#so expect more mario art later
flutteredvoid · 1 year
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the protector of the cosmos
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Omg PLEASSSE GO OFF about the movie I NEED your thoughts
Foreman Spike: You're an idiot... Mario: lmao Foreman Spike: ...and your brother is an idiot Mario: FUCK. YOU.
The dinner scene with the family was fantastic. It's clear that Mario is seen as the impulsive troublemaker, but on the flip side Luigi is walked all over (mostly by members of his extended family.) His uncles are continually cutting Luigi off, taking food from his hands when he was half-way through serving himself, etc, until his Mom has to step in and just put a bowl of soup directly in front of him. Also, the moment Luigi confirms how much he likes mushrooms Mario just starts picking all the mushrooms off his own plate and piling them on Luigi's I LOVE THAT. Mario's Dad: Your dream is stupid Mario: Uh huh yeah Mario's Dad: And you're dragging your brother down with you Mario: :( I'll be in my room
So much of this movie was Mario brute forcing his way through restricted areas demanding his brother and fighting anyone stupid enough to get in his way.
The FLASHBACK SCENE WITH BABY MARIO PROTECTING BABY LUIGI HURT MY HEART. When the flashback ends and Luigi just... looks at his bound wrists... completely dejected and defeated... desperately wishing his brother was there to help him be braver. Bowser, vindictive and full of violence: DOES PRINCESS PEACH HAVE A CRUSH ON YOUR BROTHER Luigi, confused, panicking, and in pain: I DON'T KNOW BUT SHE'D BE STUPID NOT TO DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW COOL MARIO IS!? The reunion was beautiful, wish it could have been longer but everything was too busy literally and figuratively exploding. But Mario got to gently cup his brothers face and ugly cry, and I appreciate that from the bottom of my heart.
I was surprised how much they legit beat the shit out of Mario in this movie holy crap both boys went through the wringer. And I don't know the logistics of one super star powering two plumbers but I don't even care. Glad they both got to wail on bowser <3
SPEAKING OF Bowser was a delightful balance between being a total dork and the absolute worst person. I was worried the Peaches song would be annoying but it was the perfect length for the joke to land and was legit good.
I can't wait until the sequel where his son & squad of adopted koopalings bust him out of jail.
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tiredsmashbros · 7 days
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after one year i finally got this done, scanned, and edited.
this entire comic started as a joke and comic practice last year summer because i was dealing with art block... never did i expected to get so fixated on it to become a full short comic. my bowuigi fixation was truly strong ong. it could've had it done sooner, but college and heavy personal stuff got in the way it became difficult to work on it.
eitherway, it's dONE AND HERE!! WHOO!!! i also realized i never came up with a proper title for this story oof
want to read another mario sketch comic from me? read here!!
ignore below if you're not from the smg4 + tsb community,,, oc lore basically tuyfjgh
wed: tsb originally from the start didn’t have any strong interest in tari from the start. nor believed they would end up being very close in the later run. over time, after hanging out a lot and discovering more about each other on a personal level, exploring countless list of shared interests, things just began to click to a more romantic level for the two of them. tsb accidentally falling hard for tari despite he was there to complete a task to retrieve back a past lover... why can't you decide, tsb? what do you not understand? don't you remember reading the fine print?
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mrspockify · 1 year
I feel like of the two of them Mario is actually the more artistically-inclined brother so here's some rambling headcanons about artsy Mario:
It started when he was in grade school. Art class was always his favorite, and he would come home covered in paint or have dried clay stuck in his hair—anything that made his mama's life difficult. She basically had to hose him down every day.
He struggled with emotional regulation a lot as a kid, getting into fights and getting in trouble with teachers, mostly because communicating was difficult for him. Art served as a good outlet, and he could use it to help people understand what he was feeling, so his teachers and parents tried to encourage it.
As they got older, Mario showed more and more interest in art (and showed a lot of skill), but it wasn't as easy to pursue as it was when he was younger, so he started to fall out of practice.
It was mostly a combination of money and expectations. Nice art supplies that will last are expensive, and he would go through sketchbooks like they were nothing, so his parents couldn't keep up. He'd still doodle in lined notebooks when he had the time, but that's about all he could do at home.
Expectation-wise, the discouragement mostly came from his father. Papa Mario is a practical man, and he knows that art is not a practical career. He didn't mind it as a little hobby, but he started to advise Mario to take more useful electives in school instead of art classes. Luigi was very STEM-oriented, which set a sort of precedent in the household, and Mario internalized the idea that pursuing art would somehow be letting his brother down (how could they grow a life together in the future if Mario was a starving artist?)
Into adulthood, he all but gave it up entirely. He was absolutely the one that designed the logo for their business, but that was just about the only art project he was able to do.
That is, until they got sucked into the Mushroom Kingdom. It took a while for the subject to come up, but eventually Peach found Mario admiring her paintings in the castle, and he mentioned offhand that he used to love art.
She is thrilled at this little piece of information! She immediately sets aside time for them each week to do art together. They take supplies out to different places in the Mushroom Kingdom and have picnics together, painting and drawing the landscapes they see.
Mario is just as messy as he was when he was a kid. Peach falls into a fit of giggles the first time she looks over to find globs of paint stuck in his moustache.
But he's also really good. He picks it all back up right away and improves quickly. Peach is impressed, and so tickled by how happy it seems to make him, so she sets him up with his own private studio in the castle, providing him with any and every art supply he could ever dream of. He's overwhelmed of course, but so, so grateful.
He'll draw and paint almost anything, but he especially loves to make portraits of the people he loves. In Superstar Saga, the bros' house has a big portrait of Peach, and I think he painted it himself.
It was never supposed to see the light of day honestly, just sitting in a corner in his studio gathering dust, but one day he walked in to find Peach holding it and admiring it.
He was wildly embarrassed, but she was just flattered and amazed at his talent. She had it professionally framed for him and never stops telling him how much she loves it every time she comes over.
It isn't until later on, when Mario visits her private wing of the castle for the first time, that he finds an awfully similar portrait of himself painted by Peach in a matching frame hanging on her wall.
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lividria · 3 months
Funny Story: The Thousand-Year Door (Part 2)
Yea, remember the time I made a post about how everyone associates me with this game's Vivian because that's also my name, I'm also trans and my OC persona character looks similar? I have now beaten TTYD and I already wasn't opposed because I liked the character but I used Vivian for literally as much time as possible once I got her so uh
Here's some of the highlights of my playthrough, spoilers obviously
In the chapter 8 Shadow Sirens rematch (I know they're the Three Shadows now but I'm used to the old name, fight me), I had Goombella out to get tattles, tried to switch over to Vivian, and the FUCKING GAME CRASHED? Which I interpreted as Beldam getting so pissed it broke the space-time continuum, thankfully I saved right before and Vivian later dealt the final blow to Beldam to win the fight when I tried again
Shadow Queen kicked my FUCKING ASS HOLY SHIT, it took me 3 tries, I feel like if I were to rematch Prince Mush they would be so much easier than SQ it wouldn't even be funny AND THEY'RE A SUPERBOSS, I WIPED THE FLOOR WITH JUST ABOUT EVERY PRE-CHAPTER 8 BOSS BUT THEN THE FINAL BOSS WRECKED MY ASS LIKE SHE WAS TACO BELL
One of my friends hyped up Bonetail as being even harder when I immediately went to do the Pit after the credits, I JUST beat them without using any items (Though I did eat a couple in the earlier levels of the Pit) and it was so much less intense than what I expected, especially because I got really lucky with bingos and Pretty Lucky (badge) so I was never in any danger
Yes I know about Whacka, yes I know what I have to do to fight them, yes I'm gonna try them, but that's for tomorrow
I was actually trying to get 100% tattles this playthrough but only realized far too late I didn't get the tattles for the scripted Shwwonk Fortress encounters (Not the Golden Fuzzy, though, I got them & their Fuzzy horde) and I don't know if those guys respawn or are anywhere else so uh fucking whoops
I laughed my ass off when the Atomic Boo had it's own battle theme, that was the most unnecessary thing ever
Chapter 3 made me absolutely lose my shit because all I did was do all the Trouble Center side quests before that and I was somehow hilariously overpowered (I actually got a Power Plus from was their name Dazzle or Sparkle? So that's probably why) I destroyed everything and everyone, I knew about the poisoned cake but I didn't know leaving it killed that poor Koopa, I was completely floored by Bowser not having his boss theme (It's used in the Chapter 8 fight don't worry), and laughed for like a half hour straight at Grubba actually just dying at the end of the chapter after confessing to murder, can you actually find him anywhere after that because I never saw him ever again and Jolene said he was out of the picture so I choose to interpret that as Mario just straight up killing the guy
I fucking hate Rawk Hawk, I rematched him a couple times, all of them unintentionally besides for one time I was like 2 points off a level up, he goes down so fast it's so cathartic, I got an e-mail at some point from him that looked like he was saying he's a better fighter now, I'm gonna go beat his ass right now to prove he ain't
I somehow got Vivian into that bucket in the hidden part of Rogueport Harbor, she teleported out before I could screenshot it, I open Tumblr and first thing I see is that one post that's art of bucket Vivian, reality is taunting me I swear
For the several years on Discord I've always made it a thing to exaggerate some personality traits whenever it'd lead to funny jokes, so I have this entire gag persona I'll put on sometimes where I'll act like a narcissistic asshole out of nowhere (which is pretty easy because I'm incredibly easy to anger and thus act like a jerk more than I should), and it's some of the same people I do that with that compare me to TTYD Vivian sometimes, so imagine my reaction when I see the dialogue implying Vivian has a crush on Mario when I always switch out the player character with myself in my head, Vivian has a crush on essentially herself
I never used Zess T. once throughout my entire playthrough so imagine my horror when I check the requirements for 100%ing the game and seeing the recipes are there in the Journal menu, yea fuck no lol, I don't even know if I'll get all the Star Pieces & Shine Sprites but I am definitely not catching up
So uh yeah really good game
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piranhartist · 10 months
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Long time no post! Got a lot of art backed up again but here's some silly lil mario guys to start. Missed using my markers a lot so the enemies from Wonder were a really good warm up. Just finished the main campaign of SMRPG last night, so expect more mario related things in future too ;0
Been kept pretty over-busy wrapping up my work season but now I'm back to freelance mode an open for commission work, so you'll see posts a lil bit more often. Still probably laid back until the day all sites besides here let me queue things so I can set and forget uploads in batches :P
I've been drawing plenty in between of work so do have some other posts built up to share here later- but the more fulltime gigs I've had the more noticeable it is I wanna be on "social media" less and less LOL
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film-comcept · 6 days
Star of 2024's Furiosa: A Mad Max saga, Carina Fiorella Scorsese, commonly known as Carina Scorsese, is an actress, producer, and aspiring director, born on May 29, 2000. Daughter of Antonella Berzatto, a professional cook from Rome and owner of the famous Italian food chain Reprise, and Martin Scorsese, known for films such as Taxi Driver, The Irishman, and the most recent Killers of The Flower Moon. Since a very early age, Carina was raised in movie sets and kitchens by both her parents. Raised primarily in Italy, Carina had a relatively normal upbringing out of the spotlight, as per her father's wishe, especially so she could grow up and do whatever made her happy, not what was pushed upon her. At the age of 5, Scorsese started doing ballet classes, which until these days continued to be one of her main passions. She also got to spend a lot of time with her mom, cooking dishes and learning the importance of her background heritage and also making good memories. That being said, Carina developed a great love for baking, which led the girl to a great hobby to perform around family and friends. The love for movies came early, something that was expected considering all the times Cari visited her dad's filming sets. Just being around him made her love the arts ever more, making core memories such as when he showed her "Breakfasts at Tiffany's," and she heard Moon River for the very first time.
Carina moved to New York with both her parents at the age of 12, starting to be more sure about her choices for the future with the help and guidance of the family, she started doing acting classes and watching a lot of musical theater shows on Broadway, making her acting range a priority ever since a young age. Just four years later, Scorsese landed herself her very first acting role as the lead in the horror movie The Witch (2016), directed by Robert Eaggers, another very important moment in her life. Even though Carina has the obvious privilege of her last name, she's been, since then, critically aclamed for her performance, especially she played a young Beth Harmon, a chess player in one of the most watched miniseries on Netflix, The Queen's Gambit (2020), which earned her her first Golden Globe and Emmy win. Now, Carina is known as one of the biggest growing stars and of the new generation of actors. She's been dating the star player of the football team Real Madrid, Hunter Blackford, since the beginning of the year. The two of them became engaged in August and have been expecting twins on the way. Carina and Hunter moved to Madrid, but she still travels a lot between Europe and the US for projects and to be with the family.
The Witch as Thomasin
Morgan as Morgan
Split as Casey Cooke
Marrowbone as Allie
Thoroughbreds as Lily Reynolds
Glass as Casey Cooke
Playmobil: The Movie as Marla Brenner
Radioactive as Irène Curie
Emma as Emma Woodhouse
Here Are the Young Men as Jen
The New Mutants as Illyana Rasputin / Magik
The Queen's Gambit as Beth Harmon
Last Night in Soho as Alexandra "Sandie" Collins
The Northman as Olga of the Birch Forest
Amsterdam as Libby Voze
The Menu as Margot
The Super Mario Bros. Movie as Princess Peach
Dune: Part Two as Alia Atreides
Furiosa as Imperator Furiosa
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astronomic727 · 4 months
Welcome to my art account!
I'm Astro, I'm primarily a digital artist but I also do traditional sketches now and then too! A bit about me I'm from Ireland and currently 22! I was an Instagram artist for the longest time but am no longer happy with where the site's going, so... here I am! I'm also on Youtube which is where my most ambitious projects take place lol I do play video games in my past time, more on that in the next paragraph :) I LOOOVE space stuff, which of course is the inspiration for my name and sona, which also trickles into my other interests. I am also getting into music production! So, what to expect from this account? A lot of my artwork is fan art based on the video games that I enjoy. Primarily Kirby, Terraria, Pokémon are the main 3 to expect but there may be the occasional Mario post or whatnot lol My OCs! I also have my own OCs that I also post about a lot! The main trio of characters are Via, her little sister Kayleigh, and her best friend Orion. The posts about my OCs are just slice of life kinda stuff, but I also randomly insert them into other media or memes now and then xD One of such (the most prominent) is in one of my art projects! What are these art projects? First off is Project Dream! My Kirby art project, a fan made story that takes place after the events of Kirby Star Allies, my favourite Kirby game! Each of the illustrations are primarily dedicated to each of the Dream Friends. Each installment also gets an accompanying timelapse/speedpaint video over on my Youtube, which is where most of the story is explained and visualised. There is a main antagonist of the story, and the Project has been going for almost 5 years now. It is in it's later stages, but how will the story end? Stay tuned to find out ;) The other one is Terraria Legends! Terraria Legends follows the tale of two heroes as they progress throughout the land of Terraria and facing the many bosses and events the game has to offer. These two heroes however are Via and Orion! The Terraria versions of Via and Orion are different to their original counterparts however. Terraria Legends isn't as old as Project Dream, but our heroes currently are almost at the end of Pre-Hardmode! Where else can I be found? Youtube, Ko-Fi, Cara, Terraria Forums Or alternatively, all my links can be found through my Carrd! Anything else? So, my ask box is open atm, but I'm still learning how this all works so I may close this at any point. In terms of rules, don't say/ask anything super weird/nsfw. I personally don't mind any light jokes in this vain, just keep it relatively clean lmao. Any questions about my characters and their stories are all good! In terms of Project Dream or Terraria Legends, I like seeing speculation, but please don't just ask what will happen in the next episode or stuff like that, I don't wanna just spoil things for people y'know? ^^; Oh, and fan art of my OCs or my projects is very welcome, I'd be delighted to see that so feel free to @ me for that! :D Just be sure to respect any existing relationships with the characters, like don't ship two characters who definitely should not be lol DM's aren't really open, sorry about that. Only people I'm familiar with I'm ok with DMing. It usually takes me a good while to get comfortable with new people. Main Navigation Tags (#Astro Art) (#Astro Sketches) (#Project Dream) (#Terraria Legends) (#Astro OCs) (Each post with my OCs will be tagged with their name) I'll edit this whenever I have anything to change/add, but that's about everything for now! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your stay here! :D
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wariofranchisefanblog · 11 months
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A new WarioWare has come out and I got enough playtime in to feel comfortable talking about it in full, so I’ll do just that.
Right off the bat I can say in short: this is a good game and a good WarioWare. Not up there with my favs, but it does a lot right. My experience did end up quite differently than anticipated and I’ll explain why soon enough.
First I want to talk about the presentation, which I think is an easy high point. Everything is vibrant and colorful, the art keeps showing the strengths of the current style and everything feels very much like it should. Microgames run that perfect mix of genuinely nice looking and deliberately cursed and the cutscenes are the best of both worlds, being smooth and lively, while returning to Gold’s full voice acting.
Speaking of cutscenes, that brings us to the story related stuff and that’s where the game shows some interesting tricks up its sleeves. In terms of structure it’s a return to the pre-Gold era, with the closest to an overarching theme being the vacation set-up.
I do think the Ware crew is in top form, likable, fun and full of life as always and two stories in particular even do something major.
Kat and Ana’s story marks the shocking return of Cractus, bringing a Wario Land character into WarioWare and Young Cricket’s story sees his Kung-Fu Ball partner finally brought into WarioWare properly. Both of those are really massive and show a willingness to more heavily utilize elements from other parts of the verse, which I find incredibly exciting.
Oddly enough, the weaker link of the story for me this time is Wario himself. Now don’t get me wrong, everything that happens here is usual Wario antics and I do like how non–english versions of the script like japanese and german, have him be actually be nice about bringing the others along. His confusion at the Crygor drawings and later ascending to godhood, with the cast roll confirming he got a happy end, are all good too, plenty of nice stuff here.
He just feels weirdly absent here. Having no presence in the Remix stages, no bonus mode in his image and even the final stage has him stuck being cursed to have his face be the avatar of an angry volcano. It doesn’t really feel like Wario and ends with him being the only one of the cast with no moment to shine during the climax, which I can’t help but find a little disappointing.
Still, it’s not a big deal, after so many games Wario taking a slight backseat isn’t a dealbreaker, it just stood out a little.
Moving away from that, there is the audio side of things. The music as usual is full of unapologetically catchy jingles and some major stand-out tracks such as MegaGame Muscles and the Form Guide theme.
We got full voice acting again and with it our first taste of Kevin Afghani as Wario. Pre-release stuff had me very on and off with how I felt about it, but having heard all of him in the game: yeah, I like him! He does have some wonky deliveries, but the overall voice still feels like Wario and has its own fun appeal. Certainly more noticeably different than Mario and Luigi, but I am optimistic Kevin will greatly grow into the role, as he gets to play him more and more.
Then we get to the big one, the gameplay and this is where I was thrown for a loop the most. With this being a direct Smooth Moves successor I thought I’d know what to expect, but was quite caught off-guard in many places.
This surprisingly ended up being the most difficult WarioWare for me by a long-shot, enough that I actually had to take advantage of the second chance mechanic, which I never had to do in Gold and GiT.
If I had to sum the game up in one word, it would be demanding, Wario commanding you to move it is not just a funny title, it’s the name of the game.
With the Wiimote, you could get away with just sorta doing the poses in a lot of cases, but Move It really demands you do the exact poses, down to holding the Joycon juuuust the right way. 
More than anything I was surprised how strict it could be in that regard, not following the form instructions is asking for trouble, but I have to say, at the same token I was amazed how well things worked once I got the hang of it.
I’ll admit, I was ill while playing the game, so maybe that caused me to be a little more daft than usual, but it took me a bit to really get into it and I had to consult the museum several times for some microgames to figure out what I even needed to do.
I do think the game is a touch more complicated than usual for WarioWare, since you have to take effectively two controllers and specific poses into account, on top of grasping what each microgame demands of you, but once it clicks everything feels well thought out and purposeful. Getting things down is immensely satisfying and shows some really stunning results of what the Joycon can do.
That said the game isn’t entirely without jank, Hand Model being a notable culprit of it. The game finds several fun applications for it, but anything regarding reading forms or how many fingers you hold up, can be really clunky in the heat of the moment. In general, the strictness of the forms also means you need to really be prepared for every microgame, since slouching with your form could lead to a bad desync
Still, even with some jank I do think stepping up to the challenge to get a feel of it and get better is very much worth it. I wasn’t sure how to feel at first, but my opinion on it only went up the more I played.
That covers it for the main stages, as for the side-content though, yeah, that is where the game shows a weaker side of itself.
Not so much in terms of what’s here though. You got your standard towers, as well as MegaGame Muscles, which no joke, may be my favorite stage in the game. It’s frantic, fun, the music slaps and the set-up of Mr. Sparkles having ascended to being a literal god of fitness, is pure WarioWare.
The new Pyoro game of the day is a fun, different take on it, much like the one in Smooth Moves was as well and Dirty Job is a cool bonus game expansion of a more stand-out microgame concept.
That is really it as far as the single player content is concerned though and it does feel a liiiittle on the meager side. No souvenirs, which Smooth Moves and GiT didn’t have either, but Smooth Moves had more bonus games and GiT had the final Pyoro stage, Penny Remix, more bonus games, unlockable art and the Wario Cup.
We do still have a decent variety of multiplayer modes to work with and I did get a friend to come on by to try them, save for the 4 player exclusive one.
I think it’s a good selection, in concept it has the best multiplayer mode offerings since Mega Party Games (though I did like GiT a lot too), but there is one issue I have with it and I think GiT was a little guilty of it too.
As I mentioned, I do think there is a learning curve on how to play this game most effectively and you feel that even more in multiplayer, where someone not as in the know, is naturally gonna accidentally grip his Joycon slightly wrong, despite doing the pose and need some extra instructions, much like the characters in GiT can take some learning.
It is something you can overcome and have a good time with, WarioWare is a very good ‘’don’t take me too seriously’’ kind of multiplayer experience, but on the whole, if they want a true party game WarioWare, I still think something simpler like Mega Party Games is in order and by all means, I wouldn’t mind them doing something like that again.
On a side note, I also find it a bit of a shame that the nice new models for the cast, updated to resemble their designs in this game, are ultimately watered down to sprites of their heads during multiplayer gameplay. With how much emphasis is being put on multiplayer to carry the game for longer, I think it would have been nice if they put in the work to fully animate GiT-style models for the multiplayer modes.
That small gripe aside, as I said, I think multiplayer is fine, but not quite the pick up and play experience for people new to the game, as I feel they wanted it to be and I do think a bit too much of the game is locked behind multiplayer.
But yeah, that’s WarioWare Move It. It’s good and if you like WarioWare, you’re getting what you wanted out of it. It’s not one of my top games in the series and feels a bit too lacking on the side content front, but on the whole, I had a good time and it gets a surprising amount out of a controller that I have an openly low opinion on.
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mayordeas-clone · 1 year
Smash Tier List, Ordered By Which Characters Have Canon Last Names
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i decided one fateful friday evening to make this tier list cuz i was bored. shoutout to the smash prose server for helping me iron out any kinks and retrieve some obscure information to help make this tier list reach its fullest potential (discord link for the server on my blog if youre on desktop or in my pinned post on my art account always b pluggin)
below the cut is some extra details on the tiers and character placements.
THIS IS ROUGH AS HELL!!!!! and the research and sources aren't very cut and dry throughout ;w; a tier list i wanted to make for the sillies that ended up going deeper than expected but not all the way, so it's sorta in a weird gray area of reliability. apologies for not-so-clear info in advanced 😔
Official Surname
what it says on the tin. i'd put detailed explanations of where all of them were "confirmed" but i don't know the nitty gritty of a lot of the characters and just know em from official bios. will provide detail if i see fit cuz its my post.
Byleth: "Eisner"
Joker: Civilian name is "Ren Amamiya", from the anime. Akira Kurusu is another civilian name he goes by, coming from the manga, however Amamiya is more common in official media (and kind of canonized in the PC release of Persona 5 Royal, where changing the language to English from something else will default his name to Ren Amamiya)
Kazuya: "Mishima"
Samus (And Zero Suit Samus): "Aran"
Fox: "McCloud"
Falco: "Lombardi"
Wolf: "O'Donnell"
Terry: "Bogard"
Cloud: "Strife"
SImon and Richter: "Belmont"
Donkey and Diddy Kong: So we all pretty much agreed that "Kong" is a family name :P it could be moved to the yellow canon-ish tier but idk
Peach: "Toadstool", which she signs off as in Mario 64 (So that's pretty canon right)
Generally accepted fanon surname (or exists in obscure non-canon media)
these are kinda? surnames. theyre not official like the ones above or acknowledged in the main source material, but they draw from some sort of source that fans run with. usually, it's common for multiple fanworks to use them as last names when dishing them out :P there could be multiple of these for each character. this is where a lot of handy guidance from the prose server came in, thank you very much once again!!
Mario, Dr. Mario, and Luigi: "Mario", from the live action Super Mario Bros. movie (also, "Mario Mario" is the funniest shit ever to me). Also the joke of "hey if theyre the 'mario bros', then is their last name mario?!"
Yoshi: Alright apparently in the 1993 manual for Super Mario World, Yoshi's full name is "T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas". Alright then?? I was going to put Yoshi in the "species" category, but this bit surprised me :P not sure if it's like, a scientific name or something, but I guess this Yoshi is a special case.
Ganondorf: I think in a manual or something like that (Forgive my vague language, this was just something I recalled that the people I worked with agreed with), he is given the last name "Dragmire".
Marth, Chrom, and Lucina: "Lowell" was a last name given to Marth in the Fire Emblem anime. With Chrom and Lucina being direct descendants of him, they also inherit this last name.
Zelda: "Hyrule" is generally assumed to be her last name. I'm pretty sure Zelda's father in BotW is given the official last name, though I know there's some different reincarnation shenanigans going on. Still, no one stopped me 😎 it's a common theme for a lot of "royalty" characters to be assigned a fanon last name named after their respective kingdom (though I may have overlooked some, we'll get to those later).
Ike: "Greil", named after his father. I thought it was kinda dumb for his last name to be ripped from his dad's first name but idk maybe everyone is on a last-name basis for him (I haven't progressed far in Path of Radiance to know).
Sonic: This one surprised me. Apparently in the Archie comics, his full name "Ogolvie Maurice Hedgehog". So his last name is "Hedgehog"? I suppose this means Sonic's full name could also be Sonic The Hedgehog, with "The" being a middle name :P
Captain Falcon: I was going to include this in "canon", but given that it's technically from a manual and other surnames in this tier come from a similar source, so might as well be consistent. In one of the F-Zero manuals, he's given the name "Douglas J. Falcon" (baller ass name tbh). In the anime, he's also given the civilian name "Bart Lemming".
Sephiroth: According to the Prose pals, it could be "Hojo" or "Crescent" depending on who you ask (idk I'll take their word for it. Yeah sorry this isn't a very thorough list in terms of research and sources).
Ryu: Another Prose pal said that one of the movies gave him the last name "Hoshi".
Bowser and Bowser Jr.: Heard "Koopa" tossed around, given Bowser is the king of Koopas and Jr. is his son.
Mega Man: "Light", after his creator Dr. Light.
Roy: "Pherae", after him being the son of Marquess Pherae.
King K. Rool: I think I assumed "Rool" could be his last name, and the K. is an initialized first name. Heavily based on my own guess tho.
No Canon Surname
Yeah. Though some are Weird and probably misassigned.
Snake I could have sworn had some kind of fanon surname, but I drew up a blank when consulting with the Prose server :P any hardcore Metal Gear fans can swoop in and correct me though.
Corrin and Daisy are kinda... weird to me cuz I assumed they would operate on similar logic to Zelda, being named after their respective kingdoms ("Valla" and "Sarasaland"). But I've never seen those used in practice so it's probably negligible. They bounced between tiers a lot while I made this.
I suppose Dragon Quest 11 Hero could fall in the "kingdom last name" category but idk I'm still internally debating with Corrin and Daisy. Didn't do any research on the other Heroes and no one seemed to stop me. So sorry!! 😭
The only other thing I have to say about this tier is that I'm surprised Bayonetta, Shulk, Olimar, Alph, and Sora didn't have any note-worthy last names to speak of. Unless something slipped through the cracks!
Idk if Sheik would adopt Zelda's assumed last name which is why they are in this tier.
Title, no canon name
Pretty much a title given to the character, be it related to their occupation or status.
This was originally a "no canon first name lmao" tier, but I changed it to be more broad at the request of the Discord buddies to include weird edge cases like Dark Samus (who isn't really a species, but not really a person?) and Duck Hunt (who accounts for three separate entities in one lol so that kind of confused me, but a tier like this worked for him).
Pretty much a character that comes from a species of many, meaning they don't really have an actual name to begin with (Inklings technically count, since it's not like "Inkling" refers to status or occupation). Yes, I included R.O.B. there due to Subspace Emissary's lore :) one could argue that's not canon, but be fr does R.O.B. have any existing lore to work with? Brawl essentially made him its own OC for the story campaign and that's amazing. Anyway, unnecessary rant aside, R.O.B. is a species in my book, and he's the last of his kind (another detail originating from Smash).
Last two tiers are kind of joke tiers I came up with as the idea for this list cooked up in my brain. One could argue "Mr. Game and Watch" is a title, but I thought his own dedicated tier was funnier so I kept it intact :P
Thus concludes this dumbass tier list. Feel free to roast me in the notes for inaccuracies cuz there's probably a lot (Or don't I'm sensitive as hell)
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thegreatestegg · 1 year
cringe is dead! I’m gonna talk about Mario. So I saw a video of Alpharad going through the Mario Kart ride at Super Nintendo World, and it made me realize something.
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Team Mario is shown as being Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad, as per usual, but also Yoshi (which is expected)... and Daisy. Move a few months later...
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And you’ve got Team Mario in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Yoshi... and Daisy. They drop her so casually too, in the trailer. She shows up, and she’s just part of that cast, about as important in the art as Peach or Toad or Yoshi. I think this is the start of a genuine, conscious effort to put Daisy at the forefront of the Mario series- likely so that they can have two women as playable characters per game more consistently, without having to justify Rosalina just showing up out of nowhere instead of her starship, or make up a new unique skill for Toadette that’s different from Toad himself. I think we’re going to start seeing Daisy as a major character- maybe even in...
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The unnamed Peach Game? Toadette might be relegated to a skin of Toad (as with Blue Toad), as well. I could easily see this being something that continues into further games, especially with the creativity that’s being pretty obviously put into the new Mario games (Odyssey and Wonder are both so much more creative than the RELATIVELY lackluster New Super Mario Bros. and Mario 3D World.)
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chzdavmpr · 7 months
Delicious in Dungeon Reading Diary Vol 4
Spoilers below
First thing I notice about this volume is that the red dragon is very central on the front and back cover, and the table on contents has 6 chapters of red dragon.
Also while I'm talking about the volume cover I gotra say I love the art on these things
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Like they look like they make food/wash dishes WHILE fighting the monsters, and Senshi is just doing a little mario hop with his fried rice. And all of the other covers have been similarly pleasant. Plus I love how the red boarder helps add both visual cohesion between volumes as well a nice bit of flair that helps it stand out amongst other manga.
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That's how they teleported out of the dungeon? I was expecting the flash of light thing Falin did. Could it be that their gear wouldn't come with them? I don't think so if they kept their stuff on them. Must just be different methods.
Also this might be more evidence for my "living paintings are time portals" theory. Not quite sure yet.
It's very smart to go over the rules of death and resurrection in more detail now, considering what the whole point of this mission is. It both keeps stakes alive and adds tension to if Falin can even be revived.
Go off, King.
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I've seen this panel before, I did NOT expect it to be in such tense context.
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And the dragon is down! I gotta say that was some excellent action, all the tactics were creative, both made sense for the characters to use, as well as made sense why they failed. Plus it was just really cool, the ending bit with Laios getting his leg bit especially.
Quite morbid how Laios is basically just doing a fun jigsaw puzzle with his own sister's bones.
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Wait are they seriously not gonna tell Falin about how she was a skeleton for like a month? Like when someone asks "did I died" I feel one of the worst things you can say is "don't worry about it." Maybe it's just a translation thing idk.
Falin no longer having brockitis* anymore is significant. It will be very relevant. I feel it in my bones.
*brockitis: a term used by the anime community to describe a character with perpetually closed eyes, named after Brock from Pokemon
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I'm sorry, you have NO follow up questions? Cause I sure have a few; what resident, this place is abandoned? Or that's one of the fake doors so how was there someone there? Or were they a ghost? Laios is not beating the himbo allegations.
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Honestly it's good news to see this guy. Partially cause it's a cool new plothook, but more importantly some of my living painting questions might be answered!
I just think the mermaid is drawn real cute here.
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Laios had a whole 2-second crisis over being a fake dragon fan.
Closing thoughts for the volume: the best so far. 10/10. Not only does it finish off the overarching plot so far with a really cool action scene, but sets up a lot of questions to get answered later. Plus the tension is really well done, pretty much from the point in the first chapter where they explain there are limits to resurrection to the point where Falin speaks a complete sentence there was that gripping sense of both danger and uncertainty, it makes it gripping enough to where I decently easily finished this volume in 1 sitting. While I think the coming volume or 2 will have to some work to get me invested in the next adventure I am more then confident that it can be done.
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raspberrii-soda · 10 months
i swear to god im going insane, if anyone ever happens to care about specifically the sugar rush speedway adaptations i'm making this post for them and also so i don't forget this stuff. also i just have the energy to write about the stuff today lol
Info may be incomplete because I wrote this at 2 am and set it to queue
Sugar Rush is one of the fictional games from the Disney movie Wreck-it Ralph. it's a kart racer game similar to Mario Kart, but with a sweets and candies theme. alongside other games like Fix-it Felix jr, Hero's Duty and Turbotime, this game had multiple game adaptations and related minigames. here im gonna talk about 3 adaptations: Sugar Rush Speedway, LEAP Motion Sugar Rush Speedway App and the "Baking" and "Racing" games from the Wreck-It Ralph Storybook Deluxe. i'll be ignoring the Sweet Climber minigame from the wreck it ralph app because its a simple endless jumping game.
ill try to go from my percieved idea of which one is more popular, in descending order.
Sugar Rush Speedway
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if you remember having played a sugar rush game, it was probably this one. available as a browser game until it stopped being playable beyond the first map because of a game error and it was later removed somewhere in 2018.
can you still play this version of sugar rush? yeah...but not officially, it is available and fully playable on Bluemaxima's Flashpoint (god save flashpoint)
its got 4 cups, each cup being 1 track normally, in reverse and flipped. you go trough 3 laps in most of these.
it has all 10 sugar rush racers, plus you can unlock king candy trough the code KINGCANDY (wow, original) but it does not include vanellope or the recolors. there is also a lost japanese version whose only diference was that it replaced Minty Saki with Minty Sakura and the code to unlock King Candy was 7ELEVEN (lol). items work just like any common denominator kart racer, random items from an item box.
since this game was released very closely to the movie's release, some of the stuff is based on concept art and deviates from the game we see in the movie, also the graphics are a bit unpolished as it is expected for a browser game from that time, more info and images on the wiki.
Wreck-It Ralph Storybook Deluxe Games
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the wreck it ralph storybook deluxe app was a paid app that, as it says, has the story of wreck it ralph in storybook form, alongside a game you can play. the app costed money and its been retired from both the play store and the app store.
is this version of sugar rush still playable? no. unless you have the app still installed on an old phone, i have the apk but it doesnt work on modern phones.
there are two "games" from the wreck it ralph storybook app, the Bake one, which corresponds to a simplified and less gimicky version of the bake-a-kart minigame, where you get to customize your kart. and the "Racing" game, which is, of course, a few sugar rush courses. 3 in this case, and 3 diferent difficulties as well.
unlike the other game, this one only has 4 of the sugar rush racers, but it also has vanellope, which automatically makes this the superiorest version of them all. in this version instead of random items you get character specific abilities.
LEAP Motion Sugar Rush Speedway
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im kicking and biting and maiming and
the sugar rush speedway app for leap motion it's a purchasble app from the leap motion store, while its meant to be used with a leap motion device that tracks your hand movement it can be played without, its the same game as the browser sugar rush speedway with a few key changes: the races are only one lap, the graphics have been enhanced, and it had a bake-a-kart mode more similar to that in the movie.
is this version of sugar rush still playable? hell no, unless you had it installed previous to the shut down of the leap store.
some other changes are that king candy is no longer playable and one of the items is missing, i've only found 6 videos on youtube and a few screenshots of the game, more images and info on the wiki.
while some of the game content is out there and someone probably still has a copy, at least in my opinion, the playable game could be considered partially lost media,
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skarchomp · 10 months
exalted secret santa
throwing my hat into this ring for the first time now that i have two entire characters!
Candor That Draws the Horseman's Blade
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Dusk caste Abyssal, 25 years old, 6'6, she/her/he/him
When the assassin Hard Truth killed his latest target, he didn't expect her to get back up again and slice his face off. Taking a deal with Eye and Seven Despairs to save her life, she was reborn as Candor. Her mission to deliver more souls to the Eye to convert to her Death Knight army got sidetracked two years later when she took a job bodyguarding a group of adventurers. Over a year, she confronted her past, made new friends, killed a few dictators, fell in love, and had an encounter with the Unconquered Sun that led to her finally achieving some inner peace. Now she plans to spend the rest of her unlife as a beacon of hope for other Abyssals, showing them that they can be free from their chains and that there's a place in Creation for them. She may be a loudmouth who loves to solve problems with violence, but her heart is in the right place, even if it hasn't beaten for years.
Character inspirations: Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb), Lobo (DC Comics), Bowser (Mario)
important music: Let Me Live/Let Me Die, Rock the House, Vampire Reference in a Minor Key
older art
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Kaida Lyrena
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Water aspect Dragon-Blooded, 27 years old, 5'7", she/her
Born to the rich Kaida family of Brightwork, Lyrena grew up having the importance of decorum and responsibility drilled into her, out of the hope that she'd be the first person in her family to become a Realm soldier and bring respect and recognition to the family name. Instead, she screwed up her first assignment so badly she ended up on the run with a group of Tya, pursued by her ex. Now, after running into her childhood best friend and falling into a complicated love triangle with them and another shipmate, she's just trying to keep her life together without going insane so far from the comfortable, controlled life she's used to. An expert martial artist and dancer who uses her fancy footwork to keep herself out of her foe's reaches, the only threat she can't dodge is her own hangups. She's also been forcibly turned into a snake and an evil clown but she's dealing with it tho.
Character inspirations: Jessie (Pokemon), Tahani Al-Jamil (The Good Place), Helga (Atlantis: the Lost Empire)
important music: My Best Friend's Hot, Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard, Casual
older art
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Have fun with whoever you choose! Can't wait to see them in your style!
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Some of my favourite art - a timeline
Part 2: 2010-2012
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Cca. 2011 (aged 10). Mario fanart. This was my main fandom at that age. We can see the very first iteration of my signature (Alexandra D.* except with a drawn 5-point-star. I later simplified the design but otherwise kept the signature ever since).
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2011 ish. Adventure Time fanart.
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Mia and me fanart (does anybody else remember that show haha?). Cca. 2012
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Mid-late 2012. Mario and Final Fantasy fanart. I was introduced to FF via the Mario Hoops game illustrated in the very first pic.
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Late 2012. Final Fantasy I fanart.
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Late 2012 or very early 2013. Final Fantasy XI fanart. One of the first documented attempts at drawing in an anime style, which will henceforth be the main influence of my artstyle for the next few years.
The main characteristics of this era are big heads contrasted with thin bodies and limbs. The eyes are at first simple ovals but eventually transition to an anime style. Bright colours but mostly in pencil this time; much smoother and intentional colouring than the previous years. More diverse facial expressions and poses than before, but still with significant anatomy mistakes.
From a more meta point of view, the most significant aspects of this era are 1. The development of my personal signature and 2. The intentional archiving of my art, as can be seen by the numbering system. Whereas around my tween years I had started to get extremely self-conscious about my art and threw a good chunk of it away on a whim because I didn't like it anymore, by the time I was about 11 ½ ish I developed a sense for the necessity of art preservation. Thus I stopped throwing old art away (and if I really hated half a drawing but loved another part I cropped it, hence why so many pieces of paper are visibly cut up). I was eventually very sorry that I had ever thrown out any art. While these are some well-preserved pieces, this timeframe is actually a lost media era of my art because of the sheer amount I disposed of, have away, or didn't put effort into keeping in a safe place. The first lost media era being ofc my earliest childhood drawings, which, ironically, were much more well preserved than my tween era drawings, but at some point we were no longer able to locate the box with my oldest stuff. One day I hope to find it again. I cannot say the same about my tween art, most of which I actively destroyed. This has been a harsh lesson I had to learn, and I urge any young artist to not fall into this trap, no matter how "cringe" you may think your art is. Having learned this lesson, starting around early 2013, I started keeping my drawings in a box and indexing them (hence the numbers. #4 means it was one of the very first drawings I preserved and a very recent one at the time of establishing my personal drawing box). I'm currently almost at 3000 if not already having passed that threshold. That's 3k pictures in a 12 year timeframe. And I'm sure that if I had never lost any piece of my art ever, the lifetime number of drawings would be double that.
So if you, especially if you're a young artist, ever feel insecure, please don't throw away or destroy your art! And remember that progress takes time. I'm showing my favourite drawings across the years but please remember that it took my entire life + thousands of drawings worth of practice to reach my current level. Don't compare yourself to other artists, your art is worth keeping around even if not yet to the level you expect.
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pro-bee-sisters · 1 year
Hello my lovely Chloe+Queen Bee and Zoe+Vesperia stans out there, your lovely Queen Vesperia Bee is back!
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For those who didn’t know, I was on hiatus for 1 month during April. However, now I’m back and ready to see where I left off~
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First off, I wanna say that I had a pretty good hiatus. 😊 I was able to develop some healthy habits throughout the month of April, which included meditating, experiencing with essential oils, and all around, just staying offline for the most part. I also even got to see the Super Mario movie with my partner and we both enjoyed it a lot. I will definitely be making fanart of it on my Art Blog. 
Speaking of fanart, I still plan to do a lot of art as well as writing for our two fabulous bee sisters. Especially now that summer is coming, people will most likely be done with school or work, depending on who you are Lol, so now they’ll have time to see what new ideas I have in mind~
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I’m currently writing Chapter 2 for The Queen Bee and the Vesperia where we will be introduce to Zoe and her relationship with Audrey as her slave/”foster daughter.” 
Afterwards, I will be continuing my Chlogami [Chloe x Kagami] fic “Understanding The One and Only Miss. Chloe Bourgeois,” which I had mentioned on here, and as for my other AUs such as The Lost Miraculous and The Undercover Tales of Rena Furtive and Invisible Hornet, they are still a WIP as we speak. Just please, as I said in the past, don’t expect me to get started on them ASAP. I have a very busy and unique schedule online and in RL, so I try to balance them both. (Plus, I live in rural Texas where I’m expected to do a lot of work outside LOL)
Right now, my goal is to try to get myself adjusted online again so I can focus on my last days until I officially decided to retire from the Miraculous fandom and the show itself. (More on that later.) 
I hope you all understand and thank you for reading.
Don’t forget to follow my other blogs:
@muggle-born-princess​ (Main Blog)
@princessgemsart​ (Art Blog)
@pens-and-gems​ (Writing Blog)
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