#so he ends up being a guard not just for the prophecy but also later on for people escaping the death eaters
s0lemnhypn0s · 2 months
(Warning for this post I'm half asleep so I might be incoherent or have disjointed topics. Bare with me, I'm trying to express my thoughts the best I can.)
(and WARNING! i discuss personal paranoias at one point during this, which include the topic of bugs and self harm)
"Billford is ironic we're shipping them ironically" "We don't actually want to see them together" "We don't think theyre a good pair" "its irreconciliably abusive" "its one sided"
ok I'm gonna put forward a take that might be poorly recieved: I think you all are misunderstanding Billford (And each character individually) and just reducing it to "bill abused ford" takes away so much of what makes their dynamic fascinating. And also claiming "Erm its a bit" while engaging in something you "recognize" as abuse only does a disservice to the topic of abuse and how it relates to the mentally ill (I will get into that later). You are treating the relationship as a joke and only acknowledging the abusive aspects when people come at you is just pretty scummy of you. Speaking as someone who experienced a near identical abusive relationship, where my paranoia was preyed upon, causing me to still suffer from the paranoia of being watched by them or that my abuser will eventually send someone after me.
In general, the existence of abuse is a complicated one and abuse is not a catch all, end all term. Not all abuse is built the same. Billford is undeniably abusive, but there is not a period after "abusive", are you picking up what I'm putting down. It's not just "Bill was exerting power over Ford and thats it"
Lets start with: We all recognize Ford is paranoid, but we don't seem to recognize Bill as paranoid in the exact same way, dare I say - Even more paranoid than Ford. I mean, ford got his "Trust no one" quote from Bill directly saying his rule of thumb for trusting people is to just trust no one. He doesn't trust others - He simply doesn't. And this is part of where Bill Cipher's manipulation of SPECIFICALLY Ford comes in.
Now I am going to speak from a personal anecdote of my experience with paranoia and delusions - Me, I will try to "safeguard" against my every little fear and belief that something will, undoubtedly, undeniably, be out to hurt me, and these safeguards are often extreme in nature. They don't make sense to the people around me, but they make sense to me. Sometimes they hurt the people around me. Sometimes, they hurt me. I believe this is the same with Bill Cipher himself. He is taking measures to make sure his worst fears do not come to pass. And because Bill is decidedly not human, only interacts with humans when he deems neccesary, those measures often take the form of something even more extreme than, idk, me shaving my head because I thought bug eggs were in my hair or trying to cut open my skin because I thought something was living in it. They take the form of something abusive (Which is also just... Something that happens with the mentally ill sometimes. I see you guys trying to separate our mental illness from our actions and claim "thats not making you do that". I see you.). Him trying to guard himself from something so terrible(facetious) as Ford's percieved betrayal ultimately becomes a self fufilling prophecy.
Not to mention, if you guys didn't notice. Bill without a doubt projects his own insecurities onto Ford. "I make you feel important" Ford makes Bill feel important. "No one loves you" He was ostracized in his dimension. "Who will miss you" He destroyed his entire home, nobody would mourn Bill, because they were all gone, long gone. "I'm sending someone to steal your eyes" Might be a stretch, but I look towards the silly straw poem "A different kind of eye doctor, who wants to make his patient blind" Obviously the use of "blind" here is metaphorical, but I feel its still in some ways applicable.
Bill very evidently experienced medical abuse and ostracization in Euclydia, something exceedingly common for those labeled as mad. (Which also brings me to the topic of people saying "I'm so glad they didn't make Bill a sympathetic villain in the book of bill" bc. Hi. I'm a guy thats experienced ostracization and medical staff forcibly medicating me in order to fix me. I think he is sympathetic actually). Not only that, Bill Cipher had a trillion years to fester in his resentment and his guilt, and you think that like. Didn't effect him at all. I really and truly beg to disagree.
Not only that: I think Bill felt a kinship with Ford. Ford was ostracized, he was betrayed by the world (and "betrayed" by his brother), he was regarded as a freak for what he was born with, just as Bill was regarded as a freak for his mutation in Euclydia. Bill thought Ford was just like him. Bill thought Ford would understand him, and furthermore would jump at the opportunity to burn the world down with him. And. to his credit. Ford does, in some capacity, understand him. As much as Ford could understand, with Bills lies within lies. Bill craves the intimacy and fears the touch. He uses fear to get Ford to love him, not only because he thinks it will safeguard him from what he fears most, but likely because it is all he knows, all he was taught. Love through fear. Our love is painful, but we only want to help. Pain in love is natural. It's right. It will only hurt a little. This is how you know we love you. He was shocked when Ford rejected him. He thought he did everything right. He had everything planned, for them to be together for eternity.
And bare in mind also that - Bill. Most evidently. Views himself as a monster. When Ford asks about what happened to his dimension, who destroyed it - Bill responds "A monster.", he says "Sixer, it would eat you alive" when Ford offers to help hunt it down. He lets his mask of jovial, mysterious mischief drop just slightly, and we understand just a little bit more of how he feels about the euclidean massacre, how he understands himself through his actions. And what he understands, is that this is just his nature. "I liberated my dimension, Stanford", a lie but not in the way you'd think. He lies, acting like what he did was intentional, as its the only way he could ascribe "reason" to what he did. It couldn't have been an accident. That is just how I am. It wasn't an accident, and I liberated them. (I wish I could go back.) And I come back to the idea of a self fufilling prophecy, because its again- That exactly. Bill decided this was all he could be, he did everything that would make him a "monster" after the accident that caused the euclidean massacre - And so, he was. A sick prognosis that he created and fufilled with his own two hands, he became the monster he and his home dimension envisioned him as.
Abuse is a complicated subject. What Bill did was abuse, yes, but I also distinctly believe it to be a case of abuse between two mentally ill people, one of which is so old, his hate his anger and his regrets, all are ancient and yet so fresh.
I feel another part of the problem is people are taking Bill at face value. Which is exactly what he wants to do because then you dont get at what hes doing all this for and why. You don't get past the exoskeleton to the tender flesh beneath. But stop taking what he says at face value. Read into it more. Analyze the triangle.
Also it might be controversial (hyperbole.) , but I do thing it means /something/ that during Ford's part of the book of bill, where Bill and Ford's relationship is recounted from his perspective, Bill is notably absent, whereas in the rest of the book, he is guiding us through it and constantly maintains a loud presence in it. You could interpret this in a lot of different ways I think, but the way I've chosen to interpret it is as a mix of shame, regret, and an unwillingness to revisit their past together. Perhaps even Bill having enough respect for Ford to not interject his telling of their story together, if you want to get real complicated about it. Paradoxal, if you will.
(Also I find the theraprism to be a most fucked "end" for Bill Cipher due to the medical abuse he experienced as a child. Something something, mad people can never escape the institutions which seek to "fix" them.)
anyway if you read through my mad sleep addled ramblings CONGRATS! i'm probably going to make edits and add to this when I wake up in the morning but i needed to get this out or id forget. billford is abusive but its way more complex than just... abuse. Abuse is a complex subject and it exists on a spectrum, for a lack of better words. and dont twist my words - That isn't saying "this is less bad abuse", this is saying "its complicated and just leaving it at abusive does their relationship a disservice"
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reythenerdypisces · 7 months
things that I overlooked in PJO the first time / small, funny things I noticed during my reread
Part 2: Sea of Monsters
there is a lot this time.
this book is so short and it makes up for the length by being hilarious: 
I had nightmares about what Poseidon might turn me into if I were ever on the verge of death - plankton, maybe. Or a floating patch of kelp.
Tyson froze. "Pony!" he cried in total rapture. Chiron turned looking offended. "I beg your pardon?" 
"Um..." I said. "Would this be the super-dangerous prophecy that has me in it, but the gods have forbidden you to tell me about it? Nobody answered. "Right," I muttered. "Just checking." 
"Uh, I like Hercules." "Why?" "Well, because he had rotten luck. Even worse than mine. It makes me feel better."
Annabeth looked at me. "We have to get out of here." "You think I want to be in the girls' restroom?" "I mean the ship, Percy! We have to get off the ship."
Tyson was terrified of them. All throughout the tour, he insisted Annabeth hold his hand, which she didn't look too thrilled about.
"Then why do the gods even let me live? It would be safer to kill me." "You're right." "Thanks a lot." 
A minute later, Annabeth hit a slippery patch of moss and her foot slipped. Fortunately, she found something else to put it against. Unfortunately, that something was my face. 
As Luke was raising his sword to rally his troops, a centaur shot a custom-made arrow with a leather boxing glove on the end. It smacked Luke in the face and sent him crashing into the swimming pool. and a few moments later: He [Luke] raised his sword, but got smacked in the face with another boxing glove arrow, and sat down hard in a deck chair. Luke can't catch a break from those boxing arrows, it's the funniest thing
2. also so much baby percabeth!! they’re so cute
She'd [Annabeth] emailed me the picture after spring break, and every once in a while I'd look at it just to remind myself she was real and Camp Half-Blood hadn't just been in my imagination. the fact that he printed out Annabeth's photo? 
Annabeth punched him in the nose and knocked him flat, "And you," she told him, "lay off my friend." her standing up for Percy is adorable
I mean she [Annabeth] looked good. Really good. I probably would've been tongue-tied if I could say anything except reet, reet, reet.
She [Annabeth] started to sob - I mean horrible, heartbroken sobbing. She put her head on my shoulder and I held her. Fish gathered to look at us - a school of barracudas, some curious marlins. Scram! I told them. They swam off, but I could tell they went reluctantly. I swear I understood their intentions. They were about to start rumours flying around the sea about the son of Poseidon and some girl at the bottom of Siren Bay. number 1. the way percy is always there for her, number 2. the gossiping fish?? I love it
The look in his [Grover] eyes told me something was terribly wrong. Annabeth had been on guard duty that night, protecting the Fleece. If something had happened -he’s admirably protective, of not just annabeth, but all his friends and I love to see it… exhibit b:
"But if I [Grover] get in trouble again, you'll be in danger, Percy! You could die!" "If you get in trouble again, I want to know about it. And I'll come help you again G-man. I wouldn't have it any other way." I adore their friendship.
3. other mentions: 
"I'm Thalia," the girl said. "Daughter of Zeus." what. an. ending. I still remember how floored I was when I first read this wow
the mention of Hylla got me so excited
am I the only one who forgot Percy could control the sailboat? like the flying ropes and whatnot
I also completely forgot about his watch shield! 
I'll be back for part 3 shortly! :)
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mrghostrat · 7 months
Hello and good morning/day/night :]
I was wondering, in BNF, we’ve gotten tiny little bits of information about the ‘Nice and Accurate Prophecies’ (not sure if that’s the correct title, sorry) book and TV series, if there was anything else you could tell us about it?
Character names, storylines, plots, any fun details you may have made up or otherwise, etc, etc.
I just think it’s sweet how interested both Aziraphale and Crowley are in the series, and if you might be as interested, if not more, in it too.
Thank you, and have a lovely Sunday. 🫶
this is it, my leash has snapped, i'm wild in the streets, thank u for asking; i'm gonna go be insufferable now
(hi @neil-gaiman if you see this, i think it's safe to read, but it does border on being fan fic. i'm writing a fic where crowley and aziraphale are an artist + writer in an online fandom, much like we are for good omens, and this is the fake story i've made for them to be fans of 💛)
The Nice and Accurate Prophecy
info dump of the fake 5 book series by Agnes Nutter (1985-1992) and its fake fandom:
The Nice and Accurate Prophecy
The Strange and Improbable Prophecy
The Vague and Perfidious Prophecy
The Tense and Harrowing Prophecy
The Faint and Ineffable Prophecy
a dramatic, layered story with a bizarre and unexpectedly lovable cast of characters, humour that hits you out of nowhere, and a lot of attitude from the narrator. a la Good Omens, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
fantasy/historical fantasy and mildly action & romance
a la good omens, a witch and a witchfinder become friends and help each other throughout history, despite being on opposite sides. they get closer as they fight against the immoral plays from their prospective sides (the witchfinder army and a demonic cult the witch was born into) that each lose sight of their core values in a bid to hold more power over the world.
the story is set primarily in a medieval fantasy era, but suddenly jumps to the present in the later books, catching everyone off guard and giving a whole new context to enjoy the story. the challenges they face parallel the earlier story but in a modern take with modern technological twists. the modern era is the late 80s, since that's when it was written.
the witch reincarnates, similar to doctor who, due to a high class black magic ritual they performed in their arrogant youth (which they were NOT supposed to have access to). they've had long lifetimes where they die of old age, and others where they've barely managed to live a year. their reincarnations aren't entirely random; they will reincarnate according to their growth and preferences as a person (a la Magical Boy's magical outfit generations), which includes fluctuation in gender identity. their pronouns fluctuate depending on each "face" they wear, but have canonically been a "they" before. the good side of the fandom (crowley & aziraphale) default to they/them as an overall rule. they do have a name, but they like to change that too, so the fandom almost exclusively calls them witch, or witchy.
the witchfinder also has a name, but the fandom have taken to calling him witchfinder to match the fact that witchy is called by their role. it also helps that a lot of the witchfinder narration refers to him by role instead of name. he is human, 30ish in appearance, but at the end of the first book, the witch fears to lose him and curses him with immortality against his knowledge to try and keep him safe.
witch is crowley-coded, witchfinder is aziraphale-coded. my to-do list includes an illustration of the two of them played by michael and david :') but i picture them being kind of like newt and anathema for the most part.
ship names include witch/finder, witchwitch, w² or witch², and witchfound.
at the start of the first book, they meet and become friends without knowing each other is a witch & finder. the witchfinder is a bit bumbly, like newt, and the witch is cool and suave but neurotic and insecure like many human au variations of crowley (major overcompensation vibes). witch is male at the start of the first book. their friendship is secure when witch finds out he's a witchfinder, so there's less "oh my god i'm friends with the enemy, is he going to kill me in my sleep?" and more "ah fuck, Lets Drink About This"
there's battles, horseback riding, camping out in dark woods, disappearing and losing each other for months at a time, and many missed connections as they try to work together against two common enemies, whilst keeping up the facade that they're on their respective team's sides.
there's charged chemistry in the first book, but it's more plot heavy. there's hints of shippy moments in the 2nd book that fall in between the plot. there's a Moment of almost confession in the 3rd book, and a non romantic kiss towards the end (we gotta, for neil). they're pretty much married in the 4th book, securely at each other's side, but never actually talk about it until the end, and there's a more explicitly stated shippy connection in the 5th book.
agnes herself is a total recluse who drops books out of nowhere then goes back to existing somewhere in the english countryside (people presume). she's happy to supply signed copies to fundraisers and conventions, and sometimes random bookshops across the country will be vandalised with genuine autographs on the inside covers. she's notoriously pedantic about being involved with adaptions behind the scenes, but she has no social media and isn't ~around~. she once did a talk when she was presented with an honorary doctorate, and did a single book signing when the first Prophecy book came out, but beyond that she keeps to herself.
there are a small handful of quotes from her in behind-the-scenes footage talking vaguely about character intensions and clarifying world building, but she likes to leave things up to interpretation like neil does. it's in these few snippets of interaction we've seen from her that she's steadfastly supportive of intersectionality and lgbt rights, like staring dead-eyed at an interviewer when they ask her a ridiculously heteronormative question about the characters (like "have you read my books?")
adaptions include:
(most adaptions start like the book, with a male witch at the beginning that turns into a female witch when they first regenerate. the early ones usually change the pacing by switching to a female actor by the time they realise witchfinder is a witchfinder, unlike in the book where he's male for this scene, and there's way less Charged™ chemistry between the m/m witch/finder.)
Feature Film: late 90s, kind of cheesy, but good spirited fantasy (a la Indiana Jones). focuses on the first book alone, with hints to a sequel that never happened.
Abandoned TV Pilot: early 2000s, a little too dramatic but still a good time (a la the Dungeons and Dragons 2000, ASOUE 2004). good source of gifs and Moments™ but the fandom is generally Fine with it being abandoned.
Stage Performance: late 2000s-early 2010s, a stellar stage adaption of the first book with elements of the 90s movie. f/m witch/finder the whole way through. one cast used m/m actors but it was a short run and only a handful of fans were lucky enough to catch or remember it. crowley would give his left arm (or someone's, anyway) to have experienced it, so a fan sent him some flip phone camera footage of it that he keeps on a harddrive in his safe.
HBO Streaming Series: late 2010s-present, high quality, highly revered, resurged the fandom's popularity and spread the series further overseas. made in america, but doesn't try to americanise the series. extremely respectful to the books, with easter eggs to the film, and is working its way through the entire book series (a la The Witcher netflix series). f/m witch/finder, but has had one episode that included some flash backs/montages of different witch faces. probably like 15 minutes total screentime of a male witch played by a ncuti gatwa level/style of actor, which the fandom has giffed, edited, and screencapped to oblivion.
Several bonus books: Agnes has written a few extra books (a la The Unauthorized Autobiography of Lemony Snicket and The Beatrice Letters), as well as curated some anthologies from other authors (a la A Study In Sherlock). there are a total of 3 anthologies so far, in which other authors have written stories about the characters in their own tellings. basically like canonised, published fan fiction, curated and authorised by agnes herself. There's also an unfinished graphic novel that retells the book series (a la The Adventure Zone comic), but has been WIP/unheard of since the 3rd book.
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guess-that-ship · 16 days
S12 Finals
codependent bodyguard arrangement
Since childhood, Prince and Guard were raised together. Prince was groomed to be his father's heir while Guard would be his loyal protector. They have a magical bond that lets them feel each other's emotions which made them absolutely inseparable to the point where as kids caretakers had to pick them both up at the same time so they wouldn't cry.
When they were fifteen their court was attacked and the two of them were the only survivors. Guard is extremely protective of Prince and to him nothing matters more than his safety. Guard wanted to go with Prince despite a prophecy that he would die if he went because he NEEDED to watch Prince's back. It's said at one point that Guard would have been fine if a whole building collapsed and killed everyone in it so long as Prince could make it out okay. Prince on the other hand is fully aware Guard would die for him and under NO circumstances is he letting that happen. Prince's boyfriend told him that he's aware he'll never be the love of Prince's life because that spot belongs to Guard. They're like two stray cats you can't adopt separately. Also they (and the rest of their found family) have adopted like five kids between them.
You can't clearly define their relationship. Not platonic not romantic not siblings but also all of those at once. They are just soooo obsessed and in love.
Survivors of Literally Everything
cw: spoilers
Character A and Character B meet after Character A kills a monster, waking up to Character B standing over him, and his first thought, despite the fact that he has no idea where he is, is that she's pretty. Eventually, they get sent on a quest together, and at first don't get along (although much later it's revealed that she developed a crush on him during this quest). However, being put in a number of near-death situations ends up bringing them together, and they become close friends. A couple of years later, Character B is kidnapped, and Character A puts his life in danger countless times just to save her. Sadly, just when he manages to save her, he finds out he's essentially cursed to die in two years.
Character A and Character B, over the next two years, manage, with the help of many allies, to tip the stakes in their favor, just a little. The thing is, tensions have been brewing in their fantasy world, and after barely escaping death for an even higher number of times, full-out war breaks out. When the final battle ends, it turns out that Character A wasn't the one cursed to die after all, that it was a very complicated guy they'd been fighting the whole time. This all ends in them finally kissing.
But it isn't over yet. Shortly after this, Character A mysteriously disappears. He finds himself somewhere completely unfamiliar, with no memory, apart from one thing: Character B's name, and he knows he has to find her. Character B is tirelessly looking for him as well, to no luck. After making a deal that almost costs him his life, Character A regains his memory, before he, Character B, and a few more people are plunged into a second war, somehow even deadlier than the first. They end up being thrown into hell, because Character A refuses to let go of Character B's hand as she falls. Somehow, they survive, and after all the dust has settled, they finally go and start a semi-normal life.
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crowleysgirl56 · 19 days
Books Omens! Reading to my son part 2.
Been a while since the first update. We are now up to chapter Saturday and Crowley has just trapped Hastur in the answering machine.
Things of note:
- my son loves the horsemen and is disappointed that there isn’t more of them so far in the story (we haven’t got to the biker bar yet, so I’m looking forward to his reaction to that).
- he was also incredibly indignant about the poor delivery man having to die to deliver his message to Death, and thinks this is stupid and an incredible waste.
- he HATES Shadwell (he was not impressed that he essentially discorporated Aziraphale) and decides he was EVIL! We then had to have a rather long discussion about shades of grey, prejudice, narrow mindedness, and how people aren’t inherently evil because perhaps they don’t know any better or need to be better educated about things.
- I’ve suddenly noticed that there aren’t any flashback sequences. I honestly don’t remember this about the book. I had basically forgotten the liberties NG took with all those additional scenes you get between Crowley and Aziraphale in season 1. I think I had forgotten that this was one of the reasons why I felt season 1 is the best adaptation of anything ever, and improved upon the source material.
- on that account, I had forgotten just how little A&C factor into the middle part of the book. There isn’t any argument or disagreement between them. It goes from Aziraphale reading the prophecies, to being discorporated by Shadwell. Crowley similarly is just hanging around his apartment feeling pensive about everything until Hastur and Ligur show up. It’s interesting that there isn’t really any conflict between Crowley and Aziraphale.
- one other thing I forgot to mention in my previous post, no wall slam. Just Crowley cutting Aziraphale off and continuing on the mission. Also that whole scene at the old hospital is set at night.
- the description of Crowley’s apartment is interesting because of how aesthetically different it is to the show. Far more white and bright.
- also this took me off guard. I literally stopped reading and exclaimed “Wait, beds?!”
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- shout out to the cute Crowley as the letter C at the start of the page. Adorable!
- also, as this chapter is about the holy water, do we find out later how he got the holy water? Because it’s not described beforehand about Aziraphale giving it to him. I’ll have to come back to that once we reach the end.
- lastly, going back over the previous chapters I had already read, I came across this which suddenly struck me:
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Agnus’s prophecies were published in 1655. Which is one of the years Aziraphale was supposed to have done an apology dance. Very interesting.
Edit: it was pointed out in the comments that Aziraphale did an apology dance in 1650, not 1655.
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etoileee · 2 months
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au; sorry this took so long! I ended up getting sick and goddamn did I feel like a sick orphan in the 1800s. I was also debating the format I wanted to share this experience with you all.. informative or in first person, but I settled on both! I hope you all enjoy it! ❤︎
the storyline of it is that I'm the only child of NYX. the goddess of the night. Since she is a primordial goddess, to me it made sense that she wasn’t up to the same shinagains that the gods would be up to. for example, having demigod children like they’re being paid to, so to me, her only having one child in her entire existence is fitting.
In my dr it isn’t the prophecy of seven, it's the prophecy of ten. (I added Nico and Reyna!) and of course, me being the last member.
In the Sibilene books at camp Jupiter, they mentioned a prophecy of nine but they eventually found out it was supposed to be ten, not nine. so the prophecy of ten is what was engraved into the floor of the Jupiter temple.
by the type the prophecy is formed, everyone else in it but I was already there and had formed relationships with each other, some coming in did throw them off a bit.
‘the tenth member of the prophecy’ had become more like a legend as people wondered if there was one person left;
since every member of the prophecy but I had come together and there were more documents of there supposedly being nine instead of ten, everyone just assumed that the documents were wrong, but then I came along and was the last and final person.
when I woke up I was in one of the beds in the infirmary. I didn’t script where I would wake up but I found out that the reason I was there is because when I got to Camp Half-Blood I passed out when I saw Chiron (LMAO??) but I didn’t find that out till later.
. Honestly, I'm starting to think that in the Percy Jackson universe when it rains, it RAINS. like full thunder, lightning and everything. I haven’t met Zeus but he seems very theatrical judging by the state of the weather was in when I woke up.
eventually, I got up and started walking around, I made my way out of the building and once I was outside there was this girl on her way to the infirmary to check up on me. She isn’t someone from the books but honestly, I was pretty excited to meet her (though I didn’t show it because that would’ve been weird) one of the things I was most excited about was meeting campers who weren’t in the series.
she told me her name (Madeline) and that she came to see how I was doing and if I was okay she'd take me to speak to Dionysus and Chiron because they needed to speak with me.
once I’m there I like to stand there awkwardly in front of Dionysus and Chiron, like zoned tf out staring at the wall while they stare at me probably thinking there’s not a thought behind my eyes.
a few minutes later the rest of the prophecy comes in, as they were walking in a few of them were talking and laughing, but once they saw me and the serious looks on both Chiron and Dionysus's faces they settled down.
the first thing I noticed was his eyes. I know that sounds cheesy as hell but truly he has really pretty eyes. In the books, he’s described as having ‘sea green’ eyes and they didn’t disappoint. I at one point ended up smiling at him. I couldn’t help it lolz but I think once I did that he seemed to relax a bit. his face softened and he smiled back at me a little bit. that’s when he let his guard down with me. Alexa play Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish!
she was looking at me very attentively. I won't lie I got nervous it felt like she was looking into my SOUL I was shaking in my boots low key. she’s beautiful though I hope I wasn’t blushing I have a sick-ass feeling I was, unfortunately. She watched me and Percy smile at each other and I think her guard went up MORE?? after the campfire me and her got the chance to talk a little bit. I think at that point she started to accept me a bit more but she was still a bit wary of me but PROGRESSSS!
HUGE. BIG ASS GUY. gorgeous eyes as well. he and Annebeth were both very serious at the moment, but he didn’t look at me suspiciously the way Annebeth was looking at me, he looked more curious than anything. very well-mannered and respectful, charming ahh smile, I did however notice he does have a bit of a habit of pushing his glasses up his nose? like they’ll slide down and he pushes them up.. now I don’t if it’s because his glasses or too big or if its a habit but either way I counted how much times he pushed them up because I noticed, 36 TIMES.
unserious mf. Of course, he was serious when he had to be but he was having a field when he found out that I was the last member of the prophecy. I and Percy were both ON ME on wanting to know more about me, and my ‘story’ if you will. he also got very excited about the fact that I’m also Mexican and now he has someone to talk shit with in Spanish. he genuinely was making me smile not to get all sappy lol. and he was flirty just as expected.
GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GIRLS LOVE SOUP! I was blushing again. I won't lie she’s genuinely so cool. She was also watching me very attentively but she seemed more relaxed and curious than the others. I think I and I connected well honestly. I didn’t script anything about my love life but I can see us getting closer.
I couldn’t really read his face during the meeting, he seemed both uninterested and intrigued at the same time. we made eye contact a few times and every time he didn’t look away ONCE. we did end up speaking a little bit later at the campfire, we said probably five words but I think we got along. I also think a made him smile a tiny bit, which is a win.
my gay ass was so excited to meet her like I've had such a fascination with the amazons since I was a little girl, even though it looked like she was psychoanalyzing me. She and Annabeth both had their guard but the most around me. THEY WERE SUSPICIOUS. I don’t know if she likes me but IT'S OKAY.
She is so cute truly. she was also very friendly! She was the first one to smile at me and let her guard down. she’s also very talkative which was nice! when me and I started talking she asked me how the ride to the camp was and we bonded over our motion sickness LMAO
HUGE MF #2 he is genuinely so nice and calm, it’s almost calming to be around. very soft spoken, likes to listen to others talk. at one point later in the night we were making s’mores and I was speaking with Leo so I failed to realize that my marshmallow was on fire and BURNING and he ended up taking the stick from me and blowing it out for me. thanks, frank. :(( </3
(my pov)
I stand there before the nine demigods,
and a man with fucking horse legs,
‘What the hell am I doing here?’ I think to myself. Well, I know exactly why I'm here, apparently, I'm a demigod myself, but this is not what I thought I’d be doing during this summer.
“We've brought you all here for a serious discussion,” Chiron says calmly, his hands clasped together in front of him while that other guy pours himself a glass of red wine, filling it up basically to the top.
not very classy.
I turn back to the nine other teenagers in the room, making eye contact with the tall boy with raven hair and green eyes. his gaze is unwavering against mine, his eyebrows are furrowed and the tip of his tongue sits at the corner of his mouth as his gaze zeroes in on me.
he doesn’t.
This interaction didn't go unnoticed by the blonde girl that stood next to him, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed at me. her eyes attentively studying my expressions and body language. making me feel like a bug under a magnifying glass.
“you all know how we thought there being ten prophecy members was a legend, right?” Dionysus takes a sip of the red liquid in his glass, letting out a sigh of relief before putting it back down and leaning forward on the wooden table in front of him. resting his arms against it.
“We found the last one,” he says nodding towards me, like this is a normal thing that happens on a Friday night for him. “HER?” the boy wearing overalls and a tool belt says loudly pointing a finger at me.
“yeah, her,”
Dionysus takes a longer sip of his wine and I look back at the other demigods, my eyebrows furrowed together trying to understand what the hell the wine addict just told me.
prophecy of what and why the fuck am I in it?
horse legs— sorry— ‘Chiron’ notices the look on my face. “how much did your father tell you about yourself, child?” his voice is comforting, and his eyes are soft and wise. very different from the man standing up next to him.
I feel bad for calling him horse legs.
“he told me I was a demigod.. in the car,” I shrug and fix my bangs spread across my forehead. “he’s right about that,” he nods. his expression thoughtful. “what else he tell you?” Dionysus cuts in, his pointer finger circling the rim of his wine glass.
the world outside flashes something between blue and violet. the large windows letting the hue into the room. I turn my attention to the widows looking at the lighting in the sky creating different shapes, and eventually stroking far into the distance. creating a loud boom.
“damn,” I murmured to myself before looking back at everyone else, only to find them all staring at me, waiting for my answer.
“oh! Sorry— um—“ I look up trying to remember whatever the hell my dad told me in the car but my memory is fuzzy. as if it was a dream. “don’t think too hard, you fainting probably messed with your memory,” the tall blonde boy urges me, pushing his round frames up his nose with the tip of his middle finger.
I like his voice. It's nice.
“So you don’t know who your godly parent is?” Dionysus's eyes narrow on me waiting for my answer. “uh.. no, I don’t,” my gaze goes to a random spot on the floor.
”Well, we know who it is,” a wicked smirk on his lips, enjoying that he knows something I don’t, and it seems like he’s enjoying the anticipation and suspense he’s creating. “who?” the blonde girl next to ocean eyes, clearly getting tired of his act.
Dionysus drinks more of his wine in large gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. he sets the glass back down on the table and wipes his lips with the back of his hand.
the room goes silent. the name hanging in the air.
In this moment I realize I don’t know shit about greek mythology.
In the 6th grade, I did a Greek gods and goddesses program and I painted myself green because I got assigned to be Gaia and sang a song about peace. that’s about it.
“You know about greek mythology?” repair boy asks me raising his eyebrow at me, his lips tugging upwards teasingly finding my lack of knowledge amusing
“I know some things, but not a lot,” my voice quiet and I shrug. apparently, I’m a demigod who has no idea about Greek mythology. my eyes meet the emo boy’s eyes before I look away hearing Chiron's voice. “Nyx is an ancient, powerful, goddess. she’s been around longer than most gods,” I take a deep breath in and breathe out, taking all this information in.
my eyebrows pull together in confusion still not knowing what she’s the goddess of. “the goddess of the night,” Dionysus says to me simply, seeing the look of confusion and curiosity on my face.
the goddess of the night.
They continue to talk, probably about me, amongst each other as my thoughts begin to run wild making their conversation sound like fluffy background noise.
everything begins to make sense. the way I find comfort in the night, my hyper fixation on stars and the moon, the fact that my room always looks like a damn bat cave from never turning the light on.
“We don't even have a Nyx cabin,” that snaps me out of my zoned-out state. “She’ll stay in the Hermes cabin,” Dionysus says simply taking another sip of the red liquid in his glass.
“you guys will be spending a lot of time together, go get to know each other,” Chiron walks over to the door, opening it up so we can walk out.
time for icebreakers.. I guess.
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
I read this thread that I found quite interesting if you want to check it out
Rhaenyra is in a way turning into a cult leader a la Paul Atreides, believing herself to be the prince who was promised, recruiting smallfolk who have nothing to lose and sending them to their deaths to fight in her name, its a very prevalent theme actually. The dragon keepers being appalled by the massacre this will cause but her insisting on it, its a descent into self glory and obsession. The more she gets closer to the Iron Throne the more it corrupts her which is why I’m absolutely sure they will include her getting cut as soon as she sits on it. Let’s face it, as much as I hate to admit it, misogyny isn’t a main theme in HOTD.
When I heard Ryan described this scene as cult behaviour and Rhaenyra acting as a “pastor”, my mind went straight to the Shepherd (a strong follower of the Faith of the Seven), they’d be the different sides of the same coin, Rhaenyra brought down these gods, here they slaughtered the smallfolk but at the Storming of Dragonpit, it’s the smallfolk destroying them.
And if you take into consideration that the prophecy was proven false in GOT and how HOTD is trying to hammer down the idea that monarchies and especially Targaryen ones are terrible, it leads you to the idea that anyone who thinks them selves as the savior is a false prophet. Viserys told her about the prophecy to make her pursuit of the throne more legitimate and peaceful, however it ended up making her more unhinged because she now believes herself a prophet when its all a farce, neither she nor her descendants will be the saviors IN SHOW LORE (please don’t misunderstand me, I know that in the books, the prince that was promised and Azor Ahai are Daenerys and no one else).
Didn't watch the episode, so this is pretty helpful and explains a lot why I kept seeing Rhaenys-cult leader in my Twitter timeline. How interesting...
Always remember that Condal came from a Catholic school (I also did but you don't see me trying to make a canonically family/woman who never really had much enthusiasm for religion religiously cultish...)
Rhaenyra never tried to build any sort of cult around herself or dragons
dragons always choose their own rider, so the dragonkeepers protesting Rhaenyra having lowborns have access to dragons is more classism than religiousness still wouldn't make any sense besides bc 1) they'd be going against their dragon-gods' wishes/authority 2) there's no proof of them even coming from Valyrian families... unlike in the orig lore, in the show they seem to be randos who can speak Old Valyrian and have ritualistic practices concerning dragons as literal gods/reps of gods
Old Valyrian dragonlords were never particularly religiously "devoted" or defined themselves through gods even with them having their own gods as they had a multireligious state in Old Valyria....at least comparatively to other peoples, inlcu the andals, who are actually the ones who you'd say were religiously cultish with their carving Seven symbols in their foreheads and later talking something close to Manifest destiny to explain how/why the fled Essos (when it was more liekly bc of the Valyrians)
the dragonkeepers have never in all of history been in the authority to deny a Targ anything based on any sort of separate and independent authority OR religious beliefs bc their role was just to guard dragons/their eggs/their lairs
that he's mainly trying to create a story he's always wanted to see as a fan of GRRM's work (BigThink article):
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So, yeah, all this matters for the exact direction you predict and I dislike this concept.
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meret118 · 1 month
When Janai dreamed Aaravos said he swallowed her grandmother, I thought that meant she fell under his influence. After seeing Giant!Aaravos, I wonder if he meant that literally.
After all the lines comparing the Ray of Illumination to Rayllum, the wooden ship burning and sinking better not be foreshadowing. I want my HEA!
I hope the celestial elves adopt Esmeray.
It's very interesting watching the scenes between Harrow and Viren in season one compared to Viren later on. Before the battle against the moonshadow elves, he tries to persuade Harrow to use dark magic to trade his life for another by swapping souls with a guard, but later Viren refuses to trade the life of Sir Sparklepuff for his own. Viren refuses to trade his life for Harrow's in the swapping spell, but gives his life to save people in the fight against Sol Regem. Harrow yells at him, and tells him he is a servant to Katolis, and Viren repeats, "I am a servant," over and over as he dies doing the spell. It's so rare for a show in the streaming era to be given the time play something out seasons later, but I love that TDP can and will.
When Leola is being sentenced one of the elves says they have all seen that Leola's act is, ". . . the beginning of the end. The start of a long slow spiral to chaos." What if it isn't what Leola did that caused it, but it was their killing Leola, (either for good or just temporarily depending on which ends up being true), and Aaravos's vengeance that caused the chaos? If they had just left Leola alone, the prophecy wouldn't have come true.
ETA: I don't want Janai to die either, which I'm also afraid may be foreshadowing. I have a feeling at least one character we like will end up dying, but I want her and Amaya to have their HEA too.
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internet-cheesecake · 5 months
oooooo so since the 'pre-cult leader lamb' is in the lead for the next comic poll as of rn, figured I'd do some quick doodles and notes on it & them
here's their general design & some info
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(wawawawawawaaaaaaaaa why are side profiles so hard to draw ????? .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.)
then some notes and rambling on the comic's plot & other info about their background below, so spoiler alert if you wanna wait !
(edit) have changed a good chunk of this info by now !!!! most of it is no longer accurate, so please just consider it concept art for future comics !!!!
this was probably the longest out of all the ideas, so I'm gonna split it up a bunch. This is the general plot idea though so far (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
•only child of a merchant family from anchordeep, thus learned general merchant trades & bribery
•fled the anchordeep culling with parents, and ended up settling in a hidden sheep village in darkwood
('hidden village refers to 'the herd' found in one of the lost messages. Generally, i think lambs in the areas wouldve been hunted in this order: silk cradle, anchordeep, anura, then darkwood.)
(silk cradle first, since Shamura is the god of wisdom, so it could have been their idea, plus, the prophecy
anchordeep next because Kallamar probably would've followed suit, whether it be for his own safety against the prophecy, or out of not wanting to upset anyone.
then anura, not much thought for this one, but we know darkwood was last since the Lamb was found there, so we can assume anura was before it.)
•would do odd jobs around the village for money and supplies, including guard duty, babysitting, supply runs, ect (basically, where they got the experience later used to run a cult)
•lambs who would leave the village on supply runs sometimes started disappearing while gone, including their parents. Lambert took this as a sign of a potential attack upcoming, and started stockpiling jewelery for bribery and selling, hence why they're wearing so much of it.
•was about to return from a supply run when the village was found, and they went into hiding
(reference to 'lost message II,' which states 'one fled my blade. I will find it')
•was caught a few times, but managed to escape by either using bribes or fighting
•after a few years in hiding, they eventually exhausted all their savings, (bribe jewelry) and when put into a difficult spot, they were forced to sell their sword, leading to them being unable to fight or bribe, causing them to be caught and sacrificed.
•when finally caught, did not say a word. was probably holding back tears and didn't want to seem like a coward in their last moments
(feels fitting that they'd have a lot of pride and not want to seem like a coward, since they're a sore loser in the game. also yet another reference to the lost message, stating 'I found the last, hidden deep in the Lands. It followed me, silent, to the ritual grounds.')
•Their sword, 'beat-up blade' had been a bit of a family heirloom. No one had actually used it in generations though, as it was not really fit for fighting anymore. After their parents disappeared, Lamb tried to DIY restore it by replacing the blade with a darkwood style one, as they were more used to it (due to guard duty) and the anchordeep hilt would sell for a pretty penny. Apparently, it was one of Kallamar's many weapons a very, very long time ago.
(I need some kind of actual reason for the Kallamar favortism that isnt just 'oh yeah internet-cheesecake thinks he's cool lmao' so made Lamb from anchordeep & gave them one of Kallamar's super old and unwanted swords. that way, i can do some kind of 'well, you kinda protected me, in a way. for that, I've grown to appreciate you. So thank you.' oh and plus i live in a tropical area and wanted to include that somehow)
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aoxizu · 4 months
i have, completely accidentally, finished all of the currently available wuthering waves main questline
meanwhile i still have not touched the 2.2 plot in star rail but shh i'll get that scene finished eventually and then i can start questing
but anyway. obviously jiyan and jing yuan have many similarities (general, initials jy, ponytail, voiced by sun ye, chinese, once knew a guy with white hair who later became a criminal), but jiyan just doesn't quite get to the same level as jing yuan does (also jing yuan showed up for me twice. jiyan has shown up 0 times.)
this will go into jiyan backstory spoilers kind of if you haven't yet seen that part of the main quest, and also tone warning: i'm going to complain a lot, and i am very biased.
but like. geshu lin did nothing wrong change my mind
it's like if the luofu was fighting phantylia and there was no astral express, jing yuan tells the army to guard the frontline with their life if necessary and then goes off to fight phantylia alone, and then the soldiers all have terrible morale so fu xuan decides to have everyone retreat and then jing yuan becomes a criminal for giving that order and fu xuan becomes the general
except fu xuan at least has some higher position in the leadership structure of the luofu, but jiyan does not. jiyan was literally just some random doctor in the army who said "hey what if we didn't lose our lives like we signed up to do and all ran away instead" and for that he was appointed general through magic dragon
it's like the game is trying to take a "war bad" stance at the same time as glorifying the military so they can sell the general and convince people to pull for him
and then (main story spoilers) when you go fight the not-bloodborne boss in the north wilds (i play in cn so i have no idea what anything is called in english) at the very end of the quest, jiyan pretty much does the same thing as geshu lin
he has his soldiers stay back while he goes to fight the big bad and the only difference is that jiyan takes 3 more people along with him and he also has the power of a prophecy on his side
i get that the game is trying to paint geshu lin as this kind of like war crazed general but like jiyan and geshu lin are in nearly the exact same situation here, making almost the exact same decision
i am being told that jiyan is different from geshu lin in some way but it's really hard to believe that when it looks like they're doing the same things
chinese culture doesn't like to glorify leaders who only focus on war and nothing else (see: han wudi, qin shihuang) (note that mao zedong and the cultural changes he brought do not agree with this attitude) and i suppose that's the reasoning for why geshu lin is a criminal while jiyan is fine since jiyan knows when to retreat or whatever, but i do not think the game does a particularly good job of showing that
this inconsistency may have also had something to do with the amount of changes that jiyan's character went through during development, since his (cn) va was originally sang liuze (ratio/neuvillette) (which i think would have fit jiyan better. personal opinion), and was later changed to sun ye, and his character was also originally just supposed to be a doctor in the army without the sudden becoming general part, so to a lot of cn players it just feels like kuro's trying to coast off of jing yuan's popularity
i don't think that's necessarily true but it is definitely affecting how jiyan is being seen in the chinese community
though i will say that despite the whole ???ness of jiyan's decision making process, the not bloodborne boss fight was really cool, and i really liked exploring that area
hsr on the other hand avoids the problem with trying to say war bad but also trying to sell a military general by simply having jing yuan focus on strategy, and clearly placing more importance on outsmarting the enemy rather than throwing people and resources at the enemy until it dies
but anyway. i'm still going to try and get jiyan, since i kind of like his playstyle despite it being burst based, though havoc rover does look cool enough for me to seriously consider using them for as long as possible
right now the game is in the weird place of being so new that i can't take a lot of it seriously, since it's still finding its place in the massive 2d-adjacent mobile game environment, but i'm sure it will either a) grow on me or b) become genshin, where i am a "day one player" but barely touch the game
or a secret third option, where it displaces my star rail addiction to plant a wuthering waves addiction, but i find that unlikely since i don't tend to like open world games as much
i'm excited to see where wuthering waves goes and if it can finally provide a challenge to the behemoth that is genshin
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you know what the actual problem i have with wuthering waves is? when i take a picture with the in game camera and hit save it doesn't actually save. so i'm restricted to screenshots for the time being
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I wanted to make a post outlining the Glennry Tangled AU. It is VERY long so it’s going under the cut. And when I say long I mean 3k+ words
The prophecy of the Unsung Hero is a bit different here. I haven’t written it out yet, but it involves the Doodler being released into a host, much like Scary in the Church but a permanent residence. The secret Cult of the Doodler from Neverwinter is now an Order within Oakvale’s palace, Barry the head of operations. He believes his child is the one prophesied to become this all powerful god’s human host. Also, Oakvale is pretty much just Corona, it’s not the commune like in DnDads.
Nearing the end of her pregnancy, Autumn falls ill, so then like the movie the hunt for the Sundrop flower begins. Willy has been guarding the flower for himself for who knows how long, determined to use its powers to live forever. And unfortunately like Gothel, the flower is ‘taken from him’ and whisked away to the palace.
Henry is born not too long after. Within the prophecy is something that alludes to Henry being kidnapped but one day returning ‘when the time is right’, so Barry essentially lets it happen. There’s some kind of dialogue between him and Willy. Barry conveys to him what he believes to be this stranger’s role in destiny but Willy’s like “I don’t give a shit about your stupid prophecy I just want the flower back”. But the flower is a part of Henry now, so his only option is to steal this baby.
He and Barry strike a deal. Willy can keep the ‘flower’ for now, but when the time comes Henry will return to the castle to become a vessel for the Doodler. They agree on sharing the power of the Doodler when it happens, both planning on betraying the other to keep it for themselves. For now it’s just these two slimy assholes that see this baby as something to protect and take care of but for all the wrong reasons. A means to an end with containing the Doodler in a manipulatable container and a source of magic to live forever. But not a child. Not a person.
So Henry grows up in the secluded tower with Willy. A false love, for the power inside him rather than the person who holds it, but it’s not like Henry knows that yet. I want him to still have Rapunzel’s love of painting here, which isn’t too important to the story, but he’s a painter here instead of geologist (which let’s be honest, how the hell would he do that while locked in a tower lol). Also before I forget to add it somewhere else, Pascal is Erin. There’s nothing really that different besides the name change .(idea from @/supremely-unsupervised tyyyy)
Enter Glenn: wanted thief going by a fake name but I don’t know what yet. Could just be Flynn Rider but idk if I can think of something different that ties back to DnDads. Anyways, Glenn is his Eugene, not the name on the wanted posters. The object he steals instead of the Lost Prince’s crown is some important relic, an ornate knife, that's to be used in the future Doodler Vessel ceremony. This will be important later on when they’re in Oakvale and meet Barry for the first time.
The plot follows the movie pretty closely for a while here. Henry asks to leave the tower, Willy says the outside world is too dangerous. Glenn is chased down by Darryl as Maximus (yes. Darryl is the horse). Glenn finds the tower and tries to hide out there, but Henry knocks him out with a frying pan. He attempts to show Glenn to Willy upon his return, wanting to prove he can handle himself in the outside world. Willy blows up and refuses to let Henry leave the tower. Henry instead asks for the paint made from white shells as a gift, which sends Willy on a three-day journey.
Henry strikes a deal with Glenn: the relic in exchange for taking him to see the lights. Here, the lights are a more a marker that one day the Lost Prince will return, rather than hope that he will. Thousands of lanterns in the night sky every year on his birthday, calling out to him that they’re awaiting his return. On the way, Glenn stops by the Snuggly Duckling (which I’ve been calling the Ugly Duckling on accident this whole time oops), run by his friend, Ron. This scene is less an attempt to scare Henry and more a trial run to interacting with society since Henry’s only had Willy before Glenn came along. Really, Glenn just wants to stop by and talk to Ron again. Henry is introduced to all of the regulars they hang out there as often as Glenn (all the characters from the digital scene, they aren’t replaced with DnDads characters). Henry’s very intimidated by them at first, but everyone is very nice which surprises him (so imagine all their softer sides they reveal during ‘I Have A Dream’ except they’re just like that from the start).
Meanwhile, Willy runs into Darryl. Quickly suspicious of why a palace horse would be out here, he runs back to the tower and finds Henry gone. Enraged, he thinks Barry betrayed him by taking Henry back early. He then finds the relic Glenn stole and forms a plan to use this as leverage against Barry to get Henry back and still hold the power over the Doodler in the end.
Cut back to the Snuggly Duckling. Ron, Glenn, and Henry talk for a while before the royal guard barges in looking for Glenn. Ron helps them quietly escape but Darryl continues to sniff them out like the bloodhound of a horse he is. Glenn and Henry are trying to run from the royal guard but are now trapped in a flooding cave. In what seems like their dying breaths, Glenn reveals that his actual name is Glenn Close. Which doesn’t make sense as a sentence but like. You know what I’m saying. Henry says he has magic hair that glows when he sings, and then he realizes he can use that to find their way out of the water, singing his tune just as the water closes over them completely. They narrowly escape the blocked up cave, heaving their way onto the riverbank.
Cut to them sitting by the fire. Henry heals Glenn’s hand from clawing their way out of the cave. He talks about how Willy told him that when he was little, people wanted his magic for themselves, so Willy hid him away where Henry would be safe. He then turns the conversation back to Glenn’s name reveal. Whatever the name is that Glenn was using beforehand, Flynn Rider or something else, it was a character he’d read about in a book as a kid. Same story as Eugene, this kid who had nothing and this character had everything. After they talk, Willy comes out from the trees and approaches Henry, warning him that he won’t like what he finds in Oakvale. Telling him that he should just come back home to their tower. Henry refuses, but Willy only came to start planting seeds of doubt in Henry that everyone else is out to get him and that Willy is all he can trust. This is where we start to diverge a lot from 1-1 with the Tangled plot. Unlike the movie, he doesn’t give Henry the relic. It’s too big of a leverage to practically hand back to Barry because Willy knows eventually Henry will meet with him if they go into Oakvale. He’s counting on Henry learning the truth about Barry and running back ‘home’ to him.
The next morning, Darryl tracks down Glenn and attempts to arrest him (as well as a horse can do that), but Henry calls for a birthday truce, which Darryl reluctantly agrees to. They enter Oakvale and participate in the festival held during the day before the lantern lightings. And now Henry gets his hair braided yayyy they don’t have to carry around all that hair anymore good lord. Alsoooooo maybe maybe might throw in some NPC kids to braid his hair but not Lark and Sparrow (I’ll have something else about them at the end). They’d be more visual easter eggs than the actual kids of the dads because only Ron here could logically be a father to one of them at this point. And Darryl is literally a horse.
Now the Cult of the Doodler and all knowledge of the prophecy regarding Henry is only known within the palace walls, and the common folk of the kingdom are under the impression Henry died shortly after birth. They see the lanterns as a way to honor the prince’s life. The festival during the day was never originally a part of the lantern lightings, but as time went on and people forgot it was originally a memorial, it became more about the lanterns as a holiday than anything to do with the prince.
They come across the large wall mosaic, that of what might be the king and queen of this place holding a newborn baby. Henry, curious about the portrait, asks a bystander about it. They explain that, although the festival has overpowered its original intent, each year on the prince’s birthday the entire kingdom lights lanterns. And Henry looks to the mosaic, and to all his surroundings, and something clicks about the crest he sees everywhere. The Sun plastered on every surface imaginable is the same Sun he’s been painting all over the walls back in the tower. Unsure of himself, afraid of a certain possibility, Henry asks how old the prince is. The villager answers that he passed away twenty years ago right after he was born. Shakily, Henry thanks her for her time and tugs at Glenn to follow him.
Once standing somewhere slightly more private, Henry voices his anxieties. He has the same birthday as the prince; not just the day but the years as well. He points out all the Suns hanging around them. And he points out that the man in the mosaic looks a lot like him. And in his ramble he confesses to Willy visiting the other night when Glenn had walked off, warning Henry “he might not like what he finds in Oakvale”. Unsure of how to comfort Henry in this moment, Glenn begins to speak— he’s cut short by a royal guard. Both of them panic, cornered, but the guard assures them neither have anything to worry about. He only comes to deliver a message: the King wishes to speak with them. And he addresses Henry by name, though it was never given to him. Hard cut to Barry watching from a lower tower, his eyes following Henry as he walks towards the castle.
They’re lead down a hallway filled with various portraits of previous rulers, all looking too much like Henry and ramping up his anxieties. He feels Glenn take his hand, a small comfort letting him know he’s not braving this alone. When they reach their intended room, the door open to the man from the mosaic.
“Welcome home, Henry.”
Lottttttttsssss of talk talk talk here. Barry explains that he knew Henry would return to him today. In fact, he’s been keeping watch since this morning. He’d instructed his guards to let them enjoy the festivities, after all it’s a party in his honor, whether the rest of the kingdom remembers that or not. He wanted to let Henry come to him, but if he did not realize on his own then his guards had permission to guide him once the sun started its descent. Enraged, confused, multiple emotions boiling over at once, Henry demands an explanation for whatever the hell this all is. Barry explains a bit about the prophecy to Henry. How Henry was to be taken away until he was old enough to play his part. Not outright saying that Willy stole him away, but Barry does bring up that Willy’s role was to guard and protect Henry all this time until fate saw fit he return. Henry asks what could possibly be so important, what fate, that his apparent birth father willingly gave him up for someone else to raise. Barry then starts on the Doodler. Insert full prophecy here and how all of it is coming to pass, and then Barry turns to Glenn. He asked for the knife. Seeing the confusion and worry on Glenn’s face, Barry explains that the relic he stole is to be used in the summoning of the Doodler. That a bond is to be broken not only by ripping a god into this dimension but a bond broken between they who spills the vessel’s blood. Barry believes Glenn to be the one who is supposed to cut Henry.
Glenn doesn’t have the knife. In a flicker that only Henry notices, Barry’s eye twitches. Barry repeats himself that they need the knife for the ceremony. Glenn insists he doesn’t have the knife, that it got left back at— he doesn’t say. All of this is bullshit and they don’t have to listen to Barry. He’s not going to participate in some crazy cult ritual and he’s certainly not going to hurt his friend. With a heavy sigh, Barry orders for Glenn and Henry to be taken away. Clearly the ceremony cannot commence but he’s not letting them leave before the knife gets back to them. Immediately Glenn throws a punch at the guard who moved to grab him and yells at Henry to run. The two scramble to make their way out of the room, run down the halls, and out of the castle to the crowded streets where all the lanterns are being prepared. Weaving in and out of the packed streets as guards chase them. Darryl sees them running, but also who they’re running from. Loyalties divided as a guard tries to mount him, he runs away in panic not knowing who to choose. A guard catches Glenn, who screams for Henry to keep running. With tears in his eyes, Henry keeps going.
By the time he’s reached the forest, he’s exhausted. Henry collapses at the edge of the woods, crying as the night sky lights up with lanterns. Yeah that’s right they don’t get their cute boat scene where they almost kiss. Unfortunate. Maybe I’ll rework some other scene in earlier where they almost kiss but idk where that would go.
From the shadows, Willy. The only person he can turn to and one of the only people he can trust, Henry lets his ‘father’ lead him back home.
Meanwhile, Glenn is being led to a cell he’ll be locked away in. Barry might have given him a pass had Glenn played his part, but the knife is missing and now so is Henry again so they’ll just put him in jail until he wants to talk and tell them where the knife and Henry are. Barry monologues a bit to him, and here Glenn learns more about Willy. He realizes that Willy was only using Henry too, but also that Willy knows about all the Doodler shit and the knife is back at the tower (as far as he knows, but all the same Willy has it and can use it).
And then the doors around them close. The slot opens and Ron speaks from the other side, asking for the password. Barry, seemingly calm as ever, demands for the door to be opened. This scene is pretty much the same in that all the characters from the Snuggly Duckling show up to help Glenn escape, led by Darryl who brought them all there. Riding Darryl, Glenn races back to the tower to save Henry from Willy.
Everything from here plays pretty much the same. Instead of realizing he’s the Lost Prince, Henry comes to the realization that Willy was using him too. That his whole life he’s been seen as nothing but an object to be handed back and forth. He just learned his actual father willingly abandoned him only hoping he’d return like cattle for slaughter. And then the whiplash of realizing this guy who’s raised him his whole life, the man he ran back to when there was nobody else to trust, that there was never any love at all. He’s seen Henry as an object from the beginning as well. Henry’s just that damned flower and Willy has been keeping him hidden in his cage.
And Henry sits there and realizes that nobody has ever seen him as himself. Maybe Glenn did, but he’s probably dead by now. And it’s all Henry’s fault but Glenn saw Henry for him.
So the only person Henry has to trust is himself. He refuses to let Willy use him any longer. He’s tired of it all. But Willy won’t take no for an answer. He talks about how he always planned to cross Barry in the end, but he never thought it’d be this easy. All the work was practically done for him. He stands in front of the window, blocking any exit Henry has to escape, and pulls out the ceremonial knife. They won’t do it here, not when people know where this tower is now (because as far as Willy knows, Glenn could’ve told Barry where the tower is) so it’s too risky to perform the ceremony here, but Willy insists they will be summoning the Doodler into Henry and that they’re leaving now.
The rest follows pretty close to the story again from here. Glenn gets to the tower, only to find Henry bound and gagged while Willy fatally stabs him from behind. Willy tries to drag Henry away and out of the tower, but Henry continues to fight against Willy. He insists he’ll never stop trying to get away from him, but if Willy lets him heal Glenn, he’ll go willingly. Willy reluctantly agrees to this. Henry rushes to Glenn’s side, but before he can heal him, Glenn cuts Henry’s hair with a shard from a mirror that broke in Henry and Willy’s earlier struggle. Horrified, Willy begins to age rapidly, trips, and falls from the tower, hitting the ground as a pile of dust.
As the magic dies alongside Glenn, tears begin to stream down Henry’s face. The last of the flower falls with it and onto Glenn, which heals him and saves his life.
I’m not sure how I’d wrap it up from here. Do they run away to another kingdom, far away from Barry and anything to do with the Doodler? Is Barry somehow thrown out of power and the Cult of the Doodler destroyed, leaving Henry to take over if he wishes? I don’t know. But what I do know is that these two get a happy ending. A soft, domestic life where they adopt two beautiful boys that they name Lark and Sparrow. Henry teaches them how to paint (favored more by Sparrow) and Glenn teaches them how to fight and defend themselves.
I don’t know how it happens but I would want Barry overthrown immensely. I want Henry to reunite with his mother who played no part in this. I want Darryl to be everyone’s friend who’s also a horse. I want the Snuggly Duckling to become a much frequented pub where they all hang out. I had a silly idea that Ron makes Darryl a special “horse beer” that’s just a wheatgrass juice.
Anyways I think that’s pretty much everything. This AU has been plaguing me since the idea first popped in my head. I’m glad I managed to outline at least one of my AUs entirely lol.
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disneyanddisneyships · 9 months
@gyubby99 The Prophecy of Imortal Fire: 3
Warnings: a bit of blood and gore mention
"So.. where exactly are we going?" Ella asked as she looked around, her shoes clicking on the floor. "To try to find my dad... usually he's yelling at servants and stuff..... it's wierd... I dont feel his presence," Loreley explained. "His presence?" Mia asked. Loreley nodded her head. "When a god or goddess have kids, the children get some fragments of their parents powers while still having their own. Thus creates a type of... pull..? I guess is what'd you'd call it. Basically it feels like being tugged by a rope. But I don't feel it down here," loreley replied as she lead the way. Ella stopped walking, looking around. "Do you hear that?" She asked. Everyone stopped, turning to look at her. Carol looked around before spotting tracks on the floor. "Dog prints," she stated. "Cerberus," Loreley replied. "He won't hurt us. He's basically a puppy.... a giant, 3-headed puppy," Loreley joked. As the group continued to walk, the light at the end of the tunnel shone through the darkness. The road ended, and just below, the river Styx flowed. "What the...." Loreley muttered as she knelt down, examining the river. "What is it?" Clarissa asked. "Theres no souls in here. Like... at all.... it's empty...." Loreley replied as she stood tall once again. "That can only happen if a spell is performed. But my father would never have let that happen.... unless it was a soul who was working right underneath his nose. And even then, there has only ever been a handful of souls with that power, and they were mostly good beings," Loreley explained. Carol raised an eyebrow. "I taught John how to practice magic when we were younger.... but he called it nonsense and hit me. Not nonsense anymore apparently," Carol muttered. "How abusive WAS he?" Ella asked. "To me? Pretty bad... but to Alistar?...... I try not to think about it," Carol replied. Ella looked away, her eyebrows furrowed. "So how exactly do we undo this? Put everyone back?" Alruna asked. Carol and Clarissa looked down in shame. "Back?" Mia asked. "Well... yeah I mean.... having the dead walk around as if they never left... that's gonna cause problems..... They're dead. They aren't supposed to be here anymore," Alruna replied. "But-" "Mia... darling... she's right. We don't belong up here. It's not natural," Clarissa spoke, placing a hand on Mia's shoulder. "But... we... we JUST got you back," Mia argued. "Yes. But you Also gained my son.. and my husband," Carol replied. "So. How do we fix it?" Eli asked. Loreley shrugged. "I've never had to worry about it..... my father told me that if we kill the spell caster, it could work. But he put loads of emphasis on the word 'could'" Loreley explained. "And we don't even know if it was Alistar's dad or not. We haven't confirmed anything," she finished. "Then what do we do?" Alruna asked. "..... we kill king John and hope and pray that he was the one who cast the spell," Loreley replied. The group stood in silence before Lireley transferred them back to the mortal realm. "Come on. We have another war to win," Ella stated. ..........
Alistar hissed in pain as the guards threw him into the cell, his hand cracking unnaturally as he landed on it. Ah yes. His cell. After the guards left, alistar scanned the wall for the opening that he had used to escape more than once. His hand burned. But he would worry about it later. He needed to warn people. Finally breaking through the wall, alistar made a run for it, taking a horse and riding away as fast as possible. He let out a shaky breath as Ella's kingdom became visible.... She would kick him out.. immediately. But he had to try. It was one thing when it was him she was going up against. But his father? His father scared him. A lot. And there she was. A crown on her head adorned with Amethysts, her purple dress blowing as her friends walked behind her. He took a breath. "Ella!" He yelled. She turned to him, her eyes widening with so many emotions he could barely even make out what she was thinking. Elias' eyes flashed pure anger and hatred as he stood in front of his wife. Alistar got off his horse. "L-listen I know I'm an asshole and an enemy to you right now but my father... hes-" "Alistar?" Carolyn's voice gasped. Alistar snapped his head away from ella and Eli, seeing his mom for the first time in the past 30 years. "M-mom?" He asked, tears in his eyes. Carol made her way quickly to alistar, not noticing the flinch he made with the sudden movement before she hugged him tightly. His face morphed into shame as he cried, not hugging her back. She pulled away from him, noticing the scratches and bruises on his face, as well as his broken arm. "Oh my god...... he did this to you?" Carol asked. "It's not the worst he's done......" Alistar muttered, holding his broken arm to his chest. "Okay this is a wonderful reunion between the guy who tried to kill us 10 years ago and his mom. But I wanna know why the fuck he's here," Alruna deadpanned. "R-right.. well i-" "He can tell us after his arm is fixed up," Ella spoke out, her eyes not wavering from him once, her expression unreadable. Alistar looked at her before looking at the ground in shame. ....... The group stood in Eve's shop. Ella's kids had been passed over to Clarissa in another room as eve worked on Alistar's arm. "So what's going on?" Mia asked. "..... my father is planning on taking over the island.. all of it. Including Morellia...." Alistar stated. "So basically what you did?" Elias asked, harshly. "I didn't want to take over morellia. I just-" "Then what DID you want?" Eli asked with a sneer on his face. Alistar stayed quiet. "I..... I know what I wanted.... but I didn't..... make the choices that made sense to get it..... and I did horrible things to people who didn't deserve it.... and I realize that, and after this you can do whatever the hell You want with me. But my father is worse. And he won't stop from a stab wound. Believe me," Alistar muttered. "Why should we?" Elias asked. "Because I have no reason to lie.... i.... I dont have the energy to lie...." Alistar replied. "Do you have the energy for me to punch you? Because I've been fantasizing about that all day," Elias hissed as he walked up to Alistar sharply. "Elias," Ella scolded from her place I the corner of the room. Elias backed off, stepping away as Ella walked slowly toward Alistar, lifting his head up gently to look at her in the eye. She examined his face. His eye was bruised, almost black. His lip was split and bleeding, and his nose looked broken. Ella sighed removing her hands from his face. "I believe him," she stated.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 11 months
Please I need some information on lucinaaaa
Also I'm betting her and cam are good friends especially because both of them were essentially created by magic
Cam 🤝 Lucina (Inexplicably Existing)
(But fiiiiiiine, fiiiiiine, I'll tell ya....you're just not allowed to yell at me until the end tho. I can never do anything simple, I swear)
SO *claps hands* Lucina Garmadon comes from a parallel timeline to Show!Ninjago where Lloyd a) was found by Wu almost immediately after he ran away from Darkley's and b) he never had the chance to open the Serpentine Tombs...meaning his life was way, way better than the way we know it to be. And, basically, the only things Alter!Lloyd really ever had to do as the Green Ninja was purify his father + seal up the Overlord, and then he had a mostly easy life afterwards, up until the Wildbrain seasons.
Which, in the briefest summary possible means that:
Serpentine not unleashed -> Devourer never freed -> City not destroyed/Garmadon doesn't get the Golden Weapons -> Overlord is defeated on Dark Island as opposed to Ninjago City -> Borg Tower is not built on top of Overlord's remains/S3 basically doesn't happen -> Zane doesn't die tragically -> Master Chen is unable to obtain the required EMs for his spell -> Garmadon doesn't have to be banished to the Cursed Realm -> Morro isn't unleashed/Lloyd isn't possessed/Cole isn't a ghost -> Djinnjago isn't destroyed/Nadakhan is far less of a villain/no Jay torture/no reality erasure -> 20X3!DotD doesn't have all those shenanigans -> Wu is better prepared to deal with Acronix's return and thus prevents S7 -> no one is lost in time -> Harumi's parents never died + she didn't worship Garmadon/remained a huge fan of the Ninja leading to her legitimately falling in love with Lloyd -> both S8 + S9 don't happen because there is no Garmadon to revive/no Sons of Garmadon anyway -> but because they never met Faith, they are caught off guard by the arrival of the Oni -> because Garmadon is purified and also not a zombie, he can't tap into his oni form as easily -> but they still manage to fend off the Oni with the Tornado of Creation, but Garmadon is killed instead of Lloyd as a result.
*deep breath*
The depression over losing his father is what causes the slump leading to S11, and basically all the Seasons up to Crystalized still happen the same, except there is no Vengestone buyer/no Lloyd agonizing over Harumi/Nya doesn't return from being the sea. In the time that passes after Seabound, Alter!Lloyd and Alter!Harumi have a kid (whether by ~natural means~ or by magical manifestation, whichever fits your hcs better). Instead of just one year passing though, there's like seven (because it takes way longer for The Overlord to enact the plans of his return without having a Vengestone Buyer to supply him with what he needed in the meantime)
So, seven years later, the Overlord still returns to extinguish Alter!Lloyd as the prophecy dictates, and still aims to do it through a Crystalized/Vengestone army + manipulating Alter!Harumi -> Although here instead of bringing her back to life, he just straight up possesses her because she's so close to Lloyd, and also infuses her with his Essence/Element. She's then made to kill the other Ninja (who were terribly out of practice after seven years not ninja-ing), Wu dies taking a hit for Lucina, and without literally any of his support, Lloyd is finally stricken down, and this world of Ninjago is finally banished into the oblivion of the void.
But, Alter!Lloyd has his grandfather's Realm Crystal, as it was never used for evil + nor destroyed in the wake of the Oni Invasion.
As the world is being voided, Alter!Harumi uses the last of her strength to impart the remnants of the Overlord's Essence into her daughter, at the same time Alter!Lloyd does with his (hence Luci's heterochromia). She survives this somehow (probably easier to believe if we go the "magical manifestation" route), and the actively perishing Alter!Lloyd then uses the Realm Crystal to drop her into another realm where she doesn't already exist and will hopefully find a place to thrive.. And thus, the Alter!Ninjago hits a bad ending...
...and Lucina arrives in Legacy!Ninjago, perfectly timed with the coming of the Merge.
(She's also got horns and tail now. Which, weird, but cool!)
Haven't sorted out how she managed to find Legacy!Lloyd (maybe via the Green Element-connection powers she now has), BUT she does, and Lloyd...is very, very, very in denial about this being his child.
Lucina: I'm your daughter from an another dimension!!! *Svtfoe theme plays*
Lloyd: ...honestly, the 'other dimension' part is the part that's easier to believe. But there's no way *I* have a kid–
Lucina: But I literally look just like you-
Lloyd: Tch, a lot of people look like me! *a lie*
Lucina: I literally have your eyes! Well, one of them. And that's something only YOU could have?!
Lloyd: ...maybe they're contacts—
Lucina: DAD
Lloyd: Don't call me that
But she manages to convince him with her horrifyingly OP powers (even worse than Legacy!Lloyd ever had lmaooo) and Lloyd caves and agrees to keep an eye on her because he can't let this gremlin loose when the world is already so unstable and he's probably the only person alive that's even able to match what she's capable of, on god.
(and that's when Kai shows up to absolutely dunk on Lloyd for the sheer absurdity of the situation before fucking off again skfgddfdss)
Lloyd: ...is there really no way to get you back to your dimension or timeline or whatever?
Lucina: Nah. That shit gone bro.
Lloyd: Language, young lady.
Lucina: *giggling* Okay, Dad~
Lloyd: *groans*
In the years that pass before Dragons Rising, Lloyd is still, like, dreadfully lonely...but, Lucina at least takes some of the edge away. He catches her trying to attempt the training course sometimes and and very detachedly gives her some pointers (only to stop her from hurting herself; he totally doesn't actually care). She stops him from moping around by running around and causing chaos, leading him to give chase to stop her from destroying everything (she absolutely is just doing it for the attention). And when she finally tires herself out, he totally doesn't carry her to bed or let her crawl herself into his own bed when she has a nightmare because he totally doesn't know what that's like
And he most definitely does not grow attached.
Lloyd: ...don't you ever miss your own parents, though?
Lucina: ...all the time. But, not as much as when I'm with you~!
Lloyd: ;w;
Lucina: I mean, you're exactly like my dad, but, grumpier, I guess? I don't mind though~
Lloyd: Hey?!
Lucina: But speaking of...is my other!mom still around here somewhere, orrrrrr...?
Lloyd: I...that's...it's...complicated.
Lucina: Ugh, you sound like Grandma and Uncle Wu.
Lloyd: *running his hands down his face* ...yeah, I know. I know.
She tells him about how awesome Alter!Lloyd's life was compared to his, making Lloyd somewhat jealous. And he tells her his life's tragic story and she's just sitting there in second-hand traumatized awe (what do you mean her mom was evil here?! unfathomable.) while Lloyd feels more and more inadequate for this.
Lloyd: ...how come you're even bothering with me when your dad was so great and untroubled and...not angry at everything...and didn't, y'know, cause problems for everyone just by existing...
Lucina: Well, the way I see it...he lived a very, very good life even if it got shaky at the end, but...he never had to fight as hard as you did, or had to learn from a bunch of a mistakes, and maybe...that's what cost him in the end.
Lucina: And even though you suffered, like, a lot, and went through soooo much, and lost a lot of people you loved too...you're the one that's still here, right? And I think that's gotta count for something, yeah?
Lloyd: ...that's really insightful.
Lucina: I get it from you! :D
Lloyd: ...heh.
Five years finally pass, Dragons Rising kicks into gear, and Arin and Sora have a heart-attack at the twelve-year-old mini-Lloyd gremlin lurking around the monastery and cackling down the halls. But despite everything, Lloyd proudly introduces her as his.
Lloyd: This...is my daughter, Lucina Lloyd.
Lucina: *hanging from the ceiling with her tail* Yeaaaah, that's me!!!!
Sora: What—
Arin: So ninja *-*
Jesse: Where in the hell did THAT come from?!
Lloyd: HEY HEY, I know YOU of all people are not about to call me out for having children spawn in out of nowhere!!
Jesse: ...I revoke my previous outburst.
Cam, meanwhile: Friend???
Lucina: FRIEND!!!
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the-broken-pen · 9 months
‘ I hope that helps, and if you need any more ideas, feel free to send me another ask, especially if it’s for a specific scene.’
❤️❤️ am beyond grateful for your response, I am also dying with happiness that you enjoyed the small bit that I mentioned about my story. I absolutely loved your dialogue you presented with me, you have such a way with words, it’s honestly amazing. I do have some more questions 😂 as I stated before my story is set in three Era’s. My last ask was mainly about my villain, Alice Howe. When she’s on the run after she flees her town she ends up meeting a man who is immortal. Patrick O’connel. His story is truly amazing. He was born during the 13th century in a thriving sea side village looked after by the barons of Wharram Percy (that’s an actual medieval village in Yorkshire England. I had to do a lot of research) he was actually born as Patrick Lannister. His mother was the youngest daughter of the Baron of the village, but as she was young and had him out of wedlock the baron’s family decided he would be seen as a abomination. So Patrick was given a merciful hand of by his uncle (he’s vastly important) he gave Patrick to a a barren family in the village. They were blacksmiths. They raised Patrick as their own and loved him greatly. Patrick was always a unique child very observant and keen on noticing small details. Now his uncle, brother to the new Baron, (Perceus, the uncle that gave Patrick a new life) Markus, the second boy of Robert De Percy, whose daughter Joan is a Patrick’s mother. Markus’s character has always been very selfish, he’s grown up and has had everything given to him, he’s selfish and vain. He decides that he’s going to kill his brother, by any way he can so he can become Baron of the village. On his travels he meets a man by the side of the river. The man, is death. Death offers him eternal glory for the price of his soul. So he takes it. Death is cunning and curses Markus with a horrible curse. Immortality. Changing him into what we call a vampire. My vampires are slightly different to normal vampires in fiction and tv shows, I would explain more but I have way more to explain. I hope this is not a bore😂 Markus becomes a vampire and ends up changing other people, (his close companions who are just as evil as him) and he raids the village. Patrick being now 15 and sharp with a sword was brought to the manor and given a job as the kings guard. He has no inclination of his parentage, other than the Baron seems to favor him. Markus ends up attacking his brother. Patrick defends him. Which has a lot of meaning in the prophecy. Patrick later on acts as a mentor and a guide to Alice he teaches her about her powers. As when Markus bites him he turns into a vampire and receives the power of precognition. So he is able to know things that are coming. He teaches Alice (she betrays him. It’s something he knows will happen but in Order for him to find the true girl in the prophecy is must happen). My first question is, I was going to write a small fable if you will describing Markus and how death cunningly cheated him, thus making the origin of vampires known. It was going to be something discussed with the hero much as Alice was in my last ask. I don’t want it to be long, as my story is already well over 40 chapters. Do you have any advice on how you would shorten it? Or condense it? Any dialogue that could tell it in a short couple of paragraphs?
My second question is I have been rewriting the scene about Patrick’s origin story. The reason why Patrick is so valuable is because his daughter, who he has years and years into the next century is the Hero’s love interest. And she is the hero’s protector stated in the prophecy. So it’s vital I get this right. I’ve written this more times than I can count and the ending products I am not happy with. The origin story starts with Patrick’s birth and the story behind it. How he was given away, do you have any scene starters you could share? Dialogue. I am willing for anything. ❤️❤️ thank you!
My main suggestion is that I think this would work better if it wasn’t a piece of dialogue. So, what you could do, is a type of cut away situation. In book format it could look like a different type of paper, like a scroll or something, and you read it like the character presumedly is. Alternatively, you start the conversation, and the person who has the information pulls out a book—and you cut to the next chapter.
Literally “*slightly ominous dialogue*” and they opened the book.
And then the next chapter is very fable folk tale like. Write it like a fairytale, and then when we get to the next chapter, have the hero ask clarifying questions or make commentary. That way it isn’t a conversation, but it still feels like the character got the information like we did. You can do the same for Patrick, OR, if his daughter knows his backstory, she can tell the hero it, and make it very fable ish. Since you’re swapping between timelines, a “once upon a time” or “a very long time a go, in a very far away place, a child named Patrick Lannister was born, and everything seemed to go rather strange from there.” For this one you don’t have to do a cut away chapter, you could do story descriptor of Patrick, line break, comment from hero, line break, story of Patrick. You can, alternatively, combine the story of Patrick and Markus into one “fable”.
I don’t have much in the way of dialogue, simply because I don’t really know how these characters would interact, but I think reading some fables and such would really benefit you. The more different you make it from the tone of the novel, the easier it is to digest without making it an info dump in the middle of the book. I hope that helps! Feel free to message me as well, that might work better for longer advice.
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shewholovesall · 1 year
Don't Think About It
Don't think about it. I thought about it and it made me sad. Don't think about Remus Lupin alone in his home the week that his best friend's son must have gotten his letter because Harry just turned 11. Don't think about Remus celebrating Harry's birthday every year wishing he could be part of Harry's life. Don't think about Remus Lupin watching the clock on September 1st, 1991 and realizing that Harry must have gotten on the train and Harry Potter would be returning to the one place Remus felt at home. Don't think about how Reums would shut himself in his room on Halloween and not talk to anybody and grieved for his friends, even the one who he thought was a traitor because he felt the same person who gave him such good friends also took it away. Don't think about Remus Lupin having all is pictures from school and the first few years of school in boxes and hidden away so he can try and ignore the fact that people he loved are gone. Don't think about Remus Lupin getting a message from Hagrid to find pictures for Harry for a Christmas gift. Dont think about Remus Lupin going though his boxes for the first time in 10 years and finding and giving Harry his favorite pictures of his parents to try and bridge that gap between him and th little boy who probably doesn't remember him at all. Don't think about Remus having to force himself n to to show up at Hogwarts at the end of Harry's first year when hearing about him in the hospital wing and a death eater was near him. Dont' think about Remuse sometimes trying to be in Diagon Alley to just get a glimpse of his best friedn's son. Don't think about the fact that Remus didn't realize how much he would look like James and he sees a peak of him and he almost steps forward because for a moment he thinks its James and then Harry turns and he sees Lily in his eyes and then he goes back into the shadows because it wouldn't have been for Harry, it would have been for Remus. Don't think about Remus seeing Sirius Black escaping and then Remus being asked to be the professor at school. Dont think bout how Remus was going to take the train and picked a compartment that he and his friends had never sat in to try and lessen the memories that would overtake him once he got to school then he wakes when Dememtors come and then he sees Harry right next to him but it's still not time. Don't think about the fact that Remus was trying to connect with Harry but didn't want to force him and wished he could say I'm Uncle Moony and I love you and I want to help you the best I can but they are strangers.Don't think bout how in later books Remus Lupin was part of Harry's guard and insisted on it. Not because of the prophecy, not because he was assigned, but because that is his best friend's son, his other best friend LIly's son and he is protecting his nephew the best way he can and to try and make up for the years he was not part of his life.
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The First Resurrection and The Rapture
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With so many prophecies of the latter days coming to pass such as; the red heifer in Jerusalem for sacrifices to resume, the Dead Sea coming to life, Israel becoming a nation in one day, the Euphrates River drying up, lawlessness increasing and love growing cold, the rise of scoffers, mockers, blasphemers of God, sexual immorality, and false prophets and teachers that spread confusion and create false realities, that’s just to list the heavy ones there, the increase of a pre tribulation rapture doctrine is heavily promoted. This doctrine, no matter the popularity of it, is supported by those that lack understanding of biblical prophecy and generally refuse correction on the matter.
Biblical prophecy is not easy to understand due to the symbolism, the culture of people of that time, and the time periods that prophetic words can cover. Even the prophets of old like Daniel had a hard time comprehending the visions of the future he himself was give first hand that was explained to him by Gabriel, Jesus, and other heavenly host. So we who have received these words thousands of years later will also have a hard time understanding them also. The pre tribulation rapture, as well as other teachings, come about due to these misunderstandings.
I personally grew up under this teaching myself, and I understand the damage it causes many out there. For many times this teaching is accompanied with, “Repent now! For Jesus is coming back at any moment!!”. Many have given their lives to Christ in those moments out of fear, and after a short while go back to the sinful life they were living. A false conversion due to a false teaching. Now is not the time that we should be placing our faith in misinformation and false hopes.
So when does the first resurrection and the rapture happen exactly? It happens at the second coming at the last trumpet. That means based on prophetic words of the prophet Daniel, Jesus, Apostles Paul, and John the saints / the elect (those who’s names are written in The Lambs Book of Life) will be here during the Seven Seals, the Six Trumpets, and the three and a half year ministry of the Two Witnesses in Israel. Immediately after their resurrection from being dead in the streets for three and a half days (and being caught up to Heaven according to the command of God), the last trumpet / seventh trumpet is blown and the saints are rescued. Afterwards the Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath are poured out as Christ starts to rule the world with the power and authority He was given at His resurrection.
Let us look at what Daniel, Jesus, Paul, and John actually said about this subject.
“Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.” Daniel 12:1-2
“But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.” Matthew 24:29-31
“Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality. But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, “DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory. O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
“Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.” Revelation 11:15
Why is this subject something I write about time to time? There are two major reasons. First reason is I hate false doctrines that create false hopes and foster confusion and doubts. The second reason is we should be preaching the good news of Christ to the nations in every tongue. For many will die before the tribulation of those days starts, and even more will die during the tribulation / before the rapture even happens (which happens during the Feast of Trumpets immediately after the tribulation as that is the next biblical feast in the list for God to fulfill which no one knows the day or hour of because it is governed by the new moon over Israel, and like a thief in the night He will come). So we must focus on the work assigned to us in our generation.
So go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded us. Remembering that all authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth, and that He is with us always, even to the end of the age.
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