#so do You
crinkle-eyed-boo · 2 years
Seven and a half years later I’m still like why the FUCK are the vocals for “Home” produced like a call and response between Louis and Harry????
It’s like they are fucking reassuring each other with Louis’ sweet and soothing “I’ll make this feel like home” and Harry soaring in with that confident “Baby, we COULD be enough,” I mean HONESTLY who the fuck allowed that and what am I supposed to do with that??? WHY.
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jojotier · 2 years
wiener dog dirk strider nft
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wiener dog dirk strider nft
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pocket-jack · 2 months
1112 episode: "Airing peacefully"
Everyone: Oh! That was sad! Yeah, go Shanks! Kid's attack is da best! Best animation! Yeah! Shanks is great! No, it's Kid!
Me: Oh yeah, it is time to make the most gut wrenching angst in the history of KidKiller >:]
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y-rhywbeth2 · 9 months
Incidentally, the most cursed thing you can do as Durge is using the tadpole and the Urge in tandem to force Minsc to kill Jaheira against his will.
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teethcritter · 8 months
advice on how to handle one of your fav fictional ships breaking up but they’re supposed to be endgame
do what i did with spider8reath and rewrite the part you hate and what you think should have happened instead. im 100% serious
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lepusrufus · 1 year
Really love the idea that Moira not only doesn't really know how to use guns, but she's absolutely abysmal at it.
Angela tried to teach her on a few occasions because at the end of the day she's an ex combat medic that had to pull out the gun to save both herself and her loved ones on countless occasions, but it just went real south real fast. Moira got a little over confident and decided to try out a rifle. Got smacked in the face so hard by the recoil she had a black eye for the next week. Tried a gun once and it just flew out of her hand to the panic of everyone else in the shooting range. Looked at Ana's rifle once, Angela very gently told her "no" and they both decided to take the L.
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beebobeebo · 16 days
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Tim : In 23 minutes of broadcasting I thought I'd seen it all, folks. But it looks like Boyd Crowder has actually blindfolded himself.
Dunlop: He will not be able to see very well, Tim.
Tim: How did you get in here?
Dunlop: The door was -
Tim: No. *Hand wave* No.
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pinxilla · 3 months
The on-going conflict in Palestine should not be a part of your decision this November.
Ok, I usually avoid posting about politics because 1. I am very busy and would rather engage with media that brings me joy and 2. online politics is.... But in light of both the debate and the recent reveal of the overruling of Chevron, pretty much every platform has been overloaded with everyone's thoughts on the matter and now I'm jumping in! Yay!
Now, first thing to clarify: I hold firm in my belief that Palestine has every right to be its own independent state, as it had been for thousands of years prior to the 1940s. The UN and pretty much every nation of significant standing in the global field has failed in protecting Palestinians and upholding international law. Israel has been freely committing atrocities on the U.S' dime and it is disgusting. Frankly, I am ashamed to be a part of the nation that has enabled it. If you are able, please continue donating to vetted charities and continue to speak your mind on the matter. Visibility can be as vital to motion on an issue as finance. However, you should not use your stance on Palestine as a deciding factor in the 2024 presidential election.
The Democratic party has failed on many fronts in upholding the views of its constituents. Despite the thousands of protests around the country to withhold funds and arms from Israel, Biden and Congress have maintained their alliance with a merciless and power-hungry foreign country that has consumed the lives of more than 40,000 people. And Trump and the Republican party would have done the exact same thing. Both candidates support Israel, both are far past their prime and experiencing rapid mental decline, neither are ideal candidates and neither will promote significant progress. But, one of these candidates will allow the same conservative views that fueled the overturning of Roe v. Wade and Chevron v. Natural Resources to turn into federal legislation. And that candidate is not Joe Biden.
I understand that he and the Democratic party's performance the past eight or so years has been incredibly frustrating, but trust me that in not voting or giving your vote to Trump, you will be making it worse.
I have seen several posts circulating with the rough sentiment of "well this was overturned under Biden" "this was passed under Biden" "this/that/the other happened under Biden's administration" etc. and I must emphasize that the President is actually one of the least powerful forces when it comes to the creation, passage, and introduction of legislation. A President can not directly introduce legislation. A President does not have any say on a bill until it reaches their desk, in which case they can pass or veto-- and even if they veto it, Congress can override it. When it comes to Supreme Court rulings, a President literally has no say whatsoever. That's the entire point. Joe Biden is not responsible for the overturning of Roe or Chevron. Those decisions were made by the 6 conservative justices who were notably, not appointed by Joe Biden. One of which, however, was appointed by former President and 34-count felon Donald Trump.
A President's power resides almost entirely through influence and image. And even if it is getting rather hard to tell, having a Democrat in office is still better than having a Republican when it comes to social and economic progress.
To the most recent overruling: Chevron was a landmark in ensuring federal agencies can enforce environmental, workplace, public health, and consumer protections. By overruling its president, the Supreme Courts has justified thousands of cases of the federal government stepping in to *protect your rights*. In the future, it will be much, much harder for federal protection agencies to adequately justify their control over the practices of corporations. Simply put, we are fucked. This is on top of the overruling of Roe v. Wade, which has already put a significant dent in the protection of women's access to health care, as well as damage to every American's right to privacy and autonomy.
Without these cases protecting us, it is incredibly dangerous to have a Republican-- especially one of Trump's... fervor-- back in office. Unfortunately, we are rapidly losing the privilege to vote based on our government's actions abroad. Again: continue donating to families in Palestine, continue speaking out, continue protesting, I will be there with you, but please vote blue in November.
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phoenix--flying · 10 months
me when in my canon au austin comes to chb after botl and therefore lee never met him but austin know so much about lee because hes heard story after story about his older brother
austin knows so much about lee and lee will never get to know austin
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 11 days
I just want everyone to remember that LOK exists because aang is dead. Sokka and potentially suki are dead. The only members of the gaang that are alive are Toph, Zuko, and Katara. Who aren’t as close as they used to be. Life, responsibilities and other things keeping them for being extracting as much.
So in conclusion the gaang is dead even though some members still exist. Because Aang is dead.
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agunixmorizono · 1 year
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transkingcobra · 2 months
*looks at the idiots*
Wow that’s actually pretty unhealthy and toxic
*remembers these idiots were originally/based off of self-inserts of me and my ex*
Oh. Oh right. Yeah.
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chopper-base · 1 year
Honor the Fallen
Summary: The missing scene after the Venator crashed into the moon, leaving Ahsoka and Rex to uncover their fallen brothers.
Warnings: Canon deaths, I cried writing this-
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Ahsoka bit the inside of her lip as she pulled yet another body out the wreckage. The orange paint that decorated the helmet stared back at her. She had given up holding the tears back after pulling the second body out hours ago.
A choked sob from behind her had her turning towards her captain. He was holding another body in his arms, the Republic cog painted distinctly on the front of the helmet.
The ARC's armor was now painted with dirt and grime, but the 501st blue stuck out against the wreckage around them. His chest plate was cracked right over where his heart used to beat.
Rex looked up from his best friend, locking eyes with the young Togruta. Tears were spilling down the blonde clone's cheeks, following the same track as the previous ones.
Ahsoka picked up the body she had found as Rex picked up Jesse's unmoving one. They both walked them out of the wreckage, laying them beside their brothers. Their vode.
The two continued to pull body after body out of the wreckage, laying them gently outside what was left of the ship until only Ahoska went back in. Rex began to dig into the dirt, giving his fallen vode a final resting place that wasn't the trampled dirt of a battlefield.
When Ahsoka returned, cradling another one of his vode, he had only finished digging the first grave. Ahsoka carried the fallen soldier to the grave, gently laying him down in the ground. Rex reached up, removing his vod's helmet revealing the face he'd seen a thousand times.
Ahsoka rested her hand on Rex's shoulder, looking down at her Captain. "Rex," he looked up to meet her eyes, "Let us give them all the burial they all deserve."
Rex looked back to his vod once more before setting the helmet carefully beside him. He grabbed the shovel again, hesitating before pouring the dirt over the grave.
They both repeated the process over and over again, removing each helmet carefully, setting it utop a rifle dug into the dirt of every grave.
Ahsoka stood back, looking over the sea of now empty helmets, knowing all too well what lay beneath each one. Her lightsaber was held tightly in her hand, the blue blade never to be ignited by her again. She watched it roll out of her hand, landing with a soft thud in the dirt by her feet.
Rex appeared beside her, taking a last look across the field of graves, setting his hand gently on her shoulder. "Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la."
Ahsoka looked over to him, a slight questioning look on her face. Rex met her gaze, a saddened smile spread across his lips. "That was Mando'a." It wasn't a question. She knew enough of the language to recognize when it was spoken.
"Yes," Rex looked out once more, "It means 'Not gone, merely marching far away'. It… it only seemed right."
Ahsoka felt a small smile work its way onto her face. "It does." She took a shaky breath. "Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la, ori’vode. Rest well."
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So, I just had the most upsetting Munson family thought...
Although we collectively have our (many) head canons about Eddie’s past, how and when he came to live with Wayne, what his parents were like, etc. we literally have zero canonical information about his background.
However, Eddie confirmed during the hotwire scene that his father is Wayne’s brother (claiming he was “really living up to the Munson name” by taking after his father in criminal activity.) 
Joel Stoffer (Uncle Wayne) has stated in a couple interviews (you can find them on YouTube) that he and Joe never met, nor were they given much info about Eddie’s history to go on, but it seems they both sort of had the same ideas. -- Joe has stated that, regarding Eddie’s past, he believes that: “his mum has either passed away or left, and his father is in prison.” Where Joel postures that:  “Wayne saw a lot of crap that Eddie dealt with growing up, with parents who struggled. There was probably some abuse and trauma, so I made it a mission for me, as his uncle, to protect him and care for him as best I could.”
Although these ideas paint a pretty believable picture, I’d like to offer something else.
It’s canon that the Munson family struggles. Wayne is a hardworking man who busts his ass to provide for himself and Eddie, and in spite of his demanding job and long hours, the pair still lives in a dated trailer that’s clearly in need of some repairs, and has seen better days. -- Poverty is often a generational demon, and many poor people turn to less than legal means to get by when things get tough.
What if Eddie’s father wasn’t abusive, and was only involved in criminal activity as a means of survival and provision? What if Eddie’s father does love and care about him, but wasn’t able to parent the way Eddie needed? What if he’s in prison, watching the new of what’s going on in Hawkins, hearing about his son being accused of the worst...and what if Wayne has to muster up the courage to go tell his little brother that his only child is dead?
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slabfield · 1 year
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in celebration of my friend nael's absolutely deranged mashup of close in the distance x how bad can i be. onceler ardbert.
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angelbvn · 1 year
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