#so anyway i'm just spiralling but nothing is dire
madmadmilk · 2 years
feeling an unsettling bout of despair and jarringly out of sync this evening, all while the sun shines and clouds pour rain outside my window. at least the sky is pink.
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specter319 · 7 months
Authors Note: Hey you lot! Sorry to keep you guys hanging, but this will be the final update for the story, for this year. I'm taking a Christmas break to go and work on myself, reblog some fan art and stories that catch my eye, update my Tumblr blog, and even, work on some more stories including this one. Yes, the brain rot for Call of Duty is real — and when you actually listen to your brain and write, with nothing in goal, you end up getting....[Checks other document] 3,000 words of a chapter that hasn't even seen the end of it yet. Anyway, enjoy the final chapter post for 2022!
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GIF by Loonlypaper as well as concept for message Pairing: Damon 'Ninja' West x Kaden Lincoln, Simon 'Ghost' Riley x John 'Soap' MacTavish, Zack 'Nemo' Hayes x Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick. Word Count: 2.3k words
no use of y/n eventual relationship establishment, however, Damon and Kaden are married. Summary: In a nation unaccustomed to war, Australia's newly elected government faces a dire crisis when rumours of a biological weapon on home soil, send shockwaves through the Government's defence sector. Dispatching a team of elite operatives to deal with it, the containment goes heads up as they look for other options.
The Black Angel Squad is soon assigned as the situation quickly spirals out of control behind the team's back unknowingly, and to stop a bleeding wound, Task Force 141 is brought in to assist them amid a frantic cabinet meeting of last-minute options and consistent fuck ups, forging an uneasy alliance between two teams. As tensions soar on both ends, questions arise about one thing: Was this the making of a weapon to begin with? Warnings: slow-burn, zombies, canon typical violence associated with Call of Duty, gruesome depictions of death, blood, swearing.
Ao3 Version
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The sound of rubber reverberating through the firewall of the giant SUV had drowned out some of the Taylor Swift, Kaden just had to play. While nursing a cup of freshly brewed coffee, straight from the motherland of the golden arches. Another one of the track fives that Damon had heard a million times started playing with that familiar piano rolling through, mere seconds in, though he enjoyed it. There was always something about the lyrics that Damon had noted, never willing to comment on, that he could see resonated with Kaden’s relationship between his parents, ever since he placed that ring on the very same finger that nursed a coffee.
“Can we skip this one? I don’t like it,” Damon simply stated as he looked out the window, Kaden giving him a glance of skepticism.
“Out of all the songs, this one? Seriously?” Kaden questioned as he kept his eyes on the road.
“Never liked it, anyway, next track,” Damon said before he pressed a button on the screen though the same rubber sound filled in the cabin, a tired sigh revealed what Kaden was about to say.
“You just like this one because it’s more country.”
“Yeah, so what if I do, she makes a great country song.”
There was a pregnant silence in the cabin, maybe Kaden had finally caught onto why he skipped it, but like they were always doing, one was always interested in what was rattling around in the others mind, never having enough time to truly interrogate or question one another’s actions.
“Are you awake yet?” Kaden questioned.
“Nope, still very much dead inside,” It was a question both knew the answer to after so many years.
Breakfast had not gone the way of calming them down since Cameron had told them the simple detail. No further information had been given out about the incident other than the fact that they were being assigned  alongside a task force to figure out just what exactly happened, other than a few details about what plane they were on, and the reports had been seen. When they had pressed for more? Nothing. Cameron had even pleaded with Colonel Vanessa, someone who was able to get anyone to heed to her command given the status of their task force to do something about it, pull some strings to get some form of an answer, but even when she did, not one of the higher ups were willing to give an answer other than ‘we’ll get back to you on that one.’ Not only was she pissed, but it had left an uneasy feeling in the pits of their Bacon and Egg filled stomachs as their radios went off. 
“How you two lovebirds doing in there?” It was Zack, taunting as always. 
“Pending divorce and assault charges,” Kaden replied back sarcastically.
“We love to see it!” Zack replied back in a monotone voice, it was truly a shock when he used the generational slang that Kaden and Damon never truly understood, but somehow, did all at the same time given they were only born three years apart. “How long till ETA?”
“Fifteen minutes. They should be landing in ten, least that’s what we’ve been told.”
“Of course you’re too lazy to check how long we have left to go,” Damon chimed in.
“Yeah, it’s fun driving you two up the wall.”
Damon looked over at Kaden as he shook his head. “Keep that up and you won’t even get cookies.”
“Sorry,” Zack quickly mumbled back. As much as he hated the cookies, he was at least grateful for the gesture.
An audible snicker moved through the pair before the silence of the song in the cabin kept them lingering back to the shady feeling of just what exactly were they keeping from them finding out. Damon realised he’d picked up on something about that feeling, deciding to announce it over the radio in a timely fashion as always.
“You know that Professor?” Damon mused, silence over the radio before he checked the rear view mirror, a familiar black SUV sitting behind them - Cameron and Zack in the second car.
“Professor Campbell, yeah, what about her?” Cameron replied.
“She was kind of shifty, don’t you think?”
“What do you mean?”
Kaden was even interested as he looked over at the male, quick to squint his eyebrows in a questioning demeanour.
“Police chief interrupts her when she gets, to his definition at least, rowdy, doesn’t dare to comment any further on what she said though.”
There was silence, between the bickering and nonsense of that mornings early antics. Damon picked up on one thing many people usually couldn’t — body language.
“Could just be a plain sexist cop trying to tell a woman what to do,” Zack interjected.
“He might be, but, that aside, it wasn’t like that,” Damon stated as he paused, it was the quiver in her voice. 
Had she said too much? 
“She had a moment of hesitation in her voice. Like she’d let on a bit too much than what we needed to be told.”
“I think you’re clutching at straws now, Damon,” Cameron replied. “No way a woman of her stature could be shut down by someone lower than her rank.”
“If the money pays well enough,” Kaden murmured as he raised his eyebrows, leaning back into the seat, slowing the car down as they turned off the freeway.
“Just let it go Damon, I’m sure they’re just figuring out things as they happen and they have no information.”
But he didn’t want to, for the sake of his own team. He begrudgingly did so as he let the radio go silent and sighed before he placed his head roughly against the headrest — for a moment, Damon had gotten too far into his head, and Kaden had noticed.
“You think there’s something else behind it?” Kaden questioned, deciding to run with his idea. Damon knew he was letting him have his moment to cool down, to let him explain himself when others wouldn’t. To hear out each others sides, it was a thing they did, a subtle way of holding each other in an embrace, without physically needing to. A way of always being there for one another.
“For someone so professional, she certainly seemed like she was getting paid to keep a lot behind that curtain of hers.”
“Politics is a high pressure situation, and when shit hits the fan, especially when it’s out of control in seconds. People can break under the pressure. You, of all people would know that.”
“But this pressure and their pressure are completely different.” 
“Depending on it’s context, yeah, I guess you’re right. But, if the situation requires you to have control at all times and something happens under your watch that you can’t control?”
“You start to panic,” Damon added. Maybe it was just that, maybe she was panicked over nothing, and the fact that if she slipped up on any minor detail. She would be gone from the security of the seat she walked to every morning that she had safely called a job. But Damon was still doubtful in the back of his mind of something being off. Knowing that he was stressing over the unknown, he was better off doing the same over the miles of road that was in front of him. Only moments away from the Task Force they were set to meet in regards to this, they’d never gotten any information about them, just the fact that four of them, were to present at the airport. And they didn’t even know exactly who each individual would look like, though, given the plane they would be in. It wouldn’t have been too difficult to spot a few people walking out of an exit not used by common people.
With a shift of his hand, Kaden quickly grabbed it from the corner of his eyes and moved a thumb over his knuckles. He grounded him in his thoughts of worries as Damon soon returned the gesture by interlacing his hand into his.
“It’ll work out, somehow.”
Damon only took in a deep breath as the car zoomed along on the highway, passing signs that only showed them getting closer to the destination that they needed to be at, and in the sky, just as red and green lights flash ever so subtly, revealed exactly who they were looking for.
“That’d be our assets,” Kaden spoke up before he finally moved his hand gently away from Damon’s, already missing the warmth.
Kaden pressed the button on his radio, he wasn’t too sure about it just yet. “Plane coming in hot that’d be them, right?” 
“According to Flight Tracker, that’d be a yes,” Zack replied.
Another pause of silence.
“…You did not just use Flight Tracker to tell us that was the aircraft.”
“Take a wild guess boys, what’s it going to be?”Damon got a scalding look from his husband, a smile almost played on his face.
“Airbus A320?” Damon quizzed, he was playing into Zack’s love of aircrafts.
Zack made a buzzer noise in response to Damon’s guess. “787.”
“Zack!” Kaden interrupted, he was still awaiting the answer to the question, but instead, silence moved through both vehicles cabins as they made the final turn off into the airport. It already looked busy with the amount of taxi’s lined up in the ranks, and vehicles dropping off passengers given the early hours of the morning were seemingly the best. However, it was with luck that they were skipping all right past that, and to an entry gate that awaited a few security guards. Confused just as much so in wondering why their presence was here.
“Car behind with you?” The man asked as he looked back at the second black SUV.
“Yeah, here to collect a few people,” Kaden stated as he handed over his ID, Vanessa had obviously planned ahead, and on extremely late notice, what a godsend of a woman she was. 
“Ah, Lieutenant Lincoln West, welcome, if you just follow the yellow line on the road and go to gate two, the people will be waiting for you there,” The man stated before he backed up and pressed a button, the gate moving open.
Kaden paused at the sound of his marital name being stated aloud, it was too late to correct him, but a nod of appreciation was something he gave back in return before the pair of black cars moved into the airports smaller roads. Upon inspection, there was so much the men hadn’t seen behind the scenes of a place that was so busy, known for it’s destined lines and planes taking off like it was a last chance, as Kaden slowly drove in, he quickly took his hand back to the radio to question just what Damon had inspired him to wonder about.
“Did they seriously not give us information beyond an incident and a Task Force?”
“Other than what we know, what time they’d be arriving? absolutely nothing,” Cameron replied.
As the comms went silent again, Damon looked over at Kaden with a knowing smirk as he finished off his coffee.
“What?” Kaden asked, that smirk usually meant trouble.
“It’s just — never thought I’d hear someone say my last name next to yours, it sounds good.” “Maybe I should’ve had Zack in the car with me,” Kaden grumbled. Damon looking falsely offended as that smile, moved his way onto his face. Only something his husband could make him do, he still made him laugh with the small things, after all these years. 
A cute shared moment aside, as the smile faded from both mens eyes, something now was off about all of this mornings efforts to Kaden as he gave a suspicious glance to Damon. Efficiency and effectiveness as well as proper planning was something that their Squad worked on, throughout plans, multiple paths and questions in any form that included ones of stupidity were how they worked in order to know exactly how to pin point what they were after. And with the way this incident fell into their hands, it was now a growing pit of doubt forming in Kaden’s stomach as he did nothing but await for yet another set of gates to open as they got closer to the taxiing aircraft.
Planes always fascinated Kaden, just how massive the wing size of such a plane could support itself. Though nowhere near as geeked out about it as Zack was, the sheer size of them always had him in bewilderment, even with the size of the 747 he was stunned by the sheer mass of how something could easily float in the sky and have it done with 2 million lines of code. As he parked up near the plane on the side of the road, careful to leave some space for the working airport crew, a few looks from the crew who had seemingly worked hours on the shift were giving each other looks. 
Why were they here?
Though they were on time, it was almost another half an hour before anything truly started moving in full force. And as Damon tapped Kaden’s shoulder, a quick button on the radio had Kaden relaying that they were ready for them to move as all four of them got out of the car. Leaving doors opened as they moved in front of their doors, and saw the ones to the airport open, ones that were rarely used by people unless it was for a connecting flight.
And just like that, the first man to appear was that of a lenient male in a blue shirt and a mohawk.
“How the hell’d he manage to get through selection with hair like that?” Zack questioned.
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Psychologie : le ghosting existe encore en 2023
Vous avez une phrase d accroche ? Vous anticipez le future date , quoi mettre ? Love at first side, il faut être canon ! M as t il menti sur son âge ou encore est il beau ?
Je dois m épiler, j ai pas encore essayer aux lasers , j ai peur d avoir mal aux aisselles pour toujours et perdre deux neurones dans l action. Enfin bref , il faut le faire parce qu on n a pas envie de terminer seul dans son appartement avec un chat ou deux… il faut mettre de l énergie pour voir les résultats.
Pourtant, jamais on avait vue un nombre incroyable de ghosting sur les applications. D abord, on parle puis d un coup plus rien ! C est scandaleux, on perd du temps , on parle d avenir et hop plus rien. C est quoi ce délire ? Je vous explique le pourquoi du comment. La personne en face est mal dans sa peau . Vous êtes trop bien , trop d énergie et enfin vous l inquiétez parce que vous êtes au top et lui est dans un gouffre noir. Son rôle principale : fuir ! Avant ou après le date. Mais pourquoi pas le dire ? On revient sur le mal de peaux. Il n arrive pas à communiquer et commence dès lors une spirale négative pour lui et il préfère partir sans dire un mot. Toutefois, je précise que parfois, il s en fout le goujat. Donc , niveau sympa , on peut se poser la question !
Donc , on rédige pas une plaidoirie dans son journal intime pour prendre sa propre défense. On l envoie pas en prison mais on tourne tout simplement la page. Regardes un dessin animé ,la belle au bois dormant ou cendrillon. On s enfonce pas … on peut prendre un jour pour se reposer et puis on redémarre. Pas mal ! On est pas mort et la vague a l âme qu on ressent c est juste un mauvais moment à passer.
Vous reprenez votre téléphone et vous swipez a droite. Sinon , vous supprimez tinder et bumble et vous sortez seul dans un bar et peut être qu un gentleman croisera votre regard.
Psychology : Ghosting still exists in 2023
Do you have a catchphrase? You anticipate the future date, what to wear? Love at first side, you have to be hot! Did he lie about his age or is he handsome? I have to wax, I haven't tried lasers yet, I'm afraid of having armpit pain forever and losing two neurons in the process. Anyway, you have to do it because you don't want to end up alone in your apartment with a cat or two… you have to put in the energy to see the results. However, we had never seen an incredible number of ghosting on applications. First, we talk and then suddenly nothing! It's scandalous, we're wasting time, we're talking about the future and nothing more. What is this madness ? I'll tell you why and how. The person in front is uncomfortable in his skin. You are too good, too much energy and finally you worry him because you are on top and he is in a black abyss. Its main role: to flee! Before or after the date. But why not say it? We come back to skin pain. He can not communicate and therefore begins a negative spiral for him and he prefers to leave without saying a word. However, I should point out that sometimes he doesn't care. So, nice level, we can ask ourselves the question! So, you don't write a pleading in your diary to take your own defense. We are not sending him to prison, but we are simply turning the page. Watch a cartoon, Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella. We don't sink… we can take a day to rest and then we start again. Not bad ! We're not dead and the wave has the soul that we feel it's just a bad time to pass. You pick up your phone and swipe right. Otherwise, you delete tinder and bumble and go out alone in a bar and maybe a gentleman will catch your eye.
Kevin Ngirimcuti
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genshinarchives · 3 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : Aether finds a strange statue in the Spiral Abyss and discovers that it’s a woman who had been petrified many years ago.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : Aether, Albedo, Baizhu, Bennett, Chongyun, Dainsleif, Diluc, Kaeya, Kazuha, Osial, Razor, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, hurt/comfort, reverse harem
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The Spiral Abyss was an undeniably strange phenomenon; there were three chambers on each floor, each challenge spawning different monsters that Aether had to defeat within a certain time limit. Completing them would give him bountiful rewards, and while he felt skeptical about it at first, he soon found himself paying the Spiral Abyss a visit from time to time, and today wasn't any different. After successfully defeating the final wave of enemies on floor 12-3, he went to claim his rewards - but something caught his eye.
There was a thirteenth floor, which made him arch an eyebrow.
Well this is new. The Spiral Abyss had been pretty consistent thus far, so why was there suddenly an additional floor? Unlike the other twelve floors, it only had one chamber as well. After a moment of contemplation, the Traveler decided to check it out.
There was almost nothing on the thirteenth floor. The ominous crimson key he'd usually see in the middle of the chamber was nowhere to be found either; instead, there was a lone stone statue in its place, kneeling with hands clasped together as if in a prayer. The sight made Aether feel uneasy as it gave him unpleasant flashbacks of the inverted statue in a certain domain. Is this also the work of the Abyss Order? He approached the object of interest in slow, cautious steps before circling it. The fissures decorating the surface glowed dully, and they were scarily similar to the petrification effect of Zhongli's meteor.
There was a small crack that didn't glow on its back, barely noticeable unless you examine the statue up close. Getting down on one knee, Aether subconsciously lifted a hand to touch it, his curiosity getting the better of him. The moment his fingers brushed against it, the geo energy within him resonated with the statue, causing the cracks to connect as they glowed brightly. He stumbled on his bottom in surprise at the sudden reaction he set off, eyes widening when pieces of stone flaked off the body, revealing the human trapped underneath its weathered surface.
She gasped loudly and fell forward on her hands. This snapped Aether out of his stupor, and he immediately rushed over to her side to check on her condition. Paimon popped out of the pocket dimension she would always disappear into when she's not needed and floated beside him, folding her hands behind her back.
"How did you unpetrify her?" she asked as he knelt down to her level.
"I-I don't know," he stammered, equally bewildered.
"EEEK! She's not wearing any clothes!" Paimon squeaked out, hands flying up to cover her eyes. He blinked twice and then lowered his gaze. It shot back up to her face instantly when he confirmed that the mysterious woman was indeed fully naked. Cheeks burning with embarrassment, he opened his inventory to see if he had anything she could use to cover herself up with.
She turned her head to stare at him when she noticed that she wasn't alone. "Who are you?"
The blond paused. Without looking at her, he said, "I'm Aether, and this is Paimon. J-just stay there while I find clothes for you..." As he continued to rummage through his bag, he came across some cloths that he had bought in Liyue during one of his sight-seeing adventures with Zhongli. They were supposed to be gifts for his friends in Mondstadt, but seeing as the woman he just saved is in dire need of clothes, he had no other choice; he can always buy them again anyway. "Here, take these-!"
Squeezing his eyes shut, he shoved the cloths in her direction, hoping that she knew how to tie them around her body as a makeshift dress. After a few seconds of silence, he felt her take them away from him. The cool feeling of her fingers brushing against the back of his hands made him jolt, and he quickly placed them on his lap. He then heard some rustling before she spoke up again.
"I'm done."
Lifting his eyelids, the Traveler finally got a good look at her. (H/c) hair and cold (e/c) eyes, where profound longing and loneliness lie deep within.
"Woah! Your eyes are beautiful!" Paimon exclaimed, almost squishing her face against the woman's when she tried to get a closer look. The (h/c)-haired female took a step back and turned her head away slightly to create some space between them. Curious, Aether approached her and peered at her face. When he saw her eyes, he felt as if he was looking at the night sky. There was a yellow crescent moon under each pupil, and her irises were speckled with silver shimmers.
A unique trait that he had never seen on anyone before until now.
"I can see the moon in your eyes," he murmured, utterly mesmerised by them. She became shy upon hearing his words and hid her face behind her bangs.
"So what's your name, and where are you from?" the fairy-like being asked. Aether was curious about her identity as well and waited for her to answer; however, she seemed hesitant to say anything about herself.
"I'm-" She stopped abruptly as her expression grew serious, puzzling him. She then grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her, making him gasp in surprise.
"Stand back," the woman said, assuming a defensive stance. Three abyss mages materialised from the black mists that suddenly appeared in the chamber - one pyro, one cryo and one hydro. The presence of these threats seemed to trigger something within her as the strange mark between her shoulder blades, that Aether only noticed now, glowed. Red lightning crackled around her hands, forming two black spears. He took a step back when he saw a dark red, galaxy-like aura surrounding her body.
"Come forth, divine lightning." After saying those words, she disappeared in a red flash, only to appear plunging from above the abyss mages. When her spears struck the ground, waves of red lightning surged forth and instantly broke their shields. She followed it up with a devastating spinning attack that annihilated them within seconds, leaving both Aether and Paimon in awe.
"Sh-she's not normal, Aether! Paimon's never seen someone like her before!"
Neither has he. Although he had traveled through different worlds with Lumine, this was his first time witnessing a wielder of red lightning. She didn't even have a Vision or a Delusion on her person, so is she an Outlander like him? Having been so caught up in his thoughts, he failed to notice that she had walked over and is now on one knee in front of him, head bowed.
"I'm known as the Spear of Dawn. To show my gratitude towards you for freeing me, I, (y/n), am now under your command," she uttered. The blond waved his hands in front of him frantically, feeling rather flustered at her sudden proclamation.
"W-what do you mean- Please stand up, you don't have to serve me!" he exclaimed, clasping her shoulders and forcing her to stand, "Let's get out of here first. I know a friend who lives nearby, so we'll get you settled there."
Nodding, (y/n) silently followed Aether out of the Spiral Abyss. The moment she stepped outside, zephyrs weaved around her as the warmth of sunlight dappled over her skin. She faltered in her step, relishing her freedom after being trapped in perpetual darkness for five centuries. Aether stopped walking when he noticed that she wasn't following him anymore. He turned on his heels to find (y/n) standing a few metres behind him, seemingly in a trance.
"(Y/n)?" he called, tracing his steps back to her.
Her attention was immediately on him. "I'm sorry. I got a little distracted."
They resumed their journey to Dawn Winery. Aether needed someone else to take care of (y/n) since he's constantly on the move (and basically homeless, but he's hoping that will change after he finishes furnishing his Serenitea Pot), and Diluc was the first person that came into mind when thinking about whose help to enlist. He knew the Knights of Favonius would be more than willing to help out a person in need, but he remembered that Kaeya and Rosaria exist, and he didn't want (y/n) to be put under their suspicion since she didn't look like a bad person.
The Traveler yelped in surprise when a crackling spear suddenly flew past him and struck the ground near a group of hilichurls, the impact sending them flying. Paimon moved in front of (y/n)'s face and angrily stomped the air.
"Hey, why did you do that? That was dangerous!" she shouted, crossing her arms with a huff.
"Enemies," (y/n) simply answered.
"Still, you could have hurt Aether! Will you take responsibility if you accidentally stab him?"
A sweatdrop formulated on his brow when a one-sided argument ensued, and he quickly intervened to calm Paimon down.
"Relax, Paimon. She was just trying to protect us," he said.
Having had enough of the little fairy yapping like a chihuahua, (y/n) grabbed her leg and tugged her closer. "Let's just eat this thing."
Paimon squeaked in horror. "NO!"
Aether laughed as his travelling companion freed herself before disappearing into her pocket dimension. When he was about to continue his trek to Dawn Winery, he finally remembered something; facing (y/n) again, he looked at her feet. Guilt squeezed his insides upon realising that he had made her walk barefoot the entire time, and he immediately knelt down in front of her with his back facing her. She stared at him, puzzled, as he extended his arms backwards.
"Get on, (y/n)," he said.
"Why? I'm capable of walking on my own," she told him.
"You're not wearing any shoes, and I don't want you to hurt your feet." When he didn't hear any response from her, he added, "Please let me carry you."
(Y/n) hesitantly got on his back. He then hooked his arms under her knees and stood up to continue. Gently wrapping her arms around his neck, she rested her head on the back of his, eyelids fluttering shut.
He's warm, just like the sun.
Back by the entrance of the Spiral Abyss, a lone figure stood in front of the swirling gate, her golden hues staring into the abyssal depth. An abyss mage then appeared behind her, bowing before its leader.
"Princess, it's all going according to plan."
She hummed, folding her arms over her chest. "So my brother was successful in freeing her." She closed her eyes. "Did you have a lot of trouble locating her statue?"
"Yes. The Geo Archon hid her very well but the Overlord of the Vortex helped us. We found her sealed in an underground domain in Guyun Stone Forest."
"I see."
The abyss mage hesitated to speak but eventually asked, "I don't mean to doubt Your Highness' cunning, but is it a good idea to let her live with the humans? Why are we not fighting to bring her to our side?"
Opening her eyes, Lumine answered, "Let her see this world for herself. No matter how much they try to convince her that she's human, they cannot change the fact that she exists only as a weapon to oppose the order of Celestia." She lifted her gaze to the twilight sky. "When the air is full of grief and sorrow, Gungnir will fall into despair. It is only then will the Abyss Order extend a hand to her."
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www-artforoddballs · 3 years
Alright, so notice. Most of you probably know this, since you're following me for the Autistic Levi stuff (thank you, we're closing in on 100 followers!!!!), but people with autism can have "tantrums". I've kinda touched on this in a previous post (it's a full meltdown, but you can see that post here https://www-artforoddballs.tumblr.com/post/644803780958879744/autistic-levi-angstkinda-i-guess-this-is-him). For those of you who DON'T know, an autistic tantrum is not the same thing as what you'd think of in regards to a toddler or kid, it's just the word used for it. This is a mistake my mother and I made when getting the paperwork done while I was going through testing that later got cleared up lol
I had a tantrum yesterday, and so I figured that I could post about Leviathan having a tantrum, since it's still ready on my mind. I don't care if anyone else is proud of me for coping with it as well as I did, since it's a major improvement from last time I had one, but I am proud of myself!...with that in mind, here we go!!
There will be some angst in this post, like the last post in relation to this one, but like the last post, it turns out fine.
Trigger warning for things such as self harm, both physical and verbal. If you or a loved one is self harming, either reach out to someone for help or reach out to that person to help, yeah?
OK on with the post.
First of all, Levi's autism is part of why his brothers always agree to help when there's a raffle for tickets or something like that on the DDD messages, because he can get overwhelmed if they don't at least help, even if he doesn't win in the end.
They figured out that his autism was the culprit for this shortly after his diagnosis.
Now when I'm writing for Levi, I like to think that his diagnosis was around the early 1990s since, while autism was a separate diagnosis in 1980, it didn't really start becoming fairly accepted and expanded upon until 1987. Hence why everyone is mostly used to it by now, but are still sometimes off put by his odd behavior; for them, as beings that have been around since...the beginning of the universe, pretty much as far as we know, but for at LEAST since humans were around (so at VERY least 2.5 million years now, but potentially up to around 7 million years (if they haven't been around since the beginning of creation)), this would be like...I dunno, give me a second.
Okay, so from 1990(earliest year I have in mind) to 2019 (the year it was released) is 29 years. That's a minimum of 1/86,206.89th of their lifespan, and a maximum of 1/475,862,068.96th of their total lifetime.
So this is a VERY recent development for them on the grand scheme of things, but I digress.
So they're still figuring everything out, especially as the human race continues to learn about the condition itself.
So the first time Levi threw a tantrum and they recognized it for what it was...it was certainly interesting.
What had happened was exactly the situation described; Levi had wanted to go to a concert in the human world and they were raffling off free tickets. Except, unlike now, his brothers hadn't offered their support. They hadn't in the past, why would this time be any different?
Except now they viewed it through a different light. Leviathan had an image in his head that he desired so badly and had asked his brothers to support him, hopeful, only to be rejected at every turn. That he was used to, but it was still upsetting.
He put that to the side, though. He really wanted to see this band, and these were VIP tickets where you got to hang out with the band for a few hours after the concert! They'd cost a LOT of human money, and while they COULD afford it, he knew Lucifer would be bringing hell down upon him if he used that amount of family funds on a concert. And his anxiety was already somewhat raised, so he decided to enter the raffle on his own.
He sat there for hours, waiting for the results to come in. He'd hyped this up in his brain the entire time; He'd win, go to an amazing concert, have dinner with the band, maybe even make some friends....!...and then the results came back. He hadn't won.
As per usual, our snek boi went into one of his rants about how unfair it was, but instead of going on a rampage or something like that, locked himself up in his room and cried, hating himself for getting so excited over nothing.
As I mentioned before, I've made another post about a tantrum/getting too overwhelmed slipping into something even more dire, as that's almost always what happens to me. This would be in the 90s, so this would be their first real incident with one of these moments where they had the proper diagnosis, so bear with me, there will be some angst here, but like the other post, it'll be fine.
So Mammon ends up feeling bad for rejecting his little brother, and, not knowing it was too late, decided to go to his room and offer his support. It was almost Leviathan's birthday anyways, and Mammon knew how rejection felt and how much it sucked. So, he knocked on Leviathan's door.
No response. He knocked again...still no response, but a quiet sob.
Right away, Mammon switched from semi-carefree to worried. "Levi...?"
Again, no response. He decided to just go in and check on his brother...
The door was locked. And he smelled blood.
"Leviathan, I need you to open the door," Mammon said with a half hearted chuckle, his voice now becoming slightly strained. "Because if ya don't, I'm gonna have t' break the door down."
"Just go away!" Leviathan cried from inside his room. "Just leave me alone, you jerk!"
"I ain't goin' anywhere. Either open the door or I'm gonna break it down. Those are your two choices."
A moment of silence, before Mammon sighs, stretching, as he transforms into his demon form.
"Alright, option two it is."
He rammed into the door repeatedly, before the wood finally splintered and fell to the ground with a loud thud. Mammon quickly looked around, eyes widening as he saw Leviathan digging his own sharpened nails into his arms, multiple raked wounds, made by the same culprit, carved into his skin.
"Levi...look at ya..." Mammon said, voice faltering, tears welling up in his eyes. "I...how long has..."
"Just shut up! Don't act like you care about me, I'm the freak of our family, remember?! I'm the one whose brain isn't right, I'm just a shut-in, good for nothing, re-!"
He was quickly cut off by Mammon going to him and hugging him.
"I don't care who you are. You talk about my brother like that again and I'll kill you. Alright? You're a little off, but you ain't a freak, and your brain works just fine as is. You're perfect just the way you are, and if anybody else says any different, I'm gonna beat them the fuck up. Including you. Got that? So what if you've got that fancy lable on ya now...? Labels like that matter, but it didn't change ya. You're still my cringe, annoying as hell little weirdo of a brother...and I wouldn't have ya any other way."
Leviathan fully listened to Mammon talk, before clinging to him, breaking down sobbing again, and trying to explain what happened through his tears, the older demon gently rubbing his back and allowing him to cry it out, making sure no more harm was done.
A while later, once Levi had calmed down, Mammon ruffled his hair.
"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah? Lucifer is already gonna kill me for breaking your door, but he'd be even more pissed if I just left you here with those wounds."
So they did. And Mammon, after telling a VERY angry Lucifer what had happened hours later, had surprisingly NOT gotten chewed out by the eldest brother. Instead, that day, the entire family had a long discussion, and they all agreed that if it was something as small as entering a raffle, or even if it was bigger but not an inconvenience to anyone in the slightest, they'd all help out from then on. It's not like it was hard, and it would save Levi from hours of stress and negativity toward himself and others around him.
They also made a plan for if a tantrum were to happen while someone was around, or if he became too overwhelmed and started to spiral...because, as annoying as he could be, Leviathan was still family. And they loved him, oddities and all.
Alright, so...that was the post! I hope it was okay. I know I've written about this type of thing before a little, but different situations can end up with the same negative outcome, like being in an overwhelming situation, or not being able to change your thinking and not easily being able to get over your expectations. I've personally suffered with both, and it's a regular thing for me, so I like writing about it, because maybe, just maybe, it'll help someone out, or help someone that isn't autistic understand a friend or relative or classmate or employee better. And I love these characters, I really do. The only ironic thing is that I see so much of myself in Leviathan, but I adore him and despise myself. Go figure 😂
Regardless, I hope you enjoyed, and if there's anything you guys have questions about (in regards to me and my experience), or any specific writing requests, asks are fully open!
Thanks so much for being here to support me, you have no idea how much it means to a little oddball such as myself.
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