#so filler tags these be
russilton · 2 years
Hello! You have very beautiful art.. I wanted to ask you about your thought on Valtteri ships if you have some? I am deeply in love with Valewis but I would also like your thoughts on dantteri ;)
Hello, Anon! Thank you very much <3
I love this question! I love talking ships I really do.
Romantically, Valewis isn’t for me. Not because I don’t think it would work, but when it comes to Lewis I’m a die hard monoshipper. George or bust! (prior relationships are their own discussion, but always endgame Britcedes over here)
But… BUT! Platonically/Bromantically? I could talk about Valewis for HOURS! ASK KIMY, I LITERALLY HAVE.
(I also go into a LONG essay on Dantteri under the readmore after I’m done talking about Valewis)
I am so down bad for the brotherly bond between Lewis and Val, the bond forged first in proximity then in familiarity. This especially goes for a/b/o au’s, Lewis is a born leader, someone people naturally turn to. Val is that perfect second in command. The quiet bastion that presses against Lewis’ back to prop him up when the pressure gets unbearable. The solem observer Lewis can trust to be level headed when he is facing questions without an easy answer.
I have a kink for positive masculinity, and my favourite way of expressing this in ideas and writing is always with Val and Lewis. Whether it be easy, casual touches that reassure each other (the grasp of a shoulder, the squeeze of an arm) or strong, tight hugs that let them ground each other. I Love talking about the angst of Lewis strung between Val and George when the seat change came, how he didn’t want to favour either but felt helpless when toto asked him what he wanted. He wants George, who has worked so, so hard to get here. Who has fought tooth and nail to climb, climb, climb. He also wants Val, who has stood by his side for years in the wake of Nico’s betrayal. Who had to deal with the pressure of being his teammate without much complaint. Who sacrificed himself for Lewis more than once. Oh bromantic Valewis you have ANGST you have BONDS you have FAMILIAL LOVE. You are PERFECT.
AND THEN YOU BRING UP DANTTERI? Anon I fucking LOVE DANTTERI. That IS my one and true Dan and Val ship now. I usually only have one set mono ship per fandom, I often chop and change everyone else pretty happily. But @blafard introduced me to Dantteri and I have been OBSESSED ever since. I now find it hard to explore other val and dan ships bc I’m always thinking about them (dantteri)
IT HAS SO MANY LAYERS. I know they have a shared history, which I’m still learning (I’m v much in need of a PowerPoint on this topic), but EVEN WITHOUT THAT there’s so much to them that’s just *chefs kiss*. The thing about Dan and Valtteri is they are opposites who have more in common than they would ever admit. They are loud and quiet, broad and long, light and dark. Dan with his blinding grin and black curls who invades Val’s stoic space to run a hand through bright blond hair and preen for the Finn’s rare, soft grin. The spice of Val turning it around on Dan to tease him over shared beers to see him blush.
They are both men who had incredibly promising careers that started to fade with the curse of the second driver. Guys who chased championships like every driver who then had to contend with the brutal realisation that they are no longer the best at what they do.
There is a bond between them in this shared angst, because who else would they talk to? With all respect, Val can’t talk to Lewis about what its like to be second best to him. Lewis is a legend made man in his talent, its just not something he would be able to get the way Dan does. For Dan, he lives under the mantle of being funny for everyone, and ends up feeling unable to break that act. Almost suffocated by the walls he built between himself and the grid, that Val sees right through. Val who looks at Dans tight cracked grin, grabs him by the neck, and hauls him in for the hug he desperately needs. Because Val gets it. He gets what its like to have everyone discussing your plateau as they build the path to your fall.
There’s so much angst to go with that comfort too. Angst in Dan making everything a joke so he can shield himself from being rejected by Valtteri. Every line tipped with a blade so he can whip back and defend his wounded ego rather than let himself be hurt again. Val who’s sometimes so solemn and unreacting it comes off as cold and dismissive, who locks up when faced with discomfort and distrust that Dan views him as Lewis’ shadow. Withdrawing into himself rather than bare himself for once. And can you just fucking imagine what its like for Dan, to see Val as a mirror of himself if he’d stayed at RB. If he would have been slowly pushed out?
Is that worse to imagine than the reality of what happened. Thrown to the side by McLaren in a tarnished heap. Mercedes may have forced Val to accept a role as second, but at least they had the decency to ensure he was placed safely before announcing George.
What happens to Val at Mercedes is Dan’s situation if he was in a team that actually loved him. You can say many things about Mercedes and how they treated Val, but at least they meant it when they called him family.
Dantteri is fucking amazing because at its core its about teasing opposites who bond under shared trauma. It’s about Dan finding a safe space in Val, and Val being allowed to complain without judgement. You can imagine them sharing glasses of gin under the stars as jokes give way to honesty. How they wont look away from the sky in case they must confront their vulnerability, but their fingers wind together and squeeze.
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dominosecho · 2 years
they’re filler episodes TO YOU. to me they’re little windows through which i watch my favorite characters make the stupidest decisions imaginable
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svtskneecaps · 5 months
i also just want to point out the qsmp members' commitment to like never letting the inactive members die. like dantdm logged on twice and is canonically dead and everyone continues to blame mysterious happenstance on him. spreen is canonically dead and yet people are still like namedropping him even tho the house façade he built has been demolished and also probably consumed by a mountain. they meme on kameto who's barely been on except that time he was a fed spy that was iconic as hell. they just immortalize their members and they're always so happy to see old faces come back and it lowkey makes me emotional lmfaoo like missa barely logged on for a while but goddamn nobody forgot his name bc philza can't go one day without mentioning him and mariana barely logs on but every time fit saw the homeless mariana in roier's city no matter what he'd stop dead and tell it "come home" and when slime came back to the server for elections after having logged off for the last like two months everyone was still excited to meet him bc the others had kept his memories on the server fresh and alive, maxo died canonically in the nuke and pierre pasted his face all over the server, luzu vanished for months and we never forgot him either thanks to the computers and foolish's wack ass family tree. like when purgatory teams were chosen and team red constantly joked about how it would be so over for the other teams once germán logged on despite the fact that germán had only ever logged on ONCE, the way they cheered when they snatched rubius in the split of green despite the fact that rubius hadn't logged on more than twice since march. they just keep the names alive all the time and it's like
it just makes me really happy to see. like it makes me really happy. like the admin team and the members alike are like 'no way in HELL are we letting your memory go' like damn once ur on isla quesadilla you really are stuck as an islander forever :D
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lacecap · 1 year
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nice shot
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alicornze7 · 4 months
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I made the art collab way more ambitious than it needed to be so here's the lesbians
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 years
Sighing in Steve & El have never interacted onscreen together so how exactly is he her big brother
Meanwhile, her ACTUAL big brother performed emergency surgery in a mall food court and drove across 3 states trying to find her
But y'all don't like him.
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cubbihue · 16 days
Since u struggling with chimmy, here is a free pass to draw any other character!
Love your bitties AU tho
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have some warm up doodles w huey and his fairy counterpart "huebert". becuase im in a bit of an art block atmm
wolf oc by @/bunnieswithknives and emersyn oc by @/emway99
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pixlokita · 2 years
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Page 22 =w=
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reborrowing · 5 months
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yesssss resetting my ipad worked for whatever reason to fix whatever was wrong, absolutely no problems reworking some of yesterday’s mer au doodles
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the---hermit · 5 months
I have not kept it a secret that this semester commuting has been really rough on me. By the time I get home in the middle of the afternoon even if I only had to sit in a hour and a half lecture I feel like an overcooked noodle. And the mornings aren't any easier, my anxiety has been spiking a lot lately, and that messes me up completly, and it's particularly hard on my stomach. Let's just say it's a very demanding period of my life both physically and emotionally and I have been doing my best to get through it with ups and downs, but most importantly by trying to properly take care of myself. I decided to compile a list of small things that have been helping me, both for future reference as well as for people who might be dealing with similar issues.
Prep everything I can the night before. I don't leave the house until more or less mid morning since my class is on lunch time more or less (and this will come up again), so I do have time to do stuff in the morning, but if I have already put everything I need in my backpack, picked an outfit for the day and checked that I have my bus ticket the night before I can have a much calmer morning. Having a calm morning is fundamental for me on any day, so especially when I have a stressful and energy demanding day ahead I want to make sure I don't have to rush, and here is my second point.
Try to have a morning as calm as possible before I have to leave. I am a morning person so I wake up quite early which means I have plenty of time to take it easy. And this means drink my tea as I read my book, prep the last few things I need, like my waterbottle, eat (on which I'll have a later point). Overall my morning before leaving needs to be slow and mostly made of things for myself so again my precious reading time, listening tocmusic as I get ready to get in a better mood and so on.
Taking my meds regularly. It's the logical thing to do, if I am in a period in which my anxiety is worse than usual the number one goal is to be consistent with meds, they are there to help me even if sometimes I forget that.
Finding ways to enjoy food when anxiety fucks up my stomach. What happens is that as soon as I have an anxiety spike for some reason I get very nauseous, which is terribly by itself and it gets worse when it makes me struggle to enjoy my food. But I found a couple of ways to work around that in the past few weeks. Eating when I am away from home is much worse so what I do is embrace the little hobbit in me and have more meals when I am at home, and just bring some snacks on the road if I need them. That means I have two breakfasts before I have to leave the house, the last being a bit more filling. And then when I get home no matter how tired I am or what time it is I cook something for myself, something simple, but I take the time to make something good that fills me up and makes me happy. Because having a full stomach does improve your mood belove me. When I am on the road I bring some lighter snacks that can help me if I feel like I need to have something but that will also work well if I have a spike in anxiety and correlated nausea. I usually eat some homemade bread while I walk from the bus stop to my uni, and then snack on some nuts while I wait for the lecture. And I always have an emergency sweet treat in my backpack because that is something that I actually do on a regular basis. This thing has been working very well, I have had less problems with my stomach acting up, and I am definitely getting all the nutrients I need during the day, just at times that are a bit different from my normal routine.
Bring tea with me. It's something I never did before but it's becoming the one thing I won't give up. I either make a green tea or an herbal tea that I drink before the lecture, and it's been so good for me both physically and mentally. It's been super cold so the warm treat is really needed, but most importantly it's been very comforting and calming, so shutout to my dad for suggesting that.
Having little things to look out for during the commute. This mostly consists of me listing to podcasts, and re:dracula has been of great company in my commutes last year so it's nice it's become a bit of a tradition. It's just good for me not to associate commuting with negative things, so now I just percieve it as poscast time which makes it much much better. This also includes texing friends when I feel like I can look at the screen of my phone without getting car sick (again when anxiety messes me up I can get random car sickness), that's good to keep my mind off things and make the commute feel lighter.
Total relax when I get home. Which sometimes means lying in bed with a cup of tea and nothing more. If I have enough brain power I might read a comic, or play stupid midless games on my tablet for a bit. Honestly just things that need as little energy and brainpower as possible because by that time I do not have much energy or brainpower left, and it's okay. I normally use up a lot of energy when going out and it this period of time all tasks require I use even more energy. I can't do much about it other than accept it and do my best to tke care of myself.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Did saint ever ascend biting notos? Also how was the gang’s reunion in the void?
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of course Saint has! after all, its sole reason for existence is this. no matter how lonely and difficult the quest will be for it, everyone has to go
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as for your second question... my god as u can see i went off on the first one, this is legit the biggest comic i've ever done- i'll do some stuff for the reunion in the void at a later point i prommy 😩✌ it'd be better like that either way. these guys haven't been introduced enough for my tastes for the big relief ending yet
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drunkventure · 2 months
Oh no he's hott..
First post.
I think I need my drawing privileges revoked. I accidentally made him a bit thick✌️😔 either way, Griefer, Brad who tf ever you wanna call him.
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Ugh.. I need to make more art or post some of my old works.
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hikiclawd · 9 months
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Didn't even realize I didn't post this and it's from all the way back in October ☠️
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suckdickforcoin · 21 days
ii Doodles !!!!!
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dumbassv32 · 1 year
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WHITEBOARD DOODLES from @carlyraejepsans whiteboard!!!!
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alicornze7 · 2 months
I want to die
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you need to stop making your projects so ambitious man
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