#so having an ending where like. shit sucks but ultimately will be Ok. is a lot more meaningful to me than just
eggbagelz · 9 months
Everytime someone mentions preferring the nge series ending to the end of evangelion ten million people flock to tell them theyre wrong and missed the point and that eoe is a masterpiece and
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onmyyan · 3 months
hello, i LOVE your writing and style and i took a social media break and came back and HOLY SHIT what a time to be alive
i got to thinking about your guys and i do love a reluctant darling, so ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable, so sorry if it does. but the guys doing the absolute m o s t to get this girl to like them. someone who maybe got a couple of rough exes and either knows what to look for and isn't looking for love. and the boys are just like :) oh :) to bad 💐 for you. they get her heart racing and she's a little nervous about it. shes got a mouth on her and aren't afraid to pop off on a rant about how she knows what they are (she doesn't)
Marcos? psh you'll cheat and laugh about it with your friends at some party. you think you can get away with it just cuz you're good looking? go find another person to piss off. and he's all like ☺️you think i'm hot😊😚 love the idea of her being a snarky bar tender at his favorite bar and they have a will they won't they sitcommy type relationship
manny? just buy the book and leave, girlies on the clock, no she doesn't care how good he looks on the motor cycle. totally not. definitely, definitely not. she doesn't worry when he goes really fast on it, it doesn't make her scared. girls just trying to get paid and get peace.
ricky? oh big strong man trying to boss her around? she doesn't need all that. she sees through that tough exterior and her rbf is worse than his. but it ain't resting. she's just loving life with her friends (who aren't as available anymore?? i wonder why??) and she doesn't care when he runs his fingers through his hair. she doesn't want to do that. she'll get her car fixed there- sure- but she won't like it.
gabe? sure he seems fun but ultimately she views him like a movie sequel, seems fun until about halfway through when you see it's the same plot as last time. no way is she falling for that old trick again. yeah he's nice, and and he helps her with groceries when he sees her walking with all those bags. bare minimum raise it, gabriel.
caspian? when's that other shoe drop? when does the sweet charming teddy bear end? (never)and yeah his pastries are delicious. and he's nice. and smells like cookies. and- oh fuck she's in love, better avoid him but SOMEHOW the man is everywhere. doesn't matter. she needs a night in, and yeah she misses him when she's in her place alone. little does she know how close he is. she won't be lonely anymore ☺️
ashley? she can fix up her own house, thank you very much. she's not interested in some old fashion cowboy and his old fashion values. or his arms. or the way he checks in on her, making sure she's settled in ok, finding her way around town, if she's eating alright and if she needs anything and woah- what's wrong with this door? he'll fix it and no. he doesn't want money. she doesn't owe him anything but, if she wants to grab a drink she's always welcome to join him. she won't be thinking about what would've happened if she took him up on that late that night. or how she made fun of his accent.
diego? WHY is there chickens on her door, and WHY is it w o r k i n g? and where is the shirt she was wearing yesterday? it's laundry day. feral fella makes sure everything's going alright and she's got everything she needs. she doesn't want some man following her around like an over grown puppy. or does she?
imagine them giving her they're number and getting a drunk text like
"you don't suck anymore ❤️" and they go feral
anyways hope you like that and are having a good day/night. i do wonder if any of them kidnap darling like in sharing is caring (my guess is ricky, ash, and manny in no particular order) and how they'd deal with a darling like this. have a wonderful day/night.
This is amazing and made me smile like a fool the whole time I read it!! Like wowiewowie you totally nailed the characterization of the guys and I love how sweet and nervous the reader is about this seemingly perfect dude ugh thank you for sending this baby in I adore it
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
Real curious about trigun but I got three questions:
1) what's up with the Christian vibes?
2)the blond guys (plants???) have trans vibes, actual coding or just an accident? (fine either way just curious)
3) what's the plot? Space cowboys?
Anyways Millie is cool, (I once mistook the girl typically next to her for that guy from genshin impact)
1) Christian vibes are why I want to lock myself in a room for a month and emerge with a 3 hour video essay about Trigun very very badly right now.
Trigun spends a lot of time exploring Forgiveness, Mercy, and Redemption, which are famously also the themes of Jesus' wacky adventures in the New Testament.
But. You know how in the old testament there was like a bunch of Divine Wrath and stuff? And it feels really incongruent with the forgiveness in the New Testament sometimes. And also for many centuries Christians have cited God's divine acts of wrath as justification for incredible acts of cruelty against their fellow man? You know how that history of cruelty and punishment is, at this point, just as synonymous with Christianity as the Jesus Forgiveness stuff?
Well Trigun is about how the Jesus Forgiveness stuff is better. Not because Jesus said so but because of the enormous OBSERVABLE positive impact that forgiveness and redemption can have. Positive impact that wrath and retribution rob all parties involved of the chance to witness.
Trigun tells a story which demonstrates this in largely secular situations but underscores both the forgiveness and the wrath with divine imagery. And since both the forgiveness and the wrath are equally visually tied to the divine, symbols of divinity cannot be considered synonymous with perfection, unerring judgement, nor inherent rightness or goodness. Divinity becomes simply a symbol of power, and power is a double-edged sword as well. The power to do good is also the power to cause massive harm, and in many cases people will treat power pessimistically out of an understandable will for self-preservation.
But power is neither inherently good nor bad-- power ultimately reflects the flawed and fallible person weilding it. I could go on but this is really long so I'll stop lol :)
WAIT. Divinity = Power, Angels are the symbol of Divinity, Angels are messengers of God, Communication and connecting with others is emphasized, Communication = Power = Divinity ok I'll stop for real tee hee
2) I don't know if the trans coding was intentional, but HOLY SHIT is it THERE.
Most blatantly, Vash and Knives are Plants, and every other Plant we see is referred to as a woman/has female secondary sex characteristics.
Also Plants visually resemble angels, and it's common belief angels do not have gender like humans do since they are pure and holy beings. I couldn't quickly find a source for that, but I know that Alchemy has some emphasis on hermaphroditism as, like, the holier form. So I guess by that logic you could also say they're intersex but I'm veering off topic.
Thirdly in the 1998 anime they gave the child versions of Vash and Knives long hair that ended up being cut off in ways that symbolized important developments in their identities. Knives example is what I have on hand lol. It just smacks of transgenderism.
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Wacky space cowboy Vash the Stampede roams the space desert planet where humans are barely hanging onto survival using the tech of their spacefaring ancestors! He can shoot with perfect accuracy, and is wanted for DESTROYING AN ENTIRE CITY, but is a staunch pacifist?! How odd!
What's Vash's deal? What happened that made humans unable to go back to space? Why'd they land on this desert planet that sucks to live on? Learn this and much more in TRIGUN!
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drdemonprince · 4 months
one of my dream scenarios is to pay my roommate to be my sex slave. this is not far off from reality at some time, we had a deal where they would pay back debt to me by letting me use their body. There’s something deeply hot about my ace-ish friend who doesn’t have sex with anyone else (at least in quite awhile) putting out for me, in whatever scenario I wanted. You’ve talked about wet holes before, and that’s exactly what I got and would do anything for. I fucked them when they were in their creepy little girl holloween costume, I rented their body for my birthday weekend. They are great at dressing up in exactly the kind of shit that makes me go feral on them.
The fantasy part of it is making it full time. Me working a full time job at home and using them whenever I want. Putting them in humiliating situations, owning them and their room and using them whenever I want. Using my wealth to control them. Supporting them enough to they can’t leave if they wanted to, forced to live being put it whatever sexual degrading scenarios I want.
Part of me feels shameful about this because we stopped doing anything like this when it started to feel bad for them. If I made more money and could pay the a reasonable rate as a sex worker, we would probably do this more but I can’t, so instead I’m back in fantasy land and jacking it to pictures I have from that time and just cream anytime they say anything remotely sexual
damnnnnnn anon being the live-in sex toy for a work from home dom is like, the dream. i just want to suck someone off when theyre in a zoom call and then go get them their coffeee forever.
i understand why you might feel bad and weird about how the dynamic played out irl. it sounds like you two communicated openly and stopped things when they decided they didnt like it anymore, and that ultimately it wasnt innately fun enough for them to happen without significant payment. so long as they feel good about how it proceeded and ended and they felt respected and OK in the arrangement and taken care of in their feelings thar developed, then all is good in the world. i hope you find your live in hole of your dreams soon.lord knows many of us out there are looking for such an arrangement lol.
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replying to @caozihuanismyson
"If that was love, Cao Pi didn’t need it. Didn’t want it. It was better to be indispensable than cherished. He needed to become something that could not be left behind. Something that Father could not live without." my jaw just fucking dropped #i love this. im in love. holy shit#HE NEEDED TO BECOME SOMETHING THAT COULD NOT BE LEFT BEHIND SOMETHING THAT FATHER COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT#(im screaming louder so people in the back can hear)#(jk there's no one in the back cuz it's san guo on tumblr.com but still)#💀#thank u op i have ascended#also all the little details of ang trying to make up for father's absence for his lil bros..... when pi wiped his tears my heart broke#that part where cao pi imagined ang's last moments? holy shit i've never thought of it that way it's genius and horrifying#(ok i need a moment)#also............... i'm going insane about the part with fish and jade#and cao pi describing cao cao's expression of love towards cao ang as painful#and wanting to put him in his mouth like how soldiers keep their precious things safe#i thought this was going to be about ang's tragedy .... but it turned out to be about that and the horror of pi's existence#thank u for the meal op i'm so grateful
thank you so much, this is such a nice comment to wake up to!!!! it makes me so happy to have such dedicated readers who catch every single detail ;u;
Cao Ang has been my blorbo for a long time because he is a fascinating contradiction. he achieved nothing and did nothing of note, but seems to have left a significant impression on those around him. Cao Cao expresses regret for him on his deathbed. Cao Pi talks about how he should have been the rightful heir. Lady Ding was willing to disobey the most powerful man in the empire in order to get the smallest measure of justice for him. His death always struck me as, well, a feel-good narrative told by a guilty conscience. Cao Cao could have ordered any one of his bodyguards to give up his horse, but he didn't. It makes sense in the coldest, most logical way. Why lose an able-bodied fighter for a brat? You can always make more. I came up with a bunch of scenarios of what "really" happened, but in the end i realised it doesn't matter. Cao Cao still left his son to die. the horror comes from the ambiguity itself. I also wanted to explore how his actions would impact the remainder of his children. They realised overnight that they were all disposable and no one was safe. the real tragedy doesn't come from Cao Ang's death, but his father undoing all his hard work. Ang tried his best to give them love, curb their worst impulses, and foster good relationships between them, only for his father to stick them in the Sibling Royale. Climb to the top and uproot all your competition. ect. ect.
But I am an optimistic person and I believe true love can pierce the veil and save the day and all that. Cao Ang's ghost continues to haunt the narrative and in the end, he manages to effect his brothers in some way. Cao Pi comes to realise that, hey, this kinda sucks, actually. i think we're emotionally stunted and perpetuating the cycle of violence. maybe i don't have to trample all my brothers to preserve my own life. maybe i shouldn't become exactly like father. hmm much to think about. Cultural Context, for those interested:
funerary practices are not historical, but based on the modern shangdong ones i've experienced.
"putting your child in your mouth" is an expression of helpless tenderness. the full phrase is "i want to you hold in my hands, but i'm afraid of dropping you. i want to hold you in my mouth, but i'm afraid you will melt." i wanted to show this conflict within cao cao, the warlord vs the man. how his ambition corrupts him. ultimately, cao cao does not put his son in his mouth to protect him. he consumes him instead.
the opening scene is based on Cao Pi's poem "Traveling on the city wall." His poems are notable for being very emo, he talks about feeling isolated and unfulfilled despite having every worldly possession. I decided to connect it with Cao Zhi's (ahistorical) bean poem. the metaphor is less profound, but what can you do? he is the lesser poet after all ;))) .
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ariesbilly · 8 months
That picture of the cigarette consequences boy makes me think of Billy planning on telling Neil/Hopper that he's dating Steve. Or maybe he knows they've been seen together, so he's outside, sucking down his last Red, head tilted toward the meagre Indiana sun, breathing in crappy cow shit air. Might be his last breath. Might be his last cigarette. Better make the most of existing.
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Ok but the way the two scenarios hit so different… because if it’s hopper we can assume a path where maybe he’s not totally hip to gay people but like he’s not gonna disown billy or anything (Joyce would never allow it) so yes billy is preparing for the worst going into it but ultimately the outcome will be fine
He really is savoring these moments like they’re his last and they very well could be! 😔 billy knows what’s waiting for him inside but he’s still gonna face it head on because he was raised that way and dammit if it didn’t stick.
And then billy stumbling out of the house later just as Steve’s speeding to a stop, car halfway on the lawn, drove straight over across town when he heard what billy was up to from max, heart hammering in his throat expecting to have to break out his bat to get neil off of billy who’s hopefully still alive
But billys there standing in two feet on the steps, face bleeding and on its way to bruising as he takes out his last smoke and lights up, cocksure grin on his face as he blows out smoke and saunters over to Steve and running on pure adrenaline grabs him by the shirt and kisses him right there in front of Neil’s house, knowing he’s never gonna step foot in there again and he’s officially an orphan because that little meeting sealed the deal on ending that particular relationship, neil and billy are both dead to each other, and billy finally feels free
And Steve’s knocked a little breathless there for a moment taking it all in before he snaps back to reality like “this is all very sexy for you and I’m gonna fuck you silly later but I think we should go before your dad comes out with a gun” 😌
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ohnococo · 3 months
thinking about Jjk guys divided into dominat or submissive in the bedroom headcanons? Like not full on bdsm but for example in my mind gojo would be the more active and dominant one most of the time. Choso I just imagine he would be shy and unsure and need leading. Naoya I reckon would 100% be the dominant one but more in a doesn't give a shit about your pleasure he just want to get off kinda way. OK this has turned into just random babbling rather than a request.
JJK Men Dom Vs Sub HCs
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Okay so here are my rankings (subject to change depending on whims, requests, and/or fic ideas lol). This is coming from a non-bdsm standpoint because that’s a wholeeeee other vibe analysis for me tbh.
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Toji - You get one of two things from Toji depending on what you mean (or don’t mean) to him and where he’s at in his life. Either rough, rowdy, bordering on too fucking much/inconsiderate sex. Or something much more intense, where he’s insistent that you will be out of your fucking mind on the tip of his cock. Either way? Dominant mostly, though he’s not above you taking the lead, it actually really gets him going to watch you try - but ultimately isn’t his preference.
Geto - It just comes naturally to be that much more active role in the bedroom. Always moving, always taking the lead, always aware of everything your bodies want and need.
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Higuruma - Law Daddy has BIG “boss me around” energy tbh. Push him on the bed, tell him to go harder or slower, straight up tell him “eat my pussy/suck my cock.” and he WILL beg. It doesn’t take much to get him to that point either, give him a certain look and he’ll be getting hard already.
Choso - He loves to please, and wants to be explicitly told what to do. The most forward he’ll be is letting you know he wants it, other than that you need to take the lead.
Ijichi - We already know my thoughts on him, he’s a messssss for you. Would actually struggle a bit to take a more dominant role (for you he’d try) but he’s honestly so happy to get washed away in the wave of whatever your heart desires of him. He gets almost overwhelmed by these feelings so that submissive role comes naturally to him.
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Ino - Loverboy Ino and will take the lead, but the smallest push and he’s putty in your hands. He’s just having fun either way.
Naoya - He goes into the both/switch category for me (he’s one of the few that I’d HC as being straight up in the bdsm scene). If it’s a one night stand or anyone in any way connected to his real life he’s dominant and if you try to push for anything else at the very best you’ll just get straight kicked out. Outside of that though? This man likes being made to cry.
Nanami - He is very considerate of you to the point that it can easily lead to him allowing you to dictate the direction things go in as well as the intensity of it. Your needs come first. If you need him to be more forward he will be, if you don’t he won’t.
Gojo - It’s kinda complicated for me. My gut is saying at the basest sense of these dynamics he could come across as dominant in a “knows what he wants” kind of way rather than a rough or “put you in your place” way buuuuut overall he’s more of a brat than anything. He wants to tease, he wants to get his way but at the end of the day what he really wants as a result of all of that is you taking the lead because of that. It makes things feel more “firey” so to speak. If you’re one to be more compliant and let him take the lead he will do that but what he really wants is a back and forth.
Sukuna - Another unpopular hc from me I’m sure lmao, but honestly I HC canon Sukuna as a fucking hedonist when it comes to sex. Yes he can be dominant, violent even, but if the whim takes him to lie back in wait while you try your very best to have him dipping into that hazy mind fog of pleasure where he’s at your mercy? He’s going to do it. He doesn’t ascribe any analysis of his character/strength to any of these kinds of acts so submitting sexually doesn’t feel like weakness or vulnerability to him because he always, always has the upper hand in reality. Doesn’t mean he prefers that often though.
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Hi! 👋 did I mention there was going to be a part 4.2? No? Well here you go anyways have fun!
Pairings: Sam Kiszka X Danny Wagner *this is all the slash ok
Warnings and tags: 18+ ONLY!!! Very adult content, smut including m/m sex, oral, riding, pet names, unprotected sex, a little bit of anxiousness, some choking, attempt at humor, please let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 2.5k
“Why don’t you ever turn the radio on?” Danny questioned as they officially headed back towards the ranch.
“Because it’s an old piece of shit. Good luck trying to find a station to tune it to” Sam replied as Danny reached over and switched it on. Static came through first and Danny worked for a few minutes at slowly and as steadily as possible tweaking the tuning knob. Just as he was about to give up, the faint sound of lyrics and a male voice singing started to come through. He focused harder at twisting his fingers until ultimately he landed on a country station. It was still scratchy, but they could easily make out the song now as the familiar chorus filled the cabin.
I saddle up my horse and I ride into the city
I make a lot of noise ‘cause the girls they are so pretty
Sam looked over at Danny still wearing the black cowboy hat his gran had given him and his cheeks flared red as the song mercilessly continued with its fiddle and guitar company just as the chorus reached its peak.
And the girls say save a horse, ride a cowboy
Everybody says save a horse, ride a cowboy
Danny looked back over at Sam and desperately tried to stifle his laughter as Sam embarrassedly reached over and flicked the stereo back off. “That’s enough of that”.
“Hopefully Jake likes to have the stereo on when he drives. I don’t mind him not being the chatty type because I’m not either, but it’s going to be a long trip if we just ride in silence”. Danny hadn’t even realized he hadn’t told Sam yet that Josh had asked him to go out of town with Jake tomorrow. In fact he kind of just assumed Sam would have known somehow considering this is exactly what he was hired for, not just to keep Sam company, but instead he was shot a surprised look.
“Didn’t know you were leavin’ anywhere with Jake” Sam replied nonchalantly like it didn’t bother him one bit he was just hearing of this.
“Josh only asked me this morning” Danny tried to backtrack, a hidden apology in his tone. “I couldn’t just tell the boss’s boss no could I?”
A smile cracked through Sam’s stoic expression at Danny’s implication that Sam still was his boss before Josh was. It was a simple indication but it meant something to Sam because it related back to their time together. “Well how long you going to be gone?”
“Just overnight I think. Josh said something about getting a hotel room but I didn’t ask much questions”.
“I see, well ah that mean you comin over again tonight?” Sam didn’t divert his eyes from the road ahead of him. He hoped Danny knew what that offer meant, but I didn’t want to just assume anything either. “Cause who knows if Jake’s gotten the heater in the camper fixed yet”.
“Yeah, if you’re offering” Danny replied, also trying not to sound too excited about the idea of spending another night at Sam’s, whatever that meant.
Obviously that meant they’d end up together in Sam’s bed again. Already stripped down to just their underwear as thankfully Sam’s electricity was back on and keeping his house nice and warm. Not that they even needed the heater on because of how hot the room was already getting as they laid tangled up in each other's limbs on top of the sheets, the covers discarded to the floor.
“Aren’t you tired?” Danny chuckled as Sam sucked wet kisses against his neck anywhere his mouth could reach. After the day they’d had it felt good to have Danny right back where he wanted him. Practically naked in his bed again.
Sam shut off his mind the moment they laid down together, his only focus on feeling Danny once more. Connecting with him again the way they had before. His body buzzed with anticipation, already needing to get off with another orgasm as powerful as the one he’d had last night.
“No, are you?” Sam weaned off only a little bit to reply before continuing to nip and lick. Both on their sides, he had one arm folded against Danny’s chest, his palm glued to Danny’s jawline, while the other hand played in Danny’s hair, tugging slightly at the root.
“I was, but you’re trying really hard to get me fired up” Danny’s voice came out in another breathy laugh followed by a long content sigh as he grabbed Sam’s waist and pulled him closer.
Another brief pause, “well is it working?”
“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Danny gathered Sam's hand from his hair and slipped it between their bodies, guiding it down until Sam was gladly feeling him up. Danny was already straining against his boxers as Sam palmed him through the thin fabric.
The want in Sam only grew when he felt the proof of Danny’s attraction towards him. Sam knew he was attractive and it showed in the way he flaunted it when flirting with others, but with Danny it didn’t feel like he was only physically attracted to him. It felt deeper than that, and although that was slightly tantalizing, it was also rousing as Sam threw his knee up over Danny’s thigh and started to press their fronts together.
“We should rest” Danny tried to rationalize, though he wasn’t doing much to stop Sam. “Two long nights in a row can start taking a toll on one's body”.
“I can handle it” Sam encouraged him, migrating his kisses upwards until they were heatedly locking lips. “Besides, seeing you in that cowboy hat earlier has been doing things to me”.
“Is that so?” Danny smiled bashfully. If he’d known something as simple as that would give Sam this reaction then he would have gotten one sooner.
“I want to ride you” Sam blurt out, already moving to sit up.
“Woah, woah” Danny grabbed his arm and pulled him back down with him. “I meant what I said about taking it easy. You don’t have to do anything, I can do all the work for you. Promise I’ll make you feel good again if that’s what you need”.
“What do you take me for?” Sam scoffed, “just another pillow princess or something?”
“You said it not me” Danny grinned from ear to ear as he reached over to fix the pieces of Sam’s hair that had been tousled.
Though the offer did sound pretty appealing, the idea Sam had gotten in his head today wasn’t going to just go away. He wanted this and there was never much that could deter him from getting what he wanted. “Why don’t you get us started then I’ll take over?”
“I think I can work with that” Danny easily agreed and leaned down to kiss Sam again. Within minutes he was slipping his fingers underneath the waistband of Sam’s underwear and tugging them off. Once they were successfully discarded Danny returned his lips to Sam, only this time his kisses landed against his chest.
“You couldn’t go one night without getting me inside you again?” Danny questioned teasingly as he moved to one of Sam’s nipples, flicking his tongue over the tiny rosy bud.
“Shut up and get on with it already” Sam begged, spreading his legs wider to allow Danny between them.
“But you don’t want me to shut up, do you?” Danny continued taking his kisses even lower down Sam's sternum and across his stomach. “I can tell by the way you react here”. He wrapped his hand around Sam’s throbbing length and brought it to his mouth, licking the smallest bead of precum that was already leaking free. Sam groaned and bucked his hips, wanting more of this sensation.
Danny obliged, wrapping his lips around Sam and immediately taking him as far as he could. “Happy being a pillow princess now?” Danny beamed after coming up for air, spit starting to dribble out from how much his mouth watered for Sam.
Instead of trying to smart off back at him, Sam reached forward and threaded his fingers through Danny’s hair at the crown of his head and pushed him back down effectively silencing him.
With moans starting to fall freely from Sam, Danny popped off only to spit onto his fingers, easily finding his place while he continued to kiss and mouth at his length. He slipped a finger inside and without much work he was already ready for another.
“Okay that’s enough, my turn” Sam huffed, pushing Danny’s shoulders to get him off before he got too worked up.
Trading places Danny watched in amusement as Sam fished the bottle of lube out of his night stand. “Why are those still on? Off. Now”. Sam demanded, pointing down at Danny’s boxers.
He waited impatiently as Danny lifted his hips and hooked his thumbs into the waistband, sliding his last piece of clothing off and letting himself spring free and fall against his lower abdomen as Sam squeezed some lube into his palm. Sam cautiously wrapped his fingers around Danny’s length and gave him a few ginger strokes. He’d been so determined before, but now he was a little bit overwhelmed as he watched the way the pinkened tip on Danny disappeared into his grip and reappeared with each pass of his fist.
He’d never done this before. What if he was bad at it and he’d just talked so much game for nothing? Or what if it was uncomfortable or he hurt himself? Danny wasn’t exactly lacking in the package department- he’d learned that last night and was becoming even more acquainted with it now as he gripped his girth.
Danny noticed Sam’s newfound hesitance and took his hand in his own before moving to sit up against the headboard. “Come here” he requested softly, bringing Sam’s hand to rest on his shoulder as he wrapped the other around his waist. Part of Danny wanted to push him back down onto the mattress and show Sam once more how well he could take care of him, but the other part of him knew this is what Sam wanted. He was just getting in his head again.
Sam climbed into Danny’s lap and Danny held him there chest to chest as he gathered his hair to one side so he could kiss on the exposed skin. “Go as slow as you want. I’m not in any hurry”.
Taking a deep breath, Sam positioned himself, reaching behind to line Danny up as he sank back down on top of him.
“God, I’m gliding right in” Danny groaned and let his forehead rest on Sam’s shoulder now while Sam took him in inch by inch, “you must still be stretched from last night”.
Sam silently agreed as he bottomed out, feeling completely full and satisfied. Why he was ever nervous in the first place was lost to him as he began to lift his hips and slide back down until he’d found a good pace. It was Danny’s turn to nurture Sam’s neck as he felt Sam’s knees widen around him so he could get lower, take him deeper.
“That’s it, just like that” Danny whispered into his ear. “You’re doing so well princess”.
Shocked, Sam paused for a moment, leaning back to look Danny in the eyes as if to ask him what did you just call me? Danny opened his mouth to speak, trying to say that it had just slipped out in case Sam hadn’t liked it, but before he could say anything Sam was attacking him with his lips.
Sam had expected a repeat of last night, more prickling pain across his skin. Almost wanted Danny to strike him again and push him to his limit. Tonight however Danny was being so gentle with him, offering him praises that made Sam’s head swirl with more arousal.
“Did you like that?” Danny smiled, enjoying the way Sam’s cheeks colored so beautifully, “it suits you”.
“Keep talking” Sam pleaded, picking up his pace and furrowing his brows as his body exerted itself, but the building pleasure kept him going.
“See, I knew you liked it” Danny smirked, grabbing Sam’s hip to help guide him. “Do you feel good? Is riding me everything you thought it would be?”
“Feelsso good” Sam slurred his words as he reached around and grabbed Danny’s leg just above the knee so he could lean back and let his head fall, hair cascading down his back like a beautiful brown waterfall.
Danny groaned at the picture before him, Sam’s body on full display before him with tight muscles that strained and contracted underneath sweat glistening skin. He ran a hand up his torso and wrapped his fingers around Sam’s sinfully exposed neck, not squeezing just letting it rest there as he leaned forward and licked a bead of sweat off his chest.
“Choke me Danny” Sam whined as his hips started to stutter. The hand he wasn’t leaning on flew upwards and wrapped around Danny’s hand on his neck.
“Anything you want princess” Danny replied and tightened his grip. Sam let go, needing both his arms to keep himself steady now as he was barreling towards his impending release.
“So so good” Danny continued his praises. “Can you cum like this? I want you to make a mess on me”.
“Yes! I can, I am!” Sam cried out just as hot milky ropes of his release started to paint Danny’s abdomen. Danny held Sam by his neck as his body shook with his orgasm, trying to keep himself contained as Sam clenched and unclenched around him.
“Sam” Danny spoke through gritted teeth, just waiting for Sam to come down from his high. “Sam, I need to know where you want mine”.
“Hmm?” Sam hummed once he’d regained his bearings, seeing the look of slight pain on Danny’s face.
“You didn’t put a condom on, I’m trying really hard not to bust inside you right now”.
Sam was impressed, he hadn’t even realized he’d misstepped but Danny had and he was considerate enough to ask first. Despite feeling spent and weak Sam started to grind his hips again, pulling a wrecked moan from Danny. “Go ahead, I want you to make a mess in me Daniel”.
Danny cupped Sam’s face with both hands, pulling him even closer. “Kiss me Sam” he asked just before closing the last gap between them anyways, groaning into Sam’s mouth as he couldn’t hold it any longer.
“I’m gonna miss you” Sam sighed as he felt Danny softening within him, allowing room for his release to start dripping out.
“Miss me or miss this?” Danny breathlessly chuckled, not even attempting to move Sam off him despite the mess they’d both asked for.
“Both” Sam shamelessly admit, “though you might be right. I may need a recovery period after this time”.
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1/2 way done with my ACOTAR re-read and something dawned on me.
Feyre and Tamlin NEVER had a relationship that was healthy for either of them.
1) Tamlin is constantly lying to feyre or omitting truths from her for the whole time she is in the spring court. Yes, part of the constraints of the curse was that he couldn’t tell her, but he never TRIED.
2) Every time they have had some sort of romantic coding, Tamlin is ALWAYS in the dominant position. The moment Feyre wants anything sexual, he pulls away. Sexual advances are only OK if he is the one initiating it.
3) He only ever compliments feyre when she is wearing dresses, EVER. Only when she looks like what he would think is a lady. He only embraces her feminine side when feyre craves to have a balance of feminine and masculine.
4) They officially have sex and he is using his authority over her to send her away even though it’s against her wishes. Was he wrong to send her away? I don’t think so. But he still doesn’t even acknowledge her side of things, he lays down the law like a parent to a child.
5) They don’t talk about things, ever. In ACOMAF we can really see how they use sex as their main way to communicate. Then by the end they aren’t even intimate anymore, meaning that what little communication they had is gone.
6) the only time tamlin lets feyre into meetings is right after UTM, and it’s not because she earned it. It’s because she was his trophy he wanted to show off and use as a symbol of power. Then he tried to marry her 3 months later to secure said power.
7) in the depths of both of their PTSD, Tamlin asks feyre to marry him. And STILL, he refuses to make her an equal. He would rather have him serve in his court than have her rule side by side with him. Both of them were recovering from traumas they didn’t talk about with anyone.
8) In the 3 months between ACOTAR and ACOMAF, feyre was a walking ghost and not an active part in their relationship. Not to mention tamlin grew increasingly paranoid and CONTINUED to lie and keep secrets from her. Then he grew physically and emotionally abusive towards her, stemming from
8) During the beginning of ACOMAF, we see inside Feyre’s mind and we see that she views Tamlin and being fae as her ultimate punishment for killing those two innocents. It is no longer love for her, but an obligation and damnation.
Think about it. They kiss at summer solstice, have sex for the first time the day after. In this scenario they has an unbalanced dynamic. Then UTM where they were tortured for supposedly loving each other. Then 3 months goes by where they both have major unresolved PTSD, two months of further spiraling and paranoia when she visits the NC, and then a week or two later and that’s it. That’s the timeline of their relationship.
There is never a point in their relationship where they are equals in it. Tamlin ALWAYS has power over feyre is always keeping her from knowing the truth under the guise of protection.
I think Tamlin has a lot of shit to work through as a character. He is written as a tragic character, and yah that sucks for him. I think he needs massive therapy. I also think he could be in a loving relationship, just feyre was never the partner for that.
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dankovskaya · 1 year
Ok ill read more my thots as a courtesy
But God okay I already saw shit abt the copaganda + its kind of obvious given Miles' dad and the conventions of the superhero genre in general but yeah it was a lot I'm honestly sick to death of Gwen and her stupid ugly cop dad and those too took up wayyyy too much screen time in a movie that is supposed to belong to Miles. Using rest in power in reference to a cop was incredibly disrespectful and honestly everything at the end regarding the almost Comically Horrible universe with no Spiderman where the whole city was literally on fire after the whole movie kept intentionally drawing parallels between the Spider people and cops just absolutely reeked of thin blue line shit like honestly it kind of pissed me off. Very brave of them by the way to completely straight up cut the movie off at a cliffhanger with absolutely no resolution or even like. A Breather. Just BAM and it's over wait for the next one. I hear someone else in the theatre go "ARE U KIDDING ME?" when the credits started 😭😭😭 I really didn't think it was going to end that abruptly it kind of sucks.
But ultimately obviously the movie is more of an animation showcase than anything and holy shit that was honestly the most stunning piece of visual art I have ever experienced it was just GORGEOUSSS all the way thru I can't get over it. The bright and flashing lights were definitely overkill especially at the very beginning? Like I don't see the reason for it to be that abrasive and without even having any particular photosensitivity I still had a headache throughout basically the entire film 😭. BUT OH MY FUCKING GODDDD HOBIE WAS SO COOOOL I knew he was going to be and I was more excited for him than basically anyone else but it's CRAZY.... So hard not to just stare at him basically the entire time he's on screen and also couldn't help but notice him serving cunt in the background on the regular. Runway model indeed. No really tho I'm obsessed. Honestly did not catch what the fuck he was saying half the time but it's fine cause he's the baddest bitch on the block regardless
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bisluthq · 2 months
But I cannot for the LIFE of me understand WHAT THE FUCK was Matty's reasoning throughout all of this????//
Urgh anon I feel you, I really do😭 as maddenning as the whole thing is though I do think that the simple answer is that Matty is a drug addict (per his own words, he has straight up said it) and drug addicts tend to impulsively search for temporary highs in different forms, often without being aware that that's what they're doing. Tbf Matty has also said that he's now clean from the heroin and stuff but Taylor does sing about him buying pills and being stoned so🤷🏻‍♀️ And anyways, even if a drug addict is in recovery they're still bound to have erratic behaviours and/or withdrawal symptoms and I legit think that's a big part of why this man is the mess he is. Like he would be messy anyways but with the drugs he just stands no chance and so he ends up hurting the people around him a lot without meaning to.
I did have a phase there in 2022 where I was very into the 1975 and Matty specifically as in, I wanted to fuck him and yes that is so deeply embarrassing for my life and for my soul I know ☠️☠️ but besties we'd just come out of a global pandemic that'd nearly done me in literally like I really almost ended it all so I wasn't exactly ok and I did a bunch of messy questionable stuff that year and yes had a crush on Matty bc I was fresh out the slammer (as in the pandemic lol). When it was confirmed in May that Taylor was in fact hooking up with him I joked with Nat that she went ahead and fucked him for me💀😭 but that was all before the man outed himself as an avid enjoyer of deranged misogynistic racist porn and before he said the racist ass shit about Ice Spice. No crush of mine has ever been so quickly and effectively extinguished as that one was, the moment I knew about that he was suddenly the most disgusting and unappealing human ever to me🤷🏻‍♀️ ngl kinda wish my irl crush that I've been pining after for years would do something repulsive like that and kill the crush once and for all lol. But yeah when Nat put 2 and 2 together about Question...? there was no question (pun intended lol) between us that the song was about Matty, I'd been listening a lot to 75 songs and yeah he is the certified Sad Boi and she was the certified Good Girl back in Tatty 1.0. I think the ootw sample at the begginning of the song is making a nod to the time period when this happened, not to our boy Harold. Crazy how she was wanting explanations from Matty back then and once again does now 10 years later💀I was listening to the album again while walking home yesterday and Nat you're right I had too much faith in her lol it really does feel like she wrote this album instead of going to therapy 💀😭 it's like if she'd managed to write her way out of 2016. I do think that's ultimately a good thing though bc she carried around the wounds and trauma of 2016 for years but with this it seems like she effectively sucked the poison out of the wounds and is very determined to close the chapter and heal. I still really wish she would just go to therapy though😩 girlie can pay for the best therapist in all of the US if she wants and make them sign the most solid NDA for privacy. I legit wonder if that has been a hold up for her going to therapy, maybe she's terrified of things leaking and feels like she could never truly trust a therapist/inhibit herself enough to be able to say everything she needs to say, and so she ends up thinking that it's not worth it and instead talks to her friends and makes unhinged songs lol
”Crazy how she was wanting explanations from Matty back then and once again does now 10 years later💀” literally tho.
Also ngl I’m very grateful for your (brief but intense) crush on Matty because without it I’d never have figured out Question and then I wouldn’t be out here feeling as vindicated as I am in a post TTPD world.
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ghostcrows · 9 months
an obsession with being a good person might even be the easiest way to find yourself doing heinous shit. it is THE insecurity to end all insecurities and it is the one that you need the most feedback from others to confirm. you can kinda talk yourself into a more positive or neutral place with things like body image or your general competence in whatever skill areas, but you cant really just decide that you are a good person without other people weighing in on it. and the obsession will make it where you cannot handle being told that you fucked up because, only bad people fuck up i guess
i dont think its something where like, you can never ever say "sometimes i feel like im evil" or something, or never ask for reassurance, but you also really ultimately have to tackle that demon by yourself because no one else is ever gonna be able to tell you anything that will stick. its like, how many people have to tell you youre attractive before you believe it. more people than you'll ever meet. more people than exist in the world. which is to say fucking no one. because it's up to you at the end of the day
and i also think that it genuinely puts the idea in peoples heads the more you harp on it. like. they might start to even wonder if maybe you are bad because you sure talk a lot about how scared you are that youre bad, every time you do something bad, instead of like, apologizing normally. self awareness can make things actively worse. if you knew, if you know, then why. you know. why say it. im speaking from direct experience, of the person who fucking sucks in a given situation
it is a delicate tightrope when you are someone with intense and self destructive emotional landscapes. when you have so much more of this crap in your head than anyone else, its like, hard to say "yeah vent anytime friends should let each other vent" or "its ok to ask for reassurance" because...it is...but...you're you , and you have so much more than anyone can feasibly handle. sometimes maybe you are just on your own. you have to learn how to cope by yourself. you just have to if you want things to be stable in your relationships
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 17 - Favorite kiss in the show? What was so special about it? If kisses don’t do it for you, were there any other scenes that stood out as particularly sexy and/or romantic?
ok ok listen… for as horny of a show as torchwood is, i think it does sexy pretty damn poorly. actually it’s the same way it does dark, like they just could Not do adult themes sufficiently lmao - the shit they did intentionally is not satisfactory at all, and they shit they didn’t mean to do is like 10x better. half of torchwood’s best dark moments are in the subtext, and literally all of its ‘sexier’ moments are in the non-explicit scenes. to me, a lot of the ‘sex appeal’ of this show is just the fact that everyone looks hot and everyone’s always eye-fucking each other. the moment people start sucking face i’m less impressed. but tbh i hate how sexuality is done in a lot of media, it’s always gaudy. then again, would it be torchwood if it weren’t excessive and camp? no. so ultimately i’m glad it is the way it is - but i’ll bitch anyway, because i must or i will die. obviously.
all that being said! there’s still some kisses i enjoy. i like most of the gwen and rhys kisses, eve and kai feel super authentic to me and there’s just such an easy chemistry and believability, and that translates to their kisses, too. they feel natural, they don’t go overboard with it, and they look nice. i have a tendency to make a face at kisses in shows dhfkjds and i never did with them. sharp contrast to jack’s kisses which tend to gross me out DFHDJK. yes jack and ianto swapping spit is iconic. no i dont want to see it. anyway i think my fav gwen and rhys kiss is, mm, between their wedding kiss and the one in meat where gwen’s staring at jack HFSDKF
my other fav kiss would probably be mary and tosh in the cafe in gbg, the way tosh smiles into it, it made me blush n go 🥺 in a ‘bi enby that still rmrs being a wlw’ way yknow. it’s just really sweet and lovely. equally sweet is the way diane kisses owen after he gives her the dress, i love that little moment. 
it’s not so much the kisses themselves but my favorite kissing scene is definitely the one in cyberwoman where it cuts between owen kissing gwen and jack kissing ianto. that was just so batshit to see for the first time ill never get over that fhsddfsk. like that was the first time it rlly hit me what i was in for. insane show. insane and iconic bastard show.
also love the moment where john kisses jack at the end of kkbb and it cuts to the whole team watching. oh i love you torchwood’s insane dynamics and their constant voyeurism of each other hrhghg. 
(and then bonus shout out to kisses that aren’t on the mouth, i love how torchwood does more platonic kisses. jack’s various forehead kisses are crucial to me. the sweet chasteness of owen kissing martha on the cheek in aditd. gwen kissing the team goodbye in something borrowed. ohh i love.)
most of those are more romantic… i didn’t find any of the kisses titilating, lol. torchwood’s sexiest moment to me will forever be owen tending to gwen’s wounds in countrycide. i’ll never get over the quiet intimacy of that scene. it’s sexier than everything else combined to me fdhkfj.
yknow what. can i say my fav torchwood kiss was john and burn kissing at dragon con 2013 FHDSJKFHDHFKSDJSK. that did smth for my sexuality ngl like that was like the precise moment i consciously realized i was attracted to burn. NOT IN A FUJOSHI WAY FSHDKJF I JUST. oh dont ask >_> hfdskjf IF U SEE THIS NO U DIDNTTT 🫵🫵🫵
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spacedhead · 7 months
homestuck reread #18: the prologue (briefly) and meat p1
----brief context----
i sorta fell out of homestuck a little after i finished it and its november now but in light of james roach reviving homestuck beyond canon i figured i might as well get the ball rolling on this. i originally started this post in september but i couldnt find it in myself to continue reading due to not liking where the story was going and also finding myself having a new hyperfixation
----end of context----
september 7th:
okay im gonna make a rule that this shit show thats about to happen is NOT CANON to me and in my head they won and then they created earth c and they all lived happily without any of this inane bullshit thats coming up.
ok to start off look at these fucking tags dude oh my god this is gonna be so BAD man what the FUCK did they do to these characters
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theres no art which actually sucks! but with these tags maybe its good they didnt show this in images. instead they just describe it in excruciating detail. anyway, here's the first character interaction in here.... they both feel different. even in this brief exchange, something feels... off. maybe its just cause theyre older but they feel distinctly more... angsty? maybe they just seem sad. i dunno. homestuck has its sad moments but for the most part the characters arent like. sad people
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/rolls eyes yeah i like the reference but not in this context...
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ok so rose just explained what john has to do which is go back into canon and defeat lord english but.... this is really fucked up man . she knows
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meat or candy.... fuck which one should i read first.... do i wanna be sad sooner or sad later ... MAN the epilogues SUCK!!!!! FUCK
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um okay this is really gross. what is the point of this?? like EW john what the fuck
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ok this is fine i guess i mean i like davekat
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i guess i also like how he still has this weird obsession with obama
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november 10th:
im back . but i think updates to this series will be slower. i need to ease myself back into it yknow? also. if i hadnt made it clear. i DO NOT LIKE the epilogues. especially because homestuck proper is my FAVORITE MEDIA OF ALL TIME. seeing the characters i love ruined like this in what is the most official capacity it could be in is.... just. sad to me. anyway. dave predicts the future about obama . cool.
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yeah i do too man. cant have shit around here
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yeah like. what even is this plot. jane has become this evil xenophobic cartoon ass villain. and everyones just like. damn thats crazy that shes just like that now. i also dont even understand WHY she wants to be president of earth c. like literally everyone else is just chilling. god whatever
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brother he is not coming back
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also, this has nothing to do with the epilogues per se. but at the time of writing this tomorrow will be 11/11. i am a little bit expecting a homestuck beyond canon updateeee hehehe . also burning down the house which is a really really good homestuck fan comic is supposed to update too. so awesome. hopefully both of those things happen. or even like. just one. anyway back to this slop
casual dave xenophobia classic dave you know how it is he would definitely be like this for real i believe this
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man this would be so cool if it was like. drawn. i wish i could see it instead of having to envision it in my minds eye. not that i dont appreciate my minds eye for what she has to offer me but. imagine this what this panel would look like
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noooooo FUCK
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stares at you furiously judgementally
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okay both of them most likely dont know shit about shit and neither do i but dave at least grew up in a time where there were people around and things happening and dirk thinks he knows everything but he actually doesnt know anything so i wouldnt trust him on fiscal policy
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fym nuh uh
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average teen roxy adult john interaction
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literally down ontologically at this point
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blah blah blah ultimate self blah blah evil arc WHO CARES. im bored. can i say that. i seriously D. GAF about dirk rn. monkey d. gaf
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i dont have much to say about this i just thought it was worth putting here
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nah. cause what the hell are you talking about girl. hello. why is she so horny. ong bro u gotta relax
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okay well. this is pretty funny . hes dave and im karkat and we are the denial brothers
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youre so intolerable is crazy. like hes trying to help you because you are bleeding tf out girl
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wow. jane jake kiss. this rules. SAID NO ONE EVER. jake is asexual. jane is a nazi. and I. AM TIRED. OF THIS!!!!!!! I DONT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT IS HAPPENING .
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wait fuck
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marvel ass dialogue
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okay this is the end of the first epilogues post. initial thoughts i dont like it why did i do this i dont wanna do it. but you know what they say in order to ascend first you must descend. little homestuck reference for you all. um idk when the next post will be im sorta busier than i used to be. and also? this sucks i dont like reading it
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
Hi! I'm here to ask you about your friend's Lancer campaign. What's the premise? Is there a big bad? What's the setting? On a scale of "This Slaps" to "Gay AF" how would rate the campaign?
HI TY FOR ASKING!!!! Basically we were Union types (false actuallly... only Yves was a member of Union, everyone else is nonaffiliate i think. this is a tangent im sorry). But anyway, we sent to a charity event on a dying planet, mostly as a diplomatic measure between the Union and the various karrakin barony houses that're on Bo as they try to raise money to afford en masse evacuations. The planet is dying, and they're running out of time, so this charity event's a BIG deal. Just to keep the peace, is what we were told. Until that's the exact opposite of what happened because the charity got hijacked, people fled the scene in panic and trampling ensued, AND hostage situation held up by an extremist group bound to the demands of the "Oracle." It's a cult. It becomes very obvious this is a cult to all of us. For the most part, they, Helios, can be considered the first big bad but they're not THE big bad. That's the Oracle itself, which at the time we had no fucking idea who this Oracle was. They suck though, just awful. TLDR they ruined Bo's first chances of evacuation, brainwashed the NHP of a certain Egbert Station and ultimately we were forced to kill them before the station was destroyed, and even then, we had to reroute the explosion from the station to down under, where an evacuated city lay. And in that moment, it's all gone. Millions of people displaced and tbh. I still feel guilty about that. We all fumbled the rolls to stop the explosion so it's like.... damn.. But yeah this is the kind of people we're dealing with, they're obsessed with a prophecy that involves the damnation of this planet. I said we were Union types in the past tense because after all of this happens, Union breaks official ties with the group and essentially leaves us to our own devices. Which I think my character is the only one who takes personal offense to that, it's just like. Are you serious. I've worked up in your organization for years.... but yeah besides the point. Now, we're Bo's designated Lancers to uncover the whole Helios issue and to buy Bo some more time before shit goes south. We're in lategame campaign, shit has GONE south. Yves, my character, has personally met the big bad, the Oracle, and even before that, we found out just why the planet is dying. 50 years ago, something landed on Bo. Ever since, the Oracle has been in the backdrop as its nanites continue to eat the planet alive, and Helios is convinced this HAS to happen. We have to relive this again. SURPRISE!!! This is a repeat, we're in a timeloop and the whole prophesy is that time and time again, the same events will unfold on repeat til end of days because there is nothing outside of this loop. And that's why Helios exists. People are afraid of what's beyond this timeloop, and Yves has seen it personally, in the metavault that the Oracle sent him to. Said some gnarly shit to Yves and just was like. Fuck off! I hate you! before it sent him to superhell. Or more accurately, sent to nothing. Suspended in a shattered reality. Where there is nothing. Some crazy shit I tell you. Oh and sorry ok a lot of details I'm missing out on but this is pretty important, the Oracle itself? Manmade. We made that, a long time ago. It was originally developed by Halcyon, a weapons subsidiary company on Bo, but the project was ultimately discontinued when they realized having nanites pilot a mech all tuned in to a hivemind (the Oracle) is a bad fucking idea. Do You See Why. so the big bad is manmade horrors!!!!! ippee!!!! As of right now, we know HOW the Oracle is doing what it does but we don't know why. At least I don't.
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kosmic-arts · 10 months
An Unhinged KH Rant That I Needed To Get Out of My Brain
here i am, once again, tortured by hypotheticals like- "what if kingdom hearts didn't suck?" and, "if i could rewrite kh, how and what would i cut or add?"
honestly,, my ideal kingdom hearts timeline is kh1, com, kh2, and days. that's literally it. games extending backwards or forwards from the end of kh2 (bbs & ddd kh3 unioncrossfuckinghell) really sapped the life from the series imo. in a better world, square and disney would've put kingdom hearts to rest by 2, and we would've all grown up and moved on with happy memories :))))
lol. but is it possible to extend the story of kh without draining it of all the magic, mystery, and charm established since kh1? by now i think we can all agree that here at the tailend of the timeline (kh3), this game has reduced itself to a fake deep shitpost soulless disney ad. :) -so, how could it be done anyway? ultimately, bbs would have to exist. you would need something to expand on the story's lore, and the lore of the keyblade and it's wielders is a prime target. i love and hate bbs; but i do think it really takes away from the charm of the keyblade itself and the mystery surrounding it. explains too much, if you will. lets not get into how the wayfinder trio spends their entire time talking about how much they gotta train and how their entire lives revolve around training and how wooden and stiff a vast majority of their interactions are eraqus dont even get me started he is so boring do not talk to me about the shitty gacha paytowin mobile game god help me also their shitty mark of mastery exam is with the fucking flying balls its so lame are you telling me this is what keyblade masters are capable of; what fucking happened to lingering will in kh2fm??? why cant we do any of that shit in bbs? wheres the fuckin keyblade transformations and capes in that game-
ok. bbs would have to exist… but it should've revived kh1's way of integrating disney plots into the main story. ALL the games shouldve revived that trick post kh2. whats the point of disney being a major half of these games if you dont use them. like- ven goes to fucking cinderella world and meets cinderella (NOT AS A RAT), and ven is sad and lost an looking for his friends and cinderella convinces her stepmother to hire ven as a stableboy or a peasent servant or some shit. something to get a roof over his head. ventus learns from cinderella about her dreams and it gets him thinking about what he wants out of life… maybe he wants to see his friends succeed and become masters but thats mainly just a pretty excuse hes been using to mask his true feelings. truthfully hes scared of getting left behind. maybe he discovers that he feels inadequate in comparison to his friends, and fears for the inevitable future where they leave home to lead their own lives/search for their own apprentices. fuck idk. 1 talk with cinderella could unlock all of that. easy. imagine writing. what a concept.
WHAT im saying is. disney shouldn't exist in kh just to be an ad. the reason why sora in kh1 came to the conclusion that MY FRIENDS ARE MY POWER, is because of the lessons he learned in each of the disney worlds up until his confrontation with riku. he literally explains his entire reasoning before he says the line- the disney plots mattered to sora's character development! by the end of the game, he became so much more wisened and was capable of butting heads with ansem who had studied all the esoteric makings of the universe and thought he knew where life began and eneded: darkness lol. but sora had come to a different conclusion: kingdom hearts is light!!! lmao!! it was an asspull, but shit. i could follow the line of logic well enough and it was cool and dramatic without insulting my intelligence.
what am i talking about? disney? i think the timeline extending backwards as far as bbs is serviceable, but nothing in this world will convince me otherwise from the belief that unioncross is hot garbage and needlessly complicates the plot to an insane degree. its literally star wars prequel movies but even shittier, but this time, theres a casino for the little kids!!! yay!! :))
aanyway. what about ddd..? the resurrection of org 13 needs to not fucking happen. and if it does, only like, 4 of the 13 and half of them arent even enemies. i dont want to kill guys i already slaughtered 2 games ago. theyre not threatening anymore GOD. what if kingdom hearts established new villians starting from ddd that would lead into kh3 being a whole new story? pretty epic right? it would be just like how com introduced the org13 the first time after ansem was beaten to lead into kh2! woww! but, like, who would this hypothetical new ddd-introduced villian be? we all know the kh team cant design characters for shit who aren't walking talking black coats. MoM? lol? i like the guy, but hes an overpowered omnipotent all knowing god that is too strong to feasibly be beaten by anyone without a humongeous ass pull deus ex machina to solve the problem. like c'mon, dont act surprised when sora inevitably walks up to him, goes- "light light friendship heart. the future can be changed!" and then MoM is like, "ah fuck i guess you're right. i suppose i, the master of masters, the most powerful keyblade wielder ever, maybe even the progenitor and also seer of all time and existance who knows everything you're going to do before you're going to do it-- knows less than you. i was wrong all along. guess ill die!". don't act like it wont happen like that :))). you really think the kh writers are competent enough to handle a character as difficult to manage as MoM? he's a cool guy, but they fucked up trapping him in this garbage game.
lmao. but anyway, who knows who this hypothetical new ddd villian would be. but it would have to be some other dumbfuck obsessed with the (((power of kingdom hearts))). thats the name of the game after all. so really, what im actually saying is- kh3 shouldve been a whole new storyline with new villians and plot, rather than dredging up closed plotlines from the previous games. we shouldnt have to be waiting till mf kh4 just for a new story. im not playing that game btw. not unless square figures out how to make a game fun to play like its literal 20 yr old predecessors of kh1&2, while also not selling me the fixes to the game in a 40$ dlc. fuck you. REMIND me not to ever play this shitty game ever again.
ok. i think im ok… i got everything out my system. bbs shouldn't have been garbage where you cant even be like lingering will by the end of the game. also disney worlds need to serve a purpose in kh beyond serving merely as ads… ddd shouldve introduced a new villian for a new plotline continued in kh3, rather than retconning and resurrecting everything from the previous games… and MoM is a cool guy trapped in a shit game that will inevitably get botched. yup.
ok i feel better now.
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