#so does anyone have any advice
t0daybutmaybet0morr0w · 6 months
hi people of studyblr
how does one study for many hours without feeling like their brain is dehydrated?
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queercodedcowboy · 4 months
i wonder what my neighbors think is going on when i scream at the top of my lungs and thump around while doing so every few nights. its cockroaches fyi. radroaches if were being size specific here.
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oldkamelle · 2 years
Still accepting Ideas? If so, Spy asking advice on Sniper on how to tell Scout that he is his dad.
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reigen arataka and senshi of izganda are peak sexy aroace representation. entire fandoms are so down bad for them it's concerning and they're just existing in their own media doing their own weird guy things, addressing and dismissing romance and sex with total nonchalance any time anyone brings it up
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Alastor: If violence isn't solving all of your problems, then you simply aren't using enough of it
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hood-ex · 1 year
When people have been asking you for years whether you're going to eventually update your fic, and you just keep telling them, "I plan to!" instead of telling them that you don't know how to go forward because you don't know whether Damian should keep calling Dick by his first name or switch to calling him Grayson 💀.
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adhdandcomics · 11 months
working on building a brand new shiny blog website for comics and such (in addition to here) so folks can see all my stuff in the same place! and hopefully can have little forums and comments and a fun community on there. maybe a shop.. who knows
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devildevotee · 8 months
love being misdiagnosed with 800 different disorders because my mother never told me she had fibromyalgia and thus i went through my entire life just having one thing after another mysteriously happen for the past 10 years and i just had to accept it
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prettyboykatsuki · 11 months
me making eye contact with lambs wyll ask like an animal with rabies
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reliquaryofflesh · 2 months
Istg I’m gonna be so pissed if this thing reopens when I’m taking a shower
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lacomandante · 8 months
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After years of putting it off bc I didn't want to constantly look up boat terms, today I finally bought Master and Commander. Wish me luck...
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otabekisautistic · 11 months
strikes are good strikes are great i am 100% in support of a general strike but also you cannot guilt trip random individuals for not participating in a general strike because not everyone can afford the lost wages. like it’s brutal out here some of our employers do illegal strike retaliation like it’s nbd and the unions have a hard time suing them because the employer holds too much power and is tied to the government :( some employers have enough money that they can just do illegal retaliation because when something is punished by a fine, it’s basically legal if you have the funds for it
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mellorocket · 26 days
Is anyone else having trouble unlocking the Goat fleece in single-player mode? I did what the tutorial suggested (dying during a Crusade to unlock the pillar), but when I check the Crown, it has the "!" sign on it, but there's no new fleeces aside from the ones I already have unlocked. I think my game might be bugged.
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clits-and-clips · 6 months
Any advice on getting used to not talking to someone every day when its all I want?
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schoenht · 1 year
Thank you so much man! Move in day is already on the 9th and I have to leave my job soon. I feel really bad because we’re short staffed and with me leaving until holidays it’ll be worse. ~ 🍩
OH WOW that's so close !!! idk if you're rooming or wtv but i'm so excited for you !!! mannnn that sucks like the guilt for that :( but i'm sure they're gonna be so excited when you return i'm sure you're a rlly good worker !!!
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rustchild · 2 months
real talk though. what the fuck is happening
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