way down his neck, then his chest, then finally, down to his stomach right above his boxers. You look up to meet his eyes and give him one final kiss on his lower stomach before you pull down his boxers and reveal his hard dick. 
You give him a quick stroke with your hand before putting your lips around the head of his penis. You bob your head up and down quickly and use one of your hands to pump the rest of his length. He groans in pleasure and throws his head back as he gathers your hair in his hand to help guide your head. After a few minutes of this, you can tell he’s close. Before he can finish, he pulls you off of him and up to meet his lips once more. 
He flips you two around so that now he’s on top of you, and he kisses down your neck and makes his way to your breasts. He grips one in his hand and his lips are attacking the other. After a while of this, he continues down your body, eventually making his way towards the place you need him most. He pulls down your pants and throws them to the floor. He begins sucking on your clit and you instinctively grip his curls. His arms are wrapped around your thighs, holding them open as wide as possible. 
“Fuck, Jamie, that feels so good,” you babble consumed by pleasure, you struggle to speak without a waver in your voice. 
You look down at James and see him looking back at you with pure lust in his eyes. If he could, he would die happily between your thighs. He begins fingering you and you try to close your legs from the overstimulation, but his strong arms are holding you open. 
“James, I’m so close,” you wine.
“C’mon, baby. Be a good girl and cum for me,” he instructs.
You quickly come to your high as James continues to work his magic. You pull his hair till he comes back face to face with you and you kiss him once more, tasting yourself on his lips. You flip over once more so that you’re on top once again. You take his hard dick and pump it a few times before slipping onto him.
“Oh fuck, James, you feel so fucking good,” you say as you begin riding him.
“Mhm, yeah, just like that, sweetheart. Keep going.”
Before long, James flips you onto your back and he begins thrusting into you. 
“Jamie, I’m so close, don’t stop,” you plead.
He begins rubbing circles around your clit and you feel yourself on the brink of your climax.
“Cum for me, baby,” James says as he reaches his own climax, cumming inside you. He lays down next to you, both of you breathing heavily as you come down from your high. 
After a little while of just laying there, not speaking, he gets up and gets a rag to clean you off. Once he’s done with this, he gets back into bed with you, pulling you into his arms.
“Fuck, that was so good. We should do that more often,” he says to you, giving you a long, passionate kiss.
“Mhm, so good,” you mutter into his chest as the two of you fall back to sleep.
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jaidens · 1 year
If The Whole World Was Watching l'd Still Dance With You [PT.2]
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pairing [s] : dad!dallas winston x reader
warning [s] : biggest dad!dallas supporter. | quick because I couldn't find an idea at all | @lizbizbae
a/n [s] : requests are open!
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Dallas Winston was a father to a beautiful little girl, who's grown quicker than anyone he's ever seen. He swears twenty minutes ago she was still babbling “Da–da” while biting her tiny hands. Now, she's five-years old, hair in two braids as you take a picture of her first day of school. She's grown to look much more like the two of you, still having most of Dallas' features but she got your personality.
You're trying not to cry, hand resting against your stomach as Dallas says goodbye to Darlene. “You’re the strongest and most beautiful girl there, sweetheart.” Dallas is trying to not let his worries wave through his words and twirl her braids and give her a kiss against the cheek. What Dallas is expecting to see is a boy, brown mop of hair and a polo t-shirt run up to his daughter, take her hand and walk away with her.
“He looks like you.” You laugh at his expression and he pinches your side. You know he's worried, and it's prominent as he grabs your hand and tries to ground himself against the floor.
Dallas Winston is now a father to a ten year-old girl who's hot-headed and doesn't take anything from anyone. As well as a five year old, Johnathan who's a sweetheart to everyone and everything he meets. Except, the boy that frequently comes over and plays with her in the dirt. His hair parted to the side with a big grin as he picked his daughter up. Dallas had told you one night he was worried about that boy. However, Dallas was worried about everything and everyone when it came to little ol’ Darlene.
You're washing dishes inside of the kitchen when Dallas walks in, hands snaking around your hips like he used to do years ago. “Hey sweetheart..” You smile and give him a kiss against the lips, before he takes it further and peppers kisses against your neck. You laugh and lay your head on his shoulder. No matter throughout both pregnancies and after, Dallas had never changed his way around you. “Man, you look real beautiful.”
You cheese at him as his fingers are warm against your exposed arms. The winter had taken Tulsa for a rush, and Darlene would still go out in big snow jackets and boots to meet her friend, Jack. You knew Jack’s mother, she was a sweet lady. Dallas wasn't quite fond of her husband however, a Soc that had a couple too many rumbles with Dallas.
“Johnny, hey man.” Dallas bends his knee to talk to Johnny who emerges from his room with his hands behind his back. “What are you hiding behind there?” Dallas messes around and pretends to throw Johnny around while laughing. Johnny giggles at his father and tries to run away from him. “Hey, show me buddy. What do you have?” Dallas pushes and Johnny reluctantly shows him, feet rubbing together in worry.
It's a drawn picture of Dallas' family. You, standing next to him, in your favorite dress. Darlene with a Barbie doll and a big smile and your son, with the same smile on his face. “What do you think, Daddy?” Johnny asks, awaiting the approval from a man he looks up to. “Aw, bud, it's amazing. We gotta frame this or something!”
Dallas Winston is a father now. A father who worked everyday to provide for his family and more. If asked Dallas Winston ten years ago, about where he'd be now, he would blank and shrug his shoulders. He's sure of himself now and how he wants to continue his life throughout his time on Earth.
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50calmadeuce · 1 month
Ch. 37: Back to Wyoming
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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The next morning, your flight left early for Wyoming. By the afternoon, you were sitting on the couch in the rented cabin, wearing lounge pants and a t-shirt, with your hair up in a messy bun. A nice fire crackled in the fireplace, and your laptop rested on your belly that had seemed to have grown overnight as you read emails. Every once and awhile the baby kicked it, and you had to adjust it, since he apparently didn't like to be used as a table.
Max had taken the rental truck to grab some food, and as he left, it had started to snow gently.
As you sat on the couch, the warmth of the fire provided a cozy contrast to the chilly weather outside. The gentle snow falling outside added a serene touch to the peaceful atmosphere of the cabin. You adjusted your laptop once more as the baby gave another kick, making you smile.
"Alright, little one," you murmured softly, rubbing your belly. "I get it. No laptop table." You set the laptop on the coffee table.
Just then, your phone buzzed with a new message. You picked it up and saw it was from Jake, checking in to see how you were doing.
Jake: Hey darlin', how are you and the little one holding up?
You smiled and quickly typed a reply.
You: We're doing well, just enjoying the cozy cabin. Baby is practicing his karate moves on my laptop. How's everything with you?
A few moments later, Jake's response came through.
Jake: Sounds like he's got a lot of energy! Everything's good here. Coyote and I caught up, and we're just about to head out for some training. Miss you already.
You felt a pang of longing but reassured yourself with the thought of seeing him soon.
You: We miss you too. Stay safe out there. We'll be here waiting for you.
As you put your phone down, you heard the sound of the rental truck pulling up outside. A few minutes later, Max walked in, carrying bags of groceries.
"Hey, how's it going?" he asked, setting the bags on the kitchen counter.
"Good," you replied, closing your laptop and setting it aside. "Just catching up on some emails and texts from Jake. How was the drive?"
Max shrugged, starting to unpack the groceries. "Not bad. The snow's picking up a bit, but the roads are still clear."
"Perfect for a cozy day in before the crazy court room tomorrow," you said, stretching your arms. "Thanks for grabbing the food."
"No problem," Max replied with a smile. "Thought you might appreciate some fresh supplies."
As he continued unpacking, you got up and joined him in the kitchen, helping to put things away.
Once everything was put away, Max looked at you. "Anything specific you want for dinner?"
You thought for a moment, then smiled. "How about something simple and comforting? Maybe a hearty soup or stew?"
Max nodded. "I can do that. How about beef stew with some fresh bread?"
"That sounds perfect," you agreed, feeling a wave of gratitude for Max's support and friendship. "Thanks, Max. You're a lifesaver."
He chuckled. "Just doing my part. Now, you relax, and I'll get started on dinner."
You headed back to the couch, the comforting sounds of Max preparing dinner filling the cabin.
Just then, your phone rang. Glancing at the screen, you saw it was Mr. Dunby. You quickly answered.
"Mr. Dunby. How are you?" you asked.
"Hello, Y/N. I'm doing well, thank you. How are you holding up?"
"I'm alright," you replied, trying to keep your tone light. "Just settling into the cabin and getting ready for some much-needed rest."
"Good to hear," Mr. Dunby said. "I wanted to update you on a few things regarding your case."
"The psych evaluation has been done and he has been found competent for tomorrow."
Your heart sank a little at the news. "Competent? So, the hearing is definitely going forward tomorrow?"
"Yes," Mr. Dunby confirmed. "Given this development, we need to be prepared. I know it's short notice, but I need to go over a few things with you to make sure we're ready."
"Of course," you said, trying to steady your voice. "What do I need to do?"
"First, I'll need you to recount the timeline of events in Wyoming, as well as your relationship with Jake. It's important that we clearly establish the context and your side of the story."
"Alright," you said, glancing at the fireplace. "I can do that."
"Second, we need to have any and all documentation ready. I've already gathered most of it, but if there's anything specific you can think of—emails, messages, anything that could support your case—please send it to me as soon as possible."
"I'll go through everything tonight," you replied. "And I'll make sure to have it all ready."
"Good," Mr. Dunby said. "And lastly, I know this is difficult, but try to stay calm and composed. The more straightforward and clear you can be, the better."
"I understand," you said, taking a deep breath. "Thank you for everything, Mr. Dunby."
"You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow at the courthouse. We'll get through this together."
After ending the call, you set your phone down and rubbed your temples, feeling the weight of the situation settle on your shoulders. Max walked over, a concerned look on his face.
"What's going on?" he asked gently.
"The hearing is definitely happening tomorrow," you explained. "And he's been found competent."
Max's expression hardened with determination. "We'll be ready."
Just then, you heard the sound of another vehicle driving up to the house.
Max looked at you. "Is that Chuck?"
"If it's another F-150, then yes."
Max walked over to the window and peeked out. He watched as an older gentleman got out of the black F-150.
"Yup. It's him," he confirmed, walking over to the door and opening it.
Chuck walked in, dusting the snow off his flannel jacket. He nodded at you when he saw you. "Doc."
You smiled at Chuck. "Hey, Chuck. How was the drive?"
"Not too bad," he replied, hanging his jacket on the coat rack by the door. "Snow's starting to pick up, though. Figured I'd get here before it got too heavy."
Max closed the door behind him and turned to Chuck. "Good timing. We were just getting settled in."
Chuck glanced around the cozy cabin, taking in the crackling fire and the relaxed atmosphere. "Nice place you've got here. How are you holding up?" he asked, looking directly at you.
You sighed, running a hand over your growing belly. "It's been a bit overwhelming, but we're managing. Just got off the phone with Mr. Dunby. The hearing is definitely happening tomorrow."
Chuck's expression grew serious. "I heard. You need anything from me?"
"Actually, yes," you said, feeling a sense of relief. "Max said he was going to attempt to make a stew. Do you think you could help him?" you asked jokingly, trying to lighten the mood given the seriousness of the upcoming day.
Chuck chuckled, nodding. "I suppose I can lend a hand. Let's see what kind of mess he’s made in the kitchen."
Max raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Hey, I can cook! Just not as well as Chuck, apparently."
Chuck grinned and patted Max on the back. "Don't worry, we'll get it done right."
You smiled, appreciating the moment of levity. "Thanks, guys. I think we could all use a good meal tonight."
Chuck and Max headed to the kitchen, and you listened to their banter and laughter as they worked. It was comforting to have them both there, making the cabin feel warm and full of life despite the impending seriousness of the next day.
You turned your attention back to your emails. Last night you had sent Jason an email asking him for the notes from last Wyoming study and he sent the large file.
You opened the email from Jason and clicked on the attachment. The file began to download, and you took a deep breath, ready to dive into the research data. As the file opened, you scanned through the notes. You weren't exactly sure how this was going to help you except for jogging your memory, but you glanced through it.
A little while later, the delicious aroma of stew began to fill the cabin. Chuck called out from the kitchen, "Dinner's ready!"
You made your way to the kitchen, feeling a sense of camaraderie and gratitude for the support you had. The three of you sat down at the small dining table, enjoying the hearty stew and each other's company.
"Chuck, when we were in Wyoming four years ago, what did you see about Dorian that I missed? I mean, was I really that naive?" you asked.
Chuck looked at you. "You weren't naive, Doc. You were heartbroken and vulnerable from what happened."
You nodded, feeling a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "I just wish I had seen it sooner."
Chuck took a deep breath, leaning against dining table. "Dorian had a way of masking his true self. He was charming and convincing, which made it easy for people to overlook the red flags. You were focused on healing and getting your life back on track. It's not your fault for not seeing through his facade."
You sighed. "I guess I wanted to believe in the best in people, especially after everything that happened."
Chuck nodded understandingly. "That's a part of who you are, and it's a good thing. It just means you're compassionate and hopeful, even when faced with difficult situations. Sometimes, people like Dorian exploit that. But that doesn't make you any less strong or perceptive."
You looked up at him, appreciating his words. "Thanks, Chuck. It helps to hear that."
He gave you a reassuring smile. "You're welcome, Doc."
You looked at your bowl of stew and started moving the spoon around in it, your thoughts drifting as you stirred.
"Not hungry?" Max asked.
You looked up and saw him watching you. "No. It's fine." You took a spoonful of the stew and put it in your mouth.
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You had changed into your pajamas and walked slowly to the bed in the room, dimly lit by a small lamp. As you sat down, you glanced at your cellphone, and the picture of you and Jake lit up the screen, bringing a bittersweet smile to your face.
You sighed softly, the weight of the day’s events pressing down on you. Looking at the photo, you felt a mixture of longing and love for Jake. You missed him deeply, especially during times like these when everything seemed overwhelming. You scoffed. It wasn't that long ago that you handled everything yourself for four long years and now...that man had come back into your life.
You placed the phone on the nightstand, crawled into the bed and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The sound of the gentle crackling fire from the living room provided a comforting background noise. The baby gave a small kick, reminding you of the new life growing inside you and bringing a smile to your face.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to focus on the positive. You were surrounded by people who cared about you, and you knew you were stronger than the challenges you faced.
As you lay there, the memories of the past few years washed over you. The struggles, the loneliness, the moments of doubt—all of it seemed distant now, like a shadow that had finally been cast away by the light of Jake's return. His presence had brought back a sense of wholeness you hadn't realized you were missing.
The baby kicked again, a little stronger this time, as if to remind you of the future ahead. You gently placed your hand on your belly, feeling the reassuring movement.
Just then, your phone buzzed with a text notification. Reaching over, you saw it was a message from Jake:
Jake: "Hey darlin', just wanted to check in before I hit the sack. I miss you. Hope you're doing okay. Love you."
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you. You quickly typed a response:
You: "Miss you too, Jake. Everything's fine here. Get some rest. Love you."
After sending the message, you put the phone back on the nightstand and snuggled deeper into the blankets. The combination of Jake's love, the support from Max and Chuck, and the promise of the new life growing inside you gave you a sense of peace.
Tomorrow would bring its own challenges, but for now, you allowed yourself to relax and drift off to sleep, feeling a sense of hope and strength that you hadn't felt in a long time.
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @callsign-barbell @tgmreader @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891 @smoothdogsgirl
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thesmokingguns · 2 years
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Make it Hurt
Minors DNI 18+
Nikki locked the door, pausing in the entryway to hear any sounds to see if you were awake. When he was greeted with silence he sighed, licking off his boots and trying to keep his disappointment in check. He could use one of your hugs right now. The way you’d throw yourself at him, saying his name with that shrill of excitement that never seemed fake. But he was the one who was late.
A flight from New York that had been delayed because of a snow storm. Originally you had planned to meet him at LAX after a week and a half apart, you were excited to be reunited but when he called you from the pay phone to say that he wouldn’t be home until maybe tomorrow you had agreed to stay home. Nikki didn’t know that you had cried when he hung up, touch starved and desperate to be with him. It wasn’t just him that could use a hug.
As a kindergarten teacher you didn't share the same exciting rockstar life as your boyfriend did but that didn’t mean you didn’t have your share of drama. Where his was splashed on the cover of Cream magazine yours showed up in different ways. The mom at drop off reminding you again that her son was special and needed the extra attention when in reality he needed more at home support to help him catch up or Cindy who opened her lunchbox and closed if just as fast when she realized that it wasn’t full. You had given her your sandwich and reminded yourself to start packing extras. There was Kevin witb the chipped front tooth that you had thought happened from an accident but after meeting his parents at Tuesday’s meet the teacher night you had called in the school social worker realizing it was not.
Nikki had been stressed about the album, mixing a record and you had been stressed about how parents could forget about their kids.
He climbed the stairs, pushing open the bedroom door, where he saw you laying on top of the sheets. Still in a pair of dark denim jeans and a button down plaid shirt, he knew you must have spent your Saturday at the school working on your classroom for the week. He admired your dedication for your job but he also worried that carrying the lives of so many children around was breaking your heart. You were a damn good teacher, loved your kids but he worried That you loved them more than you should, cared about them and Carried them around so it was too heavy for you.
Seeing you now, passed out from exhaustion in the clothes you had worn all day made Nikki feel like he needed to have you take a break before you got hurt.
He made his way over to you, hands going to the buttons of your jeans and tugging the buttons through holes. You muttered sleepily, turning slightly as he moved with you, tugging your jeans down. Your eyes flashing open as you felt his hands on your feet tugging them off.
“Nikki.” He couldn’t help but smile as you said his name, tossing your jeans towards the hamper as he laid on you, loving how your arms reached for him to pull him into you.
He had needed this.
The way your lips pressed against his in a deep, long kiss, arms and legs wrapping around him as he let himself bask in your presence. This was what it was like to be loved and wanted. The way you clung to him, not letting him go as he pressed you into the bed, both of you seeming to be in sync as you thought more.
“I’m here.” He was stroking your face as you tugged his t-shirt over his head, silver chains rattling as they fell back against his chest, “No need to rush, angel. I’m not going anywhere.” But your eyes were raising up, meeting his in a frenzied want.
“I just need you to be closer. I just need all of you, now.” The soft desperation in your voice had him groaning, moving with you as he slid the buttons through holes and pushed your shirt apart.
His hands skimmed your stomach, up your breasts and down as they pulled the nylon of your bra down. Hands cupping and mouth lowering to kiss the skin. He wanted to ravish you, make love to you until the pair of you were so tangled and lost in each other that where one of you began and the other ended was so confusing That you two were just considered one being.
Your shoulders shrugged, the shirt and bra coming off as your hands moved to his head, fingers tangling with the dyed black hair as you fisted the locks, watching the way he looked up, eyes on yours as he playfully nipped at the bar in your belly.
“Tell me what you want.” He expected you to push his head down as he teased, maybe to see the soft blush of your cheeks as you asked him to make love to you but that was not what Nikki got.
“I want you to fuck me until the only part of me that hurts is the spot between my legs.” He froze at this, pushing himself up to search your eyes for an explanation but you weren’t looking for an argument, you wanted results, “please, Nikki. It’s been so hard here and I just need to not have to think of anything. Just take away the thoughts, please.” The desperation and begging, giving him a job only he could do fueled Nikki.
You needed him and he needed you.
Maybe he should have talked to you more, found a solution to the ache and stress but he was sliding your panties off, fisting his cock as he guided it towards you. He wasn’t moving as quick as you wanted and you reassured him by sliding forward, hips twisting so he was flat on his back and you were on top of him, pushing him girth inside of you with a push of your hips.
His mouth opened,Hands going to your sides as he watched you, hands on his stomach as you adjusted your thighs on each side of his torso and rolled yourself. Usually you took your time and let Nikki help you and guide you but tonight you were too desperate fo wait. Upu we’re riding him, Hard and fast, pussy squelching as he watched you with fascination. It was like you were possessed. Trying to lose all the stress and pain of the week on top of his cock.
“Angel, slow down or I’m not going to last.” He was wanting you but your hair was thrown back, fingers twisting with the locks as you bounced. Nikki grinding his teeth as he swiped his thumb over your clit. There was no way you were going to slow down for him if you were in this mood.
He could feel your pussy, already squeezing as you bounced and rode him. You needed to cum to, have that blackout feeling. Nikki rolled, surprising you as you hit the mattress. He pressed your legs up and apart, bending you like a pretzels as he went so deep you saw stars, fucking you how you desiered to be fucked.
“Please.” You were so close and he knew you would explode. The sweat was as coming down his neck as he held your waist, fucking you, balls slapping at your ass as you laid splayed onthe bed for him.
“That’s my girl. Cum for me.” You nodded, reaching to pull his lips against yours, kissing him as you exploded, body warming and contracting as you arched up and into his arms, letting Nikki hold you as you came. His cum mixing with yours as he laid the pair of you down, the sheets around you as you’d both gasped for needed breath.
Your eyes on his as you tucked a piece of hair behind his ear, smiling as he held your open thigh over his, reaching patterns on the skin as he sucked in the cool night air.
“I’ve missed you.” You admitted, smiling as he kissed your shoulder blade.
“I missed you too, Angel. But I’m here now and I’m ready to make up for lost time.”
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dasbrummli · 1 month
Types of People: Humans I love(d).
The Little Sister: Flared pants and platform Doc Martens. Delicate gold earrings, perfect skin and bright eyes. Flat white coffee or matcha latte. Bagels. Techno music and poetic folk songs. Paris. Polaroids. Quick witted and humorous. Dachshund. Shabby sweatpants and runway fashion. Floppy ears. Massages. Banana bread.
The Little Brother: Street smarts. Perfect driving. Anything but resentful. Stained sweatshirt and Burberry Trenchcoat. Photography. Basketball. Chill. Humorous. Infuriating but so so lovable. Teacher. Surprisingly insightful. Advisor. Confident and cocky. Beer and Barbecue sauce. Coffee mugs. South Africa. Spontaneity. Arrogant.
The Father: Golden morning light. Expensive camera equipment and cheap gas station coffee. Model trains. Thick wool sweaters. Cologne and scratchy cheek kisses. Blankets of snow. Hares. Holly Cole and The Boss. Hilarious. Anything but an experimental eater. Spaghetti Bolognese and Stollen. Vibrant forest. Red wine and milk chocolate. The Musician.
The Mother: Crime novels. Warm soft hugs. Silent laughter, red cheeks, tears in eyes. Surprises. Book smarts. Perseverance. Organised and focused. Strong black tea and dark seedy bread. Elephant whisperer. Insomnia. Open mindedness and indignation. So supportive. Manners. Nice porcelain. Hydrangeas and roses. Plum jam. Perfect pedicures.
The Older Sister: Long walks. Forests. Fantasy worlds. Diving head first into a swimming pool. Daydreaming. Curly hair. Everyday magic. Books. Tiny handwriting. Long wool coats. Mind all over the place. Excitement. Cold hands and warm sweaters. Hopeless romantic. Owls. Greek mythology. Trivia. Ink. Details. Cappuccino with cinnamon and cocoa.
The Musician: Delicate fingers plucking at Cello Strings. White chocolate. Knitting. Sarcasm, emotionally distant. Squirrels. Autumn walks, rain, graveyards. Audiobooks. Norway. Engineering, technical drawings, ballpoint pens. Morbid curiosity.
The Fighter: Clean and crisp white sheets. Determined. Cold brew coffee. Fragrant white Hyacinths blooming on a windowsill. Toned shoulders. Emotional intelligence. Brutal honesty. Philosophical books. Lab coats. Excellent listener. Pep talks and feminism. Triathlon. Anything to achieve your goals. Knowing smirks. Moscow mules. Reading not for pleasure but learning (or the pleasure of learning?)
The Scientist: Obscure inside jokes. Freckles. Dancer. Questionable cook, decent baker. Physics. The Smartest. Elegant movements. Thrifted knitted jumpers. Multicoloured nail polish. Poetry. Eccentric. Debating society. Entire page covered in the tiniest notes. Funky coffee mugs. Books picked off the street.
The Scout: Strong moral compass. Scouts honour. Massive Fantasy novels. Guffawing. Tie dye T-shirts and shining blue eyes. Ships. Camping. Adventure. Overwhelmingly talkative, but not in a bad way. Carefree. Trinkets and bonfires. Dunes and seafoam. Orange.
The Travel Companion: Political. Volunteering. Singing flatly but passionately. French patisserie. Colourful felt. Opinionated. Exuding coolness on the dancefloor. Dark green. Finland, pine forests and smoked salmon. Tents. Virology. Hypochondriac. Experimental cooking. Mushrooms. Aromatic black tea.
The Oldest Friend: Books over books over books. Deep talks. Old friends. Yoga. Peppermint tea. Sky blue. Memories. Therapy. Snowboarding. Pixie cut. Relaxation, taking it easy. Veganism. Dog person. Gender Studies. Runner. Coming back stronger and gentler than ever. Gift exchange. Solo holidays. Empathy.
The Exchange Student: Fast talking, Aussie accent. Oversized sweatshirts. Oat milk. Glowing skin. Sea foam. Pearls and silver. Fresh tulips. Warm summer days. Sunny side up eggs, drizzled with golden honey. Pool balls clicking. Hot chocolate. Belgian beer. Dog person. Silver rings, one on each finger. Tan lines.
The Designer: Linocut. Wide pants, black turtleneck. Oat milk. Creativity. Graphic design. Nose ring. Mullet. Enjoying and celebrating the beautiful things in life. Analogue photography. Coffee is a science. Patient. An artist. Berlin. Tortoiseshell glasses.
The Certified Badass: Bouldering. Fine line tattoos and silver ear piercings, too many to count. Black velvet. Remote island. Catto content. Road trips, lush forests, sea waves. Platinum hair. Strong. Blue eyes, white liner. Island. Thick knitwear and combat boots. Tarnished silver jewellery. Dune grass.
11 notes · View notes
aesteraceae · 2 years
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Pairing: Changbin/gn!Reader
Summary: You and Changbin relieve some tension before a schedule.
Tags under the cut!
Tags: Changbin x Reader, sub Changbin, implied poly skz, public teasing, semi-public sex, feminization (terms like "good girl", "babygirl", and "tits" are used to refer to Changbin, but he/him pronouns are still used), master kink, nipple play, oral sex (no parts specified), leg humping, aftercare
Lovely taglist: @sunnyville36 @snow-pegasus @toastyseungmo @sstarryoong @decaffedthoughts @bunnypig18
So that gym skz code huh............ The brainrot is real and true and not going Anywhere
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Toying with Changbin was always just so much fun.
You've been teasing him all day, subtle hands on his thighs, heated gazes, words that seem innocent but promise more.
It's always entertaining watching Changbin fall apart, but watching him fall apart and have to pretend to be normal...
Well. In your opinion, there are few sights that rival it.
"Come on, sweetheart, just let me take care of you."
Changbin shudders at the words, hand shooting out to grab your arm for support. It's subtle, hidden by Hyunjin sitting in front of you, but of course he notices.
He glances back, raising an eyebrow. He must see something in Changbin's eyes, or maybe even yours, because he scoffs and waves a hand.
"The supply room down that hall is empty, you've got like 30 minutes." He turns back to his video with a tiny smirk, and Changbin stands just a bit too quickly to be casual. You place a hand on his shoulder to steady him and walk down the hall, mercifully avoiding the gazes of the members. Changbin could get very touchy with this sort of thing, always sensitive when he got embarrassed, and you knew it would be hard to resist.
You wanted Changbin to yourself right now, and a full group fucking session would be too obvious. The staff do their best to keep things under wraps, it wouldn't be fair to give them more unnecessary work.
The supply closet is blissfully empty, only a few brooms and cleaning supplies on shelves against the far wall, benches lining the sides. It wasn't big, but it would work nicely for what you had planned.
"Come sit on my lap, babygirl."
You pat your thigh and spread your legs a little, smiling at the way his entire face goes red.
He obeys of course, slotting himself on your thighs, cock obviously hard in his pants. Really, you're doing the staff a favor. It would be a hassle to hide this during shooting.
"Good, baby. Take your shirt off for me, I want to see those pretty tits of yours."
Changbin whines softly before doing as he's told, revealing silky soft skin and a red bralette. It was something brought up by the stylists themselves, once Changbin complained too much about his chest hurting when they had to jump during dances.
The group had a field day with it, picking out bralettes and lacy lingerie. He didn't wear most of what they picked up for obvious reasons, but some of them, like this nice red bralette with just the right amount of lace made it through with some persuasion.
It's still wild to you sometimes just how much he fills it out. It's more of a short tank top than a bra really, but it does have cups and he fills them perfectly, especially now since he's been working out so much.
"Ah, look at you. So pretty, so soft and warm..." You press your lips to his collarbone, kissing a line across it and then to his chest. You run your tongue down the middle of his pecs, giggling when he shudders. He's already shaking hard enough to make sitting up difficult, so you hold his hips and slide him forward while you're at it. He yelps at the quick movement, and you cant help but notice how his chest bounces, just slightly.
You know you should hurry, 30 minutes wasn't as long as you wanted it to be, but Changbin looked so good, so pretty-
Later. You'd take him apart later, maybe even get some help from the others. For now, though, Changbin needed to be taken care of, and you're happy to provide.
"Let's get this off, yeah? I want to see your tits bounce properly."
You help him out of it, unable to resist a soft kiss to his cheek once it's off.
"So pretty. Don't you think so, babygirl?"
Changbin starts, surprised at being addressed, and it's so cute watching him remember how to form words.
"Yes. I'm- I'm a pretty girl for you, master."
The words send delicious spikes of heat down your spine, so you reward him with a kiss to his shoulder. "Good girl."
You slide your hands up from his hips to his chest, cupping them gently. He whines at just that tiny touch, hands spasming as he tries to find something to hold on to. "Hold onto my shoulders, babygirl. You'll need some support for this." Changbin's grip is tight, anticipating even before you've done anything.
It's a good thing, because you lean forward and catch one of his nipples in your mouth, and he's choking on a moan within seconds.
It sometimes confused you how sensitive his chest could be, especially when other parts of him usually aren't, but something about having his nipples played with was like flicking a switch in his brain, every trace of a filter leaving him at the slightest touch.
"Such pretty noises, but you've got to quiet down." You whisper, sucking a hickey right above his nipple, bright red and hot when you pull away. He's panting like a dog the next time you look up at him, lips parted perfectly to let his tongue fall out over red stained lips. You can't help but kiss him, sucking his tongue into your mouth and biting at his lips, hands gently kneading at his chest.
"You're such a good girl."
Changbin whimpers, muffling the noise with a kiss to your jaw.
"Master, can I- please, I want to touch you."
He sounds so desperate, so needy, that you can't help but give him what he wants.
"Kneel in front of me, honey."
He obeys immediately of course, so eager to please and make you feel good you could almost call it cute if it wasn't so hot.
You unbutton your pants and guide them down, exposing your skin to the cool air.
"Make me cum, babygirl."
Changbin doesn't waste any time, just dives in with a punishing pace. You have to bite down on your palm to keep quiet, hips working back against his face.
"So good, you taste- fuck, so good..."
He already seems wrecked just from tasting you, but you decide to be mean and raise your leg up to press against his cock, giving him something to grind on.
Changbin scratches red lines into your thighs as he bucks his hips forward against it, shaking too hard to do much for you.
"Master, please, I'll cum, please," He gasps and shoves his face against your thigh, shuddering hard, and you feel something warm seep through the fabric of your pant leg.
You start to pull him away but he resists, pressing forward and attacking you with his tongue and lips again, determined to follow orders.
He works with practiced movements, moaning through his aftershocks against you and even smirking against your skin when you make a particularly loud noise.
He knows he's good, even exhausted and fucked out, and that confidence does certain things to your chest.
You pull at his hair to make him moan against you again, bucking your hips up to get him closer, closer, closer...
It's not long before the heat turns your brain to mush, gasping and cursing, and only then does Changbin sit back on his heels.
He looks fucked out but satisfied, a dumb smile on his face. He could probably fall asleep right there, but you both had things to attend to.
"Come here, let me clean you up before you go on stage."
Changbin whines but doesn't protest, letting you slide his bralette and shirt back over his chest. It's tempting to clean him up with your mouth, but that would be pushing it, even for you.
Instead you use a few paper towels and apologize for the harshness of them, redoing his pants.
"Do I look okay? It would be really awkward if I went out there looking like- well, like I..."
Changbin flushes, staring at the door. You give him a once over - His hair is a bit messy, but nothing a comb couldn't fix. His clothes didn't get too wrinkled while you had your fun, so he doesn't look too different from before.
That is if you ignore his lips, flushed and swollen, held in a worried pout. You quite like it, actually. It's subtle, but anyone who looks hard enough will know exactly what you were up to. Exactly who Changbin belonged to.
"You look fine. Just... Stop making that expression."
He tilts his head, then raises a hand to touch his lips. "Oh. Oh. I... Got it."
He smiles, back to the dorky Changbin you know and love now that your teasing has finally come to a head.
"One last kiss, then we should head out."
Changbin kisses you like it's the last time he'll ever get to, and the best part is that it's not.
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harringtons-cupid · 2 years
I think I might love you - Eddie X Reader - Best friends to lovers
Part 2:
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Word count: 4k words
Warning: 18+
Cunnilingus, creampies, naming kink, public sex. Kissing. Drug misuse, school skipping.
Tagged: @moonchildquinn @nojerama1996 @mcbeanzontoast @pleasantlycrazyworld @urlbitchin
Part One | Masterlist |
[Feedback/reblogs are extremely meaningful. Please support your content creators]
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Eddie had slept over at your house for the second time this week, looking at him all frazzled and messy hair made him look adorable. His raspy voice was turning you on every second, you wore his t-shirts to bed. He knew you looked good in them, the eyes he would make as he watched you get out of bed. It had been a month since you first slept together, you adored each other.
''We should really go to school today Eds'' you speak into your mug of coffee, hair still a mess. His clothes clinging to your body as he kissed your shoulder and neck.
''But why? I want to stay in bed all day with you'' His words were muffled as he continued to kiss your body, goosebumps appeared on your skin making you roll your eyes and smirk.
''I'm being serious Eds, we have to graduate this year'' you turned to face him, lightly kissing him and raising your eyebrows at him.
He rolled his eyes, sighing as he fell down onto the bed hard. You laughed lightly as you watched him be dramatic. Getting up, you opened your closet and began picking your outfit for the day. Eddie's clothes were neatly folded in the drawer next to your hanging clothes, you threw the clean clothes at him. Watching his eyes widen in amazement at the clothes being hurled towards him.
''My mom cleaned them for you'' your words were quieter as your head became buried inside your closet.
He had changed out of his current clothes and into the fresh clothes you had just thrown at him. He looked good. His older clothes were crumpled on the floor by your bed, sighing you walked over and picked them.
Noticing that Eddie’s eyes hadn’t left you, you were in a black lace bra with mismatching panties but his eyes widened at the sight of you. Smiling at him, you disappeared back into your closet before throwing down a combination of clothes that would create your outfit for the day.
You had chosen, a black velvet mini skirt, thick black tights with a cropped pastel pink colour with a short sleeve that’s hem barely kissed the waist band of the skirt so when you move, small peaks of your skin are shown. As you searched around the matching headband and other assorted accessories. All the while, Eddie was lay on your bed just staring at you. He knew that you dressed up for school, he'd been your best friend for a long time. He'd seen the darkest parts of you, he'd seen your bra strap in the back of his van, he'd seen how your eyes lit up when you saw something that excited you. The excited run you do when it began to snow in the middle of the winter.
But he had never seen you in your bedroom deciding clothes for school, or how annoyed you got at him just lying on your bed trying to force him to go to school with you.
''Eddie, are you ready to go?'' You turned around, your outfit was nearly done. Grabbing your knee high combat boots, that had matching pastel pink hearts scattered across them.
''Fuck'' he muttered under his breath as you zipped up your boots, you smiled to yourself as you pretended not to hear him.
''Yes, I am. Shall we go?'' he linked your hands together, your bag was slung across your shoulder as you wandered down the stairs. His shoes were dangling in his hands, he quickly put them on his feet as you called your goodbyes to your parents.
You went out the door first, Eddie smacked your ass as you went past, lifting up with skirt. You squealed, holding your skirt in place and shooting him a look, he smirks and chases you towards his van. Grabbing you and pushing against the passenger door, kissing you passionately. His tongue slid inside your mouth, you sucked on his tongue making him moan softly. You feel his trousers bulge up as you continue kissing him on your driveway.
“We should go Eddie, we’re going to be late” you break away from the kiss. Nothing the lust in his eyes, he continues kissing you.
“Let’s skip, I just wanna kiss you. Be with you” his hands travel their way down your body, lifting up your skirt and rubbing over your underwear. Making you shiver.
“Eddie, my parents” you push him away slightly, pretending to sulk. He kisses you once more before stepping back to look at you.
“Fine, goody two shoes. Let’s go” he winks at you before walking over to his side of the car.
The drive to school was long, Eddie’s fingers were hammering on the steer wheel as you were stuck behind queues of traffic. Everyone the road had decided to leave at the same time.
Impatiently, Eddie’s hand travelled to your thigh. Rubbing across your underwear, smirking as you gasped loudly. Your head tipping back as slipped underneath your underwear, his cold hand touching your warm pulsating clit. With a single touch, you moaned loudly as he moved in circles your hips began to buck up. Your eyes looking at him with lust as he moved the car slowly forward.
“Eddie”you gasped, your hands and fingernails gripping onto the seats with pleasure as he smacked your clit with his hand. You didn’t want him to stop as he rubbed your juices around making you moan louder.
He switched between lightly smacking your clit and rubbing it faster each time, there was a slight bulge in his pants as his attention flickered between you and the road. He was biting his lip quite hard, gasping as he felt you getting wetter and wetter.
Your hips were practically touching the ceiling as you moved with his hand, moaning loudly. Your eyes tightly shut, your ass slightly numb from grinding it hard on the cold seat. His hand moved and gripped your ass cheek, making you whimper and move your hand to touch yourself. Noticing his, he shot an annoyed look and pushed your hand away from yourself.
“Only I’m allowed to touch you” he growled, his hand began rubbing your clit faster and harder this time as he continued to move the car.
Your moans filled up the car as your eyes rolled back in pleasure, your hips still bucking at the sensation. Feeling your body tingle and shake as he rubbed your clit harder into your orgasm, your body shook violently as you moaned loudly. You came hard, covering his hand and your underwear. He didn’t stop moving his hand until your body began shaking once more.
“Eddie, you’re going to make me cum again. Oh fuck” your moans had got louder and louder, your eyes rolling back hard as your body trembled in the car seat. You came hard once more, coating the car seat with your cum.
Eddie’s eyes were full of amazement and lust, his bulge in his pants had got bigger. He was grinding his dick against his chair as he made you cum again.
He was driving the back lanes to school, noticing a lay-by he pulled in at the side of the road. Turning the car of for a second, turning your legs to face him as he buried his hand between your thighs and he began to lick your cum up from your thighs and pussy. Moaning loudly as he did. Your body trembled once more as the feel of his tongue, gasping underneath him.
“I want you to fuck me Eddie” you gasped, his eyes shot up to look at you. He had a look of greed in his eyes as he sucked on your clit lightly, slowly inserting a finger inside you and watching you whimper beneath him.
He curled his fingers inside you until he felt you become wetter and wetter around his finger before inserting another finger inside you.
“Fuck Eddie” you moaned loudly, he was grunting between your thighs as you got wetter.
“Let’s move into the back” he growled at you, you nodded as his face moved from you. Giving you room to climb over him, he spank your ass as you moved past his head. Gasping, you turned back to smirk at him. He winked at you before climbing over the seats.
He unbuckled his jeans, letting them fall to his ankles as he positioned himself closer to you. You were lying back on one of the chairs, your legs spread apart. Your hand reached across and stroked his dick making him groan and twitch. That look of greed appeared once more in his eyes.
His hands grasped your face as he kissed you roughly, sucking on your tongue before rubbing his tip around in your juices. Inserting himself slowly inside you, you both gasped at the sensation. He groaned at the feeling of being inside you.
“Fuck” he grunted as he slide all the way inside you, your legs were wrapped around his waist as he slowly thrusted inside you.
You were already quite wet, with every thrust the noises of you growing wetter and wetter. Your hips moved with him, riding his dick as he thrust slowly inside you. You could feel him twitching, tightening yourself around him as he pounded into you.
“You feel so good” his hand had found it way around your throat as he moved quicker and quicker inside you, his eyes locking with yours as they rolled back. You felt yourself shake as he fucked you, slowly fucking you into your orgasm.
“Fuck, Eddie. I’m cumming” your eyes roll back, your body shaking as he continues to fuck you. Your gasps and moans echo throughout the van, he mumbles under his breath as he feels you wetter around his dick.
His dick twitching inside you as you tighten around him, slowly beginning to move on his dick. Reaching up to his neck and choking him, he groaned loudly as you squeezed harder.
“Give it to me Eddie, fill me up with your cum” you suddenly felt a sudden primal urge to be completely full of his cum. As you moved on his dick, needing him to cum inside you.
His moans got louder and raspier as he thrust inside you, your hands tighter on his neck. His body tensing up inside you with every word you spoke, his eyes closing tightly as he painted.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum” he groaned loudly as you continued to move. His voice was struggling with the tightness of your hands around his neck. He painted hard as you felt him empty himself inside you.
He continued to fuck you after he finished, your legs were still tightly around his waist. Your hands loosened around his neck as he leant forward and kissed you sloppily, he grunted as you thrusted your hips closer to his. His eyes tightly shut once more as he came for the second time inside you, you moaned at the sensation.
“Fuck Eddie” you bit your lip as his eyes opened, staring at you full of lust. You didn't care in that moment that you were both late for school. You both stayed in that position, him still inside you for a couple of minutes longer.
He slide out of you, his hands grasping your face. Grinning at you happily, some of his cum was dripping lightly down your thighs. He felt this and wiped his fingers in before placing his fingers back inside you until he was sure that it was deeper enough in.
You both changed back into your clothes, sitting back in the front of the van staring at each other. It replaying over and over in your mind as he kissed you, pulling out a blunt from his pocket and winking at you.
''We might as well be high when we finally arrive at school'' he smirked at you, you rolled your eyes and begun rolling down your window.
''Well, I don't want to reek of weed Eddie'' shooting him a concerned look, he rolled his eyes and cranked his window open too.
Smoke filled up the van quickly as he began smoking, he looked hot as the blunt moved from his mouth. Your eyes fixated on him in amazement. He was so pretty, his sweaty hot face was hidden by clouds of smoke as he leaned closer to you and handed you the blunt. You took a drag and hung your hand out the window, feeling paranoid about stinking of weed before school. You smiled sheepishly at him when passing the blunt back to him.
After finishing the blunt, he flicked the reminder of the end onto the floor outside. Taking one last look at you before driving off, his hand was gripping onto your thigh the whole drive there.
You were feeling the effects of the blunt as he pulled into the school car park. His music was blaring out the window when the car came to a hault, standing outside at the front steps was the principal. You sighed and got out the car, Eddie lit a cigarette as you walked towards the school entrance.
“I would like Mr Munson to come with me, you hurry off to class please Miss” she firmly scowled at you both.
Eddie grabbed your face with his hands and kissed you sloppily before nodded to you. Panicking you rushed off quickly into the school, you had English. As you hurried into the classroom, all eyes were fixated onto you making you blush heavily. You found a spare seat and sat down, opening your books and began focusing. Your thoughts drifted to Eddie.
As the day went by, you didn’t see Eddie in the corridor. The Hellfire Club were scurrying about, to quickly for you to even get a chance to ask.
You glumly walked around the school, in and out of classes. Worried about Eddie, as the bell rang at the end of the day. You wondered out of the classroom and right into a familiar smell, looking up you saw a long curly haired boy grinning down at you.
“Hey, sweetheart”
He had an un lit cigarette in his mouth, his arm fell naturally around your shoulder as he led you out of the school.
“You had a good day?” He asked, lifting his cigarette. Exhaling a cloud of smoke as his brown eyes pierced into you, making you blush.
“It was okay, I thought about you a lot” you turned your head to try and hide your red hot cheeks. His hand felt cold against your skin as he turned your head to look at him, he as smiling at you.
“Oh yeah? Well I thought about you too Sweetheart” his body was closer to you now, exhaling the smoke away from your face as he looked down at your lips.
“Really?” Your big eyes stared up at him, licking your lips as his hand caressed your cheek.
“Of course I did Sweetheart. How could not think about a pretty little thing like you?” He watched as you blushed at his words, he smiled again turning his head away to exhale.
“Let’s get you home” he stroked your face before throwing the cigarette on the ground and stubbing it with his boots.
Throwing his arm around you as you walked to his van, he opened the door for you and smacked your ass as you climbed up inside it making you squeal. He laughed and walked around the other side, his hand placed back on your thigh as he drove to yours.
Once he arrived at yours, he pulled up outside and turned to look at you.
“Do you want to come in?” You began playing with your hands, diverting your attention between him and your lap. Hoping that he would say yes.
“I will, only for a little bit. I do need to see my uncle at some point but I would like to see you first” he smiled at you and turned off his van.
His hand travelled up your thigh, lightly touching your underwear. Watching you gasp as he leant forward to kiss you, his tongue sliding inside your mouth as he rubbed across your underwear. Feeling you suddenly become wetter and smirked into the kiss.
Thankfully your parents were home yet as his hand moved quicker, making your hips thrust in the chair.
“I want you Eddie, let’s go inside” you gasped into his mouth. He smirked once more, moving his hand under your underwear and stroking your clit. His bulge getting bigger in his pants, he nodded and removed his hands from you.
Opening the door, you rushed after him. Unlocking the front door quickly, he pushed you against the closest wall and kissed you passionately. Moaning into your mouth as you stumbled towards the sofa, his hands pulled down your underwear as you unbuckled his jeans.
His head was instantly kissing your thighs and your clit, moving his tongue in the shape of his name. Your hands gripping onto his hair, forcing him deeper between your legs as you moaned into the room. Your eyes tightly closed as he ate you out, making you wetter and wetter. His fingers made their way to your opening, softly inserting one finger as he sucked hard on your clit. You moaned as he curled his finger inside you, feeling you getting wetter. He softly inserted another finger and began moving quickly inside you, listening to your moans and gasping noises as you tugged onto to his hair.
“Fuck Eddie” you were already getting closer and closer to cumming as he sucked hard on your clit, your hips bucking at the sensation. His free hand began playing with your nipples, feeling them get harder with each touch. He continued until you moaned loudly, your eyes rolling back as you twitched. Your legs began shaking as your body got close to cumming, Eddie noticed this and moving his body so that he was lying down, his legs either side of you.
''Get on top of me. I want you to ride me'' he looked at you, watching as you moved positions. Aligning to lower yourself down onto his dick, groaning as you felt him fill you up.
You began grinding against his dick, your hands rubbing his chest as his hands dug into your hips. Moving you back and forth with his hands, groaning as his tip grinds inside of you. Tightening yourself around him, your head is tilted back as you begin to move faster. It felt good grinding against his dick, his moans were broken up as his dick pulsated inside you. His eyes were tightly shut as you tilted your back and moved up his dick, grinding faster against him.
''Oh fuck, you feel so good'' his broken moans, moved as he grabbed you by your waist holding you down and thrusting into you. The tip of his dick hitting your sweet spot, causing you to moan loudly.
''I want to make you cum'' you moaned loudly as he continued to pound into you, your legs began shaking as you reached climax. You came hard, coating his dick with your cum as he gasped and grunted beneath you, his eyes rolling back as you tightened yourself around him.
''Fuck, someone was horny'' he smirked slightly, letting go of you as you began grinding against his dick again. Feeling the urge to make him cum in you.
''Stay still'' you growled at him, doing as he was told. He let his head fall back back on the arm of the sofa. Watching you grind against his dick, using your cum as lube.
The couch began creaking loudly as your bodies together, back and forth against his dick. His hands were tightly holding onto your hips, he groaned loudly as you tightened yourself around him. Not listening to you, he threw you onto your back and began thrusting into you. Groaning into your ear, leaving wet sloppy kisses on your neck. Your hands moved down his back leaving scratch marks, digging your nails into his ass cheeks. Moaning as you felt him move in and out of you, still tight around his dick.
“You feel so good, I really want you to cum in me Eddie” you panted down his ear, at your words he suddenly began pounding quicker and quicker inside you. Making you moan really loudly, still gripping onto his cheeks. Your legs tightly wrapped around him, not wanting him to pull out.
He groaned and grunted his body twitching as you felt him empty himself inside you, as he continued to fuck you. He hit your sweet spot, causing you to gasp and pant loudly as you came once more on his dick. He continued until he knew that he had finished and had fucked his cum deeper inside you.
Staying on that position for a few moments, he stared at you with a big smile on his face. Grabbing your face and kissing you sloppily, his tongue sliding into your mouth. You made out for a few minutes longer, before deciding to get changed. As Eddie was pulling his trousers up his legs, you both heard the noises of cars pulling up to your drive. Panicking you grabbed his hand and rushed up the stairs, tripping on your way up. You crawled quickly up the stairs and into your bedroom, falling onto the floor together laughing as you waited for your parents to enter the house.
Staring at him softly as you heard the noises of your mom opening the front door and shouting upstairs to you. You waited for a few moments before peeking your head around the door and smiling down to your mom.
“Do you and Eddie want something to eat?” She raised her eyebrows at you and smiled. You nodded, before Eddie pulled you back into the room and pushed you against the door.
“Convince me to go downstairs” he mumbled into your neck as he peppered sloppy kisses on your skin, making you laugh but gasp at the sensation. Some of his cum was making your thighs stick together as his body was pressed against yours.
“Eddie” you giggled. “Please come down, for me” you raised your eyebrows at him, he tutted and sighed. Moving away from you and gesturing for you to lead the way. You grabbed his hand and led him downstairs. As you got halfway down the stairs, he pinched your ass cheek making you squeal lightly and turning around to glare at him with a smile. He winked at you, reaching the bottom of the stairs.
You turned to look at Eddie, with an expression on your face saying ''be nice'', he smirked and tracing your underwear outline over your skirt. You gasp softly at the sensation, his hand moved further down your leg and cupping your left ass cheek in his hand and pinched it harder. You bit your lip, groaning softly. Turning around to kiss him at the bottom of the stairs, his hand still imprinted on your ass as you kissed him softly and quietly.
‘’I can’t get enough of you, the idea of you will not leave my mind’’ he mumbled quietly onto your lips as his free hand cupped your chin. You broke apart and tilted your head towards the dining room, he sighed kissing you once more and walked through the hallway. His hand was holding tightly to your hand, squeezing it before letting it go and standing awkwardly next to you. You both stared at the spread of food that was laid across the dining room table. Waiting for your mom to renter the room.
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katisdesign · 2 years
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suddencolds · 2 years
Fool Me Twice | [2/?]
Part 2 to my OC fake dating fic! Thank you so much to everyone who expressed support for part 1 ❤️ This chapter is slightly on the longer end (I was considering cutting it off halfway but decided against it). Hopefully it doesn’t feel too disjointed :’)
Part 2 (ft. fake dating, a party, a confrontation, and an elaborate lie)
(You can read [Part 1] here!)
Yves wakes up the morning of the 31st with a dull, throbbing headache. 
His whole body feels heavy, his limbs leaden and sore as if he’s just gone through a day of heavy lifting, and it feels as though he’s barely slept at all. It’s the kind of unshakeable exhaustion that doesn’t dissipate even after a hot shower and a cup of coffee (nearly hot enough to scald, though at least it feels good on his throat), and he’s congested in a way that no number of tissues seems to alleviate.
He spends the morning wrapping his presents for Margot, shoveling enough snow off of his front doorstep so he can open the front door, and rifling through his closet for something to wear. Then it’s a stop at the pharmacy for cold medicine—he picks out the kind that he hopes will leave him least symptomatic for the party—and a short text exchange with Vincent, who doesn’t say much except confirm that he has everything ready for tonight, followed by a longer text exchange with Mikhail, who will be at the party too.
If Yves is honest with himself, he could use a nap, but he denies himself one until he finds himself nodding off in the middle of putting together lunch. If he’s going to be staying close to midnight and driving back after, he thinks, then perhaps a short nap wouldn’t be the worst idea.
The nap, as it turns out, doesn’t help much. He wakes up groggy and disoriented. Still, he hopes maybe, at the very least, it might help keep him awake enough on the drive back. Vincent’s address is a twenty minute drive from home. Yves downs a dose of cold medicine, sets his presents down in the trunk, texts Vincent that he’s on his way, and then heads out. 
Outside, it’s snowing in thick, heavy flakes. Snow settles over the roads, over the trees and the houses. He gets there five minutes early, out of courtesy, but it’s barely ten seconds after he knocks on the door that Vincent is opening it.
He’s dressed in a white button-down shirt, a black blazer, and tight-fitting jeans, though something about the way the jacket fits over his shoulders makes them look sharper and more angular than usual. His dark hair is sideswept, and there are pink-tinted sunglasses perched atop his head, and there’s a tiny golden rose pinned to his lapel. He looks simultaneously put together and flatteringly in his element. Definitely photoshoot material, Yves thinks. 
“I didn’t have much other than work clothes,” Vincent says, which is how Yves realizes he’s been staring.  
“No, you...” Yves swallows. ...You look like someone I could fall in love with, his mind supplies unhelpfully. “You look fantastic. I can’t thank you enough for doing this.” 
“It’s no trouble,” Vincent says. He shuts the door behind him, locks it, and steps outside into the cold. 
Yves follows after him. It’s cold enough outside to make his nose run, and he sniffles as discreetly as he can, clenches his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering. He can only hope he looks half as presentable as Vincent does, right now. The cold medicine is working its magic as it stands, but it’ll start to wear off around eleven—hopefully by then, everyone will be drunk enough not to take notice.
“I know you said parties are not your scene,” Yves says, rounding the corner of the driveway towards his car. “So we can leave whenever you want. I mean, I’m guessing you probably have New Year’s plans anyways? I can make sure to… hhEHh-!” As if the timing could be any worse. He veers sharply away, raising an arm to shield his face, and buries his nose in his suit sleeve. “hHEH… hEHh’iisZSCH-ieww! snf-! Ugh, sorry, unfortudately you’ll be hearing a lot of… t-that… HEHH’izsSCHH-Ew!”
The sneeze is messy and spraying, and he winces, wipes his nose on the back of his wrist.
“Bless you,” Vincent says, seemingly unaffectedly, though Yves can’t help but wonder if he’s disgusted.
“Thadks. But dod’t bother,” Yves says, and sniffles again. He’ll make a point to ask Margot where the tissues are. “You’ll get tired of that phrase really quickly. Adyways, as I was saying, I can mbake sure to get you back home before midnight. Or… earlier, if that’s what you prefer.”
“I can stay late,” Vincent says. “Though if you’re unwell, you should probably get some rest.”
“That’s sweet. I’m ndot really that unwell, though,” Yves says. “But I can’t promise I’m not contagious. I wod’t make you like, hold my hand or adything.”
“If it’s to sell the relationship,” Vincent says, “I wouldn’t mind.” 
Yves says, “Still.”
“You’re doing this to prove to your ex you’ve moved on,” Vincent says, as if it’s really that simple. “For that to work, we’d have to be a convincing couple.”
“You can just sit close to mbe,” Yves says, pulling open the car door to slide into the driver’s seat. “Or laugh even when I crack a bad joke. Or tell embarrassing stories about mbe—great power, great responsibility, of course.”
“I could do all of those things as a friend,” Vincent says evenly. “But it won’t exactly look like I like you if I refuse to touch you all night.”
“If the others dod’t buy the act, at least I can say I’ll have tried. I just - snf-! - don’t want it to be an inconvedience to you, especially when i…” Yves turns away sharply, towards the window at his left, and lifts his arm to cover. “hHEH’iIIZSHEew! Ugh…” The sneeze mists over his sleeve, leaving him teary-eyed and sniffling. “...when I’b - snf! - so evidently… well, you know.” He clears his throat, though even that small action is enough to make him cough. 
Vincent goes quiet for a moment. Then he asks, “What would you be fine with?”
“You said you wouldn’t make me hold your hand. But would you be fine with it?”
“Just hypothetically, I’d be fide with whatever,” Yves says, with a shrug. “Hand holding, hugging, making out—i mean, it’s ndothing I haven’t gotten drunk and done before with a stranger, but obviously I don’t actually expect you to do any of that. You just being there is more than edough. I mean, you’re already spending your New Year’s Eve doidg this for me.”
“Yes,” Vincent says. “That’s exactly why I want it to not be for nothing.”
When Yves looks over to him, Vincent’s expression is difficult to parse.
“It wod’t be for nothing,” Yves says, mustering up a smile. It’s almost endearing how seriously Vincent is taking this.
Really, if Yves can get through tonight with this cold of his—and his ex of his—he’ll consider it enough of a win.
When they get to the party, Margot waves them in. She steps in for a hug, and even though Yves thinks that’s probably inadvisable, he lets her—Margot hugs everyone, and the extra warmth is more than welcome, as it stands.
“I made sure that tonight’s refreshments included orange juice,” she says. “How’s the cold?”
“Fantastic,” Yves says, trying not to sniffle. “I’m sure the orange juice will cure it.”
“That’s the spirit.” She steps in to hug Vincent, too, who stiffens at first, but then returns the hug more naturally than Yves would have expected. “And this is Vincent, right? Yves has told me all about you.” “Nice to meet you, Margot.” Vincent says. “Your apartment looks spectacular.”
And it does—Margot’s decorated it with string lights and HAPPY NEW YEAR! banners, strung in neat arcs from the ceiling; champagne flutes lined up on the fireplace mantel, 2017! spelled out in glittery block letters on the living room wall. Pale golden balloons bob up and down in the hallway; yellow roses are strewn neatly across the living room tables, the walls gilded with shining gold streamers.
“Thank you, thank you!” Margot says. “I’m so glad you could make it.” She leans in conspiratorially. “We need you for intel. We’ll trade you embarrassing things Yves did in college for embarrassing things he’s done at—”
“Please take my peace offering instead.” Yves says loudly, and then hands her the gift he’s holding. Margot laughs and squeezes his shoulder.
“You didn’t have to,” she says. “It’s good to see you again, Yves.” Then, to both of them: “Dinner will be ready in an hour. There are drinks in the iceboxes, so feel free to help yourselves.”
Then someone knocks, and she’s off again to meet the newcomers at the door. Yves muffles a cough into his sleeve, remembering too late he’d meant to ask her where to find the tissues. He’s sure there will be some napkins laying around.
The hour before dinner goes better than he expects. He introduces Vincent to a few of his friends—he runs into Mikhail, who thanks him for helping him move in and asks about his family, and Nora, who—like him—is going into business, and asks him and Vincent both about the work culture at Evertech. He talks to Joel, who congratulates him on the relationship and asks them how they met (they have a story prepared for this, of course) and Francesca, who—much to his embarrassment—says, “You really weren’t joking when you said he looks like a model,” to which Yves nods and smiles and pretends not to notice the questioning look he gets from Vincent.
He thinks his cold is manageable enough, too—he gets accustomed to turning sharply away from Vincent mid-conversation, to burying his face into his sleeve to stifle another harsh, wrenching sneeze, and to the (unnecessary, but thoughtful) bless you that sometimes follows—though all this talking is not exactly conducive towards his voice, and he finds himself clearing his throat incessantly and stopping mid-sentence to cough. If Vincent notices how his voice is getting hoarser as the night goes on—or how every stifle exacerbates his headache, if only slightly—he says nothing of it. 
It’s only when they’re all settling down for dinner—Vincent at his right side, pouring him a glass of water—that Erika arrives.
She looks just as he remembers her—beautiful and intimidating, with her hair down over her shoulder, curled just for the occasion, her eyeliner a large, graceful dark wing. She’s wearing a long sheath dress which hangs off from one shoulder, and Brendon is at her side, with his arm around her waist, wearing a suit with a boutonniere which matches her dress, and he says something that makes her laugh loudly and lean closer into his chest.
“Thadks,” Yves says, to Vincent, as he sets the pitcher back down. Maybe this will be fine if she doesn’t speak to him. She doesn’t have any real reason to start a conversation with him, anyways.
But then Erika takes a seat diagonally across from him.
“Yves,” Erika says, looking straight at him. “It’s been awhile.” He watches as her gaze slides over to Vincent. “And who’s this?”
“This is Vincent,” Yves says, clearing his throat. “Vincent, this is Erika.”
Really, the introduction is nothing more than a formality. Vincent must already know. 
Erika turns to look Vincent over. There’s something calculating in her expression, something that unsettles Yves. “Your coworker?”
“Boyfriend,” Vincent corrects her, with a small, economical smile that seems to fall just short of sincere. “But yes, coworker too. And you’re his ex? I think Yves might’ve mentioned you in passing.”
“Yes,” Erika says. “Only good things, I hope?” If it’s meant to be a joke, it comes out a little too pointed, but she laughs after it anyways. Yves wonders if there’s a way to stave off the headache he feels brewing. He needs a drink. “It’s great to meet you. I didn’t realize that Yves was seeing someone else.”
“We haved’t exactly kept in codtact, so I wouldn’t expect you to kdow,” Yves says to her. Then, remembering himself, he grins. “Mbuch to catch up on, right?”
“Yes, much,” she says, leaning her head onto Brendon’s shoulder. “Brendon and I were just talking about how easy it is to fall out of touch with old friends.”
“It really is, if you think about it,” Brendon says. “I think it has to do with how we’re all very different people from who we were in college, even though it’s barely been a year and a half. And with all of the job stuff, too, and all the moving away—it’s really only natural that people drift apart.”
Yves shuts his eyes briefly. It’s really only natural. As if that justifies everything—the cheating, the dishonesty, the lack of apology. Briefly, he wonders if Brendon even knows what she’s done, or she’s reframed things the way she likes to, rephrased cheating as unfortunate miscommunication over a falling out.
He used to think of it as one of her strengths, back when she’d done debate in college: that she was so good at redirection, that she knew exactly what she believed in, that she could frame things as favorably or unfavorably as she wanted. Now, that knowledge makes him feel sick to his stomach.
“On the contrary,” Vincent says, “I think it’s a matter of making time for the people you want to keep in your life.”
“That’s much easier said than done,” Brendon says.
“I didn’t say it was easy,” Vincent says.
Erika looks between them, her eyes flashing, and Yves looks away in favor of muffling a cough into his fist. His throat is really starting to hurt. Maybe he has been talking too much tonight.
“I guess we can agree to disagree,” Brendon says, as if that makes him the bigger person.
Or maybe he has it wrong, Yves realizes. Maybe Brendon knew exactly what Erika was doing, back then. Maybe he even encouraged her.
“Either way, it’s good to see everyone agaid,” he says. “Eved if we have changed.” There’s a slight, almost imperceptible tickle in his nose, but knowing this cold—knowing how many of his sneezes tonight have caught him off guard, often with barely enough time to cover—he’s not sure how long it will stay that way.
“So,” Erika says, deceptively nonchalant. “How did you two meet?” 
Yves is ready to give her the spiel he’s already given so many times tonight. “We met at work,” he starts. “I was assigned to Vincent’s team, so I—” His voice breaks on that note, and he clears his throat again, fighting the urge to wince. Has he sounded this rough since he got here? “So I relied on him a ton for… hh… those… hHEH… sorryIhavetohH… HEh’IZCHH-Eew! snf-! Ugh, snf-!” The sneeze is just as theatrically loud as usual, which, embarrassingly, prompts a few bless yous from further along the table.
He thinks he can feel the effects of the cold medicine starting to wear off—or perhaps his cold is just getting worse. Either way, all this sneezing must be making him lose his voice twice as fast.  “I relied on him a tod for those first few weeks, with all the… snf-! All the odboarding stuff. And then after that, I… hH-!” he really, really doesn’t want to sneeze again, but the tickle in his nose seems to have only gotten worse. “...figured I should thank him… f-for… hh-! for helping out…  sorry, I— hh!... HEh-hhHEH’IZSSCH-EEW!”
He can feel Erika’s eyes on him, but he doesn’t have time to interpret her expression before he’s twisting away from the three of them, coughing so harshly into the crook of his arm that he can feel his eyes beginning to well up with tears. His throat really hurts—every subsequent cough seems to scrape uncomfortably against his throat, making it feel impossibly sorer.  
He feels a hand settle on his own, feels someone interlace their fingers with his, though the incongruousness of the action doesn’t quite register to him immediately; at least, until—
“Save your voice,” Vincent says, softly. “I can take it from here.”
Something about his tone of voice startles Yves. He’s never heard Vincent sound like that before—uncharacteristically soft, despite the command.
“You’re sick?” Erika asks. 
Yves opens his mouth to respond, but Vincent beats him to it. “He’s a little under the weather.” 
“It’s - snf-! - a lot better than it sounds, I prombise,” Yves cuts in.
Vincent sighs. “What did I say about saving your voice?”
“He was saying something about onboarding?” Erika says, as an invitation for Vincent to continue.
Vincent nods. “Back then, we worked pretty closely for a few weeks, so Yves took me out to dinner as a way of thanking me for my help. That was in June, back when Starcruisers was just premiering in theaters.”
“That movie with Willow Alder and Denver Gill?” Brendon says.
“That’s right. Yves likes the same kind of sci-fi as I like, so we went together.” That’s a half-truth: they have talked briefly, but not extensively, about Starcruisers, and Yves does like sci-fi, but he’s not sure if he’s communicated that to Vincent before. “After that, we started seeing each other more often. Dinner, and a movie, every Friday after work. And when we ran out of movies to watch in theaters, he invited me over to his place.”
The smile Vincent has on now is worlds away from the strained, tight-lipped one he’d given Erika earlier. If Yves didn’t know better, he might have thought it looked sincere.
“If I’m honest, it became the thing I looked forward to the most every week. I mean, it’s not uncommon for me to meet people who are easy to get along with at work. That kind of surface-level agreeability—for lack of a better phrase—is generally well-valued in our field, to the extent that it hardly even feels like a choice. But even outside of work, even when it doesn’t benefit him, Yves is actually one of the most thoughtful people I know. He’s always thinking about others, even when it’s ill-advised. I’d imagine you know that too.”
At that, Vincent looks to Erika, as if he expects her to agree with him. But he doesn’t wait for her acknowledgement, either, to continue: “And he’s good at taking initiative, which saved me a lot of stress. He asked me out shortly after I realized I had feelings for him. We’ve been together since then.” 
Yves stares back at Vincent. His mouth feels suddenly dry.
He owes Vincent a free dinner over this. And a performance review so good that it earns him a raise.
“That’s very sweet,” Erika comments, with a pointed smile. “And I know where you’re coming from. I used to think some of the same things about him, too.”
Used to. Yves is sure Vincent must hear the unspoken remainder of the sentence: but of course, I’ve come to know better.
But Vincent merely nods. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
“Just a sec, I should give my presents to Margot before I forget,” Erika says. She reaches under the table for the packages she’s set down, both of them wrapped nicely in silver wrapping paper and sealed off with a neatly tied bow. Yves watches her leave. He’ll have to remember to thank Vincent later.
“Erika was telling me she doesn’t know why you don’t text her more,” Brendon says.
Yves stares at him, disbelieving. 
“We dod’t exactly have a lot to talk about,” he says.
“Really? She told me she wanted to stay friends.”
Yves knows this, of course. It had been his idea to not stay friends after the breakup. He missed her, then, of course, but it was the best decision out of several unfavorable options. 
“I ndeeded space,” Yves says, muffling a cough into his sleeve. “I’m sure you cad guess why.”
Erika reemerges from the kitchen, though she doesn’t take a seat just yet. “What are we talking about?”
“Whether Yves is open to being friends with you,” Vincent says.
Yves’s problem is this: if she announced, now, to everyone, that she was breaking up with Brendon and getting back together with Yves, there’s a part of him that would seriously consider being with her again. There’s a part of him that misses her, even still. There’s a part of him that would stop at nothing to have a semblance of that same closeness, that familiarity, that trust. 
But there’s a part of him, too, that knows better.
“Oh. That’s a good segue, actually. I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Erika says, lowering her voice and leaning forward. This can’t possibly turn out well, Yves thinks. “Do you remember that night with Brendon?”
“Of course.” As if he could forget, even if he wanted to.
“I had already been meaning to break up with you for awhile,” Erika says. “I was just waiting for the right time.”
Yves nods. She’d said that back then, too.
“But then I got drunk,” she says, “and I made decisions I shouldn’t have made, even before I broke things off officially.” She meets his eyes, now, with a frown. She’s always been beautiful, but something about the lighting tonight makes her look so beautiful it feels cruel. “What I’m getting at is that I didn’t mean to lie to you. I always meant to end things properly.”
Yves stares at her.
He really, really doesn’t want to deal with this right now.
“I’b sorry,” he says, with an apologetic smile. He gets to his feet, pushes in his chair. “If you could hold that thought. I really have to go blow my ndose.”
Then he just about bolts—he leaves the dining table and heads out into the hallway, leaving the three of them still there. He’s been to Margot’s apartment before, so luckily, he knows that the bathroom is just off to the right. Thankfully, it happens to be unoccupied. He slips in and shuts the door, turns the lock, turns on the light.
[Part 3]
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Pairing: Alcide Herveaux x Reader 
Warning: Homesickness, True Blood vampire/werewolf mentions
Word Count: 682
Summary: When Alcide’s girlfriend gets homesick around the holidays, he uses his day off to make a special surprise for her when she gets home.
A/N: Not sure how big of a following Alcide has on here, but who wouldn’t want to be cuddled by him in a blanket fort in the living room? Enjoy!
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Alcide could practically smell his girlfriend’s depression. She was from the north, where they got snow and what she insisted was “actual” cold days this time of year. He could tell she missed it, missed her family, but her job with Northman meant that she had to stay in town for the holidays. 
“Next year, babe,” he promised as they snuggled in bed in the early morning hours, “You’ll be out of debt to that fanger and we’ll spend the whole winter up north if you want. Get a little cabin on a lake or something.”
“Think you can handle negative temps, Southern Boy?” she teased, tracing his bare chest, stoking his fire.
“Eh, that’s what the wolf is for.” 
She had laughed, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. Alcide had the day off, and he needed to bring her smile back. So after making her breakfast and kissing her goodbye, he started brainstorming on what he could do for her, some sort of surprise to ease her homesickness.
And by god, if he hadn’t made a damn good surprise for her. 
He turned the AC down as low as it would go, hung up fairy lights, and had spread fake snow all over the living room, but the piece de resistance was the Most Epic Blanket Fort he’d ever made. He’d co-opted some of his construction sawhorses and clamps to support the blankets, every pillow in the house was on the floor, and he had queued up her favorite Christmas movie on the TV. He’d even sprung for the fancy peppermint hot cocoa mix he knew she loved and whipped cream to go on top. 
“What…Alcide? What…did you do?” her voice rang out from the foyer and Alcide spun around. Her eyes sparkled in the fairy lights, her jaw dropped in a wide smile.
Bingo, Checkmate, and Yahtzee.
“I wasn’t expecting you so soon!” 
“I got done early. What is all this?” She asked, joining him in the living room and taking in the surprise. “Why is it so cold?” 
He wrapped a thick arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side, planting a kiss on top of her head. 
“I knew you were sad you couldn’t go up north for Christmas, so I thought I’d bring the north down to you. We got snow,” he led her through the living room and kicked some of the fake snow, “and I cranked up the AC as cold as it could get, and you remember that cabin we’re gonna get next winter?”
She laughed, taking it all in with the wonder of a young child at christmastime. “I can’t believe you did all this!”
“There’s even hot cocoa in the kitchen. Figured we’d order some take out, snuggle up in our cozy blanket cabin, and watch christmas movies until we fall asleep.”
Without warning she leapt into his arms. He caught her easily, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist. She did, wrapping her arms around his neck as well and pulling herself into his chest. Dampness started to soak through the shoulder of his t-shirt and he stroked her hair while she quietly cried.
“I just…you’re so incredible. I can’t believe you did all this for me.”
“I’d do anything for you,” he pulled back to look in her teary eyes, pushing her hair out of her face as he wiped the tears away, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Alcide. Thank you.”
He kissed her cheek and set her down on the pillow mountain inside the blanket fort. “I’m gonna go get the cocoa, you start the movie.”
She snuggled down and nodded, watching as Alcide left the room. No one had ever done something so thoughtful for her, and after the absolute shit day she had at work this was exactly what she needed. Even if they didn’t get the cabin up north like he said they would, she thought that the blanket fort was a pretty damn good substitute, as long as Alcide was the one sitting next to her inside it.
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rocknrollsalad · 10 months
Oooh, Stargyle has so much unexplored potential.
What about Steve and Argyle both going to community college for something hands on: woodworking, welding, pottery, plumbing--I don't really care? (Why? Steve is a very tactile, hands-on guy and not big on academics, and we see Argyle in woodshop.)
And they have to partner up for a project. They both turn out to be really good at one aspect of the project. Flirtation ensues.
OKAY, so I may have done a really shitty job of following this prompt. I read maybe seven words of it and rushed to a new gdoc. Immediately, I vomited out 1200 words and took it from there.
However, it's received some less-than-favorable reviews already so I stopped writing it. I'm kind of sorry. I'm more sorry about publishing it knowing it's neither finished nor as good as it should be. HOWEVER, here's what I got and I hope you get so many nice things for sending this to me in my hour of need.
tw: drug use (pot) word count: 2705
College was the last place Steve thought he’d be. Sure it was a community college and his parents made sure to let him know exactly how beneath them that was but it was still school. Something he thought he’d finished with because…school sucked. 
It was also the way forward. 
So, yeah, he was twenty-six and attending a full day of classes at some community college. He was also working part-time and somehow finding time to have something close to a social life. Occasionally. Not as much as he wanted on the latter and less in the way of dating but he was out of Hawkins and doing this on his own. 
He’d moved out west three years ago, the last of his friends went off to colleges of their own and left him looking at a ghost of town that held nothing special anymore. It was a necessary bit of sadness to push Steve toward following his dreams. 
Sun and surf, palm trees and tacos, and never a single snow day. Everyone wanted him to hate it, it was so far from them, but Steve hadn’t worn pants or a long sleeve shirt in 30 months. He’d been permanently tan for just as long and his hair found its way to something closer to blonde. The food was better, the people friendlier, and, yeah, everyone he’d grown up with was a plane ride away now but the good outweighed the bad. 
Not to mention, he breathed easier out from under the Harrington shadow. Carving his own way for the first time in his life had been more freeing than being allowed to wear flip-flops to work. Robin, Nancy, Dustin, Max, they’d all understand eventually. Especially if they’d make that plane ride. 
With a job at a daycare, Steve found himself a calling among all the naps on the beach. It made sense that he was good at it but it was luck he’d found out. At least until he got too comfortable there. His boss was the one who talked him into college, she had a list a mile long of things an early childhood education degree could bring him and, by extension, her. Steve wasn’t into the idea. Obviously, he’d done fine without it but she swore he could do so much more. After months of lectures and pamphlets and attempts at reasoning with him, Steve finally caved. 
Once he did, though, she was his biggest supporter. Something Steve actually needed in all this. He didn’t have a lot of faith in himself to earn this degree. On paper, it looked daunting. But his boss helped him pick courses and study for his assessments. Holding his hand every step of the way and crossing a few t’s Steve missed. However, she didn’t console him when the results came back and he was below college level on everything. It would mean a lot of math courses and even more English ones. 
Something he bogged himself down with for the first quarter. Wanting to speed run through catching up, all Steve did was depress himself and lose the desire to carry on. For the next quarter, they balanced things a little more. Classes for his degree and classes for catching up. 
His boss had pushed a course on nutrition, promising it’d be fun and though not directly part of his degree requirements, would come in handy with their new programs and funding. Steve wasn’t sure about the fun part but it sounded far better than another stab at algebra. 
So at ten o’clock in the god-forsaken morning, Steve dragged himself to a part of the school he’d never seen to learn about what foods were healthy. An easy A, Steve thought, the answer to everything here is just vegetables. Don’t give kids candy for breakfast. Carrot cake wasn’t actually healthy. It seemed like something he could do in his sleep. A fact he might put to the test at this hour. 
Claiming a seat in the middle of the room, against the wall in case he needed a nap, Steve readied his supplies in some weird impression of Nancy Wheeler. Trying to look ready to learn even if he wasn’t. Something about faking it until he made it or whatever people said. No one could tell him he wasn’t trying. 
Barely a minute before the class was meant to start (the teacher was nowhere in sight) laughter came from outside the door and followed a couple of guys in. Two other people stood up and they exchanged hi-fives as the jokes were explained and the laughter doubled. 
One guy among them was enough to make Steve sit upright and pay a bit more attention. A gorgeous man with a loud printed t-shirt and the longest hair Steve had ever seen on anyone. He laughed and joked with everyone and Steve couldn’t stop staring. Like everything else in the room had just fizzled away and he was left with this muted conversation and his heartbeat thrumming in his ears. 
This was also something new to California. Not cartoon hearts appearing around guys, that had always been there, but being okay with it. Losing the pressure to be the golden boy had allowed him a chance to experiment and Steve could, with confidence, now say he liked all genders. If only the increase in possibilities had led to less striking out. 
Almost immediately, Steve envisioned being rejected by this guy. He didn’t seem the sort to laugh in his face, maybe he’d let him down gently, say it wasn’t his thing. But a small part of Steve’s mind toyed with the “yes” of it all as he stared across the classroom. 
The teacher had apparently arrived because everyone started to find seats and Steve was left feeling a bit lost and more than a little confused as he tried to come back to the present. The man in the front of the room trying to settle everyone was everything TV made hippies out to be, he sounded like Cheech or Chong and flashed the peace sign seven different times in his introduction. He certainly wasn’t going to be holding any of Steve’s attention but, again, this was just meant to be an easy A. It didn’t have to be dynamic. At least he had a reason to show up every day. 
For days that drifted into weeks, Steve watched the other students arrive nearly the same way every day. This ball of energy and light, laughing and talking with everyone until the teacher made him sit down. Which he did with a casual apology and presented the floor to the man who had no command of the room. It felt like high school, hardly a higher learning situation but Steve’s boss had warned him, that college wasn’t as serious as people made it out to be. 
They were supposed to learn about nutrition and why it mattered but mostly the guy talked about his garden and how to keep pests away. Other students stopped coming but that happened in all classes. Those that stayed, Steve found out, were all in the culinary program and it was this or more practice chopping onions. They were thrilled to be here and didn’t care what the guy talked about. 
Which brought on a new feeling as the class list was an obvious clique and him. Steve was on the outside, not part of the group having fun, and it was a place he’d never been. Robin said it was good for him but he wasn’t so sure. 
Steve thought he was going to spend the whole quarter looking on from afar, not even knowing this guy’s name, and he’d begun to make peace with that. Wondering where just a touch of King Steve was so he could waltz in like he belonged like he was a blessing to them. Maybe he didn’t have to swing his personality so far the other way but there was comfort in being on the outskirts that Steve wasn’t ready to give up. 
Until a month into the quarter, the teacher didn’t show up. Everyone chimed in with different amounts of time they had to wait before they could leave but eventually, one brave soul made the call. Dismissed them all with a promise of an A for the day. Power they didn’t have but a joke the whole class shared. 
As those who weren’t in the culinary program packed up, Steve was approached by the guy he’d been staring at day in and day out. Whatever it was that had Cinderella able to make animals do her chores, this guy had. It was almost hard to be in the presence of and typically Steve wasn’t a fan of anything that made his confidence falter but he recovered in enough time. He hoped. 
“Yo, man. You sit in the class by yourself, like, every day and I keep thinking ‘y’know what? That guy needs a friend!’ so here I am! We’re gonna go across the street to the Erin’s. They both got the same name but one’s a guy and one’s a girl, and they’re dating. It’s not weird, I guess, but I don’t want to be saying my own name in bed, ya know? But, yeah, they got a few new recipes to try and, y’know, plenty of weed. If you wanna come?” 
There was a desperate “yes” on the tip of Steve’s tongue that he hated. “Yeah, I don’t have anything going on until later,” he lied. 
“Righteous! I’m not an Aaron, by the way. Name’s Argyle.” 
“That’s so easy to remember. You look like a Steve. Steven?” 
Steve nodded, not really wanting to claim the name in case Argyle wanted to start using it. 
Instead, he nodded for the door and made moves toward it. “Alright, so have you ever had tres leches cake? Tell me you’ve tried this.” 
“I’ve..never heard of it.” 
“Prepare to be delighted. This is a big day for you, man. You’ll never be the same after it. Tell your taste buds to get ready, their tiny minds are going to be blown clean off.” 
The description brought on a familiar feeling, Argyle was gorgeous and kind but under that amazing smile, he was as weird as everyone else Steve knew. And he knew how to hang out with the weird kids. 
On the walk over, Argyle talked about how he got into cooking, why he was in college so “late” in life, and his restaurant owning dreams for the future. Steve couldn’t get a word in but he didn’t trust his flirting or conversational ability so it was for the best. 
And Argyle didn’t seem to have a problem filling the silences or depriving Steve of them. Walking them around and introducing Steve to a bunch of people whose names he forgot immediately, feeding him snacks, and getting them both settled in the “backyard” where, for the first time, Argyle stopped talking. There were a bunch of other people to fill the silences though. 
Most of what was shared, Steve didn’t follow. They spoke with familiarity Steve didn’t have, he hadn’t earned yet. Instead, he listened, passed the joint around, and ate more cake in one sitting than he ever had before. 
All of it made it hard to stay focused. Steve realized his tolerance was not what it used to be and that made it that much harder to impress. Unless sitting quietly and nursing one drink because you were afraid you’d never see another beverage again in your life was now charming. Best he could tell no one seemed to mind but everything was really hazy so they could have been ripping Steve apart and he wouldn’t know. Just smile and take another sip. 
How he got home was a mystery but the half a cake on his kitchen counter said it was done so with kindness. As with any night under the influence, Steve prayed he didn’t make an ass of himself and for the first time, all quarter found himself dreading the nutrition class. 
But Argyle walked in the room and pointed at Steve, crowing out “He lives!!!!” before lowering his voice to add “Glad to see you among the living again, my man. You can not handle your weed.” 
“I’m out of practice and…from Indiana.” 
Argyle’s eyes went wide like the second point explained everything and before he could add anything else, the teacher came in demanding attention for another day of teaching them nothing. Steve moved up a row and relaxed some. Though he did spend more time daydreaming about burgers than cute boys who mock him. 
Not that he didn’t deserve it. He’d been so wrapped up in the new experience that he forgot to seal the deal and there was a version of Steve out there that never would have let that happen. Now he was back to not knowing where he stood but knowing full well he should just find out. He knew how to find out but years of bad luck, a personality shift, and maybe a healthy fear of rejection kept Steve in his seat. 
Every day after that, though, he got a little wave or nod from Argyle as he breezed into class with his group of friends. It was easier to pick out now that Argyle wasn’t the leader of the group, just a very devoted follower whom Steve had made the most important. A familiar scene from the other side. College wasn’t quite the same as high school though and Steve would kill for a pep rally to skip or dance to go to. 
Instead, he stuck to quiet greetings. Like all the other classes he’d had. A group project here or there brought strangers together but for the most part, it was a roomful of people living their lives. At least these guys now welcomed him into the laughs. Though there wasn’t another invite to sit on a square foot of dirt and eat amazing food so he wasn’t part of the club, obviously. 
By the time Steve had made peace with that, the invite to come out to have snacks at a friend’s was thrown his way. Though he was denied a chance to get high. Something he pouted about for far too long. It earned him sympathy but not drugs. He did remember the night this time and got himself home so maybe it was for the best. 
The week after it wasn’t a friend’s place but the kitchens at the school because there was a ton of beef wellingtons that needed to be eaten. Sure most of them were overdone, a couple were burnt, but it was free food, and eating a bit of charred pastry was hardly anything to complain about. 
After everything settled and people were hanging around talking, Argyle grabbed Steve and brought him through to an area with multiple kitchen setups. Lit only by the wall of windows, stovetops sparkled and the smell of bleach overpowered anything they’d been used for. Far beyond any home ec class he’d been in but he felt just as out of place. 
They head over to one of the setups and sure, maybe they were there to try some amazing dish Argyle had in the fridge. Perhaps he just wanted to show off his area or maybe they’d “break the rules” and cook something special. Okay, so that last one was a bit too Hollywood but Steve was lonely, his brain did things like this now. 
It also presented him with a fourth option that changed what sort of movie it was. All alone in a dark room with a guy he’d been lusting after for weeks, there was a very obvious choice. Far more risky than baking after hours, Steve wasn’t sure if he was picking up hints or Argyle just loved everyone but he’d never know if he didn’t try. 
So Steve sucked in a breath and crowded Argyle’s space until the man was backed against the fridge, waiting for any indication this wasn’t welcome. When nothing was said Steve leaned against him. From there instinct took over for both of them and their lips pressed together.
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drebur123 · 2 years
I Hate to See You Leaving | Chase Brody X Gn!Reader
The kids. She just took the kids. I'll never see the kids again. The same kids I supported for nine years. Gone. 
"Chase," My lawyer whispers to me. 
Y/n and I have been friends since the beginning. Our mothers were best friends, so we've known each other basically our whole lives. They agreed to help me in court with them being a lawyer and all. "Chase, come on. We have to go." 
Through teary eyes I look over at them. They give me a sympathetic smile, grabbing my hand. We're the last one in the room. "Come along. If we hurry, you can say goodbye." And hurry I did. I got up from my seat and sprinted down the hall faster than I ever had before.
There by the door stood Greyson and Lily. Greyson is really the only one old enough to know what's happening. He's the first to run into my arms. The poor kid. He looks just about as broken as I feel. 
Stacy shoots me a dirty look when Lily tears her hand away from her and does the same as Greyson. I ignore Stacy and she goes back to thanking her lawyer. The thing is not only did she take my kids, but she also took my house. 
All I'm left with is my car and a couple hundred dollars. Greyson and Lily pull away at their mother calling them. "Your dad loves you," I speak, "Remember that." They both nod spearing me one last glance before returning to their mother's side. 
With a look that clearly says, "I'm not sorry", Stacy pulls her kids with her as they leave the building. I'll never see my family again. They always told me high school relationships never work out. I guess I should have listened then.
Now who do I have now?
A tap on the shoulder pulls me out of my thoughts. I look over to see y/n standing there. "You may need this." They hand me a tissue. I thank them, wiping tears from my cheeks. 
They pull me in for a hug of which I return. "I sorry. I tried. The judge wasn't very cooperative." I nod, burying my face in their hair. "It's not your fault," I say quietly. They pull away first. "You can stay at my house if you need."
Y/n let me stay at their house when Stacy kicked me out before. This isn't the first time they've offered. "Thank you, Y/n." 
That's how I end up sitting on Y/n couch waiting for dinner. They insisted upon me not helping, though I begged them to let me. "I made your favorite," Y/n says sitting next to me with two plates of grilled cheese sandwiches. 
I thank them, accepting the paper plate. "Why did she do this? Did I do something wrong?" I ask after taking a bite of the sandwich. "Because she doesn't know what she's doing," Y/n replies. "She was dumb to leave you. It's not your fault."
I watch as a tear falls from my eye, landing on my plate next to the crumbs from the slightly burnt toast. The doorbell rings. Y/n leaves their spot to go answer it. They shortly return with a box. "Henrik dropped these off for you. He thought you might want them."  
Y/n sets the box next to me. It's just clothes and personal belongings from his house. I stay over there everyone and a while. I'm supposed to get my stuff from my- I mean Stacy's house tomorrow and leave her the key while the kids are at school.
Y/n rejoins me on the couch, returning to their sandwich. I finish mine up, setting my plate on the coffee table a foot or two away. "Thank you, y/n." I say out of the blue. "There's no need to. I'd let you stay here any day." 
I shake my head no. "For everything. For supporting me when I needed you, for helping me when I needed help, and for always being there." Y/n smiles at me. "Like I said before, I do it for you any day." 
We both fall silent for a moment. "Do you wanna change and we can watch a movie or something?" Y/n questions. I nod and they head up to their room. I grab a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from the box, changing in the bathroom.
Y/n is done before I am. I join them on the couch when I finish. "I have Snow White in the player, do you want to watch that?" Y/n asks. I shrug. "I don't care." She nods and switches it on. 
By the end of the movie my head is resting on Y/n's shoulder and we're both underneath the blanket Jackie made for me a while back. It was in the box. The end credits start rolling, so I sit up some. 
I normally fall asleep during movies. "Y/n," I whisper. When they don't respond, I assume they're asleep. I return to my position with a sigh. Why is life so hard? 
After a few minutes my eyelids start to feel heavy. I guess all that crying I did wore me out. And before I know it, I'm starting to fall asleep. 
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