#so either i go back to twitter (shudder) try to post on instagram (shudder)
pinayelf · 11 months
seeing as tumblr is the place I spent years building a platform on its hard not to panic (again) when there's possibilities of it sinking (again) because my income solely relies on commissions and my art reaching people
which is super hard to do on algorithm based websites and I've never been successful abt it
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iamnotoriginalphil · 4 years
Still open for prompts? If so, Zelda Spellman meeting younger mortal reader coffee shop AU?
Here you are. I really loved writing this one, maybe because I love AUs so much. I might write more for this in the future.
You were sick and tired of hearing about the absolute magic that was going down at Spellman’s Coffee House. You hated reading about it every time you opened up Twitter, or read a blog post talking about the best spots in the city. You resented your friends gushing about it and complaining that wherever you were wasn’t as good. You wanted it to go away, and not constantly be starring in the periphery of your life.
The only way to solve the problem was to go and prove that the coffee wasn’t the stuff of magic.
It was obvious which shop was the one you were looking for. It didn’t need the sign above the huge window or the hipsters posting their lattes to Instagram. The steely grey paint of the outside and the warm wooden features inside was enough to say it was one of the unique places in the city that was horrifically photographable.
Iron tables were kept outside, the metal twisting in delicate floral patterns. Most were occupied by the kind of people you’d once dreamed of being but now found pretentious and stuck up. You ignored them, choosing to push inside. The place was lit up in the warm natural light falling through the huge window. Plants were hanging from the rafters, shoved into corners, left on counters. Green was everywhere you turned, each one flourishing beyond anything you had been able to accomplish with your own houseplants.
Inside was quiet, only soft music playing in the background. A few tables had people at them, their mugs making rings on the wooden tabletops. A motif of skulls stared out at you, but managed to stay far from ominous. You could understand the aesthetic but thought it was an odd choice for a coffee shop.
A statuesque woman was standing behind the counter, looking bored as her eyes scanned over the patrons. You turned your attention to the menu hanging above her head before her blue eyes could catch you staring at her. It didn’t look as if there was anything special on the menu, anything that would have Buzzfeed writing a love letter to this place, nothing that would make it the newest fad in coffee houses. It was all stock standard stuff, the kinds of things you’d seen in a million other coffee shops all around the city. Hell, some of these things you could get at Starbucks if you so wished.
Not that you could ever admit to loving anything from Starbucks to your friends. You weren’t looking to get eviscerated.
“Oh, hello dear.” A blonde woman brushed past you, ducking behind the counter. She gave you a bright smile, bright enough to warm you up after the cool air of outside. You stepped up to the counter.
“What can I get you, my love?” she asked.
The other woman, finally no longer required at the counter, turned around, walking into the back to what you assumed was the kitchen. Not that she looked as if she should be cooking either. She seemed to you to be the kind of person you’d find in an office, sitting in the CEO’s office, bossing around minions. She shouldn’t to be in a hipster’s paradise, serving overpriced coffee and muffins to entitled 30 year olds trying desperately to cling to their relevancy. Which you almost were.
“Um,” your eyes scanned over the menu. There was no one to impress here, “I guess I’ll just have a mocha?”
“Coming right up,” she said with a smile, “why don’t you take a seat on the sofa over there.”
You turned, making your way over the soft looking sofas at the side of the room. They were empty but looked as if they would be the most comfortable thing in the world. It had been quite a trek to get to this side of the city and your feet had begun to hurt. Sitting sounded like the most perfect thing you could do right now.
You sunk into the cushions, falling backwards. You closed your eyes, listening to the sounds in the shop rather than continue to look at the tasteful interior design. All you could hear were the quiet murmur of voices, spoons clinking inside of cups, the quiet music coming from the speakers, the hiss of steam from the coffee maker. Your muscles relaxed, the sofa consuming you in the lush comfort.
“Here you are.”
Your eyes blinked open. Standing above you was the red haired woman, holding a cup on a saucer. You sat up, taking it from her hands. Her fingers brushed against yours, electricity running up the skin of your arm. You dragged your eyes up to hers, finding them smouldering as they looked at you.
“Thank you.”
Rather than walk away, she took a seat on the other side of the sofa, crossing one leg over the other. You felt your cheeks flush, surprisingly pleased at her prolonged attention. You weren’t used to pretty woman wanting your time.
“This is your first time here.”
It wasn’t a question. She knew this was your first time. Given the amount of foot traffic you were sure this place received, it would be incredible for her to be able to tell a first timer from someone who had visited before.
“I figured I should check it out given the good press,” you said, “people can’t stop talking about it. They say it’s magic.”
She stiffened.
“Magic is a childhood fantasy best left behind once grown,” she said.
“I don’t think they literally mean magic,” you said with a little laugh, hoping to smooth over this oddly sticky moment.
You took a sip from the mocha in hand. A moan slipped from your lips, your eyes closing in pleasure. You could eat your words. It was exactly like magic. You felt warmed from the inside, your insides glowing. This was better than any drug you could imagine.
“I can see what they mean,” you breathed.
You opened your eyes. The woman was looking at you, hunger in every line of her face. You flushed to your roots, turning bright red. No one had ever looked at you like that before, with such yearning.
“All it takes is a little care and love,” she replied. It was hard to hear anything she said after your eyes had focused on her lips. You were distracted, watching them move rather than listen to the words they said.
“Most things just need a little care and love to flourish,” you replied.
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips. Her eyes followed, darkening. You did it again.
“It is not wise to play with me,” she warned.
“Is that what I was doing?”
She reached our, placing her hand over one of yours. The electricity returned, running up your arm. You took a shuddering breath, not sure what was happening with this woman in this shop. All you knew was that you wanted more.
“Finish your coffee,” she said, “then we can play.”
She stood, slow and sensuous. You watched her walk away, the sway of her hips making your mouth dry. You lowered your eyes down to your coffee, wondering how quickly you could finish it.
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singeramg · 5 years
Tired Of Hiding: Part 2
Pairing: Henry Cavill/ Black! Reader
Rating: E
Chapter: 2/2
Warnings: Mild Anger, Slight manipulation (if you squint your eyes, reader is okay with this), Oral (Female Recieving), Fluff
Summary: You deal with the fallout of Henry’s Announcement...
Part 1:
A/n: Here’s a lil something for all those who have dirty minds like me... :)
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You were pissed! To say you were anything less would be an understatement. You weren’t mad because Henry had told the world there was someone special. In fact you were low-key pleased, You were more pissed that he didn’t give you a heads up. The fact he didn’t even tell you after he did it. 
You two were laying there in bed, you laying on his chest, not bothered by the thick, dark hair there, him playing with a lock of your hair with his finger, watching a movie.
You turned your phone off shortly after arriving to where Henry was filming. Kal had gone crazy upon seeing you, jumping on you, then Henry had set his sights on pleasantly distracting you. You never cut the phone back on, having left it on airplane mode, therefore you did not get your notification when Henry posted it. 
You pulled away from him to get up so you could grab a bottle of water.You picked up your phone from the bedside table, cutting the setting off as you started drinking. The phone began dinging as various things came through.
Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat (that you rarely used, and last but not least instagram. Then multiple text messages came through
Mom: So you and Henry decided to go pub...
Best Fren: Bitch is this you singing in the bathroom???? Told you long ago to take the act on the road...
Auntie: I swear you song just like aunt fee when you sing
Friend 1: I knew y’all would make it...
Best Fren: Call me
Best Fren: Get off Cavill’s dick and call me! 
You looked confused and went to Instagram.
Henry’s post was first due to your settings, you listened to his post, surprised to hear your voice coming through the phone.Henry didn’t move as you choked lightly on the water in your mouth. You felt your heart begin to race, and you kept scrolling.
Instagram was having a field day
Shaderoom’s headline read: Is Superman down with the swirl?
BallerAlert: Henry Cavill’s new gf shows off her pipes.
TMZ: Has Geralt found love?
Begrudgingly, you clicked on the comment sections and half of the women were crying, others were wishing him the best. Some comments were semi-hilarious. 
“That’s definitely a black Queen”
“She broke out the Anita Baker. @HenryCavill keep her.”
“That voice 😍”
“If I had a woman to sing to me like that I would be making her hit the high note.”
“Yeah pipes after pipe down”
“Watch Henry show up with a Boosie fade and a beard. Hairline ‘bout to be boss af.”
There were various comments either praising or hating and honestly you could give two fucks about either.
“Henry what in the hell?” He paused the tv, looking at you, confused as to why you were mad.
“I was tired of lying to the world. I love you Y/N. I wanted everyone to know it.”
“So you couldn’t give me a heads up that you would post this?” you say putting one hand on your hip and look at him as he sat up in the bed, but not getting out of it.
“You always overthink anything you post. I didn’t want to stress you out.”
“No you didn’t want me to say no.” His eyebrows furrowed and he got out of the bed. 
“ You honestly think that?” 
“Henry we know each other too well to play like this. You knew I would have wanted to wait.”
“Are you ashamed of us?” He would ask you, clearly hurt.
“What??? No. I’m just pissed because I just wish I could have prepared.”
“Y/n it’s not like I showed your face or tagged you. This is just been weighing down on me. We deserve to show the world that love is possible.”
He had reached you by now, taking the phone out of your hands, then pulling you closer to him. You wanted to give in to the puppy dog eyes he was sporting, but honestly you were still pissed. 
Henry knows you too well however. He chooses to kiss your forehead, then your cheekbones his hands long since cupping your face. 
You felt soft ™️, but didn’t uncross your arms.  
“Darling you know I hate it when you are mad at me.”
“Well you shouldn’t have pissed me off.”
He pulls you impossibly closer. 
“I am sorry that I didn’t tell you, I promise not to share anything about us without talking to you first.”
“Honestly that’s all I want. I love you too, still a little pissy but I’ll forget it soon. Maybe in a day or so.”
Henry smirked.
“Let me make it up to you.”
You will look at him confused, but only for a moment because that’s all you had time for before being picked up and hoisted over his shoulder in a fireman carry. Surprised by the sudden move, you yelped and seeing you weren’t far Henry was over to the bed in seconds. He sat you down, before hovering over you, kissing your neck. 
“Dick doesn’t fix everything Cavill.”
He chuckled, the deep sound of it, making you vibrate down to your toes and back up again before settling in-between your legs.
“Good thing I am not about to give you the dick.”
He said sliding his hand up your exposed  thighs as you had only been in his shirt.You feel his fingers brushing against your exposed core. You trembled lightly in anticipation of his touch.
Henry dove in, feasting upon you like you were his only source of moisture, the only food he  would receive. Your eyes start to roll back as the pleasure mounted.
“Fuck Henry”
Your thighs will try to close around his head, but of course he was stronger than you. He ended up just hoisting them over his shoulders which put you in a different angle slightly and unable to close them.
You were practically jumping off the bed, but he was holding you against his mouth. Despite the desperate cry’s and incoherent babbling, Henry did not let up. Adding his deliciously long fingers to hit that spot that made your toes curl and try to push his head away. 
He merely chuckled again and kept going, swirling his tongue around your clit. Pulling away to say
“Come on y/n, cum for me.”
Then he went back in. You had no choice but to take it, he sucked and that was all it took for you to feel that rubber band of tension pop in your stomach, your vision goes white for a moment.You rode out your orgasm on his tongue. He drinking up the efforts of his hard work. Once your vision comes back. Henry is looking at you smug.He comes back up and you kiss him not shying away from your taste.
“Am I forgiven?” He asks you, pulling you into his chest again.
“Did my screams of pleasure give you any other impression?” you ask him still trying to catch your breath slightly. 
“Just checking. Can’t have my boo mad at me.”
You will shudder at the slang being used with that accent and burst out laughing as he tried to use the term you always used on him. He was laughing with you knowing how it sounded coming from him.
All was good again...
A/n: Be gentle with me this was my first time writing Henry Cavill smut. You know I just feel like he knows what he’s doing in this department. Well actually the whole department, but yall know what I mean...
If you don’t ask me! my inbox is open for headcannons and imagines...
Thank You for reading!
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vaguekiwi · 4 years
72 Hours
idk. Last weekend was hard, I process through writing. Here we are 😅😅
72 Hours
Summary: Tony is hospitalised, Peter has to sit in the waiting room.
Word Count: ~1000
Other Inspiration: Below My Feet by Mumford and Sons | What If This Is All The Love You Ever Get? by Snow Patrol
Warnings: Major grief and angst, mention of hospitals/critical medical condition, hurt with a tiny bit of comfort, ambiguous ending
Peter’s heart had been broken before.
Whether it was the disappointing shudder from what-could-have-been with Liz, or the reeling betrayal from Quentin Beck, or even the mind-numbing world-shattering grief from the passing of his parents and Uncle Ben, he was always left with the same feeling afterward.
The feeling that there was a blunt cleaver in the middle of his chest. A knife that just sat there, festering and heavy. Occasionally someone would grab it, promising to pull it out, only to push it around more with an unpracticed hand.
The cold of the blade seeped into his diaphragm and made it so he couldn’t warm up. The hole it left behind always felt like it swallowed him from the stomach up, left his nerves frayed at his fingertips and toes.
This was the feeling Peter had been left with the past few days, made worse because he was not just enduring the pain of heartbreak but also the uncertainty of not knowing if it would stick around.
The cleaver went in the moment he picked up the phone and the voice on the other end said, “Peter Parker? This is Metropolitan Hospital, we have you registered as the emergency contact for Anthony Stark.”
That had been nearly three days ago.
Peter sat perched on the edge of a chair in the corner of the hospital waiting room. He couldn’t sleep; if his body and mind were charged with enough adrenaline, the spider bite didn’t let him sleep. The nurses kept coming by, telling him to go home, promising they would call him as soon as Tony woke up.
If Mr. Stark wakes up, was how they put it. The if kept pinging around Peter’s head, floating behind his eyelids when he blinked. He knew they’d said it on purpose, to avoid a lawsuit at the very least, but he wished they had just lied. Had just given him the false impression that Tony would be absolutely fine.
He’d only brought his phone with him, he hadn’t known how long he would be here. Ned brought his charger 12 hours later, and then Peter subsisted his time either curled up on the straight-backed waiting room chair or seated against the wall, tethered to his phone cord. He wasn’t sure why he felt so adamant he wanted to have his phone, the doctors who had new information were right in front of him. But it helped, made it feel like he wouldn’t miss anything.
It also gave him something to do, instead of just watching the swinging doors leading to surgery.
For a while, he did what work he could on his phone. Brainstormed ideas for a biochem paper, answered emails to colleagues and peers about a group project. He kept trying to play a game or scroll on Instagram or something, but he couldn’t get his mind to focus. He passed the headline Tech Billionaire Hospitalised one too many times and finally decided to inform the rest of the world he’d be offline for awhile.
Hiatus to handle real life 😢 he posted to Twitter. He updated his Discord bio and made his Snapchat and Instagram stories a black screen with the words 😫 busy, gonna be offline! 😫
He didn’t actually think it was necessary. The people that mattered to him knew what was going on, but he did it because it gave him something to do.
It filled up twenty minutes.
Then he went back to Subway Surfers, but his fingers were trembling too much so he stopped after five minutes.
The cleaver hadn’t moved in his heart. But, fortunately, no one had tried to touch it either. Things always got messy when other people tried to fix him, tried to dress a fresh wound when they didn’t actually know what to do except offer chocolate or hugs or ambiguous advice like it’ll get better.
Peter had been staring at the same spot on the wall so long his vision had blurred. He blinked dry eyes and turned, ignoring the throbbing pain in his head.
“Hey Ned,”
Pepper Potts and Colonel Rhodes stood further away, they each nodded to him and waved a little bit. Pepper approached one of the nurses.
Peter’s focus shifted when Ned settled in the chair beside him, clapping him on the back.
“Have you eaten anything, man?”
Peter shook his head. He drew his knees closer to his chin and his gaze shifted back to the doors.
“There’s a Chipotle just down the street,” Ned said, but Peter wouldn’t look at him. When Peter didn’t say anything for a while, Ned hummed and offered, “I brought my Switch. We could Smash to pass the time?”
“Or Mario Kart?”
This was the hard part. This was the painful wrenching around of the cleaver by someone who meant well and deserved all the love and appreciation in the world. But Peter didn’t want to play video games or eat. He just wanted to wrap his arms around Tony’s neck, wanted to feel the strength in his grip and warmth in his gaze. He wanted to go back to Friday and tell himself to relish the movie and cold pizza and cuddling because he didn’t know it but that might be their last date night.
Something damp nudged his leg and it made Peter jerk a bit. But he smiled when he saw the plastic water bottle. He tried to say “thanks” but only managed to croak out something completely unintelligible. Ned nodded his understanding, and that was the right move.
That made the knife pull out just a bit.
Peter sipped the water, the cold sparking in his system and immediately making his throat clamour for more. 
But the bottle stilled halfway to his lips when a familiar surgeon, Tony’s surgeon, pushed through the doors into the waiting room.
The doctor looked around, caught sight of Peter, and hurried toward him.
Peter felt a coldness in his chest now, a new weight as this woman prepared to either twist the blade or pull it clear.
She cleared her throat.
“Mr. Parker?”
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enlacinglineswrites · 5 years
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I am so in love with @gigili-jiggly​ Klance single dads AU that I wrote this little piece about them. Thank you SO MUCH Gigili for allowing me to write this!
Please go check out their art, it makes my heart melt every-time. 
Thanks for reading!
Also posted on Instagram
Growing little family
His shirt is ruined. 
Lance peels the wet fabric from his chest carefully, only letting out a small squeak as he lifts the shirt over his head; attempting in vain to not let the damp part touch his face as he removes it. 
He shudders as he drops the shirt onto the bathroom floor and starts cleaning up. He loves Kosmo, loves him so incredibly with his entire being: the way he watches the world like it’s a puzzle he needs to know the answer to right now, how he snuggles into Lance comfortably whenever he naps and that he totters after Keith everywhere; a tiny shadow marking his steps. 
But oh, he drools so much. And it doesn’t come out, no matter what Lance does. This is the third shirt in a month he’s had to say goodbye to. Seriously, what is Keith feeding him? 
Lance exits the bathroom and walks into Keith’s room, pulling out a plain maroon t-shirt from a drawer. He throws it over his head and is immediately accosted with the scent of home; of comfort, a place he can be himself in, of unparalleled affection and care. Of love in all fashions. The scent of Keith. 
Lance hugs himself once, as no one else is there to see. Okay, maybe there are some upsides to Kosmo ruining his shirt. He gets to wear Keith’s clothes for the rest of the day, one of his favourite boyfriend perks. 
Now changed, he makes his way back downstairs, where Keith sits with a tired looking Kosmo on his lap. Who is no longer drooling. Typical. He sends Lance an apologetic look but his gaze also lingers, noting the way his own shirt hangs on Lance’s frame. 
Lance blushes, but turns away. Not now, he thinks to himself severely and instead swoops down to the floor where Kaltenecker sits near the other side of the room, absorbed in something playing on a screen. 
She giggles and shrieks as Lance presses an exaggerated kiss to her hair and carefully takes the empty milkshake glass away as she scrambles around to face him. 
“We’re heading out soon, Princesa,” he whispers, but she shakes her head. 
“Don’t want to,” she says with a pout. 
Lance sighs and rubs her back gently. “We’re going to get food first, you can stay with Keith a little longer,” he says, trying to keep his voice light. But he also feels that disappointment, wants to whine and curl up just like his daughter. 
Maybe you should just ask him to move in with you?
Lance dismisses the thought rapidly, not wanting to dwell. It isn’t the right time yet. Soon maybe, but not now. 
“Go put your shoes and coat on,” he says to her before standing, and she continues to look sad in his direction. He knows he’ll end up getting them for her, can’t help it. And Keith will roll his eyes and tell Lance not to spoil her, but he’d do the same in a heartbeat. 
Keith smiles at him as he passes, his son now cuddled into a cushion beside him, as Lance walks to the kitchen to wash out Kaltenecker’s glass before he leaves. Lance thinks there’s a hint of sadness in Keith’s eyes too, always is when their time together comes to an end. But they still have a few hours before Lance and Kaltenecker need to be home; time to make the most of the minutes and seconds they share with one another. 
“I have a present for you.” 
Keith’s soft voice floats through to Lance, who looks up with a frown. He peers through the doorway and sees Kaltenecker frown at Keith, clearly wondering if this ‘present’ is enough motivation to actually get up. Lance quietly walks to the doorway so he has a clear view of where Keith sits on the sofa and where his daughter stares back. 
Slowly, Kaltenecker hauls herself to her feet, as if she wasn’t running around and chasing Lance through the snow outside less than two hours ago. She walks slowly to Keith, who smiles at her and carefully pulls out something small and dark blue coloured from behind his back. 
“So your ears stop getting so cold,” he says quietly, gently smoothing down her unruly pink hair and carefully placing the hat on her head. 
Lance has to slap his hand over his mouth to hold back the noise which rises unbidden from the back of his throat. For the hat has tiny little points on either side like miniature horns, and is just that little bit too big. She pushes it up with a hand as it flops down, marvelling at the new item, the dark colour contrasting perfectly with her hair. She looks adorable. 
“Keeeiiittthhhhh” she screams, her energy levels back up to maximum as she jumps at him, Keith having to dive forward and catch her in case she missteps. She immediately wraps her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek as Keith stands with her in his arms, an action she’s learned to copy from Lance. 
Lance just takes in the sight for a moment; watching Keith’s cheeks turn pink as Kaltenecker continues to tell him just how much she loves the hat. Lance’s eyes mist, and he has to take a few seconds to allow them to clear.  He is lucky, so lucky to have Keith who loves his daughter just as much as he does, who creates these little moments for her so she can feel it too when she’s only five. 
He inhales once, steadies himself and walks in. 
“Papa, look! My hat!” 
Lance smiles and moves to stand next to Keith, wrapping an arm around his waist and squeezing. 
“You look beautiful, Princesa. Isn’t Keith the best?” 
“Lance,” Keith mutters as Kaltenecker yells “The best!” in reply. 
Lance chuckles and kisses Keith’s temple, who then sets his daughter down. 
“Shoes and coat time,” Lance says, and although she returns to her languid pace, she does go to fetch them. 
As she leaves, Lance turns and wraps his arms around Keith’s neck, Keith winding his around Lance’s waist. 
“Bribing my daughter with pretty things so she’ll like you more than me?” he says with a wink. 
Keith rolls his eyes. “She already does, I don’t need to bribe her.”
Lance gasps dramatically and pretends to pull away, but Keith holds him steady until they’re locked with foreheads touching. Lance exhales, smiling as he does, relishing in their closeness and the space for just them for a moment. 
“Stay over tonight?” Keith says, voice hopeful and barely above a whisper. 
Lance steps back a touch and blinks. It is possible, he could drive over to his apartment quickly after lunch and collect what they need, it isn’t far. So he nods, elated Keith wants this, wants as much time together as possible. 
Keith kisses him once, soft and brief, leaving him on the edge of pulling him back by his belt loops and demanding more. But there’s the telltale thunder of small feet and Kaltenecker appears, hat still firmly on but coat buttons all asque. 
Keith chuckles and bends down, helping her start again and get them in the correct order. While he does, Lance moves back over to the sofa and picks up a still barely awake Kosmo, who makes a little pleased huff as he curls up into Lance’s shoulder. Keith looks up, Kaltenecker’s coat all buttoned correctly and his look turns soft; eyes bright and smile large as he takes them both in. 
Kosmo snuffles against his shoulder and Lance grins. 
“So sleepy today, huh little one?” Lance says as he brushes the two toned blue hair out of his eyes. 
Kosmo just yawns once then cuddles in again. Immediately Lance feels a wetness collect on his shoulder and grimaces as Kosmo starts to drool. 
Keith laughs, now up close and kisses his son’s shock of hair before looking back up at Lance. 
“You’re not borrowing another shirt today,” he says. 
“What?! What am I supposed to wear?” Lance says with a pout, making his way slowly towards the door as Kaltenecker pulls Keith along by the tips of his fingers. 
Keith grins, a smirk of teeth and taunting then leans in close, so close Lance can feel every puff of his breath as he whispers:
Then turns abruptly and sweeps up Kaltenecker into his arms, causing her to laugh at the swift movement. 
Lance just blinks, frozen for three seconds in the aftermath of Keith’s teasing. Then he shakes his head and once more reminds himself not now before moving, joining his boyfriend and daughter, clutching Kosmo closer to him as he does. 
He’s so happy to have them all with him, his growing little family. All he could ever have wished for. 
My Ao3 | Instagram | Twitter
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im-whatchamccallit · 5 years
Like in the Stories//Lucas Wong (WayV/NCT U)
Request: can I request something with either Lucas from Wayv or Mingyu from SVT. A noona who’s a little older but not as experienced as them and they’ve known each other for a long time so they’re comfy with each other. Please & Thank you!!--Smut & Fluff I forgot to add
Pairing: Wong Yukhei (Lucas) x Reader
Genre: Smut, some fluff but not really (my bad)
Warnings Unprotected sex, virginity loss. Nothing too crazy.
Words: 4.2k
(A/N: Should I write one for Mingyu? I thought about writing two separate pieces for both of them but idk.)
“Lucas pressed you to his mattress as his hands tightened around your throat.” Lucas read from his phone, a squeal leaving your mouth as you cringed further into your sofa, Lucas trying not to show his blush but failing miserably.
“It’s hilarious that they think you’re dominant.” You commented, Lucas’ fingers scrolling through the various post tagged with his name.
This was a game you and Lucas have been playing since he debuted: going onto Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram to search his tags, finding any and everything his fans could post about him.  Over time, Lucas has managed to save various fan edited videos and pictures, one currently being his lock screen, and even found himself subject to many of their sexual fantasies.
Although he was flattered, you found it bizarre. The way everyone describe him in their writings was nothing like his true personality, instantly making you cackle at the idea that he could ever be authoritative and bossy. He was just a human-sized puppy in your eyes, easily flustered and shy from something as simple as a woman’s touch. He even flinched as you placed your feet into his lap, his hips trying to move farther from them despite your couch preventing him from doing so.
Lucas continued to scroll before a certain fanfic caught his eyes, an amused laugh erupting from his mouth as he passed his phone to you. Your brows furrowed as you took the device, curious as to what he found so funny. Probably another story about him and Jungwoo.
Nope! It was you and Lucas.
Your eyes skimmed over the wordy text, catching a few phrases that showed a more sexual side to your friendship, your teeth gritting as you laughed awkwardly, pushing his phone back towards him as to cleanse your eyes of the narrative. You knew Lucas mentioning you in his Vlives and tagging you in post on Instagram would come back to bite you in the ass someday.
“Let’s read it.” Lucas suggested, scrolling back to the top.
“You read it.” You said, reaching onto your coffee table to grab the half empty bag of chips.
Lucas began to read through the lines, not realizing you meant to himself, but you couldn’t help but listen. Whether it was about you and Lucas or him and someone else, you still managed to find amusement in it, the lines and actions nothing that either of you would do in reality.
“’(Y/N) crawled forward, staring up innocently at Lucas as she wrapped her lips around his dick, taking all of him in her mouth. “Noona, you’re taking my dick so well.” Lucas moaned.’”
You screamed out in a mixture of embarrassment and disgust as Lucas read that line, your body shivering at the word ‘noona’, something about it being the most sexual phrase in the fiction.
“Oh god, just end it there. It’s so weird.” You chuckled, shifting uncomfortable in your space and placing the chips back as you no longer had an appetite.
“I forgot virgins don’t like this kind of stuff.” You tried to laugh the situation off but couldn’t help but glare at Lucas’ smug smile.
Despite you being a year and a half older, Lucas was more experienced than you when it came to sex. But a virgin? He knew of your sexual exploits and vice versa, yet he always managed to mock the fact that you’ve only, in his words, experimented at 17. Honestly, it wasn’t a big deal but you still felt demeaned, almost as if it was something you should be ashamed of.
Nonetheless, you took a deep breath, tying not to show how upset you were despite your lips forming a deep pout.
“I’m not a virgin, I just don’t like the idea of people wanting us to fuck.”
“Why not? If we did, you’d probably learn a thing or two.” God, why were you friends with this smug asshole again?
You rolled your eyes and swung your legs off of him, standing from the sofa and heading to your bedroom to avoid punching him.
“Come on, (Y/nickname). Just sit on daddy’s lap. Or, if I call you ‘noona’ will you do it? Would you do it for me, noona?” You felt like you were going to explode, your hands visibly shaking as he continued, your feet suddenly stopping you just before entering your hallways. You suddenly remembered why you were friends.
You turned to face him, the simple smirk on his plump lips as he egotistically pat his lap, as if you were some kind of cat. Lucas smirk slowly faltered as you began to move closer, your hands gripping the hem of your t-shirt before lifting it over your head and tossing it to a random corner of your living room, your body stopping just in front of him to push down your sweatpants and kick them away, leaving you in only a black bra and panty set.
The way his eyes scanned over you, his tongue darting out to moisten his quivering lips, body sat straight as if he were in the presence of a teacher, the overall bashfulness. That was why you were friends. You knew underneath his cockiness and playful attitude, he was just a shy boy, that simple fact causing you to smirk as you climbed into his lap, feeling him jerk away slightly as your clothed crotches met. Lucas’ head turned slightly so that your faces weren’t as close.
“What’s wrong, daddy? I thought you were gonna teach me a thing or two?” You mocked, bringing a hand to his face, gripping his chin to make him face you, your eyes locking as he swallowed hard, almost audibly.
“Or you can just call me ‘noona’.”
Honestly, you weren’t sure what happened. You were only teasing him the same way he did you, using a few tricks that you’ve seen in porn, just trying to get him riled up and a bit frantic. But you never expected his large hands to grip your wrist, twisting your bodies until your back laid flat against the sofa, his body towering over yours as you stared wide eyed at him. Being in this position, Lucas’ body between your spread legs while your chest rose and fell slowly in anticipation, made you realize how virginal you truly were. The farthest you’ve ever gone was oral sex and maybe fingering in a public space, so this situation, and the possibilities of what could come of it, made your breath hitch. From the way things looked, you were excited for his next move.
But Lucas had no idea what was to come either. Sure, he was joking before, overplaying his confidence to agitate you, but he never thought he’d have you here, his eyes struggling to focus on your face as they dropped to your cleavage, the blood draining from his face to his lower regions, his body making their plans as his brain tried to decide if he wanted the same, his lips hesitantly opening to finally break the silence.
“D-do you want me to keep going?” You nodded softly, Lucas leaning down as if he was preparing to kiss you, only to lift himself once more to stare at you again.
“Are you sure?”
“You’re really ruining the moment.” You sighed, Lucas hurriedly pressing his mouth to yours just before you had time to change your mind, a soft moan slipping through your lips at the softness of his own.
He slowly let his tongue glide inside, brushing over yours to distract you from the way he shifted his body, his jean covered knee pressing to your damp panties, something you didn’t feel until it touched your clit, your mouth opening wide as a breathy, laugh-like moan filled the space between you, Lucas staring at you with confusion.
“I haven’t done anything yet.”
“Oh, sorry. K-keep going.” You couldn’t help but giggle slightly with him before he returned his lips to yours, moving them slowly and fluidly while his knee began to grind against your heat, a tingly sensation in your lower regions causing you to lift your hips, the pressure more intense as you embraced the new sensation.
Lucas’ hands slowly released your wrist, slivering down your waist and to your hips, pulling them down gently just so you could feel the pleasure of his covered kneecap as he nudged it against you so slow yet so hard, his mouth no longer on your own as he moved down to your neck, biting on a sensitive spot just by your ear that you had no clue was there, the surprised moans from you urging him on.
You didn’t know what to think of this situation, only knowing you didn’t want it to end. The feeling of Lucas’ rotund lips making trails down to your covered breast, your hips and his knee grinding with one another to practically soak your panties, the realization that you’ve never experienced pleasure at this level, even if you haven’t had sex yet, it made you want more.
“Lucas, more.” He froze at your command, bring his head up to see your shut eyes and wide smile, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as if you were trying to suppress your moans, failing horribly.
“What do you want me to do?” He asked cautiously, bringing his knee to a halt while his hands slowly released your frame, much to your dismay.
“Anything. Everything. Please.” You begging was honestly a delight for him.
Your statement made his body shudder at the thought that he could do anything to you, the various positions and acts he wanted to perform on you crossing his mind until he remembered that you were new to this. Sure, he’s had sex enough times to figure out what he liked and dislike sexually but this was like a learning curve for you. He needed to show you the universal pleasures of sex before you found your personal ones.
“I’ll keep going. Only if I can call you ‘noona’ until we’re finished.” You groaned out, mainly in annoyance.
Why wasn’t he continuing? And why was he suddenly so interested in honorifics? You never used them before but the way he said it, it did things to you. Things you couldn’t comprehend or dismiss, your head immediately nodding in agreement, just wanting to hear him say it once more.
Lucas wasted no time continuing down your body, pressing his lips to your warm flesh, kissing your navel just before reaching your panties. He took his time removing them, almost like he was defusing a bomb, carefully moving the cotton fabric down your legs, straight past your calves and finally off your body, your legs instantly opening for him to view. Was pretty the right word to describe someone’s pussy? If yes, then that’s exactly what it was, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he watched the fold glisten with your juices.
As if he was testing it, he stuck one finger inside, producing a high-pitched moan from you, your hands unsure of where to go, reaching for his wrist before finding a place above your head, gripping the arm of your sofa as he slowly slipped another into you, your walls swallowing his long digits. He knew you never had full blown sex but the tightness of your pussy around his fingers, making it hard for them to thrust in and out of you as it clenched onto him, was 100% proof of it.
Lucas placed one hand on your knee, predicting your next move as he blew gently on your clit, your lower body convulsing at the odd sensation before his tongue swirled around the pinkish-red button. He began to pump his fingers inside of you, twisting and curling them to find your g-spot, a satisfied grin on his face as your hips bucked at the feeling of the hidden ball of pleasure inside of you being found, his fingertips tapping and rubbing against it teasingly while his mouth latched onto your clitoris, sucking gently as his tongue flicked over it, a shaky moan exhaled from your mouth as his hand’s movements became faster.
The contrasting feelings, his light and careful mouth working against you as his hand thrusted into your body, fingers practically abusing the sensitive spot within you, were driving you crazy. The wetness his hand began to collect from your arousal made his movements seem so fluid, the only thing stopping it was Lucas, those two digits buried deep inside of you while his palm laid close to your heat, fingers angled to massage the delicate parts of your walls viciously, his mouth slowly growing rougher and his hand moving from your knee and up to your clothed breast, slipping beneath the wired material to cup your fleshy and soft mound.
“X-Xuxi,” You tried to speak, your hands gripping his hair in an attempt to make him slow down, your thighs tensing as your lower body uncontrollably elevated to meet his lips and fingers.
Your body was growing hot, your head thrown back and back arching, allowing his hand to knead more of your doughy breast, moans bouncing off the thin apartment walls, some louder than others to let him know you were close, the burning and pleasure scaring you a bit, never having been this close to an orgasm in your life. Sure, you’ve cum plenty of times, but this was intense. You could feel the energy draining from your body with each of his movements, a cry leaving your lips as you dug your nails into Lucas’ head a bit too roughly.
“Ow!” He gasped as he sat up, his hands leaving your body as your eyes flied open when the sensation began to die down.
You looked up to see Lucas staring at you as if he needed an explanation for the sudden pain he felt, your mouth falling open as you realized what you’d done.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to.” You said, sitting up to check his head, making sure he wasn’t bleeding.
Lucas could only laugh at you, reaching up with the only hand that wasn’t coated with your juices to grasp yours, dragging it down to return your focus to the situation at hand, a more painful feeling bothering him.
“Noona,” He said, loving your wide eyed response to the simple name.
“I’m in pain and it’s your fault.” You were ready to apologize once more before he led your hand to the bulge in his black pants, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as you were thankful you hadn’t truly hurt him.
You didn’t question him or make a witty remark as you stood to trail down his body, palming his erect length through his constricting pants as you sat on your knees, making a home between his spread legs as you stared up at him. This felt like déjà vu, life imitating the art of his fan’s salacious writings.
Lucas watched impatiently as you began to undo his pants. Once you brought the zipper down, he raised his hips, pushing away the tight jeans and boxers from his waist and to his knees, your eyes tracing over his exposed member.
Were you really going to do this? Did you want to do this? You’ve done this a few times and, from your experience and feedback, you’re pretty good at it, so why not?
You hesitantly wrapped your hand around the veiny muscle, genuinely shocked by its size. Your tongue poked out at the slit of his bright red tip, tasting the saltiness of his precum and growing accustomed to it quickly, your lips clasping around the head and sucking as if more would come out, a hiss filling your ears as Lucas leaned further into the couch so his hips were forward, silently begging for you to do more.
Your eyes shut as a small moan croaked from your throat, your mouth opening just wide enough to let your tongue out to swirl around the tip, a long wet stripe being dragged down to his shaft, your lips pursing on the prominent vein, sucking at it as if you were trying to leave a hickey, your hand securing itself at his base as you finally gave in to his needs, trailing your moist lips back to his tip and taking him into your mouth, going down until you felt him at the back of your throat, a whispered ‘fuck’ exiting Lucas as his head fell back, enjoying the feeling of your saturated mouth.
You weren’t sure how someone could taste so good. It was indescribable yet addictive, your hums of satisfaction vibrating through his writhing body, more droplets of precum dripping into your mouth where you eagerly licked at them, bobbing your head and pursing your lips around his thick length, stroking the solid flesh that couldn’t fit down your throat. Lucas loved this but it wasn’t enough. Your pace was too slow, even if you were doing everything right to bring him to the edge. He didn’t want to seem too demanding but he was desperate at this point, his mouth dry as he tried to speak your name.
“No-Noona,” You hummed once more, his hips jerking a bit at the feeling as he adjusted his head to stare down at you, his cock still in your mouth as you continued to suck before releasing it with a thin trail of spit connecting from his head to your bottom lip, your hand pumping him as you waited for him to continue.
“Yes, Xuxi?” You asked breathlessly, knowing you should have stopped for air sooner.
“Can I fuck your throat?” The question caught you off guard but you hesitantly nodded. You had never been throat fucked but the idea of it made your body quiver, your legs closing together to manage the throbbing between them.
“Make sure you breathe through your nose.” He warned, your head nodding although you mentally face palmed. You forgot you could breathe through your nose while doing that.
Lucas sat up straight as he cupped your face, bringing your mouth back to his cock where you opened it happily, him wasting no time going to the back of your throat, your body shifting as you tried not to gag. You began to breathe through your nose like he said as he thrusted into your mouth, your eyes rolled upwards to stare at his face, eyes shut and lips parted as he enjoyed the warmth of your throat, moving your head along with his hips so he could go deeper.
“Your mouth feels so good.” He moaned out, praising you as he increased his speed, a loud moan leaving you and his cock dipping further inside, your nose touching his pelvis and making him groan.
So moaning helps too? That’s another thing you needed to keep in mind.
Lucas was very verbal, more than you expected. He swore under his breath as he continued to thrust into your mouth, leaning back into the sofa as his hips lifted further up, the narrowness of your throat feeling good around him and his hands running through your hair. You moaned against him, your hands digging into his thighs as you tried to steady yourself while he continued. The throbbing of his cock, the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears, the heat burning through him as his movement grew rougher, he was close. And he knew he was close. He wasn’t sure if he should stop but he couldn’t, he didn’t want to. You felt too good and he was too focused on the twitching of his member immersed deep into your esophagus to end this.
“Noona, I’m going to cum.” He moaned, not giving you a chance to react as he brought your face to his pelvis, your nose pressed to his warm skin as he let out strangled moans, releasing down your throat as you moaned quietly around him.
You sat like that for a few seconds, his dick in your throat with his cum ready to be swallowed, his head thrown back while he slowly unclasped your head. You pursed your lips around him, moving back carefully as to not spill his seed before reaching his tip, Lucas’ pained moan from how sensitive it was making you smile slightly before pulling back completely, swallowing the salty fluids.
You sat there for a bit, waiting for Lucas to recollect himself before he finally looked down at you, a lazy smile on his face.
“Thank you for making me cum, noona.” He said teasingly, your eyes rolling in amusement.
“You’re welcome, Yukhei.” He cringed a bit, not used to you using that name with him.
There was a small silence before he looked at you once more with a raised eyebrow.
“This is the part where you say ‘Thank you’.” He joked, your bottom lip being sucked into your mouth as you tried to find the least embarrassing words for this moment.
“I actually didn’t…” You started, letting him figure out the rest on his own and his expression went from playful to confused to shocked and, finally, sad.
One thing Lucas prided himself on is his need to satisfy everyone before himself, so to learn he didn’t at least make you cum was devastating.
“I’m so sorry.”
“No! It’s my fault! I was about to, but I scratched you.” You laughed awkwardly, hoping your laughter would reach him but it didn’t, an obvious feeling of guilt still on his face.
“It’s fine, I promise.” You said, slowly standing as your eyes scanned the floor for your discarded panties, only for Lucas to grab your wrist, causing you to look at him.
“I have to, (Y/nickname). Just tell me anyway I can do it and I will.” He spoke pleadingly, his eyes wide like a puppies, a loud sigh leaving you at how easy you were to convince, especially with him.
You placed your legs on either side of him, your lower half straddling his as he stared up at you.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Plus, you’re kinda still hard, and I don’t think you want to deal with that for the next few hours.” You said light-heartedly, finally managing to get a smile from him.
Lucas’ hands reached for your hips as yours held onto his shoulders, your eyes shut as you waited for some kind of pain. But there was no pain. As soon as he lowered your hips, the tip of his cock slipping through your folds and into your core, you felt nothing but satisfaction, your face burying in his shoulder as you whined. Lucas guided your hips to repeat the action, slowly rising and falling onto his member as he helped roll your hips forward, your mind and body soon catching on and doing so yourself, Lucas moaning at the feeling. He wish he hadn’t came so soon, his body sensitive and susceptible to overstimulation, your tight walls already bringing him back to the edge as he tried to hold back from fucking you himself.
You sat up and gasped, your hips lurching forward at the random sprout of pleasure. You rolled your hips forward again and moaned out at the feeling, resting your hands behind you on Lucas’ knees as you continued to roll your hips against him, his hands gripping your waist as he lifted his own, thrusting upward as you moaned at the simple but electrifying sensation. You ignored his hand leaving your waist as you moved faster, letting your moans turn to screams as you felt the same feeling as before, your pussy clenching around him just as he placed his thumb on your clit, rubbing at the fragile nerves as to bring you just as close as he was.
“Lucas! Don’t stop!” You cried out, nails seeping into his exposed skin as your stomach began to twist into knots, the sounds of his cock slipping in and out of you with ease as your skin collided filling the room.
You gasped as he brought his hand back to your waist, pulling you up so that your chest were pressed together, his hips slamming into yours at an inhuman speed, his moans growing louder to match your own as he felt the pressure of his orgasm coming, trying hard to hold back as you sank your teeth into his clothed shoulder, hands moving back to his hair as you felt the contractions of your lower body increase, driving you crazy before an unfamiliar feeling hit you. Like you were at the peak of rollercoaster and it just dropped, a series of breathy cries leaving your mouth as your body convulsed against Lucas’, his thrust not slowing down even as he came, pushing himself further inside of you as he squeezed your hips, possibly leaving marks.
His hips finally came to a halt, your sweaty bodies holding one another as you tried to catch your breath, minds blank for the moment as you let exhaustion engulf you, your eyes shutting peacefully until you felt a tap on your lower back, humming in response.
“Now you can say it.” Lucas whispered, your eyes rolling beneath your eyelids.
“Thank you.”
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imaginarylifetimes · 7 years
Fic Rec Friday  2.16
I am slowly but surely getting through those Big Bangs! Wait, that sounds... um... suggestive...
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Captain America:
young hearts, out our minds by junko  | 2.1K | T | Bucky/Steve
Bucky posts a selfie of the two of them in bed to his instagram.
He hashtags it #goodmorningamerica. Sam Wilson and Pepper Potts retweet it to their twitter accounts.
this american life by verity  | 2.9K | G | Bucky/Steve
"Aww, I'm touched," Sam says. "You want insulation from the marriage proposals or the casseroles?"
Steve adjusts the phone where it's cradled between his shoulder and his ear. These things are so flimsy. "It's a VFW hall, I don't think they're going to be lining up for—"
"See you Saturday, I love Tuna Helper," Sam says cheerfully and hangs up.
mollitious mores by Etharei  | 3.4K | E | Bucky/Steve
Pepper obliges with, "This is James, my date for the evening."
"James Barnes," says Bucky, holding out the hand that Pepper could have sworn had been full of butterflied shrimp only seconds before. "Pleased to meet you, sir. Ma'am."
Satellite (I'm Part Of You) by Brenda  | 4.1K | E | Bucky/Steve
"I'm okay, Steve." Bucky raised his hand to cup Steve's jaw, his thumb slowly stroking over stubble.
Steve shuddered once, all over, then brought his own hand up to cover Bucky's. Felt the calluses and nicks, the steady pulse beating at his wrist. "I thought I was gonna lose you again."
Bucky gave him a small, fond smile. "I thought I was gonna lose you."
The Arsonist's Choir by Brenda  | 11.9K | E | Bucky/Steve
"It's Bucky," Steve added, helplessly. The buyer was now sitting at Mikhailov's table, but the mission seemed unimportant. "He's been arrested. In Texas. And, uh, apparently, we're married."
"Congratulations," Natasha replied, with a small grin. "Are you registered anywhere?"
- A continuation to “Satellite (I’m Part Of You)”, but can be read as a standalone
On My Radar by sprinkle_of_cinnamon  | 19.5K | M | Bucky/Steve
The Winter Soldier first noticed it when he was on the helicarrier.
The blonde’s shoulders were broad, incredibly broad.
They stretched the blue uniform in a wide span, drawing down to a narrow waist. It was a distinctly triangular silhouette. It was entirely improbable. And somehow it was strangely familiar.
The Winter Soldier raised his gun and fired. He didn’t have time for distractions, or Steve Rogers’ shoulders.
One Way Or Another by Chiyume, rogersxbarnesx  | 22.3K | E | Bucky/Steve
When Steve volunteers to help Tony launch Stark Tech’s new Military Prosthetics Project, the last person he expects to see as he walks into the lab is the same guy who had him shoved up against a wall in the back of a club the weekend before.
Back then he had just been Steve Rogers; a civilian looking for a good time just like everyone. Here, he’s Captain America; hero, justice, and patriotism personified. Bucky, however, is still the flirtatious devil he had been back at the club, and he’s obviously not going to let something as trivial as Steve’s occupation get in the way of what he wants.
No Gods, No Masters, Just Me by OddityBoddity  | 28.2K | E | Bucky/Steve
Bucky Barnes is free. No gods, no masters. It's going to be a god damned shit show. 
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You? by OhCaptainMyCaptain  | 85.2K | E | Bucky/Steve
Based on prompt: Pretend Boyfriends AU where one of their families is always wondering why they're never in a relationship, so the other offers to pretend to be their boyfriend for some family event"
Basic Steps to Getting Yourself In a Pickle With Both Your Family and The Guy You've Secretly Crushed On For Five Years (A Guide):
STEP 1: After being perpetually single and constantly making up excuses to your family, give in and lie about having a boyfriend. STEP 2: Agree to bring said boyfriend to the family cottage for a week so he can be your date to your parents' wedding anniversary party. STEP 3: Panic. STEP 4: Say 'yes' when your best friend and closet crush - who you're convinced isn't interested in you that way in the least - offers to be your pretend boyfriend. STEP 5: Try your best not to fall in love with them during the trip. STEP 6: Fail miserably.
Teen Wolf:
The Prince and The Sorcerer by Dexterous_Sinistrous  | 4.2K | T | Derek/Stiles
“You said it was important,” Stiles replied.
“It is,” Scott stated. “It’s about Mel …” He frowned. “Well, it’s about Derek.”
Stiles paled some. “Did you hear something?” He took a step closer to Scott. “Is he okay? Where—”
“Stiles,” Derek stated, moving into view as he came to stand by Cora.
Stiles turned to look at Derek. He released a heavy sigh, his breath terrified and quickening. “You’re … alive.”
Where Lightning Strikes by andavs  | 6.2K | G | Derek/Stiles
Scott finally held out his phone, showing whichever picture he decided was the best. Stiles squint-glared at that and waited for his foggy brain to catch up. When it did, his heart skipped a beat.
Burned into the wheat field, in a way Stiles was pretty sure was not normal for crop circles, were two concentric circles.
McCall Pack.
“I think it's Kira,” Scott said, clear and concise. “I think she needs help."
Scott and Stiles head back down to Mexico to find Kira and end up finding a little more.
Smoke is Just the Air Remembering Fire by alisvolatpropiis  | 8.4K | E | Derek/Stiles
Derek has cried three times in his adult life: when his sister died, when the alpha pack used him to kill Boyd, and when Stiles Stilinski broke his heart. 
Mates and Mushrooms by mikkimouse  | 11.5K | E | Derek/Stiles
Derek's not that excited about spending three days at a conference getting propositioned by every Alpha with a single pack member. Stiles has a plan to make it stop.
It might be a great plan...if only Derek weren't head over heels in love with him.
It might be an even better plan if someone at the conference didn't have a vested interest in Derek staying single.
A Crooked Way to Fly by andavs  | 15K | G | Derek/Stiles
“We can’t just leave him here to die.”
“He’s an emissary, Scott.” Derek tried to make his tone empathetic, but Scott’s tendency to fight back on everything always grated on his nerves. “His pack is gone, he won’t survive more than a day or two either way.”
“Then we should stay with him.”
Derek sighed as he studied the man for a moment; he was too pale against the fur rim of his hood, almost grey from lying out in the snow, and his cloak was stained with dark dried blood around a protruding arrow shaft. It was unlikely he would even last the night. They would probably be able to carry on in the morning with little time lost, if any.
It wasn’t a horrible idea, Derek decided reluctantly. They hadn’t been able to set up a real camp for a few weeks in the open foothills, and they were all on edge from sleeping in exposed areas. A defensible place to sleep would be good for them, even if they were surrounded by death. They would be able to give the pack proper burials, at the very least.
“Fine. One night,” Derek relented, already moving away to check on Isaac. “He’s your responsibility.”
Through Veiled Eyes by Dexterous_Sinistrous  | 25.7K | E | Derek/Stiles
“Lay with me,” Stiles plainly stated, as if he asked a menial thing of him.
Derek narrowed his eyes at Stiles, observing him carefully as he kept his features stoically guarded. “To touch you is sacrilege,” he finally uttered, unable to completely deny his desire to discover what touching Stiles would be like.
“What they force me to do is sacrilege,” Stiles countered, carefully observing Derek. “What you would do would be divine. You would keep me from being their plaything—taking a key player off the board in their pursuit of corruption. What I’ve asked of you … I’ve already seen it—the phantom touch of it lingering on me afterwards.”
7 notes · View notes
Divulge // Grayson
Summary: Grayson and you are secretly dating and decide to announce it in the latest video but how will your protective older brother, Jc Caylen react to the news?
Characters: Grayson Dolan x Caylen!Reader, Ethan Dolan, Jc Caylen, and Kian Lawley.
Words: 3385
Disclaimer: I do not own any images used, songs or YouTube.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff and angry Jc Caylen
Author: Caitsy
Tagging: At the end.
A/N: This is a long ass one but I hope whoever requested this really enjoys and apparently the fics aren’t showing up in tags. I apologize for that.
Master List
Prompt List
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It was hard to date someone well-known on YouTube; you were doing so secretly for both your safety and not wanting to hurt his fans. Grayson was always going on about how they would be happy for him being in a relationship with someone that respects his dedication to his fans. It caused a rift between you guys until he finally saw how passionate you were to being kind to his fans given that you were a fan too. Ethan was one hundred percent standing behind your relationship especially since he shipped your relationship from the beginning.
“Do you want pancakes?” Grayson asked from beside you on the couch. You lived in LA like him but you didn’t live with him even though you were over a lot.
You lived close by them with your older brother and his roommate, having moved roughly around the same time as the twins. Your brother and his friend had a YouTube together with a following that came mainly from their time in O2L before they broke up. Jc Caylen was your brother and Kian Lawley had grown to be your older brother too.
“No.” You wrinkled your nose. Both Ethan and Grey were confused as you shared a love of pancakes like them.
“You love pancakes.” Ethan said staring at you.
“Not since Jc pranked me. He wiped off my whip cream and managed to trick me into believing that it was whip cream but it was toothpaste.”
Both Ethan and Grey blinked before laughing in sync imaging the sheer disgust you would have displayed. They were right because you had viciously smacked your brother once you got the awful taste out of your mouth. Jc was brilliant and hilarious pretty much everyday since you could remember.

“In Amsterdam?” Gray asked still chuckling.
Your brother was still close with the former members of O2L, he was doing videos and with living Kian while also collaborating with the former members. Through Jc you became well acquainted with them too, you weren’t surprised when Sam and Rosa sent a wedding invitation. You went with Kian and Jc without the Dolan twins because it wasn’t encouraged to bring a plus one and nobody but Ethan knew about your relationship. Not to mention they had to film and edit a video while you were in a different country.
“Yeah.” You scrunched your nose up, “The taste of pancakes makes me feel ill now.”
“How did he managed that? Wasn’t he with the boys and you with the girls?”
“I spent my nights with them and the days with Rosa. Jc didn’t want me in another country away from him. He thought I would be hooking up with people. Which I didn’t do.”
“Well I can make you waffled if you want.” Grans said already getting up.
“I’ll help.” You announced standing up also.
“Please don’t fuck in there.” Ethan asked pulling Snapchat up on his phone.
“Come on Babe.” Gray said grabbing your hand. You smiled watching his back as he dragged you into the kitchen.
You walked in silence as you thought about what made your boyfriend the most happy in the world. Fans made him happy, his brother made him happy and making people laugh too. You also knew that while he had a private life that involved you he also felt guilty of hiding your relationship. You did too because nobody other than Ethan knew and it kept eating at you.
“Hey Gray?” You asked. He hummed in acknowledgement, “Do you want to tell the fans about us?”
Gray dropped the whisk in shock as he turned around to see your expression so he could check if you were joking or not. When you had your one year anniversary he had asked about telling people but you had been scared causing a fight between the two of you for a short period of time.
“Are you sure?” He questioned coming to wrap his arms loosely on your waist looking down at you. You had to tilt your head up to meet his eyes.
“We’ve been hiding it for a year and a half, almost two years now.” You replied placing your hands on his chest, “I want to tell my family without fear of them spilling it to people.”
“It would be nice to tell my family and show you off.”
You grinned coming to an agreement to reveal your relationship to the world sometime close with the help of Ethan probably. You could feel the excitement rolling off Gray’s body, the giddy feeling causing you two to dance around while making the waffled. You laid out glasses to be filled with either orange juice, milk or water.
“What’s got you two so happy?” Ethan asked coming into the kitchen with damp hair.
“We’re going to announce our relationship.” Gray grinned in happiness.
“What brought this decision on?” Ethan asked leaning against the counter.
“He’s technically lying to everyone.” You said, “Plus I want my friends and family to know.”
“So I’m the only one that knows and you have been together almost two years now?” Ethan asked surprised, “Not even Jc?”
“No. When he got his wisdom teeth out he spilled secrets of mine which thankfully didn’t make it into the video.” You sighed.
“How are you going to tell everyone?”
“Snapchat is too short and twitter isn’t a smart idea especially after your reactions to choking. the title daddy and the fear you now have of looking at those comments.”
“I’m not uncomf-”
“Daddy-“ You stated looking at your boyfriend with a straight face only to be cut off.
“No!” Both Ethan and Gray exclaimed cringing in unison.
“That’s weird to hear from my brother’s girlfriend.” Ethan shuddered shaking his head.
“Video!” Grayson yelled. Both Ethan and him beamed at the idea, “We could mention news at the beginning and then at the end announce it!”
“Tease a couple pictures and use lyrics to throw the fans off and get more to watch the video!”
“It would be cute…” You trailed off, “It could be another way to tell our family too so we don’t keep repeating ourselves.”
You were really excited to see how it would turn out especially with your protective older brother. Jc had Kian to help him beat up Grayson if he felt like it and your Dad may side with them instead. Mom would probably be excited since the Dolans were nice to you and your family.
“Well I tweeted and so did E.” Gray announced shoving his phone back into his pocket.
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You pulled your phone out to see the tweets that the boys had sent out and the already frantic comments going off. More than a few calling the boys ‘daddy’ and other dirty things that made you cringe. You decided on a simple tweet with lyrics to throw all the fans off because you didn’t want them to know that you were going to be in the video at some point. You smirked typing your favourite lyrics from Ed Sheeran’s song ‘Thinking out Loud’. You wondered if anyone would figure it out but you were confident that they wouldn’t figure out why you were all tweeting vague things.
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“Do you think they’ll figure it out?” You questioned.
“I don’t think so.” Ethan said, “Nobody’s said if you were together or not so far.”
“Tell me when you want to film.” You told them.
“Uh…the waffled are burnt.” Grayson said looking at the where he had finished making the waffles, “How about we go out for breakfast and post a picture on Instagram. I can say something for breakfast and you could do a coffee date picture.”
It took longer than you would like to admit so Gray and you could make it look like you were not in the same place. You were happy with the picture you posed on your Instagram for your followers to look at and make theories on.
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Looking through the comments you saw that Ethan had helped you out by making a joking comment.
‘So you decided to ditch me for a coffee date with that mysterious boyfriend. Gray’s getting breakfast with one of our friends…you guys left me sleeping and I feel alone.’
You chuckled showing Gray what his twin had said on your post finding it amusing how Ethan was rooting for you. Ethan was the largest shipper of the relationship that you were always expecting him to have made t-shirts for it. He had pushed Gray to ask you out almost two years ago which melted your heart when he explained how he had asked you out on Valentine’s Day.
“I feel bad for the fans.” You muttered playing with your fingers before snapping a picture of your drinks and then taking a sip of your hot coffee.
“I know. I feel the same as you do.” Gray admitted too, “We should make some general rules for public.”
“For the happiness of the fans we should keep kissing to a minimal and only hand holding for awhile to get them used to this.”
“Don’t act like a lovesick puppy. We shouldn’t act different than what we do now.”
“I think that’s it.” You mumbled trying to think of anything else.
“So we’re pretty much still hiding our love?” Gray asked as he stirred his coffee to his satisfaction.
“I want to respect your fans which means not being overly affectionate.”
“I wish we could be more open.” He admitted bringing his coffee to his mouth savouring the taste of smell of the drink.
“I do too.” You muttered, “Put your coffee down, I want to take a picture for our video.”
Gray put his coffee down before pulling you into his side as you clicked the button getting one of your favourite pictures of the two of you. He pressed a kiss to your cheek as you did so making you blush and grin at the same time. You heard a collective aw from the side where you saw an older couple shamelessly staring at you two.
“Remember that day we took a picture to announce our relationship?” The blonde female asked her significant other.
Grayson and you looked at each other with smiles when you were the ones to bring the couple good memories. Maybe someday in the future you would be in their position with another younger couple doing the same to you. That is is if you got the gift of spending the rest of your life with Grayson Dolan.
“We should leave them to breakfast.” The red head female said to the blonde.
“Sorry to interrupt your date.” The  blonde woman said, “I’m Shelley and this is my wife Lisbon.”
“I’m Y/N, this is my boyfriend Grayson.” You smiled towards the other couple that were holding hands on the table. They both shared a smile before looking back at you two.
“Grayson Dolan and Y/N Caylen right? Our youngest takes the family computer every Tuesday to watch your videos Grayson.” Lisbon chuckled, “We may have to get her a computer for her fourteenth birthday.”
“We can make a video if you want or you can give us your number so we can FaceTime her as long as you delete our contact after.” Gray smiled.
“In exchange can you keep our relationship a secret? We’re going to surprise everyone with a video.”
Lisbon and Shelley shared a look before asking to take a picture pulled out a nice looking camera that was obviously professional. Both Gray and you were hesitant to agree but when your food was placed in front of you they both got up. Shelley, using the utensils, changed the layout while Lisbon took your phone next.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“You looked nervous so we’ll take the picture so you can tease your date. We have our own photography business. Shelley sets up props and I take the pictures for clients. I’m going to take one professionally also.”
Within second they had a tumblr worthy photo that Gray had dibbed to put on his account the moment he took a look at it. The even handed a business card over with all the information to get into contact for any future needs.
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“What are we doing for the video?” You questioned after start to eat your food once you had exchanged goodbyes with the couple. You had decided to leave the ideas for the video up to the boys because in the end it was their video and you wouldn’t be in it the whole time.
“Either just an announcement video or we google ourselves.” Gray shrugged.
“Google!” You exclaimed, “One of the recommended questions will be if your single.”
Gray grinned reaching over to squeeze your hand in thanks before he pulled up his messages with Ethan on his phone. You had thought they would have picked an idea already to do because they would need to start filming soon.
“He likes the idea.” Gray said locking his phone.
“Well we’re back now!” Ethan announced happily after helping Gray, “Alright this week…fuzz…we’re googling ourselves and we have a surprise so stay with us to the end.”
“And a guest as Ethan said in a tweet.” Gray said glancing at you before returning his attention to the camera.
You were in the kitchen typing on your computer instead of helping them, you liked to watch the videos on the day they came out. Yet you closed the computer when Gray tilting his head to come closer once they had some footage already.
“Does Grayson Dolan have a tattoo? I have a few tattoos yeah.” He said glancing at the camera before looking down at the phone again, “Does Grayson Dolan have glasses? Does Grayson Dolan have a kid? I don’t believe so.”
“What do you mean you don’t believe so?” Ethan questioned surprised before looking at you behind the camera. You knew they were acting this out but he looked genuinely confused.
“I don’t know. A bunch of people keep calling me ‘Daddy’ and stuff.”
“That’s not what they mean.” Ethan said to his brother whom was also acting. You watched as Ethan gestured to Grayson before making a weird slurping sound being his hand and Grayson acting disgusted.
“Does Grayson Dolan have a kick? No.” He blankly said, “Does Grayson Dolan have a girlfriend? Ha!”
You shorted once more at his antics while Ethan looked at you trying not to give anything away by being heard in the video. You were having a lot of trouble seeing as all their videos were completely hilarious to you.
“Does Grayson Dolan have a purity ring?”
Ethan scoffed at the question confirming that his twin didn’t need to have a purity ring since you had been dating for a long time. You were definitely intimate with your boyfriend even if it was hard to get alone time with your secret relationship. You zoned out thinking when you two first slept together on the cliche six month anniversary.  
“Is-” You chuckled before returning the kitchen to her your computer and bringing it back to the living room.
While they continued to shoot their video you settled in the chair across from where they were so you could watch your boyfriend do what he loves. You had your headphones in listening to music while you typed more about your story. You phone went off with a text from your brother.
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“Oh fuck!” You burst out falling on the ground as he sent another one to you.
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“Babe? Are you okay?” Gray asked concerned.
“Jc sent me memes again.” You choked crawling over to show them the memes. They really only found one of them hilarious but they didn’t share your brothers humour.
“Well can you join us?” He asked as you wiped the tears away and shoved your phone into your pocket.
“Okay so we have an announcement but we need help. Ethan said as you stood up once more and came into the frame. Ethan got out of his chair to drag the one of frame in view of the camera once the chairs were pushed back a little.
“This is our friend Y/N!” Gray smiled as you settled into the chair that Ethan had vacated.
“Hi.” You awkwardly waved to the camera earning laughs from your boyfriend and his brother.
“You’re so awkward!” Gray laughed poking you in the side.
“Stop!” You squealed pushing his hands away.
“Guys stop!” Ethan chuckled finally getting you to pay attention for the video and not torturing each other.
“So you guys are wondering why she’s here. Well the news is that this sweet girl is my girlfriend and I’m unbelievably happy to call her mine.” Gray grinned looking over at you with clear adoration in his eyes that you reciprocated.
“You guys probably knew before he said anything because of this.” You said raising your intertwined hands, “I’m going to settle this. We’ve been dating for well over a year but in public we won’t be overly affectionate out of respect for you guys. I respect that there’s more than just me in his heart.”
“She refuses to watch footage before you guys since she started out as a fan.”
“Oh and to our families, we’re sorry for not sharing our relationship with you.” You smiled.
“Please don’t send them hate because at the end of the day the only opinion that matters is our families and them.” Ethan said scratching the back of his hand.
“Just be happy for us.” Grayson smiled as Ethan dramatically unplugged his phone to the horror of Grayson.
You watched as they scrambled to see if it had deleted after Ethan had unplugged it. Ethan’s stupid idea to do so almost ruining the footage would have caused you to refilm and you really didn’t want that. You however laughed as your boyfriend smacked the shit of his twin as punishment before getting back into his chair.
“Ethan almost deleted all of the footage from the video.”
“Is Ethan Dolan an idiot?” Ethan rhetorically asked.
“Yes.” You looked at him blankly getting a light shove from him.
Your focus was interrupted as the boys shared words as you chuckled at their antics.
“Bye internet! I have to post some sneaky photos I took of them. Prepare to see the Dolan twins in their natural habitat of an apartment.” You grinned as you scrambled back to your computer and out of their reach. The boys quickly did their outtro before trying to stop you from sending them.
“It wasn’t that bad.” Gray said wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your neck.
“Wait for Jc to find out”
“Y/N Y/M/N Caylen!” Jc’s astounded voice exclaimed on Tuesday as he stormed into your bedroom.
“Yes?” You asked.
“Call that fucker over now.”
“Grayson. Do it now.”
“He’s busy.” You replied turning your attention back to your book.
“Why are you dating him? Why did you keep it a secret?” Jc rapid fired the questions at you giving you barely any chance to comprehend the questions.
“I’m dating him because I love him and it’s because we were nervous of getting hate and upsetting the fans.” You explained, “We decided it was worth it.”
“So you’re the reason Grayson’s brother scoffed at the purity ring question?”
“Yes Jc. Grayson and I have slept together.”
“I’m going to kill the bastard.” Jc growled.
“Who?” Kian asked as he came into your room.
“Grayson Dolan. He’s dating her and he’s fucked her.”
“We’re killing him.” Kian agreed quickly, “I bet if we told Sam he would be here quickly to help us even if he’s on his honeymoon.”
“Don’t kill him! I love him plus we’ve been together for almost two years!”
“What? How did we not know?” Kian asked Jc.
“Hate and we weren’t sure if it was a smart idea to tell the fans given how dedicated they are.”
“I hate him.” Jc growled.
“Go film your video idiot and leave Gray alone.”
You pulled out your phone to text Gray.
He watched the video and he was pissed. He might punch with along with Kian but they won’t kill you.
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