#so can everyone else on this show
graegrape · 2 years
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ingo-centric art dump .. i adore him
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pippytmi · 2 years
If you're still accepting prompts #5 for supercorp?? Please.. no pressure.. have a good day!!!
When Kara gets an invitation to Andrea’s latest art gala, her friends all reach an unanimous decision to RSVP “no fucking chance” via every available avenue.
It would have been creative, really, and impressive—that is, if Nia hadn’t gotten banned from the post office as a result. So in the end it was just a nice thought, if a misguided one; really, Kara is used to Andrea’s antics by now. They had broken up two months ago, but Andrea seemed intent on showing off every chance she could that she had moved on. Kara has never accused her of doing it to be cruel, but she has to admit, sometimes she fantasizes about showing up to one of Andrea’s events with someone else to show she has moved on as well. Just, you know, to even the score. (If they were keeping score).
But she shows up dateless all the same, and everyone is still aghast she showed up at all, but Kara has always been a firm believer of taking the high road even if Andrea won’t. And Alex tags along, if only to glower at Andrea any chance she gets, until she gets distracted by a pretty girl at the bar and Kara ends up alone just as she anticipated.
Well, she consoles herself, at least the buffet is always here to keep her company.
“Excuse me,” a sudden voice to her right suddenly interrupts the slow-motion movie in Kara’s head that has focused mostly on cream puffs. “Are you Kara Danvers?”
“Yeah?” Kara adjusts her glasses and squares her shoulders, already prepared to face the person Andrea has sent to be her “greeter”—she has a habit of sending someone to escort Kara to personally come say hi to her and her new girlfriend, as if she’s too busy to come across the room herself.
“I thought I recognized you,” says the stranger before her. “I’m Lena, I’m—”
“Andrea’s friend,” Kara fills in the blanks, slightly stunned. “Hi.” She’d heard about Lena Luthor, the mysterious boarding schoolmate turned actress, but had never met her before.
“I always meant to come introduce myself, but…” Lena trails off, and the unspoken but then Andrea broke up with you remains unsaid. “Anyway, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I came over here, I was…” 
“Curious?” Kara offers, and she feels the corner of her mouth twitch with the effort to withhold a self-pitying laugh. “I know, it’s weird. Here I am, at my ex’s party, just trying to stock up on as much free food as I can. I understand if you want to call security.”
Lena Luthor has a very stoic demeanor which must be a product of practiced professionalism, but when Kara says that, a laugh kind of erupts from her mouth; it’s simultaneously undignified and endearing all at once. “Oh, God, I’m sorry—I just, I have no doubt you don’t want to be here. I know Andrea makes it her mission to flaunt her success to everyone.”
“I guess,” Kara shrugs, “but I could have said no.”
“No, you couldn’t have,” Lena disagrees, and her eyes are undoubtedly searching as they meet Kara’s, her gaze heavy but warm. “I’ve been there, I know what she’s like.”
Kara tugs at the knot of her tie, suddenly wishes it were a bit looser, and then sighs. “Yeah,” she says quietly. “Sometimes I wish I could give her a taste of her own medicine, you know? To—” And then it dawns on her. It’s something Alex would thump her over the head for, and it’s the kind of idea that Nia would wholeheartedly agree on. “Hey. Are you single?”
Lena gives her an odd look. “What?”
“Wait, that’s not what it sounds like,” Kara is quick to assure her. “I meant—if you’re single, and willing, would you maybe want to pretend you’re my girlfriend?”
“Me?” Lena has very green eyes, mesmerizingly green really, and it’s hard for Kara to even form words when they’re trained on her. “That feels kind of…petty.”
Kara deflates. “You’re right,” she mumbles. “I’m sorry, I—”
“Kara, there you are.” Winn, who must be the unfortunate courier of bad news this evening, arrives short of breath. “Andrea wanted me to tell you hi for her. Or, er, she wants me to invite you to…say hi to her? I don’t even know what she’s asking.”
“We do,” Lena cuts in, and before Kara can even blink, there is a hand holding hers, intertwined fingers and all; Lena smiles sideways at her, just about level in her heels, and her smile is so stunningly pretty that Kara can only blink back in response. “Shall we, darling?”
“Um,” Kara says very ineloquently in response, and Winn’s eyes just about pop out of his head. “Okay.”
It is very strange to hold someone’s hand, Kara decides, when you don’t know the person. Lena’s hand is soft and just edging on cold, as if she’d been outside too long before arriving, and all Kara can do is agonize over whether her hand is sweaty.
Andrea is waiting by the orchestra, quite predictably, with her new girlfriend and acting as if she hadn’t expected Kara to walk up to her at all. “Kara, hi,” she says, and normally this is the time she would schmooze and smile without teeth, batting her eyes and stressing how nice it is that Kara could make it. But when she spots Lena—namely, Lena holding Kara’s hand—her smile freezes on her face. “Lena, I didn’t know you were coming. We didn’t see your RSVP.”
Lena tilts her head just so, smiling just bright enough to be polite. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she says, and lets go of Kara’s hand as if practiced to rest against the lapel of her suit jacket. “Kara’s invite had a plus one, so I assumed I could just come with.”
“Of course,” Andrea says tightly. “Though I must say, I didn’t even know you two knew each other.”
“Well, we have you to thank,” Kara says without even thinking, without even forming a story, and judging by the way Lena’s eyebrows raise she is thinking the same thing. “I was, um, working a shoot and Lena was there and she recognized me, from pictures you showed her? So we started talking. And here we are.” Then, because she’s sure she needs to play up the romance, she slides her own hand against Lena’s waist—a mistake for her own sanity, because Lena is in a quite form-fitting red dress and Kara gets a little too distracted when she looks at it.
“You make us sound so dull,” Lena tuts, and her eyes sparkle with a challenge when Kara looks at her. “She won’t admit it, but she was so tongue-tied when we met. Completely head over heels.”
“Okay but who wouldn’t be?” Kara dares her right back, feeling more brazen, and Lena quirks an eyebrow as if intrigued.
“I thought you were cute too, I suppose,” Lena says, and she sways into Kara’s embrace, which causes Kara’s heart to beat embarrassingly quick. “Even if you almost dropped a backdrop on my head.”
“I apologized for that,” Kara plays along, relieved that Lena’s far better at crafting a story; she has never seen Lena act in anything, but knows she has to be Oscar-worthy for this performance alone.
Andrea pointedly clears her throat. “How nice,” she says flatly, looking annoyed, and Kara had nearly forgotten that she’s here.
“Well great party, Andrea,” Kara says. “And thank you for having us, but we have to run—I promised Lena a dance.”
“Lena doesn’t dance,” Andrea says sharply, but Lena is already nodding along with Kara’s excuse.
“What can I say,” Lena says cheerfully, “she brings out the dancer in me.”
Kara has to pretend to cough, then, because that is such an awful line, and Lena pinches her wrist when no one is looking, and really it’s a miracle they manage to get away before Andrea realizes this is all a ruse. In fact, the instant they’re back at the buffet, they exchange a single look and immediately burst into laughter.
“Thank you, for that,” Kara says afterwards, shyly taking a step back when she notices she’s still lingering too close.
“It was your idea, I just brought it to life,” Lena says. “Though you really had me digging for my improv notes, because your storytelling leaves a lot to be desired.”
“I tend to think before I speak sometimes,” Kara admits sheepishly. “Which, uh, I’m sorry about. You know, because the dancing thing…” She pauses. “You don’t have to dance with me though. I’ll just pretend I got an urgent call or something, and Winn can pass on the message that I left.”
“You forget that I’m your date for the evening, now,” Lena warns. “If you leave I’m practically obligated to leave with you.”
“Right, I didn’t think of that.” And with Lena staring back at her, her expression soft and curious, Kara feels brave again. “Well…do you drink coffee?”
“I do,” Lena says, angling just a bit closer, and Kara smiles.
“I know a great coffee shop in the area,” she says. “And they don’t care if we show up looking like this.”
“Are you asking me on an actual date?” Lena bites her bottom lip just coyly enough that Kara knows she’s not opposed to the suggestion, which is what prompts her to respond,
“Yes,” without so much as a pause. “And I can promise I won’t almost-drop anything on your head in this scenario.”
“Well I’d hope so,” Lena says, and Kara laughs, and really it’s the strangest outcome that Kara could have never anticipated. And yeah, it’s as awkward as any first date already, Kara blushing too much and Lena fiddling with her hands as they walk, but—it’s also just about the best night of Kara’s life.
“So why didn’t you RSVP?” Kara thinks to ask, just as they reach the front door, and Lena scrunches her nose in confusion.
“I told my assistant to RSVP for me, I’m not sure what happened,” she says. “I saw her leave to the post office myself.”
“Oh,” Kara says, grimacing. “That wouldn’t have been the one off of 37th street, would it?”
“Yes, actually. How’d you know?”
Kara thinks of Nia’s ban, and the fact that letters are oh-so-flammable, and just shakes her head. “Let’s just say it’s never arriving,” she says, and Lena gives her a confused look, but Kara reaches for her hand again and then everything else kind of fades away.
(Even Alex—who they pass on the way outside—and her shout of, “Kara, what the fuck,” melts into the symphony of car honks and police sirens and shouts of passerby as Kara and Lena disappear into the cool night air).
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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“Monkey King! It’s good to see you, bud.”
I... may have gone a little feral-- 
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ashes-in-a-jar · 2 years
*coughs for attention from the people in the back*
Jon didn't make everything about himself
Jonah Magnus and the Web did
It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you
It's not purely your own paranoia if it's induced by a monster's Fear miasma
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starbuck · 2 years
Black Sails is just a continuous string of
“Can you BELIEVE this guy is Like That??” — guy who is also Like That, but slightly to the left
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very gentle reminder that mental health bloggers aren't your therapists. 
there are so many helpful people & resources on this site and I encourage you to use that. read our posts, ask questions, submit asks (just read the guidelines first). we post this stuff to be helpful! but at the end of the day most of us are not professionals, we probably don't know you personally, and we get overwhelmed too. 
use mental health tumblr as the resource it is, bc it is an enormously valuable resource! my goodness i have learned so much on here. but don't use it as a replacement for professional help, especially in emergencies. it's not fair to us or to you. (there are very very few situations where a tumblr blogger should be your go-to in a personal crisis. i cannot overemphasize how unhealthy and dangerous that trend is for all parties involved. please call a crisis hotline first.)
If you are struggling in any way, I highly encourage you to speak to someone qualified. I am asking people to share links to resources in the notes (online therapy resources, counselling hotlines & chat services, and especially any helpful lists that have already been compiled.)
#not a shitpost#serious post#mental health#a common experience for me as a popular blogger who talks about mental health#is that i will occasionally get contacted by someone I don't really know who is panicked and overwhelmed#and not knowing who else to turn to decides to use my inbox or DMs to overshare really personal and stressful information#that most of the time I'm not qualified to help with#it's not the only reason i rarely read my messages anymore (executive dysfunction and targetted harassment being big reasons themselves)#but there have been some traumatic and stressful incidents that cemented that decision#please know that i am real and sincere in my desire that everyone in this little community we've built#will experience recovery and will recieve the support and resources they need to do so#but the job I have chosen to myself is to promote weird positivity & make people laugh#and yes to encourage people to take the next step and seek help. be it through therapy or medication management or a help program etc#i really really encourage that!#but please know i am not the person you need to be talking to about that#i can point you in the right direction with my blog content#but i'm not a professional and i am also in the middle of my own recovery#it means...holy shit i cannot emphasize how much it means to recieve comments along the lines of#'your content helped me/encouraged me to make changes/helped me realize i have this disorder/made me feel less alone'#i love those messages and I show a lot of them to my mom and save them in a little folder i can look at when i need positivity#thank you so much for those!#and also the messages along the lines of 'i'm going through some shit right now but you made me smile on a shitty day'#i love those bc i have had many dark days of my own & i remember my gratitude and love for the things that added bright spots to dark times#the majority of the messages & comments you guys send are lovely!#but please know I'm not in the position where i can offer advice about specific situations#and yes i wish i had the time and energy to offer individual comfort and conversation to anyone who needs it#but i don't. so i am focusing on what i CAN do.#which is i think to build an online space that feels safe and funny and weird and inclusive#and to sprinkle in liberal helpings of things i wish i had known earlier in regards to mental health and wellness#long post
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paunchsalazar · 2 years
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I am really truly reading this as Kyoya admitting he’s been in love with Tamaki and has accepted it
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bumbledees · 2 years
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chocoenvy · 2 years
shatters your door im taking vampire reader n running w it. lil bastard vampire reader/darling/tsaritsa 📣
bc what's better then one toxic yandere partner??? TWO.
you go from a menace that does as they pleases, terrifying local villages and making a name for yourself, to a glorified pet of all things.
the tsaritsa and darling just picking you up while in the middle of no where like your a stray 😭
you try to cause problems and get them to think your too much work but they just think your escape attempts are cute. the other acolytes do not.
you are constantly causing problems for them n bullying them but they can't do anything bc your favored by Darling.
also reader constantly trying to bite darling + the tsaritsa when their being affectionate but they just think your play biting bc its like being stabbed by a wet noodle. keep doing it long enough and they'll start biting back though. gonna walk out looking like you just got mauled
also darling only letting you feed from them or the tsaritsa. they say it's bc you deserve only the best of the best, but your 99% sure it's because their blood, and the tsaritsa's to a lesser extent, makes you drowsy and docile. it's addicting too.
you managed to run away a total of once, and the moment you tried to drink any blood other then theirs, it made you sick.
so now you just angrily seethe in darlings palace while they coo about how cute it is when you pout. everything you do is cute to them. biting?? just play bites. your fangs aren't even strong enough to break their skin, and theirs are so much bigger then yours. they just find it adorable. most of all they find your blood drunken state directly after feeding adorable too. they get to pamper you and be as affectionate as they please without you biting and twisting about. if you drink darlings blood, doubly so, as you seek out affection. nuzzling into their palms and being so sweet for them..
Uh Oh this got out of hand n i wrote too much already so im cutting this short 🤸‍♂️ - eros
"cutting this short"- YOU HAVE MORE? EROS GET BACK HERE-
i've read this at least five times already and im frothing at the mouth yandere tsaritsa and darling x reader is the best ship ever bc i said so AND THROWING VAMPIRE READER INTO THE MIX TOO?? IT'S LITERALLY PERFECT
this is rotting my brain so badly i can't even put into words omfg i love this im keeping this in a locket so i can stare at it all the time and people will be like "oh is taht a picture of someone important?" "No its vampire reader x yandere tsaritsa x yandere darling- why are you looking at me like that?"
#choco.asks#*~frequent customer#i really wish i had more to add but my brain is actually rotting this is <333#sorry i just love darling and the tsaritsa and both of them with vampire reader#im going insane :)#picking you up like you're a stray#they're such fucking menaces i love them#darling saw you and was like 'that thing is causing problems for the people of snezhnaya but they're kinda cute'#and they just fucking pick you up and you try biting at them and kicking and screaming but they just fucking laugh at your struggles#i feel tsaritsa would take some time to warm up to you and would come damn close to just knocking you out#but she grows to love you and adore messing with you#also shut up i adore the thought of the tsaritsa or darling biting at their wrist or smth so you can suck from it#bc your teeth can't break their skin#so you literally rely on them to keep you alive#because im convinced that your escape attempt was planned#and as you said darling and tsaritsa get jealous at the thought of someone else's blood on you#so i think it was planned to show you how yucky everyone else's blood is#you should just stay with them :) let them provide you with all the blood you need#and and when they start biting back i just-#tsaritsa is gentler me thinks she just nips back at you playfully (and also she'd kill you if she actually bit you)#while darling gives you NO WARNINGS you bite at them and they're biting you with the same ferocity you bit them#AND YOU SOUND LIKE A KICKED PUPPY WHEN THEY BITE YOU CAUSE GODDAMN THAT SHIT HURT#they're laughing with your blood running down their face but you're over there pouting in tears with your blood smeared everywhere#OKAY I'LL SHUT UP BYE
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gojobait · 2 years
thomas was flint’s truest love and silver was the love of flint’s life hope this helps
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allltheinternets · 2 years
Supercorp AU where Kara’s stressing about finally telling Lena her secret but it turns out Lena has known the entire time and just assumed that Kara KNEW that she knew. Lena never mentioned/referred to it because she sees Kara as just KARA and there’s not enough people in Kara’s life like that so she just went with it and just assumed Kara never talks about supergirl stuff because she’s embarrassed by it or because of the whole Luthor family history and doesn’t want to make LENA uncomfortable and that’s why Kara makes up TOTALLY believable excuses all the time.
Lena: I mean, you just put on some glasses and tied your hair up..? Does that really trick people?
Kara: …..yes….?
Lena: You remember I have two PhDs and a masters right?
Kara: *dies internally*
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lightgamble · 3 years
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Legends of Tomorrow | 7.03 
Go easy on the Ken doll.
#Legends of Tomorrow#lotedit#coldatom#Ray Palmer#Leonard Snart#lot spoilers#Not Revolution#Mine#GIF set#I don't watch LOT anymore but I do watch the promos on YT#and how could I not want to gif them? I didn't pay attention to the plot. I left WAY too long ago. It's too late for me. It's not my show#anymore. So I have a lot of what could have been feelings#And I don't understand why Dominic wasn't in it just for a couple seconds#or why they couldn't just do a FULL show of just the OGs or even just the OGs I like XD#Ray and Rip and Len and Mick and Sara and Jax... everyone else can take a coma nap.#Or it turns out everyone but Sara is an AI in a complicated simulation program.#Their personalities were way off so I assume this wasn't just Gideon's memories or whatever of the old days#It would have been nice to maybe do a parallel waverider one#where Rip never abandons them#and wtf was Hawkman doing there#I wouldn't really count him as a Legend more like Kendra's plus one.#And omg Kendra should have come back#there weren't enough hijinks. I know it was Gideon's episode but... still#what I liked about S1 was it was a mess they weren't a team (they also weren't hostages) they were nobodies - people Rip thought he could#use to get his vengeance - and they spent more time bickering than helping anyone... actually that's not fair it was sort of 50/50#It was weirdly nice to see Stein even tho I remember really hating him at first#I think the real reason I had to gif this was the food stealing and the NOPE spin when Ray tries to stop Len leaving#And now I'm going to need to read some fic.
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spooky-kakashi · 2 years
matsun who dyes their hair pink to blend into the hanamaki family photo but sticks out because it was the wrong shade
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brittlebutch · 2 years
tbh one of the most quietly compelling things about totheark is the contrast between what they say about alex and what they do around him. like totheark uploads are Constantly threatening to kill alex, but the worst they’ve ever managed to do is beat the shit out of him. idk, i just think it’s interesting that brian’s main plan seems to Just be putting alex in tim’s path. also think that - while tim’s at his most easily manipulated/controlled when he’s in a state of mind where he’s most likely to beat the hell out of you first and ask questions later - the way tim actually acts with jay throughout the series, and the way he speaks to alex throughout their final confrontation, shows that tim’s main motivation in just about any circumstance is to Help the other people he’s suffering with. and there’s no way brian doesn’t Know that. just think that’s interesting
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Daniel "I do like the men folk" Jacobi WE STAN
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