#so I'm stuck just trying to catch obvious mistakes myself
morningmask27 · 1 month
god, one mild problem of asking friends who don't draw a lot for criticism is that They Don't See Shit. I'm obviously going to be Extra Critical of my own art and that's why I ask for their advise, but they just tell me it's pretty without warning me that one arm had a very fucked up anatomy or the chair I had straight up forgotten to draw for a good while.
I told them the thing was done (I meant a fucking table I had procrastinated to draw for eons and was a blue sketch in all those wip updates) while all the characters were still just colored sketches and the chair was missing and they just didn't see it; they rolled with the drawing as is.
They're wonderful people, but they are definitely not the people to go to for actual art advise and it's a bit annoying tbh
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dukestewart · 1 year
I actually have a question, I'm wanting to start a webcomic at some point in the future myself, do you have any recommendations or advice for me?
Okay, I have a million things to say on the subject but to save you a lot of scrolling I’ll cut it down to the main things I wish I knew when starting my webcomic.
Don’t overprepare
It’s easy to fall into the trap of perfecting your art style or developing your character arcs before you actually, like, make the thing. The truth is you get diminishing returns on the pre-production phase, and too much planning will just waste your time. I once wrote an entire script and sketched out 200 pages for a graphic novel version of my webcomic Roundhouse, 90% of which is now redundant or contradictory. Probably took me hundreds of hours. Whoops. Make a basic plot line and some concept pictures by all means, you gotta start with something, but you’ll be much more motivated to make the comic when you’re already making it.
Collect references
This might sound kind of contradictory to my previous advice but bear with me. It’s important to prioritise creation over planning but gathering a compendium of your favourite artworks and writing techniques will save you time in the long run. If I’m ever stuck on how to draw a certain expression for example I know I have a folder full of expertly drawn faces to remind me how nostrils work. Personally I keep separate reference folders for colour, anatomy and character designs. Fantastic cure for artist’s block, swear by it.
Get someone to proofread
You have no idea how important it is to get a second opinion. No one in the history of media has ever been better off without a different pair of eyes to catch a mistake. They’ll see the obvious things you missed, a typo, a pacing issue, a joke that makes no sense… if you’re embarrassed to show it to anyone in your life then get an internet friend to have a look. Hell, I’ll have a look. Send me a message, I’m easy.
Even the most talented creators struggle to be seen
A good comic will always have a better chance of success than a crap one but that’s only a part of the equation. We’re forgetting our two troublesome neighbours, Monsieur Marketing and Lady Luck. It stinks, but we operate in an algorithm-based economy, and getting things out there takes a lot of hard research. I hate the marketing side of things, personally. I’d much rather make a page every week and not care whether it’s seen or not but such is the nature of capitalism that I have to try and monetise my work any way I can. Knowing someone in the business can’t hurt either.
Look, I’ll never be able to condense everything I know about webcomics in a single post so consider this my declaration to give advice to anyone who asks for it. Got a specific question about comics? Message me.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
Hatred, you thought.
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↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
SUMMARY: enemies that get trapped in the same room and have no choice but to work together to get out, inevitably leading the two of them to realize their true feelings for each other to lovers.
WARNINGS: is it angsty? i don't think so, fluffy ending tho
A/N: i'm not really sure what this is, but i used my prompt and this came out... i don't think i ever mention draco but i wrote this with him in mind. also, i don't think they are in school, it's an au of some sort and it's very messy :) it will make sense as you read it tho!!
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No way out. An empty room. Just you and him.
Oh, how ironic Fate could be, how insensitive, cruel and ironic.
No way out.
You were stuck, how it happened was still a mystery to you. Such a fool for having let yourself be trapped in there.
An empty room.
No windows, just a door, which was now sealed. The only source of lightning was enough to illuminate both of your faces, his features so sharp in the pale light emanated from the dangling lamp above you.
Just you and him.
It could have been anyone, but it had to be him, of course. He wasn't any happier than you, he despised you just as much as you did, if not more.
But there you were, alone together. Words weren't needed because facial expressions were enough to convey each other's feelings: scowls perfectly disclosed any emotion that passed through your minds. Aversion, loathing, abhorrence, hate.
Such a strong word, you never thought you'd have used it to describe someone, but he was worthy of the title. You hated him, so deeply, so violently, so passionately.
He was much more generous with the use of the word, he hated pretty much everyone who didn't agree with him. But with you. Oh, with you it was different. He made sure you knew he actually hated you. It was not playful banter, it was not temporary animosity. It was pure, unfathomable hatred.
Then why did you find yourself there with him? Fate, once more, came into play.
It has such a weird way of playing, Fate. It can conjoin long lost lovers just as easily as it can unite sworn enemies who would happily have nothing to do with each other. And it takes great pleasure in doing the latter; you couldn't help but imagine the Moirai laughing, deriding you as they spun the inexorable thread that was your own Fate. Insensitive and cruel they were as they got their merciless job done.
"What now?" he asked, but he already knew the answer. He didn't want to admit it, admit he needed your help; neither did you.
But the only alternative was waiting, waiting for the inevitable destiny that would have hit you if you hadn't got out of the room. However, that meant more time to share with him, and neither of you was hoping on it.
"We find a way out, isn't it obvious?" you couldn't refrain the sarcasm dripping from your tone. The even deeper scowl decorating his face was worth it.
"How?" it took a lot out of him to stop himself from snapping at you as he analyzed the only object in the chamber, the door.
"Aren't you the one always preaching about his above-average intellect? Put it to good use, then." you knew snarky remarks wouldn't have helped you to find a way out, but they did help improve your mood, even if only in the slightest.
"No lock. No handle. No hinges. What is your great intellect suggesting?" he threw away that last ounce of restraint he had in him and decided to play your game. A challenge, to entertain you while you endured his vile presence.
"Push it. Break it down."
"Ladies first." you took a running start and collided with the door. It didn't budge.
You tried again, this time he joined you. It didn't budge. Useless attempts.
"Great idea." you could feel the smirk in his voice but you didn't give him the satisfaction and stared at the still-closed door instead.
No way out. An empty room. Just you and him.
When suddenly an illumination: while scrutinizing the room, you looked up and, narrowing your eyes, you noticed a square-shaped line, so thin you couldn't have seen it if you hadn't been so focused.
"Give me a hand, quick!" you let of all the hostilities as an opportunity arose and grasped his shoulder, forcing him to look towards the area your finger pointed to.
He joined his hands and helped you reach what you hoped was a trap door.
"God, i thought you were lighter..."
"And i thought you were stronger but look at us." you stretched your arms to reach it but it was still too high up, "Higher!"
"I can't extend myself, you know?" he said, quite irritated.
"Oh woah, something you can't do? Bewildering..." arms still outstretched, you lifted yourself on your toes. A mistake.
You lost balance and could already taste the blood in your mouth from the inevitable contact with the floor, but it never happened.
Because he caught you. You were shocked and from the look in his eyes, he was too.
"Try not to do other stupid things because i won't be there to catch you again." you quickly lifted yourself from his hold and immediately started to study another way to reach the trap door, your only hope, but in your mind thoughts about what had just happened still roamed freely.
There was no explanation other than the fact that he could not work with an injured person; if you had hurt yourself, you would have been weaker and therefore unable to help him get out. Yes, that was the reason.
"Give me a lift again."
"You can't reach it-"
"Give me a lift. Again." your tone was sterner and he complied, but not before scoffing and rolling his eyes.
You climbed on his hands once more, but it was still too high. You lifted your foot tentatively and placed it on his shoulder.
"Woah, are you trying to kill me up there?!"
You didn't answer, instead using the new added height to reach the ledge. You pushed it open and climbed up, successfully exiting the room you had called prison just moments ago.
He smirked disapprovingly, a smile that didn't reach his eyes, and signaled for you to help him out now, so you moved to find something, anything to help him.
It was dark, the only light brightening the new corridor that had just appeared was faint and came from the far end of it.
You crossed the entire hallway, looking for a rope or a box strong enough to support your nemesis when it dawned on you: your nemesis. Why were you even helping him? Sure he had helped you, but that was before you were free.
You had now a choice, he didn't have any. If he did, he wouldn't have been so magnanimous. He surely wouldn't.
You kept on going towards the light, strengthening with every step you took when a rope appeared in your way.
The choice was now concrete. You could help him. Or you couldn't.
"Y/l/n! Found anything?" what to do now? He wouldn't have helped you.
"Took you long enough, huh?"
"I was trying to find something, you ungrateful twat." you sneered as you threw him the rope. He grasped it and began climbing, but you had still time. Time to let the thread go and leave him there. Time to save yourself.
But you didn't, an actual reason still missing in your mind. Too much compassion, too much pity, you thought. But you weren't convinced, you couldn't lie to yourself, there was something else.
He climbed all the way up, you offered your hand to finally hoist him on the ledge. He considered it, he refused it.
"We're not friends, y/l/n."
"Believe me, i know. I was just trying to make sure i hadn't to get you up here all over again. I thought you were lighter, you know?" he glowered at you, but it was not the same as before, as always.
One way out. Just you and him.
You treaded that same corridor you had crossed seconds ago, besides him this time. It was narrow and your bodies tried so hard not to touch but it was close to impossible. Shoulders collided, legs bumped, hands grazed. But eyes refused to meet; hatred, you repeated to yourself.
The light seemed to never arrive even as you quickened your step. You were running, striving to reach that light that you so desperately clang to. But then a sudden stop.
The hand that was once ruthlessly brushing against yours, grasped you. It was rushed, it was vital, it was puzzling. But it held you close to him.
He was your enemy, you needed to distance yourself, but you couldn't find the strength in you to do so. Hatred, you repeated in your head and you pushed him away.
"Watch your step." he said, pointing to a hole in the floor, a square one. You were running in circle.
You felt stupid, to think he had forgotten your rivalry so easily, to think things had changed between you.
"Thanks." it came out of your mouth without thinking. Good manners are hard to forget, you reckoned.
A pause.
"You're welcome." could a situation of forced proximity really change the feelings between two people?
Incredibly thin is the line between love and hate.
You didn't love him. You didn't hate him either. Things were evolving, you didn't know whether it was good or bad, but they were.
"We have to find another way." you thought aloud. He agreed with a simple nod, no remarks. The awkward exchange must have had an effect on him just as much as it did on you, or so you thought.
His eyes were lighter than you had ever seen them, his face seemed tense, but it was not a grimace; that was new. He looked quite entrancing when he wasn't too busy glowering at you, his features looked endearing as they attentively surveyed the area.
Sense of guilt took over because you knew you shouldn't have been thinking about such things, but had he always been so tall and captivating? Had you never noticed that sparkle in his eyes that caused the image of crystals glinting in the sun to appear in your mind? Was he thinking the same?
Undecipherable; intriguing. You wanted to know more, was it possible? You pondered no further and returned your gaze to the corridor, unwillingly.
It was his turn to watch you now because when you turned again you caught him staring.
"What are you looking at?" you couldn't help the defensive tone with which you uttered the sentence, but it didn't bother him.
"You saved me. Why?" he was genuine, he was sincere and this had you even more confused than you already were.
"You did too, it's nothing but a temporary truce."
"Is it?" he whispered without missing a beat and suddenly the walls weren't narrow anymore, no, they were far too wide, he was far too distant. As if reading your mind, he took a step closer.
"Of course it is." were you that sure?
"Are you sure?"
"Of course i am."
"But why did you save me?" what game was he playing? Your mind was not able to form any coherent thought as the man in front of you kept on making questions to which you didn't know the answer. You didn't want to admit the answer.
"It's just a truce, we hate each other-"
"Do we?" his questions were quick, it was much simpler making them than answering them.
"Do we?" you repeated.
"You could have left me there..."
"Do we?" you insisted.
"You didn't have to do that, you could have-"
"Do we hate each other?" you were impatient to hear him say it.
He remained silent but his eyes were speaking, only his mouth didn't allow them.
"Do we hate each other or-"
He cut you off, that same mouth that had suddenly become dumb reached yours. Hatred, you repeated in your head.
You kissed him too, logic leaving your mind, hands entangling in his hair, bodies flush against each other.
Love, you admitted.
Maybe Fate wasn't as cruel as you thought.
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anika-ann · 4 years
The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.2
What a Gentleman
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 2400
Summary: A soulmate AU. They say having a soulmate is a blessing. Who wouldn’t love the idea of star-crossed lovers, right?
Neither Steve Rogers nor you consider yourself lucky though. It probably has something to do with the lines written on your skin. Because if the words are anything to go by, you’re not sure you want to meet each other.
Now that you have, it’s time to get some answers.
Warnings: swearing, light angst, FLUFF
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Story masterlist
The diner had quite an atmosphere and on any other occasion, you would have been fascinated, easily being pulled decades back in time. Today however, your attention wasn't on the decor too much. You had very different things on your mind; like a certain man with a built of a Hercules and a spine-melting smile – if a little nervous one.
"Is this place alright?" his soft voice snapped you from the space of your own head.
You gave a tiny nod, letting him lead you farther in. He picked a table in the back, away from the giant windows to the street; you were glad for that despite the nice weather.
You would have stayed outside to begin with, but Steve had asked whether you had been hungry and to your enormous embarrassment, your stomach had replied. To his credit, he hadn't laughed, only frowning a bit while he had clearly been biting back a smile; what a gentleman.
Your waitress appeared quickly, leaving with your order written down just as fast, and you found yourself alone… with your soulmate. Your 95-year-old soulmate. How crazy was that?
You had no idea what you say, finding him silently watching you; either he was unable to form words as well or he was waiting for you to gather your thoughts and wanted to let you speak first. Once again – what a gentleman.
You cleared your throat awkwardly. "So… uhm. You're… you're really 95."
God bless him, he only grimaced a little, not commenting on the stupidity of your statement. As far as communication with him went, you were being excellent.
'Oh no, there must be a mistake,' calling him mister instead of captain (then again, you hadn’t checked if he was one just yet), your stomach answering his questions and now this. Where did your ability to talk go? On vacation?
"Uhm… yeah. I know this is hard to believe, but… yeah,” he conceded, fidgeting. “I can explain! Also, sorry for being stuck with such words."
Well, speaking of being stuck with words…
"Well, Mr.Rogers-"
"Steve, please."
He had told you that before. Except yeah, it somehow stuck you all over again, that this was most likely the man who was remembered for saving many, many lives. You wondered if you should be kissing his boots or the pavement he walked on or something. So, yeah, calling him Steve seemed like a bit of a disrespect. If he was who you thought he was, of course.
"Feels inappropriate. Even the ‘mister’ does," you explained, testing the waters. You believed Ryan was right, but still…
"What would feel appropriate?" he asked, nervously fiddling with his fingers at the edge of the table.
Huh. Alright. Maybe you and Ryan were wrong and he was just a guy? A really, really attractive and nice guy? But why else the whole ‘I'm 95’ thing then? He said he could explain…
"Captain?" you whispered, the tension in his shoulders growing immediately. Yeah, busted. You were sure now. Captain America was in a diner with you. Because he was your soulmate.
Oh shit.
"Guess I don't have to explain then…" he murmured, a worried wrinkle forming between his brows.
Before you could comment and tell him that you definitely needed him to explain, because what the hell, you hadn't exactly done your homework, how was the first American hero alive, just HOW?!, he continued.
"Look, I… I spent a good part of my life believing my… soulmate… you, would consider me a mistake," he sighed, “and-“
"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" you blurted out, instantly feeling even worse for the words you had told him. He had lived with the belief that his destined partner would resent him. Great job, me!
He shook his head, never minding the interruption. "And I'll… I'll understand if you do."
That gave you a stop. Wait. What?
"...what? Why would I?"
Why would you? He was… gorgeous, polite and so far so genuinely nice you thought you just made him in a dreamed-man-machine and as far as you knew, he was a superhero. So… if anyone should be considered a mistake… it was you. Your heart dropped to your stomach when your mind helpfully supplied you with that information. Was that what he thought? That you were unworthy? It would be perfectly understandable after all. How could you even compare to a man like him? You had told Ryan that this man was way out of your league and you hadn’t been kidding.
"Unless that's how you feel… uhm, about me."
His eyes, previously focused on the table, snapped up sharply. "What? Why?"
Wasn't it obvious? You gestured towards your humble self. Wasn't it what he was saying?
"Well, I don't really think I'm considered a superhero girlfriend material," you concluded.
The captain quickly leaned in, his hand gently wrapping around yours. To say you were bewildered at the gesture would be an understatement. You were perfectly lost. And it felt kinda nice, him touching you.
Shut up.
"That's not what I meant at all!" he exclaimed with urgency, his eyes roaming your whole face, his expression seeming guilty.
Nope, you weren't quite following, though a bit of hope flickered in your heart; his hand didn’t release yours. "You… didn't? I'm sorry, I don't… I don't understand."
"What I meant was… you do know who I am, right?"
"Y-yes. My… uhm, my friend figured it out. I- I don't know much…" you admitted, slightly embarrassed. You never were a fan of history classes. Like… memorising dates. Nope.
"Alright… I crushed a plane during the second world war…"
"That I do know. You saved millions of lives."
His cheeks dusted with a bit of pink as if he was bashful about it.
"I thought it was the end. And I woke up seventy years later…" he bit his lip, his fingers twitching on yours. He blinked in surprise when he noticed them touching you and the blush on his cheeks darkened.
When he tried to retreat, you caught his hand in return, noting the change in his tone. This was not an easy topic for him to talk about and you felt the need to comfort him. He looked at you in wonder at your gesture; you were shocked too, but it was simply an instinct. Bold action on your part, sure, but it still appeared right.
"That was only few months ago. I'm… not fully accustomed to this time." His eyes went strangely absent and you squeezed his fingers reassuringly. "Not to mention that what I do is… dangerous to say at least. I would understand if you rather stayed away."
Heavy silence fell on your table on the last note, interrupted by your waitress. You only managed to stare at Steve as he politely, yet absently, thanked her for your food, conflict all over his face as your hands parted in favour to make space for the plates.
Frankly, you didn't care for food in the slightest, too taken aback and having some serious trouble to process his words.
Now that took a turn you never saw coming.
"So… you wouldn't mind… me being me?" you asked a bit unsurely. You were starting to understand his train of thoughts and your brain was absolutely overwhelmed by it.
The captain – Steve – didn't touch his food either, his brilliant blue eyes with just a drop of green watching you sincerely, wondering what was going on in the head of yours. Good luck with that.
"I'm not sure what you mean, so I'll say no. You're… you seem like a kind person, you're a… very beautiful woman and-- I'd be lucky if you wouldn't reject me right away."
You chuckled incredulously at that, your heart picking up pace. Oh wow, did he just call you a very beautiful woman? What was the last time someone had done that? (Your mum didn't count.) Were you dreaming?
He perked up when you finally addressed him correctly.
"I spent my life hoping that I won’t meet my soulmate until I’m 80 at least, because otherwise it would be really creepy. I was hoping the number meant literally anything else than their age. And if I understand correctly, you believed you'd be a disappointment to me. We’re… maybe I should only speak for myself, but I'd say that this is the best possible turn of events I could wish for," you finished with something that resembled an awkward but delighted laugh, believing every word you said.
What better outcome this could have had? You were both young and healthy people and as far as you understood, neither of you were disgusted by the choice the universe had made when binding you. That was awesome, right?
He observed you silently for what seemed like eternity, his expression unreadable, and you panicked you had read this wrong after all.
"I mean… I think we're soulmates for a reason. It doesn't always work out, I know, but we should at least try, right? Get to know each other? I mean, I know you're Captain America, but you're much more than some persona from the history books and I like to think this deserves a chance-…. Maybe I'm stupid, but-"
During your monologue, his lips curled up into the spine-melting smile again and he reached over the table to catch one of your hands that had been gesturing rather wildly; not that you had noticed until he stopped you.
For the second time that day, his lips brushed you knuckles, nearly sending you into a cardiac arrest and warming up your chest at the innocence and sweetness of such action.
"I think you're amazing," he breathed out, looking into your eyes from under his incredible pretty eyelashes, effectively turning you into a lovesick puddle.
"You d-do?"
The incredible smile of his was back. Oh god. He was so out of your league.
He gently released you and you suddenly felt embarrassed and awkward under his undivided attention.
"I do. And I'd like to know you better too."
A+ for that response. But could anyone blame you? Steve was actually watching you as if you were the eighth wonder of the world and it was impossible to accept that this was somehow happening.
"Okay," he echoed softly.
He gestured to the food then with one eyebrow questioningly raised and you had to blink, returning back to earth where you had actually come here to eat. You couldn't remember what it felt like being hungry, too overwhelmed with the turn this conversation took and the emotions it swirled.
He had called you a very beautiful woman. He had called you amazing.
Steve waited for you to start eating, only then joining in. What a gentleman. How were you soulmates with this man again? How could you ever deserve him?
You swallowed the bite of food hastily as you felt the sudden urge.
"Yes, d- yes?"
Any other time, you would wonder what he wanted to say, but you had to get this out of your chest.
"I think you're amazing too," you admitted sheepishly despite the fact it was totally implied he was kind of a god.
You might even feel a bit silly for saying it out loud, but the twinkle in his eyes and the smile that lighted up his face assured you that you didn't misstep. God, he looked as if you just told him the best news he could ever get. It made you nearly choke on your spit.
He was so devastatingly handsome when smiling, radiant… when a spark of a mischief appeared in his irises, a promise of fun on top of the tenderness he had been showing until now, you were done for. That was it; he already owned your heart, just like that. Was it him or was it because of the… soulmate connection? You decided it was both and that it didn't matter.
"I'll try to maintain that cover then."
It took you a moment to realize what he was going at. Right. Soldier. Or a spy, whatever. And apparently a dork. You were such a lucky woman, weren't you?
"Uh-huh, what are like when you're not undercover then?" you played along, already knowing he actually was that awesome and he couldn’t have been pretending this whole time.
He didn't miss a beat. "Me."
Your eyebrows shot up unwittingly. That was all he was gonna give away?
"Huh. I guess I'll just have to find out, aren't I?"
He charmed a lopsided smile that did something to you on a visceral level, which kinda startled you; you really were falling impossibly fast for him, in every possible way. And you realized you didn't mind at all. You trusted him for some reason, trusted him to catch you in your fall until you could hit the ground. God, you were turning into a complete sap.
"Guess you are," he confirmed cheekily and you smirked as a shot of confidence flooded your veins. Did he think he had the upper hand here? He had said that he hadn’t been fully accustomed, right? There were things you were about to help him adjust to…
"Looking forward to it," you hummed and winked at him before you returned to your pancake with gusto. "Not sure you should feel the same about me, Mr. You. My secret identity might surprise you."
Steve watched you, not blinking, apparently not expecting you mirroring his attitude. He squinted at you playfully and you had to admit you felt the weight that had fallen on your chest earlier, when he had talked about mistakes, disappear into a thin air. You could actually see now that maybe, just maybe, you two could be a good fit despite the terrible differences in the social ladder.
"Are you saying you're trouble, madam?" he pried, something as if strict yet teasing creeping into his voice.
You wondered if this was how he talked to his co-workers and inferiors. He was a captain – he was bound to have inferiors, right? Was this his captain voice then? It tickled your fancy, to be honest.
"I guess you'll have to find out, Sir."
Steve chuckled and shook his head, finishing his food. "I can already tell you are."
"Is it… bad?" you asked, suddenly hesitant.
"No, doll. I actually really, really like it."
The casual slip of a pet name only accented his words and you were absolutely certain now. Oh yeah. You were truly looking forward to getting to know your soulmate.
Even if he was 95 years old.
Part 3
Tags: @cxptain​ @mermaidxatxheart @smilexcaptainx , @murdermornings​@irepostthingsiwanttoseelater , @polarcrystall​ @eliza5616​, @rayofdawnworld  @victor-criss-bish​ @skychild29​  @elysianecho​ @simmisblog​ @scentedsongrebel​ @orions-nebula​, @sergeantrosabellaswan​ 
Thank you for reading :-* Tags are open ;)
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Grey’s Anatomy Prompts
I’m going a tad stir crazy, so I decided to make a prompt list of 80 Grey’s quotes I love. This may have been done before but I don’t care. It’s mostly angsty prompts and it’s long as hell. (Break at 15)
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1 “When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done. So all the boys, and all the bars, and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared? Because I was done. You left me. You chose Addison. I’m all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.” —Meredith Grey
2 “Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy, but he is not the sun—you are.” —Cristina Yang
3 “Your choice, it’s simple: her or me? And I’m sure she’s really great. But I love you. In a really, really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.” —Meredith Grey
4 “If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there.” —Mark Sloan
5 “It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love. And then you find somebody else, and it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place.” —Lexie Grey
6 “Don’t let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice, so use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence.” —Meredith Grey
7 “Not everyone has to be happy all the time. That isn’t metal health. That’s crap.” —Meredith Grey
8 “Breakthroughs don’t happen because of the medicine. Real breakthroughs happen because someone is scared to death to stop trying.” —Derek Shepherd
9 “We don’t get unlimited chances to have the things that we want, and this I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.” —Addison Montgomery
10 “And if you can't do it, if you aren't willing to keep looking for light in the darkest of places without stopping, even when it seems impossible, you will never succeed.” —Amelia Shepard
11 “Oh screw beautiful! I’m brilliant! If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.” — Christina Yang
12 “You were like coming up for fresh air. It's like I was drowning and you saved me.” — Derek Shepard
13 “The only time I don't feel like a ghost is when you look at me, because when you look at me, you see me. You see me. This is me.” — Owen Hunt
14 “It's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose.” — Richard Webber
15 “You are my person. You will always be my person.” — Christina Yang
16 “It doesn't matter how tough we are. Trauma always leaves a scar. It follows us home, it changes our lives. Trauma messes everybody up. But maybe that's the point. All the pain and the fear and the crap. Maybe going through all that is what keeps us moving forward. It's what pushes us. Maybe we have to get a little messed up, before we can step up.” — Alex Karev
17 “Please, don't chase me anymore, unless you're ready to catch me.” — Callie Torres
18 “Change … we don’t like it, we fear it. But we can’t stop it from coming. We either adapt to change, or we get left behind. It hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t, is lying. But here’s the truth: Sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh, sometimes, change is good. Sometimes, change is … everything.” — Meredith Grey
19 “Intimacy is a four letter syllable for- here’s my heart and soul, please grind them into a hamburger and enjoy. It’s both desired and feared. Difficult to live with, impossible to live without” -Meredith Grey
20 “You can have the worst crap in the world happen to you and you can get over it. All you gotta do is survive.” -Alex Karev
21 Walk tall. All you can do is be brave enough to get out there. You fought. You loved. You Lost. Walk tall.” -Mark Sloan
22 "Just because people do horrible things, it doesn't always mean they're horrible people."-Izzie Stevens
23 "I am woman. Hear me roar." - Miranda Bailey
24 "I love everything about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you and I think you love me too. Do you?" -Jackson Avery
25 “If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, stop accepting crap and demand something more.” -Cristina Yang
26 “You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!” - Callie Torres
27 I am not an ugly duckling. I'm a swan."-April Kepner
28 “Okay, here it is, your choice... it's simple, her or me, and I'm sure she is really great. But Derek, I love you, in a really, really big 'pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window', unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.” - Meredith Grey
29 “I’ve had to give up things but what I’ve learned is that I don’t need much. I don’t need much to be happy.” -Arizona Robbins
30 “I need the day off. For drinking.” -Addison Montgomery
31 "It turns out sometimes you have to do the wrong thing. Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right. Mistakes are painful, but they're the only way to find out who we really are." -Denny Duquette
32 “In the beginning everyone is there, but then they forget.” - Amelia Shepherd
33 "Knowing is better than wondering. Waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying." -Meredith Grey
34 “You have to go back to the beginning to understand the end.” -Teddy Altman
35 “Yeah we’re friends…I mean right now I’d probably say you’re one of my best friends.”-George O’Malley
36 “I’m just gonna feel bad that I made it so you can never love again” -Jo Wilson
37 "The future is the home of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes." -Owen Hunt
38 “There’s a land called passive agressiva, and you’re their queen” -Derek Shepherd
39 “Let’s play a game of whose life sucks the most. I’ll win. I always win.” -Meredith Grey
40 “I take things personally. I get emotional.” -Lexie Grey
41 “Stop looking at my like that. Like you’ve seen me naked” -Meredith Grey
42 “Pretty good is not good enough, I want to be great.” -Cristina Yang
43 "Don't let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice so use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence." - Meredith Grey
44 “Let’s just make-out on the couch.” -Nathan Riggs
45 "Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop." -Meredith Grey
46 “Deal with your jealousy. Deal with your shortcomings. Don’t put your crap on me.” -Stephanie Edwards
47 "I know I'm not a lot of things that you've gone for in the past - I know, but I would never leave you. I would never hurt you. And I will never stop loving you.." -George O’Malley
48 “Sometimes you have to be a shark.” -Lucy Fields
49 “Don’t look at me like that. Like I’m damaged goods. I’m still me. I’m still here.” -Adele Webber
50 "More tequila. More love. More anything. More is better." -Meredith Grey
51 "More tequila. More love. More anything. More is better." -Meredith Grey
52 "For a kiss to be really good, you want it to mean something. You want it to be with someone you can't get out of your head, so that when your lips finally touch you feel it everywhere. A kiss so hot and so deep you never want to come up for air. You can't cheat your first kiss. Trust me, you don't want to. Cause when you find that right person for a first kiss, it's everything." -Alex Karev
53 "You can't be an ass to me all day and then expect me to give you respect." - Lexie Grey
54 “Some days, the whole world seems upside down. And then somehow, and probably, when you least expect it, the world gets right again.” -Meredith Grey
55 “Shut up. Dance it out.” -Cristina Yang
56 “We may only be together five minutes every two months, but when we do we will savor every second. We know how valuable those five minutes are.” -Ben Warren
57 “There comes a point when you have to suck it up and stop whining and start living” -Callie Torres
58 “Please don’t give up on me. Promise. Promise me you won’t.” -Arizona Robbins
59 “Bad things happen, but you have to move past it. Leave it behind. The sooner, the better. Or it’ll eat away at you and stop you from moving forward.” -Miranda Bailey
60 “This is the way the world changes. Good people, raising babies right” -Catherine Avery
61 “The problem is we are human. We want more than to just survive. We want to love.” -Lexie Grey
62 "There's a club. The Dead Dads/Moms/Parents Club. And you can't be in it until you're in it. You can try to understand, you can sympathize. But until you feel that loss... My dad/mom/parent’s died when I was AGE. NAME, I'm really sorry you had to join the club." -Cristina Yang
63 “I’m going to die because these people aren’t properly trained” -Derek Shepherd
64 “I believe if you were dead, the world would be a better place” -George O’Malley
65 “You think you broke me, NAME? You’re the one who put me back together.” -Mark Sloan
66 “I want so much for you. For both of us. So much more than this. More than being stuck with someone who feels stuck. I want you to feel free.” -Callie Torres
67 “Every kiss before the right kiss doesn’t count anyway” -Derek Shepherd
68 “The expected is what keeps us steady. It’s the unexpected that changes our lives forever.” -Meredith Grey
69 “Promise that you’ll love me, even when you hate me.” -Meredith Grey
70 "The problem is, fairytales don't come true. It's the nightmares that always seem to become the reality." -Meredith Grey
71 “How are you fine? How are you just completely fine? I am ruined, okay? I am dead, I am wrecked." -Cristina Yang
72 “I didn’t like teenage girls when I was a teenage girl.” -Cristina Yang
73 “So you fight. Until you can’t fight anymore.” -Amelia Shepherd
74 “Don’t analyze everything. Just do it.” -Alex Karev
75 “Some lies aren’t lies. They’re love.” -Meredith Grey
76 “That’s where love exists, in delusional fantasies.” -Meredith Grey
77 "Friends are the family we choose." -Meredith Grey
78 "Don't ever date a man who can't handle your power." - Meredith Grey
79 "It’s not hard. It’s painful but it’s not hard. You know what to do already. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be in this much pain." —Miranda Bailey
80 “You’re my heaven. But maybe ... maybe I’m your hell.” — Denny Dequette
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mageicalwishes · 3 years
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Day 1, Found Family - New Traditions
The Gang start a new Festive tradition filled with love, laughter, music, food & fun.
Day 2, Distance - Say I Love You When You’re Not Listening
Baz reflects on the events of Wayward Son, and the hopelessness he feels. "A trip to try and save him - To save us. A last ditch effort to put some of the sunshine back in to his soul. Rammed together in economy, the press of his knee firm against mine, but his mind miles away. His eyes ever averted. Touching yet so far apart. I just wish I knew where I went wrong."
Day 3, Retellings - Changing History
The Mage's publicized documents reveal a myriad of painful truths about the loss of Natasha Grimm-Pitch and the origins of Simon Snow.
Day 4, Side Characters - Thawing Of A Heart
Malcolm & Daphne. “I’d always known that I would remarry eventually. It was my duty for the good of the family. Basil needed a mother. And I needed … someone. It was a simple, logical decision - To find a woman of good breeding, and give her the Grimm name. To carry on. But, through all my planning and preparation, I had never anticipated that I would fall in love. Never anticipated her."
Day 5, Sleepless - Tonight He Is Mine
"I can’t sleep. I can never sleep these days, not how I want to anyway - It's always either that I’m knocked out for 15 hours, waking up disoriented and heavy, or that I can barely catch a moment's rest. But today is different. My body is tired, and my mind is too. If I let myself, I’d be gone. But I won’t. I can’t. Tonight is my last night with Baz, and I don’t want to miss a minute of it."
Day 6, WLW - To Her, I Taste Of Nothing At All
Fiona & Ebb. "But then, before I even knew what was happening, she was kissing me back. And Crowley, I swear I melted. She tasted of cigarette smoke and spiced rum - Like fire personified."
Day 7, Animal(s) - Family Dog
My interpretation of ‘I was a 15-year-old closet case whose parents pretended they didn’t notice when the family dog disappeared’. “A shallow grave. So much less than she deserves. But … I can’t breathe. I can’t even think. I’m running on autopilot and adrenaline alone. Everything is just - I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how I got here. I'm losing control. I can't - I can't even look at her. She's still wrapped in my sheets. I can see her bleeding. I still want it. I still want more."
Day 8, Rain - From Across The Courtyard
"When I first met him, it was hammering it down. I was rushing to the main door in a desperate attempt to rescue my suede shoes, umbrella snagging against the wind, when I heard it - An impolite 'Oi! Are you new?'"
Day 9, Kids/Childhood - At The Top Of A Tower
Simon reflects on the few happy memories he made with Baz at Watford.
Day 10, Crossover - I’ll Give You The Stars
A loose crossover between Carry On and parts of I'll Give You The Sun. “He’s haloed under the streetlights, and I’m trying not to stare. But, it’s hard. His face is celestial - The sunshine of his soul peeking through his features. I want to say more, just so that he doesn’t leave. Our houses are right there but, I feel so ... multicoloured."
Day 11, Fluff - Keeping Warm
Simon & Baz spend a tentative first night together after the events of the forest fire. “He’s sighing against me, and sliding a hand up towards to my neck to hold me closer against him, and - Fuck. He’s freezing. I jolt backwards without meaning to. Staring down at him in awe - His pupils blown wide, and a faint (But definitely present) blush spread across his cheeks."
Day 12, Wings - The Guests Can Wait
"Weddings are even more exhausting than I had imagined. What with the panicked last minute search for Simon’s vows (Which ended up being in the mini-fridge of all places), and having to parade ourselves around all of our well-wishing friends and family. All I want to do was get him alone. To tell him, without the presence of a hundred witnesses, how much he means to me - How much the fact that we’re here, together, after everything, means to me."
Day 13, Below the Surface - Below The Surface
"Las Vegas is a sham of a city. Outside it’s all bright lights and glitzy shows - Normal magicians and celebrity chefs. But, beneath its shiny exterior, it’s nothing more than a grim desert, filled with counterfeit culture, and people burning through money they don’t really have. The Katherine is no exception."
Day 14, Constellation(s) - Mirror, Mirror
Simon struggles with his body image Post-Carry On. “Sometimes I just … get so mad at them (At myself, really). I wish that they’d just grow up and tell me like it is. Tell me how much I’ve disappointed them. Tell me that they no longer want me."
Day 15, Hurt/Comfort - First Aid
Simon cares for Baz's Buckshot wounds. Less angsty re-write of the scene in Wayward Son. “I glare at him - At his blackened under eyes, and matted hair. The slight hunch of his back. It does hurt. I know it does. Liar. I move my face closer to his, and breathe in his air. I want to hug him. To kiss him. To cheer him up, somehow. Make him better. But I can’t. I don’t know how. So, instead I step away. My hands dropping limply, to my sides."
Day 16, Meme/Crack - Baby, You Can Pick Me Up Any Day
Oovoo Javer? Oovoo Javer. AKA: Baz is Simon's slightly dickhead-ish Uber driver. “I kept trying to talk to him - Asking about his night, and whether he always listens to Classical music, or if it was just for show - but he ignored me. Staring unamusedly at me in the mirror, eyebrow raised and lips tilted downwards. He got 2 stars for that trip."
Day 17, Blanket Fort - Torch The Night-Filled Fort
Baz surprises Simon with a living room blanket fort transformation. “I turn to him, beaming. ‘Baz, what? What is this?’ He hums against me. ‘Blanket fort. You’re terribly inobservant, Snow.’ ‘Yeah, but … I mean, why?’ ‘Well, it’s been a year now since we left for America, and we’ve come a long way since then. Thought it was worth celebrating,’ he confesses, smiling shyly down at the floor.”
Day 18, Side Ships - You Got A Boyfriend?
Shepard & Penny. Shepard asks Penny a very important question (Well, in his mind, anyway).
Day 19, Misunderstanding - Wrong Bottle, Moron
Simon makes a VERY stupid mistake while showering. Cue, Baz coming to his rescue.
Day 20, Technology - Screenless
Baz and Simon have been chatting online for a year. It's finally time to meet IRL and take their relationship into HD reality.
Day 21, Warmth - Out In The Cold
Fangirl era. Simon and Baz get stuck in a snowstorm, and have to find a way to stay warm.
Day 22, Unlikely Friends - You’re My Bro
Shepard comes over to hang out with his bro ... Baz?
Day 23, Cooking/Baking - What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’?
Simon is making dinner. Baz is soft.
Day 24, Song - He Made It Easy, Darlin’
Simon & Baz struggle with trying to take the next step in their relationship. Inspired by Easy by Troye Sivan
Day 25, Parallel Universe - Parallelt Univers
Simon and Baz spend the day recovering in bed, after their first kiss. Inspired by the 'Parallel Universes' talk from Skam.
Day 26, Break - I Think We Should Break Up
Simon is trying to do what's right for Baz. Baz disagrees.
Day 27, Snowstorm - Searching In The Snow
Simon has lost his cat. So the only obvious choice is to hammer on his neighbour's door at 2AM ... And Baz is not impressed.
Day 28, Party - Festivities, Food, and Family. Chapter 1
"I’m over the bloody moon. After everything that happened after we left Watford, I wasn’t sure that I’d ever get to see this Snow - a truly joyful Snow - again. And it broke my heart. Yet, here we are, spending our fifth anniversary together, surrounded by friends and family in our own little London flat."
Day 29, Secret Santa/Gift Giving - Festivities, Food, and Family. Chapter 2
Day 30, Any Way the Wind Blows - Worst Road Trip ... Ever!
Shepard is NOT enjoying his trip back to England with the Gang. "I feel like a kid again, sat in the back of my mothers pick-up, hyped up on sugar, but belted down to the seat. Unable to run. Constantly being shushed."
Also huge thanks and praise goes to everyone involved in running the @carryon-countdown Countdown this year!!! I really enjoyed taking part :)
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pandoraspocksao3 · 6 years
Hey Pandora! Do you potentially have a list of fics that you beta and/or beta-ing tips? I'm still a fairly new to writing fic*, and my best friend is my primary beta; this is an ask on her behalf (she prefers AO3 to tumblr). Thank you so much in advance!!! (*I guess on that note, too... I've had your Phantom of the Opera fic bookmarked for MONTHS. I'm saving it for a summertime binge! :D But I just started reading SWTLSA and literally LOL'd. You're seriously so talented!)
Hi! I have an “Ask?” Are you telling me you actually found and READ my little crack fic? LOL! Thank you! I wrote that little sketch while I was drunk over a time period of a couple of nights.  
Regarding your question, I beta for two people, but they only need me sporadically. I’ve done uncredited beta for a few people who needed help and just finished doing a chapter for a third author. I really don’t have time to do it, but I enjoy it. I do editing for technical writing every day, so it comes fairly naturally to me. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to stop doing it for now since work is getting so busy for me.Tips…let me see. Grammar Girl is a great site. Using Google Docs is a great way for the beta and the writer to look at the document at the same time and even open a chat if you need to get feedback right away. One of the authors who got me started on that method also showed me how to use a black background and white text. That’s really helpful when you stare at computer monitors all day! On Google docs, I always use the “suggest” mode so that the author sees what I’ve done and can accept or reject it.The other way to do it is in Microsoft Word, and this is fairly new to me! You turn on the “Track changes” and send to your beta and they make their edits and send back to you. You can then see the “marked up” copy of what they’ve done. This way the author and the beta are on the same page. It’s always the author who has the final say in what they want to post, of course! I am more of a “mechanical beta” which means I am good at spotting grammatical errors, repetitive words, and misspellings. I’m not great at doing the “alpha” read, meaning I’m not good at helping someone develop a plot. The authors I beta for are so good, they really don’t need me for that anyway. Sometimes they will get stuck and run stuff past me or ask what my reaction is to a chapter or paragraph. Just having a sounding board helps them arrive at what they want to write, but it’s not me giving suggestions as much as listening to them try alternate versions until it clicks for them. They don’t want my suggestions; they want my reactions. Other tips: 
For formatting and HTML, you’ll want to bookmark this site (authors AND betas)! http://www.simplehtmlguide.com/cheatsheet.php . An author I worked with gave me that link and it was very helpful for inserting pictures, editing in HTML, doing links, etc. Also, if you aren’t familiar with shortcuts on the keyboard, look up a site that has them. Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V are your friends! (The last two are copy/paste, and ctrl + Z lets you undo your last keystroke.) Oh, and Ctrl+F! That lets you “find” a word and you can jump to it quickly in the Word doc or Google Doc. Grammarly is a program I use all the time. I paid for the premium version, but there is a free version that will catch about half the mistakes. You install it in Word and then paste your author’s text in there and Grammarly will flag everything (including things you will ignore) and tell you WHY, too. It’s a great learning tool.
There’s no substitute for reading a fic OUT LOUD though. Another author told me Siri will do this for you on the iPhone (sadly, I don’t have an iPhone, so I read it out loud myself). Your eyes tend to see things the way you think they should be, but reading it aloud slowly will make it obvious when there are unnecessary words or mistakes. Hope that helps! That is probably waaaaay more than you wanted/needed to know! I hope that helps your beta out! *Also, I am overzealous when I proofread and I can drive people nuts sometimes because I obsess over everything. In reality, I don’t think the readers care if there’s a comma or two out of place! 
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